00:04:58 | | Quit tucoz ("Leaving") |
00:06:57 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
00:15:36 | | Quit adiamas ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") |
00:16:23 | | Nick mikekarthur is now known as mikearthur (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
00:17:39 | | Part ep0ch_ ("Kopete 0.11.1 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
00:19:18 | | Quit Kohlrabi ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") |
00:20:33 | | Join Sinbios [0] (n=Sinbios@Kingston-HSE-ppp3561732.sympatico.ca) |
00:21:19 | | Quit KlrSpz () |
00:26:20 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
00:28:08 | | Quit Poka64 ("nite all") |
00:33:01 | Bagder | objdump likes to write #-268402686 instead of #0xF0008002 |
00:33:06 | Bagder | annoying |
00:33:54 | preglow | yes |
00:33:55 | preglow | very |
00:33:56 | | Quit ender` (" If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.") |
00:34:01 | preglow | god knows who decided that was a clever way to do it |
00:34:24 | Bagder | but somehow some addresses are written in plain hex |
00:41:03 | | Quit DarkJesus ("Leaving") |
00:45:11 | | Quit BHSPitLappy2 ("Dropped my laptop.") |
00:46:10 | * | amiconn gives up on patching gcc properly :( |
00:48:18 | | Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/external/x-32d9fec4f6dc4c05) |
00:48:31 | preglow | seems we have a problem with too small buffers in the wav metadata parser |
00:48:52 | | Join midgey34 [0] (n=Midgey34@c-24-11-120-86.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
00:50:09 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
00:52:41 | preglow | anyone wanna fix metadata.c? :] |
00:54:06 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
00:56:13 | | Join gursikh [0] (n=guriskh1@adsl-209-30-243-26.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
00:58:17 | amiconn | Bagder, t0mas: Hanging build... |
00:58:36 | amiconn | ...perhaps not |
00:58:48 | * | amiconn still gets confused by utc vs. cest |
00:59:20 | Bagder | time zones are scary |
00:59:33 | Mikachu | there is even a timezone in australia that's +30 minutes |
00:59:44 | Bagder | there are even +45 and +15 ones |
00:59:54 | Bagder | at least there has been |
00:59:56 | * | amiconn knows |
01:00 |
01:03:15 | | Join dsh-1 [0] (n=daishi@ool-457286ab.dyn.optonline.net) |
01:04:02 | preglow | haha |
01:04:09 | preglow | the musepack stream seems so delightfully ad-hoc |
01:04:19 | | Quit lee-qid ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
01:08:20 | | Join webguest66 [0] (n=5087daf4@labb.contactor.se) |
01:10:04 | webguest66 | artifacts are back when skipping tracks, mp3, H140, using latest Bleeding edge 27-04@21:11 |
01:11:00 | preglow | what kind of artifacts? |
01:11:22 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
01:11:45 | webguest66 | a little "tack" just when the track starts after skipping |
01:12:01 | | Nick dsh-1 is now known as Daishi (n=daishi@ool-457286ab.dyn.optonline.net) |
01:12:07 | preglow | what's the last build you tried that did not have these problems? |
01:13:15 | webguest66 | 26-04@20:22 is clean |
01:15:37 | preglow | would you care to try the latest daily as well? |
01:15:48 | preglow | i'm pretty sure i know what caused it, but it doesn't hurt |
01:16:01 | preglow | but i can't seem to duplicate it |
01:16:25 | | Quit obo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:16:51 | preglow | now, what to do about it |
01:16:54 | * | preglow summons Toni1 |
01:18:25 | webguest66 | it doesn't do it everytime I skip, it appears randomly when skipping |
01:19:11 | webguest66 | I'll try latest as well |
01:19:45 | preglow | excellent |
01:19:56 | preglow | i'm almost certain this is caused by the libmad performance patch i applied today |
01:21:40 | amiconn | Oh fark |
01:22:04 | amiconn | There's still something wrong with the gcc 3.4 -Os builds |
01:22:10 | preglow | what? |
01:22:15 | preglow | webguest66: is it just a tiny click? |
01:22:41 | amiconn | RoLo causes a checksum error followed by I09:CPUAdrErr |
01:23:12 | webguest66 | yes it's just a tiny click |
01:23:27 | preglow | you sure that wasn't there before? all tracks can click if you interrupt them at a bad time |
01:24:26 | webguest66 | I'm certain it wasn't there before, I have been culling my albums furiously and have noticed the difference |
01:24:54 | preglow | ok, i'll mention it to antonius |
01:25:29 | thesonork | is there any possibility to have a plugin or a patch to have a "real" shuffle mode, and not just a shuffling of the playlist? so the playlist is still sorted alphabetically but the songs change randomly ? |
01:26:43 | thesonork | or is it just easy to config an my eyes missed it :) |
01:26:49 | thesonork | and* |
01:26:56 | Bagder | "real" |
01:27:00 | Bagder | hmpf |
01:27:23 | scorche | real is overrated |
01:27:40 | thesonork | thats why the marks are ther |
01:27:47 | Bagder | thesonork: no there's no such thing in Rockbox |
01:27:53 | webguest66 | preglow, it's still there with the latest |
01:27:56 | Bagder | we've worked hard to provide the current way |
01:28:00 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:28:03 | thesonork | ;) |
01:28:25 | Bagder | as we believe this is the correct way of doing shuffle |
01:28:32 | thesonork | its just my GF searches for some songs she wanna hear in the car ya know.... and its hard to find without sorting |
01:28:37 | preglow | webguest66: the latest daily build, not the bleeding, that is? |
01:29:02 | webguest66 | latest bleeding edge I tried |
01:29:12 | webguest66 | you want me to try the daily ? |
01:29:25 | preglow | yes please |
01:29:30 | webguest66 | k |
01:29:35 | preglow | that's the last build i know of that hasn't got toni's patch in it |
01:30:46 | thesonork | Bagder, what about trying to use the Tracknumbers in playlist with some random number generator to play next track? wouldn't that be some solution? (i did not look at the sourcecode yet, so plz forgive me if i tell bullshit) |
01:30:56 | | Quit herz42 ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
01:30:59 | | Nick qwx_ is now known as qwm (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
01:31:08 | Bagder | uh? |
01:31:35 | Bagder | I don't understand |
01:31:39 | thesonork | ok |
01:31:47 | thesonork | if u have , lets say 300 tracks in playlist |
01:31:56 | | Join ProgramZeta [0] (n=zetachan@ip68-101-175-19.sd.sd.cox.net) |
01:32:53 | thesonork | maybe 2 secs before the current playing track is finished some number-generator generates a random number between 1 and 300, lets say 250,... the track with number 250. in the playlist willbe played |
01:33:15 | Bagder | but why? |
01:33:32 | Bagder | so your GF can have the files sorted? |
01:34:02 | Bagder | it'll make back very awkward |
01:34:15 | Bagder | and it'll make it hard to play through all songs before repeating |
01:34:25 | thesonork | actually, yes, ... dont missunderstand this, its just something i wanted to say |
01:34:32 | Bagder | sure |
01:34:54 | Bagder | you sure won't be able to make me run ahead and implement it! ;-) |
01:35:08 | preglow | lazy developer! |
01:35:10 | thesonork | ;) |
01:35:26 | thesonork | but wouldn't this work? |
01:35:37 | Bagder | sure it could |
01:35:48 | Bagder | like winamp and family does |
01:35:57 | thesonork | ye even the apple firmware |
01:36:18 | amiconn | "even" |
01:36:18 | | Join BBoyDCoy [0] (n=z15p8@fctnnbsc16w-156034212071.nb.aliant.net) |
01:36:35 | thesonork | hehe |
01:36:43 | thesonork | dont quote every word i write :P |
01:36:52 | BBoyDCoy | i just put the rockbox on my 4g color ipod. when i hook it up to the computer via usb, it's not showing up as an extra drive letter. any idea how to fix that? |
01:37:12 | webguest66 | preglow, the track transitions are a little messy sometimes but I dont hear artifacts |
01:37:14 | thesonork | disk mode? |
01:37:14 | BBoyDCoy | (i.e. it won't show up in my computer, which i guess you need it to in order to uninstall) |
01:37:20 | BBoyDCoy | yes, disk mode |
01:38:04 | Bagder | schleeep |
01:38:47 | thesonork | i get to bed |
01:38:49 | thesonork | ;) |
01:39:00 | BBoyDCoy | so do you know how i can open it in disk mode? |
01:39:36 | thesonork | sonork −−> soffork |
01:39:40 | | Nick thesonork is now known as thesoffork (i=thesonor@evident-prime.de) |
01:39:46 | preglow | webguest66: ok |
01:39:56 | preglow | webguest66: i'll mention it to the guy who last changed the mp3 decoder |
01:40:17 | preglow | he might know better than me where to look first |
01:40:17 | | Quit webguest66 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:41:13 | | Join webguest77 [0] (n=5087daf4@labb.contactor.se) |
01:41:32 | BBoyDCoy | oh, i think she's workin |
01:41:34 | webguest77 | sorry about that preglow, I was guest66 |
01:41:45 | preglow | no worries |
01:42:56 | webguest77 | the track transitions are a tiny bit messy sometimes with daily, but no artifacts |
01:43:20 | preglow | yeah, but they've probably always been a bit messy |
01:43:29 | webguest77 | this is whilst skipping only |
01:43:33 | preglow | yea |
01:45:03 | webguest77 | but it's way past my bed time, thanks for the effort that you guys put in |
01:45:40 | | Part webguest77 |
01:46:36 | | Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") |
01:50:17 | | Join KlrSpz [0] (n=klrSpz@c-24-0-64-6.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) |
01:51:08 | | Quit ProgramZeta (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:51:13 | BBoyDCoy | i uninstalled the rock box (from a ipod, 4th generation color)... when i restart it now i still get the rockbox blue background and text, but it says "loading original firmware" |
01:51:16 | BBoyDCoy | will that go away? |
01:51:27 | preglow | you need to put the old bootloader back |
01:51:32 | BBoyDCoy | how? |
01:51:43 | preglow | did you backup your old bootloader partition? |
01:51:58 | BBoyDCoy | *sheepish no* |
01:52:05 | preglow | well, that would have been the easiest |
01:52:19 | preglow | you could just restore it if you don't mind loosing everything on it |
01:52:20 | KlrSpz | use the ipod firmware updater |
01:52:25 | preglow | ahhh |
01:52:26 | preglow | yes |
01:52:27 | preglow | updater |
01:52:28 | BBoyDCoy | yeah. that's what i was leaning towards |
01:52:30 | preglow | that would be the easiest |
01:52:36 | BBoyDCoy | just wanted to know if there's another way without formatting |
01:52:36 | KlrSpz | actually |
01:52:39 | KlrSpz | the easiest would be |
01:52:43 | KlrSpz | DON'T UNINSTALL ROCKBOX |
01:52:46 | preglow | heh |
01:52:52 | | Quit BBoyDCoy () |
01:56:26 | preglow | amiconn: O2 doesn't work for arm... |
01:56:36 | preglow | thread.c:(.text.sleep_thread+0x10): relocation truncated to fit: R_ARM_PC24 against symbol `switch_thread' defined in .icode section in /home/thomj/rockbox-devel/build-nano/librockbox.a(thread.o) |
01:56:56 | preglow | long call related, i'll wager........... |
01:57:51 | amiconn | shrug |
01:58:29 | * | preglow kicks arm |
01:58:36 | qwm | :> |
01:58:41 | * | amiconn kicks gcc |
01:58:41 | qwm | may 15th is a lousy date. |
01:59:45 | | Quit Acksaw|Coursewor ("I'm off, see ya later!") |
02:00 |
02:02:45 | | Quit KlrSpz () |
02:04:55 | Mikachu | preglow: try -fno-optimize-sibling-calls |
02:05:13 | Mikachu | i had to use that when i tried -Os, no idea if it's the same problem as yours |
02:06:52 | * | preglow tries |
02:07:07 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=JdGordon@c211-28-227-249.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
02:07:53 | | Join romanos_melodos [0] (n=romanos_@host-84-9-146-179.bulldogdsl.com) |
02:08:24 | romanos_melodos | Hi! Can someone explain me what is podcasting and by what means can it be achieved? |
02:08:56 | Mikachu | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcasting |
02:09:52 | | Join xmixahlx [0] (n=xmixahlx@ |
02:10:08 | romanos_melodos | has it got any relation with the ipod? |
02:11:00 | Mikachu | you can use podcasting with ipods if you want, but the name is not related |
02:11:22 | Mikachu | in essence it is just an mp3 file |
02:11:25 | Mikachu | or whatever format |
02:11:30 | midkay | that article will tell you, of course. |
02:11:33 | midkay | check 'history' perhaps. |
02:11:55 | romanos_melodos | the funny think is that i didn't knew that it was something like this |
02:11:58 | amiconn | Bah, -Os breaks a lot of things with gcc 3.4.x |
02:12:10 | | Join quobl_ [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/external/x-4a74c2a8a26efb7d) |
02:12:20 | amiconn | (archos) |
02:12:25 | romanos_melodos | i thought it solely had to do with ipods |
02:13:17 | romanos_melodos | is that feature supported by rockbox? |
02:13:29 | amiconn | Playback stutters then crashes. Voice does the same. Spacerock shows weird polygons instead of asteroids. Rolo gives a checksum error. jpeg.rock crashes with an inverse screen and panic stkov main... |
02:15:56 | romanos_melodos | so just to get this right. iPod got it's name from that? |
02:16:06 | romanos_melodos | i mean from podcasting? |
02:16:10 | midkay | haha. no. |
02:16:17 | midkay | the other way around. |
02:16:19 | preglow | arghghgh |
02:16:24 | midkay | again, you should check the article. |
02:16:56 | romanos_melodos | i took a quick look at it |
02:17:11 | midkay | hm, look harder, i'd suggest... |
02:17:20 | | Join linas5 [0] (n=linas5@24-196-132-165.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) |
02:17:23 | sharpe | hmm... i'm tempted to get a picaxe microcontroller... just to have... |
02:17:27 | linas5 | hi |
02:17:30 | romanos_melodos | i will |
02:17:30 | sharpe | hello |
02:17:41 | amiconn | sudoku and chessbox crash with IllInstr, brickmania shows garbled graphics and misplaces text, bubbles also crashes with stkov main |
02:18:05 | amiconn | This is certainly not what we want :( |
02:18:19 | | Quit quobl (Remote closed the connection) |
02:18:27 | sharpe | amiconn: it doesn't seem preferred. |
02:18:31 | sharpe | :D |
02:18:51 | romanos_melodos | podcast is working only with itunes? |
02:19:18 | preglow | Mikachu: that actually did it |
02:19:20 | preglow | what does it mean? :> |
02:19:39 | Mikachu | preglow: i have no idea, i just tried disabling all options enabled by -Os one by one until it worked |
02:21:10 | romanos_melodos | any other way i can get podcasts without itunes? Are podcasts just audio files form radio stations or whatever which i can upload to my ipod? |
02:21:25 | Mikachu | yes |
02:22:07 | preglow | no, they are magical! |
02:22:13 | romanos_melodos | :P |
02:22:21 | preglow | i hate the pod prefix above anything else on this earth |
02:22:31 | preglow | podshitting |
02:22:34 | romanos_melodos | lol |
02:22:42 | romanos_melodos | well i hated too |
02:22:51 | romanos_melodos | until rockbox get into it |
02:22:52 | romanos_melodos | :P |
02:22:59 | preglow | haha |
02:23:00 | preglow | podboxing |
02:23:37 | sharpe | podmailing |
02:24:18 | romanos_melodos | the funny think is that i thought that podcasting was a term to describe ipods acting as nodes and sharing files and stuff between them over a network |
02:24:19 | midkay | podthis-is-so-overdone-you-can-stop-now-we-get-the-point-you're-prefixing-everything-with-pod-that's-ENOUGH. |
02:24:24 | midkay | :) |
02:24:40 | Mikachu | smallpods |
02:24:45 | sharpe | midkay, that seems like a vaguely specific name prefixed with pod... |
02:24:58 | midkay | vaguely specific. HA. |
02:26:24 | amiconn | fl4m1n9 5700p1d 9cc |
02:26:41 | sharpe | flaming stupid gcc... |
02:27:02 | preglow | hmm |
02:27:10 | preglow | rockbox.ipod only gained 200 bytes |
02:27:20 | sharpe | you can make it gain more... |
02:27:28 | amiconn | preglow: By what? |
02:27:31 | preglow | O2 |
02:27:35 | romanos_melodos | screw ipods, screw rockbox , screw everything |
02:27:47 | romanos_melodos | except me.. |
02:27:47 | sharpe | ohes noes! blasphemey! |
02:27:48 | * | amiconn would expect -O2 to increase size |
02:28:08 | * | amiconn takes out the screwdriver |
02:28:10 | preglow | amiconn: it actually decreased 180 bytes |
02:28:28 | Mikachu | overall with .rocks? |
02:28:39 | amiconn | preglow: that's odd |
02:28:45 | romanos_melodos | i got to get to the gym and work out .. summer is commin' .. i've got a belly twice my head |
02:28:46 | romanos_melodos | lol |
02:28:59 | JdGordon | move the wps code to a plugin and it will drop a fair bit from the core... |
02:29:00 | Mikachu | bring your podcasts |
02:29:18 | JdGordon | and the file browser... |
02:29:19 | sharpe | the term "bit-banging" frightens me. |
02:29:21 | | Join v3l0ct [0] (n=v3l0ct@adsl-70-235-77-193.dsl.mrdnct.sbcglobal.net) |
02:29:28 | midkay | haha. |
02:29:33 | midkay | that was pretty good actually. |
02:29:38 | * | midkay high-fives sharpe. |
02:29:42 | sharpe | woo! |
02:30:08 | sharpe | but, it is kind of weird to label it that. i mean, why not... "byte reading" ? |
02:30:14 | sharpe | instead of bit-banging... |
02:30:55 | romanos_melodos | son-of-a-bit |
02:30:58 | midkay | sharpe, the same reason the variable isn't named "bejeweled->playing" instead of "bj->dirty". :E |
02:31:04 | sharpe | eh, true. |
02:31:13 | midkay | disgusting coders is what it is. |
02:31:20 | sharpe | grr those coders |
02:31:30 | Mikachu | rockbox would be much better off without them |
02:31:36 | midkay | hellz yes. |
02:31:44 | romanos_melodos | what coders r u talkin about? |
02:32:18 | Mikachu | those coders |
02:32:18 | romanos_melodos | "major noob" |
02:32:29 | sharpe | grr. grr coders grr. |
02:32:47 | romanos_melodos | oh well |
02:32:51 | romanos_melodos | screw them too |
02:32:56 | qwm | anyone wanna play freeciv? |
02:33:18 | sharpe | meh, i suck at freeciv. |
02:33:34 | qwm | me too. |
02:33:34 | | Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@dsl-29-8.cofs.net) |
02:33:56 | romanos_melodos | is there any possibility that a 21 years old guy can have arthritis? |
02:34:08 | romanos_melodos | lol |
02:34:13 | Mikachu | anything is possible |
02:34:14 | sharpe | yes |
02:34:33 | XavierGr | /quit |
02:34:36 | XavierGr | oops |
02:34:51 | Mikachu | embarassing |
02:35:00 | XavierGr | completely! |
02:35:01 | RoC_MM | What is this extended freezing period that's suggested? |
02:35:09 | XavierGr | have to reboot though |
02:35:16 | midkay | it's a suggested extended freeze period, actually. |
02:35:24 | | Quit XavierGr () |
02:35:25 | midkay | the suggestion is basically to extend the freeze period. |
02:35:30 | Mikachu | i am betting it will be accepted |
02:35:32 | RoC_MM | will this delay the release? |
02:35:36 | Mikachu | i don't think all bugs will be fixed in 3 days |
02:35:38 | midkay | surely. |
02:35:53 | midkay | two weeks is the suggested delay |
02:35:59 | romanos_melodos | r u guys talkin about v.3? |
02:36:23 | midkay | yes! |
02:36:33 | romanos_melodos | is that gonna sort out the playback problems and all that? |
02:36:47 | Mikachu | when they are sorted out, the release is possible... |
02:36:49 | midkay | um, the idea is to fix that before we release, yes. |
02:36:53 | romanos_melodos | i'm havin a lot of playback lags when using flac |
02:36:56 | midkay | a buggy 3.0 is worthless. |
02:37:05 | romanos_melodos | surely is... |
02:37:32 | dpassen1 | romanos_melodos: what player? |
02:37:45 | romanos_melodos | nano |
02:38:16 | midkay | lags? |
02:38:23 | dpassen1 | ipod ports are not going to be part of the 3.0 plan i thought |
02:38:35 | romanos_melodos | seriously? |
02:38:43 | midkay | they aren't. but playback fixes are, and iPods use the same system as the irivers. |
02:38:58 | dpassen1 | Right, but iPod-centric optimizations are not |
02:39:12 | romanos_melodos | well.. why is that? |
02:39:13 | midkay | dpassen1, iPod-centric, no. |
02:39:24 | midkay | 15 days is not long enough to get the iPods upt-to-scratch. |
02:39:26 | dpassen1 | They're still early in beta |
02:39:56 | romanos_melodos | is there any way that apple can sue rockbox? |
02:40:00 | romanos_melodos | lol |
02:40:13 | midkay | shouldn't be, no. |
02:40:24 | Mikachu | that would require a very strange law |
02:40:33 | preglow | http://www.pvv.org/~thomj/rockbox/musepack_seek_updated.patch |
02:40:39 | preglow | someone try and apply that to latest cvs, ples |
02:40:46 | rotator | preglow: weeeeeeee! |
02:40:47 | rotator | testing |
02:40:47 | ashridah | someone would actually need to make reverse engineering illegal for that |
02:41:16 | romanos_melodos | the funny think is that not many people know about rockbox |
02:41:28 | romanos_melodos | on a second thought is not funny |
02:41:30 | preglow | rotator: btw |
02:41:37 | preglow | rotator: did you notice if that patch broke gapless? |
02:41:40 | ashridah | romanos_melodos: it's gained a fair bit of notoriety in geek circles. it'll spread |
02:41:50 | romanos_melodos | exactly |
02:41:50 | rotator | I haven't had a chance to check yet |
02:41:58 | rotator | but I will test it now |
02:42:05 | romanos_melodos | shit.. i'm a geek? |
02:42:06 | romanos_melodos | lol |
02:42:24 | Mikachu | you are on irc |
02:42:32 | | Quit linas5 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:42:46 | romanos_melodos | happy that i'm not alone |
02:43:09 | preglow | rotator: ah, i meant the previous patch |
02:43:13 | preglow | rotator: the one in the tracker |
02:43:19 | preglow | rotator: or didn't you try it? |
02:43:44 | Mikachu | busted |
02:43:50 | rotator | preglow: the previous seeking patch? |
02:44:03 | amiconn | preglow: I could use a trick in order to test gcc 4.x builds for sh |
02:44:13 | preglow | amiconn: what trick? |
02:44:20 | preglow | rotator: yes |
02:44:47 | amiconn | I could compile normally with gcc 3.3.6 first, then delete all object files except system.o, then build again with gcc 4.x |
02:44:58 | preglow | hahah |
02:44:59 | rotator | preglow: It wouldn't apply cleanly and it didn't look straightforward to fix it, so no |
02:45:07 | amiconn | This won't be a 100% gcc 4.x build, but almost |
02:45:08 | preglow | ahh |
02:45:27 | amiconn | At least I could check whether it's worth the hassle |
02:45:39 | preglow | rotator: but yeah, i'm just wondering if this patch or my previous musepack patch is what broke gapless |
02:45:55 | preglow | rotator: i get tiny glitches between tracks here now, and i couldn't detect those while debugging my previous commit |
02:46:03 | amiconn | (binary size, runtime behaviour) |
02:46:09 | Mikachu | amiconn: i did that for mplayer for a few imdct files for a while |
02:46:18 | | Join afruff23 [0] (n=icechat5@c-69-138-162-228.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
