00:02:20 | | Quit DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
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00:12:33 | | Nick Kohlriba is now known as Kohlrabi (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-130-062.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
00:24:51 | | Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:27:25 | | Quit dpassen1 () |
00:34:38 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
00:36:23 | LinusN | RotAtoR: so, i guess it was the playboard clearing that was the problem? |
00:39:35 | | Join arkascha [0] (n=arkascha@xdsl-195-14-204-109.netcologne.de) |
00:52:24 | * | preglow strokes his IRAM |
00:52:43 | | Quit Quel|away ("KVIrc 'Marmalade'") |
00:53:20 | Moos | Hello Linus, preglow :) |
00:53:47 | RotAtoR | LinusN: Yes it was, everything works great now! |
00:54:30 | RotAtoR | a simple mistake with non-obvious results |
00:56:13 | linuxstb | preglow: What are you doing with your IRAM? :) |
00:58:06 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:58:24 | | Quit ghode|afk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:58:39 | preglow | linuxstb: just looking around in the codecs to see if some of them needs some |
00:58:43 | preglow | i'd like vorbis to be faster |
00:59:49 | linuxstb | grep shows that there are still lots of mallocs in Tremor. |
01:00 |
01:01:42 | preglow | yes, unfortunately |
01:02:38 | linuxstb | Maybe it would be possible to implement ogg_malloc using IRAM. |
01:03:01 | preglow | mno, i'd rather just be rid of them completely |
01:03:06 | preglow | i'm looking to have the main buffers put in iram |
01:03:17 | preglow | god, i wish monty used more whitespace in his code |
01:03:33 | preglow | if(hehe)lol=1234; |
01:04:37 | linuxstb | Yep - he obviously didn't read the coding guidelines before contributing to Rockbox. |
01:05:14 | preglow | haha |
01:05:21 | preglow | they don't state anything about whitespace anyway |
01:05:24 | preglow | i just like whitespace |
01:06:48 | linuxstb | Have you had chance to look at the AAC decoder. I've traced it a little on the target, and it seems to be crashing deep inside the decoder when decoding the first frame. |
01:06:54 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
01:07:29 | preglow | coupled with _ONE_ space indent |
01:07:29 | preglow | grah |
01:07:37 | preglow | linuxstb: nah, i just got home again |
01:07:43 | preglow | linuxstb: might have a look in a short while |
01:08:45 | linuxstb | The good news is that it seems to be quite stable on the sim. It repeatedly played my three test files for about an hour before I got bored of them. |
01:08:59 | preglow | hahah |
01:09:13 | preglow | i'm really curious as to the cpu usage on target |
01:09:20 | linuxstb | So am I. |
01:09:56 | linuxstb | Like everything, we will need to get it using IRAM appropriately. This could be hard with all the mallocs going on. |
01:10:27 | linuxstb | Plus there is lots of conditionally compiled code - so it's hard to see what's going on at the moment. |
01:11:55 | | Join webguest06 [0] (n=18580d49@labb.contactor.se) |
01:12:26 | | Quit webguest06 (Client Quit) |
01:14:31 | preglow | hmm |
01:15:36 | linuxstb | Does anyone know the major differences between the sim and the targets? e.g. do the sims have stacks limited to the same size as the targets? |
01:15:46 | LinusN | no |
01:15:54 | | Quit Kohlrabi ("Leaving") |
01:15:59 | linuxstb | I'm guessing a stack overflow is one a likely cause for the AAC codec crashing on the target. |
01:16:39 | preglow | well |
01:16:47 | preglow | i think someone's already said that |
01:16:55 | | Nick paugh is now known as AliasCoffee (n=kickback@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:8000:0:3e03:6822) |
01:17:00 | preglow | probably fuzzie |
01:17:24 | preglow | try placing the codec stack in ordinary ram, and incrasing its size |
01:17:31 | | Quit cYmen ("zZz") |
01:17:49 | preglow | playback.c, line 115 |
01:18:16 | preglow | the main playback buffers for vorbis will be 16k of iram |
01:18:24 | preglow | think i'll just try and see if it helps any |
01:18:56 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:19:01 | linuxstb | Yes, I think 8KB is a little small for the AAC stack. I'll add a zero. |
01:20:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:21:06 | linuxstb | Well it's working. |
01:21:18 | linuxstb | One spurt of sound every 5 seconds... :( |
01:21:54 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp10-adsl-118.ath.forthnet.gr) |
01:22:00 | preglow | hahaha |
01:22:08 | XavierGr | Hi all! |
01:22:10 | preglow | i wonder if we can cut out the offending function |
01:22:15 | amiconn | What codec stack usage? |
01:22:17 | linuxstb | I'm now 8 seconds into the first track. |
01:22:25 | amiconn | Btw, the codec stack is 9KB by default |
01:22:49 | linuxstb | I'm sure I changed it from 0x2000 |
01:23:00 | preglow | + default stack size |
01:23:03 | preglow | which is 1kb, afaik |
01:23:09 | amiconn | yup, and default is 0x400 |
01:23:47 | linuxstb | 35% usage - I set the size to 0x20000 |
01:23:58 | | Quit arkascha ("Konversation terminated!") |
01:24:23 | linuxstb | But I did see lots of local (non-static) arrays. So we should be able to reduce it a lot. |
01:24:35 | amiconn | ~45 KB ... |
01:24:51 | linuxstb | Now 21 seconds into the track... |
01:25:54 | preglow | linuxstb: any more info about the licensing conondrum, btw? |
01:26:19 | linuxstb | No, no-one seems to have said anything for a couple of months. No change to anything in CVS. |
01:26:20 | preglow | shall we even try to support vorbis streams with more than 2 channels? |
01:26:43 | linuxstb | No. I made a decision to limit all the codecs I've implemented to 2 channels. |
01:26:55 | linuxstb | Apart from AC3 of course. |
01:28:51 | preglow | codecs which include internal handling can keep it |
01:28:59 | preglow | and it's a pretty special codec in that regard anyway |
01:29:13 | preglow | linuxstb: but yeah, i can cut a lot of mallocs away if i set max channels to 2, it seems |
01:29:33 | linuxstb | Just make it a define - MAX_CHANNELS or something. |
01:30:55 | linuxstb | 10 minutes later, it's almost played 1 minute of the file. So my estimate is 10% realtime at the moment. |
01:31:20 | linuxstb | This is a standard 128kbps iTunes encoded file. |
01:32:27 | preglow | it also seems that we can cut the precision in the window coefs to sixteen bits and still get a more than adequate result |
01:32:37 | preglow | putting the pcm buffers of tremor in iram did very little |
01:33:34 | preglow | linuxstb: before we even start optimising it, i think the stack usage should be tamed |
01:34:28 | linuxstb | The codec itself is 373344 bytes.... |
01:34:45 | linuxstb | It needs work everywhere. |
01:35:03 | preglow | holy shit |
01:36:18 | * | amiconn wonders how it does work, then |
01:36:32 | amiconn | codec ram is 256KB ... |
01:38:19 | linuxstb | I doubled it. |
01:38:49 | preglow | how the flaming hell is it possible |
01:39:03 | preglow | i don't even think your build has all the bells and whistles enabled |
01:39:05 | preglow | like sbr |
01:39:23 | linuxstb | It doesn't - only parts of the library are implement in fixed point. |
01:40:47 | preglow | damned be real and their idiot licenses |
01:40:56 | preglow | the helix decoder is three tons better, i believe |
02:00 |
02:03:02 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox") |
02:05:12 | preglow | oh well, bed time anyway, night |
02:08:22 | linuxstb | night. |
02:13:10 | | Join bagawk [0] (n=lee@unaffiliated/bagawk) |
02:19:21 | | Quit lostlogic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:26:39 | | Part LinusN |
02:29:35 | XavierGr | Which program should I use for best encoding results in mp3? mp3 Alt-preset standart |
02:30:08 | XavierGr | I currently use dbpowerAMP but I don't trust it anymore... |
