00:00:24 | [IDC]Dragon | Ah, now I get it. the other one is fixed? |
00:00:33 | Zagor | exactly |
00:01:13 | [IDC]Dragon | We'd better use that one then. |
00:01:57 | Zagor | yes |
00:04:18 | [IDC]Dragon | I need to think a bit more on how and where my drive works without being ready. |
00:04:36 | [IDC]Dragon | Following that old code, I mean. |
00:04:45 | Zagor | yeah, that seems very strange to me |
00:05:04 | [IDC]Dragon | Worked for 50% of the people or so. |
00:05:25 | [IDC]Dragon | And gives the famous 3 sec resume. |
00:05:53 | Zagor | yes. it would be good to get that back for the people it works for. |
00:06:17 | [IDC]Dragon | OK, another day. Thanks alot so far. |
00:06:39 | [IDC]Dragon | (It just became my birthday 5 minutes ago) |
00:06:48 | Zagor | wooo, congrats! |
00:07:01 | [IDC]Dragon | Better not, at my age. |
00:07:07 | Zagor | ;) |
00:07:38 | [IDC]Dragon | I'm now a mid-30s guy :-( |
00:12:08 | [IDC]Dragon | One thing about the mask value: I strongly urge to use that only within inits, not at runtime. |
00:12:26 | Zagor | yes |
00:12:42 | [IDC]Dragon | If a thread is accessing the flash, my programming will be disturbed. |
00:13:11 | [IDC]Dragon | So this is a _BIG_ no-no. |
00:13:53 | [IDC]Dragon | Or I have to disable interrupts, I don't like that. |
00:13:53 | Zagor | it's a big nono code-style-wise too, so that should not become a problem |
00:14:49 | [IDC]Dragon | Well, I don't see a code style issue with flash accesses. |
00:15:27 | Zagor | i do. if we need to know a mask value for normal processing, this should be read out to a variable. |
00:16:07 | [IDC]Dragon | yeah, but this is minor, imho. |
00:16:24 | Zagor | perhaps. but i'm pedantic :) |
00:16:47 | [IDC]Dragon | Yeah, I've learned that. Must be in the family. |
00:16:53 | Zagor | hehe |
00:17:42 | [IDC]Dragon | Well, old people like me should go to bed now. |
00:18:04 | Zagor | ok. good night! |
00:18:24 | [IDC]Dragon | (Party is tomorrow, em, today in the evening) |
00:18:55 | | Quit [IDC]Dragon () |
00:23:53 | | Join bombadil [0] (~tb84@p5089E77A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:29:03 | | Join Dragania [0] (~jirc@ool-182d0d94.dyn.optonline.net) |
00:29:19 | Dragania | hey..can someone help me? |
00:29:31 | | Quit Dragania (Client Quit) |
00:36:06 | | Join London_blade [0] (jirc@ACBF6E18.ipt.aol.com) |
00:36:40 | London_blade | hello |
00:36:43 | scott666 | hey |
00:37:09 | London_blade | hello |
00:37:11 | London_blade | scottt |
00:38:01 | scott666 | which archos do you have? |
00:38:06 | London_blade | recorder 10 |
00:40:13 | London_blade | yo Zagor |
00:40:21 | Zagor | hi |
00:40:51 | London_blade | Ive read that flange is achieved by rapidly altering the pitch up and down in quick succession |
00:41:00 | London_blade | so it may be possible on the Archos since it can pitchshift |
00:41:29 | Zagor | each pitch change produces a loud click |
00:42:21 | London_blade | well my Archos doesnt click when i alter the pitch |
00:42:58 | scott666 | so make a patch |
00:43:03 | Zagor | perhaps not a click, but the sound is briefly interrupted. this means we can't do it continuously |
00:43:10 | London_blade | oh righty |
00:43:14 | scott666 | so make a patch |
00:43:22 | scott666 | sorry |
00:43:29 | London_blade | when ive brushed up on my C skills |
00:43:31 | scott666 | i was scrolled up, didnt see it |
00:45:48 | London_blade | lol |
00:46:32 | | Quit _aLF ("bye") |
00:46:41 | London_blade | Zagor ive noticed when the backlight is on and the HD spins up the backlight briefly alters brightness |
00:46:44 | London_blade | Is this normal? |
00:46:50 | Zagor | yes |
00:47:30 | London_blade | What is the screen resolution of the Recorder and Player as I wanna try something |
00:47:47 | Zagor | recorder is 112x64. player does not have graphics. |
00:48:11 | London_blade | oh right cool. Cant the entire matrix of character cells be used as a graphical area? |
00:49:16 | Zagor | no. you need to redefine chars and use them. and you can only redefine 4/8 chars (old/new model) |
00:49:26 | London_blade | oh cool |
00:49:33 | Zagor | for player, that is. recorder uses a graphic display and thus has no limits. |
00:49:40 | London_blade | I wanted to do a very basic "aquarium" screensaver |
00:49:54 | London_blade | basic fish moving around in a "tank" design |
00:50:27 | Zagor | o |
00:50:29 | Zagor | k |
00:50:57 | London_blade | i was gonna do a 1bit image on Paint just to see what a 1bit image would like on those dimensions |
00:51:38 | hardeep | hmmm, i'm seeing the same problem reported on the mailing list where the battery level is showing as 0 even though it isn't |
00:51:50 | hardeep | when i ROLO it sets it correctly |
00:52:11 | Zagor | yes, it seems we've changed something to the worse with the poewr code |
00:52:22 | hardeep | also, every now and then, the resume "ask" screen is cancelling on it's own even though I didn't press anything |
00:54:20 | Zagor | odd |
00:54:30 | Zagor | you are running flash, right? |
00:54:37 | hardeep | Zagor: no |
00:54:41 | | Join _aLF [0] (~Alexandre@AGrenoble-203-1-10-10.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
00:54:44 | Zagor | ok |
00:58:14 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:58:25 | hardeep | Zagor: can I commit that plugin change, or were you making changes to it? |
00:58:36 | Zagor | no, go ahead |
00:59:06 | | Quit mecraw ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") |
01:00 |
01:04:03 | | Quit London_blade ("Leaving") |
01:04:13 | | Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBF6E18.ipt.aol.com) |
01:04:41 | tracktheripper | hiiiiiii |
01:05:35 | tracktheripper | hi zagor |
01:05:55 | Zagor | hi |
01:06:23 | tracktheripper | Zagor when u coming to London? |
01:06:47 | Zagor | no idea |
01:06:52 | Zagor | no plans |
01:07:29 | Zagor | i'm off to bed. see you, guys |
01:07:30 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
01:08:41 | | Quit tracktheripper (Client Quit) |
01:13:56 | scott666 | _blade> scottt |
01:13:56 | scott666 | <scott66 |
01:14:04 | scott666 | ummm |
01:14:05 | scott666 | oops? |
01:33:37 | | Quit _aLF ("bye") |
01:45:50 | | Join midknight2k3 [0] (LaLaLaLaLa@ACAC970F.ipt.aol.com) |
01:46:15 | midknight2k3 | HELLO? HELLO? IS-THIS−− THE−−−−−− ROCKBOX−−CHANNEL?!?! |
02:00 |
02:11:22 | edx | YEAHHHH |
02:11:42 | midknight2k3 | GOOOD |
02:12:13 | edx | Ok but its also 2 AM an i gotta get up at 7... so.. uhm.. how shall I say... I gotta leave you now |
02:12:31 | edx | good nite |
02:12:37 | midknight2k3 | lol |
02:12:37 | midknight2k3 | no problemo |
02:12:37 | midknight2k3 | bye |
02:12:37 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK midknight2k3 |
02:12:37 | midknight2k3 | good night |
02:12:37 | midknight2k3 | WAIT |
02:12:46 | edx | what? |
02:12:48 | midknight2k3 | change your name to "edx`sleep" |
02:13:06 | edx | well i would have left the irc server... |
02:13:08 | edx | so... |
02:13:12 | edx | no matter |
02:13:14 | midknight2k3 | ? |
02:13:15 | | Nick edx is now known as edx`zZz (edx@pD9EABD08.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:13:18 | midknight2k3 | you're leaving? |
02:13:24 | midknight2k3 | rats |
02:13:27 | edx`zZz | :> |
02:13:28 | midknight2k3 | i wanted it to be sleep |
02:13:31 | edx`zZz | ill stay... sleeping |
02:13:36 | midknight2k3 | butr |
02:13:40 | midknight2k3 | i want it sleep |
02:13:41 | | Nick edx`zZz is now known as edx`SLEEEP (edx@pD9EABD08.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:13:42 | midknight2k3 | not zzz |
02:13:46 | midknight2k3 | thnk god |
02:13:48 | | Nick edx`SLEEEP is now known as edx`sleep (edx@pD9EABD08.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:13:50 | edx`sleep | :> |
02:13:50 | midknight2k3 | good nite |
02:13:52 | edx`sleep | nite |
02:13:54 | midknight2k3 | there we go |
02:13:56 | midknight2k3 | :> |
02:13:56 | midknight2k3 | :D |
02:19:34 | | Quit bombadil ("Client exiting") |
02:42:52 | | Join BoD[] [0] (~BoD@m33.net81-67-42.noos.fr) |
02:43:03 | BoD[] | azejfiozej |
02:46:00 | | Quit midknight2k3 () |
02:58:06 | | Join derfel_ [0] (~derfel@ool-4354760b.dyn.optonline.net) |
02:58:17 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:58:28 | derfel_ | hello all |
02:58:54 | derfel_ | does anyone know how the latest "calendar.rock" runs? |
02:59:24 | BoD[] | "how" does it run ? |
02:59:34 | derfel_ | I don't see it in the menus |
02:59:53 | BoD[] | maybe you just have to open the rock file |
03:00 |
03:00:11 | BoD[] | i mean ... navigate to the file and click play on it |
03:00:21 | derfel_ | how do you open a rock file from within the menus? |
03:00:27 | derfel_ | ahh |
03:00:29 | derfel_ | maybe |
03:00:32 | BoD[] | ;) |
03:01:09 | derfel_ | :-D |
03:01:12 | derfel_ | thank you' |
03:01:24 | derfel_ | I thought only rocks can be run from a menu somewhere |
03:03:08 | BoD[] | nop:) that's the beaty of it |
03:08:03 | derfel_ | this is cool |
03:08:16 | derfel_ | two of them don't work tho: viewer.rock and jackpot.rock |
03:08:36 | derfel_ | I get "Can't find entry point" |
03:09:18 | BoD[] | viewer.rock cannot work because it needs an argument (the file to view) |
03:09:35 | BoD[] | for jackpot I'm not sure ... what model do you have ? |
03:09:40 | derfel_ | ahh.. |
03:09:48 | derfel_ | I have a fm recorder |
03:09:56 | derfel_ | I am using the simulator rightn ow |
03:10:08 | BoD[] | ok I believe (but I'm not sure) that jackpot is for the players |
03:10:25 | derfel_ | ahh..o well..that sucks for me :) |
03:10:32 | BoD[] | yeah ;) |
03:10:37 | derfel_ | HA! |
03:10:49 | derfel_ | this firmware is soooooooooooo much better than that crap that comes with the archos |
03:10:50 | BoD[] | what |
03:10:56 | BoD[] | héhé ;) yeah |
03:11:05 | BoD[] | too bad Rockbox don't do hardware too ;) |
03:11:10 | derfel_ | yeah |
03:11:27 | derfel_ | hopefully one day archos will by rockbox, then they will all retire early |
03:11:53 | BoD[] | humm i'm not sure ;) |
03:12:12 | derfel_ | not sure of what? if they would be able to retire? |
03:12:44 | BoD[] | would they want to retire?? |
03:13:07 | derfel_ | when you have the option, things are a lot less stressful! |
