00:02:38 | Bagder | small kids cause early mornings, time for me to hit the bed. good night |
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00:54:26 | Bigred84 | hello, i have gone over on the #windowsxp channel to see if i could find answers to my problem, they said it is either the software on the mp3 player, or some unknown factor, could anyone here help me out? |
00:56:00 | | Quit pattycakes (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:56:23 | Alonea | Bigred84: whats your problem? |
00:56:26 | | Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h162n1fls34o1010.telia.com) |
00:57:03 | Bigred84 | when i connect my mp3 to my computer the computer locks up, requiring a hard reboot |
00:57:26 | Alonea | Bigred84: ok, are you trying to install rockbox? |
00:57:48 | Soap | Bigred84: ##windows is a better channel, and I still would like to see you try: A-A different USB cable. B-Connecting through a powered USB hub. |
00:58:00 | Bigred84 | no i have happily had rockbox on my h10 from the begining of the port |
00:58:11 | Bigred84 | i hVE TRIED BOTH |
00:58:16 | Bigred84 | sorry caps |
00:58:18 | Alonea | wierd... |
00:58:20 | | Join pattycakes [0] (n=megapatm@209-148-136-59.dynamic.rogerstelecom.net) |
00:58:31 | Alonea | yeah, ##windows people are nice. |
00:58:35 | Bigred84 | yes, even the people over on the windows channel were stumped |
00:58:37 | Soap | powered hub didn't stop the crash? dang. |
00:58:59 | Llorean | Bigred84: If your computer's freezing, it's definitely a computer-side problem. Especially since Rockbox doesn't have a USB mode on that device, so it's the original firmware that's running when you're in USB. |
00:59:19 | Bigred84 | oh, ok thats what i thought |
00:59:30 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
00:59:39 | Bigred84 | would it be apropriate for me to ask for help here or should i move on? |
01:00 |
01:00:39 | Llorean | If you're plugging in the cable while in Rockbox, there is a little bit of the USB detection process that has caused some USB drivers problems, but that doesn't normally happen on Windows. And if the problem happens after rebooting Windows, setting your player in UMS mode, and then after that plugging in the cable, then it's definitely something unrelated to Rockbox. |
01:01:23 | Llorean | It's not really something we'd be able to help much with, if it's on your computer's side, because there are a lot of things it could be, up to and including drivers or other random software you've got installed. |
01:01:48 | Bigred84 | could you recomend a channal that could help me with my problem |
01:02:20 | Bigred84 | i have tried #windowsxp, and i can not find ##windows |
01:02:42 | | Quit First_timer_8923 ("CGI:IRC") |
01:02:43 | Llorean | I really don't know. I think the windowsxp guys were just blowing you off, so I wouldn't recommend going back there, but it seems like the appropriate place. =/ |
01:02:57 | Alonea | Bigred84: are you serious you cannot find ##windows? I just joined it. |
01:03:35 | Bigred84 | wel actually someone on the windowwsxp channel spent an hour walking me through steps to solve the problem, its just that they are as stumped as you |
01:03:35 | Alonea | you could try #windows and see if it redirects you |
01:03:47 | Bigred84 | yes they redirected me to windowsxp |
01:04:08 | Alonea | they, as in the people, or they as in the irc? |
01:04:11 | Soap | #windowsxp is an improper channel. since they do not officially represent microsoft, freenode guidelines say they should be ##windowsxp. |
01:04:32 | Soap | two pound signs. ##windows, NOT #windows. |
01:04:51 | | Quit Soap () |
01:05:05 | Alonea | Soap: yeha, I know, its just if you do #windows, it will automatically redirect you to ##windows. |
01:05:17 | Bigred84 | ok i found it thankyou very much |
01:05:36 | Bigred84 | also by the way i am delorean90 over at rockbox.org ;) |
01:05:57 | Alonea | good luck Bigred84! |
01:06:02 | | Join JavaMan22 [0] (n=HP_Admin@c-24-61-91-138.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) |
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01:22:48 | | Quit ender` (" Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.") |
01:27:11 | | Nick Everybody is now known as Everybody|away (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) |
01:27:17 | | Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@c-24-19-236-139.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
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01:50:07 | | Join Rori [0] (i=MO-Pants@host-84-9-54-251.bulldogdsl.com) |
01:51:13 | Rori | Hi. I need some info. I am thinking of getting one of these doohickies for my Nano v1 with Rockbox on it. Any idea if it will work? It displays incoming calls on the Nano apparently http://www.datakits.co.uk/store/gear4-black-blueye-bluetooth-mobile-phone-handsfree-fm-radio-rem-p-3193.html |
01:51:42 | Llorean | Rockbox does not work on accessories that require communication with the iPod. |
01:52:08 | Rori | Boo! :( |
01:52:19 | Rori | That's a major bummer |
01:52:39 | Llorean | Well, unfortunately none of the people who seem to want that seem to want it enough to work on it. |
01:52:45 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
01:53:05 | Rori | That is a major flaw in Rockbox perfection |
01:53:11 | Llorean | Accessory support is something that only benefits iPod users, and requires a decent amount of work for a non-core feature, so it's hardly a priority. |
01:53:28 | Llorean | Being open source, though, people who want it are welcome to work on it. They just don't. |
01:53:38 | Rori | or don't know how |
01:53:48 | Llorean | Don't know how can be solved by spending some time learning. |
01:54:32 | Llorean | It can be looked at like "It may take me a long time to learn, and a long time to do, but if I don't do it, it's possible nobody ever will, and 'never' is further away than 'however long it takes giving it the small amount of time I have available'" |
01:54:35 | Rori | oh well may have to get the less attractive unversal inline Bluetooth thingy instead. No fancy communication with the Nano or FM radio though |
01:55:47 | | Quit inversions (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:59:00 | | Quit ompaul ("to sleep perchance to dream") |
03:00 |
03:00:39 | Rori | I wish Sennheiser would make a bluetooth stereo headphone |
03:00:58 | | Quit piroko ("telinit 0") |
03:02:00 | Llorean | I don't think I'd want to listen to audio over bluetooth. |
03:04:48 | Rori | Yeah well that is why I want inline anyhow |
03:05:08 | Rori | So I can still take a call but listen to my normal headphones with a direct connection |
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03:32:51 | Arathis | two questions: 1. wasn't there talk about ogg support for recording? 2. is it planned to make a virtualbox image of the rockbox-debian compiling evironment? |
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03:34:46 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@adsl-70-133-170-172.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) |
03:35:33 | aliask | Arathis: I think the conclusion for 1. was that it was too CPU intensive to be any use |
03:35:38 | aliask | And I don't know about 2. |
03:35:48 | Llorean | I don't think anyone's tried 1 yet. |
03:35:59 | Llorean | The conclusion is "sure, if someone gets it working", I imagine. |
03:36:06 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) |
03:36:09 | aliask | Isn't it always :) |
03:36:14 | Arathis | ^^ |
03:36:15 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
03:36:17 | Llorean | For #2, nobody really "planned" to make the VMWare one. Someone just went and did it. |
03:36:32 | Arathis | oh, okay |
03:37:02 | | Quit billytwowilly (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:37:15 | Arathis | I just thought virtualbox is at least as good as vmware + open source so it would match better to rockbox |
03:37:58 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) |
03:38:11 | Arathis | and it's said to be faster (haven't tried it myself). but i don't know if there is a windows or mac version |
03:39:34 | Llorean | Arathis: Supposedly the VMWare player is open source too, though I don't know the licensing. |
03:40:21 | Arathis | the player, yes, but not the workstation |
03:40:49 | Arathis | which doesn't affect the rockbox image, i know |
03:40:56 | piroko | vmware server is free |
03:41:37 | Llorean | It looks like part of the VMWare workstation source is available, dunno how much it is. "Modified source" |
03:49:46 | | Quit secleinteer () |
03:57:05 | | Join ber1 [0] (n=Benni@blfd-4db5093b.pool.einsundeins.de) |
03:58:54 | | Quit robin0800 (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") |
04:00 |
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04:09:57 | | Join daniel1234 [0] (n=daniel_r@68.119-67-202.dart.iprimus.net.au) |
04:13:43 | daniel1234 | I have installed cygwin how do I edit the profile file with nano |
04:14:30 | daniel1234 | how do I open nano |
04:14:50 | n17ikh|Lappy | usually you type nano |
04:14:53 | n17ikh|Lappy | nano /etc/profile |
04:15:49 | daniel1234 | So do I just type nano straight into cygwin |
04:16:18 | n17ikh|Lappy | yes. |
04:16:27 | n17ikh|Lappy | nano is a command line editor |
04:16:56 | | Quit zylche (Remote closed the connection) |
04:17:05 | daniel1234 | So as soon as I open cygwin I just type nano because it says command not found |
04:17:19 | | Quit pattycakes ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 2.0 Build 3515") |
04:17:42 | | Quit ctaf ("Leaving.") |
04:17:42 | Llorean | daniel1234: Have you installed Nano with the cygwin setup? |
04:18:15 | daniel1234 | how do I install nano |
04:18:19 | | Join zylche [0] (n=wheee@82-41-83-91.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk) |
04:20:20 | paerez | you guys dont need nano |
04:20:24 | paerez | you could just use notepad |
04:20:58 | ber1 | b |
04:21:02 | | Part ber1 |
04:21:11 | Llorean | paerez: Notepad is often a bad idea, because of line endings. |
04:21:18 | Llorean | Wordpad is okay about preserving them though, I believe. |
04:21:20 | paerez | ah good point |
04:21:25 | daniel1234 | Is nano one of the packages |
04:21:27 | paerez | i just meant they can use a native editor |
04:21:34 | paerez | and browse to C:\Cygwin |
04:21:52 | daniel1234 | can I use wordpad to edit it |
04:22:06 | paerez | yes I think wordpad will be fine |
04:22:51 | daniel1234 | doesn't it say on the web site you can't use notepad or wordpad |
04:24:08 | Llorean | daniel1234: It should say you can't use Notepad for sure, at least. |
04:24:09 | hardeep | wordpad/notepad will add extra line endings as Llorean said |
04:24:24 | daniel1234 | Ok I will try wordpad |
04:24:25 | Llorean | hardeep: I'm pretty sure wordpad will preserve Unix style if the file originally had them. Or it has for me in the past. |
04:24:26 | hardeep | you can use the dos2unix command on cygwin to remove them from the file |
04:24:59 | hardeep | Llorean: hmmm, i haven't tried recently |
04:25:39 | Llorean | hardeep: I've never added a line with it, it's always been an in-line edit though. A case of double clicking on something instead of open-with, and then realizing a little bit later that I got lucky. |
04:26:20 | hardeep | yeah, it may not modify the existing lines... it will probably add dos-style if you create a new line |
04:26:29 | Llorean | I bet it would. |
04:33:28 | | Quit billytwowilly (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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04:35:10 | | Quit daniel1234 ("Freedom Chat - Your Home Away From Home | http://www.freedomchat.org | tIRC script by the Freedom Chat Leets") |
04:36:07 | hardeep | okay, i've come to the conclusion that supporting nested functions for the mac simulator is difficult |
04:36:22 | hardeep | would anyone complain if I remove them? |
04:36:43 | hardeep | the ones in dsp.c aren't really needed and the one in radio.c can be easily changed |
04:40:53 | zylche | Data abort at 000305D4 with the newest build when trying to play music :E |
04:41:09 | zylche | ipod video 5G |
04:41:09 | Llorean | zylche: iPod? |
04:41:18 | Llorean | zylche: Update your bootloader, section 2.2.3 of the manual. |
04:41:29 | zylche | ahh |
04:41:50 | | Quit Rori () |
04:43:13 | zylche | man, I remember the time when you had to manually install the bootloader via linux onto the ipod.. it was fun... |
04:50:58 | | Join CpuWhiz105 [0] (n=eric@cpe-66-87-222-218.co.sprintbbd.net) |
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04:53:47 | zylche | make a backup of the ipod before upating the bootloader, right? |
04:53:51 | Soap | hardeep: Notepad2 is lightweight, and not only preserves unix line-endings, but will do a great job of context highlighting your files. |
04:54:06 | Soap | It's free, small as a newt, and fast as. |
04:58:50 | | Quit CpuWhiz105 (Remote closed the connection) |
05:00 |
05:01:46 | hardeep | I haven't used notepad2 but I have used metapad which does the same thing |
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05:11:15 | hardeep | hmmm, notepad2 is pretty cool with the syntax highlighting... will need to try out |
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05:23:36 | datachild | does rockbox have support for video playback? |
05:23:40 | | Quit chrisjs169 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:24:14 | Llorean | datachild: See the PluginMpegplayer wiki page for the limitations of it currently |
05:26:43 | | Join m_ [0] (n=m@c-67-174-113-141.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
05:27:53 | datachild | oh, okay |
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05:34:10 | piroko | is it bad to keep coming in and out of here? I'm kinda on a nintendo ds... |
05:35:31 | nerve | piroko, if you do it too much, you'll break the internet |
05:35:45 | piroko | NOOOOOO! |
05:35:53 | n17ikh|Lappy | you'll clog the tubes |
05:36:03 | piroko | :( |
05:37:25 | nerve | atleast you'll kill the Boss that way, I heard hes kinda hard. |
05:37:53 | piroko | Which one? |
05:38:33 | n17ikh|Lappy | ah ha |
05:38:38 | n17ikh|Lappy | that's why my video playback was messed up |
05:38:48 | nerve | piroko, level 99 |
05:38:51 | n17ikh|Lappy | the gui encoder I used encoded it to 160x120 |
05:38:52 | nerve | why is that? |
05:39:05 | n17ikh|Lappy | but 120 is not a multiple of 16 |
05:39:11 | n17ikh|Lappy | so there was dead space |
05:39:19 | n17ikh|Lappy | which was throwing libmpeg off |
05:39:25 | * | piroko ducks for fear of Llorean's killer on topic tendencies |
05:39:44 | n17ikh|Lappy | maybe I'll drop it into virtual dub and black out part of it so it becomes 160x128 |
05:40:24 | | Part nls |
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05:41:21 | | Quit Arathis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
05:42:02 | n17ikh|Lappy | oh lawdy, that's an error in the wiki |
05:42:10 | n17ikh|Lappy | the video SHOULD be 160x120 |
05:42:21 | | Join jjore [0] (n=josh@c66-235-10-26.sea2.cablespeed.com) |
05:42:21 | n17ikh|Lappy | 160x128 is 5:4 |
05:43:27 | n17ikh|Lappy | urgh, can't correct it |
05:43:50 | Soap | Call me if you notice an 8 pixel bust in aspect ratio |
05:44:35 | n17ikh|Lappy | well, there should be a note that it's really 5:4 |
05:44:46 | n17ikh|Lappy | and that if you want 4:3 video to be encoded into this you need to black-bar it |
05:45:25 | Llorean | n17ikh|Lappy: What page is the wiki error on, exactly? |
05:45:26 | Soap | for 8 pixels on a sample proof-of-concept video? |
05:45:38 | Soap | a 6% stretch? |
05:45:39 | Llorean | Soap: Resolution have to be a multiple of 16 for MPEG-2 anyway, I think |
05:45:42 | n17ikh|Lappy | PluginMpegPlayer |
05:45:43 | n17ikh|Lappy | they do |
05:45:59 | n17ikh|Lappy | so it's technically correct that fullscreen 4:3 video will have to be encoded into that |
05:46:11 | Llorean | n17ikh|Lappy: Yes |
05:46:13 | n17ikh|Lappy | but it should at least specify that that is not actually 4:3 ratio |
05:46:24 | Llorean | n17ikh|Lappy: Also, 4:3 as a ratio of number of pixels only makes sense on the assumption of square pixels |
05:46:32 | n17ikh|Lappy | most pixels are |
05:46:35 | Llorean | A 4:3 ratio (visible) screen can have any pixel ratio you want. |
05:47:52 | Soap | see SVCD @ 480x480 |
05:47:54 | n17ikh|Lappy | but I bet that's why I had that mirror image problem |
05:48:09 | n17ikh|Lappy | the video encoded into 160x120 |
05:48:20 | Llorean | You can't encode MPEG at 160x120, 120 isn't a multiple of 16 |
05:48:22 | n17ikh|Lappy | which plays in a full-featured player but in a simpler one it can't correct for that |
05:48:35 | n17ikh|Lappy | well, I've got a 160x120 mpeg-2 video right here |
05:48:56 | n17ikh|Lappy | it's probably specified in metadata the actual size, and has 8 wasted pixels |
05:49:18 | n17ikh|Lappy | would be my guess, I don't know the actual implementation |
05:49:29 | Llorean | It's probably not technically compliant with the standard then |
05:50:36 | n17ikh|Lappy | it was encoded with a gui to mencoder, I don't know what options it used |
05:51:08 | Soap | regardless, as that is neither here nor there, you said you had trouble with the160x128 Elephant's dream Wiki encode? |
05:51:34 | n17ikh|Lappy | no, I didn't say that |
05:51:59 | n17ikh|Lappy | these videos are stuff I'm testing with, not elephant's dream |
05:52:06 | | Quit secleinteer () |
05:52:12 | n17ikh|Lappy | though using elephant's dream is a good idea as it's a nice hi-def source |
05:52:17 | Soap | ok, that's how I understood "<n17ikh|Lappy> that's why my video playback was messed up" |
