00:00:21 | Moos | Have a good night |
00:02:00 | dpassen1 | night Lear, thanks for fixing it |
00:03:00 | | Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@81-178-223-156.dsl.pipex.com) |
00:06:17 | Bagder | sfv... |
00:06:30 | Bagder | "SFV (Simple File Verification) is used for creation the CRC32 checksum files" |
00:07:57 | | Quit Lear ("Chatzilla [Firefox 1.5/undefined]") |
00:09:23 | amiconn | markun: One odd thing I noticed: arabjoin.c is located directly in firmware/ (would expect it in firmware/common/ like unicode.c), and arabjoin.h is directly in firmware/ too (would belong in firmware/export/ or firmware/include/ depending on where arabjoin.c is located) |
00:12:37 | | Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:16:40 | | Quit Rick (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:17:25 | | Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-9-40.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
00:18:03 | | Quit |Bger| (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:19:16 | | Quit dpassen1 () |
00:20:53 | | Join Cassandra- [0] (i=Cassandr@elmyra.coraline.org) |
00:23:34 | markun | amiconn: yes, you are probably right. |
00:24:20 | petur | I just added a patch (1375787) that eleminates cpu hogging while keeping smooth playback on the win32sim. It replaces patch 1373083 which should be removed. |
00:24:34 | petur | It's a small patch, if anybody has time... |
00:32:07 | | Quit ender1 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:32:10 | petur | Oh well, it's there for anybody to use. I'm off... goodnight! |
00:32:30 | | Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") |
00:32:33 | Midgey34 | petur: patch seems to work, the sim doesn't stutter as much now (still has a few stutters here and there but I am running a number of processes) |
00:36:46 | XavierGr | what do I have to change to make the sim to have audio again? |
00:38:12 | | Join JonSenior [0] (n=root@host86-131-184-135.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) |
00:39:06 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:39:07 | | Nick Cassandra- is now known as Cassandra (i=Cassandr@elmyra.coraline.org) |
00:44:04 | | Join San [0] (n=Test@213-202-149-183.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
00:48:32 | | Join sa0 [0] (i=sa0@AMontsouris-151-1-71-184.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
00:48:41 | sa0 | hi all |
00:48:56 | sa0 | just a question about IRiver port ? |
00:49:02 | sa0 | is it ok in here ? |
00:50:19 | XavierGr | yes |
00:50:41 | sa0 | i'm looking for themes other than those included (h100) |
00:50:46 | sa0 | can someone help ? |
00:52:34 | XavierGr | forums maybe? |
00:53:03 | XavierGr | there is no official place which all sort of themes reside AFAIK. |
00:54:25 | sa0 | sad |
00:54:45 | Paul_The_Nerd | "Themes" as a whole are a relatively new feature |
00:55:16 | XavierGr | sa0: You can find wpses in the wiki, but not themes. |
00:55:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | There's the WpsGallery in the wiki, where you can get individual WPSes, but most of the ones that are a whole theme are getting submitted and included it seems anyway. |
00:56:25 | sa0 | ok thx |
00:58:16 | | Join SimonB [0] (n=simonb@82-37-20-146.cable.ubr03.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk) |
00:58:34 | SimonB | hi all |
00:59:31 | | Quit xmixahlx ("blah blah blah") |
01:00 |
01:00:33 | | Part JonSenior |
01:01:08 | Midgey34 | XavierGr: enable it in autoconf.h |
01:02:05 | SimonB | bit of a silly question, if i may? |
01:02:48 | SimonB | im not much of a developer but would like to get involved, how could i contribute other than reporting bugs etc that i encounter. |
01:03:32 | Midgey34 | you could write WPSs |
01:03:52 | Midgey34 | or help with documentation at the wiki |
01:05:08 | SimonB | ahh cool, wps's are pretty well docymented, so its a definbate possibilty, plus documentation is something i could/would get invovlved with |
01:05:19 | SimonB | documented rather. |
01:06:05 | SimonB | sorry bout the spelling, ironic isnt it, interested in documenting but cant type a coherant sentance on irc, heh :/ |
01:06:46 | lostlogicx | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2039.0 Profiling patches now available in two flavors. On to actually profiling Tremor and figuring out how to optimize it for me. |
01:08:53 | Midgey34 | excellent work good luck |
01:10:14 | XavierGr | Is there any script that will make me search for tabs and replace them with spaces? |
01:11:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:11:15 | | Quit sa0 ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
01:11:28 | XavierGr | lostlogic: Any chance optimizing ilbmad? |
01:12:04 | lostlogicx | XavierGr: I made on device profiling patches... I'm only interested in vorbis personally, so it's up to others to use the profiling patches to optimize other codecs. |
01:12:12 | | Quit tim66 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
01:12:52 | XavierGr | I am trying to optimize midi, but I am a louser optimizer. |
01:13:19 | lostlogicx | hehe, we'll see if I'm any good at this with Tremor... the profiling was just a couple of week distraction from failling to optimize it ;) |
01:16:28 | | Part SimonB ("bbl") |
01:17:46 | | Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (n=ashridah@ |
01:19:00 | amiconn | Argh, it seems the tagdb tools need to be adjusted to write utf8 strings into the db ... |
01:19:28 | amiconn | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2085.msg14076#msg14076 |
01:20:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | Another point on the list, then, 'eh? |
01:20:26 | amiconn | preglow: Clicky resampler alert: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2091.0 |
01:31:24 | | Nick ashridah is now known as Lost-ash (n=ashridah@ |
01:32:16 | | Quit Kohlriba (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:38:41 | Moos | Night all |
01:38:47 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox") |
01:49:19 | | Join Membrillo [0] (n=sam_kill@CPE-144-131-87-124.nsw.bigpond.net.au) |
01:50:20 | | Quit edx () |
01:50:56 | | Quit Membrillo (Client Quit) |
01:51:52 | markun | http://www.rockbox.org/fonts/ needs some updating :) |
01:59:28 | | Join max [0] (n=max@CPE000000215842-CM00080d6f5883.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
01:59:52 | | Quit Paul_The_Nerd (Excess Flood) |
02:00 |
02:03:00 | | Quit DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
02:16:51 | | Quit Rick (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:22:07 | lostlogic | Hmm, can combine nm output and .map files to locate more symbols. |
02:35:54 | XavierGr | okay battery_bench plugin is now updated to latest unicode changes. If anyone is interested: |
02:35:55 | XavierGr | http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&atid=439120&group_id=44306&aid=1357370 |
02:49:28 | | Quit YouCeyE (Remote closed the connection) |
02:54:27 | | Part DJDD_ |
02:56:59 | | Join EoS [0] (i=EoS@chello212186071171.1.14.vie.surfer.at) |
02:57:09 | EoS | hello |
03:00 |
03:01:29 | | Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-9-40.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
03:02:33 | | Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@vp089013.reshsg.uci.edu) |
03:08:11 | EoS | hello anyone there? |
03:08:34 | Lost-ash | what's up? |
03:08:36 | | Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (n=ashridah@ |
03:11:10 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:11:19 | EoS | hi |
03:11:33 | EoS | i was wondering, is it safe to install the iriver rockbox port? |
03:14:38 | ashridah | depends how you define safe. it's generally been fine for people, but i wouldn't go so far as to say it's perfectly safe. |
03:14:42 | ashridah | which model iriver? |
03:15:17 | EoS | h140 |
03:15:27 | EoS | well can it kill my unit? |
03:15:31 | ashridah | ah, that works fine. i've got one, had rockbox on it for ages. |
03:15:52 | ashridah | the bootloader's been working for almost a year now for the H1xx, it's fairly safe. |
03:16:05 | ashridah | still no garuntees yet, but i doubt they'd ever really be in the position to offer one |
03:16:05 | EoS | oh goody, i loved rockbox on archos, been waiting for it to come out on irirver for so long |
03:16:09 | ashridah | aah |
03:16:19 | ashridah | heh, you could have joined the party on the H1xx months ago :) |
03:16:41 | ashridah | some of the features rockbox adds for the iriver players are much nicer than the stock firmware |
03:17:28 | EoS | yup |
03:17:50 | ashridah | but the install process is fairly painless. you just need an unmodified ihp_120.hex |
03:17:59 | EoS | yeah i got a guide |
03:18:07 | EoS | from misitcriver.com |
03:18:12 | EoS | misticriver |
03:18:42 | ashridah | the daily builds have just had a fairly major patch go in, so there's still some cleanup from the unicode stuff |
03:18:59 | ashridah | but that's only affecting trivial stuff, and is rapidly being squashed. |
03:19:14 | ashridah | mostly a few unfixed plugins |
03:21:17 | EoS | yay, rockbox up and running :) |
03:21:22 | ashridah | sweet. |
03:21:33 | ashridah | hope you like the features it adds to the iriver units |
03:21:54 | ashridah | they're certainly more capable than the archos platforms |
03:22:00 | EoS | im pretty sure i will, i remeber how much it enhanced the old jukebox6000 |
03:26:04 | EoS | ok thx for the info and thx for making this fine piece of software! |
03:26:23 | EoS | cya |
03:26:27 | | Quit EoS ("Peace and Protection 4.22") |
03:28:28 | | Nick ashridah is now known as Lost-ash (n=ashridah@ |
03:41:27 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD5246.dip.t-dialin.net) |
03:54:44 | | Quit hardeep ("[BX] Man I'm *SLEEPY*!!!! My keyboard is slipping away!") |
03:54:56 | | Join yngwi [0] (n=chatzill@chello080109107064.1.15.vie.surfer.at) |
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03:55:56 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:57:30 | | Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@vp089013.reshsg.uci.edu) |
03:59:58 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:59:58 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD5246.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:00 |
04:13:58 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
04:16:29 | | Quit Jungti1234 (Client Quit) |
04:18:09 | | Part YouCeyE ("Leaving") |
04:33:41 | | Part max |
04:37:00 | | Quit Dima202 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:40:57 | | Join Noel_sad_song [0] (n=c87ec44a@labb.contactor.se) |
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04:52:06 | | Quit Noel_sad_song ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
05:00 |
05:03:18 | | Join Rob2222_ [0] (n=Miranda@ACB73339.ipt.aol.com) |
05:11:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:18:39 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:20:11 | lostlogic | much progress in symbol naming is made. |
05:26:26 | lostlogic | now all I'm missing is inlines, I think. |
05:28:47 | lostlogic | maybe it's statics that are the problem |
05:29:00 | lostlogic | whatever, 468 lines of Java to parse as much as I'm currently getting. |
05:34:46 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-19-241-33.bna.bellsouth.net) |
05:40:34 | | Join Symbob [0] (n=Symbob@ |
05:43:43 | | Part Symbob ("bye") |
06:00 |
06:02:26 | lostlogic | woot! it was a bug! Profile parsing works, all symbols accounted for! |
06:35:14 | | Quit Rob2222_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:35:53 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB73339.ipt.aol.com) |
06:37:50 | lostlogic | moving the most called functions to IRAM does not help. caching must already be better |
06:53:32 | | Join Mrono [0] (i=Mike@ip68-3-5-65.ph.ph.cox.net) |
06:53:35 | Mrono | hey |
06:54:11 | Mrono | anyone here |
06:57:10 | Mrono | oo kay |
07:00 |
07:00:52 | | Part Midgey34 |
07:11:14 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:12:26 | * | Mrono is away (auto-away after 15mins of inactivity) - (11:12 pm) |
07:32:22 | | Quit YouCeyE ("Leaving") |
07:51:58 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
07:53:03 | * | Mrono is Back from (auto-away after 15mins of inactivity) - (Gone: 40mins 36secs) |
07:53:03 | Mrono | hello |
07:53:55 | Slasheri | hi |
07:54:03 | Slasheri | (but please disable that auto away message thing) |
07:57:01 | Jungti1234 | hi |
08:00 |
08:07:09 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
08:08:33 | * | Mrono is away (auto-away after 15mins of inactivity) - (12:08 am) |
08:12:40 | | Join Coldtoast [0] (n=edan@ppp110-249.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net) |
08:12:52 | Coldtoast | hey |
08:13:06 | Coldtoast | anybody else have a huge pause problem? |
08:13:50 | Coldtoast | when I pause and it fades out, instead of a smooth fade, the audio fluctuates a few times between loud/soft |
08:14:30 | Coldtoast | then when I unpause, it just constantly pulses between loud/soft and the player becomes unresponsive |
08:14:49 | Jungti1234 | Which player? |
08:14:57 | Coldtoast | h140 |
08:15:10 | Coldtoast | just disabled "Fade on pause/stop" and it's fine |
08:15:25 | Jungti1234 | I will check. |
08:15:25 | preglow | my, i'm tired |
08:15:35 | | Join elinenbe_ [0] (i=trilluse@207-237-225-224.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
08:15:46 | Coldtoast | and it crossfades between tracks perfectly normally |
08:16:36 | | Quit elinenbe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:16:53 | | Join Tigren [0] (i=Tigren@merrill-51-141.resnet.ucsc.edu) |
08:17:14 | Tigren | so is the rockbox firmware stable to install on an iriver h340?: |
08:17:33 | Bagder | define stable |
08:17:39 | Coldtoast | here's something else I just noticed |
08:18:03 | Tigren | Bagder: useable without crashing... and wont render it unusable ie killing the hd |
08:18:22 | Bagder | Tigren: yes, then I think we can say it is stable |
08:18:24 | | Nick elinenbe_ is now known as elinenbe (i=trilluse@207-237-225-224.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
08:18:39 | Coldtoast | I re-enabled Fade on Pause/Stop, paused, it did the volume flutter, I managed to get it to power off and when I powered back on, the Fade on Pause/Stop setting was disabled |
08:18:49 | Tigren | Bagder: what about it would make you hesitate to say it is stable? |
08:19:21 | Bagder | Tigren: only the lack of long time testing and the small amount of developers devoted to h3x0-specific development |
08:19:32 | Tigren | ok |
08:19:43 | Bagder | it has a cap on cpu freq, it just got usb support added |
08:19:47 | Tigren | would you suggest installing rockbox or the new firmware at this point? |
08:20:07 | Bagder | *I* would not hesitate to use rockbox |
08:20:14 | Coldtoast | you can still boot the irivr formware you know |
08:20:17 | Bagder | but then I am a notorious rockbox user |
08:20:25 | Coldtoast | firmware |
08:20:29 | Tigren | i used rockbox when i had an archos jukebox |
08:20:43 | Tigren | and swore by it |
08:20:45 | Bagder | Tigren: aaah, then you'll feel like coming home again! ;-) |
08:20:48 | Coldtoast | installing the bootloader gives you a safer player Tigren |
08:20:56 | | Join elinenbe_ [0] (i=trilluse@207-237-225-224.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
08:21:00 | Coldtoast | cos if the iriver fw bricks your player, you can most likely recover |
08:21:18 | Tigren | Bagder: it seemed like in all the pictures, only half of the screen was being used... whats up with that? |
08:21:39 | Bagder | Tigren: lots of stuff is not yet adjusted to the larger screen size of the h3x0 series |
08:21:43 | | Quit elinenbe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:21:43 | | Nick elinenbe_ is now known as elinenbe (i=trilluse@207-237-225-224.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
08:22:00 | Tigren | so right now only part of the screen is useable? |
08:22:01 | Coldtoast | you can just create a wps to fix that tho, right? |
08:22:25 | Bagder | Tigren: all of the screen is used, just not all over as good as you'd like it to |
08:22:37 | Tigren | oh i see, i can change that? |
08:23:29 | Bagder | you can change the WPS to use the screen as you like |
08:23:36 | Tigren | ok cool |
08:23:41 | Tigren | i can make it pretty |
08:23:57 | Bagder | check out the WpsGallery wiki page for inspiration |
08:24:44 | Coldtoast | so anybody with a h100 getting this pause bug? |
08:25:15 | Bagder | haven't used my iriver in days... |
08:25:27 | Coldtoast | why not? |
08:25:32 | Jungti1234 | http://mfiles.naver.net/68b95c8993cda5133f5d/data10/2005/12/5/170/dump_0001.png |
08:25:34 | Tigren | the daily builds are good enough to use? |
08:25:42 | Tigren | ooohh, pretty |
08:25:56 | Bagder | Tigren: they are bound to be the best builds more or less every day ;-) |
08:26:01 | Tigren | woohoo |
08:26:15 | Tigren | http://www.rockbox.org/auto/build-h300/rockbox.zip is the right download? |
08:27:33 | Bagder | that URL is the bleeeding edge build |
08:27:48 | Jungti1234 | OH! |
08:27:50 | Tigren | oh boy |
08:27:54 | Jungti1234 | Coldtoast! |
08:27:57 | Bagder | http://www.rockbox.org/daily/h300/rockbox-h300-20051208.zip |
08:28:01 | Bagder | that's the daily |
08:28:09 | Jungti1234 | I surprised! |
08:28:13 | Coldtoast | yep? |
08:28:26 | Coldtoast | http://users.on.net/~edan/edan/dump_0001.jpg is my wps |
08:28:36 | Jungti1234 | it did the volume flutter |
08:28:37 | Coldtoast | h100 tho. heh |
08:28:40 | Coldtoast | ok |
08:28:53 | preglow | Coldtoast: nice track |
08:28:54 | Jungti1234 | damn |
08:29:06 | Coldtoast | yeah. I listen to Opeth when I'm at the gym |
08:29:20 | Jungti1234 | Flutter continuously. |
08:29:41 | Coldtoast | yeah. hold STOP in til it shuts off Jungti1234 |
08:29:49 | Tigren | no color in those WPS? |
08:30:02 | Coldtoast | I have a h140. no colour |
08:30:07 | Jungti1234 | It doesn't work normal. |
08:30:23 | Tigren | oh i see |
08:30:25 | Coldtoast | hold STOP til your player shuts off |
08:30:37 | Coldtoast | then disable "Fade on Pause/Stop" in the prefs |
08:30:53 | Jungti1234 | yes |
08:31:17 | Jungti1234 | But, H300 is normally. |
08:33:13 | | Join Tigren_ [0] (i=Tigren@merrill-51-141.resnet.ucsc.edu) |
08:33:17 | | Quit Tigren (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:34:02 | | Nick Tigren_ is now known as tigren (i=Tigren@merrill-51-141.resnet.ucsc.edu) |
08:36:40 | tigren | i can use the rockbox bootloader with the new us firmware right? |
08:37:12 | Bagder | I don't know |
08:37:24 | Jungti1234 | This bug loaf! |
08:39:18 | Coldtoast | bug loaf? |
08:39:59 | tigren | hmm, i cant get to any of the new firmwares... |
08:44:18 | Jungti1234 | http://jungti1234.netcci.net/iriver/h300/rockbox/dump_0001.jpg : See this. |
08:44:59 | Jungti1234 | <- Why is this included? |
08:49:45 | preglow | why is what included? |
08:51:01 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=icechat5@pd95b7c08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
08:51:10 | Jungti1234 | ¦¤ |
08:51:31 | Bagder | Jungti1234: don't assume any non-ascii charsetss in IRC |
08:51:38 | Bagder | it won't work |
08:52:01 | Jungti1234 | -_-; |
08:52:04 | Jungti1234 | hmm.. |
08:53:50 | preglow | man, i love all the shitty code that msvc eats, but i have to fix to not use msvc |
08:55:02 | tigren | what are the .rwps files? |
08:55:08 | preglow | remote wps |
08:55:19 | preglow | that is, a wps for your remote |
08:55:22 | tigren | oh ok |
08:55:34 | Bagder | LCD remotes (of course) |
08:55:46 | tigren | yes yes |
08:56:44 | preglow | Bagder: so, how's your new boss treatin' ya? |
08:56:48 | preglow | Bagder: lemme guess, an asshole, right? |
08:57:04 | Bagder | he's an evil bastard |
08:57:17 | preglow | forces you to sit around in your underwear? |
08:57:22 | Bagder | hahaha |
08:57:24 | Bagder | yeah |
08:57:28 | preglow | the bastard |
08:57:49 | preglow | we usually shoot people like that in norway |
