00:03:50 | | Join Ribs2 [0] (n=freenode@ |
00:04:58 | | Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
00:11:28 | | Join CriamosAndy [0] (n=Criamos@p54930576.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
00:17:14 | | Quit menosm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:19:08 | | Quit Ribs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:20:32 | pixelma | n1s: still awake? |
00:20:35 | | Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) |
00:24:07 | n1s | pixelma yep just got back :-) slightly drunk too |
00:24:47 | pixelma | oh... skål :) |
00:25:27 | n1s | sk? |
00:25:59 | pixelma | cheers... |
00:26:20 | | Quit matsl__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:26:56 | pixelma | do you know why there are sometimes more spaces than I want in the pdf-manual |
00:27:23 | pixelma | does it have to do with indentation or something? |
00:28:05 | n1s | latex thinks that it is fun to isert spaces sometimes, try using % at the end of lines before the unwanted space |
00:28:47 | pixelma | ah thanks... I'll try that |
00:29:54 | n1s | for example see the beginning of system_options.tex (the battery cap. opts) |
00:30:04 | | Quit Criamos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:31:24 | n1s | but it can be really tricky combining \opt, \nopt and god knows what into something that always produce the right whitespace... |
00:33:09 | | Quit ender` (" cat /dev/coffee | /dev/cup | /dev/mouth | /dev/nose > /dev/keyboard") |
00:34:24 | pixelma | sounds motivating... ;) |
00:35:18 | preglow | would be cool if someone coded up something a bit... newer... than latex |
00:35:32 | preglow | also something not quite so annoying to set up new fonts in |
00:39:08 | pixelma | mmm.. now I have no space but now that I have a hint - I look at the existing code a bit more and try to find a way |
00:45:05 | | Quit TeaSeaLancs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:45:36 | | Join TeaSeaLancs [0] (n=thunderc@ |
00:46:52 | | Join Terinjokes [0] (n=spader@adsl-11-151-70.mia.bellsouth.net) |
00:47:00 | Terinjokes | Soap? |
00:47:13 | n1s | gnight all, gotta get up in 6 hours :-) |
00:47:13 | Soap | yes |
00:47:17 | | Part n1s |
00:48:32 | * | dan_a tries Doom on the Sansa |
00:48:40 | Terinjokes | Soap, those errors from yesterday, I can't get a good picture of them (my camera won't focus correctly on them, the camera are more for wider shots...) you want to try to snap them yourself? |
00:49:37 | Soap | I was just curious if the error screens changed enough that we would need to take into account the new messages for the manual/wiki. |
00:50:29 | preglow | dan_a: hah |
00:50:39 | preglow | dan_a: how's the nand driver shaping up? |
00:52:00 | dan_a | preglow: It seems to work. It reads and writes on my 2Gb model, I've had one reported problem from someone who had a FAT16 formatted device but he cleared that by reformatting |
00:52:18 | Terinjokes | Soap, the old 'sad ipod' is now an Xbox360-ish error. where it used to say 'http;//apple.com/support' it now says 'Use iTunes to restore' in 4 languages |
00:52:35 | Terinjokes | and they removed the 'sad ipod' |
00:53:12 | Terinjokes | this seems to be new as of nano firmware 1.3 (though firmwares for other ipods probably got updated as well...) |
00:57:36 | obo | like this? http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=303915 |
00:57:56 | Terinjokes | yes, yese |
00:58:44 | Terinjokes | that page says 'iPod nano with iPod Software 1.2 or later' but i got the old 'sad ipod' with 1.2 |
00:58:48 | | Quit slarti (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
01:00 |
01:01:30 | amiconn | dan_a: You could enable FAT16 support for the sansa |
01:02:26 | amiconn | It's as simple as adding #define HAVE_FAT16SUPPORT to config-e200.h |
01:02:53 | amiconn | Should probably also be enabled for the bootloader then |
01:04:01 | dan_a | Ah. Then I shall do that - probably at the weekend, though, since I'd want to test that it works before committing, and I don't want to reformat my sansa right now. |
01:05:02 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:11:34 | | Quit CriamosAndy ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
01:12:56 | preglow | fat16 formatted device? why did he have that? :> |
01:15:09 | amiconn | fat16 is more efficient for the kind of data usually stored on a dap |
01:15:18 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
01:15:47 | | Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) |
01:16:20 | dan_a | I don't know if he'd formatted it himself or if it came like that from the factory |
01:24:47 | Terinjokes | i'm editing Macosx instructions |
01:26:50 | | Quit RogerBacon ("Quitte") |
01:29:24 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
01:34:01 | | Join blind [0] (n=blind@ |
01:34:27 | blind | I'm checking the site, but I'm not seeing anything... can rockbox play movies on an iPod? |
01:34:57 | Terinjokes | yes, and no |
01:35:23 | | Quit avaruus ("boot") |
01:35:26 | blind | heh. |
01:35:27 | Terinjokes | you can play mpeg1 and mpeg2 elemtary streams, but no audio |
01:36:03 | blind | is that going to be added, or is it not a priority/ |
01:36:31 | Terinjokes | depends on the development of that plugin |
01:36:40 | blind | Alright. |
01:36:43 | blind | Thanks for the information :] |
01:36:58 | Terinjokes | i'm sure many people want audio, but i personally want the code optimised first :) |
01:37:14 | Terinjokes | that way i have the battery life to watch the videos :) |
01:37:18 | blind | hah |
01:37:49 | Terinjokes | soap, or someone else here. ipod_fw is the same program as make_fw (that ipl uses)? |
01:38:42 | | Join shrimants [0] (n=chatzill@ppp-69-221-70-244.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net) |
01:40:01 | shrimants | i have a portable charger for my ipod. when i plug it in using rockbox, it keeps rebooting, going to disk mode, then rebooting again. is there any way to fix this |
01:40:20 | blind | hold menu when it's rebooting. |
01:40:28 | shrimants | so boot into appleOS/ |
01:40:29 | blind | from what i've read.. |
01:40:29 | Terinjokes | shrumants, hold 'menu' as you plug in the cable |
01:40:33 | blind | someone correct me if im wrong. |
01:40:42 | shrimants | oh hold menu while plugging in cable |
01:40:44 | shrimants | ok |
01:40:46 | Terinjokes | blind, thats to reboot into OF |
01:40:48 | shrimants | would that work with the computer? |
01:40:51 | Terinjokes | yes |
01:40:55 | shrimants | neato |
01:40:57 | shrimants | thanks |
01:41:18 | shrimants | oh sweet |
01:41:20 | shrimants | it wurks |
01:41:22 | shrimants | thanks |
01:41:25 | | Quit shrimants (Client Quit) |
01:41:25 | Terinjokes | except it will only charge, to copy music, you have to be in disk mode or OF |
01:42:16 | blind | Rockbox has come a long way. |
01:42:48 | blind | i just got my friend to install it on his and took a look at it, i had it on the first iPod i had. it's nice. |
01:43:19 | | Join shrimants [0] (n=chatzill@ppp-69-221-70-244.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net) |
01:43:25 | shrimants | srry one more question |
01:43:40 | shrimants | is it possible to turn it off after i put in the charging cable and put it into charging mode? |
01:44:14 | shrimants | whoop guess not |
01:44:30 | Terinjokes | yeah, hold play and it reboots into disk mode |
01:44:53 | Terinjokes | on a charging cable, this probably wont work |
01:45:47 | shrimants | poo |
01:46:10 | Terinjokes | just leave it on the rockbox menu with the hold switch on |
01:46:29 | shrimants | doesnt it hurt the LCD to be stuck on a display for so long? |
01:46:36 | shrimants | like stuck pixels and w/e |
01:46:55 | Terinjokes | no |
01:46:58 | shrimants | yay |
01:47:01 | shrimants | thnkx |
01:47:05 | Terinjokes | it's on anyways on OF during charging |
01:47:13 | shrimants | oh right |
01:47:16 | shrimants | cool |
01:47:19 | shrimants | thxn |
01:47:20 | shrimants | later |
01:47:23 | | Quit shrimants (Client Quit) |
01:50:55 | Terinjokes | i've updated http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodInstallationFromMacOSX |
01:52:17 | | Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") |
01:52:21 | Terinjokes | hrm, i might make an installer for the ipod on MacOSX |
01:52:34 | Terinjokes | a simple shell script should be good enough? |
01:53:09 | Terinjokes | or are we talking about a full-flegde GUI here? |
01:53:33 | Terinjokes | Soap? |
01:55:54 | | Quit TeaSeaLancs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:56:10 | jba | hey does TagCache have some mechanism for rating music? |
01:56:30 | jba | I have heaps of music that i rate and playlists that are dunamically built off genre/ratings |
01:57:10 | | Join zivan56 [0] (n=not@ |
01:58:33 | Terinjokes | hrm...IDK about that one |
01:59:05 | jba | nm found it in the wiki |
01:59:22 | jba | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TagCache: Ability to browse by track rating and access to ratings via the WPS (in fashion similar to the old tag database). It would also be great if Tag Cache could automatically add externally created ratings stored in the RATING and TRACK_RATING tag/comment fields. (Will be supported after 3.0 release when runtime db feature is integrated in Tag Cache |
01:59:51 | Terinjokes | i c |
02:00 |
02:00:06 | jba | is version 3, refering to versoin of rockbox? |
02:00:14 | Terinjokes | probably |
02:01:42 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:03:12 | Terinjokes | rockbox is at version 2 (and on some ports 2.5) |
02:04:40 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-66-141-176-34.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
02:05:28 | * | jba dreams of a j2me bootstrapped os for rockbox 4.0 |
02:06:36 | Terinjokes | huh? |
02:06:57 | | Quit funky ("leaving") |
02:07:51 | jba | working in c again, with pointers and mem management is painful |
02:08:35 | JdGordon | hmm.. java is pretty unrealistic... |
02:08:40 | Genre9mp3 | rockbox 4.0 is going to be realeased in 2011 after a feature freeze that goinfg to last about 2 years! :P |
02:08:51 | JdGordon | haha |
02:09:26 | pixelma | no... you can't estimate release dates... |
02:10:12 | * | JdGordon doesnt understand the point of releases when there is a new build every day |
02:10:41 | Genre9mp3 | nobody will stick to a release anyway... |
02:10:41 | JdGordon | with a month of dailies waiting incase the latest is broken |
02:11:07 | Terinjokes | jdGordon, SHHH! |
02:11:32 | Genre9mp3 | but in the end... you have to... release something, don't you? |
02:12:13 | JdGordon | why? |
02:12:29 | Genre9mp3 | and releases make sense for new ports (gettinf officially supported) |
02:12:32 | amiconn | There are people who prefer to stick to releases |
02:12:48 | Genre9mp3 | argh... my f is meesses with my g! :) |
02:13:09 | amiconn | Even if the release is outdated, and contains bugs which are fixed in the dailies |
02:13:14 | jba | with a build tree 100 + MB who would keep a month of daily snaphsots of the source tree, and why? |
02:13:19 | JdGordon | Genre9mp3: thats just silly.. if its in cvs (doing daily builds) then its as officially supported as a release would b |
02:13:19 | | Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@c-66-177-58-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
02:13:39 | Terinjokes | not really |
02:13:40 | JdGordon | jba: no, the binaries are kept.. the source snapshot can be got from cvs |
02:13:50 | amiconn | jba: 100+MB?? |
