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Subject: Keep it going!

Keep it going!

From: Magnus Andersson <>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 03:12:40 GMT

I just wanted to send my compliments for your hard work.

I`m Magnus, the guy who accidently unlocked the harddrive.
I`m in Japan right now (which is mainly the reason I
unlocked the archos harddrive, since I didn`t want to leave
it behind) so I can`t contribute in any way (my family here
have a limegreen iMac... with a Japanese OS) but I want to
start fiddling with your archos firmware as soon as I get my
hands on a PC (my school might have some). I will be
following your process from here.

Gambatte kudasai!
Received on 2002-03-30

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