00:00:07 | rasher | Oh.. well that's broken. |
00:00:22 | ]RowaN[ | dont quote me on any of this, im very drunk |
00:00:22 | t0mas | doesn't it create a new file? |
00:00:45 | t0mas | maybe there's some smart idea for creating all new files... to make it faster or something? |
00:00:57 | rasher | It should just edit the existing - or make it look that way |
00:01:04 | t0mas | it should yeah.... |
00:01:05 | rasher | if it creates a new file, it had better make it look like the old one |
00:01:10 | t0mas | ghehe |
00:01:12 | ]RowaN[ | well technically yes it creates a new file of course, but you're really just adding a tag to a file that was already there so the created date shurely shuouldnt change |
00:01:13 | * | t0mas doesn't use it |
00:01:19 | rasher | But then.. foobar makes baby jeebus cry. |
00:01:24 | t0mas | ghehe |
00:01:27 | t0mas | time to go to bed |
00:01:28 | t0mas | good night :) |
00:01:32 | rasher | night |
00:01:36 | ]RowaN[ | sweet dreams loveball |
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00:10:13 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-122-198.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
00:34:06 | | Join edx [0] (i=edx@p54A8715D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:47:57 | | Quit Moos (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- State of the art IRC") |
00:48:47 | | Quit rasher ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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00:54:14 | | Join guillaumh [0] (n=guillaum@4va54-1-81-56-99-20.fbx.proxad.net) |
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01:00 |
01:02:54 | | Join wacky [0] (n=wacky@modemcable006.177-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
01:03:23 | wacky | hey everyone :) |
01:10:14 | | Join dpassen1 [0] (n=82553592@labb.contactor.se) |
01:15:15 | | Quit dpassen1 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:16:55 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc0b2.b.pppool.de) |
01:17:06 | muesli- | morning |
01:17:27 | muesli- | who is jonas from rbx? |
01:19:39 | wacky | look in the wiki for nick references |
01:19:44 | wacky | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IrcNicks |
01:20:10 | muesli- | just say it right now instead of giving stupid remarks :p |
01:20:33 | wacky | doing stuff by yourself is nothing stupid |
01:21:44 | muesli- | giving stupid answers IS stupid |
01:24:08 | pill | hmm |
01:24:11 | wacky | oh well |
01:24:19 | pill | so much anger |
01:24:25 | wacky | does anyone have a compiled version of iriverter for Linux ? |
01:25:11 | ]RowaN[ | Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering |
01:25:26 | wacky | I can't get the thing to compile using java stuff.. my my my... I'm using a semi-200LE, semi-cooker Mandriva system.. and it's delicate to upgrade gcc and/or gcj |
01:25:38 | wacky | Amen! |
01:26:10 | ]RowaN[ | Fear is the path to the Dark Side |
01:26:15 | wacky | :P |
01:26:24 | wacky | who's on Linux here ? |
01:26:52 | wacky | or has iriverter installed somewhere ? |
01:29:35 | muesli- | ]RowaN[ dont take it seriously but it fits PERFECT ;-) http://www.ebaumsworld.com/forumfun/stfu6.jpg |
01:30:41 | | Quit wacky ("ahuh") |
01:30:47 | | Join wacky__ [0] (n=wacky@modemcable006.177-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
01:31:43 | ]RowaN[ | im not clicking your links, i dont want an virus |
01:32:12 | muesli- | lol, but not bad either |
01:34:13 | muesli- | query mate ;) |
01:43:05 | muesli- | ]RowaN[ wimp, either your system is protected or you're incompetent to do it ^^ |
01:45:50 | ]RowaN[ | stay awake making more guesses |
01:49:46 | muesli- | no risk no fun ;) |
01:49:46 | muesli- | g'n8 m8s |
01:50:09 | ]RowaN[ | nite loveball |
01:56:01 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
01:56:15 | | Quit cYmen ("zZz") |
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02:11:28 | | Quit ]RowaN[ () |
02:16:51 | | Nick wacky__ is now known as wacky_ (n=wacky@modemcable006.177-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
02:26:06 | | Join TCK [0] (i=TCK@85-210-54-101.dsl.pipex.com) |
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02:43:54 | | Join Sucka [0] (n=NNSCRIPT@host81-156-159-120.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) |
02:44:31 | | Quit wacky_ ("ahuh") |
02:49:57 | | Part guillaumh ("bye") |
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04:18:23 | | Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
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05:01:27 | | Join Tarkus [0] (n=18a2f0b1@labb.contactor.se) |
05:01:40 | Tarkus | oh I am HERE |
05:02:36 | Tarkus | is this an English-speaking channel? |
05:02:43 | ashridah | yeah |
05:03:46 | | Quit Tarkus (Client Quit) |
05:03:55 | | Join Tarkus [0] (n=18a2f0b1@labb.contactor.se) |
05:04:07 | Tarkus | I think I did something wrong |
05:04:26 | | Join webguest65 [0] (n=44ae196b@labb.contactor.se) |
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05:04:52 | | Quit Tarkus (Client Quit) |
05:05:02 | ashridah | yeah. you didn't tell us what went wrong :/ |
05:05:11 | | Join Tarkus [0] (n=18a2f0b1@labb.contactor.se) |
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06:38:09 | | Nick pabs_ is now known as pabs (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) |
06:59:25 | ze | yay, this usb-storage driver for the karma works... i can now read data off the HD via usb |
07:00 |
07:00:51 | ze | (though its still very preliminary, no filesystem support outside of these special kls and kcat programs) |
07:01:04 | ze | and i've no idea about any write support |
07:14:37 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
07:34:39 | amiconn | Good moirning |
07:36:29 | LinusN | morning |
07:40:08 | amiconn | I'm thinking about changing the button #defines |
07:40:49 | amiconn | ...mainly to get rid of the separate BUTTON_REMOTE, that already caused a number of problems |
07:41:45 | LinusN | aha |
07:42:08 | amiconn | I think a template like: SSRRRMMM (one letter per hext digit) would be good |
07:42:52 | amiconn | The top 5 bits are reserved for system events like now. The remaining 3 bits can be used for flags. |