05:52:23 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@adsl-70-133-170-172.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) |
05:52:33 | n17ikh|Lappy | note I didn't say elephant's dream anywhere there :p |
05:52:54 | n17ikh|Lappy | I'm just testing it out. |
05:52:55 | n17ikh|Lappy | I know it |
05:52:56 | n17ikh|Lappy | er |
05:53:06 | n17ikh|Lappy | I know it's nowhere near being complete, I'm just messing around |
05:53:37 | | Quit Slickire ("CGI:IRC") |
05:54:07 | n17ikh|Lappy | ok, I thought this video was longer, it's just 3 minutes |
05:54:11 | n17ikh|Lappy | played the whole thing pretty nicely though |
05:57:27 | jjore | When building rockbox for the Video iPod, is it normal to see messages like "relocation truncated to fit: R_ARM_PC24 against ..."? I also saw "additional relocation overflows omitted from the output" and then the LD failed. :-( |
05:59:00 | | Join EnR_N [0] (n=chatzill@208.sub-70-200-19.myvzw.com) |
06:00 |
06:01:21 | Llorean | jjore: No, it's not normal for the build to fail. |
06:05:54 | piroko | the ifp 790 build fails too:( |
06:07:11 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
06:07:17 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
06:09:11 | | Join daniel1234 [0] (n=daniel_r@68.119-67-202.dart.iprimus.net.au) |
06:09:31 | Llorean | piroko: The iFP build is kinda in flux. You'll notice it's not a supported target. |
06:09:33 | EnR_N | anyone know the tech specs (as in processor speed, memory) for the Ipod and Gigabeat? |
06:09:36 | Llorean | Much like the Tatung Elio "build" and others |
06:09:45 | piroko | Ah |
06:09:59 | daniel1234 | its seams that I can now compile but where should my patch be when I am going to add it what dir |
06:10:08 | daniel1234 | I am using cygwin |
06:10:44 | Llorean | daniel1234: Anywhere you want it to. |
06:10:51 | Soap | EnR_N: ipods = 32 or 64 MB of ram and a dual ARM7 core which rockbox runs at 75Mhz (max) each. Gigabeat = ARM @ 300 and 32MB of RAM. |
06:10:54 | | Quit piroko ("DSOrganize IRC") |
06:11:12 | daniel1234 | so in the build folder under the source folder |
06:11:18 | EnR_N | How come Mpeg plugin runs so much faster in gigabeat? |
06:11:36 | Soap | 2x75 < 300 |
06:11:38 | EnR_N | even at higher resolution |
06:11:42 | Llorean | daniel1234: As long as you know where it is for when you're actually running the patch command, it's not needed after you patch. |
06:12:34 | EnR_N | :P oops |
06:12:59 | EnR_N | but more ram 0.0 which version has the 64mb? |
06:13:04 | EnR_N | (iod) |
06:13:28 | daniel1234 | so I put the diff file in the build folder that is under the source folder and navigate to the build dir then what do I do |
06:13:33 | Soap | these aren't PCs, and even on PCs, RAM only helps speed when it saves thrashing your L4 cache (HD) |
06:14:50 | Llorean | EnR_N: RAM has very little to do with performance in Rockbox. |
06:15:09 | Llorean | It mostly just has to do with "How often do we have to spin up the disk?" |
06:15:12 | EnR_N | Ah hmm - Gotcha. |
06:15:34 | EnR_N | Yeah , though doesn't more RAM = more battery life |
06:16:32 | Soap | which, really, is no different than a PC. The RAM=speed thing is a moden misconception based upon mega-megabyte OSs and apps always swapping to disk. |
06:17:24 | daniel1234 | I ran the patch command and tried to add my patch and it gave an error does anyone know what the problem is |
06:17:32 | EnR_N | Oh . Also I have a question (plz):for the mpeg plugins rebuffering- it quotes "Rebuffering - mpegplayer just buffers as much video as it can fit into your player's memory, plays it and then stops. It doesn't refill the buffer and continue playing." |
06:17:49 | EnR_N | in here does the memory mean the RAM of the current device? |
06:18:30 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
06:18:33 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@adsl-75-45-242-140.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) |
06:19:21 | Soap | yes, RAM minus whatever part Rockbox has put to use elsewhere. |
06:19:45 | Soap | daniel1234: paste the errors to pastebin.ca, not to the channel, if you want diagnosis of them. |
06:19:45 | EnR_N | dang.. |
06:20:17 | daniel1234 | I will just ask on the mailing list anyway |
06:20:24 | | Quit daniel1234 ("Freedom Chat - Your Home Away From Home | http://www.freedomchat.org | tIRC script by the Freedom Chat Leets") |
06:20:43 | Soap | is pastebin.ca that hard? ;) |
06:20:51 | | Join webguest75 [0] (i=ca437744@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fcd9c34c65f41d46) |
06:22:55 | | Quit webguest75 (Client Quit) |
06:34:31 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
06:42:21 | | Quit secleinteer () |
06:42:49 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@adsl-70-133-170-172.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) |
06:43:51 | Llorean | EnR_N: More RAM doesn't necessarily mean more battery life. More RAM means the disk has to spend more time spinning to fill the RAM, and if you skip audio a lot, it means you wast a lot of time buffering (and thus a lot of battery). |
06:44:14 | Llorean | More RAM only really means more battery life if you follow appropriate usage habits for that extended buffer. |
06:44:29 | EnR_N | Llorean: thanks for the reply ^_^ |
06:45:21 | EnR_N | I understand |
06:47:32 | jjore | You know, I would have thought memory was also a battery life cost because it also draws. |
06:49:00 | Llorean | jjore: Compared to spinning up an HD, or keeping it spinning until you need the data, the ratio's highly in favour of the memory |
06:50:40 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=chatzill@d206-116-143-29.bchsia.telus.net) |
06:51:19 | jjore | Yes, I imagine. I just don't think it comes at zero cost. |
06:52:17 | Llorean | It's non-zero, because RAM is volatile of course, but it's a benefit in most cases. |
06:52:31 | Llorean | Though now that you mention it, it's too bad you can't shut down some of it on the flash based players. :) |
06:53:07 | n17ikh|Lappy | wow, video is sexy |
06:53:26 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848661.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
06:53:28 | n17ikh|Lappy | when it does this, it plays video on one core and audio on the other? |
06:54:03 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
06:54:41 | Llorean | Yes |
06:54:46 | n17ikh|Lappy | that was an interesting error |
06:54:49 | | Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h162n1fls34o1010.telia.com) |
06:54:54 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) |
06:55:09 | n17ikh|Lappy | the screen timed out and when I pressed a button to make it come back up it came back with odd coloring and strange contrast issues |
06:55:22 | n17ikh|Lappy | reason I ask is because the audio quality is awful |
06:55:31 | n17ikh|Lappy | does it use a different audio renderer? |
06:55:37 | n17ikh|Lappy | than the music player, I mean |
06:55:51 | n17ikh|Lappy | seems like it's clipping |
06:56:56 | Llorean | n17ikh|Lappy: When is your build dated? |
06:57:03 | n17ikh|Lappy | yesterday |
06:57:28 | Llorean | Which SVN revision? |
06:57:41 | JdGordon | [15:52] <Llorean> Though now that you mention it, it's too bad you can't shut down some of it on the flash based players. :) <- why would you want to? its the whole chip drawing XmA.. not each bit drawing some small fraction of the whole.... |
06:58:17 | Llorean | JdGordon: I realized after I said that, it'd depend on there being 2x16 rather than 1x32 |
06:58:22 | JdGordon | and i imzgine the DRAM is still faster/less power than the flash drive... |
06:58:25 | n17ikh|Lappy | r12893-070322 |
06:58:32 | * | JdGordon thinks its 1x32... |
06:58:34 | n17ikh|Lappy | according to the boot screen |
06:59:09 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
06:59:17 | n17ikh|Lappy | oh, guess that's like 3 days ago |
06:59:18 | n17ikh|Lappy | actually |
06:59:21 | Llorean | JdGordon: The trick is, you don't spin up the flash drive, or spin it down. So, you read each bit once from flash to ram, so it doesn't matter how much ram you have free, because of the lack of spinup, right? |
06:59:30 | | Join scorche [0] (i=scorche@adsl-67-127-102-222.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) |
06:59:35 | Llorean | n17ikh|Lappy: You're exactly one revision prior to the clipping fix for mpegplayer |
06:59:44 | n17ikh|Lappy | ah, neato |
07:00 |
07:00:30 | Llorean | JdGordon: I know we've got someone who was running with a 1mb audio buffer (and gigantic plugin buffer, so that jpeg viewer and such didn't ever stop playback) without noticeable problems or battery life change on the Nano, if I recall |
07:00:41 | n17ikh|Lappy | looks like I set the bitrates on these encodes a little high |
07:00:49 | n17ikh|Lappy | they're about twice the size of the one that played alright |
07:00:55 | n17ikh|Lappy | these have some framerate issues |
07:03:43 | JdGordon | Llorean: yeah, that sounds like something which would be usefull, but increase the voice buffer to 10mb to have nice voice instead of the fast one we have noe |
07:03:46 | JdGordon | now* |
07:04:04 | Llorean | JdGordon: Flash players have a lot more flexibility with what to use that RAM for, I guess. |
07:04:12 | JdGordon | yep |
07:05:51 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:05:52 | * | JdGordon has an afternoo nap :p stupid 6am wakeup |
07:05:54 | JdGordon | ttyl |
07:06:13 | n17ikh|Lappy | well, it still sounds like crap |
07:06:24 | n17ikh|Lappy | and now it's playing at about 5x speed |
07:06:26 | n17ikh|Lappy | or... something |
07:06:46 | | Join Insectoid [0] (n=boinkboi@adsl-220-144-45.gnv.bellsouth.net) |
07:06:51 | Llorean | "sounds like crap" doesn't mean anything to me... |
07:07:02 | n17ikh|Lappy | scratchy audio |
07:07:10 | n17ikh|Lappy | I'd record it for you if I could |
07:07:36 | Llorean | What player are you on? |
07:07:47 | n17ikh|Lappy | H10 |
07:07:49 | n17ikh|Lappy | 20gb |
07:07:59 | Llorean | What is the audio encoded at? |
07:08:04 | n17ikh|Lappy | 128kbit |
07:08:11 | Llorean | Sample rate? |
07:08:15 | | Quit qwx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:08:20 | n17ikh|Lappy | 44100hz |
07:08:38 | Llorean | It shouldn't sound odd then. =/ |
07:09:08 | n17ikh|Lappy | I'll let you know how dialog sounds in a minute |
07:09:34 | n17ikh|Lappy | full of scratching |
07:09:54 | n17ikh|Lappy | also, a fix where it made the screen stay on would be nice |
07:09:58 | n17ikh|Lappy | it's timing out |
07:09:59 | Llorean | "Scratching" really doesn't mean anything to me. |
07:10:06 | n17ikh|Lappy | like I said |
07:10:09 | n17ikh|Lappy | I'd record it if I could. |
07:10:10 | Llorean | People use it to describe a variety of different sounds. |
07:10:21 | n17ikh|Lappy | rattle, like a blown speaker |
07:10:31 | Llorean | What's your volume set at? |
07:10:31 | n17ikh|Lappy | at dialog, non-clippy levels |
07:10:38 | n17ikh|Lappy | low? -46 |
07:11:03 | Llorean | Is this Elephant's Dream that sounds like this? |
07:11:06 | n17ikh|Lappy | no, it is not. |
07:11:12 | Llorean | Does Elephant's Dream sound like this? |
07:11:20 | n17ikh|Lappy | I'll let you know when I download it |
07:12:28 | n17ikh|Lappy | well, that is interesting |
07:12:47 | n17ikh|Lappy | the screen timeout came along and shut off, and when I pressed the volume button to make it come back, it inverted the colors again |
07:15:33 | | Join poco153 [0] (i=9b5c69be@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-609ca009f0159cb3) |
07:16:32 | Llorean | Do you have the lcd sleep option enabled? |
07:17:01 | n17ikh|Lappy | yep, elephant's dream sounds like it |
07:17:36 | n17ikh|Lappy | and yes, I have the LCD set to sleep after a certain time |
07:18:06 | poco153 | Is anybody aroudn that's fimiliar with the Sandisk Sansa e200 port? I can't seem to get it to play FLAC or OGG, and I haven't been able to find a list of supported codecs for this port... |
07:18:35 | n17ikh|Lappy | anyone else here have an iriver H10 20gb? |
07:18:50 | n17ikh|Lappy | (this is unrelated to video playback, btw) |
07:18:58 | n17ikh|Lappy | seems like there's a pretty high noise floor |
07:19:13 | n17ikh|Lappy | I can hear the scroll bar through my earbuds |
07:20:04 | n17ikh|Lappy | seems like I can hear something that sounds like the cpu clocking up and down too |
07:20:14 | n17ikh|Lappy | that might be something that the hardware itself is causing though |
07:21:09 | n17ikh|Lappy | the screen refreshing makes noise too :/ |
07:21:18 | n17ikh|Lappy | I can't imagine an audio chip in an audio player being this noisy :( |
07:21:21 | Llorean | n17ikh|Lappy: Try disabling the LCD sleep, so it's just the backlight going off. |
07:21:41 | Llorean | Many portable players are very, very noisy. |
07:21:55 | n17ikh|Lappy | that's terrible |
07:21:56 | Llorean | poco153: That's because there's not a per-port list. |
07:22:13 | n17ikh|Lappy | ah, I had forgotten LCD sleep and backlight time are seperate |
07:22:34 | Llorean | n17ikh|Lappy: People aren't generally willing to pay for the additional cost. As long as apple sells their iPods at a certain price point, it's not economical to sell players of the same capacity that cost significantly more for something 95% of the population won't hear. |
07:22:36 | n17ikh|Lappy | yeah, seems like after it times out if I pressed it immediately (not giving it time for LCD sleep) it came back normally |
07:22:57 | Llorean | n17ikh|Lappy: the Mpeg Player draws to the screen in a different way I believe, and I suspect the sleep interferes with it, is all. |
07:23:04 | n17ikh|Lappy | you're probably right |
07:23:06 | Llorean | THe backlight should've been permanently on in it anyway, I thought it was. |
07:23:10 | n17ikh|Lappy | I did too |
07:23:16 | n17ikh|Lappy | I think it was in the old build, I tested it |
07:23:24 | n17ikh|Lappy | maybe something got disabled in the new build? |
07:26:26 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc3-rdng11-0-0-cust229.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
07:26:38 | | Join tri170391 [0] (n=tri17039@ |
07:27:24 | | Quit pondlife (Client Quit) |
07:27:25 | poco153 | Llorean: Is it safe to assume that ogg and flac support are working on the sansa port, then? |
07:31:06 | n17ikh|Lappy | sadly, the noise level seems to come from the player's cpu itself |
07:31:19 | n17ikh|Lappy | unplugging from A/C and letting the screen shut off makes no difference |
07:31:29 | n17ikh|Lappy | oh well. |
07:31:49 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) |
07:32:55 | Llorean | poco153: Yes, it should work on all players but the archos ones. |
07:34:18 | poco153 | Alright. I got it to play an ogg, but it refuses to see it in the database... Can I force it to refresh somehow? |
07:35:45 | Llorean | You can initialize again |
07:35:53 | Llorean | Or delete the database files, and then initialize again |
07:36:06 | Llorean | But if it didn't show up on the first scan, that usually suggests there's something wrong about the tags on your oggs. |
07:36:19 | poco153 | Alright, I'll give that a try |
07:36:20 | poco153 | thanks! |
07:41:06 | EnR_N | Any clues as to why the Database sometimes "skips" some tracks while initializing with the ItunesDB |
07:41:07 | | Quit poco153 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
07:42:04 | EnR_N | My tags are in perfect shape - I also tried using the itunedb to tagcache converter.. but rockbox doesn't seem to read the files |
07:42:47 | Llorean | EnR_N: Are you sure your definition of perfect shape matches Rockbox's definition? |
07:43:22 | EnR_N | yes .. all in idv2.3 encoded by tag&cache .. |
07:43:40 | EnR_N | I have manually inspected all ... 2021.. |
07:44:11 | EnR_N | ...what is rockbox's definition ? |
07:44:22 | Llorean | A couple questions then: 1) No album art in the tags, and 2) If you play the file from the filetree, does the metadata show up in the WPS? |
07:45:39 | EnR_N | 1) est. of 40% have album art 2) .. filetree? you mean manually finding the song in file viewer? |
07:45:48 | Llorean | Yes, in the file viewer. |
07:45:51 | EnR_N | if so then yes . |
07:46:23 | Llorean | Do the files that don't get added to the database all have album art/ |
07:46:24 | Llorean | ? |
07:46:33 | EnR_N | nope. |
07:47:08 | EnR_N | I have found a list of them ... they are not it the same folder. ONE has a japanese title- though I changed it but still no go |
07:48:05 | Llorean | So several of them do not have album art? |
07:48:28 | EnR_N | yes . |
07:49:01 | Llorean | Then it's a problem nobody else has. |
07:49:14 | EnR_N | In fact . wps does not show album art - - .. |
07:49:20 | EnR_N | Ahh . . |
07:49:23 | Llorean | Wait, are you running a patched build? |
07:49:40 | EnR_N | I am running the nofreqscaling build - |
07:49:48 | EnR_N | Since it is the only one that works for photo (4g) ipod |
07:50:39 | Llorean | Are there any other patches on the build? |
07:50:46 | EnR_N | no. |
07:50:59 | | Quit chrisjs169|brb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:51:08 | EnR_N | It is exactly the same as the current build except he turned scaling freq off (in the author's words) |
07:51:17 | Llorean | Well, current as of when he made the build. |
07:52:09 | Llorean | Either way, you should try to find a correlating factor for the MP3s that don't work and/or file a bug report if you can manage to reproduce the problem. |
07:52:20 | EnR_N | Ok . |
07:53:52 | | Quit EnR_N ("User is away.") |
08:00 |
08:01:16 | JdGordon | *grooan* |
08:04:03 | | Join Entasis_ [0] (n=Jarred@ |
08:04:31 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:04:59 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B9636C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:10:03 | | Quit tri170391 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Leading Edge IRC") |
