00:03:01 | | Quit Siltaar (Remote closed the connection) |
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00:09:26 | | Join webguest47 [0] (i=4b472e08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5582cbd2f268b200) |
00:09:58 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ |
00:11:20 | webguest47 | help how come the fonts will not down load? |
00:11:36 | webguest47 | or more correctly will not uncompress |
00:12:20 | webguest47 | or even more correctly give an error that they are invalid or corrupt |
00:12:44 | markun | webguest47: I'll check |
00:13:07 | webguest47 | thank you for understanding what Im talking about |
00:13:41 | markun | I'm not 100% sure because you keep changing your story :) |
00:13:46 | bluebrother | works fine here |
00:14:05 | markun | yeah, I can find nothing wrong with it |
00:14:07 | petur | here too |
00:14:22 | petur | (all ok I mean) |
00:14:24 | bluebrother | are you sure your download worked correctly? |
00:14:31 | webguest47 | no |
00:14:32 | | Nick swolbhsub is now known as bushblows (n=bushblow@ |
00:14:35 | bluebrother | or your zip tool is working correctly? |
00:14:50 | bluebrother | well, have you already tried re-downloading the archive? |
00:15:02 | webguest47 | it unziped the .rockbox file and installed it on the ipod |
00:15:25 | bluebrother | there is no .rockbox file. Do you mean the distributed archive rockbox.zip? |
00:15:40 | | Join Snookie [0] (n=opera@h181n1fls301o1003.telia.com) |
00:15:44 | markun | webguest47: you must unzip rockbox-fonts.zip directly to your ipod |
00:16:06 | bluebrother | may I suggest just trying RockboxUtility? |
00:16:10 | Snookie | Hey, i need some help with an iPod, 30gb. I cant find it on my computer, in disk management.. |
00:16:15 | webguest47 | Well it looks like.rockbox file when it down loads but I guss the correct file is archive rockbox.zip |
00:16:26 | webguest47 | what is the rockboxUtility |
00:16:26 | bluebrother | Snookie: does ipodpatcher find the ipod itself? |
00:16:34 | Snookie | bluebrother: nope =/ |
00:16:49 | webguest47 | I have not got to the ipodpatcher stage yet |
00:16:57 | bluebrother | you have administrative permissions? |
00:17:05 | Snookie | I can't synch my ipod either.. Since, all it sez is that it cand be found. |
00:17:07 | Snookie | Yes, i do. |
00:17:23 | bluebrother | webguest47: try this installer: domonoky/rbutil-v0.3.2.5.zip">http://b23.org/~domonoky/rbutil-v0.3.2.5.zip |
00:17:25 | | Quit Rondom (Connection timed out) |
00:17:39 | bluebrother | Snookie: have you tried emergency disk mode? |
00:17:53 | Snookie | bluebrother: No, I read something about it, but i cant find it. |
00:17:56 | webguest47 | <bluebrother> thank you I will give it a try |
00:18:03 | Snookie | (Where in the text i read about it =)) |
00:18:23 | bluebrother | Snookie: reset the Ipod by holding Menu + Select for a couple of seconds. Once the Ipod restarts press Play + Select. |
00:18:41 | bluebrother | this enters emergency disk mode. To leave that mode you need to reset the Ipod again. |
00:18:48 | webguest47 | just to be sure I have a video Ipod |
00:19:08 | Snookie | Okay, now it has started, and it sez "Disk mode" at the top, I'm right where im supposed to be now? =) |
00:19:31 | bluebrother | well, afaik that screen is b/w on color devices |
00:19:42 | Snookie | Nope, it just dissapears, it appeared as "Removable Disk", but then i clicked it and it was gone. |
00:19:58 | bluebrother | do you have Itunes installed? |
00:20:03 | Snookie | Yes |
00:20:06 | webguest47 | yes |
00:20:16 | * | petur wonders why git will not build and is greeted by a lack of info on the git website |
00:20:27 | bluebrother | have you enalbled "disk access" (or whatever it's called) in Itunes? |
00:20:36 | Snookie | I've tried to (enable disk use) but i get an error from iTunes, that it cant be synched. |
00:21:06 | bluebrother | hmm. You might want to try to shutdown all Itunes related tasks using the task manager ... |
00:21:21 | Snookie | But it starts when i plug my iPod in. |
00:22:00 | bluebrother | afaik there is a service that handles this, so you should be able killing it |
00:22:05 | Nico_P | petur: build error ? |
00:22:07 | preglow | and i'm out. gnight, people |
00:22:17 | Nico_P | why aren't you using a package ? |
00:22:51 | petur | which one to take for ubuntu? |
00:23:20 | * | bluebrother wonders if apt wouldn't find the best one automatically |
00:24:00 | Nico_P | petur: I installed those from the git site |
00:24:04 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A94EF3.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:24:06 | | Join jzilla [0] (n=jzilla@ip70-180-136-191.lv.lv.cox.net) |
00:24:06 | Nico_P | the ubuntu ones are a bit old |
00:24:17 | Nico_P | http://www.backports.org/debian/pool/main/g/git-core/ |
00:24:27 | petur | apt-get gives me 4.3 |
00:24:41 | Snookie | Yay, awsome bluebrother, cheers. I got it to work, can now find it! :D |
00:25:37 | bluebrother | 4.3? I have git 1.5 :p |
00:26:15 | petur | bluebrother: Get:1 http://be.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe git 4.3.20-10 [262kB] |
00:26:32 | jzilla | Looking for some claifcation on the faq. Pretty simple question, but I'd like to be sure before I do anything. Just installed Rockbox and was wondering how I put music onto it. Just create a dir and drop songs into and its subfolders however? |
00:26:34 | webguest47 | <bluebrother> well that was much eaiser thank you. Do you have a location for operating instructions? |
00:26:42 | markun | freebsd gave me 1.5.2 |
00:26:57 | Snookie | jzilla: Yes, just create for example a folder called music, then put your music in it. |
00:26:58 | bluebrother | webguest47: http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml |
00:27:11 | Snookie | jzilla: Then you can browse the music in your rockbox GUI |
00:27:11 | webguest47 | thank you VERRRY much |
00:27:15 | jzilla | Snookie: thanks, simple enough. |
00:27:17 | bluebrother | (follow the white errr ... "manual"-labelled link on the website's menu) |
00:27:24 | Snookie | jzilla: Yup, no problems. |
00:27:35 | petur | for ubuntu, do I get debian unstable or testing? |
00:28:08 | webguest47 | im old and slow but I got that, thank you |
00:28:15 | markun | bluebrother: too much Lewis Carroll? ;) |
00:28:18 | bluebrother | ubuntu seems to have strange version numbers ... upstream tarball is 1.5.2 ... |
00:28:41 | | Join mud-rb [0] (n=jas6180@c-71-202-129-6.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
00:29:04 | petur | apt-get git-core gives 1.4.4 |
00:29:43 | bluebrother | ah, so git being some meta-package? Anyway, I don't like ubuntu :p |
00:30:05 | petur | something some devs still must learn: u s e r f r i e n d l y n e ss |
00:30:29 | bluebrother | petur: is that the reason why ubuntu changed the default shell to dash? *g* |
00:30:42 | Snookie | Thanks for the help everyone ;D |
00:30:44 | petur | well ubuntiu works for me |
00:30:51 | | Part Snookie |
00:31:47 | petur | so, which git binary shall I install? |
00:32:02 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
00:32:20 | Nico_P | petur the "stable" debs worked for me on ubuntu |
00:32:43 | petur | thnx |
00:32:45 | Nico_P | the "testing" ones seem to me old |
00:32:51 | Nico_P | s/me/be |
00:33:16 | Nico_P | petur: take git-svn too |
00:33:35 | Nico_P | and git-gui and gitk |
00:34:08 | * | bluebrother wonders if a git mirror like videolan will happen some time in the future |
00:34:39 | | Quit Thundercloud (Connection timed out) |
00:35:27 | | Join Snookie [0] (n=opera@h181n1fls301o1003.telia.com) |
00:35:27 | | Quit webguest47 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
00:35:42 | Snookie | Crap, i've got problems again.. It's still not syncing =/ |
00:36:44 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
00:37:15 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB3C4F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
00:37:20 | DerPapst | blubb? |
00:37:27 | Nico_P | bluebrother: earlier today I asked Bagder about hosting git repos, he seemed to like the idea |
00:37:28 | bluebrother | blabb:) |
00:37:35 | Nico_P | maybe it will happen quite soon |
00:37:37 | Snookie | Anyone know what my problem could be? |
00:37:42 | DerPapst | ah ok. wasn't sure though :P |
00:37:48 | bluebrother | Nico_P: as a mirror? I.e. the main system will still be svn? |
00:38:13 | bluebrother | would be kinda nice for getting a bit knowledge of git ;-) |
00:38:32 | Nico_P | we didn' discuss it in detail but I was thinking of having a mirror of ths SVN repo and hosting dev repos |
00:39:20 | bluebrother | nice. I'm still not convinced that a move to git would be beneficial, but a mirror could help playing with it ;-) |
00:39:46 | bluebrother | for some reason git-svn wants me to checkout git-svn all time instead of master |
00:40:00 | bluebrother | with master being the state when I initially ran git-svn :o |
00:41:14 | Nico_P | I use git svn rebase to update |
00:41:52 | Nico_P | you'd probably rebase the master and then pull from the master to update your local branches |
00:43:50 | bluebrother | hmm. I guess I'll look into that later. Got late here ... |
00:44:24 | | Quit petur ("Zzzz") |
00:44:31 | | Quit bluebrother ("nite!") |
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00:47:15 | | Part Snookie |
00:52:13 | | Quit Zagor (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:55:11 | | Nick bushblows is now known as swolbhsub (n=bushblow@unaffiliated/bushblows) |
00:57:38 | | Quit Rondom (No route to host) |
01:00 |
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01:12:10 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
01:20:12 | | Join sansa_express [0] (n=sansa_ex@ |
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01:23:07 | | Join webguest43 [0] (i=4b472e08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4f11b0e219b895ed) |
01:24:13 | webguest43 | \join |
01:25:04 | webguest43 | Hi again. Ok I have everything working.. Now I want to load my music in in folder form. I looked at the faq and read the manual but I did not see where to put the files. Any thoughts on this |
01:25:20 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@71-10-136-117.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) |
01:25:24 | Nico_P | webguest43: you put the files where you want on your DAP |
01:25:38 | webguest43 | DAP? |
01:25:47 | Nico_P | = digital audio playter |
01:25:50 | Nico_P | player* |
01:26:45 | webguest43 | Hmm that didnt work for me. I copied the file folder over containing the audio files .wav and the DAP did not see them. Even when I did a database search |
01:27:43 | webguest43 | did i mention this is an IPOD |
01:27:54 | scorche | webguest43: what format are the files? |
01:28:13 | webguest43 | .wav |
01:28:30 | Nico_P | and you don't see the files in the brwoser ? |
01:28:44 | webguest43 | on the dap |
01:28:47 | scorche | what is your view mode set to? |
01:29:01 | webguest43 | view mode? |
01:29:05 | webguest43 | ok back to the manual |
01:29:39 | | Join Llorea1 [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) |
01:29:47 | | Quit Llorean (Nick collision from services.) |
01:29:50 | | Nick Llorea1 is now known as Llorean (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) |
01:30:16 | webguest43 | ok show files all just gives me a blank screen |
01:31:13 | | Quit entheh ("^~") |
01:31:24 | | Join OlafG [0] (n=jALIg@ti121210a080-0741.bb.online.no) |
01:31:32 | OlafG | Hey |
01:32:14 | | Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) |
01:32:19 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
01:33:29 | OlafG | Where is the FAQ? |
01:33:50 | Nico_P | OlafG: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxFAQ |
01:35:22 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
01:35:30 | OlafG | Can I like try Rockbox and see if I like it, and if I dont like it just switch back to my ipod-firmware with all my music and stuff on it? |
01:35:37 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@71-10-136-117.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) |
01:35:38 | Nico_P | yes |
01:35:55 | OlafG | Sure? Dont have to delete anything on my iPod? |
01:36:17 | webguest43 | o I get it Jeez even in your silence you guys are so cool. Thank you that was so obvious I just missed it. Is there a way to get the DAP to play from file to file with out making a play list? |
01:36:38 | Nico_P | OlafG: I'm pretty sure you don't have to delete anything |
01:36:58 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-5fb0083469d11cb1) |
01:37:33 | OlafG | Whats teh differnce between the Sim, Boot and regular versions? |
01:37:44 | Nico_P | webguest43: what was the problem ? to do what you asked, just select the first track you want to play and the ones that follow it in the dir will be played next |
01:38:21 | Soap | One builds the Simulator, one builds the bootloader, One builds the Normal builds, one builds Developer builds with logging enabled... OlafG |
01:38:26 | Nico_P | OlafG: you'll want regular. sim is a simulator running on a computer and boot is the bootloader, which you only install once |
01:38:54 | OlafG | Okey, how do I do it if just want to test? |
01:39:24 | Soap | Normal is all you need unless you know you need one of the others. |
01:40:02 | | Quit ompaul ("night") |
01:40:09 | OlafG | But I dont want to delete anything on my ipod |
01:40:19 | webguest43 | THe problem was when I went to file view I just didnt get that I was looking at and didnt see the file I had copied over. Thank you. is there a way to book mark in the file mode? |
01:40:29 | Nico_P | OlafG: read the manual to find out about the installation procedure : http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml |
01:40:56 | Nico_P | even if you only want to test you have to install rockbox, and you won't have to delete anything |
01:41:01 | | Quit Llorean ("Leaving.") |
01:41:27 | OlafG | It does work on a mac, right? |
01:42:04 | Soap | if we are talking about iPods, your iPod needs to be formatted FAT32, not HFS+, otherwise Mac users should have no particular issue. |
01:42:34 | OlafG | Gah, I dont want to re-format my iPod |
01:43:01 | mud-rb | it's not really that hard if you have space to backup your current files |
01:45:27 | OlafG | Hmm, I am to tired to do it tonight, thats for sure |
01:45:28 | * | stripwax is amazed people really use HFS |
01:45:43 | mud-rb | i threw my sgfbox (Go game recorder/viewer) plugin on the tracker if anyone wants to check it out, it's very very very rough though and probably only usable on e200: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7369 |
01:45:45 | OlafG | HFS is better than FAT.... |
01:45:59 | mud-rb | anything is better than FAT, but FAT is really easy |
01:46:11 | stripwax | exactlty |
01:46:13 | OlafG | Thats true |
01:46:13 | scorche | FAT is supported everywhere |
01:46:25 | mud-rb | HFS from what i understand is not all that great, and almost nobody uses it |
01:46:40 | scorche | well, mac users do because they dont know any better |
01:46:44 | OlafG | But I dont see HFS a problem if you work with macs and dont have to involve your self with windows-shit |
01:47:01 | OlafG | I also like ZFS... |
01:47:26 | OlafG | But, FAT, bleh |
01:47:28 | mud-rb | ZFS does sound interesting, but something tells me rockbox isn't going to support it </sarcasm> |
01:47:31 | stripwax | does linux support hfs? assume it does, but .. |
01:47:45 | OlafG | I think so |
01:47:53 | mud-rb | i know there's code in there for it, i have no idea how well it works |
01:48:27 | OlafG | I have a PC that I would like to use Linux on, but I need my Creative Suite... |
01:48:40 | mud-rb | what's that? sound editing or something? |
01:48:42 | stripwax | you use Creative Suite and mac? |
01:49:13 | webguest43 | Thank you again for all your help. I have to go read the manual some more |
01:49:27 | OlafG | Stripwax: yes |
01:49:27 | scorche | mud-rb: adobe |
01:49:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:49:30 | stripwax | neato |
01:49:33 | webguest43 | \bye |
01:49:51 | OlafG | I have windows computer too, does some rendering on it |
01:49:57 | stripwax | so run linux and wine and pc creative suite? :) |
01:50:24 | OlafG | Does it work? |
01:50:24 | | Quit webguest43 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:50:59 | OlafG | Gah, seriosly, I need to go to bed now |
01:51:37 | scorche | then go to bed...this is off-topic anyway |
01:51:53 | * | OlafG is sleeping with the fishes..... what.... nooo, that came out wrong |
01:52:43 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:54:29 | Soap | FAT is #1 if your goal is compatibility. A DAP has no higher goal, and FAT is more than good enough for everything else a DAP needs out of a filesystem. Complaining about FAT on your iPod is like driving a Hummer to the grocery store. Sure the Hummer can carry more stuff faster than your Civic, but do you need that to grocery shop? No. |
01:55:39 | | Join Joely [0] (n=eliveuse@ |
01:55:40 | | Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@71-10-136-117.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) |
01:56:03 | DerPapst | YES!!1 |
01:56:20 | * | DerPapst doesn'T even know what a grocery shop is |
