00:01:58 | | Quit Paul_The_Nerd (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:02:36 | rayo | does something exists to get colors on the iriver h300? |
00:03:07 | San | thats what I am trying to d |
00:03:09 | San | *do |
00:03:18 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: No, you need to use the "bootpartition.bin" to restore. |
00:04:17 | rayo | can i help you somehow? |
00:04:18 | linuxstb | But you only need to restore the first 6MB or so of it - that's all that's overwritten when you install the Rockbox bootloader |
00:04:31 | San | rayo, can you code C? |
00:05:24 | rayo | i never codec c but i can code other languages and i can read c :) so i can try it ... |
00:05:32 | San | ok |
00:05:33 | San | http://www.diabolikal.org/hosted/settings_menu.c |
00:05:39 | San | can you see anything wrong with that |
00:05:43 | San | actually, wait |
00:06:04 | | Quit dpassen1 () |
00:06:11 | San | ah |
00:06:15 | San | have a look at it now |
00:06:21 | San | can you see anthing wrong? |
00:07:16 | rayo | omg where should it be in the file? |
00:07:19 | linuxstb | Did you add the new language strings to the .lang file(s) ? |
00:07:31 | San | rayo, where I left the big spaces |
00:07:54 | linuxstb | I don't think that file is easy to understand for someone new to Rockbox. |
00:08:13 | San | he can have a go |
00:08:17 | San | :P |
00:09:36 | linuxstb | San: Have you added the language strings to the .lang file(s)? |
00:09:45 | San | where? |
00:09:53 | San | what? |
00:10:12 | linuxstb | Are you sure you are not getting any errors when you compile it? |
00:10:26 | San | sure |
00:10:31 | San | you can try it if you want |
00:10:43 | linuxstb | Have you changed any other files apart from settings_menu.c ? |
00:10:50 | San | no |
00:11:00 | San | (Sorry, I am only learning) |
00:11:49 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-114-192-167.houston.res.rr.com) |
00:12:09 | linuxstb | I get 100s of error messages when I try and compile that settings_menu.c file |
00:12:17 | San | really? |
00:12:20 | San | I dont |
00:12:30 | San | i am using the cygwin |
00:12:35 | linuxstb | Then you are not compiling that file. |
00:12:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Disabling the cache got it working. |
00:12:43 | linuxstb | :) |
00:12:49 | San | I am compiling the whole thing |
00:13:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | I'm guessing no charging inside of RB yet. |
00:13:27 | linuxstb | Yes, charging is in hardware, and I'm 99% sure it's working. |
00:14:01 | San | hhhhm, do you know how to fix the errors? |
00:14:15 | | Join mozetti [0] (n=moe@p54A85715.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:14:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah, neat |
00:14:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | So, with just commenting out the caching thing it boots fine now |
00:14:59 | linuxstb | San: You first need to get the errors yourself - you probably have more than one copy of the Rockbox source on your computer and are editing the wrong one. |
00:16:03 | San | no, I'm pretty sure, I have to go back from the apps folder to get to the rockbox_.bat file |
00:17:27 | | Quit hd (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) |
00:17:38 | | Join goa [0] (i=hd@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
00:17:39 | linuxstb | Try using the Windows search facility to look for files called "settings_menu.c" |
00:18:04 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-149-149-95.bna.bellsouth.net) |
00:18:12 | San | k |
00:18:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: You said something about "experimental playback code"? |
00:19:03 | linuxstb | There's a patch here: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/audio.diff |
00:19:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | How is it? |
00:19:33 | linuxstb | Most of the code is already in CVS - that patch is just a bad hack to get something playing. |
00:19:44 | San | linuxstb: Does it matter if there is more than one file? |
00:19:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah. Does it work in realtime on anything? |
00:20:09 | linuxstb | It doesn't work properly - the audio stutters, even with WAV files. |
00:20:40 | linuxstb | San: It matters because you are not compiling the version you are editing. |
00:20:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah. Still, it'll be interesting to see. |
00:21:00 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, hear. |
00:21:38 | San | ah, i'll work on it tomorrow |
00:21:50 | San | anyway, thanks linuxstb, i learned alot |
00:22:00 | San | happy christmas everyone |
00:33:50 | | Join Rincewind [0] (n=Miranda@A3662.a.pppool.de) |
00:43:08 | | Join saa[b_r]ider [0] (n=saab_rid@ |
00:48:17 | | Quit ender` (" Linux is the most self incompatible OS I know. [from cdrtools-2.0: README.linux]") |
00:49:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | Woo! really splotch audio. |
00:49:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | *splotchy |
00:55:19 | linuxstb | Yep :) |
00:56:32 | Paul_The_Nerd | Rockbox looks really nice in color. |
00:57:01 | | Join maX`-arG [0] (n=max@p54A95EFD.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:57:11 | linuxstb | Have you tried bejewelled? |
00:57:19 | Paul_The_Nerd | One sec |
00:57:23 | maX`-arG | Some Germans here? |
00:57:31 | Rincewind | ja |
00:57:35 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: It will probably crash... |
00:57:45 | maX`-arG | bzw. welche die auch iriver besitzen? ^^ |
00:57:53 | Rincewind | auch das ^^ |
00:57:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | Holy cow |
00:58:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | For some reason it wasn't showing the plugins earlier. |
00:58:19 | Rincewind | <−− iriver h120 mit Rockbox |
00:58:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | But that was before I rebuilt it for audio, so maybe somehow I didn't copy all the folders over. |
00:58:41 | maX`-arG | hm, weiß nich ob du mir dann helfen kannst, ich check nich wie ich neue firmware auf meinen iriver h10 spiele :/ |
00:58:50 | linuxstb | You should always do "make zip" and then unzip that zip file. |
00:59:21 | Rincewind | auf deinem H10 wirst du rockbox nicht zum laufen bringen, da musst du wohl oder übel bei der originalfirmware bleiben |
00:59:24 | linuxstb | This is an English channel... |
00:59:50 | maX`-arG | jo. un wie funktioniert das mit der originalfirmware, bekomm ja nichma das hin :P |
00:59:56 | Rincewind | sorry, I just want to help... |
00:59:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: I do always do it that way. |
01:00 |
01:00:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | I just think that the transfer got interrupted maybe. (I always extract on the PC, then copy the files over. Extracting on the Nano is REALLY slow) |
01:00:43 | linuxstb | Yes, preglow's complained about that. |
01:00:59 | Paul_The_Nerd | How do I quit bejeweled with these controls? |
01:01:12 | Rincewind | also bei mir geht das so, dass ich die firmware-datei runterlade, auf den player drauf spiele (ins root-verzeichnis) und dann in den optionen auf Firmware-upgrade gehe. Versuch auf keinen Fall irgendwie Rockbox draufzumachen! |
01:01:12 | linuxstb | Hold down the centre button and press menu |
01:01:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | THanks |
01:01:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | I shall be back later. |
01:01:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's time for dinner. |
01:01:32 | | Quit Paul_The_Nerd ("Leaving.") |
01:01:42 | linuxstb | Ah, you must be in the USA? |
01:03:01 | | Quit maX`-arG ("get satisfied! • :: ««« (Gamers.IRC) »»» www.gamersirc.net ::") |
01:08:39 | saa[b_r]ider | morning "or whatever time it is at where you are :)" |
01:09:09 | saa[b_r]ider | about how many iPod users are currently testing the iPod port? |
01:13:58 | linuxstb | I'm only aware of two people who've tried it, apart from myself and preglow who are developing it. |
01:21:37 | saa[b_r]ider | I got my friend who owns a 3rd Gen iPod to join the channel... I'm aware that no one is working on a port for the 3Gs, but I think he may be interested to help |
01:22:40 | saa[b_r]ider | I'll have him chat with you guys when he's around. "Darkstego" |
01:24:15 | linuxstb | Sure. The first thing he needs to do is get the source code for both ipodlinux and Rockbox and start to read them. |
01:25:05 | linuxstb | He should be able to spot the ipod related code in Rockbox - it's all in the firmware/ directory. |
01:25:52 | saa[b_r]ider | as an ipod user, what are the main advantages for you to install rockbox? otf playlists was a big thing for me as an H300 owner, but that's already available in iPods, albeit not as powerfull as in rockbox |
01:26:28 | linuxstb | Personally, I think that any DAP that doesn't do gapless is useless. |
01:26:44 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@ |
01:26:50 | linuxstb | I also need MP2 and FLAC playback - those are the two main file formats I use. |
01:27:10 | saa[b_r]ider | does rockbox support flac? |
01:27:22 | linuxstb | Of course :) |
01:27:46 | saa[b_r]ider | I never knew that :) well iPod should have gapless AAC, doesn't it? |
01:27:59 | linuxstb | No. |
01:28:29 | linuxstb | iPod doesn't have gapless anything. And AAC as a format is not capable of gapless. |
01:29:03 | linuxstb | Or at least, it doesn't make gapless easy - it has the same problems as MP3. |
01:29:26 | saa[b_r]ider | how long ago did lame start supporting gapless? |
01:29:49 | linuxstb | I've no idea, I don't use lame. |
01:30:21 | saa[b_r]ider | but don't you need to have lame encoded MP3s to get gapless support in rockbox? |
01:30:29 | saa[b_r]ider | I thought I read that somewhere in the wiki |
01:30:43 | linuxstb | Yes, if you are using MP3s. |
01:30:54 | linuxstb | Rockbox supports about 10 different audio formats. |
01:31:02 | saa[b_r]ider | so your music is mainly in FLAC? |
01:31:17 | linuxstb | Yes, plus recordings from digital radio in MP2 format. |
01:31:40 | saa[b_r]ider | your CD rips must be huge then... how big per album? |
01:32:19 | linuxstb | I'm not sure, but I think it's about 30MB per track. |
01:33:05 | saa[b_r]ider | just a little bit under 50% of a WAV file... |