02:46:40 | rotator | preglow: hmm, too bad, i'll listen for ticks here |
02:47:20 | preglow | i'm not exactly impressed by musepack's performance on ipods |
02:47:20 | afruff23 | Are there any plans to remove the 1600 byte limit for the WPS? |
02:47:55 | romanos_melodos | i really think that flac is the best thing guys |
02:48:09 | romanos_melodos | everything else is crap |
02:48:23 | afruff23 | opinions |
02:48:28 | midkay | ah, certainly you're right, everybody else must love flac because it's "the best". because there is surely ONE 'best' format. |
02:48:31 | midkay | :) |
02:48:32 | | Part v3l0ct ("Leaving") |
02:48:45 | dpassen1 | especially among lossless |
02:48:59 | romanos_melodos | i wish that in some years from now there will be something like iturntable |
02:49:11 | afruff23 | LA is the best lossless if you go by best lossless compression |
02:49:12 | romanos_melodos | iTurntable |
02:49:28 | romanos_melodos | no frequency loss |
02:49:29 | romanos_melodos | :P |
02:49:39 | preglow | it just occured to me that iPod is hungarian notation! |
02:49:42 | preglow | another reason to abhor it |
02:49:51 | dpassen1 | WavPack is my lossless codec of choice, but it hardly matters. |
02:49:56 | afruff23 | People who use WPSes whcih show next song info can you help me please? |
02:50:00 | afruff23 | which* |
02:50:15 | afruff23 | no technical experience necessary |
02:50:33 | afruff23 | you jsut have to have sued a WPs with next song info in the past |
02:50:36 | afruff23 | used* |
02:50:38 | afruff23 | just* |
02:50:45 | romanos_melodos | just for the record, that we're talkin all this job but we mainly forgot about the main reason.. The mUSIC.... |
02:51:03 | afruff23 | caps lock |
02:51:18 | midkay | afruff23, what is it? |
02:51:25 | midkay | why not just ask? |
02:51:35 | afruff23 | does all the enxt song info show up at the same time? |
02:51:38 | afruff23 | next* |
02:51:48 | midkay | whatever you specify to show up. |
02:52:03 | amiconn | preglow: bPod ? |
02:52:10 | afruff23 | no I mean, can the player retrieve this info at the same time |
02:52:18 | midkay | 'at the same time'? |
02:52:21 | midkay | as what? |
02:52:22 | afruff23 | since the guide says next song info is not always available |
02:52:35 | rotator | preglow: mmmmm, musepack seeking works nicely :) |
02:52:44 | rotator | preglow: no tick here so far... |
02:52:45 | midkay | use a conditional if in doubt.. i've never had a problem. it usually doesn't show up for like 5-8 seconds.. |
02:52:56 | | Join nave7693 [0] (i=evan@c-71-198-247-170.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
02:53:03 | preglow | rotator: really? |
02:53:15 | preglow | rotator: look harder! i'm almost 100% certain i got ticks :) |
02:53:19 | preglow | but anywho, i need to sleep now |
02:53:19 | afruff23 | I am going to use a conditional, but I don't know waht variable to set it for |
02:53:24 | preglow | please leave feedback here, i'll read the logs |
02:53:27 | afruff23 | i.e. %It |
02:53:54 | midkay | what don't you understand? that is indeed a usable tag. |
02:54:08 | rotator | preglow: i've fast fowarded to the end of 7 tracks now, and no ticks yet (crosses fingers) |
02:54:23 | afruff23 | one second, I'll write the code and explain a little more |
02:54:56 | romanos_melodos | oh, regarding tags.. I've got a huge collection of greek songs but there's no support. Any suggestions? |
02:55:15 | Mikachu | you lie |
02:55:24 | Mikachu | and i think i answered that yesterday |
02:55:24 | romanos_melodos | can i download a file or something? |
02:55:30 | afruff23 | %?It<%It %Ia|> |
02:55:37 | romanos_melodos | ?? |
02:55:40 | midkay | afruff23, sure that works.. |
02:55:48 | Mikachu | romanos_melodos: set unifont as your font firstly |
02:55:54 | romanos_melodos | yeah |
02:55:59 | afruff23 | i know, but would the player retrieve the next file's artist and title at the same time? |
02:55:59 | romanos_melodos | we spoke this morning |
02:56:04 | romanos_melodos | i've done it |
02:56:08 | midkay | afruff23, yes. |
02:56:12 | romanos_melodos | but doesn't works for id tags |
02:56:20 | Mikachu | then your tags are not correctly set |
02:56:24 | romanos_melodos | only for directory folders |
02:56:39 | romanos_melodos | how's that possible? |
02:56:49 | afruff23 | midaky, your last answer was given after understanding my question better, correct? |
02:57:09 | phaedrus961 | romanos_melodos: go to the display menu and change the default codepage to greek |
02:57:20 | Mikachu | romanos_melodos: lots of programs have no idea how the id3 standard works |
02:57:37 | afruff23 | in other words, the next file's artist and title info will be made available to the WPS at the exact same time |
02:57:40 | pixelma | since unicode i also got problems with for example ä in wps |
02:57:40 | afruff23 | ? |
02:58:03 | midkay | afruff23, ********yes*********. |
02:58:08 | amiconn | pixelma: Save the .wps file as utf-8 |
02:58:13 | afruff23 | thank you |
02:58:20 | romanos_melodos | you've saved my life phaedrus |
02:59:06 | phaedrus961 | no problem :) |
03:00 |
03:00:36 | romanos_melodos | btw phaedrus, can i switch the whole menu to greek now? |
03:01:10 | romanos_melodos | last time i've done it, i couldn't recognise the characters... |
03:01:30 | romanos_melodos | i had some stupid squares and dots .. |
03:01:50 | afruff23 | isn't that greek? |
03:01:51 | afruff23 | jk |
03:02:02 | romanos_melodos | very funny |
03:02:03 | pixelma | amiconn: ;) |
03:02:21 | sharpe | it's all greek to me. *rimshot* |
03:02:48 | romanos_melodos | well.. if it wouldn't be greek then it wouldn't be anything |
03:02:57 | romanos_melodos | and you wouldn't had ipod, internet |
03:03:03 | romanos_melodos | or even language right now |
03:03:05 | romanos_melodos | so.. |
03:03:12 | qwm | try :> |
03:03:13 | qwm | haha. |
03:03:22 | afruff23 | in other words, the next file's artist and title info will be made available to the WPS at the exact same time |
03:04:01 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) |
03:04:03 | afruff23 | will any of the the next file's info be made available to the WPS sooner than other info? |
03:04:13 | sharpe | actually, we'd probably have language... |
03:04:34 | | Quit lostnihilist (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:04:35 | romanos_melodos | actually , that's the last thing.. |
03:04:49 | romanos_melodos | :) |
03:04:56 | sharpe | i sense a hint of sarcasm :) |
03:05:18 | afruff23 | ANd no democracy |
03:05:43 | romanos_melodos | i don't want to be such a pain.. but some things are sacred... |
03:06:26 | romanos_melodos | we're having fun or whatever, chatting and geeking around but.. it seems that we all lost our values |
03:06:31 | afruff23 | is this: %?ig<Genre:%ig|%t0>;%?iy<Year:%iy|%t0> |
03:06:46 | afruff23 | the same as this? |
03:06:47 | afruff23 | %?ig<Genre:%ig|>;%?iy<Year:%iy|> |
03:06:52 | afruff23 | in terms of output |
03:07:01 | romanos_melodos | and in this shity life, i'm proud to be greek and try to maintain some human values wherever i am. |
03:07:33 | romanos_melodos | in the end, is all that matters ;) |
03:07:51 | scorche | values are overrated |
03:08:14 | sharpe | afruff23; i don't think you need the extra | if there is not another statement. |
03:08:16 | afruff23 | plz people, this is not a place for value discussion |
03:08:17 | ashridah | scorche: oh come on, you missed the best one of all. "values are overvalued" :) |
03:08:29 | romanos_melodos | and let bush talkin about democracy.. the guy doesn't even know how to write it.. |
03:08:35 | markun | Do you guys prefer the old 'center scrolling' (scrolling at 2/3 of the screen) or the new one (scrolling at 1 line from the bottom) ? |
03:08:52 | afruff23 | sharpe, so this:? |
03:08:52 | afruff23 | %?ig<Genre:%ig>;%?iy<Year:%iy> |
03:09:06 | sharpe | yeah... that should have the same effect, as with the |
03:09:10 | sharpe | |s |
03:09:18 | midkay | hm, i don't think it will. but you can try. |
03:09:33 | afruff23 | midkay, were you talking to me? |
03:09:36 | romanos_melodos | in what language is rockbox written? |
03:09:40 | scorche | C |
03:09:41 | afruff23 | C |
03:09:41 | sharpe | romanos_melodos: c |
03:09:43 | midkay | you and sharpe. |
03:09:45 | midkay | c + asm! |
03:09:45 | scorche | i win |
03:09:48 | sharpe | well, if it does, you saved two bytes. if not, oh well. |
03:09:49 | romanos_melodos | :P |
03:09:50 | midkay | _i_ win. |
03:09:53 | ashridah | C and some assembly |
03:10:00 | scorche | midkay: you never win |
03:10:01 | rotator | preglow: :\ finally got a tick with musepack, i can send you the track if you like |
03:10:03 | scorche | ,|,, |
03:10:09 | midkay | scorche, die. |
03:10:19 | scorche | midkay: after you |
03:10:29 | romanos_melodos | anywhere i can find the rockbox source code? |
03:10:30 | afruff23 | Actually, I would save probably 20 bytes and sicne my WPS is over 1500 bytes and is incomplete |
03:10:31 | * | scorche feels the love |
03:10:33 | afruff23 | that would help |
03:10:37 | romanos_melodos | is that on the site? |
03:10:38 | afruff23 | since* |
03:10:40 | sharpe | then you two will be immortal, as you're waiting for the other to die. |
03:10:45 | scorche | romanos_melodos: yes |
03:11:02 | romanos_melodos | oh great, i'll have a look |
03:11:17 | afruff23 | rockbox is closed source |
03:11:22 | afruff23 | no code on the site |
03:11:27 | afruff23 | :) |
03:11:27 | romanos_melodos | ? |
03:11:28 | scorche | lol |
03:11:30 | sharpe | that'd totally be a bitch. |
03:11:35 | ashridah | romanos_melodos: everything rockbox related is inside the wiki on www.rockbox.org, pretty much |
03:11:38 | scorche | romanos_melodos: it is called a joke |
03:11:44 | romanos_melodos | yeah |
03:11:49 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
03:11:55 | afruff23 | I think he hit enter right after me |
03:12:07 | romanos_melodos | it's called i'm talkin the piss on you |
03:12:12 | romanos_melodos | takin |
03:12:26 | sharpe | should i actually get a picaxe kit, so i have a reason to not be bored all of the time? |
03:14:31 | romanos_melodos | who's idea was to put the metronome inside rockbox? I wanna kiss that guy!!! (i'm a Drummer) :P |
03:15:03 | sharpe | i caused the metronome plugin to crash on my ipod. :D |
03:15:45 | romanos_melodos | :P |
03:16:56 | afruff23 | I like using the mtronome to annoy people |
03:17:00 | afruff23 | high volume |
03:17:05 | afruff23 | line-oout to sepakers |
03:17:07 | afruff23 | ... |
03:17:17 | afruff23 | metronome* |
03:17:17 | romanos_melodos | lol |
03:17:37 | romanos_melodos | try using 250 bpm |
03:17:46 | | Part nave7693 |
03:17:49 | romanos_melodos | will certainly blow their ears off |
03:17:59 | afruff23 | When i used it on the nano It would only work everytime you pressed the button |
03:18:04 | afruff23 | it couldn't do a beat |
03:18:10 | afruff23 | maybe I'm dumb |
03:18:11 | romanos_melodos | true |
03:18:14 | romanos_melodos | no |
03:18:19 | romanos_melodos | that's how it is |
03:18:34 | afruff23 | then how do you get it to do 250 bpm? |
03:18:41 | afruff23 | you mean pressing it manually everytime?! |
03:18:51 | afruff23 | that'd break my thumb |
03:19:07 | romanos_melodos | i misunderstood |
03:19:09 | romanos_melodos | srry |
03:19:09 | sharpe | yeah, you have to press it just over four times per second to achieve 250 bpm. |
03:19:13 | sharpe | :) |
03:19:21 | romanos_melodos | i've just pressed it once on the center |
03:19:33 | romanos_melodos | but it gets jammed sometimes though |
03:19:56 | qwm | who needs greek anyway. |
03:19:56 | qwm | :> |
03:20:00 | qwm | isn't it dead yet? |
03:20:02 | afruff23 | One time, I isntalled rockbox on my friend's nanohighest voklume told him to listen to this song |
03:20:07 | afruff23 | opend metronome and bam |
03:20:17 | qwm | there's a reason why they call it ANCIENT. |
03:20:30 | afruff23 | isn't there mdoern greek |
03:20:32 | romanos_melodos | i think we've get over that subject years ago qwm |
03:20:40 | afruff23 | modern* |
03:20:47 | qwm | :> |
03:20:58 | romanos_melodos | ofcourse there is modern greek.. |
03:20:59 | romanos_melodos | lol |
03:21:04 | qwm | modern greek is ancient greek spoken by weird isolated greeks on islands like crete. |
03:21:33 | afruff23 | No, as in mdoern greek uses latin alphabet |
03:21:36 | romanos_melodos | qwm , r u from planet earth? |
03:21:37 | afruff23 | modern* |
03:21:58 | romanos_melodos | r u guys greek? |
03:22:10 | afruff23 | no, but I have 2 greek friends |
03:22:23 | qwm | i like ANCIENT greek mythology. |
03:22:24 | qwm | :> |
03:22:32 | qwm | lots of butt humping. |
03:22:37 | romanos_melodos | afru, latin came from greek |
03:22:40 | afruff23 | WTF?! |
03:22:54 | romanos_melodos | u mean u didn't knew? |
03:22:56 | afruff23 | @qwm |
03:23:00 | romanos_melodos | wtf? |
03:23:16 | romanos_melodos | i think u guys deserve a history lesson sometime.. |
03:23:23 | afruff23 | as in my WTF was not directed to you romanos |
03:23:35 | romanos_melodos | whatever |
03:23:46 | qwm | what afruff23 |
03:23:57 | afruff23 | lots fo butt huimping? |
03:24:00 | afruff23 | of* |
03:24:02 | romanos_melodos | when i'm hearing stuff like modern greek took from latin |
03:24:02 | qwm | yeah. |
03:24:08 | qwm | the greeks invented it. |
03:24:15 | romanos_melodos | i'm sorry but that sound really hillarious |
03:24:20 | qwm | :> |
03:24:25 | romanos_melodos | :P |
03:24:33 | afruff23 | isn't there a form of greek that doesn't use latin alphabet? |
03:24:40 | romanos_melodos | listen |
03:24:41 | qwm | yeah. |
03:24:44 | qwm | ancient greek. |
03:24:53 | romanos_melodos | latin took everything from ancient greece |
03:24:59 | romanos_melodos | architecture |
03:25:02 | romanos_melodos | way of thinking |
03:25:10 | romanos_melodos | and even the alphabet |
03:25:12 | afruff23 | those damn hispanics!!!!! |
03:25:19 | qwm | yeah. |
03:25:25 | qwm | dego twats are what they are. |
03:25:33 | | Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
03:25:35 | qwm | did they still butt humping too? |
03:25:45 | qwm | -still+steal. argh! |
03:25:54 | romanos_melodos | dunno |
03:25:55 | * | dpassen1 longs for the pre-iPod days =\ |
03:25:59 | romanos_melodos | they didn't steal |
03:26:04 | afruff23 | they stole the gyro and made it into the burrito |
03:26:07 | romanos_melodos | they just borrowed.. |
03:26:09 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
03:26:12 | romanos_melodos | lol |
03:26:15 | qwm | no. |
03:26:16 | qwm | fuck no. |
03:26:21 | qwm | they pirated the greek culture. |
03:26:24 | qwm | :( |
03:26:32 | afruff23 | the RIAA is comign after them |
03:26:37 | romanos_melodos | hahahahahahha |
03:26:43 | romanos_melodos | :P |
03:26:48 | qwm | RIAA is unfortunately thousands of years too late. |
03:27:26 | romanos_melodos | don't worry.. there's a lot of riaa in this world.. |
03:27:36 | romanos_melodos | only the initials changing |
03:28:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:28:08 | qwm | :> |
03:28:10 | romanos_melodos | all for profit.. |
03:28:28 | romanos_melodos | why they just don't leave us alone? |
03:28:42 | afruff23 | because big corporations pay them moeny |
03:28:46 | afruff23 | money* |
03:29:16 | romanos_melodos | they're saying that they're closing a lot of european servers |
03:29:38 | romanos_melodos | some peer 2 peer servers like edonkey are already shut off |
03:30:08 | romanos_melodos | and they're threating torrent major sites like isohunt as well |
03:30:20 | sharpe | hmm... |
03:30:33 | romanos_melodos | yeah |
03:30:36 | sharpe | well, piratebay is in sweden. yay sweden! |
03:30:44 | afruff23 | you can't blame them much for stopping people from pirating an OS |
03:30:51 | romanos_melodos | it seems that in about someyears from now |
03:31:00 | romanos_melodos | everything will be controlled.. |
03:31:10 | | Part midgey34 |
03:31:16 | afruff23 | or perhaps the exact opposite if people get smarter |
03:31:17 | romanos_melodos | it's not pirating... |
03:31:23 | romanos_melodos | just sharing |
03:31:29 | afruff23 | lol |
03:31:35 | romanos_melodos | for us (students) is different |
03:31:38 | romanos_melodos | yeah right |
03:31:56 | afruff23 | If everybody pirated, then there would be no incentives |
03:31:57 | romanos_melodos | like they don't get their money from major corporations.. |
03:32:04 | afruff23 | for people to make things |
03:32:21 | afruff23 | other than advertising |
03:32:34 | romanos_melodos | u think ibm's target is how to sell a laptop? |
03:32:55 | romanos_melodos | or how to set up a man network? |
03:32:56 | afruff23 | no, I meant advertising as a way for profit |
03:33:22 | romanos_melodos | screw the bastards.. have we got to pay for anything ? damn.. |
03:33:29 | afruff23 | if they made things freeware, then they could only make moeny by allowing others toa dvertise on their site |
03:34:15 | romanos_melodos | i can really understand the work of a programmer |
03:34:36 | romanos_melodos | and i'm sure that he's got to be paid as well |
03:34:41 | afruff23 | and in this shity life, i'm proud to be greek and try to maintain some human values wherever i am. |
03:34:47 | afruff23 | startt by not pirating |
03:35:30 | romanos_melodos | but saying that microsoft is going to lose money , is really absurd |
03:35:37 | romanos_melodos | loose |
03:35:50 | mc_365 | @<afruff23>Thats the best one all evening |
03:36:07 | afruff23 | mc, is that sarcasm? |
03:36:25 | mc_365 | <afruff23> and in this shity life, i'm proud to be greek and try to maintain some human values wherever i am. |
03:36:32 | mc_365 | <afruff23> startt by not pirating |
03:36:41 | afruff23 | lol thanks |
03:36:49 | romanos_melodos | yeah |
03:36:51 | romanos_melodos | right |
03:36:59 | romanos_melodos | u want me to talk about u? |
03:37:12 | romanos_melodos | oh man.. |
03:37:13 | afruff23 | I'm jsut saying your logic is falwed |
03:37:23 | romanos_melodos | yeah right |
03:37:26 | afruff23 | if everybody pirated, then nobody would make new software |
03:37:28 | romanos_melodos | sorry mr. perfect |
03:37:39 | romanos_melodos | i ain't killed anyone |
03:37:48 | romanos_melodos | i just downloaded some stuff... |
03:37:49 | RoC_MM | uh |
03:37:54 | afruff23 | no, bu your stealing |
03:38:06 | romanos_melodos | listen |
03:38:08 | RoC_MM | I think you think sharing software and making software are incompatible afruff23 |
03:38:19 | RoC_MM | Rockbox is made even though people copy it |
03:38:20 | romanos_melodos | steal is a kind of action |
03:38:28 | RoC_MM | And you can't steal software either. |
03:38:29 | mc_365 | Just don't take the high ground if thats not where you really stand |
03:38:30 | sharpe | why is it turning into a debate... |
03:38:36 | afruff23 | yes, but these people do it in their free time |
03:38:43 | afruff23 | they could jsut one day stop devloping |
03:38:44 | romanos_melodos | did i get to anyone's home and get anything? |
03:38:46 | afruff23 | just* |
03:38:53 | romanos_melodos | this is shit |
03:39:02 | romanos_melodos | oh come on now |
03:39:20 | romanos_melodos | what r u trying to point out? |
03:39:35 | romanos_melodos | it's not a crime |
03:39:43 | romanos_melodos | cause i've already said |
03:39:51 | romanos_melodos | i'm using it for my self |
03:39:57 | afruff23 | I'm saying there's NO REASON why Rockbox will continue to exist except for its users |
03:40:17 | RoC_MM | Troll man. |
03:40:18 | afruff23 | ok, let's use an analogy |
03:40:24 | afruff23 | I sneak into the movie theater |
03:40:29 | afruff23 | I'm not stealing per se |
03:40:40 | romanos_melodos | that's not an analogy |
03:40:46 | afruff23 | but the makers of the film are making less than they could have |
03:40:52 | romanos_melodos | internet, is not an analog space |
03:41:00 | afruff23 | just like pirating software |
03:41:01 | romanos_melodos | it's got no bounds |
03:41:09 | romanos_melodos | and everything is anonymous |
03:41:21 | romanos_melodos | ahhh |
03:41:24 | afruff23 | that alst statement is false |
03:41:28 | romanos_melodos | we share .. |
03:41:41 | romanos_melodos | we don't sell to others.. |
03:41:44 | sharpe | there is something in greece, against piracy... |
03:41:49 | RoC_MM | afruff23, I'm offended that your stealing my time by using bad analogies. |
03:41:56 | romanos_melodos | for christ shake. is it so difficult to understand? |
03:42:04 | goffa | yeah.. i could have had more time if you didn't come and steal it |
03:42:15 | afruff23 | lol |
03:42:16 | RoC_MM | Time STEALER! |
03:42:31 | romanos_melodos | ok.. sorry |
03:42:33 | sharpe | so that's how people become immortal. they steal time from others. |
03:42:35 | romanos_melodos | go on |
03:42:36 | sharpe | heheh.... |
03:42:39 | RoC_MM | haha |
03:42:55 | romanos_melodos | :) |
03:43:00 | afruff23 | if everybody pirated, then how would a programmer make moeny? |
03:43:03 | afruff23 | money* |
03:43:15 | RoC_MM | You mean if everyone made copies? |
03:43:29 | afruff23 | if one person bought a copy |
03:43:34 | RoC_MM | uh huh |
03:43:42 | afruff23 | and then everybody else got a free copy from this oen guy |
03:43:49 | afruff23 | one* |
03:43:50 | RoC_MM | uh huh |
03:43:53 | goffa | afruff23: what about the ADDED sales resulting from increased exposure? |
03:43:55 | romanos_melodos | are u all guys from the states? |
03:44:16 | markun | afruff23: maybe a 2nd job :) |
03:44:29 | romanos_melodos | i reckon all the servers with pirated software are us based |
03:44:31 | romanos_melodos | lol |
03:44:38 | RoC_MM | The programmer would get paid by his employer, and the copying is completely in line iwth an open-source license. |
03:44:39 | romanos_melodos | u.s. based |
03:45:05 | afruff23 | but where would the employer get his moeny from? |
03:45:07 | afruff23 | lol |
03:45:10 | afruff23 | money* |
03:45:13 | mc_365 | <romoanos_melodos>you can rationalize all you want but the fact is if the author / owner has stipulated that his product is for sale and you obtain it with out purchase or leagal transfer of ownership |
03:45:18 | mc_365 | you stole |
03:45:24 | sharpe | from the company headquarters! |
03:45:24 | goffa | afruff23: how does red hat exist? |
03:45:39 | goffa | believe me when i say they make money |
03:45:45 | RoC_MM | No mc_365 stealing is completely taking something that someone already has. |
03:45:55 | afruff23 | goffa, from whom? |
03:46:00 | RoC_MM | Software can be replicated with no harm or impact on anyone. |
03:46:01 | romanos_melodos | you've all guys have everything messed up in your minds |
03:46:06 | goffa | afruff23: magic faries |
03:46:12 | goffa | oh and that printing press |
