00:00:36 | preglow | man, amiconn could have done wonders for this mandelpod app |
00:00:56 | amiconn | Is it slow? ;) |
00:01:00 | preglow | og yes |
00:01:07 | preglow | oh yes, that is |
00:01:19 | amiconn | hehe, mandelbrot.rock is rather fast even on archos :-P |
00:01:43 | preglow | the coldfire one is heaps faster than this one |
00:01:46 | preglow | but this is colour, of course |
00:02:47 | amiconn | Doesn't matter at all |
00:02:52 | amiconn | (unless they do cpm) |
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00:09:17 | preglow | oh well |
00:09:21 | preglow | enough of fun and games |
00:12:42 | | Join webguest06 [0] (n=45e7303d@labb.contactor.se) |
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00:18:58 | | Join korpse [0] (i=korpse@rrba-146-77-149.telkomadsl.co.za) |
00:19:12 | preglow | linuxstb: not only the printf triggers it |
00:19:16 | preglow | linuxstb: other things can as well |
00:21:57 | linuxstb | It's very annoying. I can't understand the reason for it. |
00:22:32 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:22:40 | linuxstb | The startup code seems to be working fine - otherwise I am sure we would get lots of other strange behaviour. |
00:23:57 | preglow | sure |
00:24:02 | | Quit korpse (Remote closed the connection) |
00:24:19 | linuxstb | I don't think it's a hardware initialisation bug - because a particular build either works or it doesn't - consistently. |
00:24:33 | preglow | and |
00:24:36 | preglow | it must be overflow |
00:24:40 | preglow | i'm almost convinced |
00:24:45 | preglow | the graphics survives |
00:24:48 | preglow | but the font doesn't |
00:24:56 | preglow | but how, i don't know |
00:25:13 | preglow | then again, it can't be |
00:25:22 | preglow | you write tons of long strings to bug via snprintf |
00:25:26 | preglow | one more shouldn't matter |
00:25:35 | linuxstb | Exactly. |
00:26:49 | preglow | hmm |
00:33:10 | linuxstb | I wonder if it's my choice of gcc options causing a problem. |
00:33:32 | linuxstb | They are in tools/configure - search for arm |
00:34:16 | | Join korpse [0] (i=korpse@rrba-146-77-149.telkomadsl.co.za) |
00:34:22 | preglow | fomit pointer and mcpu? |
00:34:25 | preglow | seriously doubt it |
00:34:41 | | Quit |joshn| ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") |
00:34:57 | preglow | btw, shouldn't you use −−march? |
00:35:06 | preglow | −−mcpu makes code that is compatible with lower models |
00:35:27 | preglow | at least that's the way it is for x86 |
00:36:36 | linuxstb | No, I don't think so - I've just read the gcc man page again. |
00:37:35 | preglow | right, it's different on arm |
00:39:19 | | Quit korpse (Remote closed the connection) |
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00:41:45 | | Quit Kohlriba ("Leaving") |
00:44:30 | * | preglow thinks it's time to split up crt0.S ... |
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00:45:52 | linuxstb | preglow: I did start that way, but then decided to merge them. But I don't feel strongly either way. |
00:46:38 | preglow | strongly no, but i think it's more practical that way |
00:47:12 | preglow | no matter |
00:48:51 | | Quit DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
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01:00 |
01:02:37 | | Quit andy () |
01:16:15 | preglow | now there's a surprise |
01:16:20 | preglow | a successful ubuntu upgrade |
01:20:01 | linuxstb | hehe. Fancy testing if the ATA driver can write to your flash? I haven't tested the writing part of the driver yet :) |
01:21:33 | preglow | sure |
01:21:53 | preglow | just need a sec to finish a mail here |
01:22:10 | preglow | you haven't tested writing on your unit either? :) |
01:22:45 | linuxstb | Nope.:) |
01:23:31 | linuxstb | But maybe we should be sensible - we don't need to write at the moment. |
01:26:10 | preglow | well, i doubt it can harm |
01:26:11 | preglow | and besides |
01:26:15 | preglow | it needs testing sooner than later |
01:26:19 | preglow | _OR_ later |
01:26:43 | preglow | i'll just finish an email, then i'll test it |
01:27:15 | | Join webguest75 [0] (n=c762142c@labb.contactor.se) |
01:27:41 | linuxstb | Maybe it could be useful - e.g. writing debugging information to a file. |
01:32:14 | | Join matsl [0] (n=user@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
01:33:25 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox") |
01:33:40 | | Quit webguest75 ("CGI:IRC") |
01:36:49 | preglow | ok, let's go |
01:37:10 | preglow | any specific tests? |
01:37:17 | preglow | just open and close, or write a bit as well? |
01:37:49 | linuxstb | I guess just open and close to start with. That will do some writing. |
01:37:55 | preglow | yep |
01:39:08 | | Quit matsl ("ERC Version 5.0 (CVS) $Revision: 1.776 $ (IRC client for Emacs)") |
01:39:32 | | Part linuxstb |
01:41:20 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
01:41:36 | preglow | doesn't look good |
01:42:06 | preglow | can any of the swedes here tell me what 'fena' means? :) |
01:42:10 | linuxstb | Oh. I won't try it as well then. |
01:42:19 | preglow | linuxstb: i'll give it another go |
01:44:05 | linuxstb | I've just tried it. Nothing broke. Lets see if the file was created. |
01:44:33 | preglow | linuxstb: works :) |
01:44:39 | preglow | i'll try to write some data |
01:45:00 | linuxstb | No, nothing... I forgot the / at the start of the filename. |
01:45:25 | amiconn | gah |
01:46:15 | preglow | first string written on ipod by rockbox: |
01:46:16 | preglow | :-) |
01:46:57 | preglow | so looks to me like your driver works just perfectly |
01:47:45 | linuxstb | Well it's mostly the existing Rockbox driver. I didn't need to make many changes at all. |
01:49:05 | | Quit yngwi ("Chatzilla 0.9.68a [Firefox 1.0.7/20050919]") |
01:49:20 | linuxstb | It worked for me as well. I wonder where Rockbox got the file timestamp from. |
01:50:28 | preglow | haha |
