00:00:12 | midkay | kkurbjun, cool... can't wait to try it :) |
00:01:49 | LinusN | preglow: but your port is a lot harder than mine |
00:02:10 | muesli- | dpassen1 had both in my hands. as far as i recall myself correctly the 30gb ipod was slightly thinner. but you wouldnt notice any difference in your pocket due their slim design imho |
00:02:22 | Moos | LinusN: isn't the Rockbox founds made for this? :-) |
00:02:23 | LinusN | i can't say the h300 was easy, but the x5 has been pretty easy so far |
00:02:33 | Moos | LinusN: something like 40 euros |
00:02:35 | preglow | harder and harder |
00:02:36 | LinusN | Moos: yes, i'll get a remote |
00:02:41 | preglow | stuff like the cpu boosting was a bit harder |
00:02:41 | Moos | wee! |
00:02:42 | dpassen1 | muesli-: thanks, I'm starting to look for an eventual replacement for my iHP-120 |
00:02:45 | preglow | since ipl hasn't done |
00:02:46 | preglow | it |
00:03:02 | preglow | but then again, that doesn't work very well for 4g yet |
00:03:35 | | Join stamppot [0] (n=alberink@cc516682-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl) |
00:03:50 | Moos | dpassen1: I've got iHP-140 here, and hopofully one X5 60 gb very soon :-) |
00:03:55 | muesli- | dpassen1 ipods screen is much better..x5's sucked for me |
00:03:56 | | Quit BHSPitLappy2 (Connection timed out) |
00:04:34 | dpassen1 | Good to know, I'm hoping my 120 has a long time to go, still. But the HDD is 2.5 years old, by now. |
00:04:46 | Moos | muesli: it's depand what you need ;-) |
00:04:53 | Moos | hi btw |
00:04:58 | kkurbjun | as a general question: is there anything else that needs to be done to the doom port before it's ready to commit now that it's compiling fine? |
00:05:11 | kkurbjun | and are the changes I made to plugin.c/h acceptable |
00:05:38 | muesli- | sure :-) but to point out this difference. the x5 contains some nice facts also. hi btw,too ;) |
00:07:12 | LinusN | kkurbjun: what are the plugin buffer requirements now? |
00:07:50 | kkurbjun | it's the same as any other plugin now (80000) |
00:07:58 | LinusN | wow, cool |
00:08:23 | Bagder | very good work kkurbjun! |
00:08:31 | kkurbjun | : ), thanks |
00:08:33 | LinusN | what are the plugin.[ch] changes? |
00:08:54 | kkurbjun | I included access to vsnprintf and set_options menu function |
00:08:57 | elinenbe | kkurbjun: nice work on the doom plugin. looks great |
00:09:40 | kkurbjun | thanks |
00:09:44 | LinusN | kkurbjun: so the plugin api changes are all that need to be patched? |
00:09:53 | kkurbjun | yep |
00:09:54 | | Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:10:06 | kkurbjun | the patch is at the bottom of the tracker |
00:10:15 | kkurbjun | I don't know how to remove old files in this new one |
00:10:22 | Moos | w00t commit coming or what? :) |
00:10:39 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@c-24-16-191-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
00:11:23 | kkurbjun | oh, I forgot I also allowed access to the hold function for the H300 too |
00:11:43 | kkurbjun | but that change is just a #if in plugin.c/h |
00:12:29 | Moos | kkurbjun: is working now like a viewer too? |
00:13:15 | preglow | btw |
00:13:19 | preglow | i'm a bloody idiot |
00:14:25 | Moos | uh? |
00:14:47 | golf7 | what is the status of the X5 port? |
00:14:57 | golf7 | is it playing audio yet? |
00:15:03 | LinusN | golf7: no, not yet |
00:15:06 | golf7 | or is it just in the low level coding stages |
00:15:11 | kkurbjun | moos: no, not now, it does have a method for loading in additional wad files now though, it's a bit cumbersome at the moment |
00:15:18 | LinusN | golf7: low level |
00:15:22 | golf7 | good job |
00:15:24 | golf7 | keep up work |
00:15:31 | golf7 | i remember how happy i was when h300 got audio =) |
00:15:33 | Moos | kkurbjun: ok, just wondered |
00:15:48 | golf7 | it was an inner shout for joy |
00:15:54 | LinusN | :-) |
00:16:08 | golf7 | when i learn C, im gonna help some |
00:16:20 | golf7 | but as of now, i only know psp |
00:17:06 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: I implemented the button_hold() function for the ipod a few days ago - so you can add it to the plugin api for the ipods as well (IPOD_4G_PAD). |
00:17:39 | linuxstb | I'm about to look at Doom now. Where do you think the data abort problem is? |
00:17:39 | Bagder | hey, 0 point line! |
00:17:52 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: ok, I'll add that to the diff |
00:18:28 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: it's in w_wad.h in lumpinfo_t |
00:18:32 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@p54BD7E76.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:18:43 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
00:18:44 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@p54BD7E76.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:18:50 | kkurbjun | it seems to be when the code accesses name[9] |
00:19:24 | lostlogic | bagh, I lied about voice while paused... at least for now |
00:20:13 | preglow | does voice ui have its own pcm buffer? |
00:21:06 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=JdGordon@c220-239-137-122.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
00:21:18 | amiconn | kkurbjun: How is the downscaling done? |
00:21:22 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: Does http://alamode.mines.edu/~kkurbjun/doom.zip contain your latest changes to make it fit in the standard plugin buffer? |
00:21:29 | amiconn | Does it render directly into the framebuffer? |
00:22:10 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: yes, it's only in gcc 3.4 though, I'd imagine it's larger in gcc 4 |
00:22:26 | linuxstb | I'll let you know. |
00:22:44 | JdGordon | hey all |
00:22:49 | JdGordon | kkurbjun: can dom save/load? |
00:23:02 | kkurbjun | amiconn: yes, it renders directly to the framebuffer, it does downscaling viaif((wcnt&0x01)) |
00:23:03 | kkurbjun | screenptr++; // Skip every so many pixels in Doom buffer |
00:23:21 | kkurbjun | JdGordon, yes, but you can't enter good names |
00:23:23 | linuxstb | How big is the Doom buffer? 320x200? |
00:23:32 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: yes |
00:23:39 | kkurbjun | it's that size |
00:23:42 | linuxstb | So we'll need to upscale for the ipod 5g... |
00:24:11 | | Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") |
00:24:22 | kkurbjun | amiconn it skips about every tird pixel |
00:24:27 | kkurbjun | third |
00:24:49 | kkurbjun | and wastes 7 pixels horizontally |
00:24:50 | preglow | linuxstb: a border is recommended |
00:24:56 | preglow | upscaling will break the aspect ratio |
00:25:20 | preglow | there must be some other way to make it render to other resolutions |
00:25:25 | preglow | that's bit more customisable |
00:25:47 | kkurbjun | preglow: it would take alot of changes to the doom code |
00:25:58 | amiconn | kkurbjun: I have an idea how to make it both faster and better looking on targets where we need to downscale: |
00:26:40 | kkurbjun | hows that? |
00:26:42 | amiconn | Doom allows to set a less-than-fullsize 3D window. How about only downscaling the status bar the ordinary way, |
00:27:00 | linuxstb | preglow: I've played iDoom on the 5g's screen - it needs upscaling. The aspect ratio is wrong if you don't. |
00:27:01 | amiconn | and showing the centre of the 3D window instead of downscaling? |
00:27:21 | Bagder | midkay: FYI: you can add a comment and close a bug report in a single action |
00:27:25 | amiconn | It'd require the user to set a less-than-full 3D window size, but that would make it go faster as well... |
00:27:32 | midkay | Bagder, in the close.. um.. dialog? |
00:27:36 | Bagder | yeps |
00:27:47 | midkay | wasn't sure if that added a comment or just a small tag in the report or something, thx |
00:28:14 | preglow | amiconn: nice idea |
00:28:20 | kkurbjun | amiconn: that could work, right now on the H300 I'm not even rendering the columns on the pixels I skip though so if you blow it up you'll get dead columns of pixels |
00:29:05 | * | amiconn is curious how doom would look on h1x0 |
00:29:05 | kkurbjun | it would take alot of changes to the doom code to get it to just scale the statusbar and not the drawing window |
00:29:14 | amiconn | Does idoom run on greyscale iPods? |
00:29:24 | kkurbjun | amiconn: yes, they use dithering for it |
00:29:34 | amiconn | Normal dithering? |
00:29:44 | amiconn | That reduces effective resolution even more... |
00:29:58 | * | amiconn sighs |
00:30:09 | kkurbjun | I didn't include their code for that though because of the grayscale library.. I'm not sure exactly what they did.. didn't look into it in much detail |
00:30:20 | amiconn | Someone should really port the grayscale lib to the 2bit iPods |
00:30:57 | preglow | if you buy one, you can do it |
00:30:58 | preglow | ! |
00:31:05 | linuxstb | Wow, Doom is 678KB on the ipod... |
00:31:12 | preglow | linuxstb: holy shit |
00:31:16 | amiconn | kkurbjun: With the grayscale lib it should be easier. Just the downscaling you already have, convert to greyscale, then let the grayscale lib do the rest |
00:31:25 | Paprica | lol |
00:31:25 | Paprica | http://www.kludgeco.com/30RockBoxes/ |
00:31:27 | preglow | thumb... |
00:31:33 | linuxstb | We really need to stop using long calls as well. |
00:31:54 | preglow | linuxstb: i'll make researching the remapping possibilities my next priority |
00:32:09 | preglow | linuxstb: i'm starting to doubt if iram remapping can work |
00:32:16 | kkurbjun | amiconn: skipping the colums I don't use on the actual device sped it up a bit but not a whole lot, probably partially becasue of how I implemented it. I would try and port it to a grayscale platform, but I can't build the sim on my computer |
00:32:17 | linuxstb | Yes - that was my doubt. |
00:32:41 | preglow | linuxstb: first of all, the remap reg quite simply doesn't have bits enough to represent the iram address... |
00:32:48 | preglow | that's how it looks to me, at least |
00:32:55 | amiconn | kkurbjun: No hurry, the grayscale lib doesn't work in the sims yet |
00:33:36 | kkurbjun | amiconn: I think having an asm divide in doom would be helpful immediately, and an asm optimized version of the column rendering as well |
00:33:45 | amiconn | That's top on my todo list, would have worked on it today if chessclock wouldn't have come ... |
00:33:54 | preglow | linuxstb: but yeah, if that doesn't work, then the only remaining solution is to move all rockbox code to the end of memory and remap sdram to the area close under 0x40000000 ... |
00:33:56 | | Join webguest73 [0] (n=0cad6dbb@labb.contactor.se) |
00:34:04 | linuxstb | But what about the vectors? |
00:34:13 | preglow | yes... |
00:34:30 | preglow | we could start using the pp5020 specific ones, of course... |
00:34:38 | preglow | areghh |
00:34:54 | preglow | simplest of all would be just making bloody gcc understand that only iram code needs to be longcall |
00:35:00 | amiconn | kkurbjun: Does doom use floats? |
00:35:01 | preglow | but i can't say i've high hopes there |
00:35:12 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: Have you spotted any ARM assembler optimisations in iDoom? |
00:35:18 | kkurbjun | amiconn: no, it's all fixed point math |
00:35:26 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: no they don't have any |
00:35:32 | amiconn | Then divide shouldn't be a problem |
00:35:40 | amiconn | coldfire has divs / divu |
00:35:46 | preglow | except you're on arm... |
00:36:05 | preglow | the fact that arm doens't have a div still annoys me |
00:36:18 | amiconn | It doesn't? |
00:36:20 | preglow | nope |
00:36:20 | kkurbjun | amiconn: so an asm fixed point divide won't help then? |
00:36:30 | amiconn | Hmm, in fact arm should be more RISC than coldfire |
00:36:35 | preglow | it is |
00:36:36 | preglow | by far |
00:36:50 | amiconn | SH1 has divide *support* |
00:36:53 | midkay | Bagder, what was the rule on reports for unreleased code? (here's a request to change keylock functionality for ipods..) |
00:37:01 | preglow | amiconn: not exactly what i'd call complete divide support |
00:37:11 | amiconn | An instruction that yields one result bit each time, and an init instruction |
00:37:28 | preglow | very dspish |
00:37:31 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: actually, I'm pretty impressed though with the videos they have of idoom running, it seems to be extremely smoth even on one core |
00:37:31 | amiconn | 32/16 needs 17 insns plus some fixup |
00:37:45 | amiconn | Not much slower than coldfire though |
00:37:59 | amiconn | The div support insns on SH1 are all single-cycle |
00:38:00 | Bagder | midkay: I'm not sure |
00:38:30 | preglow | armv4 has full 64 bit multiply and accumulate support, but no div |
00:38:43 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: Yes, iDoom is very nice - hopefully I'll be able to compare soon... |
00:39:05 | midkay | Bagder, according to yesterday's log, you suggested closed/later, sounds appropriate still? :) |
00:39:35 | Bagder | midkay: yes, at least on very early ports, I wouldn't be so sure for like iriver h1x0 etc |
00:39:41 | amiconn | These half-keylock requests are strange... and an old phenomenon |
00:39:44 | midkay | Bagder, got it |
00:40:06 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: have you tried running it on the ipod yet? |
00:40:43 | linuxstb | Just about to now. Do I just need to copy my wad file into /games/doom/ and then start the plugin? |
00:41:03 | kkurbjun | yes, but now it has checking so if it doesn't find a wad file it won't crash |
00:42:38 | amiconn | How about making doom.rock a viewer - not for .wad files but for e.g. .doom files? |
00:43:12 | amiconn | These .doom files would be text files with (absolute path) entries to .wad files |
00:43:33 | markun | preglow: will you remap using the TLB? |
00:43:36 | amiconn | (thinking about the patch wads here) |
00:44:12 | kkurbjun | that's a possibility, it has a full startup menu now though. I wanted to make rockdoom as autonomous as possible so that you wouldn't need a computer to change options and the like |
00:44:19 | preglow | markun: there's no such thing as a tlb on pp |
00:44:24 | preglow | markun: just a couple of map regs |
00:44:26 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: The first data abort is in menu_get_itemname()... |
00:44:38 | markun | preglow: I thought it had a 720T core? |
00:44:40 | kkurbjun | hmm |
00:44:49 | preglow | markun: hell no |
00:44:52 | preglow | markun: arm7tdmi |
00:45:01 | preglow | markun: and besides, i'm pretty sure the tlb is not part of the 720t core either |
00:45:04 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: where is that? |
00:45:36 | kkurbjun | that's not in the doom code |
00:45:37 | markun | preglow: I reading the 720T doc right now and I'm pretty sure it has.. |
00:45:43 | kkurbjun | ( I don't think) |
00:45:43 | preglow | markun: ok |
00:45:53 | preglow | markun: thought it was part of the chip the gigabeat uses |
00:46:26 | * | Moos just ordered one X5 60 gb :-) |
00:46:29 | | Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-66-65-89-236.nyc.res.rr.com) |
00:46:35 | dpassen1 | Moos: nice |
00:47:01 | markun | preglow: If you are interested: pp5020 specific ones, of course... |
00:47:01 | markun | 00:34 < preglow> areghh |
00:47:05 | markun | ahh.. |
00:47:19 | Moos | 474 dollars for X5 60 gb+remote+case |
00:47:20 | markun | stupid mouse.. |
00:47:23 | preglow | so 720t has an mmu |
00:47:33 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: It's called from inside menu_init() |
00:47:37 | markun | yes, it does: http://www.arm.com/pdfs/DDI0192A_720T_R3.pdf |
00:47:42 | preglow | reading now |
00:48:06 | kkurbjun | so I'd imagine it has something to do with static const struct menu_item items |
00:48:25 | kkurbjun | why doesn't gcc check the alignment before it builds the final code? |
00:48:34 | preglow | markun: no, nothing that fancy for us |
00:48:45 | linuxstb | I'm just looking now. I would be very surprised if the menu code itself is causing the problem - it works everywhere else in Rockbox (on Archos and iPod) |
00:49:14 | | Part LinusN |
00:50:09 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: there are some compiler flags that may be an issue as well, I left them in though because they were in idoom: -fpack-struct -mstructure-size-boundary=8 |
00:50:21 | preglow | -fpack-struct = no no |
00:50:31 | amiconn | -fpack-struct is a baad idea |
00:51:04 | amiconn | Maybe not for the doom code, but surely for things like the menu struct |
00:51:13 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:51:31 | kkurbjun | those flags should only be applied to the ipod code because of idoom. |
00:51:41 | kkurbjun | or not should, but were |
00:51:46 | preglow | call it a night |
00:51:47 | preglow | later |
00:52:15 | | Quit quobl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:53:17 | | Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/x-7900f6c5c1e2d07c) |
00:54:33 | webguest73 | midkay: The feature request you just closed relating to rating from tag in WPS is not in CVS |
00:54:36 | linuxstb | Removing -fpack-struct fixes the menus, and then the next abort seems to be in my_malloc() |
00:55:30 | midkay | webguest73, there's a rating from tag WPS feature... |
00:55:48 | kkurbjun | how do you make sure that malloc alligns the data? |
00:56:05 | linuxstb | You always allocate a multiple of 4 bytes. |
00:56:10 | webguest73 | midkay: How? I think you're confusing it with runtine database rating... |
00:56:19 | webguest73 | (runtime) |
00:56:38 | midkay | webguest73, one moment, let me find it.. |
00:56:43 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: The implementation in the codec lib does it - I think I'll swap your implementation with that one. |
00:56:56 | kkurbjun | sounds good |
00:57:00 | midkay | webguest73, ah, what's the difference? |
00:57:08 | linuxstb | But I've got to go for about 45 minutes - I'll carry on then. |
00:57:38 | webguest73 | From tag is the rating actually stored in the tag/comment, from database requires using the runtime database which is buggy |
00:57:44 | kkurbjun | ok, thanks for looking into this |
00:58:12 | webguest73 | ...and not compatible with programs outside of Rockbox |
00:59:16 | | Quit muesli- ("ich will Khe!!!") |
00:59:34 | midkay | webguest73, hmm.. the id3 viewer doesn't show rating either, surprising. i'll un-close that one if i can figure out how. :) |
01:00 |
01:00:44 | webguest73 | midkay: Thanks :) ...I'm really interested in that feature request, had to come to its defense! |
01:02:41 | midkay | webguest73, np, my bad :) |
01:03:33 | midkay | webguest73, re-opened.. |
01:05:18 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox!") |
01:05:50 | webguest73 | midkay: With so many other higher priority development items open, I have a feeling I may end up having to learn C to get it added :) |
01:06:35 | midkay | webguest73, if the id3 viewer only showed it i could probably add such a tag myself :) but i'm not so sure how to add support for it - i'll have a look :) |
01:06:46 | | Nick BHSPitLappy_ is now known as BHSPitLappy (i=steve-o@adsl-65-68-201-28.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
01:06:46 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK BHSPitLappy |
01:07:38 | bagawk | midkay: Hello |
01:07:50 | bagawk | midkay: How are you? |
01:08:04 | webguest73 | midkay: It could probably share wps code with the runtime database rating, but I'd imagine it would need to be added to the get metadata routines |
01:08:08 | midkay | bagawk, I am just Lovely. And how are you? |
01:08:52 | bagawk | midkay: Ohh, I am fine, Just been a lonnnnngggg week |
01:09:01 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
01:09:01 | * | amiconn votes for dropping the runtime db too when the tagdb gets dropped in favour of the tagcache |
01:09:01 | midkay | webguest73, it'd need it's own tag of course.. %ir, if it's not taken (seeing as 'i' is the id3 prefix for other id3-related tags).. |
01:09:24 | bagawk | We have just finsihed our robot fort he FIRST competition |
01:09:30 | midkay | bagawk, cool |
01:09:41 | amiconn | It seems to me thatno one actually uses it... |
01:10:06 | | Join slimx [0] (n=slimx@vau75-7-82-234-251-56.fbx.proxad.net) |
01:10:27 | midkay | amiconn, i'd use it if i could :) seems incompatible with the ipod - i just want a working id3 browser, i don't care if it's id3db or tagdb or tagcache or whatever. ;) |
01:10:29 | slimx | hey bagder |
01:10:30 | webguest73 | midkay: %ir would work...I believe the standard storage name is 'RATING' and it's stored in increments of 10, from 0 to 100 |
01:11:05 | midkay | webguest73, yeah, just a matter of coding it :) |
01:11:47 | slimx | do you need a new patch against current cvs for 3G ? |
01:16:05 | bagawk | midkay: Web: http://www.chsrobotics.com |
01:16:49 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:17:11 | midkay | bagawk, cool :) |
01:30:53 | | Join webguest53 [0] (n=c3d41dbb@labb.contactor.se) |
01:31:23 | webguest53 | hi all |
01:31:27 | | Nick webguest53 is now known as PhoenixSpirit (n=c3d41dbb@labb.contactor.se) |
01:31:42 | bagawk | PhoenixSpirit: hello |
01:31:59 | lostlogic | gah, voice was getting so much better... and then I got an IBC: at 00000000 asdfasd;fljk |
01:33:50 | | Quit |Beowulf| (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:34:06 | | Join virtualball2 [0] (n=virtualb@ACA65E76.ipt.aol.com) |
01:34:32 | | Join Aditya [0] (i=user@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
01:34:40 | Aditya | hallo |
01:35:23 | bagawk | hola |
01:35:49 | Aditya | hey anyone here actually work with the rockbox source? |
01:36:17 | Aditya | I am thinking of fiddling with my iriver after its battery completely dies (it slowly is right now) |
01:37:34 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=80c4c198@labb.contactor.se) |
01:37:56 | golf7 | hah |
01:38:09 | golf7 | i did it with my battery dead, cause it died died |
01:38:26 | PhoenixSpirit | Aditya : but you can order a battery replacement to it, can't you ? |
01:38:50 | golf7 | yeah |
01:38:56 | Aditya | pheonix.. yes.. but thats no fun =P |
01:39:04 | Aditya | I will eventually order a new batter |
01:39:07 | golf7 | i used a 1g ipod battery |
01:39:08 | Aditya | but this is my idea |
01:39:09 | golf7 | 2200 mah |
01:39:16 | Aditya | I want to buy a touchscreen LCD |
01:39:23 | Aditya | and mod rockbox to work with that |
01:39:31 | Aditya | I know its very out there.. but thats the goal.. |
01:39:38 | Aditya | at minimum, I just want to learn how to work in rockbox |
01:40:17 | Aditya | why does eclipse rock so much |
01:40:57 | lostlogic | vi's better. |
01:41:08 | | Join webguest57 [0] (n=80723cd8@labb.contactor.se) |
01:41:35 | webguest57 | hey, i have a question for developers. If there an easy way to print a debug line on the iriver? like if i want to print the contents of a variable onto the iriver screen? |
01:41:36 | saratoga | i just use textpad, i'm too lazy to setup something else |
01:41:47 | webguest57 | if=is |
01:42:08 | midkay | webguest57, sure, you can just use lcd_puts() to draw some text... |
01:42:19 | webguest57 | cool. tnx! |
01:42:38 | midkay | np |
01:43:03 | BHSPitLappy | Aditya: I strongly challenge your ability to do that :P |
01:43:30 | | Quit slimx (Remote closed the connection) |
01:43:33 | Aditya | I know its not trivial |
01:43:39 | Aditya | but I AM an CE major |
01:44:00 | BHSPitLappy | you're planning on adding a digitizer to an iPod? |
01:44:09 | Aditya | screw the iPod |
01:44:12 | BHSPitLappy | oh |
01:44:15 | Aditya | I am working on something for the iRiver |
01:44:20 | Aditya | H320 |
01:44:23 | virtualball2 | lol |
01:44:24 | Aditya | FTW |
01:44:25 | BHSPitLappy | even so |
01:44:29 | BHSPitLappy | :P |
01:44:35 | Aditya | like I said |
01:44:37 | Aditya | thats my goal |
01:44:39 | Aditya | I may fall short |
01:44:48 | Aditya | but I will learn a bunch of stuff nevertheless |
01:45:07 | BHSPitLappy | maybe try what that other dude that came in here was planning to do, make his own player :P |
01:45:37 | Aditya | I was going to try do that actually |
01:45:40 | Aditya | and people have done it |
01:45:55 | Aditya | its not like its impossible.. if you have the spare money could be a fun project |
01:48:37 | BHSPitLappy | yeah |
01:49:15 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:49:16 | Aditya | I stopped planniing that in favor of making my own laptop |
01:49:19 | BHSPitLappy | better for your purpose than trying to modify a closed, commercial product like that, IMO |
01:49:20 | Aditya | like from scratch |
01:49:28 | Aditya | I am going to take metal shop courses |
01:49:33 | BHSPitLappy | haha awesome |
01:49:43 | Aditya | yeah it should be cool |
01:49:44 | BHSPitLappy | careful making that hard drive, I hear they're a bitch to make |
01:49:51 | Aditya | whether or not it actually happens... |
01:49:56 | Aditya | well I Wont make the individual parts |
01:50:00 | BHSPitLappy | ;) |
01:50:03 | Aditya | I will probably only make the case and such |
01:50:04 | Aditya | but yeah |
01:50:17 | Aditya | it would be cool if I could get around to it |
01:50:18 | BHSPitLappy | and all the keyboard keys! |
01:50:27 | Aditya | that wouldn't be too hard |
01:50:36 | BHSPitLappy | with raised lettering! |
01:50:36 | Aditya | it would just be a few molds |
01:50:43 | Aditya | eh |
01:50:45 | BHSPitLappy | lol |
01:50:45 | Aditya | screw that |
01:50:49 | Aditya | if I made keys |
01:50:49 | BHSPitLappy | scratch that |
01:50:52 | Aditya | I would make em LEDS |
01:50:54 | BHSPitLappy | glowing letters. |
01:50:55 | BHSPitLappy | yeah. |
01:50:59 | Aditya | so I could change the lettering |
01:51:12 | BHSPitLappy | make the laptop out of NERF |
01:51:13 | Aditya | so when I play hl2 I get to have WSAD be arros |
01:51:16 | BHSPitLappy | so you can drop it |
01:51:26 | Aditya | how about I just make it out of carbon fiber |
01:51:40 | Aditya | (and go broke in the process) |
01:52:03 | BHSPitLappy | make one of these |
01:52:03 | BHSPitLappy | http://www.artlebedev.com/portfolio/optimus/ |
01:52:17 | JdGordon | BHSPitLappy: i was gonna suggest it |
01:52:22 | JdGordon | but cbf finding the link :p |
01:52:36 | BHSPitLappy | I've had my eye on that for a couple years :P |
01:53:58 | BHSPitLappy | that photoshop layout is drool-worthy :) |
01:54:23 | | Quit webguest57 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:54:27 | virtualball2 | wow thats an awsome keyboard! |
01:56:56 | JdGordon | damn my mobile is expensive :P $10 for a 11min call :'( |
01:57:38 | virtualball2 | haha |
01:57:39 | Mikachu | that's like 14x what i pay |
01:57:52 | JdGordon | thats AUD$.. |
01:58:47 | Mikachu | 8x then |