03:46:12 | mc_365 | everything man made someone has or has had |
03:46:30 | RoC_MM | Right |
03:46:36 | sharpe | so what if we all are dyslexic? |
03:46:37 | romanos_melodos | companies are paying programmers for private programmes |
03:46:39 | goffa | but your theory is blown to hell |
03:46:40 | sharpe | :D |
03:46:50 | RoC_MM | You'll never be charged with stealing when dealing with software, because that analogy is false propaganda. |
03:46:51 | afruff23 | and romanos, you're the one saying that stealing is always physical.... |
03:47:15 | romanos_melodos | yeah right |
03:47:23 | RoC_MM | I think you'll notice that when you make a copy of something, a copy doesn't cease to exist somewhere. |
03:47:28 | RoC_MM | Which means you cannot steal software. |
03:47:42 | goffa | why won't everyone believe afruff23? remember red hat doesn't exist |
03:47:51 | goffa | pay no attention to the man behind the curtain |
03:48:12 | sharpe | RoC_MM: unless you accidentally "Move" it instead of "Copy" it. :) |
03:48:17 | goffa | suse is broke too |
03:48:26 | mc_365 | so if you designed some new invention patent it the I took a picture of your blue print and produce the product your entitle to nothing cuase I didn't steal it |
03:48:40 | RoC_MM | mc_365, no we're talking about software, not an invention. |
03:48:41 | goffa | and microsoft is just barely scraping by because of all of those evil pirates |
03:48:54 | JdGordon | evil evil pirates.. |
03:48:55 | mc_365 | its an analogy |
03:48:59 | RoC_MM | If you'd like to talk about inventions we can change the subject. |
03:49:04 | afruff23 | piracy right now is not a problem |
03:49:08 | mc_365 | I didn't take anything from you |
03:49:13 | afruff23 | but if everyone were to pirate, then..... |
03:49:14 | mc_365 | but I stole |
03:49:15 | * | RoC_MM has never seen a pirate. |
03:49:29 | RoC_MM | stealing is a physical action |
03:49:31 | afruff23 | look in tthe mirror |
03:49:35 | afruff23 | no its not |
03:49:39 | sharpe | arr, they sail the seven internet backbones, arr. |
03:49:40 | RoC_MM | Not applicable to something not tangible |
03:49:55 | mc_365 | everything is tangible |
03:50:09 | romanos_melodos | Major Companies are paying programmers for private programms. Companies are getting money by selling software to major other companies like : institutions, universities etc... etc... I'm just a poor guy who's downloading some software, occasionaly and i'm not stealling it because that software was on another computer , so i'm borrowing it. |
03:50:12 | sharpe | thought isn't. what produces it is, but thought itself isn't. |
03:50:15 | goffa | RoC_MM: ARRR matey! |
03:50:28 | RoC_MM | mc_365, that cannot be true, as it conflicts with the fact that some things are not tangible. |
03:51:16 | mc_365 | romanos just proves my point he knows it wrong but he says he's poor |
03:51:17 | romanos_melodos | companies are not rely on individuals |
03:51:20 | * | afruff23 is thinking of a better analogy that won't steal your time |
03:51:29 | RoC_MM | Yes. |
03:51:33 | romanos_melodos | so programmers never get out of job |
03:51:38 | RoC_MM | I'm tired of you pirating my time. |
03:51:38 | romanos_melodos | cut the bullshit |
03:51:45 | afruff23 | I go into a museum that has an entrance fee |
03:51:53 | afruff23 | I take a pciture of it's entire exhibit |
03:51:58 | afruff23 | and distribute it freely |
03:52:04 | goffa | YOU THEIF!! |
03:52:05 | romanos_melodos | fair enough |
03:52:06 | goffa | oh wait |
03:52:08 | afruff23 | that museum just lost a lot of business |
03:52:13 | goffa | um.. no |
03:52:18 | goffa | the museum probably gained a lot |
03:52:19 | mc_365 | maybe |
03:52:29 | goffa | people will want to attend if it is interesting |
03:52:43 | afruff23 | I jsut said "entire exhibit" |
03:52:44 | goffa | case in point... i download a cd by a band i've never heard |
03:52:45 | afruff23 | just* |
03:52:53 | goffa | i like the cd |
03:53:01 | romanos_melodos | go and buy it |
03:53:02 | goffa | guess who's going to the show when they come to town? |
03:53:04 | romanos_melodos | :) |
03:53:12 | romanos_melodos | u are |
03:53:17 | goffa | oh wait.. i'm in jail |
03:53:21 | mc_365 | but the fact is the owner wants to sell the anticipation of see great works of art and by distributing pictures you've stole that |
03:53:25 | afruff23 | piracy is nto really applicable to music since CD sales don't really affect an artist's income |
03:53:25 | sharpe | Arr, matey... batten down the hatches, thar be virii and trojan about... |
03:53:27 | goffa | because i'm a pirate |
03:53:31 | afruff23 | they got msot money from touring |
03:53:34 | afruff23 | most* |
03:53:51 | mc_365 | its all stealing and we all know it |
03:53:57 | goffa | i stole rockbox |
03:54:00 | romanos_melodos | lol |
03:54:02 | mc_365 | I do like everyone else |
03:54:13 | goffa | then i paid more than what they would have charged me to liscence it |
03:54:20 | romanos_melodos | u guys don't understand the term anonymous |
03:54:21 | mc_365 | I just don't take high ground or justify it. |
03:54:23 | goffa | as a donation |
03:54:27 | afruff23 | in my ideal world, all software and music would be free |
03:54:34 | goffa | but i'm a damned dirty theif |
03:54:42 | romanos_melodos | don't try to bring equality to internet and real world |
03:55:02 | | Quit pixelma (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- s0 d4Mn l33t |t'z 5c4rY!") |
03:55:13 | afruff23 | I guess romanos you have hte motto "it's not stealing if oyu don't get caught" |
03:55:23 | afruff23 | the* |
03:55:25 | afruff23 | you* |
03:55:29 | romanos_melodos | my moto is share not steal |
03:55:31 | mc_365 | if it was all free then it would all be crap |
03:55:45 | goffa | mc_365: people still need to get things done |
03:55:46 | romanos_melodos | share damn it |
03:55:51 | goffa | and rockbox isn't crap |
03:55:54 | romanos_melodos | i'm making some music of my own |
03:56:00 | goffa | and its free |
03:56:01 | romanos_melodos | do i really have to sell it? |
03:56:12 | romanos_melodos | i may like to share it with people |
03:56:12 | afruff23 | linux is free |
03:56:18 | mc_365 | if you didn't pay, license, or obtain through legit source what you are doing is stealing |
03:56:19 | goffa | romanos_melodos: if you sould it it wouldn't be crap |
03:56:20 | afruff23 | winamp is free |
03:56:22 | goffa | sold |
03:56:22 | romanos_melodos | that's my fuckin point |
03:56:25 | afruff23 | fooabr2k is free |
03:56:32 | goffa | they are crap then |
03:56:39 | romanos_melodos | really? |
03:56:45 | romanos_melodos | i don't think so.. |
03:56:53 | romanos_melodos | so rockbox is crap then.. |
03:56:58 | romanos_melodos | get out of here |
03:56:59 | romanos_melodos | lol |
03:57:00 | afruff23 | except most appsa ren't free |
03:57:04 | mc_365 | I said if it was "All" free it would be crap |
03:57:04 | afruff23 | aren't* |
03:57:04 | goffa | they have to be because they aren't free... according to "< mc_365> if you didn't pay, license, or obtain through legit source what |
03:57:08 | goffa | you are doing is stealing |
03:57:09 | goffa | " |
03:57:27 | romanos_melodos | for me , linux are way much better than windows |
03:57:33 | romanos_melodos | so free is better |
03:57:34 | goffa | romanos_melodos: me too |
03:57:44 | afruff23 | I highly suggest some fo you guys take some sort of ethics class |
03:57:44 | goffa | and not BECAUSE its free |
03:57:47 | mc_365 | rockbox is great becuase the devs are constantly trying to show how good a DAP could be |
03:58:05 | goffa | afruff23: i suggest you make your horse a low-rider |
03:58:19 | afruff23 | castrate myself? |
03:58:32 | romanos_melodos | i think there's a lot of tension in here for nothing.. |
03:58:33 | afruff23 | I don't get oyur proverb |
03:58:37 | afruff23 | your* |
03:58:41 | goffa | actually that idea isn't bad either... then your genes wouldn't spread |
03:58:42 | goffa | :) |
03:58:53 | goffa | translation: get off your high horse |
03:59:22 | mc_365 | I think everyone else is on the horse |
03:59:23 | romanos_melodos | disqusting |
03:59:54 | afruff23 | another analogy: say you own a sprouting software company and all your sfotware gets pirated, you have no moeny, your wife leaves you, you're homeless, you sell drugs, kids become drug dealers, cycle goes on |
04:00 |
04:00:01 | afruff23 | software* |
04:00:05 | afruff23 | moneY* |
04:00:09 | romanos_melodos | :P |
04:00:10 | mc_365 | Why are you entitled to have something the maker did not intend to give you freely |
04:00:46 | goffa | sounds like your wife is a bitch.. and if you become a drug dealer because your software didn't sell, you have issues |
04:00:57 | mc_365 | true |
04:01:03 | romanos_melodos | as i said, software is mainly produced for companies. Have u heard a company that uses a pirated products?? |
04:01:14 | mc_365 | yes |
04:01:15 | goffa | best buy |
04:01:24 | goffa | microsoft |
04:01:28 | goffa | apple |
04:01:34 | afruff23 | lol, more like "worst buy" with their prices |
04:01:55 | scorche | compusa actually isnt bad when things are on sale |
04:01:57 | mc_365 | and becuase they do good business you should be alowed to use said product for free |
04:02:08 | afruff23 | compusa is my favorite physical retailer |
04:02:15 | mc_365 | lota logic in that argument romanos |
04:02:16 | afruff23 | that has chains |
04:02:29 | goffa | afruff23: i mentioned best buy because they got caught pirating this month |
04:02:40 | afruff23 | what did they pirate? |
04:02:44 | afruff23 | iTUnes? |
04:02:46 | afruff23 | lol |
04:02:46 | goffa | no |
04:02:52 | romanos_melodos | rockbox? |
04:02:53 | romanos_melodos | :P |
04:02:55 | goffa | winstone benchmarking tool |
04:02:59 | goffa | i think |
04:03:02 | mc_365 | MS used pirated codecs in WMP8 |
04:03:04 | scorche | and compusa's service plans or warranties or whatever are actually ery decent |
04:03:05 | afruff23 | is that for audio tests? |
04:03:05 | sharpe | actually, it was best buy's geek squad thing, wasn't it? |
04:03:19 | goffa | ms pirated xerox's shell to make windows |
04:03:20 | scorche | it was |
04:03:29 | afruff23 | compusa has soem of the best prices on networking prices |
04:03:41 | afruff23 | I got my 802.11g router for $10 |
04:03:46 | romanos_melodos | is that why there's a xerox folder somewhere inside windows? |
04:03:47 | romanos_melodos | :P |
04:03:48 | scorche | brand? |
04:03:51 | afruff23 | after $70 mail-in rebate |
04:03:51 | mc_365 | 9 out of 10 companies probably don't have all the PC licenses up to date |
04:03:53 | afruff23 | belkin |
04:03:56 | goffa | romanos_melodos: probably |
04:03:56 | scorche | ick |
04:04:01 | romanos_melodos | i hate belkin |
04:04:03 | afruff23 | it's worked fine for me |
04:04:07 | scorche | linksys FTW |
04:04:15 | afruff23 | linksys for the overpriced |
04:04:21 | scorche | if you say so |
04:04:34 | scorche | do you have linux on your belkin router? |
04:04:38 | afruff23 | what's wrong with belkin's routers |
04:04:41 | afruff23 | no |
04:04:47 | afruff23 | but wh would I need it? |
04:04:49 | afruff23 | why* |
04:04:51 | romanos_melodos | i vote for netgear |
04:04:52 | romanos_melodos | :P |
04:05:06 | mc_365 | can you but linux on a belkin? |
04:05:07 | romanos_melodos | freakin awesome |
04:05:14 | scorche | mc_365: too late |
04:05:20 | scorche | romanos_melodos: not really... |
04:05:25 | afruff23 | no, I can't put linux on it , but again WHY would I want it? |
04:05:45 | goffa | yeah its free |
04:06:02 | scorche | afruff23: no, i cant put rockbox on my ipod, but again WHY would i want it? |
04:06:04 | scorche | same thing |
04:06:09 | afruff23 | no it's not |
04:06:16 | afruff23 | just give me soem functions that it can do |
04:06:19 | afruff23 | some* |
04:06:28 | afruff23 | with linux |
04:06:33 | afruff23 | on a router |
04:06:45 | goffa | better firewall, routing, more stable dns |
04:06:46 | romanos_melodos | is anyone using gentoo? |
04:06:59 | afruff23 | better firewall? |
04:07:03 | romanos_melodos | i mean linux gentoo.. |
04:07:06 | goffa | yeah... |
04:07:08 | afruff23 | NAt is more than enoguh for me |
04:07:17 | afruff23 | routing? mroe specific please |
04:07:25 | scorche | transmit power, port triggers, scripts |
04:07:28 | afruff23 | stable DNS? Mine is stable |
04:07:41 | romanos_melodos | netgear got 2 firewalls btw |
04:07:46 | afruff23 | Port triggerring is already possible |
04:07:54 | afruff23 | transmit power? more specific |
04:07:57 | romanos_melodos | nat for sure and i don't remember what was the other one |
04:08:05 | scorche | increased fields |
04:08:12 | afruff23 | scripts? no idea how this could be applied to be sueful |
04:08:24 | scorche | command shell, telnet daemon |
04:08:32 | goffa | i think my iq is dropping |
04:08:32 | scorche | afruff23: for startup and firewalls |
04:08:32 | afruff23 | romanos, SPI? |
04:08:40 | goffa | by listening to this debate |
04:08:43 | afruff23 | what do you eman startup? |
04:08:49 | afruff23 | mean* |
04:09:00 | romanos_melodos | i think afruff |
04:09:01 | scorche | would you rather i sai boot-up period? |
04:09:27 | afruff23 | I still don't knwo what you eman by that? |
04:09:33 | afruff23 | know* |
04:09:36 | afruff23 | mean* |
04:09:45 | scorche | then stick with your belkin router |
04:09:56 | afruff23 | oh, you eman faster startup? |
04:09:58 | afruff23 | mean* |
04:10:11 | rotator | preglow: after listening to several more albums, I've had only one tick with musepack, the problem doesn't seem to be as bad as before, but it's still there |
04:10:17 | afruff23 | it's already pretty fast |
04:10:22 | scorche | afruff23: no |
04:10:55 | afruff23 | care to explain? |
04:10:58 | scorche | as in what you want started up, things you want to run on start up, commands to run...hell, think of what you can do |
04:11:16 | afruff23 | again, application? |
04:11:26 | scorche | think of one yourself |
04:11:27 | scorche | im hungry |
04:11:31 | | Quit muesli__ (Connection timed out) |
04:11:34 | scorche | i am going out for food |
04:11:35 | goffa | scorche: i don't think he's capable |
04:11:50 | romanos_melodos | i'm off to bed.. nice talkin to ya all. Bye! |
04:11:52 | scorche | goffa: i am giving him the benefit of the doubt |
04:11:55 | afruff23 | Do a DoS attack on microsoft.com on startup |
04:11:57 | afruff23 | :) |
04:12:06 | scorche | uh....yes...with your router... |
04:12:14 | scorche | good application |
04:12:23 | | Quit romanos_melodos () |
04:12:46 | afruff23 | still, I can't think of a time where I would need these new features |
04:13:01 | scorche | then like i said, stick with our belkin router |
04:13:04 | sharpe | you could blame the DoS attack on trying to find where to download something. |
04:13:06 | scorche | *your |
04:13:28 | scorche | if you fail to see the usefulness of it, it isnt for you anyway |
04:13:33 | afruff23 | so why do you blast Belkin, when the product is cheap and good? |
04:13:48 | afruff23 | Most people don't need startp options |
04:14:09 | scorche | because they tend to fail shortly after the 1 year mark |
04:14:12 | | Quit Rick ("I… don't need to be here.") |
04:14:28 | afruff23 | I ahve 2 belkin routers going on for 3 years |
04:14:32 | afruff23 | have* |
04:14:36 | scorche | i am happy for you |
04:14:43 | scorche | like i said before, i am hungry |
04:15:00 | | Quit hardeep ("[BX] Beefcake! BEEFCAKE!") |
04:15:24 | scorche | hardeep: that doesnt help |
04:15:27 | scorche | =P |
04:15:40 | goffa | ha ha ha |
04:15:50 | afruff23 | %?It<Title: |
04:15:50 | afruff23 | %It|%Fn> |
04:15:50 | afruff23 | %?It<Title: |
04:15:55 | afruff23 | sorry |
04:15:57 | afruff23 | %?It<Title: |
04:15:57 | afruff23 | %It|%Fn> |
04:16:02 | afruff23 | would that work |
04:16:08 | afruff23 | in a WPS? |
04:16:18 | scorche | test it and see... |
04:16:23 | afruff23 | it is in fact too lines |
04:16:27 | afruff23 | 2* |
04:16:35 | afruff23 | maybe later |
04:17:14 | afruff23 | let me rephrase, can you put line breaks within conditionals? |
04:17:54 | | Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-2-183.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
04:18:22 | afruff23 | which file info tag puts the least strain on retrieving it? |
04:18:26 | afruff23 | is it filename? |
04:19:22 | afruff23 | by default, is text aligned left, center, or right? |
04:22:43 | afruff23 | anybody know? |
04:23:51 | Mikachu | doesn't matter, they're all loaded in ram |
04:25:23 | afruff23 | foudn answer to my last question |
04:25:27 | afruff23 | found* |
04:25:30 | afruff23 | it's left |
04:25:36 | afruff23 | as I suspected |
04:26:06 | afruff23 | anybody got a preference to left, center, or right? |
04:29:59 | RoC_MM | Crapflood pirate. |
04:30:32 | afruff23 | sorry |
04:30:38 | afruff23 | I;m used to IM chat |
04:31:10 | scorche | ok....time for /exec -o fortune! |
04:31:13 | scorche | everyone join in! |
04:31:24 | scorche | The Ruffed Pandanga of Borneo and Rotherham spreads out his feathers in |
04:31:24 | scorche | his courtship dance and imitates Winston Churchill and Tommy Cooper on |
04:31:24 | scorche | one leg. The padanga is dying out because the female padanga doesn't |
04:31:24 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK scorche |
04:31:24 | scorche | take it too seriously. |
04:31:24 | scorche | −− Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac" |
04:31:34 | Mikachu | you know some of those are like 15 lines righT? |
04:31:49 | scorche | that is what makes em fun...ya dont knwo what you are gonna get =P |
04:31:57 | Mikachu | Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. |
04:31:57 | Mikachu | −− Albert Einstein |
04:32:11 | scorche | i win |
04:32:15 | Mikachu | okay |
04:32:29 | scorche | im bored |
04:32:34 | scorche | and hungry |
04:32:36 | scorche | =( |
04:33:33 | afruff23 | go to lemonparty |
04:33:36 | afruff23 | lol |
04:33:47 | scorche | om ok... |
04:33:53 | scorche | even though that wont phase me |
04:34:00 | scorche | i am a /b/ tard ;) |
04:37:07 | afruff23 | in my WPS, shoudl I put text to show what part is the artist or title? |
04:37:12 | afruff23 | or album or etc. |
04:38:07 | | Join macdonalder [0] (n=macdonal@CPE00045af2dd15-CM0011ae92481c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
04:43:44 | afruff23 | Ic an't use multiple line conditinals |
04:43:45 | afruff23 | :( |
04:44:23 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:44:24 | | Join StringBlade [0] (n=brion@cpe-66-67-227-204.rochester.res.rr.com) |
04:44:33 | StringBlade | good evening all |
04:45:00 | StringBlade | I really hope someone's around because I think I'm up shit creek and I need some serious help :< |
04:45:55 | StringBlade | just picked up an iPod nano 4Gb and went to install rockbox on it from linux |
04:46:36 | StringBlade | following the installation instructions the first thing it said was to format the thing as FAT32 (it was already HFS because it got set up on my wife's iBook) |
04:46:52 | | Quit Daishi ("Client exiting...") |
04:46:58 | afruff23 | you formatted ti wrong? |
04:47:02 | afruff23 | it* |
04:47:17 | StringBlade | well, here's the thing |
04:47:27 | StringBlade | it says to format it, but gives no instructions as to how to do it from linux |
04:47:48 | afruff23 | I think you have to use windows |
04:47:52 | afruff23 | I may be wrong |
04:47:56 | StringBlade | but the first thing I did was dd if=/dev/sda and dd if=/dev/sda1 |
04:47:57 | Mikachu | you don't |
04:48:00 | | Nick scott666|work is now known as scott666 (n=scott666@c-24-245-75-109.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
04:48:05 | Mikachu | StringBlade: and of what? |
04:48:05 | StringBlade | to get the mbr and main partition as backup |
04:48:24 | StringBlade | of=mbr.bin and of=bootpartition.bin |
04:48:35 | Mikachu | i guess you did count=1 on the first one then |
04:48:39 | StringBlade | yes |
04:48:41 | StringBlade | sorry |
04:48:59 | StringBlade | heh, not the first time actually...it started grabbing the whole 4 GB |
04:49:04 | StringBlade | so I stopped and did count=1 |
04:49:10 | StringBlade | but anyway |
04:49:11 | Mikachu | anyway what you want to do is mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/sda2 |
04:49:21 | StringBlade | ah |
04:49:27 | StringBlade | see, that eluded me |
04:49:27 | StringBlade | now |
04:49:35 | Mikachu | be very sure not to type hda2 or something like that |
04:49:35 | Mikachu | :) |
04:49:37 | StringBlade | the plot thickens |
04:49:40 | StringBlade | right |
04:49:57 | StringBlade | so after dl'ing all the files I might possibly need |
04:49:58 | Mikachu | you can give more options if you want to set the volume label etc, but it seems rockbox eats that after a while anyway |
04:50:10 | StringBlade | I give up on linux and decide to try to format the thing using the iBook |
04:50:28 | | Quit RoC_MM ("Leaving") |
04:50:36 | StringBlade | DiskUtiliy let me format MS_DOS no problem |
04:50:54 | StringBlade | but in the process (of one of the writes) it erased all the contents of the drive |
04:51:08 | StringBlade | so it can no longer boot into it's normal OS |
04:51:21 | Mikachu | write back your trusty mbr and boot partition backups |
04:51:40 | StringBlade | I have to run in disk mode (for a while I thought I was fskd when it wouldn't recognize the USB when I plugged it in) |
04:51:53 | StringBlade | did that, but it didn't fix anything |
04:52:15 | StringBlade | so I tried one last time and managed to install the rockbox.bin semi-correctly |
04:52:40 | StringBlade | I say semi-correctly because now it won't stop rebooting and flashing "Rockbox error: -1" |
04:52:45 | Mikachu | try writing back the mbr, replug it, check that the partition table is correct, replug, write back the boot partition and format sda2 as fat32 |
04:52:55 | StringBlade | "loading original firmware" |
04:53:06 | StringBlade | but the original firmware fails (apparently) and reboots |
04:53:15 | StringBlade | and now it won't go into disk mode |
04:53:30 | StringBlade | and the USB drive won't recognize it (because it's perpetually rebooting) |
04:53:33 | StringBlade | :< |
04:53:56 | StringBlade | if I press and hold MENU/SELECT it stops flashing |
04:54:06 | StringBlade | but never gets to the disk mode |
04:54:17 | Mikachu | i thought it's menu+play for disk mode |
04:54:18 | StringBlade | 'cause if I press PLAY/PAUSE, it goes back to flashing |
04:54:23 | StringBlade | right |
04:54:26 | StringBlade | at the apple |
04:54:27 | Mikachu | er, select+play |
04:54:31 | StringBlade | er, right |
04:54:42 | StringBlade | but if I let go of MENU/SELECT, then it reboots |
