00:00:00 | preglow | i'm just wondering if the flash can withstand developing |
00:00:07 | preglow | i tend to do a lot of writing when coding rockbox |
00:00:10 | preglow | but i guess it can |
00:02:13 | | Quit pabs (Remote closed the connection) |
00:02:25 | amiconn | The SanDisk TriFlash has an endurance specification for each sector of 100,000 writes (reading a logical sector is |
00:02:26 | amiconn | unlimited) under typical conditions. |
00:02:46 | amiconn | quote from the datasheet... |
00:04:28 | linuxstb | The Nano's Flash chip: http://www.samsung.com/Products/Semiconductor/common/product_list.aspx?family_cd=FME0113 |
00:06:40 | linuxstb | "Endurance : 100K Program/Erase Cycles" - so the same as the TriFlash |
00:08:29 | | Join pabs [0] (n=pabs@ip68-100-248-22.dc.dc.cox.net) |
00:11:21 | amiconn | linuxstb: 100000 cycles seems to be common for modern flash devices. The flash ROM chips in the archos and the iriver have the same specification. So we don't need to worry about wearing out the flash when developing rockbox-in-ROM for iriver :) |
00:13:35 | | Quit pabs (Remote closed the connection) |
00:15:36 | amiconn | TiMiD: I just verified the x11 simulator remote & main displays both on cygwin and on debian linux. I can't find a missing line... |
00:17:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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00:44:31 | | Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp11-adsl-23.ath.forthnet.gr) |
00:44:35 | | Nick XavierGr_ is now known as XavierGr (n=XavierGr@ppp11-adsl-23.ath.forthnet.gr) |
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00:50:28 | | Join kwaku [0] (i=kwaku@ |
00:50:40 | kwaku | hello |
00:50:49 | kwaku | i have a problem.. |
00:51:07 | | Join pabs [0] (n=pabs@ip68-100-248-22.dc.dc.cox.net) |
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01:00 |
01:17:14 | | Quit webguest23 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:20:07 | | Join pabs_ [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) |
01:24:19 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox") |
01:31:29 | | Quit pabs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:43:00 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
01:50:37 | preglow | hmm |
01:56:18 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
02:00 |
02:01:11 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) |
02:03:34 | | Nick pabs_ is now known as pabs (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) |
02:04:28 | | Join {Mike} [0] (n=mike@82-41-227-152.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
02:04:33 | {Mike} | MY iriver is screwed :( |
02:06:37 | preglow | how? |
02:07:37 | {Mike} | dunno how |
02:08:00 | {Mike} | on startup the bootloader says "checksum" and "sum", which match, result 0, and hangs |
02:08:12 | {Mike} | also |
02:08:20 | {Mike} | the iriver firmware won't load past the iriver logo |
02:10:31 | {Mike} | is it just bricked? |
02:11:14 | preglow | hmm |
02:11:34 | preglow | does it attempt to start the disk? |
02:11:38 | preglow | does the red light ever blink or something? |
02:12:33 | {Mike} | the red light is static on when the iriver firmware is on |
02:12:47 | {Mike} | well |
02:12:48 | preglow | ouch |
02:12:48 | {Mike} | trying to load |
02:12:59 | preglow | possible the disk is dead |
02:13:01 | linuxstb | Does the bootloader enter USB mode? |
02:13:05 | {Mike} | yeh |
02:13:08 | {Mike} | kinda |
02:13:20 | {Mike} | windows doesn't like detecting it |
02:13:23 | {Mike} | I'll try my linux box |
02:13:30 | {Mike} | right |
02:13:39 | {Mike} | I'll tell you the full message it say |
02:13:48 | {Mike} | s |
02:14:08 | {Mike} | Rockbox boot loader |
02:14:11 | {Mike} | Version 5 |
02:14:27 | preglow | what happens if you start it with the usb cable inserted? |
02:14:28 | {Mike} | Batt 3.95V |
02:14:35 | preglow | version 5 supports usb in the bootloader |
02:14:46 | {Mike} | then a pause, the right light blinks, then this stuff: |
02:14:51 | {Mike} | Loading firmware |
02:15:01 | {Mike} | Length: 427F4 |
02:15:08 | {Mike} | Checksum: 12EE460 |
02:15:14 | {Mike} | Model name :h120 |
02:15:18 | {Mike} | Sum: 12EE460 |
02:15:23 | {Mike} | Result: 0 |
02:15:26 | {Mike} | then it stops |
02:15:42 | {Mike} | can't turn it off, can't boot to iriver firmware without resetting |
02:16:07 | {Mike} | if I reset and goto into usb mode, I can mount it |
02:16:53 | linuxstb | "Result: 0" means that it's loaded the firmware, checked the calculated checksum against the checksum stored in the rockbox.iriver and they match. |
02:17:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:17:37 | linuxstb | The next thing the bootloader does is run the loaded firmware. |
02:17:48 | {Mike} | or not |
02:17:51 | {Mike} | as the case may be :( |
02:17:55 | linuxstb | Indeed. :(. |
02:17:55 | preglow | strange |
02:17:59 | {Mike} | install a new firmware? |
02:18:01 | preglow | it actually manages to load the firmware |
02:18:11 | preglow | hmm |
02:18:14 | linuxstb | It seems to - see bootloader/main.c |
02:18:15 | preglow | have you used rockbox before? |
02:18:50 | {Mike} | yeh |
02:18:57 | {Mike} | it was working fine yesterday :s |
02:19:02 | preglow | well, strange |
02:19:08 | {Mike} | I know, tell me about it |
02:19:13 | {Mike} | just stopped working :( |
02:19:13 | preglow | everything points to something wrong with the disk |
02:19:16 | linuxstb | I wonder what the first thing Rockbox itself does. |
02:19:19 | preglow | but the bootloader actually loads the firmware fine |
02:20:26 | preglow | {Mike}: but did you try switching the unit on with usb plugged in? |
02:20:47 | {Mike} | dmesg |
02:20:51 | {Mike} | woops wrong window |
02:20:57 | linuxstb | It does sound like a hardware problem - if both Rockbox and the iriver firmware are freezing. |
02:20:59 | {Mike} | preglow: I can't turn it off |
02:21:08 | {Mike} | I can only reset it, or wait for it to run out of batteries |
02:21:16 | linuxstb | Reset it with USB plugged in. |
02:21:18 | preglow | well, plug in usb then press reset |
02:21:58 | {Mike} | think I need to reset my linux box |
02:22:09 | {Mike} | it seems to have screwed itself somehow |
02:22:11 | {Mike} | brb |
02:22:13 | | Quit {Mike} (Remote closed the connection) |
02:25:08 | | Join {Mike} [0] (n=mike@82-41-227-152.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
02:25:13 | {Mike} | right, got it mounted |
02:25:23 | {Mike} | reinstall firmware? |
02:25:27 | preglow | so, it works fine? |
02:25:35 | {Mike} | got it mounted ok |
02:25:37 | preglow | you can access the disk just nicely? |
02:25:39 | preglow | queer |
02:25:44 | preglow | do an fsck or something |
02:25:53 | {Mike} | ok |
02:25:57 | preglow | and check logs for any warnings from mount |
02:25:58 | {Mike} | but |
02:26:04 | {Mike} | don't call me a queer again ;) |
02:26:44 | preglow | haha |
02:31:00 | {Mike} | also |
02:31:03 | {Mike} | while I'm here |
02:31:08 | {Mike} | tiny, tiny feature request |
02:31:17 | {Mike} | adjustible volume for the menu voices |
02:31:24 | {Mike} | they deafen me somewhat :( |
02:31:40 | preglow | that'll come |
02:31:49 | preglow | a fix for the volume was commited today, actually |
02:32:18 | preglow | it now lowers the volume of playback while playing voices |
02:32:34 | preglow | but like i said, a proper fix will come later |
02:32:36 | {Mike} | cool |
02:32:39 | {Mike} | right |
02:32:42 | {Mike} | no fsck errors |
02:32:53 | preglow | hmm |
02:32:56 | preglow | well |
02:32:59 | {Mike} | new .rockbox and rockbox.whatever installed |
02:33:00 | preglow | try stuffing in a new daily build |
02:33:04 | {Mike} | just did |
02:33:05 | {Mike} | no luck |
02:33:07 | {Mike} | same as before |
02:33:10 | preglow | hmm |
02:33:14 | preglow | very strange |
02:33:16 | {Mike} | is it safe to try and reformat the hard drive? |
02:33:21 | preglow | well, sure |
02:33:30 | {Mike} | will that do any damage? |
02:33:33 | preglow | no |
02:33:43 | preglow | i've done it myself |
02:34:21 | {Mike} | from outside the firmware? |
02:35:05 | preglow | yes |
02:41:12 | {Mike} | repartitioned it, reformatted, installed latest build |
02:41:16 | {Mike} | no luck |
02:42:38 | preglow | partitioned? |
02:42:45 | {Mike} | yeh |
02:42:45 | preglow | how have you partitioned it? |
02:42:54 | {Mike} | exactly as it was |
02:42:58 | {Mike} | 1 partition |
02:43:03 | {Mike} | same class |
02:43:04 | preglow | hmm |
02:43:08 | {Mike} | filling whole disk |
02:43:14 | preglow | then i've got absolutely no clue |
02:43:26 | {Mike} | crap |
02:43:35 | preglow | if you can, you could return tomorrow |
02:43:45 | {Mike} | if I return it to iriver, its voided my warranty hasn't it? |
02:43:48 | preglow | more developers are on around mid day tomorrow |
02:43:55 | preglow | yeah, i guess you have |
02:43:57 | {Mike} | midday what countries time |
02:44:01 | preglow | cet |
02:44:06 | {Mike} | ok |
02:44:09 | {Mike} | whats that GMT? |
02:44:09 | preglow | twelvish |
02:44:15 | preglow | gmt + 1, i think |
02:44:17 | preglow | - 1 |
02:44:29 | linuxstb | Only iriver can say that though. e.g. I've sent an iBook with Linux (and only Linux) installed back to Apple for repair without problems. |
02:44:30 | preglow | around 12.00 gmt should do |
02:46:28 | {Mike} | ok |
02:47:34 | XavierGr | Mike: You repartioned to a FAT32 right> |
02:48:00 | XavierGr | you use Linux so... I don't think you made it NTFS |
02:48:11 | {Mike} | XavierGr: yeh |
02:48:17 | {Mike} | same paritioning as before |
02:48:18 | {Mike} | I checked |
02:48:32 | {Mike} | checking for bad clusters, currently |
02:48:57 | XavierGr | strangely though you say that your OS can see the HD.... |
02:49:12 | XavierGr | then it shouldn't be an HD problem |
02:50:17 | XavierGr | could you open your files in your PC? |
02:51:48 | {Mike} | yep |
02:52:02 | {Mike} | copied a new build, no problems |
02:52:09 | {Mike} | just won't boot :S |
03:00 |
03:18:04 | {Mike} | how long should an deep scan of the iriver take? |
03:19:15 | pill | approximately 19 days |
03:20:37 | {Mike} | you being sarcastic, or are you just indicating it'll take a verrry long time |
03:22:26 | preglow | it does take a long time |
03:22:28 | preglow | but i've gotta go |
03:22:39 | {Mike} | ok |
03:22:42 | {Mike} | thanks for your help |
03:22:43 | {Mike} | cya |
03:33:23 | {Mike} | I'm getting loads of clusters unreadable |
03:33:59 | {Mike} | Cluster 72269 is unreadable. |
03:34:03 | {Mike} | for example |
03:39:00 | | Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
03:42:09 | XavierGr | Then it may be a HD fault |
03:42:18 | {Mike} | good news |
03:42:21 | {Mike} | not |
03:42:30 | {Mike} | was doing a fsck of the hdd |
03:42:33 | {Mike} | it stopped |
03:42:39 | {Mike} | screen said something about a panic |
03:42:43 | {Mike} | then turned off |
03:42:49 | {Mike} | won't turn on any more, at all |
03:42:57 | XavierGr | if the HD is broken then I think it IS good news |
03:43:00 | {Mike} | tried pressing resets |
03:43:09 | XavierGr | may be the battery is out. |
03:43:14 | {Mike} | plugged into ac |
03:44:05 | XavierGr | wait some minutes before starting it. |
03:44:08 | {Mike} | ok |
03:44:48 | XavierGr | as I was saying if the HD is broken then probably you could find a replacement. If something else is broken then it should be very difficult to find something to replace it. |
