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#rockbox log for 2003-05-07

00:29:51 Join Norrin [0] (
00:30:11NorrinNo Linus or Zagor yet huh?
00:31:31 Quit Norrin (Client Quit)
00:35:13 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-away (
00:37:18 Join midknight2k3 [0] (
00:50:07 Join Norrin [0] (
00:53:53 Quit Norrin (Client Quit)
00:54:25midknight2k3seems very cheery and exciting in here!
00:57:05midknight2k3Guess this means that I better finish that rockbox review.. i can't think of ONE single thing to do
01:01:35 Nick seb-away is now known as _seb_ (
01:21:13 Join tracktheripper [0] (
01:22:15midknight2k3hello there
01:22:25midknight2k3sorry i didnt come back in time that one day :\
01:22:58tracktheripperits alright
01:23:18midknight2k3it BETTER BE!! >:(
01:23:19 Quit tracktheripper (Client Quit)
01:23:20midknight2k3just kidding
01:23:26midknight2k3why are you so sensitive?
01:28:02 Quit hardeep (Remote closed the connection)
02:04:44 Join tracktheripper [0] (
02:06:05midknight2k3where did you go?
02:06:20tracktheripperim playing with Partition Magic someone lent to me
02:06:28midknight2k3dont do that anymore
02:06:35midknight2k3you left it wasnt even funny
02:07:29midknight2k3will you stop messing with it?
02:07:50midknight2k3you'll leaveagain
02:07:51tracktheripperseriously, someone lent me Partiton Magic
02:07:52midknight2k3ill be bored
02:07:53tracktheripperim trying it out
02:08:04midknight2k3aww what version?
02:08:13tracktheripperversion 8.0
02:08:21midknight2k3niche nice
02:09:07midknight2k3i have a copy
02:09:13tracktheripperwhat im gonna do is create a partition and install Linux alongside Windows XP
02:09:15midknight2k3that is 'a copy' notice the 'a'
02:09:59tracktheripperIve just done a 'test' partition, (a FAT32)
02:10:08midknight2k3it works lol
02:10:26tracktheripperthat partition was created by splitting my NTFS drive
02:10:50midknight2k3wow nice
02:11:06tracktheripperbut I may convert the other partition back to FAT32
02:11:07midknight2k3any more input on rockbox/
02:11:32tracktheripperDoes Linux run on FAT32 or NTFS?
02:12:12midknight2k3fat32 i believe
02:12:36tracktheripperI think NTFS is a very slow file system
02:13:07midknight2k3i had no idea!
02:13:55midknight2k3let me know before you go off and partition ok
02:16:53midknight2k3da dum dum
02:17:02midknight2k3da da da da da dum dum dum dum da dum dum dum
02:17:05midknight2k3da da dum
02:19:45midknight2k3do you have hbo?
02:19:52tracktheripperok ive done 2 new partitions
02:21:08tracktheripperyea gotta restart my com
02:21:43tracktheripperill let u know tommorow
02:22:30 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving")
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02:44:44 Quit midknight2k3 ()
03:11:36 Join Nixed [0] (
03:36:41 Part Nixed
03:48:40 Nick _seb_ is now known as seb-sleep (
03:50:46Jet8810persuade me people
03:50:57Jet8810I hvae a 20 GB Archos Recorder, why should I not upgrade to the new Ipod?
04:12:20 Join jzoss [0] (
04:18:12 Join Stevie-O [0] (
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04:27:21 Join Norrin [0] (
04:27:41Stevie-Ohey Norrin
04:27:50NorrinHello Stevio-O
04:28:02NorrinOops, sorry, Stevie-O
04:31:33 Quit Norrin (Client Quit)
05:09:21elinenbejzoss: did you ever finish the other ID3 patch?
05:09:28jzossheh. Working on it now.
05:09:40jzossI got sick this weekend, and didn't get much work done
05:32:44elinenbejzoss: sorry about that!
