00:03:48 | amiconn | New Voices: http://amiconn.dyndns.org/ , then select from the menu :) |
00:09:59 | amiconn | While playing with all these voices I found that all voices from the same manufacturer for the same language do have the mispronounciations. |
00:10:39 | amiconn | E.g. all Microsoft voices say "ploogin", and all AT&T us english voices show that "resume" problem. |
00:11:50 | | Quit Erl_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
00:12:34 | [IDC]Dragon | same dictionary / grammar rules, I presume. |
00:13:53 | [IDC]Dragon | thanks for the files, I will try them tomorrow. |
00:13:53 | amiconn | Yup. This makes my script a little shorter (less number of tables). My script will receive a little more polishing, then I will post it. |
00:14:26 | amiconn | I guess I will have to do my website overhaul for that. |
00:14:47 | [IDC]Dragon | not necessarily |
00:15:44 | [IDC]Dragon | downloading them now, from your dyndns |
00:16:22 | amiconn | Using IE. |
00:16:32 | | Join elinenbe [0] (trilluser@207-237-224-177.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
00:16:37 | [IDC]Dragon | no good? |
00:16:50 | [IDC]Dragon | (spying on your users?) |
00:17:43 | [IDC]Dragon | OK, got it, need to sleep now. |
00:17:54 | [IDC]Dragon | thanks again! |
00:17:58 | | Quit [IDC]Dragon () |
00:23:05 | mattzz | amiconn: could you do me a favour? |
00:24:12 | amiconn | Shoot. |
00:24:53 | mattzz | amiconn: I'd like my checkbox patches (widget and menu integration) comitted into CVS - what do I have to do? |
00:25:28 | mattzz | amiconn: are there any special procedures e.g. to ensure not to break compilation? |
00:27:22 | amiconn | Unfortunately I did not yet have another look at it and I'm short on time today. |
00:27:47 | mattzz | amiconn: no prob - I will practice patience than ;-) |
00:28:39 | amiconn | You could try if it compiles without warnings at least with the 4 major "platforms": player/recorder - target/sim |
00:30:34 | amiconn | If nobody else will do it meanwhile, I can try it (and commit if I don't find problems) within the next week. |
00:30:56 | amiconn | (I will be off the next 2 days) |
00:32:29 | | Join deadite66 [0] (~Miranda@cpc1-yarm1-5-0-cust53.pete.cable.ntl.com) |
00:32:35 | mattzz | all four compiles do look good. I will be offline tomorrow, too (gone divin' ) |
00:33:12 | mattzz | amiconn: Linus wanted to commit the patch, guess he is busy, too |
00:33:41 | mattzz | that was some days ago |
00:34:29 | amiconn | You're right I think. |
00:34:34 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
00:34:57 | mattzz | no prob - practicing patience will do me good ;-) |
00:38:30 | mattzz | g'nite all |
00:38:39 | amiconn | Nite |
00:38:54 | | Quit mattzz ("Client exiting") |
00:48:12 | amiconn | Nite every1 |
00:49:04 | | Part amiconn |
01:00 |
01:16:16 | | Join silencer [0] (~silencer@zen.via.ecp.fr) |
01:27:34 | | Quit mecraw_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") |
01:34:57 | | Quit deadite66 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:35:02 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:54:45 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:00 |
02:02:22 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
02:02:23 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:11:33 | | Part scott666 |
02:16:28 | | Join Guest [0] (jirc@chcgil2-ar7-4-34-142-195.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) |
02:17:09 | | Quit Guest (Client Quit) |
02:19:09 | | Join CpuMan2001 [0] (~oic@ool-18bbbf99.dyn.optonline.net) |
02:20:16 | CpuMan2001 | I just rockbox yesterday and updated it to the 4/24 cvs build, and it worked yesterday, but when I just turned it on it crashed at the title screen |
02:20:19 | CpuMan2001 | is there anything I can do |
02:38:38 | | Quit jkerman (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
02:40:53 | CpuMan2001 | it doesn't respond to any button presses |
02:49:07 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
02:52:42 | | Join Guest [0] (~jirc@adsl-67-121-188-83.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) |
02:55:10 | | Quit Guest (Client Quit) |
02:57:30 | | Join diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) |
03:00 |
03:02:17 | | Join jkerman [0] (~jkerman@jkhouse2.jvlnet.com) |
03:35:09 | | Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) |
03:53:37 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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04:00 |
04:28:59 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:29:00 | | Quit CpuMan2001 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:38:30 | | Join CpuMan2001 [0] (~oic@ool-18bbbf99.dyn.optonline.net) |
04:39:12 | CpuMan2001 | anyone here? |
04:39:50 | kaboofa | yeah. |
04:40:14 | diddystar5 | yep |
04:40:46 | CpuMan2001 | 02.20.16 # <CpuMan2001> I just rockbox yesterday and updated it to the 4/24 cvs build, and it worked yesterday, but when I just turned it on it crashed at the title screen |
04:40:46 | CpuMan2001 | 02.20.19 # <CpuMan2001> is there anything I can do |
04:40:50 | CpuMan2001 | 02.40.53 # <CpuMan2001> it doesn't respond to any button presses |
04:44:38 | diddystar5 | is your unit flashed? |
04:44:53 | CpuMan2001 | eh |
04:45:03 | CpuMan2001 | let me change the first sentence to "I just flashed rockbox yesterday" |
04:45:12 | diddystar5 | ok |
04:45:22 | CpuMan2001 | it worked fine directly after the flash |
04:45:24 | diddystar5 | can you boot by holding F1 while you press on? |
04:45:30 | CpuMan2001 | then it worked fine again directly after the update |
04:45:35 | CpuMan2001 | it's stuck on right now |
04:45:41 | CpuMan2001 | not sure how I can turn it off |
04:46:02 | diddystar5 | hold off until it does |
04:46:43 | CpuMan2001 | alright, the f1 boot worked |
04:47:22 | CpuMan2001 | should I try a normal boot again? |
04:47:38 | diddystar5 | ok, what i would do is tell someone about your problems (the mailing-list would be best), and you can just do with the F1 boot until then |
04:47:52 | diddystar5 | you can still use rockbox, just put the rockbox.ajz file onto the unit |
04:48:05 | CpuMan2001 | alright, thanks |
04:48:20 | diddystar5 | let me look and see what change was last made, and see what your problem may be |
04:49:16 | diddystar5 | had you never updated your fash until then? |
04:49:44 | CpuMan2001 | I just got the unit on thursday and installed rockbox normally then |
04:50:04 | CpuMan2001 | then the day after I flashed and updated |
04:51:01 | diddystar5 | it is a recorder you have right? |
04:51:44 | CpuMan2001 | recorder v2 |
04:52:07 | diddystar5 | ok |
04:52:31 | | Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
04:52:38 | diddystar5 | well there are two changes that may cause that, but I am not sure, since i don't have my recorder working |