01:33:12 | linuxstb | When I run out of space, I'll probably use Ogg Vorbis, but it's not a problem yet. |
01:34:10 | saa[b_r]ider | is Ogg Vorbis that much better than MP3s? is it because it has better audio quality, or better compression, or both? |
01:35:02 | Rincewind | They are both very equal |
01:35:08 | linuxstb | That's why I don't use lossy formats - it's too hard to decide which one :) |
01:35:26 | saa[b_r]ider | how about gapless with Ogg? |
01:35:29 | Rincewind | at higher bitrates, anyway |
01:35:49 | linuxstb | gapless works perfectly with Ogg, because the format is designed to support it. |
01:36:01 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-114-192-167.houston.res.rr.com) |
01:36:12 | * | Paul_The_Nerd returns. |
01:36:53 | saa[b_r]ider | hmm then Ogg would be the obvious choice... |
01:37:14 | saa[b_r]ider | so do you appreciate file tree more than DB? |
01:37:32 | Rincewind | if you don't use other players than rockbox or your computer, yes |
01:38:42 | | Join RotAtoR [0] (n=user@24-231-249-25.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) |
01:39:07 | saa[b_r]ider | oh god, I just realized that I've been chatting with two people!!!! |
01:39:07 | saa[b_r]ider | :D |
01:39:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: The file system seems to only work some of the time. Like, not every time I choose to browse plugins will it work |
01:39:59 | saa[b_r]ider | morning Rincewind :) I guess I'm sleepy! didn't notice when you joined the conversation :D |
01:40:13 | Rincewind | I'm only saying things here because I have to wait for my download to finish... |
01:40:35 | Rincewind | in fact it is 01:42 at my place :D |
01:40:51 | saa[b_r]ider | 8:40 am here ;) |
01:41:40 | | Quit slowcoder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:42:05 | Rincewind | 01:42 am |
01:43:00 | saa[b_r]ider | +8 GMT (Beijing, China) timing |
01:43:21 | bagawk | I am at gmt -8 |
01:43:33 | bagawk | The other side of the world :) |
01:43:41 | saa[b_r]ider | US? |
01:43:51 | bagawk | saa[b_r]ider: yes |
01:44:20 | saa[b_r]ider | thought so :) what would that be, eastern timing? |
01:44:54 | bagawk | I live on the west coast |
01:44:57 | bagawk | (oregon) |
01:45:02 | Rincewind | ok, download finished, now I'm off to bed |
01:45:21 | saa[b_r]ider | night |
01:45:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:45:29 | Rincewind | good, night, morning or whatever ;) |
01:45:36 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: Did you leave that init_cache line commented out when you built Rockbox itself? Or did you put it back? |
01:45:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Actually, I probably left it commented out. |
01:45:55 | saa[b_r]ider | hehehe :D I'm always confused by time in US because of DST |
01:46:16 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: I should restore it, I take it? |
01:46:24 | | Quit Rincewind ("bye") |
01:46:31 | linuxstb | No, it should work better without it. (but much slower) |
01:47:40 | linuxstb | I've never had a problem with the file (or plugin) browser not working though. Just a problem when Rockbox would crash when trying to load a plugin. |
01:47:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Well, speed isn't really an issue, except when a read fails. The virtual HD LED will flash, the cursor won't respond, then it won't display the plugins list (and in fact, won't until I reboot the player.) If I'm in the plugins list (for example, after I exited starfield) if I select another one, it goes to a blank screen for a little while, then says whatever .rock couldn't be loaded. |
01:49:16 | linuxstb | I think you need to talk to preglow to see if he's experiencing the same things. It seems to work better on my ipod (60GB Color). |
01:49:23 | Paul_The_Nerd | Gotcha |
01:49:29 | linuxstb | But it's still not perfect on mine either. |
01:49:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | Oh, I definitely didn't expect it to be. |
01:50:54 | | Quit akaidiot (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
01:51:50 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@ |
01:52:34 | linuxstb | Do you find the file browser slow? i.e. does the cursor lag behind you moving the wheel? |
01:52:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | Nope |
01:52:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | Very responsive |
01:53:10 | linuxstb | Then I don't think you have disabled the cache in your main Rockbox build. |
01:53:27 | linuxstb | (but I could be wrong) |
01:53:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | I mean, there's sometimes a very slight lag after I lift my thumb before the pointer stops moving, but it's less than half a second. |
01:53:45 | linuxstb | I seem to remember it working _very_ slowly when I tried that on my ipod. |
01:54:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, it's a fresh build that I made *after* making the bootloader, without re-enabling it |
01:55:00 | Paul_The_Nerd | At least I think so |
01:55:21 | | Quit Moos ("Happy Christmas @ all") |
01:55:45 | linuxstb | It's just that (I think) preglow said the problems were fixed if he disabled the cache. Which is why I'm surprised you're experiencing the same symptoms. |
01:55:56 | Paul_The_Nerd | Let me double check on that then |
01:56:03 | | Join DJDD_ [0] (n=DJDD@220-245-186-182.static.tpgi.com.au) |
01:57:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | This time it's definitely disabled. |
01:57:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | It'll be a short bit before it finishes compiling and I can copy it over. |
02:00 |
02:01:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ugh, it shouldn't take so long to copy. |
02:02:49 | | Quit rayo () |
02:04:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: What sort of lack of responsiveness am I supposed to be having? |
02:04:19 | Paul_The_Nerd | The cache is definitely disabled and it seems quite smooth. |
02:06:28 | linuxstb | Maybe I'm just remembering it wrongly. It just seemed much slower when I disabled the cache. |
02:06:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, I don't believe I've tried it with the cache enabled, so I don't know. |
02:07:14 | linuxstb | That's probably the reason then. |
02:07:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | But the cursor moves quickly, and if I'm moving my thumb at a reasonable speed it matches perfectly. If I move it particularly quickly it moves 1 or 2 entries after I release. |
02:07:29 | linuxstb | You'll be impressed when it's running at full speed :) |
02:07:45 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hehehe, I'm sure I will. |
02:08:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | I'm impressed by something every couple weeks with rockbox anyway. |
02:08:49 | linuxstb | Anyway, time for bed. Goodnight. |
02:08:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | Thanks for the help |
02:08:59 | Paul_The_Nerd | G'night. |
02:10:07 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
02:15:10 | | Quit mozetti (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:22:52 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
02:32:50 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:35:54 | | Join mozetti [0] (n=moe@p54A85715.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:38:25 | | Quit Rob2222 () |
02:39:22 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB71AE5.ipt.aol.com) |
02:40:00 | | Join Paul_The_Ner1 [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-114-192-167.houston.res.rr.com) |
02:40:31 | | Quit Paul_The_Ner1 (Client Quit) |
03:00 |
03:24:49 | | Join slowcoder [0] (n=jaja@mail.skrodahl.net) |
03:36:00 | | Quit saa[b_r]ider (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:39:59 | | Join DrumrPod [0] (n=Drumrboy@ool-44c20ff1.dyn.optonline.net) |
03:40:27 | DrumrPod | i really should check the site BUT... is there any 5th gen ipod support yet? |
03:41:07 | DrumrPod | got a 60gig'r (black) for xmas today :D |
03:45:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:47:57 | | Quit Maxime (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:48:00 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
03:54:55 | | Quit akaidiot (No route to host) |
04:00 |
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04:58:10 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
05:00 |
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05:56:30 | | Join Bluechip [0] (n=BlueChip@cpc2-colc1-3-0-cust143.colc.cable.ntl.com) |
06:00 |
06:05:49 | | Quit RotAtoR ("Leaving") |
06:17:05 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-149-149-95.bna.bellsouth.net) |
06:31:20 | | Join Maxime` [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.net) |
06:31:20 | | Quit Maxime (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:40:38 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:44:40 | | Part Bluechip |
07:00 |
07:45:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:45:44 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=45fecf30@labb.contactor.se) |
07:48:54 | | Join andrewmel [0] (n=andrewme@220-253-106-87.TAS.netspace.net.au) |
07:49:09 | andrewmel | wow, lots here today |
07:49:17 | Jungti1234 | :) |
07:49:26 | | Join Bluechip [0] (n=BlueChip@cpc2-colc1-3-0-cust143.colc.cable.ntl.com) |
07:49:45 | | Part Bluechip |
08:00 |
08:00:26 | | Quit darkstego (Remote closed the connection) |
08:07:12 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
08:12:47 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
08:14:02 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=45fecf30@labb.contactor.se) |
08:16:11 | saratoga | i've been glancing through the rockbox code and have a question |
08:16:46 | saratoga | do all codecs run as threads? |
08:17:50 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-149-149-95.bna.bellsouth.net) |
08:33:35 | Slasheri | saratoga: yes, all codecs run in a codec thread |
08:41:36 | saratoga | which thread do they run in? |
08:41:49 | saratoga | do they initialize their own threads? |
08:42:01 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:42:20 | saratoga | or is there some decoder thread that then invokes the correct code? |
08:44:19 | Slasheri | saratoga: in playback.c, "codec thread" initializes and runs audio codecs, "voice codec thread" runs only the voice codec (same mpa codec that codec thread can run also for audio) |
