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#rockbox log for 2003-09-10

00:02:21 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...")
00:24:28 Quit joshn ()
00:33:46 Join mecraw [0] (
00:43:31 Quit _aLF ("Client exiting")
00:49:29 Join scott666 [0] (
00:49:35 Part scott666
01:21:18 Join joshn [0] (joshn@
01:24:15 Join track [0] (
01:25:03trackhi bagder
01:25:08trackthere is an issue wiv the battery meter
01:26:19trackwhen i charge it up until it shows 100%. If I turn the JB off then on the batterymeter reads 9% then it starts climbing up
01:29:27Bagderif you check the bug tracker, you'll see numerous reports on similar things
01:38:48 Join tpelliott [0] (telliott@
01:39:26 Quit zeenon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
01:40:20tpelliottI'm about to get a 60 gig drive for my JBR 20 (Soon to be 60). I can't wait.
01:40:45 Quit Malphas__ ("Preparing subject to return IRL .... CLACK")
01:40:56tpelliottI'm getting the Fujitsu from
01:41:55BagderI gotta sleep
01:42:00 Quit Bagder ("")
01:43:28 Join jbo [0] (
01:44:24jboladies and gents, i have a question about my archos 20 gig jukebox, if i may
01:45:02zeask and ye shall receive
01:45:14zeor at least shall have asked
01:45:20jboout of the blue, my archos started skipping like mad
01:45:42jboafter closer inspection, it mutes the audio output when something is happening on the display
01:46:11jboi've reformatted (after dumping all the music) and tried using the original firmware, both to no avail
01:46:48jbowhich makes me think it's a hardware issue
01:47:01zesounds reasonable
01:47:02***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
01:47:46zei don't know
01:48:00zesomeone is bound to, and they'll read the logs
01:48:01jboi'm considering taking it apart and seeing if anything is amiss with the circuitry
02:00:23zeyeah if you don't have a warranty on it, i'd so go for it
02:00:31zeif you do, then i'd say replace it of course heh
02:02:08knobbyjbo: is your jukebox a recoder, fm or just jukebox?
02:04:28knobbyif a jukebox and you take it apart, check for something connecting pins 108 and 109 on your 7034
02:05:05knobbywell more importatly, 108 and 110 :)
02:05:20 Quit track ("Leaving")
02:09:45 Part tpelliott
02:17:40jboit's a straight up jukebox
02:17:53jboand i shall soon commence dissasembly
02:23:32 Join paulheu [0] (
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02:24:15 Join paulheu [0] (
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02:33:11jbook, case and bumpers off. should i continue to seperate the front and rear panels or no?
02:38:11jbo(to get to the 7034)
02:39:30jboor is it visible if the hard drive is removed?
02:54:31 Join TrouserS [0] (
02:55:48jboscrew it, i need desoldering braid anyway
02:57:21jboOH YEAH
02:57:33jbothe choppy sound also comes thru the line-out as well
02:58:35 Join paulheu [0] (
02:58:36knobbyI don't know jbo, I don't own a jukebox. :)
02:58:45knobbybut the main uC is what you need to look at
02:59:01jbowhich is buried deep in the bowels
03:01:28knobbymost likely :)
03:04:10 Quit paulheu ()
03:19:02 Quit AciD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
03:21:24 Join AciD [0] (
03:25:09knobbycpu board is the smaller one on the "bottom"
03:31:38 Join scott666 [0] (
03:37:20 Quit joshn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
03:37:40 Join joshn [0] (joshn@
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03:47:59 Part scott666
03:56:22 Join diddystar5 [0] (
03:58:22 Quit diddystar5 (Client Quit)
04:02:50 Quit Galik ("Client exiting")
04:03:01knobbyjbo: is is muting and continuing play or is it stuttering?
04:12:06knobbyhow long have you had it?
04:12:33knobbyit could be dma underruns caused by the drive having to be read again and again due to read errors...
04:13:32knobbyare you still taking it apart? or do you not have any braid?
