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Subject: Re: Voice Box updates

Re: Voice Box updates

From: Brian Wolven <>
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 01:43:37 -0500

C_no_C wrote:
> Hello all,
> Talking about updating the voice box script, I think adding support for
> .ogg files is very important. I know the Archos players do not support
> ogg but the Irivers do and I have a feeling the future players that will
> support Rockbox will also support ogg. I know nothing about programming
> and unfortunately can not help out but I would love to see the script
> support ogg files. Again, I know nothing but it seems like it would not
> be to hard to make the update.

Yep, actually that is the simplest of the changes to be made - just
another case in the file extension checking. Back at the dawn of time
when Jörg and I were first playing with this stuff there was only the
Archos to worry about. =)

If you want to change that yourself right now, open the voiceUtils.vbs
script in a text editor and look for this function:

' Function to determine whether a given file is to be voiced or not.
' Edit the file name matching rules below as you see fit

function isVoiced(Name)

   isVoiced = false

'--- General case

   If ((LCase(Right(Name,3))="mp3") or _
       (LCase(Right(Name,3))="m3u") or _
       (LCase(Right(Name,3))="cfg")) Then

     isVoiced = true

   End If

end function 'isVoiced

and change it to this (I'm only doing the LCase and Right once now,
since we're starting to have enough choices for it to matter):

function isVoiced(Name)

   Dim extension

   isVoiced = false

'--- General case

   extension = LCase(Right(Name,3))

   If ((extension="mp3") or _
       (extension="m3u") or _
       (extension="flac") or _
       (extension="ogg") or _
       (extension="wav") or _
       (extension="m4a") or _
       (extension="mp4") or _
       (extension="cfg")) Then

     isVoiced = true

   End If

end function 'isVoiced

Or you can just wait for an update. =)
Received on 2005-11-01

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