08:57:53 | preglow | or feed them to the polar bears |
08:58:42 | tigren | so color hasn't been built into the 340 yet? |
08:58:56 | Bagder | tigren: yes it has, but not extensively all over |
08:59:00 | preglow | colour support might be a bit off yet |
08:59:02 | Bagder | feel free to send in patches |
08:59:38 | Bagder | like for example the bmp loader doesn't do colors... |
09:00 |
09:00:42 | tigren | so how do i boot the iriver firmware if i have the rockbox firmware installed? |
09:01:03 | Bagder | tigren: keep play and rec pressed when you boot |
09:01:08 | tigren | ok |
09:01:09 | tigren | thanks |
09:06:47 | | Quit tigren ("Client Exiting") |
09:11:17 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:19:59 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
09:20:19 | LinusN | woo, the fade-on-stop is a real eardrum killer! |
09:20:39 | preglow | hehe |
09:22:44 | amiconn | LinusN: me fix |
09:22:44 | preglow | a dap player os that kills eardrums == hardcore |
09:22:55 | amiconn | See my ml post |
09:23:00 | LinusN | tinnitus, here i come |
09:25:07 | | Join MrShlee [0] (i=BIGKING@58-84-72-107.dial-lns5.sa.chariot.net.au) |
09:32:18 | * | Mrono is Back from (auto-away after 15mins of inactivity) - (Gone: 1hr 23mins 45secs) |
09:32:18 | Mrono | hey guys' |
09:32:31 | Mrono | I was wondering |
09:33:16 | Mrono | when will there be better support for h300 |
09:33:22 | Bagder | see topic |
09:33:33 | Mrono | rofl |
09:33:35 | Bagder | you can make it happen sooner by helping out |
09:33:46 | Mrono | sorry |
09:33:54 | Mrono | that wasn't there when i came in earlier |
09:33:57 | Mrono | lol |
09:34:02 | Bagder | yes it was |
09:34:06 | Bagder | been there for many days ;-) |
09:34:19 | Mrono | well then i'm a dumbass |
09:34:23 | Bagder | hehe |
09:34:59 | MrShlee | Mrono.. Better Support? |
09:35:09 | Mrono | er |
09:35:18 | Mrono | a less buggier build |
09:35:21 | MrShlee | what are you talking about foo.. if you don't like something.. fix it |
09:35:38 | Mrono | lol |
09:35:42 | Mrono | well then |
09:35:43 | Mrono | ok |
09:35:48 | Bagder | things actually don't fix themselves |
09:36:54 | | Quit TCK ("I shall not cease!") |
09:37:00 | | Quit Mrono ("The outside world is calling me") |
09:37:12 | Bagder | it seems most h3x0 users just wait for someone else to do the work |
09:37:27 | Bagder | and most Rockbox devs don't have any h3x0 players |
09:37:50 | Bagder | which might make the waiting long |
09:37:58 | LinusN | exactly, most h300 users are *users* |
09:38:58 | amiconn | LinusN: Your eardrums will be safe again with the next build. Sorry for that :/ |
09:39:11 | Bagder | "VERY LOUD and painful bug" / MR |
09:39:56 | Zagor | perhaps now they'll stop complaining that rockbox isn't loud enough ;-) |
09:40:02 | LinusN | lol |
09:40:02 | Bagder | *g* |
09:40:30 | Bagder | you have to say that louder, most of the users are now almost-deaf :-) |
09:43:33 | | Join Vladoman [0] (n=Vladoman@p54A7FB9C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:48:55 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:54:23 | * | Bagder decided to leave the neuros google group |
09:55:46 | Jungti1234 | a hahahaha |
09:55:47 | Jungti1234 | http://img.manian.dreamwiz.com/A060101/2005/12/05/50468_1.jpg |
09:55:51 | Jungti1234 | wahahaha |
09:56:08 | | Quit tvelocity ("Leaving") |
09:57:11 | * | LinusN drives to bagder's place |
09:57:17 | | Part LinusN |
09:57:20 | * | Bagder gets dressed |
09:57:23 | Bagder | ;-) |
09:57:24 | preglow | hahah |
09:58:05 | Jungti1234 | Do you know who he is? |
09:58:23 | Bagder | linus? |
09:58:51 | Jungti1234 | http://img.manian.dreamwiz.com/A060101/2005/12/05/50468_1.jpg <- Master of picture inside. |
09:59:29 | Rob2222 | Hya all. Does anybody know, why with every new bleeding build my settings are overwritten? Where are the settings stored? |
09:59:40 | Bagder | Jungti1234: sorry, I don't see why that is fun? |
09:59:57 | Bagder | Rob2222: they are not overwritten at all |
09:59:57 | preglow | man, i've got a d/a converter the size of a vhs player here |
10:00 |
10:00:09 | Bagder | Rob2222: and they are not reset with every build, only with some |
10:00:23 | Bagder | the settings are stored in sector 61 |
10:00:31 | Jungti1234 | He is North Korea's the Minister of National Defense. |
10:00:44 | | Quit Vlad0man (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:01:13 | preglow | i like the grin on the face of the fellow behind him |
10:01:17 | _FireFly_ | Rob2222 you can save your settings in a cfg-file |
10:01:42 | Bagder | if you use bleeding edge and care about your settings, you *really* should use cfg files |
10:05:15 | | Join lamed [0] (n=55402aaf@labb.contactor.se) |
10:06:44 | lamed | hey. any help with displaying hebrew on the new unicode codepage? -I guess we're not quite there yet, right? |
10:07:43 | preglow | i'd guess you just need a proper font |
10:08:44 | markun | lamed: what is the problem, there were other reports in the forum.. |
10:09:07 | Rob2222 | hmm ok |
10:09:35 | markun | lamed: does the language file work with one of the ?x? fonts? |
10:10:23 | lamed | markum: a lot! I can't display the filetree in hebrew, I can only see hebrew on the wps, it's not in the right direction... |
10:10:51 | | Join KN|stiff [0] (i=phhome@ |
10:11:06 | lamed | all hebrew fonts have been unicode compiled |
10:11:07 | Jungti1234 | hi markun |
10:11:34 | markun | morning Jungti1234 :) |
10:11:42 | Jungti1234 | Unicode has some bugs. |
10:12:01 | markun | lamed: no, they haven't. Hebrew*.bdf are still iso-8859-8 |
10:12:07 | lamed | markum - don't you have any problems with it? |
10:12:55 | lamed | we are both right. only hebrew-8x13B is unicode |
10:14:01 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=Daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) |
10:14:09 | markun | even hebrew-8x13B is not hebrew. btw, it shouldn't be there anymore after my commit of yesterday. |
10:14:18 | markun | .. is not unicode :) |
10:14:18 | Jungti1234 | http://jungti1234.netcci.net/iriver/h300/rockbox/dump_0001.jpg : markun, why is this included 'L'? |
10:14:41 | Jungti1234 | (It reverses.) |
10:15:24 | lamed | markum: http://www.rockbox.org/daily/changes-20051208.html ? |
10:15:26 | markun | Jungti1234: maybe a UTF-8 marker that was saved with your editor? |
10:16:01 | markun | lamed: yes |
10:16:06 | _FireFly_ | markun markers should be ignored |
10:16:10 | _FireFly_ | in wps |
10:16:13 | markun | of course |
10:16:21 | Jungti1234 | I changed it by UTF-8 by notepad. |
10:16:33 | markun | lamed: so which font are you using now? |
10:16:34 | _FireFly_ | Lear are you here ?? |
10:17:38 | _FireFly_ | markun there is already a fn which ignores the marker but it seams it doesn't work correctly or there is a place left who this fn should also be used |
10:17:53 | _FireFly_ | or the marker is different as the current checked one |
10:17:58 | markun | Jungti1234: please upload your WPS to me |
10:18:07 | Jungti1234 | ok |
10:18:25 | _FireFly_ | s/who/where |
10:19:10 | lamed | godamn! a unicode font (the first one afaik) with hebrew iso set on the default codepage: NO CHARECTERS what so ever on screen! |
10:20:48 | markun | very strange.. you could remove the font in USB mode, that would bring you back to the default font. |
10:22:20 | preglow | does spdif out work in rockbox? |
10:22:36 | markun | Does anyone else have problems with the unicode fonts? |
10:23:00 | | Join uncledrax [0] (n=966573b5@labb.contactor.se) |
10:23:37 | uncledrax | woot!! just recieved my h120!!! yay (i know im a bit behind the times :-) ) |
10:23:52 | markun | I just tried the russian and hebrew language files with 6x13.fnt, works fine here. |
10:23:53 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
10:24:27 | | Quit lamed ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
10:24:28 | uncledrax | finally i can playback all my musepack and wavpack files |
10:25:02 | | Join lamed [0] (n=55407202@labb.contactor.se) |
10:25:28 | uncledrax | i also recieved the h10 with it. Im going to look into a possible rockbox port |
10:26:09 | B4gder | h10 is portal player |
10:26:28 | MrShlee | THe h10? sure it uses the same chip as the pod.. but memory might be a little low for it? |
10:26:32 | B4gder | a true challange |
10:26:35 | preglow | memory? |
10:26:56 | uncledrax | well once i have a bit of a play, ill start looking into the tech |
10:26:58 | MrShlee | worth checking out.. I think its got sweet fa when it somes to ram |
10:27:00 | preglow | uncledrax: you might want to find some guy calling himself 'chaosd' (i think), he also had a look at the decryption function |
10:27:15 | preglow | i also had a look at it, and it didn't look very hard |
10:27:18 | uncledrax | preglow: thanks will do |
10:27:20 | markun | B4gder: could you try test russian translation for me with one of the ?x? fonts? |
10:27:32 | B4gder | not right now |
10:27:36 | preglow | it uses the pp5020, yes? |
10:27:43 | preglow | if so, you'll share a lot of code with the ipod port |
10:27:44 | uncledrax | yeah |
10:27:53 | uncledrax | i think it has the same as a ipod mini |
10:28:43 | lamed | I was just lucky enough to to succeed loading an older .cfg file. I think it might be a major problem that one might cause all characters to disapear. |
10:29:05 | uncledrax | give me a couple of days to get over this infection i have and then ill be gun-ho |
10:29:09 | lamed | markum: what font and default codepage are you using? |
10:29:25 | markun | _FireFly_: jungti's WPS starts with char 0xfeff, should it have been ignored? |
10:30:01 | markun | lamed: 6x13.fnt, codepage latin1, hebrew.lng |
10:30:09 | preglow | crashd, it was |
10:30:16 | | Join Bagder2 [0] (n=Daniel@c-5d09e255.1061-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
10:30:23 | uncledrax | cool |
10:30:26 | | Quit Bagder2 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:31:24 | | Join _`3nergy [0] (n=3nergy@techgaming.net) |
10:32:17 | | Quit `3nergy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:32:25 | | Quit Sando (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:33:06 | | Nick _`3nergy is now known as `3nergy (n=3nergy@techgaming.net) |
10:33:51 | lamed | hebrew.lng: do you mean the cvs-language file? |
10:33:57 | lamed | <markum> |
10:34:47 | lamed | markum - yes you were on top of things. it works. weeee-ha |
10:34:49 | markun | it's markuN btw :) Just the hebrew language file where all the other language files are.. |
10:35:21 | _FireFly_ | markun i will look if |
10:35:23 | markun | lamed: files and translation are working? |
10:35:26 | lamed | YES! So I've translated it not _Just_ to myself!! Then I have a great reason to update it! Lol.... |
10:35:49 | _FireFly_ | markun: yes 0xfeff is also an unicode BOM |
10:36:05 | markun | lamed: try the WPS again.. |
10:36:14 | markun | might now work now |
10:36:23 | markun | Did you have some hebrew hard-coded in the WPS? |
10:37:53 | lamed | markun: everything is working properly with latin iso. but why is that? shouldn't the default codepage be set to hebrew? (that messes things up). btw i was talking about the language file translation-my work |
10:39:36 | markun | lamed: the codepage should only be to translate non-unicode id3 tags to unicode. In your case hebrew codepage should be no problem. |
10:40:13 | lamed | yes, but somehow it mess up the id3 tags. |
10:40:54 | markun | lamed: can you test if the russian language files also works for you? |
10:41:15 | markun | someone in the forum told me russian is not working, only with the unifont |
10:41:15 | lamed | sec |
10:42:36 | lamed | Woops! acctually i'm not getting the id3 tags right on latin codepage. |
10:43:01 | lamed | and it _is_ working with hebrew |
10:43:37 | markun | lamed: any idea what the problem was? I suspect the people complaining in the forum have the same problem.. |
10:45:13 | lamed | Yes. I was hurrying. do You have to load a new file to get the id3 translated, right? - if you change codepage without changing files, it won't update the current file. |
10:45:37 | markun | yes, that's right. Also something to fix. |
10:46:10 | markun | lamed: could you post the tings you did here http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2093.0 |
10:46:11 | lamed | AND, when you come to think about it, you have no idea what font to use now, as the **hebrew** font won't work, and nither most of the others |
10:46:40 | markun | lamed: I'm fixing the fonts little by little. Soon they should all work again. |
10:47:49 | lamed | markun: but i was trying many fonts that were uploaded by you that didn't worked. what fonts _should_ work? |
10:48:02 | MrShlee | I've noticed that fadein/out doesnt change the pause/stopped value right away until its finished.. not really a huge bug but would be good to change the status right away.. |
10:48:16 | lamed | Mrshlee it was fixed |
10:48:33 | | Quit B4gder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:48:40 | markun | The 5x7 (etc) fonts, elt16-unicode, unifont. |
10:48:48 | lamed | that was because of the DB volume system change. |
10:49:11 | markun | the other fonts only cover latin1 or don't work at all |
10:49:31 | MrShlee | Chers |
10:49:51 | lamed | godamn. markum, i tryied elt16-unicode once again. I got no charcters apearing once again. |
10:50:11 | markun | lamed: yes, there was a bug in it. Should be fixed with my latest commit |
10:52:00 | lamed | ah. It's very tierding to wait for a cvs update command & build & make & unzip all the time. |
10:52:11 | lamed | (although i have a script) |
10:52:12 | markun | :) |
10:52:57 | lamed | markum: then wha's the " 8 Dec 00:50Marcoenreplace or update some fonts by there unicode equivalents" activity? |
10:54:29 | markun | lamed: I replaced the iso8859, ast116-8 fonts with etl16-unicode and Hebrew-8x13B with 8x13B |
10:54:55 | markun | the adobe fonts cour* and tim* where updated |
10:56:18 | | Join PaulJ [0] (n=PaulJ@vpn-3023.gwdg.de) |
11:00 |
11:02:31 | markun | lamed: you can see the affected fonts also in the log cvs log.. |
11:03:12 | lamed | ah... I was using update -dP but I was just overwriting the .rockbox folder... so i've got doubles. |
11:03:47 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=Daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) |
11:04:51 | lamed | Markum: I _am_ looking at the fonts. and i was thinking strange of that 404 not found error respond... there should be a better representation of a removed from cvs files. |
11:05:57 | lamed | markum: where are you from? |
11:06:59 | lamed | markum=markun |
11:07:05 | Jungti1234 | He lives in Netherlands. |
11:07:06 | Lost-ash | cvs has substandard support for removed files |
11:07:13 | | Join Sando [0] (n=lolsteam@techgaming.net) |
11:09:15 | * | preglow cheers SVN! SVN! |
11:09:57 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa216.4.tellas.gr) |
11:11:11 | lamed | lost-ash were you referring to me? |
11:11:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:12:01 | lamed | jungti1234 - are you always answering for him? Is he a native speaker then? |
11:12:08 | lamed | (of hebrew) |
11:12:24 | Jungti1234 | ?? |
11:12:45 | Jungti1234 | He is not now. |
11:13:05 | Jungti1234 | So, answer instead of. |
11:13:29 | lamed | he does speak hebrew, isn't he? |
11:14:01 | Jungti1234 | I don't know. |
11:14:25 | Jungti1234 | But, he is Dutchman. |
11:15:24 | lamed | what does he think of the political situation in Afganistan? |
11:15:30 | B4gder | hahaha |
11:15:42 | lamed | ;) |
11:16:41 | preglow | arhh |
11:16:52 | Jungti1234 | hahahaha |
11:17:04 | markun | lamed: no, I don't speak hebrew :) |
11:17:14 | preglow | sometimes i really hate the one pass linker tendencies of ld |
11:17:15 | markun | Was only using it to test unicode |
11:17:20 | preglow | like when i need to use twenty libs |
11:17:22 | _FireFly_ | preglow yeah switch to svn ;) |
11:17:46 | MrShlee | nods |
11:18:20 | lamed | markum: then it's back to just me using hebrew.lang. |
11:18:52 | lamed | i should start a poll on that. |
11:18:59 | markun | idanm in the forum uses hebrew I think |
11:19:18 | markun | Or is that you? |
11:19:36 | Jungti1234 | http://www.iriver.co.kr/special/notice_view.asp?Page=1&SrchItem=&SrchString=&idx=965 |
11:19:37 | lamed | yes but probably not the menu translation... I'm road_runner or lshachar in the forums. |
11:19:52 | | Join edx [0] (i=edx@p54A86E16.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:20:50 | Jungti1234 | It's 2GB now. |
11:22:33 | lamed | markum: lemee get it stright (posting that thread), currently the cour* fonts are unicode translated, but they don't yet support heberew charcters, but they will, right? |
11:23:12 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
11:23:48 | | Join Tandoc [0] (n=harbl@c211-28-61-47.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
11:24:32 | t0mas | hi |
11:24:38 | t0mas | any "code-devs" around? |
11:24:41 | t0mas | *core |
11:24:43 | Tandoc | okay... so I set my langauge on my H120 to japanese... and now nothing is labelled.. can someone walk me back to the language selection menu... |
11:24:54 | t0mas | Can I commit this patch: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1357370&group_id=44306&atid=439120 |
11:25:04 | t0mas | it looks like a way better solution |
11:25:08 | t0mas | than battery_test |
11:25:50 | markun | lamed: I don't think all fonts will support hebrew, but you can help searching for unicode bdf fonts that do. |
11:26:20 | LinusN | t0mas: go ahead |
11:26:40 | t0mas | ok |
11:26:42 | lamed | t0mas: I think you _much_ better submit |
11:26:46 | lamed | http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&atid=439120&group_id=44306&aid=1360892 |
11:26:48 | lamed | and |
11:26:52 | lamed | http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&atid=439120&group_id=44306&aid=1307068 |
11:27:02 | t0mas | I can do all of em now... |
11:27:06 | t0mas | but I'll first have to test those 2 |
11:27:09 | preglow | arGGH |
11:27:15 | lamed | 2cents adv... |
11:27:39 | Tandoc | seriously, can someone walk me back to the language selection menu .___. |
11:27:40 | | Quit Sando (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:27:44 | lamed | preglow: why are you getting all angry today? |
11:27:54 | t0mas | lamed: it doesn't compile for recorder (the first one) |
11:27:59 | lamed | tandoc: just happend to me! |
11:28:00 | markun | Tandoc: menu -> down 3 -> right -> up 2 -> right |
11:28:01 | Jungti1234 | hey Tandoc |
11:28:05 | Tandoc | THANK YOU |
11:28:07 | * | Tandoc bows |
11:28:10 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
11:28:22 | Tandoc | i got as far as down 3 |
11:28:25 | markun | Tandoc: I was wrong |
11:28:31 | Tandoc | :x |
11:28:32 | preglow | lamed: sucky assembler, annoying linker and slow platform |
11:28:33 | markun | The first one is down 2 |
11:28:38 | Tandoc | lol |
11:28:48 | Tandoc | so down 2 == 3rd one down? |
11:28:53 | Tandoc | which is what i got to >.> |
11:28:54 | amiconn | LinusN, t0mas: I didn't have a close look yet, but I think this plugin should _replace_ the old battery_test.rock |
11:28:59 | markun | yes :) |
11:29:07 | preglow | yeah |
11:29:09 | | Join San [0] (n=Test@A-105-226.cust.iol.ie) |
11:29:11 | Tandoc | w00t |
11:29:12 | t0mas | lamed: the first one is not ready.... it has 2 problems: 1. breaking recorder (serious problem) 2. not checking scroll boundary |
11:29:22 | t0mas | amiconn: ok, shall I update the old one with this? |
11:30:11 | markun | Tandoc: not many fonts support japanese |
11:30:28 | markun | at least unifont should work |
11:30:30 | lamed | t0mas: you _are_ fast. where you reading the log? 1. it shouldn't break the recorder. (should be a VEry minor problem), 2. yes, but it might be submitted until someone cures it, couldn't it? I mean - it has a fake boundary |
11:30:39 | Jungti1234 | markun |
11:30:52 | Jungti1234 | 'Dotum' supports Japanese. :) |
11:30:54 | Tandoc | a pity my tags aren't in unicode .___. |