01:50:37 | preglow | god knows |
01:50:50 | preglow | but i need to go to beed soon |
01:51:01 | preglow | i'll vanish for a couple of days, but will return for more hacking soon |
01:51:39 | preglow | first: check if ubuntu can still boot after upgrading, brb |
01:54:57 | preglow | like i thought...... |
01:55:15 | preglow | i love nvidia |
02:00 |
02:00:20 | linuxstb | Time for bed now. See you later. |
02:00:25 | preglow | later |
02:05:04 | | Quit ashridah ("haircut") |
02:07:56 | amiconn | linuxstb: On units without an rtc, rockbox bases the time stamp for new files on the build date |
02:10:11 | preglow | ipods do have rtcs :) |
02:10:20 | amiconn | huh? |
02:10:37 | preglow | well, my ipod's got a freakin' clock |
02:12:08 | amiconn | I guess this clock is wrong after experimenting with ipl or rockbox... |
02:15:25 | preglow | oh, i doubt he's enabled it yet |
02:16:49 | preglow | lots and lots of code left to be written |
02:17:22 | amiconn | Hmm, iiuc the ipod does have a clock, but no rtc chip? |
02:17:40 | preglow | well, an ipod never truly switches off |
02:17:57 | preglow | well |
02:18:17 | preglow | i've switched mine on and off, written to it extensively, run alternatie firmwares, reset the entire flash |
02:18:21 | preglow | and the clock is still correct |
02:18:28 | amiconn | Interesting... |
02:18:40 | preglow | the settings, like 24-hour clock, is forgotten |
02:18:43 | preglow | but the time is still right |
02:18:55 | preglow | even the date is right |
02:19:18 | amiconn | I would expect that with a software clock, if you run ipl or rockbox, the clock would stop working |
02:19:25 | preglow | yes, me too |
02:19:31 | amiconn | Maybe the ipod does have an rtc chip after all? |
02:19:34 | preglow | well |
02:19:41 | preglow | there are a couple of regs that end with _RTC |
02:20:09 | preglow | they might of course just be called so rather arbitrarily |
02:20:11 | amiconn | Hmm, perhaps is part of the pp? |
02:20:19 | preglow | but it does look like it's got an rtc |
02:20:20 | | Join DJDD [0] (n=DJDD@220-245-186-182.static.tpgi.com.au) |
02:20:23 | preglow | yes, i'd expect that, actually |
02:20:25 | amiconn | *perhaps the rtc is... |
02:20:54 | | Quit ehntoo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:25:06 | preglow | time to schlafen |
02:25:06 | preglow | later |
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09:33:45 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
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10:07:34 | | Join DJDD [0] (n=DJDD@CPE-143-238-12-103.vic.bigpond.net.au) |
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10:44:05 | preglow | swedes: what does 'fena' mean? :) |
10:44:18 | LinusN | a fin |
10:44:23 | LinusN | on a fish |
10:44:45 | LinusN | but you can also say "att vara en fena på något" |
10:44:51 | preglow | ahh, yes |
10:44:58 | preglow | that's what he means, probably |
10:45:03 | LinusN | which means to be very good at something |
10:45:09 | preglow | yes, kind of figured that |
10:45:25 | LinusN | norwegian isn't that much different from swedish |
10:45:59 | preglow | you don't say |
10:46:10 | preglow | this one word i hadn't picked up, anyhow |
10:50:32 | | Join wubbla [0] (n=wubbla@adsl- |
10:50:35 | wubbla | hoi! :) |
10:51:44 | markun | hallo |
10:53:55 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
10:57:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:59:44 | wubbla | is there an opensource win32 cvs (commandline) client? |
10:59:58 | B4gder | yes |
11:00 |
11:00:46 | wubbla | really? :) |
11:00:50 | wubbla | where to get it? |
11:01:41 | B4gder | there are several |
11:01:51 | B4gder | cvsnt.com being one |
11:02:24 | B4gder | but since we are rockbox here, windows devel means cygwin |
11:02:31 | B4gder | and cygwin comes with a command line cvs |
11:03:10 | wubbla | and isn't it possible to build it on linux too? |
11:03:28 | B4gder | yes |
11:03:34 | B4gder | but you asked for win32 |
11:03:55 | | Join webguest64 [0] (n=52214ace@labb.contactor.se) |
11:04:12 | wubbla | hehe, you're right :) |
11:04:41 | wubbla | wouldn't mingw32 be sufficient for win32? |
11:04:48 | wubbla | because i already have that... |
11:04:49 | B4gder | no |
11:05:01 | B4gder | unless you feel like making it work on your ownw |
11:05:58 | preglow | mingw will probably do for sim compiles |
11:06:11 | B4gder | yes it might |
11:06:15 | preglow | but for target compiles, you'll need a cross compiles as well, which i'm pretty sure are easiest to build with cygwin |
11:06:23 | B4gder | but you'll need perl, make, sh and things setup too |
11:06:55 | wubbla | hmm... my original intention was to experiment with the simulator |
11:07:03 | amiconn | Btw, I once tried using microsoft sfu. No go, the make command doesn't even know the -C option |
11:07:12 | wubbla | as the h300 port isn't yet in a usable state :) |
11:07:39 | B4gder | wubbla: still, going with something else than cygwin on windows WILL cause you grief and work |
11:07:44 | markun | wubbla: Just install Linux, makes it all easyer :) |
11:07:54 | | Join Sandking [0] (n=jacek@ogorek.akron.wroc.pl) |
11:07:58 | B4gder | amen to that |
11:08:06 | wubbla | markun: i have got linux |
11:08:21 | markun | so there is no problem |
11:08:32 | wubbla | markun: but i've just got shell access to these machines... |
11:08:42 | wubbla | markun: so, no X |
11:09:01 | markun | Are there X servers for windows? |
11:09:07 | wubbla | ...and therefore no simulator (I assume...) |
11:09:12 | B4gder | markun: yes cygwin ;-) |
11:09:30 | markun | you can run putty with X forwarding I think. |
11:09:38 | B4gder | yes |
11:10:46 | wubbla | hmmm.... |
11:11:12 | wubbla | http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cyborgsystems/CS_Main/RockBox/Win32_DevKit/RockBox-DevKit_v313.exe already contains cygwin, right? :) |
11:11:37 | B4gder | yes |
11:11:44 | B4gder | that's a stripped down cygwin |
