00:00:03 | XavierGr | yes |
00:00:25 | XavierGr | But "you lost' sounds more right to me |
00:00:45 | XavierGr | because you lost that moment, not as a habit |
00:00:47 | sharpe | yeah, because it's already happened |
00:00:47 | hardeep | lostlogic: how difficult would it be to change the pcmbuffer code to load more then one frame every time it's called? |
00:00:54 | sharpe | yay fixed |
00:01:34 | hardeep | lostlogic: i've encountered a few situations where that's not enough because other threads are processing something that takes longer then the length of a frame and playback stops |
00:02:03 | hardeep | we can always add extra yields of course but it might be nice to also make the pcmbuffer code a little more lenient |
00:02:06 | | Join mazool [0] (n=mazhul@81-236-212-201-no28.tbcn.telia.com) |
00:03:42 | | Quit Kohlrabi ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") |
00:04:26 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-41-90.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
00:04:50 | mazool | Hi! I'm having problems applying the scrolling margins patch to the latest cvs source. Any solution to this? If not, does anyone have a binary version for ipod 5g with album patch? |
00:05:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | mazool: If hunks are failing, you'll have to look at the code and manually put the failed patch parts in. |
00:06:03 | mazool | ahh ok |
00:06:15 | * | petur feels another experimental build story coming |
00:06:16 | | Quit Falco98 ("CGI:IRC") |
00:07:00 | Paul_The_Nerd | The experimental builds frustrate me because they, to an extent, subtract from the potential testing pool. |
00:07:22 | | Quit wooo () |
00:07:23 | hardeep | not to mention the invalid bugs reported |
00:07:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | That too, yes. |
00:07:42 | hardeep | i'm almost certain that the embedded album art tags issue with tagcache only happens on experimental |
00:08:57 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
00:08:59 | Paul_The_Nerd | hardeep: It's been reported in the iPod forum though. It's probably the Album Art patch itself. |
00:09:10 | petur | to some extend those builds show that the cvs version is moving forward too slow for some users |
00:09:15 | hardeep | Paul_The_Nerd: yeah, thats wht I think too |
00:09:28 | hardeep | probably some changes it made in the id3 parsing code |
00:09:32 | XavierGr | hardeep: are you aware of this bug? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5354 |
00:09:48 | | Quit _Vladoman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:10:05 | hardeep | XavierGr: yeah, that's the one I was looking at |
00:10:17 | petur | XavierGr: those are two issues |
00:10:27 | hardeep | I've got a fix that reduces the number of pauses but doesn't completely fix it |
00:10:31 | XavierGr | Bad thing is that it is reproducable :( |
00:10:35 | Paul_The_Nerd | petur: Yeah, but they actually slow down the CVS version because instead of people helping to report bugs in it, they just wander off as users. They also don't provide valid feedback for the individual patches because they're using like 50 of them. |
00:10:43 | hardeep | yeah, I can reproduce with page up/down |
00:10:49 | hardeep | doesn't happen when scrolling lines |
00:11:12 | sharpe | i don't really use patches... |
00:11:20 | | Quit tim66 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
00:11:41 | petur | what Joseph Belton reports is I think just cpu overloading (read coment 2) |
00:11:53 | petur | comment 2 even |
00:12:00 | Paul_The_Nerd | I use three patches, but if I encounter a bug, I strip them, verify that it's reproduceable without, _then_ report. :) |
00:12:01 | | Join Vladoman [0] (n=Vladoman@dsl-cus-098-041.de.clara.net) |
00:12:28 | hardeep | petur: nah, there's definitely an issue with page up/down |
00:12:36 | XavierGr | strange situation that cvs activity is so down in feature freeze... |
00:12:55 | sharpe | i just *never* find a bug... :) |
00:13:02 | Presence | sharpe, ditto |
00:13:30 | sharpe | heh |
00:14:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | I find some on my own every now and then. Not too often. I more often find myself in a situation where someone's said to me "I think I fixed Bug X. Would someone with a <model> try this patch out and see for me?" |
00:14:35 | sharpe | yeah |
00:18:03 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-120-191.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
00:18:53 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:19:32 | sharpe | hmm |
00:21:09 | chazman24 | does anyone know of a program to convert flash animation files (swf) to mpeg or avc? |
00:22:00 | | Quit Pi_ ("bye") |
00:22:36 | | Join Pi_ [0] (n=Pi@80-41-196-24.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
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00:24:28 | | Quit JoeBorn ("open.neurostechnology.com") |
00:25:07 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=Yngwiejo@dsl-88-218-17-158.customers.vivodi.gr) |
00:26:00 | Genre9mp3 | Hi all!...Forza Barca! :-P |
00:27:27 | sharpe | hi... |
00:27:33 | | Quit lodesi_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:30:01 | | Quit Vladoman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:30:13 | | Join Vladoman [0] (n=Vladoman@dsl-cus-098-041.de.clara.net) |
00:32:13 | | Join pjo [0] (n=pjo@i60-34-32-216.s02.a022.ap.plala.or.jp) |
00:32:21 | pjo | Hello! |
00:32:42 | pjo | Pls advise how to tag untagged music |
00:32:55 | sharpe | very carefully? |
00:33:02 | XavierGr | use godfather and mp3tag |
00:33:23 | pjo | Bonjour Xazier merci |
00:35:14 | preglow | i love this |
00:35:28 | preglow | i've got a case where gcc uses move.b #1, %d0 |
00:35:44 | * | preglow kicks gcc |
00:35:56 | linuxstb_ | chazman24: Not sure why you are asking in #rockbox, but here are some possibilities: http://www.videohelp.com/tools?convert=SWF%20to%20AVI |
00:38:06 | | Quit chazman24 () |
00:39:09 | | Quit mazool () |
00:39:33 | | Quit Acksaw ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
00:40:10 | petur | anybody against me clearing the backdrop at the beginning of wps_data_load()? (fixing bug #5351) |
00:40:42 | sharpe | i will hate you forever. :) |
00:41:02 | XavierGr | petur: I think it will be good to do that |
00:41:36 | * | petur takes some sharp bits from the source and throws them at sharpe :) |
00:41:46 | hardeep | hmmm, i'm not so sure |
00:41:55 | hardeep | the backdrop can be set separately from the wps |
00:42:20 | sharpe | that's a homonym! |
00:42:29 | hardeep | it may annoy users to have to update their background every time they load a new wps |
00:42:41 | sharpe | i actually don't use backdrops... |
00:42:47 | hardeep | i'm sure that bug will be reported 5 mins after you close this one |
00:42:53 | petur | I meant reset backdrop, not clear |
00:43:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | The WPS should use the menu backdrop if no WPS backdrop is set. |
00:43:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | The order of preference should be %X tag, then Menu Backdrop, the BGColor. |
00:43:16 | petur | mmmm even better |
00:43:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | There *should* be a %BG tag for WPSes, which would then be %X falls to %BG to Backdrop, to BGColor, but there's not one yet. ;-) |
00:44:51 | midkay | difference, then, between %X and G? |
00:45:08 | petur | %BG = background color |
00:45:19 | midkay | ah. |
00:45:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | Except it doesn't exist yet |
00:45:29 | sharpe | what about bgc for background color? |
00:45:53 | sharpe | or BC |
00:46:28 | Paul_The_Nerd | I don't care what the tag is named. :-P |
00:46:30 | sharpe | to prevent confusion with an image, as some people associate background automatically with an image... |
00:46:48 | | Part obo |
00:48:16 | Presence | cause my themes seem to always contain ffffff.bmp in them. |
00:48:37 | sharpe | me too. |
00:49:45 | midkay | alright, jeez, calm down. |
00:50:15 | sharpe | midkay, today was a good day. |
00:50:18 | sharpe | :D |
00:51:00 | midkay | sharpe, yay, why?!~ |
00:51:07 | sharpe | i don't know. |
00:51:19 | midkay | :( |
00:51:22 | sharpe | hug from a friend made it all the better :) |
00:51:54 | midkay | yummy! |
00:52:39 | sharpe | i'm working on the save-state menu |
00:54:25 | | Join hshah [0] (n=hshah@hirenshah.plus.com) |
00:54:36 | | Part hshah ("Leaving") |
00:54:54 | | Join Vlad0man [0] (n=Vladoman@dsl-cus-098-041.de.clara.net) |
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00:57:26 | | Quit Vladoman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:57:29 | sharpe | midkay, can you think of any way i could dynamically get a list of files displayed in a menu? |
00:57:45 | midkay | a list of files displayed in a menu? files in a menu? |
00:57:52 | midkay | oh. |
00:57:55 | sharpe | :) |
00:57:57 | midkay | display a list of files in a menu. |
00:58:02 | midkay | not get a list of files that are displayed in a menu. |
00:58:03 | midkay | :) |
00:58:07 | midkay | um. |
00:58:40 | midkay | i think there are like menu_add and remove functions, you might be able to do it rather painlessly.. e.g. the playlist viewer |
00:58:53 | sharpe | there's menu_insert() |
00:58:58 | midkay | yeah, that. |
00:59:19 | sharpe | which i've tried, but something's freezing. |
00:59:37 | midkay | hm.. did you look around the source tree for where it's used? i have no experience with it personally.. |
01:00 |
01:00:03 | sharpe | i have a while ago, and i think i'm using it correctly, but i'll look again |
01:00:16 | midkay | k, otherwise, i'm not very sure.. |
01:00:22 | midkay | you need changes while the user is browsing? |
01:00:29 | sharpe | nah |
01:01:00 | sharpe | heheh, the only place it's used in /apps is radio.c |
01:01:07 | midkay | well, the playlist viewer should be a perfect template for whatever you need.. |
01:01:08 | midkay | haha. |
01:01:10 | midkay | or the preset list, yeah. |
01:03:08 | sharpe | hmm |
01:03:16 | sharpe | also must fix the not saving the file too... |
01:03:45 | midkay | yay?! :D |
01:03:57 | sharpe | heh, writing to the wrong buffer... |
01:04:33 | sharpe | and incorrectly using snprintf(), but still |
01:04:56 | petur | this wps stuff needs a rewrite after 3.0 :( |
01:05:04 | midkay | haha. |
01:05:13 | midkay | the token parser'd be cool. |
01:05:32 | sharpe | i must've forgotten to add what buffer to use in snprintf()... both times... |
01:07:01 | | Quit dpassen1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:07:47 | | Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) |
01:08:32 | sharpe | wow |
01:08:36 | sharpe | what was i thinking? |
01:09:20 | midkay | that your ***** was longer than 1". you were mistaken? |
01:10:08 | sharpe | nah, not that. i was thinking snprintf had a completely different declaration... even when the ide showed me the declaration each time i wrote it |
01:10:19 | midkay | haha. |
01:10:51 | sharpe | five different times :\ |
01:14:56 | sharpe | oh |
01:15:09 | sharpe | forgot to use menu_init() on the file list menu... |
01:15:19 | sharpe | no i didn't |
01:18:29 | sharpe | :\ |
01:18:43 | midkay | haha. |
01:19:28 | | Quit Vlad0man (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:22:32 | | Quit matsl ("Leaving") |
01:22:38 | sharpe | does kbd_input() return the number of chars in the string entered? |
01:23:27 | midkay | just the string, i thought. |
01:23:33 | midkay | or is that another function.. |
01:23:42 | sharpe | returns an int |
01:24:28 | sharpe | well, we'll find out.. |
01:24:29 | | Quit sharpe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:24:57 | | Join JoeBorn [0] (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
01:25:14 | * | petur spots another wps/backdrop bug :) |
01:25:33 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
01:26:20 | petur | go to menu from wps and clear backdrop, return to wps: backdrop gone. Go again to menu: backdrop is back.... |
01:26:38 | midkay | backdrop loading/displaying/clearing all seems rather buggy to me.. |
01:26:45 | | Join sharpe [0] (i=sharpe@user-0c8hc23.cable.mindspring.com) |
01:26:51 | midkay | e.g. not showing up or clearing correctly until after a reboot. |
01:26:57 | petur | because the wps code keeps the old backdrop data itself |
01:27:05 | sharpe | ooh. |
01:27:41 | sharpe | yay my wireless router and it's unexpected dropping of my connection! |
01:27:58 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC") |
01:28:23 | petur | backdrop should be kept in one placve and only referred to... wps code does it too and therefor doesn't see the user cleared the backdrop |
01:28:33 | | Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
01:29:14 | sharpe | heheh... no wonder the loading loop was stuck indefinitely |
01:30:30 | sharpe | now instead of the infinite loop, data abort! |
01:30:40 | midkay | haha. |
01:30:47 | | Join webguest67 [0] (n=425d0cd3@labb.contactor.se) |
01:30:56 | | Join _Vladoman [0] (n=Vladoman@dsl-cus-098-041.de.clara.net) |
01:32:04 | | Quit mikearthur (Client Quit) |
01:33:33 | sharpe | at least it saves now |
01:36:33 | Mikachu | are we working on the emulator? |
01:37:45 | sharpe | yes we are |
01:38:28 | sharpe | no crash just... |
01:38:58 | sharpe | a list of files to load with, "Return" followed by 32 entries of "Yes" |
01:39:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:39:16 | Mikachu | nice |
01:39:26 | sharpe | yep. |
01:39:35 | sharpe | as soon as i figure out where 'yes' came from. |
01:41:57 | | Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") |
01:42:51 | | Quit mitch` ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
01:45:46 | | Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) |
01:45:50 | | Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
01:46:39 | pjo | question regarding compatibility with iPod tags |
01:46:50 | sharpe | answer. |
01:47:50 | pjo | iPod Apple can show the artist and album info correctly, but not the RockBox |
01:48:01 | pjo | how this could be corrected ? |
01:48:37 | | Quit _Vladoman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:48:49 | sharpe | you mean, basic info like the actual artist tag, album tag, et cetera? |
01:48:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | pjo: Are the files tagged, or are the tags just stored in the iPod database? |
01:48:55 | sharpe | and is this in the wps or the file browser? |
01:49:53 | pjo | basic info, artist , album... i run Tag Cache and some songs are marked as untagged |
01:50:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | pjo: What format are the files, and have you tested their tags in a third program? |
01:50:29 | sharpe | like Paul_The_Nerd asked, did you tag them in itunes? |
01:50:41 | sharpe | er, on the ipod using itunes? |
01:50:46 | pjo | yes with iTunes |
01:50:54 | pjo | winpod |
01:51:37 | Paul_The_Nerd | pjo: What format are the files, and have you tested their tags in a third program? |
01:52:09 | pjo | pls advise the third program |
01:52:16 | pjo | formats are aac |
01:52:31 | Paul_The_Nerd | I dunno, pick a program that you can find that shows AAC tags. |
01:52:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | But it's probably the fact that AAC files aren't well supported in Rockbox yet. |
01:53:13 | pjo | 90% of songs are correctly shown, AAC files here |
01:53:44 | pjo | at the RockBox site it is written that 128K AAC is supported |
01:54:08 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yes. The files play |
01:54:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | At the RockBox site it does not say that MP4 tagging is properly supported. |
01:54:30 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-21-167.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
01:54:44 | pjo | There are only a few files untagged, so pls advise how to tag them so that RockBox can recognize those |
01:55:16 | pjo | can I extract iPod Tag info ? |
01:55:27 | Presence | in light of the new iPod 5thGen theme "Black Glass" and its inspiration of Windows MEdia Player 11, I checked out WMP11, and <3 that there's no mention of the ipod anywhere on microsoft's website. |
01:55:31 | Presence | I love this industry |
01:55:37 | pjo | those iPod tag info are correct |
01:55:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | pjo: I just told you, it's the fact that our MP4 support isn't very good. You can try retagging them with another program, but there's no guarantee that'll work. |
01:56:02 | pjo | ok |
01:56:20 | Mikachu | Presence: ? why would there be? |
02:00 |
02:00:15 | scottder | was looking at the 5G the other day...all I could think was "Rockbox would look awesome on this!" |
02:00:23 | scottder | but I have an allergy to HD based players now |
02:00:26 | scottder | :) |
02:01:19 | * | BHSPitMonkey is fine with his 5g |
02:02:49 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-4-104.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
02:04:07 | sharpe | okay... now entries are just repeated... |
02:07:10 | | Join jbauman [0] (n=Johnq@ |
02:08:11 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
02:08:12 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:08:40 | JdGordon | morning all |
02:09:06 | sharpe | good evening |
02:11:23 | | Quit daurnimator (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:16:53 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:16:55 | | Part midgey34 |
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02:21:20 | | Join yobesoom_ [0] (n=mooseboy@c-67-171-207-167.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
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02:34:13 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:35:27 | | Quit pixelma (" good night") |
02:37:43 | | Quit pjo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:39:11 | | Join yuriks [0] (n=yuriks@201-35-129-84.smace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br) |
02:39:19 | yuriks | Hi |
02:40:29 | yuriks | What about an algo that adjust the buffer automatically basing by the average of the buffer fill? |
02:42:58 | sharpe | :( |
02:43:55 | yuriks | ? |
02:43:55 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
02:44:08 | sharpe | :\ |
02:44:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | ? |
02:44:24 | * | sharpe is mute |
02:44:50 | yuriks | So that if the buffer is constantly going dangerously low it would increase it, and if it always stays full it would decrease it |
02:45:00 | yuriks | What do you think? =D |
02:45:35 | sharpe | the same could be achieved if the threshold for the filled buffer to boost were higher |
02:45:49 | yuriks | ? |
02:45:53 | yuriks | Where's that? |
02:46:00 | sharpe | in the source |
02:46:04 | yuriks | And is it normal to a Minig 2g with EQ on to skip a lot? |
02:46:08 | Paul_The_Nerd | For all practical purposes increasing the anti-skip buffer does that anyway. |
02:46:14 | sharpe | word. |
02:46:36 | Paul_The_Nerd | I mean, the PCM buffer still refills at the same point, but if the codec can't keep up, the codec can't keep up. |
02:47:30 | sharpe | there's a point where if the buffer level falls below, it boosts the cpu to fill it up again. when there's like, one second left in the buffer, it boosts the cpu... that's only if i remember correctly |
02:47:56 | yuriks | hmmm, doesnt's a big buffer waste disk? |
02:48:02 | yuriks | ahem, batt by using the disk |
02:48:08 | sharpe | ? |
02:48:17 | yuriks | (if you change a song, etc) |
02:48:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | A big compressed audio buffer means the disk spins less often, and saves battery |
02:48:55 | yuriks | hmm |