07:43:11 | amiconn | Currently there are only 2 - BUTTON_REL and BUTTON_REPEAT |
07:43:28 | amiconn | Then we have 12 bits each for remote and main buttons |
07:47:27 | amiconn | On archos, the simple scheme with the BUTTON_REMOTE flag did work because of 2 properties of the archos remote button handling |
07:48:10 | amiconn | (1) The button driver never sends repeat or release events for the remote. |
07:49:25 | amiconn | (2) The remote button events are inserted between the main button events, not handled together with the main buttons |
07:50:06 | LinusN | right |
07:51:40 | amiconn | Hmm, I'm not sure whether a behaviour like (2) would be preferable on iriver too |
07:52:41 | amiconn | The advantage would be to have more button bits available for each main unit and remote (for a possible future many-button platform) |
07:53:21 | | Quit dwihno (Remote closed the connection) |
07:53:28 | amiconn | ...but the disadvantage is that it will get very difficult to check for button combos between one remote and one main unit button |
07:53:53 | | Join dwihno [0] (n=dw@ |
08:00 |
08:03:16 | amiconn | LinusN: What do you think about the skip forward / back in repeat one mode issue brought up on the ml? |
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08:12:02 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
08:20:34 | LinusN | amiconn: i think it could very well skip to next/prev |
08:21:39 | amiconn | Yes, that's what I think too |
08:22:09 | amiconn | The playlist is laid out the same way as in other modes (repeat all / none etc) |
08:22:21 | amiconn | ...so it shouldn't be a big problem to implement this |
08:38:32 | LinusN | the problem is that the playlist only contains that one file |
08:38:41 | amiconn | No, it doesn't |
08:39:28 | LinusN | ok |
08:39:39 | LinusN | then it would be simple to fix |
08:39:49 | amiconn | If you start an arbitrary track in a dir, the playlist is built like in any other mode |
08:40:02 | LinusN | ok great |
08:40:22 | amiconn | It's only that the playback engine buffers the same track again and again |
08:43:48 | LinusN | hmmm, get_next_index() in playlist.c handles this |
08:44:41 | amiconn | I found a second precision problem in the playtime calculation. For cbr tracks with no info header, in addition to using the rounded-down frametime, the code derives the framecount from the filesize and the frame size |
08:44:43 | LinusN | but it seems the same function is used for both skip-to-next and repeat |
08:45:11 | amiconn | However, the frame size isn't constant in a cbr file, because there are padded and unpadded frames |
08:45:26 | amiconn | However, fixing this is simple |
08:45:31 | LinusN | how do you suggest we handle that? |
08:45:53 | amiconn | ...even without my rework of mp3headerinfo() |
08:46:06 | amiconn | I already did it, just need to test |
08:46:32 | amiconn | I used the bitrate, since the bitrate is always exact for cbr files |
08:46:48 | amiconn | filetime = filesize * 8 / bitrate |
08:47:07 | amiconn | Since our bitrate is in kbps, this automatically delivers milliseconds |
08:47:21 | amiconn | ...and the final formula looks a bit different: |
08:47:41 | amiconn | filetime = ((filesize - bytecount) / bitrate) * 8 |
08:48:47 | amiconn | Doing the *8 afterwards looses a bit of precision (max. 7 milliseconds), but avoids an overflow |
08:49:22 | LinusN | fair enough |
08:49:42 | amiconn | ...and the bytecount thing takes the tag size(s) into account |
08:50:25 | amiconn | For mpeg audio, we could use filetime = ((filesize - bytecount) / (bitrate / 8)) and it would be exact, because the mpeg bitrates are always multiples of 8, |
08:50:48 | amiconn | but that doesn't necessarily hold for other formats |
08:53:08 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@tm. |
08:55:54 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
09:00 |
09:05:42 | amiconn | LinusN: It seems to work, but I'll do some more tests on iriver too, to make sure I didn't overlook something (like a format not filling the bitrate field or such) before committing |
09:05:52 | LinusN | great |
09:06:33 | amiconn | I have a track that show 7:05 with the old code (on my v1) and 7:07 with new code (on my Ondio FM) |
09:07:55 | | Join flurble [0] (n=flurble@flurble.org) |
09:12:19 | amiconn | Blah. I think I can commit this right away, as this is mpeg audio only code (firmware/id3.c) |
09:14:28 | | Join poddan [0] (n=acc5e392@labb.contactor.se) |
09:14:47 | poddan | hey people |
09:15:42 | B4gder | hi ho |
09:19:37 | B4gder | apps/database.c is a mess |
09:19:55 | B4gder | no comments and no return code checks |
09:20:27 | B4gder | "All these functions below are yet untested" |
09:20:34 | B4gder | is about the only comment |
09:20:52 | poddan | my recorder v1 is acting up :S |
09:21:06 | poddan | restarts when I push on a certain spot |
09:21:11 | poddan | just above the display |
09:21:19 | B4gder | common hw problem |
09:21:53 | poddan | one dude had the same problem, and linus told him to reheat the solder poitns |
09:22:38 | poddan | maybe i should try that too, but until then... |
09:24:18 | poddan | any other possible solutions? |
09:24:38 | B4gder | I'm not the proper guy to ask |
09:27:39 | B4gder | I love this: |
09:27:46 | B4gder | #define getrundbentrybyrecord(_y_,_x_) getrundbentrybyoffset(_y_,8+_x_*20) |
09:27:54 | B4gder | and then getrundbentrybyrecord() is used in the code |
09:27:58 | B4gder | no explanation |
09:31:03 | B4gder | I give up |
09:33:44 | | Quit poddan ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
09:37:16 | B4gder | http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2005/0908/nano21.jpg |
09:37:23 | B4gder | ipod nano - naked |
09:38:17 | B4gder | PP5021C |
09:38:34 | B4gder | http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2005/0908/nano19.jpg |
09:38:38 | CoCoLUS | nanobox? :) |
09:39:51 | B4gder | it seems ipodlinux doesn't run on it, yet |
09:53:48 | | Quit tvelocity ("Leaving") |
10:00 |
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10:15:42 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
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10:24:23 | amiconn | B4gder: What's so difficult to understand in the database code? I agree that it could be a bit more commented, but apart from that, all that I've seen seems pretty straightforward |