01:58:58 | amiconn | linuxstb: Changes to chess*clock* made to chessbox.c ?? ;) |
01:59:31 | * | amiconn can play chess on his Ondios now |
01:59:41 | PhoenixSpirit | I'm not a developer by any means, but want to experience with rockbox programming on iHP-120...is there a good functions reference available ? |
01:59:46 | Aditya | hmm |
01:59:52 | Aditya | what the hell is rockbox written in? |
01:59:59 | Aditya | I mean whats the base language? |
02:00 |
02:00:01 | Mikachu | c/asm |
02:00:03 | PhoenixSpirit | C and ASM, I guess |
02:00:07 | Aditya | ah |
02:00:34 | PhoenixSpirit | I mean a reference library where I can find lcd_puts() and such... |
02:00:37 | PhoenixSpirit | anyone ? :) |
02:03:17 | amiconn | There is no general reference |
02:04:02 | amiconn | There's only partial documentation, e.g. I've documented my graphics api work |
02:06:02 | amiconn | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GraphicsAPI |
02:07:12 | Aditya | man this is why open source fucking owns |
02:07:28 | PhoenixSpirit | thanks very much |
02:08:37 | PhoenixSpirit | what compiler is recommended in Windows environment ? Can for example Dev-C++ (Mingw32) handle the rockbox source ? |
02:08:43 | virtualball2 | does anyone know how to use fdisk in here? |
02:09:11 | Mikachu | virtualball2: if you're talking about fdisk.exe, my tip is use something else |
02:09:30 | virtualball2 | i cant i use fdisk on a mac lol |
02:09:46 | Mikachu | see if you have cfdisk |
02:09:54 | virtualball2 | ok |
02:10:17 | virtualball2 | nope lol |
02:12:33 | JdGordon | PhoenixSpirit: get cygwin going.. |
02:13:44 | PhoenixSpirit | is it complicated to get it going ? :) |
02:14:16 | PhoenixSpirit | I mean, in Dev-C++ I just load the source and hit compile.... |
02:15:29 | Mikachu | in cygwin you only have to type 'make' |
02:15:37 | Mikachu | no clicking needed :P |
02:15:48 | PhoenixSpirit | right, thanks |
02:16:08 | PhoenixSpirit | do I need other files or just the rockbox source ? |
02:16:21 | PhoenixSpirit | and of course, complete cygwin packaga |
02:16:28 | PhoenixSpirit | -a +e |
02:16:31 | Mikachu | there are instructions somewhere on rockbox.org |
02:17:05 | Mikachu | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CygwinDevelopment |
02:18:06 | | Quit linuxstb (Connection timed out) |
02:19:06 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
02:28:26 | | Quit Mark__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:30:46 | PhoenixSpirit | thx again, I'll check that |
02:32:32 | | Join San [0] (n=test@213-202-166-140.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
02:48:58 | pyro | Can someone help me understand GPIO_READ, GPIO_OUT, GPIO_ENABLE and GPIO_FUNCTION for the mcf5249? |
02:49:08 | | Quit PhoenixSpirit ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
02:49:18 | pyro | I'm not sure what they are without a schematic, are they ports on the processor? |
02:54:13 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:00 |
03:00:53 | | Quit virtualball2 ("virtualball2 has no reason") |
03:04:47 | | Join webguest53 [0] (n=c3d41db3@labb.contactor.se) |
03:05:07 | webguest53 | . |
03:05:11 | | Nick webguest53 is now known as PhoenixSpirit (n=c3d41db3@labb.contactor.se) |
03:05:19 | PhoenixSpirit | damn timeouts :S |
03:09:56 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: Are you still around? |
03:13:30 | | Quit quobl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:15:44 | | Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/x-a8f2698364d88d75) |
03:16:52 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:22:56 | Mikachu | just finished a game of chess in chessbox, now i remember i suck but at least it works fine :) |
03:25:49 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Nick collision from services.) |
03:25:59 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: yep |
03:26:30 | kkurbjun | I guess that was a bit ago.. |
03:27:00 | linuxstb | I'm playing Doom at the moment... |
03:27:06 | kkurbjun | oh, great |
03:27:17 | kkurbjun | what all did you have to change? |
03:27:17 | linuxstb | What is the timer used for? |
03:27:37 | linuxstb | Just removing -fpack-struct, and fixing the malloc routine. |
03:27:39 | kkurbjun | it's for the game timing (gives 35 ticks/second) |
03:27:56 | linuxstb | Plus the timer function isn't implemented for ipod yet - took me a while to find that. |
03:28:11 | kkurbjun | you can just return the current rockbox tick |
03:28:21 | linuxstb | Yes, that's what I did. |
03:28:22 | kkurbjun | how are you running it right now? |
03:28:24 | kkurbjun | oh, ok |
03:28:31 | kkurbjun | yeah, it runs a bit fast, but it works |
03:28:40 | linuxstb | The button mappings are a bit crazy though, I'm just trying to figure them out. |
03:28:48 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (i=steve-o@adsl-65-68-201-28.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
03:28:59 | kkurbjun | oh, yeah, they are messed with in m_misc.c |
03:29:11 | kkurbjun | I was messing around with them for the H300 |
03:29:22 | kkurbjun | it needs a better way of mapping the keys |
03:29:24 | JdGordon | kkurbjun: any chance of getting straffing to work? |
03:29:45 | kkurbjun | Jdgordon, yes, all it requires is a button mapping and a good button to use it with |
03:30:17 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: The problem is that scroll events are exactly that - events. You can't check for them using button_status(). |
03:30:40 | kkurbjun | hmm? |
03:30:40 | linuxstb | So the iPod only really has five buttons. |
03:30:49 | Mikachu | 6 with the hold button |
03:30:50 | kkurbjun | oh, I see |
03:30:59 | Aditya | thats what the ipod sucks |
03:31:00 | kkurbjun | yeah, that would be tough |
03:31:04 | Aditya | *ducks to escape the flaming* |
03:31:14 | Mikachu | couldn't you map absolute values on the scroll wheel as buttons? |
03:31:29 | Mikachu | so like, if it gives values between 1 and 64, 1-10 would be turn left and so on |
03:31:42 | linuxstb | The button driver doesn't support that - but we probably should try and think of a way to do that. |
03:32:14 | Aditya | you could just add it as maybe a "module" that the button_check() function calls on after its done checking the regular buttons |
03:32:15 | Mikachu | if you have lots of free bits in button_status you could export it there |
03:32:52 | Mikachu | since ipods have 5 buttons and with rel and repeat, there should still be enough bits for 0-255... |
03:33:12 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: you might want to check how idoom handles it on the ipod, might be helpful |
03:34:09 | Mikachu | you could make a whack-a-mole type game with that too, with the moles on a circle :) |
03:35:38 | pyro | lol |
03:37:32 | | Nick ScoTTie_ is now known as ScoTTie (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) |
03:40:38 | | Quit PhoenixSpirit ("CGI:IRC") |
03:45:40 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: are you having any graphic errors in doom? |
03:46:34 | linuxstb | Not that I can notice. |
03:47:07 | Mikachu | do you think this will work? |
03:47:10 | Mikachu | if (status & 0x40000000) { |
03:47:10 | Mikachu | btn |= new_wheel_value << 24; |
03:47:37 | kkurbjun | ok, good, in r_draw there's a function that messes with the column drawing so it may cause some problems later down the road |
03:48:02 | linuxstb | Mikachu: I don't know. I just want to get the basic keys mapped for now. |
03:48:23 | Mikachu | not specifically doom |
03:49:53 | Mikachu | heh, didn't work |
03:51:05 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:51:16 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-32-194-202.bna.bellsouth.net) |
03:56:14 | JdGordon | how does the hold button work in doom? do the other buttons work when its on? or do u use it by turning it on then off? |
03:56:32 | Mikachu | in idoom you have to turn it on and off |
03:56:34 | linuxstb | No, it's a hardware hold button. |
03:56:52 | linuxstb | idoom uses it to bring up the menu - which seems sensible. |
03:57:32 | JdGordon | um... then how does the menu work if hld is on?? |
03:57:47 | linuxstb | You flick it on and then off to bring up the menu. |
03:57:55 | JdGordon | ah ok |
03:58:06 | linuxstb | And the same again to exit the menu. |
03:59:08 | JdGordon | oh how i love internatinoall forums :D figuring out the english is fun |
04:00 |
04:01:19 | linuxstb | The comments say that I_GetTime() should return the time in 1/70th second ticks - but you said 1/35th second ticks earlier. |
04:04:20 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: yeah, that comment is misleading |
04:04:47 | linuxstb | What do you mean "misleading"? Do you mean it's wrong? |
04:04:49 | kkurbjun | I compared the timing to other versions of doom (specifically prboom) which makes a strong effort to be as accurate as possible |
04:04:58 | kkurbjun | yeah, it's wrong |
04:05:13 | linuxstb | So 1/35th second is your best guess? |
04:05:25 | kkurbjun | if you send it ticks at 70/sec it will give you incorrect times for the end level times |
04:05:34 | kkurbjun | 35 is correct (I think |
04:05:37 | kkurbjun | ) |
04:05:59 | linuxstb | OK. The iPods have a microsecond timer - I can use that to calculate 1/35th second ticks. |
04:06:51 | linuxstb | It's a better long-term solution on iPods than creating a timer anyway. |
04:07:18 | kkurbjun | why is that? |
04:07:32 | linuxstb | Because you don't have the overhead of creating a new timer interrupt. |
04:07:41 | linuxstb | The microsecond timer is free. |
04:08:22 | linuxstb | (it's just a memory location that's incremented 1000000 times per second) |
04:08:26 | kkurbjun | yeah, I wanted to do something like that in the H300, I was thinking of the RTC, but I don't know if it has the precision.. the lowest rockbox gives access to is seconds |
04:08:40 | linuxstb | No, the RTC won't help with that. |
04:09:42 | kkurbjun | is it not addressable in memory? |
04:10:15 | linuxstb | No - you read it via the i2c bus. So it's slow to read, and I think it only gives you 1-second accuracy as well. |
04:10:24 | kkurbjun | I see |
04:11:02 | pyro | Anyone want to try filling me in with what they know about the USB status of the H3x0 series? It doesnt work for me - anyone want to hint at what is missing or not working? |
04:11:24 | kkurbjun | I wish prboom hadn't used so many library calls, it has some great stuff for speedups, but it's all so scrambled into the code it's hard to pull things out |
04:12:59 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: have you worked with rockboy much |
04:13:22 | linuxstb | No. Were you the person who made the recent improvements? |
04:14:01 | kkurbjun | I was thinking about the cpu core, instead of a big switch statement having a hash algorithm to pull out the opcode.. yes I did that last big update |
04:14:10 | linuxstb | Is key_use the same as "open" ? |
04:14:17 | kkurbjun | yep |
04:15:45 | linuxstb | Have you looked at iBoy? There's an ARM assembler core which I want to look at sometime - to see if it gives an improvement over the existing code. |
04:16:15 | linuxstb | Also, the full-screen mode is broken on the ipod video for Rockboy - it seems that the upscaling is hard-coded for a 220x176 screen? |
04:16:42 | linuxstb | But it works well in normal mode. |
04:16:51 | Mikachu | heh, now i can set the colour sliders in the bg/fg selector absolutely with the wheel |
04:16:53 | kkurbjun | no, I havn't, yes, it's not a general function for the scaling |
04:17:06 | Mikachu | but i can't change slider without setting the value to ~42 |
04:17:12 | Mikachu | but it's pretty cool still |
04:17:43 | kkurbjun | the scaling is in lcd.c and it's an if statement similar to how I do the downscaling in doom |
04:17:46 | Mikachu | you just have to touch the wheel to change the value |
04:17:56 | kkurbjun | so it won't work for other image sizes |
04:18:12 | Mikachu | it's pretty accurate too |
04:19:06 | linuxstb | I've now got some keys working ok for the ipod - LEFT is left, RIGHT is right, MENU is up & open, PLAY is weapon and SELECT is shoot & enter. |
04:19:39 | linuxstb | There is no way to get to the menu during the game though - we'll have to do something with the hold button. |
04:19:47 | Mikachu | i introduced a new function wheel_status that returns 0-95 |
04:19:49 | linuxstb | But I can give you a patch. |
04:20:05 | kkurbjun | sounds good |
04:20:17 | kkurbjun | how many warnings were there on gcc 4? |
04:20:25 | linuxstb | Mikachu: It's 3.20am now, so I think it will have to wait... But it sounds useful. |
04:20:26 | BHSPitLappy | linuxstb: I think PLAY should be shoot, like in iDoom... it makes it more possible to fire while turning/navigating |
04:20:43 | BHSPitLappy | (especially on my nano :)) |
04:21:11 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: how well does it run on the ipod by the way? |
04:21:37 | BHSPitLappy | Mikachu: care to elaborate? |
04:22:38 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: It seems to run very well. |
04:22:48 | linuxstb | BHSPitLappy: OK, I'll swap them. |
04:22:52 | BHSPitLappy | thanks :) |
04:22:54 | kkurbjun | have you used idoom |
04:22:57 | midkay | linuxstb, you have it running on the ipod? video? |
04:23:34 | linuxstb | I haven't tried the video yet, just the 4g Color. |
04:23:45 | midkay | linuxstb, awesome.. |
04:23:56 | linuxstb | It may have problems on the video - the video's LCD is larger than Doom's native resolution (320x200) |
04:24:04 | Mikachu | BHSPitLappy, linuxstb: http://mikachu.ath.cx/patches/rockbox-wheel-absolute.patch |
04:24:06 | midkay | no need to stretch ;) |
04:24:23 | linuxstb | There is a need to stretch. |
04:24:32 | linuxstb | Have you played iDoom on the 5g? |
04:25:06 | midkay | linuxstb, why? |
04:25:28 | midkay | oh, no, it doesn't run on the 5g.. or didn't when i tried it last night. |
04:25:52 | | Quit Daishi ("Client exiting...") |
04:26:07 | linuxstb | midkay: You need to ask hyarion for the 5g version. |
04:26:17 | midkay | he got it working? |
04:26:33 | linuxstb | Yes - I helped him test it, and I think he posted a message to the ipodlinux forums offering it. |
04:26:48 | midkay | very cool.. i'd love to try it.. |
04:26:53 | linuxstb | But he hasn't updated the official release yet - he's waiting for ipodlinux itself to be more usable on the 5g. |
04:27:06 | midkay | ah, you're talking idoom.. |
04:27:23 | linuxstb | Yes - "Have you played iDoom on the 5g?" |
04:27:52 | midkay | linuxstb, i didn't notice you meant idoom. i thought you were talking about the rockbox doom plugin. |
04:28:08 | midkay | considering you were just talking to kkurbjun, the "master" of it.. |
04:28:12 | BHSPitLappy | linuxstb: he's given me links to both a working and an experimental (wants to be tested) release for 5g |
04:28:47 | BHSPitMonkey | without source, I guess they're pointless. |
04:29:38 | kkurbjun | midkay: linuxstb has a version of rockdoom running on the ipods |
04:29:49 | kkurbjun | not the video yet though |
04:29:58 | midkay | ah :\ |
04:30:00 | linuxstb | No, my point was that iDoom on the 5g stretches the display to 240 lines high - so I think Rockdoom should do the same. |
04:30:11 | midkay | linuxstb, i was just curious as to why. |
04:30:27 | BHSPitMonkey | midkay: do you want the link to the version that works on 5g |
04:30:36 | midkay | BHSPitLappy, it's for ipodlinux? |
04:30:39 | BHSPitMonkey | yeah |
04:30:42 | BHSPitMonkey | binary |
04:31:00 | midkay | i haven't even heard there's a way to install ipodlinux on the 5g (or at least how).. |
04:31:12 | kkurbjun | shouldn't be too difficult to stretch it, jsut double a line here or there |
04:31:22 | BHSPitMonkey | midkay: uhh, never mind then :P |
04:31:29 | kkurbjun | what is the video's resolution? |
04:31:32 | * | BHSPitMonkey has installed iPL and rockbox on 2 5G's |
04:31:40 | BHSPitMonkey | kkurbjun: QVGA |
04:31:40 | midkay | BHSPitMonkey, if you can point me to instructions.. :) |
04:32:13 | linuxstb | Anyway, here's my patch to get rockdoom working on the ipod: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/doom_ipod.diff |
04:32:16 | BHSPitMonkey | midkay: it's not much different from a manual install on any other ipod, but ipodlinux.org/5G or ipodlinux.org/installation_from_linux |
04:32:23 | kkurbjun | oh, so ignoring those 20 pixels at the bottom shouldn't be a problem either to start with |
04:32:50 | | Join San [0] (n=test@213-202-166-140.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
04:32:57 | kkurbjun | having the same width simplifies things |
04:32:58 | midkay | BHSPitMonkey, podzilla works as well now? |
04:33:13 | BHSPitMonkey | midkay: podzilla2 does |
04:33:21 | midkay | awesome.. |
04:33:22 | BHSPitMonkey | as well as mame |
04:33:38 | BHSPitMonkey | (and doom) |
04:33:56 | linuxstb | Is mame still pacman-only, or have some of the other games been put back? |
04:34:09 | BHSPitMonkey | linuxstb: look at #ipodlinux |
04:34:21 | BHSPitMonkey | he's been adding lots of rom capabilities tonight. |
04:42:56 | JdGordon | ipl is using mame but we cant :'( ? |
04:43:51 | kkurbjun | it's not gpl code, but that doesn't mean someone can't port mame, just wouldn't get added to cvs |
04:44:09 | JdGordon | k |
04:44:14 | kkurbjun | (I'm guessing that it wouldn't be added to cvs) |
04:46:06 | | Join coob [0] (i=pen0r@host-84-9-63-253.bulldogdsl.com) |
04:46:07 | coob | Selected sdl simulator |
04:46:10 | coob | Unsupported system: Darwin, fix configure and retry |
04:46:12 | coob | :( |
04:46:30 | Mikachu | this goes with my other patch, only for ipod 4g pads... http://mikachu.ath.cx/patches/rockbox-colour_settings-ipodwheel.patch |
04:46:59 | Mikachu | http://mikachu.ath.cx/patches/rockbox-wheel-absolute.patch |
04:48:50 | | Quit DrumRBoy320 () |
04:49:29 | pyro | http://www.rockbox.org/daily.shtml <−− I think 02-24 H300 compile failed, yet the table says its good |
04:53:00 | linuxstb | coob: Patches welcome :) |
04:53:20 | linuxstb | As you can tell, there aren't any Mac using developers around here... |
04:53:28 | imphasing | linuxstb: So far, I have pacman and pengo working, and centipede "working" |
04:53:31 | imphasing | :) |
04:53:33 | Aditya | macs suck |
04:53:36 | Aditya | *ducks again* |
04:54:07 | imphasing | I have it compiled with all the mame games though, and I haven't tested anything else. |
04:54:10 | linuxstb | I just wish mame was open source.... |
04:54:15 | imphasing | I should try some other ones.. |
04:54:50 | linuxstb | Have you tried the 6502 code? |
04:55:04 | imphasing | nope, not yet |
04:55:08 | imphasing | not sure which roms go with that |
04:55:18 | imphasing | well..centipede is 6502 |
04:55:24 | imphasing | but it doesn't really work |
04:55:26 | imphasing | it freezes |
04:55:36 | imphasing | not sure if it's the core, or just a shoddy rom |
04:56:20 | linuxstb | Mikachu: What does your colour settings patch do? |
04:56:38 | Mikachu | i stole JdGordon's patch and modified it |
04:56:52 | Mikachu | so it's the same as that, + it uses the absolute values of the wheel now |
04:57:05 | Mikachu | it was the first thing i could think of that had sliders |
04:57:27 | linuxstb | Is that just a test then, rather than something you would like added to CVS? |
04:57:28 | Mikachu | i'd say the relative one is preferable, it's just a proof of concept thing |
04:57:31 | Mikachu | yeah |
04:57:34 | BHSPitMonkey | volume? song position? :P |
04:57:39 | BHSPitMonkey | how crazy would that be |
04:57:43 | Mikachu | i don't think volume is a good idea :) |
04:57:51 | Mikachu | if you touch near menu, the volume would be maxed |
04:57:51 | BHSPitMonkey | definitely ;) |
04:58:03 | BHSPitMonkey | that happens with retailos, though |
04:58:03 | Mikachu | i was more thinking of games and such |
04:58:37 | linuxstb | Maybe there should also be a function to enable/disable the scroll events as well then - it doesn't make sense to have both methods working at the same time. |
04:58:56 | RotAtoR | pyro: actually it looks like most of the regular bleeding edge builds are silently broken |
04:59:03 | RotAtoR | make[2]: *** No rule to make target `build-recorder/apps/plugins/chessbox.rock', needed by `all'. |
04:59:13 | RotAtoR | make[2]: *** No rule to make target `build-recorder/apps/plugins/dep-plugins', needed by `all'. |
04:59:21 | BHSPitMonkey | RotAtoR: user error! |
04:59:56 | pyro | Rotator: ok - I'm sure whoever maintains it will notice then. |
05:00 |
05:00:05 | RotAtoR | hopefully |
05:00:22 | pyro | I can't get CVS to download either - but I think that's just me. Is that down too now? |
05:00:31 | RotAtoR | strange that the build table doesn't show any of the errors though |
05:00:58 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:01:16 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB6971A.ipt.aol.com) |
05:01:49 | linuxstb | Seems amiconn forgot to add apps/plugins/chessbox.c as part of his last commit. |
05:02:41 | | Quit Shadowarrior13 () |
05:09:36 | | Join infamis [0] (n=40518b28@labb.contactor.se) |
05:12:28 | infamis | Yo! |
05:16:08 | infamis | everyone must be on the other side of the world...it's only 10pm |
05:16:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:17:32 | | Quit Rob2222_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
05:18:10 | Mikachu | or maybe not everyone replies to "Yo!" from a stranger |
05:19:16 | midkay | yeah, you little... little.. you know... stalker-guy. |
05:19:21 | midkay | molester. |
05:19:25 | midkay | i'm not responding to that. |
05:19:46 | midkay | what an obvious trap. what's next, you want me to come into your car to check out your new WPS? :) |
05:23:09 | infamis | I'm no stranger, everybody knows me! |
05:26:38 | infamis | does anyone know how to get to the main menu in the sim-build for the x5? |
05:32:01 | midkay | no idea. |
05:32:12 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-210.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
05:32:26 | infamis | hmm |
05:32:34 | midkay | um. |
05:40:32 | | Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) |
05:41:25 | | Quit ScoTTie (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:41:42 | | Quit imphasing ("Lost terminal") |
05:42:41 | | Join imphasing [0] (n=imphasin@c-69-250-93-218.hsd1.dc.comcast.net) |
05:42:52 | | Quit imphasing (Remote closed the connection) |
05:56:20 | | Quit webguest73 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
06:00 |
06:05:57 | Mikachu | uh... |
06:05:58 | Mikachu | pad_pos_x+=LCD_WIDTH-pad_pos_x-PAD_WIDTH; |
06:07:42 | midkay | wtf. |
06:09:33 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:09:41 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-32-194-202.bna.bellsouth.net) |
06:12:45 | Mikachu | woop, absolute wheel control in brickmania |
06:14:15 | | Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:15:25 | midkay | Mikachu, huh? |
06:15:45 | midkay | ah, you did the more precise reading of the scrollwheel? |
06:15:49 | Mikachu | yeah |
06:15:55 | Mikachu | so now you can move the pad to a specific position |
06:16:00 | Mikachu | so it's actually possible to play |
06:16:00 | midkay | awesome. great. hm. |
06:16:02 | midkay | haha. |
06:16:14 | Mikachu | just needs some minor tweaking |
06:16:22 | midkay | (psst - working on a space invaders plugin - get that patch committed) ;) |
06:17:22 | Mikachu | heh |
06:17:46 | Mikachu | i need to talk to that zagor guy or what's his name is to fix me a password on the tracker.. my sf account mail doesn't work even tohugh the settings are right |
06:20:15 | | Quit `3nergy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:22:17 | midkay | Mikachu, ah, i had the same problem |
06:23:07 | Mikachu | i get no such @users.sourceforge.net bounces |
06:23:19 | | Nick Aditya is now known as Aditya|Zzz (i=user@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
06:25:50 | midkay | weird |
06:27:31 | | Join Thus0 [0] (i=Thus0@100.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) |
06:34:47 | | Quit segphault ("Chatzilla 0.9.70 [Firefox 1.0.7/20050915]") |
06:40:45 | | Quit Thus0 ("Leaving") |
06:42:03 | | Join San [0] (n=test@213-202-166-140.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
06:45:19 | | Part infamis |
06:45:24 | | Join infamis [0] (n=40518b28@labb.contactor.se) |
06:49:07 | | Join segphault [0] (n=chatzill@ |
06:53:15 | | Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) |
06:54:32 | | Join `3nergy [0] (n=3nergy@techgaming.net) |
07:00 |
07:03:23 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:05:46 | | Quit RotAtoR ("zzzzzzzz") |
07:07:38 | Mikachu | http://mikachu.ath.cx/patches/rockbox-brickmania-absolute-wheel.patch |
07:09:11 | | Join owang [0] (n=3ff96cfa@labb.contactor.se) |
07:09:26 | owang | im having problems compiling this new cvs. |
07:09:50 | owang | "no rule to make target 'chessbox.c'" |
07:10:03 | Mikachu | known problem |
07:10:17 | owang | whats the command to get a older version of cvs? |
07:10:20 | Mikachu | you can remove chessbox from SUBDIRS in Makefile in the meantime |
07:10:21 | infamis | comment it out in SOURCES |
07:10:26 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
07:10:36 | owang | ah cool thanks. |
07:10:40 | Mikachu | it's not in SOURCES since it's not just one file |
07:11:52 | | Quit ScoTTie (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:12:05 | owang | hm, wait where do i find it? theres no "chessbox" in my makefile |
07:14:02 | Mikachu | the Makefile in apps/plugins |
07:15:17 | infamis | chessbox isn't in that makefile |
07:15:23 | Mikachu | hm, it isn't? |
07:15:29 | owang | no it is in that one |
07:15:36 | owang | its just not in the /build makefile |
07:15:58 | Mikachu | indeed |
07:16:06 | infamis | or there's no direct mention of it in that file |
07:16:27 | owang | although it still doesnt make... crud. im not very good at this makefile stuff :P |
07:16:40 | Mikachu | # chessbox is too big to fit in the 32KB Archos plugin buffer, so we only |
07:16:40 | Mikachu | # build for IRIVER and IPOD targets |
07:16:40 | Mikachu | ifneq (,$(strip $(foreach tgt,IRIVER IPOD,$(findstring $(tgt),$(TARGET))))) |
07:16:40 | Mikachu | ifneq (-DIRIVER_IFP7XX,$(TARGET)) |
07:16:40 | Mikachu | SUBDIRS += chessbox |
07:16:42 | Mikachu | endif |
07:16:45 | Mikachu | endif |
07:16:47 | Mikachu | just remove that |
07:16:48 | owang | yea thats what i commented out |
07:16:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:16:59 | owang | do i have to clear some reconfigure or make clean |
07:17:12 | Mikachu | no.. |
07:17:18 | Mikachu | you get the same error or another one? |
07:17:24 | owang | yea |
07:17:52 | owang | oh, maybe the variable SUBDIRS doesnt clear? |
07:18:16 | Mikachu | it's certainly not remembered between invocations of make |
07:19:38 | owang | make[2]: *** No rule to make target `chessbox.c', needed by `/home/owang/rockbox |