02:49:04 | sharpe | rockbox buffers as many songs as it can, and if you skip to the next track, it skips to that point in the buffer... |
02:49:05 | yuriks | so wehat's the point of having a smaller one? |
02:49:07 | | Join infamis [0] (n=4b03ae02@labb.contactor.se) |
02:49:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | The compressed buffer uses all ram that's not used elsewhere |
02:53:03 | yuriks | and where would that ram be used? |
02:53:03 | sharpe | and the pcm uses half a meg, doesn't it? at least on the 5g... |
02:53:03 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yup |
02:53:03 | Paul_The_Nerd | The other RAM is allocated statically for codecs, plugins, and Rockbox itself |
02:53:03 | sharpe | woo, i remember my rockbox. |
02:53:03 | yuriks | meh, I want Doom, =PP |
02:53:03 | yuriks | Hmm, something weird happened to day |
02:53:03 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK yuriks |
02:53:03 | yuriks | today* |
02:53:03 | yuriks | I have an album with gapless encoding |
02:53:03 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
02:53:03 | yuriks | and I wanted to test it, so I ffwed to ~15 seconds to the end of the song |
02:53:03 | *** | Alert Mode level 2 |
02:53:03 | yuriks | then it started playing the next music |
02:53:03 | Paul_The_Nerd | What format was it? |
02:53:03 | *** | Alert Mode level 3 |
02:53:03 | yuriks | and I rewinded and it was still playing the next music, but the music title said it was still playing th old one |
02:53:03 | *** | Alert Mode level 4 |
02:53:03 | yuriks | mp3 |
02:53:03 | *** | Alert Mode level 5 |
02:53:03 | yuriks | encoded with LAME |
02:53:03 | infamis | ... |
02:53:03 | sharpe | i've noticed some times, something akin to that will happen. |
02:53:03 | | Quit webguest67 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
02:53:03 | *** | Alert Mode level 6 |
02:53:03 | yuriks | I was all like "O_o ehhhh, what now?" |
02:53:03 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK Paul_The_Nerd |
02:53:03 | Paul_The_Nerd | It sounds like you've found a bug. See if you can come up with a consistent way to reproduce it in the newest CVS build, and if so file a report |
02:53:03 | | Quit Daishi (clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
02:53:03 | NSplit | clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
02:53:03 | | Quit Strath (clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
02:53:03 | | Quit Bagder (clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
02:53:03 | NHeal | clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
02:53:03 | NJoin | Strath [0] (n=mike@dpc67143207026.direcpc.com) |
02:53:03 | NJoin | Bagder [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) |
02:53:03 | sharpe | well |
02:53:03 | infamis | anyone know how to use paged scrolling |
02:53:04 | infamis | ? |
02:53:10 | yuriks | Latest CVS build == the "Latest" dl in the rockbox site? |
02:53:14 | sharpe | back to coding the emulator. |
02:53:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | It means the one on the CVS builds page, NOT the daily page. |
02:53:38 | yuriks | oh |
02:53:43 | sharpe | yuriks: the bleeding-edge builds |
02:53:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | infamis: Doesn't work on the ipods. |
02:53:48 | yuriks | oh |
02:53:50 | sharpe | if they're still called that. |
02:53:58 | infamis | Paul_the_nerd, how bout the x5? |
02:54:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | sharpe: The page is labelled "CVS Builds" on the left sidebar, then on the page they're called bleeding edge |
02:54:10 | yuriks | I have an Ipod Mini 2g |
02:54:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | infamis: Probably hold Play and press up/down |
02:54:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | infamis: Assuming button combinations work with play |
02:54:53 | infamis | no go |
02:54:57 | infamis | it's cool |
02:55:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | Probably not enabled yet, or the button combination doesn't work on X5 |
02:55:27 | infamis | yea I'll just have to wait for it then |
02:55:31 | | Quit JoeBorn ("open.neurostechnology.com") |
02:55:46 | sharpe | wait |
02:55:47 | sharpe | no |
02:56:07 | sharpe | i'm done with the emulator for tonight... i've got to get to work on some things... |
02:56:17 | sharpe | not that anyone cares, just thought i'd announce it. |
02:57:11 | yuriks | meh, not happening anymore =/ |
02:57:32 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well it may just be fixed. |
02:57:45 | yuriks | Nah, I tried with the same rockbox install |
02:57:53 | yuriks | (I tried to reproduce it on my version) |
02:58:02 | Paul_The_Nerd | Why? |
02:58:18 | yuriks | Just to see if I COULD reproduce it in the first place =P |
02:58:45 | yuriks | Well, Rockbox is very nice overall, I just think that creating playlists could be less confusing >_> |
02:58:46 | sharpe | it's quite difficult to reproduce that particular thing. |
02:58:51 | yuriks | Yeah |
02:59:01 | yuriks | I tried to skip to -0:03 seconds, didn't happen |
03:00 |
03:00:14 | | Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-169-219-115.worldnet.co.nz) |
03:00:19 | yuriks | And I dunno if it's just the theme I'm using, but the volume bar (in the theme) changes irregularly (like: 1 bar, 3 bars, 4 bars, 6 bars, 7 bars,...) |
03:00:45 | yuriks | And peaks don't fall smoothly =-° |
03:01:41 | | Quit infamis ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
03:02:08 | Paul_The_Nerd | yuriks: The peakmeter is actually probably the cause of your skipping. As for the volume, yeah, that's probably the theme. |
03:02:49 | yuriks | O_o |
03:02:50 | midkay | fwiw, the peak meter can be smoothened out by reducing "peak release speed" (i think it's called) in the peak meter menu, although that will make it a bit slower. |
03:03:04 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
03:03:10 | yuriks | Nah, with 1 the bars açlmost don't move |
03:03:18 | yuriks | With 2 it isn't smooth |
03:03:24 | yuriks | With 40 the sound still skips =P |
03:03:25 | midkay | jesus, no pleasing some people.. |
03:03:35 | yuriks | I mean |
03:03:37 | midkay | yes, the peak meter is always updated 20 times a second i believe. |
03:03:43 | midkay | that hurts playback a lot. |
03:03:47 | yuriks | the BARS not peaks move slowly |
03:03:57 | | Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@pool-71-246-126-253.nycmny.east.verizon.net) |
03:03:58 | *** | Server message 505: 'logbot- :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' |
03:04:00 | yuriks | Well, how do I disable peaks then? |
03:04:01 | midkay | yuriks, i know what you mean. |
03:04:07 | midkay | peaks? peak meter? |
03:04:23 | yuriks | yeah |
03:04:29 | midkay | choose a new wps. |
03:04:35 | yuriks | .... |
03:04:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | or edit it out of the current one |
03:04:52 | yuriks | All the wps for my mini have a peak bar >_> |
03:05:01 | yuriks | Well, ok, can I edit files in Rockbox? |
03:05:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | A .wps is just a text file. You can use the rockbox text editor or notepad or whatever. |
03:07:35 | yuriks | midiplay? lol |
03:07:36 | yuriks | nice |
03:07:44 | | Join decasm [0] (n=devon@cpe-65-24-133-117.columbus.res.rr.com) |
03:07:44 | yuriks | I wonder if there's an adplug plugin? |
03:07:50 | Paul_The_Nerd | midiplay sucks on iPods right now |
03:07:54 | yuriks | =/ |
03:08:27 | yuriks | oook, so, if I want to remove the peak meter, what line should I look for? |
03:08:46 | sharpe | %pm |
03:09:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | It'll be on a line on its own, or should be. Just replace it with an empty line |
03:09:13 | sharpe | possibly with some numbers after it |
03:09:38 | | Quit josh_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:10:15 | yuriks | how do I paste a file with a different name? -_- |
03:12:31 | | Join josh [0] (i=josh@adsl-64-161-78-226.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) |
03:12:44 | yuriks | ? |
03:12:50 | yuriks | how do I duplicate a file? |
03:13:27 | sharpe | windows? |
03:13:33 | yuriks | no, rockbox |
03:13:36 | sharpe | ah. |
03:13:39 | | Nick josh is now known as josh_ (i=josh@adsl-64-161-78-226.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net) |
03:13:45 | Mikachu | i guess you need to copy it to another dir, then rename, then move back |
03:13:53 | | Part josh_ |
03:13:53 | yuriks | ... |
03:13:54 | sharpe | seems to be the solution. |
03:13:54 | | Join Romanos [0] (n=Romanos_@host-84-9-152-55.bulldogdsl.com) |
03:13:56 | yuriks | whatever |
03:14:10 | decasm | anybody have time to help with an install issue? from linux to nano. |
03:14:47 | Mikachu | yuriks: i believe the word you're looking for is "thanks" |
03:14:55 | yuriks | yeah, thanks =P |
03:15:06 | yuriks | whatever was to the ... ("whatever, I'll do it then") |
03:16:04 | | Quit dj-fu ("Leaving") |
03:16:36 | | Quit Romanos (Client Quit) |
03:17:05 | yuriks | meh, I removed the %ps and now the theme is all messed up |
03:17:06 | yuriks | =/ |
03:17:17 | sharpe | did you replace it with a blank line? |
03:17:26 | yuriks | no, I pressed left |
03:17:54 | sharpe | and that does...? |
03:18:08 | yuriks | remove the line |
03:18:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | So, you didn't follow instructions, and it didn't work. That's understandable. |
03:18:36 | yuriks | ah, so whitespace is significant? |
03:19:10 | Mikachu | yes |
03:19:13 | sharpe | yes |
03:19:14 | yuriks | ok, I inserted a blank line where the %pm was, and it is still borked |
03:19:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | In what way? |
03:19:37 | yuriks | The images are gone, and some lines are full of |||||> |
03:20:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hm, then it didn't get saved back right. |
03:20:11 | yuriks | O_o |
03:20:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | Probably a flaw in the text editor.] |
03:20:26 | sharpe | Paul_The_Nerd: that's a great line... i must remember that. |
03:20:31 | Mikachu | i heard wps editing in the text editor doesn't work well |
03:20:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | sharpe: The instructions/work/understandable one? I'm quite fond of it. :) |
03:20:53 | sharpe | aye :) |
03:22:30 | sharpe | i need to get that one album from the band that's no longer a band... |
03:22:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | yuriks: I recommend redownloading the WPS, editing it in notepad or something not-rockbox, and see if that works better for yah |
03:23:30 | yuriks | well, I don't got a iPod cable on this pc (only on the other one, that my father is using), so that will have to wait |
03:23:38 | yuriks | (and I saved a backup copy btw ;) |
03:23:56 | yuriks | Now Listening to: Rush - Leave That Thing Alone |
03:23:59 | yuriks | *ducks* |
03:24:04 | Paul_The_Nerd | There's a new version of the text editor in the works, I understand. It may work better once it's done. |
03:24:21 | sharpe | there's also a commodore 64 emulator in the works |
03:24:31 | yuriks | the texteditor somehow remembered me of edlin (a DOS line editor) |
03:24:53 | sharpe | i remember 'edit'... good ol' edit... |
03:25:59 | Paul_The_Nerd | I still prefer edit over notepad. |
03:26:22 | sharpe | for me, only when i'm using some version of dos. |
03:26:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well I now use context in windows mostly, but if I'm on a machine where it's not mine, I usually go for edit. |
03:27:42 | sharpe | hmm... |
03:28:24 | yuriks | I prefer Vim, thanks |
03:28:44 | sharpe | i don't like vim too well... |
03:33:26 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
03:36:50 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
03:39:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:39:33 | sharpe | whoohoo! |
03:39:45 | XavierGr | what? |
03:39:52 | sharpe | i dunno. |
03:40:56 | sharpe | such a letdown, isn't it? |
03:44:52 | decasm | can anybody help with an install issue? from linux to nano. directories are on the ipod, but it's still giving me the "rockbox error: -1" |
03:45:00 | | Quit hardeep ("Killed by BlackJac (Requested by panasync)") |
03:45:50 | sharpe | decasm: is rockbox.ipod in the root of the drive? |
03:47:06 | decasm | yes, although, when i ls in the root, it only shows "rockbox.ipo" - `vi rockbox.ipod` does open the file tho. |
03:47:52 | sharpe | just to be sure, the filesystem is fat32, correct? |
03:48:05 | Mikachu | decasm: what does mount list the filesystem as? |
03:48:09 | Mikachu | it should be "vfat" |
03:48:22 | decasm | /dev/sdb2 11 497 3911824+ b Win95 FAT32 |
03:48:27 | | Join dsh-1 [0] (n=daishi@pool-71-125-211-242.nycmny.east.verizon.net) |
03:48:48 | Mikachu | that's not mount output |
03:48:50 | XavierGr | you will not believe it but minesweeper has a damn recursive function that will make stack overflows on large screens |
03:48:59 | Mikachu | i'll believe it |
03:49:02 | XavierGr | (discover() in minesweeper.c) |
03:49:03 | | Quit tvelocity ("Ex-Chat") |
03:49:12 | sharpe | no! it can't be true! |
03:49:14 | sharpe | noooo!!! |
03:49:16 | XavierGr | this function calls it self up to 8 times |
03:49:28 | Mikachu | recursive functions are evil |
03:49:30 | sharpe | it likes itself, so whaT? :) |
03:52:03 | decasm | thanks. it was mounting as umsdos. i changed fstab to mount as vfat, and it booted. thanks. |
03:52:22 | Mikachu | um, are you still on linux 2.4? |
03:52:33 | decasm | yup |
03:53:15 | decasm | is 2.4 contra-indicated? |
03:54:26 | Mikachu | i guess not, i just haven't seen it a lot recently |
03:54:51 | decasm | i'm lazy. and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." |
03:54:56 | | Quit Daishi (Nick collision from services.) |
03:54:59 | | Nick dsh-1 is now known as Daishi (n=daishi@pool-71-125-211-242.nycmny.east.verizon.net) |
03:58:16 | | Quit Doomed (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:58:29 | | Join JaMiNkLe [0] (n=God@CPE-144-137-173-170.qld.bigpond.net.au) |
03:59:57 | | Join Flaco98 [0] (n=18586afa@labb.contactor.se) |
04:00 |
04:00:08 | | Nick Flaco98 is now known as FLACo98 (n=18586afa@labb.contactor.se) |
04:00:53 | FLACo98 | evening all... |
04:01:51 | FLACo98 | anyone feel like helping me track down the fragments of code i'll have to change in order to add a 5th option to the Crossfade settings? |
04:01:58 | sharpe | not me :D |
04:02:44 | FLACo98 | I've already added "shuffle and track skip" to the crossfade menu, and added one to the static size thingy, but i'm not sure where in the code things are checked for, whether or not to actually crossfade... |
04:02:48 | | Nick FLACo98 is now known as Falco98 (n=18586afa@labb.contactor.se) |
04:03:05 | sharpe | well, i can't help you there... |
04:03:15 | Falco98 | ok |
04:03:20 | | Join jpmahala [0] (n=45221b43@labb.contactor.se) |
04:03:23 | Falco98 | if you happen to stumble upon any, let me know |
04:03:30 | sharpe | heh |
04:03:34 | sharpe | will do. |
04:03:44 | Falco98 | (for example, where exactly in the code it decides to crossfade if set to "shuffle" or "track skip" when doing so) |
04:03:55 | sharpe | ah... |
04:04:06 | sharpe | i doubt i'll be playing in the playback code anytime soon though. |
04:06:29 | Falco98 | meh, i'm thinking it shouldn't be too hard |
04:06:48 | Falco98 | the code is all already there, it's only minor reconfigurations i have to do.. just gotta make sure i get ALL of it |
04:07:02 | | Part decasm |
04:07:19 | | Quit jpmahala (Client Quit) |
04:07:29 | | Join pjo [0] (n=pjo@i60-34-32-216.s02.a022.ap.plala.or.jp) |
04:08:27 | pjo | Hello ! untagged songs were tagged using iTunes but after running TagCache, those are still in untagged. How can this situation be corrected ? |
04:09:00 | sharpe | do the tags show up in anything else, other than itunes? |
04:09:03 | XavierGr | never use iTunes |
04:09:11 | XavierGr | it is bad for you menta health |
04:09:17 | XavierGr | ^mental |
04:09:22 | | Join gursikh_ [0] (n=guriskh1@dsl254-123-245.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
04:09:34 | Falco98 | ditch iTunes, use another player such as winamp or fb2000 (windows), and use a tagging program to re-tag everything :) |
04:09:47 | | Part gursikh_ |
04:09:49 | pjo | ok |
04:10:07 | Falco98 | and if you CAN'T ditch itunes, at least check in another program to see if they show up |
04:10:12 | Falco98 | (like what sharpe said) |
04:10:21 | pjo | so there exists incompatibility in RockBox tag and iTunes tag ? |
04:10:44 | sharpe | in a sense yes. in the same sense, they're not compatible. also, they have nothing to do with each other. |
04:11:02 | XavierGr | iTunes is evil |
04:11:26 | XavierGr | Satan forged it deep below from Hell! |
04:11:57 | pjo | thanks I will check tags with GodFather |
04:12:27 | XavierGr | or if you think Godfather is a little difficult use Mp3tag |
04:12:45 | XavierGr | goodnight all! |
04:13:18 | sharpe | g'night |
04:13:19 | | Quit YouCeyE (Remote closed the connection) |
04:13:49 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=44500eb9@labb.contactor.se) |
04:14:17 | kkurbjun | amiconn are you around? |
04:15:14 | kkurbjun | I have an ipod mini 1g with a compact flash card in it rather then the hitachi mini hd, the card works fine in disk mode and in the apple os, but rockbox freezes all the time on it |
04:16:55 | kkurbjun | it can read directories sometimes, but not others. I was wondering if there's something that might be obvious with the disk code that would cause problems with a compact flash card rather then the HD |
04:17:20 | Falco98 | JdGordon: u around? |
04:17:50 | kkurbjun | As a note it's a sandisk 1gig drive in the ipod. I tried other brands but they don't work. I think that's something to do with not properly supporting trueIDE mode in the CF specs |
04:19:47 | safetydan | Falco98, playback.c is probably all you need to look at for changing the crossfade setting behaviour |
04:20:34 | Falco98 | safetydan: ok.. any ideas which functions i need to look in, or at least what search string i should try? the ones i thought would work are proving failure |
04:20:39 | pjo | with mp3tag those tags are shown correctly, but not with RockBox, untagged |
04:22:17 | Falco98 | safetydan: (i figured i'd find references to global_settings.crossfade, but there's only one.. and it doesn't seem to need changing) |
04:25:52 | Falco98 | ah.. i guess it's audio_set_crossfade in playback.c ... |
04:25:57 | | Quit pjo (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The future of IRC") |
04:28:29 | safetydan | Falco98, or track_skip_done maybe |
04:28:30 | Falco98 | no, it's not even that |
04:28:41 | safetydan | I just basically grepped for "crossfade" |
04:29:00 | Falco98 | safetydan: i've looked at track_skip_done, and don't think it even needs to be changed for my feature |
04:29:07 | safetydan | playback.c is out of my area so... |
04:29:18 | Mikachu | remove the option from the definition and see where you get errors |
04:30:51 | Falco98 | Mikachu: you mean one of the already-existing options? |
04:31:19 | Mikachu | i'm not sure exactly what you were doing, but i thought you were looking for users of a particular option |
04:32:47 | Falco98 | i'm trying to add "track skip + shuffle" to the crossfade options |
04:33:06 | Falco98 | since the current setup is needlessly constrained |
04:33:41 | Falco98 | but can't figure out *where* in the code the settings are interacted with.. i have found the menu and added an option, but at this point it's just a meaningless shell |
04:34:15 | | Quit Galois (Remote closed the connection) |
