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#rockbox log for 2003-05-04

00:00:13pookyhead34hi −− just wanted to say thanks for rockbox. i got a recorder 20 today and installed rockbox on it... it's superb!
00:00:48 Quit pookyhead34 (Client Quit)
00:04:32 Quit edx ()
00:08:49 Join Nibbler [0] (
00:35:31 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-away (
00:35:31 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
00:38:07 Join midknight2k3 [0] (
00:38:17midknight2k3all right im back for good
00:40:09midknight2k3what a success story! - ill be back in a bit
00:40:43 Join LinusN [200] (
00:53:05 Join tracktheripper [0] (
00:55:49 Quit tracktheripper (Client Quit)
01:07:54jzossLinusN: any thoughts as to where to stuff insert_data_in_file code? =)
01:10:48LinusNhaven't thought about it yet
01:11:01LinusNi guess it could go in mp3data.c or id3.c
01:11:12jzossokay. I'll stuff it somewhere and you can move it later.
01:11:24jzossYou'd prefer one of those two to something more general like file.c ?
01:11:47LinusNfile.c is pure file handling functions, like open() and close()
01:12:41jzossthx again. =)
01:13:09jzossI did an even-exchange today of my recorder15 for a recorder20. Woohoo! =) I love pricematch policies. (when they're honored)
01:13:47LinusNnice, usb2.0!
01:13:58jzossthe 15 actually had usb2.0 too!
01:14:20jzossThey'd slapped a sticker on the box that said "now with USB2", so they must be 'upgrading' at least someo of their older line
01:16:51 Part midknight2k3
01:17:01 Join midknight2k3 [0] (
01:17:05midknight2k3im here
01:41:13MTLinusN: well done on the radio!
01:41:13 Quit midknight2k3 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
01:41:22LinusNMT: thx
01:41:34MTi shall put my testing hat on tomorrow ;)
01:49:57***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
01:50:49 Part jzoss
02:05:17LinusNnite all
02:08:54BoD[]:) bye!
02:08:59 Part LinusN
02:09:00 Join Nibbler [0] (
02:49:27 Join jzoss [0] (
02:49:27 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:54:12 Join [keno] [0] (
03:04:38 Quit BoD[] ("SLEEP ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz")
03:12:40 Join Stevie-O [0] (
03:14:09CtcpIgnored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood
03:14:09*Stevie-O yawns
03:14:10Stevie-Osup yall
03:14:24jzossyoyo, Stevie-O. =)
03:16:12jzossjust chillin for the evening.
03:16:21Stevie-Ogood, good
03:16:34jzossWatchin some Monster Garage on TV −− they're turning a PT cruiser into a wood-chipper. =)
03:43:24 Join OneCluedCoder [0] (
03:49:58***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
03:53:14OneCluedCodermy jukebox won't connect to my keyboard
03:53:17OneCluedCodermy laptop
03:59:53OneCluedCoderdoesn't this ircd ping its clients?
04:02:03 Quit Stevie-O (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
04:09:12 Join Nibbler [0] (
04:11:34 Join Stevie-O [0] (
04:11:40jzosswelcome back!
04:11:42Stevie-Oa function driver was not specified for this device instance
04:20:41 Quit OneCluedCoder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
04:39:40 Join midknight2k3 [0] (
04:39:40 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
04:39:45 Quit Stevie-O (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
04:39:59midknight2k3heh where's everybody goin'?
04:40:13jzossheh. it's just you. ;) just kidding
04:40:23midknight2k3what i expected.... :(
04:40:27midknight2k3i guess i'll go now
04:40:41*midknight2k3 has quit IRC ("Quit")
04:40:51midknight2k3just kidding
04:41:00jzosslol. You totally had me going, too.
04:41:01midknight2k3i bet you're lonely in here
04:41:07midknight2k3I know i did heheheheheehe
04:41:20jzossnah. It's not like I'm staring at the screen wondering why it doesn't talk to me. ;)
04:41:37midknight2k3well i mean there must not be much going on
04:41:50 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|
04:41:51jzossnope. pretty quiet.