10:25:03 | B4gder | it is possible, yes |
10:25:16 | B4gder | but it is so much work to "fix" that it makes me loose interest |
10:26:10 | B4gder | I guess I'll have to do it anyway one day |
10:26:22 | amiconn | What do you want to fix? |
10:26:31 | B4gder | the lack of error checks for starters |
10:26:40 | B4gder | 2 the bad error messages |
10:26:56 | B4gder | the lack of comments/documentation |
10:28:45 | | Join Rob- [0] (n=robbie@haylott.plus.com) |
10:30:41 | B4gder | and I wanted to fix that zero crc means disabled |
10:30:50 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:32:26 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD7430.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:42:25 | | Quit NibbIer ("life is like a rental car, you fuck it up, and give it back.") |
10:43:04 | | Join NibbIer [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-77-14.dynamic.qsc.de) |
10:45:03 | | Quit Maxime (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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10:50:08 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD7430.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:00 |
11:00:58 | amiconn | B4gder: The #define you mentioned is easy to understand when you read http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RuntimeDatabase#Data_Structures |
11:01:11 | B4gder | I figured it out too |
11:01:18 | B4gder | I still detest that kind of code |
11:04:58 | | Join cYmen [0] (n=cymen@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
11:05:01 | | Join preglow [0] (n=thomjoha@hekta.edt.aft.hist.no) |
11:05:29 | * | preglow stares at the nude ipod nano |
11:06:22 | Zagor | so they do use the samsung flash |
11:07:05 | | Join bluebrother^ [0] (n=c28@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
11:07:27 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
11:07:31 | Zagor | http://www.samsunghq.com/?topic_id=125 |
11:07:57 | Zagor | or http://www.tomshardware.com/hardnews/20050819_164307.html rather |
11:11:10 | B4gder | now why does our product only have 16MB flash... :-) |
11:11:18 | Zagor | :-) |
11:14:13 | B4gder | and why does our cpu have a broken A24? ;-P |
11:14:25 | preglow | haha |
11:14:47 | * | preglow begs for a ipod port |
11:15:30 | preglow | so, the nano has yet another portalplayer revision |
11:15:39 | B4gder | yes, looks like that |
11:16:01 | preglow | all these bloody revisions will be a major pain |
11:16:15 | preglow | but well have to face that anyway, somehow |
11:16:23 | preglow | like with iaudio having more iram than iriver |
11:18:25 | Zagor | well we can find out that in the datasheets. not so with the portalplayer versions... |
11:18:54 | preglow | indeed, but still, the ipodlinux guys have figured out much, so its not impossible |
11:19:10 | preglow | itll just be tons more work, heh |
11:19:10 | Zagor | agreed |
11:19:27 | preglow | theres also the two cores |
11:19:38 | preglow | i dont know how much work thatll be to embed into rockbow |
11:19:41 | preglow | rockbox, even |
11:19:49 | preglow | but id absolutely love for ipod to be a target |
11:21:42 | LinusN | development on ipod will probably be a really uphill struggle |
11:21:55 | LinusN | and a totally clueless user base |
11:22:03 | LinusN | not my idea of fun |
11:22:21 | Zagor | yeh, i was gonna say that. imagine the many strange questions we get now, and multiply by 100 |
11:22:52 | Zagor | still, we'd attract a fair amount of new developers too |
11:22:52 | preglow | i believe most ipod users will stick to apples firmware |
11:22:54 | LinusN | we tripled the cluelessness when we moved to iriver |
11:23:16 | LinusN | but moving to ipod will be 100x worse |
11:23:34 | preglow | what do you base that upon? |
11:23:46 | preglow | i think ipod users are far more satisfied with their firmware than iriver users was |
11:23:50 | Zagor | preglow: I believe many ipod users would flame us for doubting the supremacy of apple |
11:24:04 | LinusN | "pearls for swine" |
11:24:26 | preglow | remember, were not doing this for the apple users |
11:24:32 | preglow | were doing this to get a platform that is videly available |
11:24:42 | preglow | all of our current platforms are very hard to get |
11:24:46 | preglow | and then, only used |
11:24:58 | amiconn | preglow: That's not correct. |
11:25:04 | LinusN | imho, ipod users don't care about having a superior firmware |
11:25:10 | Zagor | we're not at all grumpy old men. not in the least... ;-) |
11:25:20 | preglow | LinusN: agreed |
11:25:21 | amiconn | I bougt an Ondio FM this month. New. Shrink-wrapped. |
11:25:28 | LinusN | then they wouldn't have bought an ipod in the first place |
11:25:46 | preglow | then im happy my point again is that were not doing this for the users |
11:26:48 | preglow | still, i agree itll be a tough port |
11:26:54 | LinusN | indeed |
11:27:12 | preglow | but the iriver port too required quite a bit work |
11:27:29 | CoCoLUS | past tense? |
11:28:07 | preglow | the biggest part of the work lies behind us, yes |
11:28:43 | CoCoLUS | depends on what you consider "work" - getting it to run or getting it to run so that misticriver-users won't complain |
11:28:54 | amiconn | The iriver playback engine still has many bugs and quirks... |
11:29:02 | preglow | indeed |
11:29:51 | LinusN | the iriver port has been pretty straightforward, since we have the data sheets |
11:29:53 | preglow | CoCoLUS: to me it doesnt exactly seem like we have catered exceptionally much to mr |
11:30:30 | preglow | LinusN: yes, and since ipodlinux works, id expect them to have the info thats needed anyway |
11:30:42 | preglow | not in a comprehensive source, of course... |
11:31:12 | amiconn | Is there an open-source tollchain available? |
11:31:23 | preglow | for arm, oh yes |
11:31:24 | amiconn | s/tollchain/toolchain/ |
11:31:25 | preglow | gcc does arm |
11:32:12 | Zagor | I would welcome an ipod port. I probably won't start working on one myself, though. |
11:32:14 | amiconn | Ah, yes. |
11:32:28 | amiconn | There are some different arm core versions I guess? |
11:32:36 | preglow | yes, but the arm core itself is the same |
