00:01:35 | * | jhMikeS takes the silence as an "affirmative" :P C'mon...lay it on! |
00:02:51 | * | petur is all for it |
00:02:58 | | Join Mikachu [0] (i=Mikachu@kr-lun-154-152-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com) |
00:03:12 | * | jhMikeS thinks it's time for premptive threads :D |
00:03:23 | petur | yuck |
00:03:33 | * | Bagder smacks jhMikeS |
00:03:35 | jhMikeS | nah! much easier to dealwith |
00:05:56 | * | petur hums 'saturday night's alright for fighting' |
00:06:31 | * | petur tries to remember what band made it |
00:07:00 | * | petur hugs google |
00:11:07 | * | jhMikeS says 'beer' and 'fighting' in the same sentence |
00:12:40 | petur | just beer will do... |
00:13:01 | | Join perpleXa [0] (n=perplexa@unaffiliated/perplexa) |
00:13:11 | XavierGr | my mood just fell down after joining #freenode-announce... :( |
00:14:06 | | Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:17:38 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@ppp-69-214-180-73.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net) |
00:21:37 | jhMikeS | I must be missing the depressing aspect of the announcements...went to #freenode-announce and saw something about Rob's mission |
00:21:47 | Mikachu | he's dead |
00:22:34 | jhMikeS | that's awful. how? |
00:22:46 | petur | see 23:18 in this channel |
00:22:50 | Mikachu | hit by car when riding bike |
00:23:35 | Genre9mp3 | jhMikes: Rob was riding his bike on tuesday when he was hit by a car, he has spent the last few days at the neuro trauma ICU at a local hospital... news reached us this morning that Rob passed away early today |
00:24:34 | | Quit chelli (Client Quit) |
00:25:56 | idnar | petur: timestamps are useless without timezones :P |
00:26:13 | * | petur slaps forehead |
00:26:26 | jhMikeS | I know...I'm looking for it in the logs |
00:26:38 | petur | an hour ago |
00:27:07 | Bagder | but Genre9mp3 pretty much repeated it |
00:27:43 | Mikachu | is it too early to complain about the scheduler? |
00:27:51 | Bagder | no |
00:28:00 | dionoea | it's past midnight :) can't be too early :p |
00:28:07 | Mikachu | navigating menus feels sluggish even when no music is playing |
00:28:44 | Bagder | I wonder how that can happen |
00:29:13 | XavierGr | wow the new scheduler is finally commited? |
00:29:17 | XavierGr | good news then |
00:29:28 | Bagder | yes, if you like sluggish UI ;-) |
00:29:48 | XavierGr | well there is no way to make audio skip now :p |
00:29:54 | Mikachu | i remember when i asked if something like that would ever be added, you said no, that would add years of problems to debug |
00:30:05 | Bagder | "no way" is probably an overstatement |
00:30:23 | Mikachu | if you enable the eq and crossfeed on an ipod, it will surely skip |
00:30:29 | XavierGr | I must update and see the new changes myself |
00:33:44 | | Quit Criamos ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
00:51:58 | markun | Captain_A: still here? |
00:55:44 | | Quit lodesi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:56:24 | | Join lodesi [0] (n=lds@d02m-89-83-221-67.d4.club-internet.fr) |
01:00 |
01:00:32 | fannay | Hi can someone tell me how to play iDoom on rockbox please? |
01:00:42 | ze | you don't |
01:00:44 | ze | you play rockdoom |
01:01:02 | fannay | Ohh |
01:01:07 | fannay | where can i get that? |
01:01:52 | fannay | dw |
01:01:53 | fannay | I have it |
01:01:57 | fannay | thanks :] |
01:02:19 | ze | heh np :p |
01:04:00 | | Quit rretzbach (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:05:38 | fannay | Hey with rockdoom, do I unzip the wads or just leave them compressed? |
01:06:19 | ze | no idea, i dunno anything about it :p |
01:06:41 | ze | best advice i can give for general things where there's not really any risk of damage |
01:06:44 | ze | try it and see |
01:06:44 | ze | :p |
01:06:47 | ze | is |
01:07:20 | | Join mihalis [0] (n=mihalis@adsl-71-159-147-119.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) |
01:07:37 | mihalis | hey folks... i just got an ipod and i have a question ;) |
01:07:49 | dionoea | fannay: check the wiki page for instructions |
01:08:27 | fannay | I checked and it says copy but im not sure if they want me to unzip them or not :/ |
01:08:50 | fannay | Il just test and see |
01:09:00 | fannay | will let you know ha :] |
01:09:00 | mihalis | i dont like the layout of it when i turn it on... it lists folders like"movies" "music" "settings" etc... instead of just a directory tree (which is what i would prefer)... i installed rockbox for it, but it doesnt seem to fix anything |
01:09:04 | mihalis | any ideas? |
01:09:36 | dionoea | fannay: you need to unzip them |
01:09:51 | mihalis | i dont want to categorize all my music by "genre" and all that crap... i just like to keep it simple... alphabetical order (kind of like archos) |
01:09:56 | | Quit ender` (" Japan actually has a fair amount of land, it's just that about 1/3 of the population seems to want to live in the same 13,000") |
01:10:05 | dionoea | mihalis: if you installed rockbox it should look completely differnet |
01:10:11 | dionoea | make sure that you reboot the ipod |
01:10:18 | mihalis | mmmm... it doesnt, and i did |
01:10:28 | dionoea | well then you got something wrong :) |
01:10:35 | mihalis | i had rockbox on my old mp3 player... |
01:10:38 | mihalis | and it worked fine |
01:10:50 | dionoea | rebooted like: "keep play and select pressed for 10 seconds" ? |
01:10:55 | mihalis | my ipod though... it keeps installing the default configuration |
01:11:00 | mihalis | yes |
01:11:11 | mihalis | is there another way? |
01:11:33 | mihalis | hmmm... lemme try again real quick |
01:11:42 | fannay | Right can rockbox open wad files? |
01:11:55 | dionoea | fannay: no, you launch the doom plugin |
01:12:00 | dionoea | and it looks for the wads |
01:12:05 | dionoea | and lets you select the one you want |
01:12:30 | fannay | What doom plugin :S I have the doom was |
01:12:34 | fannay | *wad |
01:13:07 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:13:10 | mihalis | nope nothing |
01:13:21 | dionoea | fannay: check in the plugins list. |
01:13:38 | dionoea | mihalis: well you must have got something wrong in the install instructions then i guess |
01:13:38 | mihalis | it still says "ipod" at the top of the screen and gives me that lameass menu |
01:13:41 | XavierGr | mihalis: are you from Greece? |
01:14:03 | mihalis | xavier: no, but i get that all the time... its not my real name, its the name of my favorite song |
01:14:06 | | Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") |
01:14:21 | XavierGr | your favorite song is called mihalis? |
01:14:28 | dionoea | mihalis: did you read the instructions from http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodPort ? |
01:14:29 | linuxstb_ | mihalis: What install instructions did you follow? |
01:14:39 | mihalis | hrmmm.... i was supposed to just unzip rockbox (including the directory structure) to my ipod root directory, right? |
01:14:47 | XavierGr | mihalis is a greek name that's why I ask |
01:14:48 | dionoea | and install the bootloader |
01:14:55 | mihalis | bootloader? |
01:14:57 | dionoea | you must've missed that part :) |
01:15:04 | dionoea | check the link i pasted |
01:15:10 | mihalis | must have... my last mp3 player didnt need that |
01:15:17 | mihalis | thx |
01:15:35 | dionoea | the archoses were indeed easier :) |
01:16:08 | mihalis | yah... leave it to apple to screw things up |
01:16:20 | mihalis | all in the name of trying to be "user friendly"... |
01:16:31 | mihalis | they wind up making things more complicated than they need to be |
01:17:03 | dionoea | well they're not supposed to make it easy for you to install rockbox :) |
01:17:34 | | Quit MarcoPolo ("Bye !") |
01:18:19 | mihalis | are there any other easy ways of removing that horrible default interface that an ipod comes with? |
01:18:41 | mihalis | you know what im talking about... that stupid menu that categorizes by "songs", "genres" etc... |
01:18:49 | * | jhMikeS is suprised the thread update didn't cause merging conflict with his recording work :) |
01:19:13 | dionoea | mihalis: installing rockbox it the only good way to do so :) |
01:19:19 | linuxstb_ | mihalis: Only not buying an ipod... |
01:19:21 | jhMikeS | mihalis: sledgehammer ;) |
01:19:27 | mihalis | sigh* then i'll do it ;) |
01:19:43 | mihalis | i got it 'cause it was 60 gigs... not 'cause it was apple |
01:20:45 | fannay | Ok help me with rockdoom? I can get to the folder but when i click on the wad it doesnt do anything... please help. |
01:20:59 | dionoea | fannay: i already told you not to click on the wad |
01:21:04 | dionoea | open the doom plugin |
01:21:08 | Landus | I've got a bit of a problem with the tagcache. |
01:21:34 | Landus | Everytime I add some new songs, and reboot the player, the tagcache will tell me its not ready after a few minutes of it being on. |
01:21:46 | fannay | where is the doom plugin though? |
01:21:49 | Landus | Then, if I reboot it again, only the songs that are new will show up in the tag cache. |
01:22:04 | Landus | And only them. |
01:23:32 | dionoea | fannay: open the menu. choose "Browse plugins" and it'll be somewhere there |
01:23:45 | fannay | ok thanks will try now |
01:26:17 | * | jhMikeS just likes breaking stuff |
01:27:23 | jhMikeS | Is that ticking when using the remote likely the same nature of ticking that happens on other platforms? |
01:27:29 | jhMikeS | on the x5 that is |
01:27:45 | Landus | Most platforms don't tick. |
01:27:55 | fannay | thankyou!! |
01:28:03 | jhMikeS | well there's that HAVE_REMOTE_TICKING thing for what H300? |
01:28:30 | Landus | -shrug- |
01:29:00 | | Quit Stas_ (Client Quit) |
01:29:09 | jhMikeS | It sounds like it's playing vinyl |
01:33:25 | fannay | wow i heart doom |
01:34:03 | Landus | You won't heart it for long. |
01:34:09 | fannay | whyy? |
01:34:23 | Landus | Further into the game, the control become rather slow. |
01:34:31 | Landus | You can't turn fast enough. |
01:34:40 | Landus | Thus, resulting in your virtual death. |
01:34:46 | fannay | meh doesnt bother mee |
01:34:50 | Landus | It will. |
01:34:59 | fannay | hmm ok |
01:35:07 | Landus | The only real use of the game is to show off to friends. |
01:35:11 | Landus | Playing it isn't at all worth it. |
01:35:18 | Landus | It drains the battery too fast. |
01:35:23 | fannay | now what about gba emulators, do they work on rockbox? |
01:36:25 | Landus | There's already one that comes with Rockbox. |
01:36:26 | dionoea | not that i know |
01:36:37 | Landus | Rockboy is a gba/gbc emulator. |
01:36:37 | dionoea | it's only gb or gbc i think |
01:36:50 | Landus | As for how much it wears on the battery, I dunno. |
01:36:51 | fannay | ohh but they do work on rockbox? |
01:37:01 | Landus | Yes. It's already installed. |
01:37:11 | fannay | ohh thats gudd |
01:37:17 | Landus | Put on a .gbc or .gba filie, switch the file view to all. |
01:37:24 | dionoea | Landus: wiki doesn't mention gb advanced |
01:37:35 | Landus | Rockboy is used. |
01:37:37 | dionoea | only old gameboy or gameboycolor roms |
01:37:44 | Landus | And I know for a fact that Rockboy supports GBA. |
01:37:53 | Landus | Anyway, as I was saying. |
01:38:13 | fannay | Il check that out now but this is a really sad question.. how do you exit snake 2? |
01:38:22 | Landus | Then select said ROM, hold select, and choose open with. |
01:38:32 | Landus | Use the navigation keys to select rockboy. |
01:39:09 | fannay | Ok Il download some roms |
01:40:59 | | Quit midkay (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:41:36 | fannay | I cant find rockboy on my plugins list .. |
01:42:08 | linuxstb_ | Landus: dionoea is right - Rockboy doesn't support GBA. |
01:42:46 | fannay | Yeah ok. But is it supposed to be on my plugins list? |
01:43:04 | linuxstb_ | No, it's a viewer. Just click on a .gb or .gbc file. |
01:43:21 | fannay | Ok cheers |
01:44:42 | | Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") |
01:45:15 | | Join amigan [0] (i=dcp1990@unaffiliated/amigan) |
01:46:03 | mihalis | hmm... okay i got rockbox installed on my ipod now, but the font is too small... when i select "fonts" nothing happens |
01:46:23 | mihalis | yah... "browse fonts" does nothing |
01:46:35 | mihalis | the text is so tiny i can barely read it |
01:46:54 | dionoea | mihalis: did you install the fonts package from the downloads page ? |
01:47:09 | dionoea | and you can also get themes from the wiki or rockbox-themes.org which make it look way better |
01:47:26 | mihalis | hmm... nope i thought it included some...what do you recommend i use? |
01:47:35 | | Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:47:42 | mihalis | ooooh themes ;) |
01:47:55 | * | mihalis is liking is his new ipod more already |
01:47:56 | dionoea | the blackglass (noAA) theme is nice |
01:48:36 | scottder | Flying Spaghetti Monster theme rocks! |
01:49:06 | dionoea | what target is that for ? |
01:49:37 | dionoea | lol ... great theme :) |
01:50:02 | scottder | Touch his Noodly Appendage |
01:50:09 | kpfleming|laptop | dionoea: yes, blackglass is nice |
01:54:45 | | Join _jhMikeS_ [0] (n=jethead7@adsl-69-212-30-142.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) |
01:56:30 | fannay | Hello me againn. If I use the ipodlinux installer will it delete my rockbox or something like that? |
01:57:50 | Captain_A | yes |
01:58:17 | mihalis | ok... i know i sound helpless here, but i have yet another question (god i hate being a n00b) |
01:58:30 | Captain_A | ? |
01:58:45 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
01:58:53 | | Nick _jhMikeS_ is now known as jhMikeS (n=jethead7@adsl-69-212-30-142.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) |
01:58:58 | mihalis | how do i install these fonts on my ipod? i downloaded them, and searched all over the rockbox site, but i cant seem to find font installation instructions |
01:59:31 | Captain_A | extract them to Drive:/.rockbox/fonts |
01:59:37 | mihalis | danke ;) |
02:00 |
02:00:31 | fannay | Is there anyway I can put ipodlinux on with my rockbox without deleting it then? |
02:00:59 | dionoea | ask the ipodlinux people :) |
02:01:11 | Captain_A | no |
02:01:25 | Captain_A | it deletes the partition |
02:01:32 | Captain_A | back up your music |
02:01:35 | Captain_A | then reinstall |
02:01:39 | fannay | I dont mind my music going |
02:01:46 | fannay | I just want ipodlinux and rockbox :] |
02:01:57 | Captain_A | well your out of luck |
02:02:05 | dionoea | you can install rockbox afterwards |
02:02:11 | fannay | Ohh ok |
02:02:14 | Mikachu | it's certainly not impossible, but it's easier to just install rockbox after ipl |
02:02:15 | Captain_A | it removes the partition so then bye bye rockbox. you have to reinstall |
02:02:27 | fannay | Ok thank you |
02:02:50 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
02:03:11 | | Quit matsl (Client Quit) |
02:04:22 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
02:06:47 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
02:11:56 | fannay | HII :D Where can I get pacman roms? |
02:12:51 | Mikachu | the internet |
02:17:02 | mihalis | ok! i got the fonts installed... now for themes ;) what's a good place to get alot of themes |
02:17:10 | mihalis | thanks by the way ;) |
02:20:37 | mihalis | anyone know a good theme database? |
02:26:52 | kpfleming|laptop | google search for 'rockbox themes' |
02:26:59 | kpfleming|laptop | or use the FAQ |
02:27:18 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
02:34:54 | JdGordon | ba-nbumm.... another target no longer fits in rombox! |
02:35:11 | | Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@bb-87-80-197-109.ukonline.co.uk) |
02:36:13 | | Join alphakiller [0] (n=bits@ |
02:45:11 | | Quit webguest57 ("CGI:IRC") |
02:47:51 | kernel_i386 | wow.. please port this to rockbox: http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=26402 |
02:50:20 | | Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-253-1-25-219.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
02:50:48 | JdGordon | what is it? |
02:51:04 | kernel_i386 | it's by far the coolest winamp visualization I have ever seen |
02:51:26 | kernel_i386 | I guess it's impossible.. |
02:53:03 | | Quit fannay () |
02:55:15 | | Quit alphakiller () |
02:58:07 | | Join Servo888 [0] (n=Servo888@c-69-246-109-229.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
02:58:36 | Servo888 | So to get ogg support do I need a player with ogg decoding hardware? Or one with the required cpu power? |
02:59:04 | kpfleming|laptop | the latter |
02:59:14 | kpfleming|laptop | i played ogg/vorbis files on my iPod 4G just fine |
02:59:45 | Servo888 | So 4G ipods and later should be able to support ogg? |
02:59:56 | kpfleming|laptop | for sure, probably most other devices too |
03:00 |
03:00:03 | dongs | now the question is, did he have insurance, and if not, who's going to foot the bill for 4 days of brain surgery? |
03:00:10 | dongs | i would imagine it would be quite large |
03:00:42 | dongs | also what about the money he begged out on spinhome? will this be returned to original donators since it is no longer needed? |
03:00:55 | BHSPitMonkey | he probably won't be insured, not wearing a helmet and all. |
03:01:24 | BHSPitMonkey | dongs, I have a feeling the donaters wouldn't mind it going to the family. |
03:01:30 | BHSPitMonkey | for the most part. |
03:01:46 | Servo888 | kpfleming|laptop, hmm. Ok well that's good. So I just need to find a player I like. |
03:03:17 | dongs | BHSPitMonkey: allright |
03:03:26 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:04:24 | | Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-253-1-7-111.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
03:06:00 | | Quit lodesi ("leaving") |
03:06:18 | | Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:13:08 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:20:11 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:21:36 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
03:24:08 | Xadow | guys, mind talking to me about the portable media players you know and what would you recomend me? |
03:26:26 | Servo888 | Is there video support for the video ipods? |
03:26:46 | | Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@unaffiliated/youceye) |
03:26:54 | dongs | no |
03:27:02 | Servo888 | Will there be? |
03:27:12 | linuxstb | Unlikely. |
03:27:55 | Xadow | ther eis support as far as i know |
03:28:08 | Xadow | *is |
03:28:46 | kernel_i386 | I heard that it's possible (with the iAudio X5) but without any sound.. |
03:29:03 | Xadow | have you seen the main page? |
03:29:06 | linuxstb | mpegplayer (the new, in-progress Rockbox video player) works on the video ipod, but it doesn't use the video decoding chip, so it doesn't really count. |
03:29:14 | kernel_i386 | ok |
03:29:21 | Xadow | ~60 gig video ipod |
03:29:49 | Xadow | 30~ |
03:30:23 | Xadow | (30~60) |
03:30:34 | Xadow | i see |
03:30:56 | kernel_i386 | erm.. yeah.. I guess I'm blind ;) |
03:31:07 | Xadow | :P |
03:31:24 | preglow | screen -r |
03:31:27 | preglow | scren .r |
03:31:40 | preglow | ok |
03:31:49 | Xadow | meh... |
03:33:48 | preglow | sssshr |
03:34:00 | preglow | ok, i'll justh shut up |
03:35:02 | | Quit mihalis () |
03:39:08 | BHSPitMonkey | so has anyone here gotten their hands on a 5.5G (ownership-wise) |
03:40:06 | Xadow | not me =P |
03:40:18 | preglow | 7sdf |
03:41:16 | | Join DarthShrine [0] (n=darth@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine) |
03:41:26 | DarthShrine | Morning. |
03:41:54 | | Quit KN|stiff (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:49:38 | BHSPitMonkey | mornin |
03:53:37 | BHSPitMonkey | gapless in the 5G with updated firmware seems to work fine... wonder why they left it out before. |
03:53:50 | BHSPitMonkey | so people could get worked up and excited over it now? |
04:00 |
04:02:03 | | Join KaiN [0] (n=Kevin_01@ip68-225-33-111.hr.hr.cox.net) |
04:02:08 | KaiN | hello all |
04:03:00 | KaiN | I just installed rockbox today, and now that I have it the way I want it, I am getting a "Codec Error" This is my last stop, I have been searching for 2 hours for an answer |
04:03:19 | KaiN | actually "codec failure" |
04:07:07 | | Quit sucka ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.01 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
04:11:07 | | Quit KaiN () |
04:12:26 | | Part YouCeyE ("Leaving") |
04:16:00 | Soap | [2006-09-16 15:35:06] <KOAP> Is there a trivia bot in here? |
04:16:58 | | Quit Servo888 (Client Quit) |
04:18:01 | | Quit jaebird ("Ex-Chat") |
04:20:23 | scottder | BHSPitMonkey: Is that in the 1.2 update for the ipods? |
04:21:01 | BHSPitMonkey | yes |
04:21:44 | DarthShrine | Rockbox is awesome but way to battery heavy on iPods :( |
04:25:26 | Soap | It is getting better DarthShrine. |
04:26:06 | DarthShrine | What's making it so bad though? |
04:27:58 | Soap | Running the CPU harder than Apple is a theory. Leaving part of the hardware unintentionally turned on is another. They don't have docs on the hardware, they might have left the oven on. |
04:28:11 | DarthShrine | Ah. |
04:28:44 | scottder | depends on the codec you're using and what features you are using as well |
04:29:02 | scottder | Q3 Ogg Vorbis with minimal LCD usage and I get great time |
04:29:10 | scottder | on my Nano |
04:29:24 | DarthShrine | I've got mostly AAC. |
04:29:34 | BHSPitMonkey | it'd be nice if you could put the lcd to sleep during playback |
04:29:41 | BHSPitMonkey | if it saved power |
04:30:23 | scottder | I have my backlight shut off after 2 seconds...works for me |
04:30:43 | DarthShrine | That's only the backlight though. |
04:31:36 | Soap | scottder - my last test gave MP3 bit-per-bit a longer runtime than ogg. |
04:32:52 | scottder | At what bitrate? |
04:32:58 | Soap | 191 |
04:33:05 | Soap | for both. |
04:33:24 | scottder | I use Q3 to good effect mostly which is closer to 112 |
04:33:25 | Soap | there is no reason to believe ogg @ 96 will perform better than mp3@96. |
