00:00:35 | preglow | saratoga: who was it you talked to about wma fixed point code again? i was under the impression you and merbanan were speaking about the same guy |
00:00:35 | saratoga | what about the whole lossless coding process |
00:00:57 | preglow | but if merbanan can't ping him, that sounds kind of unlikely |
00:01:02 | saratoga | i asked John Paul (IIRC), the guy who worked on WMA before |
00:01:08 | | Join zivan56 [0] (n=not@ |
00:01:11 | preglow | marsdaddy? |
00:01:15 | saratoga | yeah |
00:01:18 | preglow | aaaahh |
00:01:18 | preglow | right |
00:01:32 | preglow | there's another guy who works on it, directly on the ffmpeg code |
00:01:45 | preglow | i was kind of hoping he'd show up by now |
00:01:59 | saratoga | merbanan: I've seen references to VLC and LSP as well as huffman coding, I get the impression that its VLC or LSP but not both, but how does huffman fit in? |
00:02:09 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
00:02:17 | saratoga | preglow: I searched around and couldn't find anything about the guy, so I have no idea whats going on with that |
00:02:30 | merbanan | saratoga: vlc/huffan is the same thing |
00:02:36 | preglow | vlc? huffman is a vlc code |
00:02:40 | saratoga | oh ok |
00:02:55 | saratoga | i've never done any sort of lossless coding beyond RLE so I have no idea how most of these work |
00:03:03 | preglow | huffman is pretty simple |
00:03:11 | preglow | it's just an optimal variable length code |
00:03:15 | saratoga | i'm guessing that huffman is the more common of the two? |
00:03:16 | preglow | coding scheme |
00:03:18 | saratoga | in wma |
00:03:40 | preglow | i don't know what lsp is in this context |
00:03:43 | * | bluebrother wondered about the meaning of vlc and just realized it :) |
00:03:47 | saratoga | line spectral pairs |
00:03:49 | preglow | lsp usually is line spectral pairs in codecs, but i don't think wma uses those |
00:03:51 | | Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) |
00:03:56 | preglow | oh, ok |
00:03:58 | saratoga | it does |
00:04:01 | preglow | does it now |
00:04:02 | saratoga | at least the decoder does |
00:04:26 | saratoga | i think the code is taken from vorbis oddly enough |
00:04:35 | zivan56 | jhMikeS: please do post the changes for the fm radio, they sound good |
00:04:39 | preglow | vorbis only uses lsp for floor 0 decode, afaik |
00:04:53 | preglow | i pretty much know nothing about it |
00:05:12 | saratoga | also, what stereo modes are supported? |
00:05:22 | saratoga | i assumed MS and LR, but the code has some odd stuff in there |
00:06:32 | saratoga | things like "if (s->ms_stereo && s->channel_coded[1])" where the value of channel_coded determines how the MS stereo stuff is handled |
00:07:43 | preglow | shrug |
00:07:49 | preglow | i really don't know too much about wma yet |
00:08:01 | | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") |
00:09:18 | * | a1titude is looking strange at people wanting to know more about a Micro$oft codec. |
00:10:05 | saratoga | merbanan: could you tell me anything about how MDCT coeffficents are stored? |
00:11:03 | jhMikeS | zivan56: np. I just changed the bit driver only, no tuning stuff. |
00:11:38 | jhMikeS | well, yet anyway...I thought I'd mess around a bit with it. |
00:12:58 | | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) |
00:13:14 | saratoga | also, have we made any serious changes to the codec API since last summer? |
00:13:22 | preglow | hmm |
00:13:27 | preglow | not anything groundbreaking, i think |
00:13:42 | | Quit zamzon ("CGI:IRC") |
00:13:53 | preglow | just check svn history for codec.c |
00:14:00 | saratoga | i'll do that now |
00:14:05 | | Quit pearldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:14:57 | preglow | seems there is rle encoding in the mdct data, heh |
00:16:12 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
00:18:45 | XavierGr | amiconn: are you there? |
00:18:48 | preglow | god knows how people reverse-engineer this shit |
00:19:22 | TrueJournals | Anyone who compiles and has something other than a H10... I would love to see some other results at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CodecTesting ;-) |
00:19:42 | zivan56 | jhMikeS: did you have a look at the setfrequency function? it was in the datasheet, but any accuracylevel greater than 0 does not work (it doesn't have error checking I'm guessing) |
00:21:19 | | Part maffe |
00:21:22 | preglow | TrueJournals: we'd pretty much need a reference set of files for those numbers to be very meaningful |
00:21:28 | jhMikeS | zivan56: no, I did what I did so far to make sure any errors in setting the right block were not an issue. that would be the next thing after a good datasheet read. |
00:21:29 | preglow | unless you do all targets, of course, heh |
00:21:34 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ |
00:22:12 | | Part maffe |
00:22:19 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ |
00:22:32 | TrueJournals | preglow: Why? Since the result is in % realtime... shouldn't it not make a difference? What would be different that we would need a reference set? |
00:23:23 | | Part maffe |
00:23:33 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ |
00:23:39 | preglow | bitrate will be different |
00:23:51 | preglow | you're using vbr a lot fhtere |
00:24:08 | TrueJournals | I'm using VBR twice... I use CBR twice, ABR twice, and VBR twice |
00:24:20 | TrueJournals | The idea was, people use the same encoding options... |
00:24:31 | preglow | the file will be different |
00:24:32 | preglow | but anyway |
00:24:33 | preglow | we'll survive |
00:24:49 | XavierGr | holy shit! the screw got through the ondio casing while I was screwing it! |
00:25:15 | zivan56 | jhMikeS: the datasheet is lacking in details, but at least its somewhat useful. I am leaving for a vacation in a couple of days, so I wont be able to work on it, feel free to take over the development if interested |
00:26:58 | XavierGr | haha now I have a second mic hole! :\ |
00:27:42 | jhMikeS | zivan56: ok, I'll mess around a bit a post it...and enjoy your vacation |
00:28:08 | zivan56 | jhMikeS: thanks |
00:28:22 | | Join ender [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.dsl.t-2.net) |
00:28:25 | zivan56 | I am wondering if there is a never verison of the LV24xxx datasheet which sandisk used to develop their driver, there is no way someone could make one in a timely manner using the documentation we have |
00:29:05 | zivan56 | as the current one is actually inaccurate in some places (i.e interchanging ms and s and hz and khz at random) |
00:29:12 | | Quit Nico_P (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:34:38 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:37:16 | saratoga | how do I create a new wiki page? |
00:38:02 | nls | saratoga: write the name of the page you want to ccreate in the box at the top, press enter and it will ask you :-) |
00:39:17 | | Part TrueJournals |
00:39:34 | | Quit gromit`` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:41:09 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-70-113-91-140.austin.res.rr.com) |
00:42:21 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ |
00:42:27 | | Quit XavierGr () |
00:42:45 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
00:42:49 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) |
00:48:39 | jhMikeS | zivan56: now that I've never found but they could always get help from a sanyo rep. I'll improvise where appropriate. |
00:50:10 | | Quit ender (" It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is inter) |
00:50:15 | | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) |
00:53:07 | linuxstb | saratoga: Regarding changes to the codec API, you may get some more clues by checking the history of one of the codecs themselves. ALAC or A52/AC3 come to mind as codecs that haven't been changed recently, apart from API-related things. |
00:54:12 | zivan56 | jhMikeS: you can see it in the measuring frequencies section and in some register descriptions on the bigger datasheet, but yes figuring it involves lots of trial and error..all I know is that tuner_measure and tuner_read/write should work accurately |
00:54:41 | zivan56 | well if udelay is accurate that is, otherwise tuner_measure may be throwing everything off |
00:55:39 | preglow | saratoga: i'm not following irc too closely right now, if you want to ping me, try gtalk |
00:55:45 | | Part chrisjs169|afk |
00:56:07 | | Part a1titude |
00:56:28 | | Join BRi7Xtra [0] (n=BRi7X@c-68-81-211-193.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
00:59:47 | | Join crende [0] (i=sds@adsl-68-77-42-37.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) |
01:00 |
01:00:01 | crende | Heyy guys |
01:00:09 | | Nick crende is now known as Crende (i=sds@adsl-68-77-42-37.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) |
01:01:54 | Journey | how come when I select a theme it doesn't look as good as on the website? some of the images are missing |
01:02:26 | | Join chrisjs169|afk [0] (n=opera@pool-71-114-145-182.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
01:02:28 | midkay | some are broken, some require unofficial builds, etc. |
01:03:10 | Journey | ok |
01:03:15 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
01:03:27 | Journey | where do I get the emulator that will play super mario bros deluxe? |
01:03:38 | Journey | like on youtube |
01:04:19 | Crende | i have a gigabeat and all of a sudden, it wont turnon w/out it being plugged into the charger and thats w/ the orginial firmware....w/ rockbox, it gives a warning sayin that the battery is empty and to recharge it and shuts it off....its been like that for a week |
01:05:46 | | Join mpeccorini [0] (n=mpeccori@mail1.theargusgroup.us) |
01:05:48 | linuxstb | Journey: Read about "rockboy" in the manual, the wiki, and the 100s of forum posts about it. |
01:07:36 | linuxstb | zivan56: Maybe Sanyo gave Sandisk some example code... |
01:08:01 | jhMikeS | zivan56: why do you need udelay for measuring tuner stuff? I thought the various counters were fixed time counts which indicates the various frequencies. |
01:09:43 | zivan56 | jhMikeS: I thought it would be the most accurate way to delay a certain amount of time |
01:10:13 | | Join a1titude [0] (n=Compaq_A@206-163-245-140.swcr.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) |
01:11:00 | Journey | oh I thought you had to open rockboy adn then the file |
01:11:07 | jhMikeS | Well, accurate enought to at least wait long enough for the counters to complete their counts. after that, I think you just interpolate using the count stored in the chip to get the measurement. this works much like the philips IC except the software must tweak the IF counter and such. |
01:12:32 | zivan56 | jhMikeS: according to the datasheet, with counter method 1 you have to be quite accurate in terms of when nr/w is set high and low |
01:12:54 | zivan56 | method 2 requires you to know the clock freq going into the chip, which I have no clue about |
01:15:00 | zivan56 | unless you are referring to something which wouldn't involve any measurements, which would be great |
01:15:02 | nls | meh, build servers hung again, the bastards |
01:15:21 | * | nls guesses Bagder isn't really here... |
01:15:25 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
01:15:28 | scorche | does anyone have Joely's e-mail address? (the guy working on IR) |
01:15:31 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
01:21:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:23:16 | mpeccorini | someone up for a newbie question? I submitted a patch and want to start working in the next one before it's commited (and the next one depends on the active one). The last time I did that, I had to move all the source to a backup, delete the changed files, update from SVN and redo all the changes to get the patches correctly generated. What's the right way to do it? |
01:24:32 | | Join Shutz_ [0] (n=chatzill@c-67-170-19-90.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
01:24:38 | Shutz_ | Hey |
01:24:52 | Shutz_ | I have a question about the rockbox software for the Iaudio x5 |
01:25:20 | Shutz_ | anyone there? |
01:25:26 | mpeccorini | post your question |
01:25:42 | nls | mpeccorini: it's kind of tricky, actually I guess you might be best off waiting for your patch to get comitted or just build on top of it and be prepared to do a lot of adapting if the first patch has to be changed. |
01:26:12 | Shutz_ | I want to play all my files randomly, but some are in subfolders, is there a way i can just play my whole music directory |
01:26:15 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) |
01:26:37 | mpeccorini | nls: thanks, I figured that much but I was hoping there was a "svn merge forked versions magically" LOL |
01:27:08 | mpeccorini | Shutz: sure, you can add all your files to a playlist and then play the playlist shuffled |
01:27:42 | mpeccorini | Shutz: to add a folder to a playlist look for it in the file browser and press+hold the select button for the context menu to appear |
01:28:00 | mpeccorini | Shutz: the select "playlist->add to current playlist" |
01:28:17 | nls | mpeccorini: if you can get a couple of people to test your patch and no major bugs surface it will probably get comitted soon, although don't be afraid to nag a little in here :-) |
01:28:18 | mpeccorini | Shutz: once you've added all of them, you can save the current playlist from the same menu |
01:28:32 | Crende | soo does it mean the battery's dead or what? |
01:28:50 | mpeccorini | nls: sure, I'll wait, I just didn't want to lose momentum :p |
01:29:23 | Shutz_ | ok, so just select all the media and then add it to the playlist? |
01:29:33 | mpeccorini | Shutz: yes |
01:29:35 | nls | mpeccorini: I know how you feel, if you feel your first patch is good, just build on top of it |
01:29:39 | mpeccorini | Shutz: finally save the playlist |
01:29:40 | Shutz_ | Thanks |
01:29:58 | Shutz_ | Oh and it doesint seem to be playing videos |
01:30:24 | nls | crende: it does not sound good :-/ have you made sure that the connection from the battery to the player is ok inside the player? |
01:31:11 | nls | Shutz_: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer |
01:31:16 | mpeccorini | nls: that's what I did last time, but since "diff" compares to your local repository it adds the same code again |
01:31:25 | Shutz_ | sweet thanks alot |
01:32:04 | Shutz_ | Is there a way i can get a media player on there that plays lots of files like ogg. or avi? |
01:32:09 | Crende | yea..like it shows on the screen that the battery is charging and everything |
01:32:22 | | Quit entheh ("^~") |
01:32:30 | nls | mpeccorini: yeah but if your first patch is comitted, it should be minimal work to get the next one right |
01:32:33 | mpeccorini | Shutz: ogg are supported by rockbox I think. |
01:32:50 | | Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
01:33:00 | Shutz_ | oh ok thanks again |
01:33:03 | mpeccorini | Shutz: as for avi, you may need to encode them |
01:33:11 | nls | Shutz_: no, mpeg1 and 2 are the only supported video formats |
01:33:13 | mpeccorini | Shutz: the link nls suggested tells you how |
01:33:37 | Shutz_ | kk |
01:34:40 | mpeccorini | nls: thanks, I'll probably look for something else to do while the patch is committed. Perhaps there's a feature request for a game or something like that :D |
01:34:43 | | Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@user-1120dm5.dsl.mindspring.com) |
01:34:45 | nls | mpeccorini: in short: get some testers for your patch, nag devs to commit it :-) |
01:35:13 | mpeccorini | nls: sorry, I'm not a "native english speaker", what is "nag"? |
01:35:13 | Crende | like when the its off, it shows the little plug sign that means it's charging, but its been like that for days and no results |
01:35:27 | Crende | basically, i cant turn it on w/out the charger plugged into it |
01:35:30 | nls | mpeccorini: well we have over 500 feature requests so you should be able to find something that suits you |
01:35:48 | nls | mpeccorini: ask until someone does what you want :-) |
01:36:26 | mpeccorini | nls: LOL, I don't want to bother people and get kicked/banned from the channel LOL |
01:36:46 | jac0b | I can't compile the current build |
01:37:01 | nls | crende: well, toffe is the one in this channel with the most gigabeat hardware knowledge so maybe you should try to catch him sometime. |
01:37:14 | jac0b | You're running this script in a path that contains space. The build |
01:37:14 | jac0b | system is unfortunately not clever enough to deal with this. Please |
01:37:14 | jac0b | run the script from a different path, rename the path or fix the build |
01:37:14 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK jac0b |
