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#rockbox log for 2005-01-12

00:00:24Zagoryes, they are a bit bass-heavy
00:00:52pike|so how would you scale the etymotics vs sony's on a bass-scale ?
00:03:58Zagorhard to give a quantified answer. the etymotics were a lot more weak than the sonys are strong, i'd say
00:04:28pike|ok. thx. nää, dags o nanna puten
00:04:53quelsarukamiconn: i'll try tomorrow morning (my special spanish morning) and i'll tell you if something can be missunderstood :)
00:09:38zeZagor: did you get the B S or P?
00:10:39[IDC]DragonI have the S
00:10:56ze[IDC]Dragon: do you use it with an amp for your portable?
00:11:04ZagorI got the P, I think
00:11:14[IDC]Dragonno, I don't
00:11:47[IDC]DragonI admit that audiophile phones and Archos are a bit misbalanced
00:12:20zeyeah the page about it recomends an amp for use with portables and the S
00:12:44[IDC]Dragonalthough Archos' output is not too bad, compared to other players, I heared
00:13:17[IDC]Dragonit's definitely enough powerful to drive the S
00:14:15[IDC]Dragonthe difference between S and P is just a different series resistor, which is lower on P
00:14:32zelets see, the B and S are 100 ohms and the P is 27
00:14:53zeso yeah 100 ohms is still fairly low
00:15:16[IDC]Dragonthe capsule itself is 5 ohms, the rest goes to that resistor
00:15:58[IDC]Dragonyou can "convert" a P into an S by adding the difference resistance
00:16:48[IDC]DragonZagor: btw, why is our sound default +6dB bass and treble?
00:17:35Zagorhistorical reasons. the jb6000 headphone amplifier was a lot weaker than the recorders, so most people boosted the sound settings a little.
00:17:44Zagori think we should revert to flat
00:17:51[IDC]Dragonthis disturbes me on regular intervals, whenever my flat settings are not present
00:17:57Zagorme too
00:18:01crash_btw can someone recommend an inear earphones ?
00:18:33crash_had the mx500 from sennheiser but these got damaged after about half of a year using them
00:18:54crash_this happended with 2 other pairs also, so i think this is normal with these :/
00:19:08crash_although i had heard much good about them before
00:19:16[IDC]Dragonthe players should just require a bass boost, because of too small caps
00:19:25[IDC]Dragonno treble boost
00:20:20Zagorcrash_: try the sony ex-70/71. i think they are pretty good for the price. and i'm never going back to regular earbuds that fall out of my ears all the time... :-)
00:20:30amiconnZagor: As I'm fiddling with the settings anyway, should I change treble and bass defaults to flat?
00:20:54Zagoramiconn: sure. but commit it separately, so it's clearly visible.
00:20:59crash_you had the sennheiser or of which are you talking, that where falling of your ear ?
00:21:35Zagorno, i had sonys with similar shape.
00:21:41crash_ah :)
00:21:51crash_ok thx, i'll have a look
00:21:51Zagormaybe i have strange ears :)
00:22:01crash_maybe, dont know them *G*
00:22:06crash_see you tomorrow
00:22:10crash_good nite
00:24:31amiconnZagor: The treble & bass defaults are different for the player & other models. For player, they are +7 dB, for recorder +6 dB.
00:24:44Zagorthat's weird
00:24:59[IDC]DragonI've seen that, too
00:25:05Zagori say we flat'em all
00:25:18[IDC]Dragonprobably because ofthe player weakness
00:26:22amiconnWell, the preferred settings depend a lot on how you use the player. For earphone, I actually use +6 dB for both treble & bass, for hifi or in-car use I set it to flat.
00:26:46Zagori seem to recall linus having an opinion against flat, but i don't remember what
00:27:38amiconnMaybe if we set it to flat, some user which give rockbox only a quick shot may complain that rockbox sounds "thin" and not use it because of that...
00:29:05Zagoryes, well i'm not too worried. :-) but let's wait and see what linus objections were (if any)
00:30:53quelsaruktime to go sleep
00:31:01quelsarukgood night guys
00:31:07quelsarukcu tomorrow
00:31:29 Quit quelsaruk ("KVIrc 'System Virtue'")
00:33:27***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
00:37:28[IDC]DragonI'm off, too
00:37:40 Quit [IDC]Dragon (" HydraIRC -> <- Chicks dig it")
00:39:18 Quit jyp ("Leaving")
00:39:43 Quit zeekoe (" sleep")
00:40:35Zagor(ipod shuffle) "USB 1.1 and 2.0 through integrated USB connector"
00:51:13 Join bagawk [0] (~Lee@bagawk.user)
00:51:24bagawkHey :)
01:00:57 Quit bagawk ("Leaving")
01:01:25 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting")
01:08:47 Join pike [0] (
01:15:10 Join LinusN [0] (
01:16:29LinusNyes, the settings default to +6/+6 and +7/+7 to make rockbox sound "better" by default
01:16:56amiconnOk, so I'll leave it as-is
01:17:07LinusNin the dawn of rockbox, we had complaints about dull sound
01:17:15LinusNi think it should default to flat
01:18:09LinusNbut that's probably because my ears/earphones prefer it that way
01:18:25 Join preglow [0] (
01:18:30amiconnObviously we cannot have both "better" sound and flat default at the same time.
