00:00:49 | smorar | yip, i assume that'd best be done in a thread |
00:00:58 | earHertz | smorar: you mioght hack the wpd code to display yje debug value ofinterest to the screen |
00:01:05 | earHertz | wps |
00:01:18 | smorar | aah... |
00:01:40 | tucoz | Bagder, what is the adress to your sandisk connection page? |
00:01:51 | Bagder | http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox-sandisk-connection.html |
00:02:01 | tucoz | thanks :) |
00:02:01 | jmspeex | preglow: .spx are Ogg files |
00:04:56 | smorar | earHertz: found the logfdump menu item... :) now to find the code |
00:05:48 | preglow | jmspeex: what are raw speex files called, then? |
00:05:54 | earHertz | menus pass functions (well, function pointers) to teh menu_init function by means of an arraY OF struicture |
00:06:42 | | Quit ender` (" A computer program will always do what you tell it to, and seldom what you want it to.") |
00:07:49 | | Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") |
00:09:07 | | Quit tucoz ("CGI:IRC") |
00:09:31 | dionoea | hurray ! it works |
00:11:36 | | Quit Bjoern-Erik ("leaving") |
00:11:46 | smorar | hmm... how do wps files work... |
00:11:57 | dionoea | that's explained in the manual i guess |
00:11:59 | dionoea | or in the wiki |
00:21:20 | freqmod | Speex decoding patch for rockbox CVS (23.06.2006 ~23.00 CET) (w/o any earlier patches) (with seeking & taginfo): freqmod.dyndns.org/upload/speex.v002.patch.bz2">http://freqmod.dyndns.org/upload/speex.v002.patch.bz2 . I still have to look at the cleanup (2 subsequent files w/o stopping the decoder does not work yet), and the mallocs (uses dynamic memory). SB/WB works realtime on ipod (UWB doesn't). |
00:21:48 | | Join jd_ [0] (n=jd@wikipedia/Meanos) |
00:25:07 | preglow | goodie |
00:25:13 | preglow | and that is with what/no opts? |
00:26:03 | | Join MadBigSausage [0] (n=mbspare@A-71-67.cust.iol.ie) |
00:27:11 | freqmod | with arm4 opts |
00:27:25 | freqmod | but it makes no (noteable) difference |
00:27:50 | freqmod | I haven't dissassembled that source, but I have tested with dissassembled sources |
00:29:38 | XavierGr | is this going to CVS pre-3.0? |
00:29:58 | freqmod | I don't think so, but that's not up to me... |
00:30:53 | preglow | no |
00:31:04 | preglow | not while the feature freeze is active |
00:31:45 | freqmod | the metadata (statically linked) code is quite simple, but the code in speex.codec is still rather shakey... |
00:32:25 | juxtap | what's an easy way to preview rockbox fonts? anyone? |
00:32:38 | XavierGr | the sim maybe? |
00:33:00 | preglow | you could preview the bdf fonts themselves, of course |
00:33:29 | dionoea | play the fonts one after the other ? |
00:33:40 | juxtap | yeah i got a sim, could i put all the fonts in a folder and then load them from the sim? |
00:33:59 | dionoea | sure |
00:34:20 | juxtap | *looks for "browse fonts"* |
00:34:23 | juxtap | heh |
00:35:23 | jmspeex | preglow: there's no such thing as a "raw" Speex file |
00:35:43 | preglow | oh? |
00:35:58 | preglow | i could have sworn spxenc allowed me to create raw speex files when i tried it last |
00:36:56 | * | freqmod tests wideband encoded 44100Hz encoded files, they does not work any better than UWB for the same samplerate. |
00:37:26 | preglow | eh |
00:37:38 | preglow | wb == 16khz, uwb == 32khz |
00:37:42 | preglow | they aren't the same sample rate |
00:37:47 | freqmod | 44100Hz speex files does not work in wideband mode eather |
00:38:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:38:08 | preglow | a change of mode also entails a change of rample rate |
00:38:16 | freqmod | it is possible to encode different sample rates in nonstandard modes, (just see the log from the discussion with jmspeex) |
00:38:22 | preglow | dunno |
00:38:26 | preglow | right |
00:38:27 | preglow | ok |
00:38:39 | preglow | but what's the point? :) |
00:39:10 | freqmod | to check if i could decode better quality files realtime |
00:39:31 | | Quit Kohlrabi ("Hello my name is CoolClonk .") |
00:40:42 | freqmod | but 16000Hz is ok when the files are not reencoded from bad oggs (vorbis) :) |
00:41:44 | | Quit markun (Remote closed the connection) |
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00:46:22 | | Quit bluey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:46:26 | * | freqmod likes listenable 8kbps files |
00:48:22 | | Quit freqmod ("Night (@ 00:46)") |
00:48:43 | | Join flynux [0] (n=flynux@2a01:38:0:0:0:0:0:1) |
00:52:31 | jmspeex | preglow: BTW the −−raw option refers to raw input (instead of wav), not raw encoded file |
00:59:25 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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01:02:29 | | Join Bjoern-Erik [0] (n=unknown@ti311110a080-6302.bb.online.no) |
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01:31:08 | | Quit MadBigSausage () |
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02:04:09 | | Nick dsh-1 is now known as Daishi (n=daishi@ool-45703854.dyn.optonline.net) |
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02:29:10 | chimpfrenzy | smably, are you around? |
02:29:30 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-104-70.w90-1.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
02:31:42 | smably | ja! |
02:35:49 | smably | what's up, chimpfrenzy? |
02:38:07 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:38:50 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
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02:44:02 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:52:11 | | Quit jd_ () |
02:56:11 | chimpfrenzy | smably, you were asking which screen i wanted to add this record-button function to? |
02:56:35 | chimpfrenzy | i guess it only needs to work on the WPS |
02:57:31 | | Nick JBorn is now known as JoeBorn (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
02:58:17 | | Quit [TCK] (Client Quit) |
02:58:52 | smably | ok, then what i said above should work |
02:59:08 | smably | have you tried that? |
03:00 |
03:01:51 | chimpfrenzy | what did you say above? i lost my server connection :-P |
03:01:53 | | Quit Myst` () |
03:07:22 | | Join Bloody_Sorcerer [0] (n=BS@cpe-72-230-187-199.rochester.res.rr.com) |
03:14:16 | | Part pixelma |
03:14:32 | | Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") |
03:15:00 | chimpfrenzy | smably, do you have your earlier comments in your buffer still? |
03:31:19 | smably | sorry, i was on the phone there :) |
03:31:34 | smably | 16.44.28 # <smably> chimpfrenzy: assuming you want to capture the button from the WPS, you'll want to add a #define for (BUTTON_REC | BUTTON_REPEAT) in apps/gui/gwps.h and then add a case to the button switch in gwps.c |
03:32:01 | smably | also, irc logs are posted online: http://www.rockbox.org/irc/ |
03:32:52 | | Quit lodesi ("Parti") |
03:34:09 | | Quit Sanitarium (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:34:09 | | Join San [0] (n=undergro@A-78-124.cust.iol.ie) |
03:36:41 | | Quit hardeep ("[BX] Windows 95, coded entirely by blondes") |
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03:58:23 | | Quit Aghaster ("Leaving") |
04:00 |
04:01:28 | chimpfrenzy | smably, thanks for that! |
04:03:07 | smably | no problem; let me know if you have any other questions |
04:03:19 | smably | bedtime now, though :) |
04:11:43 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
04:25:25 | chimpfrenzy | can anyone tell me the function to load a specific m3u file as the playlist? |
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05:34:32 | | Join wehn [0] (n=wehn@ppp122-121.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net) |
05:37:05 | | Join webguest02 [0] (n=47c5ee40@labb.contactor.se) |
05:37:14 | webguest02 | wow, nifty |
05:37:31 | | Part webguest02 |
05:48:54 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:50:22 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-44-124.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
05:53:49 | wehn | Hi people. Was pretty excited to see the work on improving H300 battery life. |
05:54:18 | wehn | So tried a battery bench and got 8h 34m, about 20 minutes less than months ago before the optimisations |
05:54:40 | wehn | anyidea what coule be wrong. did a fresh install with yesterday's daily |
05:58:17 | midkay | check the version. menu - info - version. |
05:58:39 | | Join MrStatic1oid [0] (n=jlee@69-175-94-207.frdrmd.adelphia.net) |
06:00 |
06:03:11 | wehn | CVS-060622 |
06:03:29 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
06:04:32 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:06:22 | wehn | Oh, and that battery life indicator (%bt) is surprisingly accurate. |
06:06:55 | | Quit MrStaticVoid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:08:13 | | Quit mikearthur (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:10:34 | earHertz | midkay: you have an ipod, yes? |
06:10:40 | midkay | earHertz, yeah. |
06:10:56 | earHertz | know how when you scroll too fast, the music stops? |
06:11:00 | midkay | yeah. |
06:11:11 | earHertz | does hat happen on any other platform? |
06:11:18 | midkay | all swcodec ones, i believe. |
06:11:23 | midkay | just not optimized enough.. |
06:11:24 | earHertz | REALLY? |
06:11:42 | midkay | depends on codec/eq settings/crossfeed, etc, though. |
06:11:55 | earHertz | wht if I told you I could make many lists update in one-twelth the time they do now? |
06:12:08 | midkay | i've heard of it happening on the h300s, most likely the h100s in some cases. |
06:12:15 | midkay | i'd say holy shit.. |
06:12:21 | midkay | but you're not telling me that, are you? |
06:12:22 | midkay | :) |
06:12:28 | earHertz | Actually, i am |
06:12:32 | midkay | how?! |
06:12:47 | earHertz | Let me save the explanation for the patch. |
06:13:05 | midkay | have you done it yet? tested? |
06:13:12 | earHertz | yeah |
06:13:22 | midkay | does it help a lot? |
06:13:30 | | Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ |
06:13:44 | earHertz | mind if I do a long paste? |
06:13:59 | midkay | not at all |
06:14:03 | MrStatic1oid | pastebin |
06:14:15 | earHertz | ld o 16287 |
06:14:16 | earHertz | ld o 15842 |
06:14:18 | earHertz | ld o 15831 |
06:14:19 | earHertz | ld o 16139 |
06:14:21 | earHertz | ld o 16539 |
06:14:22 | earHertz | ld o 15885 |
06:14:24 | earHertz | ld o 15382 |
06:14:25 | earHertz | ld n 190312 |
06:14:27 | earHertz | ld n 191590 |
06:14:29 | earHertz | ld n 190238 |
06:14:30 | earHertz | ld n 190038 |
06:14:32 | earHertz | ld n 190464 |
06:14:33 | earHertz | ld n 189102 |
06:14:36 | earHertz | ld n 184600 |
06:14:37 | earHertz | ld n 181635 |
06:14:39 | earHertz | ld o 11193 |
06:14:48 | * | midkay stares |
06:15:10 | earHertz | o is the time in microseconds to do an optimized update. n is the time to do it as the cvs code does it |
06:15:22 | earHertz | n/o ~= 12 |
06:15:29 | MrStatic1oid | impressive |
06:15:32 | midkay | whoa... |
06:15:56 | * | midkay wants to tryyyyy it. |
06:16:01 | earHertz | soon, soo |
06:16:31 | midkay | :) |
06:17:50 | midkay | so this affects anything that uses list.c? |
06:18:44 | earHertz | yes, but... |
06:19:12 | midkay | but. |
06:19:33 | earHertz | iot only works if teh list start position doesn't chnage. That's why I have o lines and n lines in that logf |
06:19:45 | earHertz | given that hint, you can guess how it works |
06:20:08 | midkay | ah, nods.. |
06:20:32 | earHertz | yes, tell me what you've guessed! |
06:20:32 | midkay | still sounds very useful. especially with a small font. |
06:20:39 | | Join webguest23 [0] (n=444fc85b@labb.contactor.se) |
06:20:41 | earHertz | or evena big one. |
06:20:51 | midkay | well, yes, but i mean especially with a small one. |
06:20:58 | earHertz | yes |
06:21:03 | midkay | um, replacing whole lcd clears/updates with clearrect/update_rect? |
06:21:08 | earHertz | so what am I doing differently? |
06:21:14 | earHertz | right! |
06:21:19 | midkay | genius indeed! |
06:21:23 | earHertz | and rewrites the whole screen |
06:21:31 | earHertz | or, all exept the status bar |
06:21:36 | midkay | wait.. what? |
06:21:43 | midkay | why that? |
06:21:44 | | Quit webguest23 (Client Quit) |
06:21:56 | earHertz | because it easiest to do, I suppose |
06:22:24 | midkay | only updating what needs updating should shave off even more time.. |
06:22:41 | earHertz | so if we have a font that is small enough to put 20 lines on the screen... |
06:22:42 | midkay | but there's probably not a function for that, you'd have to do some more work, yeah. |
06:23:17 | earHertz | yes, my mod just updates what needs updating |
06:23:38 | midkay | i mean rewrite. |
06:23:47 | earHertz | tagcache almost screwed me up |
06:23:59 | earHertz | tagcache re-uses the same list struict for all lists. |
06:24:37 | midkay | ah. |
06:27:12 | earHertz | ah, crap I just broke something |
06:28:12 | midkay | haha. |
06:29:12 | | Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeep@c-71-202-85-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
06:30:59 | earHertz | midkay: you have awhat kind of ipod? |
06:31:06 | midkay | 5G. |
06:31:09 | midkay | bbi 5m or so.. |
06:31:13 | midkay | 60gigs. |
06:31:17 | | Join jbauman [0] (n=Johnq@ |
06:31:30 | earHertz | You want a build? It will include teh accel scrooll too |
06:35:01 | Yannni | wow that all sounds real good |
06:35:29 | earHertz | it's a start |
06:35:30 | Yannni | is it going to work on the h300? |
06:35:44 | earHertz | The accel? No. The list speed-up? yes |
06:36:16 | midkay | yes pleas. |
06:36:22 | midkay | :) |
06:37:11 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:37:14 | Yannni | so like just now im using rockfont 8 and i hold down to scroll the list and the sound pauses for a few secs |
06:37:20 | Yannni | this will be fixed? |
06:37:31 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-25-216.austin.res.rr.com) |
06:38:01 | earHertz | Yannni: partially |
06:38:07 | | Quit Daishi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:38:10 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:38:19 | earHertz | midkay: http://diffenbach.org/rockbox/rockbox.zip |
06:38:32 | Yannni | partially sounds good to me nice job |
06:39:02 | earHertz | It will alleviate quite a bit, if teh top of the list (the first item displayed) doesn't chnage |
06:39:05 | earHertz | if teh top chnages, no |
06:39:20 | earHertz | that fix will come next |
06:40:54 | midkay | earHertz, if scrolling worked, i'd commend you. |
06:40:55 | midkay | :) |
06:41:09 | earHertz | scrolling doesn't work? |
06:41:15 | earHertz | oh, right, sorry |
06:42:27 | earHertz | midkay: ok, I think I've got the right one up now |
06:43:08 | | Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-45703854.dyn.optonline.net) |
06:45:12 | midkay | man, i hate this acceleration. |
06:45:40 | earHertz | it takes getting used to |