11:31:01 | amiconn | t0mas I'd say yes, after testing on archos. Did someone already check this? |
11:31:01 | t0mas | lamed: no, just checked out the link you gave |
11:31:04 | markun | we should make a table of the ranges each font supports |
11:31:14 | t0mas | amiconn: I am compiling a few simulators now |
11:31:16 | * | amiconn has his H140 with him today |
11:31:51 | markun | Tandoc: you can set a codepage to convert them to unicode: gen. set. -> display -> def. codepage |
11:32:15 | Tandoc | where can one get said 'dotum' font D= |
11:32:15 | amiconn | I'm not sure whether testing on the sim will help much |
11:32:34 | markun | Jungti1234: can you find out if we can distribute the font? |
11:32:39 | amiconn | (for this plugin) |
11:33:16 | lamed | t0mas: It shouldn't break the recorder(compiling now)... should I submit a newer diff? second, it has a fake boundry limit, list.c:278. boundry set to 1000 pixels. |
11:33:33 | t0mas | hm... |
11:33:43 | Jungti1234 | markun: The word is difficult. :( |
11:33:57 | t0mas | lamed: if you're sure it compiles on all targets... and you think the boundary is ok to fix later... |
11:34:02 | t0mas | then just email me a new diff |
11:34:04 | t0mas | and I'll commit |
11:34:23 | t0mas | (see privmsg for my address) |
11:36:02 | Tandoc | i google for dotum and it saus it korean? |
11:36:14 | | Join Sando [0] (n=lolsteam@techgaming.net) |
11:36:34 | Tandoc | or does it support jap script |
11:37:21 | t0mas | <amiconn> I'm not sure whether testing on the sim will help much <−− do you have a recorder? |
11:37:30 | Jungti1234 | It supports most Japanese. |
11:37:42 | amiconn | t0mas: Yes I do, but @home... |
11:37:53 | t0mas | ok |
11:38:02 | t0mas | I'll hold the patch untill you've tested |
11:39:46 | markun | Maybe we should make a check to detect if a font and a language file are incompatible. |
11:40:45 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK Tandoc |
11:40:45 | Tandoc | ( Jungti1234 ): i'd be looking for a .fnt extension or something else? |
11:40:50 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:40:58 | Jungti1234 | wait |
11:41:45 | markun | Tandoc and lamed will not be the only ones who try a lang file and end up with a unreadable menu. |
11:41:59 | Tandoc | hehehe |
11:43:38 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
11:45:43 | lamed | markun: it wasn't the lang. file. I was using english. |
11:46:05 | lamed | It was using latin codepage with the corrupted font that you fixed. |
11:46:14 | markun | lamed: which font then? |
11:46:20 | markun | ah :) |
11:46:29 | lamed | something-unifont... |
11:46:38 | markun | etl16-unicode |
11:46:39 | Jungti1234 | markun! |
11:46:41 | Jungti1234 | http://www.hanyang.co.kr/bbs/bbs.php3?table=h_qna&query=view&l=445&p=1&category=&sort=PID&orderby=DESC&where=&name=&subject=&content=checked&keyword=ÀúÀÛ±Ç |
11:46:53 | | Part LinusN |
11:46:55 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
11:47:04 | | Part LinusN |
11:47:22 | Jungti1234 | It's no copyright. |
11:47:28 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
11:47:56 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:49:15 | lamed | Q: is there a switch to tell diff to neglect any styling changes like adding newlines? It was amiconn that told me to both post a file that's better readeble and a regular one iirc. |
11:49:22 | Jungti1234 | markun~? |
11:49:50 | uncledrax | preglow: you have done an amazing job with musepack!! |
11:50:18 | Tandoc | it'd be nice if i could read korean =__= |
11:50:29 | Jungti1234 | They said 'Special copyright is no requirement.'. |
11:51:10 | markun | Someone must have the copyright. I can't just rely on someone else saying it doesn't matter.. |
11:51:37 | lamed | markun: what fonts should those thread guys use for russian? |
11:51:59 | Jungti1234 | het |
11:52:01 | Jungti1234 | hey markun |
11:52:24 | Jungti1234 | A person who it makes Dotum said. |
11:53:00 | Jungti1234 | Hanyang I&C of Dotum made. |
11:53:39 | Jungti1234 | And they said 'Copyright is no requirement'. |
11:54:35 | Jungti1234 | Is it that I understand wrongly? |
11:55:56 | amiconn | markun: Maybe the problem with missing umlauts etc in the database view is that the database strings should be utf8 now? |
11:56:10 | | Join Guest229461 [0] (i=phhome@ |
11:56:17 | amiconn | If so, both songdb.jar and songdb.pl need updating... |
11:56:47 | Tandoc | thx for the help guys, too lazy to lurk/idle on freenode |
11:56:49 | | Quit Tandoc () |
11:58:49 | lamed | I'll ask again: is there a way to tell 'diff' to neglect styling changes like newlines added every here and there? |
11:59:11 | Zagor | lamed: -b |
11:59:22 | lamed | thanks! |
11:59:46 | markun | amiconn: yes, they should be converted |
12:00 |
12:00:10 | markun | lamed: same fonts for russian. But you can try it first of course. |
12:00:28 | lamed | markun: i don't read russian... |
12:00:28 | Jungti1234 | hmm.. markun |
12:00:35 | | Quit KN|stiff (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:10:01 | | Join hshah [0] (n=hshah@shahassociates.plus.com) |
12:17:30 | | Join Zak1392 [0] (n=zkeeping@CPE-144-137-199-238.sa.bigpond.net.au) |
12:18:54 | Zak1392 | hey guys |
12:20:02 | Jungti1234 | hi |
12:23:46 | Zak1392 | what's with the volume in the latest rockbox build? |
12:25:26 | lamed | it's so cool.. we've moved to a DB scale! |
12:25:51 | lamed | it's so complex that most users won't ever know what it means!! but it's the only real way to measure anything. |
12:25:54 | XavierGr | Yeah but now I will have to set the option of volume to graphical. |
12:26:03 | lamed | hehe |
12:26:15 | XavierGr | It is so akward to have full volume and see a 0 for it. |
12:26:23 | Zak1392 | is there any way to set it back? |
12:26:29 | XavierGr | no |
12:26:47 | XavierGr | you will get used to it after a while. |
12:28:13 | Zak1392 | what about an option to set it back? it makes my .wps look 'not' perfect now ;) |
12:28:17 | lamed | W#$WEFSG how do i tell diff to ignore lines such as "+ " (that's a plus and some white spaces) I've tied both |
12:28:46 | lamed | cvs diff -u -B -b and cvs diff -u -B -w |
12:29:57 | lamed | anyone? |
12:29:57 | XavierGr | what about search and replace in the diff? |
12:30:12 | XavierGr | search and replace +"space" with nothing |
12:30:17 | lamed | then you have to change the "@@ -66,10 +66,16 @@" lines |
12:30:21 | XavierGr | ah |
12:30:24 | XavierGr | yes |
12:38:46 | lamed | can anyone use the diff −−strip-trailing-cr command? all i get is the help message |
12:45:47 | | Quit uncledrax ("CGI:IRC") |
12:47:25 | lamed | a cry for help?! anyone knows how do I recursively replace a whitespaced line with a blank one? |
12:48:56 | lamed | -nada |
12:54:32 | XavierGr | what is whitespace and what monospace? |
12:55:37 | markun | XavierGr: very different. whitespace: space and tab. monospace: same width for all the glyphs in a font |
12:58:20 | XavierGr | lamed why did you used space AND tab in the first place? |
13:00 |
13:01:37 | | Join ]RowaN[ [0] (n=54093c61@labb.contactor.se) |
13:02:15 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
13:02:15 | * | lamed wonders what are you guys blabbering about. he was just adding some lines to make the code look better. sometimes probably leaving some white spaces. |
13:02:20 | ]RowaN[ | "Removed the various sound scaling options" ... so no more original-firmware-like bass adjusting, back to volume capping? |
13:03:03 | Zagor | ]RowaN[: no volume capping either, afaik |
13:03:42 | ]RowaN[ | but will that option disappear if i upgrade to todays build? |
13:04:02 | Zagor | if the change was committed yesterday, then yes |
13:04:09 | ]RowaN[ | grr |
13:04:20 | ]RowaN[ | in the words of Moloko... Bring It Back! =p |
13:04:40 | Zagor | I'm interested in hearing why you want the player to adjust your volume for you. I find the concept very strange. |
13:04:50 | ]RowaN[ | not adjust the volume.. adjust the bass |
13:04:56 | Zagor | same thing |
13:04:59 | ]RowaN[ | like it does at the moment... 36hours old build iirc |
13:05:15 | ]RowaN[ | same as the original iriver firmware is what i mean, thats how i like it |
13:05:38 | | Join webguest61 [0] (n=5087d6b3@labb.contactor.se) |
13:05:38 | Zagor | i've never seen any audio equipment do that. if you crank the volume too loud, you may get distorsion. works the same on all stuff. |
13:05:51 | ]RowaN[ | i dont think you understnad what im saying |
13:05:56 | Zagor | probably not :-) |
13:06:23 | ]RowaN[ | i think i'll keep a backup of my current rockbox.iriver file =] |
13:06:35 | webguest61 | will I damage hardware if I unplug the earphone jack with the player on ? |
13:06:43 | Zagor | webguest61: no |
13:06:54 | webguest61 | thanks |
13:08:08 | lamed | was he serious? |
13:08:29 | webguest61 | the new volume db scale is cool :) |
13:09:28 | | Part webguest61 |
13:09:29 | preglow | Zagor: one of my main points as well |
13:09:45 | preglow | Zagor: people are used to the concept of overdrive, even though they might not know exactly what it is |
13:10:18 | preglow | can anyone tell me if the spdif output works in rockbox before i go hunt for a cable? |
13:10:48 | XavierGr | it works but not to record. |
13:11:00 | amiconn | s/pdif out should work, s/pdif in not (yet) |
13:11:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:11:31 | XavierGr | yes |
13:12:35 | preglow | ok, i'll go see if someone's got a cable, then |
13:14:31 | Zagor | ]RowaN[: I'm serious in my non-understanding. why do you want to player to adjust the sound settings for you? |
13:15:42 | lamed | why is there a language configuration question on the configure script? what difference does it makes? |
13:16:28 | Zagor | it chooses which language is compiled in |
13:18:37 | | Join Febs [0] (n=medifebb@207-172-122-81.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
13:18:52 | preglow | argh |
13:18:56 | preglow | no cables with jacks |
13:19:40 | lamed | zagor: so... does that means there _is_ a hebrew default font? |
13:22:00 | Zagor | not font, language |
13:22:14 | Zagor | the default font is always the same |
13:22:37 | | Quit B4gder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:23:04 | | Nick solexx__ is now known as solexx_ (n=jrschulz@d029092.adsl.hansenet.de) |
13:23:06 | Febs | I was just reading the logs. Someone compained earlier of his settings being lost each time he updates to a new build. |
13:23:31 | Febs | This is true for the H300s. Settings are lost even if there is no bump in the config version. |
13:23:31 | | Join webguest00 [0] (n=d3699a79@labb.contactor.se) |
13:23:31 | lamed | so it just set the default language. well that's not much of a help then. :/ |
13:24:24 | solexx_ | does anybody know whether it is advisable to enable clipping prevention in the replaygain menu *and* in the settings menu? |
13:24:46 | preglow | there is no clipping prevention in the settings menu |
13:24:53 | solexx_ | err, sound settings |
13:24:59 | preglow | not there either |
13:25:24 | MrShlee | There are about 3 different types of clipping prevention tho |
13:25:32 | preglow | upgrade your builds |
13:26:22 | solexx_ | preglow: i did this morgning. I just didn't notice that the setting vanished from the sound settings |
13:26:43 | MrShlee | holycrap batman.. its true |
13:26:47 | MrShlee | thanks |
13:27:01 | solexx_ | it gave me some very bad pops anyway |
13:29:27 | markun | lamed: we'll have to update the default font to unicode somehow |
13:29:31 | | Join San [0] (n=Test@A-110-10.cust.iol.ie) |
13:30:05 | | Part webguest00 |
13:30:47 | lamed | markum: would that be more compicated then just updating it? |
13:33:05 | * | amiconn just closed an ool feature request :) |
13:33:11 | amiconn | *old |
13:33:49 | markun | I think the default font is compiled in and not loaded from disk, so a unicode font would take up too much memory |
13:35:16 | amiconn | ...and another one :) |
13:35:44 | amiconn | markun: Yes. But I already suggested something... |
13:38:45 | Jungti1234 | markun |
13:41:51 | Slasheri | ah, the structs are so nice.. i had something like entry = (struct tagcache_entry *)(hdr + sizeof(struct tagcache_header)); but instead of that sizeof, i should have had 1.. it take long time to find that problem :D |
13:42:18 | preglow | why don't we do typedef struct? |
13:43:20 | Jungti1234 | Good night! |
13:43:30 | | Quit Jungti1234 ("bye") |
13:44:58 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=Daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) |
13:45:48 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@host213-123-154-169.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |
13:48:09 | amiconn | preglow: http://www.rockbox.org/docs/contributing.html |
13:48:38 | Zagor | preglow: we don't do typedef |
13:48:42 | linuxstb | Zagor: What the iriver users are looking for (IIUC) is simply a setting that gives them high bass at low volumes, and flat bass at high volumes. |
13:49:32 | preglow | linuxstb: of course that's what they want, that's what the iriver firmware uses |
13:49:42 | preglow | which we should ignore |
13:49:53 | preglow | i just find not typedefing structs a major bother |
13:49:57 | Zagor | linuxstb: but ... why? |
13:50:03 | preglow | having to repeat 'struct' bloody everywhere |
13:50:15 | Zagor | preglow: it makes the code soooo much easy to read |
13:50:26 | Zagor | much more* |
13:50:36 | preglow | can't say it's much of a difference to me |
13:50:40 | preglow | takes more space if you don't |
13:50:53 | preglow | but then again, it's not something i'm going to waste time arguing about |
13:50:56 | Zagor | as soon as you start typedefing very soon the code gets filled with different types that you have to look up the definition of |
13:50:57 | | Join leftright [0] (n=5087d6b3@labb.contactor.se) |
13:51:05 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:51:11 | preglow | Zagor: i don't typedef other stuff, just structs |
13:51:35 | | Quit Zak1392 () |
13:51:37 | Zagor | still, how would we know that without looking up the definition? |
13:51:47 | preglow | besides, if you need to look up defintions of types, you're doing something wrong |
13:51:50 | Zagor | it might just as well be an int or a char* |
13:52:13 | preglow | but anyway |
13:52:15 | preglow | i don't care much |
13:52:27 | Zagor | I do :-) |
13:54:07 | leftright | preglow: with regrads to your unmounting difficulties, have you tried disabling the system restore feature for that external drive under 'System properties', and disabling the garbage bin as well |
13:55:14 | leftright | err, I'm not suggesting that *you* normally have problems mounting things :) |
13:55:19 | markun | hm.. I did a typedef in arabjoin.h |
13:55:44 | Zagor | boo |
13:56:47 | ]RowaN[ | zagor: are you saying you dont like replaygain? that adjusts sound settings |
13:56:48 | preglow | leftright: will try later |
13:58:01 | linuxstb | Zagor: Because if they push the volume high enough for clipping to start, then the way they will want to resolve the problem is to reduce the bass. So they want Rockbox to do it automatically for them. |
13:58:24 | leftright | preglow: then 'Left' click on the sys tray icon its quicker, my apologies if you already knew this |
13:58:53 | Slasheri | Hmm, now the tagcache works much better.. When it's ready, it allows also browsing by genre (and with ramcache function enabled, everything is accessed from ram) |
13:58:56 | ]RowaN[ | linux.. why was that feature introduced about a day ago, and now removed (as i understand it) |
13:58:59 | Zagor | ]RowaN[: imho replaygain is different. it's something you do to the songs you have, not something the player magically does. |
13:59:24 | preglow | leftright: that's what isn't working |
13:59:30 | Zagor | does the iriver models have very weak headphone amplifiers? |
13:59:36 | preglow | Zagor: no |
13:59:43 | preglow | Zagor: not very weak, at least |
13:59:54 | Slasheri | i think the HP amp is quite powerful |
14:00 |
14:00:09 | ]RowaN[ | anyone? =] |
14:00:10 | preglow | it is more than good enough for me, at least |
14:00:12 | preglow | and i like my wattage |
14:00:29 | preglow | ]RowaN[: because amiconn came up with a solution that more devs liked |
14:00:31 | linuxstb | ]RowaN[: There was a long discussion on the rockbox-dev mailing list |
14:01:11 | Zagor | if the amp is powerful enough, why is clipping a major concern? it's odd that over all these years I've never heard the problem raised before. |
14:01:13 | Slasheri | iirc, the amp was 20 mW to both channels |
14:01:18 | ]RowaN[ | so whats the favoured solution? could the OPTION not just be left in, for people like me who want it |
14:01:45 | preglow | just pure old habit |
14:02:21 | ]RowaN[ | with the old/current rockbox way i find myself continually having to go into the bass menu either to increase it, or to decrease so i can get a decent volume, unlike the original firmware style |
14:02:44 | ]RowaN[ | i know not everyone is like me, but it would be nice to keep that option present =[ |
14:02:52 | Zagor | that sounds to me like a headphone amplifier problem |
14:03:06 | Zagor | what am I missing here? |
14:03:16 | ]RowaN[ | well no, its just a fact that with constant high bass, some tracks will get a lower volume |
14:03:21 | ]RowaN[ | to avoid clipping |
14:03:38 | Zagor | why would they clip if the amp can handle the power? |
14:03:55 | Zagor | are we talking digital clipping here? |
14:04:03 | ]RowaN[ | for SOME tracks, i like to have a really high volume, at the expense of volume..... thats why the old iriver firmware style is suited to me |
14:04:14 | ]RowaN[ | because then i dont have to keep going into the bass menu |
14:04:22 | ]RowaN[ | oops lol |
14:04:29 | ]RowaN[ | i mean really high volume at the expense of bass |
14:04:29 | Slasheri | it might be an internal overflow inside the amp.. i am not sure but at least the bass boosting allowed by the amp is huge |
14:05:14 | ]RowaN[ | ok well you've lost me now.. but all im saying is that yesterdays solution to my problem has now been taken away from me |
14:05:19 | preglow | ]RowaN[: lower volume with high bass? eh? |
14:05:25 | preglow | ]RowaN[: that's how rockbox used to work |
14:05:31 | ]RowaN[ | higher volume with low bass |
14:05:36 | linuxstb | ]RowaN[: What if the bass was as easy to change as the volume? So you can tweak them yourself? |
14:05:47 | PaulJ | Zagor: i opened a thread at misticriver on this topic, maybe it helps you to understand why some people (at least me) would like to see this feature. |
14:05:57 | PaulJ | http://misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=33117 |
14:06:20 | ]RowaN[ | linux.. thats another option, but like i say, the solution to my problem was already in place |
14:06:34 | ]RowaN[ | i think we've run out of buttons for bass adjustments on the wps =] |
14:07:04 | leftright | why dont you use the qick menu for bass adjustment from wps |
14:07:05 | linuxstb | PaulJ, ]RowaN[: Something I think most devs feel strongly against is Rockbox adjusting settings invisibly in the background. |
14:07:10 | Zagor | everything I hear points to the problem being a too weak amp |
14:07:23 | | Join ep0ch [0] (n=ep0ch@ |
14:07:24 | Zagor | so iriver made a software kludge to work around it |
14:07:25 | ]RowaN[ | because i prefer it to happen automatically, instead of going though a load of menus every time i switch tracks |
14:07:36 | preglow | weak amp? |
14:07:39 | leftright | why dont you use the sound setting quick menu for bass adjustments |
14:07:42 | preglow | it's a digital filter |
14:07:47 | preglow | it's got nothing to do with the amp |
14:07:48 | ]RowaN[ | <]RowaN[> because i prefer it to happen automatically, instead of going though a load of menus every time i switch tracks |
14:08:12 | linuxstb | ]RowaN[: Why do you change things when you switch tracks? |
14:08:12 | preglow | but anyway |
14:08:26 | preglow | we already have a 'prevent clipping' option |
14:08:38 | Zagor | a stronger amp would give you enough volume without lowering bass |
