00:00:17 | [IDC]Dragon | Bagder: is there a way to find out why a .o module got included? |
00:01:46 | Bagder | I guess the map file could be used for that? |
00:03:06 | [IDC]Dragon | afaik it contains no xref |
00:03:40 | * | rasher catches the digital flow |
00:03:44 | [IDC]Dragon | but the first part is weird, a function in brackets behind each module |
00:04:20 | dwihno | maj maj måne, jag kan lura dig till skåne! |
00:04:49 | [IDC]Dragon | could be the first reference, yes |
00:08:28 | | Join ismi [0] (~d9a2a430@labb.contactor.se) |
00:08:37 | ismi | hi |
00:09:47 | | Quit ismi (Client Quit) |
00:12:41 | [IDC]Dragon | confirmed, it is |
00:13:03 | [IDC]Dragon | now it links properly, thanks Bagder! |
00:13:09 | Bagder | nice |
00:13:45 | [IDC]Dragon | this Rockbox variant is ~28 kB |
00:13:59 | [IDC]Dragon | (ucl file size) |
00:14:24 | Bagder | current CVS bootloader.bin for iriver is 41692 |
00:14:47 | Bagder | or so |
00:14:48 | [IDC]Dragon | bin, I guess |
00:14:59 | Bagder | yes |
00:15:13 | [IDC]Dragon | my binary is 46654 |
00:15:27 | [IDC]Dragon | but already includes a bit more, like USB |
00:22:16 | [IDC]Dragon | it still doesn't like multiple definitions |
00:25:57 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
00:26:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:26:11 | * | [IDC]Dragon says goodnight |
00:26:17 | | Quit [IDC]Dragon () |
00:29:39 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (~dfyhgsdth@ACB1C776.ipt.aol.com) |
00:30:43 | | Quit Rob2222 (Client Quit) |
00:36:25 | | Quit Harpy (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
01:00 |
01:25:06 | t0mas | hm... I have to re-checkout the sources when I switch form anonymous to write access right? |
01:26:48 | rasher | yes, that's the easiest way |
01:26:54 | rasher | the only real way |
01:29:16 | t0mas | hm.. |
01:29:19 | t0mas | char *ptr; |
01:29:26 | t0mas | char test[6] = "Tomas"; |
01:29:33 | t0mas | ptr = &test[2]; |
01:29:38 | t0mas | doesn't work? |
01:30:17 | rasher | [blank stare] |
01:32:43 | t0mas | hm... does work :) |
01:32:49 | t0mas | it segfaulted on the next line |
01:34:28 | coob | ptr = &test + 2; perhaps |
01:37:56 | t0mas | could work too... but the ptr = &test[2]; worked too... |
01:38:07 | t0mas | the problem was in trying to use it as a string... |
01:38:14 | t0mas | Bagder? |
01:38:25 | t0mas | is it ok to commit a "work in progress" ? |
01:38:33 | Bagder | please don't |
01:38:40 | t0mas | hm... it builds without problems |
01:38:59 | coob | 'it compiles, ship it!' |
01:39:04 | t0mas | yes |
01:39:06 | t0mas | ala microsoft :P |
01:39:07 | Bagder | people will jump on it and we'll get questions and... |
01:39:13 | t0mas | ok |
01:39:50 | t0mas | I'll write a wiki page about it tomorrow... and put the link in the commit message... |
01:40:08 | rasher | as soon as you hit a "first properly working version" I'd say commit |
01:40:19 | t0mas | well... you can lookup words with it |
01:40:37 | t0mas | but it wraps lines in the middle of a word... things like that :) |
01:40:37 | rasher | does it blow up? |
01:40:40 | t0mas | nope |
01:40:49 | Bagder | and ptr = &test[2] should work |
01:41:06 | t0mas | well... actually... it will blow up as you started using it right now... |
01:41:25 | t0mas | because nobody knows how to create datafiles for it :) |
01:41:41 | t0mas | So I'll first put that in wiki... and then commit it... saves a lot of questions here |
01:42:11 | rasher | I think I could create a Danish datafile |
01:42:30 | rasher | I believe the work to produce ispell dictionary has a version with explanations |
01:42:30 | t0mas | hm... have a link to your sources? |
01:42:48 | rasher | hang on |
01:43:07 | Bagder | we could upload a set of prebuilt files in the wiki later on |
01:43:24 | t0mas | hm... not sure if that's allowed with my sources |
01:43:30 | Bagder | ah, right |
01:43:37 | Bagder | it depends on the licenses of the source files |
01:43:59 | rasher | http://da.speling.org/filer/dsdo-1.7.0.tar.bz2 |
01:44:04 | t0mas | well the license is like this: "Download it, and do whatever you want, but don't hotlink and redistribute" |
01:44:04 | rasher | not sure about license |
01:44:15 | rasher | that's a bummer |
01:44:34 | rasher | the last bit |
01:44:54 | rasher | the danish thing is gpl |
01:45:00 | t0mas | yes, but I found another source :) |
01:45:02 | t0mas | wordnet |
01:45:12 | t0mas | http://wordnet.princeton.edu/ |
01:45:41 | t0mas | Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and |
01:45:41 | t0mas | database and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or |
01:45:41 | t0mas | royalty is hereby granted, provided that you agree to comply with |
01:45:41 | t0mas | the following copyright notice and statements, including the disclaimer, |
01:45:41 | t0mas | and that the same appear on ALL copies of the software, database and |
01:45:42 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
01:45:42 | t0mas | documentation, including modifications that you make for internal |
01:45:44 | t0mas | use or for distribution. |
01:45:46 | t0mas | </flood> |
01:46:08 | t0mas | So we can redistribute that... but we have to include the notice.. |
01:46:08 | rasher | sounds good |
01:46:49 | t0mas | well... I'll email them if it's ok to include the license in a separate file... as the converted datafiles are binary |
01:47:01 | Bagder | "FreeDict - for free bilingual dictionaries" <= http://www.freedict.de/ |
01:47:29 | t0mas | is that GPL? |
01:47:58 | Bagder | yes |
01:48:44 | t0mas | and is their format documented? |
01:49:01 | Bagder | English -> Hungarian, contains 4 words ;-) |
01:49:29 | t0mas | ah, I found a perl lib for it... |
01:49:34 | t0mas | so conversion should be possible.. |
01:49:59 | rasher | doesn't look like this Danish thing has explanations anyway |
01:50:11 | rasher | could've sworn |
01:51:04 | t0mas | hm... |
01:53:02 | Bagder | while(!morning)sleep(); |
01:53:13 | t0mas | nice idea |
01:54:20 | t0mas | Bagder->wakeup(); |
01:54:24 | t0mas | :P |
01:54:32 | t0mas | does rockbox support unicode? |
01:54:32 | rasher | while(!morning); sleep(); |
01:54:33 | rasher | :) |
01:54:48 | t0mas | I would remove that ; between while() and sleep() |
01:55:09 | t0mas | or you go to sleep in the morning... and spent the night in a loop :P |
01:55:43 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
01:56:20 | rasher | isn't it that I go to sleep and continue to do? |
01:57:49 | t0mas | while(!morning) sleep(); |
01:58:04 | t0mas | is continue to sleep() until it's morning |
01:58:22 | MoosCamaro | t0mas: http://wordnet.princeton.edu/, hey good psychocognitf db |
01:58:37 | t0mas | psychocognitf? |
01:59:12 | MoosCamaro | i did 3 years of psycho in university of Paris |
02:00 |
02:00:16 | t0mas | ah ok |
02:00:20 | MoosCamaro | very good laboratory |
02:00:30 | MoosCamaro | very serious |
02:03:29 | | Quit Aison (Connection reset by peer) |
02:07:29 | | Quit cYmen (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
02:09:21 | MoosCamaro | good night all |
02:09:39 | MoosCamaro | good luck t0mas |
02:09:54 | t0mas | tnx |
02:09:59 | t0mas | gonna sleep too... |
02:10:11 | t0mas | I'll write some info about the conversion tomorrow :) |
02:10:20 | t0mas | and "test" that on the irc channel first :) |
02:10:25 | MoosCamaro | good |
02:10:46 | | Part MoosCamaro |
02:12:20 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:22:22 | | Join CocoToni [0] (~djokapajk@ |
02:26:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:27:54 | CocoToni | I am having problems with rockbox 2.4 on Archos jukebox recorder 20 when the battery is fully discharged |
02:28:35 | CocoToni | The rockbox doesn't boot any more, even when I connect to the charger. I get some weird registries and HDD problem. |
02:29:06 | CocoToni | Happened twice already. I have to remove rockbox, and re-install it. Later it works again. |
02:29:37 | | Quit Sucka ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") |
02:30:00 | CocoToni | Any suggestions on why and how can I prevent this? |
03:00 |
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05:00 |
05:08:30 | | Join telliott [0] (~telliott@208-251-255-120.res.evv.cable.sigecom.net) |
05:09:35 | telliott | Where do I get the files to make a compatible song database for the new daily builds? |
05:12:10 | | Quit keithhub ("Leaving") |
05:15:43 | | Part telliott |
05:24:55 | | Join asdsd_ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-26-230.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) |
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06:00 |
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06:33:15 | | Join msychk [0] (~42b17a33@labb.contactor.se) |
06:33:33 | msychk | anyone think they can answer a question for me? |
06:33:38 | msychk | 2 actually |
06:33:55 | ashridah | can't hurt to ask |
06:34:24 | msychk | 1. whats the maximum length of an .mp3 that the recorder can play with rockbox? |
06:35:36 | ashridah | hrm. i don't know personally, i'm here because of the iriver development. someone else will almost certainly know when they wake up enough to check here tho. |
06:37:05 | msychk | ok - got one more for you, also concerning the recorder - why does rockbox support pressing off a few times to shut down as opposed to just holding down the off button. it says that it makes it "safer |
06:37:13 | msychk | .... sorry... |
06:37:51 | ashridah | hrm. 'safer' is probably because it's easy to lean constantly on a button, but harder to press it distinctly several times. |
06:37:51 | msychk | "safer" which implies that the other way (holding down off) is inherently "unsafe." whats the deal? |
06:38:50 | ashridah | i'm not sure where the off button is on a recorder, so i have no idea if that's actually the case, tho. |
06:39:02 | msychk | well both shut the recorder off equally, so i was thinking that it was a hardware issue |
06:39:30 | msychk | insomuch that holding down off was deemed unsafe by the guys at rockbos somehow |
06:39:59 | msychk | you know where i might find the answers to these and other pressing issues? |
06:39:59 | ashridah | you'd have to ask someone who's worked with rockbox on the recorder for that one too then, i'm afraid. |
06:40:04 | ashridah | well |
06:40:06 | ashridah | here |
06:40:08 | ashridah | when people are awake |
06:40:36 | msychk | i heard that theres a backlog or something or these transcripts or emails or something... |
06:41:46 | ashridah | there's irc logs, and mailing list archives. not sure if they're searchable, however. |
06:42:22 | msychk | hmm i guess ill wait and come here again |
06:42:39 | ashridah | mm. give it a few hours. people should be up and about by then. |
06:42:58 | msychk | oh well not a really big issue obviously but id like to know. |
06:43:27 | msychk | a few hours? wouldnt that make it 'more' in the middle of the night? |
06:43:32 | msychk | where are you guys |
06:43:41 | ashridah | not in europe or australia. :) |
06:43:46 | msychk | or, the guys that may have an answer |
06:44:00 | ashridah | a large chunk of the core development team comes from europe |
06:44:24 | | Join asdsd_ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-26-230.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) |
06:44:40 | msychk | huh i did not know that |
06:44:51 | msychk | well i guess ill check back later sometime |
06:45:30 | | Quit asdsd_ (Client Quit) |
06:45:39 | msychk | thanks ill be back |
06:45:40 | | Quit msychk ("CGI:IRC") |
07:00 |
07:35:29 | | Quit Stryke` (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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07:47:39 | | Nick courtc_ is now known as courtc (~courtc@adsl-154-39-94.asm.bellsouth.net) |
08:00 |
08:13:49 | | Quit XShocK (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client") |
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12:00 |
12:26:24 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
12:29:17 | | Join preglow [0] (thomj@s183a.studby.ntnu.no) |
12:34:33 | | Join MoosCamaro [0] (MoosCamaro@m214.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
12:34:42 | MoosCamaro | Hi guys |
12:48:06 | HCl | morning. |
12:50:16 | | Join Sucka [0] (~NNSCRIPT@host81-157-76-6.range81-157.btcentralplus.com) |
12:53:03 | MoosCamaro | hi HCl |
13:00 |
13:07:51 | t0mas | hmz... |
13:07:57 | t0mas | in cygwin... I still get this error: |
13:07:59 | t0mas | MAKE in libwavpack |
13:07:59 | t0mas | CC bits.c |
13:07:59 | t0mas | In file included from bits.c:33: |
13:07:59 | t0mas | wavpack.h:497: error: syntax error before '->' token |
13:07:59 | t0mas | wavpack.h:519: error: syntax error before '->' token |
13:08:00 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
13:08:00 | *** | Alert Mode level 2 |
13:08:00 | t0mas | wavpack.h:521: error: syntax error before '->' token |
13:08:02 | t0mas | wavpack.h:525: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `value' |
13:08:04 | t0mas | wavpack.h:525: error: `bs' undeclared here (not in a function) |
13:08:06 | t0mas | wavpack.h:525: warning: data definition has no type or storage class |
13:08:08 | t0mas | wavpack.h:527: error: syntax error before '->' token |
13:08:10 | t0mas | wavpack.h:529: error: syntax error before '->' token |
13:09:44 | HCl | current cvs? |
13:09:52 | t0mas | yes |
13:09:53 | preglow | it's not the code |
13:10:00 | preglow | your compiler is somehow fucked |
13:10:09 | t0mas | gcc version 3.3.1 (cygming special) |
13:10:33 | t0mas | it complained about it a few weeks ago... but then I just removed libwavpack from the makefile... |
13:11:18 | t0mas | Configured with: /GCC/gcc-3.3.1-3/configure −−with-gcc −−with-gnu-ld −−with-gnu-as −−prefix=/usr −−exec-prefix=/usr −−sysconfdir=/etc −−libdir=/usr/lib −−libexecdir=/usr/sbin −−mandir=/usr/share/man −−infodir=/usr/share/info −−enable-languages=c,ada,c++,f77,pascal,java,objc −−enable-libgcj −−enable-threads=posix −−with-system-zlib −−enable-nls −−without-included-gettext −−enable-interpreter −−enable-sjlj-exceptions −−disable-version-specific-run |
13:11:18 | t0mas | time-libs −−enable-shared −−disable-win32-registry −−enable-java-gc=boehm −−disable-hash-synchronization −−verbose −−target=i686-pc-cygwin −−host=i686-pc-cygwin −−build=i686-pc-cygwin |
13:11:41 | preglow | try a new gcc, i think you're the only one with problems |
13:12:47 | t0mas | Configured with: ../gcc-3.4.3/configure −−target=m68k-elf −−prefix=/usr/local/m68k −−enable-languages=c |
13:12:47 | t0mas | gcc version 3.4.3 |
13:12:48 | t0mas | that one? |
13:16:45 | t0mas | hm.. |
13:16:51 | t0mas | 3.4.3 gives the same error |
13:17:07 | rasher | bizarre |
13:17:43 | t0mas | yes.. |
13:17:55 | t0mas | and nobody else has it :X |
13:18:01 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
13:18:40 | Slasheri | t0mas: Hmm, in wavpack.h there should be no more than 330 lines (at least in the current cvs version) |
13:18:58 | * | t0mas checks with an editor |
13:19:31 | t0mas | err... I got 658 lines in wavpack.h |
13:19:37 | rasher | !? |
13:19:42 | t0mas | apps\codecs\libwavpack\wavpack.h |
13:19:54 | rasher | that has 329 lines here |
13:19:54 | Slasheri | Interesting.. This is the last line I have: int WavpackGetReducedChannels (WavpackContext *wpc); |