03:13:31 | BoD[] | but you retire from a job :) |
03:13:36 | BoD[] | rockbox is not a job |
03:13:39 | derfel_ | true |
03:15:19 | derfel_ | o well...thanks a lot for your help... |
03:15:37 | BoD[] | noprob |
03:15:41 | derfel_ | later |
03:15:45 | BoD[] | bye |
03:15:57 | | Quit derfel_ (Remote closed the connection) |
03:46:29 | | Join diddystar5 [0] (Lee@AC832E59.ipt.aol.com) |
04:00 |
04:01:50 | | Quit hardeep ("BitchX: made with real honey.") |
04:03:39 | | Quit Hadaka (Remote closed the connection) |
04:03:43 | | Join Naked [0] (naked@aka.pp.htv.fi) |
04:03:56 | | Nick Naked is now known as Hadaka (naked@aka.pp.htv.fi) |
04:04:32 | diddystar5 | naked hehe |
04:04:46 | BoD[] | i have to go to bed now |
04:04:49 | BoD[] | seeyouall |
04:04:56 | | Quit BoD[] ("zgloubpz") |
04:57:57 | | Quit diddystar5 ("Gotta Go!") |
04:58:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:00 |
05:02:45 | | Join JasonG [0] (~jgore@CPE-65-29-128-208.wi.rr.com) |
05:04:12 | JasonG | anybody here? |
05:06:32 | scott666 | me |
05:06:41 | JasonG | are you one of the developers? |
05:06:48 | scott666 | no |
05:06:54 | JasonG | =) |
05:07:17 | JasonG | hmm well, i wanted to thank them |
05:07:34 | JasonG | i just bought an archos and was about to return it until i did a google search on a whim |
05:07:43 | scott666 | send a mail to the list |
05:08:05 | scott666 | rockbox really is exellent |
05:08:19 | JasonG | the original FM recorder firmware can't even randomize above entry 20 in a playlist |
05:08:26 | JasonG | since that was a feature i wanted most of all, i was going to return it |
05:09:07 | scott666 | the radio features are still a bit lacking at the moment |
05:09:14 | JasonG | i noticed, but i can wait =) |
05:09:18 | scott666 | yeah |
05:09:28 | JasonG | i just wanted to be able to randomize more than 2 cds, lol |
05:09:31 | JasonG | now i can randomize 100 |
05:09:34 | scott666 | thats the great thing about open source, it'll get there eventually |
05:09:52 | JasonG | I do this shit for a living too, embedded programming and hardware development |
05:10:00 | scott666 | know C? |
05:10:11 | JasonG | that's 80% of my experience |
05:10:18 | JasonG | low level C and assembly |
05:10:28 | scott666 | then get working! theres noever too many developers |
05:10:31 | scott666 | hehe |
05:10:47 | JasonG | i want to know how they did so much without having any of the original source |
05:11:07 | JasonG | unless the ICs are pretty self-contained |
05:11:12 | scott666 | read the mauling list archives |
05:11:23 | JasonG | looks like a lot of the features are canned, like the decoding and power managemtn |
05:11:36 | scott666 | yeah |
05:11:51 | scott666 | all encoding is done by the MAS chio |
05:11:56 | scott666 | *chip |
05:12:03 | JasonG | this was one of the most recent things I designed: |
05:12:04 | JasonG | http://www.medtronic.com/neuro/gerd/explainproced.html |
05:12:07 | scott666 | decoding too |
05:12:44 | JasonG | i have to convert all of my oggs and wavs now =) |
05:13:46 | scott666 | yup |
05:14:49 | scott666 | or reprogram the MAS...but theres no documentation |
05:14:59 | JasonG | oh, it's programmable? |
05:15:15 | scott666 | yeah |
05:15:16 | JasonG | who's the manufacturer, or what's MAS stand for? |
05:15:31 | scott666 | the manucaturer is micronas |
05:15:41 | scott666 | and we have no documenation at all on how to program it |
05:15:52 | scott666 | its all at rockbox.haxx.se/docs |
05:16:04 | JasonG | schematics |
05:16:19 | JasonG | sweet, i'm at home |
05:16:25 | scott666 | hehe |
05:17:31 | JasonG | lol, no parts #s on the ics |
05:17:38 | JasonG | oh wait, nmd |
05:18:18 | JasonG | http://www.micronas.com/products/documentation/consumer/mas3587f/index.php |
05:19:28 | scott666 | but do they say how to program it? |
05:21:08 | JasonG | hmm, i wonder if rockbox is programming it or using some default programming in the mas |
05:22:23 | JasonG | lol, i see where all of the audio features come from now |
05:22:43 | scott666 | heh |
05:22:56 | scott666 | i suggest you join the mailing list |
05:22:59 | JasonG | i see how they do it with a 12 mhz processor now |
05:23:06 | JasonG | i joined |
05:23:15 | JasonG | this is the kind of shit i love working on |
05:23:44 | scott666 | good! |
05:58:18 | | Join Bluechip [0] (~bluechip@pc3-colc1-3-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) |
05:58:28 | Bluechip | Hi all |
05:58:45 | Bluechip | anyone know why the simulator has stopped compiling? |
05:58:57 | Bluechip | I just get "Error 255" !!?? |
06:00 |
06:04:53 | | Part Bluechip |
06:06:50 | | Quit JasonG (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
06:58:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:00 |
07:10:52 | | Nick edx`sleep is now known as edx (edx@pD9EABD08.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:11:44 | | Nick edx is now known as edx`afk (edx@pD9EABD08.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:00 |
08:05:18 | | Quit Hadaka (Remote closed the connection) |
08:05:20 | | Join Naked [0] (naked@aka.pp.htv.fi) |
08:05:32 | | Nick Naked is now known as Hadaka (naked@aka.pp.htv.fi) |
08:58:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:00 |
09:13:50 | | Join earHurts [0] (~zic@pool-141-156-194-200.res.east.verizon.net) |
09:14:12 | earHurts | wooo-hoooo! |
09:15:13 | earHurts | I have excellent new! |
09:29:52 | PsycoXul | what kinda new? |
09:38:22 | earHurts | remember my charging problem? |
09:38:47 | PsycoXul | hmm, not really |
09:39:06 | earHurts | well, battery problem |
09:39:28 | earHurts | I was down to as little as 1.5 hours per charge |
09:40:11 | earHurts | then we did the experiment last night: charger voltage as reported by the debug screen |
09:44:30 | earHurts | Well, it's fixed. I've been ruuning contiously for the last 8 hours |
09:45:02 | earHurts | continuosly, even |
10:00 |
10:13:38 | PsycoXul | cool |
10:21:01 | earHurts | 8:40 now {) |
10:58:25 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
11:00 |
11:18:21 | | Join Galik [0] (~galik@ |
11:40:14 | earHurts | is anybody there? |
11:40:29 | earHurts | does any hear? |
11:40:41 | earHurts | does anybody see what I see? |
11:49:46 | Hes | no. |
11:52:59 | | Join _aLF [0] (~Alexandre@AGrenoble-203-1-11-204.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
12:00 |
12:01:47 | | Join Mine78 [0] (Mine78@host176-160.pool62211.interbusiness.it) |
12:02:21 | Mine78 | Problem: I used the last daily build for the recorder, all works except plugins: it says "incompatible version" |
12:02:24 | Mine78 | anyone can help ? |
12:05:20 | _aLF | you have to get the .rock of the same version |
12:05:52 | Mine78 | but I did |
12:05:56 | Mine78 | I took the FULL file |
12:06:33 | _aLF | arg, I don't know then |
12:07:07 | Mine78 | Now it works, I copied the complete folder, maybe something missing |
12:07:10 | Mine78 | another thing |
12:07:23 | Mine78 | I tried to flash the recorder following step by step instructions |
12:07:42 | Mine78 | but when it is going to flash it says "version mismatch" or a similar thing |
12:07:53 | Mine78 | I backedup my firmware |
12:08:02 | Mine78 | but the next step doesn't work |
12:10:05 | earHurts | 10.5!!! |
12:10:46 | Mine78 | ? |
12:11:01 | earHurts | get a daily build that's a few days older |
12:11:42 | earHurts | my fm has been running on batteries continuously for the last TEN AND ONE HALF HOURS! |
12:12:39 | Mine78 | wow |
12:13:11 | earHurts | yes, I'm actually beginning to worry I've overloaded the battery or something |
12:13:22 | earHurts | what time does archos claim? |
12:13:36 | | Join tracktheripper [0] (jirc@ACBE45B1.ipt.aol.com) |
12:13:43 | tracktheripper | mornings |
12:13:50 | earHurts | 10.5!! |
12:14:52 | earHurts | track, you have am fm? |
12:15:47 | earHurts | hey star wars kid is sueing! |
12:18:29 | tracktheripper | i wish i did |
12:18:33 | tracktheripper | i have a plain recorder 10 |
12:18:52 | Mine78 | can anyone tell me how the VIEWER plugin works ? |
12:20:23 | tracktheripper | sorry don';t know |
12:20:54 | earHurts | it views .txt files |
12:21:14 | earHurts | playing it alone doesn't do anything |
12:21:17 | tracktheripper | oh |
12:21:22 | tracktheripper | i thought it views ID3 tags |
12:21:34 | earHurts | erm |
12:21:36 | tracktheripper | earHurts when can we have an ID3 tag editor plugin? |
12:21:56 | earHurts | jzoss is doing the editor |
12:22:21 | earHurts | why not edit on your pc? |
12:23:41 | Mine78 | how can I use it with txt and not alone ? |
12:23:50 | tracktheripper | well sometimes its |
12:23:58 | tracktheripper | convieninet to edit tags on the fly |
12:25:17 | earHurts | play any .txt file |
12:25:33 | earHurts | ok, on the fly i can see |
12:27:17 | | Join Zagor [242] (bjst@as9-5-6.k.s.bonet.se) |
12:28:12 | tracktheripper | hello Zagor |
12:28:16 | Zagor | hi |
12:28:22 | Mine78 | Hi zagor |
12:28:32 | earHurts | let's all pester Zagor with questions! Me first! |
12:28:42 | tracktheripper | no, mine first |
12:28:43 | tracktheripper | :) |
12:28:44 | Mine78 | I have a Sanity check fail |
12:29:01 | Mine78 | firmware version 1.28 |
12:29:03 | earHurts | ok, let the insane guy go first |
12:29:13 | earHurts | :) |
12:29:17 | Mine78 | thx |
12:29:20 | Mine78 | :) |
12:29:30 | Mine78 | nothing to do with that ? |
12:29:54 | tracktheripper | Zagor when I tried to record a 30Mb file using the spdif all I got was a load of crackle |
12:30:04 | Zagor | Mine78: what's a sanity check fail? |
12:30:24 | Zagor | tracktheripper: as I said, there are lots of things that can be wrong with digital recordning |
12:30:31 | earHurts | the result of too much existential ennui? |
12:30:37 | Mine78 | while trying to flash my firmware |
12:30:50 | Mine78 | I hit F1 and I got the sanity check fail |
12:30:55 | Zagor | Mine78: ah. did you read the flash docs? |
12:31:22 | Mine78 | yes |
12:31:41 | Mine78 | I suppose I have to wait something is programmed, isn't it ? |
12:32:35 | Zagor | no, sanity check fail simply means "you haven't read and followed the instructions" |
12:33:09 | earHurts | Zagor, any idea the expected battery life of a fully charged fm battery? |
12:33:25 | Zagor | earHurts: 8-10 hours iirc |