02:33:17 | linuxstb | EAC is the best CD ripper, and that can use lame to encode MP3s. |
02:33:40 | bagawk | I recommend EAC+LAME also |
02:34:23 | XavierGr | Which version should I use? I have 0.9 beta 4 installed but I see that there is a new one out. |
02:34:51 | XavierGr | I ask this because www.bestmp3.com says the 0.9 version/ |
02:35:04 | XavierGr | though it shold be an outdated guide. |
02:35:11 | linuxstb | I don't know - but I'm sure the forums at hydrogenaudio.org will tell you. |
02:35:17 | bagawk | XavierGr, EAC does not do the actual compression, LAME does that |
02:35:38 | XavierGr | so it should be safe even with the old version, I guess. |
02:35:49 | bagawk | XavierGr, yes |
02:36:36 | XavierGr | It is just that EAC has some neat options, (which I don't know them) and this guid I read has some default configurtion files for best results |
02:36:56 | | Quit Sucka ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") |
02:37:12 | XavierGr | And these configuration files are cd-rom dependant (for best results) |
02:39:38 | XavierGr | also does anyone know how to interact with cue files that come with a big flac (or ape) image of the CD? |
02:39:58 | XavierGr | Currently I just encode the flac to wav and then load it as an image. |
02:40:12 | | Quit tvelocity ("Leaving") |
02:42:51 | | Join lostlogic [0] (n=lostlogi@node-4024215a.mdw.onnet.us.uu.net) |
02:42:59 | | Quit lostlogic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:43:43 | AliasCoffee | XavierGr: you might want to split the wav with something like cuesplit then recompress in your format of choice. |
02:45:18 | XavierGr | well with the cue file, if I encode the audio file to wav (from default flac) then I can load it as a cd image (audio) and then I have all the tracks saperated. |
02:46:09 | AliasCoffee | there isn't much on linux that handles monolithic rips in any meaningful way. i've not used windows for years so maybe you could find a plugin that can load a monolithic file and it's cue and present the individual tracks. i'd still rather split them, personally. |
02:46:17 | XavierGr | I just want to bypass the step of encoding to wav and load it as an image even if the audio file is wav. |
02:47:04 | XavierGr | but splitting will occur one way or the other. |
02:47:25 | AliasCoffee | if you split them then you don't need to do so again. it's a one time operation. |
02:47:39 | | Quit bagawk ("Leaving") |
02:47:43 | XavierGr | The point is that I frequent many files districuted this way. (Cue+flac or ape) |
02:48:07 | XavierGr | AliasCoffe: Of course it is one time operation. |
02:48:39 | XavierGr | I think you misunderstood me. |
02:48:55 | XavierGr | I have a rar file with 2 files in it. |
02:49:01 | XavierGr | a cue and a flac |
02:49:07 | XavierGr | the flac is the whole cd. |
02:49:21 | XavierGr | cue files can be loaded as an emulated drive. |
02:50:05 | XavierGr | so if I try to emulate the audio cd (when the audio file is in flac format) a error pops up. |
02:50:22 | XavierGr | If I convert the flac to wav then the image loads normally. |
02:51:09 | XavierGr | But know that I think it again maybe it is intensionally the audio file is converted to flac to save bandwidth in distribution. |
02:51:17 | XavierGr | s/know/now |
02:51:35 | * | AliasCoffee grins |
02:51:53 | XavierGr | (crap my later sentence is unreadable) |
02:52:33 | XavierGr | s/late/last :( |
02:52:54 | AliasCoffee | yeah i'm familiar with daemon-tools and the like. what i said was that you either need split up the files or find a plugin that can parse the cue and monolithic rip (flac,ape) and present the track list in a useful way |
02:54:09 | XavierGr | hmmm... |
02:54:19 | AliasCoffee | i would split them because it's a one time operation that makes the rip compatible with pretty much everything. |
02:54:39 | AliasCoffee | ie: turn a monolithic rip into a normal one with 1 file per track |
02:55:46 | XavierGr | ok thanks, I will look more to it. |
02:55:59 | AliasCoffee | it's more flexible too. if you want to copy 1 track from the album on to your media player then you can't with a monolithic rip. |
02:57:48 | XavierGr | yes that is true, though all I do is make it an image. Rip it, and then play the music from the ripped files. i just store the original file for sharing reasons and as a backup. (though the backup is poor because if I loose the mp3s I will have to rerip and retag.) |
02:58:43 | linuxstb | foobar has excellent support for cue files. Just add the cue file to the playlist, and it will present the tracks. I'm guessing it supports using cue files with any audio format. |
02:59:14 | AliasCoffee | if your source is lossless then you can delete the original unless your have weird sharing obligations. if your source is mp3 then.. hmm delete it! :P |
02:59:32 | AliasCoffee | ty linuxstb |
02:59:49 | AliasCoffee | iirc foobar now uses eac componants to rip too no? |
03:00 |
03:00:04 | XavierGr | source is lossless keep it for sharing reasons and safety ones too. |
03:00:04 | linuxstb | I don't use it, but I think so. |
03:00:14 | XavierGr | foobar seems a great player. |
03:00:18 | AliasCoffee | s#componants#components# |
03:00:32 | XavierGr | And I keep avoiding its usage without any reason... |
03:00:35 | linuxstb | It also works quite well under Linux (using Wine). That's the only place I've tried it. |
03:01:42 | XavierGr | download the latest lame beta version or stick with a standard version? |
03:01:44 | AliasCoffee | i use EAC under wine. i wouldn't like to use it (foobar) as a player under wine for performance reasons though. |
03:01:56 | AliasCoffee | tbh, i still make do with xmms ;) |
03:02:13 | linuxstb | Is EAC significantly better than cdparanoia then? |
03:02:33 | AliasCoffee | sadly yeah |
03:03:00 | linuxstb | I've heard rumours that Xiph are going to update cdparanoia. It's been a long time. |
03:03:48 | linuxstb | http://www.xiph.org/paranoia/ - last updated 27 March 2001. |
03:03:49 | AliasCoffee | yeah. vorbis took priority now it's theora. |
03:04:05 | AliasCoffee | there are some patches floating around that help with various things |
03:04:46 | AliasCoffee | i don't think it handles the cache problem tho so on drives with a cache, the error correction isn't so useful. |
03:04:57 | linuxstb | Yes, I've heard that. |
03:05:21 | AliasCoffee | i spent a while trying to improve it but was beaten back by my own stupidity =] |
03:05:27 | AliasCoffee | SCSI :/ |
03:05:39 | XavierGr | ehm sorry to be pushy but which lame version do you recommend? |
03:05:40 | linuxstb | Seems I should try and get EAC set up. |
03:06:01 | AliasCoffee | XavierGr, ogg vorbis no good to ya? |
03:06:36 | XavierGr | well unfortunately I chose mp3 back then... so I stick with that. |
03:06:44 | AliasCoffee | :( |
03:06:59 | linuxstb | XavierGr: No idea about Lame versions, sorry. |
03:07:00 | * | ze has mp3, vorbis, and flac on his player |
03:07:11 | XavierGr | Though battery reasons and "globalisation" of mp3 are some reasons too. |
03:12:05 | XavierGr | Am I the only one here that uses mp3? |
03:13:18 | XavierGr | oh and one last (irrelevant) question. |
03:14:17 | XavierGr | Today I am going to get a new Case for my PC. Pentium 4 3GHz, Any advice on what to look for or be carefull? |
03:15:03 | XavierGr | I have seen some case on the net but it all seems to me the same, (if you exclude some idiotic led fans e.t.c) |
03:15:40 | | Join lostlogic [0] (n=lostlogi@node-4024215a.mdw.onnet.us.uu.net) |
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03:50:28 | | Join acidblue2 [0] (n=blue@69-173-200-50.clvdoh.adelphia.net) |
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04:53:00 | | Part yosemite |
05:00 |
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05:56:02 | | Quit RotAtoR (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:00 |
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06:36:29 | | Join leftright [0] (n=ca7b0a83@labb.contactor.se) |