01:37:14 | jac0b | system! |
01:37:18 | | Quit kubiix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:37:18 | Crende | mmkay |
01:37:26 | Crende | thanks =] |
01:37:35 | TrueJournals | jac0b: You cannot build in a path that contains spaces |
01:37:53 | jac0b | oh I see its my home folder |
01:38:56 | perldiver | Crende how old is your gigabeat? |
01:39:10 | perldiver | Crende have you dropped it recently or anything like that? |
01:39:22 | jac0b | how do I rename the home folder |
01:40:55 | | Part jac0b |
01:41:17 | mpeccorini | jac0b: what's your operating system? and why do you want to rename "home"? |
01:41:46 | TrueJournals | Just missed him ;-) |
01:42:00 | mpeccorini | yep |
01:42:05 | mpeccorini | to slow typer :p |
01:42:14 | TrueJournals | I think he was talking about HIS home folder... /home/(...) |
01:42:22 | TrueJournals | Appearently, it had spaces in it... |
01:42:33 | mpeccorini | I wonder how can /home have spaces |
01:42:48 | mpeccorini | he must be quite a hacker LOL |
01:59:37 | krazykit | i didn't think *nix usernames could have spaces... |
01:59:52 | krazykit | he would have had to manually make a silly home folder like that |
02:00 |
02:01:34 | | Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:06:25 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
02:08:32 | TrueJournals | Why is the rockbox homepage suddenly fixed-width...? |
02:11:51 | | Quit mpeccorini ("User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby") |
02:13:11 | Crende | ya |
02:13:15 | Crende | it got dropped in costco |
02:13:21 | Crende | and ive had it for about half a year |
02:13:24 | Crende | got it in feb |
02:13:28 | Crende | online |
02:13:33 | Crende | so it was previously used |
02:14:52 | | Part maffe |
02:14:54 | | Quit robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- *I* use it, so it must be good!") |
02:16:23 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
02:22:36 | | Part Crende |
02:23:27 | linuxstb | krazykit: By default Windows creates a username with a space in (your first name and surname) and by default Cygwin takes your Windows username as your cygwin username... |
02:24:46 | | Join Alissa [0] (i=BluFudge@ |
02:25:23 | Alissa | Hello. |
02:27:03 | TrueJournals | Hi |
02:28:04 | | Part Alissa |
02:30:12 | TrueJournals | OK... |
02:33:47 | | Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) |
02:37:05 | | Join w0lfie [0] (n=samb@leibniz.catalyst.net.nz) |
02:37:09 | w0lfie | hey dudes |
02:37:21 | w0lfie | stupid question...where abouts do i find the compiled bootloader? |
02:38:09 | TrueJournals | w0lfie: For which DAP? |
02:38:20 | Alonea | w0lfie: the link isn't in the manual? it was for the gigabeats. dunno about the others. Its in the section where you actually start installing it. |
02:38:20 | krazykit | linuxstb, oh, forgot about cygwin. |
02:38:49 | w0lfie | it isn't for the ipods |
02:38:59 | w0lfie | i'll check the gigabeat manual |
02:39:08 | markun | w0lfie: that will not help you |
02:39:09 | w0lfie | TrueJournals: for a ipod 5th gen |
02:39:25 | w0lfie | well, i'll find the link and grab the one i need |
02:39:28 | | Quit zivan56 () |
02:39:33 | TrueJournals | http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-buildch2.html#x4-120002.2.4 |
02:39:40 | TrueJournals | It's right there −− ipodpatcher |
02:40:19 | markun | w0lfie: which OS are you using? |
02:40:39 | w0lfie | oh, i've got the ipodpatcher program but it's wanting a file to install |
02:40:42 | w0lfie | markun: freebsd |
02:40:50 | markun | ah, me too :) |
02:41:06 | markun | I thought ipodpatcher would download the files by itself |
02:41:08 | w0lfie | nice ;) |
02:41:19 | markun | don't know if it's been tested on FreeBSD |
02:41:37 | markun | and I don't have an ipod |
02:42:29 | Llorean | markun: It doesn't download them |
02:42:32 | w0lfie | it says it has been tested on bsd |
02:42:33 | Llorean | They have to be compiled into it. |
02:42:44 | Llorean | If you download the ipodpatcher binary, in includes the bootloaders |
02:42:54 | Llorean | If you build it yourself, you also have to build a bootloader file to use with it. |
02:43:53 | | Join Alissa [0] (i=BluFudge@ |
02:44:28 | markun | w0lfie: if you don't have the crosscompiler I can build a bootloader for you |
02:44:48 | Alissa | Ok. I have a question and have read the FAQ's. I am a blind user with a 5-gen IPOD video and all my speech options are enabled. However I have no speech. Is there anything I can do? |
02:45:03 | Llorean | markun: Actually, I think up to date ones can be downloaded at http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ |
02:45:36 | TrueJournals | Alissa: Have you downloaded the speech files? |
02:45:46 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
02:45:46 | * | Alissa nods. |
02:46:00 | linuxstb | w0lfie: Read the instructions at the top of the ipodpatcher Makefile |
02:46:00 | Alissa | And installed them in the proper location. |
02:46:07 | Llorean | Alissa: Did you rename the voice file to match the filename of the language file? |
02:46:39 | w0lfie | linuxstb: cheers dude, should have looked there in the first place |
02:46:52 | Alissa | No...Wait a sec. Ok. Let me make sure I'm understanding this. If the voice file is english.voice, what would I need to rename it to? |
02:47:23 | Llorean | Alissa: That's right, if you're using english as your language, it's just that many people distribute voice files with names like english-mary.voice |
02:48:28 | Alissa | Let me check to make absolutely sure but I do believe it is english.voice. |
02:49:13 | Alissa | It wasn't renamed. But it is now. |
02:49:21 | w0lfie | linuxstb: cheers mate, that did the trick nicely |
02:52:30 | | Part TrueJournals |
02:54:26 | Alissa | Well. I renamed ithe file, disconnected the IPOD, rebooted and still have no speech. |
02:56:07 | linuxstb | w0lfie: You're welcome. Apart from the person who added BSD support to it, I think you're the first person to ask about it on BSD... |
03:00 |
03:03:24 | | Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:05:36 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
03:05:54 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
03:07:07 | | Quit Alonea ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
03:11:00 | w0lfie | linuxstb: ahh ok. it's all i run so i'm glad it worked :) |
03:11:07 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
03:11:17 | w0lfie | anyways, i'm all sorted...i have rockbox running on my ipod...i'm stoked :) |
03:11:18 | | Quit w0lfie ("leaving") |
03:15:26 | | Join Gursikh [0] (n=Gursikh@tremulous/officialdevannoyer/khalsa) |
03:16:28 | | Part Gursikh ("Leaving") |
03:21:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:25:04 | pixelma | Alissa: it's hard to troubleshoot from a distance... just to find out what's going on: what voice file(s) did you download? Are you really sure about the settings and about the proper place and spelling of the voice file (in combination with the right language)? Hope you don't mind these questions - I'm just throwing some ideas around |
03:25:18 | | Join Alldogship [0] (n=Alldogsh@bas3-montreal02-1096682569.dsl.bell.ca) |
03:26:04 | | Quit Alldogship (Client Quit) |
03:27:33 | Alissa | Oh I don't mind. I understand completely. Hang on and I will get you the name of the file. I |
03:28:56 | Alissa | English_VW_Kate.zip was the .zip archive |
03:29:18 | Alissa | This unzipped to English_VW_KATE.voice. Which I renamed to English.voice. |
03:29:57 | pixelma | did you spell it uppercase - not "english.voice" ? |
03:30:24 | nls | pixelma: FAT is not case sensitive |
03:30:34 | Alissa | I renamed it as English.voice. |
03:30:40 | pixelma | oh ok |
03:30:41 | JdGordon | hey pixelma, did you end up getting the rec dir patch giong? |
03:30:59 | Alissa | Should it be all lowercase? And I installed it to the "langs" directory of Rockbox. |
03:31:21 | pixelma | JdGordon: see comment in the tracker... |
03:31:41 | JdGordon | odd.. I didnt get an email saying there was a comment |
03:32:25 | pixelma | Alissa: as nls just pointed out uppercase/lowercase shouldn't have an influence |
03:36:22 | Alissa | Ah. Ok. And it does belong in the "Langs" directory? |
03:36:59 | pixelma | yes. The directory is correct, the voice file seems to be the latest one available and you said you rebooted. |
03:37:43 | Alissa | And when I unzipped the file it created a second "Rockbox" directory within the langs directory and inside that is a directory called "langs" and within that second "Langs" directory is the file. |
03:38:16 | Alissa | Yes. I rebooted. |
03:38:16 | nls | alissa: that's not correct the voice file should be in the same folder as the lng files |
03:38:32 | nls | not in any subfolder of the langs folder |
03:39:02 | Alissa | Ok. I'll move it to the main "Langs" directory. |
03:39:47 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@71-10-1-92.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) |
03:40:44 | pixelma | Maybe you unzipped it to the "langs" directory? Unzipping to the root of the player should be enough if your unzip keeps the correct file structure. |
03:41:03 | | Part nls |
03:41:16 | Alissa | Ok. It's moved to the main lang directory. |
03:41:54 | Alissa | Oh. Well I can very easily move it to the root directory of the player. That wouldn't be a problem at all. |
03:42:29 | | Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
03:42:57 | Alissa | There we are. It's moved into the base directory of my IPOD. |
03:43:09 | pixelma | No - I didn't mean to move it to the root |
03:43:31 | Alissa | I've initialized the database (with sighted help) because my files were originally put on through ITunes. |
03:43:58 | Alissa | Ok. Where should it be moved? |
03:45:31 | | Quit a1titude ("Download Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/") |
03:46:58 | Alissa | Pixelma! I have speech!! Thank you very much!! |
03:47:44 | pixelma | The voice file should be in the ".rockbox/langs" folder. What I meant is that if the zip-file already contains the right folder structure (you would see a ".rockbox" folder in it) you could just "extract to" the root of your Ipod and the files should end up in the right place. |
03:48:32 | Alissa | It's fixed. Thank you very much for being so awesomely helpful |
03:48:40 | pixelma | hope I don't confuse you some more. But glad you got it working! :) |
03:48:55 | | Part chrisjs169|afk |
03:53:29 | | Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
03:54:09 | | Part Alissa |
04:00 |
04:01:42 | Llorean | jhMikeS: You around? |
04:09:38 | | Quit lukaswayne9 ("Ex-Chat") |
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04:12:50 | | Part pixelma |
04:13:14 | | Join Gursikh [0] (n=khalsa@tremulous/officialdevannoyer/khalsa) |
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04:15:40 | | Join Crende [0] (i=sds@adsl-68-77-42-37.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) |
04:15:53 | Crende | sorry i had to go |
04:16:02 | Crende | does anyone know if perldiver ever replied? |
04:16:39 | | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") |
04:16:49 | perldiver | Crende im here |
04:17:01 | Crende | oh ok |
04:17:20 | perldiver | you battery is probably not properly connected |
04:17:24 | Crende | o |
04:17:40 | Crende | like I opened it up yesterday |
04:17:40 | perldiver | you have to do the surgery and see if everything is in oder |
04:17:48 | perldiver | ah you already did |
04:17:53 | Crende | and I disconnected the battery, then pushed it back in properly |
04:18:00 | Crende | but I haven't seen any change |
04:18:12 | perldiver | aha |
04:18:46 | Crende | ya |
04:19:25 | perldiver | then its something more serious, i guess only if you can test the battery with special hardware you can tell more |
04:19:47 | Crende | oo |
04:19:48 | Crende | ok |
04:20:02 | perldiver | what happens when you charge it |
04:20:10 | perldiver | the icon ever goes orange? |
04:20:22 | perldiver | or its always green, like fully charged |
04:21:40 | Crende | it's always orange |
04:21:44 | Crende | it never turns green |
04:24:56 | perldiver | for how long did you leave it charging |
04:25:13 | Crende | about almost a week now |
04:25:18 | perldiver | ha |
04:25:27 | perldiver | thats long enough |
04:25:58 | Crende | haha |
04:26:00 | Crende | ik |
04:26:14 | perldiver | looks like its a goner though |
04:26:27 | Crende | ooh |
04:26:35 | Crende | so should I just scrap it andbuy another mp3 player |
04:26:43 | | Quit secleinteer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:27:01 | perldiver | Crende that would be the best option yes |
04:27:07 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@ |
04:27:16 | perldiver | just hunt for gigabeats on ebay, plenty and cheap |
04:27:26 | perldiver | go for something labelled "new" though hehe |
04:27:31 | perldiver | or almost new |
04:27:39 | Crende | haha ok |
04:27:47 | Crende | what kind of mp3 player do you have? |
04:27:55 | perldiver | 3 gigabeats |
04:28:27 | perldiver | f20 black, f40 and f60 |
04:28:43 | perldiver | f20 is my favourite mp3 player ever |
04:28:49 | perldiver | but thats just me |
04:28:56 | Crende | ooh kewll |
04:29:06 | Crende | the one I have now is an f10 |
04:29:44 | Crende | I was thinking of going for one of those newer Ipod nanos with the aluminum casing, but they don't have a lot of space on the harddrive |
04:30:21 | Crende | what do you think of the meizu players? |
04:30:28 | perldiver | rockbox doesnt support 2nd gen nanos btw |
04:31:27 | perldiver | meizu looks good but i'd rather have 60gb of space |
04:36:04 | | Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-18be2884.dyn.optonline.net) |
04:37:50 | | Part TrueJournals |
04:41:40 | Crende | true |
04:41:46 | Crende | well thanks for all your hep =] |
04:45:33 | perldiver | np |
04:47:07 | | Quit courtc (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
04:49:55 | Crende | do you know the smallest music form ex. mp3,wma,wmp etc that works best on mp3 players but takes up the least space? |
04:50:28 | scorche | it depends on the bitrate |
04:53:34 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@rockbox/administrator/Llorean) |
04:54:23 | Crende | oh..what exactly does that do? |
04:54:32 | Crende | I'm a bit clueless about this kinda stuff |
04:56:42 | scorche | well, regardless, it is a bit offtopic |
05:00 |
05:01:15 | Crende | oh ok...but is the smallest bitrate 32? i'm just wondering |
05:04:36 | | Join IndiEG [0] (n=Indi@c-24-23-7-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
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06:06:27 | Crende | g2g |
06:06:29 | Crende | goodnite |
06:06:33 | Crende | =]=] |
06:06:34 | | Part Crende |
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07:24:41 | | Join JerryLange [0] (n=JerryLan@ppp156.hk.centurytel.net) |
07:25:11 | JerryLange | does rockbox work on the 80 the same as it works on the 60gb? |
07:29:00 | perldiver | yes |
07:30:27 | JerryLange | i read somewhere that the read/write speed is very slow on the 80gb. correct? is this for transfering files to the player over computer or when running rockbox? |
07:30:51 | perldiver | where did you read that? |
07:31:17 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
07:32:02 | JerryLange | hold on |
07:33:46 | | Quit ptw419 () |
07:34:07 | | Join sando [0] (i=lolsteam@124-254-76-41-static-dsl.ispone.net.au) |
07:36:05 | JerryLange | amiconnThe patch is obviously working fine on all G5s and G5.5s, but sequential writing from a 512 byte buffer on the 80 is *dead* slow compared to all other targets |
07:37:30 | | Part kaaloo |
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07:40:56 | | Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
07:42:43 | perldiver | well it's officially not a patch anymore so further improvements have been made |
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07:46:36 | | Part norbusan |
07:46:52 | JerryLange | oh ok thats good. |
07:48:21 | JerryLange | does the logo swapper make it so that your bootload is not supported by rockbox? (like builds with patches are not supported) |
07:48:52 | | Part kkurbjun |
07:52:49 | perldiver | i think the logoswapper just...swaps the logo |
07:55:52 | perldiver | the utility itself or any malfunctions it might cause is not supported by rockbox |
07:55:56 | perldiver | if thats what you meant |
07:58:14 | | Join Gursikh [0] (n=khalsa@tremulous/officialdevannoyer/khalsa) |
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08:02:28 | JerryLange_ | GHOST JerryLange flapjacks189 |
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08:02:56 | | Nick JerryLange_ is now known as JerryLange (n=JerryLan@ppp156.hk.centurytel.net) |
08:03:49 | JerryLange | thank you pearldriver |
08:05:18 | | Quit Gursikh ("Raj Karega Khalsa!") |
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08:10:02 | | Join webguest92 [0] (i=c20b4f58@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3b5a43bee1124482) |
08:10:21 | webguest92 | hi there is there any one who knows about ipod 5th gen Video ? |
08:10:22 | | Join printfXh4 [0] (n=pseudo@ppp217-33.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net) |
08:12:07 | perldiver | webguest92 go ahead and ask the question |
08:12:16 | printfXh4 | Hmm. |
08:12:30 | printfXh4 | I assume there are a few e200 enthusiasts or developers in here.. |
08:12:50 | printfXh4 | Just thought I'd ask if anyone knows if e200's USB attaching mechanism works any differently than other MP3 players? |
08:13:10 | printfXh4 | It takes an unusually long time (on NetBSD) for the device's disk geometry to finally be realized by the OS.. |
08:13:11 | webguest92 | my problem is when i start the device shows me a folder with an exclamationpoint and then he turn off |
08:13:31 | printfXh4 | Whereas plugging in a USB stick gives info about the disk geometry a LOT quicker. |
08:13:38 | JerryLange | sad face ipod? |
08:13:57 | webguest92 | its just a folder |
08:14:08 | webguest92 | exclamationpoint = " ! " |
08:15:23 | perldiver | do you have itunes installed? |
08:15:54 | webguest92 | yes i have , he will recognize by itunes but i cant update ... Error: 1418 |
08:15:56 | printfXh4 | iTunes.. :( |
08:16:43 | perldiver | webguest92 you have to get the latest itunes and try to restore procedure |
08:16:52 | perldiver | to=the |
08:17:45 | webguest92 | i have tryed... thats the problem i have tryed it with many versions ... |
08:18:14 | perldiver | and what happens when you click Restore? |
08:19:29 | webguest92 | unknownerror 1418 :( |
08:20:24 | perldiver | printfXh4 i believe rockbox cant use the usb port on sansa as of now |
08:20:37 | perldiver | you have to start the device with the usb already connected |
08:20:46 | perldiver | or perhaps boot into OF |
08:22:27 | webguest92 | what u mean with OF ? |
08:22:46 | perldiver | webguest92 that was for printfXh4 |
08:23:31 | perldiver | webguest92 try to reformat the ipod by right-clicking its drive letter under my computer (assuming you have a pc), then see if it will restore through newer itunes |
08:24:35 | webguest92 | does not work ... |
08:25:01 | perldiver | did you try to reformat? |
08:25:03 | | Join pseudo_ [0] (n=pseudo@ppp217-33.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net) |
08:26:10 | * | amiconn pings Bagder and LinusN |
08:26:14 | | Quit printfXh4 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
08:26:55 | webguest92 | ok guys he do some more things |
08:26:57 | webguest92 | wait :) |
08:27:03 | LinusN | amiconn: pong |
08:27:41 | amiconn | LinusN: Hanging build... |
08:27:52 | LinusN | roger that |
08:28:19 | | Nick pseudo_ is now known as printfXh4 (n=pseudo@ppp217-33.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net) |
08:31:01 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-70-113-91-140.austin.res.rr.com) |
08:32:48 | amiconn | Bah. When will people learn to only use 'reply' on mails when theiy actually reply, and when will they learn to quote properly |
08:32:52 | * | amiconn annoyed |
08:35:40 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
08:40:05 | | Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1256662d30bb8497) |
08:40:52 | webguest92 | ok just nice |
08:41:02 | webguest92 | it works now i dont know why but it works |
08:41:04 | webguest92 | thx a lot |
08:41:06 | webguest92 | byre |
08:41:10 | | Quit webguest92 ("CGI:IRC") |
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09:07:01 | Llorean | GodEater: Actually, I think the partitions are ~80mb on the 30gb, and ~120 on the 60/80 |
09:07:52 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
09:07:57 | Llorean | GodEater: But I thought the FAT32 partition was supposed to be type B, not C |
09:13:58 | GodEater | I'm pretty sure mine's type C |
09:14:00 | GodEater | I'll check |
09:16:02 | GodEater | ooh no - you're right - it's type b |
09:16:15 | GodEater | I don't know why I bother arguing with you - I always lose ;) |
09:20:52 | | Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC") |
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09:41:14 | B4gder | hey computerworld.com lists "C programming" as #6 in their top 10 dead or dying computer skills... |
09:41:43 | B4gder | I find it rather amusing |
09:42:08 | midkay | B4gder: haha, i saw that too just half an hour ago :) |
09:42:29 | B4gder | I wonder what they think the world consists of |
09:42:39 | Nibbier | hehe, this is *really* stoopid |
09:42:55 | midkay | why, magical elves who make everything "just work"! |
09:43:12 | B4gder | "everything is java now!" ;-) |
09:43:44 | petur | nope, everybody will soon go back to assembler |
09:44:38 | B4gder | and I see about every single slashdot comment is about that #6 |
09:47:43 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848020.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
09:51:48 | preglow | hahahah |
09:51:52 | preglow | yeah, that was amusing |
09:52:15 | preglow | everything is java and php! |
09:52:21 | GodEater | or C++ ? |
09:53:34 | B4gder | but then, we're all dying in the long term, you know when the sun will grow larger and eat the earth and so? B-] |
09:54:37 | preglow | LIFE is practically obsolete |
09:54:41 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ |
09:54:52 | * | B4gder thinks of this great line... |
09:55:06 | B4gder | "life is a fucking decease" |
09:55:25 | * | petur is pretty sure we'll all have killed each other before the sun grows that big |
09:55:35 | preglow | haha |
09:55:36 | preglow | long before |
09:56:16 | * | petur remembers another great line: "life sucks, and then you die" |
09:56:47 | | Part Llorean |
09:58:33 | LinusN | i just love the comment on computerworld.com: "You forgot to include "Junior Tech Industry Journalist"" |
09:58:44 | B4gder | hahahaha |
09:59:22 | B4gder | now that's one fine comment |
09:59:36 | LinusN | i better move to Java on my 8051 board over here |
10:00 |
10:00:03 | B4gder | yeah, I'll tell my customer's on that 50mhz nios2 as well |
10:00:52 | LinusN | i'll phone Linus Torvalds and ask him to port Linux to C# |
10:01:28 | B4gder | yes, it is sooo dying |
10:02:12 | GodEater | it may not be dead yet, but I don't think that article is *entirely* wrong. In the department I work in of nearly 30 people, I'm the only one that knows any C at all. And I wouldn't call my C great. |
10:02:45 | B4gder | well, it may be dying for applications and system programming in general |
10:04:11 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
10:06:58 | B4gder | sites like freshmeat and sourceforge still have most projects listed as using C |
10:07:17 | preglow | not knowing c at all just sounds weird to me |
10:07:51 | GodEater | I guess it depends on the market you're working in |
10:08:47 | B4gder | yeah, but when writing something like that you should probably try to peak into a few different areas |
10:08:56 | B4gder | in my world not a single soul uses java |
10:09:07 | GodEater | sounds like a nice place |
10:09:42 | GodEater | where I work I've seen a vendor port their entire application (which used to be mainframe based, and very good at it's job) onto a java platform just for the sake of it as far as I can see |
10:09:59 | GodEater | the hardware we've had to throw at it to get it to perform well enough is just not even funny |
10:10:35 | GodEater | Last I heard it was running on 128 cores |
10:10:48 | GodEater | and just barely getting through the days transactions |
10:10:53 | B4gder | hahaha |
10:10:54 | LinusN | imagine a beowulf cluster of those... :-) |
10:11:19 | LinusN | running c code |
10:11:24 | GodEater | hahaha |
10:11:51 | GodEater | I *think* their SPARC cores |
10:11:53 | GodEater | but I could be wrong |
10:12:45 | GodEater | either that or whatever arch HP-UX runs on |
10:13:19 | B4gder | they ran on hppa risc |
10:13:37 | B4gder | possibly later ones run on itaniums or other intel things |
10:14:20 | scorche | i used to admin around 25 tru-64 workstations...that was interesting |
10:14:43 | GodEater | all I know is that now our CER is basically filled up with the beasts running this thing, and we can't get any more in now because the air-conditioning can't cope any more |
10:15:01 | GodEater | it's like a bloody oven in there at the unix end |
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10:43:39 | | Quit CelticSoul ("Leaving") |
10:45:30 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=KsEAXDl7@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
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11:08:53 | | Part maffe |
11:10:07 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ |
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11:12:27 | | Join webguest34 [0] (i=c20b4f58@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-653a6e010082f5f0) |
11:13:26 | webguest34 | hi all, anybody knows about the new iriver 300series version can play video files ?? |
11:13:43 | bluebrother | what new series? |
11:13:58 | bluebrother | the h300 series is quite old and it supports mpeg playback with rockbox |
11:14:55 | * | GodEater was just thinking the same thing as is visiting iriver.com now to see if there's a "new" 300 series |
11:17:22 | GodEater | nope - the H300 is the only one they mention. So it's most definitely not "new" |
11:21:03 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) |
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11:27:06 | | Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
11:32:24 | | Quit Weiss (Remote closed the connection) |
11:35:51 | webguest34 | bluebrother do it give a hotkey combination for playbackl a video on h340 ? |
11:36:06 | bluebrother | hotkey combination? |
11:36:17 | webguest34 | yes |
11:36:27 | bluebrother | there is no hotkey combination |
11:36:32 | webguest34 | or other question |
11:36:37 | bluebrother | read the PluginMpegplayer wiki page and the manual |
11:36:41 | webguest34 | i have a video folder on my h340 |
11:36:46 | webguest34 | but i dont see any video files |
11:37:13 | bluebrother | well, then your videos most likely have the from format |
11:37:26 | bluebrother | as I already said, Rockbox does only support mpeg2 videos |
11:37:38 | webguest34 | the files are .avi |
11:37:42 | webguest34 | and the correct format |
11:37:45 | bluebrother | no. |
11:37:49 | bluebrother | they are definitely not. |
11:37:55 | webguest34 | for iriver standart firmware ^^ |
11:37:56 | | Quit B4gder ("It is time to say MOOO") |
11:37:59 | | Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp174-240.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) |
11:38:06 | bluebrother | we don't care about the iriver firmware in this channel |
11:38:08 | markun | webguest34: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer |
11:38:26 | bluebrother | and the iriver firmware uses a different format |
11:38:55 | | Join Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
11:39:03 | markun | webguest34: this is the only playback we have on rockbox right now, so you need to convert your videos if you want to watch them |
11:39:05 | LinusN | now this is the most amusing /. thread i've read for a long time: http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/05/24/2010242 |
11:39:53 | bluebrother | webguest34: please read the documentation first. |
11:41:30 | | Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@93.80-203-96.nextgentel.com) |
11:41:56 | markun | webguest34: the H300 uses the xvid codec, right? |
11:43:13 | freqmod | Hello, I am porting a plugin to the new menuapi, but i dont understand how to check if the menu button is pressed (to cancel the menu), i tried to check for case MENU_SELECTED_EXITbut that didn't work as intended? |
11:43:39 | freqmod | does anybody know how to check for the menu button in the menu response switch? |
11:44:57 | | Join austriancoder2 [0] (i=5078751e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2d899078da216503) |
11:45:02 | webguest34 | markun, i think sp |
11:45:04 | webguest34 | so* |
11:45:41 | austriancoder2 | petur: ping |
11:45:57 | petur | lucky you I just look at this window |
11:46:10 | | Quit ColdSphinX^ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
11:46:37 | austriancoder2 | :) |
11:47:13 | markun | webguest34: there is a xvid decoder in the patch tracker, but it's not usable to play back movies. |
11:47:21 | austriancoder2 | petur: In the next few days I will look into the usb controller of the sansa and try to play with it... |
11:47:43 | webguest34 | yes i checked it right now... |
11:47:50 | webguest34 | i was happy to early :D |
11:48:09 | webguest34 | but the sample movies i can play ^^ |
11:48:12 | webguest34 | thx a lot |
11:48:13 | webguest34 | bye |
11:48:15 | | Quit webguest34 ("CGI:IRC") |
11:48:59 | petur | austriancoder2: we need a list of USB stacks to evaluate, each with their pro/con and difficulty in porting (and number of devices this may work on) |
11:49:52 | austriancoder2 | petur: at the moment I have 3 canidates: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UsbSoftwareStack |
11:51:37 | petur | I'd like to add that demo philips stack to it just to see how much it is connected to the isp1362 hardware. The code is in the h300 usbotg wiki page |
11:51:56 | markun | petur: it's a wiki :) |
11:52:01 | austriancoder2 | petur: I will evaluate them adn present my results in the wiki - this okay to you? |
11:52:08 | petur | yes |
11:52:38 | * | petur gets burried with payed work and swears |
11:53:33 | petur | I'll soon allocate a fixed amount of time to this project to force myself following this up closely |
11:53:52 | austriancoder2 | petur: okay :) |
11:54:43 | austriancoder2 | petur: Maybe we find other open-source stacks.. as the current canidates are not so generic is I want it or only support usb1.1(HCI) |
11:55:24 | petur | yes, we do want to look at enough alternatives that suit as much of our needs as possible |
11:56:27 | * | austriancoder2 goes to eat somthing |
11:56:50 | * | petur added philips stack to list of candidates |
11:58:17 | petur | also, I think OTG mode is pretty useless. It will never work on h300 (crappy engineering work by iriver), so it would be best to do just device and host modes |
11:58:41 | linuxstb | What's the difference between OTG and host? |
11:59:05 | petur | OTG is an extension where devices can negotiate who's host |
12:00 |
12:00:16 | linuxstb | Ah, OK. So it requires two OTG devices? |
12:00:25 | petur | on h300, they've connected the hardware pin of that to the processor, so the isp1362 can never initiate the protocol. It's fixed host or device (the latter for the US model) |
12:01:01 | petur | the OTG controller should detect what the other side is, at least for devices I think |
12:01:04 | petur | must read up a bit on that |
12:03:45 | petur | there's an extra pin on the connector and normal devices have it shortened to ground (I think) so it's always device |
12:08:11 | | Join webguest74 [0] (i=7dedf736@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2cc76fbe6e92c6e5) |
12:09:00 | webguest74 | hey can anyone tell me how to get counter strike.wad to work on my iPod? |
12:10:21 | | Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:10:26 | webguest74 | hey can anyone tell me how to get counter strike.wad to work on my iPod? |
12:10:34 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
12:11:05 | BigBambi | webguest74: Please don't keep asking. If someone knows they will answer. |
12:11:17 | webguest74 | ry |
12:11:27 | webguest74 | sry my internet was lagging |
12:11:36 | BigBambi | webguest74: My apologies then |
12:11:41 | webguest74 | so i thought i didn't type it |
12:15:25 | BigBambi | Have you had a look at this page? http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginDoom It has a section on getting addons working. |
12:15:55 | BigBambi | If they are at all non-standard they probably won't work. There are many threads on this in the forum e.g. http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=9454.0 |
12:16:48 | webguest74 | thanks |
12:16:49 | amiconn | petur: Speaking about the ID pin - cowon did something quite strange with that on the M5 |
12:17:02 | webguest74 | how do i know if something is an addon? |
12:17:30 | amiconn | Since the M5 has no USBOTG, they misused the ID pin of the Mini-B socket as their charging connector |
12:17:49 | petur | euh |
12:17:51 | amiconn | So the cowon charger for the M5 looks like a standard USB charger, but isn't |
12:17:54 | BigBambi | webguest74: I don't know I'm afraid, I never use Doom |
12:18:22 | amiconn | The advantage is of course that there is no extra socket, and they can still rely on the charger providing >= 1.8 amps |
12:18:24 | linuxstb | webguest74: Your best chance for an answer is to search the forums - I don't think many people in IRC use Doom. |
12:18:58 | amiconn | I wonder what happens if you connect the cowon M5 charger to a device that does have usbotg... |
12:19:06 | amiconn | ...e.g. the X5 |
12:19:50 | petur | suck too much current from the host? |
12:21:10 | | Quit webguest74 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
12:21:25 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
12:22:23 | * | linuxstb sees a reported 12-hour runtime test on the Sansa and wonders what the OF claims |
12:22:35 | * | petur walks away for lunch and another hit in the actions stats :) |
12:23:26 | amiconn | petur: From what host? It's a charger, and doesn't even provide Vbus, but puts +5V on the ID pin.... |
12:27:13 | markun | linuxstb: interesting results from the power saving experiments on the ipod, don't you think? |
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12:32:13 | | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-9d96d8bbec58928d) |
12:33:10 | linuxstb | markun: What results? |
12:34:07 | markun | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=10645.0 |
12:34:49 | markun | he got the sansa to be a bit more power efficient, but the same thing didn't change anything on the ipod |
12:35:17 | | Join andrewg877 [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162080076.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) |
12:35:49 | linuxstb | markun: Yes, I just found it. Interesting that the 30GB Toshiba drive apparently uses 20mA in sleep mode - that would appear to be the difference between Rockbox and the Apple firmware... |
12:36:34 | markun | in that case if we power the disk off we can increase runtime on more targets |
12:36:44 | linuxstb | We do on most targets I think. |
12:36:59 | markun | ah yes |
12:37:09 | linuxstb | (where we know how to) |
12:38:09 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
12:39:30 | markun | linuxstb: do you have the OF or a disassembly of it? |
12:41:11 | linuxstb | I have the OF (it's unencrypted on the ipod's disk), but no decent disassembly, just the output of objdump. |
12:41:26 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
12:42:13 | linuxstb | It's also hard for me to do any power-consumption experiments, as I don't have any hardware to measure it. All I could do is runtime tests, which would be painfully tedious. |
12:43:14 | markun | yes, indeed |
12:43:41 | markun | toffe was very helpful becuase he connected a multimeter to his gigabeat and I asked him to do a few tests |
12:43:57 | markun | there is a still a weird bug with the Gigabeat: |
12:45:01 | markun | when you power it on it consumes 70mA in idle, if you play some music it DROPS to 32-41, and if you stop playing it stays at 31 idle. |
12:45:48 | | Part juxtap |
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12:48:14 | linuxstb | markun: Odd... Maybe the DAC initialisation, or is that done on boot anyway? |
12:48:40 | markun | I didn't look into it |
12:49:13 | markun | having a multimeter hooked up would be nice, also for checking if optimisations (like the DMA stuff) are really worth the trouble |
12:49:30 | markun | but overall runtime is pretty good already |
12:49:50 | Nico_P | markun: did the DMA stuff save power ? |
12:50:34 | markun | Nico_P: I don't think so, maybe linuxstb knows |
12:52:32 | linuxstb | Nico_P: It was slower by a large amount, and the existing implementation didn't sleep the CPU, there was just a while loop constantly checking the DMA status bit. |
12:53:00 | linuxstb | So I guess in theory it might be able to save power, but the fact it's a lot slower means that it's not a sure thing. |
12:53:21 | linuxstb | But of course there may also be issues with how the DMA is setup which is causing it to be slower than it could be. |
12:54:53 | Nico_P | yes I did notice the speedup in plasma, oscilloscope and the peak meter (faster LCD driver ?) |
12:55:30 | Nico_P | or am I completely confused ? |
12:56:09 | markun | Nico_P: that's because the DMA stuff was removed :) |
12:56:49 | Nico_P | so what did it make so noticeably faster ? the LCD driver ? |
12:57:44 | amiconn | yes |
12:57:57 | amiconn | The lcd driver used dma, now it just uses memcpy() |
12:58:07 | markun | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=13392 |
12:58:11 | markun | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=13393 |
12:59:04 | Nico_P | ok thanks :) |
13:00 |
13:01:38 | linuxstb | There was one more bit of gigabeat LCD cleanup I wanted to do - the lcd_enable() code. toffe was going to test that again, but I don't know if he has. |
13:01:54 | linuxstb | (it's currently only enabled via a debug menu option) |
13:02:38 | markun | linuxstb: he will bring his gigabeat collection and multimeters at the devcon west, so you can ask him to do some tests then |
13:05:03 | linuxstb | I haven't used my gigabeat much recently, but I assume the background-colour bug has been fixed by my commits? |
13:05:48 | Nico_P | yes it has |
13:06:00 | markun | linuxstb: yes, didn't notice any problems |
13:10:02 | petur | amiconn: ah, I thought they used the ID pin to know how much current to draw from VBUS. But they use the ID pin as power so charging from USB is not working I suppose |
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13:21:24 | amiconn | petur: They can also charge from USB |
13:21:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:21:40 | petur | ah ok |
13:21:51 | petur | that's M5, right? |
13:21:53 | amiconn | What would be interesting to know is what happens if you connect their charger to an usbotg port... |
13:21:55 | | Join juxtap [0] (i=wags@c1-217-9.tbnb.isadsl.co.za) |
13:22:42 | amiconn | Not with the charger, but with the port... |
13:22:55 | petur | I can't remember the details of the negotiation, but I bet the host will not think it's a device |
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13:28:23 | petur | if the cable plugged into the port has ID not tied to ground, the device will assume it's suppoed to be device as initial role |
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13:30:16 | | Join Ghoulio [0] (n=chatzill@161.135-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) |
13:30:41 | XavierGr | amiconn: can you please show to me where in the PCB the EL foil gets power from? Looking on the OndioBacklight wiki page the point where sthe EL foil is soldered doesn't give for me any voltage |
13:30:48 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ |
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13:35:30 | amiconn | XavierGr: It sure doesn't, as the EL foil runs from ~100V 400Hz _AC_ |
13:35:43 | amiconn | Without the EL driver chip you won't get any voltage there |
13:36:09 | XavierGr | yeah but the driver chip should get a voltage from somewhere right? |
13:36:32 | amiconn | And then the OndioBacklight page won't be much help for you either, as you have the old PCB version |
13:36:46 | XavierGr | indeed some things are different on mine |
13:36:48 | amiconn | Yes, the driver chip gets a permanent Vcc of 3.3V |
13:37:09 | amiconn | Backlight is enabled/disabled via an enable pin, which is a GPIO from the CPU |
13:38:54 | XavierGr | ah so the gpio signal just says to the driver chip to deliver the converted constant voltage to the foil? |
13:39:08 | XavierGr | I mean I can't power anything with the gpio signal right? |
13:39:33 | | Join Zendefera [0] (n=zendyman@ip68-105-77-25.sd.sd.cox.net) |
13:39:58 | Zendefera | anyone know how to configure makevoices.vbs to use the neospeech vw paul voice? |
13:40:07 | amiconn | XavierGr: correct |
13:42:08 | freqmod | Does anybody know why http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ipodpatcher/linux64amd64/ipodpatcher from the ipod manual gives 403: Forbidden? |
13:42:21 | XavierGr | amiconn: one last question: I can't understand where the chip gets the power from. I just opened my ondio and found 2 power sources that were accesible, 1 buttons, 2, near the chip that says "220" |
13:43:39 | linuxstb | freqmod: You should ping Bagder about that - I'm guessing it's just a permissions issue. |
13:44:04 | linuxstb | freqmod: It's in this zip file though if you need it - http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/ipodpatcher-1.1.zip |
13:44:07 | freqmod | It's no problem for me, I'll use the 32-bits one, but maybe other people don't like it |
13:46:50 | | Quit Zendefera () |
13:47:41 | amiconn | XavierGr: Pin 6 of the SP4403 is power, pin 2 is ground |
13:48:23 | amiconn | Pin 6 is right row, 3rd pad from the top, pin 2 is left row, 2nd pin from the top when looking at the Ondio PCB in its operating orientation |
13:50:33 | XavierGr | amiconn: is that chip on the front pcb under the little green cable? (from the right most wiki bmp) |
13:51:07 | amiconn | No, it's the chip that isn't there |
13:51:13 | XavierGr | ah |
13:51:31 | amiconn | Left side, half-covered by the lcd |
13:51:55 | amiconn | That's the chip you would need to solder in for onboard EL operation |
13:52:06 | amiconn | (if you manage to find one) |
13:52:37 | XavierGr | and where can you get the GPIO signal, or is it one the missing chip too? |
13:53:00 | XavierGr | one = on |
13:53:07 | | Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:54:16 | XavierGr | well if I can get the backlight gpio signal theoritically I can achieve the same behaviour with a normal led, else I will just solder a LED to the 220 labeled element and have backlight always on |
13:54:30 | XavierGr | I know that the result will be somewhat ugly, but I don't have many options |
13:54:56 | amiconn | GPIO doesn't provide enough current to power a led from |
13:55:25 | XavierGr | yeah I would need that signal as a switch |
13:55:37 | amiconn | Don't connect anything directly to the coil, or else you put the LTC3440 at risk. It's already a quite fragile thing... |
13:56:00 | XavierGr | damn this thing doesn't want me to mod it |
13:56:11 | amiconn | The "220" is the inductor for the LTC3440 switching step-up/down converter |
13:56:54 | XavierGr | well it isn't directly to the coil it has 2 small solder pads just above it, though I suspect it is connected with that |
13:57:53 | LinusN | freqmod: permissions fixed |
13:58:45 | | Quit Thundercloud__ (Remote closed the connection) |
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14:00:26 | | Join z421 [0] (n=z421@ |
14:00:29 | z421 | hello! |
14:03:49 | freqmod | LinuxN: good |
14:04:09 | petur | hi z421 |
14:04:13 | freqmod | *linusn |
14:05:31 | z421 | i'm thinking of buying an mp3-player. it shouldn't be an ipod, and rockbox should work on it. jpeg/video/and so on, is not important, but a long batterie uptime should be available. which model can you recommend to me? |
14:06:07 | linuxstb | z421: What does "long" mean for you? 10 hours, 20, 30, 40, .... |
14:06:09 | petur | the iaudio M5 holds the record battery-wise I think |
14:06:24 | z421 | linuxstb: > 20 hours. |
14:06:49 | linuxstb | What about disk space? |
14:07:11 | z421 | linuxstb: more than 2gb would be fine. |
14:07:18 | * | petur discovers the M5 is missing foom the buyers guide |
14:07:30 | linuxstb | z421: Ah, so you're looking for a flash-based player, not a hard disk? |
14:07:41 | z421 | linuxstb: can also be an harddisk player. |
14:08:03 | z421 | linuxstb: should just work fine, and have a long uptime, and rockbox support. ;) |
14:08:13 | markun | z421: amiconn was able to play back music for more than 50 hours with the M5! |
14:08:14 | linuxstb | Probably the iaudio M5L/X5L would suit your needs - good Rockbox support and very long playback time |
14:08:23 | markun | eh, M5L |
14:08:25 | z421 | markun: that sounds fine! |
14:09:01 | linuxstb | The M5L has a greyscale LCD, and (I think) is hard to find. The X5L is Colour, but easier to find. |
14:09:46 | z421 | linuxstb: i looked for the m5 short before i asked, but it seems thant you can't buy it anymore in europe. |
14:09:48 | freqmod | Does anybody know why mp4-he files works in sim, but not on the iPod? |
14:09:57 | z421 | what's the L in the iaudio names for? |
14:10:04 | pixelma | with backlight turned off - with backlight always on it was something around 35 hrs. So in everyday use it would be something 40-ish |
14:10:06 | markun | pixelma: where did you buy yours? |
14:10:15 | markun | z421: larger battery |
14:10:18 | linuxstb | Long battery life - they have an extra large battery (or maybe even two batteries, I'm not sure) |
14:10:23 | z421 | markun: oh, fine! |
14:10:41 | z421 | i' think it will get the iaudio X5L 30gb. |
14:10:52 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IAudioRuntime |
14:10:59 | pixelma | z421: there was only one uk ebay store that sold them (mp3direct it was called iirc) |
14:11:03 | markun | do we know what's inside the X5L yet? |
14:11:19 | petur | a bigger battery I think |
14:11:35 | pixelma | they offer a bunch of new ones every now and then |
14:11:45 | markun | petur: I mean CPU etc |
14:11:47 | linuxstb | pixelma: Do you have the M5 or M5L? |
14:11:57 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@bne75-7-82-230-110-107.fbx.proxad.net) |
14:12:14 | pixelma | the M5L ... that was the one amiconn used... |
14:12:39 | * | petur forgot to have a good look at X5/M5 during devcon :/ |
14:13:01 | pixelma | markun: coldfire |
14:13:39 | linuxstb | markun: Have you still been looking around for blackfin DAPs? |
14:13:56 | z421 | and the X5 is supported from rockbox? |
14:13:59 | markun | linuxstb: not actively |
14:14:10 | linuxstb | freqmod: What happens when you play them on your ipod? |
14:14:19 | | Join Psilonaut [0] (i=DaPhunka@244.142-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) |
14:14:19 | markun | this chinese one is the only one I can buy I think |
14:14:22 | pixelma | petur: yeah... I also wanted to have a closer look at the other targets (especially sansa and the nano) |
14:14:43 | markun | linuxstb: or maybe this wifi player, but I don't have any use for it |
14:14:48 | freqmod | if the ipod was playing some other file it is skipped, if it was stopped the whole thing freezes. |
14:15:51 | linuxstb | freqmod: AAC-HE files are very CPU intensive to decode - so the ipod will struggle, whereas the sim should work (depending on your PC of course). I can't explain the freezes though. |
14:16:02 | freqmod | ok |
14:16:32 | linuxstb | freqmod: If you build Rockbox yourself, you could enable the test_codec plugin and see at what % of realtime, your ipod can decode the AAC-HE file. |
14:16:57 | freqmod | i'll try that |
14:17:32 | linuxstb | You need to add test_codec.c to apps/plugins/SOURCES, and also add it to apps/plugins/viewers.config (I just copy one of the WAV lines) |
14:17:38 | freqmod | *i get segmetation fault when an he-aac is finished, and a new one is started on the sim too |
14:17:53 | freqmod | (GDB: 6 functions in stack, only ??) |
14:18:12 | linuxstb | It doesn't surprise me, as I doubt anyone has tested he-aac. |
14:18:38 | * | linuxstb wonders how well the gigabeat would cope with them |
14:18:46 | * | markun too |
14:22:28 | markun | linuxstb: why does it need to be added to viewer.config? Doesn't 'open with' work? |
14:22:28 | amiconn | z421: The M5L is still sold by a UK ebay shop, mp3direct |
14:23:10 | freqmod | "Read failed. Plugin returned error" |
14:23:12 | markun | linuxstb: or will it not be included as a viewer otherwise? |
14:24:24 | linuxstb | markun: Yes, it will just be in the normal plugins folder otherwise. |
14:24:41 | z421 | is the video playback supported on the x5? |
14:24:49 | linuxstb | Yes |
14:24:53 | z421 | amiconn: thank's found. :) |
14:25:18 | | Join boris85 [0] (i=c1fcc733@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3c7ff2a5f2638652) |
14:25:46 | freqmod | i get read failed with .ogg's and .mp4's |
14:26:54 | boris85 | hello |
14:26:54 | linuxstb | But other files are working? |
14:27:02 | freqmod | not tested |
14:27:13 | freqmod | mp3's segfault on sim x86-64 |
14:27:25 | linuxstb | Yes, that's a known bug |
14:27:25 | boris85 | DerPapst: my rockbox is now working |
14:27:54 | linuxstb | Are the read failures in the sim or on your ipod? |
14:28:03 | freqmod | sim |
14:28:37 | boris85 | copied every single iPod_Control file out of the player, formated it, using iTunes, windows didn't want to do it, even under cmd.exe, so i restored it, and put everything back in. |
14:28:48 | boris85 | it's now happily playing |
14:28:49 | freqmod | read(...)=1 |
14:29:02 | boris85 | well bye and thank you. |
14:29:07 | | Quit boris85 (Client Quit) |
14:29:19 | * | nls goes to have an exam, wee :-/ gotta love 'em in the friday evening... |
14:30:07 | * | petur wonders what students complain about. Wait until you're working.... :p |
14:30:25 | | Part kaaloo |
14:30:31 | * | linuxstb also seemed to have more money when he was a student - maybe he just wasn't spending enough... |
14:30:42 | petur | lol |
14:32:58 | markun | linuxstb: 580% realtime for a q3 ogg vorbis file on my F40, I'm sure we can do better :) |
14:33:53 | desowin | with such fast cpu ;-) |
14:34:15 | freqmod | linuxstb:On the ipod it just displays "Loading..." |
14:34:32 | z421 | markun: which player is that? |
14:34:41 | markun | z421: Gigabeat F40 |
14:35:11 | markun | but it only has between 16 and 20 hours runtime, so I don't think it's something you are looking for |
14:35:14 | amiconn | desowin: You mean with such a boooring cpu... |
14:35:41 | markun | z421: and it's mainly nice because it has a good screen and CPU to watch videos, which you don't care about |
14:35:57 | z421 | markun: no, i was just interested which device it is. :) |
14:36:20 | markun | but I like it a lot :) |
14:36:27 | linuxstb | freqmod: Maybe Lear would be interested in looking at your file - he's the only person who's shown an interest in the AAC decoder so far. |
14:36:41 | pixelma | markun: what runtime do you ger with mainly music playback? |
14:36:47 | pixelma | *get |
14:36:58 | markun | pixelma: I never did any proper test |
14:37:20 | markun | I think I use it for something like 10 hours before I hook it up to a charger |
14:38:28 | freqmod | maybe, i have tested 2 files created with "wine <path>/neroAacEnc.exe -q 0.15 -if tmpvid.wav -of tmpvid.mov" then "MP4Box -add tmpvid.mov outfile.mp4" |
14:39:21 | linuxstb | Nero's encoder can't create .mp4 directly? |
14:40:42 | freqmod | i haven't tried as it is files extracted from music videos that i recode, and then i need to mux both NeroAAC and x264 |
14:41:11 | | Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
14:41:40 | linuxstb | I've just downloaded it, and according to the -help, the output format is MP4 - so tmpvid.mov should be a .mp4 file IIUC. |
14:42:10 | freqmod | when you write a .mp4 file it writes a mp4 file, when you write a .mov file it writes raw aac (that mp4box understands) |
14:42:37 | linuxstb | OK, so the -help is wrong... |
14:44:07 | freqmod | i think so |
14:45:18 | linuxstb | Hmm, I've just tried your command-line, and the output is definitely an MP4 file... |
14:45:24 | freqmod | ok |
14:45:38 | linuxstb | This is the "Feb 16 2007" version of neroAacEnc.exe |
14:45:44 | linuxstb | Sorry, Feb 12 |
14:45:53 | freqmod | ahh, maybe it is mp4 box who is picky about the extensions |
14:46:52 | linuxstb | And the output file plays fine in the ipod sim (Linux x86 32-bit). It's a 35kbps file. |
14:46:56 | freqmod | i see it with this version to |
14:46:57 | freqmod | o |
14:47:03 | | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-7f4f5612a5a375dd) |
14:47:04 | markun | I have not been able to find a AAC-HE file yet on our network |
14:47:17 | markun | some AAC-LC file decoded at 477% realtime |
14:47:31 | linuxstb | markun: If you have Wine (or Windows..), you can download the encoder here - http://www.nero.com/nerodigital/eng/down-ndaudio.php |
14:47:49 | linuxstb | Just unzip it, and you get the .exe files. |
14:48:01 | markun | linuxstb: I'll start compiling wine :) |
14:48:30 | * | linuxstb is quite impressed with the quality of the 35kbps file |
14:48:56 | freqmod | nero aac was the best in a 48kbps hydrogrenaudio codec comparision |
14:49:06 | freqmod | * listening test |
14:49:16 | markun | linuxstb: can you run test_codec on your Gigabeat? |
14:49:21 | linuxstb | And the encoder is extremely fast as well. |
14:49:50 | linuxstb | markun: Not at the moment |
14:51:59 | | Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@gifn3.fpl.com) |
14:53:01 | freqmod | i got an MP4 metadata error. errno 0, length 0, frequency 0, filesize 1153092 |
14:53:19 | linuxstb | In the sim? |
14:53:24 | freqmod | yes |
14:53:31 | freqmod | and it doesn't work on targe |
14:53:31 | freqmod | t |
14:53:32 | linuxstb | I guess it's a 64-bit issue. |
14:53:41 | freqmod | may be |
14:54:07 | linuxstb | I just did "wine neroAacEnc.exe -q 0.15 -if test.wav -of test.mp4" and the mp4 file plays fine. |
14:54:31 | linuxstb | (in the sim, I haven't tried a target) |
14:54:42 | jac0b | the latest sd-card patch is not available in flyspray |
14:55:08 | markun | linuxstb: I also get a stack overflow |
14:55:47 | markun | on target |
14:55:49 | freqmod | the files works when i run them trough MP4box |
14:55:54 | freqmod | (in sim) |
14:58:19 | * | linuxstb shrugs |
14:58:54 | | Join Zider [0] (i=zider@c-40e9e455.031-30-6e6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
14:58:57 | | Join Arathis_ [0] (n=doerk@p5484BE72.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
14:59:21 | | Join norbusan [0] (n=norbusan@dhcp02.algebra.tuwien.ac.at) |
14:59:27 | Zider | has anyone looked into support on the iRiver S10 yet? |
14:59:44 | Zider | the bastards uses a proprietary playlist format :/ |
14:59:44 | markun | Zider: not exactly no |
15:00 |
15:00:13 | | Part norbusan |
15:00:25 | Zider | markun: guess all I can do is wait and hope then ;) |
15:00:34 | markun | Zider: or contribute |
15:00:41 | markun | or try at least :) |
15:00:43 | Zider | markun: with what? |
15:00:44 | | Quit Arathis (Nick collision from services.) |
15:00:50 | | Nick Arathis_ is now known as Arathis (n=doerk@p5484BE72.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
15:00:58 | markun | Zider: start by taking pictures of the mainboard of the S10 |
15:01:04 | markun | so we can identify the chips |
15:01:23 | Zider | ouch :\ |
15:01:47 | markun | is it hard to open? |
15:01:53 | Zider | no screws |
15:01:58 | markun | glue!?! |
15:02:03 | Zider | have no idea |
15:02:15 | | Nick datachild is now known as datachild\party (i=krebb@har.en.prickig.cykel.biz) |
15:02:17 | markun | maybe their is some clicking mechanism |
15:02:17 | GodEater | use an ipod opening tool to find out |
15:02:29 | markun | GodEater: what does this tool do? |
15:02:29 | aliask | or a hammer |
15:02:30 | Zider | GodEater: and where would I get one? ;) |
15:02:41 | linuxstb | or gravity and a concrete floor... |
15:02:53 | GodEater | markun, it's just a plastic thing with a thin edge to squeeze between the joins on an ipod |
15:03:03 | GodEater | they come with replacement ipod batteries usually |
15:03:22 | Zider | markun: the player is basically a bottom part with volume +/- and power button, and the top part is a 4-way button with an OLED in the middle |
15:03:23 | GodEater | but I expect you can acquire them on their own if you look hard enough |
15:03:38 | Zider | markun: no screws and no obvious place to "crack" it open |
15:03:46 | markun | hm |
15:03:57 | markun | Let's google a bit, maybe we find something |
15:04:02 | aliask | I bet magic holds it together |
15:04:09 | Zider | aliask: probably |
15:04:12 | freqmod | knives could work to if you are careful. (i have opened an ipod, and a radio with a swiss army knife) |
15:04:12 | GodEater | Zider: you could start by taking hi res pics of the case :) |
15:04:27 | GodEater | we might spot a place to try opening it from |
15:04:41 | amiconn | Flathead screwdrivers are usually helpful, if one doesn't mind some occasional scratches |
15:05:25 | GodEater | http://www.everythingusb.com/iriver_s10_1gb.html <−− second pic down |
15:05:32 | GodEater | looks like a join there |
15:05:34 | linuxstb | And http://www.themp3players.com/archives/2006/10/whats-inside-iriver-s10/ |
15:05:50 | Zider | GodEater: http://images.webhallen.com/bilder/screens/738/73850_4.jpg http://images.webhallen.com/bilder/screens/738/73850_1.jpg there's two good official ones |
15:05:53 | markun | Zider: very different from the U10? http://mp3.zol.com.cn/29/294514.html |
15:06:17 | linuxstb | A review I read said the UI was almost identical to the U10 and Clix - so I would guess it's the same architecture... |
15:06:38 | GodEater | that looks easy enough to prise apart |
15:06:48 | Zider | markun: yes, no battery compartment :P |
15:06:49 | markun | linuxstb: yes, again these samsung ARM cpus |
15:07:30 | GodEater | we could really use a mole at samsung |
15:07:32 | GodEater | =/ |
15:07:35 | Zider | http://www.iriverfans.com/imgpic/0610/s10chip/2.jpg |
15:07:54 | Zider | http://www.iriverfans.com/imgpic/0610/s10chip/1.jpg |
15:07:55 | Zider | :D |
15:08:00 | linuxstb | Zider: A start would be to collect all these links and lists of components and add them to the Rockbox wiki. |
15:08:01 | Zider | someone already opened it |
15:08:46 | markun | linuxstb: btw, I wasn't able to decrypt the U10 and Clix firmwares, I guess the S10 won't work either |
15:09:11 | markun | Zider: if you make a wiki account we can give you write access |
15:09:39 | Zider | I have no idea how to work wikis |
15:09:53 | GodEater | no time like the present to learn |
15:09:56 | Zider | I'm wiki incompatible ;) |
15:10:21 | Zider | well it would have to be another present.. this present I need to clean up my apartment.. |
15:10:44 | linuxstb | Zider: You click on the "edit" button and type... |
15:11:24 | markun | Zider: but new rockbox targets are always welcome |
15:11:39 | markun | it just takes a lot of time from people who want it to happen |
15:12:36 | GodEater | linuxstb: very peculiar post in the plugins/viewers forum... |
15:12:54 | markun | Zider: if you remember today's date you can always find the links to all this S10 info again in the IRC logs |
15:15:35 | Zider | markun: or I just google it again.. ;) |
15:15:42 | markun | or that yes |
15:17:31 | Zider | well, I gotta go.. cya! |
15:18:11 | markun | bye |
15:18:25 | markun | linuxstb: so, should I increase the stack? (and how) |
15:19:45 | | Join david11 [0] (n=david52@ |
15:20:42 | | Part LinusN |
15:21:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:24:43 | | Quit ompaul (Connection timed out) |
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15:26:34 | | Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
15:28:47 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=daurn@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
15:28:49 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
15:29:23 | linuxstb | markun: The codec stack is defined in playback.c - you should be able to increase it easily |
15:29:31 | daurnimator | hi |
15:29:54 | linuxstb | markun: If you want to use test_codec, you may have to change the size in there as well - I can't recall if it's hard-coded or not. |
15:31:20 | daurnimator | whats new in the world of a rocking box? |
15:32:07 | | Quit daurn (Connection timed out) |
15:32:43 | linuxstb | Support for the 80GB ipod video is the week's headline. |
15:34:17 | daurnimator | nice |
15:34:30 | daurnimator | did anyone ever get that hdd in another player? |
15:35:15 | markun | I don't think we have another player with a ZIF connector |
15:35:16 | linuxstb | I don't think so - I think the ipod video uses a ZIF connector, and most other Rockbox targets don't. |
15:35:58 | linuxstb | I think we're pretty certain that it's an issue with the firmware in the drive, so the same problem would happen elsewhere. But other Toshiba 80GB drives are fine. |
15:41:51 | daurnimator | are there 40gb single platters yet? |
15:46:38 | | Quit jac0b ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
15:46:42 | markun | linuxstb: I doubled the stack size but that didn't help. Then I tried time 16 and that worked. But the test_codec still gives a stack overflow. |
15:47:16 | markun | but I don't think it's hardcoded, so I don't understand why |
15:47:54 | | Quit petur ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
15:48:16 | linuxstb | markun: I'm not sure... |
15:48:39 | markun | codec_stack_size = rb->threads[i].stack_size; |
15:48:49 | | Join printfXh4 [0] (n=pseudo@ppp217-33.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net) |
15:49:28 | linuxstb | What about the buffer that holds the copy of the codec stack? |
15:49:37 | linuxstb | (in test_codec) |
15:50:57 | markun | seems to use this value |
15:51:08 | markun | audiobuf = codec_stack_copy + codec_stack_size; |
15:51:54 | markun | at least your test file plays > 100% realtime |
15:54:53 | | Join elinenbe [0] (n=elinenbe@ |
15:59:23 | | Join Javacat [0] (n=ghsgh@unaffiliated/javacat) |
16:00 |
16:00:24 | Javacat | Are there any sort of sync programs for rockbox? |
16:00:41 | Javacat | eg, set the time, sync rockcalendar with outlook, scrobble the log |
16:01:01 | | Join webguest94 [0] (i=51b35a2a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d9563d3b3abbb04f) |
16:03:27 | markun | Javacat: no |
16:03:38 | Javacat | ok |
16:04:01 | markun | do you want to create one? |
16:04:03 | linuxstb | Javacat: Planning on writing one? |
16:04:05 | linuxstb | ;) |
16:04:06 | Javacat | yeh :p |
16:04:08 | Javacat | :D |
16:04:20 | linuxstb | Rockbox Utility could be expanded for that... |
16:04:47 | markun | linuxstb: we keep asking the same questions :) |
16:04:48 | | Quit webguest94 (Client Quit) |
16:04:51 | Javacat | I'll have a go at doing the outlook thing, but I won't be able to start it for about a week |
16:04:55 | linuxstb | markun: I'll just go away... ;) |
16:05:05 | markun | not needed, I'm going now |
16:05:28 | markun | need to do some shopping before my girlfriend gets here |
16:05:32 | * | linuxstb starts work on switching A and SELECT in the gigabeat's WPS |
16:05:39 | markun | NO!! |
16:05:51 | linuxstb | :) |
16:05:52 | markun | change the Archos Recorder buttons while you are at it |
16:06:04 | linuxstb | Why is that? |
16:06:29 | markun | because it uses the same 'logic' as the gigabeat button mappings |
16:06:57 | markun | 'play' is in the center and pauses, the 'on' button switches between file tree and WPS |
16:08:06 | markun | Llorean wanted to change the gigabeat layout because it was not consistent with the iriver. I wonder what he will say if I change the iriver button layout because it's not consistent with the recorder and gigabeat ;) |
16:10:01 | | Join bionade [0] (n=endor@i59F74834.versanet.de) |
16:10:05 | bionade | helo |
16:10:10 | markun | hi bionade |
16:10:30 | linuxstb | markun: The physical button layout on the gigabeat is almost identical to the iriver though.... |
16:11:16 | markun | linuxstb: yes, but very different labels |
16:11:34 | linuxstb | markun: I'm not going to try and convince you... |
16:11:51 | bionade | now i know, this question is not rockbox related, but i'm not sure where else to ask. i have a mp3 player and would like to extract the firmware from it. there is a windows exe that will play a new firmware onto the device, so I assume, that there is a special protocol through USB that tells the mp3 player that now it doesnt write on the data flash, but rather on the firmware rom. can one somehow learn more about such thing or is there generally a d |
16:12:58 | linuxstb | bionade: I didn't see the end of your question (it was cut off), but the firmware upgrade procedure depends on the player. But I think most of the time they just write to the disk via UMS. |
16:13:32 | linuxstb | (and the firmware then spots an available upgrade the next time you boot and installs it, if required) |
16:14:31 | XavierGr | markun: I think that you are the only one that likes the current keymaps of Gigabeat |
16:14:38 | markun | linuxstb: I'm still not sure if it should be changed. In face in the beginning I used the iriver convention, but after many requests from the mygigabeat people I tried their change and really liked it |
16:14:48 | markun | XavierGr: thanks, you make me feel special :) |
16:14:49 | * | linuxstb wonders if Saratoga is going to add the same WMA message as mplayer uses - "Everything done. Thank you for downloading a media file containing proprietary and patented technology." |
16:14:55 | XavierGr | markun: hehe |
16:15:37 | markun | XavierGr: I think it's mainly the iriver users which have trouble getting used to the gigabeat because there are button in similar positions (but with very different labels) |
16:15:54 | markun | but then again, I also came from the iriver h120 |
16:15:55 | | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-649a81279c6eacd7) |
16:15:55 | bionade | linuxstb: so ums is a protocol on top of usb and when the player notices it's being talked to in ums it writes those things to the firmware rom? so it knows where to write the update. |
16:16:09 | markun | bionade: no, not really |
16:16:20 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-075-177-158-190.nc.res.rr.com) |
16:16:21 | markun | normally the firmware just looks on the HDD if there is a firmware file or not |
16:16:30 | linuxstb | bionade: UMS is a simple protocol which just gives the host computer access to the hard disk at the sector level. |
16:16:31 | markun | ... firmware update file ... |
16:16:37 | XavierGr | markun: most targets (not only irivers) have the same layout up or down (eg ondio that I have) |
16:16:49 | XavierGr | gigabeat really stands out on the keymaps |
16:16:57 | markun | and the recorder :) |
16:17:14 | XavierGr | recorder has the same layout as gigabeat? |
16:17:24 | markun | well, it has the pause button in the center |
16:17:32 | markun | which is what the discussion is mainly about |
16:17:34 | bionade | linuxstb: but how is the difference being made between the medium where the music lies and the medium where the firmware resides? |
16:18:24 | markun | XavierGr: http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-recorder/rockbox-buildch3.html#x5-170003 |
16:18:27 | XavierGr | markun: lets change it then :P |
16:18:31 | linuxstb | bionade: That depends on the player. All players will have some firmware in flash ROM, and most players also have some firmware on the disk. This can just be as simple as a normal file in the root of the main FAT32 partition. |
16:18:56 | | Quit aliask ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
16:19:22 | linuxstb | bionade: Other players have a special partition (without a filesystem) where the firmware is stored. |
16:19:34 | markun | bionade: which player are we talking about? |
16:20:02 | linuxstb | bionade: The first thing you could do is to analyse the disk layout and see if you can find the firmware. |
16:20:21 | bionade | linuxstb: as far as i have noticed on my player (grundig mpaxx mp 600) it does not have the firmware on the main fat32 partition. |
16:20:41 | linuxstb | Does the disk have any other partitions? |
16:20:41 | | Join Stickman [0] (n=Miranda@ |
16:21:42 | bionade | i found some document stating that the firmware is supposed to be in a special rom, not on the hdd. how do I find out about other partitions? when connecting the device to my pc I only see this one. |
16:21:56 | linuxstb | bionade: When you upgrade the firmware, can you tell if the upgrade happen whilst connected to the computer, or does it happen after you disconnect? |
16:22:12 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF499D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:22:36 | XavierGr | lol I just realised that linuxstb's suggestion to change the keymap was a joke :) |
16:22:37 | bionade | linuxstb: to be honest i have not done the update, because the program necessary to do the update is for windows and I dont have windows :( |
16:22:57 | linuxstb | XavierGr: The joke is that I want to change it, and am waiting for markun to disappear so I can.... |
16:23:03 | markun | bionade: does you OS have some windows emulation? maybe wine? |
16:23:06 | XavierGr | yeah, got that now |
16:23:32 | bionade | markun: it does. you're right. I could try it via wine. |
16:23:37 | markun | XavierGr: he had his chance when I was half drunk at the devcon |
16:23:44 | linuxstb | bionade: Are you on Linux? |
16:23:48 | bionade | linuxstb: yes |
16:23:52 | XavierGr | markun: you were drunk? LOL |
16:23:58 | markun | not really |
16:24:01 | BigBambi | linuxstb: GO GO GO! |
16:24:03 | linuxstb | "fdisk" will show you information about the partition layout on the disk. |
16:24:16 | bionade | i will try it right away |
16:24:16 | linuxstb | BigBambi: I think markun has the right to decide... |
16:24:16 | XavierGr | markun: fuzzy head? |
16:24:26 | markun | XavierGr: "starting to feel the effects" :) |
16:24:52 | BigBambi | linuxstb: Damn! :) |
16:24:54 | markun | linuxstb: maybe I should hold another forum poll, but I'm afraid for the outcome ;) |
16:25:04 | BigBambi | markun: You know I'm right... :) |
16:25:13 | linuxstb | BigBambi: But with small/cheap flash-based players like your grundig, I think the firmware is normally in flash ROM, rather than the disk. |
16:25:14 | XavierGr | markun: I am surprised, you were sharing 4 beers with 8 persons and you started to feel dizzy :P |
16:25:27 | XavierGr | (numbers may vary I didn't count :P ) |
16:25:29 | BigBambi | linuxstb: not me.. |
16:25:37 | markun | and those poor recorder guys who will have to adapt to our new rules after all those years.. |
16:25:48 | linuxstb | BigBambi: Pass it on to bionade.... |
16:25:52 | BigBambi | aha |
16:26:34 | BigBambi | markun: so it is iriver and iaudio vs gigabeat and recorder? |
16:26:53 | linuxstb | markun: The difference with the recorder is that the center button has PLAY/PAUSE written on it. On the other targets, PLAY/PAUSE is in a different place. |
16:27:02 | markun | XavierGr: it was not exactly an equal sharing, and sometimes I suspect that my weight of aound 57 kilos also helps me to get drunk quicker |
16:27:19 | XavierGr | :O 57 kilos?! my god |
16:27:23 | markun | linuxstb: and the Gigabeat doesn't have a play/pause button |
16:27:35 | linuxstb | markun: A has been assigned that role... |
16:27:39 | BigBambi | markun: Exactly, so it is an arbitrary choice |
16:27:44 | markun | linuxstb: damn ;) |
16:27:51 | markun | I feel like I'm starting to loose |
16:28:08 | XavierGr | markun: you are not from ethiopia right? :) |
16:28:13 | BigBambi | I don't care which button is which, just that a button 'fuction' should not swap in different screens |
16:28:20 | markun | XavierGr: how did you guess! |
16:28:31 | markun | maybe the beard gave it away? |
16:28:32 | XavierGr | what is your height again? |
16:28:37 | BigBambi | *function even |
16:28:42 | markun | (which I might shave off this weekend..) |
16:29:00 | markun | XavierGr: 176 I think, but my passport says 178 |
16:29:14 | bionade | linuxstb: it actually says something about 4 partitions, only thing that's weird is that one of those is in between another. or maybe I am misinterpreting the information. you could have a look at: http://pastebin.ca/509508 |
16:29:14 | BigBambi | I was quite surprised when I saw the named photo - I don't know what I thought, but I didn't think you'ld look like that Markun :) |
16:29:15 | XavierGr | markun: (yeah I must stay that you will look younger without it) |
16:29:42 | XavierGr | markun: we have the same height and I am 68, what the heck |
16:29:45 | markun | people mostly guess around 22 |
16:30:09 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
16:30:11 | markun | anyway, time for shopping |
16:30:12 | linuxstb | bionade: What device did you give to fdisk? It should be something like "fdisk /dev/sdb" (i.e. the whole-disk device) |
16:30:17 | markun | talk to you guys later |
16:30:19 | XavierGr | have fun |
16:30:27 | markun | and.. not button changes while I'm gone :) |
16:30:34 | bionade | linuxstb: oops ;) |
16:30:37 | linuxstb | markun: I promise :) |
16:30:52 | markun | reminds me of THHGTTG |
16:30:52 | bionade | linuxstb: it's just one fat16 partition. |
16:31:00 | BigBambi | markun: please.... :) |
16:31:33 | markun | toffe82: you came to my rescue? |
16:31:36 | bionade | linuxstb: sorry about that. |
16:31:41 | linuxstb | bionade: np |
16:31:55 | | Part Javacat |
16:32:21 | bionade | linuxstb: so that must mean, that the thing with the seperate medium is true, i suppose. |
16:33:15 | linuxstb | I think you need to perform a firmware upgrade and see if you can see what's going on. |
16:33:44 | linuxstb | Whilst the upgrade is going on, check the temporary files directory - it may save the firmware there... |
16:33:49 | toffe82 | markun: what's up ? |
16:34:00 | markun | toffe82: the Gigabeat is in great danger! |
16:34:03 | bionade | linuxstb: temporary files directory on the computer? |
16:34:08 | linuxstb | markun: Go shopping... |
16:34:09 | toffe82 | why ? |
16:34:10 | markun | some people want to vandalise the button layout! ;) |
16:34:23 | markun | linuxstb: brushing my teeth first :) |
16:34:30 | linuxstb | bionade: Yes. Plus also check the player's disk of course. |
16:34:41 | toffe82 | what do they want to change |
16:34:51 | linuxstb | Switching SELECT and A in the WPS... |
16:34:52 | markun | it's nice to not be behind a webcam btw ;) |
16:34:58 | | Part david11 |
16:35:19 | bionade | linuxstb: I will try that and get back to you. thanks for the help so far. |
16:35:44 | linuxstb | bionade: Are you contemplating a Rockbox port? |
16:36:14 | toffe82 | linuxstb: so A become play/pause ? |
16:36:47 | BigBambi | toffe82: yep |
16:37:04 | bionade | linuxstb: in college we try to analyze the firmware. when i'm more familiar with those things I would be glad to help with rockbox. |
16:37:04 | BigBambi | So button fnctions don't swap depending on screen compared to other targets |
16:38:23 | toffe82 | I don't like it :) prefer like it is , markun ,it is the answer you are waiting from me ;) |
16:38:24 | markun | toffe82: keep an eye on them while I'm away.. |
16:38:46 | markun | bye |
16:38:51 | BigBambi | markun: I can only make noise, not destructive access for me :( |
16:39:08 | linuxstb | BigBambi: We need to work on them slowly... |
16:39:24 | toffe82 | no way :) |
16:39:26 | | Join ColdSphinX^ [0] (n=sphinx@p85.212.26.32.tisdip.tiscali.de) |
16:39:40 | BigBambi | linuxstb: slowly but surely, we have logic on our side :) |
16:40:21 | BigBambi | I really don't care what button it is, it is just so annoying that the function of a single button changes within screens compared to all the other targets |
16:40:50 | BigBambi | I do my own build with the swap anyway, it would just be nice not to |
16:41:49 | BigBambi | right, meeting. Bye all |
16:41:53 | | Quit BigBambi ("Leaving") |
16:41:55 | toffe82 | make the button mapping as a setting, like this everybody is happy ;) |
16:46:07 | linuxstb | Button Layout: "Rockbox Standard" / "toffe82 & markun" |
16:46:32 | | Quit Soap (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:46:36 | toffe82 | :) |
16:46:50 | | Join Soap [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
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16:47:39 | toffe82 | linuxstb: mappong the button by user setting would be a good idea no ? |
16:48:11 | linuxstb | toffe82: I'm not strongly against it, but most devs are |
16:48:59 | toffe82 | why ? for after sale service ? because it will be difficult to explain to somebody if he change the mapping ? |
16:49:34 | amiconn | Configurable button mappings are a big no-no |
16:49:43 | amiconn | They would be a support nightmare |
16:51:11 | pixelma | and not nice for blind user I'd imagine... |
16:51:28 | linuxstb | People don't have to change them... |
16:51:54 | pixelma | what if one accidentally sets them to something else |
16:52:10 | linuxstb | Then they do the same as accidentally making the screen unviewable - reset the settings on boot |
16:52:38 | amiconn | How do you reset setting if you don't know what button or menu item to use? |
16:52:50 | linuxstb | We would make the reset settings key constant. |
16:52:59 | toffe82 | at boot time |
16:53:08 | | Join Gursikh [0] (n=khalsa@tremulous/officialdevannoyer/khalsa) |
16:53:19 | amiconn | Not all targets have a special combo for resetting the settings |
16:53:39 | linuxstb | BTW, I'm not arguing for them - I just don't think the support issue is as big as others think. Personally I think they're an unneeded complication in the code. |
16:55:35 | linuxstb | But a reset combo could be added for all targets? |
16:56:04 | toffe82 | I though that the reset was on all target ? |
16:57:37 | | Quit Gursikh (Client Quit) |
16:57:48 | | Quit ColdSphinX^ ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
16:58:18 | toffe82 | or there is any problem on all the other target with bad wps for example ? or wrong setting ? |
16:59:02 | linuxstb | I assume the targets without a reset combo are stable enough not to need it. |
16:59:04 | | Join freqmod_n [0] (n=freqmod@93.80-203-96.nextgentel.com) |
17:00 |
17:00:33 | amiconn | Yes, exactly |
17:01:52 | * | pixelma remembers one time she could have used it on her Ondio (but thinks that with the new wps parser this situation isn't possible anymore) |
17:05:00 | toffe82 | I think the reset button is a good idea even if you never use it, you know it is here and you can always use it, when you support somebody,if nothing of you tell him is working, just reset the settings |
17:09:49 | | Join krush1704 [0] (n=andikrus@p57BB13E2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
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17:42:08 | * | ender` yawns |
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18:32:27 | | Part david11 |
18:32:37 | webguest73 | hey all, i got rockbox on my nano and then using win explorer copied some mp3's into the f00 folder, but they dont show up. can i update the database somehow |
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18:51:05 | use1ess | A question on the rockbox player.. is there an option to display lyrics? |
18:55:20 | markun | yes, I think there is a lyrics plugin somewhere |
18:55:20 | PaulJam | use1ess: there is a plugin to display lyrics, but it is not included in the official build: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=2372.0 |
18:56:37 | linuxstb | markun: You didn't spot my commit? |
18:57:17 | markun | you got me scared for a moment :) |
18:57:25 | * | linuxstb apologises for the joke... :) |
18:58:58 | use1ess | PaulJam: thanks. Is it intuitive like in the original firmware, or can be reached at idirectly? |
18:59:51 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc5-brig8-0-0-cust142.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
18:59:55 | PaulJam | i haven't used this plugin. |
19:00 |
19:00:15 | linuxstb | use1ess: Which original firmware? |
19:01:05 | robin0800 | PaulJam, any chance of fixing album art patch warning? |
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19:03:51 | PaulJam | robin0800: i will not post a fixed patch if that's what you mean. i had bad experiences with that in the past. |
19:04:10 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A976A0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:06:23 | use1ess | linuxstb: Apple's. iPod. |
19:06:53 | * | markun didn't even know they had lyrics support |
19:06:54 | PaulJam | robin0800: but i guess as long as you don't compile the test_codec plugin there won't be any negative effects from this warning. |
19:07:35 | * | linuxstb neither |
19:07:39 | | Quit ze (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:07:42 | markun | use1ess: rockbox is not always very intuitive I think, but when you get used to it it works great |
19:08:57 | use1ess | markun: Uh.. I was kind'a talking about the lyrics option, but I'll take what you said under consideration as well. :) |
19:11:02 | | Part toffe82 |
19:15:02 | | Join Denstark [0] (n=Timothy@c-24-62-132-160.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
19:16:32 | use1ess | A question, though. how do I install a boot that would let me choose between the rockbox and the normal apple soft? |
19:16:37 | use1ess | the rockbox was already installed, btw. |
19:17:26 | | Part crichardson |
19:18:42 | PaulJam | have you already tried to boot the apple firmware the way it is described in the manual? |
19:19:56 | | Quit charkins ("Ex-Chat") |
19:20:13 | use1ess | No, could you direct me please? |
19:20:19 | use1ess | (link, that is). |
19:21:09 | | Join david11 [0] (n=david52@ |
19:21:29 | PaulJam | http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml |
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19:21:44 | use1ess | Sorry for the bother.. it's just that my puter's kind'a dying on me. |
19:22:01 | use1ess | if I tried browsing around things would crash. Thanks. :) |
19:24:49 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
19:25:03 | robin0800 | yes you can still compile it ok at present |
19:26:12 | use1ess | PaulJam: well, I installed the rockbox loader (which is how I get it to load, naturally) −− but I don't really get a choice while it's on. |
19:26:32 | use1ess | like, if I want to switch between software. |
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19:32:26 | markun | use1ess: "boot the original firmware by pressing Menu immediately after turning on your Ipod. Do not release the Menu button until you see the “Loading original firmware...” message on the screen." |
19:34:19 | use1ess | Oh. |
19:34:29 | use1ess | Thanks. :D |
19:34:43 | markun | no problem |
19:34:54 | markun | good luck with your computer problems |
19:34:58 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
19:35:08 | use1ess | One last thing −− you wouldn't knwo anything about hebrew support, aye? |
19:35:42 | use1ess | markun: oh thanques. It's a box I bought like ten years ago.. I'm waiting for it to raise some white smoke out before it's being replaced. I don't believe in new hardware. :) |
19:35:54 | | Join spiorf_ [0] (n=spiorf@host135-174-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
19:36:16 | markun | I know something about hebrew support, what do you want to know about it? |
19:36:48 | | Quit n17ikh|Lappy () |
19:37:34 | use1ess | well for example, I tried choosing the hebrew large font (which is ridiculously small for a reason), the 8859-8 charcode and the hebrew language. while album names (in hebrew) seem fine, songs don't. Also, I can't even reach some of them in the first place. |
19:38:18 | use1ess | same deal for any other hebrew-* font. |
19:38:41 | markun | Check this for the unicode fonts with hebrew support: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UnicodeFonts |
19:38:55 | | Part david11 |
19:39:39 | markun | I can't really understand how album names can work and song titles not.. |
19:39:54 | markun | did you somehow store them with different encodings? |
19:40:03 | markun | btw, this is also useful: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UnicodeGuide |
19:41:08 | use1ess | me neither, which is why it looked kind'a strange in the first place. :/ |
19:41:57 | | Quit spiorf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
19:42:02 | markun | use1ess: check the PM's I'm sending you |
19:43:28 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
19:48:16 | linuxstb | use1ess: There's another way to boot the original firmware - turn the hold switch on immediately after you turn your ipod on (i.e. before the backlight comes on) |
19:48:39 | | Join n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@cu-nat-2.clemson.edu) |
19:52:41 | * | linuxstb wonders if anyone can help get this working: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7182 |
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20:08:32 | webguest68 | <== n00bie |
20:09:09 | webguest68 | Does anyone have the iRiver H320? |
20:11:52 | markun | webguest68: do you have some problems with yours? |
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20:16:34 | markun | webguest68: no? |
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20:27:34 | otih | hi, my build server is to slow for the serverfarm, because of that i wanna build all models, to have them in ccache ... how to do this ;) |
20:32:23 | webguest68 | sorry, yes i do. |
20:32:42 | webguest68 | markun, i am back |
20:32:59 | webguest68 | i was composing an email for rockbox |
20:36:02 | webguest68 | <== out |
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20:50:43 | use1ess | linuxstb: Thanks. |
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21:07:57 | calam | hi folks, i've a question. often when i add a new daily build on my e280, i get panic stkov dircache error. any way around this? am i installing wrong, because i overwrite .rockbox, it doesnt seem to happen when i delete and copy fresh, but then i lose all the stuff like my wads, and pacman roms, and have to put them back in as well, etc. |
21:08:12 | calam | what approach should i take? |
21:13:19 | | Quit Rondom (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:14:07 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54a3e0ec.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:15:06 | | Join otih_ [0] (n=otih@ |
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21:20:38 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
21:21:44 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:22:31 | calam | sansa e280 panic stkov dircache help anyone? |
21:22:58 | | Join ssturgis [0] (i=0c9e4572@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8fbe8756a9f17062) |
21:28:30 | | Quit ssturgis ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:29:50 | | Quit otih (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:31:35 | PaulJam | i thought this stokv dircache thing was fixed in january. |
21:31:54 | PaulJam | how many files do you have on your player? |
21:32:01 | calam | THAN you for some kind of response, lol, no one seems to be speaking |
21:32:21 | | Join mr_pink [0] (i=chatzill@pjrh2.caths.cam.ac.uk) |
21:32:24 | calam | dunno, i just installed portableapps to root though |
21:32:48 | calam | will it fix if i delete .cfg and try reboot? |
21:32:56 | | Join LycoLoco [0] (n=Lyco@cpe-075-181-041-203.carolina.res.rr.com) |
21:33:01 | calam | trying now |
21:33:28 | LycoLoco | hey guys, is it possible to change a configuration such that the now playing screen uses the default font for a theme while the rest of the UI uses a different, larger font? |
21:34:04 | calam | ack, it tells me i must type a filename to copy .rockbox ? |
21:34:38 | PaulJam | LycoLoco: this is not possible with the official build. |
21:34:47 | mr_pink | Re: Gigabeat button mappings: I'm with markun! I think it makes sense to have play/pause between previous and next. It's much more intuitive than having to reach to the side of the player. Swapping power and A has got things just right now |
21:35:10 | LycoLoco | PaulJam: so, is it possible at all? By saying "official build" it sounds like it's possible with a non-standard build |
21:35:13 | calam | its official, but i copied daily over it, was fine till portable apps |
21:35:28 | use1ess | Hmmm.. how is the album photo display working on the rockbox? I mean.. I have all of the artwork on iTunes library, but it doesn't seem to appear when playing a song. I would guess there's a different method of doing that? |
21:35:35 | Llorean | mr_pink: Clearly you A) Haven't used other Rockbox players, and B) Don't have a strong interest in one-handed operation then. |
21:36:01 | Llorean | mr_pink: It's a usability issue and a consistency issue as well as a "logic" issue. I don't see it being more logical either way. |
21:36:04 | calam | even was fine after that, but somewhere along line it bonked, i think i did init and database rebuild |
21:36:16 | krazykit | what's this about switching the buttons? |
21:36:26 | PaulJam | LycoLoco: you could look if it is possible with an unsupported build that includes the multifont patch. |
21:36:40 | LycoLoco | ok, cool - I'll check around for that. Thanks PaulJam! |
21:39:55 | | Quit use1ess () |
21:42:29 | mr_pink | Llorean: Maybe I'll try patching it to the other way, I guess its unfair to judge without trying first. I'm also used to the original firmware which confuses things, and also has taught me the awkward art of one handed operation with the current layout... |
21:42:46 | | Join JerryLange [0] (n=JerryLan@ppp-64-91-85-228.cam.centurytel.net) |
21:42:51 | Llorean | mr_pink: Yes, the problem does exist for people used to the original firmware. |
21:43:08 | Llorean | I've found that pausing the device in my pocked is MUCH easier now with "A" pausing, since it's much easier to tap. |
21:43:27 | Llorean | Meanwhile having center be the "Select" equivalent lets me easily navigate with just my thumb, nothing else. |
21:44:05 | Llorean | Otherwise I have to use other fingers to leave the WPS and add songs into the playlist. |
21:44:11 | | Join use1ess [0] (i=ritz@bzq-82-81-79-194.red.bezeqint.net) |
21:44:31 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57a976a0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:45:49 | calam | appairently panic stkov dircache goes away if i delete all files in .rockbox floder proper like .cfg, etc, i guess they get rebuilt |
21:46:19 | Llorean | calam: Do you have dircache enabled? |
21:46:31 | Llorean | It's pretty much pointless on the Sansa, and it sounds like you've got too many files for it to handle |
21:46:47 | krazykit | Llorean, is this change on today's build or would i have to patch it myself to try this new way? |
21:47:30 | Llorean | krazykit: Patch yourself for the moment |
21:47:31 | | Part JerryLange |
21:47:35 | calam | i dont know how to enable it, but... autoupdate, init now, and update now i did |
21:47:46 | krazykit | this gives me an excuse to set up the cross-compiler anyway |
21:48:02 | calam | no, files are fine, it is working now |
21:48:30 | Llorean | calam: You really should read the manual, if you have no idea what exactly you're enabling. |
21:49:53 | krazykit | rockboxdev.sh builds the cross-compiler in /usr/local, right? |
21:50:15 | calam | true, on those 3 you are right im afraid, i have read it, but may have, umm, skimmed some of it, sry for nubbishness, but it has worked most of the time, and the manual does not state if you turn this on/off, you will get an overflow and wont be able to boot either, lol |
21:51:01 | Llorean | calam: Dircache can get an overflow if you have a very large number of files on your device. Just files, any sort |
21:51:09 | Llorean | It's not a case of "will" |
21:51:24 | | Join webguest15 [0] (i=45cda707@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-361dbb2093b2d261) |
21:51:36 | Llorean | It's a case of "we assume you're using your device as an audio player, and some features may not work properly if you've filled it with many, smaller than average files." |
21:51:36 | calam | what is very large? please be specific, as i doubt i have that many, but perhaps |
21:51:42 | Llorean | How many do you have? |
21:52:26 | | Quit webguest15 (Client Quit) |
21:52:55 | calam | how can i count them efficiently? i have several music folders, and some movies, so not as many files as i could i am sure, and as i say, its running now |
21:53:09 | Llorean | calam: Well you also said you installed Portable Apps to it |
21:53:53 | calam | yes, but its not so many files as a bout 3 or 4 albums of music |
21:54:11 | Llorean | Are you sure? |
21:54:28 | Llorean | You said the problem started after you installed portable apps |
21:54:40 | Llorean | Somewhat suggesting that its installation is what caused it. |
21:55:47 | calam | i also have had this issue severall times previous, and allways have to delete .rockbox and start over, but then it works for a while, i am pretty sure it is related to the things i mentioned, database rebuilding or whhatever |
21:56:02 | pixelma | calam: you could use the stats plugin and let it count the files |
21:56:30 | calam | pixel, thank you for that, hang on, ill do so |
21:56:39 | Llorean | calam: If you had it before, why did you say it started when you installed portable apps? |
21:56:56 | Llorean | It's really hard to guess things you don't tell us, so I have to work with what you do. |
21:57:59 | calam | as i said, its happened several times before, and i think when i go back after fresh copy of .rockbox, or maybe after i overwrite with daily build, it does this |
21:59:30 | calam | i understand, not trying to be vague or stupid, just to figure out what i ... I am doing to mess it up, as its obvious user error here, but i am thinking it may be something that i enabled that does not jive well on this player |
22:00 |
22:00:00 | Llorean | Well deleting your .rockbox folder would delete both the dircache and tagcache files |
22:00:09 | Llorean | Well, "database", not tagcache anymore |
22:00:32 | calam | in OF it says i have 735 songs, but lemme boot to RB to see files proper |
22:00:44 | Llorean | As we said, it's not the number of songs, it's the total number of files |
22:02:34 | use1ess | Sorry for asking again, but how can I see the artwork of an album while it plays? |
22:02:53 | Llorean | use1ess: Rockbox doesn't have this feature, you'd have to use a patch |
22:03:14 | use1ess | Which one, and where can I find it? :) |
22:03:22 | mpeccorini | use1ess: I think I saw a patch or at least a feature request about that |
22:03:28 | calam | stats= files 6313 music 525 dirs 1012 |
22:03:31 | Llorean | use1ess: See the patch tracker |
22:03:35 | mpeccorini | use1ess: look in flyspray, the patch tracker |
22:03:43 | use1ess | Aight. Thanks. |
22:03:51 | Llorean | calam: How many levels deep is the folder structure? |
22:03:51 | mpeccorini | hmmm, Llorean seems to type faster that me :( |
22:03:54 | The-Compiler | cu |
22:04:13 | | Part The-Compiler ("German Rockbox-Podcast - www.rockboxcast.de (A Podcast is a audioshow)") |
22:04:46 | calam | all in all, mabey 5 tops |
22:05:01 | calam | perhaps 7? |
22:05:11 | calam | probably less |
22:05:34 | Llorean | I'd say, remove portable apps, remove the Rockbox folder, install a clean build, make sure to NOT turn on Dircache, and see if the problem persists. |
22:06:02 | | Quit Nico_P (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:06:24 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:09:11 | calam | but as i said, i have gotten this panic almost every time i add a daily build, i seriously doubt the portable apps did it, i am more sure its either autoupdate, init now, and update, or incorrectly copying of new build, as i say, has happened before, several times, and this is same, but every time i install new build, i go back and reset my settings, like font, and all that, i probably should stay away from the |
22:09:58 | calam | hold on, i can test that theory rt no... ill; just do those 3 things to confirm if its them |
22:10:04 | calam | *now |
22:10:12 | Llorean | Well, the database features seem to work fine for other people, and installing a new build is just extracting it on top of the existing build |
22:10:23 | Llorean | So this means that there's probably *something* different about the situation on your player |
22:10:35 | pixelma | use1ess: the AlbumArt page in the wiki probably answers a lot of your questions about it too ;) |
22:10:35 | | Quit Psilonaut ("Gone trippin") |
22:10:41 | calam | what about load to ram? |
22:10:59 | Llorean | What about load to ram? |
22:11:06 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
22:11:21 | Llorean | Look, these features work for other people. That's why we don't have any bug reports on them. |
22:11:45 | Llorean | You're the only person experiencing the problem, so you need to figure out what's causing your problem. I can offer suggestions, but I can't tell you what's causing the problem, because these features should be working. |
22:11:58 | Llorean | Once you narrow it down to something, we may be able to help further |
22:12:15 | calam | i agree, that is why i am here, and thanks to you for the help. |
22:12:16 | | Join odb|fidel_ [0] (i=vaf3WcOA@trillian.ask.fh-furtwangen.de) |
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22:13:02 | | Quit Buschel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:13:24 | | Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
22:13:25 | calam | would load to ram cause overflow perhaps? |
22:14:02 | calam | i am quite sure i am turning something on that is exceeding the capabilities of the hardware, or of RB on the hardware |
22:15:08 | Llorean | As I said, already, these features work for other people |
22:15:27 | calam | hmmm, its not crashing, sry to be a bother, ill experiment to see what i can do to kill it again ;) then get back to perhaps be helpful in some way |
22:19:10 | calam | okay, heres a dumb idea, default on enable dircache is off. perhaps i turned it on? |
22:19:11 | | Quit webguest79 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:20:00 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3E0EC.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:20:08 | Llorean | Dircache should still work fine, as long as the folder structure isn't beyond the range it expects. |
22:20:18 | Llorean | Seven folders deep might be too deep for it, but I don't think so. |
22:20:57 | calam | says default is 1000 files in dir browser, i doubt i have that many in any 1 file |
22:21:08 | calam | folder, sry |
22:21:10 | Llorean | That has nothing to do with it. |
22:22:10 | calam | okay, another silly question. if icons are plus sign + , a dot, and a circle, does the circle mean the feature is not fully functional in this build? |
22:22:32 | calam | or does that denote domething other/ |
22:22:46 | | Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") |
22:23:02 | Llorean | It's just symbolic of what sort of menu it is. |
22:23:54 | pixelma | Is that a sansa with 2GB storage? Just wondering about your numbers - quite a lot files and folders and not much music |
22:23:59 | calam | hmmm, okie then, cus some themes show it as like a bright green dot on some items, but others brightness is stepped down, i thought it may have benn some other indicator |
22:24:22 | calam | e280, 8 GB, 2 GB kingston microSD aslo |
22:25:46 | Llorean | calam: You are using official builds downloaded from Rockbox.org, right? |
22:26:04 | pixelma | ah... are you using a patched build for sd card support then? |
22:26:15 | calam | well, its workin now, so i think from now on, when i reintsall daily, ill delete everything in .rockbox except folders beneath it, that is what worked this time, so whatever i did, it affected the files in parent directory (.rockbox) |
22:26:43 | calam | no, i dont think i have access to sd in rockbox mode |
22:27:06 | calam | yes llorean, i am |
22:29:31 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
22:29:56 | | Join dudleif [0] (n=dudleif@ |
22:31:07 | calam | (although i would LIKE to find a build with that feature, but since i cannot code, and dont know how to compile, ill just be patient :) |
22:32:01 | mpeccorini | Hey guys, would any dev have some time to test/commit a chessbox patch I posted yesterday? I have tons of other things to add to chessbox and I'd like to work on it during the weekend |
22:32:27 | calam | and i would rather be on main channel of build, so if there IS anything i run into that i can report, it would be helpful to the devs and community at large, not a small group only |
22:35:31 | krazykit | Llorean, that button patch for rockbox is fs#6920, right? |
22:35:42 | krazykit | err, for gigabeat rather |
22:35:44 | | Part kaaloo |
22:38:01 | calam | ty all, must split, ill report back if i isolate it, thanks again, i love my sansa with rockbox, and i chose it based on RB support of it largely, so props to you all :) |
22:38:19 | | Quit calam ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:39:38 | Llorean | krazykit: Yes. |
22:44:56 | * | mpeccorini annoyingly nags about his patch to chessbox being committed |
22:45:37 | Llorean | mpeccorini: Why can't you work on the new patch until this one is committed? |
22:46:51 | | Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Session timeout)") |
22:46:56 | mpeccorini | I did so the last time, when I added the menu, but I couldn't manage to generate the next patches correctly until I deleted everything, svn update'd and reapplied the changes to the files |
22:47:40 | mpeccorini | it kept adding the first changes as if the previous patch was still uncommitted |
22:48:05 | Llorean | Apple the first patch, add your changes, remove the first patch using patch -R, then diff after that? |
22:48:19 | use1ess | that's weird, it feels like my ipod battery is running out incredibly fast. does anyone have the 30gb model? |
22:48:42 | Llorean | use1ess: You do know Rockbox gets worse battery life than the Apple firmware, right? |
22:48:48 | mpeccorini | these new changes depend on the last patch |
22:49:09 | Llorean | mpeccorini: Yes. |
22:49:18 | use1ess | Llorean: I assumed so, but I'm not even on the rockbox at the moment. It's just something I noticed during the past couple of days. |
22:49:21 | Llorean | But the only way to have it not include the changes of the last patch is to -R it first |
22:49:30 | Llorean | Then mention in the patch tracker that users need to install the last patch first. |
22:49:40 | badsheepy | the battery might just be wearing out if its been used a lot |
22:49:50 | Llorean | use1ess: If it's in your Apple firmware it hardly has anything to do with this channel |
22:50:00 | Llorean | Batteries wear out through heat and use |
22:50:03 | use1ess | but it hasn't. It was bought like a week ago. *frowns* |
22:50:11 | badsheepy | its defective, take it back :) |
22:50:42 | use1ess | Llorean: I wasn't talking about anything related to the rockbox or any other firmware. just made a note. |
22:50:48 | mpeccorini | Llorean: ok, I'll try that. thanks |
22:50:59 | | Join Gibbed [0] (i=rick@pool-71-119-160-247.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
22:50:59 | Llorean | use1ess: Well this is #Rockbox, it's specifically for only Rockbox related discussion. |
22:51:03 | | Quit Rick (Nick collision from services.) |
22:51:18 | use1ess | Sorry, I'll try not to mention anything but the rockbox. |
22:51:19 | | Nick Gibbed is now known as Rick (i=rick@pool-71-119-160-247.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
22:51:46 | Llorean | use1ess: You may want to go ahead and actually read the channel guidelines then, to prevent future confusion as to why this channel is here. |
22:52:43 | use1ess | no need to get anal about it, Llorean. I pretty much agreed not to discuss anything but the rockbox. it's settled, really. |
22:52:49 | mpeccorini | Llorean, if you don't mind me saying this, you seem a little to stressed today |
22:52:56 | | Quit lids (Remote closed the connection) |
22:53:50 | Llorean | use1ess: Yes, but there are other important guidelines, and it had become clear you hadn't read them, was all. |
22:56:45 | use1ess | well, I usually don't read long channel guidelines in the format of "don't be naughty" before I choose to discuss something appropriate and legit (in most channels, atleast). I see this is uber-important to you, hence I'm willing to cooperate. |
22:57:19 | | Quit freqmod ("Konversation terminated!") |
22:57:29 | Llorean | use1ess: Considering it says "Please read before speaking", you might have assumed it was important to the channel as a whole. Please don't try to make this something about me, these are just the rules around here, and they do get enforced from time to time. |
23:00 |
23:01:01 | use1ess | It also says "Please read the following agreement shortened to 5 billion lines" before each program of the win32 sort. I see that you're using the let's-hang-the-man-who-dared-to-talk-about-his-iPod-problems-in-a-line-method, so if anyone's trying to change a direction of this debate it's obviously you, but again, can't we all just hug a tree and remain friends? :) |
23:01:22 | * | Bagder hugs a tree |
23:01:22 | | Join lids [0] (i=lds@gateway/tor/x-7f4ca40fbaf12615) |
23:01:54 | * | petur hands everybody a pint of beer and hopes that peace settles |
23:04:24 | * | mpeccorini doesn't know why show he be hugging a tree, but does it anyway |
23:05:14 | * | mpeccorini makes a huge typo at the same time |
23:05:24 | * | preglow sips rochefort 8 |
23:05:42 | * | Llorean hugs a tree, because everyone thinks he's a hippy around here anyway. |
23:05:47 | | Nick linuxstb is now known as everybody (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
23:05:52 | * | everybody takes beer |
23:06:10 | preglow | sneaky bastard |
23:06:41 | | Nick everybody is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
23:06:55 | preglow | petur: he fooled you and took all your beer |
23:07:42 | * | linuxstb gets thirsty and goes to the fridge |
23:08:12 | * | pixelma waits for "a_tree" to appear ;) |
23:08:33 | preglow | will have to be someone capable of withstanding at least 20 megahugs of pressure |
23:09:08 | * | mpeccorini looks around for a girl to hug because the office he works in is tree-less |
23:10:01 | | Nick TrueJournals is now known as a_tree (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
23:10:11 | * | a_tree hugs himself |
23:10:30 | | Nick a_tree is now known as TrueJournals (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
23:10:43 | TrueJournals | a_tree is registered.... |
23:11:15 | mpeccorini | he's probably pixelma's friend :p |
23:12:54 | | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@CERULEANCITY.MIT.EDU) |
23:16:47 | | Quit lids (Remote closed the connection) |
23:21:33 | preglow | Buschel: you should never multiply with 64 bit numbers, that'll be incredibly slow |
23:21:49 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:21:59 | | Quit krazykit ("Connection reset by beer") |
23:22:02 | Buschel | preglow: ahh, there he is :) |
23:22:30 | preglow | but yes, MPC_MULTIPLY_FRACT definitely needs two 32 bit numbers |
23:22:46 | Buschel | so, this was the main issue all the time then |
23:22:56 | preglow | well, probably |
23:22:59 | preglow | i can test the patch now and see |
23:24:39 | preglow | but why feed it 64 bit numbers? |
23:25:21 | Buschel | I wanted to avoid type-convs from constants before the multiply itself |
23:26:11 | | Join p3tur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
23:29:03 | preglow | works now, yea |
23:29:22 | Buschel | puuuh... :) |
23:29:23 | preglow | does this patch differ from trunk for coldfire? |
23:29:47 | Buschel | yes, it will make more use of MULTIPLY_FRACT. so, it should be faster |
23:29:55 | preglow | hmm, i'll compare |
23:30:00 | preglow | i'm still quite undecided what i think about having the decoder produce different output on one target than on others. i think we'll have to decide on a policy for that |
23:30:52 | Buschel | you may decide to use 64-bit-multiplication by default. any user might enable the faster 32bit-option on compile-time |
23:31:12 | preglow | sure, but it would be a pity not to use optimisations when we have them |
23:31:34 | Buschel | :) you may at least use the -O1 option for iPOD/ARM |
23:31:38 | preglow | heh |
23:31:45 | Buschel | this will at least bring +10% |
23:32:03 | Llorean | preglow: Is it a case of higher quality output being added to a faster target, or is it a case of lowering the quality (from what it is now) on slower targets to increase performance? |
23:32:11 | preglow | Llorean: the latter |
23:32:19 | Llorean | I'm not sure I like that. |
23:32:26 | preglow | though whether it will ever be noticed is a discussion in itself |
23:32:29 | | Quit desowin ("use linux") |
23:32:40 | Llorean | What codec is this an issue for? |
23:32:44 | preglow | it might look like the introduced error will always be masked away by the hearing |
23:32:47 | preglow | musepack |
23:32:48 | Llorean | I mean, we don't have any non-realtime codecs at the moment, do we? |
23:32:49 | Buschel | you won't hear the difference at last −− the additional noise which is added is below the noise the encoder adds |
23:33:04 | preglow | Buschel: that sounded more convincing :) |
23:33:16 | preglow | if that is the case, i can see no reason not to enable it by default, really |
23:33:24 | linuxstb | Llorean: It depends if you count not being able to use other features of Rockbox (e.g. the eq) at the same time... |
23:33:42 | preglow | but it has to be quite true, some musepack fans have already complained to me just by reading the words "lower accuracy" in your patch description, heh |
23:33:45 | Llorean | linuxstb: Yes, but for the iPods we have upcoming dual core support (eventually), still |
23:33:59 | preglow | Llorean: anyway, faster codecs is always good |
23:34:06 | preglow | and this one became faster by a nice margin |
23:34:07 | Buschel | nevertheless the optimization will lower the boostration, and therefor power |
23:34:30 | Llorean | I guess, if it's absolutely inaudible, I'm not against it. |
23:35:07 | Llorean | But if it's something that someone could potentially pick up in blind testing, I am against it, just because I don't think intentional quality decreases in the audio are really something we should do unless it's "necessary" just for use. |
23:35:51 | Buschel | preglow: what is the performance on your Coldfire? |
23:36:08 | preglow | Buschel: testing now, i'm having some kernel problems, it seems :/ |
23:37:00 | preglow | ugh, my kernel just vomited on usb |
23:37:00 | | Join krazykit [0] (n=kkit@ppp-70-229-30-254.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net) |
23:37:12 | Buschel | Llorean: i guess a good option is to use -O1 for the compiling on ARM (same quality, no difference in output, but 10% faster), and give the user the chance to switch to fast decoding via compile switch. this is already contained in the patch |
23:37:21 | preglow | ARARRASERGGH |
23:37:24 | preglow | i now have to reboot |
23:37:47 | preglow | Buschel: i got 479% realtime on my test track, i THINK it used to be 469% |
23:38:19 | Llorean | Buschel: Well, if you're sure it's less noise than the decoder noise, I'm not really going to object. It's just a case of playback already working, and dual core support should improve that, and lower quality (if audible) seems drastic to me. |
23:38:41 | preglow | Llorean: he is one of the original musepack coders, so i assume he does know what he's speaking about :> |
23:38:53 | Buschel | you're right :o) |
23:40:45 | Llorean | preglow: I'd assume he does too. |
23:40:53 | Llorean | As I said, if he's sure it won't, then I don't object. ;) |
23:41:18 | | Join os10 [0] (n=os10@CPE-69-76-230-244.kc.res.rr.com) |
23:41:30 | os10 | hello |
23:41:37 | Llorean | But Rockbox is seen by a group as a way to improve sound quality, so things that say "decrease accuracy" put people on edge. You might want to change it to "remove excess accuracy" or some other silly wording that sounds like we don't need it. :) |
23:42:04 | preglow | Llorean: i think i'm going to just leave it at default for now, actually, and have some musepack people do listening tests |
23:42:19 | os10 | austin of dapreview.net. what's new? |
23:42:20 | preglow | they'll nag at me forever otherwise |
23:42:34 | Llorean | Sounds good. |
23:42:51 | Bagder | os10: ipod 80gb support since a few days, other than that not so much I think |
23:43:06 | Llorean | os10: iPod 80gb support, recently fixed audio quality concerns on the Sansa so that audio meets the expectations of users, general all around improvements as always. |
23:43:14 | Buschel | good idea to do listening tests |
23:43:26 | Llorean | Bagder: The Sansa port now has "good" audio quality. |
23:43:31 | Bagder | true |
23:43:31 | preglow | Buschel: usb broke down completely now and i can't be bothered to reboot. i'll try to find time to test and commit the patch during the next couple of days and i'll tell you if it regresses |
23:43:47 | Bagder | Llorean: I have in fact even used my sansa lately and it has been behaving good on me ;-) |
23:43:50 | preglow | i'm sure dwyloc will give you some numbers too |
23:44:09 | Buschel | but nevertheless: even when using the patch with 64x64-multiplies (which do not harm the quality at all) the performance is +2-3% on Coldfire and +10% on ARM/iPOD |
23:44:14 | p3tur | os10: we had devcon and are now selling the empty beerbottles on ebay because we used up all the money |
23:44:47 | preglow | you don't do actual 64x64 bit multiplies, do you? |
23:44:55 | preglow | that's asking for slowness, even on arm |
23:45:14 | preglow | both coldfire and arm only support 32x32 -> 64 natively |
23:45:15 | Buschel | the current config is set for 64+64 except for ARM |
23:45:51 | preglow | i'll check the patch out in more detail later, i'm sure i'll have questions |
23:46:08 | Buschel | ok, come back on any question that may rise :) |
23:46:21 | preglow | right now i'm struggling with fir filter design and am too angry to read patches, heh |
23:46:25 | os10 | i'm new to IRC, so please be patient. i can donate hardware and/or assist with testing. |
23:47:41 | Bagder | os10: both hardware and testing are appreciated! |
23:50:40 | os10 | rockbox on toshiba f40 has been excellent so far. |
23:51:05 | | Quit p3tur ("Zzzzz") |
23:51:34 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") |
23:52:40 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
23:52:59 | toffe82 | os10: there are some promising progress on the gigabeat S |
23:53:27 | | Join SliMM [0] (n=chatzill@ |
23:53:27 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@cpc2-nfds9-0-0-cust419.lei3.cable.ntl.com) |
23:53:33 | Buschel | preglow/Llorean: thanks for your time and feedback! just give me a PM on any questions |
23:53:47 | os10 | sorry, IRC nweb question: red text = private mesage? |
23:53:57 | BigBambi | Llorean: I just replied to your comment on http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6920. Does my reply make sense? |
23:53:58 | os10 | using Xchat |
23:54:13 | preglow | Buschel: sure thing |
23:54:27 | os10 | thanks |
23:54:36 | preglow | and thank you, it's always fun to see codec authors themselves involved in our work |
23:54:47 | linuxstb | os10: Probably just xchat highlighting any lines with your nick in it. |
23:55:07 | Llorean | BigBambi: Ah, if Play already did nothing in the filetree, returning to the WPS makes perfect sense. |
23:55:11 | Buschel | oh well, it was fun for me too to see mpc ported to portables |
23:55:33 | BigBambi | Llorean: It has done nothing since the seperate remote keymap was introduced |
23:55:51 | Llorean | BigBambi: My last remote broke, I've a replacement but I haven't used it recently. |
23:56:25 | | Quit amigan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:56:54 | BigBambi | Llorean: What I probably ought to do is break out my swap A and select in WPS from my implement additional remote buttons. Since the spereate remote keymaps, the number of things the remote can do has decreased a lot |
23:57:10 | jhMikeS | Llorean: You wanted to ask something yesterday? |
23:57:28 | Llorean | BigBambi: Seems like a good idea, separation of changes makes it a lot clearer. |
23:57:51 | BigBambi | Llorean: Will do, tomorrow (it is late here and I am a little drunk) |
23:58:16 | Llorean | jhMikeS: Yes, in regards to the state of the Sansa bootloader. I heard the buttons don't work right now, and was just wondering if you knew what the story was. |