04:52:54 | diddystar5 | scott666, do you have your rockbox flashed? |
04:53:28 | scott666 | yeah |
04:53:52 | diddystar5 | scott666, have you flashed the latest build |
04:54:06 | diddystar5 | scott666, CpuMan2001 here is having booting problems with it |
04:54:16 | scott666 | no |
04:54:22 | scott666 | and my archos is dissassembled |
04:54:29 | scott666 | heh |
04:54:41 | diddystar5 | mine too lol |
04:55:45 | diddystar5 | (v)snprintf() wrote past buffer end if string length was equal to buffer size |
04:55:52 | diddystar5 | that sounds like the culprit to me |
04:56:54 | diddystar5 | [DNS] Canonical: c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com Numerical: |
04:57:16 | scott666 | stop that :-þ |
04:57:35 | diddystar5 | :-> |
05:00 |
05:02:22 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
05:11:21 | diddystar5 | bye everyone |
05:11:27 | diddystar5 | time for me to go home |
05:13:26 | | Quit diddystar5 ("Leaving") |
05:41:11 | | Quit AciD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:54:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:59:45 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:00 |
06:11:57 | | Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) |
06:37:07 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:00 |
07:13:29 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
07:21:35 | | Join midk [0] (~Zakk@c-24-18-36-105.client.comcast.net) |
07:36:03 | | Join methangas [0] (methangas@0x50a432b3.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) |
07:47:59 | | Join thu [0] (~thu@S010600c002385073.vc.shawcable.net) |
07:48:01 | thu | hey |
07:48:57 | midk | hey thu |
07:52:21 | | Quit midk ("yo yo yo cya later YO YO YO wasa wasa!") |
07:54:21 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:54:24 | | Join midk [0] (~Zakk@c-24-18-36-105.client.comcast.net) |
07:54:51 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:59:47 | | Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") |
08:00 |
08:11:15 | | Quit CpuMan2001 () |
08:21:01 | | Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) |
08:52:15 | | Join BioHazard [0] (~a@cpe-66-75-38-230.bak.rr.com) |
08:53:04 | BioHazard | i just have a quick question... |
08:53:39 | midk | hey |
08:54:28 | BioHazard | if i provided sounds for the tetris plugin, could they be added? 19.2KB MP3 or is that too big for the plugin buffer? |
08:55:05 | midk | hmm |
08:55:07 | midk | probably just fit |
08:55:27 | midk | i'm working on a tetris update right now lol! |
08:55:41 | BioHazard | heh, perfect timeing then :) |
08:56:12 | BioHazard | did you add pause yet? |
08:57:29 | midk | nope |
08:57:31 | midk | just started |
08:57:34 | midk | added scoring so far |
08:57:43 | midk | what's planned: |
08:57:48 | midk | -3d mode using grayscale |
08:58:00 | midk | -game over, play again? question |
08:58:07 | midk | -pause of course |
08:58:14 | midk | -sounds (good timing yeah!) |
08:58:20 | midk | -savegame *possible* |
08:58:54 | BioHazard | ooooh, cant wait :) |
08:59:08 | BioHazard | ive been wanting an update to that plugin for so long |
08:59:19 | midk | oh and levels |
08:59:23 | midk | i mean |
08:59:31 | midk | hard, easy, medium, super tetris guru :) |
09:00 |
09:01:44 | midk | and also i want to do scoring by level. |
09:01:58 | midk | IE 1200 pts = level 2, 2500pts = level 3 |
09:02:01 | midk | and so on |
09:03:39 | BioHazard | would you like the sounds zip? or will you make some yourself? |
09:05:02 | midk | i'll take em, sure! |
09:05:11 | midk | i hope i can fit them in |
09:06:40 | BioHazard | should i include the wavs too so you can compress them another way (these are 32kbps mono q=9) |
09:07:03 | BioHazard | it was as low as i could get |
09:07:28 | BioHazard | and i clipped them as close as possible |
09:09:17 | midk | hmm |
09:09:23 | midk | well what sounds are there? |
09:09:28 | midk | is there music or somesuch? |
09:09:31 | BioHazard | no |
09:10:39 | BioHazard | http://www.geocities.com/zd_biohazard/tetrssnd.zip (no wavs) |
09:11:38 | midk | oooooh i like |
09:11:39 | BioHazard | its got: level up, make a line, move peice, pause, place peice, turn peice, gameover |
09:11:59 | midk | yup sounds good! |
09:13:08 | BioHazard | i could get the 1-minute sound if you plan on implementing 40-line mode |
09:13:17 | | Join yeft [0] (~nospinzon@pcp08615553pcs.benslm01.pa.comcast.net) |
09:13:22 | midk | yefty! |
09:13:29 | yeft | what up gangstas |
09:13:38 | yeft | midk man..long time no see |
09:13:40 | midk | BioHazard: 40-line mode? |
09:13:45 | midk | same yeft |
09:13:49 | midk | :) |
09:13:50 | midk | what's up? |
09:13:54 | yeft | i gots a question...and im mad bored |
09:14:05 | yeft | how does the kareoke mode on the player work |
09:14:17 | midk | how does it work? |
09:14:23 | BioHazard | it plays the difference between channels |
09:14:29 | yeft | and video is f-in sick by the way...bad boys 2 is playing right now |
09:14:35 | midk | it does Stereo - Mono |
09:14:46 | midk | karaoke = stereo - mono |
09:14:52 | yeft | oh |
09:15:01 | yeft | so if i wanted to do it on my comp....... |
09:15:03 | BioHazard | i wonder if there could be an inverse kareoke |
09:15:13 | midk | heh bio, juse use mono |
09:15:36 | BioHazard | dosent mono mix down the channels into one though? |
09:15:45 | midk | well yes |
09:15:49 | midk | what would inverse do? |
09:16:05 | BioHazard | it would play the same between channels |
09:16:14 | BioHazard | and throw out the difference |
09:16:19 | midk | oh |
09:16:22 | midk | that could work yo yo yo |
09:16:29 | yeft | i invented it |
09:16:34 | yeft | or whatever |
09:16:37 | yeft | damn im tired |
09:16:58 | yeft | im just running spybot and virus scan before i sleep...and killin time with you fine fella |
09:16:59 | yeft | s |
09:17:12 | BioHazard | BTW midk: 40-line mode is where you play to get 40 lines as fast as possible |
09:17:34 | midk | *not a tetris guru |
09:17:35 | BioHazard | usually with a few peices scattered on the board at start |
09:17:39 | midk | oh but i am obsessed |
09:17:46 | midk | i played tetris on my av320 till the joystick broke |
09:17:46 | midk | really. |
09:17:53 | BioHazard | :) |
09:18:05 | midk | i did that |
09:18:07 | midk | I DID THAT |
09:18:09 | midk | I SAY I DID |
09:18:11 | midk | *eyes pop out |
09:18:12 | BioHazard | im now very good at tetris, but i love playing it |
09:18:13 | yeft | yo got an av320? |
09:18:13 | midk | HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA |
09:18:26 | midk | yeft: yes wooooo, bio: it's fun |
09:18:31 | midk | i dream about the blocks |
09:18:36 | midk | i installed BlockFall in Firefox |
09:18:38 | yeft | www.tightsystems.com |
09:18:42 | midk | so i can play it when i'm bored |
09:18:42 | yeft | i cant wait for that sucker |