06:38:58 | leftright | just a quick hello, i'm on holiday in mauritius, enjoying the diving, sea, sand, beach and bitch |
06:40:26 | leftright | XavierGr; the recommended version of LAME is still 3.90.3, Hydrogen Audio will have tons of info about it |
06:42:26 | leftright | or for a definitive mp3 ripping guide go to www. ubernet.org |
06:56:00 | | Part leftright |
07:00 |
07:09:51 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A47B9A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:09:58 | _FireFly_ | moin |
07:20:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:35:28 | solexx_ | moin! |
07:37:38 | XavierGr | bummer and I just ripped 6 CDs using 3.96......! |
07:37:47 | XavierGr | oh good morning! |
07:49:24 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
07:52:51 | amiconn | morning |
07:53:06 | B4gder | morning! |
07:53:44 | amiconn | B4gder: I found that buildzip.pl has a bug, probably since the viewer.config changes. |
07:54:08 | amiconn | It puts the rockboy.ovl into /.rockbox/rocks instead of /.rockbox/viewers |
07:54:23 | B4gder | aha |
07:54:24 | amiconn | (of course archos recorders only problem) |
07:55:26 | amiconn | This way rockboy won't work from a fresh install. An overwritten installation will still work as long as the plugin api isn't changed |
08:00 |
08:00:28 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
08:02:47 | phaedrus961 | amiconn or B4gder, can one of you take a look at my convbdf patch? It's only a few lines. |
08:03:59 | phaedrus961 | it allows for fonts wider than 16 pixels and fixes a bug with the offset table |
08:10:35 | | Quit solexx_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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08:46:23 | _FireFly_ | TiMiD are you here ?? |
08:47:35 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
08:48:44 | XavierGr | We are definetely gonna need some sort of screen freeze for the remote! |
08:52:06 | _FireFly_ | why ?? |
08:53:07 | B4gder | why tell everthing when you can leave out the |
08:53:15 | XavierGr | many users, including me, have faulty remotes (or main units) which can create noise when the screen is rendered. (only on changes) |
08:54:14 | XavierGr | B4gder: ? |
08:54:29 | B4gder | I paraphrased your comment |
08:54:51 | B4gder | you just said a thing that made no sense without an actual explanation |
08:55:24 | XavierGr | _FireFly_: I am suggesting to make the lcd (as an option) render the screen as long as the remote backlight is on, then stop |
08:56:03 | B4gder | is that noise audiable always? |
08:56:30 | B4gder | I mean music player or radio or whatever |
08:56:39 | B4gder | playing |
08:56:56 | XavierGr | that way a user will be able to browse see what's on the playlist e.t.c and when the remote is in rest no ticking. |
08:57:30 | XavierGr | Well with tests I've done with iriver firmware (and partially) rockbox you can clearly hear a low volume click every time the screen content changes |
08:57:36 | XavierGr | I am not sure about radio. |
08:57:40 | amiconn | That wouldn't make sense. People might want to disable backlight, and still expect the displayed information to be up to date |
08:57:41 | B4gder | ok |
08:58:06 | XavierGr | amiconn: what you suggest then? |
08:59:16 | amiconn | Well, if this is really a problem with some remotes, we could have an option that disables the remote lcd when the remote lock switch is on |
08:59:48 | amiconn | I mean, blank the display completely, then put it to standby. Even saves some battery |
09:00 |
09:00:20 | amiconn | Other than that, I might try to code a "loew-emi" remote lcd update |
09:00:27 | amiconn | "low-emi" |
09:00:33 | XavierGr | that is a good suggestion too. |
09:01:03 | XavierGr | you could test to see if your unit has this or not. |
09:01:12 | amiconn | Something like the "spread spectrum modulated" bios option of some pc motherboards does |
09:02:41 | XavierGr | though I kinda like the backlight usage too, I mean come on who reads the display without backlight, it is too obscure to read without it, at least for me.... |
09:02:54 | Slasher | Hmm, i would like an option that backlight would always come up on button presses even if hold is on |
09:07:35 | | Nick Lynx_awy is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
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09:52:58 | | Quit arkascha (Remote closed the connection) |
09:54:02 | XavierGr | My god! These clicks are quite loud with the radio on, on the remote. |
09:54:03 | | Join arkascha [0] (n=arkascha@mailout.imageware.de) |
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11:51:29 | _FireFly_ | TiMiD ?? |
11:52:35 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
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12:40:43 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
12:42:08 | linuxstb | Some good news and bad news about libfaad. The stack consumption is now normal (17% of the standard codec stack size), but this has increased the size of aac.codec to 467820 bytes. |
12:42:38 | linuxstb | Putting the codec stack back into IRAM also means the codec is now running a lot faster - probably around 40%-50% of realtime. |
12:43:15 | preglow | wooot |
12:43:22 | preglow | i'm wondering if you perhaps should commit it |
12:43:43 | preglow | but MAN, that is a large codec |
12:43:45 | linuxstb | Yes, I'm planning to tidy it up and commit it this evening. Unless anyone objects to having to increase the codec size. |
12:44:09 | preglow | how much of it is bss and how much is code? |
12:44:20 | linuxstb | At the moment I have associated the ".mp4" extension with AAC. I believe this is one of the standard extensions, but we obviously also need to support .m4a |
12:44:38 | preglow | shouldn't be too hard |
12:47:08 | linuxstb | 206904 bytes are text, 125096 bytes are bss, 81832 bytes are rodata |
12:47:57 | preglow | wow |
12:48:05 | preglow | how do they manage it |
12:48:42 | linuxstb | AAC must be a very big standard. Maybe some parts are too rare to be worth supporting. I know absolutely nothing about the different variations of AAC. |
12:50:48 | preglow | i know something about it |
12:50:56 | preglow | LC is almost everything it's worth to support |
12:51:19 | linuxstb | Any idea what the library is called? The CVS module is called "faad2", but the library itself is in a directory called "libfaad". |
12:51:22 | preglow | would be fun to support sbr and ps as well |
12:51:40 | preglow | doesn't matter too much |
12:51:51 | preglow | faad is another library, i believe |
12:51:56 | preglow | or a previous attempt |
12:52:43 | linuxstb | I think we do support sbr and ps. It's "ssr" and "main" that aren't converted to fixed point. |
12:53:20 | linuxstb | Any idea if this is an area where libfaad is better than the helix decoder? |
12:57:04 | preglow | i didn't think faad2 even supported fixed point sbr |
12:57:09 | preglow | but yes, i see now that it does |
12:57:37 | preglow | i don't think it's better in any area |
12:57:47 | preglow | the resource use of the helix decoder seems lower, and the implementation faster |
12:58:32 | linuxstb | I'm sure we improve that a lot though. It seems very very wasteful with RAM. |
13:00 |
13:00:08 | preglow | oh yes |
13:06:03 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
13:08:16 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD7AAE.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:15:50 | preglow | but you're working on the last cvs copy from before they went anal with the license, yes? |
13:16:06 | preglow | has anything notable happened on their part since then? |
13:18:47 | linuxstb_ | There have been a couple of "synced with Nero cvs" commits. But I haven't looked at the details. You can browse their CVS here: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/faac/faad2/libfaad/ |