03:44:54 | TiMiD | {Mike}: did you tried the badblock command on HD ? |
03:45:04 | {Mike} | I don't know what that is |
03:45:41 | XavierGr | oh TiMiD you are here? |
03:46:01 | XavierGr | remember about the little patch with the left button showing the wps when in root? |
03:46:28 | TiMiD | yes i'm here :) |
03:46:41 | TiMiD | yes I remember :p |
03:46:47 | TiMiD | what aboiut it ? |
03:46:55 | TiMiD | {Mike}: do you run linux ? |
03:47:11 | XavierGr | Well I made this to work with click instead of left, I can say that with joystick click it is way more convinient and safe. (not to rewind the track) |
03:47:15 | {Mike} | TiMiD: yeh |
03:47:52 | TiMiD | {Mike}: badblocks is a command |
03:48:00 | TiMiD | to check for badblocks on a disk |
03:48:09 | TiMiD | you should give it a try |
03:48:15 | {Mike} | k |
03:48:16 | TiMiD | it maps all badblocks |
03:48:22 | {Mike} | I will do if I get it booted again :( |
03:48:45 | TiMiD | you shulod also redirect the entry to a file since there can be a lot |
03:49:04 | TiMiD | usb bootloader |
03:49:12 | {Mike} | won't even turn on |
03:49:13 | TiMiD | it gives you disk access |
03:49:16 | TiMiD | ok :/ |
03:49:25 | {Mike} | pretty fucked, methinks |
03:49:30 | XavierGr | Also I think that rockbox would need a quick quit button for the main menu (settings) currently all exit buttons of main menu revert to the previous screen |
03:49:46 | XavierGr | {Mike}: You press ON and nothing happens? |
03:49:48 | TiMiD | XavierGr: you mean you must clikc on select to go to the higher dir ? |
03:49:57 | {Mike} | yep, press on, nothing happens |
03:50:02 | {Mike} | no flashes, nothing on the screen |
03:50:06 | {Mike} | press reset, same thing |
03:50:17 | {Mike} | last thing I saw was a panic of some sort |
03:50:19 | XavierGr | That is very akward |
03:50:29 | {Mike} | return to iRiver methinks |
03:50:42 | XavierGr | does the green LED turns on while in main? |
03:50:46 | {Mike} | yep |
03:51:25 | XavierGr | give it a full charge and try again in the morning |
03:51:27 | TiMiD | is it under warranty ? |
03:51:32 | {Mike} | thats the only sign of life |
03:51:33 | {Mike} | I dunno |
03:51:41 | XavierGr | search for badblocks and then you could see if it is the disk to blame |
03:51:56 | {Mike} | if I get it to turn on, I will |
03:52:11 | TiMiD | it should power on even if the battery is empty |
03:52:21 | XavierGr | even if it is under warranty I doubt that they will give you an H100 even if they accept the unit you wil probably get something else. |
03:52:27 | TiMiD | when connected to sector |
03:52:44 | {Mike} | should I contact iRiver or the vendor? |
03:53:18 | XavierGr | also when you are doing disk checking (if the unit powers on) be sure to have it on mains so that it will never turn off if the battery dies again. |
03:53:27 | {Mike} | it was on mains |
03:53:35 | XavierGr | great |
03:53:48 | XavierGr | then :( |
03:54:12 | XavierGr | anyway I think these are bad news but you could always try the next day, just give it a rest for now. |
03:54:25 | XavierGr | Contact iriver the next day if nothing happens |
03:54:27 | {Mike} | I'll leave it charging tonight |
03:54:31 | {Mike} | will do |
03:54:33 | {Mike} | I dunno |
03:54:55 | {Mike} | to be honest, I'd rather have it completely screwed, and iRiver send me a replacement, than them finding out about me flashing another firmware :s |
03:54:56 | XavierGr | come tomorrow midtime and we will see. |
03:55:17 | XavierGr | you will be the first one! |
03:55:25 | XavierGr | to send a unit with flashed firmware |
03:56:07 | | Quit markun ("leaving") |
03:56:16 | {Mike} | interesting! |
03:56:26 | {Mike} | tbh |
03:56:41 | {Mike} | if it won't turn on, short of crazy voodoo magic, I don't see what you guys could do |
03:57:10 | XavierGr | TiMiD: As I was saying currently in the patch I changed buttons again so, every time you press click the wps will toggle on or off (except if no music is playing, stop) |
03:57:57 | XavierGr | yeah if it will not turn on I just dont think that anything can be done, but just let Linus know about it. |
03:58:12 | XavierGr | He knows everything about the iriver schematics |
03:58:28 | {Mike} | ok |
03:58:35 | {Mike} | whats his nick? |
03:58:44 | XavierGr | LinusN |
03:59:06 | {Mike} | k |
03:59:15 | XavierGr | He will probably now it by tomorrow he reads the logs |
03:59:22 | {Mike} | k |
03:59:24 | XavierGr | s/now/know |
03:59:51 | {Mike} | does that replace now with know in vim? |
04:00 |
04:00:19 | XavierGr | Who knows maybe the iriver technicians will see rockobx on the unit and realize that this firmware is better. |
04:00:30 | {Mike} | lol |
04:00:37 | TiMiD | i don'tthink so |
04:01:02 | TiMiD | but afaik some people returned a flashed iriver without problem |
04:01:40 | {Mike} | hows your remote patch going timid, btw |
04:02:02 | XavierGr | TiMiD: And yes pressing click while in menu would be good to exit the menu instead of going back (2 keys right now go back, left, A-B) |
04:03:13 | XavierGr | But I guess this changes in button handling will be overuled because of GUI inconcistency |
04:03:25 | XavierGr | What do you think? |
04:04:14 | TiMiD | {Mike}: waiting for more feedback from devs, I modified it like linusN said |
04:04:18 | XavierGr | {Mike}: Waits developers for further guidance, developers didn't had the time yet to check the patch and aprove it for comittment |
04:04:24 | {Mike} | cool |
04:04:35 | {Mike} | is it working currently, only tried fireflys |
04:04:53 | TiMiD | XavierGr: pressing click is used to play a file oO |
04:05:01 | TiMiD | not to return oO |
04:05:11 | XavierGr | yes but right is doing that too. |
04:05:19 | TiMiD | it's weird |
04:06:05 | TiMiD | {Mike}: it's working very well for the parts I implemented, IMHO even better than the current code |
04:06:10 | {Mike} | cool |
04:06:24 | XavierGr | I like this button handling because I can do whatever I want with just one hand (with joystick) |
04:06:25 | | Join Vlad0man [0] (n=Vladoman@p54A7CCF0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:07:07 | TiMiD | XavierGr: well why not :) |
04:07:18 | TiMiD | it may be ergonimic after all :p |
04:07:28 | TiMiD | (but I only use the remote ;) ) |
04:07:57 | TiMiD | {Mike}: cool ... I'm quite bored to update my patch each time cvs change :( |
04:08:00 | XavierGr | Well as I said I think that devs will not like it, but I will surely keep this for my sake. |
04:08:13 | TiMiD | XavierGr: I had an idea |
04:08:19 | TiMiD | long time ago |
04:08:30 | TiMiD | a config file for key assignment |
04:08:35 | TiMiD | and a new api |
04:08:38 | XavierGr | yeah I had that too |
04:08:49 | TiMiD | instead of catching buttons you would catch actions |
04:09:32 | TiMiD | but that still an idea and it may probably be not accepted |
04:09:55 | XavierGr | Though an config key assignment api would have to be precise and very carefull not to introduce bugs in new assignments. |
04:10:26 | XavierGr | the program would have to check for buttons consistency |
04:11:01 | TiMiD | ? |
04:11:17 | {Mike} | you could, if someone would, write an in-gui program to set them |
04:11:38 | XavierGr | yes it is doable |
04:11:48 | TiMiD | hmm |
04:11:51 | XavierGr | but I think that this is a waste of the developers reject it |
04:11:53 | TiMiD | not a big deal :p |
04:11:54 | {Mike} | yeh |
04:12:27 | TiMiD | the more difficult part would be to convince them to add a layer over the button api |
04:12:55 | XavierGr | This think is valuable only if it makes to be commited. This is only for users |
04:13:05 | XavierGr | so if it isn't commited no one will see it |
04:13:07 | TiMiD | they say : "it's very flexible right now : yu can configure the key assignment as you want, youhave the source" |
04:13:41 | XavierGr | I think that there is no need for an API if this goes on button.c |
04:14:22 | XavierGr | though this could easily be done via a script on the source |
04:14:29 | {Mike} | aye, I guess |
04:14:33 | XavierGr | no runtime process |
04:14:37 | TiMiD | I don't think so :p |
04:15:11 | XavierGr | imagine a script that will take the keymaps and change button.c accordingly |
04:15:11 | TiMiD | I think the source would be more readable if there wasn't all those #define stuff for buttons |
04:15:35 | TiMiD | XavierGr: the problem is that it must be changed for each program .. |
04:16:08 | XavierGr | Well if you make changes in button.c I dont think so, you just replace a nubmer on the define |
04:16:28 | XavierGr | then the button will change with one of your preference |
04:16:43 | XavierGr | except if you want different mappings for each function of the player |
04:16:45 | TiMiD | yes, but wit this the key mapping would be changed for each program ! |
04:17:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:17:16 | TiMiD | I want it configurable action by action ;) |
04:17:23 | XavierGr | :X |
04:17:29 | TiMiD | :) |
04:17:32 | XavierGr | this will be a beast!!! |
04:17:46 | TiMiD | this will never be accepted |
04:17:58 | XavierGr | so many buttons and so many programs |
04:18:02 | TiMiD | and this is far far away |
04:18:16 | TiMiD | yep |
04:18:20 | TiMiD | lots of programs |
04:18:34 | TiMiD | you would load a key config like a language file |
04:18:46 | XavierGr | though the script way is easy, doesn't have to change code and needless for commitment. |
04:19:36 | XavierGr | though the user would need the source even if he doesn't counter act with it. |
04:19:59 | TiMiD | and it won't be what I need :p |
04:20:07 | TiMiD | I need total flexibility :) |
04:20:20 | XavierGr | you are very greedy!!! |
04:20:23 | XavierGr | :p |
04:20:25 | TiMiD | I'm an extremist :) |
04:20:59 | TiMiD | well that will be after full remote support |
04:21:12 | XavierGr | Indeed! |
04:21:15 | TiMiD | and maybe a little code cleaning :) |
04:21:28 | XavierGr | I am impatient on your remote work. |
04:21:32 | TiMiD | (there are many place where code needs to be cleaned and commented :) |
04:21:38 | TiMiD | hehe |
04:21:40 | TiMiD | me too :) |
04:22:18 | TiMiD | if you want you can use the patch ;p |
04:22:21 | TiMiD | well |
04:22:25 | XavierGr | I don't know about cleaning (I am not to so advanced yet) but extra comments would help me a lot. |
04:22:28 | TiMiD | tell me I'm not crazy |
04:22:43 | TiMiD | http://timidzone.free.fr/pub/rockbox/remote/capture6.png |
04:22:48 | TiMiD | http://timidzone.free.fr/pub/rockbox/remote/capture7.png |
04:23:00 | TiMiD | http://timidzone.free.fr/pub/rockbox/remote/capture8.png |
04:23:24 | TiMiD | the remote display is one line shorter on X11 simulator isn't it |
04:23:31 | XavierGr | is that the X11 simulator on linux? |
04:23:40 | XavierGr | oh |
04:23:45 | TiMiD | (both with my remote patch and plugins !!!) |
04:23:51 | TiMiD | yes this is on linux |
04:23:57 | XavierGr | I have never run the X11 I use the windows cygwin. |
04:24:01 | TiMiD | amiconn !!!! |
04:24:03 | XavierGr | Let me check |
04:24:14 | | Quit _Vladoman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:24:35 | TiMiD | check if the snow plugin displays snow outsidethe screen on win3é |
04:24:37 | TiMiD | 32 |
04:24:56 | XavierGr | yes you are right |
04:25:02 | XavierGr | and that can be seen on the scrollbar |
04:25:10 | TiMiD | :) |