08:45:13 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
08:47:50 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
08:47:56 | Jungti1234 | CC button.c |
08:47:56 | Jungti1234 | gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory |
08:47:57 | Jungti1234 | make[1]: *** [/home/guest/rockbox/h120sim/sim/button.o] Error 1 |
08:47:59 | Jungti1234 | make: *** [all] Error 2 |
08:48:16 | Jungti1234 | Why does this error happen? |
08:52:53 | amiconn | Slasheri: there? |
08:54:57 | amiconn | Bagder: wiki spam! :( |
08:57:42 | Slasheri | amiconn: hi, now i am :) |
08:58:28 | | Quit Maxime` () |
08:58:59 | Jungti1234 | -_-; |
08:59:28 | amiconn | Slasheri: Yesterday I encountered a bug in the swcodec playback engine. Not sure if it's reproducable. I was using a plugin (bewejeled) while my current playlist ended, or rather should have ended. Instead of stopping playback, it started playing the last track again... |
08:59:48 | Jungti1234 | What happens? |
09:00 |
09:00:02 | Jungti1234 | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ErSa |
09:00:21 | amiconn | Jungti1234: What I said: wiki spam |
09:00:29 | Slasheri | amiconn: Hmm, that's weird. I can try if i could reproduce that error |
09:00:38 | amiconn | Someone with direct access to the server should clean up |
09:01:08 | Slasheri | amiconn: btw, would you like to try if tagcache compiles/works on archos with possible little modifications to the code? |
09:01:32 | amiconn | I was just about to ask that, saw your request in the logs |
09:01:37 | Slasheri | ah :) |
09:02:03 | Slasheri | i could create a patch for you.. just a moment, commenting out a few pieces to make it compile for me at least :) |
09:02:43 | amiconn | Btw, in order to check compilation, you could build the SH1 compiler, even if you don't have an archos |
09:02:55 | amiconn | I'll try the same with the arm compiler soon |
09:03:17 | Slasheri | hmm, true. I will install that later |
09:03:42 | Jungti1234 | Don't you know why happen error message upside? |
09:04:30 | | Part andrewmel |
09:11:14 | Slasheri | amiconn: http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/tagcache_snapshot.patch |
09:24:55 | | Quit saa[b_r]ider (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:27:33 | amiconn | Slasheri: Remarks from just looking at the patch: Rockbox already uses CRC is some places, so a common CRC function makes sense. However, 1KB of coefficients is overkill on archos. |
09:28:18 | Slasheri | amiconn: ah, true. Then we probably don't need that library (it's not yet even used by tagcache) |
09:28:22 | amiconn | There is a CRC32 implementation in the flash plugins that uses a 4 bit lookup table. I think we should use that on archos, even if it's slower |
09:29:31 | amiconn | If it's not yet used, then okay |
09:30:03 | Slasheri | i planned to use it to create the checksum tags for files, but that part of code is not yet ready |
09:30:26 | amiconn | I figured the purpose. |
09:30:33 | Slasheri | :) |
09:32:01 | amiconn | Rockbox currently shows & checks a CRC16 of the archos boot rom to figure out the version. That could be changed to CRC32 (iirc, firmware_flash already uses CRC32 for this purpose) |
09:32:38 | Slasheri | Hmm, yes. I think the code in firmware_flash would work fine |
09:33:02 | amiconn | A crc function could be part of the firmware library. Is there a posix standard name for such a function? |
09:33:42 | Slasheri | Hmm, i don't think that is a standard library. But putting it to firmware level sounds good |
09:34:07 | Slasheri | *standard function |
09:41:21 | | Join Vlad0man [0] (n=Vladoman@p54A7E232.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:42:36 | | Quit _Vladoman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:45:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:00 |
10:18:43 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-149-149-95.bna.bellsouth.net) |
10:31:17 | amiconn | Slasheri: Tagcache doesn't even build for archos: |
10:31:26 | amiconn | CC onplay.c |
10:31:27 | amiconn | onplay.c: In function `add_to_playlist': |
10:31:27 | amiconn | onplay.c:173: error: too few arguments to function `playlist_insert_track' |
10:33:31 | Slasheri | amiconn: ah, just insert null as the last parameter |
10:33:52 | Slasheri | oh, i mean false |
10:34:27 | Slasheri | argh, no.. true :D |
10:34:38 | Slasheri | true is the correct value |
10:35:33 | amiconn | Next error: |
10:35:34 | amiconn | CC settings_menu.c |
10:35:34 | amiconn | settings_menu.c: In function `playback_settings_menu': |
10:35:34 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK amiconn |
10:35:34 | amiconn | settings_menu.c:1417: error: `LANG_TAGCACHE_FORCE_UPDATE' undeclared (first use in this function) |
10:36:11 | amiconn | and following blahblah, like 'is reported only once', 'initializer isn't constant' etc |
10:36:32 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=503a212a@labb.contactor.se) |
10:36:41 | Slasheri | oh, i forget to add the lang diff |
10:36:54 | amiconn | It seems you didn't include apps/lang in the diff |
10:37:01 | amiconn | :) |
10:37:11 | Slasheri | yes, just a moment. Would you like to have a separate diff for that? |
10:38:03 | Slasheri | http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/tagcache_lang.patch |
10:38:37 | Dist | Seems to be busy day =) |
10:38:46 | Slasheri | Dist =) |
10:39:25 | amiconn | Okay, patch applied. Next one: |
10:39:26 | amiconn | CC tree.c |
10:39:26 | amiconn | tree.c: In function `dirbrowse': |
10:39:26 | amiconn | tree.c:760: error: too many arguments to function `onplay' |
10:39:26 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
10:39:26 | amiconn | tree.c:787: error: too many arguments to function `onplay' |
10:42:08 | Slasheri | oh.. then the onplay.c diff is missing :D |
10:42:51 | Slasheri | http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/tagcache_onplay.patch |
10:43:34 | Slasheri | that doesn't look too good at the moment ;) |
10:44:20 | linuxstb | For my build system changes to make Rockbox use .bmp files instead of .c files, I've run into a small problem - the fact that some targets need both mono bitmaps and native bitmaps (e.g. the main LCD and remote LCD splash logos for iriver) - meaning different options need to be passed to bmp2rb |
10:45:03 | amiconn | CC onplay.c |
10:45:03 | amiconn | onplay.c:526: error: conflicting types for `onplay' |
10:45:03 | amiconn | onplay.h:22: error: previous declaration of `onplay' |
10:45:12 | amiconn | Seems you forgot onplay.h as well |
10:45:17 | Slasheri | aargh.. yes :D |
10:45:45 | Slasheri | http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/tagcache_onplay_header.patch |
10:45:54 | linuxstb | I've solved it but am not 100% happy with the solution - I've added a "-m" option to bmp2rb that makes bmp2rb always output a mono bitmap if the depth of the bmp file is 1. Otherwise it uses whatever was passed by the -f option. |
10:46:27 | amiconn | CC playlist_viewer.c |
10:46:27 | amiconn | playlist_viewer.c: In function `onplay_menu': |
10:46:27 | amiconn | playlist_viewer.c:477: error: too few arguments to function `onplay' |
10:46:46 | linuxstb | The only other solution I can think of is to give mono bitmaps a different extension (e.g. .mbmp). |
10:47:26 | Slasheri | amiconn: http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/tagcache_playlist_viewer.patch |
10:48:09 | amiconn | linuxstb: I don't like the -m - and in fact the problem is not (only) that targets might need native and mono bitmaps - it is that targets may have 2 native formats if they have 2 LCDs |
10:49:11 | linuxstb | In which case, it's up to 2 native formats and mono - I think mono bitmaps will always be useful. |
10:49:15 | amiconn | CC playlist_viewer.c |
10:49:15 | amiconn | playlist_viewer.c: In function `onplay_menu': |
10:49:15 | amiconn | playlist_viewer.c:477: error: too few arguments to function `onplay' |
10:49:27 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
10:49:27 | amiconn | Bleh. |
10:49:29 | amiconn | I mean |
10:49:37 | amiconn | CC tagtree.c |
10:49:37 | amiconn | tagtree.c: In function `tagtree_rename_tag': |
10:49:37 | amiconn | tagtree.c:392: warning: unused parameter `c' |
10:49:44 | amiconn | CC gui/gwps.c |
10:49:44 | amiconn | gui/gwps.c: In function `gui_wps_show': |
10:49:44 | amiconn | gui/gwps.c:228: error: too few arguments to function `onplay' |
10:50:01 | Slasheri | amiconn: the warning is normal, but it seems more diffs are still missing.. :P |
10:50:34 | amiconn | linuxstb: Yes. It seems we need to indicate that somehow for the build system. |
10:50:48 | Slasheri | amiconn: http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/tagcache_gui.patch |
10:51:39 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
10:51:39 | * | amiconn wonders how Slasheri creates diffs |
10:51:55 | linuxstb | amiconn: At the moment, configure creates a BMP2RB variable containing something like "$(tooldir)/bmp2rb -f 2". This is for native bitmaps. |
10:52:16 | Slasheri | amiconn: i just looked from kate which files i had edited but apparently i had restarted kate at some points so i did "some" files :) |
10:52:34 | Slasheri | +miss |
10:52:54 | amiconn | For larger diffs, I usually diff the whole source tree, then cut down what shouldn't be included |
10:53:09 | amiconn | CC metadata.c |
10:53:09 | amiconn | metadata.c: In function `get_musepack_metadata': |
10:53:09 | amiconn | metadata.c:1218: error: structure has no member named `track_gain' |
10:53:09 | amiconn | metadata.c:1219: error: structure has no member named `track_peak' |
10:53:10 | amiconn | metadata.c:1222: error: structure has no member named `album_gain' |
10:53:10 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
10:53:10 | amiconn | metadata.c:1223: error: structure has no member named `album_peak' |
10:53:12 | amiconn | metadata.c:1228: error: structure has no member named `track_gain_string' |
10:53:14 | amiconn | metadata.c:1229: error: structure has no member named `track_gain_string' |
10:53:16 | amiconn | metadata.c:1231: error: structure has no member named `album_gain_string' |
10:53:18 | amiconn | metadata.c:1232: error: structure has no member named `album_gain_string' |
10:53:44 | Slasheri | amiconn: ah, that's interesting.. it seems metadata doesn't like to compile without some other files for archos |
