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Subject: Re: Apology, and a period of break.

Re: Apology, and a period of break.

From: Paul Louden <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 18:36:08 -0500

Ed Nickl wrote:
> This sums it up, this is the type of comment that has tone, not
> implied/misunderstood/misread tone. YOU HAVE NO IDEA what any of us
> believe!
Actually, I do know this. A large number of people I've directly upset
have told me this, in no uncertain terms. Unless they were lying to me,
I do have a very clear idea what those people believe. This was
addressed primarily to people I've specifically clashed with, and I can
safely say that the majority of people who've been so upset with me as
to take it off list have refused to believe the fact that I wasn't
trying to instigate arguments or anger.

So, put simply, yes I do. I may not know what all of you believe, but in
regard to the people that statement was addressed to, of the ones who've
given me actual feedback on what they thought of my intent at the time
of that writing it is absolutely correct. Tone or no tone, it was a
statement of what I knew at the time.

Of course, given your behaviour I don't really expect an apology from
you, but I thought I'd clear that up. It's rather disheartening that the
only part of my attempt at an apology that reached you was the one piece
you felt gave you an opportunity to yell at me further.
Received on 2009-06-22

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