06:45:58 | midkay | it's painful for my barely 2-page long list of artists. |
06:46:03 | earHertz | you can set all the thresholds to 255, you won't notice it |
06:46:09 | midkay | flips to the end of the last page instantly.. |
06:46:33 | midkay | man, that's awesome. |
06:46:40 | midkay | so fast and smooth. |
06:46:59 | earHertz | the accel or the speedy list |
06:47:01 | earHertz | ? |
06:47:08 | midkay | speedy list. |
06:47:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | Speedy list? |
06:47:38 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: midkay will explain |
06:48:10 | midkay | haha. alright. fine. earHertz changed some list code so that when scrolling up and down in a list while the page doesn't move up or down, only what needs updating is updated.. |
06:48:23 | midkay | which increases speed there 10-20x. |
06:48:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah |
06:48:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | Good deal |
06:48:35 | earHertz | the smaller the font, the more the inccrease, of course |
06:48:42 | * | Paul_The_Nerd uses a tiny font |
06:48:55 | midkay | ah, so lovely.. |
06:49:05 | midkay | earHertz, can i get a build without these debug numbers? :) |
06:49:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | Unless viewing a playlist, I don't think I ever have a list longer than the secreen |
06:49:42 | earHertz | midkay: That's why IO had you explain, so I could code it. |
06:49:52 | midkay | code what? |
06:50:07 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: right, and even within a longer list, as long as teh first item stays teh same, you get teh increase too |
06:50:16 | earHertz | midkay: a version without the debug info |
06:50:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | Why does the first item matter? |
06:50:41 | midkay | ah, cool. |
06:50:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | And if it *does* why not make the first item the Menu / Folder Name, to force the increase? |
06:51:09 | midkay | he means even if it's longer than the screen, as long as you're not actually moving the viewed portion of the list down, it's this fast. |
06:51:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | Oh, right |
06:51:16 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: if the first item is teh sam, teh only lines that chanage are the one teh cursor was on, and teh one teh cursor moves to, and any in between |
06:51:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | So, as long as the list doesn't scroll, you get the benefit, is what you mean |
06:51:44 | midkay | not even the ones inbetween, right? if you skip over them.. |
06:51:46 | earHertz | The fix for lists where the first item changes requires a differnt startegy, and I'll do that next |
06:51:47 | midkay | Paul_The_Nerd, right. |
06:52:19 | earHertz | midkay: in theory yes, in practice no, because it almost never happens that there are in betweens |
06:52:24 | midkay | earHertz, how'll you do that? |
06:52:31 | earHertz | in fact, I think it CAN'T happen |
06:52:32 | midkay | earHertz, right, but if there ever were. |
06:52:56 | earHertz | midkay: I'll mmecopy and shift teh framebuffer |
06:53:13 | midkay | ah, what i was thinking, but i didn't realize it was so easily possible. |
06:53:23 | earHertz | midkay: it reqires extra chnages for no good reason |
06:53:40 | midkay | when do you expect you'll finish that? quick 10-minute job or like.. an hour or two of work? |
06:53:50 | earHertz | the framebuffer? |
06:54:01 | midkay | the shifting of it, yeah.. |
06:54:44 | | Quit Bloody_Sorcerer ("Leaving") |
06:55:28 | earHertz | day or too |
06:55:54 | earHertz | two, even |
06:56:12 | midkay | ah. |
06:56:24 | midkay | well, someone's inefficient.. |
06:56:25 | midkay | ;) |
06:57:10 | earHertz | I'm looking for a job, too. |
06:57:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | I don't think that'll work |
06:57:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | If you shift, won't that shift the backdrop as well? |
06:57:57 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: yeah |
06:58:23 | midkay | earHertz, kidding as usual.. i'd have little idea where to even start. :) |
06:58:43 | earHertz | midkay: I know ;) |
06:58:43 | | Quit San (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:58:58 | earHertz | No seriusly, man, you've grown a lot since I first helped you with your plugin |
06:59:08 | Paul_The_Nerd | Would just... undrawing the list (drawing it over itself in the Background or Backdrop color) then drawing the new list speed it up much, or does it already do something similar? |
06:59:32 | | Join San [0] (n=undergro@A-78-124.cust.iol.ie) |
06:59:46 | * | Paul_The_Nerd has never looked at the code. |
06:59:50 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, that portion of the code, rather |
07:00 |
07:00:27 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: it already does similar, i think |
07:00:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | Okay, I was just wondering if it clears a rectangle and then draws the new text, or if it was that way. |
07:01:01 | earHertz | the solution would be to have two framebuffer, one for the text one for the backdrop |
07:01:08 | Paul_The_Nerd | I can see clearing a rectangle being very slow |
07:01:12 | midkay | earHertz, haha, i remember you teaching me some_bool != some bool. |
07:01:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | earHertz: That was going to be my other suggestion. :) |
07:01:18 | midkay | that's painful to remember ;) |
07:01:33 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: it does clear the rectangle. which is slow, because that actually draws teh backsdrop I THINK |
07:02:40 | earHertz | midkay: yeah ;) |
07:04:12 | | Join Paul_The_Ner1 [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-25-216.austin.res.rr.com) |
07:04:15 | midkay | looking at some of my old code was pretty scary.. even after i hadn't touched any in like 1.5 years since i had done my last clock update, looking at it again i was like.. what the hell is this? :) |
07:04:34 | earHertz | yeah, it happens to all of us |
07:05:40 | midkay | yeah.. i don't like how my state of mind was then.. do whatever, wherever.. i did a major update several months ago after a 1.5 year or so absence, made everything much more modular and organized. |
07:06:10 | | Nick Paul_The_Ner1 is now known as Llorean (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-25-216.austin.res.rr.com) |
07:06:15 | midkay | i cut the binary clock function from like.. hm.. maybe 150 lines of code, down to somewhere like 15.. settings functions from maybe 400 to 200 or so.. |
07:06:25 | Llorean | Hehehe |
07:06:30 | midkay | that felt good. :) |
07:06:44 | Llorean | I helped my ex-girlfriend write this PHP program(script?) thing. |
07:07:07 | Llorean | Anyway, she told me she'd been spending several weeks trying to make it do something, I got her to describe it to me, and it required a 4-line change to the program to make it do it. |
07:08:07 | midkay | haha. nice. |
07:09:10 | Llorean | I will admit the logic in the program was somewhat hard to follow. |
07:10:29 | midkay | don't deny it. you're a genius. |
07:11:33 | Llorean | No, I name variables silly things like $th and then forget what that stands for. I am a _bad_ coder, at least stylistically. My logic is passable. |
07:12:00 | midkay | haha. |
07:13:41 | earHertz | Llorean: hey, sorry about spamming teh forum last night |
07:14:05 | earHertz | Llorean: I have patch that will help all platforms, but iposd especially. where should I announce it? |
07:14:13 | Llorean | earHertz: General Discussion. |
07:16:12 | Llorean | Basically, you _always_ want to announce things in the highest level possible. Unfortunately the way things are organized right now, some people will miss it, but really we want to try to influence people to see these as the RockBox forums, and the subcategories are more for issues on Rockbox specific to that hardware. Right now, people are leaning more and more to general discussion of that hardware with an emphasis on Rockbox, as c |
07:16:53 | | Join huerlima [0] (n=steff@ |
07:19:03 | earHertz | Llorean: gotcha |
07:19:50 | Llorean | I think with the redesign that'll be more clear, but unfortunately there's still a necessity for hardware specific categories. |
07:19:57 | Llorean | Really 90% of discussion should be in General Discussion |
07:20:01 | Llorean | At least, the way things are right now |
07:21:23 | | Quit Paul_The_Nerd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:21:33 | | Nick Llorean is now known as Paul_The_Nerd (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-25-216.austin.res.rr.com) |
07:24:35 | earHertz | Jesus, what teh fuck is icatcher, and why's it so damned big? |
07:25:01 | midkay | a WPS that's big! |
07:26:13 | earHertz | what's the smallest font? |
07:26:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | Isn't there one called Tinyfont or something? |
07:27:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's like... 5 pixels tall or so? |
07:28:05 | earHertz | wow |
07:28:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | I don't use that one. Hehehe |
07:28:24 | | Join ZenMasterJG [0] (n=Jordan@ |
07:28:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | I use Rockbox_default, which is the smallest I've seen that is clear still |
07:29:05 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
07:29:43 | earHertz | largest font? |
07:30:17 | huerlima | hi, i got a beginners question, starting with rockbox development. read through the docs but could find no answer...: if i write my own plugin, i save the code as newplugin.c in the /rockbox-devel/apps/plugins folder ... after configure and make i never find my plugin compiled in the build directory. why? |
07:32:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | earHertz: I think it's the 16 pixel tall one, but I'm not sure. |
07:32:06 | earHertz | huerlima: you need to add it to SOURCES |
07:32:52 | huerlima | i see. thanks. thats what i missed out. |
07:37:07 | Yannni | earhertz i think ter_u32n is the biggest |
07:37:56 | Yannni | only four lines on my screen lol |
07:38:04 | earHertz | Yannni: thanks |
07:39:26 | | Join webguest68 [0] (n=184ff147@labb.contactor.se) |
07:39:32 | webguest68 | hi guys |
07:40:06 | webguest68 | i have a locked drive and dont have the pass word any suggestions? |
07:40:30 | | Join sucka [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
07:40:47 | webguest68 | hi sucka |
07:41:00 | webguest68 | hmm i know irc |
07:41:07 | | Nick webguest68 is now known as ^THE_HAMMER^ (n=184ff147@labb.contactor.se) |
07:41:14 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | ahh much better |
07:41:58 | ashridah | a locked drive? |
07:42:06 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | ya |
07:42:14 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | its from a modified xbox |
07:42:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | And what does this have to do with Rockbox? |
07:42:35 | ashridah | google |
07:42:51 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | well in a forum on the site they speak of locked drives |
07:43:03 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | wich is my prob and why im here |
07:43:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | In a specific type of MP3 player |
07:43:35 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | ummm locked HARD DRIVE not cd rom |
07:43:46 | ashridah | he said nothing about cdroms |
07:43:56 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | In a specific type of MP3 player |
07:44:05 | ashridah | yeah |
07:44:06 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | assume media |
07:44:15 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | im not having media issues |
07:44:16 | ashridah | not one of the mp3 players rockbox supports is cdrom based |
07:44:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | What do CD-Roms have to do with anything? |
07:44:23 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | having hard drive issues |
07:44:37 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yes, but clearly your HD is not a Locked drive through a bug in Rockbox. |
07:44:38 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | ata pass word prob |
07:45:04 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | your mistaken my hard drive is locked |
07:45:09 | ZenMasterJG | ^THE_HAMMER^: what everyone's saying is: this isn't the place to ask. |
07:45:13 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | and can show u sites that speak of my prob |
07:45:15 | midkay | yes, but Rockbox wasn't involved at all. |
07:45:28 | Paul_The_Nerd | I am not mistaken. I know your HD is locked. But your HD was NOT locked by Rockbox, and has nothing to do with our software. |
07:45:32 | midkay | this is a rockbox channel, not a help-with-locked-drives channel. |
07:45:59 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | but in the forum i was reading spoke of locked hard drives |
07:46:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | You were reading the mailing list. |
07:46:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | And the locked hard drive was one specifically locked by a bug in the Rockbox software. Which, if you read further, you would've seen the solution to that. Since your case has nothing to do with Rockbox, if that solution didn't help you, we can't offer anything else. |
07:46:58 | midkay | if you can find helpful info on our site, cool.. but asking for new info that isn't anything to do with rockbox is something else. |
07:47:20 | ZenMasterJG | ^THE_HAMMER^: look here: http://www.llamma.com/xbox/Unlocking%20Seagate%20Xbox%20Hard%20Drive.htm |
07:47:24 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | perhaps i was confused |
07:47:40 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | drive i have is maxtor 160 gig |
07:48:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | ^THE_HAMMER^: You are in the wrong place. Trust me. This channel is for problems and discussion relating to the Rockbox software. |
07:48:16 | ZenMasterJG | ^THE_HAMMER^: google is, in many ways, better then asking an IRC channel thats totally unrelated to your problem. |
07:48:36 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | ok im sorry all |
07:48:54 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | didnt mean to cause an up roar wasnt my intentions |
07:49:08 | midkay | np, just use some common sense next time ;) |
07:49:16 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | just a joe looking for help in all the wrong places seems lol |
07:49:33 | midkay | google, it'll help. |
07:49:53 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | i havent had any luck ive been trying |
