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Subject: Re: Automatic multi-resume feature for podcasts and audiobooks (FS#11748)

Re: Automatic multi-resume feature for podcasts and audiobooks (FS#11748)

From: Paul Louden <>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 10:28:20 -0600

On 12/16/2010 7:29 AM, sideral wrote:
> You disable the autoresume-on-track-change feature.
> But in practice, you will notice that, typically, the later chapters do
> not have a resume point anyway, so there will be no point in disabling
> that feature.

This is one of my points. The idea as I've proposed it doesn't require
constant re-configuration. Meanwhile, I've often lost where I was
listening to something because I've fallen asleep which would invalidate
the last stored resume point, or otherwise done something that caused a
wrong idea about where I was in the playlist. This may then require
seeking and skipping to correct, and could leave a large number of
resume points in possibly several files, all of which could be harmful
to my next attempt at listening.

Again, I think rather than being a feature that should need to be
constantly toggled depending on what one's listening to, it's much
easier and faster to just "insert for resume" when files within the
playlist will be resumed.
Received on 2010-12-16

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