04:33:35 | Soap | or any other value of N |
04:34:03 | scottder | Just a preference of mine.... |
04:34:25 | Soap | no, it's fine. Just saying mp3 appears to give slightly better battery life. |
04:34:40 | scottder | I rarely run out of juice myself.... |
04:34:55 | scottder | usually not that far from juice, so :) |
04:34:58 | Mikachu | ogg gives more quality per bit though |
04:35:11 | Soap | you have your ABX logs? |
04:35:20 | scottder | the recent updates have been geared towards lowe bitrates |
04:36:09 | scottder | and I am philosphically behind ogg vorbis too |
04:37:00 | DarthShrine | Whoa...Eating with CX300s = Weird. |
04:37:05 | DarthShrine | </RandomFact> |
04:37:17 | scottder | hehehe |
04:37:20 | | Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@03-210.netblk-38-96-210.coolaccess.net) |
04:37:36 | scottder | I wished the cord on my Koss KSC-35's hadn't broken :( |
04:37:45 | Mikachu | btw, turning off the lcd on ipod nano should just be a matter of copying from the h300 lcd code |
04:37:47 | DarthShrine | You can't fix the cord? |
04:37:48 | Soap | wire up a new one |
04:38:13 | Mikachu | i failed when i tried though |
04:38:16 | | Quit hardeep ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") |
04:39:02 | scottder | I could....just haven't been motivated....may just pick up the KSC-75's instead |
04:39:31 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) |
04:42:52 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@cor8-ppp2595.for.dsl.connect.net.au) |
04:45:18 | | Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@bb-87-80-197-109.ukonline.co.uk) |
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04:52:15 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
05:00 |
05:01:22 | | Join Rob2222_ [0] (n=Miranda@ACB0AB29.ipt.aol.com) |
05:12:36 | | Quit _Veseliq_ (Remote closed the connection) |
05:12:52 | | Quit Rondom (Nick collision from services.) |
05:13:02 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEDE2E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
05:13:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:19:06 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:19:29 | | Join TheMcPoon [0] (i=TheMcPoo@modemcable093.146-70-69.mc.videotron.ca) |
05:19:43 | TheMcPoon | Hey guys, can somebody help me with something? |
05:19:51 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
05:19:53 | DarthShrine | What's the something? |
05:20:04 | TheMcPoon | How do you play videos on rockbox with a 60gb video ipod? |
05:20:38 | DarthShrine | Well I know there's a viewer for raw MPEG-1 and 2 without sound |
05:20:39 | JdGordon | with mpegplayer |
05:20:58 | TheMcPoon | How do I..install that onto the ipod? |
05:21:02 | TheMcPoon | any guides? |
05:21:10 | DarthShrine | It should be there. |
05:21:20 | TheMcPoon | Well, I want sound.. |
05:21:37 | aliask | Then you're going to have to be patient, or boot into Apple firmware. |
05:21:53 | TheMcPoon | Oh, okay then |
05:22:11 | aliask | Video in rockbox is at really early stages at the moment. |
05:22:25 | TheMcPoon | okay, thank you |
05:24:19 | TheMcPoon | So, I'll just use rockbox firmware for the games/music, and videos with apple firmware, that'll work? |
05:25:08 | DarthShrine | Should. |
05:25:36 | TheMcPoon | Thanks, I love how with rockbox the volume is much louder |
05:25:52 | DarthShrine | Heh, I have about -50dB set. |
05:26:08 | TheMcPoon | Isn't that low? |
05:26:48 | DarthShrine | Not really, with IEMs. |
05:27:35 | TheMcPoon | Are IEMs headphones? lol, sorry |
05:29:12 | DarthShrine | In Ear Monitors. Poky things that go in your ears. |
05:29:21 | TheMcPoon | Oh, okay |
05:29:29 | DarthShrine | :) |
05:30:49 | TheMcPoon | I'm using some Bose headphones, they sound pretty amazing |
05:32:39 | DarthShrine | Mmm, but they're big |
05:34:00 | TheMcPoon | lol, yeah |
05:34:09 | TheMcPoon | But I love bass, so they're great for me :P |
05:35:18 | DarthShrine | Mine are surprisingly rich |
05:35:25 | DarthShrine | Anyway, I'm off. |
05:35:45 | TheMcPoon | Alright, take care. Thanks for the chat. |
05:37:00 | | Quit rotator ("zzzzzzzzzzzzzz") |
05:54:32 | | Quit TheMcPoon () |
05:59:35 | | Join mihalis [0] (n=mihalis@adsl-71-159-147-119.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) |
05:59:41 | mihalis | eek... mucho problemo |
06:00 |
06:00:07 | mihalis | is it true that now that i have installed rockbox on my ipod video, that i can't use it to watch videos anymore? |
06:00:32 | mihalis | definitely a side effect im not fond of |
06:00:35 | scorche | you can still watch the videos on the apple side |
06:00:43 | mihalis | how do i get to the apple side? |
06:00:55 | scorche | whole booting, hold the menu button |
06:01:00 | mihalis | it boots w/ rockbox now |
06:01:03 | scorche | s/whole/while |
06:01:06 | mihalis | oh ;) |
06:01:11 | mihalis | ill try that... thx |
06:01:29 | scorche | it may take some practice to get it right, but it works ;) |
06:02:38 | mihalis | hmmm must not be doing it right |
06:02:48 | scorche | hold your finger very still |
06:03:46 | mihalis | nope... "rockbox loaded" |
06:03:52 | scorche | keep trying |
06:04:03 | | Quit jaebird (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
06:04:42 | * | mihalis smiles :) |
06:04:53 | mihalis | "Loading original firmware..." thanks |
06:05:00 | mihalis | hmmmm but nothing is happening |
06:05:27 | mihalis | yikes... good thing i backed it up |
06:05:44 | mihalis | seems to have frozen |
06:06:11 | mihalis | even when i hooked it up to usb, nothing happened |
06:06:37 | mihalis | i may have to remove the batteries now |
06:09:05 | mihalis | k... i reset it.. ill just have to copy the backup files to it... as i removed them when i installed rockbox |
06:13:22 | | Join vertic23 [0] (i=bla@dslb-084-056-240-222.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
06:15:27 | mihalis | does anyone know how i can put videos on my ipod and be able to access them without having to install itunes? (i really, really don't want to go through that) |
06:16:38 | | Quit Nibbier (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:18:35 | | Quit pagefault ("Konversation terminated!") |
06:19:15 | | Join Nibbier [0] (n=sven@e181105176.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
06:22:10 | | Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@03-210.netblk-38-96-210.coolaccess.net) |
06:26:52 | | Join sodaking [0] (n=kv42@ |
06:30:36 | | Quit kernel_i386 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
06:31:36 | mihalis | thanx! |
06:31:39 | | Quit mihalis () |
06:34:30 | | Part sodaking |
06:40:26 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) |
06:42:44 | Paul_The_Nerd | "How hard can it be?" |
06:43:40 | | Join midkay [0] (i=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
06:43:48 | | Quit Brock ("You know you'll miss me :P") |
06:44:05 | scorche | very? |
06:44:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Oh, clearly if it sounds simple it must *be* simple. :-P |
06:44:23 | scorche | i havent been able to access the forums, but i can ping them =( |
06:44:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | I assume something specific prompted the topic change? |
06:44:36 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah, the forums aren't letting me in either. |
06:44:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | Neither is Misticriver though |
06:45:16 | sharpe | i haven't been around much lately... |
06:45:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah |
06:45:50 | | Join spazzium [0] (n=spazzium@ |
06:45:56 | scorche | sharpei! |
06:46:10 | | Join ShadowdogMU [0] (n=Brock@cpe-65-28-252-205.woh.res.rr.com) |
06:47:58 | | Quit JoeBorn ("Leaving") |
06:50:28 | Paul_The_Nerd | How long have the forums been hard to access? |
06:51:39 | scorche | not sure |
06:51:50 | | Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@adsl-75-3-30-157.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) |
06:51:50 | scorche | i got home about 2-3 hours ago |
06:51:53 | scorche | since then |
06:51:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | Ah. |
06:52:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | Last time I used it was 4am CST or so, woke up in the middle of the night, couldn't sleep, answered some questions. |
06:52:21 | scorche | yeah...i saw that |
06:52:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | Been out of townish though, so minimal access. |
06:53:11 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
06:53:17 | scorche | i was surprised to hear that you actually do sleep |
06:53:19 | scorche | bah |
06:53:45 | sharpe | haha. |
06:53:57 | scorche | hush dog |
06:55:26 | | Join Paul_The_Ner1 [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) |
06:58:47 | sharpe | well, i'm off. g'day everyone. |
06:58:55 | | Quit sharpe ("Leaving") |
07:00 |
07:02:30 | | Quit JoeBorn ("Leaving") |
07:09:49 | | Join TheMcPoon [0] (i=TheMcPoo@modemcable093.146-70-69.mc.videotron.ca) |
07:10:17 | TheMcPoon | Can somebody help me please? I can't get pacman to work, or gb/gbc games to work on an ipod video |
07:10:26 | DarthShrine | Details? |
07:11:22 | TheMcPoon | I've tried pasting them as they say, but it does not show any roms for the gb/gbc games, and it says there is no rom for the pacman |
07:12:48 | TheMcPoon | Am I doing something wrong, or do I have the wrong roms/pacman rom? |
07:13:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:13:19 | Paul_The_Ner1 | Pacman has six rom files. |
07:13:39 | DarthShrine | What the...I can't even get to the site |
07:13:44 | Paul_The_Ner1 | GB/GBC games should have the extension .gb or .gbc, and you just click on the files, wherever you've put them. |
07:13:57 | Paul_The_Ner1 | DarthShrine: The forums are currently down. |
07:14:21 | TheMcPoon | Well, they don't show up on the ipod (gb/gbc) and I had thought I got all 6 pacman files from a pacmanplus zip I had |
07:15:18 | Paul_The_Ner1 | Did they have the same checksums as those mentioned on the PluginPacbox page? |
07:15:26 | Paul_The_Ner1 | And, what file view mode are you in on the iPod? |
07:15:39 | | Join JoeBorn [0] (n=jborn@adsl-75-3-7-63.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) |
07:15:49 | | Nick Paul_The_Ner1 is now known as Paul_The_Nerd (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) |
07:16:11 | TheMcPoon | ohhhhhhhh... >_<.. the viewmode.. forgot about that... lmao!, thanks for reminding me. And, I'm not sure if they had the same checksum, can you tell me where to get the right pacman? |
07:16:18 | DarthShrine | Paul_The_Nerd: I can't even get to the wiki. |
07:16:38 | Paul_The_Nerd | TheMcPoon: No. |
07:16:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | TheMcPoon: You cannot legally download pacman Roms. In fact the only way to legally acquire them is to dump them from your own pacman system board. |
07:17:03 | Paul_The_Nerd | So, do not ask where to get them. |
07:17:10 | TheMcPoon | Alright |
07:17:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | DarthShrine: Wiki works fine for me. |
07:17:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | http://www.rockbox.org/ is up. It's on a different server than http://forums.rockbox.org/ |
07:21:17 | DarthShrine | Ah, there it goes. |
07:29:35 | | Join perplexity [0] (n=joust@dxb-b126119.alshamil.net.ae) |
07:30:34 | | Quit webguest72 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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07:36:54 | | Part midgey34 |
07:37:21 | | Join solidunit [0] (n=piddy@cpe-24-90-167-25.nj.res.rr.com) |
07:37:55 | solidunit | anyone try rockbox on the 2nd gen nano ? does it work? |
07:38:05 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
07:38:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | No. |
07:38:15 | DarthShrine | No. |
07:38:21 | solidunit | bummer |
07:38:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | The 2nd gen nano is *very* different internally |
07:38:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | It'll likely be a while before it can work. |
07:38:27 | DarthShrine | And externally... |
07:38:56 | Paul_The_Nerd | External doesn't matter much for software porting |
07:39:07 | | Quit daurnimator (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:39:16 | DarthShrine | No, but it's still different :P |
07:39:22 | TheMcPoon | Well, I got the gb/gbc to work. The sound is not that great, and the controls are difficult, but it's awesome that is works. Does anyone know if they're going to work on it more? |
07:39:51 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yeah, patches show up for it from time to time |
07:40:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's hardly a focus on the iPod since there's all the other playback and battery issues to deal with still |
07:40:12 | TheMcPoon | By downloading daily builds, are the patches inside? |
07:40:18 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
07:40:38 | Paul_The_Nerd | The whole definition of "patch" is "something not yet included." Patches eventually get included if they're considered good enough |
07:40:59 | Paul_The_Nerd | Usually this requires that they follow the coding guidelines, don't break anything, and don't increase the size of the main binary more than they're worth. |
07:41:11 | TheMcPoon | I see |
07:41:23 | | Quit Nibbier (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:43:00 | TheMcPoon | Are there any other visualizations besides the oscilloscope? |
07:43:14 | | Join Nibbier [0] (n=sven@e181112086.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
07:43:16 | Paul_The_Nerd | Not really, no. |
07:43:32 | TheMcPoon | I hope they add some, would be cool. |
07:43:55 | | Quit daurnimator (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:43:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | Again, the focus is on much more important things |
07:44:03 | TheMcPoon | Oh, I know |
07:44:04 | Paul_The_Nerd | But it's open source, anyone could come along and make some. |
07:44:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | Patches often show up out of the blue adding something cool |
07:44:22 | Paul_The_Nerd | Like the SID music format, or the ZXSpectrum emulator. |
07:44:27 | TheMcPoon | How do you add patches to your current build? |
07:44:59 | Paul_The_Nerd | See the SimpleGuideToCompiling wiki page |
07:46:48 | TheMcPoon | I wonder if they'll ever make a program that will autoupdate |
07:49:19 | Paul_The_Nerd | Autoupdate what? |
07:49:31 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
07:49:34 | DarthShrine | Rockbox I guess. |
07:49:55 | TheMcPoon | Firmware, meaning that when you plug your ipod (etc) and use the 'autoupdate' program, it will just download all updates and install them |
07:50:00 | TheMcPoon | that'd be pretty cool |
07:50:01 | Paul_The_Nerd | That doesn't make too much sense. I mean, a new build is made available the instant any patch or other change is added into the official version. All you have to do is download that and unzip |
07:50:20 | TheMcPoon | I suppose |
07:50:35 | Paul_The_Nerd | A few people have made tools that will grab the latest Rockbox and unzip it for you though |
07:52:18 | TheMcPoon | So, to update to the newest daily build, all you do is unzip and extract onto the player right? |
07:52:20 | safetydan | TheMcPoon, more visualisations are unlikely to ever be added as they'd chew battery life pretty fast |
07:52:52 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, added as plugins though. If people want the option to drain their battery four times as fast, let 'em. :-P |
07:53:12 | TheMcPoon | Exactly ^ lol |
07:53:14 | Paul_The_Nerd | TheMcPoon: Yup. This is covered in various parts of the instructions, though I can't say for certain if it's in the manual |
07:53:32 | TheMcPoon | And okay, thanks |
07:53:39 | safetydan | Paul_The_Nerd, yeah plugins I guess. Though most people who ask for them want them on the WPS. |
07:55:02 | Paul_The_Nerd | safetydan: Well, once you've got viewports, you could theoretically modify plasma, fire, oscilloscope etc to render to a viewport in the WPS, I imagine. Y'know, if you really felt like you needed to either eat up battery life, or just have bragging rights of some sort. |
07:55:37 | safetydan | true, true |
07:55:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | Honestly, I use a very simple grayscale WPS anyway. No real graphics to speak of. So, I don't really care if this never happens. :) |
07:56:00 | safetydan | though I really wonder about visualisations sometimes... who's looking at their music player while it's playing music? |
07:56:12 | JdGordon | i doubt plugins and wps would be able to draw to the same screen, even if viewports are used... |
07:56:13 | TheMcPoon | lol, I do when I'm laying down :P |
07:58:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | JdGordon: Some changes would have to go into the whole WPS rendering system, but I'm sure a way could be done in the end. |
07:58:48 | TheMcPoon | I'm really amazed at the volume of the rockbox firmware compared to that of apple. |
07:58:53 | * | JdGordon rekons the wps rendering shuold be rock-ified with only a very dumb renderer in the core |
07:58:56 | TheMcPoon | Big difference. |
07:59:13 | JdGordon | ... but thats an argument for anoother day |
07:59:53 | TheMcPoon | And, rockbox sounds much better to me. |
08:00 |
08:00:22 | TheMcPoon | Is it just me? |
08:00:45 | JdGordon | its jst you... everyone lese thinks it sounds like a bag of shit :D |
08:00:48 | | Join midgey34 [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) |
08:00:52 | TheMcPoon | Wow, really? |
08:00:55 | safetydan | should sound no worse than the original firmware at least |
08:00:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | People often argue that it sounds better, or worse. |
08:01:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | Most even remotely empirical tests (ABX using the same files, or analyzed output) show that it's pretty much indistinguishable at identical settings. |
08:01:21 | JdGordon | TheMcPoon: well, there was one guy that said that.. and its funny :D |
08:01:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | Of course, with Rockbox you have crossfeed and a parametric equalizer, so you don't have to settle for "identical" settings for your own listening |
08:02:29 | TheMcPoon | I think it sounds amazing.. I've been switching over and testing both, the volume goes much louder (does not hurt my ears @ max with apple, hurts to go anywhere near max on rockbox = w00t) and the quality seems much clearer. The bass made glitchy sounds, like the bass was too high or something on the apple, and the bass is strong on the rockbox, but clear! |
08:03:16 | * | TheMcPoon shrugs |
08:05:35 | safetydan | TheMcPoon, are you using an iPod? |
08:05:41 | TheMcPoon | oh and my headphones shake on my head.. now that's some bass.. probably not good for my ears... <.< |
08:05:53 | TheMcPoon | Yeah |
08:06:03 | TheMcPoon | iPod Video (60GB) |
08:06:44 | safetydan | TheMcPoon, I believe Apple included a volume limiter in their firmware to stop people suing them for damaging their hearing |
08:07:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well there's an extra volume limiter in the newer versions (maybe only for EU iPods) |
08:07:10 | TheMcPoon | Yeah, I'm sure they did. I was talking about that before to my friend. |
08:07:20 | TheMcPoon | with* |
08:07:23 | Paul_The_Nerd | But theirs only goes up to ~0dB if I had to hazard a guess, while ours goes up to +6 |
08:07:34 | Paul_The_Nerd | Even without the limiter |
08:07:44 | TheMcPoon | It's weird though, it sounds quite louder even before I get to 0dB |
08:07:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | Of course at +6 earbuds can pretty much be used as (really bad sounding) speakers. |
08:08:28 | TheMcPoon | lol |
08:09:12 | TheMcPoon | I'm at -15dB, and it still sounds louder than the max of apples.. |
08:09:17 | * | TheMcPoon shrugs again |
08:09:18 | TheMcPoon | lol |
08:14:48 | | Join webguest04 [0] (i=c3ec4b1b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
08:16:20 | safetydan | hrrm... it'd be really nice to have the data sheet for the wm8758 so we can solve this hardware eq thing |
08:16:28 | | Join mihalis [0] (n=mihalis@adsl-71-159-147-119.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) |
08:16:36 | mihalis | ...got ANOTHER problem.. heh |
08:17:10 | mihalis | i finally got around to actually listening to my ipod, only to discover that it sounds hollow and tinny.. crappy sound quality |
08:17:26 | mihalis | is that something associated with rockbox or is it the ipod? |
08:17:42 | mihalis | anybody know? |
08:17:57 | safetydan | mihalis, have you tried playing audio in the original firmware? |
08:18:06 | mihalis | i have not... |
08:18:27 | mihalis | i suppose thats one way to find out |
08:18:42 | mihalis | i'd have to install itunes to move the mp3s over then... |
08:18:58 | safetydan | Rockbox is unlikely to be producing crappy sound |
08:19:04 | mihalis | i have half amind to just take this back to the store where i bought it and demand a refund |
08:19:19 | mihalis | ipod sucks compared to archos, hands down |
08:19:20 | safetydan | though check that you have all the sound settings normal |
08:19:39 | safetydan | so disable the hardware eq (if you have it), the software eq, and ensure anything else is at 0 or reasonable defaults |
08:19:52 | mihalis | yah... i disabled the equalizers... that was my first thought |
08:19:58 | mihalis | everything is set to 0 |
08:20:25 | safetydan | It might be you just don't like the iPod sound |
08:20:31 | Paul_The_Nerd | Also: What are the various stats of the files? (Format, bitrate, sample rate) |
08:20:35 | mihalis | hmmm... yah i think thats it |
08:20:39 | safetydan | but try the original firmware first |
08:20:43 | mihalis | i will |
08:21:02 | mihalis | oh... i was listening to a 256 kbps 44.1 mp3 |
08:21:18 | mihalis | it sounds great burned to a cd |