04:34:35 | | Join Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet-math.org) |
04:39:57 | | Quit TeaSea ("Leaving") |
04:43:30 | | Quit Sinbios (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:43:43 | Falco98 | gah.. fucking dumbasses, they should have played the recording back for everyone the second they got back to CTU |
04:44:47 | sharpe | well, i'm out. |
04:44:51 | sharpe | g'night everyone. |
04:44:56 | Falco98 | night |
04:45:00 | Mikachu | Falco98: a what now? |
04:45:32 | Falco98 | it compiles great |
04:45:53 | Falco98 | i can even choose my option and back out of the menu |
04:46:16 | Falco98 | [this is in the sim] |
04:47:38 | Falco98 | haven't tested playback yet :-P |
04:47:49 | Falco98 | i suppose if i've chosen my new option, nothing will work |
04:48:10 | Falco98 | (or it'll pretend like it's on "crossfade all" since the new selection supplanted its number) |
04:53:01 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-3-205.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
04:59:05 | | Quit nave7693 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:00 |
05:01:12 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB7FD6D.ipt.aol.com) |
05:05:33 | | Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
05:07:57 | | Quit Daishi ("Client exiting...") |
05:08:24 | | Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:13:40 | Falco98 | Mikachu: my comment before was a rant on this week's episode of 24 :-P |
05:14:23 | Falco98 | but when you said "what now" (i missed the "a") i figured you meant how my compile was going :-P |
05:15:23 | | Quit Rob2222_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
05:16:39 | Mikachu | ah |
05:16:55 | Mikachu | heh |
05:19:43 | Falco98 | but yeah.. it compiles fine, and the simulator runs |
05:20:26 | Falco98 | i've searched playback.c for all mention of "crossfade" and can't find where it actually changes things based on the setting |
05:22:34 | safetydan | other places to look would be pcmbuf.c and dsp.c |
05:24:25 | Falco98 | i've looked through pcmbuf, and the only places it refers to the global_settings.crossfade seem irrelevant to the actual *mode* that crossfade is set to... |
05:24:43 | Falco98 | haven't tried dsp.. i'll look there next. |
05:24:48 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-58-44.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
05:31:15 | Falco98 | safetydan: dsp.c has no instances of the phrase "crossfade"... |
05:35:45 | | Join nave7693 [0] (n=evan@c-67-161-2-52.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
05:36:44 | | Join vidjie [0] (n=co_in_bd@ |
05:38:54 | safetydan | ah yeah, that would be because I was thinking of crossfeed not fade |
05:39:08 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:39:27 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:48:38 | Falco98 | ah yeah |
05:51:08 | | Quit vidjie () |
05:51:12 | midkay | Falco98, you don't have a "search within files" tool? |
05:51:51 | Falco98 | yeah |
05:52:06 | Falco98 | i've searched the entire "apps" folder for all mentions of "crossfade" and the results i get are .. |
05:52:08 | midkay | i had no trouble finding the crossfade code.. |
05:52:10 | Falco98 | unhelpful, so far |
05:52:16 | midkay | pcmbuf.c it is, i'm pretty sure. |
05:52:19 | Falco98 | oh i've found tons of crossfade code.. |
05:52:37 | midkay | what exactly are you looking for? |
05:52:43 | Falco98 | but none of it seems to be the code that reads what the crossfade-mode setting is, and tells the player to act accordingly |
05:52:59 | midkay | e.g. ..? |
05:53:03 | Falco98 | i'm looking for where it detects "track skip", "shuffle", or "always" (for example) |
05:53:22 | Falco98 | so i can add the "shuffle AND track skip" case |
05:53:23 | midkay | i added the track skip mode. |
05:53:29 | Falco98 | which should be easy if i could find it |
05:53:30 | Falco98 | oh |
05:53:30 | midkay | that'd be in playback.c |
05:53:40 | Falco98 | ok.. i have playback and pcmbuf both open |
05:54:07 | Falco98 | i've found the function that tells the player NOT to crossfade if it's on "track skip", but i don't even need to change that |
05:54:09 | midkay | took about two seconds to find it. line 1971.. |
05:54:26 | Falco98 | yeah, that's where i've been |
05:55:15 | midkay | slightly confusing code.. sec. |
05:55:18 | Falco98 | that's the only code i can find that directly refers to the global_settings.crossfade member, so where are the ones that detect "always" and "shuffle"? |
05:55:30 | midkay | in the crossfade code itself, i think. |
05:56:43 | Falco98 | well other than in settings_menu, i can't find "crossfade code", unless it's that contained in pcmbuf.c |
05:56:54 | Falco98 | (and if so, i've found not much helpful there either) |
05:57:58 | | Quit rob- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:58:08 | midkay | pcmbuf.c has it all. |
05:58:19 | | Quit nave7693 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:58:36 | midkay | try line 986 of pcmbuf.c |
05:59:20 | Falco98 | i've been there too, and again it looks like something i don't need to change for "shuffle + track skip" to work |
06:00 |
06:00:00 | Falco98 | or should i add a condition to it |
06:00:05 | midkay | if (global_settings.crossfade == CROSSFADE_ENABLE_SHUFFLE) .... |
06:00:24 | midkay | if it's track skip, that won't.. erm.. |
06:00:30 | midkay | are you gonna add a new option? |
06:00:34 | Falco98 | yeah |
06:00:36 | Falco98 | already did that |
06:01:03 | midkay | so if (global_settings.crossfade == CROSSFADE_ENABLE_SHUFFLE || global_settings.crossfade == CROSSFADE_ENABLE_TRACKSKIP_SHUFFLE) |
06:01:09 | Falco98 | let's call it CROSSFADE_ENABLE_SHUFFLE_AND_TRACKSKIP |
06:01:17 | midkay | feel free, whatever you want |
06:01:25 | midkay | i'm not psychic, unfortunately. :( |
06:01:29 | Falco98 | oh i was still typing that when you typed yours |
06:01:32 | Falco98 | :-P |
06:01:45 | midkay | oh :) |
06:01:50 | Falco98 | i've put something in there, not sure which it is.. but yeah.. |
06:01:55 | Mikachu | let's call it steven |
06:01:57 | midkay | what? |
06:02:13 | Falco98 | what you've typed so far looks OK, but what would it pass? |
06:02:20 | midkay | the same thing. |
06:02:41 | midkay | hm. |
06:03:07 | midkay | sigh.. |
06:03:20 | | Join Cassandra- [0] (n=Cassandr@cpc3-oxfd8-0-0-cust240.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) |
06:04:13 | midkay | you want it to always skip on manual track change, but also if in shuffle mode during normal playback, right? |
06:04:34 | Falco98 | s/skip/crossfade/ |
06:04:36 | Falco98 | yes |
06:04:41 | midkay | right. |
06:04:51 | midkay | sigh, this code is a little confusing.. alright, sec. |
06:05:00 | Falco98 | i switch back and forth occasionally between album play and shuffle-all, etc |
06:05:06 | midkay | right |
06:06:52 | Falco98 | so crossfade for track skipping is handled in a whole different way from shuffled play, i guess... |
06:07:18 | midkay | right, but we can somewhat work around that by detecting shuffle enabled in the place where track skip is dealt with.. |
06:07:30 | midkay | i'm writing in some code now, just a moment.. trying to work it out mentally |
06:07:38 | | Join JBGood [0] (n=Johnq@ |
06:09:05 | Falco98 | true |
06:09:25 | midkay | sigh, i hate this. too many cases for my poor little brain. :) |
06:10:23 | Falco98 | oh, add a case in the function at 1971 of playback.c |
06:10:45 | midkay | that's what i'm doing.. |
06:10:49 | midkay | i'm not touching pcmbuf. |
06:10:56 | Falco98 | test for shuffle in global settings, if yes, pass an allow, if no, do what it does anyway |
06:11:11 | Falco98 | well we have to add that case in pcmbuf also right? |
06:11:21 | Falco98 | in pcmbuf_is_crossfade_enabled |
06:11:28 | Falco98 | (the one you wrote a few minutes ago) |
06:12:04 | midkay | you should have modified pcmbuf to also return global_settings.playlist_shuffle for the trackskip/shuffle mode.. |
06:12:49 | Falco98 | yeah |
06:13:02 | Falco98 | well all i did was add a condition to the if() statement |
06:13:09 | Falco98 | i didn't touch what it returned |
06:13:15 | midkay | that's right |
06:15:04 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:15:06 | | Nick Cassandra- is now known as Cassandra (n=Cassandr@cpc3-oxfd8-0-0-cust240.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) |
06:15:13 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (i=Steve-O@adsl-66-141-169-130.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
06:16:28 | midkay | sigh, i'm going insane.. |
06:16:48 | Falco98 | i believe all you have to add is a test for one extra case here.. |
06:17:29 | Falco98 | if(global_settings.crossfade == 3) |
06:17:35 | midkay | yes, but where it goes and what it tests exactly is killing me.. i'm so awful at dealing with a lot of variables/cases mentally |
06:18:33 | | Nick JBGood is now known as jgrueman (n=Johnq@ |
06:18:59 | Falco98 | pcmbuf_crossfade_init(global_settings.playlist_shuffle) |
06:19:10 | Falco98 | else {do what it already did} |
06:19:23 | midkay | but then we have to deal with manual skips also.. |
06:19:49 | midkay | and that's where i begin to lose track of stuff |
06:20:39 | Falco98 | manual skip is handled previously in this function |
06:21:06 | Falco98 | and, as far as i can tell, it will be "on" anyway because when crossfade is set to anything other than "off", it returns true |
06:21:42 | Falco98 | pcmbuf_is_crossfade_enabled uses global_settings.crossfade (an int from 0 to 4, now) as a bool to test true or false |
06:21:47 | Falco98 | 0 is "off", anything else is "on" |
06:22:29 | Falco98 | which is why the "track skip" code has to test for "track skip only" and prevent crossfading on automatic track changes |
06:23:33 | Falco98 | so really the only thing we have to make sure *isn't* crossfaded is automatic track skips under normal circumstances, which is the code we're looking at right now... |
06:23:47 | Falco98 | the "else if" clause of the track_skip_done function |
06:24:03 | Falco98 | make sense? |
06:24:07 | Falco98 | O:-) |
06:24:38 | midkay | right... |
06:24:57 | midkay | the theory is fine, but implementation is up to you, i'm just awful at that, sorry :) |
06:25:07 | | Quit jbauman (Connection timed out) |
06:27:03 | Falco98 | hehe |
06:27:04 | Falco98 | well.. |
06:27:15 | Falco98 | here i'll paste the code i've gotten just now.. |
06:27:38 | midkay | i hope you don't expect assistance. :) |
06:28:48 | Falco98 | http://rafb.net/paste/results/lCz2DV31.html |
06:28:51 | | Join JBGood [0] (n=Johnq@ |
06:28:51 | Falco98 | just tell me if it looks right to you |
06:28:57 | midkay | sure.. |
06:29:41 | midkay | ah, pretty clever. :) |
06:29:55 | midkay | i think that should work. |
06:30:03 | Mikachu | you could as well put codec_track_changed outside the if/else |
06:30:27 | Falco98 | actually something doesn't seem right to me |
06:30:44 | Falco98 | mikachu: yeah, i'd thought of that earlier but forgot it now for some reason |
06:32:08 | Falco98 | what i don't understand is, the "else" that follows this "else if" case calls pcmbuf_set_position_callback and pcmbuf_set_event_handler.. might i need to do that too? |
06:32:33 | midkay | that's for gapless, so, no, if these don't pass it should switch right to those.. |
06:32:37 | midkay | iiuc. |
06:33:30 | Falco98 | well the problem is, if it reaches my new if() case, it'll never reach the outside else() |
06:33:31 | Falco98 | hrmm |
06:33:57 | Falco98 | oh nevermind |
06:34:32 | | Quit rotator ("zzzzzzzzz") |
06:34:33 | Falco98 | with the limited possible cases that wouldn't even be an issue |
06:35:15 | | Nick JBGood is now known as JBGrue (n=Johnq@ |
06:36:23 | midkay | right |
06:36:46 | Falco98 | ok, compiling.. |
06:38:14 | Falco98 | damn, if only i knew how to do CVS diffs :-P |
06:38:35 | Falco98 | i hope nothing's changed in playback.c or pcmbuf.c in the last few days |
06:40:24 | | Quit lostnihilist (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:45:24 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:45:53 | Mikachu | Falco98: "cvs diff -u" |
06:45:53 | | Join BHSPitMonkey_ [0] (i=steve-o@adsl-66-141-169-130.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
06:46:15 | | Quit jgrueman (Connection timed out) |
06:46:17 | Falco98 | AFAIK i haven't set up cvs in my cygwin.. |
06:46:18 | | Join Cassandra- [0] (n=Cassandr@cpc3-oxfd8-0-0-cust240.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) |
06:46:23 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB7FD6D.ipt.aol.com) |
06:46:24 | Falco98 | i kinda missed that class :-P |
06:47:59 | Falco98 | hmm.. so it works basically as if it's in shuffle mod |
06:48:01 | Falco98 | e |
06:48:17 | Falco98 | but while not in shuffle mode, it doesn't crossfade on track skips.. |
06:48:34 | Falco98 | (which is completely wrong) |
06:51:27 | midkay | hm. |
06:51:29 | Falco98 | midkay: the part we changed in pcmbuf.c isn't good enough.. it doesn't sufficiently tell playback to "still crossfade on track skip" |
06:51:42 | midkay | the pcmbuf.c wasn't really for that.. |
06:51:53 | midkay | it was just for returning the shuffle mode in either crossfade setting |
06:52:32 | Falco98 | i think we judt didn't need to change that |
06:52:37 | Falco98 | just+ |
06:52:48 | Falco98 | i think it was fine like it was.. |
06:53:19 | Falco98 | because if we return global_settings.playlist_shuffle, then it'll return FALSE when shuffle is off |
06:53:42 | Falco98 | and that's the function that tells whether to crossfade on manual track skip |
06:54:00 | Falco98 | so if we leave it as it was, it'll return "3", which is a boolean "yes" |
06:54:26 | midkay | feel free to do whatever, it was just a suggestion.. :) |
06:54:47 | midkay | i wasn't sure how things would play out but that seemed necessary. |
06:55:08 | Falco98 | hehe no prob.. i thought that was right too, but i think i've traced it thru in my head enough to understand.. |
06:55:13 | Falco98 | i'll recompile and test again |
06:55:22 | midkay | :) |
06:56:27 | Falco98 | it works :) |
06:56:45 | Falco98 | now to study up on how to CVS my cygwin :-P |
06:58:16 | Falco98 | hmm |
06:58:38 | Falco98 | i ran the command specified in the wiki but it told me i failed to login with no pass |
07:00 |
07:00:21 | Falco98 | oh got it, i think |
07:00:39 | Falco98 | damnit i didn't want rockbox-devel going into this dir.. can i just move everything? or do i have to redo it from scratch |
07:01:19 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:02:40 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:02:41 | | Nick Cassandra- is now known as Cassandra (n=Cassandr@cpc3-oxfd8-0-0-cust240.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) |
07:03:19 | Falco98 | so is there a way i can diff the CVS code i just got with the code i've been working on locally? |
07:03:39 | Falco98 | or should i have been working on the CVS code all the time, leaving me stuck now? |
07:08:04 | Mikachu | if you have a dir rockbox-falco and rockbox, you can do diff -puR rockbox rockbox-falco crazy.patch |
07:08:07 | Mikachu | er |
07:08:12 | Mikachu | diff -puR rockbox rockbox-falco > crazy.patch |
07:08:40 | Falco98 | ahh gotcha |
07:09:02 | Falco98 | though if i have compiled builds going, that'll make it go haywire i'm guessing |
07:09:23 | Mikachu | diff won't add new files unless you add -N |
07:09:44 | Mikachu | or you could just move the build/ dir away |
07:10:08 | Falco98 | true |
07:10:22 | Falco98 | or just copy my edited files in on top of the ones i just got from CVS and do a diff there.. |
07:10:26 | Falco98 | maybe i'll do that |
07:10:58 | Mikachu | that won't go well if the files have been modified in cvs between now and when you got the source |
07:13:12 | Falco98 | i just got the source about a minute ago |
07:13:22 | Falco98 | oh |
07:13:25 | Falco98 | bleh |
07:13:27 | Falco98 | i'm tired, sorry |
07:13:50 | Falco98 | the only ones i've modified are settings.c, settings.h, playback.c, and settings_menu.c |
07:14:01 | Falco98 | and the build i worked on is only a few days old |
07:14:10 | Falco98 | let's cross our fingers anyway |
07:15:14 | Falco98 | it *looks* like it'll be alright |
07:19:29 | Falco98 | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5344 |
07:19:36 | Falco98 | patch is uploaded O:-) |
07:19:51 | | Join birdturd [0] (n=kricket@ |
07:20:23 | birdturd | help |
07:20:24 | birdturd | i chose the all black skin and now i can't see the menu |
07:21:09 | kkurbjun | amiconn: looking into it more, I think it's caused by the ata sleep command similar to the nano. I'm able to boot all the time into rockbox now, and as long as I start to read from the drive before the backlight times out the ipod will still work, after the backlight goes off, the drive stops reading. I |
07:21:17 | Mikachu | Falco98: looks like you didn't revert any old changes at least |
07:21:17 | birdturd | whoa there |
07:21:22 | birdturd | keep your pants on |
07:21:30 | kkurbjun | 'm guessing this is just in similar timing to the sleep/spindown command |
07:22:21 | amiconn | ? |
07:22:27 | Mikachu | birdturd: i'm going to guess you're an ipod user, so hold down menu+select to reboot, then turn on the hold switch as soon as you see the apple |
07:22:39 | birdturd | wut does that do |
07:22:51 | Mikachu | it resets your settings |
07:23:11 | birdturd | sounds risky |
07:23:34 | Mikachu | well, you'll have to do your settings again |
07:24:10 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:24:11 | kkurbjun | amiconn, sorry, I was responding to a message I was leaving earlier |
07:24:29 | birdturd | i don't think i can trust someone with a pokemon for his screenname |
07:24:34 | Ctcp | Ignored 2 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
07:24:34 | * | amiconn just got up |
07:24:35 | birdturd | can someone else help? |
07:25:02 | Falco98 | hrmm |
07:25:04 | Mikachu | i am pretty sure there are no pokemon called mikachu |
07:25:12 | * | Falco98 agrees |
07:25:12 | kkurbjun | I have a ipod mini 1g that I have working with a compact flash card rather then the hitachi mini drive and I was trying to figure out why rockbox was hanging when the apple os seemed to be wroking fine |
07:25:36 | amiconn | Hmm, sounds plausible then |
07:25:37 | Falco98 | and even if it were an allusion to *P*ikachu, pikachu is the freakin' man |
07:25:48 | Mikachu | haha |
07:25:56 | birdturd | sorry I can't identify all 984 pokemon creatures like yourself |
07:26:05 | birdturd | Falco98, this is an adult only chatroom |
07:26:12 | Mikachu | so what are you doing here? |
07:26:23 | Falco98 | how can he NOT be? |
07:26:24 | amiconn | You might need a special build that disabled ata sleep like on the nano - or better try to figure out why/ where it hangs |
07:26:24 | Falco98 | http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8838614509637836664 |
07:26:53 | birdturd | help |
07:26:53 | birdturd | i chose the all black skin and now i can't see the menu |
07:26:54 | birdturd | what do i do? |
07:27:01 | kkurbjun | as a note if you ever want to use a compact flash card in the minis, get a sandisk one, I tried a bunch of different brands and none worked other then the sandisk |
07:27:20 | Falco98 | bird: listen to Mikachu |
07:27:25 | kkurbjun | yeah, I'm going to try that soon when I get my build stuff setup, I don't have my computer right now |
07:27:37 | birdturd | no more comments from the pokemon crew |
07:27:43 | Falco98 | or copy back over all your rockbox files, which tends to reset config anyway |
07:29:26 | Falco98 | well then i have an easy solution to your problem: /ignore birdturd |
07:31:16 | midkay | birdturd, you come in begging for help and think you'll get it by insulting others? |