11:11:46 | wubbla | ah...nice |
11:11:51 | B4gder | with the cross compiler included |
11:11:57 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD49C5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:11:59 | wubbla | wow |
11:12:26 | wubbla | now that's something i'd call "user-friendly" :) |
11:12:53 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-123-25.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
11:18:00 | | Quit Jungti1234 ("Bye~ - http://cafe.naver.com/iriverh300") |
11:18:52 | B4gder | I'm not sure I agree |
11:19:24 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
11:20:25 | wubbla | hmm... afaik rockbox relies on C... |
11:20:45 | wubbla | wouldn't it be possible to use C++? |
11:20:55 | B4gder | yes it would, but we don't |
11:20:59 | wubbla | or would this be too much "high-level"? |
11:21:34 | * | ashridah shudders at the code-size explosion c++ could bring in the hands of the wrong compiler |
11:21:58 | B4gder | wubbla: we just don't need C++ |
11:22:27 | preglow | mmm... c+++ |
11:22:30 | preglow | but no |
11:22:35 | preglow | c is better for our needs |
11:22:59 | solexx | c#, c#! |
11:23:04 | solexx | (just kidding) |
11:23:10 | wubbla | at least for me, it's much easier to write c++ code that c... |
11:23:24 | wubbla | especially when using the STL :) |
11:23:58 | Zagor | wubbla: that's why you don't write code for tight embedded systems :-) |
11:23:59 | * | ashridah flees |
11:24:05 | wubbla | hehe :) |
11:24:46 | * | ashridah shudders at the thought of getting 2-page error messages from rockbox's compilation process |
11:25:32 | B4gder | "I can see you're not in the softwar business" B-] |
11:25:42 | wubbla | i definitely agree that the kernel as well as the drivers need to be written in C/asm... but what about the plugins? |
11:25:43 | ashridah | hahaha. |
11:26:07 | B4gder | you should be able to write plugins in C++ |
11:26:26 | B4gder | no one's been that crazy yet ;-) |
11:26:27 | ashridah | wubbla: i doubt there's much stopping you using it right now. it's just that the plugin interface will still be C :) |
11:27:11 | wubbla | hmmm... a C++ wrapper for the plugin-interface would be nice |
11:27:13 | wubbla | :) |
11:27:45 | B4gder | yes, and a python one |
11:27:51 | wubbla | hehe :) |
11:27:55 | wubbla | java |
11:28:23 | * | ashridah watches wubbla stumble headfirst into a sore spot |
11:29:13 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:29:14 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD49C5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:29:14 | wubbla | ;-) |
11:31:09 | wubbla | how many people are actively contributing (developing) to rockbox? |
11:31:14 | | Join leftright [0] (n=d4406110@labb.contactor.se) |
11:32:12 | B4gder | the credits list is >100 names by now |
11:32:19 | B4gder | we're some 30 committers or so |
11:32:28 | wubbla | wow |
11:32:30 | B4gder | the dev list is >100 people |
11:32:56 | wubbla | this is insane :) |
11:33:48 | leftright | for info, Replay gain values are not displayed in ID3v2 info if Predixis Musicmagic Mixer software is used on the track |
11:33:48 | B4gder | devotion I'd say |
11:34:20 | wubbla | argh...i can't wait for the h300 port :) |
11:35:09 | markun | according to Jungti1234 there are over 20 000 H3xx users in Korea alone. |
11:35:59 | markun | I wonder how long it will take before the #rockbox toppic is in Hangul :) |
11:36:57 | B4gder | you mean in "#rockboxkr" ? ;-) |
11:38:04 | markun | Like orkut.com that is now completely taken over by Brazilians |
11:40:49 | wubbla | in apps/plugin.h are all functions which plugins have access to? |
11:42:19 | B4gder | yes |
11:45:20 | wubbla | so i will never ever need to include another header when just writing plugins? :) |
11:45:46 | preglow | wubbla: stl is pretty much what makes c++ generated code bloated |
11:46:23 | wubbla | preglow: yeah, i know |
11:46:32 | B4gder | wubbla: there are quite a few existing plugins you can check |
11:46:38 | wubbla | preglow: but it makes developement a lot easier |
11:46:45 | preglow | wubbla: sure, i love stl myself |
11:46:56 | wubbla | preglow: because you don't need to care about memory management |
11:47:02 | preglow | too bad it's the only part of the c++ standard "library" that's usable |
11:47:30 | preglow | wubbla: couple stl together with boost::shared_ptr and you truly never have to worry about memory management |
11:48:00 | wubbla | preglow: i'd like to see boost too in rockbox, but that would surely be overkill :) |
11:48:04 | preglow | haha |
11:48:44 | wubbla | yeah, shared_ptr's are extremely powerful |
11:49:06 | leftright | Lear: any chance of looking into this Predixis MusicMagic tag issue, replay gain doesn't work if MusicMagic has added hashed info to the tag |
11:49:27 | wubbla | i'm rarely using raw-ptr's in my source-code since i discovered shared_ptr as well as scoped_ptr :) |
11:51:55 | preglow | using raw ptrs in c++ is a sin these days |
11:52:04 | preglow | anywho |
11:52:11 | preglow | brb |
11:52:59 | leftright | but Foobar and tag editors see the replay gain info regardless |
11:53:29 | leftright | jusr rockbox which doesn't see/apply the info |
12:00 |
12:00:21 | | Quit markun ("leaving") |
12:03:29 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:04:34 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
12:05:18 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m79.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
12:09:59 | | Quit Sandking () |
12:15:43 | | Join nodak [0] (n=d94319f2@labb.contactor.se) |
12:15:46 | nodak | HI |
12:15:52 | | Quit linuxstb (Remote closed the connection) |
12:16:22 | nodak | could U help me with my olympus mROBE 500i?? |
12:19:20 | | Quit nodak (Client Quit) |
12:37:56 | dwihno | I was thinking... Isn't it some kind of requirement to "stop" USB devices, such as flash card readers? Just umounting the device sounds a bit dangerous... |