14:08:39 | preglow | why can't we just move this from out of the replaygain menu? |
14:08:42 | ]RowaN[ | prevent clipping method options arent removed? |
14:08:52 | Slasheri | and amp is limited to the line out level.. So with volume 0 dB and bass boosting digitally, it must clip |
14:08:56 | ]RowaN[ | let me backup my install and try todays build |
14:09:24 | linuxstb | ]RowaN[: So you haven't even tried the Rockbox you are complaining about? :) |
14:09:49 | preglow | Zagor: the bass and treble controls are digital filters |
14:10:04 | preglow | Zagor: it clips if you apply too much, it has nothing to do with amp wattage |
14:10:05 | ep0ch | preglow: what do you want to test with spdif output btw? |
14:10:19 | PaulJ | preglow: afaiu the prevent clipping option from the replaygain menu doesn't prevent clipping that happend because of too much bass boost |
14:10:21 | preglow | ep0ch: not test, it's just ease of connecting my player to my current rig in the office here |
14:10:27 | ep0ch | ah ok |
14:10:28 | leftright | the current method is a "pure" method of volume adjustment, there is no trickery in the background, |
14:10:29 | preglow | PaulJ: no, but we could fix that |
14:10:49 | ]RowaN[ | linuxstb: i never said that i'd tried it |
14:11:02 | ]RowaN[ | i just pasted above what i saw in the wiki to discuss it |
14:11:35 | Zagor | preglow: then how can it be related to volume? |
14:11:48 | Zagor | if the digital signal clips, it will clip at any volume |
14:11:57 | preglow | Zagor: because at full volume, you have to assume that the numerical range is almost saturated |
14:12:08 | Zagor | volume is not digital |
14:12:19 | preglow | Zagor: are you sure about that? |
14:12:44 | preglow | Zagor: i'd guess the dac ran full amp all the time, with volume controls being digital |
14:12:55 | Zagor | oh my god! |
14:13:05 | Zagor | that's a nice guarantee for horrible sound |
14:13:06 | Slasheri | i think the uda could be a digital amp |
14:13:12 | preglow | Zagor: nah, not really |
14:13:21 | preglow | if you can implement it digitally, that's exactly what they'll do |
14:13:26 | preglow | lower component count, plus cheaper electronics |
14:13:33 | Zagor | yeah, and crappy sound. |
14:13:36 | preglow | Zagor: why? |
14:13:48 | Zagor | because you have lower dynamic range at lower volumes |
14:13:49 | Slasheri | i would say digital amps can have more accurate sound |
14:13:58 | ]RowaN[ | oh, as i suspected, the feature is removed. so my point stands.. yesterdays solution to my (and other peoples) problem has now been reversed |
14:14:55 | Zagor | but ok, if the iriver uses digital attenuation then finally I understand the problem. |
14:15:19 | linuxstb | ]RowaN[: Yes, and a possible different solution implemented - i.e. no clipping prevention at all. So Rockbox's old type of clipping prevention which no-one seemed to like (limiting the volume) has gone. |
14:15:29 | preglow | Zagor: btw, it doesn't matter, you have a prescaler before the volume, so you can crank the volume down before eqing, then up (either digitally or analogue, doesn't matter) after eq |
14:15:43 | preglow | if you're already at the max amplitude in the amp, then you can't use this method anymore |
14:15:47 | preglow | and have to start limiting something |
14:16:06 | ]RowaN[ | linux: so in the replaygain menu menu, what does the prevent clipping option do now? |
14:16:08 | preglow | Zagor: prescaler before the EQ, sorry |
14:16:30 | Zagor | a decently dimensioned amp should never be at full power |
14:16:58 | linuxstb | ]RowaN[: I'm not sure, but I guess it makes sure that the replaygain adjustment doesn't cause clipping. |
14:17:14 | preglow | Zagor: it might not even be, but they still have to draw the line for the control somewhere |
14:17:41 | Zagor | only when you reach 0db in the amp and still want to go louder |
14:17:55 | Zagor | ...which means you want a bigger amp |
14:18:04 | Zagor | not mangle the input |
14:18:08 | preglow | yes, which happens, if they had designed some headroom in the amp they could only use internally, then this wouldn't be an issue |
14:18:11 | ]RowaN[ | so now there is no way to prevent clipping.. not even an option? |
14:18:12 | | Join KN|stiff [0] (i=phhome@ |
14:18:24 | preglow | but they have the same range internally as the user sees |
14:18:59 | MrShlee | the best option is.. "got a problem.. buy a T-AMP" http://www.thinkgeek.com/electronics/audio/6cd8/ |
14:19:01 | | Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@hornved.ii.uib.no) |
14:19:18 | preglow | so when the user maxes it, they can no longer compensate for the eq prescale in the amp/volume control after the eq |
14:19:38 | B4gder | ]RowaN[: and this is what we talk about all over |
14:19:58 | tucoz | Hi, just happened to notice the clipping-discussion again. As far as I understand this, the only use of the iriver way is that it's nice when used as line out. |
14:20:08 | preglow | if we're going to do this, i want just one new option for it |
14:20:26 | preglow | and i'm afraid some users are going to start complaining about splitting the different 'prevent clipping' effects into different options |
14:20:40 | preglow | one of the effects will be replaygain bsaed, another eq based, etc |
14:21:12 | Slasheri | Hmm, can somebody send me a working tagdb file so i could try the existing implementation to see how it looks/works? |
14:21:28 | linuxstb | preglow: The complication is that not only do people want the bass to be automatically reduced when they increase the volume, but they want it to automatically increase again when they decrease the volume. |
14:21:48 | Zagor | so it's the classic "we skimped on the hardware, tell the engineers to compensate for it in software" |
14:22:00 | | Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@82-41-227-152.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
14:22:05 | mikearthur | hey guys |
14:22:06 | tucoz | Zagor, it's a flaw? |
14:22:09 | mikearthur | I thought you would want to know |
14:22:10 | | Quit KN|stiff (Client Quit) |
14:22:20 | preglow | Zagor: i guess you'll find this a lot in dap's. it's pretty understandable they don't want to put in over-designed amps |
14:22:22 | Zagor | tucoz: from where I sit, yes clearly |
14:22:23 | mikearthur | I RMA'd my rockboxed iRiver, the hard driver died |
14:22:27 | preglow | Zagor: you'll be wasting both power and money |
14:22:37 | | Join KN|stiff [0] (i=phhome@ |
14:22:40 | mikearthur | it came back with iRiver firmware installed, but no complaints about the firmware |
14:22:49 | mikearthur | and it is the same unit, same little dinks |
14:23:05 | ]RowaN[ | linux: you're saying its complicated.. but it was previously implemented so whats the prob |
14:23:13 | preglow | mikearthur: they probably didn't even see it |
14:23:14 | tucoz | Zagor, hehe, interesting. Come to think of it, it is in fact quite counter intuitive the way iriver-fw handles it. |
14:23:14 | mikearthur | however, a bit scratch in the paintwork, maybe they do this to all Rockbox users, as they are jealous of your firmware ;) |
14:23:33 | preglow | linuxstb: what's so complicated with that? |
14:23:37 | mikearthur | it was in Germany, their EU office |
14:23:40 | mikearthur | just thought you'd want to know |
14:23:44 | Zagor | preglow: using a standard analog headphone amp is not over-designing. it's the standard. |
14:23:48 | mikearthur | in case anyone asks |
14:24:04 | linuxstb | preglow: Making the bass setting reflect what the actual setting being used is. |
14:24:07 | B4gder | mikearthur: ;-) |
14:24:12 | preglow | Zagor: yeah, but they'd have to limit the output power of it so that extreme eq cases would work with no surprises |
14:24:25 | Zagor | uhh, no |
14:24:37 | tucoz | but it's nice when I plug it to my HiFi-equpment, I only need to raise the volume to get a flat eq (when using iriver fw). |
14:24:47 | preglow | linuxstb: i'd say they can pretty much forget such feedback |
14:24:58 | preglow | linuxstb: it would have to be invisible for us even to bother implementing it, i'd say |
14:25:09 | preglow | linuxstb: and that's how the iriver firmware works, they're used to it |
14:25:13 | | Part ep0ch ("Kopete 0.10.3 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
14:25:36 | B4gder | and these guys want the bass to go up again when the volume is lowered |
14:26:22 | B4gder | which makes the bass have one "preferred" level and one "actual" |
14:26:27 | leftright | is it possible to ever satisfy everyone ? |
14:26:33 | B4gder | no |
14:26:36 | ]RowaN[ | yes, with enough options? =] |
14:26:38 | PaulJ | linuxstb: you could show 2 values in the bas boost menu. the value the user has set and in brackets teh value that is applied e.g 24 (12) |
14:26:49 | B4gder | ]RowaN[: no, because no one likes many options |
14:27:13 | tucoz | leftright, I believe we're almost there. Why not provide an option for this? |
14:27:18 | ]RowaN[ | how about an option to disable "complicated" options? hehe |
14:27:33 | ]RowaN[ | hide all the options from people who are confused by them |
14:27:34 | leftright | tucoz, hehe |
14:27:37 | B4gder | an option to disable silly users would be neat... |
14:27:42 | mikearthur | leftright: no, never |
14:27:44 | preglow | B4gder: as long as the volume routine also sets the bass, i can't see a problem. if (volume + bass) > 0 { internalbass = 0 - volume } else { internalbass = bass } setbass(internalbass); |
14:27:45 | mikearthur | :D |
14:27:50 | ]RowaN[ | are you calling me silly badger? |
14:28:13 | mikearthur | leftright: until my ihp140 will do my coursework for me, I'll never be totally happy with Rockbox's features |
14:28:16 | preglow | all badgers are silly |
14:28:17 | B4gder | preglow: I agree, I was just thinking about the problem you mentioned about the change reflecting in the bass value |
14:28:39 | preglow | B4gder: i'd say forget that kind of feedback |
14:28:50 | preglow | B4gder: it complicates the settings system |
14:28:51 | B4gder | ]RowaN[: I said silly users, if you feel hit then sure, that's you |
14:28:53 | leftright | so keeping inline with Rockbox's "Design Philosphy" is is a primary factor |
14:29:10 | B4gder | if not, then it isn't you |
14:29:15 | ]RowaN[ | rudeness noted |
14:29:17 | B4gder | preglow: I agree |
14:29:26 | B4gder | ]RowaN[: being overly sentive today? |
14:29:32 | B4gder | sensitive |
14:29:38 | preglow | hey, you allowed him to choose himself |
14:29:43 | linuxstb | preglow: How does this all fit in with the software equaliser you're planning? |
14:29:47 | preglow | if he thinks he's stupid himself, then we can't argue |
14:29:54 | preglow | linuxstb: just dandy |
14:30:02 | ]RowaN[ | im a sensitive guy badger, but apolagy accepted |
14:30:10 | mikearthur | is there a feature to adjust voice volume? I haven't used rockbox for a month |
14:30:14 | preglow | linuxstb: only difference is that the prescaler is software based |
14:30:22 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
14:30:25 | B4gder | ]RowaN[: ? |
14:30:28 | preglow | linuxstb: i was thinking i'd just combine it with the replaygain gainer |
14:30:54 | | Quit Guest229461 (Success) |
14:30:57 | PaulJ | preglow: this might be a bad idea |
14:31:01 | Jungti1234 | hey markun |
14:31:03 | preglow | PaulJ: why? |
14:32:05 | PaulJ | preglow: if some files have replaygaun tags ond others don't, the ines with tags would play on much lower volume |
14:32:27 | preglow | PaulJ: why? |
14:32:45 | preglow | PaulJ: the extra lowered volume will be compensated after the eq anyway |
14:32:47 | preglow | PaulJ: just like now |
14:33:43 | amiconn | preglow: Replace the '0' in your formula with sound_max(SOUND_VOLUME) |
14:34:18 | preglow | amiconn: it was just a concept thing :) |
14:34:58 | t0mas | LinusN? |
14:35:03 | t0mas | are you around? |
14:35:21 | LinusN | t0mas: yup |
14:35:23 | t0mas | ok |
14:35:36 | MrShlee | Well, I don't think there is any question about it. It can only be attributable to human error. This sort of thing has cropped up before and it has always been due to human error. |
14:35:45 | tucoz | So, the clipping handling has gone from no limiting -> limiting -> loads of options -> no limiting? |
14:35:47 | t0mas | the lcd driver, what is the second data argument (data2) in lcd_write_command_ex? |
14:35:58 | B4gder | tucoz: no |
14:36:00 | preglow | tucoz: no |
14:36:02 | B4gder | the limit will come |
14:36:10 | preglow | tucoz: from volume limiting, to loads of options, to no limiting |
14:36:36 | tucoz | preglow, I was thinking of the first implementation, were iirc there were no limiting :) |
14:36:41 | preglow | can't remember |
14:37:01 | t0mas | LinusN: I'm trying to disable the LCD, for amiconn's low-power-mode idea... and I've figured how to disable all kind of things, and in which order... but I don't understand the second data argument... what is it for? |
14:37:07 | LinusN | t0mas: there is one command that takes 2 arguments |
14:37:37 | t0mas | no, 3 |
14:37:44 | t0mas | cmd, data1, data2 |
14:37:56 | LinusN | i meant *lcd* command |
14:38:04 | t0mas | hm... |
14:38:12 | t0mas | so in this command: |
14:38:12 | t0mas | lcd_write_command_ex(LCD_CNTL_POWER_CONTROL, 0x16, -1); |
14:38:18 | t0mas | the -1 is just a placeholder? |
14:38:21 | LinusN | yes |
14:38:41 | t0mas | ok, that's why I didn't understand what it did from the datasheet :) |
14:38:42 | t0mas | tnx |
14:38:54 | PaulJ | preglow: most of my mp3s have ~98db, and some of them even clip (according to replaygain) at 89db, so such an mp3 would be plaed at less than 89db, if it hadn't replaygaintags it would be played without a decrease in volume ~98db. |
14:39:35 | preglow | PaulJ: 98db is more than 16 bit audio can handle... |
14:39:56 | preglow | i don't get your db numbers |
14:40:04 | lamed | argh! it took me 15 minuts to find the one line puts_ functions of the h300! I haven't noticed that lcd-16bit driver.... arghhhhhh |
14:40:15 | ]RowaN[ | the volume % on my wps now goes from -84 to 0... is that normal for the newest build? |
14:41:30 | lamed | yeah |
14:41:36 | lostlogic | ]RowaN[: it's in dB now not % |
14:41:49 | ]RowaN[ | ah |
14:41:57 | ]RowaN[ | 0db sounds pretty loud hehe |
14:42:03 | lamed | That's today topic acctually.... someone should chage the topic |
14:42:03 | | Join judas20 [0] (n=WhoisUp@62-15-120-76.inversas.jazztel.es) |
14:42:06 | Jungti1234 | markun, I fixed problem of Korean translation again. |
14:42:22 | lostlogic | "seriously we do not estimate volume levels any more" |
14:42:25 | PaulJ | maybe i'm wrong. but i have the impression that mp3s with replaygaintags play not as loud as mp3s without. |
14:42:30 | | Part judas20 |
14:42:39 | * | leftright thinks that amiconn's wake up timer will be rally handy |
14:42:45 | preglow | PaulJ: that is correct |
14:42:50 | | Join Moos [0] (n=DrMoos@m196.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
14:42:52 | preglow | PaulJ: replaygain almost always gains a track down |
14:43:29 | lamed | lostlogic rofl :D |
14:43:44 | | Quit actionshrimp ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") |
14:44:14 | preglow | please, please, anyone is there any way to make ld be multipass? |
14:44:30 | preglow | i can't handle this retarded single pass functionality with more than twenty lib files to include |
14:45:03 | leftright | the default value of 89 used by Replay Gain software was a "compromise" level, it can be adjusted i the software you use, but then you modify the headroom availble, which could influence the dynamic range of an album |
14:45:16 | lostlogic | LinusN: My profiling patch is getting to the point where I would consider submitting it, but I don't know how to properly whack it into the configure script, and my current parser is all Java (not sure if that's a problem). |
14:45:21 | preglow | 89db references to what? |
14:45:34 | preglow | it can't be dBfs, and it can't be dbspl |
14:46:22 | Coldtoast | I reckon the peakmeter should be made conditional |
14:46:27 | preglow | it is |
14:46:30 | Coldtoast | so we can make our own animated peak meters :) |
14:46:31 | preglow | just remove it from your wps |
14:46:52 | Coldtoast | was that done in the past few days? |
14:47:04 | Coldtoast | last time I tried it, it didn't work |
14:47:06 | ]RowaN[ | someone skool me - why is 0db not silent? |
14:47:12 | preglow | i wish someone went ahead and implemented this: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=439121&aid=1373828&group_id=44306 |
14:47:15 | preglow | :-) |
14:47:38 | LinusN | lostlogic: parser in java? |
14:47:55 | preglow | LinusN: we'll fix that |
14:48:17 | preglow | i can only stand by so long and see java infiltrate rockbox! |
14:48:19 | lostlogic | LinusN: Java's my 'career language' so when I was presented with the problem of mapping PCs -> symbol names, the easiest way to do it for me was in Java |
14:48:29 | lamed | there most be a wiki page for the new db scale.... ]rowan[ - 0db is max volume. |
14:48:37 | preglow | lostlogic: but anyway, how's the profiler working? |
14:48:42 | lostlogic | preglow: if you want to port it to something else, be my guest, it really isn't _that_ hard. |
14:48:50 | lostlogic | preglow: seems to work fine, RETARDEDLY slow, but fine. |
14:48:51 | preglow | lostlogic: i will, probably |
14:49:03 | preglow | lostlogic: sounds a bit strange that it's so slow |
14:49:07 | preglow | lostlogic: btw, is all profiling code in iram? |
14:49:11 | * | B4gder whispers peeeeeerl... |
14:49:16 | preglow | lostlogic: it should be, so it doesn't thrash the code cache |
14:50:01 | lostlogic | preglow: good think, no I haven't put it in IRAM, can things in system just be popped over to IRAM like that? |
14:50:43 | preglow | lostlogic: btw, i don't think 'register' has much of a function anymore |
14:50:53 | preglow | lostlogic: well, sure |
14:50:57 | | Quit Jungti1234 ("bye") |
14:51:04 | preglow | lostlogic: any function can be popped over to iram if there's enough space left in iram |
14:51:11 | lostlogic | also, profiling as written takes up uhh 24k of data space (looke like it can be reduced a fair amount w/o getting close to running out on a common sized codec) is there enough free IRAM for the data to go there too? |
14:52:01 | preglow | lostlogic: no |
14:52:07 | preglow | not by a long shot |
14:52:12 | preglow | i think |
14:52:25 | preglow | but anyway |
14:52:27 | lostlogic | *sad face* |
14:52:29 | preglow | i don't care about the profiler being slow |
14:52:33 | * | lamed preglow get a room or something |
14:52:33 | lostlogic | right |
14:52:41 | lostlogic | you care about it trashing the code cache |
14:52:45 | preglow | yeah |
14:52:52 | preglow | i care about it not disturbing the profiled process |
14:53:07 | lostlogic | *sees if it can be moved to IRAM* |
14:53:18 | preglow | which it very certainly will if the code isn't in iram |
14:53:36 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-130-203.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
14:54:11 | lostlogic | should only be the function enter and exits that need to be in IRAM, the context switch handling shouldn't matter, eh? |
14:55:14 | lostlogic | preglow: BTW, make sure you have the latest http://lostlogicx.com/transfer/profile-single-link.tar.gz if you are going to port my Java to a better language for the task. It changed a fair amount as of upload at about midnight CST |
14:55:37 | preglow | i'll let you finish it before it do anything to it |
14:55:57 | lostlogic | the parsing and file format seem to be relatively static now |
14:56:05 | lostlogic | and the big part of parsing is loading up the symbols from libraries and map files |
14:56:16 | lostlogic | which is all in one .java file and can be ported at any time. |
14:58:14 | * | lostlogic reprofiles with profiler in IRAM |
15:00 |
15:00:41 | preglow | b7ut yeah |
15:00:45 | preglow | could you post some example results? |
