00:00:08 | saratoga | print out the pointer and make sure its being passed correctly? |
00:00:13 | saratoga | that usually the first thing I do |
00:00:45 | linuxstb_ | I would expect it to either work, or to crash. I wouldn't expect it to do nothing... |
00:00:48 | mud-rockbox | is there some easy way to do debug prints without the plugin_api interface? |
00:00:50 | | Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) |
00:00:52 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
00:00:53 | mud-rockbox | yeah, doing nothing was certainly nto expected |
00:01:13 | saratoga | if you're in the sim, theres DEBUGF |
00:01:30 | linuxstb | Do the exact same rb->whatever calls work in your main .c file? |
00:02:49 | mud-rockbox | yeah, i think it was the exact same call, i just copy and pasted, let me make sure |
00:03:05 | mud-rockbox | yep |
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00:04:55 | mud-rockbox | doesn't DEBUGF use rb? actually it gives me rb undeclared because i named it something else in my second object file... |
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00:08:29 | linuxstb | mud-rockbox: I would just declare it "extern" in your other C files, and make it non-static in the main .c |
00:09:02 | mud-rockbox | yeah that was actually how i had it before but i thought maybe linker didn't like that somehow. is that what static is supposed to mean, that you can't extern it somewhere else? |
00:09:19 | saratoga | yeah static means its local to your current file |
00:09:33 | saratoga | amoung other things |
00:09:50 | saratoga | static has to be one of the most overloaded keywords in any language |
00:10:12 | mud-rockbox | yeah, i never remember what it means in C except the "make this global" part of it |
00:10:26 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-e40fb57b004152ba) |
00:10:33 | mud-rockbox | oh good, the pointers are xactly the same and it still just doesn't do anything... |
00:11:49 | | Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") |
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00:21:39 | | Join threekiloscocai [0] (n=smartmin@ |
00:21:43 | threekiloscocai | hello |
00:21:54 | threekiloscocai | someone has experience with the albumart patch? |
00:22:00 | petur | PaulJam: are you already in the credits file? |
00:22:00 | threekiloscocai | i patched the sourc |
00:22:04 | threekiloscocai | compiled it |
00:22:09 | threekiloscocai | but cant see any pics |
00:22:37 | mud-rockbox | are you using a theme that supports album art? |
00:22:48 | PaulJam | petur: no, unfortunately i have no realname. |
00:22:49 | mud-rockbox | the wps needs to have special tags in it i'm pretty sure |
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00:23:42 | petur | PaulJam: bad luck for you then, that clock fix you pointed out is obvious so no credit eh? |
00:23:42 | threekiloscocai | i tried a simple wps |
00:23:45 | threekiloscocai | just a %C |
00:23:50 | threekiloscocai | which should work i think |
00:24:17 | threekiloscocai | i also tryed the iCatcher which should support it too |
00:24:20 | threekiloscocai | but doestn work too |
00:24:54 | PaulJam | petur: i'm already happy if the bugs get fixed. |
00:25:22 | mud-rockbox | threek: no idea then. the patch application didn't get any errrors i assume? |
00:25:42 | | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") |
00:26:05 | threekiloscocai | none |
00:26:12 | petur | PaulJam: that backlight setting thing must be fixed too before closing FS #7205? |
00:26:44 | mud-rockbox | threek: you could try one of the custom builds that have album art to make sure you're not doing something wrong i guess? |
00:28:31 | threekiloscocai | if something in the wpscode was wrong i'd get the standardwps, wouldnt i? |
00:35:04 | threekiloscocai | do i have 2 active albumart somewhere? in a config or something else then the wps |
00:36:03 | petur | albumart is pretty much unsupported here (most devs don't know about it) |
00:36:19 | petur | afaik, you don't need to activate it |
00:36:33 | threekiloscocai | well, at least its in the wiki, so i thought... |
00:36:37 | petur | maybe the graphics are the wrong format? |
00:36:43 | pixelma | is your album art still only a tag by any chance |
00:36:52 | threekiloscocai | ? |
00:37:01 | threekiloscocai | its a 24bit cover.bmp |
00:37:05 | threekiloscocai | in the same dir as the file |
00:37:24 | pixelma | ok, no idea then (don't know much about it) |
00:40:30 | mud-rockbox | data abort message is probably something like seg fault? |
00:41:01 | petur | or misaligned data |
00:41:28 | mud-rockbox | oh, that might be it |
00:41:47 | mud-rockbox | arm is like natural alignment or whatever that is? 1 aligned to 1, 2 to 2, 4 to 4, etc? |
00:42:03 | petur | yes |
00:47:44 | bluebrother | well, the AlbumArt wiki page clearly says it's unofficial and unsupported ... |
00:48:09 | bluebrother | but you could try building a sim and watch the output −− it might give you hints why a theme isn't working |
00:53:55 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
00:58:14 | threekiloscocai | ok |
00:58:20 | threekiloscocai | now i know he doesnt find the file |
00:58:26 | threekiloscocai | the albumart bitmap |
00:59:54 | threekiloscocai | strange |
01:00 |
01:00:01 | threekiloscocai | at this one file he seems to find one |
01:00:11 | threekiloscocai | but doesnt show it |
01:00:37 | | Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) |
01:06:22 | DerPapst | good night at all :) |
01:06:24 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
01:07:58 | | Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
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02:59:02 | RoC_MasterMind | People's quite messages are amusing. |
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03:34:25 | Echelon | how do i drop rockbox into recover mode on the toshiba gigabeat? |
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04:00 |
04:03:51 | linuxstb | Echelon: It depends on the version of the Rockbox bootloader you have - either plug in USB before you turn it on, or hold MENU as it boots. |
04:13:54 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) |
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04:40:52 | konam | someone can tell me why sometimes when i plug my ipod to the computer the files 'notes, ipod_control, calendars and contacts' reappear, and because of this the original firmware get load |
04:47:15 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
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05:04:12 | konam | ..... |
05:04:23 | konam | i asume that there's no way to do it then, thanks |
05:05:38 | jhMikeS | noone may know why...I certainly have no idea |
05:06:47 | konam | jhMikeS this happens to you? |
05:09:02 | jhMikeS | No, I have an iPod I just got but haven't even been able to plug it in since I have no cable for it. It's not even charged up. |
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05:20:37 | Soap | any developers want a Nano for free? |
05:20:45 | | Join mud-rockbox [0] (n=jas6180@c-71-202-129-6.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
05:22:04 | Soap | it is only a 1 GB, but is FREE |
05:24:38 | Soap | Great for those developers who need portaplayer. |
05:24:40 | konam | wow, why no one has answered |
05:24:55 | Soap | and who doesnt need more portaplayer in their lives? |
05:25:11 | scorche | quite a few... |
05:25:17 | Soap | well, konam, most the core is asleep. |
05:25:17 | konam | Soap check the rockbox web page and look for some way of contacting them |
05:25:57 | toffe82 | Soap: you don't have a gigabeat X60 free ;) |
05:26:25 | Soap | toffe82: is that an offer? |
05:26:52 | Soap | I'll trade |
05:27:30 | toffe82 | I didn't say I have , I said do you have :) |
05:27:53 | Soap | nah, only people I can lowball price seem to have iPods. |
05:29:08 | toffe82 | everybode has an ipod, they don't know what they miss |
05:29:35 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
05:29:39 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp97-106.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
05:30:43 | Soap | so what is the going rate on an S30? |
05:35:21 | toffe82 | I don't reqlly know, between 130 and 160 |
05:35:36 | Soap | and is ATA 50 pin compatible with CF? |
05:35:40 | jhMikeS | Soap: PP5020 based? |
05:36:07 | Soap | jhMikeS: let me look, I don't think so. |
05:36:24 | scorche | jhMikeS: well, it is a nono so 5021 |
05:36:30 | scorche | s/nono/sano |
05:36:31 | Soap | that would be the 1st gen mini and 4th gen |
05:36:59 | scorche | s/s/nono/sano/s/nono/nano |
05:37:06 | Soap | jhMikeS: do you want me to keep my eyes open for a 5020 player? |
05:37:30 | jhMikeS | Soap: yes since that's the troubled one. I've already got a 5002 based one. |
05:37:39 | Soap | can do |
05:38:00 | Soap | I've turned down numerous Mini 1st gens in the past when looking for a Mini 2nd gen. |
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05:39:29 | jhMikeS | Soap: Thanks. BTW, a cable would be nice since the same cable will work on the 3g? |
05:39:51 | Soap | yes, same cable should work 3rd on up, assuming the 3rd has USB? |
05:39:56 | Soap | (the connector is the same) |
05:40:20 | scorche | isnt the 3g firewire? |
05:40:28 | jhMikeS | the sansa connector I believe is the same (plugs in) too but doesn't work |
05:41:23 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-28af2907896bb275) |
05:41:35 | saratoga | in case anyone is still awake: the 3g had USB |
05:42:19 | scorche | well, it was only said a min ago... |
05:42:36 | Soap | scorche: everyipod.com says the 3rd has FW and USB, but no USB charging? |
05:43:15 | scorche | Soap: yeah...no usb charging |
05:49:53 | jhMikeS | so I can't even charge it I want to :P Cheapest way to manage it? |
05:50:22 | Soap | wire 12 volts from your motherboard to the firewire pins. |
05:51:42 | saratoga | you can get chargers for a couple dollars off ebay |
05:51:58 | saratoga | they'll break after about a month, but they do work initially |
05:52:02 | Soap | that too (though less fun) |
05:53:01 | Soap | you can get the Apple brand chargers on Craigslist for ~$10 |
05:53:11 | jhMikeS | I've got some stuff to put a standalone 12V power supply together...would be nice to have easy plugin on it. |
05:53:50 | Soap | but that's a third generation issue, mini and 4th will charge from USB. |
05:54:03 | jhMikeS | what's the charge current from the 12V? |
05:55:22 | Soap | don't know. wouldn't 5/12th the USB current draw be a safe ballpark figure? |
05:55:26 | saratoga | couple hundred ma I'd imagine |
05:56:50 | | Quit konam ("Saliendo") |
05:57:12 | jhMikeS | A switchmode regulator on usb would work if it doesn't go over ~208mA on the 12V side...hrm |
05:59:23 | Soap | original battery was 600 or 650 mah, Apple claimed 3 hours to charge, doesn't sound like more than 200 mA @ 12 volt unless a really wasteful charger. |
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06:37:51 | mud-rockbox | is there a map file built somewhere for simulator versions? i need to find out what's taking up all of the RAM... |
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06:56:15 | mud-rockbox | is there some way to tell what is taking up a lot of space in a plugin? i'm porting code and it's really hard to tell... |
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07:00:08 | | Join ComputinChuck [0] (n=nate@cpe-24-221-40-82.az.sprintbbd.net) |
07:06:10 | ComputinChuck | i'm interested in getting involved in rockbox, what's the best place to get started? |
07:07:01 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
07:08:41 | ComputinChuck | i'm probably most interested in rockbox on ipod, i have a 5G |