11:32:42 | preglow | the portalplayer interface part isnt |
11:32:44 | amiconn | Are all of these supported by gcc and binutils? |
11:32:46 | Zagor | it's arm7 |
11:32:52 | preglow | but thats just a ifdef/define job |
11:33:02 | amiconn | Then we need to support dual-core. |
11:33:05 | preglow | yep |
11:33:12 | amiconn | I imagine this being not too difficult |
11:33:23 | preglow | me neither, but i have no concrete idea of how to do it either, heh |
11:33:51 | amiconn | Each core could have its own thread scheduler, and create_thread() would specify the core to use |
11:34:15 | preglow | at least the codec part will be easier, tons of codecs are already optimised for arm |
11:34:25 | preglow | like musepack, libmad, tremor |
11:34:30 | amiconn | This simple approach doesn't do load balancing, but it would be a simple solution |
11:34:57 | preglow | amiconn: i think dedicating one of the cores to the codecs, and the other to everything else will do |
11:35:00 | Zagor | I'd say load balancing stands to odds with power conservation |
11:35:22 | Zagor | preglow: me too |
11:36:03 | preglow | doing a proper scheduler will require a bit of work |
11:36:09 | amiconn | preglow: Yes, sounds like a good split. Still, having the same thread scheduler on both cores will probably ease porting |
11:36:09 | preglow | and its not needed |
11:36:19 | preglow | amiconn: agreed |
11:36:36 | preglow | but im needed elsewhere now |
11:36:39 | preglow | see you later |
11:36:43 | | Quit preglow ("off") |
11:44:27 | | Join solex [0] (n=jrschulz@c173248.adsl.hansenet.de) |
11:58:08 | | Quit solex_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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12:07:57 | | Quit ashridah (Nick collision from services.) |
12:07:59 | | Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (i=ashridah@220-253-120-5.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
12:08:34 | | Join stamppot [0] (n=stamppot@cc516682-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl) |
12:13:32 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@hmln-d9b8e26b.pool.mediaWays.net) |
12:14:19 | muesli- | hi |
12:18:37 | Zagor | btw, have you seen this review of rockbox on iriver: http://www.dapreview.net/comment.php?comment.news.2126 |
12:23:26 | B4gder | nice one |
12:25:02 | Zagor | i like the rockbox screenshot. what game is that? |
12:25:12 | Zagor | rockboy |
12:25:25 | B4gder | no idea |
12:25:36 | B4gder | I've only seen rockboy once ;-) |
12:25:49 | muesli- | i had this game years ago |
12:26:04 | muesli- | was very kewl but cant remember the name either |
12:35:35 | B4gder | http://www.thinksecret.com/archives/nano/source/12.html |
12:35:37 | B4gder | :-) |
12:39:34 | Zagor | I love how the plastic screen protector film has "Don't steal music" printed on it. No more "Rip, Mix, Burn" eh? |
12:40:57 | | Join rasher [0] (n=3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) |
12:41:06 | rasher | muesli-: You were looking for me last night? |
12:41:21 | muesli- | yeah, wrote you a pn |
12:41:34 | muesli- | check it please |
12:41:49 | rasher | A whatnow where what? |
12:42:56 | rasher | muesli-: We've gone over this in the mailinglist |
12:43:08 | muesli- | ok |
12:43:16 | rasher | I think i've said everything I have to say about it and then some, there. |
12:43:16 | muesli- | what does other think? |
12:43:20 | muesli- | the |
12:43:21 | muesli- | s |
12:44:01 | rasher | Well first of all, the genrename appears to come from Dutch, where it is not insulting at all |
12:44:23 | rasher | Second, a genrename is not insulting. Insults are insulting |
12:44:37 | rasher | We include the genres because that's what other implementations have. |
12:44:49 | rasher | And if we were to start picking and choosing, it'd never end |
12:45:20 | rasher | That's my personal opinion, but it seems that few people are arguing it. |
12:46:31 | rasher | If it's about my commit message, well it *IS* a stupid genrename |
12:46:56 | rasher | I reserve the right to make fun of the genrename-list |
12:47:16 | rasher | I'm surprised noone attacked me for making fun of Christians |
12:47:18 | B4gder | I thought the eac bug part was the most amusing |
12:47:28 | rasher | Oh, yeah |
12:47:30 | B4gder | which made it use 'negerpunk' for all songs |
12:47:44 | B4gder | which might be the reason why there now are many songs using it |
12:48:22 | rasher | Hm, sounds more like some developer thought it'd be amusing.. 133 is a pretty unlikely number to stuff in a tag |
12:48:37 | rasher | By accident. |
12:48:54 | muesli- | rasher making fun of christians is not nice either...i think even a firmware must be pc ;) |
12:49:07 | rasher | I wasn't, though, which is the whole point |
12:49:18 | rasher | I was just making fun of *the name of the genre* |
12:49:27 | B4gder | the names are hilariously silly |
12:49:29 | rasher | Which I think we could agree is humouroous |
12:49:53 | | Join Febs [0] (n=Febs@207-172-122-81.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
12:50:06 | rasher | And pc is synonymous to "over-the-top sensitive" if you ask me. |
12:50:31 | rasher | When someone's being rude or offensive, by all means strike down on him with great vengence |
12:50:51 | rasher | But to include *ALL USES* of some words in this list, is just silly |
12:50:55 | rasher | Context... CONTEXT DAMMIT |
12:51:02 | rasher | Also, intent. |
12:51:02 | muesli- | yeah, true too..but there are borders which shouldnt be broken ;) |
12:51:33 | Febs | Wow, when I left 12 hours ago, the exact same discussion was going on. |
12:52:11 | B4gder | hehe |
12:52:12 | rasher | Time to stop, then |
12:52:55 | muesli- | to be continued... |
12:53:01 | rasher | I'd hope not. |
12:53:57 | rasher | Someone get working on a Rockbox port to ipod nano |
12:54:04 | muesli- | ;) |
12:55:36 | muesli- | gotta go |
12:55:37 | muesli- | l8er |
12:55:52 | rasher | Bye |
12:56:21 | rasher | I do believe this is the first time I've been called an ignorant white asshole though.. that was surprising |
12:57:28 | rasher | .. there I go again. |
12:59:36 | | Quit rasher ("no, there") |
12:59:40 | | Join webguest79 [0] (n=5087d676@labb.contactor.se) |
13:00 |