01:56:34 | * | DerPapst looks it up :P |
01:56:43 | mud-rb | err |
01:56:57 | DerPapst | now i know |
01:57:05 | DerPapst | :) |
01:57:57 | Soap | and knowing is half the battle |
01:58:00 | DerPapst | the familly of a frind of mine would use 2 hummers if they could :P |
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02:14:30 | scorche | DerPapst: but gas isnt cheap... |
02:15:44 | DerPapst | yeah.. true. but maybe one can build a hummer that is powerd with solar energie *lol* |
02:16:33 | Soap | leave my analogy alone! |
02:17:13 | | Quit jhulst_ (Remote closed the connection) |
02:17:57 | DerPapst | one on-topic question (i know on-topic sucks :P) anyone familiar with pluginlib_actions.h/c ? |
02:18:30 | | Quit mud-rb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
02:20:12 | DerPapst | if there is a plugin that uses this pluginlib_actions thing and i absolutely diskile the control scheme.. may i make my one defines in the code of the plugin (undef everything that has to do wiht pluginlib_actions.h) or am i supposed to fidlle arround with pluginlib_actions.h and optimise that (if even possible)? |
02:20:57 | | Join andrew_ [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162091242.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) |
02:23:06 | | Part pixelma |
02:23:39 | DerPapst | i mean i would levae the button defines alone for all other players (still using pluginlib_actions). but only if e.g. the the ipod keypad is defined i would go aways from pluginlib_actions and make my onw scheme which is defined in the plugin. all the other palyers still use the buttons as they are defined in pluginlib_actions.h. |
02:24:17 | DerPapst | would a patch of this kind even accepted? |
02:24:25 | | Quit Thundercloud_ (Remote closed the connection) |
02:25:42 | * | DerPapst 's grammar is foobar :P |
02:25:58 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
02:28:24 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-64-217-219-154.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
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02:41:04 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB3C29.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
02:41:27 | * | DerPapst guesses that this is a "what are you talking about" :P |
02:41:37 | DerPapst | or maybe it's too late |
02:43:57 | | Join CoolCubix [0] (n=coolcubi@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-78-78.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
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02:53:12 | | Nick BHSPitLappy_ is now known as BHSPitLappy (n=steve-o@adsl-64-217-219-154.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
02:54:07 | | Join mud-rb [0] (n=jas6180@c-71-202-129-6.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
02:54:23 | DerPapst | good night everyone |
02:54:27 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
02:55:24 | mud-rb | is there a description of the different drawmodes somewhere? |
02:56:59 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
03:00 |
03:00:05 | midkay | mud-rb: GraphicsAPI wiki page i believe.. |
03:00:16 | midkay | yes, http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GraphicsAPI |
03:00:53 | | Join Lynx [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
03:01:03 | mud-rb | oh thanks, i knew i saw it somewhere but i couldn't find it |
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03:04:14 | | Join Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
03:07:02 | | Part NineLives |
03:07:35 | mud-rb | okay so i've never even seen an ipod with rockbox on it. can you do the 4 directional buttons and scroll easily without those all getting mixed up? trying to pick good buttons for my plugin |
03:08:42 | jurrie | works OK on a Sansa, nt sure about an iPod |
03:09:32 | mud-rb | yeah, it looks like all of the archos the screen is too small, and the nanos and probably the mini |
03:09:58 | mud-rb | well i guess if people want to look at it tiny it'll be fine on the nano, at least is has some resolution... |
03:10:39 | mud-rb | gah this is going to get hairy, i have no idea how the buttons work on any of these, and the simulator doesn't seem very useful in finding good buttons |
03:17:07 | | Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:17:07 | | Nick Lynx is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
03:17:45 | mud-rb | hmm, if someone sees this, has any of the players with a medium size screen or bigger and wouldn't mind helping me with buttons, send me a message :) |
03:24:37 | | Quit CoolCubix (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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03:51:58 | jurrie | I noticed today that disktidy.rock doesn't remove .Trash file from the microSD card in my Sansa. I do see it scanning the file system on the card... guess it's just not looking for that file anywhere other than / |
03:58:33 | mud-rb | hmm, yeah if i understand the code it's just not looking there |
03:58:50 | mud-rb | where does the microSD end up in the file system? i don't have one to try |
03:59:38 | jurrie | depends on the card... but when I go to Files, it's like: <microSD1> (or similar>, where I believe the 1 corresponds to the partition number |
04:00 |
04:00:16 | mud-rb | oh, hmm. oh the SD stuff is still a patch right, or did it make it into svn? probably doesn't make sense to fix that until it's actually in |
04:00:54 | jurrie | still a patch |
04:01:15 | jurrie | my memory was right, it's "<microSD1>" |
04:01:41 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-64-217-219-154.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
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04:02:14 | jurrie | well, with the Sansa database issue, I ended up installing cpchan's build and he's got it in there. Sounds like the LCD fade out is to blame (or at least it exposes the issue) |
04:02:30 | mud-rb | oh really? that's interesting |
04:02:50 | | Join Lynx [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
04:03:03 | mud-rb | i think the only problems on my sansa are the LCD bug on the top of the screen that probably isn't going to be fixed anytime soon and some random database weirdness |
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05:16:11 | mud-rb | okay someone who has an ipod i need some button help: are there enough buttons somehow to do up, down,left, right scroll in two directions and a menu? otherwise i need some ideas... |
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05:30:37 | ziroday | is there a way to make rockbox act more like a original ipod? |
05:30:55 | mud-rb | in what way? |
05:31:00 | mud-rb | but the answer is probably no |
05:31:36 | ziroday | like menu goes back one step, etc |
05:31:58 | ziroday | and i use the click wheel in search instead of ff rv |
05:33:32 | ziroday | ?? |
05:34:13 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
05:34:46 | aliask | ziroday: Menu stuff, no. But what do you mean about the click wheel? |
05:35:26 | ziroday | i mean like navigating through menus i want to use soley the menu and the click wheel? |
05:35:41 | ziroday | can you configure it like that |
05:36:02 | aliask | No. |
05:36:09 | | Nick bushblows is now known as swolbhsub (n=bushblow@unaffiliated/bushblows) |
05:36:39 | mud-rb | if it's just a remapping of the keys you can if you don't mind messing around with the source code (is there a config file to remap keys?) |
05:37:05 | mud-rb | but even then, you're going to run into problems with like plugins that assume certain key configurations |
05:45:39 | | Join Lynx [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
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05:58:10 | | Quit AdmiralJ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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06:04:48 | ziroday | can i choose between rockbox and apple firmware? |
06:04:48 | mud-rb | yes, read the manual |
06:04:48 | | Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:04:48 | | Nick Lynx is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) |
06:07:07 | mud-rb | sorry, can someone tell me what the defines are for the "colors" in 2 bit displays? i can't see to find them |
06:10:22 | mud-rb | oh, there they are |
06:10:54 | | Quit Soap () |
06:14:13 | aliask | mud-rb: Take a look at the GraphicsAPI wiki page, it has that info and a bunch of other useful stuff on it |
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06:15:00 | mud-rb | aliask: that particular information isn't there |
06:15:14 | aliask | Oh wow, you're right... |
06:15:23 | | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:15:41 | mud-rb | yeah, it's in lcd.h but i was missing it, haha...i'm blind sometimes |
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08:23:37 | LinuxUser | ive done something really stupid by changing text color to white on a white backdrop, is there anything i can do? |
08:28:14 | alienbiker99 | haha, you could try hooking up to usb and deleting the .cfg |
08:28:22 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
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08:28:51 | LinuxUser | alienbiker99: tried that already |
08:29:02 | alienbiker99 | what player |
08:29:03 | * | LinuxUser is feeling really really stupid |
08:29:25 | alienbiker99 | you could just reinstall the .rockbox folder |
08:29:44 | alienbiker99 | delete it and put a new one on |
08:29:51 | LinuxUser | alienbiker99: yeah i think im goin to have to |
08:29:54 | webguest19 | LinuxUser: delete or edit the file .rockbox/config.cfg |
08:30:05 | LinuxUser | ill try |
08:30:40 | LinuxUser | webguest19: THANK YOU |
08:30:47 | | Quit kubiixaka ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
08:30:55 | LinuxUser | webguest19: this was the file i was loking for thank you so much |
08:32:09 | webguest19 | LinuxUser: if something like that happens again and you dont have access to a pc, there is for most players a button you can press during startup to delete the config. |
08:32:26 | LinuxUser | ipod nano? |
08:32:46 | webguest19 | on ipods it is the hold switch |
08:33:19 | LinuxUser | webguest19: thank you so much |
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08:35:11 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
08:45:09 | scorche | LinuxUser: to make things a bit clearer, if you switch the hold switch on after the apple logo has disappeared from the screen, but before rockbox boots, it will clear your settings back to the default |
08:50:28 | | Part maffe |
08:55:43 | | Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
08:58:10 | RoC_MasterMind | unfortunately, for those who like to use the hold switch to keep it powered off |
08:58:26 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
08:58:35 | RoC_MasterMind | when you plug it in via USB, it boots into disk mode...then when you unplug it goes to rockbox, and isnce the hold switch is still engaged, you lose your settings. |
08:58:51 | RoC_MasterMind | I've had this happen ten thousand times. |
08:59:01 | RoC_MasterMind | I've learned to save my configs. |
08:59:58 | scorche | RoC_MasterMind: you have an old version of the bootloader then...you should boot into the apple firmware if you start it with the hold switch on |
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09:00:22 | amiconn | Both is bad behaviour imo |
09:00:44 | amiconn | I'd rather put (back) booting into apple and settings reset to a button |
09:01:10 | RoC_MasterMind | I see. |
09:01:15 | RoC_MasterMind | Maybe I should update my bootloader |
09:01:26 | RoC_MasterMind | It's from Feb 2006 |
09:01:45 | scorche | you should |
09:01:57 | | Part LinuxUser |
09:02:07 | RoC_MasterMind | thanks |
09:02:24 | RoC_MasterMind | oh |
09:02:52 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:03:14 | RoC_MasterMind | is there data loss risk? |
09:05:04 | scorche | from updating the bootloader? |
09:05:19 | scorche | provided you do it right, of course not |
09:05:35 | scorche | and for you to do it wrong, you have to try to do it wrong, really |
09:05:44 | RoC_MasterMind | This is cool....the builds page is one thousand times more complicated |
09:05:50 | RoC_MasterMind | why are there two build-charts |
09:06:03 | RoC_MasterMind | Oh I see. |
09:06:10 | RoC_MasterMind | This is awful. |
09:06:14 | scorche | what is? |
09:06:49 | RoC_MasterMind | OK, usually I grabbed the bootloader from the ipod 4g install instructions...where is it now? |
09:06:57 | scorche | read the manual |
09:07:55 | RoC_MasterMind | OK, but that's the wrong response. It should either be on the download page or in the zip. |
09:08:23 | scorche | it would be the wrong response if it was wrong.. |
09:09:09 | B4gder | yes, reading the manual must be wrong... |
09:09:29 | B4gder | </sarcasm> |
09:09:30 | RoC_MasterMind | It's not intuitive. |
09:09:38 | scorche | how is it not intuitive? |
09:09:39 | RoC_MasterMind | But thanks...I found the section. |
09:09:40 | B4gder | to read the manual to learn how to do things? |
09:10:00 | RoC_MasterMind | You would think you would have all you need from the software .zip. |
09:10:08 | B4gder | we don't think so |
09:10:10 | scorche | the download page is for downloading things....the manual is for learning how to do things...i dont see the error in logic there |
09:10:24 | RoC_MasterMind | I know that's not true, but the install instructions has disappeared, or at least the ipod-4g port link has been pushed off hte homepage. |
09:10:45 | scorche | they havent disappeared...i just told you they are in the manual |
09:11:11 | RoC_MasterMind | Things are different than they used to be, I am just griping. |
09:11:28 | davina | whats a manual? ;) |
09:12:24 | scorche | RoC_MasterMind: should we never change things? |
09:12:40 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.dsl.t-2.net) |
09:16:09 | RoC_MasterMind | do I need to be in my home directory to run this ipodpatcher? |
09:16:17 | RoC_MasterMind | Forget what I said. |
09:16:19 | RoC_MasterMind | This is cool that it could scan my disk drives for my ipod |
09:16:22 | RoC_MasterMind | That's smart. |
09:27:53 | | Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") |
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09:30:33 | RoC_MasterMind | Much improved. |
09:30:43 | RoC_MasterMind | Rockbox is impressive yet again. |
09:31:17 | RoC_MasterMind | I like the boot into apple for hold switch....it has the side-effeect that I don't lose my settings. |
09:31:41 | RoC_MasterMind | I also am impressed the apple OS isn't flipped anymore...I'm sure that makes people happy. |
09:31:48 | B4gder | http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2007-06/0780.shtml |
09:31:58 | B4gder | "Unfortunately, Torvalds |
09:31:58 | B4gder | also indulged in a childish presentation style that distracted from |
09:31:58 | B4gder | his useful technical criticisms of Subversion." |
09:32:14 | B4gder | :-) |
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09:34:24 | markun | :) |
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09:48:28 | B4gder | the least commonly downloaded rockbox zip from build.rockbox.org is... |
09:48:35 | B4gder | ondio sp |
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10:03:30 | | Part maffe |
10:06:12 | dionoea | hello |
10:06:31 | markun | hi dionoea |
10:14:35 | mud-rb | uh, does someone have an h300? the buttons are really confusing |
10:14:50 | mud-rb | what are the define names for the play/pause and the stop button? |
10:16:11 | GodEater | is xscale an arm architecture ? |
10:16:35 | B4gder | yes |
10:16:39 | GodEater | thanks |
10:16:45 | B4gder | xscale is basically strongarm++ |
10:17:01 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@host217-41-62-170.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |
10:17:08 | GodEater | rockbox for ipaq :) |
10:17:13 | mud-rb | xscale is intel's dealie, right? |
10:17:17 | B4gder | yes |
10:18:02 | B4gder | but some of it sold to Marvell |
10:18:14 | mud-rb | oh, i see |
10:19:36 | mud-rb | gah...what are the on off buttons on h300 too, if anyone comes on that has one? i don't even see anything in the simulator that could be an on or off button... |
10:23:13 | pixelma | i think that's called "stop" there... |
10:23:42 | mud-rb | oh, on/off are the [] and the play/pause looking thing on the h300? |
10:23:58 | pixelma | http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-h300/rockbox-buildch3.html#x5-190003.1.1 |
10:24:26 | mud-rb | oh hey, that's handy, thanks. i forgot that page existed |
10:24:48 | pixelma | to be found in each player's manual... |
10:25:37 | OlafG | Is there anyplace where I can see screenshots of rockbox? |
10:25:51 | B4gder | OlafG: the manuals feature screenshots |
10:26:04 | B4gder | so does the wps pages |
10:27:07 | OlafG | Eh, I didnt like that UI |
10:27:20 | mud-rb | keep in mind it's very configurable, if you're trying to decide if you want to install it or something. i think a lot of the screenshots are of the default theme/font which isn't great |
10:27:33 | mud-rb | ++ |
10:27:37 | mud-rb | ..sorry |
10:28:03 | OlafG | I can still watch video on it, right? |