07:09:11 | mud-rockbox | getting involved in what way? development? |
07:10:19 | The-Compiler | good morning |
07:10:52 | ComputinChuck | mud-rockbox, yea. |
07:11:16 | mud-rockbox | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DocsIndex#For_Developers have you been here? |
07:11:32 | | Join toffe82_ [0] (n=chatzill@ |
07:12:41 | ComputinChuck | yea, i looked it over |
07:13:38 | mud-rockbox | just get a build environment set up and look for something that interests you, there's always bugs and feature requests in the tracker if you want ideas |
07:14:35 | ComputinChuck | ok |
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07:37:18 | amiconn | mo0ning |
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07:38:48 | ComputinChuck | morning, though it's only 10:30 here |
07:38:51 | ComputinChuck | pm |
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07:41:09 | amiconn | Time zones are a strange concept... ;) |
07:41:46 | ComputinChuck | hehe, indeed |
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07:48:04 | mud-rockbox | sorry to ask again, but is there some way to get a symbol/map file to see what's taking up all the space in my plugin? |
07:49:22 | amiconn | There is a .map file in the build directory for each plugin after building |
07:51:34 | amiconn | (for target builds, can also be enabled for sims where it was disabled due to some temporary binutils problem in debian) |
07:51:48 | mud-rockbox | oh i see, i was looking for it in the sim... |
07:52:12 | mud-rockbox | do you know how to enable it for the simulator? my build fails on real target because i run out of space in the plugin ram segment or whatever that is |
07:54:36 | amiconn | Remove the "#" in front of "#SIMULATOR_MAP=-Wl,-Map,$(OBJDIR)/rockbox.map" in apps/Makefile |
07:54:44 | amiconn | (line 174) |
07:55:09 | mud-rockbox | ah, thank you very much |
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08:07:12 | ptw419 | anyone know how to disable inline memcpy w/ gcc? |
08:09:27 | amiconn | That's not possible afaik |
08:09:27 | | Quit mud-rockbox (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:09:39 | amiconn | (explicitly) |
08:10:48 | ptw419 | hmm |
08:11:40 | | Join mud-rockbox [0] (n=jas6180@c-71-202-129-6.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
08:13:02 | ptw419 | i think it may be causing trouble w/ my code which is weird... |
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09:01:06 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp209-169.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
09:06:18 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:11:47 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
09:16:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:21:28 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) |
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09:27:15 | | Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
09:29:30 | | Join pseudo_ [0] (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-243-90.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net) |
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09:36:13 | lachlan1211 | Llorean: I'm having troub rebooting my iPod (80GB) back into the Apple firmware- I reboot using Menu + Select and then flick on the hold switch as the iPodFAQ suggests, but the iPod simply hangs on the apple logo until I'm forced to reboot it. Do you know what I'm doing wrong? |
09:36:38 | lachlan1211 | s/troub/trouble |
09:37:57 | | Quit printfXh4 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:42:07 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFAQ#How_to_start_the_original_Apple says otherwise, best read that again |
09:42:26 | petur | "Shut the device down by holding PLAY/PAUSE. Then, press MENU or SELECT to boot the iPod. Immediately after doing this, turn on the HOLD switch." |
09:42:27 | GodEater | lachlan1211: sounds like you're not waiting long enough for it to boot |
09:42:38 | GodEater | the Apple firmware takes AGES to load |
09:43:54 | markun | jhMikeS: did you do any current measurements yesterday? |
09:44:26 | lachlan1211 | GodEater: that seems to have been the problem, I thought it had just frozen. Thanks for your help, and you petur;) |
09:44:39 | GodEater | no problem |
09:45:22 | mud-rb | do plugins get 512kB on every platform, or are some lower? |
09:45:37 | Zagor | archos is lower |
09:45:43 | Zagor | 32kb iirc |
09:45:45 | B4gder | very very much lower ;-) |
09:46:01 | mud-rb | hmm, okay my plugin isn't going to work on that.. |
09:46:03 | mud-rb | haha |
09:47:12 | Zagor | mud-rb: what plugin are you working on? |
09:47:37 | mud-rb | game recorder/viewer for go/igo/baduk/weiqi |
09:47:45 | daurn | hey |
09:47:50 | mud-rb | i could do it on not much RAM, but i'm mostly stealing code from gnugo |
09:48:00 | mud-rb | which uses memory like it is its job, apparently |
09:48:39 | GodEater | a professional memory thief |
09:49:50 | mud-rb | i was hoping to port the whole thing, but i had to cut out large sections of just the basic like game board handling just to get it under 512K with room to spare, so i'm not sure how feasible that is |
09:50:29 | mud-rb | maybe if i steal the audio buffer and rework a lot of code to use that instead |
09:55:10 | Zagor | what on earth is it using all that memory for? 12-hour games? |
09:55:30 | mud-rb | it has a lot of hashing and such |
09:56:02 | mud-rb | mostly to make it fast to undo changes and things like that |
09:56:08 | | Join pseudo__ [0] (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-200-31.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) |
10:00 |
10:00:09 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:03:57 | | Quit pseudo_ (Connection timed out) |
10:15:12 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@host217-41-62-170.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |
10:15:51 | | Join pseudo_ [0] (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-192-155.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) |
10:16:54 | B4gder | moving the builds |
10:17:04 | B4gder | buckle up |
10:18:24 | * | GodEater holds tight |
10:21:03 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:21:21 | B4gder | build2.rockbox.org should work really soon |
10:21:50 | B4gder | until the build name has propagated properly |
10:24:11 | | Quit pseudo__ (Connection timed out) |
10:25:32 | | Quit pseudo_ (Remote closed the connection) |
10:25:39 | B4gder | anyone has a commit pending? |
10:28:02 | obo | FS #7353 is pretty minor... |
10:28:36 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484862D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
10:29:03 | petur | hahaha that's perfect timing to get your patches in :) |
10:30:19 | obo | :D |
10:41:06 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
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10:43:19 | | Join HellDragon [0] (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
10:48:34 | petur | hmmm clicking on the currently building change doesn't give any changes. Did you just kick the buildserver without commit? |
10:48:46 | B4gder | no, I had a little path error |
10:50:18 | petur | why is there an empty table between build and size tables? |
10:50:33 | B4gder | there's no zips there |
10:50:51 | petur | duh |
10:51:00 | * | petur suddenly sees the zips are gone |
10:51:54 | B4gder | something is really not good |
10:53:17 | | Join Soap_ [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
10:53:28 | | Quit Soap (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:57:49 | mud-rb | well the archos zip is there now, that's progress |
10:58:36 | amiconn | _the_ archos zip? |
10:58:37 | B4gder | well, I stopped the script |
10:58:52 | amiconn | There should be at least 6 |
10:59:10 | mud-rb | cough well one of them, honestly i have no idea what platforms there are except my player, haha |
10:59:56 | * | petur slams mud-rb with a bit of wiki |
11:00 |
11:00:48 | petur | you better learn your targets before posting a plugin in the tracker :) |
11:01:18 | mud-rb | yeah, i'm just going for making it as general as possible and hoping it works...the buttons are going to be trouble though |
11:05:21 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
11:06:06 | B4gder | now why does it do this... |
11:07:55 | GodEater | hmm - are we completely 100% sure that the hardware in the 80GB iPod is the same as the 60GB iPod (obviously apart from the disk) ? |
11:08:39 | GodEater | the reason I ask this is because I've just helped a colleague install RB on his 60GB, and it runs noticeably slower than mine |
11:09:38 | scorche | GodEater: and you are running the exact same build under the same conditions/settings? |
11:09:58 | GodEater | not yet - my own is running a slightly older build |
11:10:17 | GodEater | I'm about to update it to see if there's any difference |
11:10:26 | GodEater | but I wouldn't expect mine to have just slowed down miraculously |
11:11:06 | GodEater | and I'm mainly talking about the UI experience whilst nothing is playing |
11:11:17 | GodEater | scrolling through the file list on his was quiet sluggish |
11:11:20 | GodEater | *quite |
11:11:27 | GodEater | whilst on mine it's very acceptable |
11:11:33 | scorche | well, to answer your question, yes they are the same |
11:11:48 | scorche | did the list of files have teh same number of files in it, etc? |
11:12:20 | GodEater | no - his had less |
11:12:26 | Llorean | GodEater: Do you use icons? Did he use icons? |
11:12:36 | GodEater | I don't use any no - and neither does he |
11:12:36 | B4gder | zips are appearing |
11:13:05 | scorche | well, instead of us asking all of these questions, can you just come back after using the same build and resetting the settings on both? =) |
11:13:44 | | Join peppo [0] (n=slumpmas@c-9770e155.41-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
11:14:14 | GodEater | ok - I'm on the same build as him now |
11:14:28 | scorche | and settings are reset? |
11:14:29 | peppo | hm, my rockbox ipodvideo isn't mounting. when I connect the usb cable it goes into starting mounting, but instead of displaying "Do not disconnect", it says "OK to disconnect" and doesn't mount the device. |
11:14:34 | peppo | system log says: |
11:14:40 | GodEater | we have identical settings - I copied my .cfg files over for him so that when he asks me questions I know what he's got set up |
11:14:42 | peppo | Device not ready. Make sure there is a disc in the drive. |
11:14:57 | GodEater | I haven't reset them to default on both though no |
11:16:52 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:17:30 | GodEater | curious. I'd definitely say there's a difference. It's not huge - but enough to be noticeable. |
11:17:42 | GodEater | I'll see if I can borrow his at lunch time and do the default settings thing |
11:18:03 | | Join printfXh4 [0] (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-192-155.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) |
11:20:31 | peppo | hm, I rebooted the ipod while it was in the ipod's "do not disconnect" mode... now it seems it's gone broke :( |
11:20:55 | peppo | and now I get these error messages in syslog: |
11:21:13 | peppo | http://rafb.net/p/Kg23Vm92.html |
11:21:48 | mud-rb | reboot device, reboot computer, try again? |
11:22:14 | peppo | yeah |
11:22:15 | | Quit peppo ("quit") |
11:32:37 | markun | GodEater: you could test the decoding speed of the same track on both players to see if one of them is really faster |
11:33:17 | markun | but you have to compile the test_codec plugin yourself |
11:33:28 | | Join peppo [0] (n=slumpmas@c-9770e155.41-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