13:19:47 | linuxstb_ | In fact, there only seems to be one commit - 8 months ago. |
13:19:54 | linuxstb_ | That's when the license was changed. |
13:20:47 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:22:32 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:22:51 | preglow | and no one with the authority to be believed has complained that their recent addition conflicts with gpl yet? |
13:24:50 | preglow | seems like the only thing they changed was the license |
13:26:27 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:26:27 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD7AAE.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:27:31 | preglow | nah, there are some other code as well |
13:27:38 | preglow | there is, even |
13:28:25 | preglow | some of the changes may be of consequence for sbr |
13:28:33 | preglow | but i don't think we'll have enough capacity for decoding that anyway |
14:00 |
14:03:39 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
14:08:14 | | Quit ashridah ("sleep") |
14:13:53 | preglow | linuxstb: but please, do commit this once you've got time, i'd love to try making it go faster |
14:14:26 | linuxstb | No problem. I'll try and do it this evening. |
14:14:34 | linuxstb | Too busy with real work at the moment. |
14:14:55 | preglow | no worries |
14:15:43 | linuxstb | I don't think it will take much to get it running real-time. I think we should be able to do it by just using the IRAM better. |
14:16:01 | preglow | yes, and the emac unit |
14:16:21 | preglow | unless you've fixed it, it does a bunch of costly 64 bit multiplies at the moment |
14:17:01 | linuxstb | No, I haven't touched anything like that. |
14:28:09 | preglow | damn, aac has quite a coding delay |
14:28:12 | preglow | i wonder how bad the gaps are |
14:30:52 | linuxstb | I don't know - but I do know that gapless will be a problem. |
14:31:40 | linuxstb | But I'm pretty sure the m4a container stores the name of the encoder, so maybe that will help. |
14:32:12 | preglow | it's remarkable that gapless encoding isn't a design problem these days |
14:32:29 | preglow | but then again, both aac and mp3 were primarily designed to be used to encode one stream, like for a dvd |
14:32:53 | preglow | i think i'll start fiddling a bit with speex again |
14:33:19 | preglow | it seems to require libogg, but that should not be a problem |
14:33:33 | linuxstb | Well, the mpeg elementary streams are designed to be put inside containers. It's just that nobody decided to do that with mp3, and the m4a container doesn't contain the necessary information for gapless. |
14:34:35 | linuxstb | But Apple's whole approach to music (iTunes, iTunes store, iPod) is based around individual tracks. Albums just appear to be an afterthought. |
14:35:18 | preglow | yes, a lovely concept |
14:35:25 | preglow | for us who primarily listen to whole albums |
14:38:25 | linuxstb | Do you have many AAC test files? My m4a demuxing code is based solely on my experiences with ALAC. But it seems to work perfectly with the AAC files I've encoded with iTunes. |
14:40:42 | preglow | i have none |
14:41:02 | preglow | i've never used aac in my life |
14:41:07 | preglow | that is, i did once, to compare with vorbis |
14:41:15 | preglow | but i don't think that encoder was all that |
14:41:16 | ender` | i could probably demux a few aac streams from the video files i have if you're interested |
14:41:27 | preglow | i'm interested in all the test files i can have |
14:42:09 | ender` | ok, just a moment |
14:42:55 | linuxstb | ender`: What format will those files be? Raw ".aac" streams? |
14:43:08 | ender` | likely |
14:43:27 | linuxstb | At the moment, the codec only supports AAC in an m4a container. |
14:45:17 | ender` | how do i know if the'yre raw? |
14:46:07 | ender` | anyway, i can dcc you the file if you're interested, it's 1,1MB |
14:47:18 | | Join muesli_ [0] (n=muesli-@ |
14:47:26 | preglow | sure, go ahead |
14:47:28 | muesli_ | high |
14:47:41 | _FireFly_ | ho ;) |
14:47:49 | muesli_ | ff ;) |
14:48:01 | linuxstb | ender`: Me too. |
14:48:55 | | Join muesli- [0] (n=muesli_t@ |
14:48:59 | | Part muesli_ |
14:49:02 | muesli- | re 2nd |
14:49:07 | linuxstb | ender`: What extension did your demuxer give the file? I'm assuming that ".aac" implies a raw AAC bitstream with no container. |
14:50:32 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
14:50:56 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
14:51:42 | ender` | ...you can count on Windows to freeze in the most inappropriate moment... |
14:52:09 | ender` | anyway, i'm sending the file |
14:57:58 | preglow | man, what a great mass of files any automake/autoconf usage entails |
14:58:33 | B4gder | :-) |
15:00 |
15:02:39 | linuxstb | preglow: If you do start work on Speex, it would be nice to create a libOgg (either our own or the official one) - so we can use the same parser with Tremor, Speex and FLAC. Similar to the libm4a I've created. |
15:03:37 | linuxstb | Now that we've got a nice low-level FLAC decoder, I think Ogg FLAC support should be straightforward. |
15:07:24 | solexx | FLACs in Ogg containers aren't yet supported? |
15:08:52 | preglow | linuxstb: yeah, i thought about that |
15:09:14 | preglow | linuxstb: i'll probably have to put libogg in here as well, but problem is that tremor probably can't use that without modifications |
15:09:58 | linuxstb | solexx: No, they never have been. And I've never seen anyone request it. |
15:10:47 | linuxstb | I think there's a big gain to be had if we start using the libraries at a lower level. Mainly in terms of memory management. That's the big difference with the new FLAC decoder. |
15:10:52 | preglow | linuxstb: the official libogg has more than enough lines of source code for me to even want to attempt coding another one, heh |
15:11:06 | preglow | linuxstb: sure, and a lot of codecs are used at a low level, like libmad |
15:11:16 | linuxstb | I'm thinking you could just rip the Ogg code out of Tremor. |
15:12:15 | preglow | libogg is only needed for the encoder and decoder, it seems |
15:12:20 | preglow | so i'll be ignoring it for now |
15:13:40 | _FireFly_ | whenn libogg is neede for both(encoder and decoder) then why do you can ignore it ?? |
15:13:59 | _FireFly_ | or have you mean that libogg is only needed for the encoder :) |
15:14:47 | preglow | what are .spec files? |
15:14:58 | preglow | _FireFly_: only needed for the example source code |
15:15:14 | preglow | _FireFly_: speex files can live on their own without a container |
15:15:22 | B4gder | preglow: .spec is RPM stuff I believe |
15:15:24 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-127.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
15:15:47 | _FireFly_ | ah ok |
15:16:01 | preglow | B4gder: right |
15:19:24 | | Join bigskinnyflo [0] (n=51424602@labb.contactor.se) |
15:20:28 | bigskinnyflo | hy, can anyone tell me what kind of hard drive is used by the archos jukebox recorder 20? thx |
15:20:48 | preglow | a 2.5" one, no? |
15:20:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:20:50 | B4gder | a plain 2.5" 9.5mm one |
15:21:06 | B4gder | the archoses have shipped with various brands/models of disks |
15:21:34 | bigskinnyflo | any advise for preffering one to buy in replacment? |
15:21:50 | B4gder | yes, low speed, low power |
15:22:07 | B4gder | and cache won't matter |
15:22:39 | bigskinnyflo | in term of brand on the market cause know nothing 'bout that! |
15:22:58 | B4gder | any brand |
15:23:07 | bigskinnyflo | sorry for y english , anyone speaking french welcome! |
15:23:31 | B4gder | and any size (storage wise) too for that matter |
15:24:50 | preglow | how i hate autoconf |
15:25:08 | _FireFly_ | preglow what's the problem ?? |
15:29:21 | preglow | no problem, i just think it's bloated, big and troublesome |
15:29:39 | B4gder | I believe everyone think that |