04:25:30 | TiMiD | amiconn: so I wasn't dreaming after all :) |
04:26:11 | TiMiD | I spent lot of time to try to solve this in my code |
04:26:19 | TiMiD | then I noticed it was a simulator bug :) |
04:26:35 | TiMiD | since on the target the last line is displayed correctly :) |
04:26:55 | XavierGr | you must never trust the simulator |
04:27:11 | TiMiD | it's convenient :p |
04:27:19 | XavierGr | The simulator always turns me down. |
04:27:21 | XavierGr | yes it is |
04:27:35 | XavierGr | But many times it crashes while main unti will not. |
04:27:37 | TiMiD | the most would be an emulator |
04:27:42 | TiMiD | hmm |
04:27:47 | TiMiD | it crashes ? |
04:27:53 | XavierGr | yes. |
04:28:12 | TiMiD | under linux at least it doesn't crash :) |
04:28:14 | XavierGr | Win32 simulator always crashes when I try to add a preset (in default code) |
04:28:15 | TiMiD | but you know |
04:28:23 | TiMiD | crashes are always a bad thing |
04:28:24 | XavierGr | while it works naturally on target as intended |
04:28:50 | TiMiD | a crash under simulator not happening on target doesn't means the bug is gone :) |
04:29:04 | XavierGr | aslo the simulator did this on various occasions with char pointers |
04:29:13 | TiMiD | uh ? |
04:30:17 | XavierGr | No the win32 simulator appears to be right with snowflakes |
04:30:25 | TiMiD | ok |
04:30:47 | TiMiD | so you are witness tht there is a bug :) |
04:31:02 | XavierGr | and try to build an emulator yourself :p this is a major beast to handle |
04:31:28 | TiMiD | I agree :) |
04:31:43 | TiMiD | but it wouldbe very convenient for low level devs |
04:31:55 | TiMiD | oops :) |
04:32:09 | TiMiD | my sentence could be interpreted the wrong way :p |
04:32:13 | XavierGr | The worst developing time I had with rockbox was when I was programming the JPEG file scroller (which stills awaits pass for commitment) |
04:32:25 | TiMiD | ah yeah |
04:32:33 | TiMiD | obliged to upload on unit each time |
04:32:36 | XavierGr | The simulator doesn't support this plugin. And every test I did was on my main unit |
04:32:45 | TiMiD | because no greyscale support |
04:32:59 | XavierGr | That was very tiring and stressfull for the unit. |
04:33:21 | TiMiD | same for me when I was doing fire and plasma evolution |
04:33:37 | XavierGr | I feel you. |
04:33:59 | XavierGr | At least your work was commited ;p |
04:34:04 | TiMiD | same also when I started to code my first pligin 'demistify' since simulator was crashing with a "floating point exception" |
04:34:20 | | Quit dpassen1 () |
04:34:26 | TiMiD | I wonder if it's sefull |
04:34:32 | TiMiD | 3 useless plugins :p |
04:35:15 | TiMiD | you never got your work commited ? |
04:35:33 | XavierGr | 2 things got commited by me |
04:35:58 | XavierGr | snake mod for iriver and virtual keyboard screen adjustments for iriver too |
04:36:07 | XavierGr | 2 are pending |
04:36:22 | XavierGr | JPEG file scroller and FM advanced preset handling |
04:36:52 | TiMiD | oh |
04:36:54 | XavierGr | last 2 are very handy IMHO |
04:36:58 | TiMiD | I forgot this one : http://timidzone.free.fr/pub/rockbox/starfield.c |
04:37:05 | TiMiD | give it a try ;) |
04:37:25 | TiMiD | another demo, anice one I did :p |
04:37:31 | TiMiD | I almost forgot it :) |
04:37:54 | TiMiD | btw, what is JPEG file scroller ? |
04:37:58 | XavierGr | whats next? Starcraft demo maybe? LOL |
04:38:12 | TiMiD | you can by now scroll your jpeg file |
04:38:17 | TiMiD | lol ^^ |
04:38:21 | TiMiD | well |
04:38:36 | TiMiD | this starfield demo on my site is very basic |
04:38:44 | XavierGr | Well this patch (you can found it on the patch tracker) can scroll between JPEG files located on the same dir |
04:39:05 | XavierGr | thus when you choose a jpeg (and has more on the same folder) you can press up/down to change picture |
04:39:09 | TiMiD | I have one on my main computer in paris which is a monster : cameras, 3D rotations and so on, but it's not finished :) |
04:39:24 | XavierGr | I will give it a try |
04:39:41 | TiMiD | Starcraft ... I got a lot this night :) |
04:39:58 | TiMiD | I'm coming from a LAN party I orginized with some friends and arggh |
04:39:58 | XavierGr | you are playing starcraft? |
04:40:08 | TiMiD | yes |
04:40:09 | XavierGr | Lucky you! |
04:40:14 | TiMiD | the best RTC :) |
04:40:28 | TiMiD | RTS |
04:40:37 | XavierGr | I used to play... too |
04:40:42 | TiMiD | I too |
04:40:50 | TiMiD | but I started again this year |
04:41:02 | TiMiD | since the game is in fact very good :) |
04:41:13 | TiMiD | not like war3 |
04:41:16 | XavierGr | which clan do you handle best? |
04:41:18 | TiMiD | not slow |
04:41:21 | TiMiD | hmm |
04:41:24 | TiMiD | I do'ntknow |
04:41:39 | TiMiD | I have different strategies with the 3 |
04:41:41 | XavierGr | I prefer protoss or zergling |
04:41:44 | TiMiD | I orefer the zergs |
04:41:46 | XavierGr | I mean Zerg |
04:41:50 | TiMiD | prefer |
04:41:51 | TiMiD | yep |
04:42:18 | TiMiD | I like hydralisk + lurker + guardian (my little pleasure :p) |
04:42:38 | XavierGr | There was a korean guy last month who died from excessive playing of starcraft!!!! |
04:42:47 | TiMiD | hmm |
04:42:53 | XavierGr | There multiplayer is like olympic games |
04:43:02 | TiMiD | this night it was more a drinking party than a real lan |
04:43:48 | XavierGr | Ahhh I had never had the chance of a lan party with friends, only net caffees |
04:43:49 | TiMiD | (a friend brought some smirnoff ... parties were . funny :) I should have saved the replays ^^) |
04:44:06 | TiMiD | I played both |
04:44:07 | XavierGr | hehe |
04:44:12 | TiMiD | but Iprefer lan :) |
04:44:38 | TiMiD | and you can cheat by at least hearing the sounds of the others ;) |
04:44:47 | XavierGr | does starfield runs on the sim |
04:44:49 | XavierGr | ? |
04:44:51 | TiMiD | if you can't cheat then it's useless to play ^^ |
04:45:03 | TiMiD | starfield : yes I thing |
04:45:06 | TiMiD | think |
04:45:08 | TiMiD | I will try |
04:45:11 | XavierGr | naughty starcraft palayer |
04:45:37 | TiMiD | just remove the #ifndef SIMULATOR |
04:45:39 | TiMiD | ha |
04:45:55 | TiMiD | I'm not very good at that game |
04:46:08 | XavierGr | meneither |
04:46:12 | TiMiD | I can't manage attacks |
04:46:16 | TiMiD | very well |
04:46:34 | TiMiD | Ionly win because I have numeric superiority |
04:47:13 | TiMiD | (and because the others sucks more than me ^^) |
04:48:12 | XavierGr | well starfield compiled cleanly now I will test it |
04:48:40 | TiMiD | huhu :) |
04:48:48 | TiMiD | you are the first one to test it :p |
04:49:01 | TiMiD | it's one of my prefered |
04:49:11 | XavierGr | I am honored! |
04:49:21 | XavierGr | well it crashed right away!!!! |
04:49:33 | TiMiD | ow ^^^ |
04:49:36 | {Mike} | hehe |
04:49:38 | XavierGr | anyway I will test it on target |
04:49:39 | TiMiD | owned :p |
04:49:49 | | Quit XShocK (Remote closed the connection) |
04:49:49 | TiMiD | it wored just fine on target :) |
04:50:51 | TiMiD | works fine |
04:50:53 | TiMiD | here |
04:51:01 | TiMiD | and it's beautifull ;) |
04:51:58 | TiMiD | I willmaybe continue to code it with rotations |
04:52:09 | TiMiD | Z rotation was working well |
04:52:38 | TiMiD | the only problem was with Y and X rotation since it modify the source of the stars |
04:52:47 | XavierGr | wow cool!! |
04:52:51 | TiMiD | it works ? |
04:53:49 | XavierGr | yes |
04:53:54 | TiMiD | :) |
04:54:02 | TiMiD | enjoy it ? |
04:54:07 | XavierGr | the letters need better aligning |
04:54:15 | TiMiD | I should post it on the forum maybe |
04:54:27 | XavierGr | and be sure to include some BUTTON_LEFT | BUTTON_REPEAT |
04:54:39 | TiMiD | ok |
04:54:48 | XavierGr | because it is a little tiring to press one by one |
04:55:08 | TiMiD | when I satrted codin it I wasn't used to rb |
04:55:12 | TiMiD | started |
04:55:38 | XavierGr | which are the limits? |
04:56:17 | TiMiD | speed : no limit (works also on negatives) |
04:56:21 | TiMiD | stars : 3000 |
04:56:29 | TiMiD | but you can put more if you want |
04:56:38 | TiMiD | it's only a screen limit ... |
04:56:47 | XavierGr | well at 3000 it is almost full of stars |
04:56:50 | TiMiD | yep |
04:57:22 | TiMiD | what was wrong with letters ? |
04:57:23 | XavierGr | though the movement is very bad due to the bad LCD refreshes when at high speed.... |
04:58:12 | XavierGr | they appear ~5 pixels more down that it should be. |
04:58:27 | XavierGr | ^than |
04:58:42 | XavierGr | so the screen can't show the bottom of the letters |
04:58:52 | TiMiD | hmm |
04:58:59 | TiMiD | I don't see that on sim :( |
04:59:15 | XavierGr | but it crashes on sim no? |
04:59:16 | TiMiD | also as far as I remember it was fine on target |
04:59:22 | TiMiD | no it doesn't crash |
04:59:24 | XavierGr | at least on my sim |
04:59:39 | TiMiD | try to put a debugf somewhere to see where it's crashing |
05:00 |
05:00:17 | XavierGr | see I told you that the win 32 sim isnt to be trusted |
05:00:36 | TiMiD | try, mabye it's a real bug :/ |
05:01:48 | TiMiD | i'l just curious to know at which point it stops |
05:02:18 | TiMiD | then I will post it :) |
05:02:27 | XavierGr | what's the inline attribute of a function? |
05:03:12 | XavierGr | static inline void starfield_move_and_draw |
05:03:13 | TiMiD | it tells the compiler to put the code inside the calling code |
05:03:22 | TiMiD | so there is no overload due to fn call |
05:03:37 | TiMiD | because I like ptrs and generic fn |
05:03:43 | XavierGr | I missed that argument when I was reading C |
05:03:56 | TiMiD | not very important :) |
05:06:02 | TiMiD | not a very complicated code isn't it ! |
05:06:53 | XavierGr | no it isn't complicated at all. |
05:07:24 | XavierGr | ahh I know why I saw chopped letters |
05:07:25 | TiMiD | :) |
05:07:52 | XavierGr | you use the user font instead of the fixed font |
05:07:59 | TiMiD | ok :^ |
05:08:01 | TiMiD | :p |
05:08:02 | XavierGr | so I have big letters thus I get choppy ones |
05:08:13 | TiMiD | Iwill fix that :p |
05:08:20 | XavierGr | you should use the get_font_height or something like that |
05:08:26 | XavierGr | I dont remember the function well |
05:08:30 | TiMiD | chotta matte kudasai ne |
05:08:42 | TiMiD | I remeber it don't worry |
05:08:53 | XavierGr | but there is a function that returns the height of a font |
05:09:11 | TiMiD | with my remote patch the font size is stored |
05:09:17 | XavierGr | translation be me: hey wait ... further I dont know |
05:09:19 | TiMiD | so no need to recalc it |
05:09:29 | TiMiD | chotto |
05:09:32 | TiMiD | not chotta |
05:09:43 | XavierGr | whats the difference? |
05:09:58 | TiMiD | chotta doesn't exists :p |
05:10:22 | XavierGr | I dont know japanese I just hear these on anime series and movies |
05:10:28 | XavierGr | ^heard |
05:10:48 | TiMiD | you must have heard this sentence a lot then ! |
05:10:55 | XavierGr | indeed |
05:10:58 | TiMiD | "wait a little" |
05:11:10 | XavierGr | what kudasai ne means? |
05:11:12 | TiMiD | in polite form |
05:11:25 | TiMiD | please |
05:11:36 | XavierGr | and "onegai"? |
05:11:41 | TiMiD | please :) |
05:11:51 | TiMiD | the uses are different |
05:12:02 | XavierGr | see no need to learn Japanese watch anime ;) |
05:12:12 | TiMiD | hehe :) |
05:12:32 | TiMiD | just go to japan and live there 5 years and you 'll becime bilingual |
05:12:59 | XavierGr | I know some words epecially those that are being repeated |
05:13:19 | XavierGr | gomme n' asai |