15:01:15 | lostlogic | in that lil tarball is example pre and post parse of a 1/2 song profile run on Tremor. |
15:02:33 | preglow | lostlogic: quite a lot of unresolved symbols |
15:02:58 | lostlogic | shite, I must not have uploaded the latest |
15:03:26 | preglow | ahh |
15:03:30 | preglow | i was looking at the double one |
15:03:37 | preglow | the single one's got something different again |
15:03:57 | lostlogic | I haven' tupdated double in a while, I think I've decided to trash that design and not try to build call traces. |
15:05:01 | preglow | i don't get this |
15:05:08 | preglow | XPROD31 is supposed to be inline |
15:05:11 | preglow | why is it showing up |
15:05:34 | lostlogic | I wonder if -finstrument-functions de-inlines things, thereby totally fucking up results? |
15:06:08 | | Quit tvelocity ("Leaving") |
15:06:18 | lostlogic | could mark it unprofilable to prevent that if it is the case. |
15:06:31 | preglow | lostlogic: that would make sense, i guess |
15:06:43 | preglow | lostlogic: i don't know, i guess it's better to have it this way |
15:06:51 | lostlogic | *nod* |
15:06:59 | | Part leftright |
15:07:35 | preglow | lostlogic: but this looks totally decent, great work |
15:07:40 | Coldtoast | I found something interesting today |
15:08:31 | Coldtoast | if I create a playlist and the iriver caches tracks, if I then go and delete one of the songs in the playlist off of the player, it's still in buffer so the track plays |
15:08:52 | preglow | lostlogic: thought of any way to integrate this in rockbox? |
15:09:03 | preglow | lostlogic: i'd like to see this in cvs as soon as possible |
15:09:06 | Coldtoast | seems odd when it happens |
15:09:11 | Coldtoast | is that avoidable? |
15:09:57 | preglow | someone would need to code around it |
15:10:25 | Coldtoast | it's probably a very rare situation anywa |
15:10:26 | Coldtoast | y |
15:10:53 | PaulJ | i like this behaviour, this way i can rename a song that is currently playing |
15:10:55 | Coldtoast | maybe not worth botherign about? but I thought I'd mention it |
15:11:04 | preglow | PaulJ has a good point |
15:11:14 | Coldtoast | I'm talking about a song you delete from the player |
15:11:20 | preglow | it's a fringe case, and i don't know if we should waste code space on handling it |
15:11:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:11:27 | Coldtoast | what does that have to do with renaming? |
15:11:29 | preglow | Coldtoast: yeah, but it's the same thing |
15:11:38 | preglow | Coldtoast: the file is changed, and isn't where it used to be |
15:11:55 | preglow | i think this should stay as is |
15:11:59 | Coldtoast | it might result from the same thing, as far as codign goes, but it's hardly related in usage terms |
15:12:11 | | Join leftright [0] (n=5087d6b3@labb.contactor.se) |
15:12:25 | Coldtoast | well, as I said I just thought I'd mention it. heh |
15:12:34 | preglow | haven't thought about it myself |
15:12:37 | preglow | never tried that |
15:12:41 | Coldtoast | me either til today |
15:13:14 | PaulJ | i rename the extension of faulty files to .xxx |
15:13:16 | Coldtoast | it could cause a prob tho if a track is half-cached when you delete it maybe? |
15:13:16 | leftright | fixing wiki entry, on Archos players can tone adjustments be made <0 for bass and trable ? |
15:14:08 | LinusN | leftright: yes |
15:14:15 | leftright | ta |
15:14:25 | Coldtoast | I' wonder what Rockbox will do if I delete a track while it's playing and cachign at the same time and there are no tracks in teh playlist efter it |
15:14:37 | preglow | try it |
15:14:40 | Coldtoast | after |
15:14:43 | Coldtoast | I will now |
15:15:05 | Coldtoast | hopefully Rockbox will auto change to the next dir, as I have that set |
15:15:17 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:19:02 | Coldtoast | yep. it did |
15:19:41 | | Quit MrShlee ("Changed by popular Request - "I am the heart of your darkness, you stinking oompa-loompa morons!"") |
15:19:55 | amiconn | Coldtoast: This behaviour is there and known for long |
15:20:02 | amiconn | Imho it's not a problem at all |
15:20:03 | Coldtoast | ok |
15:21:05 | amiconn | Rockbox simply plays the cached data even if the file gets deleted before. If a track is only half-cached (much more likely on archos), it plays the cached part, then advances to the next song |
15:21:22 | | Quit KN|stiff ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
15:21:25 | lostlogic | preglow: to build profiling support is pretty easy −− Makefile just needs to define RB_PROFILE, that's all good. To profile a specific codec, ya just need to add -finstrument-functions (adn I think remove -fomit-frame-pointer) for that specific codec. |
15:21:48 | Coldtoast | how much is a 40GB drive for the h100 these days? |
15:22:16 | amiconn | lostlogic: Imho it would make sense to make it selectable in configure for (D)eveloper builds |
15:22:29 | preglow | lostlogic: ouch, then it will affect us |
15:22:34 | preglow | lostlogic: since we lose a register |
15:22:45 | ]RowaN[ | my 30gb one was about £118, 4months ago (including postage from germany to UK) |
15:23:15 | Coldtoast | I think the HDD noise is affecting audio |
15:23:16 | lostlogic | *ponders* lemme see if it works w/-fomit-frame-pointer −− I don't think so, but I haven't actually tried -finstrument-functions and -fomit-frame-pointer. |
15:23:22 | Coldtoast | on my player |
15:23:29 | lostlogic | amiconn: configurable per-codec in the dev builds? |
15:23:48 | preglow | lostlogic: why not enable it for all codecs? |
15:24:00 | amiconn | Ah, this is per codec. Hmm, that could be difficult |
15:24:13 | * | amiconn thought the profiling stuff is general |
15:24:22 | preglow | it's got to be per thread |
15:24:27 | preglow | or things get mixed up |
15:24:39 | lostlogic | preglow: because a profiling session on more than one codec will have overlapping symbols. |
15:25:04 | amiconn | ah, right |
15:25:09 | preglow | lostlogic: yeah, yeah, but you have to stop after one, of course |
15:25:23 | preglow | lostlogic: but let's just make that the responsibility of the coder, not the build system |
15:25:31 | linuxstb | lostlogic: But does it matter if you only actually run a single codec? |
15:25:41 | preglow | what linuxstb says |
15:25:43 | | Quit B4gder ("Time to say moo") |
15:26:05 | lostlogic | *nod* I'll work on making it pretty with the build system today. |
15:26:22 | | Part tucoz ("Leaving") |
15:28:00 | preglow | lostlogic: would be smashing |
15:28:13 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Remember, you're unique, like everyone else") |
15:30:18 | Coldtoast | wow ]RowaN[. that was EXPENSIVE!! |
15:30:36 | Coldtoast | just looked and I can buy a 40GB one for $125 without shpping |
15:30:56 | lostlogic | it builds with -fomit-frame-pointer. |
15:31:05 | preglow | lostlogic: does it work? :-) |
15:31:09 | lostlogic | about to find out |
15:31:48 | preglow | lostlogic: looks to me like it should work fine without the frame pointer |
15:31:54 | preglow | it's the instruction pointer it tracks |
15:32:32 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=NNSCRIPT@host86-136-104-122.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) |
15:32:34 | lostlogic | yarr, as long as GCC's __builtin_return_address(1) function didn't require the frame pointer. |
15:32:52 | preglow | nah, that just accesses the stack frame and finds the return address |
15:32:56 | lostlogic | yeah |
15:33:13 | preglow | i think frame pointer are only used for debuggers to find the argument list and so on |
15:33:19 | preglow | s/are/is/ |
15:33:23 | lostlogic | gotcha |
15:33:35 | lostlogic | gprof requries it so I just assumed (which should never be done) |
15:34:00 | preglow | but then it's all just peachy |
15:34:00 | | Join San [0] (n=Test@ |
15:34:06 | preglow | profiling can't get much better than this |
15:34:08 | ]RowaN[ | coldtoast: it was the cheapest at the time.... or was that 118 euros? cant remember now hehe |
15:34:13 | lostlogic | it runs noticeably faster w/-fomit-frame-pointer |
15:34:19 | Coldtoast | heh |
15:34:41 | ]RowaN[ | thats reminds me ive still got a half dead 20gig drive |
15:34:46 | ]RowaN[ | i ebayed it but no one bidded |
15:34:49 | Coldtoast | well, the good thing is it means it's worth replacing the drve when it DOES die |
15:35:03 | Coldtoast | rather than replace the player |
15:44:42 | lostlogic | am going to have to adjust profiling code for -fomit-frame-pointer, otherwise it goes smashy smashy. |
15:46:04 | | Join webguest93 [0] (n=18d79b85@labb.contactor.se) |
15:46:18 | preglow | oh? |
15:46:36 | | Quit actionshrimp ("a bird in the bush is worth two in your house") |
15:47:08 | lostlogic | yeah, changes what values I get for call_site which results in using many more spaces in memory (to the point that it overflowed), can switch back to using __builtin_return_address again which should work (as you said) |
15:47:46 | webguest93 | hi, i'm having a bit of trouble with codepage settings. can anyone help me? |
15:47:55 | preglow | just ask |
15:48:16 | lostlogic | but that made it slower again. oh well. |
15:48:39 | preglow | lostlogic: well, as i said, i don't care much about that, what matters is that the code is as identical as possible to the optimised case |
15:48:45 | lostlogic | right. |
15:49:11 | | Part LinusN |
15:49:48 | | Part leftright |
15:49:51 | webguest93 | whenever i set the codepage option, it resets back to the default latin after restarting the player |
15:49:55 | webguest93 | (h120) |
15:51:10 | webguest93 | this doesnt happen with the build i've been using 12/05 build |
15:58:33 | preglow | bbl |
16:00 |
16:00:09 | lostlogic | gah, parser doesn't handle statics in IRAM right. |
16:00:12 | lostlogic | *shoots self* |
16:01:35 | lostlogic | also bbl. |
16:07:01 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:25:26 | | Part mikearthur ("Konversation terminated!") |
16:26:57 | amiconn | webguest93: The codepage setting isn't saved on disk. I'll fix this tonight. |
16:27:28 | amiconn | The 2005-12-05 build didn't have this setting yet, it was introduced with unicode support |
16:30:17 | webguest93 | huh? then why do i have it? |
16:30:29 | webguest93 | oh probably because i patched it |
16:36:04 | | Join webguest80 [0] (n=9e87005a@labb.contactor.se) |
16:36:37 | webguest80 | OMFG ROCKBOX OWNS (that is all) |
16:36:43 | | Quit webguest80 (Client Quit) |
16:38:00 | t0mas | :| |
16:38:08 | * | t0mas stares at his screen in amazement... |
16:39:46 | amiconn | markun: r u there? |
16:42:09 | lamed | guys... i really nead help. I'm getting weird |
16:42:09 | | Quit webguest93 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
16:42:14 | lamed | LD rockboxui.exe |
16:42:32 | lamed | home/guest/rockbox-devel/sh3/apps/plugin.o(.text+0x68): In function `rockbox_api': |
16:42:39 | lamed | home/guest/rockbox-devel/apps/plugin.c: undefined reference to `_lcd_puts_style' |
16:42:45 | lamed | home/guest/rockbox-devel/sh3/apps/screen_access.o(.text+0x2dc): In function `screen_init': |
16:42:50 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
16:42:51 | lamed | home/guest/rockbox-devel/apps/screen_access.c:139: undefined reference to `_lcd_puts_offset' |
16:43:02 | lamed | home/guest/rockbox-devel/apps/screen_access.c:139: undefined reference to `_lcd_puts_offset' |
16:43:03 | | Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc1e4.b.pppool.de) |
16:43:12 | muesli_- | re |
16:44:11 | lamed | when i'm trying to build for a h300 sim. it didn't encounterd the problem just up until trying to make the target file. (there weren't any warnings before it crashed) |
16:44:37 | lamed | why would it ever tell me that the .o file has problem? |
16:45:43 | | Quit Coldtoast (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:46:56 | lamed | YES! god @#RWLDKF da2##$it i can't believe it... |
16:47:07 | lamed | i'm on it for couple of hours |
16:48:30 | hshah | can someone PLEASE commit my WPS because TiMiD hasn't gotten round to it... |
16:49:10 | merbanan | who was working on faad here ? |
16:50:19 | linuxstb | merbanan: I did the initial work to get it working in Rockbox. But I've done nothing since then. |
16:51:02 | | Join DangerousDan [0] (n=Miranda@newtpulsifer.campus.luth.se) |
16:51:56 | merbanan | linuxstb: ok, there is a patch to speed up some things on mplayer-dev |
16:52:01 | markun | amiconn: yes, but busy |
16:52:12 | merbanan | accessable through gmane |
16:55:16 | linuxstb | merbanan: Do you have a URL handy? |
16:55:56 | preglow | hah |
16:55:58 | preglow | optical out works |
16:56:05 | merbanan | linuxstb: http://cache.gmane.org//gmane/comp/video/mplayer/devel/30372-001.bin |
16:56:41 | preglow | bin? |
16:56:52 | merbanan | linuxstb: the fft is optimized abit, some inlining and other tweeks |
16:56:59 | merbanan | rename it to gz |
16:57:29 | linuxstb | Do you have a link to the email message that went with the patch? |
16:58:05 | linuxstb | merbanan: OK, I've found the thread. |
16:58:11 | preglow | url, ples |
16:58:12 | merbanan | linuxstb: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.mplayer.devel <−− sorry for being stupid :) |
16:58:12 | linuxstb | http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.mplayer.devel |
16:58:56 | amiconn | markun: The codepage setting isn't saved to disk. Maybe you didn't commit all unicode changes to cvs? Just asking, will fix it tonight... |
17:00 |
17:00:59 | lamed | someone shoot me. please. |
17:01:09 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bbcb5.b.pppool.de) |
17:01:20 | lamed | anyone willing to review my code and let me know why won't it compile? |
17:05:27 | merbanan | linuxstb: 30% faster on x86 was claimed, but that number was a rough estimate |
17:05:40 | XavierGr | I would help you but I must run off to work see you later lamed... |
17:05:57 | XavierGr | merbanan: 30% faster what? |
17:06:18 | linuxstb | merbanan: I can't test it now, but it looks a very useful patch, and we should be able to apply it to our version of libfaad. |
17:06:19 | merbanan | integer faad on x86 |
17:07:30 | | Quit lamed ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
17:07:41 | XavierGr | linuxstb: libfaad is usde for flac codec? |
17:08:21 | linuxstb | XavierGr: No, we use the FLAC decoder from ffmpeg |
17:08:43 | XavierGr | so where libfaad is used? |
17:08:47 | linuxstb | For AAC |
17:08:51 | XavierGr | I mean which codec? |
17:10:29 | linuxstb | merbanan: If preglow doesn't get there first, I'll have a look in a few hours time when I'm at home. Thanks for pointing it out. |
17:11:13 | merbanan | linuxstb: anytime, hope it speeds it up abit |
17:11:27 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:11:50 | linuxstb | Do you know if mplayer now maintain their own fork of libfaad? |
17:11:52 | preglow | i'm a bit busy |
17:12:07 | merbanan | note that it removes the rounding for some things |
17:12:40 | merbanan | mplayer has their own snapshot/fork |
17:13:06 | merbanan | should be in mplayer cvs |
17:13:40 | | Join lamed [0] (n=55407202@labb.contactor.se) |
17:13:59 | lamed | xaviergr thanks I hope i won't need your help later. :(((( |
17:21:21 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=NNSCRIPT@host86-136-104-122.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) |
17:25:09 | | Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:30:16 | | Join EoS [0] (i=EoS@chello212186071171.1.14.vie.surfer.at) |
17:30:24 | EoS | hi |
17:32:15 | | Join Benacool [0] (i=Benacool@Toronto-HSE-ppp3750920.sympatico.ca) |
17:35:30 | EoS | anyone here? |
17:36:43 | Benacool | me ;-) |
17:38:05 | EoS | are u using rockbox on iriver? |
17:38:19 | Benacool | yea |
17:38:34 | Benacool | on my US H320 |
17:39:08 | | Join Cassandra- [0] (i=Cassandr@elmyra.coraline.org) |
17:39:56 | EoS | do uave this bug when u stop playback the player will make very loud crackling noises on the headphones? |
17:40:50 | amiconn | EoS: Update to the latest bleeding edge; there was a bug in the fade on stop/pause function |
17:41:14 | amiconn | (or deactivate said function) |
17:43:03 | EoS | ah ok thx! |
17:47:24 | | Join eli_sherer [0] (n=eli@IGLD-84-228-70-170.inter.net.il) |
17:47:25 | | Join Nixsos [0] (n=Nixsos@i62009.upc-i.chello.nl) |
17:49:20 | | Join San [0] (n=Test@213-202-151-235.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
17:50:09 | | Join Febs [0] (n=40be24f0@labb.contactor.se) |
17:50:25 | EoS | i have a h140, do i get the h100 or the h120 rockbox? |
17:51:13 | Nixsos | h120 |
17:52:17 | linuxstb | merbanan: I've just naively applied that patch from mplayer, and it does give a noticable speedup. It's still not quite realtime on my 128kbps test file, but it's very close. |
17:52:35 | preglow | closer than usual? |
17:52:43 | preglow | it's very close here as well, but i've got some uncommited stuff |
17:53:19 | * | preglow is looking forward to profile data from faad |
17:53:29 | linuxstb | preglow: Yes, closer than the CVS version. |
17:53:56 | EoS | ah ok i just disabled the fade on stop/pause on no crackling sounds anymore |
17:54:26 | linuxstb | The patch adds some small x86 asm optimisations, so it may be useful to do EMAC versions of them. |
17:54:32 | | Quit elinenbe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:54:58 | preglow | is that .bin file a patch? |
17:55:06 | linuxstb | Yes, it's a diff.gz file. |
17:55:09 | preglow | right |
17:55:14 | preglow | i'll download and have a quick look |
17:55:41 | linuxstb | rename it faad_speed.diff.gz if you want to give it the original name |
17:57:12 | preglow | at least the memcpy opts are applicable to us |
17:57:15 | preglow | our memcpy should be pretty fast |
17:57:38 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:57:39 | | Nick Cassandra- is now known as Cassandra (i=Cassandr@elmyra.coraline.org) |
17:58:04 | * | amiconn smiles :) |
17:58:04 | preglow | linuxstb: only asm optimisations i see are ones we've already done |
17:58:14 | linuxstb | OK :( |
17:58:20 | preglow | like the MUL functions |
17:58:33 | preglow | amiconn: i hope you've got a good reason for smiling in here!! |
17:58:44 | amiconn | [17:57:43] <preglow> our memcpy should be pretty fast |
17:58:54 | preglow | ahh, rightie, heh |
17:58:59 | ]RowaN[ | sorry can someone explain to me why rockbox no longer has the option to prevent clipping? |
17:59:24 | preglow | ]RowaN[: we didn't like it |
17:59:52 | preglow | well, at least i didn't |
18:00 |
18:00:07 | ]RowaN[ | do you enjoy music that clips? |
18:00:21 | preglow | no, i just don't push it so hard it clips |
18:00:35 | preglow | i like to decide these matters myself, instead of letting something do the choices for me |
18:00:42 | preglow | anyway, didn't we discuss this a couple of hours ago? |
18:01:10 | | Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bbc61.b.pppool.de) |
18:01:18 | ]RowaN[ | it would be nice to have the option, for people like me who cant magically tell if they've set the volume too high until its too late |
18:01:28 | preglow | yes, and you'll probably have it |
18:01:43 | ]RowaN[ | what do you mean? |
18:01:43 | preglow | i'd like the 'prevent clipping' option we've got in replaygain to prevent that kind of clipping as well |
18:01:56 | preglow | but i don't want a zillion options for this |
18:02:09 | preglow | it'll be one behaviour, and i think the iriver behaviour is what it should be |
18:02:50 | ]RowaN[ | you mean where the bass gets stripped/applied as you increase/decrease the vol? |
18:02:58 | preglow | yes |
18:03:10 | ]RowaN[ | thats what was in place yesterday though?? |
18:03:19 | preglow | yes, but with a shitload of other options as well |
18:03:21 | preglow | and no db volume scale |
18:03:45 | ]RowaN[ | so rockbox is just in going though a "phase" thats its going to grow out of? =p |
18:04:08 | preglow | a phase of what? |
18:04:19 | ]RowaN[ | a phase of no control over clipping |
18:04:28 | preglow | call it what you want |
18:04:34 | preglow | new features come and go all the time |
