00:07:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:44:16 | | Join [TAG]Mr_B [0] (~tagmrb@ip68-0-62-5.no.no.cox.net) |
00:45:02 | | Part [TAG]Mr_B |
00:46:44 | | Quit [ken0] (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:00 |
01:42:46 | | Nick seb-school is now known as _seb_ (trilluser@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) |
01:52:28 | | Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-away (trilluser@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) |
02:00 |
02:07:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:00 |
04:00:49 | | Join datazone [0] (~datazone@ |
04:06:29 | | Join MrHali [0] (yomomma@HSE-Ottawa-ppp157482.sympatico.ca) |
04:07:28 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
04:13:23 | | Part MrHali |
05:00 |
05:53:20 | | Nick seb-away is now known as _seb_ (trilluser@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) |
06:00 |
06:07:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:35:43 | | Join [ken0] [0] (~kenoken@ |
07:00 |
07:05:55 | | Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-sleep (trilluser@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) |
07:30:36 | | Quit datazone (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
07:30:36 | NSplit | calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
07:45:51 | NHeal | calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
07:45:51 | NJoin | datazone [0] (~datazone@ |
07:46:36 | | Join mecraw_ [0] (~mecraw@12-252-136-249.client.attbi.com) |
08:00 |
08:07:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:16:20 | | Nick mecraw_ is now known as mecraw (~mecraw@12-252-136-249.client.attbi.com) |
08:26:57 | | Join Bagder [241] (~daniel@as3-3-2.ras.s.bonet.se) |
08:29:56 | adiamas | hey bagder... |
08:29:59 | adiamas | can you do me a favor? |
08:30:02 | Bagder | hey ho |
08:30:10 | Bagder | I could try! |
08:30:14 | adiamas | okay.. |
08:30:19 | adiamas | the file display |
08:30:23 | adiamas | all, music, supported |
08:30:25 | adiamas | check that |
08:30:38 | Bagder | ok |
08:30:38 | adiamas | it seems on my unit to 1. be causing issues with lockng uyp |
08:30:44 | adiamas | 2. the filenames |
08:30:52 | adiamas | on all and supported i have extensions |
08:30:56 | adiamas | with music we don't |
08:31:02 | adiamas | i think we need to standardize that |
08:31:52 | adiamas | i also need to know if anyone else is having issues with the playlist option other then the guy on the list |
08:35:39 | | Nick dw|gone is now known as dwihno (dwihno@Bald067.Baldakinen.Umea.SE) |
08:36:59 | Bagder | seems to work nicely in the sim |
08:38:47 | dwihno | Good morning, ninjas! :) |
08:38:55 | Bagder | morning dwihno |
08:40:24 | adiamas | nods that what i thought |
08:40:32 | adiamas | did you see what i ment about the extensions though? |
08:42:05 | Bagder | no, what did you mean? ;-) |
08:42:21 | adiamas | heheh |
08:42:27 | adiamas | with the "music" setting |
08:42:37 | adiamas | files like "blah.mp3" become "blah" |
08:42:46 | adiamas | but for all other settings the .mp3 .m3u whatever remain |
08:43:21 | Bagder | ah, right |
08:43:44 | Bagder | I don't like that |
08:43:48 | adiamas | nods |
08:43:49 | adiamas | i agree |
08:44:03 | adiamas | wait... you mean you don't like _not_ haveing the ext on music |
08:44:11 | Bagder | since we support .mp3 and .mp2 for example |
08:44:13 | adiamas | or you dont like having the extentions on all of them.. |
08:44:15 | adiamas | nods |
08:44:21 | adiamas | okay.. cool.. so that needs fixing. |
08:44:25 | Bagder | I don't like the extension removal |
08:44:29 | adiamas | ill look into it |
08:44:56 | adiamas | think theres any prob is i close the 'playlist' request (assuming no more complaints) |
08:45:45 | Bagder | I don't think there's any probbs with that |
08:45:49 | adiamas | cool |
08:49:09 | * | dwihno spent last night listening to some sweet music |
08:49:14 | dwihno | and it struck me, how excellent rockbox is |
09:00 |
09:05:35 | | Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) |
09:06:39 | | Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) |
09:10:28 | dwihno | Yay for Zay! :D |
09:13:08 | Zagor | howdy |
09:14:25 | dwihno | You rule! |
09:14:29 | dwihno | So does Linus |
09:14:31 | dwihno | and Daniel |
09:17:09 | | Quit adiamas (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:18:00 | | Join adiamas [0] (~adiamas@as5300-11.216-194-25-13.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) |
09:23:23 | Bagder | why is Rockbox better than the original firmware in your opinion? |
09:23:35 | * | Bagder tries to sum up a document on this |
09:25:01 | mecraw | how about: 1) It works. 2) See #1 |
09:25:14 | Bagder | :-) |
09:25:51 | Zagor | i think a biiig feature list is a good idea. there's more to Rockbox than we sometimes realize |
09:26:03 | Bagder | yes |
09:26:11 | Bagder | newbies want to see such a list |
09:26:23 | Bagder | storebror.haxx.se/rockbox-vs-original.html |
09:28:50 | | Join kargatron [0] (~Vincent@ppp-isdn-565.ath.forthnet.gr) |
09:28:51 | Zagor | we should ask the yahoo list for help. they often like things i've hardly even thought about. |
09:29:04 | Bagder | correctomente |
09:29:05 | Zagor | also we get it in "user words" |
09:29:20 | adiamas | what might make sense is a submission page |
09:29:32 | adiamas | ie: dynamically updateing list of postings |
09:29:39 | adiamas | then we can cull that at our leisure |
09:29:47 | Zagor | maybe. there will be a dupe swarm, though |
09:29:48 | adiamas | also a good way to bring in future comments from converts |
09:29:52 | Bagder | can we do that with a tracker then? |
09:30:08 | adiamas | hmm that might be an idea |
09:30:16 | Zagor | possibly. but the trackers are a bit heavy for small stuff like this |
09:30:32 | adiamas | yeah.. we want more of the users ideas |
09:30:39 | adiamas | and having it all in one page, easier to read |
09:30:47 | adiamas | vs 100 seperate entries in a page |
09:31:04 | Bagder | I'll ask a question on the yahoo and funmp3 forums first |
09:31:07 | adiamas | i mean look how tough it is to go through the feature requests now :) |
09:31:10 | adiamas | nods |
09:31:50 | adiamas | on the games listing.. remove the etc |
09:32:03 | Bagder | ok |
09:32:28 | adiamas | since when do we have 'gapless' playback? |
09:32:42 | adiamas | ive always noticed a delay in the play.. to break up the songs |
09:33:01 | Bagder | there is? |
09:33:11 | adiamas | nods |
09:33:12 | adiamas | on mine |
09:33:19 | adiamas | it's small |
09:33:26 | adiamas | but there |
09:33:31 | adiamas | id say 1 - 2 secs? |
09:33:57 | adiamas | hmm.. that page.. might work better as a table |
09:34:05 | adiamas | with 1 col rockbox 1 col archos |
09:34:23 | Bagder | good idea, then we can list features both have as well |
09:34:26 | adiamas | where features are shared, list them on same row (with our adv on it :) ) |
09:34:49 | dwihno | Bagder: Fast loading of playlists, the configurability, the possibility to change source code |
09:35:03 | dwihno | The fast playlist loading is per-se kick-arse |
09:35:23 | dwihno | Stuff like disk timeout and LCD timeout are cool |
09:35:45 | dwihno | For "regular" users, it's probably not something worth mentioning. But power users love the ability to change every single detail |
09:36:00 | mecraw | shuffle instead of random |
09:36:15 | kargatron | fast-loading of playlists isn't kick-ass - it's slow-loading that's suck-ass :) |
09:36:25 | adiamas | yeah.. id say a huge feature to list is the ability to add features :) |
09:36:26 | dwihno | kargatron: heh, true :-) |
09:37:01 | dwihno | I wonder why the archos loading is so damned slow |
09:37:01 | Zagor | i'm quite proud of our resume-shuffled-playlist feature |
09:37:13 | Bagder | I like that too |
09:37:15 | Hadaka | yeah, that's so rocking |
09:37:17 | adiamas | i realized something cool tonight... i don't even remember what the archos interface looks like :) |
09:37:18 | kargatron | resume is #1 |
09:37:20 | adiamas | nods so do i |
09:37:31 | adiamas | and the diff types of resume are _so_ cool |
09:37:35 | dwihno | Another thing which rocks with rockbox is the missing LCD glitches which appear in the original firmware :) |
09:37:36 | adiamas | ask, always, ask once... |
09:37:39 | kargatron | how bout make the page say: Resumes. Nuff said. |
09:38:01 | dwihno | The LCD glitches in archos' firmware is quite annoying |
09:38:13 | Hadaka | hmh, I bought new 2000mAh batteries - charged them to full - let them run dry - and then charged them to full again |
09:38:25 | Zagor | kargatron: no. archos also has something called resume. we need to detail why ours is better. |