05:13:57 | TiMiD | gomen nasai :) |
05:14:07 | XavierGr | whatever lol |
05:14:32 | XavierGr | attachi means "I"? |
05:14:43 | TiMiD | watashi |
05:14:49 | TiMiD | it's I for woomens |
05:14:49 | XavierGr | ahh |
05:14:55 | XavierGr | oops |
05:15:01 | TiMiD | mens use boku |
05:15:04 | XavierGr | then I dont want to say that |
05:15:09 | TiMiD | sure :) |
05:15:19 | TiMiD | well you can use it if you are a men |
05:15:33 | TiMiD | Idon't know really the implication of this |
05:15:38 | XavierGr | I ment watashi |
05:15:48 | TiMiD | yes |
05:16:14 | TiMiD | I know that usually mens say "boku" to refer as themselves |
05:16:23 | TiMiD | but smetimes they use watashi |
05:16:31 | TiMiD | I didn't tried to figure out why |
05:17:07 | XavierGr | I like the -kun -chan -san -sensei suffixes! |
05:17:45 | XavierGr | is there a special meaning for shin |
05:17:54 | XavierGr | because I have watched a cartoon named shinchan |
05:19:17 | TiMiD | Idon't think so |
05:19:34 | TiMiD | but I far far away from an ecyclopedia in this domain :) |
05:19:47 | TiMiD | ha |
05:19:49 | TiMiD | shin |
05:20:12 | TiMiD | I thought you was asking if there was a shin suffix |
05:20:27 | TiMiD | shin means "truth" |
05:20:29 | XavierGr | no shin word |
05:20:51 | XavierGr | well it is competely irrelevant with the hero.... |
05:20:52 | TiMiD | or new in some cases |
05:20:59 | XavierGr | which is a trouble some kid |
05:21:20 | XavierGr | maybe it is just a name |
05:21:29 | TiMiD | it can also mean "heart" |
05:21:52 | XavierGr | hmmm |
05:22:11 | XavierGr | whats the relevance between new, heart and truth? |
05:22:14 | XavierGr | strange language |
05:22:18 | TiMiD | nothing :) |
05:22:37 | TiMiD | but they are not written wth the same kanjis |
05:22:42 | TiMiD | at least |
05:22:54 | TiMiD | it's like in french |
05:23:00 | TiMiD | vert => green |
05:23:07 | TiMiD | verre => glass |
05:23:13 | XavierGr | well your program crashes the simulator when it reaches the ret=main(); |
05:23:24 | TiMiD | argh |
05:23:36 | TiMiD | it doesn't even enters into main ? |
05:23:54 | XavierGr | yes it will not even run the first line of code into main |
05:24:15 | TiMiD | I can't do anything about it then :) |
05:24:21 | XavierGr | backstabbing simulator! |
05:24:54 | TiMiD | there must be a reason !! |
05:25:18 | TiMiD | some devs must know the archane of the win32 sim :p |
05:25:51 | XavierGr | hehe it is weird though it will crash just entering the main |
05:26:14 | XavierGr | I have set an rb->splash just before and just right inot main |
05:26:27 | XavierGr | only the first splash triggers then BOOM! |
05:27:55 | TiMiD | yes boom |
05:27:57 | TiMiD | :) |
05:28:05 | TiMiD | windows boom |
05:30:38 | XavierGr | I should make an icon ( 6*8 ) for the fmr files in the tree. |
05:30:51 | XavierGr | but I am I haven't found something interesting |
05:30:56 | XavierGr | r/am |
05:32:15 | TiMiD | just draw one yourself :) |
05:32:47 | XavierGr | rasher.dk/rockbox/icons-6x7/">http://rasher.dk/rockbox/icons-6x7/ |
05:32:56 | XavierGr | I am not good at drawing |
05:33:08 | XavierGr | and there is no drawing at all in such low resolutions |
05:33:22 | XavierGr | see the page how to make one |
05:35:07 | TiMiD | it's "abstract" :) |
05:35:42 | XavierGr | I will probably use the R symbol which stands for Radio |
05:35:45 | TiMiD | I like the one at (1,6) |
05:36:00 | TiMiD | looks like an antenna |
05:36:23 | TiMiD | I think R stands for Rb |
05:36:36 | XavierGr | ah yes |
05:36:50 | XavierGr | which 1,6? |
05:37:19 | XavierGr | I don;t see an antenna there |
05:37:46 | TiMiD | x=0, y=5 |
05:37:54 | TiMiD | when you count from top |
05:38:15 | TiMiD | the 6th from the top |
05:38:19 | TiMiD | first column |
05:38:30 | XavierGr | yes got it |
05:38:33 | XavierGr | though... |
05:39:05 | TiMiD | you can actually also see it as an alien symbol ;p |
05:39:09 | XavierGr | its like a crossed X with a | in it |
05:41:01 | TiMiD | yep |
05:41:19 | TiMiD | mysterious one :) |
05:41:27 | TiMiD | I wonder what it trulymeans |
05:42:01 | XavierGr | the "X" stands for X-files |
05:42:05 | XavierGr | :D |
05:42:44 | TiMiD | lol ^^ |
05:43:08 | XavierGr | ###.## |
05:43:10 | XavierGr | #.#... |
05:43:11 | XavierGr | #.#.## |
05:43:11 | XavierGr | #.#... |
05:43:11 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK XavierGr |
05:43:11 | XavierGr | ##..## |
05:43:11 | XavierGr | #.#... |
05:43:11 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
05:43:11 | XavierGr | #.#.## |
05:43:12 | TiMiD | alien code ^^ |
05:43:14 | XavierGr | ahh sorry for that |
05:43:41 | XavierGr | http://pastebin.com/403689 |
05:43:49 | XavierGr | there an R with lines |
05:44:15 | XavierGr | or then it is just like RI |
05:44:52 | TiMiD | R with a 4 bars E:) |
05:45:04 | TiMiD | alien spotted |
05:46:12 | XavierGr | http://pastebin.com/403691 |
05:46:16 | XavierGr | what about this then |
05:46:28 | XavierGr | it looks like a cfg file with an R instead of C |
05:47:23 | TiMiD | looks weird :/ |
05:47:31 | TiMiD | I prefer my antenna :) |
05:48:03 | XavierGr | I like the "node" remark instead "note" for notes that Rasher quoted? |
05:48:47 | XavierGr | Speaking of it where is Rasher? I haven't seen him some days now. |
05:49:03 | TiMiD | I don'tknow |
05:49:13 | TiMiD | since I wans't here either :) |
05:49:38 | XavierGr | when you teamed up? |
05:50:33 | TiMiD | teamed up |
05:50:35 | TiMiD | ? |
05:50:41 | TiMiD | what does that means ? |
05:51:15 | XavierGr | when you joined the cause? |
05:51:41 | XavierGr | when you started fiddling with rockbox and join the chat room? |
05:52:50 | TiMiD | ha |
05:52:58 | TiMiD | hmm |
05:53:12 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
05:53:30 | TiMiD | I've been on the irc channel for 1 month |
05:54:39 | XavierGr | rasher.dk/rockbox/ircstats/2005-09.html">http://rasher.dk/rockbox/ircstats/2005-09.html |
05:54:54 | XavierGr | haha maybe I am a blind man after all |
05:55:03 | XavierGr | look who's first |
05:57:12 | TiMiD | today oO |
05:57:15 | XavierGr | Maybe I am these stats maybe a little bit old... who knows |
05:57:25 | XavierGr | add/wrong |
05:57:29 | TiMiD | (wellI wasn't here much today too) |
05:57:48 | TiMiD | Wednesday 28 September 2005 |
05:57:49 | TiMiD | :) |
05:59:18 | XavierGr | how can I make those icon ".#" to rockbox hex format? |
05:59:43 | TiMiD | hehe |
05:59:52 | TiMiD | #=1 |
05:59:55 | TiMiD | .=0 |
06:00 |
06:00:02 | XavierGr | yes |
06:00:12 | XavierGr | but the hex number has something to do with x,y |
06:00:15 | TiMiD | 8 chr |
06:00:23 | TiMiD | => binary |
06:00:29 | TiMiD | => 1hex |
06:01:11 | TiMiD | that's how I would od it at least |
06:01:37 | XavierGr | hmm yes it is 8*6 so 6 hex numbers for 8 binary sets |
06:01:41 | TiMiD | since it's in 6x8 |
06:01:52 | TiMiD | just turn it |
06:02:15 | XavierGr | sneaky! |
06:02:17 | TiMiD | counterclockwise |
06:02:21 | TiMiD | :p |
06:02:31 | TiMiD | right side goes on top |
06:03:25 | XavierGr | not left? |
06:04:09 | TiMiD | I think it's right side |
06:04:22 | TiMiD | turn it not like a clock |
06:04:35 | TiMiD | if you see what I mean |
06:04:39 | XavierGr | it goes from bottom to top |
06:04:46 | XavierGr | and left to right |
06:05:42 | TiMiD | you are right :) |
06:05:50 | TiMiD | I must be sleepy |
06:06:09 | XavierGr | Me too but I will not sleep tonight |
06:06:13 | TiMiD | I submit my wonderful starfield and I go to bed |
06:06:18 | TiMiD | why ? |
06:06:38 | XavierGr | I woke up on 5.00pm so I will stay awake until 9.00 am to catch my college lesson |
06:07:03 | TiMiD | skipping night |
06:07:07 | TiMiD | not good :) |
06:07:12 | XavierGr | dont you have anything to do tomorrow? |
06:07:26 | XavierGr | it will be 6.00 am there right? |
06:08:23 | TiMiD | yes |
06:08:28 | TiMiD | I have nothing |
06:08:32 | TiMiD | no school :) |
06:08:50 | XavierGr | lucky you, I will do that on teusday! |
06:08:50 | TiMiD | and I wanted to sleep so bad when I left that lan |
06:08:54 | TiMiD | but now |
06:08:59 | TiMiD | .. |
06:09:13 | TiMiD | tuesday I have only 1 hour |
06:09:17 | TiMiD | japanese |
06:09:31 | TiMiD | so it's ok :) |
06:10:28 | XavierGr | japanese, in what sort of school are you in? |
06:10:43 | TiMiD | Engineer school |
06:10:46 | XavierGr | or do you do this on free time? |
06:10:49 | TiMiD | computer science |
06:11:01 | TiMiD | some kind of free time |
06:11:04 | XavierGr | And what's with japanese? |
06:11:16 | TiMiD | but it counts like a school lesson |
06:11:26 | XavierGr | interesting |
06:11:27 | TiMiD | like a language |
06:11:33 | TiMiD | yep |
06:11:52 | TiMiD | I choosed this because in english I wasn't learning anything |
06:12:07 | TiMiD | not that I have a good level |
06:12:19 | TiMiD | but the lesson really sucked |
06:12:28 | TiMiD | a waist of time |
06:12:49 | XavierGr | me too |
06:12:56 | XavierGr | I did exactly the same |
06:13:05 | XavierGr | though I didn't get another language |
06:13:12 | XavierGr | not that we had one to choose |
06:13:22 | XavierGr | RadioIcon = { 0x5f, 0x55, 0x5b, 0x50, 0x55, 0x,55 } |
06:13:32 | XavierGr | wow a lot of 5s |
06:14:09 | TiMiD | strange :) |
06:14:30 | TiMiD | perhaps a bogus :) |
06:16:54 | XavierGr | now lets see.... |
06:17:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:18:31 | XavierGr | hmm not bad though.... |
06:21:33 | TiMiD | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=1691.0 |
06:21:38 | TiMiD | et voila ! |
06:22:00 | XavierGr | wait to see mine |
06:22:34 | TiMiD | :) |
06:23:28 | XavierGr | http://www.misticriver.net/photos/displayimage.php?album=lastup&cat=11302&pos=0 |
06:23:32 | XavierGr | zoom it and see |
06:23:36 | XavierGr | well? |
06:24:28 | XavierGr | maybe the line before the last has to be blanked |
06:25:32 | TiMiD | it'stoo small for my eyes |
06:25:58 | XavierGr | but every icon is small! |
06:25:58 | TiMiD | I zoom with an image tool |
06:26:42 | TiMiD | which one is the radio ? |
06:26:50 | TiMiD | selected ? |
06:26:53 | XavierGr | oh god.... |
06:26:55 | XavierGr | yes |
06:27:00 | XavierGr | that means that I failed |
06:28:09 | TiMiD | :) |
06:28:27 | TiMiD | the one I told you was good :) |
06:28:29 | TiMiD | or |
06:28:35 | TiMiD | maybe some waves |
06:28:41 | TiMiD | you can draw that |
06:29:09 | XavierGr | grrrr I will take more responses before I add the X-files icon :p |
06:29:17 | | Quit RotAtoR () |
06:30:21 | TiMiD | :p |
06:31:07 | TiMiD | and waht about configurable icos ? :D |
06:31:33 | XavierGr | ROFLMAO |
06:33:24 | XavierGr | you are a heretic! |
06:33:29 | XavierGr | hehe |
06:33:46 | TiMiD | I just want to recode rockbox ^^ |
06:33:52 | XavierGr | some will haunt you down for your beliefs |
06:34:15 | TiMiD | anyway some ideas like that are not bad :) |
06:34:59 | TiMiD | that remembers a guy who wanted java on rb ^^ |
06:35:03 | XavierGr | not bad, but too much luxuries will cripple the whole project in the end |
06:35:20 | XavierGr | Rockbox has too many fronts right now. |
06:35:34 | XavierGr | And come to think of it that it has only discontinued targets |
06:35:45 | TiMiD | rb needs a lot of code cleaning |
06:36:18 | TiMiD | there is a lot of duplicated code |
06:36:57 | XavierGr | maybe I am not the expert for that, my knowledge is limited in these aspects. |
06:37:09 | TiMiD | I'm mrProper :) |
