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Subject: Re: Recording with the Archos recorder

Re: Recording with the Archos recorder

From: Andreas Stemmer <>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 14:44:34 +0200

Chris Skarstad wrote:
> Hi Glenn. You're right, my computer mic definitely doesn't work on the
> archos unit. However, I purchased a mic along with this unit, it's a
> lapelle mic that perports to be an archos mic that, according to archos,
> *should* work with it. I've tried it both with and without the pre-amp
> and nothing works.

You definitely need the preamp for the archos! The preamp which is the
small box included with the mic needs one battery and has a volume
control, so try a fresh battery and adjust the volume. You also have a
volume control for the input on your archos, perhaps you need to turn
this one up as well.

If you try recording something, you should get files on your hard disk
even if the mic doesn't work! So if you can't find any recorded files,
then you're doing something wrong which hasn't got anything to do with
your external setup.

Have you managed to record something from the internal mic? Perhaps you
should try this one first. Check all your settings and make sure to
start recording with an extra press on the play button. After stopping
recording, you should be able to hear the hard disk writing the files,
don't shut the jukebox off immediately, wait a few seconds or use the
shutdown feature.

HTH, Andreas
Received on 2005-05-21

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