07:19:54 | owang | did you get this working infamis |
07:20:00 | | Quit moozooh (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:21:24 | Mikachu | you may need to make clean first |
07:21:29 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:21:36 | Mikachu | if it caches dependencies |
07:22:01 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-32-194-202.bna.bellsouth.net) |
07:22:21 | owang | yea trying that now. ill let you know in a sec : ( |
07:22:25 | infamis | owang: what target? |
07:22:27 | owang | heh. (slow compiler) |
07:23:57 | owang | hrm. same error |
07:24:35 | owang | it comes after AR+RANLIB /home/owang/rockbox/build/libplugin.a |
07:25:27 | | Quit ghode|afk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:28:01 | | Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@155.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) |
07:32:19 | infamis | hmm...I get a different err: no rule to make target '<<<<<<<' needed by apps/plugins/dep-plugins right after ar+ranlib libplugin.a |
07:33:23 | Mikachu | you have a cvs conflict... |
07:33:52 | infamis | you are right |
07:33:57 | infamis | lemme see |
07:35:28 | | Part YouCeyE ("Leaving") |
07:35:37 | infamis | forgot I had bejeweled commented out when I was building x5 sim |
07:37:10 | owang | you have to take it out of /apps/plugins/SOURCES file |
07:37:44 | | Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp9-adsl-40.ath.forthnet.gr) |
07:38:06 | infamis | yeah I had commented it out yesterday & cvs did the whole <<<<<sources >>>>>1.90 thing to it |
07:40:45 | | Join Zoide777 [0] (n=800c5ab5@labb.contactor.se) |
07:41:09 | B4gder | that's how CVS display merging conflicts |
07:41:42 | ashridah | infamis: if you look closely, when it's updating, it lists a conflicting file with a C prepended |
07:42:27 | Zoide777 | Mikachu: so with your new path, would it be possible to have accelerated scrolling? (e.g. through long song lists as in retailos) |
07:42:33 | Zoide777 | *patch |
07:42:34 | infamis | hmm...I had not noticed, the screen was moving quickly |
07:48:50 | infamis | ok, I commented out subdirs += checkbox in the makefile, but that alone didn't do it...had to comment it out chessbox.c in SOURCES too |
07:48:59 | infamis | * += chessbox |
07:49:44 | infamis | #if (MEM <= 8) && !defined(SIMULATOR) /* loaders, only needed for Archos */ |
07:49:46 | infamis | chessbox.c |
07:49:58 | infamis | is maybe what is forcing it be included |
07:50:02 | coob | does rockbox use the cop at all on the ipod? |
07:50:12 | B4gder | coob: nope, not yet |
07:51:45 | | Quit DreamTactix291 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:52:04 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-32-194-202.bna.bellsouth.net) |
07:52:11 | Zoide777 | since it's all open source, couldn't rockbox borrow the display code from ipodlinux for the 4g greyscale? I was even able to watch videos with synced sound today on mine! |
07:52:30 | B4gder | Zoide777: go ahead |
07:52:44 | B4gder | (but yes we have already "borrowed" code from IPL) |
07:53:59 | Zoide777 | B4gder: I don't know enough about the code yet, but I suppose that if it hasn't been done yet it's b/c it's not that easy? is there something fundamentally different between ipl & rb that would make the display stuff incompatible? |
07:54:43 | B4gder | Zoide777: they're entirely different beasts |
07:55:33 | B4gder | the problem is not the lcd driver or greyscale |
07:55:46 | B4gder | its a matter of porting the video player app |
07:56:09 | Zoide777 | B4gder: does it depend on the linux kernel? |
07:56:09 | | Quit owang ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
07:56:36 | B4gder | I doubt that |
07:56:47 | | Quit infamis ("my TTL has expired....") |
07:57:01 | Mikachu | Zoide777: i don't know if it helps there |
07:57:15 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:58:43 | Zoide777 | B4gder: but besides the video... I had understood (from preglow i think) that there's this greyscale lib (which essentially fakes the extra greys by flickering i think) that didn't work on the 4g yet. and afaik this library can be used for all sorts of things, like doom. isn't there something like this already available in ipl? |
07:58:43 | | Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) |
07:59:20 | Zoide777 | Mikachu: but does it solve the old problem of generating a bunch of events when moving the scrollwheel? |
07:59:27 | | Part midgey34 |
07:59:54 | Mikachu | no, it still does that |
08:00 |
08:00:10 | B4gder | Zoide777: well, our grayscale lib works for other targets too and not just iPod so its a matter of making our lib work on iPod too |
08:00:11 | Zoide777 | oh, i see |
08:00:18 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-41-91.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
08:00:42 | Mikachu | Zoide777: i just added an interface for getting the absolute value |
08:01:06 | Zoide777 | B4gder: ah, ok. so maybe we could just copy over the 4g lib from ipl, but it would mess up the unified cross-platform model of rockbox |
08:01:07 | B4gder | the IPL is "only" for iPod so they have it slightly easier at times |
08:01:37 | B4gder | Zoide777: copying doesn't work in the first place since Rockbox and Linux aren't that compatible |
08:01:47 | B4gder | thus the need for "porting" |
08:02:52 | Zoide777 | Mikachu: ah ok. i'll have a look at your patch to see if that can give me some ideas. I had made a little hack some days ago for accelerating scrolling, but it was too inefficient, etc. maybe the way you get the positions will be useful for my thing |
08:03:46 | | Join |Beowulf| [0] (n=Beowulf@82-46-57-180.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
08:04:13 | Zoide777 | B4gder: interesting.. well thanks for the info |
08:05:19 | | Quit |Beowulf| (Client Quit) |
08:05:56 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
08:06:43 | | Quit kkurbjun (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:15:34 | | Join DJ_Dooms_Day [0] (n=DJDD@220-245-186-182.static.tpgi.com.au) |
08:16:12 | | Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:17:03 | | Join moda [0] (i=modafrom@CPE-138-130-209-183.qld.bigpond.net.au) |
08:17:49 | moda | hey guys, im having a bit of trouble. i just set my player to directory cache, and now everytime i boot up, it goes scanning disk, then goes failed, result = -2. wtf is this? |
08:19:39 | moda | also, can someone explain to me how i can get my battery meter to show it charging? |
08:19:52 | Bg3r | moda: ipod ? |
08:21:55 | moda | h300 |
08:21:58 | ashridah | i think he means in a WPS |
08:22:22 | moda | the first question, im using h340, and the second question, yes in the wps |
08:22:36 | Bg3r | moda did you check your player's fs for errors ? |
08:22:51 | moda | as in, disk check? |
08:22:58 | B4gder | or possibly there's a long file name present |
08:23:17 | B4gder | (the unicode MAX_PATH problem) |
08:23:40 | moda | hrm, i havent added any new songs, i just reset it this morning as the wps was being funky, and now, i was changing my settings back to what i had before, and now it does this. |
08:23:42 | Bg3r | ah, yeah |
08:24:14 | Bg3r | moda do you have directories/filenames with non-latin chars ? |
08:24:30 | moda | not to my knowledge |
08:25:12 | Bg3r | moda can you give me the exact string "failed, result =" ? |
08:25:23 | | Join arf-arf [0] (i=arf-arf@bb-87-82-17-244.ukonline.co.uk) |
08:25:28 | moda | yea, ill just reboot it |
08:25:48 | arf-arf | can anyone tell me the screensize for the iRiver 1x0 please? |
08:26:04 | Bg3r | arf-arf look at the wiki, DeviceChart topic |
08:26:09 | arf-arf | cheers |
08:26:37 | moda | "failed! result: -2" is what it says |
08:26:56 | Bg3r | moda on one row ? |
08:27:01 | moda | yea |
08:27:15 | moda | between the scanning disk line and the version line |
08:28:11 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m53.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
08:28:55 | Moos | Morning |
08:29:07 | moda | afternoon |
08:29:19 | Moos | hehe :) |
08:29:20 | moda | :D |
08:29:28 | moda | [17:29] <moda> afternoon |
08:29:46 | moda | :p |
08:30:20 | Moos | 08:29 here in Paris |
08:30:33 | moda | are there any wps's that when charging the bmp battery bar ticks over? |
08:30:45 | moda | im trying to do that, and its not working very well :( |
08:31:42 | Bg3r | moda |
08:31:43 | Bg3r | if (dircache_travel(&dir, dircache_root) < 0) |
08:31:43 | Bg3r | { |
08:31:43 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK Bg3r |
08:31:43 | Bg3r | logf("dircache_travel failed"); |
08:31:43 | Bg3r | cpu_boost(false); |
08:31:43 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
08:31:43 | Bg3r | dircache_size = 0; |
08:31:44 | *** | Alert Mode level 2 |
08:31:44 | Bg3r | return -2; |
08:31:46 | Bg3r | } |
08:32:04 | Bg3r | check your fs |
08:33:00 | moda | ok |
08:33:52 | Bg3r | i mean the player's fs of course |
08:33:52 | | Quit erus () |
08:34:16 | moda | yea, of course |
08:35:17 | Slasheri | moda: either you have too many small files, or too deep directory structure |
08:36:19 | moda | probably too deep directory structure. mine goes root -> music -> genre -> subgenre -> subsubgenre -> artist -> album -> songs. :p |
08:36:37 | Slasheri | ah, that might be the problem |
08:37:10 | Bg3r | Slasheri huh |
08:37:41 | Slasheri | Bg3r: there is a limit how many directories can be simultaneously open |
08:39:00 | moda | whats the internal windows disk checker thingo? |
08:39:56 | Bg3r | chkdsk |
08:40:29 | Bg3r | but probably the problem is what Slasheri pointed to ... he wrote the dircache ... |
08:40:53 | moda | mk, but i moved both my 2 major directories with all my songs in it, still does it, |
08:40:54 | moda | hrm |
08:41:26 | moda | heh, found it |
08:41:45 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
08:42:08 | moda | have 2 directories called the same thing. egh |
08:42:13 | | Join San [0] (n=test@213-202-166-140.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
08:42:17 | Mikachu | how did you manage to do that? |
08:42:28 | moda | nfi, seeing as i renamed both of them in rockbox |
08:42:37 | Mikachu | maybe it doesn't check for that |
08:42:47 | moda | probably not |
08:43:35 | moda | lets try this again, sam |
08:43:51 | Slasheri | hehe, than can be a problem indeed :) |
08:44:39 | moda | my charging script still isnt working :( |
08:45:01 | moda | nope, still does it |
08:46:51 | moda | wow, i have errors galore on my player :D |
08:49:02 | moda | does it search for any supported files, or all files? coz it may be annoyed at my secret pron stash :D |
08:49:43 | | Join owang [0] (n=1817b0eb@labb.contactor.se) |
08:50:01 | Bg3r | moda dircache caches *all* files |
08:50:06 | moda | yer |
08:50:51 | owang | anyone know how to convert from float to fixed point long? |
08:51:26 | moda | yer, moving my uber secret hiding spot for my pron stash fixed it :D |
08:51:28 | Mikachu | i guess that depends on your representation? |
08:51:54 | owang | well, i think that samples are fixed point long format |
08:52:00 | owang | on the coldfire |
08:52:37 | Bg3r | owang you must split the long in 2 parts - integer and fractional |
08:53:58 | Bg3r | and decide how much of it you need for the first and for the last |
08:54:25 | Bg3r | http://www.google.com/search?q=fixed+point+math+introduction |
08:54:47 | owang | is it just standard ieee floating points? |
08:55:12 | owang | 10 bit exponent |
08:55:25 | Bg3r | owang this is floating point ... |
08:55:34 | Bg3r | the fixed point is ... well, fixed |
08:55:51 | Bg3r | u have x bits for the integer part and y bits for the fractional part |
08:55:57 | Mikachu | an exponent says where the point is |
08:56:15 | owang | ok |
08:57:15 | Bg3r | and (depending on your needs) u decide how much will be x and y, respectively |
08:59:04 | moda | in wps's, can we make images display for a set amount of time, then move on to another one? |
08:59:54 | Bg3r | moda i think there is a tag for this (not especially for the images) |
09:00 |
09:00:11 | amiconn | m0rning |
09:00:17 | Bg3r | morning, ami |
09:00:23 | | Quit arf-arf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:00:34 | moda | is there a tag to make the battery bar move when charging? |
09:00:59 | amiconn | B4gder: There's something fishy with the official build system: |
09:01:24 | Bg3r | moda : CustomWPS topic in the wiki |
09:01:25 | amiconn | Even when things are clearly missing, the builds are sometimes green |
09:01:40 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Zagor) |
09:01:57 | amiconn | This isn't a problem of the detection script this time; the log shows no error either! |
09:02:02 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:02:02 | amiconn | Two examples: |
09:02:42 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-30-221.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
09:02:55 | amiconn | (1) X5 simulator. This builds and links sudoku, however, there are no bitmaps for sudoku built. It should fail to link, and does here |
09:03:10 | B4gder | it doesn't fail to link on linux |
09:03:52 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
09:04:55 | amiconn | (2) Archos bitmap targets. I didn't commit 2 changes because of a silly cvs behaviour. 'make' complained 'no rule to make target ...' for another user |
09:05:21 | amiconn | ((the 01:18 build) |
09:05:58 | amiconn | Nm, this _is_ indicated in the log |
09:06:15 | B4gder | yes, I see |
09:06:17 | amiconn | The colouring script doesn't pick up |
09:06:20 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
09:06:24 | | Part LinusN |
09:06:40 | B4gder | no, because its not a ld, gcc or similar error |
09:06:49 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
09:06:55 | amiconn | B4gder: How does sudoku for x5 sim link successfully on linux? :confused: |
09:07:20 | B4gder | because it links it to a shared lib, and they don't need all symbols present |
09:07:24 | LinusN | amiconn: the plugins are shared objects |
09:07:33 | amiconn | yes |
09:07:49 | amiconn | But then they are shared objects on windows as well... |
09:07:54 | B4gder | we'd need to add more magic to check for all symbols to "fix" that |
09:08:01 | B4gder | amiconn: windows and cygwin work differently |
09:09:22 | amiconn | hmm.... |
09:10:29 | moda | <Bg3r> moda : CustomWPS topic in the wiki <−−−− im looking in there, and i cant find anything that allows what i want |
09:11:29 | amiconn | shared object (*nix) == (almost) dll (win32) afaik |
09:11:40 | B4gder | yes, almost being the key |
09:12:01 | B4gder | there are in fact multiple differences |
09:13:20 | B4gder | my life with libcurl has tought me one or two of them ;-) |
09:13:24 | midkay | don't we have auto gain control on the recorders now? |
09:13:58 | | Quit Thus0 ("Leaving") |
09:15:30 | amiconn | B4gder: So the (currently) only way to catch these problems would be an automated buld on windows? |
09:15:33 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
09:15:33 | * | amiconn hides |
09:15:54 | ashridah | couldn't you start building using a cross compiler for windows? |
09:16:03 | Mikachu | i'm not sure but there should be an ld switch to force needing all symbols |
09:16:05 | Mikachu | or something |
09:16:08 | ashridah | wouldn't be cygwin tho, you'd need to start using mingw or something |
09:16:17 | midkay | am i on everyone's ignore list now or what? :) |
09:16:20 | B4gder | we've done cross-compiles for years |
09:16:29 | B4gder | I just recently stopped doing that |
09:16:43 | Mikachu | −−no-allow-shlib-undefined Do not allow unresolved references in shared libs |
09:16:46 | Mikachu | how bout that? |
09:16:59 | B4gder | sounds like something we should use |
09:17:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:17:08 | Mikachu | and/or this one, −−no-undefined Do not allow unresolved references in object files |
09:17:26 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:18:10 | Zoide777 | does anyone know where the scroll wheel code from button.c was borrowed from in the ipl source? I'm looking through the ipl code but I can't seem to find it. |
09:18:28 | Zoide777 | is it in the podzilla code or somewhere else? |
09:18:54 | Mikachu | i'm guessing the kernel but maybe not |
09:19:13 | midkay | i don't see it anywhere in the code but i could have sworn there was automatic gain control for recording - anybody? *sigh* |
09:19:26 | ScoTTie | linux\arch\armnommu\mach-ipod |
09:19:37 | ScoTTie | keyboard.c |
09:19:48 | amiconn | There are some other plugins that need adjustment for x5. Brickmania, chessbox and solitaire build but use wrong bitmaps |
09:19:50 | ScoTTie | why do you want the keyboard code ? |
09:20:48 | Zoide777 | ScoTTie: me? |
09:20:53 | ScoTTie | yep |
09:21:28 | Zoide777 | b/c I want to see if I can improve the behavior of the scroll wheel in rockbox. I'd like it to "accelerate" like in retailos |
09:21:42 | ScoTTie | ah cool |
09:21:53 | Zoide777 | thanks for the info btw |
09:21:55 | ScoTTie | someone needs to slow it down for the mini |
09:21:58 | ScoTTie | np |
09:22:05 | ScoTTie | its unusable fast |
09:22:34 | Zoide777 | (I don't know very much about the rockbox/ipl code, but maybe i can submit some clever patch for the acceleration thing at least) |
09:22:48 | Zagor | Zoide777: look at how the normal key repeat works. it has accelleration already. |
09:23:05 | Mikachu | Zagor: could you possibly set a password for me manually in the tracker? |
09:23:29 | Zagor | Mikachu: it's easier for me to change your email address |
09:23:35 | Mikachu | okay |
09:23:52 | | Join arf-arf [0] (i=arf-arf@ |
09:23:52 | | Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h161n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
09:23:59 | Zoide777 | Zagor: in button.c, right? |
09:24:05 | Zagor | Zoide777: yes |
09:24:13 | midkay | Zagor, does the Recorder have automatic gain control? |
09:24:25 | Zagor | afaik no |
09:24:34 | Zoide777 | k, i'll see if i get any sudden enlightenment :) |
09:24:38 | midkay | maybe it was triggered recording i saw before.. |
09:25:05 | LinusN | midkay: must have been |
09:25:20 | LinusN | the recorder has automatic gain for *playback* |
09:25:21 | midkay | is AGC even possible? |
09:25:26 | midkay | right, right.. |
09:25:55 | Zagor | Mikachu: changed |
09:26:02 | Mikachu | thanks |
09:26:11 | B4gder | I don't do not gain stuff, I remain clueless about such stuff ;-) |
09:26:23 | B4gder | and I can't type |
09:26:26 | midkay | wtf? :) |
09:26:53 | midkay | yes, i do not hate not liking no things not rockbox. |
09:26:54 | midkay | ;) |
09:26:57 | midkay | whatever that means. |
09:27:41 | B4gder | any feature that mentiones "foobar2k" in the same sentense to get used properly is ignored by me |
09:28:09 | qwm | i'm so tired of this redundant project. |
09:28:27 | B4gder | qwm: bye bye then |
09:28:43 | qwm | you're really wasting your time on it B4gder |
09:28:53 | B4gder | no shit? |
09:29:16 | B4gder | I thought I was saving the world |
09:29:22 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-11-3.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
09:29:53 | qwm | rockbox causes leukemia in little children. :( |
09:30:38 | ashridah | good. too many of them anyway |
09:30:50 | JdGordon | haha |
09:30:53 | preglow | the bigger children are the real buggers |
09:30:53 | midkay | you disgust me! |
09:30:54 | JdGordon | ban.. ban.. ban... |
09:30:56 | * | LinusN silences the troll detector |
09:30:57 | preglow | we have to cause something in them too |
09:31:25 | * | JdGordon would be worried about the long erm effects of playing doom on the tiny screens during lectures tho... |
09:31:44 | preglow | i can't forsee anything more severe than your eyes exploding to happen |
09:32:10 | ashridah | JdGordon: it's detrimental. i think i played an entire semester's worth of rockboy-tetris in one subject last year |
09:32:22 | JdGordon | haha |
09:32:46 | * | JdGordon didnt have rockbox last year so i cant use that as my excuse for my marks :p but i can this year :D |
09:32:47 | | Join San [0] (n=test@213-202-166-140.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
09:33:27 | | Join moozooh [0] (n=moozooh@ |
09:33:42 | qwm | i'm not a troll, though.. i'm an aspiring irc comedian. |
09:33:45 | * | moda thinks someone should update the customwps to include new tags |
09:34:05 | B4gder | moda: go ahead |
09:34:09 | * | Mikachu throws rotten irc eggs at qwm |
09:34:10 | Zoide777 | qwm: lol |
09:34:12 | * | ashridah thinks someone should give him a million dollars :( |
09:34:21 | * | moda thinks everyone should suggest an hdd access icon for his wmp wps. |
09:34:26 | qwm | i guess i have to fine tune my act a little bit more. :( |
09:34:38 | ashridah | oh god. the football starts already? |
09:34:42 | * | ashridah hates this country sometimes |
09:34:52 | JdGordon | ashridah: ur not info afl? |
09:34:54 | qwm | which country is that? |
09:34:56 | moda | woo, football, gogo. QUEENSLANDER |
09:35:02 | ashridah | JdGordon: i'd sooner use windows |
09:35:02 | moda | qwm: 'straya |
09:35:06 | JdGordon | hahaha |
09:35:27 | * | JdGordon hates cricket and is glad the footy is back :D |
09:35:38 | moda | <moda> qwm: 'straya <===== i mean, Australia. yer. |
09:35:56 | qwm | ah. |
09:36:16 | moda | lol @ fat pizza. what an awesome movie |
09:36:21 | * | ashridah huggles cricket |
09:36:25 | JdGordon | fat pizza is terrible |
09:36:30 | ashridah | aussies V RSA on saturday :) |
09:37:16 | JdGordon | "27 Feb: Semester one teaching period commences" nooooooooooooo..... |
09:37:25 | ashridah | JdGordon: haha. |
09:37:34 | * | ashridah can't wait for the start of semester |
09:37:38 | moda | <JdGordon> fat pizza is terrible <−− i know, thats the point |
09:37:42 | ashridah | i'm going to be earnign a crapload of money tutoring :) |
09:37:50 | JdGordon | nice (y) |
09:38:01 | ashridah | (yay, 400 bucks a week :) ) |
09:38:09 | ashridah | for like 10 hours work |
09:38:29 | | Join paugh [0] (n=kickback@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:8000:0:3e03:6822) |
09:38:31 | JdGordon | damn! |
09:39:16 | ashridah | well, the problem is, it's implied that i'll mark 50 assignments, etc. :( |
09:39:25 | moda | fk those p-c bastards |
09:40:08 | moda | p-c is so 1990's |
09:40:23 | | Quit Higgy_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
09:40:33 | moda | _/end rant |
09:43:38 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:44:19 | B4gder | I think the time has some to split the daily build page in two: daily and cvs builds |
09:44:43 | JdGordon | or just neaten it up a bit.. the table is getting too wide :p |
09:45:03 | B4gder | and its about to go even wider |
09:45:13 | JdGordon | ipod3g?? whend that happen? |
09:45:21 | B4gder | there's at least two more ports pending |
09:45:37 | Zoide777 | btw how come there isn't an iPod section in the WPS gallery? (http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGallery) |
09:45:47 | midkay | no iPod WPS' yet? :) |
09:45:48 | B4gder | Zoide777: go ahead and make one |
09:46:15 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
09:46:58 | JdGordon | B4gder: do u really need to show so many builds? just show like the last 3 for each target and split up the table... |
09:47:01 | JdGordon | ..or something |
09:47:06 | Zoide777 | can a WikiName have accents? i.e. the e accent "é" for my name |
09:47:38 | JdGordon | and there is no bleedingedge 3g link at the bottom |
09:48:10 | B4gder | JdGordon: I don't think cutting the table like that saves anything good, and as you can see the 3g build fails anyway |
09:48:10 | | Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:48:49 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@c-24-16-191-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
09:48:55 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:49:19 | midkay | for the recorders, isn't turning on the device with ON a hardware function (unchangeable)? |
09:49:34 | B4gder | midkay: correct |
09:49:54 | Bg3r | midkay you want to turn it on with the "off" key maybe ? ;) |
09:50:07 | midkay | Bg3r, yes, that makes most sense to me! :) |
09:50:08 | moda | mother. of. god. http://bil.feber.se/2006/02/fungerande_mini.html 4 minute video, VERY VERY WORTH IT |
09:52:35 | | Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@155.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) |
09:53:43 | Mikachu | there, i think i've added all my patches now |
09:55:17 | midkay | does anyone get what this guy is asking? http://www.rockbox.org/bugs/task/381 |
09:55:31 | midkay | .. why isn't he using the included charger? |
09:55:51 | * | amiconn wonders in what way the build table is getting too wide |
09:56:08 | amiconn | The build table doesn't even take 2/3 of my browser window width... |
09:56:27 | B4gder | amiconn: then you have a very wide window or very highres screen |
09:56:52 | moda | midkay: i think it means that he wants it to go ac -> player -> battery, instead of what it is now, ac -> battery -> player, which is impossible to change without hardware mods |
09:57:02 | LinusN | midkay: i guess he doesn't want to use batteries, as when they wear out, the player doesn't work, even when connected to a charger |
09:57:23 | midkay | ah, i see.. |
09:57:31 | moda | what i said :D |
09:57:41 | midkay | haha. invalid, then.. |
09:57:47 | LinusN | still, it's not doable without a hardware mod |
09:57:53 | B4gder | the "HW-mod" category should be killed I'd say |
09:57:54 | LinusN | as moda said :-) |
09:58:00 | LinusN | B4gder: absolutely |
09:58:08 | Bg3r | ah, why ? |
09:58:24 | amiconn | On my linux box (1280x1024) it's about 2/3. On my laptop it's more like half of the window (1400x1050) |
09:58:25 | LinusN | Bg3r: why remove the category? |
09:58:31 | B4gder | because HW-mods are not Rockbox |
09:58:39 | Bg3r | ah... |
09:58:42 | Bg3r | okay, but ... |
09:59:19 | Bg3r | i think it's good this info to be categorised somewhere ... |
09:59:44 | B4gder | I disagree |
09:59:57 | LinusN | Bg3r: yes, but not in the tracker |
09:59:58 | B4gder | we need to clear off things that aren't valid |
10:00 |
10:00:13 | Bg3r | ah, they are in the tracker ? |
10:00:21 | LinusN | the tracker should only contain software changes |
10:00:21 | B4gder | yeps |
10:00:21 | Bg3r | i thought you talk about the wiki |
10:00:36 | LinusN | ah |
10:01:08 | Mikachu | i accidentally added a patch as a bug, will that make it less likely someone looks at it? |
10:01:24 | midkay | Mikachu, definitely :) |
10:01:36 | Bg3r | :)) |
10:01:53 | B4gder | Mikachu: what number? |
10:02:12 | LinusN | i have changed it |
10:02:16 | | Quit owang ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
10:02:29 | Mikachu | thanks |
10:03:17 | LinusN | midkay: album art fixed? |