12:38:04 | dwihno | (before unplugging, that is) |
12:40:03 | LinusN | doesn't sound dangerous to me |
12:40:12 | LinusN | usb is a hot-plug architecture |
12:43:14 | preglow | dwihno: there's always some oses using write caching |
12:43:22 | preglow | dwihno: but unounting should flush it |
12:43:28 | preglow | unmounting, even |
12:44:00 | * | preglow feels an urge to play some iDoom |
12:45:38 | korpse | haha |
12:45:39 | dwihno | Okay |
12:45:55 | dwihno | How about those computers with flash card readers... |
12:46:21 | dwihno | Are the cards merely acting like floppy devices, or does it depend on the type of card reader? |
12:46:49 | preglow | some of them are usb |
12:47:07 | dwihno | USB ones should be stopped then? |
12:47:24 | preglow | i think the driver takes care not to enable write caching |
12:47:34 | preglow | on those devices, you don't even need to unmount |
12:51:09 | dwihno | okay |
12:51:22 | dwihno | but as long as devices are unmounted, it's safe to unplug? |
12:51:44 | preglow | sure |
12:51:49 | preglow | can't ask for much more |
12:52:15 | dwihno | Perhaps I'm just being scared breaking something |
12:52:32 | preglow | what os do you use? |
12:53:04 | preglow | in linux you should just unmount, and you'll be fine |
12:53:07 | dwihno | windows 2000, xp and freebsd |
12:53:28 | preglow | windows automatically disables write caching for all usb devices i have, so there you can just yank the cable out when you're done without unmounting anything |
12:54:18 | _FireFly_ | that's not true at all |
12:54:39 | preglow | no, it's true |
12:54:50 | dwihno | You want the truth? You can't handle the truth ;) |
12:54:54 | _FireFly_ | i had a data-loose after i had unplugged my "usb-stick" without "eject" it |
12:54:58 | preglow | notice the usage of the words 'all usb devices i have' there |
12:55:21 | _FireFly_ | then it's only for you but |
12:55:37 | preglow | yes, but it should serve as an indication |
12:55:54 | preglow | during all my h120 development, i've never clicked the nagging unplag-button thing |
12:56:00 | | Join kurzhaarrocker [0] (n=Phil@p5090915A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
12:56:00 | preglow | and it still lives, no data corrupted |
12:56:10 | | Part kurzhaarrocker |
12:56:13 | _FireFly_ | me either ;) because i'm not useing it under windows ;=) |
12:56:17 | preglow | the same goes for ipod and camera |
12:56:56 | preglow | brb |
12:57:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:00 |
13:04:15 | | Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
13:17:17 | | Quit XavierGr ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
13:27:20 | preglow | back in a couple of days |
13:27:24 | | Part preglow |
13:37:33 | | Join ep0ch [0] (n=ep0ch@ |
13:51:42 | B4gder | we should make WPSes capable of loading bmps in "current directory" |
13:51:45 | | Join paugh [0] (n=kickback@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:8000:0:3e03:6822) |
13:51:54 | B4gder | then we can start bundling WPSes in builds |
13:52:54 | amiconn | There are problems with that (assuming you mean the wps should load images from the dir where the .wps is located |
13:53:16 | B4gder | enlighten me! |
13:53:24 | amiconn | Currently a .wps has to reside directly in /.rockbox in order to be remembered across reboots |
13:53:47 | amiconn | ...so /.rockbox may become extremely cluttered |
13:54:22 | amiconn | I have two alternative suggestions: |
13:55:18 | amiconn | (1) My old idea, only allow one single .bmp per wps that contains all imagery used in the .wps. Many skinning gui systems work this way |
13:57:31 | B4gder | that's actually not a problem with loading bmps in the same dir as the WPS |
13:57:32 | amiconn | The name mapping could even be implicit, i.e. example.wps would load example.bmp |
13:57:54 | B4gder | but I agree we should address it anyway |
13:58:12 | amiconn | (2) The images associated with a wps could reside in a sub-dir of where the .wps file is located |
13:58:16 | Jungti1234 | hi |
13:58:33 | B4gder | and why is that a problem? |
13:58:42 | amiconn | (again, implicit mapping is possible, example.wps would use .bmp files in example/ |
13:59:07 | B4gder | I don't understand |
13:59:39 | B4gder | what's "implicit mapping" in this context |
13:59:49 | LinusN | dir name is <wps name> |
13:59:50 | amiconn | Well, e.g. Christi has a .wps that uses 50 .bmp files. If loading would be implicit from the directory where the.wps is located, all 50 .bmps would be in /.rockbox |
14:00 |
14:00:07 | B4gder | again, you think of setting it as default |
14:00:11 | B4gder | I think of loading it |
14:00:21 | B4gder | they are two separate problems |
14:00:25 | amiconn | Yes, and the default is loaded from .rockbox |
14:00:29 | B4gder | now, yes |
14:00:41 | LinusN | i think having a dir with the same name as the .wps is a good idea |
14:00:44 | B4gder | that would need to be addressed for this to be really good |
14:01:10 | B4gder | LinusN: yes, but we'd need to allow the wps to be in a sub dir or other dir than .rockbox |
14:01:28 | LinusN | yes? |
14:01:34 | B4gder | but yes, having the dir named like the wps is a fine idea |
14:02:11 | B4gder | ".rockbox/wps/coolness.wps" loads pictures from ".rockbox/wps/coolness/" |
14:02:18 | LinusN | yes |
14:02:45 | LinusN | sen lunch |
14:02:48 | LinusN | bbl |
14:02:50 | B4gder | and as a first shot, we'd require wpses to be in .rockbox/wps to survive a reboot |
14:10:25 | ashridah | B4gder: that would in theory mean you could extend it to include support for an archive like format that contains the lot |
14:10:57 | | Join ripnetuk [0] (n=george@82-70-100-230.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) |
14:11:12 | | Quit ripnetuk (Client Quit) |
14:11:13 | | Join ripnetuk [0] (n=george@82-70-100-230.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) |
14:11:37 | B4gder | yes |
14:11:48 | ripnetuk | firefly - hows the remote wps coming along :) |