04:55:00 | Mikachu | hold menuselect until it reboots and press select+play, and it should go to disk mode |
04:55:14 | StringBlade | ok, whew |
04:55:16 | StringBlade | just got it back |
04:55:28 | StringBlade | now I"ll have to scroll up to see what's the dealio |
04:55:33 | StringBlade | thanks for your help |
04:55:36 | Mikachu | np |
04:55:40 | StringBlade | I bought this for a road trip tomorrow |
04:55:49 | StringBlade | and I figured it would be a breeze to set it up |
04:56:00 | StringBlade | compared to the Windows or Mac install instructions |
04:56:02 | StringBlade | *sigh* |
04:56:02 | Mikachu | wow, even i wouldn't have started installing something completely new the day before |
04:56:19 | StringBlade | well, it's a new device and I would have had nothing anyway |
04:56:41 | StringBlade | I only have linux and OS X, and an OGG collection |
04:56:46 | StringBlade | what's a guy to do? |
04:56:47 | StringBlade | :) |
04:56:58 | Mikachu | heh |
04:57:04 | Mikachu | i see |
04:57:43 | StringBlade | ok, mount tells me that sda2 is vfat |
04:57:54 | StringBlade | so I should just have to dd the mbr back, right? |
04:58:23 | Mikachu | maybe |
04:58:28 | Mikachu | won't hurt |
04:58:32 | StringBlade | well, I mean to get it back to not blinking |
04:58:33 | StringBlade | :) |
04:59:49 | StringBlade | well, I'm back to no flashing and it's only complaining (briefly) that it doesn't understand the mbr |
05:00 |
05:00:03 | StringBlade | is it a problem that I grabbed the firmware from it after it had been formated in HFS |
05:00:14 | StringBlade | and now I'm trying to write to it in FAT32 |
05:00:15 | StringBlade | ? |
05:01:33 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB35DA0.ipt.aol.com) |
05:01:50 | StringBlade | the other problem with the Mac instructions is that the latest ipod updates (with the firmware) do not conform to the structure laid out in the instructions) |
05:02:00 | StringBlade | i.e. can't find Firmware* |
05:02:07 | Mikachu | no idea guy, i think their firmware can handle both fat and hfs though |
05:02:18 | scottder | Is it silly I encode things in differnt codecs just because my Rocboxed Nano can play them :) |
05:02:28 | StringBlade | the iPod updater is mpkg not the other file type |
05:02:28 | Mikachu | yes |
05:03:29 | scottder | Mikachu: was that yes to me or StringBlade? :) |
05:03:40 | Mikachu | you :) |
05:03:57 | StringBlade | also, the instructions said the boot partition would be around 40-80M - mine was 30k |
05:03:57 | scottder | Hey I feel bad if the codec sits there unused :) |
05:04:19 | Mikachu | StringBlade: then you did something wrong heh |
05:04:22 | scottder | Got a CD yesterday,,,ripped it to Musepack, just because |
05:04:31 | | Quit Rob2222_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
05:04:44 | StringBlade | Mikachu, then how do I get this thing back to factory settings? or can't I? |
05:05:24 | Mikachu | StringBlade: well, they have a "ipod restorer" thing on apple.com |
05:05:47 | StringBlade | Mikachu, I did follow the instructions exactly: dd if=/dev/sda1 of=bootpartition.bin |
05:05:55 | StringBlade | just turned out to be 30k |
05:06:23 | Mikachu | something is wrong at any rate |
05:10:01 | | Quit afruff23 ("IceChat - Keeping PC's cool since 2000") |
05:16:06 | | Quit macdonalder ("bye bye ;D") |
05:17:15 | StringBlade | Mikachu, ok, restore worked - I'm back to square one |
05:17:29 | StringBlade | do you mind if I walk through the install with you? |
05:17:36 | StringBlade | I can understand if you don't want to |
05:18:12 | Mikachu | well, you can ask if you hit any problems |
05:18:58 | StringBlade | I just want to verify my steps as I go along - that the file sizes sound right and if not, I"ll give you the commands I'm running |
05:19:50 | StringBlade | I believe I need to unmount the player before I format it, correct? |
05:20:21 | Mikachu | yes |
05:23:21 | StringBlade | is there anywhere that describes the partitioning of the ipod? |
05:23:24 | StringBlade | looks like 4 partitions |
05:23:32 | StringBlade | or maybe just 2 or 3? |
05:23:57 | mc_365 | anybody figure how to use foo_pod with 5G videos to rebuild itunesdb and keep file tree structure? |
05:24:40 | StringBlade | k, I'm back to the problem I had before, the mkdosfs wiped the partion table, so fdisk -l /dev/sda shows no valid partitions |
05:25:53 | Mikachu | are you running mkdosfs on /dev/sda or /dev/sda2??? |
05:26:19 | StringBlade | sda .. d'oh |
05:26:31 | StringBlade | time to reload :) |
05:26:38 | StringBlade | good thing it's easy to do |
05:28:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:28:57 | StringBlade | but I do format in msdos before grabbing the firmware? |
05:29:00 | StringBlade | that seems backwards to me |
05:29:05 | StringBlade | but what do I know |
05:29:19 | Mikachu | doesn't matter, it's on a different partition |
05:31:14 | StringBlade | bootpartition is only 30k again |
05:32:16 | StringBlade | http://pastebin.ca/51933 |
05:32:34 | StringBlade | I guess I'll just have to use it as a normal iPod for this trip :( |
05:33:00 | Mikachu | have you actually repartitioned it correctly? |
05:33:14 | Mikachu | and also, you won't be able to extract any firmware from it after you format the whole device :P |
05:33:35 | StringBlade | I restored the device from the iPod updater |
05:33:40 | Mikachu | ah right |
05:33:41 | StringBlade | then I formated just sda3 |
05:33:52 | Mikachu | ? there are only 2 partitions |
05:33:53 | StringBlade | grabbed the mbr and sda1 (30k) |
05:34:09 | StringBlade | I can't tell |
05:34:16 | StringBlade | fdisk sees nothing |
05:34:20 | StringBlade | cfdisk sees nothing |
05:34:29 | StringBlade | but clearly, there's something |
05:34:37 | StringBlade | when it's mounted, I have folders |
05:34:41 | StringBlade | with some stuff in them |
05:34:57 | StringBlade | the standard 4 folders (Calendar, Contacts, etc.) |
05:36:17 | StringBlade | regardless, the wiki is a little parse on "how to convert HFS to FAT32" for the music partition, and I wonder if the bootpartion location hasn't changed with the latest Nanos |
05:36:24 | StringBlade | oh well...I have to call it a night |
05:36:27 | StringBlade | thanks for your help |
05:40:52 | | Quit TeaSea ("Leaving") |
05:44:08 | StringBlade | ok, I've been granted some amnesty - I've got some more time ;) |
05:44:40 | StringBlade | it seems I can still run the iPod software after formatting the music partition |
05:44:43 | StringBlade | this is a good thing |
05:44:52 | StringBlade | but I can't explain the small boot partition |
05:45:07 | StringBlade | any idea what I can use to find out more about the partitions of this drive? |
05:47:13 | StringBlade | how about /dev/sda2? |
05:47:17 | StringBlade | it's 64Mb |
05:47:49 | StringBlade | it appears I have 3 partitions: 1, 2, 3 |
05:48:28 | StringBlade | parition 1 is only 31k, partiition 2 is 64M, and partition 3 is the music partition |
05:51:58 | Mikachu | odd |
05:52:03 | Mikachu | well, then sda2 must be your boot partition |
05:52:52 | | Quit scott666 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:53:00 | StringBlade | got it |
05:53:08 | StringBlade | I'm much happier nwo |
05:53:09 | StringBlade | now |
05:53:30 | StringBlade | I can see the rockbox bootloader (but it won't succeed because I haven't installed rockbox yet) |
05:53:39 | StringBlade | and I can still boot into the original firmware |
05:53:56 | StringBlade | again, many thanks for your help (and patience for an iPod n00b) |
05:55:48 | StringBlade | maybe the newer iPods have a different partition table |
05:55:50 | StringBlade | who knows? |
05:56:14 | | Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:56:51 | scorche | is anything on sda1? |
05:57:45 | StringBlade | can't mount it |
05:58:03 | StringBlade | don't know the filesystem |
05:58:12 | StringBlade | hfsplus doesn't seem to work |
05:58:26 | StringBlade | and mount can't auto-detect it |
05:58:38 | scorche | huh |
05:59:27 | Mikachu | StringBlade: want to send it? |
05:59:42 | StringBlade | send what? |
05:59:47 | Mikachu | sda1 |
05:59:55 | StringBlade | the result of mount? |
05:59:58 | StringBlade | or the bin? |
06:00 |
06:00:15 | Mikachu | yeah the contents of the partition |
06:00:57 | StringBlade | sure, where you want me to send it? |
06:00:58 | Mikachu | i'm just curious |
06:01:03 | Mikachu | dcc? |
06:01:17 | StringBlade | heh...IRC n00b too....kinda |
06:01:23 | StringBlade | just /dcc Mikachu ? |
06:01:36 | Mikachu | don't know about xchat, probably /dcc send Mikachu /path/to/file |
06:01:45 | StringBlade | ok, I'll try that |
06:02:54 | Mikachu | heh |
06:03:05 | StringBlade | doesn't work? |
06:03:09 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
06:03:10 | Mikachu | no, NAT |
06:03:13 | StringBlade | yeah, |
06:03:19 | StringBlade | what port do I need to open? |
06:03:30 | Mikachu | not sure what i'd want to do with it though |
06:03:39 | StringBlade | I'm happy to help |
06:03:43 | | Part mc_365 |
06:03:43 | StringBlade | I can email it if you'd rather |
06:03:45 | StringBlade | it's only 30k |
06:03:51 | Mikachu | no, never mind |
06:05:16 | | Join ProgramZeta [0] (n=zetachan@ip68-101-175-19.sd.sd.cox.net) |
06:06:04 | StringBlade | new and different problem |
06:06:07 | StringBlade | rockbox won't load |
06:06:28 | StringBlade | because it says "No parition found - Partition 1: 0x00 0 MB" |
06:08:02 | StringBlade | dammit...now I can't get it to load the iPod firmware again (just keeps trying to load Rockbox) |
06:08:17 | StringBlade | n/m |
06:08:21 | StringBlade | finesse |
06:10:46 | StringBlade | well after all is said and done, I'm restoring it one more time. |
06:11:12 | StringBlade | guess I'll have to try it some other time when I understand what the hell I'm doing here (I understand the concept, but clearly something's wrong) |
06:11:28 | StringBlade | either Rockbox is making poor assumptions, or I'm not copying something in the right place |
06:12:33 | | Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-89-155-225.ubs.qsi.net.nz) |
06:14:21 | scorche | just the root dir |
06:19:00 | StringBlade | yes, but it seems Rockbox is looking at sda1 and not finding anything |
06:19:16 | StringBlade | but sda3 is what gets auto-mounted when I plug it in to my computer |
06:20:26 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:20:27 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
06:24:44 | StringBlade | do you think the problem may lie in this command? ipod_fw -o apple_os.bin -e 0 bootpartition.bin |
06:24:55 | StringBlade | where 0 should be 1 in this case? |
06:26:09 | scorche | not sure...i am not an ipod person =) |
06:26:18 | scorche | but you can always try it |
06:26:26 | StringBlade | not tonight |
06:26:30 | StringBlade | I just want something that works |
06:26:42 | | Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@81-178-237-21.dsl.pipex.com) |
06:26:48 | StringBlade | I was hoping for Rockbox awesomeness, but that will have to wait for another day |
06:27:00 | | Join Lynx [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
06:27:15 | StringBlade | I chose the iPod because I couldn't find an iRiver H1xx or H3xx |
06:27:28 | StringBlade | plus I have a friend who works for Apple |
06:27:29 | StringBlade | : |
06:27:31 | StringBlade | :) |
06:27:36 | scorche | lol |
06:27:57 | scorche | poor soul... |
06:31:44 | jnc | StringBlade: which hardware? |
06:36:42 | StringBlade | iPod nano 4G |
06:36:43 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
06:36:48 | Jungti1234 | hello |
06:38:00 | | Nick slimeball is now known as _slimeball (i=jew@xion.phxhost.net) |
06:38:15 | jnc | ah |
06:38:38 | | Quit PiXEL8 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:38:50 | jnc | StringBlade: the iPod Video is apparently the most well supported platform for iPods and rockbox firmware |
06:40:42 | StringBlade | jnc, good to know −− too bad I already have the nano :) |
06:40:49 | StringBlade | it'll work at some point |
06:40:54 | StringBlade | I just have to keep at it |
06:41:01 | StringBlade | but now I must sleep |
06:41:04 | StringBlade | g'night all |
06:41:12 | | Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:41:12 | | Nick Lynx is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
06:41:15 | | Quit StringBlade ("it's been fun") |
06:43:32 | | Quit rotator ("zzzzzzzzz") |
06:48:56 | | Quit Sinbios ("If the definition of a klutz is someone who doesn't have eyes on their ass, then yes, I suppose I am a klutz.") |
06:50:37 | | Quit TCK ("well, if you say so.") |
07:00 |
07:12:20 | | Quit lostnihilist ("Leaving") |
07:12:22 | | Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
07:16:34 | | Join Lynx [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
07:20:55 | | Join macdonalder [0] (n=macdonal@CPE00045af2dd15-CM0011ae92481c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
07:28:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:33:56 | | Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:33:56 | | Nick Lynx is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
07:37:20 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
07:42:22 | | Join scott666 [0] (n=scott666@c-24-245-75-109.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
07:44:04 | | Join Hotfusion [0] (i=Hotfusio@ip70-185-188-75.mc.at.cox.net) |
07:48:14 | | Quit gursikh (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:54:03 | Slasheri | lostlogic: hmm, crossfade mode should be always used when manually skipping (not the mix mode), that seems to be currently broken |
07:54:30 | Slasheri | lostlogic: playback also stops occasionally and one needs to reboot the player to start it again (other attemps makes the player crash) |
08:00 |
08:05:20 | | Join infamis [0] (n=40518b28@labb.contactor.se) |
08:05:28 | | Quit infamis (Client Quit) |
08:09:50 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
08:12:33 | | Join infamis [0] (n=40518b28@labb.contactor.se) |
08:15:13 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
08:15:13 | * | B4gder reads OpenNeo commits |
08:16:14 | amiconn | good morning |
08:16:26 | scorche | good night |
08:16:41 | | Quit infamis (Client Quit) |
08:21:00 | amiconn | Hmm :-( |
08:22:10 | amiconn | Too bad. gcc 4.0.3 -Os makes again smaller binaries than 3.4.6, but they also crash. |
08:22:34 | * | amiconn wonders whether we're doing something fundamentally wrong |
08:23:55 | amiconn | I actually have a suspicion... |
08:24:25 | amiconn | It'll be tedious to verify / correct it, but may be worth it. |
08:39:32 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:43:20 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p5496765C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:49:09 | | Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) |
09:00 |
09:04:41 | | Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) |
09:11:29 | | Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@dsl-29-8.cofs.net) |
09:12:49 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
09:18:30 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:26:56 | | Quit RoC_MM ("Leaving") |
09:27:44 | | Quit ProgramZeta (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:28:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:30:28 | B4gder | got a first tshirt-arrived-fine confirmation now |
09:31:12 | | Join julius [0] (n=julius@ |
09:31:18 | petur | and now a second... :) |
09:31:21 | Slasheri | B4gder: hmm, do you still have those tshirts available? |
09:31:30 | B4gder | yes a few |
09:31:34 | B4gder | only XL left |
09:31:46 | Slasheri | oh, those are pretty big |
09:32:03 | B4gder | not _very_ big though |
09:32:22 | petur | they're not american XL :P |
09:33:08 | petur | haven't checked what I ordered and received but it fits perfectly |
09:33:38 | B4gder | you got an L |
09:33:54 | B4gder | unless I did a mistake ;-) |
09:34:19 | Slasheri | hehe :) hmm, M would be fine for me but i guess XL might work also :) |
09:34:32 | B4gder | hehe |
09:34:34 | | Join linuxstb [0] (i=dave@82-71-208-222.dial.in-addr.zen.co.uk) |
09:34:35 | petur | Slasheri, little guy :P |
09:34:43 | Slasheri | petur: haha, not that little ;D |
09:35:42 | petur | just what we need: http://www.newscientisttech.com/article/dn9066 |
09:35:56 | scorche | eh?....what shirts? |
09:36:27 | B4gder | scorche: http://www.rockbox.org/mail/archive/rockbox-dev-archive-2006-03/0257.shtml |
09:37:04 | * | petur discovers that VoiceCode doesn't understand "fix bug" |
09:37:40 | scorche | oooooooo |
09:37:55 | | Join cismo [0] (i=cismo@adsl-85-217-36-218.kotinet.com) |
09:37:56 | | Join PiXEL8 [0] (n=PiXEL8@c-24-5-212-221.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
09:38:07 | B4gder | and more pics here of course => http://daniel.haxx.se/devcon2006/ |
09:38:16 | scorche | saw it |
09:38:35 | scorche | what size is XL in american sizes? |
09:38:42 | scorche | (prolly still too big for me =P |
09:38:45 | petur | S |
09:38:52 | scorche | .... |
09:38:56 | petur | :D |
09:38:57 | B4gder | scorche: LinusN is using one on the pics |
09:39:13 | scorche | how tall is he? |
09:40:06 | B4gder | well, I'm 190cm and I wear L |
09:40:21 | scorche | cm eh? =P |
09:40:28 | B4gder | euro man here you know |
09:40:32 | LinusN | i'm 186cm |
09:40:54 | petur | 183 |
09:41:08 | scorche | you people are tall >_> |
09:41:29 | scorche | damn euros |
09:41:43 | scorche | =P |
09:41:58 | B4gder | midgets! |
09:42:01 | B4gder | :-) |
09:42:04 | scorche | T_T |
09:44:23 | scorche | ooo...money goes to rockbox project too >_> |
09:46:18 | scorche | B4gder: save one for me...just need to re-arrange my paypal >_> |
09:47:16 | B4gder | ok |
09:50:47 | scorche | and the correct english term for those, are "polo shirts" =P |
09:53:04 | B4gder | yeah, I've learned that by now |
09:53:12 | scorche | bah...that was on the next message >_> |
09:56:51 | mooch | hi |
09:57:52 | mooch | question: rockbox(ipod): i set a directory to be played, and go to the playing screen. if i press O to browse the directories, how can i go back to the playing screen ? |
09:58:37 | Bg3r | haha petur u're as tall as me :P |
09:59:34 | scorche | Bg3r != B4gder ? |
09:59:45 | Bg3r | scorche definitely not |
10:00 |
10:00:10 | scorche | meh, i always thought Bg3r was just a condensed name for him =P |
10:02:41 | | Quit cismo_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:03:22 | petur | hahaha |
10:04:45 | Bg3r | haha we should fill in a table in the wiki with this data :D |
10:04:49 | | Quit dj-fu (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:04:55 | mooch | does anyone have any idea? |
10:05:09 | B4gder | mooch: tried the manual? |
10:05:21 | mooch | yup |
10:05:22 | * | B4gder has no ipod and doesn't know the button mappings for it |
10:05:29 | mooch | but i will try again |
10:05:32 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
10:05:41 | petur | Bg3r: trying to be funny, eh? :P |
10:06:26 | Bg3r | some kind |
10:17:59 | petur | weee.. no meeting today :D |
10:18:21 | * | petur spent the whole day in one big meeting yesterday |
10:18:34 | B4gder | yuck |
10:18:39 | petur | I hate it when they do that to me |
10:18:39 | | Join Poka64 [0] (i=Poka64@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) |
10:18:54 | petur | not even a luch break - they ordered sandwiches |
10:19:01 | petur | *lunch |
10:19:04 | B4gder | meeting hell |
10:19:29 | petur | yeah - and the result was almost nothing |
10:29:18 | | Quit Rick (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:30:20 | | Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-2-183.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
10:31:06 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-74.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
10:31:14 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
10:37:04 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=c1713011@labb.contactor.se) |
10:42:37 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
10:45:17 | | Quit julius ("Leaving") |
10:47:09 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3077.gwdg.de) |
10:47:39 | Bg3r | hm, can i make sed to _delete_ a line ? |
10:48:40 | B4gder | D/ |
10:49:06 | Bg3r | D/matching regex ? |
10:49:10 | B4gder | yes |
10:49:17 | Bg3r | 10q :) |
10:50:47 | B4gder | actually I think it is /regex/D |
10:56:05 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
10:58:55 | | Quit macdonalder ("bye bye ;D") |
11:00 |
11:02:28 | | Join wehn [0] (n=wehn@42-94-185-210.rev.techex.net.au) |
11:03:17 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-89-3.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
11:06:49 | amiconn | mooch: You go back to the wps with Play |
11:07:20 | | Join julius [0] (n=julius@ |
11:07:24 | * | amiconn had an idea how to work around the weak alias issue with gcc 4.0 for sh rockbox |
11:07:46 | amiconn | Anybody knows whether/how it's possible to define weak symbols in assembler? |
11:16:50 | mooch | amiconn: is very unintuitive... |
11:17:10 | * | mooch work |
11:18:40 | * | amiconn thinks it is rather intuitive |
11:18:56 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:19:11 | amiconn | You press PLAY to get to the while-PLAYing screen |
11:19:52 | * | Zagor detects a discussion we've had before, and notes again that "explainable" != "intuitive" :-) |
11:20:15 | B4gder | well, in this case I don't know what else could be intuitive |
11:20:44 | Zagor | I always thought it was a good idea to have a single button toggle between modes. not different buttons in different screens. |
11:21:31 | B4gder | I don't ;-) |
11:22:07 | Zagor | I think you focus too much much on what's written on/next to the buttons. |
11:22:27 | B4gder | I hear you don't have an X5 ;-) |
11:23:06 | B4gder | its not about what's on the keys to me |
11:23:12 | amiconn | Zagor: That depends very much on the target button layout. On archos it makes sense, on iriver and ipod it does not |
11:23:19 | Zagor | that's right. I have enough trouble understanding the buttons on the iriver. |
11:23:55 | Zagor | amiconn: i disagree. REC, for example, would be a perfect mode switch |
11:24:02 | amiconn | ?? |
11:24:23 | amiconn | REC means recording. Now that would be unintuitive... |
11:24:53 | B4gder | REC is menu/quick screen on x5 ;-) |
11:24:59 | * | B4gder leaves for lunch |
11:25:08 | amiconn | You can also see the red symbol as some kind of 'cancel' |
11:25:08 | Zagor | as I said: you focus too much on what's printed on the button. "A-B" doesn't mean "menu" either. |
11:25:24 | Zagor | yet nobody has a problem with that |
11:25:52 | Zagor | "ON" doesn't mean "toggle mode" |
11:25:58 | Zagor | I could go on a while. |
11:26:11 | scorche | and yet it wouldnt solve anything... |
11:26:30 | * | petur fails to find a large trout to slap with |
11:26:30 | Zagor | yes it would, the mode switching would be much less confusing if it was always on the same button |
11:26:53 | * | scorche hands petur a baby leopard shark |
11:26:56 | amiconn | I doubt that |
11:26:58 | scorche | its all i have =( |
11:27:03 | Zagor | I always find myself gambling between PLAY and SELECT to resume. which does what? |
11:27:40 | scorche | werent you the one that was telling us that we focus too much on what is printed on the button? =P |
11:27:55 | petur | rofl |
11:28:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:28:36 | amiconn | Zagor: Imho that's the simplest part. SELECT does select a new file, PLAY just plays the current playlist |
11:29:26 | * | wehn senses a discussion on the play/stop mapping issue i've seen a few times? |
11:29:34 | Zagor | why does PLAY not play the file I'm on? there simply is no logic to this, you have to learn it by heart. like old chemistry lessons... :-) |
11:30:17 | amiconn | Zagor: See above; Play is not Select, and hence doesn't Select the file to play. 100% logical... |
11:30:47 | Zagor | i don't want to select. I want to play. word games does not make create logic out thin air... |
11:31:51 | wehn | Here's a bug/discussion I had with Linus on a similar vein: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/4933 |
11:32:48 | Zagor | wehn: yes, this causes lots of confusion |
11:33:12 | Zagor | however I'm afraid we've had the chaos for so long it's more painful to fix now than keep it :-( |
11:34:36 | wehn | I'm sure thats what they said about the imperial system... ;) |
11:34:51 | * | wehn ducks |
11:35:02 | wehn | no, i'm used to it now too. |
11:35:49 | Zagor | I'm just worried we'll keep doing confusing keymaps on all new targets since we've discarded the basic philosophy. |
11:36:00 | Zagor | anyway, I'm off to lunch now. we can bicker more later :-) |
11:36:20 | wehn | was going to ask what the basic philosophy was... |
11:36:58 | | Quit JBGood (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:39:28 | ravon | Hmmmm |
11:39:29 | ravon | $1 = {codec_frequency = 44100, frequency = 44100, clip_min = -134217728, clip_max = 134217727, track_gain = 0, album_gain = 0, track_peak = 0, |
11:39:29 | ravon | album_peak = 0, replaygain = 0, sample_depth = 16, sample_bytes = 0, stereo_mode = 2, frac_bits = 27, dither_enabled = false, new_gain = true, |
11:39:29 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK ravon |
11:39:29 | ravon | crossfeed_enabled = false, eq_enabled = false, eq_precut = 0, gain = 0} |
11:39:36 | ravon | what causes sample_bytes to increase? |
11:41:23 | amiconn | Well, nobody knows about weak symbols in asm? |
11:42:43 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
11:42:43 | * | amiconn now has a very strong suspicion what causes the crashes with gcc >= 3.4 and -O2 / -Os −− on all platforms |
11:43:18 | LinusN | amiconn: no, i don't remember much about it, was such a long time ago |
11:43:29 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
11:44:05 | Jungti1234 | hmm |
11:44:07 | amiconn | LinusN: Doing this would allow to build archos rockbox with gcc 4.0 and higher... |
11:44:23 | LinusN | i see |
11:44:24 | Jungti1234 | Text viewer is strange.... |
11:44:25 | amiconn | ..since gcc wouldn't see these symbols anymore, and hence wouldn't complain |
11:44:25 | petur | amiconn: i know nothing about it but have recently seen some asm code using .weak symbolname |
11:44:44 | LinusN | check the assembly output from gcc |
11:45:14 | amiconn | My suspicion about the -O2 / -Os problem is that these options enable global cross-jump optimisation. |
11:45:49 | amiconn | However, iiuc switch_thread() must always be called the standard way, never jumped to |
11:45:57 | amiconn | This is what gcc does... |
11:47:20 | Jungti1234 | Bg3r. you there? |
11:47:23 | preglow | switch_thread is a bit of a hack... |
11:48:18 | amiconn | preglow: I agree that it is a bit hackish, but do you have an idea how to do it better? |
11:48:34 | amiconn | How does one implement threading in a clean way? |
11:49:19 | preglow | amiconn: apart from writing the whole shebang in assembler, nope, heh |
11:49:26 | * | amiconn wonders whether there' s function attribute to tell gcc about the uniqueness of switch_thread() |
11:49:40 | Jungti1234 | hey, Why does it do scroll for left, right? |
11:50:06 | Jungti1234 | There is bug. |
11:50:11 | preglow | 11:45 < amiconn> However, iiuc switch_thread() must always be called the |
11:50:12 | preglow | standard way, never jumped to |
11:50:16 | preglow | what do you mean, really? |
11:50:32 | Jungti1234 | me? |
11:50:55 | | Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ |
11:50:56 | amiconn | It has to be called with jsr / bsr, not jumped to with jmp / bra |
11:51:24 | preglow | it does that??? |
11:51:30 | amiconn | Otherwise it won't return to the right place after going one thread round |
11:52:27 | amiconn | preglow: [11:45:16] <amiconn> My suspicion about the -O2 / -Os problem is that these options enable global cross-jump optimisation. |
11:52:37 | amiconn | And indeed it does that... |
11:52:43 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m132.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
11:52:48 | LinusN | preglow: jmp switch_thread |
11:52:59 | preglow | riiight, i get it now' |
11:52:59 | LinusN | instead of jsr switch_thread, rts |
11:53:08 | preglow | yeah, got that, just wondering how it could do it |
11:53:10 | preglow | but i get it |
11:53:14 | amiconn | x09025664: 0xD102mov.l@(0x00C,pc),r1; 0x09025670 (0x0F0007FC) |
11:53:14 | amiconn | 0x09025666: 0x412Bjmp@r1 |
11:53:37 | preglow | but yeah, you can disable that one optimisation, yes? |
11:53:40 | amiconn | That's a snippet from sleep_thread() on archos, compiled with gcc 4.0.3 -Os |
11:54:06 | | Quit lee-qid ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
11:54:21 | amiconn | preglow: Yes, we could, but then we'd loose quite some optimisation potential |
11:54:39 | amiconn | I'd rather want to disable that for this one function only |
11:56:40 | preglow | you really think that yields that big a gain? |
11:57:31 | preglow | you know what option this is, btw? |
11:59:44 | | Join asteele [0] (n=pugz@220-253-52-87.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
12:00 |
12:00:18 | | Quit mirak (Connection timed out) |
12:03:04 | * | asteele is looking for the ssh public key (for distributed builds) |
12:17:13 | amiconn | preglow: Looks like the option is -fcrossjumping |
12:19:43 | preglow | then i wonder what the sibling calls option i had to enable to make O2 for arm work is... |
12:28:06 | | Join changsito [0] (n=changsit@AAmiens-157-1-143-28.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
12:28:24 | changsito | hi |
12:28:44 | changsito | just want to report some difficulties to play some ogg vorbis tracks |
12:28:56 | changsito | on H120 with lastest build |
12:29:41 | amiconn | preglow: -fno-crossjumping increases binary size by almost 4KB (archos, gcc 4.0.3 -Os) |
12:29:41 | changsito | in fact the tracks are encoded in 480 kps |
12:30:03 | changsito | this seems to be the problem |
12:30:36 | preglow | wow |
12:30:48 | preglow | changsito: how does it not play them? |
12:30:53 | preglow | codec error? just skip? |
12:31:04 | changsito | no difficulties to play it |
12:31:10 | changsito | it plays 5 sec, then stop |
12:31:16 | changsito | then resume |
12:31:19 | preglow | ahh, right |
12:31:23 | preglow | it's just too heavy for our cute little cpu |
12:31:47 | preglow | and only more optimising can fix it |
12:31:49 | changsito | ok, i should just encode in 250 kps |
12:31:58 | preglow | well, i sincerely doubt you can hear the difference :) |
12:32:06 | ravon | Is there a "Codec Implementations For Dummies" somewhere? |
12:32:14 | preglow | if you use 480kbs, you might as well almost use flac |
12:32:21 | changsito | ok, thanks |
12:32:22 | preglow | that is very fast on rockbox :-) |
12:33:04 | changsito | i'll try flac then |
12:33:22 | dwihno_ | Anyone knows why wavpack is so slow on rockbox btw? |
12:34:36 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
12:37:21 | preglow | it isn't _that_ slow? |
12:37:29 | preglow | depends on how you compressed it |
12:37:36 | preglow | normal compression is fast, high is not |
12:37:53 | preglow | as to why, you need to ask david bryant that |
12:40:07 | dwihno_ | ah, okay |
12:40:40 | dwihno_ | Perhaps I should transcode everything to flac then. |
12:43:02 | preglow | as i said |
12:43:06 | preglow | normal compression is fast |
12:43:11 | preglow | and still compresses better than flac |
12:43:51 | | Quit quobl_ (Remote closed the connection) |
12:43:55 | | Quit julius ("Leaving") |
12:44:22 | | Quit obo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:44:26 | changsito | btw, which codec is better for power saving ? |
12:44:45 | preglow | hard to say. flac uses very little cpu, but needs the drive to be spun up all the time |
12:44:48 | preglow | i'd probably say mp3 |
12:44:59 | preglow | it also depends on the player |
12:45:03 | changsito | H120 |
12:45:06 | preglow | then mp3 |
12:45:12 | changsito | ok thanks |
12:45:20 | changsito | LAME is my friend so |
12:45:33 | preglow | yep, lame and good vbr settings and that'll be the best for power saving |
12:45:53 | dwihno_ | preglow: it's not just that... software companies are bad at supporting wavpack... :/ |
12:47:01 | preglow | i don't think they're particularil adept at supporting flac either |
12:47:07 | preglow | somewhat more than wavpack, though |
12:48:34 | dwihno_ | yeah |
12:51:25 | markun | Shall I put the old center-scrolling back or leave it like it is? |
12:51:49 | preglow | center scrolling? we never had that? |
12:52:30 | markun | we used to call it that. The screen start scrolling before the cursor hits then last row |
12:52:43 | markun | It used to start scrolling at 1/3 from the bottom |
12:52:53 | markun | Now at 1 line from the bottom |
12:53:45 | | Join quobl_ [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/external/x-00b116e29bb987c0) |
12:55:14 | markun | Is anyone against me changing it back? |
12:57:08 | dwihno_ | nooo! |
12:57:12 | dwihno_ | I mean, I am! |
12:57:18 | markun | ah :) |
12:57:22 | dwihno_ | isn't it configurable anyhow? |
12:57:30 | markun | no |
12:57:39 | markun | not right now |
12:58:01 | dwihno_ | Variable scrolling with the ipod wheel would be nice though :) |
12:59:02 | preglow | i want the scroll margin to be a bit bigger than it is now |
12:59:11 | preglow | but calling it center scrolling sounds like the cursor is always in the center ;) |
12:59:15 | dwihno_ | ipod-wise? |
13:00 |
13:00:12 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (i=nn@dhcp-163-1-214-83.seh.ox.ac.uk) |
13:02:11 | markun | preglow: can you try if you like this? |
13:05:42 | asteele | for what it is worth, i like the idea of centre scrolling :) |
13:09:39 | | Quit quobl_ ("Leaving") |
13:10:10 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-149-207.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
13:11:39 | | Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3060.gwdg.de) |
13:13:38 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-52-213.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
13:14:11 | RedBreva | Discuss: http://rockbox-themes.redbreva.com/... Only the H1xx page is currently populated, nothing is cast in stone, no zip files actually exist to download yet .. simple coments about the basic layout/concept please |
13:15:01 | B4gder | nice! |
13:15:31 | RedBreva | why thank you kind sir.. |
13:15:32 | B4gder | I miss some meta-data like author |
13:16:06 | B4gder | and I believe you will need some info weather the package works on a stock rockbox or if any patches are required |
13:16:18 | B4gder | perhaps something about what rockbox version it works on |
13:16:26 | B4gder | (since the wps format change over time) |
13:17:15 | B4gder | but overall of course a great start |
13:17:29 | RedBreva | sure, I havnt finished the HTML validation/accesability stuff yet (Comments from vis impared welcome), but sure addition data will be added shortly. |
13:17:36 | markun | Can't players with the same LCD specs be grouped together? |
13:17:41 | amiconn | B4gder: Good weather? |
13:18:05 | B4gder | rain! |
13:18:22 | amiconn | [13:16:09] <B4gder> and I believe you will need some info weather the package ... |
13:18:38 | markun | RedBreva: sorry, I now see they are :) |
13:18:50 | B4gder | now now are we mr I-always-spell-thing-right today? ;-) |
13:18:58 | RedBreva | Should 'Stock' screens be displayed seperate to 'patch reqd' screen? |
13:19:15 | RedBreva | s |
13:19:27 | B4gder | RedBreva: perhaps, but I think a clear marker would be nicer |
13:19:36 | B4gder | so that I can see as many as possible on one screen |
13:19:44 | amiconn | B4gder: ;-) Not really, just a funny one... |
13:19:49 | B4gder | a matter of taste of course |
13:20:41 | RedBreva | sure, back soon.... |
13:20:51 | * | petur whispers WPS margins :P |
13:21:16 | B4gder | and a way to rate them |
13:21:25 | petur | would also be nice to have 'm for filetree and menu |
13:21:38 | petur | margins, that is |
13:21:54 | mooch | re: key bindings |
13:22:01 | * | petur runs |
13:22:15 | mooch | there should be a way one could re-do the bindings on a config file, and the use the one you like |
13:22:21 | mooch | like ncmpc ;) |
13:22:42 | B4gder | ncmpc? |
13:27:03 | amiconn | mooch: Configurable button assignments were discussed again and again. Consensus was that we don't want them, as it would be a support nightmare |
13:27:22 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
13:28:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:28:37 | preglow | and a bunch of work to boot |
13:29:22 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:31:36 | | Join romanos_melodos [0] (n=romanos_@host-84-9-146-179.bulldogdsl.com) |
13:31:59 | petur | http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/04/28/small_is_beautiful/ <−−- 1.8" disks review |
13:32:24 | romanos_melodos | goodmorning everyone! Just a quick one. Is there any utility inside rockbox to show me the disk space i got left? |
13:32:33 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=Thunderc@lonsdale.nat.lancs.ac.uk) |
13:34:20 | petur | romanos_melodos: menu -> info |
13:34:41 | | Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
13:35:25 | romanos_melodos | thanx petur |
13:35:27 | romanos_melodos | :) |
13:37:23 | | Quit RedBreva ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
13:38:14 | | Join Musicmad [0] (n=Musicmad@0x50a35b4b.unknown.tele.dk) |
13:38:34 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3059.gwdg.de) |
13:39:48 | | Part Musicmad |
13:41:20 | * | petur posts sa shameless rockbox advertisement on the tomshardware forum |
13:41:44 | ashridah | link? |
13:42:03 | petur | http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/Hard-Drives-Small-Beautiful-ftopict183399.html |
13:46:31 | | Join Nepbaland [0] (i=Nepbalan@sml13-1-82-232-135-217.fbx.proxad.net) |
13:46:38 | * | amiconn notices that his suspicion might be wrong |
13:46:46 | | Quit romanos_melodos () |
13:46:48 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=c1713011@labb.contactor.se) |
13:46:59 | RedBreva | http://rockbox-themes.redbreva.com/Theme_160x128x2.html |
13:48:30 | B4gder | me likes |
13:49:09 | * | preglow like too |
13:49:49 | RedBreva | obviously they will all be tested to ensure thay work etc before going on, but the big question is which ones from the WPS gallery go on - all working ones, or just the ones I like :D |
13:50:10 | preglow | heh |
13:50:14 | preglow | i would like a rating system :P |
13:50:32 | B4gder | RedBreva: just get a basic set and let users submit the rest |
13:51:16 | RedBreva | So is the basic page layout/format acceptable? |
13:51:24 | B4gder | sure! |
13:51:29 | preglow | deedey |
13:51:42 | preglow | damn, i have some crazy urge to start coding web backends again |
13:51:46 | B4gder | when the amount grows a lot, I can imagine that you'll need to introduce additional sorting/browsing wys |
13:51:49 | B4gder | ways |
13:52:27 | | Quit muesli__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:52:30 | preglow | and a rating system! |
13:52:43 | B4gder | rates will be very useful |
13:52:44 | preglow | that allows people to log in and rate |
13:52:49 | preglow | and also submit |
13:53:02 | B4gder | and show "most popular" etc |
13:53:04 | RedBreva | True... at present it's hand coded html, cause it's easy for me to get the result I want... once it's a happy camper, I will strat to work out how to automated / add features etc... :) |
13:53:17 | RedBreva | strat=start |
13:54:02 | preglow | sure, no worries, nice to see someone working on it |
13:55:00 | RedBreva | well talking of work... I had better do some now :( I will have a go at the rest of the pages later.... |
13:55:27 | petur | maybe make two categories (ragular /patched rockbox) in stead of repeating the remark below each wps? |
13:55:35 | B4gder | hehe |
13:55:46 | | Quit RedBreva ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
13:55:55 | B4gder | petur: RedBreva suggested that too but I asked for them on the same page ;-) |
13:56:19 | petur | sure, same page but another heading |
13:56:24 | B4gder | ah, right |
13:56:28 | B4gder | yes that should work fine |
13:57:08 | | Join webguest72 [0] (n=c1713011@labb.contactor.se) |
14:00 |
14:02:28 | | Quit webguest72 ("CGI:IRC") |
14:08:32 | | Quit changsito ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
14:09:51 | | Join Gibbed [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-2-183.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
14:09:55 | | Quit Rick (Nick collision from services.) |
14:10:05 | darkless | did anyone implement a rating system for rockbox yet? |
14:10:07 | | Nick Gibbed is now known as Rick (i=rick@pool-71-108-2-183.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
14:19:15 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ppp121-197.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
14:24:18 | | Quit dpro (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:26:12 | | Join Hyperman [0] (n=5899408a@labb.contactor.se) |
14:26:22 | Hyperman | hey there |
14:26:51 | petur | ho there |
14:26:56 | Hyperman | hey there |
14:27:02 | petur | ho there |
14:27:43 | Hyperman | does anyone know what's new about the develop of Rockbox for iriver H10? |
14:27:56 | B4gder | yes we know |
14:28:00 | B4gder | => nothing |
14:28:46 | B4gder | and no one is working on it |
14:28:54 | mooch | would it be possible to implement some kind of accelerated scrolling on ipod, and have it togglable ? |
14:29:37 | preglow | of course |
14:29:42 | preglow | everything is possible :) |
14:30:32 | mooch | i mean, is anyone willing to do it? ;) |
14:30:44 | Hyperman | damm=\ |
14:30:46 | | Join changsito [0] (n=changsit@AAmiens-157-1-143-28.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
14:30:47 | mooch | /me cannot code... |
14:31:06 | Hyperman | but in your web site it said it's on develop |
14:31:17 | B4gder | I don't think so |
14:31:20 | B4gder | where? |
14:31:31 | petur | wiki probably |
14:31:50 | | Quit changsito (Client Quit) |
14:31:53 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/NonArchos#H10 |
14:32:03 | petur | *read it* |
14:32:36 | | Join changsito [0] (n=changsit@AAmiens-157-1-143-28.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
14:32:37 | petur | "...no work has started on this yet..." |
14:33:02 | Hyperman | not in the wiki i think |
14:33:15 | Hyperman | oh ya |
14:34:06 | markun | Hyperman: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2437.0 |
14:34:58 | | Quit Hyperman ("CGI:IRC") |
14:47:33 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:52:49 | mooch | i mean, sometimes i want to scroll to the end of the dir listing and it becames slooooooooooooooow to do it without accelerating scroll |
15:00 |
15:08:39 | ravon | oh sweet! NSF-sound. |
15:08:45 | ravon | Though it's slow and distorted, but it plays. |
15:09:28 | B4gder | cool |
15:10:30 | ravon | or, hmmm.. I wonder how much I can trust this remote desktop sound transfer. |
15:12:28 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp125-170.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
15:17:10 | | Join quobl [0] (n=quobl@tor/session/external/x-c673a9f9e354f2eb) |
15:21:38 | | Join dpro [0] (n=x@chello080109121047.8.15.vie.surfer.at) |
15:21:41 | dpro | hi |
15:21:44 | | Join SereR0KR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fd58b.f.strato-dslnet.de) |
15:22:15 | dpro | anyone ever tried to build a recent (4.0.x) gcc on freebsd for arm-elf ? |
15:25:53 | | Quit xmixahlx ("blah blah blah") |
15:26:59 | amiconn | ravon: RDP sound transfer over a slow link is delayed, but mostly reliable, only stutters occasionally. But it uses lossy on-the-fly compression (WMA), so quality is degraded |
15:27:32 | | Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ |
15:27:45 | ravon | amiconn: Thanks. Seems to be my fault. |
15:28:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:31:45 | dpro | aaarg: "Makefile", line 822: Need an operator and so on ... this looks /bad/ |
15:32:48 | B4gder | dpro: are you using gnu make ? |
15:32:55 | B4gder | or rather, make sure you do that |
15:33:57 | * | dpro slaps forehead |
15:34:02 | dpro | 'g'make ;) |
15:34:17 | * | dpro totally forgot there was another ... |
15:34:24 | B4gder | :-) |
15:36:11 | | Quit B4gder ("time to say moo") |
15:38:45 | | Quit Fitzsimmons (Remote closed the connection) |
15:46:12 | dpro | if I leave the first (empty) partition untouched can I use parted to repartition the ipod video ? (I don't have access to pcfdisk on the ppc box and since my hd went south I can't really compile anything) |
15:51:29 | | Join Kyomi [0] (n=fika@suidb4hhw41-5.acs.appstate.edu) |
15:51:50 | Kyomi | Hmmm.. I do believe my mp3 player battery is screwed |
15:52:13 | TeaSea | Kyomi: :( |
15:52:14 | Kyomi | I thought it was just rockbox using too much battery... so I tried the stock f/w |
15:52:26 | Kyomi | It worked fine the first time |
15:52:32 | Kyomi | So I kept using it for a bit |
15:52:38 | Kyomi | And today it lasted all of one hour |
15:52:52 | Kyomi | Even the battery bar in the stock f/w said it was still full |
15:53:07 | Kyomi | Here's the strange thing |
15:53:19 | Kyomi | I could leave it off for a bit and it would recharge itself >.> |
15:53:52 | | Join Una^ [0] (n=Una@80-46-78-232.static.dsl.as9105.com) |
15:53:59 | Kyomi | Do you know the max mAh the h320 can take |
15:54:00 | Kyomi | ? |
15:54:12 | | Quit TeaSea ("Leaving") |
15:54:15 | Kyomi | I want a longer lasting battery for it as long as I'm going to have to get a new one |
15:54:57 | petur | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium_ion#Guidelines_for_prolonging_Li-ion_battery_life |
15:55:27 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=d556da1b@labb.contactor.se) |
15:55:49 | | Join klrspz [0] (n=klrSpz@ |
15:57:50 | Kyomi | Hmmm |
15:57:52 | Kyomi | Interesting |
15:57:58 | Kyomi | But kinda doesn't help me atm ^^; |
15:58:30 | petur | only a new battery will help I fear |
15:58:39 | linuxstb | petur: I noticed you closed this bug report a few days ago: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/4752 I've been meaning to ask you if you are 100% sure it's fixed - especially for the case where the WPS is using a backdrop (the %X tag). |
15:59:21 | | Part LinusN |
15:59:31 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3157.gwdg.de) |
15:59:32 | petur | ah damn, didn't test with a backdrop WPS, only with a WPS on top of a std backdrop |
15:59:57 | petur | will test that too |
16:00 |
16:00:02 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=Thunderc@lonsdale.nat.lancs.ac.uk) |
16:00:53 | linuxstb | I can't test, as it's only applicable to the H300 (the ipods reboot when USB is inserted). But I looked at the code, and I don't think the backdrop is either being cleared or returned to the main Rockbox backdrop. |
16:01:10 | petur | right :( |
16:01:58 | petur | shall I reopen it for now? |
16:02:01 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
16:02:56 | linuxstb | I think so. I'm hoping to find some time to clean up the backdrop handling before 3.0. There are possibly a few places where it's not working correctly. |
16:03:23 | petur | ok |
16:05:12 | Kyomi | Anyone have the link for the thread at misticriver about replacing a H320 battery? |
16:05:57 | | Quit wehn (Remote closed the connection) |
16:12:10 | petur | http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=34257 |
16:14:38 | Kyomi | Hehe |
16:14:45 | Kyomi | I was just reading through that |
16:14:57 | Kyomi | What I need is a place to buy a battery ^^: |
16:15:52 | klrspz | hehe, just showed my ceo rockbox, he was like drooling |
16:16:02 | dwihno_ | :-) |
16:16:05 | dwihno_ | He should be. |
16:16:11 | dwihno_ | Rockbox is groovy |
16:16:14 | klrspz | he's the one who gave me my ipod |
16:16:33 | klrspz | he was like "wow i can't believe you can do that, i didn't think stuff like that was possible" |
16:16:49 | klrspz | showed him some plugins and he was like all apeshit about it, asked me to do it to his |
16:16:53 | dwihno_ | :-) |
16:17:09 | dwihno_ | Among the greatest things is the codecs support. |
16:17:24 | klrspz | yeah, gapless playback is a lifesaver |
16:17:31 | Kyomi | klrspz: Show him Doom II? :) |
16:17:41 | klrspz | Kyomi, no i don't have the wad's on my device |
16:17:50 | klrspz | haven't gotten around to hunting them down |
16:18:18 | klrspz | i have the original game at my parent's house i'm sure... john carmack himself handed me the cd to both castle wolfenstein and doom |
16:18:25 | klrspz | well, diskettes actually :) |
16:18:36 | klrspz | i even have a few beta doom's as well |
16:21:45 | Kyomi | klrspz: I...<3...you... |
16:21:52 | klrspz | heh, ok? |
16:21:54 | Kyomi | Just how in the hell did that happend? |
16:22:02 | Kyomi | I wanna meet him :P |
16:22:12 | klrspz | id software is like 30 min away from me |
16:22:45 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ |
16:23:17 | klrspz | and when i was a kid (when i was like 5) i wrote shit in gwbasic and qbasic and my dad was friends with a mutual friends, told him abou tme, then he told carmack about me, and then we ate dinner together once, where he gave me wolfenstein3d's first 2 levels on 3.5" floppy |
16:23:47 | | Nick dwihno_ is now known as dwihno (n=dw@ |
16:24:06 | klrspz | it was kinda cool looking back at it... at the time he was just another guy |
16:25:17 | Kyomi | Hmmm.... http://eshop.macsales.com/Catalog_Item.cfm?ID=7157&Item=NWTIPOD210012 |
16:25:23 | Kyomi | Would that work for my h320? |
16:25:34 | Kyomi | I'd just have to reverse polarity? |
16:30:58 | Kyomi | woohoo |
16:31:05 | Kyomi | I may of found a replacement :D |
16:34:15 | | Join romanos_melodos [0] (n=romanos_@ |
16:35:32 | romanos_melodos | any chance for getting any more games on the next rockbox release? iBoy would be cool.. |
16:36:13 | petur | romanos_melodos: find some open source (GPL) ones... |
16:36:28 | amiconn | iboy?? |
16:36:44 | romanos_melodos | will i be able to use then in rockbox petur? |
16:37:19 | petur | no but it's a first requirement for having them ported to rockbox |
16:37:40 | amiconn | Sounds like a gameboy emu for ipl. We have rockboy... |
16:37:51 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes, it is. |
16:37:52 | | Quit klrspz () |
16:37:56 | romanos_melodos | really? |
16:38:06 | romanos_melodos | is there a game boy emulator in rock? |
16:38:47 | linuxstb | Yes, but it needs work for the ipods - it doesn't work at all on some of them (e.g. the Nano), and the button handling needs improving on all ipods. |
16:38:47 | amiconn | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginRockboy |
16:39:52 | romanos_melodos | so it doesn't works on nano? |
16:39:55 | romanos_melodos | damn.. |
16:40:31 | romanos_melodos | isn't any way to gat that into my nano? Hope that someone is workin' on it .. |
16:40:37 | romanos_melodos | *get |
16:40:51 | Kyomi | http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=4680&page=1 |
16:41:13 | Kyomi | Or rather |
16:41:13 | Kyomi | http://eshop.macsales.com/Catalog_Item.cfm?ID=7157&Item=NWTIPOD210012 |
16:41:17 | Kyomi | Which is what I meant :P |
16:41:33 | Kyomi | This would work in my h320 right? Just reverse the pins? |
16:43:32 | romanos_melodos | silly question, but how rockboy works on a colour ipod and not in nano? |
16:43:48 | romanos_melodos | is it cause of the small display? |
16:44:36 | linuxstb | Yes, the LCD routine needs modifying for each different LCD. It just hasn't been done for the Nano yet. |
16:44:59 | romanos_melodos | so is it possible? |
16:45:09 | linuxstb | Of course. |
16:45:11 | romanos_melodos | i mean in the near future? |
16:45:41 | romanos_melodos | i would really be glad to help in all means |
16:45:56 | romanos_melodos | is anyone working on it? |
16:46:45 | romanos_melodos | i mean getting rockboy in nano? |
16:47:01 | linuxstb | No, I don't think anyone is working on it. |
16:47:23 | linuxstb | It's obviously not a priority for anyone who owns a Nano. |
16:48:34 | | Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:48:51 | Genre9mp3 | romanos_melodos: Where are you from? |
16:49:06 | XavierGr | yeah where? |
16:49:07 | XavierGr | haha |
16:49:16 | romanos_melodos | i know it's going to sound really stupid, but if it's just the display analogy that changes , then we can just adjust the x and y axis |
16:49:17 | romanos_melodos | lol |
16:50:24 | romanos_melodos | i mean if someone could give me the source for it, i could take a look |
16:50:45 | romanos_melodos | is that rockboy assembly or c written? |
16:50:58 | linuxstb | It's in C. |
16:51:23 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/dist/build-source/rockbox-bleeding.tar.bz2 look in apps/plugins/ |
16:51:25 | * | Genre9mp3 wonders if romanos_melodos is from Greece.. |
16:51:28 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=c1713011@labb.contactor.se) |
16:51:56 | | Quit ashridah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:51:59 | romanos_melodos | yes i am genre |
16:52:08 | romanos_melodos | i've already pm you.. |
16:52:30 | XavierGr | you must be registered to send pm romanos |
16:52:36 | Genre9mp3 | You must register your nick to chat private.. |
16:52:41 | romanos_melodos | oh! |
16:52:46 | romanos_melodos | didn't knew that |
16:52:47 | Genre9mp3 | oops...XavierGr got me.. |
16:52:48 | romanos_melodos | :P |
16:52:50 | RedBreva | OK, firsst stab at a platform with WPS's that require patches(X5)... http://rockbox-themes.redbreva.com/Theme_160x128x16.html again, links are not complete etc... |
16:52:51 | linuxstb | It's not a huge job, so please feel free to look at it. The problem you have to solve is that the Nano's LCD is 172x136, and the Gameboy's is 160x144 - so you need to drop 8 lines from the display. |
16:52:57 | Bg3r | wow, 3rd greek |
16:53:02 | XavierGr | so another Greek guy |
16:53:06 | XavierGr | that makes us 4 |
16:53:08 | XavierGr | not 3 |
16:53:16 | XavierGr | tvelocity is also from Greece |
16:53:16 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m132.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
16:53:17 | dpro | gia sas ;) |
16:53:24 | XavierGr | eh? |
16:53:25 | Bg3r | tctc |
16:53:25 | Genre9mp3 | Wow!!! |
16:53:25 | romanos_melodos | lol |
16:53:30 | romanos_melodos | to kaname ellada edw mesa |
16:53:31 | Genre9mp3 | we are 5! |
16:53:49 | XavierGr | dpro you are greek or you kidding? |
16:53:49 | Bg3r | but, please, in english ;) |
16:53:53 | petur | RedBreva: woohoo |
16:53:56 | romanos_melodos | but lets keep english , so anyone know what's going on |
16:53:58 | romanos_melodos | :P |
16:54:02 | dpro | Xavie: ematha ligo ;) |
16:54:10 | tvelocity | lol |
16:54:13 | XavierGr | haha |
16:54:13 | muesli__ | pita talk ;) |
16:54:22 | Genre9mp3 | Ok....I live in Athens where you guys live? |
16:54:30 | RedBreva | petur: You like it? |
16:54:37 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-123-118.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
16:54:40 | dpro | Genre: vienna (.at) |
16:55:02 | petur | RedBreva: getting better every iteration ;) |
16:55:34 | | Quit Kyomi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:55:43 | XavierGr | muesli: I would just like to inform you that yesterday I ate you!!! :P |
16:55:57 | muesli__ | LOL ;) |
16:55:58 | * | petur goes drinking some Orval (sorry preglow) |
16:56:09 | XavierGr | Someone Igave me a candy bar named muesli! |
16:56:11 | tvelocity | yeah i like muesli too |
16:56:20 | romanos_melodos | i'm in the rockboy file.. which one is the main.cpp file where the display properties are? |
16:56:23 | muesli__ | you deatheaters! |
16:56:26 | | Quit petur ("beer time") |
16:56:28 | tvelocity | my mother used to make muesli when i was younj |
16:56:31 | tvelocity | young* |
16:56:42 | | Join Kyomi [0] (n=fika@suidb4hhw41-5.acs.appstate.edu) |
16:56:47 | muesli__ | now ur old and half dead? |
16:56:57 | tvelocity | yeah |
16:57:00 | XavierGr | Liddle sells muesli candy bars here! |
16:57:12 | romanos_melodos | how can i register my nick btw? |
16:57:34 | dpro | romanos: /msg nickserv help |
16:57:38 | RedBreva | OK, now I *really* have some paid work to get on with :-( I have two weeks off, starting in about 1 hour, and I have "a shed load of stuff" to get sorted before I can go home... |
16:58:19 | tvelocity | registering your nick here is easy, someone explain me how its done in quakenet... it must be rocket science or something:P |
16:58:20 | | Quit RedBreva ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
16:59:11 | | Join israel [0] (n=10373019@ |
16:59:12 | israel | downloads Firefox −−−−-> http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/FireFox7.htm |
16:59:23 | | Part israel |
16:59:38 | XavierGr | weee! |
16:59:51 | tvelocity | OMG PONIES!!!11 |
17:00 |
17:00:00 | ashridah | hahaha |
17:00:03 | ashridah | that's classic |
17:00:17 | tvelocity | yeah |
17:00:17 | * | ashridah goes to look and see what fun rootkits exist in it |
17:00:24 | tvelocity | it's teh rox0rz |
17:00:34 | | Quit Nepbaland ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 2.0 Build 3515") |
17:00:37 | tvelocity | ponies are teh pwn |
17:01:08 | tvelocity | feel free to /ignore me, i've been playing too much WoW lately |
17:02:12 | XavierGr | ok here is the connecting chain between Greek Rockbox users. Genre9mp3 is my cousin and tvelocity my college costudent. What will romanos_melodos be? :D |
17:02:21 | goffa | looked like too much aol for a minute |
17:02:40 | tvelocity | aol is teh sux |
17:02:50 | tvelocity | sorry i forgot to put an OMG in it |
17:02:57 | tvelocity | OMG aol is teh sux!!!!11one |
17:03:53 | goffa | no you need a wtf lol too |
17:04:00 | tvelocity | omgwtfbbq |
17:04:10 | goffa | there ya go |
17:04:11 | XavierGr | bbq? |
17:04:15 | goffa | barbeque |
17:04:17 | tvelocity | yeah barbeque |
17:04:20 | XavierGr | hahah |
17:04:27 | XavierGr | w00t! |
17:04:36 | romanos_melodos | linux stb , r u still here? |
17:04:46 | romanos_melodos | i need a hand with that rockboy thingo |
17:05:18 | romanos_melodos | i can't find tha main file , which includes the display preperties for rockboy |
17:05:44 | romanos_melodos | *properties |
17:06:21 | romanos_melodos | it would be great if someone could help m out.. |
17:06:23 | romanos_melodos | me |
17:09:20 | Kyomi | Thats nice.... |
17:09:26 | Kyomi | http://eshop.macsales.com/Catalog_Item.cfm?ID=7157&Item=NWTIPOD210012 |
17:09:27 | Kyomi | <3 |
17:09:38 | Kyomi | H3x0 replacement battery :D |
17:09:43 | | Join scf [0] (i=scf@r4.softwarium.net) |
17:09:47 | scf | hello |
17:10:00 | Kyomi | According to misticriver thread fits in almost all iriver Hxxx :) |
17:10:01 | scf | dualboot is not supported for X5 yet? |
17:10:05 | Kyomi | Only 20 USD :D |
17:10:45 | TeaSea | Kyomi: Right. |
17:10:49 | Kyomi | ^^ |
17:10:57 | TeaSea | And scf: Right :) |
17:10:58 | Kyomi | So long dying battery ^^ |
17:11:07 | scf | hehe |
17:11:27 | TeaSea | Kyomi: I'd still try and see if someone with the exact same Hxxx model as you has tried it out first. |
17:11:30 | TeaSea | Just to make sure :) |
17:12:10 | Kyomi | Yeah |
17:12:16 | linuxstb | romanos_melodos: You'll just need to read the source and try to understand it - I'm not familiar with the details. But I think the LCD display code is in lcd.c. The "main.c" file is probably called rockboy.c |
17:12:21 | Kyomi | Theres like 19 pages in that thread |
17:12:44 | TeaSea | Kyomi: SIYF |
17:12:49 | TeaSea | Search Is Your Friend |
17:12:59 | scf | guys, what is the best practice for usage/charging schedule for X5? |
17:13:09 | TeaSea | scf: Same as with any battery of that type. |
17:13:12 | scf | sorry if question is a bit offtopic |
17:13:25 | romanos_melodos | i'm lookin at it right now linux |
17:13:28 | scf | TeaSea: and? :) |
17:14:05 | TeaSea | the X5's battery isn't too comfortable sitting at 100%, doesn't mind 60+%, quite likes 40-60%, Isn't too fussed about 20-40% |
17:14:10 | TeaSea | But it hates being at 0% |
17:14:21 | TeaSea | So try not to let your battery run completely dry, or it'll screw it up quicker. |
17:14:35 | TeaSea | (Which I found out after my battery was already borked :( ) |
17:14:43 | romanos_melodos | so after changing the values to the ones i want to get and compiling both lcd and rockboy , in what dir should i place the folder? |
17:14:53 | scf | TeaSea: so if I listen to mp3s few hours per day, it is better to charge it a bit every day? |
17:14:59 | TeaSea | Si |
17:15:25 | | Join xmixahlx [0] (n=xmixahlx@ |
17:15:42 | scf | btw, any way to see charge percentage? |
17:15:49 | TeaSea | Nope! |
17:15:52 | TeaSea | :P |
17:15:57 | Kyomi | Somewhat in rockbox |
17:16:05 | scf | thnx |
17:16:05 | Kyomi | That lil icon that the top left |
17:16:26 | Kyomi | Or just go into Info => Debug => View Battery |
17:16:28 | scf | Kyomi: didnt try rockbox yet :) my x5 arrived just in the morning :) |
17:16:33 | Kyomi | Stock f/w = nope |
17:17:03 | TeaSea | The X5 firmware isn't too bad. |
17:17:15 | romanos_melodos | i still can't send pm's |
17:17:23 | TeaSea | The thing which severely let me down, as well as probably every other user, is the lack of updates. |
17:17:33 | scf | TeaSea: yea I've understand that it uses less power then rockbox atm |
17:17:36 | Kyomi | TeaSea: Opinions on H320 stock international 1.29k firmware? |
17:17:53 | romanos_melodos | don't i just need to put this on the main? => /msg nickserv help |
17:17:56 | TeaSea | Kyomi: I haven't had a H3xx for a year, so wouldn't know. |
17:18:02 | Kyomi | o.o |
17:18:08 | Kyomi | What do you have now? |
17:18:12 | TeaSea | X5 |
17:18:33 | Kyomi | Hmmm |
17:18:47 | Kyomi | Looks like I'm buying US and flashing international again :/ |
17:18:52 | goffa | TeaSea: only problem i had with x5 firmware was no mpc support |
17:18:58 | TeaSea | goffa: mpc? |
17:19:04 | Genre9mp3 | "/msg NickServ register <yournick>" if I remember well |
17:19:05 | goffa | musepack |
17:19:08 | TeaSea | goffa: ? |
17:19:09 | dpro | guys should I use a downloaded bootloader or just build one from yesterday's cvs ? (I just set up my dev environment again and need to get back on track now) |
17:19:09 | goffa | file format |
17:19:16 | TeaSea | Never heard of it. |
17:19:36 | goffa | not many people use it.. but better sound quality than mp3 at similar bitrates |
17:19:41 | goffa | usually slightly smaller |
17:19:44 | TeaSea | Kyomi: Careful. If you value DRM support (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) flashing international on a US H3xx will destroy DRM. |
17:19:53 | Kyomi | lol |
17:19:55 | TeaSea | Hell, flashing anything on a US H3xx will destroy DRM. |
17:19:56 | Kyomi | I already did that |
17:20:04 | Kyomi | DRM is ghey |
17:20:05 | romanos_melodos | kanas ellinas akomi mesa? |
17:20:13 | TeaSea | Kyomi: Si! |
17:20:14 | Genre9mp3 | me |
17:20:15 | Kyomi | have a link for the x5? |
17:20:27 | romanos_melodos | re sy genre, pws kanw eggrafi? |
17:20:34 | goffa | i liked the article that called drm - Content Restriction And Punishment (CRAP) |
17:20:38 | goffa | most accurate |
17:20:44 | Kyomi | XD |
17:20:44 | Genre9mp3 | romanos_melodos: "/msg NickServ register <yournick>" |
17:20:53 | linuxstb | dpro: There's no need to compile your own bootloader - just download one. |
17:20:53 | XavierGr | romanos: in english please |
17:21:00 | dpro | linuxstb: k |
17:21:53 | Genre9mp3 | oh sorry it's "/msg NickServ register <password>" |
17:23:13 | Kyomi | I can't seem to find the x5 on iriver's site |
17:24:02 | linuxstb | Try the iaudio site... |
17:24:55 | Kyomi | Well excuse me... I didn't know it wasn't iriver :P |
17:25:01 | Kyomi | Theres too much i<something> |
17:26:07 | Kyomi | Ack |
17:26:14 | Kyomi | A bit smaller then the h320 |
17:26:23 | Kyomi | screen size that is |
17:26:28 | Kyomi | I think this is 220x176 |
17:26:28 | dpro | Kyomi. iHopeItrunsLinux |
17:27:42 | Kyomi | iHopeyouDie :P |
17:28:20 | Kyomi | Anyway |
17:28:29 | Kyomi | iHaveTogoNow :) |
17:28:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:28:34 | dpro | LOL |
17:30:18 | | Quit Kyomi () |
17:33:56 | | Join solexx_ [0] (n=jrschulz@d157075.adsl.hansenet.de) |
17:38:02 | scf | :) |
17:39:21 | | Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:41:32 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A46856.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:43:15 | romanos_melodos | where do i have to go in order to launch rockboy? |
17:43:35 | ashridah | romanos_melodos: just select a .rom in the file browser |
17:43:39 | scf | you would better prefer rockgirl |
17:45:05 | romanos_melodos | definitely |
17:48:53 | | Quit ashridah ("sleep") |
17:51:16 | | Quit solexx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:57:51 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
18:00 |
18:03:24 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m132.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
18:04:23 | dpro | my bootpartition.bin is ~110M and rockboot is ~11M is that ok ? |
18:05:16 | scott666 | that sounds right |
18:05:45 | scott666 | yeah, i have the same numbers |
18:05:54 | scott666 | (5G ipod here) |
18:07:07 | dpro | scott: yup mine is a video and now I can just dd it back to /dev/sda1 et voila ? |
18:08:03 | scott666 | i did it on windows, so i cant tell you for sure |
18:08:11 | scott666 | but if thats what the instructions say then yes |
18:08:44 | * | dpro goes looking for instructions but dd feels right ;) |
18:13:30 | dpro | ok dd is the way ;) -> http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodInstallationFromLinux |
18:14:42 | | Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3083.gwdg.de) |
18:23:15 | dpro | hmmm |
18:24:00 | * | dpro wonders if it is ok to use cfdisk to repartition ... since macfdisk doesn't see the partitiontsable and parted is just crap |
18:28:08 | Presence | wow, will the patch 5219 libmad thing also help out iPod performance? |
18:28:23 | Presence | looks like some pretty hefty tweaks. |
18:29:12 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
18:29:21 | | Nick PaulJam_ is now known as PaulJam (n=pauljam@vpn-3083.gwdg.de) |
18:30:25 | scott666 | test it and find out? |
18:31:48 | Presence | haha, indeed. |
18:33:36 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p5496765C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:33:42 | | Join webguest67 [0] (n=3ed6ebcf@labb.contactor.se) |
18:34:43 | webguest67 | hey guys! |
18:35:42 | webguest67 | hey guys! |
18:36:20 | scott666 | whats up |
18:37:08 | | Quit webguest67 (Client Quit) |
18:37:31 | Presence | well, an iPod uses an ARM core, so maybe, eh? we'll see after today's round of usage. :) |
18:46:10 | | Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@riblet.plus.com) |
18:47:35 | | Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3072.gwdg.de) |
18:49:05 | | Join Rob2222_ [0] (n=Miranda@ACD039DB.ipt.aol.com) |
18:50:42 | dpro | presence: where is this patch ? I can't seem to find it ... |
18:54:25 | | Join ^BeN^ [0] (i=Paprica@DSL217-132-37-190.bb.netvision.net.il) |
18:58:10 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:58:30 | dpro | k, found it |
18:58:52 | | Quit Genre9mp3 () |
18:58:57 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:00 |
19:02:42 | | Nick PaulJam_ is now known as PaulJam (n=pauljam@vpn-3072.gwdg.de) |
19:07:20 | | Quit romanos_melodos () |
19:08:00 | | Quit ^BeN^ ("MULEz SCRIPT: ERROR 103: Dead mouse in hard drive.") |
19:15:41 | | Join ep0ch_ [0] (n=ep0ch@ |
19:16:09 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) |
19:16:13 | ep0ch_ | Presence: 5219 was commited yesterday |
19:17:45 | ep0ch_ | and apparantly knocks of 10% boost for ipod |