09:38:31 | Hadaka | after that I got 12h of continuous playtime with 192kbit MP3's |
09:38:41 | Zagor | Hadaka: yay. cool! |
09:38:43 | dwihno | Hadaka: whoa, cool shiznat! :D |
09:38:44 | Hadaka | I wonder if rockbox does better or worse than archos there |
09:38:50 | Hadaka | I'd say better :) |
09:38:52 | dwihno | Hadaka: You _could_ do a test :) |
09:38:56 | dwihno | Hadaka: with power-off+ |
09:38:56 | dwihno | ? |
09:39:01 | Zagor | i would definitely think better |
09:39:14 | Zagor | unless you have a unit like Linus which drains power on disk-sleep |
09:39:21 | Hadaka | power-off+? |
09:39:37 | Zagor | Hadaka: recent feature. cuts all disk power after spindown. |
09:40:03 | Zagor | not working 100% on all different disks yet, though :( |
09:40:27 | kargatron | i posted a hang problem i had to the list, but didn't mention that it was the stock drive - dunno what exactly. |
09:40:56 | kargatron | ajb20 blue, bought ~6 mos ago |
09:41:01 | kargatron | ajbr |
09:41:08 | Hadaka | hmh, I wonder if I could manage another continous playback test, ponder |
09:41:42 | dwihno | Are there 60gb disks which are 9mm thick? |
09:41:54 | Zagor | Hadaka: I added a battery runtime meter yesterday too. might be worth using. |
09:41:58 | Zagor | dwihno: yes |
09:42:13 | Hadaka | Zagor: whoa, definitely! |
09:42:27 | dwihno | IBM TRAVELSTAR 60GH 60GB 2.5# 12.5MM IDE |
09:42:36 | dwihno | Zagor: Do you know a supplier of those? |
09:42:44 | Zagor | dwihno: Toshiba MK-6018 |
09:42:51 | dwihno | Zagor: Are they kickass? :) |
09:43:04 | Hadaka | hmm, I'm leaving for sweden on thursday evening - so I guess I'll have time to run that test before I leave, but not right now |
09:43:15 | Zagor | dwihno: i don't know. i guess :) |
09:43:27 | Bagder | does the archos firmware support id3v1 and v2 properly? |
09:43:28 | dwihno | Zagor: Hehu. Well, where do you find those drives? |
09:43:43 | dwihno | Bagder: I had some problems with v2 tags containing covers |
09:43:58 | Zagor | dwihno: i don't know. we have a guy at work that handles all purchases. |
09:44:10 | dwihno | Zagor: That's so unfair! :) |
09:44:15 | dwihno | Zagor: Purchase me one ;D |
09:44:46 | dwihno | Eww |
09:44:50 | Zagor | Bagder: ask that the yahoo list about that too. opinions seem to differ. |
09:44:54 | dwihno | 7200 for a 60 gig disk! :/ |
09:45:01 | Zagor | yikes! |
09:45:10 | Hadaka | there's no alarm clock or timer for rockbox yet, is there? |
09:45:14 | Zagor | no |
09:45:30 | Hadaka | hmh, now there's a project to tackle |
09:45:45 | Zagor | go go go! :) |
09:45:51 | Hadaka | anyway, fleeing to work now and compiling a rockbox from source there |
09:45:59 | Zagor | bye |
09:46:04 | Hadaka | bye |
09:46:10 | dwihno | bye |
09:46:24 | dwihno | Zagor: I see nothing but IBM disks on the market! :/ |
09:46:38 | Zagor | dwihno: actually the disk is called mk6021, not 6018 |
09:48:29 | dwihno | Misa look |
09:49:50 | dwihno | 2 MB Tampon Bellek, 12ms eri.im süresi |
09:49:55 | dwihno | Sounds good :) |
09:54:20 | dwihno | Does the rotation speed make a difference? |
09:54:32 | Zagor | yes. more speed == more battery drain |
09:54:41 | dwihno | = faster loading |
09:54:49 | dwihno | = less time spent spinning |
09:55:00 | Zagor | not really. it takes longer to get up to speed. |
09:55:53 | dwihno | :-/ |
09:56:11 | Zagor | the spinup uses the most power, more than the actual reading |
09:56:19 | dwihno | it does? :( |
09:56:22 | dwihno | Evilness |
09:56:29 | dwihno | So slow disks are good? :) |
09:56:50 | Zagor | it's quite natural. accelerating mass uses more power then keeping it spinning |
09:57:02 | dwihno | yes |
09:57:04 | Zagor | yes, slow disks are good |
09:57:09 | dwihno | Spinning the wheel |
09:57:12 | dwihno | (a great tune btw) |
09:57:20 | dwihno | 1395 for a 40 gig travelstar |
09:57:57 | dwihno | Swedish stores only keep the travelstar disks :/ |
09:58:59 | dwihno | How hard is it to replace the disk? |
09:59:15 | Zagor | very simple. see "mods" on the web site |
09:59:52 | dwihno | No soldering or such required? |
10:00 |
10:00:21 | Zagor | nope |
10:04:35 | * | dwihno does not enjoy touching the intestines of different types of hardware :/ |
10:06:11 | Bagder | www/docs/features.t is now the official embryo |
10:06:51 | dwihno | embryo always make me think of jurassic park :) |
10:07:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:09:17 | adiamas | they make me think of sex |
10:09:26 | adiamas | course.. nearly everything makes me think of sec |
10:09:27 | adiamas | sex |
10:11:19 | Bagder | Zagor: we should probably make some nice css stuff for the 'yes' and 'no' in the feature list |
10:12:39 | adiamas | no no no |
10:12:42 | adiamas | stay away from css |
10:12:50 | adiamas | the web should be lynx friendly! |
10:12:50 | Zagor | right |
10:12:51 | dwihno | css is your friend |
10:12:56 | * | adiamas pounds the desk |
10:13:04 | Zagor | adiamas: css *is* lynx friendly |
10:13:23 | * | adiamas cocks his head to the side and says huh? |
10:13:55 | Zagor | css is about margins, font size & weight, colors etc. lynx happily ignores all of that. |
10:14:33 | adiamas | ahhh okay.. i got ya |
10:14:36 | adiamas | and on that note im off to be d;) |
10:14:45 | Zagor | :) |
10:16:04 | Schnueff | diss |
10:16:16 | Schnueff | ups, sorry :) |
10:16:37 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@p5084B0F4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:22:28 | | Quit TotMacher () |
10:24:26 | adiamas | didn't someone submit a patch for the battery charging (numeric) thing? |
10:24:36 | Bagder | yes |
10:24:45 | adiamas | was it to the patch system or just the list? |
10:24:57 | Bagder | in the patch tracker |
10:25:04 | adiamas | nm.. found it |
10:26:53 | Zagor | I plan to start picking off the patches now that disk writing seems pretty much done. |
10:27:12 | adiamas | nods |
10:27:19 | adiamas | the CHG patch needs a little work |
10:27:35 | adiamas | but ill kill that tomorrow if thats cool |
10:27:56 | adiamas | oh.. and i am still working on the sokoban levels.. |
10:28:10 | | Nick adiamas is now known as adi|sleep (~adiamas@as5300-11.216-194-25-13.nyc.ny.metconnect.net) |
10:33:53 | | Join pyvasene [0] (~pyvasene@ |
10:41:34 | | Join quelsaruk [0] (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) |
10:48:17 | quelsaruk | hi |
10:52:37 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@ip67.rsidus.riege.de) |
10:55:27 | Bagder | tags-loop-continue rocks ;-) |
10:55:45 | | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) |
10:55:50 | Bagder | hi linus |
10:55:59 | LinusN | Zagor: DEADBEEF sounds like a stack problem |
10:56:09 | LinusN | hi Bagder |
10:57:37 | Zagor | deadbeef? i must have missed something. |
11:00 |
11:00:35 | quelsaruk | hi LinusN |
11:05:34 | LinusN | Zagor: in the mailing list |
11:05:40 | LinusN | quelsaruk: hi |
11:05:59 | LinusN | *PANIC* Dir entry 0 in sector 0 is not free DE AD BE EF |
11:07:37 | Zagor | ah |
11:07:50 | Zagor | indeed |
11:08:47 | Hadaka | haha |
11:08:54 | Hadaka | deadbeef rocks :) |
11:09:22 | LinusN | Zagor: uninitialized locals maybe? |
11:10:28 | Hadaka | sh-elf-gdb will not help me unless I modify my archos, right? |
11:10:34 | Zagor | right |
11:11:03 | Hadaka | ok, building only binutils and gcc for now then |
11:12:18 | Zagor | LinusN: everything is wrong with that panic message... when is the stack checked för smashing? |
11:12:36 | LinusN | at context switch |
11:12:44 | LinusN | but that isn't smashing |
11:12:55 | LinusN | deadbeef is a sure sign of a non-smashed stack |
11:13:13 | | Nick quelsaruk is now known as quel|out (~zaknafein@faerun.ugr.es) |
11:13:17 | Zagor | the fat code uses rather much stack space, in order to be semi-reentrant. how big stack does the mpeg thread have? |
11:14:08 | LinusN | 0x1400 |
11:14:31 | LinusN | bytes |
11:14:38 | Zagor | ok. i agree, it's not a smashed stack. just curious. |
11:15:26 | LinusN | Zagor: btw, i was thinking about the poweroff feature |
11:15:27 | Zagor | the thing is, the 0,0 values are wacko and the DEADBEEF value too. that's supposed to be a sector read into a stack buffer. how on earth has it gone wrong? |
11:15:54 | LinusN | didn't we have a theory about on/off switching causing the dreaded hd lock? |
11:15:54 | Zagor | ok? |
11:16:16 | LinusN | Zagor: maybe a sector cache bug? |
11:16:18 | Zagor | well we've had lots of theories about that. none was ever really backed up. |
11:16:26 | Zagor | there is no sector cache |
11:16:44 | LinusN | or an ata poweroff bug, maybe because of missing error check on a sector read? |