07:31:26 | birdturd | that wouldn't apply, seeing as how i don't have a generic retarded pokemon for a nick |
07:31:42 | Mikachu | you remind me very much of protricity |
07:31:47 | midkay | birdturd, k, you can leave now, nobody's going to help you. |
07:32:04 | birdturd | i didn't ask you midkay |
07:32:12 | birdturd | go afk |
07:32:19 | Mikachu | haha |
07:32:21 | scorche | lol |
07:32:32 | midkay | i don't care if you were talking to me. i'm talking to you. |
07:32:40 | birdturd | no one cares midkay |
07:32:41 | birdturd | go afk |
07:32:43 | | Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@dsl-29-8.cofs.net) |
07:32:55 | * | Falco98 wonders why there aren't ops in here like the other day |
07:33:16 | Mikachu | amiconn: plz |
07:33:26 | midkay | birdturd, yessir. |
07:33:36 | birdturd | good dog |
07:34:23 | Mode | "#RockBox +o amiconn " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
07:34:35 | midkay | back atcha |
07:35:02 | | Join Acksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) |
07:35:20 | * | scorche waves bye to birdturd |
07:35:21 | Mikachu | birdturd: see you at the next host then |
07:35:25 | birdturd | that doesn't work |
07:35:31 | birdturd | this isn't gradeschool |
07:35:32 | birdturd | shut up fagachu |
07:35:35 | birdturd | learn to irc |
07:35:51 | midkay | haha, it's him. i remember that. 'learn to irc'.. nobody could forget that horrible grammar. |
07:35:53 | birdturd | or go afk for life |
07:36:01 | Falco98 | haha |
07:36:03 | birdturd | rofl midkay fails again at irony |
07:36:07 | birdturd | no surprise there |
07:36:12 | birdturd | Another Victory for BS Inc. |
07:36:14 | | Part birdturd |
07:36:24 | Falco98 | LOL |
07:36:26 | midkay | um. |
07:36:34 | midkay | nice job.. you really owned us. |
07:36:36 | Mikachu | maybe we could get him a nice cage and a wheel to run in? |
07:36:45 | * | scorche wonders why he had a class b ip |
07:37:00 | amiconn | hmmmmm |
07:37:32 | | Join lostnihilist [0] (n=james@c-67-175-244-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
07:37:33 | Falco98 | question: is it possible to change a feature request to a patch on the tracker? |
07:37:39 | Falco98 | or should a new entry be opened? |
07:38:07 | | Join muesli|delhi [0] (n=muesli_t@ |
07:38:24 | midkay | took him long enough to figure it out, anyways.. |
07:38:55 | jnc | scorche: Tor |
07:39:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:39:13 | jnc | dang, replacement remotes are expensive |
07:39:16 | scorche | jnc: no....tor usually has a different mask |
07:39:24 | jnc | spent $25 bucks on one just now :( |
07:39:29 | scorche | prolly some proxy though |
07:40:01 | jnc | http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/whois.pl?q= |
07:40:42 | Mode | "#RockBox -o amiconn " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
07:41:02 | | Quit kkurbjun ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
07:41:19 | scorche | jnc: meh...i dont care enough |
07:47:42 | jnc | oh. i'm just sayin', it's not like i think about remotes so much |
07:47:53 | jnc | but then i break/misplace one and realize how i take them for granted |
07:48:26 | Mikachu | i think he was referring to the host |
07:49:19 | midkay | Falco98, if it's your own request, you should be able to do it.. |
07:49:29 | Mikachu | i think only admins can though |
07:49:39 | Mikachu | there is a button in the top right that tells you what you can and can't do |
07:49:41 | midkay | i thought users could modify their own.. hm. |
07:49:54 | midkay | well, i can do it, if you wish |
07:50:49 | Falco98 | yeah i believe i don't have the correct permission level |
07:51:26 | Falco98 | would this be an appropriate time to change it from FR to Patch? |
07:51:43 | Falco98 | and if so, anyone in here have the permission levels to do so? O:-) |
07:52:22 | midkay | i said i can do it, if you have a patch it's probably a good idea to switch it over, yes. |
07:52:24 | scorche | Falco98: read up before you spoke |
07:52:33 | scorche | =D |
07:52:35 | Falco98 | [and 5338 −− insert random folders −− which is working now too] |
07:53:02 | Falco98 | ahh |
07:53:09 | Falco98 | scorche: yeah my bad :-P |
07:53:23 | Falco98 | midkay: it would be appreciated :) |
07:53:26 | midkay | Falco98, 5344? |
07:53:35 | Falco98 | correct |
07:53:55 | Falco98 | that's the one i've been pestering you about ... i mean, working on |
07:54:15 | Falco98 | but 5338 is also a FR of mine, and we've finally got a working patch for it too |
07:55:04 | midkay | hm. |
07:55:57 | midkay | Falco98, converted 5344.. |
07:56:12 | midkay | i'm not sure about 5338, since there's such a long discussion on it.. |
07:56:28 | Falco98 | what's the rule on that, in general..? |
07:56:40 | Falco98 | should it be opened anew as a patch, instead of converted? |
07:56:51 | midkay | there is no rule, really.. |
07:56:54 | Falco98 | [i'd be willing to if told it's OK to do] |
07:57:11 | midkay | i'll just convert it, since we can always switch back. |
07:57:32 | midkay | done. |
07:57:34 | Falco98 | is there any way to.. let's say.. edit the content of the main text, and/or attach something? |
07:57:46 | midkay | if you can't edit it, i can.. *shrugs* |
07:58:09 | Falco98 | does it have the capability of having a file attached to the main body? |
07:58:17 | Falco98 | (if so, attach the patch way at the bottom :-P) |
07:59:32 | midkay | *checks* |
08:00 |
08:01:01 | midkay | hm, can't find it.. |
08:01:12 | midkay | people tend to go to the end of the comments anyways for newer revisions, if any. |
08:01:21 | Falco98 | hm, true.. |
08:01:21 | | Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@adsl-75-3-0-64.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) |
08:01:53 | Falco98 | thanks for helping me out.. |
08:02:10 | midkay | no problem |
08:02:44 | Falco98 | aight, bedtime for me. everyone test my patch for me O:-) |
08:03:20 | midkay | i never use shuffle, so.. no! ;) |
08:05:20 | Falco98 | hehe |
08:05:33 | Falco98 | well then just make sure it works for track skip O:-) |
08:05:51 | Falco98 | aight, i'm out.. |
08:05:56 | | Part Falco98 |
08:09:19 | amiconn | The patch has a bug... and indeed we would want this either split in separate settings, or a general 'intelligent' crossfade setting |
08:10:42 | | Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@unaffiliated/youceye) |
08:14:22 | | Part YouCeyE ("Leaving") |
08:16:55 | midkay | intelligent? |
08:18:59 | amiconn | Imho crossfade could be reduced to 3 modes: Off, Intelligent, and Always. Intelligent mode would crossfade whenever the tracks don't 'fit together' |
08:19:16 | amiconn | ...i.e. either when shuffling, or when skipping tracks |
08:19:27 | midkay | i think there should be more specific behavior settings.. |
08:19:44 | Mikachu | what if you have a shuffled playlist? |
08:20:26 | amiconn | Yeah, the problem is to figure out which tracks don't fit together... |
08:20:55 | amiconn | The bug in the patch is that there are now 5 modes (0..4), so it would need 3 bits to store them. As it is, the 'Always' setting won't be remembered |
08:23:22 | | Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) |
08:23:32 | | Quit sharpe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:24:10 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-173.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
08:24:40 | midkay | simple fix, then.. |
08:26:20 | | Join enfemus [0] (n=40518b28@labb.contactor.se) |
08:26:31 | | Quit enfemus (Client Quit) |
08:26:40 | | Join infamis [0] (n=40518b28@labb.contactor.se) |
08:29:17 | infamis | Anyone know what coldstart detection is with regards to ATA? |
08:31:56 | infamis | ...or the importance of i2c? |
08:34:43 | | Join [TCK] [0] (i=TCK@81-178-215-198.dsl.pipex.com) |
08:37:10 | | Join Sinbios [0] (n=Sinbios@toronto-HSE-ppp4012665.sympatico.ca) |
08:41:53 | | Quit swampcow ("told you...") |
08:43:40 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:49:23 | | Join ac [0] (n=c1aa023e@labb.contactor.se) |
08:49:37 | ac | Hi all... when will feature freeze end? |
08:51:18 | JdGordon | eventually.. :D |
08:54:09 | infamis | never...it's impossible |
08:56:54 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
09:00 |
09:03:24 | | Join theli_ua [0] (n=theli@pension-icom.intercom.net.ua) |
09:03:40 | | Join petur [0] (n=d4efd6a6@labb.contactor.se) |
09:04:09 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=stripwax@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
09:05:50 | markun | ac: as soon as rockbox for iriver h1xx has the most serious bugs fixed I guess |
09:06:04 | markun | (and the older targets) |
09:07:45 | amiconn | Wth.... |
09:08:03 | * | amiconn calculated the average current draws from his battery runtime measurements |
09:08:36 | amiconn | I'd really like to know what is drawing an additional 60 mA (!!) in the H300 compared to H1x0 |
09:09:32 | JdGordon | the colour lcd? |
09:09:50 | petur | should be switched off |
09:09:57 | JdGordon | thats about the only difference isnt it? |
09:10:00 | amiconn | That was a runtime test... with the lcd switched of 99.9% of the time |
09:12:06 | amiconn | All other numbers (for H140, recorder, and player) are well in the expected range, except one for recorder, which looks like a strange measurement error and will be redone |
09:12:26 | amiconn | (and the recorder charging still being crap) |
09:12:40 | amiconn | Better crap than the 2.5 version though |
09:13:24 | petur | heh.. quote of the day |
09:14:17 | JdGordon | you mean not as crap..? |
09:14:45 | | Join awormus [0] (n=aaron@p54B112AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
09:16:27 | JdGordon | is there any way to get the number of list items that can be shown at 1 time? |
09:16:45 | JdGordon | or do i manually have to do lcd_height / font_height? |
09:17:39 | amiconn | yeah, not as crap, but still crap |
09:18:12 | amiconn | There is sth like that in the gui_list code iirc |
09:20:37 | | Quit RoC_MM ("Leaving") |
09:20:43 | JdGordon | panic stkvoc main |
09:20:43 | JdGordon | ? |
09:21:21 | JdGordon | whats the most common cause of that? |
09:21:38 | petur | a bug :P |
09:21:57 | * | JdGordon wonders where he'd be without petur :D |
09:22:14 | JdGordon | brb |
09:22:25 | * | petur wonders if JdGordon found his bug of yesterday |
09:23:56 | JdGordon | thats what im working on atm.. |
09:26:39 | JdGordon | :'( works fine in the sim... |
09:26:57 | amiconn | stkov means stack overflow |
09:27:12 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:27:17 | amiconn | The sim has virtually unlimited stack, unlike the target |
09:27:37 | JdGordon | is that coz ive forgotten static on the gloal buffer variables? |
09:28:02 | amiconn | Global vars are always outside the stack, static or not |
09:28:16 | JdGordon | thats what i thought... |
09:28:21 | amiconn | You probably have a function with a large, local, non-static array |
09:28:56 | JdGordon | nope.. and the wierd thing is it only crashes when its runiing with no file.. which is handled correclt.y.. |
09:28:56 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:29:34 | JdGordon | grr... found it.. possibly.. |
09:29:52 | amiconn | Main thread stack is 8KB, most other threads use the standard stack size of 1KB. |
09:30:06 | amiconn | Codec and voice codec stack have a bit more (10KB iirc) |
09:31:02 | | Join JoeyBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@adsl-75-3-0-64.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) |
09:33:36 | JdGordon | all fixed :D |
09:36:14 | markun | amiconn: do you have a FM recorder? |
09:38:08 | | Quit [TCK] ("well, if you say so.") |
09:38:08 | | Quit ac ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
09:38:35 | JdGordon | whats the maximum number of lines realistically possibly to show on any target/font?? 20? |
09:39:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:41:01 | amiconn | markun: nope |
09:41:05 | amiconn | JdGordon: Way more |
09:41:17 | JdGordon | 50? |
09:41:22 | amiconn | Our tinies font is 5 pixels high |
09:41:29 | JdGordon | thats not readable.. |
09:41:44 | amiconn | Well, it depends on the target |
09:42:07 | JdGordon | ok, 80.. wasting 240bytes for some speed.. |
09:42:08 | amiconn | The scroll thread bases the maximum possible number of scrolling lines on that |
09:42:22 | | Quit JaMiNkLe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:42:28 | amiconn | I'd just use LCD_HEIGHT/5 |
09:42:41 | amiconn | ...instead of a fixed constant |
09:43:04 | JdGordon | i guess that works.. |
09:43:06 | amiconn | markun: Why are you asking? |
09:43:27 | markun | wanted to know if this bug has been fixed: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/2660 |
09:44:22 | | Quit kackerlac (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:45:11 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:45:33 | amiconn | Hmm, strange bug... |
09:45:58 | amiconn | Cassandra has one iirc, as well as Linus |
09:46:12 | markun | She reported the bug |
09:47:20 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@fhrouter83.fh-wuerzburg.de) |
09:48:22 | | Quit JoeBorn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:49:10 | JdGordon | bugger it... ill work on optimizing it if ppl complain :D |
09:55:30 | | Join Pi [0] (n=Pi@80-41-196-24.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
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10:00 |
10:04:32 | | Join anrdewmel [0] (n=andrewme@220-253-105-232.TAS.netspace.net.au) |
10:05:35 | JdGordon | amiconn: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5374#comment8086 |
10:09:33 | | Join JdGordon41 [0] (i=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
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10:11:09 | | Nick dongs_ is now known as dongs (n=HPUX@h193012.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) |
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10:16:14 | | Join Spacksaw [0] (n=Acksaw@spc1-stok5-0-0-cust770.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) |
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10:28:37 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
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10:29:34 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
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10:38:24 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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10:49:29 | | Join LedByTheReaper [0] (n=c13f1bc4@labb.contactor.se) |
10:50:09 | LedByTheReaper | hey |
10:50:18 | petur | ho |
10:50:59 | LedByTheReaper | anyone got iDoom Half life working? |
10:51:37 | LedByTheReaper | cause mine just says this uses non standard textures and i have to reboot |
10:52:21 | Nibbler | on what systems does doom run? |
10:52:53 | petur | irivers and some ipods iirc |
10:52:59 | petur | see wiki page |
10:53:04 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
10:54:27 | Nibbler | thanks |
10:55:32 | LedByTheReaper | I'm using it on 5G ipod |
10:59:00 | | Part anrdewmel |
11:00 |
11:02:01 | markun | LedByTheReaper: btw, iDoom is the name for ipodlinux' doom |
11:04:36 | Nibbler | :) |
11:06:21 | awormus | how easy is it to set up rockbox on an iriver? |
11:06:49 | petur | fairly easy |
11:07:22 | awormus | and pretty stable? |
11:07:39 | | Quit LedByTheReaper ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
11:08:09 | | Quit JBGrue (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:08:47 | petur | for me it is... |
11:10:30 | petur | for installation, look here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ManualRockboxInstall |
11:11:17 | awormus | petur: thanks, looking at that now. |
11:11:43 | awormus | and did you find that rockbox is better than the original os? |
11:12:06 | petur | depends what you want. for me it very much is |
11:12:37 | markun | awormus: which iriver do you have? |
11:12:45 | awormus | h340 European |
11:13:01 | awormus | the navigation is what kills me about the default stuff |
11:13:06 | awormus | it's almost unusable |
11:13:26 | petur | rockbox is filebrowser based |
11:15:00 | markun | awormus: there is still a bug with the h300 port that makes rockbox drain your batteries faster than the original firmware. |
11:15:42 | awormus | can you listen to music while charging with rockbox? |
11:15:54 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
11:15:56 | petur | yes |
11:15:57 | markun | sure |
11:15:59 | Jungti1234 | HELLO! |
11:16:02 | Jungti1234 | E10 came to me at last. |
11:16:24 | markun | congratulations |
11:16:28 | Jungti1234 | :) |
11:16:48 | markun | Did you open it up to make pictures for rockbox yet ;) |
11:16:49 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
11:17:03 | Jungti1234 | Now, I'm going to disjoint it. |
11:17:13 | Jungti1234 | disjoint? :) open |
11:17:35 | Galois | disassemble |
11:17:47 | awormus | and does recording work in rockbox? |
11:17:59 | markun | Jungti1234: Don't you want to use it a bit first? |
11:18:03 | Jungti1234 | Galois: yeah. Thanks |
11:18:06 | markun | awormus: yes |
11:18:06 | petur | awormus: much better |
11:18:10 | linuxstb | markun: Don't discourage him... |
11:18:14 | markun | :) |
11:18:15 | Jungti1234 | markun: ? |
11:18:29 | markun | Jungti1234: forget what I said :) |
11:18:35 | Jungti1234 | :) ok |
11:18:36 | awormus | hrm, sounds awesome! Will charge up and then install :D |
11:18:42 | petur | awormus: peakmeters, on the fly gain, WAV recording, unlimited time |
11:18:47 | Jungti1234 | I go now. |
11:18:57 | markun | awormus: and the firmware is getting better all the time, unlike the one from iriver |
11:19:19 | awormus | markun: yes, that was the only thing I was disappointed with, when I got mine at christmas... |
11:19:25 | awormus | that and the navigation from hell |
11:21:45 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
11:21:46 | amiconn | USB OTG is not yet supported in rockbox... |
11:22:10 | | Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) |
11:22:13 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
11:22:15 | amiconn | ...but the rockbox bootloader allows dual-boot, so you can still boot retailos if you need USB OTG |
11:23:12 | | Join JaMiNkLe [0] (n=God@CPE-139-168-189-79.qld.bigpond.net.au) |
11:23:53 | awormus | amiconn: I haven't used that yet, so it probably won't be a big deal to have to reboot... |
11:24:02 | linuxstb | And I guess the other two main features in iriver's h3x0 firmware but not Rockbox are WMA support and video playback. |
11:24:31 | awormus | well, the video playback sucks anyway :) |
11:24:44 | awormus | are those things on the roadmap for future releases? |
11:24:58 | markun | WMA is, but not with DRM |
11:25:03 | linuxstb | Someone is working on WMA support, but it's going slowly. |
11:25:22 | linuxstb | I'm sure video playback will happen eventually - but I don't think anyone is currently working on it. |
11:25:34 | | Join Xerion_ [0] (i=xerion@zorgash.student.utwente.nl) |
11:26:04 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:26:08 | amiconn | Otoh, rockbox supports codecs that aren't supported in retailos |
11:26:36 | Pi | linuxstb: converting all the menus from boot to int – taking ages! |
11:27:01 | Pi | there are a lot of them – it might be easier if I could create a temporary global variable, can you define one in the menu.h? |
11:27:06 | linuxstb | awormus: Here's a nice summary of Rockbox's features: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WhyRockbox |
11:27:44 | awormus | linuxstb: thanks |
11:28:16 | awormus | what programming language is it all in? |
11:28:19 | linuxstb | Pi: A global variable is of course possible, but will be a hack.... |
11:28:29 | petur | awormus: c |