13:02:35 | webguest79 | Rasher: people of colour are very sensitive to any innuendo, thats a given, one should ALWAYS ensure that public comments are sterile, to avoid these firestorms |
13:03:19 | B4gder | or use asbestos underwear! |
13:03:21 | B4gder | ;-) |
13:03:25 | webguest79 | hehe |
13:08:39 | | Part webguest79 |
13:13:37 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
13:28:37 | | Join rasher [0] (n=3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) |
13:29:05 | rasher | There was no innuendo. There were no hidden messages. It's just a silly genre. |
13:29:46 | rasher | The only thing I did was to use one of the words that are on the PC don't-list, which doesn't take into account things like intent or context. |
13:29:52 | rasher | I absolutely will not let that control what I say. |
13:30:33 | amiconn | Tsts, this entire genre 133 discussion is just silly, imho |
13:30:55 | rasher | Oh my, yes. |
13:31:10 | rasher | This should never even have been an issue. |
13:31:19 | rasher | We're simply following a de-facto standard. |
13:31:53 | amiconn | Btw, this word is written the exact same way in german |
13:32:15 | rasher | Seems like all north-germanic languages do this |
13:32:26 | rasher | with different connotations |
13:32:45 | rasher | It's not *that* bad a word in Denmark |
13:32:51 | rasher | More silly than anything else |
13:32:56 | rasher | Old-fashioned |
13:44:16 | Febs | I think that since Rockbox apparently has so much political power and political responsibility, we should start a campaign to re-name the country of Niger. |
13:44:24 | Febs | Just in case anyone is offended by the name. |
13:52:17 | rasher | My views on this whole PC deal are amiconn mostly unprintable. |
13:54:26 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa73.1.tellas.gr) |
13:56:44 | | Join liliofof [0] (i=man-e@bzq-82-80-230-168.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
13:57:34 | liliofof | hey all |
13:57:57 | B4gder | hola |
13:58:23 | liliofof | I have a question, and I hope it won't irritate you guyz |
13:59:29 | B4gder | shoot |
13:59:53 | liliofof | I own an av420, and I want to hack the font inorder to add Hebrew font support |
14:00 |
14:00:09 | liliofof | back than I had FM Recorder, and I made the Hebrew font for RockBox project... |
14:01:29 | liliofof | ? |
14:01:48 | B4gder | is that a question? |
14:02:08 | B4gder | if so, I don't understand it |
14:02:30 | liliofof | mm.. yeah, I want to add Heberw font support, for the av420... can u guys help me ? |
14:02:47 | B4gder | very unlikely |
14:03:06 | B4gder | the font is probably built-in in their firmware |
14:03:13 | B4gder | you'd need to make some serious hack to change that |
14:05:22 | | Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
14:06:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:09:30 | rasher | liliofof: What kind of encoding was the hebrew font? I recently rebuilt it to be iso8859-8 |
14:11:07 | | Quit rasher ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:11:10 | | Join rasher [0] (n=3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) |
14:11:15 | rasher | Oops. |
14:11:20 | | Join noC|andY`fRa [0] (i=andy@dsl-084-058-107-254.arcor-ip.net) |
14:26:11 | liliofof | well |
14:28:10 | liliofof | iso-8859-8 |
14:28:27 | liliofof | rasher ? |
14:29:39 | | Nick liliofof is now known as pixelim (i=man-e@bzq-82-80-230-168.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
14:30:44 | pixelim | rasher ? u there ? |
14:32:38 | rasher | Yes.. weird |
14:32:46 | pixelim | ? |
14:32:54 | rasher | There were all sorts of crazy characters that aren't in 8859-8 |
14:33:09 | rasher | like ö, í and other accented latin1 characters |
14:33:19 | pixelim | yeah.. |
14:33:38 | rasher | Maybe some convbdf changes have caused this to be a problem now |
14:34:48 | HCl | hmm. |
14:35:02 | HCl | i need to get around to testing and committing the improved database |
14:38:07 | | Join Hans|DiePARTEI [0] (n=maerlyn@p5081E19B.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:39:16 | | Join Sucka [0] (n=NNSCRIPT@host81-156-159-120.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) |
14:49:57 | | Quit pixelim ("Leaving") |
15:00 |
15:01:05 | | Join arkascha [0] (n=arkascha@mailout.imageware.de) |
15:06:06 | | Quit arkascha (Remote closed the connection) |
15:18:30 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:24:02 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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16:03:50 | | Part LinusN |
16:04:25 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
16:06:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:19:12 | * | B4gder rfids |
16:19:24 | | Quit rasher ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
16:26:21 | * | B4gder runs off for home |
16:26:23 | | Quit B4gder ("Lämnar") |
16:33:20 | | Join TCK [0] (i=TCK@85-210-9-161.dsl.pipex.com) |
16:50:08 | | Join ]RowaN[ [0] (n=5688bc8a@labb.contactor.se) |
16:50:49 | ]RowaN[ | guys is it possible to cover up/hide/remove the vol/battery/playmode icons at the top of the wps screen? |
16:52:25 | Zagor | yes, turn off the status bar |
16:56:15 | ]RowaN[ | oh, so thats the status bar |
16:56:44 | ]RowaN[ | and just out of interest, who and why was the pointer cursor reinstroduced, and why is it default over the IMHO superior visibility inverse bar |
16:57:59 | ]RowaN[ | yey byebye status bar |
16:58:19 | ]RowaN[ | time to waste some time further perfecting my wps now =] |
17:00 |
17:00:22 | | Join Febs [0] (n=Febs@64-190-36-214.client.cypresscom.net) |
17:00:49 | Zagor | it was reintroduced by popular demand. why it's default I can't say. probably simply historical reasons. |
17:01:17 | ]RowaN[ | who are these popular demanders.. show yourselves! =p |
17:03:12 | Hans|DiePARTEI | look at the forum |
17:03:16 | Hans|DiePARTEI | there is poll |
17:04:03 | Hans|DiePARTEI | put "popular demand" looks different for me, the inverser bar hat around 90% i think |
17:04:57 | Hans|DiePARTEI | btw, is there a chance to so a patch in the near future that i can switch back to the previous folder on the While playing screen? |
17:05:06 | Hans|DiePARTEI | -so +see |