14:13:07 | | Quit ripnetuk (Client Quit) |
14:13:35 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:14:50 | * | ashridah suspects the daisy audio format won't be possible for that blind archos user :( |
14:16:25 | | Join ripnetuk [0] (n=george@82-70-100-230.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) |
14:16:36 | ep0ch | daisy is like c |
14:16:36 | ep0ch | daisy is like a cuesheet? |
14:17:16 | ashridah | it seems to be more complicated than that |
14:17:41 | ep0ch | ripnetuk: i believe firefly put a patch in the tracker |
14:18:11 | | Quit ashridah ("shower. sleep") |
14:19:16 | ripnetuk | cool... i will go and find it |
14:19:18 | ripnetuk | ta |
14:20:11 | | Join Sandking [0] (n=jacek@ogorek.akron.wroc.pl) |
14:20:53 | | Join muesli- [0] (n=muesli_t@ |
14:20:57 | muesli- | re |
14:21:22 | ripnetuk | are we going down the route of a seperate wps for remote, or having extra lines in the current .wps file? |
14:21:45 | B4gder | I think separate is gonna be easier to deal with |
14:21:53 | ripnetuk | i agree |
14:21:56 | B4gder | it also gives you better flexibility |
14:22:04 | ripnetuk | yes, more combos |
14:22:54 | ripnetuk | damn, cant right click and copy shortcut on tracker page, then use wget (i know, i know, use curl!) |
14:23:19 | B4gder | you can't? |
14:23:36 | ripnetuk | i think its a sourceforge thing |
14:24:25 | B4gder | they might block wget's user-agent or something |
14:24:48 | ripnetuk | yeah, wget http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=44306&atid=439120&file_id=155792&aid=1353466 gives me a html file with a silly filename (xxx.php) |
14:25:10 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("If you can't laugh at yourself, make fun of other people.") |
14:25:24 | B4gder | that's because wget doesn't care about the Content-Disposition: header |
14:25:33 | ripnetuk | aha |
14:26:02 | * | B4gder checks |
14:26:15 | B4gder | yeps |
14:26:19 | ripnetuk | thats uncool (for wget) |
14:26:39 | B4gder | I usually do "curl -o outfile [URL]" to copy things from the sf trackers |
14:26:53 | ripnetuk | i will try that next time then... cheers |
14:27:08 | B4gder | of course wget has such an option too... |
14:27:32 | ripnetuk | the follow redirects? |
14:27:47 | B4gder | that's no redirect |
14:28:09 | ripnetuk | anyway, i got it using firefox :) |
14:28:14 | B4gder | hehe |
14:28:28 | ripnetuk | now to build uber-rockbox with WPS support :) :) :) |
14:28:43 | B4gder | I had a weird experience just a few hours ago |
14:28:54 | B4gder | my main unit's stop didn't stop the music |
14:29:48 | ripnetuk | i love the way on linux once you work out how to do something you can always script it for next time... on windows that is not the case |
14:30:16 | B4gder | amen |
14:34:22 | * | ripnetuk plays guess the -p option for patch :) |
14:34:34 | B4gder | :-) |
14:34:41 | B4gder | my favourite game |
14:34:52 | ripnetuk | ims till losing :( will have to fire up vi |
14:34:54 | ripnetuk | to look at patch |
14:35:22 | ripnetuk | aha it was a trick one -p 0 |
14:35:50 | LinusN | i played bejeweled while listening to music the other day, and i realized that it would be nice to still have music control on the remote while running a plugin |
14:35:54 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (i=dave@dhcp-163-1-214-173.seh.ox.ac.uk) |
14:36:54 | ripnetuk | Linus - indeed, although it would have to be up to the plugin in question if it supported it... how about a plugin api function passThroughKeypress |
14:37:08 | ripnetuk | then the plugin could handle the keys, and pass through any its not interested in |
14:37:35 | LinusN | ripnetuk: it would be enough to just call the default handler |
14:37:58 | ripnetuk | of course |
14:38:15 | LinusN | should be pretty straightforward |
14:38:57 | | Join DJDD_ [0] (n=DJDD@CPE-143-238-11-25.vic.bigpond.net.au) |
14:40:10 | ripnetuk | Can the chipset in the iRiver pass through the analog in mixed into the analog out? i want to plug my smartphone into my iRiver so I dont have to change headphones when switching between watching video on phopne, and mp3s on rockbox (phone has silly sized jack plug, and adapter is small, and easily lost) |
14:42:33 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp8-adsl-65.ath.forthnet.gr) |
14:43:14 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
14:43:49 | Jungti1234 | Should like to play a game as quickly as possible in iriver h300. :) |
14:44:11 | | Quit Mxm`Pas`Bien (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:44:16 | LinusN | ripnetuk: yes |
14:44:27 | ripnetuk | wps looks good - thanks firefly (and of course timid) - i think today is the last day I run iriver firmware |
14:44:58 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
14:45:25 | LinusN | ripnetuk: i can't even remember that day anymore |
14:45:41 | ripnetuk | yeah, but you dont rely on the remote then |
14:45:56 | LinusN | no i don't, but i use it a lot nowadays |
14:46:26 | ripnetuk | i have a friend who bought a ih140 and has never even plugeed in the remote /me doesnt understand |
14:46:42 | ripnetuk | its the only real feature of the iriver over the archos IMHO |
14:47:43 | B4gder | and wma playback |
14:48:29 | XavierGr | LinusN: Does rockbox fdprintf supports %f handler? |
14:48:42 | B4gder | no |
14:48:53 | B4gder | we have no float support |
14:49:05 | XavierGr | and how can i print to a file an integer divided by 100 |
14:49:18 | XavierGr | p.x I want to print ventivolts |
14:49:23 | XavierGr | centivolts |
14:49:41 | XavierGr | rockbox uses integer e.g 330 = 3.33 |
14:49:41 | B4gder | integer/100 and integer % 100 |
14:49:45 | B4gder | for example |
14:50:05 | LinusN | fprintf(fd, "%d.%02d", val/100, val%100); |
14:50:06 | XavierGr | hmmm |
14:50:37 | LinusN | or something like that |
14:50:57 | XavierGr | ok thanks |