10:28:40 | mud-rb | haven't tried it myself but i gather that there is some sort of video support |
10:28:43 | GodEater | video watching is not recommended in Rockbox on the iPod Video |
10:28:50 | GodEater | it's a bit slow... |
10:29:15 | OlafG | Ah, is it possible do use Dualboot? |
10:29:58 | GodEater | OlafG: very possible |
10:30:19 | GodEater | you simply flick the hold switch to "on" as soon as you've powered up |
10:30:32 | OlafG | http://www.rockbox-themes.org/data/320x240x16/Flow_b.png |
10:30:39 | OlafG | Real Coverflow or just fake? |
10:30:51 | GodEater | fake |
10:31:14 | mud-rb | oo, that's pretty |
10:31:18 | OlafG | Okey, and what about coverart from itunes? |
10:31:27 | GodEater | not supported |
10:31:41 | GodEater | we have unofficial builds which allow the use of coverart, but not from the iTunesDB |
10:32:01 | GodEater | use of an unofficial build means you get no support here though - only from the person whose build you end up using |
10:32:21 | OlafG | I found a script to embed artwork to my songs. Will it work then? |
10:32:26 | GodEater | Official support for Album art is one of the Google Summer of Code projects we have going at the moment |
10:32:43 | GodEater | OlafG: No - embedded artwork doesn't work at all |
10:32:47 | | Join austriancoder [0] (n=austrian@ |
10:33:07 | GodEater | as far as I understand it (I don't use it myself), it requires a seperate picture for each folder on your iPod |
10:33:14 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
10:33:20 | GodEater | I think there's a wiki page somewhere with the details |
10:33:43 | GodEater | OlafG: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/AlbumArt |
10:34:05 | | Quit RoC_MasterMind (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:37:23 | | Quit OlafG () |
10:39:48 | mud-rb | what does "Incompatible model" mean on trying to load a plugin? |
10:40:11 | mud-rb | does the ipod mini have a more stringent memory restriction maybe? |
10:40:30 | scorche | it means that you didnt update rockbox properly |
10:40:37 | austriancoder | petur: ping |
10:40:43 | scorche | extract the entire zip |
10:41:08 | mud-rb | hmm, i see...it's on the simulator, maybe my build failed in some weird way |
10:41:10 | scorche | austriancoder: we were worried =) |
10:41:48 | scorche | mud-rb: to fill out the text a bit, it means incompatible version between teh plugin and the plugin api |
10:42:08 | mud-rb | oh i see, i thought the message for that was different somehow, thanks |
10:42:42 | austriancoder | scorche: I have one problem.. if I hang in an irc I have no time to code as I want to be uptodate whats going on in irc |
10:43:41 | LinusN | austriancoder: ah, sorry, we forgot that you are a guy, and can only do one thing at a time :-) |
10:43:53 | mud-rb | haha, ow |
10:44:29 | pixelma | mud-rb: incompatible model is for example a plugin that was build for a simulator while trying to run it on target or vice versa IIRC (different to incompatible version scorche) |
10:44:59 | mud-rb | pixelma: yeah thanks...i think i forgot to do make install in the sim, so i was using a plugin built for h300 or something...woops |
10:46:25 | scorche | pixelma: ah.....i saw "plugin" and "incompatible" and read it as version....perhaps i ahve answered that question a few too many times... |
10:47:29 | scorche | mud-rb: sorry =/ |
10:47:40 | mud-rb | oh no problem, i'm embarassed i did something that dumb :) |
10:48:16 | mud-rb | haha, yay the ipods and the hxx all seem to work w/ my plugin...as long as you don't mind the screen being wicked tiny for some of them |
10:49:30 | | Quit desowin (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
10:49:51 | Zagor | amiconn: your amd64 patch for gcc 3.4.6 says "don't use it". what do you mean with that? |
10:50:24 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
10:50:54 | | Quit desowin (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:51:55 | petur | austriancoder: pong |
10:52:42 | austriancoder | petur: have you looked at my patches? |
10:53:02 | petur | a bit, got a new one? |
10:53:33 | petur | ah yes I see |
10:54:10 | austriancoder | I want to commit small stuff... for instance I want to start with linkedlist and basic usb_ch9 includes |
10:54:36 | petur | sounds good |
10:55:04 | petur | do you know on what targets the code will work? |
10:55:41 | austriancoder | on all arcotg based targets |
10:56:21 | petur | are you going to define a specific define for it for the target.h files? |
10:57:43 | austriancoder | I think we will need one yes.. at the moment i do my development with an logf build and I check what happens when usb is connected. |
10:59:19 | petur | I see you didn't put the code in the target tree, which is good because we can extend it to support other chips in the future |
10:59:44 | petur | except for the pp code of course |
11:00 |
11:01:18 | petur | it's becoming quite a big patch... how's it working now? |
11:01:50 | austriancoder | thats why I want to split it |
11:01:50 | | Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:02:17 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15812.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:03:09 | austriancoder | at the moment I am improving the reciving of packets... the code does handle most standard requests and all other requests will be forwared to gadget drivers... |
11:03:53 | * | dionoea can't wait to try native usb support in rockbox |
11:04:38 | austriancoder | petur: tomorrow I will start porting the first gadget driver (file storage or serial...) |
11:05:15 | petur | nice, that's the really interesting stuff :) |
11:06:07 | petur | I'd go for storage immediatly, the interface isn't really that more complicated |
11:06:26 | austriancoder | petur: serial debuging would be also fine :) |
11:06:33 | petur | yes |
11:06:46 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
11:07:04 | * | austriancoder dreams of having a developer kit for the sansa to simple debug through the code with his IDE |
11:07:57 | | Part maffe |
11:08:06 | mud-rb | like gdb debugging over serial you mean? |
11:08:36 | austriancoder | jup |
11:08:45 | mud-rb | wow, that would be cool |
11:08:46 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
11:08:50 | amiconn | Zagor: Huh? Where does it say that? |
11:09:13 | Zagor | amiconn: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/Main/CrossCompiler?rev=1;filename=gcc-3.4.6-amd64-subst.patch |
11:10:26 | | Join Shine [0] (i=Shine@ |
11:10:32 | Shine | Hey all |
11:11:19 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host196-223-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
11:11:23 | Shine | i have sandisk e280. why cant i custom view database? |
11:11:52 | amiconn | Zagor: Oh, that one. Actually this isn't my patch, it's just me who added it to the wiki. In spite of this warning, it's working fine |
11:12:19 | amiconn | There is a better patch in the tracker (a backport of the proper fix in gcc svn), but I still didn't try it |
11:12:57 | Zagor | ok |
11:13:25 | Zagor | I just set up a new amd64 box that will start building soon. |
11:14:48 | amiconn | The patch to test would be fs #6564 |
11:15:17 | Zagor | yes, looking at it now |
11:15:49 | Zagor | cute fix |
11:17:27 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
11:17:30 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp184-142.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
11:21:34 | petur | austriancoder: I'm curious if you were afk for a week or just decided to shield yourself from everything to concentrate on hacking ;) |
11:21:46 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF75D0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:22:44 | Shine | Cany anyone help me? |
11:23:34 | mud-rb | what do you mean by custom view database? |
11:26:10 | mud-rb | ugh...are the volume plus and minux buttons not mapped in the gigabeat simulator? |
11:26:14 | mud-rb | minus* |
11:26:23 | markun | Shine: I guess you are talking about this? http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DataBase#tagnavi_config_v2_0_Syntax |
11:26:31 | Shine | SEC |
11:27:01 | markun | mud-rb: they should be. You can run the sim with −−background to see the keys |
11:27:30 | mud-rb | yeah..i don't see any keys on them, and the obvious + and - aren't it |
11:27:33 | Shine | The custom view is so i cant browse music folders in sansa right? |
11:27:37 | Shine | so i cant |
11:28:05 | markun | Shine: I still don't understand your question |
11:28:16 | mud-rb | ugh...well i might have to take it on faith that vol + and - are going to work, that shouldn't be a big deal, haha |
11:28:38 | markun | mud-rb: what exactly is the problem with the buttons? |
11:29:00 | Shine | Do u know the custom view option? |
11:29:00 | markun | are you working on the Go plugin? |
11:29:08 | markun | Shine: no, never played with it |
11:29:48 | mud-rb | markun: yeah, i'm trying to set up buttons for all of the players and make sure they work at least in the simulator. the gigabeat i just don't see what the + and - are mapped to in terms of real work keyboard...there's no big red letters in the −−background |
11:29:53 | scorche | Shine: are you referring to the viewmode? |
11:30:08 | mud-rb | s/real work/real world/ |
11:30:24 | markun | mud-rb: maybe someone removed the letter. They were there when I made the background |
11:30:28 | Shine | hmm its the last option in "database" "Custom view.." |
11:30:50 | mud-rb | markun: hmm...that's weird, well i'm 99% sure it'll work fine anyways, it shouldn't be a big deal i guess...just confusing |
11:31:47 | markun | mud-rb: I have the red letters |
11:31:57 | mud-rb | markun: on the volume up and down? |
11:32:06 | markun | ah, no :) |
11:32:09 | markun | oops |
11:32:10 | mud-rb | hehe :( |
11:32:28 | Shine | ? |
11:33:57 | markun | Shine: my guess is that "Custom view..." uses tagnavi_custom.config |
11:34:10 | markun | what are you trying to do anyway? |
11:34:11 | pixelma | the custom view is what you specify in your tagnavi_custom.config (read the link that was given above) |
11:35:04 | markun | Shine: if you want to browse folders go to "Files" and not "Database" |
11:35:19 | Shine | Yeah i read, so should i download the custom view over there or create my own? |
11:35:41 | Shine | in files there is no music folder |
11:35:51 | markun | Then maybe it's a hidden folder |
11:35:59 | Shine | i want just to open a whole folder to play, is it possible? |
11:36:18 | markun | you can go to the file settings and set "View files" to "All" |
11:36:27 | markun | then you should also see the music folder |
11:37:12 | Shine | no view files in settings |
11:37:22 | markun | display settings |
11:38:07 | markun | Settings -> General Settings -> File View |
11:38:18 | Shine | no |
11:38:27 | markun | (so not Display, sorry) |
11:38:29 | markun | yes |
11:38:57 | markun | -> Show Files |
11:39:05 | markun | I'm making a mess of this :) |
11:40:03 | Shine | Thanks! |
11:40:09 | markun | no problem :) |
11:40:37 | markun | I'm glad you made it with my confusing instructions. Maybe the manual is a better place to check such things. |
11:40:39 | Shine | i can listen to the whole folder finaly |
11:41:07 | Shine | ok question #2 |
11:41:54 | Shine | is there a way to design rockbox? or at least to make the font bigger? |
11:42:01 | scorche | yes |
11:42:59 | Shine | using themes? |
11:43:10 | scorche | and changes of fonts, yes |
11:43:22 | Shine | where can i Dload themes? |
11:43:36 | scorche | in the wiki |
11:43:54 | scorche | it is linked on the front page of the wiki under WpsGallery |
11:43:58 | petur | or RockboxUtility |
11:44:04 | Shine | Any chance you have a link? |
11:44:17 | dionoea | rockbox-themes.org |
11:44:50 | Shine | what theme do u suggest? |
11:44:58 | mud-rb | there are screenshots |
11:45:03 | mud-rb | explore |
11:49:40 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:51:28 | markun | I suggest the Rockboxed theme :) |
11:51:46 | markun | Shine: don't forget to install the fonts |
11:51:53 | mud-rb | markun: hehe, did you write the rockboxed theme? :) |
11:52:00 | markun | No |
11:52:06 | mud-rb | ah, bad guess |
11:52:22 | markun | But I think I'm the only one who uses it |
11:52:39 | mud-rb | yeah, i actually did for a while, but i wasn't a fan |
11:53:56 | markun | Maybe I'll go back to the simple WPS I made for my iriver |
11:54:51 | mud-rb | wow, i think i'm finally done setting up keys |
11:55:17 | mud-rb | i'm not even going to bother for any of the archos..the screens are just too small for 19x19, and without that there's really not much point |
11:55:30 | markun | mud-rb: will you use some pretty bitmaps? |
11:56:04 | mud-rb | markun: i'm just using simple colors right now...bitmaps would probably be nice, but it's hard to get much detail in such small stones :( |
11:56:32 | markun | yes, 19x19 on such a small board.. |
11:56:37 | markun | eh, screen |
11:56:50 | mud-rb | yeah. it's actually quite viewable on sansa, the rest i think it's okay too |
11:57:30 | mud-rb | (except archos...and the mini might be kind of a stretch |
11:58:15 | Shine | Hey can any1 link me to albumart patch please? |
11:58:19 | Shine | i cant find it |
11:58:27 | scorche | Shine: in the tracker |
12:00 |
12:02:49 | mud-rb | oh good, i just wiped out all of my defines after spending forever setting up keys...how nice |
12:07:00 | GodEater | Shine: do you know what to do with the patch once you find it ? |
12:07:59 | | Quit Siltaar ("Aurevoir - www.fdn.fr/~sdescarp") |
12:08:12 | Shine | behh.. i see all those bugs peaple reporting |
12:08:19 | Shine | ill just put some regular theme |
12:09:56 | amiconn | mud-rb: Make it scrollable on small screens... |
12:10:28 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@115-116.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch) |
12:10:52 | | Join norbusan [0] (n=norbusan@dhcp02.algebra.tuwien.ac.at) |
12:11:01 | | Part norbusan |
12:11:17 | mud-rb | amiconn: ugh, maybe. is there rockbox support for that? i don't know if i'm motivated enough to write that from scratch |
12:12:56 | | Join webguest49 [0] (i=c023111d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f3a5c276169da718) |
12:13:02 | Shine | the theme is geat :] thanks again |
12:14:03 | Shine | question #3 |
12:15:02 | Shine | I dont know its related to rockbox but is there some patches that make sansa support other lang songs |
12:15:18 | | Quit xNibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:15:20 | Shine | i cant read hebrew and cant wrtie |
12:15:58 | scorche | are you refering under rockbox or the original firmware |
12:16:27 | Shine | rockbox |
12:17:04 | scorche | rockbox will support other languages...just make sure to use a unicode fint |
12:17:06 | scorche | font |
12:17:53 | | Join xNibbler [0] (n=sven@e181103177.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
12:19:36 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
12:22:41 | Shine | is there a font in the tracker? |
12:23:14 | scorche | the fonts are all in the font package |
12:24:19 | * | scorche goes to sleep |
12:26:27 | Shine | wait |
12:26:38 | Shine | so do u know what font support? |
12:28:28 | markun | Shine: the fonts are here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxExtras |
12:34:33 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB3C29.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
12:34:55 | DerPapst | morning |
12:35:47 | | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) |
12:36:55 | Shine | i know i downloaded them but what fonts are unicode? |
12:38:16 | markun | Shine: here are some examples: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UnicodeFonts |
12:38:51 | Shine | thnks |
12:39:18 | Shine | question #4 |
12:39:23 | markun | ok :) |
12:39:37 | Shine | in doom addons ive got 1 file doom2.wad |
12:39:57 | Shine | it doesnt work. amy idea why? |
12:40:08 | DerPapst | i have a small coding question. Is there any way i can have something like a button timer? So that i can say the button has at least to be pressed 1 second before a event is fired but the event should only fired once after the button is released. Afaik there are BUTTON_REPEAT and BUTTON_REL but i know i can't combine them. So is there any other way to do such a thing? |
12:40:34 | markun | Shine: if you have just 1 file you can find the answer to your problem here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginDoom |
12:41:23 | mud-rb | DerPapst: i think you get the BUTTON_REPEAT things before the BUTTON_REL in that case, so just set a flag on BUTTON_REPEAT and then test for it on BUTTON_REL? |
12:42:27 | Shine | sp i need the same files in addon dir? |
12:43:21 | markun | Shine: which part of the wiki page do you mean? If it's unclear I can update it. |
12:44:15 | DerPapst | mud-rb: hmm.. sounds good but honestly i have no idea how to do that. :P I guess i would have to to that in the plugin loop? |
12:44:48 | Shine | doom works for me but doom2 doesnt |
12:45:02 | mud-rb | yeah, i haven't tested this but i can throw an example in a pastebin if you like. do you really want that functionality though? i can't think of a real use for it, honestly |
12:45:35 | markun | Shine: strange, it's in the list of supported wads. Do you get an error? |
