00:08:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:10:56 | | Quit pike| () |
00:16:35 | preglow | curse this weather |
00:19:25 | * | Zagor just rode his bike back from the pub. No too shoddy weather. :-) |
00:19:56 | preglow | but you haven't got some quasi hurricane going on at your coast either |
00:20:22 | Zagor | oh, dramatics at your end? /me checks theyr |
00:20:27 | preglow | i wont be going outside in this weather unless i'm forced |
00:20:43 | preglow | nothing more dramatic than rain and wind, heh |
00:21:14 | | Join Nuxator [0] (n=5544f975@labb.contactor.se) |
00:21:18 | Zagor | which city are you in? |
00:21:40 | Zagor | or near |
00:22:04 | | Join pike [0] (i=pike@c83-249-120-126.bredband.comhem.se) |
00:22:37 | preglow | oh |
00:22:38 | preglow | oslo |
00:22:45 | | Quit chenco (Remote closed the connection) |
00:22:48 | preglow | quite smack dab in the middle of |
00:23:09 | | Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
00:24:28 | | Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
00:25:03 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:25:50 | preglow | so, i take it eliminating all mallocs i can is a good thing? |
00:25:50 | | Quit gromit` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:26:11 | Zagor | generally, yes |
00:27:11 | | Quit Nuxator ("CGI:IRC") |
00:27:11 | Zagor | are you working on the flac now? |
00:27:21 | preglow | yeah, i was just about to start gutting out the malloc code |
00:27:35 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) |
00:27:36 | preglow | i might end up stuffing some of the static structs in ordinary ram anyway, but still, it saves a malloc |
00:28:29 | | Quit ashridah ("uni") |
00:28:33 | ep0ch | preglow: do you think libmad and tremor will get much of a speedup with the extra iram? |
00:28:57 | preglow | ep0ch: well, at least some |
00:29:04 | preglow | ep0ch: i've got some plans for both of them |
00:29:18 | ep0ch | coolm libmad is so nearly realtime without boost |
00:29:24 | preglow | i'll just have to get this frigging wav writer going |
00:29:38 | preglow | and things keep coming up and pushing me away from the computer, heh |
00:29:46 | preglow | ep0ch: actually, it _is_ realtime for some bitrates |
00:29:51 | preglow | ep0ch: 128 and 160, for instance |
00:29:57 | ep0ch | good job the weather is bad then :) |
00:29:58 | preglow | at 48mhz |
00:30:27 | | Quit zeekoe (" ") |
00:30:44 | ep0ch | yeah, some of my 192 kbps seem realtime, but some other 192 kbps aren't |
00:31:00 | linuxstb | Mmm. *PANIC* Stkov Main - loading a new WPS whilst playing music on the iriver. |
00:31:16 | preglow | stkov _main_ ? |
00:31:18 | preglow | ouch |
00:32:00 | linuxstb | I was playing an ALAC file, but I'm pretty certain it would have happened with other codecs - I'll do some tests. |
00:32:25 | preglow | i got a stkov once |
00:32:31 | preglow | but can't remember the thread |
00:32:35 | preglow | i didn't load no wps, though |
00:32:50 | linuxstb | BTW, is rebooting after a stkov by pressing ON one of Linus's new features, or has it always been there? |
00:34:02 | preglow | hmm, definitely not been there |
00:34:10 | preglow | i had to reset mine with some contraption when it happened to me |
00:34:13 | preglow | on the train, of course |
00:34:14 | markun | Just compiled rockbox and now I get 'codec failure' with all my ogg's.. I wonder what causes it. |
00:34:26 | preglow | markun: i get that sometimes, make clean, etc, etc |
00:34:43 | Zagor | linuxstb: Now panicf() shuts off the hard drive and lowers the CPU frequency, it also reboots if ON is pressed. |
00:34:46 | markun | I did config, will try to clean eveything first |
00:34:58 | Zagor | (cvs commit message earlier today) |
00:35:00 | preglow | config doesn't necessarily clean all the files |
00:35:03 | linuxstb | Zagor: That takes all the fun out of searching for something to press reset with. |
00:35:13 | Zagor | hehe |
00:35:16 | linuxstb | iriver development is not the same... |
00:35:24 | Bagder | we should punish linus for that |
00:35:40 | linuxstb | But it's about time - I think a few people have broken their reset buttons by now. |
00:35:47 | preglow | how to make downsample() and upsample() stereo without a kludge... |
00:35:59 | preglow | i don't know how they manage to do that |
00:36:05 | preglow | i've reset mine god knows how many times |
00:36:13 | preglow | i do tend to be careful, however |
00:36:19 | | Join sheeep [0] (n=sheeep@ |
00:36:31 | linuxstb | My girlfriend will be pleased that she can keep her ear-rings in now. |
00:36:37 | preglow | hahaha |
00:36:42 | ep0ch | heh :) |
00:37:59 | preglow | linuxstb: did you try some asm opts for alac? |
00:38:19 | linuxstb | No, I'm waiting for your wav-writer :). |
00:39:20 | linuxstb | I've been trying to finish my Sudoku so I can commit it and forget about it when the feature freeze is over. |
00:40:36 | preglow | hahaha |
00:40:41 | preglow | dont hold your breath for that wavwriter |
00:40:45 | ep0ch | sudoku, cool! does it have a save option though? :s |
00:41:05 | linuxstb | ep0ch: Of course. Check yesterday's CVS logs - you can download it now if you want to have a look. |
00:41:22 | linuxstb | (yesterday=2005-09-13) |
00:41:39 | ep0ch | where can i get it precompiled? |
00:42:11 | ep0ch | haven't figured out how to get the cross compiler working under freebsd yet (am very lazy) |
00:42:14 | linuxstb | I can put up a rockbox.zip for you. It changes the plugin API (adding the menus), so I can't just give you the .rock |
00:42:42 | ep0ch | that would be grand |
00:43:45 | linuxstb | It's here: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/rockbox-sudoku.zip |
00:43:56 | ep0ch | is it possible to cram super sudoku on the ihp screen? ;) |
00:43:59 | linuxstb | It's my development version of Rockbox, so it also has the ALAC decoder in it. |
00:44:07 | ep0ch | oh lucky me :) |
00:44:11 | ep0ch | thanks!! |
00:44:22 | ep0ch | i'll let you know how i get on with sudoku :D |
00:45:13 | linuxstb | If you grab http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/sudoku.zip you will find two ".ss" files containing Sudoku games. Just open these in the file browser, and they will be opened by my sudoku plugin. |
00:45:31 | ep0ch | ta |
00:46:42 | ep0ch | does sudoku plugin set the cpu speed to 11 mhz or does it stay at 48? |
00:46:52 | ep0ch | (to save battery) |
00:47:07 | linuxstb | It does nothing to the CPU speed. I didn't think Rockbox was capable of dropping to 11mhz (yet). |
00:47:21 | linuxstb | But I would expect you to be listening to music at the same time. |
00:47:36 | ep0ch | well, if you go to the cpufreq menu and press the joystick button you get 11 |
00:49:14 | | Join bagawk [0] (i=1000@unaffiliated/bagawk) |
00:50:34 | preglow | that doesn't make sense |
00:51:04 | preglow | it'll be switched to 48mhz as soon as you touch playback anyway |
00:51:12 | ep0ch | i know |
00:52:08 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
00:52:33 | ep0ch | but if dont want to listen to music while using the plugins you can save battery |
00:52:38 | preglow | not much |
00:53:00 | preglow | but we'll see |
00:53:03 | ep0ch | everybit helps |
00:53:20 | ep0ch | i usually drop it down to 11 when i'm using the radio |
00:53:44 | ep0ch | gui seems just as responsive at 11 |
00:54:37 | ep0ch | sudoku is seriously cool :) |
00:55:11 | ep0ch | pressing the joystick button to cycle numbers is a bit annoying though |
00:55:52 | linuxstb | What's the alternative? |
00:56:28 | ep0ch | my suggestion would be, that pressing the joystick should change between 'insert number mode' and 'navigate mode', and in 'insert number mode' up and down or left and right on the stick increment or decrements the number |
00:56:39 | flurble | linuxstb: psychic mind-reading interface! |
00:56:55 | linuxstb | flurble: I knew you were going to say that. |
00:57:34 | linuxstb | ep0ch: That was my original idea (and implementation). But I decided this way would be less keypresses. Just hold the joystick down and it cycles through the numbers |
00:58:56 | ep0ch | your original idea just seems more natural to me |
00:59:21 | ep0ch | up/down o |
00:59:27 | preglow | linuxstb: so, where does one get alac files? i thought the only place it was used was for the airport thinmg |
00:59:43 | ep0ch | up/down on the stick is much less effort than tapping |
01:00 |
01:00:06 | ep0ch | also, a timer would be good |
01:00:10 | linuxstb | You have to encode them via iTunes. |
01:00:48 | linuxstb | ep0ch: Don't tap - just hold it down. |
01:01:21 | ep0ch | i guess i will get used to it :D |
01:01:29 | linuxstb | Try and play a proper game and let me know what you think. |
01:02:00 | linuxstb | I agree a timer would be nice. But I just want the core program committed to CVS before I think about extra features like that. |
01:02:20 | ep0ch | oh ok, its been a few weeks since i did sudoku so i may take a while to finish a game :) |
01:06:06 | ep0ch | linuxstb: ok i've done a few moves, its quite easy to cheat :) |
01:06:35 | linuxstb | preglow: I've put an example ALAC file here if you want a look: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/luckynight.m4a I downloaded it from mplayer's website, but it's not there any more after their recent server crash |
01:06:42 | ep0ch | i.e. the 'Illegal move' prompt |
01:06:56 | linuxstb | How can you cheat? |
01:07:12 | ep0ch | cycle through each number without thinking |
01:07:22 | ep0ch | until you dont get the illegal move |
01:07:33 | preglow | linuxstb: 404 |
01:07:37 | linuxstb | "illegal" just means it doesn't obey the three laws of sudoku. It could still be incorrect. |
01:08:01 | linuxstb | preglow: Try again now. |
01:08:02 | ep0ch | hmmm |
01:08:16 | preglow | linuxstb: better |
01:08:35 | linuxstb | I hope that file works - I don't think I've tested it myself on the iriver. |
01:08:37 | preglow | linuxstb: you got a codec for me as well? |
01:08:53 | preglow | linuxstb: forget it, i keep forgetting codec files need core support ;) |
01:09:47 | linuxstb | Did you grab my rockbox-sudoku.zip file? |
01:12:20 | preglow | nah |
01:12:24 | preglow | not important anyway, i can wait |
01:12:42 | ep0ch | linuxstb: 'solve' isnt implemented yet? |
01:13:10 | linuxstb | ep0ch: No, but it soon will be. |
01:13:21 | ep0ch | will be a nice touch |
01:14:05 | ep0ch | i cant see too clearly but do the hard coded values have a darker background colour? |
01:14:13 | linuxstb | Yes. |
01:14:31 | linuxstb | You can't change those (obviously), but you can always change anything else. |
01:14:50 | ep0ch | maybe i need to change the contrast to see the background colour :s |
01:15:08 | linuxstb | Interesting. I'm just using the default contrast. |
01:16:15 | ep0ch | oh thats better, i had contrast set to 26, now its 31 and i can see properly now |
01:17:25 | | Join hicks [0] (n=hicks@zeus.mups.co.uk) |
01:20:25 | | Quit sheeep () |
01:20:59 | | Join Strath [0] (n=mike@dpc674681214.direcpc.com) |
01:23:47 | ep0ch | linuxstb: i like it, i'm used to the navigation now. I think maybe an option to always keep the backlight on would be useful. |
01:24:13 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
01:26:12 | linuxstb | I'm not sure if a plugin can control the backlight (or if it should), but I'll add it to the to-do list. |
01:28:23 | preglow | it should |
01:28:29 | preglow | the viewer, for example |
01:28:34 | preglow | i would love to have constant backlight |
01:28:52 | ep0ch | linuxstb: not sure if its specific to your build or not, but some of my mp3s no longer display the bitrate |
01:29:01 | ep0ch | (in the wps) |
01:31:17 | linuxstb | ep0ch: I don't think it's my build - it should be up to date with CVS. |
01:31:46 | linuxstb | Hold old was your firmware before you replaced it with mine? |
01:31:55 | linuxstb | ^How old |
01:32:17 | ep0ch | probably something amiconn has done |
01:32:46 | ep0ch | well i updated earlier today, but didnt really test it then |
01:32:54 | ep0ch | last time before that was a few days ago |
01:33:17 | markun | preglow: I was thinking of modifying rockbox to have a manual backlight switch. |
01:35:46 | ep0ch | in fact most of my mp3s dont display bitrate now |
01:35:59 | ep0ch | anyway i'm off |
01:36:14 | ep0ch | g'night! |
01:36:18 | linuxstb | night. |
01:36:32 | | Part ep0ch ("Kopete 0.10.3 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
01:37:07 | preglow | arghh |
01:37:23 | preglow | markun: manual how? |
01:37:35 | preglow | someone please do this wavwriter for me :/ |
01:37:38 | markun | preglow: Use the record button as an on/off switch |
01:37:39 | preglow | i have no idea how this code works |
01:38:08 | linuxstb | preglow: I think the hardest part is telling the wavwriter when to start and stop. Plus getting it to display information. |
01:39:48 | preglow | yes |
01:39:55 | preglow | and i don't want the wps screen |
01:40:09 | preglow | telling it when to stop is easy, i just want it to render one track |
01:40:19 | preglow | when i press 'stop' i've had enoug |
01:40:19 | preglow | h |
01:40:26 | preglow | just like the good old xxx2wav plugins |
01:41:04 | preglow | i'll just give up for now, i have absolutely no idea of how to do this |
01:41:13 | preglow | and i'm nice and tired |
01:42:12 | Moos | here too good night all |
01:42:21 | | Quit Moos (" Like VS.net's GUI? Then try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") |
01:42:23 | linuxstb | It would be easy if plugins could use the codecs. But that's not easy to make happen either. |
01:42:38 | | Join rasher [0] (n=jonas@ |
01:44:05 | preglow | not easy at all |
01:45:26 | rasher | Plugins can control the backlight |
01:45:41 | rasher | Check clock.c and chessclock.c |
01:46:10 | linuxstb | rasher: Thanks - I'll have a look. |
01:48:38 | | Quit gromit` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:50:43 | rasher | What's the status of release? Other than what's on releasetodo |
01:51:50 | preglow | commit amiconns changes, then release |
01:51:56 | preglow | that's the last i heard from the uppity ups |
01:52:14 | | Quit bagawk ("Leaving") |
01:52:16 | linuxstb | Check the IRC logs from yesterday morning. (12 hours ago). |
01:52:28 | rasher | Ooh |
01:52:47 | rasher | Someone should rewrite the recording section of the changelog :-\ |
01:59:13 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) |
01:59:42 | linuxstb | Wow. I'm impressed with the Sudoku solver I've stolen. It solves a puzzle instantly, even on the Archos recorder. |
02:00 |
02:00:03 | linuxstb | This puzzle must be easier than I thought. |
02:00:19 | rasher | I believe generating puzzles is closely related to generating them |
02:00:47 | preglow | linuxstb: it's not |
02:00:55 | preglow | linuxstb: but there exists a clever algo |
02:01:07 | preglow | linuxstb: solving a sudoko puzzle is actually an np-complete problem |
02:01:51 | preglow | dancing links, the algo is called |