12:33:35 | Mine78 | If the sanity check fails, you have the wrong kind of boot ROM and are out of luck by now, sorry. |
12:33:40 | Mine78 | this is what is written |
12:33:52 | Zagor | exactly |
12:34:00 | earHurts | ok, I was worried. I'm hitting eleven hours in seven minutes |
12:34:05 | Zagor | what kind of rom do you have? |
12:34:10 | Mine78 | 1.28 |
12:34:21 | Zagor | no, that's version. what kind? (hw info) |
12:34:33 | Mine78 | M=BF |
12:34:35 | Mine78 | D=D6 |
12:34:42 | Mine78 | MASK=0x0302 |
12:34:55 | Zagor | then it should work, and the problem is more likely you haven't prepared the files as per the instructions |
12:35:10 | Mine78 | .................................. |
12:35:19 | Mine78 | I dumped my rom |
12:35:21 | Zagor | *or* it could be you have the rare "special" boot rom that we cannot upgrade right now |
12:35:35 | Mine78 | and followed step by step |
12:35:36 | Zagor | in any case, dragon is the man to talk to. |
12:35:53 | Mine78 | :( |
12:35:56 | earHurts | any idea what the voltage level on the fm is when the unit stops? |
12:36:03 | Mine78 | Thank you ! |
12:36:05 | Zagor | earHurts: no idea |
12:36:19 | earHurts | dragon's responsive to mail on the list |
12:37:09 | earHurts | the funny thing is, I was doen to about 1.5 hours until I tinkered with it |
12:38:20 | earHurts | has anyone tried out hoffman's id3 db build? |
12:38:57 | Mine78 | I think I have the rare firmware. I just retryed all the procedure |
12:39:31 | Mine78 | Zagor, do you think it will solved ? I look the .avi and got stunned !!! Really fast !!! |
12:40:20 | Zagor | i don't know. if the special boot rom is as different as dragon says, supporting it will be almost as big an effort as doing the original flash support |
12:40:35 | earHurts | dragon seems very committed to making flash work |
12:41:08 | Zagor | yes, but i wouldn't count on him working his butt off to support the last 1% of units |
12:41:42 | Mine78 | I think you are right :( |
12:41:58 | Mine78 | can I contact him or will I be ignored ? |
12:42:01 | earHurts | is it a being safe issue? couldn't the special boot just be overwritten? |
12:42:03 | tracktheripper | ive filed my bug report not |
12:42:04 | tracktheripper | :-) |
12:42:08 | tracktheripper | now i mean |
12:43:08 | Zagor | Mine78: he is very responsive, i doubt you will be ignored |
12:43:29 | Zagor | earHurts: this boot rom can not be overwritten |
12:43:54 | earHurts | and it's what loads the flash rom. ah |
12:44:02 | Zagor | exactly |
12:44:11 | Mine78 | how can I contect him ? |
12:44:41 | earHurts | but the flash rom is the same as the normal, or no? |
12:44:54 | Zagor | earHurts: i don't know |
12:45:04 | Zagor | Mine78: look up his address in the mail archive |
12:45:57 | earHurts | or he might consider mail to the list more polite? |
12:47:01 | Zagor | a mail to the list might be more useful for other people too, so it may be the better option |
12:47:44 | earHurts | has any disk spindown code or defaults been changed in the last week or so? |
12:48:01 | Mine78 | how can I mail the list ? |
12:51:07 | Zagor | Mine78: http://rockbox.haxx.se/mail/ |
12:52:00 | Zagor | you should browse the archive first so you don't repeat an already answered question |
12:52:35 | Mine78 | thank you |
12:53:49 | | Quit Mine78 () |
12:54:49 | earHurts | dear lors, eleven hours and still 2.9 volts |
12:55:29 | Zagor | is our estimated-time-remaining value good on the fm? |
12:55:36 | | Quit earHurts (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:56:33 | | Quit scott666 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:57:13 | | Join earHurts [0] (~zic@pool-141-156-194-200.res.east.verizon.net) |
12:57:41 | earHurts | so much for linux stability on pdas |
12:57:50 | Zagor | haha |
12:57:53 | Zagor | which pda? |
12:58:01 | earHurts | zaurus 5600 |
12:58:13 | earHurts | I always irc from the pda |
12:58:24 | tracktheripper | Zaggor did u get my bug report? |
12:58:24 | Zagor | is it comfortable? |
12:58:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:58:40 | earHurts | moreso than gaim on a w2k box |
12:58:44 | Zagor | tracktheripper: yes. but i think linus will look at it. |
12:59:03 | tracktheripper | cool |
12:59:08 | tracktheripper | is Linus the recording man? |
12:59:12 | Zagor | yes |
12:59:15 | earHurts | actually it's pretty cool. I'm reclining on my bed; sometimes I soak my feet in the tub |
13:00 |
13:00:01 | earHurts | it's like reading a tiny paperback, with characters named "Zagor" and "track" |
13:00:22 | tracktheripper | what u on about earhurts |
13:00:35 | earHurts | I irc on a handheld pda |
13:00:43 | tracktheripper | oh righty |
13:00:49 | earHurts | I don't irc on anything else |
13:00:54 | tracktheripper | yea |
13:01:01 | tracktheripper | u know what would be agood idea? |
13:01:07 | earHurts | remember the "n"s? |
13:01:13 | earHurts | what? |
13:01:27 | tracktheripper | plug a webcam into the usb and use the LCD as a viewfinder :)) |
13:01:44 | earHurts | so I see myself? |
13:01:49 | earHurts | oh |
13:01:54 | earHurts | no usb |
13:02:09 | earHurts | needs a cf card, and then I'd lose wifi |
13:02:37 | tracktheripper | earhurts what u mean all the Ns? |
13:02:55 | earHurts | theoretically, I could vnc to my pc, and use its webcam |
13:03:07 | tracktheripper | cool |
13:03:17 | earHurts | when I first irc'd here, i had a buggy pda |
13:03:19 | tracktheripper | earhurts this is my fave request |
13:03:29 | earHurts | the n key was hypersensistive |
13:03:41 | earHurts | what's your fave? |
13:04:16 | tracktheripper | https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=706783&group_id=44306&atid=439121 |
13:04:24 | tracktheripper | https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=706783&group_id=44306&atid=439121 |
13:05:22 | tracktheripper | :)) |
13:05:37 | earHurts | _!+9 |
13:05:43 | earHurts | hang on |
13:06:51 | tracktheripper | did u get it? |
13:06:53 | earHurts | touching |
13:07:35 | earHurts | wonder how hard that would be |
13:08:09 | tracktheripper | pardon? |
13:08:13 | tracktheripper | what is the request? |
13:08:44 | earHurts | touchscreen |
13:09:34 | tracktheripper | :) |
13:13:17 | earHurts | you hear about star wars kid? |
13:13:23 | earHurts | he's suing |
13:14:35 | tracktheripper | y |
13:17:24 | tracktheripper | i think Bjorn and co could be sued by Archos :-) |
13:19:04 | earHurts | reverse engineering is legal |
13:19:05 | tracktheripper | or Archos could be sued by Bjorn and co :-) |
13:19:34 | earHurts | besides, rb increases their market share |
13:19:45 | earHurts | probably quite a bit |
13:20:28 | tracktheripper | we need sliders |
13:20:29 | tracktheripper | :-) |
13:21:02 | earHurts | sliders maybe |
13:24:40 | tracktheripper | what "Invert" for the Player? :) |
13:25:59 | tracktheripper | Earhurts do an "Invert" for the Player :-) |
13:25:59 | earHurts | :) |
13:26:30 | tracktheripper | if the Recorder can have it why not the Player? :-( |
13:27:02 | earHurts | uhuh |
13:27:37 | tracktheripper | its a simple question :D |
13:28:30 | earHurts | uh |
13:28:55 | tracktheripper | well??? |
13:29:10 | earHurts | are you serious? |
13:29:17 | tracktheripper | YES! |
13:29:33 | Zagor | tracktheripper: we've answered this a dozen times: it's not possible. |
13:29:43 | tracktheripper | :-/ |
13:29:44 | earHurts | the player has onlt two lines, right? |
13:29:49 | tracktheripper | :-( |
13:29:55 | earHurts | and a bitmapped font |
13:30:36 | earHurts | we can't directly control player pixels, righr? |
13:30:43 | tracktheripper | right, im off to write the "software tuner" now |
13:31:45 | earHurts | 12 hours continous play on one charge in nine minutes |
13:31:54 | tracktheripper | :| |
13:33:21 | tracktheripper | done |
13:36:27 | earHurts | ? |
13:36:43 | Zagor | earHurts: sounds good |
13:36:58 | earHurts | what? the battery? |
13:37:04 | Zagor | yeah |
13:37:16 | earHurts | yeah, it's curious |
13:37:56 | earHurts | I've NEVER had it last this long |
13:38:33 | earHurts | (which is also what my gf says) |
13:38:40 | Zagor | boo :) |
13:39:54 | earHurts | And no I've been up 22.5 hours taking battery metrics |
13:41:45 | | Quit tracktheripper ("Leaving") |
13:41:58 | earHurts | lost several when the pda excel abended on me |
13:42:35 | earHurts | still, 2e points of data over 1w hours survived |
13:42:39 | earHurts | 23 |
13:44:18 | earHurts | and to make it a good test, it's been the same album all 1w hours |
13:44:23 | earHurts | 12 |
13:45:04 | earHurts | frustratingly, the first half of an opera |
13:52:59 | Zagor | over and over again? |
13:54:52 | earHurts | yep |
13:54:58 | earHurts | on repeat |
13:55:51 | earHurts | and vbr 126, so assume 8 hours for 192 |
14:00 |
14:02:31 | Zagor | i wouldn't say it's that linear |
14:02:50 | Zagor | more frequent disk spinup is only a small increase in power consumption |
14:03:24 | earHurts | i was assuming disk usage was the main drain |
14:03:46 | Zagor | well it depends how you look at it |
14:03:59 | earHurts | yes? |
14:04:05 | Zagor | the unit draws ~100 mA always, with disk spun down |
14:04:51 | Zagor | spinning up the disk twice per minute thus does not draw twice as much power as spinning up only once |
14:05:25 | Zagor | since there is always the base consumption which actually is the biggest (until you do really much disk access, of course) |
14:05:30 | earHurts | what's 100 mA in volts? |
14:05:47 | Zagor | it's not. those are two different entities. mA is current |
14:06:12 | earHurts | i thought you'd sat that |
14:06:17 | earHurts | say |
14:07:48 | earHurts | the disk is noiser |
14:08:03 | earHurts | it's ckick-thumping on spindown |
14:08:13 | earHurts | that's new, I think |
14:09:18 | Zagor | odd |
14:11:43 | earHurts | little bug in debug battery, page three |
14:12:23 | earHurts | when est. remaining is < 3 digits, we get pixel trash after the number |
14:12:51 | earHurts | or is it a clipped charcter more likely |
14:13:46 | Zagor | ah, that page sort of assumes a smaller-than-default font :) |
14:15:20 | earHurts | and i use atadore |
14:15:34 | earHurts | which is > default |
14:15:41 | Zagor | yeah |
14:22:29 | earHurts | down to 2.73 volts |
14:24:36 | earHurts | you're writing code to allow plugins to grab the mpeg memory |
14:40:53 | Zagor | yes |
14:42:24 | earHurts | I suspect the plugins are going to want data structures |
14:42:38 | earHurts | I nearly wanted an avl tree recently |
14:43:00 | Zagor | they are free to |
14:43:11 | earHurts | the data structure will want allocators |
14:43:19 | Zagor | they are free to that aswell |
14:43:32 | earHurts | if not mallocing from the system, from a static pool |
14:43:36 | Zagor | exactly |
14:44:01 | earHurts | you wrote a malloc implementatio. is it linked in? |
14:44:15 | Zagor | no |
14:44:47 | earHurts | i'd rather see one good one, than a bunch of adhocs |
14:45:16 | Zagor | yes, but i don't want to add a lot of stuff to rockbox just because some plugins might maybe want to use some of it |
14:45:35 | Zagor | there is plenty of code space for plugins, and a malloc is not complex |
14:47:23 | earHurts | if we could dynamically resize the mpeg buffer, we might also free up memory for more mpeg buffer |
14:47:45 | Zagor | we can, but only at boot. |
14:48:28 | earHurts | why only at boot? the mas chip needs to know the buffer's extent? |
14:48:45 | Zagor | no but the the mpeg thread does... |
14:49:31 | earHurts | i was assuming there's a pointer to start, and a pointer to end, and a pointer to current |
14:49:42 | earHurts | like a streambuf |
14:50:25 | earHurts | btw, 13 hours, 10 minutes :) |
14:50:25 | Zagor | there is, but the buffer is circular and nearly always full. so we can't change the start or end pointer without interrupting and reloading the mpeg data |
14:51:33 | earHurts | if we moved (say) end back, we'd only have to reload to beginning when current was > end - threshold |
14:53:05 | earHurts | hah! I've never seen w% battery before! |
14:53:07 | Zagor | well, current is constantly moving (at ~20KB/s) and "only" reloading part of the buffer still means we have to spin up the disk one extra time. |
14:53:26 | Zagor | above all, there is very little benefit in adding this rather complex system |
14:54:16 | earHurts | why the extra spinup? |
14:54:52 | earHurts | I mean we jsut move the seek pointer back by however many bytes we need to re-read |
14:56:38 | Zagor | right, in the ideal case we'd only have to spin up sooner |
14:57:53 | earHurts | the next question is, how much statically allocated memory do we have, that isn't used frequently |
14:58:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:58:35 | Zagor | that all depends on your use patterns, of course |
14:59:10 | earHurts | yes |
15:00 |
15:01:00 | Zagor | but yes, there is of course static data that is used only rarely that could be saved by using a common buffer. |
15:01:24 | Zagor | however the gain would be small and the added complexity (== bug risk) big |
15:01:57 | earHurts | valid point |
15:02:39 | Zagor | you can see all static data in the rockbox.map file |
15:03:14 | earHurts | how can tell its size from the map? |
15:04:03 | Zagor | the third column is size |
15:04:29 | earHurts | 5_!+*@ |
15:04:36 | earHurts | thanks, i mean |
15:04:39 | Zagor | ? |
15:05:11 | earHurts | battery is really tailing off, the graph went from linear to a nice curve |
15:05:40 | earHurts | it's the pda. I had the equivalent of num lock on, to enter the battery data |
15:05:46 | Zagor | aha |
15:06:04 | earHurts | no seperate number or symbol keys |
15:25:50 | earHurts | all done! |
15:26:20 | earHurts | 13 hours, 45 minutes |
15:41:33 | Zagor | excellent |
15:53:21 | | Join Neo [0] (~Neo@ |
15:53:24 | Neo | hey guys |
15:53:30 | Neo | can anyone tell mea |
15:53:40 | Neo | are the headphones just cheap on the archose |
15:53:43 | Neo | *archos |
15:53:46 | Neo | casue mine died |
15:53:51 | Neo | bfore 30 days |
15:55:06 | Neo | i need to know today |
15:55:56 | Zagor | yes they are pretty cheap. but they are too covered by the warranty so if you liked them and want a new pair, go see your salesman |
15:56:40 | Zagor | i would however recommend getting new headphones of better quality |
15:58:12 | Neo | did urs die? |
15:58:19 | Neo | after a while u got it? |
15:58:31 | Zagor | i've hardly every used the included headphones |
15:58:40 | Neo | o, ok |
15:58:52 | Neo | otherwise im not having any other problems |
15:59:02 | Neo | yeh, they just stopped working |
15:59:06 | Neo | i have other headphones |
15:59:12 | Neo | to use for now |
15:59:22 | Neo | except my button is still loosee |
15:59:24 | Neo | :( |
15:59:47 | Zagor | button? |
16:00 |
16:00:32 | Neo | yes |
16:00:38 | Neo | the play button is loose |
16:00:58 | Zagor | so you can remove it, or just so it wiggles? |
16:01:10 | Neo | wiggles |
16:01:20 | Zagor | that's normal |
16:01:55 | Neo | ok |
16:01:58 | Neo | alright |
16:02:48 | Neo | i think i had a problem that when i resume that it wouldnt play but now that my headphones arent woeking then thats probably the reason, i probably just couldnt of heard it |
16:03:53 | Neo | when is rombox comming out? |
16:04:09 | Zagor | it's out |
16:04:29 | Neo | how do i get it? |
16:05:03 | Neo | o |
16:05:07 | Neo | i get the .ucl? |
16:05:17 | Neo | and use that instead of the ajz? |
16:05:23 | Zagor | see the docs page on the web site. "how to flash rockbox on your archos" |
16:05:32 | Neo | yeh |
16:05:34 | Neo | im reading it now |
16:06:03 | Neo | so theres a possibility that it could erase my archos? |
16:06:31 | Zagor | not if you follow the instructions |
16:06:51 | Neo | ok |
16:07:11 | Neo | so no more daily builds? |
16:11:25 | | Join Bluechip [0] (~bluechip@pc3-colc1-3-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) |
16:11:32 | Neo | hey |
16:11:36 | Neo | trying to install rombox |
16:11:46 | Bluechip | Afternoon all :) |
16:13:06 | Bluechip | anybody got any ideas on how to fix the simulators? |
16:15:39 | Neo | i get an ata error -32 |
16:15:41 | Neo | :( |
16:16:32 | Neo | but it seems to work |
16:20:36 | Neo | anyone? |
16:21:03 | Neo | well |
16:21:06 | Bluechip | think they all gone away :( |
16:21:11 | Neo | its seeming to work |
16:21:19 | Neo | do u have rombox blue chip? |
16:21:30 | Bluechip | mine is not flashable :( |
16:21:39 | Neo | that sucks |
16:21:41 | Neo | why not? |
16:22:00 | Bluechip | wrong chip inside |
16:22:07 | Neo | that sucks |
16:22:13 | Neo | it boots in like 2 seconds now |
16:22:27 | Bluechip | irony is the fact that the guy who wrote it also has an unflashable player |
16:22:41 | Neo | o |
16:22:50 | Neo | how can i charge without the over 85 rule |
16:22:51 | Neo | u know? |
16:23:08 | Bluechip | no idea - rockbox chargin sucks donkey parts |
16:23:21 | Neo | lol |
16:23:25 | Neo | how do u get a charge? |
16:23:28 | Bluechip | I use the Archos charging or else it never charges properly |
16:23:43 | Neo | yeh |
16:23:44 | Neo | me too |
16:23:54 | Neo | but i mean do u wait until it goes down from 85? |
16:24:03 | Neo | or explain the deep discharge to me |
16:24:14 | Neo | if u know |
16:24:21 | Bluechip | I recharge when it gets below about 20 |
16:24:26 | Neo | ok |
16:24:32 | Bluechip | but it jumped from 67 to 9 last night |
16:24:42 | Neo | but what if i want to take it on a trip the next day |
16:24:46 | Neo | and i want full power |
16:25:05 | Bluechip | are you saying that it will not charge at all over 85??? |
16:25:29 | Neo | yeh |
16:25:34 | Neo | it hasto wait |
16:25:45 | Bluechip | jeez - that sucks big time |
16:25:49 | Neo | because if the batteries get too full then they could fry |
16:25:57 | Neo | well |
16:26:04 | Neo | mine is going up now from 87 |
16:26:06 | Neo | lets see |
16:26:12 | Neo | u dont like ur archos? |
16:26:32 | Bluechip | all great but want a flashable one |
16:26:39 | Neo | o yeh |
16:26:46 | Neo | when did u purchase ur last one? |
16:26:58 | Bluechip | my only one purchased about 3 months ago |
16:27:36 | Neo | o |
16:27:38 | Neo | that sucks |
16:27:46 | Neo | why isnt it flasshable? |
16:28:01 | Bluechip | dunno - there are just different version of the unit available |
16:29:18 | Bluechip | cant tell until rockbox is installed tho |
16:29:34 | Neo | o |
16:29:34 | Neo | yeh |
16:29:36 | Neo | that sucks |
16:30:22 | Bluechip | need to find a replacement chip and pay someone to swap it out for me |
16:30:31 | Neo | yeh |
16:30:39 | Neo | the only difference is that it boots faster |
16:31:00 | Bluechip | i hate waiting for my player to bbot |
16:31:19 | Neo | o |
16:31:21 | Neo | yeh |
16:31:48 | Bluechip | and now, it is just me, i must confess to being a little jealous of others |
16:31:54 | Zagor | Bluechip: fix the simulators? what's wrong with them? |
16:32:16 | Bluechip | hey Zagor |
16:32:32 | Neo | hey |
16:32:36 | Neo | well my problems fixed |
16:32:52 | Neo | thanks |
16:32:54 | Bluechip | trying to fix a couple of bugs introduced by the plugin system, but keep getting compile errors |
16:33:00 | Bluechip | also have a new game to test |
16:33:01 | | Quit Neo ("Client exiting") |
16:33:33 | Zagor | neo: it does charge >85% too, just not the most aggressive mode |
16:34:05 | Zagor | Bluechip: the simulators work fine for me. are you sure you have the latest code? which sim and which host? |
16:34:24 | Bluechip | win32 on a windoze box using yesterdays code |
16:34:51 | Zagor | brb |
16:36:00 | Bluechip | Z: mind you, I have noticed that although the main build spews errors - it actually completely okay - the plugins dir terminates with an Error 255 - maybe things are not as bad with the simulators as it seems, but I cannot work out how to run a plugin |
16:43:29 | Zagor | can you show me a build log? |
16:44:26 | Bluechip | I can only capture the last screenful of info as I have yet to work out how to pipe the output to a file!!! |
16:45:06 | Bluechip | ">" only seems to capture SOME of it!? |
16:45:23 | Zagor | yes, only stdout |
16:45:32 | earHurts | it doesn't get stderr |
16:45:52 | earHurts | on linux, you can use 2> |
16:46:15 | earHurts | Won't cygwin do that too? |
16:46:31 | Bluechip | ">>" does append in my experience |
16:47:10 | Zagor | 2> is not the same as >>. actually type 2> |
16:47:25 | Bluechip | righty |
16:47:27 | | Nick earHurts is now known as earHurts13h45m (~zic@pool-141-156-194-200.res.east.verizon.net) |