19:19:18 | | Quit xmixahlx ("blah blah blah") |
19:19:31 | | Quit changsito ("So long, and thanks for all the fish !") |
19:20:25 | | Join changsito [0] (n=changsit@AAmiens-157-1-143-28.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
19:26:31 | amiconn | Yet another playback bug... |
19:27:31 | amiconn | When pausing while boosted, the engine doesn't unboost until unpausing again |
19:27:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | Isn't that an old one, or is it just a regression? |
19:28:27 | amiconn | Dunno whether it's old, just noticed it on my mini |
19:28:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:28:32 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah |
19:28:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | I think I remember it being talked about in the past. But I could just be crazy. It happens. |
19:37:10 | | Join ProgramZeta [0] (n=zetachan@ip68-101-175-19.sd.sd.cox.net) |
19:38:13 | PaulJam | can it be, that rockbox messes with the settings of the original firmware when it crashes? My player (h320) just froze and after i resetted it the original firmware was reset to korean language and the contrast setting was higher than possible with the original firmware. |
19:45:44 | ravon | Are there any more codec docs besides this one: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SoftwareCodecPlayback ? |
19:46:39 | | Join romanos_melodos [0] (n=romanos_@ |
19:47:11 | | Join Pavementartist [0] (n=macca@i-83-67-23-227.freedom2surf.net) |
19:47:15 | PaulJam | it seem as if others have the same problem: http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=40829 |
19:51:11 | | Part Pavementartist ("Leaving") |
19:51:20 | ravon | Wake up, #rockbox |
19:51:28 | * | t0mas yawns |
19:51:31 | t0mas | what's the problem? |
19:51:35 | romanos_melodos | no way! |
19:51:41 | ravon | There we go :) |
19:51:57 | ravon | I'll pop a watery beer in your honor. |
19:52:57 | ravon | This is frustrating. Can't figure out what makes the sound choke. Is it my code, the nosefart code or my init settings that mess it up? |
19:54:12 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
19:55:51 | ravon | How slow is it to convert 8->16 bit from a lookup table 6*297 bytes every chunk iteration? |
19:56:09 | petur | PaulJam: I've seen this too recently |
19:56:10 | ep0ch_ | does it use floating point? does it use any iram? |
19:56:25 | * | petur is reading the log ;) |
19:56:56 | ravon | ep0ch_: hard coded array of 256 numbers |
19:57:22 | ravon | And the plugin doesn't use floating point in the sound generation IIRC |
19:57:29 | ravon | codec, even |
19:58:09 | ep0ch_ | ravon: best thing is to put a patch in the tracker if you haven't done so already, many eyes and all that |
19:58:46 | ravon | ep0ch_: Yeah, I will. Though I'm a Rockbox rookie, which is directly reflected in the code. It need cleansing :/ |
20:00 |
20:00:25 | | Quit romanos_melodos () |
20:00:52 | amiconn | Crap! Resume doesn't work anymore on hwcodec. It pretends to resume, but plays silent. Starting a new playlist works... |
20:02:23 | muesli__ | btw is pressing rec while starting equivalent to "reset settings" ? |
20:03:50 | | Join xardoz [0] (n=43627bfc@labb.contactor.se) |
20:05:15 | | Quit tvelocity ("Ex-Chat") |
20:06:05 | xardoz | rockbox-ipod4gray-20060428.zip and 4/27 hang at the Rockbox/version boot screen Ipod 4th gen Gray. I've reset settings while booting and still no go, when I go back to 4/26 build everything is fine. |
20:07:05 | amiconn | It gets even more strange :-/ When this silent play happens, the only way to fix it is skipping back to the start of the track. |
20:07:46 | amiconn | After that, stop & resume will resume correctly, but the wps time display is off by 2 minutes |
20:08:03 | * | amiconn suspects hardeep's playlist.c changes |
20:09:54 | amiconn | Only happens for certain playlists (i.e. directories...) |
20:11:01 | | Join JBGood [0] (i=Johnq@JBAUMAN.RES.cmu.edu) |
20:12:43 | | Join julius [0] (n=julius@ |
20:13:47 | ep0ch_ | ravon: when you mentioned about converting the lookup table every iteration, can't you just recalculate the the entire lookup table to 16 bit? |
20:14:11 | ravon | ep0ch_: I can output the data in 16bit? |
20:14:29 | ravon | To pcmbuf_insert, that is |
20:14:43 | ep0ch_ | 28 bits iirc |
20:14:59 | ep0ch_ | i dunno what i'm talking about :D |
20:15:03 | ravon | :D |
20:15:08 | ravon | The table is in 28bit now |
20:15:20 | amiconn | wtf... this seems to be an old bug (!) It happens in the root dir only (at least I observed it only in the root), verified on 2 units |
20:15:25 | ep0ch_ | ohh |
20:16:30 | amiconn | One was an Apr 17 build, the other a current one |
20:16:36 | | Part xardoz |
20:17:49 | ep0ch_ | Slasheri: here? |
20:18:18 | muesli__ | is lame able to convert 48khz wavs? |
20:18:34 | Galois | convert? What kind of antiquated concept is that? |
20:18:41 | ep0ch_ | should do |
20:18:48 | muesli__ | decode as mp3 |
20:18:52 | | Quit quobl ("Leaving") |
20:19:02 | muesli__ | encode |
20:19:03 | | Quit ProgramZeta (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:19:05 | Galois | I believe lame handles any sampling rate |
20:19:07 | ep0ch_ | heh |
20:19:30 | muesli__ | mk, will try it |
20:19:36 | Galois | oops I am wrong |
20:19:39 | Galois | "sampling frequencies of 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz" |
20:20:12 | muesli__ | though it shouldnt be recognizable better quality huh? |
20:20:14 | ep0ch_ | why lame? Vorbis is the way to go ;) |
20:20:26 | muesli__ | dunno..dont like ogg |
20:20:34 | Galois | how can you not like ogg |
20:20:58 | muesli__ | runtime should be better on mp3 |
20:21:29 | Galois | it should, but rockbox has a pretty inefficient mp3 routine right now |
20:21:56 | ep0ch_ | muesli__: what are you doing? what source has 48 mhz come from? |
20:21:58 | muesli__ | right now? |
20:22:08 | dpro | does audio recording work on ipod video ? |
20:22:10 | muesli__ | have coldplays live dvd here |
20:22:29 | muesli__ | it offers me to rip in 48khz |
20:22:38 | ep0ch_ | muesli__: what mp3 player do you have? |
20:22:41 | Galois | all dvds are 48k |
20:22:47 | muesli__ | irivers h320 |
20:23:03 | ep0ch_ | best to convert it to 44.1 before hand really |
20:23:07 | Galois | no |
20:23:11 | Galois | god, conversion is lame |
20:23:23 | Galois | rockbox plays 48k audio just fine |
20:23:28 | ep0ch_ | otherwise you will use rockboxs resampler to do 48 -> 44.1 |
20:23:43 | Galois | resample? what are you talking about |
20:23:57 | Galois | this ain't a CD player you know. It's not limited to playing 44.1 |
20:24:00 | ep0ch_ | iriver outputs at 44.1 |
20:24:09 | Galois | fine, but do you want your universe to revolve around iriver? |
20:24:42 | Galois | an mp3 player does not last forever. eventually that iriver will break and you will (hopefully) get a decent player that isn't limited to 44.1 |
20:24:51 | ep0ch_ | anyway it doesnt matter, you wont hear a difference betweeen 48 and 44.1 :) |
20:24:54 | Galois | do you at that point reencode your entire music collection? |
20:25:07 | muesli__ | btw i have ac3 2ch/ac3 6ch / dts 6ch. just did ac6h but it sounds kind of dull |
20:25:07 | * | Galois is strongly against the concept of conversion |
20:25:16 | Paul_The_Nerd | Galois: Rockbox has a pretty crappy resampler though, so if you're listening to it on Rockbox on Iriver you *probably* want to resample properly, and rerip later if you want that slight improvement |
20:25:18 | goffa | 96k wma is cd quality too *rolls eyes* |
20:25:25 | dpro | hamm strange ... shouldn't pressing play while booting load linux.bin by default ? |
20:25:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | dpro: Holding play early enough will, yes. |
20:26:27 | muesli__ | btw i have ac3 2ch/ac3 6ch / dts 6ch. just did ac6h but it sounds kind of dull, which one should rock? |
20:26:29 | ep0ch_ | Galois: if your so strongly against it you should advocate leaving it its native format :D |
20:26:51 | Galois | if I had infinite capacity then that's what I'd do |
20:27:37 | Galois | also, eventually rockbox's resampling will be non-crappy (I hope) |
20:28:26 | dpro | ah ok I was too late ;) ... tataa triple booting video, just need pcfdisk somewhere to make an ext2 partition for the actual / fs ;) |
20:28:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | dpro: I figured that was it. Even if the kernel bin file isn't found, it'll say "Loading Linux" and then fail. ;-) |
20:29:52 | dpro | paul:yeah it loads linux just fine but then (obviously) fails with a kernel panic ... |
20:29:53 | muesli__ | i have some mp3s with disorders while they are in irivers fw ok. could that be caused due resampling stuff? |
20:30:00 | muesli__ | ok |
20:30:49 | ep0ch_ | disorders? |
20:30:58 | muesli__ | interferences |
20:31:01 | muesli__ | errors |
20:31:02 | dpro | ok guys thanks a lot ... ttyl gotta go to a nerd-club-mate party |
20:31:25 | dpro | paul: BTW recording on ipod video is that possible ? (or what needs to be done/tested ?) |
20:31:26 | ep0ch_ | muesli__: maybe, but most likely due to dodgy mp3 frames |
20:31:27 | muesli__ | sounds like too much bass even when its at 0 |
20:32:40 | amiconn | Paul_The_Nerd: Nobody said the resampler will always be crappy |
20:33:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | amiconn: That's true. I was just stating its current condition. I imagine that resampling once in advance will also be more battery-efficient though |
20:33:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | dpro: I don't know if it's possible to record by way of the headphone jack, but I think there's a line-in pin through the dock connector at least that'll probably be usable one day. Nobody's really done much in that direction at all, I believe, other than what code exists in iPodlinux that we can make use of. |
20:33:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | dpro: But I think that's mostly 4G and earlier related |
20:35:01 | ep0ch_ | hmmm what shall I have for tea? |
20:35:15 | muesli__ | pizza |
20:35:24 | ep0ch_ | good choice :D |
20:35:24 | muesli__ | ;-) |
20:35:35 | | Quit Una^ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:37:13 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=qA2m5Vv3@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
20:47:21 | | Nick changsito is now known as _chang (n=changsit@AAmiens-157-1-143-28.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
20:49:43 | | Join Una [0] (n=Una@80-46-78-232.static.dsl.as9105.com) |
20:49:58 | | Nick Una is now known as Una^ (n=Una@80-46-78-232.static.dsl.as9105.com) |
20:50:34 | | Join pixelma [0] (n=M_@ |
20:51:04 | goffa | payday rules.. you get to do things ... like buy food |
20:54:18 | ravon | :D |
20:54:50 | goffa | glad i don't have to pay rent or pay for my car anymore |
20:54:53 | ravon | Sending in those tax report thingys does not rule though. How's one supposed to remember that? |
20:55:05 | goffa | yeah.. this is true |
20:55:25 | goffa | if uncle sam knows how much you owe, why don't they just send you a bill? |
20:56:02 | ravon | Yeah! |
20:56:24 | | Nick _slimeball is now known as _slimebal (i=jew@xion.phxhost.net) |
20:56:57 | | Nick _slimebal is now known as slimeball (i=jew@xion.phxhost.net) |
20:57:17 | | Join DpK|Cronic [0] (i=Cronic@dyndsl-085-016-089-198.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
20:57:35 | DpK|Cronic | hi PaulJam |
20:57:44 | goffa | instead of this goofy 40 page (or however many pages) form... asking questions like, "if the stars are in alignment with venus, and your gross adjusted total from form x40-p box C equals 49, fill out schedule 156f" |
20:57:55 | goffa | place the total in box R |
20:58:32 | Galois | in europe there's not even a bill. The government just takes the withholding and that's it. |
20:58:55 | goffa | here, you're employer takes whatever they _think_ you owe |
20:59:21 | goffa | and then you fill out some monkey-ass form to find out weather you over/under paid |
20:59:37 | Galois | americans prefer their current system of graft, er I mean, tax deductions, even if the taxes they save all go to the tax preparers |
20:59:40 | ravon | Here too, but it never adds up due to stocks and loans etc |
21:00 |
21:00:21 | ravon | You're supposed to pay loans with non-taxed money, but you pay them with taxed. So you will almost always get money back. |
21:00:21 | goffa | i'd like to just see a low flat tax with no deductions |
21:00:25 | goffa | but then i'm not rich |
21:00:53 | goffa | but i still think that if i was rich it'd be far |
21:00:55 | goffa | fair |
21:01:08 | goffa | i could give up a yacht so a poor guy could eat |
21:01:34 | | Quit dpro (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:01:54 | ravon | One hell of a meal. |
21:02:13 | goffa | yup |
21:03:39 | goffa | good thing our president is a genius and strives to make everything fair http://dumbpresident.com/ |
21:03:47 | goffa | love some of those quotes |
21:03:57 | goffa | like "It's your money. You paid for it." |
21:04:25 | ravon | The same guy who wants 10 years for piracy? :) |
21:04:32 | ravon | Talk about caving in for the money force. |
21:06:34 | goffa | "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." |
21:06:38 | | Quit DpK|Cronic ("get satisfied! • :: ««« (Gamers.IRC) »»» www.gamersirc.net ::") |
21:07:05 | ravon | :D |
21:07:10 | Mikachu | "now watch this drive" |
21:07:24 | | Join DpK|Cronic [0] (i=Cronic@dyndsl-085-016-089-198.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
21:07:32 | DpK|Cronic | hi PaulJam |
21:09:13 | | Join romanos_melodos [0] (n=romanos_@ |
21:09:39 | goffa | i read a good post on neowin.net yesterday ravon. |
21:10:09 | goffa | pedophiles, rapists, and violent crime gets you 6 years |
21:10:16 | ravon | yup, that's the one :) |
21:10:33 | goffa | so, you can find some artist you hate, beat the hell out of them, and get 6 years |
21:10:37 | romanos_melodos | hi! Does anyone knows how can i prevent rockbox from shutting my ipod down when i'm leaving it idle? |
21:10:38 | goffa | but if you download the cd, you get 10 |
21:10:50 | Mikachu | romanos_melodos: change the shutdown on idle setting |
21:10:53 | ravon | Beating Craig David up and getting him in a coma for a week - 6 years. Copy his CD - 10 years. |
21:11:01 | goffa | there ya go |
21:12:19 | Paul_The_Nerd | What if you just steal a physical copy of the CD from a store? What's the penalty for that? |
21:12:21 | goffa | i've decided we don't have government |
21:12:24 | goffa | we have an auction |
21:12:38 | goffa | Paul_The_Nerd: good idea :) |
21:12:52 | goffa | i'm sure its less than 10 years in PMITA prison |
21:13:30 | Galois | petty theft is a misdemeanor. Your penalty is probably a fine and community service, although you can theoretically go to jail. |
21:13:37 | | Join webguest14 [0] (n=5055393c@labb.contactor.se) |
21:13:55 | romanos_melodos | has anyone any idea where can i find the guy who built rockboy? I need some help on gettin' that in ipod nano.. |
21:14:32 | Paul_The_Nerd | romanos_melodos: I imagine if the creator wanted to deal with it, he/she would've already fixed it. |
21:14:55 | romanos_melodos | well.. he didn't |
21:15:22 | amiconn | gnuboy was initially ported to rockbox (iriver) by HCl |
21:15:35 | amiconn | Since then, a number of other people have worked on it |
21:15:51 | webguest14 | how can i generate ID3 cache? |
21:15:59 | romanos_melodos | well that's irrelevant. |
21:16:02 | * | amiconn optimised gfx for H1x0 a bit and ported it to archos recorder |
21:16:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | webguest14: Read the TagCache page on the wiki. |
21:16:28 | webguest14 | thanks |
21:16:32 | romanos_melodos | anyone who can help me port rockboy to nano? |
21:16:58 | romanos_melodos | i think we've got to fix the dimensions and compile it.. |
21:17:39 | scott666 | is rockboy working on the ipod video? |
21:17:44 | romanos_melodos | yes |
21:17:54 | scott666 | i havnt played with it yet |
21:18:02 | scott666 | do i have to find roms to use it? |
21:18:07 | romanos_melodos | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginRockboy |
21:18:09 | romanos_melodos | yes |
21:18:24 | | Join ProgramZeta [0] (n=zetachan@ip68-101-175-19.sd.sd.cox.net) |
21:18:35 | romanos_melodos | http://romhustler.net/ |
21:18:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's not just fixing the dimensions. You have to figure out how you want to handle scaling (dropping X lines from one side or the other, splitting them among both, or taking every Xth line) |
21:18:46 | romanos_melodos | go to game boy roms and download |
21:18:51 | Paul_The_Nerd | Please, don't paste links to illegal roms in the channel |
21:19:17 | amiconn | Scaling should be selectable, like on H1x0 |
21:19:43 | romanos_melodos | sorry nerd |
21:20:23 | amiconn | Gameboy is 160x144, H1x0 is 160x128. You can select to drop 16 lines from the top, 16 lines from the bottom, 8 lines each from top & bottom, or every 9th line |
21:20:26 | romanos_melodos | well, it's just playin' around with the values on the x , y axis .. isn't? |
21:20:45 | romanos_melodos | can u give me a hand amiconn? |
21:20:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | Since the 'nano is 176x132, you get 4 whole more lines. |
21:20:53 | amiconn | Yes |
21:21:10 | amiconn | It has to be decided whether the X axis should be scaled up |
21:21:15 | amiconn | On H300 we do this |
21:21:44 | scott666 | how does the scaling work on the ipod video? |
21:21:49 | crashd | it doesnt |
21:22:00 | crashd | it's either native size or nothing, it cant do fullscreen on the 5g yet |
21:22:08 | crashd | nobody's fixerered it |
21:22:09 | romanos_melodos | lol |
21:22:22 | romanos_melodos | so it's better for the other versions? |
21:22:27 | Paul_The_Nerd | The controls also don't exactly work very well at all |
21:22:50 | Paul_The_Nerd | romanos_melodos: The fullscreen zoom is hard-coded for a 220x176 screen I believe, at the moment |
21:23:12 | romanos_melodos | ok |
21:23:28 | romanos_melodos | anyone who can help me out on doing this? |
21:23:44 | amiconn | Hmm, seems the scaling is quite different from what it used to be when I fiddled with it... |
21:24:02 | Paul_The_Nerd | amiconn: Karl went in and did a rework getting it to do colour on the H300, I believe. |
21:24:06 | romanos_melodos | i've got the rockboy folder |
21:24:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | romanos_melodos: Well, you've not even asked any specific questions. How much have you looked at the code yet? |
21:24:35 | romanos_melodos | yeah |
21:24:58 | romanos_melodos | which is the file that i've got to chroot? |
21:25:14 | webguest14 | how can i make crossfade working? |
21:25:28 | romanos_melodos | i've downloaded the source |
21:25:41 | romanos_melodos | but it's a folder with many .cpp files |
21:25:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | webguest14: What problem are you having with it? |
21:25:59 | romanos_melodos | how can i convert .cpp to .rock? |
21:26:03 | romanos_melodos | and make it work? |
21:26:07 | webguest14 | doesn't hear any crossfadding |
21:26:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | webguest14: And you've enabled it, and set the delays appropriately? |
21:26:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | romanos_melodos: You're not going to have much luck if you don't know *any* C... |
21:26:33 | scott666 | are there eq presets somewhere on the site? i thought it was a bit odd that it doesnt come with any |
21:26:46 | romanos_melodos | i know programming |
21:26:50 | romanos_melodos | a little bit |
21:27:05 | webguest14 | what's difference between crossfeed and crossfade? |
21:27:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | scott666: Well, nobody's submitted any. As it is, the EQ should really ideally be a more personal thing anyway, but yeah, nobody's submitted any. |
21:27:18 | ravon | Will there be any more extensive developer docs for 3.0? |
21:27:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | webguest14: They'r explained in the manual. |
21:27:23 | romanos_melodos | i just want to know how the heck u make the .rock file extension |
21:27:44 | Paul_The_Nerd | romanos_melodos: Which tells me you've not compiled Rockbox, because when you run through the compilation process, it compiles the plugins to .rocks on its own. |
21:27:45 | amiconn | This code looks quite hackish... In order to support more different LCDs, it seems necessary to restructure it quite a bit |
21:28:27 | preglow | ravon: what more developer docs do you need? |
21:28:29 | romanos_melodos | hmm that sounds tricky |
21:28:32 | webguest14 | fade-in delay: 5 sec, duration: 5 sec, fade-out delay: 5 sec, duration: 5 sec |
21:28:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:28:41 | webguest14 | mode:crossfade |
21:28:49 | romanos_melodos | i thought that c++ makes just an .exe |
21:28:58 | | Join Fitzsimmons [0] (n=Fitzsimm@HSE-Montreal-ppp3469390.sympatico.ca) |
21:28:59 | ravon | preglow: Complete doxygened interface would be enat. |
21:29:00 | ravon | neat |
21:29:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | romanos_melodos: It's C not C++. And it makes a .exe if you're compiling it for windows. In reality it depends on which compiler you use, what binary format you get. |
21:29:55 | ravon | preglow: The current docs are mainly the source and some sporadic architecture explanations. |
21:30:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | webguest14: I'm not certain, but I think that would result in no audible delay and a 5 second gap between songs... |
21:30:07 | romanos_melodos | so how can i get a .rock format |
21:30:08 | romanos_melodos | ? |
21:30:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | romanos_melodos: As I said, when you compile Rockbox, it links and compiles the plugins as .rocks for you. |
21:30:47 | romanos_melodos | oh ok |
21:30:53 | webguest14 | Paul_The_Nerd: what do you suggest to use? |
21:31:03 | scott666 | romanos_melodos: have you set up your rockbox dev environment (cygwin, etc) yet? |
21:31:08 | Paul_The_Nerd | webguest14: Try setting both durations to 5 seconds, and both delays to 0. |
21:31:25 | romanos_melodos | in which files should i look for the display properties? |
21:31:27 | romanos_melodos | lcd? |
21:31:54 | romanos_melodos | it's got an lcd file... |
21:31:57 | webguest14 | Paul_The_Nerd: and which mode? |
21:32:12 | amiconn | lcd.c and sys_rockbox.c |
21:32:34 | romanos_melodos | remember in which line is it amiconn? |
21:32:39 | romanos_melodos | on the lcd? |
21:32:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | webguest14: Crossfade should be fine. |
21:33:39 | webguest14 | it's rocking :) |
21:33:56 | webguest14 | thank, paul |
21:34:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | No problem |
21:36:31 | | Quit webguest14 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:40:39 | | Join yeahx [0] (n=aarond@c-67-183-44-119.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
21:40:55 | | Quit ProgramZeta (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:41:09 | romanos_melodos | amiconn r u still here |
21:41:10 | romanos_melodos | ? |
21:41:15 | amiconn | midkay: I know what's going wrong with the quickscreen when lines need scrolling... |
21:41:36 | amiconn | romanos_melodos: Towards the bottom in both files |
21:41:50 | | Join gursikh [0] (n=guriskh1@adsl-69-151-246-132.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
21:43:56 | romanos_melodos | y = (((r * 263) + (g * 516) + (b * 100)) >> 10) + 16; u = (((r * 450) - (g * 377) - (b * 73)) >> 10) + 128; v = (((r * -152) - (g * 298) + (b * 450)) >> 10) + 128; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > 255) y = 255; if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 255) u = 255; if (v < 0) v = 0; if (v > 255) v = 255; PAL4[i] = (y<<fb.cc[0].l) | (y<<fb.cc[3].l) | (u<<fb.cc[1].l) | (v<<fb.cc[2].l); return; |
21:44:01 | romanos_melodos | ? |
21:45:15 | | Part yeahx |
21:46:24 | | Nick scf is now known as unexterminatabl (i=scf@r4.softwarium.net) |
21:46:25 | | Nick unexterminatabl is now known as unexterminatable (i=scf@r4.softwarium.net) |
21:47:15 | romanos_melodos | is that it amiconn? |
21:48:01 | amiconn | No, that's just an rgb->yuv conversion. |
21:48:15 | amiconn | Also, you can't expect to just change one line |
21:49:11 | romanos_melodos | if LCD_DEPTH ==16 int i;#endif if (!hw.cgb) { pal_write_dmg(0, 0, R_BGP); pal_write_dmg(8, 1, R_BGP); pal_write_dmg(64, 2, R_OBP0); pal_write_dmg(72, 3, R_OBP1); }#if LCD_DEPTH ==16 for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) updatepalette(i); |
21:50:06 | romanos_melodos | this? |
21:50:43 | romanos_melodos | i know that this is ridiculous :P |
21:51:34 | Paul_The_Nerd | romanos_melodos: I suspect that if you can't recognize which lines do the drawing you'll have a very hard time modifying them well. ;-) |
21:52:15 | romanos_melodos | well.. i haven't done it before |
21:52:46 | romanos_melodos | i'll have just to mess around since noone else is looking forward for bringing rockboy to nano |
21:54:01 | amiconn | It will happen sooner or later |
21:54:17 | romanos_melodos | i wanna try it today |
21:54:18 | romanos_melodos | lol |
21:54:22 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
21:54:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | There's a lot of vastly more important work to do in iPod anyway. |
21:54:47 | amiconn | It's just that the ipods currently aren't a priority (for specific adaptions) since they aren't a 3.0 release target |
21:54:49 | petur | I'll start playing games the day I have time for them... could take several years for that to happen ;) |
21:55:12 | romanos_melodos | hi petur |
21:55:25 | romanos_melodos | i think u tried to help me out this morning.. |
21:55:26 | romanos_melodos | :P |
21:55:32 | petur | hmmm |
21:55:59 | romanos_melodos | regarding rockboy |
21:56:25 | petur | I've never ever started it up |
21:56:31 | romanos_melodos | :P |
21:56:39 | romanos_melodos | well, it was something else then |
21:56:40 | romanos_melodos | :P |
21:59:20 | chi | would the ipod flag for amarok still produce something usable for an ipod with rockbox on it? |
21:59:59 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
22:00 |
22:00:04 | preglow | god, how i hate freebsd |
22:00:28 | ep0ch_ | what now? i likes it |
22:00:35 | preglow | i can't even get samba to work |
22:00:50 | ep0ch_ | except when it crashed when it doesnt umount properly |
22:01:08 | ep0ch_ | hmmm samba works fine here |
22:01:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | chi: Rockbox is much more flexible than Apple's firmware, so I can't imagine why not. |
22:01:14 | * | amiconn currently tries enabling gcc optimisation options one-by-one |
22:01:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | chi: You *may* have to use TagCache |
22:01:50 | amiconn | blargh |
22:01:55 | ep0ch_ | preglow: i know using the backslashes the wrong way round on smbclient confused me for a while |
22:02:01 | * | amiconn accidentally deleted system.o |
22:03:42 | preglow | ep0ch_: it runs ok and everything |
22:03:47 | preglow | ep0ch_: but _REFUSES_ to authenticate me |
22:03:53 | preglow | i've set up samba a million times on linux, easy as pie |
22:03:58 | preglow | but on freebsd everything is bloody hard |
22:04:01 | preglow | even the shell is useless |
22:04:10 | ep0ch_ | :o |
22:04:12 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=PaulJam_@vpn-3010.gwdg.de) |
22:04:35 | preglow | best of all, _IT DOESNT BLOODY LOG WHAT'S WRONG_ |
22:06:15 | | Quit JBGood (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:06:20 | ravon | Isn't that an option in the config? |
22:06:41 | ravon | And doesn't it log to syslog? |
22:06:54 | | Quit romanos_melodos () |
22:07:56 | ep0ch_ | arse |
22:08:19 | preglow | freebsd has no syslog that i can see |
22:08:23 | preglow | the other logs does not mention it |
22:10:26 | ep0ch_ | no /var/log/samba? |
22:10:38 | preglow | sure |
22:10:42 | preglow | but it doesn't mention the auth errors |
22:10:52 | preglow | nor does it mention anything at all when it doesn't find the password file |
22:11:57 | ep0ch_ | does it work if you do it all manually via smbclient paramaters? |
22:14:29 | | Quit lee-qid (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:14:58 | preglow | NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE whatever i do |
22:15:11 | | Quit ep0ch_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:15:48 | | Join lee-qid_ [0] (n=liqid@p5496765C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:16:03 | amiconn | preglow: Do you try to connect to a windows machine (XP or 2003)? |
22:17:04 | | Join ep0ch_ [0] (n=ep0ch@ |
22:17:20 | preglow | i'm trying to connect to localhost where i've got samba going |
22:20:15 | amiconn | Hmm |
22:20:16 | ep0ch_ | you have 'allow hosts = localhost' i take it |
22:20:32 | * | amiconn has no idea where to look for problems in that case |
22:20:51 | * | amiconn also wonders why one would connect 2 *nix systems via samba |
22:21:09 | preglow | amiconn: because of people with windows boxes |
22:21:40 | preglow | ep0ch_: of course |
22:22:05 | preglow | ep0ch_: you know how to use the tdbsam passwd backend? |
22:22:26 | * | amiconn doesn't see the connection |
22:22:35 | preglow | auth is what is fucking up |
22:22:43 | preglow | i just don't know how, since it never tells me |
22:22:57 | preglow | right now i'm using smbpasswd, but i'd like to try another to see if it gets better |
22:23:22 | preglow | luckily, the only way i know of to use the tdbsam backend is through the 'net' command, and that demands a password, god knows which |
22:23:37 | preglow | it surely isn't the either mine or roots |
22:25:08 | * | preglow longs for linux |
22:25:19 | preglow | everything in freebsd is cumbersome |
22:25:38 | amiconn | Even more cumbersome than in linux ;) |
22:25:40 | amiconn | ? |
22:25:41 | dwihno | ;) |
22:25:42 | dwihno | heh |
22:25:44 | dwihno | It might be. |
22:25:52 | preglow | by far |
22:26:02 | preglow | i find linux pretty straightforward |
22:26:05 | preglow | probably since i used it so long |
22:26:06 | dwihno | anything special you come to think of? |
22:26:56 | sharpe | allo |
22:26:58 | | Join midgey34 [0] (n=Midgey34@c-24-11-120-86.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
22:27:17 | | Join petur2 [0] (n=petur@d54C1A8F0.access.telenet.be) |
22:27:33 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host81-158-212-229.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) |
22:30:23 | | Join DarkJesus [0] (n=shane@cpc3-gree2-5-0-cust88.brnt.cable.ntl.com) |
22:30:37 | RedBreva | Evening all... Have just spent a little time reworking the HTML on http://rockbox-themes.redbreva.com/ It should now be standards compliant, and passes almost all the accessability tests... The big question is, do the pages still display correctly on a wide variety of browsers, screen sizes etc. |
22:31:05 | RedBreva | None of the download actually work yet... just RFQ on the look and feel etc. |
22:31:35 | Inc | ... I have an idea. |
22:31:46 | Inc | how about a wholeeeee new web site design |
22:31:48 | scott666 | the links dont go anywhere? |
22:31:50 | Paul_The_Nerd | RedBreva: I would suggest you divide them up by screen instead of by target. For example "220x176x16: H3x0 and iPod Photo" |
22:31:55 | Inc | more "up to date" |
22:31:56 | scott666 | ah, ok then |
22:32:12 | ep0ch_ | RedBreva: looks fine in konqueror |
22:32:15 | DarkJesus | Looks great on firefox |
22:32:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | RedBreva: There's no reason there should be ones that don't work on two identical screens on different targets. |
22:32:28 | DarkJesus | Why are there only 8 themes though? |
22:32:34 | scott666 | ditto, firefox |
22:32:42 | petur2 | ok on IE and firefox (windoze) |
22:32:42 | Inc | looks fine but I vote a whole new design hehe. |
22:32:56 | scott666 | Paul_The_Nerd: if you click the links it appears that that is how its set up |
22:32:57 | petur2 | could use a bit more spacing above 'WPS for 'Patched' Firmware' |
22:32:58 | * | amiconn fires up his browser collection |
22:33:18 | RedBreva | DInc :P |
22:33:32 | Paul_The_Nerd | scott666: I noticed that, but it seems more logical to me to not have several links to one page. Also, it'll make clear to people who don't know that the restrictions are by screen rather than target. |
22:33:59 | ep0ch_ | RedBreva: seems ok in w3m (no pics though...) ;) |
22:34:06 | RedBreva | hehehe |
22:34:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | RedBreva: Looks fine in Firefox , and Opera 8.5 on XP with a 1280*800 resolution |
22:34:43 | | Quit _chang ("So long, and thanks for all the fish !") |
22:35:04 | ep0ch_ | anyone with netscape 4? :) |
22:35:13 | scott666 | i think the average user is going to have an easier time just clicking on /their/ player, but it could probably designed to make it obvious as to which players all have the same resolution |
22:35:18 | RedBreva | OOOhhhh |
22:35:35 | RedBreva | Netscape 4... I have to use that still at work! |
22:35:38 | bluebrother | RedBreva: have you tried asking the w3 validator about it? |
22:35:40 | ep0ch_ | ouch |
22:35:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | What you could do is have the link say "220x176x16bit" then underneath it the pictures of all players that use that screen. |
22:36:24 | amiconn | RedBreva: Checked Firefox 1.5, IE6, Opera 7, Opera 6, Netscape 4.7, Espial Escape, and Hotjava |
22:36:26 | scott666 | it looks fine in IE too, assuming its supposed to be all left-alligned |
22:36:35 | bluebrother | RedBreva: it validates much better when switching to xhtml 1.0 |
22:36:56 | amiconn | All looking okay within the capabilities of the browser, except there's a slight glitch in Opera 6 and Netscape 4.7 |
22:37:19 | pixelma | in Firefox 1.5 i tried to download a .zip file, download seemed to be o.k. but the actual zip was empty |
22:37:32 | pixelma | but could also be my fault |
22:37:35 | RedBreva | bluebrother: I use an offline validator, but I have still had occasions where extremely coliant code fails to display on some browsers, theyseem to prefer crap code <cough>IE</cough> |
22:37:52 | RedBreva | shoot my speelins is carp tonight! |
22:37:54 | amiconn | RedBreva: There's a light-blue border around the whole page in Opera 6 and Netscape 4.7, Opera 7 also has that problem |
22:38:15 | amiconn | It seems these browsers do not default to a zero border if no border is specified |
22:38:35 | RedBreva | amiconn: OK, will note this on the TODO list - thanks |
22:38:36 | bluebrother | the online validator finds 5 errors, 1 when overriding the doctype to be xhtml 1.0 |
22:39:34 | amiconn | Of course really old browsers will have a hard time since it's all style sheets... |
22:39:42 | RedBreva | true |
22:39:47 | amiconn | pixelma: [22:31:07] <RedBreva> None of the download actually work yet... just RFQ on the look and feel etc. |
22:40:00 | * | amiconn tries in AWeb |
22:40:22 | pixelma | i'm sorry - then i have to say: it looks good |
22:40:37 | RedBreva | hehehe - thank you |
22:40:38 | ep0ch_ | end of the day you only need to worry about IE5+ and Firefox really |
22:41:07 | * | bluebrother stopped supporting NS4 and IE < 5 some time ago |
22:41:07 | | Quit petur (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:41:16 | RedBreva | OK, so the basic concessus, I didn't screw anything up too badly code wise... many thanks |
22:41:18 | amiconn | RedBreva: Even there it's actually usable, only the background is white, the table frames are missing and the links have their default colour |
22:42:15 | pixelma | so is in IE 3.1 too |
22:42:34 | ep0ch_ | but should you want to be sure there's always the web browser archive at browsers.evolt.org |
22:43:43 | amiconn | ep0ch_: You still need the right OS... |
22:44:15 | preglow | aHAAHA |
22:44:23 | preglow | i can't get bloody nfs working, even |
22:44:23 | ep0ch_ | what was it? |
22:44:23 | amiconn | ? |
22:44:29 | preglow | PERCECT |
22:44:38 | preglow | perfect.. |
22:44:42 | ep0ch_ | inetd? |
22:45:44 | amiconn | RedBreva: You should consider putting size attributes into the <img> tags |
22:46:24 | RedBreva | I have on a couple of the pages, still working may way thro' them |
22:46:30 | RedBreva | may = my |
22:46:55 | amiconn | "iriver H1320"? (typo on the 220x176x16 page) |
22:47:28 | RedBreva | Corrected |
22:47:56 | ep0ch_ | amiconn: speaking of which i think cvs.html could do with size attribs too |
22:48:13 | amiconn | Many pages probably have that problem |
22:48:33 | amiconn | Usually I don't notice, because both my pc and my connection are fast |
22:48:54 | amiconn | On Amiga it's very noticeable, because decoding images takes a bit more time |
22:49:25 | RedBreva | On the iPod Video page, if I put full size images, it will be rather unmanagable... smaller thumbnails?? size?? |
22:49:57 | | Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-457286ab.dyn.optonline.net) |
22:50:05 | amiconn | Just put 2 per row |
22:50:22 | RedBreva | lots of scrolling then tho? |
22:51:03 | RedBreva | Also slow to d/load page |
22:51:54 | Paul_The_Nerd | Why not do it like our forums. Smaller thumbnails but clicking switches to a full res image? |
22:52:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | Or are you going to have the images a link to the WPS .zip? |
22:52:53 | amiconn | Zoom on mouse over |
22:52:56 | * | amiconn hides |
22:53:09 | Bagder | RedBreva: a "back to themes front page" link on the sub pages would be neat too |
22:53:25 | RedBreva | amiconn: What like http://startfromhere.redbreva.com/ |
22:53:48 | RedBreva | Bagder: True, will do |
22:53:54 | amiconn | RedBreva: Not bad... |
22:54:08 | amiconn | Is it intended that the image always appears in the top left corner? |
22:54:36 | RedBreva | yes, my coding isn't yet up to anything more sophisticated :( |
22:55:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | amiconn: I'm more of an onclick fan, myself. |
22:55:23 | * | petur2 points RedBreva to overlib |
22:55:33 | | Nick petur2 is now known as petur (n=petur@d54C1A8F0.access.telenet.be) |
22:55:46 | amiconn | Hmm, the rockbox frontpage does show proper background colour in non-css browsers |
22:56:14 | * | Bagder browsed rockbox.org with netscape 4.7 the other day |
22:56:21 | amiconn | (and link colours are also mostly as intended) |
22:56:22 | | Quit julius ("Leaving") |
22:56:36 | * | amiconn tried with AWeb and IBrowse |
22:57:49 | RedBreva | petur2: interesting, will have a proper lok at that sometime soon... |
22:58:34 | | Part gursikh |
22:58:43 | amiconn | Bagder: Netscape 4.7 does have css support (although buggy) |
22:58:57 | Bagder | well |
22:59:05 | Bagder | it was the only browser I had |
22:59:12 | Bagder | I didn't choose it |
22:59:32 | petur | RedBreva: http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ |
23:00 |
23:00:10 | RedBreva | OK folks, I have been summoned to spend 'Quality Time' with the wife... must go, I will continue in the morning... |
23:00:35 | pixelma | rockbox.org using <body bgcolor="#b6c6e5" text="black" link="blue" vlink="purple" alink="red"...> |
23:00:43 | | Quit RedBreva ("Chatzilla 0.9.72 [Firefox]") |
23:00:57 | | Join webguest31 [0] (n=549b65b4@labb.contactor.se) |
23:01:42 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=not@84-217-15-140.tn.glocalnet.net) |
23:06:28 | | Quit webguest31 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
23:06:30 | | Quit sharpe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:06:56 | | Quit Moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:10:20 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m132.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
23:12:49 | DarkJesus | Does the audiosctobbler patch work then? |
23:13:12 | DarkJesus | *audioscrobbler |
23:14:48 | | Quit Moos (Client Quit) |
23:15:16 | | Quit DpK|Cronic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:15:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | You could always try it... |
23:16:00 | Bagder | judging by the talk in the patch entry it sounds like it may |
23:16:56 | DarkJesus | There isn't one in a daily build then? |
23:17:04 | Bagder | nope |
23:17:12 | DarkJesus | I've never patched the rockbox firmware before - I'll give it a try |
23:17:13 | Bagder | feature freeze |
23:17:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah, if there's still a patch tracker entry, odds are very good it's not in the daily. |
23:17:27 | DarkJesus | Is there any instructions on how to do it on linux? |
23:17:43 | Bagder | DarkJesus: plenty! |
23:17:45 | Paul_The_Nerd | The WorkingWithPatches wiki page. |
23:17:56 | Bagder | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DocsIndex#For_Developers |
23:18:41 | DarkJesus | Cool |
23:18:56 | | Join DpK|Cronic [0] (i=Cronic@dyndsl-085-016-089-198.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
23:19:01 | DpK|Cronic | PaulJam back |
23:19:26 | DarkJesus | What's with the -p0, -p1, etc? |
23:19:49 | Bagder | DarkJesus: that's mentioned too |
23:22:11 | DarkJesus | I don't understand it though |
23:22:24 | Bagder | it cuts off pieces of the file path from the left |
23:22:37 | Bagder | number of slashes to ignore |
23:22:59 | Bagder | -p2 == ignore everything up to the second slash (from the left) |
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23:24:26 | | Quit mikearthur ("Konversation terminated!") |
23:25:06 | DarkJesus | What does this mean though? |
23:25:38 | bluebrother | patch files contain the filenames of the files that are affected. |
23:26:14 | bluebrother | depending on the directory level your in when generating / applying the patch the paths need to be adjusted. |
23:26:47 | bluebrother | so you can strip a part of the path. This is controlled with -p |
23:27:16 | DarkJesus | Erm... |
23:28:09 | DarkJesus | So if you are in /home/user/rockbox/ you'll need to use p3? |
23:28:14 | DarkJesus | or p2 |
23:28:20 | Bagder | no |
23:28:32 | Bagder | it depends only on the actual patch you apply |
23:28:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:28:50 | Bagder | and the source tree you're applying it to |
23:29:26 | Bagder | can you instead tell us what your problem is? |
23:30:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | In /home/user/rockbox/, for *most* patches -p0 is actually what you want. |
23:30:13 | DarkJesus | OK |
23:30:58 | bluebrother | say your patch file wants to patch rockbox/apps/metadata.c. The patch was generated from within the rockbox dir, so it contains a reference to apps/metadata.c. If your in rockbox/apps this means you need to strip the first path element (the apps/). From rockbox/ you don't need to strip anything at all, i.e. -p0 |
23:31:08 | bluebrother | just read man patch. |
23:31:26 | bluebrother | it's a really descriptive man page including examples. |
23:32:14 | amiconn | Hmm, gcc does strange things... |
23:32:41 | amiconn | Why does -O plus all options said to be enabled with -Os not produce the same output as just using -Os ? |
23:33:14 | Mikachu | maybe it makes other choices that aren't available as separate options |
23:33:14 | dwihno | You just answered that question :) −−> <amiconn> Hmm, gcc does strange things... |
23:33:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | I think the important piece of information here is that it's "gcc" which as you've mentioned doesn't seem to be the most reliably consistent piece of software. |
23:33:59 | amiconn | The binary size difference is >)KB |
23:34:02 | amiconn | >9KB |
23:35:49 | amiconn | ...and the -Os binary hangs, while the ( -O + all extra options) (both minus -funit-at-a-time) does not |
23:36:00 | amiconn | Shaky stuff :( |
23:36:23 | amiconn | Too bad, it seems we have to stick with gcc 3.3.x for archos if we want to use -Os :-( |
23:37:40 | dwihno | really strange |
23:37:52 | amiconn | yeah... |
23:38:44 | amiconn | I wonder whether we're doing something wrong. -O2 works fine for plugins today (except the switch() corner case which I have a patch for) |
23:39:01 | amiconn | ..whether we're doing something wrong in the core, I mean |
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23:42:38 | PaulJam | i have a question concerning the vmware image: is it normal that it takes ages to boot? after 15 minutes is is at the stage "uncompressing linux..." |
23:43:30 | petur | once booted, just pause the player, don't shutdown ;) |
23:44:12 | PaulJam | so it is normal? |
23:44:50 | Mikachu | probably not |
23:44:54 | petur | depends on the computer I guess, can't remember that it took that long |
23:45:32 | PaulJam | this is on a pc with 3 GHz and 1024 MB ram |
23:46:29 | asteele | that's certainly not normal |
23:46:52 | asteele | the first time i booted it on my laptop (quite a bit slower) took ~2 minutes |
23:46:58 | asteele | now it takes ~20 seconds to resume it |
23:51:21 | | Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") |
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