11:17:04 | LinusN | the read failed, but the fat code didn't check |
11:17:06 | Zagor | could be that |
11:23:13 | | Part LinusN |
11:34:19 | kargatron | i haven't played with the new poweroff stuff much, but since i was able to use it, but saw a new (for me) type of hang, i'm wondering: |
11:34:50 | kargatron | - is that hang probably only to to poweroff=ON (i.e. if OFF, will any problems be bypassed) |
11:35:13 | kargatron | - or since I'm leaving for 3 weeks soon, is it safer to go back to an earlier stable build? |
11:36:28 | Zagor | hard to say. i'd run the latest but keep an old .ajz file on the disk to ROLO into just in case |
11:37:30 | kargatron | so you think it's possible that even with poweroff=OFF, there could still be issues. |
11:37:38 | kargatron | but yes, a good idea for ROLO, ok |
11:38:05 | Zagor | everything is possible. i think my latest read bug fix should make the current code *more* stable than the old, but you never know... |
11:38:49 | kargatron | latest meaning? from yesterday? i grabbed the 6pm bleeding from yesterday |
11:39:11 | Zagor | latest being the 9:00 bleeding edge from today |
11:39:46 | kargatron | ah. well, i'll update through the week, see what happens. leave sat. (thailand!) |
11:39:59 | Zagor | ooh, nice |
11:50:19 | dwihno | I have a question *drumroll* :) |
11:50:51 | dwihno | If I write a function in C and specify a char[8] parameter, what's the difference than using a char* pointer? |
11:52:00 | Zagor | the char[8] is an array of 8 bytes. a pointer is just a pointer, no data |
11:53:37 | dwihno | hm |
11:53:51 | dwihno | I like pointers |
11:54:03 | Zagor | try this: http://pw1.netcom.com/~tjensen/ptr/pointers.htm |
11:54:07 | dwihno | but using it in the function prototyping, does it make a diff? |
11:54:08 | dwihno | mkay |
11:55:30 | dwihno | aah, good stuff |
11:55:43 | * | dwihno is just a wannabe |
12:00 |
12:05:56 | quel|out | oh shit!! i forgot intercontinental cup! |
12:06:02 | quel|out | and my tema is winning! |
12:06:07 | quel|out | cu! |
12:06:15 | quel|out | team |
12:06:22 | Zagor | :) |
12:07:40 | | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) |
12:07:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:08:12 | | Part LinusN |
12:08:14 | Bagder | I unsubscribed the guy btw |
12:08:24 | Zagor | ok, thanks |
12:10:09 | Zagor | sami's problems are really strange. i suspect he's not completely accurate |
12:18:44 | | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@labb.contactor.se) |
12:25:00 | Zagor | LinusN: sleep(0) always sleeps at least one tick, right? |
12:25:19 | LinusN | it should, yes |
12:25:22 | LinusN | as far as i remember |
12:26:06 | Zagor | well, sleep(1) isn't much of a waste anyway |
12:29:54 | LinusN | Zagor: read the source |
12:30:16 | kargatron | yeah Zagor, rtfm! :) |
12:30:48 | Zagor | i wonder if the power-on protocol specified in the ata spec really describes first-time power-on or only power-on after SLEEP/STANDBY |
12:30:48 | Zagor | or maybe it's normal to expect devices to react within 25us after poweron? |
12:31:11 | Zagor | uh, what do you think i'm doing? it only calls it "power-on" |
12:32:42 | Zagor | oh well. time for lunch. |
12:41:43 | | Quit Jet8810 ("Client Exiting") |
12:45:29 | Bagder | http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/features.html |
12:45:37 | Bagder | looks crap atm |
12:45:42 | Zagor | hehe |
12:46:13 | Zagor | me fix |
12:46:27 | Bagder | add some titles too then |
12:46:30 | Bagder | to the columns |
12:46:47 | Zagor | i'll just tweak the css first |
12:46:58 | Schnueff | correct reported bugs :) |
12:47:17 | Zagor | oh, you used <font> tags instead. booo :-) |
12:47:43 | Bagder | not instead |
12:47:50 | Bagder | before I put it there |
12:47:56 | Bagder | just fix the #defines |
12:48:01 | Zagor | ah |
12:50:48 | | Quit TotMacher () |
12:56:11 | dwihno | Battery lifetime |
12:56:11 | dwihno | Longer |
12:56:11 | dwihno | Long |
12:56:12 | DBUG | Sent KICK dwihno to server |
12:56:12 | dwihno | Hehu |
12:56:13 | Kick | (#rockbox dwihno :No flooding!) by logbot!~bjst@labb.contactor.se |
12:56:17 | | Join dwihno [0] (dwihno@Bald067.Baldakinen.Umea.SE) |
12:56:19 | Bagder | hahaha |
12:56:22 | dwihno | hehu :) |
12:56:27 | kargatron | i've seen several anecdotal reports that battery charging using archos gives longer life - should that be mentioned (in the interests of fairness)? though it's a trivial thing, since you just plug it in to get archos |
12:56:36 | Zagor | yes it should |
12:57:19 | Zagor | can some html guru take a look at that page and tell me why my <td class=fyes> don't show up green? |
12:57:50 | dwihno | You should add the rockbox and firmware types |
12:58:05 | Zagor | types? |
12:58:15 | dwihno | yes |
12:58:20 | Bagder | Zagor: isn't that because the class to modified is rockbox.fyes etc ? |
12:58:28 | Zagor | oh |
12:58:28 | dwihno | I don't see which is rockbox and which is archos firmware |
12:58:39 | Zagor | dwihno: ah, you mean a header. yes |
12:58:39 | Bagder | perhaps not |
12:58:58 | dwihno | Zagor: ah, a header :D |
12:59:13 | Zagor | Bagder: tried it, didn't help |
13:00 |
13:00:07 | Bagder | I'm a css loser |
13:00:37 | dwihno | CSS 1x2 |
13:04:44 | dwihno | Battery lifetime |
13:04:45 | dwihno | Longer |
13:04:46 | dwihno | oops |
13:04:47 | DBUG | Sent KICK dwihno to server |
13:04:47 | dwihno | :-) |
13:04:47 | Kick | (#rockbox dwihno :No flooding!) by logbot!~bjst@labb.contactor.se |
13:04:49 | Bagder | X-Spam-Because: line in the body matched regex "korvsjöar" |
13:04:56 | Zagor | lol |
13:05:02 | Bagder | I hate that lame mail |
13:05:03 | | Join dwihno [0] (dwihno@Bald067.Baldakinen.Umea.SE) |
13:05:37 | dwihno | try td.fyes in the css |
13:05:53 | Zagor | bingo! |
13:10:37 | Bagder | looking better ;-) |
13:10:58 | Bagder | now we just need 42 more features to add ;-) |
13:13:23 | Zagor | i'll leave that to you :-) |
13:13:47 | * | Bagder bows, thank you kind sir! ;-) |
13:15:45 | Zagor | :-) |
13:15:46 | dwihno | Why 42 features? |
13:16:01 | Bagder | ok, gimme only 35 then |
13:16:03 | Bagder | :-) |
13:16:07 | dwihno | Heh |
13:16:08 | Bagder | I just want a full list |
13:16:14 | dwihno | I want to have the snake game back in |
13:16:36 | Zagor | you'll get it when we add plugin capabilities |
13:16:45 | LinusN | in rockbox 5.0 |
13:16:54 | kargatron | in the list, what does backgroun nois=NO mean exactly? i can certainly hear with rockbox the disk-spinup/down noise when the volume is low. It *is* much worse with Archos, of course, but still... |
13:17:39 | Bagder | I think we should keep the 'yes' ones postive and green in the list |
13:18:08 | Zagor | kargatron: it means the constant buzzing sound that the archos firmware constantly has that rockbox doesn't |
13:18:16 | kargatron | oh |
13:18:16 | dwihno | heh, background noise: yes :-) |
13:18:19 | dwihno | hehu |
13:18:23 | Zagor | i actually don't hear the disk, even in quiet music |
13:18:25 | kargatron | Bagder, but what if No is good? |
13:18:35 | kargatron | Kills people: No | Yes :) |
13:18:37 | Bagder | then we reverse the feature statement, imho |
13:18:49 | Bagder | "removed background noise" |
13:18:50 | dwihno | pink = good? :) |
13:18:53 | Bagder | or similar |
13:19:05 | dwihno | Caramell certified: yes |no |
13:19:41 | dwihno | Archos have a text file reader |
13:19:46 | dwihno | So that's a false statement |
13:20:42 | Hadaka | there were two main things why I switched to rockbox |
13:20:53 | dwihno | Hadaka: #1 - Caramell? ;) |
13:20:55 | Hadaka | both caused by one single purchase - better headphones |
13:21:04 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@p5084B0F4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:21:04 | LinusN | Bagder: archos has a text file reader |
13:21:13 | dwihno | Will the WPS font be configurable? |
13:21:15 | Hadaka | 1) the awful background noise removed that I now could hear :) |
13:21:22 | Bagder | Zagor updates that file now |
13:21:29 | kargatron | Rewards purchase of better headphones: Yes | No :) |
13:21:33 | Zagor | Bagder: no, it's all yours :) |
13:21:48 | Bagder | commit it then |
13:21:53 | Hadaka | 2) Being able to turn the volume low enough (the archos firmware volume 0 is about 60 or 65 on rockbox) |
13:21:55 | Zagor | ok |
13:22:04 | dwihno | What headphones do you guys use? |
13:22:13 | Hadaka | koss porta-pro |
13:22:30 | Zagor | committed |
13:22:43 | kargatron | earphones, the canonical choices are sony mdr-ex70lp (bud) and sennheiser mx500 (open) i think |
13:22:44 | Zagor | Sony EX-70, as we've discussed here a dozen times :-) |
13:23:16 | kargatron | for headphones, koss's are popular value choices. Grado gets perpetual great marks |
13:23:30 | Zagor | LinusN: can you try the new poweroff code on the players? (if you add the proper code to power.c of course) |
13:23:38 | dwihno | Hadaka: true, the lowest setting on the archos firmware wasn't low enough |
13:24:04 | dwihno | Hadaka: I tested those porta-pro, they are really good! |
13:24:22 | * | dwihno got the Zagor certified EX-70 ;D |
13:24:32 | dwihno | Zagortified headphones |
13:24:33 | Hadaka | dwihno: agreed - better than many non-portable headphones |
13:24:47 | Hadaka | dwihno: tested against the sennheiser hd-520 just now |
13:24:55 | dwihno | Hadaka: I thought they would truly suck when I tested them the first time |
13:25:15 | Bagder | does the archos have a balance setting ? |
13:25:18 | dwihno | Hadaka: I got the HD-570 model, yum |
13:25:23 | dwihno | Bagder: Yes, but it's buggy |
13:26:02 | Zagor | status: runtime 4h 33m, battery 78% |
13:26:11 | Zagor | rockbox, star trek edition :-) |
13:26:25 | dwihno | star trek edition? |
13:26:26 | dwihno | how come? |
13:26:31 | dwihno | you are not a fan, afaik |
13:26:40 | dwihno | To boldly go where no firmware has gone before? :) |
13:26:44 | Zagor | we can line up tons of "useful" info |
13:26:46 | Hadaka | but, I'll get some food now |
13:28:03 | LinusN | dwihno: what is buggy? |
13:29:21 | LinusN | in all fairness, lots of people claim that they experience shorter lifetime with rockbox |
13:29:35 | Bagder | right, but I ignore those ;-) |
13:30:32 | Zagor | very few people differentiate between charger efficiency and runtim efficiency |
13:30:32 | dwihno | LinusN: I once set it 100% left (or right) then when I restarted it the next time, it was centered |
13:31:38 | LinusN | dwihno: was this archos or rockbox? |
13:31:48 | dwihno | LinusN: It was archos. A long time ago. |
13:32:02 | dwihno | LinusN: I didn't try it with rockbox, but I assume it works flawless :-) |
13:33:18 | Bagder | the archos plays playlists random and not shuffled, right? |
13:33:41 | dwihno | think so |
13:36:03 | dwihno | Cool boot logo is something rockbox has and archos hasn't ;) |
13:36:44 | LinusN | yeah, for 20ms if resume is on ;-) |
13:37:35 | Bagder | "fast and cool boot logo" yes no :-) |
13:37:41 | dwihno | :-) |
13:40:43 | dwihno | How about "helpful mailing list"? |
13:40:58 | LinusN | queue function: no |
13:41:03 | Bagder | ah, good |
13:41:08 | dwihno | I mean, if you want to contact Archos, you need to hire the M.I guys |
13:41:28 | LinusN | i haven't tried actually |
13:41:57 | Bagder | I think "Corrects reported bugs" is a good enough point |
13:44:17 | dwihno | Haha |
13:44:23 | dwihno | True, true |
13:46:08 | | Quit TotMacher () |
13:46:28 | LinusN | Zagor: major hang on newplayer |
13:46:37 | LinusN | haven't tried oldplayer |
13:46:40 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@ip115.rsidus.riege.de) |
13:46:44 | Zagor | latest code? |
13:46:48 | LinusN | yup |
13:46:53 | Zagor | too abd |
13:46:54 | Zagor | bad |
13:48:43 | | Nick seb-sleep is now known as seb-school (trilluser@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) |
14:00 |
14:02:30 | dwihno | configurable spindown time |
14:02:38 | dwihno | configurable "audio-bars" |
14:03:03 | LinusN | auto-volume on recorderd |
14:05:22 | dwihno | How stable is the power-off stuff? |
14:05:33 | LinusN | really unstable for some people |
14:05:40 | dwihno | mkay |
14:05:45 | dwihno | for what kind of people? |
14:05:47 | dwihno | Frenchies? :) |
14:05:54 | LinusN | those with certain hard drives |
14:06:30 | dwihno | So what's the diff? |
14:06:35 | dwihno | They do not support the ATA_OFF cmd? |
14:06:45 | LinusN | they behave differently on poweron |
14:07:10 | LinusN | the poweroff feature is exactly what it sounds like, we turn off the power to the hard drive |
14:07:13 | Zagor | ata_off is not a command. we simply cut the power. |
14:07:42 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:08:21 | kargatron | i missed the genesis of the option - during non-read times, the drive consumes non-negligible power, is that it? |
14:08:38 | Zagor | it consumes exactly 0 power |
14:08:46 | kargatron | no, i mean before |
14:08:51 | kargatron | w/p poweroff |
14:08:53 | kargatron | w/o |
14:09:04 | dwihno | You cut the power? :( |
14:09:05 | dwihno | Poor disk |
14:09:14 | LinusN | Zagor: i don't see you selecting master/slave correctly |
14:09:18 | dwihno | Mr. Zulu, I need more power! |
14:09:25 | dwihno | She won't hold captain! |
14:09:43 | Zagor | since we've cut the power |
14:09:44 | Zagor | normally, we put it in sleep mode which still drives much of the electronics and thus eats 10-20 mA |
14:10:06 | dwihno | what's the drawbacks of the power off cmd? |
14:10:53 | Zagor | LinusN: ? every command selects master/slave by itself |
14:11:01 | Zagor | the ATA_SELECT register |
14:11:13 | Zagor | dwihno: nothing, if it works... :-) |
14:11:29 | LinusN | i thought that you had to select correctly to be able to read the correct status |
14:11:40 | Zagor | possibly, theoretically, more stress on the drive from power on/off but I doubt that's measurable |
14:11:52 | Zagor | LinusN: hmm, maybe. checking. |
14:12:26 | Zagor | LinusN: that could be it |
14:12:38 | dwihno | I need to test it |
14:12:48 | dwihno | Anything hazardous added the last days? |
14:12:53 | * | dwihno has not used recording yet ;) |
14:12:57 | LinusN | yes, the poweroff :-) |
14:13:11 | dwihno | Is it good? :) |
14:13:27 | * | dwihno roddar runt in the backpack in search for the USB cable thing |
14:14:05 | LinusN | Zagor: i don't see freeze_lock() either |
14:14:18 | Zagor | LinusN: no, but that's not critical |
14:14:32 | LinusN | nods |
14:15:59 | Bagder | does Archos support the XING? |
14:16:10 | LinusN | i think so |
14:16:26 | LinusN | i think they even support VBRI |
14:16:32 | Bagder | ouch |
14:16:36 | Bagder | :-) |
14:16:40 | LinusN | we will soon too |
14:16:45 | Bagder | go go go ;-) |
14:17:00 | LinusN | and soon we will generate XING headers when recording, something that they don't |
14:17:17 | LinusN | we will even have an integrated VBRfix utility |
14:19:39 | dwihno | sounds bad |
14:19:42 | dwihno | :-) |
14:19:43 | Bagder | does Archos have a known fixed limit of files in a single dir? |
14:19:50 | Zagor | who wants to handle all the language patches? we need someone to feel responsible for the translations |
14:19:51 | * | dwihno testes bleeding edge power off shiznat |
14:20:04 | Zagor | Bagder: 999 i *think*. not sure. |
14:20:13 | LinusN | Bagder: not that i know of |
14:20:31 | LinusN | i don't think they know either :-) |
14:21:16 | dwihno | When is the poweroff supposed to hang the unit? |
14:21:30 | dwihno | Re-filling the buffer obviousley works for me |
14:21:33 | LinusN | Zagor: why do we do those two last statements last in ata_init()? |
14:21:44 | Bagder | dwihno: then you're ok! ;-) |
14:21:55 | LinusN | we select the master, but why? |
14:22:04 | dwihno | Bagder: There is no special way to find if power-off is possible or not? |
14:22:04 | Zagor | LinusN: I'm not sure what CONTROL_nIEN is. interrupt enable? |
14:22:08 | dwihno | And what is causing the hang? |
14:22:28 | LinusN | dwihno: we don't know yet |
14:22:50 | LinusN | Zagor: don't know |
14:23:18 | Zagor | i think LinusN nailed it about the master/slave thing |
14:23:21 | LinusN | but the ATA_SELECT statement should be ATA_SELECT = ata_device; imho |
14:23:27 | Zagor | yes |
14:23:38 | Zagor | actually, it shouldn't be there at all. |
14:23:55 | dwihno | I bet you will find out |
14:23:59 | dwihno | You always do :) |
14:24:04 | LinusN | Zagor: probably not, if all other functions select the drive before they wait for anything |
14:24:24 | LinusN | set_multiple_mode() doesn't |
14:25:18 | Zagor | fixing |
14:25:29 | LinusN | no function selects before reading the status register |
14:25:53 | kargatron | dwihno, the poweroff works for me, but i did get it to hang with some innocuous pausing and PREV. so it might not be fully stable, fyi |
14:26:12 | dwihno | kargatron: innocuous? |
14:26:28 | kargatron | seemingly harmless |
14:26:46 | dwihno | hm, I can test |
14:27:22 | kargatron | might just be bad luck/special conditions. but this was from yesterday |
14:28:04 | LinusN | kargatron: oooh , it's MUCH better today :-) |
14:28:35 | dwihno | Linus: Is the build of today Linus(TM) certified? :) |
14:28:56 | LinusN | yup, as certified as i am |
14:29:05 | dwihno | :-D |
14:29:25 | dwihno | What parts of the firmware (except HD poweroff) is unstable right now? |