02:03:50 | linuxstb | I'm too tired to think about it. |
02:04:29 | preglow | someone please pay slasheri to do the wav writer :-/ |
02:04:39 | linuxstb | :) |
02:06:16 | rasher | Ah, this is the sudoku thing I found: http://www.lemo.dk/sudoku/ portable C, it seems |
02:06:26 | rasher | Of course, the page is written in Danish :-\ |
02:07:01 | linuxstb | I used the solver from here: http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~shackell/sudoku/Sudoku.html |
02:07:32 | rasher | With an url like that, you can't go wrong |
02:08:25 | linuxstb | rasher: First good news - your Danish program has a copy of the GPL in the source code. |
02:08:56 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:09:28 | rasher | Indeed. |
02:09:29 | preglow | seems like it's a simple backtrakcing solver |
02:10:13 | rasher | It mentions potentially taking days creating games |
02:10:18 | rasher | The page, that is |
02:10:30 | linuxstb | rasher: The code seems to be split into three files - an X11 GUI, a win32 GUI and the core functions in C. So it seems a good bet for Rockbox. |
02:10:35 | linuxstb | Unless it takes days.... |
02:10:46 | preglow | heh |
02:10:52 | preglow | i'd imagine that's for a particularily large game |
02:11:03 | rasher | Actually, it's for a small game, I think |
02:11:07 | preglow | well |
02:11:08 | rasher | (with few numbers) |
02:11:15 | preglow | then that's a showstopper, plain and simple, heh |
02:11:45 | rasher | But.. I don't know, it may just be in pretty extreme cases |
02:12:02 | rasher | But the way the code is written lends itself nicely to using in Rockbox |
02:12:26 | rasher | I guess you could test its speed against the other solver |
02:12:35 | preglow | oooooh, i'll _never_ be rid all the mallocs in libflac ://// |
02:13:46 | linuxstb | I wonder how well libFLAC 0.3 would work with current FLAC files. |
02:14:30 | * | linuxstb goes to test |
02:14:47 | preglow | didn't these people in the least think of embedded platforms? |
02:14:54 | preglow | i'll frigging kill them, i swear |
02:15:41 | linuxstb | Calm down :). |
02:15:42 | | Quit hicks (Remote closed the connection) |
02:18:11 | linuxstb | Oh well, flac-0.3 doesn't work. |
02:18:24 | linuxstb | Didn't really expect it to. |
02:20:00 | preglow | hrmph |
02:20:12 | preglow | still, using an older lib isn't a very good solution |
02:21:06 | linuxstb | Why not? The FLAC spec hasn't changed. If it works, it works. If not, then we won't use it - or we can fix anything that doesn't work. |
02:21:47 | rasher | I'm still annoyed that the reference decoder includes id3v2 skipping |
02:21:53 | rasher | only served to give people bad ideas.. |
02:23:59 | linuxstb | That's been present since the very beginning of FLAC. |
02:24:08 | linuxstb | But I agree it's a stupid idea. |
02:24:59 | linuxstb | But on the other hand, FLAC has succeeded in becoming the most widely-implemented lossless codec, so he's done something right. |
02:25:46 | preglow | i just can't stand this source |
02:25:47 | preglow | it's unreadable |
02:26:14 | linuxstb | I know. |
02:26:37 | preglow | i think i'll flame the bugger and ask what the hell he's on |
02:30:14 | | Quit markun () |
02:39:13 | preglow | argh |
02:39:21 | preglow | most of the things i want to do depends on this frigging wav writer |
02:39:24 | preglow | oh well |
02:39:29 | preglow | i'm too tired to do anything now |
02:40:11 | linuxstb | Would resurrecting the flac2wav plugin help you? |
02:41:52 | preglow | well, yeah, but let's not do that ;) |
02:41:53 | preglow | not yet, at least |
02:42:00 | preglow | gotta sleep for now anyway |
02:42:02 | preglow | see ya later |
02:42:26 | linuxstb | Yes - I wasn't planning on doiing it now - just if the wavwrite proves too hard. |
02:42:30 | linuxstb | Goodnight. |
02:42:32 | preglow | well |
02:42:47 | preglow | slasheri at least said it should be easy, but he's also pretty familiar with the code, which i'm not |
02:42:50 | preglow | we'll see |
02:42:53 | | Quit preglow ("leaving") |
02:43:00 | | Quit cYmen ("zZz") |
03:00 |
03:00:58 | | Quit _aLF ("Leaving") |
03:15:46 | | Quit Sucka ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") |
03:18:39 | | Join Sucka [0] (n=NNSCRIPT@host81-156-159-120.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) |
03:30:10 | | Join fuzzie [0] (i=fuzzie@anthracite.warpedgames.com) |
03:30:47 | rasher | Welcome. |
03:36:42 | fuzzie | :) |
03:55:42 | | Quit lostlogic ("Going to the moon") |
04:00 |
04:06:06 | | Join QT_ [0] (i=as@madwifi/users/area51) |
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04:16:38 | | Join Strath [0] (n=mike@dpc674681214.direcpc.com) |
04:19:46 | | Quit QT (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:35:13 | | Quit pike (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:51:57 | | Quit rasher ("Ex-Chat") |
05:00 |
05:37:41 | | Join snax [0] (n=snax@c-24-17-204-15.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
05:37:54 | snax | hey |
05:38:58 | snax | anyone try patching and installing the 1.65-US firmware on an iRiver H120? |
05:39:39 | snax | I'm interested in the playlist/flac features of rockbox, but of course I won't want to risk bricking my player if it's still too unstable |
06:00 |
06:09:03 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:15:52 | | Join pike [0] (i=pike@c83-249-120-126.bredband.comhem.se) |
06:17:53 | | Join lostlogic [0] (n=lostlogi@node-4024215a.mdw.onnet.us.uu.net) |
06:47:37 | | Quit lostlogic ("Going to the moon") |
06:51:47 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
06:59:03 | | Join lostlogic [0] (n=lostlogi@node-4024215a.mdw.onnet.us.uu.net) |
07:00 |
07:46:33 | B4gder | snax: many people have |
07:51:12 | amiconn | mooning |
07:53:45 | LinusN | morniconn |
07:56:03 | amiconn | I just started a test of my latest xing fixes. |
07:56:05 | snax | any word on when there will be an "official" release for the iRiver series? |
07:56:10 | LinusN | snax: no |
07:56:13 | snax | ok |
07:57:07 | amiconn | I've left out the adaption to closest bitrate, it's a too complex change for a last minute addition, and it would need some thoughts about passing buffer size limits if we don't want to allocate the theoretical maximum |
07:57:17 | snax | hmm, well, as long as I can reliably get back into the original firmware to reflash if somthing isn't working, then I suppose it's not a huge risk to try it now |
07:57:25 | LinusN | snax: exactly |
07:57:46 | LinusN | snax: in fact, you are more safe with the rockbox boot loader than without it |
07:57:58 | B4gder | the biggest risk is that you won't want to ever return to the original firmware ;-) |
07:58:22 | snax | alright, guess I'll give it a shot |
07:58:36 | * | snax double checks the md5sum |
08:00 |
08:00:20 | snax | fc559f9797e5a11f7e84dff19d1ceb6d ihp_120.hex |
08:00:37 | snax | looks good |
08:02:00 | snax | worked fine so far |
08:02:16 | snax | got the rockbox bootloader text, then the regular firmware kicked in |
08:02:22 | B4gder | wooo |
08:02:39 | LinusN | perfect |
08:02:40 | snax | still plays music :) |
08:02:50 | snax | ok, now to install the actual firmware image |
08:03:44 | snax | I want to use flac, so I should probably grab a recent snapshot |
08:04:10 | B4gder | you want a recent, regardless |
08:05:43 | LinusN | "emergency" poweroff works fine |
08:06:00 | B4gder | neat |
08:06:00 | amiconn | Hmm. I think there's more work to do on the archos recording, but I don't want to delay the release too much... |
08:06:01 | LinusN | i wonder if it should splash() a message about it... |
08:06:21 | snax | what does "dir buffer is full!" mean |
08:06:23 | LinusN | nah |
08:06:41 | B4gder | snax: it means you need to read the FAQ |
08:06:52 | snax | good idea |
08:07:03 | B4gder | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GeneralFAQ#What_does_dir_buffer_is_full_mea |
08:07:14 | amiconn | I want to finish the test of my latest xing fixes, which will unfortunately take until the evening |
08:07:32 | LinusN | amiconn: no rush |
08:08:37 | amiconn | "Emergency poweroff" sounds like Big Red Button ;) |
08:08:45 | LinusN | hehe |
08:08:57 | LinusN | it's that timeout we discussed yesterday |
08:08:58 | B4gder | is that the button next to the self-destruct one? |
08:09:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:09:14 | LinusN | B4gder: no, it's behind a hatch |
08:09:28 | LinusN | push the "self destruct" button to open it |
08:09:32 | B4gder | hehe |
08:10:07 | snax | so many settings! |
08:10:17 | snax | will this thing brush my teeth and feed my pet, too :) |
08:11:03 | B4gder | almost |
08:11:10 | B4gder | :-) |
08:12:31 | amiconn | LinusN: Keep in mind that this shutdown after timeout isn't needed on Ondio |
08:12:48 | amiconn | Ah, ignore me |
08:12:56 | LinusN | i always do :-) |
08:13:16 | amiconn | It isn't needed because of failed spinups, but it still protects from event loops not using the default handler |
08:13:22 | LinusN | yup |
08:13:49 | amiconn | The good thing with the Ondio is that there is no critical battery voltage range. |
08:14:07 | amiconn | Either it works, or shuts down completely |
08:15:05 | amiconn | I mean critical in the sense of disk access failing etc. Of course there is a critical range where you should better not try to flash rockbox etc |
08:15:24 | snax | I like how it doesn't take 30 seconds to rescan the file system after unplugging the USB cable |
08:15:46 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
08:16:32 | amiconn | LinusN: Do you know whether mpeg version 2.5 is "allowed" in conjunction with layer 1 and layer 2, or whether it's layer 3 only? |
08:16:45 | amiconn | I tend to believe it's layer 3 only... |
08:16:49 | LinusN | me too |
08:17:17 | amiconn | Otherwise real 'monster' frames would be possible, max. would be 2880 bytes |
08:17:27 | LinusN | oh, i see that the recorder never saves the runtime db when powering off with the OFF double click |
08:17:37 | amiconn | Oopss... |
08:17:53 | amiconn | The off doubleclick doesn't fire SYS_POWEROFF ? |
08:18:06 | snax | my flac -8 files seem to play without skips as far as I can tell |
08:18:12 | LinusN | yes it does, but it lets the default handler take care of it |
08:18:28 | LinusN | and the db callback is only set in the main tree loop |
08:18:40 | amiconn | Ah |
08:18:54 | LinusN | i don't really like using the callback for that |
08:19:13 | LinusN | (in fact, i don't like callbacks at all) |
08:19:40 | amiconn | The runtime db should be in synced state if no music is playing |
08:20:20 | LinusN | not necessarily |
08:20:26 | LinusN | the file handle is still open |
08:20:32 | amiconn | Yes |
08:20:58 | amiconn | ...but the code calls fsync() after each update sequence |
08:21:05 | LinusN | ah, rundb_unbuffer_track() |
08:22:26 | amiconn | I wonder whether it would be a good idea to let the default handler close all open files |
08:22:51 | LinusN | hmm |
08:23:10 | amiconn | Perhaps not |
08:29:04 | LinusN | i think the database should be shut down regardless, now it's only shut down if rockbox enters usb mode from the browser |
08:31:30 | LinusN | in fact, if you enter usb mode from a menu or the wps, the database will use stale information |
08:46:03 | LinusN | i think i'll ditch the callback in tree.c |
08:46:33 | LinusN | and instead have two functions in tree.c called tree_flush() and tree_restore() |
08:46:45 | LinusN | which are called by the default handler |
08:47:02 | LinusN | or rather, the usb screen |
08:47:30 | LinusN | tree_flush() would be called when entering usb mode, and when shutting down |
08:48:40 | LinusN | if we later on find more things that need to be flushed, we just add more xxx_flush/restore functions |
08:49:07 | LinusN | imho, those callbacks are only good/useful for the plugins |
08:49:34 | * | amiconn wants to add another callback ;) |
08:49:44 | amiconn | Not related to shutdown/ flush etc |
08:49:48 | LinusN | hehe |
08:49:49 | snax | has anything been done to address the "Low battery protection" bug? |
08:49:49 | amiconn | ALso nothing for 2.5 |
08:50:02 | LinusN | snax: yes and no |
08:50:11 | LinusN | amiconn: what callback? |
08:50:14 | snax | any sort of quick fix to at least prevent it from being in deadlock draining the battery below safe limits |
08:50:18 | LinusN | yes |
08:50:38 | LinusN | that's what the "emergency shutdown" is for |
08:50:48 | snax | ah |
08:50:50 | amiconn | I want to add a "hook" to the screenshot function, so that the grayscale library version can implement its own version |
08:50:59 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
08:51:03 | amiconn | ...which can still be triggered by the standard screenshot method |
08:51:10 | LinusN | amiconn: that's a good thing |
08:51:58 | | Quit gromit` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:53:43 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) |
09:00 |
09:01:48 | * | amiconn is curious whether the 200KB firmware size limit was actually tested for fmrecorder |
09:03:45 | amiconn | Perhaps we have more space than we believe... |
09:05:52 | LinusN | would be ironic |
09:06:46 | * | LinusN tests |
09:09:30 | amiconn | I'll probably do some firmware size limit tests on all my units (need to flash back to pure archos first), but I don't have an fmr |
09:10:15 | LinusN | doh! it works! |
09:10:27 | B4gder | hahahaha |
09:10:38 | LinusN | we are so lame! |
09:10:46 | B4gder | that is just too funny |
09:11:10 | | Join markun [0] (n=markun@bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) |
09:11:26 | amiconn | I'll try to find the limits for Studio, Rec v1, Ondio FM and Ondio SP |
09:11:43 | amiconn | I *know* that the limit must be >~300KB for Ondio |
09:12:17 | amiconn | ...because archos has some "non-returnable" firmware upgrades, that are one that flash themselves |
09:12:23 | amiconn | *ones |
09:12:31 | amiconn | These are >300 KB |
09:13:22 | amiconn | LinusN: How did you do it? Is it sufficient to just pad a .bin with zeroes, then scramble? |
09:13:56 | LinusN | i have gcc 3.4.3 here :-) |
09:14:18 | amiconn | Ah, so you didn't test a certain value (yet) |
09:14:23 | LinusN | nope |
09:15:06 | LinusN | i think patching scramble.c would be the easiest |
09:18:03 | LinusN | 256k works... |
09:20:02 | LinusN | 300k too |
09:21:22 | LinusN | 400k doesn't |
09:21:39 | snax | rockbox seems to make more hdd clicks than I remember the official firmware doing |
09:24:48 | amiconn | LinusN: Do you test on an unflashed fmr, or with the old flash rom image + F1-boot? |
09:24:56 | LinusN | unflashed |
09:25:21 | amiconn | Is this a non-flashable fmr? |
09:25:30 | | Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
09:25:33 | LinusN | no, i just didn't bother |
09:26:25 | amiconn | If the fmr archos loader has the same startup time as the rec v1 one, it would really annoy me... |
09:26:53 | LinusN | it's actually slower |
09:27:16 | LinusN | a *lot* slower |