09:19:31 | BioHazard | the tetris plugin would so rock with all that stuff your adding |
09:19:49 | BioHazard | if i could figure out how to code for rockbox, id write some stuff |
09:19:56 | midk | woowooo |
09:20:05 | midk | rockbox is somewhat simple |
09:20:21 | BioHazard | but "rockbox C++" is so much different from "the normal C++" |
09:20:40 | midk | it's c yo |
09:20:49 | BioHazard | like these "rb->" things in front of evrything |
09:21:03 | BioHazard | its just "c"? |
09:21:14 | midk | ohh |
09:21:17 | midk | rb-> is for the api |
09:21:22 | midk | rockbox functions |
09:21:26 | midk | yeah just c |
09:21:35 | midk | in the normal code you use like lcd_update(); |
09:21:38 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
09:21:39 | midk | that's a rockbox function |
09:21:41 | yeft | i almost started to try to learn c so i could almost try and code for rockbox |
09:21:42 | BioHazard | but ive seen "//" in the code |
09:21:45 | midk | in the plugins you use rb-> |
09:21:51 | midk | that's probably jorg's code |
09:21:56 | midk | he likes that style |
09:22:21 | BioHazard | i thought // didnt work in c |
09:22:41 | midk | it works yes yo yo yo |
09:22:45 | midk | sorry let me stop the yo yo yos |
09:23:29 | BioHazard | i can code a little, but id need somebody to help me with the rockbox "first steps" |
09:23:42 | BioHazard | ive already got the compiler working |
09:23:48 | midk | oh |
09:23:49 | midk | ME ME |
09:23:51 | midk | pick me! |
09:23:53 | midk | here here |
09:23:57 | midk | *waves hand in air |
09:24:03 | BioHazard | :) |
09:24:10 | yeft | midk did you see the thing at tightsystems? |
09:24:21 | midk | heh sorry yeft flash isn't working |
09:24:24 | midk | just formatted today |
09:24:26 | yeft | (heh just realized your nick is currently out of date) |
09:24:32 | BioHazard | but i cant now... its 1:00 here so i need to sleep here pretty quick |
09:24:49 | yeft | 3:30 here which means its not 1 there |
09:24:51 | midk | BioHazard: see you later then :) |
09:25:03 | BioHazard | 3:30 AM? |
09:25:13 | midk | 12:30 here |
09:25:32 | yeft | yessir |
09:25:47 | yeft | just got back from work |
09:26:07 | midk | WHOA |
09:26:09 | BioHazard | corection, looking at the clock that <i>WORKS</i> its 12:26 AM |
09:26:35 | midk | OOH |
09:26:39 | midk | bio lives near midky |
09:26:46 | midk | where in california or something right |
09:27:41 | yeft | are we in agreement video on a pixel screen of the recorder is ridiculously cool, and archos must be in awe? |
09:28:05 | midk | yes we are |
09:28:11 | midk | did you try the madelbrot |
09:28:13 | midk | its gray too |
09:28:14 | midk | its ncie |
09:28:15 | midk | OYAOHADFHadjh |
09:28:16 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK midk |
09:28:16 | midk | sorry |
09:28:20 | midk | losing control. |
09:28:28 | BioHazard | what is the mandelbrot exactly? |
09:28:30 | yeft | i saw a screenshot |
09:28:41 | BioHazard | is it a fractal? |
09:28:45 | yeft | does it just draw it? |
09:28:50 | midk | BioHazard: it's like an LCd test to see how fast your target can compute or something |
09:29:41 | BioHazard | midk: ill be on tomorrow if you want to help me with coding... |
09:29:58 | midk | sure me too bio |
09:31:38 | midk | yeft: draws it yes |
09:31:42 | midk | and you can zoom, pan, etc |
09:32:31 | BioHazard | midk: http://www.geocities.com/zd_biohazard/somecode.zip |
09:32:53 | BioHazard | some code to show where im at coding-wise so you know where to start |
09:33:14 | midk | ooh |
09:33:35 | midk | heh you'll do :) |
09:33:56 | midk | all you really have to know is how do to the behind the scenes stuff.. ints, chars, simple things like that |
09:34:00 | midk | the rockbox api does the rest |
09:34:20 | midk | while, for, etc |
09:34:27 | BioHazard | i dont know how to do strings, arrays, or structs |
09:34:41 | midk | i don't really either lol |
09:34:46 | midk | strings are just chars |
09:34:49 | BioHazard | no book ive read can explain it right |
09:34:56 | midk | structs, sort of get it |
09:35:09 | midk | ok i can help you out with arrays and strings |
09:35:17 | midk | structs i think so too |
09:35:25 | BioHazard | arrays are so simple! but i cant figure it out >.< |
09:35:32 | midk | lol |
09:35:54 | midk | char array[3] = { "yo", "yo", "yo" }; |
09:38:17 | BioHazard | id love to make a .rock out of this: http://www.geocities.com/zd_biohazard/morecode.zip |
09:38:27 | BioHazard | cause im always needing one of those |
09:38:46 | midk | calculates tax? |
09:38:54 | BioHazard | yea |
09:38:57 | midk | woo |
09:39:02 | midk | looks fairly simple |
09:39:08 | midk | tomorrow we could port that to rockbox |
09:39:25 | BioHazard | thatd be cool |
09:40:01 | midk | :) |
09:40:35 | | Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
09:41:14 | BioHazard | ill be on when i can. you around here pretty much always? or do we need to coordinate? |
09:42:31 | midk | pretty mcuh always :) |
09:42:50 | midk | often from maybe noon tomorrow to 8pm |
09:43:41 | BioHazard | oh well ill be there between there and then definetly |
09:44:11 | midk | ok |
09:44:17 | midk | sounds good |
09:45:21 | BioHazard | if i can figure it out, ive got some ideas for some plugins :) |
09:45:37 | midk | woohoo |
09:45:39 | BioHazard | but for now... im tired... |
09:45:43 | midk | let's get you ont eh road :) |
09:45:59 | midk | eh go to bed? :D |
09:46:19 | BioHazard | so im gonna DL the latest RB build and go to bed |
09:46:21 | | Quit yeft (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:46:34 | midk | ok |
09:46:35 | midk | nite bio |
09:46:57 | BioHazard | one quick thing: |
09:47:34 | midk | sure' |
09:47:41 | BioHazard | when developing plugins, can you just compile the rocks or do you need to compile the whole thing? |
09:48:14 | midk | well you compile the whole thing, but it only compiles what's been modified after the first few builds |
09:48:27 | midk | so just the one plugin if thats' all you're working on |
09:49:06 | BioHazard | and i need to test it on the JB itself and not the sim? |
09:49:21 | BioHazard | well yea, plugs dont work on the sim huh... |
09:50:22 | midk | they do work on the sim |
09:50:26 | midk | but i recommend the target |
09:50:39 | midk | the sim can be a hassle sometimes |
09:50:44 | midk | i never found it that reliable |
09:51:01 | BioHazard | and its cumbersome to use |
09:51:08 | midk | yeah |
09:51:15 | midk | but if you want sure |
09:51:43 | BioHazard | even if they did work id still do it on the jb |
09:52:01 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
09:52:01 | * | midk claps |
09:52:03 | midk | ;) |
09:52:10 | BioHazard | but my PC stops recognizing the jb after ~5 unplugs |
09:52:51 | BioHazard | i think it confuses windows |
09:53:05 | BioHazard | (not like thats hard to do :) ) |