12:46:32 | | Join thommy [0] (n=thommy@i59F72F36.versanet.de) |
12:46:35 | Shine | yea. 1 sec. |
12:46:43 | thommy | hy |
12:47:35 | markun | hi thommy |
12:47:35 | Shine | i try to run it but it quits doom plugin |
12:48:19 | DerPapst | mud-rb: would be nice :) i don't want a user to accidently reset a level because s/he it the wrong button. so i wanted to make sure the button has to be pressed a certain time before i reset the level. BUTTOM_REPEAT works for that but once it fires the event you are resetting the level about 2 times or more per second. which isn't nice. |
12:48:35 | markun | Shine: sorry, don't know what's wrong with it |
12:48:57 | thommy | does anyone has experiences with the amarok Rockbox support? |
12:49:00 | Shine | i enter doom->addons->doom2 right? |
12:49:00 | mud-rb | oh, haha...yeah i guess that's semi-valid, yeah let me write what i was thinking in a pastebin..one sec |
12:49:29 | Shine | and then play game |
12:49:32 | B4gder | thommy: there's amarok rockbox support? |
12:49:33 | DerPapst | mud-rb: thanks :) |
12:49:36 | markun | Shine: I think so, I never play doom |
12:49:38 | pixelma | DerPapst: use a button combo? |
12:49:59 | thommy | yes with the 1.4.6 version |
12:50:03 | DerPapst | pixelma: yeah i've thought about that too.. but i already have 2 ;) |
12:50:26 | thommy | but i didn't get it to work |
12:51:09 | | Join daktak [0] (n=daktak@CPE-58-170-221-225.vic.bigpond.net.au) |
12:51:12 | DerPapst | pixelma: and i thought that might be easier to do. I hoped i've missed soemting like a BUTTON_DO_WAHT_I_WANT :P |
12:51:26 | B4gder | thommy: I can't find any info about it online |
12:51:48 | Shine | Markun: can i delete other plugins( like cube) ? |
12:51:58 | daktak | i have a mini and when i plug it into usb, i get the usb logo and usb 2-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 |
12:52:02 | markun | Shine: sure, but when you update rockbox they will be back :) |
12:52:16 | thommy | http://amarok.kde.org/ |
12:52:23 | B4gder | that's amarok yes |
12:52:27 | mud-rb | ugh DerPapst: the way i'm thinking of is kind of going to be ugly |
12:52:29 | B4gder | but what about this mentioned plugin |
12:52:37 | mud-rb | but, i'll still write it up, haha..you can decide |
12:52:53 | B4gder | I found this: |
12:52:57 | B4gder | http://amarok.kde.org/forum/index.php?topic=14189.msg18984 |
12:52:59 | DerPapst | mud-rb: heh ok :) |
12:53:06 | pixelma | DerPapst: I don't understand your button repeat problem though... there are quite a few places where rockbox distinguishes between a short and a long button press |
12:53:10 | thommy | 4th point |
12:53:43 | B4gder | thommy: yes I can see it _mentioned_ but there's no info about it |
12:53:43 | mud-rb | he wants it to distinguish and /also/ for it only to fire once the button is released |
12:54:37 | thommy | hmm |
12:54:41 | B4gder | but I find lots of people asking the same question... |
12:55:06 | B4gder | ... with nobody answering them |
12:55:15 | thommy | yes i know |
12:55:23 | markun | does Amarok have a IRC channel? |
12:55:23 | pixelma | sure it is possible - DerPapst look at the BUTTON_PRE definitions... (I think that's where your problem lies ;) ) |
12:55:51 | mud-rb | oh is there an actual way to do this? |
12:55:55 | B4gder | #amarok here on freenode |
12:56:18 | mud-rb | http://www.pastebin.ca/595171 here is the gross hack i had in mind. the biggest grossness is you need to set fire_it = false in every other button case |
12:56:29 | DerPapst | pixelma: that plugin doesn't have BUTTON_PRE definitions yet. |
12:56:32 | mud-rb | err...wait, i have no idea |
12:56:32 | mud-rb | haha |
12:56:46 | pixelma | DerPapst: you just set them... |
12:57:03 | thommy | i already ask there but no solution |
12:57:39 | DerPapst | mud-rb: yeah that is similat of what i thought too ;) |
12:58:06 | mud-rb | okay, yeah it should work, with some tweaking..and i think i'm wrong about having to set the flag false in ever case, just set it false if it hits...maybe |
12:58:26 | mud-rb | but it's still gross...haha, if there's an actual way, do that |
12:58:54 | thommy | is there a software to display the status of rockbox under linux? |
12:58:57 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
12:59:08 | mud-rb | define "status" |
12:59:19 | markun | B4gder: seems to be ipod only http://ljubomir.simin.googlepages.com/awnissue9#146 |
12:59:46 | B4gder | thommy: what's there to display? |
13:00 |
13:00:29 | thommy | how much space is left or st |
13:00:37 | DerPapst | pixelma: can you show me any example plugin? |
13:00:49 | B4gder | thommy: the player appears as a usb-storage disk, all the standard tools work for that |
13:00:54 | mud-rb | thommy: your player looks to linux like a normal disk drive |
13:00:57 | pixelma | DerPapst: look for example at the Ondio keymap in sudoku.h: short press of "menu" toggles the number and a long press of "menu" brings up the menu *once* |
13:01:06 | | Quit webguest49 ("CGI:IRC") |
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13:01:26 | DerPapst | thanks |
13:01:43 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
13:03:14 | DerPapst | hmm... it's a bit of a similar way what mud-rb has done. |
13:03:16 | pixelma | and there are different button combos with "menu" as well - it works |
13:04:03 | markun | mud-rb: these graphics look quite nice don't you think? http://www.nongnu.org/gap/ladder/ladder-scrshot1.jpg |
13:04:13 | DerPapst | i think i understand now how i can do that. thank you both :) |
13:04:58 | mud-rb | markun: hmm, yes they are pretty nice actually |
13:05:20 | mud-rb | markun: even those are a bit big though, although i think they could survive a little shrinking |
13:05:51 | mud-rb | another problem with bitmaps is that it's going to be difficult to size them for all players, unless i just implement scrolling, but honeslty i don't like the idea of scrolling |
13:06:01 | mud-rb | it's pretty important to be able to see the whole board at the same time... |
13:06:06 | markun | mud-rb: maybe I can play a bit with The Gimp to make you some nice tiles |
13:06:51 | Shine | markun: i used a hebrew supported font but i still see gibrish(text files) |
13:07:10 | markun | Shine: then you probably need to set your default codepage to Hebrew |
13:07:18 | Shine | huh? |
13:07:28 | Shine | please explain yourself |
13:07:32 | mud-rb | markun: sure, if you don't mind that might be helpful |
13:08:33 | mud-rb | markun: oh! that's a really good idea that program uses to show the last move (lighten the board around it a bit) |
13:08:48 | mud-rb | i wonder if i can somehow do that, although it might be tough... |
13:09:05 | markun | mud-rb: just make a separate tile for it |
13:09:54 | mud-rb | markun: yeah...i think one problem with tiles is that currently i'm not set up to use them at all, it's all custom drawn because i wanted to allow any board size and supporting many players is easier this way |
13:09:59 | thommy | or ceatinging playlists |
13:10:30 | DerPapst | pixelma: the problem is even if i define any BUTTON_PREs the evil plugin loop doesn't make any use of it so they would be unused. So i have to code a handler for them in the loop first to make them work. But i think that is easy. |
13:10:53 | mud-rb | markun: i think either we're going to have to restrict board sizes to maybe just 19x19, or else tiles are pretty difficult with all of the different screen sizes |
13:11:05 | mud-rb | (and even then there's going to have to be a lot of tiles) |
13:11:19 | markun | mud-rb: yes, we'll see |
13:11:39 | | Quit daktak ("Lost terminal") |
13:11:49 | markun | or maybe restrict the game to 9x9 for screens which are too small? |
13:12:48 | mud-rb | yes, that's a possibility, but i'm not sure how useful that actually is...the most popular use case by far and away is going to be 19x19 |
13:13:10 | pixelma | DerPapst: sorry - I still don't understand. I used them myself and also defined new ones... they worked "out of the box". |
13:13:10 | Shine | markun: what codepage? |
13:13:14 | mud-rb | i guess we could use tiles if the screen is large enough at the current board size, and fall back on custon drawn |
13:13:51 | pixelma | DerPapst: if you remember Ipod minesweeper... ;) |
13:13:52 | petur | maybe use seamless tiles and draw all other features on top of it? |
13:14:06 | markun | Shine: under display settings |
13:14:08 | mud-rb | seamless tiles? |
13:14:44 | petur | patterns you can put next to each other without seing they are repeated |
13:14:52 | petur | *seeing |
13:15:10 | mud-rb | oh oh, no that wouldn't work...the tiles we're talking about are for like a circular game piece |
13:15:19 | markun | petur: well, if they are tiles you could always see that |
13:15:44 | mud-rb | that would be nice for the game board pattern though for sure |
13:16:06 | petur | ok, I meant seamless pattern for the background/board and draw the other stuff on top |
13:16:19 | mud-rb | ah yes, that would be good |
13:16:21 | DerPapst | pixelma: e.g. look at the sudoku plugin. (sudoku.c line 1195) there you can see if a button_pre is defined something happens in the gameloop (to be exact nothing happens as desired). but the pligin i'm working on doesn't have something similar in its mainloop so if i make a new button_pre define nothing should actually happen. |
13:17:06 | petur | and if you use transparency you can have any graphic you want (round things,...) |
13:17:15 | DerPapst | meaning it would still behave like before. |
13:17:20 | | Part LinusN |
13:17:22 | markun | petur: what's the fenefit of having one background in that case? I was planning to make tiles with everything predrawn |
13:17:31 | markun | for nice alpha tranparency :) |
13:18:03 | markun | petur: I mean what's the benefit of NOT having 1 background |
13:18:07 | petur | markun: that way you can have less gfx that's player dependant |
13:18:08 | markun | space? |
13:18:10 | DerPapst | markun: maybe a algorithm to draw wood as well? |
13:18:16 | DerPapst | :P |
13:18:24 | mud-rb | oh god |
13:18:35 | amiconn | DerPapst: Of course you also need to check the previous value inf you add a _PRE macro |
13:18:53 | amiconn | The mechanism is actually quite simple |
13:18:54 | markun | mud-rb: we should worry about the game and not the graphics :) |
13:19:06 | DerPapst | mud-rb: nahh not god but pope ;) |
13:19:19 | mud-rb | markun: oh, the game is already 99% finished as far as game viewing/recording goes |
13:19:22 | | Part thommy ("Konversation terminated!") |
13:19:40 | DerPapst | amiconn: yupp. i've seen them in sudoku and minesweeper already. |
13:19:54 | mud-rb | as in, it works perfectly except for passing, board marks, and some other minor things |
13:21:14 | mud-rb | once i get these keypads redone you can see how it works so far, it looks fairly good to my eye as long as you don't look at the code, haha |
13:21:36 | DerPapst | amiconn: one question... if a plugin uses pluginlib_actions for it's button defines and i think they are not usable at all is it ok to make my own button defines in the plugin for a particular dap and if that dap isn't defined use pluginlib_actions instead? |
13:22:49 | dionoea | pluginlib defines for ipod's up/down are unusable (if that's what you were refering to) |
13:22:53 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
13:23:17 | Shine | ive canged the codepage to hebrew. i still cant read |
13:23:18 | dionoea | (at least they are in the maze plugin) |
13:23:22 | DerPapst | dionoea: yes that too. |
13:23:29 | mud-rb | in what way are they unusable? i'm trying to write keys for the ipod right this second |
13:23:40 | DerPapst | dionoea: that is the plugin i'm messing with atm ;) |
13:23:42 | mud-rb | i hope i'm not making the same mistake, i have no actual hardware for any of the ipods |
13:23:57 | | Quit aliask ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
13:24:03 | dionoea | mud-rb: changing keys for an ipod without being able to test is quite risky imo |
13:24:36 | dionoea | DerPapst: i'm sure that you could define an alternate directions / action key array for in the pluginlib |
13:24:37 | DerPapst | mud-rb: have to go to work soon but if youre here in about 8 hourn i maybe can help you ;) |
13:24:37 | mud-rb | dionoea: i'm writing keys for my own plugin, and in general nobody was willing to give me input on keys :) |
13:24:42 | dionoea | and use that in the plugin |
13:25:20 | dionoea | mud-rb: ah :) what plugin are you coding ? |
13:25:21 | DerPapst | dionoea: yeah i could do that too but then i would mess up other plugins as well |
13:25:22 | mud-rb | DerPapst: haha i might be, but probably will be sleeping :( i /think/ what i have now will work...hopefully. it does on the simulator at least |
13:25:40 | | Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
13:25:43 | mud-rb | dionoea: a game recorder/viewer for Go/Igo/Baduk/Weiqi |
13:25:52 | dionoea | DerPapst: why ? you specify which action array you want to use. So other plugins wouldn't change |
13:26:06 | dionoea | unless their code changed to use the new arrays of course |
13:26:33 | dionoea | mud-rb: nice :) Does it have an AI too ? |
13:26:58 | mud-rb | dionoea: unfortunately not right now, although that's the long term go...gnugo is wicked heavy on the memory or it would be easier |
13:27:06 | mud-rb | s/go/goal/ |
13:27:25 | dionoea | ok |
13:28:19 | DerPapst | dionoea: ah ok... but introducing a complete new buttonset for every plugin where i don't like the defines that uses this lib is a bit overkill imo |
13:28:27 | | Quit The-Compiler (Remote closed the connection) |
13:28:41 | amiconn | DerPapst: I don't know. pluginlib_actions is of almost no use imho. Requirements of the various plugins are too different from each other to make a generic actions approach work nicely |
13:28:57 | pixelma | I still think that button actions for plugins (specifically games) don't make sense because the control scheme can be so different and the keypads need different solutions for each. If you start defining all these extra cases in the pluginlib would just be moving the defines from the plugin to the lib - less transparency... |
13:29:00 | mud-rb | amiconn: yeah that was my conclusion as well |
13:29:24 | DerPapst | amiconn: this is waht i thought too. that's why i wanted to make my onw ones. |
13:30:01 | dionoea | can't you code your own actions per plugin but still use the action code in the game's loop ? |
13:30:10 | DerPapst | s/amiconn/amiconn, pixelma: |
13:31:02 | mud-rb | dionoea: if i understand you correctly then it's basically the same as the old way, right? although in my opinion it's somewhat less clear |
13:31:07 | pixelma | dionoea: what would be the use of it in an "outsourced" lib? |
13:31:12 | DerPapst | dionoea: right now i have my own defines if the plugin is built for an iPod but if not i still use this plugin_lib |
13:32:40 | amiconn | dionoea: You could make your own actions list. But that's less clear than processing button presses the old way imo |
13:32:51 | dionoea | it might help preventing the use of lots of ifdef SOMEBUTTON in the keyboard handling switch. (see the solitaire button loop for an example of how ugly that looks) |
13:33:10 | | Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) |
13:33:42 | mud-rb | dionoea: i think the best solution is the #if CONFIG_KEYPAD == BLAH <whole bunch of mapping defines ... approach. i think the solitare only looks bad because it avoids that |
13:34:17 | dionoea | no, it doesn't |
13:34:37 | mud-rb | oh, then why does it look horrible? i managed to get away without any hairiness in my actual loop |
13:35:11 | dionoea | because you have so many possible actions/shortcut actions that some targets don't have enough buttons to handle them with simple defines |
13:35:33 | dionoea | and AFAIK, those could be simplified using the action code |
13:35:38 | DerPapst | i'm off for work. i think i have a patch for maze done this evening. see you then :) |
13:35:44 | mud-rb | so then you do #define MY_BUTTON_TO_DO_SOMETHING BUTTON_ONE | BUTTON_TWO or something, right? |
13:35:52 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
13:36:24 | dionoea | mud-rb: check the solitaire code to see what i'm talking about... it's kind of hard to describle |
13:36:57 | mud-rb | hmm okay, i will look in a sec... |
13:37:01 | B4gder | woo, a zagor commit! ;-) |
13:37:41 | Zagor | surprise! |
13:37:55 | B4gder | btw, I take it that patch works for 32bit userspace as well? |
13:38:11 | B4gder | as x86_64 is the uname for that too |
13:38:14 | Zagor | it should. I'll test it right away. |
13:40:04 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host193-209-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
13:40:08 | mud-rb | wow, why does solitare need so many buttons? |
13:40:27 | dionoea | makes it faster to play |
13:40:52 | mud-rb | i see...okay i think that's why it's ugly, having that many buttons is going to be ugly no matter what you do |
13:41:24 | mud-rb | i have 7, sort of and it's very tight |
13:42:07 | dionoea | k |
13:43:03 | pixelma | Nico_P: interesting typo in your last commit message :P |
13:43:44 | Nico_P | :p |
13:43:51 | Nico_P | at least I got it right in the CREDITS |