09:27:24 | amiconn | urgs |
09:27:42 | amiconn | Boot time is also why I would like to see rockbox in flash on iriver |
09:32:30 | LinusN | ok, the fm limit is 400k |
09:36:10 | | Nick Lynx_awy is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
09:37:26 | snax | maybe it's my imagination, but my iriver hd is a lot noisier now |
09:37:46 | B4gder | snax: I doubt rockbox does that |
09:38:15 | snax | I've uninstalled rockbox for the moment |
09:38:58 | LinusN | snax: rockbox uses the hd a lot more, if that's what you mean |
09:39:25 | B4gder | it does? |
09:39:36 | snax | I created a big playlist in the root directory |
09:39:46 | snax | when I tried to select a song in it it told me there was an error reading the playlist |
09:40:20 | snax | that strikes me as strange |
09:40:34 | snax | it can't read the playlist it just created |
09:40:59 | snax | so I'll stick with stock firmware until I'm sure the hd isn't going bad or anything |
09:41:21 | snax | cause if it is I don't want to try to reflash it with a bad hd before sending it in for repairs |
09:43:35 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=stripwax@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
09:43:42 | stripwax | hey |
09:46:39 | LinusN | snax: how did you create the playlist? |
09:47:05 | snax | I went into the playlist options menu and selected create playlist |
09:47:10 | LinusN | ok |
09:47:27 | LinusN | what was the exact error? |
09:48:06 | snax | I can't remember the exact wording, but it said "error reading playlist" or "error accessing playlist" |
09:48:19 | snax | I was browsing the playlist and hit play on one of the files when it happened |
09:49:06 | snax | the error message wasn't terribly descriptive |
09:49:26 | LinusN | that sounds like if rockbox wasn't installed properly, or that your hard drive needs a scandisk |
09:50:28 | snax | there were approximately 3400 or so items in the playlist |
09:50:34 | snax | so it was fairly large |
09:50:44 | snax | I'll try fdisking it in linux |
09:50:47 | snax | err |
09:50:50 | snax | fsck |
09:54:20 | B4gder | I use a 4000+ song playlist almost daily |
09:54:23 | B4gder | with no problemos |
09:55:56 | snax | dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN |
09:55:56 | snax | Reclaimed 2666 unused clusters (21839872 bytes) in 5 chains. |
09:55:56 | snax | Free cluster summary wrong (632402 vs. really 632390) |
09:55:56 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK snax |
09:55:56 | snax | Auto-correcting. |
09:55:56 | snax | Performing changes. |
09:55:57 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
09:55:57 | snax | /dev/sdc1: 3440 files, 1806098/2438488 clusters |
09:56:22 | snax | I'm not sure if that would have cause a problem |
09:56:27 | snax | that's all it found wrong |
09:57:16 | B4gder | dosfsck is unfortunately not the best of tools |
09:57:44 | snax | should I perhaps try the reformat option in the stock firmware, and tranfer all my music again? |
09:57:56 | snax | *transfer |
09:58:08 | B4gder | if the problems remain, then that's an option |
09:58:24 | B4gder | but if you use linux, you can just mkfs it instead of using the stock firmware |
10:00 |
10:00:22 | | Quit linuxstb ("Leaving") |
10:01:34 | | Quit DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
10:05:10 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:05:58 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
10:09:07 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:10:24 | | Join preglow [0] (n=thomjoha@hekta.edt.aft.hist.no) |
10:13:46 | preglow | what, there is no 200kb limit? :PPP |
10:14:54 | | Join cYmen [0] (n=cymen@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
10:17:56 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-123-231.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
10:31:05 | snax | you know what |
10:31:20 | snax | probably I've just never noticed the clicking before because I usually have the volume higher |
10:31:45 | LinusN | :-) |
10:32:16 | snax | it makes a click when the red light goes off, so I assume it has something to do with spinning down the disk or locking the drive head (which I understand some portable hdds do to prevent scraping) |
10:32:40 | snax | if I have music playing at normal volume I don't even hear it |
10:33:50 | snax | how much control does the firmware have over the drive? |
10:34:31 | snax | power up/down, spin up/down, seek, read/write |
10:37:58 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD7F26.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:39:10 | B4gder | just about full control |
10:39:59 | snax | is there any way it can mess up the drive? |
10:40:35 | snax | physically, that is |
10:41:28 | B4gder | as long as usb isn't "active" |
10:41:30 | B4gder | not that I know |
10:41:31 | LinusN | i think we can damage it if we wrote a program that repeatedly turned it on and off |
10:41:44 | LinusN | and let it run a few months |
10:42:07 | snax | I saw someone on the forum complain that their hd died after doing a large USB transfer in rockbox |
10:42:16 | B4gder | it didn't |
10:42:36 | B4gder | or rather, I claim it didn't |
10:43:06 | B4gder | people draw all sorts of conclusions and fill forums with their scew view of the world |
10:46:00 | Zagor | a long usb transfer is a lot less rockbox-specific drive activity than playing music. |
10:46:22 | Zagor | the drive is spinning constantly, just like in millions of laptops around the world |
10:46:37 | preglow | what, you mean in the way it isn't rockbox-specific at all? ;) |
10:47:26 | LinusN | Zagor: but if he did the transfer with an early version of Rockbox, the CPU might have run at a high frequency, generating more heat |
10:47:56 | Zagor | LinusN: i'd say that's also pretty normal for laptop drives to handle. many laptops run very hot. |
10:48:02 | LinusN | indeed |
10:49:26 | LinusN | but onm the other hand, this isn't exactly a laptop drive, is it? |
10:50:16 | LinusN | i still don't think for a minute that rockbox caused the claimed hard drive failure |
10:50:41 | B4gder | disks do break at times |
10:50:41 | Zagor | oh, this was a 1.8" drive? |
10:50:52 | B4gder | of course disks will break with rockbox installed as well |
10:51:03 | LinusN | Zagor: i believe it was an iriver |
10:51:12 | LinusN | but i may be wrong |
10:51:54 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
10:51:55 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD7F26.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:52:10 | Zagor | ok. |
10:53:16 | snax | ok, since it seems pretty much impossible for rockbox to cause a failure, and it doesn't seem to cause any weird disk thrashing when I used it, I'll go ahead and reinstall it |
10:53:49 | snax | I had a hd go back in my Rio Karma player, and then the replacement had a bad headphone jack |
10:54:05 | B4gder | snax: hundreds of people already use it exclusively on their irivers |
10:54:13 | snax | the flash memory in my first mp3 player ever (rio pmp500 I think) went bad, and the replacement they sent me then didn't work |
10:54:19 | snax | so I'm REALLY paranoid about mp3 players failing |
10:54:47 | | Quit cYmen ("w00t") |
10:55:06 | snax | this iRiver thing feels really solid and hasn't given me any trouble yet, and since it's now out of production I won't want to risk fubaring it, thus the paranoia :) |
10:56:46 | snax | the rockbox flac support is awesome, it's one of the things I missed about the karma |
10:59:02 | snax | bbl |
10:59:04 | | Quit snax ("Client exiting") |
11:00 |
11:03:15 | | Join snax [0] (n=snax@c-24-17-210-188.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
11:03:33 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
11:03:33 | * | preglow curses flac |
11:03:46 | snax | ok, playing minesweeper while I listen to music is just plain cool |
11:03:55 | | Join webguest84 [0] (n=53afb0c2@labb.contactor.se) |
11:04:21 | snax | multitasking :) |
11:04:58 | preglow | are we still using 512k for the malloc buffer? |
11:06:04 | amiconn | ? |
11:06:22 | amiconn | codec_malloc uses the remainder of the codec ram iirc |
11:06:29 | amiconn | 256K - codec_size |
11:07:08 | preglow | oh |
11:07:21 | preglow | source says it uses start of the audio buffer |
11:07:55 | amiconn | Oh, it does? |
11:08:00 | * | amiconn checks |
11:08:10 | preglow | extern unsigned char* mallocbuf; // 512K from the start of MP3 buffer |
11:09:35 | amiconn | Ugly design... |
11:10:57 | preglow | i'd love to gut out all mallocs, but for libflac, that seems like quite some work |
11:16:02 | preglow | amiconn: i take it LINE_ATTR doesn't make much sense for iram? |
11:16:25 | LinusN | no |
11:17:24 | preglow | anyone know what the trailing star in *(.text*) (lds files) means? |
11:17:28 | LinusN | amiconn: any comments on this? http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=44306&atid=439118&aid=1116069 |
11:17:33 | preglow | just a wildcard? |
11:17:57 | preglow | i'm going to try introducing the cache section again |
11:18:22 | LinusN | i believe it's a wildcard |
11:19:28 | amiconn | preglow: The line alignment determines the use of burst mode for all memory areas (that are burst enabled), also for iram |
11:19:51 | amiconn | ...but I guess the speed difference for iram is minimal, or even zero |
11:19:58 | preglow | yes, zero would be my guess |
11:20:34 | amiconn | preglow: The *(.text*) wildcard is for linking .o files created with sectioned compilation |
11:21:04 | amiconn | Sectioned compilation puts each function in a separate section, named .text_<function_name> |
11:21:04 | preglow | sectioned compilation? |
11:21:08 | preglow | ahh |
11:21:09 | preglow | right |
11:21:44 | preglow | what's the use of that, again? |
11:22:33 | LinusN | to eliminate dead code |
11:23:01 | amiconn | Yes, in conjunction with section garbage collection in the linker |
11:23:26 | preglow | i thought the linker was perfectly able to do this without sectioned compilation |
11:23:47 | LinusN | no it isn't, not on a function level |
11:23:57 | LinusN | only file level, in libraries |
11:24:20 | preglow | hmm, that sucks |
11:27:06 | Zagor | does anyone know if there's a reason for this, other than "hasn't been implemented"? it doesn't feel like it would be a difficult thing to add. |
11:28:41 | preglow | indeed |
11:29:05 | preglow | i'm convinced some linkers, at least, do this |
11:29:20 | amiconn | Iiuc the linker can only act on the section level. |
11:29:45 | Zagor | preglow: convinced as in "surely they do?" or "i've heard from good sources linker X does"? |
11:29:53 | amiconn | All offsets within a section are already fixed at link time |
11:30:07 | preglow | Zagor: i _think_ i remember testing that one did ages ago |
11:30:14 | preglow | amiconn: no, they're not |
11:30:59 | preglow | if you check a disassembly, you can clearly see that all offsets are zero |
11:31:08 | preglow | they're set at link |
11:31:27 | preglow | so excluding a function should be easy |
11:32:19 | | Join cYmen [0] (n=cymen@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
11:33:28 | preglow | at least as long as the linker knows which symbols are what, but that most of them do |
11:35:31 | preglow | is sectioned compilation something we only use for dead code detection, or do we use it all the time for some platforms? |
11:37:14 | amiconn | It's used for certain parts only |
11:37:53 | amiconn | The plugin library does it, to ease maintenance of e.g. the grayscale library, which would otherwise be a mess of several dozens of source files |
11:38:33 | amiconn | Another part is bootbox for archos, for the firmware part |
11:45:02 | preglow | but no, i'm quite convinced leaving out unused code/data should be possible within a section, but ld most certainly doesn't seem to be trying to do so |
11:46:05 | LinusN | amiconn: is there a conflict with Stop and On/Off on the Ondio? |
11:47:29 | LinusN | aha, long on/off is used to stop the music... |
11:48:08 | LinusN | and bookmark-on-stop doesn't save the bookmark when pausing |
11:48:26 | amiconn | Yes, short OnOff is pause/resume, long OnOff is stop |
11:49:00 | LinusN | so we might want to extend the off timeout? |
11:49:41 | LinusN | at least so it has time to save the bookmark position |
11:52:38 | LinusN | i guess the soft poweroff should take care of the resume, but i'm not that sure about the bookmark |
11:53:26 | | Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (n=d90a3255@labb.contactor.se) |
11:54:04 | LinusN | [IDC]Dragon: welcome |
11:54:06 | * | [IDC]Dragon smiles at Rockbox now growing twice in size ;-) |
11:54:15 | [IDC]Dragon | Hi |
11:54:47 | [IDC]Dragon | 400 kB will be a challenge for ROMbox |
11:55:02 | LinusN | hehe |
11:55:04 | | Quit ashridah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:55:45 | amiconn | Hi Jörg :) |
11:55:48 | amiconn | ltnirc |
11:55:59 | [IDC]Dragon | ? |
11:56:05 | [IDC]Dragon | ah |
11:56:06 | Zagor | FYI all: We'll be having a chat with Neuros about their next player platform on tuesday 23:00 CET in #haxx. |
11:56:10 | amiconn | I've received my Ondio FM :) |
11:56:19 | [IDC]Dragon | which tuner? |
11:56:31 | amiconn | The all-good kind, mask 0F08 |
11:56:41 | [IDC]Dragon | phew |
11:56:50 | amiconn | It was a really new unit, shrink-wrapped... |
11:56:51 | Zagor | http://open.neurosaudio.com/node/115 |
11:57:30 | [IDC]Dragon | nice |
11:59:41 | [IDC]Dragon | anything special about #haxx? |
12:00 |
12:00:16 | Zagor | nah, just keeping it in a separate channel to avoid too much everyday rockbox talk (support questions etc) |
12:02:08 | [IDC]Dragon | perhaps kicking trolls |
12:02:18 | | Join Moos [0] (i=Moos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
12:06:12 | LinusN | [IDC]Dragon: i /msg:ed you |
12:07:09 | [IDC]Dragon | LinusN: I responded... |
12:07:39 | LinusN | [IDC]Dragon: ah, your nick is not registered |
12:07:56 | LinusN | freenode filters /msg from unregistered nicks |
12:08:01 | [IDC]Dragon | then it doesn't work? |
12:08:08 | [IDC]Dragon | oh |
12:09:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:09:32 | [IDC]Dragon | well, the last line of my email was "Is that OK for you? Greetings, Jörg" |
12:10:17 | [IDC]Dragon | seems that it is, I got no violent complaints ;-) |
12:10:28 | LinusN | it definitely is |
12:10:32 | [IDC]Dragon | so, consider the wav codec as "open" |
12:11:04 | [IDC]Dragon | pure "laziness" (swamped in other work) kept me from publishing |
12:11:05 | Zagor | neat |
12:12:12 | [IDC]Dragon | (I need to get the PCB job for my self-developed home control into production) |
12:12:23 | LinusN | [IDC]Dragon: ah, now i see, you signed the email twice, first with "Jörg" and then with the question, after the quoted email |
12:13:00 | LinusN | so now we will have WAV-playback for the Archos! Yiheaa! |
12:13:13 | [IDC]Dragon | now? |
12:13:31 | [IDC]Dragon | there's a little task in the way... ;-) |
12:13:38 | LinusN | :-) |