16:47:53 | earHurts13h45m | and that means typing 1> too, I think |
16:48:29 | Bluechip | $ make 1> 2> x.x |
16:48:29 | Bluechip | BASH: syntax error near unexpected token `2' |
16:49:45 | earHurts13h45m | bash supports both the "2>&1" and "&>" |
16:50:02 | Zagor | oh, bash |
16:50:35 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
16:50:35 | * | earHurts13h45m thinks. . o 0 O ( Google is my friend ) |
16:50:56 | earHurts13h45m | a thought bubble. like in cartoons |
16:53:07 | Bluechip | i can type make a second time and reproduce only a small section of the build - but nonetheless complete with Error 255 |
16:54:18 | earHurts13h45m | what build is it? |
16:54:29 | Bluechip | yesterday |
16:54:37 | earHurts13h45m | wasn't clean out subdirs just recently added? |
16:54:44 | earHurts13h45m | nevermind |
16:55:06 | Bluechip | nope ...clean download |
16:57:03 | Bluechip | should I presume you guys are linux people? |
16:57:12 | earHurts13h45m | no |
16:57:21 | Bluechip | can YOU get the sim to work? |
16:57:36 | earHurts13h45m | you should presume I'm a midget with a hunchback |
16:57:53 | Bluechip | how do your feet reach the pedals? |
16:58:02 | earHurts13h45m | I gave up on the sim a long time ago |
16:58:15 | earHurts13h45m | I'm running w2k and cygwin |
16:58:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:58:42 | earHurts13h45m | what are these "feet" you speak of? |
16:59:59 | Bluechip | brb |
17:00 |
17:13:12 | | Join blastman007 [0] (blastman00@p50840419.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
17:13:18 | blastman007 | hi |
17:15:34 | blastman007 | why does the game "jackpot" not work on my archos recorder? |
17:15:46 | earHurts13h45m | got no idea |
17:16:02 | Zagor | blastman007: because it's written for players |
17:16:06 | earHurts13h45m | didn't know there was a jackpot game |
17:16:31 | earHurts13h45m | don't be a playa hayta |
17:17:06 | blastman007 | hmm |
17:17:26 | blastman007 | cant they write it for recorders_ |
17:18:23 | earHurts13h45m | take a look at the code, and port it, blastman |
17:18:36 | blastman007 | and why is tetris from right to left? |
17:18:58 | earHurts13h45m | dunno why |
17:19:08 | earHurts13h45m | you a lefty? |
17:19:14 | blastman007 | what is "port" ? |
17:19:27 | earHurts13h45m | move |
17:19:44 | blastman007 | im not a programmer |
17:19:52 | earHurts13h45m | to move to another architecture/language |
17:20:10 | blastman007 | is this the only game for players? |
17:20:21 | earHurts13h45m | dunno |
17:20:30 | Zagor | sure it can be written for recorders too. but it was written more to prove that games can be done on players too. |
17:20:39 | Zagor | yes, it's the only player game |
17:20:48 | blastman007 | ohh |
17:21:10 | blastman007 | will they do it for recorders? |
17:23:03 | blastman007 | and why is snake not inluded in the game menu? |
17:23:25 | earHurts13h45m | dunno |
17:23:52 | Bluechip | back now: family member with "why can't i connect to MSN" |
17:24:09 | earHurts13h45m | zagor's working on dynamic menus |
17:24:20 | Bluechip | go go gadget zagor |
17:24:28 | earHurts13h45m | you have a family? |
17:24:29 | blastman007 | whats zagor? |
17:24:37 | Bluechip | lol |
17:24:46 | Bluechip | one of out resident coders |
17:24:46 | earHurts13h45m | the rockbox founder |
17:24:56 | Bluechip | oh! didn't realise that |
17:25:15 | earHurts13h45m | zagor==bjorn, no? |
17:25:28 | * | earHurts13h45m checks |
17:25:54 | earHurts13h45m | Nick reference Zagor => Björn Stenberg |
17:26:33 | blastman007 | ok and what is a "dynamic menu" ? |
17:26:46 | | Join hardeep [0] (1098@ |
17:27:48 | earHurts13h45m | a menu that sees what rocks you have, and gives you the option to run them |
17:28:30 | earHurts13h45m | then, if you hand snake.rock, it would be in the menu |
17:28:41 | blastman007 | cool |
17:29:09 | Bluechip | ../../apps/plugin.c:100: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type |
17:29:15 | earHurts13h45m | hardeep, when did you make the fix for the recursive dir option? |
17:29:24 | Bluechip | same error on lines 102, 103, 105, and 141 |
17:29:49 | earHurts13h45m | icheck to see if you can cast it |
17:30:04 | Bluechip | it's only a warning |
17:30:17 | hardeep | earHurts13h45m: uhm, last week sometime, tuesday or wed. why? |
17:30:19 | earHurts13h45m | yeah, and it's probably ok |
17:30:34 | earHurts13h45m | I've got the problem again |
17:30:59 | Zagor | Bluechip: yeah, that's because rockbox implements open/close/read/write with different parameter types. i'll fix that some day. |
17:31:03 | Bluechip | Would you expect the sim to run .rocks? |
17:31:07 | earHurts13h45m | on 030714 |
17:31:16 | Bluechip | cool - np |
17:31:31 | hardeep | Bluechip: yeah, both x11 and win32 sims run there own version of .rocks |
17:31:31 | Zagor | yes, the sims run rocks |
17:31:55 | Bluechip | hmm - so it is MY problem then! :( |
17:32:07 | earHurts13h45m | how far are the file funcs from ansi? |
17:32:37 | | Quit blastman007 ("get satisfied! • (Gamers.IRC powered by PlayerLiga.de) »» get it @ www.gamersirc.net") |
17:32:54 | hardeep | earHurts13h45m: the change was made in settings.h on Tue. Jul 15. Please make sure you are using that version |
17:32:58 | earHurts13h45m | four line quit message |
17:33:00 | Zagor | earHurts13h45m: not far. just using int instead of ssize_t etc. |
17:33:10 | Bluechip | i have noticed that "char x[]={'1','2','3'}" in a local procedure causes a call to memcpy which is no longer supported by the plugin system - is there a simple solution |
17:33:57 | earHurts13h45m | make it static |
17:34:01 | Zagor | exactly |
17:34:16 | earHurts13h45m | which is better anyway |
17:34:25 | earHurts13h45m | for a couple of reasons |
17:34:27 | Bluechip | it was precisely that fix which killed one function in othelo |
17:34:46 | Bluechip | i've got a work around, just trying to establish what is going on |
17:34:47 | earHurts13h45m | blue, are you the othelo guy? |
17:34:51 | Zagor | really? how did that happen? |
17:34:52 | Bluechip | yes |
17:35:10 | earHurts13h45m | can you priv msg me, please? |
17:35:23 | Zagor | ah, the code assumed the values would be reset at each invocation? |
17:35:33 | Bluechip | indeedly ;) |
17:35:46 | earHurts13h45m | put it at file scope |
17:36:00 | earHurts13h45m | have ab init function reset it explicitly |
17:36:09 | Zagor | Bluechip: sorry about that. i should have seen that. |
17:37:03 | Bluechip | z: no problems dude, I've changed the code to keep it happy now :) |
17:39:03 | Bluechip | now all I need to do is work out how to test it |
17:39:40 | earHurts13h45m | when I was a lad, I sketched out some simple plans for computer othello bb never got very far, but I learned the value of certian squares |
17:40:18 | Zagor | Bluechip: do you get any .rock files at all in your build dir? |
17:40:55 | Bluechip | no :( |
17:41:10 | Bluechip | it bails with Error 255 when trying to build "bounce" |
17:41:11 | hardeep | Bluechip: you're probably missing a few tools |
17:41:20 | hardeep | Bluechip: you need "dlltool" and "dllwrap" |
17:41:29 | Zagor | can you put up the last screenful or text somewhere? |
17:41:30 | hardeep | Bluechip: they are in the "binutils" package of cygwin |
17:41:47 | Zagor | ah, that sounds like it |
17:43:01 | hardeep | Zagor: btw, the win32 simulator compiled with mingw on linux works! |
17:43:28 | Zagor | really? |
17:43:36 | hardeep | yep |
17:44:18 | Zagor | even http://rockbox.haxx.se/auto/build-recordersimwin32/uisw32.exe ? |
17:44:34 | Bluechip | with complete set of .rocks? |
17:44:55 | hardeep | Zagor: yep, just verified |
17:45:03 | Bluechip | grrrrrrr |
17:45:06 | hardeep | Zagor: as do all the rocks built with that version |
17:45:06 | Zagor | excellent! i'll add the links to the web page then. |
17:47:00 | Zagor | lovely |
17:48:07 | Zagor | bleeding edge link added |
17:48:31 | hardeep | cool |
17:49:23 | hardeep | one thing i noticed with bleeding edge, not sure if it's intentional... plugin errors don't get reported on main creen, have to see debug output to see if they occurred |
17:49:48 | Zagor | that's not intentional |
17:50:37 | Zagor | btw, what is "main screen" as opposed to "debug output"? in linux there is just one stdout... |
17:50:47 | earHurts13h45m | anyone here have an fm? |
17:50:55 | Bluechip | is there anywhere I can get a full working toolkit? |
17:50:57 | hardeep | Zagor: sorry, was referring to the daily builds page |
17:51:16 | hardeep | Zagor: the table doesn't report plugin errors |
17:51:35 | Zagor | i doesn't? do you have an example? |
17:51:52 | earHurts13h45m | blue, what do you mean by toolkit? |
17:52:14 | Bluechip | something that will let me compile the code in the same way as others |
17:52:17 | hardeep | Zagor: take a look at last "Player Norm" build |
17:52:30 | earHurts13h45m | what os do you have? |
17:52:37 | Zagor | hardeep: ok, thanks. odd... |
17:52:37 | Bluechip | 98se |
17:52:44 | earHurts13h45m | get cygwin |
17:53:12 | earHurts13h45m | get all of cygwin, while you're at it |
17:53:22 | hardeep | Bluechip: roland is updating his toolkit to include the new utilities required for rocks |
17:53:31 | hardeep | Bluechip: for now you have to get it manually |
17:54:11 | Bluechip | in which case - I give up - I would rather work a different project than try to smash my head into cygwin installer again |
17:54:15 | earHurts13h45m | cygwin's like those fancy margerines |
17:54:33 | earHurts13h45m | "I can't believe it's not linux" |
17:54:42 | Bluechip | yeah full of undigestible fats which cause cancer of the colon |
17:54:59 | earHurts13h45m | cygwin installer caused you probs? |
17:55:23 | Bluechip | to the point that it ate my machine and I swore never to use it again |
17:55:39 | earHurts13h45m | it's a bit cryptic... |
17:56:02 | earHurts13h45m | install or download probs? |
17:56:22 | Bluechip | eat my machine problems |
17:56:49 | earHurts13h45m | oh |
17:56:52 | earHurts13h45m | that |
17:56:58 | Bluechip | that was AFTER i spent about 45-60mins trying to turn off all the bits I didn't want - which it kept turning back on every time I clicked on something else |