05:02:45 Join scott666 [0] (
05:23:23 Quit joshn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
05:41:11jbono, i don't have any braid
05:41:35jbowhich will wait until lunchy time at work tomorrow to buy and eveningtime to further disassembly
05:42:08knobbywell, I think you're looking at either something on the pins(kinda unlikely) or a hd issue
05:43:26jbotrue, i thought perhaps a reformat would help rule out a hd issue but the drive may very well be going bad
05:43:45knobbytime will tell I guess
05:44:51jbotrue, true
05:45:09jboreplacing the hd ain't no thang, a buddy of mine in nyc has done it many times with 100% success
05:45:24knobbyit's just a pain. :)
05:45:31jboand since i've gotten it down to almost taking it completely out, i'm not worried
05:45:36jbojust take my time, etc
05:46:58jbohmmm.. actually, i could put the hd from my gf's archos in mine to see if that's the issue
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05:47:11knobbygood call
06:02:15 Join thu [0] (
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06:48:55 Quit thu ("Client exiting")
07:06:45 Join joshn [0] (joshn@
07:07:42 Quit AciD (" -")
07:16:21 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...")
07:31:07 Join matsl [0] (
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08:08:02 Quit jbo (
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08:10:19 Quit joshn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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09:13:35 Join Malphas__ [0] (
09:15:26 Quit thu ("zZz")
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10:02:31 Join Quelsaruk [20] (
10:53:31 Nick dw|gone is now known as dwihno (
10:57:03 Quit Quelsaruk ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta1 "Eve's Avatar"")
11:32:57 Join Galik [0] (~galik@
11:44:53 Quit Malphas__ ("Preparing subject to return IRL .... CLACK")
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13:30:32 Quit uski (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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14:56:48 Join dwihno_ [20] (
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15:11:58 Nick dwihno_ is now known as dw|gone (
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15:41:36 Part diddystar5 ("Client exiting")
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16:33:02 Quit mecraw ("Trillian (")
17:05:05 Quit AciD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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17:08:45 Join golot-AFK [0] (~not@
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17:51:44 Join joshn [0] (joshn@
18:20:38 Join gizz_ [0] (
18:21:54gizz_hello all
18:28:45 Join usbcharging [0] (
18:28:49 Join AciD- [0] (
18:31:26 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection)
18:32:37 Quit usbcharging (Client Quit)
18:36:08 Quit AciD (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
18:59:28 Quit gizz_ (Remote closed the connection)
19:14:39 Join gizz_ [0] (
19:40:55 Join _aLF [0] (
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19:59:39 Join edx [0] (
20:05:19 Quit Galik (Remote closed the connection)
20:12:14uskigizz_: t'es là ?
20:12:31uskii know why you cannot get the LCD working
20:12:53uskiit is because rockbox does NOT initialize the LCD controller on player models
20:21:12 Join Zagor [242] (
20:23:07gizz_uski !
20:23:18gizz_hi zagor :
20:23:29gizz_uski : repeat ?
20:25:08gizz_uski : are you there ?
20:25:45gizz_zagor : do you know well the LCD init on players ?
20:27:06Zagoryeah, fairly well
20:27:32gizz_as you maybe know, I'm testing rockbox flash on player
20:27:54gizz_but currently, neither hdd nor lcd work
20:28:19gizz_with IDC Dragon, we are investigating why the LCD remains blind
20:28:51gizz_dragon disass'd the fw but with no success
20:29:02 Join Galik [0] (~galik@
20:38:56Zagorwell ok, i'm not *that* much of an lcd guru. since we don't even know for sure which controller it is, it's not easy
20:48:35gizz_youre right :-/
20:53:05 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (
20:54:36uskihi idc
20:54:37uskihi zagor
20:54:48[IDC]DragonHi both!
20:54:51uskigizz_: LinusN told me that the lcd is NOT initialized on players
20:55:19uskithat's why you can't get it working
20:55:27[IDC]DragonWe know.
20:55:36[IDC]DragonAnd we _do_ init it now.
20:55:44uskioh ok :)
20:56:00[IDC]DragonBut it still remained blind.
20:56:12uskihave you tried to see if data is coming to the LCD with a scope ?
20:56:31[IDC]Dragongizz_ doesn't have one, I guess.
