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#rockbox log for 2004-08-22

00:00:36 Join de [0] (
00:01:18 Nick de is now known as uski (
00:01:43 Join midk [0] (
00:02:25 Quit midk (Remote closed the connection)
00:02:47 Join midk [0] (
00:03:48dstar5hi LinusN
00:03:55dstar5i had a few questions i beleive
00:13:02 Quit dstar5 ("umount /dev/brain")
00:24:14 Join mobile8 [0] (~user@
00:24:27 Join webguest12 [0] (
00:26:49LinusNze: you there?
00:30:00 Quit webguest12 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")
00:44:41 Quit uski ("Leaving")
00:44:43 Quit mobile8 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:57:29 Part oxygen77 ("Cho")
01:13:54 Quit midk (Remote closed the connection)
01:13:54 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
01:25:59***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
01:27:01 Join midk [0] (
01:50:55midklinus is cooking today! :)
01:52:40midki don't see anything changed in these "cr/lf line terminator" merges though
01:53:59LinusNthe crlf changes aren't visible
01:54:18midkwhat did you change then?
01:54:55midkyou also forgot to close the two patches merged
01:55:07midkoh, never mind
01:55:13midkthe patches page just hasn't updated yet
01:55:20LinusNi changed the CR/LF endings to LF endings
01:55:38midkdah, forget i said anything
02:30:58 Part LinusN
02:43:29 Join webguest71 [0] (
02:43:38 Quit webguest71 (Client Quit)
02:56:45 Join scott666 [0] (
02:57:35 Join Nibbler [0] (
03:26:01***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
04:42:46 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
04:46:15 Join webguest57 [0] (
04:47:27 Join webguest10 [0] (
04:47:27 Quit webguest57 (Client Quit)
04:48:14 Quit webguest10 (Client Quit)
04:48:20 Join webguest27 [0] (
04:57:34webguest27Sorry to bother, just trying to understand the interface.
05:03:57midkbrb, reboot.
05:04:02 Quit midk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:05:35 Join midk [0] (
05:06:05 Nick midk is now known as midk|game (
05:18:33 Quit webguest27 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")
05:26:03***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
05:58:03 Nick midk|game is now known as midk (
06:03:14midkreboot brb
06:03:18 Quit midk (Remote closed the connection)
06:05:01 Join midk [0] (
06:16:16 Join Nibbler [0] (
06:39:57 Quit AciD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
07:12:30 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
07:26:07***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
08:49:41 Quit maikeul ("Client exiting")
08:50:18 Join gromit`` [0] (
08:57:20 Join Nibbler [0] (
09:13:35 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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10:57:40 Join Nibbler [0] (
11:23:58 Join oxygen77 [0] (
11:26:12***No seen item changed, no save performed.
11:40:00CtcpIgnored 3 channel CTCP requests in 5 hours and 35 minutes at the last flood
11:40:00*oxygen77 is back (gone 00:16:17)
11:40:00 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
12:47:55 Quit midk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
12:49:41 Join midk [0] (
12:51:12 Join israel2 [0] (
12:54:19israel2do u have an older version of rockbox like 1.4?
12:55:00israel2or maybe you might know how to eork out that i can see hebrew right to left?
12:55:20israel2archos jukebox recorder 20
12:56:06midkVERY old though, i don't really suggest it
12:56:26israel2any ideas how to correct the hebrew siyuation?
12:57:06midkno idea, sorry
12:57:33israel2thanx anyways
12:57:44midkno problem
12:57:48midkcould be done though...
12:58:04midka bit of nifty code could take care of it
12:58:06midkperhaps look for linusn
13:04:34 Quit israel2 ()
13:15:43 Join jim_h [0] (
13:24:06 Join NibbIer [0] (
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13:47:12 Quit NibbIer (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
13:48:01 Join zeekoe [0] (
13:52:55*zeekoe is away: lunch
13:52:56 Quit jim_h ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")
13:53:50 Join AciD [0] (
13:55:41 Quit oxygen77 ("Cho")
13:59:03 Nick midk is now known as midk|sleep (
13:59:10midk|sleeptime for bed, nite
13:59:20 Join edx [0] (
14:04:35 Join Smooth [0] (
15:24:22 Join NibbIer [0] (
15:24:22 Quit Smooth (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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15:42:03 Quit NibbIer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
16:09:16 Join zeekoe_ [0] (
16:27:18 Quit zeekoe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
17:12:22 Join dstar5 [0] (
17:13:36dstar5heh LinusN patched the vu meter a bit early
17:21:59 Join webguest68 [0] (
17:22:06webguest68hi !
17:22:23 Nick zeekoe_ is now known as zeekoe (
17:22:25webguest68i've got a little problem
17:23:07webguest68i don't install the good version of rockbox :D
17:23:54webguest68i've got a archos recorder 20 and i had installed the version of the archors fm
17:24:27dstar5then install the right one :)
17:24:36webguest68i can't
17:24:38 Join NibbIer [0] (
17:25:03zeekoewhy not
17:25:39zeekoejust do it :)
17:25:42webguest68Now when i plug my archos on the pc , the pc is blocked
17:25:54zeekoebuy a new pc
17:26:21***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
17:26:35webguest68and when i switch on the jukebox only , it blok too during the boot..............
17:26:59webguest68PS: sorry for my english , i'm french......
17:27:53dstar5what happens when you boot the jukebox?
17:28:37webguest68it blocks too, at the fourth point
17:29:47zeekoeso... it stops working when rockbox is loading
17:29:53dstar5webguest68: can you hook in usb first, and then turn on your jukebox?
17:29:54zeekoetry booting with F1 pressed
17:30:05zeekoethat's an option, too
17:31:12webguest68pressed during all the boot or just a the begining ??
17:31:43dstar5zeekoe: thats flashed only
17:32:00webguest68dstar5 : what is 'hook" signification
17:32:39zeekoedstar5: hmm... you're right...
17:32:44webguest68but i'm think that i 'll try to format the dd whith the pc........
17:33:00zeekoehook is like hang, put on, you know
17:33:06zeekoeplug in
17:33:15zeekoeyou dont need to format it
17:33:26dstar5webguest68: you have it on usb now?
17:33:29zeekoejust get the ajz file off and it'll work like before
17:33:48dstar5just delete ajbrec.ajz
17:33:50webguest68no if i plug it on usb the pc block
17:34:08 Join maikeul [0] (
17:34:31zeekoewebguest68: so you cant format it either, can you?
17:34:41webguest68yes i can
17:34:58webguest68so i'will do it and we will see
17:35:23zeekoehow can you format it if the pc blocks?
17:35:51webguest68i will take the hard disk of the jukebox
17:36:31webguest68it will be ok, isn't it ???
17:37:10webguest68but i wil
17:37:26webguest68but i can't do it now
17:37:47webguest68(i don't at home)
17:38:42webguest68so i will try that and we will see
17:38:51zeekoethat's ok
17:38:56webguest68think you very much ;)
17:39:03zeekoeif you remove the ajz file it's ok
17:39:18zeekoeno problem :)
17:39:43zeekoegood luck
17:40:10 Quit webguest68 ("CGI:IRC")
17:41:11 Quit gromit`` (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
18:07:08dstar5see you zeekoe
18:07:25 Quit dstar5 ("umount /dev/brain")
18:25:02*zeekoe is away: lunch
18:48:21*zeekoe is back (gone 00:23:20)
18:54:09 Join oxygen77 [0] (
19:09:56*oxygen77 is away: chui pas là
19:17:37 Quit edx ()
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19:53:39 Join zeekoe_ [0] (
19:54:21 Join _aLF [0] (
19:55:17 Join grogro [0] (
19:59:13 Quit maikeul (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
19:59:13 Quit scott666 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
19:59:22 Join scott666 [0] (
20:05:22 Quit zeekoe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:11:13 Quit grogro (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
20:17:24 Quit zeekoe_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:31:16 Join gromit`` [0] (
20:35:44 Quit scott666 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:40:45 Join scott666 [0] (
20:51:09 Nick midk|sleep is now known as midk (
21:21:16 Nick NibbIer is now known as Nibbler (
21:25:49 Quit midk (Remote closed the connection)
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21:56:53 Join Salokyn [0] (
21:56:59 Part Salokyn
22:11:13*oxygen77 is back (gone 03:01:17)
22:15:01 Quit AciD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
22:19:25 Join AciD [0] (
22:52:16 Join dstar5 [0] (
22:53:23 Quit dstar5 (Client Quit)
22:54:49 Join dstar5 [0] (
23:06:28 Quit scott666 ("i'll be back...eventually...")
23:11:50 Quit dstar5 ("Leaving")
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23:43:35 Quit gromit`` ("Client exiting")
23:46:25 Part oxygen77 ("Cho")

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