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Subject: Re: Repeated Remote Commands

Re: Repeated Remote Commands

From: <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 19:33:36 +0200 (MEST)

> > As I know, there is a possibility to repeat sending serial commands on
> the
> > remote interface for Previous, Next, Vol Up/Down, to get the same
> behaviour
> > as if I press the keys on the JB itself.
> No. Repeating the command is the same thing as pressing the button several
> times, not holding it down.

As I remember, Steve Russell's remote is able to in/de-crement at least
volume by repeated serial commands. I was reading this inside the comments
he did in his ASM file, but I don't understand nothing in ASM code.....

About previous and next I'm not sure if he was able to implement this in his

> > Anybody knowing if this feature can be realised via remote interface ?
> Currently you can't, but there is nothing preventing you from adding it!
> The Archos remote can only send six different values:
> #define PLAY 0xC1
> #define STOP 0xC2
> #define PREV 0xC4
> #define NEXT 0xC8
> #define VOLUP 0xD0
> #define VOLDN 0xE0

These are the ones currently working, but only while sending single

> If you make your own remote you can add more codes that more accurately
> simulate the real buttons, by using separate press and release events.

If I understand correctly, not w/o Rockbox modification, correct ?



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