12:14:10 | [IDC]Dragon | we can munch on the 2nd 200kB with the codec |
12:14:34 | [IDC]Dragon | which RecV1 doesn't have :-( |
12:14:43 | LinusN | how big is the codec? |
12:16:02 | * | [IDC]Dragon looks |
12:16:22 | [IDC]Dragon | in any case, it's ineffiviently stored in the Archos code |
12:16:59 | LinusN | 32-bit ints with 20-bit data? |
12:18:16 | [IDC]Dragon | yes |
12:18:32 | [IDC]Dragon | which makes it almost 12 KB |
12:20:11 | [IDC]Dragon | packing would bring it to 7.4 K |
12:20:38 | [IDC]Dragon | we can try UCL on it |
12:20:51 | [IDC]Dragon | or simply load it from disk |
12:21:09 | [IDC]Dragon | wav play/rec means a lot of disk traffic anyway |
12:21:11 | LinusN | load from disk seems to be the easier option |
12:21:16 | LinusN | indeed |
12:23:57 | LinusN | we might not be able to spin down the disk at all... |
12:24:22 | B4gder | gosh |
12:24:52 | [IDC]Dragon | afk, lunch |
12:25:25 | B4gder | I wonder how long a typical archos can run with spinning disk |
12:25:42 | LinusN | over 100kbytes per second with 44100/16 stereo |
12:25:45 | B4gder | an hour? |
12:26:21 | LinusN | 176400 bytes/s |
12:26:57 | B4gder | how big is the buffer these days? 1764000 bytes? |
12:29:07 | LinusN | mine is 1583000 bytes |
12:29:25 | LinusN | or rather 1.583MB |
12:29:47 | | Join webguest43 [0] (n=51bd66f1@labb.contactor.se) |
12:29:53 | webguest43 | hi ! |
12:30:25 | webguest43 | i would just like to ask again if we could have an option to purge the on-the-fly playlist in the playlist menu. |
12:30:25 | LinusN | which is roughly 1700k |
12:31:36 | LinusN | webguest43: a "Clear playlist" in the playlist menu? |
12:31:58 | webguest43 | yes please ! |
12:32:29 | webguest43 | i dont save playlists, i just add some folders and press play |
12:33:02 | LinusN | what happens if you stop and then add a new folder? |
12:33:16 | webguest43 | it gets added at the end of the playlist |
12:33:44 | LinusN | ah, it doesn't get cleared unless you start a new playlist... |
12:33:50 | LinusN | i get it |
12:34:36 | webguest43 | wait, i think i am lying to you |
12:34:50 | LinusN | shame on you :-) |
12:36:04 | webguest43 | i am actually lying. if you stop playback and insert a new folder the playlist is reset. |
12:36:14 | webguest43 | i am standing in the corner shaming.... |
12:36:20 | LinusN | ;-) |
12:36:35 | webguest43 | RTFM i guess :) |
12:38:40 | webguest43 | i asked yesterday about some refinements on the recording screen, any news there ? |
12:39:04 | | Quit Moos (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") |
12:41:15 | LinusN | webguest43: what did you ask and when? |
12:42:56 | LinusN | the choir recording? |
12:43:01 | webguest43 | yep thats me |
12:43:21 | LinusN | and you wanted a peak meter? |
12:43:30 | webguest43 | the main thing is that recording will overwrite its own files |
12:43:40 | webguest43 | recording starts always into record-0.wav |
12:43:48 | LinusN | the thing is that the river recording is just a test |
12:43:59 | webguest43 | when stop, record is pressed again it records into record1.wav |
12:44:16 | webguest43 | if you exit the recording screen and come back it will again record into record-0.wav overwriting the fiel |
12:44:19 | webguest43 | file even |
12:44:36 | webguest43 | yep i know thats why it is in debug, but it works, is stable I tested for more than 2 hrs |
12:44:53 | webguest43 | a few tweaks and its ready for primetime |
12:45:02 | LinusN | we will resume the work on the iriver recording once we release 2.5 for archos |
12:45:31 | webguest43 | allright, its just that only really small things are missing |
12:45:53 | B4gder | there are small things missing all over ;-) |
12:46:00 | preglow | those things very probably arent missing the real recording code |
12:46:13 | preglow | no use in duplicating it when we'll integrate it properly soon anyway |
12:46:33 | webguest43 | preglow: what do you mean ? |
12:47:48 | webguest43 | alas, a small patch so recording does not overwrite its old files would still be great |
12:48:09 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
12:48:11 | preglow | webguest43: archos already does recording, we can probably reuse some of that code |
12:48:19 | preglow | rockbox isn't iriver only |
12:48:33 | Moos | re |
12:49:33 | webguest43 | sure, thanks for the great work you are doing, |
12:49:51 | webguest43 | any idea about what % of userbase is archos vs iriver ? |
12:50:53 | preglow | woops, gotta go |
12:53:53 | | Quit markun () |
12:56:03 | LinusN | webguest43: ok, it was a tiny change that didn't affect the archos code |
12:56:28 | LinusN | the next bleeding edge will have proper file numbering |
12:58:11 | webguest43 | you mean you just fixed that ? |
12:58:15 | LinusN | yes |
12:58:28 | webguest43 | thanks man |
12:59:03 | webguest43 | its great that you decide to donate so much of your time over such a long timespan to this project |
12:59:15 | LinusN | tell that to my family :-) |
12:59:35 | webguest43 | hey famil: I think its great that LinusN develops rockbox ! |
12:59:48 | LinusN | :-) |
13:00 |
13:00:19 | webguest43 | just to have a look, where is the recording code in the cvs ? |
13:00:35 | amiconn | B4gder: An archos v1 recorder can run ~4 hours with stock batteries and disk spinning all the time |
13:00:56 | amiconn | I tested this when comparing video playback with and without spindown |
13:01:23 | webguest43 | from my recording test i would say iriver does 8 hrs with disk spinning on non-stock 1900mAh battery |
13:02:04 | webguest43 | 2 hrs recording => 100% => 81% |
13:02:20 | | Join Febs [0] (n=Febs@207-172-122-81.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
13:02:26 | | Join edx__ [0] (i=edx@p54A87D70.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:04:40 | amiconn | B4gder: Maybe the time limit is lower depending on how often we actually read the disk. Even with the disk spinning all the time, power consumption is higher with actual disk access than without |
13:05:46 | amiconn | In the video playback case, a buffer refill happened every ~25 seconds |
13:06:05 | amiconn | With wav playback it will be every ~10 seconds (44.1/16/stereo) |
13:06:27 | amiconn | I'd still expect ~2 hours |
13:06:51 | | Join DrMoos [0] (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
13:08:17 | amiconn | LinusN: Did you check the rec v1 size limit, or is this still an assumed value based on the player? |
13:08:33 | LinusN | didn't check, will do |
13:08:42 | | Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:09:30 | | Quit edx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:12:46 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
13:13:43 | | Quit DrMoos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:14:16 | LinusN | amiconn: it's 200k for v1 as well |
13:14:26 | amiconn | :-( |
13:15:24 | [IDC]Dragon | boo |
13:15:43 | [IDC]Dragon | how large is rockbox v1? |
13:15:56 | amiconn | LinusN: Is there a reason why you often add dummy functions instead of empty macros? |
13:15:57 | webguest43 | linusN: where in the cvs can i find the recording code you thankfully changed ? |
13:16:45 | LinusN | amiconn: yes, because i don't want to change the firmware code just because the bootloader doesn't want it |
13:16:59 | LinusN | webguest43: apps/pcm_recording.c |
13:17:24 | webguest43 | thanks |
13:17:52 | LinusN | amiconn: empty macros would require #ifdef BOOTLOADER in the header files |
13:18:04 | | Join hshah [0] (n=c2c92012@labb.contactor.se) |
13:21:11 | amiconn | LinusN: Yes, what's the problem with #ifdef BOOTLOADER ? |
13:21:26 | webguest43 | looking at pcm_recording.c i think i urgently have to install a compile environment |
13:22:34 | LinusN | amiconn: the code is swamped with #ifdefs, and i don't think it's worth adding that many of them just because of the bootloader |
13:22:47 | | Quit edx__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:23:40 | amiconn | I'm asking because I want to search for empty functions in normal code, and eliminate them the same way... |
13:24:43 | | Quit webguest84 ("CGI:IRC") |
13:25:08 | | Join edx [0] (i=edx@p54A87D70.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:33:30 | [IDC]Dragon | 7282 bytes left for the V1 |
13:40:28 | | Quit xNibbler ("life is like a rental car, you fuck it up, and give it back.") |
13:40:38 | amiconn | 7138 bytes with my not-yet-committed xing header improvements |
13:45:09 | | Join NibbIer [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-77-14.dynamic.qsc.de) |
13:46:38 | | Quit NibbIer (Remote closed the connection) |
13:47:56 | [IDC]Dragon | wav will add qite some code, too |
13:48:03 | [IDC]Dragon | quite |
13:49:10 | amiconn | I'll probably hack the wav codec a little when I have time, but real integration might have to wait until the playback engines are merged |
13:49:30 | amiconn | The iriver playback engine is able to handle multiple codecs, with disk loading |
13:50:01 | [IDC]Dragon | and is not smaller, I reckon |
13:50:11 | | Join NibbIer [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-77-14.dynamic.qsc.de) |
13:50:42 | [IDC]Dragon | pcm feed from plugin api would be cool |
13:50:54 | [IDC]Dragon | like current mp3 feed |
13:51:04 | [IDC]Dragon | but much more useful |
13:51:10 | | Join ep0ch [0] (n=ep0ch@ |
13:51:36 | amiconn | Hmm. That would need a slightly different approach, imho |
13:51:45 | [IDC]Dragon | for games and the mod tracker authors out there |
13:52:45 | amiconn | The iriver playback engine is application layer, pcm playback is firmware layer |
13:53:56 | amiconn | If we want pcm playback from memory, i.e. without the file playback engine, wav codec handling on archos would be totally different from codec handling on iriver |
13:54:32 | [IDC]Dragon | how does the iriver talk, then? |
13:55:33 | amiconn | There are 2 codec threads |
13:55:51 | amiconn | One decodes the music, the second decodes the voice |
13:56:01 | [IDC]Dragon | one of them has to decode from memory |
13:56:03 | amiconn | The dsp code mixes the output |
13:56:16 | amiconn | Yes |
13:56:29 | webguest43 | i am just highly impressed by http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SimpleGuideToCompiling#From_CVS |
13:56:39 | webguest43 | :) |
13:56:48 | webguest43 | but its missing a vital .exe namely cvs.exe |
13:57:33 | webguest43 | whats best way to fix that ? shall I register and edit the wiki ? or try to find the maintainer of the RockBoxDevKit |
13:59:09 | amiconn | [IDC]Dragon: The important difference is that music decoding, voice decoding and mixing happens at the app layer, then the pcm data is passed to the firmware layer for straight output |
13:59:28 | amiconn | On archos, we can't output pcm and mpa at the same time |
13:59:36 | amiconn | Our codec is lower level... |
14:00 |
14:00:13 | Zagor | webguest43: it's not a mistake. .exe is optional. |
14:00:25 | | Quit webguest43 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:02:53 | | Join webguest43 [0] (n=51bd66f1@labb.contactor.se) |
14:03:22 | Zagor | webguest43: it's not a mistake. .exe is optional. |
14:04:07 | B4gder | openneo commits again |
14:04:20 | Zagor | it lives! ;) |
14:04:23 | webguest43 | yep found it |
14:04:29 | B4gder | −−- NEW FILE: system.c −−- |
14:04:34 | B4gder | int set_irq_level(int level) |
14:04:40 | B4gder | ... |
14:04:43 | B4gder | asm volatile ("stc sr, %0" : "=r" (i)); |
14:04:47 | B4gder | blatant theft |
14:05:12 | Zagor | do they never learn? |
14:05:22 | B4gder | nope |
14:05:36 | [IDC]Dragon | I've been approached for an Oscar port |
14:05:41 | B4gder | they added 'errno' support |
14:06:06 | [IDC]Dragon | (the grandfather of the Archos SH) |
14:06:16 | Zagor | [IDC]Dragon: port? |
14:06:23 | Zagor | ah, rockbox on oscar? |
14:06:30 | [IDC]Dragon | yes |
14:06:41 | Zagor | massive user base ;) |
14:06:53 | B4gder | both of them would be thrilled ;-) |
14:07:01 | webguest43 | Zagor: its not finding cvs from command line |
14:07:17 | [IDC]Dragon | http://www.oscar-mp3.de/ |
14:08:51 | | Join DrMoos [0] (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
14:08:51 | | Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:08:56 | [IDC]Dragon | it's practically the same as terratec m3po |
14:09:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:09:23 | Zagor | webguest43: can't help you with that i'm afraid. I run linux and have never used the devkit on that page. |
14:09:44 | LinusN | i know lots of people do use it, with cvs |
14:11:08 | [IDC]Dragon | so an Oscar/m3po port should have some user base |
14:11:32 | webguest43 | its a path issue, i think its a bit misleading in the guide, i think the guide talks about the mingw environment, but i am not sure |
14:12:05 | Zagor | [IDC]Dragon: are you thinking of doing it? |
14:12:26 | [IDC]Dragon | not this year |
14:12:32 | B4gder | webguest43: I don't think the wiki page author even knows what mingw is |
14:12:35 | | Join tucoz [0] (n=81b17b04@labb.contactor.se) |
14:13:04 | tucoz | Hi, how are the presets stored for the fm-radio. In the config block on disk? |
14:13:09 | [IDC]Dragon | if they send me a unit, something may happen |
14:13:24 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:13:25 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:13:54 | [IDC]Dragon | my livingroom lacks a player |
14:14:01 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
14:14:14 | Zagor | :-) |
14:14:14 | [IDC]Dragon | but these days, I'd rather go for a streaming client |
14:14:17 | tucoz | Just read a thing in the forums that looks like a good idea. To be able to save presets in a file, when travelling for instance. |
14:14:18 | B4gder | no response from austriancoder |
14:14:21 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s057b.studby.ntnu.no) |
14:14:28 | Zagor | yeah, I have the slimp3. very nice. |
14:14:31 | webguest43 | can i paste a few (15) lines here which demonstrate the problem ? its a path issue for sure |
14:14:43 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-122-75.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
14:15:07 | Zagor | webguest43: no long pastes, please |
14:15:19 | [IDC]Dragon | how does it browse? |
14:15:34 | Zagor | [IDC]Dragon: using a remote control |
14:15:50 | [IDC]Dragon | I mean, the experience |
14:16:09 | [IDC]Dragon | I tried terratec noxon audio, but it's slow as hell |
14:16:15 | bluebrother^ | tucoz: in a file below .rockbox |
14:16:35 | [IDC]Dragon | plus, they don't utilize the screen very well |
14:16:40 | webguest43 | why is this path not finding /usr/bin/cvs ? /.:/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/sh1/bin:/opt/m68k/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:.:../bin:../usr/bin |
14:17:01 | Zagor | the speed depends on the host computer. the slimp3 is just display and decoder. |
14:17:11 | tucoz | bluebrother^: ok, thanks |
14:17:28 | [IDC]Dragon | was it once a DIY project? |
14:17:43 | Zagor | I have a VIA Centaur 600MHz as host computer and it's not very fast but not annoyingly slow either |