02:13:51 | Genre9mp3 | I remember someone in the forums that said he still uses 2.5... but he was the only one |
02:14:06 | Terinjokes | hrm, i got an error on building rockbox |
02:14:22 | Terinjokes | you mean you use something newer then 2.5? |
02:15:08 | jba | if you are like me, you want rockbox to make your mp3 player able to play music properly, then you don't want to be updating everyomnth |
02:15:09 | * | Terinjokes is using 0.001-alpha |
02:15:39 | Terinjokes | jba, i update once a week...in case someone ever fixes rockboy |
02:15:49 | | Quit zivan56 () |
02:16:00 | Genre9mp3 | JdGordon: It's a work in progress... it's always a work in progress but at some point you have to release something "finished" |
02:16:01 | jba | Terinjokes, why don't you have a crack at fixing rockboy? |
02:16:11 | JdGordon | I use whatever build was the last one i copied onto my h300 to test.. so usually im working witha broken one :p |
02:16:18 | Terinjokes | jba, i don't know what is wrong with it |
02:16:19 | Genre9mp3 | JdGordon: Take it as checkpoints |
02:16:22 | JdGordon | Genre9mp3: why? |
02:16:28 | | Quit wooo (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
02:17:00 | Genre9mp3 | JdGordon: Why not? |
02:17:58 | amiconn | jba: Even if you just want it to play music properly, updating regularly is often helpful in the current state of rockbox for swcodec targets |
02:18:29 | JdGordon | OSS is still capitalist in nature.. not communist... this mans that the work being done is for _me_ (not me me, but me the developer or any OSS project).. but the work is free for anyone if they want it.. but at the end of the day, _i'm_ makeing it for _me_ so there is n need for releases bcause _I_ always have the lates versio |
02:18:30 | amiconn | Even for the old targets there is the occasional bugfix, sometimes not only a small one. |
02:18:40 | jba | i know, actually for me, the gigabeat port isn't even done yet, so I'm tracking cvs. But I was just pointing out that not all rb users want to track a moving development target |
02:19:06 | amiconn | 2.5 for the Ondio is buggy, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone any more |
02:19:20 | Genre9mp3 | JdGordon: huh? |
02:19:34 | JdGordon | exactly! |
02:19:38 | pixelma | maybe releases would motivate developers work more on fixing bugs to get rid of most of them (or the most important ones at least)... |
02:20:12 | amiconn | Yeah, but the last feature freeze didn't work that well... |
02:20:15 | Genre9mp3 | JdGordon: You can always use whatever you want, what's these capitalist in nature things you are talking about? |
02:21:05 | JdGordon | capitalistic in that developers are selfish and doing it for themselves.. not communistic in that they are doig it for the greater good.. or for others... |
02:21:05 | jba | Genre9mp3, he was saying that the main motivating factors behind working on rockbox (as a developer) are to get rockbox working for yourslef, not for everyone else |
02:21:28 | | Quit MarcoPolo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:21:29 | pixelma | yes... I wanted to add something like this too |
02:21:41 | | Quit dan_a (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
02:21:46 | Terinjokes | whats wrong with rockboy on the nano? |
02:22:05 | JdGordon | noone has fixed the drawing forthe lcd screen iirc |
02:22:30 | Terinjokes | JdGordon, hrm...i wish I new what that meant :) |
02:23:12 | JdGordon | Terinjokes: it means the code that draws the display needs to be fixed for the nanos screen size. and no one has doe that yet |
02:23:28 | * | Terinjokes looks |
02:24:16 | * | JdGordon wonders at what |
02:24:22 | Terinjokes | lcd.c |
02:24:49 | Genre9mp3 | jba: I agree on that, but making a release doesn't mean that you do it for the users and only... you do it for the project in general |
02:24:56 | JdGordon | apps/plugins/rockboy/ somehwere there.. |
02:24:59 | JdGordon | i dunno |
02:25:19 | Terinjokes | JdGordon, i got the code in front of me, trying to find what the problem is |
02:25:47 | jba | Genre9mp3, i'm with you on that one, but i think JdGordon is intimating that most of the devs on rockobx don't do it for the "project in general" first. They do it for themselvs first, which ocasionaly just so happens to benefit the "project in genera;" |
02:25:58 | Terinjokes | i wish there were more comments...but w/e |
02:26:13 | JdGordon | Terinjokes: i dunnno, thast might no even be the problem anymore... |
02:26:28 | Terinjokes | anything on the wiki? |
02:26:46 | JdGordon | jba: im not saying anythin about anyone else.. not even me.. im just being an arse :D |
02:27:04 | jba | JdGordon, well at least you spelt it arse and not ass |
02:27:22 | jba | Aus or UK>? |
02:27:26 | JdGordon | aus |
02:27:42 | Terinjokes | aus |
02:28:12 | jba | aah, lost of aussies around these days |
02:28:15 | * | jba too |
02:29:59 | | Part kerb |
02:30:02 | Terinjokes | hehe, i'm editor over on en.wikinews, we've had a sudden inflood of aussies/kiwis lately, there's more news about aucklands' new rugby stadium then US policalics |
02:31:03 | jba | policalics? |
02:31:21 | | Join Ribs3 [0] (n=freenode@ |
02:33:08 | Terinjokes | yes politics+alcoholics |
02:33:21 | * | Terinjokes laughs at his spelling error |
02:35:29 | Terinjokes | hrm, can't find anything on rockboy in the wiki or forums about the error |
02:35:44 | jba | is there a rockbox bugzilla or trac or something? |
02:35:56 | Terinjokes | checking trac |
02:36:02 | Terinjokes | flyspray* |
02:36:14 | jba | huh? |
02:39:06 | | Join akaias [0] (n=akaias@ |
02:42:27 | | Join webguest94 [0] (i=58a10615@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
02:43:52 | Terinjokes | hrm, flyspray isn't sending me my new user email |
02:46:20 | | Quit Ribs2 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:48:50 | | Quit webguest94 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
02:50:43 | | Quit daurn|laptop (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:51:10 | | Join daurn|laptop [0] (n=quae@ |
02:51:48 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) |
02:53:24 | | Part pixelma |
03:00 |
03:01:07 | RoC_MM | are you sure you received it? |
03:01:26 | Terinjokes | no, i haven't |
03:05:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:05:43 | RoC_MM | it might still be being delivered |
03:08:50 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-66-141-176-34.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
03:10:24 | | Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") |
03:17:47 | | Part Terinjokes |
03:20:37 | | Quit NickDe (Remote closed the connection) |
03:26:38 | | Join webguest35 [0] (i=488e65d9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
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03:42:45 | | Quit dubstyle311 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:59:21 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@ |
04:00 |
04:07:01 | | Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) |
04:16:42 | | Quit [g2] ("Leaving") |
04:20:45 | | Join menosm [0] (n=chatzill@user-11fa2lv.dsl.mindspring.com) |
04:26:02 | RoC_MM | even now\ |
04:30:57 | | Quit Rick ("Upgrading to mIRC 6.21") |
04:31:55 | | Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-2-183.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
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04:35:14 | | Quit kwinchee2 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
04:47:16 | PaulPosition | dunno if anyone's awake, maybe someone could help.. " rb->set_option() ", what file should I read to find out what exactly it wants as arguments? I went through plugin.c & .h and menu.c & .h but saw nothing like it.. Admittedly I don't know much about C and pointers and am a bit puzzled as this all look like OOP in what I understand is a procedural lang.. |
04:47:43 | PaulPosition | so maybe I 'saw' it but didn't know it. |
04:48:56 | | Join dantheman [0] (n=danielma@ |
04:53:48 | jba | no reason why you can't doo OOP in procedural languages |
04:53:59 | jba | rb is a struct with some void pointers in it most likely |
04:54:07 | jba | i believe rb is the rock box API pointer |
04:54:14 | jba | read the plugin tutorial |
04:54:19 | | Join Ribs2 [0] (n=freenode@ |
05:00 |
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05:03:08 | | Join daurn|laptop [0] (n=quae@ |
05:05:10 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:05:49 | PaulPosition | Ok... If that 'set_option()' expects an array of type variable as a second arguments (void* variable), it will always give me a warning at compile time (ex. ..passing argument 2 of 'rb->set_option makes pointer from integer without a cast') no matter what it's fed, right? Or does the error happens much deeper (in some included function or I dunno..)? |
05:06:20 | PaulPosition | Feel no obligation to answer, I'm just trying to install some stupid chopper game. |
05:06:50 | PaulPosition | (was gonna add 'for a friend'.. :p then honesty got the better of me.) |
05:08:56 | | Quit Ribs3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:12:58 | | Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B1728F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
05:16:29 | ze | doesn't a void* make the variable type-agnostic? |
05:19:38 | PaulPosition | As if I knew... |
05:21:53 | | Join dubstyle [0] (i=dubstyle@c-68-37-39-132.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
05:22:04 | PaulPosition | I thought 'variable' was type agnostic anyway and that uhh.. right, I understood (and still understand) nothing. :p Too bad. I won't die of choppergame withdrawal anyway. |
05:22:38 | | Quit daurn|laptop (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
05:23:47 | | Join daurn|laptop [0] (n=quae@ |
05:24:48 | ze | void is the type |
05:24:50 | ze | * implies a pointer |
05:24:56 | ze | 'variable' is the name of the variable |
05:25:13 | PaulPosition | oh. |
05:25:38 | ze | dr who time, bbl :p |
05:26:04 | PaulPosition | Is that rockbox standard to label a string 'string', an integer 'integer' etc.? |
05:26:07 | PaulPosition | thanks anyway :) |
05:26:14 | ze | no idea |
05:26:14 | ze | heh |
05:26:29 | * | PaulPosition needs to find a more recent book on 'C' |
05:26:44 | | Quit daurn|laptop (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
05:27:25 | | Join daurn|laptop [0] (n=quae@ |
05:30:13 | ze | hmm |
05:30:21 | ze | i don't think C's really changed much in oh i dunno 20 or 30 years :p |
05:30:52 | ze | i mean maybe in some aspects or something but ya know aside from C++, nothing major afaik |
05:31:14 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:31:41 | Soap | the language hasn't changed much, but standards and pratices have. |
05:43:05 | | Join Ribs3 [0] (n=freenode@ |
05:46:31 | | Quit menosm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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05:51:15 | | Join daurn|laptop [0] (n=quae@ |
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06:00 |
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07:32:53 | | Quit Ribs3 ("eh eh ehhhh!") |
07:48:53 | scorche | Bagder: there? |
07:49:06 | scorche | erm...nvm |
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08:23:20 | | Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ |
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08:39:46 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: does your firmware/SOURCES commit fix the length problem with the bootloader? |
08:40:18 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: I'm hoping it helps cause as I understand it unused symbols are still included if compiled. |
08:40:29 | jhMikeS | I don't want to add to the problem :) |
08:40:33 | JdGordon | :) |
08:41:36 | jhMikeS | every time I'm trying to check out a new CVS tree I get an error on ter-u14n.bdf: No sure file or director and it aborts |
08:41:51 | jhMikeS | s/sure/such |
08:43:23 | JdGordon | damn... it didnt fix the problem |
08:43:44 | | Join lostnihilist [0] (n=lostnihi@adsl-68-250-39-195.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) |
08:43:54 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: what's that? so it's not just me? |
08:44:00 | JdGordon | no |
08:44:23 | JdGordon | it wll all be sorted when a new bootloader needs doing, so no big dea really... |
08:44:28 | JdGordon | gtg |
08:45:19 | jhMikeS | bye |
08:58:14 | amiconn | jhMikeS: If bootloader code uses no single function from a certain object, it doesn't matter for the final result whether this object gets compiled or not |
08:58:27 | amiconn | The linker won't link the .o file in |
08:59:01 | amiconn | It just wastes compile time to compile it |
09:00 |
09:00:39 | | Join webguest20 [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
09:02:01 | webguest20 | From CVS log: "UDA1380 records with WSPLL as a result." What does this mean for me as user? Is this a new feature? |
09:02:36 | jhMikeS | amiconn: I was wondering if it did that or not. makes sense. |
09:03:11 | jhMikeS | webguest20: just me messing around with the setup of the chip. shouldn't make any different on the user end |
09:03:21 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
09:03:55 | * | jhMikeS is just trying to trim things down a bit |
09:04:32 | | Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
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09:05:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:05:31 | jhMikeS | amiconn: what about having unneeded headers included? I take it that wastes compile time too? |
09:06:25 | * | jhMikeS doesn't know if gcc has any intelligent behavior re: opening #included files |
09:06:33 | amiconn | yes |
09:06:57 | amiconn | It's especially bad on cygwin, as it increases the number of file open operations |
09:07:53 | petur | 14 minutes <−−> 15 minutes.... would it matter? ;) |
09:08:11 | jhMikeS | amiconn: there's lots of files with unneeded #include's |
09:09:10 | jhMikeS | it seems often the includes from another file just get copied to something new and never trimmed |
09:09:31 | webguest20 | jhMikeS: so you've just split some code into platform specific files? So that there is less #ifdef-magic? That's good! |
09:11:42 | jhMikeS | webguest20: yes, helped to remove an akward function call and helped me spot a mistake too |
09:12:29 | | Quit daurn|laptop (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:13:09 | | Join daurn|laptop [0] (n=quae@ |
09:16:46 | * | jhMikeS is hoping to add AIFF recording today |
09:20:11 | webguest20 | jhMikeS: waht is the difference between WAV and AIFF? AIFF is just a container IIRC. |
09:21:39 | jhMikeS | webguest20: It's a better format match for big-endian machines whereas WAV is little-endian |
09:23:16 | jhMikeS | should be very straight forward from what I see about it |
09:24:16 | amiconn | Hehe, on archos there will be no difference in handling wav and aiff :) |
09:24:46 | amiconn | The pcm codec for the mas can switch endianess |
09:25:38 | jhMikeS | how convenient :) |
09:25:53 | webguest20 | jhMikeS: but the data volume is the same? (if the frequency etc are the same?) |
09:26:46 | linuxstb_ | Yes. |
09:26:47 | jhMikeS | it's open to any PCM stuff as WAV which is basically any depth or frequency |
09:28:43 | webguest20 | So is it possible to put a WAV file into AIFF container? |
09:29:12 | jhMikeS | webguest20: no, I don't believe so |
09:31:06 | webguest20 | jhMikeS: I asked just out of curiousity. |
09:31:55 | jhMikeS | it there already something in the libs for converting 80-bit IEEE floating points to longs? the sample rate is floating point |
09:33:00 | LinusN | i believe you can read it as a double and cast it |
09:33:18 | LinusN | i don't think you need a math lib for that |
09:33:48 | jhMikeS | sounds good. I guess that any handling would have to be in the decoder anyway =) |
09:42:33 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC") |
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09:51:42 | Slasheri | hmm, i don't recommend anyone compiling bootloader from cvs at the moment. it seems to have some serious issues with h1xx at least |
09:52:43 | Slasheri | somehow adc reading no longer works either in bootloader or rockbox.. lets hope remote still works when i get home :) |
09:52:53 | LinusN | i never recommend anyone to build the bootloader from cvs |
09:53:30 | Slasheri | yep, true. but developers may need sometimes to |
09:55:34 | Slasheri | now i can only access rockbox disk mode, load rockbox from flash and play songs with rockbox but can't navigate to flash a working bootloader.. argh. i should have added another safety feature to the bootloader before trying |
09:55:48 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-68-201-54.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
09:57:18 | | Quit daurn|laptop (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:57:19 | petur | ouch |
09:57:32 | jhMikeS | when did that creep up? I haven't noticed any trouble using the device. is it only when starting with a CVS bootloader? |
09:57:56 | | Join daurn|laptop [0] (n=quae@ |
09:58:01 | Slasheri | yep, i don't know yet why |
09:58:53 | Slasheri | i had a little modification in it, but included a way to override it by plugging in the usb cable.. that works fine but adc no longer works, weird |
09:59:35 | Slasheri | but i hope remote still works, it should :) |
09:59:43 | LinusN | why would it? |
09:59:47 | LinusN | it's also adc |
09:59:55 | Slasheri | oh, it uses the same adc? :/ |
10:00 |
10:00:18 | Slasheri | hmm, then that is more complicated issue :) |
10:00:19 | LinusN | yes |
10:01:12 | LinusN | if you are truly lost, i could reflash it with the bdm |
10:01:50 | Slasheri | hehe, nice :) hmm, probably i could try to attach a logic analyzer to the adc first to see what is wrong with it |
10:03:27 | Slasheri | i don't understand how bootloader could mess it up so badly it no longer works even in rockbox |
10:03:45 | Slasheri | no backlight cames on or anything, however other buttons such as hold and play works normally |
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10:07:03 | Slasheri | ah, there is still one thing to do! i can short the eeprom chip |
10:07:22 | | Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@ |
10:07:23 | Slasheri | that should force bootloader to the disk mode and boot from disk |
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10:08:50 | Slasheri | or argh, that would not help either.. default setting is to boot from flash and that gets set.. |
10:09:56 | Slasheri | LinusN: could you verify if the cvs version of the bootloader is really broken? |
10:10:27 | LinusN | not now |
10:10:49 | Slasheri | ok, but if you have some time later it would be nice to know |
10:10:59 | LinusN | i'll try |
10:11:02 | Slasheri | thanks :) |
10:12:01 | | Join XelHa [0] (n=chatzill@h7.224.hpi.uni-potsdam.de) |
10:15:32 | XelHa | hi all. I have an ipod (5.5g, 30G) with RB on it that dosn't respund to any commandy (key pressed) any longer. it keeps on playing the files in the current dir but that's all. how to restart it? |
10:16:39 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodBoot#Recovering_from_a_crash |
10:17:12 | | Quit petur ("worrrk") |
10:17:34 | jhMikeS | Is it possible to reset the ADC without it rebooting or anything? (naive question) |
10:18:50 | LinusN | unfortunately not |
10:25:47 | | Join vx [0] (i=c2c7fca1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
10:28:36 | blind | I didn't think of this before installing rockbox and deleting my iPod_Control folder... I have an iJet - wireless remote controller for the iPod.. that's not going to work in rockbox, is it? |
10:31:46 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@adsl-65-68-201-54.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
10:31:49 | Soap | no |
10:31:57 | blind | Damn! |
10:32:53 | blind | Another question: I have my songs organized Artist/Album/tracks - is there a way to play the "Artist" folder, so i play everything by that artist, rather than just one album at a time? |
10:32:58 | jhMikeS | if desperate i'd probably remap the needed button codes to buttons that dont require the ADC so I could flash it |
10:33:13 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) |
10:34:48 | markun | blind: yes, you need to enable the 'recursive' option in the playlist options |
10:34:54 | blind | thanks :D |
10:35:23 | markun | And then insert the artist folder |
10:35:52 | jhMikeS | or better yet, just automate it so it reflashes as the next boot at a single keypress when ready |
10:35:59 | blind | insert it where? :\ |
10:37:36 | markun | blind: hold you 'select' button while the cursor is on the artist folder |
10:37:46 | markun | s/you/your/ |
10:38:07 | blind | ah, thank you |
10:40:49 | | Join anathema [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
10:41:39 | blind | how do you get out of picture view? |
10:42:50 | markun | blind: http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml |
10:48:04 | blind | I had an issue with rockbox the first time i used it, a while ago. it would power off according to the idle settings, even if it was playing a song. it doesn't do that now, does it? |
10:49:12 | amiconn | Slasheri: Doesn't the crash cookie help you in this case? |
10:49:26 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) |
10:49:55 | LinusN | i guess he hasn't adapted the crash cookie handling |
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11:01:40 | Slasheri | amiconn: nope, because i don't have the original fw in flash so bootloader is needed.. next time i will at least flash original fw back before trying new bootloaders so the crash cookie would help |
11:02:53 | amiconn | Hmm, but the crash cookie should try to load the alternative firmware if the primary doesn't load, shouldn't it? |
11:05:01 | Slasheri | when it's enabled, yes. But currently it's not smart enough to load rockbox from flash |
11:05:09 | Slasheri | i should really fix that.. |
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11:05:28 | Slasheri | just little assembly needed to the crt0 |
11:06:00 | | Join nudelin [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-66-224.dslaccess.co.uk) |
11:07:26 | amiconn | The official bootloader defaults to disk firmware, and falls back to flash if it crashes |
11:07:26 | Slasheri | another way than bdm to unbrick player would be to unsolder the tiny eeprom chip and change its settings to boot from disk |
11:07:29 | | Join jba [0] (n=jba@c211-30-242-204.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) |
11:07:37 | Slasheri | or can rockbox automatically execute plugins at startup? |
11:07:41 | amiconn | The rb-in-flash bootloader should do the opposite |
11:07:56 | amiconn | Slasheri: It can, if it's enabled at build time |
11:08:05 | * | jhMikeS know he had some dumb suggestions. just tell him when he does :P |
11:08:07 | Slasheri | so it's not enabled by default.. :/ |
11:08:50 | Slasheri | well, i will still check the adc datasheet if there is a way to reset it somehow |
11:08:51 | | Quit XelHa ("Chatzilla 0.9.76 [Firefox]") |
