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Subject: Moving archieves - Here¨s the recipe, how to do it...

Moving archieves - Here¨s the recipe, how to do it...

From: David Pedersen <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 13:09:41 -0500

I just tested the function, and it works perfect. Here is the recipe, as to
how to do it:

1) You want to move the song file15, from foldera to folderx. Both folders
are in the root directory.

Enter FolderA, and scroll down to File15. Now, press and hold Play, till the
menu appears. Scroll down to Rename. Rename the file to
And prss the F2. The job is done!

2) You want to move the directory Music/Folder2/Folder7 to
FolderZ/Foldery/Folderx (the foldernames are taken from the root).

Enter Music, choose and enter Folder2, and scroll down to Folder7.
Press/hold Play till the menu appears. Scroll down to Rename; and rename the
Folder7 to
Press F2, and you are done!

Hope these examples will give you the idea, and that it will help someone!
Received on 2006-01-14

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