11:33:31 | Llorean | markun: I don't see how one player could be noticeable faster since we clock them to the same speed anyway. Wouldn't it have to be some other piece of hardware than the CPU delaying screen updates or something? |
11:33:45 | peppo | GodEater, yes, a reboot did it. phew :) thanks |
11:34:12 | markun | Llorean: I don't know. Maybe a different revision of the portalplayer chip or something? |
11:35:01 | linuxstb_ | AFAIK, the LCD updates go via the Broadcom chip, so maybe newer versions of the Broadcom firmware are faster? Running test_fps.c would be interesting |
11:35:18 | * | petur was just going to suggest the same |
11:35:30 | * | Llorean was beginning to think in that direction, but hadn't got there yet |
11:35:59 | linuxstb_ | Also, something to do with the LCD hardware was supposedly changed in the 5.5g. Maybe that was just the backlight though. |
11:45:04 | | Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp121-45-1-168.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) |
11:58:53 | GodEater | markun: I did say it was the UI - not decoding speed |
11:59:02 | GodEater | and while it wasn't playing *anything* |
11:59:22 | markun | GodEater: did you use the same font? |
11:59:27 | GodEater | yes |
12:00 |
12:00:29 | | Part maffe |
12:00:38 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
12:00:54 | * | GodEater goes hunting for test_fps.c |
12:01:25 | markun | GodEater: add it to apps/plugins/SOURCES and recompile |
12:01:39 | GodEater | was just doing that |
12:05:10 | GodEater | 1/1: 385. fps 1/4: 58.0 fps CPU:75000000 Hz |
12:05:16 | GodEater | that's for the 80GB |
12:05:20 | GodEater | 38.5 fps |
12:05:21 | GodEater | scuse me |
12:05:32 | | Join [1]Cassandra [0] (n=Cassandr@elmyra.coraline.org) |
12:06:18 | mud-rb | chip makers should advertise clock speeds in raw hertz instead of mhz, it sure looks more impressive that way |
12:11:41 | linuxstb_ | GodEater: That seems very slightly faster than the results posted for a 30GB 5g here - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/LcdFrameRate (36.5fps / 57fps) |
12:12:03 | linuxstb_ | But those results are a year old - maybe the 30GB would be slightly faster today as well... |
12:12:27 | linuxstb_ | But I wouldn't have expected that difference to be noticable. |
12:13:22 | GodEater | no figures for a 60 ? |
12:13:29 | obo | Didn't Apple release a newer version of the broadcom firmware with one of the OF updates? |
12:14:00 | linuxstb_ | GodEater: No. |
12:14:01 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964FFC.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:14:14 | GodEater | how do I get the other two values (for slower CPU speeds) ? |
12:14:37 | linuxstb_ | Ah, you didn't boost the CPU manually? |
12:14:50 | linuxstb_ | That would seem to suggest your ipod is stuck on CPU boost. |
12:14:53 | GodEater | nope |
12:15:00 | GodEater | =/ |
12:15:13 | GodEater | eh ? |
12:15:14 | linuxstb_ | Normally you would have got the low CPU speeds in test_fps.c unless you had manually boosted in the debug screen. |
12:15:20 | | Join pseudo_ [0] (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-193-121.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) |
12:15:24 | GodEater | never been in there |
12:15:33 | linuxstb_ | So that explains your performance difference. |
12:16:02 | GodEater | cpu freq in the system menu seems to be jumping between 30 / 75 about once a second |
12:16:14 | linuxstb_ | When playing music, or idle? |
12:16:26 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
12:17:19 | GodEater | that was while playing music |
12:17:24 | GodEater | now I'm idle, it's back to 30 |
12:17:38 | GodEater | odd |
12:17:38 | linuxstb | And the UI performance is still faster than the 60GB? |
12:17:49 | GodEater | I swear I ran the plugin early at idle |
12:18:04 | GodEater | I've not got : 22.5, 46.0 at 30Mhz |
12:18:47 | | Quit Cassandra (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:18:48 | | Nick [1]Cassandra is now known as Cassandra (n=Cassandr@elmyra.coraline.org) |
12:18:49 | GodEater | not seen it drop to 24MHz though |
12:19:10 | linuxstb | No, it won't unless you do it manually. |
12:19:21 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
12:23:07 | B4gder | the builds seem to work... |
12:23:25 | | Quit printfXh4 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:23:25 | B4gder | magic! |
12:24:18 | GodEater | 22.5/45.5 on the 60 |
12:24:23 | GodEater | must just be my imagination then |
12:24:24 | GodEater | =/ |
12:24:43 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB3C2D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
12:25:02 | DerPapst | morning :) |
12:27:22 | GodEater | 36.0/50.0 @ 75MHz from the 60 |
12:35:09 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
12:52:30 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@p5B09BC10.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
12:52:36 | | Join wats [0] (n=kwin@220-253-164-57.QLD.netspace.net.au) |
12:52:58 | wats | howdy |
12:53:18 | wats | can someone give me a hand |
12:53:21 | wats | ?? |
12:54:07 | GodEater | wats: hard to say - we don't know what you want a hand with |
12:54:08 | B4gder | ask the question and you'll see |
12:54:36 | wats | i cant launch videos on my ipod video 80gb there not in the browser |
12:55:02 | markun | wats: video that you can play with the original firmware? |
12:55:16 | wats | no |
12:55:18 | | Part maffe |
12:55:19 | markun | or mpeg videos for rockbox? |
12:55:30 | wats | mpeg |
12:55:44 | GodEater | what setting have you got for "View Files" ? |
12:55:44 | | Quit Weiss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:55:45 | markun | are they .mpg or .mpeg ? |
12:55:50 | wats | whats better |
12:55:54 | markun | .mpg |
12:56:37 | wats | no like ipoo video movies or the rockbox codec |
12:56:40 | | Join Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
12:57:02 | markun | I think ipod video movies are much better |
12:57:09 | markun | but you cannot play them in rockbox |
12:58:00 | wats | ow bugger |
12:59:45 | | Join haemmy [0] (i=stefan@ |
13:00 |
13:04:07 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
13:04:10 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp252-146.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
13:04:21 | linuxstb | markun: I wouldn't say there's any real difference in the movies themselves. But on the ipod video, the Apple firmware is better at video playback than Rockbox (because it uses the hardware decoder) and hence videos look better in the Apple firmware. |
13:04:46 | GodEater | linuxstb: I think that's what he meant ;) |
13:07:47 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
13:16:53 | markun | linuxstb: I didn't find a way to reencrypt tne iriver firmwares |
13:16:57 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:17:31 | markun | it looks like decoding skips every 50th byte, maybe that's some kind of checksum |
13:18:26 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
13:18:29 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp3-200.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
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13:35:22 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ |
13:37:14 | | Quit lachlan1211 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
13:38:08 | | Quit haemmy () |
13:43:06 | linuxstb | markun: I guess someone will need to find the real decryption function in the firmware (assuming it's there) and see how it works... |
13:46:37 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
13:46:41 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp95-7.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
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14:00:33 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15347.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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14:08:48 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
14:08:52 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp176-11.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
14:13:13 | | Quit Weiss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:14:48 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:16:46 | jhMikeS | markun: I did current measuremeant and it's on the GigabeatInfo page |
14:17:15 | | Join Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
14:17:37 | petur | consumes less after playback than before -> something not init? |
14:18:29 | jhMikeS | I've no idea if it's just pcm related or something in playback.c |
14:18:52 | jhMikeS | nothing comes to mind that isn't initialized though |
14:21:57 | petur | gigabeat doesn't do boosting, right? |
14:22:37 | * | petur links this with GodEater telling his ipod was boosted at startup |
14:23:08 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
14:23:12 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp174-229.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
14:23:42 | linuxstb | petur: Right. (no boosting on gigabeat) |
14:27:20 | | Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:29:37 | GodEater | interesting, there's no CPU info entry in the GB's debug menu |
14:30:22 | GodEater | and the audio thread screen says the cpu is running at only 17MHz |
14:30:44 | GodEater | pretty impressive |
14:32:28 | Llorean | Hahaha |
14:32:35 | | Join jba [0] (n=jba@c211-30-160-138.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) |
14:32:41 | Llorean | That's just a symptom of scaling being disabled entirely |
14:32:45 | * | GodEater guesses this screen is lying through it's teeth |
14:32:48 | | Quit jba (Client Quit) |
14:34:36 | jhMikeS | the current consumption at boot is pretty much equal to the current consumption when playing a video that uses 100% of it's resources...so right now I'm thinking a core sleep isn't happening |
14:41:58 | | Nick pseudo_ is now known as printfXh4 (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-193-121.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) |
14:42:52 | markun | jhMikeS: what could be the cause? |
14:45:01 | | Part LinusN |
14:45:01 | jhMikeS | I'm making wild guesses so no clue. One thing is that it wouldn't show up in the OS stacks screen if the scheduler were just spinning around in the sleep loop. |
14:45:54 | jhMikeS | Maybe I'll put a loop counter in there and see if it slows down after playback or something. |
14:46:05 | | Part maffe |
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14:48:13 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
15:00 |
15:04:09 | * | B4gder found the daily manual problem and is fixing it |
15:07:58 | linuxstb | We have manual problems every day? |
15:09:20 | * | petur thought the manual problem was an automatic one |
15:09:55 | jhMikeS | booo....hiss |
15:11:07 | | Quit wats (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:11:22 | | Join wats [0] (n=kwin@220-253-164-57.QLD.netspace.net.au) |
15:12:09 | * | jhMikeS finds out he still has no idea |
15:13:09 | dionoea | you could automatically launch a 1second mp3 file on boot :) That'd work |
15:13:31 | jhMikeS | like a voice clip? :) |
15:13:43 | petur | "welcome to rockbox" |
15:13:51 | dionoea | tada! |
15:14:30 | petur | or maybe a fixed ad space - to be used for funding |
15:14:38 | markun | ;) |
15:14:39 | | Join webguest70 [0] (i=18e0e63a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-89926f859f51f107) |
15:14:45 | jhMikeS | "do you wish to continue or use this bag of shit? - press power to abort" |
15:15:01 | petur | "and now a word from our sponsors" |
15:15:19 | webguest70 | hi all |
15:15:35 | petur | hi 70 |
15:15:52 | webguest70 | I'm having a problem with rockbox and wondering if anyone can help |
15:16:09 | petur | just ask the question |
15:16:47 | webguest70 | I have a dock, forget the actual model, when I put the iPod on to charge rockbox will shut down then immediately restart |
15:16:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:17:30 | dionoea | you need to hold the menu button when puting the ipod in the dock |
15:17:34 | webguest70 | so I've tried just booting regularly into apple but at some point it seems to shut down and wants to restart |
15:18:17 | webguest70 | and it either hangs on the apple screen or then boots back into rockbox and starts the cycle of restarting |
15:19:10 | webguest70 | ok, I've read that about the menu but haven't had it work yet, might just be me not getting the menu held down as I'm putting it in the dock |
15:19:27 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
15:20:25 | webguest70 | Is there any way to swap the boot without using the linux loader thing? |
15:21:03 | webguest70 | i.e. so that it loads apple by default and rockbox by holding menu? |
15:21:17 | | Join JoleBole [0] (n=jolebole@adsl-76-221-227-62.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) |
15:21:43 | dionoea | not without recompiling the rockbox bootloader |
15:21:58 | linuxstb | webguest70: Are you using a recent version of Rockbox? |
15:22:51 | webguest70 | yes, I've tried both the standard build and the jbuild |
15:23:01 | linuxstb | Also, if you turn the hold switch on, that causes the Rockbox bootloader to start the Apple firmware instead of Rockbox (assuming you have the latest bootloader) |
15:23:14 | linuxstb | Today's standard build? |
15:23:33 | JoleBole | Hello everyone |
15:23:40 | webguest70 | no, I've been using the jbuild for the past few days |
15:24:02 | JoleBole | Does anybody has experiencing slow video playback in iPod 30Gb ? |
15:24:14 | dionoea | everyone i guess |
15:24:27 | dionoea | if you havea video ipod, use the apple firmware for video playback |
15:24:40 | linuxstb | webguest70: The jbuild is very old, and probably doesn't include improvements made to the USB/power detection in Rockbox, which will be in today's build. |
15:24:46 | dionoea | rockbox doesn't know how to use the dedicaded chip yet (and it won't in the near future) |
15:25:02 | JoleBole | I uused all the info from the web site, tied all the posted enceoding tools with diferent sizes and bit rates, diferent frame rate, but still no result |
15:25:03 | linuxstb | webguest70: Also, it's hard for us to help if you're not using the very latest official build. |
15:25:14 | JoleBole | it's slow as 1fps |
15:25:30 | linuxstb | JoleBole: Did you read the wiki page that explains why it's bad on the ipod video? |
15:25:59 | JoleBole | well I read all the instructions how to encode, and what parameters to use |
15:26:05 | webguest70 | ok, I'll try it using today's build and see what happens |
15:26:07 | webguest70 | thanks |
15:26:09 | JoleBole | what do u mean exectly ? |
15:26:19 | linuxstb | Read the Introduction section on the page. |
15:26:33 | markun | JoleBole: 1fps is quite slow. Which bitrate and resolution did you use? |
15:26:36 | JoleBole | do u have a direct link ? |
15:26:48 | linuxstb | The PluginMpegplayer page that has all the encoding info |
15:26:48 | markun | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer |
15:27:13 | JoleBole | well I read almost everything on that page... |
15:27:50 | JoleBole | so is anybody have good video performance on the 30gb ipod |
15:27:51 | JoleBole | ? |
15:28:05 | dionoea | you can't have good video performance |
15:28:11 | markun | JoleBole: as you can see from the table, only 10fps full screen |
15:28:17 | JoleBole | yes.... |
15:28:17 | Llorean | JoleBole: It says very clearly on that page that it performs poorly on the iPod Video. |
15:28:18 | markun | but that's a lot more than your 1fps |
15:28:49 | JoleBole | I encoded a file to 10fps but, still it played with 1fps |
15:29:05 | Llorean | JoleBole: Is that what the "Display FPS" option showed? |
15:29:08 | JoleBole | or 2 :-) |
15:29:12 | Llorean | Or rather Show FPS |
15:29:20 | markun | JoleBole: did you try the elefants dream video? |
15:29:28 | JoleBole | yes slow too |
15:29:52 | Llorean | JoleBole: 10fps is "slow". Did you use the Show FPS option, or are you just guessing "1 or 2"? |
15:30:01 | | Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) |
15:30:40 | JoleBole | this is the only thing that makes me keep the apple firmware for now...If rockbox had good video palyback I would completley erase the apple formware and just have rockbox |
15:31:19 | JoleBole | i didn't catch the actual fps but whatever it is it's a poor performance overall , right |
15:31:28 | Llorean | Yes, but you were mentioning numbers. |
15:31:38 | dionoea | which is what we've all been saying for the last 10 minutes if you'd read |
15:31:41 | JoleBole | I know sorry... |
15:31:45 | Llorean | The page says very, very clearly it's poor on the iPod Video because we can't use the broadcom chip |
15:31:57 | Llorean | Everyone here was thinking you were getting worse than the normal "poor" because you were mentioning specific numbers. |
15:32:36 | Llorean | Rockbox plays video fine on many other players, but the iPod Video has a large screen, and a slow processor. Video won't be better on it unless someone figures out the Broadcom chip, which is somewhat unlikely to happen any time soon. |
15:32:59 | GodEater | if ever |
15:33:32 | JoleBole | that's bad... |
15:33:45 | Llorean | Blame Apple or Broadcom. |
15:33:51 | markun | still, the difference between 1 and 10 fps should be quite visible I think |
15:33:55 | JoleBole | I blame both |
15:34:40 | JoleBole | So what do u think is the solution for the problem....makeing apple or broadcom share the code ? |
15:35:05 | dionoea | rebooting to apple's firmware is the only solution likely to work |
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15:35:40 | markun | JoleBole: yes, if they would start sharing info that would increase the chance of rockbox having good video playback |
15:36:45 | JoleBole | basicly same like Micso$oft policy - dont share any of the code with the open source comunity....:-( |
15:36:46 | | Quit Xerion (" ") |
15:37:23 | GodEater | we're not really interested in their code |
15:37:27 | markun | JoleBole: well, the code is not the biggest problem, there is no info at all about the chip |
15:38:26 | JoleBole | ooo I understand.. |
15:38:53 | JoleBole | but still they are the ones who should provide info about their chip.. |
15:39:38 | markun | they don't have to of course |
15:39:56 | JoleBole | how can they be so stupid...they dont' understand that having good video playback on rockbox will make more people buy their devices and installing rockbox on it... |
15:40:24 | JoleBole | it's just a money matter i gues. |
15:40:39 | Llorean | Actually, Rockbox tends to show off that superior hardware than the iPod tends to cost about half the price from other device manufacturers. |
15:40:40 | dionoea | I doubt that rockbox would increase broadcom's or apple's sales in a significant way ... unfortunately |
15:40:48 | Llorean | They probably don't want people installing Rockbox at all, ever. |
15:41:08 | JoleBole | selfish bastards :-) |
15:41:23 | Zagor | the only thing it can do is embarass their own brand. |
15:41:31 | JoleBole | I agree |
15:41:32 | markun | or maybe we are just selfless bastards.. |
15:41:41 | JoleBole | why is that ? |
15:42:05 | jhMikeS | My gut tells me it's all about DRM |
15:42:11 | markun | giving away software that gives new features to old DAPs |
15:42:15 | JoleBole | ...there is gonna be a solution for this problem - sonner or later |
15:42:27 | markun | don't count on it |
15:42:29 | Zagor | jhMikeS: why so? we can't play DRM files |
15:42:48 | JoleBole | gretings Zagor |
15:42:52 | JoleBole | nice nick |
15:43:18 | jhMikeS | I'm speaking of the origins of the hardware. The SD card secure interface isn't published for that reason. |
15:43:19 | Zagor | thanks... I think? |
15:43:46 | | Join MrKeuner [0] (n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner) |
15:43:58 | MrKeuner | hi, is it possible to convert a hfs ipod to vfat ipod in GNU/Linux? |
15:44:05 | markun | yes |
15:44:12 | Zagor | jhMikeS: so the sd secure interface is in fact not secure? |
15:44:46 | GodEater | MrKeuner: we have a page for it with details on the Rockbox Wiki |
15:44:47 | Zagor | why would they worry about people knowing how a secure interface works? ssl is pretty well-known, and still pretty secure. |
15:46:27 | | Quit markun (Remote closed the connection) |
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15:46:34 | MrKeuner | GodEater: I can just remove all ipod firmware and just install rockbox? |
15:48:28 | JoleBole | OK guys thanks for sharing the knoledge....I will keep using rockbox - and call some friends (chip manufactures) ....so maybe they can smugle some chip info.. |
15:48:33 | jhMikeS | Zagor: If knowing the intface would compromize the security, I suppose it's not. |
15:48:37 | linuxstb | MrKeuner: Yes, but you need a working ipod first for ipodpatcher to work. |
15:48:57 | petur | JoleBole: don't count on it |
15:48:57 | jhMikeS | but they also get membership fees for giving you access to that |
15:49:00 | linuxstb | MrKeuner: The IpodConversionToFAT32 or IpodManualRestore wiki pages will help |
15:49:16 | MrKeuner | great! thanks |
15:49:43 | linuxstb | MrKeuner: Just make sure the Apple firmware is working after converting to FAT32, then if you want to, you can use ipodpatcher to remove it... |
15:50:34 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
15:50:48 | MrKeuner | linuxstb: I suppose I can put ipod firmware back at anytime using itunes |
15:50:57 | JoleBole | there's a chance petur. U never know.. |
15:52:01 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@dslb-088-074-034-011.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:56:19 | * | jhMikeS wonders why there'd be any need at all to have a hardware aspect to securing information on flash card except to have patents and collect fees. |
15:57:15 | JoleBole | Peace.. |
15:57:18 | | Part JoleBole |
15:57:26 | godzirra | Will rockbox run on the archos 604? |
15:57:30 | godzirra | or just the 400 series currently? |
15:57:40 | B4gder | none of them |
15:58:04 | godzirra | oh, I thought it did. |
15:58:06 | godzirra | Hrm. |
15:59:55 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
16:00 |
16:03:14 | | Quit B4gder ("It is time to say MOOO") |
16:06:17 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3178.gwdg.de) |
16:07:16 | | Join RhinoBanga [0] (n=rhinoban@host-87-74-80-156.bulldogdsl.com) |
16:07:27 | RhinoBanga | afternoon folks |
16:08:41 | RhinoBanga | who's the tag db expert around here? |
16:09:10 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@admin-147-222.potsdam.edu) |
16:09:48 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
16:09:57 | | Join markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) |
16:12:39 | PaulJam | RhinoBanga: i think that would be Slasheri. But you could just ask your question, maybe someone else can help you too. |
16:12:49 | | Join RaRe` [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
16:14:05 | | Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
16:18:56 | RhinoBanga | k ... I've discovered that the ID3 support only caters for tags up to 300 bytes |
16:19:07 | RhinoBanga | with lyrics, etc my tracks regularly beat that |
16:19:25 | RhinoBanga | so I changed id3.h to increase the buffer to 1024 bytes |
16:19:29 | Llorean | What do lyrics have to do with the database, though? |
16:19:43 | RhinoBanga | COMM fields |
16:19:57 | RhinoBanga | k ... maybe not lyrics ... but descriptions of tracks, etc |
16:20:30 | RhinoBanga | when I rebuild the database everything seems to work, i.e rockbox parses my 8000+ files on my iPod |
16:20:41 | RhinoBanga | when I reboot the database is empty |
16:20:46 | | Quit hcs ("Leaving.") |
16:20:55 | RhinoBanga | and it asks me if I want to initialize it |
16:21:55 | RhinoBanga | looks like the db doesn't handle the change I made |
16:23:00 | RhinoBanga | if I make the buffer smaller (e.g. 500 bytes) the database gets built but still a lot of my tracks are classed as "untagged" |
16:24:21 | RhinoBanga | you can see the problem easily via the id3 test program |
16:25:01 | RhinoBanga | load up an MP3 with a load of text and you will see that tags after the 300th byte are ignored |
16:25:21 | Llorean | Weren't you asking about nearly the exact same problem earlier? |
16:25:22 | Slasheri | RhinoBanga: check TAG_MAXLEN in tagcache.h |
16:25:33 | Slasheri | RhinoBanga: that is just ~500 bytes |
16:25:47 | RhinoBanga | ahhh ... that'll be it |
16:26:03 | Slasheri | it needs to be increased or buffers are not large enough to handle longer tags |
16:26:26 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:26:36 | RhinoBanga | any chance someone could submit a change back to SVN that uses a #define for both of these so I only have to remember to change one element every time I want use a later rockbox? |
16:27:14 | RhinoBanga | in my opinion though 300/500 bytes is a bit small, especially with lyrics, track details, etc held in the tags |
16:27:58 | Slasheri | RhinoBanga: you could create a nice patch as well, defining those both in a single define at some nice place |
16:28:35 | RhinoBanga | wouldn't know how to make a patch, and since I presume you guys know how to do it and do it all the time I thought it would be quicker for you :D |
16:28:52 | | Quit printfXh4 (No route to host) |
16:28:56 | * | RhinoBanga fires up VMWare to try changed the limit |
16:29:16 | Slasheri | RhinoBanga: you don't use svn? |
16:30:01 | RhinoBanga | I only used the svn command to get the source ... svn is not my revision control software of choice, I use perforce |
16:30:26 | Slasheri | ok, but then just typing svn diff is enough to produce the patch |
16:30:52 | RhinoBanga | k ... I'll give it a try |
16:31:03 | Llorean | IMHO we shouldn't change the size in SVN though, it'll be more flexible with metadata on buffer but considering only one person has ever reported running into this limit, I think it's not actually a "problem" |
16:31:48 | RhinoBanga | unless people think it's just a bug with rb and don't bother reporting it ... it's only because I'm a developer that I bothered to tarce the issue |
16:31:54 | RhinoBanga | *trace |
16:32:35 | markun | RhinoBanga: new devs are welcome :) |
16:32:43 | Slasheri | Llorean: true, but unifying the define could be still good |
16:32:52 | RhinoBanga | doing it as we speak |
16:32:55 | Llorean | Slasheri: Unifying the define, I'm fine with. |
16:33:06 | Llorean | Slasheri: Just stating the patch should keep the sizes the same. ;) |
16:33:35 | Slasheri | Llorean: hehe, indeed :) |
16:35:17 | Llorean | I mean, I guess the size for in the database itself, I don't care so much about. But the ID3 struct doesn't need to be oversized for lyrics when we don't even support lyrics. |
16:36:01 | RhinoBanga | even if you don't support them you have no idea where the supported tags |
16:36:09 | RhinoBanga | they could be after 300 bytes of lyrics |
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16:36:56 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964672.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:36:57 | RhinoBanga | in which case the file would not get tagged at all ... which is not what you want |
16:37:43 | RhinoBanga | I've added #define ID3V2_BUFF_SIZE 300 to id3.h and changed the char buff in there accordingly |
16:37:54 | | Quit lee-qid (Client Quit) |
16:38:05 | RhinoBanga | currently TAG_MAXLEN is MAXPATH*2 |
16:38:18 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964672.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:38:29 | RhinoBanga | u sure it's ok to change that to ID3V2_BUFF_LEN*2? |
16:38:40 | | Join Anakin [0] (i=0@unaffiliated/anakin) |
16:38:41 | | Join markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) |
16:39:01 | RhinoBanga | Assuminng MAXPATH is 256 bytes that makes 500 bytes originally, now it would become 600 bytes |
16:40:32 | | Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) |
16:42:03 | Slasheri | it should work. however, after doing a lot of database operations, it's good to check the stack usages from debug menu to be sure it isn't too much |
16:43:18 | | Join kubiixaka [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) |
16:45:32 | PaulJam | i have a question: with my unsupported build i experienced, that moving files with rockbox seems to be able to cause filesystem corruption. i wanted to know if there is something similar already known in the official build (i haven'd found anything on the tracker) before i spend much time trying to reproduce it with an official buld. |
16:45:40 | RhinoBanga | building db now ... back in 10 mins :D |
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17:00:03 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
17:01:56 | pondlife | Flyspray's not sending me notifications for quite a while now... is there some preference I need to set (aside from my email address)? |
17:02:22 | | Quit kubiix (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:03:20 | petur | is there any difference recording-wise between h110 and h120 (except only 16MB ram for buffering)? |
17:05:15 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=QyWwDx88@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
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17:09:24 | | Join Toxicity [0] (i=Toxicity@cpe-70-122-25-223.austin.res.rr.com) |
17:09:33 | Toxicity | lol |
17:10:10 | petur | wow.. there's a mass offering of h140 irivers on ebay (roadpal ebayshop) |
17:11:28 | Toxicity | e250 for life |
17:12:22 | amiconn | petur: There shouldn't be a difference, but I don't know whether recording was tested on h110 |
17:13:01 | amiconn | There *might* be a problem with s/pdif recording (in case the recording code doesn't care for the reversed s/pdif enable polarity) |
17:13:20 | petur | Well I advised him to get an h140 as there were plenty on offer |
17:13:48 | | Join troxor [0] (n=boyo@rrcs-71-42-147-99.sw.biz.rr.com) |
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17:14:48 | | Join blurfle [0] (n=meatball@blurfle.ices.utexas.edu) |
17:15:45 | blurfle | ok, so after a modest amount of searching and scrounging the FAQ, it was not immediately evident: is rockbox based on the linux kernel? |
17:15:57 | petur | nope |
17:16:07 | Toxicity | it's based on your mom's cock |
17:16:13 | petur | and I'm quite sure it's in the faq |
17:16:28 | petur | Toxicity: stop that now please |
17:16:35 | Toxicity | wut |
17:17:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:19:09 | blurfle | petur: if it's there, I'd like to know- it's painful asking such a faq-able question ;) |
17:19:15 | linuxstb | blurfle: Out of curiousity, what made you think Rockbox might have been based on the Linux kernel? |
17:20:47 | GodEater | petur: I don't think we explicitly say anywhere in the faq that we're NOT based on Linux. However, nowhere do we state that we are either :) |
17:20:54 | petur | blurfle: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFAQ#How_does_Rockbox_compare_to_i_Po |
17:21:11 | GodEater | but I don't see the point of stating what we're NOT - it'd be a very long list. |
17:21:27 | blurfle | linuxstb: a friend mentioned something along the lines of how he put linux on his ipod |
17:21:41 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-125-122.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
17:21:50 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:21:51 | GodEater | blurfle: iPodLinux is a completely different project from Rockbox |
17:22:08 | blurfle | petur: ah ha, that's the one! thanks! |
17:22:37 | * | petur admits he used google to find it :/ |
17:24:07 | Toxicity | I DID IT FOR THE FUCKING LULZ |
17:24:32 | petur | Toxicity: stop it please |
17:24:45 | Toxicity | what? you have something against lulz? |
17:25:28 | saratoga | more like something against being annoying |
17:25:36 | Toxicity | racist |
17:26:33 | * | dionoea doesn't see how saratoga's comment was racist |
17:26:37 | bluebrother | blurfle: the front page clearly says that Rockbox is not based on linux ;-) |
17:27:08 | bluebrother | "Rockbox is a complete rewrite and uses no fragments of any original firmwares." |
17:27:15 | Toxicity | she's racist against annoying people |
17:27:40 | dionoea | ah right ... |
17:28:17 | | Part maffe |
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17:30:35 | markun | bluebrother: instead of 'rewrite' maybe 'firmware written from scratch' would be clearer |
17:31:14 | linuxstb | Apart from all the bits which aren't... |
17:31:20 | petur | well linux was also written from scratch ;) |
17:31:22 | GodEater | hahahaha |
17:31:22 | markun | of course :) |
17:31:23 | bluebrother | markun: right, but I didn't wrote that line ;-) |
17:32:06 | markun | linuxstb: well, better leave that line as is then :) |
17:33:01 | GodEater | no, I think it should actually contain that statement |
17:33:35 | bluebrother | hmm −− isn't that stuff used from IPL written from scratch too? It just was written by the IPL people ... |
17:34:01 | petur | no, based on uclinux iirc |
17:34:08 | | Part maffe |
17:34:35 | bluebrother | the hardware drivers are based on uClinux? |
17:35:11 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484862D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
17:35:20 | linuxstb | I would say all the code we've taken from IPL has been code IPL people wrote from scratch. Mainly just functions which do things to the hardware. |
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17:35:50 | petur | bluebrother: I didn't read what you said correctly :/ |
17:35:55 | PaulJam | ok, i now checked with an official build on my h300 and there the filesystem corruption also happens when moving (cut=>paste) directorys |
17:36:05 | scorche | well, any code written was eventually written from scratch... |
17:36:06 | petur | ouch |
17:36:18 | linuxstb | PaulJam: Are you sure your filesystem was clean before you started? |
17:36:47 | PaulJam | linuxstb: chkdsk didn't report any errors before |
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17:37:47 | PaulJam | linuxstb: but now that i have made a backup before testing i could format the drive and try again. |
17:38:11 | linuxstb | That could be helpful. AFAIK, no-one else has reported such problems. |
17:38:24 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:38:38 | GodEater | even if it is on an unsupported build ;) |
17:41:35 | PaulJam | linuxstb: should i do a full format or is a quickformat sufficient. |
17:41:48 | | Quit lukaswayne9 ("Ex-Chat") |
17:44:40 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15347.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:46:15 | linuxstb | PaulJam: I'm not sure. I would expect a quickformat is ok |
17:48:01 | PaulJam | ok |
17:52:11 | | Quit Toxicity () |
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17:57:46 | PaulJam | linuxstb: it happened with a fresh formatted drive too. i only copied the .rockbox folder and some testfiles on it. is there anything else i should try before i restore my music on the player? |
17:58:07 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-066-057-231-236.nc.res.rr.com) |
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18:00:12 | | Quit petur ("later") |
18:01:05 | | Quit atsea- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:02:39 | linuxstb | PaulJam: Fix the bug ;) |
18:02:45 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-88a3c8d90d29e094) |
18:02:56 | | Join webguest34 [0] (i=be042112@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8b8db871d8b3c048) |
18:03:06 | PaulJam | haha |
18:03:24 | crop | May I ask an OT question? How does the IRC reader script work? The page is being updated but not scrolled. |
18:04:04 | PaulJam | crop: there is an option to autoscroll at the top of the page |
18:05:01 | crop | PaulJam: no, I don't want it to be scrolled. I'm just interested in how it works at all. I.e. how's constant updating working |
18:05:13 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
18:05:39 | crop | If every time a whole new HTML is loaded then it should jump to the page top. But it doesn't |
18:07:08 | | Quit webguest34 (Client Quit) |
18:07:51 | crop | Or is the page dynamically grown by adding rows to the table via javascript? |
18:10:27 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-91a97e4e1cfb4f4d) |
18:14:18 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
18:14:21 | | Quit pondlife (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:15:32 | | Quit crop ("CGI:IRC") |
18:27:43 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:35:31 | | Quit obo ("KVIrc 3.2.6 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/") |
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18:43:09 | | Join threekiloscocai [0] (n=smartmin@ |
18:45:09 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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18:52:41 | | Quit webguest53 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
18:53:07 | | Quit MrKeuner ("Ex-Chat") |
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18:55:34 | | Quit amiconn (" reboot") |
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18:58:20 | | Quit desowin ("use linux") |
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19:03:41 | | Join axlgreasetires [0] (n=chatzill@c-71-60-225-5.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
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19:06:08 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
19:06:46 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
19:16:26 | threekiloscocai | juuhu |
19:16:30 | threekiloscocai | hi |
19:16:46 | markun | hi threekiloscocai |
19:17:03 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:17:09 | threekiloscocai | how are |
19:17:11 | threekiloscocai | you |
19:17:23 | markun | I'm ok |
19:17:47 | threekiloscocai | someone here is actually coding for rockbox? :) |
19:18:06 | markun | you mean right now? |
19:18:13 | threekiloscocai | yeah |
19:18:19 | markun | no, I'm not coding right now |
19:18:46 | threekiloscocai | its realy funny |
19:19:00 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
19:19:01 | threekiloscocai | long time ago for me that i tried thinks like that :) |
19:19:38 | markun | what kind of things did you do before? |
19:20:03 | threekiloscocai | coding |
19:20:04 | threekiloscocai | c++ |
19:20:15 | threekiloscocai | in such a big project like rockbox |
19:20:30 | | Part peppo ("part") |
19:20:36 | markun | are you working on something for rockbox? |
19:20:54 | threekiloscocai | now? |
19:21:02 | threekiloscocai | im trying to get albumart working |
19:21:03 | threekiloscocai | for me |
19:21:34 | markun | I don't care so much for album art, but it would be a nice feature to have |
19:22:11 | threekiloscocai | JEAH |
19:22:12 | threekiloscocai | it WORKS |
19:22:21 | threekiloscocai | i think im not yet that good |
19:22:25 | threekiloscocai | needed 40minutes |
19:22:29 | threekiloscocai | for just 1 line |
19:22:35 | threekiloscocai | to find it |
19:22:46 | threekiloscocai | found it was wrong |
19:22:49 | markun | it also took me a while to find my way in the code |
19:22:57 | threekiloscocai | at least i changed it and now it works |
19:23:08 | threekiloscocai | but i ask myself how it could have worked for the others |
19:23:26 | bluebrother | hmm. New version of amarok does "introducing rockbox support for iPod". Does anyone know details about that? |
19:24:05 | markun | threekiloscocai: rockbox changes all the time which breaks patches from time to time |
19:26:24 | threekiloscocai | the problem was that a token for drawing the image (%Cl) was assigned to WPS_NO_TOKEN, but its beeing drawn only if recognized as WPS_TOKEN_ALBUMART_DISPLAY |
19:26:36 | threekiloscocai | the patch is from the 22.07.07.. |
19:27:02 | | Join nls [0] (n=nils@h218n1fls35o293.telia.com) |
19:27:19 | bluebrother | that's in the future ;-) |
19:27:35 | threekiloscocai | OMG |
19:27:42 | threekiloscocai | that true |
19:27:49 | threekiloscocai | and i wondered why it didnt work |
19:28:08 | threekiloscocai | sure i just will have to wait one month and itll work then |
19:28:13 | bluebrother | hehe |
19:28:26 | threekiloscocai | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/3045 |
19:28:29 | threekiloscocai | last entry |
19:28:52 | markun | linuxstb_: should CodecPerformanceComparison be rewritten for your new test_codec plugin? |
19:29:30 | bluebrother | hehe. Funny typo ;-) |
19:30:00 | nls | markun: I'd say so |
19:33:47 | PaulJam | threekiloscocai: btw, the %Cl tag is only for loading the albumart image. to actually display it the tag %C is used. |
19:40:47 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m60.net81-64-221.noos.fr) |
19:41:38 | PaulJam | hmm, is it normal that copying from the pc to the h300 is only half as fast than copying from the player to the pc? |
19:42:20 | | Join AdmiralJ [0] (n=AdmiralJ@c-69-252-146-232.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
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19:46:37 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
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19:47:50 | threekiloscocai | Paul: So i need both tags? |
19:49:56 | PaulJam | yes, you should have a look at a wps that uses albumart to get an idea how it is used |
19:50:41 | threekiloscocai | aaah |
19:50:46 | threekiloscocai | all the work for nothing?!!! |
19:50:59 | threekiloscocai | i didnt find any working xD |
19:56:28 | threekiloscocai | ill build the sim and test the orginal patch |
19:56:41 | threekiloscocai | doh, realy fell stupid now |
19:57:00 | | Join NIHIL[1] [0] (n=NIHIL@h15.28.140.67.ip.alltel.net) |
19:57:27 | NIHIL[1] | anyone know how I can get album art to work when I play a song? |
19:57:30 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
19:57:36 | threekiloscocai | :D |
19:58:11 | threekiloscocai | did you applied the albumart patch and compile the source? |
19:58:44 | NIHIL[1] | where can I get the patch? |
19:58:50 | The-Compiler | Hi there |
19:59:34 | threekiloscocai | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/3045 |
19:59:52 | NIHIL[1] | thanks man |
20:00 |
20:00:05 | NIHIL[1] | do I have to compile this? |
20:01:59 | PaulJam | if you don't want to compile yourself, you can look in the "unsupported builds" section in the forum for one that already includes this patch. |
20:02:10 | NIHIL[1] | ok |
20:02:29 | | Join davina_ [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
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20:04:00 | | Join netmasta10bt [0] (n=torment@pool-71-251-102-2.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) |
20:05:24 | threekiloscocai | i prefer the newest version :) |
20:05:33 | threekiloscocai | of rockbox |
20:05:38 | threekiloscocai | so ill build it on my own |
20:05:52 | threekiloscocai | and it realy works, the orginal patch from future |
20:06:12 | threekiloscocai | didnt know i need %Cl AND %C, just tried both single... |
20:09:20 | | Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@cop60-1-82-240-26-92.fbx.proxad.net) |
20:09:39 | | Join momocs [0] (n=matt@cpc1-cmbg4-0-0-cust170.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) |
20:09:39 | momocs | eg |
20:12:00 | | Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-190-113.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
20:14:14 | momocs | trying to apply the ipodpatcher via osx |
20:14:28 | momocs | but it opens up in a text editor, what program should I run it with? |
20:14:58 | momocs | ah figured it out dont worry |
20:47:10 | | Join blippe [0] (n=blippe@1-1-11-41a.f.sth.bostream.se) |
20:47:50 | * | ender` yawns |
20:48:03 | | Quit mud-rb (Remote closed the connection) |
20:48:10 | blippe | i've heard a rumour about a dap with rockbox installed as standard. Totally untrue? |
20:49:13 | | Part blurfle |
20:49:14 | | Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ |
20:49:23 | | Join AJS [0] (n=someme2@ |
20:49:38 | momocs | oh gawd how long does it take to get all the preview images for rockbox extra theme browser |
20:50:02 | | Join Nic0_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
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20:50:05 | | Quit NIHIL[1] ("The Bersirc are coming! The Bersirc are coming! [ http://www.bersirc.org/ - Open Source IRC ]") |
20:50:14 | AJS | hi , i have a problem i been trying to install rocbox but an error keeps showing |
20:50:52 | AJS | shows , rocbox loaded , but no button works , what can i do ? |
20:51:36 | AJS | i have tried to install the latest bootloader but it hangs |
20:57:35 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e180233083.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
20:58:17 | | Quit AJS () |
20:58:41 | momocs | do any of the zip files work in OSX :S |
20:58:46 | momocs | they extract nothing |
20:59:04 | | Join AJS [0] (n=someme2@ |
20:59:33 | | Quit threekiloscocai () |
21:00 |
21:00:15 | | Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@e180233083.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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21:00:45 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:04:25 | | Quit pepie34 (Connection timed out) |
21:07:03 | momocs | Im getting the error no partition found when trying to boot it |
21:07:08 | momocs | what causes this |
21:07:12 | | Quit Nico_P (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:07:21 | | Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@cop60-1-82-240-26-92.fbx.proxad.net) |
21:08:07 | | Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) |
21:08:10 | | Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
21:08:29 | TTSbox | hi, I am looking at sample plugins. Is there a plugin that reads a file. |
21:08:30 | TTSbox | ? |
21:09:13 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e180233083.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
21:09:17 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
21:09:18 | | Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:09:41 | TTSbox | and I am using the simulator. other than arrow keys, spacebar and enter, is there any other key that works on the simulator? |
21:10:36 | Domonoky | TTSbox: all keys of the device are mapped, and there are alternatives to the num key on the keyboard.. |
21:11:23 | | Join MrKeuner [0] (n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner) |
21:11:47 | TTSbox | Domonoky: is there any documentation for the simulator on the web? |
21:11:55 | Domonoky | and there is a button for screenshot, i dont know if there are other special keys .. :-) |
21:12:20 | Domonoky | isnt there a consol output when you start the sim ? |
21:12:27 | MrKeuner | hi, do I still need the stupid ipod database on rockbox? |
21:12:38 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=abc@p54A3D667.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:12:42 | Domonoky | MrKeuner: no, |
21:13:02 | MrKeuner | Domonoky: I can use it though as far as I can see, that's cool |
21:13:19 | MrKeuner | Domonoky: is there a certain folder to upload th efiles? |
21:13:22 | Domonoky | you can use the normal filesystem, or the rockbox database.. so you can choose :-) |
21:13:29 | MrKeuner | Domonoky: and is ogg supported? |
21:13:31 | Domonoky | put the musik where you like.. |
21:13:50 | Domonoky | yes, and flac and may others.. even c64 musc works :-) |
21:14:13 | MrKeuner | :) cool |
21:14:15 | TTSbox | Domonoky: the console output doesn't mention any key mappings only some things for debugging I guess |
21:14:17 | Domonoky | one of the only formats i know that dont work is wma.. |
21:14:38 | TTSbox | like "we open real file'archos/....." |
21:14:47 | nls | TTSbox: try running the sim with the −−background swithc |
21:14:50 | Domonoky | TTSbox: then i dont know, sorry :-) |
21:14:59 | TTSbox | thanks nls |
21:15:38 | TTSbox | wow |
21:15:50 | TTSbox | that is nice, that should be default :) |
21:16:37 | Domonoky | sometime ago the background was default, i dont know why they changed it.. :-) |
21:17:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:18:21 | | Quit Anakin (Remote closed the connection) |
21:20:04 | | Join gnakicjii [0] (i=0@ |
21:23:12 | | Nick Soap_ is now known as Soap (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
21:25:59 | | Quit Domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:26:47 | | Quit Buschel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:27:21 | | Join Buschel_ [0] (n=abc@p54A3D667.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:28:28 | | Nick gnakicjii is now known as Anakin (i=0@ |
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21:42:15 | | Quit The-Compiler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:47:32 | | Quit davina_ (Remote closed the connection) |
21:52:34 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e180233083.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
21:52:58 | | Quit pepie34 ("Ex-Chat") |
21:56:05 | | Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
21:56:23 | | Quit desowin ("use linux") |
22:00 |
22:04:16 | TTSbox | not all programs listed on SOURCES file in plugins directory appears in plugins after compiled |
22:04:27 | TTSbox | why is that? |
22:04:39 | Domonoky | TTSbox: some are viewers, and not plugins.. |
22:08:22 | | Quit spiorf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:08:43 | TTSbox | hmm |
22:08:51 | TTSbox | viewer is one of them apparently |
22:09:02 | TTSbox | can I open any text file with it |
22:09:06 | TTSbox | to view |
22:09:13 | TTSbox | how do I run it? |
22:09:17 | Domonoky | to view what ? |
22:09:46 | Domonoky | a viewer is a plugin which is launche when you click on a fitting file.. |
22:10:11 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host5-214-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
22:10:14 | Domonoky | this file dont need to be a text file, rockboy (gameboy emu) is a viewer as example.. |
22:10:21 | | Quit MrKeuner ("Ex-Chat") |
22:10:30 | | Part momocs |
22:11:56 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:12:07 | TTSbox | can text_editor open a text file? |
22:12:22 | markun | of course |
22:12:31 | TTSbox | how do I enter file name |
22:12:45 | | Quit My_Sic (Client Quit) |
22:12:49 | TTSbox | how do I say open file? |
22:12:54 | linuxstb_ | You don't - you select a file in the file browser and choose "open with" |
22:13:01 | TTSbox | hmm |
22:13:10 | linuxstb_ | It's a "viewer" plugin. |
22:13:11 | markun | you need to hold select for a longer time until you get a menu |
22:13:45 | RhinoBanga | lo folks ... fyi changing id3.h and tagcache.h now means Rockbox can ready my id3 tags :) |
22:14:34 | markun | ah, the lyrics? |
22:14:42 | markun | or didn't it read the id3 tags at all? |
22:14:57 | RhinoBanga | it only read 300 bytes of the tag |
22:15:04 | RhinoBanga | some of my tags are 2k |
22:16:13 | RhinoBanga | should I just go ahead and submit the changes? Do they go to "pending for aproval" before acceptance to the mainline? |
22:16:46 | Domonoky | RhinoBanga: i dont think you have submitt rights.. |
22:16:57 | Domonoky | make a patch, and post it in the tracker.. |
22:17:24 | Bagder | and allow me to mention that it most likely won't be applied... |
22:17:26 | Domonoky | just type "svn diff > coolpatch.patch" |
22:17:54 | Bagder | and I believe others have already mentioned this |
22:18:05 | | Join dotCOMmie [0] (n=tox@ool-182dfa0f.dyn.optonline.net) |
22:18:26 | RhinoBanga | Bagder: why not? The fix preserves the existing functionality, i.e. the id3 tag is 300 bytes and the tagcache goes from 512 byets to 600 |
22:18:28 | dotCOMmie | Are any of the I2C developers here? |
22:18:34 | Domonoky | i though a patch to unify those two defines, (whithout changing the size) would be ok ?? .. |
22:18:48 | RhinoBanga | so did I |
22:18:51 | dotCOMmie | I think I found a bug in the coldfire I2C code |
22:19:29 | Bagder | ok, then it might. I just think that almost any work in that area will be replaced/changed for the MoB work |
22:19:31 | | Part maffe |
22:19:36 | RhinoBanga | [15:32:17] <Llorean> Slasheri: Unifying the define, I'm fine with. |
22:19:53 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
22:19:54 | Bagder | so it reads 2K tags with 300bytes buffer? |
22:20:11 | | Part maffe |
22:20:13 | Llorean | Bagder: There are two changes, I assume. |
22:20:22 | RhinoBanga | yes |
22:20:28 | Llorean | Bagder: He's added the define so it's easy for someone rolling their own build to change the tag size. |
22:20:32 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
22:20:43 | Llorean | Rather than having to find separate values, one for the id3 struct, and one for tagcache. |
22:20:46 | Bagder | oh well that change is of course nothing to argue about |
22:21:33 | RhinoBanga | since I don't have commit rights does someone else watch to look over the patch and make the changes themselves? |
22:22:32 | Llorean | RhinoBanga: Just post the patch to the patch tracker. |
22:22:37 | scorche | RhinoBanga: that is why you make a patch and submit it tot he tracker |
22:23:04 | dotCOMmie | Anyway, I have no relation to this project so I dont feel like filing a bug report. Does anyone on the project want to take care of it? |
22:23:35 | Llorean | dotCOMmie: I don't understand. "I've found a bug, but I don't want to post it"? |
22:23:35 | Bagder | dotCOMmie: filing a bug report is the best way to get the right person to see it |
22:24:01 | RhinoBanga | any instructions on how to do that ... looking over the http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WorkingWithPatches page doesn't help me much |
22:24:02 | Bagder | we're many people involved, most of us with particular areas of interest and skill |
22:24:21 | dotCOMmie | Llorean: I dont use rockbox, I was just reading code |
22:24:50 | Llorean | RhinoBanga: You can use "svn diff" to create the patch (make sure the only changes present in your source tree at the time are the ones you want in the patch, or limit it to specific files) |
22:25:06 | Llorean | Then just go to the patch tracker and post a new task, and upload it. |
22:25:14 | RhinoBanga | k ... will do |
22:25:15 | Domonoky | dotCOMmie: ah so its just a possible problem, not an acutal bug on the target ? |
22:25:50 | dotCOMmie | I dont know if it has any adverese effects.. anyway Its a one liner.. |
22:26:13 | dotCOMmie | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/drivers/i2c-coldfire.c?revision=10272&view=markup&pathrev=10668 |
22:26:13 | Domonoky | if its just on line, tell it here.. irc get logged :-) |
22:26:22 | dotCOMmie | in function i2c_read |
22:26:32 | dotCOMmie | iface[O_MBCR] &= ~TXAK; |
22:27:03 | dotCOMmie | should not be set if count<=2 |
22:28:07 | dotCOMmie | so it should be if(count>2) iface[O_MBCR] &= ~TXAK; |
22:28:32 | dotCOMmie | else tranmissions of 1 byte will screw up bus |
22:28:35 | dotCOMmie | have fun |
22:29:02 | dotCOMmie | PM me if anything |
22:29:04 | | Part dotCOMmie |
22:31:46 | | Join strids [0] (n=k@pppoecl83116.minlos.no) |
22:32:28 | strids | how do you make rockbox on ipod in disc mode instead of restarting into charging mode when you plug in an usb cable? |
22:32:35 | AJS | hi , where can i download firmware v3.0 us for an f40 gigabeat ? |
22:32:39 | strids | I think you were supposed to press and hold something as you plugged the cable in? |
22:33:14 | Llorean | strids: Turn off the iPod, turn on the hold switch, plug in USB while Hold is on. |
22:33:17 | Bagder | AJS: ask toshiba, we deal with rockbox and we have no 3.0 |
22:33:51 | AJS | is it necesary v3.0 to install rockbox ? |
22:33:55 | | Part RhinoBanga ("Client Exiting") |
22:34:29 | strids | Llorean: for some reason that seems to load the original firmware |
22:34:46 | Llorean | strids: I thought that's what you wanted. |
22:34:53 | Llorean | You said you wanted "disc mode" |
22:34:58 | strids | oh, sorry, no |
22:35:05 | strids | I just want to be able to play music while it charges over usb |
22:35:14 | Llorean | Oh, just hold down Menu while plugging in the USB cable |
22:35:30 | Llorean | You may have to hold it for quite some time after you plug it in, otherwise it may wait a bit, then restart anyway |
22:36:22 | strids | ah, that's it |
22:36:24 | strids | thanks a lot |
22:36:29 | Llorean | AJS: No specific firmware version should be needed to install Rockbox. |
22:36:42 | Llorean | At least, nobody has reported on a version it doesn't work with yet. |
22:36:56 | AJS | i have v2.02 and i can't install it |
22:37:21 | AJS | each time i try with the new bootloader it hags |
22:37:36 | Llorean | Where does it hang? Is there an error message? |
22:37:50 | AJS | no , error |
22:38:11 | AJS | but when i try with the old bootloader v |
22:38:44 | AJS | does not work either, but i can get trough usb by safe mode |
22:38:50 | | Part nls |
22:39:01 | Llorean | Please answer my other question, where does it hang? |
22:39:14 | Llorean | As well, try booting with the new bootloader while holding "Right" on the pad, and see what text comes up. |
22:39:40 | AJS | in the beging , in the gigabeat inicial screen |
22:40:04 | AJS | then i have to do a swap |
22:41:00 | AJS | does it matter if the new bootloader is in jp , and the gigabeat version es in us ? |
22:41:10 | Llorean | There is no japanese Rockbox bootloader. |
22:42:45 | AJS | when i open the bootloader from rockbox , the letters are in jp |
22:42:54 | Llorean | "Open"? |
22:43:30 | AJS | http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/gigabeat/ |
22:43:48 | Llorean | That doesn't answer my question. |
22:44:04 | Llorean | You're supposed to download the more recent of the two files there. |
22:44:11 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:44:14 | AJS | yes |
22:44:23 | AJS | that's what i did |
22:44:47 | AJS | but when you give it a click , you open de document and then you save it |
22:44:48 | | Join crop [0] (i=d918e989@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2849b0ead7ec1317) |
22:44:50 | | Quit thegeek () |
22:45:00 | Llorean | No, you click on it and choose save as. |
22:45:01 | | Quit thegeek_ () |
22:45:05 | Llorean | Or right click, and choose save as. |
22:45:15 | AJS | that's right |
22:45:19 | Llorean | You should not "Open" it, and if your browser is doing so, it has strange settings. |
22:45:37 | Llorean | You should never see the inside of that file, it's a binary file. You aren't seeing Japanese. |
22:45:40 | AJS | ok, my mistake , you click save as , |
22:46:09 | Llorean | When you tried the older bootloader, did it have an error message? |
22:46:29 | AJS | no , just a message , saying , rockbox loaded |
22:46:43 | crop | Hi. I'm having a problem with the build r13696 on my H120. In the FM, preset mode, I press RIGHT to switch the station. The display changes but the new station is not tuned. Only after the second or the third press does it change. |
22:46:57 | AJS | but you can not touch any button |
22:46:58 | crop | Has anybody experienced the same? |
22:47:36 | Llorean | AJS: I'd need to know the whole message, not just the last line. |
22:47:57 | | Quit scorche (Excess Flood) |
22:48:02 | AJS | ok , send it in a minute |
22:48:10 | | Join scorche [0] (i=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
22:48:13 | Llorean | Copy it to pastebin.ca, or a similar site. |
22:49:47 | | Join low_light [0] (i=c730180a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-9d248c47d96f813e) |
22:49:55 | crop | It can't be the defect button since the display changes and the new frequency is shown. |
22:51:00 | jhMikeS | crop: I'm trying it now and can't make it happen :\ |
22:51:02 | AJS | ok , thx |
22:51:18 | | Quit strids () |
22:51:26 | | Quit HellDragon (Nick collision from services.) |
22:51:31 | Bagder | jhMikeS: did you see the i2c_read() comment from some 25 minutes ago? |
22:51:54 | | Join HellDragon [0] (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
22:51:55 | jhMikeS | I saw something but that's for coldfire |
22:52:25 | Domonoky | h120 is coldfire.. and crop has a h120 ? |
22:52:26 | Bagder | yes, I just thought you might have a clue about it |
22:52:27 | jhMikeS | if you want me to look closer, can do |
22:52:28 | crop | jhMikeS: sometime it happens three or four times in a row. And then it switches, then works three or four times. After ~30 sec playing it happens again. |
22:52:51 | | Join Hilikus [0] (n=aaa@penhune-lab-172-107.Concordia.CA) |
22:53:02 | jhMikeS | ah! we're making a connection between the two :) |
22:53:13 | Hilikus | hey guys |
22:53:15 | Domonoky | hehe, just spek#culating :-) |
22:53:23 | Domonoky | -k# |
22:53:32 | Hilikus | is there a way to change to a new directory, like when you cjange to a new song |
22:53:53 | jhMikeS | the radio always writes 5+addr bytes |
22:53:54 | Hilikus | so that the random change directory chooses another directory (album) |
22:54:02 | crop | My build is from Jun 24, so the recent I2c change shouldn't apply |
22:54:20 | jhMikeS | the only thing I did was change the gigabeat |
22:54:21 | linuxstb_ | Hilikus: You mean manually skip to the next folder? |
22:54:46 | jhMikeS | crop: region? |
22:54:48 | pixelma | Hilikus: maybe something like this? http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginRandomFolderAdvanceConfig |
22:54:50 | Domonoky | jeah, its very unlikely that we read only one byte from i2s |
22:55:07 | crop | jhMikeS: Europe |
22:56:04 | Hilikus | pixelma im using that already, what i want is, a way to force a change in directory because sometimes that plugin you mentioned, jumps to an album that i heard an hour ago or so, because its random, so i need to force a new random directory selection |
22:56:19 | crop | jhMikeS: and one more thing: in the right head phone I hear low noise, in the same rhythm as music goes. I don't know if it's RB or the phone. |
22:56:29 | Hilikus | which now i do but changing songs until i go over the last song and the plugin works again choosing a new album randomly |
22:56:44 | Hilikus | linuxstb_ yes, thats what i mean |
22:56:54 | low_light | any WPS people care to test & comment on FS #7345? |
22:57:05 | jhMikeS | get off the phone :) |
22:57:23 | crop | jhMikeS: yes, I'll try another one |
22:58:09 | Hilikus | any ideas linuxstb_ |
22:58:11 | jhMikeS | hmmm...I still can't make it happen |
22:58:25 | | Join matsl_ [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
22:58:33 | crop | But it only happens if music is playing, not when someone just speaks. |
22:58:52 | crop | jhMikeS: I'll try the latest build |
23:00 |
23:00:13 | crop | But AFAIK no changes have been made recently to FM code |
23:00:22 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:00:23 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
23:00:40 | | Part Llorean |
23:00:51 | AJS | llorean |
23:01:13 | Bagder | left |
23:01:15 | jhMikeS | so the last byte is being acked when sending one byte and the last one shouldn't be acked (still green on i2c here) |
23:02:22 | AJS | can someone help me , i have posted an error message in pastebin.ca , name : GIGABEAT ERROR |
23:02:24 | crop | jhMikeS: aha! I now know how to reproduce it! Switch the DAP on, immediately go to the main menu (the HD is still spinning, I'm not sure why) and activate FM |
23:02:48 | AJS | it is an erro message every time i try to load rockbox |
23:03:10 | | Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) |
23:03:20 | jhMikeS | I'm on main menu by default |
23:03:23 | crop | No sound! But if, after switching on, I wait until the HD stops spinning and then go to FM everything seems to be OK |
23:03:59 | crop | jhMikeS: sorry, I forgot. I'm in the file browser by default. |
23:04:11 | | Quit AdmiralJ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:04:40 | | Join AdmiralJ [0] (n=AdmiralJ@c-69-252-146-232.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
23:04:58 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
23:05:16 | jhMikeS | still not getting it |
23:05:40 | PaulJam | Hilikus: there is a buttoncombination to change to the next dir manually (at least on h300). try play+left or short press + long press on left. |
23:06:06 | | Join mud-rb [0] (n=jas6180@c-71-202-129-6.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
23:06:30 | mud-rb | uh, what exactly is the last thing on the line in viewers.config? |
23:06:47 | crop | jhMikeS: I could reproduce it now 3 times out of four tries |
23:06:48 | AJS | can someone help , i have posted an error message in pastebin.ca , name :GIGABEAT ERROR |
23:07:22 | AJS | i can't load rockbox |
23:07:30 | crop | jhMikeS: I also don't quite understand why the disc is spinning so long after power on (about 10 sec) |
23:08:24 | jhMikeS | crop: maybe you should clear settings and see if it still happens? |
23:08:36 | Hilikus | thanks paul |
23:09:42 | PaulJam | Hilikus: btw, when i wrote left i actually meant right. but i guess that doesn't matter when it is set to random. |
23:09:50 | stripwax | mud-rb - mine says "colours,rocks/text_editor,11" |
23:10:05 | | Quit Hilikus () |
23:10:08 | stripwax | it enables you to edit the .colours files, using the text editor |
23:10:12 | mud-rb | stripmax: yeah, what does the '11' part mean? |
23:10:16 | mud-rb | wax, sorry |
23:10:17 | stripwax | that's the icon |
23:10:28 | mud-rb | oh i see, thanks...i guess - is no icon maybe? |
23:10:31 | stripwax | same as on all the other lines |
23:10:33 | stripwax | yep |
23:12:34 | crop | jhMikeS: I've just reproduced it with the latest build. I'll try resetting settings now |
23:14:40 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
23:15:12 | stripwax | mud-rb - this wiki page shows the icons http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IconSets |
23:15:56 | mud-rb | stripwax: oh thank you :) |
23:16:18 | crop | jhMikeS: after settings were cleared I couldn't get it. But after loading my old settings it's back. I have dir cache active. Is this the reason for the disc activity after power on? |
23:16:58 | stripwax | mud-rb - actually, this page shows what the number and the ",rocks" or ",viewers" stuff means. http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CustomIcons |
23:17:10 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:17:41 | mud-rb | oh even better, haha thanks i was just looking for that |
23:17:50 | jhMikeS | crop: maybe. and entering the screen accesses the disk to load presets |
23:19:07 | | Quit Wiwie (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:19:32 | crop | jhMikeS: but when I switch the station the correct frequency is displayed. I think something doesn't get initialised properly. IIRC, after power on, some threads have to run to initialize the sound system |
23:20:36 | crop | OK, I'll live with it. Or maybe will put more energy into it and find out what setting is to blame. But I have to leave now. Thank you for taking time. |
23:20:40 | jhMikeS | crop: yes that's likely it |
23:21:04 | jhMikeS | I can make it do it if things haven't progress far enough before entering the screen. |
23:21:27 | | Quit RaRe` (Connection timed out) |
23:22:02 | crop | jhMikeS: what can you? Could you reproduce it? |
23:22:19 | jhMikeS | yes |
23:22:26 | jhMikeS | with dircache enabled |
23:22:43 | crop | jhMikeS: aha! So I'm not totally twisted! |
23:23:23 | jhMikeS | the sound comes up as soon as dircache is done loading |
23:23:43 | | Quit Domonoky (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:24:07 | | Quit matsl_ ("Leaving") |
23:24:28 | crop | But if you activate FM while HD is spinning you get no sound in FM, right? |
23:24:43 | jhMikeS | right |
23:25:05 | crop | And even when switching stations (2 of 3 times)? |
23:25:50 | jhMikeS | it will stay silent until dircache it done loading. I ran through the entire band many times until hd light stopped then it finally came up. |
23:26:32 | | Part low_light |
23:26:49 | crop | Hm... For me, it still happens even after 5 min playing FM |
23:26:56 | crop | Ah, now I really have to go. Bye! |
23:27:00 | | Part crop |
23:28:23 | AJS | hi , i have an erro when trying to install rockbox |
23:28:52 | AJS | i posted the error message in pastebin.ca under the name GIGABEAT ERROR |
23:28:55 | amiconn | jhMikeS: http://www.standardics.nxp.com/literature/books/i2c/pdf/i2c.bus.specification.pdf |
23:30:01 | amiconn | (pages 10..11) |
23:30:22 | mud-rb | ajs: post a link? i'm lazy |
23:30:28 | AJS | ok |
23:30:46 | AJS | http://www.pastebin.ca/590901 |
23:32:15 | mud-rb | so it just freezes after ROCKBOX LOADED ? |
23:32:20 | AJS | yes |
23:32:54 | mud-rb | hmm, i'm not sure. i guess just try the install again and make sure you're following the instructions to the letter |
23:33:06 | AJS | i read somewhere the firmware v may be the problem |
23:33:33 | AJS | i have tried to install it several times |
23:33:45 | AJS | with the same results |
23:34:05 | mud-rb | i see, sorry then i guess someone who knows gigabeat will have to help if there's nothing in the forums or something |
23:34:26 | AJS | no , whel thanks anyway |
23:41:12 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:41:33 | jhMikeS | would think the suggested solution is incorrect for a master receiver then. for count == 2 it should read a byte, ack, read the last and not ack. |
23:43:48 | amiconn | Iiuc a master receiver _always_ acknowledges |
23:44:08 | amiconn | A slave receiver would nack the last byte to stop the master |
23:44:16 | amiconn | As mentioned, _iiuc_ |
23:45:00 | jhMikeS | read section 7.2, last para on p 10 |
23:45:38 | jhMikeS | not acking tells the slave transmitter the master receiver is done |
23:45:47 | amiconn | Ah yes |
23:47:56 | jhMikeS | slave receiver acks every byte |
23:48:32 | amiconn | A slave receiver can also nack, even its address |
23:49:32 | amiconn | But these nacks would be error conditions |
23:54:04 | jhMikeS | I suppose the corrent fix is: if (count <= 1), not if (count <= 2) |
23:57:00 | | Join apcfreak [0] (n=Apcfreak@71-222-210-83.albq.qwest.net) |
23:58:12 | apcfreak | Hey all. Does anyone know what size of album art that works with the DockPodAA theme? |