01:18:35LinusNif you have the original crappy headphones, you'd probably want the boosted settings
01:19:20amiconnI do have (somewhat) better earphones, but I still prefer treble & bass boosted
01:19:52amiconnIt also depends on the volume you are usually listening, mine is quite low.
01:20:13LinusNalso, this was back when rockbox hadn't yet gained wide acceptance
01:20:19preglowoy, linus, will us people without bdm interfaces be able to code rockbox for iriver h1x0 once you've completed the bootloader?
01:20:34LinusNpreglow: yes
01:20:39preglowgreat, i'm looking forward to it
01:20:44LinusNme too .-)
01:21:07LinusNi just wish i had time to work on it...
01:21:29preglowhaving my h120 suddenly become a programmable hardware platform excites me tremedously
01:21:45preglowgood bye crappy firmware, hello insertable dsp effects
01:22:51preglowshortage of time is something i can relate to, hehe
01:22:58LinusNi'm actually surprised that people don't complain about the incredibly lousy user interface on the original
01:23:45preglowi rarely look at it, heh
01:25:32amiconnLinusN: What should the following message tell *me*:
01:25:33amiconncvs commit: Using deprecated info format strings. Convert your scripts to use
01:25:34amiconnthe new argument format and remove '1's from your info file format strings.
01:25:37 Join Nuxator [0] (
01:26:30Nuxatori'm an iriver user and i do complain about bad interface
01:26:46LinusNamiconn: it is a server configuration thing...ignore it and be happy
01:26:49preglowfunny you should mention it...
01:26:50Nuxatori'm student in computer science especialy interfaces
01:27:10Nuxatorand the iriver one is bad bad bad
01:27:24preglowwhat exactly needs improvement?
01:27:44LinusNfor example, why is there an A/B button?
01:27:57Nuxatorfor exemple do not put a nice picture in browser that take 1/3 of the screen
01:28:07LinusNand why does it do a zillion other things than just control the A/B repeat mode?
01:28:22preglowahh, like that, yes
01:28:22Nuxatora/b button will be good forrockbox i guess ^^
01:28:53LinusNand all those secret handshakes for the EQ settings
01:28:56preglowthe thing i think is the greatest right now, is the boot screen
01:29:00 Quit pike| (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
01:29:05preglowseems like the players just sits there for five seconds, showing a picture
01:29:47Nuxatoryes key layout and mapping isn't really good either
01:30:18LinusNthey should have had a more generic set of buttons
01:30:38Nuxatori did mail iriver and the only answer is nonews from dev team look often our website.....
01:30:54preglowtheir dev team is heavily overworked, i'm afraid
01:31:52Nuxatorlast time i said them that linus alons will make a new firmware from scratch (not really but near) when they just updated the boot logo
01:31:54preglowbut yeah, i think it's half decent
01:32:05preglowand i think the cpu is pretty powerful
01:32:46Nuxatormaybe it's powerfullbut i think they don't use full speed mot of the time to save power
01:33:12preglowi certainly hope it's capable of doing more than decoing mp3s before it's maxed out
01:33:34preglowsure, i read that motorolas reference mp3 decoder used around 10%
01:33:40preglowbut that might not be entirely correct
01:33:56preglowmad will most assuredly use more anyway
01:34:07Nuxatori think encoding is much more cpu consuming
01:34:22preglowthat's more or less a fact, yes
01:34:58preglowbut i use my player for playing, mostly, and when i record, i record as wav
01:35:02Nuxatorbut the thing i realy miss in iriver firmware is on the fly playlists
01:35:10preglowi miss gapless playback, hehe
01:35:27Nuxatori have an creative dap (the big blue one)
01:35:31preglowif they would have put in that, i might just have been happy
01:35:44Nuxatorand all was done with on the fly playlist
01:35:45preglowbut having my player becoming a programmable platform is the greatest
01:36:11Nuxatorsure it will be cool to add plugin to rockbox
01:36:20preglowyes, and stuff like proper equalizers
01:36:25preglowwhich isn't that hard to code
01:36:51LinusNpreglow: you know dsp programming?
01:37:06preglowone of my main interests
01:37:18Nuxatori'll learn some sound processing this year
01:37:31Nuxatorbut not sure it would be dsp
01:37:45preglowyou haven't really got a choice if you want to do it digitally
01:37:52preglowsince the d stands for digital
01:38:19LinusNgotta go to sleep, it's 2am over here
01:38:23Nuxatori know but it seems will just use some sound livrary and put them together
01:38:26preglow1:40 here
01:38:28LinusNwell, soon 2am
01:38:29preglowthinking about bed myself
01:38:34Nuxator1:37 here
01:38:51preglowyou're swedish, yes?