17:05:13 | | Nick Hans|DiePARTEI is now known as Hansmaulwurf (n=maerlyn@p5081E19B.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:06:24 | ]RowaN[ | check out the cute 4 colour battery level indicators from my old iriver firmware www.ibrand.co.uk/33.gif .. it will be cool when rockbox wps supports 4 colour |
17:07:14 | Zagor | Hansmaulwurf: switch back to the previous folder? |
17:07:53 | Hansmaulwurf | yes, for example: i start playing music with "move to next folder" ON |
17:08:15 | Hansmaulwurf | after some time rockbox switch to the next folder, which it should do |
17:08:26 | Zagor | no it shouldn't :-) |
17:08:32 | Hansmaulwurf | but form there, i cant go back to the previous folder |
17:08:44 | Hansmaulwurf | only to the first song in the current folder |
17:08:47 | Hansmaulwurf | that sucks a bit |
17:09:01 | Zagor | well the thing is that is a cludge. rockbox plays playlists. |
17:09:09 | Hansmaulwurf | yes i know |
17:09:45 | Zagor | so if you just make a playlist, you can go back to previous folder |
17:10:24 | Hansmaulwurf | hm |
17:10:59 | Hansmaulwurf | thats not a good solution imho ;) |
17:11:17 | Zagor | that's just because you are used to something that is not rockbox |
17:11:28 | Hansmaulwurf | thats right! :P |
17:11:57 | Hansmaulwurf | i am used to the remote LCD too |
17:12:03 | Hansmaulwurf | ;) |
17:12:05 | Zagor | yeah well that will happen |
17:14:37 | * | amiconn 's iriver remote is gathering dust somewhere |
17:14:43 | Febs | This Svante guy on the mailing list is really getting to be annoying. |
17:17:35 | Febs | How can someone claim to be a defender of racial harmony and yet attack a bunch of strangers simply because they have a different viewpoint? |
17:30:31 | | Join wacky [0] (n=wacky@modemcable006.177-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
17:31:06 | wacky | hey guys, do you know if austriancoder is in vacation ? |
17:34:35 | wacky | weeheeee! Let's go let's go boys. You're doing great job :) We all appreciate it! |
17:34:39 | | Quit wacky (Client Quit) |
17:35:05 | ]RowaN[ | where is song rating stored? i.e. in tags in the music files or seperatly in a database? |
17:35:09 | | Quit Hansmaulwurf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:35:10 | ]RowaN[ | and how do u rate a song |
17:36:37 | Zagor | separately |
17:39:03 | ]RowaN[ | hmm bass & treble support for the wps would be cool |
17:40:42 | Zagor | you mean tags showing the level? |
17:46:29 | | Join rasher [0] (n=3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) |
17:47:21 | ]RowaN[ | yep |
17:47:30 | ]RowaN[ | with a conditional for respective images |
17:47:35 | ]RowaN[ | bbl |
17:47:53 | | Quit ]RowaN[ ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
17:48:16 | rasher | I have an idea for a "solution" to the move to next folder thing... How about it just *appends* the next folder to the playlist, instead of replacing it? |
17:48:50 | rasher | That makes more sense to me |
17:48:57 | rasher | "I see you're running out of songs, let me add some more!" |
17:50:03 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:52:54 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s057b.studby.ntnu.no) |
17:53:46 | rasher | Well, I call godwin's law on Svante. |
17:55:40 | rasher | I am also reminded of this failure: http://www.adversity.net/special/niggardly.htm |
17:56:29 | Febs | rasher, good call on Godwin's law. Svante is one e-mail away from my killfile. |
17:57:19 | rasher | I won't go that far. He seems to have been sensible enough in other threads. |
17:57:28 | rasher | I guess I'll just stop following that thread at some point |
17:57:35 | rasher | If he keeps up, anyway |
17:58:27 | Febs | Maybe that's the better option. I could just craft a rule to delete e-mails in that thread. I shouldn't bother to respond to him, but two of his e-mails have really angered me. |
17:59:09 | * | Febs realizes he should know better than to respond. |
17:59:25 | rasher | We all should, I guess. |
18:00 |
18:00:30 | rasher | Well, good thing he doens't have commit rights. |
18:00:40 | rasher | (he doesn't, right?) |
18:05:54 | rasher | What do you think about my move-to-next-folder solution? |
18:06:06 | rasher | adding instead of replacing the playlist |
18:06:32 | rasher | of course, you can't jump backwards from your first folder |
18:06:33 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:06:45 | rasher | But then.. that's just not how rockbox works |
18:07:14 | Febs | It seems like a good idea to me. I don't immediately see any downside to it. |
18:07:52 | rasher | Damn |
18:08:07 | rasher | It's usually best to see the potential downsides first |
18:08:22 | rasher | Can't think of them either, but I'm sure they're there |
18:14:55 | | Nick Sucka is now known as Sucka`away (n=NNSCRIPT@host81-156-159-120.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) |
18:28:20 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
18:41:08 | amiconn | rasher: Appending the new dir should actually be the better way of handling 'Move to next folder' |
18:42:08 | amiconn | This would be more integrated imho, e.g. it could simply call the code for adding a dir to the end of a playlist (the 'insert last' code) |
18:43:35 | rasher | I think it'd make more sense |
18:46:24 | rasher | Suddenly removing songs is weird. |
18:46:27 | | Quit rasher ("CGI:IRC") |
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19:29:45 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@ |
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19:34:31 | muesli- | re |
19:49:20 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:52:19 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
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20:02:06 | | Quit Sucka ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") |
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20:23:29 | | Join paugh [0] (n=pete@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:8000:0:3e03:6822) |
20:50:01 | solex | um, how do you "move to next folder"? |
21:00 |
21:06:49 | t0mas | hm |
21:07:04 | t0mas | solex: at the end of the current folder, it skips to the next one |
21:07:09 | t0mas | irivers default behaviour |
21:07:47 | t0mas | arg |
21:07:58 | | Part t0mas |