15:30:20 | B4gder | but it is the easiest way to multiplatform coding |
15:33:20 | | Quit arkascha (Remote closed the connection) |
15:33:32 | preglow | hmm |
15:33:39 | preglow | can i make use of c99 style variable size arrays? :> |
15:34:14 | B4gder | I think you can |
15:34:27 | preglow | it's either that, or alloca |
15:34:38 | preglow | i think perhaps alloca is the wisest in our case |
15:35:09 | preglow | but they're probably the same thing, aren't they? |
15:35:19 | preglow | stack allocation |
15:39:15 | preglow | does remote logf still work with the new remote support, btw? |
15:39:45 | B4gder | I don't know, but I hope so |
15:42:59 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:48:22 | linuxstb | preglow: Have you tried the latest FLAC codec? The volume should be OK now. |
15:50:39 | preglow | linuxstb: yes i have, and it's just fine |
15:56:02 | amiconn | The plain C memcpy() for coldfire is pathetic... I expect a similar speedup as for memset() |
15:56:15 | preglow | then good |
15:56:24 | preglow | tons of unused variable warnings for libpseex |
15:57:03 | | Quit dwihno (Remote closed the connection) |
15:57:23 | preglow | a whole friggin herd of them |
15:57:36 | | Join dwihno [0] (n=dw@ |
15:58:36 | preglow | what is the c99 restrict keyword? |
15:59:39 | amiconn | ? |
16:00 |
16:00:38 | | Part guillauh ("bye") |
16:00:46 | preglow | float * restrict W; |
16:00:48 | preglow | like that |
16:02:57 | amiconn | Like that: http://www.nersc.gov/vendor_docs/intel/c_ug/lin1066.htm (lower part)? |
16:14:48 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
16:19:07 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
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16:28:49 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("IceChat - Its whips the llama's butt") |
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17:05:00 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-130-062.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
17:15:03 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A452D2.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:15:11 | _FireFly_ | TiMiD ?? |
17:18:00 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox") |
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17:33:18 | | Join _DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
17:34:40 | TiMiD | _FireFly_: yes ? |
17:47:51 | | Quit DangerousDan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:53:03 | amiconn | B4gder/ Bagder: wiki spam again :(( I've deleted it, but this is getting really annoying |
17:54:28 | preglow | arghhh |
17:54:37 | preglow | bloody libm |
17:55:17 | preglow | void speex_encode_stereo(float *data, int frame_size, SpeexBits *bits) |
17:55:21 | linuxstb | Is there a "proper" way to delete wiki spam? i.e. so it doesn't appear in the diffs or page history? |
17:55:22 | preglow | looks promising... |
17:56:24 | linuxstb | Are you looking to get the encoder working as well? |
17:56:28 | preglow | indeed |
17:56:47 | amiconn | linuxstb: Perhaps directly at the server... |
17:57:20 | preglow | libspeex is chock full of unused variables and float uses |
18:00 |
18:05:52 | | Join RiverFish [0] (n=d99b747d@labb.contactor.se) |
18:06:37 | | Quit RiverFish (Client Quit) |
18:09:38 | preglow | someone has posted a big no float patch on the speex mailing list, i wonder if i should apply that |
18:25:06 | linuxstb | preglow: I think so. Did anyone comment on the patch? Maybe it's worth contacting the author. |
18:25:49 | preglow | no comments at all |
18:26:34 | linuxstb | Doesn't surprise me. |
18:27:04 | linuxstb | It's probably worth asking the author of the patch if he/she has done any more work on it. When was it posted? |
18:27:42 | preglow | does surprise me a bit, the libspeex author is pretty active on the mailing list |
18:27:54 | preglow | http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/speex-dev/2005-October/003818.html |
18:29:33 | preglow | i think i'll just try to work things out without that patch first |
18:30:29 | linuxstb | I didn't expect Speex to have such a busy mailing list. |
18:30:54 | preglow | me neither |
18:32:04 | linuxstb | Are you using the very latest SVN version? There seems to be various patches posted to the list in September to fix compiler warnings. |
18:32:42 | linuxstb | But maybe they haven't been applied. |
18:33:11 | preglow | i'm not using svn at all |
18:33:19 | preglow | i'm using the latest 1.1 branch release |
18:33:26 | preglow | last time i tried svn, it didn't even compile |
18:33:33 | preglow | that is however a long time ago |
18:33:55 | preglow | think i'll just try using this for writing a decoder first |
18:36:46 | linuxstb | I've just checked out the current SVN version of speex - I don't know if this is of any use to you: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/speex-20051031.tgz |
18:38:34 | preglow | speex does a lot of malloc :/ |
18:38:57 | linuxstb | Xiph like their mallocs |
18:49:37 | preglow | seems like it |
18:50:48 | | Quit bigskinnyflo ("CGI:IRC") |
18:58:07 | preglow | linuxstb: btw, i think me and slasheri agreed one should call seek_complete() when seeking is complete, that'll also zero out the seek_time variable for you |
19:00 |
19:06:24 | linuxstb | Yes, I remember that function now. I'll add that to ALAC/FLAC/AAC tonight. |
19:13:21 | preglow | gah, it decodes data as 16 bit values |
19:13:57 | preglow | might not be easily fixable, speex is coded pretty tightly with regard to the fixed point formats used |
19:16:07 | | Join ghode|afk [0] (n=garudin@host-212-158-193-204.bulldogdsl.com) |
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19:30:02 | | Join arkascha [0] (n=arkascha@xdsl-213-168-119-151.netcologne.de) |
19:43:15 | | Join Cenobit [0] (n=52d0037b@labb.contactor.se) |
19:43:43 | Cenobit | bla |
19:44:01 | _FireFly_ | blub :) |
19:44:22 | Cenobit | I plan to make my owm MP3 decocer - can be for me Rockbox project usefull? |
19:45:06 | preglow | you need to be more specific. do you plan on making just a decoder library, application, or hardware system or what? |
19:45:48 | Cenobit | now I use for decodig VS1001k (external MP3 decoder http://www.vlsi.fi/vs1001/vs1001.shtml) |
19:45:59 | Cenobit | and I want it replace with my own DPS |
19:46:11 | preglow | ok, what cpu have you got? |
19:46:43 | Cenobit | I havent any its just a plan |
19:46:47 | preglow | ok |
19:46:57 | Cenobit | I use AVR, but its not enough fast |
19:47:00 | preglow | rockbox uses libmad for decoding mp3s |
19:47:06 | preglow | optimised for our platform |
19:47:12 | preglow | which is currently coldfire |
19:47:32 | preglow | avr will not be fast enough, no |
19:47:33 | preglow | not by far |
19:47:48 | Cenobit | can you tell me more about rockbox architecture (or there any schematic)? |
19:48:09 | preglow | the only arch rockbox does software deocding for, is the iriver h1x0 players at the moment |
19:48:34 | preglow | which use a motorola coldfire 5249 |
19:48:54 | preglow | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverPort |
19:48:58 | Cenobit | thx a lot - I am interested in SW decoding |
19:48:59 | preglow | you can find schematics there as well |
19:49:57 | * | preglow cheers on linuxstb |
19:51:40 | | Join paugh [0] (n=kickback@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:8000:0:3e03:6822) |
19:52:24 | Cenobit | in what file in firmware are functions for MP3 decoding? |
19:52:40 | preglow | Cenobit: it's not there, it's in apps/codecs |
19:53:05 | preglow | Cenobit: apps/codecs/mpa.c is the mp3 codec plugin |
19:53:14 | preglow | Cenobit: libmad is in apps/codecs/libmad |
19:54:00 | | Quit arkascha ("Konversation terminated!") |
19:54:10 | | Join arkascha [0] (n=arkascha@xdsl-213-168-119-151.netcologne.de) |
19:56:01 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
19:56:42 | LinusN | TiMiD: UTF-8 alert in onplay.c |
19:56:54 | LinusN | Copyright (C) 2002 Bjï¿?n Stenberg |
19:57:12 | * | preglow celebrates the aac commit with juleøl! |
19:57:36 | LinusN | i suggest you find yourself a text editor that doesn't mess with the files |
19:58:17 | * | preglow recommends vim |
19:58:20 | * | amiconn will have to find a decent editor that does handle utf-8 for upcoming unicode support |
19:59:22 | Slasher | Hehe, my pcb just arrived today: http://ihme.org/~miipekk/piirilevy.jpg :) |
19:59:30 | _FireFly_ | amiconn: maybe scite for a simple editor with syntax-highlighting |
19:59:40 | _FireFly_ | s/for/as |
19:59:43 | preglow | Slasher: what is it? |
20:00 |
20:00:17 | Slasher | preglow: a nice bluetooth controller thing, hopefully i will get it working soon :) |
20:00:26 | _FireFly_ | :) |
20:00:43 | preglow | Slasher: good luck, pcb design for fast digital logic can be a pain |
20:00:58 | Slasher | yes, thanks :D |
20:04:24 | preglow | hrmph |
20:04:54 | preglow | any fast way to include additional include dirs for apps/codecs/speex.c, or do i need to add the additional include paths for all the codec plugins, then? |
20:04:59 | preglow | i suck at makefiles |
20:06:37 | | Quit Cenobit ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
20:08:08 | | Join Aramil [0] (n=tony@ipa105.5.tellas.gr) |
20:09:41 | _FireFly_ | preglow: simple add a line with INCLUDES += after the last INCLUDE=/INCLUDES += line in the makefile |
20:09:57 | _FireFly_ | with your additonal include-path |
20:09:58 | _FireFly_ | s |
20:13:42 | preglow | _FireFly_: yes, that's what i do currently, but that adds a codec specific include directory to all the codecs, and might break some things if two codecs share the same include file name, like config.h or fixed.h |
20:14:29 | preglow | arghh |
20:14:32 | preglow | tons and tons of linker errors |
20:14:37 | preglow | lots of floating point math left still |
20:14:57 | _FireFly_ | which makefile du you edit? i might be wrong but there are makefiles in each codec directory |
20:16:04 | _FireFly_ | why don't you edit only the makefile which should be in the dir for the speex |
20:16:04 | preglow | i'm talking about speex.c, the codec plugin for speex |
20:16:19 | _FireFly_ | oh |
20:16:23 | preglow | i can't edit the makefile in the speex dir, that's not the ony bullding the codec plugin |
20:16:29 | preglow | that's what's building the codec library |
20:16:31 | _FireFly_ | my failure |
20:19:03 | amiconn | codec libs should never use config.h, as that collides with the main rockbox config.h |
20:19:18 | preglow | does it now... |
20:19:40 | preglow | i'm also wondering why the codecs/Makefile has dirs such as firmware/ in its include path |
20:19:47 | | Quit Aramil ("Leaving") |
20:24:51 | | Quit tvelocity (Network is unreachable) |
20:25:00 | preglow | didn't change anything |
20:45:41 | linuxstb | All the codec Makefiles needs reviewing - some strange things are in them. Whatever mistakes were in the first one are now duplicated 8 times. |
20:46:27 | preglow | yep |
21:00 |
21:03:21 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
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21:24:18 | TiMiD | LinusN: It's not a problem with my text editor, it's just that my system is set to use UTF-8 |
21:24:32 | TiMiD | kevin@arrakis ~/rockbox-devel $ echo $LANG |
21:24:32 | TiMiD | fr_FR.UTF-8 |
21:24:45 | TiMiD | every program uses UTF-8 |
21:24:49 | LinusN | TiMiD: yes, but why is the ö in björn changed? |
21:25:07 | TiMiD | because I changed the file |
21:25:23 | LinusN | so, your text editor decided to change it to utf-8 |
21:25:37 | TiMiD | it loads it as UTF-8 |
21:26:12 | TiMiD | and since the value means nothing in utf-8, it messed up |
21:26:37 | TiMiD | because ö is >127 |
21:26:49 | LinusN | imho, the text editor shouldn't care at all about the text you don't change |
21:27:24 | LinusN | just like it shouldn't change the line terminations etc |
21:27:43 | TiMiD | it depends on how the text editor is done |
21:28:13 | LinusN | hence my comment about getting a decent editor |
21:28:38 | TiMiD | what do you suggest ? |
21:28:55 | TiMiD | (I don't loke command line based) |
21:28:58 | TiMiD | like |
21:29:24 | LinusN | i don't know, find an editor that can deal with it, or make your current editor stop messing with the files |
21:30:07 | TiMiD | maybe kate with vim backend |
21:30:22 | LinusN | emacs |
21:30:32 | TiMiD | :) |
21:30:37 | TiMiD | viiiii |
21:31:34 | TiMiD | I don't know what I should do since I need utf-8 on my system |
21:32:03 | TiMiD | and the problem will remain the same with each editor |
21:32:11 | LinusN | i doubt it |
21:32:47 | TiMiD | I know that vim detects the encoding of the file, so I will try to integrate it in kate as backend |
21:32:55 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
21:33:28 | TiMiD | and what about making all the files in CVS UTF-8 ? :D |
21:34:41 | Slasher | Hmm, kate works fine here |
21:35:08 | Slasher | UTF-8 causes problem with cvs and tools so i think it's not an option currently |
21:35:25 | TiMiD | I was just joking :p |
21:35:31 | Slasher | :) |
21:36:50 | TiMiD | kate works welll with utf-8 but you have to specify the encoding of the file manually since there is no auto detection and it takes the default encoding defined in the environment vars |
21:37:02 | Slasher | jed is the nicest command line editor i know |
21:37:11 | Slasher | or console editor |
21:37:45 | TiMiD | I prefer graphical editor |
21:38:10 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
21:38:14 | Slasher | yep, i use kate too with larger projects |
21:38:15 | LinusN | shouldn't it be possible to set the encoding different in the shell from where you start kate? |
21:38:58 | TiMiD | this would be a solution |
21:39:06 | Slasher | TiMiD: configure - editor - open/save |
21:39:12 | Slasher | there you can specify the encoding |
21:39:23 | Slasher | you should probably try iso 8859-1 |
21:39:39 | TiMiD | Slasher: the problem is that the files on my system are in UTF-8 |
21:39:49 | LinusN | they shouldn't |
21:39:55 | TiMiD | rockbox is the exception |
21:40:23 | TiMiD | why ? |
21:40:35 | LinusN | i thought you meant the rockbox files |
21:40:37 | TiMiD | unicode is very convenient |
21:40:40 | TiMiD | ok :) |
21:40:56 | LinusN | i'm too old for unicode :-) |
21:41:05 | Slasher | Hmm, maybe you could create a kate project for rockbox that has different configuration settings |
21:41:13 | Slasher | I think that is possible (never tried myself) |
21:43:43 | TiMiD | well I put kate in iso and I will open my other files with kwrite |
21:45:07 | TiMiD | (in kate, the encoding is specified globally :/) |
21:45:26 | TiMiD | not for a particular project |
21:46:34 | solexx | strange. I was just listening to a FLAC file |
21:46:41 | solexx | and it was completely distorted |
21:46:53 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:47:09 | solexx | I had switched Replaygain temporarily off so I switched it on again |
21:47:24 | solexx | then everything was fine again |
21:47:33 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
21:47:41 | solexx | then I switched it off, and it still plays fine |
21:47:58 | solexx | (I stopped playback everytime I toggled Replaygain) |
21:48:49 | solexx | Hm. Cannot reproduce it. |
21:50:33 | solexx | The distortion sounded like all the waves had been cut at the top |
21:50:40 | solexx | very noisy |
21:53:28 | solexx | ah, there it is again. |
21:53:40 | solexx | i skipped from an Ogg Vorbis file to a FLAC file |
21:53:50 | solexx | and it sound like my headphones were completely broken |
21:54:02 | solexx | *sounds |
21:54:48 | solexx | Replaygain is off |
21:54:53 | | Part LinusN |
21:55:05 | amiconn | TiMiD: The battery meter doesn't update in the menu |