11:28:31 | linuxstb | awormus: C with some small parts in assembler. |
11:28:33 | petur | and asm |
11:28:48 | awormus | nice |
11:29:02 | awormus | and is speed comparable to retailos? |
11:29:25 | petur | rockbox boots faster |
11:29:35 | petur | *much* |
11:29:42 | Pi | It is unesesery to have all of the menues ints and i think it will increse the size adversly |
11:30:31 | linuxstb | Pi: That's just my view, I don't know what other devs think. |
11:30:48 | JdGordon | any1 know a good dvd shrink alternative for linux? |
11:31:49 | Galois | we had this discussion before. There isn't anything with the same one-button polish |
11:31:56 | linuxstb | I'm not sure there is one - if your intention is to create a new DVD-R < 4.7GB consisting of the menus etc from the original. |
11:32:02 | infamis | � |
11:32:08 | JdGordon | oh ye.. i forgot which channel asked in |
11:33:44 | infamis | your in rockbox |
11:33:47 | infamis | :) |
11:35:57 | awormus | petur, markun, linuxstb, amiconn, you guys have been VERY helpful :) |
11:36:07 | markun | np :) |
11:37:16 | infamis | anybody looking into why doom doesn't work on the x5s post apr 16? |
11:39:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:42:21 | markun | infamis: it still works on the build of apr 16 and not apr 17? |
11:50:54 | JdGordon | does any1 know how to setup a folder that all users in a group have rw access to, and any new files they add will have rw for all users? |
11:51:36 | infamis | markun it works on the apr16 build but not the apr 17 & on |
11:52:11 | infamis | freezes at 'starting game engine'...only freezes on the device, not the sim |
12:00 |
12:00:45 | markun | I can only find 'starting graphics engine'. Is that it? |
12:02:25 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=Thunderc@lonsdale.nat.lancs.ac.uk) |
12:04:46 | | Join senab [0] (n=senab@82-36-16-45.cable.ubr01.smal.blueyonder.co.uk) |
12:11:12 | dongs | starting failure |
12:13:21 | | Join tucoz [0] (n=50ca636f@labb.contactor.se) |
12:13:44 | tucoz | Jdgordon, DVD-Shrink works fine with wine |
12:14:03 | dongs | if youre going to be a pirate |
12:14:06 | dongs | at least do it in windows. |
12:14:10 | markun | dongs: please |
12:14:15 | dongs | sup |
12:14:22 | tucoz | You don't have to be a pirate to use dvd-shrink |
12:15:04 | dongs | oh? anyway this is out of the scope of this channel |
12:16:01 | infamis | so what everbody does it :) |
12:16:11 | dongs | i dont. |
12:16:33 | infamis | give it some time, you'll see the light |
12:17:43 | JdGordon | tucoz: ye, i know, works great but a more linuxy solution is always good.. |
12:19:20 | tucoz | that is true. although I found out I didn't need one as dvd-shrink works nice |
12:21:51 | | Quit Rick (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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12:25:44 | | Join anathema [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust696.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
12:26:04 | markun | infamis: I'm looking at a diff of the doom code between april 16 and 17, but haven't found what it could be so far |
12:31:30 | | Quit tucoz ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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12:35:53 | | Quit senab (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- IRC for those that like to be different") |
12:40:35 | theli_ua | hm .. what can be the cause of the problem? rockbox-devel/firmware/include/string.h:23: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘void’ |
12:40:42 | theli_ua | something with includes? |
12:41:39 | Mikachu | markun, infamis: this isn't the old dfg file lying around issue is it? |
12:41:51 | amiconn | ugh, that string is nearly unreadable :( |
12:42:14 | Mikachu | it helps if you have utf-8 support :) |
12:42:25 | amiconn | haha |
12:42:33 | amiconn | This is windows, so no utf-8 |
12:43:18 | Mikachu | 12:40:37 <theli_ua> hm .. what can be the cause of the problem? rockbox-devel/firmware/include/string.h:23: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'void' |
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12:47:32 | | Join ashridah [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-121-141.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
12:48:17 | dongs | huh? |
12:48:17 | dongs | no utf8 in windows? are you joking or osmething? |
12:49:08 | | Join mikearthur [0] (i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
12:50:11 | amiconn | Windows uses whatever codepage it deems 'standard' for the respective country version |
12:50:46 | amiconn | ..which is Win1252 (slightly extended ISO8859-1) in many contries |
12:50:55 | markun | even notepad has utf-8 support iirc |
12:51:19 | infamis | markun, regarding the apr16/17 doom changes it seems there was assembly |
12:51:42 | awormus | markun: starting with windows XP |
12:51:45 | amiconn | markun: Yes, notpead has utf-8 support, but it's not default |
12:52:13 | markun | amiconn: which editor do you use? |
12:52:18 | infamis | 2006 17 Apr 01:35, 2006 17 Apr 00:37, etc... |
12:52:26 | infamis | those were the first commits |
12:52:39 | amiconn | markun: We're talking about irc and utf-8 here... |
12:52:48 | markun | ah, sorry :) |
12:53:11 | amiconn | I use ConTEXT as my standard editor, which is very flexible but doesn't support utf-8 either |
12:53:27 | amiconn | ...so I have to use a different editor fpr the .lang files |
12:53:33 | markun | I know you can have utf-8 in irc with xchat for example: http://www.silverex.org/news/ |
12:53:35 | awormus | do I really need a full charge to update my rom... it's just so that it doesn't die in the 2 minutes it takes to flash the rom right? |
12:54:43 | dongs | vim on windows supports utf8 fully. |
12:55:00 | dongs | and is a great editor. |
12:55:01 | preglow | it is also the best editor ever |
12:55:01 | markun | dongs: so do many editors |
12:55:57 | markun | Well, perhaps some only support the first 2^16 unicode chars |
12:56:08 | | Quit webguest90 ("CGI:IRC") |
12:56:13 | | Join webguest90 [0] (n=c1713011@labb.contactor.se) |
12:56:25 | amiconn | I didn't find any other editor that has those features of ConTEXT which are crucial for me |
12:56:44 | Mikachu | markun: it's apparently very hard not to use utf-8 in xchat because we have to tell people how to change it all the time in another channel :) |
12:57:10 | markun | You tell them NOT to use UTF-8? |
12:57:11 | amiconn | I don't like xchat at all |
12:57:28 | markun | I used it a few times. Was quite ok. |
12:57:31 | Mikachu | markun: it's a swedish channel |
12:57:47 | Mikachu | lots of people use clients that don't support utf-8 still |
12:57:56 | preglow | then tell them to use utf-8! |
12:58:03 | preglow | newest mirc and everything supports it now |
12:58:11 | Mikachu | it is an ongoing project |
12:58:14 | amiconn | HydraIRC doesn't support utf-8 |
12:58:18 | Mikachu | oh it does? it didn't when i looked a couple of months ago |
12:58:30 | preglow | i've had people tell me it does |
12:58:48 | preglow | the extent of the support i know nothing of |
12:58:48 | * | awormus is upgrading firmware |
12:59:00 | infamis | markun, I'll do a compile after every commit post apr 16 to find out when it breaks (if you care lol) |
12:59:42 | markun | infamis: I don't have a X5, so I couldn't test it anyway. |
13:00 |
13:00:27 | crwl | in most Finnish channels, people get flamed for using UTF-8 |
13:01:37 | preglow | finnish people always sound like they're flaming you, you're just misunderstanding :> |
13:01:56 | crwl | no no |
13:02:25 | Mikachu | i have configured irssi so it reads both latin1 and utf8 without any problems, and i think i type latin1 by default unless a line contains a char not representable in latin1, in which case the whole thing is sent as utf8 |
13:02:32 | crwl | most of us just feel that there's not much point in using UTF-8 because Finnish, as a language, doesn't need it, and iso8859-1 or -15 or windows-1252 has worked well enough and everything supports *thaT* :P |
13:02:38 | preglow | Mikachu: how you you get it to read both? |
13:02:52 | Mikachu | i'm not sure :) |
13:03:04 | crwl | UTF-8 is often called WTF-8 here ;) |
13:03:06 | preglow | i don't get why one would want to NOT use utf8. i'm sick and tired enough of codepages to just want them permanently gone |
13:03:28 | crwl | i think that's /set recode_autodetect_utf8 ON |
13:03:31 | Mikachu | one reason is when i converted my log file from latin1 to utf8 it grew with several megabytes |
13:03:41 | Mikachu | especially japanese is 33% bigger in utf8 than a doublewidth encoding |
13:04:14 | preglow | again, i put the practical aspects of having just one codepage in front of a couple of megabytes wasted for huge logs |
13:04:19 | markun | Mikachu: the language files increase quite a bit as well |
13:04:31 | dongs | use utf32 |
13:04:33 | dongs | problem solved |
13:04:38 | Mikachu | well, if you are the official archive of japanese classical texts you probably care |
13:04:42 | preglow | yes, that'll surely fix the size problem |
13:04:48 | Mikachu | dongs: can't unicode be longer than 32 bits though? |
13:04:57 | Mikachu | or is that just when using a utf-8 representation? |
13:05:00 | Mikachu | i forget |
13:05:07 | preglow | Mikachu: why? texts aren't exactly the largest things in existence, and people seem to come by anyway |
13:05:10 | awormus | hey, it works :) |
13:05:19 | crwl | preglow, well, Finnish people on irc are sick and tired of utf8 because it still doesn't work (at least by default) on many clients, and iso8859-1 has always worked :P |
13:05:22 | dongs | i think thats only with utf8 sequences. |
13:05:28 | Mikachu | okay |
13:05:35 | markun | awormus: congrats! |
13:05:39 | preglow | that's just utf-8, yes |
13:05:41 | Mikachu | preglow: well, just trying to give a reason not to use it |
13:05:44 | preglow | utf32 is always 4 bytes and everything fits |
13:06:26 | preglow | Mikachu: sure, it's a reason, it's just that the reason of getting to forget codepages outweighs pretty much everything for me |
13:06:44 | preglow | i bloody hate them |
13:06:46 | Mikachu | yeah that is a pretty nice feature |
13:07:02 | infamis | markun, lol; since you don't have an x5, you could care less...haha |
13:07:25 | dongs | http://context.cx/images/stories/sshots/ss_file_expl.png |
13:07:29 | dongs | great reason not to use it |
13:07:35 | dongs | wtf do i need yet another confusign file browser |
13:07:51 | Mikachu | to not use context or to not use utf8? |
13:07:56 | dongs | context |
13:08:17 | dongs | there are no reasons not to use utf8 |
13:08:21 | | Quit infamis ("time for bed") |
13:08:26 | dongs | codepages fuckign suck just look at jap windows |
13:08:32 | Mikachu | i always say you can never have enough file browsers, in fact i have my file browser button launch a random filebrowser each time |
13:08:45 | dongs | and all the shitty codepage dependent jap apps that dont even run properly under applocale and must be run with non-unicode locale set to jap |
13:09:04 | dongs | (though this is probably true for korean and chinese as well) |
13:09:06 | Mikachu | can you set that when running the app in windows or do you have to change a system wide setting? |
13:09:18 | dongs | about 90% of the apps can be forced with applocale. |
13:09:22 | Mikachu | i can just use LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.eucjp wine utagoe.exe in linux |
13:09:23 | dongs | the other 10% need a system wide setting |
13:09:27 | dongs | that makes your \ a freaking yen |
13:09:33 | dongs | (and that setting needs a reboot) |
13:09:39 | Mikachu | haha |
13:09:42 | * | Mikachu hugs windows |
13:09:50 | dongs | thats not windows problem. |
13:09:54 | dongs | it supported unicode since NT4. |
13:09:57 | dongs | thwe problem is dumb coders. |
13:10:10 | Mikachu | rebooting to change the code page for user space? that is a windows problem |
13:10:38 | dongs | orly |
13:10:57 | markun | dongs: they probably just don't care about your problem |
13:11:07 | dongs | "they"? its hardly "my problem". |
13:11:40 | markun | I thought you had problems with codepage dependant apps |
13:11:56 | preglow | go utf-8 |
13:12:20 | preglow | just drill it firmly enough into people's heads so they stop thinking about other codepages |
13:12:35 | preglow | that way, the chances of me going on a killing spree some day lessens |
13:13:05 | JdGordon | nothing wrong with a little healthy killing spree every once in a while.. |
13:14:07 | Rick | <dongs> and all the shitty codepage dependent jap apps that dont even run properly under applocale and must be run with non-unicode locale set to jap |
13:14:08 | Rick | like what? |
13:14:24 | Rick | i've had very few problems after applocale |
13:14:39 | Rick | and if I do... I just write my own language hook like applocale which solves the problem |
13:14:40 | * | Rick shrugs |
13:15:17 | | Quit Cassandra (Connection timed out) |
13:15:17 | | Nick Cassandra- is now known as Cassandra (n=Cassandr@cpc3-oxfd8-0-0-cust240.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) |
13:17:06 | Jungti1234 | oh.. |
13:17:19 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@dslb-084-056-114-065.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
13:17:19 | Rick | well, i'm off to bed |
13:17:22 | Rick | good night folks |
13:17:37 | Jungti1234 | bye |
13:17:41 | | Join vin` [0] (i=nach@unaffiliated/takatumi) |
13:17:45 | * | petur considers taking a siesta |
13:19:07 | Moos | lucky you :) |
13:20:04 | petur | I somehow feel my boss will be against it :) |
13:20:13 | Moos | hehe :) |
13:20:43 | Jungti1234 | yahoo |
13:21:35 | Moos | I saw that in Spain, there are som enterpises where you have a siesta time every time |
13:21:44 | Moos | *every day |
13:22:21 | Jungti1234 | E10 is hard disassembleing. |
13:25:10 | markun | I can't find much info about the Samsung SA58450X0x CPU's used in the latest irivers. Only that it's ARM9 based. |
13:26:03 | preglow | oooh |
13:26:12 | preglow | is that what we'll see in the new ipods? |
13:26:23 | markun | no idea |
13:27:48 | markun | preglow: the inside of the U10 http://www.iriverfans.com/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=404 |
13:29:00 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
13:29:09 | Jungti1234 | you know chinese? :) |
13:29:26 | Mikachu | i can say nihao |
13:29:30 | Jungti1234 | haha |
13:29:34 | dongs | i can say ddong |
13:29:51 | Jungti1234 | an-nyoung haseyo |
13:30:09 | Mikachu | hola |
13:31:18 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3138.gwdg.de) |
13:35:53 | Mikachu | hola means hello, not good bye |
13:36:26 | dongs | orly |
13:36:26 | | Quit mikearthur ("Konversation terminated!") |
13:36:56 | * | Mikachu throws a nearly extinct owl at dongs |
13:37:17 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp126-14.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
13:37:24 | dongs | http://pbx.mine.nu/orly5.jpg like this? |
13:38:36 | | Join tat [0] (n=dk@ |
13:38:41 | Jungti1234 | dongs: hahaha |
13:39:07 | dongs | huhuhu |
13:39:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:43:04 | | Quit safetydan ("Leaving") |
13:43:35 | | Part tat |
13:44:06 | | Part tucoz |
13:50:30 | | Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp121-131.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
14:00 |
14:00:24 | | Quit JaMiNkLe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:03:23 | preglow | what, safetydan's back? |
14:03:38 | Mikachu | not anymore |
14:05:26 | * | amiconn wants TiMiD back |
14:07:10 | JdGordon | is there a way to get the total number of files on the hdd? |
14:07:18 | JdGordon | without going through every folder counting |
14:08:44 | kingspawn | anyone know where in the sources I can find the timeout set for the playbutton (this is on a nano) to turn off the device? |
14:08:58 | Mikachu | button.c i think |
14:09:36 | Mikachu | at least that is where you can change it to select+play |
14:09:51 | kingspawn | i'll have a look, thanks |
14:12:01 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:14:31 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp122-3.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
14:14:54 | | Join webguest03 [0] (n=48e06f8d@labb.contactor.se) |
14:16:22 | JdGordon | idea for finding a random folder to jump to next... |
14:16:23 | JdGordon | im thinking have an array of maybe 7, hash every direcotry and put them in that array at ther hash value.. then choose 1 at random at the end? |
14:16:46 | | Quit Pi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:17:24 | JdGordon | change hash to some random number.. hash would always give the same value :p |
14:18:34 | | Quit XavierGr_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:18:56 | | Quit webguest03 (Client Quit) |
14:19:18 | XavierGr | amiconn: do you know if the plugins have their own stack? (or they use the main stack) |
14:19:34 | | Part awormus ("Leaving") |
14:19:44 | kingspawn | JdGordon: On a very, very long shot (I dont know whats in rockbox yet), you could use statvfs to get a count of inodes. But the probability of it being available are probably slim |
14:22:31 | Jungti1234 | hey |
14:22:32 | Jungti1234 | http://cafefiles.naver.net/data16/2006/5/18/288/DSCN2779.jpg |
14:22:35 | Jungti1234 | can see it? |
14:22:49 | JdGordon | its a screw? |
14:23:00 | Jungti1234 | yes |
14:23:32 | Jungti1234 | Hexagon screws |
14:23:48 | JdGordon | thats not hexagon |
14:23:50 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-173.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
14:23:58 | JdGordon | that looks like a regular phillips head.. |
14:24:26 | cismo_ | torx? |
14:24:36 | cismo_ | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torx |
14:31:07 | Jungti1234 | JdGordon: phillips? |
14:31:29 | JdGordon | regular + shaped screwdriver |
14:31:42 | Jungti1234 | no |
14:32:11 | Jungti1234 | Did you see E10? |
14:32:25 | Jungti1234 | I have E10. |
14:33:04 | Jungti1234 | It's Hexagon screws |
14:33:23 | JdGordon | ok, the flash makes it a bad foto :D |
14:33:54 | Jungti1234 | not flash |
14:34:02 | markun | Jungti1234: the torx screwdriver for your other irivers doesn't fit? |
14:34:15 | Jungti1234 | what is ' torx '? |
14:34:53 | markun | Look at cismo_'s link |
14:34:59 | Jungti1234 | ag |
14:35:03 | Jungti1234 | ah torx |
14:35:03 | Jungti1234 | right |
14:35:18 | Jungti1234 | It's torx |
14:35:55 | Jungti1234 | ohno |
14:35:58 | | Quit Xerion_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:36:01 | cismo_ | i was really pissed when i changed harddrive for my xbox and dindt have any torx |
14:36:06 | Jungti1234 | :'( |
14:36:19 | cismo_ | so i used knifes etc. |
14:36:38 | cismo_ | 2 hours later i got it open |
14:36:39 | cismo_ | :) |
14:36:49 | Jungti1234 | I was going to open screw perforce. |
14:37:42 | Jungti1234 | Screw is likely to be broken. |
14:40:01 | XavierGr | my god! in minesweeper discover() calls itself ~1500 times for a grid 15*15! (at 16 * 16 stack overflow) |
14:40:02 | JdGordon | rockbox sux for randomness :p |
14:40:43 | XavierGr | JdGordon: I think not |
14:42:59 | JdGordon | ok, well.. ye.. but sucks with the randomness im trying to figure out :p |
14:46:35 | | Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
14:49:28 | JdGordon | if 0<i<num_files can num_file%7 = i%7 ? |
14:49:36 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox !!!") |
14:50:26 | amiconn | XavierGr: Standard plugins run in the main thread, so they use the main stack |
14:51:04 | PaulJam | JdGordon: with your redone text editor, is there a limit how long a line is allowed to be? |