08:21:39 | mihalis | on my ipod it sounds like its being played on a laptop |
08:21:59 | mihalis | no matter what speakers i use |
08:22:06 | mihalis | its like its filtering out good sound |
08:23:12 | safetydan | Another thing try is a settings reset and play the audio with the default settings of Rockbox. Just in case you've accidentally over-tweaked something. |
08:23:53 | mihalis | yah... ill try that too... i mean, i listened to this in my car, and normally music sounds great in my car.... not this |
08:24:01 | mihalis | this was horrible |
08:24:24 | | Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) |
08:24:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | An iPod should have considerably higher audio quality than say, FM Radio, at least. |
08:25:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | If your say yours is distorting, definitely try a settings reset, try the original firmware. |
08:25:27 | mihalis | yah... well, this certainly didnt, and for what i paid for it, i expect it to be at least as good as my last mp3 player |
08:26:01 | mihalis | ...if i dont get it sorted out tonight, ill just haul it back up to circuit city... i just hope they'll give me a refund on the warranty package i bought with it |
08:26:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | You're not going to bother trying another one, just in case yours is shot? |
08:28:58 | mihalis | no, if this one doesnt work, ill probably go with an archos or a creative |
08:29:14 | * | Paul_The_Nerd shrugs |
08:29:16 | Paul_The_Nerd | Seems somewhat silly |
08:29:20 | mihalis | i mean, ipod's look cooler, but if they dont perform as well, i dont want one |
08:29:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | If you'd prefer one of those, why not buy it first? |
08:29:49 | Paul_The_Nerd | How do you know they don't perform as well, if there's a chance yours is just flawed? |
08:29:49 | safetydan | If you want Rockbox, I don't believe any of the Creative models are supported |
08:29:53 | mihalis | well, i thought it might be better than what i had before... but if its not, ill go with what i had b4 |
08:29:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | And no currently sold Archoses are either. |
08:30:05 | mihalis | yah... i like rockbox *sigh* |
08:30:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | mihalis: Again, how is a single, potentially broken unit anything resembling a sampling that tells you how well they work? |
08:30:28 | safetydan | iRiver H10 or Apple iPod or iAudio X5 I believe are your options for available new mplayers |
08:30:32 | mihalis | u got a point... lemme check something real quick |
08:30:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | As well, when you used it in your car, what did you have the volume on the iPod set at? |
08:30:33 | safetydan | players even |
08:30:55 | safetydan | Paul_The_Nerd, that's a good point. Should have been set to 0dB if it's a line-in on the car |
08:31:02 | mihalis | paul: i had it set at 0. anything more would blow my speakers, and less sounded worse |
08:31:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | safetydan: If it's line in, 0dB, if it's a tape deck or FM transmitter, -25ish often seems good, and turning up the regular head unit's volume more to compensate. |
08:31:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | mihalis: Was it a line in, or some other method of getting the sound there? |
08:31:44 | mihalis | im going to try listening to a track with old firmware, and then listen to the same track with rockbox |
08:31:53 | safetydan | not having used my iRiver in the car yet I'll take your word for it :) |
08:32:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | safetydan: I've found you get distortion *really* easily with tape adapters, at least. |
08:32:15 | mihalis | it was a tape adapter, BUT i used the same tape adapter with a cd player and a burned cd of the same mp3, and it sounded better |
08:32:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | mihalis: Try the iPod with headphones at least. Put it on a comparision where you can more directly control the environment. |
08:33:07 | mihalis | yah thats what im doing... one sec |
08:34:41 | mihalis | brb |
08:41:28 | mihalis | ... okay ;) im satisfied. i think it mustve been something with the settings |
08:41:29 | mihalis | haha |
08:41:56 | mihalis | it was like a nasty setting somewhere that made it sound like ass in a glass |
08:42:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | Rockbox has very powerful sound altering settings, and almost no "protection." This means that while you can tweak your sound a lot to get something you like better, it's also very easy to make it sound quite horrible. |
08:43:31 | mihalis | haha yah.. i mustve scerwed with it accidentally earlier when i was learnnig the controls |
08:45:02 | mihalis | thanks for your help! without it, i might have made a mistake tomorrow |
08:45:43 | mihalis | i just hope i figure out how to convert movies faster than by using itunes... 'cause man its slow |
08:45:51 | mihalis | but thats antoher problem |
08:46:04 | | Join hexreel [0] (i=kevin@ |
08:46:05 | | Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@c80-216-155-218.cm-upc.chello.se) |
08:46:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | I use Videora. Well, I convert for my PSP, but it uses the same file formats as the iPod Video's retail firmware. |
08:46:15 | TheMcPoon | try Videroa iPod Converter.. it's slow too.. lol, but that depends on the file size. |
08:46:45 | mihalis | haha... the file size, well try a 2 1/2 hour concert... over a gig |
08:46:47 | TheMcPoon | Videora* |
08:47:09 | | Join nls [0] (i=HydraIRC@nl104-202-216.student.uu.se) |
08:47:29 | mihalis | i mean, i wouldnt expect it in 20 minutes, but at the end of 3 or 4 hours, id expect something |
08:47:37 | TheMcPoon | lol, well, at least with this program you can queue up files to convert. (haven't tried the itunes converter) so I usually go to bed and convert all I want and wake up with them all done |
08:47:45 | mihalis | itunes looked like it might take a month |
08:48:20 | mihalis | i tested it on a 6 minute video, and after about 5 minutes, i could barely see the competion bar |
08:48:25 | mihalis | completion |
08:48:26 | mihalis | =P |
08:48:48 | TheMcPoon | It was that slow? lol |
08:49:11 | mihalis | yes. i mean, i understand it being that way for the 2 hour concert, but not for a 6 minute clip... thats crazy |
08:49:12 | TheMcPoon | Try Videora, see what you think.. if it takes that long with the iTunes one, this will be faster |
08:49:23 | mihalis | thanks! |
08:49:28 | TheMcPoon | You're welcome |
08:50:28 | mihalis | hmmm.. what about xilisoft? ever used it? |
08:51:00 | TheMcPoon | For example, I'm converting a 721mb file, and it's going to take about 55mim. 51 minutes left with 8% (it shows the percent and time left) |
08:51:09 | TheMcPoon | Haven't tried |
08:51:35 | mihalis | oh cool |
08:51:41 | mihalis | yeah thats awesome |
08:51:54 | TheMcPoon | Yeah, it's a nice little program. |
08:52:16 | TheMcPoon | Pretty easy too. All you have to do is open it, press one-click transcode, and that's it. |
08:52:22 | mihalis | i just downloaded xilisoft ipod video converter from emule... ill try it first before i try videora (because i have it) and if it doesnt work, ill try videora |
08:52:40 | TheMcPoon | Alright, tell me how xilisoft works, and if it's quick ;) |
08:52:44 | mihalis | sure |
08:52:53 | mihalis | the zip file is only 6 mb |
08:52:58 | TheMcPoon | lol |
08:53:09 | mihalis | it must be pretty simple |
08:53:28 | TheMcPoon | I'll be back in a few minutes. Going to go take a shower quick. |
09:00 |
09:01:35 | mihalis | well, xilisoft is surprisingly fast... i converted the 6 minute test video in about 6 minutes |
09:02:43 | vertic23 | and quality? |
09:03:27 | vertic23 | I mean.. it's like the "one-click" DVD Rip tools which only change one factor but do not really reencode the video (which will reduce the quality much more) |
09:04:02 | mihalis | well, i havent tried it yet... im in the process of doing it... we'll see how it works |
09:04:10 | mihalis | i still need to copy it over |
09:04:38 | vertic23 | how many MB? |
09:06:49 | mihalis | ewww... you're right, it reduces the quality... the file size was cut in half... but, it does have a field where you can change the quality... bitrate, etc |
09:07:00 | mihalis | it looks like a pretty nice prog actually |
09:07:02 | | Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ |
09:07:20 | mihalis | it's called Xilisoft iPod Video Converter |
09:07:36 | mihalis | i got it off emule with a keygen included in the zip :) |
09:08:15 | nls | please don't talk warez here |
09:08:25 | mihalis | got it... kewl ;) |
09:08:50 | mihalis | needless to say, i think its decent |
09:08:58 | vertic23 | then buy it |
09:09:48 | mihalis | well, ya know, most video mp3 players of other brands dont require you to convert to their format in the first place... they pley stuff like mpgs |
09:10:04 | mihalis | but apple.... apple has to be difficult... ive never liked apple because of that |
09:10:18 | vertic23 | I'd never buy an apple product ^^ |
09:10:29 | mihalis | yah... i feel like i made a mistake |
09:10:37 | mihalis | they are just screwy |
09:10:53 | vertic23 | apple is maybe good for video-editing ..with those high-end PCs without any trojans (which are running under windows... :P) |
09:10:58 | mihalis | i mean, the hardware really is quality, but the software and the firmware suck ass |
09:11:05 | JdGordon | :'( why the hell is this line segfaulting? rb->strcpy(prefs.bookmarks[0].filename, this_file); this_file == "/bllaaa" and prefs is all writable! |
09:13:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:15:39 | TheMcPoon | I'm back |
09:16:09 | TheMcPoon | ou, from 8% to 48% in how many minutes?.. like 15, not bad |
09:16:12 | aliask | JdGordon: Have you tried snprintf? |
09:16:27 | JdGordon | aliask: no, i guess ill try that next |
09:16:49 | aliask | But I can't see why that wouldn't work... |
09:17:18 | aliask | Perhaps it doesn't like writing into arrays of structs |
09:17:44 | JdGordon | i tried with the dest a local array, same thing |
09:17:50 | JdGordon | (gdb) p rb->strcpy |
09:17:50 | JdGordon | Cannot access memory at address 0x198 |
09:17:55 | JdGordon | thats odd... |
09:18:12 | JdGordon | (gdb) p rb |
09:18:12 | JdGordon | $1 = (struct plugin_api *) 0x0 |
09:18:31 | JdGordon | something is wacked.... i dont thing gdb and the rocks work very well together |
09:19:07 | JdGordon | rb is inited well before this is called.... and rb->memcpy is called before hand and works fine! |
09:19:31 | TheMcPoon | What are we talking about here now? |
09:19:53 | JdGordon | me trying to get bookmarking back into the text viewer plugin |
09:19:58 | TheMcPoon | I see |
09:20:22 | mihalis | whoa the quality actually rocks |
09:20:31 | TheMcPoon | Quality of the ipod? |
09:20:51 | JdGordon | aliask: snprintf segfaults also! |
09:20:55 | mihalis | the video i just converted |
09:21:00 | TheMcPoon | ah, okay |
09:21:05 | TheMcPoon | How long did it take? |
09:21:06 | mihalis | yah im watching it on my ipod... and yah |
09:21:08 | mihalis | its nice |
09:21:18 | mihalis | mmm... 6 minutes, approximately |
09:21:24 | TheMcPoon | for how many mb? |
09:21:29 | aliask | JdGordon: Sounds like there could be some memory corruption or something, but this is really over my head. |
09:21:46 | mihalis | 65 mb... the finished file was about half that, but the quality was still excellent |
09:21:56 | mihalis | i think it's because it resized it |
09:22:02 | TheMcPoon | Yeah |
09:22:33 | mihalis | anyohw... im hitting the hay for the night... i appreciate all your help |
09:22:55 | TheMcPoon | Alright, take care |
09:23:01 | mihalis | 'nite |
09:23:05 | | Quit mihalis () |
09:28:22 | TheMcPoon | Anyone know how to get pacman working? It's still not working for me.. |
09:28:30 | | Quit lini (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:28:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | Did you check to make sure the checksums match, like I suggested? |
09:28:35 | JdGordon | read the wiki? |
09:29:09 | TheMcPoon | Well, I don't remember exactly how to do that |
09:29:46 | Paul_The_Nerd | Google "MD5 checksum" and find a program that lets you check them on files |
09:29:54 | Paul_The_Nerd | The right ones are listed on the wiki page for the plugin |
09:35:11 | | Quit solidunit () |
09:35:28 | TheMcPoon | Hmm, I can't find the page now |
09:35:29 | TheMcPoon | =\ |
09:36:14 | JdGordon | aliask: woopsies... it looks like i was overrunning the text buffer :p thats for the memory corruption suggestion :) |
09:36:39 | aliask | Super |
09:36:40 | Paul_The_Nerd | TheMcPoon: PluginPacbox in the wiki |
09:39:56 | | Quit alberink (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:40:51 | TheMcPoon | I need 5e and 5f.. |
09:41:11 | | Join alberink [0] (n=alberink@cc516682-b.ensch1.ov.home.nl) |
09:41:59 | | Join vik [0] (n=vik@cor7-ppp1173.bur.dsl.connect.net.au) |
09:44:24 | vik | can one run an alarm clock on the iriver h300? |
09:44:30 | TheMcPoon | ou, got them. |
09:44:56 | Paul_The_Nerd | vik: Is the alarm clock plugin listed in the manual for the H300? |
09:46:39 | TheMcPoon | It would be cool if them implemented snes or something too |
09:47:11 | vik | Paul_The_Nerd: Nope. |
09:47:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | MP3s aren't exactly "powerful" devices. |
09:47:18 | Paul_The_Nerd | vik: Then you have your answer. |
09:47:46 | TheMcPoon | Well, gameboy and snes are alike.. and it can run gameboy.. they're both not 3D lol |
09:48:21 | | Quit |AhIoRoS| ("Abandonando, see you http://ahioros.homelinux.net") |
09:48:23 | Paul_The_Nerd | The gameboy was like, a fraction of the speed of the SNES. |
09:48:23 | vik | Paul_The_Nerd: more the point is, is it possible? I know the hardware can't wake it up at a set time, but if it's switched on... |
09:48:35 | scorche | i would say more like SNES and gameboy advance are alike... |
09:48:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | vik: In the future it might be possible for the hardware to do something at a given time if it's already powered up. |
09:48:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | scorche: SNES is 16-bit, GBA is 32 I believe. |
09:48:55 | TheMcPoon | I mean't graphics wise.. they're both not 3D, not power wise :P |
09:49:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | GB<NES<GBC<SNES<GBA roughly. |
09:49:36 | Paul_The_Nerd | Actually NES may be above GBC |
09:49:42 | Paul_The_Nerd | I think it could handle more simultaneous sprites. |
09:49:47 | Paul_The_Nerd | Thought it did that silly flicker thing |
09:49:50 | scorche | Paul_The_Nerd: meh...it is a lot closer than gameboy and snes |
09:50:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | Heh |
09:51:33 | Paul_The_Nerd | Though technically in terms of sheer CPU speed, all the way up to the DS they're still less than an iPod. |
09:51:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | But then, with emulation you need a significant multiple of the target's CPU power usually, anyway. |
09:51:59 | TheMcPoon | wow |
09:52:27 | Paul_The_Nerd | The Nintendo DS has a 33mhz and 66mhz ARM core if my memory serves. The 33mhz is the graphics processor, if I recall. |
09:53:18 | TheMcPoon | What does the iPod have? |
09:53:38 | Paul_The_Nerd | It has two 75mhz ones, though we only really make use of one for the time being. |
09:53:57 | TheMcPoon | Wow, that's impressive. I didn't know that. |
09:54:05 | vik | Paul_The_Nerd: I'm trying to work out why the alarm plugin doesn't go on the rockbox; AFAICT it just polls the clock, then starts playing music when the time is up. |
09:54:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | TheMcPoon: Well the difference is that the DS has a variety of other bits of hardware that helps. Like probably a hardware 3D chip somewhere |
09:55:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | vik: Because it's not adapted to work with the H300 yet? |
09:55:35 | vik | Or it hasn't been tried? |
09:55:57 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well try it if you really feel you must |
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09:58:45 | TheMcPoon | Is there any sites that you can download more plugins? |
09:59:09 | TheMcPoon | Are* |
10:00 |
10:00:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | Not really |
10:00:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | There is a site that calls itself PluginBox, or was (I don't know if it's still around) |
10:00:30 | Paul_The_Nerd | Most people who make plugins submit them as patches. |
10:00:53 | TheMcPoon | How long do patches take to install? |
10:01:03 | | Quit hexreel ("leaving") |
10:01:08 | Paul_The_Nerd | Depends. |
10:01:08 | * | scorche wonders about the purpose of any site that holds plugins/themes |
10:01:12 | Paul_The_Nerd | I can patch and rebuild in about 3 minutes |
10:01:24 | Paul_The_Nerd | But you have to learn to compile and set up a dev environment first. |
10:02:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | scorche: Well, a site to actually organize themes better is a nice idea. If it had a proper database and let you filter by patches required since nobody seems to like making "pure" themes |
10:03:44 | scorche | well, if it is done right, of course...but the rockbox site always has more themes/plugins than the other sites and never lacks any that this other site might have |
10:03:53 | JdGordon | rockbox-themes.org |
10:03:56 | scorche | just talking about the current state of such sites |
10:04:31 | scorche | JdGordon: i have seen it, but it still has the issue above |
10:04:54 | scorche | only place i have seen themes that are not on the site was on misticriver forums |
10:05:32 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well that's because there's still a decent percentage of people there who don't know there *is* an official Rockbox site. |
10:05:32 | scorche | ("the site" being rockbox.org) |
10:06:04 | scorche | uhhh....wow...really? |
10:06:18 | * | scorche googles rockbox.... |
10:06:25 | * | scorche looks at the first result |
10:06:29 | Paul_The_Nerd | They get introduce to Rockbox by being pointed to one of the Experimental Builds there. |
10:06:35 | Paul_The_Nerd | Someone links them directly to fwpatcher.exe |
10:06:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | They get their themes from a thread. |
10:06:51 | Paul_The_Nerd | They ask questions there, get them answered, then start reporting bugs there. |
10:07:08 | scorche | ick..doesnt sound too efficient |
10:07:36 | Paul_The_Nerd | On the plus side, they're experimental build bugs. |
10:07:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | It's gotten a lot better. |
10:08:41 | Paul_The_Nerd | I spent about two months irritating a lot of people by responding to almost every bug / help request in MR with an answer + "in the future you'll be more likely to receive quality help at the official forums" |
10:08:45 | scorche | i think i will still stick with rockbox.org tyvm |
10:08:51 | Paul_The_Nerd | Which is how I learned there were people who would respond "You mean these aren't?" |
10:10:28 | Paul_The_Nerd | I don't go there any more |
10:10:57 | safetydan | mistic can be scary |
10:11:00 | scorche | heh....i can see why not |
10:11:04 | safetydan | not as bad as head-fi though |
10:11:10 | JdGordon | holy cow! i just got an email and gmail says it arrived 10 hours ago! (from hotmail) do you rekon gmail purposly held it back soo long to kill hotmail ? :D |
10:11:11 | * | safetydan is still snickering about the hw eq thread |
10:11:15 | Paul_The_Nerd | But for a little while, I posted a lot, to try to emphasize the unofficial nature of the "Optimized" or "Experimental" build, as well as point out that there is an official version. |
10:11:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | safetydan: I never read the whole thing. Is there a particularly funny bit? |
10:11:53 | Paul_The_Nerd | safetydan: Or is it all the "It's like night and day" people? |
10:12:17 | safetydan | Paul_The_Nerd, the fact that people were saying that the sound was so much better when in fact I'd stuff up and accidentally set all the hw eq bands to +12 dB gain |
10:12:38 | safetydan | that, and we're also not sure the peak filters actually work |
10:12:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | safetydan: Hahaha. So, "better" == "louder" |
10:12:52 | safetydan | so basically people are saying the sound is so much better with +12 dB bass and +12 dB treble |
10:12:59 | scorche | ... |
10:13:06 | scorche | wow |
10:13:37 | scorche | there are times when i forget the idiocy of some people =) |
10:14:01 | safetydan | Curiously there's been no response to Febs post pointing this out |
10:14:27 | Bagder | I hope they're busy hiding, hoping we will forget they ever said what they did ;-) |
10:14:33 | scorche | Paul_The_Nerd: are you still having issues connecting to the forums? |
10:14:43 | Bagder | audiophiles? naah |
10:14:43 | Paul_The_Nerd | scorche: Yes. |
10:14:54 | scorche | as am i |
10:14:57 | scorche | just curious |
10:14:58 | Bagder | me too |
10:15:09 | Paul_The_Nerd | MR has been down too though |
10:15:26 | Paul_The_Nerd | And this time it's not just a DNS server, since I can't even get to it by direct use of the IP |
10:15:39 | scorche | i dont know whether to say it is "down" or not...i can still ping it |
10:24:18 | TheMcPoon | how long can the ipod video play video for? |
10:25:06 | Paul_The_Nerd | Isn't that something you'd check at the Apple website? |
10:25:16 | TheMcPoon | I suppose.. lol |
10:27:09 | | Quit DarthShrine (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:27:23 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-133-127-115.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) |
10:28:43 | TheMcPoon | are bleeding edge builds good? |
10:29:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | What do you mean? |
10:30:22 | TheMcPoon | Are they better than daily builds |
10:30:39 | Paul_The_Nerd | Better in what way? |
10:30:51 | * | TheMcPoon shrugs, that's what I'm asking |
10:30:53 | TheMcPoon | lol |
10:30:54 | Paul_The_Nerd | Daily builds are just the bleeding edge build made most recently before a specific time each day. |
10:31:21 | Paul_The_Nerd | "Better than the bleeding edge" doesn't mean anything, since you're not giving me what on Earth you would consider the axis they're to be compared upon |
10:31:46 | aliask | Plus, they're basically the same - only one is slightly older than the other. |
10:31:49 | TheMcPoon | features/bug fixes etc |
10:32:10 | Paul_The_Nerd | The bleeding edge build will have the newest features, bug fixes, AND bugs. |
10:32:14 | Bagder | the bleeding builds becomes the daily every (euro) morning |
10:32:17 | Paul_The_Nerd | The daily build will have the same bugs for 24 hours at a time |
10:32:28 | TheMcPoon | I see |
10:32:41 | TheMcPoon | Thanks for the explaination |
10:38:37 | | Quit safetydan ("Ex-Chat") |
10:40:37 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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10:46:21 | ze | hmm |
10:46:26 | ze | TheMcPoon: do you come with a little packet of hair? |
10:46:36 | TheMcPoon | Umm..what |
10:46:42 | ze | heh, nevermind |
10:46:51 | TheMcPoon | Gross |
10:46:52 | TheMcPoon | lo |
10:46:54 | TheMcPoon | lol* |
10:47:41 | ze | your nick just reminds me of some old stuff from an channel on an old network :p |
10:47:50 | ze | er an old channel |
10:48:04 | | Quit aliask ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") |
10:48:17 | TheMcPoon | I see |
10:49:34 | petur | must have been an old nick? |
10:49:55 | ze | no, an old quote |
10:49:58 | petur | used on an old pc? |
10:50:31 | TheMcPoon | with an old keyboard |
10:50:58 | ze | it is in an old quote db |
10:51:02 | ze | imported from an even older db |
10:51:17 | ze | so that some metadata (that didn't exist in the old db) is set as oldformat |
10:51:20 | ze | ;p |
10:51:28 | petur | hey, grow up! ;) |
10:51:39 | * | Bagder thinks ze is old |
10:51:41 | Bagder | ;-) |
10:51:49 | BHSPitLappy | so has anyone taken a magnifying glass to any of the new iTunes games |
10:52:11 | TheMcPoon | nope |
10:52:18 | ze | actually its not very old, only like 98 or 99 or something :p |
10:52:19 | TheMcPoon | wouldn't pay for small games like that |
10:52:19 | TheMcPoon | lol |
10:52:32 | BHSPitLappy | heh, rockbox needs an equivalent of "wine" now, to play those games |
10:53:34 | Paul_The_Nerd | Why? |
10:58:54 | JdGordon | whats up with forums.rockbox? |
10:59:58 | Paul_The_Nerd | They seem to be quite inaccessible. |
11:00 |
11:00:02 | Paul_The_Nerd | They have been for many hours |
11:00:12 | JdGordon | is MR down also? |
11:00:20 | Paul_The_Nerd | Yes |
11:00:24 | JdGordon | ok |
11:00:29 | Slasheri | Bagder: hi, btw do you know what is wrong with my build server (ihme.org) as it no longer seems to receive rockbox builds? |
11:01:05 | JdGordon | Slasheri: did u cop amiconn;s wrath for breaking rombox on the v2 rec ? :D |
11:01:16 | Bagder | Slasheri: I'll see if I can figure it out... |
11:01:39 | Slasheri | Bagder: sounds good :) because in build logs i can only see that connection was failed which is weird |
11:02:10 | Slasheri | JdGordon: hmm, i see that has happened then.. |
11:02:23 | Bagder | Slasheri: "WARNING: Your password has expired." |
11:02:29 | JdGordon | :'( im getting server error 500 on the wiki.. |
11:02:29 | Slasheri | JdGordon: it would have happened a sooner or later |
11:02:30 | Bagder | it says when I try to ssh to it |
11:02:39 | Slasheri | Bagder: oh.. so it doesn't use ssh public key? |
11:02:54 | Bagder | Slasheri: my end does, your end seems to refuse it |
11:02:56 | JdGordon | Slasheri: ye i know..im just gald it wasnt me who did it :) ami wasnt happy with acitons bloating it abit |
11:03:13 | Slasheri | Bagder: ah, hmm.. then i will disable that password expiration for that account |
11:03:25 | Slasheri | Bagder: could you change the password so that it will work again? |
11:03:48 | Bagder | how can I? I don't have a password for your machine |
11:04:09 | Bagder | this is somehow after the publickey has been okayed |
11:04:12 | Slasheri | ah, so you don't know the password at all |
11:04:18 | Bagder | nope |
11:04:19 | Slasheri | hmm, then i will just reset it |
11:04:36 | Slasheri | now it should work, please try again :) |
11:04:54 | Bagder | nope |
11:05:05 | Slasheri | it still says it's expired? |
11:05:22 | Bagder | yeps |
11:05:24 | Slasheri | argh, need to modify ldap then.. just a moment |
11:07:23 | perplexity | "52 builds in 475 seconds (7mins 55secs) makes 9.1 seconds/build" <−− those are nice numbers :) |
11:07:48 | Bagder | 7min 55 secs are pretty long by our standards |
11:08:07 | perplexity | yeah I know.. one of my servers was bandwidth clogged and took ages to upload a build.. |
11:08:22 | Bagder | and 4 servers didn't participate at all |
11:08:42 | JdGordon | we should BT the finished .zips instead of sending them back to the build server |
11:08:57 | Bagder | BT? |
11:09:04 | perplexity | BitTorrent.. nice idea.. |
11:09:29 | Slasheri | Bagder: please try now again, shadowMax should be now 0 |
11:09:34 | perplexity | builder.fnarfbargle.com already has a bittorrent system setup on it ;) |
11:09:42 | Bagder | but then all build servers would need to allow bittorrents, which I think is a bad idea |
11:09:53 | JdGordon | ... or at least say the builds are done before having to send all the zips back.. that would speed it up slightly wouldnt it? |
11:10:01 | Bagder | I'm quite sure the amount of servers I herd do not have that setup |
11:10:26 | perplexity | yeah, one of mine does.. the other does not and really should not.. anyway |
11:10:28 | Bagder | Slasheri: working now, great! |
11:10:35 | Slasheri | Bagder: great :) |
11:10:41 | Bagder | "-!- You have 8 messages in your INBOX, 8 NEW messages!" |
11:10:45 | Bagder | :-) |
11:10:48 | Slasheri | hehe :D |
11:11:31 | Bagder | JdGordon: yes, but getting the zip at once will allow us to clean the build dirs afterwards |
11:11:39 | Bagder | which I hope to add one day |
11:12:07 | perplexity | ssh brad@bklaptop2:~$ ssh rbclient@fnarfbargle.com du -hc | tail -n1 |
11:12:08 | perplexity | 1.4G total |
11:12:11 | perplexity | would be nice.. :) |
11:12:30 | Bagder | there's talk about upgrading the bandwidth for our main server too within the near future |
11:12:40 | JdGordon | why would it affect it? copy the .zip to a temp dir, send back the build log, then when all builds are done send back the zips and show the results on the cvs page with a message "zips being uploaded.. be patient" |
11:12:47 | perplexity | although I suspect leaving the build dirs as is probably helps with the build times anyway mostly |
11:13:08 | Bagder | perplexity: no, we do clean builds anyway |
11:13:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:13:20 | Bagder | so ccache is what helps us, not the leftovers |
11:13:28 | perplexity | Ahh.. I'd not really looked at how it was done.. |
11:13:42 | Bagder | JdGordon: I don't think the effort of doing that is worth much |
11:13:45 | perplexity | yes, ccache works nicely.. I've been monitoring the cache usage |
11:13:46 | JdGordon | ... which doesnt help when the servers arnt given the same builds each time... but thats something else :p |
11:14:00 | Bagder | as long as we are < 5 mins, I don't give much effort into optimizing the build script |
11:14:11 | perplexity | My biggest problem is one of my servers is severely bandwidth choked.. |
11:14:47 | Bagder | I should possibly enhance the script to only hand out "zip builds" to servers with good bandwidth |
11:15:03 | perplexity | not a bad idea actually.. it's a fast build but a slow upload.. |
11:15:11 | JdGordon | :) same problem here |
11:15:12 | Bagder | a common problem |
11:15:26 | Bagder | in JdGordon's case, we have that "solved" by only sending it sim builds |
11:15:50 | Bagder | but it is a bit limited |
11:16:23 | perplexity | you could do that with builder.fnarfbargle.com if you liked.. it's in a similar boat.. fast machine with all the fruit, but just choked.. |
11:17:01 | JdGordon | ye, it would work better if i got the boot builds which are small and fast while the better servers got the other stuff which does take a while.. |
11:17:16 | dionoea | hello |
11:17:21 | JdGordon | perplexity: take the compilers out of rbclient's PATH |
11:17:36 | perplexity | JdGordon ? |
11:17:42 | Bagder | JdGordon: that's not the way, it'll only break the builds |
11:17:59 | perplexity | Took me long enough to figure out how to get them *in* there.. |
11:18:12 | JdGordon | Bagder: ah ok... |
11:18:16 | JdGordon | perplexity: ignore me :D |
11:18:22 | perplexity | I'd just say leave it as is unless the slow link starts to prove a problem.. |
11:18:24 | Bagder | the main server decides what servers that can do what builds |
11:18:38 | Bagder | perplexity: yeah, that's my thinking too |
11:18:48 | * | Bagder leaves |
11:19:00 | perplexity | It's a shame actually, as I have 4 more super beefy servers behind that slow pipe.. :( |
11:19:16 | | Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54933957.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
11:21:20 | | Part Paul_The_Nerd |
11:21:22 | perplexity | Ahh, the build times are in GMT ? |
11:21:30 | lex | installing mac osx atm |
11:21:40 | lex | on a pc :o |
11:22:18 | perplexity | Did that a couple of weeks ago lex, but had a problem with internal/external monitors on a laptop and had to give up.. runs nicely when you get it going though :) |
11:22:19 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@cor8-ppp2595.for.dsl.connect.net.au) |
11:23:00 | lex | :p |
11:23:08 | lex | it's checking my dvd atm, it's so slow |
11:23:27 | perplexity | the install takes ages... |
11:23:38 | lex | yeah, 35 to 45 minutes i read |
11:24:00 | perplexity | something like that.. it's even a bit slower than windows.. |
11:24:06 | lex | :) |
11:24:27 | lex | let's see how my 3com ethernet card works and my radeon and my cmedia sound card |
11:24:42 | lex | there's a driver for my sound card if the wiki is right |
11:25:09 | perplexity | Jesus.. lilo is dead.. :( |
11:25:24 | lex | yep :( |
11:25:49 | lex | i spoke with him only once, at #xorg |
11:26:12 | scorche | he came in here once |
11:27:23 | lex | did he use a helmet? :o |
11:27:33 | lex | i guess not, if he died for head injuries |
11:27:39 | lex | so what did we learn from this |
11:28:19 | perplexity | Dunno, had a mate killed from head injuries and he had a lid on.. sometimes you just get the worst luck.. |
11:28:44 | lex | yep... |
11:29:19 | Ribs | lex, he was not wearing a helmet |
11:29:21 | perplexity | Oh well.. life goes on.. deaths always come in threes.. thats my three.. hope people stop dying now |
11:29:28 | Ribs | from what's understood atm, it was a hit and run as well |
11:29:33 | Ribs | so I guess the driver was at fault |
11:29:41 | lex | hmm |
11:40:16 | | Join lini [0] (i=pugsley@ |
11:40:28 | | Quit lini (Client Quit) |
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11:41:50 | Slasheri | hmm, just trying to implemented a feature that will show wps immediately when selecting a file to play even without disk spinning up |
11:41:57 | Slasheri | -ed |
11:45:12 | Slasheri | ah, but it seems that is not so trivial to implement as i think because playlist creation and showing of the wps happens in the same thread |
11:47:46 | nls | Why do you want to show the wps before anything is playing? |
11:48:25 | Slasheri | i just thought ui response would feel better (it would show up the actual filename (and tags if tagcache is loaded in ram) immediately in wps when selecting a file |
11:48:51 | Slasheri | but now the problem is that it's not trivial to update the wps.. so maybe i don't try this more at the moment |
11:49:29 | nls | But then it would sit there doing nothing untill the disk has spun up... Maybe some sort of loading.. indication would be nice? |
11:49:52 | Slasheri | yep.. a loading splash could then display above the wps |
11:50:23 | nls | Yes that would be nice. |
11:51:38 | dionoea | Yet another rockpaint demo: http://dionoea.chewa.net/happytreefriends.png |
11:51:40 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:53:38 | vik | how does a file go from being foo.c to foo.rock ? A file I'm compiling compiles OK, the object file is there, but the .rock file has a size of 0. |
11:54:29 | Slasheri | vik: add the file to plugins/SOURCES and compile whole rockbox |
11:56:51 | vik | Slasheri: hmmm... I did put it in there; before hand it wouldn't compile the plugin at all. Now it compiles... but the rock is empty |
11:57:35 | Slasheri | vik: and you just type "make" and rockbox compiles fine without any errors? |
11:57:42 | vik | is there a guide how to create a 'hello world' plugin? |
11:57:49 | vik | Slasheri: yep |
11:57:55 | Slasheri | should be somewhere in the wiki.. |
11:58:23 | Slasheri | try also make clean |
11:58:45 | vik | just found a warning on that module... will check it out |
11:59:12 | Slasheri | good.. maybe your plugin doesnt have the plugin entry point at all or something like that and compiler thinks it's empty |
11:59:41 | vik | was about an undeclared function. |
12:00 |
12:05:10 | | Quit TheMcPoon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:06:03 | vik | was missing PLUGIN_HEADER. What exactly does that do? seems like strange C code |
12:06:48 | | Part kclaf |
12:06:59 | | Quit Rondom (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
12:07:18 | safetydan | vik, it's a macro that includes various bits needed by the plugin |
12:07:49 | safetydan | vik, check apps/plugin.h for the details |
12:09:10 | JdGordon | who knows the viewer.c code? |
12:09:43 | vik | Why does it have to be included in each plugin? Shouldn't #include plugin.h take care of it? |
12:10:11 | Slasheri | vik: it's a code that goes into the plugin header section of the binary file |
12:10:28 | Slasheri | it can't be automatically created in plugin.h |
12:10:59 | Slasheri | it contains for example the plugin start address that varies |
12:11:19 | vik | right... |
12:11:51 | vik | Wouldn't it be more conventional to put it in another #include? |
12:12:04 | Slasheri | it can't be put in include |
12:12:26 | | Quit daurnimator (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:12:34 | Slasheri | because it needs to now the plugin_start address for example that is plugin specific |
12:12:38 | | Quit dongs (K-lined) |
12:12:55 | vik | does it need to know it before the preprocessor is run? |
12:14:50 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:15:07 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
12:16:37 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
12:21:06 | lex | perplexity: didn't get it to work :( |
12:21:21 | JdGordon | woot!!! bookmakrs are back in viewer.c |
12:21:31 | lex | perplexity: it gives me a circle on the apple logo |
12:21:53 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEDE2E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:22:18 | lex | now i need to get to windows again, because the bootloader was in the partition where i installed osx |
12:25:41 | | Join webguest35 [0] (i=d9b89505@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
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12:31:10 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
12:33:06 | JdGordon | all glory to the hypno-toad!!! |
12:33:31 | nls | ;-) |
12:35:01 | JdGordon | how can the cvs commit message be changed? |
12:35:07 | vik | Cool - got alarm functionality for devices without a real alarm clock |
12:35:18 | JdGordon | vik: ? |
12:35:31 | vik | device has to be on. |
12:35:45 | JdGordon | close enough untill real alarms are done... |
12:35:59 | vik | JdGordon: huh? |
12:36:03 | JdGordon | dw |
12:36:47 | vik | JdGordon: How will real alarms be done? |
12:36:58 | petur | using the rtc chip in some players |
12:37:13 | petur | it can wake up the player |
12:37:37 | vik | but for the players where the rtc cannot wake up the players, this will work |
12:37:59 | JdGordon | g0t a patch? |
12:38:04 | petur | you'll need to disable idle-shutdown for that ;) |
12:38:14 | vik | yep. |
12:38:43 | JdGordon | why? have you done it as a plugin? or part of the core? |
12:39:00 | vik | I hacked an existing plugin (not part of the distribution); will have a go at cleaning it up first |
12:39:12 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A457E7.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:39:29 | JdGordon | idle-poweroff shouldnt turn it off it a plugin is running... |
12:39:57 | JdGordon | shouldnt as in logically shouldnt.. not code-wisely.. |
12:39:58 | vik | modified http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/2021/edit to work on iriver; will have a go at making it work for any device with an RTC |
12:41:24 | | Join webguest92 [0] (i=56d1b94d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
12:42:50 | | Quit webguest92 (Client Quit) |
12:42:51 | vik | When does idle poweroff occur normally? when stopped, paused? |
12:43:10 | JdGordon | when stopped or paused i tinhk |
12:43:37 | obo | Slasheri: could you add in include for config.h to thread.h? |
12:43:44 | | Quit perplexity (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:44:27 | vik | when I get it done, what is the submission process? |
12:45:31 | JdGordon | vik: submit the patch.. wait.. nag people here.. rinse, repeat... |
12:46:51 | Bagder | a good idea is also to mention it in the forum or something to get people to test it |
12:47:19 | safetydan | Anyone know what's going on with the forums? |
12:47:43 | vik | what would you want out of an alarm? main feature I can think of is ability to ramp up the volume, and snooze |
12:48:16 | | Join webguest37 [0] (i=54997031@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c54cc3c0d6648c6d) |
12:48:22 | JdGordon | start playing the playlist, set volume to the requested volume then quit... |
12:48:34 | JdGordon | or ye, snooze would be better than quit... |
12:49:16 | * | JdGordon will gladly help test this plugin... im fed up with using my stereo as a alarm |
12:49:29 | webguest37 | is it possible open a txt file using the viewer without going to viewer plugin ? |
12:49:40 | | Quit daurnimator (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:49:46 | JdGordon | no? |
12:50:00 | | Quit lee-qid ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
12:50:28 | safetydan | webguest37, not quite sure what you're on about. Do you mean selecting a text file in the file browser? |
12:50:50 | vik | the way it works atm is you start playing a song/playlist/whatever, then go into the plugin, which pauses playback until the alarm ticks over; then resumes. |
12:51:21 | | Quit RedBreva (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:51:38 | vik | Only thing is it doesn't go back to the wps during playback. Though that's probably no major issue |
12:51:54 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54965963.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:52:08 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
12:52:17 | JdGordon | vik, can i request you do it as a "viewer" plugin, which means you assosiate it with a file extension, so you can have a file monday..alm which, when opened will start the alarm plugin automatically and the settings can all be loaded? |
12:52:37 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa246.6.tellas.gr) |
12:52:39 | vik | that sounds nice |
12:52:45 | | Quit [xt] (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:53:20 | JdGordon | the only thing that needs to be changed is the void* parameter in plugin_entry will be the opened filename, and it needs to be added to viewers.config |
12:53:22 | vik | original plugin for archos gave you three different presets for three different Function keys. |
12:53:47 | | Join [xt] [0] (n=[xx]@wikipedia/xx) |
12:54:19 | JdGordon | that sux :D |
12:56:16 | vik | particularly if your player lacks function keys |
13:00 |
13:00:01 | | Join ftugrul [0] (n=tugrul@ |
13:00:11 | | Part ftugrul ("Konversation terminated!") |
13:00:31 | webguest37 | safetydan: if I open a txt file in the browser, will i still be able to use bookmarks ? |
13:00:57 | safetydan | webguest37, I'd say so |
13:01:06 | safetydan | thought JdGordon should be able to answer that better |
13:01:10 | safetydan | though even |
13:01:31 | JdGordon | webguest37: what browser? |
13:01:51 | JdGordon | and which bookmarks? |
13:02:04 | JdGordon | bookamrks in viewer.rock are not the same as the mp3 bookmarks.. |
13:02:06 | safetydan | JdGordon, file browser and text viewer bookmarks |
13:02:36 | JdGordon | oh, same set of bookmarks... last 10 files are remebered, for the moment |
13:02:44 | | Join Zaraki [0] (n=Miranda@vaas.xs4all.nl) |
13:02:51 | Zaraki | Hey there |
13:03:03 | webguest37 | ah great thanks, so i can open atxt file in root and use bookmarks |
13:03:09 | JdGordon | yes |
13:03:20 | webguest37 | thank you |
13:03:55 | Zaraki | I'm wondering: Would there be interest in making Rockbox compatible with the newer Archos models? e.g., the AV500, 604, 404, and my own Gmini 500? |
13:04:48 | Bagder | Zaraki: clearly very little interest so far |
13:05:04 | Bagder | since it hasn't been done |
13:05:44 | Zaraki | Yeah, I realize there isn't that much yet. They are becoming more popular though, even if I'm not too sure about the differences between the new 404 and 604 and the AV/Gmini 500. |
13:06:11 | Zaraki | The new models they have are getting some acknowledgement. |
13:06:26 | Bagder | well, there have been many Archos models released since the ones we support |
13:06:38 | Bagder | just no people who want to work on them |
13:06:54 | Zaraki | No kidding, heh. :P Maybe the newest ones will strike? |
13:07:08 | Bagder | we'll see |
13:07:14 | Bagder | but I don't hold my breath |
13:07:25 | Zaraki | I just spotted a really nice pic of a Rockboxed iPod today, using a WMP11 interface-lookalike. That's what made me wonder. |
13:07:43 | Bagder | ports are made by people who own such devices |
13:08:14 | Zaraki | The new models are great - Huge screens, nice batteries, USB Host, TV out, and default with msc AND MTP mode. - I wish I had experience in it all. |
13:08:35 | | Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) |
13:11:34 | Zaraki | I'd probably have to check out all the parts inside to even see what there is to worry about, no? I doubt it's just a matter of 'chipset x + chipset y' either. |
13:11:58 | Bagder | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/NewPort |
13:12:18 | Bagder | it is not an easy task |
13:13:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:16:20 | Zaraki | Yeah, especialy on your own, it seems. Besides, I don't have experience in either soldering or asm, and my C experience is limited to Hello World. |
13:17:38 | JdGordon | dont feel like that... there are other equally important jobs.... someone _has_ to be the one to kleeep nagging about activity and such :D |
13:17:50 | | Join perplexity [0] (i=heh27109@dxb-as59276.alshamil.net.ae) |
13:28:07 | | Quit Febs () |
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13:35:28 | | Quit vik ("Leaving") |
13:40:30 | | Join webguest26 [0] (i=d5117060@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
13:40:36 | JdGordon | Bagder: have you had a look @ my settings and menu patch on the wiki? |
13:41:25 | markun | Zaraki: do you know archopen.org? |
13:42:01 | webguest26 | Hi all, since mistic river is offline and the rockbox forum also isn't working here i will ask it here. I have a IRiver H10 and followed the instructions on the site but now it says system file missing. Do they mean the BLH10.rom? that wasn't in the instructions |
13:42:30 | JdGordon | did you extract the rockbox.iriver onto the h10? |
13:43:04 | webguest26 | jup in the root, the root is the firts ''amp'' to come in to when you open the h10 wright? |
13:43:12 | webguest26 | amp=map |
13:43:28 | Bagder | rockbox.h10 iirc |
13:43:43 | JdGordon | and i meant to say rockbox.zip not rockbox.iriver |
13:44:16 | webguest26 | yes it is extracted in the root |
13:44:43 | Zaraki | markun, no, I don't know it. |
13:44:58 | markun | Zaraki: which player do you have? |
13:45:34 | webguest26 | must the .rockbox map be in the root or in the system map? |
13:45:35 | | Join sprpwrs_ [0] (n=chrisgoa@ppp23-88.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net) |
13:45:46 | | Quit damaki__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:46:28 | markun | webguest26: just extract the whole zip file to you h10 |
13:46:34 | markun | your |
13:47:18 | webguest26 | just did that, i think i will try it again, first erase verything and then do it again maybe something went worng |
13:48:08 | | Quit safetydan ("Ex-Chat") |
13:48:24 | Zaraki | The Gmini 500. |
13:48:32 | Zaraki | markun* |
13:48:48 | | Part webguest37 |
13:49:47 | webguest26 | hmmm i think the problem is the bootloader (BL_H10.rom) i can't see to find it anywhere |
13:50:50 | markun | Zaraki: you can ask in the #archopen channel if anyone is working on support for the 5xx |
13:59:47 | | Join superpowersafsaf [0] (n=chrisgoa@ppp23-88.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net) |
14:00 |
14:03:31 | | Quit superpowersafsaf (Client Quit) |
14:04:11 | | Quit lee-qid (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:07:40 | PaulJam | does anyone else have the problem, that since the new scheduler was committed, it takes up to 3 seconds until the screen comes up after it was swiched off? this is really annoying. |
14:08:48 | petur | not on my h340 |
14:09:44 | * | JdGordon hasnt tried it yet |
14:10:39 | * | JdGordon lies... i do have cvs on the h300 |
14:13:37 | | Quit webguest26 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:15:38 | perplexity | OOoo did not notice that commit.. <runs off to update/compile/install> |
14:15:56 | | Join eunus [0] (n=eunus@cla244.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
14:16:05 | | Quit sprpwrs_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:17:24 | PaulJam | ok, the slowness of the screen coming up seems to be caused by the album art. |
14:20:41 | petur | amiconn? |
14:21:07 | petur | bah, not even in the channel :( |
14:21:25 | eunus | hi, first i would like to sorry for my english ;p i have a question. Do u know sth about rockbox for h10 jr ? will work start in future? |
14:21:49 | JdGordon | h10 jr is the 5/6 gb version yeah? |
14:21:55 | eunus | nope |
14:22:00 | eunus | jr i 1gb flash |
14:22:12 | * | JdGordon backs away |
14:23:33 | * | petur wonders why amiconn configured the isp1362 reset pin as input |
14:25:13 | * | petur has a chat with his 1362 chip. It says it's revision 0x30 ;) |
14:31:10 | petur | anybody know what irq handlers are installed for iriver h3x0 and where they are? |
14:31:34 | | Part eunus |
14:32:56 | petur | nm |
14:36:25 | | Quit daurnimator ("I wonder where that fish could be") |
14:39:49 | | Join webguest74 [0] (i=51e2f433@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
14:40:29 | markun | JdGordon: and H10jr has a samsung ARM cpu |
14:40:41 | JdGordon | ah |
14:41:15 | JdGordon | and the other h10's use the pp? |
14:41:23 | markun | yes |
14:41:43 | JdGordon | dont these companies have any buisness seichel? isnt it cheaper for them to just use 1 chipset like ipod? (untill they changed...) |
14:42:08 | perplexity | well, given they are profit driven companies, I'd say not.. |
14:42:18 | perplexity | otherwise they would stick with the one chipset |
14:43:01 | perplexity | Remember, they usually have full documentation, so porting to a new architecture likely does not take that long.. |
14:43:13 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Nick collision from services.) |
14:43:22 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (i=Kohlrabi@pc6.vpn-e.uni-kiel.de) |
14:43:27 | JdGordon | but still.. you'd expect their development tools to cost a fair bit |
14:43:33 | | Join dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193019.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) |
14:43:37 | markun | JdGordon: iriver switched to Samsung ARM CPUs for all their new players |
14:44:05 | perplexity | Dunno.. I think if I went to Samsung and said "I'm gonna buy a million processors, what sort of deal will you do on the dev kit" they'd be pretty willing to listen |
14:44:08 | JdGordon | bit odd they went pp first tho... |
14:44:19 | * | JdGordon is talking out of his ass atm due to history assignemnt due toroow |
14:44:34 | | Join webguest44 [0] (i=d590ff3e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
14:45:07 | | Quit webguest74 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:45:07 | JdGordon | perplexity: but can regular users buy the chips? I doubt they would get much of a deal, seen as the amount apple would have ordered... |
14:45:23 | JdGordon | assuming apple are moving the whole ipoo line to samsung |
14:45:38 | * | JdGordon gets back to his assignemnt |
14:45:41 | dongs | who what |
14:45:42 | perplexity | I suspect you are right, but then most companies don't like to do small sales anyway |
14:45:50 | dongs | why would 'regular users' need to buy the chips |
14:46:21 | JdGordon | small sales are less than millions of units for these sorts of things... |
14:46:25 | perplexity | students, hackers, prototypers, small companies doing botique stuff.. loads of reasons |
14:47:00 | dongs | getting small quantity of shit unless its under a sample and/or sample+return program is nearly impossible |
14:47:19 | dongs | ive been trying to get a ofdm dtv tuner for almost half a year |
14:47:24 | dongs | they dont even care if you pay for it |
14:47:35 | dongs | if your order isnt guarnateeing them thousands of sales a month they wont bother talking to you :| |
14:47:56 | perplexity | thus my point.. |
14:48:11 | JdGordon | in that case... |
14:48:20 | * | JdGordon conceds victory to perplexity |
14:48:38 | dongs | devkits are fine, but most of the time you have to give them back |
14:48:40 | dongs | huhu |
14:48:56 | perplexity | it was not a war :) simply a pointer on commercial reality.. :) |
14:49:09 | JdGordon | i know.. |
14:49:39 | dongs | anyone here know anything about i2c |
14:50:17 | petur | when a company like Samsung wants to take marketshare away from pp, you can be sure it has given them devkits and sample source code, maybe even a reference design for an entire player. I'm sure pp has done the same... |
14:50:32 | petur | dongs: a little... |
14:50:42 | | Quit Kohlrabi (Nick collision from services.) |
14:50:45 | dongs | petur: http://timecop.mine.nu/what.jpg is that standard 'read' process for i2c device? |
14:50:54 | | Join Kohlriba [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-153-049.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
14:51:10 | dongs | the 2nd section |
14:51:33 | dongs | S|slaveW|regaddr|S|slaveR|data1|data2|etc |
14:52:13 | dongs | cuz some code i ripped from linux kernel doesnt seem to set R/W bit properly |
14:52:14 | petur | looks standard, yes |
14:52:19 | dongs | hrm |
14:52:36 | | Join Strath [0] (n=donat@dpc6747254230.direcpc.com) |
14:52:47 | petur | R/W is the lsb of the slave address |
14:52:50 | dongs | right |
14:52:57 | dongs | the code i have ripped for read though |
14:53:07 | dongs | doesnt re-send teh address after 1st write, it just 'reads' |
14:53:57 | dongs | any i2c shit in rockbox to rip? or do you know of anything less obfuscated than linux kernel's implementation of it? |
14:54:18 | petur | have a look at sw_i2c_read() in firmware/drivers/eeprom_24xx.c |
14:54:37 | petur | quite typical transaction |
14:54:43 | dongs | ok. |
14:55:41 | dongs | lol. |
14:55:47 | dongs | thats like a low level implementation of it. |
14:56:12 | dongs | my microcontroller at least handles timing+etc. |
14:56:20 | petur | ah.. |
14:56:22 | dongs | but yeah i see |
14:56:33 | dongs | it does same thing that spec says. in sw_i2c_read |
14:56:35 | | Join SUSaiyan [0] (n=susaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl) |
14:56:50 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
14:57:13 | dongs | start, addr + write, regaddr, start, addr + read, and hten keeps reading data |
14:57:15 | dongs | cool. |
14:57:22 | * | dongs rips |
14:58:47 | petur | i2c-coldfire.c uses the on-chip i2c controller but that won't be of much use as it's probably done differently on other microcontrollers anyway |
14:59:14 | | Quit _FireFly_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:59:20 | dongs | ya thats ugly |
15:00 |
15:00:03 | dongs | the other one is fine. i can just substitute some functions with my controller-specific stuff from eeprom_24 |
15:02:45 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
15:02:52 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@ |
15:04:49 | | Join Febs [0] (i=2662c44b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
15:09:53 | | Join karim [0] (n=karim@ip-7.net-82-216-143.rev.numericable.fr) |
15:11:35 | | Join t0mas [0] (n=Tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) |
15:13:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:15:25 | | Quit webguest44 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
15:20:52 | | Join midkay_ [0] (i=midkay@c-24-18-38-151.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
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15:27:03 | | Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-140-236-161.range86-140.btcentralplus.com) |
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15:28:58 | | Quit webguest97 (Client Quit) |
15:30:51 | dionoea | hum, any idea why the H10 column doesn't work as expected on http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/fresh/Main/PluginIndex ? (i just added it) |
15:32:12 | Mikachu | maybe you need to add it to each individual plugin page too |
15:32:40 | Mikachu | the list at the end of for example http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginVUMeter looks like it has something to do with it |
15:32:40 | dionoea | well i only added it to those which i know to work (basically Rockpaint) |
15:32:59 | Mikachu | ah well i don't really know how it works, just looked at it now |
15:33:00 | dionoea | if it doesn't find the name it should leave the column empty, no add "0 check" |
15:33:11 | dionoea | kind of weird |
15:33:25 | petur | there may also be some caching involved - give it some time... |
15:33:44 | dionoea | i get it |
15:33:49 | dionoea | H100 matches on H10 |
15:34:03 | dionoea | i'll change the regex |
15:34:05 | Mikachu | ah, so just add a \> |
15:34:36 | dionoea | now it looks better :) |
15:35:57 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
15:42:07 | | Join niskel [0] (n=niskel@fctnnbsc15w-156034073243.nb.aliant.net) |
15:43:19 | dongs | ok hrm time to see if it works |
15:56:21 | | Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A4591E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:57:14 | | Quit petur ("***poof***") |
16:00 |
16:01:57 | | Quit FOAD_ ("I'll be back") |
16:02:37 | dongs | wow i think it worked. |
16:02:57 | | Join JazzBone [0] (n=jazzbone@cc829402-a.groni1.gr.home.nl) |
16:07:07 | | Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@a82-93-10-238.adsl.xs4all.nl) |
16:08:28 | | Quit aliask ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") |
16:11:53 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@p54BCD96D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:14:15 | JdGordon | hey PaulJam |
16:14:23 | JdGordon | i just fixed one of your viewer bugs |
16:15:05 | PaulJam | nice. thanks |
16:16:34 | dongs | or not. |
16:18:18 | | Quit niskel (Remote closed the connection) |
16:18:31 | | Quit Nibbier (Remote closed the connection) |
16:19:12 | PaulJam | JdGordon: the pausing of the music still happens on a h300, but this is with a patched build. But now that bookmarks are implemented it isn't that important. |
16:19:12 | | Quit JazzBone (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:19:23 | | Join Nibbier [0] (n=sven@e181112086.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
16:19:24 | JdGordon | :) |
16:19:41 | JdGordon | does the patched build have the new schedular in it? |
16:20:49 | PaulJam | yes |
16:20:57 | | Join webguest49 [0] (i=acca294f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
16:21:17 | webguest49 | test |
16:21:20 | JdGordon | ok, ill add a yeild in then. wont solve the problem but should make it a bit better |
16:22:24 | webguest49 | is misticriver down for anyone else?! |
16:22:33 | JdGordon | no, only you |
16:22:40 | PaulJam | i can't acess it either |
16:22:49 | Rondom | yep |
16:22:53 | JdGordon | ... or spoil my fun... |
16:24:21 | webguest49 | aww. Ok thanks |
16:24:25 | Soap | Does the new schedular prevent swcodec skipping at the expense of UI responsiveness? As in...when scrolling (ipod 5g) through a long list I used to get playback skips. Now I won't get playback skips, but I assume the UI will lag? |
16:24:38 | webguest49 | Oh ok guys, thanks alot |
16:25:02 | JdGordon | Soap: i believe thats how its supposed to work |
16:25:02 | webguest49 | Yea some fun? Not really that funny |
16:25:11 | | Quit webguest49 (Client Quit) |
16:25:15 | JdGordon | PaulJam: can u test a quick patch to see if the skipping stops? |
16:25:53 | PaulJam | yes |
16:26:09 | JdGordon | patch or compiled rock? |
16:26:33 | PaulJam | patch would be better |
16:26:54 | JdGordon | http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/qNTKi732.html |
16:27:10 | JdGordon | very simple band-aid fix |
16:28:31 | | Join pagefault [0] (i=pagefaul@pdpc/supporter/active/pagefault) |
16:33:26 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp142-171.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
16:34:31 | PaulJam | JdGordon: that fixes it. |
16:34:53 | JdGordon | PaulJam: it doesnt make the list feel sluggish or anything? |
16:37:18 | JdGordon | 5.... |
16:37:22 | JdGordon | 4..... |
16:37:26 | JdGordon | 3....... |
16:37:30 | JdGordon | 2......... |
16:37:35 | JdGordon | 1........... |
16:37:42 | JdGordon | commitintg......... |
16:39:25 | PaulJam | the scrolling hangs sometimes for a very short amount of time, but it is imo better than stopping audio. |
16:39:34 | JdGordon | :) |
16:39:49 | | Quit damaki_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:42:12 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: When are those changes to the settings going to be permanent? |
16:42:36 | JdGordon | which settings are you talking about? |
16:42:42 | JdGordon | the big patch on the wiki? |
16:42:48 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: yes |
16:42:58 | JdGordon | ah, not for quite some time i would guess.. |
16:43:07 | JdGordon | im probably not even half way finished yet :'( |
16:43:51 | jhMikeS | hmmm...so I should just continue along the old way? was wondering cause I'm adding stuff and the old way will conflict on spots |
16:44:23 | JdGordon | i guess so... I havnt had much feedback, so i dont even know if it will get commited when its done |
16:44:49 | JdGordon | if your keen you could do both and send me a diff for the new stuff :) |
16:45:34 | * | jhMikeS is wonder if he should commit a change to add .5fps (1/1) and 2fps (1/4) for the x5 lcd on slow CPU speed. |
16:46:39 | | Quit Rondom ("cu") |
16:46:48 | jhMikeS | I can give you the diff with the old methods used and you can resync it. :) |
16:46:59 | JdGordon | that would work also |
16:47:14 | jhMikeS | ..not yet though...still some time before "the whopper" is done. |
16:47:16 | | Join lodesi [0] (n=lds@d01m-89-83-139-80.d4.club-internet.fr) |
16:48:21 | JdGordon | bed time for me.. cyaz |
16:48:24 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
16:52:40 | Febs | <Soap> Does the new schedular prevent swcodec skipping at the expense of UI responsiveness? |
16:53:04 | Febs | Soap, yes. The UI lags quite a bit while music is playing. |
16:53:04 | | Join leftright [0] (n=leftrigh@p54997031.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:54:53 | leftright | Slasheri: There's an interesting bug report #5966, tagcache issue which the users resolved, but perhaps the scan should ignore mp3 files of 00:00 length |
17:00 |
17:00:31 | Slasheri | leftright: hmm, in fact that is caused by the metadata parser and not tagcache itself |
17:01:08 | Slasheri | and since metadata is needed to know song length, we can't really skip those files.. a test file would be needed to make it crash on simulator and then fix the metadata parser |
17:01:16 | leftright | oh i see, but it does impact tagcahes scan negatively, just thought I'd mention it |
17:01:38 | pagefault | hah thats the last time I use winrar to extract rockbox directly to my device |
17:01:52 | pagefault | wouldn't boot my device |
17:01:56 | Slasheri | with that kind of bug, it would be very useful to provide a test file which crashes the unit |
17:02:13 | Slasheri | that way the problem could be solved fast and permanently |
17:02:31 | | Join Ed__ [0] (i=ed@palm.hoeg.nl) |
17:02:33 | Ed__ | aloha :) |
17:03:02 | leftright | well according to the bug report its a mp3 file which has the file length time stored as zero due to xing heaers, but I'm no expert at this |
17:03:34 | Slasheri | true.. maybe i will try to generate such a file myself :) |
17:04:00 | Slasheri | but it would be always easier with a test file from user |
17:04:44 | leftright | no doubt, but how to get hold of those guys, smoke signals :) |
17:07:46 | obo | Slasheri: any chance you could add an include for config.h to thread.h? |
17:08:08 | Slasheri | obo: ah, yes. i will check that soon |
17:10:05 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54965963.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:10:25 | Slasheri | obo: done |
17:10:25 | | Join quiksilver [0] (n=Miranda@CPE00095b32be25-CM0014049275ea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
17:10:30 | obo | thanks :) |
17:10:33 | Slasheri | :) |
17:11:04 | Ed__ | i've just installed rockbox on my h340 |
17:11:38 | Ed__ | i started sudoku, but it somehow failed and now my h340 won't respond to button input |
17:11:49 | Ed__ | the screen does light up when i press a button |
17:12:12 | Slasheri | Ed__: there is a reset button |
17:12:33 | Slasheri | you need a paper clip to push it |
17:12:47 | Ed__ | where? :D |
17:12:52 | nls | heh, I used mine today :-) |
17:13:03 | nls | Ed__, small hole below mic |
17:13:08 | Slasheri | i don't know about h3xx but there should be a tiny hole somewhere |
17:13:20 | Ed__ | oh yeah :D |
17:13:21 | Ed__ | thanks |
17:13:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:13:41 | nls | the audi thread screen didn't like usb |
17:14:51 | nls | Slasheri, I don't know if this has anything to do with the new scheduler but when I updated today I tried to make a little boost percentage test before and after. |
17:15:22 | nls | And to mee it seems like the pcm buffer is filled more often. |
17:15:49 | nls | It never drops below ~400000 |
17:16:02 | Slasheri | nls: yes, i have changed that on purpose |
17:16:18 | Slasheri | because with ipods too low pcm buffer causes buttons unresponsive |
17:16:41 | nls | but istn't it more efficient to switch cpu frequency less often and do more each time? |
17:17:14 | Slasheri | yes, but i think we really need to call it very often to make any measurable difference |
17:18:25 | nls | Anyway, it seems to have dropped bosst by 1% on my q6 ogg/vorbis files :-) |
17:18:33 | nls | boost even |
17:18:50 | Slasheri | sounds good, i have also measured a 2-3% boost drop with q8 vorbis :) |
17:19:49 | Slasheri | the more often task switch happens, the more efficient the new scheduler is |
17:21:38 | Soap | so is this going to affect battery life at all? |
17:22:40 | dionoea | it's going to affect it since the CPU requires more power when boosted (at least, that's how i understand it) |
17:23:37 | Soap | Is boost going to be reduced across the board, or only when performing two tasks (ie playback and WPS / playback and scrolling)? |
17:24:26 | Soap | The reason I ask is my recent runtime tests were performed while in the menu, not the WPS, and I'm curious if I need to run them again. |
17:24:35 | | Join drippydonut [0] (n=drippydo@ACBD2524.ipt.aol.com) |
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17:24:37 | | Part Mikachu |
17:25:11 | Soap | Or will this simply improve real-life battery runtime, and not the theoretical-max runtime numbers my methodology produced. |
17:28:55 | Ed__ | is it possible to turn off the peak meter |
17:28:55 | Ed__ | ? |
17:29:20 | obo | Ed__: use a different WPS/theme |
17:29:28 | Ed__ | thanks :) |
17:29:59 | | Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-141-055.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
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17:33:01 | | Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:33:29 | quiksilver | hello there i am trying to encode a video with subtitles using vlc and it does not seem to work for me could someone take a look at my "messages" (error report)? |
17:33:45 | Slasheri | Soap: being in the root menu should in theory improve battery runtime |
17:33:57 | Soap | right |
17:34:02 | Slasheri | it would be interesting to see if it has any measurable difference |
17:34:41 | * | linuxstb examines his new 2nd gen Nano |
17:35:39 | Soap | and if I am understanding the scheduler changes correctly being in the root menu under the old scheduler should have rarely switched, thus the new scheduler should show little/no boost decreases in _that_ scenario? |
17:36:05 | | Join Morbo [0] (n=Name@ |
17:36:45 | | Part MadDog011 |
17:39:00 | | Quit tvelocity ("ΑποχώÏησε") |
17:39:22 | quiksilver | hello there i am trying to encode a video with subtitles using vlc and it does not seem to work for me could someone take a look at my "messages" (error report)? |
17:41:35 | | Part Morbo ("Leaving") |
17:42:02 | | Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ |
17:45:34 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEDE2E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:46:09 | dionoea | quiksilver: sure |
17:46:21 | | Join RaeNye [0] (i=c7cb43c9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
17:46:31 | ender` | quiksilver: VLC is known to have problems with subtitles |
17:46:31 | RaeNye | Aloha |
17:47:07 | | Quit Kohlriba (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:47:08 | quiksilver | dionoea: where should i paste my error |
17:47:24 | | Join webguest81 [0] (i=ca07a6ad@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
17:47:41 | dionoea | quiksilver: http://paste.videolan.org for example |
17:48:03 | quiksilver | thnaks i just forgot the site |
17:48:09 | quiksilver | :D |
17:49:02 | RaeNye | jhmikes: are you alive? |
17:49:04 | quiksilver | dionoea: done |
17:49:57 | dionoea | are you changing the fps in transcode ? |
17:49:57 | | Quit webguest81 (Client Quit) |
17:51:05 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD607F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:51:32 | | Part leftright |
17:51:44 | dionoea | quiksilver: btw, which VLC version are you using ? |
17:52:01 | quiksilver | 0.85 |
17:53:42 | dionoea | do the subs work if you just playback the movie? |
17:54:04 | quiksilver | nope |
17:54:09 | dionoea | same errors ? |
17:54:23 | quiksilver | i played it with wmp and the movie worked but teh subs didnt show up |
17:55:32 | dionoea | well maybe these subs are just broken then |
17:55:34 | amiconn | dionoea: I have some nice (I hope) changes for solitaire :) |
17:55:40 | dionoea | amiconn: :) |
17:55:44 | dionoea | what do they do ? |
17:56:19 | amiconn | Optimised button assignments for better playability (one-handed etc) for ipod, and some subtle changes for others. |
17:57:00 | amiconn | Help text lisitng all button assignments, with font sensitive layout |
17:57:06 | dionoea | drawing new cards was hard one handed :) |
17:57:44 | amiconn | I wonder whether I should also tackle the other "todo" - use the standard rockbox menu |
17:58:03 | dionoea | you could ... shouldn't be too hard |
17:58:29 | amiconn | Yeah, there's one special case - the "draw one" / "draw three" item |
17:58:42 | dionoea | that's why i didn't do it myself in fact :) |
17:59:16 | amiconn | But there's another place in rockbox that already uses a dynamic menu item - the fm radio menu |
17:59:53 | dionoea | i tried using the addmenu item / delete menu item stuff ... i think that it kind of worked. But i still had odd bugs lying arround |
18:00 |
18:00:00 | amiconn | My help text layout function also reuses ideas from the core (from slpasl()) |
18:00:12 | amiconn | *splash() |
18:00:22 | jhMikeS | RaeNye: *checking pulse* |
18:00:51 | * | jhMikeS is fairly sure now |
18:01:35 | | Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-143-79-163.range86-143.btcentralplus.com) |
18:01:40 | dionoea | amiconn: http://people.videolan.org/~dionoea/solitaire.c.old if you want something that almost works for the menus (i'm not sure if it compiled anymore) |
18:03:02 | RaeNye | jhmikes: I saw your remote-lcd commit earlier, and wondered why you didn't use lcd_remote_powersave() that was defined earlier in the file |
18:03:08 | amiconn | I am also thinking about using one single native bitmap (part of a single "master" cards bitmap) for each card |
18:03:13 | dionoea | amiconn: hum ... in fact maybe it didn't work at all |
18:03:39 | dionoea | amiconn: to use nice looking cards on big screens ? |
18:03:51 | amiconn | That would enable really nice colour card bitmaps, especially for large screens |
18:04:23 | amiconn | ..and it would simplify drawing. |
18:05:30 | amiconn | It would also simplify adding more different card sizes for various LCDs |
18:05:52 | linuxstb | Seems that Apple have encrypted the firmware in the new Nano... :( |
18:06:08 | amiconn | An example is the H10 5GB LCD (128x128). Solitaire works, but looks really squeezed |
18:06:31 | RaeNye | linuxstb: maybe it's the same as mi4 encryption? |
18:06:43 | linuxstb | All the key combinations (reset, disk mode, diagnostics mode) work, with the interesting addition of a "record via line-in" and "play recorded wav" options... |
18:06:49 | dionoea | amiconn: that'd be nice. I downloaded some small cards this summer: http://people.videolan.org/~dionoea/cards/ |
18:06:50 | | Join Gatechy26 [0] (n=holton14@c-24-99-46-156.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
18:07:17 | dionoea | amiconn: i'm not sure if they'll display fine on small screens ... might work for stuff like ipod video |
18:07:18 | jhMikeS | RaeNye: Separate purpose I guess. Thought about it but thought powersave should be used just for that |
18:08:03 | Gatechy26 | any info available on why the forums are down? |
18:08:09 | jhMikeS | amiconn: we got remote ticking on the x5 with boost big time |
18:08:24 | amiconn | Oh? |
18:08:34 | | Nick Gatechy26 is now known as Gatechy260 (n=holton14@c-24-99-46-156.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
18:08:35 | * | amiconn didn't notice any ticking on X5 so far |
18:08:41 | jhMikeS | Listen to quiet classical music it's obvious |
18:09:09 | amiconn | dionoea: 43x64 is too big even for ipod video |
18:09:37 | amiconn | Hmm, perhaps not... needs testing |
18:10:10 | jhMikeS | While listening, do some scrolling. Set the boost counter up to be sure. |
18:10:18 | | Quit quiksilver ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
18:10:39 | linuxstb | The format of the boot partition seems to be very similar to the earlier ipods, but the images are labeled "ososNAND" instead of "ososATA!". One of the images in the boot partition is labeled "rsrcNAND" and is an image of a FAT16 filesystem containing XML files and WAV voice clips which seem to the be the Nike feature. I'm guessing the 1st generation Nano 1.2 firmware also has that, which is why installing the Rockbox bootloader breaks |
18:10:40 | linuxstb | that version of the Apple firmware. |
18:11:04 | dionoea | amiconn: yeah, it's a bit too big ... but it could maybe work using a little scalling |
18:12:12 | | Join Lefungus [0] (n=nope@AVelizy-151-1-89-12.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
18:12:27 | RaeNye | jhmikes: ticks also w/o boost when doing FM radio |
18:13:22 | dionoea | linuxstb: did you buy a new nano ? |
18:13:59 | linuxstb | dionoea: I'm afraid I did... Saw one in my local electronics shop and couldn't resist. |
18:14:09 | dionoea | :) |
18:14:25 | dionoea | did you already take it appart ? |
18:14:40 | linuxstb | No, there's no point... |
18:14:44 | jhMikeS | RaeNye: I haven't tried that yet. Wierd. |
18:14:46 | linuxstb | At this stage, anyway. |
18:14:55 | * | RaeNye likes the idea of buying new HW just to disassemble it |
18:15:08 | | Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-172-151.bas504.dsl.esat.net) |
18:15:10 | | Quit San||Away (Remote closed the connection) |
18:16:02 | RaeNye | jhmikes: there's a message I wrote on the forums with more info, see that when they're up again |
18:16:25 | | Quit Lefungus ("Parti") |
18:16:30 | RaeNye | BTW, I tried the new coldfire IDCT patch and it's quite impressive - it does almost 23 fps |
18:16:41 | jhMikeS | RaeNye: I think I responded. I mentioned that the radio is still passthrough too for listening. |
18:17:21 | RaeNye | was it related to the ticking issue? |
18:17:24 | * | jhMikeS isn't hearning the ticks on FM and is listening now. |
18:17:51 | RaeNye | stay in the FM screen, not in some context menu |
18:18:10 | | Join Lefungus [0] (n=nope@AVelizy-151-1-89-12.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
18:18:10 | RaeNye | I can hear it clearly in a classical music station |
18:18:34 | | Quit RaeNye ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
18:18:44 | jhMikeS | RaeNye: You mention the radio used to be pass-through and it could have to do with the FM Radio recording. But nothing's changed when listening only. |
18:19:04 | | Join sickskillz [0] (n=sickskil@c-69-142-127-16.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
18:20:00 | | Join Evaso2 [0] (n=Marem@host98-0-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
18:20:28 | Evaso2 | hi guys there ara some presets for eq for default ipod nano headphones |
18:20:40 | jhMikeS | Now I hear it...it's bad especially for weaker stations. |
18:22:46 | amiconn | Many targets have that problem... the radio screen used to have screen freeze; I wonder where that's gone |
18:23:08 | | Join RaeNye [0] (i=c7cb43c9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
18:23:17 | RaeNye | grr arg |
18:24:20 | Evaso2 | any starting point for eq preset? |
18:24:54 | jhMikeS | RaeNye: Yeah, I hear the ticks on FM esp. on weaker stations |
18:25:17 | | Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") |
18:26:10 | amiconn | I wonder whether silencing /CS will be enough - that alone solved ticking on the H300 |
18:27:36 | | Join lightyear [0] (n=lightyea@p54876085.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:28:42 | jhMikeS | amiconn: no delays everywhere...that would be nice... |
18:28:50 | amiconn | Unfortunately there's not much room for doing what we do to reduce ticking on the H1x0. If silencing /CS doesn't help, we have to live with the ticking, or freeze the screen |
18:29:34 | jhMikeS | which file handles H300 remote? |
18:29:40 | amiconn | On H1x0 we delay the transfers when "ticking reduction" is enabled |
18:29:43 | amiconn | lcd-h100-remote.c |
18:29:52 | jhMikeS | for H300? |
18:29:52 | amiconn | It's the same LCD |
18:29:56 | jhMikeS | ok |
18:30:43 | amiconn | You can ignore the HAVE_REMOTE_LCD_TICKING parts - they deal with the delay thing |
18:30:50 | | Join maeck [0] (n=chatzill@ |
18:31:00 | amiconn | The /CS silencing is independent from that |
18:31:12 | | Join KN|stiff [0] (n=phhome@p54B7CF31.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:32:10 | | Join tongas [0] (n=moi@d213-103-209-77.cust.tele2.fr) |
18:32:24 | jhMikeS | guess I can just copy that stuff over and see if it helps |
18:33:04 | tongas | hi all, what has become of the rockbox forum ?! |
18:33:35 | jhMikeS | It makes a definite pitch with a framerate test. |
18:33:43 | jhMikeS | Same pitch as fr |
18:34:36 | | Quit akaias (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
18:35:12 | RaeNye | jhmikes: while we're at it, when you switch between fm presets via remote, does it skip 2 presets for you as well? |
18:35:24 | amiconn | Ugh... |
18:35:28 | | Quit Lefungus ("Parti") |
18:35:37 | jhMikeS | RayNye: hmmm...never tried it |
18:35:46 | amiconn | Calling the recording screen from the fm radio context menu caused a hard freeze... |
18:35:47 | * | jhMikeS is not a big remote user |
18:35:59 | jhMikeS | amiconn: I know...it used to work ok |
18:36:00 | | Join webguest76 [0] (i=4434bfc4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
18:36:24 | webguest76 | hi every one |
18:36:32 | | Quit webguest76 (Client Quit) |
18:37:03 | RaeNye | well, gtg. |
18:37:06 | RaeNye | see ya all |
18:37:14 | * | RaeNye snaps his finger |
18:37:16 | | Quit RaeNye ("CGI:IRC 0.5.7 (2005/06/19)") |
18:38:48 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEDE2E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:39:55 | jhMikeS | amiconn: where is remote_tick implemented for the x5? |
18:40:27 | jhMikeS | eh....searching.... |
18:41:45 | | Part sickskillz |
18:42:42 | amiconn | lcd-remote-2bit-vi.c line 1020ff |
18:43:30 | | Quit Zaraki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:45:48 | | Join akaias [0] (n=akaias@ |
18:45:49 | | Join Lear [0] (n=chatzill@h8n8c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) |
18:46:50 | | Join chendo__ [0] (n=chendo@203-206-110-136.dyn.iinet.net.au) |
18:47:22 | Soap | tongas - it is hosted by misticriver, which is also down. |
18:47:59 | jhMikeS | think I got it put in there... |
18:48:16 | tongas | Soap: thank you ! |
18:48:26 | tongas | what' sthe pb? |
18:48:36 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
18:48:44 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@ |
18:49:17 | | Quit TCK (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
18:51:38 | | Join amigan_ [0] (i=dcp1990@ip68-1-188-254.ri.ri.cox.net) |
18:51:43 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
18:51:47 | | Join Seedy [0] (i=ben@ |
18:52:55 | | Join xorAxAx_ [0] (n=xorAxax@moinmoin/coreteam/alexander) |
18:53:35 | | Join scottder_ [0] (n=sdexter@ip70-188-142-96.ri.ri.cox.net) |
18:55:00 | | Join webguest97 [0] (i=549d297c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
18:55:37 | | Quit pagefault ("Leaving") |
18:55:37 | | Quit webguest97 (Client Quit) |
18:57:28 | | Quit xorAxAx (Nick collision from services.) |
18:57:29 | | Nick xorAxAx_ is now known as xorAxAx (n=xorAxax@moinmoin/coreteam/alexander) |
18:59:01 | | Join dwihno_ [0] (n=dw@ |
18:59:11 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@ |
18:59:23 | | Quit amigan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:59:43 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:00 |
19:00:11 | | Quit chendo_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:03:29 | | Join webguest96 [0] (i=51b36b0d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
19:04:18 | webguest96 | hey anyone here? |
19:04:25 | jhMikeS | yep |
19:04:43 | | Quit scottder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:04:45 | webguest96 | is it a coincidence that I can't reach misticriver or the rockbox forums at all? |
19:04:55 | preglow | the rockbox forums are hosted by misticriver |
19:05:06 | webguest96 | thats what i meant if misticriver is down |
19:05:12 | preglow | yup |
19:05:16 | preglow | so no coincidence |
19:05:16 | jhMikeS | tick...tick...tickety tick |
19:05:29 | webguest96 | jeff said what it is yet? |
19:06:15 | | Quit dwihno (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:06:17 | | Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
19:06:17 | | Part Evaso2 ("Client exiting") |
19:07:03 | | Join Maoma [0] (i=drt@gateway/tor/x-6cbaad546c15133c) |
19:07:20 | | Join Evaso2 [0] (n=Marem@host98-0-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
19:07:25 | | Part Evaso2 ("Client exiting") |
19:08:21 | | Quit linuxstb (Client Quit) |
19:08:21 | | Quit webguest96 (Client Quit) |
19:08:35 | | Quit lini ("lini has no reason") |
19:08:35 | | Quit lostlogic ("Changing server") |
19:08:41 | vertic23 | hehe nice try :P |
19:08:50 | vertic23 | •17-09•07:17:53• -Maoma:#rockbox- Somebody has sent you a message, to read it type: /server read 1 |
19:08:55 | crwl | eh, right |
19:09:19 | | Quit Soap ("Someone dropped the soap!") |
19:09:23 | vertic23 | h4x0r, right? |
19:10:06 | | Join aegray [0] (n=aegray@ |
19:10:15 | | Join lostlogic [0] (n=lostlogi@temporal.lostlogicx.com) |
19:10:41 | | Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") |
19:11:20 | | Join Soap [0] (n=Soap@unaffiliated/s0ap) |
19:11:22 | Rick | someone ban him |
19:11:29 | | Quit darkless (Remote closed the connection) |
19:11:49 | PaulJam | what would happen if someone would type this? |
19:11:59 | crwl | could depend on the client |
19:11:59 | Rick | /server is the command to connect to a server |
19:12:02 | Rick | most of the time |
19:12:09 | Rick | so basically, it's tricking people into quitting |
19:12:29 | Rick | which leads to: Maoma needs to be banned + removed from the channel :P |
19:12:31 | crwl | i don't think anything would happen in weechat (which i use) because i don't have server named "read" configured |
19:12:51 | Soap | not much point banning him, as he's on Tor. |
19:12:57 | Mode | "#rockbox +o preglow " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
19:13:09 | Kick | (#rockbox Maoma :preglow) by preglow!n=thomjoha@rockbox/developer/preglow |
19:13:10 | Rick | ban tor then |
19:13:17 | | Join Maoma [0] (i=drt@gateway/tor/x-6cbaad546c15133c) |
19:13:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:13:29 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
19:13:54 | | Quit midkay_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:14:02 | Rick | yeah |
19:14:03 | Rick | ban tor |
19:14:06 | Rick | he's the only tor user here |
19:14:11 | Rick | or mute him |
19:14:22 | Mode | "#rockbox +b %*!*@gateway/tor/* " by preglow (n=thomjoha@rockbox/developer/preglow) |
19:14:33 | preglow | if i remember the syntax correctly, that's what i just did |
19:14:37 | Rick | :) |
19:14:47 | Soap | he's still here, and still on Tor. |
19:14:54 | Rick | only now he can't talk |
19:14:55 | Rick | :D |
19:15:22 | Soap | ahh |
19:17:26 | Rick | So uh... what's the topic talking about? |
19:17:26 | Rick | hehe |
19:18:19 | preglow | god knows |
19:18:25 | preglow | wouldn't hosting our own forums be a nice idea? |
19:18:30 | | Nick dwihno_ is now known as dwihno (n=dw@ |
19:18:33 | preglow | mistic seems to be more often down than our site is |
19:18:39 | | Quit newbyx86 ("I LOVE CLOUDS") |
19:19:11 | Rick | I thought we did have our own forums |
19:19:13 | Rick | in the past anyway |
19:19:30 | | Join newbyx86 [0] (n=newbyx86@ip68-7-14-7.sd.sd.cox.net) |
19:19:40 | newbyx86 | That was cool. |
19:20:06 | newbyx86 | Stupid Maoma. |
19:20:32 | * | Rick nods |
19:20:35 | Rick | he has been muted :) |
19:20:36 | newbyx86 | I fell for it too. |
19:20:36 | newbyx86 | :/ |
19:20:40 | newbyx86 | (That's the worst part I think.) |
19:20:41 | preglow | hahahah |
19:20:48 | Rick | yeah, most people won't realize what it'll do |
19:20:48 | preglow | never execute commands strangers give you |
19:20:50 | newbyx86 | I've ran IRC leafs and networks before. |
19:20:54 | Rick | hehe |
19:20:55 | newbyx86 | And I fell for that. |
19:20:56 | newbyx86 | :| |
19:20:59 | preglow | newbyx86: haha, that should hurt |
19:21:02 | newbyx86 | Yeah. |
19:21:03 | * | Rick gives newbyx86 a cookie |
19:21:04 | newbyx86 | I forgot what /server did. |
19:21:05 | newbyx86 | lol |
19:21:41 | | Quit Maoma (Killed by alindeman (Please do not harass channels on freenode)) |
19:21:54 | preglow | there you go |
19:21:56 | jhMikeS | someone botched playback.c and now recording hangs from the recording menu on the FM menu |
19:22:01 | newbyx86 | Hehe. |
19:22:02 | newbyx86 | Hooray. |
19:22:19 | preglow | jhMikeS: probably slasheri/pondlife |
19:23:04 | jhMikeS | >:-{ |
19:23:47 | preglow | try reverting it and see if it's fixed |
19:23:51 | jhMikeS | wonder if recording works at all now |
19:23:52 | | Quit maeck ("Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]") |
19:25:26 | jhMikeS | recording is f**cked totally |
19:25:40 | preglow | then revert the pach |
19:25:41 | preglow | patch |
19:25:50 | preglow | if that is the cause |
19:25:54 | jhMikeS | better make sure I do a full updates first |
19:26:10 | Mode | "#rockbox -o preglow " by preglow (n=thomjoha@rockbox/developer/preglow) |
19:26:22 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEDE2E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:27:02 | | Quit ender` (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The dawn of a new IRC era") |
19:27:04 | | Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@bb-87-80-197-109.ukonline.co.uk) |
19:28:25 | | Join Cecil_The_DK [0] (i=d5d93587@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
19:29:46 | vertic23 | ...why banning tor - ban the ident... |
19:30:16 | | Join pedram [0] (i=d5d93587@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
19:31:15 | jhMikeS | nope...still screwed |
19:31:26 | Soap | how reliable is the ident? |
19:32:16 | | Join SamAdams [0] (i=4a8045fd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
19:32:55 | Soap | fwiw |
19:32:56 | Soap | [2006-09-15 09:53:33] * Bagder changes topic to 'How hard can it be?' |
19:33:06 | Soap | (GMT-5 timestamp) |
19:33:07 | SamAdams | Oh someone pls help this noob...I've been at it for HOURS trying to get the bootloader working on my iRiver h10 5GB without sucess (I don't think the instructions were correct :( ) |
19:33:20 | | Join donut [0] (i=502940fe@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
19:33:27 | | Quit Cecil_The_DK ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
19:33:38 | donut | are the forums down for anyone else? |
19:33:40 | jhMikeS | preglow: dumb question ... how do you revert a patch anyway? |
19:33:52 | jhMikeS | or a commit rather |
19:33:52 | Rick | depends on how it was applied |
19:34:12 | SamAdams | FYI: 1) I just starting using my iRiver since it finally started working with WMP v11 after a clean install since the product first came out :P 2) I started with original firmware v1.0, then I did the following... |
19:35:08 | SamAdams | First 1) downloaded the firmware v1.66 from rockbox.org, 2) dloaded patcher from rockbox.org and patched it |
19:35:35 | SamAdams | 3) finally figured out how to load up in UMS mode (which was frustrating and needs to be added to the instructions :) ) |
19:35:36 | jhMikeS | the fix to voice bugs was simple...don't send voice messages if it's not the current codec...no hangs them |
19:36:11 | SamAdams | 4) copied the patched hex file to main root |
19:36:34 | SamAdams | 5) safely disconnected from USB and then rebooted iRiver |
19:37:07 | SamAdams | 6) found the "setting" menu with my "joystick", which I assume means the dial pad... |
19:37:38 | SamAdams | 7) there was NO "general" tab to upgrade my firmware...couldn't find this option in ANY submenu.....so I'm stuck....help pretty pls? |
19:37:41 | linuxstb | SamAdams: I think you're following the instructions for the H1x0 or H3x0, not the H10... |
19:37:53 | SamAdams | oh no |
19:38:01 | SamAdams | I thought the H100 was the name for the H10 |
19:38:15 | nls | SamAdams, look here http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/iriver/ |
19:38:20 | SamAdams | I have the 5-6GB h10 model |
19:38:48 | linuxstb | SamAdams: Here are the H10 instructions: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverH10Port#Installation_Instructions |
19:38:57 | SamAdams | cool :) ty so much rofl...I'll get back to you if I need more help :) ty ty ty :) I was thinking H100 stood for all H10 products (like the H110 and H120) |
19:39:16 | SamAdams | ty again :) |
19:39:31 | linuxstb | The H110/H120/H140 are completely different players to the H10 series. |
19:40:09 | SamAdams | ouch...wish I understood that lol...as you can see...this is my first time with this player :) ty! |
19:40:26 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=87mgjMmb@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
19:40:52 | donut | Can anyone else not get onto the forums? |
19:41:09 | nls | ther'e down |
19:41:20 | donut | oh good, its not my ISP screwing up again |
19:41:21 | donut | lol |
19:42:41 | * | linuxstb looks around for someone with decryption skills... |
19:44:59 | | Quit donut ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
19:46:52 | | Quit tongas ("Quitte") |
19:49:33 | SamAdams | uh-oh |
19:49:40 | SamAdams | I must have done something |
19:50:28 | SamAdams | I followed the H10 directions (which were really easy lol :) ) and then after safely disconnecting, it says "System Files Missing" To restore the system files, connect H10 to recovery tool. www.iriver.com |
19:51:17 | SamAdams | btw, since I couldn't find the general tab in settings, I updated to the latest firmware before I followed the H10 directions :( is that what did it? or...maybe copying the .hex file to the main root per the 110 directions? |
19:51:47 | linuxstb | Copying the .hex file shouldn't have harmed anything - your h10 firmware would just ignore it. |
19:52:17 | SamAdams | does the rockbox procedure still work with the latest firmware from iRiver? |
19:52:22 | | Quit Rondom (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
19:52:26 | linuxstb | Can you copy back the original .mi4 file from the System directory? |
19:52:33 | SamAdams | let me check |
19:54:23 | SamAdams | yes, and strangly, the original is like 4.5 megs and the one I created and copied over was 56k |
19:55:22 | linuxstb | That's fine - the 58k file is just the Rockbox bootloader. You will also need to download Rockbox itself from http://www.rockbox.org/cvs.shtml and unzip that zip file to the root of your H10. |
19:55:33 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEDE2E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:55:49 | linuxstb | But at the moment your problem is that your iriver isn't accepting the Rockbox bootloader. |
19:55:54 | SamAdams | I did that |
19:56:13 | SamAdams | and the restored file now boots the system with v2.51 PFD firmware |
19:57:27 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:57:46 | linuxstb | What's the name of the original .mi4 file? |
19:57:53 | SamAdams | maye I forgot to delete the original rockbox folder? I will delete it and try again |
19:57:57 | SamAdams | let me check |
19:58:15 | SamAdams | H10.mi4 |
19:58:49 | linuxstb | And you downloaded this H10.mi4? http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/iriver/H10_5GB-MTP/H10.mi4 |
19:59:17 | SamAdams | actually, I used the one in the main root since it was named the same with the same size...mistake? |
19:59:28 | SamAdams | thought they were the same |
19:59:37 | linuxstb | I've no idea... |
19:59:40 | SamAdams | I' |
19:59:45 | SamAdams | l'll try that one :) |
20:00 |
20:00:12 | | Join mr_fisk [0] (i=394fa70c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-11fcbc6cf4ec1f46) |
20:00:47 | SamAdams | and I'm supposed to replace the 4.5 mb one in the system directory with the 56k one? |
20:00:57 | | Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeep@c-71-202-85-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
20:01:36 | nls | yes, but sav a backup |
20:01:41 | SamAdams | k |
20:01:41 | nls | save even |
20:01:50 | mr_fisk | has anyone had the chance to try rockbox with the new version of the nano? |
20:02:13 | linuxstb | mr_fisk: Yes, it won't work. |
20:02:25 | linuxstb | It's basically a brand new player. |
20:02:30 | mr_fisk | damn |
20:02:59 | SamAdams | awesome :) it works but |
20:03:21 | SamAdams | my battery has a full charge (according to the original software) and this thing is saying my battery is dead and shutting down lol |
20:03:38 | SamAdams | wait a sec |
20:03:53 | SamAdams | nvm |
20:03:57 | linuxstb | Did you download and unzip the main rockbox.zip file? |
20:04:07 | SamAdams | it is working :) battery icon is charging up |
20:04:18 | SamAdams | and I just wasn't used to the screen going off that fast |
20:05:44 | linuxstb | Yes, the 4-second default backlight timeout... |
20:07:39 | | Join webguest71 [0] (i=d9e900ba@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
20:08:11 | | Quit webguest71 (Client Quit) |
20:08:13 | | Quit mr_fisk ("CGI:IRC") |
20:08:22 | | Join webguest81 [0] (i=d9e900ba@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
20:08:54 | webguest81 | hey there |
20:08:59 | SamAdams | will it still sync with WMP using RockBox? |
20:09:19 | webguest81 | how come the forum is down? |
20:09:48 | linuxstb | SamAdams: I've no idea... The H10 owners don't seem to be around at the moment. |
20:09:49 | PaulJam | SamAdams: no, you can just drag and drop the files on the player. |
20:10:03 | SamAdams | cool |
20:10:16 | | Join webguest28 [0] (i=917408a3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
20:10:26 | PaulJam | can the h10 dual boot? |
20:10:36 | linuxstb | Not yet. |
20:11:02 | SamAdams | btw, the old way...it wouldn't maintain the original file order of the CD which I hated...even though they were properly ripped with the number off the CD...but it would skip the 1. , 2., 3., etc and read the first letter of the song...will this new version of RockBox fix that for me? |
20:11:08 | | Join Doomed [0] (n=doomed@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) |
20:12:06 | linuxstb | SamAdams: Yes, if you name your tracks "NN-Trackname.mp3", then Rockbox's file browser will work as you expect. |
20:12:12 | vertic23 | is it still possible to store data from my Canon 800 IS onto the iAUDiO X5V with rockbox? |
20:12:21 | vertic23 | or.. is it possible at all? |
20:12:22 | SamAdams | sweet ty |
20:12:29 | Bagder | vertic23: no, boot the OF to do that |
20:12:49 | vertic23 | ...what do I have to do to boot the OF? |
20:13:05 | vertic23 | hopefully not by using a pc |
20:13:27 | Bagder | use the dual-boot bootloader that allows you to boot OF or Rockbox |
20:13:39 | vertic23 | wow, that's nice.. |
20:13:42 | webguest81 | is it normal behaviour that an iPod Nano with latest rockbox installed switches back the apple os when recharging? when unplugging the nano, the player says it's low on battery and a reboot is required to get rockbox back on. is this corret? |
20:13:43 | Bagder | unfortunately still not in CVS |
20:13:53 | SamAdams | Also, the only reason I did this was so I could use Lossless FLAC files :) am I all setup to go there? do I need to dload additional codecs? Lastly, what is the best/most popular/easiest ripping tool for FLAC for my CDs? |
20:14:01 | vertic23 | hmm... ok, then you might have to help me |
20:14:25 | linuxstb | SamAdams: What do you want, the best, the most popular, or the easiest? |
20:14:25 | Bagder | no can do that now, I'm off. bbl |
20:14:47 | SamAdams | ouch...was hoping was the same... 1) easiest 2) best |
20:15:08 | Captain_A | badger are you still there? |
20:15:16 | linuxstb | SamAdams: Are you running Windows? |
20:15:18 | vertic23 | hehe, first I need to have that player :P |
20:15:20 | Ed__ | webguest81: same with iriver h340 |
20:15:40 | SamAdams | yes, XP |
20:15:43 | vertic23 | how much does a cable cost which I need for "USB on the go"? |
20:15:44 | Doomed | congrats on the H10 build, i put it on the other night |
20:15:56 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
20:16:20 | vertic23 | or don't I need mini usb to mini usb plug for that |
20:16:24 | linuxstb | SamAdams: EAC is generally considered the best CD ripper for Windows. There are plenty of tutorials around - just google for EAC and FLAC. |
20:16:44 | SamAdams | sweet :) ty! |
20:16:54 | webguest81 | Ed__: so that's normal behaviour, nothing to worry about? |
20:17:06 | Doomed | i was suprised how flac sounds, but too bad theres not enough space for it all |
20:17:13 | Ed__ | webguest81: i guess so - it's only my first day as a rockbox user ;0 |
20:17:14 | Ed__ | ;) |
20:17:15 | linuxstb | SamAdams: When it comes to configuring the FLAC encoder, add the option "−−seekpoint=1s" - that will add seekpoints with 1-second accuracy to the files. These are very useful with Rockbox. |
20:17:47 | SamAdams | you mean with EAC right? not in rockbox? |
20:18:13 | webguest81 | Ed__: same here, and I'm totally amazed, explorer drag and drop and ogg playback just made my day. finishing up a paypal as soon as possible. these guys deserve it :) |
20:18:21 | SamAdams | yeah, of course..lol encoder not decoder :) |
20:18:28 | SamAdams | ty linuxstb |
20:18:58 | Ed__ | webguest81: they sure do |
20:19:15 | Ed__ | iriver already supports ogg, but it's the only reason i once bought the iriver |
20:20:01 | Ed__ | i would like to donate as well, but it's paypal |
20:20:13 | webguest81 | Ed__: yep, it was a close race, iriver or ipod, finally I liked that design a little better and now it even works so great |
20:20:28 | Ed__ | i like the sudoku :D |
20:20:34 | webguest81 | Ed__: so where's the problem? I'm using it for ebay already. |
20:20:44 | Doomed | ugh now iriver is going to shit and gonna make me buy an ipod for rockbox |
20:20:57 | webguest81 | Ed__: try "starfield" brings back win 3.11 memories :) |
20:21:06 | Ed__ | webguest81: indeed :D |
20:21:22 | Ed__ | well, you need a credit card |
20:21:40 | Ed__ | and credit cards aren't really used a lot over here (here == netherlands) |
20:21:51 | Ed__ | everybody just makes bank account transactions |
20:22:05 | webguest81 | over here ( = germany) it's possible with exactly that, weird |
20:22:12 | vertic23 | has anyone more detailed info about the dual-boot loader which can boot the original firmware on my X5V? quote: "The current bootloader is not prepared to coexist with the original firmware. It replaces the original firmware." ( http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IaudioBoot#Status ) |
20:23:42 | Doomed | that uses mi4 or w/e? |
20:24:09 | linuxstb | vertic23: I think the Information you need is in the (currently unavailable) Rockbox forums... |
20:24:46 | | Quit t0mas (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:24:53 | vertic23 | I see.. |
20:26:48 | webguest81 | alright, I'm gone, have a nice evening and keep on rockin' my iPod :) |
20:26:55 | | Quit webguest81 ("CGI:IRC") |
20:28:07 | | Join doomed_ [0] (n=doomed@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) |
20:31:20 | SamAdams | can the FreeDB option "spy" on my habits? |
20:34:34 | doomed_ | if i patch the cvs, i can update it with update cvs -dP |
20:34:36 | doomed_ | right> |
20:36:39 | | Quit Doomed (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
20:37:01 | linuxstb | doomed_: Yes - with "cvs update -dP" |
20:37:17 | doomed_ | kk |
20:37:19 | doomed_ | thnx |
20:39:29 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD607F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:44:12 | Soap | SamAdams - no |
20:44:19 | Soap | there is no tracking. |
20:44:58 | dionoea | that's what they tell you :) |
20:45:06 | dionoea | Conspirarcy theory everywhere! |
20:45:38 | | Join lini [0] (i=pugsley@ |
20:46:34 | Soap | well, obviously they _could_ spy on your habits, as you are sending their database a query, and they have to send the result back to your IP address, but... |
20:46:52 | | Join michaelconner [0] (i=46715934@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
20:47:25 | michaelconner | hi −− am I going mad or is there an ABX test plugin for rockbox? (yes, I know I can do it in foobar) |
20:47:48 | Captain_A | hey soap |
20:47:51 | Captain_A | how are you |
20:47:54 | Captain_A | woh |
20:48:03 | Captain_A | forum switched ? |
20:48:05 | linuxstb | michaelconner: I don't know if you're going mad, but there's no ABX test plugin in Rockbox. |
20:48:24 | michaelconner | linuxstb: heheh, thanks |
20:48:47 | | Part michaelconner |
20:48:50 | Soap | I wish my ipod battery would die. The original firmware just won't die. |
20:49:04 | linuxstb | Is that your latest runtime test? |
20:49:39 | Soap | yeah |
20:49:51 | doomed_ | u cant get into rockbox |
20:50:00 | linuxstb | Soap: What's it up to now? |
20:50:01 | doomed_ | or do u want to delete the original firmware |
20:50:17 | SamAdams | Thank you Soap...nothing to hide..but its the principle lol |
20:50:28 | Soap | original firmware is @ 16 hours and counting. LAME -aps |
20:50:38 | doomed_ | o ur doing tests |
20:50:38 | doomed_ | nvm |
20:51:26 | Captain_A | anyone know whats up with the forums? |
20:52:03 | SamAdams | Linuxstb: I've been searching EAC for where to enter that option... −−seekpoint=1s ... could you help me out a little? I've been staring at this screen so long I have a heaache and would like to skip reading anymore tutorials today :) |
20:52:40 | Soap | SamAdams - you would enter it in the flac command line options |
20:52:53 | linuxstb | Sorry, I don't use EAC (or Windows). You need someone like Soap to help.... :) |
20:53:35 | Soap | What version of EAC did you install? |
20:53:41 | | Join nave7693 [0] (n=evan@adsl-69-110-11-16.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) |
20:54:05 | SamAdams | v0.95 |
20:54:06 | Soap | 0.9b4 is (arguably) the peak. |
20:54:08 | SamAdams | beta 4 |
20:56:00 | * | jhMikeS fixed the SWCODEC recording :-)) |
20:56:17 | Soap | EAC (menu)−−>Drive Options−−>Extraction Method−−>Check "Secure Mode" "Drive has accurate Stream" and "drive caches audio data" |
20:56:51 | Captain_A | so it is just my computer that is messing up the forums? |
20:57:34 | Soap | EAC (menu)−−>Compression options−−>External Compression−−>check "Use External Program For Compression" |
20:57:41 | SamAdams | Soap: Okay...that is selected but not the C2 option...is that what "−−seekpoint=1s would have done? |
20:58:37 | SamAdams | k, that is selected too, but it points to Lame for mp3s |
20:58:58 | SamAdams | which I installed at the same time |
21:00 |
21:00:11 | Soap | Parameter Passing scheme −−>Select your FLAC encoder, or "User Defined Encoder" |
21:00:12 | SamAdams | Captain_A I think the forums are down for everyone :( |
21:00:21 | Captain_A | alright thanks |
21:00:52 | Soap | "Additional command line options" is where you put your FLAC command line arguments. |
21:01:36 | Soap | (the whole drive options bit was off topic, but you should rip in secure mode, not burst.) |
21:03:37 | SamAdams | cool... |
21:03:50 | SamAdams | my command lines already read %l−−alt-preset 128%l%h−−alt-preset standard%h %s %d |
21:03:58 | SamAdams | where should I insert the other? |
21:04:09 | | Quit aegray ("Lost terminal") |
21:04:13 | Soap | you /should/ also EAC(menu)−−>EAC Options−−>Interface−−>check "install external ASPI interface", and place a copy (google) of Nero ASPI layer DLL in you EAC program folder. |
21:04:17 | Soap | much more reliable. |
21:04:33 | | Quit MarcoPolo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:04:42 | Soap | −−alt-preset standard is not a FLAC option, it is a LAME option. |
21:05:19 | SamAdams | then I can't find the line command option for the FLAC encoder itself :( |
21:05:19 | Soap | read your FLAC encoder docs, and determine what compression level you want. |
21:06:02 | SamAdams | is that what that line command is for? compression level? |
21:06:12 | Soap | http://www.saunalahti.fi/cse/EAC/index.html |
21:06:18 | linuxstb | I just use "flac -8 −−seekpoint=1s file.wav" - but you may need extra options to write the tag info in the file. |
21:06:23 | Lear | soap: I've never used ASPI layer with EAC... In what way is it better? |
21:06:42 | Soap | Lear - more reliable, fails much less often on problem discs. |
21:06:56 | Soap | s/reliable/robust |
21:07:02 | Lear | Fails as in rip errors? |
21:07:02 | SamAdams | i see :) |
21:07:12 | Soap | SamAdams - in that link, photo 2, item 5 |
21:07:20 | Lear | Mostly have good discs, but there was one I had to use PlexTools on... |
21:07:27 | SamAdams | thank you SO much linuxstb and Soap...you saved my eyes and headache today ;) |
21:08:36 | linuxstb | SamAdams: Add "-8 −−seekpoint=1s" (the -8 gives you maximum compression - the default is -5) to the options in that link Soap gave you. |
21:08:56 | linuxstb | (add them to the start of the line) |
21:11:13 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ |
21:12:34 | | Quit nave7693 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:13:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:15:16 | | Join Febs [0] (n=shortcho@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
21:16:47 | SamAdams | sweet...you guys rock :) ty ty ty |
21:17:14 | | Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) |
21:17:26 | SamAdams | btw, last question lol..is there a way to add a FLAC icon to the left on EAC Soap? So I can just hit that instead of going through the menus? |
21:17:37 | SamAdams | there is an mp3 icon so I was hoping so |
21:18:13 | | Join t0mas [0] (n=Tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) |
21:19:41 | Lear | samadams: the mp3 icon is for compressed rips, regardless of compressor used. |
21:19:54 | linuxstb | Soap: Which version of the Apple firmware are you testing? Have you upgraded your 5g to the latest? |
21:21:01 | SamAdams | i see |
21:21:23 | SamAdams | I just realized it is ripping in mp3...how do I setup the default for the FLAC codec rip? |
21:24:29 | SamAdams | I think I understand...I need to dload the Flac codec still...was thinking EAC was specifically for FLAC with MP3 secondary option...I misunderstood |
21:25:54 | nudelyn | http://www.saunalahti.fi/cse/EAC/index.html |
21:26:25 | nudelyn | (has FLAC too) |
21:27:30 | SamAdams | I see...ty so much...ty you all VERY much :) I have to reboot for the flac codec now so I just wanted to say ty again :) You guys take care! |
21:28:18 | | Quit SamAdams ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:29:52 | Febs | He has to "reboot for the flac codec"? |
21:29:59 | dionoea | yeah, windows :) |
21:30:05 | * | linuxstb was wondering why as well... |
21:30:19 | | Join nave7693 [0] (n=evan@adsl-69-110-11-16.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) |
21:30:50 | linuxstb | Any Nano owners around willing to help me test a theory about why version 1.2 of the Apple firmware doesn't work with Rockbox? |
21:31:13 | | Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-172-151.bas504.dsl.esat.net) |
21:31:29 | linuxstb | I basically just need a copy of the v1.2 Nano firmware partition image... |
21:31:51 | | Join noob [0] (i=54aec1d1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
21:32:31 | | Join nooob [0] (i=54aec1d1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ca8ca9761b43a210) |
21:32:31 | | Quit pedram ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:32:57 | preglow | linuxstb: not having touched retailos since i bought mine, i guess i'm not of much help here |
21:33:16 | | Join niskel [0] (n=niskel@fctnnbsc15w-156034073243.nb.aliant.net) |
21:33:52 | | Part |AhIoRoS| ("Abandonando, see you http://ahioros.homelinux.net") |
21:34:42 | nooob | hey. installed rockbox on an ipod nano. works great. i'm interested in video functionality. I see that there is an mpegplayer. It works but there is no sound. What other are available? |
21:35:13 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
21:35:23 | nooob | Do I have other options? |
21:35:34 | dionoea | no |
21:35:39 | dionoea | you will in the future :) |
21:35:53 | linuxstb | ipodlinux have two different video players for the Nano. |