01:38:52Nuxatorok we all agree
01:38:55preglownot surprising, then
01:38:59Nuxatorbed time
01:39:04LinusNnite all
01:39:07preglowait, nitey
01:39:13 Part LinusN
01:39:29Nuxatori'm french
01:39:50preglownorwegian here
01:39:57preglowbut bed, yes
01:39:59 Quit preglow ("arf")
01:40:02 Quit Nuxator ("Chatzilla 0.9.66 [Mozilla rv:1.7.5/20041108]")
01:43:13 Quit Kultivator ()
01:52:21 Quit mecraw_ ("Trillian (")
02:01:01 Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
02:33:31***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
02:59:13 Part amiconn
03:23:36 Join Vassago [0] (
03:24:47 Part Vassago
03:50:16 Quit edx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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04:50:16 Quit lImbus (Remote closed the connection)
05:24:55 Join edx [0] (
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07:55:43 Quit courtc (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
07:55:46 Join courtc_ [0] (
08:09:17 Nick courtc_ is now known as courtc (
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08:57:16 Quit Nibbler (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
09:02:54 Join LinusN [0] (
09:07:46LePoulpeMorning all
09:08:54 Join Zagor [242] (
09:09:11LinusNmorning mr z
09:09:29LinusNi didn't see any db commits yesterday... :-)
09:10:12Zagorno, i discovered a bug when testing on target. can't repeat it in the simulator.
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33***Started Dancer V4.16
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:06:33***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
10:06:33***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26***Started Dancer V4.16
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:15:26***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
10:15:26***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18***Started Dancer V4.16
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:24:18***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
10:24:18***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10***Started Dancer V4.16
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:33:10***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
10:33:10***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02***Started Dancer V4.16
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:42:02***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
10:42:02***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54***Started Dancer V4.16
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:50:54***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
10:50:54***No seen item changed, no save performed.
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46***Started Dancer V4.16
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
10:59:46***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
10:59:46***No seen item changed, no save performed.
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38***Started Dancer V4.16
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:08:38***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
11:08:38***No seen item changed, no save performed.
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30***Started Dancer V4.16
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:17:30***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
11:17:30***No seen item changed, no save performed.
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22***Started Dancer V4.16
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:26:22***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
11:26:22***No seen item changed, no save performed.
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15***Started Dancer V4.16
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:35:15***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
11:35:15***No seen item changed, no save performed.
11:44:07DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for labb (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:44:07***Started Dancer V4.16
11:44:07DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
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11:44:07DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:44:07DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:44:07DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:44:07DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:44:07DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:44:07DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:44:07***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
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11:52:59DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:52:59DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:52:59DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:52:59DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:52:59DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:52:59DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:52:59DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
11:52:59***Unable to connect to on port 6667 (tried 8 times)
11:52:59***No seen item changed, no save performed.
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12:01:51DEBUGReceived signal 15 (SIGTERM), terminating (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
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12:06:37DEBUGgethostbyname(2) failed for (Resource temporarily unavailable) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 99)
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12:11:26***Server message 501: 'logbot_ :Unknown MODE flag'
12:11:26Mode"logbot_ :+i" by logbot_
12:11:26***Server message 477: 'logbot_ #rockbox :[freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you.'
12:11:26 Join logbot_ [242] (
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12:11:46kurzhaarrockerwelcome back logbot_ :)
12:16:25void_well I swapped drives
12:16:32void_and it seems to be the drive isn't working properly
12:16:43void_I plugged it into a laptop and it isn't even booting
12:17:05kurzhaarrockerIs there something to boot on the hd?
12:17:21void_hrm no but the laptop doesn't even turn on
12:18:18*kurzhaarrocker at lunch
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12:51:51 Join Zagor [242] (
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12:52:56Zagorahh, finally power is back. you'd think the server was located in a remote mountain village somewhere...
12:57:29 Join zeekoe [0] (
13:03:18Zagori thought this was funny:
13:06:51 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (
13:07:24pikeI think it's absolutely hilarious
13:10:10 Join ashridah [0] (
13:10:20[IDC]DragonWhat did I miss this morning?
13:11:19[IDC]Dragonlogbot missed that
13:11:29zeekoe[IDC]Dragon: this:
13:11:38kurzhaarrockereven logbot_ is powered by electricity
13:11:46[IDC]Dragonyes, saw that, pretty nice
13:11:50zeekoeZagor said that just before you came in
13:11:59zeekoeyeah, it's fun
13:12:32[IDC]Dragonbut you can't complain about the mini mac
13:14:26Zagor[IDC]Dragon: i agree. the mini looks like like it could be a nice home linux server.
13:15:00*kurzhaarrocker recently bought Linux without knowing
13:16:23kurzhaarrockerSiemens builds those DVB-T receivers that run on linux. It seems that a loose bunch of hackers already started investigating it.
13:16:54kurzhaarrockerNow I just have to wait until a bunch of magic thingies turn up
13:17:28kurzhaarrocker (german)
13:18:30zeekoethere are wireless router/modems too with linux, that's really cool
13:19:06zeekoe*yikes* german... oh you said that :)
13:20:32kurzhaarrockerAnd since the regions where digital tv is broadcast momentarily are quite limited those hackers probably even live nearby.
13:20:43kurzhaarrockere.g. not in sweden
13:22:39pikeI wonder how the iriver fw mp3 decoder can have such accurate time estimation for vbr mp3's and accurate seeking
13:23:50kurzhaarrockerIs it more precise than rockbox?
13:23:55zeekoekurzhaarrocker: in Holland it's just coming too. But you have to pay, even for public channels. In 2007 or 2008 analog antenna will be off the air
13:24:23kurzhaarrockerHow do they want to control wether you pay?
13:26:00zeekoeuh... just like with satellite i think
13:26:03zeekoedecoder stuff
13:26:03kurzhaarrockerHere in Germany you have to pay for tv anyway, wether analog, digital, satelite, cable - GEZ (Bebühren Einzugs Zentrale) always wants your money
13:26:14zeekoethat's true in Holland too
13:26:47kurzhaarrockerSo they want to make you dutchmen pay _extra_ for dvb-t ?
13:26:53zeekoebut for DVB you have to pay extra. You'll get ~15 channels or so, in 'digital quality'
13:26:53pikekurzhaarrocker: I dont know, I have an iriver so never tried Rockbox
13:27:24zeekoedigital quality means it's digital, you'll have many artifacts because of lack of bandwith
13:27:59zeekoeanyway, i should be going to school now...
13:28:10kurzhaarrockerHave a nice day
13:28:14zeekoeyou too
13:28:17 Quit zeekoe (" .")
13:28:17kurzhaarrockertot ziens
13:29:07pikesucks to pay for crap quality
13:29:48kurzhaarrockeryes. Here in Germany they want to increase the GEZ too.
13:34:26*kurzhaarrocker thinks that he remembers a feature request "Make the radio receiver of the FM recorder receive tv"
13:44:13 Quit izzy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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13:50:24Lynx_kurzhaarrocker: do you have one of the siemens dvbt things already?
13:50:39kurzhaarrockerI love it
13:51:26kurzhaarrockerit has two internal receivers thus you can record 2 independet sources while watching a 3rd mpeg from hd or network
13:51:26 Join preglow [0] (
13:54:05Lynx_kurzhaarrocker: sounds really cool. the ability to use it as a streaming box for xvid/divix also would make it a killer box
13:54:35Lynx_it's not even too expensive
13:55:09kurzhaarrockerWell it can't do that trick. But as it runs on linux and siemens provided the source I wouldn't be surprised if someone ported a divx decoder to it somewhen.
13:56:12kurzhaarrockerMomentarily some freaks try to make it a samba server and a web server for remote administration
14:06:40***Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"
14:19:46void_well I guess the hdd is shot
14:28:40crash_argl playback with gaps suck on my iriver
14:28:54crash_hopefully linus will have time to complete bootloader ;)
14:29:27LinusNi hope that too :-)
14:30:40preglowhow big will the thing be?
14:31:03LinusNbig? the thing?
14:31:13LinusNwell, it isn't big
14:31:17preglowwill it be easy to find a suitable spot in the firmware to insert it?
14:31:29LinusNthat won't be a problem
14:31:43LinusNthere's lots of room in the end of the flash
14:32:23dwihnoWhy does this conversation remind me of Johnny Mnemonic? :)
14:32:42preglowwouldn't know, haven't seen/read it
14:33:19LinusN"hit me"
14:33:39kurzhaarrockerDo you deserve it, LinusN?
14:33:45preglowhey, he asked for it
14:33:55preglowthat's a moot point
14:34:12dwihno"I want room service!"
14:35:25Lynx_kurzhaarrocker: hmm, i wonder if the cpu in the thing is fast enough for xvid decoding. is there such a thing as a realtime xvid to mped transcoder, so it could run on the pc connected to the box?
14:35:35preglowwhat thing?
14:35:53Lynx_siemens dvbt receiver
14:36:26ZagorLynx_: i doubt it. i assume they are using hardware mpeg-2 decoders
14:36:40kurzhaarrocker:) Zagor was faster than me
14:36:49Lynx_that's what i thought
14:36:51kurzhaarrockeryes, they do use hw decoders
14:37:06 Join jyp [0] (
14:37:16*kurzhaarrocker doesn't even know the cpu speed
14:37:32Lynx_maybe the next version will do xvid decoding...
14:38:45kurzhaarrockerDo you have dvb-t in sweden?
14:39:41preglowi've seen receivers with powerpc chips in them, but perhaps they need a lot of power for stuff other than decoding as well?
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14:45:49kurzhaarrockerthis seems to be the core thing of it:
14:46:04crash_LinusN: you maybe have an idea when u can finish it ?
14:47:24LinusNcrash_: soon
14:49:19crash_i *love* this kind of announcement cause its always true :)
14:49:28crash_like id softwares it's done when it's done :)
14:53:17Lynx_kurzhaarrocker: not that i know anything of cpu's, but the MIPS cpu of the chip is not very powerful, ie for xvid decoding?
14:53:46kurzhaarrockerto be honest: I doubt it too. But who knows.
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15:33:56kurzhaarrocker... and the siemens dvb-t box has 2 mpeg2 decoders. Isn't it like this: mpeg2 + mpeg2 = mpeg4 ?
15:45:18 Part LinusN
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15:53:22bobTHChi folks!
15:53:39kurzhaarrockerHigh, thc
15:54:24bobTHCthat sounds good
15:54:57 Quit methangas (" I love my HydraIRC -> <-")
15:57:33bobTHCarchos sold some recorder
15:57:41bobTHCfor 200€
15:58:00bobTHCJukebox Recorder 20
15:58:28bobTHCfor nostalgic ;)
15:59:19kurzhaarrockerprobably a stock of old returned broken garbage :)
15:59:43Zagorhow many do you think they have? ;)
16:00:07bobTHCno idea...
16:00:20kurzhaarrockerHm. Depends on the original firmware / rockbox ratio I assume
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16:46:53 Join c0g0 [0] (~keranamu@
16:46:57c0g0hey guys
16:47:11c0g0does anyone think they can help me out with some questions
16:47:29jypLike, what's the meaning of life ?
16:47:51kurzhaarrockerjyp: irrelevant :)
16:47:57c0g0lol ya something like that gg
16:47:59*jyp sftu from now on.
16:48:04c0g0well im gonna buy a pmp...
16:48:18c0g0and i want one that plays all divx and xvid files
16:48:19kurzhaarrockerI'm out: I don't know what pmp is.
16:48:29c0g0portable media player ;D
16:48:49Lynx_c0g0: buy a laptop ;)
16:48:53*kurzhaarrocker knows the archos jukebox recorder only
16:48:57c0g0lol heeh
16:49:20c0g0and i wonder... when it says that a player decodes DivX 4.x/5.1/5.2 (*.avi), 30 fps at 720x480
16:49:41c0g0does that mean it can only play movies that are in that format or does it only show it in that format?
16:49:49c0g0720x480 i mean
16:50:10c0g0this example is from the mobinote dp7010
16:50:15Lynx_c0g0: i have looked at many dvd players lately, and i don't know of one that plays all divx/xvid formats good. so i assume there is no decoding chip available that does.
16:51:10 Part kurzhaarrocker
16:51:27c0g0he ok..
16:52:03c0g0but i mean, if i but ... lets say archos av480 (thats what it think im gonna buy) .. will i be able to play wares movies
16:52:11c0g0that are released?
16:53:08c0g0that player plays alot of divx and xvid i think...
16:53:55Lynx_as i said, many devices play most files, but not all. some don't play stuff with global motion compensation, some have problems with packed bitstreams.
16:54:55c0g0ah ic..
16:55:16c0g0i thought that maybe they had some kind of standard on the scene for codeing/...
16:55:50preglowmost people use xvid
16:57:20Lynx_yes, but some use packed bitstream while others don't, for example. that's easy to fix, but some xivds won't play on my dvd, while others will.
16:58:07c0g0ic.. thx man
16:58:22Lynx_hmm, searching for that i found that for example the 480 plays vbr sound too slow, and it will come out of sync
16:59:45bobTHCtake a pma 400, it's run on linux and u'll install vlc on it to be sure to playback all videofiles of ure choice
17:00:03c0g0ya.. im thinking of the pma400
17:00:11c0g0but its fuckedup expensive
17:00:12Lynx_c0g0: read the last long post in that
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17:02:02Lynx_bobTHC: do you know vlc will run on it?
17:02:33 Quit webguest30 (Client Quit)
17:03:40c0g0ohh thx
17:03:51bobTHCit's run on zaurus
17:05:56bobTHCand on yopy, i don't understand why it's dont run on a similar devices like PMA400
17:06:35Bagderwhat cpu is in the pma400?
17:06:38Bagderanyone knows?
17:09:16c0g0hmm why cant they make the pma400 with bigger hdd and a 3.8 screen!
17:09:21c0g0soooo anyoning
17:09:49Bagdereh, you already said it is too expensive as it is
17:10:33c0g0hehe.. ok.. and a cheaper price ;D
17:19:59[IDC]DragonBagder: it's an ARM9
17:20:18[IDC]Dragonplus Texas DSP stuff
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21:29:14Irl_27hi all
21:30:30Irl_27been on the rockbox web site and trying to download the new flash rom..but the link is dead
21:30:46Irl_27is there anywhere else i can download it from?
21:33:11lImbusif /that/ link is dead...