10:53:48 | amiconn | I wonder what metadata.c has to do here. It isn't used in cvs code for archos... |
10:54:02 | Slasheri | amiconn: tagcache needs the metadata.. |
10:54:21 | amiconn | Yes, but metadata is handled different on archos, w/o metadata.c |
10:54:54 | Slasheri | Hmm.. |
10:55:07 | amiconn | get_musepack_data has no meaning at all on archos |
10:55:35 | Slasheri | yes, you are correct.. so then we should use the archos version instead because it knows which filetypes archos supports |
10:56:19 | Slasheri | i think i will have to install the sh1 compiler now.. |
10:56:23 | linuxstb | The archos code only understands id3 tags - which are parsed in firmware/id3.c |
10:57:16 | amiconn | Probably (hopefully) that will change at some point in the future - if we get around implementing wav support |
10:57:34 | linuxstb | But there are no tags used with WAV files afaik. |
10:57:37 | amiconn | That will require playback engine tweaking |
10:58:26 | amiconn | No, but perhaps it would be a good reason to look at unifying playback code |
10:59:22 | amiconn | (although I still think that the hwcodec playback engine is significantly more robust) |
11:00 |
11:00:51 | | Join muesli__ [0] (i=muesli_t@ |
11:01:30 | Slasheri | amiconn: Hmm, maybe it could be possible to use that metadata.c but #ifdef out code that doesn't apply for archos target? |
11:01:53 | amiconn | linuxstb: iPod gcc is −−target=arm-elf ? |
11:02:09 | amiconn | Slasheri: That sounds like code duplcation... |
11:02:11 | | Join saa[b_r]ider [0] (n=saab_rid@ |
11:02:33 | Slasheri | amiconn: i think the mp3 metadata is read elsewhere |
11:02:47 | Slasheri | so after that modification, metadata.c would be almost empty for archos |
11:03:11 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
11:03:19 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes. |
11:03:21 | Slasheri | amiconn: yes, metadata uses mp3info for that |
11:12:18 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=billybob@adsl-67-64-151-3.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
11:16:56 | BHSPitMonkey | yawn |
11:19:12 | muesli__ | yawning is under copyright of hcl |
11:19:16 | muesli__ | stop it |
11:21:42 | BHSPitMonkey | cough |
11:23:42 | muesli__ | better :D |
11:24:03 | BHSPitMonkey | yup |
11:24:06 | BHSPitMonkey | yup |
11:24:26 | BHSPitMonkey | just another annoying ipod user. |
11:26:55 | muesli__ | get your monkey at http://img274.imageshack.us/img274/4669/img01436tf.jpg ;) |
11:27:27 | BHSPitMonkey | monkey acquired |
11:28:39 | BHSPitMonkey | just built myself ipodloader2, props to slowcoder! it's wicked |
11:28:51 | BHSPitMonkey | (josh, too, but he's not here) |
11:29:44 | muesli__ | sorry, not my player :o |
11:30:13 | BHSPitMonkey | http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/stealthdude/AYBABTU.gif |
11:43:24 | Jungti1234 | heh |
11:45:40 | *** | No seen item changed, no save performed. |
11:52:45 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
11:55:04 | muesli__ | Paprica i wont promise too much but maybe we can host your roxx |
11:55:25 | Paprica | where? |
11:56:32 | muesli__ | www.rockbox-lounge.de |
11:57:04 | Paprica | ok |
11:57:09 | muesli__ | although its a german forum hosting is independent though |
11:57:12 | Paprica | try to check if you can ok? |
11:57:36 | muesli__ | i am just clarifying |
11:57:49 | Paprica | ok |
11:57:55 | linuxstb | Why don't you just use the Rockbox Wiki? |
11:58:12 | Paprica | to upload our plugins? |
11:58:22 | linuxstb | I don't see why not. |
11:58:59 | Paprica | cuz we change the plugins alot |
11:59:14 | muesli__ | Paprica we could do it |
11:59:31 | Paprica | oh very good |
11:59:57 | muesli__ | :) |
12:00 |
12:00:17 | Paprica | linuxstb, you dont want to see every day change on the first page of rockbox about our plugins right? =] |
12:00:32 | Slasheri | amiconn: i have soon fixed the code to compile (sh1 compiler working) :) |
12:00:38 | Paprica | (sorry, my english is bad) |
12:00:39 | Paprica | =\ |
12:00:54 | Jungti1234 | :) |
12:01:11 | muesli__ | Paprica pls contact icq 161792426 |
12:01:18 | Paprica | K |
12:01:24 | Paprica | 10q very much |
12:01:34 | muesli__ | no worries m8 :) |
12:01:52 | Paprica | he is offline |
12:01:55 | linuxstb | I just think it would be more useful to have everything in one place. |
12:02:00 | muesli__ | no, he is not |
12:02:08 | Paprica | ah ok |
12:02:17 | muesli__ | just write something |
12:02:44 | Paprica | its you? |
12:03:27 | muesli__ | no ;-) we are running the forum but its my m8 |
12:05:36 | Paprica | ok |
12:05:47 | Slasheri | amiconn: http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/tagcache_snapshot.patch |
12:05:53 | Slasheri | amiconn: now it should compile :) |
12:06:15 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
12:12:47 | linuxstb | amiconn: Do you have any better ideas for handling mono and native bitmaps than the "-m" option to bmp2rb? I don't think we should worry about the possibility of two non-mono native formats until it's needed. |
12:15:02 | | Join t0mas [0] (n=Tomas@unaffiliated/t0mas) |
12:18:10 | | Join Moos [0] (n=DrMoos@m53.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
12:20:09 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:20:51 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB71AE5.ipt.aol.com) |
12:25:57 | linuxstb | If anyone wants to look at my bmp building patch, it's here: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/buildbmp.diff |
12:26:23 | linuxstb | You will also need the apps/bitmaps/ and apps/plugins/bitmaps directories in this zip file: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/bitmaps.zip |
12:36:14 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC") |
12:43:21 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:43:35 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
12:55:11 | Paprica | http://plugbox.rockbox-lounge.de/ |
12:55:26 | Paprica | new domain, working links =] |
13:00 |
13:00:34 | | Quit edx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:02:40 | Moos | hi, and what's about this one on the wiki http://www.members.lycos.co.uk/plugbox/ |
13:03:04 | Moos | if it don't work, please change the link |
13:03:25 | Moos | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginIndex |
13:03:25 | Paprica | where? |
13:03:42 | Moos | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginIndex |
13:03:58 | Paprica | how can i change it? |
13:04:02 | Paprica | @@ |
13:04:16 | Moos | do you have wiki account? |
13:04:27 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
13:04:34 | Jungti1234 | eli_sherer |
13:05:11 | Moos | Paprica: I'll change it if you want |
13:06:26 | Paprica | please change it |
13:06:44 | Moos | ok |
13:07:59 | Moos | done |
13:08:48 | Paprica | 10 |
13:08:50 | Paprica | x |
13:09:15 | Moos | thanks to you and eli for plugins ;) |
13:11:03 | Paprica | ;] |
13:15:20 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD7A1D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:15:46 | | Join b0br [0] (n=d5a8b399@labb.contactor.se) |
13:23:59 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
13:24:33 | Paprica | hi linus |
13:24:36 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=503a212a@labb.contactor.se) |
13:24:38 | LinusN | yo |
13:24:44 | Paprica | sup? |
13:25:09 | LinusN | not much, really :-) |
13:25:14 | Paprica | =] |
13:27:55 | | Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (n=ashridah@ |
13:33:51 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:33:51 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD7A1D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:45:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:45:45 | Paprica | LinusN:there is a function that give back the name of "what open" now? |
13:46:37 | Paprica | like "Menu" | |
13:46:44 | Paprica | "file browser" |
13:47:40 | | Join rayo [0] (n=rayo@ |
13:47:41 | LinusN | Paprica: huh? |
13:47:50 | Paprica | =\ |
13:48:03 | linuxstb | What are you trying to do? |
13:48:04 | Paprica | i want to set text on the status bar |
13:48:47 | LinusN | why? |
13:49:03 | Paprica | mm |
13:49:15 | Paprica | its beautiful =] |
13:49:39 | LinusN | you want a title for the screens? |
13:49:46 | Paprica | yep |
13:49:47 | rayo | where must i start editing some file to get a colored wps screen? (i don't know where to start) |
13:50:04 | LinusN | Paprica: i don't think that belongs in the status bar |
13:50:10 | linuxstb | There is a patch on the patch tracker to give you color in the WPS. |
13:50:26 | Paprica | why? |
13:50:49 | rayo | oh cool i search there, thanks |
13:50:50 | Paprica | i want status bar like the ipod |
13:51:02 | LinusN | Paprica: because the status bar already contains all those icons |
13:51:24 | Paprica | but it not contains titels |
13:51:24 | Paprica | =\ |
13:51:46 | LinusN | you want to have a title instead of the icons? |
13:52:00 | Paprica | no |
13:52:11 | Paprica | i want titles and icons |
13:52:19 | Paprica | the title is only |
13:52:19 | LinusN | how will you fit it on the archos lcd then? |
13:52:21 | Paprica | "Menu" |
13:52:25 | Paprica | File browser |
13:52:30 | Paprica | Plugins |
13:52:37 | Paprica | mm |
13:52:46 | Paprica | i want to do it for h3xx |
13:52:47 | Paprica | =\ |
13:53:49 | LinusN | there is no generic function to tell which screen is active |
13:54:13 | LinusN | i suggest you let each screen set a string pointer which the status code uses |
13:54:23 | LinusN | statusbar_title(char *str); |
13:54:52 | LinusN | however, if you want to do something useful for the project, i have an idea for you: |
13:55:17 | LinusN | showing the current path in the dir browser |
13:55:29 | LinusN | on the top row |
13:55:44 | Paprica | its easy? |
13:55:49 | Slasheri | LinusN: hi, would you like to test if tagcache works on archos players? The patch can be found here: http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/tagcache_snapshot.patch |
13:55:53 | Paprica | cuz im only 2 weeks on C |
13:56:05 | LinusN | Paprica: not trivial, but it shouldn't be *that* hard |
13:56:34 | Paprica | ok i will try |
13:56:58 | LinusN | Slasheri: i've deliberately ignored all talk about the tag cache to prevent information overload in my brain |
13:57:02 | LinusN | Slasheri: what is it? |
13:57:37 | Slasheri | LinusN: ah.. basically it's a redesigned version of the tagdb, supporting database generation on the player etc. :) |