07:50:10 | midkay | how'd you manage to lock it? |
07:50:22 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | i didnt was givin to me like that |
07:50:32 | midkay | http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/lock-hdd.php |
07:50:35 | midkay | might help. |
07:51:04 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | free software but up on install they charge a fee to unlock |
07:51:14 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | the drive |
07:51:24 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | i have 4 progs like that |
07:51:36 | midkay | ah.. well, we can't help. |
07:51:57 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | aff data recovery also |
07:52:02 | ^THE_HAMMER^ | ty for trying tho |
07:53:42 | | Quit ^THE_HAMMER^ ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
08:00 |
08:01:37 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:06:29 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
08:08:44 | | Quit chimpfrenzy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:16:22 | | Quit huerlima (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:23:29 | earHertz | midkay: patch is on patch tracker |
08:23:39 | midkay | earHertz, cool. :) |
08:25:00 | midkay | haha. |
08:25:09 | midkay | new email created again? :) |
08:25:14 | earHertz | yah |
08:25:28 | earHertz | It all goes in the same bin |
08:25:50 | earHertz | though i should put rockbox in teh address to grep on |
08:26:08 | midkay | :o |
08:31:06 | | Join huerlima [0] (n=steff@ |
08:32:24 | huerlima | hi, does anybody know how change to a font within a plugin that supports chinese characters to be displayed? |
08:32:55 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:33:16 | earHertz | huerlima: look at the rb pointre, it conaatins all teh function pointers of fucntions plugins can use |
08:33:55 | | Quit sucka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:34:50 | | Quit hardeep ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") |
08:35:49 | | Quit Daishi (Remote closed the connection) |
08:38:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:40:59 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=8a434b4e@labb.contactor.se) |
08:41:40 | kkurbjun | midkay: are you around |
08:41:48 | | Quit rotator ("zzzzzzzzzz") |
08:41:49 | midkay | kkurbjun, i am. |
08:41:56 | kkurbjun | I wanted to ask you about the clock plugin |
08:42:02 | midkay | sure? |
08:42:16 | kkurbjun | you wrote it originally correct? |
08:42:31 | midkay | right. linus did the digital segments code, though. |
08:43:31 | kkurbjun | I'm working on getting the clock scaled correctly for at least the analog version and I have that working fine, but what I was curious about was your feeling on changing the menu's to rockbox's builtin menu code? |
08:43:59 | kkurbjun | It looks really nice with the smooth scroll, but it would also really simplify the code alot |
08:44:13 | | Join Lost-ash [0] (i=ashridah@220-253-123-22.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
08:44:38 | midkay | oh, i was gonna do that sooner or later.. np though. if you could leave the menu code as-is, i'd like to see what i can do with it.. |
08:44:52 | midkay | you could draw the cursor to LCD_WIDTH instead of LCDWIDTH (== 112). |
08:45:40 | | Join hussa [0] (n=steff@ |
08:45:58 | midkay | i was planning on tossing the fullscreen mode, since there's not really an easy way to generate it and i don't care for it anyways.. |
08:46:06 | midkay | it essentially needs a lot of work. |
08:46:13 | kkurbjun | yeah, that's what I was doing, but there's alot of duplicated functionality in the different menus.. I think I'll start a flypsray patch that you can add to if you'd like/have time.. I havn't figured out a good way to recalculate the fullscreen analog mode x/y positions yet though |
08:46:18 | midkay | do what you wish, i don't really mind, but i'll do a lot of work on it myself.. |
08:47:00 | midkay | i planned on making it as modular as possible.. placing everything relative to lcd width/height, instead of the #if crap. |
08:47:36 | kkurbjun | ok, I think I'll leave the menu code alone for the most part, I didn't want to make any drastic changes to that without seeing what you thought... yeah, that's what I've been doing |
08:47:39 | midkay | school just got out a few days ago, so i'll do that sometime soon. |
08:47:58 | earHertz | midkay's graduating 5th grade |
08:48:00 | midkay | excellent. i appreciate your asking. :) |
08:48:03 | midkay | earHertz, fu. |
08:48:14 | earHertz | I meant you're a prodigy |
08:48:28 | midkay | hm. |
08:48:33 | kkurbjun | : ) |
08:48:38 | midkay | it's still sort of an insult.. in some way i can't really figure out. |
08:48:39 | midkay | :) |
08:49:13 | midkay | kkurbjun, so do whatever you wish, really.. just be prepared for any of it to be changed by me ;) |
08:49:28 | kkurbjun | : ), sounds good |
08:49:54 | midkay | cool, alright. :) |
08:50:05 | midkay | you'll submit it as a patch? |
08:50:13 | | Quit huerlima (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:50:26 | midkay | if you do, please let me know.. i'll have a look asap. :) |
08:51:10 | kkurbjun | yeah, I'm just getting one ready now, I like to keep things in flyspray before I commit anything so that people concerned can review the code if they want to |
08:51:19 | earHertz | WOW! |
08:51:28 | midkay | good practice.. too bad i'm so eager to commit things i can never manage that. :) |
08:51:32 | midkay | earHertz ?!!?? |
08:51:33 | kkurbjun | it's just a start on the analog clock though |
08:51:36 | kkurbjun | : ) |
08:51:36 | earHertz | I really can't scroll fast enough to make the music skip with teh new patch' |
08:51:45 | midkay | kkurbjun, aha.. incremental development. :) |
08:51:47 | earHertz | at least in single page lists |
08:51:59 | midkay | earHertz, alright, let me try this.. :) |
08:52:07 | midkay | *cracks knuckles* |
08:52:29 | midkay | *stretches, wiggles and readies thumb* |
08:52:37 | | Join huerlima [0] (n=steff@ |
08:52:38 | Paul_The_Nerd | earHertz: On nano I had to scroll quite a while to get skipping anyway. Oddly enough, scrolling on the Audio Thread screen caused it much more quickly than in lists. |
08:53:06 | * | Paul_The_Nerd has not tried the patch. |
08:53:07 | midkay | not odd at all, since the audio thread screen is unaffected. it doesn't use list code at all.. :) |
08:53:11 | midkay | oh. |
08:53:19 | earHertz | hang on, that was on 128 cnbr |
08:53:26 | midkay | that's because the audio thread screen is updated often, like 5 times a second. |
08:53:27 | Paul_The_Nerd | Unfortunately my Nano is at my old apartment in the pile of "stuff I have not yet moved here, but need to soon" |
08:53:33 | midkay | list code only updates once per scrolling event.. |
08:53:35 | earHertz | now to try it on some high vbr opera i ripped myself |
08:53:53 | earHertz | specifically, sir Georg solti conducting teh ring cycle |
08:54:27 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hehehe |
08:55:28 | huerlima | earHertz: sorry, i hv problems w my internet connection. thanks for help with the chinese fonts. |
08:55:55 | earHertz | on 198 I can stop the music on paged lists (no optimization) but not unpaged |
08:56:02 | earHertz | huerlima: np |
08:56:07 | earHertz | :) |
08:56:22 | midkay | earHertz, quite impressive update. |
08:56:25 | midkay | :) |
08:56:31 | midkay | simple, too.. can't believe it hasn't been done before. |
08:56:43 | midkay | we've had the list code for years.. |
08:57:02 | earHertz | eh, not so simple. teh tagcache reusing one list structure nearly stopped me |
08:57:33 | midkay | true, that, but just in general.. very simple concept. and not a *very* tough change.. |
08:57:40 | midkay | even before tagcache. |
08:57:47 | earHertz | but yeah, I got the idea a week or so ago, but only sat down to implement it tonight |
08:58:12 | kkurbjun | midkay: heres a link to the flyspray patch: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5592 |
08:59:08 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's fun how often I hear "Thanks, your support is so much better than iPodLinux". I take it they just don't care? |
08:59:34 | midkay | Paul_The_Nerd, totally.. |
08:59:52 | midkay | i've looked at their forums before, it actually seems pretty bad. :) |
09:00 |
09:00:04 | earHertz | They were helpful when I asked about coding arm assembly |
09:00:26 | midkay | kkurbjun, looks good, going in the right direction. :) |
09:01:13 | midkay | kkurbjun, i think clock will end up quite bitmap-heavy actually, yeah. not just e.g. plain mode, but for a lot of other things, like the digits around the analog clock.. |
09:01:23 | midkay | sysfixed is too small for larger LCDs. |
09:02:06 | kkurbjun | Yeah, I didnt' think any of the fonts would work for the digital modes |
09:02:30 | midkay | in fact if you do any more of this, continuing this way is good.. then i can create the bitmaps and fill them in where appropriate.. you're laying out the scalable framework. |
09:02:41 | | Join huerlima2 [0] (n=steff@ |
09:03:30 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
09:03:35 | amiconn | earHertz: Your list speedup looks interesting (didn't check the actual code yet), but unfortunately it won't speed up line-wise scrolling |
09:03:43 | | Quit ashridah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:03:46 | | Quit huerlima2 (Client Quit) |
09:04:24 | amiconn | Did you try whether your patch + enabling paged scrolling fixes the music dropouts when scrolling a long list? |
09:05:33 | earHertz | amiconn: the patch won't do anything with paged scrolling |
09:05:50 | earHertz | what do you mean by line-wise scrolling? |
09:06:07 | | Quit hussa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:08:58 | | Join Chuck8 [0] (n=eranders@ |
09:09:26 | amiconn | Well, your idea is not updating the whole list as long as the top position stays the same |
09:09:35 | earHertz | jfr. |
09:09:38 | earHertz | jfr |
09:09:45 | earHertz | yes |
09:10:00 | Chuck8 | hello |
09:10:07 | earHertz | but what do you mean by line-wise scrolling? |
09:10:09 | amiconn | ...so the speedup only kicks in as long as the selector is moving within the same screen |
09:10:15 | * | Chuck8 has some noob questions |
09:10:19 | earHertz | yes |
09:10:38 | amiconn | If you scroll down and the bar hits the bottom, rockbox will scroll line by line by default |
09:10:47 | earHertz | yeah |
09:10:55 | earHertz | so no optimization |
09:11:09 | amiconn | This is what I mean with line-wise scrolling. Then th elist code has to redraw the whole list everytime |
09:11:15 | earHertz | yup |
09:11:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | Chuck8: Go ahead 'n start with 'em. |
09:11:16 | midkay | that's what the whole idea about this was.. |
09:11:24 | earHertz | I'm going to adress that with my next patch |
09:11:28 | Chuck8 | ok |
09:11:31 | amiconn | But there is an option to enable paged scrolling. |
09:11:47 | Chuck8 | so i just tossed a new 30gb drive in my h120 |
09:11:49 | earHertz | which means each page is differnt, right? |
09:12:03 | midkay | paged scrolling would be great in combination with this patch actually, yeah. |
09:12:08 | Chuck8 | i've got music loaded, it plays, etc |
09:12:16 | midkay | scrolling off bottom = cursor goes to the top of a whole new page, earHertz. |
09:12:20 | midkay | in paged scrolling mode. |
09:12:25 | amiconn | If you scroll down and the slector hits the bottom, rockbox will scroll down a whole page, i.e. the selector will end up at the top of the next page |
09:12:37 | earHertz | OH! |
09:12:39 | Chuck8 | so is the drive partitioned and formatted such that it will work with rockbox? |
09:12:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | So a full screen update only once per screen. |
09:12:43 | amiconn | midkay: Paged scrolling is already in... |
09:12:48 | * | earHertz didn't unserstand what scrolled paging was |
09:12:51 | midkay | amiconn, i didn't say it wasn't.. |
09:12:51 | Paul_The_Nerd | Chuck8: If it's formatted Fat32 and set as primary, then yes. |
09:13:10 | Chuck8 | ok, i tried to do so with swissknife |
09:13:16 | amiconn | earHertz: My question was whether paged scrolling + your patch helps to avoid the music dropouts |
09:13:16 | Chuck8 | and it didn't really do anything |
09:13:21 | Chuck8 | except rename the drive |
09:13:22 | earHertz | amiconn: please feel free to reply to the annoucement on teh forum to that effect |
09:13:25 | midkay | i said it would be useful if you were to enable it while having this patch installed. |
09:13:37 | midkay | i meant*, sorry. |
09:13:42 | midkay | a bit unclear, i guess. |
09:14:12 | earHertz | I'll try, as soon as tagcache is ready. |
09:14:17 | Paul_The_Nerd | Chuck8: Well, go ahead 'n try Rockbox on it then. I mean, if it doesn't work, you'll still be able to boot the iRiver firmware and come back and give us the error message. |
09:14:19 | Chuck8 | so assumed that the drive was already partitioned and formatted out of the box |
09:14:47 | earHertz | Do I have to force tagcache update whenevert I add music? I just added some 320 cbr to test with |
09:14:53 | amiconn | I don't exactly like paged scrolling, but at least as an experiment it will tell whether we're on the right track, i.e. whether the music dropouts are only graphics performance related |
09:14:56 | midkay | earHertz, i've found that you do.. |
09:14:57 | Chuck8 | i think the special ipod drives are formatted differently |
09:15:12 | amiconn | ...or whether there's something else wrong too |
09:15:18 | earHertz | amiconn: Oh, I can answer that. Yes, they are. |
09:15:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | earHertz: Theoretically if you have Dircache enabled, and tagcache set to memory, the music will show up after a reboot. (As in, Dircache finds the file, then next time you reboot it gets committed to tagcache) |
09:15:44 | kkurbjun | amiconn, it seems the button event code takes quite a bit of the processor |
09:15:47 | midkay | well, could you really say that? certainly the playback/codec code could be optimized a lot more.. so that would also help. |
09:15:58 | earHertz | Aklmost, anyway. compeltely getting rid of teh screen textare clear gets rid of them |
09:16:01 | amiconn | kkurbjun: What target? |
09:16:13 | midkay | Paul_The_Nerd, i have both of those set correctly, but i can never just boot it up and have it work.. |
09:16:13 | kkurbjun | if you go into the audio thread view in debug and just spin your finger around the wheel it can barely keep up |
09:16:27 | Chuck8 | in "properties" is says fat32 |
09:16:29 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: I don't think tagcache in memeiory even works on the ipod |
