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Subject: Re: voice UI step 4 now has talkbox, and more

Re: voice UI step 4 now has talkbox, and more

From: Brian Wolven <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 10:21:06 -0500

[IDC]Dragon wrote:

>>To support the talkbox clips, the following line in the mp3clipgen
>>script should also be changed to
>> Const AUDIO_FORMAT = 30 ' 16-bit 32 kHz Mono
>>The old value was 22.
> Yes, I did that in my mirror of the script:
> The value is a strange code, this is not directly readable as the sample
> rate.
> I'll try something similar for the next version of the voice file, if 32 kHz
> still fits all the clips in the mp3 buffer. Plus we need some headroom for
> the worst-case talkbox clip length.

It is a bit odd. I suppose you can harvest that information from the
include files in the speech SDK, but I've just been looking at the
following function (from that
provides the gory details:

Function SAFT(lngSpeechAudioFormatType)
'Returns a text description of the format type
'Values from SpeechLib.SpeechAudioFormatType
Dim strSAFT, lngSAFT
     'Preserve input variable
     lngSAFT = lngSpeechAudioFormatType
     'Stop bad input
     If Not IsNumeric(lngSAFT) Then
         SAFT = "Unknown"
         Exit Function
     End If
     If lngSAFT < 4 Or lngSAFT > 68 Then
         SAFT = "Unknown"
         Exit Function
     End If
     'NORMAL for values between 0 and 39
     'stereo = add 1
     '16-bit = add 2
     '8KHz = 4
     '11KHz = 8
     '12KHz = 12
     '16KHz = 16
     '22KHz = 20
     '24KHz = 24
     '32KHz = 28
     '44KHz = 32
     '48KHz = 36
     If lngSAFT < 40 Then
         lngSAFT = lngSAFT - 4 'Offset so it starts at zero
         strSAFT = Split("8 11 12 16 22 24 32 44 48")(lngSAFT \ 4) & "KHz"
         strSAFT = strSAFT & " "
         strSAFT = strSAFT & Split("8 16")((lngSAFT And 2) \ 2) & "bit"
         strSAFT = strSAFT & " "
         strSAFT = strSAFT & Split("Mono Stereo")(lngSAFT And 1)
     End If
     'TrueSpeech_8kHz1BitMono = 40
     If lngSAFT = 40 Then
         strSAFT = "TrueSpeech 8KHz 1bit Mono"
     End If
     'stereo = add 1 to below values
     'CCITT_ALaw for values between 41 and 48
     '8KHz = 41
     '11KHz = 43
     '22KHz = 45
     '44KHz = 47
     'CCITT_uLaw for values between 49 and 56
     '8KHz = 49
     '11KHz = 51
     '22KHz = 53
     '44KHz = 55
     'ADPCM for values between 57 and 64
     '8KHz = 57
     '11KHz = 59
     '22KHz = 61
     '44KHz = 63
     If ((lngSAFT > 40) And (lngSAFT < 65)) Then
         lngSAFT = lngSAFT - 41 'Offset so it starts at zero
         strSAFT = Split("CCITT_ALaw CCITT_uLaw ADPCM")(lngSAFT \ 8)
         strSAFT = strSAFT & " "
         strSAFT = strSAFT & Split("8 11 22 44")((lngSAFT \ 2) And 3) &
         strSAFT = strSAFT & " "
         strSAFT = strSAFT & Split("Mono Stereo")(lngSAFT And 1)
     End If
     'GSM_610 for values between 65 and 68 (no stereo)
     '8KHz = 65
     '11KHz = 66
     '22KHz = 67
     '44KHz = 68
     If lngSAFT > 64 Then
         Select Case lngSAFT
             Case 65
                 strSAFT = "GSM_610 8KHz Mono"
             Case 66
                 strSAFT = "GSM_610 11KHz Mono"
             Case 67
                 strSAFT = "GSM_610 22KHz Mono"
             Case 68
                 strSAFT = "GSM_610 44KHz Mono"
             Case Else
                 strSAFT = "Unknown"
         End Select
     End If
     'Return the value
     SAFT = strSAFT
End Function

Received on 2004-03-30

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