11:08:57 | amiconn | You need to define AUTOROCK at build time |
11:09:18 | amiconn | Then rockbox tries to load and run /.rockbox/rocks/autostart.rock |
11:09:35 | jhMikeS | Slasheri: also setting it up to flash automatically at boot, don't know if that would work or not. it's done with a plugin right? |
11:09:40 | rasher | amiconn: Any reason why that wouldn't be enabled by default? |
11:09:52 | amiconn | Yes. Boot time and code size |
11:09:53 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host145-172-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
11:10:20 | jhMikeS | flash a known good copy of course |
11:11:13 | Slasheri | jhMikeS: yes, but now the problem is that i can't execute anything from disk.. rockbox usb mode still works great |
11:11:21 | Slasheri | and i can play and pause audio :D |
11:11:25 | Slasheri | nothing less or more ;) |
11:11:43 | Slasheri | i think now i have a really easy-to-use interface =) |
11:12:07 | jhMikeS | ah, guess that wont go over then |
11:12:40 | amiconn | Slasheri: Hmm, you could try a special trick: |
11:13:01 | jhMikeS | wait, how can you play/pause audio if the disk is inaccessible? |
11:13:19 | amiconn | The disk is accessible. Buttons are not, except Play and Stop |
11:13:52 | amiconn | As it seems you have an active playlist, Play will resume. If you know what format the resumed track is, you can replace the .codec with a stub that tries to RoLo the disk firmware |
11:14:01 | jhMikeS | then you just have it run the plugin when it starts and flash it when you push play :\ the mod should be easy |
11:14:19 | amiconn | jhMikeS: The question is what to do *now* |
11:14:40 | Slasheri | amiconn: ah! interesting! |
11:14:51 | Slasheri | amiconn: that would work indeed, a great idea :) |
11:14:53 | jhMikeS | ah, was thinking he just wanted his player back running for starters |
11:15:13 | Slasheri | then i could reflash from codec |
11:15:18 | amiconn | Hmm, RoLo isn't exported through the api.... guess you will have to implement a "RoLo codec" |
11:15:19 | Slasheri | or rewrite the eeprom |
11:15:45 | amiconn | Yes, rewriting the eeprom should also be possible |
11:15:54 | amiconn | Just bang the hardware for this rescue case |
11:16:12 | Slasheri | nice :) |
11:16:45 | Slasheri | i will try to reprogram the eeprom and then find out what is wrong with the adc |
11:17:33 | jhMikeS | doing it from codec sounds like a hard way to do basically the same thing |
11:18:26 | Slasheri | it should be fairly easy to do.. just copying the code from the eeprom driver there and using it |
11:18:49 | LinusN | jhMikeS: how is he supposed to be able to run a plugin? |
11:19:54 | | Quit EnterUserName (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
11:20:46 | jhMikeS | have it just run the plugin automatically without keypresses |
11:21:09 | LinusN | and how would you accomplish that? |
11:21:28 | LinusN | remember, rockbox is in flash memory |
11:21:38 | jhMikeS | right after boot, call plugin_load instead of entering the tree or something |
11:21:51 | | Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@c-66-177-58-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
11:21:54 | amiconn | jhMikeS: He cannot replace rockbox atm |
11:21:55 | LinusN | but he can't update rockbox, that's the problem |
11:22:26 | rasher | I vote that Slasheri should run AUTOROCK builds from now on (oh and fix the bootloader) |
11:22:35 | jhMikeS | LinusN: See, that's what I'm not in on here. :P This is an iRiver right? And he can get a disk copy to load? |
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11:23:08 | jhMikeS | s/can/can't |
11:23:12 | Slasheri | rasher: hehe, yes. I will add more safety check to the bootloader as soon as i get this fixed.. fortunately there are the codec plugins :) |
11:23:21 | * | Bagder quietly smacks Qt for being annoying |
11:23:45 | Slasheri | and codecs are loaded from disk |
11:24:41 | jhMikeS | I thought you could force rb to load from disk and not run from flash, that's all. |
11:24:50 | Slasheri | it's interesting that adc seems to give constant "one" values.. for example battery shows 100% charged but it's not |
11:25:04 | Slasheri | jhMikeS: yes, i can after i reprogram the eeprom |
11:25:15 | Slasheri | then it's easy to reflash the bootloader |
11:25:26 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Yes, you can, but not when the bootloader can't read the Rec button because ADC isn't working |
11:26:28 | jhMikeS | amiconn: that's true. if it didn't use an ADC button to do that then it would still work I guess. |
11:32:19 | LinusN | so, we should perhaps extend the crash cookie handling for the flash loader |
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11:33:31 | Slasheri | LinusN: true, absolutely.. probably i will try to do that next |
11:33:45 | | Quit tychver (Client Quit) |
11:33:50 | LinusN | amiconn: i like your codec idea - really clever |
11:34:22 | | Join tychver [0] (n=tychver@202-154-152-123.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz) |
11:41:57 | jhMikeS | given all the variables it's the only code path that can be loaded from hd |
11:46:20 | Slasheri | oh, my recovery codec worked and now i can boot from disk! thanks amiconn :) |
11:46:27 | Slasheri | | eeprom_settings_init(); |
11:46:27 | Slasheri | | firmware_settings.boot_disk = true; |
11:46:27 | Slasheri | | eeprom_settings_store(); |
11:46:35 | Slasheri | that did it in mpa.c =) |
11:46:42 | Slasheri | with all code copied from eeprom driver |
11:47:54 | Slasheri | adc still doesn't work (that was expected), but now i can easily reflash and debug |
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11:58:27 | LinusN | Slasheri: i suspect a port pin issue |
11:59:21 | Slasheri | LinusN: hmm, something like the adc gpio incorrectly initialized? |
11:59:29 | LinusN | yup |
11:59:34 | LinusN | just a guess |
11:59:45 | LinusN | or not initialized at all |
11:59:55 | Slasheri | true, i will check that too |
12:00 |
12:00:21 | Slasheri | i try to keep that buggy bootloader inside flash sometime until i can figure out how to reset the adc inside rockbox correctly |
12:01:52 | LinusN | looks like the adc port pins aren't intialized at all... |
12:02:27 | LinusN | firmware/target/coldfire/iriver/h100/adc-h100.c |
12:03:04 | Slasheri | oh |
12:03:19 | Slasheri | that would explain it |
12:03:45 | Slasheri | do you remember how to initialize them correctly so i could try right away? |
12:04:31 | LinusN | mr jonathan gordon didn't see the difference between #ifdef and #ifndef when he moved the code to the target tree :-) |
12:04:51 | Slasheri | hehe :D |
12:04:58 | LinusN | hang on, will commit in a sec |
12:05:01 | Slasheri | thanks |
12:06:58 | LinusN | committed |
12:07:40 | Slasheri | ok, trying now |
12:09:42 | Slasheri | ah, now my iriver works again, great! |
12:09:53 | LinusN | phew, that was a close call :-) |
12:10:05 | Slasheri | :) |
12:10:12 | LinusN | a near-bricking experience ;-) |
12:10:24 | Slasheri | hehe =) |
12:12:48 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
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12:14:27 | markun | LinusN: I thought he would have had to send his iriver to you a long time ago.. |
12:14:44 | preglow | haha |
12:15:04 | markun | Slasheri: you are crazy :) |
12:15:05 | preglow | it's miracle it hasn't been bricked yet, indeed |
12:15:25 | XavierGr | The right nickname for him is "Flasheri" |
12:15:38 | XavierGr | and indeed it is a miracle |
12:15:52 | XavierGr | I admire your courage Slasheri :P |
12:16:49 | markun | I would like to have a rockbox bootloader in the flash of my Gigabeat, but I don't think I will go near it without a JTAG cable. |
12:17:51 | vx | I still dont manage to configure a dev toolkit to make latest sansa firmware. |
12:18:06 | vx | Wich linux would be the best to do so ? |
12:21:08 | markun | vx: it doesn't really matter. Did you run tools/rockboxdev.sh? |
12:22:34 | Bagder | any linux will do |
12:37:00 | daurnimator | hi all |
12:37:04 | markun | hi daurnimator |
12:37:10 | daurnimator | sup |
12:37:57 | markun | word? |
12:38:14 | | Quit ScoTTie () |
12:39:37 | * | amiconn thinks that JdGordon basically does nice work, but doesn't test enough |
12:39:46 | amiconn | Or let test, in that case |
12:41:05 | | Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) |
12:47:42 | amiconn | Slasheri: You were lucky that there was an active playlist... |
12:47:50 | * | jhMikeS is going to just not test things any more...too time consuming |
12:48:16 | vx | markun: yes, i did it. I tried to add the path even if im not sure for the way to do so |
12:48:57 | markun | vx: so only the PATH variable is the problem? The cross compiler is installed? |
12:49:35 | vx | markun : it still say error while i "make" in ")" |
12:49:48 | vx | markun: cross compiler installed |
12:50:14 | markun | Ah, I had the same problem yesterday :) |
12:50:20 | markun | Try "make clean" in tools |
12:50:24 | vx | im gonna suicide my sansa |
12:51:08 | vx | markun: ok but will be able to test tonight thanks for your help |
12:52:13 | markun | ok |
12:53:05 | | Join leftright [0] (n=leftrigh@p549949A5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:54:31 | leftright | Slasheri: Hi, I'm thinking of flashing my h140, should I wait ? |
12:54:38 | vx | is there an other way to make clean (as superclean) |
12:54:49 | vx | make ultraclean ? |
12:55:06 | vx | make supraclean ? |
12:55:30 | Bagder | make veryclean |
12:55:45 | jhMikeS | in lang files, if there is no match for the build in the : "string" part, will the string not be included in the target? |
12:55:46 | Bagder | or just |
12:55:53 | Bagder | make toolsclean to clean the tools |
12:56:27 | | Quit dj-fu (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:56:44 | | Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@ |
12:57:57 | vx | thanks mr B |
12:58:31 | tychver | what does make mrproper do in that context? |
12:58:38 | vx | Connection reset by pause dejeuner |
12:58:39 | | Quit vx ("CGI:IRC") |
13:00 |
13:00:25 | | Join patrickvox [0] (n=patrick@ |
13:02:24 | tychver | dumb question, erases .config files when compiling a kernel, damn that's dredging up some memories before I started using genkernel |
13:04:26 | jhMikeS | hmmm...maybe it's time disappear for awhile |
13:05:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:06:44 | | Part jhMikeS |
13:11:26 | Bagder | there is no mrproper in rockbox |
13:11:36 | | Quit Soap ("Leaving") |
13:12:43 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
13:14:52 | LinusN | amiconn: the adc issue was hard to test |
13:15:37 | LinusN | amiconn: not without installing a new bootloader |
13:17:27 | LinusN | the missing port pin initialization wasn't a problem until you updated the bootloader |
13:17:51 | webguest20 | LinusN: how was this error visible to an end user? |
13:18:01 | LinusN | it wasn't |
13:18:16 | LinusN | since the bootloader does the adc init too |
13:19:19 | webguest20 | LinusN: then it wasn't an error. Or it was a phantom error. Like sqrt(2). Is it a number if you can't write it down (as a number)? :-) |
13:20:15 | LinusN | well it was an error, since the bootloader uses the same adc code as the application |
13:20:51 | webguest20 | It wasn't an error but it became one after it became visible :-) |
13:21:21 | webguest20 | And I don't even know what ADC is! |
13:21:37 | webguest20 | I discuss at the meta level |
13:28:12 | amiconn | LinusN: I wonder what the h1x0 adc init did on the h300 |
13:28:17 | LinusN | me too |
13:28:33 | amiconn | I didn't observe strange behaviour |
13:30:37 | Slasheri | leftright: it should be safe as long as you use the "old" version of the flash bootloader provided in the wiki |
13:30:53 | leftright | ah, thanks |
13:30:59 | | Join Soap [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
13:32:47 | | Quit rasher (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:35:33 | | Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54930576.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
13:36:02 | | Join [g2] [0] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2) |
13:36:02 | | Join rasher [0] (n=rasher@ |
13:38:55 | LinusN | amiconn: the adc pins were all connected to the ISP1362 on the h300 :-) |
13:42:36 | Slasheri | LinusN: i was thinking to simplify the bootloader a bit: before even kernel is initialized and usb cable is not plugged and hold button is not used and previous shutdown was clean: load rockbox from flash if preferred. otherwise, always load from disk and use rec button only to load the original fw if present |
13:42:45 | | Quit dj-fu ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
13:42:59 | Slasheri | what would you think about that? |
13:43:29 | LinusN | to speed up the loadin? |
13:43:54 | Slasheri | yes, and make the core more fault tolerant |
13:44:04 | Slasheri | for example plugging in usb cable, would always override booting from flash |
13:44:10 | Slasheri | *code |
13:44:50 | Slasheri | and if rockbox previously has crashed (firmware_settings.disk_clean flag not set), we would load from disk also |
13:46:00 | Slasheri | and i also planned writing the reset cookie loader to the crt0 too, but that will take more time to do |
13:48:29 | Slasheri | or what about this: if loading previously from disk has failed, load from flash and vice versa? i am not really sure which would be the best way to do :) |
13:48:37 | LinusN | you mean that plugging the usb cable makes it boot from disk? |
13:49:01 | Slasheri | it would activate first the bootloader usb mode, and then always boot from disk |
13:49:09 | LinusN | ok, i get it |
13:49:13 | Slasheri | :) |
13:49:17 | LinusN | sounds reasonable |
13:49:24 | LinusN | nah, maybe not |
13:49:29 | Slasheri | hehe |
13:49:44 | LinusN | would be a pita for those who only run from flash |
13:49:57 | Slasheri | yep, that's true |
13:50:21 | Slasheri | and if disk driver would be buggy for any reason, then booting would always fail.. |
13:50:42 | Slasheri | maybe there should be a way to force booting (either automatically or manually) from both flash and disk? |
13:52:01 | leftright | the new usb icon is very nice |
13:52:08 | Slasheri | indeed :) |
13:53:11 | Slasheri | hmm, and maybe bootloader should support booting true rom images from flash also.. currently we use only ram images |
13:55:33 | Slasheri | with rom images reset cookie would work nice |
13:56:53 | Slasheri | maybe it would be best to allow putting both rom and ram images to the flash in different sections |
13:57:15 | Slasheri | and bootloader could have some menu activated using some button to select the boot type |
13:57:35 | Slasheri | then rom image would be always used if bootloader completely fails |
13:59:22 | Slasheri | rom images are harder to update because a separately linked binary is required, but boot time should be even a bit faster |
14:00 |
14:00:24 | amiconn | We already have the dual-link capability in the Makefile |
14:00:41 | amiconn | rockbox.bin and rombox.bin, for archos |
14:01:21 | Slasheri | true, should we enable it for iriver also? |
14:05:38 | amiconn | Guess so. We'll need to extend rom.lds for coldfire then |
14:06:47 | Slasheri | yep, i already had it working long time ago.. |
14:11:09 | | Quit Kitt0s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:14:56 | rasher | 2243 rockbox users on the map! |
14:17:48 | amiconn | Slasheri: If rockbox doesn't work correctly from ROM, the memory guard debug feature should help in debugging it |
14:18:55 | Slasheri | amiconn: nice, it has been a long time since the last try.. we will see :) |
14:26:11 | | Quit leftright (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The future of IRC") |
14:32:25 | LinusN | won't it run slower from rom? |
14:33:20 | daurnimator | what do you guys use for ripping cds? |
14:34:52 | rasher | abcde |
14:35:12 | rasher | (a wrapper around cdparanoia and oggenc) |
14:35:35 | Bagder | grip! |
14:35:52 | Bagder | (also a wrapper for cdparanoia and whatever encoder you like) |
14:36:08 | daurnimator | actually looking for something windows today |
14:36:18 | Bagder | what's that? |
14:36:21 | * | Bagder runs |
14:36:32 | dwihno_ | daurnimator: I'd recommend EAC (exact audio copy) |
14:36:39 | | Nick dwihno_ is now known as dwihno (n=dw@ |
14:37:05 | daurnimator | dwihno: its fast? |
14:37:07 | rasher | I'd recommend CDex |
14:37:51 | dwihno | daurnimator: well, depends on how you extract... I sacrifice speed for more secure ripping. |
14:37:53 | daurnimator | CDex is slow as hell |
14:38:44 | dwihno | I already ripped all my discs, so I only have to rip new ones, so 15-20 minutes per disc is acceptable by my means. |
14:39:43 | daurnimator | 20mins!!! |
14:39:52 | daurnimator | i used to use dmc |
14:39:57 | daurnimator | takes max 3 mins a disk |
14:40:41 | crwll | ...and you're screwed if there's a single scratch in a disc |
14:40:47 | crwll | and occasionally even if there isn't |
14:40:50 | dwihno | yeah |
14:41:50 | * | dwihno recalls a discussion on the Xing encoder back in the 90's on how fast my friend thought it was... Only speed mattered to him. |
14:45:31 | jba | what's the ready_state call for in init_talk? |
14:45:40 | jba | sorry reset_state() |
14:49:05 | daurnimator | dwihno: but accurip makes sure you have no errors |
14:49:17 | daurnimator | - if accurip complains, you use a more secure setting |
14:51:23 | dwihno | daurnimator: personally, I don't like to depend on an external source... |
14:51:37 | dwihno | what if a disc ain't stored in the accurip database? |
14:52:00 | daurnimator | then you make a decision |
14:52:13 | daurnimator | but - thats rare to happen anyway |
14:55:40 | pixelma | if your drive can detect c2 errors you can rip a cd pretty fast even in EAC's secure mode (if the disc doesn't have many scratches) |
15:00 |
15:05:02 | Soap | how are submissions to the accurip database vetted? |
15:05:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:22:06 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-074-028-064.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:25:31 | | Part LinusN |
15:25:34 | | Quit jba (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:27:04 | [g2] | daurnimator I've used Sound Juicer to extract to FLAC |
15:27:57 | [g2] | I've got nearly all my CDs extracted to FLAC and I've got the gigE network setup with a NFS ro mount for streaming |
15:31:58 | patrickvox | sounds good, can i download too ?:-) |
15:34:41 | | Quit blue_lizard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:35:09 | | Join blue_lizard [0] (n=blue_liz@p54987A09.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:46:27 | [g2] | patrickvox sorry, it's personal use only. |
15:48:00 | | Join NickDe [0] (n=nicholas@ip68-14-79-70.ri.ri.cox.net) |
15:48:08 | dwihno | [g2]: flac is gooood... wavpack saves avg. 400KB compared to max flac, but then again, it needs more cpu power to decode on rockbox, for instance |
15:48:57 | [g2] | dwihno I'd like to try the FLACs on my sansa or ipod via Rockbox |
15:51:23 | * | [g2] wonders if it would be possible to reconstruct an iso from the FLAC plus a little extra data like track numbers, spacing, serial numbers.. |
15:53:01 | | Quit bluey- ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
15:55:37 | dwihno | [g2]: I tried it on rockbox, worked like a charm. wavpack also worked flawlessly, but had a ~60-70% CPU boost rate |
15:55:59 | dwihno | [g2]: on a ipod g5 |
15:56:55 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484A304.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
15:59:32 | [g2] | dwihno no I've got nano v1 |
16:00 |
16:00:26 | [g2] | dwihno clearly cpu utilization (which effects battery life) is important |
16:00:45 | dwihno | [g2]: apparently |
16:00:46 | dwihno | :) |
16:03:45 | | Join ricky715 [0] (i=443a192f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
16:04:30 | [g2] | dwihno "Trust, but verify" :) |
16:05:16 | ricky715 | hi does anyone know where i can get the source code for the rvf player for archnos so i can try to see if it is possible to port it to rcokbox for the ipod nano |
16:05:17 | | Quit webguest20 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
16:07:06 | dwihno | ricky715: the thing about the rfv format is, that it sends raw lcd data for the recorder display |
16:07:16 | amiconn | ricky715: It's part of cvs... but for the nano, rvf doesn't make much sense imho |
16:07:33 | amiconn | It does make sense for the greyscale ipods, h1x0 and iFP |
16:08:02 | ricky715 | ? dwihno please explain |
16:08:41 | dwihno | ricky715: it's not a video codec per se... |
16:08:51 | ricky715 | oh... |
16:09:19 | ricky715 | still i would like to see where the code is located i couln't find it in the cvs |
16:09:39 | | Join Gnelik [0] (n=Miranda@ |
16:10:12 | dwihno | rockbox/apps/plugins/video.c |
16:10:20 | ricky715 | thanks |
16:10:22 | Gnelik | Hi!!!! |
16:10:24 | | Part ricky715 |
16:14:16 | amiconn | rvf is either just raw monochrome lcd bitmap data, or the former blockwise interleaved with bitswapped mpeg audio data (mp2 or mp3) |
16:14:35 | amiconn | For swcodec targets, the latter should be non-interleaved of course |
16:14:48 | amiconn | Erm, non-bitswapped |
16:26:19 | Gnelik | Did someone make dualboot on sassa exept of dan_a |
16:30:22 | | Quit JoeBorn ("worktime") |
16:32:23 | | Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable156.246-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) |
16:39:54 | | Join |Rincewind| [0] (i=r5xMQ5Zo@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
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16:53:36 | | Join webguest03 [0] (i=c2c7fca1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
16:55:03 | Joely | hey everyone, my soldering kinda got messed up when trying to connect the jtag ports on my Sansa to the cable...so now my Sansa still works, it's just the jtag connector probably wouldn't work if i tried again ><. i was wondering if anyone here had by chance an extra sansa e200 with the jtag headers already soldered, so i could send them my sansa and money and get a jtag connected one back.... |
16:55:07 | | Quit webguest03 (Client Quit) |
17:00 |
17:05:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:20:51 | * | Bagder can't solder |
17:24:15 | Joely | aww just like me.....hands shake? |
17:24:28 | Bagder | ;-) |
17:24:35 | * | Bagder shakes hands |
17:24:40 | Joely | haha |
17:31:17 | | Quit ender` (" ...or you can disable NAV, download the messages then uninstall NAV for being an overbearing, interfering, no-good nanny of a") |
17:33:21 | | Join [j] [0] (n=j@p508EE465.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:34:05 | [j] | hi everyone |
17:34:29 | [j] | i got a new ipod video lately (80gigs) .. is there an easy way to tell what generation level it is? or is 80gig = 5.5, and i can't use rockbox on it yet? |
17:34:39 | Bagder | 80gb is 5.5 |
17:34:44 | [j] | ok |
17:34:47 | [j] | so no rockbox for me. |
17:34:54 | Bagder | correct, not yet at least |