09:16:31 | midkay | i have to boot it up, then i get "tagcache not ready", have to force update, and reboot.. maybe even twice, sometimes. |
09:16:31 | kkurbjun | it puts a heavy load on the iriver too |
09:16:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | midkay: It takes two boots. You boot from disk mode, dircache finds the file, you reboot again, and it commits. |
09:16:40 | midkay | earHertz, it does, but it may not if your db is too large. |
09:16:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | earHertz: It worked on my Nano. |
09:16:42 | kkurbjun | wheel being ipod |
09:16:42 | midkay | dunno the size limit. |
09:16:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | Chuck8: As I said... Try it. |
09:17:01 | midkay | Paul_The_Nerd, i've tried that a couple times.. hm. |
09:17:03 | Chuck8 | ok |
09:17:05 | earHertz | It doesn't actually put teh cachwe in memory. if I scroll the list, it reads from teh disk |
09:17:08 | amiconn | kkurbjun: Ah, but I don't think this is button handling related. Afaik the audi debug screen is redrawn after every button event |
09:17:12 | midkay | earHertz, your db is too large then. |
09:17:21 | earHertz | So? |
09:17:23 | midkay | amiconn, way more often.. 5 times a second or so.. |
09:17:28 | amiconn | That means causing a lot of button events causes a lot of gfx activity |
09:17:30 | | Quit huerlima (Connection timed out) |
09:17:31 | midkay | earHertz, so it doesn't fit in the space limit. |
09:17:34 | Paul_The_Nerd | midkay: All I can say is "It has worked for me in the past." Since I don't use TagCache, it may not any more. Or whatever. |
09:17:35 | earHertz | Make the space for tagcache larger. I have 64MB of spacde |
09:17:38 | midkay | so it's not loaded. |
09:17:41 | midkay | earHertz, go ahead. :) |
09:17:48 | kkurbjun | amiconn: ahh, I didn't realize that |
09:17:50 | earHertz | tagcache STILL isn't ready |
09:18:00 | earHertz | got to be a better way to do this, I only added 20 tracks |
09:18:08 | kkurbjun | I figured it jsut kept updating as normal |
09:18:16 | midkay | Paul_The_Nerd, sure, i hear that.. i can't say i've seen it work right.. dunno if the conditions were weird or whatever, doesn't matter.. not really significant. |
09:18:16 | midkay | :) |
09:18:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | amiconn: I was able to get music to skip by scrolling the wheel continually in a page that I don't *believe* was updated on scrolling. (It had no reason to be. I think it was the disk info page. It was somewhere in debug.) |
09:18:28 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: are you Paul_The_Nerd or LLorean? |
09:18:32 | amiconn | midkay: It probably uses button_get_w_tmo(HZ/5). That means it will redraw 5 times per seconds *or whenever a button event arrives* |
09:18:36 | Paul_The_Nerd | earHertz: I am both. |
09:18:47 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: yres, but currently which are you? |
09:18:51 | amiconn | ...which can be far more often than 5 times per second with button repeat |
09:19:03 | midkay | amiconn, ah, right, i thought you meant only when a button event arrived.. tonight is a bad night for understanding others, it seems :) |
09:19:04 | Paul_The_Nerd | I'm confused. There is no difference between the two. |
09:19:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | (Paul_The_Nerd==Llorean) resolves to true |
09:19:23 | earHertz | oh, ok |
09:19:34 | amiconn | Paul_The_Nerd: Many screens are redrawn on button events |
09:19:40 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: is a beter handle, I think |
09:19:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | amiconn: Fair enough. |
09:19:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | I like this one better too. |
09:19:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | But I signed up for the forums before I started using this one. |
09:20:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | Then I came in here, decided to use this, and that's that. |
09:20:18 | earHertz | SON OF A BITCH! Still not ready! |
09:20:33 | midkay | don't you just hate it? |
09:20:46 | midkay | force an update, earHertz, if you haven't. |
09:20:52 | midkay | update, let it finish, reboot.. |
09:20:58 | earHertz | Yweah, I don't recall it takljking this long teh very fiorst time I used it |
09:21:11 | earHertz | and this is only like teh third time, I don't add music at all opften |
09:21:18 | earHertz | I did force |
09:22:55 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
09:23:07 | midkay | hm. |
09:23:14 | earHertz | GAH! |
09:23:22 | midkay | sigh.. |
09:23:32 | midkay | shut down, start up, shut down again, start up, force, reboot? |
09:23:39 | earHertz | I wanna try amiconn's suggestion |
09:23:53 | earHertz | midkay: what's that teh lastest dance/ |
09:24:05 | midkay | hahaha |
09:24:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | Remove all the TCDs, then restart, then try the force? |
09:24:26 | earHertz | tcds? |
09:24:36 | earHertz | oh |
09:24:55 | linuxstb_ | earHertz: BTW, your patch will only work on ipods - USEC_TIMER is a portalplayer-only define. |
09:25:18 | earHertz | Oh, crap |
09:25:24 | earHertz | thanks |
09:25:38 | earHertz | ticks are ints or longs? |
09:26:04 | linuxstb_ | You could also surround your debugging code with #ifdef ROCKBOX_HAS_LOGF |
09:26:16 | earHertz | thanks |
09:27:04 | linuxstb_ | So your patch would work on other targets, but not with logf enabled. I suppose you should also check for CONFIG_CPU==PP5020 |
09:27:44 | | Join huerlima [0] (n=steff@ |
09:28:27 | earHertz | I'll just use current tick |
09:28:35 | earHertz | the differences are large enough |
09:31:56 | huerlima | earHertz: what do u mean by "look at the rb pointer"? the function is probably called rb->lcd_setfont() and in plugin.h i found the lcd_font() but nowhere any explanation how i use it with my own fonts... |
09:32:55 | earHertz | huerlima: all I know is all rockbox functions are accessed through rb; I've never written a plugin |
09:34:11 | huerlima | earHertz: ok. thx |
09:35:10 | earHertz | even on 320 CBR, I can't make the nmusic stop |
09:35:37 | linuxstb_ | huerlima: I don't know the font code, but I'm guessing that all the functions you need to load a new font from disk are not currently available in the plugin API. So you'll need to add them. |
09:35:56 | earHertz | linuxstb_: what's teh correct way to cite you? |
09:36:38 | linuxstb_ | Or you just use the user's font, and it's the user's responsibility to make sure it can display Chinese characters. |
09:37:12 | | Quit Chuck8 () |
09:37:26 | linuxstb_ | earHertz: I don't mind, use either my nick or my name (it's in the ircnicks page if you don't know it). |
09:37:38 | earHertz | no preference? |
09:37:59 | linuxstb_ | No. Both my nick and my name are everywhere. |
09:38:14 | earHertz | I confuse you with LN Feltzing |
09:38:34 | linuxstb_ | I just make it hard for people to use TAB... |
09:38:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | There are a lot of Ls in here |
09:39:56 | | Quit actionshrimp (Success) |
09:40:50 | huerlima | linuxstb_: ok. thats what i tried. to give them out i used rb->splash(HZ*2, true, "helloworld"); i tried just to write a chinese character instead of helloworld, but nothing showed up. |
09:40:57 | | Quit ZenMasterJG (" bedtime") |
09:43:33 | midkay | Paul_The_Nerd, haha. yeah. |
09:44:33 | huerlima | linuxstb_: i think i saved it as unicode.... that should work?! or do i have to use special encoding?even masking special chars? |
09:44:52 | | Join Paul_The_Ner1 [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-25-216.austin.res.rr.com) |
09:44:54 | linuxstb_ | I _think_ Rockbox uses utf8 for all strings internally now. |
09:45:44 | | Quit Paul_The_Nerd (Nick collision from services.) |
09:45:48 | | Nick Paul_The_Ner1 is now known as Paul_The_Nerd (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-25-216.austin.res.rr.com) |
09:46:46 | linuxstb_ | Anyone here have any mono MP3 files? I can't recreate this bug: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5105 |
09:47:16 | earHertz | I thinmk I have as mono, but IO forget which it is |
09:48:09 | earHertz | linuxstb_: anyway it's 45 minutes log, I doubt you wanty it |
09:48:58 | linuxstb_ | No, I don't want it :) Does the metadata display OK in Rockbox? |
09:49:26 | earHertz | metadat? |
09:49:43 | earHertz | amiconn: even with pagesd scrolling and teh patch I can make it skip on 320 cbr |
09:49:45 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well specifically does it show the right bitrate and length |
09:49:54 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
09:50:52 | linuxstb_ | earHertz: Are you counting how many LCD updates per second are being made? |
09:51:21 | earHertz | Paul_The_Nerd: sorry, i can't find it, and itunes doesn't some channel info anyweway |
09:51:38 | earHertz | linuxstb_: no |
09:52:33 | earHertz | linuxstb_: do you have an ipod video? |
09:52:50 | linuxstb_ | I'm not sure how you can easily log that though... But it would show us if the lcd updates are definitely the bottleneck. |
09:53:14 | earHertz | linuxstb_: they are too. I addressed that, some, with my lcd patch |
09:53:26 | linuxstb_ | Yes, I have a 5g. |
09:53:34 | earHertz | my next patches will address teh textarea update and teh framebuffer |
09:53:45 | earHertz | linuxstb_: try my lcd patch |
09:54:18 | linuxstb_ | I can't get skipping with my FLAC files anyway.... |
09:54:40 | linuxstb_ | But I'll try it. |
09:54:52 | * | linuxstb_ moves to a different computer |
09:54:54 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC") |
09:55:46 | | Quit jnc (Remote closed the connection) |
09:56:10 | earHertz | linuxstb: about a 6% speedup, or one frame per second |
09:56:16 | earHertz | at 30M<Hz |
09:56:55 | linuxstb | Do you mean your lcd_update() patch or the gui_list patch? |
09:57:03 | earHertz | lcd |
09:57:29 | earHertz | gui list is a graeter inceease, but only when it's unpaged |
10:00 |
10:00:10 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
10:03:37 | * | amiconn thinks that libmad on arm is in urgent need of some speedup work |
10:03:51 | earHertz | what's libmad play, mp3s? |
10:04:04 | amiconn | mp1/mp2/mp3 |
10:04:06 | | Join Naquada [0] (n=50b21ce0@labb.contactor.se) |
10:04:10 | earHertz | huh |
10:04:23 | earHertz | Once I have teh arm assembly down, I'm doing teh lcd first |
10:04:46 | Naquada | Hey all . Can Any one help me install rockbox on my iaudio x5l ? (i like to have dual boot) ? |
10:05:39 | earHertz | Naquada: sorry, no idea |
10:06:10 | Naquada | do u know where can i find Howto's for rockbox ? |
10:06:46 | Lost-ash | www.rockbox.org's wiki has pretty much most of the info you'll need |
10:06:53 | | Nick Lost-ash is now known as ashridah (i=ashridah@220-253-123-22.VIC.netspace.net.au) |
10:07:17 | Naquada | but i can't find someting that will help me install the bootloader on my iaduio x5l |
10:07:47 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
10:08:48 | Naquada | no one help tried to install rockbox on iaudio x5l ? |
10:08:58 | Naquada | no one here |
10:09:11 | linuxstb | Not any X5 users by the look of it.... |
10:09:42 | Naquada | :-( |
10:09:53 | Naquada | ok thx anyway |
10:09:55 | linuxstb | But afaik, the dual-boot bootloader is unofficial - maybe you'll find help in either the Rockbox iaudio forum, or iaudiophile.net |
10:10:15 | Naquada | thx |
10:10:43 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host217-42-183-128.range217-42.btcentralplus.com) |
10:21:30 | | Quit Naquada ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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10:39:36 | | Join huerlima [0] (n=steff@ |
10:40:14 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
10:41:36 | huerlima | hi, does anybody know why i am not able to navigate through the simulator, nomatter which one i use (archos, ipod...) everything is installed, compiled, the pictures shows up...even the backlight changes when i press the forward arrow...but thats it... no way using other keys to enter the menu |
10:41:48 | Jungti1234 | hey |
10:42:46 | Jungti1234 | Background is possible BMP file format? |
10:42:57 | Jungti1234 | only? |
10:43:21 | Jungti1234 | not WPS |
10:43:39 | | Quit finik- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:47:42 | midkay | BMP-only, yes. |
10:48:04 | midkay | huerlima, do you know the keymap? |
10:48:21 | midkay | it's pretty weird. numpad arrow keys are move.. period for ipod seems to be menu.. |
10:48:26 | midkay | numpad period, that is. |
10:48:30 | midkay | it's all on the numpad. |
10:49:03 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-18-48.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
10:51:14 | | Quit earHertz ("Chatzilla 0.9.72 [Firefox]") |
10:51:21 | amiconn | midkay: Not only. There are alternatives in the standard key range, but not for all buttons |
10:51:27 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
10:51:31 | amiconn | Menu should be available on 'Ins' as well |
10:51:32 | Jungti1234 | yep, thanks midkay |
10:51:49 | midkay | amiconn, so it's not even really worth mentioning. |
10:52:12 | amiconn | There are several others |
10:52:37 | midkay | several other half-alternative key setups placed around the standard key range? |
10:52:42 | amiconn | The direction buttons are also mapped onto the cursor keys, and Select(ipod) should be the space bar |
10:52:42 | midkay | useful indeed. |
10:53:18 | * | amiconn will change that one day. Not having alternatives for all buttons on standard keys is cumbersome on a laptop |
10:53:53 | amiconn | In fact *most* buttons have two keys mapped, but not all |
10:54:20 | | Quit sucka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:55:32 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-27-240.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
10:57:03 | midkay | i don't like the keymapping at all.. |
10:57:07 | midkay | for any of the sims, really. |
10:57:37 | midkay | the numpad config should be at least remotely close to how it is on-target, i think. |
10:57:40 | huerlima | it worked. thx a lot! |
10:57:51 | midkay | huerlima, ah, good.. np. |
10:58:28 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
11:00 |
11:00:18 | huerlima | midkay, do u know as well how i can display special chars, like chinese characters within a plugin? |
11:01:13 | midkay | huerlima, i don't think you can. |
11:01:31 | midkay | even if you have a font that supports it, i don't believe you can load+display a font from disk.. not easily, at least. |
11:01:44 | | Join earHertz [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-30-242-135.hsd1.va.comcast.net) |
11:02:22 | huerlima | really? but i can also display my whole rockbox in chinese characters... and the font that i loaded would support it |
11:02:31 | amiconn | midkay: The numpad config is designed to resemble the target configuration... |
11:02:44 | huerlima | i mean i can change the language |
11:02:45 | midkay | someone's a bit backwards then.. |
11:02:54 | amiconn | ? |
11:03:09 | midkay | menu is the top button on ipods, but it's the bottom numpad key, for example.. |
11:03:43 | midkay | each time i use the sim, i'm struck by how weirdly laid out the buttons are. |
11:04:09 | amiconn | Yeah, right. It's mostly the direction keys (8/4/6/2) that resemble the target button layout |
11:05:30 | midkay | haha. well those are standard.. |
11:08:03 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3047.gwdg.de) |
11:11:24 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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12:00 |
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12:06:11 | | Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) |
12:06:24 | dpm | after reading the FAQ this is still not clear to me: does Rockbox support playing Ogg Vorbis songs on 4G iPods? |
12:06:33 | Bagder | yes |
12:07:25 | dpm | ok, thanks |
12:08:26 | earHertz | after reading the FAQ, this is still unclear to me: does using ogg files mean I have to go to Star Trek conventions and learn Klingon? |
12:08:30 | earHertz | ;) |
12:09:09 | Bagder | yes! |
12:11:58 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
12:12:40 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
12:12:41 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
12:21:21 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b953f5.pool.mediaWays.net) |
12:29:18 | obo | More wikispam :( |
12:29:47 | earHertz | obo: buy viagra |
12:29:57 | obo | no, you can't make me :p |
12:30:09 | earHertz | your gf will thank you |
12:31:18 | earHertz | in flyspray, how can I view only patches added by me? |
12:32:24 | | Part amiconn |
12:32:33 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-091-232.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
12:33:26 | obo | unless you're a developer and you assign them to yourself, I don't think you can |
12:33:43 | | Join ender` [0] (i=null@ |
12:34:54 | earHertz | oh, that sucks |
12:36:33 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=Steve-O@adsl-68-95-247-230.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
12:38:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:41:08 | | Quit hannesd ("Client suicide") |
12:41:28 | earHertz | How do I use diff and patch if my patch includes an entirely new file? |
12:43:04 | obo | cvsdo from the cvsutils package |
12:43:11 | obo | cvsdo add path/to/file |
12:43:17 | earHertz | what's that do? |
12:43:18 | obo | then cvs diff -uN |
12:43:42 | obo | allows you to add a file to your local cvs tree without requiring cvs write access |
12:43:42 | earHertz | thanks |
12:43:45 | linuxstb | Or create your patch to the existing files normally, and then for each new file do "diff /dev/null apps/newfile.c >> mypatch.diff" |
12:43:56 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
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12:44:11 | earHertz | huh, I like that |
12:44:22 | earHertz | and wil patch create teh new file? |
12:44:28 | obo | yes |
12:45:11 | earHertz | thaks |
12:51:57 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:52:58 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=Thunderc@lonsdale.nat.lancs.ac.uk) |
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13:00 |
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13:20:20 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A45574.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:21:15 | Hansmaulwurf | quick question |
13:21:38 | Rick | quick answer |
13:21:39 | Hansmaulwurf | can the WPS read the Tags when a picture is in it? |
13:21:41 | | Quit Rondom (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
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13:27:02 | stripwax | Hansmaulwurf - huh? |
13:27:19 | stripwax | do you mean something like a picture stored INSIDE an mp3 file as a non-standard tag? |
13:27:26 | Hansmaulwurf | yep |
13:28:23 | stripwax | I don't think that's supported (because it's not part of the standard mp3 spec..). Could you use the album art feature instead? |
13:30:28 | Hansmaulwurf | the thing is, i just installed MediaMonkey and when i add the tags with their auto-update function the programm ask if it should store the album picture in the mp3tag |
13:30:50 | Hansmaulwurf | i just want to know if this would be ok for rockbox |
13:31:06 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
13:32:08 | earHertz | Hansmaulwurf: sounds wasteful. add teh art to the album, not the track |
13:32:33 | Hansmaulwurf | hm right |
13:32:33 | petur | there are issues when the whole tag becomes too big because of the album art in it |
13:34:28 | Genre9mp3 | Also, I think that embedded album art causing problems to Tagcache (though this might have fixed) |
13:39:49 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
13:39:51 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:45:35 | | Join Sanitarium [0] (n=undergro@213-202-149-6.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
13:47:51 | earHertz | what does display->update_rect do? |
13:48:14 | Rick | flips a rect to the output display? |
13:48:29 | Rick | rather, flips the area on the display specified by the rect |
13:48:46 | stripwax | (flips?) |
13:49:13 | Rick | yes |
13:49:17 | Rick | maybe a semi-bad word |
13:49:20 | stripwax | I *think* it just updates that area of the lcd with the latest corrresponding section of the framebuffer |
13:49:24 | Rick | rockbox has an internal buffer for the display |
13:49:28 | earHertz | ah |
13:49:29 | | Quit MrStatic1oid ("Lost terminal") |
13:49:48 | Rick | I just think of it as flipping |
13:49:50 | * | Rick shrugs |
13:49:52 | earHertz | is teh third argument a width or an abs x pos? |
13:50:16 | earHertz | ah, width |
13:50:27 | Rick | ^^ |
13:50:30 | stripwax | earHertz - yep |
13:50:56 | earHertz | so update_rect actually forces a write to the lcd/ |
13:50:59 | stripwax | yep |
13:51:04 | earHertz | thansk! |
13:51:09 | Rick | :) |
13:51:29 | stripwax | so whenever you want to redraw the whole lcd, it's like doing update_rect(0,0,LCD_WIDTH,LCD_HEIGHT) |
13:51:39 | earHertz | gotcha |
13:51:47 | Rick | there isn't a generic one? |
13:51:52 | Rick | I would have thought there was |
13:51:55 | stripwax | but if you update just a small part of it (if only something small has changed), it's much quicker to just update that rect |
13:51:56 | Rick | considering LCD size differences |
13:51:58 | stripwax | Rick - yes, there is..! |
13:52:06 | * | Rick doesn't remember |
13:52:13 | Rick | been months since I touched rbx api |
13:52:21 | stripwax | just saying that update_rect(entire lcd) would do basically the same thing |
13:52:28 | Rick | yes it would |
13:52:52 | * | stripwax wonders what's that coming over the hill? is it a monster? is it a monster? |
13:53:02 | | Quit huerlima (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:53:35 | stripwax | earHertz - you been thinking about that recent patch to the list display code..? |
13:54:39 | stripwax | Maintaining a kind of 'dirty rect' list was suggested some time ago as a way to optimise lcd updates (by automatically only updating the pieces that have changed), but was decided that it's quicker to just update the entire lcd −− i wonder if that's still true? |
13:55:08 | Rick | would depend on system I would figure |
13:55:10 | stripwax | Does rockbox have the (ipodlinux?) arm-optimised lcd update code for ipod 5g |
13:55:27 | stripwax | Rick - yep. for h1xx it's quicker to just update the whole thing but for large displays I'm not so sure ... |
13:55:45 | earHertz | incidently, I have a patch that akes teh ipodvbideo lcd a little faster, and apparentlyu the same technique works on other platforms |
13:55:55 | earHertz | stripwax: it does not |
13:55:59 | stripwax | earHertz - is this the unrolling thing? |
13:56:03 | earHertz | yeah |
13:56:13 | stripwax | I think rewriting in asm would be faster still! |
13:56:20 | earHertz | oh, definirtely |
13:56:39 | earHertz | teh duff device still produces, using gcc, very redundant asm |
13:57:05 | earHertz | plus with arm we can load mutiple rgisters with one instructuion |
13:57:25 | stripwax | earHertz - if you've already taken a look at the gcc-generated code, one quick way to improve the lcd driver would be to take the gcc output directly and then just optimise it |
13:57:26 | earHertz | still costs N cycles, but saves S cycles |
13:57:34 | stripwax | (N, S ?) |
13:57:38 | earHertz | stripwax: it's REALLY bad |
13:57:44 | stripwax | :-D |
13:57:45 | earHertz | memory and something else ;) |
14:00 |
14:00:06 | linuxstb_ | stripwax: No, Rockbox doesn't use IPL's asm-optimised lcd_update - someone should test it... |
14:00:14 | | Quit SereR0kR (Remote closed the connection) |
14:00:34 | stripwax | linuxstb_ - is there a patch? |
14:00:53 | stripwax | happy to test if so, happy to (try and) build one if not |
14:01:03 | linuxstb_ | No - if there was, it would be committed (assuming it's faster than the C version). |
14:01:24 | linuxstb_ | It's in the "hotdog" library in IPL's SVN. |
14:01:32 | stripwax | ta |
14:01:41 | stripwax | 'hotdog'? |
14:01:47 | linuxstb_ | hotdog. |
14:01:56 | linuxstb_ | It's their low-level graphics lib. |
14:02:11 | stripwax | okie doke.. |
14:02:25 | chendo | hmm |
14:02:39 | chendo | i wonder how hard it'll be to write a java game emulator |
14:02:41 | chendo | like |
14:02:42 | chendo | for phones |
14:02:56 | linuxstb_ | stripwax: It would be nice to run the test_fps plugin with that function, and see what the improvement is. |
14:03:03 | ender` | just port java to rockbox :) |
14:03:05 | stripwax | chendo - there's opensource java virtual machines out there .. |
14:03:08 | stripwax | ender` - right |
14:03:13 | chendo | ;o |
14:03:15 | stripwax | linuxstb_ indeed |
14:03:19 | chendo | at a speed to run on rockbox? |
14:03:21 | chendo | hmm |
14:03:45 | earHertz | I'm going to add teh hotdog stuff soon |
14:03:48 | | Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:04:28 | | Part pixelma |
14:04:35 | stripwax | chendo - well, .. "possibly". |
14:04:53 | chendo | can you do dynamic memory allocation in rockbox plugins? |
14:05:16 | earHertz | chendo: no malloc in plugins or anywhere else |
14:05:34 | earHertz | you gets a buffer, you uses it as you wish |
14:06:09 | Rick | make your own malloc ^^ |
14:07:28 | | Join SereR0kR [0] (n=Fletcher@Fcfeb.f.strato-dslnet.de) |
14:07:47 | dionoea | hello |
14:07:54 | stripwax | hi |
14:09:09 | chendo | o.o |
14:14:30 | | Join hans455 [0] (n=hans@dslb-084-057-013-048.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
14:15:07 | stripwax | linuxstb_ - is test_fps not built by default? |
14:15:55 | stripwax | ah, doesn't look like it |
14:16:44 | | Nick hans455 is now known as thebreaker (n=hans@dslb-084-057-013-048.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
14:17:01 | | Quit Strath (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:17:04 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:18:06 | | Join Strath [0] (n=donat@dpc67143207026.direcpc.com) |
14:21:51 | JdGordon | linuxstb_: i fixed the color picker for remote patch, dunno if uv had a chane to look at it? |
14:24:00 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3124.gwdg.de) |
14:37:59 | | Join TCK [0] (i=TCK@81-178-96-245.dsl.pipex.com) |
14:38:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:40:36 | | Quit Bjoern-Erik ("leaving") |
14:41:19 | | Join huerlima [0] (n=steff@ |
14:41:48 | JdGordon | zzzzzzzzz... im boooored |
14:43:05 | huerlima | does anybody know about good debugging functions to write plugins... like something to display a variable type and content or other stuff... how do you work on plugins? |
14:43:51 | JdGordon | your got DEBUGF() which is the same as printf and writes to stderr |
14:44:02 | JdGordon | .. i.e to the console |
14:44:13 | JdGordon | but its no good on the target |
14:44:26 | | Join Bjoern-Erik [0] (n=unknown@ti311110a080-6302.bb.online.no) |
14:45:06 | | Quit scorche (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:47:34 | huerlima | thats ok, as i am working on the simulator... but how do i use it if for instance i want to check what kind of variable rb->global_settings->default_codepage returns.. |
14:48:46 | | Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3079.gwdg.de) |
14:48:48 | | Join dsh-1 [0] (n=daishi@ool-45703854.dyn.optonline.net) |
14:50:24 | JdGordon | huerlima: #include "debugf.h" and the use DEBUGF(), its exactly the same as reuglar printf |
14:50:58 | earHertz | huerlima: write to thye devices screen |
14:51:30 | | Nick dsh-1 is now known as Daishi (n=daishi@ool-45703854.dyn.optonline.net) |
14:53:50 | huerlima | earHertz: what does that mean? |
14:54:33 | huerlima | JdGordon: now it gives me: *** No rule to make target `debugf.h', needed by `/home/....'. |
14:55:30 | earHertz | huerlima: use putsxy to wruite to the device's screen |
14:55:39 | earHertz | that thren works on teh rela device too |
14:55:44 | JdGordon | maybe just debug.h? |
14:56:36 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:00 |
15:05:13 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:07:43 | | Quit mikearthur ("Konversation terminated!") |
15:21:41 | dionoea | is there a simple way to get the current font's id in a plugin ? or do i have to add a function to the plugin api to make it possible ? |
15:24:54 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-3-87.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
15:26:45 | earHertz | linuxstb_: you here? |
15:31:30 | huerlima | dionoea: sorry,no idea-just starting with the plugin coding! can you tell me, as u r writing a plugin, what is the way you debug...if u dont know which type of variable is giving back by a function how do u analyse this or other problems u encounter while coding? where do u get ur information concerning the available functions? u just look in the plugin.h? there must be a way to get some explanations about it, no? |
15:31:51 | dionoea | gdb and DEBUGF( ) |
15:32:08 | huerlima | how do i use this? |
15:32:11 | dionoea | DEBUGF is actually quite usefull (you need to compile the sim in debug mode of course) |
15:32:23 | dionoea | and then you print stuff using the same syntax as printf |
15:32:36 | dionoea | and it comes out in the term in which you launched the sim |
15:32:49 | huerlima | how do i compile the simulator in debug? |
15:33:09 | dionoea | when runing the configure script, just chose debug when it's available |
15:33:48 | dionoea | and information about available functions in the plugin api: docs/PLUGIN_API (a bit old) and apps/plugin.h |