14:54:25 | | Quit DJDD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:54:34 | XavierGr | I just made a tsr plugin that logs in a txt file battery information like: on Exact second: Battery level percent, centivolts, estimated remaining time, |
14:54:54 | XavierGr | it will be good for battery benchmarks |
14:54:55 | | Quit ep0ch (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:55:22 | XavierGr | every time the disk spins up for other reasons the plug_in will write the info to the file. |
14:55:41 | XavierGr | This way the log will catch up until the last succesfull HD write. |
14:56:09 | XavierGr | then using a graph we can see how the battery did on the test. |
14:56:55 | B4gder | anyone sits on a wps with bmps I could do some tests with? |
14:57:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:00 |
15:04:55 | amiconn | Btw, speaking about disk spinup and saving - I had an idea for an api for delayed file saving |
15:05:28 | amiconn | Today we save the config into the special sector, mainly because we want to delay the saving |
15:05:53 | amiconn | We could save the configuration into a .cfg, but then we need delayed file saving |
15:06:39 | amiconn | The ata driver could allow to register a callback for delayed file saving. |
15:07:28 | Zagor | sounds good |
15:07:51 | LinusN | iirc, the main reason for the config sector was not to delay the saving, but to have an atomic write on the ATA level |
15:09:01 | LinusN | and it was convenient, at the time when the filesystem code wasn't all that stable |
15:09:03 | Zagor | I like the config sector because it's the KISS solution. however I agree it's a bit inelegant for the user. |
15:09:15 | Zagor | and also not very expandable |
15:09:41 | B4gder | we do suffer slightly because of it |
15:09:46 | Zagor | yes |
15:09:54 | LinusN | i'm all for .cfg file for defaults |
15:10:17 | Zagor | me too |
15:10:48 | LinusN | we should perhaps still keep the resume info in a separate file |
15:11:01 | B4gder | yes |
15:11:11 | B4gder | we should put the very-often-updated info separately |
15:11:53 | LinusN | .rockbox/default.cfg and .rockbox/resume.cfg (or something) |
15:12:55 | Jungti1234 | hi Linus |
15:13:28 | Jungti1234 | Take the trouble. |
15:13:43 | solexx | B4gder: what sort of wps do you need? |
15:13:59 | B4gder | never mind, I got one off the gallery |
15:14:17 | B4gder | thanks anyway |
15:14:54 | solexx | np |
15:17:53 | Zagor | are we saving the settings on each spinup on iriver too? |
15:19:25 | B4gder | yes, afaik |
15:20:10 | Zagor | strictly speaking we don't have to do that on units with soft shutdown |
15:22:12 | Jungti1234 | I will go out. |
15:22:14 | B4gder | http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox/relativewps.patch |
15:22:22 | B4gder | opinions? |
15:22:26 | Jungti1234 | No one sees off. :( |
15:22:31 | Jungti1234 | Bye. |
15:22:34 | B4gder | 1 - assumes WPSes in .rockbox/wps |
15:22:44 | | Quit Jungti1234 ("Bye~ - http://cafe.naver.com/iriverh300") |
15:22:45 | B4gder | 2 - assumes BMPs in .rockbox/wps/[wps name]/ |
15:23:41 | B4gder | seems to work |
15:26:06 | LinusN | B4gder: go go go |
15:27:51 | B4gder | you mean a commit and run? ;-) |
15:33:09 | LinusN | exactlky |
15:37:44 | B4gder | I'll do it later tonight |
15:38:03 | LinusN | run? |
15:38:08 | B4gder | yeah |
15:40:18 | | Quit StrathAFK (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:46:00 | | Join Strath [0] (n=mike@dpc674681214.direcpc.com) |
15:47:10 | amiconn | LinusN: Iiuc the .playlist_control file stores all information about the current playlist? |
15:47:37 | amiconn | If so, it wouldn't it make sense to store resume info there as well? |
15:48:57 | LinusN | amiconn: fair enough, but it doesn't contain the time, and it can be quite large |
15:49:25 | LinusN | so i suggest the time is stored somewhere else |
15:51:58 | amiconn | Hmm, I have never seen a large .playlist_control, but then I don't know exactly how it works |
15:52:21 | LinusN | if you insert a lot of files or dirs, it may grow quite big |
15:52:26 | amiconn | Of course it doesn't make sense to store the resume info in a large file, at least not when it's ascii |
15:53:29 | amiconn | I'm not really sure whether it's a good idea to store the settings as .cfg (ascii) |
15:53:32 | | Quit B4gder ("time to say moo") |
15:53:40 | LinusN | i think it is |
15:54:01 | amiconn | The advantage would be that it's stored in a file, is human readable, and we only have one format to deal with |
15:54:46 | amiconn | Otoh, storing frequently updated info (resume, runtime) there costs more processing time |
15:55:27 | amiconn | We could even get rid of the bitfield array, but only if we find a solution for the rtc ram part of the settings |
15:56:53 | amiconn | The Archos Ondio firmware stores settings in a binary file (ondiost.bin in the root) |
15:59:46 | LinusN | i suggest we do like this in the first step: |
16:00 |
16:00:06 | LinusN | 1) save "regular" settings in .rockbox/default.cfg |
16:00:27 | LinusN | 2) save runtime and resume info in a binary file like the ondio |
16:00:37 | LinusN | how about it |
16:00:39 | LinusN | ? |
16:01:24 | LinusN | we will still need the rtc for some things, though, for the charging info |
16:18:25 | | Quit muesli- ("ich will Kühe!!!") |
16:19:42 | amiconn | LinusN: Totally different question - how do I use curl to upload sth using http PUT (no authentication)? |
16:20:13 | Zagor | −−upload-file |
16:20:14 | LinusN | curl -d name=val http://blabla/bla.cgi |
16:20:18 | LinusN | put |
16:20:21 | LinusN | ah |
16:20:38 | LinusN | amiconn: listen to Zagor and ignore me |
16:22:38 | amiconn | Zagor: Hmm, that's what I tried, however, nothing happens |
16:22:49 | amiconn | No error, but also no file on the server |
16:24:26 | * | Zagor reads the manual |
16:28:13 | amiconn | Hmm, the problem is probably on the server side |
16:28:19 | | Quit paugh ("bbiab") |
16:32:34 | amiconn | Nm, the problem *was* on the server side |