13:44:20 | mud-rb | wow, that's a pretty badass name...that's his real name? |
13:44:53 | Nico_P | mud-rb: actually it's Banga |
13:45:01 | mud-rb | yeah, still badass |
13:45:52 | * | petur compares it to 'mud-rb' and shakes head |
13:46:06 | mud-rb | :( |
13:46:12 | petur | :p |
13:46:14 | dionoea | ;) |
13:46:23 | mud-rb | 'mud' was taken, and i was sad |
13:48:51 | mud-rb | speaking of names: rockgoban is better than sgfbox, right? because sgfbox is probably the lamest name ever |
13:49:11 | Zagor | B4gder: yup, it works |
13:49:17 | dionoea | or just "go" ? |
13:49:24 | dionoea | or "goban" ? |
13:49:36 | mud-rb | haha...i guess that's possible, probably goban |
13:49:42 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:50:41 | pixelma | yeah, there's already to much rocking or boxing in plugin names |
13:50:48 | preglow | way, way too much... |
13:50:53 | pixelma | too, even |
13:50:55 | mud-rb | hehe |
13:51:27 | preglow | if you can't think of anything without rock or box in it, do a poll or something |
13:51:34 | preglow | unless the name is something as clever as "spacerocks!" |
13:51:43 | preglow | exclamation mark unintended |
13:51:55 | mud-rb | yeah, spacerocks is pretty solid |
13:52:25 | markun | mud-rb: first experiment: |
13:52:42 | | Join jba [0] (n=jba@c211-30-160-138.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) |
13:52:45 | preglow | someone's making a go plug? |
13:52:52 | markun | preglow: yes, mud-rb is |
13:52:56 | preglow | isn't computers really lousy at go? |
13:53:01 | jba | hey guys |
13:53:20 | markun | preglow: yes, they it's very difficult for computers |
13:53:23 | dionoea | hi |
13:53:27 | mud-rb | preglow: it's only a recorder/viewer for now, and yeah computers are pretty lousy. eventually i want to port gnugo, which at least pretends not to be lousy |
13:53:27 | markun | -they |
13:53:53 | mud-rb | (but honestly it doesn't pretend very hard) |
13:54:01 | preglow | haha |
13:54:28 | preglow | it just spits out lines of text like "this game bores me!", "your play is obvious!" and "hah! this shall be easy!" ? |
13:54:38 | | Join jba_ [0] (n=jba@c211-30-160-138.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) |
13:54:39 | preglow | until it finally says "ok, i'm a fraud..." when it loses |
13:55:03 | Shine | Any1 knows why i cant read hebrew texts in rockbox? |
13:55:04 | mud-rb | haha, no that's not until the final version |
13:55:14 | mud-rb | @ preglow |
13:55:36 | LinusN | Shine: because you (1) have the wrong font, or (2) haven't set the correct code page |
13:55:46 | markun | preglow: with the Zune port you will be able to play it with other people over wifi :) |
13:55:54 | mud-rb | okay, i think i finally set up the keypads again after wiping them out like a retard |
13:55:58 | LinusN | or (3) you can't read :-P |
13:56:02 | mud-rb | now to test them all...again (goddamit) |
13:56:15 | Shine | LinusN: i have the correct code, i set the code page to hebrew |
13:56:32 | markun | mud-rb: what did you think of the graphics? |
13:56:33 | LinusN | then my bet is on the font |
13:56:50 | Shine | ive tried 4 difrent fonts that SUPPORT hebrew |
13:56:55 | preglow | okiedoke, i'm out |
13:56:55 | preglow | brb |
13:56:55 | mud-rb | markun: from that page you linked? they look very nice, and should be scalable down to some degree i think, with some work |
13:57:03 | pixelma | Shine: if you mean the text viewer - that one as an own encoding setting |
13:57:10 | Shine | + i have gibrish in the plugin editor and not hebrew font |
13:57:24 | Shine | ow |
13:57:28 | Shine | ill check it |
13:57:51 | markun | and I don't know what the editor things about unicode |
13:57:57 | markun | thinks |
13:58:02 | pixelma | in the text viewer menu |
13:58:21 | Shine | how do i change the text viewr? |
13:58:46 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
13:59:06 | pixelma | open your .txt then call the menu from "inside" the plugin - pitily that's not documented too well |
13:59:19 | markun | mud-rb: wow, we only have 12x12 on our biggest screens for a 19x19 board.. |
13:59:29 | mud-rb | markun: yeah :( |
13:59:49 | pixelma | Shine: you had an Ipod? |
14:00 |
14:00:05 | Shine | Sansa e280 |
14:00:16 | markun | mud-rb: it looks terrible |
14:00:18 | Shine | i cant call it from the inside |
14:00:23 | mud-rb | markun: it actually looks pretty nice on my sansa, i'm about to throw a new patch on the tracker with keypad configurations and colors for everything except archos players if you want to see |
14:00:33 | markun | mud-rb: ok |
14:00:51 | mud-rb | markin: i mean with the graphics i have now it looks okay of course, no bitmaps or anything |
14:01:01 | Shine | So how do i configure the settings of the text editor in sansa |
14:01:31 | markun | Shine: if there is no codepage settings I guess it's not possible |
14:02:24 | pixelma | Shine: when in the text viewer press "select" (the center button) - ooh I thought you meant the text viewer not the text editor... |
14:02:53 | Shine | also the text viewr |
14:02:56 | markun | does the text editor support UTF-8? |
14:03:17 | Shine | i dont know |
14:03:20 | pixelma | yes, but you have to set it seperately |
14:03:44 | Shine | so how i set the text viewer |
14:04:30 | pixelma | Shine: view the .txt - press select, choose "encoding" which is the first option - select utf-8 |
14:04:52 | markun | or ISO-8859-8 in your case |
14:05:49 | Shine | WOW |
14:05:55 | Shine | thanks a lot guys |
14:06:23 | | Join Gabril [0] (n=gabril@ns2.webix.de) |
14:06:47 | Gabril | hi |
14:08:41 | markun | Shine: I hope it was your last question for today :) |
14:10:03 | Shine | heh, i hope only doom will get fixed |
14:10:07 | Shine | thanks guys |
14:10:22 | Gabril | can anyone explain why my rockbox ( ipod video 80 gig ) shows up twice in my windows file explorer? or how i can disable this? maybe i'm just searching with the wrong keywords... |
14:11:01 | mud-rb | does it have two partitions on it or something? |
14:11:29 | Gabril | well, they were there by default - and - the two rockboxes i see in windows have the same content |
14:12:00 | | Quit jba (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:12:02 | mud-rb | i can think of no way that rockbox would cause that...i'd guess it's a windows problem somehow |
14:12:43 | GodEater | very definitely - it's nothing to do with rockbox at all |
14:13:20 | mud-rb | actually i can think of no way that i would make windows do that either, but yeah it's definitely not rockbox |
14:13:28 | Gabril | ok, so i just have to play a little bit with the partitions |
14:13:34 | GodEater | Nico_P: have you seen qgit yet ? |
14:13:41 | Nico_P | yes |
14:13:47 | GodEater | Gabril: I don't think it's anything to do with the partitions either - leave them alone |
14:13:51 | GodEater | :) |
14:14:08 | Gabril | there is a small ( 80 mb )-partition at the beginning. don't know if it's something like /boot so i did not touch them |
14:14:33 | GodEater | Gabril: that's the firmware paritition. Leave it alone. |
14:14:45 | mud-rb | if his partition table is fubar'd in some sort of magical way could windows see it as two disks with the same stuff? |
14:14:51 | Nico_P | GodEater: but the package from the ubuntu repos refuses to install with the git packages I have, so I just use gitk |
14:14:51 | Shine | Is there a way to watch wmv\avi movies? |
14:15:03 | GodEater | Nico_P: that's a shame - installed fine here |
14:15:08 | GodEater | Shine: Read the manual |
14:15:10 | Gabril | shine: that would be my next question ;) |
14:15:12 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fc7b9.pool.einsundeins.de) |
14:15:20 | GodEater | Shine: and look at the MpegPlayer wiki page |
14:16:03 | pixelma | PluginMpegplayer he means |
14:16:25 | GodEater | pixelma: indeed. I should drink more coffee :( |
14:17:37 | B4gder | want a sip of my cup? |
14:18:22 | GodEater | don't think I can lean all the way to Stockholm |
14:18:42 | B4gder | ok, I'll mail it |
14:19:02 | GodEater | with the t-shirts ? :) |
14:19:24 | markun | B4gder: how many shirts are left anyway? |
14:19:50 | B4gder | markun: I'll count the remainders when I send a few to GodEater |
14:20:03 | B4gder | which i should do any day now |
14:20:21 | GodEater | yay |
14:20:37 | Gabril | i have to correct myself - partition1: 126 MB (not used) - partition2: 74,4 GB (used) - will i destroy my ipod when i delete all my partitions and create a single partition? any experiences? |
14:20:51 | mud-rb | markun: new version of the patch is on the tracker if you'd like to see (v0.8) http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7369 the outlining of the white stones looks kind of crappy, so try to imagine it without that, haha |
14:21:06 | markun | mud-rb: thanks |
14:21:10 | | Quit morrijr ("leaving") |
14:21:12 | GodEater | Gabril: I've said twice now - Don't mess with your partitions |
14:21:31 | mud-rb | Gabril: why would you do that? |
14:21:59 | Gabril | well - i don'w know why (every) windows wants to connect 2 rockboxes, open it twice, scan it twice ... |
14:22:15 | B4gder | scan? |
14:22:19 | GodEater | Gabril: I'm 100% sure the problem is NOT with your ipod. |
14:22:20 | pixelma | tried at a different computer? |
14:22:27 | mud-rb | well if they both have the same content, then it's definitely not the problem with having 2 partitions |
14:22:31 | Gabril | 3 computers ... |
14:22:44 | markun | GodEater: would this be a good case for Git where I would pull mud-rb's changes in his Go branch? |
14:22:53 | GodEater | markun: very good case ;) |
14:23:00 | Gabril | well, i just ignore it for now ;) |
14:23:06 | mud-rb | haha |
14:23:17 | GodEater | markun: however, I'm having a complete nightmare finding a GOOD guide for getting git-daemon working |
14:23:33 | GodEater | every guide seems to assume you have a host "out there" on the internet for sharing your changes by |
14:23:40 | GodEater | and nothing about actually setting that host up |
14:23:43 | GodEater | it's very annoying |
14:23:47 | mud-rb | man i've heard linus (linux's, not ours) harp on git so much, i think i grew to hate it somehow |
14:23:59 | mud-rb | he makes good points, it's just i've heard them so many times i want to puke |
14:24:13 | GodEater | mud-rb: he's not the most, erm, polite or tolerant person ;) |
14:24:14 | B4gder | did you see the svn take on linus' presentation? |
14:24:27 | B4gder | http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2007-06/0780.shtml |
14:24:35 | Nico_P | mud-rb: how come you saw it too much ? |
14:24:59 | Shine | So i cant play wmv |
14:25:03 | mud-rb | Nico_P: probably just hanging out on lkml for too long, and random other places |
14:25:08 | * | GodEater reads the svn post |
14:25:08 | mud-rb | B4gder: no i don't think i saw this |
14:25:16 | Nico_P | oh nice, Karl Fogel :) I got his book from google |
14:25:38 | B4gder | there are several very sensible svn guys, Karl being one of them |
14:26:03 | Nico_P | his book is very interesting ("producing OSS", in case he wrote several) |
14:26:05 | B4gder | and I like how they are not talking linusT-style |
14:26:26 | * | desowin likes Karl's book, which he got from Google |
14:26:46 | | Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-24-129-94-172.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
14:26:47 | | Join J [0] (n=john@cpc3-mfld9-0-0-cust855.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
14:27:27 | desowin | as you're considering change of version control - have you considered mercurial ? |
14:28:16 | Nico_P | desowin: you're a SoC student ? |
14:28:31 | B4gder | apart from it being python people seem to say cool things about it... |
14:28:44 | desowin | Nico_P: yes, but not for rockbox |
14:28:52 | Nico_P | what project ? |
14:29:20 | desowin | audacious |
14:29:28 | Shine | pokemon will be slow on sansa? |
14:33:16 | mud-rb | Shine: try it and see |
14:33:23 | Nico_P | does mercurial have advantages over git ? |
14:33:39 | mud-rb | cooler name? :) |
14:34:04 | desowin | and you use hg command ;-) less to write |
14:34:39 | Nico_P | wow we need mercurial ! |
14:34:53 | Nico_P | :) |
14:35:09 | mud-rb | indeed, think of all the wasted keystrokes typing 'svn' all the time |
14:35:24 | jba_ | hey B4gder thanks for that link, it was a cool post |
14:35:29 | * | petur uses gui :p |
14:35:56 | jba_ | svn client shits on most gui's i've used so far |
14:36:01 | Nico_P | petur: have you managed to get git ? |
14:36:08 | jba_ | and i've been using svn since the mono guys started using it way back when |
14:36:24 | jba_ | thought tortoise and ankh svn have come a long way |
14:36:43 | petur | Nico_P: I think it installed, and then I got lost on how to use it... I'm a gui kind of guy you know ;) |
14:36:49 | * | pixelma remembers petur having trouble with line-endings :P |
14:37:08 | mud-rb | haha |
14:37:16 | Nico_P | petur: I've written a small guide at the end of http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GitVersionControl |
14:37:29 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3025.gwdg.de) |
14:37:45 | petur | pixelma: yes, LinusN called me a windows fanboy ;) |
14:37:52 | pixelma | though I have to admit I'm more a gui person too |
14:38:24 | Nico_P | GodEater: I ended up compiling qgit :) |
14:38:50 | petur | still looking for a good svn gui frontend. Many are promised but only RapidSVN is available I think, and it's far from perfect |
14:39:07 | jba_ | why the rockbox guys talking about git? you guys didn't move to git now, did you? |
14:39:35 | mud-rb | they seem to be considering it |
14:40:07 | Nico_P | some of us have started fiddling with it out of interest |
14:41:00 | | Quit pill (Nick collision from services.) |
14:41:11 | mud-rb | oh crap, i forgot to change all my tabs to spaces in my last patch...gah |
14:41:24 | | Join _pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) |
14:46:20 | PaulJam | heh, i just found out that entering a path in the vkeyboard when renaming a directory seems to be a really dumb idea. mybe rockbox should check the user input in that case. |
14:46:51 | mud-rb | does it explode in some dramatic way? |
14:47:16 | Nico_P | is JdGordon on vacation or something ? |
14:47:50 | PaulJam | well, the directory that was renamed does explode (more or less) |
14:48:04 | mud-rb | oh good... |
14:49:43 | markun | Something different: during my internship there were a few times where a rockbox DTMF plugin would have been nice :) |
14:50:14 | mud-rb | DTMF? |
14:50:35 | markun | yes, the sounds used in modern phones |
14:50:39 | markun | to make a call |
14:50:43 | mud-rb | oh oh, haha |
14:51:05 | mud-rb | of course the plugin would have to be named bluebox... |
14:52:02 | petur | an address book that syncs with outlook would be nice too |
14:52:20 | markun | petur: but how.. |
14:52:48 | markun | another thing to build into rbutil :) |
14:52:56 | petur | heh |
14:53:30 | petur | I'd like to get tombo ported to rockbox as it is my main notebook on pc/pda |
14:54:06 | petur | http://tombo.sourceforge.jp/En/ |
14:55:41 | | Quit XavierGr () |
14:56:17 | petur | but right now, what I really want, is my weekly BOFH :) |
15:00 |
15:01:00 | jba_ | okay night guys |
15:02:02 | | Quit jba_ ("Leaving") |
15:02:05 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
15:05:42 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
15:06:05 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
15:07:27 | GodEater | Nico_P: Does "git svn" work on your machine? I have to use "git-svn" ? |
15:07:39 | Nico_P | yes it works fine |
15:08:01 | GodEater | interesting |
15:08:08 | | Part LinusN |
15:08:33 | Nico_P | what git and gi-svn versions do you have ? |
15:08:49 | PaulJam | hmm. would this be considered as a bug that choosing an unwise name (containing a "/") when renaming destroys the dir and causes filesystem errors, or is this more a user fault. |
15:08:56 | GodEater | git is |
15:09:12 | GodEater | same for git-svn |
15:10:03 | GodEater | weird - "git svn" does work here - guess I just never tried it |
15:10:54 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2b77a7b0ceef4ed0) |
15:11:13 | crop | PaulJam: I'd consider it a seriuos bug |
15:11:43 | crop | The system must be fool safe IMHO |
15:11:49 | dionoea | +1 (all chars forbiden by fat should be forbiden) |
15:11:50 | Nico_P | I agree |
15:12:01 | GodEater | ditto |
15:12:56 | crop | Hasn't a patch been committed that would rule out invalid chars? |
15:12:56 | | Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) |
15:13:09 | | Join hwcd [0] (n=hewhocut@ |
15:13:10 | PaulJam | ok, then i'll do some more testing and open a bugreport (i must admit that this was observed with an unsupported build) |
15:14:04 | GodEater | best make sure that testing includes an official build then :) |
15:16:01 | amiconn | The fat-safe filename patch has not yet been committed. |
15:16:09 | PaulJam | of course i wouldn't mind if someone else would investigate this. (backing up 20 GB and putting it later back on the player always takes a long time). |
15:16:18 | pondlife | amiconn: There are 2 |
15:16:19 | amiconn | However, using a / in a filename should not cause fs corruption |
15:16:56 | amiconn | It should instead just place the file with the name after the / in the sub-dir with the name before the / if it exists |