21:08:10 | | Join t0mas [0] (n=Tomas@unaffiliated/t0mas) |
21:08:12 | t0mas | woops |
21:10:31 | | Join San [0] (n=Test@213-202-179-250.bas504.dsl.esat.net) |
21:36:59 | | Quit gromit` (Remote closed the connection) |
21:51:45 | linuxstb | Is there a reason that radio presets haven't been enabled on the iriver by adding them to the menu, in the same way as it works on the ONDIO? |
21:57:55 | amiconn | Yes, Linus couldn't decide about the way how to do that. Shouldn't be too difficult imho, although I didn't have a look at it |
21:58:06 | linuxstb | Just adding "|| (CONFIG_KEYPAD == IRIVER_H100_PAD)" to line 972 of apps/recorder/radio.c enables them. |
21:58:32 | linuxstb | It's a quick fix until someone can give it more thought. |
21:58:55 | solex | t0mas: but there is no keyboard shortcut to do this, correct? |
21:59:17 | t0mas | hm? switch to next dir? |
21:59:21 | t0mas | not afaik... |
21:59:25 | t0mas | would be a nice one |
21:59:26 | t0mas | in WPS |
21:59:33 | t0mas | the iriver fw has it |
22:00 |
22:01:54 | solex | yep, but the iriver shortcut is kind of awkward, iirc |
22:02:08 | solex | but i cannot think of anything better |
22:02:28 | solex | it just would be nice to do that "blindly" |
22:02:43 | solex | i always have the player in my trousers' pocket |
22:05:01 | bluebrother^ | i personally like the "quick and long press" for next dir. |
22:05:20 | bluebrother^ | it's a bit unusual, but when you're used to it it's nice. |
22:05:39 | solex | may be. never used iriver firmware :) |
22:06:05 | bluebrother^ | I used it way to long ;) |
22:06:18 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
22:06:32 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:06:38 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:08:35 | solex | fortunately, i discovered rockbox even before deciding which player to buy. |
22:09:00 | solex | unnecessary to mention that it influenced my decision a little |
22:09:09 | * | amiconn actually bought an iriver *for* rockbox development :) |
22:09:41 | solex | amiconn: does it still work or did you take it apart completely? |
22:09:43 | amiconn | linuxstb_: Did you try that? |
22:09:58 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: Yes, it works perfectly. |
22:10:06 | amiconn | solex: It does work, I took nothing apart |
22:10:32 | amiconn | The HD suffered from a crash-to-floor (it's a bit louder than usual, but still works) |
22:10:54 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
22:11:01 | amiconn | Unfortunately the HD shock protection of the H1x0 leaves something to be desired... |
22:25:53 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
22:25:59 | | Join Moos [0] (i=Moos@m60.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
22:26:18 | linuxstb_ | Anyone have any objections to me committing that change to radio.c to CVS? Would it contravene the feature-freeze? |
22:26:37 | solex | amiconn: my player has already droppped two or three times |
22:26:44 | solex | but the hd still works fine |
22:30:20 | | Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
22:34:19 | linuxstb__ | Thinking about the presets, I can't think of any other option apart from to add the preset options to the radio menu - in the same way as the Ondio. There are not enough keys left. |
22:38:56 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:44:47 | bluebrother^ | i would like to access the presets by pressing the joystick from the fm screen |
22:45:52 | linuxstb__ | That key currently takes you to the main Rockbox menu. |
22:46:08 | bluebrother^ | really? |
22:46:20 | bluebrother^ | oh, just saw it. Hadn't noticed before. |
22:46:54 | linuxstb__ | But I agree it would be nice to get there via a single keypress |
22:47:12 | bluebrother^ | is it intended there is a switch in the volume when switching between fm and main menu? |
22:47:36 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:47:41 | linuxstb__ | What do you mean? |
22:47:41 | bluebrother^ | so the "play" button doesn't do anything, does it? |
22:48:01 | linuxstb__ | Not that I can tell. I was thinking of putting it there as well. |
22:48:07 | bluebrother^ | when I'm in the FM screen and press the joystick I can notice a change in the volume. |
22:48:27 | linuxstb__ | Silly question, but are you sure you're not moving the joystick up/down? |
22:48:42 | bluebrother^ | pressing the joystick again takes me back to the fm screen and the "old" volume is restored. |
22:48:47 | bluebrother^ | no, just pressing. |
22:48:59 | linuxstb__ | Strange - I don't hear any difference. |
22:49:41 | bluebrother^ | fm screen is a bit louder than the menu |
22:50:27 | bluebrother^ | there is also a slight pop when re-entering the fm screen. |
22:51:06 | linuxstb__ | bluebrother^: Yes, I hear that pop - it sounds as if the radio is being re-tuned to the existing frequency. |
22:51:19 | bluebrother^ | hmm. When changing the volume by one step only sets it back to the volume the menu had. |
22:51:55 | | Quit TCK- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:51:56 | bluebrother^ | something like this. Or the volume gets triggered to some undesired value |
22:52:14 | linuxstb__ | No, the volume definitely isn't changing for me. |
22:53:24 | | Quit edx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:54:08 | | Join TCK [0] (i=TCK@85-210-43-99.dsl.pipex.com) |
22:54:12 | bluebrother^ | I would also prefer having a "<add new>" item in the preset list. Sounds more clear to me and reduces the amount of menu entries :) |
22:54:35 | Moos | Hello guys! |
22:55:17 | Moos | anyone here noticed an increasment of boost ratio for mpa decoder? |
22:55:25 | linuxstb__ | bluebrother^: I was thinking exactly the same thing, but I think I prefer to keep the list of existing presets clean, and not clutter it with options |
22:55:40 | Moos | and lot of switching betwen 48 and 120 mhz |
22:56:00 | Moos | wasn't like that few days ago |
22:56:13 | Moos | maybe a preglow's changes, no? |
22:56:51 | bluebrother^ | when the radio screen is entered radio_screen will be called? |
22:57:44 | linuxstb__ | yes - see apps/main_menu.c |
22:58:54 | * | linuxstb__ just discovered that FM works during USB mode :). |
23:00 |
23:00:16 | Moos | anyone? |