16:34:53 | leftright | would anyone like the file which has the Predixis MusicMagic info written to tags which renders the Replay Gain unreadable ? |
16:35:39 | leftright | just thought you might be interested as this Predixis software appears to be catching on |
16:36:50 | LinusN | leftright: is it big? |
16:37:07 | leftright | about 6 megs |
16:37:12 | LinusN | ouch |
16:37:57 | leftright | unless you install this predixis software and test it on one of your files |
16:38:05 | LinusN | dcc it to me, and i'll put it on my server |
16:38:22 | leftright | http://www.predixis.biz/Predixis_Mixer.htm |
16:38:50 | dwihno | Does this predixis stuff add extra data to the stream? |
16:39:20 | leftright | it adds hash files to the tags, but I'm no expert |
16:40:11 | leftright | foobar and tags redaers show the info, foobar still displays and plays the file correctly |
16:40:52 | leftright | Linus; dcc ?, sorry dont understand |
16:41:26 | LinusN | dcc is the irc file transfer protocol |
16:43:43 | * | leftright looks for this ftp |
16:44:00 | Slasheri | leftright: you can't use dcc from webchat |
16:44:50 | leftright | thanks, saved me a square search |
16:45:03 | LinusN | leftright: i /msg'd you |
16:47:41 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-128-235.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
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17:00 |
17:00:40 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
17:14:40 | | Quit TiMiD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:20:11 | | Quit Sandking () |
17:22:34 | | Join Febs [0] (n=40be24f0@labb.contactor.se) |
17:41:22 | | Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
17:46:26 | | Join Febs [0] (n=40be24f0@labb.contactor.se) |
17:47:26 | amiconn | LinusN: back to the settings files - what charging info do you mean? |
17:48:24 | amiconn | Also, using .cfg files for ordinary settings means that some 'ordinary' settings which are today stored in the rtc ram will be stored on disk |
17:48:30 | amiconn | (like volume, bass etc) |
17:49:39 | LinusN | i mean that the charging algorithm needs the battery capacity etc, which is in rtc ram |
17:49:58 | LinusN | car adapter mode is another |
17:50:21 | amiconn | Hmm, but these are also ordinary settings... |
17:50:45 | amiconn | We need to find a way for handling them both in rtc (binary) and on disk |
17:51:01 | LinusN | yes |
17:54:39 | amiconn | Hmm, how does car adapter mode work on the player? There is no rtc... |
17:54:54 | LinusN | it doesn't have a charging screen |
17:55:21 | LinusN | so the car adapter mode setting isn't important in the boot |
17:55:38 | amiconn | The player does have a charging screen |
17:56:05 | amiconn | Only the very old models without ata power controls don't show it |
17:56:16 | LinusN | not the flashed players |
17:56:27 | amiconn | ??? |
17:56:47 | LinusN | car adapter mode only works on players flashed with rockbox |
17:56:59 | amiconn | My player is flashed, and it shows the charging screen when I plug the power adapter in off state |
17:57:14 | LinusN | oh |
17:57:24 | LinusN | badness |
17:57:25 | amiconn | It was me who coded the player battery animation for the charging screen... |
17:57:49 | LinusN | then i guess car adapter mode has never worked on the player |
17:59:45 | amiconn | Hmm, probably. Car adapter mode should work (even for non-flashed rockbox), just not from off state |
17:59:55 | LinusN | oldplayers don't start when the adapter is plugged in, so there's little use for a charging screen :-) |
18:00 |
18:00:23 | amiconn | They don't? Interesting... |
18:00:24 | Maxime | what does "car adapter mode" is? :x |
18:00:43 | LinusN | Maxime: the archos players boot when the charger is attached |
18:01:18 | LinusN | so the car adapter mode resumes the playback when it senses external power |
18:01:27 | Maxime | ok |
18:01:27 | LinusN | i.e when you start the car |
18:01:32 | amiconn | LinusN: Do you know when this hardware feature was added? Was that with adding ata power control, or together with the new lcd? |
18:01:37 | LinusN | and it pauses when the power disappears |
18:01:48 | LinusN | amiconn: i don't know |
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18:38:53 | karim | salut |
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20:47:01 | linuxstb | Can someone with patch-tracker rights close patch #1352575 (the Shorten codec) ? I've just committed it. |
20:51:08 | amiconn | done |
20:52:57 | | Join RotAtoR [0] (n=e@12-210-82-91.client.insightBB.com) |
20:52:58 | BirdFish | has anyone here used dasm68 before? |
20:54:46 | linuxstb | amiconn: Thanks. |
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21:44:01 | | Join xmixahlx [0] (n=xmixahlx@ |
21:47:33 | xmixahlx | i notice shorten codec is added to CVS - what is the status of this? anyone know? |
21:51:04 | linuxstb | xmixahlx: It works very well. No seeking support yet (or maybe ever), but it's working. |
21:51:32 | solexx | most SHN files I have seen had no seek tables anyway |
21:52:22 | xmixahlx | mmm all newer shorten files have them (>3.0 iirc) |
21:53:00 | solexx | it's been some time since I tried the last time. Now I am using FLAC... |
21:53:56 | linuxstb | Shorten is very inefficient at decoding. Some live music traders like to keep them, but personally I convert everything to FLAC - and I think most people are the same when they get a Shorten file. |
21:54:19 | linuxstb | I meant to say inefficient at encoding - in terms of compression ratio. |
21:54:24 | xmixahlx | right |
21:54:30 | xmixahlx | cuz decoding is blazing fast |
21:55:38 | solexx | btw, is Ogg decoding significantly slower than MP3? |
21:55:58 | linuxstb | I don't know, I never use either. |
21:56:07 | solexx | I have some -q8 Ogg files and have more than 50% boost ratio |
21:56:28 | solexx | but I don't have MP3 files of the same quality |
21:56:57 | solexx | linuxstb: do you only use lossless encoding? even on your mobile player? |
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22:01:11 | linuxstb_ | solexx: Yes. My main reason is simply that I want one copy of my music that I can play anywhere. I have a H140 and a 60GB iPod - so 100GB of mobile storage. |
22:02:07 | linuxstb_ | But I also have a lot of MP2 files captured from digital radio. |
22:02:59 | xmixahlx | can anyone update http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverTesting |
22:03:10 | xmixahlx | it doesn't reflect >2.5 release |
22:03:29 | linuxstb_ | Yes - anyone can. |
22:08:26 | xmixahlx | thanx for the help - later |
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22:25:16 | solexx | has anybody developed a good concept to manage a music collection in different formats in parallel? |
22:25:42 | solexx | i have a big pile of FLACS and another pile of MP3/Oggs |
22:26:59 | solexx | nevermind, I should be thinking silently |
22:31:09 | amiconn | linuxstb: The shorten decoder addition moved actual code into a .h file. This is considered dirty coding style... |
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22:40:50 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: Are you talking about ff_log2_tab or the actual functions? I agree the table shouldn't be there - but the code is inline. |
22:41:02 | amiconn | I mean the table |
22:41:14 | linuxstb_ | I agree - I'll move it. |
22:41:45 | amiconn | Some remarks concerning lcd-16bit.c |
22:42:25 | amiconn | (1) lcd_nopixel() should always do nothing, that's what it's for |
22:42:56 | amiconn | (2) lcd_invertpixel() should invert the pixel, that means complement brightness and colour on a colour lcd |
22:43:32 | amiconn | Of course I mean nopixel() and flippixel() |
22:43:33 | webguest68 | are you's talkin bout the iriver h300 |
22:44:07 | amiconn | (3) The block functions are most likely unnecessary for LCD_DEPTH >= 8 |
22:44:40 | amiconn | They *are* unnecessary for sure. |
22:44:43 | linuxstb_ | webguest68: lcd-16-bit will be used by both the iPod and h300 ports - at least initially. |
22:45:28 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: Thanks for the comments. I know there is still a lot of work to do in that file. |
22:45:44 | amiconn | Perhaps you'll get an idea about my lcd driver intentions for >=8 bit lcds when you check apps/plugins/lib/gray_draw.c |
22:48:12 | | Quit webguest68 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:48:48 | amiconn | One difference of gray_draw.c and a core lcd driver is that the pixel function arguments are different, but that's just because the grayscale lib supports variable resolution |
22:52:07 | linuxstb_ | Am I right in saying the framebuffer is one byte per pixel? |
22:53:33 | amiconn | Yes it is (if the grayscale lib is operating in buffered mode) |
22:53:39 | linuxstb_ | If so, it seems a lot of the drawing functions can be copied from there - but using a short* instead of a char* |
22:53:50 | amiconn | yes, should be possible |
22:54:23 | amiconn | In fact some functions can be simplified, since they don't have to deal with varying level mapping |
22:56:02 | amiconn | The grayscale lib supports 2..33 shades of grey; since it would be very cumbersome to let each plugin handle varying depth itself, the pixel values are normalised to be 0..255 regardless of internal depth |
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23:25:13 | | Join ]RowaN[ [0] (i=a2b0y@82-43-214-84.cable.ubr10.newm.blueyonder.co.uk) |
23:26:06 | ]RowaN[ | hey guys whats shorten like compared to flac? |
23:27:27 | ]RowaN[ | in lossless mode that is |
23:36:13 | Bagder | http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Lossless_comparison |
23:37:19 | ]RowaN[ | thanks |
23:38:10 | ]RowaN[ | no replaygain/tag support, doh! but slightly higher compression, woo hoo! |
23:38:11 | linuxstb_ | "No hardware support" now needs updating in that description of Shorten :) |
23:38:34 | Bagder | yeps |
23:38:36 | Bagder | :-) |
23:38:43 | RotAtoR | ]RowaN[: that's slightly worse compression |
23:39:08 | ]RowaN[ | oh! |
23:39:20 | RotAtoR | 63.5% of original size as compared to 55.5% for monkey, for example |
23:39:24 | ]RowaN[ | i see |
23:39:37 | ]RowaN[ | i did wonder why the table cell was colored shitty brown |
23:39:45 | Bagder | here's another => http://members.home.nl/w.speek/comparison.htm |
23:39:50 | ]RowaN[ | its hardly a celebration color, compared to bright green |
23:40:00 | RotAtoR | :) |
23:40:40 | ]RowaN[ | does rockbox support monkeys audio? |
23:41:10 | linuxstb_ | No. |
23:41:42 | linuxstb_ | Two reasons - no GPL license and it's apparently very computationally hard to decode. |
23:41:58 | linuxstb_ | s/GPL/GPL compatible/ |
23:42:45 | linuxstb_ | So it will probably not happen for both legal and technical reasons. |
23:43:09 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
23:43:34 | ]RowaN[ | maybe i should switch all my flac stuff to wavpack.. better compression and all the features i use (replaygain, tags) |
23:45:42 | linuxstb_ | I don't think there are any strong reasons for (or against) either. FLAC decodes faster, but wavpack is slightly smaller. |
23:46:43 | linuxstb_ | Wavpack has a hybrid mode, but oggenc can encode directly from flac files. |
23:56:05 | ]RowaN[ | should faster decoding excite me? does it mean more battery life? |
23:56:32 | Bagder | yes it does |
23:56:46 | linuxstb_ | In theory. But the smaller filesize will help wavpack. So it's a close contest. |
23:57:03 | linuxstb_ | But FLAC will probably play for longer |
23:57:06 | Bagder | yes its a time vs time ;-) |
23:57:23 | * | amiconn wonders whether this monster will still work when restructuring is done :/ |
23:57:28 | Bagder | decoding time vs time between spinups |
23:58:54 | linuxstb_ | FLAC plays for about 12-13 hours. I would expect wavpack to be quite close to that - so it depends if that's an issue for you. |