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#rockbox log for 2003-04-03

00:13:19 Join BoD[] [0] (
00:19:57 Join LinusN [200] (
00:21:18BoD[]:) sava?
00:21:29LinusNca va bien merci
00:21:41BoD[]ahhha :) too cool
00:31:27 Join elinenbe_ [0] (
00:31:27 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:31:31 Nick elinenbe_ is now known as elinenbe (
00:57:34 Join tracktheripper [0] (
00:59:36 Quit BoD[] (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:05:46 Join BoD[] [0] (
01:06:03 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving")
01:33:44 Quit BoD[] (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
01:37:11***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
01:41:27 Quit PsycoXul (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
01:53:02elinenbeLinusN: doing anything with the rockbox right now?
02:00:27LinusNi am chasing a bug in splash()
02:14:38adi|workwhat bug?
02:15:35LinusNstack overflow
02:15:42LinusNjust killed it
02:21:56elinenbenice :)
02:22:03elinenbeI could have told you about that one :)
02:25:37elinenbeLinus: what is holding back 2.0?
02:25:53LinusNred led, and a few recording things
02:26:50josh966anyone encountered a bug where sound disappears after a few seconds but position-time-counter keeps running?
02:27:05LinusNjosh966: any fw/rew involved?
02:27:30josh966nope straight playing ... usually 4-5 secs after starting.. good charge on batts too
02:27:48LinusNwhat bitrate?
02:28:44LinusNwhich version of rockbox?
02:29:01LinusNis it really CBR?
02:29:10josh966daily from ~2 wks ago
02:29:20josh966how can i tell if cbr?
02:29:33LinusNis it a recorded file?
02:29:41josh966it says 160kBit (id3v2.3) on bottom line of wps
02:29:49josh966no from winmx
02:30:08elinenbeso, are you fixing the recording things?
02:30:12LinusNyou should try the latest daily, just to be sure
02:30:22LinusNelinenbe: just checked in one thing
02:30:29josh966ok i will try it. it's an fmrec if that matters..
02:30:45LinusNjosh966: does it happen on all files?
02:31:44 Quit adam_ ("[BX] I'm out like a light...")
02:31:58josh966it's not that frequent so it's hard to say... it has happened on more than 1 though. might be only files ripped with a certain slightly flaky encoder for example, i dunno.
02:32:32LinusNi think the bitrate matters
02:32:54josh966if you want i can post an mp3 that has exhibited it but it is a rare thing so who knows if you could reproduce..
02:33:07LinusNit should be worse on higher bitrates, or if you have album cover bitmaps in the ID3 tag
02:33:26LinusNi gotta go to bed now
02:33:36josh966ok thx i will try the latest daily
02:33:43LinusNfile a bug report if you find anything
02:33:49 Part LinusN
02:34:06 Join mcbain [0] (
02:46:12mcbainhi all. i have been researching a hdd based mp3 player to buy, and am leaning towards an Archos Recorder due to you efforts
02:47:02mcbainbecause i like the idea of being able to customise the functionailty
02:47:39mcbaini have read the FAQ on your website and have a couple of questions:
02:48:15mcbainFAQ Question #50: Why can't the Recorder record from the line in?
02:55:32 Quit josh966 ("ChatZilla 0.8.25 [Mozilla rv:1.4a/20030401]")
03:17:49 Join delistyle [0] (~delistyle@
03:23:50delistyledoes the rockbox work on the archos jukebox multimedia
03:36:59 Join probonic [0] (
03:37:15***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
03:40:57 Quit edx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
03:46:14 Quit delistyle (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
04:03:21 Quit mcbain ("Leaving")
05:07:02 Join PsycoXul [0] (
05:37:17***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
05:50:41 Join edx [0] (
05:59:36 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-away (
06:24:55 Quit Nomad__ ("No windows for this server")
06:36:42 Join delistyle [0] (~delistyle@
06:46:07adi|homedelistyle: i saw your message befor
06:46:12adi|hometry reading the FAQ
07:04:27 Join chadrock [0] (
07:06:11chadrocki had the rockbox mod installed on my player and i had to format the drive, now that i've reinstalled it doesn't seem to pick up the mod file.. am i missing something really simple?
07:09:36adi|homeum... yeah.. if your formated then you need to reinstall.
07:09:40adi|homeif thats what you mean
07:09:51adi|homeyou need to create a .rockbox directory again
07:10:14chadrockyah i reinstalled everything but when i start it up it's as though the mod isn't installed at all
07:10:38adi|homewhat happens?
07:11:51chadrockthe player seems to work as though rockbox was never installed
07:12:59chadrockah you know what, i just formatted the drive and installed again and now it seems to be working fine
07:13:03chadrockthanks anyways!
07:13:09chadrockmust have been some small bug.
07:14:08adi|homeno prob
07:14:15 Part elinenbe
07:14:21 Join elinenbe [0] (
07:17:58 Quit chadrock ()
07:26:50 Quit delistyle (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
07:37:19***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
08:08:52 Join thu [0] (
08:29:40 Quit seb-away (Excess Flood)
08:36:14 Join franzk [0] (franzk@
08:36:14franzkhey there everyone!
08:41:59franzkmy hardware is going crazy... if i press up sometimes it reacts like a pressed f2 or f1...
08:41:59franzksomeone experienced this bevore??
08:41:59franzkits a recorder20
08:56:13franzkok ok... i'm sitting in sydney... your'e sleeping i guess...
08:56:13 Quit franzk ()
08:58:59 Join thu_ [0] (
08:58:59 Quit thu (Connection timed out)
08:59:57 Nick thu_ is now known as thu (
09:02:56 Nick dw|gone is now known as dwihno (
09:27:40 Join Zagor_ [242] (
09:28:58 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (
09:30:29 Join matsl [0] (
09:30:40Zagormatsl: can you see charging voltage in the debug screen?
09:30:44 Join s [0] (
09:37:23***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
09:38:33matslZagor: on latest version?
09:39:56Zagorany version. but I checked the code. you can't.
09:48:46 Join langhaarrocker [20] (
09:49:45Mode"#rockbox +o Zagor " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
09:49:51Mode"#rockbox +o logbot " by Zagor (
09:49:55Mode"#rockbox -o Zagor " by Zagor (
09:50:22Schnueffuh evil logbot has ops again :)
09:50:36Schnuefftalk .. slowly
09:50:58>>>"cmd" by langhaarrocker (
09:51:10>>>"help rules" by langhaarrocker (
09:51:22>>>"rules" by langhaarrocker (
09:52:05langhaarrockero-oh! logbot is in anarchy mode:
09:52:05langhaarrocker-logbot- rules
09:52:35Schnueffall hail logbot
09:53:22langhaarrockerhm. How do I make logbot display the rules to everybody?
09:53:41Schnueffpaste it and you'll get kicked ;]
09:54:04Zagorlanghaarrocker: you can't. that's a priviliged function.
09:54:12>>>"logbot rules" by langhaarrocker (
09:54:40langhaarrockerBut when I contact him directly he answers.
09:54:49>>>"-logbot- rules" by langhaarrocker (
09:54:52>>>"rules" by langhaarrocker (
09:55:14langhaarrockerI just type "rules" and he says
09:55:14langhaarrocker-logbot- No rules
09:55:19langhaarrocker(which bothers me)
09:55:54Zagoryes. you can talk to logbot yourself, but it takes higher priv to make logbot talk to others by your command
09:56:16langhaarrockerIt's probably better this way.
09:56:29>>>"cmd" by Zagor (
09:56:55>>>"help tell" by Zagor (
09:57:14>>>"wholeft" by langhaarrocker (
09:59:09 Join quelsaruk [20] (
09:59:16Schnueffmoin quelsaruk
10:02:37quelsaruknone here uses kvirc, no?
10:03:12Schnueffi dont
10:03:20*langhaarrocker uses trillian
10:03:31quelsaruki didn't like trillian
10:03:35quelsaruki tested it but...
10:03:44Schnueffirssi here
10:04:06langhaarrockerquel: do you have a better multi-protocol-im-client?
10:04:11Schnueffon a nice 5x7-font 92*13 size text-terminal ;]
10:04:15quelsarukno langhaarrocker
10:11:45 Quit quelsaruk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
10:36:10 Join Quelsaruk [0] (
10:41:39 Quit edx ()
10:44:23 Join tracktheripper [0] (
10:44:36Quelsaruklanghaarrocker: i'm going to test again trillian
10:44:41Quelsarukmorning tracktheripper
10:44:51tracktherippermirning Quel
10:45:50tracktheripperhi dwihno
10:45:53dwihnohi track
10:46:36tracktheripperhow r u
10:48:59tracktheripperjust got up myself
10:49:03dwihnoGonna work overtime too.
10:52:36dwihnoIt will probably be a calm evening though
10:52:45dwihnoSo I can spend some time coding :D
10:53:31tracktheripperwhat u coding this time?
10:54:13dwihnoA Novell utility :)
10:54:40tracktheripper((whatever that is))
10:57:15dwihnoIt's just some network pasta stuff :)
10:58:28tracktheripper:) :) :)
10:58:31tracktheripper(: (: (:
10:59:45Quelsarukleaving you...
10:59:49Quelsarukcu l8r
11:00:04 Part Quelsaruk (""Eve's Avatar - Avatar's Eve"")
11:03:03 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving")
11:37:25***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
11:56:28langhaarrocker:( I hoped Linus did the xing-header-inserting without copying the file.
12:12:05 Join TotMacher [0] (
12:23:54 Nick s is now known as seb-away (
12:24:18 Part Zagor
12:24:56 Join Zagor_ [242] (
12:47:46 Join rockid [0] ([XA]
12:48:56 Quit rockid (Client Quit)
13:17:53 Join Bagder [241] (
13:18:05Bagderhi peeps
13:37:28***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
13:38:57langhaarrockerWhen I don't touch my irc client for some time it reports "*** You have been marked as being away. " to me. Is that visible to others too?
13:40:12Bagderaway status is normally only visible when you do /whois on a person
13:40:43langhaarrockerfine. I only want to annoy myself. I don't like delegating that to my irc client.
13:56:29BagderI never realized cygwin was this slow
13:57:39Bagderbuilding curl on a P4 2GHz is surely more than 10 times slower than doing it natively on my P3 733MHz
13:58:35Schnueffnew version out, ey?
13:58:42Bagderyeps, yesterday
13:58:49Schnueffi saw it on freshmeat
13:58:56Schnueff(with a typo :( )
13:59:09Bagderwell, I blame "them" for that ;-)
13:59:21Bagderthe admin guys *always* tamper with the changelog
13:59:29Schnueffthey do?
13:59:33Bagderthey do
13:59:44BagderI've never had my original one pass through unmodified
14:00:05Bagderand I've announced quite a few releases ;-)
14:01:14Schnueffbtw, this week i had trouble with my spam assassin ;]
14:02:01Schnueffi tested a twiki and had a great time to find out that the twiki mailnotifies were silently killed by the assassin
14:02:15Bagderah :-/
14:02:20Schnueffbecause one of my *own* addresses were not on the auto-whitelists
14:03:03Schnueffi seldomly email myself...:)
14:03:23Bagderwell, how about cronjobs? or mailing list posts?
14:03:41Schnueffno cronjobs.
14:03:52Schnueffmailing lists are filtered by the list address probably
14:04:03Bagderah, ok
14:04:07Schnueffand even if not, they are not classified as spam then
14:04:26Schnueffbut the mailnotifies were just 2 hundredth over the spam limit
15:03:19webmindWin 26
15:22:20Bagderaha, 26!
15:30:14 Part Zagor_
15:30:52 Join Zagor_ [242] (
15:37:32***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
15:39:18 Join pyvasene [0] (~pyvasene@
16:23:11 Join Quelsaruk [0] (
16:23:30*langhaarrocker nearly fell asleep
16:27:15webmindlanghaarrocker, is that bad ?
16:28:20Quelsarukhave a siesta!!
16:28:22#>>"explain Quelsaruk" by Bagder (
16:28:38Bagderaaah, thats him!
16:28:41>>>"help" by elinenbe (
16:28:50>>>"CMD" by elinenbe (
16:28:56langhaarrockeryou should add a note about the siesta
16:29:05>>>"explain" by elinenbe (
16:29:07langhaarrockerbut maybe with spanish that's implicit.
16:29:07Quelsaruklogbot expain Bagder
16:29:27BagderexpLain ;-)
16:29:27>>>"explain Eric is the coolest!" by elinenbe (
16:29:32Quelsaruklogbot explain Bagder
16:29:33>>>"explain -S Eric is the coolest!" by elinenbe (
16:29:40QuelsarukBagder: you are a pain
16:29:51langhaarrockerquel: maybe the gods of electronix are easier to manage...
16:29:52>>>"help" by elinenbe (
16:29:58Bagderif you authenticate with logbot first, I think you can do that
16:29:59>>>"CMD" by elinenbe (
16:30:08Quelsarukgood point
16:30:10>>>"alias" by elinenbe (
16:30:18>>>"help" by Quelsaruk (
16:30:19>>>"alias rules" by elinenbe (
16:30:20>>>"explain bagder" by Bagder (
16:30:23>>>"cmd" by langhaarrocker (
16:30:24>>>"rules" by elinenbe (
16:30:32#>>"explain bagder " by Bagder (
16:30:42>>>"explain quelsaruk" by langhaarrocker (
16:30:45>>>"cmd" by Quelsaruk (
16:32:06>>>"pass" used by Quelsaruk ( [snoop prevented]
16:32:21>>>"say hi" by langhaarrocker (
16:32:26>>>"pass" used by langhaarrocker ( [snoop prevented]
16:32:31>>>"pass" used by langhaarrocker ( [snoop prevented]
16:32:49>>>"rules" by langhaarrocker (
16:33:24>>>"explain langhaarrocker" by langhaarrocker (
16:33:25>>>"explain logbot" by Bagder (
16:33:31#>>"explain langhaarrocker" by langhaarrocker (
16:33:55>>>"help pass" by Quelsaruk (
16:33:59>>>"sview langhaarrocker" by Bagder (
16:34:06>>>"logbot rules" by langhaarrocker (
16:34:09>>>"pass" used by Quelsaruk ( [snoop prevented]
16:34:14>>>"rules" by langhaarrocker (
16:34:19>>>"cmd" by Quelsaruk (
16:34:52Quelsaruki need to sacrifice a goat... something is wrong with logbot :P
16:35:22>>>"sview qualsaruk" by Bagder (
16:35:25dwihnologbot explain Zagor
16:35:58>>>"expadd langhaarrocker=anthrophomorphic personification of a guilty feeling for not implementing user defined key schemes" by Bagder (
16:36:04>>>"pass" used by Bagder ( [snoop prevented]
16:36:07>>>"expadd langhaarrocker=anthrophomorphic personification of a guilty feeling for not implementing user defined key schemes" by Bagder (
16:36:30>>>"useraqdd dwihno" by Bagder (
16:36:33>>>"useradd dwihno" by Bagder (
16:36:43>>>"cmd usermod" by Bagder (
16:36:44>>>"explain langhaarrocker" by langhaarrocker (
16:36:46>>>"help usermod" by Bagder (
16:36:48dwihnologbot explain Zagor
16:37:00>>>"hello" by dwihno (
16:37:03>>>"usermod dwihno 20" by Bagder (
16:37:17>>>"explain zagor" by Bagder (
16:37:19>>>"explain zagor" by langhaarrocker (
16:37:35#>>"explain zagor" by langhaarrocker (
16:38:50>>>"expdel zagor" by Bagder (
16:39:28>>>"expadd Zagor=The dark overlord of the Rockbox cult. Certified Code Police. Scares little children." by Bagder (
16:39:37#>>"explain zagor" by Bagder (
16:39:54*Bagder grins
16:40:06langhaarrockerAh, that's why linus is only rarely around.
16:40:11langhaarrockerFears for his children.
16:40:25Bagderyes, its all Zagor's fault
16:41:06#>>"explain LinusN" by dwihno (
16:41:16#>>"explain edx" by dwihno (
16:41:30Quelsaruklogbot explain dwihno
16:41:31Bagdertry 'explain *' in a /msg to see all things it can explain
16:41:34langhaarrockerhe won't obey dwihno :)
16:41:46>>>"explain *" by Quelsaruk (
16:41:55#>>"explain dwihno" by dwihno (
16:42:03>>>"explain *" by langhaarrocker (
16:42:03dwihnoNobody knows! :D :D :D
16:42:32>>>"explain Bagder" by langhaarrocker (
16:42:55*dwihno sacrifices a goat to make AddFilterToken obey me.
16:42:57langhaarrocker"explain *" lists Bagder twice
16:43:07>>>"explain *" by Bagder (
16:43:17Bagderread again ;-)
16:43:33>>>"explain Badger" by langhaarrocker (
16:43:47Quelsarukis badger and Bagder :)
16:44:01#>>"explain badger" by langhaarrocker (
16:44:13Quelsaruklogbot explain rockbox
16:44:19#>>"explain archos" by dwihno (
16:44:28Schnueff1. badger −− (sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws widely distributed in the northern hemisphere)
16:44:30langhaarrockerpoor logbot
16:44:33#>>"explain MAS" by dwihno (
16:44:35Bagdersuggest good explanations and I'll add 'em
16:44:48dwihnoarchos = Good company, bad software
16:44:57Schnueffadd that faq to logbot
16:45:00>>>"sview -r quelsaruk" by Bagder (
16:45:06>>>"sview quelsaruk" by Bagder (
16:45:21>>>"explain logbot" by langhaarrocker (
16:45:29>>>"sview -r -a quelsaruk" by Bagder (
16:45:35Schnueffso you can say logbot explain contributing
16:45:43Schnueffand he anders smth :)
16:46:21>>>"cmd explain" by langhaarrocker (
16:47:17dwihnoanders will help! :D
16:47:19langhaarrockerthat would only be really useful if that message would be addressed to that newbee only while everybody else sees something linke "logbot explains mas"
16:47:37>>>"expadd faq=" by Bagder (
16:48:05>>>"cmd" by langhaarrocker (
16:48:06>>>"expadd -P - quelsaruk" by Bagder (
16:48:16>>>"usermod -P - quelsaruk" by Bagder (
16:48:22>>>"explain *" by Bagder (
16:48:28>>>"expdel -P" by Bagder (
16:48:39>>>"sview -a quelsaruk" by Bagder (
16:48:41>>>"pass" used by Quelsaruk ( [snoop prevented]
16:48:41***SPY: Authentication failed for Quelsaruk
16:48:52>>>"cmd" by Quelsaruk (
16:49:00>>>"pass" used by Quelsaruk ( [snoop prevented]
16:49:21>>>"sview quelsaruk" by Bagder (
16:49:22#>>"explain quelsaruk" by Quelsaruk (
16:49:47Quelsarukyups.. a good definition :)
16:50:16>>>"op" used by Bagder ( [snoop prevented]
16:50:16DBUGsent MODE #rockbox +o Bagder
16:50:17Mode"#rockbox +o Bagder " by logbot (
16:50:46>>>"cmd deop" by Bagder (
16:53:14#>>"rules" by langhaarrocker (
16:53:24langhaarrockerBagder: you're warned
16:53:45langhaarrockerbattle of the ops!
16:54:01Bagderyou can use 'op' too now ;-)
16:54:14langhaarrockerno, I'm scared
16:57:30>>>"cmd" by langhaarrocker (
16:58:03>>>"newpass" used by langhaarrocker ( [snoop prevented]
16:58:14>>>"newpass" used by langhaarrocker ( [snoop prevented]
17:03:06elinenbeBLAH! morning my rockbox loving Europeans!
17:03:18Bagdermorning elinenbe
17:03:35langhaarrockerI'm getting tired.
17:03:41dwihnoMe too
17:04:05*langhaarrocker know nothing about irc
17:04:06langhaarrockerDoes every channel require some kind of bot? eg for becoming an op?
17:04:23Bagdernot on irc networks with services that can provide that
17:04:29Bagderwhich this has
17:04:48Bagderbut on service-less networks that is the common way of solving it
17:05:22langhaarrockerthese irc services are adressed via a special port?
17:05:43Bagderno, they're more like "super-bots"
17:05:52 Quit matsl ("Client Exiting")
17:05:54Bagderlike nickserv and chanserv are
17:06:27QuelsarukBagder: don't forget irc-operators ;) our beloved cops
17:06:46langhaarrockeris this a nickserv / chanserv?
17:07:01Bagderyes, nickserv and chanserv are two services on this network
17:07:21Bagdertry "/msg nickserv help"
17:08:13 Join edx [0] (
17:08:51langhaarrockerhöö: *** Flood detected from NickServ. NOT IGNORING due to EXCLUSION. :)
17:10:14Quelsaruklanghaarrocker: what are you trying to do with nickserv!!
17:10:25langhaarrockerI just aked it for help
17:10:38*langhaarrocker is innocent (well nearly)
17:13:15 Part Zagor_
17:13:16langhaarrocker!?! you can set an icq uin for a user? Does that mean irc speaks icq?
17:13:48 Join Zagor_ [242] (
17:13:57BagderI think that's mainly for info
17:14:19Quelsaruklanghaarrocker: maybe trillian made something weird
17:14:43*langhaarrocker is desillusioned
17:17:15>>>"chanserv help op" by langhaarrocker (
17:23:58 Quit Bagder ("Client Exiting")
17:24:22*langhaarrocker tries a reconnect
17:24:24 Part langhaarrocker
17:25:07 Join langhaarrocker [20] (
17:25:31>>>"say hi" by langhaarrocker (
17:25:42>>>"pass" used by langhaarrocker ( [snoop prevented]
17:25:47>>>"say hi" by langhaarrocker (
17:25:59langhaarrocker?!? what did I do?
17:26:21#>>"said hi!" by Quelsaruk (
17:26:48langhaarrockerI summoned him to do so. I'm a mighty person.
17:28:12Quelsarukoh! mighty and noble langhaarrocker, i praise you :)
17:28:39langhaarrockergraah! Don't spill me with goat blood, please!
17:29:54*langhaarrocker stops meddling with logbots he doesn't understand now
17:33:51 Join Jojo1 [0] (
17:34:00Jojo1Hi everyone
17:34:16langhaarrockerAre you my paragliding instructor? :)
17:34:17Jojo1can you what i write ?
17:34:58*langhaarrocker s paragliding instructor was called jojo due to his special way of walking...
17:35:29Jojo1okai.. it's not me !
17:35:47Jojo1as I see...
17:36:00Jojo1i can read what i write
17:36:20Jojo1can you read what i write ?
17:36:32langhaarrockerAh now it makes sense. yes.
17:36:45DBUGSent KICK Jojo1 to server
17:36:46Kick(#rockbox Jojo1 :Colourcodes are *not* appreciated here!) by logbot!
17:36:48dwihnofpNWDSPutFilter() = 0
17:36:49dwihnoYay! :D
17:37:02dwihnoStep by step, ooh baby!
17:37:07dwihnoGonna get to you giiiirrrrl
17:37:17langhaarrockerAs stated before
17:37:20#>>"rules" by langhaarrocker (
17:37:33 Join Guest [0] (
17:37:35***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
17:37:39Guestokai... it's me...
17:37:45Guest.... so...
17:38:02Guesti have a question about.... 4 contact jack connection
17:38:30langhaarrockerI don't know where to get one.
17:38:32Guesti want to know if someone here has already bought such a plug
17:39:04Guestdo you think that someone know this .... ?
17:39:05langhaarrockerIs your's broken, too?
17:39:48langhaarrockerI could fix mine by sealing it in epoxy and fix it with some wire and lead.
17:40:21Guestmine is broken
17:40:30Guesti have to buy a new one
17:41:11Guestbut i don't know where... i have already searched a lot on the net
17:41:49langhaarrockerThe same applies to those little tiny smd buttons. I haven't found a supply for those either.
17:42:16Guesti don't know what to do
17:42:21Guesti'm desperate
17:42:50Guestdo you come often here ...?
17:43:37langhaarrockerThis channel usually is crowded 24h/day
17:43:37langhaarrockerIt was despair that made me use epoxy on my headphone jack.
17:43:37Guestdon't you know anyone who bought such a plug ?
17:44:54Guestdo you come often here ?
17:45:36*langhaarrocker is here 4 days / week
17:45:54*adam notes the US should throw away all their anti-air missiles :p
17:46:01adamthe Iraqis seriously have *nothing* that can fly
17:46:27*langhaarrocker notes they should throw away that bush
17:46:44Guestyeah !
17:46:53adamyeah,soon enough
17:46:59Guesthi adam
17:47:16*adam just would primarily have the goal of getting more and more Iraqis to fight against the Syrians and Lebonese currently in Iraq
17:47:24adamthe death squads are basically composed of these foreigners
17:48:03adamanother thing that gets me is how they're destroying weapons
17:48:20Guesthi adam :!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:48:24adamnothing wrong with AKMs, seriously, they're innaccurate, but reliable
17:49:01Guestadam, i'm trying to search where to buy a 4 contact jack plug
17:49:08 Quit adi|work (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
17:49:09adamno idea.
17:49:15Guestdo you where i can buy it ?
17:49:17 Join adiamas|work [0] (
17:49:44Guestor... do you if someone had already buy such a plug ?
17:50:13adamno idea.
17:50:51langhaarrockerDo those AKMs have these connectors?
17:51:04adamwhatc connectors?
17:51:05Guestthanks adam and langhaarocker ..... byebye
17:51:18Guest4 contact jack
17:51:35Guesta jack with 4 contacts
17:51:37adamI somehow doubt a Russian Assault rifles has a 4 contact jack
17:51:41adamso no.
17:51:55Guestbye bye !!!
17:51:56 Quit Guest ("Leaving")
17:52:40langhaarrockerI'm not sure but I think I used an AKM some time ago.
17:52:50langhaarrockerWas it in Duke Nukem or in Quake?
17:52:55langhaarrockerDon't remember.
17:53:00adamno idea
17:53:19adamyou'll see them in alot of games
17:53:22adamand movies
17:53:27adampopular, for god knows why
17:53:46adamthey're just one of the most reliable rifles on the planet, I guess
17:53:47langhaarrockerwhich god? :)
17:53:57adamthe one that lives under the sea
17:54:33langhaarrockerAh, you're speaking of oil.
17:54:40adamnot really
17:54:54adamjust a figure of speech, nothing more
17:54:56adamas for the sea
17:55:00adamall life stems from it :P
17:55:09adamthat's worthy enough of worship
17:56:37langhaarrockerIt's those worships on which the anti-air missiles are stored, isn't it?
17:56:54 Join Nibbler [0] (
17:58:41 Join adam_ [0] (
17:59:01adam_this is reason enough to go to war
18:00:45adam_gaim windows...
18:00:47adam_woo :P
18:03:00 Quit elinenbe (" HydraIRC -> <- s0 d4Mn l33t |t'z 5c4rY!")
18:04:48 Join Nomad__ [0] (
18:05:08Nomad__Zag around?
18:05:08 Part Zagor_
18:05:19Nomad__timing is everything
18:05:45Nomad__and to think I was gonna give him an A+ on the anti-skip
18:05:58Nomad__an A++ as well on the red led lockup fix as well
18:06:01langhaarrockerstrange it doesn't work here
18:06:18langhaarrockerI still have the old problems
18:06:19Nomad__4-5 times yesterday on the way home it'd get the hang of doom when I hit 80ish. all 4 times it came back
18:06:23Nomad__same on the way in today
18:06:45Nomad__used to be I'd hit 80ish and it'd hang up and either go red or just turn off after a while but never come back
18:06:55Nomad__on the way home and on the way in today it took it's beating and kept playing
18:10:13adam_oh, yeah
18:10:28*adam_ wonders if it'd be difficult to implement an invert on selection
18:10:37adam_rather than a dinky little arrow to show you what you've selected
18:10:59adam_I've seen more inverting in programs like winamp or xmms, which is why I ask
18:12:04langhaarrockerIt's possible. Once someone did it and it was to slow to be acceptable. Then joachimt did it, too. That try was fast but doesn't work on fonts with height != 8. Thus it's not acceptable either.
18:12:08 Nick dwihno is now known as dw|gone (
18:12:24adam_what's the default font height?
18:12:31adam_good :P
18:12:38adam_I only use the default
18:12:46adam_it seems to be the cleanest and most easily read at a distance, for me
18:13:31langhaarrockerCode police wouldn't allow inverted selection that doesn't work on all fonts. And that's good.
18:14:08adam_well, the option would at least be nice
18:14:36adam_I 'spose that can wait for 2.0
18:14:45 Quit adam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
18:14:50 Nick adam_ is now known as adam (
18:15:37langhaarrockerBut only if it works on all font heights. Maybe then code police might allow a version of inverted selection as option even if it's slow.
18:16:02langhaarrockerThis feature won't make it into V2.0 for sure.
18:16:25adamI wonder where joachimt is
18:16:30 Join mcbain [0] (~jirc@
18:16:41adamI suppose it wouldn't be too hard to implement the changes yourself
18:16:44adamif it's just C
18:17:06langhaarrockerIt's all just C.
18:17:48mcbainhi all. i am have been researching hdd based mp3 players and am leaning towards an Archos Recorder
18:18:02adamnone better ;P
18:18:08mcbainmostly because of your efforts - being able to customise :)
18:18:11 Join ciphergoth [0] (
18:18:30adamI just want inverted selection
18:18:32adammore visible :p
18:18:44adamas for 'slow', I guess I'll just have to judge that myself
18:18:50ciphergothinverted selection ++
18:18:55langhaarrockerAdam: But the thing is that the lcd display is organized as rows of 8 pixels height. Thus it's much faster to implement inverted selection on 8 pixel font height than on arbitrary hight.
18:19:00mcbaini have read the faq but still have a couple of questions:
18:19:13langhaarrockermcbain: shoot
18:19:14adamlanghaarrocker - I guess I'd rather just keep the ability for myself, then
18:19:23mcbainFAQ #50: why can't the Recorder record on the line in?
18:19:32adambut to keep *everyone* from using inverted selection just because someone wants to use some lame font isn't cool
18:19:33langhaarrockerThe recorder can.
18:19:53langhaarrockerThe player can't
18:20:05mcbaini would have thought so, the FAQ confused me, evidently
18:20:12ciphergothmcbain: Rockbox 1.4 can't record at all, you need a daily build
18:20:14adamheh, I don't understand line-in on the old player
18:20:24adamit was like, they had no idea what they were doing when they built the damn thing
18:20:29mcbainahh yes, i see now
18:21:08ciphergothSomewhat OT question: does anyone here use MP3GAIN?
18:21:39*ciphergoth is suddenly hit by a Realisation of Own Stupidity Truck
18:21:48langhaarrockeradam: implementing an inverted selection that works for just some fonts makes the code messy. If we start doing things like that rockbox will be unhandable within two weeks.
18:21:49mcbaini have found a deal to buy a FM Recorder for about $5 more than the Recorder, but i get impression the software for that is far less developed, and you can't run the plain Recorder software on it?
18:21:58ciphergothignore that, I've worked out the answer to the question I wsa going to ask...
18:22:45adamlanghaarrocker - heh, I guess what I just want is the code sample
18:23:20langhaarrockermcbain: I'd consider that the fm recorder uses some proprietary lithim batteries while the recorder uses standard NiMh.
18:23:31ciphergothlanghaarrocker: you're confident that inverted selection with arbitrary fonts is going to be irritatingly slow
18:23:50adammcbain - yeah, I prefer the Recorder FM
18:24:04adamit's got a very solid feel, and it's a tad lighter
18:24:17ciphergothlanghaarrocker: ok, proprietary == bad, but lithium == good, no?
18:24:32mcbainok, wasn't aware of the difference in batteries
18:24:36langhaarrockerciphergoth: Maybe it is possible to make a fast one, too. It's just that nobody came up with an apropriate patch.
18:24:48adammcbain - you can run the plain recorder software on both :p
18:24:57langhaarrockerciphergoth: proprietary = expensive, hard to get = bad
18:25:13adamI think it's only a problem should it fail, though, langhaarrocker
18:25:24adamI think the NiMH batteries are heavy, and a bit of a cludge
18:25:28ciphergothadam: or if you like to carry spare batteries
18:25:39adamciphergoth - I did do that with the studio
18:25:45adamthis thing easily kicks its ass in battery life
18:26:06langhaarrockeradam: I believe that those lithium battieries will last about a year. Then it's up to you to get new ones.
18:26:09adamI was using 1800 mah or 1600 mah batteries
18:26:18mcbaini don't really need the FM functionality, but for $5 i figured why not - as long as the software is there for it
18:26:25mcbainand the battery issue now...
18:26:31*adam shrugs
18:26:36ciphergothI'd personally be inclined to suffer the disadvantages langhaarrocker outlines for the lower weight and increased life I think.
18:26:54adamI think the advantages come in the form of a lighter, more battery life, and the new chassis design
18:26:56langhaarrockerciphergoth: that's up to you.
18:27:06adambut yeah, you've got the choice
18:27:46mcbainhmm, good points for me to consider
18:27:52ciphergothonce you take out the hard drive and the batteries the JR basically weighs nothing...
18:27:54adamjust get a coin
18:28:20Quelsaruklanghaarrocker: do you know what is a transductor??
18:28:22ciphergothlanghaarrocker: I'm under the impression that support for the Recorder FM is going very well, does it seem that way to you?
18:28:24adamheads, you get a recorder FM, tails, you don't get a recorder
18:29:18adamciphergoth - asides from the radio aspect, but that's really not that necessary anyways... ;p
18:29:26adamif you *really* need to, you can just load the archos firmware
18:29:30langhaarrockerciphergoth: LinsN now has a fm recorder. He's one of the main developers. That makes me confident that in the long run the fm recorder will be supported in every detail.
18:29:31mcbainyou can change the software that loads up "on the fly" (ie away from a PC) so you could always switch back to the original version for FM functionaility, when required?
18:29:57langhaarrockerQuelsaruk: No, I don't really know what a transductor is.
18:29:58adammcbain - the rockbox firmware can load other firmware
18:30:02ciphergothlanghaarrocker: thanks, that's what I thought. The only showstopper would be if there was some vital bit of hardware with secret specs, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
18:30:04adamthat's not the case with the archos
18:30:14adamand that's exactly what I do, yes
18:30:42langhaarrockerQuel: are you sure you don't mix the word up with transducer?
18:31:39mcbainexcellent, since i can run the plain recorder software on the FM recorder and switch about, the FM rcorder seems to be the one to go for. only thing is the battery issue...
18:31:58langhaarrockerciphergoth: That might happen. I don't know if every chip in the fm part has been identified.
18:32:06adamyeah, the battery issue irritates me
18:32:11mcbainwill have to do some reserach on batteries (not my strong point)
18:32:11adambut so far, it's worked good and great
18:32:22adamthe batteries that come with the recorder are totally useless
18:32:34langhaarrockerbut cheap and easy to replace
18:32:35adami.e. the green nimh, assuming they're the same as the ones that came with the studio
18:32:42adamcheap, as in 20$?
18:32:45adamnot really
18:32:54adamespecially if you buy multiple sets
18:33:15mcbainso a lot of people go buy better batteries then?
18:33:27ciphergothOn the other hand I get to use the same batteries in my camera and other devices
18:33:28adamthat's the first thing I did
18:33:48mcbainsince the recorder has a mic and line in, there is an option in software to pick recording source?
18:33:50adamyeah, I bought a seperate recharger, as well
18:33:51langhaarrockerI got mine 1800 mAh for ~ 8 Eur
18:34:02langhaarrocker(4 pcs)
18:34:18adammcbain - yes
18:34:35Quelsaruklanghaarrocker: and a transducer??
18:34:38langhaarrockermcbain: and digital spdif in.
18:35:00langhaarrockerQuel: Any device, such as a microphone or electric motor, that converts one form of energy into another
18:35:00langhaarrocker[ETYMOLOGY: 20th Century: from Latin transducere to lead across, from trans- + ducere to lead]
18:35:58adamI guess my main desire right now is to know exactly where to get the archos replacements
18:36:05adamthat's the real advantage of NiMH
18:36:09adamthey're everywhere
18:36:19langhaarrockerQuel: But I believe that this word is used especially for very tiny transformators used in signal processing.
18:36:19adambut they're inferior, in terms of life, and such
18:36:47adamit's a tossup
18:37:18langhaarrockerQuel: eg impendance matching in microphones, spdif, di-boxes, ...
18:37:51adamheh, the Ondio is amusing
18:39:21mcbainthe FM has spdif in?
18:39:27*adam notes the real choice comes down to this
18:39:39adamdo you want the goofy blue case, or the cool grey case?
18:39:41 Join i_am_pi [0] (
18:39:48langhaarrockermcbain: It should. It has the same MAS chip as the normal recorder I think.
18:39:49adamhey pi
18:39:53i_am_pihey adam
18:40:14Quelsaruklanghaarrocker: well... and in civil engieniering... ;)
18:40:18Quelsarukdon't ask me why
18:40:25i_am_pii'm going to kill my archos now.
18:40:30i_am_piit's half dead :(
18:40:45langhaarrockera zombie?
18:40:59adamFM is pretty useless
18:40:59i_am_pior maybe both sets of batteries are dead
18:41:15adamI've basically got 2 stations that are *remotely* worth listening to
18:41:16i_am_pii got a "Read Error Please Check HD"
18:41:18langhaarrockerQuel: don't even know what civil engeneering is :)
18:41:29i_am_piwhich i presume is a stock firmware error?
18:41:46langhaarrockerpi: yes
18:41:47ciphergothi_am_pi: I just replaced my Archos HD with a 40GB one, works fine now
18:41:51ciphergothi_am_pi: don't give up hope!
18:41:53i_am_pii did earlier
18:42:02i_am_pithis is ther replacement drive
18:42:14ciphergothgot to take a break, back later
18:42:16 Nick ciphergoth is now known as ciphergoth|afk (
18:42:23i_am_pii don't want to replace a replacement drive..
18:42:47i_am_pithere is the chacne that the batteries are truly dead
18:42:55i_am_piand the other set i tried is too..
18:42:59langhaarrockerpi: do you have any devices for measuring electrical current?
18:43:10i_am_pinot on me. i do at home though
18:43:18mcbainapart from your good work, it seesm the main advantages Archos over other players are: use as external hdd, USB2, battery life
18:43:31i_am_pibut then i won't have a replacement set of batteries
18:43:44i_am_pii borrowed the school's batteries for digicams
18:43:52langhaarrockermcbain: usb2 only for recorder 20 and up afaik.
18:44:07i_am_pii'd prefer firewire myself
18:44:23langhaarrockermcbain: recorder 6, 10 and 15 (?) only have usb1
18:44:27adamdoes the Recorder use the old style USB setup?
18:44:35adami_am_pi - why not both...
18:44:50i_am_piUSB and firewirre would be very nice
18:44:59adamthe reason I like USB is it's just extremely compatible
18:45:00langhaarrockeradam: whats old style usb setup?
18:45:18mcbaini think everything should be USB2 by now...
18:45:21adamlanghaarrocker - the studio 20 has a distinctly different port than my new FM
18:45:44mcbaini'll either get a Recorder 20 or FM 20, both usb2
18:45:45langhaarrockeradam: smaller?
18:46:14langhaarrockeradam: There are two types of usb plugs: usb A and usb B. B is the small one.
18:46:25adamyeah, I've just seen B in cameras, up to now
18:46:31i_am_piah, the accursed USB A->A cable
18:46:40i_am_pii need a longer one..
18:46:44adamI thought there were 3 types
18:46:54adamyou've got the weird type you see that go into printers and such
18:46:57i_am_piB is a rectangular largeish one
18:47:03i_am_piadam: that's a B
18:47:11i_am_pisome cameras and dv's have a tiny tiny one
18:47:15langhaarrockeradam: (not sure) A was supposed for master devices and B for slave devices. Archos didn't follow that rule. But I may be wrong here.
18:47:17adamthan what is that?
18:47:32i_am_pisomething nonstandard
18:47:41adamgo non-standard :P
18:48:04adamit works well enough in this situation
18:48:07i_am_piwell, A->A cables are nonstandard too..
18:48:19langhaarrockerpi: But available easily.
18:48:33i_am_pilang: not around my smallish town..
18:48:35adamI've already got several of the 'archos FM' type cables
18:48:42langhaarrockerpi: I've bought 3 different ones in 2 different shops.
18:48:44adamjust because of my cameras and crap
18:49:11i_am_pilang: i've looked at 3 different shops and found none.
18:49:23i_am_piOrifice Max, Orifice depot
18:49:27langhaarrockerAnd I saw adapters A->B
18:49:29i_am_piand a small local shop (Baillios
18:49:42i_am_piugh, a_b adapters = kludgy
18:49:57langhaarrockerThats why I bought the cable :)
18:50:32i_am_piwell, i kinda need a working box before i get a longer cable
18:50:56i_am_pion a tangential note, i hate stupid flash pages
18:51:11i_am_pithey make it hell to get a trial version...
18:51:14adamflash is one of those things that should of never been
18:51:21adamlike Cthulhu
18:51:43langhaarrockergo for vrml!
18:52:04i_am_pilang: go for <pre> tags and ascii art.
18:52:18i_am_pithis ( is my design :-P
18:52:50i_am_piand this ( is my school's design. which is evil and bad
18:53:01i_am_piadam's already heard this :)
18:53:12i_am_pithe web teacher just found out about flash this year
18:53:36langhaarrockeranother bad web design: No flash but occasionally vrml.
18:54:38i_am_piahhhh finally
18:54:52langhaarrockerarchos works again?
18:55:07i_am_piafter registering for their "please spam me" survey, which i will promptly drop at the mail server, i get my flash trial for our broadcasting class
18:56:52ciphergoth|afkworking on a script to run mp3gain on all my MP3s and log the results
18:56:55 Nick ciphergoth|afk is now known as ciphergoth (
18:57:13ciphergothwhich checks whether a directory represents an album by looking for the jack.progress file...
19:04:00mcbainso Li-Ion > NiMH, but Li-Ion more expensive?
19:04:00ciphergothI shall leave it running overnight to make all the songs on the Archos a consistent volume. Rar!
19:04:43ciphergothmcbain: and proprietary: AIUI every manufacturer makes a different kind of Li-Ion which you can buy only from them
19:04:46langhaarrockermcbain: and NiMh available more easily
19:04:52ciphergothso it's more expensive to get a compatible one
19:07:11langhaarrockerpi: why?
19:08:02i_am_piat cipergoth's script
19:08:41i_am_piWarning: rant coming up!
19:08:54*ciphergoth awaits rant with interest
19:08:54i_am_pibuncha idiots at this school..
19:09:18i_am_pithey think because the window is a black one with white text (puTTY) i can change their grades
19:09:33i_am_piif i were to change their grades i'd LOWER them :-P
19:09:40i_am_pithen they ask "what's that window"
19:09:45i_am_pii tell them it's a screen
19:09:51 Quit edx (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
19:09:54i_am_pi(it is a screen.. screen(1)) :)
19:10:09i_am_piok that rant kinda fizzled..
19:10:19ciphergothI think I follow
19:10:36Quelsaruki_am_pi: you're a hacker ;) i'm gonna call the police :P
19:10:42i_am_piquel: lol
19:10:43ciphergothi_am_pi: thought your rant was about mp3gain...
19:10:45Quelsarukhe has a screen!!
19:11:07langhaarrockerwhich screen? F1, F2 or F3?
19:11:18i_am_pino, screen
19:11:24i_am_pido a man screen
19:11:36*ciphergoth NP: Wendy Carlos, "9th Symphony", Clockwork Orange soundtrack
19:11:55ciphergothI love random play...
19:11:58langhaarrockerC:\>man screen
19:11:58langhaarrockerDer Befehl "MAN" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
19:11:58langhaarrockerkonnte nicht gefunden werden.
19:12:29ciphergothexcept that I must stop it from playing my German language MP3s when I'm trying to listen to music...
19:12:46Quelsarukhaha langhaarrocker, that was funny ;)
19:12:46i_am_piscreen lets me turn a shell window into a type of console
19:12:55ciphergothlanghaarrocker: sudo apt-get install screen... no, wait, that won't work...
19:12:58i_am_pii can "detach" it
19:13:09i_am_piand then go somewhere else and reattach it
19:13:26i_am_pithen i can use keystrokes to make new "windows" and switch between them
19:14:08langhaarrockerpi: can you change my grades, too?
19:14:49i_am_pigiven enough time, probably :_D
19:15:30i_am_pibut i know various password-changing and setting methodologies and the IP address of the computer for the district, so that'd be easier if i were motivated to in the first place
19:15:42i_am_piwhich, i am not
19:16:03i_am_pigot to go. class is starting
19:16:05 Quit i_am_pi ("class")
19:25:59ciphergothbollocks, that laptop is getting flakier by the day
19:26:22ciphergoth(viz the machine I use for ripping because it's too flaky to do anything else)
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19:40:35 Nick Quelsaruk is now known as quel|out (
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19:57:18 Join i_am_pi [0] (
20:02:13i_am_piI know you were having large amounts of conversation until i joined.
20:02:21i_am_picontinue having large amounts of conversation.
20:02:39i_am_piI JUST KNOW IT - don't bother denying it!
20:05:54ciphergothhas that annoying i_am_pi gone away yet
20:06:01 Join LUMOS [0] (
20:06:02ciphergothso we can carry on talking about him behind his back?
20:07:18LUMOSHi, When using CVS with the script I get some of the modules tagged as U and some are tagged as M. The ones tagged as M are the ones that I have made changes to. Will CVS update these, or does it skip them?
20:07:55LUMOSManual changes, I did not generate patches
20:09:16LUMOSCan I force the CVS update to overwrite the modules I have changed if there are updated versions on the server?
20:09:19i_am_pilumos: man cvs...
20:09:31LUMOSthanks, og course :-)
20:09:33i_am_pii'm not sure of the default behavior
20:09:44i_am_pii think it skips them, but don't quote me on that
20:10:01i_am_picipergoth: btw, the chat is logged at the rockbox site, so i was just jokin
20:10:04LUMOSyes, thats the impression I get, I think I will erase the tree and start again...
20:13:20ciphergothi_am_pi: I wasn't worried you'd think I was serious
20:16:41i_am_piyou knwo what
20:16:46i_am_pii think i'm going to hax0r the school's web server
20:16:53i_am_piand put ascii-pr0n in the source code
20:17:13i_am_pi(i have large amounts of hate for the web developer)
20:20:40i_am_pior should i place my efforts int o more coherent things
20:20:47i_am_pilike my .. schoolwork?
20:24:10ciphergothsometimes wise
20:24:27ciphergothhas anyone used a JR6000 with XP?
20:25:01i_am_pinot a recorder
20:25:11i_am_pii used my studio20 with XP
20:25:15i_am_piworks fine.
20:27:35quel|outi've used jbr with win 9x, win2k, winxp and linux. Works fine everywhere ;)
20:27:54quel|outi have a modded AJR6GB
20:27:59quel|outnow i have a 30 GB
20:29:16i_am_piMuahaha. I have amrked stuff delete inhibit on the netware server..
20:29:43i_am_piThat way if theadmins go on their mad del *.exe rampages, they'll hit a wall at my stuff
20:30:10quel|outi_am_pi: it's time for your medicine...
20:30:26i_am_piquel: probably
20:30:32i_am_pii forgot to take my allergy stuff today, actually
20:30:39i_am_piit must make me saner :)
20:33:22ciphergothquel|out: I did everything under Linux, but now I'
20:33:35ciphergothI'm scandisking under DOS because dosfsck doesn't seem to want to touch it
20:34:51i_am_pii think my drive got surface damaged, now that i think about it
20:35:05i_am_pimy .rockbox directory got trashed and things..
20:35:13i_am_pithings just freaked
20:35:51i_am_pithen i get that "Read error, please check HD." which is uselsess, because when I plug it into USB it sits there and stares.
20:37:27quel|outciphergoth: win xp should scan it correctly.
20:37:38quel|outi that is what you wanted to ask
20:39:17i_am_pibrb, pizza
20:39:37i_am_piwinxp's scandisk sucks on fat32 partitions IMHO
20:39:57quel|outi_am_pi: of course :)
20:40:48quel|outi always have norton systemworks on windoze.. it's better than windows tools
20:47:14i_am_pisystemworks's NTFS scanner is the same thing as MS's
20:47:48i_am_pibut the fat32 is a bit better
20:48:02i_am_pithe system doctor sucks up valuable CPU time, as usual :-P
20:48:29i_am_pimy stepbrother insisted that i leave it open and if the light went red, to immediately make it go green again
20:48:52i_am_pias in run Windorctor to repeair a missing shortcut entry on the secondary drive
20:49:51i_am_pireally stupid :-(
20:51:14quel|outi never use windoctor
20:51:51i_am_pihe insisted on running everything.
20:52:02i_am_piInternet Firewall (for a 56k aol connection)
20:52:08i_am_piInternet Sweep
20:52:15quel|outcrazy man
20:52:25i_am_piwindoctor loaded with an assload of the most annoying controls
20:52:33quel|outwhy didn't you use the keyboard to hit his head??
20:52:43i_am_piwith alarm tresholds that are really high
20:52:50i_am_pibecause i'd have NO computer to use :-P
20:53:03i_am_pithen he locked it up in a closet, therefore freeing me from that crap
20:53:18i_am_pii'm just goig to slap knoppix on a crappy box and use the external modem i borrowed from work..
20:54:37 Quit josh966 ("ChatZilla 0.8.25 [Mozilla rv:1.4a/20030401]")
20:57:19 Join edx [0] (
20:58:28 Quit Snorlax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
21:01:32 Quit LUMOS ()
21:09:12 Join Snorlax [0] (
21:10:38quel|outwell, guys, it's time to go home
21:11:02>>>"help say" by quel|out (
21:11:39>>>"say good night Quelsaruk" by quel|out (
21:11:46quel|outyou too logbot ;)
21:12:08 Part quel|out (""Eve's Avatar - Avatar's Eve"")
21:19:04*i_am_pi pokes logbot
21:19:13*i_am_pi kicks logbot in the nuts
21:19:19*i_am_pi stamps on logbot's neck
21:19:50*i_am_pi is an immature 16 year old :)
21:24:03 Quit i_am_pi ("Read error: 2 + -3 = -7 (Connection reset by third grade math)")
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22:05:54 Join timestretch [0] (
22:05:54 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
22:08:15timestretchthe archos firmware isnt THAT bad when u think about it
22:14:26 Quit GissXC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
22:19:54 Quit timestretch ("Leaving")
22:23:23 Join GissXC [0] (
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22:37:12tracktheripperwhat on earth does VBRFix do?
23:10:36DEBUGEOF from server (No route to host)
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23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
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23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:10:41***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:10:41***No seen item changed, no save performed.
23:16:56***Started Dancer V4.16p1
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:16:56***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:16:56***No seen item changed, no save performed.
23:23:12***Started Dancer V4.16p1
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:23:12***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:23:12***No seen item changed, no save performed.
23:29:27***Started Dancer V4.16p1
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:29:27***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:29:27***No seen item changed, no save performed.
23:35:43***Started Dancer V4.16p1
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:35:43***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:35:43***No seen item changed, no save performed.
23:41:58***Started Dancer V4.16p1
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:41:58***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:41:58***No seen item changed, no save performed.
23:48:14***Started Dancer V4.16p1
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:48:14***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:48:14***No seen item changed, no save performed.
23:54:29***Started Dancer V4.16p1
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)
23:54:29DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable)

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