21:55:28 | Maxime | (ah, one detail, when song is Paused, and you start another, if crossfade enabled, you have the 'end' of the song before starting the other.. starting the other without finishing the paused song will be great, no?) |
21:56:48 | linuxstb | AAC is now in CVS.... |
22:00 |
22:02:07 | amiconn | Another observation: In radio mode, the menu lags severely when the remote is plugged (e.g. scrolling through the preset list). This is because the CPU is set to idle mode, and so the remote lcd update is dead slow... |
22:02:19 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
22:06:52 | amiconn | linuxstb: You forgot to change config-h100.h |
22:06:52 | TiMiD | amiconn: about the statusbar, have you tried the last build ? |
22:08:43 | TiMiD | (I thought I fixed this bug with my last commit) |
22:08:51 | amiconn | I'll check |
22:10:11 | TiMiD | ok:) |
22:10:28 | amiconn | I usually roll my own builds |
22:11:11 | amiconn | I can't build atm - linker error |
22:11:13 | TiMiD | about the slowness of the menus, do you think it's related to the fact that the list componment redraws everything each time it draws ? |
22:11:17 | TiMiD | ok |
22:11:19 | amiconn | . /opt/m68k/lib/gcc/m68k-elf/3.4.4/../../../../m68k-elf/bin/ld: cannot find -lfaad |
22:11:19 | linuxstb | amiconn: Thanks. Fixed now. I didn't want to change everything because hopefully we can reduce the size back down soon. |
22:11:30 | linuxstb | Did you reconfigure? |
22:11:49 | amiconn | Is there already an updated configure script? |
22:12:05 | linuxstb | Yes, I committed it with my last set of changes (I hop). |
22:12:11 | linuxstb | s/hop/hope/ |
22:15:03 | TiMiD | amiconn: I just tested and the contextual menu in the radio mode is not slow at all !! how did you get the lag ? |
22:15:45 | amiconn | It's only slow with the remote plugged. I doubt you'll see the effect with the context menu, as that one is short |
22:16:18 | TiMiD | I have the remote plugged |
22:16:44 | amiconn | Go to radio mode, call the preset list (hope you have a long one), then scroll down with button repeat, and stop after some scroll events, but before the end |
22:16:59 | amiconn | -> it'l keep scolling quite some lines |
22:17:20 | TiMiD | hmm |
22:17:32 | amiconn | This isn't your code's fault, as scrolling through looong dir listings doesn't lag |
22:17:38 | TiMiD | I don't have any preset since I don't use the radio ;) |
22:17:56 | TiMiD | but do you think my code is significantly slower that the old one ? |
22:17:58 | amiconn | The problem is that the CPU is switched to 11 MHz in radio mode, so the remote lcd update is dead slow |
22:18:32 | TiMiD | ok so the problem is my code waiting for the remote to update ? |
22:18:49 | TiMiD | or to draw |
22:19:13 | amiconn | Drawing happens in ram, like with the main display |
22:19:27 | amiconn | Otherwise it would also lag with the remote unplugged |
22:19:38 | amiconn | The problem is definitely the update |
22:19:50 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A44932.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:19:58 | linuxstb | Is anyone else getting problems compiling the current CVS? My build is stopping at wav2wv.elf |
22:20:08 | amiconn | The remote lcd update definitely needs some work, but we might still have to give up 11 MHz operation while radio |
22:21:34 | | Join len0x [0] (n=c171ebb7@labb.contactor.se) |
22:22:34 | len0x | hey, anyone's around ? |
22:22:39 | amiconn | Iirc, the SPI timing for the remote is quite arbitrary, so it can be optimised, perhaps adapting to the current CPU frequency |
22:22:51 | LinusN | len0x: no, not a single soul :-) |
22:22:55 | preglow | linuxstb: i don't think the codec libs need to include codeclib.h |
22:23:14 | amiconn | Some logic analysing should be helpful for getting the timings right within specs ... |
22:23:41 | LinusN | /usr/local/m68k/lib/gcc/m68k-elf/3.4.3/../../../../m68k-elf/bin/ld: region PLUGIN_RAM is full (/home/linus/rockbox-all/iriver/apps/codecs/aac.elf section .bss) |
22:23:56 | linuxstb | preglow: I think I did that for some debugging. Please remove it if you don't think it's needed. |
22:24:00 | TiMiD | amiconn: else, it's rather normal that my code runs slighly slower that the original one since it draws twice ... |
22:24:08 | len0x | LinusN: web client severely lags on me :) |
22:24:46 | preglow | TiMiD: does it draw for the remote at all if it isn't plugged in? |
22:24:54 | amiconn | TiMiD: The drawing is not the problem, as I already said |
22:25:33 | | Quit _FireFly_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
22:25:46 | amiconn | preglow: It has to, otherwise the code would have to maintain state. The remote can be plugged any time... |
22:25:46 | | Quit len0x (Client Quit) |
22:26:04 | linuxstb | LinusN: Which target is that? I was late committing an h100 config file change. |
22:26:12 | LinusN | h120 |
22:26:20 | TiMiD | preglow: no, it always draw, since it must keep the context for the remote too, it would have been more complicated to take the plug / unplug in account only for drawing |
22:26:30 | amiconn | LinusN: You need to rebuild completely |
22:26:35 | | Join len0x [0] (n=len0x@ |
22:26:41 | LinusN | doing a clean make now |
22:26:43 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A44932.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:26:52 | amiconn | I got the same prob here |
22:27:00 | amiconn | make clean fixed it |
22:27:06 | LinusN | 512k for a codec, phew |
22:27:35 | LinusN | linuxstb: ignore me, a "make clean" solved it |
22:27:56 | linuxstb | So is CVS compiling cleanly for people? I've got a strange problem, but I guess it's local. |
22:28:12 | preglow | is it possible to compile rockbox for h100 without the remote support, then? :> |
22:28:42 | preglow | i never use the remote, and don't want it slowing down my unit |
22:29:20 | preglow | linuxstb: great work, i'll see about optimising it asap |
22:29:25 | LinusN | preglow: it shouldn't slow it down noticeably |
22:29:33 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Nick collision from services.) |
22:29:37 | | Join Kohlriba [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-130-062.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
22:30:16 | amiconn | preglow: It doesn't as long as you don't plug the remote |
22:32:13 | amiconn | TiMiD: The status bar refresh problem is gone |
22:33:55 | TiMiD | amiconn: yes, that was the main purpose of my last commit :) |
22:34:24 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
22:35:03 | TiMiD | preglow: if you don't want the remote, just undefine HAVE_REMOTE_LCD |
22:35:13 | amiconn | My remote doesn't tick |
22:35:33 | TiMiD | amiconn: neither does mine :) |
22:35:53 | TiMiD | the sound quality is just fine |
22:36:06 | amiconn | I guess it's a question of proper shielding in the remote cable |
22:37:09 | amiconn | The remote lcd is flickering a bit. |
22:37:45 | amiconn | Must be a hardware issue, or maybe the frame frequency is selectable, and we set it too low |
22:42:45 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:42:46 | * | amiconn checks the datasheet |
22:43:39 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
22:48:59 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:56:14 | | Quit dpassen1 () |
23:00 |
23:01:18 | XavierGr | lucky guys!! |
23:01:35 | XavierGr | My remote clicks like a mouse!! |
23:01:53 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:03:01 | preglow | have you tried with different earphones? |
23:03:39 | XavierGr | TiMiD, amiconn: About the delay you mention on the radio screen. I thought that radio screen isn't implemented yet for the remote... |
23:03:59 | amiconn | Not the radio screen, the preset menu |
23:04:02 | XavierGr | preglow: 3 phones so far. Bundled irivers, some cheap retractable and shure r2c |
23:04:10 | XavierGr | r2c= e2c |
23:04:11 | preglow | XavierGr: and they all click just as badly? |
23:04:36 | XavierGr | well better phones make this more clear and loud. |