09:53:27 | | Part thu ("Client exiting") |
09:53:42 | midk | hmm |
09:53:42 | midk | lol |
09:54:00 | midk | during a good coding session i do usb plug about... 100 times |
09:54:00 | midk | lol |
09:54:32 | BioHazard | i can probably figure out a workaround |
09:54:47 | BioHazard | like plugging it into one of my other computers |
09:54:47 | midk | woo bio |
09:54:53 | midk | LOL |
09:54:54 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:54:56 | midk | worth a shot |
09:55:29 | BioHazard | "fine, youve had enough of THIS computer? how about this one >:D " |
09:57:00 | BioHazard | wasant i supposed to be going to bet about 33 lines ago? |
09:57:33 | BioHazard | yea... i think ill do that now... |
09:57:48 | midk | lol |
09:57:53 | midk | LOL |
09:57:56 | midk | ok nite bio |
09:57:58 | BioHazard | ill be on tomorrow... then we can start work on that plugin |
09:58:14 | midk | *excited |
09:58:55 | BioHazard | usually when i ask for help coding in here, i get reluctant responses. so im glad i found somebody who is willing |
09:59:41 | midk | definitely |
09:59:58 | BioHazard | im lik so tird, im makin speling mistaks |
10:00 |
10:00:18 | midk | omfg i did that a few months ago |
10:00:27 | | Quit BioHazard (""i got ye flask!!!" -=SysReset 2.51=-") |
10:01:19 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
10:13:03 | midk | nite |
10:13:11 | | Quit midk ("yo yo yo cya later YO YO YO wasa wasa!") |
10:30:48 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:47:47 | | Join pfavr [0] (pfavr@t4o902p230.telia.com) |
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10:50:08 | | Quit pfavr (Client Quit) |
10:50:33 | | Join BC [0] (~bluechip@cpc3-colc1-3-0-cust61.colc.cable.ntl.com) |
11:00 |
11:13:34 | BC | hi guys - anyone know if structs are packed? |
11:30:58 | uski | if they are, unpack them |
11:31:01 | uski | (blah ;))) |
11:31:03 | BC | LOL |
11:31:37 | BC | my new plugin has a couple of array-of-struct, and is just about to hit the 32K barrier :( |
11:33:20 | | Join cjnr11 [0] (dfd@bobillot-5-82-224-193-23.fbx.proxad.net) |
11:33:22 | | Part cjnr11 |
11:35:41 | uski | hmm |
11:35:51 | uski | what plugin is it ? |
11:36:11 | BC | it's the first card game built on the card-game framework |
11:36:42 | BC | "klondike solitaire" |
11:54:56 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:00 |
12:01:04 | uski | ok |
12:01:29 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
12:20:23 | BC | does anyone know if there is there any way to load a specific font ...eg "5x7" or "Hebrew-Bold" |
12:21:04 | c0utta | nope - only by using wps |
12:21:36 | BC | damn! Thanks c0utta |
12:28:56 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
12:29:29 | BC | c0utta: do you know if I can hook back into the wps load_font routine from a plugin? |
12:30:55 | | Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) |
12:30:56 | c0utta | there is only an lcd_setfont available in the plugin |
12:31:12 | c0utta | so i don't think so |
12:31:50 | BC | there has to be SOME way to load a font - I'm just having zero luck on working out how! |
12:32:17 | BC | I need a way to evaluate what "int" was assigned to each font |
12:36:56 | c0utta | yes, you might have to write your own function for font.c to return the int you require. i know stuff all about fonts though |
12:39:28 | BC | hmmm, think I'll leave the core code alone - if i hadn't just run out of ram I'd just use my own font routines :( |
12:40:11 | BC | mind you, if there's a way to work it out at run-time, I suppose there is nothing to stop me putting that code in my plugin :) |
12:43:26 | c0utta | looking at the font code it's way beyond me |
12:46:16 | BC | Thanks for looking dude :) |
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14:01:33 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
14:03:57 | BC | WOW! a fellow brit :) Hello Robbie! |
15:00 |
15:01:54 | | Join AciD [0] (~acid@longchamp44-1-82-67-133-87.fbx.proxad.net) |
15:05:40 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
15:13:12 | | Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) |
15:17:32 | | Quit Schee ("Bâille bâille") |
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16:04:00 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
17:00 |
17:06:12 | | Join Shiber [0] (w00t@bzq-80-20-150.red.bezeqint.net) |
17:06:15 | Shiber | hey |
17:06:40 | Shiber | is there a way to play the files in a directory according to their track numbers in the IDv3 tags, other than generating a playlist that rockbox could follow? |
17:07:06 | Shiber | In other words, if I have a directory that contains a specific album, and all the files in that album have their original track number recorded into their IDv3 data, |
17:07:15 | Shiber | is is possible to play that directory according to the album order, |
17:07:27 | Shiber | except by modifying file names to contain the track number and/or building a playlist? |
17:08:27 | BC | no :( |
17:08:35 | Shiber | bummer :( |
17:08:46 | Shiber | what playlist formats can rockbox read? |
17:08:47 | | Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
17:08:50 | Shiber | hey |
17:08:59 | scott666 | hey |
17:09:09 | Shiber | do you know what playlist formats rockbox can read? |
17:09:10 | BC | there have been a couple of requests for it, but until someone who can program wants it, it is likely to remain unwritten |
17:09:21 | Shiber | lol |
17:09:22 | BC | didn't know there were multiple formats |
17:09:23 | scott666 | .m3u |
17:09:28 | Shiber | oh, that's great |
17:09:31 | webmind | .pls |
17:09:38 | BC | hey scott ;) |
17:09:54 | Shiber | so if i put an .m3u file in a directory and set the 'Follow playlist' option on, i can browse that directory in the same order as in the playlist, right? |
17:10:10 | BC | no |
17:10:46 | scott666 | follow playlist just lets you leave teh WPS in the directory the song playing is in, instead of the rot |
17:10:47 | Shiber | arrgh, this is getting frustrating :( |
17:10:50 | scott666 | *root |
17:11:12 | BC | i've never quite worked out what follow playlist does - apart from the fact that if you quit during play it will drop you in the directory of the last file being played |
17:11:23 | scott666 | it does that ^^^ |
17:11:28 | BC | lol |
17:11:30 | Shiber | lol |
17:11:31 | BC | is that ir? |
17:11:33 | BC | it? |
17:11:36 | scott666 | yup |
17:11:42 | BC | lol |
17:11:44 | BC | cool |
17:11:54 | scott666 | kinda confusing name |
17:12:11 | Shiber | well, if i dump an album into a directory and create a playlist for it with the songs in the same order as in the album, is there any way i can play that album in the correct order just by entering the directory and pressing play? |
17:12:27 | BC | yes, higlight the playlist |
17:12:35 | scott666 | if you play the playlist |