13:57:51 | LinusN | cool |
13:57:57 | Slasheri | similar to the dircache |
13:58:04 | LinusN | how does it work? |
13:58:40 | rayo | mh the color patch does only add one color (bitmaps are still all in one color) |
13:58:56 | | Nick ashridah is now known as Lost-ash (n=ashridah@ |
13:59:10 | Slasheri | initially cache will be built on background and it can be accessed directly from disk or loading it to ram (iriver based players). New files can be also added to the db without rebuilding it |
13:59:28 | Slasheri | it also provides simple api to do searching |
13:59:59 | Slasheri | and in future it will allow tag modifications directly using the player (however, it will not touch the real tags stored in the files) |
14:00 |
14:00:10 | LinusN | ok, so it builds the tag database on the fly? |
14:00:15 | Slasheri | yes |
14:00:26 | Paprica | nice. |
14:00:29 | Slasheri | and player can be rebooted any time - the building will continue where it left |
14:00:39 | LinusN | holy moses, that must take quite a while |
14:00:58 | Slasheri | on iriver, it takes about 10 minutes to build the db with 5000 songs |
14:01:15 | LinusN | ouch |
14:01:26 | Slasheri | but that needs to be done only once :) |
14:01:29 | Moos | faster than on the computer |
14:01:34 | Slasheri | it would be interesting to know how much it will take on archos |
14:01:45 | LinusN | my guess would be 30 minutes |
14:01:49 | Slasheri | hehe |
14:01:59 | LinusN | maybe even more |
14:02:06 | LinusN | 12MHz |
14:02:29 | LinusN | i'd like an offline version as well... |
14:02:33 | Slasheri | yep. But i think the disk access times are more important than the cpu speed |
14:02:48 | LinusN | yes, that's why i didn't say 4 hours |
14:02:49 | Slasheri | it should be easy to write an offline version of that as well |
14:02:54 | Slasheri | :) |
14:03:25 | LinusN | i'll try it when i find the time |
14:03:26 | Moos | Slasheri: is it already ready for irivers? |
14:03:30 | Slasheri | sounds good |
14:03:40 | Jungti1234 | Paprica: I want it too. :) |
14:03:46 | Slasheri | Moos: i would say it's working, but definately not ready |
14:03:55 | Moos | ok :) |
14:03:56 | Paprica | ipod look? |
14:03:56 | LinusN | Slasheri: how does the browser work? does it cache x tags in memory? |
14:03:59 | Slasheri | it sill has checksumming, on-the-fly editing etc. missing |
14:04:13 | Jungti1234 | Paprica: Yes |
14:04:18 | Paprica | =] |
14:04:38 | Slasheri | LinusN: it can read the tags directly from disk to the internal dircache (on archos) or from ram, where all unique titles are cached |
14:04:53 | LinusN | Slasheri: you don't need #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ |
14:05:00 | Jungti1234 | Paprica: It's very smart. |
14:05:12 | Slasheri | it never loads filenames into memory, because it can fetch those from dircache where available |
14:05:19 | Slasheri | LinusN: ah, then i will remove that :) |
14:05:20 | Paprica | yep |
14:05:43 | Jungti1234 | Paprica: Can you make it? |
14:05:56 | Paprica | i try to make it |
14:06:03 | Jungti1234 | ah ok :) |
14:06:19 | Jungti1234 | If you make it, send to me. |
14:06:19 | LinusN | Slasheri: looks really interesting |
14:06:24 | Slasheri | :) |
14:06:38 | Paprica | ok |
14:06:43 | Jungti1234 | thanks. |
14:14:32 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:18:53 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-149-149-95.bna.bellsouth.net) |
14:21:08 | | Join edx [0] (i=edx@p54A853B9.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:42:54 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:50:44 | | Join Febs [0] (n=medifebb@207-172-122-81.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
14:59:34 | Paprica | mmm |
15:00 |
15:00:00 | Paprica | gui/statusbar.c: In function `gui_statusbar_draw': |
15:00:00 | Paprica | gui/statusbar.c:173: warning: implicit declaration of function `gui_statusbar_title' |
15:00:00 | Paprica | gui/statusbar.c: At top level: |
15:00:00 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK Paprica |
15:00:00 | Paprica | gui/statusbar.c:463: warning: type mismatch with previous implicit declaration |
15:00:00 | Paprica | gui/statusbar.c:173: warning: previous implicit declaration of `gui_statusbar_title' |
15:00:01 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
15:00:01 | Paprica | gui/statusbar.c:463: warning: `gui_statusbar_title' was previously implicitly declared to return `int' |
15:00:06 | Paprica | what is the meaning? |
15:01:43 | LinusN | it means that you don't have a prototype for the function |
15:02:06 | Paprica | hmm |
15:02:17 | Paprica | how can i build prototype |
15:02:24 | LinusN | statusbar.h would be a good place to put it |
15:03:19 | Paprica | oh ok |
15:03:22 | Paprica | i see |
15:03:28 | Paprica | 10q |
15:06:12 | Jungti1234 | hm.. |
15:10:02 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
15:14:58 | Paprica | blah |
15:15:02 | Paprica | no errors |
15:15:24 | Paprica | but the simulaturs stuck up |
15:16:05 | Paprica | maybe its the simulator code? |
15:16:06 | Paprica | =\ |
15:18:46 | LinusN | Paprica: gdb is your friend |
15:18:58 | Paprica | what is gdb |
15:19:07 | LinusN | Gnu DeBugger |
15:19:20 | Paprica | mm where is it? |
15:19:43 | LinusN | it should be part of the devkit |
15:19:54 | Paprica | how can i use it? |
15:19:57 | LinusN | gdb rockboxui.exe |
15:20:08 | Paprica | ok |
15:20:10 | Paprica | 10x |
15:20:27 | Paprica | BASH: gdb: command not found |
15:20:30 | Paprica | =\ |
15:20:34 | LinusN | :-( |
15:21:03 | LinusN | i guess bluechip didn't think that the debugger was useful |
15:21:22 | Paprica | =\ |
15:21:45 | LinusN | Paprica: then use DEBUGF() to print debugging output to the console |
15:22:23 | Paprica | ok i will try |
15:22:31 | LinusN | good luck |
15:22:43 | Jungti1234 | hahahaha |
15:22:43 | Jungti1234 | http://www.mail-archive.com/rockbox-dev@cool.haxx.se/msg00341.html |
15:22:44 | Paprica | 10x |
15:23:30 | LinusN | Jungti1234: :-) |
15:23:47 | Paprica | what i need to do with this fuction? |
15:23:48 | Paprica | DEBUGF(gui_statusbar_title(display,status_title)); |
15:23:50 | Paprica | ?? |
15:23:51 | Jungti1234 | "which seems interesting" |
15:24:06 | LinusN | Paprica: it works just like printf() |
15:24:20 | Paprica | ok |
15:28:02 | Paprica | blah im dont know =\ |
15:29:02 | LinusN | Paprica: just put DEBUGF("bla\n") in strategic places in the code to see how far it gets before it crashes |
15:30:08 | Paprica | gui/statusbar.c: In function `gui_statusbar_draw': |
15:30:08 | Paprica | gui/statusbar.c:182: warning: implicit declaration of function `DEBUGF' |
15:30:08 | Paprica | LD rockboxui.exe |
15:30:35 | LinusN | #include "debug.h" |
15:32:04 | | Quit pill ("changing servers") |
15:32:13 | | Join pill [0] (i=pill@cybercrimi.nl) |
15:32:42 | Paprica | We open the real file 'archos/.rockbox/rockbox.tagdb' |
15:32:42 | Paprica | Failed opening database |
15:32:42 | Paprica | We open the real file 'archos/.rockbox/langs/english.voice' |
15:32:42 | Paprica | We open the real file 'archos/.rockbox/viewers.config' |
15:32:42 | Paprica | Resume index 1 offset 6E3D5 |
15:32:43 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
15:32:43 | Paprica | bla |
15:32:48 | Paprica | =\ |
15:33:28 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
15:33:43 | LinusN | how did you implement gui_statusbar_title()? |
15:34:17 | LinusN | for example, what does it display when gui_statusbar_title hasn't been called yet? |
15:34:50 | Paprica | mm moment |
15:35:42 | Paprica | same things |
15:35:42 | Paprica | We open the real file 'archos/.rockbox/rockbox.tagdb' |
15:35:43 | Paprica | Failed opening database |
15:35:43 | *** | Alert Mode level 2 |
15:35:43 | Paprica | We open the real file 'archos/.rockbox/langs/english.voice' |
15:35:43 | *** | Alert Mode level 3 |
15:35:43 | Paprica | We open the real file 'archos/.rockbox/viewers.config' |
15:35:43 | *** | Alert Mode level 4 |
15:35:43 | Paprica | Resume index 1 offset 6E3D5 |
15:37:15 | Paprica | blah it happens only when i use the function without a variable |
15:37:18 | Paprica | with** |
15:41:39 | LinusN | "when you use the function with a variable"? |
15:41:55 | Paprica | yep |
15:42:01 | Paprica | the simulature is crashed |
15:42:13 | Paprica | without "ed" |
15:42:14 | Paprica | =\ |
15:44:11 | | Join Strath [0] (n=mike@dpc674681214.direcpc.com) |
15:44:47 | LinusN | but what do you mean when you say "use the function with a variable"? |
15:45:42 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:45:44 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
15:45:45 | Paprica | use this fuction |
15:45:50 | Paprica | gui_statusbar_title() |
15:45:56 | Paprica | with variable |
15:46:01 | Paprica | (my function) |
15:46:40 | rayo | where must i look to add some code to get 16-bit images in wps files? (i can't find it in the sourcecode) |
15:47:31 | LinusN | rayo: that is a major undertaking |
15:47:44 | LinusN | Paprica: show me |
15:47:51 | Paprica | the function? |
15:48:09 | LinusN | what does gui_statusbar_title do? |
15:48:25 | Paprica | void gui_statusbar_title(struct screen * display, char *str){ |
15:48:25 | Paprica | char buffer[10]; |
15:48:25 | Paprica | unsigned int width, height; |
15:48:25 | Paprica | display->setfont(FONT_SYSFIXED); |
15:48:25 | Paprica | snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), str); |
15:48:26 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
15:48:26 | Paprica | display->getstringsize(buffer, &width, &height); |
15:48:28 | Paprica | display->putsxy(LCD_WIDTH/2-width/2, STATUSBAR_ICONS_Y_POS, buffer); |
15:48:30 | Paprica | display->setfont(FONT_UI); |
15:48:32 | Paprica | } |
15:49:56 | LinusN | looks like it would work, provided that str is short enough |
15:50:17 | Paprica | mm it shows the text |
15:50:30 | Paprica | but the simulatur crash |
15:50:55 | LinusN | how long is the text? |
15:51:11 | Paprica | 5 letters |
15:51:24 | rayo | why? the displaydriver can show 16bit images, where is the point that this is a major undertaking? |
15:51:40 | LinusN | rayo: we don't have a color bmp loader |
15:51:50 | LinusN | to begin with |
15:52:05 | rayo | ah ok then i start with this :) |
15:52:29 | Paprica | rayo |
15:52:34 | Paprica | http://plugbox.rockbox-lounge.de/ |
15:52:43 | Paprica | rockpaint |
15:52:45 | Paprica | mm |