17:34:59 | [j] | darn. |
17:35:09 | [j] | ipodlinux, tho? |
17:35:15 | Bagder | I doubt that |
17:35:39 | | Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ |
17:37:22 | [j] | so the 80gig ipods are a tough nut to crack eh? i thought they'd be done by now .. |
17:38:57 | Genre9mp3 | Does anyone know the power consumption of an iriver LCD remote? (I guess both H100/H300 LCD should have the same) Has anyone already measured that? (mostly curious) |
17:40:41 | amiconn | The only significant power consumer in the iriver remotes is the backlight |
17:41:00 | amiconn | I don't know whether anyone measured that yet. The LCD and buttons are neglectible |
17:41:34 | Genre9mp3 | amiconn: It needs 3V to operate, right? |
17:42:44 | Genre9mp3 | If so, do you believe a CR button cell could provide sufficient power to it? |
17:48:10 | Genre9mp3 | like this I mean: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Battery-lithium-cr2032.jpg |
17:50:18 | | Join Kitt0s [0] (n=Kaa@ |
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18:00 |
18:01:12 | | Join Sequell [0] (i=underwat@ |
18:01:14 | Sequell | hey |
18:01:55 | n1s | ho |
18:02:00 | Sequell | i just installed rockbox on my 4g greyscale ipod, it worked fine for a while, then halfway through a song it says "Data abort at 00041D08" and I can't even get it to reboot |
18:02:54 | n1s | hold down menu+select |
18:02:55 | | Quit [j] (Remote closed the connection) |
18:03:18 | Sequell | tried it, nothing happens |
18:04:12 | | Join banan_ [0] (n=banan@c80-216-155-218.bredband.comhem.se) |
18:04:15 | Sequell | it happened earlier and I could reboot out of it, but this time it's stuck |
18:05:38 | n1s | hold isn't on is it? |
18:05:47 | Sequell | ... |
18:05:57 | Sequell | how embarassing |
18:06:00 | Sequell | thanks -_-' |
18:06:34 | Sequell | any idea what this particular error has appeared twice, though? it was two seperate songs, both pretty standard VBR MP3s that have played on my iPod before. |
18:07:48 | Soap | 4G ipods are more crash prone than other targets. There is a patch to prevent (most) of the crashes by disabling the frequency scaling (dynaminc changing of CPU frequency) this does solve most the problems, but eats more battery. |
18:07:54 | PaulPosition | When is your build from? |
18:08:16 | | Nick jborn__ is now known as JoeBorn (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
18:08:32 | | Join telliott_ [0] (n=telliott@68-179-149-245.bsr-c3-d1.evv.dhcp.sigecom.net) |
18:08:57 | PaulPosition | Like, a week ago, there was a problem that's been corrected with songs that had APE tags in them.. (mp3gain for windoze could put ape tags, for example..) |
18:09:11 | Sequell | I'm uncertain, is there a version number somewhere? |
18:09:17 | Soap | or Foobar 0.8.3 in default config. |
18:09:37 | Sequell | It's CVS 061124. |
18:09:42 | telliott_ | I have a V1 recorder. How can I tell if it's actually getting power when the charger is plugged in? |
18:09:50 | Sequell | I just downloaded it 3 hours ago, and I selected the Latest zip/rar |
18:09:56 | PaulPosition | Should be allright with apes then.. hmm. |
18:10:44 | | Join RogerBacon [0] (n=RogerBac@bas3-sherbrooke40-1177645554.dsl.bell.ca) |
18:10:59 | | Join Ribs [0] (n=freenode@ |
18:13:56 | Sequell | hm, my song just stopped and rockbox froze without giving an error, certainly seems crash prone |
18:14:06 | Ribs | what hardware? |
18:14:15 | Sequell | ipod 4g |
18:16:05 | | Join peschmae [0] (n=simon@h228n1fls303o1035.telia.com) |
18:16:11 | Soap | are you up to compiling in a patch, a really small patch, Sequell? |
18:16:38 | | Quit midkay ("*poff*") |
18:17:14 | Sequell | erm, i don't really know what that is |
18:18:32 | Soap | Sequell: read this whole thread |
18:18:33 | Soap | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=6357.0 |
18:18:46 | Soap | realize that there is no support for these builds outside said thread. |
18:19:02 | Soap | and give it a shot - see if it stops your crashes. |
18:19:50 | Sequell | hm, thanks. how much more battery does it eat? |
18:22:53 | Soap | I have seen no numbers. |
18:24:59 | | Nick banan_ is now known as merbanan (n=banan@c80-216-155-218.bredband.comhem.se) |
18:26:04 | | Join SoulDeaD [0] (i=0@83-143-180-21-ixtlan-systems.unitednet.bg) |
18:29:43 | | Join peschmae_ [0] (n=simon@h68n2fls303o1035.telia.com) |
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18:44:17 | | Quit Ribs ("eh eh ehhhh!") |
18:48:20 | | Join peschmae [0] (n=simon@h228n1fls303o1035.telia.com) |
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19:00:12 | | Join dan_a [0] (n=dan-mirc@ |
19:00:34 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=GzuwW81P@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
19:00:37 | HCl | /msg nickserv identify blabla |
19:00:40 | HCl | doh |
19:00:41 | HCl | XD |
19:00:45 | * | HCl changes password>> |
19:01:00 | spug | smart |
19:01:02 | spug | ;D |
19:01:05 | HCl | ;p |
19:01:16 | bluebrother | nice password ;-) |
19:01:21 | HCl | :) |
19:01:28 | HCl | it's exactly because of that, really. |
19:01:41 | HCl | I have secure random 8-13 character passwords for important stuff. |
19:01:50 | HCl | I use a simple password for unimportant stuff. |
19:02:38 | HCl | I should update rockbox |
19:04:22 | | Quit TeaSeaLancs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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19:06:44 | | Quit blue_lizard (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:07:06 | Gnelik | Hi Dan |
19:08:04 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:08:43 | | Join TeaSeaLancs [0] (n=thunderc@ |
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19:17:51 | Gnelik | dan_a hi do you need any help |
19:18:51 | Gnelik | ?? |
19:19:07 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@adsl-67-64-112-116.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
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19:31:28 | | Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) |
19:35:47 | | Part Joely |
19:36:21 | Slasheri | amiconn: hehe, promising. Now make automatically builds rombox.iriver also :) |
19:38:53 | * | amiconn tries Microsoft SFU (aka Interix) one more time as a build environment |
19:39:24 | rasher | I keep inserting a T into that acronym. |
19:39:28 | rasher | Wishful thinking, I guess. |
19:39:37 | amiconn | ? |
19:39:39 | n1s | :-) |
19:39:42 | rasher | STFU |
19:39:56 | * | amiconn googles |
19:40:00 | Slasheri | hehe |
19:40:07 | amiconn | aha |
19:40:15 | amiconn | Strange association... |
19:42:01 | PaulPosition | You're wrong anyway, Microsoft's STFU interface is used mostly in technical support. |
19:42:50 | | Join sandoaway [0] (n=lolsteam@ |
19:43:54 | * | Genre9mp3 just raised his first feature request! :) |
19:44:08 | * | Genre9mp3 points to http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6381 |
19:47:41 | blue_lizard | sorry but the idea of typing anything into rockbox makes me shiver |
19:48:15 | blue_lizard | probably thats why i allways have 2 or three folders called aaa aa or such |
19:48:46 | blue_lizard | but why not, maybe some people will use it |
19:49:11 | | Quit Gnelik (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
19:49:12 | Genre9mp3 | blue_lizard: did you saw the attached gif? |
19:49:42 | | Quit TeaSeaLancs (Connection reset by peer) |
19:49:54 | blue_lizard | yes |
19:50:18 | | Quit XavierGr () |
19:51:17 | Genre9mp3 | it's more of "arcade" style of typing, but anyway |
19:51:21 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@ |
19:51:26 | | Quit bluey- ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
19:51:36 | amiconn | In the same time could type those seach letters, I would have scrolled through the whole list by traditional means... |
19:51:50 | obo | even on a 5g? ;) |
19:52:03 | amiconn | Probably, with paged scrolling |
19:52:08 | amiconn | Don't have a 5g |
19:52:43 | Genre9mp3 | amiconn: I think it would help a lot if used for only the first letter |
19:52:49 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-071-040.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
19:53:21 | | Quit bluey- (Remote closed the connection) |
19:53:42 | amiconn | Even scrolling through the all-tracks list in tagcache doesn't take overly long... |
19:54:00 | pixelma | I guess it depends on how long your list is and how one organises his files |
19:54:08 | pixelma | (or her) |
19:54:33 | amiconn | all-tracks contains all tracks |
19:54:40 | blue_lizard | and how big the harddrive is |
19:54:44 | amiconn | So there are several thousand lines |
19:55:16 | Genre9mp3 | amiconn: So why wouldn't this help on a list of 3000 songs? |
19:57:59 | blue_lizard | Genre9mp3: feel free to implement it |
19:58:17 | Genre9mp3 | blue_lizard: sure! |
19:59:35 | | Quit sando (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:59:38 | | Join Gnelik [0] (n=Miranda@ |
20:00 |
20:00:03 | blue_lizard | of course it is a log more work than simply filing an request |
20:01:29 | | Join TeaSeaLancs [0] (n=thunderc@ |
20:01:35 | Genre9mp3 | I'm aware of that |
20:02:24 | Genre9mp3 | I just gave an idea I had that someone may find interesting |
20:06:57 | | Join bundik [0] (n=bundy@dslb-088-064-002-232.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
20:08:24 | pixelma | bluebrother: I have two questions about the radio chapter in the manual... |
20:09:37 | pixelma | ...first: are you going to write something about the region settings? |
20:10:38 | | Join Terinjokes [0] (n=spader@adsl-225-251-72.mia.bellsouth.net) |
20:10:58 | Terinjokes | hey |
20:11:44 | pixelma | bluebrother: second: currently there is only one manual for the Archos FM- and V2-Recorder but there are only some V2-Recorders that actually have a radio - so would it be enough to leave a note? |
20:12:57 | | Quit bundik ("Odchádzam") |
20:17:02 | * | Terinjokes wonders how to properly build the sources |
20:17:26 | | Quit TeaSeaLancs (Connection timed out) |
20:17:40 | dan_a | Gnelik: Hi - sorry, I was on the phone. There are two things that are on my list of things to look at - you could try either, if you want |
20:23:36 | | Quit dubstyle (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:27:37 | bluebrother | pixelma, just returned |
20:27:51 | | Quit TeaSea (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:29:10 | bluebrother | I intended to write something about the region setting but I haven't found the time yet. Got pretty busy lately :( |
20:29:32 | Terinjokes | anyone here know an easier way to search the mailing lists? |
20:29:53 | bluebrother | google? |
20:31:05 | bluebrother | for the Archos issue I think it's sufficient to simply add a note. The chance of causing confusion is pretty low |
20:32:10 | rasher | Terinjokes: google with site:rockbox.org inurl:mail |
20:32:23 | Terinjokes | thanks |
20:32:59 | bluebrother | the search field on the left side does this afaik |
20:33:36 | rasher | only the site part |
20:34:36 | bluebrother | correct. Overread the inurl part |
20:34:59 | | Quit Kitt0s (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:35:18 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
20:35:19 | Terinjokes | ha! found it! |
20:35:53 | pixelma | bluebrother: thanks... I'm currently working on the fmradio.tex but I guess you could explain the region settings better. For now I would just take out the "0.1 MHz steps" part |
20:36:03 | pixelma | (in the button table) |
20:36:29 | | Join habana [0] (i=58a10615@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
20:36:30 | | Quit habana (Nick collision from Idoru.) |
20:36:59 | pixelma | (and only say "changes frequency") |
20:37:13 | | Join habana [0] (i=58a10615@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7c9d17ce4fdf76b7) |
20:37:24 | | Quit RogerBacon ("Quitte") |
20:37:29 | bluebrother | if I find the time I'll add what's missing (unless someone else was faster ;-) |
20:37:42 | habana | hi all |
20:38:52 | pixelma | bluebrother: yes :) |
20:39:33 | habana | do you think i could re-use a "build-rbdev" compiled from another pc last night ? |
20:39:45 | * | bluebrother just read the feature request by Genre9mp3 |
20:39:53 | bluebrother | habana, what exactly do you mean? |
20:40:37 | habana | yesterday i made "build-rbdev" on a ubuntu efty with the script provided |
20:41:29 | habana | tonight, i have another pc wuth ubuntu dapper and dont have time to restart the process. |
20:42:20 | habana | can i take the first "build-rbdev" on the n°1 and use it on the pc n° 2 ? |
20:43:03 | dan_a | Gnelik: I've just checked, and I'm 99% sure that the scroll wheel isn't attached to any of the GPIOs |
20:46:06 | amiconn | opto? .... |
20:46:16 | Terinjokes | developers! you've heard of comments, right? |
20:46:46 | rasher | habana: If it's the same system, it should work |
20:48:13 | * | dan_a checks how opto works |
20:48:13 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@ |
20:49:01 | Gnelik | dan_a but where then??? |
20:49:07 | * | Genre9mp3 just noticed that the set date/time screen doesn't work on iriver remote |
20:49:22 | dan_a | Gnelik: Some other I/O! |
20:50:19 | Gnelik | dan_a: cant we see it looking at board scan??? |
20:50:42 | Terinjokes | sorry nano users, i can't make heads or tails of the rockboy's scaling |
20:51:53 | dan_a | The iPods have their keypad attached to the i2c bus |
20:51:59 | Gnelik | dan_a: Maybe i am stupid but i saw GPIO changing, or maybe it was a dream |
20:52:11 | Gnelik | :) |
20:54:42 | dan_a | I've just re-written dbg_ports so that it only shows the things that change - GPIOs A, J, E and L have pins changing without me doing anything, nothing changes when I move the scroll wheel |
20:54:59 | Gnelik | i know |
20:55:18 | Gnelik | it was i think gpio I |
20:55:28 | Gnelik | it has three values |
20:56:49 | Gnelik | I didnt remember why it worked |
20:57:31 | Gnelik | grr |
20:57:46 | dan_a | Gnelik: There are 2 things that we need to do at the moment that you might be able to help with |
20:57:54 | amiconn | hmpf :/ |
20:58:08 | amiconn | The ipod target tree files suffer from excessive including |
20:58:14 | Gnelik | dan_a:??? |
20:58:17 | | Part Terinjokes |
20:58:48 | amiconn | ...and the backlight-*.c files there try something that cannot work |
20:59:26 | dan_a | When you go into a lot of the debug screens, it hangs the Sansa. I think this might be something to do with the timer interrupt - someone needs to investigate that and see what's going wrong. |
20:59:58 | amiconn | hmpf :\ |
21:00 |
21:00:08 | amiconn | m68k-elf-gcc 3.4.6 doesn't build on interix |
21:00:15 | * | amiconn tries 4.0.3 |
21:00:27 | dan_a | Also, we need to change the LCD driver, so that it has 2 framebuffers (one which Rockbox talks to, and then we copy sections of that over to the one that the LCD controller talks to) |
21:00:41 | amiconn | Do we? |
21:00:42 | dan_a | This will make the splash work properly |
21:00:54 | dan_a | amiconn: On the Sansa |
21:01:00 | amiconn | I know what you mean |
21:01:05 | amiconn | What's wrong with the splash? |
21:01:20 | dionoea | ahem ... http://aram.xkcd.com:8080/imgsample/warrantyvoid.png |
21:01:24 | dionoea | and hi |
21:01:24 | dan_a | It blanks the rest of the screen until it goes |
21:01:33 | amiconn | oh |
21:01:36 | Gnelik | Some of them |
21:01:37 | Gnelik | Some not |
21:01:39 | * | amiconn wonders why that happens |
21:01:56 | amiconn | dan_a: Are you calling it with true or false as the first parameter? |
21:02:05 | dan_a | It must call lcd_update_rect - which we can't implement properly |
21:02:35 | amiconn | The splash doesn't clear the outer area of a 'true' (i.e. centered and framed) splash |
21:02:39 | dan_a | amiconn: I don't know! This is when things like the low battery warning come up |
21:02:42 | Gnelik | ok, if it will be something another write to m on forum |
21:02:44 | Gnelik | bye |
21:02:56 | Gnelik | i try to do something |
21:03:08 | | Quit Gnelik (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:03:11 | amiconn | dan_a: 'true' makes the splash text centered in a box, with a solid background and the outer area unchanged |
21:03:41 | amiconn | 'false' makes the splash appear as plain left aligned text on a cleared screen |
21:04:17 | amiconn | Sorry, it's the 2nd parameter of course |
21:04:39 | dan_a | It appears as text centered in a box, with a solid background, and the outer area cleared until the splash goes away |
21:05:35 | amiconn | odd... |
21:05:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:06:23 | amiconn | Splash updates the whole lcd on all targets |
21:06:44 | amiconn | apps/gui/splash.c: line 194: screen->update(); |
21:07:30 | amiconn | Maybe the low bat splash clears the screen before splashing? (which would be a bug) |
21:08:38 | dan_a | I think every splash screen I've seen does it... is there a simple way I can trigger one? |
21:09:51 | amiconn | The shutdown splash caller also clears the screen beforehand |
21:10:02 | amiconn | Hmm, you need to find a splash that doesn't do this |
21:10:38 | amiconn | The 'Nothing to resume' splash doesn't do this |
21:10:52 | dan_a | "Cancelled" doesn't do it either |
21:11:11 | amiconn | Yes, in the settings |
21:11:12 | dan_a | So I was wrong - we might get away with one framebuffer :) |
21:11:35 | amiconn | As long as you can tell the controller when to update, it should suffice,m yes |
21:11:44 | amiconn | s/,m/,/ |
21:12:11 | dan_a | We seem to be able to. Although there is a bit of flickering on the cube plugin. |
21:12:29 | dan_a | Doom looked fine, though |
21:17:11 | amiconn | Hmm, m68k-elf-gcc on interix suffers from the same build problem as on cygwin or macosx |
21:17:18 | amiconn | 68040 fails |
21:17:23 | * | amiconn applies patch |
21:19:56 | | Quit PaulPosition () |
21:21:36 | | Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:21:45 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) |
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21:29:53 | | Quit alberink ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12") |
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21:34:11 | | Join leftright [0] (n=leftrigh@p549949A5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:34:48 | | Nick webguest96 is now known as moos (i=5950bebb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-28dbfe5bd1b325a1) |
21:35:12 | leftright | preglow: this article on dither accurate http://www.hifi-writer.com/he/dvdaudio/dither.htm |
21:35:24 | moos | hello there ! |
21:35:35 | | Nick moos is now known as Moos (i=5950bebb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-28dbfe5bd1b325a1) |
21:36:07 | | Join TeaSeaLancs [0] (n=thunderc@ |
21:37:53 | Moos | is the "today's log" link on IRC working for someone here? cause here it's the 19 Nov log |
21:37:58 | | Join sizzam [0] (n=sizzam@c-68-63-136-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
21:38:18 | Moos | Bagder? |
21:38:37 | dan_a | It's been fine for me all day |
21:38:45 | n1s | me too |
21:39:03 | Moos | oops, maybe firefoc cache thing, thx |
21:39:04 | dan_a | Cache? |
21:44:19 | | Quit Moos ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:45:32 | | Join Moos [0] (i=5950bebb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
21:46:11 | | Join alberink [0] (n=alberink@cc516682-b.ensch1.ov.home.nl) |
21:46:58 | Moos | don't know why firefox doesn't want show me the today's irc logs :) |
21:50:39 | habana | Moos: try reduce / enlarge the firefox's window |
21:52:14 | Moos | didn't work |
21:53:48 | petur | ctrl-f5? |
21:54:47 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-14-214.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
21:55:20 | Moos | petur: hehe, that worked, thx |
21:55:24 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:55:29 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) |
21:55:30 | Moos | habana; thx anyway too |
21:55:39 | habana | lol, made a mistake with bash PATH as root ... and dont find the file where i rould recover :\ |
21:58:13 | dan_a | habana: /etc/profile? |
21:59:12 | | Quit TeaSea (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:59:14 | dan_a | If not, export "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin" and then "grep -r PATH /etc/*" |
22:00 |
22:03:50 | | Join luisarias [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
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22:22:20 | | Join Blax [0] (i=477052de@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
22:24:28 | * | amiconn wonders about the compilation results of m68k-elf-gcc 4.0.3 vs. the recommended 3.4.6 |
22:24:41 | | Quit Blax (Client Quit) |
22:25:00 | amiconn | Most binaries are slightly larger with 4.0.3 than with 3.4.6, but there are 2 notable exceptions |
22:25:46 | amiconn | sid.codec is much larger, and aac.codec is quite a bit smaller |
22:29:11 | petur | how 'bout performance? ;) |
22:29:25 | amiconn | Not tested yet |
22:29:38 | amiconn | I can't test many codecs anyway |
22:32:05 | amiconn | Meh, 'make zip' doesn't work |
22:32:20 | amiconn | No codecs and no plugins are included in the zip |
22:32:31 | amiconn | Seems to be a 'find' compatibility problem |
22:32:52 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:34:33 | | Quit leftright (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The future of IRC") |
22:35:49 | | Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") |
22:36:10 | | Quit midkay (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:37:03 | | Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@ |
22:41:03 | amiconn | Hmm, non-gnu find doesn't know -empty |
22:41:08 | amiconn | Bagder? |
22:41:27 | Bagder | prolly noy |
22:41:28 | Bagder | not |
22:41:40 | amiconn | buildzip.pl does use -empty |
22:42:03 | amiconn | Didn't you say that you usually don't rely on gnu extensions? ;) |
22:42:43 | Bagder | I don't |
22:42:46 | Bagder | usually |
22:42:54 | Bagder | see curl |
22:42:55 | Bagder | ;-) |
22:43:02 | amiconn | I'll try -size 0c instead |
22:44:09 | Bagder | yeah, should work |
22:47:29 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:47:42 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
22:47:43 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:48:01 | | Quit TeaSeaLancs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:48:23 | | Join jborn_ [0] (n=jborn@adsl-75-3-53-36.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) |
22:49:36 | amiconn | much better :) |
22:51:17 | | Quit JoeBorn (Nick collision from services.) |
22:51:33 | | Nick jborn_ is now known as JoeBorn (n=jborn@adsl-75-3-53-36.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) |
22:52:02 | | Join jborn_ [0] (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
22:55:07 | | Quit TeaSea (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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23:00 |
23:00:26 | | Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) |
23:02:43 | | Join s3b3 [0] (i=sebel@dslb-084-056-143-060.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
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23:05:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:06:10 | | Quit alberink (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:06:24 | | Join xamox [0] (n=xA@24-236-184-133.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) |
23:06:41 | xamox | if I install rockbox do i need iTunes to dump music to it? |
23:06:54 | Bagder | nope |
23:07:43 | petur | just drag 'n drop from your filebrowser ;) |
23:10:18 | | Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) |
23:10:31 | s3b3 | hi all, got a short question, do you guys still work on the implementation of |
23:10:31 | s3b3 | rockbox for the new 5.5G 80gig, i need it badly ;> |
23:10:47 | | Join alberink [0] (n=alberink@cc516682-b.ensch1.ov.home.nl) |
23:10:55 | | Quit secleinteer (Remote closed the connection) |
23:11:56 | blue_lizard | anybody knows what .daa for a filetype is? |
23:11:58 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=scl@adsl-70-237-228-226.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) |
23:11:59 | dan_a | I don't think any of the devs have a 5.5G iPod |
23:12:28 | scorche | blue_lizard: i think it is a proprietary disc image...let me double check |
23:12:32 | petur | http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=DAA |
23:12:45 | scorche | yup |
23:12:59 | blue_lizard | thx |
23:13:18 | z0de | hello |
23:13:34 | s3b3 | hm, which means ? |
23:13:45 | blue_lizard | probably unusable on linux |
23:13:48 | z0de | does anyone know how to prevent the music cutting out while scrolling through a long list (albums) |
23:14:00 | rasher | scroll slower |
23:14:11 | z0de | :( |
23:14:25 | rasher | does your wps have peakmeters? |
23:14:26 | dan_a | s3b3: If nobody has that model, they can't work on it. |
23:14:44 | z0de | rasher: where would they be? |
23:14:47 | s3b3 | :( |
23:14:58 | blue_lizard | if anybody is interested in handling .daa files in linux |
23:15:05 | blue_lizard | http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-open-daa-direct-access-archive-files-under-linux-or-unix-oses/ |
23:15:11 | Bagder | s3b3: it means there's room for you to shine |
23:15:13 | rasher | z0de: Well, small bars that move back and forth to the music |
23:15:30 | s3b3 | lol |
23:15:46 | z0de | no |
23:15:58 | z0de | i dont have that |
23:16:30 | z0de | just one bar showing time into song |
23:19:44 | | Quit sizzam ("Leaving") |
23:19:46 | xamox | That is awesome. Good bye iTunes, that makes my day cause I fucking HATE iTunes |
23:21:32 | thegeek | s3b3: I'm hoping that the ipodlinux guys will figure it out |
23:21:44 | rasher | z0de: I don't know, the problem is that there's too much work for the CPU, so it can't keep up. |
23:21:44 | thegeek | my new 80gb is crying for rockbox too |
23:21:50 | thegeek | or, it' |
23:21:59 | thegeek | it's really me crying;P |
23:22:26 | thegeek | h120 w/rockbox ==> ipod w/appleshit == horrible |
23:23:37 | petur | that's why I want h340 ==> h480 :) |
23:23:47 | petur | euh h380 |
23:24:06 | Genre9mp3 | petur h480 is an h300 with 180GB disk? :P |
23:24:32 | petur | or a version with optical and large LCD ;) |
23:24:51 | Genre9mp3 | yeah.. keep dreamin'! :) |
23:25:18 | z0de | rasher: so theres not a cach or temp file i can make bigger? |
23:25:42 | z0de | how come it can play music and games but not play music and scroll :( |
23:26:03 | xamox | How do I check my Applefirmware ver? Do I have to have iTunes installed? |
23:26:17 | rasher | z0de: I'm actually not really sure.. check the ipod faq |
23:26:21 | rasher | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/biew/Main/IpodFaq |
23:26:25 | rasher | oh damn |
23:26:28 | * | petur thought thread priority solved the skipping on ipod |
23:26:29 | rasher | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFaq |
23:26:36 | z0de | rasher: its a iaudio x5l |
23:26:51 | z0de | i dont think the ipod faq will help/ |
23:26:54 | rasher | Oh, usually only the ipods have problems |
23:26:58 | rasher | Well, the problem is the same |
23:27:10 | rasher | So it will in fact. It's just usually a problem on the ipods |
23:27:29 | z0de | k |
23:27:37 | rasher | What are you trying to play? |
23:27:54 | z0de | audio files are mp3's |
23:28:13 | rasher | Strange.. the x5 really shouldn't skip when playing mp3s |
23:28:44 | rasher | Are you scrolling a large list, and do some of the entries have strange characters in them? (that is, anything outside standard ascii) |
23:29:14 | rasher | I still think there's something strange going on relating to unicode when scrolling large lists |
23:29:27 | z0de | list is big, no special chars |
23:29:42 | rasher | Hm okay |
23:29:52 | rasher | Are you using a recent build? |
23:30:42 | z0de | and it doesn't skip it just stops and keeps scrolling, if i stop scrolling for any length of time (milliseconds) i can play and scroll again untill it stops the music again |
23:31:03 | z0de | recent build:yes and happend on older build too |
23:31:06 | | Quit MarcoPolo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:31:08 | rasher | Yeah, that's the "normal" behavior |
23:31:41 | | Quit s3b3 () |
23:32:00 | z0de | i can get about 3-5 seconds of scrolling before it cuts |
23:32:00 | | Quit Moos ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:32:52 | z0de | cut of time=4 seconds same every time |
23:33:26 | Soap | Is anyone here familiar with ipod installs w/MacOSx? I can't follow the changes recently made to the wiki, they are not making sense to me and I'm curious. |
23:33:40 | Soap | Curious if the page was edited correctly. |
23:34:48 | | Join matsl_ [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
23:35:24 | rasher | z0de: It's pretty much a well-known problem. Just consider yourself lucky that you're not using an ipod - it'd be worse there |
23:36:35 | z0de | :( |
23:37:03 | z0de | cant the folder contents be stored in a txt and then scroll that |
23:37:19 | z0de | interactive txt or something |
23:37:30 | * | z0de is not a programmer incase you were wondering |
23:37:30 | | Quit |Rincewind| ("Cya") |
23:38:32 | rasher | The problem is the process of displaying the text |
23:38:36 | z0de | ah |
23:38:56 | z0de | do the stock firmware on most players have this problem? |
23:39:00 | rasher | Which is possibly taking longer than it ought to |
23:39:10 | rasher | Doubtful |
23:39:22 | rasher | The stock firmware on most players are rather simple compared to Rockbox |
23:39:53 | z0de | i guess |
23:40:06 | z0de | its only a list :( |
23:40:51 | | Quit luisarias ("Leaving.") |
23:40:51 | z0de | is there an option to pause the scrolling instead of the music as i would prefer that |
23:41:01 | xamox | ok, so I just installed the bootloader for my nano 1st gen |
23:41:23 | xamox | Now I just unzip the firmware and copy and paste it to the drive that is showing up on my USB? |
23:41:56 | rasher | z0de: The scrolling is already running at lower priority |
23:41:59 | rasher | Or should be, anyway |
23:42:15 | rasher | I'm a bit puzzled that this is still a problem, especially on x5 |
23:42:17 | | Join scorche` [0] (i=ScorchE@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
23:42:29 | | Part scorche` ("Leaving") |
23:42:31 | z0de | i know |
23:43:37 | z0de | how can i check priorty of scrolling? |
23:43:50 | rasher | No idea to be honest |
23:43:50 | | Quit daurnimator (No route to host) |
23:44:04 | Bagder | scrolling is done in the main thread |
23:44:25 | | Quit alberink (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:44:26 | rasher | List scrolling |
23:44:43 | z0de | main thread? |
23:44:48 | Bagder | that's done synchronous in the ui/main thread |
23:45:03 | Bagder | z0de: correct |
23:45:24 | z0de | uh that was short for "whats a main thread?" |
23:45:39 | Bagder | so why ask for priority then? |
23:45:48 | z0de | so i could check |
23:46:04 | z0de | i want playback as top priorty |
23:46:16 | Bagder | I doubt you can check if you can't even find the main thread |
23:46:34 | petur | I thought you said you weren't a programmer ;) |
23:47:01 | z0de | :( i though you might have made i nice interface or something |
23:47:13 | * | petur thought thread priority solved the skipping already... |
23:47:13 | Bagder | we have |
23:47:13 | z0de | i=a* |
23:47:14 | xamox | where do I copy my mp3's to once rockbox is installed? |
23:47:16 | Bagder | its called Rockbox |
23:47:24 | z0de | xamox:music folder. |
23:47:32 | z0de | lol badger |
23:47:35 | Bagder | xamox: anywhere you like! |
23:47:49 | xamox | does it have to be in the .rockbox folder? |
23:47:54 | Bagder | nono |
23:47:58 | Bagder | don't put it there |
23:48:00 | rasher | That'd be a bad idea |
23:48:03 | xamox | alright |
23:48:08 | xamox | just in the root dir then? |
23:48:10 | rasher | Yup |
23:48:17 | * | petur just read: <Bagder>xamox: anywhere you like! |
23:48:24 | xamox | can I delete ipod_control? |
23:48:26 | Bagder | anywhere really means anywhere |
23:48:41 | | Quit blue_lizard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:48:43 | z0de | rude interupting my help :( |
23:48:44 | scorche | xamox: yes |
23:48:49 | | Join blue_lizard [0] (n=blue_liz@p54986E36.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:49:17 | | Join alberink [0] (n=alberink@cc516682-b.ensch1.ov.home.nl) |
23:49:33 | xamox | what themes does everyone recomend? |
23:49:46 | z0de | just find one you like. |
23:49:46 | scorche | whatever appeals to your eye |
23:50:00 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGallery |
23:50:02 | scorche | try for one that doesnt require any patches |
23:50:11 | xamox | alright |
23:50:18 | xamox | Thx all, holy shit this is so awesome |
23:50:32 | z0de | just dont try to scroll ;) |
23:50:41 | xamox | I have wanted to do away with iTunes for so logn |
23:51:51 | xamox | I actually think it sounds better than the normal firmware too and I haven't even messed with the equalizer! |
23:51:58 | rasher | z0de: It's not as bad as it used to be, and it gets worse in some situations. You happen to be one.. Probably the loooong list |
23:52:16 | z0de | how long would you say is long? |
23:52:24 | * | z0de doesnt want a penis joke right now |
23:52:38 | | Join Abidibs [0] (i=Abidibs@blk-7-202-18.eastlink.ca) |
23:52:45 | Abidibs | hey |
23:52:57 | amiconn | petur: The gcc 4.0.3 build works. About to do some simple performance comparisons. Playing an .ogg album atm (the only one I have), measuring boost ratio |
23:53:13 | rasher | z0de: A couple hundred items |
23:53:22 | petur | amiconn: nice |
23:53:33 | amiconn | H300 btw |
23:53:46 | amiconn | I'll do a quick test on H1x0 and X5 as well |
23:54:17 | Abidibs | hey i think i got a 4th gen ipod grayscale? |
23:54:23 | z0de | i have 295 folders |
23:54:29 | Abidibs | whould it mess it up if i download rockbox |
23:54:30 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
23:54:45 | rasher | z0de: Well, it's not entirely certain what makes it worse |
23:54:45 | | Quit matsl_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:55:06 | z0de | also some of the albums are flacs if that matters, |
23:55:23 | rasher | It won't |
23:55:33 | z0de | didnt think so |
23:55:43 | z0de | unless i was playing one prehaps |
23:56:23 | Abidibs | s'excuse me? |
23:56:38 | Bagder | "<z0de> audio files are mp3's" |
23:56:38 | z0de | not to you Abidibs |
23:56:45 | z0de | most are |
23:56:58 | z0de | and the problem happens regards of what i play |
23:57:38 | z0de | so i chose the lowest quality ones to not waste time blaiming flac |
23:58:49 | | Quit xamox ("http://xamox.net") |