15:17:04 | amiconn | Otherwise it should fail |
15:17:59 | GodEater | our fat driver uses both / and \ as directory seperators ? |
15:18:00 | pondlife | The Win32 API seems to allows / to be used instead of \... |
15:19:03 | amiconn | GodEater: Our fat driver uses / only iirc. The playlist reader supports both |
15:21:33 | | Quit hwcd () |
15:22:47 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@dslb-088-072-214-138.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:24:20 | crop | amiconn: I'd disagree. If in the rename operation you specify a name with a "/" it should fail. Since what you specify is semantically a name, not a path |
15:24:28 | | Join Zlasher [0] (n=moe@ |
15:25:08 | petur | as in, you're requesting a move, not a rename |
15:25:10 | crop | Or is this a path? Then you're right |
15:26:40 | crop | petur: seen that way: yes, it should be moved to a subdir. But then a question arises: if the subdir doesn't exist, should it be created? |
15:27:25 | petur | should we support moving through a rename request? |
15:28:24 | crop | I'm not quite sure whether it's move or rename. I think we should name the operation according to what it really does. |
15:29:11 | crop | IIRC it's "rename" now, so I wouldn't expect "/" to be accepted. |
15:29:35 | crop | But to change the menu entry name is easier than modify the func :-) |
15:31:45 | | Quit Zlasher () |
15:31:59 | PaulJam | in my opinion it shouldn't be possible to move via the rename finction. since you can always move the file/folder by using the cut/paste functions (even though this currently can cause filesystem errors too) |
15:33:47 | amiconn | crop: I'm not saying it's desired behaviour, just what svn does atm |
15:34:25 | crop | PaulJam: but it should be possible via "move" So just rename the entry ;-) |
15:34:45 | crop | amiconn: this ^^ could also be for you :-) |
15:35:05 | crop | But if the intended semantics is "rename", the func should be corrected |
15:36:16 | B4gder | imho, rename should be able to move files |
15:37:55 | amiconn | B4gder: Why? |
15:38:27 | B4gder | because that's what rename implies to me |
15:39:31 | amiconn | To me it doesn't... and moving via cut+paste is easier to use than typing in a path with the vkeyboard |
15:39:36 | B4gder | "rename - change the name or location of a file" |
15:39:46 | B4gder | (from man 2 rename) |
15:39:55 | crop | Hmm... You've been using UNIX too long :-) For me, "rename" means rename, and "move" menas move, and that also includes rename |
15:40:16 | B4gder | I admit to be a unix head but I believe even windows' rename can move files |
15:40:27 | * | petur tries |
15:41:09 | crop | It depends on what's considered to constitute a file name: the whole path or just the last segment. |
15:41:11 | petur | nope |
15:41:44 | crop | I think for most people it's just the last segment. |
15:41:59 | petur | windows rename doesn't |
15:42:33 | petur | from 'help ren': Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination file. |
15:42:36 | * | GodEater only ever uses "move" on windows - didn't even know there *was* a rename command |
15:42:51 | * | petur uses F2 :) |
15:43:14 | crop | petur: he-he. That's a pure rename, yes! |
15:43:16 | GodEater | pretty sure you can't move a file that way :) |
15:44:09 | Shine | I have iRiver H10 and after ive installed rockbox ive got "System files missing" error. Help guys |
15:47:45 | amiconn | B4gder: Hehe, I didn't even know *nix has 'rename'. I only used 'mv' so far (or the gui of course) |
15:47:49 | | Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
15:48:00 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
15:48:10 | B4gder | I don't think the command rename is very standard |
15:48:20 | B4gder | the function call is POSIX though |
15:48:44 | amiconn | Yes, but that's a different thing |
15:49:05 | B4gder | perhaps, but they all do rename and they all allow the target to be in a different dir |
15:49:26 | | Quit obo ("KVIrc 3.2.6 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/") |
15:49:45 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:50:43 | | Quit Shine () |
15:51:06 | GodEater | you'd have to be mad to type "rename" instead of mv |
15:51:30 | B4gder | rename is for batch renaming... somehow |
15:51:52 | B4gder | I've never used it, I'd write a for loop... |
15:53:11 | crop | I'm not sure all RB users have such a deep unix background. Take petur as a typical example :-) |
15:53:31 | markun | I use mmv for batch renaming |
15:53:35 | * | petur hits crop with a copy of W2K |
15:53:43 | Zagor | example: rename 's/\.bak$/.old/' *.bak |
15:54:36 | crop | petur: 'copy'? Or 'move'? :-P |
15:54:48 | petur | lol |
15:54:49 | B4gder | *g* |
15:54:50 | pondlife | ren |
15:55:16 | * | petur moves to hit crop with a renamed copy of W2K |
15:55:21 | crop | That would be 'Copy of W2K' I guess |
15:56:23 | | Join ackbahr [0] (n=ackbahr@d212-152-29-180.cust.tele2.ch) |
15:57:34 | GodEater | or "Not Windows Genuine Advantage W2K" ? |
15:58:52 | GodEater | hahaha "man 1 rename" gives "see also mmv(1)" - "man 1 mmv" gives "No manual entry for mmv" :) |
15:59:03 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
16:00 |
16:00:59 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:02:05 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
16:02:32 | * | B4gder starts his 4 week vacation in a few minutes |
16:02:36 | GodEater | good afternoon linuxstb |
16:02:46 | GodEater | 4 weeks ?!?! |
16:02:48 | GodEater | no fair! |
16:02:54 | Zagor | B4gder: so more commits from you the coming month then? ;-) |
16:03:06 | B4gder | I gotta break the 10K wall ,-) |
16:03:15 | B4gder | (9500 something on ohloh) |
16:03:29 | GodEater | B4gder: one character at a time commits will not count :) |
16:03:44 | B4gder | why not, they made it fine so far! ;-) |
16:03:47 | GodEater | hehehe |
16:04:08 | markun | I remember when LinusN was away for a while on a boat but couldn't resist visiting #rockbox almost every day |
16:04:30 | GodEater | we have a harbour in here somewhere ? |
16:04:34 | * | GodEater looks around |
16:05:29 | Nico_P | B4gder: what's on your list ? |
16:05:57 | markun | GodEater: I found the logs and it turned out the trip was only 3 days, thought it was much longer :) |
16:06:11 | B4gder | curl curl curl libssh2 c-ares .... |
16:06:15 | GodEater | you missed him so much huh ? ;) |
16:06:25 | B4gder | I actually have no particular rockbox work in the pipe... I think |
16:06:37 | GodEater | secret meetings with MrH ? |
16:06:45 | B4gder | I can always improve the build script |
16:06:52 | markun | GodEater: http://www.rockbox.org/irc/reader.pl?date=20050612 |
16:07:00 | pondlife | Volunteer for viewport duty? |
16:07:08 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
16:07:20 | B4gder | haha |
16:07:38 | B4gder | I rather not dip my toe in that hottub |
16:07:55 | pondlife | A hot tub full of piranhas ? |
16:08:11 | GodEater | a hot tub full of tiny death dealing amiconns :) |
16:08:45 | | Quit joa ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
16:09:13 | pondlife | GodEater: I'm sure amiconn wouldn't object if someone else implemented viewports the Right Way. |
16:09:15 | Nico_P | B4gder: have you thought about the git hosting thing ? |
16:09:29 | GodEater | pondlife: it's that "Right Way" which is the tricky bit :) |
16:09:37 | | Quit ackbahr ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") |
16:09:47 | B4gder | Nico_P: what's there to think about it? |
16:10:09 | B4gder | I guess it is mostly about learning about how to do it |
16:10:12 | Nico_P | err I don't know... is it doable ? is it a good idea ? |
16:10:18 | B4gder | so I'm waiting for you to tell me ;-) |
16:10:22 | Nico_P | haha |
16:10:42 | Nico_P | GodEater ? |
16:11:09 | GodEater | sec - phone call |
16:11:26 | B4gder | we lost so much bandwidth on the svn server now we need to built it up again with new traffic! ;-) |
16:11:42 | B4gder | bandwidth use I mean |
16:12:55 | * | pondlife wonders if git is not just a distraction from M-o-B... ;p |
16:13:16 | Nico_P | I'm trying to do both :) |
16:13:28 | GodEater | from what I've read up on so far |
16:13:40 | GodEater | we need to setup an ssh account for each dev |
16:13:51 | Nico_P | pondlife: have you had a look at JdGordon's buffering.c ? |
16:13:54 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@admin-147-222.potsdam.edu) |
16:13:54 | GodEater | set the login shell to git-shell, rather than bash |
16:14:07 | GodEater | which will allow only git pull and git push I believe |
16:14:13 | pondlife | Nico_P: Last I heard he said it didn't work and not to bother |
16:14:32 | GodEater | but let me actually try and make it work locally first, then I can actually write a proper guide :) |
16:14:53 | Nico_P | pondlife: yes and I was asking myself in what ways it was broken... sadly he isn't here to answer |
16:14:55 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
16:15:55 | GodEater | Nico_P: http://eagain.net/blog/2007/03/22/howto-host-git.html <−− looks useful |
16:17:11 | GodEater | I'd never heard of the "command=" option in authorized_keys till I read that |
16:19:43 | | Join DarthShrine [0] (n=Angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine) |
16:20:19 | B4gder | that's a cool feature of ssh |
16:20:24 | GodEater | certainly is |
16:20:37 | GodEater | can't believe I'd never come across it before |
16:21:00 | B4gder | especially since you can control it from remote depending on what key you use to login |
16:21:06 | GodEater | yep |
16:21:10 | | Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
16:21:20 | B4gder | time to take off |
16:21:22 | | Quit B4gder ("It is time to say MOOO") |
16:21:24 | GodEater | enjoy |
16:21:26 | GodEater | too late |
16:23:53 | | Quit daurn (Excess Flood) |
16:24:01 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=daurn@ |
16:27:47 | | Quit The-Compiler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:40:59 | PaulJam | haha, i did some more experimenting with the rename function and realized, that the really stupid thing i tied previously wasn't to try to move a dir by renaming (which actually works the way amiconn described) but i tried to move the dir inside itself (renaming "test" to "test/test2"). |
16:42:42 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fc7b9.pool.einsundeins.de) |
16:43:41 | crop | So it works as 'move' but doesn't handle this case gracefully (by refusing to execute it)? |
16:45:22 | amiconn | PaulJam: ouch! |
16:46:08 | PaulJam | yes, with the exception that it doen't move to directorys that don't exist. and moving directorys causes the same filesystemcorruption like described in FS #7359 |
16:49:14 | | Join webguest53 [0] (i=52473b57@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-877923ff7329275c) |
16:49:24 | | Quit webguest53 (Client Quit) |
16:49:39 | GodEater | Nico_P: what is it exactly you want Bagder to set up ? A git repo that tracks the svn one automatically ? |
16:49:49 | GodEater | Or just a git repo for you that's held on the rockbox servers ? |
16:50:00 | Nico_P | both actually |
16:50:18 | GodEater | well the latter one is fairly easy |
16:50:22 | GodEater | I'm just doing an experimental push to one now |
16:50:28 | GodEater | looks to be pretty simple |
16:50:34 | GodEater | I'm not quite sure how to achieve the first one yet |
16:50:38 | GodEater | still reading :) |
16:51:40 | Nico_P | it could be done with a post-commit hook of the svn repo |
16:53:12 | GodEater | yep - but you'd need an svn expert for that |
16:53:19 | GodEater | <−− not an svn expert |
16:53:27 | Nico_P | it's quite simple actually |
16:53:33 | GodEater | good - you can do it then :) |
16:53:39 | Nico_P | Bagder is an svn expert |
16:53:42 | GodEater | yay |
16:54:03 | GodEater | I guess it'd simple run a git-svn rebase after each commit |
16:54:16 | Nico_P | yes |
16:54:23 | GodEater | are you hoping to be able to commit to the git repo and have it go into svn as well ? |
16:54:48 | * | GodEater thinks this would be asking for trouble |
16:54:58 | Nico_P | a bit |
16:55:16 | GodEater | ok - baby steps then |
16:55:31 | Nico_P | I rather see it as a way to easily clone the rockbox official repo |
16:56:33 | Nico_P | the easiest way to do it is probably to disable pushing to it |
16:57:13 | GodEater | which would be easy |
16:57:18 | GodEater | just deny any sort of ssh access to it |
16:57:27 | GodEater | and make pulling from it use http |
16:57:42 | Nico_P | yes, so it would basically be read only for anyone but the rockbox host |
16:57:50 | GodEater | easy enough to set up |
16:58:16 | Nico_P | then people could get the source as a git repo, work on it and then publish their own repos |
17:00 |
17:00:38 | Nico_P | hopefully that way it could promote collaboration on big features |
17:01:12 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@ATuileries-151-1-46-22.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
17:01:18 | | Part kaaloo |
17:01:19 | Nico_P | I don't think there needs to be an actual switch from svn to git, having both doesn't really seem problematic |
17:01:23 | * | GodEater is hoping this too |
17:01:30 | GodEater | no |
17:02:09 | GodEater | in fact - it avoids us having to write hooks for git too to check for access |
17:02:16 | GodEater | we stick to the current svn access list |
17:06:44 | Nico_P | GodEater: do you know if it is possible to publish a git-svn repo ? |
17:07:01 | GodEater | I'm just doing that now to find out :) |
17:07:07 | Nico_P | so that people who clone it can easily commit to the svn repo through the git repo |
17:07:20 | GodEater | ah I see what you mean |
17:07:28 | Nico_P | that was your question earlier, wasn't it ? |
17:07:36 | GodEater | that'll be harder for me to test - I have no svn to push to test it |
17:08:05 | Nico_P | are you publishing a git-svn clone of the rockbox svn ? |
17:08:22 | GodEater | yes |
17:08:37 | Nico_P | so maybe I can try to commit to the svn through it |
17:08:44 | GodEater | I'll shout as soon as I have it done |
17:08:47 | GodEater | and you can try |
17:08:48 | Nico_P | ok |
17:09:09 | GodEater | I'm not sure you'll be commiting *through* it though |
17:09:14 | GodEater | you can pull from it into your own |
17:09:18 | GodEater | and commit from there |
17:09:20 | GodEater | ? |
17:09:20 | GodEater | surely |
17:09:40 | Nico_P | probably |
17:09:41 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
17:09:47 | GodEater | cool |
17:09:59 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
17:10:44 | GodEater | I've got a mini git-repo - only a few of the latest svn revs in it |
17:10:53 | GodEater | 60% pushed so far |
17:10:55 | | Quit petur ("connection reset by beer") |
17:11:10 | | Quit crop ("CGI:IRC") |
17:13:22 | GodEater | ok done |
17:13:24 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
17:13:33 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:13:58 | GodEater | try "git pull godeater.cream.org/rockbox.git">http://godeater.cream.org/rockbox.git master:godeater-master" |
17:14:05 | * | GodEater crosses his fingers |
17:14:22 | Nico_P | don't I have to clone first ? |
17:15:32 | GodEater | oh - you can I guess |
17:15:42 | GodEater | thought you were gonna pull it in as a branch to your existing tree |
17:16:19 | Nico_P | Cannot get remote repository information. |
17:16:19 | Nico_P | Perhaps git-update-server-info needs to be run there? |
17:16:32 | Nico_P | that was with git clone godeater.cream.org/rockbox.git">http://godeater.cream.org/rockbox.git |
17:16:49 | GodEater | yeah I just got that too |
17:16:56 | Nico_P | the pull command fails because I'm not doing it in a repo dir... I'll try in my own one |
17:16:58 | GodEater | bear with me while I work out what I didn't do ;) |
17:17:02 | Nico_P | ok |
17:19:14 | GodEater | or try it into an existing tree :) |
17:19:47 | | Quit Wiwie (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:23:43 | GodEater | hmm - according to what I've read, I've done everything right :( |
17:25:36 | | Nick swolbhsub is now known as bushblows (n=bushblow@ |
17:26:00 | GodEater | the git-update-server-info command should get run when I do the push automatically since I set the post-update hook executable |
17:26:04 | GodEater | but just in case I ran it anyway |
17:26:09 | GodEater | manually I mean |
17:26:12 | GodEater | and it doesn't seem to help |
17:27:58 | | Join Caliban_ [0] (n=ianmacd@kwark.caliban.org) |
17:29:19 | | Quit RoC_MasterMind (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:30:13 | | Join joa [0] (n=joe@ |
17:33:33 | | Quit desowin (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
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17:42:42 | | Join HellDragon_ [0] (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
17:42:50 | | Quit ender` (" I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. -- Jerome K. Jerome") |
17:44:11 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
17:44:13 | * | GodEater wonders if it's the apache config at the server end |
17:44:31 | | Quit Caliban (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:46:11 | GodEater | Nico_P: ta da - that's cracked it |
17:46:14 | GodEater | try now |