21:33:42lImbusI don't know of any other place
21:34:00 Join LinusN [0] (
21:34:17LinusNthe link to works for me
21:34:33lImbusnot for me too
21:34:36Irl_27i will try again
21:34:43amiconnWorks for me too.
21:34:58amiconnI'll grab a copy of all flash packages.
21:35:07LinusNgotta go
21:35:09 Part LinusN
21:35:12Irl_27this is the msg i am getting
21:35:12Irl_27We are sorry, but the private homepage server could not find the file you asked for.
21:35:12Irl_27Please check the URL to ensure that the path is correct.
21:35:33lImbusIt looks like a 404, but is called 410
21:36:11Irl_27can some download the for me and dcc over irc to me?
21:36:24amiconnIrl_27: dcc send?
21:36:34Irl_27yes please
21:36:39amiconnAnswer before question?
21:37:29Irl_27thanks a million
21:46:49 Quit gargantua (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
21:47:32 Nick Spida_ is now known as Spida (
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22:23:57 Join Yokalosh [0] (
22:24:09YokaloshHey people
22:24:16YokaloshI have a query....
22:25:17preglowno one'll bite if you just ask
22:25:34YokaloshIs there anyway of solving the problem that in the video files u can make, how do you make it so that the video and the sound is at the same speed
22:25:49YokaloshThe video is always too fast
22:26:29YokaloshSo, can anyone help?
22:26:39*Bagder never made a video
22:26:45preglowi've never encoded video, so i don't know how to sync properly, no
22:27:52amiconnYokalosh: What tool(s) are you using to convert the video?
22:28:14YokaloshErm the ones it refers you to on the rockbox website
22:28:44amiconnThere are 2 methods... using the cmd line tool set, and a DirectShow converter for Windows
22:29:16Yokaloshcan you tell me any?
22:29:44YokaloshI aint really a hacker or anything so i need an easy method
22:30:23amiconnThe (older) way, using the cmd line tools, is explained in the video tutorial,
22:30:49YokaloshOh yer
22:30:54Yokaloshthat is the way i tried
22:31:03Yokaloshbut the video is always too fast
22:31:08amiconnIt should work, if you use the correct values
22:31:18amiconnWhat video do you try to convert?
22:31:30amiconnA video from the internet? AVI format?
22:31:44amiconnWhat Framerate does the video have?
22:31:52YokaloshI had some mpegs i converted them to avi using my other software
22:32:04Yokalosh27.9 or something like that
22:32:11Yokaloshthat is too fast isnt it?
22:32:13amiconnThe .AVIs still play in sync?
22:32:18amiconn(on the PC)
22:32:40YokaloshYes on the pc
22:33:17amiconnThe source frame rate can't be too fast or too slow, but you need the *exact* value for a properly syncronized video on rockbox
22:33:31Yokaloshokay so like 30
22:33:37Yokaloshor 29?
22:33:43Yokaloshinstead of 29.7
22:33:50Yokaloshor whatever
22:34:11YokaloshIs that right?
22:34:57amiconnSelect the video in explorer, and look up the properties via the context menu. It should tell you the exact frame rate
22:36:16YokaloshOkay cool
22:36:26Yokaloshand that should fix the problem
22:36:30amiconnWhat value is it?
22:37:12amiconn(You need to convert it again with the correct value. I'll tell you the steps)
22:38:11Zagor"The H10 will not be a Mass Storage Complient device, instead, it is an MTP device. Which means that it will act like a MSC on Windows XP machines, and only XP machines. Will not be recognized by Linux or Mac type computers."
22:38:24Zagorstrange decision
22:38:28amiconnWth is H10??
22:38:35Zagornew iriver player
22:38:53YokaloshIt is 25
22:38:55preglowwhat fools
22:39:27YokaloshI know the steps i think
22:39:29amiconnYokalosh: 25 fps is pal... so you do need to set some options while converting.
22:39:31pregloware there any good points to that approach?
22:39:50Zagorpreglow: i don't know
22:39:53amiconnYokalosh: 1) AVi2yuv, as described
22:40:20amiconn2) Halftone <yuv_file> <rvf_file> -m 25
22:40:32amiconn-m 25 is the movie frame rate (input)
22:40:52amiconn3) Avi2wav, and encode with lame
22:41:33preglowZagor: i see that microsoft endorses the h10, that choice might have been a condition for some sort of cooperation
22:41:49Zagoryes, probably
22:42:05amiconnYokalosh: 4) rvf_mux <rvf_file> <mp3_file> <final_rvf>
22:42:18amiconnThat's it
22:43:35amiconnBy default, halftone.exe uses the NTSC frame rate, which is 29.97 fps. If you convert a PAL video (25 fps) or any other video with a different frame rate, and you don't specify -m, it will nnot be in sync
22:44:03amiconnSo always check your input frame rate first, and if it is not 29.97 fps, use the -m parameter
22:50:03amiconnFor some reason this is not mentioned in the tutorial... perhaps because it's written by an American. I'll add this hint
22:50:47preglowZagor: where did you read that, btw?
22:52:53 Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (
22:54:08Zagorthis is quite interesting too: a new smaller neuros player, called "neuros 3":
22:54:11preglowi'm glad i got my h120 while i could
22:54:31preglowi would have got a neuros, actually, hadn't it been for the lousy reputation of the hard drives they use
22:54:51Zagorreally? what drives do they use?
22:56:50preglowforget it
22:56:53preglowi'm confusing things
22:56:57preglowrio had the shitty drives
22:57:34preglowbut, this i don't get
22:57:36preglow . Does not feature gapless MP3 playback.
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22:57:57Zagorvery few players do
22:57:59preglowwhy the hell, after having been nagged incessantly at for about a year, wouldn't iriver code gapless playback in their newest player?
22:58:06preglowit isn't that bloody hard
22:58:10Zagorbecause it will sell anyway
22:58:15Bagderbecause they don't care about nagging users
22:58:25Bagderthey already bought a unit
22:58:25preglowyes, i'm starting to understand that
22:58:47preglowit also makes me conclude that their engineers are incompetent
22:58:52Bagderbut iRiver is no different than other companies in that aspect
22:59:22preglowjust a couple of players actually support gapless playback, i think
22:59:31preglowand that'd be the rio stuff and the neuros, i think
23:03:13preglowand, could anyone tell me if the cpu in the h1x0 is the same as in the h3x0? and i mean both model and clock frequency
23:03:56lImbusisn't there a comparision on the wiki ?
23:04:10Bagderpreglow: we believe it is the same
23:04:19BagderI don't think it is 100% verified
23:04:50Bagderpreglow: Rockbox suppors gapless on Archos
23:04:52preglowin that case, the h120 cpu should have plenty of cycles left for dsp effects after decoding whatever file type it decodes, yes?
23:05:04Zagorthere's a big patch over the h120 cpu in the scanned images...
23:05:09preglowBagder: yeah, but it's done quite differently from what it should be on an iriver
23:05:15Bagderoh yes
23:05:39preglowi think someone mentioned you have to keep the mp3 encoder from emptying the bit reservoirs when you encode
23:05:45preglowand that's a rather nasty hack, really ;)
23:06:01Bagderlame −−nogap is a nasty hack?
23:06:19preglowwell, if you keep in mind you can get gapless playback without doing that, yes
23:06:24Zagorpreglow: you can fix it in the playback code too
23:06:44preglowfoobar does perfectly ordinary mp3s gaplessly
23:06:45Bagderpreglow: you can with the decoder in sw yes, not on Archos
23:06:46preglowthat is, most of them
23:06:50preglowthere are some requirements
23:06:55preglowBagder: yes, sure, i'm aware of tht
23:07:02preglowBagder: so it's a necessary hack
23:07:19BagderI wouldn't call it a hack anyway
23:07:36Bagderbut it doesn't matter
23:07:40preglowcorrect ;)
23:07:46 Quit Yokalosh ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)")
23:08:21dcranI dont think −−nogap is a nasty hack, its just how the software works
23:09:04dcrannow if only the iriver would recognize that you used −−nogap when it decodes
23:09:52Zagordcran: the iriver gap is much longer than what is created by the mp3 format
23:10:04dcranZagor : agreed
23:10:23preglowthe mp3 format gap is less than a frame, but still quite noticable
23:10:43dcranZagor : I think the iriver gap is done because of their buffering algorithm
23:10:57preglownot entirely, no, all files can be in ram and the gap still occurs
23:11:16preglowthe gap is longer when the buffering starts too late
23:11:23BagderI find iriver's crappy id3 display more disturbing than the gap
23:11:51preglowthe gap is by far the most annoying thing, if you ask me
23:11:51Bagderthey seem to read the id3 data when the song starts
23:11:57dcranThe one thing that I am hoping for from rockbox is the nogap option, I listen to quite a few albums that dibt have gaps
23:12:06preglowover half of my albums have gaps, easily
23:12:18preglowehh, have gaps where they shouldn't be, at least
23:12:39Bagderwhy is gaps that annoying? even CDs have gaps
23:12:48preglowthey don't
23:12:51preglownot unless you make one
23:12:59dcranBadger : I have quite a few CDs that dont have gaps
23:12:59 Quit windchill (Remote closed the connection)
23:13:04amiconnBagder: Live CDs/Mixes don't
23:13:18Bagdermost of my CDs have pauses between the songs though
23:13:27preglowartists that make electronic music especially are fond of not having gaps between tracks, i think
23:13:36amiconn(And rockbox does a very nice job playing them gapless, btw, if encoded with −−nogap)
23:13:41preglowand i listen to quite a bit of electronic stuff
23:13:52BagderI listen exclusively to "electronic" music
23:14:00dcranActually there are a few artists that do epic albums and from song to song there is no gaps
23:14:06preglowi listen to absolutely everthing, but started out electronic
23:14:09preglowautechre as we speak
23:14:21TexJoachimlive albums are usually gapless, too
23:14:24Bagderso, I'm just amazed, that's all
23:14:30TexJoachimalthough, I have one with gaps
23:14:49dcranspocks beard, neal morse, , Dream Theater, Rush, Pink Floyd
23:14:50Bagdergaps were never an issue to me
23:15:08TexJoachimdream theater have gaps on their cds :-)
23:15:16dcranon certain songs
23:15:22preglownevermind, it should be remedied quickly enough once the rockbox core is up and running
23:15:33dcranthat is good to hear
23:15:50lImbusI edited one DreamTheater album in a wave editor to get rid of the gaps. bow it's one track on the cd...
23:16:01dcranwhere do we stand with progress on the bootloader?
23:16:38preglowhave to ask LinusN about that
23:17:02preglowseems he hasn't got that much time to work on it
23:17:03Bagderit is pretty near
23:17:33preglowahh, i really look forward to that
23:18:02Bagderwe are many that do!
23:18:17preglowthe day my h120 becomes a programmable hardware platform, hehe
23:20:35preglowdoes anyone know how well (if at all) the dsp capabilites of the coldfire in the irivers are integreated into gcc?
23:21:40BagderI don't know
23:22:44Zagori would be surprised if they were
23:22:58Bagderyeah, me too
23:23:20Bagderand judging on the state of the binutils, I don't think coldfire is very actively maintained
23:29:01preglowwell, luckily, it's more or less a 68k, so gcc should at least optimize pretty well
23:30:31preglowbut we'll need the extra precision mac unit in the various decoders for sure
23:30:37preglowoh well
23:31:33Bagderroom for gcc hacking! ;-)
23:31:58preglowif you've seen the gcc code, and are still able to use that smiley, you must be brave indeed
23:32:29Bagderhehe, I have modified samba, it can't be worse ;-P
23:33:07Bagdernah, seriously. If it comes to that we need that, I hope we'll manage to fix it
23:33:18preglowi don't think it'll be that much of a problem
23:33:57preglowworst case, we could just juse some __asm macro to do the coldfire specific parts
23:34:09preglowuse, at least
23:35:06preglowi was just thinking more along the lines of intrinsics, but that might just be commong for simd stuff for all i know
23:39:19 Quit zeekoe (" .")
23:43:34 Join Christi-S [0] (~Christi@
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23:43:59Christi-SAny Rockbox developers around?
23:44:31Christi-SAh, good. I'm trying to compile the current dailies and I'm getting an error I don't understand
23:45:02 Join bagawk [0] (~Lee@bagawk.user)
23:45:53Christi-SWhich I would repeat here if my copy and paste weren't suddenly acting up.
23:46:33Christi-S* /home/christi/work/rockbox-devel/rockbox/rui-build/sysfont.c:19: parse error before `_font_bits'
23:46:39preglowcount yourself lucky you didn't suddenly paste some half-secret thing
23:46:45preglowthat happens to me when my copy and paste acts up
23:47:41BagderChristi-S: and that file looks ok?
23:47:51Christi-Sstatic bitmap_t _font_bits[] = {
23:48:00Christi-SCan't see anything wrong with that.
23:48:21Christi-Spresumably bitmap_t isn't being defined properly somewhere.
23:48:22BagderI can
23:48:27Bagderstatic const unsigned char _font_bits[] = {
23:48:29Bagderis mine
23:49:17Bagderyou ran make in the tools dir?
23:49:35Bagdercould be an old convbdf
23:49:44Christi-SMaybe I don't have all my source properly updated from cvs. I did a 'cvs update rockbox' - are there other packages I need to update
23:50:13Bagderthat should do
23:50:33Bagderstill, did you make sure convbdf is the latest?
23:51:28Christi-SMy guess is no since it claims to be from 2002.
23:51:39Bagderrun make in tools
23:52:31bagawk2002 was 3 years ago!
23:52:41Bagderit was?!
23:52:42Christi-SDon't see how that would help since I'm looking at the source file.
23:52:45bagawkHumm rockbox is how old now?
23:52:55bagawkTime sure goes fast
23:52:58ZagorChristi-S: the source file is built at make time
23:53:11 Part jyp ("Leaving")
23:53:15Bagdereh, what CVS repo are you using Christi-S?
23:53:59Bagderit sounds like you may be using the former one
23:54:10Bagderok, that's fine
23:54:21lImbusoops, wrong window :-$
23:54:40Bagderso on line 793 in convbdf.c, you should see the line I showed you from my sysfont.c
23:54:52Christi-SAh, that seems to have helped.
23:55:14Christi-SNow I'm just getting errors caused by my mods.
23:55:42BagderI leave you to sort them out on your own! ;-)
23:57:39bagawkAccording to 1092 days is how old rockbox is :)
23:58:06Bagderbut we didn't add it on SF the first day...
23:58:22Bagderwhatever the first day was ;-)

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