10:03:19 | Mikachu | it's not possible to search by who submitted? |
10:03:26 | LinusN | no way |
10:03:26 | midkay | LinusN, don't we have support for that in CVS? |
10:03:42 | LinusN | there is a patch, but not in cvs |
10:03:50 | midkay | i remember reading at misticriver.. |
10:04:00 | B4gder | Mikachu: you can at least sort on "opened by" |
10:04:11 | Mikachu | ah |
10:04:14 | midkay | bah, they need to correct their article.. |
10:04:26 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-34-200.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
10:04:35 | LinusN | misticriver will always be misticriver... |
10:04:39 | midkay | whoever's registered should send them a PM/comment.. :) |
10:04:57 | midkay | yeah, i didn't think they'd be wrong about something like that though, they've got a picture and everything.. |
10:05:28 | LinusN | the pic is correct, just that it's a custom build |
10:05:41 | midkay | LinusN, right, they don't mention that it's a patch.. |
10:05:49 | midkay | "in the latest H300 Optimized Build".. |
10:05:53 | midkay | optimized?.. :) |
10:06:02 | Mikachu | -O99 |
10:06:11 | LinusN | -Omisticriver |
10:06:17 | midkay | hahaha |
10:06:19 | B4gder | midkay: yah, we love that name for it |
10:06:34 | midkay | in other words: the build with all the imaginable patches applied? :) |
10:06:35 | Mikachu | where does he have the source? |
10:06:42 | midkay | can anyone give me a link back to that so i can reopen it, or perhaps someone else can.. |
10:06:51 | LinusN | midkay: i reopened it |
10:07:03 | LinusN | midkay: it's in the confirmation mail |
10:07:04 | midkay | thanks for re-opening + heads up :) |
10:07:12 | midkay | i'm not subscribed to rockbox-sf.. |
10:07:16 | LinusN | don't you get those? |
10:07:17 | midkay | or the mailing list for that matter.. |
10:07:17 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-68-88.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
10:07:21 | Mikachu | ah he does have the source in the post |
10:08:15 | Mikachu | ROCKbox H300 Optimized logo |
10:08:15 | | Quit ScoTTie (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:08:18 | Mikachu | wow, even the logo is faster |
10:08:28 | | Join ScoTTie_ [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) |
10:08:29 | LinusN | a fast logo? |
10:08:33 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
10:08:38 | Jungti1234 | h |
10:08:39 | Jungti1234 | i |
10:08:59 | Bg3r | hi, Jungti1234 |
10:09:01 | midkay | HAHA. |
10:09:05 | Jungti1234 | :) |
10:09:09 | preglow | god damn, you people are ripping through flyspray |
10:09:10 | | Quit arf-arf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:09:14 | midkay | a fast logo.. haha. |
10:10:00 | | Quit Thus0 ("Leaving") |
10:10:41 | Bg3r | http://battellemedia.com/images/HomeComputer.jpg <= haha |
10:11:02 | midkay | haha. damn, they were close.. |
10:11:08 | Mikachu | that's a fake pic obviously |
10:11:24 | Bg3r | how scientists have seen the Personal Computer as of 2004 in 1954... |
10:11:41 | Mikachu | not obviously, but i saw it a few years ago and the source images used |
10:11:43 | midkay | Mikachu, nah, just ancient :) |
10:11:47 | midkay | i think.. |
10:12:49 | | Join slimx [0] (n=slimx@ |
10:12:52 | Mikachu | http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/hoaxes/computer.asp |
10:12:59 | ScoTTie_ | its a mockup |
10:13:00 | slimx | lo |
10:13:09 | ScoTTie_ | what the thought computers of the future would look like |
10:13:14 | ScoTTie_ | they* |
10:13:22 | ScoTTie_ | oh |
10:13:25 | ScoTTie_ | hah it says it there |
10:14:12 | Jungti1234 | hahaha |
10:15:05 | Jungti1234 | huge computer |
10:15:29 | | Quit Lynx_ (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The future of IRC") |
10:17:20 | midkay | http://www.rockbox.org/bugs/task/2686 - he means changing upside down? we already have that at F3, right? |
10:18:28 | Mikachu | are only players with an f3 button able to invert the screen orientation? |
10:18:40 | | Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@155.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) |
10:18:48 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:19:16 | midkay | i'm not sure about irivers. |
10:19:21 | midkay | ipods can't.. |
10:19:24 | midkay | afaik |
10:21:04 | B4gder | the color ones should be easy to support upside down |
10:21:09 | | Join infamis [0] (n=444fc473@labb.contactor.se) |
10:21:22 | Mikachu | i think they have todo comments |
10:21:28 | | Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:23:44 | | Join Lynx_ [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
10:26:31 | | Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) |
10:32:14 | petur | B4gder: got my mail? |
10:32:27 | B4gder | yeps, replying soonish |
10:32:34 | Jungti1234 | http://blogfiles13.naver.net/data14/2006/2/24/60/real_ipod_1-hynicke.jpg |
10:33:00 | Jungti1234 | ipod 6g |
10:33:25 | petur | touch screen scroll wheel or what? |
10:33:28 | B4gder | rumours deluxe |
10:34:29 | Jungti1234 | haha |
10:34:46 | moda | yer |
10:35:13 | Mikachu | i wonder if there's a way to know if the user took the finger off the scroll wheel |
10:35:23 | Jungti1234 | http://ipod-fullscreen.blogspot.com/ |
10:35:41 | moda | if that is the real ipod g6, im so getting one and selling my h340. its getting old for me |
10:36:20 | Jungti1234 | me too |
10:36:29 | Jungti1234 | http://www.engadget.com/media/2006/02/video_ipod_fake.jpg |
10:36:31 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) |
10:36:51 | LinusN | i never really understood that urge to "upgrade" the mp3 player |
10:37:08 | LinusN | just because there is something newer |
10:37:26 | B4gder | LinusN: so that you can make a new rockbox port! |
10:37:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | Especially if your current one does everything you want/need as it is. |
10:37:31 | petur | yeah, why upgrade it with other firmware? ;) |
10:37:35 | LinusN | B4gder: true :-) |
10:37:43 | Jungti1234 | :) |
10:39:05 | preglow | i never understood the urge to upgrade anything because it's newer |
10:39:28 | petur | you mean 'only because it's newer' |
10:39:28 | preglow | no daps will match my lovely h120 anyway |
10:39:30 | * | preglow strokes |
10:40:38 | petur | before my H340 I had a 32MB player with parallel port connection and 32MB extension... |
10:40:55 | Mikachu | more space is always good |
10:41:06 | petur | yes |
10:41:13 | Mikachu | would be fun to connect a 200GB external usb hd :) |
10:41:31 | petur | portability is also good :P |
10:41:52 | Mikachu | you just need bigger batteries |
11:00 |
11:00:20 | | Quit slimx (Remote closed the connection) |
11:07:30 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:09:23 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:14:52 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
11:15:03 | | Quit infamis ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
11:17:03 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:20:09 | | Quit moda () |
11:26:11 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A45928.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:29:24 | | Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ |
11:29:49 | midkay | does anyone know how i can get the effect clearrect used to have?? |
11:30:15 | Bg3r | midkay like ? |
11:30:28 | midkay | just clear a specified rectangle of the LCD |
11:30:31 | Bg3r | use something like lcd_update_rect() |
11:30:33 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (i=steve-o@adsl-64-217-216-234.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
11:30:36 | midkay | that's not the same |
11:30:56 | midkay | i think amiconn did some weird overhaul.. now you set drawing mode or something?.. not sure what to set it o. |
11:31:37 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@ |
11:32:17 | XavierGr_ | Bg3r: LOL that was a funny picture!! |
11:32:29 | muesli__ | g'Day |
11:32:46 | Bg3r | XavierGr_ ;) |
11:33:19 | XavierGr_ | well not so good for me muesli. iRiver didn't respond on my second RMA request... |
11:33:42 | XavierGr_ | I just can't believe that I send the player for repairs there, and the same problem exist. |
11:34:11 | | Nick XavierGr_ is now known as XavierGr (n=XavierGr@ppp9-adsl-40.ath.forthnet.gr) |
11:35:13 | muesli__ | XavierGr_ is their a subsidiary of iriver in greek? |
11:35:17 | muesli__ | greece |
11:35:44 | Bg3r | no, the eu one afaik |
11:36:12 | muesli__ | to what location did you send it? |
11:36:59 | | Join Lost-ash [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-122-15.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
11:37:53 | XavierGr | in Germany |
11:38:30 | muesli__ | oh hell... |
11:38:36 | muesli__ | i understand.. |
11:38:47 | muesli__ | those bastards are a pain in the ass.. |
11:39:33 | muesli__ | did give them a call? |
11:39:36 | XavierGr | it is just that I got all sorts of problems up until now: Problems paying for it, problems getting it, problems using it (defective) and problems getting it back. |
11:39:41 | XavierGr | no |
11:39:52 | XavierGr | I will ask help form Jeff at MR |
11:40:17 | XavierGr | AFAIR I think he helped some people with RMAs |
11:40:45 | XavierGr | then if nothing happens maybe I will call, but I don't speak german so... |
11:40:46 | muesli__ | marcus.halmen@iriver.at that guy is really aweful. but at least its a personal address |
11:41:12 | Bg3r | awful as ? |
11:41:25 | XavierGr | awful, why? |
11:41:48 | Bg3r | all XavierGr is another awful person ... |
11:42:02 | muesli__ | i had several calls with him. he is very friendly, promises heaven and does NOTHIN in the end |
11:42:06 | * | linuxstb spots that wakeup on usb insertion now works on the ipods :) |
11:42:06 | Bg3r | all XavierGr needs is another awful person ... |
11:42:29 | XavierGr | haha, now that makes sense. |
11:42:30 | midkay | linuxstb, you mean going straight to diskmode? |
11:42:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: No more freezing? |
11:43:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Also, did the cpu speed changing ever get committed? |
11:43:50 | linuxstb | Yes - the freezing has been fixed. |
11:44:19 | linuxstb | No - the cpu speed changing hasn't been committed yet - I've no idea why it's unreliable on the 4g... |
11:44:51 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah. Been using it with the nano since he first put the patch up without problems. What's it do on the 4g? |
11:44:55 | linuxstb | The immediate reboot caused by the early usb detection doesn't sound nice in a hard-disk player though. |
11:45:14 | linuxstb | It crashes randomly when changing speed. |
11:45:37 | linuxstb | At least, it appears to be random - I haven't spotted any patterns. |
11:46:46 | safetydan | bah, I fix the iPod Video sim builds and someone goes and adds not quite compiling iPod 3G |
11:46:51 | safetydan | I was hoping for a clean build page |
11:46:58 | linuxstb | It seemed to work fine on the 5g - I'll do some more testing there. I guess we could commit it for the Nano and 5g only for now. |
11:48:13 | Mikachu | linuxstb: i added the absolute wheel thing to the tracker, and also added support to brickmania |
11:49:18 | linuxstb | Yes, I saw that. I can't look at it at the moment though. |
11:49:38 | linuxstb | How does it work in Brickmania? Is that another test, or a change you are proposing for CVS? |
11:50:14 | Mikachu | i'm not sure, i think it works pretty well |
11:50:22 | Mikachu | and i added it without breaking everything else |
11:50:24 | Mikachu | (hopefully) |
11:50:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | "absolute wheel"? |
11:51:00 | Mikachu | instead of saying how much you moved your finger, it says where your finger is |
11:51:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | Aaaah |
11:51:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | That seems useful |
11:51:25 | midkay | awesome |
11:51:29 | linuxstb | How do you use it in Brickmania? |
11:52:12 | Mikachu | i map the position of the finger to a position on the screen |
11:52:27 | Mikachu | so if you put your finger on the right part of the wheel, the pad jumps to the right place |
11:52:46 | Mikachu | i also divided it in two halves |
11:52:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | Do you you use 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock, and just mirror 12 and 6 to each other? |
11:52:55 | Mikachu | so you can either arc above or below select |
11:52:58 | Mikachu | yeah |
11:53:09 | | Quit kernelsensei (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:53:31 | Mikachu | so if you move a full circle, you've moved the pad left-right to the same place again |
11:53:32 | | Join kernelsensei [0] (n=boris@gentoo/developer/kernelsensei) |
11:53:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | Gotcha |
11:54:12 | Mikachu | also added a buffer zone at 9 and 3 o clock, maybe 6 or 7 minutes where the pad is at the edge |
11:54:22 | Mikachu | otherwise it was nearly impossible to catch the ball at the edges |
11:54:54 | * | Paul_The_Nerd goes to try it. |
11:54:59 | linuxstb | What do people think about a function to switch the wheel between two modes - "scroll events" and "absolute position". I can't see an application being able to use both at the same time, and it seems a waste of time to send scroll events when they are not being used. |
11:55:14 | | Quit ashridah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:55:29 | Mikachu | i wrote in the comment for the patch that you(or someone) mentioned that too |
11:55:37 | Mikachu | i think it sounds like a good idea |
11:56:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: That seems reasonable. I can almost imagine that you'd want to detect if someone placed their finger at a position, or scrolled *to* that position, but I'm sure that can be handled from absolute positioning anyway. |
11:57:06 | Mikachu | the relative position code in the kernel is very simplistic as it is now, and based on absolute positioning |
11:58:36 | linuxstb | Yes, there is still lots of work to do to make the best use of the clickwheel. |
11:58:39 | Mikachu | woot, i actually finished level 2 |
11:58:43 | Mikachu | first time ever |
11:58:58 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:00 |
12:02:31 | Mikachu | the fps code looks a bit wonky in bm too, like it depends on clock cycles but i'm not sure |
12:03:36 | Mikachu | maybe not |
12:04:07 | linuxstb | No, it's dependent on the LCD size. Bigger LCDs need a shorter cycletime. |
12:04:30 | Mikachu | can't it measure the time it took to draw and sleep the rest? |
12:04:39 | linuxstb | Yes, that's exactly what it does. |
12:04:56 | Mikachu | then how is it dependent? sorry if i'm stupid |
12:05:07 | | Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (i=ashridah@220-253-122-15.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
12:05:26 | Mikachu | if you want 25 fps and drawing the lcd takes x seconds, you want to sleep 1/25 - x, so where does CYCLETIME come in? |
12:05:35 | linuxstb | The ball moves the same number of pixels each frame for every LCD size. So to maintain the same overall speed, the frame speed needs to be higher for larger LCDs. |
12:05:57 | Mikachu | ah, right |
12:06:09 | linuxstb | So the FPS varies between lcd sizes. |
12:06:33 | Mikachu | and the ball doesn't accelerate with time? |
12:06:57 | steveb | If there are two cars driving at 30mph, one starts at point x and the other at point y. point x and y are 48Km's apart. What colour is the tractor? |
12:07:19 | Mikachu | clockwise |
12:08:59 | | Quit petur ("fooooood") |
12:09:54 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
12:10:01 | Jungti1234 | hmm.. |
12:10:01 | Jungti1234 | http://exdes.com/blog/wp-admin/pics/2-24-3.jpeg |
12:28:05 | | Quit Zoide777 ("CGI:IRC") |
12:29:42 | | Join krmathis [0] (n=krmathis@124.84-48-138.nextgentel.com) |
12:31:42 | | Join perpleXa [0] (i=perpleXa@dialin-145-254-179-105.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
12:36:50 | Mikachu | or you could change the number of pixels the ball moves... |
12:37:01 | Mikachu | i'll leave that for another day |
12:37:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | But you can adjust the sleep times far more than the number of pixels per update, for better equivalent speeds, right? |
12:37:46 | | Part moozooh |
12:38:36 | Mikachu | the ball changes speed sporadically with the direction now anyway |
12:38:50 | Paul_The_Nerd | I had noticed that. |
12:39:02 | Mikachu | you also don't have to move the ball every frame |
12:39:16 | Mikachu | you can move it 2 pixels every third frame if you want |
12:39:24 | linuxstb | If you adjust the number of pixels instead of the framerate for different sized LCDs, you will just end up with either jerky movement on large LCDs, or wasted CPU time on the smaller LCDs. |
12:39:57 | Mikachu | it's jerky on my nano and i think it qualifies as a smaller LCD... |
12:40:07 | linuxstb | Well, that needs fixing then. |
12:40:21 | linuxstb | I'm just saying that I think the principle is fine. |
12:40:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | Does it have a vector velocity, or does it just move in pixels per update? |
12:40:32 | Mikachu | i tried looking at the ball code but it's like 500 uncommented lines some of which are 200 chars wide |
12:40:36 | linuxstb | I don't know the code that well. |
12:41:37 | | Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) |
12:43:07 | Mikachu | it's already lightyears better than the joke game in apples os :) |
12:43:44 | preglow | is that a fix for the init usb hang i see there? |
12:43:50 | linuxstb | It is indeed :) |
12:43:54 | preglow | w00t |
12:45:14 | linuxstb | I think we need to change the reboot code to do a clean shutdown though. |
12:45:31 | preglow | usb shutdown code, you mean? |
12:45:52 | linuxstb | Yes, the usb shutdown code just reboots the ipod without saving anything. |
12:46:06 | linuxstb | DEV_RS |= 4; (or something like that) |
12:46:34 | HCl | morning |
12:47:03 | * | Paul_The_Nerd thinks some people just don't get how much you can do with .cfg files. |
12:47:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | There are already people asking for the color patch to have a "presets" option. |
12:48:13 | linuxstb | Isn't that the idea of themes? |
12:48:31 | | Part krmathis |
12:49:02 | Paul_The_Nerd | Or just configs in general, yeah. |
12:49:47 | * | Paul_The_Nerd shrugs |
12:50:12 | preglow | doxygen is pretty nifty |
12:50:44 | linuxstb | Are you suggesting we use it in Rockbox? |
12:51:46 | preglow | n |
12:51:46 | preglow | o |
12:51:48 | preglow | no <- |
12:51:55 | preglow | i just used it for the first time right now |
12:52:23 | B4gder | I never manged to make really nice docs with it |
12:52:25 | linuxstb | Didn't someone try it with Rockbox a few months ago? |
12:52:31 | preglow | yeah |
12:52:34 | preglow | i don't know |
12:52:40 | preglow | most projects don't manage to use doxygen properly |
12:52:54 | linuxstb | Or am I thinking of something else? Can doxygen be used without any extra markup in the code? |
12:53:29 | preglow | there's not much markup |
12:53:36 | preglow | just ordinary comments, plus @param, @return, etfc |
12:53:52 | steveb | i just installed the latest h300 optimized build but the directory and settings screen is all just black. anyone know why this happened? |
12:53:53 | preglow | and you should really comment stuff like that anyway, unless it's really apparent |
12:54:34 | linuxstb | steveb: They probably included a patch that changes the format of the configuration data, but didn't increment the version number. |
12:54:51 | steveb | fixable? |
12:54:57 | linuxstb | Hold down record as you boot to reset the settings |
12:54:57 | steveb | other people seem to have it working :-/ |
12:55:01 | steveb | ok |
12:55:25 | steveb | love you :) |
12:55:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | The color changer patch defaulted to all black when I tried it once. |
12:55:50 | Mikachu | that's why you should have a bg pic |
12:56:12 | linuxstb | So we should probably bump the config version when committing that patch. |
12:56:35 | Mikachu | will that let people keep the old config values? |
12:56:40 | Mikachu | where people is me |
12:56:55 | linuxstb | You just need to export the settings to a .cfg file, and then reload. |
12:57:01 | steveb | the rockbox development is going at a phenominal rate... im very impressed |
12:57:07 | linuxstb | The config version is incremented quite frequently. |
12:57:11 | Mikachu | but you have to know that before you start the new version |
12:57:29 | B4gder | Mikachu: yes, so a clever thing is to save a config when you have one you like |
12:57:32 | linuxstb | Yes - or always keep a backup of your settings. |
12:57:37 | Mikachu | also a good idea |
12:57:41 | * | Mikachu eject /dev/sda |
12:58:07 | steveb | right. database lecture |
12:58:09 | steveb | thanks for the help |
12:58:11 | * | steveb gone |
12:58:17 | | Join Membrillo [0] (n=sam_kill@CPE-60-228-27-74.nsw.bigpond.net.au) |
12:58:44 | Membrillo | anyone know which of the current WPSs for H3xx support 100x100 album art? |
12:58:46 | | Join quobl_ [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/x-491628e781239c62) |
12:59:06 | Mikachu | is it a lot faster to use the binary format than to reparse a cfg at startup? |
12:59:23 | Mikachu | (maybe a stupid question or you would do it) |
12:59:50 | petur | yes |
13:00 |
13:00:29 | Mikachu | what's the reset config startup key for ipods? |
13:00:35 | linuxstb | There isn't one.... |
13:00:45 | Mikachu | ah |
13:00:58 | linuxstb | As far as I can tell, our button driver doesn't detect buttons that are pressed before Rockbox starts. |
13:01:21 | linuxstb | But I only tried briefly - you could have another go. |
13:01:28 | linuxstb | The code is in apps/main.c |
13:01:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | Maybe an alternative solution then. |
13:02:06 | linuxstb | I was thinking of detecting the hold button. |
13:02:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | If the first button you press upon booting (other than scroll events) is to hold Left for 5 seconds... or something like that. |
13:02:37 | Mikachu | gui_syncsplash(HZ*2, true, str(LANG_RESET_DONE_CLEAR)); |
13:02:37 | Mikachu | settings_reset(); |
13:02:45 | Mikachu | shouldn't that be in the other order? |
13:02:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | The hold button? |
13:03:22 | Mikachu | i don't see why the button shouldn't be detected, button_init() is a lot earlier in that function |
13:03:25 | linuxstb | Yes - so if Rockbox detects the hold button is on whilst booting, then it resets the settings. |
13:03:37 | linuxstb | Mikachu: Because you press it BEFORE button_init() |
13:04:02 | linuxstb | But as I said, please feel free to experiment and see if you can get it working. |
13:04:06 | Mikachu | hm, does that affect what button_status() returns after? |
13:04:49 | linuxstb | Try it... I only made a very quick attempt at getting it to work a while ago, so maybe I did something wrong. |
13:04:57 | Mikachu | or you could go 'if (holdbutton) syncsplash("hold select now to reset settings") reset_settings()' |
13:05:52 | linuxstb | That wouldn't be useful if the fg/bg colours were wrong. Or any other display-related settings. |
13:06:09 | Mikachu | it would since the settings are loaded after that |
13:06:34 | linuxstb | You also can't detect buttons when the hold button is on. |
13:06:51 | Mikachu | yes, you'd turn hold off before the syncsplash goes away and press |
13:07:48 | linuxstb | But I can't think of a reason why a user would boot with the hold button on under normal circumstances. If the ipod is off, then you can't turn it on if hold is on. So the user has to turn hold on before Rockbox starts in order to reset the settings. |
13:08:07 | Mikachu | i guess that's true, my solution is a bit overcomplicated |
13:09:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | Aaah, apparently RGB values are too confusing with the current slider system... |
13:09:44 | * | Paul_The_Nerd mutters. |
13:10:04 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah, I kinda like linuxstb's hold button idea. |
13:10:21 | Mikachu | i have one comment on that screen, the values are impossible to read since they're printed in red green or blue |
13:11:06 | Mikachu | linuxstb: this works, |
13:11:07 | Mikachu | gui_syncsplash(HZ*2, true, "press now..."); |
13:11:09 | Mikachu | if ((button_status() & SETTINGS_RESET) == SETTINGS_RESET) |
13:11:11 | Mikachu | etc |
13:11:22 | Mikachu | but maybe not so nice |
13:11:23 | | Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:12:11 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@c-24-16-191-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
13:14:15 | | Quit Membrillo () |
13:17:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:18:44 | linuxstb | Detecting the hold button is working fine to reset the settings. Should I commit it? |
13:18:56 | Mikachu | i have no say but i say yes :) |
13:19:19 | linuxstb | I'm just looking for someone to think of a reason why it's a bad idea. |
13:19:24 | | Quit quobl_ ("Leaving") |
13:19:34 | Mikachu | i managed to clear my settings with BUTTON_RIGHT using a sleep(HZ/10); |
13:20:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: I think it's less able to accidentally be triggered than say holding the record button, so I vote to go with it. |
13:20:21 | Mikachu | but it's not easy |
13:20:24 | linuxstb | The only reason I can think against it is that we could change to detecting the hold button in the bootloader to boot retailos. |
13:20:41 | * | Paul_The_Nerd likes the current method for RetalOS booting. |
13:20:52 | Mikachu | so you'll have to wait with turning hold on until it says 'booting rockbox'? |
13:21:02 | linuxstb | Yes, which doesn't leave you long... |
13:21:07 | Mikachu | linuxstb: did you have a reboot to apple entry? |
13:21:16 | Mikachu | speaking of that |
13:21:21 | Mikachu | or was that someone else? |
13:21:28 | Mikachu | or did i dream it? |
13:21:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Wait, how early can you flip the hold switch to reset settings? |
13:21:52 | linuxstb | I'm thinking about it. I need to change the Rockbox shutdown code so it can do a choice of actions after cleanly shutting Rockbox down - actually powering down, rebooting to disk modes, or rebooting to retailos. |
13:22:10 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: As early as you want after the reboot. |
13:22:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah |
13:22:33 | Mikachu | linuxstb: could i have a patch for what you got now? |
13:23:10 | linuxstb | You simply change the if (button_status() & SETTINGS_RESET..... line with if (button_hold()) |
13:23:27 | Mikachu | i meant the reboot to apple thing |
13:23:27 | linuxstb | But I will surround it with #ifdefs when committing. |
13:24:34 | linuxstb | No, there isn't any code yet. |
13:24:41 | Mikachu | ah |
13:25:23 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: I think he's talking about the old RetailOS on USB insert patch, right? |
13:25:26 | linuxstb | I did some experiments, the method will simply be to write a cookie into IRAM before rebooting - the contents of IRAM are preserved, so the bootloader can look for that cookie and go to retailos instead of booting Rockbox. |
13:25:30 | | Join SereR0kR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd789.f.strato-dslnet.de) |
13:25:50 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: Yes, there is that. Should still be at http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/usb2.diff |
13:26:17 | Mikachu | it would be nice if the bootloader started apple if the usb cable was in, but i don't want to shutdown rockbox on insert if it's already running |
13:26:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: If you hold Menu when you insert USB while running rockbox, it doesn't restart. |
13:26:48 | linuxstb | I wouldn't want that - what if you don't have retailos installed? |
13:26:59 | Mikachu | then how would you transfer files? |
13:27:06 | linuxstb | In the emergency disk mode. |
13:27:11 | linuxstb | Which is what Rockbox uses now. |
13:27:14 | Mikachu | it is 100x slower |
13:27:20 | linuxstb | Not on my ipod |
13:27:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: Nano, right? |
13:27:28 | linuxstb | That seems to be a Nano bug. |
13:27:30 | Mikachu | it is on mine, which is the only reason i'd want to reboot |
13:27:35 | Mikachu | yeah |
13:30:19 | Paul_The_Nerd | The *clear* solution is to just go ahead and put in that Bootloader USB mode. I *know* you've been hiding that code, just waiting to spring it on us linuxstb. Out with it. |
13:33:23 | linuxstb | Yes, it's sitting on my hard disk next to the uncommitted video player |
13:34:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | Exactly! |
13:34:36 | petur | oh, that full screen 30fps one ;) |
13:34:54 | linuxstb | No, I live in PAL country, it can only manage 25fps |
13:35:22 | petur | fine for me, commit it :P |
13:35:37 | | Quit XavierGr ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
13:35:45 | linuxstb | This is how rumours start.... |
13:36:10 | Bg3r | :) |
13:36:41 | linuxstb | Anyway, I'll commit the reset-settings-on-hold patch. |
13:37:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | "I was looking through the logs and I saw something about 25fps video..." |
13:37:09 | Jungti1234 | what's that? |
13:37:13 | Jungti1234 | reset-settings-on-hold patch |
13:37:19 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's for ipod. |
13:37:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | There's no reset settings button yet. |
13:37:28 | Jungti1234 | ah |
13:37:29 | Jungti1234 | ok |
13:40:46 | Mikachu | haxx, it works. but i reversed the check for USBPOWER_BTN_IGNORE |
13:42:21 | linuxstb | You mean that the default is to charge, and you hold MENU to reboot to disk mode? |
13:42:29 | Mikachu | yeah |
13:43:05 | linuxstb | I'm starting to be convinced that the default behaviour should be a setting. |
13:44:04 | Mikachu | i made a 'Reboot to apple without saving' menu entry :) |
13:44:33 | linuxstb | OK. Now do it properly :) |
13:44:59 | Mikachu | i already have 5 open patches in the tracker, i don't want to overload you ;) |
13:45:07 | | Nick paugh is now known as AliasCoffee (n=kickback@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:8000:0:3e03:6822) |
13:45:25 | linuxstb | Remind me about them over the weekend. |
13:46:03 | Mikachu | hm, it seems to keep the cookie if i reboot by writing to the boot sector and ejecting the device |
13:46:20 | Mikachu | so i save time when booting to apple, but now i have to do the 5 second menu+select thing instead |
13:47:14 | | Join moozooh [0] (n=moozooh@ |
13:48:16 | linuxstb | You're saying that if you write the cookie to IRAM, then reboot into RetailOS, then reboot again, the cookie is still there? |
13:48:36 | Mikachu | only if i reboot by that method |
13:48:41 | Mikachu | if i hold menu+select it's fine |
13:48:53 | Mikachu | so maybe the retailos also cheats when it reboots by ejecting the usb |
13:48:54 | linuxstb | You can simply clear the cookie in the bootloader after you've detected it. |
13:49:01 | Mikachu | that's a good idea |
13:49:35 | | Part LinusN |
13:50:05 | Mikachu | can i simply do *storage_ptr = 0; ? |
13:50:20 | Mikachu | should result in \0etailOS etc |
13:50:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | I didn't think RetailOS rebooted when you ejected USB... |
13:50:48 | linuxstb | Yes, or use memset to completely clear it. |
13:50:58 | Mikachu | Paul_The_Nerd: only if you write to sda1 |
13:51:00 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: It does if you modify the first 32MB of the disk. |
13:51:05 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah |
13:51:09 | Mikachu | % cat =ipodeject |
13:51:09 | Mikachu | #!/bin/sh |
13:51:09 | Mikachu | test -b /dev/sda1 && echo -n '{' > /dev/sda1 |
13:51:09 | Mikachu | su root -c eject\ /dev/sda |
13:51:15 | Mikachu | i'm lazy |
13:51:23 | Paul_The_Nerd | Aaah |
13:52:10 | Mikachu | i guess you can't do (unsigned char *)0x12414 = 0; |
13:52:37 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa222.13.tellas.gr) |
13:52:56 | Mikachu | oh wait, i have to deref it too, so *(uns... |
13:53:05 | * | Mikachu collects award for ugly code |
13:54:31 | * | petur points Mikachu to the i2c drivers for more of that stuff ;) |
13:54:58 | Bg3r | petur any news on the isp front ? |
13:55:02 | Mikachu | victory is mine |
13:55:08 | Mikachu | thanks linuxstb |
13:56:17 | petur | Bg3r: none, haven't had much time yet and I'm at the stage where looking at the disassembly is my only option to advance... looking for work? |
13:56:32 | Mikachu | petur: heh, i'll stay away from it then |
13:56:59 | | Quit aliask ("Chatzilla 0.9.70 [Firefox]") |
13:57:14 | linuxstb | Mikachu: I would just use memset to clear the whole cookie. |
13:57:34 | Mikachu | you think the r might return and the others left alone? |
13:57:56 | linuxstb | No, but it just seems cleaner somehow... |
13:58:13 | Mikachu | okay, i will change it |
13:58:23 | Bg3r | petur dissasm and low-level code is far from my abilities |
13:58:29 | Mikachu | i don't suppose you have a nice function that does all the sw shutdown cleanup without calling hw shutdown? |
13:58:52 | petur | Bg3r: same here, hence the incredible progress ;) |
13:58:53 | linuxstb | There isn't a nice function. You need to tell each thread in Rockbox to shutdown - by sending the SYS_SHUTDOWN event. |
13:59:08 | Mikachu | ah |
13:59:24 | Bg3r | petur heh |
13:59:45 | linuxstb | Currently the SYS_SHUTDOWN event doesn't have any data associated with it. My idea was to add a parameter to say what kind of shutdown it is - i.e. power-off, reboot-to-disk-mode, or reboot-to-original-firmware. |
14:00 |
14:00:14 | | Quit SereR0kR ("XChat Aqua") |
14:00:23 | Mikachu | or maybe reboot-to-linux even |
14:03:20 | linuxstb | We should be able to get rolo working with a linux kernel (and Rockbox itself). |
14:03:33 | Mikachu | is rolo an acronym? |
14:03:41 | linuxstb | ROckbox LOader |
14:03:45 | Mikachu | ah |
14:04:11 | linuxstb | It means that you would be able to "play" a linux kernel in the file browser, and it would start it. (or a different rockbox.ipod) |
14:04:48 | linuxstb | But RetailOS seems very fussy about how the hardware is initialised, so it could be troublesome to directly load that without rebooting. |
14:05:33 | Mikachu | what file would you click on to do taht? |
14:05:40 | linuxstb | apple_os.bin |
14:05:50 | Mikachu | right, i'm a bit slow |
14:05:58 | Mikachu | i'm used to having it in the boot sector :) |
14:06:10 | linuxstb | Ideally, the Rockbox bootloader would load apple_os.bin from the FAT32 partition instead of the boot partition. But we couldn't get that to work. |
14:08:58 | HCl | i still don't understand why people want to run linux on their music player.. |
14:09:00 | Mikachu | i just noticed a bug i think |
14:09:02 | Mikachu | but i can't be sure |
14:09:15 | Mikachu | if you enable hold, then disable hold, no buttons work until you scroll the wheel to turn on the backlight |
14:09:26 | * | Paul_The_Nerd has mentioned that a while ago |
14:09:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | That got introduced when it stopped queuing scroll events in the menus and such. |
14:10:03 | preglow | linuxstb: any idea why? |
14:10:23 | Mikachu | but since it's very hard to press a button without scrolling a bit i guess it doesn't matter so much |
14:10:26 | | Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:12:16 | linuxstb | preglow: Are you talking about retailos not loading from the fat32 partition? |
14:13:06 | preglow | hyes |
14:13:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | My personal, completely uninformed guess, would be that it looks for the audio codecs and other various things in the boot partition, and since they're removed, hangs. |
14:13:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | Because when I tested it, it only had problems when you tried to play audio or go into USB mode. |
14:13:58 | Mikachu | but the position of the image in boot sector isn't fixed either, is it? |
14:14:08 | Mikachu | i mean it depends on how you create the thing with ipod_fw |
14:14:11 | linuxstb | preglow: No, I'm still confused by it. I should give it another attempt sometime. |
14:14:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | I thought iPodfw positions the RetailOS, or most of it, in the same spot... |
14:14:59 | * | Paul_The_Nerd maybe misunderstood. |
14:15:04 | Mikachu | oh, never mind then |
14:15:33 | linuxstb | Yes, I think it does, but with the ipod bootloader attached to the end of it, and the execute address for that image changed in the image header to point to the bootloader, not retailos. |
14:16:35 | linuxstb | The test would be to keep the boot partition the same, but load retailos from a file, instead of executing the already in memory copy from the boot partition. |
14:17:06 | linuxstb | But the whole point of the exercise (for me) is to prevent the Apple bootloader from wasting 5 seconds loading retailos from disk to memory when I just want to start Rockbox. |
14:17:08 | Mikachu | why would it be in memory? |
14:17:28 | Mikachu | right, not flash |
14:17:29 | | Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-66-65-89-236.nyc.res.rr.com) |
14:18:14 | Mikachu | takes about 4 seconds from shutdown to be fully booted into rockbox here |
14:18:25 | Mikachu | shut down, not shutdown |
14:18:38 | Mikachu | feh, that's also the verb |
14:19:12 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
14:19:31 | preglow | linuxstb: it does that? so rockbox will boot faster if i just remove retailos from the bootpart? |
14:19:42 | preglow | s/rockbox/the ipod/ |
14:19:42 | | Join [IDC]Dragon [0] (n=d90a3255@labb.contactor.se) |
14:19:44 | Paul_The_Nerd | preglow: Yup |
14:19:47 | preglow | w00t |
14:20:06 | Mikachu | how does the ipod know how much of the bootpart to load? |
14:20:13 | [IDC]Dragon | hehe, my coworker plays chess against my archos |
14:20:37 | preglow | haha |
14:20:47 | Mikachu | who's winning? |
14:20:56 | preglow | Mikachu: it reads that info from the bootpart, i guess |
14:20:57 | [IDC]Dragon | Mikachu: how about making the fields 10*8? |
14:21:15 | Mikachu | [IDC]Dragon: what fields? |
14:21:21 | [IDC]Dragon | Mikachu: still middle game |
14:21:37 | [IDC]Dragon | the 8*8 fields of the chessboard |
14:21:46 | Mikachu | ah, i thought it was a resolution |
14:22:01 | [IDC]Dragon | the Archos pixels are not square |
14:22:12 | [IDC]Dragon | 10*8 would be a square |
14:22:17 | Mikachu | oh, so it was |
14:22:26 | Mikachu | i was confused because chess is 8x8 squares :) |
14:22:27 | [IDC]Dragon | and gives you more space for the pieces |
14:22:43 | [IDC]Dragon | 10*8 pixel, sorry |
14:22:58 | Mikachu | i'm not sure why you ask me but i guess that's a good idea then |
14:23:15 | [IDC]Dragon | wasn't it you who made the plugin? |
14:23:22 | Mikachu | no :) |
14:23:23 | linuxstb | preglow: Yes, the way I do it is to simply create a 1024 byte dummy file (e.g. dd if=/dev/zero of=dummy.bin count=2) and use that instead of apple_os.bin with ipod_fw. |
14:23:38 | [IDC]Dragon | oops |
14:23:49 | Mikachu | head -c 1024 /dev/zero is a bit shorter :) |
14:24:08 | Mikachu | and > dummy.bin so maybe the same length after all |
14:24:57 | linuxstb | preglow: To do it properly would mean rewriting both ipod_fw and our bootloader, which isn't worthwhile unless we can get it booting retailos reliably. |
14:25:19 | Paul_The_Nerd | [IDC]Dragon: if you do catch whoever made it, it'd also be nice to actually see which piece you've selected. When I tried playing, I didn't notice any visual feedback when I selected a piece. |
14:26:08 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: I think the author has lots of plans for the plugin - I think he's only just started... |
14:26:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | Gotcha |
14:26:20 | [IDC]Dragon | is there an undo? |
14:26:30 | Mikachu | Paul_The_Nerd: there's a slight outline around the square here |
14:26:33 | linuxstb | No - there are virtually no features at the moment. |
14:26:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | I just tried playing it, and couldn't figure out what was wrong because i kept pressing Select on pieces and not seeing anything. |
14:26:59 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: I'll try again. It's possible i'm just blind today |
14:27:08 | linuxstb | Maybe the outline is broken on the Nano. It works fine on my 4g and 5g though. |
14:27:26 | linuxstb | But I agree that the visual feedback could be improved. |
14:27:31 | Paul_The_Nerd | MIkachu: Oh, there's an outline when you move *off* the square. |
14:27:50 | preglow | linuxstb: would be worthwhile for me, since i'll never use retailos |
14:27:56 | linuxstb | Feel free :) |
14:27:56 | Mikachu | that's the one |
14:27:58 | preglow | but yeah, that hack's enough for me |
14:28:23 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Yeah, the outline's there, but I didn't notice it because I hit select, hit select again because I saw no feedback, tried another piece, apparently tried it an even number of time s there, etc. |
14:28:32 | [IDC]Dragon | marevalo instead ok Mikachu |
14:28:38 | [IDC]Dragon | of |
14:30:49 | [IDC]Dragon | Archos has won... |
14:32:00 | [IDC]Dragon | because of a misplaced move |
14:32:31 | | Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
14:32:49 | Bg3r | [IDC]Dragon is your coworker good in chess ? |
14:33:04 | [IDC]Dragon | yes |
14:33:19 | linuxstb | But not as good as an mp3 player... |
14:33:57 | [IDC]Dragon | he pressed the wrong button for a move |
14:33:59 | linuxstb | I'm surprised it's taken so long for gnuchess to be ported. |
14:34:21 | [IDC]Dragon | yes, you should have done it way earlier ;-) |
14:34:24 | preglow | is gnuchess considered to be good? |
14:34:26 | Bg3r | btw, how good is the gnuchess's engine ? |
14:34:32 | Bg3r | preglow :) |
14:34:50 | preglow | i fancy chess myself, but i'm not too keen on computer chess |
14:34:51 | [IDC]Dragon | the code looks rather simple |
14:35:04 | markun | This patch fixes a part of the simulator build for me, can anyone take a look at it before I commit? |
14:35:54 | linuxstb | markun: So you're just changing the order of the options? |
14:36:16 | markun | yes, to avoid inlcuding the wrong usb.h, id3.h etc |
14:37:39 | markun | I want to commit the gigabeat simulator today, and thought I'd clean up a bit first |
14:39:44 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-37-165.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
14:40:13 | markun | linuxstb: shouldn't give any problems with linux or cygwin, should it? |
14:40:20 | | Quit Thus0 ("Leaving") |
14:41:21 | preglow | bbl |
14:42:52 | Bg3r | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Computer_chess |
14:43:16 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A45DE9.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:43:17 | | Quit _FireFly_ (Client Quit) |
14:43:37 | Bg3r | With regards to the question about GNUchess, yes GNUchess is weak even in comparison with freeware products like Crafty, Yace, Ruffian etc. The last, Ruffian is as of June 2003, generally acknowledged as the strongest chess engine you can get without paying a cent. |
14:43:57 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
14:44:31 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A45DE9.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:46:18 | | Join Cassandra [0] (i=Cassandr@elmyra.coraline.org) |
14:46:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | Apparently it's "weaker than others, but not weak overall" |
14:46:54 | linuxstb | markun: There may be problems when we specifically want the sim to use a system include instead of a Rockbox one. But I don't know the sim that well. |
14:47:27 | Bg3r | GNUchess is no pushover though. Depending on hardware and time controls, perhaps only FIDE rated players about 2100 can be certain to match Gnuchess, though weaker players can win one or two games. |
14:47:39 | markun | linuxstb: Well, the H300 and Gigabeat sims work fine at least. |
14:48:08 | markun | I'll commit it and keep an eye on the build table. |
14:48:47 | * | Cassandra suspects that the set of chess grand masters using Rockbox for training purposes will be small, anyway. |
14:49:38 | linuxstb | markun: Are you using a BSD variant? |
14:49:45 | Mikachu | i couldn't beat a goat at chess |
14:49:54 | markun | linuxstb: FreeBSD |
14:50:03 | linuxstb | Any idea how similar that is to Darwin? |
14:50:21 | linuxstb | I should resurrect my attempt to get the SDL sim working in Mac OS X. |
14:50:38 | markun | Darwin was derived from FreeBSD, replacing the kernel with the Mach kernel. |
14:50:41 | elinenbe | 100 peeps in the channel! |
14:51:04 | linuxstb | And 0 ops, as usual... |
14:51:08 | markun | linuxstb: I have some patches to make it compile here. You can take a look at them. |
14:51:28 | linuxstb | I need to run now - I'll have another go after you commit. |
14:51:32 | elinenbe | linuxstb: that's because we like to keep it real around here! |
14:51:49 | Mikachu | 0 ops is recommended on freenode, if you care about that |
14:53:18 | elinenbe | rockbox needs to be ported to this: http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/portable-media/goodmans-gmp31g2-star-player-156648.php |
14:53:24 | Cassandra | Ops on #rockbox would be a solution waiting for a problem. |
14:53:25 | elinenbe | what an AWFUL player... |
14:53:48 | | Join robin_ [0] (n=robin@debian.demon.nl) |
14:53:57 | Mikachu | aren't there like 5000 different models of generic mp3 player with 512MB flash ram? |
14:54:03 | robin_ | idoom available for rockbox ? |
14:54:12 | Mikachu | not idoom then |
14:54:21 | robin_ | any doom ? |
14:54:28 | Mikachu | maybe soonish |
14:54:52 | robin_ | Why can't rockbox run linux binaries , that run on IpodLinux ? |
14:54:59 | robin_ | it is Linux right :) ? |
14:55:02 | Mikachu | because rockbox isn't linux |
14:55:02 | Mikachu | no |
14:55:05 | robin_ | no ? |
14:55:07 | robin_ | oh |
14:55:08 | Mikachu | no |
14:55:11 | robin_ | what is it ? |
14:55:17 | Mikachu | rockbox is rockbox |
14:55:19 | robin_ | :D |
14:55:20 | Mikachu | just like linux is linux |
14:55:22 | robin_ | based on Linux ? |
14:55:25 | Mikachu | no |
14:55:33 | robin_ | based on nothing :) |
14:55:34 | Cassandra | Not even slightly. |
14:55:46 | robin_ | k, why not :P |
14:55:49 | Cassandra | It's an OS custom designed for audio players. |
14:55:53 | Jungti1234 | Question such as me |
14:56:07 | robin_ | ok |
14:56:21 | robin_ | well I like it... though the themes are a little bit minimal for an nano |
14:56:31 | markun | robin_: you can make your own |
14:56:34 | robin_ | read as, low on colour usage |
14:56:34 | Mikachu | linux is several million lines of code and 30MB compressed source code, rockbox is... less than that |
14:56:39 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:56:43 | elinenbe | robin_: you can create your own themes... as much graphics as you want! |
14:56:52 | robin_ | k |
14:56:55 | Cassandra | robin_, we've only had colour support on the Nano for a week or two. |
14:56:55 | robin_ | .n |
14:56:57 | ashridah | robin_: it's mostly because it's only recently that rockbox has even had colour targets, let alone a theme system |
14:57:03 | Mikachu | robin_: i made this crazy theme the other day, http://mikachu.ath.cx/slask/mikachu-wps.png |
14:57:13 | ashridah | themes themselves will grow in capability over time, undoubtably |
14:57:15 | robin_ | ah, cool.. anyway it works great |
14:57:28 | Mikachu | my theme is also not based on linux btw |
14:57:32 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hahaha |
14:57:38 | robin_ | :P |
14:57:54 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@labb.contactor.se) |
14:58:00 | Jungti1234 | japanese |
14:58:04 | Mikachu | nani? |
14:58:07 | Mikachu | ah, me |
14:58:11 | Cassandra | Apple may be announcing a new touchscreen MP3 player today. |
14:58:18 | Cassandra | Or possibly a tablet PC. |
14:58:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Maaan, i don't get the various Windows Media Player themes. Or really, even the ones based in Winamp. I guess, I just don't want either of those in my pocket, I suppose. |
14:58:24 | Cassandra | Or possibly neither of these things. |
14:58:30 | Mikachu | or both! |
14:58:42 | robin_ | any way to theme the menu ? |
14:58:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | I don't want a touchscreen MP3 player. |
14:58:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | robin_ Just backdrop images right now. |
14:58:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | And fonts |
14:58:56 | robin_ | not with a screen as big as the nano.. :D |
14:59:00 | robin_ | ok |
14:59:05 | Cassandra | Or full support and funding for Rockbox, including jobs for all the developers at highly inflated salaries. |
14:59:18 | Mikachu | that would be optimal |
14:59:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | Oh man, they did announce today's event *after* sound support was added for some iPods... Hehehe |
14:59:59 | * | lostlogic signs up for an inflated salary to work on rockbox, even if it is employed by Evil Empire #3 |
15:00 |
15:00:11 | Mikachu | what is #2? |
15:00:17 | lostlogic | Google |
15:00:20 | Mikachu | oh |
15:00:26 | lostlogic | :-D |
15:00:27 | Mikachu | i don't think i have to ask about #1 |
15:00:29 | Cassandra | Apple Chairman Steve Jobs is quoted as saying 'Yeah, we apologise for all that DRM crap, Rockbox has opened our eyes to the future of portable media.' |
15:00:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | But, but "Don't be evil!" |
15:00:54 | robin_ | rockbox kernel better than ipodlinux ? |
15:01:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | robin_: Define "better" |
15:01:02 | Cassandra | Shortly before being airlifted out of the auditorium by the fist USAF porcine battalion. |
15:01:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's definitely better for some values of better which include "smaller" and "more focused on a specific purpose" |
15:01:41 | Mikachu | robin_: it is better in the sense that a potato peeler is better for peeling a potato than a chainsaw |
15:01:54 | LinusN | Mikachu: lol |
15:02:00 | robin_ | does it have a better support |
15:02:01 | Mikachu | imagine peeling a chainsaw with a potato peeler |
15:02:15 | robin_ | linux works ok, only the program not |
15:02:18 | * | Cassandra wants to try peeling a potato with a chainsaw now. |
15:02:33 | * | LinusN tries to peel a chainsaw with a potato |
15:02:39 | Mikachu | i have to confess i have never tried |
15:02:45 | Lynx_ | Cassandra: i won't be holding the potato for you... |
15:02:56 | * | elinenbe was thinking the same thing as LinusN |
15:03:13 | elinenbe | good afternoon Linus |
15:03:25 | Cassandra | Maybe whoever's working on the Doom port can replace the chainsaw with a potato. |
15:03:31 | Mikachu | hahaha |
15:03:44 | Lynx_ | or the monsters with potatoes |
15:03:59 | Mikachu | that would be a straaaange game |
15:04:17 | Cassandra | Well maybe, but I rather liked the idea of incapacitating a demon by repeatedly stuffing potatoes up its nose. |
15:04:17 | elinenbe | so, what's the deal with curling in Sweden? |
15:05:05 | B4gder | :-) |
15:05:08 | Mikachu | there is a deal with curling in sweden? |
15:05:23 | Mikachu | i guess we have a lot of ice |
15:05:34 | Cassandra | They have a monarchy you know. Maybe it's for the beards. |
15:05:38 | | Join slimx [0] (n=slimx@ |
15:05:51 | Cassandra | I always imagine Swedish Kings as being like on playing card illustrations. |
15:05:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | robin_: What do you mean by "better support?" |
15:06:53 | Mikachu | heh, i guess the old kings do look like that |
15:08:03 | Mikachu | http://sydaby.eget.net/ody/opics/gustav_vasa.jpg |
15:08:48 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
15:08:48 | | Quit darkless (Connection timed out) |
15:09:05 | | Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ |
15:11:08 | godzirra | So sometimes when I connect my ipod video to the usb port, I get a usb symbol, and it doesnt show up as a drive. other times it seems to 'reboot' into the apple firmware and I get the standard "do not disconnect" message and it works fine. |
15:11:12 | godzirra | anyone have any suggestions whats going on with that? |
15:11:25 | Mikachu | i heard something about a fix for this in cvs a few hours ago |
15:12:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: I'm guessing when you get the USB symbol, you plugged in the usb when it was turned off, or before it finished booting. |
15:12:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: If you download the latest bleeding edge or wait for the next daily you'll probably not have that problem any more |
15:13:35 | godzirra | Awesome. |
15:13:48 | godzirra | have I mentioned how happy I am I have rockbox on my ipod video now? |
15:13:52 | godzirra | Iloved it on my h120. |
15:14:27 | petur | so, how's sound quality compared to the h120? |
15:14:41 | Cassandra | godzirra, I believe someone committed a patch for that today. Try the latest bleeding edge. |
