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Subject: Re: ROLO automatically after *Panic?

Re: ROLO automatically after *Panic?

From: Martin Borus <>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 08:43:02 +0200 schrieb am 08.10.03 07:32:24:

> Let's start with my questionable assumptions. Our Archos units are
> powered by their battery packs. These battery packs only get their power
> from their charging circuit. Power required to continuously play is a
> cycling mix of continuous playback electronics plus intermittent hard
> drive cycling, which together generate an average power demand that's
> less than the connected charging circuit is able to sustain. So the load
> of playing only slows complete recharge times. But CONTINUOUSLY running
> the hard drive plus the electronics sections requires more average power
> than the connected power supply can input. Continuous or nearly
> continuous hard drive running can occur when transferring files or when
> recording. Right?? If that's true, even starting with a fully charged
> battery set, eventually battery pack reserves will be exhausted causing
> hard drive shut down.

To help out with the speculations on this:

I use my jukebox to timeshift radio. Also, to get an overview over a
stations output I often record full days at 48 kHz/quality setting 5.
I have sucessfully recorded for over 72hours more than one time
using rockbox and a connected power source. I only stopped because that's
all that fits on a DVD-R.

I am pretty sure that there is no power problem here.

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Received on 2003-10-08

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