14:17:46 | [IDC]Dragon | I remember one with a very dumb client |
14:18:02 | Zagor | not DYI I think, but started as a basement project |
14:18:39 | [IDC]Dragon | how does it support all those formats? Recompression? |
14:18:48 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc12c.b.pppool.de) |
14:19:21 | Zagor | the newer models support lossless playback so the host computer decompresses and sends flac to the player |
14:19:48 | [IDC]Dragon | nice |
14:19:53 | Zagor | or wav perhaps. don't know, my model is old :-) |
14:19:58 | muesli- | re |
14:20:05 | [IDC]Dragon | not nice |
14:20:15 | webguest43 | i just compiled rockbox ! feels like making fire ! will have a fiddle with the pcm_recording.c |
14:20:29 | webguest43 | thanks a lot all ! sorry for being a pita sometimes :) |
14:20:56 | Zagor | my player is serial number #8 :-) |
14:21:13 | tucoz | webguest43: sounds nice. what do you think of moving the settings for recording to a context menu? |
14:21:14 | webguest43 | gotta do some real-life-work now, bye |
14:21:38 | | Quit hshah ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:22:02 | webguest43 | tucoz: i think the devs will do proper recording in time. this one is just a hack I think |
14:22:07 | tucoz | ok |
14:22:31 | webguest43 | I just want to do some small modifications, mainly moving the buttons around |
14:22:32 | tucoz | I'll have a look at the archos recording before I suggest anything |
14:23:14 | webguest43 | there is one button on the remote that I would like to be on the main unit so I dont need the remote for recording |
14:23:34 | tucoz | I believe the settings are taken care of in a nice way on the archoses |
14:23:45 | [IDC]Dragon | Zagor: sounds like a wide user base, too |
14:24:10 | | Quit webguest43 ("CGI:IRC") |
14:24:13 | | Join webguest43 [0] (n=51bd66f1@labb.contactor.se) |
14:24:15 | Zagor | yes. they have the right approach to pretty much everything imho, and it pays. |
14:25:44 | [IDC]Dragon | wee, lots of resources |
14:25:46 | webguest43 | how much is that slimp3 thing ? |
14:25:49 | Zagor | the server software also has a http interface that you can control the player from |
14:25:53 | [IDC]Dragon | I wouder what for |
14:26:10 | Zagor | resources? |
14:26:19 | [IDC]Dragon | 50 MHz, 64 MB ram, 16 MB flash |
14:26:26 | [IDC]Dragon | 250 MHz |
14:26:39 | [IDC]Dragon | and 1000 mA power |
14:27:47 | Zagor | for supporting demanding codecs, i guess |
14:27:56 | Zagor | my old model has a hardware mp3 decoder |
14:28:05 | | Part tucoz |
14:29:51 | | Quit B4gder ("Lämnar") |
14:30:22 | Zagor | it listens to JVC DVD remote control codes, so you can use a standard universal remote for it |
14:30:47 | [IDC]Dragon | I have a learning one |
14:31:00 | [IDC]Dragon | or, trainable |
14:31:25 | [IDC]Dragon | nice product, I'll keep an eye on it |
14:31:43 | webguest43 | where do you find info about it ? |
14:31:50 | Zagor | www.slimdevices.com |
14:33:27 | webguest43 | slimp3 = squeezebox ? |
14:34:24 | Zagor | yes, it was called slimp3 earlier |
14:34:39 | webguest43 | ah, they are quite expensive though |
14:35:24 | Zagor | I wouldn't say $199 is expensive, but it's subjective of course. |
14:35:25 | webguest43 | wonder if one could build something like that from standard parts |
14:35:53 | webguest43 | i would use one of my laptops, but their D=>A converters suck big time |
14:38:40 | [IDC]Dragon | sound a lot cheaper |
14:38:47 | [IDC]Dragon | sounds |
14:42:38 | | Join tucoz [0] (n=81b17b04@labb.contactor.se) |
14:43:47 | webguest43 | the design of the old wired ones is much nicer than the new wireless ones :) |
14:44:52 | [IDC]Dragon | of course the thing is more expensive in %u20AC than in $ |
14:45:05 | | Quit tucoz (Client Quit) |
14:45:13 | [IDC]Dragon | EUR than in $ |
14:46:34 | [IDC]Dragon | Zagor: did you look at Roku, too? |
14:47:17 | Zagor | roku didn't exist when I bought the slimp3. they are a ripoff of it, even using the slimdevices server software without attribution. |
14:47:56 | [IDC]Dragon | openroku? ;-) |
14:48:09 | Zagor | not quite :-) |
14:48:20 | [IDC]Dragon | as in openneo |
14:48:30 | Zagor | ah, yeah |
14:51:42 | webguest43 | i like roku design though |
14:53:14 | Zagor | if you acted on such impulses, you'd own an ipod and not be here in the first place :-) |
14:53:58 | webguest43 | on the remote-mp3-playback note, do you guys think it would be possible to wire the remote-port of the iriver somehow into a computer ? so one could just use a computer to control it ? |
14:54:24 | Zagor | yes of course |
14:54:32 | Zagor | but the "somehow" might be rather complex |
14:54:43 | | Join rasher [0] (n=jonas@ |
14:54:56 | webguest43 | you assume ! i actually like the iriver 140 design more than the white boxes |
14:55:11 | webguest43 | well its a standard protocol talking to the remote i2c ? |
14:55:47 | Zagor | i don't remember |
14:56:04 | webguest43 | cause I am sure for that there is usb dongles or something |
14:56:14 | ashridah | isn't the remote attached to the i2c bus? or is it a different bus? |
14:56:57 | | Quit Sucka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:58:27 | amiconn | Afaik the remote button output signal is just a chain of resistors, wired to an adc inside the main unit |
14:58:54 | amiconn | The remote lcd is controlled via SPI |
14:58:58 | LinusN | exactly |
15:00 |
15:04:15 | | Quit rasher (Remote closed the connection) |
15:08:04 | | Join rasher [0] (n=jonas@ |
15:28:29 | muesli- | hi rasher, was there any discison in the end about negerpunk? ;) |
15:29:20 | webguest43 | on another note, i got my iriver hooked up to my stereo, and every time until rockbox is booted it makes a horrible humming sound, does anyone know what I could do about this ? |
15:29:46 | webguest43 | so basically while iriver is off it humms |
15:30:23 | ashridah | webguest43: is it plugged into the charger at the same time? sounds like a ground loop. get a DC decoupled audio cable? use optical? :) |
15:31:04 | webguest43 | it is something like that, its loud without charger and gets really loud with charger |
15:31:13 | rasher | muesli-: looks like it died down |
15:31:15 | webguest43 | whats a DC decoupled audio cable ? |
15:31:38 | ashridah | webguest43: one that only has AC coupling, thus, no ground loops |
15:32:08 | ashridah | arghl. must sleep |
15:32:10 | | Quit ashridah ("sleep") |
15:33:23 | webguest43 | wait ! |
15:33:29 | webguest43 | bugger |
15:34:36 | webguest43 | anyone know how to do that ? |
15:35:14 | flurble | go to the store and say "can you sell me a DC decoupled audio cable" ? |
15:36:30 | webguest43 | thanks for the how-to ! :) |
15:37:26 | webguest43 | another thing: when I use the recording on iriver, after exiting recording mode, playback is not producing any sound output. I have to restart the iriver. any ideas anyone ? |
15:37:48 | rasher | Restart |
15:37:54 | rasher | That's the fix |
15:38:06 | webguest43 | whats the function call for that ? |
15:40:54 | [IDC]Dragon | webguest43: you can get a cable with a transformer, common for car hifi |
15:41:36 | webguest43 | thanks, will try to get one of them, it disturbs my cat every time I unplug the iriver |
15:43:49 | webguest43 | any ideas on the playback problem ? |
15:47:05 | LinusN | webguest43: the recording code is in the debug menu for a reason |
15:47:25 | LinusN | and there is also a reason why we don't work on it now |
15:48:01 | webguest43 | allright, i thought maybe its just a funciton call missing |
15:48:07 | LinusN | probably |
15:48:28 | webguest43 | i presume if i do some mods in the current pcm_recording code its all wasted time right ? |
15:49:15 | LinusN | yes, if you change the ui |
15:49:55 | webguest43 | so basically recording UI is working in Archos and will be ported to iRiver once someone has time ? |
15:49:58 | LinusN | but not if you fix the playback issue, or other technical stuff |
15:50:07 | flurble | webguest43: if you use it yourself it's not wasted time anyway, is it? |
15:50:51 | webguest43 | fixed what i need already, its so cool ! |
15:51:20 | flurble | :-) |
15:54:28 | webguest43 | whats the difference in recording volume and recording gain ? |
15:56:24 | | Quit NibbIer ("life is like a rental car, you fuck it up, and give it back.") |
15:59:24 | | Join Sucka [0] (n=NNSCRIPT@host81-156-159-120.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) |
16:00 |
16:01:02 | webguest43 | gotta go, bye |
16:01:04 | | Quit webguest43 ("CGI:IRC") |
16:02:06 | * | amiconn wonders why Linus defined the size limits as hex values... |
16:02:10 | amiconn | Obfuscating? |
16:02:54 | LinusN | the original limit was in hex |
16:03:07 | LinusN | so i just followed the tradition :-) |
16:03:22 | amiconn | I would have used 200*1024, 400*1024 etc |
16:03:24 | LinusN | i could have written (200*1024) |
16:03:28 | LinusN | :-) |
16:04:00 | LinusN | i don't personally see hex values as obfuscated though |
16:04:16 | LinusN | no real programmer should :-) |
16:04:19 | preglow | heh |
16:06:33 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
16:06:33 | LinusN | gotta go |
16:06:34 | | Quit DrMoos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:06:35 | | Part LinusN |
16:09:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:13:26 | | Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:13:28 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
16:17:11 | | Join NibbIer [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-77-14.dynamic.qsc.de) |
16:22:26 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:27:40 | | Part NibbIer ("Leaving") |
16:31:03 | | Join DrMoos [0] (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
16:32:13 | | Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:00 |
17:18:04 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@A91d3.a.pppool.de) |
17:33:22 | | Nick DrMoos is now known as Moos (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
17:36:09 | Moos | hi, are you here? |
17:36:30 | flurble | I'm not. |
17:36:53 | Moos | oops wrong window scuse all :) |
17:40:30 | muesli- | mmh...i've downloaded a rls within this afternoon and it crashed ~10secs after power on |
17:41:47 | muesli- | dunno if something is wrong with gilbert's wps but i reckon there's something wrong with xaviers remote build |
17:42:21 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
17:47:16 | | Join Mxm`Pas`Bien [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
17:50:49 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
17:51:24 | | Join Sandking [0] (n=jacek@ogorek.akron.wroc.pl) |
17:51:36 | Sandking | hi there |
17:51:50 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
17:52:10 | Sandking | today I've found by mistake rockbox and I'm quite excited about it |
17:52:19 | | Quit einhirn (Client Quit) |
17:52:29 | Sandking | it hasn't destroyed my h120 till now :D |
17:52:49 | rasher | It shouldn't |
17:53:19 | Sandking | i was rather afraid about it since it isn't official as it is mentioned on www |
17:53:49 | Sandking | I installed it but it gives me error about the codecs... should I install them separately? |
17:54:02 | rasher | That's strange |
17:54:20 | rasher | How did you install? |
17:54:24 | Moos | what kind of files? |
17:54:40 | Sandking | I patched the latest iriver firmware |
17:54:49 | * | Sandking copied it, updated firmware |
17:55:00 | Sandking | then I copied rockbox.iriver |
17:55:08 | rasher | You need a .rockbox directory as well |
17:55:12 | rasher | That should be in the zipfile |
17:55:13 | Sandking | to root and to .rockbox which I created |
17:55:44 | rasher | rockbox.iriver should be in root, .rockbox should be in root, containing lots of stuff from the zip |
17:55:58 | Sandking | hm |
17:56:03 | Sandking | ok, let me check the zip |
17:59:31 | Sandking | ok - sorry - os x doesn't see the .rockbox dir |
17:59:34 | Sandking | in zip file |
18:00 |
18:00:54 | Sandking | how old is this project? |
18:01:05 | Sandking | and when was the first release? |
18:01:42 | Sandking | [i got a strange feeling that rockbox boots a LOT faster] |
18:03:03 | Sandking | god, how I love things like this... tweaking and all that... :D |
18:04:26 | Sandking | omfg it displays graphics!! |
18:04:38 | Sandking | :] |
18:04:51 | | Quit Maxime (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:05:36 | rasher | Which project? |
18:05:42 | rasher | The iriver port, or Rockbox? |
18:05:51 | Sandking | both |
18:07:03 | rasher | The iriver port is almost a year old, with the first usable (meaning "playing music") version about 3 months ago |
18:07:58 | Sandking | is there a possibility playing movies on this?\ |
18:08:05 | rasher | Rockbox 1.0 was released at 2002-06-01 after about half a year of work |
18:08:16 | rasher | Greyscale like the jpeg viewer, yes |
18:08:39 | rasher | It already exists on the archos players, so it's quite likely to be implemented on iriver eventually |
18:08:39 | Sandking | ok, I need to read all the docs and then ask questions :D |
18:09:02 | Sandking | I wish I had a paypal to support you guys |
18:09:16 | rasher | Do you have a credit card? |
18:09:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:09:26 | Sandking | nope :| |
18:09:34 | rasher | Ah well |
18:09:49 | Sandking | but I'll ask a friend to do me a favor |
18:10:09 | rasher | You don't have to have a paypal account - you can just do a direct payment |
18:10:09 | Sandking | got to keep stones rolling :] |
18:10:38 | Sandking | like in a bank or a post office? |
18:10:46 | Sandking | [where are you guys from anyway?] |
18:11:12 | rasher | No, just a "regular" credit card payment |
18:11:22 | rasher | I don't think you can manage without a credit card |
18:11:32 | Sandking | i'll handle it |
18:11:35 | fuzzie | how do you do credit card payments without paypal? |
18:11:42 | rasher | Through paypal |
18:11:47 | rasher | :-\ |
18:11:55 | Sandking | i don't :D |
18:11:58 | rasher | But you don't have to have an account. |
18:11:59 | Sandking | my friend does |
18:12:24 | fuzzie | rasher: hm, i paid someone via paypal a few months ago and it force-made me an account |
18:12:41 | rasher | "Internal Server Error", good one paypal |
18:13:05 | rasher | fuzzie: I'm pretty sure there's a "I don't have an account" if you click the donate button |
18:13:15 | rasher | That just takes you to a "direct" payment thing |
18:13:48 | Sandking | ok, I go to read all those faqs and docs, be back soon with questions :] |
18:14:04 | fuzzie | rasher: neat |
18:14:46 | * | fuzzie donates $10 in the hope it might come in useful |
18:16:03 | rasher | fuzzie: Did it work? |
18:16:17 | fuzzie | sure did |
18:16:23 | fuzzie | "You have sent a secure payment of $10.00 USD for the items below. This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as 'PAYPAL *ROCKBOX'. You will receive an email receipt for this transaction shortly." |
18:17:47 | rasher | I'm still curious about how much money has been donated |
18:20:19 | muesli- | guess this is not open source ;) |
18:22:01 | | Join Dan [0] (i=Bollocks@tredwell.plus.com) |
18:22:08 | Dan | hey |
18:22:11 | Dan | anyone alive? |
18:22:25 | rasher | Yup |
18:22:29 | Dan | sweet |
18:22:38 | Dan | you use rockbox? |
18:23:13 | muesli- | who doesnt in this channel? ;) |
18:23:17 | flurble | I'm not alive, but I use rockbox |
18:23:50 | Dan | lol |
18:23:59 | Dan | im thinking of getting an iriver h120 |
18:24:06 | Dan | it should run on that, yes? |
18:24:10 | Mxm`Pas`Bien | yup |
18:24:13 | | Nick Mxm`Pas`Bien is now known as Maxime` (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
18:24:23 | rasher | It does |
18:25:08 | Dan | ok |
18:25:16 | Dan | itl be second hand |
18:25:24 | Dan | is 155£ a decent price? |
18:25:29 | Dan | xD |
18:26:07 | Sandking | Dan - I just installed it and it works :] |
18:26:09 | Dan | thats 283 usd i think |
18:26:18 | Dan | kool |
18:26:20 | Sandking | Dan - and imagine how faster it can boot :D |
18:26:25 | Dan | lol |
18:26:39 | Dan | how much did you pay for your h120? |
18:26:54 | Sandking | it was a year ago - 300$ |
18:27:04 | Dan | new? |
18:27:08 | Sandking | yep |
18:27:23 | Dan | hmm |
18:27:34 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
18:27:34 | Dan | so i guess £255 isnt such a good price |
18:27:34 | | Quit Maxime` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:27:35 | Sandking | but now I would prefer h10 or ipod nano but since I discovered rockbox I'm so happy :D |
18:27:37 | rasher | I paid 209, new |
18:27:38 | Dan | *£155 |
18:27:46 | rasher | £209 |
18:27:55 | rasher | Well, they're not dropping much in prices |
18:28:00 | Dan | yea |
18:28:06 | Dan | used condition though |
18:28:06 | Sandking | I got this one on amazon |
18:28:11 | rasher | I've heard of them going for *above* new price. Not sure if that's true |
18:28:32 | Dan | im really tempted to get one |
18:28:45 | Dan | but only because of rockboxes leetness |
18:28:46 | Dan | ;p |
18:29:14 | Dan | h10 + rockbox doesnt look like its gunna happen |
18:29:39 | Sandking | yep - but it looks nicer |
18:29:45 | Sandking | and it charges through usb |
18:29:52 | Sandking | and you can buy another battery |
18:30:13 | Dan | but it doesnt have rockbox |
18:30:20 | Dan | and itl suck without it :/ |
18:30:22 | Sandking | yes :D |
18:30:47 | Dan | so what are the main + points of rockbox? |
18:30:52 | rasher | Rockbox on H10 doesn't look very likely, no. |
18:31:15 | rasher | Dan: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/FeatureComparison |
18:31:15 | Sandking | don't ask me - I'm reading docs :d |
18:31:40 | | Join paugh [0] (n=kickback@dsl-62-3-104-34.zen.co.uk) |
18:32:05 | Sandking | rasher - have you tried too contact iriver to help you? or you didn't wanted to? |
18:32:09 | Dan | do you get like a boot menu |
18:32:18 | Dan | like on ipod linux? |
18:32:31 | rasher | Dan: No. By default Rockbox boots, but if you hold down record when you turn it on, the original firmware boots |
18:32:36 | flurble | "it's like a boot menu! but smaller! We call it a ... shoe menu!" |
18:32:48 | Dan | oh |
18:32:53 | Dan | thats great |
18:33:04 | Sandking | it's like presssing f8 all the time :d |
18:33:08 | Dan | lol |
18:33:16 | Dan | either of you two got a camera? |
18:33:27 | Dan | i just wanna see the size of the player |
18:33:41 | rasher | Sandking: don't think anyone has, but it's not really worth it, since the chip manufacturer (portalplayer) doesn't publish documentation |
18:34:13 | rasher | Dan: http://images.google.com/images?q=iriver%20h120 |
18:35:08 | Dan | well |
18:35:17 | Dan | how thick is the thing? |
18:35:23 | Dan | is it gunna bugle in my pocket? |
18:35:24 | Dan | lol |
18:35:39 | Dan | *bulge |
18:35:40 | Sandking | Dan - it's a bit bigger than a cigarette pack |
18:35:52 | Sandking | and maybe bit thinner |
18:35:59 | Dan | ah :) |
18:36:16 | Dan | hmm |
18:36:17 | Sandking | well, it's just more higher than that |
18:36:20 | Sandking | just checked |
18:36:29 | Dan | whats the song browsing like? |
18:36:35 | Dan | and how about playlists? |
18:36:52 | Sandking | are you asking about rockbox? |
18:36:59 | Dan | well |
18:37:00 | Dan | yea |
18:37:13 | Dan | because the first thing id do is shove RB on it |
18:37:13 | Sandking | ask me tomorrow :d |
18:37:20 | Dan | lol :/ |
18:37:48 | Dan | hmm |
18:38:02 | Dan | one last question |
18:38:12 | rasher | There are two ways of browsing: directory-browsing, and id3-database browsing |
18:38:41 | Dan | would you get a new h10 20gb for £170, or a second hand h120 20gb for £155? |
18:39:04 | Sandking | are there 20 gb h10? |
18:39:05 | rasher | H120. For two reasons: Ogg support and Rockbox. |
18:39:07 | Slasheri | new. |
18:39:16 | Dan | damn right |
18:39:23 | Dan | looks like ill get it then |
18:39:34 | Sandking | h10 doesn't support ogg? well i don't like it... |
18:39:36 | rasher | h10 is smaller though, if that matters a lot |
18:39:42 | Slasheri | oh.. i mean h120 of course |
18:39:45 | Slasheri | i read new h120 :D |
18:39:49 | preglow | i want a ipod nano, please port rockbox! |
18:39:57 | Dan | lmao |
18:40:05 | rasher | preglow: No, you do it. |
18:40:11 | Dan | id port rockbox myself but |
18:40:18 | Dan | 1) i dont know ASM |
18:40:21 | preglow | ok, buy me an ipod then :P |
18:40:29 | Dan | 2) time is a shit |
18:40:35 | | Nick Lynx_ is now known as Lynx_awy (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
18:40:37 | flurble | Dan: so your todo list goes 1) learn ASM, 2) port rockbox |
18:40:41 | flurble | simple :) |
18:40:46 | Dan | lol |
18:41:18 | Slasheri | Dan: that's is not a big problem if you don't know asm because you still have to learn the processor specific assembly language |
18:41:39 | Dan | ouch |
18:41:48 | muesli- | when using this line in the wps %xl|a|mp3.bmp|16|111| where should the image be stored? |
18:42:09 | rasher | %xdl? |
18:42:39 | muesli- | theres %xl |
18:42:51 | rasher | eh |
18:42:55 | rasher | Meant %xda |
18:43:00 | Slasheri | Dan: and secondly you need some hardware you can use to load code to the cpu/flash/ram |
18:43:26 | muesli- | got it from gilbert http://home.comcast.net/~srgilbert1/Iriver/MarkVI.zip |
18:43:34 | Dan | hang on |
18:43:41 | muesli- | but rbx crashes when i activate it |
18:43:46 | Dan | theres a 120 for £125 |
18:43:54 | Dan | silver, but ill paint it |
18:43:55 | Dan | sold |
18:44:24 | rasher | PAINT IT?! |
18:44:32 | rasher | Whyyyy |
18:44:39 | rasher | The champagne is so lovely |
18:45:10 | muesli- | yeah...much lovelier than black... |
18:45:15 | Sandking | i got black 120 and 3 days ago i brushed all the paint cause it was falling off |
18:45:19 | muesli- | rasher any idea`? |
18:46:03 | muesli- | yeah, black is a pain in the ass in terms of falling offs |
18:47:22 | Dan | 1 last question |
18:47:27 | Dan | how loud is it? |
18:48:33 | Slasheri | it's "loud enough" :) |
18:48:47 | Dan | well |
18:48:48 | amiconn | muesli-: It seems I found the cause for rb crashing with certain wps'es. |
18:48:48 | Sandking | it can be LOUD |
18:48:57 | Slasheri | and the sound quality is great |
18:48:58 | Sandking | but it's all about the files |
18:49:05 | Dan | yea ok |
18:49:06 | amiconn | The load buffer is allocated on the stack - maybe it's a stack overflow |
18:49:08 | Dan | sold as fuck |
18:49:10 | amiconn | 1600 bytes... |
18:49:26 | muesli- | hum..but it worked..got it from another user |
18:49:54 | muesli- | does it crash when bmp's are not found? |
18:50:06 | Dan | ok and |
18:50:17 | Dan | what are its downfalls? |
18:50:18 | amiconn | No idea... I never tried a wps with images myself |
18:50:24 | Dan | worst features? |
18:51:01 | Sandking | well it's design isn't best |
18:51:10 | rasher | Dan: the joystick is not exactly stellar |
18:51:11 | Sandking | those edges... |
18:51:20 | Sandking | but I love the joystick! |
18:51:31 | Dan | hmm |
18:51:33 | rasher | I can't see what's wrong with the edges.. |
18:51:51 | Sandking | imagine that you have pants and you hardly can get your player out - with joystick like this, controlling player is so easier |
18:51:56 | Dan | is it easy to navigate? |
18:52:01 | Sandking | yep |
18:52:41 | Sandking | rasher - well, it's just my opinion - I would like something smoother |
18:52:54 | Dan | kool |
18:52:55 | Sandking | display could be bigger |
18:53:02 | Dan | think ill regret buying it? |
18:53:13 | rasher | Impossible to tell, really |
18:53:16 | flurble | "imagine that you have pants" ? |
18:53:21 | rasher | Depends on what your expectations are |
18:53:31 | rasher | flurble: as opposed to a skirt, silly |
18:53:31 | Dan | yea i suppose |
18:53:38 | Dan | did you regret buying yours? |
18:53:42 | Sandking | flurble - :D |
18:53:44 | rasher | Not a second. |
18:53:49 | Dan | well then |
18:53:55 | Dan | im getting it for 1/2 the price |
18:53:58 | Dan | ish |
18:54:08 | muesli- | ish? |
18:54:12 | Dan | 120£ |
18:54:16 | Sandking | flurble = i was talking about getting player out from tight pants :D thought shortcut |
18:55:44 | flurble | american-style pants? |
18:57:50 | Sandking | may be :D |
18:58:02 | Sandking | is there a place to get more plugins? |
18:58:38 | | Quit [IDC]Dragon ("CGI:IRC") |
18:59:15 | rasher | Not really. There are a few in the patch-tracker though |
19:00 |
19:04:27 | Moos | Hi Slasheri: the infamous cfg files during playback bug is definitively fixed now? :) |
19:05:38 | amiconn | Doesn't look like an elegant fix to me. Stopping playback just because of config loading.... |
19:06:42 | Moos | are they others ways? |
19:07:48 | Moos | how it does in archos playback? |
19:08:19 | amiconn | It doesn't stop |
19:08:33 | amiconn | ...on archos |
19:09:03 | Moos | it's better :) |
19:09:10 | rasher | Doesn't sound like much of a fix to me |
19:09:38 | Moos | Slasheri ? |
19:11:49 | Slasheri | amiconn: reloading voice files (especially with a different size), there is no other way than stop the playback |
19:11:54 | Slasheri | Moos: i think so |
19:12:43 | amiconn | Slasheri: Yes, but it seems playback is always stopped when loading a config. I have a number of configs that don't touch the voice ui/ language settings |
19:12:45 | Slasheri | amiconn: but that's true, maybe i should add a check if the voice file buffer has has really changed |
19:12:55 | Slasheri | yes, i will fix that |
19:13:09 | amiconn | Plus, iirc playback is restarted if you change voice files from the menu |
19:13:37 | Slasheri | hmm, that was with crossfade |
19:13:48 | amiconn | Really? |
19:13:50 | Slasheri | but could be implemented to voice also |
19:14:06 | amiconn | What happens if I enable/disable voice menus while music is playing, |
19:14:06 | Slasheri | yes, the voice file remains loaded once it has been loaded |
19:14:15 | Slasheri | nothing |
19:14:37 | amiconn | or when I select a different language while voice menus are enabled? |
19:14:48 | amiconn | ...and music is playing of course |
19:15:05 | Slasheri | that crashed the player previously, but that new commit should fix that |
19:15:08 | Slasheri | (i haven't tried yet) |
19:15:55 | amiconn | There are 4 situations: (1) old language has voice file, new language doesn't. (2) old language has no voice file, new language has. (3) both have voice files (4) both don't have voice files |
19:16:16 | | Join dpassen1 [0] (n=dpassen1@resnet-233-61.resnet.UMBC.EDU) |
19:16:36 | amiconn | The voice files can also have different sizes |
19:17:26 | Slasheri | yes, if the new voice file is bigger that the previous one, then we have to stop/restart the playback |
19:17:31 | amiconn | I'm not sure whether it would be a good idea to make the voice file buffer fixed size, and refuse loading larger voice files |
19:17:54 | Slasheri | Hmm, maybe not |
19:17:55 | | Nick banan_ is now known as merbanan (i=banan@dalink.campus.luth.se) |
19:18:07 | amiconn | The iriver playback code does a bit much dynamic reallocation for my taste... |
19:18:20 | Slasheri | really? |
19:18:36 | amiconn | yes |
19:19:22 | Slasheri | I think that dynamic allocation is necessary if we want efficiently use the buffer |
19:20:08 | Slasheri | and restarting the playback is enough to reinit the allocation |
19:20:25 | amiconn | I think we can get away without dynamic reallocation in most cases. |
19:20:26 | Sandking | does rockbox has something like rating songs? |
19:20:44 | rasher | Sandking: Yup |
19:20:54 | rasher | See... hang on, wait for it... |
19:21:00 | amiconn | The directory and playlist buffer sizes are such a case. They only take effect after a reboot |
19:21:28 | Sandking | i love del dir option :D |
19:21:41 | rasher | Sandking: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DatabaseV2 I think.. |
19:21:50 | Slasheri | amiconn: for example changing the pcm buffer size requires a reallocation and there is no point in having something like 14s pcm buffer if crossfade is not used at all :) |
19:22:12 | Slasheri | ah, you mean that |
19:22:13 | Sandking | rasher - thx - I just wanted to know what to expect |
19:22:16 | amiconn | Yes, but the reallocation doesn't have to be dynamic |
19:22:26 | Slasheri | audio buffers etc. are allocated at the end of memory |
19:22:52 | Slasheri | Hmm, what do you mean with that? |
19:22:53 | amiconn | Dynamic reallocation increases complexity, and hence increases the probability of hard-to-find bugs |
19:22:55 | Sandking | will there be option to move dirs and files? |
19:24:26 | rasher | Sandking: "rename" accepts a directory |
19:24:45 | rasher | that is, if you rename "foo.txt" to "/text/foo.txt", it will be moved |
19:24:57 | Sandking | great! :D |
19:25:25 | amiconn | Slasheri: Hmm, my second-last statement wasn't precise. I mean, sometimes we need dynamic allocation, but we don't need dynamic _re_allocation |
19:25:37 | Slasheri | ah |
19:25:50 | Slasheri | now i understand ;) |
19:27:38 | | Part ep0ch ("Kopete 0.10.3 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
19:35:10 | Slasheri | amiconn: do you think we should keep the voice codec buffer static once it has been allocated at boot? |
19:35:51 | Slasheri | then we would just fail to load a new voice file if it's bigger without stopping playback |
19:36:07 | Slasheri | *voice file buffer |
19:36:18 | rasher | If opening a larger voice file it could say "reboot to load", set the config, and leave the current voice file (if any) in place? |
19:36:42 | Slasheri | Hmm, yes, that might be possible :) |
19:37:26 | amiconn | Hmm. If we set the buffer static, we either waste space (fixed size) or fail to load a new file if it's even a tiny bit larger |
19:37:41 | amiconn | Otoh, if we don't want this, we need to reallocate |
19:37:46 | Slasheri | True.. But not setting it static, requires reallocation |
19:37:49 | Slasheri | yeah :D |
19:38:47 | amiconn | I'm not that much concerned about the waste between various voice file size, but about the waste when disabling voice menus altogether |
19:39:23 | Slasheri | Currently disabling voice menus requires removing the voice file and rebooting the unit |
19:39:26 | Sandking | someone knows what is battery capacity in iriver h120? |
19:39:45 | amiconn | The dilemma is caused by the iriver being able to support voice menus while playing music... something that is impossible on archos |
19:39:48 | Slasheri | (with disabling i mean the buffer space is freed) |
19:40:29 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:40:46 | amiconn | The playback restart for crossfade change is a clean restart, i.e. the old buffer is completely discarded and everything is rebuffered? |
19:40:57 | Slasheri | yes |
19:41:12 | amiconn | Hmm, doesn't sound too complex. |
19:41:15 | Slasheri | that's because the file buffer and pcm buffer sizes will change |
19:41:38 | amiconn | Is the pcm buffer and voice buffer allocated at the same "end" of the main buffer? |
19:41:43 | Slasheri | we will just save the resume position, and resume playback from that position after buffer sizes have been adjusted |
19:41:52 | amiconn | Ah, yes |
19:42:06 | Slasheri | no, voice buffer is allocated at the beginning (memory allocation at boot) |
19:42:16 | amiconn | Aha |
19:42:23 | amiconn | Any special reason for that? |
19:43:27 | Slasheri | Hmm, let me think :) |
19:43:59 | amiconn | That means that the larger-new-voice-file problem exists in current cvs |
19:44:16 | amiconn | (or even enabling voice ui) |
19:44:29 | Slasheri | We could allocate the voice buffer from end also but we still would need to reallocate everything |
19:45:11 | Slasheri | voice buffer is allocated at boot if the voice file is present. File is loaded when we access the first voice sample |
19:45:23 | amiconn | What does "everything" consist of? |
19:45:35 | amiconn | Meaning, how much complexity does it add? |
19:45:36 | Slasheri | playback buffers and voice buffer |
19:46:27 | amiconn | Perhaps there's a way to even lower the complexity, by doing all special buffer (re-)allocations in one function |
19:46:37 | Slasheri | it yes, it's better to place the voice buffer at beginning of the memory because we might need to use talkbox also |
19:46:40 | amiconn | ...which would stop playback, reallocate all buffers, and resume |
19:46:48 | Slasheri | and if the buffer is at end, we run out of space |
19:46:53 | Sandking | by mistake I'm listening right now to radio and mp3... :| |
19:47:03 | Slasheri | yes, that could be a good solution |
19:47:13 | amiconn | Slasheri: Talkbox clips are also loaded into the voice file buffer? |
19:47:33 | Slasheri | i think those are loaded at the end of voice buffer (unallocated space) |
19:47:38 | amiconn | I thought they are loaded into the main buffer, and that's why they don't work during playback... |
19:47:46 | Slasheri | so playback has to be stopped before loading those |
19:48:04 | Slasheri | yes, they will overlap the main playback buffer |
19:48:46 | amiconn | In fact I would not want the talkbox feature to work during playback, so the talkbox clips could simply use the main buffer |
19:49:33 | Slasheri | yep, that is the easiest (and maybe best) solution |
19:50:45 | Slasheri | hmm, i think creating a new function to reinitialize all buffers is a good idea |
19:51:01 | Slasheri | that would also display the splash message "Restarting playback" |
19:52:43 | amiconn | Yes, and it should only do that if the buffer sizes have really changed |
19:53:31 | Slasheri | yes, the function could check that and return if it detects no changes |
19:54:12 | rasher | Sandking: go into the radio screen and exit by pressing stop |
19:54:42 | Sandking | rasher - yeah, I got that, but shouldn't it suppose to happen? |
19:54:43 | rasher | Sandking: of course, it should stop radio once a song is started - that's a bug |
19:55:23 | Sandking | will it be any use if I write here a suggestion? |
19:55:45 | rasher | Go ahead |
19:56:43 | Sandking | ok - when a mp3 is goind on and I'm browsing dirs it would be ok if when I'm in root and press left I would be back with "now playing screen" |
19:56:58 | Sandking | it's a small thing, but maybe worth? |
19:57:25 | rasher | This has been discussed. |
19:57:38 | rasher | It'd confuse me. |
19:57:49 | rasher | The filebrowser is the main window of Rockbox - not the wps |
19:58:29 | Sandking | but the wps is more important in terms of usability I think |
19:58:43 | rasher | And it'd also eliminate the possibility of going to the root from a deeply nested directory by pressing left a random number of times |
19:58:57 | Sandking | and other thing - people like me, who were using iriver soft will be familiar with it |
19:59:19 | Sandking | true |
19:59:26 | Sandking | BUT! |
19:59:36 | rasher | Doing something because "that's how iriver" does it is not really a good idea since it'd confuse the current userbase |
20:00 |
20:00:05 | Sandking | clicking joystick again will bring you back to root :] |
20:00:15 | amiconn | (1) Rockbox doesn't try to mimick the original firmware. (2) Rockbox is multiplatform |
20:01:01 | Sandking | I agree to second point but I'm not talking about mimicking - rather about smooth switch |
20:01:22 | rasher | there's already a smooth switch |
20:01:24 | rasher | press play |
20:01:29 | Sandking | but it's useless when going back to second point :] |
20:01:47 | Sandking | ok, you got me :d |
20:02:23 | CoCoLUS | <fn~rasher> The filebrowser is the main window of Rockbox - not the wps |
20:02:26 | CoCoLUS | imho, thats not true |
20:02:37 | rasher | But it is. |
20:02:40 | CoCoLUS | 98% of the time the player is running, it will display the wps |
20:02:52 | dpassen1 | By design, the filebrowser is the main screen that you get to all others from. |
20:03:07 | rasher | What dpassen1 said. |
20:04:15 | amiconn | CoCoLUS: The main, or root, screen is not necessarily identical with the one displayed most often |
20:04:51 | CoCoLUS | i always considered my iriver as a music player with a file chooser, not a file browser with a playing option |
20:05:03 | amiconn | Imho having the file browser as the root does make sense. It's the logical order: First you need to select something for playback |
20:05:41 | Sandking | is there an option to implement a... clock? |
20:05:56 | CoCoLUS | no one is argueing about the "start" screen, i just think what should be considered the "main" screen is the wps, since it equals the main function of the player... "playing" |
20:06:07 | rasher | Sandking: not really (on h120) |
20:07:00 | CoCoLUS | selecting left while in the root of the file system does nothing currently, right? |
20:07:14 | Slasheri | Sandking: that would be really hard because we don't have hardware rtc chip |
20:07:26 | Sandking | ok, thx |
20:07:29 | rasher | CoCoLUS: Right. And I wouldn't want it to. |
20:07:34 | Slasheri | even if it might be possible, the clock would get inaccurate |
20:07:46 | rasher | Say "option" and there'll be trouble. |
20:08:02 | dpassen1 | CoCoLUS: its nice to return to root by pressing left more times than required. |
20:08:10 | CoCoLUS | i don't see the problem, users used to rockbox won't go left anyway, if they think it won't do anything? |
20:08:41 | rasher | It's not at all logical |
20:08:53 | CoCoLUS | but comfortable :) |
20:09:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:09:30 | amiconn | CoCoLUS: The problem is that you can simply press left a sufficient number of times now to get to the root |
20:09:47 | amiconn | This wouldn't be possible if left in the root would call the wps |
20:09:47 | dpassen1 | which is very useful |
20:09:48 | CoCoLUS | and you're afraid you'd "skip over" ? |
20:09:57 | rasher | Not afraid - certain. |
20:10:22 | CoCoLUS | can the button driver detect something like a "double click"? |
20:10:32 | Sandking | long click for sure |
20:10:38 | dpassen1 | i believe so, wasn't that used in iriver fw? |
20:10:51 | dpassen1 | click then hold or something similar |
20:10:52 | CoCoLUS | if long left would jump directly to the root, that would be nice |
20:11:07 | rasher | That's an idea |
20:11:13 | | Join zeekoe [0] (n=zeekoe@wekkerradio.kabel.utwente.nl) |
20:22:57 | zeekoe | hi |
20:23:08 | zeekoe | is there a problem in the resume code somewhere? |
20:23:26 | zeekoe | I sometimes get a "Nothing to resume" popup |
20:23:29 | | Quit paugh ("Leaving") |
20:24:03 | Sandking | does gamebox [or how is it called |
20:24:08 | Sandking | ] play gba color? |
20:24:22 | Sandking | gb color |
20:24:35 | Sandking | i don't suppose it'll run gba games? |
20:25:07 | zeekoe | even my phone doesn't run gba games |
20:25:11 | rasher | It runs gbc |
20:25:20 | zeekoe | it's 120 MHz, and can run nes games smoothly |
20:30:00 | | Join solex [0] (n=jrschulz@d085029.adsl.hansenet.de) |
20:39:56 | | Join cat-dog [0] (i=cat_dog@S01060050bac29dfb.tb.shawcable.net) |
20:41:29 | | Join NibbIer [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-77-14.dynamic.qsc.de) |
20:46:07 | | Quit solex_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:47:59 | cat-dog | anyone have dir buffer is full errors with the latest iriver 120 build? i've upped my max setting, but there was less files in the dir than the default already. |
20:50:34 | Sandking | rasher - have you used rating system? |
20:50:42 | Sandking | I can't figure how it works |
20:52:47 | Dan | does rockbox work with the ihp-120? |
20:52:52 | Dan | quick |
20:52:52 | Dan | lol |
20:52:57 | cat-dog | Dan: yes.. |
20:53:08 | Dan | ihp-120 = h120? |
20:53:12 | cat-dog | yes |
20:53:13 | Sandking | yes |
20:53:16 | Dan | ok good |
20:53:18 | Dan | :) |
20:53:19 | Dan | ty |
20:55:31 | amiconn | Hrmpfz :( |
20:58:59 | preglow | what ho |
20:59:09 | rasher | Sandking: Have you build a database? |
20:59:33 | Sandking | ...nope? |
20:59:53 | rasher | You should |
21:00 |
21:00:00 | Sandking | ok |
21:00:02 | amiconn | (1) Something is wrong with the xing headers. (2) Recording at q=7 broke down after ~01h 39 min |
21:01:29 | Sandking | another question - how to play rvf? I enabled listing all the files but don't know how to load it |
21:02:34 | rasher | You can't yet |
21:04:15 | Sandking | ah |
21:04:37 | Sandking | I can't on h120 or in general? |
21:04:58 | rasher | Not on iriver |
21:05:34 | Sandking | i'd love to see scummvm port for rockbox :D |
21:06:24 | | Part cat-dog |
21:07:00 | Sandking | is everything ok with sound in gamebox? |
21:07:08 | Sandking | i can't hear a thing |
21:07:23 | rasher | It's disabled (rockboy) |
21:07:29 | rasher | Because it's not quite fast enough |
21:10:24 | Sandking | by creating db you mean creating root playlist? |
21:11:59 | rasher | No.. I don't know where the documentation for this is.. |
21:13:04 | Moos | Sandking: the java or perl one |
21:13:17 | Moos | and enable gather database option |
21:13:34 | | Join _aLF [0] (n=Alexandr@mut38-2-82-67-66-128.fbx.proxad.net) |
21:13:59 | Moos | Check the wiki for creating database;) |
21:14:14 | Sandking | ok |
21:15:39 | | Quit fuzzie ("leaving") |
21:16:30 | * | amiconn found the cause for (1). |
21:16:44 | amiconn | Note to self: Never fix things in a hurry :/ |
21:16:49 | Moos | horray :) |
21:17:08 | Moos | the release hurrying :( |
21:18:34 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc0b4.b.pppool.de) |
21:19:31 | zeekoe | Sandking: if you want ScummVM you can buy an MPX200 phone. It's smaller than an mp3 player, it runs ScummVM, SmartNES, pockethobbit (c64), and costs about 100 euro... |
21:19:48 | zeekoe | oh, and you can call with it |
21:19:54 | Sandking | :D |
21:20:07 | Sandking | just joking :] |
21:25:00 | | Join webguest02 [0] (n=51429f71@labb.contactor.se) |
21:25:11 | webguest02 | Hi |
21:26:23 | webguest02 | anyone know one plugin for WMA for foobar, I want to transcode my 2 wma albums because Rockbox of course here ? |
21:27:37 | webguest02 | I didn't find the original copie and don't want to start original fw for this |
21:27:39 | bluebrother^ | how does the wps parsing work? |
21:28:00 | rasher | Pretty well. |
21:28:08 | rasher | What do you mean? |
21:28:13 | bluebrother^ | wps are parsed once when loaded and the text / conditional stuff is called on every redraw? |
21:28:36 | webguest02 | anyone can help me please? |
21:28:45 | bluebrother^ | I'm thinking about what tags are parsed only on load. |
21:28:54 | bluebrother^ | as for the statusbar patch. |
21:29:13 | rasher | webguest02: Don't use foobar, sorry. |
21:29:29 | webguest02 | thanks :( |
21:29:36 | bluebrother^ | but afais the tags in that patch are called on every screen update. |
21:29:44 | webguest02 | anyone here use the marvellous foobar? |
21:30:16 | bluebrother^ | webguest02: used it once, but I can't tell you anything about plugins that's not on the web page |
21:30:35 | webguest02 | thanks too :( |
21:30:49 | bluebrother^ | if I understand the wps parsing correctly. |
21:33:35 | dpassen1 | webguest02: http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=31938&st=0&p=277828&#entry277828 |
21:33:39 | bluebrother^ | webguest02: just look for foobar special |
21:34:04 | webguest02 | ok thanks I'm looking |
21:34:06 | bluebrother^ | it's on the official download page |
21:35:11 | bluebrother^ | rasher: is there anything like a function-block-diagram of rbx avaliable? Would be nice for beginners. |
21:35:28 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
21:36:13 | rasher | bluebrother^: Not a thing. "Read the code" is the official advice |
21:37:06 | bluebrother^ | ok. Works also but is a bit harder :) |
21:37:20 | rasher | There's been some talk about using doxygen |
21:37:29 | bluebrother^ | doxygen is great. |
21:37:33 | webguest02 | dpassen1: how I add one .dll at foobar? |
21:38:23 | dpassen1 | put the .dll in \foobar2000\components and restart foobar |
21:38:35 | webguest02 | ok |
21:39:17 | bluebrother^ | I used it to document an Atmel project I was working on. Only the asm-parts didn't worked as I expected. Fortunately I had only a few lines. |
21:40:05 | webguest02 | dpaseen: error message |
21:40:16 | dpassen1 | what error? |
21:40:39 | webguest02 | grr I can paste and cut |
21:40:42 | webguest02 | 2 sec |
21:41:25 | webguest02 | utf8api.dll not found |
21:42:11 | | Quit webguest02 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:42:12 | dpassen1 | not sure, i don't use foo_wma, i guess i'd try the special installer then |
21:42:43 | | Join webguest01 [0] (n=51429f71@labb.contactor.se) |
21:42:55 | webguest01 | unable to load DLL |
21:43:24 | webguest01 | i use v0.9 beta 6 |
21:43:37 | dpassen1 | that's why, that dll is for v0.8.3 |
21:43:52 | webguest01 | ah ok |
21:44:27 | webguest01 | any other.dll for v0.9.6 one |
21:44:30 | webguest01 | ? |
21:44:35 | dpassen1 | not sure |
21:44:40 | webguest01 | :( |
21:45:20 | webguest01 | I'm afraid to "downgrade" version and lost my ReplayGain config |
21:48:10 | | Quit Sucka ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") |
21:48:15 | Sandking | what's the diffrence between java and perl version of dbs? |
21:49:00 | bluebrother^ | the programming language? |
21:52:02 | Sandking | i know that, but what diffrence will it make for me as a user? |
21:52:27 | dpassen1 | i thought java was recommended |
21:53:31 | | Join webguest43 [0] (n=51bd66f1@labb.contactor.se) |
21:54:21 | webguest43 | webguest 01: if you are still looking for wma=>ogg here is something: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm |
21:54:36 | webguest43 | install ogg and wma plugin and off you go, its really nice and free |
21:54:44 | webguest01 | still here |
21:55:14 | webguest43 | i transcoded 334 wma's to ogg yesterday, setting up took 5 min |
21:55:27 | dpassen1 | lossy to lossy, eh |
21:55:55 | webguest43 | sure, but they were ripped into wma which i dont want, and i will never convert them to anything else any more, so its ok for me |
21:56:12 | dpassen1 | why not wavpack or flac |
21:56:20 | dpassen1 | is space a large concern? |
21:56:23 | webguest43 | size matters you know ? |
21:56:45 | webguest43 | got 25gb of music on h140 and a few large recordings to do next week |
21:56:48 | | Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
21:56:58 | webguest43 | also use it for data transfers, so yes space is a concern |
21:57:19 | webguest43 | and its jazz man, its the sound not the bits ! |
21:57:35 | bluebrother^ | dpassen1: I simply guess because most windows users have java installed but not perl |
21:58:01 | webguest43 | i was talking to a friend of mine about how good digital sound is and how bad vinyl is, and he just said: " i dont care as long as the music is good " |
21:58:18 | dpassen1 | dpassen1: i thought perhaps the java version was more recently updated |
22:00 |
22:00:12 | webguest01 | for gapless, need I use mp3 lame, right? |
22:00:33 | dpassen1 | ogg, flac, wavpack, and lame mp3 should be gapless (wav?) |
22:00:38 | webguest01 | webguest: I will lost quality no? |
22:00:50 | webguest43 | you need to use a recent lame i think > 2.92 or so |
22:00:58 | webguest43 | (numbers could be wrong, do research) |
22:00:59 | dpassen1 | 3.90 or better, i imagine |
22:01:10 | webguest43 | so its maybe 3.92 |
22:01:19 | dpassen1 | i use 3.90.3 and i can verify it works |
22:01:20 | webguest43 | it introduced the "exact length of song" header |
22:01:25 | webguest01 | dbpower propose me to convert in mp3 lame files |
22:01:35 | webguest43 | go for ogg |
22:01:43 | webguest43 | install the ogg plugin |
22:01:48 | webguest01 | not qualty lost? |
22:01:53 | amiconn | dpassen1: lame 3.90.3 is oooolllld |
22:01:58 | webguest43 | still lossy, but free |
22:01:58 | dpassen1 | yes |
22:02:07 | dpassen1 | amiconn: its the most widely tested version |
22:02:11 | amiconn | ...and there was heavy work done on improving vbr |
22:02:11 | webguest43 | if you want lossless you need flac or wavepack |
22:02:20 | amiconn | I use 3.96.1 |
22:02:29 | amiconn | Even that is more than half a year old |
22:02:37 | webguest01 | ok |
22:02:41 | dpassen1 | i've been meaning to switch as 3.96.1 is very well tested and fast for −−preset standard |
22:02:48 | webguest43 | mp3 is licensed, so imho evil |
22:03:08 | webguest43 | go for ogg if you want lossy with quality 0.6 |
22:03:13 | webguest01 | I'm afraid to lost lot of quality with this transcodage :( |
22:03:31 | dpassen1 | ive been experimenting with wavpack lossy lately |
22:03:44 | webguest43 | well, transcode a few songs, listen to them, see if you find difference |
22:03:58 | webguest01 | yes i'll try thanks |
22:04:04 | amiconn | dpassen1: Yes, that's what I use for my ordinary encodings, occasionally using it with -nogap |
22:04:04 | webguest43 | i couldnt hear a difference doing wma=>ogg 0.6 |
22:04:16 | webguest43 | it still sounded as bad/good as the original wma |
22:04:19 | webguest01 | but need to have the same bitrate? |
22:04:34 | webguest01 | or can I incease? |
22:04:39 | webguest01 | *increase |
22:04:43 | webguest43 | morale of the story: never let your girlfriend rip cd's, she'll do it in wmp |
22:04:54 | webguest01 | :D |
22:04:59 | webguest43 | ogg is not about bitrates, its about quality |
22:05:10 | webguest43 | it will use the bitrate it needs to achieve a certain quality |
22:05:15 | dpassen1 | they do have nominal bitrates, though |
22:05:18 | rasher | Well, increasing the quality should produce less artifacts |
22:05:23 | webguest01 | I'll use the best quality |
22:05:25 | amiconn | wmp doesn't do accurate rips afaik |
22:05:29 | webguest01 | oh :( |
22:05:33 | rasher | Try a few different quality-settings |
22:05:36 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
22:05:40 | webguest01 | ok |
22:05:47 | rasher | See what sounds "acceptable" |
22:05:55 | webguest01 | ok |
22:06:16 | webguest01 | I'll test just after eat a bit ;) |
22:06:16 | dpassen1 | the prospect of transferring the wavpack lossy to my H120 and keeping the correction files along with the lossy for lossless playback on my computer is tempting |
22:07:00 | webguest43 | yep i think this is a really cool idea, |
22:07:29 | webguest43 | but i suspect data storage will become so cheap that in a few years we will laugh at this |
22:07:34 | amiconn | dpassen1: If only the wavpack lossy was comparable to the real lossy codecs in terms of quality vs. size... |
22:07:48 | dpassen1 | yeah |
22:08:06 | dpassen1 | but on a portable, i'm not sure how evident the difference would be |
22:08:13 | webguest43 | but then i think my q6 oggs sound fine, so what else do i need ? |
22:08:23 | webguest43 | gotta reboot, bye |
22:08:28 | webguest43 | hate windoze |
22:08:31 | | Quit webguest43 ("CGI:IRC") |
22:09:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:11:51 | Sandking | why when I set wps and I turn off my player it resets to default? |
22:11:51 | dpassen1 | whats the boost ratio looking like for oggs lately? |
22:12:08 | dpassen1 | wps must be in the .rockbox directory for it to be remembered |
22:12:25 | Sandking | thx |
22:13:27 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:13:32 | Dan | woot |
22:13:43 | Dan | thanks for helping me decide you lot :) |
22:15:10 | dpassen1 | pretty easy decision |
22:15:32 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
22:15:36 | | Quit webguest01 ("CGI:IRC") |
22:17:25 | Dan | now i just gotta wait for it to get here |
22:23:08 | | Quit Moos ("Parti") |
22:25:37 | amiconn | Wtf is the silly mas doing??? |
22:33:55 | | Quit Dan () |
22:35:45 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m113.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
22:39:11 | amiconn | Now for a rix... |
22:40:23 | Moos | amiconn: what's about your xing headers fix? |
22:40:32 | Moos | still puzzled? |
22:43:20 | amiconn | New test is running |
22:43:34 | amiconn | I'm puzzlked about the broken recording with q=7 |
22:43:44 | Moos | :( |
22:44:05 | amiconn | The mas bitshifted it with analog recording, while I believed this would only happen with s/pdif |
22:44:07 | Moos | something in head? |
22:44:17 | Moos | ok |
22:44:19 | amiconn | The strange thing is *how* it shifted it |
22:44:35 | amiconn | The first ~96 minutes where ok |
22:44:48 | | Join webguest14 [0] (n=5229073f@labb.contactor.se) |
22:44:55 | webguest14 | hey dudes |
22:45:10 | amiconn | The next ~136 minutes the data is shifted one bit to the right |
22:45:18 | | Quit webguest14 (Client Quit) |
22:45:40 | amiconn | After that point the data is shifted one bit to the left until the end of the recording |
22:46:02 | amiconn | (which went on for another 505 minutes) |
22:46:42 | Sandking | do i have to run updater of database in rockbox each time I add something or delete? |
22:46:52 | Sandking | or is it in some way autoupdating? |
22:47:04 | amiconn | I'll probably commit the xing changes in the night, if the test runs fine |
22:47:16 | amiconn | (around 02:00 cest) |
22:47:35 | Moos | great :) |
22:47:44 | Bagder | Sandking: there's no (auto) update available |
22:47:49 | Moos | always working :D |
22:48:15 | amiconn | However, I really want to understand the strange things the mas is doing... |
22:48:59 | Sandking | ok, but database keeps info about ratings and all that stuff - right? so when I add some music or delete - does the db builds anew or is it only updating it? |
22:49:12 | amiconn | I'll do an experiment now (as I have to wait for the test anyway): I'll write a small program to correct the shift the mas has done, and check whether the files become playable... |
22:49:14 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:49:24 | Sandking | [i'm talking when I run the db soft] |
22:49:31 | Bagder | Sandking: there are two dbs, one with all the songs/tags and one runtimedb |
22:49:32 | dpassen1 | you're confusing run time database and tag database, i think |
22:49:51 | Sandking | ok, right now I'm creating tag databse |
22:49:58 | Sandking | what's run time db? |
22:50:04 | Bagder | collects run-time info |
22:50:12 | Sandking | how to make it? |
22:50:17 | Bagder | like ratings, playtime, play counter |
22:50:22 | Bagder | you enable it in an option |
22:50:40 | Bagder | and it requires that you have a tagdb |
22:50:43 | Sandking | ... i'm trying to enable ratings all evening :] |
22:50:45 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
22:50:48 | Sandking | aaa |
22:50:54 | Sandking | that explains a bit |
22:50:56 | amiconn | Perhaps it's possible to rescue some valuable recordings done by users... |
22:51:35 | Sandking | Bagder - so when I change tag db, run time db keeps info about all the stuff? |
22:51:42 | Bagder | yes |
22:51:49 | Sandking | thx |
22:53:17 | Sandking | does rating have any meaning at all? |
22:53:29 | Sandking | [at the moment] |
22:53:33 | rasher | you can show it in WPS |
22:53:37 | rasher | and search for it |
22:53:43 | rasher | (using the databox plugin) |
22:54:06 | Sandking | can I use it for shuffle? |
22:54:14 | Sandking | [10 best songs or something] |
22:55:18 | Bagder | nope |
22:55:20 | Bagder | not yet |
22:55:39 | rasher | You can do [all songs rated > 8] |
22:57:13 | Sandking | one more thing and I'm gone - how to rate on h120? |
22:57:32 | rasher | hold down joystick while in WPS |
22:57:48 | Sandking | thx for all help |
22:57:53 | Sandking | sleeep now :D |
22:57:57 | Sandking | byebye |
22:58:08 | | Part Sandking |
22:58:24 | muesli- | BiDi = whazz this? |
22:58:35 | bluebrother^ | BiDirectional |
22:58:59 | muesli- | k |
22:59:04 | muesli- | thx |
23:00 |
23:00:00 | muesli- | does that mean its scrolling from right to left? |
23:00:35 | Bagder | it generally refers to supporting text written either way |
23:01:18 | muesli- | oki |
23:01:28 | muesli- | chees & bye |
23:04:42 | | Quit dpassen1 () |
23:06:46 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:08:02 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s057b.studby.ntnu.no) |
23:11:42 | | Join Mojito [0] (i=Mojito@p548FD383.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:11:46 | Mojito | hi! |
23:11:57 | Mojito | someone here? ;) |
23:11:58 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:12:09 | Mojito | yesterday i get my new iriver h340! :)) |
23:12:17 | Mojito | its great :) |
23:13:37 | | Quit DangerousDan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:13:44 | Mojito | is someone here, who can help me with english? |
23:15:38 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:16:24 | | Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
23:20:41 | zeekoe | Mojito: i may be able to help |
23:20:48 | Mojito | hi zeekoe |
23:20:49 | Mojito | :) |
23:20:50 | Mojito | yes |
23:20:51 | zeekoe | hi |
23:20:52 | Mojito | query? |
23:21:10 | zeekoe | you don't understand what 'query' is? |
23:21:14 | Mojito | no |
23:21:15 | Mojito | i mean |
23:21:19 | zeekoe | ok |
23:21:19 | Mojito | can we speak in query? |
23:21:25 | zeekoe | oh :-P |
23:21:28 | Mojito | ;) |
23:21:33 | Mojito | i'm not registred yet |
23:21:36 | zeekoe | ok |
23:21:37 | Mojito | here |
23:22:03 | Mojito | Acknowledging chat request... |
23:22:15 | Mojito | unable :( |
23:22:17 | zeekoe | hm... i'm behind a NAT here |
23:22:21 | Mojito | ah |
23:22:24 | zeekoe | can you try to start one? |
23:23:24 | Mojito | can you join my channel: #mojito1 ? |
23:27:32 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:28:35 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s057b.studby.ntnu.no) |
23:32:21 | | Join tucoz [0] (n=50ca630c@labb.contactor.se) |
23:33:13 | tucoz | Hi, I was looking at the source earlier on but I couldn't find where the fm-radio is displayed. Is this in tuner-philips/samsung, or is this only hw-control? |
23:33:56 | | Join henrikb [0] (n=chatzill@as4-2-2.sjom.b.bonet.se) |
23:34:06 | | Quit DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
23:35:18 | amiconn | Unbelievable.... These bitshifted mas recordings are perfectly playable after undoing the shift.... |
23:35:24 | rasher | tucoz: apps/recorder/radio.c |
23:35:31 | tucoz | rasher: thanks |
23:35:54 | Moos | amiconn: :P |
23:36:02 | | Join markun [0] (n=markun@bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) |
23:36:04 | tucoz | didn't dare to look in that directory ;). Thought it was some archos stuff. |
23:36:23 | | Quit henrikb (Client Quit) |
23:36:27 | Moos | Re markun |
23:36:44 | markun | Hi Moos |
23:38:04 | tucoz | anyone from netherlands here? |
23:38:14 | Moos | :) |
23:38:17 | tucoz | I am trying to find the postal code for eindhoven |
23:38:53 | tucoz | girlfriend is waiting for a package. |
23:41:28 | markun | tucoz: Yes, I'm from the Netherlands |
23:42:32 | markun | tucoz: http://www.postcode.nl/ |
23:43:02 | tucoz | markun: oh, great. Well, gf is waiting for a package sent by TNT. need the postal code to get the transit time. thanks for the link :) |
23:45:17 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
23:47:14 | | Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
23:48:01 | tucoz | thanks for the help markun. found out what I needed. |
23:48:12 | markun | no problem |
23:48:53 | zeekoe | Holland, Holland! :-P |
23:49:13 | Moos | weed, weed :P |
23:50:15 | zeekoe | nah.. weed is bad for your health |
23:50:58 | Moos | depand on the his usage |
23:52:01 | Moos | is like cigarets |
23:52:03 | zeekoe | hmyeah, probably |
23:52:14 | zeekoe | can cigarets be good for your health? |
23:52:19 | Moos | never |
23:52:34 | tucoz | good night |
23:52:36 | Moos | computer is good for your health? |
23:52:38 | | Part tucoz |
23:53:10 | zeekoe | hmm... good question |
23:53:27 | zeekoe | i think it can be |
23:53:42 | Moos | I don't think for your eyes ;) |
23:53:52 | zeekoe | so that's why i need glasses :) |
23:54:02 | Moos | :D |
23:54:14 | Moos | not all users do this |
23:55:47 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
23:56:19 | Moos | THC at good measure can it be medical enefits ;) |
23:56:25 | Moos | for your knowledge |