18:04:38 | preglow | this is just another case of change |
18:04:55 | ]RowaN[ | rockbox usually changes for the better |
18:04:59 | | Nick Lynx_ is now known as Lynx_awy (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
18:05:01 | preglow | i think it just did |
18:05:04 | Febs | You know, the whole "behind the scenes" issue could be solved if the bass boost setting actually changed as volume was increased in prevent clipping mode. |
18:05:08 | preglow | i'm not fully satisfied with the volume control |
18:05:10 | markun | after replacing so many fonts with the etl16-unicode font I discover it was the base font for unifont :) |
18:05:12 | preglow | NOW |
18:05:21 | ]RowaN[ | and who are these people who hate options? where are they? |
18:05:28 | * | Febs doesn't even undertand what he just wrote. |
18:05:32 | preglow | Febs: that's what i have planned |
18:06:15 | lamed | febs, try 8x13B |
18:07:06 | Febs | Sorry, I'm not being very articulate today. I meant that even *I* didn't understand my own comment about clipping prevention. |
18:07:19 | lamed | Can anyone please try a patch of myne to help me trace the problem with it? |
18:07:27 | preglow | ]RowaN[: try maintaining your own fork of rockbox where you just stuff all the options you can think of into it, and we'll see which rockbox is the easiest to use in one year |
18:07:39 | preglow | and not least: which rockbox has the least bloat |
18:07:56 | preglow | Febs: well, at least i think i understand it |
18:08:02 | lamed | It's as simple as making a simulator with my patch installed. |
18:08:06 | linuxstb | ]RowaN[: Options don't just make the user interface more complicated, they make the code more complicated and harder to maintain. |
18:09:04 | Febs | preglow: I think that you do. One of the complaints about a prevent clipping mode is that too much goes on "behind the scenes" and the actual bass boost no longer represents the bass boost setting. |
18:09:21 | | Join Noel_sad_song [0] (n=c87ec44a@labb.contactor.se) |
18:09:22 | Febs | If the setting were to change as the bass boost were limited by the prevent clipping function, it would mitigate that complaint. |
18:09:39 | preglow | Febs: that people will just have to live with, i can fix the bass adjustments behind the scene, but i will not complicate the settings code just so people can see if they're trying to overload the dac |
18:09:50 | linuxstb | Febs: But the problem is that users want the bass to return to the original high setting when the volume is lowered again. |
18:10:05 | preglow | linuxstb: that's only a problem if you want the settings values to reflect the internal values |
18:10:09 | preglow | not even the iriver fw does this |
18:10:15 | preglow | i don't even view it as an issue |
18:10:20 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:10:26 | amiconn | The question is whether we should have clipping prevention at all. So far the iriver H1x0 with original fw is the only device I know of that does |
18:10:37 | preglow | amiconn: i sure as hell think it's just fine as it is |
18:10:54 | preglow | i'd like to just let the current code for a couple of weeks and see if complaints die down |
18:11:04 | amiconn | ...but *if* we do, then we should (1) avoid having a bazillion options for it and (2) make visible what's going on |
18:11:36 | preglow | amiconn: i'd like _just_ the iriver firmware way of doing it (imho, volume should be the last parameter to be capped), and i'd like all the clip prevention mechanisms rolled into one option |
18:11:46 | ]RowaN[ | preglow: forks wha? |
18:11:48 | preglow | the make visible part will be difficult |
18:11:50 | amiconn | (2) should be way easier than before since we have volume in dB now |
18:11:53 | preglow | it's clutter the settings code |
18:12:00 | preglow | it'll |
18:12:17 | ]RowaN[ | well yesterdays build with all those extra options (3 options) is simple to use, for me, so i'll continue to use it |
18:12:31 | preglow | and you're free to do that |
18:12:51 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
18:13:40 | LinusN | personally, i think the fletcher-munson style clipping prevention is a good thing to have |
18:13:44 | Febs | The irony here is that I will probably never use the prevent clipping function myself. I'm just advocating a function that I think others will find useful. |
18:13:56 | EoS | i think rockbox is really awesome... im impressed as hell that u guys pulled that off! |
18:14:10 | LinusN | especially since the clipping will sound rather nasty, since it's digital |
18:14:20 | preglow | LinusN: how the hell can we implement that? |
18:14:23 | LinusN | EoS: thx |
18:14:35 | LinusN | what i meant was the bass scaling |
18:14:48 | preglow | what does that have to do with fletcher-munson? :> |
18:15:12 | amiconn | Bass + treble it is |
18:15:13 | preglow | fletcher-munson clipping prevention sounds like a fancy name for replaygain |
18:15:56 | lostlogicx | preglow: Fixed the java version of my parser in the latest tarball so that statics in iram work. ;) *cheers "Go Java"* |
18:16:03 | preglow | lostlogicx: wooot |
18:16:14 | preglow | lostlogicx: come on! impress us with a test profile of faad! :PPP |
18:16:32 | LinusN | i was under the impression that those were the guys with the theory about the human ear hearing bass frequencies better at high volume |
18:16:42 | Febs | "Fletcher-Munson" style clipping prevention would probably be a lot more palatable to many here than "iriver-style." ;) |
18:16:44 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:16:47 | preglow | but anyway, my five cents, if we are to implement one clip prevention mode for the hardware eq, i say we do it like iriver fw does it, that seems to be the functionality the greatest number of people want |
18:16:48 | lostlogicx | don't have any faad songs, actually don't even have my iRiver on me ATM, should be doing my job or something |
18:16:52 | eli_sherer | i'm having trouble with songs atart playing 1sec before they need to... |
18:17:43 | Febs | LinusN: Yes, that's right. E.g. http://www.webervst.com/fm.htm |
18:17:50 | preglow | LinusN: ahh, ok, you could say that, i'm just used to talking about fletcher-munson curves, which describes how the ear works over the entire frequency range |
18:18:07 | preglow | aacs can be provided |
18:18:29 | preglow | but anywho, i need a small break, brb |
18:18:50 | LinusN | preglow: A-weighting? |
18:19:41 | LinusN | eli_sherer: you mean it starts 1s before the previous song ends? |
18:21:11 | ]RowaN[ | gotta go |
18:21:14 | ]RowaN[ | keep it reel guys |
18:21:19 | | Quit ]RowaN[ ("byee") |
18:22:25 | eli_sherer | LinusN: no...before the song even starts it plays a sec and then play it again normally... |
18:22:52 | LinusN | eli_sherer: how are your crossfade settings? |
18:23:04 | eli_sherer | LinusN: don't know... |
18:23:30 | eli_sherer | LinusN: just checked..."off" |
18:23:30 | LinusN | please give me an example how you make this happen |
18:23:44 | LinusN | from when you turn it on |
18:24:14 | LinusN | which build are you running, and on which platform? |
18:24:47 | eli_sherer | daily build from 07/12 on h300 |
18:25:12 | preglow | LinusN: a-weighting curve is based on one of the fletcher-munson curves, yes |
18:25:26 | LinusN | preglow: i guessed that |
18:25:38 | preglow | LinusN: one of the curves for low intensities |
18:25:48 | preglow | LinusN: so it's a bit misused |
18:28:20 | lostlogicx | gah, developer builds disable -fomit-frame-pointer, which we decided was a bad idea for profiling (and breaks dsp build any way) |
18:28:48 | preglow | lostlogicx: i know, and there's no reason it should be disabled for iriver dev builds |
18:29:00 | preglow | at least linus can fix his own builds when using the bdm :-) |
18:29:08 | LinusN | damn! the iaudio x5 has no bdm debug port! |
18:29:14 | preglow | LinusN: wah? |
18:29:24 | preglow | LinusN: the pins are still there? |
18:29:26 | preglow | oh, bga... |
18:29:30 | LinusN | bga... |
18:29:41 | preglow | LinusN: well, that'll be a fun solder job |
18:29:44 | LinusN | well, no risk, no fun... |
18:30:42 | | Quit Noel_sad_song ("CGI:IRC") |
18:31:40 | lostlogicx | LinusN: good luck :-\ |
18:32:02 | LinusN | hehe, thx |
18:32:06 | lostlogicx | preglow: -fomit-frame-pointer back on for profiling then. |
18:32:12 | lostlogicx | *makes a stern face* |
18:32:42 | LinusN | i believe the scheduler will choke if you enable it |
18:33:17 | preglow | why? |
18:33:31 | lostlogicx | LinusN: better idea of where to put the profiling option in the build system then? |
18:33:46 | LinusN | i'm not sure, i haven't given it much tought |
18:33:51 | LinusN | thought |
18:35:55 | | Quit lamed ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
18:35:55 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:36:24 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-19-241-33.bna.bellsouth.net) |
18:36:33 | | Quit linuxstb ("Client Exiting") |
18:42:17 | lostlogicx | preglow: got a static volatile struct pfd_struct * and want to stick it into a struct pfd_struct *, get warning, how to make go away? |
18:42:39 | preglow | hmm? |
18:42:40 | preglow | what warning |
18:43:27 | lostlogicx | assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type |
18:45:15 | preglow | lemme see the code |
18:45:20 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:47:57 | lostlogicx | LinusN: so Profile and Debug would be incompatible because DEBUG needs frame pointers? |
18:48:22 | preglow | it does only for targets that have hardware debuggers |
18:48:26 | preglow | afaik |
18:48:39 | lostlogicx | which H300 does |
18:49:26 | eli_sherer | almost implemented support for all BMP bpp types...yay! |
18:49:29 | LinusN | preglow: or gdb serial port debugger |
18:49:42 | preglow | LinusN: doesn't that count as hardware? |
18:49:53 | LinusN | preglow: nitpick |
18:49:54 | LinusN | :-) |
18:49:56 | preglow | hehe |
18:50:12 | lostlogicx | ok, I'll make them mutually exclusive. |
18:50:30 | LinusN | lostlogicx: the bdm debugger doesn't need frame pointers |
18:50:45 | preglow | oh? |
18:50:51 | LinusN | in fact, i have never built with -DDEBUG |
18:51:01 | LinusN | that is an archos legacy |
18:51:05 | lostlogicx | in the configure script Debug turns on -g which requires frame pointers, what is Debug used for? |
18:51:19 | | Join petur [0] (i=petur@d54C1B62E.access.telenet.be) |
18:51:36 | LinusN | the debugging would be much easier if we had frame pointers, but we manage without them |
18:51:39 | | Join dpassen1 [0] (n=dpassen1@resnet-233-61.resnet.UMBC.EDU) |
18:51:53 | lostlogicx | *nod* then making them exclude each other won't kill anything. |
18:51:55 | LinusN | or am i in the blue here? |
18:52:09 | preglow | if you look at the disassembly, you can figure out where the stack frame is anyway :-) |
18:52:13 | LinusN | don't we always build with -g? |
18:52:19 | preglow | no? |
18:52:24 | preglow | i wouldn't think so |
18:52:31 | lostlogicx | -g is for gprof profiling |
18:54:02 | LinusN | i was under the impression that -g was for adding debug symbols |
18:54:07 | preglow | it is |
18:54:21 | LinusN | and rockbox is always built with -g |
18:54:52 | LinusN | GCCOPTS=-W -Wall -O -nostdlib -ffreestanding -Wstrict-prototypes -g -m5200 -Wa,-m5249 -malign-int -mstrict-align -fomit-frame-pointer |
18:55:20 | lostlogicx | *ponders* do I ahve the wrong option in mind? |
18:55:33 | LinusN | perhaps you do |
18:55:53 | LinusN | please refresh my memory, does profiling need the frame pointer? |
18:56:32 | lostlogicx | -pg gprof profiling needs frame pointer |
18:56:35 | lostlogicx | my profiling does not. |
18:56:50 | LinusN | ok, so what is our problem? |
18:56:58 | * | LinusN is confused |
18:57:06 | lostlogicx | want to add -fomit-frame-pointer to developer builds when profiling is selected |
18:57:07 | lostlogicx | OK? |
18:57:25 | LinusN | but it's already there |
18:57:32 | preglow | it didn't use to be |
18:57:35 | preglow | sure someone changed it? |
18:57:49 | lostlogicx | debug="" |
18:57:49 | lostlogicx | echo "Normal build selected" |
18:57:49 | lostlogicx | GCCOPTS="$GCCOPTS $GCCOPTIMIZE" |
18:57:57 | LinusN | look at the GCCOPTS above |
18:58:27 | lostlogicx | -fomit-frame-pointer is in GCCOPTIMIZE which is not concatenated on devel builds unless I'm reading wrong. |
18:58:45 | LinusN | nobody has ever used the "developer builds" |
18:58:54 | LinusN | on the iriver |
18:59:12 | LinusN | it's a legacy from the archos builds |
18:59:34 | LinusN | so you can do whatever you want with it |
18:59:38 | LinusN | on the iriver |
18:59:48 | lostlogicx | party. |
19:00 |
19:00:07 | | Join NightCat [0] (n=pink__ki@garant.metacom.ru) |
19:00:17 | | Part NightCat |
19:01:29 | | Join NightCat [0] (n=pink__ki@garant.metacom.ru) |
19:01:36 | | Part NightCat |
19:02:22 | preglow | but it's a fact that fomit-frame-pointer wasn't enabled not too long ago |
19:02:28 | | Quit EoS ("Peace and Protection 4.22") |
19:02:31 | preglow | people complained that my crossfeed opts didn't work in debug builds |
19:02:40 | lostlogicx | preglow: still isn't if you select develoepr build and not profiling. |
19:02:42 | preglow | turns out it was because gcc didn't allow clobbering of fp in those builds |
19:04:02 | | Join NightCat [0] (n=pink__ki@garant.metacom.ru) |
19:04:03 | * | eli_sherer doesn't have enough motivation to make support for 1bpp BMPs :_( |
19:11:14 | preglow | my, coding for proprietary platforms are fun |
19:11:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:14:31 | amiconn | LinusN: Afaik 'developer builds' allow to choose several developer options, one of which is logf. The latter is used by a number of devs afaik, and it was introduced especially for iriver... |
19:16:41 | | Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:17:54 | LinusN | amiconn: true, i was referring to the "debug" build only |
19:19:58 | amiconn | There's someone in the forum who seems to have a future rockbox build ;) |
19:21:17 | LinusN | amiconn: ? |
19:21:41 | amiconn | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2103.0 <= |
19:22:32 | LinusN | hehe |
19:23:37 | * | eli_sherer did && instead of & and now realises it...Bits are a b**** |
19:24:16 | * | eli_sherer thanks LinusN for giving him USB support (makes the testing alot more faster).. ;) |
19:24:17 | | Join muesli_- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bbcad.b.pppool.de) |
19:24:33 | LinusN | :-) |
19:25:12 | preglow | i don't get this |
19:25:22 | preglow | some people seem to take for granted that iriver and rockbox sounds different |
19:25:24 | preglow | in default configuration |
19:25:32 | * | amiconn would like to know why there is && and || but not ^^ available in C |
19:26:03 | LinusN | amiconn: me too |
19:28:20 | eli_sherer | || = OR | = XOR ... :) |
19:28:59 | eli_sherer | logical meaning... |
19:29:31 | eli_sherer | a=true b=true (a|b)=FALSE |
19:30:36 | preglow | hmm? |
19:30:41 | preglow | || = logical or |
19:30:43 | preglow | | |
19:30:45 | preglow | = bitwise or |
19:30:53 | eli_sherer | and logical xor...lol |
19:31:13 | HCl | bitwise xor is ^ |
19:32:11 | eli_sherer | that's right... |
19:32:38 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A451B4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:32:50 | eli_sherer | & bitwise AND |
19:32:51 | eli_sherer | ^ bitwise exclusive OR |
19:32:51 | eli_sherer | | bitwise inclusive OR |
19:32:51 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK eli_sherer |
19:32:51 | eli_sherer | && logical AND |
19:32:51 | eli_sherer | || logical OR |
19:32:51 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
19:32:51 | eli_sherer | Syntax: |
19:32:53 | eli_sherer | AND-expression & equality-expression |
19:32:55 | eli_sherer | exclusive-OR-expr ^ AND-expression |
19:32:57 | eli_sherer | inclusive-OR-expr | exclusive-OR-expression |
19:32:59 | eli_sherer | logical-AND-expr && inclusive-OR-expression |
19:33:01 | eli_sherer | logical-OR-expr || logical-AND-expression |
19:33:05 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
19:33:05 | * | eli_sherer sorries for the flood |
19:41:12 | LinusN | is there a reason that the codepage setting isn't saved? |
19:42:52 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
19:45:12 | preglow | he's going to fix it, i think |
19:48:39 | | Quit Benacool (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:52:24 | | Join San [0] (n=Test@A-96-165.cust.iol.ie) |
19:56:05 | San | [16:50] <EoS> i have a h140, do i get the h100 or the h120 rockbox? |
19:56:05 | San | [16:51] <Nixsos> h120 |
19:56:12 | San | whats the difference^^? |
19:57:07 | | Join xmixahlx [0] (n=xmixahlx@ |
19:57:47 | preglow | h100 is for models with 16 megabytes of ram |
19:58:07 | preglow | like h100, h115 and h110 |
19:58:18 | San | really? |
19:58:20 | San | hhhmm |
19:58:22 | preglow | really |
19:58:26 | lostlogicx | compiling libalac with profilling causes an internal compiler error |
19:59:14 | * | preglow hands lostlogicx the golden hat of success |
19:59:47 | | Join Lear [0] (n=chatzill@h73n11c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) |
20:00 |
20:00:38 | Lear | markun: how come you didn't add the codepage strings to the end of the language file? |
20:00:42 | | Join muesli- [0] (i=muesli_t@Bc137.b.pppool.de) |
20:01:03 | preglow | hmm, it actually looks like libmad runs at 45mhz even with 192kbit files |
20:02:50 | LinusN | Lear: my guess is that the patch was so old that the strings ended up in the middle |
20:03:03 | _FireFly_ | LinusN: i don't think so |
20:03:22 | _FireFly_ | because then this part of the patch gets rejected |
20:03:26 | Lear | I suspect that too. But doesn't this break compatibility in some ugly way? |
20:03:34 | LinusN | Lear: yes it does |
20:04:04 | Lear | preglow: done some optimization? |
20:04:13 | preglow | Lear: no |
20:04:52 | Lear | Hm.. When I've looked at the audio thread, it seemed to almost, but not quite, be realtime at 45 MHz... |
20:05:41 | | Join elisherer [0] (n=eli@IGLD-83-130-189-144.inter.net.il) |
20:08:11 | Slasheri | preglow: indeed playlist_next(1) is the problem with queued songs.. |
20:08:28 | Slasheri | there is even a comment in the playlist code "We need to delete all the queued songs".. weird |
20:08:44 | Slasheri | so it has to load the filename from disk after it has been removed from memory.. :D |
20:09:33 | Slasheri | or something like that.. still the next song is already buffered |
20:09:50 | Slasheri | i will put more logfs |
20:13:41 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
20:16:32 | Slasheri | preglow: Hmm, i don't see other clean/simple solution for this but to extend the threading in playlist.. |
20:17:12 | Slasheri | or maybe there is something |
20:17:49 | preglow | what? |
20:17:49 | | Join hardeep [0] (i=hardeeps@norge.freeshell.ORG) |
20:17:53 | preglow | this problem hasn't always been there |
20:17:56 | | Quit muesli_- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:17:57 | preglow | so something must have gone wrong some place |
20:19:33 | Slasheri | preglow: playlist_next is called before switching to the next track inside playback engine.. And if playlist_next blocks, there isn't much we can do.. |
20:19:55 | linuxstb | More patent madness: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4510044.stm |
20:20:30 | Slasheri | preglow: and i don't know the playlist code well enough to fix it (without learning the code better first) |
20:20:31 | lostlogicx | alac.c: In function `readbits_16': |
20:20:31 | lostlogicx | alac.c:103: internal compiler error: in cgraph_expand_function, at cgraphunit.c:540 |
20:21:27 | preglow | but like i said, i don't think this always behaved this way |
20:21:29 | preglow | what changed? |
20:22:03 | linuxstb | lostlogicx: I fixed a lot of libfaad ices by changing variables from signed to unsigned (or the other way around). Mixing the two can cause problems. |
20:22:26 | lostlogicx | linuxstb: *nod* I'll take a look, ty. |
20:22:39 | | Quit eli_sherer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:22:54 | hardeep | Slasheri: what's the problem? |
20:23:27 | | Quit elisherer () |
20:23:29 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
20:23:38 | | Join eli_sherer [0] (n=eli@IGLD-83-130-189-144.inter.net.il) |
20:25:31 | Slasheri | hardeep: remove_track_from_playlist function inside playlist engine blocks and causes queued songs not to be gapless |
20:25:39 | linuxstb | lostlogicx: Also, libalac uses -O3 which I think inlines most functions. |
20:26:14 | LinusN | why do we call remove_track_from_playlist? |
20:26:40 | hardeep | to remove queued tracks |
20:27:00 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:27:08 | LinusN | ah |
20:27:08 | lostlogicx | linuxstb: I think it's the O3 conflicting with profiling options. good call. |
20:27:41 | | Join yngwi [0] (n=chatzill@chello080109107064.1.15.vie.surfer.at) |
20:27:54 | Lear | Btw, is libfaad realtime yet? |
20:28:01 | linuxstb | no |
20:28:44 | hardeep | Slasheri: Are you calling any other playlist functions at the same time? There's a mutex to protect playlist control file writes |
20:29:12 | Lear | Btw, just commited a fix for the convbdf crash (which was caused by a bad defaultchar value), but it just struck me that perhaps convbdf should fail for such an "error". Any opinions? |
20:29:35 | Lear | linuxstb: how far from (roughty speaking)? |
20:29:44 | hardeep | other than that, the only thing I can see what could potentially block is the settings_save and that would only be called if the queued song is the first track in the playlist |
20:30:25 | linuxstb | Lear: It's probably at about 80%-90% with my 128kbps test files. |
20:30:39 | hardeep | actually, correction, it would be called if it's before the "first_index"... which might not be the first one in case of shuffled dirplay |
20:30:52 | amiconn | LinusN: While it's correct that the language strings should have been at the end, it's not that big an issue in this case |
20:31:08 | LinusN | maybe it isn't |
20:31:11 | amiconn | Unicode itself does break compatibility |
20:31:17 | LinusN | ah, yes |
20:31:17 | | Join JonSenior [0] (n=root@host86-131-184-135.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) |
20:31:37 | amiconn | ...so I'll take the opportunity and clean up all deprecated strings, then bump the .lng version |
20:31:39 | JonSenior | LinusN? |
20:31:43 | LinusN | yes? |
20:32:13 | Lear | amiconn: plans on sorting the strings a bit too? (So related stuff comes close to each other, though I realize it can be hard to judge sometimes...) :) |
20:32:17 | amiconn | I'll also try to group strings together which are spread |
20:32:24 | Lear | Good. :) |
20:32:26 | Slasheri | hardeep: no, the problem is that disk spins up (it writes something to it) |
20:32:53 | | Quit muesli- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:33:01 | eli_sherer | WOO HOO!!! 16 colors (4bit BMPs) supported... |
20:33:26 | hardeep | Slasheri: We need to update the playlist control file with the deleted track |
20:33:58 | preglow | ouch |
20:34:03 | preglow | so queues are pretty much useless, then |
20:34:19 | hardeep | if you want to avoid disk access, yeah |
20:34:35 | preglow | well, spinning up disk after every file played more or less makes it completely useless, if you ask me |
20:34:45 | preglow | especially when it introduces gaps in the output |
20:35:07 | preglow | why isn't the playlist control file cached and only written when the disk is spun up? |
20:35:16 | JonSenior | A few days back you announced working H300 usb, was that the end of it, or should I continue trying to disassemble the original firmware? |
20:35:19 | Lear | Could be large? |
20:35:25 | hardeep | potentially |
20:35:48 | Lear | But it could cache up to n changes, I guess... |
20:35:49 | hardeep | although, it's essentially a playlist so we're not talking more than a few kilobytes in most cases |
20:36:11 | LinusN | JonSenior: i don't think we need to disassemble that much more. have you found anything interesting in the disassembly? |
20:38:56 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A46F6A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:39:19 | markun | amiconn: I don't know why the codepage isn't saved, do you? |
20:39:43 | amiconn | No, I think it was just forgotten to implement it |
20:39:52 | amiconn | I'll add it |
20:40:32 | markun | It doesn't exist in the hd_bits |
20:41:58 | markun | btw, what is the Starmap font used for? |
20:42:09 | hardeep | actually, it would pretty easy to cache the last N playlist control "commands" and only flush when needed or shutdown |
20:42:15 | | Quit NightCat (Remote closed the connection) |
20:42:26 | hardeep | instead of dealing with caching the whole file |
20:42:27 | amiconn | markun: [16:59:23] <amiconn> markun: The codepage setting isn't saved to disk. Maybe you didn't commit all unicode changes to cvs? Just asking, will fix it tonight... |
20:43:00 | amiconn | hardeep: Yes, with one (minor) drawback |
20:43:16 | amiconn | It might be that the delayed write fails because of low batt |
20:43:17 | markun | everything got committed, so I just forgot to add it. |
20:43:34 | LinusN | amiconn: i just added it |
20:43:42 | LinusN | (codepage saving) |
20:44:27 | preglow | hardeep: well, just cache 16 or so last entries, and the feature will be usable again |
20:45:00 | preglow | just make sure that spinning up for rebuffering will mostly happen more often than spinup to update playlist control |
20:45:26 | petur | being a developer with a H340, any topic I can focus on? Don't know what missing parts are being worked on... |
20:46:12 | mirak | hi |
20:46:24 | hardeep | preglow: yeah, that's pretty easy... i'll change |
20:46:36 | amiconn | preglow, hardeep: Perhaps this will become easier when the possibility to register an 'on_spinup' handler gets added (necessary for switching to file-based settings) |
20:46:57 | hardeep | amiconn: definitely |
20:47:14 | amiconn | That's on my todo list (file based settings) |
20:50:32 | LinusN | petur: you could continue the work with the color bmp loader |
20:50:48 | petur | ok |
20:51:15 | petur | what are the plans related to usbotg, radio and line-in (recording)? |
20:51:53 | lostlogicx | *sigh* profiling also breaks libfaad, and changing compiler opts doesn't seem to have any effect |
20:52:18 | LinusN | petur: the plans are to make it work |
20:52:23 | petur | :) |
20:52:25 | LinusN | petur: http://www.rockbox.org/mail/archive/rockbox-dev-archive-2005-12/0007.shtml |
20:53:15 | amiconn | petur: usbotg will be a very interesting (and complex) area. Afaik, nobody has started working on it yet, but iirc Bger is interested in doing some usbotg work |
20:53:37 | petur | should I also sign up on the mailing list to stay up-to-date? |
20:53:42 | | Part coob |
20:53:48 | amiconn | Radio and line-in should work (LinusN: do they for H3x0 ?) |
20:53:55 | JonSenior | LinusN: I never made much progress. I've been trying to get a working emulation system up and running |
20:53:58 | amiconn | s/pdif in is still missing |
20:54:25 | JonSenior | I do now have a sandboxed windoze system (Thankyou VMWare) so I have access to a wider variety of tools. |
20:54:46 | JonSenior | On the off-chance that I do make some progress, are there any other areas that need looking at? |
20:55:14 | _FireFly_ | JonSenior: for which tools do you need windows ?? |
20:55:42 | JonSenior | Firefly: Working emulator / simulator for the Coldfire architecture. |
20:55:59 | JonSenior | Firefly: Currently getting my head around Codewarrior |
20:55:59 | _FireFly_ | what is wrong with the linux one ?? |
20:56:15 | JonSenior | The linux one doesn't work. Other than that... nothing! ;-) |
20:56:30 | JonSenior | On my machine it seg faults when attempting to run any code. |
20:56:48 | JonSenior | It'd also be good to have 5249 support without having to bodge it. |
20:57:02 | _FireFly_ | the rb sim or a generall sim for the coldfire-arch |
20:57:39 | amiconn | markun: Ahahaha, default_char == 8192 |
20:58:08 | | Quit edx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:58:16 | _FireFly_ | ?? |
20:58:21 | JonSenior | Firefly: General sim for the coldfire-arch |
20:58:27 | _FireFly_ | JonSenior: ah ok |
20:58:48 | JonSenior | Firefly: The plan was to run the original firmware to find out how they did things like USBOTG |
20:59:28 | JonSenior | Anyway. I have to dash, but I'll read the logs later. Linus... if you have any areas that you would like investigating, let me know. |
20:59:36 | JonSenior | See ya. |
20:59:37 | LinusN | amiconn: radio and recording is not yet working on h300 |
20:59:40 | | Part JonSenior |
21:00 |
21:00:32 | amiconn | LinusN: I thought the radio chip is the same? And the ADC is definitely the same... Different hookup? |
21:00:47 | LinusN | amiconn: different hookup |
21:01:22 | LinusN | nothing hard, it just has to be traced on the pcb |
21:02:26 | lostlogicx | preglow: think the profiling patch would get merged if it didn't support all codecs yet due to ICEs? |
21:02:39 | preglow | lostlogicx: why not |
21:02:45 | preglow | it's definitely better than nothing |
21:02:55 | preglow | and it's functionality we could really use |
21:03:30 | | Join Slyck [0] (i=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-4-0-cust5.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) |
21:03:39 | Slyck | anyone know how to get un g-lined? |
21:03:41 | | Nick Slyck is now known as Acksaw (i=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-4-0-cust5.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) |
21:04:03 | lostlogicx | kk, should be ready this afternoon sometime, patch tracker it or just give it to you? |
21:04:48 | * | eli_sherer has just uploaded the new beta version (exclussivly to MR) on "http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?p=352792&posted=1#post352792" |
21:05:08 | preglow | lostlogicx: patch tracker |
21:05:12 | Acksaw | nice one eli |
21:05:14 | preglow | and tell me about it |
21:05:35 | amiconn | markun: One of the feature request I was able to close today was utf-8 support. The request was more than 2 years old :) |
21:05:43 | markun | :) |
21:05:51 | preglow | see, who said we don't treasure our users' input |
21:05:55 | LinusN | eli_sherer: beta version of what? |
21:06:13 | _FireFly_ | color-bmp support afaik |
21:06:21 | _FireFly_ | and an bmp-viewer |
21:06:51 | amiconn | LinusN: The first-note skip fix can be closed, right? |
21:06:59 | preglow | it was fixed, so... |
21:07:08 | LinusN | amiconn: yes |
21:07:17 | LinusN | ah, rockpaint |
21:08:09 | lostlogicx | is there something different about how wavpack is built compared to other codecs? It seems to be having trouble linking against the profile symbols. |
21:08:30 | Acksaw | Linus.. |
21:08:37 | LinusN | yes? |
21:08:38 | Acksaw | My volume has gone dodgy... |
21:08:47 | | Join solexx___ [0] (n=jrschulz@d081123.adsl.hansenet.de) |
21:08:48 | Acksaw | saying -20 (should be 80 i think) |
21:09:03 | LinusN | Acksaw: the scale has changed from % do dB |
21:09:17 | preglow | lostlogicx: nothing i can think of, what does it say? |
21:09:30 | Acksaw | Anyway to change it back? |
21:09:48 | lostlogicx | when it goes to link, it just can't find the symbols |
21:09:57 | lostlogicx | /home/lostlogic/rockbox/apps/codecs/libwavpack/metadata.c:62: undefined reference to `__cyg_profile_func_enter' |
21:10:14 | _FireFly_ | that is an cygwin fn or not ?? |
21:10:36 | _FireFly_ | at least i would say cyg stays for cygwin |
21:10:50 | lostlogicx | that may be it's origin |
21:11:15 | lostlogicx | but it's a general purpose profiling function generated by -finstrument-functions option to GCC now. |
21:11:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:11:45 | LinusN | Acksaw: no |
21:12:09 | Acksaw | ahh |
21:12:13 | Acksaw | thanks |
21:12:20 | lostlogicx | preglow: ahh, I see the problem −− the plugin API doesn't have the symbols yet, and it's in the wav2wv plugin |
21:12:41 | kkurbjun | amiconn: I have color working on the H300 stable for the main unit, but I've had to disable the Remote control. I was wondering if there's a wiki on your thoughts for implementing color support correctly as right now the functions all expect the same type for the display which is the problem with the remote. |
21:12:51 | kkurbjun | in the WPS that is |
21:12:57 | lostlogicx | guess I'll have to at least define the symbols for plugin profiling too. |
21:13:03 | Acksaw | on a wps im using (San's) on his picture the title and track etc are in the middle of the screen, mine are on the left hand side with "%ac" infront, why is this? |
21:13:45 | _FireFly_ | Acksaw: wps-code ?? |
21:13:56 | _FireFly_ | can i have it to look at |
21:13:59 | Acksaw | hold up |
21:14:22 | amiconn | kkurbjun: There was some discussion going on about this, mainly TiMiD and me |
21:15:15 | Acksaw | firefly, i will pm it you |
21:15:24 | amiconn | The idea was that we need to define the 'device capability', i.e. the capability of the most capable display if there's more than one. (b&w -> grey -> colour) |
21:15:52 | amiconn | For the less capable display(s) we'll then need conversion function(s) |
21:15:58 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
21:16:10 | Acksaw | wtf |
21:16:11 | Acksaw | my ears. |
21:16:18 | _FireFly_ | ;) |
21:16:25 | Acksaw | i just paused a song and got 3 short blasts of the song... |
21:16:48 | Acksaw | which hurt. |
21:16:52 | LinusN | Acksaw: update to the bleeding edge |
21:16:54 | kkurbjun | so you're suggesting to store the image data in the main unit's display and then scale down to the sub displays? |
21:17:00 | amiconn | Nope |
21:17:17 | amiconn | Images should always be stored in the native LCD format |
21:17:19 | Acksaw | thanks linus |
21:17:36 | amiconn | The bmp loader will have to support the native format of all LCDs, plus monochrome |
21:17:58 | | Join lamed [0] (n=55402a3e@labb.contactor.se) |
21:18:15 | lamed | hello |
21:18:16 | amiconn | 'all' means all LCDs present in the respective target of course |
21:19:12 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
21:19:14 | lamed | amiconn: home? |
21:19:15 | petur | heh, I'm away from my system for 10 minutes and somebody already has colour bmp working... |
21:19:58 | kkurbjun | ahh, so different typedefs for the main display and then the sub displays? I was thinking of making the bmp loader output based on the display depth, only problem is how to decide which display to load the data for |
21:20:20 | kkurbjun | I guess taht could be fed as a parameter |
21:20:21 | _FireFly_ | maybe with an parameter ?? |
21:20:30 | _FireFly_ | ;) |
21:20:36 | kkurbjun | : ) |
21:20:43 | amiconn | kkurbjun: The bmp loader needs an additional parameter |
21:20:49 | | Quit solexx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:21:48 | * | amiconn was a bit slow |
21:22:06 | amiconn | kkurbjun: What typedefs, btw? |
21:22:19 | kkurbjun | the display format |
21:22:31 | kkurbjun | I had been converting from chars to fb_data |
21:22:42 | amiconn | Hmm, where? |
21:22:45 | kkurbjun | fb_data a typedef for the main display |
21:22:50 | amiconn | I know |
21:22:57 | kkurbjun | ok, bmp loader |
21:23:02 | amiconn | Ah, yes |
21:23:05 | kkurbjun | the wps code |
21:23:13 | kkurbjun | in the image buffers |
21:24:18 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
21:24:26 | lostlogicx | what's teh equivalent to codeclib.c in plugins? |
21:24:40 | kkurbjun | so gui_img and wps_data |
21:25:00 | kkurbjun | that's where I was running into a bit of trouble though because of the multiple display issues |
21:25:21 | kkurbjun | and I guess that would be compounded if remotes ever came out in color and b/w displays |
21:26:17 | amiconn | There should be no problem yet, because the remote display is b&w. It will become more of a problem on units with 2 non-b&w displays which have different pixel formats |
21:26:41 | | Quit Acksaw () |
21:27:14 | kkurbjun | what about H300 w/ color and b/w |
21:27:42 | lamed | _firefly_ didn't you liked numrical options jumping from lowest to highest setting? |
21:27:46 | amiconn | That's what I meant. One b&w and an arbitrary other display isn't a problem |
21:28:09 | _FireFly_ | lamed: not really i was only the patch creator :) |
21:28:10 | preglow | but ok, i've got to start thinking about leaving, later all |
21:28:11 | amiconn | Two non-b&w displays are, but we don't yet have such a target |
21:28:42 | _FireFly_ | lamed: have you any "problems" about this ?? |
21:28:51 | _FireFly_ | at least for the volume this is a problem |
21:28:58 | | Quit eli_sherer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:29:06 | kkurbjun | well, true, it's not a problem if the wps is kept in black and white |
21:29:17 | _FireFly_ | lamed when the volume jumps directly from 0 to full |
21:29:49 | amiconn | kkurbjun: The remote wps will definitely stay b&w |
21:29:55 | amiconn | The main wps should not |
21:30:06 | amiconn | Still I don't see the problem |
21:30:17 | kkurbjun | so should there be two different types of wps_data? |
21:30:37 | kkurbjun | right now I've converted the wps_data to store in the main unit's format |
21:30:43 | kkurbjun | but the remote is b/w |
21:30:47 | _FireFly_ | could be useful |
21:30:56 | kkurbjun | or shorts vs. chars |
21:31:01 | lamed | _firefly_, at first i thought it was a bad idea but it gives you the ability to check the two opposites of a value: say for bass & treble it's a very good idea. iirc it stoped on the last value before scrolling back hasn't it? -if it hadn't then stopping at the end might be a good compremise. |
21:31:17 | kkurbjun | which leads to problems feeding that data to display |
21:31:26 | _FireFly_ | lamed it has |
21:31:31 | kkurbjun | struct wps_data |
21:31:32 | kkurbjun | { |
21:31:32 | kkurbjun | #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP |
21:31:32 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK kkurbjun |
21:31:32 | kkurbjun | struct gui_img img[MAX_IMAGES]; |
21:31:32 | kkurbjun | fb_data img_buf[IMG_BUFSIZE]; |
21:31:32 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
21:31:32 | kkurbjun | fb_data* img_buf_ptr; |
21:31:34 | kkurbjun | int img_buf_free; |
21:31:51 | kkurbjun | that's what I've changed in ... gwps.h |
21:32:01 | _FireFly_ | but linuxstb and some others wanted to have it not wrap around |
21:32:39 | _FireFly_ | lamed: but what is when someone doesn't hold the button while change the volume |
21:32:57 | kkurbjun | am I incorrect in assuming that both displays use the wps_data struct? |
21:33:01 | _FireFly_ | then he will become shocked when the volume jumps directly from 0 to full |
21:33:06 | amiconn | The wps shouldn't need to know the actual bitmap format, just some parameters |
21:33:19 | _FireFly_ | kkurbjun: yepp |
21:33:39 | _FireFly_ | amiconn: yes but what is with the image-buffer |
21:33:55 | _FireFly_ | the type must be different |
21:34:21 | amiconn | Why? |
21:34:33 | _FireFly_ | afaik for b/w displays the image-buffer is char but for color it is fb-data |
21:34:33 | amiconn | It's just data... |
21:34:54 | _FireFly_ | hmm right |
21:34:54 | lamed | _firefly_ well then, only my 0.02$. something way more important is making the list pointer to be kept at the 2/3 of the middle screen... now it scrolls down to the one line before last, and the pgup/down doesn't acts the same when scrolling up and down... |
21:35:17 | lamed | _firefly: i don't recal volume at the wps delt the same way? |
21:35:31 | kkurbjun | what struct does the remote use? |
21:35:39 | _FireFly_ | kkurbjun: ?? |
21:36:13 | kkurbjun | right now I was storing the data in the format of the player as that was what the loader was originally doing.. I think to the img_buf |
21:36:29 | kkurbjun | the img_buf doesn't contian raw bmp data |
21:36:58 | kkurbjun | sorry, was I correct that both displays use wps_data |
21:37:05 | _FireFly_ | kkurbjun: both screen uses the struct declared in gwps.h |
21:37:20 | kkurbjun | ok |
21:37:58 | amiconn | Bah, hidden surprises :( |
21:38:03 | _FireFly_ | ? |
21:38:04 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
21:38:19 | lamed | _firefly_? |
21:38:28 | _FireFly_ | lamed: what ? |
21:38:42 | kkurbjun | so the problem I had was that img_buf was not the right type.. I guess I could store a short as 2 bytes and then have the routine in lcd_16.c account for that |
21:38:45 | amiconn | In the code... |
21:38:56 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
21:38:56 | * | amiconn is cleaning up the languages |
21:39:07 | kkurbjun | umm, but it's still not the right format for the remote |
21:39:50 | _FireFly_ | would it work when the data is stored as short and converted to char when the data gets used ?? |
21:40:19 | _FireFly_ | so only fb_data is the type be used in wps_data |
21:40:35 | amiconn | I'd simply store the data in a char array. Just make sure the 16 bit data is properly aligned in the buffer |
21:40:40 | _FireFly_ | and an additional var which defines the pixel-format for the display |
21:40:48 | _FireFly_ | or that |
21:41:33 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
21:41:59 | kkurbjun | ok, I think I see a way that might work |
21:42:06 | kkurbjun | I'll just give it a shot |
21:42:21 | kkurbjun | thanks for the thoughts |
21:42:29 | lamed | _firefly_ you just haven't replied to my q's, but nm it was a boaring subject :) |
21:43:26 | lamed | anyone willing to help me out on debugging something? |
21:44:43 | lamed | i guess i'm doomed forever |
21:45:56 | petur | debugging what? |
21:48:07 | lostlogicx | first run test with profiling integrated into the build system *crosses fingers and toes* |
21:55:09 | | Quit DangerousDan ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
22:00 |
22:01:05 | _FireFly_ | lamed: about the list-pointer problem it seams that a define is used to define on which line the scroll should start when moving the line-selector |
22:01:13 | | Join San [0] (n=Test@A-98-147.cust.iol.ie) |
22:01:15 | _FireFly_ | but this is uses for both screens |
22:01:40 | _FireFly_ | so on the remote is looks bad when using a values higher then 2 and using a big font |
22:03:31 | | Quit Lear ("Chatzilla [Firefox 1.5/undefined]") |
22:06:43 | | Join Midgey34 [0] (n=Midgey34@c-24-11-55-125.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
22:07:26 | lostlogicx | worthy of note: trying to profile codeclib caused player lockup for the time being. |
22:10:14 | _FireFly_ | lamed: but i have no glue currently how it doesn*t work correctly when page-down |
22:10:33 | _FireFly_ | is used |
22:10:34 | _FireFly_ | to scroll down quickly |
22:15:21 | lostlogicx | why is there no mp3 or mad.map file? |
22:15:56 | lamed | _firefly_ it's not too complex, and we can check the _reallly_ old sources to get the idea. but i don't find the time nor the urgence to do that... |
22:18:20 | amiconn | lostlogic: mpa.map |
22:18:53 | lostlogicx | much better, thanks. profiling other codecs also works now (at least mad and vorbis) I'm submitting my patch. |
22:19:39 | | Join NightCat [0] (n=pink__ki@garant.metacom.ru) |
22:23:45 | | Part LinusN |
22:24:22 | | Join idanm [0] (i=idan@ |
22:24:57 | idanm | hello! |
22:25:10 | idanm | anyone here? |
22:28:38 | | Join andy [0] (i=andy@81-235-185-13-no46.tbcn.telia.com) |
22:31:01 | lamed | yes! |
22:31:13 | _FireFly_ | lamed: ? |
22:31:26 | lamed | ? |
22:31:37 | _FireFly_ | *g* |
22:31:43 | lamed | _firefly_ i was talking to idanm |
22:32:33 | idanm | hey |
22:33:11 | idanm | has anyone have the h300 lcd remote working with rockbox? |
22:33:22 | idanm | or knows how to do it? |
22:33:45 | lamed | idanm: are you using the hebrew language file on rockbox? |
22:33:56 | NightCat | Yes hi is :) |
22:34:08 | NightCat | (I mean hi=he...) |
22:34:30 | lamed | nightcat... how do you know? |
22:34:53 | NightCat | From forum :) |
22:35:12 | NightCat | "it works great!" - He said :) |
22:35:26 | NightCat | about hebrew I think :) |
22:35:41 | NightCat | idanm? Are you here? |
22:35:56 | NightCat | I have an H300 LCD :) |
22:36:13 | NightCat | It's not H300's one but it works. |
22:36:37 | lamed | no i was talking about the lanugage file |
22:36:59 | idanm | yea |
22:37:10 | idanm | I use the hebrew files |
22:37:37 | lamed | do you use the hebrew language translation? |
22:37:39 | idanm | NightCat: do u have the h100 remote? |
22:37:50 | idanm | I can check the trans files, sec |
22:38:04 | lamed | idanm never mind |
22:38:10 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
22:38:13 | idanm | why do u ask? |
22:38:25 | NightCat | idanm: I have a remote from iRiver IMP-550 (with LCD) and it works :) |
22:39:05 | idanm | the h300 lcd remote display is good, but the keys mapped wrongly. |
22:39:31 | | Join edx [0] (i=edx@p54A859C4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:39:38 | lostlogicx | profiling patch submitted to tracker. |
22:39:43 | NightCat | lamed what about bug with russian lang in quick menu? |
22:40:00 | lamed | because i wrote the hebrew translation and i was wondering if anyone is ever in the world using it. |
22:40:03 | idanm | hebrew traslation ok. |
22:40:28 | idanm | hmm.. I still prefer the english :) |
22:40:41 | NightCat | idanm, what about mapping? |
22:41:19 | idanm | if I press the play button, then it stops, left is up, and the rest does't work. |
22:41:25 | NightCat | I think they give you a patch... |
22:41:47 | NightCat | Are you use it? |
22:41:54 | idanm | i'm not sure how to use it... why dosen't it in the main build? |
22:42:15 | idanm | can u help me apply and compile it? i've never done it |
22:42:21 | lamed | nightcat: it will take some time. it's problematic because of the internal font that rockbox is using. i have the same problem with hebrew... |
22:42:42 | | Quit hshah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:43:07 | NightCat | lamed: OK. |
22:43:08 | idanm | what problem? |
22:43:34 | NightCat | idanm: About compiling: how is your english language? |
22:44:10 | NightCat | idanm: take the patch for first: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2079.0;id=318 |
22:44:41 | idanm | good. |
22:44:41 | NightCat | idanm: then go here http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2079.0 |
22:45:23 | NightCat | There is a simple manual how to do what you want :) |
22:45:29 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@szgt-d9b8e8f5.pool.mediaWays.net) |
22:45:39 | NightCat | I use it to make my own simulator :) |
22:46:00 | | Join Gacel [0] (i=Gacel@p54940B4D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:46:08 | Gacel | hi everybody |
22:46:13 | NightCat | Hi :) |
22:46:22 | NightCat | idanm: Just do it step by step :) |
22:46:31 | Gacel | just installed rockbox on my ancient ihp120... great work :) |
22:46:31 | idanm | takka said in the forum that I'll need to re-write the table |
22:46:34 | NightCat | idanm: Note |
22:46:36 | | Join RotAtoR [0] (n=e@12-210-82-91.client.insightBB.com) |
22:47:13 | NightCat | idanm: For first try to install this patch... |
22:47:33 | Gacel | i might do a .wps or help some programming (if i find some time between my other projects) |
22:47:57 | idanm | ok. |
22:48:08 | idanm | is the simulator binary available? |
22:48:13 | NightCat | Gacel: I think it will be good if you help with programming :) |
22:49:01 | Gacel | NightCat: why? are programmers needed? (looks quite active the project) |
22:49:02 | NightCat | idanm: it will be binary available when you compile it from source (it's in that page too) :) |
22:49:29 | NightCat | Gacel: Yes, cause there is still much to do! |
22:50:08 | NightCat | Gacel: Look for ex. on the feature requests |
22:50:08 | NightCat | bug reports |
22:50:14 | idanm | I think you gave me a link to a wrong place. |
22:50:36 | idanm | did u mean the " Setting up a cygwin Rockbox development environment" page? |
22:50:48 | NightCat | Gacel: for ex. we need a rockboy upgrade :) |
22:51:03 | Gacel | i am just scanning all the docs ;) |
22:51:27 | NightCat | idanm: No I mean "The Simplified Guide To Compiling The Rockbox Source Code". |
22:51:36 | Gacel | i am have some projects which have to be finished first, so no quick involvement |
22:52:08 | NightCat | Gacel: Ok, come back when you could :) |
22:52:33 | NightCat | idanm: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SimpleGuideToCompiling |
22:52:50 | Gacel | i will lurk a bit :) |
22:53:42 | NightCat | idanm: How is it? |
22:54:10 | idanm | don't I need cygwin? |
22:54:31 | NightCat | idanm: I think, no... |
22:54:51 | idanm | cool |
22:55:23 | NightCat | idanm: There is the section on that page named "What You Will Need" |
22:56:34 | NightCat | idanm: ok, good luck, I must finish my study work... |
22:58:02 | idanm | thanks! |
22:58:02 | | Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:00 |
23:07:45 | | Quit dpassen1 () |
23:08:17 | idanm | rbconf command doesn't work, any ideas? |
23:08:30 | Bagder | idanm: yes, use configure directly |
23:08:34 | Bagder | ../tools/configure |
23:08:50 | Bagder | rbconf is evil |
23:09:06 | | Nick wubbla_ is now known as wubbla (n=wubbla@adsl- |
23:09:16 | idanm | should I edit this file? |
23:09:27 | Bagder | what file? |
23:09:38 | idanm | configure |
23:09:42 | Bagder | no |
23:09:44 | Bagder | run it |
23:09:48 | idanm | :) |
23:10:17 | Bagder | it'll prompt you for what you want to build |
23:10:18 | idanm | should the build folder be under the source folder or home/guest/build? |
23:10:42 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
23:10:57 | Bagder | idanm: I mostly make the build folder next to the app and firmware ones |
23:11:17 | Bagder | but you can put it next to the source too IIRC |
23:11:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:12:46 | idanm | I maked simulator, how do I use it? |
23:12:59 | NightCat | run it :) |
23:13:10 | Bagder | run make install first |
23:13:53 | NightCat | Oh, sorry, I think he mean that he already done this :) |
23:14:10 | idanm | what's the diff between the normal and devel builds? |
23:14:24 | NightCat | Devel for developers :) |
23:14:39 | NightCat | I used normal. |
23:14:39 | Bagder | devel lets you select a few more options |
23:14:45 | idanm | ok. |
23:15:03 | amiconn | Bah, these language files are really longish |
23:15:27 | idanm | I need to applay the remote patch now.. |
23:16:17 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=paulthen@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) |
23:16:17 | idanm | will I need to compile the whole source again afterwards? |
23:16:26 | NightCat | Yes... |
23:16:32 | Bagder | no |
23:16:33 | NightCat | I think... |
23:16:38 | Bagder | you run make again |
23:16:40 | petur | make will only build what it needs to |
23:16:49 | idanm | how much time is it to build all? |
23:17:05 | Bagder | idanm: do 'make clean all' and you'll find out |
23:17:16 | NightCat | Ah, studying is a good think :) |
23:17:26 | andy | anyone looked into the release source for Iriver PMP-1xx ? ftp://ftp.gpl-devices.org/pub/vendors/iRiver/PMP-1xx/ |
23:17:27 | NightCat | IRC is a good thing to :) |
23:17:34 | andy | +d |
23:18:12 | idanm | can I cancel the making for applaying the patch, then delete the build folder and start over? |
23:18:32 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
23:18:38 | petur | just cancel, do the patch and make again |
23:19:21 | idanm | control+c ? |
23:19:23 | NightCat | People, could some of you help me with WPS? |
23:19:31 | NightCat | idanm Yes |
23:19:41 | idanm | ok so how do I applay remote_type.patch ? |
23:20:52 | NightCat | idanm: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SimpleGuideToCompiling#Adding_Patches |
23:21:52 | NightCat | People??? Some help with WPS, please?.. |
23:22:42 | Gacel | i dont think i can help ;) |
23:22:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | What's the problem, NightCat? |
23:23:30 | NightCat | It blinks... |
23:23:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | On H300? |
23:23:56 | NightCat | I have some picts in my WPS and they blinks... |
23:24:03 | NightCat | Yes H320... |
23:24:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's a bug |
23:24:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | A known bug, rather |
23:24:19 | NightCat | Hm... |
23:24:44 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hm? |
23:25:01 | idanm | why do I need to set the language file in configure if can change it on the rockbox menu? |
23:25:23 | Midgey34 | anyone know who id working on the vertical rockblox code and why it was never committed? |
23:25:28 | Bagder | idanm: you select the built-in one |
23:25:40 | idanm | i.e. default ? |
23:26:25 | NightCat | Paul_The_Nerd: It's bad... I want a normal WPS without blinking... |
23:26:34 | Bagder | Midgey34: I think it was never committed just because no one ever gave it attention enough |
23:26:57 | idanm | is the simulator has a built in build or it uses external build ? |
23:27:05 | Paul_The_Nerd | NightCat: Remember, H320 Rockbox is in a VERY early state. |
23:27:24 | Bagder | NightCat: we'll appreciate you fixing the bug! ;-) |
23:27:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | Music playback isn't even perfect yet, there are stability issues, I don't believe the processor is running at full speed yet... |
23:27:27 | NightCat | Paul_The_Nerd: I know, just my dreams :) |
23:27:54 | Midgey34 | Badger: Alright I was using it as a base to add color and a few more features to the rockblox code and wanted to make sure my work wasn't completely worthless |
23:28:10 | NightCat | Bagder: Yes :) Only if RB moves from C to Delphi or PHP :) |
23:28:34 | | Join b0br [0] (n=d5a8b399@labb.contactor.se) |
23:28:40 | Bagder | excuses |
23:28:52 | Bagder | :-) |
23:29:14 | NightCat | Paul_The_Nerd: It runs on 90 instead of 140 MHz... |
23:29:44 | Bagder | well, the h1x0 version only runs at 124 |
23:29:47 | NightCat | Bagder: I have to learn C but have not much free time yet... :( |
23:30:28 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
23:30:29 | NightCat | Bagder: Please answer to idanm? :) |
23:30:29 | idanm | do u think it be possible to connect usb keyboard to the h300 ? |
23:30:38 | Jungti1234 | hello |
23:30:57 | NightCat | idanm: I think yes but if someone impliment it... |
23:31:09 | NightCat | Jungti1234: Hi. |
23:32:10 | NightCat | Midgey34: Could you add some colors to snake game? |
23:33:14 | markun | Jungti1234: I updated the korean language file |
23:33:25 | Jungti1234 | ok |
23:34:07 | Midgey34 | NightCat: Snake or Snake2? |
23:34:50 | idanm | why does it says 'no wps module present'? |
23:35:04 | Bagder | idanm: 'cvs co wps' |
23:35:32 | | Join eli_sherer [0] (n=eli@IGLD-84-228-218-110.inter.net.il) |
23:35:37 | eli_sherer | San: are you here? |
23:36:11 | idanm | I downloaded the tar.gz file |
23:36:40 | Bagder | idanm: daily source? |
23:37:03 | NightCat | Midgey34: snake 2 :) |
23:37:28 | NightCat | Midgey34: And do it fit the H300 screen :) |
23:37:40 | NightCat | Midgey34: Please :) |
23:37:58 | idanm | bleeding edge |
23:38:00 | Jungti1234 | hi eli_sherer |
23:38:08 | lostlogicx | idanm: I think it should be possible to get a USB HID driver for the H340, but don't quote me on that. There is also _no plan_ to do so at this time that I am aware. |
23:38:12 | | Join San||Away [0] (n=Test@213-202-165-32.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
23:38:21 | idanm | ok:) |
23:38:42 | idanm | I build it successfuly, but the remote still doesn't work right |
23:38:48 | | Join Amar [0] (n=502c6368@labb.contactor.se) |
23:39:09 | NightCat | idanm: Have you change the remote option in the menu? |
23:39:29 | b0br | pls, do you know if anybody works on recording for h3xx at the moment? |
23:39:47 | Bagder | b0br: I'm quite sure no one does |
23:39:52 | idanm | hmm... sec |
23:39:57 | Bagder | feel free to step forward |
23:43:25 | idanm | now it works !! |
23:44:06 | NightCat | idamn: Congratulations! |
23:44:18 | b0br | i can't do that, but my good friend is pretty good at c/c++ and he's buying h340 in few days. he's also musician and promised to write enhanced metronome plugin with dialects features etc.. |
23:44:46 | idanm | I didn't understand why isn't it on the main build ? |
23:44:50 | NightCat | b0br: it will be very good :) |
23:45:52 | NightCat | idanm: Hm: "The patches are not made by the Developers so there is a chance that they could contain bugs..." |
23:46:43 | NightCat | idanm: I think you have to ask LinusN... I think he could insert this patch... |
23:47:01 | Bagder | all cvs committers _can_ insert patches |
23:47:22 | | Join mirak_ [0] (n=mirak@AAubervilliers-151-1-12-158.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
23:47:33 | idanm | where is the list of csv committers? |
23:47:35 | Bagder | it is often a question of lack of time |
23:47:36 | NightCat | Yes but Linus works on H300,,, |
23:47:45 | LinusN | amiconn: there? |
23:48:01 | Bagder | NightCat: on the bootloader and hw setup problems, yes |
23:48:24 | NightCat | Linus, what about inserting remote patch to the build? |
23:48:28 | mirak_ | idanm: I want a joystick to play snake :D |
23:48:29 | Bagder | I don't think you should expect LinusN to mess around with everything related to h300 |
23:48:29 | mirak_ | ;) |
23:48:46 | b0br | yea :) but i would like to persude him to work on recording feature for h3xx, but he doesn't want to mess with low level code. does anybody know what is needed to be done to make h1xx recording work on h3xx? |
23:48:53 | LinusN | NightCat: the patch that lets you use the h300 lcd remote? |
23:49:15 | NightCat | Linus: Yes. |
23:49:32 | mirak_ | is there a pda plugin or something like that ? |
23:49:34 | NightCat | Bagder: Actually I don't know who else work on H300 :) |
23:49:43 | LinusN | does it work for both remote types? |
23:49:45 | mirak_ | an agenda or something |
23:49:59 | Bagder | NightCat: you don't have to "work on h300" to commit a patch |
23:50:01 | idanm | hey LinusN! can u insert the h300 remote patch to csv? |
23:50:12 | lamed | ok this is me signing off for today. goodnight |
23:50:16 | | Quit lamed ("CGI:IRC") |
23:50:23 | mirak_ | bye |
23:50:29 | | Quit mirak_ (Client Quit) |
23:50:57 | NightCat | lamed: goodnight :) |
23:51:02 | | Quit akaidiot (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:51:14 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:51:32 | NightCat | Linus: this patch just help idanm :) |
23:51:39 | LinusN | does the patch work correctly for both lcd remote types? |
23:52:08 | NightCat | idanm: how does it works? |
23:52:08 | idanm | I checked the H300 lcd and non-lcd, the non-lcd still seems as if it always on hold |
23:52:25 | LinusN | non-lcd is totally different |
23:53:06 | idanm | it has a menu for choosing the non-lcd remote, not working. |
23:53:17 | amiconn | LinusN: somewhat |
23:53:50 | LinusN | amiconn: it looks like the h300 cpu frequency instability is in fact the spurious OFF event bug |
23:53:53 | NightCat | Maybe there have to be something keymapping like in games? |
23:53:58 | idanm | about the h300 lcd, I would change the up-down keys to replace the left-right on browsing. and set left-right to up-dir and go into a dir. |
23:54:09 | amiconn | LinusN: Uh? Do you have an idea what causes it? |
23:54:33 | LinusN | not yet, but it might be a bug in the button driver, or a wild pointer overwriting the button status |
23:54:42 | amiconn | Hmm. |
23:55:02 | amiconn | This is really puzzling; why OFF, and OFF only? |
23:55:15 | amiconn | I also never observed such behaviour on Ondio |
23:55:46 | NightCat | Ok, people, have to go... Goodnight :) |
23:55:51 | Gacel | cu |
23:56:12 | * | amiconn ??? |
23:56:37 | | Quit NightCat () |
23:58:27 | amiconn | LinusN: Does the FM recorder also suffer from spurious OFF events? |
23:58:36 | LinusN | i believe so |
23:58:50 | idanm | good night eveyone! thanks for your help !!! |