17:12:43 | Shiber | no other way than that, i suppose |
17:12:48 | Shiber | well, thanks anyway |
17:12:51 | Shiber | oh, one more thing: |
17:12:56 | BC | same with Winamp |
17:13:09 | Shiber | is is possible to play all of my files in random shuffle? |
17:13:19 | BC | yes, build a playlist of them all |
17:13:20 | Shiber | that is, every file under root, not just the contents of a certain directory |
17:13:23 | Shiber | :( |
17:13:26 | Shiber | lol |
17:13:36 | BC | lol |
17:13:42 | scott666 | what do you have against playlists? |
17:13:44 | Shiber | well, thanks a lot |
17:13:51 | Shiber | i was just hoping there's an easier solution |
17:13:54 | scott666 | ahh |
17:13:56 | scott666 | lol |
17:13:58 | Shiber | i guess i should've bought an Apple iPod :D |
17:13:59 | BC | rockbox will build the list for you if you ask nicely enough |
17:14:11 | BC | or learn to code in C |
17:14:16 | BC | ...whichever is cheaper |
17:14:18 | Shiber | i can code, i'm just lazy |
17:14:49 | BC | ah, then you will be needing a LOT of money |
17:14:56 | BC | which kinda puts you in a paradox |
17:15:02 | uski | BC: lol |
17:15:10 | scott666 | lol |
17:15:17 | Shiber | well, it's a cruel world |
17:15:57 | BC | lol |
17:15:59 | uski | well, i see it this way: eat others or get eaten |
17:16:04 | uski | eat others = code yourself |
17:16:15 | uski | get eaten = give the money to the ones who code and sell their work |
17:16:20 | uski | so |
17:16:26 | uski | get eaten = buy an iPod |
17:16:30 | BC | shit yeah, I'll code for cash :) |
17:16:43 | Shiber | well, thanks for all your help |
17:16:48 | BC | welcome dude |
17:16:55 | | Quit Shiber ("gonna get off my lazy ass and start coding") |
17:17:20 | uski | lol |
17:17:41 | BC | I got a five-spot says he don't ;) |
17:17:46 | | Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) |
17:22:39 | | Join Dogger [0] (~jimmy@adsl-63-199-31-11.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) |
17:24:15 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:42:51 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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18:00 |
18:04:05 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
18:25:51 | | Join maedhros [0] (~maedhros@211.62-97-197.bkkb.no) |
18:26:05 | maedhros | What's up with the .voice files? |
18:26:28 | BC | generically or specifically? |
18:26:38 | maedhros | generically |
18:26:46 | BC | they're in beta release |
18:27:29 | maedhros | so I need to dl the daily build to use them? |
18:28:28 | BC | hm. It's always certainly worth getting the latest build of beta functions - but I could not answer specifically for voice |
18:29:32 | BC | the voice stuff is THE active thing atm -do you know of our mailing list? |
18:31:39 | maedhros | no.. |
18:34:49 | BC | aha - you should discover it - it will keep you up to date with all the beta stuff :) |
18:34:55 | maedhros | ok |
18:42:38 | | Part BC |
18:42:45 | | Part maedhros |
18:44:01 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:00 |
19:02:28 | | Join puccino [0] (~puccino@c-67-162-131-145.client.comcast.net) |
19:06:09 | puccino | hi |
19:08:48 | | Part puccino |
19:08:55 | | Join top_bloke [0] (~ekolb_pot@dsc02-chc-il-199-35-146-194.rasserver.net) |
19:09:09 | | Join deadite66-2 [0] (~Miranda@cpc1-yarm1-5-0-cust53.pete.cable.ntl.com) |
19:18:58 | | Join puccino2 [0] (~puccino55@c-67-162-131-145.client.comcast.net) |
19:19:25 | puccino2 | anybody there? |
19:20:37 | top_bloke | i am |
19:20:49 | puccino2 | I'm a bit concerned because Archos has discontinued the model 500277 ie the |
19:21:07 | puccino2 | traditionally designed Jukebox |
19:21:37 | top_bloke | theyre old and outdated |
19:22:02 | puccino2 | does that just leave us with the version 2 jukebox with the |
19:22:23 | puccino2 | earphone plug on the side? |
19:22:34 | top_bloke | yeah i guess |
19:23:23 | top_bloke | do u have a recorder? |
19:23:47 | puccino2 | yes, one that i upgraded to 60 GB |
19:24:10 | top_bloke | well if you already have one why do you care |
19:24:19 | puccino2 | I've bought another one on ebay just for a back up |
19:24:22 | | Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) |
19:24:33 | top_bloke | wow |
19:24:41 | top_bloke | u really like that archos huh |
19:25:05 | puccino2 | I really like rockbox, is what I like! |
19:25:13 | top_bloke | oh |
19:25:21 | top_bloke | yeah me too |
19:25:48 | top_bloke | but hardware wise the archos sucks |
19:25:55 | puccino2 | It's not a big deal I just |
19:26:34 | puccino2 | think the archos designer for version 2 didn't think it out very well |
19:27:09 | puccino2 | with the earphone plug on the side it's difficult to slip the unit in a shirt pocket |
19:27:30 | top_bloke | indeed |
19:27:48 | top_bloke | but its got some better features than v1 |
19:27:59 | deadite66-2 | if my archos broke i would look at the iAUDIO M3 iAUDIO M3 |
19:28:13 | deadite66-2 | http://eng.iaudio.com/ |
19:28:16 | top_bloke | does it run rockbox? |
19:28:24 | deadite66-2 | nope |
19:28:28 | puccino2 | thanks I'll check that out |
19:28:32 | top_bloke | then its worthless |
19:28:34 | top_bloke | ! |
19:28:51 | deadite66-2 | it has bookmarking, mid file resume, wav, wma, mp3 ogg |
19:29:07 | puccino2 | what features are better on the version 2?? you were saying... |
19:29:13 | top_bloke | M3 sounds like a BMW |
19:29:18 | top_bloke | the batteries last longer |
19:29:30 | top_bloke | and can charge off usb |
19:29:49 | puccino2 | i see |
19:30:11 | top_bloke | but then again you cant replace the batteries |
19:30:37 | puccino2 | don't like that. |
19:31:12 | puccino2 | I just had to replace my batteries after about 9 months |
19:31:30 | top_bloke | from stock? |
19:31:45 | puccino2 | I'd hate to have to send my AJR back to the company to do that |
19:32:10 | puccino2 | yes |
19:32:24 | top_bloke | thats pretty good |
19:32:30 | top_bloke | 9 months |
19:32:40 | puccino2 | Yeah I was really pleased |
19:33:18 | puccino2 | So, I just want to see rockbox continue and so |
19:33:34 | puccino2 | I just hope the hardware platform doesn' |
19:33:43 | puccino2 | doesn't go south |
19:33:50 | top_bloke | well maybe they fill find a new platform |
19:33:57 | top_bloke | will |
19:35:01 | puccino2 | hope so. If these up and coming disk-based mp3 player manufactures were smart |
19:35:20 | puccino2 | they'd just take a look a rockbox features and |
19:35:39 | puccino2 | include them in their navigatiion software |
19:36:05 | top_bloke | but then they'd never update it |
19:36:23 | top_bloke | and you couldnt customize every part |
19:36:44 | puccino2 | that's true, open source is the most ideal. |
19:37:02 | top_bloke | yeah they need to allow open source in more players |
19:37:29 | puccino2 | I heard microsoft actually registered a project with Sourceforge |
