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Subject: Re: auto transfer

Re: auto transfer

From: Mike Bartz <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:55:41 -0500

Another way to do it is as follows:
- iPodder is the program I use
- set it to download podcasts to "E:\podcasts" where E: is the drive
letter of my archos (or iriver)
- Under the advanced preferences, check "run this command after each
download" and then set it to run the voicebox script like so:
start /min wscript "e:\zzz files\voicebox\voiceBox-silent.wsf" e:\podcasts
I have the voicebox program stored on my archos in that e:\zzz....
folder" and the parameter given is to voice all files in my podcast
directory. It basically just catches up with whichever file is not
voiced yet.

Note that I have modified the voicebox.wsf file to not play a ding and
not to pop up the confirmation message when it is done. It's fairly
silent that way, with just the occassional DOS box popping up in the
button bar now and then. This is what I changed...just commented out
three lines...

'--- DON'T Let user know script is finished.

' sWaveFile = "%windir%\media\ding.wav"
' Shell.Run "sndrec32 /play /close """ & sWaveFile & """",0,True

' dummy = Shell.Popup("Clip generation completed.",5,"voiceBox",64)


On 11/30/05, C_no_C <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been working on that little autorun.bat file and I have gotten it to
> transfer over all files now. It is very slick and easy to do. Just set up
> your directory on your desktop and follow the steps, changing the dirs as
> you go and you can have a way to auto transfer your files to the places you
> want them. I have it set up to transfer over podcasts to their respective
> directories on the Iriver and also have albums separated by rock and rap and
> they too will transfer over to their respective directories. Sorry if you
> guys knew of this already but it was kind of cool. Especially since I know
> absolutely nothing about programming and I did this myself.
> Thanks,
> C

Mike Bartz
Received on 2005-11-30

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