15:52:51 | Paprica | eli write bmp loaser |
15:52:54 | Paprica | loader |
15:53:21 | LinusN | Paprica: so it shows the text and then crashes? |
15:53:27 | Paprica | yep |
15:55:28 | muesli__ | btw we would like to host other plugins as well and offer this site as a plattform |
15:56:30 | Paprica | no problem i think |
15:57:47 | LinusN | muesli__: out of curiosity, why not have the plugins in the rockbox cvs? |
15:58:09 | muesli__ | Paprica asked for webspace |
15:58:27 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
15:58:30 | muesli__ | and here we go |
15:58:58 | Paprica | LinusN its color plugins, only for h3xx |
15:59:04 | LinusN | the plugin concept is designed for 3rd party plugins, so this is exactly what we had in mind when implementing the plugins, but it's always nice to know why |
16:00 |
16:00:06 | muesli__ | ok..didnt want to appear as competitors... |
16:00:21 | Paprica | LinusN do you have some solution to the crash? |
16:00:23 | LinusN | you're not a competitor |
16:00:45 | LinusN | Paprica: no. how do you call the function? |
16:01:02 | Paprica | gui_statusbar_title(display,status_title); |
16:01:40 | LinusN | muesli__: the only thing that concerns me is that the authors don't seem to want to cooperate with the rest of the rockbox project |
16:02:11 | muesli__ | ah ok...but i am the hoster only ;) didnt code any single line |
16:02:14 | LinusN | Paprica: is it called several times? |
16:02:35 | Paprica | only once |
16:03:27 | LinusN | Paprica: and it works if you don't call it? |
16:03:43 | Paprica | and if i call it without a vriable |
16:03:59 | Paprica | LinusN!! it works!! |
16:04:02 | Paprica | LOL!!! |
16:04:07 | Paprica | i do nothing |
16:04:08 | Paprica | @@ |
16:04:19 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
16:11:28 | LinusN | Paprica: so what caused the crash? |
16:11:36 | Paprica | i dont know |
16:11:38 | Paprica | really |
16:12:08 | | Quit akaidiot ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
16:13:46 | rayo | mh why doesn't rockbox display the audio files in the simulator? (i can see a directory but no mp3s) |
16:14:22 | Paprica | mm |
16:14:32 | Paprica | click |
16:14:39 | Paprica | hold* a-b |
16:14:52 | Paprica | and change to supported |
16:14:52 | Paprica | ? |
16:16:50 | rayo | oh, in the daily built for my iriver it was on supported so i didn't see that, thanks |
16:17:14 | Paprica | =] |
16:17:16 | Jungti1234 | Paprica: It works? |
16:17:40 | Paprica | basic title |
16:17:42 | Paprica | yep |
16:18:02 | Paprica | now i can continue |
16:18:52 | Jungti1234 | Can you send it to me? |
16:19:15 | Paprica | it write only "Menu" |
16:19:16 | Paprica | @@ |
16:19:33 | Jungti1234 | aha.. |
16:19:38 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-149-149-95.bna.bellsouth.net) |
16:20:17 | Jungti1234 | OK, You continue. |
16:21:16 | Paprica | ;] |
16:22:22 | Jungti1234 | Paprica: Are you eli's friend? |
16:22:38 | Paprica | mm before this chat no |
16:22:39 | Paprica | =] |
16:22:57 | Jungti1234 | hehe.. |
16:36:36 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
16:37:18 | Jungti1234 | bye |
16:38:06 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
16:38:06 | | Quit edx (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:44:59 | | Join akaidiota [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
16:47:18 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@ip-71.net-81-220-111.rev.numericable.fr) |
16:49:29 | mirak | bonjour |
16:56:29 | mirak | gcc doesn't use coldfire emac right ? |
16:58:27 | lostlogicx | right |
16:58:40 | lostlogicx | nor does it use addq to memory, nor is it very smart. |
16:58:42 | lostlogicx | :-P |
17:00 |
17:03:15 | | Quit akaidiot (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:03:48 | | Quit akaidiota (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:08:04 | | Join icy [0] (n=icy2@p549828C0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
17:08:47 | icy | hi there |
17:12:00 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
17:22:25 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:23:04 | | Join iLyric [0] (n=irc@host86-128-93-81.range86-128.btcentralplus.com) |
17:23:29 | mirak | lostlogicx: I was watching a video on the H300 on the iriver firmware, and I doubt we can ever match that by not having a gcc using emac |
17:25:00 | mirak | I have a doubt that the xvid plugin uses iram for all variables considering that there is an array that is already 260ko big |
17:25:39 | mirak | it's global variable |
17:31:22 | | Quit iLyric () |
17:34:23 | | Join iLyric [0] (n=irc@host86-128-93-81.range86-128.btcentralplus.com) |
17:34:29 | icy | is rockbox working on the H10 iriver or do you know of any alternative os for it? |
17:36:15 | | Quit iLyric (Client Quit) |
17:37:16 | | Join iLyric [0] (n=irc@host86-128-93-81.range86-128.btcentralplus.com) |
17:37:34 | | Quit iLyric (Client Quit) |
17:40:12 | mirak | icy: none |
17:41:45 | muesli__ | btw what does the pre-recording patch do? |
17:44:51 | icy | mirak: ok |
17:45:44 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:45:45 | | Join Rob2222_ [0] (n=Miranda@ACB1772E.ipt.aol.com) |
17:47:12 | | Quit icy () |
17:48:57 | b0br | muesli: makes prerecording work AFAIK ;) |
17:50:00 | muesli__ | true..but what is PRE-recording? ;) |
17:51:48 | b0br | as soon as you enter recording screen it starts to record to buffer and when you press record it writes specified amount and starts to record.. |
17:51:58 | b0br | this is really great feature!!! |
17:55:12 | mirak | b0br: I have seen something like that on linux. It records perpetually, so when you here a sound that you want to keep, you just press enter :D |
17:56:37 | | Part LinusN |
17:56:56 | b0br | i think that with this feature h300 finally beats minidisc in recording |
18:00 |
18:01:31 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:07:16 | mirak | b0br: recording in wav beats it alone for me :) |
18:29:10 | | Quit Paprica (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:37:24 | | Join edx [0] (i=edx@p54A853B9.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:39:24 | | Quit DrumrPod (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:41:19 | | Quit muesli__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:45:27 | rayo | in which file is the function that draws the wps images (wps_data.img) to the lcd? |
18:59:37 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-149-149-95.bna.bellsouth.net) |
19:00 |
19:11:22 | saa[b_r]ider | rayo: how is it going with colored WPS? |
19:12:29 | rayo | to read a 24 bit bmp is no really hard but i can't find the function which draws the bitmap buffer |
19:12:59 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
19:12:59 | * | amiconn successfully built arm-elf-gcc 3.4.4 under cygwin, and also successfully built rockbox for iPod nano with it |
19:13:24 | amiconn | arm code must be huge, judging from the rockbox.ipod size... |
19:13:31 | saa[b_r]ider | there's a thread at the RB forum discussing how to implement color, that may be helpful for you... |
19:14:04 | rayo | do you have a link? |
19:14:09 | saa[b_r]ider | sure, hang on |
19:14:51 | saa[b_r]ider | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2164.0 |
19:15:14 | rayo | ok thanks |
19:15:49 | saa[b_r]ider | no problem :) the guy was optamistic in the begining, then he lost hope :( hopefully you can figure out something :) |
19:17:01 | | Join muesli__ [0] (i=muesli_t@ |
19:17:42 | | Join xmixahlx [0] (n=xmixahlx@ |
19:22:22 | rayo | mh in this thread they discuss only colors für wps files, i want to get 16-bit bmp files working |
19:23:37 | amiconn | Where? wps? |
19:23:49 | amiconn | That'll be even more work than text colours |
19:23:56 | rayo | erm i want 24 bit bmp on a 16bit lcd :) |
19:24:16 | rayo | ah patch for colors in the wps files does exist in the patch repo |
19:25:51 | rayo | http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1380389&group_id=44306&atid=439120 |
19:26:11 | saa[b_r]ider | but that doesn't implement various colors in the wps. if I'm not mistaking, it only supports changing the foreground and background colors on the fly, instead of having to edit the values in lcd.h and recompile everytime |
19:27:45 | amiconn | If full colour support were simple, it would already have been implemented |
19:28:29 | amiconn | There's quite some low-level work to be done |
19:29:04 | saa[b_r]ider | good luck to the developers :) |
19:30:38 | rayo | to get 16bit images we just must change the draw code of the wps_data.buffer thing but i can't find it |
19:32:00 | rayo | it's more difficult to implement colored text because then we must change the wps parsing code |
19:33:16 | saa[b_r]ider | so what are you planning for rayo, "just" the addition 16bit bmp to the current wps? "not that it's not a big deal :)" |
19:34:05 | amiconn | It's not 'just' changing the draw code |
19:34:38 | amiconn | Monochrome bitmaps have a notion of foreground and background, and can be draw using different modes |
19:34:57 | amiconn | The wps code uses DRAW_FG, so the background is transparent |
19:35:13 | amiconn | Colour or greyscale bitmaps are always opaque |
19:36:00 | amiconn | The draw code change will work for the various small indicator bitmaps, but not for a backrgound image |
19:36:23 | amiconn | aw |
19:41:34 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:42:17 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:43:58 | mirak | so gcc team really doesn't plan to EMAC support for coldfire ? |
19:45:47 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:49:28 | | Join eli_sherer [0] (n=d4197c96@labb.contactor.se) |
19:50:28 | eli_sherer | hello everyone |
19:52:01 | | Quit eli_sherer (Client Quit) |
19:59:43 | | Join RotAtoR [0] (n=user@24-231-249-25.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) |
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20:14:10 | | Quit b0br ("CGI:IRC") |
20:19:44 | | Join DrumrPod [0] (n=Drumrboy@ool-44c20ff1.dyn.optonline.net) |
20:34:47 | | Join ^BeN^ [0] (n=Paprica@CBL212-235-12-104.bb.netvision.net.il) |
20:35:02 | | Nick ^BeN^ is now known as Paprica (n=Paprica@CBL212-235-12-104.bb.netvision.net.il) |
20:35:19 | muesli__ | m8s...take break, relax and watch... http://www.best4web.ch/fun/sandanimation.wmv |
20:35:26 | muesli__ | its brilliant... |
20:36:07 | | Join dpassen1 [0] (n=dpassen1@cpe-24-168-110-99.si.res.rr.com) |