15:15:02 | Cassandra | I would love Rockbox for my iPod Video, if it damn well arrived. |
15:15:05 | * | Cassandra is sulking. |
15:15:27 | godzirra | petur: In rockbox or in general? I havent noticed a huge sound difference either way to be honest. I havent tried gapless playback or anything like that though. |
15:15:41 | godzirra | I'm also not one of those people that hates mp3 because I can tell the difference between that and CD quality though either. ;) |
15:15:55 | petur | I mean between ipod and h120 in general |
15:16:16 | godzirra | I havent noticed a huge difference to be honest. |
15:16:32 | Cassandra | petur, IMHO (Nano vs H140) it's the same. The iPod is louder. |
15:16:33 | godzirra | I dont have to go through the whole firmware replacement on the video to update right, since I already have the bootloader installed? |
15:16:48 | godzirra | I just have to drag and drop the new rockbox files into the right place? |
15:16:50 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah |
15:16:58 | Cassandra | Bootloader is a one time option. Just grab the ZIP file and unpack it to your player. |
15:16:59 | robin_ | I thought I could play gameboy stuff ? |
15:17:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:17:23 | robin_ | how does it work |
15:17:30 | | Quit muesli__ ("ich will Khe!!!") |
15:17:39 | | Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ |
15:17:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | robin_: If you just play gameboy .gb or .gbc files like you would music. |
15:17:51 | godzirra | Neat. |
15:18:04 | godzirra | I never played with the gb stuff much. |
15:18:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | robin_: Though, it depends. Which type of player do you have? |
15:18:09 | robin_ | nano |
15:18:11 | godzirra | I have a gameboy micro in my laptop bag. ;) |
15:18:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | Doesn't work on Nano yet. |
15:18:15 | robin_ | it doesn't see the .gb |
15:18:16 | robin_ | file |
15:18:24 | Mikachu | godzirra: i have a gba (not ds) :) |
15:18:29 | robin_ | oh |
15:18:34 | godzirra | Same here. I had a DS but they're too huge and clunky :) |
15:18:35 | robin_ | work in progress ? :) |
15:18:36 | godzirra | I love the micro. |
15:18:51 | godzirra | I needed something that I could slip in my pocket and not have to wear cargo pants for =) |
15:18:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | robin_: By its whole definition the project itself is a work in progress. |
15:19:17 | Paul_The_Nerd | The DS lite comes out soon. |
15:19:46 | Cassandra | We occasionally make releases because some people like to stick to released s/w and it gives us an opportunity to tidy things up a bit. |
15:20:06 | godzirra | Yeah, I'm waiting to seee how much smaller that is, but to be honest, I didnt like the touch screen. |
15:20:17 | godzirra | Having to write those stupid ass symbols for castlevania to beat bosses just pissed me off. |
15:20:29 | Mikachu | oops |
15:20:33 | Mikachu | i meant (not sp) |
15:20:41 | Cassandra | I think we'd like to put out Rockbox 3.0 soon, but there's still a lot of work to get Rockbox fully functional on Hxxx and iPod. |
15:20:47 | godzirra | Ok... I have a few wps questions for the ipod video. |
15:20:56 | Mikachu | godzirra: did you see the presentation when that guy went on about how cool he thought those symbols are? |
15:21:07 | godzirra | Mikachu: heh.. no. But thats half the reasno I got rid of my DS. |
15:21:16 | godzirra | I liked the game but the symbols annoyed the crap outta me. |
15:21:25 | Cassandra | The thing that impressed me most about the DS was Nintendogs. |
15:21:30 | godzirra | I never played it. |
15:21:31 | Mikachu | i hear it's hard to run stuff on it too |
15:21:52 | Cassandra | If they'd had a cat version, I might well have bought one. |
15:22:06 | * | Cassandra = mad old cat lady. |
15:22:15 | godzirra | Anyone want to take a look at my wps file and see what I'm doing wrong? Its got weird pink bleed through (that I think is supposed to be invisible) and the top bar keeps flashing on and off over the images. |
15:22:54 | godzirra | the graphics I can tell are because at the bottom of my screen on my ipod, I see 002.bmp| |
15:22:58 | godzirra | which is obviously bad :) |
15:23:27 | Cassandra | I can give it a quick eyeball, but I don't guarantee to find anything. |
15:23:42 | Mikachu | godzirra: are you trying it in the sim? |
15:23:49 | Mikachu | that's a great timesaver when making a wps |
15:24:53 | godzirra | Yeah, but Ihave the same problem in the sim... and I've screwed with it a lot and I cant figure out why its not working right. |
15:25:01 | godzirra | it doesnt load one of the graphics. |
15:25:12 | Mikachu | are they all correct size and 24 bits? |
15:25:37 | godzirra | I took one of the h340 ones and resized the images... they are not the right width (and you can see a small gap...) |
15:25:44 | godzirra | but there are two graphics, a foreground and a background |
15:25:52 | godzirra | they are basically the same image, but one has a lot of pink which gets rendered invisible. |
15:25:54 | | Quit perpleXa (No route to host) |
15:25:57 | godzirra | and only one gets loaded. |
15:26:04 | Mikachu | you would have to adjust all the positions in the wps too |
15:26:15 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (i=steve-o@adsl-64-217-216-234.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
15:26:17 | godzirra | Right... I tried that, but just putting spaces in apparently doesnt work ;) |
15:26:18 | Mikachu | and when you scale, the pink will get blended with the other colors, and only pure pink will be invisible |
15:26:31 | godzirra | Ahh.. crap. |
15:26:32 | Mikachu | it's easier if you make a new theme to see how it works |
15:26:34 | godzirra | Thats part of the problem. |
15:26:47 | Mikachu | even if you scale correctly it will probably look bad |
15:26:47 | godzirra | I've got a very general idea of how themes work, I just cant do graphics worth crap :) |
15:28:00 | Jungti1234 | markun |
15:28:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: Are you sure your pink is 255, 0, 255? |
15:28:07 | | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") |
15:28:08 | godzirra | From the sounds of it, no. |
15:28:20 | godzirra | that explains that part, but not why the other graphic isnt getting loaded. |
15:28:57 | Cassandra | That's probably a syntax error in your WPS somewhere. |
15:29:17 | amiconn | markun: What does your commit actually fix? I wonder what just switching the order of parameters is doing.... |
15:29:30 | godzirra | %X|012.bmp| is how its trying to load the backgrounds |
15:29:35 | godzirra | and they're definitely not loading. |
15:31:35 | Paul_The_Nerd | You only get ONE background |
15:31:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | And it's fullscreen. |
15:32:12 | godzirra | Right. But it is only loading one background. the other image is a foreground, hence the invisibility. |
15:32:26 | Mikachu | since when can you have a 'foreground'? |
15:32:41 | Mikachu | and why not just blend it with the background directly on your computer? |
15:33:12 | godzirra | the foreground image loaded like so: %x|z|002t.bmp|0|0| loads fine. |
15:33:17 | godzirra | maybe foreground is a bad choice of words. |
15:33:31 | godzirra | Mikachu: Because I am graphically inept. ;) |
15:33:41 | Mikachu | i don't know wps that well |
15:34:08 | markun | amiconn: I have usb.h and id3.h in /usr/local/include. Because sdl-config includes this dir rockbox gets compiled with the wrong header files.. |
15:34:10 | godzirra | I just want to know why %X|002.bmp| wont load the background. |
15:34:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: You have one background fullscreen image and then several images that get drawn on top of stuff, *sorta* foreground. |
15:34:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: Is there definitely a 002.bmp there? |
15:34:41 | Mikachu | so they're drawn on top of text and progress bar? |
15:34:56 | Paul_The_Nerd | In /.rockbox/wps/filename/ where filename is the same as filename.wps? |
15:35:04 | Mikachu | or you mean things that change depending on state? |
15:35:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: Not so much on top, as parallel, so you get flickerings when text redraws "under" it. |
15:35:28 | Paul_The_Nerd | Thats why you try not to draw images and text in the same place. |
15:35:29 | godzirra | Paul_The_Nerd: most definitely. Its in the same directory as the graphic that IS loading. |
15:35:40 | Mikachu | if they're static, i don't see why you want to draw them separately |
15:35:44 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: And, is it the same resolutoin as your screen? |
15:36:05 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: EXACTLY the same number of pixels wide and tall? |
15:36:11 | godzirra | Nope.. apparently thats the problem. if it doesnt meet exact dimensions it wont load? |
15:36:17 | Mikachu | correct |
15:36:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: They don't have to be static. They can be in conditionals, like a replacement battery icon, or Play/Pause symbols. |
15:36:30 | godzirra | Hrm... ok. it was 320x220 I think. |
15:36:37 | Mikachu | right, then i see why you'd want them |
15:36:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yup |
15:36:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: 320*240 I believe |
15:36:51 | godzirra | Yeah, it is. |
15:36:55 | godzirra | I just tested another one. |
15:37:46 | | Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@155.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) |
15:39:06 | godzirra | now I just need to figure out how positioning works. |
15:39:46 | Mikachu | i hope it's pixels from the top left corner |
15:39:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, with text, it's entirely relative. So, it's based on the size of the font. With images, they're pixels from the top left corner. |
15:40:20 | godzirra | How do I find out what font I'm currently using and save that to a config file? |
15:40:26 | Mikachu | it's a bit annoying that everything will be wrong relative to the bg image when you enable/disable the status bar |
15:40:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: Well, you can have a WPS always disable the status bar in itself. |
15:41:04 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: If you just save a normal config file, then find the font line, you can copy and paste that. |
15:41:14 | godzirra | how do you save the normal config? |
15:41:18 | Mikachu | yeah but if i make a wps and then decide to disable it, i have to change all offsets |
15:41:39 | Mikachu | but i guess it would cause problems anyway |
15:41:57 | Mikachu | but it's always fun to be annoyed |
15:42:05 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: In the menu, under manage settings. |
15:42:24 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (i=nn@dhcp-163-1-214-233.seh.ox.ac.uk) |
15:43:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: Well, if you make a WPS designed to have a status bar, and then remove it, you've got blank space up there that's kinda wasted. Though there has been discussion on absolute positioning of text, using a sorta box-model for viewports. |
15:43:05 | godzirra | Hrm. In the simulator, how do you get it to actually save... I can just move around the text to choose the filename... |
15:43:28 | | Join perpleXa [0] (i=perpleXa@dialin-145-254-179-243.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:43:56 | safetydan | godzirra, on a laptop you should be able to use the Fn key to get numeric key pad keys |
15:43:58 | Mikachu | godzirra: hold select |
15:44:08 | safetydan | On my laptop it's Fn and + |
15:44:11 | Mikachu | it's not immediately obvious |
15:44:34 | godzirra | but which button is it supposed to be on the keypad? |
15:45:28 | Mikachu | probabyl 5 |
15:45:38 | godzirra | hmm.. 5 didnt work,m but space did. |
15:45:38 | godzirra | weird. |
15:45:48 | Mikachu | i'm just guessing |
15:46:00 | | Join hiyad [0] (n=3e4f4094@labb.contactor.se) |
15:46:30 | godzirra | Huh. It wrote an empty config file. |
15:46:46 | Mikachu | easy to parse |
15:46:49 | godzirra | lol |
15:47:00 | godzirra | Yes, but I want to know what font its using now and write a config file for this wps to use that font. |
15:47:41 | | Join ripnetuk [0] (n=george@host-87-74-125-82.bulldogdsl.com) |
15:48:12 | hiyad | Anyone know of a reason why dircache would fail to work? |
15:48:55 | hiyad | Is there anything to it other than enabling it, and restarting? |
15:50:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | Are you on an iPod? |
15:50:36 | hiyad | Nope, h120 |
15:50:57 | hiyad | Debug info says dircache is not initialized |
15:51:00 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, enabling and then restarting has always worked for me. |
15:51:12 | Mikachu | is there any point in using it with a flash device? |
15:51:32 | hiyad | You wouldn't think so |
15:51:35 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: It doesn't even work on iPods at the moment, if I understand. And no, not really. |
15:51:54 | Mikachu | okay, i changed an ifdef somewhere so it's not even compiled in |
15:51:59 | Mikachu | saved maybe a couple of kB |
15:52:14 | ripnetuk | what are peoples thoughts on replacing the play bookmark screen with a normal menu? it would make it work on the iriver lcd remote, and would mean we wouldnt have to port it to future screen types. It would also posibility allow voice menus for it, whivch is nice for the sighted? |
15:52:29 | ripnetuk | atm it is a custom screen with a custom key loop |
15:52:38 | hiyad | It looks like it starts scanning when I reboot (hdd led comes on blinking) but not for long |
15:52:41 | Mikachu | i haven't even figured out how to use it... |
15:53:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | hiyad: I don't think anyone here right now knows much about the dircache code. |
15:54:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | ripnetuk: You're talking about using the normal list code? |
15:54:09 | Mikachu | it being the bookmark screen |
15:54:15 | hiyad | Seems like it. Figured it might've been a known bug or something. |
15:54:15 | ripnetuk | yes |
15:54:28 | ripnetuk | same code as for context menus's etc |
15:54:33 | ripnetuk | or even submenus on the normal menu |
15:55:40 | ripnetuk | atm i have to remove my iriver from my pocket each time i want to play a bookmark... <−−- life can be cruel ) |
15:55:53 | Mikachu | would menus help there? |
15:55:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hehehe. That might be a good idea then. |
15:56:12 | hiyad | sounds like a good idea |
15:56:49 | ripnetuk | menus are known to work on the remote... it would be easy enough to modify the existing custom screen to allow remote support, but IMHO moving towards using the common gui_ functions is the way foreward |
15:56:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | hiyad: I don't think it is. You might want to scandisk. Also, I don't know how it handles odd filenames, so maybe that could cause problems. Don't really know. |
15:57:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | ripnetuk: Why not put together a patch then, and submit it to the tracker? |
15:57:19 | ripnetuk | might well do that |
15:58:15 | ripnetuk | just gathering thoughts on it atm |
15:58:23 | ripnetuk | maybe the custom screen is well loved :) |
15:58:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | I imagine it's just "well aged" |
15:58:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | And nobody's gotten around to doing what you're proposing, or something similar |
15:58:42 | ripnetuk | yeah. |
15:59:12 | markun | My compiler gives me a warning when there is a "return NULL" in a function of type int. Why are there no warnings about this in the build table? |
16:00 |
16:00:25 | perpleXa | your compiler sucks :x |
16:00:38 | markun | yes, stupid gcc :) |
16:00:40 | perpleXa | NULL should simply return 0 in an int function |
16:00:49 | Mikachu | but NULL is (void *)0 |
16:01:21 | markun | perpleXa: why not write "return 0" then? |
16:01:34 | markun | It's gcc 3.4.4 btw |
16:01:38 | perpleXa | dont ask me :) |
16:01:47 | perpleXa | ask the onw who wrote it |
16:01:47 | perpleXa | one* |
16:01:48 | B4gder | NULL is never "implied" |
16:02:15 | B4gder | it is a define |
16:02:26 | B4gder | set to be a void * in most systems |
16:03:05 | markun | B4gder: isn't it a bit strange then to return it in a int function? (in solitaire and brickmania) |
16:03:10 | B4gder | yes it is |
16:03:14 | B4gder | I'd call it wrong even |
16:03:39 | markun | I'll fix it then |
16:04:22 | petur | code police commits, long time no see ;) |
16:04:43 | | Join webguest60 [0] (n=acd54958@labb.contactor.se) |
16:04:48 | * | B4gder hands markun the badge. May it serve you well my son. ;-) |
16:04:53 | webguest60 | hi |
16:04:55 | markun | NOOO!! |
16:05:02 | Mikachu | hi guest |
16:05:06 | webguest60 | hello |
16:05:20 | markun | B4gder: well, as long as I can hand it back to you after I'm done :) |
16:05:23 | Jungti1234 | haha |
16:05:24 | webguest60 | I was just curious if Rockbox on iPod works with the AV cable so you can view images or videos on a TV |
16:06:06 | godzirra | hrm. on my theme when you turn the volume up, it goes into negative decibels |
16:06:10 | Jungti1234 | oh markun..:( |
16:06:17 | godzirra | I'm not a genius, but arent the decibels supposed to get higher the louder it gets? ;p |
16:06:38 | Jungti1234 | I compiled simulator now... |
16:06:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: The volume range on ipod goes from -70ish or -80ish to +6 |
16:06:42 | Mikachu | uh yeah, they get more negative when it goes quieter here |
16:06:55 | Jungti1234 | Before it is commited.. |
16:07:02 | Paul_The_Nerd | godzirra: 0 is a line level, the highest you're safe from clipping, and you decrease it from there. |
16:07:05 | godzirra | Right, but when I use the up arrow in the simulator, to raise the volume, it goes from 6 to -70 |
16:07:16 | godzirra | when i use the down arrow, it goes up to 6 |
16:08:07 | | Join jlo [0] (n=d07edaa2@atm91-1-82-227-1-35.fbx.proxad.net) |
16:08:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | That's very odd. I don't think it's reflective of how it'll behave on your iPod though. |
16:08:43 | jlo | hello |
16:08:44 | webguest60 | I have noticed a bug. If you plug the USB wall charger into the iPod whilst Rockbox is running, the device goes into USB mode |
16:08:47 | Jungti1234 | hi |
16:09:53 | safetydan | godzirra, up is scroll left I think on the iPod sim |
16:10:00 | | Quit moozooh (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:10:12 | godzirra | how odd. ok. that makes sense then |
16:11:12 | Mikachu | godzirra: where did you get your nick from? |
16:11:15 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
16:12:03 | godzirra | It used to be gojira |
16:12:13 | godzirra | but I got sick of people asking me what it meant. ;) |
16:12:24 | Mikachu | heh |
16:12:51 | Mikachu | i know dzi and ji are almost the same in japanese, that's why i asked |
16:12:57 | * | godzirra nods. |
16:13:02 | Mikachu | i haven't seen anyone spelling it with dz before but not l |
16:13:04 | B4gder | a monster commit ;-) |
16:14:23 | * | LinusN awaits the verdict in the build table |
16:14:39 | B4gder | going for highscore? |
16:14:40 | petur | wow, progress is quite fast... |
16:14:59 | markun | B4gder: where can I see the score you guys are always talking about btw? |
16:15:10 | B4gder | markun: the score column in the build table |
16:15:19 | LinusN | markun: the rightmost column |
16:15:19 | petur | right col of the build table |
16:15:27 | petur | hahaha |
16:15:32 | Mikachu | markun: i think it's the right column in the build table |
16:15:35 | markun | B4gder: Ah, I thought there were also personal scores :) |
16:15:46 | LinusN | those are secret |
16:15:54 | LinusN | we use them to revoke cvs access |
16:15:59 | B4gder | hehehe |
16:16:07 | markun | :) |
16:16:24 | B4gder | we add those names to the list we give the guys with the mean look and baseball bats |
16:16:29 | Jungti1234 | we use only sdl? |
16:16:57 | ripnetuk | can someone help me with SDL? last time i build the sim, it worked (pre sdl). using debian unstable. installed sdl-debian-all (or similar), but make still complaining that i dont have sdl-config. anyone know the debian package i need to correct? apt-cache doesnt help :( |
16:17:04 | godzirra | Anyone know if you can use the wps to show the song AFTER next? |
16:17:14 | HCl | libsdl1.2-dev iirc |
16:17:31 | HCl | yup, libsdl1.2-dev |
16:17:40 | B4gder | godzirra: you can't |
16:17:52 | godzirra | ok. |
16:18:20 | ripnetuk | thanks :) |
16:18:46 | | Quit jlo ("goodbye everybody") |
16:18:55 | Mikachu | bye dr nick |
16:19:22 | ripnetuk | that worked - thanks :) |
16:19:25 | Jungti1234 | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SimpleGuideToCompiling#Building_the_Simulator |
16:19:37 | Jungti1234 | May I edit it? |
16:20:27 | markun | LinusN: damn you for causing conflicts again before I can commit the gigabeat sim :) |
16:21:17 | LinusN | muhahaha! |
16:22:00 | | Quit darkless (Client Quit) |
16:22:23 | | Quit DJ_Dooms_Day ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
16:23:44 | | Join jlo [0] (n=jlo@atm91-1-82-227-1-35.fbx.proxad.net) |
16:23:46 | | Quit jlo (Remote closed the connection) |
16:24:09 | | Join jlo [0] (n=jlo@atm91-1-82-227-1-35.fbx.proxad.net) |
16:24:18 | | Quit jlo (Remote closed the connection) |
16:24:48 | | Join jlo [0] (n=jlo@atm91-1-82-227-1-35.fbx.proxad.net) |
16:24:49 | | Quit jlo (Remote closed the connection) |
16:25:35 | | Quit ripnetuk ("Leaving") |
16:26:11 | godzirra | Huh. I take it battery meter doesnt work on ipod video yet? :) |
16:26:19 | godzirra | Else i'm impressed, because my ipod plays with 0% battery =) |
16:26:25 | | Quit webguest60 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
16:26:29 | * | amiconn wonders why LinusN kept the odd BUTTON_POWER |
16:26:45 | Mikachu | i want PUPPY_POWER |
16:26:51 | amiconn | I guess it would simplify things if you used BUTTON_OFF instead |
16:27:31 | | Quit actionshrimp ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.01 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
16:27:42 | LinusN | amiconn: perhaps, why would it simplify? |
16:28:35 | LinusN | i wasn't sure how to name it, since it is used for both ON and OFF |
16:29:11 | amiconn | (1) it would simplify key->button mapping for the sims |
16:29:32 | amiconn | (2) The Ondio also has a combined On/Off button, which we also call BUTTON_OFF |
16:30:14 | safetydan | Jungti1234, yes you can edit that |
16:30:16 | LinusN | why would it be easier for the sims? |
16:30:17 | amiconn | It also has the advantage that a (plugin-)dev knows to avoid this button for long presses |
16:30:23 | petur | windows: press start to shutdown; rockbox: press off to turn on :) |
16:30:38 | B4gder | LinusN: here's my initial take at include path http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox/targetinclude.patch |
16:30:38 | LinusN | petur: :-) |
16:30:46 | amiconn | LinusN: No extra #if for x5 |
16:31:03 | LinusN | amiconn: where? |
16:31:35 | LinusN | i have no problems with renaming the button, i was just curious |
16:31:58 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp89-adsl-132.ath.forthnet.gr) |
16:31:59 | LinusN | B4gder: "manufacturer" |
16:32:32 | LinusN | looks nice otherwise |
16:32:36 | LinusN | i'll try it |
16:32:46 | * | [IDC]Dragon discovered M.E.S.S. |
16:33:04 | Mikachu | did you C.L.E.A.N. it up? |
16:33:22 | [IDC]Dragon | which emulates all my childhood dream's machines |
16:33:37 | amiconn | uisimulator/sdl/button.c: button_event(), uisimulator/win32/button.c: button_event(), unisimulator/x11/button-x11.c: button_read() |
16:33:39 | Mikachu | multi what something simulator? |
16:33:42 | B4gder | LinusN: oh well, its only a first ake anyway |
16:33:45 | [IDC]Dragon | you know, the multi home computer emulator |
16:34:00 | Mikachu | close enough |
16:34:12 | Mikachu | maybe multi entertainment system simulator? |
16:34:21 | [IDC]Dragon | maybe |
16:34:35 | Mikachu | one day we will know |
16:34:47 | [IDC]Dragon | anyway, it emulates all those 1980ish home computers |
16:35:06 | [IDC]Dragon | and does a remarkable job on it |
16:35:20 | amiconn | LinusN: Also, quitting a plugin with BUTTON_REC seems strange... Does the X5 already shut down with a short press of Power? |
16:35:48 | B4gder | quitting with the power button wouldn't feel fine on the x5 |
16:36:11 | B4gder | since you need to kind of slide and press |
16:36:21 | amiconn | ah. |
16:36:27 | LinusN | amiconn: first of all, i couldn't care less about the button mappings in the plugins right now |
16:36:41 | LinusN | i just change them to keep the table clean |
16:39:05 | amiconn | What does the int counter; do in the button driver? |
16:39:15 | LinusN | i was >.< this close to just #ifdef away all the plugins, just to avoid changing all the button mappings in the plugins |
16:39:21 | LinusN | amiconn: oops |
16:39:29 | LinusN | forgot to remove some debug code |
16:39:58 | * | amiconn awaits an Ooops commit ;) |
16:40:27 | | Quit petur ("time to say booze") |
16:40:42 | | Quit markun (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
16:40:42 | NSplit | zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
16:40:45 | Mikachu | alias oops='cvs commit -m "oops"' |
16:41:04 | LinusN | :-) |
16:43:28 | | Join markun [0] (n=markun@bastards.student.utwente.nl) |
16:43:37 | B4gder | hey! I spot gigabeat commits |
16:43:43 | markun | :) |
16:43:54 | markun | Let's see how much I broke this time.. |
16:44:02 | B4gder | ain't it a grand day today? |
16:46:32 | markun | B4gder: I think I didn't break anything, but if I did: could you fix it for me (because will be gone for 1 hour) |
16:46:54 | B4gder | I'll be away too before the gigabeat build completes |
16:47:01 | B4gder | we can always fix it later tonight |
16:47:13 | B4gder | if no one else does it, I mean |
16:47:14 | markun | yes, I will check as soon as I get back |
16:47:51 | B4gder | markun: so adding a gigabeat sim build could make sense? |
16:48:13 | markun | B4gder: yes, it would make sense now. I'll make a picture later |
16:48:27 | B4gder | ok, I'll it one tonight |
16:48:39 | B4gder | uuh, well I can't type |
16:49:24 | elinenbe | markun: gigabeat! NICE! |
16:49:32 | elinenbe | markun: which version? |
16:49:36 | markun | See you all later |
16:49:57 | markun | elinenbe: I have a F40, but so far only the sim works |
16:50:48 | | Join saa[b_r]ider [0] (n=saab_rid@ |