15:34:05 | dionoea | and the wiki of course |
15:34:27 | huerlima | yeah, thats still a bit cryptic for me.... |
15:35:27 | huerlima | u mean configuring the simulator? there i should choose debug or when i configure my actual source code to build the rockbox? |
15:35:52 | dionoea | i don't understand what you mean |
15:36:54 | huerlima | ok. wait i think i understand.... forget that question... |
15:37:17 | huerlima | so when i configure then i should choose debug? |
15:37:31 | dionoea | yes |
15:38:22 | huerlima | i have Normal Devel Simulator Bootloader Manual to choose out... |
15:38:26 | huerlima | which do i take? |
15:38:34 | dionoea | hum, rb->global_settings was what i was looking for :) |
15:38:38 | dionoea | Devel |
15:38:59 | huerlima | Then Debug Logf Simulatr Profiling |
15:39:16 | dionoea | Debug |
15:39:26 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:39:26 | dionoea | Logf (i don't know if it's really needed) |
15:39:30 | dionoea | Simulator |
15:39:33 | dionoea | and enter enter |
15:39:53 | huerlima | ohhhhh! |
15:40:00 | | Quit akaidiota (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:40:34 | dionoea | brb |
15:40:43 | huerlima | ok. thx so far!!! |
15:43:01 | | Join dpro [0] (n=x@chello080109121047.8.15.vie.surfer.at) |
15:46:56 | | Join ido_ [0] (i=wtf@l192-117-115-154.broadband.actcom.net.il) |
15:46:59 | ido_ | hey guys |
15:47:22 | ido_ | how do i get my ipod to work as a usb drive when in rockbox ? |
15:47:34 | dionoea | you can't yet |
15:47:44 | ido_ | so how do i copy songs to it ? |
15:47:57 | dionoea | you plug it in and it'll boot to some apple firmware |
15:48:25 | ido_ | automatically ? |
15:48:30 | ido_ | or should i boot manually ? |
15:48:35 | dionoea | yes, unless you hold the menu button |
15:48:53 | ido_ | uh ? |
15:48:56 | ido_ | it doesnt seem to boot.. |
15:48:57 | dionoea | if you hold the menu button rockbox stays on and it lets you charge the ipod without going in usb mode |
15:49:04 | huerlima | dionoea: i still dont understand how i can now use DEBUGF(), i entered something like: DEBUGF(rb->global_settings->default_codepage); in my source code, cause i want to know what isrb->global_settings->default_codepage gives back... but nothing shows up at the terminal i startet the simulation from. |
15:49:12 | huerlima | brb |
15:49:33 | dionoea | DEBUGF( "%d\n", rb->global_settings->default_codepage ); |
15:49:36 | dionoea | like printf i said :) |
15:49:43 | ido_ | hrm. didnt bootk |
15:50:07 | dionoea | well boot it before and then plug it on maybe |
15:51:10 | ido_ | ok |
15:51:15 | ido_ | booted orig firmware |
15:53:12 | ido_ | so rockbox users boot their ipod alot, interchanging inbetween firmwares ? |
15:53:35 | earHertz | eh, I mostly use rockbox now that it has tagcache |
15:54:00 | ido_ | but to upload files.. |
15:54:10 | ido_ | or to use the ipod as a disk drive :p |
15:54:25 | ido_ | ok, i need a recommendation for a theme |
15:54:35 | Zweiundvierzig | Just make one yourself :p |
15:54:59 | earHertz | ido_: brushed metal's my fav |
15:55:35 | ido_ | damnit |
15:55:38 | dionoea | i like the windows media player for vista one |
15:55:41 | ido_ | need to boot again just to put new theme ? |
15:55:54 | | Join PaulJam__ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3032.gwdg.de) |
15:56:00 | | Nick PaulJam__ is now known as PaulJam (n=pauljam@vpn-3032.gwdg.de) |
15:56:07 | ido_ | eh |
15:56:19 | ido_ | found a but within the 5 first minutes of use |
15:56:23 | ido_ | small one though |
15:56:45 | ido_ | -> when you press menu and get the 'shuffle' etc menu, it doesnt show up in the selected fonts |
15:56:57 | earHertz | nope |
15:57:20 | Zweiundvierzig | It's not a bug, it's a feature? :P |
15:57:25 | dionoea | hehe |
15:57:32 | ido_ | brrr. |
15:57:48 | ido_ | is anyone working on usb mounable support ? |
15:57:48 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-6-24.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
15:57:54 | ido_ | s/mountable |
15:58:05 | Zweiundvierzig | Syntax error |
15:58:38 | Zweiundvierzig | ido_: I dunno, shouldn't that be somewhere on the wiki? |
16:00 |
16:01:19 | | Join Febs [0] (n=medifebb@207-172-122-81.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
16:02:03 | ido_ | brr |
16:02:07 | ido_ | it doesnt display themes |
16:02:08 | Zweiundvierzig | Hm... I guess not |
16:02:09 | ido_ | at all |
16:02:34 | Zweiundvierzig | Oo |
16:02:39 | ido_ | oh. it does |
16:02:43 | Zweiundvierzig | What do you mean? It doesn't sh- okay |
16:02:43 | | Join MaxPayne3476 [0] (n=jhasdfk@c-68-36-149-143.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
16:02:44 | Zweiundvierzig | xD |
16:02:49 | ido_ | menu's dont have backgrounds it seems |
16:02:49 | ido_ | eh |
16:02:51 | earHertz | If I've patched a file with a patch, can I unapply the patch to get back to teh original file? |
16:03:10 | Mikachu | earHertz: of course |
16:03:14 | Mikachu | earHertz: -R |
16:03:22 | earHertz | how? |
16:03:48 | Mikachu | same command but -R |
16:03:58 | earHertz | thanks |
16:05:19 | Mikachu | or you can just delete the files and cvs update |
16:05:22 | ido_ | do you guys use an ipod ? |
16:05:37 | ido_ | any idea how much battery runtime goes on ipod color ? |
16:05:41 | | Quit Kohlrabi ("Hello my name is CoolClonk .") |
16:05:53 | earHertz | ido_: no idea |
16:05:55 | JdGordon | 15min |
16:06:02 | | Join webguest46 [0] (n=47c02fbe@labb.contactor.se) |
16:06:19 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host217-42-183-128.range217-42.btcentralplus.com) |
16:07:02 | webguest46 | Hello, can someone help me |
16:07:12 | JdGordon | nup! |
16:08:06 | | Quit Poka64 ("XChat 2.6.4 - www.xchat.org") |
16:08:08 | Febs | ido_: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodRuntime |
16:08:57 | | Quit webguest46 (Client Quit) |
16:09:06 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:09:10 | Febs | JdGordon, you scared him off! |
16:12:10 | | Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:12:13 | | Quit RedBreva ("Time for Tubby ByeBye") |
16:13:14 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host217-42-183-128.range217-42.btcentralplus.com) |
16:13:25 | JdGordon | hahaha |
16:14:57 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:15:08 | juxtap | what's the point of %?mp<Stop|Play|Pause|Ffwd|Rew> in WPS? |
16:15:25 | JdGordon | what do display depending on the play status |
16:15:35 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3017.gwdg.de) |
16:15:41 | juxtap | yeah i can understand play/pause buttons |
16:15:49 | juxtap | but the rest don't get displayed? |
16:15:49 | RedBreva | msg NickServ IDENTIFY b0ff1nb0y |
16:15:56 | juxtap | i mean... they should just be part of the template |
16:16:03 | JdGordon | if u hold down ffwd ull see ffwd |
16:16:09 | JdGordon | wrong screen RedBreva :D |
16:16:20 | juxtap | heh, woops |
16:16:21 | RedBreva | I noticed :( |
16:16:28 | juxtap | ./ghost |
16:18:42 | Genre9mp3 | RedBreva: I think it's time for you to change your password ;) |
16:19:02 | RedBreva | I agree, just trying to remember where go go to change it :( |
16:20:06 | Genre9mp3 | RedBreva: I think you have to drop the registration of the nick and then re-register it again |
16:20:27 | juxtap | ./msg nickserv set passwd <newpass> |
16:20:28 | juxtap | ? |
16:20:57 | Genre9mp3 | maybe juxtap is right... |
16:21:01 | juxtap | ./msg nickserv set password <newpass> |
16:21:04 | juxtap | . |
16:21:28 | dionoea | or /msg nickserv help :) |
16:21:29 | RedBreva | Thanks guys, pwd changed.... |
16:21:31 | juxtap | first time i've been right on #rockbox |
16:21:39 | juxtap | AEH! |
16:21:50 | RedBreva | Now to be more carefull which window I type into ! |
16:21:59 | juxtap | yeah and leave out the fullstop |
16:22:17 | XavierGr | you can always type /msg nickserv help |
16:22:28 | RedBreva | juxtap: That work fine, thanks |
16:22:36 | XavierGr | to see all available commands |
16:24:31 | RedBreva | found http://www.thelewiss.co.uk/nickserv.htm, seems to have most of the same stuff, but with a better description. |
16:27:00 | | Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) |
16:27:36 | RedBreva | I think I have managed to remove most of the kinks from the themes site PHP code now, and have started to organise the actual themes data. Started with the Archos themes http://www.rockbox-themes.org/index.php?res=112x64x1 If anyone gets chance to try them on a real player, and could let me know if there are any issues, I would appreciate it. |
16:28:18 | RedBreva | Beter still send me a corrected version ;-) |
16:38:21 | | Quit gtkspert (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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16:42:03 | | Join gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@203-59-89-33.dyn.iinet.net.au) |
16:43:26 | | Quit juxtap (Nick collision from services.) |
16:45:15 | | Join juxtap [0] (n=juxtap@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za) |
16:46:34 | | Join Criamos [0] (n=CriamosA@p54933822.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
16:49:58 | Criamos | heya guys |
16:51:01 | MaxPayne3476 | hey, I have an Ipod Video, and from what I've heard, Ipod's firmware is the buggiest for Rockbox and that the battery drains hella faster. Any confirmations? |
16:51:21 | dionoea | battery drains faster in rockbox |
16:51:29 | dionoea | but other than that rockbox works fine |
16:51:46 | Febs | MaxPayne3476: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodRuntime |
16:52:27 | earHertz | MaxPayne3476: is it a 30GB or ^)gb |
16:52:33 | earHertz | ? |
16:52:44 | dionoea | ^)gb is a lot :) |
16:52:53 | MaxPayne3476 | 30gb |
16:53:20 | earHertz | nevermind |
16:53:23 | MaxPayne3476 | haha I was going to buy the ^) version, but i figured I'd never use all that space |
16:53:51 | MaxPayne3476 | any word on the runtime being improved? |
16:54:25 | | Nick sando is now known as sandoze (n=lolsteam@ |
16:55:55 | earHertz | where are the damned language files? |
16:56:04 | Mikachu | apps/lang |
16:56:06 | Febs | MaxPayne3476, I'm sure it will be at some point after the current feature freeze is over. |
16:56:42 | earHertz | thansk |
16:57:43 | huerlima | dionoea: thx. but how do i use DEBUGF if I also want it to give me out the type of variable it is showing....? |
17:00 |
17:01:24 | | Quit thebreaker (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:01:32 | | Join webguest73 [0] (n=d92ab780@labb.contactor.se) |
17:03:21 | MaxPayne3476 | I have to say, thanks to ever who helped t ocontribute to delevop this and IPodLinux. The only thing holding me back from buying an IPod was the terrible firmware and lack of audio settings :) |
17:04:15 | Zweiundvierzig | I think the iPod firmware's quite okay |
17:04:19 | Zweiundvierzig | rockbox is just better :P |
17:04:29 | | Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") |
17:04:43 | earHertz | Ipod's retailos is loads better than archos's |
17:05:08 | | Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:07:25 | MaxPayne3476 | I like the way Ipod's firmware looks and feels - better then any other player. But I'm sure any audiophile would agree that the sound is nowhere near creative, sonys, or IRivers. |
17:07:46 | earHertz | audiophiles don't ;isten to mp3s |
17:09:07 | MaxPayne3476 | did i ever say mp3s? |
17:09:12 | earHertz | no |
17:10:00 | | Quit MaxPayne3476 () |
17:12:01 | XavierGr | I think some audiophiles listen to mp3s too. Just in 320 cbr kbps |
17:13:49 | | Join ceaser [0] (i=ceaser@cpe-24-210-80-243.columbus.res.rr.com) |
17:13:55 | earHertz | would someone with an ipod video be kind enough to test a big diff file for me? |
17:14:56 | ceaser | Hey - I've got an ipod photo, and trying to boot into the original firmware doesn't work - I hold down menu at bootup, but it still goes into rockbox - do I need to do anything special after rockbox installation to get the ipod firmware back on? Or am I doing something wrong? |
17:15:36 | earHertz | hold down menu longer |
17:15:54 | ceaser | Even after the rockbox UI loads? |
17:15:55 | dionoea | earHertz: i can test it if you want |
17:16:13 | earHertz | dionoea: thanks. hang on a sec |
17:16:30 | ceaser | ohh nevermind, I must not have pushed it down early enough before |
17:16:37 | ceaser | I suck, thanks for the help |
17:17:16 | earHertz | dionoea: http://diffenbach.org/rockbox/list_optimi_andscroll_accel.patch |
17:17:38 | dionoea | does that need other patches to be applied first ? |
17:17:53 | earHertz | nope, that's why it's so damned big |
17:17:58 | earHertz | ;) |
17:18:01 | dionoea | ok :) |
17:18:11 | dionoea | i'll checkout a clean tree and give it a try then |
17:18:16 | earHertz | thanks |
17:18:21 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54966640.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:18:35 | earHertz | of course compile for an ipod video |
17:18:40 | dionoea | of course :) |
17:19:27 | earHertz | ;) |
17:20:36 | dionoea | what is it supposed to do btw ? acceleration ... something else ? |
17:21:38 | earHertz | dionoea: accel and optimized list scrolling |
17:22:14 | earHertz | the optimized list scrolling will make it less liely for the music to pause because you're scrolling |
17:22:37 | earHertz | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=4998.0 |
17:23:39 | * | dionoea launches make and looks for his ipod |
17:26:12 | dionoea | are there some specific things that you want me to test ? |
17:26:26 | dionoea | or just see if the menus work fine and the accel too ? |
17:26:48 | earHertz | put the status bar on, you'll see the difference |
17:27:08 | dionoea | i always had the status bar on |
17:27:22 | earHertz | if you have a small font, you may notice scrolling is fastr |
17:27:24 | dionoea | wow, wheel is all fucked up :) |
17:27:32 | earHertz | yeah, good |
17:27:46 | dionoea | it's *way* too fast |
17:27:48 | earHertz | you see two new numbers on teh status bar? |
17:27:52 | dionoea | yup |
17:27:56 | earHertz | ok, good |
17:28:36 | earHertz | now go into Menu|General|system|Ipod scroll |
17:28:46 | dionoea | i have issues in the middle of my file list |
17:28:54 | earHertz | adjust the values of the three thresholds UP, and it'll "slow down" |
17:28:55 | dionoea | top and bottom scroll right, but not the middle |
17:28:56 | dionoea | ok |
17:28:57 | earHertz | issues? |
17:29:04 | earHertz | really? |
17:29:48 | dionoea | what unit do you use for the speed thing ? |
17:29:57 | | Quit ashridah (Remote closed the connection) |
17:30:11 | earHertz | wheel clicks per second |
17:30:19 | earHertz | 96 wheel clicks in 360 degrees |
17:30:54 | | Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeep@c-71-202-85-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
17:31:04 | dionoea | there really is something wrong with that patch ... acceleration sometimes skips 50 entries at a time in my file browser |
17:31:17 | earHertz | yeah |
17:31:39 | earHertz | have yu adjusted teh thresholds up? |
17:31:44 | dionoea | yeah |
17:31:48 | earHertz | to what? |
17:31:50 | dionoea | i'm changing them again |
17:31:56 | dionoea | 150 / 200 / 250 i think |
17:32:02 | dionoea | now it's 200 / 300 / |
17:32:17 | earHertz | and it's still too fast? |
17:32:38 | dionoea | one of the modes looks like it has a bug |
17:32:48 | dionoea | or maybe all :) |
17:32:59 | earHertz | ok, lok at the first new number as yiu scroll, tell me what it is |
17:33:08 | dionoea | what does it stand for ? |
17:33:13 | earHertz | the accel, 0-3 |
17:33:20 | dionoea | 0 is fine :) |
17:33:23 | dionoea | but 1 is horrible |
17:33:29 | dionoea | and i never reach 2 and 3 |
17:33:43 | earHertz | 1 scrolls a page at atime |
17:33:58 | dionoea | it should scroll 2 items ...not a page |
17:34:03 | dionoea | that's counter intuitive |
17:34:10 | dionoea | and 2 should scroll 4 and 3 8 |
17:34:13 | | Join Doomed [0] (n=nnscript@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) |
17:34:14 | dionoea | or something like that |
17:34:14 | earHertz | well −−- |
17:34:17 | Doomed | hey |
17:34:22 | earHertz | that's problematic |
17:34:52 | dionoea | it needs to feel smooth |
17:34:55 | Doomed | would it be possible to rockbox the gigabeat s ?? |
17:34:57 | earHertz | if we show you the cursor on teh ones in betwen, we don't actually speed up |
17:35:15 | earHertz | and if we don't show teh cdursor, it doesn't look smooth |
17:35:29 | dionoea | well skipping items 2 at a time would be faster than 1 |
17:35:36 | dionoea | and it'd look smoother |
17:35:57 | earHertz | next patch, ok |
17:36:01 | dionoea | the second number is the clicks per second ? |
17:36:06 | earHertz | yup |
17:36:20 | | Join yuriks [0] (n=yuriks@ |
17:36:23 | dionoea | (you should change it to Hz or something like that in the prefs, not "s") |
17:36:33 | earHertz | yup |
17:36:34 | yuriks | I congratualate you guys (if there's any devs here) |
17:36:43 | yuriks | but I have a complain too |
17:36:52 | yuriks | The interface plainly sucks |
17:37:14 | PaulJam | Doomed: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?board=14.0 |
17:37:20 | Doomed | thanks |
17:37:33 | yuriks | The interface *really* needs some work, IMO |
17:37:40 | dionoea | in terms of graphics ? |
17:37:50 | yuriks | no |
17:37:55 | yuriks | In terms of being usable |
17:38:01 | Doomed | i think it needs to be updated too |
17:38:22 | yuriks | I took 15 minutes to make a playlist with some songs yesterday |
17:38:23 | earHertz | yuriks: download the code a nd show us |
17:38:23 | PaulJam | i like the rockbox interface |
17:38:24 | ender` | the interface is very usable to me |
17:38:38 | ender` | not very pretty, but usable |
17:38:40 | dionoea | you just have to get used :) |
17:38:54 | dionoea | well ... the key combos on the ipods aren't optimal |
17:38:57 | yuriks | dionoea: I'm using rockbox for some goods weeks now |
17:39:14 | | Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241c0.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) |
17:39:23 | yuriks | earHertz: hm? |
17:39:23 | ender` | my first reaction to rockbox interface was ugh! |
17:39:29 | Doomed | what if we have a main menu like when u first boot up? |
17:39:39 | earHertz | yuriks: you can doanload teh siource code and change it |
17:39:45 | yuriks | ok |
17:39:45 | ender` | then i remembered, that that was also my first reaction to foobar2000 |
17:39:52 | yuriks | where can I find a PP compiler? |
17:39:56 | earHertz | Doomed: because we prefer to have teh sings up first |
17:40:17 | Doomed | kk |
17:40:24 | earHertz | yuriks: in source is a script to make the compilers for you |
17:40:53 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-18-49.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
17:40:57 | Doomed | nice i might have to get a gigabeat |
17:41:24 | yuriks | and a option to disable the peak meter without editing the wps woukd be nice too |
17:41:53 | earHertz | plenty of stock wps don't use the peak meters |
17:45:46 | | Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@246.80-202-167.nextgentel.com) |
17:55:33 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:55:44 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
17:55:46 | freqmod | Hello, does anybody know how seeking and codecs works? I have managed to implement seeking for Ogg/Speex in the SIM, but it don't work on the ipod |
17:56:24 | freqmod | it seems like the codec is used to decode parts of other tracks, which disturbes my seeking algoritm on the ipod |
17:58:22 | yuriks | hmm... |
17:58:33 | yuriks | I guess I should start with the CVS builds? |
17:59:19 | | Quit Doomed ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.01 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
18:00 |
18:01:45 | earHertz | dionoea: thanks for your assistanx |
18:02:01 | dionoea | send me the other patch once it's done :) |
18:02:16 | earHertz | dionoea: which one? |
18:02:38 | dionoea | well the one that actually makes acceleration usable :) |
18:02:43 | earHertz | yah |
18:02:58 | earHertz | this one mimics teh apple OS's accel. Really, it does |
18:03:07 | dionoea | you're sure ? |
18:03:11 | earHertz | yup |
18:03:26 | dionoea | what do 2/3 accelerations modes do btw ? |
18:03:38 | earHertz | well, applre I think only has regular and fast |
18:04:01 | earHertz | accel 1 is one page, 2 is 8 pages, 3 is 10% of teh list |
18:04:11 | dionoea | wow, your lists are long :) |
18:04:33 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-77-196.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
18:04:33 | earHertz | 8600 for tarcks, 530 or so for album and artists |
18:04:41 | earHertz | I forget for composers, 40 for genres |
18:04:47 | dionoea | so in some cases accel 1 is slower than 2 or 1 |
18:04:51 | dionoea | so in some cases accel 3 is slower than 2 or 1 |
18:04:54 | dionoea | that's kind of weird |
18:05:21 | earHertz | dionoea: nope! if the lower numbered accel is faster, it's used instead of teh huigher numbered one |
18:05:24 | | Nick jd_ is now known as jd_away (n=jd@wikipedia/Meanos) |
18:05:32 | dionoea | :) |
18:05:39 | * | earHertz thought of that |
18:06:22 | * | dionoea is never ever going to have 8600 items in 1 single list |
18:06:50 | earHertz | it's all tracks |
18:10:11 | * | yuriks is checking out CVS |
18:10:33 | yuriks | any chance to brick the iPod if I do any mess? |
18:10:46 | dionoea | not that i know |
18:10:53 | yuriks | good |
18:10:55 | earHertz | yuriks: doubtful |
18:11:26 | freqmod | speex iPod seeking problem: http://pastebin.ca/70628 :( |
18:11:52 | | Quit webguest73 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
18:12:10 | yuriks | heh |
18:12:18 | yuriks | I have these iTrip files |
18:12:33 | yuriks | and the time bar woobles around while the sound plays |
18:13:57 | yuriks | very weird |
18:15:00 | * | yuriks is checking out the Doom plugin ATM ;) |
18:15:14 | dionoea | good luck figuring out the keys :) |
18:15:20 | yuriks | haha |
18:15:45 | yuriks | I think I'll install iPodLinux just to play it with the wheel |
18:17:35 | PaulJam | yuriks: i think there is a patch on the tracker for wheel support in doom |
18:18:11 | yuriks | ugh, this thing is taking plenty of time >_< |
18:18:19 | yuriks | crap |
18:18:26 | yuriks | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on |
18:18:26 | yuriks | /dev/hdb1 5.3G 5.2G 77M 99% / |
18:18:46 | dionoea | hehe, tough luck |
18:19:13 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:21:17 | | Join sucka [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
18:21:54 | | Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
18:25:55 | freqmod | linuxstb__: do you know if it is possible to lock the codec while seeking ( so it just decodes from one file) |
18:26:05 | freqmod | speex iPod seeking problem: http://pastebin.ca/70628 :( |
18:26:47 | * | yuriks is still checking out the tree |
18:27:03 | yuriks | geez, you should really move to subversion =| |
18:27:56 | yuriks | and move the manual to a separate tree... |
18:28:01 | linuxstb__ | freqmod: What do you mean by "lock" ? |
18:29:23 | freqmod | if you look at the logf out put in the pastebin you'll see that rockbox changes which file who is feeded to the codec while seeking, which causes the seek to fail. |
18:29:36 | linuxstb__ | yuriks: I'm curious about what took 15 minutes to create a playlist... What was the problem? |
18:29:44 | yuriks | well |
18:29:58 | yuriks | first I had to use STOP to clear it |
18:30:22 | yuriks | then I added 2 or 3 songs, and acidentally played one, which ruined the playlist |
18:30:28 | yuriks | did the same thing later |
18:30:40 | freqmod | seeking works well in sim, but not on the real thing :S |
18:30:48 | | Join San [0] (n=undergro@A-16-243.cust.iol.ie) |
18:30:53 | yuriks | then cleared the playlist, switched to party mode and finally managed it =P |
18:31:40 | freqmod | and sim does not change codec |
18:31:46 | linuxstb__ | freqmod: I'm not that familiar with the buffering code. Are those two other tracks just the next two tracks in your playlist? |
18:32:40 | freqmod | i think they are the next tracks on the playlist (I am shure they are on the playlist) |
18:32:47 | yuriks | linuxstb__: namely, it shoul be trivial to clear the playlist, and playing a song should be non-destructive |
18:34:05 | linuxstb__ | It _is_ trivial to clear the playlist - just select a new song. But then you're saying you don't want that... |
18:34:57 | linuxstb__ | I guess the thing you don't like is that the default action when selecting a song is to start a new playlist containing the directory that song is in? |
18:35:42 | yuriks | hmm, nah, that's nice |
18:36:01 | yuriks | but when you want to make a playlist of assorted songs it's annoying |
18:36:17 | freqmod | Logf from sim vs ipod: http://pastebin.ca/70636 |
18:36:41 | yuriks | woo, checkout finished |
18:37:40 | freqmod | code (speex.c): http://pastebin.ca/70637 get_next_page, get_prev_page, speex_seek_page_granule (& call to speex_seek_page_granule) is most interesting |
18:38:20 | yuriks | earHertz: where is said script that makes a toolchain for me? |
18:38:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:38:59 | obo | yuriks: tools/rockboxdev.sh |
18:39:25 | | Quit wehn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:39:45 | freqmod | it seems like the tracks is the next tracks (in inverse order) |
18:39:54 | freqmod | *tracks are |
18:40:03 | linuxstb__ | freqmod: I'm guessing your code does lots of seeks (including backwards seeks) in order to find the target page? |
18:40:04 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:40:09 | freqmod | yes |
18:40:43 | freqmod | well actually only a large seek, then backwards seeks (but no forward seeks). |
18:41:29 | freqmod | Sbb lines are backward seeks |
18:41:34 | yuriks | s - sh |
18:41:34 | yuriks | m - m68k |
18:41:34 | yuriks | a - arm |
18:41:37 | yuriks | hm? |
18:41:40 | yuriks | which one? |
18:41:43 | linuxstb__ | Which is bad the way the buffering currently works. If possible, you should seek backwards once (which I think will cause the buffer to fill from that point forwards) and then only seek forwards. But you should try and catch lostlogic next time he's around - he knows the buffering code better than me. |
18:41:44 | freqmod | Gmbgnp & pp is forward reads |
18:41:58 | linuxstb__ | yuriks: ARM |
18:41:59 | PaulJam | yuriks: arm for ipod |
18:42:02 | freqmod | ok, i'll try that |
18:42:14 | yuriks | Arm? I always thought it used a PP |
18:42:20 | obo | ARM core |
18:42:29 | linuxstb__ | It does - the PP chip has two arm7tdmi cpus in it. |
18:42:35 | yuriks | for god, I hope it install a recent gcc >_> |
18:42:36 | yuriks | linuxstb__: oh |
18:42:58 | linuxstb__ | It will probably get 4.0.x for ARM. |
18:43:06 | yuriks | I have to delepod for the palm with gcc 2.9 >_< |
18:44:47 | yuriks | wtf, 6k/s download >_< |
18:44:55 | yuriks | 40 minutes for a 100mb file |
18:45:24 | freqmod | it seems likely, since small seeks works best |
18:45:37 | | Quit Sanitarium (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:45:57 | linuxstb__ | yuriks: You can probably change the GNU mirror site in the script to one better for you. |
18:49:07 | yuriks | ok... |
18:49:18 | yuriks | do you know where can I find a list of mirrors? |
18:51:42 | linuxstb__ | Just google for "gnu mirror" |
18:52:06 | yuriks | argh |
18:52:14 | yuriks | my DNS is crapping out AGAINH |
18:52:19 | yuriks | I hate my stupid ISP |
18:55:41 | ido_ | damnit |
18:56:05 | ido_ | its the second time in two hours that rockbox has crashed on my photo ipod |
18:56:29 | ido_ | no backlight, so its hard to read |
18:56:37 | ido_ | but theres an error code on the top corner |
18:56:51 | linuxstb__ | Did you build Rockbox yourself? |
18:56:54 | ido_ | no |
18:57:02 | ido_ | it says 'data abort' |
18:57:07 | ido_ | 'at <some addr>' |
18:57:17 | linuxstb__ | What addr? |
18:57:40 | ido_ | 000485C0 i think |
18:57:45 | ido_ | its rather hard to see |
18:57:55 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
18:58:10 | ido_ | yes thats the right addr |
18:58:15 | linuxstb__ | And which version of Rockbox are you running? |
18:59:12 | ido_ | .060623-1416 |
19:00 |
19:00:05 | linuxstb__ | That's good - the latest CVS build then? |
19:00:10 | ido_ | owww, and runtime kinda sucks here, i'm not sure about regular use, but i'm guessing i get at least 15h play, and now after ~1.5 hours, it says only ~3 hours left |
19:00:23 | ido_ | i guess so, i used the installer |
19:00:24 | linuxstb__ | Ignore what it predicts. |
19:00:34 | ido_ | this is the first time i'm running rockbox |
19:00:45 | | Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) |
19:00:54 | linuxstb__ | The runtime estimate isn't calibrated for the 4g ipods yet, so just ignore it. |
19:01:11 | ido_ | oh, ok. |
19:01:21 | ido_ | photo = 4g ? |
19:01:35 | ido_ | isn't it like, 4.5 ? |
19:02:44 | yuriks | hmm |
19:02:46 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=Thunderc@lonsdale.nat.lancs.ac.uk) |
19:02:50 | yuriks | 25k/s, much better |
19:02:53 | linuxstb__ | The 4g greyscale and color/photo have identical hardware apart from the LCDs. So I call them both 4gs... But I've got a feeling other people may not... |
19:03:09 | ido_ | hrm, seems right |
19:03:22 | ido_ | however i think runtime will be different between the two. |
19:06:41 | yuriks | I shall make a "simple mode", where the interface will be more Apple like |
19:07:16 | linuxstb__ | Mmm... It seems your crash was inside the set_cpu_frequency() function. Which doesn't make sense for a data abort... |
19:07:41 | | Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) |
19:08:29 | | Join FyrtioTva [0] (n=r00t@dslb-084-057-071-064.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
19:10:14 | | Nick FyrtioTva is now known as apo` (n=r00t@dslb-084-057-071-064.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
19:11:47 | yuriks | argh, f you curl -_- |
19:13:46 | Hansmaulwurf | Sweden go home! |
19:13:49 | Hansmaulwurf | :P |
19:15:26 | yuriks | wget is better than curl for dling stuff in every way |
19:18:14 | | Quit sucka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:18:32 | ender` | alias wget="wget -t0 -c -S" |
19:19:06 | * | freqmod managed to get the same errors on the sim by modifying the seek backward function |
19:21:11 | yuriks | is the script supposed to sit there doing nothing after it download the file? |
19:22:18 | PaulJam | now i wish i had isolating earphones... it became really noisy outside. |
19:22:34 | | Join sucka [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
19:22:41 | * | yuriks sits waiting for the toolchain script to do anything |
19:24:25 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-136-158.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
19:24:59 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
19:25:41 | | Quit Zweiundvierzig (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:25:42 | yuriks | the script has a bug, methinks |
19:27:03 | dionoea | well don't use the script then. Download the 2 or 3 tar.bz2 and compile them yourslef |
19:27:07 | dionoea | swap(l,e) |
19:28:15 | yuriks | good ideia |
19:28:24 | yuriks | and my mirror also lacks the newest version of gcc |
19:28:25 | yuriks | suck |
19:31:11 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:32:32 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-92-167.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
19:32:43 | | Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) |
19:32:53 | | Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
19:34:06 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-142-223-227.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) |
19:41:07 | | Quit hardeep ("Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]") |
19:41:30 | | Quit linuxstb__ ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
19:46:53 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:47:05 | preglow | what is the point of being able to boot straight into the recording screen? |
19:47:47 | Febs | I suppose it's handy if you record a lot and want to start recording quickly. |
19:49:10 | preglow | it just seems to be one of those pointless options for me |
19:49:22 | preglow | handy, yes, but damn, it's just a couple of clicks away anyway |
19:50:13 | Febs | I never use it even when recording. I wonder if anyone uses it? |
19:51:16 | preglow | according to the mailing list, someone does, but i'm really for just removing the entire option |
19:51:40 | preglow | an option for saving 2 button clicks every time you start rockbox is just pure bloat |
19:52:48 | | Quit sucka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:52:51 | smably | tangentially related: are there any plans to do a menu cleanup? |
19:53:41 | XavierGr | preglow: I agree |
19:53:42 | preglow | bbl |
19:53:48 | preglow | XavierGr: find more people who do :> |
19:53:52 | Febs | If the recording button patch is ever committed, it would save only 1 keypress (on irivers at least). |
19:54:02 | XavierGr | hehe |
19:54:47 | XavierGr | it is true that sometime before 3.0 iriver keymaps must be discussed |
19:54:56 | XavierGr | bbl |
19:54:58 | | Quit XavierGr ("One firmware to rule them all!") |
19:58:59 | | Quit Hansmaulwurf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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20:02:29 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp143-96.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
20:03:35 | | Quit Bonkers ("Client exiting") |
20:06:00 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3059.gwdg.de) |
20:12:50 | | Join PaulIsDed [0] (n=paulisde@h-68-167-191-149.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net) |
20:13:24 | PaulIsDed | hi, is there any way to forcefully turn rockbox off? |
20:13:49 | PaulIsDed | I had a hardlock on my h320 and it won't shut off |
20:13:55 | freqmod | PaullsDed: what platform? |
20:14:00 | dionoea | h320 :) |
20:14:06 | Bagder | PaulIsDed: paperclip the reset hole |
20:14:26 | PaulIsDed | oh, never saw that there, thank you |
20:14:52 | PaulIsDed | now to find a paper clip |
20:15:57 | PaulIsDed | sweet, I was gettin worried if I wanted to use it today I'd have to open it up and disconnect the battery |
20:17:51 | * | freqmod likes SELECT+MENU (reset) on iPod, uses it all the time (while debugging an infinite loop) |
20:18:33 | | Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=5343d4aa@labb.contactor.se) |
20:22:38 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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20:23:38 | | Quit PaulJam (Nick collision from services.) |
20:23:45 | | Nick PaulJam_ is now known as PaulJam (n=pauljam@vpn-3011.gwdg.de) |
20:24:01 | * | freqmod wonders how to debug a deadlock... |
20:24:18 | PaulIsDed | well what it's probably from is a bad track |
20:24:26 | freqmod | no it is my code |
20:25:48 | PaulIsDed | well I've had bad sectors on my disk that'd sometimes even cause the iriver firmware to stall out on mine |
20:26:24 | BHSPitMonkey | Paul is dead?!? nooo! |
20:26:27 | | Quit jd_away () |
20:26:57 | PaulIsDed | been wantin to replace it, but I've been waiting like a year for toshiba to put out the 40gb perp drives in the US |
20:32:26 | | Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@a82-93-10-238.adsl.xs4all.nl) |
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21:11:40 | | Join toxicfume [0] (n=bulah@ppp- |
21:11:42 | toxicfume | hi all |
21:12:02 | toxicfume | Where do I see the changelog of the latest daily/bleeding edge builds? |
21:13:09 | Presence | rockbox.org home page. |
21:13:20 | | Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
21:13:39 | toxicfume | Presence, thanks :) |
21:14:17 | | Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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22:01:49 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-66-68-25-216.austin.res.rr.com) |
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22:31:42 | dionoea | re |
22:31:56 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3011.gwdg.de) |
22:31:57 | dionoea | is it possible to write text without a background color on the lcd ? |
22:35:17 | FOAD | Does anyone here happen to run Ubuntu? I thought I'd try my hand compiling my own rockbox but I'm not getting very far; when I try to run ../tools/configure I get |
22:35:28 | FOAD | ../tools/configure: line 1039: m68k-elf-gcc: command not found |
22:35:29 | FOAD | WARNING: The compiler you must use (m68k-elf-gcc) is not in your path! |
22:35:29 | FOAD | WARNING: this may cause your build to fail since we cannot do the |
22:35:29 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK FOAD |
22:35:29 | FOAD | WARNING: checks we want now. |
22:35:29 | FOAD | Created Makefile |
22:35:38 | FOAD | Is there a specific package I need? |
22:35:56 | Mikachu | you need a cross compiler |
22:36:09 | FOAD | Yes... |
22:36:24 | Mikachu | i believe it is detailed in the install instructions |
22:36:34 | Paul_The_Nerd | Try the rockboxdev.sh script (or something like that) in the tools folder |
22:36:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | It can get the crosscompilers you need |
22:36:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | Run it as su, I believe. |
22:36:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | You'll have to add them to your path after it installs 'em though |
22:37:07 | FOAD | Mm. |
22:37:21 | FOAD | Okay, thanks. |
22:37:23 | dionoea | why would you need to be root to compile to toolchain ? |
22:37:30 | Mikachu | you don't |
22:37:34 | Mikachu | it is possible the script is silly |
22:37:41 | dionoea | oh ... ok :) |
22:38:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:38:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | dionoea: I've been told by someone the script wouldn't work until they did it as su. It may very well work without it, but since I know *nothing* about it beyond "it exists" I give advice based on other peoples' experiences. ;) |
22:39:07 | dionoea | hehe :p |
22:39:31 | Mikachu | heh, that should be people's, not peoples' |
22:39:46 | | Join Aditya|Nap [0] (n=aditya@c-69-138-7-5.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
22:40:09 | | Part Aditya|Nap |
22:40:55 | obo | by default it'll try and install to /usr/local, I don't think it fails very gracefully if it doesn't have permission to write there |
22:42:46 | dionoea | how much memory are the plugins allowed to use ? |
22:43:00 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: Wouldn't that imply that there are multiple peoples? As in several groups? Multiple people lacks an S, but you can have several peoples (the people of Africa + the people of Asia for example). |
22:43:13 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
22:43:13 | * | Paul_The_Nerd could be wrong. |
22:43:17 | Paul_The_Nerd | I was never a good English student. |
22:43:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | dionoea: 512k on SWCodec targets, if I recall? |
22:43:43 | dionoea | thanks |
22:44:09 | Mikachu | peoples is like africans or asians, people is just persons |
22:44:23 | dionoea | does that mean the plugins don't have to be optimised for size unless they're bigger than 512k ? |
22:44:42 | dionoea | or will the 512k-plugin size space be used for audio decoding ? |
22:44:56 | Mikachu | the 512kB are always reserved for plugins |
22:45:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | Mikachu: I'm confused. I thought I'd typed people's and you'd corrected it to peoples', but you were saying the other thing. I simply mistyped. |
22:45:34 | Mikachu | ah, okay |
22:45:35 | Mikachu | good |
22:45:36 | | Quit Poka64 ("XChat 2.6.4 - www.xchat.org") |
22:45:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | So we're both right! |
22:45:52 | Mikachu | i wouldn't have corrected you, but it sounded funny with peoples' |
22:45:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah |
22:47:31 | Paul_The_Nerd | Argh |
22:47:44 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's going to take them over a week to come here and hook up my cable. |
22:50:15 | | Part PaulIsDed ("Never Trust A Guy With No Shirt On.") |
22:51:03 | * | Paul_The_Nerd is not "Ded" |
22:51:29 | | Quit smably (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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22:56:34 | | Quit damaki_ ("You're entering a world of pain") |
22:58:16 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
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23:01:02 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=stripwax@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
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23:12:00 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3036.gwdg.de) |
23:14:05 | FOAD | Yay, I did it. Thanks again. |
23:15:46 | dionoea | what did you do ? |
23:16:08 | FOAD | Compiled rockbox. :P |
23:17:01 | stripwax | woo! |
23:17:13 | dionoea | hehe |
23:17:21 | FOAD | ;) |
23:19:26 | FOAD | Now for some patches.. |
23:20:16 | | Join Sinbios [0] (n=Sinbios@HSE-Hamilton-ppp3513440.sympatico.ca) |
23:31:35 | | Join scorche [0] (n=scorche@208-110-159-69.customer.csolutions.net) |
23:32:18 | FOAD | Hrm. |
23:33:54 | FOAD | I'm trying to apply the change_statusbar_height-20060610.patch from http://solutions-i.org/julius/rockbox/patches/ to the source I just got from cvs and this is what I get: |
23:34:04 | | Nick sandoze is now known as sando (n=lolsteam@ |
23:34:07 | FOAD | can't find file to patch at input line 4 |
23:34:07 | FOAD | Perhaps you used the wrong -p or −−strip option? |
23:34:07 | FOAD | The text leading up to this was: |
23:34:07 | FOAD | −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− |
23:34:07 | FOAD | |diff -ur rockbox.original/apps/gui/statusbar.c rockbox.patched/apps/gui/statusbar.c |
23:34:10 | FOAD | |−−- rockbox.original/apps/gui/statusbar.c 2006-06-06 23:23:52.000000000 +0100 |
23:34:14 | FOAD | |+++ rockbox.patched/apps/gui/statusbar.c 2006-06-10 20:03:02.000000000 +0100 |
23:34:17 | FOAD | −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− |
23:34:19 | FOAD | ...help please? |
23:34:30 | Bagder | "Perhaps you used the wrong -p or −−strip option?" |
23:34:33 | Bagder | says it all |
23:35:17 | FOAD | I tried all the -p options. |
23:35:22 | FOAD | Let's see what −−strip does then. |
23:35:35 | | Quit Kohlrabi ("Hello my name is CoolClonk .") |
23:35:46 | Bagder | its the same |
23:35:52 | Bagder | just an alias for -p |
23:35:55 | FOAD | It's tje same. |
23:35:56 | FOAD | Yes. |
23:36:00 | FOAD | Okay. |
23:36:00 | FOAD | Hm. |
23:36:19 | Bagder | so in what dir you run the patch command ? |
23:37:04 | FOAD | In the rockbox dir, from which applying the other patches works fine. |
23:37:14 | FOAD | Okay, with -p1 I get this: |
23:37:28 | FOAD | [171] 130 rockbox% patch −−binary -p1 < change_statusbar_height-20060610.patch |
23:37:29 | FOAD | patching file apps/gui/statusbar.c |
23:37:29 | FOAD | Hunk #2 FAILED at 221. |
23:37:29 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
23:37:29 | FOAD | Hunk #3 succeeded at 232 (offset 2 lines). |
23:37:31 | FOAD | Hunk #4 succeeded at 411 (offset 1 line). |
23:37:33 | FOAD | Hunk #5 succeeded at 461 (offset 1 line). |
23:37:36 | FOAD | Hunk #6 succeeded at 471 (offset 1 line). |
23:37:39 | FOAD | Hunk #7 succeeded at 481 (offset 1 line). |
23:37:40 | Bagder | so then -p1 works |
23:37:41 | FOAD | Hunk #8 succeeded at 491 (offset 1 line). |
23:37:43 | FOAD | Hunk #9 succeeded at 502 (offset 1 line). |
23:37:46 | FOAD | Hunk #10 succeeded at 515 (offset 1 line). |
23:37:48 | FOAD | 1 out of 10 hunks FAILED −− saving rejects to file apps/gui/statusbar.c.rej |
23:37:50 | Bagder | but the patch needs adjusting |
23:38:02 | FOAD | Yes. |
23:38:11 | FOAD | Anyone have a patch for the patch? |
23:38:20 | Bagder | ask the author |
23:38:24 | FOAD | Maybe I can guess this one myself. |
23:47:30 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
23:49:30 | stripwax | also check you downloaded the patch correctly - i've seen cases where corrupted patch files just fail all over the place. how did you download the patch?: |
23:50:00 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
23:50:22 | FOAD | Right-clicky on the page above. |
23:51:05 | FOAD | I sorta guessed what was supposed to happen and did it by hand, we'll see what happens. |
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