17:46:27 | | Join HellDragon2 [0] (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
17:46:41 | * | GodEater rumbles about .htaccess files and permissioning at the far end |
17:48:07 | | Part austriancoder ("Kopete 0.12.4 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
17:48:20 | | Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-24-129-94-172.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
17:48:23 | Nico_P | wohoo ! |
17:48:55 | | Join kn11px [0] (i=knoopx@228.Red-88-17-161.staticIP.rima-tde.net) |
17:49:12 | kn11px | hi all |
17:49:48 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:50:07 | | Nick bushblows is now known as swolbhsub (n=bushblow@unaffiliated/bushblows) |
17:50:19 | kn11px | i need a custom build of rockbox |
17:50:40 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e180244131.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
17:50:52 | kn11px | does anyone compiled a ultralight version of rockbox for ipod video? |
17:51:01 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@ |
17:51:05 | kn11px | i dont need those extra features that suck |
17:51:33 | GodEater | kn11px: good plan, come into our channel and tell us we've published features which suck. |
17:51:51 | kn11px | haha |
17:52:15 | kn11px | i mean games equalizers and such things |
17:52:22 | kn11px | video player... |
17:52:32 | GodEater | if you don't like them, don't use them |
17:52:37 | GodEater | why do you need a custom build for that ? |
17:52:46 | kn11px | because is there |
17:52:47 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) |
17:52:52 | kn11px | wasting mem and battery |
17:52:55 | kn11px | xD |
17:52:58 | GodEater | no they're not |
17:53:03 | GodEater | if you're not using them they're doing neither |
17:53:14 | kn11px | i dont trust you |
17:53:16 | kn11px | hehe |
17:53:23 | Nico_P | GodEater: I tried doing "git svn dcommit" and it told me it needed to update from an old layout, then failed on "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from HEAD history" |
17:53:35 | Nico_P | other than that everything seems fone |
17:53:37 | Nico_P | fine |
17:53:40 | GodEater | Nico_P: this is into a fresh repository ? |
17:53:46 | GodEater | or as a branch into your existing one ? |
17:53:49 | Nico_P | fresh |
17:53:51 | markun | kn11px: you could make a custom build with things like the EQ disabled |
17:53:55 | GodEater | yeah - I don't think that'll work |
17:54:12 | Nico_P | what git-svn version do you have ? |
17:54:16 | GodEater | you'll have to pull as a branch into your existing one, which knows where the master svn is |
17:54:26 | GodEater | on THAT server it's 1.5.1 |
17:54:30 | GodEater | my local one |
17:54:34 | markun | kn11px: and the games and video player etc you can just delete |
17:54:38 | Nico_P | ok so basically the same |
17:54:40 | kn11px | yes i can |
17:54:51 | Nico_P | maybe if I try git-svn init... |
17:54:55 | kn11px | but before doing it myself i ask if someone else done it before |
17:55:02 | Llorean | kn11px: If you plan to disable *all* plugins and remove the plugin buffer you could recover 512kb of RAM, used for buffering audio. Whether this offers an improvement on battery life, or actually hurts it, depends on your play style. |
17:55:28 | markun | no, it hasn't been done |
17:55:47 | Llorean | The same holds true with any other code you choose to cut out: Reducing the binary size by removing the equalizer or any other aspect of Rockbox increases the audio buffer, though by nearly trivial amounts comparatively. |
17:55:59 | PaulJam | isn't the pluginbuffer also needed by some of the core features? like playlist viewer and database committing? |
17:56:00 | kn11px | i dont even need id3 tag support |
17:56:03 | GodEater | Nico_P: I think you could just edit the .git/config for the new repo you just grabbed |
17:56:04 | kn11px | xD |
17:56:12 | GodEater | and add the svn details in there manually |
17:56:16 | markun | kn11px: maybe rockbox is not the right program for you |
17:56:31 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
17:56:32 | kn11px | haha |
17:56:35 | markun | ? |
17:56:43 | Llorean | PaulJam: If he wants truly "lite" he could remove the database define, and never view his playlist then. |
17:57:05 | PaulJam | propably |
17:57:06 | GodEater | Nico_P: copy them from your original git-svn repo's .git/config |
17:57:15 | markun | kn11px: do you know how to program in C? |
17:57:22 | Nico_P | looking at that now |
17:57:33 | GodEater | Nico_P: I'm leaving work now - will be home shortly - will continue our discussion when I get there :) |
17:57:36 | kn11px | yah |
17:57:40 | kn11px | but not for an ipod |
17:57:44 | Nico_P | GodEater: ok :) |
17:58:14 | kn11px | never trien in non x86 platform |
17:58:19 | kn11px | *tried |
17:58:27 | markun | kn11px: the C is the same for all platforms |
17:58:45 | markun | the code |
17:58:50 | kn11px | but first i must understand how it works |
17:58:57 | kn11px | and then make it do what i want |
17:59:06 | markun | if you have an ipod it's a waste of battery to install rockbox anyway |
17:59:18 | | Quit HellDragon (Connection timed out) |
17:59:52 | kn11px | :( |
18:00 |
18:00:02 | markun | yes, unfortunately |
18:00:11 | markun | there are no public documents |
18:00:25 | kn11px | what do you mean? |
18:00:25 | markun | of the portalplayer CPU (well, SoC) |
18:00:50 | kn11px | due it has been reversed? |
18:01:15 | markun | yes |
18:01:35 | Nico_P | Llorean: hi |
18:02:03 | Llorean | Nico_P: G'day. |
18:02:39 | Nico_P | I've been starting real work on my SoC these days |
18:02:56 | | Part kn11px |
18:03:10 | Nico_P | before that I was switching computers as I gave my laptop away for repair |
18:03:14 | markun | Nico_P: great! |
18:03:20 | Llorean | Good to hear. |
18:03:32 | | Quit HellDragon_ (Connection timed out) |
18:04:01 | Nico_P | did JdGordon ellaborate on why his buffering.c attempt was broken, aside from the fact it doesn't compile ? |
18:04:26 | Nico_P | and do you guys know if he's on vacation or something ? |
18:05:25 | Llorean | He was active in here yesterday for a bit, I believe |
18:05:33 | Llorean | As for why it was broken, I haven't heard anything. |
18:05:40 | Nico_P | ok |
18:06:54 | Llorean | I take it that the BufferingApiProposal will play a part in the MoB work? |
18:08:07 | | Quit Domonoky (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
18:08:07 | NSplit | kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
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18:08:09 | Nico_P | I think it's a good start... trying to hack MoB into the current playback.c would be a bad idea |
18:08:44 | pondlife | That's assuming it's a viable idea ;) |
18:09:05 | Llorean | Well, it's probably more viable than the current playback.c as he said. ;) |
18:09:05 | Nico_P | instead I'm first going to separate the buffering from it into buffering.c and most probably implement the buffering API proposal |
18:09:06 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e179095222.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
18:09:07 | *** | Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' |
18:09:35 | pondlife | It was just a suggestion, I expect the API will need revising to be workable. |
18:09:50 | pondlife | Go Nico_P! |
18:09:56 | Nico_P | I have a very basic buffering.h you might want to see |
18:10:13 | pondlife | I wish I had time... but I really don't. |
18:10:36 | Nico_P | pondlife: trust me it's very basic :) |
18:10:42 | * | pondlife would work out why the sim keeps segfaulting if he had time |
18:11:03 | Nico_P | http://www.pastebin.ca/595607 |
18:11:28 | pondlife | Yep, that's basic! |
18:11:53 | pondlife | I guess the reading stuff comes later? And audio_reset_buffer will be renamed..? |
18:12:24 | Nico_P | the two function are because I started moving some code out of playback.c |
18:12:40 | pondlife | I like the idea of data_type - hadn't considered that. |
18:12:43 | Nico_P | the main thing I wanted to show is the memory_handle struct |
18:13:05 | pondlife | Do we need the path in there? |
18:13:10 | Nico_P | I want to aim for a generic way of storing almost anything in memory and have it easily accessible |
18:13:27 | pondlife | Wouldn't a file handle be as usable, and smaller? |
18:13:38 | Nico_P | not sure about the path but it might be needed to determine if a particular file is in the buffer or not |
18:13:48 | NHeal | kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
18:13:48 | NJoin | joa [0] (n=joe@ |
18:13:55 | Nico_P | to avoid having two copies of it |
18:14:08 | pondlife | Yep, that is a problem with the current implementation. |
18:15:41 | Nico_P | the thing is I don't really know whether to start with a standalone program simulating the file buffer or directly tie everything with the rockbox code |
18:16:18 | pondlife | I would work on the rockbox code - you need to be able to migrate over as slowly as possible anyway. |
18:16:42 | Nico_P | what do you mean ? |
18:17:11 | Llorean | pondlife: I was thinking the opposite. |
18:17:51 | pondlife | There will certainly be a big bang at one point (when the playback code is updated to use buffering), but quite a lot of testing could be performed before that point. |
18:18:14 | Llorean | Get the buffering code working as a standalone, to work out as many bugs and kinks as possible. Integration can still be slow, but that way the actual functionality can be the focus of the work, rather than battling with any other things that get in the way. |
18:18:18 | Nico_P | yes, that's why I was thinking maybe a standalone app could be nice |
18:18:44 | pondlife | Howabout a plugin? |
18:19:49 | Nico_P | I don't see how a plugin is better than a standalone app |
18:20:03 | Nico_P | the advantage of standalone is that you don't need the player to test it |
18:20:14 | Llorean | Or even a sometimes inconsistent simulator. ;) |
18:20:45 | Nico_P | exactly |
18:20:47 | pondlife | An important part of testing is going to be how multiple threads access the API... i.e. buffering during reading. |
18:21:01 | pondlife | A standalone app would be fine, if you think it needed. |
18:21:49 | pondlife | The current buffering bugs smell like race conditions, so make sure you simulate that ;) |
18:22:34 | Nico_P | I'll try... the problem might be to simulate accurately rockbox's behaviour |
18:22:49 | pondlife | Exactly. |
18:23:12 | pondlife | Even the sim doesn't do that |
18:23:54 | Nico_P | that's because it's an UIsimulator ;) |
18:24:11 | Nico_P | maybe I could get the rockbox kernel to compile on a computer and use it in a standalone app |
18:24:37 | Nico_P | or maybe this is a completely foolish ide |
18:24:38 | Nico_P | a |
18:28:26 | Llorean | I guess the question ends up being, would it be better to get the basic framework worked out, then adapt it to any parts of Rockbox's behaviour not anticipated, or simply build it around Rockbox's behaviour in the first place? |
18:32:15 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m60.net81-64-221.noos.fr) |
18:32:51 | | Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") |
18:33:00 | mirak | bonjour |
18:33:07 | Nico_P | salut ! |
18:33:09 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
18:33:32 | mirak | it seems rockbox is crashing during recording when the harddrive is full |
18:36:50 | | Join thommy__ [0] (n=thommy@i59F766CE.versanet.de) |
18:38:36 | petur | mirak: I think it's a known issue |
18:38:45 | mirak | ok |
18:39:21 | mirak | petur: it would be nice to have space left displayed on the record screen |
18:39:27 | petur | I'm pretty sure it's in the tracker as bugreport |
18:39:33 | petur | yes |
18:40:09 | petur | I have been planning a rec screen rework several times, but I'm holding off until viewports come, no need to do the work twice |
18:40:53 | petur | I even think there's a patch for that disk full issue |
18:44:06 | petur | *bbl* |
18:49:02 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
18:51:47 | amiconn | petur: Crash on full hd with recording is a swcodec-only bug afaik |
18:52:03 | amiconn | So it doesn't have to do with the recording screen, but with the recording engine |
18:58:24 | amiconn | Slasheri: around? |
19:00 |
19:00:39 | Nico_P | does rockbox already have a linked list data structure somewhere ? |
19:01:12 | dionoea | isn't austriancoder adding one for his usb stack ? |
19:01:56 | | Join Caliban_ [0] (n=ianmacd@kwark.caliban.org) |
19:02:08 | | Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-24-129-94-172.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
19:02:10 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@admin-147-222.potsdam.edu) |
19:02:27 | GodEater_ | Nico_P: home now |
19:02:33 | GodEater_ | did we have anything left to try ? |
19:03:22 | Nico_P | GodEater_: don't think so... adding the git-svn data from my own repo to the one I cloned from you didn't work |
19:04:18 | GodEater_ | how about pulling from me into your original git-svn as a seperate branch ? |
19:04:57 | Nico_P | do you expect that to work ? |
19:05:28 | GodEater_ | I'll try here and see :) |
19:07:27 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
19:10:09 | | Quit Llorean ("Leaving.") |
19:10:51 | * | Nico_P has top go |
19:11:21 | | Quit Nico_P ("bye") |
19:12:07 | GodEater_ | damn |
19:12:18 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
19:14:26 | | Quit petur (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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19:31:50 | | Quit Zagor (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
19:44:48 | | Nick HellDragon2 is now known as HellDragon (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
19:49:52 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:55:50 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
20:00 |
20:00:39 | petur | amiconn: that rec screen remark was just for the display of remaining space, I'm sure the disk full problem is somewhere in the encoder thread |
20:01:08 | | Join ansivirus [0] (n=ansiviru@adsl-76-225-180-38.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) |
20:05:54 | * | amiconn is hutning shutdown bugs :/ |
20:05:58 | amiconn | *hunting |
20:06:27 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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20:14:49 | | Join webguest47 [0] (i=d5ca969f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-be02bdb25c9e2e88) |
20:14:55 | webguest47 | hi |
20:15:23 | webguest47 | asdf |
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20:16:24 | petur | ghjk |
20:18:19 | | Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@79.182-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) |
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20:22:09 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
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20:31:12 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB3C29.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:31:25 | DerPapst | Good morning everyone :) |
20:31:44 | thommy__ | hi |
20:32:56 | DerPapst | pixelma, dionoea: i've finished the patch for the button defines in the maze plugin. FS #7373 |
20:33:09 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
20:33:25 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
20:35:45 | | Quit ansivirus (Remote closed the connection) |
20:38:41 | mirak | does higher compression of flac files is harder to decompress for the cpu ? |
20:39:48 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-9114bd4888e07508) |
20:39:49 | amiconn | Somewhat |
20:40:14 | | Quit thommy__ (Remote closed the connection) |
20:40:36 | amiconn | In fact it depends on the music. |
20:48:15 | | Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc4-brig8-0-0-cust949.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
20:52:28 | | Quit pepie34 ("Ex-Chat") |
20:57:43 | | Join webguest38 [0] (i=4a65011b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ad8a87b67e309fd0) |
20:57:51 | webguest38 | hello |
20:58:57 | petur | hi |
21:00 |
21:00:22 | * | DerPapst senses a question |
21:00:31 | * | petur not |
21:02:24 | DerPapst | maybe a long one? |
21:02:36 | DerPapst | but i guess you're right ;) |
21:02:43 | petur | :) |
21:04:40 | | Quit petur ("machine switch") |
21:05:04 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
21:08:01 | webguest38 | nop |
21:08:09 | webguest38 | Derpapst is right |
21:08:14 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
21:08:52 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ |
21:09:22 | amiconn | umm |
21:09:30 | webguest38 | hmm |
21:09:50 | amiconn | Bagder: There is a problem with bygg.haxx.se :( |
21:09:59 | amiconn | SDL missing |
21:11:19 | amiconn | Oh, and 3 builds are missing in the download and delta table, although they didn't fail :( |
21:11:53 | DerPapst | woohoo. DerPapst 1:0 petur :P |
21:12:16 | * | petur hasn't seen the question yet :p |
21:12:22 | dionoea | DerPapst: ok, i'll have a look at the patch. |
21:12:39 | DerPapst | amiconn: well you've missed bagder. he's off for 4 weeks. |
21:12:53 | amiconn | bah |
21:12:54 | DerPapst | dionoea: thanks :) |
21:13:02 | * | amiconn summons Zagor or LinusN |