19:37:38 | puccino2 | just recently |
19:37:41 | top_bloke | wha? |
19:37:48 | top_bloke | thats crazy |
19:38:05 | puccino2 | yeah, go to the Sourceforge site. It's in the news |
19:39:57 | puccino2 | opensource really works when you developing product that has never-tried-before interface and |
19:40:11 | puccino2 | your not sure what people really want |
19:40:31 | puccino2 | it just makes sense |
19:41:36 | puccino2 | gotta go download 2.2, cheers! |
19:41:44 | | Part puccino2 |
19:55:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:55:58 | | Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") |
19:57:55 | | Quit deadite66-2 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
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20:04:10 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
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20:41:28 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:55:49 | | Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
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21:04:21 | | Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
21:10:53 | | Quit methangas (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- *I* use it, so it must be good!") |
21:16:20 | | Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") |
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22:00 |
22:03:35 | | Join diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC101.library.oregonstate.edu) |
22:04:21 | | Join RobbieVox [0] (RobbieVox@cpc1-derb1-5-0-cust42.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
22:06:44 | | Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") |
22:07:04 | | Quit diddystar5 (Client Quit) |
22:08:57 | | Join Nibbler [0] (~nibbler@port-212-202-73-124.reverse.qsc.de) |
22:13:47 | | Join diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) |
22:14:03 | | Join midk [0] (mk@ACC248BE.ipt.aol.com) |
22:23:27 | | Join lImbus [0] (lImbus@228-130.242.81.adsl.skynet.be) |
22:26:17 | | Join diddystar5_ [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) |
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22:26:43 | | Nick diddystar5_ is now known as diddystar5 (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) |
22:41:10 | uski | hi diddystar5 |
22:41:22 | diddystar5 | yo usk |
22:49:03 | | Join BioHazard [0] (~a@cpe-66-75-38-230.bak.rr.com) |
22:49:31 | midk | hey bio |
22:49:34 | BioHazard | yo |
22:50:31 | BioHazard | man... i just bought a video card and it wasant as advertised... so now i need to return it :( |
22:50:43 | midk | ooh |
22:50:46 | midk | aww |
22:50:50 | midk | what kind? |
22:51:03 | BioHazard | geforce fx 5200 128MB |
22:51:24 | midk | hey i've got one of those |
22:51:25 | BioHazard | i need one with 2 outputs and s-video |
22:51:54 | BioHazard | this one only came with 1 (when the little sign thing said it had 2) |
22:52:43 | BioHazard | i dont know why i bought it... i dont really play many games... |
22:52:56 | midk | lol |
22:53:00 | BioHazard | except ZDoom but that dosen use the video card for anything |
22:53:03 | midk | where'd you get it from? |
22:53:13 | diddystar5 | ZDoom is old |
22:53:16 | BioHazard | circut city |
22:53:17 | diddystar5 | get doom legacy :) |
22:53:26 | BioHazard | ZDoom is way leeter than legacy |
22:53:26 | midk | hmm |
22:53:31 | BioHazard | editing-wise anyway |
22:53:31 | diddystar5 | legacy.newdoom.com |
22:53:33 | midk | oooo |
22:53:36 | midk | major burn |
22:53:47 | diddystar5 | i dont think so |
22:53:59 | diddystar5 | legacy isnt the best looking, but i thiunk it is the best |
22:54:04 | BioHazard | once legacy has custom actors and ACS ill switch |
22:54:10 | diddystar5 | that doomsday version, looks reallllyy nice |
22:54:28 | diddystar5 | the dynamic lighting is awsome |
22:54:52 | BioHazard | if i wanted that id play ZDoomGL |
22:55:04 | diddystar5 | you dont use rendering? |
22:55:13 | BioHazard | nope |
22:55:22 | diddystar5 | with rendering it looks 5000x better |
22:55:23 | BioHazard | i like it nice and pixelated |
22:55:28 | diddystar5 | heh |
22:55:31 | midk | lol bio |
22:55:45 | BioHazard | although with the hires tex pack it looks nicer |
22:56:09 | | Quit top_bloke (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:56:27 | BioHazard | by "zdoom is old" do you mean the last update? or the last stable release? |
22:56:34 | | Join top_bloke [0] (~ekolb_pot@dsc06-chc-il-209-109-234-186.rasserver.net) |
22:56:42 | diddystar5 | its just old |
22:56:48 | BioHazard | so is legacy |
22:56:51 | diddystar5 | legacy 1.42 was just released |
22:57:32 | BioHazard | zdoom 2.0.64 will be out soon (adds abillity to add custom weapons like EDGE can) |
22:57:39 | diddystar5 | neat |
22:58:22 | BioHazard | 2.0.63 was released last month and added custom definable monsters to DECORATE (not with dehacked) |
22:59:07 | BioHazard | no wait... 2.0.64 was released 2/10/04 |
22:59:28 | diddystar5 | lol |
22:59:36 | | Quit RobbieVox (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:59:46 | BioHazard | 2.0.64 will have strife support (in addition to heretic and hexen) |
23:00 |
23:00:42 | diddystar5 | it.. didn't have that before... |
23:00:47 | diddystar5 | legacy does |
23:02:40 | BioHazard | legacy does what? strife? |
23:03:28 | BioHazard | according to my research, the _ONLY_ things that legacy can do that ZDoom cant are: |
23:03:35 | BioHazard | 1. OpenGL |
23:03:42 | BioHazard | 2. 3D floors |
23:03:46 | BioHazard | 3. crash |
23:04:03 | midk | LOL |
23:04:10 | midk | oyah |
23:04:26 | | Join theBishop [0] (theBishop@adslblock234x128.chesco.com) |
23:04:28 | theBishop | hey |
23:04:58 | theBishop | how is rockbox compiled? |
23:05:02 | diddystar5 | i have to go for a minute |
23:05:03 | diddystar5 | see you |
23:05:33 | midk | bishop: using an sdk |
23:05:41 | lImbus | hi bishop, rockbox is compiled by gcc in a proper environment |
23:05:43 | midk | http://rockbox.my-vserver.de/beta |
23:06:02 | | Quit diddystar5 ("Leaving") |
23:06:30 | BioHazard | anyway... enough arguing about doom... midk: you ready to start teaching? |
23:06:39 | midk | sure bio |
23:06:56 | BioHazard | should we do it here in the room, or go to PM? |
23:07:08 | midk | pm |
23:07:12 | BioHazard | if we did it here it could be good for the logs... |
23:07:25 | BioHazard | or somebody else could help if we get stuck |
23:07:32 | top_bloke | mid is teaching? |
23:07:32 | theBishop | limbus: how do you create the .rock file? |
23:07:33 | midk | if we do it here diddystar could pop in and say i should make you use linux |
23:07:34 | | Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
23:07:47 | BioHazard | i dont mind linux :) |
23:07:57 | midk | or tell you to get a full cygwin using your setup.log |
23:08:00 | BioHazard | i use it regularly |
23:08:01 | midk | heh |
23:08:11 | midk | i mean |
23:08:18 | midk | if we do it here diddystar could pop in and overcomplicate it |
23:08:20 | BioHazard | ive compiled rockbox under both of them |
23:08:39 | BioHazard | "/mute diddystar5" |
23:08:43 | BioHazard | >:) |
23:08:53 | midk | heh |
23:08:54 | midk | MUTE Unknown command |
23:09:10 | BioHazard | "/ignore"? |
23:09:17 | midk | oops |
23:09:20 | scott666 | "/sqelch"? |
23:09:21 | midk | * Ignore is on |
23:09:25 | midk | uh oh |
23:09:31 | scott666 | *squelch |
23:09:33 | midk | DEIGNORE Unknown command |
23:09:34 | midk | GAH |
23:09:39 | midk | oh there |
23:09:42 | midk | it was /ignore off |
23:09:46 | scott666 | lol |
23:09:52 | BioHazard | :D |
23:10:33 | BioHazard | so, what files do i need open? just the .c? |
23:10:50 | midk | what are we doing now? |
23:11:13 | BioHazard | were converting tax.cpp to a .rock |
23:11:35 | midk | i think we should just start from scratch |
23:11:49 | BioHazard | that would work |
23:12:00 | lImbus | bishop: *.rock's are compiled by make in the big process of compiling the rockbox-software. I am myself experimenting with plugins, but did not try to found out how to do it separately |
23:12:07 | midk | start a new C file in /rockbox/apps/plugins |
23:12:15 | midk | tax.c or taxcalc.c or whatever :) |
23:12:15 | * | BioHazard opens oh holy notepad |
23:12:18 | midk | nooo |
23:12:20 | midk | textpad! |
23:12:26 | midk | nah use what you want :) |
23:12:58 | BioHazard | should i update the source files in the build dir? |
23:13:09 | midk | rerun make? |
23:13:11 | BioHazard | its like 2 months old now |
23:13:21 | midk | just do "make clean" |
23:13:24 | BioHazard | i mean cvs checkout |
23:13:29 | midk | oh |
23:13:30 | midk | yes |
23:13:32 | midk | lol |
23:13:41 | midk | or you could just make a new subdir |
23:13:47 | midk | "tax-plugin" or something |
23:13:55 | midk | i usually do that to keep /home clean |
23:14:13 | midk | home/rockbox/* |
23:14:31 | BioHazard | im cvs checkouting |
23:14:44 | midk | k |
23:15:00 | midk | as soon as apps/plugins exists you can start your c file |
23:16:24 | BioHazard | k, checked out |
23:16:55 | BioHazard | tax.c created |
23:17:06 | midk | ok |
23:17:12 | midk | so always in plugins |
23:17:19 | midk | you have to have a few things |
23:17:28 | BioHazard | should i copy the init stuff out of helloworld.c? |
23:17:37 | midk | open helloworld.c in apps/plugins to use the example |
23:17:37 | midk | yes |
23:17:37 | BioHazard | like the unit check and stuff? |
23:17:41 | midk | yup |
23:17:53 | midk | #include "plugin.h" |
23:18:00 | midk | #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP |
23:18:04 | midk | at least for now... |
23:18:08 | midk | you've got a rec right? |
23:18:13 | BioHazard | well... this will be difficult... notepad dosent like unix linebreaks |
23:18:24 | lImbus | ultraedit |
23:18:27 | midk | textpad is pretty useful, it can |
23:18:42 | midk | it can also auto-indent, colorcode etc |
23:18:44 | midk | *wouldn |
23:18:49 | midk | *wouldn't code with anything else |
23:19:07 | BioHazard | ill check it out here real quick |
23:20:05 | midk | and you can debug errors easier cos it has line numbers |
23:20:49 | | Quit lImbus (" I love my HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") |
23:21:20 | BioHazard | hey... thats a nice app |
23:21:33 | midk | does everything i want it |
23:21:34 | midk | to |
23:21:39 | midk | never found anything that worked as well :) |
23:21:54 | midk | tabs are good to |
23:21:56 | BioHazard | wow, already its better than notepad |
23:22:03 | midk | multiple docs inside of one window |
23:22:13 | midk | makes it easier to rip off code :) |
23:22:17 | midk | ahem i mean reuse |
23:23:15 | | Quit Dogger ("Client Exiting") |
23:25:37 | BioHazard | k, got textpad working |
23:25:44 | BioHazard | helloworld.c is open |
23:25:54 | midk | good |
23:26:05 | midk | sec |
23:26:14 | | Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...") |
23:26:22 | | Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
23:26:27 | midk | ok now |
23:26:51 | midk | did oyu get all the init stuff over? |
23:27:12 | BioHazard | k, where does it start and where does it end? |
23:27:27 | midk | let me open textpad too |
23:27:27 | midk | se |
23:27:28 | midk | c |
23:28:33 | midk | all right |
23:28:50 | midk | copy over the #include at the beginning |
23:29:16 | midk | that and this: |
23:29:17 | midk | static struct plugin_api* rb; |
23:29:23 | midk | enum plugin_status plugin_start(struct plugin_api* api, void* parameter) |
23:29:23 | midk | { |
23:29:27 | midk | TEST_PLUGIN_API(api); |
23:29:31 | midk | (void)parameter; |
23:29:36 | midk | rb = api; |
23:29:44 | midk | that's all |
23:30:06 | BioHazard | k, so thats one function? |
23:30:15 | midk | no don't close it yet |
23:30:18 | | Quit scott666 (Client Quit) |
23:30:28 | midk | after all that we start a while loop: |
23:30:28 | | Join scott666 [0] (scott666@c-24-245-58-245.mn.client2.attbi.com) |
23:30:34 | midk | while(!PLUGIN_OK) |
23:30:36 | midk | { |
23:30:50 | midk | this loop runs while the plugin is active |
23:30:53 | BioHazard | inside plugin_status? |
23:30:57 | midk | yup |
23:31:43 | BioHazard | k, now what is it comparing PLUGIN_OK to? |
23:32:07 | | Join diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) |
23:32:14 | midk | plugin_ok means the plugin is done & finished ok |
23:32:27 | midk | to exit the plugin you "return PLUGIN_OK" |
23:32:41 | midk | this is saying that while the plugin is *not* ok, <blah> |
23:32:42 | diddystar5 | or you can return 0 |
23:32:45 | diddystar5 | works just as fine |
23:32:48 | midk | god dammit |
23:32:51 | midk | what did i say about dids bio |
23:32:52 | midk | lol |
23:33:08 | BioHazard | so its "while PLUGIN_OK is not..." |
23:33:18 | midk | then do whatever's in the brackets |
23:33:24 | diddystar5 | you can do while 1 {} |
23:33:27 | diddystar5 | also |
23:33:29 | BioHazard | if its not what? |
23:33:36 | midk | *stays calm |
23:33:44 | midk | if it's not "ok" |
23:33:51 | midk | plugin_ok means the plugin finished okay |
23:34:00 | midk | if it hasn't finished, do this |
23:34:09 | midk | "while PLUGIN_OK is not done" |
23:34:15 | midk | not true |
23:34:29 | BioHazard | BAM! "/ignore diddystar5" *ignore your legacy-using @$$! :D (just till were done with this lesson) |
23:34:41 | midk | lol |
23:35:06 | diddystar5 | haha |
23:35:20 | BioHazard | no hard feelings, i just dont want him confusing me |
23:35:37 | midk | ok let's move on |
23:35:40 | midk | make sense so far? |
23:35:50 | BioHazard | im stuck on this "not" thing |
23:36:04 | BioHazard | if its not <i>what</i> |
23:36:10 | midk | if it's not true |
23:36:19 | midk | if plugin_ok becomes true the plugin exits |