06:37:46 | XavierGr | Then you should seriously talk that with the devs and jump in for a cleanup. |
06:38:10 | TiMiD | useless since I'm doing it while coding the remote |
06:38:52 | TiMiD | (not 100% true since some codes like tree would need a lot more than a simple cleaning) |
06:39:17 | XavierGr | well I meant, ask the devs for it then if you get cvs access start the cleanup and not only for the remote. |
06:40:12 | TiMiD | The remote is a very broad part |
06:40:41 | XavierGr | well all is easy to say, but rewriting tree.c is a huge task. |
06:40:46 | TiMiD | Almost all the application code is concerned |
06:41:27 | XavierGr | true |
06:41:44 | TiMiD | I don't intend to rewrite everything |
06:41:49 | TiMiD | (hopefully) |
06:42:04 | TiMiD | just some parts |
06:42:17 | TiMiD | in tree.c I rewrote almost nothing |
06:42:26 | TiMiD | maybe 200 lines |
06:42:44 | TiMiD | everything else was deleted because unneeded |
06:43:38 | XavierGr | wait a sec you say that your tree.c is 200 lines? |
06:43:58 | TiMiD | no ! |
06:44:03 | XavierGr | or that you just rewrote 200 lines? |
06:44:22 | TiMiD | 200 lines are my own work |
06:44:40 | XavierGr | and the rest is untouched? |
06:44:43 | TiMiD | no |
06:44:43 | XavierGr | or with slight modifications |
06:44:54 | TiMiD | it's modofied but it's not really my work |
06:45:11 | TiMiD | I have a 1362 lines tree.c |
06:45:36 | XavierGr | 1.684 original |
06:46:05 | TiMiD | the rest is only comments added, lines removed because unneeded or modified |
06:57:12 | TiMiD | well I'm gonna go to sleep |
06:57:16 | XavierGr | woa |
06:57:16 | XavierGr | time flies |
06:57:16 | XavierGr | it is 8.00 am here |
06:57:18 | TiMiD | cu ! |
06:57:18 | XavierGr | in half an hour I will go to college better to get ready |
06:57:31 | TiMiD | haha |
06:57:34 | XavierGr | bye |
06:58:04 | TiMiD | then have a nice day |
06:58:33 | XavierGr | and you sweet dreams!! |
06:59:55 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD7C68.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:00 |
07:00:24 | XavierGr | oh good morning amiconn |
07:04:08 | | Join webguest58 [0] (n=815e061c@labb.contactor.se) |
07:04:23 | webguest58 | test |
07:04:32 | | Quit webguest58 (Client Quit) |
07:17:33 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:17:33 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD7C68.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:23:40 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
07:28:10 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
07:29:02 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
07:31:11 | | Quit Bger ("[BX] Does your mommy know you use BitchX?") |
08:00 |
08:17:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:21:21 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
08:24:07 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
08:35:25 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
08:36:57 | amiconn | TiMiD: These exact display problems shown in your screenshots were fixed with yesterday's 13:09 changes. |
08:37:28 | amiconn | If you still get them you don't have these changes in your tree for some reason |
08:39:15 | amiconn | There were errors both with the remote 'display frame' and the window size (even worse when using the zoom parameter) |
08:51:39 | | Nick Vlad0man is now known as Vladoman (n=Vladoman@p54A7CCF0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:59:11 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@194-237-150-170.customer.telia.com) |
09:00 |
09:02:18 | | Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:11:04 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-122-56.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
09:15:55 | | Join cYmen [0] (n=cymen@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
09:25:24 | | Quit solexx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:32:00 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
09:52:44 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
09:53:27 | LinusN | was just reading the logs, if this "Mike" comes back, have him email me, linus at haxx.se |
09:55:39 | | Join Lynx_ [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
09:56:11 | | Join solexx [0] (n=jrschulz@c146178.adsl.hansenet.de) |
09:59:55 | XavierGr | ok if i see him i will redirect him to you. |
10:00 |
10:00:14 | XavierGr | any idea what is wrong? |
10:03:25 | LinusN | i guess a power regulator is busted |
10:03:47 | LinusN | i have a similar case here, on the operating table :-) |
10:04:00 | LinusN | fixed it by replacing the regulator |
10:04:50 | LinusN | gotta go |
10:04:52 | LinusN | cu |
10:04:53 | | Part LinusN |
10:09:41 | Slasheri | TiMiD: who not to use cvs update and diff to do it? That way you don't need manually do anything to update your patch |
10:09:49 | Slasheri | *why |
10:15:40 | XavierGr | TiMiD is sleeping right now.... :p |
10:17:14 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:20:45 | Slasheri | hehe, but he will read the logs :) |
10:26:22 | XavierGr | indeed! |
10:26:51 | ashridah | Slasheri: that doesn't cover files he's written himself since it'll want to connect to the cvs root if he uses cvs add tho ... |
10:31:03 | | Join markun [0] (n=karl@bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) |
10:51:25 | | Join phaedrus961 [0] (n=bob@adsl-209-233-10-228.dsl.bkfd14.pacbell.net) |
10:59:43 | Slasheri | ashridah: No, he can use cvs-do add to do that |
11:00 |
11:02:31 | ashridah | hm |
11:06:24 | | Join webguest68 [0] (n=c2489e63@labb.contactor.se) |
11:11:14 | Slasheri | ashridah: in fact, cvsdo (not cvs-do) |
11:12:18 | XavierGr | Slasheri: How things are going on the recording front? |
11:14:52 | Slasheri | XavierGr: very little because i have been quite busy on work.. but i try to look it a bit to make it suitable for commit |
11:15:13 | webguest68 | what ever happened to the idea of having one big WPS graphic and "cutting" from it? |
11:15:15 | webguest68 | Did that get dropped? |
11:16:03 | XavierGr | so whats the progress, until now have you ported all of archos targets recording features or are you in the middle of it. ( I don't mean to be pushy just asking) |
11:17:29 | Slasheri | XavierGr: recording to wav, file splitting and peak meter should work |
11:17:43 | Slasheri | but there are bugs that cause it to crash |
11:18:02 | XavierGr | nice! |
11:18:07 | XavierGr | :( |
11:18:31 | Slasheri | anyway, those should be easy to solve |
11:19:08 | XavierGr | when you implement it I think I am gonna get on of those fancy stereo microphones |
11:19:31 | Slasheri | hmm =) |
11:19:59 | Slasheri | i have never used a stereo microphone :) |
11:20:09 | XavierGr | Without the infamous iriver "click" (in recordings) the recording quality level will be magnificent for a device like this |
11:20:22 | Slasheri | hehe, yes |
11:22:27 | XavierGr | and add to that prerecording and peak meters wow. |
11:22:27 | XavierGr | me neither but I have heard that they are super... |
11:22:32 | amiconn | Slasheri: Did you add s/pdif recording as well? |
11:23:15 | Slasheri | amiconn: not yet (or at least i haven't got it working yet) |
11:24:01 | Slasheri | and with s/pdif we might have the sample rate problem because so many devices uses different sample rates |
11:24:29 | XavierGr | and how iriver works with that? |
11:24:32 | Slasheri | for example 44.1, 48 and 96 kHz |
11:24:40 | Slasheri | i don't know yet :) |
11:24:42 | Slasheri | but we must handle it |
11:25:01 | | Quit webguest68 ("CGI:IRC") |
11:29:15 | amiconn | Slasheri: For recording, the coldfire can sync to all allowed s/pdif bitrates (32, 44.1 and 48 kHz) |
11:29:43 | Slasheri | amiconn: hmm, that sounds good. Can it automatically detect correct bitrate? |
11:31:55 | ze | my soundcard can sync to s/pdif rate... so i assume s/pdif stuff in general can |
11:32:19 | ze | though i'd swear my soundcard could take 96khz s/pdif |
11:35:01 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
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11:37:16 | muesli- | g'moin |
11:37:21 | | Join itsthemojo [0] (n=manuelka@ |
11:37:26 | itsthemojo | hi there |
11:39:41 | | Quit itsthemojo (Client Quit) |
11:40:11 | ze | ah yeah i see a screenshot of its control panel in the manual (the prog for it in linux is a bit different), and it has an s/pdif sample rate section including 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 khz |
11:46:00 | | Join whatboutbob [0] (n=cbd60b37@labb.contactor.se) |
11:49:21 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=icechat5@pd95b7c08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
11:50:02 | muesli- | g'moin _FireFly_ |
11:50:45 | _FireFly_ | moin |
11:52:31 | whatboutbob | slasheri: heya. just jumped on to say thanks for taking up the recording implementation challenge. :) |
11:52:52 | | Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp15-adsl-19.ath.forthnet.gr) |
11:54:32 | | Quit XavierGr_ (Client Quit) |
12:00 |
12:17:17 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:20:28 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:23:46 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:34:56 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
12:34:56 | * | einhirn unlurks |
12:35:01 | einhirn | Hello all... |
12:36:23 | einhirn | Just had the Idea to research for an Infrared Remote Control over my Archos JBR - finding hints that it is already implemented |
12:38:21 | einhirn | But how do I activate support for it? Build switches? I tried to take a look at rbconf but failed to build the "tools" according to http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SimpleGuideToCompiling because the compiler doesn't know where to find stdio.h et al... |
12:40:24 | einhirn | seems to be a Cygwin problem... |
12:52:07 | einhirn | Ok, cygwin problem gone. Helps to run Setup.bat as Admin - Registry access needed... |
12:54:47 | einhirn | So - rbconf doesn't help with "enable RC5 driver for Remote Pin"... |
12:56:00 | einhirn | Well, I'll be around later - maybe someone can help then... |
13:00 |
13:04:05 | TiMiD | Slasheri: that the way I'm updating it ... but when files I modified are modified on cvs too, I must update tem locally by hand :/ |
13:05:11 | Slasheri | hmm, there are conflicts cvs update can't automatically solve? |
13:05:25 | amiconn | TiMiD: Found my remark regarding the X11 sim? |
13:05:59 | Slasheri | whatboutbob: hehe, thanks :) currently i don't have much time but i try working on it |
13:06:30 | TiMiD | amiconn: I'm using current CVS sources (at least that what i believe since I downloaded the sources from the site : "latest" :) |
13:07:02 | TiMiD | I will re-download and re-test without my patch |
13:28:43 | | Join RiverFish [0] (n=d99b747d@labb.contactor.se) |
13:30:27 | RiverFish | I have a question about replaygain which I don't think is in the FAQ |
13:30:57 | RiverFish | Can you use the replaygain settings to boost the volume output to the max possible level without clipping? |
13:31:42 | RiverFish | I find that my iRiver H140 hasn't got enough power for the quiet tracks when listening on a noisy train |
13:32:57 | TiMiD | amiconn: you are right :) |
13:33:56 | RiverFish | So if I enable replaygain, set pre-amp to maximum, and prevent clipping to on... |
13:34:12 | RiverFish | then that will boost quiet tracks to their max level without clipping? |
13:34:23 | RiverFish | but only if the tracks contain replaygain tags. |
13:34:44 | RiverFish | Or do I need to code this feature myself? |
13:35:44 | RiverFish | I'm assuming that replaygain tags contain max amplitude information for each track as well as perceptual loudness information. |
13:38:49 | preglow | RiverFish: they need to contain replaygain tags for that to work |
13:38:55 | preglow | RiverFish: apart from that, i think it'll work |
13:40:53 | RiverFish | Will 12db be enough for the quietest tracks? Happy to make a patch myself if it isn't. |
13:42:31 | preglow | might not be |
13:43:30 | crwl | can't you just add replaygain tags to files, enable clipping prevention and crank preamp somewhere really high? |
13:44:17 | preglow | that's what he's saying he will |
13:45:17 | crwl | oops, i didn't read *that* line :) |
14:00 |
14:17:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:28:58 | RiverFish | thanks for the replies. I'll give it a try and see if 12db is enough. |
14:29:42 | RiverFish | If not then maybe I might patch RockBox to make the limits larger |
14:34:58 | RiverFish | How about allowing volume to go over 100% and making the excess a temporary boost to the pre-amp |
14:35:25 | RiverFish | Slightly wierd but it would mean it's easily possible to get a track as loud as possible |
14:35:58 | RiverFish | This is for driving high impedance phones - not annoying my fellow commuters :) |
14:36:49 | RiverFish | would anyone other than me find that useful? |
14:39:56 | | Join Febs [0] (n=cfac7a51@labb.contactor.se) |
14:43:20 | preglow | RiverFish: i've thought about doing that, but not via preamp, rather a gain factor that would always be applied if volume is above 100% |
14:44:21 | RiverFish | Sounds good. I guess replaygain tags would help prevent clipping |
14:44:46 | RiverFish | Otherwise there'd be no way of knowing whether the track is going to clip at some point |
14:46:19 | preglow | i'm going to need a software gain factor for the eq anyway |
15:00 |
15:00:16 | amiconn | When digital volume goes above 100% (with a normalised track) there will be ugly distortion. No way to avoid this |
15:06:23 | markun | Maybe we can make a sound compressor to screw up the sound :) |
15:06:36 | preglow | hahah |
15:06:57 | preglow | a limiter would b nice |
15:06:59 | preglow | be |
15:08:32 | markun | RiverFish: Maybe you could use somthing like this: http://tangentsoft.net/audio/cmoy-tutorial/ |
15:09:58 | RiverFish | I've got a couple already. |
15:10:07 | RiverFish | http://www.aoselectronics.com/flute.html which I'm trying to get repaired boohoo |
15:10:13 | * | amiconn wonders why so many people have problems with the H1x0 volume.... |
15:10:16 | markun | Is doesn't help driving your headphones? |
15:10:48 | markun | even with optical in.. that's nice. |
15:12:05 | RiverFish | Sounded fantastic when it was working. |
15:12:15 | RiverFish | Greedy on the power though. 12v |
15:13:18 | RiverFish | Even that didn't always kick out enough to drive er4s http://www.etymotic.com/ephp/er4.aspx |
15:13:32 | preglow | i don't have problems with it |
15:13:35 | RiverFish | The problem is only with quiet tracks |
15:13:41 | preglow | some tracks just are mixed low, though |
15:13:49 | RiverFish | on loud trains |
15:14:07 | preglow | beside them as well :) |
15:14:35 | RiverFish | that too 4 sure |
15:17:26 | preglow | damn, i wonder how fast this eq is going to be |
15:17:33 | preglow | markuns crossfeed didn't exactly leave me optimistic |
15:18:28 | markun | preglow: What is a typical number of samples that the crossfeed is processing at a time? |
15:18:39 | preglow | you mean the dsp block size? |
15:19:04 | preglow | markun: and btw, i had a look at the page you linked me too, and i've got a couple of questions |
15:19:30 | preglow | markun: first, it mentions 300ms as delay size all the time, and second, it looks like the filters they use are shelving filters |
15:19:42 | preglow | i can't imagine where the 300ms figure comes from |
15:20:21 | preglow | it'd be a nice figure for a frigging reverb, but not exactly what i'd expect from a crossfeed |
15:20:22 | markun | On my version of the site it says 300 mu-s |
15:20:48 | markun | Are we both talking about http://www.headwize.com/projects/meier_prj.htm ? |
15:20:53 | preglow | ahh, it seems i've found a bug in opera :) |
15:21:01 | RiverFish | hehe |
15:21:02 | preglow | it displays |
15:21:07 | preglow | it displays mu as a barred m |
15:21:14 | RiverFish | 300ms crossfeed nice |
15:21:21 | RiverFish | not |
15:21:29 | markun | I don't know much about filters.. |
15:21:40 | markun | Is a shelving filter easy to implement? |
15:21:53 | preglow | i can design you a couple of shelving filters pretty fast |
15:22:02 | preglow | depends how accurate you need the cutoff to be |
15:22:28 | markun | Maybe you can simulate them and listen to the result? |
15:22:30 | preglow | but they'll need more history |
15:22:34 | preglow | so it'll be slower :/ |
15:23:13 | preglow | markun: ah, i forgot about that, i've got some time now |
15:23:31 | markun | To me the crossfeed sounds ok as it is, but if you can improve it that would be great. |
15:23:45 | preglow | there's always the volume loss |
15:24:28 | markun | Yes, imagine all the rockbox volume complaints :) |
15:24:48 | preglow | could you link me to a diff? |
15:24:51 | preglow | i've lost the source |
15:25:24 | markun | I'll make you a brand new one :) |
15:25:26 | preglow | wee |
15:25:44 | preglow | but we'll seriously need some plugin system for these kind of things |
15:26:13 | preglow | allowing for some small use of iram, and unfortunately, some way of mallocing delay buffers :/ |
15:26:19 | markun | |
15:27:20 | | Quit ashridah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:28:02 | markun | I think there should be a lot less move instructions because I made a local copy of the some of the values from crossfeed_data |
15:28:31 | preglow | the compiler seriously should have optimised away those anyway |
15:28:48 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-186.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
15:31:26 | RiverFish | sounds like a cool patch. is it work in progress |
15:31:33 | markun | yes |
15:34:05 | markun | btw I think the unicode patch is quite ready.. |
15:35:12 | markun | I don't think the summary of the patch reflects the current state: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&atid=439120&group_id=44306&aid=1267994 |
15:36:40 | markun | I have a japanese and a korean language file sitting here. Shall I wait with committing them till after rockbox has gone unicode? |
15:37:01 | preglow | have you tested how the patch affects the build size for the various platforms? |
15:37:12 | markun | No, I haven't. |
15:37:35 | markun | I don't have a compiler for the archos platforms. |
15:37:52 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.") |
15:38:01 | markun | phaedrus961 has tested them I think. I will ask him when he gets back. |
15:41:54 | RiverFish | newbie code question alert: Where do the firmware and codecs call each other? |
15:42:16 | RiverFish | I can see codec_api but can't see where the APIs that the codecs call are implemented |
15:48:08 | preglow | in codecs.h/c |
15:48:24 | preglow | the codecs are spawned in a separate thread by playback.c/h, afaik |
15:48:37 | preglow | and codecs feed the playback engine with data via callbacks |
15:52:27 | | Part whatboutbob |
15:57:22 | RiverFish | thx preglow |
16:00 |
16:02:26 | markun | preglow: I'm having trouble compiling gcc for sh1 on FreeBSD so I can't test for the build sizes. |
16:17:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:18:52 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@hmln-d9b8efa4.pool.mediaWays.net) |
16:21:00 | muesli- | jo |
16:21:04 | | Join Mindship-02 [0] (n=personal@62-221-202-178.dsl.fiberworld.nl) |
16:21:34 | Mindship-02 | Can I use a carkit microphone as an ordinary mic? |
16:24:27 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
16:35:55 | Mindship-02 | It works wonderfully! (signal is about 20dB weaker, but so is the default of iRivers mic... |
16:35:58 | Mindship-02 | ) |
16:37:39 | | Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
16:44:42 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
16:52:44 | preglow | markun: i've got the crossfeed setup going in reaktor here, and i'm most certainly not struggling with too low volume |
16:52:48 | preglow | rather the opposite |
16:53:16 | markun | Wow, then what are we doning wrong? |
16:53:29 | markun | How's the sound with headphones? |
16:53:48 | preglow | it's ok |
16:54:02 | preglow | can't exactly remember what yours sounded like, but it's better than no crossfeed here |
16:55:07 | preglow | i can pop up a sample of what i've got right now |
16:55:26 | markun | ok, can you do it with one of the songs I sent you? |
16:55:40 | markun | That would make it easyer to compare. |
16:57:21 | markun | did you use the shelve filters? |
16:57:49 | preglow | not yet |
16:58:07 | preglow | i just concated a segment of lucy in the sky with diamonds and this song |
16:58:32 | preglow | since they were the two that was the most jarring without crossfeed, heh |
16:59:33 | markun | yes, very annoying :) |
17:00 |
17:00:45 | preglow | i needed to adjust the gain down a bit, actually, otherwise it clipped |
17:01:57 | markun | The crossfeed I made shouldn't introduce any additional clipping. |
17:02:21 | | Join dpassen1 [0] (n=dpassen1@resnet-233-61.resnet.umbc.edu) |
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17:03:18 | preglow | no, because the highpass filter you used had severe gain errors |
17:03:31 | preglow | it adjusted the volume down with increasing cutoff frequencuy |
17:04:25 | markun | I tried it with substracting a lowpassed signal from the original. It worked quite well as a high pass filter, but the resulting crossfeed didn't sound very good. |
17:04:53 | preglow | www.pvv.org/~thomj/rockbox/test.wav, first segment without crossfeed, second with |
17:05:37 | preglow | settings are 80hz highpass cutoff, 2000hz lowpass cutoff, 0.9 direct highpassed signal and 0.1 crossfeed |
17:05:52 | preglow | doesn't sound as good as yours, i think |
17:06:08 | preglow | but both filters i use are slightly different than yours as well |
17:09:17 | markun | 'this song' still makes me dizzy |
17:09:54 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@sav67-1-82-227-75-27.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:10:07 | markun | How can I calculate the cuoff freqs of my filters? |
17:10:10 | | Quit Maxime (Client Quit) |
17:10:21 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@sav67-1-82-227-75-27.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:12:27 | preglow | with your filters i have no idea |
17:13:52 | markun | Maybe I could email the maker of the foobar2000 crossfeed plugin to ask him what he uses |
17:14:06 | preglow | doesn't sound like a bad idea |
17:14:13 | preglow | if you know that plugin is good, that is |
17:14:21 | | Part Mindship-02 |
17:16:47 | markun | I used it at the university before I have my iriver: http://www.naivesoftware.com/software.html |
17:17:57 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:18:21 | preglow | brb |
17:19:43 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp13-adsl-37.ath.forthnet.gr) |
17:21:37 | | Quit RiverFish ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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17:37:19 | markun | I used it at the university before I have my iriver: http://www.naivesoftware.com/software.html |
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18:21:13 | markun | ls |
18:21:18 | markun | sorry |
18:21:30 | _FireFly_ | ;) |
18:38:06 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
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19:24:47 | | Nick Lynx_ is now known as Lynx_awy (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
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19:56:19 | | Part pike |
20:00 |
20:12:19 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=paulthen@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) |
20:15:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, I've encountered an interesting thing. I'm currently listening to track -42. I know it's because I have 1507 tracks but even the fact that it's signed seems odd. |
20:16:19 | XavierGr | maybe your wps has a ''-" symbol? |
20:17:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:19:05 | Paul_The_Nerd | No |
20:19:16 | Paul_The_Nerd | When the track number hits 128 it rolls over to -127 |
20:22:46 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: I'm guessing you're using the "%in" tag - to get the ID3 track number. I think that should only contain the track number within the album. |
20:23:35 | linuxstb | It sounds like something odd in your ID3 tag. |
20:23:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | The ID3 tags are/should be fine. |
20:23:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's a very long audiobook split into about 4 minute files. |
20:24:34 | linuxstb | But the ID3 tag for tracknum is only a single byte. I'm guessing the intention was to store values from 1..99 - the limits of CD. |
20:24:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | Aah |
20:25:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hrm |
20:25:15 | linuxstb | I don't know if it should be signed or unsigned - but Rockbox is obviously treating it as signed. Which could be a bug. |
20:25:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, these are Ape tagged. |
20:25:44 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hrm. Ape and ID3v1... That's not right. :( |
20:26:44 | Paul_The_Nerd | But yeah, the main thing I was bringing up was that it was signed. I figured I was going well beyond the expected number of tracks (and it's mainly so that the metadata allows me to automatically rename them and have them in a proper sorted order for listening) |
20:28:48 | amiconn | I think id3v1 was made with the CD track limit in mind |
20:28:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | Probably |
20:29:09 | amiconn | We could make it unsigned and support up to 255 tracks this way |
20:29:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | Didn't know that they'd been ID3v1 tagged along with the Apes. =/ |
20:29:45 | markun | Now that we support ape and vorbis comments, maybe we should rename the id3 struct in metadata.c to metadata or something. |
20:29:49 | amiconn | Rockbox itself supports really huge playlists. 1507 isn't really much.... |
20:30:35 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah, but usually people will have playlists composed of no more than maybe 25-30 songs per disc/album |
20:30:59 | linuxstb | Don't forget the %pp WPS tag - to give you the position in the playlist. |
20:31:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah |
20:31:16 | Paul_The_Nerd | I use that too. |
20:31:51 | linuxstb | I can't think of any reason why the id3v1.1 track number should be treated as signed though. |
20:32:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, I think returning negative track numbers, ever, is probably not a good thing. |
20:34:16 | amiconn | markun: id3 is a 'struct mp3entry' which is defined in firmware/mp3data.h. mp3data.[ch] still handles id3 exclusively, everything else is handled in metadata.c (which in turn uses mp3data.c for id3) |
20:34:49 | | Join pengo [0] (n=xtofu@catv-50626042.catv.broadband.hu) |
20:35:58 | linuxstb | But metadata.c also used the mp3entry struct. |
20:36:02 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah |
20:36:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | Which means Ape Track numbers are still loaded into the ID3->tracknum? |
20:37:59 | linuxstb | Yes - but id3->tracknum is an "int" - so there's no problem there. Unless Ape track numbers are not integers... |
20:39:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hrm |
20:39:10 | linuxstb | I don't even know if Rockbox supports Ape tags in MP3 files yet though. |
20:39:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Aaah |
20:39:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | Maybe that's it. |
20:39:59 | Paul_The_Nerd | I'd split it long ago, back when I'd used it on the iRiver firmware, which didn't have bookmarks. |
20:40:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | If I can get ahold of my friend's CDs again, I'll just use bookmarks and a better format. |
20:40:38 | amiconn | linuxstb: Afaik it doesn't (and doesn't make sense to me) |
20:41:27 | amiconn | I think we don't need to support tagging systems for formats where they aren't 'native' |
20:41:53 | amiconn | mpeg audio has id3v1 and id3v2, ogg/* has vorbiscomments etc |
20:42:43 | amiconn | Of course rockbox shouldn't crash when it encounters 'alien' tags in a file... |
20:43:07 | | Join lear [0] (n=lear@h73n11c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) |
20:43:53 | markun | amiconn: but I still think it's strange to call it id3 in metadata.c and store ape tags and vorbis comments in it.. |
20:48:34 | | Join Philip_0729 [0] (n=Philip_0@user-2473.lns1-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk) |
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21:02:16 | | Quit DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
21:17:03 | phaedrus961 | anyone know if shorts need to be aligned to a 16bit boundary on the sh1? |
21:17:18 | amiconn | yes |
21:18:07 | phaedrus961 | ok thanks, that helps a lot |
21:19:56 | amiconn | shorts and longs should also be aligned on coldfire for performance reasons, but on sh1 they have to be |
21:20:01 | amiconn | else -> address error |
21:21:03 | phaedrus961 | that's exactly the error I was getting, and this seems to fix it, but I wanted to be sure |
21:34:42 | amiconn | Bagder/ Zagor: Are you around? |
22:00 |
22:05:28 | | Join Mxm`Pas`Bien [0] (n=flemmard@sav67-1-82-227-75-27.fbx.proxad.net) |
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22:10:20 | markun | amiconn: The unicode patch could be committed as it is phaedrus961 and I think. Would you like to take a look at it? |
22:11:39 | markun | And we've got an email from a japanese rockbox user that all the japanese users are starting to use the patch, so I guess it works :) |
22:11:50 | amiconn | Does it implement at least basic unicode support for all platforms? |
22:12:20 | markun | yes |
22:12:55 | amiconn | I'm thinking about the player here. Of course it can't display non-latin characters (yet), but it should be able to handle unicode .lng files |
22:12:57 | markun | But maybe you could test it on a few units that you suspect might give problems. |
22:13:02 | amiconn | They are utf8, correct? |
22:13:24 | markun | Yes, they are all converted to utf-8 |
22:14:03 | markun | phaedrus961: You tested it on the player sim, right? |
22:14:03 | amiconn | Btw, the 'newplayer' lcd has some japanese characters... |
22:14:30 | markun | For very very basic japanese support :) |
22:15:10 | amiconn | Not that I think it's necessary to use them in the first version... |
22:15:35 | amiconn | I have no idea how japanese works, is it like chinese, i.e. one symbol = one meaning |
22:16:20 | amiconn | If so, there must be thousands of symbols... but then I don't understand what a few dozen chars in an lcd controller could help... |
22:16:35 | phaedrus961 | the player should handle all utf8 strings (read: works for me in the sim) |
22:16:37 | markun | I don't understand that either. |
22:17:08 | amiconn | http://www.rockbox.org/docs/rocklatin.html " |
22:17:08 | amiconn | HW layout of new LCD: |
22:17:26 | | Quit Mxm`Pas`Bien () |
22:17:27 | phaedrus961 | afaik the player lcd supports the halfwidth katakana syllabary, not very useful for japanese |
22:17:28 | amiconn | Oops, inserted the linefeed by accident... |
22:17:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:18:57 | markun | amiconn: The japanese char are kata-kana. They represent a syllable each. |
22:19:31 | markun | phaedrus961: Do you kow if converting kanji to kata-kana would be readable for japanese people? |
22:19:53 | amiconn | Is katakana part of the unicode table? |
22:20:05 | markun | amiconn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakana |
22:20:21 | amiconn | Currently reading that :) |
22:20:25 | phaedrus961 | it would be complicated to convert it, and difficult to read, not worth it imho |
22:20:42 | markun | amiconn: and yes: http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/katakana.html |
22:20:42 | phaedrus961 | amiconn: yes it is |
22:21:26 | amiconn | phaedrus961: Do you mean an automatic conversion? What about a special hand-made 'translation' (it's not exactly a translation, different writing??) |
22:22:10 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
22:22:21 | phaedrus961 | that would be possible, but it'd still be a bit difficult to read |
22:22:32 | {Mike} | incidentally to anyone who was about last night: contacting Rockbox bout my bricked iRivier ihp140 |
22:22:46 | phaedrus961 | most japanese are not used to reading without kanjis |
22:23:22 | amiconn | Ah ok. Still could be an interesting thing to do. |
22:24:04 | amiconn | "Katakana is still used today to display text on cash registers and other low-resolution displays" |
22:26:19 | markun | Maybe some japanese coders can do it if they really want that feature. |
22:26:23 | amiconn | Hmm, how are fonts handled in the unicode patch? Are there some fonts to test with? |
22:27:08 | markun | |
22:27:13 | phaedrus961 | fonts have to use the iso10646 encoding |
22:27:34 | phaedrus961 | I've written a util which can convert any font to this encoding |
22:29:16 | amiconn | How large does a typical font get? Is there lru caching (suppose there is)? Does the built-in font support unicode (guess not)? |
22:30:20 | amiconn | Wow, an 1.2MB .diff! That beats TiMiD's multi-display patch by far! |
22:30:26 | phaedrus961 | latin1 is the same in unicode so yes built-in font supports it |
22:30:39 | phaedrus961 | and there is lru caching |
22:31:09 | phaedrus961 | most of the diff is the cjk conversion tables, without them it's about 100k |
22:31:38 | amiconn | I wasn't precise about the built-in font. So the built-in supports the latin1 range only? |
22:33:01 | phaedrus961 | built-in will support unicode yes, but the current one doesn't |
22:33:07 | amiconn | If so, we need to think about a dual-storage default font. |