21:36:00 | dionoea | nooob: do you know what version of the apple firmware you had on your nano ? 1.2 ? |
21:36:14 | nooob | 1.2 yes. |
21:36:34 | dionoea | nooob: linuxstb was just looking for a 1.2 image :) |
21:36:52 | | Quit noob ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
21:37:11 | linuxstb | nooob: Have you tested the Apple firmware since you installed Rockbox? |
21:37:12 | nooob | well. with or without rockbox? |
21:37:47 | nooob | linuxstb: yes. i can boot into both. |
21:38:10 | linuxstb | I mean have you tried playing music in the Apple firmware? |
21:38:59 | nooob | after installing rockbox? no... gotta try... why is there a problem? |
21:39:29 | | Part Captain_A |
21:39:31 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host54-125.pool8248.interbusiness.it) |
21:40:13 | | Join webguest00 [0] (i=c2f786e3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
21:40:19 | | Join webguest25 [0] (i=d0760a50@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b1c943713510a81e) |
21:40:33 | linuxstb | nooob: Yes, everyone reports that v1.2 firmware doesn't find any music after Rockbox is installed. Restoring your original bootpartition.bin will fix everything (but lose Rockbox). |
21:41:16 | | Quit webguest00 (Client Quit) |
21:42:12 | webguest25 | forums offline? |
21:42:16 | preglow | yes |
21:42:27 | petur | MR too |
21:44:22 | nooob | i got the same problem. |
21:45:19 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
21:45:33 | linuxstb | nooob: Do you still have a copy of your original bootpartition.bin file you created during the installation? |
21:46:49 | nooob | no. but that shouldn't be a problem. there is nothing important on my ipod |
21:47:19 | | Quit webguest25 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
21:48:00 | BigMac | alright I have to get this off my chest. I have been lieing for the past few weeks and can't take it anymore. As you all probably knew I am Captain_A. The reason i went through all this is because i love this chat, and wanted to stay here. I was very tired and very aggitated and feel horrible about my actions that night. I have to fess up now so I can feel better. I really hope you can forgive me and accept me not. If so just say so, |
21:48:03 | | Join webguest45 [0] (i=d0760a50@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
21:48:19 | | Quit webguest45 (Client Quit) |
21:48:46 | | Quit RedBreva (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
21:48:59 | BigMac | if you can fogive me say so |
21:49:38 | | Join ^H [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-66-42.dslaccess.co.uk) |
21:49:41 | nooob | BigMac: haha very funny... what? |
21:49:56 | preglow | i don't even know what you're talking about, but sure, it's all good |
21:50:05 | BigMac | a while back |
21:50:09 | BigMac | Captain_A |
21:50:14 | | Join JSeligstein [0] (i=JoelS@c-69-138-154-34.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) |
21:50:16 | | Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@c-66-177-58-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
21:50:18 | BigMac | i got mad and cussed everyone out |
21:50:24 | linuxstb | I haven't a clue what you're talking about either... |
21:50:44 | | Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ |
21:51:05 | BigMac | really? |
21:51:18 | BigMac | you'd have to ask midkay |
21:51:22 | BigMac | or febs |
21:51:26 | BigMac | or soap maybe |
21:51:28 | nooob | back to my question. what videoplayer options have i got on rockbox? |
21:51:35 | preglow | mpeg1/2 |
21:51:44 | | Quit lightyear (Remote closed the connection) |
21:51:52 | preglow | linuxstb: how's proper container parsin coming along? |
21:51:57 | nooob | with or without sound? |
21:52:11 | preglow | nooob: without, right now |
21:52:15 | preglow | but it's all pretty new |
21:52:47 | linuxstb | preglow: I still haven't decided what to use... Next step will just be decoding a separate .mp3 file at the same time as a .m2v, then I'll think about a container. |
21:52:58 | dionoea | and the clock issues :) |
21:53:15 | nooob | ok. thx. so there is hope. or i gotta try ipodlinux. |
21:53:17 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@adsl-68-95-246-22.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
21:53:35 | BigMac | is there anyway to search the logs? |
21:53:45 | dionoea | google :) |
21:53:46 | linuxstb | nooob: Yes, there's hope, but development is going slowly at the moment... |
21:54:02 | linuxstb | Download a local copy of them to your PC, and search them there. |
21:54:32 | linuxstb | amiconn keeps mentioning a firefox extension he uses to save a copy of the logs, but I forget the name. Search the logs for it :) |
21:54:57 | BigMac | were are they kept? |
21:55:07 | preglow | www.rockbox.org/irc/ |
21:55:11 | BigMac | will do |
21:55:16 | dionoea | BigMac: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=Captain_A+site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.rockbox.org%2Firc%2F |
21:55:49 | BigMac | is there one that has it all in one doc? |
21:55:53 | BigMac | that'd be nice |
21:55:53 | preglow | haha |
21:55:56 | preglow | that would be one big doc |
21:56:00 | BigMac | or in moth increments |
21:56:04 | BigMac | or even weeks |
21:56:09 | dionoea | google has it all :) |
21:56:16 | * | dionoea stops |
21:56:19 | BigMac | because searching day by day blows |
21:56:59 | preglow | linuxstb: i guess .ogg would be really easy to implement :PP |
21:56:59 | | Quit niskel (Remote closed the connection) |
21:57:18 | preglow | BigMac: that's why you should let google do the searching |
21:57:38 | | Join Ally [0] (n=chatzill@80-77-241-35.dsl.xifos.net) |
21:57:49 | Ally | whats up with the forums? |
21:57:56 | linuxstb | they're down... |
21:58:10 | linuxstb | We don't run them, so we don't know what's going on. |
21:58:19 | Ally | oh i see. who does? :s |
21:58:22 | preglow | we should run them |
21:58:28 | linuxstb | Mr Jeff from misticriver |
21:58:33 | Ally | oh i see. |
21:58:46 | preglow | just dump the whole db over and install a board on rockbox.org |
21:58:49 | * | obo wonders if he could get a dev to look at the headphone unplug patch (4899) |
21:59:05 | | Quit nudelyn (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) |
21:59:17 | Ally | its weird though, a CPanel error comes up, not a 404 |
21:59:47 | Ally | oh no wait. |
21:59:52 | Ally | it is now |
21:59:53 | Ally | hah |
21:59:59 | | Quit vertic23 () |
22:00 |
22:00:28 | Ally | thanks for the wiki permission btw |
22:01:02 | | Quit Ally (Client Quit) |
22:01:12 | BigMac | uh |
22:01:22 | BigMac | i must have been deleted from the logs |
22:01:28 | BigMac | but anyway i'm sorry |
22:03:00 | nooob | who cares...? |
22:03:58 | BigMac | you weren't there man |
22:04:05 | BigMac | and I had to clear my chest |
22:04:25 | | Quit JoeBorn (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
22:04:35 | preglow | BigMac: nothing ever gets deleted from the logs |
22:04:51 | BigMac | well i searched the logs for my nick |
22:05:00 | BigMac | and on days I know I was there |
22:05:04 | preglow | if you're not there, then logbot must have been away or something |
22:05:08 | BigMac | it didn't show up |
22:05:16 | BigMac | quite possible |
22:06:06 | markun | BigMac: did you see the people talking to you in the logs? |
22:07:59 | pixelma | I remember the nick being Captain_America... |
22:08:06 | BigMac | yah |
22:08:15 | BigMac | but it should show captain_a right |
22:08:24 | BigMac | because it is a segment of the word |
22:08:36 | BigMac | markun:didn't check |
22:10:41 | BigMac | i feel so stupid |
22:10:53 | | Join [San] [0] (n=San@213-202-168-123.bas503.dsl.esat.net) |
22:10:58 | BigMac | don't even want to say why i couldn't find my nick |
22:12:56 | | Join webguest06 [0] (i=54997031@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
22:13:39 | webguest06 | has anyone modded a Recorder with more than 8megs of ram ? |
22:14:54 | | Join webguest52 [0] (i=51b2f258@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
22:15:20 | amiconn | preglow: [21:55:56] <preglow> that would be one big doc <== not as big as you might think |
22:15:44 | amiconn | 1552 files amounting to 116MB up to yesterday |
22:16:13 | Soap | compressed? |
22:16:20 | amiconn | No, raw .txt |
22:16:37 | Soap | sure? |
22:16:45 | amiconn | yes |
22:16:50 | BigMac | amiconn:do you have that doc in your possesion? |
22:16:51 | amiconn | I have a complete local copy |
22:17:04 | BigMac | local? |
22:17:04 | Soap | My raw txt log is 11 megs since my last split two months ago. |
22:17:45 | | Quit webguest52 (Client Quit) |
22:17:46 | amiconn | Just use DownThemAll to fetch all *.txt links from http://www.rockbox.org/irc/ |
22:17:57 | BigMac | nice idea |
22:18:24 | BigMac | Soap:get any parts in yet |
22:20:08 | | Join webguest47 [0] (i=45dd7615@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
22:20:14 | | Quit webguest47 (Client Quit) |
22:20:20 | Soap | I got tons of parts, I'll work on a walk-through when I: A-finalize the amp design. B-clean off my solder station enough to be presentable. |
22:21:14 | amiconn | Soap: 10.1MB for the last 2 months... roughly matches your log then |
22:21:57 | Soap | do the logs log joins/parts?> |
22:22:09 | | Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:22:15 | amiconn | yes |
22:23:02 | BigMac | nice |
22:23:07 | BigMac | soap:got aim? |
22:24:58 | | Part webguest06 |
22:26:04 | | Join JoeBorn [0] (n=jborn@adsl-75-3-7-28.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) |
22:27:11 | * | nooob is leaving and wants to say thx for the good advice. |
22:27:19 | | Part nooob |
22:27:25 | | Quit webguest28 ("CGI:IRC") |
22:28:10 | | Quit San||Away (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:29:36 | nls | BigMac, http://www.google.se/search?hs=0r2&hl=sv&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Asv-SE%3Aofficial&q=site%3Awww.rockbox.org%2Firc+Captain_America&btnG=S%C3%B6k&meta= |
22:35:17 | | Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") |
22:37:18 | | Join pamacii [0] (i=cptjack@dhcp03171.mid-resnet.unc.edu) |
22:39:47 | | Quit nls (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The future of IRC") |
22:42:53 | BigMac | ah |
22:43:05 | BigMac | it was under korn i flipped out |
22:46:11 | BigMac | http://www.nomorepasting.com/paste.php?pasteID=68757 |
22:46:37 | BigMac | well anyway i'll brb |
22:49:06 | elinenbe | linuxstb: are you here? |
22:49:06 | dionoea | that didn't sound so bad :) |
22:50:53 | BigMac | yah right... |
22:50:59 | BigMac | got impatient |
22:51:26 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
22:51:47 | linuxstb_ | elinenbe: Yes. |
22:55:56 | petur | amiconn? |
22:56:43 | | Join sharperguy [0] (i=JavaIRCC@88-110-225-191.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
22:57:19 | sharperguy | yo guys |
22:57:27 | sharperguy | (and/or gals) |
22:57:38 | BigMac | yes? |
22:58:00 | sharperguy | I've been checking out stuff about rockbox |
22:58:05 | petur | amiconn (or anybody): for GPIO interrupts, the manual says set GPIO_FUNCTION register bit to 1 or 0 for interrupts, as applicable <−− do you need to set it to function to use it as int source? |
22:58:14 | petur | this is on coldfire |
22:58:26 | sharperguy | what type of channel is this btw? |
22:58:52 | petur | type 4 |
22:58:56 | sharperguy | ? |
22:59:03 | petur | :p |
22:59:23 | petur | it's a channel about rockbox |
22:59:28 | sharperguy | i mean like. development only, support, rock-based banter etc |
22:59:41 | petur | dev and support I guess |
22:59:41 | linuxstb_ | All of the above. |
22:59:50 | sharperguy | ok |
23:00 |
23:00:36 | sharperguy | I'm just wondering if anyone has any good ideas about what player I should buy to use with rockbox |
23:01:02 | elinenbe | linuxstb: so, how's it coming with the wma codec? are you getting realtime output? |
23:01:02 | petur | depends on what you want to do with it |
23:01:07 | sharperguy | the main things i need are voice recording |
23:01:19 | sharperguy | and hard drive capacity |
23:01:22 | petur | build-in mic or line-in |
23:01:26 | BigMac | iriver h100 seems to be the concensus(if you can get your hands on one) |
23:01:39 | sharperguy | built in preferably |
23:01:52 | petur | build-in mic + harddrive = spin-up/down noise |
23:02:04 | | Quit RoC_MM ("Leaving") |
23:02:33 | sharperguy | I really like the crative zen sleek, but no rockbox for that, so no linux support or free codecs either |
23:02:37 | amiconn | petur: I don't know. Never dealt with gpio interrupts so far |
23:02:58 | amiconn | But I guess the of does the correct setup |
23:03:08 | amiconn | ...so we can look it up |
23:03:10 | BigMac | irivers are all very nice |
23:03:10 | petur | amiconn: can you use splashes in irq handlers ? |
23:03:22 | amiconn | eurgh... better not |
23:03:30 | sharperguy | what irivers contain mikes? |
23:03:37 | BigMac | or check out the iaudio x5 |
23:03:44 | BigMac | h300 h100 |
23:04:13 | petur | amiconn: you configured the isp1362 reset gpio as input, was that intentional? |
23:04:15 | | Join aegray [0] (n=aegray@ |
23:04:37 | petur | just to keep the line high... |
23:04:40 | | Nick elinenbe is now known as elinenbe_run (n=elinenbe@207-237-225-94.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
23:05:28 | sharperguy | why must they advertise "OGG" when they mean vorbis? |
23:06:51 | BigMac | uhh |
23:07:02 | BigMac | they are 2 seperate codecs i believe |
23:07:05 | BigMac | may be wrong |
23:07:11 | BigMac | ogg and vorbis |
23:07:16 | amiconn | petur: Iirc I just copied of behaviour. isp1362 /reset has an internal pullup. |
23:07:25 | BigMac | .ogg and .vbr i believe? |
23:08:00 | petur | amiconn: np, just wondered... am playing with the chip a bit ;) |
23:08:33 | sharperguy | ogg is a collection of codecs |
23:08:52 | BigMac | but I think they are different |
23:08:56 | markun | sharperguy: It's a container |
23:09:00 | BigMac | i'm probably wrong |
23:09:06 | sharperguy | including vorbis (like mp3), theora (live mp4) and FLAC (like something) |
23:09:16 | sharperguy | *like mp4 |
23:09:22 | sharperguy | wikipedia it |
23:09:24 | markun | sharperguy: is avi also a collection of codecs then? |
23:09:35 | BigMac | brb |
23:09:42 | | Quit BigMac () |
23:09:50 | sharperguy | i dont know about avi |
23:10:17 | | Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) |
23:10:38 | | Join Captain_A [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:10:53 | | Join Capt_A [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:10:56 | | Part Captain_A |
23:10:57 | | Part Capt_A |
23:11:31 | sharperguy | hmm |
23:12:11 | amiconn | There's also ogg speex |
23:12:49 | | Quit merbanan ("Leaving") |
23:12:49 | | Join Capt_A [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:12:54 | Capt_A | ahhhhh |
23:12:58 | Capt_A | bad script |
23:13:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:13:53 | | Quit Capt_A (Client Quit) |
23:14:20 | | Join vbsoccerdude94 [0] (i=vbsoccer@ip68-229-98-40.hr.hr.cox.net) |
23:14:28 | vbsoccerdude94 | hey everyone |
23:14:40 | sharperguy | "The units have an internal mic and an external mic is included as well." |
23:14:43 | sharperguy | yo |
23:14:44 | | Join Captain_A [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:14:50 | | Nick Captain_A is now known as BigMac (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:14:50 | vbsoccerdude94 | Can anyone send me the helf-life wad? |
23:14:56 | vbsoccerdude94 | half-life** |
23:15:07 | | Join noobfrombefore [0] (i=54aec1d1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
23:15:16 | | Quit noobfrombefore (Client Quit) |
23:15:51 | vbsoccerdude94 | does anybody have have the half-life wad that i can use on my nano? |
23:16:08 | | Join nooobfrombefore [0] (i=54aec1d1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
23:16:27 | preglow | people would tell you if they did |
23:16:44 | nooobfrombefore | does someone know where to get the 1.1 fw for ipod nano? |
23:16:55 | Paul_The_Nerd | vbsoccerdude94: Really, the half-life mod for doom has nothing to do with Rockbox other than Rockbox having a doom player, you might want to look someplace more likely to have it. |
23:18:05 | sharperguy | thats that video of someone playing "half life" on their nano using ipodlinux |
23:18:42 | | Quit rretzbach (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:19:11 | vbsoccerdude94 | i thought if you downloaded the wad and renamed it doom2.wad and opened it with rockbox it would play? |
23:19:40 | BigMac | no |
23:19:47 | BigMac | you download freedoom |
23:19:52 | BigMac | rename it doom 2 |
23:19:58 | BigMac | then you can load the wad |
23:19:58 | vbsoccerdude94 | oh, ok |
23:20:02 | vbsoccerdude94 | thanks |
23:20:34 | BigMac | np |
23:20:51 | | Quit BigMac () |
23:21:48 | vbsoccerdude94 | on the freedom download page i chose the complete Iwad right? |
23:22:52 | | Join Joz [0] (i=joscanal@ |
23:23:26 | Joz | heya |
23:23:30 | vbsoccerdude94 | hi |
23:23:47 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:23:52 | vbsoccerdude94 | Welcome |
23:24:04 | BigMac | thanks |
23:24:21 | | Quit Lear ("Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]") |
23:24:22 | | Quit mantono ("god natt!") |
23:24:35 | Joz | whats the deal? |
23:24:52 | vbsoccerdude94 | Color ful! |
23:25:32 | | Part Joz |
23:27:09 | sharperguy | lol, cant find anywhere selling the h340 |
23:27:20 | nooobfrombefore | <nooobfrombefore> does someone know where to get the 1.1 fw for ipod nano? |
23:28:00 | BigMac | sharperguy:try pricegrabber.com |
23:29:15 | sharperguy | nope |
23:30:03 | BigMac | ebay? |
23:30:16 | | Nick ^H is now known as nudelyn (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-66-42.dslaccess.co.uk) |
23:30:31 | sharperguy | nope |
23:30:41 | sharperguy | ebay only had covers and batteries |
23:32:27 | | Part JSeligstein |
23:34:18 | | Join bytie [0] (n=anonym@p548C9385.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
23:35:01 | | Quit sharperguy ("XeroCreative.com") |
23:36:20 | | Quit BigMac () |
23:36:58 | | Quit spiorf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
23:37:26 | vbsoccerdude94 | wtf? my ipod just showed this battery icon and turned off! |
23:37:32 | vbsoccerdude94 | now it won't turn on :( |
23:37:38 | vbsoccerdude94 | what's wrong with it? |
23:38:12 | | Join matsl_ [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
23:38:13 | Paul_The_Nerd | Well, what exactly did you *do* right before that happened? |
23:39:01 | | Join Captain_A [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:39:27 | | Nick Captain_A is now known as BigMac (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:40:49 | | Quit BigMac (Client Quit) |
23:41:14 | Soap | vbsoccerdude94 - a nano I presume? |
23:41:21 | nooobfrombefore | no one? |
23:41:50 | Soap | ipodwizard forums, look there. |
23:42:01 | Soap | for a link |
23:42:22 | | Join vbsocverdude94 [0] (i=vbsoccer@ip68-229-98-40.hr.hr.cox.net) |
23:42:50 | Soap | you will need to fake-out the AppleFW installer to make it install an older version than what you have currently running. |
23:43:09 | Soap | people at ipodwizard do that kind of thing eight times before breakfast. |
23:43:41 | Soap | vbsocverdude94 - a nano I presume? |
23:44:25 | | Join Captain_A [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:44:37 | ze | Soap: do they know how to get to Milliways? |
23:44:38 | Captain_A | sigh |
23:44:46 | Captain_A | guess it will never work |
23:44:51 | Soap | :) |
23:45:34 | Captain_A | trying to get it to autoconnect to freenode then join rockbox with then nick of bigmac |
23:45:43 | Captain_A | all of it works accept the nick |
23:45:58 | | Nick elinenbe_run is now known as elinenbe (n=elinenbe@207-237-225-94.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
23:47:06 | Soap | which IRC client? |
23:47:13 | Captain_A | mIRC |
23:47:27 | Captain_A | i wish i had linux |
23:47:45 | Captain_A | konversation looks sweet |
23:48:11 | nooobfrombefore | ok thx |
23:48:14 | | Part nooobfrombefore |
23:48:24 | Captain_A | i'm thinking of switching to linux |
23:48:28 | Captain_A | but am afraid |
23:49:25 | Soap | View−−>Options−−>Connect |
23:49:28 | Soap | set your name there |
23:49:51 | Captain_A | yah but its different on a seperate server |
23:50:32 | Captain_A | so under tools options connect options perform |
23:50:39 | Captain_A | i have this under efnet |
23:50:40 | Soap | view−−>options−−>connect−−>servers−−>(select freenode)−−>edit |
23:50:42 | Captain_A | "/server -m irc.freenode.net -j #rockbox -i BigMac |
23:50:58 | vbsocverdude94 | ok, i've got one more question about rockdoom, i installed freedom and renamed it doom2.wad, then I tried to... |
23:51:11 | vbsocverdude94 | run halflife and got an error |
23:51:11 | Soap | did you read the manual? |
23:51:17 | vbsocverdude94 | there's a manual? |
23:51:23 | vbsocverdude94 | can i have a link? |
23:51:32 | Captain_A | yes h/o |
23:51:50 | Captain_A | 5g i presume? |
23:51:59 | vbsocverdude94 | nano |
23:52:09 | Captain_A | http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodnano-20060917.pdf |
23:53:54 | | Part Captain_A |
23:54:30 | vbsocverdude94 | it just says there are only 10 compatible addons for rockdoom |
23:55:01 | | Join Captain_A [0] (n=dummeska@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
23:55:03 | Captain_A | nope |
23:55:07 | Paul_The_Nerd | vbsocverdude94: Does it actually say that. "There are only 10 compatible addons for rockdoom" or something almost exactly like that? Or does it only list a few example ones? |
23:55:35 | Paul_The_Nerd | vbsocverdude94: Because Rockdoom will work with any properly formed addon. But I'm assuming the error message you get with Half Life means it's not properly formed. Care to tell us what the error message is? |
23:56:37 | | Quit matsl_ ("Leaving") |
23:56:50 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
23:57:06 | | Quit vbsoccerdude94 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:57:14 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |