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Subject: Re: WARNING: possible virus on this list

Re: WARNING: possible virus on this list

From: Joris van den Heuvel <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 22:41:37 +0200

I got it too, but my ISP's virus scanner removed it. Why bother protecting
your system against viruses yourself, when your ISP have better tools, don't
forget to update, and remove the stuff before it even gets to your system!
For E1,95 a month. Sounds like a bargain, not having to reinstall more than
200 apps a few times a year...


----- Original Message -----
From: spidermagnet <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 8:47 PM
Subject: WARNING: possible virus on this list

| Friends in Rockbox,
| I just got two emails from junk addresses addressed to my rockbox list
| address. They are containing zip files of a dangerous nature. _Do not open
| them_.
| It probably indaicates thhat someone in the list is infected; You may want
| to check your system for a virus.
| Be safe!
| spider
| ================================================================
| Deze e-mail is door E-mail VirusScanner van Planet Internet gecontroleerd
op virussen.
| Op staat een verwijzing naar de actuele lijst
waar op wordt gecontroleerd.
Received on 2003-07-07

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