23:00:36 | linuxstb__ | Moos: Sorry, I rarely use the MPEG codec. |
23:00:47 | Moos | hehe :) |
23:01:13 | Moos | here a big part of my big collection |
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23:16:45 | samwichse | Anyone working on rockbox on the gmini xs200 ? |
23:16:56 | bluebrother^ | I have the suspictions some transfer isn't working completely when reentering the fm screen. |
23:17:11 | samwichse | I see the 220 xs listed on the site as a work in progress |
23:17:32 | samwichse | but I've no idea how similar it is to the 220 |
23:17:38 | samwichse | 200 I meab |
23:17:40 | linuxstb__ | bluebrother^: What do you mean by "transfer" ? |
23:17:43 | samwichse | mean! damn! |
23:18:12 | Bagder | samwichse: don't hold your breath for Rockbox on gmini |
23:18:30 | bluebrother^ | I just tried adding a "global_settings.volume" right after the radio_set(RADIO_MUTE, 0); in line 270 |
23:18:50 | bluebrother^ | so the volume was supposed to change (if I understood this correctly) |
23:19:14 | bluebrother^ | the status bar displayed a changed volume but it didn't change until I changed it. |
23:19:53 | bluebrother^ | or do I need to call something else? |
23:19:56 | linuxstb__ | I also think the keep_playing variable should be made static and checked at the start of radio_screen to prevent re-initialising the tuner. |
23:20:48 | bluebrother^ | I also was a bit curious about that. This way the radio always gets re-initialized on entering the fm, isn't it? |
23:21:09 | linuxstb__ | Yes, I think so. But I'm just as new to this code as you are. |
23:21:21 | bluebrother^ | ah, ok. |
23:22:16 | amiconn | linuxstb__: I don't think this would be a good idea. It may need additional measures once an iriver radio bug gets fixed. The radio should stop playing as soon as audio file playback is started |
23:22:35 | amiconn | bluebrother^: Just setting the global settings variable doesn't change anything |
23:24:05 | linuxstb__ | amiconn: On reflection I agree the keep_playing variable isn't the right way to do it. |
23:24:16 | linuxstb__ | What's the iriver radio bug you are referring to? |
23:24:52 | bluebrother^ | amiconn: already found it. My fault. |
23:25:19 | | Quit Febs (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The dawn of a new IRC era") |
23:25:37 | bluebrother^ | linuxstb__: tried your static proposal. Still have the volume thing but the pop is gone. |
23:26:07 | linuxstb__ | bluebrother^: I think the problem is if the radio is stopped by another part of Rockbox. |
23:27:04 | | Quit paugh ("Leaving") |
23:32:34 | linuxstb__ | Anyone know if the "pop" when entering the radio screen with the radio already playing affects other targets, or just the iriver? |
23:33:47 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:34:50 | bluebrother^ | is there some better testing solution than repeating connect - copy - disconnect - try? |
23:35:55 | linuxstb__ | Don't think so - unless you have a BDM attached. |
23:38:08 | amiconn | linuxstb__: Maybe, I'm not entirely sure. I tried on my shiny new Ondio FM. There is a slight pop both when leaving the radio screen and when re-entering with the radio playing, but in both cases the volume is muted for a short time |
23:40:12 | amiconn | This short mute is easy to understand. The MAS is reinitialised in both cases (to recording mode when entering the radio screen and to playback mode when leaving it) |
23:40:41 | amiconn | On iriver there is no mute, but interestingly I also get the volume difference between radio screen and menu |
23:41:29 | linuxstb__ | I'm certain I can't hear any volume change. |
23:41:46 | linuxstb__ | I've got a H140. |
23:42:41 | bluebrother^ | amiconn: I added a sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, global_settings.volume); right after the radio_set stuff. Now I can't hear any difference anymore. |
23:43:10 | amiconn | H140 here as well |
23:43:43 | linuxstb__ | Can you think of any settings that would cause a volume change? |
23:44:07 | bluebrother^ | strange. |
23:45:10 | amiconn | linuxstb__: Do you use flat tone control, or do you have some treble/bass boost enabled? |
23:45:28 | linuxstb__ | Flat. |
23:45:52 | amiconn | That's it |
23:46:14 | amiconn | With treble/bass boost != 0 there is a volume change, with flat settings it doesn't happen |
23:46:30 | amiconn | I guess pcmrec_set_mux(1); fiddles with the prescaler... |
23:47:12 | linuxstb__ | That's it - if I boost the treble, I can hear a volume change. |
23:50:42 | bluebrother^ | grrr. |
23:50:55 | linuxstb__ | Going back to presets for a moment, is there a reason why the "add preset" menu option is simply called "Add", and not something more specific like "Add preset"? |
23:51:13 | bluebrother^ | the website of the radio station I'm listening to tells me what track this is but not what remix. It is one. |
23:51:42 | | Join pixelim [0] (i=man-e@bzq-82-80-230-168.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
23:52:05 | bluebrother^ | I think it's a bit strange to have a "add" entry but no "delete" or "change". |
23:52:19 | linuxstb__ | Do a long-press of select in the presets menu... |
23:52:29 | bluebrother^ | (already found that, but I think it's a bit stange) |
23:52:48 | bluebrother^ | not the context menu as is but the diversion. |
23:52:58 | amiconn | linuxstb__: Yes there is a reason why the option is just called "Add" |
23:53:11 | linuxstb__ | There always is a reason in Rockbox :) |
23:53:37 | amiconn | The menu string is a re-use from the soft-button string of the FM recorder, and that has to be short. |
23:54:25 | amiconn | Basically, having the presets in the menu was a hack for the Ondio |
23:54:56 | linuxstb__ | I'm starting to realise that. I now know why Linus didn't implement presets. |
23:55:08 | amiconn | I hope the we do the Right Thing (tm) and thoroughly check all strings once localisation v2 gets added |
23:55:29 | amiconn | Bagder? ;) |
23:55:59 | Bagder | I'll commit the first stuff after the 2.5 release |
23:57:25 | linuxstb__ | The On button is free in the radio screen, so I think that should bring up the list of presets. The choice is then to either have an <add preset> option in the list of presets, or an "Add preset" option in the radio menu. |