14:51:07 | amiconn | If a plugin starts its own thread, this thread has its own stack, with the size you give it |
14:51:19 | JdGordon | PaulJam: 2048 chars |
14:51:20 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m232.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
14:51:26 | Mikachu | where is that memory taken from? |
14:51:30 | amiconn | However, any other thread than main shouldn't mess with the gui under normal operating conditions |
14:52:47 | | Join Vladoman [0] (n=Vladoman@dsl-cus-098-041.de.clara.net) |
14:53:02 | XavierGr | any ideas on discover on minesweeper.c? This damn function calls itself up to 8 times. |
14:53:19 | XavierGr | I wonder how noone noticed before. |
14:53:23 | Mikachu | use another algorithm |
14:53:57 | PaulJam | JdGordon: hmm, then i should try it with a clean cvs source. on my build it crashed on a wps file with the longest line of ~300 characters. |
14:54:16 | XavierGr | easy to say that, but I don't know how discover can be replaced by something else. |
14:54:17 | JdGordon | :( clean cvs shouldnt matter |
14:54:21 | ashridah | XavierGr: sure it's not calling it on the surrounding nodes? |
14:54:40 | JdGordon | PaulJam: what target and how big is the file? |
14:54:59 | PaulJam | JdGordon: h300, should i send you the file? |
14:55:07 | XavierGr | ashridah: the purpose of the function is to check most nearby tiles. |
14:55:23 | JdGordon | does it crash every time u iopen that file? |
14:55:24 | XavierGr | (or do you mean tiles out of the grid? |
14:55:37 | PaulJam | i have tried it only once |
14:55:37 | theli_ua | anyone knows why configfile doesn't work in sim ? |
14:55:53 | ashridah | XavierGr: tiles out of the grid |
14:56:42 | | Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:56:48 | ashridah | XavierGr: if it's anything like most minesweepers, a certain function will clear all surrounding blocks if you've guessed a free block correctly. that tends to cascade outwards i'm surprised it's using a function tho. |
14:56:58 | XavierGr | ashridah: I am quite sure it won't because it checks for them, but truth is that I must check on it more. |
14:57:28 | | Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@ |
14:58:02 | XavierGr | ashridah: you are right. This is what it does. But every tile checked tile is calling again disvocer() (total of 8 times for each tile) |
14:58:30 | XavierGr | I guess I will have to moderate the function. Or make it not to overlap tiles. (though I don't know if it overlaps right now) |
15:00 |
15:00:13 | PaulJam | JdGordon: you can find the file here: http://www.stud.uni-goettingen.de/~s291827/test/PJ_Ice.wps |
15:00:21 | ashridah | XavierGr: yeah. if you play windows' minesweeper, if you right (or is it middle? hm) click on a cleared tile where you know exactly where all mines are around it (ie, they're marked), it'll clear the surrounding tiles, and if any of those are completely clear, it'll cascade. i'm willing to bet discover's doingthe same thing |
15:00:49 | * | amiconn has a pretty efficient recursive minesweeper walker in javascript |
15:00:50 | XavierGr | yup |
15:01:37 | JdGordon | PaulJam: opened fine here.. |
15:01:48 | JdGordon | might have been a freqk occurance? |
15:01:54 | PaulJam | did you scroll down? |
15:02:25 | JdGordon | ye |
15:02:35 | JdGordon | playback stops unfortunalty.. but no crash.. |
15:03:02 | PaulJam | ok, then i'll try it with a clean source |
15:03:18 | JdGordon | oh, no |
15:03:20 | JdGordon | it just crashed |
15:03:46 | pepie34 | Has someone tried the midiplayer on ipod? |
15:04:08 | JdGordon | on the %?lh< .. line |
15:04:11 | pepie34 | it is working realtime on mine but not at a good speed :) |
15:04:31 | pepie34 | i mean it i splaying really really fast |
15:04:31 | XavierGr | amiconn: can you share that script? |
15:05:24 | JdGordon | PaulJam: thats really wierd.... i have no idea why it crashes there... |
15:06:43 | | Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
15:09:33 | XavierGr | hmm I've got some ideas to optimize discover().... |
15:09:39 | XavierGr | but later. |
15:09:56 | XavierGr | time to work... :( |
15:12:03 | PaulJam | JdGordon: if i remove line 69 (&t0,6 %?bp....) it doesn't crash. |
15:12:32 | JdGordon | funny file encoding? |
15:12:54 | JdGordon | by funny i mean possibly unicode? |
15:13:03 | PaulJam | ansi with cr+lf line endings |
15:13:20 | JdGordon | did that file work in the old version? |
15:14:10 | JdGordon | its not a buffer overrun or something coz i can open the license files which are much bigger than this file.. |
15:14:11 | PaulJam | it didn't crash, but the editor added a lineending after every 127 characters |
15:15:10 | JdGordon | can u fix access to the file? it wont let me grab it gaina |
15:15:13 | JdGordon | again* |
15:15:25 | PaulJam | wait a moment |
15:16:31 | | Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) |
15:16:41 | PaulJam | ok, you can download it now |
15:16:45 | | Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:17:16 | | Join bagawk_ [0] (n=lee@70-58-156-231.eugn.qwest.net) |
15:17:48 | JdGordon | well.. good news is it crashes on the sim |
15:17:55 | JdGordon | which means its actually possible to debug :D |
15:18:14 | | Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:18:24 | | Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@ |
15:18:33 | JdGordon | ..mind u.. i have no idea where to start :p |
15:20:13 | | Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp120-99.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
15:26:20 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) |
15:27:10 | | Quit dwihno ("Changing server") |
15:28:37 | | Quit bagawk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:29:12 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
15:29:43 | JdGordon | whats MAX_PATH #defined as? |
15:29:50 | XavierGr_ | 260 |
15:29:52 | XavierGr_ | I think |
15:30:02 | Mikachu | yes |
15:30:16 | novimon | the development of the other ports suffer if freature freeze is extended |
15:30:20 | novimon | IMHO |
15:30:27 | JdGordon | damn.. PaulJam line length is 260 then :( |
15:30:37 | JdGordon | i gotta add something to split lines then |
15:30:54 | XavierGr_ | though MAX_PATH must be redefined now that rockbox supports unicode. |
15:31:13 | Mikachu | why would it? it says how many bytes you can use |
15:31:42 | XavierGr_ | ehm... |
15:32:03 | XavierGr_ | fat can have names as long as 255 chars. What about unicode? |
15:32:27 | | Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay (n=midkay@ |
15:32:27 | XavierGr_ | Can fat have unicode filenames as long as 255 characters? |
15:33:08 | XavierGr_ | if yes then the lenght must be doubled. Unless I am wrong... |
15:33:23 | petur | novimon: all development (progress) suffers from the freeze, but also benefits from the bugfixes. Sometimes you need to force everybody to fix what's already there instead of adding more to the pile |
15:33:47 | Mikachu | novimon: you can develop features and submit them after the freeze is over |
15:34:19 | | Join JaMiNkLe [0] (n=God@CPE-58-170-55-60.qld.bigpond.net.au) |
15:34:33 | | Quit XavierGr_ () |
15:36:33 | | Join dwihno [0] (n=dw@ |
15:37:36 | JdGordon | PaulJam: the limit on line length is only for vieweing in the list.. if u select the line it should show the whole thing.. |
15:38:53 | | Quit pepie34 ("Quitte") |
15:39:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:39:30 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
15:39:32 | | Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp126-135.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
15:40:24 | | Quit Ironhand ("leaving") |
15:41:04 | amiconn | XavierGr_: Yes, vfat supports up to 255 unicode chars (only the bmp, because it stores filenames as ucs-2) |
15:41:19 | | Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@host-84-9-255-242.bulldogdsl.com) |
15:41:28 | amiconn | Since filenames are utf-8 in rockbox, the length has to be *tripled* to cater for the worst case |
15:41:45 | amiconn | That may cause stack overflow problems... |
15:42:21 | preglow | that still hasn't been fixed? |
15:42:36 | JdGordon | POS is crashing when it tries to scroll the line :'( |
15:44:07 | XavierGr_ | amiconn: then I guess we will have to limit the filename length! (like iriver does *ouch*) |
15:44:31 | petur | *yuck* you mean |
15:44:37 | XavierGr_ | exactly |
15:44:46 | Mikachu | or use a larger buffer? |
15:45:13 | | Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@ |
15:46:07 | Jungti1234 | bye |
15:46:11 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:46:42 | pepie34 | has anyone know where does the tempo value come from in apps/plugins/midi/sequencer.c |
15:46:43 | | Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) |
15:46:45 | pepie34 | ? |
15:47:00 | | Join Ironhand [0] (i=arjen@meek.xs4all.nl) |
15:49:24 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-173.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:51:29 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
15:51:33 | pepie34 | :( |
15:55:10 | petur | pepie34: you can always try to contact the author of the plugin (see header of the file) |
15:56:11 | petur | or one of the people who recently changed it |
15:56:15 | | Quit webguest90 ("CGI:IRC") |
15:56:18 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/apps/plugins/midi/sequencer.c?rev=1.9&view=log |
15:56:33 | JdGordon | which setting do i set to 0 to disable scrolling in the list? |
15:56:37 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:58:02 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-173.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:58:57 | | Join whatboutbob [0] (n=cbd64a64@labb.contactor.se) |
15:59:11 | JdGordon | can line scrolling not be disabled?? |
16:00 |
16:00:56 | | Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@host-84-9-255-242.bulldogdsl.com) |
16:00:58 | | Quit mikearthur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:01:51 | JdGordon | does any1 know where the scroll code is? |
16:03:39 | | Join dpro [0] (n=x@chello080109121047.8.15.vie.surfer.at) |
16:04:50 | | Quit pepie34 ("Quitte") |
16:06:26 | | Join webguest90 [0] (n=c1713011@labb.contactor.se) |
16:08:26 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:11:09 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-173.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
16:11:37 | JdGordon | amiconn: ashridah: do u know where the scroll code is hidden? |
16:12:43 | amiconn | The scroll code is part of the lcd driver |
16:12:44 | * | ashridah blinks |
16:12:50 | * | ashridah isn't a developer :) |
16:13:24 | amiconn | If you output a line with lcd_puts_scroll() and it is longer than the lcd width, it will scroll until you replace the line |
16:14:08 | JdGordon | ye thats ok.. but its crashing if the line is too long (but shorter than MAX_PATH).. im trying to figure out if this is intentional or a bug? |
16:14:31 | | Quit theli_ua ("Покидаю") |
16:17:57 | amiconn | The maximum allowed scrolling line length is MAX_PATH + LCD_WIDTH/2 + SCROLL_SPACING + 1, where SCROLL_SPACING == 3 |
16:18:39 | JdGordon | which is > MAX_PATH so there is no reason for it to crash!! |
16:19:14 | | Join dpassen2 [0] (n=0c04dcd4@labb.contactor.se) |
16:21:26 | * | JdGordon is getting some very odd behaviour from the sim! |
16:21:40 | | Quit ashridah ("Leaving") |
16:25:11 | | Part whatboutbob |
16:26:26 | | Quit muesli|delhi ("ich will Kühe!!!") |
16:26:42 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Nick collision from services.) |
16:26:47 | | Join Kohlriba [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-173.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
16:31:02 | | Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) |
16:31:46 | | Quit Kohlriba ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") |
16:35:06 | | Join klrspz [0] (n=klrSpz@ |
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17:36:45 | Febs | Does anyone have a decent picture of the front of the iriver H300? |
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17:52:39 | * | amiconn wonders about all those esoteric patches floating around |
17:53:56 | preglow | what patches? |
17:54:54 | Genre9mp3 | Febs: From a quick google search: http://image.iriverhk.com/Event/TW-050601H300CardReader/h300-01.jpg & http://image.iriverhk.com/Event/TW-050601H300CardReader/h300-04.jpg |
17:55:30 | petur | those images are probably copyright material |
17:56:19 | JaMiNkLe | irivers gay |
17:56:22 | amiconn | preglow: album art, playlist catalog etc |
17:56:47 | preglow | what about them? |
17:56:50 | Mikachu | JaMiNkLe: constructive |
17:56:56 | JaMiNkLe | ? |
17:56:59 | JaMiNkLe | ipod ftw |
17:57:08 | preglow | "yes" |
17:57:18 | preglow | let's start a flame war |
17:57:30 | Mikachu | i'm just trying to say stfu in a polite way |
17:57:36 | JaMiNkLe | what your going to take it personley.. |
17:57:53 | preglow | i'm not going to take it at all |
17:58:00 | JaMiNkLe | k |
17:58:04 | linuxstb | amiconnn: Why do you call them esoteric? Album art is very popular, and the playlist catalogue got lot of votes in Paul_The_Nerd's "most wanted" thread. |
17:58:13 | JaMiNkLe | you guys dont like ipod? |
17:58:19 | preglow | some of us do |
17:58:23 | preglow | those of us that use ipod rockbox, at least |
17:58:25 | linuxstb | We like Rockbox... |
17:58:36 | JaMiNkLe | yeah i got rockbox mini |
17:58:37 | linuxstb | The hardware is mostly irrelevant (at least to me). |
17:58:53 | JaMiNkLe | i guess |
17:59:07 | preglow | mostly, yes |
17:59:11 | JaMiNkLe | can you get linux on iriver |
17:59:16 | preglow | i sure as hell wouldn't have gotten an ipod if it wasn't for rockbox |
17:59:27 | amiconn | Above all I don't like one thing about ipod, and that is thee severe lack of hardware documentation |
17:59:32 | JaMiNkLe | ipod firmware is ok |
17:59:34 | JaMiNkLe | kinda |
17:59:37 | JaMiNkLe | it does the job |
17:59:45 | preglow | no, not entirely |
17:59:50 | JaMiNkLe | but yeah no way as good as rockboc..and its in beta |
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18:00:04 | | Quit petur ("frrrr") |
18:00:06 | Mikachu | my point was just that comments like "<name of hardware> is gay" is pretty useless |
18:00:09 | JaMiNkLe | whats comming up in 2.0? |
18:00:33 | JaMiNkLe | Mikachu its 2am and i am bored |
18:00:41 | linuxstb | Assuming you mean 3.0, then exactly what is in Rockbox today, but hopefully with less bugs. |
18:00:52 | JaMiNkLe | 3.0? |
18:01:23 | JaMiNkLe | ohh yeah |
18:01:24 | JaMiNkLe | my bad |
18:02:06 | JaMiNkLe | i hope doom gets ported to ipod mini |
18:02:07 | JaMiNkLe | lol |
18:02:42 | JaMiNkLe | grayscale* |
18:03:58 | Genre9mp3 | Well, I can play doom on my gay iriver :-P |
18:04:27 | JaMiNkLe | nice |
18:05:30 | JaMiNkLe | there isent much ipod minis can do anyways |
18:05:37 | JaMiNkLe | doom will be crap once its ported |
18:05:44 | JaMiNkLe | ima get a psp or something soon |
18:06:39 | | Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@rockbox/developer/tucoz) |
18:06:39 | JaMiNkLe | anyone know is there is any alternative pdp firmware |
18:06:45 | tucoz | hello |
18:06:46 | JaMiNkLe | bah typos |
18:07:07 | tucoz | So, what is left to do with the icatcher themes before a commit? |
18:08:41 | Genre9mp3 | tucoz: I'm currently working on this. I talked to Cassandra yesterday. The WPSLIST file has to be updated so we can generate cfg files with different fonts |
18:08:48 | tucoz | imo, there are a couple of things I think could be changed. Get rid of the battery %, move track title up a few lines. |
18:08:55 | tucoz | Genre9mp3, great :) |
18:09:30 | Genre9mp3 | I've already added 4 new codec-icons (aac,aiff,shn & alac) |
18:10:14 | Genre9mp3 | tucoz:why do you think I should get rid of the % battery? |
18:10:20 | tucoz | It's redundant |
18:10:43 | tucoz | you have a battery % meter as graphic |
18:10:57 | Genre9mp3 | yes...but % is more precise |
18:11:12 | preglow | get rid of the % indeed |
18:11:16 | preglow | i thought it was confusing |
18:11:19 | tucoz | hmm, volume is also shown twice |
18:11:25 | preglow | i didn't even understand what it was until someone told me |
18:12:00 | Genre9mp3 | hmmm...so you want a simplier view, right? |
18:12:57 | tucoz | Well, the wps is splendid as it is. It's your work, so you decide. But, imo some stuff could be changed |
18:13:26 | Genre9mp3 | tucoz: do you have any other suggestions? I'd like to hear |
18:13:30 | tucoz | the battery % is confusing and also redundant (as is the volume) |
18:13:52 | tucoz | But, maybe volume is ok to have in digits as well |
18:14:04 | preglow | the volume i think was ok |
18:14:20 | preglow | the % just confused me. if it is to be kept, it should at least be placed a bit more logical |
18:14:21 | tucoz | Move the current track title to the where the rest of the track info is |
18:14:33 | Genre9mp3 | volume has the "dB" so I think it's not so confusing |
18:15:09 | preglow | indeed |
18:17:01 | Genre9mp3 | hmm....maybe place the title where genre is right now, place the next track where is the title and leave the bottom bar empty? |
18:17:15 | Genre9mp3 | (so get rid of the genre as well) |
18:17:54 | tucoz | I myself do not care about genre, so I wouldn't know if other people want that info. |
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18:19:10 | Genre9mp3 | what do you think of adding a "rockbox" logo somewhere? |
18:19:15 | | Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) |
18:19:32 | preglow | i see that clipboard_pastefile actually uses the plugin buffer as a copy buffer. is that entirely safe? |
18:19:44 | preglow | couldn't some tsr plugin be using that area itself? |
18:19:44 | tucoz | Does it look weird if you move the title to where genre is, and have an empty line where the title currently is? (and keep the next: title) |
18:20:27 | tucoz | Genre9mp3, a rockbox logo is not necessary in my opinion. I like the clean look of your theme. |
18:21:07 | Genre9mp3 | tucoz: maybe it will ba an empty space between the progress bar and the bottom bar |
18:21:17 | Genre9mp3 | ^it will be |
18:21:30 | tucoz | Yes. Does that look weird? |
18:22:06 | Genre9mp3 | I believe so (especially for some targets like iPod5g) |
18:22:17 | tucoz | Anyway, you're the designer. I just wanted to give some feedback. |
18:22:20 | tucoz | :) |
18:22:31 | Genre9mp3 | And I like hear opinions |
18:22:32 | Genre9mp3 | :) |
18:22:41 | tucoz | bbl |
18:23:14 | Genre9mp3 | I think you are right about the % battery...it will be confusing |
18:23:51 | Genre9mp3 | But I like the "symmetric" look of the 2 first lines...what could I add instead? |
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18:32:13 | PaulJam_ | Genre9mp3: what du you think about adding the current time instead of the battery % |
18:33:36 | Genre9mp3 | Well, nice suggestion, I'll try that to see if it fits ok |
18:34:34 | Genre9mp3 | BTW..what about UniCatcher? (unicode version of iCatcher) Do you think it could be inclouded as well? |
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18:37:27 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=44500eb9@labb.contactor.se) |
18:37:57 | kkurbjun | how do you create a new topic on the wiki? |
18:38:25 | Mikachu | just go to the address i think |
18:39:03 | Mikachu | for example, http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/edit/Main/KkurkbjunRules and click Create |
18:39:18 | kkurbjun | oh, ok, that's really convenient : ) |
18:39:26 | | Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:39:30 | kkurbjun | thanks |
18:39:32 | Mikachu | and it helps if you link to it from somewhere too |
18:40:07 | kkurbjun | yeah, I'll just put it in the docs index |
18:41:06 | kingspawn | using lcd_clear_display() clears away the top status line too, how can I get around this? (or if I cant get around it, how do I redraw the status line?) |
18:41:46 | Mikachu | you could use lcd_clear_rect() or whatever it's called |
18:41:58 | kingspawn | Mikachu: I'll have me a look-see, thanks |
18:42:35 | | Quit Sinbios ("If the definition of a klutz is someone who doesn't have eyes on their ass, then yes, I suppose I am a klutz.") |
18:44:07 | preglow | or you could just redraw it |
18:44:11 | preglow | gotta be a function for that |
18:44:18 | preglow | probably named something self-explanatory |
18:44:22 | kingspawn | preglow: yeah, i'm looking through lcd.h now |
18:44:27 | preglow | no |
18:44:30 | preglow | that'll be in apps/ |
18:44:30 | Mikachu | where exactly are you? |
18:44:38 | Mikachu | and what are you trying to do? |
18:45:05 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
18:45:05 | kingspawn | Mikachu: im just trying to clear the screen while a function is running, print a line, but without actually removing that status bar |
18:45:09 | kingspawn | preglow: k |
18:47:11 | | Join xmixahlx [0] (n=xmixahlx@ |
18:47:21 | yeahx | havent used rockbox on my nano for a few weeks |
18:47:53 | yeahx | I want to wait a while and see much it has improved |
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19:07:22 | kingspawn | are all the targets of rockbox running on fat32 disks? |
19:08:18 | preglow | no |
19:08:27 | Mikachu | they are after you install rockbox |
19:08:29 | preglow | i believe some ondios have fat12/16 on them |
19:08:32 | Mikachu | oh okay |
19:08:42 | preglow | amiconn: elaborate |
19:09:02 | kingspawn | well, fat16 would be okay, same blocksize as fat32 |
19:09:33 | amiconn | On ondio, rockbox (has to) support both fat16 and fat32 |
19:10:08 | preglow | amiconn: could you remind me why? |
19:10:22 | amiconn | Most MMCs are formatted FAT16, and the internal flash even has to be formatted FAT16 unless you put rockbox in flash and never intend to run the archos firmware |
19:10:38 | preglow | ah, right |
19:10:44 | amiconn | The archos firmware cannot boot from FAT32 |
19:11:02 | amiconn | FAT12 will probably never be supported because the FAT format is evil |
19:11:10 | preglow | and smelly |
19:11:12 | amiconn | (FAT entries spanning sectors) |
19:12:33 | preglow | i don't see a reason to support it anyway |
19:17:58 | preglow | do we still need battery_test.c? |
19:18:25 | * | petur buys mics and a preamp and becomes a taper :D |
19:19:08 | amiconn | preglow: At least battery_test shouldn't be built anymore |
19:19:49 | * | amiconn wonders what darn chip in the H300 could draw an additonal 60mA |
19:20:19 | * | petur wonders if amiconn still suspects the isp1362 |
19:20:21 | amiconn | Even the ISP1362 would only draw 50mA if both host and device controller are enabled |
19:20:56 | * | amiconn considers opening the H300 and checking for chips getting warm |
19:21:27 | preglow | i don't expect you'll feel much difference at the current levels we are talking |
19:21:39 | yeahx | grrrrr |
19:21:56 | petur | good doggie! |
19:22:15 | preglow | amiconn: what's our position on other rockbox funtionality using the plugin buffer for temporary storage? |
19:23:11 | amiconn | Well, don't put to much there, it will collide sooner or later |
19:23:35 | amiconn | The playlist viewer already uses the plugin buffer, that's why tsr plugins must not use plugin_get_buffer() |
19:24:18 | preglow | ahh, so we've got that policy |
19:24:19 | preglow | then it's ok |
19:24:24 | preglow | that's what i was worrying about anyway |
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19:43:43 | Febs | Can anyone tell me why this LaTeX line generates a compiler error: \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD}{1.63 US more text \fname{ihp_100.hex}.} |
19:44:09 | | Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h147n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
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19:47:35 | Febs | Hmmm. It doesn't like this one either \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD{\fname{ihp_100.hex}} |
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19:50:14 | preglow | weird.. |
19:50:31 | preglow | something with fname, then |
19:51:31 | Febs | It doesn't like having fname at the end of the \opt{} statement. |
19:51:42 | Febs | Hack solution: I added another sentence after that. |
19:51:54 | Febs | Crude, but it worked. |
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20:02:21 | tucoz | Febs, you forgot a curly brace } after PAD on your second example |
20:03:53 | Febs | tucoz, that was just a typo. It's typed correctly in the file but still not working. |
20:04:22 | tucoz | ok. Wonder why that happens. Is it the underscore perhaps? |
20:04:33 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
20:04:55 | Febs | I don't know. IRIVER_H100_PAD is the correct macro, right? |
20:05:02 | tucoz | That is causing you errors? That is often a way to produce errors. You could try \fname{ihp\_100.hex} instead |
20:05:06 | tucoz | and see if that works |
20:05:51 | Febs | Testing now. |
20:06:12 | tucoz | I think it's the underscore that is the culprit here. \fname doesn't write the text {} as verbatim. |
20:06:31 | Febs | Yes, that solved it. |
20:06:35 | Febs | Thanks. |
20:06:41 | tucoz | good |
20:07:10 | Febs | I've just written installation instructions for iriver, and restructured the getting_started chapter somewhat to make it easier to include instructions for other SWCODEC platforms. |
20:07:16 | Febs | I'll check them in shortly. |
20:07:36 | | Quit SereR0KR (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:07:49 | Febs | I just want to make sure I didn't break the builds for any other platform first. |
20:08:23 | tucoz | Nice, I haven't been that active lately. I started on some install instrucs earlier, but I read in the logs that you were on the case ( and I belive you will produce a better result than me). So, I dropped it :) |
20:09:06 | | Part yeahx |
20:09:47 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:09:47 | | Nick Cassandra- is now known as Cassandra (n=Cassandr@cpc3-oxfd8-0-0-cust240.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) |
20:09:54 | Febs | Yes, I'm on it. It would be helpful if you could double check what I've done. I know that there are going to be things that need to be cleaned up. |
20:10:13 | tucoz | Sure. That I can do. |
20:10:27 | Febs | I will tackle the iPod and iAudio installation instructions at some point, but I am focusing on iriver stuff as much as possible so that manual is ready for the release. |
20:10:57 | Febs | One thing that we need to do is track down a decent (non-copyrighted) photo of the front of the H300. |
20:11:15 | tucoz | I agree. |
20:11:37 | tucoz | amiconn, do you have an h300? :D |
20:13:10 | tucoz | You made a nice scan of the mini, so if you got the time, do you think you can make a scan of the h300 for the manual? (to be used for button-reference) |
20:15:04 | amiconn_ | I made a scan of the H300 |
20:15:20 | amiconn_ | It's in the device comparison chart |
20:15:48 | * | tucoz goes looking |
20:15:53 | amiconn_ | However, I'll try to make some photos instead. Just have to find a neutral background |
20:16:33 | amiconn_ | While the scans have the advantage of being undistorted, the brightness relations look rather odd |
20:16:57 | tucoz | Well. I find the images in the comparison chart really good |
20:17:46 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:17:46 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
20:18:15 | tucoz | The h340 image is very clear |
20:18:36 | | Quit danly (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
20:18:43 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
20:24:25 | tucoz | hmm. How do you move a selected item in gimp? |
20:24:45 | Mikachu | click and drag |
20:25:15 | tucoz | Yes, but with what tool? I add some text, but then only the text box pops up. |
20:25:24 | Mikachu | try the move tool |
20:25:24 | tucoz | nevermind. Found it :) |
20:25:26 | Mikachu | :P |
20:25:27 | tucoz | hehe |
20:25:42 | | Join JBGood [0] (n=Johnq@ |
20:32:56 | tucoz | Is it possible to draw a straight line with gimp? |
20:35:50 | | Join flamingcow [0] (i=ian@ares.penguinhosting.net) |
20:35:50 | | Join BHSPitLappy2 [0] (i=Steve-O@adsl-66-141-169-130.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
20:35:57 | flamingcow | so, i force tag cache update |
20:36:02 | flamingcow | it says updating in the background |
20:36:09 | flamingcow | i keep it running for half an hour or so |
20:36:11 | flamingcow | reboot |
20:36:27 | flamingcow | no "committing", and trying to browse gives me "Tag Cache Not Ready" |
20:37:02 | flamingcow | anyone know what might be wrong? |
20:40:02 | tucoz | flamingcow, was the update finished when you rebooted? |
20:40:08 | flamingcow | how do i tell? |
20:40:16 | flamingcow | the one time it worked, i didn't get a "finished" message |
20:40:35 | tucoz | you can keep an eye on the process under menu->info->debug->tag cache info (I think) |
20:40:42 | flamingcow | ah, ok |
20:40:47 | flamingcow | inside "Keep Out" :) |
20:40:55 | tucoz | exactly :D |
20:41:08 | flamingcow | it also locks solid |
20:41:11 | flamingcow | if i try to start playing a track |
20:41:13 | flamingcow | while it's building |
20:41:27 | tucoz | really? What player do you have? |
20:41:45 | flamingcow | ipod nano 4GB |
20:41:48 | flamingcow | hrm |
20:41:52 | flamingcow | and when i hit force |
20:41:54 | flamingcow | then check the debug info |
20:41:59 | flamingcow | Busy: No |
20:42:29 | Mikachu | tucoz: click, then shift click somewhere else |
20:42:31 | Mikachu | i think |
20:42:36 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m232.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
20:42:38 | tucoz | Mikachu, yes. I found out. Thanks |
20:43:17 | tucoz | flamingcow, I am not sure. Maybe you should try to wipe your tagcache files from the .rockbox folder |
20:43:38 | flamingcow | ok |
20:43:56 | preglow | hmm |
20:44:17 | preglow | if we're going to go with fwpatcher for 3.0 bootloader install, someone should add tabbing support to it |
20:44:23 | tucoz | flamingcow, preglow is a nano-developer. He might know |
20:44:25 | tucoz | :) |
20:44:58 | preglow | don't know anything about tagcache, i'm afraid |
20:45:33 | tucoz | ok |
20:46:12 | amiconn | Hmm... |
20:46:33 | amiconn | I wouldn't expect the tagcache update to run for more than 1..2 minutes on nano |
20:47:02 | amiconn | What rockbox version are you running? Do you know how many files there are on your nano? |
20:47:14 | preglow | transfer speeds aren't exactly fast on the nano |
20:47:19 | preglow | seek times are, though, i think |
20:47:29 | amiconn | Well, there's virtually no seek time |
20:47:59 | amiconn | tagcache building is really fast on Ondio - and transfer speed on Ondio is *way* below nano, I'm sure |
20:48:28 | flamingcow | hold on, in usb mode to wipe tagcache files |
20:48:34 | flamingcow | it's a few-day-old CVS |
20:49:49 | tucoz | wasn't there problems with too long filenames or tags with the tagcache? |
20:50:06 | flamingcow | 060513 |
20:50:32 | | Quit dpro ("0ff160") |
20:51:17 | flamingcow | ok, i could only find one file to delete: tagcache_tmp.tcd |
20:51:22 | flamingcow | and removing it hasn't changed anything |
20:51:39 | flamingcow | Busy: No, Progress: -1% (432 entries) |
20:52:42 | flamingcow | huh |
20:52:50 | flamingcow | and i choose "Albums" from the browser |
20:52:57 | flamingcow | "Searching... 0 found (Albums)" |
20:52:58 | flamingcow | locked |
20:53:44 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:54:11 | | Quit JoeyBorn (Client Quit) |
20:54:58 | tucoz | flamingcow, could you download the latest cvs and reset your settings? |
20:55:09 | tucoz | Not sure how you do it on the nano |
20:55:11 | | Join akaidiot [0] (n=not@84-217-85-5.tn.glocalnet.net) |
20:55:24 | | Quit jbauman (Connection timed out) |
20:55:42 | flamingcow | yah, sure |
20:58:29 | flamingcow | ok, 060518 |
20:58:38 | flamingcow | rm -Rf .rockbox rockbox.ipod |
20:58:40 | flamingcow | before i unzipped it |
20:58:45 | | Join XavierGr_ [0] (n=XavierGr@ppp127-126.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
21:00 |
21:00:12 | flamingcow | npoe, same thing |
21:00:18 | flamingcow | i'm wondering if i haven't somehow managed filesystem corruption |
21:00:39 | tucoz | Or maybe you have some tags the tagcache can not handle |
21:01:34 | tucoz | If you see Paul_The_Nerd around here some time, ask him. He is definitley less clueless than me |
21:01:37 | flamingcow | well, let's start with a reformat |
21:01:42 | flamingcow | narrow it down |
21:01:45 | tucoz | hehe |
21:02:02 | tucoz | bbl |
21:02:06 | tucoz | good luck btw |
21:05:40 | PaulJam_ | maybe this is a silly question, but can it be that files might become corruptrd when rockbox crashes? Or should i blame linux for this? |
21:06:37 | scorche` | if you are recording those files, yes =) |
21:07:15 | scorche` | but, dont entirely blame linux....could be a hardware issue as well |
21:07:48 | | Quit obo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:08:41 | PaulJam_ | no, i heard a strange noise in one of my mp3s and the copy of the file that i keep on my pc is fine. |
21:08:55 | Febs | tucoz, that picture of the H300 looks good. |
21:08:59 | | Join Sinbios [0] (n=Sinbios@toronto-HSE-ppp4012665.sympatico.ca) |
21:09:32 | scorche` | PaulJam_: a strange noise, as in, an artifact? |
21:10:25 | PaulJam_ | yes, some kind of mixture between a click and a beep, hard to describe |
21:10:33 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
21:12:18 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-93-2.austin.res.rr.com) |
21:12:47 | preglow | we need great bloody blinking letters beside the +/- 2% options in the pitch screen saying "THIS IS HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK. SHUT UP!" |
21:13:14 | amiconn | gah |
21:13:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hehehe |
21:13:24 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox !!!") |
21:13:35 | amiconn | Why do I need to tell grip to not touch my precioussss file names :/ |
21:15:41 | flamingcow | yeah, filesystem corruption |
21:17:35 | scorche` | PaulJam_: have you run diskchk on it yet? |
21:19:44 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-12-204.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
21:20:12 | PaulJam_ | yes, i did yesterday after i had some problems with rockbox telling me the installation was incomplete after i changed the theme and it found errors, but in different files |
21:21:08 | PaulJam_ | (i ran chkdsk under windows) |
21:22:46 | scorche` | hmmm.....well, rockbox crashing shouldnt cause that....like the bovine friend said above, prolly filesystem corruption or something of the ilk |
21:23:17 | Mikachu | crashing can cause filesystem corruption if you're lucky |
21:24:03 | scorche` | have to be pretty damn lucky for that to happen... |
21:25:15 | PaulJam_ | do you know if there is a tool that creates a checksum of the audio data in a mp3 and stores it in a tag that one can check the files from time to time if they are still ok? |
21:25:51 | | Quit ScootScat_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:25:52 | thegeek | should be really easy to write a small script to do that |
21:26:00 | Mikachu | not too easy |
21:26:02 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
21:26:06 | | Join Falco98 [0] (n=18586afa@labb.contactor.se) |
21:26:09 | Mikachu | the checksum for the whole file changes if you write a tag |
21:26:22 | thegeek | you only checksum the audio data |
21:26:23 | thegeek | ? |
21:26:31 | | Join ScootScat [0] (n=yeahrigh@71-80-131-108.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com) |
21:26:32 | Mikachu | yeah but how do you do that easily? |
21:26:34 | Falco98 | what, for FLAC? |
21:26:37 | thegeek | ah |
21:26:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | Decode to WAV, checksum the wav, write it to the MP3 tag. |
21:26:40 | thegeek | yes |
21:26:48 | thegeek | would be easy to do for mp3 I guess |
21:26:50 | Mikachu | that will be decoder dependant |
21:26:53 | thegeek | but gets harder for other formats |
21:26:56 | Falco98 | FLAC fingerprints (checksums) do only the audio data |
21:27:10 | Falco98 | though if you use MD5's, mikachu is correct |
21:27:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: True, I suppose. You'd have to check with the same decoder. |
21:27:39 | Mikachu | or you could write the checksum for the whole file until it happens to have the same sum with and without the tag :P |
21:27:57 | Falco98 | haha |
21:28:03 | scorche` | lol...right |
21:28:19 | Falco98 | it would take like 10^10,000 different tries |
21:28:38 | scorche` | get a couple FPGAs =) |
21:29:00 | scorche` | or maybe a room full of em... |
21:30:18 | | Join jazzbone [0] (n=jazzbone@cc829402-a.groni1.gr.home.nl) |
21:32:18 | Falco98 | what format are you talking about, mp3? |
21:32:26 | scorche` | yes, he is |
21:32:29 | Falco98 | ah |
21:32:37 | Mikachu | you could just put the sum in the filename |
21:32:46 | Falco98 | too bad mp3 isn't cool like FLAC then, and checksum only the audio data regardless of the tags :-P |
21:32:55 | | Quit Febs ("Switching computers") |
21:33:25 | | Join lee-qid__ [0] (n=liqid@p5496701F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:35:32 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-49-16.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
21:37:16 | tucoz | flamingcow, how's it going? |
21:37:29 | | Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@dsl-29-8.cofs.net) |
21:38:20 | scorche` | me prefers the name blazingbovine |
21:38:24 | scorche` | errrr |
21:38:28 | scorche` | /me |
21:38:43 | scorche` | =D |
21:39:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:39:53 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Nick collision from services.) |
21:40:02 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-148-173.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
21:40:07 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
21:41:23 | linuxstb_ | PaulJam_: Just use md5sum on a directory full of files - e.g. "md5sum *.mp3 > checksums.md5" You can then check the mp3 files using md5sum -c checksums.md5 |
21:42:05 | markun | linuxstb_: I've added RGB555I support to bmp2rb, but can't find what code in the simulator I should change |
21:44:13 | PaulJam_ | linuxstb_: yes i already thought of something like this, but i would have preferred a method that would allow to change tags without affecting the checksum. |
21:44:18 | linuxstb_ | Firstly you'll have to change the definitions in firmware/export/lcd.h for the gigabeat - e.g. LCD_RGBPACK |
21:44:36 | markun | Was just about to do that. |
21:45:26 | | Join Galik [0] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/galik) |
21:45:53 | linuxstb_ | PaulJam_: How often do you retag? You can always check the md5sums before you retag, do the retagging, and then update the .md5 file. The alternative would be a tool which parsed the MP3 file (which is quite simple) and then calculated a checksum on only the MPEG audio frames. |
21:46:09 | amiconn | markun: RGB565 isn't possible? |
21:46:18 | | Quit Galik ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") |
21:47:49 | Falco98 | does anyone know of a tool already built into rockbox that lets (a developer) check if "next file in the playlist" is the logical successor of "currently playing" (i.e. in same folder, alphabetical order)? |
21:48:40 | markun | amiconn: Hm, after looking again at the user manual I think setting it to RGB565 should also be possible. |
21:49:13 | migidymack | how much coding experience does it require (estimated, of course) to create a patch? |
21:49:39 | Falco98 | migidy: vague familiarity with C is all you need to do simple stuff |
21:49:58 | Falco98 | the complicated part is you have to have an environment set up, and CVS, etc. |
21:50:00 | | Quit RoC_MM ("Leaving") |
21:50:23 | Falco98 | though the "simple guide to compiling" in the wiki pretty much explains it straight-out, if you read, understand, and follow the whole thing |
21:50:27 | * | amiconn wonders how a shell application in linux can still be running when its shell windows disappeared |
21:50:36 | amiconn | *window |
21:50:41 | linuxstb_ | migidymack: It obviously depends on what you want your patch to do. |
21:50:44 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:51:08 | migidymack | if i were to try to add shortcuts to the pitch window to relocate the current position of the song to the markers set for an AB Repeat - would this be considered a difficult task |
21:51:12 | migidymack | or an easier patch |
21:52:15 | migidymack | so if you click A, the song jumps to position A (and will loop A-B if it is enabled) and if you click B, the song jumps to the end of the loop (letting you out) |
21:53:38 | | Quit scorche` ("CGI:IRC") |
21:53:44 | Falco98 | it might be pretty complicated, depending on how familiar you are with those concepts (and the code which handles them) |
21:53:52 | migidymack | all the while being able to adjust pitch |
21:54:12 | migidymack | yeah i thought it would be.. im a musician and havent coded in years |
21:54:14 | Falco98 | my advice would be to download the latest version of the source, and track down the parts of the code related to what you want to change or improve, and think of ways to change it |
21:54:23 | migidymack | anyone interedsted in a bounty? |
21:54:31 | Falco98 | or, open a feature request and put a $20 bounty on it :-P |
21:54:53 | Falco98 | (i'm not good enough to do what you ask, i think, but there are other programmers in here who might be able to whip something up) |
21:55:07 | migidymack | thats what i was going to ask, how much $ would be appropriate |
21:55:19 | migidymack | yeah? |
21:56:05 | migidymack | i might try to find someone local first.. 20 bucks isnt much but im a student so it might mean a few nights of rice and ketchup |
21:56:10 | Falco98 | dunno.. you could open a feature request and come in here every once in a while asking for advice and/or volunteers... after a day or so, post a comment to the FR saying there's a $10 bounty |
21:56:27 | Falco98 | hehe |
21:56:32 | Falco98 | yeah i've been there |
21:56:38 | migidymack | amen |
21:56:46 | | Join Lear [0] (n=chatzill@h21n4c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) |
21:56:55 | Falco98 | (i'm hardly rolling in cash now but i figured a $10 bounty was worth the feature i wanted a few days ago..) |
21:57:19 | migidymack | you did it too? |
21:57:40 | migidymack | now when rockbox updates.. the patch is useless right? |
21:57:45 | Falco98 | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5338 |
21:57:49 | | Quit dude187 (Remote closed the connection) |
21:58:07 | Falco98 | only if the code in the files involved is massively changed... |
21:58:37 | Falco98 | and even if so, it's likely to be minor enough in change such that the code can be re-inserted (or rewritten) pretty easily |
21:59:43 | Falco98 | last night i wrote a patch for myself, with advice from a few of the developers in here.. but wrote the code myself |
21:59:58 | Falco98 | but the advantage there was it ended up being only a few things changed |
21:59:59 | * | petur begins to understand why JdGordon is so focussed on that patch :) |
22:00 |
22:00:05 | Falco98 | haha |
22:00:26 | Falco98 | petur: he had been trying to write something similar before he met me, it just didn't work so well :-P |
22:00:40 | Falco98 | he still hasn't come to collect his 10 quid |
22:00:49 | Falco98 | but it's his whenever he feels like asking for it :-P |
22:01:29 | Falco98 | i might even go so far as to offer a $25 general donation to the RB project if my feature makes it into CVS (after the freeze obviously) |
22:01:53 | migidymack | yeah? i wouldent want to do that though.. i have such little experience with object oriented code that i would end up asking so many questions it would only serve to inconvience those that are actually making progress |
22:02:15 | | Join lowlight [0] (n=c730180a@labb.contactor.se) |
22:02:39 | linuxstb_ | Rockbox is plain C - no objects in sight. |
22:03:32 | | Join sharpe [0] (i=sharpe@user-0c8hc23.cable.mindspring.com) |
22:03:46 | sharpe | woo |
22:03:54 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-27-101.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
22:04:03 | Paul_The_Nerd | Falco98: I'd go ahead 'n just donate that money anyway, if I were you. It's probably gonna go in CVS, and Rockbox deserves the donations (in my book) :-P |
22:04:17 | sharpe | i don't have a book... |
22:04:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | Falco98: Assuming the patch works well, I'm sure many people would like the folder/album shuffle idea |
22:05:53 | lowlight | PaulJam_: if you are using Lame, the Lame info header contains a crc-16 checksum for the music portion of the file |
22:06:18 | preglow | does it? |
22:06:22 | lowlight | PaulJam_: however, I don't know of any program that will verify the file off of that checksum |
22:06:31 | preglow | i thought that crc field was only computed from the header |
22:06:40 | lowlight | PaulJam_: details here: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org/mp3infotag.html |
22:06:57 | XavierGr_ | lol minsweeper calls ~3000 times discover() on H300 and ~8000 time on ipod video (worst case scenario) stack will overflow somewhere between ~1500! |
22:07:07 | preglow | lowlight: that url is dead, btw |
22:07:14 | lowlight | preglow: there's a "MusicCRC" field |
22:07:21 | Mikachu | preglow: works fine here |
22:07:31 | preglow | really? the website is empty here.... |
22:07:36 | PaulJam_ | fir me the url works too |
22:07:51 | lowlight | preglow: works for me |
22:07:56 | preglow | what the hell is up with that? |
22:08:19 | Falco98 | Paul_The_Nerd: agreed, though i'm hesitant to do it first and then be suddenly forgotten about :-P |
22:08:23 | tucoz | XavierGr_, is that a recursive call? |
22:08:25 | | Join Moos [0] (i=DrMoos@m232.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
22:08:31 | Falco98 | the patch works nearly 100%, as far as i've been able to test as of now. |
22:08:46 | Falco98 | though others might be able to come up with new ways to clean it up a bit, i'm sure... |
22:08:52 | XavierGr_ | tucoz: yes |
22:08:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | Falco98: It's not exactly whether it works, but _how_ it works that often determines whether things get in. :) |
22:09:04 | | Nick XavierGr_ is now known as XavierGr (n=XavierGr@ppp127-126.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
22:09:15 | tucoz | hehe. Guess that problem wasn't as obvious on the archos then |
22:09:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Many patches in the tracker _work_ from a user's perspective. :) |
22:09:27 | Falco98 | hehe |
22:10:00 | Falco98 | and i finally got "track skip and shuffle" mode for Crossfade implemented last night... |
22:12:17 | PaulJam_ | unfortunately my mp3s (according to mp3utility) don't have this crc information. i think i haven't activated this option i eac when i ripped the CDs. |
22:14:06 | preglow | lowlight: my isp has a problem with that site, obviously... |
22:15:13 | lowlight | preglow: google cache: |
22:15:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Why does everyone PM _me_ asking how to run Doom. STILL. Despite the sticky. |
22:15:35 | preglow | Paul_The_Nerd: you're too polite to them |
22:15:58 | Mikachu | Paul_The_Nerd: i think there is a basic fact about the world that you're not aware of: people are stupid |
22:16:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | I' |
22:16:38 | Paul_The_Nerd | I suppose] |
22:17:08 | preglow | lowlight: ahh, i see, two crc fields |
22:19:29 | Falco98 | haha |
22:19:47 | preglow | Paul_The_Nerd: also, people are assholes |
22:20:41 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:20:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | preglow: I think I need to up the grumpiness factor. I think you're right, the people in the forums are starting to like me too much again. |
22:20:49 | preglow | preglow, the philantropic coder |
22:20:54 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-081-009.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
22:20:56 | amiconn | XavierGr: Why would it recurse so often? It shouldn't recurse more often than there are undiscovered fields |
22:24:49 | Mikachu | does recursing in C use stack space even for void functions with no local variables? |
22:24:59 | Mikachu | i guess it has to save the return address at least |
22:25:16 | XavierGr | amiconn: times_called = board_width*board_height*8 for worst case scenario (no mines at all) |
22:25:16 | preglow | indeed |
22:25:43 | lowlight | PaulJam_: if you are using Lame, it should write a xing or info header with this information (along with encoder gaps etc). "mp3utility" just might not parse it. |
22:26:01 | | Quit jazzbone ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") |
22:26:02 | XavierGr | amiconn: and no, in order to discover the maximum path of unveiled tiles this must be done AFAIK. |
22:26:19 | amiconn | Nope |
22:26:22 | XavierGr | how can I calculate how much memory in stack a function wastes when called? |
22:26:37 | amiconn | If you're doing this, you're visiting fields multiple times |
22:26:38 | markun | XavierGr: Are you sure it's *8? |
22:26:42 | preglow | depends on the compiler |
22:27:12 | amiconn | You should need one function call per undiscovered field, no more |
22:27:31 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-8-245.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
22:27:35 | XavierGr | markun yes the fuction calls 8 times it self. |
22:27:57 | markun | XavierGr: it's not running them in parallel |
22:28:07 | amiconn | My javascript function does the recursion "by hand" with no recursive calls |
22:28:21 | XavierGr | amiconn: can you give me that script? |
22:28:49 | XavierGr | markun: no, one call after another. (8 times in the same function) |
22:28:52 | markun | XavierGr: so before you go to the next branch the other will have returned. So max you get times_called = board_width*board_height |
22:28:52 | amiconn | It won't help you that much, since it's pretty OO (*very* OO for me - and I wrote it (!)) |
22:29:06 | amiconn | ...but it's available online anyway |
22:29:17 | PaulJam_ | lowlight: thank you for the information. now i only need to find a prorgam that uses the crc information to verify the files. |
22:29:19 | amiconn | amiconn.dyndns.org/NewGame/">http://amiconn.dyndns.org/NewGame/ |
22:29:30 | markun | XavierGr: ah, forget what I said :) |
22:29:32 | amiconn | Add game.js to the url to see the actual script |
22:29:38 | XavierGr | markun I just measure how many times the function is called, of course I don't know how far the depth is. |
22:30:09 | amiconn | YOu can easily measure the call depth |
22:30:26 | amiconn | Just add a parameter, and pass that parameter+1 to the next call |
22:30:35 | XavierGr | hmm... |
22:30:44 | amiconn | The initial call would be done with 0 |
22:30:50 | markun | amiconn: it's oviously board_width*board_height the way the code works now |
22:31:03 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-61-145.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
22:33:35 | preglow | haha |
22:33:42 | XavierGr | amiconn: like this: discover(x,y, g++); (starting g = 0) |
22:33:43 | preglow | someone make a tri-d chess page |
22:33:46 | preglow | assuming rules exist |
22:34:04 | Mikachu | if you do that you will probably add stack usage and skew the numbers |
22:34:37 | amiconn | XavierGr: ++g or g+1. g++ in a function call probably doesn't do what you want |
22:35:31 | | Quit Lear ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") |
22:38:28 | Falco98 | damnit, just found a bug in my "track skip and shuffle" plugin.. |
22:38:35 | migidymack | what is it |
22:40:23 | | Part daguz |
22:40:41 | Falco98 | it's not supposed to crossfade when a track changes automatically (i.e. the song ends and next one begins) unless it's in shuffle mode |
22:40:47 | Falco98 | and it seems to be doing so... |
22:42:16 | XavierGr | OMG!!! |
22:42:24 | Falco98 | ? |
22:42:29 | XavierGr | 1200 depth for a board 40*30 with no mines |
22:42:55 | Mikachu | that would be every cell then? |
22:43:12 | XavierGr | no |
22:43:14 | | Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:43:23 | Mikachu | i think 40*30 is 1200 but i'm a bit tired |
22:43:43 | XavierGr | puttin a counter every time the function is called reveals 9600 |
22:43:49 | XavierGr | Mikachu: yes |
22:44:17 | XavierGr | so the function is called 9600 times with a depth of 1200. |
22:44:52 | XavierGr | worst case scenario with no mines (obviously there will be at least one mine, I just did the test to see) |
22:46:06 | XavierGr | what if I make my own stack on the remaining plugin buffer? |
22:46:16 | markun | XavierGr: we could implement it with a queue of max 2*width*height elements |
22:46:31 | markun | Eh 2*(width+height) |
22:46:35 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:47:11 | XavierGr | that's what is not clear to me: stack overflow occurs on depth or on calls? (probably on depth right?) |
22:47:19 | markun | yes |
22:49:15 | klrspz | has the rewind bug on the ipod been fixed? |
22:49:28 | XavierGr | so the lazy way is to moderate the function in a certain number. |
22:49:37 | XavierGr | e.g. if depth is more that NUMBER stop. |
22:50:00 | Mikachu | XavierGr: then it won't work |
22:50:39 | XavierGr | it will work but, it won't unveil all tiles |
22:50:42 | markun | But we can do a breadth first search instead of a depth first like we do now |
22:50:58 | XavierGr | it will just skip them, making gamer's life more difficult. |
22:51:45 | XavierGr | bbl |
22:52:30 | migidymack | anyone need audio work done for the os/plugs? |
22:52:36 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:52:55 | migidymack | like intro audio clips or game sounds? |
22:52:58 | markun | klrspz: which is 'the rewind bug on the ipod'? |
22:53:16 | Falco98 | does anyone know anything about the global_settings.shuffle variable? |
22:53:23 | Falco98 | like, is it "0" for off and "1" for on? |
22:53:32 | klrspz | markun, when i rewind it doesn't always actually rewind.. i can rewind like 15 seconds worth and it actually moves forward by about 5 seconds |
22:53:33 | markun | migidymack: you want to make a rockbox bootup sound? :) |
22:53:42 | migidymack | i would be honored |
22:53:46 | klrspz | or if i rewind like 5 min worth, it only rewinds like 3 min worth or something rediculous |
22:53:53 | migidymack | cant jump on the rig till i get off work though |
22:53:59 | markun | klrspz: is there a bug report? |
22:54:13 | klrspz | i remember someone talking about one last week when i last updated |
22:54:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | klrspz: So, why don't you just update and see if it's fixed? |
22:54:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's not like you can't back up your old build, just in case. |
22:55:50 | klrspz | true, but i also am 300mi away from my ipod right now :( |
22:55:53 | klrspz | i was just curious |
22:56:55 | markun | klrspz: can't find it in the bug tracker |
22:58:24 | markun | anyway, good night guys |
22:59:17 | preglow | nightie |
23:00 |
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23:07:23 | petur | aaargh |
23:07:52 | | Quit obo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:07:53 | petur | wps is loaded before backdrop from settings |
23:08:52 | Falco98 | damnit... global_settings.playlist_shuffle is returning true whether shuffle is actually on or not :-/ |
23:10:07 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
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23:17:50 | amiconn | global_settings.playlist_shuffle tells you whether shuffle is enabled in the settings menu |
23:17:56 | migidymack | so what kind of music do the devs listen to? |
23:18:00 | amiconn | It won't always be true |
23:19:30 | amiconn | That wouldn't make sense... |
23:19:33 | Falco98 | amiconn: my patch tries to detect whether shuffle is on or not when a track ends automatically, to determine whether it should be crossfaded |
23:20:02 | Falco98 | i have it test if(global_settings.playlist_shuffle) [do something] |
23:20:06 | Falco98 | else [do something else] |
23:20:22 | Falco98 | basically it's acting as if TRUE whether i have shuffle on or not |
23:20:44 | Falco98 | the code should be correct.. but something's wrong |
23:20:50 | Falco98 | (both on my 140 and in the sim) |
23:21:26 | | Quit PaulJam_ (".") |
23:21:38 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@zorgash.student.utwente.nl) |
23:23:00 | migidymack | iCut |
23:23:02 | Falco98 | oh, whoops, pcmbuf_crossfade_init(bool) is different from what i thought |
23:24:24 | | Quit tvelocity ("Ex-Chat") |
23:24:56 | * | petur is silly |
23:25:12 | petur | changing one build and making the other |
23:29:13 | | Part lowlight |
23:29:14 | Mikachu | other fun mistakes to make, recompile but don't save, save but don't recompile, save and recompile but run the executable in the wrong build dir |
23:29:27 | XavierGr | so amiconn what's your opinion regardless minesweeper? 1) Cap the function. 2) Use plugin buffer for stack 3) Right another function. |
23:29:38 | XavierGr | right = write |
23:29:53 | | Join bepe86 [0] (n=50d5accf@labb.contactor.se) |
23:30:10 | amiconn | (1) is out of question; it would make minesweeper work incorrect |
23:30:24 | XavierGr | indeed |
23:30:25 | bepe86 | I tried the daily built manual for th h120 today, and it is really coming together |
23:30:30 | bepe86 | nice work |
23:31:44 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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23:35:11 | Falco98 | finally, got it.. |
23:35:29 | | Join ender` [0] (i=ychat@ |
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23:44:30 | | Quit Siku () |
23:46:14 | sharpe | eh... |
23:46:35 | sharpe | i've come to the conclusion, i can't do dll injection. successfully, anyways. |
23:46:40 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
23:47:21 | petur | wtf, playback refuses... will seek but not play :( |
23:47:22 | | Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@pool-71-246-122-196.nycmny.east.verizon.net) |
23:48:16 | XavierGr | petur I got that behaviour the other day. But I was messing up with voice and a plugni |
23:49:03 | petur | I'm switching between wps/menu/tree like mad |
23:49:21 | petur | needed reboot to get it workig again |
23:49:26 | XavierGr | ah nice: I found a quick way to make discover not crash the player but still make its job right. |
23:49:41 | XavierGr | I measure the depth and cap the function. |
23:50:03 | preglow | sharpe: what kind of dll injection? |
23:50:04 | XavierGr | if I cap the function then I start again to discover the rest of the tiles |
23:50:36 | XavierGr | but the second time the board is smaller and I have no overflow problems |
23:51:07 | | Quit Kohlrabi ("Fast alle Menschen sind Regenwürmer") |
23:51:12 | | Quit Falco98 ("CGI:IRC") |
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