16:51:10 | saa[b_r]ider | morning everyone |
16:51:12 | B4gder | I'll soon ride my saab home |
16:51:15 | B4gder | :-) |
16:51:37 | saa[b_r]ider | hehehe :) Old school saab 900 for me ;) |
16:52:17 | Jungti1234 | oh hi saab |
16:52:21 | saa[b_r]ider | I'm having problems with menu backdrops |
16:52:30 | saa[b_r]ider | hi jungti! it's been so long :D |
16:52:32 | Jungti1234 | long time no see..:) |
16:52:33 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
16:53:07 | saa[b_r]ider | WPS backdrops are working fine for me, but it's a hit and miss case with the menu backdrops |
16:53:23 | Mikachu | maybe they're not the right format then |
16:53:27 | | Quit hiyad ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
16:53:36 | Mikachu | they should all be exactly the same size |
16:53:52 | robin_ | When will the gameboy emulator be finished for the Nano :)? |
16:54:05 | robin_ | or can you give me an estimate :D |
16:54:23 | saa[b_r]ider | it's 220X176 24 bit bmp... |
16:55:07 | saa[b_r]ider | sometimes nothing happens when I try to set as backdrop, and on a few occasions the whole screen turns black |
16:55:14 | Mikachu | with the same file? |
16:55:41 | saa[b_r]ider | no, turned black with a certain file... |
16:55:42 | elinenbe | markun: nice work! |
16:56:11 | saa[b_r]ider | actually, let me try to use this problematic backdrop in my WPS, and see if it loads there or not, hold on |
16:56:53 | saa[b_r]ider | jungti, I just came back last week, and I was wondering where you were :) |
16:57:08 | | Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-18bcf48a.dyn.optonline.net) |
16:59:53 | | Join jlo [0] (n=jlo@atm91-1-82-227-1-35.fbx.proxad.net) |
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17:00 |
17:00:19 | saa[b_r]ider | mikachu: ok it seems the problem was with the backdrop I was using.... |
17:00:41 | saa[b_r]ider | it had many grays in it, are there color limitations of some sort? |
17:01:32 | Jungti1234 | hehe saab |
17:01:44 | Jungti1234 | I visited often. |
17:01:52 | Mikachu | saa[b_r]ider: it has to be 24bit |
17:02:02 | Mikachu | saa[b_r]ider: is the filesize different from other files? |
17:02:04 | Jungti1234 | You couldn't see. :) |
17:02:53 | Jungti1234 | ok, bye all |
17:03:13 | saa[b_r]ider | ahhhh |
17:03:22 | Jungti1234 | :) |
17:03:30 | saa[b_r]ider | tricky photoshop saved it as 32!!!!!!!!! |
17:03:34 | Jungti1234 | hahaha |
17:03:35 | saa[b_r]ider | bye jungti! |
17:03:39 | Jungti1234 | bye |
17:03:41 | saa[b_r]ider | see you around :) |
17:03:42 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
17:04:33 | saa[b_r]ider | I feel stupid... at least I'm closer to releasing my new WPS now :) |
17:05:14 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:05:58 | Mikachu | 220x176 isn't nano :( |
17:07:14 | | Quit B4gder ("time to say moo") |
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17:20:41 | | Join ]RowaN[ [0] (n=54093c61@labb.contactor.se) |
17:21:31 | ]RowaN[ | guys is midi got anywhere closer to working recently? |
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17:27:07 | | Join jlo [0] (n=jlo@atm91-1-82-227-1-35.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:27:18 | jlo | hi |
17:28:30 | | Quit safetydan ("Leaving") |
17:28:49 | | Quit Bg3r ("[BX] Tickle-Me Elmo uses BitchX. *giggle* *giggle* *giggle*") |
17:29:11 | Mikachu | jlo: look what you did |
17:29:44 | jlo | mikachu : about what ? |
17:30:14 | Mikachu | you made two devs leave :) |
17:30:43 | jlo | efficien ! no ? |
17:32:03 | jlo | preglow : I was away a while but I worked on crossfeed, are you still on this subject ? (by the way, bravo for your EQ) |
17:35:16 | robin_ | is iTunesDB support also work in progres ? |
17:35:30 | Mikachu | no, i doubt it is planned |
17:36:01 | robin_ | :(.. hmm there already opensource libraries for it. |
17:36:24 | robin_ | +are |
17:36:31 | Mikachu | you don't need to keep an itunesdb at all |
17:36:34 | Mikachu | just copy the files over |
17:36:58 | robin_ | I know, but I like to use itunes for the podcasts and stuff |
17:37:33 | | Quit stamppot (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:38:34 | bluey | Mikachu: how about rescaning the iTunes_Control folder with the Rockbox Database? |
17:38:59 | Mikachu | don't ask me |
17:40:10 | preglow | jlo: im here now |
17:40:19 | preglow | sure, i'm still on the subject |
17:40:30 | preglow | if it's sound and dsp related, i usually am |
17:40:54 | preglow | jlo: you got a description of your crossfeed lying around? |
17:42:12 | jlo | yes I did a VST check at :http://www.ohl.to/rockbox/plugins.html so you can work |
17:42:13 | | Join ts-x [0] (n=0cad6dbb@labb.contactor.se) |
17:43:57 | jlo | preglow : I used same biquad filters as you did in EQ so maybe it will help you |
17:44:18 | preglow | jlo: damned nice |
17:44:25 | preglow | so you use second order filters? |
17:44:48 | jlo | yes, it's OK for you ? |
17:44:54 | preglow | well, it'll be tons slower |
17:45:09 | preglow | and we'll also need internal buffers |
17:45:22 | preglow | we'll see |
17:45:31 | jlo | but isn't it same as for your EQ ? |
17:45:49 | preglow | yes, sure, but for the eq i only need to do one filter at a time |
17:45:56 | preglow | for crossfeed, i need to do four filters in parallel |
17:46:14 | preglow | and i use all the registers for just one |
17:46:19 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b953ea.pool.mediaWays.net) |
17:46:24 | jlo | damned |
17:46:30 | preglow | but anyway, we'll see |
17:46:37 | preglow | i can't work on it right away anyway |
17:47:08 | preglow | did you use synthedit or something=? |
17:47:18 | jlo | I used synthedit to do the VST , yes |
17:47:24 | preglow | yup, i was starting to wonder, heh |
17:47:29 | preglow | it'd be a lot of work in c++ |
17:47:45 | jlo | I can send you the synthedit form |
17:47:58 | preglow | no, it's fine |
17:48:02 | preglow | the vst will do nicely |
17:48:14 | preglow | but i |
17:48:18 | preglow | but i've gotta go back to work |
17:48:23 | jlo | yes try the VST anf |
17:48:38 | preglow | if you could send the url to preglow@gmail.com, it'd be nice |
17:48:44 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-26-40.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
17:49:00 | jlo | which url ? |
17:49:05 | preglow | plugins |
17:49:15 | jlo | OK I'll do |
17:49:16 | preglow | i'll be switching computers now |
17:49:22 | jlo | bye |
17:49:23 | preglow | and mailbox is a nice rminder |
17:49:24 | | Join JoeBorn [0] (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
17:49:32 | preglow | be back over the weekend sometime |
17:49:32 | preglow | bye |
18:00 |
18:01:52 | jlo | bye all |
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19:20:22 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:29:52 | godzirra | Well. my wps looks better... |
19:29:56 | | Nick robin_ is now known as nibor (n=robin@debian.demon.nl) |
19:29:59 | godzirra | I wish I wasnt so graphically inept. |
19:30:10 | | Join yeahx [0] (n=aarond@c-67-160-124-13.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
19:30:15 | | Nick nibor is now known as robin_ (n=robin@debian.demon.nl) |
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19:38:21 | petur | "who is gl, and why is he filling my mailbox" :D |
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19:47:02 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
19:47:57 | linuxstb | markun: Congratulations on the low-scoring gigabeat commt. |
19:48:25 | slimx | hy linuxstb |
19:49:00 | linuxstb | Hi. |
19:49:13 | slimx | can you tell me where are the tabs ? |
19:49:21 | linuxstb | Everywhere..... |
19:49:27 | slimx | in pcm_playback i guess :p |
19:49:29 | linuxstb | Which editor do you use? |
19:49:33 | slimx | eclipse |
19:49:41 | linuxstb | I'm looking now. |
19:50:04 | linuxstb | First one is in eq_menu.c - where you've indented (CONFIG_KEYPAD == IPOD_3G_PAD) |
19:50:28 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:50:47 | linuxstb | You've inserted another in main.c - changing an empty line to a line just containing a TAB |
19:51:18 | slimx | :p |
19:51:25 | linuxstb | There are some in solitaire.c ... |
19:51:41 | * | petur can't remember that B4gder gave the code police badge to linuxstb ;) |
19:51:57 | linuxstb | If you open up your patch file in a text editor, and search for tabs, you will see them.... |
19:52:27 | slimx | i'll do it |
19:52:46 | | Join ssnajper [0] (n=c635c9fe@labb.contactor.se) |
19:52:57 | slimx | for pcm_playback i don't know what to do ! |
19:53:18 | linuxstb | I don't think you will have to do very much at all to get audio working. |
19:53:25 | slimx | i didn't try it |
19:53:37 | linuxstb | - if you follow the code I've written for the other ipods. |
19:54:13 | slimx | that would be great |
19:54:14 | slimx | :) |
19:54:26 | linuxstb | If you want, I can work on it - I'm very familiar with that code now. |
19:54:30 | | Join nicolinux [0] (n=5759a04e@labb.contactor.se) |
19:54:54 | slimx | that would be great yes |
19:55:07 | nicolinux | hello everybody |
19:55:24 | slimx | hy nicolinux |
19:55:35 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b964e8.pool.mediaWays.net) |
19:58:00 | slimx | is there something useable in the code i wrote for wm8731 ? |
19:58:09 | linuxstb | slimx: I'll commit a small change to pcm_playback.c now that disables playback, and then try to add the 3g code. |
19:58:39 | slimx | ok |
19:58:41 | linuxstb | slimx: I haven't really looked at it yet. |
19:59:08 | linuxstb | I am very curious to see how Rockbox performs on the 3g. |
19:59:25 | slimx | well it's quiet good for now |
19:59:52 | slimx | cube demo work's better and faster than it does on ipl |
19:59:53 | slimx | :) |
20:00 |
20:00:19 | coob | yeah, because your cube demo doesn't hav antialiased lines. |
20:00:20 | | Quit nicolinux ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
20:02:28 | slimx | it also loads quiet faster |
20:03:12 | Slasheri | hehe, i like this my new berkeyboard :) just got it today: http://ihme.org/~miipekk/uberkeyboard/img_2181.jpg |
20:03:15 | linuxstb | slimx: I've just committed a tiny change to pcm_playback.c so that it should compile for you now. |
20:03:16 | | Quit ssnajper ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
20:03:29 | linuxstb | Slasheri: Thanks for the USB fix. |
20:03:43 | muesli__ | Slasheri commit it! ;) |
20:03:48 | Slasheri | linuxstb: np :) |
20:03:58 | Slasheri | muesli__: hmm :D |
20:04:09 | Slasheri | linuxstb: i will do some dircache fixes soon also |
20:04:20 | linuxstb | dircache seems to work fine on my ipods. |
20:04:34 | Slasheri | yep, but it has some bugs i have just discovered |
20:05:04 | linuxstb | OK. It's just that someone mentioned earlier today that it was broken on the ipod - I just wanted to say that it isn't. |
20:05:14 | | Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@155.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) |
20:06:08 | Moos | Slasheri: very good to hear |
20:06:27 | | Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ |
20:06:39 | Slasheri | and then i would like to implement different buffering scheme also (user could select between the original and new one). The new scheme would only fully buffer the first song (or something like that) and then small chunks of the next tracks until whole buffer is filled. |
20:06:57 | Slasheri | that would allow nice skipping with little affect on the battery life |
20:07:59 | Moos | if everyone can choice betwen the 2 ways, that sounds promising |
20:08:04 | amiconn | coob: But (at least last time I checked) ipl cube doesn't have hidden lines mode, and filled faces mode uses a primitive algoritm |
20:11:30 | amiconn | Slasheri: This proposed buffering system changes would make battery life worse for me. I practically never skip |
20:12:09 | * | amiconn thinks that if one needs to skip, the music collection/playlist is in need of cleanup |
20:12:36 | muesli__ | i dont understand that "new" method either..sounds nonsense to me :o |
20:12:38 | coob | aa lines trumps hidden lines :) |
20:12:43 | amiconn | Apart from that, it will add even more complexity to the playback engine. |
20:13:09 | amiconn | coob: I couldn't care less about antialiasing on a mobile device |
20:13:24 | coob | aa lines trumps hidden lines :) |
20:13:40 | Moos | amiconn: for the one skiping a lot, that could be interesting at least |
20:13:44 | Slasheri | amiconn: yep, true.. if i understood correctly, ipods have something like that to allow fast skipping between tracks |
20:14:02 | Slasheri | but of course that needs to be option because not all people want that |
20:14:03 | amiconn | The playback engine is already very hard to understand imho |
20:14:15 | Moos | indeed |
20:14:32 | amiconn | In fact, linear buffering also allows for fast skipping, at least within the buffer range |
20:14:38 | Moos | iirc just lostlogic know it apart for Slasheri |
20:15:17 | amiconn | Imho that's more than sufficient; the only thing that actually needs fixing is that skipping backwards should also reuse what's still in the buffer |
20:15:41 | Slasheri | amiconn: hmm, probably that's then not so good idea to implement soon.. maybe i will try adding encoder support to the playback engine instead |
20:15:59 | linuxstb | tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache tagcache |
20:16:02 | Slasheri | amiconn: it should already reuse that |
20:16:13 | amiconn | Slasheri: What happened to tagcache? |
20:16:13 | Moos | linuxstb: hehe :) |
20:16:15 | | Join xmixahlx [0] (n=xmixahlx@ |
20:16:55 | Moos | Slasheri: did you already take a look at the encodeur patch? |
20:16:56 | Slasheri | amiconn: needs still some fixing.. i have had too much real work to be able to develop that :/ |
20:17:06 | Slasheri | but maybe soon.. |
20:17:17 | lostlogic | W00T! I'm now the proud owner of an Archos Jukebox 6000 |
20:17:22 | Slasheri | Moos: hmm, is there a patch? |
20:17:36 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:17:42 | linuxstb | lostlogic: Do I see someone who is going to unify the playback engines? |
20:18:07 | lostlogic | linuxstb: dunno, I just acquired the thing from a coworker who was about to throw it away... |
20:18:10 | Moos | slasheri: http://www.rockbox.org/bugs/task/2939 ? |
20:18:18 | amiconn | lostlogic: Do you alraedy have it at your place? |
20:18:45 | amiconn | Could be really interesting in case it has the old lcd type |
20:18:46 | Moos | lostlogic: congratulations |
20:18:59 | Slasheri | Moos: oh, that looks interesting |
20:19:11 | | Join stamppot [0] (n=alberink@cc516682-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl) |
20:19:19 | lostlogic | amiconn: I'm at work, and it's on my desk now. |
20:19:36 | Moos | Slasheri: yes toni hard worked on it, just need a dev like you :) take a look at it |
20:19:44 | amiconn | lostlogic: Rockbox has init code for both the old and new lcd for when running from flash, but the old-lcd init is untested |
20:20:14 | lostlogic | amiconn: If I don't get a chance to take it apart before devcon, I'm sure I'll have it with me |
20:20:28 | Slasheri | Moos: i will take a look on that.. probably even commit it with some changes if necessary |
20:20:40 | Moos | wee !! |
20:20:49 | linuxstb | Moos: Have you tested it? |
20:21:13 | Moos | linuxstb: not yet; I just remenber few discussions abou it |
20:21:22 | Moos | *about |
20:21:30 | amiconn | ...since the only old-lcd Player we have access to is one of Linus' players. He sent it to me for tests, but the lcd doesn't want to work at all, even with original firmware |
20:21:51 | amiconn | Not really suitable for testing lcd inits... |
20:21:56 | | Join Thus0_ [0] (n=Thus0@155.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) |
20:22:06 | Moos | linuxstb: preglow wanted work on it few weeks ago iirc, but it seems to was busy with other ipod stuff |
20:22:47 | XavierGr | Also, Slasheri, what about rewind to the previous second if the user holds rewind (when we are at 0 time)? |
20:22:55 | XavierGr | second = track |
20:23:04 | amiconn | lostlogic: Did you already try whether it boots at all? |
20:23:11 | linuxstb | I just curious about how stable the encoding codecs patch is - is it as reliable as the existing direct-to-wav recording? |
20:24:08 | Moos | good question :-), time to test |
20:24:17 | Slasheri | XavierGr: hmm, should be possible if somebody likes to do it.. :) |
20:24:32 | Slasheri | shouldn't be really hard in fact |
20:25:03 | linuxstb | XavierGr: I would like that feature as well - but it could introduce a long delay whilst the previous track is buffered, and then we seek to the end. |
20:25:32 | | Join arf-arf [0] (i=arf-arf@ |
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20:29:18 | XavierGr | I say that because in every audio device I have encounter it is possible to do. |
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20:31:41 | | Quit damaki_ ("You're entering a world of pain") |
20:34:01 | lostlogic | amiconn: battery charging ATM |
20:35:01 | Slasheri | hmm, it looks like that encoder patch would work with some changes |
20:35:31 | Slasheri | (more control to the codecs, and less hard-coding at application level) |
20:35:43 | lostlogic | are the batteries in these things replaceable? |
20:36:16 | amiconn | yes |
20:36:28 | amiconn | 4x AA NiMH cells |
20:36:59 | amiconn | Stock batteries are 1500 mAh, using higher rated ones is possible |
20:37:07 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-26-84.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
20:37:28 | lostlogic | wow, 4 AAs in there eh? What tool needed to open it? |
20:37:51 | amiconn | No special tool, just a flat-head screwdriver or similar. |
20:38:50 | amiconn | You stick it in the cut-out between one of the battery covers and front plate, and push the battery cover gently outwards, |
20:39:29 | lostlogic | ahhh, that's nice and simple... |
20:39:43 | lostlogic | alkalines are too high voltage so it has to be NiMH? |
20:39:48 | amiconn | then pull the cover upwards and tke it out |
20:40:00 | amiconn | It has to be NiHM for 2 reasons |
20:40:29 | amiconn | (1) Alkalines have too high inner resistance to supply stable power to the HD |
20:40:42 | amiconn | (2) You might connect the charger by accident... |
20:41:26 | lostlogic | ok. Well if these ones won't hold a charge, I'll get some replacement NiMHs soonish. |
20:41:54 | amiconn | You could try alkalines as a quick test, but I wouldn't recommend that |
20:41:55 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
20:42:22 | lostlogic | nah, hopefully I'll get enough juice into the ones in it to boot up, and once it boots I'll be just happy to buy it new ones. |
20:42:46 | | Part XavierGr |
20:42:55 | lostlogic | amiconn: what's involved in determining the LCD model? |
20:43:00 | amiconn | A common problem with the Player and recorder v1 are broken battery connectors, although I didn't encounter that myself so far |
20:43:15 | amiconn | You need to check the ROM version. |
20:43:19 | amiconn | There are 2 options |
20:44:35 | amiconn | (1) With the stock firmware: The ROM firmware loads firmware upgrades from disk, so if there's an archos.mod in the root, remove it. Then boot and it should tell you the version on startup |
20:45:07 | amiconn | If not, or if that was too fast, you should find the version in the menu somewhere |
20:45:18 | amiconn | (2) Using rockbox (recommended): |
20:45:59 | amiconn | Install rockbox (just unzip to the root), then check Info->Debug->View HW info |
20:46:18 | amiconn | The first page says ROM: x.xx |
20:46:25 | linuxstb | hyarion: Are you around? |
20:46:29 | lostlogic | alright, I'll get back to ya as soon as I have it powered up |
20:46:32 | amiconn | If the ROM is 4.50 or earlier, it's an old lcd |
20:46:45 | amiconn | 4.51 and later are new lcd |
20:47:14 | | Join quobl_ [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/x-f0eb1bbf72f5db4d) |
20:50:43 | amiconn | lostlogic: http://www.archos.com/support/download/manuals/Jukebox_Studio_5lang_v20a.pdf <= The manual for the Studio. Also valid for the 6000 |
20:50:56 | | Part Aditya|Zzz |
20:51:25 | | Join Aditya|Zzz [0] (i=user@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
20:52:14 | hyarion | linuxstb: I'm here :D |
20:52:59 | | Nick Aditya|Zzz is now known as Aditya (i=user@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
20:53:15 | | Quit Thus0_ ("Leaving") |
20:53:45 | linuxstb | I've been getting "rockdoom" working on the ipods, and I was wondering what you needed to change to get it working on the 5g. |
20:54:28 | Aditya | there is a doom game for rockbox? |
20:54:36 | hyarion | not much, just the blitter |
20:54:41 | linuxstb | Yes, it's on the patch tracker. Hopefully it will be added to CVS soon. |
20:55:04 | Aditya | cool |
20:55:08 | Aditya | btw |
20:55:16 | Aditya | that 3d cube "plugin" |
20:55:20 | Aditya | is that real 3d? |
20:55:31 | linuxstb | hyarion: Is your source in SVN? |
20:55:33 | Aditya | I mean.. does rockbox have the concept of 3d? |
20:55:46 | hyarion | linuxstb: have you got the sound working? |
20:55:48 | hyarion | linuxstb: no |
20:55:56 | linuxstb | Aditya: Rockbox itself doesn't, no. But there is a 3d cube plugin. |
20:56:09 | hyarion | well... not the ipl-svn, but the inofficial idoom-svn :P |
20:56:16 | Aditya | linuxstb: I know.. but how did its author do the cube? |
20:56:24 | linuxstb | hyarion: The sound effects are working, yes. I didn't do the port, I've just been bug-fixing the ipod builds. |
20:56:38 | linuxstb | But the music isn't. |
20:57:28 | linuxstb | Aditya: Look at the source and find out... |
20:58:13 | lostlogic | wow, the number of targets supported by rockbox is beginning to frighten me. |
20:58:22 | hyarion | well the music is midi and not implemented src relased by id software :) |
20:58:25 | amiconn | Speaking about cube... What if extending a plugin would require a rename in order to match the extended features? |
20:58:31 | hyarion | linuxstb: where can I get the src? |
20:59:12 | linuxstb | http://www.rockbox.org/bugs/task/2969 |
20:59:18 | * | amiconn still ponders extending 'cube' to show all 5 platonic solids |
20:59:51 | amiconn | Selectable, of course |
21:00 |
21:01:38 | linuxstb | hyarion: If you want to compile it for the ipod, you'll need my patch here: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/doom_ipod.diff The author hasn't incorporated my fixes into his patch yet... |
21:04:35 | | Quit Rondom (Nick collision from services.) |
21:04:37 | | Join Rondom_ [0] (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b964d3.pool.mediaWays.net) |
21:04:49 | | Nick Rondom_ is now known as Rondom (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b964d3.pool.mediaWays.net) |
21:10:40 | godzirra | Hrmm... |
21:10:46 | godzirra | can you rate songs on rockbox? |
21:11:39 | linuxstb | 1) Write a patch to implement a song ratings system; 2) Rate songs. |
21:12:10 | | Join Thus0 [0] (n=Thus0@155.111.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) |
21:12:42 | Moos | or just turn ON the runtime database option and go to the context menu |
21:13:11 | | Quit SereR0kR ("XChat Aqua") |
21:13:32 | * | linuxstb learns new features every day.... |
21:14:06 | Moos | hehe, and this one was a bit hold, with HCl db things iirc |
21:14:20 | lostlogic | amiconn: it's new LCD 4.53 |
21:15:40 | amiconn | Ah. So no lcd init tests... |
21:16:21 | amiconn | Anyway, congrats to one of the first rockboxable devices... |
21:17:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:17:20 | | Join Maxime [0] (n=flemmard@fbx.flemmard.be) |
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21:18:15 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=Jim@c-24-8-222-177.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
21:18:39 | | Join muesli- [0] (n=muesli_t@ |
21:18:41 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: thanks for that patch, I've got it in my sources now. next update will include it |
21:18:46 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-26-84.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
21:18:58 | lostlogic | amiconn: :) |
21:19:28 | | Join Matze41 [0] (i=Miranda@p5484E4C2.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:19:48 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: I didn't realise rockdoom had sound - it was a nice surprise when I played it today for the first time with headphones in... |
21:20:59 | kkurbjun | only thing is how does the patch know how much is left in the audio buffer, or how much to allocate? yeah, the sound is pretty nice.. I'd like to get music working at somepoint |
21:21:39 | Moos | linuxstb: are we far to one commit? |
21:21:43 | muesli- | kkurbjun new key mappings are neat :-) |
21:22:16 | kkurbjun | I'm glad you like them, just need a strafe key now |
21:22:48 | muesli- | what about play/rec |
21:23:03 | | Join thegeek_ [0] (n=thegeek@s026b.studby.ntnu.no) |
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21:23:28 | muesli- | shooting via navi |
21:23:52 | linuxstb | hyarion: Hope you don't mind, I've found your SVN repository and copied your new blitting loop for Doom on the 5g. Thanks for that :-) |
21:24:07 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: I've got it working on the 5g now - I'll send you the patch. |
21:24:21 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:24:23 | kkurbjun | great |
21:25:17 | kkurbjun | hmm, what does PANIC stkov mean? |
21:25:24 | lostlogic | kkurbjun: stack overflow |
21:25:30 | kkurbjun | ahh |
21:25:41 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
21:25:41 | kkurbjun | probably that alloc |
21:25:43 | lostlogic | very deep function call? infinite recursion? |
21:25:44 | kkurbjun | alloca |
21:25:58 | kkurbjun | the TNT wad causes it |
21:27:07 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: There is still one more thing to try and fix on the ipod though - it currently needs about 700KB of plugin buffer... |
21:27:45 | kkurbjun | well if you reallocate the tables that would probably free up alot of space |
21:27:51 | kkurbjun | into the malloc function |
21:28:01 | kkurbjun | but you need to calculate then |
21:28:36 | kkurbjun | theres already a function in r_main.c |
21:28:37 | kkurbjun | void R_InitTables (void) |
21:28:48 | | Quit muesli__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:28:50 | kkurbjun | that has the body #if 0'd out |
21:29:30 | kkurbjun | I've tried putting the tables in iram too and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference so there's no penalty other then slower startup |
21:29:33 | kkurbjun | taht I can see |
21:29:57 | kkurbjun | oh, nope, it has a float in it |
21:30:48 | linuxstb | I'll have a look now - see if I can find anything. |