21:00:09[IDC]Dragongizz_, do you read?
21:03:52 Join gizz [0] (
21:04:15gizzhi dragon
21:04:26[IDC]Dragonthere are two gizz's here tonight?
21:04:26gizzuski are you there ?
21:04:43gizzdragon : I'm on 2 boxes
21:05:50 Join _alex [0] (
21:06:36[IDC]Dragongizz, I just sent you a first file.
21:07:05[IDC]DragonNo changes yet, just the first image compressed, the second not.
21:07:32[IDC]DragonI'd like to work the way to ucl for both on players, too.
21:08:08[IDC]DragonRemember I used uncompressed for the time being because the simulation failed on it.
21:08:34[IDC]DragonBut obviously the real thing was able to decompress your second image.
21:09:03[IDC]DragonSo I guess the first will also be OK, but I leave the second uncompressed for now.
21:09:25[IDC]DragonIf it works, you can overwrite it with ucl.
21:15:15[IDC]Dragongizz, are you there?
21:19:58gizz_unpacking email
21:20:19[IDC]Dragonwhat a pity that your DCC is broken...
21:21:04uskigizz yea im there
21:21:36gizz_uski : well, I was about to say you what dragon did : for the init we know :)
21:22:32uskiok :)
21:22:47gizz_dragon : well
21:22:59gizz_I got the new .bin now, so ?
21:23:11uskiperhaps the IO ports are badly initialized ? so no communication with the lcd can be made ? hmm ok i shut up and i let you try your stuff ;)
21:23:15[IDC]Dragonuse firmware_flash.rock on it
21:23:32gizz_.bin ?????
21:23:37 Quit _aLF (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
21:23:43[IDC]Dragonuski: I did init the I/O
21:23:49gizz_uski : IO maybe :)
21:24:51gizz_dragon : maybe there are other IO (especially port direction) somwhere else
21:25:11[IDC]Dragongizz, you don't remember? Put the firmware_player.bin in you boxes root, then start the rock.
21:26:39*gizz_ is looking for the usb cable ouch
21:28:50 Join Acoc [0] (
21:29:15 Quit Acoc (Client Quit)
21:29:33[IDC]Dragonno cable?
21:29:45gizzgot it :)
21:34:08gizzdragon ?
21:34:30gizzis it normal the .bin is *player
21:34:36gizzinstead of *play ?
21:35:04[IDC]DragonThere was a need to rename it last time, is that still the case?
21:35:24gizzwell rock wants play.bin not player.bin
21:35:36[IDC]Dragonplease rename it.
21:35:38gizzrename ?
21:37:14gizzcheck ok
21:39:01 Join gizz__ [0] (
21:39:01 Quit gizz (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
21:39:10gizz__dragon ?
21:39:24gizz__it programmed ok
21:39:33gizz__I switched off on
21:39:41[IDC]DragonOK, try both images.
21:39:43gizz__archos 5.05
21:39:52[IDC]Dragonwithout F1, yes
21:40:10[IDC]DragonMenu, I mean.
21:40:14gizz__with menu, 5.08
21:40:33gizz__I'm in rockbox then
21:40:47[IDC]DragonThen I will use ucl for both next time.
21:40:57uskiit works ?
21:41:08[IDC]DragonNo big deal.
21:41:31gizz__you said you modded archos to block after init ?
21:42:07[IDC]DragonNot yet.
21:42:20[IDC]DragonLet's go step by step.
21:42:21gizz__what was the point then ?
21:42:40[IDC]DragonTo try if UCL decompression of the first image works.
21:42:46gizz__oh ok
21:43:14gizz__I'll be back
21:43:20 Quit gizz__ (Client Quit)
21:46:07 Join scott666 [0] (
21:46:41[IDC]Dragongizz, in case you read on the other machine or so: I've sent you the next email, with a modified bootloader that should power up the HD..
21:47:26***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
21:47:31 Join gizz [0] (
21:47:44[IDC]Dragongizz, in case you read on the other machine or so: I've sent you the next email, with a modified bootloader that should power up the HD..