14:29:50 | Zagor | LinusN: test the new ata.c on the player, ok? |
14:29:52 | dwihno | I download the bleeding edge every once in a while, and I have only seen some minor temporary glitches |
14:30:08 | LinusN | Zagor: allright |
14:31:57 | Zagor | this could be the dreaded disk hang bug too. |
14:32:46 | kargatron | might it be related to the silent-playing bug? |
14:33:14 | Zagor | kargatron: I think silent-play was the erroneous return code fixed earlier today |
14:33:25 | kargatron | oo, cool |
14:33:34 | Zagor | or, I *hope* :-) |
14:34:51 | dwihno | BTW... Have you tested if archos utilize power-off? |
14:34:57 | Zagor | they don't |
14:35:00 | dwihno | I mean, it must save loads of powah :) |
14:36:27 | dwihno | or, does it? |
14:36:41 | Zagor | not loads of it. 10-20 mA |
14:37:25 | Zagor | still, if we go from 90-100 to 70-80 mA it's a substantial change |
14:37:33 | dwihno | ah |
14:37:40 | dwihno | so what uses most current right now? |
14:37:47 | dwihno | and how much does the archos firmware consume? |
14:37:49 | Zagor | cpu and mas, I think. |
14:38:04 | Zagor | it was a while since I measured, I can't quite remember |
14:38:30 | dwihno | rockbox uses less, that's for sure? |
14:39:54 | * | dwihno got a mail! yay! |
14:40:15 | Zagor | yes it does, if SLEEP is working right for you. |
14:40:32 | Zagor | some units, like Linus', inexplicably draws more power in SLEEP mode than STANDBY |
14:42:01 | dwihno | It's the hardware "surprise" feature ;D |
14:42:16 | Zagor | yeah |
14:44:59 | LinusN | Zagor: major hang, but the interesting part is that the disk does not spin up at all |
14:45:21 | LinusN | i thought it would when the power came on |
14:45:35 | Zagor | hmm |
14:46:45 | LinusN | not that i haveen't tried powering on/off the hd in the player before at all |
14:46:51 | LinusN | note |
14:48:13 | Zagor | so we don't actually know it works at all |
14:48:18 | LinusN | no |
14:52:48 | LinusN | hey, i discovered something |
14:52:56 | Zagor | LinusN: is there a reason you use(d) "sleep(HZ/5); button_get(false)" instad of button_get_w_tmo() ? |
14:53:04 | LinusN | where? |
14:53:09 | Zagor | debug_menu |
14:53:28 | LinusN | yes, that was written before the w_tmo function was written |
14:53:36 | Zagor | ok. i'm changing it |
14:53:42 | Zagor | what did you discover? |
14:53:56 | LinusN | PB4 seems to control the hard drive, allright |
14:53:58 | Hadaka | oh btw, I forgot my USB cable home, so I'll be testing that power off later this evening |
14:54:12 | LinusN | but the dies when i try to turn it on |
14:54:14 | Zagor | Hadaka: ok, good |
14:54:15 | LinusN | the unit |
14:54:21 | Zagor | LinusN: ouch |
14:54:24 | Zagor | bad batteries? |
14:55:03 | LinusN | well, i can turn the unit on by hand |
14:55:34 | Zagor | ok |
14:56:00 | LinusN | there must be something more to it than just activating PB4 |
14:56:10 | Zagor | i'm about to commit Uwes charging patch. ok with you? |
14:56:18 | LinusN | sure |
14:56:32 | dwihno | Zagor: something cool and new? :) |
14:57:09 | Zagor | dwihno: better charging and a new "estimated remaining time" |
14:57:42 | dwihno | Whoa |
14:57:44 | dwihno | Cool stuff :D |
14:57:47 | Zagor | yup |
14:57:58 | dwihno | Better charging is always good |
14:58:03 | dwihno | I was thinking |
14:58:10 | dwihno | Is there a way to install the firmware in ROM? |
14:58:16 | dwihno | Or perhaps some kind of bootstrap? |
14:58:25 | Zagor | no |
14:58:57 | Zagor | even if there was, it's too risky |
14:59:05 | dwihno | naah :) |
14:59:09 | dwihno | No guts, no glory :) |
15:00 |
15:02:53 | dwihno | How bullet proof is the writing as of now? |
15:03:49 | Bagder | I shot some nuclear missiles on it, and it didn't move |
15:03:53 | Zagor | :) |
15:04:40 | dwihno | Hehu |
15:04:46 | dwihno | Yay for Zay |
15:04:51 | dwihno | He made the day |
15:04:57 | dwihno | :-) |
15:05:11 | dwihno | Really, are there any known writing bugs nowadays? |
15:06:04 | Zagor | no |
15:07:22 | Zagor | or, uh, there was one strange report on the list today. i guess that's a bug... |
15:07:28 | kargatron | so it's just waiting for enterprising programmers to heed my clarion call for automatic bookmarking! :) |
15:07:37 | Zagor | pretty much so |
15:08:19 | LinusN | Zagor: the deadbeef bug could be a poweroff/ata bug |
15:08:46 | Zagor | true |
15:13:43 | Bagder | bbl |
15:13:46 | | Quit Bagder ("http://daniel.haxx.se") |
15:16:57 | | Join fatboy [0] (wfobnw@ASte-Genev-Bois-110-1-5-244.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
15:17:27 | fatboy | Hi |
15:17:30 | LinusN | hi |
15:22:11 | Hadaka | whee, sh-elf-gcc-3.2 now ready |
15:22:58 | LinusN | Hadaka: already? I have had mine for months :-) |
15:25:21 | Hadaka | LinusN: yeah, me too - but just compiled one at work right now |
15:27:17 | LinusN | ah |
15:29:43 | Hadaka | and every time I'm amazed as to how trivial it is :) |
15:33:59 | dwihno | CVS = red |
15:34:32 | Zagor | fixed |
15:34:36 | dwihno | mkay |
15:34:58 | dwihno | :-) |
15:36:55 | dwihno | '11100000' 224 −− beware of my evil calculation routines ;D |
15:38:32 | LinusN | evil == miscalculation? :-) |
15:39:31 | dwihno | it is not! |
15:39:34 | dwihno | or is it ? |
15:39:42 | dwihno | You're messing with me! |
15:39:58 | dwihno | it's correct |
15:40:04 | dwihno | Stop messing with me! :) |
15:40:14 | dwihno | You mess with me, you mess with alla mina kompisar ;D |
15:44:29 | dwihno | Does the bleeding edge contain everything in the CVS log? |
15:44:36 | Zagor | yes |
15:45:11 | dwihno | mkay |
15:45:19 | dwihno | It will be neato to check Uwe's changes |
15:45:25 | * | dwihno has no compiler suite anymore |
16:00 |
16:07:45 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:10:35 | Zagor | LinusN: about plugins, do you have any ideas what to do about .bss .data and .rodata? |
16:11:20 | LinusN | we should include those as well |
16:11:52 | Zagor | yes, but how? (i'm working on the non-hardlinked-to-a-specific-binary idea here) |
16:11:56 | LinusN | maybe create a plugin_init() function in the plugin itself |
16:12:16 | LinusN | that initiates its own bss and data |
16:12:46 | LinusN | like crt0.S does today |
16:13:25 | Hadaka | has there been any idea of creating a boot-menu style thing for rolo? eg. allowing you to choose a firmware at boot and defaulting to some after a short timeout? or perhaps putting up a firmware menu by holding down some key during boot? |
16:13:27 | Zagor | yes, but the location of bss and data is fixed, isn't it= |
16:13:44 | LinusN | Hadaka: for what reason? |
16:13:58 | LinusN | Zagor: ah, now i get it |
16:14:03 | Zagor | Hadaka: it would be very very simple |
16:14:22 | Hadaka | LinusN: well for example to have the archos firmware booted by default, but allow booting of rockbox on request |
16:14:23 | Zagor | my original idea was to have that, exactly like LILO |
16:16:04 | Zagor | but it turned out more annoying than useful |
16:20:18 | Hadaka | well a friend was iffy about changing to rockbox right away - he'd be happier if he could default to archos and use rockbox only when he wants to |
16:20:48 | LinusN | Hadaka: let him use rolo |
16:21:20 | LinusN | why develop extra software for those who _don't_ want to run rockbox? |
16:23:16 | Hadaka | I don't see that as a too much of a sound argument - since it _is_ to ease transition away from archos firmware to rockbox - but it is a sane argument if you just say that not worth the effort |
16:23:27 | Hadaka | in any case, it was just a question |
16:24:58 | Zagor | add a feature request :-) |
16:25:40 | Hadaka | nah, not worth it - unless I start wishing it myself as well |
16:26:23 | LinusN | Hadaka: making Rockbox load Archos by default in a boot menu is not easing the transition imho |
16:26:42 | Zagor | i disagree |
16:26:52 | Zagor | but i still won't write it :-) |
16:27:37 | LinusN | Hadaka: what was your friends concern? |
16:28:24 | Hadaka | I could see myself wanting to select the "default" firmware to load between a bleeding edge rockbox and a released rockbox |
16:29:30 | LinusN | Hadaka: you have a programming task :-) |
16:30:28 | Zagor | has anyone ran out of batteries lately? I mean *really* out? what happens...? |
16:30:35 | Hadaka | Zagor: I have |
16:30:49 | LinusN | first, the keys (recorder) starts malfunctioning |
16:30:50 | Hadaka | Zagor: it goes back to directory listing when the harddrive can't spin up |
16:31:02 | LinusN | then it conjures up its own keypresses |
16:31:08 | Zagor | ooh, fun |
16:31:10 | Hadaka | Zagor: then every time you press play, it starts spinning up the hd and then it goes back to directory listing again |
16:31:16 | Hadaka | Zagor: and after that it turns itself off |