08:13:00 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
08:17:45 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B17C50.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:22:10 | | Quit Entasis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:25:29 | Insectoid | Are any coders awake and unoccupied enough to do something that I believe might be relatively simple? Resynching patch 5111, the Ipod Piezo Driver, with current svn. |
08:25:53 | Soap | menu code out of date? |
08:26:17 | | Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
08:27:03 | Insectoid | Along with other things. |
08:28:59 | Llorean | Insectoid: A tip, never, ever suggest something might be relatively simple unless you have a firm basis to believe it is (and even then don't) because the most likely response is "If it's simple, go ahead 'n do it" |
08:29:49 | Insectoid | Llorean: I thought about that after I said it... Thank you though. |
08:30:35 | Llorean | We get a lot of people who think something might be relatively simple that is in no way simple whatsoever, is all. :) |
08:30:58 | Llorean | How many hunks fail, out of curiosity? |
08:32:18 | Insectoid | I have been using 6490, which has been doing the job and beeping in lists, making it oodles easier to navigate with speech, but now that's desynched. So I've come looking for help to get the more capable 5111 done. A majority. |
08:33:29 | Insectoid | The most obvious was it not finding the file for the settings menu, then some messing up in settings.c that I guessed was when the switch to the .cfg was made instead of the hidden sector. |
08:34:11 | Llorean | Well a lot of both the settings and menu system have been overhauled. |
08:35:01 | Drumr | do the rockbox standard builds include COP support? because the plasma plugin ran alot faster with a recent rockbox build than with a non-COP build... also... does the standard build include 64mb am support (all for 5g ipod, 60gb) |
08:35:25 | Llorean | Drumr: Standard builds have included COP support for a while now, yes. |
08:35:33 | Soap | no to 64 MB. |
08:35:39 | Llorean | That's why the task is closed as accepted for the COP patch. |
08:35:41 | Drumr | ok |
08:35:46 | Drumr | ah, i see |
08:35:55 | Llorean | Accepted means "it's in SVN now" |
08:36:01 | Drumr | yea, cool |
08:36:11 | | Join _Zaphod_ [0] (i=Eanmig@ |
08:38:27 | Insectoid | Llorean: Can you give me a suggestion as what to do about getting Piezo back? It is, in my opinion at least, a quite useful feature, and simplifies navigation in the menus and file lists. |
08:39:10 | Llorean | Insectoid: Post to the patch entry asking if anyone would be willing to resync it, and hope that people 'watching' the task show an interest. |
08:39:22 | Llorean | Anyone who has it on their watch list should receive an email when you post a comment |
08:39:36 | Insectoid | Thank you. |
08:42:14 | | Part Llorean |
08:49:33 | Insectoid | Ah blah posted comment to 6490 instead of 5111. I'm going to attempt to synch this myself −− this should be interesting. |
08:50:21 | | Join rekahsoft [0] (n=rekahsof@node-2945.tor.pppoe.execulink.com) |
08:50:23 | | Quit webguest54 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
08:50:24 | rekahsoft | hi all |
08:50:45 | rekahsoft | how do i switch between the stock firmware and rockbox? |
08:50:54 | rekahsoft | what are the keys to do so (on a video ipod) |
08:51:13 | rekahsoft | ? |
08:52:19 | rekahsoft | nvm |
08:52:24 | rekahsoft | i figured it out :D |
08:52:25 | Soap | menu + select to force a reb, ok. |
08:53:40 | rekahsoft | thanks |
08:53:42 | | Part rekahsoft |
08:55:05 | | Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) |
09:00 |
09:01:22 | | Join jhulst [0] (i=470a015c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-baa8e9e9a2ca927d) |
09:03:10 | Insectoid | Soap, may I message you privately? |
09:03:18 | Soap | yes |
09:03:32 | | Quit _Zaphod_ () |
09:05:54 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:18:21 | * | amiconn wants automatic dst switching in rockbox on rtc targets |
09:19:36 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
09:20:52 | scorche | amiconn: is there anyway to disable that annoying "free advertising" quit messages in hydra? |
09:21:18 | amiconn | Only if you quit using /quit <your_own_message> |
09:21:35 | | Join stoffel [0] (n=sfr@p57b4fb80.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:21:45 | scorche | so that would be a no? |
09:23:23 | | Quit hardeep ("Leaving") |
09:23:42 | Soap | little hex editor never hurt no one. |
09:24:28 | | Quit amiconn (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Leading Edge IRC") |
09:24:44 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD7284.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:24:45 | | Quit jhulst ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
09:25:13 | Insectoid | Yech |
09:25:35 | scorche | hrm...i will look into it more...i just started using hydra |
09:27:15 | Insectoid | Damnit.co.uk |
09:27:55 | Insectoid | I just don't grok this stuff. Maybe if I could just go hunt down the code that's executed when scrolling through a list I could add in a beep. Or something. |
09:30:02 | JdGordon | amiconn: automatic dst? as in have a list of all dst's and let the user choose the timezone? or the way my phone does it and just have an option for dst off/+1/+2 hours? |
09:30:36 | amiconn | The former, but that's probably overkill |
09:31:06 | JdGordon | yeah :) the 2nd is nice n simple to do tho |
09:33:22 | amiconn | Just a +1 offset doesn't make much sense though. If you need to switch manually anyway you can just use the time setting screen |
09:33:35 | * | amiconn had to adjust 4 targets :p |
09:41:20 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@rockbox/administrator/Llorean) |
09:49:10 | * | JdGordon hasnt done his comp yet... stupid thing isnt automatic :'( |
09:50:21 | JdGordon | wtf? why does changing the clock stop amarok playing my music?! |
09:50:36 | JdGordon | no, it seems to have crashed it coimpletyl! |
09:50:53 | Bagder | you change dst too today? |
09:51:08 | JdGordon | last night |
09:51:16 | JdGordon | we go back to winter time... |
09:51:27 | Bagder | I'm just surprised we do it on the same day |
09:51:54 | Bagder | dst is so magicly weird and custom all over... |
09:52:08 | JdGordon | so your gmt+2 now? |
09:52:12 | Bagder | yes |
09:52:57 | JdGordon | 9.52am says my clock.. correct? |
09:53:04 | Bagder | correct |
09:53:12 | JdGordon | alrighty then :) |
09:53:23 | amiconn | 3 minutes off... |
09:53:49 | JdGordon | close enough |
09:54:05 | Bagder | hm, it wasn't 3 minutes off here ;-) |
09:54:20 | * | JdGordon just synced with ntp.. so amiconn is prob off :p |
09:54:28 | amiconn | hmm? |
09:54:31 | amiconn | weird |
09:54:31 | Bagder | yup, I'm synced too |
09:54:44 | amiconn | this box is supposed to sync via ntp too... |
09:55:03 | JdGordon | oh well... |
09:55:18 | amiconn | rrrr |
09:55:24 | | Join Redbreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-134-208-199.range86-134.btcentralplus.com) |
09:55:29 | JdGordon | hang on.. dont you have 6 months of sunlight now? or not quite north enough? |
09:55:38 | JdGordon | why the heck do you need DST? |
09:55:45 | * | JdGordon freeking hates dst :'( |
09:55:50 | Bagder | the dst is to adjust the daylight "better" |
09:56:07 | Bagder | personally, I think the dst zone is better for us all year around |
09:56:38 | Bagder | but no, to get constant sunshine you need to be further up north |
09:57:22 | Bagder | but then otoh, they get constant darkness in winter... |
09:59:30 | amiconn | I would hate the latter... |
09:59:49 | Galois | you (by which I mean a country, state, whatever) can simulate the effects of DST without changing clocks, by, you know, getting up earlier ... |
10:00 |
10:00:17 | Bagder | if you live alone with no contact with other humans, sure |
10:00:39 | Galois | there's nothing stopping other humans from doing it at the same time as you! |
10:01:09 | Bagder | right, but then the there's no reason for time zones either with that logic |
10:01:23 | Galois | true, I'm against local time zones too |
10:01:32 | Bagder | "internet time" |
10:01:55 | amiconn | Windows is sometimes weird. The timer service obviously doesn't retry ntp resynchronisation if it wasn't able to synchronise too often |
10:02:15 | * | JdGordon is glad he doesnt live in coolangatta on the qld/nsw border... qld doesnt have dst and nsw does.. so it gets wierd :p |
10:02:19 | Galois | my own time zone is GMT-5 no matter where I am ... |
10:02:22 | Llorean | Time zones are useful for comparing what relative "part of the day" you're in. DST doesn't really have a "use" except the theory that it saves energy, which apparently seems up for debate now. |
10:02:52 | JdGordon | isnt dst so you have more chance to enjoy the summer sun after work? |
10:02:55 | Bagder | in Sweden the arguments for DST is mostly said to be to use the daylight better |
10:03:15 | * | JdGordon has deja vu from ~6months ago :p |
10:03:16 | Galois | I can sorta kinda see a reason for changing clocks for the summers on the grounds that summer and winter sunlight patterns differ. It's a bad reason (to me) but at least I can see a reason. |
10:03:38 | Galois | However, when the discussion shifts in the direction of "year round dst" or similar nonsense, that to me is just a ridiculous idea |
10:03:56 | Llorean | Bagder: But the daylight gradually shifts as the year goes on anyway. Why not have businesses open at the X:30 that's halfway between the DST and non-DST times, and be done with it? |
10:03:59 | Llorean | :) |
10:04:12 | Bagder | I agree |
10:04:19 | Bagder | I'm all for skipping the DST madness |
10:04:31 | Bagder | but I want to get stuck in GMT+2 then please ;-) |
10:04:37 | Galois | the united states was more or less fine with 6 months of daylight saving[s] time |
10:04:45 | Galois | then our idiotic president went and screwed it up to 8 months |
10:04:50 | Galois | I don't like this trend |
10:04:52 | Llorean | As far as it affects me, DST just means that once a year I'm late for everything for a day, and once a year I'm early. |
10:05:05 | Bagder | but don't the US states have individual DST? some don't have it, right? |
10:05:14 | Llorean | Bagder: I think just Arizona doesn't. |
10:05:33 | Galois | indiana has 15 different time zones so if you install linux there's a whole menu of time zones just for indiana |
10:05:37 | JdGordon | you have 50 states and only 1 doesnt have dst? :O |
10:05:50 | Bagder | 15?! |
10:05:51 | Galois | but indiana and arizona are unworthy anyway, so they don't count |
10:06:09 | Bagder | I don't think even russia has 15 |
10:06:19 | Galois | [root@t31:~]# rpm -ql tzdata | grep -i indiana | wc |
10:06:19 | Galois | 33 33 1524 |
10:06:24 | Bagder | hahaha |
10:07:17 | Llorean | JdGordon: Arizona and Hawaii of the 50 states. |
10:07:26 | Bagder | well, at least DST keeps us all debating and arguing a lot |
10:07:36 | JdGordon | http://www.seizethedaylight.com/dst/ the first paragrap is great :) |
10:08:48 | JdGordon | seems it was to save energy... |
10:09:33 | Bagder | "The extra afternoon daylight also cuts overall traffic accident rates" |
10:09:39 | Bagder | (according to wikipedia) |
10:12:23 | JdGordon | so umm... should we put in a simple DST setting? or not bother? |
10:13:01 | Bagder | http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/DaylightSaving-World-Subdivisions.png |
10:13:20 | Bagder | blue has DST, red never had it, orange once had |
10:13:34 | Bagder | JdGordon: I say don't bother |
10:13:42 | Llorean | It looks like *parts* of Arizona observe it? |
10:13:49 | JdGordon | that map is wrong... |
10:14:03 | Bagder | it is pointed to from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time |
10:14:03 | Llorean | I hate the idea of driving North or South and finding myself in a different time zone |
10:14:12 | JdGordon | western austrlia trialed it once or twice IIRC and apparently do have it now |
10:14:26 | Bagder | Llorean: for entire countries I can accept that |
10:14:38 | * | JdGordon loves the west wing episodee where DST screws them :) |
10:14:54 | | Quit stoffel ("leaving") |
10:15:12 | Llorean | Bagder: Man, I hate the idea of driving around in my own country just to discover the laws have changed because I'm in a new county or state. |
10:15:24 | Bagder | I can understand that |
10:15:39 | Llorean | Now I see I have more time zone concerns than I thought about. :) |
10:15:49 | * | Llorean should just go find himself an island somewhere |
10:17:00 | JdGordon | rockbox should have bought sealand... |
10:17:15 | Llorean | Hahaha, I don't think we have the donations to support that one. :-P |
10:17:20 | JdGordon | or a small retired aircraft carrier.. |
10:26:12 | scorche | we should start saving up then! |
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11:17:19 | Insectoid | Whoops? |
11:18:28 | Insectoid | I got the thing to compile with a strange mix of code from two different piezo patches. Then when I booted it, scrolling forward resulted in an extremely high-pitched beep that refused to stop. Think I'll try that again. |
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11:53:33 | Insectoid | Has the HZ variable thinggy been removed or changed in some strange way that would make sleep(duration_ms*HZ/1000); |
11:53:42 | Insectoid | break? |
11:57:03 | | Quit pixelma ("lunch bbl") |
11:57:51 | Slasheri | ms sleeps are not possible because timer is not that high resolution |
11:58:08 | Slasheri | shortest possible sleep time is 10ms |
11:59:06 | Insectoid | So that might cause it to sleep forever, and thereby generate that incredibly long piezo beep? Is this a new development? The patch worked before. |
11:59:20 | Slasheri | no, it shouldn't cause it to sleep forever |
11:59:45 | Slasheri | maybe there is some other issue |
11:59:50 | Insectoid | Perhaps so |
12:00 |
12:00:05 | Slasheri | the better solution would be not to use sleep at all |
12:00:46 | Slasheri | but just do a delay loop instead |
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12:01:37 | Slasheri | or maybe from isr, using backlight timer for example |
12:02:01 | Insectoid | I'm afraid what's wrong is that I put in the calls to the beep function in the wrong parts of button.c and button_clickwheel.c |
12:02:34 | Slasheri | ah, you should never put those in the ISR routine |
12:02:44 | Slasheri | or core crahses for sure |
12:02:46 | Insectoid | But this might not be the case −− I had to have gotten it right in at least one of them? What happens is whenever I press the scrollwheel or scroll the scrollwheel it starts. And doesn't stop. |
12:03:11 | Insectoid | Well I needed something quick and dirty so that my lists beeped again. |
12:03:25 | | Quit inversions (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:03:30 | Slasheri | put it in button.c where the button event is _read_ |
12:03:38 | Slasheri | not where it's written (queue_post) |
12:04:36 | Insectoid | It's stuck right under |
12:04:37 | Insectoid | if (!filter_first_keypress || is_backlight_on()) |
12:05:12 | Slasheri | that is the isr (button_tick) |
12:05:16 | Slasheri | you can't put it there |
12:05:24 | Insectoid | Blargh that's where 5111 had it. |
12:05:32 | Slasheri | then it's simply wrong |
12:05:34 | Insectoid | Where should I stick it then? |
12:05:47 | Slasheri | try button_get |
12:06:27 | Insectoid | long button_get(bool block) ? |
12:06:36 | Insectoid | And what about in the clickwheel code? |
12:06:53 | Slasheri | or button_get_w_timeout, just experiment |
12:07:00 | Slasheri | you can't put it there either |
12:07:15 | Slasheri | you need to find out a better solution |
12:08:09 | Insectoid | ... I've learned more c tonight than I have my entire life −− I was proud to just get it to compile. And it takes about twenty-five minutes to compile on my silly 400mhz linux box. So experimentation is very slow. |
12:09:15 | Slasheri | hmm, you should be running linux, that compile time sounds over lengthy |
12:09:43 | Insectoid | I am running Debian −− but it's on an old optiplex. |
12:09:46 | * | Insectoid winces. |
12:09:58 | Slasheri | however, you only need to compile the core, plugins and codecs aren't necessary unless you want to try playing audio |
12:10:21 | Slasheri | and dont "make clean" every time and make sure ccache is installed |
12:10:34 | Slasheri | ah, then it's just very slow |
12:10:43 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC") |
12:11:12 | Insectoid | Ah ccache wasn't installed. that's rectified |
12:11:26 | Insectoid | How do I compile only the core? |
12:11:28 | Slasheri | :) it should make future compiles much faster |
12:12:14 | Slasheri | not sure if there is any flags for that but after you have seen that core is linked (LD something) and compile of codecs/plugins start, just stop processing the Makefile by ctrl-c |
12:12:23 | | Nick Entasis_ is now known as Entasis (n=Jarred@ |
12:12:24 | Slasheri | and then copy rockbox.ipod to the correct place |
12:12:29 | Insectoid | Ah cheers |
12:12:55 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
12:12:58 | Insectoid | So do you have any recommendations for where I should put my beep code? |
12:13:27 | Slasheri | no better ideas yet, you should experiment :) |
12:13:33 | Slasheri | and have fun ;) |
12:13:35 | * | Insectoid nods. |
12:13:55 | Insectoid | Right. It's 06:13. I'm off to bed. Thanks. |
12:14:43 | Slasheri | :) 13:14 here |
12:15:38 | Slasheri | just moved to summer time today, so it's UTC+3 now |
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13:06:38 | Slasheri | preglow: i could send a new cop patch for you to try soon :) |
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13:48:16 | hahaha | wht up yo |
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14:06:58 | *** | Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' |
14:07:49 | | Quit dj-fu (Success) |
14:07:52 | RaRe` | wow |
14:07:55 | RaRe` | netsplit :/ |
14:08:22 | hahaha | wtf\ |
14:16:00 | | Quit voltagex () |
14:21:27 | hahaha | Any1 Com[uter expert here? |
14:21:36 | hahaha | any computer expert here |
14:22:11 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) |
14:22:42 | amiconn | Slasheri: Why is dircache.dat created when not running from flash? That doesn't make sense... |
14:23:41 | | Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@p54BD5C2D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:25:38 | Slasheri | amiconn: hmm, that sounds like a bug |
14:34:54 | JdGordon | evening all |
14:36:30 | | Join Guile [0] (n=xxxxxxxx@ANantes-154-1-103-111.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
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14:43:11 | JdGordon | Bagder: you around? |
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15:13:13 | sbeh | hi, when my laptop is off, i am able to charge my sansa sandisk e260 and hear music, but when it is on (with running freebsd on it) the mp3player goes into this file-transfer mode and i can`t play music even if it is not mountet, how does the usb-interface need to be configured to allow charging it with running my system and hear music |
15:14:09 | linuxstb | You need to hold a button (normally the same as the menu button) whilst inserting the USB cable. This will prevent Rockbox attempting to change to disk mode (which doesn't work anyway on the Sansa yet). |
15:15:44 | sbeh | this 'trick' does not work with original firmware |
15:15:56 | sbeh | who can i help to get rockbox working in this peace of hardware? :P |
15:16:32 | linuxstb | What do you mean? Rockbox does work on the e260 (but will lots of things still needed to be done) |
15:17:43 | sbeh | i know that it does not work yet, i'm waiting for it to get work, just wanted to know, if there's a way to help you |
15:18:24 | | Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") |
15:18:27 | JdGordon | usb + e200 doesnt work properly yet,,, |
15:18:41 | JdGordon | but you seem to be using the OF, which means we cant help you here... |
15:19:14 | linuxstb | sbeh: What do you mean by "it" ? Rockbox works, but certain features don't. If you want to help make those features work, just do it and submit a patch. |
15:20:54 | | Quit amar (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:23:34 | sbeh | JdGordon: the reason i asked here is that there is a lot knowledge about this players, and the 'problem' does nothing to do with the 'OF', waybe there is some 'disable'-mode i can bridge my usb-interface into |
15:24:21 | JdGordon | this is a rckbox channel... I know its not quite ready for the sansa, but we are not a support cannel for the OF... |
15:24:29 | JdGordon | and no, i dont know of any way to disable it... |
15:25:03 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc1-brig8-0-0-cust23.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
15:27:50 | sbeh | afaik there are 4lines in the usb-interface, 2 for I max 500mA and 2 for serial communication, i think the mp3player goes into this 'charging and still playing'-mode when the 2 lines for communication are 'offline' |
15:29:18 | | Quit aliask ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") |
15:29:36 | JdGordon | something like that |
15:30:54 | | Join yossa [0] (n=chatzill@chello087207200191.chello.pl) |
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15:41:39 | yossa | for sansa users out there: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6905 and http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6467 (second comment) |
15:46:50 | | Part pixelma |
15:46:54 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
15:49:01 | JdGordon | what do we do about the pluginlib for the actions and the default direction keys for the sansa and ipod? |
15:49:19 | JdGordon | specifically.. up/down being scroll.. which doesnt work |
15:49:48 | | Quit DataGhost (Nick collision from services.) |
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15:50:16 | | Join hannesd__ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
15:51:01 | linuxstb | JdGordon: There can't be a generic default - it always depends on the context. Sometimes the scroll is left/right or up/down, sometimes the four buttons on the wheel are up/down/left/right. |
15:51:53 | JdGordon | right, but usually, if you need 4 directions, you wont use scroll for up/down tho will you? |
15:53:54 | linuxstb | usually not, but maybe... e.g. if you need all the other buttons for something. |
15:55:42 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:56:33 | JdGordon | Im thinking of extending the lib to have a hold switch return value, so it easy to jump to the menu when the reason we cant use the buttons (on the ipod mostly) is because MENU is needed for that... |
15:56:36 | JdGordon | would that work? |
15:56:47 | JdGordon | copy doom... |
15:57:06 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
15:57:45 | JdGordon | would be nice if the button driver could return BUTTON_HOLD and BUTTON_HOLD|BUTTON_RELEASE (unless it does aleeady?) |
15:59:27 | linuxstb | No, I don't think it does. |
16:00 |
16:04:01 | | Nick joshin_ is now known as joshin (n=joshin@unaffiliated/joshin) |
16:05:27 | | Join mattzz [0] (n=mattzz@e177173068.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
16:05:54 | * | linuxstb watches the closing credits of Elephants Deam |
16:06:03 | nls | nice! |
16:06:28 | linuxstb | Damn, then it freezes.... |
16:07:32 | JdGordon | in rockbox? |
16:07:37 | JdGordon | so it rebuffers? |
16:07:58 | linuxstb | Yep. |
16:08:47 | JdGordon | well done :) |
16:10:50 | | Join Hoffmann_ [0] (n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net) |
16:12:17 | | Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ |
16:13:54 | | Quit mattzz ("Leaving") |
16:18:56 | linuxstb | If anyone wants to play, here's the current patch - http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/mpegplayer-rebuffer.diff |
16:19:58 | linuxstb | Be prepared for it to freeze your player... I'm curious how well it works on the X5 or H300 - does the disk rebuffering cause noticable frameskips? It seems flawless on my ipod Photo and gigabeat though. |
16:20:06 | | Join SliMM [0] (n=chatzill@ |
16:20:31 | SliMM | back ;) |
16:21:12 | | Join Redbreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-133-123-9.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) |
16:21:25 | | Part Domonoky |
16:21:51 | Slasheri | linuxstb: do you think calling ipod_init_cache() should flush the cache properly too after it has been initialized? |
16:22:45 | | Quit himitsu (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:22:48 | Slasheri | i figured out it's necessary to make file operations core-wise safe too to make the playback working properly |
16:23:02 | | Quit Hoffmann (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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16:30:51 | | Quit Ribs ("Ex-Chat") |
16:32:48 | linuxstb | Slasheri: I don't know... |
16:33:54 | JdGordon | linuxstb: i seem to be timeing out connecting to your server.. |
16:34:02 | | Join thorsten [0] (n=tscherf@p508dcb8b.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:34:07 | thorsten | hi |
16:34:21 | thorsten | could anybody help me with updating the rockbox bootloader?! |
16:34:49 | thorsten | I have an old rockbox version on the device and would like to use a newer one which requires a new boot loader as well |
16:35:14 | thorsten | when I run ipodpatcher it always complains that there is no ipod device available: |
16:35:22 | thorsten | [INFO] Scanning disk devices... |
16:35:22 | thorsten | [ERR] No ipods found, aborting |
16:35:22 | thorsten | [ERR] Please connect your ipod and ensure it is in disk mode |
16:35:22 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK thorsten |
16:35:22 | thorsten | [ERR] Please refer to the Rockbox manual if you continue to have problems. |
16:35:24 | | Join Hoffmann_ [0] (n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net) |
16:35:27 | JdGordon | linuxstb: does mpegplayer rotate the screen to landscape on the portrait players? |
16:35:40 | thorsten | but the device get mounted and I can access the fs |
16:35:47 | thorsten | any idea what goes wrong here? |
16:36:19 | JdGordon | windows or linux? |
16:37:20 | JdGordon | linuxstb: is the url correct? I want to test this on the sansa and h300 for you before bed... |
16:37:21 | SliMM | is there anyone working at the plugin api? |
16:37:22 | thorsten | linux |
16:37:32 | JdGordon | tryed runnng with sudo? |
16:37:36 | JdGordon | or root privelages |
16:37:40 | thorsten | I run it was root |
16:37:45 | thorsten | as.. |
16:37:57 | | Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=Jack@unaffiliated/chrisjs169) |
16:37:58 | JdGordon | does dmesg show the ipod beign connected? |
16:38:02 | thorsten | sure |
16:38:17 | thorsten | usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning |
16:38:17 | thorsten | Vendor: Apple Model: iPod Rev: 1.62 |
16:38:17 | thorsten | Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 00 |
16:38:25 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
16:38:25 | * | JdGordon doesnt know :p |
16:38:42 | SliMM | is there anyone working at the plugin api? |
16:38:59 | thorsten | where can I find another version of the ipodcatcher? |
16:39:01 | desowin | thorsten: which model ? |
16:39:16 | thorsten | ipod nano 1g |
16:39:26 | thorsten | ipod nano 1gen 4g |
16:39:28 | thorsten | :) |
16:39:41 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848661.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
16:39:54 | linuxstb | JdGordon: Yes, mpegplayer rotates on the sansa and gigabeat. |
16:40:02 | JdGordon | cool :) |
16:40:21 | JdGordon | and getting no reposnse from your www :( |
16:40:44 | | Join chrisjs169|afk [0] (n=Jack@pool-71-254-203-219.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) |
16:40:50 | linuxstb | JdGordon: I'll pastebin it |
16:41:17 | SliMM | do you think a bitmap rotation function is useful for the plugin api? |
16:41:23 | thorsten | desowin: any idea? |
16:41:45 | linuxstb | SliMM: Do you mean the plugin API or in the plugin lib? If you need something in a plugin, just write it... But don't write things which are not needed. |
16:42:09 | desowin | thorsten: according why ipodpatcher doesn't work - no, to get other version of ipodpatcher just checkout different version from svn |
16:42:24 | SliMM | that is why i am asking whether is useful or not |
16:42:36 | SliMM | i don't need it myself |
16:42:39 | linuxstb | JdGordon: http://www.pastebin.ca/409182 |
16:42:47 | linuxstb | SliMM: Then I would say no. |
16:42:55 | JdGordon | how long is the elephant dream movie? |
16:43:01 | thorsten | desowin: ok |
16:43:02 | linuxstb | 10m 53s |
16:43:10 | SliMM | ok |
16:43:59 | | Join Bigred84 [0] (i=Bigred84@cpe-204-210-141-81.hvc.res.rr.com) |
16:44:12 | | Quit chrisjs169|brb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
16:44:17 | | Quit Bigred84 (Client Quit) |
16:44:19 | SliMM | another question: what is more important in plugin lib: less code or more speed? |
16:44:22 | JdGordon | and about how long should the h300 be able to buffer? or no idea? |
16:45:01 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
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16:46:41 | linuxstb_ | thorsten: What happens if you type "ipodpatcher /dev/sda" (replacing /dev/sda with your ipod) ? |
16:46:47 | * | JdGordon 's computer isnt fast enough to do 2 full builds semi quickly :'( |
16:47:18 | thorsten | linuxstb_: |
16:47:18 | thorsten | [root@ernie ~]# ./ipodpatcher /dev/sda |
16:47:18 | thorsten | ipodpatcher v0.9 with v1.0 bootloaders - (C) Dave Chapman 2006-2007 |
16:47:18 | thorsten | This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO |
16:47:18 | thorsten | warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. |
16:47:19 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
16:47:19 | thorsten | [INFO] Reading partition table from /dev/sda |
16:47:21 | thorsten | [INFO] Sector size is 512 bytes |
16:47:23 | thorsten | [ERR] Drive is not an iPod, aborting |
16:47:55 | JdGordon | its not hfs formatted is it? |
16:47:56 | | Join webguest60 [0] (i=528c3147@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f78f080837563218) |
16:48:07 | * | JdGordon doesnt know if that would make a difference thouugh |
16:48:12 | linuxstb_ | thorsten: I'm guessing your partition table is non-standard. Try restoring one from the IpodConversionToFAT32 wiki page. |
16:48:29 | linuxstb_ | JdGordon: ipodpatcher supports HFS and Apple Partition Maps. |
16:48:30 | thorsten | do you have a link= |
16:48:55 | | Quit webguest60 (Client Quit) |
16:48:58 | linuxstb_ | thorsten: Go to the Rockbox website, click on wiki, then type that page name into the "Go" box at the top. |
16:49:05 | thorsten | linuxstb_: fs is vfat |
16:49:29 | linuxstb_ | Have you repartitioned it in the past? |
16:49:37 | thorsten | no |
16:49:48 | thorsten | vfat is supported by ipodpatcher, right? |
16:49:54 | | Join VPN-User [0] (n=Miranda@ |
16:49:59 | VPN-User | Hello |
16:50:27 | linuxstb_ | thorsten: And /dev/sda is definitely your ipod? |
16:50:28 | VPN-User | Short question: Will the current daily build be usable on my V1 recorder? Because the builds are red.. |
16:51:12 | thorsten | linuxstb_: sure |
16:51:28 | thorsten | when I go through the steps you described all of my data will be gone |
16:51:45 | nls | VPN-User: yes, the, but rombox doesn't work |
16:51:51 | thorsten | usb-storage: device found at 37 |
16:51:51 | thorsten | usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning |
16:51:51 | thorsten | Vendor: Apple Model: iPod Rev: 1.62 |
16:51:51 | *** | Alert Mode level 2 |
16:51:51 | thorsten | Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 00 |
16:51:51 | *** | Alert Mode level 3 |
16:51:51 | thorsten | SCSI device sda: 7999487 512-byte hdwr sectors (4096 MB) |
16:51:55 | linuxstb_ | thorsten: What does "fdisk -l /dev/sda" display (please post to www.pastebin.ca, not in this channel). |
16:52:05 | thorsten | linuxstb_: so, looks like sda is my ipod, he?! :) |
16:52:09 | VPN-User | Hm. I currently use rombox... |
16:52:12 | nls | insert "regular rockbox" where appropriate |
16:53:15 | thorsten | linuxstb_: http://www.pastebin.ca/409206 |
16:53:22 | nls | VPN-User: we have long running problems with the binary size of rombox being too large to fit in the flash rom of the archoses |
16:53:56 | JdGordon | this isnt about an elephant!! ?? |
16:54:09 | JdGordon | sansa isnt handling it very well... |
16:55:13 | | Quit chrisjs169|brb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
16:55:17 | JdGordon | linuxstb_: actually, the sansa does handle it ok.. I tihnk its the buffering which is making it go to maybe 5fps every few sec.... |
16:55:47 | linuxstb_ | thorsten: OK, that looks fine. Can you do "dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr-thorsten.bin count=1" and upload that file somewhere (it will be tiny - 512 bytes). |
16:57:20 | linuxstb_ | JdGordon: Elephants Dream is a 24fps file - I think it's simply that the Sansa can't decode it in realtime so it skips most frames. |
16:57:49 | JdGordon | im getting 9fps on the h300 without the idct patch |
16:58:07 | | Quit chrisjs169 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:58:08 | JdGordon | I think im very out of sync :p |
16:58:21 | | Quit printfXh4 (Remote closed the connection) |
16:59:00 | | Quit chrisjs169|afk (Connection timed out) |
16:59:16 | thorsten | linuxstb_: tuxgeek.de/mbr-thorsten.bin |
16:59:27 | | Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=Jack@unaffiliated/chrisjs169) |
17:00 |
17:00:13 | linuxstb_ | thorsten: Yes, the MBR is the problem - it's not a standard ipod MBR. |
17:00:36 | thorsten | linuxstb_: do you think dd'ing mbr-mini1g-4gb.bin without reformating would help? |
17:00:36 | | Quit XavierGr () |
17:00:55 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp37-130.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
17:00:58 | linuxstb_ | If you can compile ipodpatcher yourself, I can point you in the direction of where to disable that check. |
17:01:09 | thorsten | linuxstb_: sure |
17:01:17 | JdGordon | linuxstb_: anyway, good work, a full slideshow is still better than 5min of a slideshow :D |
17:01:23 | thorsten | linuxstb_: could you give me a link where I can find the source? |
17:01:52 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
17:02:12 | | Quit JdGordon ("gnite folks") |
17:02:28 | linuxstb_ | svn co svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk/rbutil/ipodpatcher ipodpatcher |
17:03:01 | thorsten | ok, have it |
17:04:48 | thorsten | linuxstb_: have it |
17:05:11 | linuxstb_ | Delete line 178 (the "return -1") in ipodpatcher.c |
17:05:46 | linuxstb_ | And you'll need to read and follow the instructions at the top of the Makefile in order to build ipodpatcher with the Rockbox bootloaders. |
17:05:50 | thorsten | ok, works now |
17:05:56 | | Quit Guile ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") |
17:06:03 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:06:08 | thorsten | thanks a lot |
17:06:48 | SliMM | what happens if the mpgs aren't the screen size? |
17:07:32 | linuxstb_ | They're either centered (if smaller than screen) or cropped if larger. |
17:07:58 | SliMM | oh.. |
17:08:36 | SliMM | on the ipod video 1g, mpegplayer doesn't work very well, right? |
17:09:02 | linuxstb_ | No - a combination of slow CPU and large LCD. |
17:09:54 | | Join printfXh4 [0] (i=pseudo@ppp203-197.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) |
17:11:34 | | Join chrisjs169|brb [0] (n=Jack@unaffiliated/chrisjs169) |
17:12:00 | SliMM | is there any chance to find a way to use the decoding chip? |
17:12:46 | | Join chrisjs169|afk [0] (n=Jack@pool-71-254-203-219.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) |
17:13:39 | linuxstb_ | Only by disassembling the Apple firmware. But no-one has shown any interest in it - the ipod video is just one of about 20 different players Rockbox works on. |
17:14:27 | SliMM | i'll write a mail to apple konly asking for some help :P |
17:14:37 | SliMM | kindly* |
17:14:46 | | Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ |
17:15:11 | SliMM | here's another question: how can i write drivers (for the ipod video mainly) |
17:17:49 | linuxstb_ | Find out how the hardware works - if you're lucky there may be datasheets, but probably via reverse-engineering, and then write it... |
17:18:20 | SliMM | :)) i guess i'll stick to plugins for now |
17:18:51 | SliMM | is a flashplayer plug-in possible? |
17:19:05 | SliMM | an of course a java emulator |
17:19:30 | sbeh | impossible is nothing :D |
17:19:41 | sbeh | SliMM: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/104160971/article.pl |
17:20:04 | linuxstb_ | There are some hardware limitations... I don't think ipods can make coffee. |
17:20:37 | sbeh | which world we where in if there was no hardwarelimitations ;) |
17:20:37 | SliMM | by possible i mean "will a flashplayer plug-in work real-time?" |
17:21:38 | linuxstb_ | I would guess it's unlikely, but I don't know anything about flash. You'll need to do some research. |
17:22:20 | linuxstb_ | Also, is there an open source decoder that will play the files you want to play, or would you need to do it from scratch? |
17:22:44 | SliMM | well.. most mobile phones have the java emulator. i don't really think that a mobile phone is more "powerful" than a DAP |
17:22:49 | SliMM | most DAPs |
17:23:07 | SliMM | i think there is an opensource flashplayer |
17:23:53 | SliMM | but vector graphics.. it's quite cpu-intensive |
17:24:53 | | Quit chrisjs169 (Nick collision from services.) |
17:25:10 | | Quit chrisjs169|afk (Nick collision from services.) |
17:25:16 | | Quit chrisjs169|brb (Nick collision from services.) |
17:26:58 | linuxstb_ | No, I think mobile phones generally are a lot more powerful than the typical DAP. |
17:33:47 | | Join mattzz [0] (n=mattzz@e177173068.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
17:33:57 | | Quit amarshall (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:39:26 | mattzz | Hi, has anyone else observed http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6900 on his sansa? |
17:42:28 | mattzz | (or on any other model?) |
17:48:21 | foolsh | mattzz: yes I have noticed this to while just playing music on my e260 |
17:48:25 | foolsh | too* |
17:48:48 | mattzz | foolsh: when did you first notice it? |
17:49:06 | foolsh | mattzz: two days ago |
17:49:57 | mattzz | me too. I guess you are running most recent SVN builds? |
17:50:08 | foolsh | mattzz: music still plays on but it locked up scroll wheel light stays lit |
17:50:14 | foolsh | yup update every day |
17:51:15 | mattzz | exactly the same here. This is a pain because it keeps me from doing battery_bench measurements |
17:52:57 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-122-219.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
17:55:01 | foolsh | mattzz: sometimes just as soon as the first song plays but after a reboot I try the same song but nothing happens |
17:55:47 | mattzz | foolsh: Hm, since the 20-Mar-2007 we had some updates in kernel.c and lcd-e200.c that could be relevant |
17:56:27 | mattzz | foolsh: As it seems to me that other targets do not show this behaviour I guess it is lcd-e200.c |
17:57:00 | foolsh | mattzz: it was about two days ago the sound got kinda strange too like someone turning the balance from back and forth left to right really fast |
17:57:42 | foolsh | before that it seemed to play just fine |
17:59:01 | mattzz | Strange. |
18:00 |
18:00:30 | * | foolsh is just happy to have sound on his sansa ;) |
18:01:09 | sbeh | oh, rockbox outputs sound on sansa? |
18:01:22 | foolsh | sbeh: yes it does |
18:01:24 | mattzz | Yeah, progress is amazing! |
18:02:08 | | Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeep@c-71-202-87-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
18:02:23 | sbeh | will take me some time too switch mine :) |
18:04:40 | foolsh | bah! white screen of death strikes again |
18:04:58 | sbeh | backup with dd is enough i guess? |
18:05:01 | mattzz | foolsh: did you manage to provoke intentionally? |
18:05:27 | mattzz | sbeh: cp -R should be fine |
18:05:28 | foolsh | mattzz:not sure i'll try what i was doing again |
18:05:54 | mattzz | foolsh: are you running any plugins? |
18:06:03 | sbeh | mattzz: hm, dd is saver :D |
18:06:25 | sbeh | mattzz: freebsd`s usb2-performance is nice since 6.1 or so |
18:07:09 | foolsh | mattzz: no I was in wps and pressed the power button to get back to the menu when it happened |
18:07:35 | mattzz | foolsh: what wps are you using? |
18:07:47 | | Join std|denis [0] (n=Miranda@ |
18:08:02 | foolsh | mattzz: rockbox default |
18:08:42 | mattzz | foolsh: that rules out plugins and wps dependencies |
18:09:20 | * | mattzz goes updating FS #6900 |
18:10:36 | | Quit Bawitdaba (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:11:20 | foolsh | mattzz: but the scroll wheel did not stay lit that time |
18:12:09 | mattzz | and the background light? |
18:12:29 | foolsh | mattzz: stayed on |
18:12:51 | | Quit chris_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:13:56 | mattzz | Hm, whenever I had the wsod it seemed like only the display part was broken, all other threads continued working |
18:21:29 | | Join zylche [0] (n=wheee@82-41-83-91.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk) |
18:21:31 | | Quit hannesd__ (Client Quit) |
18:24:00 | foolsh | mattzz: Im gonna reverse the changes to kernel.c and play with it today to see if it still happens |
18:24:42 | mattzz | foolsh: so you will go back to r12894? |
18:27:11 | foolsh | no i'll just make the changes and compile |
18:27:18 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) |
18:27:31 | foolsh | don't think i'll break too much ;) |
18:28:22 | | Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@82-41-2-141.cable.ubr01.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
18:30:18 | foolsh | mattzz: |
18:30:21 | foolsh | opps |
18:31:30 | foolsh | I think I recreated the wsod just let some music play leave it on the wps in about two songs press the the power button to get back to menu |
18:31:46 | foolsh | btw backlight goes out |
18:32:31 | | Quit VPN-User ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
18:34:28 | foolsh | well gotta go |
18:34:30 | | Quit foolsh (Remote closed the connection) |
18:37:50 | | Join zimperlig [0] (n=zimperli@M2832P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
18:37:54 | mattzz | Hm, Sansa reacts quite sluggish... |
18:38:15 | zimperlig | hello? |
18:38:37 | mattzz | zimperlig: hello |
18:38:39 | | Quit zimperlig (Client Quit) |
18:38:52 | mattzz | That was an easy one. |
18:38:53 | | Join zimperlig [0] (n=zimperli@M2832P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
18:39:02 | zimperlig | ahh now its working! :D |
18:39:40 | zimperlig | ive got a short question! |
18:39:55 | | Quit mako (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:39:57 | mattzz | Go ahead |
18:40:28 | zimperlig | does usb loads my h300 in "bootloader usb mode" ?? |
18:40:38 | zimperlig | cause i dont see any status |
18:40:48 | linuxstb | Do you mean charge? |
18:40:51 | zimperlig | yeah |
18:40:56 | * | mattzz is no h300 expert |
18:41:04 | zimperlig | :D |
18:41:37 | zimperlig | does anybody of ya programmed rockbox firmware? |
18:41:59 | linuxstb | Yes, but probably not many people will know the answer to your question. Just wait and see. |
18:42:12 | zimperlig | cause i olny can say: daimn ***** this is a pretty gooodddd **** :D |
18:42:51 | mattzz | Another white screen of death |
18:42:58 | zimperlig | hehe |
18:43:30 | zimperlig | i put rockbox on my h300 today and now my finger hurts |
18:43:38 | zimperlig | there so many settings |
18:43:47 | zimperlig | and i tried all out :D |
18:43:56 | | Quit bluey- ("Leaving") |
18:44:46 | zimperlig | i think its charching..... |
18:45:48 | SliMM | can i acces a pixel of a bitmap by bmp[x][y]? |
18:47:59 | zimperlig | is there a thing like "move after current" when i am playin a playlist? |
18:48:41 | | Join toni1 [0] (i=5932ee37@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ea02d1f32a448019) |
18:48:41 | mattzz | zimperlig: have you checked http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml |
18:48:55 | zimperlig | yeah |
18:49:49 | toni1 | mattzz: can you please check my patch http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6908? |
18:50:10 | toni1 | it possibly solves the problem with the white screen |
18:50:11 | mattzz | zimperlig: I think you are referring to "insert next"? |
18:50:24 | toni1 | on sansa that is |
18:50:54 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) |
18:51:00 | mattzz | anty vinyl patch - nice! |
18:51:07 | toni1 | :-) |
18:51:07 | mattzz | s/anty/anti/ |
18:51:10 | mattzz | gah. |
18:51:20 | mattzz | toni1: shure - I will |
18:51:31 | toni1 | yeah, mainly it avoids the scratch things |
18:51:44 | toni1 | mattzz: thanks |
18:52:40 | zimperlig | with the iriver firmware i had only to press A-B in de file browser to play anyfile next |
18:52:43 | | Quit eggy ("<null>") |
18:52:49 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-235-226-72.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) |
18:53:42 | SliMM | can i acces a pixel of a bitmap by bmp[x][y]? |
18:53:42 | markun | linuxstb: I can't download the mpegplayer patch.. |
18:53:53 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) |
18:54:18 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A97AF0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:54:59 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=30FYpMWy@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
18:55:13 | SliMM | please? |
18:55:39 | joshin | How much do the tremor optimizations help audio performance? |
18:55:51 | std|denis | linuxstb: does all handling of the usb mode is beyond of rockbox's hands |
18:55:51 | std|denis | ? at iHP1xx |
18:56:23 | bluebrother | std|denis, the h100 does usb in hardware |
18:56:30 | bluebrother | Rockbox only enabled the usb more |
18:56:48 | std|denis | bluebrother: thanx, i got it |
18:56:58 | zimperlig | OMG i read the manual twice! and i didnt find a function in playlist to tell my player what file it should play next... |
18:56:58 | zimperlig | am i silly or just blind.....? |
18:57:50 | SliMM | bluebrother:can i acces a pixel of a bitmap by bmp[x][y]? |
18:58:26 | markun | joshin: I was wondering about that too, too bad tomasz didn't give the difference in boost percentage |
18:58:30 | bluebrother | I don't know about the bitmap format. But if it's stored in an array I guess so. |
18:59:15 | bluebrother | markun, the FS task on that has some comments regarding performance |
18:59:21 | | Quit donutman25 ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") |
18:59:27 | roolku | zimperlig: "insert next" or "queue next" in playlist menu |
18:59:28 | markun | bluebrother: ok, I'll look again |
18:59:45 | bluebrother | it's not too much but it's at least something |
18:59:55 | zimperlig | im just holding navi button in wps |
19:00 |
19:00:20 | | Part toni1 |
19:00:29 | zimperlig | then playlist/show actually playlist |
19:00:32 | linuxstb | markun: I posted it to pastebin - read further down the logs. |
19:00:55 | roolku | zimperlig: no, in file browser or database tree, positioned on the file/folder you want to play |
19:01:36 | zimperlig | now there are 400 files and if i holding navi down again theres only delete, insert in playlist, insert in new playlist..... |
19:02:20 | markun | linuxstb: thanks |
19:03:05 | roolku | zimperlig: playlist, not playlist catalog |
19:05:33 | linuxstb | SliMM: In Rockbox, bitmaps are usually single-dimension arrays of type fb_data - so you want bmp[y*BMP_WIDTH+x] - where BMP_WIDTH is the width of the bitmap. On greyscale and mono targets (or mono bitmaps on Colour targets), the bitmaps store more than one pixel in each byte. |
19:06:07 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:06:30 | SliMM | so i must know the bitmap exact height and width? |
19:06:42 | linuxstb | Yes |
19:06:54 | SliMM | damn.. thanx |
19:07:12 | linuxstb | If you're using bitmaps created by the Rockbox build system (i.e. .bmp files converted at compile-time), then you have access to the width and height. |
19:07:49 | linuxstb | e.g. look in the bitmaps directory of your build directory. |
19:08:16 | std|denis | SliMM: you can define your bitmap as "extern fb_data bmp[WIDTH][HEIGHT];" and use as a two-dim. array |
19:09:00 | SliMM | that's a good thing to know |
19:09:02 | linuxstb | That's not encouraged in Rockbox - you should use the bmp build system and #include the automatically generated .h |
19:09:26 | zimperlig | roolku!thanks now i found it! but if there is this file already in list and i "insert next" this file does this file is now thwice in my list or just moved to another place? |
19:09:38 | SliMM | #include failed once |
19:09:55 | SliMM | so i just copy the .h content into my code |
19:12:43 | std|denis | SliMM: ..or just make a macro [smth like BMPPIXEL(bitmapname, x, y)], that will use automatically generated "BMPWIDTH_*" constant [BMPWIDTH_bitmapname] |
19:13:40 | linuxstb | SliMM: Are you processing the whole bitmap? |
19:13:57 | SliMM | uhm.. no |
19:14:08 | | Quit Arathis (Remote closed the connection) |
19:14:39 | roolku | zimperlig: you really should read the manual. Neither removes the old entry, insert inserts permanently and queue temporarely |
19:14:59 | roolku | zimperlig: if you want to just move the entry use the context menu in the playlist viewer |
19:16:19 | roolku | *temporarily |
19:16:19 | zimperlig | ok thanks a lot |
19:16:51 | SliMM | For examle, how does lcd_bitmap_part work? |
19:16:57 | SliMM | example* |
19:16:59 | | Part zimperlig |
19:17:42 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
19:17:57 | linuxstb | The GraphicsAPI wiki page should explain it. Or look at the source to that function. |
19:18:06 | | Quit Hoffmann_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:19:53 | | Quit Ribs ("Ex-Chat") |
19:21:10 | | Join eggy [0] (n=eggy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/yorkcc.eggy) |
19:21:41 | | Join webguest21 [0] (i=47c31104@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-99776f8d2c109bcf) |
19:21:44 | webguest21 | Hello. |
19:21:53 | webguest21 | I have a Apple 5.5G |
19:22:00 | webguest21 | I instaled Rock Box yesterday. |
19:22:16 | webguest21 | It seemed to work fine, but now it is not working. |
19:22:40 | webguest21 | The music is playing just fine, but the screen is frozen, and does'nt respond to any buttons I push. |
19:22:42 | webguest21 | Any help? |
19:23:38 | linuxstb | markun: Updated mpegplayer patch here - http://www.pastebin.ca/409384 |
19:23:42 | | Quit zylche (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:24:29 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848661.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
19:26:00 | std|denis | linuxstb: does rockbox's OS design imitate some another embedded OS or it was designed from scratch without any likeness? |
19:27:06 | | Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ |
19:27:35 | Slasheri | std|denis: from scratch |
19:28:11 | std|denis | why there's so many "yield"s? :) |
19:28:28 | std|denis | i thought it is preemptive.. |
19:28:31 | Slasheri | it's co-operative scheduling, not pre-emptive |
19:28:49 | Slasheri | however, it has priority scheduling etc. |
19:29:13 | std|denis | so if some plugin hang in infinite loop a music playback will hang too? |
19:29:43 | Slasheri | yes |
19:30:02 | Slasheri | (but on ipod not necessarely, because decoding will be done on other core soon) |
19:30:46 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) |
19:32:39 | | Quit webguest21 ("CGI:IRC") |
19:33:54 | markun | linuxstb: just tried the old patch. Works pretty well. |
19:35:43 | linuxstb_ | "pretty well"? What's the problem? |
19:36:21 | markun | rebuffering seems slow |
19:36:50 | | Quit eggy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:37:20 | | Join eggy [0] (n=eggy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/yorkcc.eggy) |
19:37:21 | markun | but I noticed that in general: disk reading (dircache update for example) is slow when rockbox is busy with other things like playing some music. |
19:38:00 | markun | or can't that be helped? |
19:38:14 | linuxstb_ | The newest patch only buffers 1MB to start with, and then starts playing whilst it fills the buffer up completely. It doesn't seem particularly slow to me. |
19:38:47 | markun | linuxstb_: sounds like a nice improvement. I will start to convert some movies :) |
19:40:10 | linuxstb_ | BTW, why is the A button stop, and not POWER? |
19:40:40 | markun | the volume buttons on the Gigabeat probably should probably be 'rotated' as well (so LEFT and RIGHT) |
19:40:55 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:41:15 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54b17c50.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:41:31 | linuxstb_ | Feel free to commit that - it won't conflict with my patch. |
19:41:36 | linuxstb_ | Or I'll do it later. |
19:41:39 | markun | linuxstb_: I think most people agree that A and POWER should be switched, yes |
19:42:14 | markun | I can quickly change it now for rockbox in general and then later improve the plugin button mappings, what do you think? |
19:42:23 | * | roolku doesn't aggree |
19:42:24 | linuxstb_ | Sounds good to me. |
19:42:39 | markun | roolku: you're the only one I've heard so far |
19:43:10 | roolku | :) |
19:43:26 | toffe82 | markun: what is the problem to have the button power as a button power ? |
19:43:27 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC") |
19:43:37 | roolku | don't worry, I keep it locally the way I like it |
19:43:51 | markun | I know that you think POWER is easier to press than A, but it doesn't make sense to make POWER not the power-off button because it has the typical logo.. |
19:44:08 | markun | roolku: ok :) |
19:44:15 | * | roolku has A as stop and shutdown |
19:44:25 | markun | Every change will bring a lot of complaints anyway :) |
19:44:56 | markun | linuxstb: still there? |
19:45:00 | linuxstb | Yes. |
19:45:07 | linuxstb | Just switched computers... |
19:45:12 | | Join Slickire [0] (i=5ac0e8c6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4cf8427b5697e745) |
19:45:21 | markun | mpegplayer hangs indeed after playing elefants dream |
19:45:39 | markun | does your new patch fix that? |
19:46:01 | linuxstb | I hope so. At least it did for the test I just did. |
19:46:13 | | Join paerez [0] (n=nick@c-71-206-34-47.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
19:46:20 | markun | power doesn't turn the player off now.. |
19:46:39 | markun | how much work will seeking be? |
19:47:14 | linuxstb | Probably about the same as rebuffering (i.e. a day), but it may take me another 3 months to do it... |
19:47:27 | markun | :) |
19:47:39 | | Join zylche [0] (n=wheee@82-41-83-91.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk) |
19:47:40 | | Join Hoffmann [0] (n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net) |
19:48:25 | linuxstb | Thinking about it, it's probably more work than rebuffering. And it won't be easy to seek accurately. |
19:48:56 | markun | that doesn't matter |
19:49:12 | markun | but being able to go back a few seconds because you missed something is nice |
19:50:01 | | Join lnxmomo [0] (n=notgivin@77-97-88-24.cable.ubr10.live.blueyonder.co.uk) |
19:50:04 | lnxmomo | hi |
19:50:26 | lnxmomo | how do i install the fonts? |
19:50:36 | linuxstb | Just unzip them to the root of your player. |
19:50:47 | linuxstb | i.e. exactly the same way as you install Rockbox itself. |
19:51:17 | lnxmomo | ok thanx |
19:53:49 | * | std|denis wonder why there still no boulder-dash game for rockbox :) |
19:59:10 | paerez | anyone know the best way to reach amiconn outside of IRC? |
19:59:49 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
19:59:58 | markun | linuxstb: the instant playback with background buffering is a nice improvement |
20:00 |
20:00:04 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848661.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:00:25 | * | markun is getting a bit tired of elefants dream.. |
20:00:36 | linuxstb | Does STOP work reliably for you? It doesn't seem to work on my ipod, but does on the gigabeat. |
20:00:57 | linuxstb | Yes, I think it's about time for some alternative test videos... |
20:01:38 | markun | STOP works fine so far |
20:03:37 | linuxstb | That's good. In fact it does seem to be working on my ipod... |
20:04:03 | Soap | I've watched elephant's dream so many time when testing speed, but never listened to it once. |
20:04:14 | | Quit ender (" This space intentionally has nothing but text explaining why this space has nothing but text explaining that this space woul) |
20:05:03 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
20:05:21 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964ff1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:05:30 | * | linuxstb commits rebuffering for mpegplayer |
20:06:49 | linuxstb | markun: BTW, I tried a VCD MPEG-1 file I had sitting on my hard disk on the gigabeat, and it plays, but skips a lot of frames. I think that's due to the high bitrate of VCDs (> 1Mbit/s IIRC) |
20:07:34 | | Quit thorsten (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:07:46 | | Join thorsten [0] (i=tscherf@nat/redhat/x-ba5c31890a45e202) |
20:07:51 | Soap | 1150 is standard |
20:07:54 | | Quit thorsten (Remote closed the connection) |
20:07:58 | linuxstb | The aspect-ratio is also wrong - NTSC VCDs are 352x240, but a 4:3 aspect ratio. mpegplayer just crops it to 320x240. |
20:11:00 | | Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ |
20:11:14 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
20:13:17 | XavierGr | so what's the status on av/sync on mpegplayer? |
20:13:26 | | Quit lnxmomo () |
20:13:29 | markun | XavierGr: done? |
20:13:39 | XavierGr | really? |
20:13:48 | XavierGr | wow didn't notice I should test then |
20:14:08 | markun | I can only test it on my Gigabeat, so maybe that's not very fair |
20:14:09 | linuxstb | It's done assuming your video file can be played in realtime on your device. |
20:14:20 | linuxstb | (or close to realtime - it skips frames) |
20:14:45 | XavierGr | ah so in order for syncing to work you have to set frame skipping to yes |
20:14:52 | XavierGr | makes sense |
20:14:58 | Soap | time to encode movies to the Nano! ;) |
20:15:09 | linuxstb | XavierGr: Yes, that's now the default setting. |
20:15:10 | | Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) |
20:15:11 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848661.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:15:34 | XavierGr | can the mpegplayer be ported easily for grayscale targets? :P |
20:15:55 | linuxstb | I don't think it makes sense - the Archos video player is more suitable. |
20:16:03 | XavierGr | indeed |
20:16:15 | | Quit Insectoid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:16:21 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) |
20:17:30 | linuxstb | markun: I just did another 10m 53s test with ED, and mpegplayer exited at the end of the movie. So that seems to be OK now. |
20:18:14 | linuxstb | But yes, seeking would make testing a lot more interesting... |
20:18:15 | markun | ok, great |
20:18:59 | | Join SliMM_ [0] (n=chatzill@ |
20:19:03 | linuxstb | Soap: Now we need some video-playback battery benchmarks :) |
20:19:19 | markun | I'm having some problems with mpencoder and audio resampling. It does a lot of 'frame skipped' and the audio and video are not in sync anymore.. |
20:19:46 | linuxstb | I've never found mencoder very good... What's your source video format? |
20:19:51 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@adsl-67-64-145-227.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
20:19:59 | markun | most DAP manufacturers advertise with '4 hour video playback' |
20:20:00 | * | Soap puts on his psychic hat... |
20:20:05 | Soap | Nano / Sansa wins! |
20:20:16 | markun | I wonder if we can outperform that |
20:20:27 | linuxstb | The backlight is always the killer. |
20:21:10 | | Join SliMM__ [0] (n=chatzill@ |
20:23:37 | | Quit std|denis ("Reality is the only word in the english language that should always be in quotes") |
20:23:39 | XavierGr | linuxstb: too bad battery_bench can't be run while mpegplayer is running |
20:23:53 | XavierGr | maybe a special modified build with bb on core :P |
20:24:20 | | Join anathema [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
20:25:02 | linuxstb | Or maybe put battery_bench in the plugin lib... |
20:25:52 | linuxstb | But it would probably be trivial to make mpegplayer log the time/voltage to a file whenever it spins the disk up. |
20:26:10 | XavierGr | indeed |
20:27:11 | | Quit paerez (Remote closed the connection) |
20:27:42 | toffe82 | XavierGr: no news ? |
20:31:51 | XavierGr | nope |
20:31:57 | XavierGr | but it is the weekend |
20:32:14 | XavierGr | don't worry I am used to slow mail transfers of Greece |
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20:44:01 | XavierGr | very interesting |
20:44:50 | XavierGr | mpegplayer works like a charm on grayscale if you comment out the luv-blit function |
20:45:03 | XavierGr | of course no video displayed |
20:48:19 | Soap | how do I do a "svn diff" command which creates a patch with not just the modified files, but also the _new_ files? |
20:48:39 | nls | Soap: svn add the new files firsat |
20:48:42 | nls | -a |
20:48:47 | Soap | just "svn diff > ../patches/blah-blah.patch" didn't work. |
20:51:39 | Soap | thank you nls |
20:52:58 | | Quit Arathis (Remote closed the connection) |
20:55:09 | linuxstb | XavierGr: Yes, I did some testing on my h140 in the early stages - it's the only Coldfire target I have. |
20:55:34 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:56:59 | bluebrother | Soap, another option (if you don't want to svn add the file) is to diff -u /dev/null files >> patch |
20:57:20 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848661.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:57:30 | Soap | what is the disadvantage of "svn add"ing the file? |
20:58:01 | bluebrother | usually none. For cvs you can't cvs add unless you have write permission |
20:58:26 | bluebrother | I still prefer the way of not svn add-ing files so I don't need to keep track about added files |
21:00 |
21:00:23 | Soap | will a "svn revert -R ." from rockbox "un add" the file after I do a "svn add"? |
21:00:45 | bluebrother | don't know, never tried |
21:01:10 | Soap | thanks for the alternative. |
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21:17:42 | valiant3400 | hi |
21:18:46 | valiant3400 | I need to uninstall rockbox fropm my sansa e250 and it's not working like it's supposed to. I downloaded sansapatcher and it said old something or other detected and aborted. I found where I needed to run the sansa updater to get rid of that problem so I installed it. That didn't help-it still says that |
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21:20:21 | | Join webguest29 [0] (i=50d81d53@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b0ec27ee4afa83ff) |
21:21:23 | webguest29 | I've bought the sansa e250 today and was very excited to install rockbox for it! |
21:24:56 | linuxstb | valiant3400: Follow the instructions on the SansaE200Install wiki page to install the original firmware. That removes Rockbox. |
21:28:33 | Nico_P | Bagder: are you very demanding on GSoC applications ? |
21:29:01 | markun | I think we should be a bit demanding |
21:29:22 | Nico_P | markun: not too mcuh :p |
21:29:32 | Nico_P | markun: have you applied as a student ? |
21:29:37 | markun | no |
21:29:39 | linuxstb | I agree - it's going to be a fair amount of effort for the moderators, and we don't want to give students $4500 for nothing... :) |
21:29:51 | linuxstb | s/moderator/mentor/ |
21:29:56 | markun | linuxstb: it's google's money, but still |
21:30:13 | valiant3400 | I've been trying to follow instructions for the past two days, just like I tried to follow instruction for as many days to install it in the first place. I just now put a pp5022.mi4 file in the system rout directory of my player and ran the sansapatcher to remove my bootloader and it still said that it was aborting |
21:30:29 | BHSPitMonkey | valiant3400, just leave it installed, duh! |
21:30:39 | linuxstb | valiant3400: You just put the original pp5022.mi4 in the root directory, and boot the original firmware. That's it. |
21:31:04 | Soap | If SoC students don't produce usable code, does it reflect poorly on the project for next year? |
21:31:27 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) |
21:31:27 | valiant3400 | ok then should I remove of.bin from system folder and .rockbox dir and rockbox.e200 at the same time I stick the pp5022.mi4 in there? |
21:31:33 | linuxstb | Soap: I guess it depends on the situation and the reports from the mentors. I doubt google will blame a project for poor students. |
21:31:58 | linuxstb | valiant3400: No, do that afterwards. |
21:32:21 | pearldiver | "Initial attempt at rebuffering" |
21:32:22 | bluebrother | a GSoC student gets $4500? |
21:32:26 | pearldiver | oh.my.god |
21:32:31 | linuxstb | pearldiver: :) |
21:32:44 | bluebrother | did I get this right? Quite an amount ... |
21:33:11 | linuxstb | Yes, but I assume the intent is that it's a full-time job for the student for at least couple of months. |
21:33:14 | valiant3400 | ok I've already placed pp5022.mi4 in my rout dir and disconnected my player and ten pressed my power on button and followed that by holding the << button down for a bit until it came up to fm radio on original sansa firmware, now I reconnect, delete of.bin, .rockbox, androckbox.e200? |
21:33:51 | linuxstb | valiant3400: Make sure the original firmware is booting OK, and there is no sign of the Rockbox bootloader. If so, then yes, you can delete any Rockbox files from the main partition. |
21:35:50 | linuxstb | Does anyone know if the encoding syntax has changed in the latest vlc? I have the latest svn, and the command-line example on PluginMpegplayer gives an error about "no suitable sout access module for `file/ps://(null)' " |
21:36:00 | valiant3400 | no sign of the boot loader while botting intentionally to the original firmware with the << button correct? |
21:36:21 | linuxstb | Why do you need to hold the << button? |
21:36:31 | valiant3400 | to get it to load to original firmware |
21:36:51 | valiant3400 | otherwise it goes to rockbox |
21:37:01 | linuxstb | Huh? You should have removed the Rockbox bootloader. |
21:37:36 | scorche | bluebrother: and the organization gets 500...lots of beer for preglow ;) |
21:37:48 | valiant3400 | I can't get it to let me remove it, because I install it the old way before you guys created that nifty little sansapatcher application |
21:38:39 | linuxstb | valiant3400: So copying the PP5022.mi4 file to the root directory and then starting the original firmware doesn't work? |
21:38:51 | linuxstb | You don't need sansapatcher at all. |
21:40:37 | | Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) |
21:40:39 | valiant3400 | let's see, I put the pp5022.MI4 file in rout dir. I then unplugged the unit, turned it off, rebooted it by holding down the << button to go around my rockbox bootloader to get into sansa firmware in the first place, and it spent a bit displaying refresh databass. After that, I connected it to my PC again and it no longer has a pp5022.MI4 file in the rout dir where I placed it. I understand this is how it's supposed to be, Maybe I should ask wha |
21:40:42 | | Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ |
21:41:19 | linuxstb | valiant3400: That sounds like you've successfully uninstalled the Rockbox bootloader. The OF should now start normally (without needing to hold <<) |
21:42:46 | valiant3400 | if I restart in a moment and it does start without holding << like you said, then I can delete f:\system\of.bin, f:\.rockbox, f:\rockbox.e200? |
21:42:55 | valiant3400 | where f is the sansa's drive letter obviously lol |
21:43:25 | linuxstb | Yes. Just make sure it's "normal" again before deleting those files. |
21:43:27 | | Quit Guile (Client Quit) |
21:43:34 | valiant3400 | ok |
21:43:42 | | Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ |
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21:46:38 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=Mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
21:47:19 | valiant3400 | lenix: no such luck. I restarted the player and it just stopped and displayed rockbox bootloader 2006 and a bunch of numbers. I then held down the << button after turning it back off and was able to get it to connect to the computer |
21:47:55 | linuxstb | Sounds like the PP5022.mi4 file you installed was the Rockbox bootloader, not the original firmware. |
21:47:59 | valiant3400 | hmm, maybe my pp5022 is a rockbox bootloader? |
21:48:12 | valiant3400 | rofl, there we go |
21:48:13 | valiant3400 | whew |
21:48:18 | linuxstb | How big is it? If it's less than about 100KB, then it will be the Rockbox bootloader. |
21:48:27 | linuxstb | If it's more like 5MB, then it will be the OF. |
21:49:03 | valiant3400 | it's 59.5kb |
21:49:14 | linuxstb | Then that's definitely the Rockbox bootloader. |
21:50:14 | valiant3400 | I also have a sansa updater application on my computer, that was supposed to do what putting the pp5022.MI4 file on my player did for me. This info was available when I tried to use sansapatcher to uninstall it, it provided a link when it aborted |
21:51:43 | bluebrother | hmm. Did anyone get incompatibility issues with ipod and cypress USB-ATA bridge? |
21:52:13 | bluebrother | looks like my usb goes crazy when both are connected |
21:53:32 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc3-rdng11-0-0-cust229.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
21:55:01 | valiant3400 | Lenix: My pp5022.MI4 file that I have here was supposed to be placed in rout directory in addition to .rockbox dir and rockbox.e200, and of.bin was placed in system dir. If that's the case, hmm wow |
21:55:03 | | Join stoffel [0] (n=sfr@p57b4f60c.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:56:04 | valiant3400 | that's how I got rockbox to work, so I must be using the wrong MI4 file, but you say it would be larger than 100k if it was the rockbox MI4 file |
21:56:23 | linuxstb | No, I said it would be larger than 100k if it was the original firmware. |
21:56:31 | valiant3400 | oh |
21:56:34 | valiant3400 | lol |
21:57:05 | | Join voltagex [0] (n=voltagex@124-254-123-181-dsl.ispone.net.au) |
22:00 |
22:01:04 | valiant3400 | raa I found one that's 5717kb and am downloading it now |
22:02:00 | | Join daniel2023 [0] (i=4462fbc5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-80387ab41ca9a9e1) |
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22:08:08 | | Quit BigMac ("Leaving") |
22:09:10 | andrewg867 | oh my god |
22:09:22 | andrewg867 | what is wrong with this now >:( |
22:09:51 | andrewg867 | that sound reversal or whatever was happening only with heavy CPU usage is now happening all the time now |
22:10:01 | | Join web-taz [0] (n=taz@p5081A82D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:10:14 | andrewg867 | it doesn't happen when it is set to mono though |
22:10:21 | andrewg867 | I'll record it again |
22:10:34 | Soap | if channeles reversed while in mono mode could you tell? |
22:10:50 | andrewg867 | probably not |
22:11:16 | andrewg867 | it is very fustrating to listen to now, it has only happened since some change last week |
22:11:26 | andrewg867 | maybe with the LCD double buffer |
22:12:04 | valiant3400 | stereo microphone? |
22:12:27 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) |
22:13:09 | andrewg867 | stereo audio input on the computer ;) |
22:13:27 | | Join Shaid` [0] (i=shaid@124-168-139-249.dyn.iinet.net.au) |
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22:14:09 | valiant3400 | blink, what might that have to do with rockbox lol. although I wish I could get that to work here |
22:14:25 | andrewg867 | and if I do anything with any plugin I get lots of little pops |
22:15:00 | Soap | linuxstb: I had been having a problem where Rockbox would hang upon plugging in a computer-connected USB cable. Updating to the latest (no text :( ) bootloader appears to have solved it. Is that to be expected? |
22:15:03 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=Mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
22:15:06 | Nico_P | isn't there a command in linux to get the number of chars in a file ? |
22:15:18 | linuxstb | wc |
22:15:50 | BigMac | Was scroll margins committed, because I can't find its tracker page anymore |
22:16:00 | Soap | BigMac: 2954 |
22:16:04 | BigMac | and have searched changelog, but to no avail |
22:16:08 | linuxstb | Soap: The USB (mis-)behaviour seems random. It's currently acting very badly for for - it almost never works. |
22:16:10 | BigMac | ok |
22:16:13 | Nico_P | linuxstb: thanks |
22:16:13 | linuxstb | ^for me |
22:16:21 | valiant3400 | blah I need to get a copy of lenix running with a software screen reader and speech synthesizer on it, wouldn't that be fun |
22:16:23 | | Join web-taz2 [0] (n=taz@p50819250.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:16:24 | andrewg867 | ah HA |
22:16:29 | andrewg867 | it is stereo reversal |
22:16:45 | Soap | hmm, it never worked for me, until just now when I tried updating the bootloader, worked for the first time ever. Luck of the draw! |
22:16:46 | andrewg867 | if you open the mp3 i'm going to link you to in audacity and look at 2:43 |
22:17:18 | andrewg867 | it also happens at :35 :59 1:05 1:25 1:32 1:40 1:45 1:50 2:14 2:43 and many others |
22:17:21 | | Quit BigMac (Client Quit) |
22:17:50 | andrewg867 | 4:02, right at the end you can see it like at 2:43 |
22:17:54 | | Join jmsbwtr_ [0] (n=james@ACBC1065.ipt.aol.com) |
22:17:56 | andrewg867 | let me upload it now |
22:19:27 | | Join JavaMan22 [0] (n=HP_Admin@c-24-61-91-138.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) |
22:20:14 | andrewg867 | http://aliant.ath.cx/~andrew/sansa/u2BeautifulDay-SansaDecoding.ogg |
22:20:18 | andrewg867 | brb |
22:22:44 | | Quit web-taz (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
22:25:04 | jmsbwtr_ | hey, i have a 2G mini, is this COP stuff in the current svn, or do i need to patch and build myself? |
22:25:48 | Soap | it's in there. |
22:25:55 | Soap | need the latest bootloader. |
22:27:58 | andrewg867 | so anyone have a comment on that stupid audio problem? |
22:29:58 | linuxstb | andrewg867: Have you tried this patch? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6908 |
22:30:55 | andrewg867 | linuxstb: I will try that now, thanks |
22:31:39 | jmsbwtr_ | thanks Soap |
22:31:52 | | Quit Shaid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:31:53 | | Nick Shaid` is now known as Shaid (i=shaid@124-168-139-249.dyn.iinet.net.au) |
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22:33:48 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A97AF0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:33:58 | valiant3400 | Linuxstb: the file I'm downloading is called 1.02.15a.mi4. Should I rename that to pp5022.MI4 or firmware.MI4? |
22:34:34 | | Quit Rondom (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:34:44 | linuxstb | PP5022.mi4 I think. |
22:34:44 | thegeek | sorry to ask, but has there been any progress on the 80gb 5.5G disk stuff? |
22:34:52 | linuxstb | No. |
22:34:54 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57a97af0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:34:56 | thegeek | kk |
22:35:07 | | Quit dmdfan ("ircN 7.27 + 7.0 for mIRC (2002/01/10 00.00)") |
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22:36:29 | JavaMan22 | is there a way so i can launch .java files with text editor like.txt? |
22:36:37 | JavaMan22 | instead of going to open with |
22:37:05 | linuxstb | You can add them to .rockbox/viewers.config |
22:37:11 | Soap | go to open with once, and check the "always open this type of file with....." checkbox. |
22:37:23 | JavaMan22 | where is that checkbox? |
22:37:27 | Soap | oh, nevermind. HEADSLAP. |
22:37:33 | JavaMan22 | >:o |
22:37:52 | midkay | Soap: haha. |
22:38:21 | linuxstb | Although with the number of viewers increasing, I can see that option becoming available... |
22:38:25 | JavaMan22 | txt,rocks/text_editor, 55 55 55 55 55 55 |
22:38:28 | JavaMan22 | what is the 55?? |
22:38:40 | nls | hex for the icon |
22:38:45 | JavaMan22 | ooo |
22:38:52 | JavaMan22 | :) |
22:39:10 | JavaMan22 | txt,viewers/viewer,55 55 55 55 55 55 |
22:39:10 | JavaMan22 | nfo,viewers/viewer,55 55 55 55 55 55 |
22:39:10 | JavaMan22 | txt,rocks/text_editor, 55 55 55 55 55 55 |
22:39:13 | JavaMan22 | there is two?!?!? |
22:39:17 | JavaMan22 | how does that work |
22:39:25 | nls | the viewer is default |
22:39:47 | JavaMan22 | i dont get it |
22:40:37 | nls | just add java,rocks/text_editor, 55 55 55 55 55 55 to the list |
22:41:39 | JavaMan22 | ok |
22:42:19 | valiant3400 | browse to it would work too |
22:44:14 | Nico_P | Bagder: I have an application almost ready for MoB + basic AA |
22:44:18 | nls | JavaMan22: and make sure that you backup the file as it wil be overwritten when you update |
22:44:58 | JavaMan22 | ... |
22:45:07 | JavaMan22 | but i update like everyday... |
22:45:25 | JavaMan22 | erm |
22:47:40 | | Join Ribs_ [0] (n=ribs@ |
22:47:44 | JavaMan22 | is rockbox.ipod supposed to be in .rockbox too? |
22:47:48 | nls | yes |
22:47:58 | JavaMan22 | why do i need in both places |
22:48:20 | nls | you don't, delete the one in the root |
22:48:34 | JavaMan22 | good :) |
22:48:48 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
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22:49:06 | andrewg867 | linuxstb: it works :D |
22:49:26 | andrewg867 | I can listen to music on Rockbox again ;) |
22:49:27 | linuxstb | angreg867: Good. Can you post a comment to the tracker to tell the patch author? |
22:49:45 | | Quit valiant3400 ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
22:50:00 | bluebrother | hmm. We should close feature requests for new ports with "rejected" instead of "invalid" imo ... |
22:50:13 | mattzz | andrewg867: did you observe the white screen of death on the sansa, too? |
22:50:40 | JavaMan22 | is anyone working on a new game? |
22:51:05 | andrewg867 | mattzz: I think I might have last night, I though I broke the LCD driver because I was trying to fix that damn audio reversal problem |
22:51:15 | nls | bluebrother: maybe... although they request a whole new port, IMO not a feature |
22:51:21 | andrewg867 | but it has only happened once |
22:51:27 | | Join Bawitdaba [0] (n=Sphinx@ |
22:51:47 | | Part Bawitdaba |
22:51:51 | mattzz | andrewg867: I have the patch FS #6908 running in this moment - seems much better now |
22:52:07 | andrewg867 | and it has never just randomly happened, just on startup |
22:52:17 | andrewg867 | mattzz: I completely agree :) |
22:52:53 | bluebrother | nls, yes −− but it's a request, and we reject that request ;-) |
22:52:55 | * | Nico_P has just submitted his student application to the GSoC :) |
22:53:05 | bluebrother | that noise in FS is quite annoying :( |
22:53:08 | mattzz | andrewg867: though the UI is sometimes still quite sluggish |
22:53:24 | andrewg867 | mattzz: does it happen to you at the start of songs? |
22:53:45 | Soap | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer |
22:53:46 | | Join Baw|lappy [0] (n=baw@ |
22:54:21 | Soap | Gigabeat has 417% of the MpegPlayer performance of the H10 20GB. |
22:54:25 | mattzz | andrewg867: no, only after some time. Skipping songs, switching between WPS and menu screen and after a while the screen just froze and faded to white |
22:54:53 | mattzz | andrewg867: I have not been able to reproduce that since I applide the patch |
22:54:58 | | Quit Ribs (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
22:54:59 | andrewg867 | mattzz: weird, that has never happened to me where it just froze and went to white |
22:54:59 | Soap | 500% of an X5. |
22:55:00 | mattzz | argh applied |
22:55:44 | andrewg867 | oh I should also make a patch to the audio volume changes I made |
22:56:41 | mattzz | andrewg867: what is that about? |
22:57:15 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD54A9.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:58:32 | andrewg867 | mattzz: I found the registers on the AS3515 to disable the over-current cut out, disable the "Common Mode Buffer" and increase the DAC -> Mixer gain. I find it is very comparable to the Sandisk firmware now |
22:59:39 | mattzz | andrewg867: That sounds good (literally). So the clipping-alike sound is gone with your patch? |
22:59:59 | andrewg867 | yeah it should be |
23:00 |
23:00:14 | mattzz | nice! |
23:00:24 | andrewg867 | that "Common Mode Buffer" really screws up the sound though |
23:00:28 | | Quit stoffel ("leaving") |
23:00:36 | mattzz | submitsubmitsubmit ;-) |
23:00:36 | | Quit billytwowilly (Nick collision from services.) |
23:00:41 | | Nick billy2willy is now known as billytwowilly (n=chris@dhcp-43-41.arts.ualberta.ca) |
23:00:54 | | Join borisyeltsin [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) |
23:01:15 | | Quit Vyrus001 ("Leaving") |
23:01:24 | * | bluebrother managed to save a few bytes by restructuring root_menu.c |
23:01:25 | andrewg867 | mattzz: if only I could remember my flyspray credentials ;) |
23:01:39 | * | mattzz patched battery_bench in order to have a complete benchmark on the sansa running now |
23:01:39 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:01:45 | Llorean | andrewg867: "over-current cut out" sounds like a good thing. |
23:01:52 | mattzz | andrewg867: I can give you mine ;-) |
23:01:52 | * | amiconn is undecided whether he should commit the first step of his charcell lcd code rework |
23:02:06 | Llorean | amiconn: Why not, unless it breaks something? |
23:02:13 | amiconn | It has a slight disadvantage compared to svn: jump scroll doesn't work |
23:02:14 | pixelma | Nico_P: got a finding about your tokenizer patch - it would be easier to explain (as you probably could try out yourself) if you'd have a coldfire target at hand (hopefully you do?) |
23:02:32 | Llorean | amiconn: "Jump scroll"? |
23:02:44 | Nico_P | pixelma: not atm |
23:02:51 | amiconn | But the code is cleaner, and a lot more similar to the bitmap lcd code |
23:02:55 | Nico_P | I sent my H320 for repair |
23:03:14 | | Join Bawitdaba [0] (n=Sphinx@cpe-72-226-66-206.nycap.res.rr.com) |
23:03:39 | Nico_P | pixelma: maybe the sim will do though ? |
23:04:05 | andrewg867 | Llorean: it sounds good on paper but sounds aweful, even the Sandisk firmware disables it. I was playing with the windows emulator and I saw that the real firmware sent the value to the register to set the timeout to 0ms |
23:04:09 | amiconn | It already implements some of the bitmap lcd functions which weren't there before: margin setting, lcd_getstringsize(), lcd_putsxy() and some related text output functions |
23:04:21 | amiconn | Nico_P: There's a NULL pointer access somewhere |
23:04:24 | bluebrother | sounds good |
23:04:51 | mattzz | By the way: Anybody interested in checking out or submitting http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6636 or http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6616 |
23:04:59 | mattzz | ? |
23:05:09 | Llorean | andrewg867: Is it just a bad sounding effect, or is it part of what limits the volume as well? |
23:05:27 | amiconn | Nico_P: On SH and coldfire it hits when you enable the memory guard in the debug menu. Unfortunately that feature doesn't exist on arm |
23:05:36 | pixelma | Nico_P: hmm... so I'll try to explain... I wanted to know what is displayed for a very short time when you actually start playback - so amiconn started the watchdog on my Ondio (maybe it's only hwcodec either way) - it then gave me "I0C: UserBrk at 0901650A" |
23:05:45 | Llorean | mattzz: Thought about giving rocklife the ability to load pattern files (or edit)? |
23:05:53 | pearldiver | whats elephant dream's fps? |
23:05:53 | | Nick Everybody is now known as Everybody|away (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) |
23:06:02 | Llorean | pearldiver: 25 I think |
23:06:03 | linuxstb | pearldiver: 24fps |
23:06:06 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
23:06:08 | * | Llorean almost got it. |
23:06:12 | pearldiver | it seems like it has much less tearing than the vlc encoded files |
23:06:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:06:16 | pearldiver | (on gigabeat) |
23:06:21 | pearldiver | so 24? |
23:06:22 | amiconn | The UserBrk (on coldfire it would be 'Debug') address can be used to track down the individual function that causes the hit |
23:06:23 | * | bluebrother wonders why the last sync of FS #6616 is a c file rather than a diff |
23:06:28 | andrewg867 | Llorean: if you set the timeout to 0mb then it just gets distorted when you max out the headphones (or the headphone amp) otherwise it just completely cuts out for whatever timeout you set (256mb default) |
23:06:39 | linuxstb | pearldiver: Yes, definitely exactly 24fps |
23:06:45 | pearldiver | ok thanks |
23:07:08 | pearldiver | rebuffer works wonders btw |
23:07:16 | Llorean | bluebrother: It's just a standalone plugin with no changes to the API, so the only other change is in SOURCES. |
23:07:22 | andrewg867 | sounds better distorted because sometimes you get the odd bit of extra heavy bass in a song that you can live with being fractionally distorted than having it cut out |
23:07:28 | pearldiver | i think dave needs a bottle of champaigne to be sent his way :P |
23:07:31 | pixelma | Nico_P: s/watchdog/memory guard |
23:07:35 | mattzz | Llorean: Should be possible. You think the pre-selectable patterns are not sufficient or enough? |
23:07:47 | amiconn | (you need the .bin and the .map of the build in question, a disassembler, the C source and a bit of patience) |
23:07:49 | Llorean | andrewg867: And what is this feature inteded to prevent? Damage to something? |
23:07:53 | bluebrother | Llorean, yes. But I still prefer diff files |
23:08:03 | Nico_P | pixelma, amiconn: can I try it on the sim ? |
23:08:19 | bluebrother | and a diff can contain a single added file without any problems |
23:08:38 | | Part JavaMan22 |
23:09:09 | Llorean | mattzz: How 'bout monochrome bitmaps? Just add it to viewers.config and allow users to open-with mono bitmaps with it. Then they can use a bitmap editor to create patterns for it without it having to have explicit pattern creation support. |
23:09:13 | andrewg867 | Llorean: maybe but there seems to be no issue with disabling it |
23:09:13 | Llorean | bluebrother: Me too. |
23:09:18 | pixelma | Nico_P: if it's only on hwcodec then probably not I've been told |
23:09:39 | Llorean | andrewg867: What conditions would it have to be under to completely cut out? |
23:10:00 | amiconn | Nico_P: The sim should segfault in this case. That is, if the tokenizer code doesn't behave different than on target |
23:10:10 | mattzz | Llorean: Thats a really nice idea! |
23:10:29 | andrewg867 | Llorean: there is no built in shutdown feature that I know of (or described in the datasheet) if thats what you are asking |
23:10:42 | Llorean | mattzz: Bitmap handling is fairly easy, patterns then don't require a special format, and people can open the Rockbox-mono logo and see what happens to it. :) |
23:10:53 | mattzz | Hehe... |
23:11:06 | Llorean | andrewg867: Well you said the sound completely cuts out for the timeout when it triggers. I more meant "what conditions cause this feature to trigger" |
23:11:09 | mattzz | or the wps... |
23:11:22 | pearldiver | linuxstb just encoded a file at 29.97fps, it was out of sync after 1/3 way through it |
23:11:35 | andrewg867 | Llorean: if the headphones make the headphone amp use too much current |
23:11:36 | pearldiver | would forcing 25 or 24fps help it? |
23:11:47 | amiconn | Llorean: Jump scroll: When enabled, the text doesn't scroll pixel-wise (or character-wise on charcell), but in lcd-width chunks (reduced to match word boundaries if possible). It does this either for a selectable number of times (1 to 5), then switch to normal scrolling, or always instead of normal scrolling |
23:11:52 | pearldiver | or might help it, for that matter |
23:12:04 | linuxstb | pearldiver: Please test on a desktop video player - I would expect it to be an encoding issue. Assuming of course that you've enabled both Limit FPS and Skip Frames. |
23:12:14 | andrewg867 | Llorean: and I don't think there is a way to change the current detection threshold eother |
23:12:17 | Llorean | andrewg867: Is this likely under 'normal' use conditions, though? |
23:12:21 | amiconn | It's currently *only* implemented for charcell (i.e. player). My new code doesn't do that yet. The settings are there, but they're ignored |
23:12:34 | pearldiver | linuxstb yep, just test it, everything seems to be in order |
23:12:43 | pearldiver | so its not the encode |
23:13:00 | amiconn | I am planning to implement this for all targets with the "great scroll code unification" |
23:13:07 | linuxstb | pearldiver: Is Skip Frames enabled? The gigabeat isn't fast enough to display a 30fps file without skipping frames. |
23:13:13 | Llorean | amiconn: I don't think it'd be too bad to have that disabled for the time being, then. |
23:13:22 | amiconn | But for now it would be gone for player if I'd commit my changes now |
23:13:27 | andrewg867 | Llorean: very much so, if you put on a loud song and don't turn down the volume then the over-current protection will cut in and 'help' with the situation |
23:13:34 | pearldiver | linuxstb i think skip frames was OFF |
23:13:35 | amiconn | I think it's not good to accumulate too many changes |
23:13:54 | * | bluebrother agrees on this |
23:13:57 | amiconn | Llorean: If you see how it looks, build a player sim |
23:14:15 | pearldiver | linuxstb let me test it with skip frames ON |
23:14:23 | amiconn | bluebrother: Yeah, especially since my experience of almost-data-loss |
23:14:54 | bluebrother | almost-data-loss is horrifying |
23:15:08 | | Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") |
23:15:09 | * | bluebrother remembers to setup a good backup strategy and system |
23:15:46 | amiconn | Yeah, it was pure luck that the hdd didn't go completely bad at once |
23:15:50 | Llorean | andrewg867: Can you trigger it with the player at 0dB, and a song replaygained to prevent clipping? |
23:16:18 | pixelma | Nico_P: I'm currently compiling a tokenizer build for my M5 - it it crashes in the same situation, then a swcodec sim most probably will do the same |
23:16:27 | pearldiver | linuxstb yes, skip frames ON solves it |
23:16:48 | bluebrother | I had a similar thing some years ago ... the hdd wouldn't spin up. Luckily I managed to get it spin up once again by hitting it a couple of times |
23:17:02 | pearldiver | linuxstb so whats the more rational option, force 24fps or skip the frames? |
23:17:03 | Llorean | Percussive maintenance at its finest. |
23:17:17 | Nico_P | pixelma: ok, I'll look into it a bit later this evening |
23:17:40 | amiconn | One of the next steps of my rework (hopefully happening next week) will probably make JdGordon (and other ui devs) happy: charcell code will have lcd_update(), making it even more similar to bitmap code |
23:17:43 | linuxstb | pearldiver: You have other options - encode at a lower bitrate and/or a lower resolution. |
23:18:15 | | Part zeth |
23:18:16 | amiconn | No more red builds due to forgotten #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP around lcd_update() ;) |
23:18:23 | linuxstb | pearldiver: But you should always enable skip frames - you'll soon notice if mpegplayer needs to skip too many, and that's your cue to re-encode. |
23:18:24 | pearldiver | linuxstb im using the vlc bat file |
23:18:34 | bluebrother | sounds great |
23:18:36 | amiconn | ...and considerably more straightforward handling, also in the sim |
23:18:54 | andrewg867 | Llorean: the sansa headphone amp actually goes to 1dB but thats beside the point, I am not really that knowledgable in that area so I'm probably the wrong one to ask |
23:19:23 | andrewg867 | I normally only play with hardware and see what I can do with it, not too much in the software side ;) |
23:20:16 | Bagder | 11 gsoc applications and counting... |
23:20:42 | Llorean | andrewg867: Basically, I'm just trying to figure out what conditions this 'safety feature' is meant to prevent. I've not heard the cutouts in the music at all, for example, or the strange distortions. |
23:21:06 | Llorean | andrewg867: So I was wondering if it fit 'normal use' or if it aligned with what would be 'abusive' to the headphones anyway. |
23:21:23 | | Part nls |
23:21:38 | Slickire | Badger: Hi, how many GSoC applications are you accepting? |
23:21:38 | andrewg867 | with the current svn state, the developer whe first created the driver (name slipped my mind) intentionally made the gain lower to preven to over-current clipping |
23:21:47 | andrewg867 | *who |
23:22:12 | Bagder | Slickire: as many as possible, but I recon 4-5 is maximum |
23:22:39 | pearldiver | linuxstb mpegplayer doesn't have problems with lower audio bitrates, does it? |
23:22:47 | pearldiver | linuxstb like 96 or 64 |
23:22:52 | linuxstb | It shouldn't... |
23:22:56 | andrewg867 | and the distortion will only happen if you increase the volume too much, right now with the settings I am using now I can turn it up to about -9dB without distortion but is still pretty loud |
23:23:09 | linuxstb | pearldiver: But the samplerate must be 44.1KHz. |
23:23:33 | Slickire | Bagder: ah rite. I have just started looking into applying for it, what are you looking for in the applications? |
23:24:00 | Bagder | Slickire: a good idea for the project, and a good idea on how to implement it |
23:24:23 | Bagder | possibly also get a feeling if the person seems to have the means to pull it through |
23:24:27 | Llorean | andrewg867: People were reporting distortion on various locations even with the reduced gain though. I'm just being cautious because we already have one person claiming we blew out his headphones on the Sansa (although he's got no evidence other than 'they stopped working after I'd been using my Sansa') |
23:24:43 | Nico_P | Bagder: have you seen my application ? :) |
23:24:55 | Bagder | Nico_P: I've already scored it max ;-) |
23:25:05 | Slickire | Bagder: Oh, so it doesnt have to be one of the projects suggested on the SoC page? It just has to be feasable? |
23:25:15 | Bagder | Slickire: it can be anything you want |
23:25:17 | scorche | mine will come tomorrow after i make a call.. |
23:25:51 | Soap | 4500 might be able to buy a lot of outsourced Indian code. |
23:25:56 | Nico_P | Bagder: nice :) |
23:27:07 | | Quit jmsbwtr_ ("Ex-Chat") |
23:27:22 | Llorean | Slickire: Basically, in my opinion, try to pick something that seems well suited to the period of time you have (relative to your skills) and you think would be beneficial to the whole project (preferably as a whole, not something like work on improving how everything runs on a single player, unless its a 'new port' being brought up to speed) |
23:27:27 | bluebrother | is there an overview page of the current status of SoC applications? |
23:27:57 | Bagder | bluebrother: only for the mentors I believe |
23:28:17 | scorche | Llorean: well, improvements to PP would be acceptable |
23:28:27 | Slickire | Ah rite, thanks. I have an idea for increasing battery performance (ie, longetivity) as well as the LLVM/ScummVM on the projects page, but I dont have a great insight into the rockbox codebase |
23:28:29 | bluebrother | too bad. |
23:28:34 | bluebrother | hmpf |
23:28:36 | Llorean | scorche: Yeah, but that's not single-target. |
23:28:52 | bluebrother | is it me being too tired or is it root_menu.c? |
23:29:01 | Llorean | Slickire: Part of Summer of Code is familiarizing yourself with the project anyway, so that's perfectly acceptable. |
23:29:35 | scorche | i am still trying to figure out if porting a device over is above my level or not.. |
23:29:39 | Llorean | Bagder: It describes the "Comments" as "Public", does that mean they're just shared with the applicant, or does that suggest the page is public? |
23:29:49 | Bagder | I don't know |
23:30:08 | | Quit webguest29 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:30:21 | Bagder | bluebrother: can you read this page => http://code.google.com/soc/rockbox/open.html ? |
23:30:26 | Slickire | Oh ok, so would an abastract view of my ideas be ok in the application? |
23:30:58 | linuxstb | Slickire: The more detail the better IMO. |
23:31:20 | Bagder | Slickire: remember that you compete against several other fine applications... |
23:31:22 | Slickire | linuxstb: True |
23:31:34 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
23:31:51 | Slickire | Bagder: yea, i noticed Nico_p is in the ranks here :) |
23:31:56 | | Quit Siltaar (Remote closed the connection) |
23:32:07 | bluebrother | Bagder, no −− it redirects me to the signup page for mentors |
23:32:14 | scorche | linuxstb: which link do you use to get to the archopen sources?...they all give me a 404 |
23:32:28 | Bagder | bluebrother: ok, thanks for testing |
23:32:35 | linuxstb | scorche: I got them via svn/cvs |
23:32:42 | linuxstb | (whichever they are using...) |
23:32:58 | scorche | ah...alright...that is the one method i somehow forgot about... |
23:33:33 | andrewg867 | Llorean: I doubt you would be able to blow any headphones with the headphone amp in this thing, it is only 40mW per channel with 16ohm or 20mW per channel with 32ohm headpones |
23:33:36 | andrewg867 | *phones |
23:34:22 | Llorean | andrewg867: Any idea why the feature exists then? |
23:37:01 | scorche | only revision 93...wow |
23:37:19 | | Join Blasta [0] (i=Masta@0x55536f5e.adsl.cybercity.dk) |
23:37:50 | Blasta | hello |
23:38:19 | | Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") |
23:38:32 | bluebrother | hello |
23:39:09 | Blasta | my video ipod recently stopped responding to being plugged in, then once it's had a while, like days, to lie around doing nothing it'll respond to that again and charge, then operate like normal for a day or two then go back in to coma |
23:39:52 | Blasta | i tried restoring the apple software the other day, and that seemed to continue working fine after several days of not-real-use, so i formated and reinstalled rockbox on it |
23:39:55 | | Quit nerve (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:40:29 | Blasta | everything seemed to work fine, filetransfers even went faster, but after using it for about 1 hour last night and spending the night in my jacket pocket, it's now dead again :( |
23:41:01 | | Quit Baw|lappy () |
23:41:06 | pearldiver | linuxstb still losing sync 2/3 in |
23:41:13 | Blasta | i suspect some kind of hardware failure, but i have no idea how to check for this on a ipod |
23:41:59 | Blasta | it's still under warranty, but i don't want to send it in and then get it back with them saying nothing is wrong |
23:42:48 | Blasta | there was an issue with a friend fumbling with connecting the cable to it, and he is notorious for breaking stuff you would think unbreakable, but nothing appears to be wrong when i look at another ipod compared to mine |
23:43:17 | pearldiver | linuxstb will force 25fps now instead of 29.97fps |
23:43:34 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) |
23:43:34 | andrewg867 | Llorean: maybe to make AustriaMicrosystems look good? ;P |
23:44:18 | Blasta | pearldiver: ? |
23:44:39 | linuxstb | Blasta: Do you experience the same problem when running the Apple firmware? |
23:44:54 | pearldiver | Blasta oh we're talking about fps rates for the mpegplayer |
23:45:20 | Llorean | andrewg867: Could there be a settings option for disabling that feature, or would we have to do so at boot? |
23:45:20 | linuxstb | pearldiver: How long is your video? |
23:45:29 | pearldiver | linuxstb about 23 minutes |
23:45:33 | XavierGr | heh mpegplayer plays too fast on the sim |
23:45:35 | pixelma | Nico_P: M5 doesn't crash and the Ondio-FM-sims debug menu is missing a lot of things :( |
23:45:40 | Soap | 29.97 -> 25 will give the appearance of skipping (most likely) as inverse-tele should go to 23.976 |
23:45:41 | XavierGr | (even with fram limit set to on) |
23:46:01 | Soap | should cause roughly one duplicated frame per second? |
23:46:02 | Blasta | linuxstb: it didn't appear to happen after i just plugged it in and charged it a little and let it run out of battery while playing. then it responded fine again. but so it did with rockbox installed the previous week, then stopped working again |
23:46:04 | pearldiver | linuxstb trying 25fps now with skip frames OFF |
23:46:10 | pearldiver | looks good so far |
23:46:19 | linuxstb | pearldiver: There's no reason to disable skip frames. |
23:46:40 | linuxstb | XavierGr: It works fine in the sim for me... |
23:46:48 | Blasta | guess i'll wait for it to come back to life again and restore it and try it out for a few days... the default soundquality is just so abhoringly bad :( |
23:46:59 | XavierGr | linuxstb: strange let me try it again then |
23:47:06 | andrewg867 | Llorean: if you can help me with the menu option making/global setting then sure :) |
23:47:20 | XavierGr | just got a segfault in the sim :\ |
23:47:24 | linuxstb | XavierGr: Is the audio playing at the correct speed? The video should be synced to the audio. |
23:47:41 | linuxstb | XavierGr: Yes, I don't think removing threads is supported in the sim. |
23:47:54 | linuxstb | So mpegplayer always segfaults when you stop it. |
23:48:11 | XavierGr | linuxstb: on the test I just had audio was at normal speed though video was running quite faster |
23:48:34 | linuxstb | And you're sure the Limit Frames option was enabled? |
23:48:41 | mattzz | gnite |
23:48:42 | | Quit mattzz ("Leaving") |
23:48:55 | XavierGr | linuxstb: yeah, I already checked it 3 times .... strange |
23:49:13 | Nico_P | pixelma: at what point exactly did the crash occur ? |
23:49:27 | Nico_P | parsing ? displaying ? |
23:49:57 | linuxstb | XavierGr: And does the file play OK in other video players? |
23:51:02 | XavierGr | linuxstb: it is a video I encoded at 10fps it seems to play fine on target and my pc but let me check on something again |
23:51:14 | | Part toffe82 |
23:51:48 | Blasta | hm i managed to get life into it with the select-menu hodling down for ages, now it's charging and saying it has "very low battery" |
23:51:54 | pearldiver | linuxstb losing sync at 25fps as well, same thing about 2/3 in |
23:52:03 | Blasta | but it was only used for about 60 minutes last night and then spent the night turned off |
23:52:19 | pixelma | Nico_P: when I start music playback and it should display the WPS - initially I just wondered what is displayed for a split second in the place where the tags belong... |
23:52:20 | Blasta | (this right now is while it's plugged in) so i guess dead battery? |
23:52:40 | linuxstb | pearldiver: If you enable "show fps", is it displaying 25.0 (or something close) ? |
23:52:46 | pearldiver | linuxstb, its not drastic though but really visable |
23:53:13 | pearldiver | linuxstb, 24.9 |
23:53:37 | Llorean | Blasta: The low-battery warning thing is actually most commonly a bug in the iPod hardware. Charge it for a bit, then use Menu+Select while it's still plugged in to reboot it. |
23:53:49 | linuxstb | pearldiver: But it's fine on a PC? |
23:54:05 | pearldiver | linuxstb, perfect |
23:54:08 | andrewg867 | argh the auto change directory is broken |
23:54:19 | andrewg867 | worked fine before the 'random' option addition |
23:54:43 | linuxstb | pearldiver: Can you upload it somewhere? |
23:54:56 | XavierGr | linuxstb: with frame limiting it does indeed go slower but still quite faster than the original |
23:55:03 | Blasta | Lloren: so you're saying that now after it's charged for a bit, i should unplug, then use menu-select to reboot it? and this is different from just normal poweroff? |
23:55:15 | Blasta | Llorean* |
23:56:14 | Llorean | Blasta: I said to do it while it's still plugged in. |
23:56:20 | XavierGr | linuxstb: maybe it has to do with the fps of the video (which is encoded at 10)? |
23:56:40 | Llorean | andrewg867: Broken with random disabled? |
23:56:41 | pearldiver | linuxstb its 100mb, is that ok? |
23:56:42 | Blasta | Llorean: ah yea, sorry, late at night, eyes not working properly |
23:57:06 | andrewg867 | Llorean: the whole thing is broken, even when set to yes it doesn't work |
23:57:19 | Soap | XavierGr: what program is giving you the option to do 10fps? |
23:57:22 | linuxstb | pearldiver: That's fine with me. |
23:57:37 | pearldiver | linuxstb ok, will do |
23:57:57 | XavierGr | Soap: mplayer check the wiki |
23:57:58 | Llorean | andrewg867: When you set it to yes, you also have to run the setup plugin |
23:58:00 | XavierGr | very nice tool |
23:58:06 | web-taz2 | hello |
23:58:28 | andrewg867 | Llorean: setup plugin? |
23:58:36 | web-taz2 | is it normal, that the themes which come along with the daily build are not shown right ? |
23:58:43 | andrewg867 | I didn't have to do anything else prevously |
23:58:51 | Soap | XavierGr: 10fps is not a legal MPEG2 framerate. Many programs will do pseudo-10, but it's really 30fps internally with tripple duplicated frames. |
23:58:57 | linuxstb | web-taz2: Did you install the fonts? |