17:57:16 | earHurts13h45m | dependencies |
17:57:43 | earHurts13h45m | the bits you didn't want were required by the bits you did |
17:57:46 | Bluechip | that only work one way |
17:58:04 | earHurts13h45m | it's easiest to get it all |
17:58:28 | Bluechip | no, the bits i didn't want were only required by other bits that I also didn't want, but I had to expand the list to realise that - by which time it is too late |
17:58:43 | earHurts13h45m | although I remember when I first got it, I was on dialup...ugh |
17:58:47 | Bluechip | what a shame that the plugins has broken the compile :( |
17:59:04 | Bluechip | everything was working just fine before |
17:59:13 | earHurts13h45m | and will again |
17:59:14 | Zagor | everything still works if you don't use the plugins |
17:59:37 | Zagor | and everything still builds if you install the required build tools |
17:59:39 | Bluechip | yes indeed - what a shame I am trying to debug a plugin |
17:59:54 | Bluechip | also what a shame that my new code needs to be produced as a plugin |
18:00 |
18:00:12 | Bluechip | i suppose I could embed it into the main code and let someone else do the conversion like last time |
18:00:23 | earHurts13h45m | plugins are a good idea |
18:00:46 | earHurts13h45m | and it's already been unembeded |
18:01:09 | Bluechip | not commenting on the value of the idea - just trying to get the damn things to compile |
18:01:16 | Bluechip | ...under sim |
18:01:40 | Bluechip | I can ignore the fatal errors, i just can't debug the plugins any more |
18:01:59 | earHurts13h45m | hardeeps, if he isn't using cygwin, is he using the mingw toolchain? |
18:02:32 | hardeep | earHurts13h45m: well, we're using the mingw tools package for cygwin |
18:03:02 | earHurts13h45m | there's a mingw for cygwin now? |
18:03:05 | earHurts13h45m | why? |
18:03:16 | Bluechip | who cares why - will it fix my problem? |
18:03:28 | earHurts13h45m | well, apparently |
18:03:42 | hardeep | earHurts13h45m: why not? :) it allows you to build the gui stuff |
18:03:54 | earHurts13h45m | but I suspect you'll need to compile it |
18:04:00 | earHurts13h45m | under cygwin |
18:04:09 | hardeep | Bluechip: i've told you what you need, the "binutils" cygwin package, download that and you'll have everything up and working again |
18:04:11 | earHurts13h45m | oh right |
18:04:14 | earHurts13h45m | cygwin |
18:04:39 | earHurts13h45m | no, wait, you can get to the mswin32 apibfrom cygwin |
18:04:45 | Bluechip | i will try to work out how to obtain this util without killing my machine |
18:05:01 | hardeep | earHurts13h45m: i'm sure there are other ways, this is just what we're using |
18:05:12 | hardeep | earHurts13h45m: it's also compatible with the linux compile of the win32 simulator |
18:05:17 | earHurts13h45m | ok, |
18:05:41 | earHurts13h45m | so you build mingw using cygwin? an I undertsanding correctly? |
18:06:01 | hardeep | earHurts13h45m: nah, no need to build, there's already a package for it |
18:06:13 | earHurts13h45m | binaries? |
18:06:18 | hardeep | earHurts13h45m: yes |
18:06:47 | earHurts13h45m | so blue just needs which, cygwin or mingw binaries? |
18:07:08 | Bluechip | binutils apparently - but god only knows how to get these |
18:07:38 | earHurts13h45m | use the cygwin installer, check only binutils? |
18:07:51 | earHurts13h45m | It's Wagner time! |
18:08:23 | earHurts13h45m | hmm. Rienzi? no, siegfried. |
18:08:34 | Bluechip | i did mention earlier that there wasn't a chickens chance in a super-nove that cygwin installed will get the chance to eat my machine again |
18:09:12 | hardeep | Bluechip: there are ways to manually install the package as well... see the cygwin faq |
18:09:18 | Zagor | Bluechip: what are you compiling with? |
18:09:42 | Bluechip | god knows - whatever I downloaded from the rockbox web page |
18:09:54 | earHurts13h45m | mmm, fried chicken |
18:10:02 | Zagor | heh, cygwin then :) |
18:10:20 | earHurts13h45m | no fried chicken?? |
18:10:29 | * | earHurts13h45m hungry |
18:10:39 | Bluechip | all i need to do is find the files that were missing from the official dev kit and maybe I can sima .rock |
18:10:54 | Bluechip | but all I have to work with is RTFF |
18:12:44 | Bluechip | seems that all my efforts to help rockbox are in vain - when I offered to help crack the MAS, all I got was reams of "that's impossible" |
18:13:42 | earHurts13h45m | no, you've given us a vey fun game |
18:14:00 | Zagor | Bluechip: you did? i thought we had a reasonable discussion about it the other day. |
18:14:03 | earHurts13h45m | I've enjoyed it quite a bit |
18:15:12 | Bluechip | Perhaps this group's methods are just alien to me - the last team I was in worked together quite tightly - but then, it was a smaller group |
18:15:43 | Bluechip | The other night, I felt that I shared everything I had to date, and did not get any of my questions answered |
18:15:51 | Zagor | what are out alien methods? i don't understand what you are referring to. |
18:16:24 | Zagor | which questions was that? i answered a few about the mas. |
18:16:52 | Bluechip | I have tried and tried to help out here at rockbox, but i feel that it is a closed group, and I am just not with the "in" crowd |
18:17:37 | Bluechip | without reading back over the logs, the only Q I recall asking was with regard to contacting micronas |
18:18:20 | Zagor | it's unfortunate you feel this way. personally I take pride in welcoming all developers who want to help. |
18:20:11 | earHurts13h45m | You know, it's easy for different people to get different impression, especially in text only media, like irc and email. |
18:20:30 | Zagor | what was the question about contacting micronas? if we've done it? if so, no we haven't tried officially. but i recall someone talked to them and they were interested in talking, if we planned to buy >1000 units |
18:21:32 | Bluechip | perhaps a little more effort could be put in there before we start reversing their stuff |
18:21:40 | Zagor | naturally, it can't hurt trying again. it's just not very high up on my personal priority list. |
18:21:47 | Zagor | yes, i agree |
18:22:06 | Bluechip | do we have any "codec" code? |
18:22:19 | Bluechip | ...other than the Terratec stuff |
18:22:24 | Zagor | not that i know |
18:23:37 | Bluechip | does ANYone know ANYthing about the terratec? |
18:23:54 | Zagor | i don't :) |
18:23:57 | Bluechip | ....even if we could use their codecs, that would be a start |
18:24:02 | Bluechip | darn! |
18:24:09 | earHurts13h45m | have you asked on usenet? |
18:24:29 | Bluechip | no, not a usenet man myself |
18:24:47 | Zagor | yes it would. however i suspect they've spent money developing it and are unwilling to publish it freely (they may even be legally restrained) |
18:24:51 | Bluechip | one day they will write a decent newsreader for windoze that is NOT called Outlook and I will run it ;) |
18:25:18 | earHurts13h45m | xnews is quirky but quite nice |
18:25:44 | earHurts13h45m | it's not an offline reader, but hamster can be used to cache news |
18:26:05 | Zagor | Bluechip: how come you still use windows? most programmers tend to shift to a free unix sooner or later. (no flame, just curious) |
18:26:05 | Bluechip | would there be anything to stop home users holding a copy of terratec firmware on their own hard-drive? |
18:26:20 | Zagor | Bluechip: apart from it being terratec property? |
18:26:28 | Bluechip | mainly for the software |
18:26:39 | Bluechip | freely downloadable |
18:27:27 | Zagor | i always feel there is too little free software for windows... |
18:28:45 | Bluechip | there is also my resistance to change, hence why I still run 98se |
18:28:47 | earHurts13h45m | that's why you get cygwin. |
18:28:50 | earHurts13h45m | whoops |
18:29:37 | | Join JasonG [0] (~jgore@CPE-65-29-128-208.wi.rr.com) |
18:30:11 | Zagor | Bluechip: terratec firmware being freely downloadable means anyone can download it from their site. it still doesn't mean we are allowed to distribute it, or use parts of it in our firmware. however it's definitely worth asking them. |
18:30:26 | JasonG | hi guys |
18:30:27 | Bluechip | i think also, working in the private sector for so long, you realise that everything is released for windows - try compiling your phoenix bios code under linux - maybe possible, but totally unsupported |
18:30:54 | Bluechip | we do not need to distribute it - they already do that for us |
18:31:28 | Zagor | Bluechip: yeah, but it's not very practical if we'd want the feature in rockbox |
18:32:20 | Bluechip | a link to their f/w with a free advert? |
18:33:21 | Bluechip | to me it is just another file on the internet - download it, slap it on a hard drive somewhere |
18:34:03 | Bluechip | if a program then opens this file (such as grep, or explorer, or rockbox) then is that a problem? |
18:34:30 | Zagor | no |
18:34:51 | Bluechip | so you have a solution :) |
18:34:52 | Zagor | however it's a rather messy way to integrate it into rockbox :) |
18:35:03 | | Quit Galik (Remote closed the connection) |
18:35:08 | Bluechip | open file, read data, close file ? |
18:35:27 | Bluechip | maybe a user could do "save data" |
18:35:40 | Zagor | well the file is an .exe so it's a bit more than that. |
18:35:50 | Bluechip | what file is an exe? |
18:35:55 | JasonG | hey, I wanted to thank you for working on this.. bought an Archos the other day and almost returned it after I found out it couldn't randomize worth crap |
18:36:09 | Zagor | the firmware file distributed by terratec |
18:36:10 | JasonG | did a last ditch google search, and found rockbox, lol |
18:36:28 | Bluechip | JG: Welcome to the future ;) |
18:36:42 | Bluechip | z: its a self extracting archive |
18:36:50 | Bluechip | the firmware is a .bin |
18:36:56 | JasonG | and I'm also an embedded software engineer, so I'm looking at the schematics |
18:37:08 | Bluechip | hey cool :) muchos welcome :) |
18:37:33 | Zagor | JasonG: which model did you buy? |
18:37:39 | JasonG | FM Recorder 20 |
18:37:49 | Zagor | good choice |
18:37:57 | JasonG | it was only $10 more than the others |
18:38:03 | Bluechip | stll favour the recorder20 personally |
18:38:07 | earHurts13h45m | excellent! |
18:38:26 | earHurts13h45m | Jason, I wonder if you have a moment... |
18:38:32 | Zagor | Bluechip: actually, so do I :) |
18:38:36 | JasonG | sure |
18:38:51 | earHurts13h45m | excellent! |
18:38:57 | JasonG | I was going to look at the source and schematics and see if I can do anything to help with the tuner functionality |
18:39:08 | earHurts13h45m | You've installed rockbox on your fm? |
18:39:11 | Bluechip | Z: can we do data via digital I/O - or is this also on the other side of the MAS? |
18:39:17 | JasonG | yeah, 7/25's build |
18:39:21 | | Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-71-45.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
18:39:29 | Zagor | Bluechip: it's connected to the mas only |
18:39:31 | earHurts13h45m | and you have it at hand? |
18:39:37 | JasonG | yep |
18:39:43 | earHurts13h45m | superb! |
18:39:47 | scott666 | hey all |
18:39:57 | Bluechip | if we can crack this MAS we will open pandoras box |
18:40:06 | Zagor | Bluechip: indeed |
18:40:08 | earHurts13h45m | would you mind plugging in the charger, and stopping playback? |
18:40:08 | JasonG | i was looking at the MAS datasheet last night |
18:40:20 | Zagor | i'd say the terratec firmware can be our rosetta stone |
18:40:24 | JasonG | does Rockbox program the decoding firmware into it, or does it use the default? |
18:40:26 | Bluechip | don't suppose you have contacts at micronas? |
18:40:33 | Zagor | JasonG: the default |
18:40:38 | Bluechip | we just use the default :( |
18:40:45 | JasonG | does the Archos ROM use the default too? |
18:40:49 | Zagor | yes |
18:41:01 | scott666 | but the terratec firmware doesnt? |
18:41:01 | JasonG | sorry, i'm being lazy, i just haven't looked into it yet |
18:41:16 | Bluechip | no, much easier to ask first - save doing the same work trwice |
18:41:25 | JasonG | so i should turn it on, play something, plug in the charger, and stop it? |
18:41:44 | earHurts13h45m | no, plug, but don't play anything |
18:41:51 | Zagor | scott666: it appears not. they advertise "Variable playback speed possible without affecting pitch" which requires custom dsp code |
18:42:14 | earHurts13h45m | then go to menu (f1 key) |
18:42:22 | JasonG | ear: but what am I stopping if I plug it in? |
18:42:27 | earHurts13h45m | scroll to debig, then view battery |
18:42:28 | Bluechip | there is apparently a player by a company called Terratec which also uses the MAS chip, they offer features that are not supported by the native MAS code - so we may have a route in |
18:42:29 | JasonG | err, if i don't start anything |
18:43:01 | earHurts13h45m | turn it on, just don't play any music |
18:43:09 | JasonG | I wish I was still at my previous employer, doing work for polk. i'm sure i could get specs for the MAS |
18:43:25 | Bluechip | still have friends at the old company? |
18:43:35 | Bluechip | i am currently trying this myself :) |
18:43:52 | earHurts13h45m | ahem, clean room |
18:43:53 | JasonG | i did a wireless 5.1 system for polk using 802.11 |
18:44:04 | Bluechip | cooool |
18:44:13 | earHurts13h45m | wifi? |
18:44:19 | earHurts13h45m | er, yes |
18:44:42 | JasonG | ear: says battery voltage scale 4.17 - 4.20 V |
18:45:01 | JasonG | external: 1.3 V |
18:45:03 | JasonG | charger: present |
18:45:50 | earHurts13h45m | external is q.e? what,s battery? |
18:46:07 | earHurts13h45m | s/q.e/1.3 |
18:47:00 | earHurts13h45m | is the charger plugged in to the outlet/mains? |
18:47:16 | JasonG | ? i don't know what you mean |
18:47:27 | JasonG | i'm just using the DC charger, DC IN |
18:48:12 | earHurts13h45m | right |
18:48:31 | earHurts13h45m | is the dc charger plugged into the wall? |
18:48:38 | JasonG | yep |
18:49:15 | earHurts13h45m | and it's 1.3 V, and battery is 4.17 V? |
18:49:45 | JasonG | external goes between 1.00 and 1.50 V, but it is fully charged |
18:49:56 | earHurts13h45m | on the screen that starts "Power Status"? |
18:50:01 | JasonG | yep |
18:50:10 | earHurts13h45m | ok, thanks |
18:50:14 | earHurts13h45m | that's odd |
18:50:20 | JasonG | is it? |
18:50:30 | earHurts13h45m | well, no |
18:50:39 | earHurts13h45m | Yours may be corect. |
18:50:56 | earHurts13h45m | but my external is 6.95 V |
18:51:10 | JasonG | same unit? |
18:51:18 | earHurts13h45m | recorder fm |
18:51:27 | JasonG | and is the battery charged? |
18:51:37 | earHurts13h45m | charging |
18:51:42 | Zagor | Bluechip: it seems our dcc chat isn't working |
18:51:53 | JasonG | aren't li-ions charged with varying voltages? |
18:51:55 | Bluechip | hmmm, do you use any other form of IM? |
18:52:06 | JasonG | if there's an IC charger chip, it'll vary voltage based on your charge |
18:52:21 | Zagor | Bluechip: we can use private irc messages without dcc |
18:52:40 | earHurts13h45m | yeah, it'll run down a bit lower |
18:53:19 | earHurts13h45m | but yours is new and un-modded, so I trust it more |
18:54:00 | earHurts13h45m | I'm completely ignorant about electricity |
18:54:40 | JasonG | li-ions are charged based on change in current and voltage over time, it's really screwy |
18:55:20 | earHurts13h45m | it's odd. |
18:55:43 | JasonG | and i don't know if that number is from the charger or what |
18:56:06 | earHurts13h45m | i was having very bad battery problems, getting as little as 1.5 hours fully charged to no power |
18:56:48 | Zagor | JasonG: the unit (not the charger) handles the charging "intelligence". it's done by a chip. |
18:56:59 | earHurts13h45m | then I tinkered and got charger voltage up to 6.9, and got 13.75 hours |
18:57:09 | JasonG | i figured, that'd be a shitty thing to have to do in software =) |
18:57:15 | Zagor | indeed |
18:58:40 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:59:06 | earHurts13h45m | recorder does it in software, yes? |
18:59:20 | JasonG | i'm trying to look for DC IN on the schematics |
18:59:30 | Zagor | well recorder does nimh charging, which is much simpler. |
18:59:36 | JasonG | yeah |
18:59:39 | Zagor | basically all we control is on/off |
18:59:50 | JasonG | you mean players |
18:59:59 | Zagor | no, the non-fm recorders |
19:00 |
19:00:00 | JasonG | recorders have li-ion, right |
19:00:06 | JasonG | players have nimh |
19:00:07 | Zagor | only fm has liion |
19:00:09 | Bluechip | no NiMh |
19:00:11 | JasonG | oh, ok |
19:00:18 | Bluechip | 4 x AA |
19:00:44 | JasonG | do you have FM recorder schematics? |
19:02:36 | Zagor | no |
19:02:58 | Zagor | hardeep: compile status table bug fixed |
19:03:16 | hardeep | Zagor: merci |
19:03:27 | JasonG | oh there it is, Linear 1734 |
19:03:59 | earHurts13h45m | The ancient Cretan alphabet? |
19:04:08 | JasonG | man, I can't believe they fit all this into a package this small, with a battery and all |
19:04:24 | scott666 | open it up and see for yourself |
19:04:32 | earHurts13h45m | It's quite tight. |
19:04:51 | earHurts13h45m | the battery is sandwiched between the board and the hdd |
19:04:51 | JasonG | i've designed some this small, but it didn't have nearly as much crap =) |
19:05:00 | Zagor | haha |
19:05:08 | Bluechip | lol |
19:05:28 | earHurts13h45m | any idea what the tiny screw on the top of the board is for? |
19:05:28 | JasonG | i wonder if they did heat stress tests |
19:06:33 | JasonG | ear: according to the datasheet, the voltage is at 1.5 when charging and dips down to 0 as the battery completes charge |
19:06:35 | earHurts13h45m | said screw doesn't really attach to anything |
19:06:43 | JasonG | so you shouldn't be seeing above 1.5 V, if you have a li-ion unit |
19:06:54 | earHurts13h45m | hmm |
19:07:00 | Bluechip | I was wondering - do you think it would be possible to attach an IR sensor for a PC motherboard to the Archos? If so, is the "read ir" flexible enough? |
19:07:02 | JasonG | you might have broke it =) |
19:07:11 | earHurts13h45m | quite possibly |
19:07:15 | JasonG | i've done some IR stuff |
19:07:18 | earHurts13h45m | I opened it up |
19:07:32 | Bluechip | looking for a simple solution that anybody cqan implement |
19:08:18 | earHurts13h45m | what datasheet are you looking at Jason? |
19:08:19 | JasonG | this thing is a lot like something I designed for medtronic, except data was flash-based, and there was no audio |
19:08:21 | JasonG | but it was wireless |
19:08:31 | JasonG | http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/1734i.pdf |
19:08:46 | JasonG | http://www.medtronic.com/neuro/gerd/explainproced.html |
19:14:23 | earHurts13h45m | jason, maybe you can speculate on something else |
19:14:55 | JasonG | like why archos doesn't ditch their firmware and use yours |
19:15:06 | earHurts13h45m | well, not mine |
19:15:25 | earHurts13h45m | my contribution has been minimal |
19:15:37 | JasonG | the collective "yours" =) |
19:15:44 | | Quit edx`afk (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
19:15:59 | Bluechip | JG: Are you rtying to get "corporate" and "free" in the same sentence? lol |
19:16:07 | earHurts13h45m | at one point during charging, my external voltage was lower |
19:16:16 | | Join Galik [0] (~galik@ |
19:16:23 | JasonG | like i said, i would have returned it if i wouldn't have found rockbox |
19:16:38 | earHurts13h45m | and i was getting output to the headphones. low volume white noise |
19:17:05 | earHurts13h45m | not the charger noise; through the headphones |
19:17:16 | earHurts13h45m | a short? |
19:17:35 | JasonG | it was off? |
19:17:53 | earHurts13h45m | on |
19:17:59 | JasonG | what is "low voltage"? |
19:18:15 | earHurts13h45m | 4.x |
19:18:31 | JasonG | i still don't see how it can be above 1.5 |
19:18:35 | Zagor | JasonG: you should tell archos that |
19:18:40 | JasonG | i'd have to answer that question first |
19:18:57 | Zagor | i mean "i would have returned it if i wouldn't have found rockbox" |
19:19:17 | JasonG | the thing couldn't even randomize above entry 20 in a playlist |
19:19:21 | JasonG | that was like the biggest reason I bought the thing |
19:19:50 | JasonG | I had a nice big old playlist of 600 songs, and it just shuffled among the first 20, lol |
19:19:56 | Bluechip | Rockbox is possibly the best thing since lift-up toilet seats |
19:20:04 | scott666 | lol |
19:20:07 | Zagor | haha |
19:20:56 | JasonG | i'm surprised at how canned everything is |