23:36:31 | diddystar5 | 0=flase 1=true |
23:36:37 | midk | so !PLUGIN_OK means basically while we're not finished with the plugin |
23:36:39 | BioHazard | so its "while (plugin_ok != 1)" ? |
23:36:44 | diddystar5 | !=not |
23:36:51 | midk | !PLUGIN_OK works the same what |
23:36:52 | midk | way |
23:36:57 | midk | *ignores diddystar too |
23:37:01 | diddystar5 | plugin_ok is just like saying 1 |
23:37:15 | BioHazard | oh, poor guy |
23:37:24 | midk | lol |
23:37:29 | midk | dids, pm is still open |
23:37:38 | midk | still usable* |
23:37:57 | midk | plugin_ok is a bool |
23:38:01 | midk | either true or false |
23:38:12 | midk | while(PLUGIN_OK) would mean while plugin_ok is true |
23:38:18 | midk | while(!PLUGIN_OK) would mean while plugin_ok is false |
23:38:23 | BioHazard | ok |
23:38:25 | BioHazard | i got it |
23:38:28 | diddystar5 | its not bool |
23:38:41 | BioHazard | thattl help a lot with deciphering ZDoom ACS stuff |
23:39:05 | midk | != 0 would work for an int :) |
23:39:27 | midk | ok so now we've got the plugin setup right |
23:39:31 | BioHazard | but making an int when it only needs to be a bool wastes memory |
23:39:36 | midk | right |
23:39:41 | midk | so it happens to be a bool in this case |
23:39:44 | diddystar5 | while (midk=asshole) { let_me_talk } |
23:40:45 | diddystar5 | have to go |
23:40:46 | diddystar5 | one sec |
23:40:47 | diddystar5 | brb |
23:40:50 | midk | are you somewhat familiar with the rockbox api? |
23:40:50 | | Quit diddystar5 ("Leaving") |
23:40:56 | BioHazard | awwwwww... |
23:41:04 | midk | *deignores |
23:41:07 | BioHazard | i almost feel bad for him |
23:41:17 | BioHazard | *same |
23:41:33 | midk | heh he's prolly just rebooting into linux to hack the pc |
23:42:05 | BioHazard | k, so while (!pulgin_ok) do {} |
23:42:21 | BioHazard | or does it do something in there |
23:42:22 | midk | you've got a recorder right? |
23:42:28 | BioHazard | yea |
23:42:29 | midk | you don't need the do |
23:42:32 | midk | ok |
23:42:38 | midk | let's make this recorder only for now then |
23:42:41 | BioHazard | i know there is no do |
23:42:53 | midk | we could also make it dual function.. maybe like a tip calculator or something |
23:42:59 | BioHazard | dont we need #ifdef s? |
23:43:13 | BioHazard | it was originally a tip calculator |
23:43:16 | midk | to make it compile for the recorder only, do "#ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP" right after the #include |
23:43:29 | midk | and #endif at the very end after the last closing curly bracket |
23:43:59 | BioHazard | question |
23:44:15 | midk | sure] |
23:44:22 | midk | hope i'm doing ok :) |
23:45:06 | BioHazard | if the #ifdef went after the #include, wouldnt it still pull in the plugin.h even for a non-supported platform, thus creating wasting space? |
23:45:13 | scott666 | ooh, calculator plugin? |
23:45:18 | midk | heh no scott |
23:45:31 | BioHazard | not yet anyway ;) |
23:45:51 | midk | bio, yes, but if we do it after the #include then it is anyways compiled for the player |
23:45:55 | scott666 | didnt someone on the list say they were working on one? or was that you BioHazard? |
23:45:56 | midk | but the plugin loader will reject it |
23:45:59 | midk | scott: it was i |
23:46:44 | midk | scott never got far |
23:46:50 | midk | i'll try it later again |
23:47:16 | midk | so bio, the reason it's after the #include is because the plugin loader will then compile it for the player so that it can error out: "Wrong model" |
23:47:34 | BioHazard | ah |
23:47:40 | | Join diddystar5 [0] (lee@IC104.library.oregonstate.edu) |
23:47:51 | BioHazard | yea, now that i look at it, your right |
23:48:35 | midk | ok let's move on |
23:49:07 | BioHazard | while (!PLUGIN_OK){} |
23:49:23 | midk | yes' |
23:49:37 | midk | now we can start with the calculating portion |
23:49:53 | midk | we'll do the interface last |
23:49:58 | midk | that should make it easier |
23:50:27 | BioHazard | do i put stuff between the {} or create a new function |
23:50:48 | midk | whatever you want to run while your plugin is going you put in the { } |
23:50:55 | diddystar5 | you put anything legal in c betwene the {}'s |
23:50:57 | midk | but to make it more readable let's seperate it into functions |
23:51:03 | midk | *ignores |
23:51:16 | midk | so let's see |
23:51:23 | | Quit theBishop (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:51:26 | midk | where's your original source? |
23:51:34 | midk | we can use it as a guide |
23:51:46 | BioHazard | he hasnt done anythin confusing yet, once he does something i dont understand, /ignore again |
23:52:10 | BioHazard | you need a link? |
23:52:25 | diddystar5 | let me do it, i have actually worked on code for things other than rockbox |
23:52:35 | midk | yeah pls |
23:52:52 | scott666 | wouldnt designing a calculator be all interface though? |
23:52:53 | BioHazard | i know how to code for stuff, just not rockbox |
23:52:58 | midk | scott yes |
23:53:03 | midk | if you want to help with a ui go ahead |
23:53:08 | midk | yeah bio |
23:53:12 | midk | can i see your source? |
23:53:36 | BioHazard | http://www.geocities.com/zd_biohazard/morecode.zip |
23:53:41 | scott666 | but you said you were doing the interface last, so what does that mean youre doing now? |
23:53:45 | BioHazard | there i hope thats right |
23:53:53 | scott666 | or are we not doing a calculator and im just confused |
23:53:56 | BioHazard | were working on something else |
23:54:02 | midk | scott not right now |
23:54:06 | scott666 | ahh |
23:54:09 | scott666 | ok then |
23:54:10 | midk | i was gonna do a calc seperately |
23:54:20 | BioHazard | i once made a calculator in zdoom |
23:54:23 | midk | yeah that's it bio |
23:54:24 | scott666 | so what are you doing then? |
23:54:25 | diddystar5 | conio.h |
23:54:27 | diddystar5 | what is that? |
23:54:39 | midk | tax calculator |
23:55:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:56:06 | BioHazard | k, in tax.cpp we can strip out the instructions |
23:56:30 | midk | let's start at the beginning |
23:56:32 | midk | we can put |
23:56:36 | midk | int i = 500; |
23:56:36 | midk | int q; |
23:56:50 | midk | after the "static struct plugin_ap *rb;" |
23:56:52 | midk | api* |
23:57:03 | BioHazard | so, "while (!PLUGIN_OK){ I PUT STUFF HERE }"? |
23:57:24 | midk | well yeah |
23:57:35 | BioHazard | ok, just needed to clarify |
23:57:49 | scott666 | wait....while plugin NOT ok? |
23:57:56 | midk | yes scott |
23:58:04 | midk | plugin_ok exits |
23:58:13 | scott666 | oh |
23:58:18 | scott666 | that seems backwards |
23:58:23 | midk | i know |
23:58:24 | scott666 | i think ill just be quiet now |
23:58:24 | scott666 | lol |
23:58:27 | midk | heh |
23:58:29 | midk | good idea |
23:58:36 | midk | *shoves off the stage |
23:58:39 | midk | :) |