23:05:01 | preglow | yes, i was just trying to make sure it's not a sensitivity issue |
23:05:07 | TiMiD | XavierGr: its about the preset list lagging when CPU runs at 11Mhz |
23:05:14 | preglow | but it shouldn't be, no |
23:05:24 | XavierGr | rendered on the radio or the main screen only? |
23:05:39 | XavierGr | radio=remote |
23:06:06 | XavierGr | I mean does the lists gets renedered on the remote screen. |
23:06:31 | XavierGr | Or the lag appears on the main screen with the remote plugged in (but the remote screen idle)? |
23:06:37 | TiMiD | yes the list gets rendered on remote |
23:06:44 | | Join webguest21 [0] (n=3efd2005@labb.contactor.se) |
23:06:52 | XavierGr | When did you changed radio.c for the remote? |
23:06:54 | TiMiD | but not the radio screen |
23:07:12 | LinusN | XavierGr: he didn't |
23:07:18 | TiMiD | XavierGr: I didn't changed it, it uses the menu API which I modified |
23:07:26 | XavierGr | oh |
23:07:38 | | Quit webguest21 (Client Quit) |
23:07:55 | XavierGr | I should test it myself then... |
23:08:18 | XavierGr | But I remember that this sort of lag was present in firefly's patch too. |
23:08:19 | TiMiD | it only happens hen you have a long list of presets |
23:08:24 | TiMiD | yes |
23:08:41 | XavierGr | Though back then there was a "pop" issue with the PLL |
23:08:43 | TiMiD | it's because (according to amiconn ) the remote drawing functions lags |
23:08:54 | XavierGr | So without noticing I removed the cpu = idle and there was no lag |
23:09:46 | amiconn | Yeah, the remote lcd update is severely slowed down, in order not to exceed the lcd specs at maximum clock. This makes it slow as hell at 11 MHz |
23:09:54 | XavierGr | now that the "pop" is fixed (though main code still has a initialization pop, my radio patch icludes an if to eliminate this) I can get the same old lag |
23:10:45 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa105.5.tellas.gr) |
23:11:03 | XavierGr | hi tvelocity. |
23:11:49 | amiconn | The bad thing is that (1) the bits belonging to the remote lcd are scattered across both GPIOs, and (2) we can't assume that the port isn't changed from within an isr like on the archos, |
23:12:00 | amiconn | so optimising will be somewhat harder |
23:13:18 | XavierGr | Also I can notice that the remote clicks on my faulty unit is way louder on rockbox than iriver. (Or so I remember when I tested some months ago..>) |
23:16:25 | XavierGr | TiMiD: If you are going to make radio work for the remote, please check my file preset patch and see if you can inlcude it. That is if it is okay with the rest of the devs. |
23:17:00 | TiMiD | XavierGr: I'm currently not working on it |
23:17:38 | XavierGr | Okay then, I just mentioned. |
23:17:53 | TiMiD | but I can't decide to include your patch without the other devs agreement |
23:18:21 | XavierGr | that's why I said "if it is okay with the rest of the devs..." |
23:18:31 | TiMiD | when I will come to this part of the code, I will take a look anyway :) |
23:18:46 | len0x | guys my patch would be probably be the first to go into radio.c :) |
23:18:54 | XavierGr | anyway if someone objects to the patch I would gladly make modifications to it. |
23:19:01 | amiconn | preglow: I reused your nice jumptable implementation for memcpy :) |
23:19:20 | XavierGr | len0x: which patch? |
23:19:47 | len0x | I also have reworked all radio buttons, that are not in the patch yet |
23:19:59 | preglow | amiconn: i'm honoured! |
23:20:05 | XavierGr | my patch has nothing to do with radio keymaps |
23:20:24 | XavierGr | it just adds file preset management. |
23:20:48 | XavierGr | Loading and saving different fmr preset lists. |
23:20:48 | len0x | you can see my patch in the list: 1335463 |
23:21:02 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:21:16 | len0x | well, we are clashing in Preset Mode implementation |
23:21:36 | preglow | wtf |
23:21:43 | preglow | i just had a look at the jumptable implementation |
23:21:46 | preglow | how the hell can that work? |
23:22:05 | preglow | jmp.l (2, %pc, %d2.l*4) |
23:22:17 | preglow | shouldn't it be d2.l*2 ? |
23:22:23 | preglow | the jump table entries are 2 bytes |
23:22:54 | preglow | bah |
23:22:57 | preglow | forget me |
23:23:36 | XavierGr | len0x: we can adjust this later, my concern is about fmr preset list management |
23:23:36 | preglow | i've been drinking again, obviously |
23:24:36 | len0x | if I get CVS access eventually, i could merge it in since I'm working in radio.c anyway :) |
23:29:32 | amiconn | preglow: bra.w is 4 bytes long |
23:29:37 | amiconn | (one extension word) |
23:29:52 | amiconn | I used bra.b, so *I* need *2 :-) |
23:31:50 | preglow | amiconn: yes, i realised that after i stopped being a bloody fool |
23:33:29 | preglow | anyone got any aac files i can use for testing? :> |
23:37:21 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
23:38:03 | linuxstb | I believe Apple have one or two - $0.99 each.... |
23:38:08 | preglow | haha |
23:38:11 | preglow | complete with drm, i hope? |
23:38:40 | linuxstb | Absolutely. |
23:38:46 | preglow | excellent |
23:39:04 | linuxstb | And free gaps. two per track. |
23:39:04 | preglow | in a related note, does anyone know of any good aac encoder? |
23:39:34 | preglow | linuxstb: they always were a company for good bargains |
23:39:56 | linuxstb | I only know two encoders - iTunes and Nero. |
23:40:04 | amiconn | wtf.... |
23:40:20 | preglow | linuxstb: nero = faac ? |
23:40:43 | linuxstb | I think so. But it seems to be quite well respected on HA. |
23:41:55 | preglow | does itunes cost anything? |
23:44:24 | linuxstb | No. It's a free download. I have an iBook, so I use the Mac version there. |
23:47:24 | | Join elinenbe [0] (i=elinenbe@207-237-225-9.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
23:47:44 | elinenbe | LinusN: are you around? |
23:47:50 | LinusN | sure |
23:48:00 | preglow | well, as long as it doesn't do anything fancy |
23:48:16 | elinenbe | I see you've been busy with the H300 port... good luck with it! I'm anxiously waiting it! :-) |
23:48:26 | elinenbe | LinusN: "you can do it!" |
23:48:56 | preglow | like hijack all my file extensions and install quicktime |
23:49:33 | preglow | don't think there's a great deal of doubt about that flying around |
23:50:17 | linuxstb | I've never installed the Windows version of iTunes, so I don't know what it will do to your setup. |
23:50:23 | preglow | argh!! quicktime! |
23:50:34 | linuxstb | But yes - iTunes relies on Quicktime. |
23:52:15 | elinenbe | If I am not mistaken, the itunes installer includes and installs quicktime |
23:52:18 | elinenbe | you don't have a choice |
23:52:18 | preglow | my, how i hate quicktime |
23:52:25 | * | amiconn wonders how he will manage to code a proper memcpy() when he doesn't even manage to code a proper test :/ |
23:53:55 | elinenbe | amiconn: I think you'll be able to do it. |
23:54:05 | elinenbe | amiconn: are you re-doing memcpy() in asm? |
23:54:05 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
23:54:28 | amiconn | Yes, for coldfire this time |
23:54:47 | amiconn | I also have a (pending) memmove() for sh1, and will do the same for coldfire as well |
23:55:06 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
23:55:23 | elinenbe | amiconn: I need numbers... I need percentages... |
23:55:29 | elinenbe | amiconn: how much do you expect to save? |
23:55:31 | elinenbe | :-) |
23:55:51 | amiconn | I expect a speedup of up to 10x for certain aligments, like with memset() |
23:56:32 | elinenbe | amiconn: damn! nice. |
23:56:41 | elinenbe | amiconn: what will that effect in the long run though? |
23:57:20 | amiconn | I think fast memcpy() and memmove() are useful for the codecs |
23:57:34 | elinenbe | what about something like rockboy? |
23:57:58 | amiconn | ...and memove() is useful for other purposes too, like scrolling, the lru cache in the unicode patch etc |