21:31:50 | slimx | linuxstb, i've sent a new patch file :) |
21:31:59 | slimx | without any tabs |
21:32:17 | | Join ender [0] (i=ychat@ |
21:32:23 | slimx | and i've also cleaned #ifdefs directives |
21:32:23 | linuxstb | :) |
21:34:12 | godzirra | On my rockbox on my ipod video, I keep getting am essage saying "Safe failed? No parition" when I plugin my usb cable. |
21:36:56 | | Join ssnajper [0] (n=c635c9fe@labb.contactor.se) |
21:39:03 | | Quit ender` (Nick collision from services.) |
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21:39:05 | | Nick ender is now known as ender` (i=ychat@ |
21:39:08 | | Join DreamTactix291 [0] (n=DreamTac@adsl-32-194-202.bna.bellsouth.net) |
21:41:00 | yeahx | cant put the ipod into disk mode with rockbox? |
21:41:52 | godzirra | yeahx: sure you can. |
21:42:26 | yeahx | cause if you have to hold select and play, rockbox will start up instead |
21:44:59 | yeahx | I want to update rockbox without it taking forever to unzip to the ipod and someone said its faster in disk mode |
21:46:42 | linuxstb | yeahx: There are two disk modes - the "emergency disk mode", which you enter when you either press select and play during booting, or by inserting the usb cable in Rockbox, and the disk mode that is part of Apple's firmware. |
21:47:01 | linuxstb | On the Nano, the emergency disk mode seems to be extremely slow. |
21:47:33 | yeahx | usb in rockbox does nothing but show a perty usb picture on the screen :) |
21:47:34 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) |
21:47:59 | linuxstb | Are you using the latest version of Rockbox? |
21:48:13 | yeahx | its from a few days ago |
21:48:39 | linuxstb | That bug was fixed earlier today, and only applied when you plugged in USB before Rockbox started (i.e. when your ipod is turned off), and not when inserting it after Rockbox was running. |
21:48:45 | yeahx | what is the terminal command to unzip again? I cant remember and stuffit expander is being screwy |
21:49:08 | linuxstb | unzip rockbox.zip -d /Volumes/IPOD/ |
21:49:18 | linuxstb | (or wherever your IPOD has been mounted...) |
21:49:34 | yeahx | couldnt remember the -d part I thought thats what it was though |
21:50:12 | linuxstb | "man unzip" |
21:50:18 | linuxstb | Or "unzip −−help" |
21:51:16 | slimx | or just "unzip" :) |
21:51:23 | | Quit bluey ("Leaving") |
21:51:35 | linuxstb | slimx: I'm committing your patch now. What's the current status of the 3g port (so I can add it to the commit message) ? |
21:52:01 | slimx | some bugs in plugins like mandelbrot |
21:52:09 | slimx | no usb support |
21:52:14 | slimx | no sound |
21:52:30 | linuxstb | I'll just write "more 3g work..." |
21:52:35 | slimx | :) |
21:52:46 | | Join Arrogant [0] (i=Arrogant@175.orlando-04-05rs.fl.dial-access.att.net) |
21:52:46 | slimx | now it boot rockbox |
21:52:47 | linuxstb | But you're getting closer. Have you had any more ATA problems? |
21:53:01 | slimx | mm |
21:53:02 | slimx | no |
21:53:04 | yeahx | ok thanks |
21:53:11 | | Quit quobl (SendQ exceeded) |
21:54:29 | linuxstb | slimx: It's in CVS now. I made a few more minor whitespace adjustments (removing unecessary changes), so you may have some conflicts when you update. |
21:55:00 | linuxstb | It's been a day of big commits... |
21:55:22 | slimx | :) |
21:55:23 | yeahx | just crazy how long it takes just to unzip a small file |
21:55:32 | slimx | good day for rockbox so ... |
21:55:44 | linuxstb | Every day is a good day for Rockbox... |
21:55:58 | linuxstb | Apart from the days we get emails from AT&T... |
21:56:32 | slimx | :) |
21:57:04 | coob | ...? |
21:57:09 | coob | AT&T did what? |
21:58:52 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=80c4c198@labb.contactor.se) |
21:59:25 | petur | coob: something to do with rb not allowed to use their voice files |
21:59:36 | Paul_The_Nerd | yeahx: iPod Nano by chance? |
22:00 |
22:01:27 | | Quit solexx (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:01:36 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: BTW, dircache is fine now on the ipods. Slasheri fixed the alignment problems a while ago. |
22:01:45 | safetydan | linuxstb, usb.c: In function ‘usb_wait_for_disconnect’: |
22:01:45 | safetydan | usb.c:649: warning: statement with no effect |
22:01:59 | linuxstb | safetydan: Which build? |
22:02:10 | safetydan | h120 sim and nano sim |
22:02:16 | coob | ah |
22:02:31 | safetydan | Shouldn't that line just be (void) ? |
22:02:31 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Hm. Alright. I try to keep up to date, but I guess I missed that one. |
22:02:32 | linuxstb | Is that a result of the latest 3g patch? |
22:02:46 | linuxstb | That's about the only feature irrelevant to the Nano. |
22:03:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah, but it's still a feature. I like to be able to help everyone, when I can. |
22:03:43 | safetydan | linuxstb, yeah it's in that last commit |
22:03:46 | linuxstb | safetydan: Yes it should. I'll fix now. |
22:04:55 | slimx | ok so now we got a working bootloader and firmware for 3G great :) |
22:05:01 | slimx | thx linuxstb |
22:05:26 | | Join webguest93 [0] (n=80723cd8@labb.contactor.se) |
22:06:53 | webguest93 | does anyone know what the format of the internal format of the samples are? is it S8.23? |
22:07:07 | | Join solexx [0] (n=jrschulz@d007030.adsl.hansenet.de) |
22:07:22 | yeahx | yeah a nano Paul_The_Nerd |
22:08:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | yeahx: I would suggest that you unzip first, and then copy the files over. I would also suggest you boot into the Retail OS if you need to copy several files, as it handles it much more quickly. |
22:08:14 | amiconn | linuxstb: Why does firmware/backlight.c include lcd.h for using lcd_enable()? I thought iPod 3g has a greyscale lcd which is readable w/o backlight? |
22:09:14 | yeahx | its the only way I can connect anyway |
22:09:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | yeahx: You aren't using the hardware disk mode (the one in black and white?) |
22:10:20 | yeahx | and I cant unzip first cause I dont know how to copy the invisible folder |
22:10:52 | yeahx | just normal |
22:11:14 | yeahx | cant do the other cause of rockbox |
22:11:16 | Paul_The_Nerd | Which "normal"? The one that you get sent to if you plug in while in rockbox, or do you hold menu to go into Retail OS, and then plug in there? |
22:12:30 | yeahx | rockbox only shows a usb logo and doesnt connect so I dont use that |
22:12:49 | safetydan | webguest93, preglow would be the person to tell you for sure, but yeah S8.23 sounds likely |
22:13:19 | linuxstb | amiconn: I don't know, maybe slimx does? |
22:13:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | yeahx: How do you get into USB? |
22:13:24 | | Quit ssnajper ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:14:01 | yeahx | normal apple os |
22:14:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | You hold menu while booting? |
22:14:18 | yeahx | yes |
22:14:38 | linuxstb | Are you using a Mac or Windows? |
22:14:46 | slimx | amiconn, that's my only faults :p |
22:14:49 | yeahx | mac |
22:18:56 | | Join lodesi [0] (n=moi@l02v-212-194-246-31.d4.club-internet.fr) |
22:20:22 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: Sorry it's taken so long - patch for Doom on the 5g is here (it's only a few lines): http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/doom5g.diff |
22:20:45 | linuxstb | Credit goes to hyarion - I've taken it from the latest iDoom. |
22:21:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | Is Doom in iPod working now? |
22:21:21 | linuxstb | Yep :) |
22:21:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | Sweet |
22:21:40 | linuxstb | Some more work is needed on the keys, but it's playable at least. |
22:21:52 | linuxstb | And sound works... :) |
22:21:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hehehe |
22:22:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | I guess I'll try it out later tonight |
22:23:08 | linuxstb | There were only two problems - a rogue compiler option, and the malloc implementation wasn't alignment-safe... |
22:23:15 | | Join San [0] (n=test@213-202-166-140.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
22:23:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | What was the compiler option? |
22:23:29 | linuxstb | -fpack-struct |
22:23:35 | | Join imphasing [0] (n=imphasin@c-69-250-93-218.hsd1.dc.comcast.net) |
22:23:40 | safetydan | Cripes, what am I going to do with all this screen real estate? |
22:23:40 | linuxstb | That does the opposite of what we want. |
22:23:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | I was curious about why that one was in the IPOD portion. |
22:23:51 | * | safetydan looks at X5 and ipod Video sims |
22:24:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | But I also knew that I know nothing about gcc compiler options. |
22:24:18 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: thanks, I'll try and apply it soon, my doom code is a bit of a mess right now as I've been backporting prboom features and fixes |
22:24:21 | amiconn | X5 screen isn't exactly large... |
22:24:35 | linuxstb | Maybe he means the gigabeat.. |
22:24:41 | safetydan | actually yes |
22:24:44 | safetydan | that's what I meant |
22:25:04 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: There is another problem we should try and sort out - running Doom in the sim. |
22:25:10 | imphasing | wow |
22:25:21 | kkurbjun | what's wrong with it at the moment? |
22:25:27 | amiconn | linuxstb: What's the problem? |
22:25:31 | linuxstb | Does it compile for you? |
22:25:33 | kkurbjun | I can't compile sims on my system |
22:25:47 | linuxstb | I tried last night, and it fails to compile. I forget the reason. |
22:26:35 | Paul_The_Nerd | Okay, where can I pick up what I need to run Doom on the iPod? Or what change to I need to make other 'n the compiler option? |
22:28:06 | kkurbjun | paul, I'll put up a version with patches in a second that you can use |
22:28:22 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@ |
22:29:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | Great |
22:30:20 | kkurbjun | linuxstb, why did you remove the assignment of the audiobuffer free? |
22:32:35 | linuxstb | Because it's not needed - you initialise it in plugin_start(). |
22:32:45 | * | petur hides for the coming flood of Japanese fans |
22:32:47 | petur | http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/feb2006/gb20060223_774050.htm |
22:33:03 | linuxstb | The call to plugin_get_audio_buffer() sets the value of audio_buffer_free. |
22:33:38 | kkurbjun | oh, ok |
22:33:47 | kkurbjun | I thought it was like a malloc call |
22:33:55 | kkurbjun | requesting a certain amount |
22:34:03 | linuxstb | No, plugin_get_audio_buffer() isn't like malloc - it gives you the entire buffer, and tells you how much space there is. |
22:34:05 | amiconn | Ah, that common misconception again... |
22:34:22 | linuxstb | amiconn: I told you - every new developer to Rockbox makes that mistake. |
22:34:29 | Bagder | don't people read the docs? |
22:34:33 | Bagder | oh... |
22:34:35 | linuxstb | :) |
22:34:39 | Bagder | we have no docs? ;-) |
22:34:45 | amiconn | I wonder where that comes from - why would the function require a pointer if it was a simple input parameter? |
22:34:48 | linuxstb | We have source code... |
22:36:49 | | Quit yeahx () |
22:38:04 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
22:42:58 | darkless | source code != documentation |
22:43:05 | darkless | ;) |
22:43:48 | safetydan | I can be if it's written well enough. Though an overview document is always nice. |
22:44:10 | safetydan | rare is the code that is written well enough though |
22:45:36 | | Join RotAtoR [0] (n=e@12-210-82-91.client.insightBB.com) |
22:49:29 | | Join Shadowarrior13 [0] (i=Shadowar@ip68-3-160-223.ph.ph.cox.net) |
22:57:26 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=stripwax@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
22:57:32 | stripwax | sup |
22:57:33 | safetydan | Bagder, even sourceforge has subversion now... |
22:57:51 | Bagder | yeps, me knows |
22:58:01 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-238.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
22:58:15 | safetydan | Bagder, just another "subtle" hint :) |
22:58:22 | Bagder | hah |
22:58:30 | safetydan | hah, their viewsvn isn't working |
22:58:40 | Bagder | its stuck on about place 14 on my list of things to do ;-) |
22:58:43 | safetydan | good old internal server error |
22:58:45 | linuxstb | Business as usual then. |
22:58:52 | safetydan | ooo, it's made it that high |
22:59:08 | safetydan | So next week then? |
22:59:34 | safetydan | on a more serious note, has cfg file saving ever working in the sim? |
23:00 |
23:00:02 | Bagder | I don't know, I think it has |
23:00:51 | safetydan | It just writes zero byte files in the SDL sim |
23:02:48 | | Quit Matze41 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:03:00 | Bagder | ah almost forgot... cool thing coming up in a few minutes... |
23:03:17 | * | Paul_The_Nerd is now curious. |
23:04:20 | * | petur wonders how bagder knows about the code he's changing |
23:04:59 | kkurbjun | Paul_The_Nerd: http://alamode.mines.edu/~kkurbjun/doom.zip |
23:05:07 | kkurbjun | that has the ipod changes as well |
23:05:17 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: I've just found a couple of nice big buffers we can change to malloc... |
23:05:26 | linuxstb | These are uninitialised. |
23:05:34 | kkurbjun | plus an update to the addon code.. linuxstb, wheres that? |
23:05:42 | stripwax | i was wondering about an infocom interpreter for rockbox.. |
23:05:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | kkurbjun: So, do I need to do anything about the plugin buffer, or do I just extract that into plugins and add it to the makefile? I saw you posted that you'd got it fitting in it now. |
23:06:22 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: The first is visplanes[] in r_plane.c, and the second is drawsegs in r_bsp.c |
23:06:25 | kkurbjun | you still have to modify the plugin buffer on the ipods |
23:07:00 | Paul_The_Nerd | Do you know to what value? |
23:07:07 | petur | whoa... using all recorded samples for peak detection makes it incredibly sensitive |
23:07:41 | | Quit webguest93 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:07:54 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: yeah, I saw those, I tried them once and it didn't work so I moved on to easy things like shorts. In the version that I'm working on those buffers are removed and replaced with linked lists to get rid of some limits in the doom code |
23:08:13 | | Quit ender` (" Liar, n: one who tells an unpleasant truth.") |
23:08:41 | kkurbjun | unfortunatly, the code works, but there are bugs in the addons and that stack overflow on the tnt wad |
23:09:01 | kkurbjun | Paul: no I don't |
23:09:05 | Paul_The_Nerd | Alright |
23:09:19 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: Wait a few moments, I'll give you a patch so that it fits in the standard buffer. |
23:10:10 | kkurbjun | amiconn: are you agound? |
23:10:14 | kkurbjun | around |
23:10:56 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
23:11:12 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/doom_memory.diff |
23:11:16 | linuxstb | Let me know if that works. |
23:11:43 | | Quit Arrogant ("I AM QUIT HAVE A NICE DAY") |
23:12:38 | stripwax | what's the general theme with rockbox development, by the way? i've never really asked but .. is it almost entirely new features, and then bugfixes in the run up to the next release? |
23:13:45 | linuxstb | The current theme seems to be to port to as many new players as we can... |
23:13:55 | stripwax | mm, good point! that's definitely worthy |
23:15:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Well, it built. |
23:15:24 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: that patch causes graphics errors |
23:15:33 | linuxstb | Which one? |
23:15:53 | kkurbjun | the last one |
23:15:57 | kkurbjun | and a crash |
23:16:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | The 5g one, or the doom_memory one? |
23:16:20 | kkurbjun | the doom_memory one |
23:16:36 | | Part safetydan ("Leaving") |
23:16:47 | linuxstb | Can you see why? Are either of those variables being used before I malloc them? |
23:16:53 | Bagder | http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox/devcon2006/ |
23:16:55 | Bagder | there it is |
23:17:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:17:15 | Nico_P | :D |
23:17:30 | stripwax | woah, there's a gigabeat port? when did that happen! |
23:17:42 | kkurbjun | linuxstb: I'm not sure |
23:17:43 | markun | stripwax: today :) |
23:17:53 | stripwax | :-D |
23:17:55 | markun | stripwax: only a first step |
23:17:56 | kkurbjun | the visplanes should be ok.. let me check just that one |
23:18:40 | * | Paul_The_Nerd apparently forgot to change the makefile. Doh. |
23:18:51 | kkurbjun | yeah, that's fine |
23:19:01 | petur | Bagder: I want one... price? |
23:19:06 | kkurbjun | Paul: you shouldn't have to change the makefile |
23:19:31 | Paul_The_Nerd | kkurbjun: I should if the makefile is CVS, and doesn't include doom. |
23:19:32 | kkurbjun | nope, I lied that visplanes one causes it to crash |
23:19:37 | Bagder | petur: I'll first wait until after the devcon |
23:19:42 | kkurbjun | oh, that one |
23:19:45 | | Quit mirak (Connection timed out) |
23:19:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yes, that one. :-P |
23:19:51 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hehehe |
23:19:52 | kkurbjun | : ) |
23:19:57 | | Quit Nico_P () |
23:20:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | It might be good to actually *compile* the plugin, right? |
23:20:34 | stripwax | er... during ../tools/configure - what should one type to *NOT* build the SDL sim? It looks like I should press W for a win32 sim, but that's not obvious.. |
23:20:53 | Bagder | stripwax: that's because we're moving to SDL only |
23:21:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | stripwax: It's not obvious because the SDL sim is supposed to be the only "official" sim now. |
23:21:10 | petur | note for zagor: tracker due date box is nice, but the layout could be better... |
23:21:18 | stripwax | woah, I'm *so* behind.. |
23:21:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: I actually got compile errors in i_system.c |
23:22:34 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:22:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | Which is odd. |
23:23:43 | linuxstb | kkurbjun: Try this instead: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/doom_memory.diff |
23:23:49 | linuxstb | (I've updated it) |
23:25:05 | markun | linuxstb: wouldn't it be better to just have a IPOD_PAD defined? |
23:25:30 | linuxstb | There is a different physical layout on the 3g. |
23:26:01 | linuxstb | On the 3g, there are four buttons arranged horizontally under the LCD, on the 4g, the four buttons are on the wheel itself. |
23:26:05 | markun | ah yes, I remember |
23:27:17 | kkurbjun | the visplanes was working for a bit, crashed now though |
23:27:30 | kkurbjun | didn't try the r_bsp part |
23:28:04 | Paul_The_Nerd | kkurbjun: When I try to compile what you gave me, I get an error in i_system.c at line 156: va_list undeclared (and about 3 or 4 others up through line 160) |
23:28:32 | kkurbjun | oh, you need to apply the cvs diff also |
23:28:47 | kkurbjun | it's at the bottom of the bug tracker |
23:28:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah, okay |
23:30:00 | kkurbjun | I'm goign ot move the floor, ceiling clips, and span start/stop out to a malloc |
23:30:06 | | Quit arf-arf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:33:03 | Paul_The_Nerd | Okay, down to about 5ish warnings and no errors. :) |
23:35:14 | | Join petur_ [0] (i=petur@d54C1B7E9.access.telenet.be) |
23:36:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | Woo! Doom on a tiny tiny screen. |
23:37:04 | Paul_The_Nerd | With really really high pitched monsters... |
23:37:15 | Grackshrike | haha |
23:37:19 | kkurbjun | : ) |
23:37:26 | kkurbjun | is the sound off on the ipod? |
23:37:27 | Paul_The_Nerd | They sound as small as they look. There's a bit of a pitch problem. |
23:37:31 | kkurbjun | hmm |
23:37:37 | Grackshrike | It's a feature! |
23:37:38 | | Quit petur_ (Client Quit) |
23:37:45 | Grackshrike | Everything is scaled, even the sound! :P |
23:39:33 | kkurbjun | Paul: how does it run? |
23:39:56 | Paul_The_Nerd | kkurbjun: It runs fine, though I did have a display glitch with linuxstb's newer patch. And, since I don't seem to be able to shoot, I died. |
23:40:41 | kkurbjun | sounds good |
23:40:54 | kkurbjun | other then the glitch.. don't know why it's doing that |
23:41:55 | midkay | Paul_The_Nerd, doom on an ipod 5g? |
23:42:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | midkay: Doom on an ipod nano |
23:42:18 | midkay | blah! :) |
23:42:37 | * | Paul_The_Nerd goes to make button bindings for a proper use of the 4g pad |
23:43:32 | kkurbjun | midkay: there's code for the 5g also |
23:43:32 | | Quit Hansmaulwurf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:43:56 | midkay | kkurbjun, newer than the nonworking code i tried 2-3 days ago? :) |
23:44:01 | kkurbjun | yep |
23:44:07 | midkay | awesome, so it "should" run? |
23:44:11 | kkurbjun | as of today thanks to linuxstb |
23:44:34 | kkurbjun | yes it "should" |
23:44:52 | midkay | awesome! what needs to be done, briefly? |
23:45:31 | | Part stripwax |
23:45:37 | kkurbjun | I don't really know, I don't have an ipod. The biggest thing left for all targets is configurable buttons |
23:45:59 | | Join LGMS [0] (n=56c66593@labb.contactor.se) |
23:46:02 | LGMS | hello |
23:46:06 | LGMS | hello |
23:46:17 | midkay | i can live with doing that manually for now - also, Mikachu's patch to read the scroll wheel directly sounds great for this.. |
23:46:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | You would essentially have 9 buttons instead of the current "6 plus scrolling" |
23:46:52 | LGMS | Is there someone who can help me about the simulator compilation? |
23:47:09 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: The buttons should be fine on the ipod - PLAY is fire, SELECT is change weapon. MENU is up (and open), left/right are left/right. |
23:47:22 | | Join xavierk [0] (n=c9d8ed1d@labb.contactor.se) |
23:47:32 | xavierk | hello |
23:47:36 | Bagder | LGMS: what's the problem? |
23:47:45 | xavierk | i need some help |
23:48:28 | midkay | linuxstb, you've got Doom going on the 5g? |
23:49:09 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-1-152.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
23:49:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: Yeah, I didn't even think of pressing play to shoot, then I checked in the source. Hehehe |
23:49:14 | LGMS | thanks, I succeed to compile the simulator ut when I lauch it there is an error message and the simulator is closed! |
23:49:32 | | Quit Rondom ("apt-get moo") |
23:49:38 | Paul_The_Nerd | linuxstb: I've already remapped them for my build, as I'd much rather have select shoot (so I ca shoot *and* move easily). |
23:50:18 | linuxstb | Paul_The_Nerd: Then I think we should make that the default - that was my preference as well. But BHSPitLappy said it was hard to use on the Nano, so I changed it. |
23:50:30 | xavierk | i´m trying to connect my h320 to my PC and it´s recognized as "Unknown Device" |
23:50:32 | Bagder | LGMS: did you do make install? cygwin SDL sim? do you click to start it? |
23:50:49 | linuxstb | midkay: Yes - using a change from iDoom. |
23:51:01 | | Quit petur (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:51:33 | midkay | linuxstb, sounds awesome! what do i need to do? apply the patch and source from the patch tracker and then the earlier link you gave - doom_memory.diff? |
23:51:46 | linuxstb | doom_memory.diff is broken. |
23:52:08 | midkay | oh.. how do you get it running then? |
23:52:41 | LGMS | Bagder: I make the simulator with sdl version (now there isn't choice for h3xx) I have made the install (make and make install). The simulator start, I press play and after 4 or 5 second the error message comes and the simulator is off |
23:53:01 | linuxstb | midkay: I think you can just download kkurbjun's latest patches, plus also change the PLUGIN_BUFFER_SIZE in firmware/export/config-ipodvideo.h to 0xF0000 instead of 0x80000 |
23:53:23 | Bagder | LGMS: that sounds like a simulator crash. Fire up your debugger and start figuring out why it crashes |
23:54:12 | midkay | linuxstb, gotcha - is there still a -D_BIG__ENDIAN___ that needs to be removed, do you know? |
23:54:27 | LGMS | Bagder: I haven't a debugger |
23:54:28 | BHSPitLappy | Paul_The_Nerd: it's much easier to move around and shoot if play is the fire button |
23:54:29 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:54:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | BHSPitLappy: Why is that? |
23:54:45 | BHSPitLappy | umm |
23:54:52 | Bagder | LGMS: you have cygwin so gdb should be around or easy to install |
23:55:00 | BHSPitLappy | use your right thumb to turn right, and use your right thumb to fire |
23:55:08 | BHSPitLappy | it's not nice to have them intertwine like that. |
23:55:52 | linuxstb | But I find I'm always accidentally changing weapon |
23:56:01 | BHSPitLappy | huh |
23:56:17 | linuxstb | select is weapon change. |
23:56:31 | linuxstb | My original mapping was select=fire, and play=weapon change |
23:56:42 | BHSPitLappy | maybe it should follow hyarion's example and have a key configuration file, then... |
23:56:48 | | Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h161n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
23:57:03 | LGMS | Bagder: have you a guide to install? |
23:57:05 | Paul_The_Nerd | Maybe even play as fire, and select+left to change weapons, select+right to open doors or something |
23:57:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | Use select merely as a modifier. |
23:57:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | If select isn't going to be the shoot button. |
23:57:23 | muesli- | why not use hold for weapon change. its most unused |
23:57:24 | BHSPitLappy | too far :P |
23:57:29 | BHSPitLappy | use hold for menu. |
23:57:41 | BHSPitLappy | and hold is definitely not a good weapon change. |
23:57:59 | muesli- | i never use weapon change ;-p |
23:58:00 | BHSPitLappy | or anything used in gameplay, it's out of the question. |
23:58:40 | BHSPitLappy | "I have to do this action while fighting bad guys, *hold* ok, done, now I better turn it off again before I'm dead *hold-off* crap." |