16:31:18 | LinusN | then it stops playing and finally shuts down |
16:31:21 | Hadaka | Zagor: recorder 20 |
16:31:31 | Zagor | ok, sounds reasonably controlled anyway |
16:31:47 | Zagor | except for the part about inventing key presses :) |
16:32:08 | Hadaka | I had none of the symptoms linus was describing |
16:32:21 | LinusN | i guess it's very individual |
16:32:25 | Hadaka | LinusN: I'll code that when it becomes an issue for me :) |
16:32:33 | Zagor | i'm planning to do runtime tests using the new runtime meter |
16:32:35 | LinusN | Hadaka: like always |
16:32:48 | Hadaka | LinusN: or when someone else wants it ;) |
16:32:56 | LinusN | Hadaka: like your friend |
16:32:59 | Zagor | I was thinking of simply starting a huge playlist and let it run until it shuts itself off |
16:33:03 | Hadaka | I've ran out of batteries like three times now |
16:33:20 | Hadaka | LinusN: perhaps - I'll first try to have him just make the jump to rockbox directly |
16:33:42 | Hadaka | Zagor: make sure all the songs have the same bitrate so you can document that as well :) |
16:33:52 | Hadaka | Zagor: that's exactly what I did, btw |
16:33:54 | Zagor | ok |
16:34:19 | LinusN | Zagor: make really sure that the batteries are equally charged |
16:34:40 | Hadaka | 12h is the best I've gotten in playtime right now |
16:34:58 | Zagor | LinusN: yes, that's pretty difficult. |
16:35:01 | dwihno | is LSB from left or right bitwise? |
16:35:07 | Zagor | Hadaka: yay, that's a lot |
16:35:11 | LinusN | run once until it dies |
16:35:24 | Zagor | dwihno: depends on hardware. normally right |
16:35:25 | LinusN | then charge externally each time, with your charger |
16:35:42 | dwihno | Zagor: thank U :D |
16:35:46 | LinusN | dwihno: in writing, it is always to the right |
16:35:47 | Zagor | LinusN: yes |
16:35:53 | Hadaka | I always charged internally, with the basic archos flash firmware though |
16:36:06 | dwihno | LinusN: I was thinking code-wise and machine-wise :) |
16:36:24 | Zagor | LinusN: right, just IBM calls the LSB 15 or 31... |
16:36:55 | LinusN | so to be correct, LSB is _always_ the rightmost one |
16:37:01 | Zagor | agreed |
16:37:19 | LinusN | however, it may be called bit 0 or bit 31 depending on the architecture |
16:38:02 | dwihno | :-) |
16:38:50 | dwihno | Can someone always trust a compiler to initialize the values to zero? |
16:38:56 | LinusN | no |
16:38:57 | Zagor | dwihno: no |
16:39:08 | dwihno | :-( |
16:39:30 | LinusN | globals are guaranteed to be initialized, i think |
16:40:17 | Zagor | i wouldn't count on it |
16:40:18 | LinusN | dwihno: local variables in C are guaranteed to not be initialized |
16:42:42 | dwihno | LinusN: how come? :) |
16:42:59 | dwihno | I mean, how often do you use the random values provided? :) |
16:43:15 | LinusN | hehe, it's a performace issue |
16:43:33 | LinusN | and for simplicity |
16:44:05 | LinusN | they are allocated on the stack, and they may be on a different address each time the function is called |
16:44:37 | dwihno | okay |
16:44:54 | dwihno | What do you call the ants who do not have a home? |
16:45:02 | dwihno | Myrstackarna :-) Hehu! |
16:45:07 | LinusN | hahahaha |
16:45:27 | LinusN | out of stack space |
16:48:56 | Zagor | :-) |
16:54:20 | dwihno | Myrstackarna :-) Hehu! |
16:54:22 | dwihno | oops |
16:55:57 | | Join tim [0] (~thecopes@rdu57-0-075.nc.rr.com) |
16:56:09 | tim | hey |
16:56:12 | | Nick dwihno is now known as dw|gone (dwihno@Bald067.Baldakinen.Umea.SE) |
16:56:32 | tim | I'm not zagor, I just used that name, because it wouldn't let me log in |
16:56:36 | tim | I'm tim |
16:56:55 | LinusN | hi tim |
16:57:07 | tim | are you linus? |
16:57:11 | LinusN | yes |
16:57:19 | tim | cause you have a "n" on the end |
16:57:20 | tim | ok |
16:57:26 | tim | I have a prob |
16:57:29 | LinusN | Linus Nielsen |
16:57:33 | tim | about patching |
16:57:52 | LinusN | tim: have problems with the 'patch' command? |
16:58:00 | tim | I have windows, and I have tried all the different things you said |
16:58:01 | tim | yes |
16:58:07 | tim | and I am using cygwin |
16:58:16 | tim | and I can't patch |
16:58:20 | fatboy | ??? |
16:58:25 | LinusN | tim: you realize that it is the source code that is patched? |
16:58:37 | tim | i am trying to patch the "more games for rockbox" |
16:58:39 | tim | yes |
16:58:42 | LinusN | so you have to compile rockbox |
16:58:56 | tim | I downloaded the source |
16:59:07 | LinusN | so how far do you come |
16:59:07 | tim | and put it in c:\archos |
16:59:08 | LinusN | ? |
16:59:25 | tim | then I got the patch, and put it in c:\arhos |
16:59:35 | LinusN | tim: have you managed to compile the code without the patch? |
16:59:37 | tim | then I downloaded the cygwin |
16:59:38 | fatboy | what is your symptom with 'patch' ? |
16:59:43 | tim | no |
16:59:51 | LinusN | try that first |
16:59:54 | tim | I can't figure out how to compile? |
17:00 |
17:00:00 | fatboy | README |
17:00:05 | tim | how do you compile on windows? |
17:00:16 | fatboy | just launch Cygwin |
17:00:20 | LinusN | i haven't compiled on windows |
17:00:26 | fatboy | be sure to have bash prompt |
17:00:31 | tim | I have that |
17:00:37 | fatboy | get in rockbox/tools |
17:00:41 | fatboy | do 'make' |
17:00:45 | tim | ok |
17:01:09 | fatboy | it will make all the necessary tools |
17:01:14 | tim | make what? |
17:01:23 | tim | like, just type "make"? |
17:01:28 | fatboy | just prompt 'make' |
17:01:32 | fatboy | yes |
17:01:47 | | Quit mecraw ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") |
17:02:09 | tim | it says: bash: make: command not found |
17:02:24 | fatboy | ??? |
17:02:24 | LinusN | tim: you must do a complete cygwin install |
17:02:29 | tim | ok |
17:02:31 | LinusN | not just the default one |
17:02:32 | tim | I will |
17:02:41 | tim | oh, how do you choose all the options |
17:02:42 | LinusN | including the gcc compiler |
17:02:42 | fatboy | that is gcc, make, binutils, etc. |
17:02:44 | tim | when installing |
17:02:54 | fatboy | don't forget perl too |
17:02:57 | tim | ok |
17:03:04 | tim | so install everything right? |
17:03:29 | fatboy | yes you'd better |
17:03:38 | tim | i'll install everything, and I'll be back later. It takes awhile to install |
17:03:51 | fatboy | but you don't need extra stuff like X11 of course ;) |
17:03:58 | tim | x11? |
17:04:03 | tim | what is that? |
17:04:08 | LinusN | tim: never mind |
17:04:37 | tim | ok |
17:04:47 | tim | i'll install it, and i'll be back |
17:05:22 | LinusN | ok |
17:05:42 | tim | how big is the install? |
17:05:51 | tim | like, full install? |
17:05:59 | fatboy | try to install from the internet |
17:06:03 | LinusN | i dunno, i have never installed it |
17:06:12 | tim | ok, I will |
17:06:18 | fatboy | setup.exe from www.cygwin.com |
17:06:38 | tim | Default text file type, what should I choose? |
17:06:44 | tim | DOS, or UNIX? |
17:06:49 | fatboy | I think the default packages will be enough |
17:06:52 | LinusN | UNIX |
17:06:59 | fatboy | oh yes UNIX |
17:07:10 | LinusN | the default is not enough |
17:07:28 | fatboy | what would lack ? |
17:07:47 | tim | do you know of the fastest mirror? |
17:08:07 | tim | cus, if the download is around 500mb, for the full install, I would like the fastest mirror |
17:08:15 | fatboy | huh don't remember, it is a long time ago... |
17:08:25 | tim | I also have cable, whew, man, it would be an ass if you had dial-up |
17:08:39 | fatboy | hopefully for you |
17:08:47 | fatboy | just try one |
17:09:20 | tim | damn, the package selections screen froze up |
17:09:37 | LinusN | woo |
17:11:49 | tim | this is pissing me off, it keeps on freezing up. |
17:11:51 | tim | uh |
17:13:48 | tim | well, i'm gonna restart, and try again, |
17:13:51 | | Part tim |
17:52:53 | | Nick LinusN is now known as LinusN|away (~linus@labb.contactor.se) |
17:58:12 | | Quit pyvasene () |
17:59:18 | Zagor | keyboard time |
18:00 |
18:06:17 | | Quit TotMacher () |
18:06:30 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@p5084B0F4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:07:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:21:15 | Zagor | first runtime test (half-charged batteries): 8h 37m |
18:21:27 | Zagor | lots of usb accesses and stuff in this, too |
18:24:34 | | Part Zagor |
18:24:58 | | Join Zagor_ [242] (~bjst@labb.contactor.se) |
18:26:15 | Zagor_ | gotta go |
18:26:34 | | Part Zagor_ |
18:30:19 | | Join edx [0] (~edx@pD9EA8BE8.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:42:12 | | Join guest [0] (~thecopes@rdu57-0-075.nc.rr.com) |
18:42:44 | guest | hey |
18:43:01 | guest | is anyone here? |