04:42:10adi|homewooohoooo!!! im alive again
04:42:12*adi|home sighs relatively contentedly
04:42:23jzossit's good to be alive
04:42:23*midknight2k3 nods in agreement
04:42:27jzoss(generally speaking)
04:42:37*adi|home pets his reacently reincarnated box
04:42:51*jzoss feels your pain
04:43:12adi|homesad thing is.. i had a 60 gig drive that just did not want to play nice.. was rather sad :(
04:43:19midknight2k3uh oh
04:44:24midknight2k3you attempted a hardware mod didn't you?
04:49:24*midknight2k3 tisk-tisks
04:52:49adi|homeno no no...
04:52:58adi|home60 gig drive for my linux box
04:53:09adi|homekept having bad sectors and doing not nice noises.
04:53:27jzossI got a rec20 today! Woohoo!
04:53:47jzossEven exchange for the rec15 I had. I like pricematch policies (when they work). =)
04:54:13midknight2k3yeah rockbox rocks! woo! we love you!! rockbox!!! wooooooo!!!!
04:54:25*jzoss does the rockbox dance
04:55:45 Join ken0 [0] (
04:56:04*midknight2k3 has quit IRC ("Have to go now")
04:56:09midknight2k3I win!
04:57:00jzosshehe . I was prepared that time
04:58:03midknight2k3you wish
04:58:14midknight2k3i had you going for what like .5 seconds or something?
04:59:12jzossI'm gonna go sleep now. cya'll later
04:59:29 Part jzoss ("Client exiting")
05:01:00midknight2k3theres an adi-home and -work
05:06:49adi|homeadihome is when im at home
05:06:56adi|homeadi|work is when at the office
05:07:05adi|homeso i don't have to keep logging in an out :)
05:07:15midknight2k3but then wouldn't you just shut off the other one if you were home for example?
05:08:48adi|homenah.. why?
05:08:48 Quit midknight2k3 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:16:35 Join Jet8810 [0] (
05:17:30 Quit [keno] (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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06:20:52 Join Nibbler [0] (
07:05:00 Nick seb-away is now known as _seb_ (
07:05:00 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
07:15:26 Join Mighty_ [0] (
07:19:21Mighty_everyones asleep?
07:24:35 Join Freek [0] (
07:25:18Freekuh i seem to remember someone saying something about MP+ files on rockbox
07:25:22Mighty_Zagor is ever around?
07:25:34Freekhow do you do that
07:27:14Freekwhy is it that no one ever talks around here?
07:36:10CtcpPing on #rockbox from Freek!
07:36:18CtcpPing on #rockbox from Freek!
07:36:23CtcpPing on #rockbox from Freek!
07:36:23DBUGEnqueued KICK Freek
07:36:23***Alert Mode level 1
07:36:47 Quit Freek ("bleeeeccchhhhh")
07:46:24***Alert Mode OFF
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08:06:28 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-sleep (
08:11:28 Quit Mighty_ ("BitchX: the OTHER white meat")
08:21:03 Join Nibbler [0] (
09:21:56 Quit adi|home (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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11:04:23 Join RiESENHiRNi [0] (
11:04:23 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
11:05:16RiESENHiRNihi! :) speaks anyone german here?
11:08:00RiESENHiRNinoone? ok, cu l8er...
11:08:03 Quit RiESENHiRNi (Client Quit)
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12:58:17 Join DJBaz [0] (
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13:05:48 Join RiESENHiRNi [0] (
13:06:40RiESENHiRNigibts die docu zu rockbox auch auf deutsch? wer nen linktipp?
13:11:26 Quit RiESENHiRNi ("Leaving")
13:30:20 Join enque [0] (
13:30:30 Quit enque (Client Quit)
13:30:38 Join confused [0] (
13:30:46confusedhow do i make a song selected to play after a different song finishes?