21:48:12[IDC]DragonIt only does for the 2nd image for now, in case that's harmful.
21:48:56gizzdoes the first block after lcd ?
21:49:29[IDC]Dragonno, not yet, patience please.
21:50:01gizzgot the mail
21:51:05[IDC]Dragonplease program as usual and check if both images work.
21:51:49[IDC]DragonIf they do, overwrite the second with a rockbox ucl using the other plugin (play the ucl)
21:52:17[IDC]Dragon(afk, for dinner, brb)
21:54:40gizzfirst one works : 5.05, till rockbox
21:55:45gizzsecond one works : 5.08, till rockbox
21:56:43gizzI confirm I could hear hdd powerup with second bootstrap
21:59:30 Join remus [0] (~remus@
22:04:48gizzdragon : I flashed some rockbox.ucl, but I get led blink, no hdd spinup :(
22:09:33Plughtry f1+on
22:09:47Plughthen flash a different ucl
22:10:01Plughlike a daily build
22:13:01gizzAFAIK, daily builds ucl for players don't bother any inits
22:13:19gizzbecause : WIP
22:14:49 Join Sonic [0] (
22:15:15uskiblinking led = panic
22:15:42uskido you have the serial mod ?
22:15:57Plughdid you try f1+on boot?
22:16:06[IDC]DragonHi, I'm back.
22:16:06gizzuski : arrrg
22:16:23Plughbefore doing serial mod, try the most basic :)
22:16:29Plughhi Sonic
22:16:36Sonichi Plugh
22:16:38Sonicwhats up?
22:16:46gizzdragon : did you see what I wrote
22:16:50Plughnot much
22:16:56SonicAnyone else wiv the Hitachi HD?
22:16:58[IDC]Dragonreading now.
22:17:15PlughI have a Hitachi 20gig
22:17:25Plughlike most FMR owners
22:17:30Sonicdoes it make clicking sounds when the HD is accessed?
22:17:40[IDC]DragonSo, it behave exactly the same as a week ago?
22:17:40Plughmostly harmless
22:17:53gizzdragon yes
22:18:10Sonicyea mine does that as well
22:18:20SonicI just wondered what causes the click soud
22:18:25[IDC]Dragongizz: Why no HD?
22:18:59PlughSonic: it's the head un-parking
22:19:01PlughI believe
22:19:18[IDC]Dragonquoting gizz: "I confirm I could hear hdd powerup with second bootstrap"
22:19:36Sonicoh right
22:19:39Sonicjust wondered
22:19:44gizzyes, that was after prog'd the bin
22:20:01gizzthen , I prog'd some rockbox.ucl
22:20:06[IDC]Dragonwas this unusual/different?
22:20:39[IDC]DragonI guess the spinup was done by Archos s/w, not the bootloader?
22:20:45gizzwhat I meant :
22:20:56gizzI dunno if it is different, but
22:21:13gizzat bootup, hdd spinned when lcd still blind,
22:21:29gizzthen it wakes up with archos string,
22:21:39gizzbut maybe it's archos fz
22:21:46gizzfw arg
22:21:59gizzthat did the spinup
22:22:26[IDC]Dragondoes it spinup earlyier then the other image?
22:22:45[IDC]Dragon(probably too close to tell)
22:23:04[IDC]Dragonthe decompression only takes a split second.
22:23:10gizzwell, maybe not :(
22:23:38gizzI won't make a movie though ;)
22:23:58[IDC]Dragonno, don't worry.
22:28:53 Quit knobby ()
22:29:26[IDC]Dragonno HD spinup, sorry. I thought this may be the easy one.
22:29:51[IDC]DragonZagor, do you read?
22:30:18 Quit jbo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
22:30:39[IDC]DragonLinus said I should pull PB4 low to power the HD.
22:30:56Plughsomeone needs to change the topic. Rockbox for California Governor
22:31:06[IDC]DragonMaybe he meant high?
22:32:29gizzdragon :
22:32:44gizzmaybe I'm wrong, but
22:33:21gizzwhat if we tried to write some very small code (without rockbox),
22:33:49gizzjust to be loaded by your bootloader, just to test the hdd, lcd, etc...
22:34:34[IDC]Dragonyes, you can do that, but you may as well polace the code into rockbox.
22:35:22gizzdo you know where are the early sh1 code booted in rockbox ??
22:36:20[IDC]Dragonit starts in Crt0.S
22:38:38[IDC]Dragonthen carries on in main.c
22:41:03gizzBTW dragon : I'm looking at my 5.05 fw.bin,
22:41:42gizzdo you know what is the address of the code started at boot ?
22:41:54gizz100 ? 200 ?
22:42:05[IDC]Dragonin the main s/w, 200 offset.
22:42:21gizzdo you know the use of the 100 offs ?
22:43:33[IDC]Dragonit's still exception vectors.
22:50:01gizzdragon ?
22:53:49 Quit Galik (Remote closed the connection)
22:56:35 Quit edx ()
23:02:41 Quit gizz ()
23:02:50gizz_I'm back
23:14:29gizz_uski ?
23:14:34gizz_do you read ?
23:17:33 Nick gizz_ is now known as gizz (
23:17:43[IDC]Dragongizz_, I've sent you the patched firmware now.
23:18:06[IDC]DragonIs your backup (Menu+On) safely working?
23:18:25[IDC]Dragon'cos this one won't.
23:19:08 Join TBoy [0] (~xxx@
23:19:19TBoyhowdy rockboxers
23:19:41gizzdragon : yup, I try now
23:19:50TBoyany1 got the id3editor from jzoss compiled as a plugin
23:22:31TBoyguys where are the docs on how to compile rocks
23:22:58gizzdragon : Bingo !
23:23:06[IDC]DragonWhat happens?
23:23:28gizzwell, hdd up, lcd up, archos string, then freeze :)
23:23:46gizznot good ?
23:23:59[IDC]DragonIt's a result.
23:24:05[IDC]DragonTells where to look.
23:24:33gizzdid you set some : "here: jump here;" ?
23:24:46[IDC]DragonMaybe I should disable interrupts, too.
23:25:23 Nick gizz is now known as gizz__ (
23:29:08TBoywhere are the docs on how to compile rocks
23:29:21TBoycan some1 help me out here
23:29:34TBoyI couldn't find it on the page
23:29:57TBoyand I'm currently lookin through the mailin list
23:33:14gizz__dragon : hehe : < 0x0000CCD0: 0xAFFE bra 0x0000CCD0
23:34:29gizz__this .bin is what your loader loads ?
23:34:45[IDC]Dragonmy loader?
23:34:57gizz__your bootloader ?
23:35:13[IDC]Dragonwhat it decompresses, yes.
23:35:45gizz__ok, but it is a stripped down version of the archos rom ?
23:36:09gizz__or of a .mod one ?
23:37:22[IDC]Dragonof the rom. It's scrambled in there.
23:37:45[IDC]Dragonhave a look at my "extract" tool, if you care.
23:38:40gizz__where will I find this ?
23:40:37gizz__if I care, yes indeeed :)
23:45:39 Quit TBoy ("Bye guys")
23:45:58gizz__dragon : your bootload sdk is really cool ! :)
23:46:36[IDC]Dragonpowertoys, yes.
23:47:13[IDC]DragonI've sent you another patched one, where I additionally disable the interrups before the endless loop.
23:47:28***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
23:47:40[IDC]DragonJust in case any interrupt may do something useful.
23:48:06[IDC]DragonIf this still works, I try to mimic the LCD traffic up to there.
23:52:47gizz__dragon :
23:53:06gizz__hdd, lcd, string, freeze
23:53:23[IDC]Dragonget your compiler ready ;-)
23:53:59gizz__aha ?
23:54:13gizz__any clue now ?
23:55:21[IDC]Dragonfirst, can you try to comment out the contrast set function in the lcd init?
23:56:12[IDC]Dragonlcd_set_contrast() in line 551 or so.
23:56:27gizz__505 for me ?!
23:57:03[IDC]Dragonhmm, no, in the code with all the new inits before.
23:58:41gizz__ok, in your player-lcd.c, it's 544, ok ?

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