19:21:13 | JasonG | fm tuner, charger, decoder, usb-ata bridge, etc |
19:21:19 | Bluechip | is the guy here who reported the "last move" bug in othelo |
19:21:27 | scott666 | yup |
19:24:29 | Zagor | JasonG: yeah, the hardware is nice. that's why we started the project. "with all this cool hardware, *this* was all they did?" :) |
19:25:14 | JasonG | it helps reverse engineering, too =) |
19:25:22 | Zagor | yeah |
19:25:24 | JasonG | as long as the parts aren't proprietary |
19:25:24 | Bluechip | JG: So, dude, I don't want to sound tooo enthusiastic, but what are the odds of getting hold of the MAS sdk? |
19:25:40 | JasonG | i have no idea, i've never even heard of micronas |
19:25:46 | JasonG | i don't know how tight they'd be with it |
19:26:27 | JasonG | but even if you could do like wavs, would the micro be able to handle the throughput? |
19:26:37 | Bluechip | I do wonder that if they started the bidding at 1000 units, how much 500 units would cost |
19:28:41 | Zagor | JasonG: nog 44.1 kHz /16 bit wavs. we're limited to 1Mbit data. |
19:28:47 | Zagor | not |
19:29:46 | JasonG | is codespace limited to the micro's RAM space? |
19:29:48 | JasonG | or can it page? |
19:30:10 | Zagor | Bluechip: here is a mail from another guy who asked micronas: http://rockbox.haxx.se/mail/archive/rockbox-archive-2002-07/0366.shtml |
19:30:12 | Bluechip | micros ram afaik |
19:30:21 | Zagor | yes |
19:30:23 | JasonG | so how much of it is rockbox currently using |
19:30:28 | Bluechip | 0 |
19:30:44 | Zagor | JasonG: do you mean the dsp ram space, or the cpu's? |
19:30:48 | JasonG | cpu |
19:30:59 | Bluechip | !0 |
19:31:01 | JasonG | to me, micro = sh1 |
19:31:25 | Zagor | well we're using all ram. all that isn't used by rockbox code is used for mp3 buffer |
19:31:36 | JasonG | i mean micro as in microcontroller, not micronas =) |
19:31:50 | JasonG | so rockbox is about as big as it can get? |
19:31:58 | Zagor | you can see how much rockbox uses by going to menu->info and subtracting the buffer size from 2MB |
19:32:41 | Zagor | no, rockbox can grow lots. we just don't want it to, since a big buffer space is important. |
19:33:06 | Zagor | we've just added a plugin loader so we can swap seldom-used parts of the code out to save space |
19:33:15 | earHurts13h45m | what, no clippy?! |
19:33:27 | Zagor | :) |
19:33:35 | JasonG | so it's like 300k |
19:33:41 | Zagor | yes |
19:34:01 | JasonG | write a VMM driver =) |
19:34:23 | Bluechip | Z: I get the impression that the (very helpful) guy who wrote to Micronas was not "in the industry" and maybe they smelled that and did not want to deal with HOME users |
19:34:27 | Zagor | we could, but then we'd have to keep the disk spinning which would negate the gains... |
19:34:38 | Zagor | Bluechip: very possible |
19:34:52 | JasonG | but i mean, just page in the demos and games and stuff |
19:34:57 | JasonG | although I don't know which takes up the most ram |
19:35:04 | Zagor | JasonG: that's exactly what we do with plugins. |
19:35:05 | earHurts13h45m | oh, hell, Zagor won't even add malloc :) |
19:35:15 | JasonG | but plugins to me sounds like you'd have to do it manually? |
19:35:26 | earHurts13h45m | much less operator new |
19:35:30 | Zagor | yes, such as choose "tetris" in the menu :) |
19:35:45 | JasonG | oh, ok, then we're talking about the same thing |
19:36:17 | JasonG | so it's 300k not including plugins? |
19:36:27 | earHurts13h45m | erm |
19:36:39 | Zagor | no, it includes the plugin space. they have a dedicated memory are. |
19:36:46 | Zagor | 32kb |
19:36:49 | earHurts13h45m | the firmware won't load more than 204 |
19:36:50 | JasonG | but just enough room for one plugin |
19:36:53 | JasonG | not all, right? |
19:36:56 | Zagor | exactly |
19:37:09 | JasonG | and that's why there's a lot more plugins, eh |
19:37:32 | Zagor | yup |
19:37:40 | Zagor | i gotta go. talk to you later, all |
19:37:44 | earHurts13h45m | bye |
19:37:47 | JasonG | you mean Archo's firemware won't load more than 204 from disk, ear? |
19:37:53 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
19:37:54 | earHurts13h45m | right |
19:37:54 | JasonG | cya zag |
19:37:54 | Bluechip | Laters Mr Z |
19:38:17 | JasonG | but you essentially have another bootloader with the plugin thing |
19:38:22 | earHurts13h45m | which we were up against until the plugins |
19:38:47 | earHurts13h45m | a dll or.so loader |
19:39:24 | earHurts13h45m | there's a seperate bootloader |
19:43:20 | | Quit earHurts13h45m (Remote closed the connection) |
19:44:12 | | Join earHurts [0] (~zic@pool-141-156-194-200.res.east.verizon.net) |
19:44:40 | earHurts | linux more stable for pdas? nope |
19:45:35 | scott666 | heh |
19:45:59 | | Join Mine78 [0] (Mine78@host77-22.pool80116.interbusiness.it) |
19:46:09 | | Part Mine78 |
19:46:19 | earHurts | any other fm owners? |
19:46:46 | scott666 | me |
19:47:19 | earHurts | want to do my voltage test? |
19:47:45 | scott666 | where i have to hold it while i plug in the charger? |
19:47:45 | JasonG | poor ear doesn't trust me |
19:47:48 | JasonG | =) |
19:48:00 | JasonG | i've designed hardware, too |
19:48:01 | scott666 | or was that someone else |
19:48:21 | earHurts | well, last time I did it someone else reported different results than yours |
19:48:41 | earHurts | no holding anymore |
19:49:02 | earHurts | just plug in, without playing music, and tell me numbers |
19:49:11 | scott666 | k |
19:49:12 | scott666 | hold on |
19:50:28 | earHurts | Jason, let's use your ahrdware knowledge. |
19:50:46 | scott666 | 3.0x internal, ~6.95 external |
19:51:01 | scott666 | *4.0x |
19:51:13 | earHurts | aha! |
19:51:25 | JasonG | which version of rockbox? |
19:51:41 | scott666 | 7/25/03 |
19:52:03 | JasonG | and your unit says "JBR FM" on the back |
19:52:05 | JasonG | ? |
19:52:08 | earHurts | I was wondering about that too |
19:52:20 | scott666 | yeah |
19:52:27 | JasonG | it's almost as if mine's showing the charging voltage, and yours is showing the voltage from the DC adapter |
19:53:07 | earHurts | yours is new, Jason? |
19:53:31 | JasonG | yep |
19:53:38 | scott666 | mines only a month or 2 old |
19:53:44 | JasonG | hmm, i just turned it on and it says only 7% charge is left |
19:53:51 | earHurts | scott, you'll remember my battery problem? |
19:53:53 | scott666 | mine has 84% |
19:54:03 | scott666 | maybe? |
19:54:17 | scott666 | your external was 2V down when u werent holding it |
19:54:24 | earHurts | I was getting external of about 4.x |
19:54:43 | earHurts | and my battery life was 1.5 to 3 hours |
19:54:54 | earHurts | I styaed up all last night |
19:54:58 | scott666 | yeah? |
19:55:12 | earHurts | no sleep in 29 hours |
19:55:31 | earHurts | becuase last night I got 13.75 hours |
19:55:38 | earHurts | of battery |
19:56:13 | scott666 | hmmm |
19:56:16 | earHurts | because my external is noe like yours, 6.95 |
19:56:30 | scott666 | so it fixed itself? |
19:56:36 | earHurts | nope |
19:56:40 | scott666 | see? it was just lonley |
19:56:40 | earHurts | 8 fixed it |
19:56:47 | scott666 | 8? |
19:56:52 | earHurts | s/8/I |
19:57:08 | earHurts | say key on my keyboard |
19:57:12 | earHurts | same |
19:57:50 | scott666 | you lost me |
19:57:54 | scott666 | heh |
19:58:27 | earHurts | 8 and I are on the same key −− it's a pda keyboard |
19:59:30 | scott666 | oh |
19:59:31 | scott666 | lol |
19:59:32 | scott666 | ok |
20:00 |
20:00:02 | | Quit JasonG () |
20:00:19 | Bluechip | l8rz all |
20:00:30 | earHurts | we scared him with our talk of high voltage |
20:00:39 | earHurts | bye blue |
20:00:53 | | Part Bluechip |
20:01:35 | earHurts | I need a nap too |
20:01:48 | earHurts | thanks for your help scott |
20:01:55 | scott666 | np |
20:02:00 | earHurts | bye |
20:02:04 | | Quit earHurts (Remote closed the connection) |
20:02:25 | | Join matsl [0] (~matsl@as13-4-5.mal.s.bonet.se) |
20:22:53 | | Join layndo [0] (~motiv02@sdn-ap-019scfairP0203.dialsprint.net) |
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20:31:50 | | Join thu_ [0] (~thu@h24-87-64-169.vc.shawcable.net) |
20:32:36 | Galik | argh |
20:32:40 | Galik | hi ppl |
20:32:51 | Galik | I can't turn my rockbox off :( |
20:34:18 | Galik | Ahh it's okay now... phew |
20:37:17 | hardeep | Galik: try holding on to the OFF button for several seconds |
20:39:06 | Galik | It's off now. It was saying *PANIC* ata error -32 !! |
20:39:19 | | Quit thu (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
20:39:21 | Galik | But it went off eventually |
20:39:37 | Galik | I think I was panicing a bit... |
20:40:13 | Galik | I just flashed it. |
20:40:26 | * | Galik always panics a bit when he flashes things |
20:40:35 | Galik | The flash is awesome :) |
20:43:41 | | Quit matsl_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:44:51 | | Join matsl_ [0] (~matsl@as13-4-5.mal.s.bonet.se) |
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21:00 |
21:01:44 | | Quit Galik ("Client exiting") |
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21:02:35 | | Quit matsl_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:07:09 | | Join edx`out [0] (edx@pD9EABAF0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:58:34 | | Join Zagor [242] (bjst@as9-5-6.k.s.bonet.se) |
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22:44:10 | | Quit Hes (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
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22:45:20 | NJoin | layndo [0] (~motiv02@sdn-ap-019scfairP0203.dialsprint.net) |
22:45:20 | NJoin | PsycoXul [0] (psyco@ |
22:45:20 | NJoin | Hes [0] (~hessu@hessu.zedi.sonera.fi) |
22:45:58 | NJoin | scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-71-45.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
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23:00 |
23:21:18 | bronson | Hey guys. |
23:21:29 | Zagor | hi |
23:25:47 | scott666 | hey |
23:48:51 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
23:54:20 | | Join UncleSalty [0] (~raindeer@grouper-4.netexpress.net) |
23:54:38 | UncleSalty | hi everyone |
23:54:49 | hardeep | hello |
23:55:06 | UncleSalty | i just ordered a Archos Recorder yesterday |
23:55:15 | UncleSalty | i can't wait to get it and start using rockbox |