18:43:19 | Hadaka | yah |
18:43:38 | guest | has anyone tried the chip8 patch? |
18:46:17 | guest | Can any of you pussies answer? |
18:46:55 | Hadaka | what would you assume if there's no answer, eh? |
18:47:08 | guest | this IRC sucks |
18:47:16 | guest | I'll go over to msg.mp3.com |
18:47:22 | Hadaka | I would suggest some patience |
18:47:37 | Hadaka | the rockbox developers are on the channel, they are not just here by the minute |
18:48:15 | guest | are you a developer? |
18:48:33 | Hadaka | I've submitted one single patch ever, so no |
18:48:58 | fatboy | this a channel for developers, why ? |
18:49:16 | Hadaka | err? who said that? |
18:49:22 | guest | what patch? |
18:49:49 | Hadaka | guest: just some random stuff, several months ago |
18:49:59 | fatboy | or more usually for technical issue about Rockbox |
18:50:10 | | Nick LinusN|away is now known as LinusN (~linus@labb.contactor.se) |
18:50:20 | Hadaka | as far as I know, this channel is for rockbox, not specifically anything else :) |
18:50:35 | Mode | "#rockbox +o LinusN " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
18:54:55 | | Nick LinusN is now known as LinusN|bath (~linus@labb.contactor.se) |
18:55:59 | Hadaka | hm, time to put my cvs built rockbox in |
18:56:30 | Mode | "#rockbox +o Hadaka " by LinusN|bath (~linus@labb.contactor.se) |
18:56:52 | | Part fatboy |
18:57:13 | | Part guest |
18:58:18 | LinusN|bath | Hadaka: i felt we needed some operators on the channel when someone logs on and says "this channel sucks" :-) |
18:59:12 | Hadaka | LinusN|bath: heh - agreed :) |
19:00 |
19:00:56 | Hadaka | ookay, now the traditional wait on first write to the drive |
19:01:03 | Hadaka | puuh, someone really has to make a fix for this |
19:08:18 | Hadaka | hmh ok now I need zagor to tell me about this harddrive poweroff :) |
19:08:55 | Hadaka | and the battery life gauge |
19:10:45 | Hadaka | ok, atleast does not work as it should :) |
19:11:14 | | Quit TotMacher () |
19:11:52 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@ip112.rsidus.riege.de) |
19:11:56 | Hadaka | it stops playing music after the first time it has to spin up the hd :) |
19:12:04 | Hadaka | lemme try without the poweroff |
19:17:30 | | Join tot|away [0] (tot@ip112.rsidus.riege.de) |
19:17:31 | | Quit TotMacher (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:17:54 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@ip112.rsidus.riege.de) |
19:19:14 | Hadaka | works fine without the poweroff |
20:00 |
20:07:47 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:14:11 | | Join pyvasene [0] (~pyvasene@pyvasene.net1.nerim.net) |
20:24:02 | | Quit TotMacher () |
20:24:10 | | Nick tot|away is now known as TotMacher (tot@ip112.rsidus.riege.de) |
20:34:01 | | Join [ken0]_ [0] (TrillDude@ |
20:34:01 | | Quit [ken0] (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:42:59 | | Join tot|away [0] (tot@ip112.rsidus.riege.de) |
20:42:59 | | Quit TotMacher (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:50:46 | | Join k3n0 [0] (marklar@ |
20:50:47 | | Quit [ken0]_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:00 |
21:21:29 | | Quit quel|out ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta1 "Eve's Avatar"") |
21:27:13 | | Join xam [0] (~xam@tqpc.ucc.ie) |
21:30:00 | | Quit pyvasene (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
21:30:00 | | Quit k3n0 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
21:30:41 | | Join k3n0 [0] (~bmwZ3@ |
21:57:22 | | Nick LinusN|bath is now known as LinusN (~linus@labb.contactor.se) |
22:00 |
22:04:23 | | Quit xam (Remote closed the connection) |
22:07:51 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:15:20 | | Quit edx () |
22:25:50 | | Join gschaefer [0] (~gschaefer@ |
22:26:09 | gschaefer | hey peeps |
22:26:11 | LinusN | yo |
22:26:37 | gschaefer | I lost my archos virginity today by plugging in RockBox, go me! |
22:26:46 | LinusN | congrats |
22:26:50 | gschaefer | tanx |
22:26:53 | * | gschaefer likes it so far! |
22:27:07 | LinusN | gr8 |
22:27:16 | gschaefer | does it only run under archos? |
22:27:25 | LinusN | only archos |
22:27:30 | gschaefer | cool! |
22:27:34 | LinusN | what model do you have? |
22:27:45 | gschaefer | studio 10 w/ 20gb drive |
22:27:50 | gschaefer | soon to be 30gb drive! |
22:28:01 | gschaefer | wait |
22:28:17 | LinusN | gschaefer: i need you to try a thing for me |
22:28:18 | gschaefer | scratch taht |
22:28:20 | gschaefer | I have the 10 soon to be 20 |
22:28:40 | gschaefer | which I'm inheriting from my 20 gig notebook which is getting the 30 gig |
22:28:44 | * | gschaefer stays confused. |
22:28:49 | gschaefer | how can I help? |
22:28:59 | LinusN | do you have the archos in front of you? |
22:29:04 | gschaefer | yeah |
22:29:10 | gschaefer | but I ain't soaken it in water! |
22:29:14 | gschaefer | I know THAT won't help! |
22:29:33 | LinusN | go to settings->system->idle timeout |
22:29:40 | LinusN | set it to 1 minute and wait |
22:30:22 | LinusN | but you need to leave the settings menu for it to take effect |
22:30:51 | gschaefer | Idle Poweroff? |
22:31:00 | LinusN | yes, sorry |
22:31:11 | gschaefer | k |
22:31:14 | gschaefer | but had that already |
22:31:35 | gschaefer | though haven't tested |
22:31:38 | gschaefer | guess I need to wait a min now |
22:36:23 | LinusN | i guess your unit didn't shut off? |
22:36:24 | gschaefer | kewl |
22:36:30 | gschaefer | it worked (once I realized I had to have it unplugged) |
22:36:31 | gschaefer | :) |
22:36:38 | * | gschaefer isn't the sharpest tool in the box! |
22:36:41 | gschaefer | er |
22:36:41 | LinusN | it worked for you? |
22:36:48 | * | gschaefer isn't the sharpest tool in the #rockBox |
22:36:49 | gschaefer | :) |
22:36:51 | LinusN | it doesn't work for me |
22:36:52 | gschaefer | yeah, worked |
22:36:59 | gschaefer | worked first time for me |
22:37:09 | gschaefer | is yours idling? |
22:37:09 | LinusN | sh*t |
22:37:23 | LinusN | my two Players don't shut off correctly |
22:37:56 | gschaefer | send them to me, I'll fix em! <wink> |
22:38:02 | gschaefer | how big is your 'drive?' |
22:38:04 | gschaefer | :) |
22:38:39 | LinusN | 6 one one Player, 30 on the other and 20 on my Recorder :-) |
22:38:48 | gschaefer | nice |
22:38:57 | gschaefer | I saw the multimedia one this w/e at the store |
22:38:57 | LinusN | sorry, 40 on my recorder |
22:39:01 | gschaefer | I want that! |
22:39:12 | gschaefer | actually I'd be happy with a cradle |
22:39:14 | gschaefer | or carrying case |
22:39:17 | gschaefer | <sigh> |
22:39:51 | gschaefer | so are you invovled in this project? |
22:40:03 | gschaefer | I see your name on the irc list on the http://rockbox.haxx.se/ page |
22:40:10 | LinusN | i started it together with Björn Stenberg |
22:40:29 | gschaefer | cool |
22:40:40 | gschaefer | I was amazed so much development has been done |
22:40:47 | gschaefer | I was living under this rock apparently |
22:40:50 | LinusN | we have lots of experience |
22:41:00 | LinusN | and we are lots of skilled people |
22:41:05 | gschaefer | cool |
22:41:21 | gschaefer | is sh1 similiar to sh3? |
22:41:37 | LinusN | i don't know, i haven't seen an SH1 before this project |
22:41:41 | gschaefer | my jornada is sh3 and I'm guessing the archos uses sh1 |
22:43:26 | gschaefer | how's 1.5 coming along? |
22:43:37 | LinusN | good, i think |
22:43:51 | LinusN | actually, we're seldom thinking about 1.5 |
22:44:01 | gschaefer | 2.0 ? :) |
22:44:05 | LinusN | we just work on the features |
22:44:21 | LinusN | when they are ready, we release it |
22:44:32 | LinusN | and, yes, it will probably be called 2.0 |
22:44:49 | gschaefer | those are the daily builds? |
22:44:55 | LinusN | yes |
22:45:01 | gschaefer | I am trying to d/l the compiler but haven't been "processed" yet |
22:45:03 | gschaefer | wtf that means |
22:45:10 | gschaefer | guess they're contacting my mommy! |
22:45:14 | LinusN | the daily builds contain the latest and the greatest |
22:46:02 | LinusN | can you test another thing for me? |
22:46:08 | gschaefer | sure |
22:46:12 | LinusN | do you have a net connection? |
22:46:15 | gschaefer | if you can tell me how to get the fonts to work |
22:46:18 | LinusN | i am stupid |
22:46:24 | gschaefer | how would I be on irc w/o net connection?! |
22:46:26 | LinusN | of course you have :-) |
22:46:33 | LinusN | hahaha, i'm tired |
22:46:34 | gschaefer | of course :) |
22:46:41 | gschaefer | I coudlnt' tell, HONEST! |
22:46:46 | LinusN | let me give you an URL |
22:46:56 | gschaefer | no porn though, I'm at work |
22:47:08 | gschaefer | k |
22:47:09 | gschaefer | shoot |
22:47:37 | LinusN | http://linus.haxx.se/linus.mod |
22:47:48 | LinusN | put it in the root of your archos |
22:48:13 | gschaefer | this isn't gonna wipe my mp3's off is it? :P |
22:48:30 | gschaefer | me gots 9.99 gb on there! |
22:48:42 | LinusN | don't worry |
22:48:55 | | Nick tot|away is now known as TotMacher (tot@ip112.rsidus.riege.de) |
22:49:09 | LinusN | it will reset your settings, though |
22:49:23 | gschaefer | k |
22:50:15 | gschaefer | do I need to rename archos.mod to something else? |
22:50:22 | gschaefer | and then rename linus.mod to archos.mod? |
22:50:29 | gschaefer | or will it auto-load all .mods? |
22:50:33 | | Quit TotMacher () |
22:50:36 | * | gschaefer is sorta/kinda/very new at this :) |
22:51:48 | gschaefer | u there? |
22:52:02 | LinusN | use ROLO |
22:52:06 | | Nick seb-school is now known as _seb_ (trilluser@bgp420584bgs.union01.nj.comcast.net) |
22:52:12 | LinusN | select "All" in the file filter |
22:52:21 | gschaefer | um, k, but what's ROLO?! |
22:52:29 | LinusN | then select linus.mod and press Play |
22:52:40 | LinusN | ROckbox LOader |
22:52:50 | gschaefer | dunno wot dat is |
22:52:51 | LinusN | it can load and run any MOD file |
22:52:54 | gschaefer | is that on the archos? |
22:52:59 | LinusN | in rockbox |
22:53:31 | gschaefer | so copy the linus.mod onto the root, unplug usb, power up by holding on button for 5 secs? |
22:53:33 | gschaefer | like dat? |
22:53:39 | LinusN | yes |
22:54:12 | LinusN | then go to the settings->general settings->file view |
22:54:17 | LinusN | select "All" |
22:54:29 | LinusN | then go back and select linus.mod and Play it |
22:54:47 | gschaefer | cool |
22:54:50 | gschaefer | LOADING... |
22:54:51 | gschaefer | :) |
22:54:59 | gschaefer | now whattodo? |
22:55:01 | LinusN | you can also download the archos firmware with that |
22:55:24 | LinusN | do the same thing as you did earlier, with the idle poweroff |
22:55:59 | gschaefer | k |
22:56:07 | gschaefer | k |
22:56:09 | gschaefer | waiting 1 m |
22:56:27 | gschaefer | so while I wait, how do I switch fonts on it? |
22:56:34 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@p5084BBEB.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:56:47 | LinusN | that is only possible on the recorder |
22:56:49 | gschaefer | I put the .fnt int he .rockbox folder |
22:56:51 | gschaefer | clicked on it |
22:56:54 | gschaefer | OH! :( |
22:57:03 | gschaefer | dang, I liked that idea! |
22:57:08 | gschaefer | okay, back to you |
22:57:10 | gschaefer | it shut off |
22:57:15 | gschaefer | (just like it did before) |
22:57:26 | LinusN | interesting |
22:57:44 | LinusN | i wonder why it doesn't work on my units |
22:57:44 | gschaefer | now back to me |
22:57:47 | gschaefer | games? |
22:58:05 | LinusN | no games yet on the Player |
22:58:11 | gschaefer | feh |
22:58:14 | LinusN | do you have any good ideas for games? |
22:58:14 | gschaefer | only the recorder? |
22:58:17 | gschaefer | why all the player-hating? |
22:58:19 | LinusN | yup |
22:58:25 | Hadaka | small screen... |
22:58:29 | LinusN | hating? |
22:58:31 | gschaefer | does recorder have bigger screen? |
22:58:33 | gschaefer | aw |
22:59:08 | LinusN | the players have an 11*2 character display |
22:59:21 | LinusN | the recorder has a 112x64 bitmap display |
22:59:23 | gschaefer | that's no good |
22:59:39 | gschaefer | can we hack the ipods screen and put them on here? |
22:59:42 | gschaefer | I got some tuct dape! |
22:59:43 | gschaefer | er tape |
23:00 |
23:00:41 | LinusN | if you have a good idea for a game that could fit on the player screen, please tell |
23:00:54 | k3n0 | hangman heh |
23:01:01 | | Nick k3n0 is now known as [keno] (~bmwZ3@ |
23:01:38 | * | [keno] got his USB2.0 PCI card today |
23:01:48 | [keno] | FINALLY the recorder 20 is running at full spped |
23:01:54 | [keno] | speed even |
23:01:57 | [keno] | what a difference.. |
23:02:05 | LinusN | [keno]: isn't it wonderful |
23:02:20 | LinusN | gschaefer: thanks for your help |
23:02:36 | [keno] | amazing! and the card only set me back ~30$ |
23:02:49 | [keno] | small price to pay to avoid those HOURS of transferring |
23:03:12 | LinusN | belkin? |
23:03:32 | [keno] | err.. ST LAB (VIA chip, OEM) |
23:03:45 | LinusN | ah |
23:03:57 | [keno] | why ah? |
23:04:05 | [keno] | bad ah? |
23:04:19 | LinusN | "ah", as in "aha, ok" |
23:04:23 | [keno] | I figured it's a VIA chipset, which isa good brand |
23:04:36 | [keno] | the NEC chip was 150NIS.. this one was only 100 |
23:04:41 | [keno] | oh cool :) |
23:04:41 | LinusN | i have VIA's internal USB on my KT333 |
23:04:45 | gschaefer | k, me will think of somefin |
23:05:17 | LinusN | [keno]: not all that reliable, at least not with 2.4.19 kernel |
23:05:25 | LinusN | works in Windows though |
23:05:28 | [keno] | arg.. keno needs a new mobo |
23:05:55 | [keno] | LinusN that's what I use :( |
23:06:07 | [keno] | LinusN too scared to install redhat on this machine |
23:06:15 | gschaefer | u must have a 2.0 archos! |
23:06:16 | LinusN | i use redhat |
23:06:24 | gschaefer | sweet |
23:06:32 | [keno] | 8 ? |
23:06:32 | LinusN | i have a recorder20 with USB2.0 |
23:06:34 | gschaefer | 480mpbs? |
23:06:38 | LinusN | 7.2 |
23:06:39 | [keno] | gschaefer yeah |
23:06:47 | [keno] | LinusN why 7.2 ? |
23:06:54 | gschaefer | yeah |
23:07:24 | gschaefer | sure |
23:07:27 | LinusN | [keno]: that was the latest when i installed it :-) |
23:07:32 | gschaefer | anytime |
23:07:55 | gschaefer | we get the point! |
23:08:10 | gschaefer | I'm not bitter with my usb 1.1 setup! |
23:08:23 | gschaefer | or my small screen |
23:08:34 | gschaefer | or small hard drive! |
23:08:41 | LinusN | :-) |
23:08:46 | [keno] | gschaefer you know, we only have bigger screens to compensate .... |
23:08:47 | gschaefer | :) |
23:09:11 | gschaefer | Eek! Via! reminds me, lost my USB Root Hub at home somehow :( |
23:09:18 | [keno] | LinusN how is yourwife btw? |
23:09:24 | gschaefer | can't see any usb devices no more :( |
23:09:36 | gschaefer | what o/s u runnin? |
23:09:47 | LinusN | [keno]: still bad |
23:09:48 | | Nick gschaefer is now known as Orby (~gschaefer@ |
23:10:08 | LinusN | Orby: linux |
23:10:16 | LinusN | dual boot with win98 |
23:10:20 | Orby | redhat? |
23:10:25 | LinusN | yes |
23:10:29 | Orby | oops ... just read that |
23:10:35 | [keno] | LinusN I didn't know giving birth could be so dangerous.. |
23:10:38 | Orby | cool |
23:10:42 | [keno] | LinusN what do the doctors say? |
23:10:46 | Orby | I just d/l'd 8 |
23:10:52 | Orby | and freebsd 5 |
23:11:00 | LinusN | [keno]: it's a hormone thing, very few women get it |
23:11:10 | Orby | haven't had the time to play wif either |
23:11:18 | Orby | so u guys go through as many MP3's as me? |
23:11:32 | Orby | I think I have some 227tb of em myself now! |
23:11:33 | [keno] | LinusN and the recovery time is usually this long? |
23:11:41 | LinusN | for those women, yes |
23:12:14 | LinusN | takes months, up to a year |
23:12:26 | | Quit Orby (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:12:56 | | Join Orby [0] (~gschaefer@ |
23:13:30 | [keno] | LinusN that's a long time to suffer. I know that this must somehow diminish the joy of having another kid, but you two should try to take comfort in that.. |
23:13:35 | Hadaka | hmh, I'd guess zagor is not suddenly gonna pop up anymore today |
23:13:44 | [keno] | giving life is the ultimate goal.. |
23:15:35 | LinusN | Hadaka: i guess not |
23:15:45 | LinusN | [keno]: we'll survive |
23:15:52 | LinusN | the kid is wonderful |
23:16:27 | Hadaka | oh well, I'll holler him tomorrow about this drive-poweroff thing |
23:17:06 | [keno] | LinusN gonna grow up and make unofficial firmwares just like his dad eh ? :) |
23:18:07 | LinusN | sure, both of them |
23:18:36 | [keno] | need an extra one? a bit old but still in very good condition <g> |
23:19:31 | LinusN | i'll pass on that one |
23:20:05 | [keno] | okay, but I would have made a very good son :) |
23:20:22 | LinusN | :-) |
23:21:07 | [keno] | okay, I'm gonna take a shower and hit the bed. got guard duty tomorrow :( |
23:21:29 | LinusN | cu |
23:21:58 | [keno] | tell your wife the entire linus fanclub wishes her well |
23:22:25 | [keno] | and you take care too. seeya |
23:23:44 | LinusN | thanks and goodnight |
23:24:28 | | Part Orby |
23:28:54 | | Quit TotMacher () |
23:39:40 | | Join TotMacher [0] (tot@p5084BBEB.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:44:44 | Hadaka | uhum... ra_svn still fails in a lot of operations |
23:45:06 | Hadaka | not to mention all the other stuff it's still missing |
23:45:52 | LinusN | what are you talking about? |
23:46:02 | Hadaka | whops, sorry |
23:46:14 | Hadaka | ECHAN :) |