20:53:29 | | Join akaidiota [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
20:53:52 | saa[b_r]ider | thanks muesli, I remember seeing this a while back :) |
20:54:34 | muesli__ | :) |
20:59:31 | | Join San [0] (n=test@213-202-167-207.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
21:00 |
21:00:27 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit`@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) |
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21:13:06 | | Join sanil [0] (i=dzxpqo@ |
21:13:10 | | Quit akaidiota (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:13:16 | sanil | hello |
21:13:24 | sanil | a there are iriver t10 users? |
21:18:32 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-149-149-95.bna.bellsouth.net) |
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21:29:03 | | Join DarkShadow_ [0] (n=growlywo@duppp-206-251-12-188.nas0.lmyn.pa.net) |
21:31:02 | DarkShadow_ | Hey. |
21:33:44 | | Join oxygen77 [0] (n=c262079b@labb.contactor.se) |
21:35:51 | | Quit akaidiot (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:37:34 | mirak | hoy |
21:38:21 | DarkShadow_ | Any news on that new database interface? |
21:39:18 | | Quit oxygen77 ("CGI:IRC") |
21:42:10 | Moos | Slasheri is working on it |
21:42:29 | | Quit akaidiota (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:44:40 | sbingner | hey anybody here have any info on the MBUS protocol or know how I can pull down the voltage on the signalling line from 12V to 5V? |
21:45:29 | Slasheri | sbingner: is that rs-232 level? |
21:45:47 | Slasheri | (-12V to +12V?) |
21:45:49 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:47:05 | sbingner | I'm not 100% sure |
21:47:15 | sbingner | hence the question regarding MBUS protocol ;) |
21:47:16 | Slasheri | then you need to check that |
21:47:16 | | Quit DarkShadow_ () |
21:47:32 | sbingner | I've been trying to |
21:47:35 | * | sbingner sighs |
21:47:43 | sbingner | yea if it's rs232 I could just use a max232 |
21:48:12 | Slasheri | yep.. but i think mbus shouldn't have so high levels |
21:48:14 | | Join Sanitarium [0] (n=test@213-202-167-207.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
21:48:23 | sbingner | it's the alpine implimentation |
21:48:38 | Slasheri | i built mbus<->rs-232 interface a long time ago, but i don't remember what signal levels it used |
21:48:46 | sbingner | gah |
21:48:57 | sbingner | you dont still have any docs laying around? |
21:49:13 | Slasheri | i don't think so because that was several years ago |
21:50:30 | Slasheri | but maybe you could use some buffering ic's with variable supply level, or just transistors, zeners and resistors :) |
21:50:55 | sbingner | yay, thanks for the idea of a search |
21:51:08 | sbingner | At both the radio and the CD changer end it is pulled high to about 10 volts idle level, with resistors in the range of 1800 Ohms |
21:51:16 | sbingner | http://www.avrfreaks.net/modules/FreaksFiles/files/1562/The%20Alpine%20M-Bus%20Protocol.doc |
21:52:01 | sbingner | Slasheri: I'm trying to make the phatbox work with the alpine MBUS protocol |
21:52:40 | sbingner | it already does it, but it has an adaptor that changes levels or something that you can't buy |
21:54:20 | sbingner | that sucks, found another doc with a different report of voltage levels |
21:54:20 | sbingner | 5v = logic 0 |
21:54:20 | sbingner | 0v = logic 1 |
21:55:02 | Slasheri | Hmm, interesting |
21:55:27 | Slasheri | but if it only changes logic levels, that should be quite easy to adjust with some buffers or transistors |
21:57:51 | sbingner | they use a blitzsafe adaptor for it (the BMW interface) |
21:58:21 | sbingner | and they make a slight modification to the normal BMW/ALP-DMX adaptor to make it work on the phatbox |
21:58:28 | sbingner | ie. solder across a point |
21:59:19 | sbingner | oh, sweet ... I must have been on crack on my previous google searches |
21:59:20 | sbingner | http://www.mictronics.de/?page=cdc_proto#Alpine |
22:00 |
22:00:32 | sbingner | http://www.jevinskie.org/genmay/mbus/ <−− perfect description, apparently it's 0v -> 10(or 12)V I just need to make it 0v -> 5v I think |
22:01:53 | Slasheri | hehe, nice |
22:01:56 | Slasheri | that should be easy to do |
22:02:40 | Slasheri | do you need to send and receive using the same wire or does it have separate wires for incoming and outgoing data? |
22:02:47 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:03:49 | sbingner | single wire |
22:04:32 | Slasheri | ok, then you cannot use any buffers directly.. or tristate buffers might still work |
22:05:15 | Slasheri | but it's probably easier to just design the level shifter by using basic components only |
22:05:34 | | Quit dpassen1 () |
22:06:50 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
22:07:31 | | Join solexx [0] (n=jrschulz@d029178.adsl.hansenet.de) |
22:08:00 | sbingner | any way I could convince you to do that for me? :b I'll pay you something, I just don't have the electronics expertise |
22:08:28 | Slasheri | hehe.. hmm, i might have a look tomorrow if i have some time.. :) |
22:08:38 | Slasheri | holidays now until next year |
22:09:14 | * | Moos crosses his fingers for the tagcache :D |
22:09:22 | Slasheri | :D |
22:10:22 | sbingner | cool... BTW, you know what PhatBox is? car MP3 player... http://www.phatnoise.com and my website http://www.phathack.com has info on how to 'unlock' it so you can upgrade the laptop hard drive it uses |
22:10:51 | Slasheri | hehe, interesting. I haven't heard of that before |
22:11:27 | sbingner | Slasheri: there is a 12V/5V regulator on this adaptor I have is there any chance that a slight modification to the adaptor would change the logic levels? |
22:11:27 | Slasheri | but you are going to use avr microcontroller in your project? |
22:12:01 | sbingner | I was hoping to avoid anything complicated, so that it could be duplicated by others who want to use the alpine protocol |
22:12:24 | Slasheri | sbingner: hmm, is there schematics available for that adaptor? |
22:12:49 | sbingner | no :( it's a PIE adaptor for 2003+ Honda Accord to Alpine MBUS |
22:13:19 | Slasheri | ah :/ then it's impossible to say if it's possible doing some internal modifications to the adaptor |
22:13:35 | Slasheri | unless you try by yourself |
22:13:37 | sbingner | I could probably map it out... |
22:13:53 | sbingner | it's got rather large parts, shouldnt be too hard |
22:14:10 | Slasheri | hmm, sounds good |
22:14:17 | sbingner | looks like it was made from radio shack parts ;) |
22:14:22 | Slasheri | :D |
22:14:46 | Slasheri | then probably it is made from those :) |
22:14:58 | sbingner | lol |
22:16:51 | sbingner | it's got a really cheap microcontroller on it (PIC16F628A - http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplgidcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1335&dDocName=en010210) |
22:17:05 | sbingner | it says " programmable voltage reference that make it ideal for analog/integrated level applications in automotive, industrial, appliances and consumer applications. |
22:17:48 | Slasheri | hmm, that's bad if it has a microcontroller in it.. |
22:18:15 | Slasheri | it can have code that does modifications on the protocol level |
22:18:17 | sbingner | I dont need to duplicate the adaptor, it's just converting to MBUS |
22:18:28 | Slasheri | ah, ok |
22:19:32 | sbingner | I suppose finding a way to convert without modifying the adaptor would actually be best, since not everybody who wants to use MBUS w/ PhatBox would have this adaptor heh |
22:20:26 | Slasheri | btw, http://www.jevinskie.org/genmay/mbus/. The first schematics does the 5V (TTL) and 12V level shifting |
22:21:10 | Slasheri | so just build it if that's what you want to do |
22:23:18 | | Quit solexx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:27:18 | sbingner | but it has two TTL lines |
22:27:28 | sbingner | I need to still only have the one line |
22:28:14 | sbingner | OOOH, I bet they do the same thing on this adaptor I have tho |
22:28:17 | sbingner | heh |
22:33:07 | Slasheri | hmm.. i am not sure if that is possible to built using one wire on both ends only |
22:34:00 | sbingner | shouldnt it be simple to just use something to divide the voltage going one way by 2 and multiple by 2 the opposite direction? |
22:34:16 | sbingner | oh |
22:34:24 | sbingner | resistors always increase voltage right? |
22:34:45 | sbingner | bleh, I should have taken some EE college classes heh |
22:35:49 | sbingner | this adaptor seems to have the logic line running to a transistor (TR1) and something labeled RP1 |
22:35:59 | Slasheri | no.. because you would need to determine the current transmission direction |
22:36:09 | * | sbingner nods |
22:36:18 | | Join F-i-G [0] (n=df@cpe-24-174-173-146.satx.res.rr.com) |
22:36:19 | F-i-G | hey |
22:36:26 | F-i-G | Anyone know this error I keep getting? |
22:36:39 | F-i-G | It keeps saying "No .rockbox directory" "Installation incomplete" |
22:36:40 | sbingner | F-i-G: um, is it insuffient funds? |
22:36:42 | F-i-G | what's up with that? |
22:36:43 | F-i-G | I just got it |
22:36:49 | Slasheri | sbingner: but that is possible to do, just needs little thinking ;) |
22:37:01 | Bagder | F-i-G: and you have the .rockbox directory on the player? |
22:37:07 | F-i-G | um |
22:37:12 | F-i-G | I tried adding one |
22:37:15 | F-i-G | but it didn't let me |
22:37:20 | F-i-G | do I need to do it via the player? |
22:37:24 | Bagder | you should not "add one" |
22:37:29 | | Part slowcoder |
22:37:32 | Bagder | you should unpack the .rockbox folder from the zip |
22:37:35 | F-i-G | bagder, then how do I get it on there |
22:37:50 | F-i-G | from what zip? |
22:37:55 | Bagder | the rockbox package |
22:38:05 | F-i-G | ok...I patched the firmare |
22:38:08 | F-i-G | and upgraded the firmare |
22:38:22 | F-i-G | and then i put the rockbox.iriver in the root |
22:38:27 | Bagder | that's wrong |
22:38:30 | F-i-G | argh |
22:38:37 | Bagder | you should unpack the zip in the root |
22:38:43 | Bagder | not just put the rockbox.iriver there |
22:38:57 | sbingner | Slasheri: do you happen to know what a long component with 6 connections labeled RP1 might be? (resistor pad?) |
22:39:03 | * | sbingner no clue |
22:39:08 | Bagder | F-i-G: the zip contains a .rockbox directory (which contains lots of files) |
22:39:25 | Slasheri | sbingner: does it has single or two rows of pins? |
22:39:40 | Slasheri | i.e., 2x3 or 1x6? |
22:39:49 | sbingner | single (1x6) and it's labeled 6B333G |
22:40:03 | Slasheri | then it's probably a resistor net |
22:40:10 | Slasheri | you can check it with a multimeter |
22:40:35 | F-i-G | argh |
22:40:38 | F-i-G | I use an apple |
22:40:44 | F-i-G | and it automatically unzips the zipped file |
22:40:45 | F-i-G | argh |
22:40:48 | Bagder | apples are silly |
22:40:57 | Bagder | they tend to mess up that .rockbox dir, yes |
22:41:10 | Bagder | search the forums, I know people have posted about this topic before |
22:41:27 | F-i-G | thanks |
22:41:30 | F-i-G | I'll check it out |
22:41:38 | F-i-G | and this rockbox project is sweeet |
22:41:47 | F-i-G | iriver sucks...they never released a new firmware upgrade |
22:41:48 | F-i-G | :P |
22:42:02 | | Join akaidiota [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
22:42:22 | Bagder | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=1813.0 |
22:42:30 | Bagder | for example |
22:42:56 | Bagder | F-i-G: they released upgrades just a few weeks ago |
22:43:34 | | Quit akaidiota (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:43:35 | | Quit akaidiot (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:43:53 | sbingner | Slasheri: any chance that modifying that would make this output a different voltage? it's MBUS Data -> RP1 Pin 6 and TR2 Pin 1 + TR2 PIN2 to RP1 Pin 2 + TR2 Pin3 to RP1 Pin 3 |
22:44:07 | sbingner | this is what actually generates the MBUS data |
22:44:39 | sbingner | I expect most converters are similar, so if we figured that out it would be useful for anybody who can get a converter to Alpine MBUS for their head unit anyways ;) |
22:44:44 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
22:44:59 | sbingner | I wish I had more info on the Blitzsafe adaptor modification for BMW |
22:45:06 | Slasheri | sbingner: might be possible, but you need to figure out the schematics to do it |
22:45:16 | Slasheri | now i need to go, cu tomorrow :) |
22:45:38 | sbingner | see you, thanks for the help... I'll try to work on the schematics |
22:45:55 | Slasheri | :) |
22:46:41 | | Join akaidiota [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
22:49:02 | F-i-G | argh |
22:49:06 | F-i-G | it still saying the same thing |
22:49:25 | Bagder | F-i-G: did you verify that you have a .rockbox dir with contents? |
22:50:08 | F-i-G | oh I see what's up |
22:50:08 | F-i-G | ok |
22:50:08 | F-i-G | I got it |
22:50:40 | F-i-G | is there a link on the rockbox site that shows all the commands ? |
22:51:05 | F-i-G | man o man this is sweet....I'll finally be able to record. I was going to sell this piece of poo, but not no more. |
22:51:10 | crwl | Mac OS X includes the command line unzip tool (by infozip) too which works fine and is pretty easy to use if you're not afraid of the command line :) |
22:57:30 | rayo | something still wrong with the color image modifications :) |
23:00 |
23:04:40 | | Quit akaidiot (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:11:28 | | Quit F-i-G ("Leaving") |
23:12:31 | | Join F-i-G [0] (n=df@cpe-24-174-173-146.satx.res.rr.com) |
23:12:48 | F-i-G | hey...is there a way to gtet shuffle for every track on your box? |
23:12:57 | F-i-G | I can only get it to do shuffle in individual directory |
23:13:54 | rayo | does repeat all & shuffle on not work? |
23:14:04 | F-i-G | um |
23:14:10 | F-i-G | shuffle on just shuffles a directory's contents |
23:14:14 | F-i-G | not every track on the unit |
23:14:17 | F-i-G | which is what i want |
23:14:28 | rayo | which player? |
23:14:34 | F-i-G | ihp-140 |
23:16:39 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=503a212a@labb.contactor.se) |
23:16:47 | rayo | sorry i don't know |
23:17:10 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=nope@1-1-6-23a.spa.sth.bostream.se) |
23:18:49 | rayo | you can create a playlist with all tracks and shuffle it |
23:18:51 | Bagder | make a playlist of all files, then shuffle |
23:19:44 | muesli__ | that question was asked so many times..why not implementing "shuffle over all"? |
23:19:56 | Bagder | how? |
23:20:19 | muesli__ | well..dunno..am useless in coding :-/ |
23:20:21 | Bagder | with dir cache enabled, it could possibly be hacked in more or less ugly |
23:20:34 | | Join mohcine [0] (i=mohcine@ASt-Lambert-151-1-62-13.w83-199.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
23:20:50 | Bagder | yes, so why do you ask such a tech question? |
23:21:11 | Bagder | shuffler over all would mean a multi-pass operation |
23:21:23 | muesli__ | it was just a remark.. |
23:21:24 | amiconn | Whoa... tagcache is a monster... almost 10KB of added code size :/ |
23:21:27 | Bagder | which would fit very weirdly with current Rockbox |
23:21:47 | Bagder | 10K code |
23:21:52 | Bagder | ! |
23:22:10 | linuxstb | But we can remove the tag database now? |
23:22:22 | amiconn | That's on archos, with SH1 being the target with the most compact binaries |
23:22:38 | amiconn | Code size relations: SH1 < coldfire << arm |
23:22:43 | Bagder | it would be nice to get the db situation cleaned up |
23:23:10 | amiconn | arm binaries look inflated, a bit like x86... |
23:23:19 | Bagder | hehe |
23:23:30 | linuxstb | We have the option of thumb code though. |
23:23:32 | Bagder | but at least arm has a decent register approach and not like x86 |
23:24:07 | mirak | gcc doesn't have EMAC support for coldfire even on CVS ? |
23:24:13 | Bagder | no |
23:24:30 | mirak | iriver must have is own compiler ? |
23:24:33 | amiconn | No, really. The H300 rockbox binary is ~270KB, while the nano rockbox binary is ~300KB, despite nano uses smaller bitmaps, and doesn't support all features yet |
23:24:39 | Bagder | mirak: hardly |
23:24:45 | mirak | Bagder: why ? |
23:24:56 | Bagder | 1) we use the EMAC without our own |
23:25:12 | Bagder | 2) why wouldn't there exist a compiler with existing support for it? |
23:25:14 | mirak | Bagder: we can use it only through assembly right ? |
23:25:30 | Bagder | its not that gcc is the only compiler out there |
23:25:42 | mirak | Bagder: don't know, maybe freescale provide developement kits ? |
23:26:04 | Bagder | I don't think freescale does, but others do |
23:26:45 | mirak | I have read on a site a code for EMAC that multiply per 2,5x a rsh stuff |
23:26:59 | mirak | it's on a pdf |
23:27:50 | mirak | iriver firmware seems to consume really less power than roxkbox, that's why I am wondering if it doesn't use emac at compile level |
23:28:04 | amiconn | linuxstb: Extending on the number of BMP2RB variables - in the worst case we might even need 4 |
23:28:09 | Bagder | a weird assumption |
23:28:10 | mirak | also I am really amazed at their 10 fps xvid player |
23:28:32 | mirak | we can only get 2fps and that's even without the video |
23:28:33 | amiconn | The monochrome formats might be different as well (currently they aren't) |
23:28:44 | mirak | so I am wondering |
23:29:35 | | Quit xmixahlx ("blah blah blah") |
23:29:45 | mirak | or they have asm warriors in their dev team Bagder :) |
23:30:28 | Bagder | I'm quite sure they write lib-functions in asm |
23:30:29 | linuxstb | Anyone have any ideas for how I can finish my bmp patch? I'm not quite sure how I can go ahead with multiple BMP2RB variables - how does the build system know which one to use? |
23:31:32 | Bagder | I haven't really started thinking about the problem yet |
23:31:40 | mirak | linuxstb: hi, did you managed to make the xvid work on the ipod ? |
23:31:44 | Bagder | I'm still on xmas holiday mode |
23:31:56 | Bagder | for the rest of the week too |
23:32:30 | linuxstb | mirak: No, I didn't try very hard to debug it. |
23:34:15 | | Quit akaidiota (Connection timed out) |
23:34:22 | mirak | linuxstb: hemm about iram and the stack, I realised there is an array that is 260k bytes declared global. I am wondering where it's stuffed in memory |
23:34:24 | | Join akaidiota [0] (n=nope@c-4346e255.363-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
23:35:02 | amiconn | Weird prioritisation... |
23:36:06 | | Quit akaidiot (Connection timed out) |
23:38:08 | | Quit Moos ("Happy Christmas @ all") |
23:39:31 | | Join Moos [0] (i=Moos@m53.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
23:42:43 | amiconn | Slasheri: Now I did load a tagcache build on my recorder. The first test was negative |
23:43:26 | amiconn | General settings->Playback->Force tag cache update displayed a short splash, but nothing else happened |
23:44:22 | amiconn | The database browser is all empty |
23:45:16 | | Quit Bagder ("Off to search for that connect-resetting peer guy!") |
23:45:29 | amiconn | Btw, the splash said "Updating on background" which isn't true w/o dircache, i.e. always on archos |
23:45:53 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:45:59 | | Join ataxy [0] (n=18cbf9bd@labb.contactor.se) |
23:46:18 | ataxy | anybody here |
23:46:42 | | Quit t0mas (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Leading Edge IRC") |
23:46:49 | | Quit F-i-G ("Leaving") |
23:47:41 | ataxy | hello i am trying to see if anybody is still looking for the gigabeat source code |
23:48:41 | | Join |beowulf| [0] (n=beowulf@82-46-57-180.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
23:49:12 | Moos | ataxy: there is just markun currently on the gigabeat project |
23:49:20 | Moos | and he is in holdays :) |
23:49:39 | Moos | 1 dev on this front for now |
23:50:28 | | Quit |beowulf| (Client Quit) |
23:50:56 | ataxy | ah ok cuz toshibe told me they are going to send me the source code |
23:51:08 | ataxy | oups toshiba |
23:51:29 | Moos | put them on the wiki, in the Gigabeat page |
23:51:43 | Moos | markun will maybe enjoy with |
23:52:18 | linuxstb | ataxy: markun has also been promised the source code from Toshiba - they told him it would be 4 weeks, and that was about 4 weeks ago I think. |
23:52:30 | ataxy | for sure as soon as it arrive i just got the email back from them and they asked me my addy to send it to me |
23:52:53 | ataxy | ah ok well whe shall see |
23:54:30 | ataxy | just a question in the wiki i see link for the iriver and other one but none for the gigabeat |
23:56:13 | * | amiconn notices the forums have a bug |
23:57:50 | | Join |Beowulf| [0] (n=Beowulf@82-46-57-180.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
23:58:35 | | Join b0br [0] (n=d5a8b399@labb.contactor.se) |