05:32:53jzosss'all good
05:51:10 Quit Stevie-O (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
05:53:31 Part jzoss ("Client exiting")
06:02:14 Join Nixed [0] (
06:02:26 Part Nixed
06:07:19 Join josh966_ [0] (
06:07:31josh966_hello hello
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06:36:59 Quit josh966_ ("ChatZilla 0.8.26 [Mozilla rv:1.4b/20030419]")
06:41:11 Join Guest [0] (
06:44:55 Quit Guest (Client Quit)
07:31:25 Nick dw|gone is now known as dwihno (dwihno@
08:04:21 Join Bagder [241] (
08:16:35 Join awy[baer] [0] (
08:22:49 Quit Bagder (
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08:22:49 Quit Hadaka (
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08:22:49 Quit awy[baer] (
08:22:49 Quit glytchbinary (
08:22:49 Quit MT (
08:22:49 Quit Hes (
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08:23:01 Quit tot|4ma|away (
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08:24:43 Quit Schnueff (
08:24:43 Quit PsycoXul (
08:24:43 Quit tot|4ma|away (
08:24:43 Quit adi|work (
08:24:43 Quit Bagder (
08:24:43 Quit dwihno (
08:24:43 Quit Snorlax (
08:24:43 Quit Jet8810 (
08:24:43 Quit Hadaka (
08:24:43 Quit seb-sleep (
08:24:43 Quit MT (
08:24:43 Quit Hes (
08:24:43 Quit awy[baer] (
08:24:43 Quit glytchbinary (
08:24:52NJointot|4ma|away [0] (
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08:24:52NJoinBagder [241] (
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08:24:52NJoinHadaka [0] (naked@
08:24:52NJoinHes [0] (
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08:24:52NJoinMT [0] (
08:31:54 Join Zagor [242] (
08:41:45 Join calpefrosch [0] (
08:43:13BagderZagor: starting now, I don't make any dailies if cvs update fails
08:43:22Zagorok, goot
08:43:30Zagorthat was the fm problem?
08:43:35BagderI also skip the remove-old part so the older ones should be kept then
08:43:46Bagderseems to have failed several days
09:24:12Zagoryech, 22KB/s upload speed today. ghh..
09:36:53 Join Chief [0] (
09:37:43Chiefdoes anyone know how to install the*new*! FM tuner support?
09:38:12Bagderyeah, get the source, build it, install it .-)
09:38:30Bagderthe daily builds have been wrong the last couple of days
09:38:40Chiefso it's just in the FM tuner download?
09:39:47Bagderbut that's the biggest change the last time
09:40:52 Join matsl [0] (
09:42:50ChiefI'm confused...
09:44:25ChiefSo the tuner isn't fully developed?
09:44:33webmindbtw, is it possible that shutdown when idle on works when it's really idle? so not on pause ?
09:44:34Bagdernothing is
09:44:46webmindon = only
09:45:14Bagderlemme check
09:46:51Bagderthe comment in the code says it shuts down when in pause as well
09:47:23BagderChief: rockbox is constant development, nothing is fully developed
09:47:43Bagderand since the FM tuning support was just added, it is even less complete than a lot of other things
09:48:22Chiefshould I just wait for 2.1?
09:48:58Zagorwebmind: it shuts down in pause. does for me.
09:49:16BagderChief: you decide yourself
09:50:00Chiefif I want it now, I just go to the daily builds and d/l the lastes one?
09:50:10Bagderyes, when they work
09:50:41Chiefsorry fellas, I'm a newbie... I love Rockbox though!!
09:50:58webmindZagor, wel yes.. but it's kinda anoying cause pause means u whish to continue.. which u can't when it's shutdown
09:51:07webmindBagder, i noticed :)
09:52:15Zagorwebmind: that's what resume is for... you don't want it to drain your battery being on pause for hours, you know...
09:54:26Zagoramazing how slashdot users always manage to annoy me about their cluelessness. creative zen???
09:55:30Bagderslashdot users are but eye candy suckers
09:55:40Bagderzen and ipod
09:57:37webmindZagor, uhm yes.. but restarting the archos takes for ever
09:58:12Zagorwell, there is no middle ground. increase your timeout so it doesn't turn off earlier than you want it to.
09:58:43webmindcan't make it an option ?
09:59:25Chiefyou ca nturn off timeout, can't you?
09:59:31Zagoryes you can
10:00:06webmindChief, yes.. but that means it doesnt turn of after playing my list.. which is nice if u want fall a sleep listening
10:00:56Chiefhmm... just crank up the timout time then...
10:01:20Zagoror use the sleep timer :-)
10:01:55webmindZagor, to shut down ?
10:02:01webmindChief, it is an option
10:02:16Zagorwebmind: yes, when you go to sleep listening
10:02:17webmindit's more the i wouldn't consider pause idle
10:03:12webmindbtw, is there any chance of multiple hd + copy support, or can someone do a feat. request for it(wasn't able to make a SF account) ?
10:03:28Zagorhow will you fit multiple hds in the archos?
10:03:42webmindi don't have casing..
10:04:01webmindso i'd use a cable or build a 'splitter'
10:04:04Zagorno but you also only have one disk connector
10:04:18Zagorwhy not then just connect the disks to your pc and copy there? faster and simpler.
10:04:23webmindyes, but it's plain ide right ? so the bus could handle 2 ?
10:04:37webmindZagor, i'd like a portable device to store my foto's
10:04:46webmindu don't lug around a pc on vacation
10:05:10webmindand it would give the archos a nice xtra feat.
10:05:50Zagorcode that depends on exotic hardware modifications are generally written by the people with the mods... :-)
10:06:06webminduhm yes
10:06:21webmindi could make a mod.. jus not much of a coder..
10:08:15HesIf I could make a (clean) mod (that would not require using the thing without the case) I could write the code
10:08:30HesIt would be pretty useful for me, could copy over stuff from my compactflash.
10:09:51webmindHes, original case wouldn't do.. no space
10:10:10webmindnew casing would be an option
10:10:23Heswould have to do a new back side
10:10:32Hesor add a connector of some sort to the back
10:10:51webmindi'd make a new case. since the original is not that suitable for modding
10:13:37webmindwell if u'd remove the front print.. u could the extend the hd maybe just enough to fit in some sort of connector the could split and provide a ide connection to the back
10:13:51webmindu'd stil need to remove a bit of the front of the casing though..
10:16:26webmindi just don't think they'd sell connectors/cables like that
10:17:30webmindanyone got a picture of the front of a player or recorder ?
10:17:38webmindwith casse ?
10:22:25Hes=> lunch
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10:24:28 Quit tot|4ma|away ()
10:30:22 Join tracktheripper [0] (
10:31:06tracktheripperhi Bagder
10:31:19tracktheripperI saw someone's cage was rattled in Sourceforge yesterday!
10:32:15tracktheripperi.e "that was very rude, stop asking for more than 400 files in a folder"
10:33:11tracktheripperif you read it close enough, he said something like, Ive rejected Rockbox on my stupido 20, which probably means he's gone back to the Archos firmware!
10:33:44BagderI'm not that concerned
10:33:48Zagorfun for him
10:34:04tracktheripperhe didnt say if he had a Player or a Recorder though
10:34:15Bagderhe mainly whined and complained on us
10:34:20Bagderwhich is easy
10:34:27Bagderits harder to actually do something useful
10:34:31tracktherippernot even would I do something like that :-)
10:35:05tracktheripperand ive had load of comments aimed at me when 1.4 was released :-)
10:35:52tracktheripperone was "If you want to partition your Archos, use Partition Magic. Rockbox has no reason to partition your harddisk. Do you use Soundforge to partition your PC's harddisk?"
10:36:14Bagdereuh, that's a nice one! ;-)
10:36:18 Join TotMacher [0] (
10:36:32tracktheripperBagder, that was one request I sent when 1.4 was out
10:37:39tracktheripperMind you, you don't play Sokoban on Soundforge :-)
10:39:29tracktheripperwell Zagor, I do have a copy of Partition Magic now. Im gonna try installing Linux alongside Windows XP in its own partiton
10:39:39 Join awy[baer]_ [0] (
10:41:03tracktheripperwhat do you think of that request "Sony's ATRAC3 for WAV files"?!
10:41:33Zagorlovely. I wish I could kiss him. he is so clever.
10:41:51tracktheripperWOW!!! so that means its possible Zagor!?
10:42:20Zagoryeah, right. "you can compress wav into atrac3 [..] and best of all, it's still wav"
10:42:25Zagorwtf is he smoking?
10:42:36Bagdersony propaganda? ;-)
10:43:00tracktheripperBagder, I think the "Codecs" section should be removed from Sourceforge
10:43:10tracktherippersince nothing gets fixed, only rejected....
10:43:46Bagderpeople would only submit them under a different catefory
10:45:09tracktheripperRegarding the ATRAC3 request, he prob meant that when u convert a WAV to ATRAC3, the WAV file is still intact :-)
10:45:22Bagder"Feature Requests ( 334 open / 732 total )"
10:46:25tracktheripperim surprised the "Show BMP or JPEG" request hasnt been rejected, after the comment Zagor added
10:48:00 Quit Chief ("Leaving")
10:48:04tracktheripperAhhh well, in an ideal world, every feature request submitted would be "Fixed" :-)
10:48:48 Quit awy[baer] (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
11:06:59 Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving")
11:16:57Zagorwhee, bittorrent rocks
11:17:10Bagderyeah its cool
11:53:01webmindbtw, can i request an update on the faq?
11:56:34BagderI update q71 now
11:56:51webmindah, k
11:56:59webmindsince i tested it with alkalines..
11:57:14webmindand that does work without overheating
11:57:47 Join Quelsaruk [20] (
11:58:18QuelsarukZagor: are u awake?
11:58:22HesHey, we COULD add .wav file support to rockbox after add.
11:58:24Bagderwebmind: well, it says "might"
11:58:34ZagorHes: ?
11:58:37ZagorQuelsaruk: yes
11:58:52HesI think you can have mp3 encoded content with a valid WAV header which says the file contains MP3 encoded data.
11:58:53Bagderno it says "will"
11:59:11Hes(as well as ATRAC3)
11:59:33Zagoryeah. or we'll simply start the text viewer...
11:59:34HesSo you COULD say you support some .wav files, you just don't support uncompressed WAVs.
11:59:46HesYeah, that would be supporting, just not supporting playing.
12:00:16QuelsarukZagor: i've found out why my pc hangs when i try to mount my jukebox
12:00:24ZagorQuelsaruk: cool. why?
12:01:14QuelsarukSCSI disk error: host 1 channel 0 id 0 lun 0 return code=8000001
12:01:33Quelsarukinfo fld=0x0, current sd08:01: sense key data protect
12:01:51Quelsaruki/o error dev 08:01, sector 33 bread in fat access failed
12:01:57Quelsarukdirectory 1: bad FAT
12:02:13Zagorwell that shouldn't hang the computer..
12:02:15Quelsarukin other words...
12:02:24Quelsaruki have to format my hd
12:02:42Hesscandisk _might_ save you (or ruin the rest)
12:03:18Quelsarukusing windows it hangs. Using linux, i could only mount it read only
12:03:29HesAnd I want to know why SMP box hangs and yours doesn't. Grrr.
12:03:48Quelsarukhes.. dunno :(
12:04:39BagderQuelsaruk: dosfsck it
12:04:54Quelsarukbtw Bagder, using that 'lcd_bitmap(*menu[m].item[i].setting......' worked :)
12:05:28QuelsarukBagder: i tried yesterday and it gave me the same error that gave me mounting the drive.
12:05:46BagderI got that too once
12:05:57BagderI made a new fs eventually
12:06:08Bagdersince then it works
12:07:24Quelsarukdo you remember i couldn't queue mp3s?
12:07:59Quelsarukwell... i made a backup on my computer, formatted the drive, and copied all again
12:08:11Quelsaruknow i can queue files, record....
12:08:17Quelsarukdo whatever i want on rockbox
12:08:24Quelsarukbut i can't mount my drive :(
12:08:32QuelsarukThis is not fair!!
12:11:26 Quit Bagder ("")
12:14:38 Nick Quelsaruk is now known as quel|out (
12:15:21quel|outi'm going to try to mount this again on windows
12:15:59quel|outand i've reduced 15ºC my cpus' temp :)
12:17:52quel|outZagor: i normally don't have that red light freeze, or silent play, but this morning i had some... could my FAT problem cause that??
12:18:26Zagorsince I don't know what causes it normally, I don't know if a fat problem makes it worse
12:18:47quel|outwas just an idea
12:19:20 Join Radd [0] (
12:20:41RaddZagor, can you explain why the daily builds would not have the FM Radio option even though the comments says it's there?
12:21:01RaddI've been waiting for yourself or Linus to show just to ask that question.
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12:24:42Zagorthat was a problem with cvs. the source on the build server did not get properly updated.
12:25:43 Quit quel|out ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta1 "Eve's Avatar"")
12:26:35RaddHas it been fixed? Does the 20030507 build have the FM Radio option or should I continue to use the bleeding edge version?
12:27:33Zagorit's now, so tomorrows build will be correct
12:27:40Zagorit's fixed now, i mean
12:28:01 Quit calpefrosch (Remote closed the connection)
12:30:10RaddThanks, I'll pull 20030508 or later when available. Excellent job by the way. You guys ROCKbox!
12:30:41*Zagor bows
12:32:08 Quit Radd ()
12:38:29 Nick Zagor is now known as Zagor|out (
12:40:50 Join Nibbler [0] (
13:13:20 Quit Jet8810 ("Client exiting")
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13:58:35 Join edx [0] (
14:00:18 Join bobby [0] (
14:01:16bobbyIs it possible to charge the FM recorder with a 4.5v charger?
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14:36:57bobbyIs it possible to charge the FM recorder with a 4.5v charger?
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14:45:29 Quit Quelsaruk (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
15:14:12Zagor|outbobby: no
15:14:13 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
15:14:20 Nick Zagor|out is now known as Zagor (
15:14:53Zagoryou need at least 9V for effective charging
15:29:27bobbyBut the maximum voltage of the fm jukebox li-ion internal battery is 4.2 v, meaning that it should be able to charge it, atleast to an acceptable level without damage, proof being that I just charged it significantly with a 4.5v ac-dc adapter (600 mA max). Is there something I'm missing out on? I realize the original charger is 6v but I believe it is 6v so that it can charge and play at the same time without a critical voltage drop? any idea
15:30:16Zagorah, right the fm recorder might be different. I was talking about the regular recorder.
15:30:34Zagori don't know this info about the fm
15:37:32 Join ken0__ [0] (
15:50:55 Nick Zagor is now known as Zagor|out (
16:07:48 Nick dwihno is now known as dw|gone (dwihno@
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16:37:22 Join Bagder [241] (
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16:57:49 Quit bobby ("Leaving")
17:10:09 Quit Zagor|out ("Client exiting")
17:20:00*Stevie[FP] is back from [like, as in not here] [gone 18hrs 1min 19secs] [KS]
17:46:37 Join Quelsaruk [20] (
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17:47:16QuelsarukBagder: did you take a look at the check icon i sent you ?
17:47:42Bagderbut not in the sim, since it had a different size
17:48:24Quelsarukof course
17:48:28Quelsarukit was a 7x8
17:50:52 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@
17:51:15Quelsarukwell, i changed the code to test it on the sim
17:51:19Quelsarukand i didn't like it
17:51:23Quelsarukso don't worry
17:52:03Quelsaruka 8x8 icon is *too* big, no?
17:52:43Stevie[FP]but a 7x8 is nothing... ?
17:53:45QuelsarukHes: are you here?
17:54:32 Join josh966 [0] (
17:56:01josh966hello, anyone awake?
17:56:17*Stevie[FP] zzzz
18:00:53josh966yes, that will do :) yesterday on /. there was some comparison of zen vs. ipod ... someone was bragging about DnD file moving on the zen and someone else retorted that with the ipod all you have to do is plug in, wait 30 secs while it auto-syncs, and unplug. it would be a nice feature if we could do this! so I was thinking that if we could enable autoplay on the archos (like CDROM drives do) we could place a batch file in the / directory that would run s
18:02:07TBoybagder: shouldn't the FM Support be changed to Supported on the features site
18:02:37Bagderjosh966: write a program that does it
18:05:02josh966Bagder: unison will take care of the syncing, the only hurdle is for the PC to see that the jb is present . I guess one could write a program to check every n seconds but it would be better to have it be event-driven with no new custom software having to run on the pc all the time
18:19:26 Quit TBoy ("Bye guys")
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18:28:40 Quit matsl ("Client Exiting")
18:31:07Quelsarukchanging menus to a 'graphical mode' is difficult :(
18:42:49QuelsarukBagder: are you alive?
18:42:49 Quit mbr (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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18:45:40Bagderon and off
18:46:50Quelsaruk2 things :)
18:46:56Quelsarukif you don't mind
18:49:07Quelsaruk1st, there are few settings that could use graphic icons if we changed the strings, for example Volume display. We can say 'Graphical display'... or Inverted cursor...
18:49:38Quelsarukdo you think we should modify these?
18:50:04BagderI think so
18:50:31Quelsaruknext thing
18:52:04Quelsarukthere are 2 different francais.lang. The last one seems to include all mods made on the mail list. I think we should include that patch. Any objections?
18:52:17Bagdernope, please do it
18:52:44Quelsaruki'll let you sleep again
18:55:15*Bagder bows
18:57:41 Quit josh966 ()
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19:04:26 Join _aLF [0] (
19:07:16QuelsarukBagder: another *bug* in binlang with perl 5.8 or maybe with my computer :)
19:08:19Quelsarukwell.. it's the same problem with italian.lang
19:08:41 Nick Quelsaruk is now known as quel|out (
19:08:52quel|outcoming back in 1 hour
19:09:02BagderI'm about to leave soon
19:11:17 Quit Bagder ("")
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20:03:28KujiA hardware ROCKBOX...
20:03:33Kujisomeone been nicking ideas??
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20:34:29quel|outi'm back
20:34:41 Nick quel|out is now known as quelsaruk (
20:35:40#>>"seen" used by quelsaruk ( [snoop prevented]
20:37:42 Part Kuji
20:37:54quelsarukSchnueff: are you alive?
20:42:53*Stevie[FP] yawns
20:43:42quelsarukStevie[FP]: i need your help :)
20:43:58quelsarukwhich perl version do you use?
20:45:13Stevie[FP]This is perl, v5.8.0 built for cygwin-multi-64int
20:46:23quelsarukyou use cygwin?
20:48:29Stevie[FP]that tends to happen to us Windows users
20:48:45Stevie[FP]although I really prefer activestate activeperl
20:48:59Stevie[FP]but, since I had to get cygwin up and running for rockbox
20:49:48quelsaruki thought you used linux :)
20:50:01quelsarukcould you binlang a file?
20:50:14Stevie[FP]which one?
20:50:20Stevie[FP]and how?
20:50:24quelsaruki don't know if binlang has a bug with perl 5.8 or with my computer :)
20:51:33Stevie[FP]what do I do with this?
20:51:51quelsaruki suppose you have rockbox souce code on cygwin, no?
20:52:03Stevie[FP]you said 'binlang'
20:52:12quelsarukcopy that file to apps/lang
20:52:14Stevie[FP]I speak English, so the defaults are good for me
20:52:36quelsarukStevie[FP]: i normally don't explain myself quite well.. i'm like a closed book :)
20:52:52quelsarukand on cygwin, go to apps/lang and write
20:53:10quelsaruk../../tools/binlang english.lang italiano.lang italiano.lng
20:53:27Stevie[FP]why english?
20:53:45Stevie[FP]string for LANG_stuff missing quotes
20:53:48Stevie[FP]missing ID
20:53:53Stevie[FP]bunch of em
20:53:57quelsarukbecause we generate .lng files using english.lang as 'master' file
20:54:03quelsarukbut only missing id?
20:54:19quelsarukno 'missing ending quotes' or something like that?
20:56:11Stevie[FP]stuffa bout misses quotes
20:56:17Stevie[FP]but no 'missing ending quotes'
20:56:25quelsarukmisses quotes..
20:56:43quelsarukyou get 'String for LANG_WORMLET_PLAYERS misses quotes'
20:56:50quelsarukand some more, right?
20:59:14Stevie[FP]String for LANG_12_HOUR_CLOCK misses quotes
20:59:14Stevie[FP]String for LANG_WEEKDAY_MONDAY misses quotes
20:59:14Stevie[FP]String for LANG_PM_DBFS misses quotes
21:01:00quelsarukAFAIK those strings have quotes, so binlang shouldn't give those errors.
21:01:24quelsarukI think it's a bug, something related to perl 5.8
21:02:45quelsaruki think i've found the error
21:04:14Stevie[FP]yeah, I found the bug
21:04:19Stevie[FP]at least I found the cause
21:04:38quelsarukwhich one?
21:04:43Stevie[FP]line 98
21:04:51Stevie[FP]has a regex
21:04:55Stevie[FP]\" *
21:05:04Stevie[FP]\" *$
21:05:08Stevie[FP]see it?
21:05:22quelsarukline 98 on binlang, no?
21:05:36Stevie[FP]^\"(.*)\" *$/$1
21:05:55Stevie[FP]do you see it?
21:06:06Stevie[FP]change that space to \s
21:06:10Stevie[FP]^\"(.*)\"\s*$/$1 <- like that
21:08:49quelsarukwell... that repairs 1 error :)
21:08:59quelsarukbut still i get others
21:09:41Stevie[FP]what others?
21:10:08quelsaruki still get LANG_PITCH_DOWN and LANG_WORMLET_PLAYERS
21:10:35Stevie[FP]i don't have those
21:10:50quelsaruki ahve them... something in my computer :)
21:11:15quelsarukanyway, don't worry
21:11:20quelsarukand thanks for your help
21:11:20Stevie[FP]i have the strings
21:11:22Stevie[FP]but not the error
21:12:28quelsaruktime to go home
21:12:30quelsarukcu tomorrow
21:12:32 Quit quelsaruk ("Cerrando la cliente")
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21:46:36 Join Guest [0] (
21:46:37 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:47:49GuestHey guys, I checked the FAQ and didn't see the clock on the Archos Recorder supposed to keep time when it's powered off (like is it powered with a cap or something?)
21:53:01 Quit Guest ("Leaving")
22:15:07 Join Jet8810 [0] (
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22:27:56*glytchbinary is away: yay
22:41:18Jet8810the new ipod kicks the Archos';)
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23:57:12 Quit Y3ft (Client Quit)

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