13:20:09 | rasher | yup |
13:20:34 | t0mas | int WavpackGetReducedChannels (WavpackContext *wpc); |
13:20:38 | rasher | nuke the dir and checkout again |
13:20:47 | t0mas | that's line 657 here... |
13:20:57 | t0mas | so I guess it's a lineend problem |
13:24:55 | t0mas | hm... I have a version from cvsview now.. wich is 329 lines... |
13:25:11 | t0mas | so I'll see what that does :) |
13:26:42 | | Join TCK [0] (TCK@81-86-103-234.dsl.pipex.com) |
13:28:22 | t0mas | ok, someone fucked up the line-ends in wavpack I think? |
13:28:35 | t0mas | as my unpack.c is a lot longer than the viewcvs version too... |
13:28:52 | rasher | http://mpeg4ip.sourceforge.net/features/index.php interesting? |
13:32:14 | Slasheri | Hmm. I just opened the wavpack.h with hexedit and it seems that the file has windows-style line endings "\r\n" |
13:32:26 | Slasheri | Maybe that is the problem |
13:32:52 | rasher | erp |
13:33:59 | t0mas | yes, that's what I said |
13:34:05 | Slasheri | t0mas: try dos2unix wavpack.h |
13:34:12 | t0mas | already did :) |
13:34:14 | t0mas | it works now |
13:34:19 | Slasheri | ah, great :) |
13:34:30 | * | t0mas prods Bagder |
13:34:43 | t0mas | Can I commit the changed version? with just linux line-ends? |
13:35:09 | * | rasher finds which files have crlf line terminators |
13:35:32 | rasher | that's a whole bunch :-O |
13:35:46 | rasher | all (most, at least) of libwavpack |
13:36:17 | t0mas | yes |
13:36:39 | t0mas | ok hexeditor... what's a CR and what's LF? |
13:36:42 | rasher | a few lang files, a few plugins, some bits in /firmware |
13:36:44 | preglow | i thought we were supposed to change as little as possible |
13:36:59 | preglow | in the codecs, at least |
13:37:02 | rasher | well if it causes problems |
13:37:08 | Slasheri | t0mas: 0x0d and 0x0a |
13:37:16 | t0mas | ok, then I found CR LF too :) |
13:37:17 | rasher | but I'd wait as well |
13:37:26 | t0mas | yeah, I'll wait for Bagder |
13:37:52 | t0mas | I guess it's my cvs client wich doesn't like the CRLF |
13:38:01 | rasher | sounds like some part of your build env doesn't like it at least |
13:38:22 | t0mas | well... my guess is that my client changes LF to CRLF |
13:38:29 | t0mas | wich would become CRCRLF here |
13:38:41 | t0mas | and that way... add an extra line |
13:38:45 | rasher | what the.. what kind of cvs client are you using? |
13:38:53 | t0mas | cvsnt |
13:39:04 | rasher | why not use the cygwin one? |
13:39:21 | rasher | haha, all the CVS/Root files are detected by "file" as "shell archive or script for antique kernel text" |
13:39:46 | t0mas | hm... not sure if it is this... I'll checkout with the cygwin one |
13:39:51 | t0mas | and see if the error returns :) |
13:40:04 | rasher | well cvsnt is buggy then |
13:43:05 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
13:46:30 | t0mas | found it :) |
13:46:42 | t0mas | it was cvsnt set to use linux line-ends |
13:46:55 | t0mas | it chokes on windows line-ends when it's set to linux |
13:47:13 | rasher | why would it even touch them? |
13:47:31 | t0mas | don't know |
13:47:48 | * | t0mas moves the cygwin cvs.exe in his path :) |
13:54:05 | t0mas | hm... found it |
13:54:23 | t0mas | it's normal for a client to convert line-ends to what's standard on the platform it's working on |
13:54:50 | rasher | sounds mad |
13:54:59 | t0mas | and normally a unix CVS server should output all files with LF-only |
13:55:05 | t0mas | except for binary files |
14:00 |
14:03:22 | | Quit Seed (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:15:47 | | Join Aison [0] (~hans@zux166-181.adsl.green.ch) |
14:25:17 | t0mas | if(rb->strlen(string) < some_int) { |
14:25:43 | t0mas | warning: comparison between signed and unsigned |
14:25:51 | t0mas | if((int)rb->strlen(string) < some_int) { |
14:25:57 | t0mas | is that an ok way to fix it? |
14:26:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:28:15 | | Part preglow |
15:00 |
15:09:11 | coob | strlen usually returns size_t.. |
15:09:28 | coob | don't know about the rb api stuff though |
15:09:34 | rasher | it does |
15:11:25 | t0mas | yes, the casting to int worked :) |
15:22:36 | t0mas | is there a define for the /.rockbox/ folder? |
15:22:42 | t0mas | or should I just hardcode it? |
15:24:59 | Bagder | ROCKBOX_DIR |
15:25:06 | Bagder | in ./apps/settings.h |
15:25:56 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
15:26:02 | Bagder | find . -name "*.h" | xargs grep .rockb |
15:26:09 | Bagder | a good-to-use line |
15:26:09 | | Join ashridah [0] (ashridah@220-253-120-146.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
15:31:59 | t0mas | ok |
15:32:01 | t0mas | Bagder: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxDictionary |
15:32:11 | t0mas | simple explaination on how it should work... |
15:43:13 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
15:54:08 | * | t0mas is away now :) |
15:54:09 | t0mas | bye |
15:54:20 | | Quit t0mas ("see you all tomorrow") |
16:00 |
16:26:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:36:32 | | Join webguest24 [0] (~5138b940@labb.contactor.se) |
16:37:31 | | Quit webguest24 (Client Quit) |
16:41:56 | | Join Seed [0] (ben@l192-117-115-168.broadband.actcom.net.il) |
16:42:19 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
16:42:26 | | Join Seed [0] (ben@l192-117-115-168.broadband.actcom.net.il) |
16:43:50 | | Join bagawk [0] (~Lee@bagawk.user) |
16:48:21 | | Join DL [0] (~5138b940@labb.contactor.se) |
16:48:27 | DL | Hi all |
16:48:38 | bagawk | Hola |
16:49:06 | DL | was wondering... anyone has H110 around ? |
16:49:16 | bagawk | Not me |
16:49:25 | DL | i suppose so :) |
16:49:33 | bagawk | Bagder does I think |
16:49:52 | DL | i tried to build the bootloader but i'm not very confident it'll work ... |
16:50:03 | bagawk | Check the md5's... |
16:50:03 | DL | just wanted to know if anyone made it work on a h110 |
16:50:16 | DL | aye but md5 sums are for H120 |
16:50:19 | DL | i use H110 |
16:50:32 | bagawk | Should be the same |
16:50:42 | DL | not same firmware |
16:50:44 | bagawk | (inless iriver used different firmware |
16:50:49 | DL | so can't be same md5 |
16:51:07 | bagawk | I would not risk it |
16:51:17 | DL | Linus told me it should work after i sent him the schematics of my opened player |
16:51:29 | DL | yet, as you said i think it's a bit risky atm |
16:51:37 | DL | so my question to know if anyone tried :) |
16:51:47 | bagawk | Can you recover on the units yet? |
16:51:55 | DL | what way ? |
16:52:17 | DL | <−− dumb french, out of knowledge on some expressions :) |
16:52:30 | bagawk | Like on the archos units, you can make a serial mod to recover the flash |
16:52:44 | DL | i don't think so, else i would try without problem |
16:52:58 | DL | i think if it refuses to load... then you're good to throw it to can |
16:53:15 | bagawk | Bad |
16:53:16 | DL | there's the reset of course... but i doubt this will work there |
16:53:21 | DL | aye as you said |
16:53:24 | bagawk | Let someone else do it first LOL |
16:53:31 | bagawk | Time to eat |
16:53:32 | * | DL nods |
16:53:38 | DL | have good lunch |
16:53:39 | | Quit bagawk ("Leaving") |
16:55:40 | rasher | you'd have to send it to linus really |
16:55:52 | DL | the new firmwar e? |
16:55:56 | DL | (hi) |
16:56:05 | rasher | your player, if it broke |
16:56:25 | DL | lol i don't think he'd like to be bothered with that anytimes someone tries :) |
16:56:46 | rasher | well, then he could test it as well |
16:56:57 | DL | problem is i'm not sure of differences between H110 and H120 firmware |
16:57:03 | rasher | Indeed |
16:57:20 | DL | if i was sure i can use for ex. H120 firmware on my H110, problem would be solved |
16:57:38 | rasher | *nod* |
16:57:44 | DL | i heard it's just some functions that are on H110 and not on other (like HDD format from the player) |
16:57:55 | DL | if that's just that, should be ok indeed |
16:58:04 | rasher | well for one, there's less ram in h110 |
16:58:51 | DL | if you say so... but shouldn't influe on the firmware in a big way should it ? |
17:00 |
17:00:52 | rasher | Probably not |
17:01:02 | rasher | at least not the bootloader part I guess |
17:01:09 | * | DL nods |
17:01:45 | DL | i'm searching if anyone tried to put a h120 normal firmware on h110 |
17:01:53 | DL | surely someone has done that or tried :p |
17:07:58 | | Join bagawk [0] (~Lee@bagawk.user) |
17:08:10 | DL | wb |
17:08:19 | bagawk | :) |
17:11:53 | DL | lol |
17:12:11 | DL | found an answer from Linus searching the web and falling back on irc logs |
17:12:30 | DL | it may be supported, but not with actual bootloader due to memory difference |
17:12:35 | DL | at least it's an answer :) |
17:13:26 | DL | maybe it should be of use to put in on the iriver page no ? just a guess |
17:13:48 | rasher | Sure, go ahead |
17:13:50 | bagawk | Yes |
17:14:24 | DL | k i'll do that then |
17:14:58 | DL | since it's written it works with H100 family... may confuse ppl if it's only parts of the family :) |
17:27:50 | bagawk | Time to go |
17:27:53 | bagawk | Bye |
17:27:58 | DL | same here - cya |
17:28:01 | | Quit bagawk ("Leaving") |
17:28:08 | | Quit DL ("CGI:IRC") |
18:00 |
18:12:57 | | Join asdsd_ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-26-230.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) |
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18:21:53 | | Quit asdsd_ (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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18:32:38 | | Quit asdsd__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:41:56 | | Join hyarion [0] (~hyarion@1-1-10-41a.um.um.bostream.se) |
19:00 |
19:04:23 | | Join Stryke` [0] (~Chairman8@resnet-241-86.resnet.UMBC.EDU) |
19:04:23 | | Quit asdsd___ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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19:26:24 | | Quit asdsd__ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
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20:00 |
20:07:29 | | Join amiconn [0] (~jens@pD95D1B30.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:13:33 | | Quit coob (Remote closed the connection) |
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20:26:39 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:28:26 | | Join t0mas [0] (~513a4273@labb.contactor.se) |
20:28:46 | t0mas | hi |
20:28:49 | amiconn | hi |
20:28:59 | t0mas | nice... this webclient |
20:32:33 | amiconn | Bugs are us... :( |
20:33:41 | t0mas | bugs? |
20:34:32 | amiconn | Yes, at least 3 bugs |
20:35:08 | t0mas | in what? |
20:35:38 | amiconn | (1) Playlist handling when switching shuffle on/off after stopping, then resuming. |
20:36:06 | amiconn | (2) Settings are not saved when you don't leave the menu before shutdown |
20:36:28 | amiconn | (3) (Ondio) MMC activity symbol active at all times in recording screen |
20:37:31 | t0mas | hm... |
20:37:38 | amiconn | (1) is really strange; on the archos recorder it depends on how you switch shuffle on/off |
20:38:25 | amiconn | It happens when you switch it from the menu (this is the only way on Ondio and player, so the bug hits there always), but doesn't happen when you switch from the F2 quickscreen |
20:38:51 | amiconn | Bugs verified by my best bug reporter/tester |
20:39:11 | t0mas | weird |
20:47:00 | amiconn | (2) Is understandable, but can be annoying on Ondio and player. On recorder v1 it's no problem because you need to leave the menu anyway in order to shutdown safely |
20:48:52 | amiconn | I don't know how this works out on iriver, but I guess it's the same |
20:52:16 | | Quit StrathAFK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:59:31 | t0mas | amiconn? can you "spell check" my wiki page? |
20:59:31 | t0mas | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxDictionary |
21:00 |
21:01:11 | amiconn | Now I know why (1) happens. Seem it is easier to fix than I thought |
21:02:49 | amiconn | t0mas: " Topic is locked by another user" |
21:03:54 | amiconn | Anyway, I merely found one: "interesting" |
21:07:29 | HCl | pfeew |
21:07:30 | HCl | its hot |
21:07:57 | | Quit asdsd__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:09:08 | | Join asdsd__ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-26-230.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) |
21:12:21 | rasher | http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/GetOffFreenodeSpec haha |
21:12:26 | t0mas | amiconn: what did you find? |
21:12:42 | amiconn | [21:03:54] <amiconn> Anyway, I merely found one: "interesting" |
21:13:32 | t0mas | aaah wait |
21:13:35 | rasher | rdf should be rockbox dictionary format, shouldn't it? |
21:13:41 | rasher | oh, it is |
21:13:44 | t0mas | I read that as: "I didn't find any intresting mistakes" |
21:13:46 | rasher | xxx2rdf 0% Conversion from other formats to the rockbox database format |
21:13:49 | rasher | except there |
21:13:57 | t0mas | arg |
21:14:08 | | Quit hubbel () |
21:14:08 | rasher | and a few other places :) |
21:14:11 | amiconn | t0mas: intresting => interesting |
21:14:15 | rasher | all in the todo table |
21:14:52 | t0mas | yes |
21:16:07 | t0mas | done |
21:16:34 | rasher | :D |
21:16:41 | t0mas | database and dictionary is something like Linus and Linux |
21:16:48 | rasher | heh |
21:17:00 | t0mas | I start typing it once... and continue to do so the whole day :P |
21:17:13 | rasher | dict2rdf = Portable jargon file! |
21:18:34 | t0mas | yes |
21:18:53 | rasher | and v.e.r.a. and.. |
21:19:09 | rasher | what's the format of dict files? |
21:19:20 | t0mas | I'm working on the text formatting thing.. Slasheri wrote the conversion tools |
21:19:28 | t0mas | it's not that difficult... |
21:19:30 | rasher | for dict as well? |
21:19:34 | t0mas | no |
21:19:37 | rasher | oh |
21:19:38 | t0mas | gunzip them (dict) |
21:19:46 | rasher | will do |
21:19:47 | t0mas | then you have an index you can just delete |
21:19:49 | rasher | will perl do? |
21:19:59 | * | t0mas doesn't know perl |
21:20:02 | t0mas | but you can try |
21:20:16 | t0mas | there is a datafile... |
21:20:21 | t0mas | bla.dict.dz |
21:20:26 | t0mas | rename it to .gz |
21:20:29 | t0mas | and gunzip that too |
21:20:38 | rasher | yum |
21:20:39 | t0mas | then you have a plain text file... |
21:20:50 | rasher | I'll get right to it |
21:21:02 | t0mas | only problem: we don't have multi line support in the viewing plugin yet... it just wraps on spaces |
21:21:05 | rasher | (as soon as this 6mb file has downloaded) |
21:21:14 | t0mas | so you have to put everything on one line |
21:21:23 | rasher | a pox on this internet connection |
21:21:28 | t0mas | ghehe |
21:21:32 | rasher | tthat's the most sane way to do it anyway |
21:21:37 | t0mas | at home I have just 1600/512 |
21:21:41 | rasher | oh, except for paragraphs |
21:21:48 | rasher | you lucky bastard |
21:21:52 | t0mas | lol |
21:21:56 | rasher | 256/256 here |
21:21:57 | t0mas | here it's 10 mbit |
21:22:09 | rasher | not listening |
21:22:13 | t0mas | :P |
21:22:30 | t0mas | but ion archos it would be stupid to use multi lines... |
21:22:33 | t0mas | -i |
21:23:06 | rasher | true |
21:23:14 | rasher | actually |
21:23:31 | rasher | some sort of symbiosis between viewer and your plugin would be cool |
21:24:07 | rasher | so that you'd get the viewer when you opened a word |
21:24:56 | rasher | if it was possible to open pllugins from a plugin, you could write the description to a temp file and open the viewer with that file as argument :D |
21:25:44 | t0mas | yes |
21:25:51 | t0mas | that would be nice... |
21:26:22 | t0mas | JonasHaeggqvist == rasher? :) |
21:26:23 | | Quit coob (Remote closed the connection) |
21:26:26 | rasher | yes |
21:26:27 | rasher | sorry |
21:26:35 | rasher | should be open now |
21:26:39 | t0mas | :) |
21:26:53 | rasher | uh.. this dict-jargon is a huge xml file |
21:26:55 | | Join coob [0] (~cube@host-84-9-63-253.bulldogdsl.com) |
21:27:00 | t0mas | I remembered another todo thing |
21:29:36 | t0mas | hmz... |
21:29:45 | t0mas | have you checked the www.freedict.de website? |
21:29:51 | rasher | oh |
21:29:57 | rasher | freedict != dict |
21:30:32 | t0mas | http://www.dict.org/links.html |
21:30:39 | t0mas | that and freedict are both usable? |
21:30:54 | t0mas | on the dict site... there is a link to freedict... |
21:31:46 | rasher | further down |
21:31:51 | rasher | has "DICT databases" |
21:32:04 | rasher | I'm guessing that's what I have |
21:32:58 | t0mas | ftp://ftp.dict.org/pub/dict/ |
21:33:00 | t0mas | that? |
21:33:13 | rasher | yup |
21:33:33 | rasher | ah, they have a xslt stylesheet to transform into raw text |
21:33:34 | rasher | how handy |
21:33:42 | t0mas | ftp://ftp.dict.org/pub/dict/pre/dict-gcide-0.44.tar.gz |
21:33:54 | rasher | gcide? |
21:33:57 | t0mas | yes |
21:33:59 | t0mas | but in dict format |
21:34:08 | rasher | oh ah |
21:34:18 | rasher | apparently I have a newer version of jargon |
21:34:22 | t0mas | ah ok |
21:34:25 | rasher | 4.4.4 |
21:34:46 | t0mas | ftp://ftp.dict.org/pub/dict/pre/dict-jargon_4.3.0.tar.gz |
21:34:50 | t0mas | is the one on the dict site |
21:35:03 | rasher | I got 4.4.4 from debian |
21:35:17 | rasher | strange |
21:35:18 | t0mas | ah... the dict version? |
21:35:32 | t0mas | as the dict format is plain text afaik... not XML |
21:36:21 | rasher | ah.. |
21:36:41 | HCl | mmm, gnuboy for my new phone |
21:37:10 | * | t0mas is leaving again :) |
21:37:28 | t0mas | rasher: if you get some script to work |
21:37:31 | t0mas | tomas@salfischberger.nl |
21:37:34 | t0mas | bye |
21:37:42 | | Quit t0mas ("c ya tomorrow") |
21:39:41 | | Join mrelwood [0] (~54e68f7e@labb.contactor.se) |
21:39:41 | rasher | doing this in awk is soooo tempting |
21:39:48 | rasher | I'll see about perl though |
21:40:30 | mrelwood | has anyone dug into the recording glitch of the iRiver? |
21:40:46 | | Quit asdsd__ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:41:32 | | Join asdsd__ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-26-230.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) |
21:42:11 | | Quit coob (Remote closed the connection) |
21:42:14 | | Join elwood [0] (~54e68f7e@labb.contactor.se) |
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21:42:45 | | Join coob [0] (~cube@host-84-9-63-253.bulldogdsl.com) |
21:42:45 | | Quit mrelwood (Client Quit) |
21:48:17 | | Join hyarion_ [0] (~hyarion@1-1-10-41a.um.um.bostream.se) |
21:53:23 | HCl | is it odd to always tweak any hardware you own to the maximum? |
21:54:11 | thegeek | no |
21:54:13 | thegeek | it's geeky |
21:54:14 | thegeek | and fun |
21:55:18 | HCl | kay. |
21:55:26 | HCl | *downloads software and updates for his new smartphone8 |
21:56:42 | thegeek | ooh |
21:56:46 | HCl | xD |
21:56:48 | thegeek | smartphone |
21:56:50 | thegeek | nice;) |
21:56:55 | HCl | i arranged my dad to get a new phone and subscription |
21:56:55 | thegeek | I've considered it |
21:56:55 | HCl | only |
21:56:57 | HCl | it turned out |
21:56:59 | thegeek | but I don't really have the need |
21:56:59 | | Quit coob (Remote closed the connection) |
21:57:01 | thegeek | going for a pda instead |
21:57:02 | HCl | that the phone was too complicated for him |
21:57:05 | thegeek | hahaha |
21:57:06 | HCl | so we traded phones |
21:57:07 | HCl | XD |
21:57:09 | thegeek | smart;) |
21:57:20 | * | HCl already has the pda :) |
21:57:31 | * | HCl thinks he's going for a new tv, lavalamp, and fan soon |
21:57:33 | thegeek | hehe |
21:57:34 | | Join coob [0] (~cube@host-84-9-63-253.bulldogdsl.com) |
21:57:36 | thegeek | what pda? |
21:57:39 | HCl | zaurus 5500 |
21:57:42 | thegeek | I'm getting an axim x50v |
21:57:43 | thegeek | ah |
21:59:25 | thegeek | I've been on a mad shopping spree lately |
21:59:38 | thegeek | dell 2005fpw 20" widescreen lcd |
21:59:47 | thegeek | logitech driving force pro wheel |
21:59:48 | HCl | heheh. |
21:59:51 | thegeek | axim x50v |
21:59:52 | HCl | oh, you got that one? |
21:59:53 | thegeek | I |
21:59:56 | thegeek | well |
21:59:57 | thegeek | not yet |
22:00 |
22:00:06 | thegeek | I've ordered it though |
22:00:08 | HCl | ah |
22:00:31 | thegeek | they are having some delivery problems |
22:00:47 | thegeek | but I got the order in, with a nice 25% off too |
22:02:41 | | Quit hyarion (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:03:41 | HCl | nice. |
22:03:49 | HCl | smartphone is slightly icky |
22:03:53 | HCl | i hate the telecom business. |
22:03:59 | HCl | they always try to screw you over to get money :/ |
22:05:10 | | Join StrathAFK [0] (~mike@dgvlwinas01pool0-a224.wi.tds.net) |
22:11:15 | | Join webguest33 [0] (~5394ae9c@labb.contactor.se) |
22:11:29 | webguest33 | hey all |
22:12:06 | webguest33 | have any people noticed their Iriver crashing with 1.63 modified firmware and 25 apr rockbox code base |
22:13:34 | | Join asdsd___ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-26-230.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) |
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22:20:15 | | Join Tang_ [0] (~chatzilla@ARennes-252-1-62-93.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
22:21:09 | | Quit Strath (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:21:41 | MoosCamaro | hi Tang |
22:21:49 | MoosCamaro | tu va bi1? |
22:22:40 | Tang_ | salut Moos |
22:22:43 | Tang_ | ca av? |
22:22:51 | Tang_ | Moi oui tranquil |
22:23:00 | Tang_ | oops |
22:23:03 | Tang_ | in english |
22:23:06 | Tang_ | sorry |
22:23:11 | MoosCamaro | private me |
22:23:13 | Tang_ | i thoughjt in was in private |
22:26:40 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:30:27 | HCl | webguest33: no. have you used a cvs bootloader? |
22:36:43 | | Join asdsd____ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-26-230.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) |
22:52:13 | | Quit Tang_ ("Chatzilla 0.9.66 [Mozilla rv:1.7.5/20041108]") |
22:52:13 | | Quit asdsd____ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:58:32 | webguest33 | no i got the bootloader from the mistic river forum |
22:58:47 | webguest33 | someone had posted it online the compiled binary |
23:00 |
23:00:01 | webguest33 | my iriver crashes sometimes when loading the old version of the firmware |
23:00:05 | webguest33 | ie non rockox |
23:00:12 | webguest33 | whilst starting up |
23:09:50 | | Quit webguest33 ("CGI:IRC") |
23:11:09 | | Join Tang_ [0] (~chatzilla@ARennes-252-1-19-156.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
23:12:19 | MoosCamaro | re |
23:18:07 | | Join matsl [0] (~matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
23:22:23 | elwood | any info on the iRiver recording glitch, can it be avoided? |
23:22:40 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:22:48 | | Join thegeek [0] (na@ti521110a080-1991.bb.online.no) |
23:25:54 | | Join ashridah [0] (ashridah@220-253-120-229.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
23:32:50 | Tang_ | bye all :) |
23:33:23 | | Quit Tang_ ("Chatzilla 0.9.66 [Mozilla rv:1.7.7/20050414]") |
23:36:55 | | Join ferenczy [0] (ferenczy@a1brn-98.dialup.vol.cz) |
23:42:36 | HCl | ugh. |
23:43:51 | MoosCamaro | ? |
23:43:56 | HCl | jerk flatmates. |
23:44:12 | MoosCamaro | ah |
23:44:18 | HCl | when they knock something over, they suddenly think its fine to kick it around the livingroom |
23:44:18 | | Join ehntoo [0] (~noclue2@24-177-161-77.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) |
23:44:20 | HCl | especially when its not their stuff. |
23:44:25 | HCl | they're SO social. |
23:44:26 | HCl | yup. |
23:44:28 | HCl | -.- |
23:44:32 | HCl | i really really really need to move. |
23:44:35 | HCl | somewhere. |
23:44:43 | HCl | where there are actually NICE people. |
23:44:55 | MoosCamaro | :-) |
23:44:57 | HCl | maybe its just males -.- |
23:46:30 | | Join asdsd____ [0] (~asdsd@h-67-100-26-230.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net) |
23:46:56 | | Part asdsd____ |
23:49:33 | MoosCamaro | call a friend |
23:49:35 | MoosCamaro | no? |
23:49:41 | HCl | i don't have any :P |
23:49:47 | HCl | not in the netherlands anyways. |
23:49:52 | HCl | well |
23:49:55 | HCl | markun, but yea. |
23:50:05 | HCl | i dunno. |
23:50:14 | HCl | i'll probably retreat to my room sometime soon and light incense and watch anime. |
23:51:11 | MoosCamaro | what time is it in Netherlands? |
23:51:19 | HCl | 11:51 pm |
23:51:34 | MoosCamaro | o here too |
23:51:37 | rasher | I'd die living with other people |
23:51:39 | MoosCamaro | Paris |
23:51:51 | HCl | paris... |
23:52:08 | rasher | well, at least the kind of people likely to be in a dorm-type flat thingy |
23:52:16 | HCl | rasher: lol. |
23:52:17 | HCl | rasher: why? |
23:52:25 | HCl | rasher: i'd get rather lonely without other people.. |
23:52:43 | HCl | even if they're jerks, its better than nothing :/ |
23:52:49 | rasher | *shrug*, most people get on my nerves |
23:52:57 | HCl | mmm. |
23:52:58 | rasher | I'd rather have no jerks than jerks |
23:52:59 | HCl | i know what you mean. |
23:53:04 | HCl | i dunno... |
23:53:18 | HCl | they're not jerks all of the time. |
23:53:29 | HCl | like. some are jerks 90% of the time, others are jerks 20% of the time.. |
23:53:50 | HCl | but pretty much all of them are antisocial and barely leave their room. |
23:54:31 | * | HCl goes to try to flash his new phone.. |
23:54:34 | HCl | i hate flashing stuff. |
23:55:13 | * | Sucka flashes HCl in public |
23:57:10 | MoosCamaro | HCl: what's about your search?engine |
23:57:23 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |