00:00:26 | Tachikoma | what section? |
00:00:58 | scorche | just search for "reset settings" |
00:01:00 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-02248bf39f51954d) |
00:02:39 | | Quit moos ("Glory to Rockbox") |
00:04:02 | Tachikoma | nothing there |
00:04:31 | Tachikoma | never mind found it |
00:05:16 | Tachikoma | shit i need to charge it |
00:07:12 | pearldiver | is anyone interested in buying brand new gigabeat f40? |
00:09:41 | Tachikoma | stupid cheap charger |
00:10:21 | | Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:10:22 | XavierGr | amiconn: my drop was smaller this time, 142 MB |
00:12:17 | XavierGr | I didn't dfrag though |
00:12:35 | XavierGr | god deleting compressing and repeat takes much time |
00:13:36 | | Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
00:16:05 | | Quit Tachikoma ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") |
00:18:14 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
00:18:20 | | Join webguest39 [0] (i=55006221@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-73d067de03d55ef7) |
00:19:28 | XavierGr | amiconn: did you remove the whole /usr/share/locale folder? |
00:19:28 | | Quit webguest39 (Client Quit) |
00:19:34 | | Join webguest39 [0] (i=55006221@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f62d2d6fb597cb4b) |
00:20:02 | | Quit webguest39 (Client Quit) |
00:20:45 | DChoc | When trying to compile a Simulator for ipod Video i get the error SDL is not (properly) installed |
00:21:28 | DChoc | and could not find SDL-config |
00:21:38 | krazykit | you need the -dev package |
00:22:30 | DChoc | from the rockbox site? |
00:22:38 | krazykit | from your distro |
00:23:01 | DChoc | what version or does it not matter? |
00:23:01 | krazykit | er, |
00:25:00 | | Quit entheh ("^~") |
00:25:37 | markun | pearldiver: depends on the price |
00:27:24 | | Join BRi7Xxon [0] (i=bri7x@c-68-81-211-195.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
00:28:01 | | Join safetydan [0] (i=cbca159f@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
00:28:03 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
00:29:56 | | Quit BRi7X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:30:46 | pearldiver | markun and you're in europe as well |
00:31:02 | markun | I am |
00:31:49 | pearldiver | the shipping cost there is not fun |
00:31:53 | pearldiver | (from here) |
00:32:01 | markun | ah, you are selling it? |
00:32:25 | pearldiver | yeah |
00:32:29 | pearldiver | i have an extra |
00:33:21 | DerPapst | lemme guess.. rockbox is preinstalled :D |
00:33:32 | | Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
00:33:54 | pearldiver | hehe it still has all the protection stickers |
00:34:39 | DerPapst | and what's the price (excl. shipping)? |
00:35:16 | pearldiver | $110 |
00:35:38 | | Quit XavierGr ("One firmware to rule them all!") |
00:36:25 | DerPapst | 40GB right? |
00:36:42 | pearldiver | yep |
00:36:59 | DerPapst | so about 8520ac... |
00:37:17 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
00:38:08 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp176-239.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
00:38:17 | DerPapst | price sounds ok... but i'm bit low on monnay right now :P |
00:39:57 | DerPapst | why are you selling it? do you want to quit rockbox? ;) |
00:39:59 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
00:41:18 | netmasta10bt | hey is there a way to speedup playback ? |
00:43:29 | safetydan | netmasta10bt: yes, use the pitch screen |
00:43:35 | safetydan | but it's probably not going to do what you want |
00:43:39 | netmasta10bt | great thx |
00:43:43 | netmasta10bt | oh |
00:43:56 | netmasta10bt | listen to podcasts really fast |
00:46:05 | safetydan | netmasta10bt: well it will speed up playback, but the pitch goes up as well so you end up listening to chipmunks |
00:46:19 | krazykit | which can be amusing. |
00:48:13 | | Quit kretende1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:49:09 | | Join z35 [0] (n=z@adsl-35-190-123.dab.bellsouth.net) |
00:52:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:53:00 | | Part maffe |
00:55:50 | | Quit Xerion (" ") |
00:56:47 | | Quit ender` (" tsimehclA muinortueN :notlimaH .F reteP -- ”.degatnavdasid yllanoisnemid ekil tsuj er’ew ,srossessop ton er’eW“ .) |
00:57:39 | | Join mpeccorini [0] (n=mpeccori@mail1.theargusgroup.us) |
00:57:40 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:59:08 | Llorean | Anyone with an iPod 5G running official Rockbox around? |
00:59:44 | DerPapst | 5.5G and official (but self compiled) |
01:00 |
01:00:04 | Llorean | Just asking, there's not a LCD brightness option in SVN Rockbox on 5G, is there? |
01:00:13 | * | DerPapst checks |
01:01:40 | DerPapst | nope |
01:01:46 | DerPapst | only backlight fading |
01:02:33 | Llorean | Thanks |
01:03:51 | * | DerPapst wonders what the captioin backlight option is for... |
01:04:12 | Llorean | Turns the backlight on at the end and beginning of each track for X seconds |
01:04:30 | amiconn | X being your chosen backlight timeout |
01:04:34 | Llorean | It's basically the fastest way known to drain your battery outside of always on. :-P |
01:04:43 | amiconn | (or 5 seconds if your normal backlight tiomeout is shorter than that) |
01:04:57 | DerPapst | ah. |
01:05:13 | * | DerPapst sets it back to no then |
01:05:26 | * | amiconn uses caption backlight at home |
01:09:40 | | Nick Caliban_ is now known as Caliban (n=ianmacd@kwark.caliban.org) |
01:10:42 | pearldiver | DerPapst i got 4 gigabeats |
01:11:19 | DerPapst | ah :D |
01:12:44 | | Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
01:13:16 | | Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:14:37 | | Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:14:38 | DerPapst | good night at all :) |
01:14:41 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
01:16:45 | | Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
01:16:58 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
01:18:00 | saratoga | damn, the sansa 8GB is down to 157 on Dell's site |
01:18:01 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host206-219-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
01:18:12 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
01:18:14 | saratoga | figures, 2 weeks after I order it'd be 20 less |
01:19:05 | Llorean | Clearly a clever plot against you. |
01:20:55 | saratoga | i really should have just waited, i use my gigabeat more anyway |
01:22:52 | Llorean | I'd use my Sansa more if the battery life was a bit better. It's already long enough to last how long I'd use it, but I hate looking at the screen and seeing it so much less every time I check. |
01:27:32 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
01:29:42 | chrisjs169 | what does EC_FIFO_READ_FULL mean? |
01:31:38 | pearldiver | Llorean really? you like sansa more than gigabeat? |
01:32:20 | Llorean | pearldiver: I'd say they'd both be about equal if it had "proper" battery life. |
01:32:58 | Llorean | I have more use for a flash player, I'm always nervous about HD players when I'm doing something active, even though in most cases they should be fine. |
01:33:35 | pearldiver | understandable |
01:33:44 | | Quit safetydan ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
01:33:54 | Llorean | But the Sansa's a fine little machine, and will be really great if we ever resolve the PortalPlayer issues. |
01:34:41 | chrisjs169 | This isn't completely rockbox related, but 0x800000 is 524288 bytes, right? |
01:35:05 | chrisjs169 | *80000 |
01:35:11 | | Join launcher [0] (n=a@82-32-209-219.cable.ubr07.newt.blueyonder.co.uk) |
01:38:03 | | Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
01:38:13 | amiconn | XavierGr: Down to 138MB now... |
01:38:57 | mpeccorini | quit |
01:39:02 | mpeccorini | LOL |
01:39:04 | | Quit mpeccorini (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Organize your IRC") |
01:39:39 | amiconn | /lol ? |
01:39:47 | | Join safetydan [0] (i=cbca159f@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
01:42:56 | Soap | Llorean: the issues with the adjustable backlight brightness patch and (many) pluggins are a "known" issue. How well known I don't know as the issue isn't listed in the FS entry now that I look. |
01:43:11 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
01:43:54 | Llorean | Soap: Yeah, I thought so, but I wasn't sure I'd maybe missed it getting fixed and/or committed. |
01:45:01 | launcher | Is this a known bug or am i just doing something wrong? when listening to an mp3 every 15-20 seconds the sound hangs for a second and then it continues on like nothing happened |
01:45:10 | launcher | doesn't hang when playing videos though |
01:45:15 | Soap | on an ipod? |
01:45:22 | launcher | using latest rockbox on H10 5gb |
01:45:35 | Soap | using the software EQ? or a WPS with peakmeters? |
01:45:52 | launcher | i'll try w/o the EQ |
01:45:54 | Soap | (and for sake of this discussion, the H10 is an iPod) ;) |
01:46:03 | launcher | lol k :P |
01:46:46 | launcher | disabled EQ... listening now :) |
01:47:30 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
01:47:33 | launcher | seeeeeems to be working :| |
01:49:01 | TrueJournals | EQ is what's doing it |
01:49:15 | TrueJournals | EQ lags the H10 because it taks up so much processing power... |
01:49:32 | launcher | k yeah it would seem so |
01:49:39 | launcher | listened to a few songs now and no jumping |
01:49:51 | launcher | thanks :) |
01:50:13 | chrisjs169 | can someone direct me to a place where i can learn about FIFO? |
01:50:49 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
01:51:42 | | Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ |
01:52:11 | safetydan | chrisjs169: a FIFO is just a datastructure. It describes what happens to elements when they're added and removed from it. In this case "first-in, first-out" which is basically a queue. |
01:53:15 | chrisjs169 | safetydan: ok, i'm trying to figure out what exactly "sd_poll_status(FIFO_FULL, 0x80000, EC_FIFO_READ_FULL | DO_PANIC);" means |
01:53:26 | Soap | launcher: if you are using all five bands. Try fewer. Each one takes it's own chunk of CPU. |
01:53:50 | launcher | ah, i was using the preset 'Rock' |
01:55:12 | safetydan | chrisjs169: ah, now you're talking about what a particular piece of hardware does. At a guess that's polling to see if the FIFO is full, but why and what the FIFO is for I can't tell you. What source are you looking at? |
01:56:59 | chrisjs169 | the latest patch in FS7134 |
01:57:23 | chrisjs169 | I'm just trying to figure out what FIFO FULL means exactly, and what causes it |
01:58:15 | launcher | what's a peakmeter? |
01:59:00 | chrisjs169 | the peakmeter is the two horizontal bars that appear in the Now playing screen (when %pm is in the wps file) |
01:59:52 | safetydan | chrisjs169: some hardware have places where you can put commands for the hardware to execute. These are typically FIFOs of some description but have limited capacity. So FIFO full in this case probably means too many commands have been issued to the hardware at once. |
01:59:55 | launcher | ah k |
02:00 |
02:01:04 | chrisjs169 | so if 0x80000 is 512 KB, that means that if the FIFO reaches 512 KB, it panics? |
02:01:27 | safetydan | chrisjs169: though reading the fs task it seems that the fifo full error may not be the actuall error and it might just be a misunderstanding of how the hardware works. |
02:02:18 | chrisjs169 | safetydan: ok |
02:02:50 | saratoga | is EQ run on the same core as the codec? |
02:03:37 | XavierGr | amiconn: hard competition :P |
02:03:46 | linuxstb_ | saratoga: Everything is on the same core at the moment. |
02:04:03 | chrisjs169 | safetydan: so if 0x80000 is 512 KB, that means that if the FIFO reaches 512 KB, it panics? |
02:05:53 | safetydan | chrisjs169: I'm not familiar with the patch or the Sansa hardware so I can't tell you exactly how that function works. I doubt that the FIFO is 512 KB though as that's an absolutely massive command buffer. |
02:07:20 | chrisjs169 | safetydan: ok, i think if i could figure out what exactly that line means it'd solve most of these questions :P |
02:08:33 | saratoga | linuxstb: so what became of the dual core support that was added a couple months back? |
02:11:46 | linuxstb_ | saratoga: It's not complete. It works in mpegplayer (the video thread runs on the COP), but that's all. |
02:11:51 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
02:12:34 | | Part pixelma |
02:13:05 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
02:15:44 | launcher | thanks for your quick and informative help guys o/ |
02:15:46 | | Quit launcher ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
02:17:41 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
02:19:55 | safetydan | chrisjs169: if you read the definition of the sd_poll_status function it should clear things up for you. |
02:20:34 | safetydan | The 0x80000 appears to be a timeout value for exiting the polling operation. |
02:21:12 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ab47dad70afe9994) |
02:22:18 | chrisjs169 | safetydan: ok, thanks |
02:24:17 | safetydan | chrisjs169: basically it looks to be that that sd_poll_status line your looking at polls the status of the FIFO_FULL status bit. If it's value is EC_FIFO_READ_FULL, the panic function is called and the code dies. |
02:26:05 | chrisjs169 | safetydan: so increasing 0x80000 to say, 0x100000, would increase the time until it times out? |
02:27:40 | safetydan | chrisjs169: yes and I think the value is in microseconds but I could be wrong |
02:29:27 | | Join lazka [0] (n=lazka@85-124-41-30.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) |
02:29:51 | chrisjs169 | safetydan: ok, now, looking at the code, it appears EC_FIFO_READ_FULL is piped into DO_PANIC as the id, which appears as Error SDCard: 14 (EC_FIFO_READ_FULL being defined above as 14) - does that make sense at all? (I have very little experience in this) |
02:30:15 | lazka | hi guys... so, what do i have to do, to get wiki write permissions? |
02:31:15 | Soap | register with your real name. |
02:31:20 | safetydan | chrisjs169: the | symbol in C means bitwise or |
02:31:21 | Soap | swear on your mother's grave you won't spam. |
02:31:28 | Soap | and ask for write permission. |
02:32:05 | lazka | xD, kk |
02:32:19 | | Quit Rob2222 () |
02:32:21 | lazka | btw. the registration page is kind of.. broken |
02:32:25 | chrisjs169 | safetydan: ok |
02:32:29 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16B80.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:32:41 | saratoga | lazka: whats your account name |
02:33:01 | | Part Llorean |
02:33:12 | lazka | w8 a sec, i'm registering right now |
02:34:54 | lazka | saratoga: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ChristophReiter |
02:36:00 | saratoga | lazka: I think that did it |
02:36:06 | saratoga | let me know if it didn't |
02:36:51 | lazka | saratoga: thx :) |
02:43:26 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
02:43:39 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF795B.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:44:45 | lymeca | What should I try if my iPod turned on last night but won't boot up at all this morning even when plugged in to power |
02:46:21 | | Join flami [0] (n=WooOoo@ |
02:46:25 | saratoga | lymeca: generally, you should try and reset it for at least a minute, and then if that doesn't work, let it charge overnight using an AC adapter |
02:46:44 | saratoga | theres some bug in the apple loader that causes them to not power up the screen if the power gets really low |
02:46:47 | lymeca | saratoga: Reset? How |
02:46:53 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-91-140.austin.res.rr.com) |
02:47:04 | saratoga | theres some key combination for each ipod that resets them |
02:47:09 | saratoga | check google |
02:47:29 | flami | hi , Im trying to update my bootloader , but i cant seem to uninstall/update the old bootloader ( which is from the very beginning of rockbox) . Is that normal ? how can i get rid of that old thing ? ( im using linux ) |
02:47:29 | lymeca | The weird thing is that I'm almost positive I powered the iPod down after using it, but I got a low battery icon when I turned it on in the morning. |
02:47:29 | | Part TrueJournals |
02:47:36 | lymeca | It's a 4th generation 20GB monochrome |
02:47:44 | flami | ... ipod nano 1s gen |
02:48:05 | saratoga | flami: never tried, but i think you can just run ipodpatcher |
02:48:17 | flami | i did it now 3 times :/ |
02:48:36 | lymeca | saratoga: I thought Rockbox powered off the device completely when you turn it off, not just sleep. How could the battery drain overnight from being off then? |
02:48:41 | flami | it says uninstalled successfully ... but the old bootloader is still there ( same for install ) |
02:49:35 | saratoga | lymeca: the battery drains even when the ipod is off |
02:50:20 | flami | [INFO] Wrote 5123072 bytes to firmware partition |
02:50:20 | flami | [INFO] Bootloader installed successfully. |
02:50:20 | flami | .... but its still the old "black text on white background" ( and nice errors ) |
02:50:34 | XavierGr | amiconn: down to 135MB for me now, I don't think I will manage to make it even smaller :\ |
02:50:42 | Llorean | flami: Do you still have your backed up bootpartition then? |
02:51:14 | flami | .. uhm after my 5th try it worked :/ |
02:51:19 | Llorean | lymeca: The iPods seem to have some quirks about shutting down. The same problems have been known to affect people who don't have Rockbox installed if they let their iPod go into what apple calls "Deep Sleep" |
02:51:40 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@71-10-136-176.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) |
02:51:45 | flami | hurray :P |
02:51:52 | flami | long live randomness |
02:51:59 | | Quit GodEater_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
02:52:07 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:52:54 | saratoga | anyone think I could cut out the extra space on this skin to get it onto the F series? |
02:52:56 | saratoga | http://www.bestskinsever.com/servlet/the-28/Toshiba-Gigabeat-S30-Total/Detail |
02:55:01 | XavierGr | very hopeful thinking :\ |
02:55:17 | XavierGr | I think it will be quite difficult in order not to ruin it |
02:55:30 | saratoga | seems like it might cover the screen, and i could just cut away a square over the plus |
02:55:45 | XavierGr | ah that you could do it |
02:55:58 | XavierGr | but you will have to do it nicely else the end result will be very bad |
02:56:05 | saratoga | haha |
02:56:15 | XavierGr | I've played around with cutting cases before |
02:56:19 | XavierGr | the result was pitiful |
02:56:42 | saratoga | woah http://www.bestskinsever.com/servlet/the-24/DIY-Cut-To-Fit/Detail |
02:56:49 | saratoga | its like they've out-thought me |
02:56:57 | XavierGr | hah |
02:57:04 | XavierGr | like a glove |
02:57:38 | XavierGr | I would take that one if I would be ready to mod it |
02:58:26 | | Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B166DD.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:59:09 | XavierGr | wow rockbox trunk is 13440 files :O |
02:59:16 | saratoga | wow the ABI people love that product |
02:59:19 | saratoga | will have to try it out |
02:59:27 | XavierGr | seems cheap too |
02:59:27 | | Quit borisyeltsin (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:00 |
03:00:11 | lymeca | Llorean: Switching hold on and off and then holding down Menu+Select worked... it booted up into Rockbox just fine and has 93% battery full. |
03:00:35 | lymeca | saratoga: Does this mean I should just remember how to reset it and do this again when it won't power up? |
03:01:00 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:01:05 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
03:01:24 | saratoga | lymeca: well if your ipod is anything like mine i would recommend not forgetting how to reboot it |
03:01:36 | saratoga | i probably did that once a week for about 3 years |
03:01:59 | lymeca | But it's not technically rebooting is it? I mean the iPod WAS off wasn't it? |
03:02:09 | lymeca | No battery drain occurred to my knowledge |
03:02:23 | saratoga | you're rebooting it when you do that |
03:02:26 | | Join pseudo_ [0] (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-252-10.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net) |
03:02:39 | thegeek | the bestskinsever skin is truly awsome |
03:02:44 | thegeek | I have it on my 5.5G 80gb |
03:03:01 | thegeek | amazing how much abuse it can take without leaving permanent marks |
03:04:51 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
03:08:50 | | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) |
03:11:04 | | Quit printfXh4 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:12:48 | | Join lape [0] (i=laperyx@dsl-143-240.aei.ca) |
03:12:59 | | Join otih [0] (n=otih@p54A4F359.dip.t-dialin.net) |
03:14:23 | lape | hello, does Rockbox allow me to "drag n drop" file on ipod video? if yes, how do I do it? |
03:16:55 | safetydan | lape, yes and do what? |
03:17:17 | BRi7Xxon | lape: use explorer (or equivalent on whatever OS you may be using) |
03:19:27 | | Quit otih_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:19:32 | | Quit secleinteer (Remote closed the connection) |
03:19:42 | lape | im using explorer, so where do I drop my stuff? (ex: mp3) |
03:19:48 | | Join secleinteer [0] (n=scl@adsl-70-237-220-227.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) |
03:20:22 | scorche | anywhere you want |
03:21:17 | lape | anywhere in the ipod drive? |
03:21:43 | safetydan | lape, anywhere but .rockbox and ipod_control |
03:22:48 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060015e91ce305.cg.shawcable.net) |
03:23:13 | lape | so, I dont see the stuff that I previously synced because i did it with itunes, is that it? |
03:23:22 | | Join toffe82_ [0] (n=chatzill@ |
03:24:15 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
03:24:21 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
03:27:32 | XavierGr | lape yes, in order to put music on your ipod (if you use rockbox) you just drop to the folder of your choice. DON'T use itunes. |
03:27:55 | lape | hehe....ok thanks |
03:28:50 | Llorean | Strictly speaking, iTunes can work, but it complicates things because it hides your music. |
03:29:51 | lape | I see that it works, and i also see that it hides my music cuz it renamed it....you see |
03:30:08 | | Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
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03:38:54 | mrzoom | I just installed rockbox on my Ipod 80gb, added a theme and some ogg-files and then i made the first database update. And now the pod is just dead :( |
03:39:10 | Llorean | Soap: I think you may have hit quote instead of edit, or something? |
03:39:16 | Soap | oops |
03:39:35 | saratoga | mrzoom: charge it for a while, then try resetting it |
03:39:36 | Llorean | mrzoom: What exactly do you mean? "Just dead" is kinda vague for anyone to be helpful. |
03:40:00 | Soap | I need to ignore that thread. |
03:40:22 | saratoga | Soap: yeah that thread got long so I stopped reading it |
03:40:26 | saratoga | i figure it'll work itself out |
03:40:28 | safetydan | Soap, probably safer. I think we have a good solution in hand (if I can actually get tagcache to work :) |
03:40:37 | * | JdGordon annoyed... the code shhuold work but it doesnt :'( |
03:41:38 | Soap | what solution do you have?????? Curious as get all. |
03:42:06 | Llorean | Soap: safetydan has coded up initial support for the TSOP etc tags |
03:42:07 | Soap | (though I believe "The Beatles" is all one proper noun and shouldn't be sorted as "Beatles, The") |
03:42:17 | mrzoom | Llorean: I think I can't start it.. Nothing happens when i'm holding down any key. |
03:42:25 | Llorean | Soap: I agree on the "The Beatles" issue. |
03:42:25 | Soap | But I understand how minds can differ. |
03:43:17 | Llorean | mrzoom: Try the standard reset instructions. Plug in the USB cable, turn hold On, turn hold Off, then hold Menu+Select until it restarts. This can take as much as 20-30 seconds in some rare situations. Keep your fingers steady, wiggling seems to decrease the reliability |
03:43:20 | saratoga | so when this is finally done, if I want to sort "The Misfits" as Misfits, then I'll have to edit some tags? |
03:43:36 | Llorean | Yup |
03:43:37 | safetydan | saratoga, yes |
03:43:53 | Llorean | Though hopefully someone will code up a plugin to strip articles and write the tags for you. |
03:44:02 | Llorean | It also provides a solution to "Various Artists" albums. |
03:44:18 | saratoga | so my idea of just having a list of articles defined in a language file somewhere wasn't well recieved? |
03:44:20 | safetydan | One thing not covered though is proper locale sensitive sorting of accented characters but that's a whole other problem. |
03:44:31 | Llorean | saratoga: It's not very flexible. |
03:44:48 | Llorean | saratoga: What happens if you either A) Have songs from multiple languages, or B) Your article *isn't* an article in another language, and you have a universal list? |
03:44:51 | safetydan | saratoga, doesn't work across languages. I have a few songs by German and Spanish bands so what should it do with Die and Los for example? |
03:45:14 | mrzoom | Llorean: Oh.. Thanks, that did work :D |
03:45:34 | saratoga | I guess edit the language file? |
03:45:42 | saratoga | still probably easier then retagging |
03:45:53 | safetydan | CJK languages might also have some issues with ignore files |
03:46:02 | lape | On my ipod, why when i hit "files" one time I see the files, but when I hit files a second time, it goes directly into the file I open previously, I no longer see the file list |
03:46:12 | Llorean | saratoga: How does that handle two bands that start with the same word, in one language it should be skipped, in another it shouldn't, and it's in the same user's collection though? |
03:46:12 | saratoga | particularly for my case, where I have both APEV2 and ID3V2 tags spread across my files |
03:46:32 | Llorean | You shouldn't have ApeV2 tags on Rockbox files anyway. |
03:46:38 | alienbiker99 | wouldnt "The Beatles" be sorted under the b's as "The Beatles" with any of the solutions? |
03:46:50 | saratoga | Llorean: can you give me such an example? |
03:47:17 | Llorean | saratoga: No, because I don't know bands in many non-English languages, but I've spoken enough languages to know that articles in one aren't in another |
03:47:59 | Llorean | But why write a method that arbitrarily restricts what can or can't be done, and requires comparison of every artist with a list of strings? |
03:48:12 | saratoga | Llorean: are there really languages that use one another's articles? |
03:48:13 | safetydan | alienbiker99, yes. But the sort tags one lets you sort some tracks with the "the" and others without. So it handles the case of "The The" without issue. |
03:48:17 | Llorean | Make a plugin that does this, and adds the TSOP tags to your files for you. |
03:48:34 | Llorean | saratoga: There are languages that have words that *aren't* articles that match the spelling of articles in other languages |
03:48:45 | saratoga | I didn't realize that |
03:48:59 | saratoga | how does one deal with that using the TSOP method? |
03:49:04 | Llorean | Easy |
03:49:20 | Llorean | The TSOP method lets you pick whether the article is stripped or not on a band by band basis. |
03:49:29 | Llorean | It's not automatically based off a list. |
03:49:36 | safetydan | saratoga, for instance I believe German have a form of the which is Die (as in Die LongGermanWord). So... how do you want to sort that in English with or without the Die? |
03:49:57 | Llorean | You *can* base it off a list though |
03:50:05 | Llorean | Have a plugin scan all your artists, and write the TSOP tag without articles. |
03:50:07 | saratoga | Llorean: so this solution involves setting sort order by hand? |
03:50:16 | Llorean | Exactly the same results as the list method, then you can fix the few exceptions |
03:50:26 | Llorean | saratoga: It involves properly tagging your files by hand. |
03:50:32 | Llorean | saratoga: Or by script |
03:50:54 | Llorean | Instead of having Rockbox arbitrarily ignore a list of articles, have your script use the list of articles for adding the tags. |
03:51:18 | safetydan | saratoga, yes and no. All the solution involves is Rockbox respecting the TSOP/TSOT/TSOA tags when sorting files for display in tagcache. How you populate those tags is up to you. It could be by hand or with an automatic program that just copies the album name (for example) to the TSOA tag without the "the" |
03:52:37 | saratoga | I still think there should be another way to accomplish that, editing tags in order to control rockbox sorting seems a little excessive to me |
03:52:56 | saratoga | not to mention I will probably be in for a lot of hurt figuring out how to sync ID3v2 tags and APEv2 tags |
03:53:02 | saratoga | merely to correct sort order |
03:53:07 | Llorean | The database can't even read your ApeV2 tags |
03:53:13 | saratoga | I'm aware of that |
03:53:14 | safetydan | saratoga, I believe Foobar can deal with that. |
03:53:50 | saratoga | presently it reads my ID3v1 tags, however, the sorting method will require me to remove the APE tags and replace them with ID3v2 |
03:54:05 | safetydan | or even good ol' mp3tag |
03:54:06 | Llorean | saratoga: *or* you can leave your files sorted as they are now. |
03:54:30 | saratoga | yes I'm aware of that |
03:54:41 | Llorean | I don't see why "I don't want to fix my tags" is an excuse to use a bad method. |
03:54:47 | Llorean | err, not to use |
03:54:53 | Llorean | er, to use. |
03:54:57 | * | Llorean can't get that straight suddenly |
03:55:06 | saratoga | I don't consider APEv2 broken |
03:55:17 | Llorean | I didn't say APEv2 was broken |
03:55:22 | Llorean | I said that using a list of articles is a bad method |
03:55:39 | | Quit RaRe` ("Quit msgs should be longer.") |
03:55:39 | alienbiker99 | lists can get very large |
03:55:43 | Llorean | You need tags to sort, one way or another. |
03:55:46 | saratoga | and I'm saying that forcing me to switch tag formats for the sake of sorting is a worse method |
03:56:02 | Llorean | No, it's not |
03:56:05 | Llorean | YOU can switch |
03:56:18 | Llorean | Other people can't suddenly be expected to delete half their music so there library is in one language |
03:56:21 | Llorean | their |
03:56:53 | Llorean | You would be choosing to eliminate their ability to use the new method entirely over your preference of tag format. |
03:56:57 | saratoga | I don't see why the two methods are being proposed as mutually exclusive |
03:57:04 | Llorean | It's a case of "won't use" vs "can't use" |
03:57:20 | Llorean | saratoga: Because why should there be two solutions to one problem taking up binary space? |
03:57:36 | saratoga | but they're evidently not one problem |
03:57:40 | Llorean | Especially if one solution is *clearly* a hack |
03:57:50 | Llorean | The *one* problem is "People want to ignore articles in their sort" |
03:58:52 | | Join airhead [0] (n=chatzill@68-112-180-65.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com) |
03:58:56 | saratoga | both methods are hacks |
03:58:57 | airhead | a |
03:59:08 | Llorean | saratoga: How is using STANDARD tags a hack? |
03:59:20 | saratoga | there is no tag standard for MP3 |
03:59:24 | airhead | a |
03:59:31 | Llorean | saratoga: Yes, but there is for most other formats |
03:59:36 | Llorean | And these tags exist in those |
03:59:40 | saratoga | its only a "standard" because we've agreed to use it |
03:59:43 | Llorean | They also exist in ID3v2.4 |
03:59:52 | Llorean | saratoga: Stop being MP3 centric, then. |
04:00 |
04:00:06 | Llorean | These tags are standard: They exist in many tagging specs. |
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04:00:15 | Llorean | I wouldn't be surprised if they exist in ApeV2 as well, though I haven't checked. |
04:00:17 | saratoga | but not all |
04:00:30 | | Nick airhead is now known as aaronw (n=chatzill@68-112-180-65.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com) |
04:00:48 | saratoga | my point is that you cannot seriously claim a word list is a hack while claiming the method with MP3 is not |
04:01:01 | Llorean | Yes, I can. |
04:01:12 | saratoga | at best sorting tags are a standard for vorbis and the formats with actual standards |
04:01:22 | Llorean | Yes. |
04:01:28 | Llorean | So, it's not a hack for those formats. |
04:01:34 | Llorean | And it's not a hack for the tag formats Rockbox supports |
04:01:35 | * | Llorean gasps |
04:01:40 | Llorean | Wait, that means it's not a hack, for Rockbox. |
04:02:01 | aaronw | so...Im supposed to ask someone here for wiki write privileges |
04:02:02 | Llorean | Seriously, what is the real disadvantage to this method other than "it makes the user tag their files?" |
04:02:05 | saratoga | you really thinking sticking a sort list inside of a corrupted MPEG frame is "standard"? |
04:02:17 | safetydan | apev2 does have them. |
04:02:24 | safetydan | http://musicbrainz.org/doc/PicardQt/TagMapping |
04:02:33 | Llorean | Name a practical disadvantage, a *real* one, not "I don't want to be bothered with retagging my files" |
04:02:38 | saratoga | but we don't support APEv2 ... |
04:03:24 | safetydan | saratoga, not saying we do, just saying that all the major metadata formats have some form of sort tags |
04:04:34 | saratoga | so effectively, the argument comes down to one hack is prefered over another because we are too concerned about binary size to allocate a buffer of strings, and add a strcmp to the database? |
04:05:07 | Llorean | saratoga: No, you're trivializing it. |
04:05:48 | Llorean | saratoga: I've named several disadvantages to the string list. It's unusable for some people, not by choice but by the fact that multiple languages exist simultaneously |
04:06:04 | Llorean | Name some practical disadvantages of the sort tags that go beyond "Users don't like retagging their files" |
04:06:21 | saratoga | and I've pointed out that the methods are not mutually exclusive, unless we're too concerned about binary size to spare a few lines of c and a string buffer |
04:07:04 | Llorean | saratoga: Explain to me why a problem that's already solved should have more binary size devoted to it? |
04:07:16 | Llorean | Especially when the second solution is only a partial solution, to boot? |
04:07:27 | safetydan | saratoga, they're not mutually exclusive no. But I feel the "fixed list of things to ignore" method is far more of a hack than supporting sort tags. It has too many funny cases where it just doesn't work. |
04:07:33 | Llorean | When it decreases my buffer space on the Recorder. |
04:09:15 | saratoga | its solved, but in a manner that is unsatisfactory because it forces editing of tags simply to save a trivial amount of memory |
04:09:25 | Llorean | saratoga: Trivial adds up |
04:09:41 | Llorean | Why is your trivial more important than the trivial amount to show volume as a percent? |
04:10:05 | saratoga | you've already accepted a database, clearly theres an acceptable trade off in binary size verses functionalilty |
04:10:38 | Llorean | saratoga: A database allows things that *could not* be done before. |
04:10:47 | Llorean | Searching for songs based on tag content, specifically |
04:10:56 | saratoga | I have two real objections: we should be allowing sensible database behavior using only ID3v1 tags |
04:11:18 | saratoga | and we should never encourage or require people to edit tags for such trivial reasons |
04:11:19 | aaronw | has anyone here worked on hacking the ZVM? |
04:11:24 | Llorean | The database does behave sensibly with only ID3v1. |
04:11:51 | Llorean | I think "sorting by the string" is sensible enough behaviour. |
04:11:52 | saratoga | I don't consider c sort order sensible for a human readible device |
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04:12:08 | Llorean | That's a matter of opinion though |
04:12:15 | Llorean | Just as my thinking it is is. |
04:12:23 | safetydan | saratoga, that's a different issue. Localised collation support is huge (in effort and size) if you want to do it right. |
04:12:32 | Llorean | There are tags we support already that aren't in ID3v1, I believe |
04:13:00 | Llorean | And if their files were completely tagged already, they wouldn't *have* to retag their files |
04:13:08 | Llorean | So saying "they shouldn't have to edit their files" is a fallacious argument |
04:13:12 | | Quit aaronw ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
04:13:18 | saratoga | "completely tagged" is meaningless |
04:13:22 | Llorean | The sort order tags exist specifically for this case. |
04:13:28 | saratoga | A completely tagging ID3v2 tag is probably several MBs |
04:13:37 | saratoga | "tagged" |
04:13:53 | Llorean | Yes, but if they want a song placed in a position in a sort other than the one the title string fits in, they should edit the title sort tag. |
04:13:56 | Llorean | That's why they exist. |
04:14:30 | saratoga | I don't find "it exists in ID3v2.4" a very convincing justification for something |
04:14:41 | Llorean | Again, you're ignoring the other tagging formats. |
04:14:44 | Llorean | Please, stop doing that. |
04:15:15 | safetydan | Is "it exists in APEv2" a convincing argument? |
04:15:18 | Llorean | Saying "It doesn't work in the oldest format you support" is somewhat silly, especially if there's a case where it does. |
04:15:20 | saratoga | no |
04:15:47 | | Part TrueJournals |
04:15:51 | saratoga | though, since APEv2 is somewhat slimmer, its less ridiculous |
04:15:51 | Soap | Sorting by a secondary tag solves _so_ many issues. |
04:16:10 | Soap | I can sort "Zos Kia" by Coil (they changed their name) if I like |
04:16:31 | Soap | it allows me to sort all the variations of "A Silver Mt. Zion" together. |
04:17:02 | Soap | it allows people to put "Cream" under Eric Clapton in the database if they so choose. |
04:17:14 | saratoga | I never disputed that it works |
04:17:27 | Llorean | Soap: His argument is for adding a redundant option to also use the list, so that he doesn't have to retag his files. |
04:17:30 | saratoga | i'm simply saying its not a universal solution |
04:18:03 | saratoga | Llorean: thats a perfectly reasonible position given that I've been using APEv2 and ID3v1 |
04:18:08 | Llorean | saratoga: You're saying YOU will choose not to use this solution because of your refusal to use a specific tagging format. |
04:18:42 | Llorean | Your option takes MY buffer away because YOU refuse to use a tagging format. |
04:18:54 | saratoga | how much of your buffer space? |
04:19:04 | Llorean | It doesn't add *any* functionality that can't be gained by simply using the tagging formats Rockbox chooses to support as is. |
04:19:15 | Llorean | saratoga: A non-zero amount. |
04:19:36 | Llorean | saratoga: Trivial features do add up, as I said. Replication of functionality should be avoided where possible. |
04:19:46 | Llorean | If we coded three or four ways to do everything, we'd have a much larger binary already |
04:19:54 | saratoga | your position is absurb because it assumes that a byte of buffer space has infinite value |
04:20:19 | Llorean | It assumes a byte of buffer space has any value, and a replicated feature has zero value. |
04:20:27 | Llorean | Since the feature already exists. |
04:21:44 | Llorean | I just don't see "I choose not to use your implementation" as good cause for a second method to waste space. |
04:22:06 | saratoga | zero value to you perhaps |
04:22:15 | Soap | I, personally, don't dislike the idea of article removal, but think the sort-tag method is beautiful and elegant and kills (at least) two birds with one stone. |
04:22:52 | Llorean | Soap: I don't dislike the idea, I just like it less than the sort tag, and think that we *must* only implement one. We can't remove it later if binary size gets worse, so we should keep it out now. |
04:22:59 | Llorean | The binary size tracking table exists for a reason |
04:23:13 | saratoga | we have plenty of memory on nearly all targets though |
04:23:22 | saratoga | why not just #if it out on old targets |
04:23:38 | Llorean | I don't see "plenty of memory" as a license to waste it. |
04:23:50 | saratoga | its not waste if most people will use it |
04:24:10 | scorche | because they run Rockbox...not Rockbox without a lot of features...we want Rockbox to be as similar as possible between targets |
04:24:13 | Llorean | And if it weren't there, most people would use the other method. |
04:24:14 | | Quit paul_stead (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:24:20 | Llorean | So long as a script existed to create the tags for 'em |
04:24:46 | saratoga | heh, why build the database on the device? we could save more memory if we built it on the PC. . . |
04:25:09 | Llorean | saratoga: Actually, it should be a plugin IMHO |
04:25:33 | Llorean | But being able to use the database is considered core functionality. |
04:25:45 | saratoga | does the database currently monitor the disk for updates? |
04:25:59 | saratoga | otherwise, I'd say a plugin to build it would be reasonible |
04:26:10 | Llorean | Yeah, it does. |
04:26:53 | saratoga | rather then update tags, could we simply have a plugin that edited the database's sort order within memory or the disk ? |
04:27:24 | saratoga | or do the two have to remain completely syncrhonized? |
04:27:38 | saratoga | that would really seem ideal, move all this stuff into a database setting plugin to get it out of the core |
04:28:21 | saratoga | though, like the tag method, this is somewhat less automatic then most people are probably expecting to see |
04:28:30 | saratoga | at least anyone whos used an ipod |
04:29:05 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-71-56-227-141.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
04:30:17 | safetydan | The iPod has iTunes acting as an outboard database manipulation tool. The iPod itself doesn't really do anything with the iTunes database but read it. |
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04:38:02 | saratoga | safetydan: I know. I pitched in ages ago for a bit when the format was reverse engineered |
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06:00 |
06:05:03 | | Quit rotator () |
06:11:00 | sitwon | I'm having problems with the database on my Sansa e280. It seems that whenever I try to initialize the DB it misses tracks that the file browser shows are in fact on my device. |
06:11:53 | Soap | first though...if file browser sees them and database does not...are they properly tagged? |
06:12:07 | sitwon | it's not a tag issue because I've retagged several albums and found no difference. Also, it seems to affect tracks at random. after on initialization a track will dissappear, and then after another it will reappear but a different track will disappear |
06:12:51 | sitwon | the file browser shows they're there and plays them fine and brings up all the proper tag information, I just can't get the DB to consistently add ALL my tracks |
06:13:13 | sitwon | it seems I always end up with a few albums that are missing a few tracks that were previously discovered normally |
06:19:57 | sitwon | also, if I turn on "Load to RAM" then each time I restart my whole DB disappears and has to be reinitialized |
06:25:09 | | Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
06:27:50 | sitwon | A good example is my Weezer music. in the last 15 minutes I've initialized the DB about 10 times and restarted my sansa about 4 times. Sometimes the database shows 4 all four albums, sometimes only three, and most of the tracks in the Blue Album do the dissapearing/reappearing thing. I haven't found any pattern yet. This is very frustrating. |
06:28:16 | sitwon | A good example is my Weezer music. in the last 15 minutes I've initialized the DB about 10 times and restarted my sansa about 4 times. Sometimes the database shows 4 all four albums, sometimes only three, and most of the tracks in the Blue Album do the dissapearing/reappearing thing. I haven't found any pattern yet. This is very frustrating. |
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07:00 |
07:04:53 | sitwon | whatever Dir Cache does... it seems to affect which tracks appear and which don't. if it's on, I lose some of my Weezer music, if it's off, I lose some track from Train and Stellastar |
07:06:07 | safetydan | sitwon, dircache caches the directory structure and filenames in memory to save hard drive spinups. I don't think there are any open bugs against it at the moment. How old is the build you're using? |
07:06:31 | sitwon | I downloaded it this morning |
07:07:38 | sitwon | Ver. r13620-070611 |
07:07:46 | sitwon | wait |
07:07:48 | sitwon | yea |
07:08:03 | sitwon | that's the version number it reports |
07:10:30 | safetydan | Just speculating here, but it may be that dircache is being affected by some filesystem corruption. Have you tried a chkdsk on your Sansa? |
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07:12:45 | sitwon | yea, I thought that too so I plugged it into my Windows laptop and ran Diskeeper and then Scandisk on it |
07:12:59 | sitwon | but that didn't fix the problem |
07:14:16 | safetydan | sitwon, unfortunately I can't really help much as I don't know tagcache/dircache very well. If you can hang around until the European devs wakeup you can try and get a hold of Slasheri who's the main tagcache guy. |
07:14:26 | safetydan | Either that, or raise a bug through Flyspray. |
07:31:07 | | Join grndslm [0] (n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net) |
07:38:24 | | Join davina_ [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
07:40:08 | | Quit grndslm ("Leaving") |
07:41:01 | | Join otih_ [0] (n=otih@p54A4E3DC.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:43:45 | | Quit flami (Remote closed the connection) |
07:48:04 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967DAB.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:49:42 | | Join MX-G [0] (n=MX-G@ |
07:49:53 | MX-G | only one question |
07:50:00 | MX-G | well 2 questions |
07:50:22 | MX-G | what the recording option can do? |
07:55:48 | | Quit otih (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:56:01 | | Quit midkay (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
07:56:25 | safetydan | MX-G, record obviously. Perhaps a read of the manual might clear things up for you? |
07:56:39 | MX-G | it's in english -_- |
07:56:41 | MX-G | :P |
07:57:01 | MX-G | there are a lot of thing that i cant understand correctly |
07:57:21 | scorche | well, it is the same english we speak in here |
07:57:49 | | Join combrains [0] (n=combrain@125-237-205-145.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) |
07:58:05 | MX-G | well |
07:58:08 | MX-G | what manual? |
07:58:13 | combrains | hi all - a question about the monkey's audio codec... |
07:58:16 | MX-G | that one on the title? |
07:58:34 | combrains | how useable and how stable is it at the moment? |
07:58:50 | | Join austriancoder [0] (n=austrian@ |
07:59:28 | safetydan | MX-G, http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml |
07:59:47 | austriancoder | jhMikeS: ping |
07:59:59 | MX-G | thanks |
08:00 |
08:00:04 | safetydan | combrains, I believe it's usable on the GigaBeat, but other targets not so much. |
08:01:25 | combrains | sweetbix - up to what compression level? If I have interpreted the comment on the commits correctly - I understand it to be about 3? Or will I be able to go higher on a gigabeat? |
08:03:21 | markun | combrains: that's right |
08:03:40 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
08:03:55 | combrains | markun: which part? I can go higher or I can only go up to 3? |
08:04:03 | scorche | 3 is realtime on the gigabeat according to the commits.... |
08:04:50 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
08:05:07 | markun | combrains: linuxstb told me that 4 was probably doable, but it doesn't look good for the levels above that |
08:05:19 | combrains | excellent - im considering re-encoding my cd's coz it sounds like a god codec |
08:05:27 | combrains | better than FLAC even |
08:05:36 | scorche | well, FLAC is lossless.. |
08:05:47 | scorche | and has much wider support |
08:05:47 | combrains | but is pretty big |
08:06:31 | krazykit | ape is the same size as flac, though, isn't it? just about? |
08:06:42 | MX-G | :( |
08:06:48 | scorche | well, they are both lossless, but i dont knwo the comparison |
08:07:03 | MX-G | i can't be able to record until i get that apple's microphone |
08:07:11 | krazykit | all the lossless codecs are pretty close to each other, afaik. |
08:07:51 | scorche | well, FLAC is extremely efficient on Rockbox as well...much more so than monkeys |
08:07:52 | combrains | plus, if the monkey's audio is to be believed, I could reverse the compression and give someone else the original wave file to do as they pleased |
08:07:56 | krazykit | combrains, but it's a good idea to rip to lossless anyway. you can transcode to any lossy format at any compression level you like without having to rerip everything. you just run a program and let it go. |
08:08:09 | combrains | krazykit, ture that |
08:08:12 | krazykit | combrains, such is the definition of lossless. you can do that with all of them |
08:08:15 | scorche | combrains: that is the definition of lossless, yes |
08:08:16 | safetydan | combrains, which is the same as FLAC or ALAC |
08:08:25 | combrains | ah ic |
08:08:39 | scorche | honestly, if you are going lossless, you are much better off ripping to flac |
08:09:04 | combrains | scorche, really? |
08:09:08 | krazykit | flac is the most widely supported format, really |
08:09:09 | scorche | yes |
08:09:21 | combrains | allreghty then |
08:09:29 | combrains | *allrighty then |
08:09:30 | scorche | flac is much more efficient and more widely used, as i mentioned earlier |
08:10:16 | | Quit MX-G ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
08:10:24 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
08:11:40 | combrains | the only thing that has put me off lossless in the past was the size, but I have just bought a new external HDD for my lappy so I think its a go-er now |
08:11:49 | combrains | cheers guys |
08:12:09 | | Quit combrains ("Rockbox Rocks :)") |
08:13:28 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
08:15:45 | austriancoder | should audiohw_init() return 0 on success -1 on failure, or simply asume a void function? |
08:19:05 | sitwon | I submitted to Flyspray, hopefully someone will look into it and fix it. |
08:19:10 | | Join bdgraue [0] (n=bdgraue@dyndsl-085-016-107-037.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
08:19:34 | JdGordon | austriancoder: 0 is success is the usual method... unless there isnt really any chance of it faiing? |
08:20:22 | austriancoder | I dont know if audiocodec init cna fail? It can fail ony caused by programming errors |
08:20:49 | austriancoder | or the hardware is dead... at the moment the callers of audiohw_init() dont check the return value |
08:21:21 | JdGordon | s just leave it as void |
08:21:23 | JdGordon | so* |
08:21:31 | | Part safetydan |
08:21:38 | | Part toffe82_ |
08:21:42 | | Quit sitwon ("Leaving") |
08:22:53 | austriancoder | fine :) |
08:24:01 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
08:24:12 | bdgraue | i have an ipod 80GB and successful installed rockbox, thx for that good piece of software, i have installed fonts, but i miss some chinese fonts in there, is there anything i have to do, to read chinese words in rockbox? |
08:24:29 | scorche | bdgraue: you will want to choose a unicode fontr |
08:24:56 | bdgraue | scorche: ok, i'll try that |
08:28:15 | | Join GodEater_ [0] (n=bryan@bb-87-80-121-64.ukonline.co.uk) |
08:29:31 | bdgraue | scorche: thank a lot, it works, damn this is really fine work, you all are great |
08:37:59 | markun | bdgraue: a few more free fonts which support chinese would be great |
08:38:08 | markun | let us know if you find any |
08:39:07 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.dsl.t-2.net) |
08:39:33 | | Join lymeca_ [0] (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca) |
08:42:30 | bdgraue | markun: i myself are not chinese and i can't read chinese, my wife is, but if i find something i will tell you |
08:43:58 | | Quit lymeca (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
08:46:37 | bdgraue | markun: does something like http://www.chinese-tools.com/resources/free-chinese-fonts.html help you? |
08:48:44 | markun | bdgraue: thanks |
08:49:26 | markun | one problem is that the fonts don't always turn out very readable when you convert them to smaller bitmap fonts (to be used by rockbox) |
08:51:39 | bdgraue | markun: i don't know how to confert fonts for rockbox, can you give me a link, where i can read how to do that, and i will try to convert some fonts and if they readable... |
08:52:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:52:30 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
08:52:31 | markun | http://crl.nmsu.edu/~mleisher/ttf2bdf.html |
08:54:50 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B14EB3.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:56:08 | scorche | markun: to settle something is it markoon or markuhn? |
08:56:20 | * | amiconn doesn't believe that this 'the' issue popped up a second time |
08:57:05 | amiconn | Imho that's a neglectably small issue compared to the lack of proper collation |
08:57:31 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
09:00 |
09:03:13 | GodEater_ | amiconn: feel free to make your point of view heard in the thread then :) |
09:06:27 | | Quit lape (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:09:28 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848113.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
09:09:35 | | Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:11:17 | markun | scorche: it sounds the same to me |
09:11:27 | markun | markoon |
09:11:36 | midkay | it's MARKUHN. trust me on this. |
09:11:44 | scorche | >_> |
09:12:03 | markun | with the stress on the long 'oo' sounds |
09:12:05 | markun | sound |
09:12:12 | petur | markun: did you get my PM yesterday evening? |
09:12:15 | | Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:12:18 | markun | petur: yes |
09:12:23 | petur | ok |
09:12:24 | midkay | markun: i know your nick better than you do. it's markuhn. trust me! :) |
09:12:26 | markun | let's hope it was free then :) |
09:12:33 | petur | lol |
09:12:35 | markun | midkay: ah, alright :) |
09:12:40 | scorche | markuhn = the u sounds like the u in up |
09:12:42 | midkay | HA! VICTORY! |
09:12:43 | markun | midkee |
09:12:57 | markun | (dutch version of your nick) |
09:13:21 | scorche | i will take a victory over this with markoon then =) |
09:13:55 | | Quit Arathis (Client Quit) |
09:14:08 | * | markun feels defeated.. |
09:14:20 | scorche | no...a victory over midkay =) |
09:14:43 | markun | :) |
09:19:33 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:19:36 | amiconn | GodEater: I was referring to the discussion here; didn't check the forum |
09:20:25 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
09:22:43 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@ |
09:22:59 | | Part kaaloo |
09:24:38 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
09:27:15 | | Join SeanInglis [0] (i=d99ea8c7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2f51ac5813ab1988) |
09:30:50 | SeanInglis | Hi, could I get write access to the Twiki? I can feel a minor addition coming on. |
09:32:07 | SeanInglis | Web interface is abit, umm, variable from work, so apologies if I double post. |
09:32:51 | | Join silje [0] (n=silje@217-234-186.400720.adsl.tele2.no) |
09:33:26 | B4gder | SeanInglis: you using this name in the wiki? |
09:34:56 | SeanInglis | Oh, yes, should have said rather than relying on other users' psychic powers. |
09:35:19 | B4gder | yeah the psychic department are a bit slow at this hour of the day ;-) |
09:35:25 | B4gder | lazy bastards |
09:35:54 | B4gder | SeanInglis: write permission granted! |
09:36:04 | SeanInglis | Knew you'd say that. Cheers! |
09:37:07 | | Quit kkurbjun (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:38:43 | | Part SeanInglis |
09:38:54 | | Nick lymeca_ is now known as lymeca (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca) |
09:46:15 | | Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
09:48:32 | bdgraue | are there progress in mpegplayer-plugin to make it work faster on ipod? 0fps is not really good ;) |
09:48:50 | bdgraue | 10fps |
09:49:23 | | Quit Bjoern-Erik (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:49:42 | | Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
09:49:55 | linuxstb | bdgraue: Which ipod do you have? |
09:50:06 | bdgraue | 80GB |
09:52:17 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
09:53:08 | linuxstb | As far as I know, no-one is working on optimising mpegplayer, and no-one is working on reverse-engineering the ipod video's video decoding chip. |
09:53:22 | bdgraue | :( |
09:53:37 | bdgraue | linuxstb: thx for the information |
09:53:45 | markun | bdgraue: maybe something for you? |
09:54:14 | bdgraue | markun: sry, i didn't understand the question |
09:54:56 | markun | bdgraue: maybe working on optimizing mpegplayer or reverse-engineering the ipod video's video decoding chip is something for you? |
09:55:03 | bdgraue | ohh |
09:55:23 | bdgraue | markun: i have no idea how to do that, but i would if i could |
09:56:42 | markun | hopefully someone else will look into it then |
09:57:27 | bdgraue | markun: what do i have to know , that i can do something like that? |
09:57:45 | * | linuxstb is confused - his ARM optimisation for Monkey's Audio is giving about 11% speedup on the ipod, but less than 1% on the Gigabeat... |
09:58:03 | bdgraue | if someone push me the right way, who knows, sometimes... |
09:59:27 | markun | bdgraue: C programming and maybe ARM assembly for mpegplayer optimizing |
09:59:59 | markun | and I don't really know what you could do to reverse-engineer the broadcom chip |
10:00 |
10:01:23 | lazka | can anyone tell me where i can get the sources for arm-elf-gcc for linux? |
10:01:37 | | Join JackalSMP [0] (n=jasonsmi@pool-71-177-11-141.lsanca.fios.verizon.net) |
10:01:43 | lazka | (or a debian package) |
10:02:07 | JackalSMP | can i ask how do i remove rockbox from my ipod video ? |
10:02:25 | scorche | lazka: run rockboxdev.sh |
10:03:20 | JackalSMP | nm |
10:04:04 | lazka | scorche: nice, thx |
10:05:11 | JdGordon | austriancoder: love the commit message... |
10:05:31 | austriancoder | JdGordon: ;) |
10:07:37 | scorche | heh...i was laughing about that too |
10:08:02 | | Quit ptw419 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:08:11 | JdGordon | as if the others need more reasons to get annoyed at me... :D |
10:08:40 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC") |
10:08:52 | | Part JackalSMP |
10:10:33 | JdGordon | pixelma: amiconn: back on the recording directory patch... If you dont want a spin up when the rec screen is entered, and you want it to not even try recording if it cant write to the dir, wuold it be best if on boot it tries reading the disk and then splashes a big "cant write" splash when the rec screen is entered? |
10:11:43 | petur | that sounds like a hack - what if the dir got created by the user? what about automatic rec dir creation? |
10:11:59 | pixelma | also: what about removeable cards? |
10:12:05 | petur | aye |
10:12:08 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("Leaving") |
10:12:54 | petur | can't we start recording and then force a flush to disk to detect diskwrite? |
10:13:43 | petur | hmmm you'd still have spinup noise when recording internal mic |
10:14:12 | petur | so only do it ir recdir is on removable media? |
10:15:54 | petur | s/ir/if |
10:17:31 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
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10:28:36 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
10:31:11 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
10:34:09 | JdGordon | petur: yeah, its a big hack.. but really, I cant see any other way to make everyone happy |
10:36:26 | JdGordon | pixelma: as for removable cards, the only devices with them dont have a noisy hard disk, so a spin up wouldnt effct the recording ayway |
10:36:51 | pixelma | btwyou could already get in a situation where a diskwrite is not possible when the "disk is full" |
10:36:53 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) |
10:37:22 | JdGordon | yeah, but you dont realise untill the buffer tries to flush. |
10:37:58 | lazka | http://nopaste.php-q.net/301044 - icon is missing.. |
10:40:25 | | Quit gtkspert (Remote closed the connection) |
10:40:32 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
10:42:07 | pixelma | JdGordon: that's assuming there never will be HD devices with removeable memory but if maybe one day it will be possible to record to an external usb device on H300 or even X5? |
10:42:25 | JdGordon | well, yeah |
10:42:30 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@host217-41-62-170.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |
10:42:43 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@ |
10:43:12 | * | petur is very much away |
10:43:41 | JdGordon | hmm.. we could actually use my above idea with remoable cards also... |
10:44:54 | safetydan | amiconn: do you think Rockbox could support proper locale sensitive collation? It seems like a big chunk of code. |
10:44:59 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
10:45:08 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
10:46:00 | | Join gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@gateless.info) |
10:46:35 | JdGordon | pixelma: I guess the bes way would be another setting so the user can choose if they want to check the rec folder before starting or not? |
10:47:02 | JdGordon | if hat is set to off then the current behaviour happens if the folder isnt writable (you get the disk full error) |
10:49:07 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=vaSSSnRC@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
10:49:14 | JdGordon | anyone... yes/no/? |
10:50:43 | pixelma | safetydan: you mean strip "die" if I chose german as language file and not if I have it on "english"? I would find that quite stupid because most of my music is in english but I got some in other languages as well - I also like to switch between 3 lang-files (just for the fun of it) |
10:51:20 | safetydan | pixelma: no, simpler than that. Which comes first Å or A? |
10:51:54 | safetydan | basically at the moment Rockbox sorts strings in "asciibetical" order so accented characters come last. Which for some (probably most) languages isn't correct. |
10:52:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:53:48 | pixelma | safetydan: oh sorry - but I guess it's quite complicated as that can be different through the languages |
10:54:06 | | Join Bjoern-Erik [0] (n=Bjoern@108.80-202-110.nextgentel.com) |
10:56:08 | pixelma | JdGordon: couldn't it try to write to the user set directory first and when that fails write to its own created /recording directory - or would that take too long? |
10:56:09 | JdGordon | I wonder if we can load the sort order like a .fnt or .kbd ? |
10:56:41 | JdGordon | pixelma: I thought you didnt want that because if you try writing to he mmc and it fails it wll write to internal which wont have enouhg space.... |
10:56:55 | bluebrother | why not add a sorting order hint to the lang files? |
10:57:56 | B4gder | that's a cool idea |
10:58:10 | pixelma | JdGordon: hmm.. didn't remember. Excuse: wasn't me who spoke up against that ;) |
10:58:55 | JdGordon | oh ok, thought that was you :) |
10:59:32 | JdGordon | I think adding the option is the best non-hack option |
11:00 |
11:00:44 | JdGordon | speaking of the lang files... hows the cleanup patch coming? |
11:01:29 | | Join BjoernErik [0] (n=Bjoern@108.80-202-110.nextgentel.com) |
11:04:41 | | Quit Bjoern-Erik (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
11:06:04 | | Quit lids (Remote closed the connection) |
11:07:18 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c246d7dc24c9db90) |
11:09:14 | crop | In the sound settings, there is the channel options 'stereo' and 'custom.' And there is also an option for stereo width. Wouldn't it be more intuitive to just have 'stereo' for channel mode and apply the stereo width always and not only for 'custom' (which can be removed then)? |
11:10:26 | markun | should swedish tracks be ordered with the german rules if you select the german lang file? |
11:10:37 | amiconn | JdGordon: A spinup on entering the recording screen is okay, that's how it works now anyway. What I meant was that there shouldn't be a spinup when starting the recording |
11:11:06 | JdGordon | oh, OK, then the patch on the tracker is ready to go? |
11:11:18 | pixelma | JdGordon: haven't tested yet... |
11:11:30 | JdGordon | go test :) |
11:12:01 | JdGordon | amiconn: can one of the fat filename patches get commited so it doesnt start creating <MMC> flders? |
11:12:11 | amiconn | safetydan: I know that locale sensitive collation would be a huge blob of code. But not having that makes tiny things like leaving out articles for sorting an irrelevant problem, not worth any additional code |
11:12:27 | | Quit silje (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
11:12:41 | | Part austriancoder ("Kopete 0.12.4 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
11:12:49 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848113.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
11:13:12 | amiconn | JdGordon: A fat filename patch should be committed first, but I didn't get around checking them out yet |
11:13:34 | | Quit Arathis (Client Quit) |
11:13:57 | JdGordon | they both are exactly the same, xcept one uses strchr and one loops through the filename manually.. |
11:14:12 | JdGordon | other than that they both just move code around... they are safe |
11:19:56 | JdGordon | is it posible t grab the rockbox sources without the manual folder? |
11:23:12 | amiconn | Sure. Just check out the dirs you want instead of the whole trunk |
11:23:14 | | Join HellDragon_ [0] (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
11:23:36 | JdGordon | trunk just finished dling :p |
11:23:40 | * | JdGordon knows for next time |
11:29:32 | | Quit bospaadje (Remote closed the connection) |
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11:33:09 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
11:34:42 | | Quit HellDragon (Connection timed out) |
11:36:56 | pixelma | bluebrother: do you know anything about the error message that occurs now at the end of building a pdf manual (even though building successfull)? |
11:38:05 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
11:41:01 | lazka | what's the command for searching text in the source folder? |
11:41:04 | JdGordon | if you do snprintf(....,"%s%s%s",a,b,c); and any of them are "" will it still do a correct copy? i.e if a is "" you will still get a string with b and c? |
11:41:18 | JdGordon | lazka: grep -nr "stuff t find" |
11:41:28 | lazka | JdGordon: thank you |
11:46:22 | GodEater_ | JdGordon: do you mean is string a is null ? |
11:46:31 | JdGordon | yeah |
11:46:43 | JdGordon | Im pretty sure you would get the expected string.. but not 100% |
11:46:45 | GodEater_ | I'm pretty sure you'd still end up with b and c |
11:46:49 | GodEater_ | hehe - ditto :) |
11:48:04 | GodEater_ | one thing though, doesn't snprintf also take a numeric argument ? |
11:48:12 | JdGordon | yes |
11:48:22 | JdGordon | thats whats the .... was for |
11:48:25 | lazka | JdGordon: only grep? it does nothing here.. like an infinite loop :/ |
11:48:27 | GodEater_ | ah ok sorry |
11:49:02 | GodEater_ | lazka, it might take a while, the source tree is quite big |
11:49:16 | GodEater_ | I think you might also need to specify a trailing "." to it as well |
11:49:33 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host33-206-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
11:49:57 | GodEater_ | lazka, yeah, you need to do "grep -nr "stuff you're looking for" ." |
11:50:11 | lazka | GodEater: ah, i see, thx |
11:50:24 | GodEater_ | otherwise I think grep also searchs the parent directories, which might take a LOOOOONG time |
11:52:21 | JdGordon | also, excluding the .svn folder would be good.... |
11:52:25 | crop | Hm... No comments on stereo width setting? |
11:57:03 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
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12:00:40 | | Part maffe |
12:01:00 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
12:09:05 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
12:13:04 | markun | crop: what kind of comments? |
12:24:00 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ |
12:25:43 | bluebrother | pixelma: I assume that error is related to dash. Will look into it, I also had a good idea how to solve the dash issue for building (which also makes it possible using different names for the manuals, wanted to do this quite a while). |
12:25:59 | bluebrother | gtg now, I hope to get it done in the next days. |
12:26:12 | pixelma | why dash? I'm on cygwin... |
12:26:34 | pixelma | have to go soon tooo |
12:26:40 | pixelma | -o |
12:28:39 | crop | markun: see my post a little bit earlier about channel setting and stereo width. We could eliminate one setting IMHO |
12:32:39 | crop | markun: 11:09 in the log |
12:32:44 | markun | crop: yes, I found it |
12:32:49 | markun | and agree with it |
12:33:44 | | Part pixelma |
12:33:54 | crop | Ok, so my logic is not twisted! :-) |
12:34:07 | markun | amiconn: what do you think about it? (begin the only person I know who uses stereo width) |
12:35:21 | markun | s/begin/being/ |
12:35:32 | amiconn | markun, crop: I'm not sure whether I would like that. For one, switching between stereo, mono and custom is faster than adjusting stereo width all the time. Of course this is solvable by using .cfg files, as I do anyway |
12:36:16 | | Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ |
12:36:43 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:37:38 | amiconn | Apart from that there is no further problem on hwcodec as the stereo matrix is applied in the mas (and is applied anyway), but on swcodec 'custom' and 100% stereo width might use slightly more cpu than plain 'stereo' |
12:41:24 | amiconn | And removing 'stereo' and 'mono' won't save much, I think |
12:42:13 | amiconn | The other choices (mono left, mono right, karaoke, and of course custom) need to stay as they aren't replaceable by 'stereo width' |
12:43:43 | linuxstb_ | crop: Maybe the problem is just the naming of the options - I agree that it's not obvious that "custom" means the stereo width setting. IMO, it's similar to the EQ, where you can turn the EQ on and off separately to configuring it, which as amiconn said, seems useful. |
12:45:44 | crop | amiconn: yes, mono left and right should stay. And I'd say mono as well. But then, stereo should also be retained. Stereo and mono are just two special cases of stereo width (from the user's perspective, they may use different code). So we could leave everything as it is now. I just remembered how I wandered when I changed the stereo width and nothing happened |
12:48:01 | crop | linuxstb_: would 'wide stereo' be a better name? |
12:49:18 | | Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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12:50:32 | | Part maffe |
12:50:46 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
12:51:13 | amiconn | crop: 'wide stereo' would be incorrect, as stereo width can also be <100% |
12:52:20 | crop | amiconn: it's still wide, its width is just < 100% Everything that has a width is wide :-))) |
12:52:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:52:45 | crop | Custom width stereo? |
12:53:28 | amiconn | -> shortened to 'custom' ... |
12:53:41 | | Quit BjoernErik (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
12:54:26 | safetydan | Anyone familiar with the id3 parser code? |
12:55:01 | crop | amiconn: Just "custom" doesn't provide enough information since there are also options for mono. So it isn't clear that we have custom *stereo* |
12:56:12 | preglow | yeah, that particular naming has always somewhat annoyed me |
12:57:52 | amiconn | crop: it's also mono if width is set to 0% |
12:58:06 | | Quit Thundercloud__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:00 |
13:00:15 | crop | amiconn: yes, but 'mono' sounds (as in 'means') something different to the user than 'stereo'. Both can be described with the 'width' parameter but these two words have been around for so long that they are seen as two 'fundamental' modes |
13:00:50 | linuxstb_ | Does "Channel Width" make any sense? At least it's then more obvious that the "Channel Configuration" and "Channel Width" settings work together as a pair. |
13:02:50 | crop | Don't we already have 'channel width' setting? But it's only used when 'custom' is set as the channel mode |
13:03:00 | preglow | that's stereo width, not channel width |
13:03:08 | preglow | channel width as an expression doesn't really make sense |
13:03:34 | preglow | it implies you change the width within one channel, and that's not possible |
13:04:47 | | Join Bjoern-Erik [0] (n=Bjoern@108.80-202-110.nextgentel.com) |
13:06:06 | linuxstb_ | OK. Next suggestion - change "Custom" to "Stereo Width" in the Channel Configuration setting. |
13:07:49 | preglow | sounds better |
13:09:51 | | Join KiOui [0] (n=yan@87.107.70-86.rev.gaoland.net) |
13:10:33 | KiOui | Hi Guys : Does knyone know how wheels are handled into Rockbox's core ? |
13:11:11 | KiOui | Purpose: Patching the iPod target to make the iPod wheel acts more as the original firmware |
13:11:15 | crop | linuxstb_: but 'stereo width' means that you're about to set a width (the stereo one in this case), not the channel mode |
13:11:46 | linuxstb_ | KiOui: The button driver sends BUTTON_SCROLL_FWD and BUTTON_SCROLL_BACK events to the code in apps/, which then deals with them... |
13:11:46 | safetydan | KiOui, the source is your best bet. |
13:12:15 | linuxstb_ | crop: But "custom" means "use the Stereo Width setting". |
13:12:17 | crop | Or do you mean that when you change that setting (e.g. set the width to be 60%) you automatically change to 'custom width'? |
13:12:39 | linuxstb_ | crop: I mean to keep everything as it is today, but simply rename "Custom" to say "Stereo Width" |
13:13:12 | crop | And what's the name of the setting for the actual width? |
13:13:25 | linuxstb_ | Still the same - "Stereo Width" |
13:13:49 | crop | But these are two different settings. Or do I miss something? |
13:14:39 | linuxstb_ | One setting is "Channel Configuration", with an option called "Stereo Width". The other setting is called "Stereo Width", with the % values as options. |
13:15:04 | crop | 'Custom' means 'I want to set a stereo width other than 100% (pure stereo) and other than 0% (pure mono)'. And the desired width is set under 'Stereo width' |
13:15:05 | KiOui | linuxstb_: thanks |
13:15:14 | linuxstb_ | crop: Exactly. |
13:15:53 | crop | linuxstb_: but then having two settings with exactly the same name but different meaning is confusing IMHO |
13:16:17 | linuxstb_ | crop: It isn't two settings with the same name - see my previous comment. |
13:17:38 | crop | linuxstb_: ah, the *option* called 'stereo width'. Now I see. But I'd call it 'custom stereo width'. It suggests that you can customize something. |
13:18:36 | | Join lids [0] (n=lds@msl73-1-82-247-165-89.fbx.proxad.net) |
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13:23:30 | | Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
13:23:49 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Nick collision from services.) |
13:25:20 | crop | linuxstb_: or 'See "stereo width"' :-) |
13:28:32 | amiconn | Could also be 'variable width', but in fact I prefer short option names like 'custom' |
13:29:26 | KiOui | Is there any get_tick_count() or something in Rockbox's core that can returns a milli-second time since rockbox started ? |
13:29:49 | KiOui | I plan to use it to do something like a wheel time-based acceleration |
13:30:17 | B4gder | current_tick is the number of ticks since boot |
13:30:25 | B4gder | 100HZ |
13:30:31 | B4gder | Hz |
13:31:27 | crop | amiconn: ok, you are the master! And, in fact, it's clear once you've figured it out. But it was not clear for me the first time I used it. |
13:32:52 | preglow | amiconn: sure, short names are good, but in this case it doesn't really explain what you just selected |
13:33:04 | preglow | and it sure as hell doesn't imply that the stereo width option in the menu is now active |
13:33:07 | linuxstb | amiconn: I agree short options are nice, but shouldn't the priority be to make them understandable? I don't think it's obvious that "custom" in the "channel configuration" setting refers to the Stereo Width setting. (what preglow just said...) |
13:33:08 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
13:33:21 | preglow | :) |
13:33:33 | safetydan | http://pastebin.ca/563960 <- weirdly applying that patch fixes my parsing issues with id3v2.4 files. |
13:33:54 | * | linuxstb wonders how to weirdly apply a patch |
13:34:14 | KiOui | B4gder: Is current_tick exported by default anywhere in the sourcecode? |
13:34:18 | * | safetydan curses a lack of a comma leading to unintended interpretations |
13:34:32 | GodEater_ | linuxstb: whilst standing on your head with a finger in your ear weird enough ? |
13:34:36 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
13:34:59 | linuxstb | GodEater_: I would call that dangerously applying a patch |
13:35:01 | B4gder | KiOui: kernel.h |
13:35:19 | KiOui | B4gder: Thanks |
13:35:32 | safetydan | I'm not comfortable committing that change as it's pretty fundamental code. That, and no one else seems to have noticed problems parsing id3v2.4 tags. |
13:35:36 | GodEater_ | linuxstb: touche |
13:37:41 | linuxstb | safetydan: So is totframelen calculated wrongly in your files? |
13:39:33 | safetydan | linuxstb: no I think it's correct, it just seems that seek isn't needed any more |
13:40:08 | safetydan | I've tested parsing with a variety of id3v2 tagged files and they all still seem to work. |
13:41:21 | linuxstb | safetydan: I don't use id3 tags, so can't help. But you could always revert a commit if it caused problems. |
13:41:58 | safetydan | linuxstb: true, but it's far too late in the evening for me to be doing that. I'll be asleep before the build completes :) |
13:42:17 | B4gder | safetydan: I would say it indicates a problem in the framelen code for 2.4 or a weird tag in your song... |
13:42:38 | B4gder | I see that the code is specially crafted for 2.4 |
13:42:53 | B4gder | line 751 |
13:42:54 | safetydan | B4gder: this was across multiple files from different tagging programs so I think it's a general 2.4 problem. |
13:45:18 | B4gder | and line 718 too |
13:49:56 | | Join austriancoder [0] (n=austrian@ |
13:51:33 | safetydan | something somewhere in that code is off by 4 bytes when counting where to seek to the next frame |
13:51:38 | safetydan | but I'll have to pick this up tomorrow |
13:51:40 | safetydan | night all |
13:51:48 | | Quit safetydan (Remote closed the connection) |
13:52:42 | austriancoder | petur: ping |
13:55:14 | | Join Freso [0] (n=freso@cpe.atm2-0-76567.0x535a3f0e.boanxx18.customer.tele.dk) |
13:55:32 | petur | plonk |
13:56:44 | austriancoder | petur: I have looked at the wasabi stack and i can not find any info that this can can be also used as device stack |
13:58:00 | petur | strange... did you try to follow where the functions in the DC directory are leading to? |
13:58:18 | petur | I'll have a look myself tonight |
13:59:07 | austriancoder | petur: I have not found any device descriptor for one of the offerd classes |
13:59:33 | petur | hmmmm |
13:59:40 | austriancoder | petur: I have a good idea how the device stack (part) will look like :) |
14:00 |
14:00:13 | petur | ok |
14:01:24 | | Quit The-Compiler (Remote closed the connection) |
14:01:50 | | Join lymeca_ [0] (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca) |
14:01:53 | austriancoder | the driver need only to offer functions to work with endpoints... so called gadged drivers like midi use the driver. |
14:01:59 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
14:02:19 | austriancoder | will begin to define datatypes and the ep interface |
14:02:27 | petur | good |
14:02:57 | petur | endpoints and descriptors is what it's all about |
14:03:10 | austriancoder | its inspired by the linux usb gadget source |
14:03:14 | austriancoder | and usb requests |
14:05:17 | * | KiOui thinks ... Seems to be that we cannot handle wheel acceleration directly into target/arm/ipod/button-clickwheel.c due to slow interrupts delivering |
14:06:02 | | Quit lymeca (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
14:06:09 | dionoea | isn't there already some acceleration code / patch in the tracker ? |
14:10:20 | austriancoder | are structs with function pointers tolerated for RockBox? |
14:10:49 | KiOui | dionoea: Maybe, I'm looking for it but don't anow flyspray very well |
14:11:22 | petur | austriancoder: why not? |
14:11:54 | austriancoder | petur: as OO is not very loved by linus an co |
14:12:32 | amiconn | There are lots of function pointers in various structs |
14:12:37 | | Quit B4gder ("It is time to say MOOO") |
14:12:53 | XavierGr | amiconn: did you fiddle with yout vmware image more? |
14:13:30 | petur | austriancoder: the plugin api is also a struct with fnpointers |
14:13:30 | XavierGr | another small gain is to type "find -name info" and then delete all these folders (except the proc ones) |
14:13:39 | amiconn | Nope. But the 138MB are still including g++ |
14:13:42 | * | austriancoder hmm.. okay will use structs of function pointers for device part of the stack |
14:14:08 | amiconn | I ditched /usr/share/info, /usr/share/locale and /usr/share/doc |
14:14:29 | XavierGr | yeah me too, but I ditched all the info folders |
14:14:36 | XavierGr | also the localised man pages |
14:15:20 | * | petur tries to concentrate on payed work... there's just too much of it :( |
14:16:32 | linuxstb | KiOui: What's the problem with the wheel interrupts? |
14:21:45 | KiOui | linuxstb: Actually I'm not sure at all, I just started investigating into this to make the wheel acts as in the OF |
14:21:50 | | Join CaT[tm] [0] (n=cat@ |
14:23:28 | KiOui | linuxstb: So I looked into target/arm/ipod/button-clickwheel.c and found some delta computations, which send SCROLL_FWD or SCROLL_BACK event if this delta changed from at least 4. |
14:23:32 | | Join silje [0] (n=silje@217-234-186.400720.adsl.tele2.no) |
14:26:15 | KiOui | linuxstb: So if the minimum delta changed is smaller (< 4) there will be more SCROLL_* generated events sent to the core. So I tried decreasing this number but it seems changes are not so good: It takes always time and lots of circles to browse a long list. |
14:27:38 | KiOui | linuxstb: But now I think I was wrong talking about interrupts |
14:27:56 | | Quit The-Compiler (Remote closed the connection) |
14:28:00 | pixie | My ipod keeps showing an image of a folder with an exclamation mark on it.. |
14:28:10 | pixie | It booted like five minutes ago, but now it just gives that image |
14:28:13 | | Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@gifn3.fpl.com) |
14:28:23 | pixie | You can plug it in with cable successfully, but not boot it properly |
14:28:34 | pixie | tips? |
14:29:03 | GodEater_ | pixie: what happens if you try to put it into disk mode ? |
14:29:07 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
14:29:29 | pixie | How do I put it in to disk mode again? |
14:29:59 | KiOui | pixie: When rebooting, press Select+Play |
14:30:00 | GodEater_ | hard reset first (menu+select), then select+play as soon as the screen clear |
14:30:57 | pixie | aight |
14:31:08 | pixie | Just waiting for it to eject.. for some reason my terminal freezes when I do it |
14:31:32 | pixie | which also didn't happen 5 minutes ago |
14:31:33 | pixie | *sigh* |
14:32:07 | pixie | There we go |
14:32:07 | jac0b | does rockbox notice .m3u files? |
14:32:09 | linuxstb | KiOui: The problem is that the list display code can't keep up with very fast scrolling. So you need to make it skip updates, and also to make it move more than one line at a time when scrolling quickly. |
14:32:32 | LinusN | jac0b: yes |
14:32:42 | pixie | When it goes into disk mode it just says "ok to disconnect" |
14:33:17 | KiOui | linuxstb: Okay. Do you know if something similar was done and if a patch was published? |
14:33:38 | pixie | GodEater_: ^ |
14:33:58 | GodEater_ | pixie: this is when it's plugged into your computer ? |
14:34:04 | pixie | Nope |
14:34:06 | pixie | it's plugged out now |
14:34:10 | linuxstb | KiOui: Some list acceleration code was committed to SVN recently - but that doesn't take account of the speed of the events, just how long they've been repeating. |
14:34:13 | pixie | juts says "ok to disconnect" |
14:34:21 | | Quit jac0b ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
14:34:22 | pixie | (After I reset it plugged out) |
14:34:22 | GodEater_ | well now connect it to your computer |
14:34:32 | GodEater_ | pixie: and then run a disk check on it |
14:34:33 | pixie | "do not disconnect" |
14:34:45 | pixie | Awh crap, linux can't fsck this type of fat32.. |
14:34:57 | GodEater_ | why not ? |
14:34:58 | KiOui | linuxstb: In which file is it? |
14:35:00 | pixie | God only knows. |
14:35:20 | GodEater_ | I'll rephrase - what happens when you try ? |
14:35:24 | pixie | I'll show you |
14:35:25 | pixie | sec |
14:36:10 | linuxstb | KiOui: Check the changelog (e.g. the "last four weeks" link on the home page) and look for the list acceleration commits |
14:36:34 | KiOui | linuxstb: Thanks |
14:36:53 | pixie | GodEater_: |
14:36:54 | pixie | mango:/home/pixie# fsck.msdos /dev/sda1 |
14:36:54 | pixie | dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN |
14:36:54 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK pixie |
14:36:54 | pixie | Currently, only 1 or 2 FATs are supported, not 123. |
14:38:06 | GodEater_ | wow |
14:38:09 | GodEater_ | 123 FATS |
14:38:22 | GodEater_ | that's unusual to say the least |
14:38:50 | GodEater_ | what flavour ipod is it ? |
14:39:00 | pixie | video |
14:39:08 | pixie | I'm contemplating formatting it |
14:39:13 | pixie | because I"ve been having a shitload of issues with it |
14:39:14 | pixie | lately |
14:39:35 | GodEater_ | do you have a windows machine with iTunes on it handy ? |
14:39:46 | pixie | No |
14:39:57 | pixie | I'm also at a linux conference, so if I'd ask thye'd all point and laugh ;) |
14:40:08 | GodEater_ | hahaha |
14:40:21 | GodEater_ | which video have you got ? |
14:40:24 | GodEater_ | 30, 60 or 80 ? |
14:40:31 | pixie | 60 |
14:40:34 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
14:40:34 | * | linuxstb points pixie to http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodManualRestore |
14:40:50 | * | GodEater_ seconds linuxstb's pointing |
14:41:11 | pixie | Does that create an image of everything on the ipod? |
14:41:31 | linuxstb | No, that wipes everything on your ipod |
14:41:39 | GodEater_ | esp. the last bit |
14:41:51 | linuxstb | But it sounds like you could just reformat your ipod - no need to restore everything. |
14:41:56 | pixie | linuxstb: I can format it myself, what worries me is backup :P |
14:42:03 | pixie | I don't care about the software |
14:42:04 | linuxstb | pixie: Then back it up... |
14:42:09 | GodEater_ | if you can |
14:42:11 | pixie | linuxstb: I have no diskspace, so I need to find that first |
14:42:24 | pixie | linuxstb: I'm not asking for help to format it, I said I was contemplating it :P |
14:42:32 | linuxstb | You're at a linux conference - maybe someone will have 60GB of spare disk space... |
14:42:35 | CaT[tm] | i don't suppose there's an easy way to download all the ipod video themes at once? :) |
14:42:38 | pixie | linuxstb: Most likely |
14:42:54 | GodEater_ | CaT[tm]: you could try the "DownThemAll" extension for Firefox |
14:43:06 | lazka | where does the playlist get intgrated into the main root menu? i can't find it :( |
14:43:09 | GodEater_ | pixie: this isn't just a format either, this is restoring the iPod firmware too |
14:43:12 | linuxstb | Didn't I notice a "select all" option being added to rbutil? |
14:43:30 | GodEater_ | linuxstb: no idea - a lot of them don't work via rbutil anyway |
14:43:31 | linuxstb | lazka: Playlists are just files - you view them in the file browser. |
14:43:32 | | Quit Freso () |
14:43:42 | GodEater_ | since the author's not packaged them correctly |
14:44:11 | lazka | linuxstb: no, i mean the options and settings menu (i'm looking or the code..) |
14:44:18 | CaT[tm] | godeater: hmmm. nifty idea. |
14:44:28 | pixie | GodEater_: Can't you just remove everything and then add new firmware or something? |
14:44:29 | CaT[tm] | btw. rockbox be working niftily on my 80gb ipod |
14:44:53 | GodEater_ | pixie: formatting it *does* remove everything |
14:45:00 | pixie | One thing that annoys me with rockbox is the battery usage |
14:45:07 | GodEater_ | it annoys all of us |
14:45:11 | pixie | GodEater_: Then I won't need the manual restore :p |
14:45:15 | GodEater_ | which we knew how to fix it |
14:45:16 | GodEater_ | *wish |
14:45:20 | pixie | Indeed.. |
14:45:25 | pixie | Any idea what causes it? |
14:45:31 | LinusN | not really |
14:45:39 | GodEater_ | if we did, we'd be halfway to fixing it |
14:45:41 | pixie | hehe |
14:46:09 | GodEater_ | pixie: the manual restore is for if your apple firmware is broken too |
14:46:13 | pixie | What also annoys me is the slow scrolling |
14:46:17 | GodEater_ | it's not just fixing the music partition |
14:46:21 | pixie | GodEater_: I think its just broken file system |
14:46:34 | pixie | it's being quite fucked up |
14:46:37 | GodEater_ | you're probably right |
14:46:39 | linuxstb | lazka: root_menu.c includes the "playlist_options" menu, which is defined in menus/playlist_menu.c |
14:46:41 | pixie | can I have it any fs I want btw? |
14:46:52 | linuxstb | pixie: Yes, as long as you want FAT32... |
14:46:54 | GodEater_ | pixie: only FAT32 if you want Rockbox to work on it |
14:47:00 | pixie | Okay |
14:47:07 | pixie | linuxstb: That makes no sense ;P |
14:47:18 | lazka | linuxstb: thx |
14:47:23 | GodEater_ | you don't know the Henry Ford quote then pixie |
14:47:30 | pixie | No |
14:47:32 | * | GodEater_ got it |
14:47:34 | pixie | ENlighten me |
14:47:43 | GodEater_ | "You can have any colour you like, as long as it's black" |
14:47:53 | GodEater_ | referring to the first mass produced car |
14:48:00 | pixie | hahaha |
14:48:01 | pixie | I see. |
14:49:32 | pixie | crap and I wanted music on my way to the laundromat aswell.. |
14:49:32 | | Quit crop ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:49:35 | pixie | Maybe I should just bring my laptop |
14:49:36 | pixie | :P |
14:51:24 | GodEater_ | linuxstb (or anyone else) : do we know if the mtools package is required for formatting 30GB 5.5G models as well as for the 80GB ? |
14:52:21 | * | GodEater_ is a bit vague on what's broken with the mkfs.vfat produced filesystem |
14:52:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:52:44 | linuxstb | I've no idea about the 30GB. It would be nice if someone could debug the mkfs.vfat problem though. |
14:53:06 | linuxstb | or write a simple formatter that works... |
14:53:14 | GodEater_ | heh |
14:53:28 | GodEater_ | I just wondered if it was the sector size thing that was broken |
14:53:51 | GodEater_ | which would imply it wouldn't turn out a proper filesystem on the 5.5G 30GB either |
14:53:59 | linuxstb | fat32format seems nice and simple - it's Windows only, but is GPL'd, and doesn't look too hard to port to Unix-like systems. |
14:55:05 | linuxstb | I had a quick look at the mtools source, but it's a massive set of utilities, with everything sharing code. So it's not straightforward to just extract the formatting code. |
14:55:45 | GodEater_ | yes, there's rather a lot in it |
14:56:14 | linuxstb | (everything is a symlink to a single mtools binary) |
14:56:21 | GodEater_ | it does a lot of things I've not found other linux user space tools for |
14:56:30 | GodEater_ | like FAT32 file attribute editing |
14:56:46 | linuxstb | That could be useful to add to Rockbox - to hide directories for example. |
14:57:36 | * | linuxstb looks around for a volunteer |
14:57:44 | GodEater_ | as you say though - tough to find in that mountain of source code |
14:58:28 | * | austriancoder looks away |
14:58:48 | GodEater_ | we're over run with volunteers as usual then :) |
14:58:57 | GodEater_ | QUIET AT THE BACK THERE! |
14:58:59 | | Quit Weiss (Remote closed the connection) |
14:59:40 | XavierGr | amiconn: DON'T delete all the info folders as I said before |
15:00 |
15:00:06 | XavierGr | it will corrupt dpkg and you won't be able to install more packages |
15:00:08 | * | GodEater_ looks at the fat32format code and is instantly scared. He's never understood what #pragma does. |
15:00:20 | XavierGr | damn I did it and I don't have a backup now |
15:00:48 | | Quit XavierGr () |
15:01:12 | * | linuxstb wishes he had the power of a teacher and could force people to volunteer |
15:01:26 | GodEater_ | linuxstb: isn't that more "drill instructor" power :) |
15:02:37 | * | GodEater_ also notes a big die("This program only supports hard drives with 512 byte sectors") message in the fat32format code. |
15:05:05 | | Part kaaloo |
15:08:19 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
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15:12:05 | | Quit KiOui ("leaving") |
15:12:10 | linuxstb | GodEater: Yes, I noticed that, but I'm thinking that if I made it more portable, someone else might volunteer to fix that aspect of it. We could then use it in ipodpatcher/rbutil to convert ipods to FAT32, and maybe also write a Rockbox plugin - useful with removable media or for Archos users with > 137GB drives. |
15:12:36 | | Quit austriancoder (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:18:29 | | Join merbzt [0] (n=benlar@dns.basset.se) |
15:21:44 | CaT[tm] | hmmm. is there a way to change the actual brightness? I can't find the setting under lcd |
15:23:10 | lazka | If i have a very small patch.. do I still have to put it into flyspray? |
15:23:29 | | Quit printfXh4 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:23:31 | lazka | (wahh.. my english sucks..) |
15:24:12 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF4890.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
15:24:16 | linuxstb | lazka: You could mention it here, someone may volunteer to commit it immediately. But if not, then yes, please add it to flyspray |
15:25:27 | | Join spiorf_ [0] (n=spiorf@host33-206-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
15:25:29 | | Quit spiorf_ (Client Quit) |
15:26:03 | markun | CaT[tm]: it's possible with the Gigabeat at least |
15:26:15 | markun | which player do you have? |
15:32:28 | | Join printfXh4 [0] (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-252-10.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net) |
15:32:31 | CaT[tm] | markun: ipod 80gb |
15:32:43 | chrisjs169 | is there any way i can add some kind of debug info right as rockbox is booting (either before or right when the logo appears)? |
15:32:44 | CaT[tm] | sorry. got distracted by one of the games on rockbox =) |
15:34:36 | | Part maffe |
15:37:39 | | Quit silje (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:38:38 | | Part TrueJournals |
15:39:01 | markun | CaT[tm]: it's not included with rockbox, but there is a patch (with some problems) http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5234 |
15:39:48 | | Join Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
15:40:17 | | Join lymeca| [0] (n=lymeca@adsl-70-143-82-186.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) |
15:44:31 | | Quit lymeca_ (Operation timed out) |
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15:48:22 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
15:49:47 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848113.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
16:00 |
16:01:40 | amiconn | linuxstb: A format.rock would be extremely cool for >137GB archoses |
16:06:47 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
16:08:42 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-71-56-227-141.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
16:08:46 | | Part maffe |
16:09:19 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp176-239.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
16:09:30 | | Quit pearldiver ("some games are better left unplayed") |
16:10:10 | | Quit kkurbjun ("Leaving.") |
16:10:44 | | Join fiftyfour123 [0] (n=chatzill@cpe-74-73-158-167.nyc.res.rr.com) |
16:12:59 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
16:14:17 | CaT[tm] | markun: thanks. bookmarked. |
16:14:40 | | Part TrueJournals |
16:15:28 | XavierGr | amiconn: can I download your compressed image from somewhere? |
16:19:25 | | Part maffe |
16:19:32 | | Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
16:20:40 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
16:24:24 | | Quit fiftyfour123 ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
16:34:03 | lazka | linuxstb: my tiny one: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7303?getfile=14112 :P |
16:46:55 | chrisjs169 | is there any way i can add some kind of debug info right as rockbox is booting (either before or right when the logo appears)? |
16:47:00 | * | linuxstb must be going mad - he can't remember jdgordon committing context-menus for the root menu, only a discussion about it, and then a patch... |
16:47:31 | JdGordon | nope... it all happened in one sitting... |
16:47:40 | chrisjs169 | yay, after two hours of waiting for the rockbox logo to go away, it says error sdcard 10 |
16:47:42 | JdGordon | discussion, patch, commit, more discussion... |
16:47:54 | GodEater_ | linuxstb: I see what you mean about the mtools code =/ |
16:48:00 | JdGordon | linuxstb: there was talk abot removing them, but never happened |
16:48:05 | * | amiconn still doesn't like those menu menus |
16:48:29 | linuxstb | JdGordon: I'm reading the IRC logs from that day, and there was no mention of them being committed... (afaics) |
16:48:30 | * | JdGordon loves them |
16:48:50 | GodEater_ | JdGordon pulled a fast one it seems :) |
16:49:24 | JdGordon | might have commited the day after.... |
16:50:10 | JdGordon | Thu Apr 12 15:28:51 2007 UTC was the date of the ocmmit |
16:50:17 | JdGordon | r13126 |
16:51:05 | linuxstb | Yes, I saw that, but the IRC logs from that day don't match - I suggested the idea at 16.14 that day, and then you wrote a patch... |
16:51:28 | GodEater_ | now I've discovered that they exist, I quite like them :) |
16:51:50 | linuxstb | ... the patch was posted at 17.07... |
16:52:05 | JdGordon | can I ask what brought up the subject? bugs or annoyance? or? |
16:52:23 | linuxstb | lazka's patch |
16:52:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:53:57 | JdGordon | looks fine, go for it |
16:55:04 | | Quit lymeca| (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:55:12 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-066-057-231-236.nc.res.rr.com) |
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17:00 |
17:06:06 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@h218n1fls35o293.telia.com) |
17:09:11 | | Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) |
17:11:36 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
17:13:28 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:13:34 | chrisjs169 | yay, FS7134 forced me to go to Recovery Mode |
17:13:39 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
17:13:48 | JdGordon | ! ? |
17:13:57 | JdGordon | 7134 is the sd patch isnt it? |
17:14:02 | chrisjs169 | yeah |
17:14:15 | JdGordon | how did that make you need recovery mode? |
17:14:44 | chrisjs169 | i was getting SDCard error 10, so I went into the patch and changed the timeout from 100000 to 1, and build a new bootloader |
17:14:57 | linuxstb | Why touch the bootloader? |
17:15:28 | chrisjs169 | because apparently 7134 modified bootloader/main-pp.c |
17:16:24 | | Join aaronw [0] (n=chatzill@68-112-180-65.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com) |
17:16:39 | JdGordon | the change shhuoldnt have affected anything |
17:16:42 | | Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:16:43 | linuxstb | Looking at the diff, that's only because it needs to pass an extra (volume) parameter to the disk reading code. |
17:16:49 | | Quit joa (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:17:02 | linuxstb | You shouldn't need to install a new bootloader to use the SD patch in the main firmware. |
17:17:15 | | Quit aaronw (Client Quit) |
17:19:26 | chrisjs169 | well, since my sansa freezes for 20 mins or so before saying SDCard error 10 (before I changed the bootloader) i figured that since the patch modifies main-pp.c, i might as well try |
17:21:19 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
17:21:24 | n1s | make clean |
17:21:30 | n1s | doh! |
17:22:47 | amiconn | make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. |
17:23:26 | GodEater_ | amiconn: curse you, I was gonna do that gag! :) |
17:23:52 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:25:51 | n1s | Bagder: do the buid servers run the configure script before every build? |
17:26:50 | petur | n1s: look at the log of a build ;) |
17:27:17 | n1s | petur: ah thanks :-) |
17:27:27 | GodEater_ | can't imagine how it would work otherwise |
17:33:43 | | Part TrueJournals |
17:35:50 | chrisjs169 | lol |
17:39:09 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
17:42:53 | * | petur wipes eyes... colfire targets lost 20K ? |
17:43:03 | petur | s/colfire/coldfire |
17:43:24 | n1s | petur: -Os magic |
17:43:49 | petur | nice |
17:45:05 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:46:59 | | Join mpeccorini [0] (n=mpeccori@mail1.theargusgroup.us) |
17:49:15 | preglow | n1s: any performance impact? |
17:49:41 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
17:49:54 | n1s | preglow: not any noticable change, test_codec and test_fps produce the same results too |
17:50:38 | preglow | n1s: cool |
17:51:28 | * | amiconn wonders what happens when applying -Os to PP targets |
17:51:29 | | Join chrisjs169|afk [0] (n=opera@pool-71-114-145-182.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
17:59:19 | pondlife | Woah, very green delta! |
17:59:29 | pondlife | That means I can commit loads of bloat! |
17:59:33 | | Join Faemir [0] (n=daniel@85-211-28-230.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) |
17:59:37 | * | pondlife is catching up slowly |
18:00 |
18:00:13 | * | petur checks if JdGordon changed his nick to pondlife |
18:00:31 | pondlife | lol |
18:00:43 | pondlife | Nope, we are not one and the same |
18:00:44 | * | GodEater_ expects RockOffice from pondlife imminently |
18:00:52 | pondlife | Urgh. |
18:01:09 | GodEater_ | too much bloat even for you ? :) |
18:01:13 | pondlife | Absolutely |
18:01:27 | pondlife | Maybe several keyclick options...?? |
18:01:33 | GodEater_ | hehe |
18:02:31 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A94D06.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:02:59 | * | pondlife wonders if the delta table could be based on the resulting audio buffer size (on target, with default settings)... |
18:04:49 | | Join kretender [0] (n=Kaspar@ |
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18:13:37 | | Join rift_ [0] (n=opera@20.56.70-86.rev.gaoland.net) |
18:13:51 | * | linuxstb wonders if anyone understands why the codecs take two runs of make to rebuild after changing a file in a codec lib |
18:17:07 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B163D9.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:26:29 | preglow | linuxstb: been wondering about that for some while, yes |
18:26:40 | preglow | but me and makefiles don't work well together yet |
18:26:49 | pondlife | makefile badness = fun |
18:27:04 | linuxstb | pondlife: Fancy having some fun and debugging this problem then? |
18:28:10 | pondlife | No time, sadly |
18:28:29 | pondlife | Also, I'm not very good at makefiles meself. |
18:28:46 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
18:33:57 | | Quit Weiss (Remote closed the connection) |
18:34:20 | chrisjs169|afk | can someone explain how "sd_poll_status(CMD_DONE, 100000, EC_COMMAND | DO_PANIC);" causes my sansa to freeze for about an hour before panicking with SDCard error 10 (MicroSD patch, FS7134) |
18:35:03 | * | linuxstb hugs test_codec and wonders how anyone optimised a codec without it |
18:35:15 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@bne75-7-82-230-110-107.fbx.proxad.net) |
18:37:55 | | Join Hayward [0] (n=Owner@host81-159-93-81.range81-159.btcentralplus.com) |
18:38:15 | Hayward | hello all |
18:38:59 | Hayward | can anyone give me any information |
18:39:34 | linuxstb | There's a blue van parked outside my window. |
18:39:55 | petur | rofl...*thud* |
18:40:07 | * | petur gets back in his chair |
18:40:07 | | Quit kretender (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:40:49 | | Join godzirra [0] (n=shawn@cpe-069-134-238-130.nc.res.rr.com) |
18:40:51 | godzirra | heya folks. |
18:41:01 | godzirra | Is asking questions about Senab's build a no-no, or is it ok? |
18:41:13 | godzirra | ANd if its ok, darnit, why can't I get my cover art to work? :) |
18:41:18 | petur | unofficial builds are unsupported |
18:42:10 | petur | there's a forum thread on it probably, check there... |
18:42:21 | linuxstb | Plus the AlbumArt wiki page |
18:42:56 | godzirra | Yeah, I read both of those. |
18:43:05 | Hayward | can any1 give me some information about rockbox please |
18:43:11 | godzirra | For some reason my album art doesnt show up still. It will show up if I manually select it in the file manager, but it doesnt actually show up otherwise. |
18:43:22 | petur | Hayward: please be more specific |
18:43:26 | linuxstb | Hayward: http://www.rockbox.org has lots of information. Do you have a specific question? |
18:44:14 | Hayward | well the FAQs states USB doest work.... so how to do place songs on the ipod when rockbox is installed |
18:44:24 | godzirra | huh? USB works fine. |
18:44:40 | godzirra | I plug my ipod into my pc and it shows up as an external hard drive. I drag and drop songs onto it. |
18:44:43 | linuxstb | When you attach the USB cable, Rockbox reboots into Apple's disk mode code |
18:44:59 | Hayward | oh mustnt been reading it right :$ |
18:45:27 | linuxstb | Strictly speaking, Rockbox doesn't support USB, but it knows enough to use Apple's USB code. |
18:45:35 | Hayward | and do u use apple firmware and music already on the ipod when installing.. like u do on ipodlinux? |
18:45:37 | linuxstb | So in practice, you don't notice. |
18:45:42 | Hayward | do u lose* |
18:45:56 | linuxstb | No, the install is non-destructive. |
18:45:58 | godzirra | Nope. I booted into my apple firmware by accident yesterday. ;) |
18:46:01 | godzirra | was really confused for a minute. |
18:46:15 | Hayward | so installing i keep all music and apple os |
18:46:41 | preglow | markun: yo, anything happening on the gsoc front? |
18:46:42 | petur | wise people make backups |
18:47:00 | Hayward | i had to reformat my pc... so lost all music |
18:47:08 | bluebrother | bah ... no risk, no fun :D |
18:47:42 | Hayward | u sure :P |
18:47:45 | preglow | and btw, anyone know what eq facilities the gigbeat retailos has? |
18:47:46 | chrisjs169|afk | can someone explain how "sd_poll_status(CMD_DONE, 100000, EC_COMMAND | DO_PANIC);" causes my sansa to freeze for about an hour before panicking with SDCard error 10 (MicroSD patch, FS7134) |
18:48:11 | petur | Hayward: it would be wise to copy the files from your ipod to some other place just to be safe |
18:48:12 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
18:48:38 | Hayward | can i just copy the songs to my pc without the first copy |
18:48:44 | | Quit obo ("KVIrc 3.2.6 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/") |
18:48:49 | petur | Hayward: and buy CD's - it's a nice backup medium |
18:49:06 | bluebrother | Hayward: if you connect the ipod in disk mode you can access all data on it, so you can backup everything |
18:49:13 | markun | preglow: my gsoc guy was very busy and started to play with rockbox development yesterdat |
18:49:18 | markun | yesterday |
18:49:25 | linuxstb | markun: Does he own a target? |
18:50:17 | | Join grndslm [0] (n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net) |
18:50:18 | | Quit Hayward ("Leaving") |
18:50:44 | | Part kaaloo |
18:51:55 | markun | linuxstb: no |
18:52:04 | markun | I'm telling him to buy one |
18:52:14 | markun | and to come here to talk to you guys |
18:52:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:52:38 | | Join Hayward [0] (n=Owner@host81-159-93-81.range81-159.btcentralplus.com) |
18:52:43 | preglow | yeah, remember you saying he couldn't start right away, just wanted to know if he had now |
18:52:45 | Hayward | sry about that |
18:53:00 | Hayward | so i have disk mode on... to get my songs.. ipodcontrol? |
18:53:54 | | Join raymondjtoth [0] (i=43a76319@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7fdcb8d1e5eb1333) |
18:54:28 | raymondjtoth | dose rovk box firmeware work on a ip shuffle the white one |
18:54:36 | raymondjtoth | or first one that camer out 512 |
18:54:47 | pondlife | Could anyone update the wiki to show the actual mentors/students/projects? Link: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SummerOfCode |
18:55:05 | pondlife | Or is it listed elsewhere? |
18:56:04 | chrisjs169|afk | raymondjtoth: i dun see ip shuffle the white one listed on the main page of the Rockbox site |
18:56:10 | n1s | raymondjtoth: no, it doesn't work on any ipos shuffles |
18:56:23 | n1s | s/s/d |
18:56:35 | | Part TrueJournals |
18:56:38 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
18:56:45 | chrisjs169|afk | I don't see how it could though, if it has no display |
18:56:53 | raymondjtoth | nls or chris is there any other firmware for first gen of ipod shuffle |
18:56:57 | raymondjtoth | i can use |
18:58:27 | amiconn | chrisjs169: The problem with the shuffle is *not* the lack of a display... |
18:58:31 | chrisjs169|afk | raymondjtoth: there's iPodLinux, but it says the ipod shuffle quote "WILL NEVER BE SUPPORTED" |
18:58:34 | chrisjs169|afk | amiconn: ok |
18:58:46 | raymondjtoth | chris any other you know of |
18:58:55 | raymondjtoth | might help |
18:58:57 | | Join ptw419 [0] (i=ptw419@216-188-249-122.dyn.grandenetworks.net) |
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19:00 |
19:00:00 | chrisjs169|afk | raymondjtoth: i don't know of any others that'd be any good/have decent support (and google reviels nothing) |
19:00:10 | Hayward | does rockbox work with the lastest apple firmware which comes with iTunes 7 |
19:00:11 | raymondjtoth | k |
19:00:42 | chrisjs169|afk | s/reviels/reveals |
19:00:52 | dionoea | Hayward: rockbox doesn't use the apple firmware |
19:01:23 | Hayward | dont listen to me.. i just asked that because i remember ipodlinx dont work if u have used itunes7 |
19:02:04 | Hayward | i just though rockbox wont work either |
19:02:17 | bluebrother | Hayward: no −− the problem with Itunes is that it overwrites the bootloader upon updates. |
19:02:44 | bluebrother | so if Itunes overwrites the bootloader on your Ipod you need to reinstall it. That's all. |
19:03:05 | Hayward | so still able to install rockbox then |
19:03:29 | bluebrother | yes. You can use Itunes with Rockbox / IPL without any problems. The only thing are updates |
19:03:34 | amiconn | chrisjs169: The problem with the shuffle is that there is no free compiler supporting its cpu architecture |
19:03:47 | bluebrother | in which case you might need to reinstall the bootloader (i.e. re-run ipodpatcher) |
19:04:20 | Hayward | i dont update my ipod much anyway |
19:04:59 | Hayward | so im ok to go then |
19:05:37 | * | GodEater recommends rbutil over ipodpatcher these das |
19:05:41 | GodEater | *days |
19:06:05 | chrisjs169|afk | amiconn: yeah, i noticed that on the ipodlinux site |
19:06:08 | mpeccorini | amiconn: is there a free compiler suporting second generation ipod nano's cpu? |
19:06:09 | amiconn | "will never be supported" is wrong imho, it should read "will not be supported unless a freely available compiler for 56k pops up" (plus ipl will then probably wait for 56k being supported by clinx) |
19:06:32 | GodEater | mpeccorini: yes, it's arm based |
19:06:41 | amiconn | mpeccorini: Yes; the problem with the nano G2 is a completely different one |
19:06:53 | mpeccorini | amiconn: what is it? |
19:07:14 | mpeccorini | that we don't know/have reference of the chips? |
19:07:30 | Hayward | how do u copy all music from ipod to pc |
19:07:33 | GodEater | no, the firmware on it is encrypted |
19:07:34 | Hayward | i lost all mine |
19:07:35 | amiconn | Nearly everything is encrypted, and the main chips are epoxied to the board |
19:07:55 | raymondjtoth | what can i use that good to manige my ipod |
19:08:08 | raymondjtoth | im still learning linux and never did ipod stuff |
19:08:10 | raymondjtoth | on it |
19:08:11 | amiconn | The latter makes it impossible to measure signals |
19:08:35 | amiconn | ...because the epoxy can't be removed without also destructing the chips afaik |
19:08:44 | amiconn | s/destructing/destroying/ |
19:08:46 | mpeccorini | amiconn: wow, was that a "direct" decision against Rockbox/Ipod Linux? |
19:09:02 | GodEater | mpeccorini: not that we know of |
19:09:03 | dionoea | didn't people find a way to measure signals from chips hidden by epoxy on the xbox 260 ? |
19:09:07 | * | dionoea googles |
19:09:08 | raymondjtoth | did any one see my q |
19:09:14 | dionoea | s/260/360/ |
19:09:20 | GodEater | raymondjtoth: how does your question relate to rockbox ? |
19:09:43 | raymondjtoth | some might want to use linxand magie it with rockbox firmeware |
19:09:44 | GodEater | dionoea: The first 360's didn't have epoxied chips |
19:09:52 | dionoea | ah |
19:10:04 | GodEater | raymondjtoth: well in that case just use a linux based file manager |
19:10:38 | | Part raymondjtoth |
19:11:07 | GodEater | dionoea: at least, thats as I recall it - I followed the attempts to hack it on xbox-scene for a while |
19:11:10 | | Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ |
19:11:25 | GodEater | I've sort of lost interest now I have a PS3 which is open enough to run what i want without hacking |
19:12:49 | amiconn | It might be possible to measure signals, but it will be very tricky |
19:13:35 | chrisjs169|afk | can someone explain how "sd_poll_status(CMD_DONE, 100000, EC_COMMAND | DO_PANIC);" causes my sansa to freeze for about an hour before panicking with SDCard error 10 (MicroSD patch, FS7134) |
19:14:05 | | Quit lukaswayne9 ("Ex-Chat") |
19:14:30 | | Nick HellDragon_ is now known as HellDragon (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
19:15:33 | preglow | pondlife: did a quick update of the gsoc page now, just the info, no structural changes |
19:15:39 | | Part maffe |
19:15:43 | mpeccorini | amiconn: can't you drill the epoxy carefully enough to reach the pins? |
19:15:47 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
19:17:27 | preglow | pondlife: probably should clean out a lot of the cruft now that we know what's accepted, though |
19:17:54 | dionoea | GodEater: well i don't have an xbox 360 either so i didn't follow it too closely. (I own a wii) |
19:18:28 | dionoea | and you'd have to be willing to sacrifice your ipod anyway so i doubt that anyone with enough experience will ever do that |
19:19:16 | mpeccorini | dionoea: yes, but there must be someone who broke the screen or something and willing to sell it for peanuts |
19:20:00 | pondlife | preglow: Thanks |
19:20:35 | | Quit Hayward ("Leaving") |
19:22:40 | mpeccorini | dionoea: someone like this guy: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120131154964 |
19:23:58 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) |
19:24:51 | preglow | think i'll finally have a look at this musepack patch now |
19:27:49 | GodEater | dionoea: I have a wii too :) |
19:29:01 | | Join LycoLoco [0] (n=Lyco@cpe-075-181-041-203.carolina.res.rr.com) |
19:30:12 | markun | preglow: "mr speex" told me there should be a death penalty for people using linear interpolation for audio :) |
19:30:22 | LycoLoco | hey guys, I've been using the mpegplayer-resume patch and some of the videos that I've converted using winff work, whereas others don't. I can't seem to find any commonality between the videos that work and the ones that don't. Anyone have any idea what might work, or has anyone used this plugin? |
19:31:58 | n1s | LycoLoco: do you mean that they work without the patch but don't when you have the patch? |
19:33:54 | | Quit petur ("work->home") |
19:37:13 | preglow | markun: my list of death penalties is getting long now, just waiting for someone to come along and actually execute me |
19:37:33 | markun | could be a long while |
19:37:47 | preglow | we'll see |
19:37:55 | preglow | i don't think i can be bothered to write another one just now either |
19:39:20 | LycoLoco | n1s: yes, that's true |
19:39:36 | LycoLoco | they'll work without it but not with |
19:40:10 | n1s | LycoLoco: do they not work at all with the patch or is it just the resuming that does not work? |
19:40:25 | markun | preglow: I was talking to him about the resampler used in libspeex |
19:40:48 | markun | he thought that even at the lowest quality setting it would be a lot better than what we have now |
19:40:52 | LycoLoco | well, the video works and I hear a blip of audio at teh start of the video, but resuming doesn't work, so much so that when I stop a video it hard-locks the player and requires the batter switch to be flipped |
19:40:57 | preglow | i haven't looked too much at it |
19:41:03 | preglow | but sure, everything beats linear interpolation |
19:41:08 | preglow | so it doesn't surprise me |
19:41:24 | preglow | but linear interpolation happens to be fast, which is what we needed when i coded it |
19:41:36 | n1s | LycoLoco: please report this with as much detail as possible in the tracker entry for the patch |
19:42:11 | markun | preglow: that's what I told hem and then he started to become very cynical |
19:42:31 | | Nick lymeca| is now known as lymeca (n=lymeca@adsl-70-143-65-207.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) |
19:43:13 | | Quit lymeca ("...and don't forget: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 !") |
19:44:02 | preglow | and he can be as cynical as he wants, the resampler has worked for a long time and has gotten waaaay fewer complaints than i would have expected |
19:44:03 | LycoLoco | n1s: alrighty, I'll do a full writeup when I get back from lunch. |
19:44:38 | preglow | at least after jhMikeS fixed the clicky issue |
19:44:53 | preglow | (which wasn't the resampler's fault) |
19:45:02 | LycoLoco | I've also got a 5 meg clip that does not work with the patch but plays fine on my PC (I know, different architecture, I'll probably get around to trying it with a standard build later today), so I'll upload that as well |
19:45:26 | lazka | haha :) http://xkcd.com/ todays one rock |
19:45:28 | | Quit GodEater_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:45:42 | LycoLoco | lazka: yeah, today's was great |
19:45:54 | | Join pearldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) |
19:51:24 | preglow | anyone know why including a list of years in a copyright statement is necessary? |
19:51:47 | XavierGr | maybe the copyright holder can change it time? |
19:51:54 | XavierGr | s/it/in |
19:53:05 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB3C62.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
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19:53:28 | preglow | XavierGr: sure, but that's not the usual case. usually it's just the same copyright holder, and a bunch of yeras |
19:53:28 | LycoLoco | ok, I might just be blind, but how cand I comment on a plugin in the tracker? |
19:53:31 | preglow | years |
19:53:35 | | Join feisar [0] (i=jljhook@ihq.in) |
19:53:41 | Hayward | question.. can i stil llisten to music which itunes has put on in rockbox? |
19:53:51 | LycoLoco | no, they're two different databases, iirc |
19:53:56 | preglow | LycoLoco: ehh, the "add comment" part? |
19:54:08 | preglow | Hayward: yes you can, by using rockbox' database function |
19:54:16 | preglow | LycoLoco: you probably need to be signed in |
19:54:17 | LycoLoco | oh, I stand corrected |
19:54:41 | pearldiver | brand new gigabeat f40 for sale from US |
19:54:48 | DerPapst | GodEater: about your question whether we know if the mtools package is required for formatting 30GB 5.5G models as well... the answer is yes. |
19:55:14 | Hayward | how do u do that? |
19:55:21 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ |
19:55:46 | markun | Hayward: just go to 'database' |
19:55:55 | Hayward | in rockbox? |
19:55:59 | markun | yes |
19:56:16 | Hayward | well first... need to install it... |
19:56:59 | Hayward | if i can... |
19:58:10 | Hayward | u just put all the files in the ipod root folder then use ipodpatcher? |
19:58:55 | markun | I think rbutil is prefered now |
19:59:30 | | Join [1]mpeccorini [0] (n=mpeccori@mail1.theargusgroup.us) |
19:59:40 | Hayward | any1 |
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21:00 |
21:00:24 | linuxstb_ | preglow: Regarding your question about copyright years - I'm guessing it's because copyright has a limited life, so the date of the work (or modifications) is important in that respect. |
21:00:48 | preglow | linuxstb_: yeah, but wouldn't the last year be what decided the copyright lifespan anyway? |
21:00:58 | preglow | for any given release you do, you copyright something anew |
21:01:06 | preglow | and i really didn't want that to rhyme, sorry about that |
21:02:44 | linuxstb_ | I guess only the parts written in the most recent year would be (C) that year. |
21:05:08 | | Part chrisjs169|afk |
21:05:10 | | Join lowlight [0] (i=c730190a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f0304f1fbfa43acc) |
21:06:09 | netmasta10bt | how do u get to the pitch screen |
21:06:28 | linuxstb_ | Depends what device you're holding in your hand |
21:06:36 | netmasta10bt | e200 |
21:06:51 | * | linuxstb_ doesn't know |
21:07:10 | linuxstb_ | Have you looked in the manual? |
21:07:11 | | Quit _pill (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:08:04 | netmasta10bt | i am a googlin −− not findin it yet −− just wonderin if someone knew |
21:08:44 | linuxstb_ | Try the "manual" link in the left menu on every page of the Rockbox website |
21:09:30 | | Join _pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) |
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21:11:46 | | Nick _pill is now known as pill (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) |
21:11:51 | LycoLoco | netmasta10bt: I don't think that pitchbend is actually available for turning on |
21:11:54 | LycoLoco | I tried to find it and could not |
21:13:12 | netmasta10bt | yeah its in the manual but doesnt say how to get there −− maybe in the open with... screen but its not in there on mine |
21:13:51 | netmasta10bt | oh i found it |
21:14:21 | netmasta10bt | when on the play screen press down its in the context menu |
21:15:02 | netmasta10bt | heh chipmunks |
21:18:07 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
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21:47:02 | linuxstb | n1s: Regarding your -Os commit, was there a reason to create a new mem_functions_wrapper.h file for the macro, instead of just putting it in plugin.h with the other plugin macros? |
21:48:43 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
21:50:17 | Hayward | question the videos plugin does the mpg need to be compressed or uncompressed? |
21:50:27 | linuxstb | mpg is compressed by definition |
21:50:44 | Hayward | ok... i wish ipodlinx would stop lieing |
21:51:24 | linuxstb | Someone is probably confusing .mpg with .avi - .avi can contain any video codec, including either compressed or uncompressed video. |
21:51:38 | Bagder | and ipl's player at least used to require uncompressed video |
21:51:56 | linuxstb | There's been a new player for a while that handles some kind of home-made compression. |
21:52:02 | Hayward | yeah |
21:52:03 | Bagder | ok |
21:52:11 | * | Bagder takes a mental note |
21:52:27 | Hayward | is there a converter of .flv to .mpg? |
21:52:38 | linuxstb | But from what I've read, it's slower than mpegplayer, and only handles uncompressed audio. |
21:52:47 | linuxstb | Although it does have seeking... |
21:53:30 | Hayward | any1? |
21:53:39 | Bagder | Hayward: as that google guy |
21:53:41 | Bagder | ask |
21:53:53 | Hayward | tried google... |
21:54:08 | Bagder | I got a bazillion links suggested |
21:54:15 | Bagder | some of them have to work |
21:54:33 | Hayward | i cant find any... :( i got to go though |
21:54:34 | | Quit Hayward ("Leaving") |
21:55:36 | Bagder | "Results 1 - 10 of about 1,700,000 for flv converter mpeg. " |
21:56:28 | preglow | jhMikeS: around? |
21:59:08 | | Quit lazka ("I'm off now") |
21:59:48 | lowlight | Hayward: try www.videohelp.com/tools |
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22:01:03 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
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22:19:28 | n1s | linuxstb_: I guess I could put it in the plugin.h file... dunno why I mad ea new file really, do you think it would be better? |
22:19:42 | preglow | well, the fewer files the better |
22:20:15 | n1s | preglow: ok, will do tomorrow then, goodnight |
22:20:19 | | Part n1s |
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22:34:33 | * | ender` yawns |
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22:36:06 | petur | give us your quit message :p |
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22:43:48 | Febs | GodEater: am I correct that the Hilton on Aldwych is close to the place that you propose to meet? |
22:44:35 | | Join bdgraue [0] (n=bdgraue@dyndsl-085-016-107-037.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
22:51:02 | GodEater | pretty close yes |
22:52:33 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:53:07 | * | GodEater looks at a map. |
22:53:14 | GodEater | Very close indeed it would seem :) |
22:53:21 | * | GodEater would even consider walking it |
22:53:36 | GodEater | not recommended for a person unfamiliar with London however |
22:54:57 | | Quit Robin0800 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:55:24 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
22:55:47 | GodEater | nice choice of hotel Febs :@) |
22:56:14 | pixelma | bluebrother: just what I wanted to say too in the forums :) Btw. I now tracked the pdf-manual problem down and found out that it occured with rev. 13216 (introduction of the rockbox-info.txt) - almost expected that. |
22:56:39 | pixelma | damn |
22:57:25 | pixelma | (hope he reads the logs) |
23:00 |
23:00:59 | | Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=jack@pool-71-114-145-182.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
23:02:32 | GodEater | Febs:http://local.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=114065630774710454570.0000011326e0036655ff7&ll=51.515727,-0.111215&spn=0.007571,0.023324&z=16&om=1 |
23:04:04 | alienbiker99 | anybody have a meizu? |
23:05:37 | | Join chrisjs169_ [0] (n=jack@pool-71-114-145-182.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
23:06:01 | * | GodEater is off to bed now. |
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23:19:02 | somedude | hi |
23:19:37 | petur | ho |
23:19:42 | somedude | could it be that rockbox doesn't work on 5.5g ipods which already have ipodlinux installed? I get the error msg "no partition found" |
23:20:12 | somedude | I've got 3 partitions on my ipod, the firmware partition, ipodlinux and the big data partition |
23:20:51 | Soap | somedude: is it a FAT32 iPod or (I suspect) a HFS+ formatted iPod? |
23:20:52 | * | petur summons ipod guru |
23:21:05 | somedude | yes, its a fat32 |
23:21:14 | Soap | hmm |
23:21:19 | | Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=jack@pool-71-254-206-199.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) |
23:22:13 | somedude | luckily, uninstalling ipodloader seems to work, so at least I can use the stock ipod os again |
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23:31:56 | indigio3 | hey guys - what is the current battery situation on the ipod 4G grayscale? I've checked the website but the table hasnt been updated for a while. |
23:35:06 | Robin0800 | indigio3,what do you mean? |
23:35:54 | indigio3 | i'm trying to find the link.. there was a comparison table showing how the current battery life of the 4G ipod compares to that of Rockbox and it was last updated in 2005 |
23:36:14 | indigio3 | I was wondering if the battery life has improved somewhat (I don't own a 4G ipod yet you see..) |
23:37:45 | | Quit chrisjs169 (Connection timed out) |
23:37:52 | Robin0800 | indigio3,i take it that this 4g would not be new |
23:38:08 | indigio3 | no, its not new |
23:38:15 | krazykit | indigio3, you can get a superior player for about the same price |
23:38:26 | krazykit | unless you're getting it for free :P |
23:38:53 | indigio3 | eep i've bought it already.. whats the alternative? |
23:39:16 | indigio3 | Considering I bought the 40gb 4G greyscale ipod for 66.50 (UK pounds) including delivery |
23:39:21 | Robin0800 | indigio3,battery capacity gets less the older it is |
23:39:27 | krazykit | oh, you're in the uk |
23:39:33 | krazykit | the gigabeat f40 goes for around $120 bucks in the states |
23:39:54 | indigio3 | ah right... the gigabeats hardly have a presence here at the moment |
23:40:02 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
23:40:10 | krazykit | and probably never will, since the f/x series is no longer made :P |
23:40:28 | indigio3 | robin: yep I know, I was considering changing the battery to a 830mAh battery... (is it worth it and what is the default battery in the ipod?) |
23:41:04 | | Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
23:41:11 | indigio3 | krazy: ah ok then, just as well... 66.50 translates into dollars as 131.18455 if you were interested |
23:41:55 | | Quit desowin ("use linux") |
23:42:33 | linuxstb | indigio3: ipods are probably at the bottom of everyone's list of Rockbox recommendations... |
23:43:41 | Robin0800 | indigio3,http://ipodbatteryfaq.com/ipodbatteryandpower.html for ipod battery info |
23:43:57 | indigio3 | linuxstb - yep i know |
23:43:57 | indigio3 | thanks robin |
23:48:00 | indigio3 | shame the Creative JB3 can't have it's firmware completely demolished and flashed with Rockbox :-( |
23:48:21 | indigio3 | it's too old anyway.. it would probably explode just trying to display the file name hah |
23:48:39 | | Quit indigio3 () |
23:55:20 | lazka | suddenly, every time i compile it starts compiling the whole thing (which takes very long)... 5 minutes ago it just updated the changed stuff :( help any1? |
23:55:24 | lazka | :( |
23:55:52 | DerPapst | you have to live with it afaik |
23:56:12 | DerPapst | but make should check if the files are up to date and then skip them. |
23:58:06 | | Quit somedude ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |