00:04:33 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b96f05.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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00:17:46 | | Nick Soap is now known as NamesCanBeReally (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
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00:20:59 | | Join Hoffmann [0] (n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net) |
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00:22:38 | | Quit ender` (" Programming is like sex becuse: 19. Theres always someone willing to write about the only right way to do things.") |
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00:27:43 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
00:27:45 | stripwax | hello |
00:28:38 | stripwax | just for fun, i'm playing with archos sim build. (i don't even have an archos). |
00:29:02 | stripwax | If I have a wps containing just %pf, are the leftmost two chars supposed to be blank in sim? |
00:29:36 | stripwax | ah - no matter. If I do %pc%pf it works. %pf on its own doesn't |
00:29:41 | * | stripwax goes back to his hole |
00:30:16 | | Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) |
00:30:25 | | Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ |
00:31:47 | | Quit roolku () |
00:32:09 | stripwax | Hrm. Would making the "numbers" array in gwps-common.c an array of already-computed rows rather than an array of (bytes storing) bools save space on archos AND simplify the code? |
00:33:43 | | Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) |
00:34:41 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p54BD3D92.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
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00:35:42 | DerPapst | anyone seen my post in the new ports -> nano 2G thread? |
00:36:03 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
00:36:47 | | Quit ompaul ("tomorrow") |
00:37:01 | Soap | yes, and I had to clean my pants afterwards. |
00:37:04 | | Quit Alonea (Remote closed the connection) |
00:37:20 | DerPapst | why is that? |
00:37:22 | DerPapst | ^^ |
00:37:25 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
00:38:00 | Soap | came on the same day as similar news on the Gigabeat S. |
00:38:51 | DerPapst | ah. |
00:39:14 | Soap | both pieces of news were quite exciting. |
00:40:19 | DerPapst | anyways. even if injecting a not encrypted osos is not possible maybe it is possible to inject some code into rsrc. |
00:40:44 | DerPapst | which could be loaded if this nike thingy is attached |
00:42:56 | Soap | or if it thinks the nike thingie is attached? |
00:43:13 | BigBabyJesus | hmmm...where's the shuffle mode in rockbox? |
00:44:00 | DerPapst | anyways... that would require someone with a nano 2G and some pretty good low level programming knowledge. and i don't have both :D |
00:44:05 | stripwax | BigBabyJesus - in the playback settings menu, right? |
00:44:59 | BigBabyJesus | but then it plays single folders even in shufflemode |
00:45:30 | Landus | With shuffle on, it means what when the playlist finishes and reaches the end, it reshuffles the track order. |
00:48:16 | stripwax | BigBabyJesus - sounds like you want to create a playlist first (containing all your music)? |
00:48:24 | BigBabyJesus | right |
00:48:31 | linuxstb | DerPapst: I read it, but don't think it's very useful... The RSRC image is purely data (afaik), so you can't inject code there. |
00:49:25 | stripwax | BigBabyJesus - fortunately rockbox can do that easily enough |
00:49:42 | | Quit daniel2023 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
00:50:47 | | Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) |
00:51:59 | DerPapst | linuxstb: yeah. i remember now that the rsrc image was just a fat image on the nano. but don't you think that it might work to set the security block to F's and inject some unencrypted code? |
00:52:03 | linuxstb | DerPapst: Even if the idea to format the AUPD/OSOS images the same way as the RSRC image enabled us to run our own code (which I think is unlikely - the bootloader will most likely simply reject it), we have no idea how to control the hardware without decrypting either the OSOS or AUPD images. |
00:52:38 | DerPapst | true |
00:53:06 | DerPapst | i thought it would be worth a try. -.- |
00:53:45 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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00:56:50 | DerPapst | time to get some sleep... |
00:56:55 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
00:56:56 | DerPapst | good night at all |
00:57:05 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
00:57:51 | | Quit Entasis ("Leaving") |
00:59:14 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
01:00 |
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01:04:49 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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01:26:26 | | Quit robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- IRC has never been so good") |
01:29:40 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@vhe-382201.sshn.net) |
01:32:37 | Moos | stripwax: isn't amiconn already working on this? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6972 |
01:32:40 | | Join lImbus [0] (n=lImbus@port-83-236-56-26.dynamic.qsc.de) |
01:33:06 | lImbus | hi all |
01:33:12 | Moos | salut |
01:33:17 | lImbus | :) |
01:33:37 | amiconn | Moos: Hehe, didn't even see this patch |
01:34:09 | Moos | amiconn: it was just submited, that's why I'm wondering |
01:34:41 | lImbus | I just read the IrcGuidelines. It does not say that color and bold etc. is not wanted either |
01:34:54 | Moos | yeah, why? |
01:34:54 | stripwax | Moos - I don't know. Amiconn - are you? |
01:35:05 | stripwax | I just added that patch, like, just then |
01:35:18 | amiconn | stripwax: Check my last commit :) |
01:35:20 | Moos | stripwax: check svn logs ;P |
01:35:23 | Moos | hehe :) |
01:35:31 | amiconn | Actually, the one before that |
01:36:29 | stripwax | gah. you are kidding me. :-D |
01:37:11 | Moos | :-) hopefully you didn't past too much hours to work on it :-) |
01:37:28 | stripwax | Moos heh, no. well, great minds and all that .. :-) |
01:37:40 | Moos | good then |
01:37:45 | stripwax | (about 1 hour, see irc logs :-) |
01:37:50 | Moos | hehe :) |
01:39:24 | stripwax | ok, well, gnight then :-[ |
01:39:30 | stripwax | :-p even |
01:40:08 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:41:37 | Moos | amiconn: have you still lots of works to do on archos LCD driver? I saw that you reworked all :) |
01:41:47 | Moos | pure curiosity |
01:42:04 | Moos | archos player even |
01:46:19 | * | amiconn is currently recalculating the voltage table for X5/M5 |
01:48:15 | Moos | wee \o/ |
01:54:30 | | Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) |
01:54:53 | Moos | time to sleep good night |
01:54:56 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox") |
01:57:52 | | Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) |
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02:00:24 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
02:01:07 | markun | hi jhMikeS |
02:01:30 | markun | I'm looking at some ARM optimizations for mpeg2dec: http://atty.skr.jp/WebSVN/listing.php?repname=mplayer-w100&path=%2Ftrunk%2Flibmpeg2%2F&opt=dir&sc=1 |
02:03:32 | | Quit entheh ("^~") |
02:06:33 | | Part pixelma |
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02:08:11 | amiconn | markun: Did you checl out player_unifont, btw? |
02:09:14 | | Quit pearldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:15:27 | markun | amiconn: no. tomorrow maybe |
02:15:29 | markun | goodnight |
02:15:52 | amiconn | nighty |
02:17:57 | | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) |
02:19:01 | | Quit lImbus (" user went to bed") |
02:22:13 | | Quit linuxstb ("Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.2/20050317]") |
02:26:29 | jhMikeS | markun: ok, I'll look. I also got held up and missed your video links. I'm not talking much cause I'm intense about getting mpegplayer straigtened out. :) |
02:29:12 | perldiver | ") |
02:29:14 | perldiver | :) |
02:30:57 | | Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) |
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02:33:01 | perldiver | "Long story short...17 bytes later the GigaBeatS is now an open platform for writing homebrew, porting RockBox etc" |
02:33:09 | perldiver | if somebody missed the news |
02:36:12 | * | jhMikeS missed some news it sounds like |
02:36:18 | mr_pink | if i make a new plugin what do I need to change to get it included when i compile? |
02:36:34 | Soap | the SOURCES file in the plugins directory |
02:37:45 | jhMikeS | perldiver: are you saying the S was cracked or is it still April Fools Day? *checking calendar* |
02:38:11 | perldiver | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=4737.15 |
02:38:13 | perldiver | last post |
02:40:01 | jhMikeS | sounds like a nice kickoff :) |
02:40:26 | perldiver | yeah, not bad |
02:42:03 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
02:43:22 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
02:45:07 | | Quit JdGordon (Client Quit) |
02:45:58 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@ |
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02:51:50 | | Join webguest86 [0] (i=415f835d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-468357f165925610) |
02:52:15 | webguest86 | hey, are you guys going to make a usb driver? |
02:53:01 | Llorean | That's a fairly vague question. |
02:53:44 | webguest86 | for rockbox |
02:54:02 | webguest86 | so it dosn't restrat ever time you plug the usb in |
02:54:19 | Llorean | So, you mean "For Rockbox on the iPods"? |
02:54:56 | Llorean | Nobody is currently working on a USB stack, but it is intended to have one some day, yes. |
02:56:14 | | Quit perldiver (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:56:49 | | Join nikosapi [0] (n=nikosapi@ip- |
02:57:33 | Llorean | webguest86: If you're asking hardware specific questions, you should always specify for what device. Rockbox isn't only on the iPods/ |
02:58:23 | webguest86 | for ipods |
02:58:32 | webguest86 | ok |
02:59:51 | webguest86 | also for the RockBoxUtilty is there going to be like rockdoom install? and rom placement for rockboy |
03:00 |
03:00:00 | webguest86 | thats also for ipod |
03:00:27 | | Join BigBabyJesus2 [0] (n=BigBabyJ@L1852.l.pppool.de) |
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03:01:33 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
03:01:35 | | Join _jhMikeS_ [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
03:01:45 | Domonoky_ | webguest86: i dont think this is needed in rbutil, you have to download the gamefile you self, so the only thing it could do is copiing the files to the right place.. |
03:03:30 | Llorean | Domonoky_: I think installing the extras on the Extras page (the ones we officially provide) might be good |
03:03:38 | Llorean | That's "fonts" and the base rockdoom.wad and doomf.wad |
03:04:06 | Llorean | Both of those are just zips that need to be extracted into the root of the device, preserving folders. |
03:04:11 | | Quit Hochler () |
03:04:11 | Domonoky_ | font installing is ready.. |
03:04:43 | Llorean | Because installing Doom generates a ridiculous amount of noise for something that is just "extract the doom zip to your device" |
03:04:50 | Domonoky_ | :-) |
03:04:52 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:05:00 | Domonoky_ | remove doom :-) |
03:05:29 | | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") |
03:05:41 | Llorean | I'll vote for that as well |
03:05:51 | | Quit BigBabyJesus2 ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") |
03:08:05 | nikosapi | Hi, I was wondering how support was coming along for the 5.5G 80GB iPod? |
03:10:06 | | Part lokkju_wrk ("Leaving") |
03:10:42 | Llorean | nikosapi: It's not done yet. |
03:12:52 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95890.dip.t-dialin.net) |
03:14:13 | nikosapi | Trust me I know, for the past 3 weeks I've been watching the svn commit log rss feed, and nothing. What sickens me is I know there's probably nothing I can do without some serious C knowledge. But is there at least some work being done? I really am dissatisfied with apple's proprietary firmware. |
03:15:36 | Llorean | nikosapi: Don't expect it soon. |
03:15:58 | | Quit BigBabyJesus (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
03:16:05 | Llorean | It requires a rewrite of Rockbox's FAT32 driver, and so it either requires someone with knowledge of the way ours currently works, or it requires someone new to learn how ours works and rewrite it. |
03:16:36 | Llorean | At the moment, one of our programmers is working on it because he has the appropriate knowledge, but as Rockbox is entirely worked on in volunteer time, it will of course take a second place to "Real Life" |
03:19:50 | nikosapi | I completely understand how these open projects work and nor am I fustrated that it's not happening sooner. We're all real people and good software takes real time to develop. I really respect that. For the time being I guess I'll look into ipodlinux but I'll keep watching the commit log ;-) |
03:20:27 | nikosapi | Thank you very much Llorean, bye. |
03:20:33 | | Part nikosapi ("Leaving") |
03:21:08 | | Quit dandin1 () |
03:23:27 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
03:28:10 | | Join blanky [0] (n=Blank@pool-71-105-13-162.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
03:28:12 | blanky | hey what's up guys |
03:28:22 | blanky | hey guys anyone here running rockbox ipod edition |
03:28:47 | blanky | basically I was just wondering if you put music on it by simply making a folder in the .rockbox directory and putting the music in there |
03:28:51 | aliask | Plenty. Which iPod are you talking about though? |
03:28:55 | blanky | 4g, sorry |
03:29:34 | aliask | Well, from rockbox, any folder starting with a period is hidden by default - so getting into the .rockbox folder is something you have to enable |
03:29:41 | aliask | So i wouldn't put my music in there |
03:29:49 | Llorean | But you can put it anywhere else just fine |
03:29:50 | blanky | aliask: so put it in the device's root directory? |
03:29:55 | blanky | make a folder in the root directory? |
03:29:59 | blanky | and put it in there I guess? |
03:30:02 | aliask | Whichever |
03:30:15 | blanky | okay cool |
03:32:24 | blanky | hey I was wondering if it were possible to make the original firmware boot by default and maek rockbox the second option, so I would have to reboot and switch the hold button on to get into rockbox |
03:32:31 | blanky | maybe can be done through ROLO ? |
03:32:53 | aliask | blanky: You'd have to run a modified version of the bootloader to achieve that |
03:32:55 | midgey | you'd have to edit the code for the bootloader and recompile |
03:33:00 | Llorean | blanky: ROLO is completely different from what you just suggested. |
03:33:04 | blanky | oh, nevermind then |
03:33:10 | Llorean | But the bootloader change is basically trivial |
03:33:12 | blanky | Llorean: woops, I thought it was the rockbox boot loader haha |
03:33:16 | blanky | Llorean: really? |
03:33:25 | blanky | Llorean: so I don't have to re-build the boot loader? |
03:33:32 | Llorean | You have to rebuild it |
03:33:45 | Llorean | You can't change it at all without re-compiling it. |
03:33:53 | blanky | oh okay |
03:33:57 | midgey | RoLo stands for Rockbox Loader and is not related to the bootloader |
03:34:03 | blanky | oh woops :( |
03:34:06 | midgey | it allows you to load a new version of rockbox |
03:34:11 | blanky | okay |
03:34:16 | midgey | and o some targets, the original firmware |
03:34:21 | midgey | s/o/on |
03:34:36 | blanky | I guess I'll just keep it like this then |
03:34:38 | blanky | thanks |
03:34:41 | blanky | oh by the way |
03:34:41 | midgey | (without rebooting) |
03:34:44 | blanky | that was another question |
03:34:53 | blanky | is it possible to build things for rockbox? |
03:35:01 | blanky | what compiler would I need? are there docs on this? |
03:35:51 | aliask | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CrossCompiler |
03:35:58 | Llorean | blanky: See the SimpleGuideToCompiling wiki page as well |
03:36:06 | blanky | sweet thanks |
03:42:24 | blanky | hey guys |
03:42:50 | blanky | if I'm not really looking to re-compile my own rockbox, I'm looking to build 'rock files' (If that's even possible), or 'extensions' or programs, is that possible? |
03:43:33 | blanky | nevermind I found it |
03:43:34 | blanky | sorry haha |
03:45:58 | | Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:46:02 | | Join lachlan_ [0] (i=cbce3551@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5f6a1a8c5a05ffac) |
03:47:03 | | Join Llorea1 [0] (n=Llorean@ |
03:47:17 | | Quit Llorean (Nick collision from services.) |
03:47:21 | | Nick Llorea1 is now known as Llorean (n=Llorean@ |
03:49:23 | lachlan_ | Llorean: Are the internal of the S and F series vastly different, or was the main obstacle of porting RB to the S series the encypted firmware? |
03:49:37 | lachlan_ | s/internal/internals |
03:50:03 | aliask | lachlan_: The internals are quite different |
03:50:11 | Llorean | lachlan_: I really don't know in-depth. There's at least some similarity, but there's definitely some differing hardware. |
03:50:35 | aliask | lachlan_: And the firmware isn't encrypted - it's probably digitally signed though |
03:51:15 | | Join Llorea1 [0] (n=Llorean@ |
03:51:21 | lachlan_ | So an S port will require further work I'm guessing |
03:51:32 | | Quit Llorean (Nick collision from services.) |
03:51:49 | aliask | Define "further work" :) |
03:51:52 | lachlan_ | aliask: wasn't that bypassed just now? |
03:51:53 | | Nick Llorea1 is now known as Llorean (n=Llorean@ |
03:52:05 | aliask | Uh, was it? |
03:52:14 | lachlan_ | aliask: have you read the thread |
03:52:14 | Llorean | aliask: See the Gigabeat S thread for some interesting news. |
03:52:24 | lachlan_ | The gigabeat s30 thread in new ports |
03:52:27 | aliask | Holy poo |
03:52:34 | Llorean | I'm always dubious about such things until more information comes along |
03:53:11 | lachlan_ | Possibly the same geniuses that ported linux to the Zune;) |
03:53:46 | lachlan_ | "We have the code but can't show you or show and proof or explain in a non garbled manner how we actually achived it" |
03:53:58 | | Join RockBox_Newb [0] (i=3a6c3baa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-271ea3e49551457f) |
03:53:58 | lachlan_ | s/and/any |
03:54:13 | RockBox_Newb | hi |
03:54:18 | RockBox_Newb | hi |
03:54:33 | aliask | hey there |
03:54:33 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK RockBox_Newb |
03:54:33 | RockBox_Newb | hi |
03:54:42 | RockBox_Newb | hi |
03:54:43 | Llorean | RockBox_Newb: Please don't repeat yourself. |
03:54:53 | RockBox_Newb | can someone help me? |
03:55:05 | Llorean | Depends on the question, of course |
03:55:14 | RockBox_Newb | what happened to my iTunes Library? |
03:55:23 | Llorean | I don't know. Did you do something to it? |
03:55:28 | RockBox_Newb | I can't access it from RockBox |
03:55:30 | Llorean | Installing Rockbox doesn't touch it in any way. |
03:55:49 | Llorean | But iTunes hides it on the disk normally, so you should use the Rockbox "database" feature to index it. |
03:56:15 | RockBox_Newb | I can't access any of my songs in Rockbox |
03:56:30 | Llorean | What do you mean by "can't access" |
03:56:40 | RockBox_Newb | I know |
03:56:41 | Llorean | Do you mean "I don't know where they are?" or "They don't play when I try to play one" |
03:56:42 | RockBox_Newb | I mean |
03:57:10 | RockBox_Newb | How can I play music from my iPod's database |
03:57:19 | RockBox_Newb | I like the drag and drop feature |
03:57:36 | RockBox_Newb | But all my music is in the iPod's database |
03:57:36 | Llorean | Well if you use the drag and drop feature, you just browse to the song, wherever you put it, and click on it. |
03:57:54 | RockBox_Newb | Sorry my internet is really slow |
03:58:00 | Llorean | But songs put on with iTunes will be hidden. |
03:58:05 | aliask | RockBox_Newb: If you want to use the database feature you need to enable it so that it scans the harddrive |
03:58:06 | Llorean | Like I said earlier, you need to use Database for those |
03:58:15 | RockBox_Newb | I know |
03:58:27 | aliask | Then what is your question? |
03:58:28 | RockBox_Newb | But how can I play music from the iPod database |
03:58:36 | Llorean | Use the Database feature. |
03:58:36 | RockBox_Newb | Yeah |
03:58:41 | Llorean | Try looking in the manual under "Database" |
03:58:45 | RockBox_Newb | ok |
03:58:54 | RockBox_Newb | no sorry |
03:58:54 | aliask | The rockbox database will scan the files from the iTunes database |
03:59:00 | | Quit RockBox_Newb ("CGI:IRC") |
03:59:33 | aliask | What has changed in the last couple of days or so that has bought such an influx of people like this? |
04:00 |
04:00:07 | Soap | movies |
04:00:10 | Llorean | Yep |
04:00:12 | Llorean | mpegplayer works |
04:00:13 | Soap | imho |
04:00:21 | Llorean | "OMG movies on my <insert player here>!!!" |
04:00:29 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
04:00:29 | * | aliask blames linuxstb :P |
04:00:33 | Soap | though, honestly, I haven't seen a particularly large bump. |
04:00:52 | Llorean | Once I'm done telling people "Your file plays in perfect sync on my one" I'm probably hardly ever going to use the video feature again. |
04:01:22 | lachlan_ | It IS cool to have though |
04:01:30 | Llorean | Soap: The bump itself isn't particularly large, it's that one guy who got himself indirectly called an idiot in yesterday's log making it seem so much worse. |
04:01:47 | | Quit midgey () |
04:02:19 | Soap | hours and hours of that. |
04:02:31 | Llorean | Yeah |
04:02:37 | Llorean | I'd already talked to that guy at least twice |
04:02:45 | Soap | I swear there was a lot of troll in him. People responded very well to him until the end. |
04:03:10 | Llorean | The problem is, he's one of those people who steadfastly believes that support should be provided by humans, not a manual |
04:03:14 | Soap | They answered early on, ignored him when it got silly, then things only broke down in the third act. |
04:03:17 | Llorean | He just doesn't have the time to read it. |
04:03:22 | Llorean | According to him |
04:03:32 | Soap | that's a good line ^^ |
04:03:46 | Llorean | He's not trying to be a troll, I think, his attitude about reading the manual just causes him to reproduce troll-like behaviour unintentionally |
04:03:55 | Llorean | Basically not malicious, just clueless |
04:04:48 | * | Llorean wonders if Google has told us how many we get yet, and I've just missed it. |
04:04:54 | Llorean | They only have like 3 hours left until today's over. |
04:05:33 | Soap | "We (Rockbox) and you have very different philosophies. You believe support should be human, we believe manuals are an efficient replacement for human support, though we are happy to suplement them if it is shown they are lacking. We obviously don't see eye-to-eye and suggest you either A-accept our lovely manual or B - accept our ignoring of you, not as an insult but as us carrying on our lives, and understand we will never agree. |
04:05:49 | JdGordon | Llorean: isnt he deadline the 11th? |
04:06:20 | Llorean | JdGordon: The final announcement of which projects are accepted is the 11th |
04:06:29 | Llorean | That's when we have to have our decisions done by |
04:06:30 | JdGordon | ah |
04:06:43 | Llorean | We get "at least a week" meaning "we find out on the 4th" and Google even stated that they'd tell us by the 4th. |
04:06:50 | Llorean | At least, last I checked, that was the case. |
04:06:59 | Llorean | And the 4th ends in their timezone in 5 hours |
04:07:12 | * | Llorean was looking at the wrong clock when he said 3. |
04:07:24 | JdGordon | maybe Bagder got an email and hasnt passed it on yet? |
04:07:54 | aliask | Has anybody contacted people at the Audacious, Tomasz Mon has applied to two projects... |
04:08:09 | Llorean | aliask: You're allowed to apply to as many as you'd like |
04:08:13 | Llorean | You can only be accepted for one, though |
04:08:31 | aliask | "You may still assign a mentor to this application, but please contact the other organizations involved first, since a student can not be accepted for more than one organization. " |
04:09:14 | Llorean | aliask: Once we know how many we get, we can contact Audacious |
04:09:23 | aliask | Ah yes, fair point. |
04:09:31 | Llorean | It's entirely possible that either they or us won't have enough projects allowed for it to matter. |
04:09:59 | Llorean | JdGordon: If there were an email, I think it would go to all three people listed as project administrators, and in that case, I imagine we'd have heard about it. |
04:10:14 | Soap | Llorean: may I assume the Gigabeat manual is up-to-date with the latest gigabeat bootloader? |
04:11:20 | Llorean | Soap: I believe so, yes. |
04:11:20 | JdGordon | Llorean: whos the three? if they are all asleep i dont see why its unreasonable for us to not have heard yet |
04:11:28 | JdGordon | .... or we got 0 projects :p |
04:11:30 | Llorean | JdGordon: One of them is talking to you right now. :-P |
04:11:38 | JdGordon | ah ok :) |
04:12:57 | Soap | so there is a good chance we got none? |
04:13:17 | Llorean | I think one or two of our applicants has special conditions (isn't 100% sure they're free this summer, or is applied to other projects) so we need to start contacting people to verify within a day or two after we find out, IMHO |
04:13:25 | Llorean | Soap: No, I think at a minimum we'll get 4 |
04:13:33 | Soap | woo hoo |
04:13:52 | Llorean | There's 800 acceptances divided among 132 projects, so using that we should expect 6 |
04:14:05 | Llorean | And we've requested 8 (I think mostly so that we're likely to get at least 6, honestly) |
04:14:33 | Llorean | There's a lot of exciting stuff in the list, unfortunately |
04:15:20 | Soap | I know, that Zune-Linux entry is smokin' |
04:15:32 | JdGordon | exciting astuff on which list? |
04:16:15 | Llorean | JdGordon: The list of applications for SoC? |
04:16:26 | JdGordon | ah, yes |
04:17:54 | aliask | I can't wait for the shopping list feature. :D |
04:18:01 | JdGordon | crap, I hate bugs which only appear on target and not in the sim :'( |
04:19:00 | Llorean | JdGordon: They made the sim more tolerant of errors just to spite you. :-P |
04:19:18 | JdGordon | that would be bloody right! |
04:21:35 | JdGordon | trying to fix 6965.. and the bookmark crash doesnt happen in the sim :( it shuold either fail in both or niether.... |
04:22:50 | blanky | hey I looked through the settings but it seemed like this wasn't possible, wanted to doule check, I can't make the backlight behavior on rockbox ipod 4g like the original firmware's? Such that I hold the menu button down and it turns it on? How it is right now is that I just touch the wheel and it turns on, this is cool but I have a feeling it's wasting a lot of battery power |
04:23:21 | Llorean | blanky: Yes, you can't make it toggle-able right now. |
04:23:32 | blanky | alright, thanks Llorean I appreciate the help |
04:24:08 | blanky | also, I doubt it'd be possible to integrate the normal style of scrolling through a song right? Where you press the select button and then scroll to go to a different place in the song? It's alright just want to make sure I didn't miss anything |
04:24:25 | Llorean | blanky: That is not an option either. |
04:24:29 | blanky | alright, thanks Llorean |
04:24:38 | blanky | I'll be seeing you guys later, rockbox looks very promising! |
04:24:42 | | Quit blanky ("Bye Bye.") |
04:28:42 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
04:30:00 | aliask | ? |
04:30:36 | Nico_P | JdGordon: have I done something wrong ? |
04:30:39 | Nico_P | :) |
04:30:55 | JdGordon | no, this stupid bug is irritating me |
04:31:00 | JdGordon | niec work on the commit last night btw :) |
04:31:17 | Nico_P | JdGordon: thanks :) |
04:32:50 | | Quit mr_pink () |
04:37:46 | | Join pearldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) |
04:40:01 | | Quit mbr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:40:16 | JdGordon | yay! I got it to crash the sim :) |
04:42:53 | safetydan | Nico_P, tob job on getting that tokenizer stuff finished and comitted. Much nicer now. |
04:43:05 | safetydan | top even |
04:43:14 | * | safetydan should probably stay away from keyboards |
04:43:34 | Nico_P | safetydan: thanks for starting it in the first place :) |
04:44:00 | | Join webguest93 [0] (i=d85669e5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d1262a1d323db70a) |
04:44:13 | | Join voltagex [0] (n=voltagex@124-254-124-5-dsl.ispone.net.au) |
04:44:43 | pearldiver | i guess all the wps related patches are broken, arent they |
04:44:51 | Soap | boo f hoo |
04:44:51 | | Quit webguest93 (Client Quit) |
04:44:55 | Soap | ;) |
04:45:25 | voltagex | hang on, if I update to latest, will all my themes break? |
04:45:35 | pearldiver | funny how there're no S'es to buy now anywhere :P |
04:45:53 | Llorean | voltagex: No. |
04:45:58 | Llorean | voltagex: Unless you use an unsupported build |
04:46:15 | voltagex | Llorean: just using RBUtil to grab latest |
04:46:32 | Soap | any themes not needing patches which break should be reported to Nico_P |
04:47:09 | lachlan_ | pearldiver: I noticed that as well before when I went on eBay |
04:47:25 | * | voltagex loves RBUtil |
04:47:28 | Nico_P | very true. in here one in the forum thread |
04:47:33 | JdGordon | grr.... found my damn bug |
04:47:34 | pearldiver | lachlan_ a month ago there was plenty |
04:47:46 | JdGordon | I had #ifdef CONFIG_TUNER instead of #if :'( |
04:47:57 | lachlan_ | But they couldn't all have been snapped up immediately, the hack was only announced a few hours ago |
04:48:10 | voltagex | which hack? |
04:48:23 | Nico_P | pearldiver: yes, most patch are probably completely broken. I'll fix the ones I like best :) |
04:48:37 | voltagex | I want even more themes |
04:48:45 | voltagex | I haveall the themes that RBUtil can install |
04:48:48 | Llorean | Nico_P: Take your time, I'm going to enjoy watching people complain to the unsupported builds authors. :-P |
04:48:57 | JdGordon | haha |
04:49:23 | Nico_P | Llorean: I think I will too. but that could lead to even more outdated builds. |
04:49:32 | Llorean | Yeah, I know |
04:49:35 | pearldiver | voltagex there was some nice progress today about gigabeat S, zune and nado 2g |
04:49:37 | Nico_P | We need the killer feature soon |
04:49:39 | voltagex | so, what does this new WPS stuff do? |
04:49:42 | lachlan_ | voltagex: look in the new ports forum in the gigabeat s30 thread- someone has (supposedly) managed to get past the firmware encryption |
04:49:42 | pearldiver | nano* |
04:49:50 | Llorean | Nico_P: We should've held video back for a couple weeks until now |
04:49:51 | voltagex | RB on Zune? |
04:50:07 | lachlan_ | no, only s series |
04:50:07 | pearldiver | voltagex not about rockbox yet, about hacking the devices in general |
04:50:16 | voltagex | rockbox killer feature = doom + gameboy |
04:50:18 | Nico_P | voltagex: basically, it does the same thing but differently. You shouldn't see anything different. If you do, please report it |
04:50:33 | voltagex | aww |
04:50:35 | safetydan | voltagex, the new WPS stuff makes the code substantially easier to read and maintain. |
04:50:40 | voltagex | I was hoping for something cool |
04:50:47 | safetydan | Should make it easier for people to patch it as well |
04:50:55 | voltagex | but yeah I do enough coding to know that's good |
04:50:58 | Nico_P | voltagex: cool things will be made easier by the new code |
04:51:10 | voltagex | has anything been done on the gameboy emulator in the last 2 years? |
04:51:22 | Llorean | voltagex: Well, it was written... |
04:51:39 | voltagex | unfortunately my h340 isn't fast enough for it |
04:51:44 | pearldiver | lachlan_ |
04:51:45 | pearldiver | http://www.itechnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2006/04/Gigabeat_1.jpg |
04:51:56 | pearldiver | if you see the most right one anywhere let me know please :P |
04:52:05 | Llorean | Well, I guess it was 2 years and 1 month ago |
04:52:34 | JdGordon | the h300 is fine for rockboy |
04:52:39 | lachlan_ | pearldiver: Haha I will keep it in mind. Don't generally see many red ones though |
04:52:41 | JdGordon | if you can handle frameskip on max... |
04:52:47 | voltagex | sooner gigabeats come down in price the better |
04:52:54 | voltagex | JdGordon: exactly |
04:53:04 | * | JdGordon can handle it.. |
04:53:21 | lachlan_ | voltagex: I daresay RB will make them more expensive. All about the supply and demand |
04:53:25 | * | Llorean would use his Nano for Rockboy if it didn't have battery concerns. |
04:53:25 | pearldiver | voltagex its not about the price anymore, its just not many of them are left in the wild in general |
04:53:45 | voltagex | well I'll be looking for a new mp3 player soon |
04:54:07 | voltagex | but it's looking like I'll just get a smartphone and a whole lot of memory cards >< |
04:54:12 | JdGordon | Nico_P: the bin increase for the wps stuff isnt as bad as you thought yeah? |
04:54:51 | Nico_P | JdGordon: it's not too bad but still bad enough for me to feel a bit ashamed :) |
04:54:52 | JdGordon | are there any tags on the h300 thats not on the h100's apart from the rtc? |
04:55:07 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) |
04:55:10 | Nico_P | JdGordon: I don't think so |
04:55:20 | JdGordon | so the rtc tags take up 1k by themselves? |
04:55:32 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) |
04:55:49 | Nico_P | JdGordon: They are damn big. I'll check though |
04:55:51 | voltagex | is it just me or is shutdown a lot faster in this build? |
04:56:43 | JdGordon | Nico_P: according to the delta table it is.. unless there are more tags.. |
04:56:49 | * | JdGordon wonders why they are so huge? |
04:57:19 | Nico_P | JdGordon: RTC adds a lot of tokens |
04:57:35 | pearldiver | has the wps creation process undergone some changes too? |
04:57:59 | JdGordon | Nico_P: bloody hell :p it sure does |
04:58:03 | Nico_P | pearldiver: there should be no big changes. maybe a few subtelties are diffenrent |
05:00 |
05:00:31 | pearldiver | btw, old bug i just remembered about |
05:00:48 | pearldiver | if you have "pause on headphones unplug" option on |
05:01:09 | voltagex | o.O that option doesn;t exist on H300 does it? |
05:01:25 | pearldiver | turn on the player with headphones unplugged, plug the headphones and try to resume the playback |
05:01:31 | pearldiver | it hangs the player |
05:02:06 | pearldiver | (gigabeat target) |
05:02:25 | JdGordon | pearldiver: is there a FS task for that bug? |
05:02:45 | Soap | Llorean: does your nano have an old battery? |
05:03:00 | pearldiver | JdGordon not that i recall of |
05:03:11 | JdGordon | add it.. :) |
05:03:12 | pearldiver | i checked awhile ago though |
05:03:21 | Nico_P | JdGordon: in my gigabeat build, replacing #if CONFIG_RTC by #if 0 took 1692 bytes off the binary |
05:04:25 | JdGordon | hmm |
05:04:44 | Nico_P | I think I know where to look for optimisation :) |
05:04:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:06:16 | JdGordon | ah, you didnt get rid of that next variable in the wps_token struct... |
05:06:29 | JdGordon | not so easy to tag that onto the enum? |
05:06:40 | Nico_P | JdGordon: no, because even without it the struct was still 8 bytes |
05:06:50 | | Join dberg918 [0] (i=8102f0d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-828b795652628c99) |
05:06:57 | Nico_P | unless I added a 'packed' attribute |
05:07:03 | Nico_P | which brought it down to 6 |
05:07:23 | JdGordon | ok |
05:07:37 | dberg918 | Hey, I need some help |
05:08:13 | dberg918 | I've been trying to create a build for about a month now, and I'm constantly getting errors |
05:08:21 | Llorean | Soap: Quite old. |
05:08:27 | Llorean | Soap: My Nano's a year and 3 months old now. |
05:09:18 | dberg918 | I'm trying to patch a build for my H10 20GB, just the album art patch, and I'm using a build from April 4th |
05:09:40 | | Quit XavierGr () |
05:09:47 | dberg918 | (since the new Tokenizer apparently knocked album art out of sync) |
05:10:56 | dberg918 | patching is fine, but using the "make" command gives me an error after about 10 seconds |
05:11:42 | Nico_P | dberg918: you'll have to tell us on which file it fails |
05:11:46 | | Quit midgey () |
05:12:40 | dberg918 | I'm trying to build again, but it seems that cygwin is starting to crash my entire computer...ZoneAlarm just went nuts |
05:13:05 | dberg918 | and the cygwin shell is somehow "unavailable" |
05:13:47 | | Join Slowking_Man [0] (n=slow@wikipedia/Slowking-Man) |
05:14:05 | | Quit Nico_P ("bed time") |
05:15:13 | | Quit dberg918 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
05:19:01 | | Join dberg918 [0] (i=8102f0d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a6fa0fd562e41a3d) |
05:22:17 | dberg918 | wow, I'm compiling right now...it's going a lot farther than it has in a while |
05:22:57 | dberg918 | we'll see if the simulator compiles after this... |
05:23:05 | dberg918 | darn, there's an error... |
05:23:37 | pearldiver | dberg918 let me test a clean svn |
05:23:41 | dberg918 | it's crashing on apps/rockbox.elf |
05:24:04 | dberg918 | I'm using a back-dated April 4th build |
05:24:50 | dberg918 | it's crashed on this file before, and I could never find a "rockbox.elf" file in the apps folder |
05:28:02 | pearldiver | no problems whatsoever with the clean build |
05:28:28 | JdGordon | rockbox.elf is the finished file before (?) the linking process |
05:28:40 | dberg918 | I'm using the album_art patch from March 4th, and it patches fine |
05:29:00 | JdGordon | well unless you are using the source code from before yesterday it wont work |
05:29:46 | pearldiver | dberg918 do svn revert -R apps firmware |
05:30:17 | pearldiver | with the current updates album art patch won't work |
05:30:34 | pearldiver | btw, mod support patch is broken for me too |
05:30:38 | dberg918 | ...even with the April 4th build, which doesn't include the tokenizer |
05:30:59 | pearldiver | you mean before the tokanizer? |
05:31:05 | dberg918 | yeah |
05:31:33 | dberg918 | the April 4th archived source code on the website doesn't include the tokenizer |
05:31:49 | pearldiver | try april 3rd |
05:33:30 | dberg918 | I'll try, but this has been happening to me for about a week or two |
05:33:33 | * | JdGordon thinks now is a good time to bring in more patch breaking code :) |
05:33:51 | dberg918 | the rockbox.elf thing |
05:37:39 | dberg918 | I need to build the simulator as well, after I try to make a normal build...you can just create a different directory and build it in there without consequence, right? |
05:38:20 | JdGordon | aliask: never ring harvey norman.. they their bloody add as the hold music... im going crazy! |
05:38:22 | JdGordon | :'( |
05:38:48 | dberg918 | darnit, still getting the rockbox.elf error |
05:38:59 | JdGordon | whats the error |
05:39:07 | JdGordon | pastebin the whole error |
05:39:59 | dberg918 | make[1]: ***[/home/Owner/rockbox-20070403/build/apps/rockbox.elf] Error 1 |
05:40:15 | dberg918 | make: ***[all] Error 2 |
05:40:20 | JdGordon | we need more than that... |
05:40:26 | Llorean | dberg918: You're going to need more than that, do not post it here |
05:40:31 | Llorean | Use pastebin.ca or some similar site |
05:40:33 | JdGordon | goto pastebin.ca and paste it all |
05:40:50 | dberg918 | ...sorry, I'm not familiar with pastebin |
05:42:13 | dberg918 | how do you go about copying something in cygwin? |
05:43:34 | JdGordon | highlight it all... the rclick copy |
05:43:47 | JdGordon | or do make 2> out.txt |
05:43:56 | | Quit safetydan ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
05:44:00 | dberg918 | haha, figured it out |
05:44:00 | JdGordon | and open out.txt annd copy/paste that into pastebin |
05:44:19 | * | JdGordon tihniks they've forgotten about me :'( |
05:44:30 | JdGordon | whoever invented the hold button on phones should be shot |
05:45:38 | aliask | JdGordon: Why are you ringing them anyway? |
05:46:01 | JdGordon | gotta get a new cdrom for my laptop... hopefully uner warrenty still |
05:46:24 | dberg918 | ok, here it is: http://pastebin.ca/424959 |
05:46:28 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:47:21 | JdGordon | dberg918: you have the wrong version of gcc installed |
05:47:37 | JdGordon | you need 4.0.3 |
05:47:52 | JdGordon | they just hung up on me! |
05:47:55 | dberg918 | oh, a new version of cygwin? |
05:48:04 | JdGordon | no.. gcc... |
05:48:06 | Landus | So, I just synced with the current SVN and loaded it on to my DAP. What happened to the menu? |
05:48:22 | JdGordon | scrap cygwin and get colinux or vmware |
05:48:43 | dberg918 | I've tried vmware and it was a pain in my butt |
05:49:05 | dberg918 | cygwin might be slow and rustic, but it actually works for me |
05:49:17 | aliask | Landus: It got reworked, as you may have noticed. |
05:49:34 | aliask | Is it a problem? |
05:49:39 | dberg918 | so gcc...I don't even know what that is |
05:49:51 | Landus | Until I have time to get used to it, slightly. |
05:49:54 | | Join blanky [0] (n=Blank@pool-71-105-13-162.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
05:50:07 | blanky | I feel obliged to print the manual haha |
05:50:16 | blanky | I've just been using rockbox for 2 hours or so and I'm in love with it |
05:50:19 | Landus | jBlackGlass isn't working with it, but that's probably because I forgot to reload the fonts. |
05:50:27 | Landus | I've been using it for almost a year. |
05:50:29 | blanky | mainly because of it's 'dual boot-ness' |
05:50:56 | aliask | Landus: jBlackGlass doesn't have anything to do with the Menus does it? |
05:51:10 | Landus | In a way. |
05:51:14 | Landus | It had a certain font. |
05:51:27 | Landus | And I'm probably getting all freaked out because I forgot to copy them over. |
05:52:35 | | Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@host.91-92-172-170.airbites.bg) |
05:52:40 | | Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) |
05:52:50 | Landus | Yay. |
05:53:13 | Alonea | ok, rockbox would not compile and I am no expert on C, but on one off the lines its talking about, it looks odd to me |
05:53:26 | Alonea | bool show_sb_on_wps; |
05:53:27 | Alonea | <<<<<<< .mine |
05:53:52 | Alonea | the bottom line is the one it doesn't like and I also put the one before it. |
05:54:02 | Landus | Did you apply any patches? |
05:54:07 | dberg918 | JdGordon, sorry to keep bothering you, but I need a little help with GCC...looks like I found the binary I need, but I don't know how to use it |
05:54:24 | dberg918 | ...or install it, rather |
05:54:45 | Alonea | Landus: ages ago, but I want to see if I can fix whats wrong. Its saying syntax errors too. |
05:55:07 | JdGordon | I dont know how to get it working... I suggest grabbing the colinux or vmware images whic are both up to date |
05:55:08 | Landus | If any of the patches had any failed hunks, that probably why your having compiling problems. |
05:55:25 | Alonea | Landus: no. no failed hunks in patches |
05:55:43 | Landus | Hmm. |
05:55:48 | JdGordon | Alonea: you did a svn up? |
05:55:52 | dberg918 | do you have to be running Linux to use colinux? |
05:55:52 | Alonea | i just dont know what <<<<<<<< that does in code? |
05:56:00 | Landus | Gordon beat me to the question. |
05:56:13 | JdGordon | dberg918: no, both are for getting linux working under windows |
05:56:21 | Alonea | JdGordon: yeah. it was working fine yesterday but I re updated today and its not compiling. |
05:56:36 | JdGordon | Alonea: that measn your local code has comfliscting changes with svn |
05:56:43 | JdGordon | which means you proabbaly are using the AA patcjh |
05:56:50 | dberg918 | JdGordon: so they're pretty much the same? |
05:56:52 | Alonea | JdGordon: album art? yeah. |
05:57:14 | JdGordon | yup.. your stuffed then... you cant use AA with current svn untill its resynced |
05:57:18 | JdGordon | dberg918: yep |
05:57:43 | Alonea | JdGordon: hmmm, how have they been fixing it before? |
05:57:49 | dberg918 | ugh...I guess I'll have to look into it |
05:58:30 | JdGordon | they anvt needed to... before it worked.. but now the code it changes was changed |
06:00 |
06:00:11 | Alonea | >>>>>>> .r13027 and the other one actually mean? |
06:02:23 | dberg918 | how do I use an older svn source with vmware or colinux? All I remember is being able to download the latest version |
06:02:49 | JdGordon | svn co −−revision 13000 or something like that iirc |
06:02:58 | Alonea | dberg918: dont you put a date in the svn thing when you download the source? I saw it on the wiki... |
06:03:35 | JdGordon | Llorean: I thought everyone was against using inline settings? the song rating uses it instead of the standrard number setting screen? |
06:03:36 | dberg918 | is it in the wiki somewhere? I'll check it out. I just remember using a guide that tells you how to get the latest svn |
06:04:30 | Llorean | JdGordon: I really don't know. It could be a case of nobody noticing yet, really? |
06:04:32 | Alonea | dberg918: yeah and under it it also says you can also download the code from a specific date |
06:04:37 | Alonea | dberg918: I did it the other day |
06:05:00 | dberg918 | ahhh, I see it, cool |
06:10:08 | Alonea | really, I am just curious as to what is actually breaking the aa patch and what this "resyncing" means. Trying to learn more about the code. |
06:12:25 | | Part Llorean |
06:13:48 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) |
06:15:02 | | Quit voltagex (Remote closed the connection) |
06:15:40 | | Join voltagex [0] (n=voltagex@124-254-124-5-dsl.ispone.net.au) |
06:34:34 | | Quit lachlan_ ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
06:38:26 | Landus | Hrm. |
06:39:09 | Landus | The jBlackGlass WPS is lining up the way its supposed to be in the latest SVN release. |
06:39:15 | Landus | Isn't, rather. |
06:43:21 | | Quit eggy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:47:38 | | Quit dberg918 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
06:48:01 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
06:57:12 | | Quit hannesd_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:00 |
07:04:43 | | Quit blanky ("Bye Bye.") |
07:04:58 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:10:59 | | Nick joshin is now known as joshin_ (n=joshin@unaffiliated/joshin) |
07:18:32 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@ |
07:18:57 | Llorean | Landus: jblackglass requires an unsupported build, doesn't it? |
07:29:12 | | Join mbr [0] (n=mbr@p3ee07729.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:38:38 | Landus | Llorean: jClix, does, I believe. All jBlackGlass needs is the scrolling margins and statusbar heigh patches applied. |
07:38:39 | | Quit _jhMikeS_ (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:39:14 | Llorean | Landus: Which means it will not display properly on an unpatched build, right? |
07:39:34 | Landus | Right. |
07:39:41 | Llorean | And yet your very statement was that it doesn't display on an SVN build, and assuming you used the standard definition of "An SVN build" that suggests that it was unpatched... |
07:41:35 | Landus | My mistake. I always throw on the margins and statusbar height patch out of habit now. |
07:41:53 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
07:42:02 | Landus | It slipped my mind to mention it. |
07:42:07 | Llorean | Then what you're having problems with is not an SVN build. |
07:42:12 | Llorean | And you should take it to the patch authors |
07:43:40 | Landus | I never said I had problems with the SVN build. |
07:43:58 | Llorean | You said "SVN Release" |
07:44:18 | Llorean | 06.39.09 # <Landus> The jBlackGlass WPS is lining up the way its supposed to be in the latest SVN release. |
07:44:30 | Landus | I know what I said. They both refer to the same thing. |
07:45:13 | * | Llorean shrugs |
07:45:14 | Landus | I was figuring if anyone here had already had this problem and found a solution, someone would pipe up. |
07:45:32 | Llorean | You said you had problems with an SVN Release |
07:45:35 | Landus | If not, I was going to email Julius. |
07:45:37 | Llorean | Then you said just now that you never said it. |
07:46:11 | Landus | Wrong. I said I was using the latest SVN release. |
07:46:17 | Landus | Not that I was having problems with it. |
07:46:35 | Llorean | You said that something didn't work with it. |
07:46:48 | Llorean | Specifically, the theme you were trying to use. |
07:46:51 | Landus | Rockbox isn't suppose to conform to patches and themes, therefore, it can't be the firmware's fault. |
07:47:06 | Llorean | So, you said "Something that isn't supposed to work, doesn't work." |
07:47:14 | Llorean | If you KNEW it wasn't supposed to work, before you said it, why even bother? |
07:47:45 | Landus | Back to what I said about if anyone had already run into this problem, I was figuring someone would talk. |
07:47:55 | Llorean | I thought you said it wasn't a problem. |
07:48:02 | Llorean | (12:46:11 AM) Landus: Not that I was having problems with it. |
07:48:05 | Llorean | Is it a problem, or not? |
07:48:13 | Landus | Not with the firmware, no. |
07:48:29 | Landus | That's where you're having a problem comprehending what I say. |
07:48:37 | Llorean | Well this is #Rockbox |
07:48:41 | Llorean | Not #Julius'Themes |
07:48:54 | Landus | Nor is this #English. |
07:48:57 | Llorean | A theme not supported by Rockbox doesn't work with Rockbox. All I can say is "Yes, this is how it's supposed to be." |
07:49:13 | Landus | I don't have a problem with you, but either I've done something to bother you, or you're just in a bad mood. |
07:49:49 | Llorean | You're asking for help with unsupported features. |
07:49:58 | Landus | I made a statement. |
07:50:11 | Llorean | With the intent that someone might have had the problem, and respond, as you said. |
07:50:17 | Landus | I expected if someone had anything relating to what I said, someone would pipe up. |
07:50:27 | Llorean | But my point is: Don't ask about unsupported features here. |
07:50:37 | Llorean | Just contact the author of said feature or WPS. |
07:59:05 | | Join eggy [0] (n=eggy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/yorkcc.eggy) |
08:00 |
08:02:51 | voltagex | anyone in a conf now? |
08:03:04 | voltagex | oops wrong channel |
08:11:02 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
08:11:17 | | Part kaaloo |
08:12:00 | | Quit z0de ("\o/ my neck") |
08:14:08 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=kY5GVTWy@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
08:17:35 | scorche | Llorean: if you noticed, the numbers didnt come out today |
08:17:57 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54b15f58.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:18:00 | Llorean | scorche: They have 39 minutes left |
08:18:21 | Llorean | At least by the clock here, by my PC clock they have 41 |
08:18:29 | scorche | what i was meaning, was that they said they have delayed it a bit |
08:18:34 | scorche | "Keep eye on Announcement list for student allocation info; coming soon(ish)" |
08:18:39 | scorche | that is all they are saying atm |
08:18:56 | Llorean | Gr |
08:19:01 | * | Alonea looks at clock and sees that she really should be asleep |
08:19:04 | Llorean | Are they pushing back the April 11th date then? |
08:19:13 | scorche | doubt it, but i dont know |
08:19:34 | Llorean | They promised us a week from "how many students you get" to "when you have to have picked by" |
08:20:00 | scorche | well, i will keep you updated |
08:20:17 | Alonea | night guys |
08:20:26 | Llorean | scorche: Thanks |
08:21:03 | | Quit Alonea ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") |
08:21:07 | | Join webguest20 [0] (i=29de0c88@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-089842aa68f90b9c) |
08:21:35 | | Quit webguest20 (Client Quit) |
08:22:17 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc3-rdng11-0-0-cust229.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
08:22:32 | | Join tuna [0] (n=tuna@ip68-230-120-102.ph.ph.cox.net) |
08:22:43 | tuna | hello |
08:22:58 | tuna | I'm having some trouble with my 30 gig video ipod |
08:23:03 | | Join webguest20 [0] (i=29de0c88@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4e58b3846e4934d6) |
08:23:17 | tuna | i installed rockbox on it ok, but all i see is the Apple logo |
08:23:36 | tuna | i can hear and feel the hard drive whirring |
08:23:44 | tuna | but nothing's happening |
08:24:48 | tuna | what's going on? |
08:25:35 | Llorean | It doesn't sound like you've installed Rockbox ok. |
08:25:40 | Llorean | Or was it working with Rockbox before? |
08:26:29 | pondlife | JdGordon: Around? |
08:26:44 | tuna | no |
08:26:48 | tuna | first boot |
08:26:59 | tuna | but now when i plug it in, it won't mount! |
08:27:03 | tuna | and i can |
08:27:10 | tuna | *can't turn it off |
08:27:17 | Llorean | tuna: Did you extract a rockbox.zip to it? |
08:27:58 | tuna | yes |
08:28:20 | tuna | then ran the binary |
08:28:26 | JdGordon | pondlife: hey, sup? |
08:29:00 | tuna | Llorean: want me to pastebin the output? |
08:29:12 | Llorean | tuna: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=8205.0 for putting your iPod into disk mode. |
08:29:35 | pondlife | JdGordon: What was the fix for http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6965? |
08:29:38 | Llorean | But first, reboot your iPod, and press and hold "Right" at the apple screen |
08:30:04 | pondlife | I'm coming to the conclusion that bookmark handling in playback.c is pretty screwed... :( |
08:30:39 | JdGordon | pondlife: the problem was the because ifdef was used #instead of #if, it was crashing because it was trying to run the function at 0x0... |
08:30:52 | pondlife | Aha, so root_menu, not playback? |
08:30:53 | tuna | Llorean: I can't reboot it! it's stuck in the apple logo screen! |
08:30:54 | JdGordon | bookmark handling is horrid imo, but this wasnt a bookmark bug |
08:31:11 | * | pondlife will carry on looking at the other bookmark bugs then |
08:31:42 | JdGordon | :) |
08:32:24 | pondlife | Don't expect much improvement :( |
08:32:45 | pondlife | Every time I "fix" one thing the rest of the buffering code gets sick. |
08:34:18 | tuna | llorean: i did it! |
08:34:26 | tuna | so now i just re-extract it? |
08:35:22 | webguest20 | hey i have just a real quick question... can the iriver h10 dual boot now |
08:35:44 | Llorean | tuna: I don't know, it depends on what the error message is when you boot while holding Right |
08:35:51 | Llorean | webguest20: Has been able to for a while |
08:35:59 | | Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:36:13 | tuna | llorean: i don't get an error message, it just stays at the apple logo |
08:36:31 | Llorean | tuna: Are you holding Right while booting? |
08:36:34 | tuna | but i got it in disk mode now... |
08:37:04 | tuna | no... |
08:37:20 | Llorean | I said to hold right, twice. |
08:37:21 | webguest20 | thanks i have come here in a long time...peace out (: |
08:37:31 | tuna | sorry :( |
08:37:45 | tuna | well i have it in disk mode now, so what should i do? |
08:37:50 | ptw419 | <ptw419> I can confirm the first part of Aibo's hack, and I have gotten the V firmware update to work |
08:37:50 | ptw419 | <ptw419> w/ his instructions on the gigabeat S30 forum |
08:37:50 | ptw419 | <ptw419> the V30 firmware updater now recognizes my S30 and just erased the firmware |
08:37:50 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK ptw419 |
08:37:50 | ptw419 | <ptw419> good thing and bad thing :\ |
08:37:53 | ptw419 | sry |
08:38:00 | ptw419 | for the flood that is |
08:38:23 | tuna | yeah, use pastebin, man! |
08:38:32 | tuna | www.rafb.net/paste |
08:38:33 | | Quit webguest20 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
08:39:37 | Llorean | tuna: I also said I don't know what you need to do, as it depends on the error message when you boot while holding right. |
08:40:00 | tuna | so... reboot while holding right and see what happens? |
08:40:27 | Llorean | Reboot, then hold right. |
08:40:42 | Llorean | At least, I believe "Right" is the button to make the bootloader show text on the iPods |
08:41:37 | tuna | its flashing a little, but no text |
08:41:55 | voltagex | I'm probably going to be on the binrev.com podcast talking about Rockbo |
08:41:56 | voltagex | x |
08:42:03 | tuna | and my left thumb is getting sore :P |
08:42:05 | voltagex | can I send someone my shownotes to check over? |
08:42:20 | Llorean | tuna: Unfortunately I don't know what the trick is to make it output text right now then. I thought it was Right |
08:42:40 | Llorean | tuna: But you need to make sure that you have X:\.rockbox\ with X:\.rockbox\rockbox.ipod in it. |
08:42:45 | Llorean | Where X is your iPod's drive letter. |
08:42:56 | amiconn | mo0ning |
08:43:02 | Llorean | There should be many other files too, but those are the absolute minimum for Rockbox to boot, the rest are required for more advance things such as playing music. |
08:43:11 | tuna | well for me it would be /media/ipod/.rockbox |
08:43:38 | Llorean | Yes, yes, abstract it for your operating system of choice as necessary. :-P |
08:43:48 | bluebrother | Llorean: it is "Right" to show the bootloader output −− just tried it. |
08:44:03 | Llorean | bluebrother: Alright, I thought it was, but I'm about 2000 miles from anything I can test it on. :) |
08:44:22 | bluebrother | oh, that near? ;-) |
08:44:34 | Llorean | Actually, it's only 1121 apparently |
08:44:38 | Llorean | I was wildly overestimating |
08:44:47 | tuna | llorean: both those things are there, but it's still not working |
08:44:49 | bluebrother | it's funny to see in how small distances europeans think ... |
08:45:03 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
08:45:03 | * | tuna is using Linux, the best OS in the world :D |
08:46:36 | Llorean | tuna: I honestly don't know right now. I'd really need to know the bootloader output. |
08:46:57 | tuna | where should it appear? |
08:47:10 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
08:47:13 | Llorean | tuna: If you press Right at the right time during boot, it should appear |
08:47:37 | tuna | the right time during boot? |
08:47:40 | tuna | when's that? |
08:47:46 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) |
08:47:47 | tuna | i was holding it before it boot |
08:47:51 | Llorean | I don't have one to test with, so I can't really tell you exactly |
08:48:13 | Llorean | tuna: I said clearly "Reboot, then hold right." |
08:48:33 | Llorean | I'm fairly certain it's got to be pressed after the Rockbox bootloader takes over. |
08:48:41 | bluebrother | tuna: press Right when the apple logo appears |
08:48:45 | * | Llorean isn't 100% certain on this one, and again notes he has nothing to play with. |
08:48:47 | tuna | ok |
08:49:28 | * | tuna appreciates Llorean's patience and willingness to help Tuna even though he's an idiot |
08:49:43 | bluebrother | btw −− is there a key to delay booting when showing the output? |
08:49:56 | Llorean | bluebrother: I don't believe so. |
08:50:05 | Llorean | The assumption being that you only need the output when something has gone wrong. |
08:51:36 | tuna | ok, the right button thing isn't working |
08:51:39 | tuna | :/ |
08:53:38 | tuna | well what are the possible problems? |
08:54:33 | Llorean | The most likely is that your rockbox.ipod is corrupt for whatever reason (didn't eject properly is the single most common one) |
08:54:49 | Llorean | Since we've established that the file appears to be in the right place (not having it there is more common, but we seem to have eliminated that) |
08:55:11 | Llorean | The next problem down the list is "accidentally downloaded the iPod 4G or Photo build instead of the Video build" or something similar |
08:55:35 | Llorean | Below that is "Your bootloader isn't working for some reason" but I haven't actually seen that happen outside of someone using the manual install process and messing it up entirely. |
08:57:39 | tuna | ok, so the solution would be to re-DL RockBox, and make sure it's the video version? |
08:58:29 | ptw419 | one step closer to rockbox on gigabeat S |
08:58:37 | Llorean | That would address everything but the bootloader concern, yes. |
09:00 |
09:02:40 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-82f3381eac348390) |
09:04:26 | tuna | ok, which do i want: iPod Video - Boot, iPod Video, or iPod Video - Slim |
09:04:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:05:22 | Llorean | That table isn't the download |
09:05:26 | tuna | oh |
09:05:34 | Llorean | Scroll down to the second table, with the pictures of players |
09:06:12 | tuna | ok |
09:06:20 | | Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-975557974e775ee7) |
09:06:23 | tuna | you know, i think that i did DL the wrong one! |
09:06:46 | Llorean | It's not uncommon. |
09:07:13 | Llorean | It's easy to accidentally click the wrong one. |
09:07:51 | crop | Nico_P: are you here? I have some thoughts about the wps tokenizer which would reduce binara size, improve readability and (I think) performance |
09:10:14 | tuna | the photo and video look so alike |
09:10:43 | tuna | ok, NOW lets see how it did |
09:10:57 | tuna | hey, it worked! |
09:11:49 | crop | dan_a: are you also involved in the recent impl of wps tokenizer? |
09:12:07 | tuna | but i'm changing the theme, cuz this one's BUTT-FRICKIN-UGLY! |
09:12:32 | Llorean | crop: Safetydan was the 'dan' that started work on it, I believe |
09:13:01 | crop | what's his name here? |
09:13:24 | Llorean | safetydan... |
09:14:29 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ |
09:15:15 | crop | Llorean: too simple to be true :-) |
09:15:34 | tuna | wtf? it just shut down on me when I was messing with RockPaint! |
09:17:18 | dionoea | tuna: ipod ? |
09:18:23 | tuna | yeah |
09:18:57 | tuna | so then i plugged it in, and it rebooted into rockbox |
09:19:14 | tuna | then a giant Male USB connecter showed up, and it rebooted into Disk Mode |
09:19:30 | dionoea | you pressed stop too long i guess |
09:19:37 | dionoea | that triggers a shutdown |
09:19:44 | tuna | oh |
09:19:44 | | Quit aliask ("ChatZilla 0.9.78 [Firefox]") |
09:19:57 | tuna | so it's a design flaw with RockPaint? |
09:20:06 | dionoea | no, it's a rockbox limitation |
09:20:06 | tuna | eh, it probly needs a charge anyway |
09:20:12 | dionoea | which can't be bypassed by plugins |
09:20:15 | tuna | oh |
09:20:33 | dionoea | unless you change the shutdown key in the rockbox code :) |
09:20:47 | crop | Hmm... Nobody here (yet) to discuss the wps tokenizer... |
09:20:50 | tuna | there's always a hack-a-round |
09:21:20 | dionoea | somepeople change the shutdown key to a combo, which makes it less likely that they trigger it without wanting to |
09:21:29 | dionoea | (since you have to keep it pressed for 10 secs) |
09:21:32 | tuna | well, its a good chance to put on some pirated-er-legally acquired music on :D |
09:22:29 | tuna | how do i make it a combo? |
09:22:48 | dionoea | did you compile rockbox yourself ? |
09:22:51 | * | crop runs off for about half an hour |
09:23:10 | tuna | um... i don't think so... |
09:23:23 | tuna | i just extracted the .zip and ran the binary |
09:23:30 | dionoea | then you won't be able to change it :) |
09:23:39 | dionoea | unless you setup a compile environement |
09:23:57 | dionoea | (it might be possible using a hex editor ... but i wouldn't risk it :p) |
09:24:15 | tuna | i'll risk it |
09:24:22 | tuna | what do i edit? |
09:24:30 | scorche | it was a joke |
09:24:32 | dionoea | you'd have to know what to edit where and which value to change it too |
09:24:50 | tuna | ah... |
09:25:10 | tuna | oh well |
09:25:15 | | Quit crop ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
09:25:22 | tuna | i'll just discontinue my use of RockPaint |
09:25:30 | tuna | or I can draw in strokes... |
09:25:35 | dionoea | just remember to not press down too long |
09:25:43 | tuna | right |
09:25:45 | tuna | ok, bye |
09:25:48 | dionoea | or maybe ask if someone here has a tweaked rockbox.ipod |
09:25:53 | tuna | thanks for all the help, community! |
09:26:08 | tuna | tomorrow |
09:26:13 | tuna | (maybe) |
09:26:15 | tuna | bye! |
09:26:18 | tuna | 'night! |
09:26:21 | dionoea | bye |
09:26:22 | | Part tuna ("Konversation terminated!") |
09:31:18 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
09:39:05 | | Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ |
09:42:12 | * | pondlife gives up |
09:42:21 | pondlife | Damn buffering code |
09:42:47 | | Join datachild [0] (i=krebb@linux.aeger.wind0ws.info) |
09:42:54 | pondlife | <smallrant> What on earth is the need for audio_new_playlist vs. audio_play </smallrant> |
09:43:38 | pondlife | Time to scrap the whole thing and start again with a bit of documentation methinks. |
09:47:36 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d3f30349bce96d51) |
09:48:24 | | Quit lalu ("Reconnecting") |
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10:00 |
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10:05:06 | | Join inversions [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
10:06:38 | pondlife | Could someone try a quick test for me..? On a sim or a device... |
10:06:51 | pondlife | With current SVN code |
10:12:06 | pondlife | Ne'er mind |
10:15:26 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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10:25:16 | | Join nebudk [0] (n=cehdk@0x50a47694.virnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) |
10:26:02 | nebudk | hi, i have been searching the forums regarding at problem i have with my battery indictor |
10:26:28 | nebudk | i have a h320 with a 2200 battery in it |
10:27:27 | nebudk | the indicator shows about 4/5 full when fully recharged but when looking in rockbox info it says 100% |
10:27:53 | nebudk | I have set the battery capacity to 2200 in rockbox |
10:27:55 | bluebrother | is this with the charger connected or not? |
10:28:06 | nebudk | anyone have a view on this? |
10:28:10 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: You mean the indicator in the wps, right? |
10:28:14 | bluebrother | the battery capacity setting doesn't affect this −− it's only used for the remaining runtime estimation. |
10:28:32 | nebudk | ok |
10:28:41 | pondlife | What does the battery indicator say on the menu screen status bar? |
10:28:46 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: It's probably the wps fault, what wps do you use? |
10:29:01 | | Quit Zagor ("Leaving") |
10:29:55 | nebudk | on the menu screen its not full charged either |
10:30:29 | JdGordon | pondlife: what are you scrapping? |
10:30:39 | pondlife | Nothing |
10:30:45 | nebudk | im sorry "scrapping"? |
10:30:48 | pondlife | I'm just really annoyed by the buffering code |
10:31:36 | nebudk | when you ask about the wps do you mean what Theme Im using? |
10:31:43 | pondlife | There are two many hacks-upon-hacks as far as I can tell... either that or the comments are insufficient for me to grasp any of it. |
10:31:44 | JdGordon | your certainylt not alone :D |
10:31:58 | * | JdGordon suspects both |
10:32:11 | JdGordon | the rockbox code in general isnt commented nearly enough |
10:32:23 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: Yes, what theme do you use |
10:32:33 | pondlife | Why do we need routines named audio_rebuffer() AND audio_rebuffer_with_seek() ... that have very different results... |
10:33:06 | JdGordon | I can guess what _with_seek() does.. but what does the first do? |
10:33:11 | nebudk | hang on |
10:33:40 | pondlife | I don't really know... I wouldn't attempt to guess from the routine name!! |
10:33:47 | JdGordon | :) |
10:34:09 | pondlife | Starting playback from an offset (i.e bookmark) during playback is completely knackered in SVN. |
10:34:10 | nebudk | irockboc |
10:34:18 | nebudk | irockbox |
10:34:40 | pondlife | If it does manage to start, it will probably crash when you (a) press STOP or (b) select another non-bookmarked track,. |
10:34:42 | | Quit voltagex () |
10:34:45 | nebudk | i just tried to switch to rockbox default and it looked more right |
10:34:56 | * | Genre9mp3 is very happy today for 2 reasons (1. - Going to test what changed in Rockbox the last 2 months 2. - Going to do that on a Gigabeat!) |
10:35:24 | JdGordon | pondlife: i've been thinking about converting the bookmarks to just use the playlist resume info at the time and reload that.. but havnt worked out ow best to do it |
10:35:26 | pondlife | I wish there was a buffer management API that could be given a list of files to buffer and just abstracted the whole thing in some way. |
10:35:32 | | Quit inversions (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:35:35 | JdGordon | instead of having 2 totaly different systems for essentially the same thing |
10:35:38 | Genre9mp3 | I'm currently charging the Gigabeat :) |
10:35:39 | pondlife | Yes |
10:35:51 | nebudk | so its not my new battery but the themes that are problem |
10:35:59 | pondlife | They are using the same thing.. |
10:36:11 | pondlife | but you can only resume from a stopped state |
10:36:17 | pondlife | (in which case bookmarks work) |
10:36:28 | pondlife | I have crossfading enabled, if that matters. |
10:37:01 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: As I said, it appears to be theme's fault.. I'm currently searching the wps you use |
10:37:10 | * | JdGordon is in the scrap-and-restart buffering/playback engines camp |
10:37:22 | pondlife | Would a more generic buffering API be good for video, codecs, whatever (as well as simplifying playback.c loads)? |
10:37:22 | nebudk | thank you |
10:37:49 | pondlife | It just needs to manage audio_buffer in a way that works with the codecs... |
10:37:55 | bluebrother | guess so |
10:37:59 | JdGordon | pondlife: probably.... |
10:38:09 | pondlife | That would be a good thing to work on (hint) |
10:38:29 | JdGordon | we need some discussion of how the current buffering/playback engines work.. and how they should work (and be as split as possible) |
10:38:37 | JdGordon | and then start from scratch |
10:39:07 | JdGordon | malloc!!! we want freeking malloc! |
10:39:11 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: Aha,... I found it on MisticRiver... it's a really old wps |
10:39:38 | pondlife | There would still need to be a track list handled by playback (or maybe playlist), above the buffering layer. To keep track of metadata or whatever, but the actual buffer would only be accessed via some kind of handle (i.e buffer slot). And the ring buffering stuff would be entirely hidden (for what it's worth). |
10:39:42 | crop | He-he. It's now clear why Nico_P is still not here. He left at 05:11. =:-O |
10:39:48 | nebudk | it is the themes, when i use Icatcher its fine |
10:39:57 | * | petur smacks JdGordon with a large memoryleak |
10:39:58 | * | bluebrother goes after his no-malloc arguments |
10:40:18 | pondlife | No malloc needed |
10:40:26 | JdGordon | well, once you get a decent buffer manangemtn api in.. your almost there, but in a different name |
10:40:27 | * | bluebrother hands JdGordon the malloc mess he had in his current uni work |
10:40:30 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: You have to change the code in that wps if you want it to show the battery right |
10:40:31 | pondlife | Nope |
10:40:42 | nebudk | allright |
10:41:02 | nebudk | do i need to be an astronaut to do that? :) |
10:41:06 | pondlife | The buffer is very limited in what it can be used for still. Basically a window into a file. |
10:41:17 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
10:41:32 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: of course not... you just need a text editor |
10:42:02 | JdGordon | buffering should be moved to firmware/ with a very strict api, playlist should handle all aspects of the current list, playback should handle making sure the corect file is in the buffer and being played (imo) |
10:42:04 | nebudk | ok i got that |
10:42:07 | pondlife | No need for much more. We can have a limited number of slots in there too - should be a simplification and not use more memory overall. |
10:42:17 | pondlife | JdGordon: Yep |
10:42:26 | JdGordon | liimited slots is te current 32 track limitation... |
10:42:27 | bluebrother | buffering is not direct hardware access |
10:42:47 | pondlife | Ah, well maybe not in firmware, but I agree with the rest. |
10:42:54 | bluebrother | I don't think it belongs to firmware/ −− better split up apps/ into gui/ and kernel/ |
10:43:12 | pondlife | It can just live in apps for now!! |
10:43:25 | JdGordon | well, in firmware it limits the amount of hacks that people can add ot it |
10:44:01 | bluebrother | apps/ already has stuff that isn't well suited there |
10:44:10 | pondlife | Start by defining the requirements and interfaces... must work with the existing codecs, so maybe look atr |
10:44:20 | pondlife | ... buf_ridx for starters |
10:44:42 | JdGordon | do we know how the codecs currently work? |
10:44:58 | pondlife | Yes, the have callbacks into playback.c... |
10:45:47 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: You'll find this code: "%?bl<%xdl|%xdm|%xdn|%xdo|%xdp>>" in that wps in the 36th line, 5 times... all you need to do is change it to: "%?bl<%xdl|%xdl|%xdm|%xdn|%xdo|%xdp>>" |
10:45:54 | pondlife | Take a look at codec_request_buffer_callback(), codec_seek_buffer_callback() etc.. |
10:46:07 | nebudk | ok thanks |
10:46:28 | | Quit anathema (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:46:28 | pondlife | In fact look at where track_ridx is used... that will be basically your interface to the codecs. |
10:46:35 | * | Genre9mp3 tries to spend time while his Gigabeat is charging! :) |
10:46:48 | nebudk | is it line 36 in all themes that has to be changed like this or is it different from theme to theme? |
10:46:51 | pondlife | Probably just need a way to say "read n bytes from file x offset o" |
10:47:15 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: only on that theme |
10:47:17 | pondlife | And then be clever enough to get files buffered before their data is needed. |
10:47:25 | nebudk | ok |
10:47:27 | pondlife | a predictive cache. |
10:47:39 | nebudk | trying it now |
10:47:41 | JdGordon | and clever enough to not chuck out data which can be reused... i.e repeating tracks |
10:48:12 | pondlife | Well, that can come later if the API is suitable. Start by getting it to work as well as it does now |
10:48:28 | pondlife | Crawl, then walk, then run. |
10:48:41 | bluebrother | run, then fall ;-) |
10:48:44 | pondlife | The main point is to KISS playback |
10:48:51 | | Quit crwl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:48:53 | | Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@82-41-2-141.cable.ubr01.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) |
10:49:08 | pondlife | Whilst not using more memory or battery ;p |
10:49:22 | * | JdGordon agrees with bluebrother |
10:49:34 | pondlife | AND document it first (wiki) before any coding... |
10:49:47 | pondlife | bufapi.c |
10:49:49 | bluebrother | and document it in the code as well ... |
10:49:51 | JdGordon | I think we should figure out the interfaces for the 3 modules first.. then start figuring out how to implement |
10:49:58 | pondlife | Yes |
10:50:09 | pondlife | Think modular |
10:50:10 | JdGordon | with buffering the first to work out |
10:50:54 | pondlife | This will make MoB easier too, no-one wants to muck about with the current playback buffering code. It takes days just to do the simplest mods. |
10:51:03 | | Quit gtkspert_ (Client Quit) |
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10:51:16 | | Join gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@gateless.info) |
10:51:27 | pondlife | So maybe Nico_P (or whoever is the student for that) might want to be a bit involved. It's Educational! |
10:51:34 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) |
10:51:37 | JdGordon | im sure he does |
10:52:16 | pondlife | To be clear - this is not the same thing as MoB but it surely would make it more friendly for him. |
10:52:32 | pondlife | i.e Metadata remains in the track structures for now |
10:52:37 | JdGordon | imo there shouldnt be any discussion about redoing the buffering wthout considering MoB |
10:53:03 | pondlife | If the buffering API is generic enough (i.e. file-based) it shouldn't matter too much. |
10:53:27 | JdGordon | not even file based... unsigned char array based... |
10:53:32 | pondlife | May need some tweaking (e.g. to ensure the next track info is available) but that can come later. |
10:53:46 | pondlife | I meant the API to be file based. |
10:54:00 | bluebrother | wtf? MSVC can't use snprintf? |
10:54:06 | pondlife | i.e. playback says "I want this offset from file x" |
10:54:19 | pondlife | bluebrother: It can. |
10:54:43 | bluebrother | I know ... just looked up the header file. But linking fails :o |
10:54:49 | pondlife | JdGordon: I don't think the API should be pointer/offset based... |
10:55:02 | pondlife | bluebrother: Hmm, I've used it recently (VS6).. |
10:55:04 | bluebrother | the same code works fine on linux |
10:55:29 | nebudk | im not finding that line exactly |
10:55:58 | bluebrother | changing snprintf to _snprintf and it can link it. Really strange. |
10:56:06 | pondlife | JdGordon: Bear in mind gapless playback too - not sure how the MASCODEC will impact on this, but I'd bet it does. |
10:56:09 | markun | Genre9mp3: great you finally got your Gigabeat! |
10:56:37 | JdGordon | pondlife: doesnt gapless work by buffering the actuall pcm into a seperate buffer and not rebuffering between tracks? |
10:56:50 | pondlife | Hopefully. But not sure about MASCODEC. |
10:56:59 | JdGordon | MAS/SW CODEC conversion is another thing that we want to achieve |
10:57:14 | scorche | aye...playback unification |
10:57:35 | scorche | would make thing a bit easier for the AV300s too |
10:57:36 | * | JdGordon has an idea but is scared of buffer fragmentation |
10:57:38 | pondlife | If you can keep the bufapi (TM) generic enough then all this should be helpful, even where playback.c isn't used... |
10:57:53 | pondlife | Gotta go, back in a bit |
10:58:18 | | Join voltagex [0] (n=voltagex@124-254-124-5-dsl.ispone.net.au) |
10:59:12 | Zagor | hw codecs are a thing of the past, though. IMHO spending too much work integrating the two is not productive in the long run. I think I'd rather see clean "break points" |
11:00 |
11:00:25 | nebudk | im looking at the irockbox.wps |
11:03:47 | Genre9mp3 | markun: great that I'm finally home! :) |
11:04:14 | markun | Genre9mp3: you don't actually need to fully charge it before installing rockbox |
11:04:25 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964f1d.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:04:47 | Genre9mp3 | nedbuk: yes, you are looking at the right file... the code I copy-pasted is in that line... this line is the longest of all |
11:05:03 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:05:06 | Genre9mp3 | markun: sure... :) |
11:05:28 | Siltaar | I can't find again the rockbox website page that summarize all target specifications in tables... |
11:05:40 | Genre9mp3 | markun: btw, I am charging it with an H300 charger! How convinient! :) |
11:05:40 | nebudk | i found it and changed it but it didnt help |
11:05:48 | scorche | Siltaar: DeviceChart |
11:05:48 | nebudk | i did boot 320 too |
11:05:52 | Siltaar | yes ! |
11:05:59 | nebudk | it wanted to make 5 changes |
11:06:55 | Siltaar | thx |
11:07:07 | Siltaar | I will bookmark this one |
11:08:02 | markun | Genre9mp3: nice, didn't know that would work |
11:08:20 | Genre9mp3 | markun: Have exactly the same specs! :) |
11:08:48 | nebudk | all right thanks for the help though |
11:09:05 | nebudk | it cool somebody bothers |
11:09:11 | Genre9mp3 | the Gigabeat one I have has US plug and I don't have an adapter |
11:09:53 | Genre9mp3 | nebudk: np... just be sure you didn't make any mistake, it should work |
11:11:39 | Genre9mp3 | USB connected... :) |
11:11:45 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) |
11:11:52 | Genre9mp3 | cool... It's UMS |
11:12:50 | tremby | i've just installed rockbox on my x5... everything seems fine except albums of ogg files aren't showing up on "album artist" sort mode. they do on plain "album" mode though |
11:12:52 | | Join crwl [0] (n=crawlie@a88-114-143-95.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
11:14:07 | Genre9mp3 | wow... the Gigabeat fw uses a lot of junk files |
11:16:57 | | Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp146-113.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) |
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11:21:02 | nebudk | all right i will give it another go, thanks |
11:21:31 | | Quit amigan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:23:30 | Genre9mp3 | damn... I need to go out... this has to wait |
11:23:33 | Genre9mp3 | bbl |
11:26:32 | | Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ |
11:29:01 | amiconn | petur: Bootfile change detection doesn't seem to work on archos, at least not on the player. Do you have an idea? |
11:29:16 | crop | Has anybody looked into the wps tokenizer code and like to discuss it? |
11:30:08 | petur | strange |
11:31:01 | petur | amiconn: archos also uses the default handler for USB, no? |
11:31:11 | amiconn | yes |
11:32:35 | | Quit crop ("bbl") |
11:32:40 | petur | and they have BOOTFILE defined and not USB_IPODSTYLE ? |
11:33:46 | petur | that seems ok |
11:35:07 | petur | amiconn: new file in the .rockbox dir? |
11:35:46 | tremby | is it possible to have albums sorted by date? |
11:35:51 | amiconn | The archos bootfile is located in the root |
11:36:06 | petur | aha - I only look in the .rockbox dir |
11:36:10 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
11:36:13 | amiconn | It has to stay there, because it is the place where the archos loader is looking for it |
11:36:38 | amiconn | Does the BOOTFILE #define not include the path? |
11:36:47 | petur | no |
11:37:04 | petur | easy to fix in misc.c at the bottom |
11:37:31 | petur | iirc, the .rockbox location is pretty hardcoded |
11:38:16 | amiconn | Yes, for targets where we always run our own bootloader in order to load rockbox |
11:38:35 | | Quit nebudk () |
11:39:27 | petur | best to add the rockboxdir macro to the config files |
11:40:46 | | Join Moos [0] (i=Moos@m135.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
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11:50:51 | liberty_ | I think the power on button is too sensitive in my iaudio M5, will the rockbox power on my M5 only when holding the switch for a while,just like the original firmware? |
11:51:01 | | Quit crwl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:57:03 | safetydan | Woo! A simple structure rearrangement saves 284 bytes in the WPS parser |
11:57:10 | safetydan | (on coldfire) |
11:57:34 | safetydan | good ol' structure padding |
11:58:13 | amiconn | petur: Rather call that FIRMWARE_DIR. ROCKBOX_DIR would always be .rockbox |
11:59:02 | petur | if you want me to do it, it 'll be tonight (maybe) |
12:00 |
12:06:28 | safetydan | woah... this change saves 1008 bytes on recorder builds |
12:06:57 | Stalwart | will default WPS be converted to use new system? |
12:07:17 | | Join himitsu [0] (n=himitsu@ |
12:07:43 | Stalwart | when i change font WPS become broken |
12:09:19 | | Join amigan [0] (i=dcp1990@unaffiliated/amigan) |
12:09:38 | JdGordon | safetydan: moving the byte after the char[3] ? |
12:10:47 | | Quit juxtap (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
12:12:07 | safetydan | JdGordon: moving the enum first in struct wps_tag |
12:12:30 | safetydan | should result in a structure with a nice 4/4/4 allocation |
12:12:49 | JdGordon | ah yes, same thing :) |
12:13:05 | | Join inversions [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
12:13:58 | safetydan | pretty much, but I think this way makes slightly more sense |
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12:14:21 | linuxstb | safetydan: The rearrangement saves 284 bytes of code? |
12:14:31 | safetydan | linuxstb: yup |
12:16:08 | | Part tremby |
12:17:07 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
12:21:49 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57a97c98.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:22:37 | safetydan | so not all of the build boxes are using the same version of the arm compiler? |
12:25:02 | JdGordon | they should all be 4.0.3 for arm... |
12:25:10 | JdGordon | 0.2 doesnt compile... |
12:25:47 | | Quit darkless ("Leaving") |
12:27:19 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
12:27:59 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-745b21565ae4ada5) |
12:28:06 | * | Genre9mp3 scratches head... |
12:28:14 | Genre9mp3 | markun: around? |
12:28:24 | crop | safetydan: I have some thoughts about the wps tokenizer which would reduce binara size, improve readability and (I think) performance. Like to discuss? |
12:28:41 | | Join crwl [0] (n=crawlie@a88-114-143-95.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
12:29:25 | safetydan | crop: go ahead, though I'm not the only (or even the best) qualified to talk about it |
12:29:39 | | Quit crop (Client Quit) |
12:29:40 | safetydan | JdGordon: just noticing that the arm binary size goes up and down by 12 bytes depending on what box builds it |
12:30:03 | Genre9mp3 | Any of the Gigabeat users: Which bootloader is the right file? FWIMG01.DAT or FWIMG01.DAT-2007-01-14 ? (from http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/gigabeat/) |
12:30:20 | safetydan | hrrm... that shouldn't have got larger on recorder builds... |
12:30:22 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a988024c59f1a09f) |
12:30:34 | crop | safetydan: I'll be back in 15 mins, sorry |
12:30:36 | | Quit crop (Client Quit) |
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12:40:11 | Genre9mp3 | nevermind... I just forgot to unmount my Gigabeat... all good now! :) |
12:44:08 | JdGordon | safetydan: the recorder ones are compressed.. so dont worry about the red there |
12:44:36 | safetydan | JdGordon: yeah I was also looking at the wrong build file when I said I thought it saved 1000 bytes there :) |
12:44:39 | | Quit jaebird (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:44:44 | JdGordon | haha :) |
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12:57:43 | safetydan | JdGordon: has the playlist catalog menu been converted to the new system? |
12:57:55 | JdGordon | no |
12:58:03 | safetydan | ah |
12:59:24 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-616c01bfcb86aed7) |
12:59:36 | JdGordon | playlist catalog has a menu? |
12:59:51 | crop | safetydan: here? |
13:00 |
13:04:02 | crop | I'd reorganise the wps_data struct. |
13:04:24 | crop | 1. make progress_xxx vars unsigned |
13:05:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:05:15 | crop | 2. intriduce struct subline with the fields start_token_idx, possibly num_tokens, line_type, and time_mult |
13:06:04 | crop | Introduce struct line with the fields start_subline_idx, possibly num_sublines, subl_expire_time, and curr_subline |
13:07:12 | crop | The idea is that all sublines are stored in one array and the fields point to that array. Now it's assumed that each line can have up to 12 sublines which is rarely the case I'd argue and this wastes space |
13:07:20 | | Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) |
13:07:43 | crop | Tokens are already stored this way. |
13:08:07 | crop | Structuring the data into structures would also make the code more readable IMHO |
13:09:08 | | Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-kha@a91-152-66-39.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
13:10:09 | crop | And one more thing: why do we need tokens for NOP and EOL? Why not just store the tokens that belong to the subline? In my proposal, start_subline_idx would say where the subline starts (index in the tokens array). The num_tokens isn't strictly needed since a subline ends where the next begins. The same idea applies to lines. |
13:10:58 | crop | This would simplify the drawing code since you have clear bounds and don't have to watch out if we've reached EOL. This should be done at parsing time IMHO |
13:11:15 | crop | Now I'd better stop or I'll be kicked :-) |
13:11:22 | | Quit jaebird (Connection timed out) |
13:12:37 | amiconn | safetydan: One thing is the padding. Another thing that helps especially on SH1 is putting the most frequently accessed members first (in the order bytes -> words->longwords), because SH asm can encode small offsets directly within the instruction |
13:13:07 | amiconn | (up to +15 for bytes, +30 for words and +60 for longwords) |
13:13:14 | crop | MAX_SUBLINES could be defined as MAX_LINES * 2 (or *3). This will be less space and at the same time allow for more that 12 sublines per line (if needed) |
13:17:37 | Genre9mp3 | why some menus have inverted colours? |
13:18:03 | crop | Now it's a paint to see 2-dimensional arrays everywhere |
13:18:08 | crop | *pain |
13:19:00 | JdGordon | Genre9mp3: which menus have inverted colours? |
13:20:01 | | Join scopeboy [0] (n=SteveCon@ |
13:20:37 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
13:22:13 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:22:25 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b977a8.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:23:01 | scopeboy | Any rockbox developers around? |
13:23:10 | JdGordon | a few |
13:23:20 | scopeboy | yay |
13:23:47 | scopeboy | You guys rule, I have an iriver h120 and you actually made it work the way it was supposed to |
13:26:23 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@ |
13:26:38 | scopeboy | I bought it for the recording features, but the iriver firmware screwed them up |
13:28:45 | | Quit petur ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
13:28:58 | | Quit Moos ("Glory to Rockbox") |
13:29:09 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
13:29:59 | Genre9mp3 | JdGordon: hmm... strange, now the menus are fine...I'm trying to reproduce it though |
13:32:09 | Genre9mp3 | JdGordon: Aha...It seems it's the mpegplayer's fault |
13:32:30 | JdGordon | oh good :) |
13:32:37 | Genre9mp3 | try to play a video, enter the mpegplayer menu and then quit mpegplayer |
13:32:53 | Genre9mp3 | after that some menus (eg. Rockbox info) have inverted colours |
13:33:42 | Genre9mp3 | and some plugins, too (eg. Calculator) |
13:36:18 | linuxstb | Are you using a Gigabeat? |
13:36:35 | Genre9mp3 | linuxstb: yes :) |
13:36:47 | linuxstb | It's a known problem according to markun. |
13:36:58 | Genre9mp3 | Is that a known issue just for Gigabeat? |
13:37:01 | linuxstb | AFAIK, it's specific to the gigabeat. |
13:37:08 | Genre9mp3 | ah...strange |
13:37:46 | Genre9mp3 | hehe...as you understand I'm having some fun here with my new toy :) |
13:37:59 | JdGordon | OK, im conviced... we cant use a ring buffer with MoB in an efficient manner :p |
13:39:26 | linuxstb | AFAIK, the intention for MoB is to have one static buffer where the metadata for the current track is copied to. (or maybe two - for the next track info). The metadata is copied from the audio buffer to the static buffer when the track becomes current. |
13:39:28 | JdGordon | and a linked list wouldnt work, because eventually we will have very ragmented memory which is obviously bad (TM) |
13:39:53 | JdGordon | but then there is still the penalty for people who dont use it |
13:40:13 | linuxstb | Yes, but only 2*penalty, not 32*penalty. |
13:40:17 | JdGordon | is there such a thing as a ring buffer with static sections? |
13:40:41 | JdGordon | 3*penalty.... prev, current, next |
13:40:54 | linuxstb | And the size of the metadata buffers could be semi-dynamic - i.e. allocated from the audio buffer. |
13:41:04 | linuxstb | Why do you need prev? |
13:41:26 | JdGordon | why not? :p but hmm.. guess so |
13:41:42 | linuxstb | current/next are needed for the WPS. |
13:42:21 | JdGordon | I'm tihnking also for further down the track when we load lyrics into the MoB for tracks, as well as id3 and AA... |
13:42:27 | linuxstb | But maybe the "next" buffer doesn't need to be as big as current. e.g. do we want to display "next album art" ? |
13:42:29 | JdGordon | what sort of size limit do we use? |
13:43:29 | linuxstb | I don't think lyrics will be as big as album art. |
13:43:52 | JdGordon | probably not... but what if a track has both? |
13:44:20 | linuxstb | I'm just saying that the fixed-sized buffer needed for lyrics won't be huge. |
13:44:31 | linuxstb | There will obviously be separate buffers for AA and lyrics. |
13:47:00 | JdGordon | hmm... actually only 1 buffer is needed, the next track is in the buffer and not in danger of being removed, so only the current tracks data needs storing statically |
13:47:11 | linuxstb | No, the next track may not be in the buffer. |
13:47:38 | linuxstb | But the metadata is still read (on swcodec at least) in order to display it in the wps. |
13:47:39 | JdGordon | then nothing from that trck is, and you get the current "Next" behaviour, which is fine |
13:48:25 | safetydan | crop: sorry, away watching TV. Those are all good ideas. A patch is always welcome :) |
13:49:51 | amiconn | crop: Why are 2-dimensional arrays a pain? |
13:54:09 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp254-142.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
13:55:09 | | Quit safetydan (Remote closed the connection) |
13:57:16 | crop | amiconn: hard to read, hard to write, use more space than needed |
13:58:12 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:58:37 | crop | safetydan: I thought the code is heavy worked on so that every patch will be obsolete in the moment it's created. |
13:58:38 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b977a8.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:59:51 | | Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:00 |
14:00:19 | JdGordon | currently, who decides how much data to put on the buffer? the playback engine copies as much of a file as it can? or it does it in chunks? |
14:02:22 | | Join iwantanimac [0] (n=iwantani@124-168-71-37.dyn.iinet.net.au) |
14:04:33 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
14:04:48 | | Quit scopeboy ("Leaving") |
14:08:37 | crop | amiconn: I like arrays (it's the most universal data structure in the world) but not this way |
14:10:34 | linuxstb | JdGordon: I'm not sure what you mean. The playback engine fills the buffer with as much data as it can, waits for it to drop to the low watermark point, then fills it again.... |
14:10:59 | JdGordon | does it just read data in from the file? or does it mangle it first? |
14:11:36 | JdGordon | I tihnk a ring buffer could work with 1 section being marked as unwritable... if we can put a tiny header on each section |
14:11:54 | | Quit kubiix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:11:56 | JdGordon | then we would need no static buffers |
14:15:53 | | Join safi [0] (i=507e1d02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f928a09792f4f54d) |
14:16:13 | safi | any tech guru's willing to help a n00b? :) |
14:17:11 | | Quit safi (Client Quit) |
14:17:19 | | Join safi1 [0] (i=507e1d02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3864dfbaeaa13bc0) |
14:17:26 | safi1 | ? |
14:18:08 | datachild | safi1, what do you need help with? |
14:18:08 | crop | safi1: just ask and if someone knows the answer you'll get it |
14:18:33 | datachild | Don't ask to ask, just ask |
14:19:41 | | Quit inversions (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:20:20 | crop | datachild: He's forgotten waht he wanted to ask :-) |
14:20:28 | datachild | ;) |
14:20:48 | crop | Or maybe that _was_ the question |
14:21:39 | linuxstb | JdGordon: What do you mean by "unwritable" ? What would happen when the playback engine reaches that point and needs to rebuffer? |
14:22:19 | JdGordon | it would write up to that point, then skip it and continue writing after it... it would eventually recoup the section when its not imporant anymore |
14:22:39 | JdGordon | the only way it would work is if a small header is put on each memory block |
14:25:08 | linuxstb | OK, I understand what you mean. The problem with that is that the codecs expect data to be in contiguous blocks, not with holes in the middle... And we want to make even more use of that feature, not less. |
14:26:17 | | Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) |
14:26:38 | JdGordon | blocks of what size? |
14:27:05 | linuxstb | Currently it's 32KB, but we want to be able to give non-streaming codecs much large contiguous blocks - i.e. the whole file. |
14:27:37 | JdGordon | if the provide the buffer we could copy as much data as they want into it |
14:28:04 | linuxstb | We don't want to copy data from the audio buffer - the codecs decode it directly. |
14:29:52 | linuxstb | We could use the same technique as is used for the buffer wraparound point (there is a "guard buffer" where the playback engine copies data into) when we reach these "holes", which would work for the current codecs, but not when full support for non-streaming codecs is added. |
14:31:37 | JdGordon | could we use something like char* get_next_block(int* size); which gives the codec the pointer to the block it needs and let the codec read up to size then call it again to get the next bit? |
14:32:01 | | Join safi [0] (n=SanderF@a80-126-29-2.adsl.xs4all.nl) |
14:32:21 | safi | i need some assistance :P |
14:32:26 | safi | anyone? |
14:32:33 | lex | no one |
14:32:35 | JdGordon | with only a 512kb codec buffer and a 512k pcm buffer, they cant proccess the whole file in one hit anyway |
14:32:36 | safi | lol |
14:32:39 | lex | why won't you just ask? |
14:32:43 | safi | ok |
14:32:54 | safi | im trying to get rockbox on my 1st gen nano |
14:32:59 | safi | patched the bootloader |
14:33:04 | safi | have the .rockbox folder |
14:33:09 | lex | great |
14:33:10 | safi | copied the fonts |
14:33:13 | safi | it wont boot |
14:33:21 | lex | and do you have rockbox.ipod? |
14:33:24 | lex | and please, write just one line |
14:33:53 | safi | yeah, it says cant load rockbox.ipod Bad checksum |
14:34:10 | safi | i searched the forums... copied fresh installations couple of times |
14:34:20 | lex | but do you have rockbox.ipod in the root of your ipod |
14:34:26 | safi | no |
14:34:31 | lex | then copy it to there |
14:34:37 | lex | from .rockbox |
14:34:42 | Stalwart | should work from .rockbox too |
14:34:46 | lex | ;o |
14:34:48 | Stalwart | i have nano |
14:34:57 | lex | doesn't work with my video, because of loader 2 |
14:35:13 | | Quit crop ("CGI:IRC") |
14:35:14 | linuxstb | JdGordon: No, but they need access to the whole file in order to decode anything. |
14:35:20 | Stalwart | with rockbox bootloader you can put rockbox.ipod in .rockbox/ |
14:35:25 | lex | yeah |
14:36:02 | safi | mmm |
14:36:02 | * | Stalwart gotta run, can't help now ;[ |
14:36:03 | linuxstb | Or just change your loader2 config file to look for rockbox.ipod in .rockbox/ |
14:36:03 | safi | same problem |
14:36:07 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
14:36:07 | safi | bad checksum |
14:36:44 | linuxstb | safi: "bad checksum" normally means you've installed the wrong .ipod file - i.e. one for a different model of ipod. |
14:36:57 | JdGordon | linuxstb: what happens now when the file is too large for the buffer? the codec doest have the whole file to play with.... |
14:37:07 | linuxstb | safi: Either that, or the file is corrupted |
14:37:21 | safi | i checked that, downloaded an reinstalled a couple of time |
14:37:22 | safi | s |
14:37:26 | safi | no worky :( |
14:37:28 | linuxstb | JdGordon: Currently those files can't be played. I think that's the reason the mod codec is still on flyspray, and not in SVN. |
14:38:07 | JdGordon | I guess hwcodec works fine by streaming smaller sections of the file to the mas then? |
14:38:35 | linuxstb | Yes, the mas just needs a bitstream - no problems. |
14:38:51 | linuxstb | But that's only mpeg audio - swcodec has to support many different formats |
14:39:36 | linuxstb | But I think it's generally agreed that having to handle holes in the audio buffer is an unwanted complication. |
14:39:53 | JdGordon | singular... onl ever one hole |
14:39:56 | JdGordon | only* |
14:42:12 | | Quit safi ("Ik ga weg") |
14:42:18 | JdGordon | the codec only really needs the file metadata right? not all the audio between the start and "now" ? |
14:43:37 | linuxstb | I'm not sure what you mean. |
14:43:47 | | Quit SirFunk (Connection timed out) |
14:44:40 | JdGordon | why does the codec need the whole file to do any decoding? |
14:44:56 | | Quit safi1 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:45:23 | linuxstb | Because it does... For example the MOD codec has tables of samples and requires random-access to them in order to create music. |
14:46:10 | linuxstb | "streaming" codecs like MPEG audio (and most of the formats swcodec currently supports) are not like that, and data is consumed a frame at a time from the input file. |
14:46:20 | JdGordon | but thats not the _whole_ file... it might only be a few hundred kb that it needs to keep in memory? |
14:46:53 | linuxstb | Please believe me - some codec formats require random access to the entire file. |
14:47:10 | JdGordon | ok |
14:47:39 | linuxstb | This is something not currently handled in the playback engine, but is desired. |
14:47:44 | JdGordon | so fine, as long as the whole file fits in the aviable area of the ring it should be fine |
14:48:55 | JdGordon | in general though.. the codecs would be happy to call a function to get the next section of data and not care about its actual size? |
14:50:50 | roolku | JdGordon: only streaming codecs |
14:51:19 | roolku | BTW: please don't forget midi when designing MOB (i.e. allow the loading of a patch set) |
14:52:46 | linuxstb | JdGordon: Having even a single hole in the audio buffer would make the largest available contiguous space unpredictable - meaning that sometimes large files will work, and sometimes they won't... |
14:53:48 | JdGordon | yep, but worse case is that you would have to wait for the buffer to be fully empty before loading that file |
14:54:11 | JdGordon | as apposed to possibly never beign able to load it because the static MoB buffer is using too much ram which you never use :p |
14:58:50 | | Quit GodEater_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:00 |
15:03:52 | * | amiconn thinks integrating midi in the playback engine will be a pita, if not impossible at all |
15:04:53 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ |
15:05:10 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:05:49 | roolku | :( |
15:06:51 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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15:10:38 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b9754b.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:11:31 | amiconn | Is there a patchset for 16MB targets, btw? |
15:11:47 | amiconn | The 27MB one won't fit obviously... |
15:12:36 | | Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@53-89.netblk-69-41-89.coolaccess.net) |
15:13:11 | roolku | amiconn: I read in the forums that someone had found a smaller one, but it still didn't work on the iaudio |
15:14:21 | roolku | amiconn: it may be possible to only load the patches that are actually used in the midi file, but that requires even more fiddling |
15:16:59 | linuxstb | That brings us back to the idea of having codec-specific loading functions which can be called by the playback engine when buffering. |
15:21:36 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@admin-147-222.potsdam.edu) |
15:24:31 | JdGordon | well.. my idea has hit a brick wall :p how does it know when it has read the important bit and to not write to it again ? :'( |
15:25:11 | | Quit Jon-Kha (Client Quit) |
15:28:28 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
15:28:53 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:31:21 | markun | I would like some people to try and decode movies with non 16x16 frame sizes. Tested mplayer and ffmpeg already myself. |
15:32:56 | linuxstb | You mean encode? |
15:33:50 | markun | yes, sorry :) |
15:34:14 | | Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-kha@a91-152-66-39.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
15:36:21 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
15:37:45 | Nico_P | nice commit from safetydan ! |
15:38:46 | | Quit Jon-Kha (Client Quit) |
15:39:37 | JdGordon | im right in saying that 6975 can be done using tagnavi.config right? |
15:40:33 | Genre9mp3 | linuxstb: Would it be possible to allow 320x240 targets play 352pixel width videos? (ignoring the side blocks) |
15:40:48 | daurnimator | hey JdGordon |
15:40:52 | daurnimator | still need that cd? |
15:41:02 | JdGordon | na, got it working |
15:41:09 | markun | Genre9mp3: they already can |
15:41:22 | markun | or doesn't your video play on your Gigabeat? |
15:41:39 | Genre9mp3 | markun: I just tried one and it didn't play |
15:41:49 | markun | what happened? |
15:42:19 | Genre9mp3 | tried to start but the returned on file browser |
15:43:14 | Genre9mp3 | markun, btw I'm completely impressed by the Gigabeat :) |
15:44:05 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d703656e2ec6eccd) |
15:44:24 | markun | good to hear man |
15:44:44 | markun | did you try the OF? |
15:44:59 | crop | Nico_P: any comments to today's posts starting at 13:04? |
15:45:07 | Genre9mp3 | markun: for about 5 min |
15:45:29 | Nico_P | crop: on this channel ? |
15:45:40 | crop | Nico_P: yes |
15:45:48 | markun | crop: which time is it now? |
15:45:52 | Nico_P | crop: I'll go read them :) |
15:46:15 | linuxstb | Genre9mp3: It works fine for me - I can play a 352x240 VCD. |
15:47:22 | Genre9mp3 | hmm... I just managed to play one, too |
15:47:28 | crop | I synchronise to the time used in the channel log. There's no other time! This way we have a chance to communicate unambigously |
15:47:31 | Genre9mp3 | 3 others didn't work though |
15:47:41 | | Quit midgey () |
15:47:43 | Nico_P | crop: by "token for NOP" i assume you're referring to WPS_NO_TOKEN ? |
15:47:53 | crop | Nico_P: yes. |
15:48:14 | Nico_P | this one isn't stored. It's only used to make some tags not be stored as tokens |
15:48:19 | linuxstb | Genre9mp3: It may be an (internal libmpeg2) buffering issue. Can you try and play one of your files in the ipod video sim? (the gigabeat sim doesn't rotate the videos, so isn't a good test for 320x240 output). |
15:48:32 | Nico_P | (e.g. the image prelod tag, xl) |
15:48:49 | linuxstb | Genre9mp3: The sim should hopefully display some debugging output which would be useful to see. Or alternatively, if you want to give me one of your files, I'll investigate. |
15:49:07 | markun | linuxstb: yesterday the audio stopped to playback after maybe 1 hour into the video, didn't investigate it any further yet but just to let you know. |
15:49:23 | crop | What about EOL? If I've understood the code correctly it's used as a line delimiter |
15:49:23 | Nico_P | crop: the rest sounds good to me |
15:49:31 | Genre9mp3 | linuxstb: sure |
15:49:32 | Nico_P | crop: yes |
15:49:44 | linuxstb | Hmm... I've only tried a video which is about 60 minutes long. Maybe there's an overflow somewhere... |
15:50:04 | crop | Nico_P: will you try that then? |
15:50:06 | linuxstb | Genre9mp3: Sure to which option - giving me the file, or testing yourself in the sim? |
15:50:16 | Nico_P | crop: sure, I'll look into it |
15:50:29 | crop | A general question: what value is used for the build size table? The size of the rockbox.xxx file? |
15:50:32 | markun | linuxstb: hard to debug if you have to wait an hour for the result :) |
15:51:06 | linuxstb | markun: Yep... Or maybe just a review of the code would be a better approach... |
15:51:13 | markun | yes |
15:51:25 | Nico_P | crop: yes |
15:51:31 | crop | Nico_P: and I'd comment the typedef for the token parsing function: what the param means and what it should return. |
15:51:36 | Genre9mp3 | linuxstb: 352x288 should play as well, right? |
15:51:42 | linuxstb | Although I'm not touching those parts of mpegplayer until jhMikeS commits his work. |
15:51:55 | Nico_P | crop: very true |
15:52:03 | linuxstb | Genre9mp3: Maybe, but that would need bigger internal buffers - the extra 48 rows may be enough to stop the file working. |
15:52:25 | crop | Nico_P: btw, one more thing confused me. In all the functions, there's a char* param named wps_token. it's confusing since it's not a token (ot type wps_token). |
15:52:55 | linuxstb | Genre9mp3: You could try increasing the size of the buffer given to libmpeg2's internal mallocs - LIBMPEG2_BUFFER_SIZE defined in mpegplayer.c |
15:53:00 | Genre9mp3 | linuxstb: The one that played was 352x272, the others that did not were 352x288 |
15:53:13 | Nico_P | crop: I know it's not very clear... Actually I wasn't the one who found that name :) I should've changed it but got used to it |
15:53:14 | linuxstb | (increase it from 2MB to, for example 3MB, just as a test) |
15:53:20 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:53:37 | linuxstb | Genre9mp3: OK, that makes sense. My test was 352x240, which was also fine. |
15:53:47 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@vhe-382201.sshn.net) |
15:53:54 | | Quit jmsbwtr_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:54:01 | crop | Nico_P: for an uninitiated it's a challenge to read! :-) |
15:54:04 | Genre9mp3 | linuxstb: Ok, I would like to experiment but not now, I have limited time... maybe you still want the file, though? |
15:54:29 | Nico_P | crop: wouls "wps_buffer" be better ? |
15:54:31 | linuxstb | It's OK - I'll find myself some files with those resolutions and see what happens. |
15:54:37 | Genre9mp3 | ok |
15:56:11 | | Join funky [0] (n=repulse@unaffiliated/funky) |
15:56:31 | JdGordon | seen as the playlist viewer needs the plugin buffer anyway, would it be ok to move it to a rock? |
15:56:35 | crop | Nico_P: wps_read? wps_char? But wps_token is very confusing. Those two names are not very good but still better IMHO. If I'll come up with something better I'll et you know |
15:57:01 | Nico_P | crop: wps_buffer ? like in wps_parse() |
15:57:29 | crop | Nico_P: is it the buffer? Or the current reading pos? |
15:57:50 | Nico_P | it's the reading pos |
15:58:12 | bluebrother | hmm. Isn't FS #6974 a tagging issue? |
15:59:01 | Nico_P | crop: I think I'll go with wps_char |
15:59:09 | crop | Nico_P: hrm... I don't know. wps_buffer would be ok as well. But please: not wps_token :-) |
15:59:47 | crop | Nico_P: or even wps_src_char? |
16:00 |
16:00:22 | Nico_P | I think I prefer wps_buffer. Because it's still a buffer even though it's not pointing to the start of that buffer |
16:01:50 | | Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@gifn3.fpl.com) |
16:01:58 | crop | Yes, that was also my thought. For the parsing func it _is_ the buffer. |
16:02:33 | crop | It's handed the appropriate buffer so to speak |
16:02:50 | Nico_P | yes |
16:03:07 | linuxstb | Nico_P: Maybe something like wps_bufptr - that indicates to me that it's a pointer into a buffer. |
16:03:58 | Nico_P | linuxstb: I like it ! |
16:04:23 | | Quit idnar (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
16:04:54 | | Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") |
16:06:00 | crop | linuxstb: I like it too! But OTOH if I have a buffer I'd name it just buffer or buf but not bufptr −− even if it's of type char* |
16:06:05 | | Join idnar [0] (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
16:06:21 | crop | But my main concern was wps_token. All the names proposed are better |
16:06:58 | Nico_P | I'm going for wps_bufptr. I'm committing it with the fix for the latest forum post |
16:08:51 | JdGordon | noone minds me moving those hidden playlist viewer settings into the settings menu do they? |
16:11:07 | crop | JdGordon: I'm for it! Then we can remap the menu button so that it calls the main menu and not the playlist context menu |
16:11:26 | JdGordon | yep |
16:12:36 | | Join JavaMan22 [0] (n=HP_Admin@c-24-61-91-138.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) |
16:13:40 | | Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-kha@a91-152-66-39.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
16:14:43 | | Quit Jon-Kha (Client Quit) |
16:15:14 | | Quit ze (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:15:17 | amiconn | Why should the playlist viewer not have a context menu? |
16:16:01 | JdGordon | because the only this its used for is the settings, and the save playlist option. the settings shouldnt be there imo and the save option... well that can stay or be moved... |
16:16:53 | bluebrother | the recording screen also can directly access the recording settings |
16:17:15 | | Quit bawb2 (Remote closed the connection) |
16:17:24 | JavaMan22 | :D many updates today :) |
16:17:30 | bluebrother | the settings should be reachable from the main menu, but I don't see a reason why it's wrong to have access to the playlist settings via a context menu too. |
16:17:52 | JavaMan22 | snow snow snow day :D |
16:17:58 | Llorean | Speaking of settings, in a very vaguely similar context: |
16:18:08 | Llorean | Any reason the Quick Menu isn't accessible from the Main Menu? |
16:18:29 | JdGordon | no real code-limitation reason... |
16:18:49 | JdGordon | except does it really make sense? |
16:19:23 | Llorean | I'm not really sure |
16:19:41 | | Join perl|work [0] (n=jacquesc@static-64-61-105-170.isp.broadviewnet.net) |
16:19:46 | Llorean | But I keep finding myself trying to use it from there |
16:20:58 | Febs | I do too. |
16:22:27 | crop | bluebrother: it can be kept in the context menu but pressing MENU should call up the main menu |
16:23:21 | bluebrother | crop: right. It's not that I'm completely against removing it from the context menu, but I don't see a reason why it's wrong being able accessing it that way |
16:24:04 | crop | Nico_P: will you also try to implement other proposals? Or should I try? To be honest, I'd prefer if you did it |
16:24:13 | Nico_P | crop: I'll try |
16:24:27 | Nico_P | not just now but I'll look into it |
16:24:57 | crop | Why about my size question (see above)? |
16:25:00 | | Join vertic23 [0] (i=bla@dslb-084-057-236-212.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
16:25:02 | | Nick vertic23 is now known as kernel-i386 (i=bla@dslb-084-057-236-212.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
16:25:11 | kernel-i386 | hey |
16:25:13 | Nico_P | crop: I'd thought about making the progress_* vars unsigned but progress_top can be -1 if it's not set. But the others could be unsigned |
16:25:19 | markun | kernel-i386: hi |
16:25:32 | kernel-i386 | any iaudio X5 users here? |
16:26:05 | Nico_P | crop: which size question ? |
16:26:18 | | Join mr_pink [0] (n=mfsoab99@host81-152-159-240.range81-152.btcentralplus.com) |
16:27:14 | kernel-i386 | I'd like to know when videos will be fully supported on X5(V) |
16:27:18 | crop | Nico_P: what's considered as the build size (and used in the delta table on the build page)? The size of the rockbox.xxx file? |
16:27:31 | kernel-i386 | or is there already an improvement? |
16:27:39 | Nico_P | crop: ah, I answered that. yes |
16:27:42 | bluebrother | kernel-i386: don't ask about release dates. We won't estimate any. |
16:27:43 | linuxstb | kernel-i386: mpegplayer is currently in active development... |
16:28:02 | linuxstb | kernel-i386: When did you last update Rockbox? |
16:28:03 | kernel-i386 | okay fine |
16:28:05 | bluebrother | but if you follow the svn logs you'll find that there were some improvements recently |
16:28:06 | kernel-i386 | ehm... |
16:28:15 | kernel-i386 | actually I don't try to watch videos |
16:28:22 | kernel-i386 | ...because I know it's not done yet |
16:28:27 | kernel-i386 | I wait until then |
16:28:28 | amiconn | crop: rockbox.<target> for the targets where we have to use our own bootloader, and the of-bootloader imposed name for the others |
16:28:35 | kernel-i386 | if you say it's not finished - I'll wait |
16:28:36 | linuxstb | kernel-i386: Read the PluginMpegplayer page for the current status. |
16:28:47 | bluebrother | kernel-i386: we have a demo video (elephants dream) available for download |
16:28:51 | JavaMan22 | 2.5 fps faster then i read thats its only for gigabeat >:o |
16:29:04 | kernel-i386 | okay - so "should" I try it? |
16:29:05 | bluebrother | as mpegplayer is part of the regular builds you can simply try it out using that |
16:29:21 | bluebrother | depends on you −− it might be worth a try. |
16:29:22 | kernel-i386 | ...so I mean - if you tell me it's not "working" yet - should I try? |
16:29:29 | kernel-i386 | ..well ok |
16:29:30 | linuxstb | kernel-i386: Read the PluginMpegplayer page for the current status. |
16:29:33 | kernel-i386 | hehe |
16:29:35 | kernel-i386 | where to find? |
16:29:37 | JavaMan22 | try it silly boy! |
16:29:41 | kernel-i386 | hehe |
16:29:42 | crop | But that size depends on the compiler version, right? So if I create a patch and want to see how it changes the bin size I have first to do a clean build and then the build with the patch, right? |
16:29:48 | bluebrother | what do you mean by "not working"? It does something, so it works in some way |
16:30:00 | bluebrother | but of course it depends on what you expect |
16:30:12 | bluebrother | kernel-i386: the wiki? ;-) |
16:30:16 | amiconn | crop: Just use the recommended compiler versions |
16:30:29 | kernel-i386 | ...hehe - well - my last info was that sound was not working or sumthing ;P |
16:30:40 | kernel-i386 | so I'll try it now - if you tell me to :P |
16:30:41 | bluebrother | sound has been added. |
16:30:42 | amiconn | That is, gcc 4.0.3 (rockbox patched) for arm and sh1, and gcc 3.4.6 for coldfire |
16:30:44 | kernel-i386 | weee |
16:30:45 | kernel-i386 | :D |
16:30:54 | bluebrother | to say it the other way round: |
16:31:08 | bluebrother | the less people trying mpegplayer the slower bugs get discovered. |
16:31:15 | kernel-i386 | ok |
16:31:17 | kernel-i386 | I'm sorry |
16:31:24 | bluebrother | doesn't imply anything on how fast they will be fixed though. |
16:31:25 | kernel-i386 | I didn't you needed me |
16:31:30 | crop | amiconn: last time I tried to update the compilers (via cygwin install) from the rockbox site it didn't work. I couldn't find the packages |
16:31:31 | kernel-i386 | I watch porn on my mp3 player in future |
16:31:40 | | Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-kha@a91-152-66-39.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
16:31:52 | | Quit aliask (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:32:25 | JavaMan22 | silly boy! |
16:45:22 | | Part Llorean |
16:47:42 | | Quit jac0b ("ChatZilla 0.9.78 [Firefox]") |
16:48:11 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
16:48:46 | kernel-i386 | hmm, I have a question about a .wps |
16:48:55 | kernel-i386 | 1st how can I see which my current theme is? |
16:49:02 | kernel-i386 | or more.. find out |
16:49:43 | | Quit crop ("see you later") |
16:50:53 | Nico_P | kernel-i386: maybe look in your config.cfg file |
16:51:04 | | Quit Guile (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
16:51:17 | | Quit iwantanimac ("iMac, out.") |
16:59:19 | | Join raphi [0] (n=Raphi@pub082136068191.dh-hfc.datazug.ch) |
17:00 |
17:02:59 | kernel-i386 | hmm ok - I know that the theme name is zezeyer - but there is one thing I'm not comfortable with there... it has a layout like this: * −−- Artist −−- - but sometimes the name is too long - but it doesn't scroll - is it maybe an easy thing to make it scroll? |
17:03:24 | JavaMan22 | yeh read the wiki for WPS |
17:05:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:05:50 | | Part ctaf |
17:07:46 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-075-177-158-190.nc.res.rr.com) |
17:07:52 | kernel-i386 | btw ...dudes |
17:08:00 | kernel-i386 | I really don't know how to use the wiki search |
17:08:04 | kernel-i386 | can't it be easier?! |
17:08:22 | kernel-i386 | NOTE: This Wiki topic does not exist yet <−− always stuff like this.... |
17:08:37 | | Quit voltagex_ () |
17:09:45 | kernel-i386 | I love you devs ...but please let's all get some money for some new webdesign ;P |
17:09:54 | kernel-i386 | and... structure |
17:10:01 | kernel-i386 | it's horrible (for newbies) |
17:10:14 | kernel-i386 | and... even me - I am "almost" familiar with the site |
17:10:41 | JavaMan22 | hehe |
17:12:01 | kernel-i386 | so ...some hints for me to find at least "something" ...? (e.g. that wiki for WPS) - how do I get there the fastes way |
17:12:19 | kernel-i386 | Flyspray cannot provide the page you requested. Perhaps you requested a task that does not exist, or you do not have permission to view the page you wanted. |
17:12:24 | raphi | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CustomWPS |
17:12:26 | kernel-i386 | other search does this... WTF?! |
17:12:27 | raphi | :-D |
17:12:29 | kernel-i386 | I mean... |
17:12:40 | kernel-i386 | just ...ahhh put that search away |
17:13:03 | kernel-i386 | thank you raphi |
17:14:22 | kernel-i386 | have you got a fully customized skin? |
17:14:28 | kernel-i386 | or at least a bit ^^ |
17:14:36 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b97d6c.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:14:38 | kernel-i386 | I mean... there is no "perfect" skin |
17:14:39 | raphi | no, but there are a lot of examples..... |
17:14:43 | kernel-i386 | yeah |
17:14:43 | raphi | hold on.... |
17:14:57 | raphi | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGallery |
17:15:04 | raphi | I found it :-D |
17:15:10 | markun | Why are people so crazy about the looks of the player.. |
17:15:15 | kernel-i386 | markun? |
17:15:29 | kernel-i386 | it's just... ehm... I want it to look not as shitty as yours :P |
17:15:38 | kernel-i386 | sorry for the shitty -laugh- |
17:15:56 | markun | kernel-i386: why not? |
17:16:10 | kernel-i386 | because ...it COULD have style for example |
17:16:19 | kernel-i386 | and it's just beautiful AND informative |
17:16:31 | kernel-i386 | looks 1337 and stuff, ya know ;) |
17:16:33 | bluebrother | kernel-i386: you need to use the search box on the wiki, not the "go to" box |
17:16:54 | bluebrother | and for the zezayer issue ... you can make the line scroll, but that will scroll the whole line |
17:16:57 | kernel-i386 | yea where of the 6 search boxes do you mean right now :P |
17:17:05 | bluebrother | scrolling a part of the line isn't possible |
17:17:10 | kernel-i386 | I thought so thanks bluebrother |
17:17:12 | markun | kernel-i386: check the WPS gallery for style and beauty.. |
17:17:14 | | Quit Ribs ("Ex-Chat") |
17:17:28 | markun | maybe I have a weird taste |
17:17:30 | kernel-i386 | ok... that was what I was thinking ...but hehe - I am a total noob without any scripting experience |
17:17:35 | kernel-i386 | but was worth an "ask" |
17:17:38 | kernel-i386 | thanks |
17:17:53 | kernel-i386 | markun: I know ;) |
17:17:57 | bluebrother | when I go to the wiki start page (WebHome) I have a link "search". Clicking that results in a page with a box and a button titled "search" |
17:18:24 | kernel-i386 | btw bluebrother: I have the idea that there are not "all" themes on that theme page - how does it come? where did they go? |
17:18:40 | bluebrother | what theme page are you referring to? |
17:19:03 | kernel-i386 | http://www.rockbox-themes.org/index.php?res=160x128x16 |
17:19:05 | kernel-i386 | this e.g. |
17:19:12 | markun | kernel-i386: btw, maybe you can design a new website? probably more fun than just throwing money at it. |
17:19:17 | bluebrother | and what are you missing? |
17:19:22 | kernel-i386 | silk e.g. |
17:19:26 | kernel-i386 | I have it on my player |
17:19:31 | kernel-i386 | and I got it off that page |
17:19:42 | kernel-i386 | afair |
17:19:44 | bluebrother | you noticed that the themes are made for a specific resolution? |
17:19:52 | kernel-i386 | hehe |
17:20:03 | kernel-i386 | what do you want to tell me |
17:20:04 | | Join pabs [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) |
17:20:05 | bluebrother | if a theme hasn't been adjusted to your resolution it's not available. |
17:20:07 | kernel-i386 | yeah I know that |
17:20:18 | bluebrother | and what's the problem with "missing" themes? |
17:20:22 | kernel-i386 | so you mean I picked up a theme which is not for my player? |
17:20:23 | kernel-i386 | ^^ |
17:20:24 | bluebrother | people put their themes all over |
17:20:29 | kernel-i386 | but I can tell - it "was" ;) |
17:20:31 | bluebrother | possibly. |
17:20:43 | bluebrother | what was? |
17:20:52 | kernel-i386 | those themes were on "that" page |
17:21:07 | bluebrother | then ask the maintainer of that web site. It has an email link somewhere. |
17:21:44 | kernel-i386 | hmm, but now I really need to think of an alternative theme |
17:22:29 | kernel-i386 | do you know whether that "scrolling the whole line" thing can be coded? |
17:22:43 | bluebrother | it can. There is a patch, called "scrolling margins" |
17:22:43 | kernel-i386 | ...or if it is already on "a list" |
17:22:47 | kernel-i386 | wow |
17:22:54 | kernel-i386 | so you mean - I just have to update? :P |
17:23:02 | kernel-i386 | or ...is it at all possible |
17:23:06 | bluebrother | but it recently broke with the addition of the wps tokenizer |
17:23:09 | kernel-i386 | but only with some manual editing |
17:23:17 | kernel-i386 | what's a tokenizer? |
17:23:22 | bluebrother | "patches" refer to source patches |
17:23:30 | kernel-i386 | hmm, ok - I see |
17:23:42 | kernel-i386 | so ...after all - is it possible? |
17:23:43 | bluebrother | it's an internal thing on how to parse and store the data that is present in the wps file |
17:24:04 | markun | kernel-i386: there are some plans to make the display code more flexible to allow for a nice implementation of partial scrolling |
17:24:12 | kernel-i386 | hmm ah ok... didn't understand all of it - but ok hehe |
17:24:14 | bluebrother | it is _possible_, but you need to build Rockbox yourself and adjust the patch (unless someone else does) |
17:24:32 | kernel-i386 | is it like "work" to do that? |
17:24:41 | bluebrother | yes. |
17:24:43 | markun | kernel-i386: yes, it's some work |
17:24:43 | kernel-i386 | I mean... I can copy some files and type "make" - but that's all |
17:24:50 | kernel-i386 | hehe |
17:24:52 | markun | that will not be enough |
17:24:53 | kernel-i386 | ok... hmmm |
17:25:00 | markun | but you can wait for someone else to fix it |
17:25:07 | bluebrother | you need to setup a complete cross compiler toolchain |
17:25:16 | kernel-i386 | ok, how much money do you guys want ;) |
17:25:20 | markun | and then you don't have to do much more than 'copy and make' |
17:25:45 | markun | kernel-i386: there will be a devcon soon and beer money is always welcome :) |
17:25:46 | kernel-i386 | cross compiler toolchain ^^ but it's not a weapon, is it? |
17:25:55 | kernel-i386 | hehe |
17:26:08 | JavaMan22 | i want 1,000 |
17:26:11 | kernel-i386 | hehehe |
17:26:25 | JavaMan22 | ehehe |
17:26:25 | markun | I don't think I can make it (again) so you don't have to pay me |
17:26:26 | bluebrother | it's dangerous |
17:26:33 | kernel-i386 | again? |
17:26:37 | kernel-i386 | dangerous? :D |
17:26:39 | kernel-i386 | hehehe |
17:26:45 | bluebrother | yes, pretty much |
17:26:46 | markun | kernel-i386: wasn't at the last devcon either |
17:27:01 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) |
17:27:12 | kernel-i386 | well... me as a total noob wouldn't be at the right place - except for paying the beer ;) |
17:27:14 | kernel-i386 | hehe |
17:27:14 | bluebrother | looks like flights got quite more expensive the last days, so I might also need to skip devcon : |
17:27:22 | bluebrother | :'-( |
17:27:32 | kernel-i386 | yeah ...they get more expensive each day |
17:27:47 | bluebrother | hey, it's still like 6 weeks :( |
17:27:47 | kernel-i386 | you always have to book "right now" if you see a cheap flight |
17:27:50 | kernel-i386 | oh... ok |
17:27:58 | kernel-i386 | where do you live? |
17:28:01 | bluebrother | and my budget is somewhat limited |
17:28:02 | kernel-i386 | and where is the devcon? |
17:28:17 | bluebrother | germany -> stockholm / sweden. |
17:28:37 | kernel-i386 | oh, ...du bist deutscher? |
17:28:48 | bluebrother | nein, ich tu nur so :P |
17:28:52 | kernel-i386 | but I guess it's not allowed to speak german -g- |
17:28:53 | kernel-i386 | hehe |
17:28:59 | bluebrother | not really ... |
17:29:33 | bluebrother | we can always use a private chat for talking german |
17:29:51 | * | bluebrother wonders if #rockbox-users still exists |
17:29:52 | kernel-i386 | w0rd ;) |
17:29:57 | kernel-i386 | hehehe |
17:30:01 | kernel-i386 | lemme check |
17:30:05 | kernel-i386 | nah |
17:30:19 | kernel-i386 | I guess that'd be the right chan for me ;) |
17:30:43 | bluebrother | maybe someone should revive it ... but not me ;) |
17:30:45 | JavaMan22 | je parle le francais |
17:30:49 | kernel-i386 | hehehe |
17:30:52 | bluebrother | JavaMan22: non. |
17:30:55 | kernel-i386 | hrhr |
17:31:01 | bluebrother | je ne parlais francais |
17:31:12 | JavaMan22 | mais je detest le steak frites |
17:31:13 | bluebrother | (how bad was that?) |
17:31:27 | kernel-i386 | hehehe |
17:31:30 | | Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:31:36 | markun | bluebrother: looked like passed tense to me |
17:31:43 | | Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ |
17:31:44 | JavaMan22 | oui oui |
17:31:50 | markun | and missing "pas" |
17:32:04 | kernel-i386 | nah.. he is advanced speaker - he can leave that out ;) |
17:32:16 | JavaMan22 | oui oui |
17:32:33 | markun | I was told it's a bit aristocratic if you leave out the "pas" |
17:32:50 | bluebrother | I learned french like 2 years in my first years at elementary school. |
17:32:58 | bluebrother | but we never learned writing or such. |
17:33:03 | markun | bluebrother: I'm learning it right now :) |
17:33:11 | JavaMan22 | :o |
17:33:14 | kernel-i386 | hehe ...I just can't tell you ...I got like 5 years or so - and I just don't remember anything |
17:33:42 | JavaMan22 | le gouche de pizza, c'est choutte |
17:34:15 | perl|work | is this #rockbox? |
17:34:15 | | Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:34:28 | markun | perl|work: #languages-for-beginners |
17:34:31 | | Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ |
17:34:35 | JavaMan22 | >:o |
17:35:09 | perl|work | oh i thought #french-vs-italian-cuisine |
17:36:06 | markun | anyway, have a nice evening! I'm off |
17:36:47 | perl|work | later markun |
17:37:04 | | Join jonashn [0] (i=d90a1a7e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-48f885f8f830113b) |
17:37:49 | JavaMan22 | im almost done figuring out java web start |
17:40:57 | | Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ |
17:41:20 | | Nick joshin_ is now known as joshin (n=joshin@unaffiliated/joshin) |
17:42:35 | | Quit bun-bun (Remote closed the connection) |
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17:48:18 | | Join bun-bun [0] (n=bun@71-92-215-82.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) |
17:48:38 | * | Nico_P heears some french |
17:55:21 | | Quit Siltaar (Remote closed the connection) |
17:57:07 | | Quit Jon-Kha (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
17:57:50 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@p549af576.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:00 |
18:14:16 | * | pondlife is looking forward to Easter == time off work |
18:20:38 | | Join austriancoder [0] (n=austrian@ |
18:24:16 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
18:26:14 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-111-114.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
18:27:18 | * | linuxstb_ wonders if austriancoder has written a report of visit to AMS yet ;) |
18:27:38 | | Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) |
18:27:39 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
18:28:07 | * | austriancoder has written something, but had never time to check photos |
18:30:00 | linuxstb | Are the photos important? Could you just add the text? |
18:31:37 | austriancoder | I know... its on my todo over the weekend |
18:33:33 | linuxstb | Cool. Sorry for hassling you. |
18:35:10 | austriancoder | where can i find keymappings for recording? |
18:37:23 | linuxstb | In apps/keymaps/keymap-*.h I guess. |
18:37:29 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
18:37:52 | austriancoder | oh my god... i am blind |
18:38:14 | | Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") |
18:38:24 | | Quit wLLm () |
18:38:37 | linuxstb | If you're implementing recording for the E200, be aware that the PortalPlayer recording code isn't very well developed. It just about works, and that's all... |
18:39:46 | | Quit ceaser (Remote closed the connection) |
18:40:01 | | Join xhaker [0] (n=xhaker@83-223-190-98.cpe.netmadeira.com) |
18:40:11 | austriancoder | thanks for the info... the as3514 code is ready.. now i add keymaps |
18:40:20 | xhaker | Mentors? |
18:40:50 | | Join webguest40 [0] (i=4511a13e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-33b05850db559819) |
18:41:00 | petur | xhaker: gsoc mentors? |
18:41:13 | xhaker | yep |
18:41:20 | xhaker | I still think i have a chanve |
18:41:25 | xhaker | chance* |
18:41:42 | xhaker | with my half-baked rushed out application |
18:41:49 | petur | which application? |
18:42:11 | xhaker | Mine is about porting to a new device |
18:42:30 | xhaker | called it TMS320-based porting |
18:43:25 | xhaker | and tried to make it interesting/funny since i could not make it complete |
18:44:01 | petur | well the application was a bit thin |
18:44:23 | linuxstb | Could you have added more information after your initial application? |
18:45:59 | | Quit Ribs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:46:09 | xhaker | I was traveling. |
18:46:46 | xhaker | but then i was pushing an update for later since i'm on vacations |
18:46:46 | linuxstb | Is it too late now? |
18:46:50 | webguest40 | Could I get some help with compiling? make fails with error: no rule to make target '/rockbox-bleeding/build/apps/plugins/mpegplayer/motion_comp_arm_s.o' |
18:47:05 | xhaker | linuxstb, no it isn't. i guess that's why i am here |
18:47:22 | xhaker | because i think i still have a chance :) |
18:47:32 | | Part austriancoder ("Kopete 0.12.4 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
18:47:45 | linuxstb | xhaker: I'm not sure how the selection process works - but if google's interface allows you to add more details to your application now, it can't hurt... |
18:48:19 | linuxstb | webguest40: I'm guessing you downloaded the source .tar.bz2 file instead of downloading via svn? |
18:48:27 | petur | xhaker: I think you have a lot of catching up to do, and selection ends in 5 or 6 days I think |
18:48:33 | xhaker | But from reading on your wiki page, i learned that somebody is doing Zen V:M, and i'd like to do Cowon A2 for example |
18:50:15 | linuxstb | webguest40: The source tarball was missing a newly added file - I've just fixed it, so the next current build source will be correct. |
18:51:07 | webguest40 | thanks |
18:53:17 | petur | where does __PCTOOL__ come from? |
18:53:21 | | Quit webguest40 ("CGI:IRC") |
18:54:12 | linuxstb | It's for building the tools/database.c tool - a standalone database builder. |
18:54:16 | linuxstb | (Slasheri added it) |
18:54:22 | petur | ah ok |
18:54:54 | | Part raphi |
18:55:04 | bluebrother | petur: http://predef.sourceforge.net/ might interest you |
18:57:02 | perl|work | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=9734.0 |
18:57:05 | perl|work | this is weird |
18:58:08 | linuxstb | perl|work: All miracles have a logical explanation... |
18:58:45 | petur | amen |
18:59:25 | petur | bluebrother: should I expect to find PCTOOL on those pages? |
19:00 |
19:00:09 | petur | bah, gotta run... bbl |
19:00:25 | | Part xhaker ("Leaving") |
19:00:52 | bluebrother | petur: don't know, but that page might have it. |
19:04:00 | | Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ |
19:05:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:08:23 | | Quit linuxstb ("Leaving") |
19:15:53 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
19:22:44 | | Join mick [0] (i=95e13cea@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f42ec59493700586) |
19:23:20 | mick | How can I find out the version of the compiler under cygwin? I compile for H120. |
19:25:13 | obo | m68k-elf-gcc -dumpversion |
19:25:18 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
19:25:42 | | Join inversions [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
19:26:23 | mick | obo: thanks! I get 3.4.5. Is it the oficially recommended version? |
19:26:39 | obo | I think it's 3.4.6 now |
19:28:31 | mick | Where can I get the new version? I don't remember how I've installed what I have now :-/ |
19:28:44 | | Quit XavierGr () |
19:30:49 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
19:32:38 | obo | The CygwinDevelopment wiki page still lists 3.4.5 as the latest available version, I don't know how accurate that is |
19:33:14 | obo | if not, you can always use the tools/rockboxdev.sh script to download and compile 3.4.6 |
19:33:15 | mick | obo: ah. Then I'll stick with it |
19:34:51 | | Part JavaMan22 |
19:36:01 | | Quit midgey () |
19:36:46 | | Join MentalDental [0] (i=5204e99d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ca26541c6ba4a3b1) |
19:37:17 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
19:37:51 | MentalDental | Hey all |
19:38:43 | | Quit mick ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
19:38:51 | | Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
19:42:28 | MentalDental | I was hoping for a bit of help on themes, WPSs and the like. |
19:42:37 | MentalDental | I really don't understand the whole concept. |
19:42:51 | MentalDental | I think I've pretty much figured out the basic coding of a WPS. |
19:43:03 | MentalDental | But I don't understand how you would change images, etc. |
19:43:16 | MentalDental | Or about positioning things on screen. |
19:43:44 | MentalDental | And there are still a few codes I don't quite grasp. |
19:44:00 | MentalDental | If anyone's willing to give me a little help, I'd be more than grateful. |
19:44:36 | bluebrother | check some existing themes |
19:44:49 | bluebrother | the wps is line based. You can only position bitmaps using coordinates |
19:45:16 | MentalDental | So when I'm positioning an image, it's pretty much trial and error, right? |
19:45:52 | bluebrother | sort of. |
19:45:59 | linuxstb | You could draw all the text first, then take a screendump, then use that to position the images. |
19:46:09 | MentalDental | That sounds pretty good. |
19:46:15 | bluebrother | but it isn't too much of a deal when using the simulator |
19:46:30 | MentalDental | Yea, I'm just downloading that now. |
19:46:44 | MentalDental | And one more thing I'm struggling with. |
19:47:01 | MentalDental | When you're putting in an image, where abouts would you need to put it? |
19:47:05 | MentalDental | As in the file. |
19:47:22 | MentalDental | In the same directory as the WPS? Or in a seperate 'images' folder? |
19:47:41 | | Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) |
19:47:52 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
19:48:01 | bluebrother | the images have to be in a subfolder with the same basename as the wps |
19:48:03 | | Part kaaloo |
19:48:13 | bluebrother | i.e. if your wps file is foobar.wps the folder will be foobar |
19:48:34 | MentalDental | Ah, I think I understand. |
19:48:51 | MentalDental | Thanks a lot. I'm sure I'll be back soon enough, but that's pretty much me done for now. |
19:49:13 | petur | amiconn: which archos load the bootfile from the root (iso from the .rockbox dir)? |
19:49:14 | linuxstb | As bluebrother said, looking at some existing themes will help. |
19:49:33 | linuxstb | petur: AFAIK, they all do. |
19:49:47 | petur | hmmm ok |
19:50:03 | linuxstb | (but you may want to wait for a definitive answer) |
19:50:29 | Bagder | they all do yes |
19:50:31 | | Join Soul-Slayer [0] (n=Jonno@ |
19:51:12 | Soul-Slayer | Does anyone know if RoLo is enabled on the H10? |
19:51:43 | amiconn | Bagder: Hmm, as you are a perl expert: I hacked buildzip.pl a few days ago in order to allow xyz.<resolution>.wps with no images |
19:52:10 | | Quit inversions (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:52:12 | amiconn | However, the script still includes the sub-dir even if it doesn't contain anything. Do you know a quick solution? |
19:52:23 | linuxstb | Soul-Slayer: It should be, but I think someone reported some problems with it recently |
19:52:49 | Soul-Slayer | Ok. |
19:53:07 | Bagder | amiconn: I'll have to investigate |
19:55:02 | | Quit Alonea ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") |
19:55:34 | linuxstb | amiconn: The first hack that comes to mind is to just do an "rmdir dirname" - it will fail if it's not empty. |
20:00 |
20:00:12 | | Join Tuna [0] (n=tuna@ip68-230-120-102.ph.ph.cox.net) |
20:00:22 | Tuna | hello |
20:00:43 | | Join bawb2 [0] (n=bawb2@ip51051.estcmp.ku.edu) |
20:01:02 | Tuna | I had a successful rockbox install |
20:01:18 | Tuna | but I'm having trouble booting into the original firmware |
20:01:27 | Soul-Slayer | Which target? |
20:01:38 | | Part Domonoky |
20:02:17 | Tuna | I have a 30 gig Video iPod, BTW |
20:03:09 | Tuna | and now it is COMPLETELY out of battery power |
20:03:45 | Tuna | how do I get it into Disk Mode when the battery's dead? |
20:04:29 | Tuna | oh, forget previous question |
20:04:54 | Soul-Slayer | What's the trouble with the original firmware? |
20:05:21 | Tuna | I can't boot into it! |
20:05:41 | linuxstb | Tuna: Plug your ipod into the charger, and turn the hold switch on and wait. |
20:06:06 | Soul-Slayer | Yes I know that, but does it even attempt to boot into it, does it hang, does it error? |
20:06:09 | Tuna | well it's in disk mode now |
20:06:15 | Tuna | plugged into the charger |
20:06:18 | Tuna | it hangs |
20:06:44 | Tuna | I do the reboot, I flip the hold switch, and it hangs |
20:06:47 | Tuna | brb |
20:07:18 | | Quit bluey- ("Leaving") |
20:09:04 | Tuna | back |
20:09:18 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
20:13:04 | MentalDental | Anyone got any opinions on EZWPS? |
20:13:08 | MentalDental | Is it any good? |
20:13:21 | MentalDental | Mainly for a learning tool. |
20:17:31 | petur | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/04/05/ipod_malware/ |
20:20:04 | linuxstb | petur: That's odd - afaik, IPL doesn't use elf binaries (it uses bflt), so I'm not sure what it's all about... |
20:20:29 | | Part Tuna |
20:24:34 | | Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ |
20:27:24 | | Part pixelma |
20:28:55 | MentalDental | Guys, I'd just like to say that I think I have this thing figured out now. |
20:28:57 | MentalDental | Thanks a lot :). |
20:30:49 | | Join Tired_ [0] (n=chatzill@S010600095b4654ab.gv.shawcable.net) |
20:32:10 | Tired_ | Question: I just installed RockBox on my 5.5G iPod, and now it boots directly into RockBox, not the bootloader....did I lose ipodlinux forever? |
20:33:06 | linuxstb | It sounds like you installed the Rockbox bootloader - which would have replaced the ipodlinux bootloader. |
20:34:04 | Tired_ | if I replace back the ipl bootloader, will it bring back ipl, or would installing rockbox have messed it up? |
20:34:39 | Tired_ | i was sorta hoping ipl and rockbox could coexist |
20:34:41 | MentalDental | Ok. So I don't have it after all. |
20:34:42 | linuxstb | It should bring back ipl - the Rockbox installer shouldn't have deleted anything. |
20:35:08 | MentalDental | I'm just not understanding images. |
20:35:15 | linuxstb | Tired_: The loader2 bootloader can start Rockbox - see the documentation in the ipodlinux wiki. |
20:35:42 | Tired_ | yeah, that's what I thought..i must be doing it wrong |
20:35:49 | linuxstb | But make sure you use a recent version of loader2 - the old 2.4 version won't work with Rockbox. |
20:35:54 | | Join nls_web [0] (i=d9d1bcda@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ea186039051b8e65) |
20:36:09 | Tired_ | i used the one that works with 5.5G ipods |
20:36:26 | Tired_ | the manual install one |
20:37:04 | Tired_ | should be pretty recent...i just installed it a week or so ago |
20:37:56 | MentalDental | Ah, got it. |
20:39:11 | * | nls_web is happy the headphone out on his h300 works again after operating on it with a soldering iron :-) |
20:40:24 | | Quit eggy ("<null>") |
20:40:34 | Tired_ | i'll bet...there's nothing worse than a many-dollars-costing device that works great except you can't hear it |
20:42:07 | | Join ze [0] (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) |
20:42:50 | nls_web | Tired_: it sux, quite frankly :-) |
20:43:33 | Tired_ | although, when the headphones went on my old rca lyra, it did finally spur me to get the ipod, which is a slight bit better than the 64mb thing i had |
20:43:47 | Tired_ | lol, just a touch better ;) |
20:52:14 | | Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
20:55:18 | Tired_ | ok...now i'm back to where I was...now to see if I can have my cake and eat it to ;) |
21:00 |
21:01:18 | Tired_ | YAY! |
21:01:42 | Tired_ | Thanks for the help...everything is playing nicely now, and I didn't actually lose any of my ipl settings :) |
21:03:52 | Tired_ | you guys ever think about working with the ipl project on some kind of unified bootloader? seems like the aims and audience are similar... |
21:04:46 | Tired_ | although I suppose an ipod bootloader would be useless on the other devices rockbox supports |
21:05:17 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:05:38 | | Quit _Veseliq_ (Remote closed the connection) |
21:09:14 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
21:10:38 | MentalDental | Hmm. Could anyone tell me how to change fonts in the UI Sim? I navigate to the fonts directory, and there's nothing there.I |
21:11:03 | MentalDental | I've created one, and tried making a font, but this file shows up, but doesn't alter the font when I apply it. |
21:12:15 | bluebrother | the sim should have the fonts. |
21:12:26 | bluebrother | they are copied when running "make install" |
21:12:59 | MentalDental | Right, so I have to run make install. |
21:13:23 | bluebrother | assuming you build the sim yourself |
21:13:39 | MentalDental | I'm afraid I got a pre-compiled version. |
21:13:51 | bluebrother | the one from rasher's site? |
21:14:17 | bluebrother | but they should still have the fonts. |
21:15:21 | MentalDental | Yea, the Rasher one. |
21:15:41 | MentalDental | I've worked around it by making a fonts directory and copied font files to it now. |
21:15:49 | MentalDental | It seems the font that I made myself didn't work. |
21:16:55 | bluebrother | ah. So it's a font you created, not the shipped fonts? |
21:17:40 | MentalDental | Correct. The shipped fonts didn't show up. |
21:17:48 | MentalDental | But when I pasted them to that directory, they worked just fine. |
21:18:00 | MentalDental | It seems I converted the font in question incorrectly. |
21:18:06 | bluebrother | maybe they are not part of the donwload package. |
21:18:36 | MentalDental | Perhaps |
21:18:48 | bluebrother | hehe ... rasher's site clearly states that the fonts aren't included. |
21:19:33 | bluebrother | if you build the sim yourself it also installs the fonts. Seems that got me confused a bit. |
21:19:33 | | Quit lukaswayne9 ("Ex-Chat") |
21:19:44 | MentalDental | Ah, I downloaded using the hotlink from the wiki. |
21:20:00 | bluebrother | http://rasher.dk/rockbox/ |
21:20:03 | MentalDental | Rather than exploring Rasher's site. Maybe I should do that. |
21:20:06 | MentalDental | Cheers |
21:21:28 | MentalDental | You wouldn't happen to know where I could get convbdf? |
21:23:31 | | Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") |
21:24:33 | MentalDental | No worries, got it. |
21:25:07 | | Part kaaloo |
21:25:52 | bluebrother | usually you get it from the svn tree ;-) |
21:26:09 | bluebrother | but I have no idea where to find binaries |
21:27:40 | | Join austriancoder [0] (n=austrian@ |
21:29:52 | MentalDental | It's tough work learning this. But I'm sure it will be worth it. |
21:32:10 | Tired_ | why is the battery life so much worse? is it just a matter of finding more efficient ways to code the firmware? |
21:33:48 | MentalDental | I think so. |
21:34:02 | MentalDental | I think that also, the fact that rockbox has more features? |
21:34:05 | bluebrother | Tired_: on ipods? |
21:34:22 | bluebrother | it's assumed that it is caused by some missing hardware initialization. |
21:34:27 | Tired_ | yeah |
21:34:46 | bluebrother | this was the case for iriver h300 −− the usb otg chip wasn't initialized properly and drained quite some power |
21:34:59 | bluebrother | but nobody figured out what exactly is causing the issue |
21:35:03 | Tired_ | i just ran my battery down to 50% adjusting the settings :/ |
21:35:31 | Tired_ | wasn't even playing music |
21:36:12 | MentalDental | Yea, I think that's the major downside to rockbox on ipods |
21:37:25 | Tired_ | it should get better with time (I hope) |
21:37:37 | MentalDental | Does anyone know how to change the menu background screen? |
21:38:11 | Tired_ | not me...i just got it working today |
21:38:30 | Tired_ | <−− rockbox virgin |
21:38:42 | MentalDental | Yea, same here. |
21:38:53 | | Quit daurnimator (Connection timed out) |
21:39:00 | bluebrother | put a bmp with the same dimensions as your screen somewhere, then use "set as backdrop" from the context menu on that file |
21:39:18 | bluebrother | if you put the file in /.rockbox/backdrops it will get remembered after reboot. |
21:39:32 | Tired_ | ah, that sounds easy...does a background eat your batteries? |
21:40:08 | bluebrother | not that I know of. |
21:40:18 | bluebrother | the display is turned on anyway, is it? |
21:40:27 | | Quit nls_web ("CGI:IRC") |
21:40:30 | Tired_ | :) i wasn't sure..I know having a background in windows makes it work harder |
21:40:45 | Tired_ | thought it might be similar |
21:40:46 | perl|work | im sure some backdrops wont mind eating some AAs |
21:40:50 | perl|work | :P |
21:40:54 | MentalDental | Hmm, where's this context menu? |
21:41:12 | Tired_ | hold select on the file (i think) |
21:42:42 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
21:43:31 | MentalDental | Genius. Works on the UI Sim. Didn't come back up on reload. |
21:43:38 | MentalDental | I'm sure I'll deal with that later. |
21:45:12 | | Join webguest32 [0] (i=1847df8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d569d3c353847196) |
21:46:04 | webguest32 | hi, are there any wallpapers for rockbox? |
21:46:32 | | Quit webguest32 (Client Quit) |
21:46:35 | austriancoder | What svn uri do i need to use with my developer account? |
21:47:54 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) |
21:48:12 | obo | AFAIK the normal one... svn should prompt you for auth when it needs it (but I'm not a dev...) |
21:48:12 | | Join JavaMan22 [0] (n=HP_Admin@c-24-61-91-138.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) |
21:48:28 | bluebrother | austriancoder: obo is right. |
21:48:53 | bluebrother | svn will prompt you. It first tries with your local username, if that fails it prompts you for a new username |
21:49:03 | austriancoder | ah okay :) |
21:55:42 | | Join perpleXa [0] (i=perpleXa@unaffiliated/perplexa) |
21:57:16 | | Quit Tired_ ("ChatZilla 0.9.78 [Firefox]") |
21:59:43 | | Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
22:00 |
22:00:32 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
22:04:37 | MentalDental | Woah. This wps making, is actually pretty damn complicated. |
22:05:06 | MentalDental | If anyone could explain how to put in a song progress bar, I'd be grateful. |
22:05:17 | MentalDental | One that moves along as the song progresses. |
22:06:37 | bluebrother | see the manual −− there is a list of all tags in the appendix. |
22:06:50 | bluebrother | iirc it was %pb |
22:07:00 | MentalDental | Yea, I'm reading the Wiki and stuff. I just can't grasp it. |
22:07:15 | bluebrother | you might want to try the manual instead. |
22:07:16 | MentalDental | Oh yea, I have that. But I'm wondering about customising it. |
22:07:25 | bluebrother | it's somewhat more ... structured ;-) |
22:07:32 | MentalDental | Ah, thanks. |
22:07:52 | | Quit perpleXa ("leaving") |
22:08:14 | bluebrother | don't know about the current state of the wiki pages regarding wps, but documentation efforts concentrated on the manual |
22:09:56 | pixelma | as far as I am aware the CustonWps page is quite up-to-date |
22:09:57 | MentalDental | Right, thanks a lot. |
22:10:08 | | Join docgnome [0] (n=docgnome@64-40-47-199.nocharge.com) |
22:10:48 | docgnome | I'm using an Archos Jukebox Studio 20 with rockbox and I was wondering what exactly does the Battery Capacity setting do? |
22:11:03 | MentalDental | The thing I'm struggling with is replacing things with images. |
22:12:34 | linuxstb | docgnome: afaik it's only used to help make the battery life remaining estimation more accurate. |
22:13:53 | docgnome | ah. How do I figure it out? I have four AA recharable NiMH batters that say.... 2500mAh on them. Is that what I should set it at? |
22:14:45 | | Part austriancoder ("Kopete 0.12.4 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
22:15:19 | | Join ZenMasterJG [0] (n=jordan@ |
22:15:33 | Bagder | docgnome: correct |
22:15:56 | docgnome | Right. thanks |
22:16:12 | JavaMan22 | anyone want to try my game? |
22:16:18 | JavaMan22 | i just made it use java webstart |
22:16:40 | docgnome | Why is it that playing OGG and AAC is not supported on Archos players? |
22:16:57 | Bagder | docgnome: because the decoder is in HW and it can only decode mp3 |
22:17:06 | docgnome | ah. yuck |
22:17:13 | Bagder | the cpu isn't powerful enough to do it |
22:17:16 | Febs | JavaMan22: This channel is for discussion of Rockbox. |
22:17:18 | MentalDental | Is there anyone around who knows WPSs inside out? |
22:17:39 | docgnome | gross. I really wanted to convert my library to OGG |
22:19:36 | Soul-Slayer | Benefits of OGG over MP3? |
22:19:55 | docgnome | it's an open format for one. |
22:19:56 | MentalDental | Moral reasons. |
22:19:58 | bluebrother | better quality. Free format. No more hassles with id3 encoding type |
22:21:02 | MentalDental | Does anyone have any links to explain WPSs more? I've read the Wiki, the manual, and the simple Wiki. |
22:21:05 | Soul-Slayer | I've never understood why an open format for audio is important. Software I can understand, but why audio? |
22:21:08 | JavaMan22 | okie |
22:22:03 | Soul-Slayer | I'm guessing it comes down to the decoder? |
22:23:12 | | Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@p549ad465.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:23:56 | docgnome | ... that was weird. My Archos just hiccuped and said "Error End of list" in the middle of a song. I turned it on and then off again and it resumed playing just fine. |
22:24:17 | | Quit Domonoky_ (Remote closed the connection) |
22:28:45 | MentalDental | Has anyone got any tips for positioning things correctly in a WPS? |
22:28:52 | linuxstb | Bagder: When are we due to hear how many students Rockbox will get from Google? |
22:28:54 | MentalDental | Finding co-ordinates and the like? |
22:29:05 | Bagder | linuxstb: around april 11 |
22:29:18 | perl|work | Soul-Slayer are you Steve Jobs by any chance? |
22:29:45 | Bagder | MentalDental: take a screenshot of the simulator then use a graphics program ? |
22:29:53 | docgnome | perl|work: heh. |
22:30:22 | linuxstb | Bagder: So have we (you) submitted a ranked list of projects to google? |
22:30:39 | MentalDental | That's what I'm thinking Badger. However, it's just finding the co-ordinates from that program. |
22:31:02 | Bagder | linuxstb: i believe we will get a number of "slots" by google and then we tell them which of the projects we want for them |
22:31:20 | linuxstb | So that will be sometime before april 11? |
22:31:28 | Bagder | yes, I believe so |
22:31:38 | Bagder | it's not crystal clear really ;-) |
22:31:45 | linuxstb | I'm gathering that :) |
22:33:59 | | Join Moos [0] (i=Moos@m135.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
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22:42:18 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=980398df@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-19e9051f9ab38bbc) |
22:42:25 | | Part JavaMan22 |
22:42:50 | saratoga | has there been any dicussion about the priorities of the different proposals? |
22:42:56 | saratoga | personally i'm really hoping for MOB |
22:43:07 | saratoga | since it seems to be holding back so many other projects |
22:43:08 | Bagder | yes, we have them "sorted" |
22:43:21 | Bagder | MoB is one of the top ones |
22:43:28 | amiconn | petur: '.' as the bootdir most certainly won't work |
22:44:36 | petur | right... should be / |
22:45:18 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
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22:45:35 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:45:43 | petur | rolo appends / so an empty string should be enough |
22:46:00 | petur | but the opendir needs / |
22:46:13 | amiconn | So it needs to be '/' or just empty |
22:46:28 | amiconn | A duplicate / doesn't hurt iirc |
22:48:09 | | Join webguest82 [0] (i=46aba1c0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d24d04eeb2011e03) |
22:48:42 | | Part docgnome |
22:48:44 | webguest82 | how do i tell what version my ipod nano is |
22:49:27 | linuxstb | Is it all-metal? |
22:50:06 | webguest82 | its the newer one 4gb , blue |
22:50:23 | saratoga | thats a 2G |
22:50:35 | webguest82 | 4gb |
22:50:47 | linuxstb | 2G means 2nd Generation. |
22:50:50 | pixelma | as in "Generation" |
22:51:09 | linuxstb | i.e. Rockbox doesn't work on it. |
22:51:25 | amiconn | petur: Hmm, not easy to test... size needs to be different |
22:51:31 | | Join inversions [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
22:52:06 | petur | it would be nice to have the version number somewhere in the binary at a fixed location |
22:52:25 | amiconn | Comparing the timestamp should be more reliable than the size and cluster |
22:52:47 | | Quit webguest82 (Client Quit) |
22:54:00 | | Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
22:54:21 | amiconn | It's rather unlikely that 2 builds to be installed on the same target were made within the same 2-second interval |
22:55:38 | amiconn | But size can easily be the same, and if the file size isn't significantly different, start cluster will also be the same |
22:56:02 | petur | true |
22:57:02 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) |
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23:05:15 | shoepainter | hey zunepets on to somthing on the toshiba s30 in the deleloping port forum |
23:05:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:05:34 | shoepainter | good job zunepet |
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23:25:26 | | Join scoates [0] (n=sean@ |
23:26:12 | scoates | hi |
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23:28:40 | | Quit SirFunk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:28:51 | scoates | is there a way to get touchwheel of my ipod photo/color to work as a jog (ffw/rwd) instead of a volume control? |
23:29:29 | petur | edit the keymap fiel I suppose |
23:29:37 | petur | *file |
23:29:42 | scoates | hrm. I was hoping I could get it to change modes.. |
23:30:02 | scoates | I like that the original firmware (apple) would let me quickly jump to the middle of a track by spinning the wheel rapidly |
23:30:06 | scoates | (good for podcasts) |
23:30:07 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) |
23:31:02 | petur | that will be more work |
23:31:02 | | Quit Hoffmann ("Ciao") |
23:31:09 | scoates | yeah.. |
23:31:30 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-75-239.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) |
23:31:36 | scoates | oop.. got to go. Thanks and sorry for leaving so quickly. I'll leave the window open if anyone has a simple solution. |
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23:40:19 | * | petur should stop trying to do several things at the same time and check more before committing :/ |
23:41:23 | entheh | nonsense! do what I do ^^ |
23:41:43 | * | entheh wrote a complete networked game last weekend (for a competition) before testing any of it |
23:42:22 | entheh | (not a very big game, and re-using a lot from a previous networked game, but still) |
23:43:20 | Soap | translation : I changed the tile-set of FreeCiv. ;) |
23:43:53 | Soap | sorry |
23:46:04 | | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") |
23:48:06 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=Mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
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23:58:58 | entheh | Soap: no, I only re-used the packet protocol (my own packets within a TCP stream) and the player recruitment framework |