22:33:44 | phaedrus961 | what is a dual-storage font? |
22:33:46 | amiconn | latin1 part still built into the binary (e.g. for displaying a "font missing" message), the rest loaded from disk as all others |
22:34:07 | phaedrus961 | ah, ok |
22:34:15 | amiconn | Otherwise a vkeyboard with non-latin chars won't work... |
22:35:04 | phaedrus961 | yes, this is why I haven't added non-latin chars to the vkeyboard |
22:35:21 | | Quit goa ("Client suicide") |
22:35:27 | | Join webguest63 [0] (n=d568f186@labb.contactor.se) |
22:35:32 | webguest63 | hi all |
22:36:25 | amiconn | This is the next logical step of evolution, imho: support for multiple loadable fonts, with special handling of the default font. This would make non-latin translations perfect... |
22:37:06 | | Quit {Mike} () |
22:37:16 | | Part pengo |
22:38:06 | * | amiconn is building unicode binaries |
22:38:27 | phaedrus961 | :) |
22:39:25 | amiconn | I think I will have to adjust my voice building script for utf-8 |
22:39:45 | amiconn | Hope that is manageable with vbscript.... |
22:41:02 | amiconn | Aarrgh! Binary size is dangerously close to the limit on recorder :( |
22:42:08 | preglow | markun: you can't just convert kanjii to katakana, there are multiple meanings for every symbol |
22:42:09 | phaedrus961 | I've noticed that too, maybe I can do some optimizations |
22:42:34 | markun | preglow: I was afraid of that.. |
22:43:11 | amiconn | phaedrus961: Player target doesn't build :( |
22:43:31 | phaedrus961 | I've also just found a bug in convbdf which causes the offset table to be written for fonts that don't need it |
22:43:41 | amiconn | . /home/jens/rb-unicode/build/player/librockbox.a(id3.o): In function `_setid3v1title': |
22:43:49 | amiconn | id3.c:(.text+0x5a8): undefined reference to `_lcd_getstringsize' |
22:45:11 | amiconn | Oh, and btw: why does id3.c need lcd code??? |
22:45:20 | phaedrus961 | ahh, I need to put the call to that function inside a #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP |
22:45:33 | phaedrus961 | forgot, sorry |
22:45:33 | | Quit webguest63 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:46:20 | phaedrus961 | it's only there to make sure the disk doesn't spin up on track change to load new glyphs |
22:47:26 | amiconn | Hmm. id3.c is for reading and decoding id3 tags. Display code has nothing to do with that. Imho, this is dirty... |
22:48:45 | phaedrus961 | where do you suggest it should be done? |
22:50:00 | amiconn | Imho it would be best not to call display code from anywhere outside the gui thread. I'm afraid we have to make an exception in this case |
22:50:26 | amiconn | The playback engine does the tag loading, so perhaps put it there? |
22:51:28 | phaedrus961 | which file is that in? |
22:52:02 | amiconn | Unfortunately this means changing 2 places: apps/playback.c for iriver, and firmware/mpeg.c for archos |
22:53:10 | phaedrus961 | ok, I'll look at it now |
22:54:36 | amiconn | You used the lru cache from the chinese patch? |
22:54:45 | phaedrus961 | yes |
22:55:32 | amiconn | I don't think #ifndef ARCHOS_PLAYER is the correct way |
22:56:14 | amiconn | Checking for a target plaform is the absolute exception, check for features instead |
22:56:34 | amiconn | In this case I'd think #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP would be appropriate... |
22:57:25 | phaedrus961 | that's an easy fix, I'll change that too |
22:58:20 | amiconn | I think we should bump the lng version byte when this gets committed |
22:58:31 | amiconn | Non-utf8 .lng file might cause confusion... |
23:00 |
23:01:06 | preglow | shall we keep the lang files in single byte format, or convert them to utf8 and require people to use unicode-aware editors? |
23:01:16 | phaedrus961 | i agree, we'd have lots of people wondering why their player shows funny or missing chars |
23:02:38 | amiconn | preglow: I think all .lng files should be converted to utf-8 |
23:02:48 | amiconn | .lang I mean |
23:03:07 | preglow | agreed |
23:03:54 | amiconn | The player unicode support is a bit half-hearted atm, keeping the internal intermediate 'rocklatin' encoding. Something to fix afterwards though |
23:04:38 | amiconn | It could use proper utf-8 encoding, and assign the icons to a special range (iirc there is a range reserved in unicode for private use) |
23:06:04 | | Join webguest12 [0] (n=a81ccad6@labb.contactor.se) |
23:06:20 | phaedrus961 | the scroll code would also need to be changed to support utf8 |
23:06:45 | phaedrus961 | currently it assumes a single byte charset |
23:06:50 | webguest12 | Hi guys, wiki spammer struck again, http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverPort |
23:07:01 | | Part webguest12 |
23:08:04 | amiconn | phaedrus961: Oops. If that's true for bitmap displays too, that's a show-stopper imho |
23:08:32 | phaedrus961 | no, only for player |
23:08:56 | phaedrus961 | but it currently converts to latin1 first, so that scrolling works |
23:09:22 | amiconn | Ah ok |
23:09:30 | phaedrus961 | i meant that it would need to be changed if we support more than latin1 on player |
23:09:38 | amiconn | yup |
23:19:52 | amiconn | Quote from unicodec: "assume big endian" Huh?! |
23:20:54 | amiconn | Sims are usually little endian, and probably we'll have your first little endian target in the not-too-far future (linuxstb?) |
23:21:06 | phaedrus961 | where is that? |
23:21:10 | linuxstb | Depends how you define "not-too-far". |
23:21:30 | amiconn | phaedrus961: line 161 |
23:22:30 | preglow | linuxstb: any news on that front? |
23:24:02 | phaedrus961 | that's because there's no bom in cjk strings and I haven't encountered any with little endian byte order |
23:24:21 | linuxstb | preglow: I synced the latest IPL changes into my code - so at least now the LCD is working properly. But I'm still in the process of getting the ATA driver working. |
23:24:34 | phaedrus961 | it has nothing to do with the cpu we're running on |
23:24:45 | amiconn | phaedrus961: Ah ok. Thought it had something to do with the target endianess... |
23:25:38 | phaedrus961 | maybe I should change the comment? |
23:26:48 | amiconn | yes, probably |
23:27:14 | linuxstb | preglow: The first success report installing IPL on the Nano has just been reported in #ipodlinux :) |
23:27:27 | preglow | is that so? |
23:27:28 | amiconn | I think unnecessary code should be removed rather than commented out (e.g. in bidi.c) |
23:27:39 | preglow | what parts of it are functioning well? |
23:28:04 | linuxstb | I think it should all be working. It seems almost identical to the latest 4G color ipods. |
23:28:12 | preglow | woot |
23:28:24 | linuxstb | But "podzilla" (the userland app) hasn't been ported to the new LCD yet - it doesn't use the kernel's LCD driver. |
23:28:38 | phaedrus961 | amiconn: you mean the if(isspace(... line? |
23:28:55 | linuxstb | Every app seems to have its own LCD driver (podzilla, Doom, iBoy etc) |
23:29:34 | amiconn | lines 163..165 |
23:29:50 | amiconn | linuxstb: Huh? Strange... |
23:30:59 | linuxstb | Well, the kernel just has a character based framebuffer driver. Podzilla uses microwindows (so a microwindows driver is needed), and the other apps must do their own thing. |
23:31:16 | linuxstb | Not a minimalist approach... |
23:31:22 | preglow | what, newer ipods support video now? |
23:31:44 | preglow | h.264, of all things, i'd hate to code that decoder |
23:31:48 | linuxstb | Yep, using a nice proprietory Broadcom chip. |
23:31:54 | phaedrus961 | amiconn: that's commented because it causes problems with the vkeyboard (even without unicode patch) and I don't know if it's necessary for bidi or not |
23:32:00 | preglow | linuxstb: riiiight |
23:32:09 | preglow | linuxstb: small wonder they manage to decode it, then |
23:36:34 | amiconn | preglow: I'm not a codec expert, but I think mpeg-1 or mpeg-2 video could be possible on coldfire. Do you think that would be possible? |
23:37:51 | linuxstb | mpeg-1 has been around for a very long time - so it wouldn't surprise me if it was possible on the coldfire. |
23:38:23 | linuxstb | But we need better audio decoding than we have now. |
23:39:12 | amiconn | phaedrus961: firmware/export/id3.h, line 95: the array size is changed from 32 to 92. Shouldn't that be 96? |
23:39:41 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:41:39 | phaedrus961 | it should be 90 for the string (30*3) plus one for the trailing null = 91, but I made it 92 because it originally had 2 extra bytes |
23:41:48 | amiconn | ah |
23:42:09 | phaedrus961 | I don't know why it was originally 32 |
23:42:20 | linuxstb | How fast is the jpeg decoder? Any idea how many 160x128 images that could decode a second? |
23:42:44 | preglow | amiconn: yes, i do |
23:42:48 | amiconn | Not enough for video, atm |
23:43:58 | amiconn | phaedrus961: in font.c there are some variables which don't conform to rockbox style |
23:44:39 | amiconn | (e.g. bLongOffset) I know someone who might get very annoyed by such things |
23:44:46 | preglow | me, among others |
23:45:50 | phaedrus961 | how should it be to conform to rockbox style? |
23:46:04 | preglow | 1. skip the hungarian notation |
23:46:07 | preglow | 2. no mixed case |
23:47:25 | phaedrus961 | what is hungarian notation? the b? |
23:47:47 | amiconn | yup |
23:48:12 | amiconn | This is used in a number of places in patched font.c, also n etc |
23:48:17 | phaedrus961 | would long_offset be ok? |
23:48:21 | preglow | indeed |
23:48:28 | preglow | perfectly ok |
23:49:39 | phaedrus961 | ok, i'll change that |
23:49:50 | amiconn | What's the glyph cache file used for? |
23:50:51 | phaedrus961 | it stores which glyphs are in the lru at shutdown/font change and reloads them at font load |
23:51:18 | linuxstb | Does this patch mean that all strings in Rockbox should now be utf-8 encoded? |
23:51:26 | phaedrus961 | it was a feature a few people asked for |
23:51:39 | phaedrus961 | linuxstb: yes |
23:52:15 | linuxstb | Have you changed the tag reading routines in metadata.c? |
23:52:52 | amiconn | Sounds like a useful feature. Hopefully it can handle missing glyphs... |
23:52:53 | preglow | some tags are already utf8 |
23:53:07 | linuxstb | preglow: Almost all are I think. |
23:53:10 | preglow | yup |
23:53:22 | amiconn | id3v1 definitely not |
23:53:23 | linuxstb | The code that decodes them to latin1 needs to be removed from metadata.c |
23:53:35 | phaedrus961 | linuxstb: the utf8decode function has been removed for ape and ogg tags |
23:53:42 | preglow | so, are we close to utf8 in rockbox? |
23:54:18 | phaedrus961 | if the patch is deemed acceptable, then yes |
23:54:39 | preglow | excellent, excellent |
23:54:51 | preglow | gives me a fuzzy feeling insi |
23:54:52 | preglow | dde |
23:55:00 | linuxstb | What about strlen - what is that meant to return for a utf8 string? |
23:56:08 | * | amiconn spots a place where memmove would really come in handy :/ |
23:56:12 | preglow | strlen and co should work on byte level |
23:56:20 | phaedrus961 | linuxstb: it returns the length in bytes, we have a utf8length function to find the length in chars |
23:58:10 | amiconn | phaedrus961: The comment in id3.c lines 361ff needs fixing |
23:58:11 | markun | I once did a grep for strlen and started replacing some with utf8length. Hope I didn't change the wrong ones. |
23:58:56 | linuxstb | Does FAT32 support utf8 filenames? |