13:30:54 Join _aLF [0] (
13:32:30confusedcan anyone help me with a q i have about rockbox?
13:33:42confusedis anyone in here?
13:33:47confusedcan anyone even read this?
13:35:48 Quit confused ("Leaving")
13:36:34 Join LinkinPark [0] (
13:36:48LinkinParkhello, i have a question...
13:45:28 Join LinusN [200] (
13:45:38LinusNLinkinPark: you have a question?
13:46:15LinkinParkhow do i get a song to be the next song to be played
13:46:24LinkinParkenque or something?
13:46:37LinusNthen select "queue"
13:46:51LinkinParkhow many can i do like that?
13:46:57LinkinParkor does it override each time i do it?
13:47:00LinkinParkoooh, cool!
13:47:11LinusNyeah, isn't it? :-)
13:47:19LinkinParkand how do you pronounce that word?
13:47:42LinkinPark(Rockbox is awesome!)
13:47:49LinkinParkok, another question:
13:48:05LinkinParkIn the recorder, is there a "next" option and/or "pause"?
13:48:14LinusNnope, not yet
13:48:25 Quit DJBaz ("Client exiting")
13:48:43LinkinParkis there a plan for that?
13:49:01LinkinParkcool, thanks so much!!
13:49:09LinusNyou're welcome
13:49:14 Quit LinkinPark ("Leaving")
13:49:19 Part LinusN
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13:53:45 Join DJBaz [0] (
14:18:00CtcpIgnored 4 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood
14:18:00*DJBaz is away: brb
14:21:40 Join Nibbler [0] (
14:37:20_aLFLinusN is head me :
14:37:20 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:37:31_aLFLinusN if you hear me :
14:37:43_aLFfor radio
14:37:54_aLFwhy not replace F1 menu by F2
14:38:04_aLFand on+play on item
14:38:24_aLFshow a menu with "edit preset"
14:38:28_aLFand "delete preset"
14:39:44 Join LinusN [200] (
14:40:50LinusN_aLF: i think on+play in the preset list is too complicated
14:41:07LinusNmuch easier this way
14:41:27_aLFF1 or F2 again ?
14:41:42LinusNmaybe i misunderstood you
14:42:12LinusNyou want on+play in the f2 menu?
14:42:31_aLF(but on+play can be replace by a another key)
14:42:50 Join nelliep [0] (
14:42:54LinusNi will probably add more items to the f1 menu
14:43:44LinusNwe could use f3 instead of on+play
14:43:56_aLFwhy not
14:44:10_aLFthe goal is to show a contextual menu
14:44:15_aLFfor one preset
14:44:32_aLF(to edit existing name, delete)
14:44:48LinusNthe UI will probably use f3 instead of on+play in the browser too, in the future
14:45:35LinusNbtw, does the radio work well for you
14:45:56_aLFexpect for preset
14:46:05_aLFI have some problem
14:46:10LinusNtell me
14:46:30_aLFthe F2 menu is empty
14:46:49_aLFeven if I add preset
14:46:56LinusNand what happens when you add a preset?
14:47:41_aLFthere is some problem why the detection of free presets
14:48:12_aLF(I'm making a patch that correct this)
14:48:30LinusNwhat is the problem+
14:48:38_aLF2 mins
14:53:05_aLFwhen fm-presets.txt doesn't exist
14:53:11_aLFI can add presets
14:54:05_aLFI can't add presets
14:57:44 Quit DJBaz ("Client exiting")
15:05:34LinusN_aLF: i just committed a fix for this
15:05:38 Quit nelliep ("Leaving")
15:06:12LinusNthanks for reporting
15:06:34_aLFand what happen when we add a new presets that is already define ?
15:06:44LinusNyou will get two of them
15:07:16_aLFwhy ?
15:07:42LinusNbecause you added the same preset twice
15:07:52_aLFoki :)
15:08:00LinusNi.e no check is done
15:08:32_aLFI would like to be able to edit existing name of a preset
15:08:37 Nick LinusN is now known as LinusN|away (
15:08:46LinusN|away_aLF: sure, i'll fix that later
15:08:55LinusN|awayor maye you want to do it?
