00:01:55 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
00:02:15 | freqmod | let's talk about something else: is there interest for a patch to fix image loading on 64 bit simulator hosts? |
00:02:20 | Bagder | saturday, time for bugs and patches mails |
00:02:55 | linuxstb | Only 104 open bugs - and 110 people in this channel... |
00:03:14 | freqmod | i could fill it as a bug ;) then wi'll get 105 open bugs |
00:03:42 | Bagder | file the patch instead |
00:04:03 | linuxstb | Feels odd that an ipod bug is the third-oldest... |
00:04:17 | freqmod | the only problem is that it uses the unix header stdint.h to get (u)int(16|32)_t |
00:04:45 | linuxstb | What about inttypes.h ? |
00:05:17 | freqmod | where is that <rockboxroot>/fimware/export/? |
00:05:45 | freqmod | found it |
00:06:24 | bluebrother | I created that patch some hours ago, maybe someone wants to have a look at it? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5770 |
00:07:17 | freqmod | that's not the same |
00:07:43 | linuxstb | bluebrother: Yes, I saw that. m3u8 seems a bit of a pointless extension though... |
00:08:09 | {edf}ss | hymn only works with itunes up to version 5.01 |
00:08:14 | bluebrother | yeah, maybe. I thought I just add it for the sake of completeness. |
00:08:27 | bluebrother | at least it doesn't hurt (imo) |
00:09:28 | linuxstb | Also, why does a utf8 file need a BOM? |
00:10:04 | Bagder | while(!morning) sleep(); |
00:10:40 | bluebrother | linuxstb, it doesn't need it, but some editors tend to add one. So we should be able of handling it. |
00:10:53 | linuxstb | Bagder: Hope you don't wake up every second to check if it's morning... |
00:11:16 | bluebrother | I just found skip_utf8_bom(char*) in gwps-common.c |
00:11:47 | {edf}ss | nudelyn pics plz |
00:14:48 | freqmod | Patch: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5771 |
00:16:40 | | Quit Paul_The_Nerd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:16:43 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Main@wirelessdata-031-031.mycingular.net) |
00:17:11 | Paul_The_Nerd | Cellphones do not make ideal modems. |
00:17:34 | | Quit lukaswayne9 ("Ex-Chat") |
00:17:49 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-155-216.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
00:17:54 | | Join netmasta10bt [0] (n=torment@pool-72-64-144-248.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) |
00:24:38 | | Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC") |
00:26:01 | | Quit freqmod ("Konversation terminated!") |
00:27:14 | ^jhMikeS^ | I asked this earlier but noone here at the time said they knew: Why do a while(1) sleep() at poweroff instead of asm("halt") for the x5? There doesn't seem any point to giving up control in power_off() that I currently know about. |
00:29:28 | ^jhMikeS^ | I mean yield() not sleep() |
00:33:54 | | Join gwylion [0] (n=de9b941e@labb.contactor.se) |
00:34:32 | gwylion | Hello... |
00:34:56 | gwylion | I need a hand, and was wondering whether anybody could help me. |
00:35:32 | Paul_The_Nerd | Go ahead and ask whatever question you may have. If those around can help, they often will |
00:36:03 | gwylion | Sorry, I think I might have just found the answer... :) I'm trying to install Rockbox on my iRiver H320, from a Mac. |
00:36:36 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
00:36:47 | | Quit bluebrother ("'night!") |
00:37:20 | gwylion | The Rockbox site didn't seem to have much info on it... I downloaded the source code file. I compiled scramble, descramble and mkboot |
00:37:35 | gwylion | I descrambled the hex file to a bin file successfully. |
00:38:02 | gwylion | But when I tried to patch it using mkboot, I got an error: rockbox-2.5/tools/mkboot H300.bin bootloader-h300.bin new.bin => Bus error |
00:38:35 | gwylion | Any ideas? |
00:38:39 | linuxstb | Ah - don't use the rockbox-2.5 source - that's extremely old. Get the latest source - either the daily build or cvs build. |
00:39:58 | gwylion | Aaah! Thank you! :) I'll try again. |
00:40:17 | gwylion | BRB. |
00:41:50 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
00:42:01 | | Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@85-210-30-167.dsl.pipex.com) |
00:42:25 | | Quit {edf}ss (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:44:16 | linuxstb | ^jhMikeS^: I'm afraid I've got no idea either... But I can tell you that on the ipods, that code is never reached - the pcf50605_standby_mode() shuts the ipod down and never returns. |
00:49:12 | gwylion | Brilliant. Thanks linuxstb. mkboot works now. :) |
00:51:10 | gwylion | And I've scrambled it successfully, ending up with the right checksum. Thanks again! |
01:00 |
01:04:58 | gwylion | All installed... Now I've just got to learn how to use it. |
01:04:59 | gwylion | :) |
01:05:07 | gwylion | Bye. |
01:05:19 | | Quit gwylion ("CGI:IRC 0.5.7 (2005/06/19)") |
01:05:39 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:07:20 | | Join falconfox [0] (i=falconfo@c-67-165-155-168.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
01:07:49 | falconfox | is there a way to make the scroll-wheel go faster for the ipod color, it takes forever to get to the bottom of the alphabet |
01:08:58 | linuxstb | There's a patch in the patch tracker which tries to implement that. Some of the ipod experimental builds available in the forums include that patch if you don't want to compile Rockbox yourself. |
01:09:41 | falconfox | ok cool |
01:10:04 | falconfox | do you konw what the patch is called? |
01:11:27 | linuxstb | No, but a search for "scroll" or "scrollwheel" or "clickwheel" should find it. |
01:11:41 | falconfox | alright, i found it |
01:14:13 | | Quit mkey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:14:28 | thegeek | bah, I want a 6gb sandisk sansa e250;P |
01:14:51 | | Join mkey [0] (n=mkey@pD9E36BA1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
01:15:02 | thegeek | at 6gb flashplayers are starting to get usable |
01:15:08 | netmasta10bt | thats the e270 :P |
01:16:32 | netmasta10bt | i hear they've got a 2gb microSD out now too |
01:16:43 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-66-142-188-142.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
01:16:54 | Mikachu | i want to plug in a 200GB usb hard drive to my nano |
01:19:21 | linuxstb | You're not the first... |
01:20:53 | | Join meshuga [0] (i=meshuga@c-71-231-141-145.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
01:21:13 | meshuga | so i'm trying to put rockbox on my 3g ipod. I had an archos before, and love it. I've copied it over, and now my screen is white |
01:21:18 | meshuga | the bootlaoder booted fine |
01:21:23 | meshuga | it looked good, then went white |
01:21:32 | meshuga | if i hold it at a tilt, i can barely see rockbox |
01:21:35 | meshuga | no buttons do anything |
01:21:36 | meshuga | any ideas? |
01:22:16 | meshuga | i used linux to put it on |
01:22:19 | meshuga | i'll try it in windows |
01:22:43 | linuxstb | Linux should work fine... |
01:23:04 | meshuga | work fine for what? |
01:23:10 | meshuga | oh, to load it? nope. |
01:23:10 | linuxstb | Installing Rockbox. |
01:23:22 | meshuga | it gave me the error above :( |
01:23:27 | meshuga | any ideas? |
01:23:31 | Mikachu | your deduction seems a bit strange |
01:23:41 | meshuga | my deduction? |
01:23:50 | Mikachu | blaming linux |
01:23:50 | meshuga | i didnt make any judgements. i just followed directions. |
01:23:55 | meshuga | i didnt blame linux. |
01:24:13 | meshuga | i never said linux caused the fault, i just figured i'd try windows. |
01:24:21 | meshuga | do you guys have any other ideas? |
01:24:26 | meshuga | stock is fine. |
01:24:37 | meshuga | ipodlinux didnt work either, so it could be the ipod (i got it for free) |
01:24:39 | BHSPitLappy | it's more of a pain-in-the-arse to do it on windows than in linux. |
01:24:41 | linuxstb | You haven't given us much to go on.... Which bootloader did you download and install? |
01:24:52 | meshuga | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodInstallationFromLinux |
01:24:56 | meshuga | followed these instructions |
01:25:06 | meshuga | i used bootloader-3g.bin |
01:25:15 | meshuga | dunno which one that is.. |
01:25:38 | meshuga | and yes, i have a 3g. i know cuz there is buttons in the middle, instead of just the wheel (very easy indicator) |
01:25:50 | linuxstb | It's definitely not a 1g or 2g? |
01:26:19 | linuxstb | There's only one developer with a 3g, and he's not around at the moment... |
01:26:21 | meshuga | oh, i dunno actually |
01:26:28 | meshuga | i just went off the pics on rockbox.. |
01:26:32 | meshuga | http://www.rockbox.org/download/ |
01:26:39 | meshuga | only one thats similar is a 3g |
01:27:02 | Mikachu | but 1g and 2g aren't represented |
01:27:15 | meshuga | is the process different for those models? |
01:27:20 | linuxstb | So it has four buttons in a line under the LCD? |
01:27:28 | meshuga | yessir |
01:27:38 | linuxstb | Then that's a 3g. |
01:28:16 | linuxstb | Can you see any messages from the bootloader when it boots? |
01:28:40 | meshuga | yes, the bootloader doesnt have any errors |
01:28:53 | linuxstb | But the messages are displayed clearly? |
01:29:09 | meshuga | yup |
01:29:14 | meshuga | and then i see rockbox logo fine |
01:29:23 | meshuga | then it like leaves backlight on as strong as possible |
01:29:26 | meshuga | so its hard as hell to see shit |
01:29:48 | linuxstb | Then it would seem the bootloader is installed fine. The rockbox logo means that Rockbox itself has been started, so that part is working as well. |
01:30:23 | | Quit falconfox () |
01:30:28 | | Part pixelma |
01:31:06 | linuxstb | All I can suggest is coming back tomorrow and see if dan_a is around - he's our only 3g developer. |
01:31:32 | linuxstb | But it doesn't seem to be an installation issue - just Rockbox not working on your ipod for some reason. |
01:31:39 | | Quit mkey (""Welcome to IRC; Where men are men, women are men and little girls are FBI agents!"") |
01:31:48 | meshuga | yea it actually comes up |
01:31:52 | meshuga | but the backlight is just on full blast |
01:32:14 | meshuga | so i have to look at it at an angle |
01:32:28 | BHSPitLappy | but it appears correctly if you look at an angle? |
01:32:38 | linuxstb | Have you looked to see if there is a setting to reduce the brightness? (I've no idea if there is one) |
01:32:39 | BHSPitLappy | you just need to know how to change the contrast?? |
01:32:40 | meshuga | yup |
01:32:47 | meshuga | linuxstb: i'm trying to find it |
01:32:49 | meshuga | yes pls |
01:32:55 | meshuga | its hard to find when looking at an angle :) |
01:33:09 | BHSPitLappy | oh, but your buttons don't work you said. |
01:33:13 | BHSPitLappy | bummer. |
01:33:14 | meshuga | nope my buttons work now |
01:33:17 | meshuga | it finally came up |
01:33:18 | BHSPitLappy | oh |
01:33:21 | meshuga | took like 3 reboots |
01:33:30 | BHSPitLappy | then look through settings |
01:33:35 | BHSPitLappy | (the LCD category I believe) |
01:33:35 | meshuga | and it finally moved past the rockbox logo. the odd part is, the first logo on bootup and the bootloader looks great |
01:33:37 | Mikachu | i would guess display->lcd |
01:33:41 | meshuga | heh i cant read the settings very well |
01:33:55 | BHSPitLappy | get glasses? |
01:34:01 | Mikachu | try booting with the hold switch on, maybe rockbox decided there were saved settings? |
01:34:05 | meshuga | wooot it was constrat! |
01:34:10 | Mikachu | never mind then |
01:34:22 | meshuga | BHSPitLappy: heh dude, its cuz the constrat by default is totally off |
01:34:26 | meshuga | my vision has 0 to do with it :) |
01:34:42 | meshuga | constrast was like 30 |
01:35:03 | meshuga | now its at 48 and i can read txt now, yay |
01:37:05 | netmasta10bt | bagder: still around? |
01:37:32 | BHSPitLappy | so does everything else work fine, music, etc, meshuga |
01:37:44 | linuxstb | netmasta10bt: He said goodnight about 90 minutes ago. |
01:37:50 | netmasta10bt | k −− thx |
01:38:44 | | Quit spiorf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
01:40:15 | meshuga | well, the wheel is like insanely less sensitive in rockbox as apple firmware |
01:40:19 | meshuga | is there something is adjust for that? |
01:40:30 | BHSPitLappy | I believe so. |
01:40:34 | meshuga | sweet |
01:40:53 | meshuga | like when i rotate my finger, it moves one line, at the most. |
01:42:19 | Bger | nite;) |
01:42:20 | | Quit Bger ("Leaving") |
01:44:15 | netmasta10bt | ne1 know of a good hexeditor for linux |
01:44:49 | meshuga | hrm i dont see any wheel options to adjust for sensivity |
01:44:56 | linuxstb | netmasta10bt: Do you need to edit, or just view? |
01:45:04 | netmasta10bt | edit |
01:45:16 | linuxstb | Then no... But please let me know if you find one. |
01:45:21 | meshuga | i've used shed before |
01:45:39 | netmasta10bt | linuxstb: i have one from my dos dayz called zipzap .. i use it under dosbox |
01:45:52 | meshuga | in dos i used debug :) |
01:46:07 | meshuga | shed is ok |
01:46:14 | netmasta10bt | debug :-P |
01:46:16 | meshuga | there was a really good hex editor but i forgot what it was |
01:47:40 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:49:31 | | Join Febs [0] (n=medifebb@207-172-122-81.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
01:49:55 | lodesi | netmasta10bt: try khexedit |
01:50:09 | netmasta10bt | i dont have X on this box though :( |
01:50:09 | meshuga | hedex |
01:50:12 | meshuga | hexed |
01:50:15 | meshuga | thats what i used to use |
01:50:23 | netmasta10bt | is it curses? |
01:50:28 | meshuga | linux.maruhn.com/sec/hexed.html |
01:50:35 | meshuga | yea so is shed |
01:50:38 | lodesi | well, khexedit is a no go then :P |
01:50:51 | netmasta10bt | gettin shed now... i'll give it a whirl |
01:50:55 | meshuga | so the wheel is definitely waaay less sensitive as ipod firmware |
01:51:16 | netmasta10bt | theres no ui setting? |
01:51:19 | | Quit daurn|afk (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
01:51:36 | meshuga | i couldnt find anything related to it |
01:52:34 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-193-252.dynamic.qsc.de) |
01:52:49 | netmasta10bt | meshuga: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/5377 |
01:54:05 | meshuga | hrm thats a v4 patch and i got a v3 |
01:54:09 | meshuga | i wonder if it'll apply |
01:54:50 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
01:55:49 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-193-252.dynamic.qsc.de) |
01:56:08 | netmasta10bt | meshuga: looks like it works w/3g or 4g |
01:56:46 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) |
02:00 |
02:01:01 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-66-142-188-142.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
02:02:48 | ^jhMikeS^ | linuxstb: Sorry wasn't here earlier but caught it in the buffer. Thanks. |
02:03:23 | ^jhMikeS^ | BTW: It works just fine with a simple halt. |
02:09:27 | | Quit Kohlrabi ("Quit") |
02:10:47 | meshuga | sweet i'll download the src and recompile :) |
02:11:20 | | Quit secleinteer () |
02:11:55 | | Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:12:07 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@ |
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02:13:27 | | Join scott666 [0] (n=scott666@c-71-195-12-129.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
02:13:32 | | Part scott666 |
02:13:37 | netmasta10bt | vhce looks like a decent curses hexeditor http://www.grigna.com/diego/linux/vche/ |
02:14:12 | netmasta10bt | keys dont seem to work quite right under putty/ssh though |
02:14:51 | Mikachu | does it stream the file or try to load it into ram? |
02:14:56 | | Join lodesi [0] (n=lds@d02v-89-83-242-50.d4.club-internet.fr) |
02:15:11 | | Join infamis [0] (n=4b039841@labb.contactor.se) |
02:15:17 | netmasta10bt | not sure |
02:15:17 | meshuga | do i just plug my ipod in running rockbox and it should come up as a usb mass stroage device right? |
02:15:27 | meshuga | or do i have to use the ipod firmware and disc mode? |
02:15:29 | Mikachu | editing a 2GB file in the latter type of hexeditors is not fun :) |
02:15:50 | netmasta10bt | Mikachu: i bet, luckily this is only 356k |
02:18:01 | | Join bondolo [0] (n=mike@dsl081-053-164.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
02:19:13 | linuxstb | meshuga: I don't think the 3g port detects a USB connection - so you have to manually reboot to disk mode. |
02:20:51 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
02:21:58 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-193-252.dynamic.qsc.de) |
02:22:21 | meshuga | oh ok, no biggie |
02:22:34 | meshuga | i'm just used to how rockbox worked circa 2002 when i used it on my archos :) |
02:26:14 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
02:26:22 | linuxstb | Well, the 3g port is only a few weeks old... |
02:26:36 | meshuga | ohh really? i didn't realize |
02:26:51 | meshuga | sometimes when it reboots it stay at the 'logo' screen for awhile too |
02:26:58 | meshuga | should i submit some bug reports? |
02:27:00 | meshuga | or just wait it out |
02:27:02 | linuxstb | Well, audio playback started working a few weeks ago. Other ipods got sound in about January this year. |
02:28:15 | linuxstb | meshuga: Maybe talk to dan_a about them first. |
02:29:45 | meshuga | i'll definitely try to remember to bug him about it |
02:39:33 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
02:40:16 | Jungti1234 | hi |
02:40:42 | | Join cowmilk2 [0] (n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net) |
02:40:59 | cowmilk2 | doesn't rockbox mean that my iPod's battery will be drained more quickly-er? |
02:41:34 | | Quit nudelyn ("At Argon, we're working to keep your money.") |
02:41:38 | | Join nudelyn [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-86-157.dslaccess.co.uk) |
02:42:03 | Mikachu | yes, it will use a bit more battery |
02:42:35 | linuxstb | But it's worth it... |
02:43:23 | cowmilk2 | "a bit" only? |
02:43:49 | cowmilk2 | you see, i've got a _few_ ogg audio and wma audio that i'd like to listen to |
02:43:58 | linuxstb | Some test results are here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodRuntime |
02:44:06 | linuxstb | Rockbox doesn't support wma yet. |
02:44:50 | cowmilk2 | so what should i do to get to listen to wma on my iPod? |
02:45:02 | linuxstb | Convert them to another format. |
02:45:05 | Mikachu | or give someone here a lot of money |
02:45:40 | linuxstb | Someone (not here) is working on a wma codec for Rockbox, but no-one has any idea if/when that will be working. |
02:47:18 | netmasta10bt | anyone else working on e200 |
02:47:42 | linuxstb | I don't think so. |
02:47:55 | linuxstb | (just Bagder and the mysterious MrH) |
02:48:00 | netmasta10bt | heh |
02:48:18 | netmasta10bt | well it appears that the 'BL' that is built isn't really a BL but a firmware the way we are loading it |
02:48:30 | linuxstb | Yes - we know that. |
02:48:44 | netmasta10bt | oh ok, i guess the terminology threw me off |
02:48:58 | netmasta10bt | wish i new that a bit ago :) |
02:49:18 | linuxstb | It's how Rockbox works on a lot of targets - the original firmware's bootloader loads the Rockbox bootloader (thinking the Rockbox bootloader is the original firmware), and then the Rockbox bootloader will load either Rockbox or the OF. |
02:49:33 | netmasta10bt | ahhh |
02:50:22 | netmasta10bt | ok, cuz bagder mentioned a bit ago today that after i load a new PP5022.mi4 to recover i might have to reload the original BL −− but that is not the case |
02:50:41 | netmasta10bt | the BL does not get touched |
02:51:15 | linuxstb | I don't know the details on the Sansa. |
02:51:28 | netmasta10bt | well u knew more than me :) |
02:51:49 | linuxstb | We're just looking at it from different directions. |
02:52:49 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:54:20 | infamis | OT: Is your Son a Hacker? http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html (pretty funny) |
02:56:09 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host68-143.pool8250.interbusiness.it) |
03:00 |
03:05:19 | | Join ShadowdogMU [0] (n=Brock@cpe-65-28-252-205.woh.res.rr.com) |
03:05:42 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:10:24 | meshuga | ohh 192kb skips occasionally on the 3g |
03:10:48 | meshuga | anyone else notice that? |
03:11:33 | meshuga | man, this makes me wanna buy a nano. |
03:13:54 | | Quit lightyear (Remote closed the connection) |
03:15:44 | ShadowdogMU | Why? |
03:15:53 | | Quit spiorf ("Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)") |
03:15:59 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host68-143.pool8250.interbusiness.it) |
03:16:05 | ShadowdogMU | I have skipping on my 5G while listening and looking for a new song |
03:16:32 | | Nick excitatory_ is now known as excitatory (n=excitato@CPE-70-94-13-227.wi.res.rr.com) |
03:17:10 | Mikachu | i have no skipping, yay me |
03:17:52 | | Quit lodesi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:18:03 | ShadowdogMU | iPod? |
03:18:30 | Mikachu | yeah, i made the decoded audio buffer bigger than the file buffer, i have a nano so there is no disk to spin up |
03:18:48 | Mikachu | i would have to scroll through lists like crazy for 20 seconds to make it skip |
03:18:57 | ShadowdogMU | Impressive |
03:19:11 | ShadowdogMU | So why does it skip on Rockbox but now default? |
03:19:13 | ShadowdogMU | not on* |
03:19:42 | Mikachu | well, apple knows exactly how it works, we have to guess |
03:19:50 | Mikachu | and the rockbox code isn't very optimized for ipods yet |
03:19:58 | Mikachu | and also, the ipod has two cpus but rockbox only uses one |
03:20:05 | ShadowdogMU | o.O |
03:20:15 | ShadowdogMU | That's not fun, plans to utilize both in the works? |
03:20:28 | Mikachu | dan_a is working on it |
03:21:23 | ShadowdogMU | Good to know |
03:21:41 | ShadowdogMU | So in the end, will Rockbox be optimized to make use of battery life more efficiently? |
03:21:53 | Mikachu | yeah, i hope so at least :) |
03:22:09 | ShadowdogMU | I really hope someone adds video support |
03:22:23 | ShadowdogMU | Video Support, and optimized battery life and I would be happy |
03:22:33 | Mikachu | the video hardware is even less publically documented |
03:23:02 | ShadowdogMU | Great, that basically means less change of it working with Rockbox, eh? |
03:23:08 | Mikachu | yes |
03:23:09 | ShadowdogMU | chance*, can't type tonight |
03:23:52 | ShadowdogMU | Ok, I lied, I want accessory support as well, because I am pretty sure switch firmwares often can't be great on my battery life |
03:25:14 | sharpe | ShadowdogMU: well, perhiprial support depends on an undocumented protocol, so until someone figures it out, we're pretty much in the dark about it... |
03:26:46 | ShadowdogMU | figures, after my iTrip comes in, I'll have to see what is more versatile, running Rockbox or Apple primarily |
03:27:11 | ShadowdogMU | it might be best for me to run Apple all the time, and switch to Rockbox when I want the "ohh ahh" factor, games, and a new look |
03:27:20 | ShadowdogMU | haven't had time to play around with the Rockbox EQ though |
03:27:42 | sharpe | you can always just get an fm transmitter that isn't dependant on an ipod... |
03:28:00 | Mikachu | or get a car radio with line-in |
03:28:03 | ShadowdogMU | I try not to use any though, more work on the processor = less battery life and in Rockbox's case, probably more skipping |
03:28:04 | sharpe | indeed. |
03:28:16 | ShadowdogMU | too late, already bought my iTrip |
03:28:27 | ShadowdogMU | just went to the store, but they didn't have it in white, figures, so they are shipping it to me |
03:28:30 | sharpe | eh. not too late to sell it. :) |
03:29:10 | ShadowdogMU | heh. |
03:29:30 | sharpe | i actually need to get new earbuds... |
03:29:44 | * | ShadowdogMU has 2 pair of iPod headphones |
03:29:46 | Mikachu | just get a sharpe with linein |
03:30:02 | sharpe | yep. i work just as well. |
03:30:52 | ShadowdogMU | So I've wondered this, if you go into iPod diagnostics mode, it tests "Line in", is there hidden stuff to enable recording maybe, even with accessories? |
03:31:28 | sharpe | what do you mean? |
03:31:49 | Mikachu | ShadowdogMU: linuxstb recently got some basic recording working on 5g i think, via the headphone contact |
03:31:59 | Mikachu | (in rockbox) |
03:32:10 | sharpe | Mikachu: i thought he had it with the line-in on his dock... |
03:32:26 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
03:32:30 | Mikachu | was the 4g via the contact then? |
03:32:39 | sharpe | i don't remember the 4g. |
03:32:56 | Mikachu | i remember it was via the contact on at least one model |
03:33:09 | sharpe | may have been the 4g then... |
03:33:11 | ShadowdogMU | define contact |
03:33:16 | sharpe | headphone jack. |
03:33:27 | ShadowdogMU | nothing else required? |
03:33:32 | sharpe | nope. |
03:33:35 | ShadowdogMU | Wow. |
03:33:35 | Mikachu | no, he could even record via the headphones |
03:33:51 | ShadowdogMU | How would that work? plug in a mic there? |
03:33:53 | Mikachu | but not 100% sure it was on 5g now |
03:34:14 | ShadowdogMU | still, I consider it amazing |
03:34:25 | sharpe | well, it's only a matter of a microphone-like device being connected, speakers would work, since they are essentially the same thing... but they wouldn't work as well. |
03:34:38 | sharpe | s/speakers/headphones |
03:35:20 | ShadowdogMU | Really, you can record through speakers? |
03:35:39 | sharpe | yeah... same principle as a microphone. |
03:35:51 | ShadowdogMU | impressive |
03:36:02 | Mikachu | computer speakers usually don't work since they have builtin amplifiers and stuff |
03:36:12 | sharpe | well, it's always been like that as long as we've had magnets and wire... |
03:38:25 | sharpe | well, for speakers, ones without an external power source would be the best bet to work... :) |
03:40:10 | sharpe | eh. i spelt peripheral wrong. |
03:40:35 | Mikachu | when did you say peripheral? |
03:40:50 | sharpe | <sharpe> ShadowdogMU: well, perhiprial support depends on an undocumented protocol, so until someone figures it out, we're pretty much in the dark about it... |
03:41:16 | Mikachu | that was indeed wrong |
03:41:20 | sharpe | yep. |
03:41:35 | | Join daurnimator [0] (n=quae@ |
03:41:44 | sharpe | it's why i corrected myself. |
03:42:07 | Mikachu | i think you would have got away with it though |
03:42:26 | sharpe | yep. i'm a quick one like that. |
03:43:03 | ShadowdogMU | is there a tiny speaking in the ipod, how else does it make a "click"? |
03:43:06 | sharpe | has totally nothing to do with it though. i'm subtle. |
03:43:29 | Mikachu | ShadowdogMU: yes |
03:43:30 | sharpe | it has a piezoelectric speaker... |
03:43:36 | Mikachu | you can make it beep too |
03:43:51 | Mikachu | i made an awesome plugin that beeps with a frequency that depends on where you have your finger on the wheel |
03:43:56 | ShadowdogMU | I've got it to beep |
03:44:00 | Mikachu | you can play twinkle twinkle little star |
03:44:07 | ShadowdogMU | lol |
03:44:24 | | Quit mikearthur (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:44:24 | Mikachu | but i didn't bother fixing it to pure tones so it's pretty hard |
03:45:12 | sharpe | Mikachu: design a music format and then just have your plugin as a viewer... insta-fame! :) |
03:45:56 | Mikachu | how would a plugin that requires a finger be able to read a music format? |
03:46:15 | sharpe | i mean, forget the scroll wheel position... |
03:46:21 | Mikachu | ah |
03:46:27 | Mikachu | heh |
03:49:41 | ShadowdogMU | you know what angers me? |
03:49:43 | ShadowdogMU | people that do this: |
03:49:45 | ShadowdogMU | Ipod |
03:49:47 | ShadowdogMU | IPod |
03:49:49 | ShadowdogMU | IPOD |
03:49:50 | ShadowdogMU | iPOD |
03:49:57 | ShadowdogMU | it's iPod. |
03:50:00 | Mikachu | you know what? i don't care how you spell it |
03:50:03 | ShadowdogMU | Just thought I would let my anger out. |
03:50:13 | Mikachu | is it okay if i call it ayepod? |
03:50:18 | sharpe | eye-pod. |
03:50:29 | sharpe | wait, better yet, eye-pawd. :) |
03:50:37 | Mikachu | EyE-PAWD |
03:50:48 | Mikachu | the capitalization is apparently important |
03:51:07 | sharpe | not if you see everything in lowercase. |
03:51:47 | ShadowdogMU | how much ram does the 30gb 5g have? |
03:51:51 | sharpe | 32mb. |
03:52:02 | ShadowdogMU | 60? |
03:52:04 | sharpe | 64mb. |
03:52:09 | Mikachu | 120? |
03:52:13 | sharpe | -1. |
03:52:16 | ShadowdogMU | nifty, always wondered |
03:52:29 | Mikachu | but rockbox only uses 32 in either case i think |
03:52:51 | sharpe | although, there is a patch to utilize all 64mb on the 60gigs... |
03:52:55 | ShadowdogMU | I just had an idea, iLinux can play video on the nanos right? |
03:53:08 | sharpe | iLinux...? |
03:53:18 | ShadowdogMU | Linux for your iPod |
03:53:21 | sharpe | last i heard it was ipodlinux... |
03:53:24 | Mikachu | that angers me, it's lInux |
03:53:34 | ShadowdogMU | Is it really? |
03:53:43 | Mikachu | no, it's iPodLinux |
03:53:57 | ShadowdogMU | Well yes, but it can play videos |
03:54:02 | sharpe | try asking in #ipodlinux if it's ilinux or ipodlinux... :-D |
03:54:14 | ShadowdogMU | and not just mpeg4 and h.264 or w/e it is |
03:54:20 | ShadowdogMU | so it is possible for Rockbox to |
03:54:23 | ShadowdogMU | or maybe |
03:54:26 | ShadowdogMU | I dunno |
03:55:12 | | Quit nudelyn ("At Argon, we're working to keep your money.") |
03:55:24 | sharpe | i thought that only uncompressed avi's worked for them... |
03:55:42 | ShadowdogMU | only MPEG-4 and H.264 |
03:56:02 | sharpe | that's what the ipod natively supports... |
03:56:10 | Mikachu | i highly doubt they can play mpeg-4 and h264 in realtime |
03:56:11 | ShadowdogMU | Yes |
03:56:27 | sharpe | i don't think they've figured out how to use the broadcom chip... have they? |
03:56:37 | Mikachu | the nano doesn't have a broadcom chip |
03:56:47 | sharpe | gah, i'm thinking about 5gs. |
03:57:12 | ShadowdogMU | H.264 video: up to 768 Kbps, 320 x 240, 30 frames per sec., Baseline Profile up to Level 1.3 with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats |
03:57:12 | ShadowdogMU | MPEG-4 video: up to 2.5 mbps, 480 x 480, 30 frames per sec., Simple Profile with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats |
03:57:18 | ShadowdogMU | http://www.apple.com/ipod/specs.html |
03:57:25 | sharpe | ... |
03:57:31 | Mikachu | notice how your url says apple.com |
03:57:35 | sharpe | yes... |
03:57:40 | Mikachu | not ipodlinux.org |
03:57:41 | ShadowdogMU | Yes... |
03:57:46 | | Part cowmilk2 |
03:58:01 | ShadowdogMU | I thought that is what you were talking about? |
03:58:54 | sharpe | as far as i know, (whatever app it is that plays videos) only can do uncompressed avi's... |
03:59:00 | sharpe | in ipodlinux. |
04:00 |
04:00:53 | netmasta10bt | so uhm, what was the name of that commercial arm disassembler that everyone likes |
04:01:01 | sharpe | ida pro? |
04:01:05 | netmasta10bt | yar thx |
04:01:08 | sharpe | :) |
04:02:27 | | Join arow [0] (n=arow@arow.broekut.nl) |
04:02:59 | | Quit meshuga (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:03:10 | | Join meshuga [0] (i=meshuga@c-71-231-139-142.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
04:03:23 | Jungti1234 | hey |
04:03:32 | arow | hello |
04:04:00 | arow | my ipod crashes when i load an AAC file (mp4) |
04:04:05 | arow | i have an ipod nano |
04:04:10 | arow | no EQ |
04:04:36 | sharpe | is that the format you purchase music off of itunes in...? i can't remember... |
04:04:49 | Jungti1234 | Volume of original firmware(iriver) what Rockbox's volume with what same? |
04:05:11 | arow | its the format used by itunes |
04:05:28 | sharpe | arow: did you purchase it off of itunes? |
04:05:33 | arow | nope |
04:05:36 | arow | i converted it |
04:05:39 | sharpe | ah. good. |
04:05:45 | arow | (with itunes) |
04:05:46 | | Join cowmilk2 [0] (n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net) |
04:05:58 | Jungti1234 | don't know? |
04:06:12 | arow | i don't understand |
04:06:15 | cowmilk2 | so if i install rockbox on my iPod, i can easily switch back and forth between rockbox and the iPod default software? |
04:06:21 | sharpe | Jungti1234: i have no idea. |
04:06:22 | Jungti1234 | Rockbox is -84 ~ 0 db, iriver is 0 ~ 40 |
04:06:28 | sharpe | cowmilk2: yes. |
04:06:42 | netmasta10bt | lol! ida pro demo warnings: it will not disassemble itself. |
04:06:47 | netmasta10bt | damn! |
04:06:51 | sharpe | arow: sorry, i'm not really able to help you... |
04:06:58 | cowmilk2 | sharpe: cool, coz i plan on using rockbox only to play audio formats that iPod can't handle, such as OGG audio. |
04:07:10 | arow | thanx anyway |
04:07:10 | sharpe | go for it then... |
04:07:11 | cowmilk2 | how much space on my iPod does Rockbox take up |
04:07:28 | sharpe | including plugins and such? |
04:07:32 | cowmilk2 | any thing i should know before i install rocxbox on my iPod |
04:07:40 | cowmilk2 | what plugins do i need? |
04:07:42 | sharpe | and necessary codecs... |
04:07:45 | cowmilk2 | what plugins are there |
04:07:47 | cowmilk2 | ? |
04:07:47 | sharpe | technically none. |
04:08:08 | cowmilk2 | codecs? i need codecs, don't i? |
04:08:18 | | Join meshuga_ [0] (i=meshuga@c-71-231-141-145.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
04:08:19 | sharpe | they come with rockbox. |
04:08:38 | Febs | cowmilk2, take a look at the manual, it will give you an excellent overview of what Rockbox can do. |
04:08:39 | ShadowdogMU | What is the iPod's default volume range? |
04:08:49 | arow | i really like the rockbox software! |
04:08:56 | Febs | ShadowdogMU, what do you mean "default"? |
04:08:56 | cowmilk2 | codecs come with rocxbox? so there's no way of separetng rocxbox from its codecs |
04:09:04 | cowmilk2 | nor would i want to separate the 2, right? |
04:09:07 | sharpe | ShadowdogMU: the left of the screen, to the right of the screen. :) |
04:09:13 | ShadowdogMU | Default as in Apple's Firmware |
04:09:19 | ShadowdogMU | I meant in terms of dB :P |
04:09:33 | sharpe | cowmilk2: you really don't need to worry about the size of rockbox... |
04:09:36 | cowmilk2 | what do you guys think of the other software... linuxpod or something like that |
04:09:52 | cowmilk2 | or ipodlinux... i forgot the name |
04:10:06 | Febs | I don't believe that the Apple fw uses a dB scale for volume. |
04:10:08 | ShadowdogMU | ipodlinux is correct |
04:10:14 | Mikachu | Febs: it uses a blue bar |
04:10:28 | ShadowdogMU | Well I know they don't, but hasn't someone at least estimated it? |
04:10:31 | sharpe | Mikachu: like i said, left of the screen, to the right of the screen. |
04:10:34 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: how does ipodlinux compare with rockbox? can ipodlinux play wma files? |
04:10:44 | ShadowdogMU | cowmilk2 haven't used it |
04:10:58 | ShadowdogMU | cowmilk2: #ipodlinux |
04:11:06 | excitatory | cowmilk2: dude, calm down. rockbox works out of the box, and you'll love it. at best, you'll want themes. |
04:11:23 | ShadowdogMU | Themes, oh yes: http://www.brockarthur.com/zupload/dump%20060804-121832.bmp |
04:11:37 | excitatory | i use it on my nano with zero problems. plays everything flawlessly. |
04:12:11 | cowmilk2 | excitatory: i think i'll love it. |
04:12:20 | ShadowdogMU | cowmilk2, you will. |
04:12:24 | cowmilk2 | excitatory: the only complaint that i have (as of yet) is the battery life. |
04:12:53 | ShadowdogMU | Yes, but remember the iPod rockbox has a bit of ways to go |
04:13:04 | cowmilk2 | apple says 14 hours for default apple software. while rockbox page shows about 7 hours for my 5g iPod |
04:13:14 | ShadowdogMU | I believe it just recently got sound |
04:13:27 | ShadowdogMU | cowmilk2, Apple has gotten sued over inaccurate battery life ratings |
04:13:30 | Jungti1234 | hm |
04:13:41 | excitatory | yea, on my nano, i listen to it all day at work. probably get a solid 6-8 hours of constant play, with the occasional playlist modification here and there.. and a brief shutdown for lunch. |
04:13:45 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: but is there any validity to the suing? |
04:13:57 | ShadowdogMU | You may get 14 hours if you have 1 playlist, no backlight, and you hit play once and that is it, volume at it's lowest |
04:13:58 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@adsl-68-248-16-185.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net) |
04:14:42 | cowmilk2 | so if i don't touch the volume control, yet replace the white iPod earPhones with some headphones, battery will be drained more quickly? |
04:14:51 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
04:14:57 | excitatory | yea, volume is key i found.. i plug mine into a tape adaptor, and so my volume is generally cranked. |
04:15:43 | ShadowdogMU | Album art is projected to be added to Fireworks, but it works now doesn't it? |
04:16:12 | | Quit ^jhMikeS^ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
04:16:13 | cowmilk2 | i understand that rockbox is still in its baby stage and is still growing up. but if i understand the nature of rockbox correctly, rockbox will never come close to the battery life usage as that of default Apple software, yes? |
04:16:37 | excitatory | cowmilk2: no, untrue.. it's basically on par with the apple firmware in my tests |
04:16:46 | cowmilk2 | And this is because, I understand, rockbox is playing from the hardware, as opposed to the apple software playing from ____ (somewhere else). |
04:16:54 | cowmilk2 | excitatory: is that right? |
04:16:55 | cowmilk2 | cool |
04:17:09 | excitatory | but i never got more than 8 hours with the apple firmware |
04:17:19 | excitatory | and this was the first week i owned the thing. |
04:17:59 | cowmilk2 | excitatory: you have a 30 gig 5th get? |
04:18:01 | cowmilk2 | gen? |
04:18:11 | excitatory | also, the format of your music and bit rate will affect it as well. |
04:18:35 | excitatory | if you're listening to flac files, your battery will drain a lot faster than a 192kbps mp3, or even q6 ogg |
04:18:48 | cowmilk2 | excitatory: i see. a higher bit rate means faster battery drainage |
04:18:48 | excitatory | cowmilk2: no, just the nano |
04:18:57 | sharpe | cowmilk2: both the apple firmware and rockbox play audio with a software codec... |
04:19:01 | Febs | cowmilk2, Rockbox uses software codecs. |
04:19:25 | excitatory | well, yes, more processing power is needed to decode the file at those rates |
04:19:34 | cowmilk2 | Febs: what's your point? |
04:19:37 | excitatory | and so slightly more power is consumed |
04:19:40 | ShadowdogMU | EQ too, use the EQ> |
04:19:56 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: right. i read that in apple.com's faq |
04:20:13 | ShadowdogMU | 30GB 5th gen cowmilk2? |
04:20:21 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: yes, that's mine |
04:20:35 | cowmilk2 | a 30 gig 5th gen that i got free from gratis-internet |
04:20:36 | cowmilk2 | 8-) |
04:20:38 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:20:41 | ShadowdogMU | I wouldn't suggest using the EQ at all then, I have the same and just listening and scrolling skips music, add in the EQ to the processor (only 1 /2 ) |
04:20:47 | ShadowdogMU | it could get bad |
04:20:49 | excitatory | idk, 95% of my music is q6 ogg, and i get at least 7 hours of continuous play, with a backlit screen, loud volume, and playlist changes periodically. |
04:21:21 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: what do you mean "add in eq to processor (only 1/2)"? |
04:21:23 | | Quit meshuga (Success) |
04:21:26 | arow | cowmilk2: dutch? |
04:21:29 | ShadowdogMU | The iPod has 2 processors |
04:21:36 | ShadowdogMU | Rockbox currently only utilizes one |
04:21:58 | cowmilk2 | arow: nope i am not dutch. why do you ask? |
04:22:09 | sharpe | technically it's two cores... not two processors... :) |
04:22:13 | excitatory | cowmilk2: really, the only thing you need to know is that the interface is odd at first, but you'll grow to LOVE it once you give it a chance and actually learn it, and two, the default theme is a joke, and you really need to replace it immediately. |
04:22:31 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: what's the siginficane of the Rockbox using only one processor (or core, as sharpe says)? |
04:22:50 | arow | cowmilk2: cause you sayd "gratis-internet" |
04:23:13 | cowmilk2 | excitatory: based on what you said, i guess i don't need to worry about rockbox's battery life usage |
04:23:29 | cowmilk2 | arow: no, that's the name of the website/company that gave me an iPod |
04:23:37 | ShadowdogMU | cowmilk2, think about it, if a computer has a dual core processor, but only uses one, what happens? |
04:23:46 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: i don't know |
04:23:50 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: i'm no geek |
04:23:52 | ShadowdogMU | -_- |
04:23:58 | ShadowdogMU | Well ok, let's put it this way |
04:24:09 | * | ShadowdogMU thinks of another situation |
04:24:10 | arow | cowmilk2: it runs slower... :p |
04:24:15 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: plus, my computer is old. i think it's got only one processor (p3 500 mHz). |
04:24:33 | ShadowdogMU | I was using a hypthetical sitution |
04:24:46 | cowmilk2 | why does'nt rockbox use both processors (or cores), then? |
04:24:53 | cowmilk2 | if using both processors is better? |
04:24:55 | Febs | cowmilk2, the point is that Rockbox has untapped potential. |
04:24:55 | ShadowdogMU | Not coded yet |
04:25:00 | ShadowdogMU | dan_a is working on it |
04:25:18 | cowmilk2 | oh, is dan_a the man behind rocxbox |
04:25:20 | excitatory | cowmilk2: your biggest problem now sounds like your box probably only has usb 1.1, and thus transfers will be slooow. |
04:25:25 | cowmilk2 | please pass on my thanks to him/them |
04:25:34 | Febs | dan_a is one of many. |
04:25:48 | cowmilk2 | excitatory: that's what i want to know. how can i figure out if my old box has version 1 or 2 of USB? |
04:25:52 | cowmilk2 | can you guys tellme? |
04:26:06 | excitatory | cowmilk2: running linux, or? |
04:26:08 | cowmilk2 | yes |
04:26:08 | arow | i really love the rockbos project, but some codecs are not fully integrated |
04:26:09 | cowmilk2 | ubuntu |
04:26:18 | cowmilk2 | arow: like which? |
04:26:20 | arow | that's an obstackle for me |
04:26:30 | Febs | Huh? "Fully integrated?" |
04:26:35 | sharpe | i believe he means optimized... |
04:26:37 | excitatory | cowmilk2: lspci |
04:26:38 | ShadowdogMU | cowmilk2, does your ipod charge when plugged into the computer? |
04:26:43 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: yes |
04:26:46 | cowmilk2 | it does charge |
04:26:48 | arow | cowmilk2: codecs you don't have to be considered about ;) |
04:26:53 | cowmilk2 | arow: ok |
04:26:58 | ShadowdogMU | then it's 2.0 |
04:27:16 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: but i hear that 1.0 usb's also charge |
04:27:17 | arow | i mean optimized, if you like |
04:27:19 | excitatory | ShadowdogMU: wait, that doesn't mean anything.. i've charged off of 1.1 |
04:27:47 | ShadowdogMU | excitatory, I've never in my life seen a powered USB 1.1 port |
04:27:50 | excitatory | he's got a p3 box, i'm willing to bet it's only 1.1, unless there's a usb2 pci card |
04:28:03 | sharpe | the usb version doesn't really matter. you can charge off a battery... |
04:28:05 | ShadowdogMU | I think that is a safe bet |
04:28:10 | excitatory | ShadowdogMU: come over then |
04:28:15 | ShadowdogMU | Ok, where ya live? |
04:28:16 | excitatory | works on my old box |
04:28:24 | excitatory | wisconsin |
04:28:31 | ShadowdogMU | hmm, a bit far, but fine |
04:28:35 | * | ShadowdogMU hops in his car |
04:28:42 | arow | hehe |
04:28:42 | * | excitatory locks door |
04:28:51 | ShadowdogMU | I'll kick it down! |
04:28:52 | cowmilk2 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19742 <−−lspci printout, excitatoryp please take a look. |
04:28:55 | ShadowdogMU | break a window even |
04:29:16 | ShadowdogMU | Ok, I want to try to make a theme now |
04:29:17 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: excitatory you guys made me chuckle |
04:29:42 | ShadowdogMU | can't be too complicated |
04:30:36 | excitatory | cowmilk2: hrm.. the output is not obvious |
04:33:14 | ShadowdogMU | excitatory, cowmilk2 pretty sure it's 1.1 |
04:33:18 | ShadowdogMU | http://www.intel.com/design/intarch/datashts/29056201.pdf |
04:33:21 | ShadowdogMU | 1.0* |
04:33:23 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: how do you know? |
04:35:20 | ShadowdogMU | Because your lspci output told me your USB controller was, 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB |
04:35:33 | ShadowdogMU | so a simple google search brought me to the intel page, and gave me the spec pdf |
04:36:21 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: ok. |
04:36:37 | cowmilk2 | if it's version 1, i guess i just have to be patient when i add music to my iPod |
04:36:56 | ShadowdogMU | how many songs do you have? |
04:37:22 | cowmilk2 | ShadowdogMU: i'm adding the audio slowly |
04:37:30 | cowmilk2 | by that i mean. a little at a time |
04:37:37 | ShadowdogMU | ok |
04:37:58 | cowmilk2 | i still havent' figured out how to get podcasts onto my ipod |
04:38:09 | cowmilk2 | currently the software i'm using on my box is gtkpod |
04:38:17 | cowmilk2 | but gtkpod can't fully do podcasts |
04:38:23 | cowmilk2 | what do you guys suggest? |
04:38:37 | cowmilk2 | i have an "http:// ... .xml" file that i want to add as a podcast |
04:43:54 | | Join webguest97 [0] (n=425dac13@labb.contactor.se) |
04:46:18 | | Join fatherfork [0] (n=44df7439@labb.contactor.se) |
04:46:41 | fatherfork | where can I get the changelog for the latest build? |
04:46:44 | sharpe | well, i'm gone. g'night evryone. |
04:46:48 | midkay | sharpe. |
04:46:59 | sharpe | bah. what midkay? :) |
04:48:24 | | Quit webguest97 (Client Quit) |
04:49:31 | arow | i'm outta here |
04:49:31 | arow | bye |
04:49:52 | | Quit arow ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
04:50:09 | fatherfork | anybody? |
04:50:14 | fatherfork | changelog? |
04:50:29 | midkay | there is a front page changelog, and a changelog on the daily build page.. |
04:50:38 | fatherfork | ah |
04:50:38 | midkay | in fact i don't think i've ever seen a site that makes it easier to access changelogs. |
04:50:38 | midkay | :) |
04:51:09 | fatherfork | whoa whoa, yeah, dang. kick me. |
04:51:32 | midkay | literally, or..? |
04:51:44 | ShadowdogMU | I can't get creative enough right now to make a theme |
04:51:45 | ShadowdogMU | tomorrow |
04:51:47 | midkay | was that sarcasm or "i'm offended that you told me where they are", or...? |
04:51:58 | fatherfork | hypothetically |
04:52:08 | fatherfork | neither |
04:52:16 | fatherfork | seriously, I just didn't see it |
04:52:20 | midkay | you can't describe it as hypothetical.. that word doesn't fit here! |
04:52:26 | ShadowdogMU | does rockbox themes support transparency? |
04:52:27 | midkay | alright, well now you know where it is. :) |
04:52:32 | fatherfork | I know, I just didn't know what to say |
04:52:32 | ShadowdogMU | do* |
04:52:38 | midkay | ShadowdogMU: what kind? in a way they do. |
04:52:38 | fatherfork | thanks |
04:52:45 | fatherfork | yes, they do support it |
04:52:50 | midkay | not like 50% transparent, but like this-is-drawn or this-is-not-drawn. |
04:53:02 | ShadowdogMU | I mean like alpha transparency |
04:53:02 | fatherfork | it's like a pink color correct? |
04:53:11 | midkay | ShadowdogMU: not really. |
04:53:17 | sharpe | in fact, that is exactly what we use to signify transparency. this-is-drawn and this-is-not-drawn. |
04:53:18 | ShadowdogMU | Ok, I'll have to fake it |
04:53:20 | midkay | 255,0,255 is 100% transparent. |
04:53:30 | midkay | literally any other color is 100% opaque. |
04:53:31 | | Join manegol [0] (n=monalm@user-11fa3dr.dsl.mindspring.com) |
04:53:40 | midkay | no true antialiasing, you'll have to fake it, right. |
04:53:47 | fatherfork | fantastic, midkay, I needed that. |
04:53:49 | fatherfork | thanks again |
04:53:53 | ShadowdogMU | It'lll probably be all images |
04:53:53 | midkay | np. |
04:55:03 | | Part cowmilk2 |
04:55:09 | | Join cowmilk2 [0] (n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net) |
04:55:37 | cowmilk2 | if i install rocxbox, will there be an easy way to remove it later on? will there be an easy way to upgrade rocxbox when new versions come out? |
04:55:45 | ShadowdogMU | Yes and yes |
04:55:53 | cowmilk2 | how and how? |
04:56:11 | ShadowdogMU | 1. apple restore utility or delete and remove bootloaded |
04:56:17 | ShadowdogMU | 2. just replace the files |
04:56:19 | midkay | read the wiki, and unzip a daily build.. |
04:56:27 | midkay | both should be in the manual and/or wiki. |
04:56:32 | ShadowdogMU | Ok GMod time |
04:56:36 | cowmilk2 | ok. thanks |
04:56:39 | ShadowdogMU | mmhmm |
04:58:18 | cowmilk2 | so i am on http://www.rockbox.org/download/. which do i download for my 5th gen iPod? |
04:58:23 | cowmilk2 | or am i on the wrong page? |
04:58:26 | Febs | cowmilk2, as I suggested earlier, you might want to take a look at the manual. |
04:58:43 | cowmilk2 | look ath e manual to know which to download, Febs? |
04:58:52 | Febs | YES! |
04:59:00 | fatherfork | yep |
04:59:07 | fatherfork | that's how I figured it out |
04:59:11 | fatherfork | it's all there |
04:59:16 | Febs | Read the "Getting Started" section, and specifically read the "Installation Instructions." |
04:59:33 | fatherfork | I even know that, I have no idea why I didn't look harder for the changelog |
04:59:54 | cowmilk2 | Febs: fatherfork thanks. am reading now |
05:00 |
05:00:01 | cowmilk2 | anybody here on ubuntu or xubuntu? |
05:00:11 | fatherfork | oo, credit for the suggestion to febs |
05:00:22 | midkay | is it an ubuntu-specific-only question? |
05:00:26 | midkay | if it is, it probably doesn't belong here.. |
05:00:30 | cowmilk2 | midkay: i don't really know |
05:00:32 | midkay | if it isn't, why not just ask? |
05:00:36 | cowmilk2 | ok |
05:00:50 | cowmilk2 | how do you guys get podcasts onto your ipod? |
05:01:06 | Febs | You are amazing at reading and typing at the same time. |
05:01:16 | cowmilk2 | Febs: sorry |
05:01:19 | cowmilk2 | ok. back to the manual |
05:01:23 | cowmilk2 | 8- ) |
05:01:32 | * | midkay wonders why you would even ask for an ubuntu user for that. :) |
05:01:34 | fatherfork | indeed |
05:01:38 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACB25E44.ipt.aol.com) |
05:01:40 | cowmilk2 | what can i do, i just love chatting with you |
05:01:50 | midkay | or causing pain towards me. :( |
05:01:56 | midkay | now i'm all bothered. :( |
05:02:05 | midkay | thanks for ruining my night. |
05:02:07 | cowmilk2 | midkay: because ubuntu users may have a different way of getting podcasts ontot heir ipod htan a non-ubuntu suer |
05:02:12 | cowmilk2 | midkay: what? |
05:02:18 | cowmilk2 | what's wrong, midkay? |
05:02:18 | fatherfork | haha |
05:02:28 | fatherfork | thanks again guys. later. |
05:02:33 | | Quit fatherfork ("CGI:IRC") |
05:03:06 | midkay | oh, you should have included the ubuntu part in your question, rather than just "how does anyone here get their podcasts on their ipod". |
05:03:17 | cowmilk2 | midkay: right |
05:03:29 | cowmilk2 | coz i thought maybe rockbox does that? |
05:03:47 | midkay | .. gets podcasts onto the ipod on which it runs? magically or what? |
05:04:08 | cowmilk2 | huh? |
05:04:16 | cowmilk2 | Febs: am reading the manual... and i have a question |
05:04:25 | midkay | how would rockbox get podcasts onto an iPod? |
05:04:40 | cowmilk2 | midkay: that's what i don' know. i'm still reading up on the nature of rocxbox |
05:04:55 | midkay | it modifies what runs on your iPod, not what puts stuff on it. you do that yourself. |
05:05:03 | cowmilk2 | midkay: i see |
05:05:42 | cowmilk2 | the rockbox manual says that though the apple firwmware resides entirely on flash memory, most of the rockbox software resides on iPod hard drive... |
05:05:45 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:05:57 | midkay | where does it say that? |
05:06:05 | cowmilk2 | doesn't this mean that the rockbox cannot ever become as efficient in battery usage as firmware |
05:06:15 | cowmilk2 | midkay: it says so at http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-buildch1.html#x3-20001 |
05:06:17 | midkay | not in the least, and that's not very true either. |
05:06:54 | midkay | ah, that |
05:07:09 | | Quit manegol () |
05:09:15 | cowmilk2 | Febs: i'm readin g the manual. in the installation section, it says i should check the wiki for up-to-date info. i'm on the wiki page. how do i know if there is updated info? |
05:09:32 | cowmilk2 | Febs: manual link: http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-buildch1.html#x3-80001.4.2 |
05:10:29 | Febs | Don't worry about it. The manual should be pretty much up to date. |
05:10:45 | cowmilk2 | ok |
05:10:48 | cowmilk2 | ty |
05:10:56 | cowmilk2 | i'll continue reading ... and installing. |
05:12:30 | | Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@63-226-210-191.tukw.qwest.net) |
05:12:57 | cowmilk2 | i've just downloaded the bin file and the fw.c file. i'm going to be doing the commands in terminal now. i'm a bit nervous. i hope it doesn't wreck my box, or my iPod |
05:13:00 | cowmilk2 | here i go |
05:14:14 | midkay_ | it should be clear in the instructions that you can't wreck your iPod and if you mean "computer" by "box" that is certainly out of the question.. :) |
05:14:46 | cowmilk2 | midkay: ok |
05:14:52 | cowmilk2 | midkay_: are you on windows? or mac? |
05:15:21 | midkay_ | windows, but running this kind of command in any OS shouldn't just "kill your box".. |
05:15:22 | cowmilk2 | coz i learned to call the computer a box when i switched to linux |
05:15:25 | | Quit midkay (Nick collision from services.) |
05:15:26 | | Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay (n=midkay@63-226-210-191.tukw.qwest.net) |
05:15:30 | cowmilk2 | midkay_: ok |
05:16:05 | midkay | not unfamiliar with the terminology in the least, but being concerned of wrecking your PC or "box" seems a bit weird so I wanted to confirm. |
05:17:38 | | Quit Rob2222_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
05:18:12 | cowmilk2 | midkay: ok |
05:24:57 | BHSPitMonkey | my ipod's partition table is goofed. |
05:25:41 | BHSPitMonkey | recovering it in testdisk just results in a sad folder icon. |
05:26:37 | * | midkay points and laughs. |
05:31:44 | cowmilk2 | BHSPitMonkey: how did the partitoin get that way? rockbox's fault? |
05:32:30 | BHSPitMonkey | nope |
05:33:01 | | Quit XavierGr () |
05:33:11 | cowmilk2 | so how, BHSPitMonkey? |
05:33:29 | BHSPitMonkey | I did a firmware update because things were acting oddly last week, and after that, my linux partition stopped appearing |
05:33:46 | BHSPitMonkey | testdisk showed that it was still there, but the fat partition reported a falsely large size |
05:34:06 | BHSPitMonkey | it wrote the correct partition table, and the ipod can't boot now |
05:34:17 | BHSPitMonkey | but give me a little bit, there's some things I'm going to try anyway. |
05:34:55 | | Quit infamis ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
05:53:05 | | Join manegol [0] (n=chatzill@user-11fa3dr.dsl.mindspring.com) |
06:00 |
06:04:18 | cowmilk2 | how did you do a firmware update, BHSPitMonkey? do you mean the iPod updater? |
06:04:39 | BHSPitMonkey | yeah. |
06:04:55 | cowmilk2 | oh, i was thinking of doing that, too |
06:04:56 | BHSPitMonkey | "updated" to the version I was already at |
06:05:06 | BHSPitMonkey | not restore |
06:05:07 | cowmilk2 | BHSPitMonkey: what do you mean? |
06:05:35 | BHSPitMonkey | an update just replaces the firmware partition, a restore wipes the whole device |
06:05:37 | cowmilk2 | apple.com/ipod/download <−− is that what you got BHSPitMonkey? |
06:05:40 | BHSPitMonkey | yes. |
06:05:55 | BHSPitMonkey | that program has two buttons, update and restore |
06:06:21 | cowmilk2 | so you mean this isn't the first time you ran the update software? |
06:06:52 | cowmilk2 | how did you get a linux partition on your system anyway? |
06:07:15 | BHSPitMonkey | on my iPod, you mean? |
06:07:20 | cowmilk2 | i use linux on my comptuer. it dosent' necesasariy mean that theer's a linux partiiotn on my iPod, right? |
06:07:25 | cowmilk2 | yes, on your ipod. |
06:07:51 | BHSPitMonkey | there's a linux partition on my iPod, because my iPod has (had) linux on it. |
06:07:58 | BHSPitMonkey | www.ipodlinux.org |
06:08:15 | BHSPitMonkey | surprising that you've heard of rockbox but not that project. |
06:09:00 | cowmilk2 | BHSPitMonkey: don't be surpsied. because i have heard of ipodlinux |
06:09:20 | cowmilk2 | why did you put linux on your ipod? |
06:09:20 | BHSPitMonkey | k. |
06:09:32 | cowmilk2 | what can ipodlinuix do that rockbox can't? |
06:09:35 | cowmilk2 | what's the diff? |
06:10:04 | BHSPitMonkey | run a program written for linux? heh |
06:10:23 | cowmilk2 | what programs did _you_ run |
06:12:13 | | Nick cowmilk2 is now known as cowmilk (n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net) |
06:12:25 | BHSPitMonkey | whichever I wanted to, is this about "correcting" my decision to use iPodLinux? |
06:13:20 | BHSPitMonkey | if it is, you truly don't "get" the underlying premise of the open-source world in general |
06:13:21 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: nope |
06:13:26 | BHSPitMonkey | ok |
06:13:36 | cowmilk | what's your computer os? |
06:14:31 | cowmilk | i use Ubuntu, an open-source os. i'm not your enemy. i'm not an enemy to the open-source world. |
06:14:35 | BHSPitMonkey | I have several installed. I'm liking Ubuntu, so I've been using it primarily recently. |
06:15:08 | cowmilk | i only ask what programs _you_ use on your linux partiiton on your ipod because i wanted to know if it's something i should look into |
06:15:15 | cowmilk | it <−−ipodlinux |
06:16:15 | BHSPitMonkey | there's always modules for podzilla2 being released by people |
06:16:45 | BHSPitMonkey | I like iDoom and iBoy better than the rock* equivalents |
06:17:51 | BHSPitMonkey | there's usually some cool new developments happening over there, so that part of the project interests me as well. |
06:18:47 | BHSPitMonkey | plus it was the first project I involved myself in when I got an iPod (before finding Rockbox), and I'm just fond of the project and it's people, because I've learned a lot through it |
06:19:00 | BHSPitMonkey | so I'm biased a little bit, personally. |
06:19:22 | cowmilk | 8-) |
06:19:55 | cowmilk | when you say "bias", you don't mean you can't see clearly regarding rockbox and ipodlinux, do you? |
06:21:15 | cowmilk | i'd like to try ipodlinux too, but am scared of undergoing the expeirience you had |
06:21:40 | BHSPitMonkey | this experience wasn't because of iPL (well, I suppose on some level it was) |
06:21:41 | BHSPitMonkey | anyway |
06:21:46 | BHSPitMonkey | I'll get it worked out |
06:22:02 | cowmilk | please tell me then how it happened. so that i can avoid it. |
06:22:10 | cowmilk | what's BH? |
06:22:13 | cowmilk | in your nick |
06:22:16 | cowmilk | BHS |
06:22:21 | BHSPitMonkey | and I love these projects both equally, they're both great |
06:22:32 | cowmilk | yeah, and they're both getting better, aren't they |
06:22:37 | BHSPitMonkey | mmhmm |
06:22:56 | BHSPitMonkey | BHS = school initials |
06:23:26 | cowmilk | i see |
06:24:27 | BHSPitMonkey | is your iPod dense with music yet? |
06:24:37 | BHSPitMonkey | or, rather, music that isn't safely backed up on your PC |
06:25:00 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: huh? |
06:25:15 | cowmilk | um... i've got 1 gig of music on my ipod |
06:25:23 | cowmilk | i've just started using it this week |
06:25:27 | BHSPitMonkey | could you deal with wiping out the iPod, is your music backed up on the computer |
06:25:31 | cowmilk | i've still got some stuff i'd like to updolad |
06:25:44 | cowmilk | do i need to wipe out iPod for some reason? |
06:25:56 | cowmilk | well, yes, by music is on my harddrive |
06:26:29 | BHSPitMonkey | iPL has a relatively new installer, so installing it is much easier than it once was |
06:27:04 | BHSPitMonkey | but if you use it, you do have to erase the music you have so far. |
06:27:30 | BHSPitMonkey | what generation of iPod is it? |
06:28:17 | | Quit mirak (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:28:29 | cowmilk | 5th gen |
06:28:49 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: i think i can afford to erase all te music on my ipod |
06:29:08 | cowmilk | but what if i want to undo the ipl installation? do i have to wipe out my ipod again? |
06:29:34 | BHSPitMonkey | there's ways around having to do that. |
06:29:34 | | Quit manegol (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:30:04 | | Join manegol [0] (n=chatzill@user-11fa3dr.dsl.mindspring.com) |
06:30:12 | BHSPitMonkey | it doesn't hurt anything to have it on there, though... besides the fact that you give up a small amount of music storage |
06:30:21 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: i'm still waiting to learn of how you got your partiition messed up |
06:30:24 | BHSPitMonkey | (in my case, I gave up 64MB) |
06:30:33 | cowmilk | so that i can avoid it |
06:30:54 | BHSPitMonkey | umm, just don't run the apple updater. |
06:31:25 | BHSPitMonkey | any time you run the updater, it WILL overwrite your rockbox and/or linux bootloader, anyway |
06:31:33 | BHSPitMonkey | so you wouldn't want to do that probably anyway |
06:31:55 | BHSPitMonkey | I only ran it because I was desperate, and I was trying things to fix a problem I had. |
06:32:07 | BHSPitMonkey | (a problem that was more easily solved, I found out) |
06:32:25 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: ok. but after the updater overwrites the rockbox and/or linux bootloader, i can just re-install the bootloder, right? |
06:32:38 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: what was your prob, and how did you solve |
06:33:02 | cowmilk | i would like to run the ipod updater because i hear it fixes bugs and perhaps will get my battery usage better |
06:33:08 | cowmilk | what exactly does the ipod updater do? |
06:33:19 | cowmilk | if you can tell me, i can better decide if it's somethinh i don't need |
06:33:23 | BHSPitMonkey | my problem was that my itunes database got itself corrupted , but an iTunes sync ended up fixing it. |
06:33:41 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: you mean you had to sync outside of ubuntu? |
06:33:56 | BHSPitMonkey | I still manage my iPod in iTunes. |
06:34:09 | BHSPitMonkey | that's one of the few things I have to reboot into Windows for |
06:34:24 | cowmilk | why don't you use a linux app? i use gtkpod |
06:34:36 | BHSPitMonkey | gtkpod doesn't do videos, I don't think |
06:35:24 | cowmilk | ah |
06:36:47 | BHSPitMonkey | like I said, I can't wait until Banshee or Songbird or something is stable, and iPod-supportive |
06:37:03 | cowmilk | yeah |
06:37:09 | BHSPitMonkey | since I do like the iTunes GUI |
06:37:23 | cowmilk | it's nice |
06:37:24 | BHSPitMonkey | (just not all the nonsense that goes along with it) |
06:37:35 | cowmilk | what notsense? |
06:37:39 | cowmilk | drm? |
06:37:48 | BHSPitMonkey | like the iTunesDB, apple DRM crap, etc etc |
06:39:16 | cowmilk | what exxactyl is this iTunesdb? it's not essential? |
06:39:52 | BHSPitMonkey | the iTunesDB is the basis of the iPod's Apple firmware music player |
06:40:02 | BHSPitMonkey | it's that thing that rockbox hates ;) |
06:40:12 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: ah |
06:40:35 | cowmilk | so you mean that rockbox can't play any of the songs on the iPod that were loaded with itunesdb? |
06:40:42 | BHSPitMonkey | the database of files, named F593 and Q207, etc |
06:40:54 | | Quit secleinteer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:41:21 | | Join manegol_ [0] (n=chatzill@user-11fa3dr.dsl.mindspring.com) |
06:41:33 | BHSPitMonkey | it can play those songs individually, but it's a pain. you have to use things like TagCache just to look through the songs effectively |
06:42:01 | cowmilk | ah |
06:42:10 | cowmilk | why did apple do that i wonder? |
06:42:20 | BHSPitMonkey | it goes against the rockbox file structure philosophy, to just have audio files organized in plain-jane directory hierarchy |
06:42:40 | BHSPitMonkey | probably because it's easy for their software, and hard for everybody elses. |
06:43:21 | BHSPitMonkey | it makes their software more exclusive and proprietary, and makes it slightly harder to share music as well |
06:44:15 | | Quit manegol_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:45:13 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@ |
06:46:46 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Main@wirelessdata-031-030.mycingular.net) |
06:50:14 | | Quit manegol (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:52:32 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
06:56:21 | cowmilk | BHSPitMonkey: do you think that's why Apple has this iTunesdb system? |
06:57:37 | * | BHSPitMonkey shrugs |
06:57:51 | BHSPitMonkey | it's a valid accusation |
06:57:55 | BHSPitMonkey | but I'm not apple. |
06:58:59 | | Join secleinte [0] (n=secleint@ |
07:00 |
07:00:07 | midkay | iTunesDB doesn't make it "easy for their software", it just makes it more exclusive. |
07:00:48 | Paul_The_Nerd | midkay: It does to an extent. |
07:00:57 | midkay | why? |
07:01:03 | Paul_The_Nerd | The filename will always have the same exact number of characters in it. |
07:01:14 | midkay | .. why would that make it easy in any way at all? |
07:01:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | You know exactly how much memory you need for filenames without feeling like you waste even a single char. |
07:01:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | :-P |
07:01:49 | midkay | .. gosh, that simplifies so much... |
07:01:50 | midkay | :) |
07:02:08 | midkay | not that they use the filenames...? |
07:02:14 | midkay | the database uses tags. |
07:02:28 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah, but you have to have a file to associate them with when they get loaded from disk |
07:02:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | That also means that playlists have a predictable size that increases linearly. That might be an advantage in some strange world. |
07:03:01 | midkay | do we know for a fact that these are loaded to memory? :) |
07:05:24 | | Quit secleinteer (Connection timed out) |
07:05:49 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:05:54 | | Quit secleinte (Client Quit) |
07:06:29 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@ |
07:09:11 | | Join manegol [0] (n=chatzill@user-11fa3dr.dsl.mindspring.com) |
07:09:58 | Jungti1234 | hey |
07:10:23 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-50-91.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
07:10:31 | BHSPitMonkey | hi |
07:10:38 | Jungti1234 | Is normal sound of Rockbox different from normal sound of iriver firmware? |
07:11:09 | BHSPitMonkey | it would take a picky ear to notice, I would think |
07:11:46 | Jungti1234 | um |
07:11:47 | midkay | why don't you try and see? |
07:11:53 | midkay | it probably is. |
07:11:54 | Jungti1234 | what |
07:11:59 | Jungti1234 | what try? |
07:12:00 | Paul_The_Nerd | I believe tests have shown that, at least on the iRiver, our Mp3 decoder is not significantly different than the one iRiver used. |
07:12:04 | midkay | try listening to both. |
07:12:09 | Jungti1234 | haha.. |
07:12:10 | Jungti1234 | hey |
07:12:23 | Jungti1234 | [11:04:49] <Jungti1234> Volume of original firmware(iriver) what Rockbox's volume with what same? |
07:12:29 | midkay | haha. |
07:12:33 | * | midkay gives up and gets back to mapping. |
07:12:54 | Jungti1234 | Because their sound is different, I can't know correctly it. |
07:13:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Then guess. |
07:13:27 | Jungti1234 | hm.. |
07:13:38 | Jungti1234 | http://www.cdpkorea.com/zboard4/zboard.php?id=freeboard&no=69592 |
07:13:50 | Jungti1234 | Very long argument |
07:14:06 | Jungti1234 | dispute |
07:15:05 | Jungti1234 | Normal sound setting, different? |
07:15:23 | Paul_The_Nerd | I have no idea what you're asking. |
07:16:14 | Jungti1234 | Don't you know answer? or don't understand? |
07:16:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | I don't understand. |
07:16:45 | Paul_The_Nerd | What you asked was not a question. |
07:17:00 | Jungti1234 | hmm... |
07:17:30 | midkay | haha. |
07:17:35 | Jungti1234 | How does iriver mark volume? |
07:17:49 | Jungti1234 | and how does rockbox mark voulme? |
07:18:20 | midkay | by numbers, and by decibels. |
07:18:36 | Paul_The_Nerd | Rockbox tells you how much the hardware is actually adjusting the volume of the output. |
07:18:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | iRiver makes up numbers and says "This is the volume" |
07:18:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | They are imaginary. |
07:19:28 | Jungti1234 | ah.. iriver is inexact? |
07:19:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | iRiver doesn't mean anything. |
07:20:04 | midkay | it's exact according to its scale, its scale is simply random. |
07:20:25 | Paul_The_Nerd | They picked a certain level to be 1, said the loudest is 40, an divided the space up between the two. |
07:20:43 | midkay | is there a 0? :) |
07:20:51 | Paul_The_Nerd | I think 0 is mute. |
07:20:53 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
07:21:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | 1 is far too loud for me at night though. |
07:21:04 | Jungti1234 | I doubt iriver's technique.... |
07:21:07 | midkay | haha. |
07:21:11 | midkay | what technique? |
07:21:16 | midkay | iriver fake. rockbox real. |
07:21:16 | Jungti1234 | all |
07:21:21 | Jungti1234 | hahahaha |
07:21:22 | Jungti1234 | yes, yes |
07:21:23 | Paul_The_Nerd | Heck, on an airplane, sitting right behind the engines, I find myself listening at only -35 |
07:21:45 | midkay | .. like that's a common occurrance? :) |
07:21:55 | midkay | sigh. |
07:21:57 | midkay | it was occurence. |
07:22:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | Hehehe |
07:22:05 | midkay | occurrence. GAH. |
07:22:08 | midkay | i fail you all. |
07:22:08 | midkay | :( |
07:22:27 | Jungti1234 | hehe |
07:22:34 | Paul_The_Nerd | Actually, if it's quiet enough, I end up continually turning it down, and bit by bit. |
07:22:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | Then suddenly, I lower it ONE more, and it's off. |
07:22:54 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, on the iPod Nano. On the iRiver, the hiss is too loud. |
07:22:55 | midkay | haha. |
07:23:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Plus the iRiver has a lower minimum. |
07:23:36 | Jungti1234 | white noise.. |
07:24:18 | midkay | that was random. |
07:25:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | I can see why Rockbox might be nice on PSP actually |
07:25:36 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's the only thing I own that plays MP3s that I cannot detect a hiss on. |
07:25:59 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-54-252.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
07:26:11 | Jungti1234 | PSP? |
07:26:15 | midkay | automatically making Rockbox nice on it? :) |
07:26:19 | Paul_The_Nerd | Playstation Portable. |
07:26:28 | Paul_The_Nerd | I'm not a big Sony fan though. |
07:26:38 | Jungti1234 | yes, that's game..... |
07:26:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | midkay: Automatically making it the best thing for me to listen to quiet music in a quiet environment with. |
07:27:16 | midkay | nods |
07:27:24 | Jungti1234 | Does rockbox make everything as is possible? haha.. |
07:27:39 | midkay | that didn't make much sense. :o |
07:28:18 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:28:58 | Jungti1234 | Reason that I doubt iriver's technique... |
07:29:18 | Jungti1234 | They says that many things are impossible. |
07:29:50 | midkay | like what? |
07:30:11 | Jungti1234 | Even, thing which is supporting in Rockbox, says that they are impossible by hardware. |
07:30:21 | midkay | like? |
07:30:26 | Jungti1234 | Multi-tasking |
07:31:19 | Jungti1234 | Can't see image while is listening to music. |
07:31:39 | Jungti1234 | and |
07:31:45 | midkay | they said that was impossible by *hardware*? |
07:31:48 | Jungti1234 | yes |
07:31:51 | midkay | maybe with their current setup, but certainly not hardware. |
07:31:53 | midkay | where can I read this? |
07:32:16 | Jungti1234 | and, says that that mark sync of 7 line is impossible because of hardware. |
07:32:40 | midkay | mark sync of 7 line? |
07:32:49 | Jungti1234 | lyrics |
07:32:52 | Jungti1234 | 7 line lyrics |
07:33:15 | midkay | mark sync? |
07:33:18 | Jungti1234 | and 6 line inclusion.. |
07:33:31 | Jungti1234 | ah, not sync. my mistake |
07:33:35 | Jungti1234 | LDB lyrics. |
07:33:48 | midkay | can i see where either of these are said? |
07:33:57 | Jungti1234 | :) you know korean? |
07:34:06 | midkay | no..? :) |
07:34:15 | midkay | link anyways? |
07:34:17 | midkay | i'll find a translator. |
07:34:51 | Jungti1234 | plus they deleted my much post. |
07:34:58 | Jungti1234 | my question |
07:35:12 | midkay | can i see what they said? |
07:35:17 | Jungti1234 | wait |
07:36:22 | Jungti1234 | http://cafe.naver.com/iriverh300/1988 |
07:37:03 | Jungti1234 | http://service.iriver.co.kr/cs_question.asp?Page=1&SrchItem=uname&SrchString=%C1%A4%C5%C3%C0%CE |
07:37:41 | Jungti1234 | They deleted all previous question on January 10, 2006. |
07:38:49 | midkay | ah. |
07:39:20 | Jungti1234 | We can't ask a question to them on weekend. |
07:39:39 | Jungti1234 | can't write. |
07:39:58 | midkay | ok... |
07:40:06 | Jungti1234 | They play weekend joyfully with server. |
07:40:08 | Jungti1234 | haha.. |
07:41:25 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:44:55 | Jungti1234 | um. now, does rockbox support perfectly iriver's LCD remote? |
07:45:10 | midkay | perfectly? i suppose not... |
07:45:21 | Jungti1234 | or.. |
07:45:24 | midkay | (1) why? (2) why don't you try? don't you have a remote? |
07:45:25 | Jungti1234 | works fine |
07:45:32 | Jungti1234 | yep. 2 |
07:45:40 | midkay | so why not just try and see? |
07:45:40 | Jungti1234 | I don't have a remote. |
07:45:49 | midkay | .. |
07:45:53 | Jungti1234 | .... |
07:46:02 | midkay | well, i haven't tried it, but it's supposed to work fine. |
07:46:03 | midkay | why do you ask? |
07:46:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | Which LCD remote? |
07:46:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | There is the H100 and the H300 LCD remote. |
07:46:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | The H100 works perfectly. |
07:46:39 | midkay | perfectly? |
07:46:41 | Jungti1234 | I must have reason? |
07:46:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | Some people disagree with how the buttons are assigned on the H300 one. |
07:46:53 | midkay | Jungti1234: random questions are kind of weird, you ask them a lot.. just curious. |
07:47:09 | Jungti1234 | no |
07:47:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | midkay: Well, there are one or two screens where it cannot be used. It works perfectly in the sense that everywhere it works, it works fine. |
07:47:19 | Jungti1234 | I don;t ask much. |
07:47:48 | midkay | Paul_The_Nerd: so it could work at one screen "perfectly".. :) |
07:47:53 | midkay | Jungti1234: um, whatever.. |
07:47:54 | Jungti1234 | And I don't talk much because I don't know well English. |
07:48:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | midkay: I think it's down to one or two custom screens that it doesn't work. And plugins in which the author couldn't be bothered. |
07:48:48 | midkay | alright. |
07:50:13 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-105-194.w90-1.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
08:00 |
08:04:01 | | Join ^jhMikeS^ [0] (n=jethead7@adsl-68-249-9-51.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net) |
08:04:39 | | Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:14:36 | | Quit Paul_The_Nerd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:19:01 | | Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:19:29 | | Join bernych [0] (n=50533e9c@labb.contactor.se) |
08:21:58 | bernych | HI, I'm doing an instrument tuner plugin and want to know how to get the last 2 seconds of data from the mic to compute my FTT on it. |
08:22:21 | bernych | It's similar to the prerecording feature in the recording |
08:23:40 | | Part cowmilk |
08:25:02 | midkay | i really don't know, but have you looked at the prerecording code? :) |
08:32:32 | bernych | Yes, but there are almost only static functions and they are specific to recording |
08:33:15 | * | midkay shrugs, no idea then. |
08:38:26 | | Join BHSPitMonkey_ [0] (n=stephen@adsl-66-141-170-52.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
08:47:24 | | Join dan_a [0] (n=dan-mirc@ |
08:52:13 | Jungti1234 | argh...... |
08:52:16 | Jungti1234 | very hot.. |
08:59:45 | | Quit bernych ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
09:00 |
09:05:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:06:37 | | Join manegol_ [0] (n=chatzill@user-11fa3dr.dsl.mindspring.com) |
09:06:47 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey_ ("Leaving") |
09:22:40 | | Quit manegol (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:31:52 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-64-94.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
09:32:57 | Jungti1234 | midkay |
09:33:06 | midkay | yes? |
09:33:22 | Jungti1234 | [14:20:03] <midkay> it's exact according to its scale, its scale is simply random. |
09:33:24 | Jungti1234 | what's mean? |
09:33:41 | midkay | i mean you can't call iriver's scale "inexact". |
09:33:49 | midkay | it's just a fake scale. |
09:34:01 | Jungti1234 | fake scale?? |
09:34:06 | Jungti1234 | fake? |
09:35:47 | Jungti1234 | other words? |
09:36:08 | midkay | sigh, it's just.. never mind.. Rockbox uses decibels, iriver uses.. numbers. |
09:36:25 | | Quit manegol_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:36:33 | Jungti1234 | just numbers? |
09:37:25 | Jungti1234 | you mean which it means nothing? |
09:40:34 | midkay | it means nothing, right. |
09:41:55 | | Join Poka64 [0] (i=peter@hd5e241ae.gavlegardarna.gavle.to) |
09:45:00 | Jungti1234 | um |
09:45:17 | Jungti1234 | Doesn't it mean 'volume'? :) |
09:48:14 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:53:09 | | Join gtkspert_ [0] (n=gtkspert@203-59-86-215.dyn.iinet.net.au) |
09:57:19 | midkay | alright. |
09:59:33 | Jungti1234 | ah....... |
09:59:37 | Jungti1234 | I don't know.. |
10:00 |
10:00:30 | Jungti1234 | I have to go to theater.. hehe |
10:00:34 | Jungti1234 | bye |
10:00:43 | | Quit Jungti1234 () |
10:06:20 | | Quit gtkspert (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:15:25 | Slasheri | Ah, now the bootup is really fast with serialized dircache and tagcache, and rockbox in flash :) |
10:16:01 | Slasheri | no disk access (scanning/loading) at all and tagcache is also loaded instantly to ram |
10:26:38 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
10:26:49 | | Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) |
10:29:15 | amiconn | Slasheri: How do you make _sure_ the dircache info is still valid? |
10:29:20 | amiconn | Sounds like black magic |
10:30:43 | | Join mkey [0] (n=mkey@pD9E36BA1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:32:25 | Slasheri | amiconn: using the eeprom |
10:32:51 | Slasheri | that way we can be sure unless user has disconnected the hard drive physically |
10:33:15 | Slasheri | and then we can assume that user should know what he is doing |
10:33:16 | amiconn | What about the of? |
10:33:25 | amiconn | And what about rockbox crashes? |
10:33:28 | Slasheri | it's removed and rockbox is in flash |
10:33:32 | Slasheri | that works only without of |
10:33:51 | Slasheri | the eeprom flag is invalid until rockbox has been succesfully shutdown |
10:33:57 | amiconn | And if someone does rolo for of? |
10:34:11 | Slasheri | then it would be same as crash -> still invalid flag :) |
10:34:46 | amiconn | Hmm. What happens if the dircache info doesn't match the disk contents, but rockbox doesn't detect that situation? |
10:35:10 | * | amiconn is really paranoid when it comes to data safety precautions |
10:35:25 | Slasheri | hmm, basically read-only opened files might be corrupt, but that doesn't affect write operations (because dircache is not used then) |
10:35:36 | Slasheri | and of course dir contents might be incorrect also |
10:35:39 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
10:36:09 | amiconn | That's one (major) reason why I don't use dircache. I don't trust it... |
10:37:10 | Slasheri | but i think it should be as safe as cache updated on every boot (because only real situation for incorrect cache state would caused by manually disconnecting the drive or some other damage to the drive) |
10:37:20 | amiconn | Tagcache is a totally different thing. If it doesn't work correctly, it doesn't corrupt data on the disk |
10:37:34 | Slasheri | yes, true |
10:38:25 | Slasheri | amiconn: but dircache itself cannot corrupt data on disk too (data going to the disk). It can only corrupt data coming out from the disk |
10:39:16 | | Quit dan_a (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:39:27 | dionoea | hello |
10:39:33 | amiconn | hmm |
10:39:39 | amiconn | dionoea: hello |
10:45:49 | | Join TomFelker [0] (n=tom@c-24-4-91-61.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
10:54:29 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A45CA8.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:54:45 | | Join dan_a [0] (n=dan-mirc@ |
10:55:04 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-15-190.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
10:56:09 | amiconn | Slasheri: Does dircache ensure that no info going _to_ the disk can be corrupted by wrong (cached) info coming _from_ the disk? |
10:56:57 | amiconn | What I mean is e.g. saving a file to a directory first scans the dir whether the filename already exists, in order to decide whether this is an overwrite or a new file |
10:58:17 | amiconn | Same goes for the shortname in case it's a new file, the code needs to make sure the shortname is unique |
10:58:21 | Slasheri | amiconn: dircache cannot corrupt the file in that situation, because files opened with O_RDWR or O_WRONLY does not go through the dircache at all |
10:58:30 | linuxstb | Mikachu: (reading your comments in the logs) I've only got the 4g (greyscale and the Color/Photo) recording via the headphone socket (in mono). Both the 4gs and the 5g are recording in stereo via the line-in in the dock connector. |
10:58:48 | Slasheri | amiconn: only when opening files for O_RDONLY (or checking whether a file exists), dircache is used to speed up to locate the startcluster |
10:59:27 | Slasheri | and with an incorrect startcluster readed data can be wrong |
11:00 |
11:00:19 | amiconn | Yeah. My point is: When opening a new file for writing, the code needs to scan the dir whether the filename already exists |
11:00:30 | amiconn | And if that scan goes through dircache... |
11:01:24 | midkay | if it'll need to spin up anyways, you may as well check the disk itself.. |
11:01:32 | Slasheri | true, so that can confuse the software.. it can overwrite an existing file even if rockbox thinks that while doesn't exist |
11:02:27 | Slasheri | amiconn: but it should be extremely rare for that to happen.. either when the previously mentioned conditions are met or there is a bug in dircache |
11:03:10 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
11:03:12 | amiconn | What I fear more is that it might happen that the dir might end up having 2 entries with identical names |
11:03:58 | amiconn | That should never happen, and what happens to win2k when it finds 2 identical shortname entries in a dir is known... |
11:04:11 | Slasheri | hmm, that is not possible |
11:04:35 | Slasheri | file system code never uses dircache to find out if file already exists in that situation |
11:04:54 | amiconn | ah, hmm. |
11:05:13 | * | linuxstb can't recall anyone reporting a corrupt disk due to dircache |
11:05:54 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:06:07 | Slasheri | amiconn: if file is to be opened for writing, dircache is not used in any point during that process |
11:06:15 | | Quit JdGordon (Client Quit) |
11:07:19 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
11:07:26 | linuxstb | Slasheri: How much data can be stored in the eeprom? |
11:08:33 | Slasheri | linuxstb: 128 kbit |
11:08:38 | Slasheri | so not very much :) |
11:08:53 | | Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) |
11:09:13 | Slasheri | argh, no |
11:09:17 | Slasheri | need to check |
11:09:34 | | Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:09:47 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
11:10:34 | Slasheri | linuxstb: 1 kbit |
11:10:43 | Slasheri | so 128 bytes |
11:11:13 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-4-67.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
11:11:25 | linuxstb | More than the Archos RTC storage then (44 bytes). |
11:11:25 | | Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) |
11:11:34 | Slasheri | hehe, true |
11:12:14 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
11:12:27 | Slasheri | currently i haven't planned other use for the eeprom as the "intact disk" flag so there should be still many bytes free |
11:13:32 | | Quit JdGordon (Client Quit) |
11:13:58 | linuxstb | Does the bootloader I installed last night set the "intact disk" flag, or will I need to upgrade? |
11:14:17 | Slasheri | linuxstb: you will need to upgrade :) |
11:14:33 | Slasheri | i still need some testing and code clean-up with the eeprom driver |
11:16:54 | amiconn | Slasheri: I think the binary config data that will stay binary after the switch to .cfg files for most options should go to the eeprom too |
11:17:13 | amiconn | On archos we'll (continue to) use the RTC RAM for this |
11:17:22 | linuxstb | I'm assuming the OF uses the eeprom? |
11:17:23 | amiconn | Archos recorders, that is |
11:17:33 | amiconn | linuxstb: Yes it does |
11:17:47 | Slasheri | amiconn: hmm, that sounds good. |
11:18:11 | Slasheri | but true, there needs to be possibility to save the data on disk too because eeprom is not available if OF is still installed |
11:18:17 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c211-28-95-208.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
11:18:28 | Slasheri | fortunately rockbox can detect if rockbox has been flashed |
11:18:41 | amiconn | We should check how much of the eeprom the of uses. Maybe it's doesn't use all of the eeprom |
11:18:54 | amiconn | s/it's/it/ |
11:19:17 | Slasheri | amiconn: hmm, at least all eeprom bytes was quite random binary data last time i checked.. |
11:20:07 | amiconn | Adding the size of all binary cfg data I remember right now, we'd need 12 bytes |
11:24:34 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:24:45 | * | amiconn suggest a better term for this data. It's not cfg data, but status information |
11:24:59 | linuxstb | Sounds sensible. |
11:25:11 | amiconn | Resume index, current runtime and top runtime |
11:25:37 | amiconn | That's all stuff the user can't set (directly) |
11:28:48 | Slasheri | amiconn: Hmm, what about dircache size? |
11:29:10 | Slasheri | in fact that isn't needed then at all.. |
11:29:27 | Slasheri | because if rockbox is flashed, we can load the image from disk |
11:29:41 | amiconn | dircache size (or the validity flag) is also status info |
11:33:49 | amiconn | rockbox being flashed probably won't be common on any of the newer targets soon, except H1x0 |
11:34:09 | | Join lodesi [0] (n=lds@d01v-213-44-195-150.d4.club-internet.fr) |
11:34:32 | amiconn | On H300 we could technically do it, but the of is still necessary if you want to use usbotg |
11:34:47 | amiconn | On ipod I don't see flashing happening any time soon |
11:35:09 | amiconn | X5 has the same problem as H300 |
11:35:50 | linuxstb | Would you flash your h300? Or do you want usbotg? |
11:35:52 | amiconn | Hmm, in fact rockbox on X5 already means the of isn't available (atm) |
11:36:09 | amiconn | linuxstb: I want usbotg, otherwise I would flash asap |
11:36:20 | * | JdGordon came in late.. why are we flashing h300? |
11:36:37 | linuxstb | We're not. But we're flashing h1x0s. |
11:36:39 | amiconn | JdGordon: Rockbox in flash means faster boot... |
11:36:51 | | Join nudelyn [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-86-157.dslaccess.co.uk) |
11:37:01 | JdGordon | does that mean flashing it every time we want to upgrade? |
11:37:09 | JdGordon | or just removeing the of completly? |
11:37:24 | amiconn | Yes it would mean flashing every time |
11:37:39 | amiconn | ...but not the whole rom, as that would be dangerous |
11:37:39 | Slasheri | but doing the upgrade flashing is very simple and fast |
11:37:45 | JdGordon | dont we need the of to do the flash? |
11:37:48 | amiconn | The bootloader will stay the same |
11:37:51 | linuxstb | You can still load a rockbox.iriver from disk by holding REC when booting. |
11:37:57 | amiconn | JdGordon: Nope. |
11:38:01 | Slasheri | just select rockbox.iriver -> open with -> iriver_flash and flash has been updated |
11:38:16 | JdGordon | oh ok, well if its possible now ill give it a try, my h300 is us and the usbotg mod didnt work |
11:38:32 | amiconn | Slasheri: You use the same image as when running from ram? why? |
11:39:10 | Slasheri | amiconn: currently there is some problems with audio playback when running directly from flash |
11:39:22 | Slasheri | i am not sure what causes it but rockbox will crash in 30 minutes |
11:39:26 | amiconn | Did you try to use the 'catch mem accesses' feature? |
11:39:36 | Slasheri | hmm, probably not |
11:39:45 | Slasheri | but i can try that soo |
11:39:48 | Slasheri | *soon |
11:39:51 | amiconn | Most often this is something trying to write to a data location which is declared 'const' |
11:40:12 | * | amiconn remembers debugging rom execution on archos |
11:40:35 | amiconn | Some things just failed "mysteriously" |
11:41:25 | amiconn | Slasheri: ROM execution requires a different link address. What's your approach for this? |
11:44:23 | Slasheri | amiconn: i have enabled the rom creation from Makefile and modified the rom.lds a bit |
11:44:40 | amiconn | ok. |
11:44:55 | amiconn | What filename (extension) do you use for these files? |
11:45:11 | * | amiconn would prefer a unique cross-platform approach |
11:45:27 | amiconn | What about using .ucl? Did you look into this? |
11:45:38 | Slasheri | i haven't yet planned that so far.. currently and first i was only planning to support the .iriver type of ram images only |
11:45:50 | Slasheri | and maybe in future the rom images too |
11:45:54 | Slasheri | ucl sounds good |
11:46:22 | amiconn | It could even support ucl compression (although it's not strictly necessary given the ROM size) |
11:48:56 | JdGordon | Slasheri: would it be possible to flash it back to the of or the current rb loader? |
11:49:28 | amiconn | The flash plugins on archos do quite a lot of sanity checks to prevent accidental (and deliberate, to some degree) mis-flashing |
11:51:36 | amiconn | These measures (reportedly) saved some user's boxes from bricking |
11:51:43 | linuxstb | Do the Archos plugins create a backup of the current flash contents? |
11:52:27 | Slasheri | JdGordon: it is possible to flash back (at least if you have taken the dump of the rom contents before), but currently that feature is not yet supported |
11:52:39 | amiconn | Not by themselves, but the flashing instructions recommend doing so before (by using the ROM dump feature in the debug menu) |
11:53:34 | amiconn | rockbox_flash in fact doesn't need to backup anything. Only the first time flash (firmware_flash) should be preceded by a ROM dump |
11:53:52 | Slasheri | and erasing/programming the whole flash at once always increases the risk to brick the unit |
11:54:14 | linuxstb | amiconn: How big are the voice files for the h1x0? |
11:54:29 | amiconn | linuxstb: Same size as for archos (still) |
11:54:34 | linuxstb | So about 1.5MB? |
11:54:47 | amiconn | You _can_ use somewhat larger ones (I believe) |
11:54:53 | linuxstb | I was just wondering if there would be any advantage to storing them in flash. |
11:55:05 | amiconn | Yes, although it should be more like 1.4MB for archos today :/ |
11:55:08 | linuxstb | We have about 1.6MB of unused space I think. |
11:55:41 | | Quit safetydan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:55:43 | amiconn | It would make upgrading voice more difficult |
11:56:03 | amiconn | Also, what if you want to change voice? Or have voices for more than 1 language? |
11:56:27 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@cor5-ppp2711.bri.dsl.connect.net.au) |
11:57:56 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
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12:00 |
12:00:49 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes, I know there are disadvantages, but are there any advantages? Presumably it could save 1.5MB of the playback buffer if we played voice clips directly from flash. I'm just trying to think of possibly uses for the unused flash. |
12:01:09 | amiconn | A full unicode sysfont? |
12:02:17 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-155-216.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
12:05:15 | * | amiconn thinks we need a solution for a "hybrid" sysfont (ascii part built in, other glyphs loaded from disk) |
12:05:57 | amiconn | That will perhaps even save a bit of binary size. Today the sysfont is full iso8859-1. |
12:06:38 | | Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@63-226-210-191.tukw.qwest.net) |
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12:10:01 | JdGordon | is the sysfont loaded form disk when rb starts? or is it compiled into the binary? |
12:13:01 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967471.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:13:19 | amiconn | It's compiled in |
12:13:45 | amiconn | Otherwise it would be impossible to display any messages when there's no font on disk... or in the bootloader |
12:15:04 | JdGordon | ah, hmm.. that makes sense :p |
12:15:36 | amiconn | indeed |
12:16:21 | amiconn | The disadvantage is that the sysfont is only iso8859-1, so it isn't possible to translate strings which are displayed using the sysfont into greek, or hebrew, or korean etc |
12:17:10 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=ngNCxkKs@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
12:17:21 | JdGordon | could the bare minimum needed letters be compiled in and then fter boot load a fnt file for the sysfont? |
12:17:32 | JdGordon | fter = after |
12:18:06 | amiconn | Being part of the binary, it's not possible to make the sysfont full unicode. But if we come up with a hybrid solution, we could even reduce the built-in part to pure ascii |
12:18:17 | amiconn | ...as the internal error msgs are always englsih |
12:19:05 | amiconn | You mean just "overloading" the built-in font with an on-disk version? |
12:19:09 | JdGordon | ye |
12:19:37 | amiconn | Hmm, that sounds like a relatively simple soluton. Requires a bit more font cache that reusing the built-in glyphs directly thoguh |
12:19:43 | JdGordon | compile ascii into the binary, and then load any font they want after boot |
12:19:52 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
12:20:32 | JdGordon | do we even really need two fonts? |
12:20:36 | amiconn | The sysfont needs to be fixed width, and of a certain size (currently 8x6 on all targets). Otherwise a lot of layouts will break |
12:21:34 | amiconn | Hmm, in fact you're right. We should try and make all screens in rockbox work with the user font |
12:21:58 | amiconn | ...and then use the sysfont _only_ for "emergency" messages |
12:22:14 | JdGordon | no! bad idea! |
12:22:21 | * | JdGordon slaps self for putting that idea forward |
12:22:29 | amiconn | This way we don't need a hybrid solution at all, and can still shorten the sysfont to ascii |
12:22:41 | JdGordon | too much work making every screen scale to every font size |
12:22:58 | amiconn | I don't think it needs to be any size |
12:23:14 | amiconn | Extreme fonts will make things look weird |
12:23:54 | | Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
12:23:58 | amiconn | But going through all screens and make them adapt to variable font size (and proportional fonts) will in fact also be a first step towards supporting multiple fonts |
12:24:22 | JdGordon | actually how many screens would need fixing? |
12:24:38 | JdGordon | we dont have many graphical screens to begin with.. so its not that much work |
12:24:47 | amiconn | Two things that come to mind: Status bar, keyboard |
12:24:58 | amiconn | Oh, and button bar on archos recorders |
12:25:01 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-22-185.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
12:25:11 | JdGordon | status bar needs pretying up anyay, and kb is a bit problem |
12:25:16 | amiconn | ..and recording screen |
12:26:19 | JdGordon | ok, so shrink the compiled font to ascii, and double the font buffer to hold 2 fonts, the sys font which is fixed size full unicode, and the user font which is what it is now |
12:26:27 | amiconn | The recording screen code looks like one big hack... |
12:27:34 | amiconn | Now I'd rather say we should drop the full unicode sysfont idea, and work on making things work with the user font instead |
12:28:02 | amiconn | Things should become easier with viewports (e.g. the quickscreen, if we want to keep that) |
12:28:31 | | Quit Pyromancer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:28:38 | safetydan | equalizer ui needs fixing for non-sysfont |
12:28:41 | * | amiconn wants to work on viewports, but has so many other ideas he wants to work on |
12:28:59 | amiconn | ...and even during holidays time is limited :( |
12:30:07 | | Join Jazon [0] (n=arkygeek@host86-139-196-197.range86-139.btcentralplus.com) |
12:30:12 | Jazon | hi all |
12:30:21 | linuxstb | hello. |
12:31:38 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Nick collision from services.) |
12:31:48 | | Join Kohlriba [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-135-192.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
12:32:52 | JdGordon | amiconn: "work on making things work with the user font instead" <- some screens it will be impossible to do for some fonts, the sys font is always nice to fall back on if the user font is too large.. |
12:33:17 | * | JdGordon prefers the 3 font solution, if the sysfont buffer can be disabled for ppl who dont need unicode error messages |
12:36:00 | dan_a | Morning all. Does anyone know which bit of code draws the bar which goes across the screen at startup after the Rockbox logo has been shown? |
12:36:09 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
12:36:15 | | Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay (n=midkay@63-226-210-191.tukw.qwest.net) |
12:36:36 | JdGordon | which bar? |
12:36:47 | JdGordon | you mean the status bar? |
12:37:21 | dan_a | I might do - it shows between the Rockbox logo showing and the file browser coming up |
12:37:46 | * | JdGordon never noticed said bar |
12:37:48 | linuxstb | Sounds like a bug... There should be no bar displayed. |
12:37:49 | amiconn | There is none |
12:38:08 | JdGordon | lcd glitch? |
12:38:18 | amiconn | Maybe you observe the same thing as happens on the g4 and mini - the lcd showing a one pixel horizontal black bar, |
12:38:19 | linuxstb | dan_a: Does it also appear in the uisim? |
12:38:20 | dan_a | It looks deliberate |
12:38:29 | amiconn | which slowly fades out over time |
12:38:50 | amiconn | This is because rockbox doesn't shut down the lcd properly |
12:39:10 | dan_a | It's about 10 pixels high, and grows from left to right across the screen |
12:39:18 | amiconn | huh? |
12:39:34 | dan_a | I've not set up uisim at all yet, so I don't know |
12:41:05 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:41:12 | dan_a | Hmmmm... I'm really confused now. I'll check I didn't dream it! |
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12:49:48 | JdGordon | anywho... can someone look @ http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5623 ? Linus likes it but wants a second opinion... |
12:49:53 | dan_a | No, it seems that I completely imagined that bar |
12:58:40 | | Quit joe2 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:00 |
13:02:17 | safetydan | JdGordon, have you been running with that patch? |
13:02:27 | JdGordon | no |
13:02:49 | JdGordon | i had it on a while ago, works fine |
13:02:59 | JdGordon | .. im pretty sure it works fine |
13:03:13 | safetydan | ah, confident you are yes |
13:03:28 | JdGordon | :) ye |
13:03:54 | JdGordon | it bassically formalises what was started in the playback code in a update a few weeks back |
13:05:58 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:06:22 | safetydan | hrmm... I'd review it better if I wasn't watching Iron Chef |
13:14:57 | amiconn | JdGordon: I wonder why the code gets bigger if it's supposed to reduce duplication |
13:15:30 | amiconn | Also, comparing the .ucl size for recorder is futile. rockbox.ucl is compressed, so it doesn't tell anything about the real code size change |
13:15:53 | amiconn | Either compare rombox.ucl, or better directly compare rockbox.bin |
13:21:08 | JdGordon | amiconn: i compared the ucl because i thought the ucl was the equiv of .iriver.. |
13:21:39 | amiconn | The equivalent would be the .ajz, but that's still self-extracting on recorder v1 |
13:22:38 | amiconn | Reason: the archos firmware loads the .ajz when rockbox isn't flashed, but there's a 200KB size limit (recorder v1, and player though it's called archos.mod there) |
13:22:54 | amiconn | Recorder fm/v2 and Ondios have a 400KB size limit |
13:25:39 | JdGordon | i can do a proper comparisson now if you want |
13:26:31 | | Quit Jazon (Remote closed the connection) |
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13:35:48 | JdGordon | amiconn: |
13:35:48 | JdGordon | -rwxr-xr-x 1 jonno users 226640 2006-08-05 21:37 rockbox.bin |
13:35:49 | JdGordon | -rwxr-xr-x 1 jonno users 226492 2006-08-05 21:35 rockbox.bin.cvs |
13:36:25 | JdGordon | so tiny increase... maybe the code can be simplified to shrink that, but 150bytes is acceptable no? |
13:37:00 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-83-31.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
13:37:10 | amiconn | Yeah, it's less increase than on iriver. SH1 code is quite compact in most cases. |
13:37:23 | amiconn | Still, I wonder why there is an increase at all. |
13:37:59 | JdGordon | because there is still some overhead... |
13:39:14 | amiconn | How many places use the directory walk? |
13:40:20 | JdGordon | playlist.c has it 3 maybe 4 times.. i tihnk thats it tho (i actually thought it was mroe than that when i did it) |
13:40:39 | JdGordon | looking at the code it could be simplified a bit i tihnk |
13:42:31 | JdGordon | actually.. maybe not |
13:44:51 | | Join Pyromancer [0] (n=Pyromanc@c-24-63-23-114.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
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13:55:59 | | Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@110.80-203-37.nextgentel.com) |
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14:06:47 | | Quit safetydan ("Ex-Chat") |
14:14:14 | | Part filR |
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14:29:42 | | Join Mmmm [0] (n=mscarrat@cpc5-hem13-0-0-cust908.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
14:35:57 | Febs | linuxstb, looks like you're making great progress on the ipod recording. Congratulations. |
14:36:50 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-134-208-63.range86-134.btcentralplus.com) |
14:38:14 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
14:39:07 | Febs | Hmmm. On the sound quality scale, is "sucks" better or worse than "a bag of shit"? http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=5637 |
14:40:43 | Mikachu | i would say sucks is a lot better than a bag of shit |
14:41:28 | | Quit dan_a (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:41:45 | Mikachu | but SUCKS with lots of !! is also pretty bad |
14:41:55 | | Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) |
14:42:30 | Febs | There's a "thumbs down" as well. Don't forget to take that into consideration. |
14:44:00 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
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14:49:42 | Slasheri | amiconn: i created a new file firmware/eeprom_settings.c that has a struct defined in eeprom_settings.h and two functions: eeprom_settings_load() and eeprom_settings_save() with crc32 checksum checking |
14:50:43 | Slasheri | both functions are safe to use from bootloader also (those functions can't block) |
14:53:58 | | Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
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15:38:55 | Slasheri | hmm, just wondering what file would be the best place to put function detect_flashed_rockbox(). system.c? |
15:40:28 | | Quit Mmmm ("Byeee") |
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15:48:04 | Febs | Several Mistic River users report loud crackle on startup with H3xx: http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=45110 |
15:49:28 | Slasheri | nice, now bootloader can pass it's own settings on the firmware_settings -struct (for example bootloader_version), and it can check if we want to load the default firmware from disk or flash (REC manually always inverts that behaviour) |
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16:00:03 | | Join leftright [0] (n=leftrigh@p5499542E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:01:33 | leftright | Febs; on my H140 there is definately a one loud pop on startup and shutdown, but its also evident with Original Firmaware |
16:01:54 | | Nick Kohlriba is now known as Kohlrabi (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-135-192.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
16:02:10 | Slasheri | leftright: hmm, is that with the headphone port and are you using the newest bootloader? |
16:02:37 | leftright | headphone port, but not new bootloader |
16:02:47 | Slasheri | try upgrade the bootloader |
16:03:26 | leftright | ok, didn't know there was a new one |
16:04:00 | * | leftright racks brains for bootloader procedure |
16:04:55 | | Join rasher [0] (n=jonas@ |
16:06:22 | Febs | I'll ask the people reporting the problem what bootloader they are using and exactly when in the boot sequence the problem happens. |
16:06:42 | | Join lodesi_ [0] (n=lds@d01m-195-36-138-203.d4.club-internet.fr) |
16:08:23 | rasher | I get a very very very faint noise, but not more than you'd expect when turning something on |
16:08:37 | rasher | h120, bootloader 6 |
16:09:10 | Febs | Me too. But I recall in the past hearing something that is more of a screech occasionally. Hasn't happened recently though. |
16:09:49 | rasher | I get a sort of whooomp noise when using the reset button, but I doubt that's anyone's fault |
16:13:06 | | Quit lodesi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:13:51 | JdGordon | Slasheri: my h300 has a loud crackle/pop sound when i turn it on also |
16:15:17 | | Join Jungti1234 [0] (n=jungti12@ |
16:15:51 | Slasheri | JdGordon: hmm, do you have the newest bootloader on it? I am not sure about that unit but at least with H1xx too old bootloader causes a crack at the same time when pressing the power button |
16:16:04 | JdGordon | v5 |
16:16:20 | JdGordon | ye, its just as u turn it on |
16:16:36 | JdGordon | i never worried about it, but seen as febs brought it up i thought i may as well mention it |
16:17:23 | JdGordon | lol/wtf at the latest cvs commit... |
16:17:27 | JdGordon | gwps-common.c |
16:20:27 | leftright | ver 6 is the latest bootloader right ? |
16:21:21 | Jungti1234 | what's function is'Load to RAM' in tag cache option? |
16:21:34 | JdGordon | v6 for h1xx v5 for h3xx |
16:21:36 | Jungti1234 | what function? |
16:21:43 | JdGordon | Jungti1234: its the same as dircache |
16:21:46 | leftright | still a pop/crack on startup and shutdown, but as I said the original firmware does that too |
16:21:48 | JdGordon | it speeds up the id3 browser |
16:21:58 | Jungti1234 | um.. what is id3 browser? |
16:22:04 | Jungti1234 | see id3 database? |
16:22:12 | rasher | Slasheri: if the bootloader can pass stuff to Rockbox, would it be possible to pass presses on "play" (for resume) |
16:22:21 | rasher | Slasheri: so you can press "play, play" and not have to wait |
16:23:07 | Jungti1234 | id3 browser is 'Show Files -> ID3 Database'? |
16:23:12 | rasher | Jungti1234: yes |
16:23:16 | Jungti1234 | ok |
16:24:56 | | Quit pike () |
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16:25:29 | leftright | infact the pop/crack on startup is worse with the original firmware |
16:25:37 | Jungti1234 | and.. |
16:25:46 | Jungti1234 | what is 'Catch mem accesses' in debug menu? |
16:25:59 | JdGordon | ignore it |
16:26:10 | Jungti1234 | why |
16:26:25 | Jungti1234 | Of course, I unuse it. |
16:27:24 | Jungti1234 | but.... just curious |
16:27:30 | Jungti1234 | please answer.. |
16:28:17 | JdGordon | its a debugging tool, to tell you if you are accessing invalid memory, or something like that |
16:28:23 | leftright | Jungti1234: if you are not a programmer don't go to debug section, most of the stuff there is to assist developers |
16:28:24 | rasher | It's something to do with catching memory accesses made to "wrong" parts of the memory or something. It helps debugging.. stuff |
16:29:06 | rasher | I like how festival pronounces "plugins" as "Plueg-ins" |
16:29:45 | | Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ |
16:33:20 | * | rasher files a bug on the Split filesize menu |
16:35:02 | leftright | is there any point in having a boot logo, it just boots to fast, :> |
16:35:54 | Jungti1234 | thanks all |
16:35:55 | Jungti1234 | :) |
16:36:12 | Jungti1234 | Very kind answer. |
16:36:14 | rasher | It's gone quite fast. I barely get to see it. But then, when tagcache is committing, you get to marvel at its beauty. |
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17:11:07 | Febs | bluebrother, I've created a poll in the forums to get a sense of what percentage of Rockbox users read the manual: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=5655.0 |
17:12:06 | * | dionoea just bough an ipod dock ... wonder if i haven't been wasting my money :) |
17:15:18 | dionoea | linuxstb: have you already tried having fun with the dock's IR thing ? |
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17:34:39 | fungame | Hello all. I'm interested in updating Rockbox's Makefiles so that it will compile on Mac OS X. So far I've gotten the simulator working successfully. Can anyone give me some advice (or whether or not this a better question for the mailing list) on how I should change the makefile so that the patch gets accepted? :-) |
17:40:20 | rasher | fungame: I don't have much advice, but Bagder is definitely the man to get in touch with when it comes to makefiles |
17:41:29 | fungame | rasher: Do you have any idea when he's usually around? |
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17:43:18 | rasher | fungame: http://rasher.dk/rockbox/ircstats/ might help. Mostly worktime and late evening (GMT+2) on weekdays I think, and late evenings in weekends |
17:43:43 | dionoea | any ipod hacker arround ? |
17:43:50 | | Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
17:44:39 | fungame | rasher: aha. Thats cool. Thanks :-) |
17:45:00 | sharpe | hmm... i need to find something... |
17:45:59 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:46:13 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
17:47:13 | rasher | Hm, what's a good way to pad a string with spaces in shellscripting? |
17:47:38 | | Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) |
17:48:00 | fungame | rasher: " $SOMEVAR " |
17:48:10 | fungame | in bourne shell at least. |
17:49:22 | | Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
17:49:30 | dionoea | lol, memory is full of C0EDBABE or CACAD0D0 on the ipod ... i wonder what that's due to |
17:50:12 | rasher | fungame: Sorry for not being clearer. I have a string that I want padded up to say, 10 characters. Is there an easy way to do this (without first finding the string's length) |
17:50:32 | dionoea | with awk i guess ... /me should learn awk |
17:50:48 | rasher | I was trying to avoid invoking awk, actually |
17:51:04 | rasher | But I guess that's one way |
17:51:20 | fungame | rasher: What tools are you willing to use? |
17:51:25 | fungame | rasher: completely in the shell? |
17:51:36 | petur | dionoea: in rb it's mostly DEADBEEF |
17:52:03 | dionoea | petur: well this is reading memory at like 0xE0000000 and up (in rockbox) |
17:52:12 | dionoea | and i can't find that anywhere in rockbox source |
17:52:38 | rasher | fungame: I don't know.. guess I'll just do it with awk (awk '{ printf(%10d, $1) }') |
17:52:45 | petur | maybe the apple/ipl bootloader fills mem? does memtest? |
17:52:56 | dionoea | i don't have a clue :) |
17:54:03 | sharpe | well, it makes sense if it does... .:) |
17:55:55 | dionoea | in fact most addresses like 0xe???ffc are full of that |
18:00 |
18:04:00 | dionoea | hum, can rockbox freeze while reading stuff in memory ? (like somewhere arround 0x17FD.... ?) |
18:06:44 | actionshrimp | ahhh that classic memory location |
18:07:01 | dionoea | ? is that known ? |
18:10:19 | petur | dionoea: yes it can go wrong when reading non-existing locations (bus error) |
18:11:00 | dionoea | ok |
18:11:05 | petur | it will probably jump to some exception handler and I don't think it will recover |
18:11:07 | dionoea | sounds logical |
18:13:12 | t0mas | iirc we have a reboot option in exception handlers |
18:13:24 | t0mas | like, press stop to reboot... or play |
18:13:26 | t0mas | don't remember which |
18:14:10 | | Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@110.80-203-37.nextgentel.com) |
18:14:55 | | Join RandyBear [0] (n=3ff6c8e1@labb.contactor.se) |
18:16:14 | RandyBear | mmmm... just want to post something to the wiki... says I have to grovel here first?? |
18:16:26 | petur | yes |
18:16:30 | rasher | Play, I believe. At least on Iriver. |
18:16:31 | RandyBear | grovel |
18:16:37 | petur | :) |
18:16:44 | RandyBear | don't have much time to spend on this... |
18:16:52 | rasher | RandyBear: which user are you? |
18:16:58 | RandyBear | this one |
18:17:07 | rasher | RandyBear? |
18:17:10 | RandyBear | yes |
18:17:19 | RandyBear | that is me |
18:17:22 | RandyBear | moi |
18:17:27 | RandyBear | myself |
18:17:32 | RandyBear | < bow> |
18:17:35 | rasher | And is that, in fact, your real name? (I'm sorry, it's just that I've never heard "Bear" as a last name) |
18:17:41 | RandyBear | serious? |
18:17:58 | rasher | Yes? |
18:18:02 | RandyBear | check a pfhone book |
18:18:23 | petur | that depends where you live :) |
18:18:32 | rasher | Yes, yes it does. |
18:18:44 | rasher | anyway, which page is it you have to edit? |
18:18:48 | RandyBear | mmm, well look, I have something to add to the wiki and I don't need a debate |
18:18:54 | RandyBear | the mic preamp thing |
18:19:01 | RandyBear | awful |
18:19:09 | RandyBear | needs revision |
18:19:15 | RandyBear | should be a FET |
18:19:24 | RandyBear | anyhow it is incorrectly biased |
18:19:42 | RandyBear | which is why it should be a FET |
18:19:54 | RandyBear | but if no one cares... |
18:20:16 | rasher | RandyBear: should work now |
18:20:24 | RandyBear | thanks much... |
18:20:29 | RandyBear | ta |
18:20:37 | rasher | At least if I did it right |
18:20:59 | RandyBear | btw anyone know what the spec for the Rockbox 15 (V1??) wall wart was?? |
18:21:17 | rasher | I think it's in the DeviceChart page |
18:21:35 | RandyBear | oh? where is that "device chart"? |
18:21:38 | RandyBear | in the wiki? |
18:21:41 | rasher | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DeviceChart |
18:21:47 | RandyBear | great! |
18:21:52 | rasher | (and it is) |
18:22:27 | rasher | Wonder if I should put my langstatus script (responsible for the table I just put on the LangFiles page) in cvs |
18:23:36 | RandyBear | long as I'm at it... how about how to save/get copy of old Archos OS for backup before loading in Rockbox? |
18:24:41 | rasher | No idea about that I'm afraid. I'm not an Archos man. |
18:25:05 | dionoea | on a recorder ? are you planing on falshing it ? |
18:25:42 | RandyBear | perhaps... looking into it just now... |
18:25:53 | RandyBear | not sure yet how it all works software wise |
18:26:04 | RandyBear | only just got the thing a few weeks back |
18:26:21 | RandyBear | have to make a hardware repair on the batt charger circuit yet |
18:26:28 | RandyBear | but it is fun so far |
18:27:33 | RandyBear | no one? |
18:27:43 | dionoea | well i don't know the new models |
18:28:17 | RandyBear | this is an old model... |
18:28:26 | RandyBear | old Recorder... |
18:28:31 | RandyBear | Recorder 15 |
18:28:40 | | Quit fungame () |
18:28:42 | dionoea | Recorder v1 ? |
18:28:42 | dionoea | with the blue bumbers ? |
18:28:43 | RandyBear | antique, uses two hamsters to run it |
18:28:46 | dionoea | :) |
18:28:49 | RandyBear | black |
18:29:49 | dionoea | well i have the v1 (which couldn't be flashed) and you just dropped the firmware file on the hard drive to load rockbox (and removed it if you didn't want it anymore). You can do that to start and flash rockbox once you're confident that you like it better than the crappy archos firmware |
18:31:24 | | Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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18:40:13 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host68-143.pool8250.interbusiness.it) |
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18:45:59 | RandyBear | tnx dio |
18:46:31 | RandyBear | not sure i see the firmware file via USB... |
18:47:03 | | Quit pikester (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:52:37 | | Quit rasher ("leaving") |
18:53:07 | | Part leftright |
18:55:41 | dionoea | RandyBear: well the default firmware is in the flash. If you want to use new archos firmware, you just drop the file on the harddrive and it loads it from there (without overwriting the flash or anything) |
18:58:04 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:00 |
19:00:46 | dionoea | "Data abort" ... neat :) |
19:03:22 | | Join midgey34 [0] (n=TJ@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
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19:28:32 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-135-192.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
19:31:09 | dionoea | cool :) my ipod is doing alien sounds with the piezo :p |
19:31:47 | dionoea | has anyone already tried using that as a speaker ? |
19:36:59 | | Join GTC [0] (i=debian-t@digital.linux.org.au) |
19:37:42 | | Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
19:37:56 | Mikachu | not for music, no |
19:39:06 | petur | any audacity users around that know about the envelope tool? |
19:39:30 | dionoea | Mikachu: any idea if that would be possible ? |
19:39:45 | Mikachu | dionoea: i have no idea how often it lets you change the frequency |
19:40:05 | dionoea | you'd need like 40000 Hz for music ? |
19:40:28 | Mikachu | it would be recognizable at 10000Hz too |
19:40:43 | dionoea | my ipod is now sounding like a police car ... hehe |
19:41:12 | obo | single voice midi?? |
19:41:14 | dionoea | Mikachu: how would i check that ? |
19:41:29 | dionoea | just experimenting ? |
19:41:52 | Mikachu | it also sounds hard to play a pcm sample on a device that takes 1/frequency as input |
19:43:20 | petur | there used to be sound driver that let you play WAV on the pc speaker under windows |
19:43:30 | petur | sounded horrible |
19:43:42 | petur | but it was the best there was ;) |
19:43:46 | Mikachu | that's because it has to yield the cpu, or the computer would lock up |
19:43:49 | dionoea | horrible is better than nothing :) |
19:43:52 | Mikachu | and when it did, the pc speaker stopped getting data |
19:44:05 | Mikachu | you would probably have to dedicate the cop if you wanted to actually use it |
19:44:25 | | Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) |
19:44:25 | petur | sound cards were hard to get back then. midi was there but no wav |
19:44:45 | petur | (late eighties) |
19:44:46 | | Quit |apo| (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:45:27 | petur | back when an at286 12MHz was awesome |
19:45:28 | Slasheri | linuxstb: i have a new bootloader ready for you soon ;) |
19:46:16 | Mikachu | petur: there is a driver for linux too of course |
19:46:36 | dionoea | hum, looks like i found a way to change the piezo's volume |
19:46:46 | petur | but no more for recent wndows versions... |
19:46:49 | Mikachu | really? |
19:47:06 | dionoea | really what ? |
19:47:11 | Mikachu | volume |
19:47:22 | dionoea | well yeah, i'll experiment a bit more |
19:51:45 | dionoea | neat :) it's definitively doing something |
19:52:12 | dionoea | i'll have to do some kind of an interface to test ... recompiling everytime is a bit horrible |
19:54:09 | obo | dionoea: FS #5111 - anything you can use there? |
19:54:15 | dionoea | i'll check |
19:56:00 | dionoea | obo: no, it's just like ipodlinux' implementation. They OR the freq with 0x80800000 |
19:56:08 | obo | I had a HZ to freq conversion in an earlier one (approx 91225/Hz ) |
19:56:12 | dionoea | and the freq is only on the last 2 bytes |
19:56:30 | dionoea | so i'm trying to see what the first 2 bytes are used for |
19:56:39 | dionoea | and it looks like it might be volume |
19:57:46 | obo | nice :) |
19:59:38 | * | petur wonders if the h1x0 eeprom driver also works for h3x0 |
20:00 |
20:05:04 | dionoea | 0x00->0x79 == no sound, 0x80 == full volume up to 0xff == low volume |
20:05:19 | dionoea | i don't understand why that has to specified twice though |
20:06:46 | Mikachu | what happens if you use different values? |
20:07:00 | dionoea | hum, in fact all values ranging from 0x80 to 0xf0 sound the same |
20:07:43 | dionoea | Mikachu: that's what i'm about to test :) |
20:14:42 | dionoea | ok, it's weird |
20:14:50 | dionoea | anyone want my test plugin to try and figure it out ? |
20:15:49 | dionoea | one looks like a "master volume" while the other one does some fine tuning ... but it also ends up affecting the frequency |
20:17:24 | dionoea | (this would be nice for an alarm clock plugin) |
20:18:21 | | Quit sando ("blargh") |
20:18:22 | dionoea | ok i get it |
20:19:36 | dionoea | if |0x80000000 puts the volume on. &~0x80000000 shuts it off |
20:19:51 | dionoea | 0x00??0000 influences the volume (and frequency?) |
20:19:59 | dionoea | 0x0000???? is frequency stuff |
20:20:17 | dionoea | i don't know what the other stuff in the first byte might be used for |
20:20:19 | Mikachu | maybe it's 0x00?00000 and 0x000????? ? |
20:20:38 | dionoea | lets see |
20:21:00 | dionoea | (but i doubt it given the volume change pattern) |
20:21:18 | Mikachu | yeah i haven't even looked at it, so just guessing |
20:21:25 | dionoea | you have an ipod ? |
20:21:37 | Mikachu | yeah, i've played a bit with the piezo |
20:21:42 | Mikachu | but i used the code preglow wrote |
20:21:54 | Mikachu | well, stole from ipl |
20:21:55 | dionoea | i can send you my test plugin code if you want |
20:21:59 | Mikachu | sure |
20:22:26 | dionoea | http://people.videolan.org/~dionoea/ipodtest.c |
20:24:53 | | Join menollo [0] (n=53740bec@labb.contactor.se) |
20:25:29 | dionoea | 0x00?00000 doesn't sound like volume ... |
20:26:27 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) |
20:27:42 | dionoea | 0x000?0000 isn't related to frequency changing |
20:28:16 | Mikachu | so then it must be the other way around if 0x00??0000 changes both? |
20:29:23 | | Join pike [0] (i=amiga@c83-249-120-24.bredband.comhem.se) |
20:30:20 | Mikachu | everything above like b00 sounds the same to me |
20:30:39 | dionoea | b00 ? |
20:31:57 | Mikachu | for the frequency |
20:32:04 | Mikachu | i think 'vol2' is the waveform |
20:32:12 | RandyBear | bye & tnx for the help |
20:32:15 | | Quit RandyBear ("CGI:IRC") |
20:32:26 | dionoea | Mikachu: ffff definitively doesn't sound like 0b00 here |
20:32:52 | Mikachu | near the edges, it sounds sawtoothy, and in the middle it sonuds triangular |
20:33:09 | dionoea | how can you make that out ? |
20:33:19 | Mikachu | and when you set it to 00 or ff it's completely flat maybe, so that would explain the silence |
20:33:35 | Mikachu | it sounds different? |
20:34:34 | Mikachu | less overtones in triangular |
20:34:43 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-094-013.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
20:35:21 | dionoea | ok |
20:35:34 | dionoea | so that leaves us with 7 useless bits in the first byte |
20:37:42 | Mikachu | the msb turns it on? |
20:38:04 | dionoea | yep |
20:38:05 | Mikachu | it's possible they're just unused |
20:38:13 | dionoea | seems so |
20:39:23 | Mikachu | hey uh |
20:39:28 | Mikachu | the freq loops at 0x2000 |
20:39:35 | dionoea | i was just about to say so :) |
20:39:46 | dionoea | finger pressed on right :p |
20:39:53 | Mikachu | so i guess only &1fff affects the freq then |
20:40:15 | | Quit GTC (Remote closed the connection) |
20:40:44 | bluebrother | Febs, just came back and read the log. |
20:40:48 | bluebrother | nice poll. |
20:41:18 | dionoea | so ffe000 would afect the wave form ? |
20:41:50 | Mikachu | i guess it might |
20:41:56 | Mikachu | takes a while to try with your current interface |
20:42:21 | dionoea | it sounds like it does |
20:42:25 | dionoea | i'll upload new sources |
20:42:34 | dionoea | Mikachu: new sources uploaded |
20:42:38 | Mikachu | okay |
20:45:19 | dionoea | i'll have to try this thing on my neightboor's dog :D |
20:45:22 | Mikachu | haha |
20:46:03 | Mikachu | i think you limited the ?: field a bit weirdly now |
20:46:07 | Mikachu | it lets me set too large values |
20:46:48 | dionoea | yeah, the ? field is all messed up :) |
20:46:55 | dionoea | but it's useless anyway |
20:47:28 | Mikachu | it's hard to tell if the extra precision field actually affects the waveform by ear |
20:47:41 | dionoea | it does |
20:47:51 | dionoea | at least the sound changes continuously |
20:48:07 | | Join manegol_ [0] (n=chatzill@user-11fadld.dsl.mindspring.com) |
20:48:09 | | Nick manegol_ is now known as manegol (n=chatzill@user-11fadld.dsl.mindspring.com) |
20:48:37 | dionoea | well maybe not |
20:48:40 | Mikachu | well yeah, but it would if it had no effect too since the first two bytes change |
20:49:00 | dionoea | does anyone here have an ipod and a good microphone ? |
20:52:55 | dionoea | i can't hear frequencies 1->5 |
20:53:04 | Mikachu | i think it sort of overflows itself |
20:53:45 | Mikachu | i can hear 5 but not 1-4 |
20:54:38 | dionoea | hum, yay! i can hear 5 if i put my ear on the ipod's back |
20:55:34 | dionoea | we must have pretty much figured it out i guess |
20:57:07 | dionoea | now let's do a piano plugin :D |
20:57:43 | dionoea | I'll add a comment to the piezo patch in FS |
20:59:33 | Mikachu | i have some pics in qoscc but i can't make much sense of it |
20:59:42 | dionoea | can i have a look ? |
21:00 |
21:01:12 | Mikachu | the waveform changes radically depending on what part of the nano i hold over the mic |
21:01:35 | dionoea | on top of the hearphone socket sems to be the best place |
21:01:54 | Mikachu | i'm guessing you don't have a nano? |
21:02:05 | dionoea | no ... i have a video |
21:02:16 | Mikachu | the earphone socket is nowhere near the piezo on a nano :) |
21:02:28 | dionoea | hehe |
21:04:43 | Mikachu | using the sound card as an oscilloscope is not 100% satisfactory :) |
21:04:49 | dionoea | :) |
21:04:58 | Mikachu | i can't notice anything for the extra 7bits anyway |
21:06:08 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:07:19 | Mikachu | didn't look a bit triangular or sawtooth though :) |
21:07:27 | dionoea | :( |
21:07:41 | Mikachu | but i get like 3 data points per oscillation so it's hard to tell |
21:07:59 | dionoea | what if you lower the frequency ? |
21:11:37 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@adsl-66-141-170-52.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
21:12:21 | Mikachu | at 1fff, the frequency is low enough to clearly see every 'click' on the screen |
21:12:39 | Mikachu | so the tones are formed like closing a zipper quickly, nothing pure about it :) |
21:14:20 | dionoea | :) |
21:15:18 | Mikachu | OH |
21:15:26 | Mikachu | there appears to be two clicks |
21:15:33 | Mikachu | the vol2 sets the time difference between them |
21:15:42 | Mikachu | at 80, they are more or less at the same time |
21:16:31 | dionoea | i added a comment on http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5111 |
21:16:58 | | Quit pike (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:18:09 | Mikachu | scratch that |
21:18:19 | Mikachu | at 00/ff they are exactly at the same time and cancel out, it looks like |
21:18:21 | | Quit bluey- ("Leaving") |
21:18:26 | | Quit YouCeyE (Remote closed the connection) |
21:18:30 | Mikachu | at 80, the extra click is right between two normal clicks |
21:21:07 | Mikachu | dionoea: here it is set to 80 http://mikachu.ath.cx/piezo80.png |
21:21:18 | Mikachu | that is 80 in the final command |
21:22:07 | Mikachu | and the frequency very low of course |
21:22:53 | dionoea | what if you change the waveform thing ? |
21:22:59 | dionoea | how does it change the graph ? |
21:23:10 | Mikachu | that's what i just explained |
21:23:25 | Mikachu | every second click moves relative to the other set |
21:23:34 | Mikachu | at 00 they overlap exactly and seem to cancel out |
21:23:47 | dionoea | oh, ok :) |
21:24:28 | Mikachu | i think i would need an actual oscilloscope and better mic to say anything more |
21:25:08 | | Quit manegol (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:25:24 | dionoea | yep. I guess that some people here have some |
21:25:31 | dionoea | lets hope that they read this :) |
21:26:01 | dionoea | now i can try sending random commands to some other device on the ipod (and hope that it doesn't break) |
21:26:06 | Mikachu | when i looked at higher frequencies, it also just looked like every second top was moving |
21:26:30 | Mikachu | i'm not exactly sure why you would want to do such a thing |
21:26:50 | dionoea | me neither :) |
21:33:56 | | Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@unaffiliated/youceye) |
21:41:26 | dionoea | what does I2S mean ? |
21:41:40 | Mikachu | i only know i2c |
21:41:44 | Mikachu | some context? |
21:41:50 | Mikachu | is it about the lang strings? |
21:42:36 | dionoea | nope, it's on http://ipodlinux.org/PP5020 |
21:42:38 | dionoea | some device |
21:50:57 | Bger | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I2S |
21:51:18 | bluebrother | Inter-IC Sound |
21:51:29 | dionoea | thanks :) |
21:51:54 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-55-232.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
21:52:21 | dionoea | some more questions: did anyone already try using the IR port on the apple dock with rockbox ? |
21:56:02 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:58:45 | | Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-153-1-69-241.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
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23:14:10 | ShadowdogMU | linuxstb around? |
23:14:17 | ShadowdogMU | actually, nevermind |
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23:57:53 | dionoea | Mikachu: are you still around ? |
23:58:07 | dionoea | just found something weird, 3 other addresses can control the piezo |
23:58:39 | dionoea | i don't know why they'd have 4 different addresses to do that ... if anyone has a clue ... |