15:09:30LinusN|awaygotta go
15:10:00_aLFI doing something like that
15:13:36 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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16:07:11 Quit ken0 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
16:11:35_aLFwhen we choose a preset
16:11:36 Quit ken0_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
16:11:46_aLFhow can I add a contextual menu
16:11:52_aLF(with F3)
16:12:01 Nick LinusN|away is now known as LinusN (
16:12:05LinusNthat's not easy
16:12:19LinusNyou'll have to change the menu handling functions
16:12:36LinusNtake quite some code surgery to keep it compatible
16:13:10_aLFperhaps I can send you my patch ?
16:13:38_aLFit work a contextuel menu on radio
16:14:02_aLFif preset is already define for current frequency we can modify name
16:14:10LinusNsure, mail it to linus at
16:14:12_aLFor delete it
16:14:37_aLFradio.c or a patch ?
16:15:03LinusNpreferably a patch
16:18:19 Join ken0_ [0] (
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16:23:05 Join Nixed [0] (
16:25:04_aLFok, sent
16:26:01LinusNgot it
16:29:17_aLFI change the handling of presets with num_presets, don't know if you like it
16:39:49NixedThis might be an irrelevant thing, but how about a keyguard feature? Something that can lock the bottons while the jukebox is playing?
16:40:44NixedI noticed that while I have the archos in my backback, that the buttons get pressed by acident and the backlight turns on wasting battery power.
16:40:52LinusNNixed: F1+Down on recorder, MENU+Stop on the player
16:41:18Nixedreally? Cool. I'll give it a shot
16:41:25LinusNtried the manual? :-)
16:41:47Nixedyeah, but I haven't read the key commands yet.
16:42:27 Nick LinusN is now known as LinusN|away (
16:44:31 Join alexandre [0] (
16:44:42NixedAre Nimh Batteries usually charged out of the pack when you buy them?
16:50:03 Nick alexandre is now known as _aLF_ (
16:54:33_aLF_LinusN|away> there is a bug in my patch with fm_load_presets(void) : "num_presets = 0" must be in "if(!presets_loaded)" block
16:57:37_aLF_for contextual menu, could I add a function handler in menu.c#menu_show(int m) : the function is called each time a button is pressed
16:59:26 Join RiESENHiRNi [0] (
16:59:45RiESENHiRNihi :)
17:00:32 Quit _aLF (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
17:01:45 Nick _aLF_ is now known as _aLF (
17:02:40RiESENHiRNianyone speaking german here?
17:03:42RiESENHiRNii need help with the english docu of your very famous rockboxsoftware, is there a helpfile in german?
17:06:49 Join ken0 [0] (
17:07:30 Quit RiESENHiRNi ("Leaving")
17:08:02 Join RiESENHiRNi [0] (
17:11:35 Quit ken0 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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17:13:03 Part Nixed
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17:20:52 Quit RiESENHiRNi ()
17:40:05 Join Guest [0] (
17:40:05 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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17:40:59 Join RiESENHiRNi [0] (
17:41:40RiESENHiRNican anyone explain me the "trickle charge" option, hopefully in german or in simple english words...?
17:49:11LinusN|awayRiESENHiRNi: trickle = "keep batteries filled"
17:49:38RiESENHiRNisprichst du deustch?
17:49:50LinusN|awaynicht so gut
17:50:22RiESENHiRNiwas heisst das, wenn ich den archos an das netzteil hänge soll ich das dann einschalten?
17:50:23***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
17:51:20LinusN|awayi didn't quite get that, but you want to know how to turn it on when the charger is attached?
17:52:10RiESENHiRNiif i had my archos connected to the powersupply and load it should i activate this "trickle"option?
17:52:25LinusN|awayit depends
17:52:38RiESENHiRNion what?
17:52:39LinusN|awayif you want to always keep it charged, use trickle
17:53:09LinusN|awayif you want ti spare the batteries when having it connected, use "deep discharge"
17:53:26LinusN|awaytrickle always charges the batteries
17:53:42LinusN|awaythat isn't always nice to the batteries
17:53:44RiESENHiRNiis this bad for the accus?
17:53:57LinusN|awaybut you always have your player charged when you want to go
17:53:59RiESENHiRNiok, i have u. thx for help!
17:54:08LinusN|awayyou're welcome
17:54:57RiESENHiRNii hope u bring out a german documentation for your very nice piece of amazing software! :)
17:56:04 Quit RiESENHiRNi ()
17:56:58_aLFLinusN|away> will you integrate my patch in cvs ?
17:57:56 Quit tm (
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18:27:05 Quit Jet8810 ("Client exiting")
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18:33:08 Quit _aLF (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
18:35:00 Nick seb-sleep is now known as _seb_ (
19:16:05alexandreis it complex to open FM recorder ?
19:16:29alexandremy F2 button is broken
19:16:39 Nick alexandre is now known as _aLF (
19:25:43 Part LinusN|away
19:26:36 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@
19:27:12 Join adi|home [0] (~adi|
19:27:15TBoythe fm support on the features page should be changed, since we now have radio
19:27:46adi|homeits only basic... give it more time
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20:03:08 Join tracktheripper [0] (
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20:09:45 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving")
20:20:24_aLFI changed menu.c/h to handle custom key combinaison
20:20:46_aLFI don't know if someone is interested
20:25:36 Join alexandre [0] (
20:28:06TBoyI have a question
20:28:14TBoyor more of a problem
20:28:31TBoyif I type make in my tools directory
20:28:50TBoyI get the following error
20:29:00TBoygcc -O -s -ansi scramble.c -o scramble
20:29:00TBoymake: *** [scramble] Error 255
20:29:11TBoyi'm on a win machine
20:29:14TBoywhat can I do
20:30:34TBoysince in the manual on how to compile rockbox, on the rockbox site, says thats what I have to do
20:30:42TBoybut I get this strange error
20:30:51TBoyand have not been able to get passed it
20:33:48alexandreI use the version of
20:34:06TBoyyea but that version of the bmp2rb
20:34:09 Quit _aLF (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
20:34:39TBoydoesn't work on my machine
20:35:13TBoyI can't convert any bitmaps
20:36:18alexandreI don't know how to help you
20:36:29TBoycan you convert bitmaps to rb
20:36:37TBoyor does your bmp2rb work
20:50:28TBoyI hope someone can help
20:50:40TBoyI'll keep tryin myself
21:01:34TBoywell thx anyway
21:04:40 Join _aLF [0] (
21:12:22 Join Freek [0] (
21:12:39Freekanyone actually talking right now?
21:13:09 Quit Freek (Client Quit)
21:14:54TBoylookin for help for my prob
21:16:52TBoyI'm off
21:17:04 Quit TBoy ("Bye guys")
21:20:51 Quit alexandre (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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22:13:50 Quit Jet8810 ("Client exiting")
22:18:18 Join London_Blade [0] (
22:47:40 Quit TBoy ("Bye guys")
23:08:55 Join ken0__ [0] (marklar2@
23:12:59 Join LinusN [200] (
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23:20:40Guestlinus.. you around?
23:20:51 Nick Guest is now known as adi|ems (
23:22:34adi|emsthe cpp util we use.. is there a newer version then 1.5.1 available?
23:22:50adi|emsim trying to use it on my home site.. and im getting command line options issues
23:22:55LinusNyes, the one we use on the rockbox site
23:23:06adi|emsyou have a url?
23:23:09LinusNwhat is your problem?
23:23:25adi|emsif i do: cpp -P -WWW -LL -H
23:23:36adi|emsthe -LL seems to cause the -H to be ignored
23:23:46adi|emsive tried reordering.. that doesn't help..
23:24:01adi|ems-LL removes the line printing at the head of the file, and -H should leave white space alone
23:24:27adi|emsif i drop the -LL all is fine (but i get the #line tagged to the head)
23:24:43LinusNyou get the #line?
23:25:32adi|ems#line 13
23:26:09LinusNi use cpp -I. -WWW -Uunix -H -C -V -LL and i don't get any #lines
23:26:47adi|emsright.. because you have -LL
23:26:52adi|emsthats where my prob is...
23:26:53LinusNand don't ask why i use -C, i can't remember :-)
23:26:57adi|emslet me try your way... one sec
23:28:29adi|emsusing yours.. my white space (specifically blank lines) gets clobbered still
23:29:21LinusNproblem with <pre> tags?
23:29:56adi|emsnope.. no pre tags at all
23:30:07LinusNthen why is white space important?
23:30:20adi|emsbecause i want the source output to be readable :)
23:30:37adi|emsbesides.. one option shouldn't clobber another unless you want it too...
23:30:47adi|emsseems like -H gets clobbered unknowingly
23:30:55LinusNthat's probably a bug, fix it and send the patch
23:31:28adi|emshehehe well.. is there a newer version then 1.5.1?
23:31:55LinusNyes, but the only fix is a new preprocessor variable
23:32:11adi|emsahh.. okay.
23:32:20adi|emsill debug it tonight and see what's going on
23:32:31LinusNhow's it going with sokoban?
23:32:41adi|emsitll be going tonight...
23:32:49adi|emsmy machine has been doa for 2.5 weeks...
23:32:58adi|emsfinally got to a working state last night...
23:33:08adi|emsand im at the ambulance corp all day today so :)
23:33:32adi|emsim aiming for if not tonight (my time) then mid day tomorrow...
23:33:53adi|emsnot much to fix.. level counting works, loading works.. just need to beat on it a bit..
23:34:09adi|emswhen i do put this in... how do we handle it on the user end?
23:34:23adi|emsright now levels are held in .rockbox/sokoban/levels.txt
23:34:23LinusNyou mean level installation?
23:35:01LinusNit certainly won't help mentioning it in the manual :-)
23:35:09LinusNor in the FAQ
23:35:19adi|emswhat you expect ppl to _read_?
23:35:26LinusNi gave up on that
23:35:42adi|emswell.. if no level.txt is found, i show an error message.. and return to the game menu
23:35:52adi|emsso i expect an influx of questions.
23:36:11LinusNand bug reports :-)
23:36:23LinusNand feature requests: "fix sokoban"
23:37:49adi|emslol yup
23:38:18adi|emsbut yeah.. im doing that.. then coming back over here and installing photoshop (bigger monitor, better resolution) and doing the good damn tshirt
23:38:28adi|emsits been on my white board for sooooooooooo long
23:38:47*adi|ems mumbles unkind words at himself
23:38:52LinusNyou are on our death list for that :-)
23:39:03adi|emswooo hoo.. more ppl to kill me
23:39:17LinusNwe hired "London The Blade" to kill you
23:39:44London_BladeLinusN i could kill YOU for some of the cool feature requests you reject!!
23:39:56*LinusN hides
23:40:08London_Bladecome here you!
23:40:12London_Blade((runs after LinusN))
23:40:52LinusNrejecting cool feature requests is a hobby of mine
23:48:37alexandreLinusN: there is still bugs in my radio patch but it work with contextual menu on F2 menu, should I continued ?
23:48:57 Join Jet8810 [0] (
23:49:11LinusNalexandre: i haven't had the time to look at it yet
23:49:41 Join BoD[] [0] (
23:49:47BoD[]Hellow !
23:50:09BoD[]how are you linus ?
23:50:28***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
23:50:32LinusNfine thank you
23:51:35BoD[]any news ?
23:51:55LinusNthe fm radio support is news if you ask me
23:52:46LinusNalexandre: btw, use the -u switch when you create patches
23:53:12alexandreyes (I seen it after)

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