21:13:07 | DerPapst | dionoea: isn't a big one though ;) |
21:13:54 | | Quit webguest38 ("CGI:IRC") |
21:14:03 | DerPapst | ah snap |
21:14:13 | DerPapst | DerPapst 0:1 petur |
21:14:25 | * | dionoea gets his iPod |
21:15:22 | | Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) |
21:15:24 | | Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
21:17:15 | DerPapst | amiconn: could you have a look at the patch too? i want to know if it is ook to undef __PLUGINLIB_ACTIONS_H__ the way i did. |
21:17:29 | DerPapst | s/ook/ok |
21:17:32 | dionoea | as long as it works :) |
21:17:43 | DerPapst | hehe |
21:17:49 | DerPapst | it does |
21:18:04 | DerPapst | at least it does for me :P |
21:18:16 | dionoea | did you test sims for non ipod targets ? |
21:19:28 | | Join Caskey [0] (n=Zach@75-133-92-85.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) |
21:19:52 | Caskey | hello? |
21:19:55 | dionoea | no. |
21:20:11 | Caskey | what? |
21:20:44 | Caskey | I have a quick rockbox question about my 5 gen ipod video |
21:20:52 | dionoea | nothing ... people usually don't say hello with a question mark |
21:20:55 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
21:21:30 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
21:21:34 | Caskey | I just added more music to my ipod (via itunes) but I cannot find it in my rockbox database |
21:21:51 | Caskey | also I renamed some songs to find them easier and they have not changed on rockbox |
21:22:44 | Caskey | how do I get them to appear on rockbox???? |
21:22:45 | dionoea | DerPapst: the new keymap works fine here |
21:23:30 | dionoea | (the plugin has a foreground color change issue when asking for the solved maze though ... i'll have to fix that) |
21:24:15 | DerPapst | dionoea: i noticed that too |
21:24:26 | DerPapst | i thought that was on propose :P |
21:24:40 | Caskey | can anyone help me at all? |
21:24:44 | dionoea | well part of it is ... |
21:24:58 | DerPapst | Caskey: you brose your music with the filebrowser |
21:25:20 | Caskey | filebroswer? |
21:25:34 | DerPapst | or you have to update the rockbox database (which is independant from the itunesDB) |
21:25:35 | | Join HellDragon_ [0] (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
21:25:38 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
21:25:56 | amiconn | Ah, hi Zagor |
21:26:01 | amiconn | Did you read the log? |
21:26:05 | | Quit Joely (Remote closed the connection) |
21:26:12 | Caskey | I think I have to update the database but I don't know how to |
21:26:30 | Zagor | no. what have I missed? |
21:26:49 | amiconn | bygg.haxx.se is missing sdl |
21:26:51 | | Quit HellDragon (Nick collision from services.) |
21:26:54 | amiconn | -> red builds |
21:26:55 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) |
21:26:55 | | Nick HellDragon_ is now known as HellDragon (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
21:26:56 | Zagor | ahh |
21:27:13 | amiconn | And for some reason 3 zips are missing, in spite the builds went ok |
21:28:22 | | Quit Caskey (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more?") |
21:28:26 | DerPapst | dionoea: the plug in uses the light blueish rockbox color and drawas in white. could you hange that to black? |
21:28:58 | dionoea | it draws in black |
21:29:13 | dionoea | except if your default foreground color was something else |
21:29:22 | dionoea | it draws in the default until you show a solution |
21:29:26 | dionoea | and then it draws in black |
21:29:31 | mirak | amiconn: is there a recommended setting for compressing in flac, relatively to size and battery usage ? |
21:29:38 | dionoea | which is what i'm fixing (to make it always draw in black) |
21:30:06 | DerPapst | dionoea: ah ok :) |
21:30:41 | dionoea | commited |
21:31:06 | amiconn | mirak: I always use highest compression (flac -8). Our flac decoder is very efficient, and the slightly increased cpu load is probably more than made up by the saved disk spinups |
21:31:12 | | Quit Robin0800 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:31:39 | amiconn | (lower bitrate -> more time between spinups) |
21:31:41 | Zagor | amiconn: zip wasn't installed either. i guess that's why the zips were missing. both fixed now. |
21:31:52 | amiconn | uppsss ;) |
21:32:19 | amiconn | Looks like you didn't test a build.... |
21:32:33 | amiconn | (or perhaps just not 'make zip') |
21:34:34 | mirak | amiconn: yeah right I forgot the diskspining thanks ;Ã |
21:34:39 | mirak | ;) |
21:40:28 | | Quit moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:40:40 | | Join moos [0] (i=moos@m21.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
21:41:44 | obo | dionoea: strange (c) line there ;) |
21:41:50 | | Join el_4_jinete [0] (n=el_4_jin@mail.pulxar.com.co) |
21:42:18 | dionoea | obo: where ? |
21:42:34 | obo | rocklife.c |
21:43:17 | dionoea | hum ... i can't see what's strange :/ |
21:44:25 | pixelma | l8 : * $Id: helloworld.c 8349 2006-01-15 18:20:18Z amiconn $ |
21:44:26 | obo | dionoea: sorry, not the (c), just the $Id: $ isn't right |
21:44:35 | dionoea | ah ok, i'll fix that |
21:44:36 | DerPapst | heh |
21:44:50 | DerPapst | i saw that too :D funny thing ;) |
21:45:19 | amiconn | dionoea: You probably forgot to set the svn properties |
21:45:38 | dionoea | yeah, fixed it 20 secs ago :) |
21:49:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:54:29 | dionoea | would be nice if we could load states from bmp files (created with rockpaint) for rocklife |
21:55:08 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
21:55:14 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:56:12 | | Join madmaurice [0] (i=d95f82b5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f671c1aaa75bcd5e) |
21:56:20 | madmaurice | hello guys |
21:56:31 | dionoea | hi |
21:57:00 | madmaurice | ive got a question about the download of rockbox for sansa e200 |
21:57:30 | Domonoky | madmaurice: just ask.. |
21:57:59 | madmaurice | the official download is not found by my browser (404 error) can anyone of you give any mirror where to download |
21:58:45 | Domonoky | it works for me.. http://build.rockbox.org/dist/build-sansae200/rockbox.zip |
21:58:52 | | Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
21:59:07 | madmaurice | k ill try again maybe its because im using firefox? |
21:59:11 | dionoea | http://videolan.rockbox.org/daily/sansae200/rockbox-sansae200.zip |
22:00 |
22:00:26 | madmaurice | oh ok now it works^^ dont know what i did wrong but thanks for now ill come back later if i got any questions about the installation ;) |
22:01:46 | | Quit Zagor (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
22:03:17 | madmaurice | oh 1 more question |
22:04:37 | Domonoky | madmaurice: dont ask to ask, just ask.. |
22:04:39 | madmaurice | my player has the known error which lets the sound play slower than the video. would this also be in rockbox? |
22:04:46 | madmaurice | ;) kk |
22:05:48 | Domonoky | you mean in the original firmware ? the original firmwar doenst matter for rockbox.. |
22:06:09 | amiconn | dionoea: RED |
22:06:20 | madmaurice | no^^ |
22:06:26 | dionoea | oops |
22:06:48 | madmaurice | a little percent of these players have a little bug or error or like this i dont know much better |
22:06:59 | | Quit andrew_ (Nick collision from services.) |
22:07:02 | | Join andrew_ [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162091242.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) |
22:07:14 | | Quit andrew_ (Nick collision from services.) |
22:07:37 | Domonoky | madmaurice: video playpack is software (at least in rockbox) so the OF doesnt matter.. |
22:08:03 | madmaurice | but i lets the sound play slower than the picture when looking a video first only a little bit than when looking for example 5 minutes there is a difference of 20 seconds |
22:08:19 | madmaurice | its not a firmware error |
22:08:27 | Llorean | Why do you believe it isn't? |
22:08:58 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ |
22:09:27 | Llorean | Rockbox decodes video entirely in software. Even if it's not a firmware error in the original firmware, if they have hidden some sort of decoder chip that has the problem, Rockbox doesn't use it. |
22:09:38 | madmaurice | ive read several posts to solve that but i could. in some posts they said sandisk told it is a device error in a little percent of these players |
22:09:48 | amiconn | I would think it's a bug in the broadcom chip or firmware |
22:09:58 | Llorean | amiconn: Sansas, no broadcom chp. |
22:10:05 | amiconn | oops |
22:10:43 | Llorean | Though the PP5024 advertisement pamphlet thingy suggests it has some sort of video decoding capability, but is unclear whether it's software or hardware, the assumption being that it's just fast enough for software decoding. |
22:10:44 | madmaurice | it was just a question but if you think it'ill be alright then i trust you ;) |
22:11:34 | Domonoky | madmaurice: just try the video funktion of rockbox, then you will know ( but video isnt really ready in rockbox ) |
22:11:54 | Llorean | Domonoky: It's pretty ready these days, as long as you don't need ff/rw/resume |
22:12:00 | Llorean | At least on a number of players. |
22:12:03 | | Join andrew__ [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162091242.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) |
22:12:06 | Llorean | (That number is at least 3) |
22:12:14 | dionoea | amiconn: i don't understand the memcpy error :/ |
22:12:31 | * | Domonoky has a h120 so video isnt great :-) |
22:13:23 | amiconn | Llorean: Imho video isn't ready in rockbox except for archos and gigabeat |
22:13:28 | | Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) |
22:13:29 | dionoea | Bagder: would be neat if you added javascript to automatically decrease the svn build timer and reload the page when it reaches 0 :) |
22:13:34 | amiconn | (and maybe h10 small) |
22:14:05 | amiconn | Everything else doesn't manage standard framerates w/o skipping |
22:14:16 | Llorean | amiconn: It's quite decent on the Nano and Sansa, though the Sansa can't keep up with 30fps fullscreen yet, I believe. |
22:14:32 | Llorean | It's pulled of 29.97 on my Nano fairly reliably at 4:3 |
22:14:56 | amiconn | Ok, then perhaps a few more targets with small colour screens are ok |
22:15:00 | Llorean | Yeah |
22:15:17 | Llorean | It does still need a lot of work, of course |
22:15:21 | madmaurice | ok... a problem more: the sansapatcher doesn't find my e250 O_o |
22:15:27 | amiconn | I deem 25 fps as sufficient btw, living in a PAL region of the worlds |
22:15:34 | amiconn | -s |
22:15:44 | Llorean | Ah, well if 25fps is sufficient the Sansa is fine, I think |
22:16:04 | amiconn | The 10..11fps on video and H300 are far from that :( |
22:16:08 | Llorean | With the Gigabeat, 25fps is all you get anyway, right? |
22:16:27 | markun | Llorean: yes |
22:16:28 | * | dionoea gets 20 fps on video |
22:16:36 | dionoea | with the wide screen elephant dreams |
22:16:41 | dionoea | or something close to that value |
22:16:43 | amiconn | fullscreen... |
22:17:00 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fc7b9.pool.einsundeins.de) |
22:18:48 | madmaurice | ok... a problem more: the sansapatcher doesn't find my e250 O_o |
22:18:57 | dionoea | amiconn: about the remaining red builds, i don't see why they don't like the rb->memcpy function |
22:19:03 | dionoea | any idea ? |
22:19:25 | amiconn | It's not rb->memcpy |
22:19:39 | dionoea | ? |
22:19:44 | amiconn | gcc tries to use memcpy directly (that's documented behaviour) |
22:19:56 | dionoea | so i need the special define thingy ? |
22:19:57 | amiconn | That's not possible in plugins. |
22:20:05 | amiconn | A define won't help |
22:20:25 | dionoea | well memcpy works fine in other plugins |
22:20:42 | markun | amiconn: why not? |
22:20:53 | amiconn | You have 2 options: (1) a wrapper. (2) find the place where gcc tries to use memcpy, and use rb->memcpy() explicitly there |
22:21:44 | amiconn | markun: A #define only covers explicit usage. |
22:21:58 | dionoea | i meant: MEM_FUNCTION_WRAPPERS(rb); |
22:22:01 | dionoea | would that fix it ? |
22:22:07 | dionoea | (i can't remember what that does) |
22:22:15 | amiconn | It does (1) |
22:22:50 | amiconn | "special define thingy" wasn't clear |
22:22:54 | dionoea | :) |
22:22:55 | amiconn | enough |
22:24:47 | madmaurice | excuse me? |
22:25:14 | madmaurice | what can i do if the sansapatcher doesnt find my e250? |
22:25:52 | * | dionoea doesn't know |
22:26:38 | madmaurice | hmm... is there any other method to install rockbox? ive read about an "old" way of installation or sth like that |
22:26:44 | Llorean | madmaurice: What operating system, is it an e250 or e250R? |
22:26:54 | madmaurice | e250R |
22:26:58 | Llorean | The R is not supported |
22:27:03 | madmaurice | :( |
22:27:09 | | Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") |
22:27:10 | Llorean | It says this on the front page of the site. |
22:27:13 | madmaurice | why not? |
22:27:25 | Llorean | Because nobody has figured out how to get it to run unofficial code, yet |
22:28:02 | Bagder | dionoea: that assumes I would know such javascript magic, which I don't... |
22:28:09 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF75D0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:28:31 | dionoea | Bagder: if i gave you the magic would you apply it ? |
22:28:31 | madmaurice | afaik sansa contacted you to port your firmware for their e200 series. can't they tell you? |
22:28:55 | DerPapst | Bagder: i thought you are off for 4 weeks ^^ |
22:28:58 | Bagder | dionoea: sure, but it would need some interesting logic for the case the time differs |
22:29:06 | Bagder | DerPapst: not off, on vacation ;-) |
22:29:26 | Bagder | all my family sleep now |
22:29:38 | Bagder | ... |
22:29:39 | Llorean | madmaurice: They contacted us, but have not provided any real help. |
22:29:43 | Llorean | Beyond some hardware. |
22:29:49 | DerPapst | ahhhh :P |
22:29:55 | | Join Cian [0] (i=d5ca969f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0486cbde43624b07) |
22:30:19 | Cian | hello? |
22:30:31 | dionoea | Bagder: when is the page updated server side ? on commits and when all the builds are done ? |
22:30:46 | Bagder | dionoea: when all builds are done |
22:31:03 | Cian | Noob question; How do I install a new theme? I've downloaded a theme to my desktop...whats the next step?! |
22:31:05 | madmaurice | Llorean k :( sry disturbing you all with my stupid questions. i thought e250 and e250R are exactly the same expect of the Rhapsody thingy. bye guys |
22:31:06 | Bagder | then it checks for new commits every 60 seconds and rebuilds when found |
22:31:14 | | Part madmaurice |
22:31:20 | dionoea | ok |
22:31:37 | dionoea | is that page in svn somewhere ? (so i can make a clean diffà ) |
22:32:19 | dionoea | Cian: you unzip the theme on your player |
22:33:16 | Cian | in the .rockbox folder? yeah i read that somewhere but still wasnt sure. Does it unzip and sort itself out? Or should I unzip in a specific folder?! |
22:33:34 | Bagder | dionoea: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/www/tools/showbuilds.pl?view=markup |
22:33:39 | dionoea | i think that most themes need to be unziped in the root folder, not in .rockbox |
22:33:43 | Bagder | i.e in the www subdir instead of trunk |
22:33:52 | dionoea | Bagder: ok, i'll checkout that dir |
22:34:01 | amiconn | Bagder: Oh, is that in use again now? |
22:34:11 | Bagder | amiconn: not really, no |
22:34:17 | XavierGr | do all people care only about iPhone these days or is it digg so stupid that has half its topics about the damn thing? |
22:34:21 | Bagder | but I've committed stuff in there to allow people to see |
22:34:49 | amiconn | Hmm, btn... |
22:35:51 | Cian | Sorry about the noob questions...but can anyone confirm whether I should unzip a theme .zip folder in the ipod root folder? |
22:36:58 | PaulJam | Cian: does the .zip contain a .rockbox folder? |
22:37:19 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:37:24 | Cian | PaulJam: Yeah it does |
22:37:43 | PaulJam | then extract it to the root like you were told before |
22:38:35 | Cian | ok sweet. its extracted now. |
22:39:07 | | Join webguest08 [0] (i=4b472e08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ebc21383d682db62) |
22:39:15 | webguest08 | \join |
22:39:20 | webguest08 | hello |
22:40:14 | | Quit Wiwie (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
22:40:34 | petur | you are now in #hello |
22:40:37 | webguest08 | Hey I loaded ROCKbox up and it worked just fine until........I played a video and now my IPOD is stuck there is a warning on the screen "Data abort at 400013EC" and the IPOD is frozen any thoughts on how to unstick it |
22:40:56 | Cian | did you try resetting? |
22:41:14 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodBoot#Recovering_from_a_crash |
22:41:14 | webguest08 | Did I mention that pushing the keys does nothing |
22:41:14 | Cian | (hold Menu and Select for 30+ seconds_ |
22:42:05 | Cian | So are all themes stored in the root folder? Or does rockbox sort it out when I 'play' it? |
22:42:18 | webguest08 | thank you |
22:42:29 | webguest08 | that worked fine |
22:42:33 | Cian | cool |
22:42:38 | webguest08 | so does ROCKbox support video |
22:42:41 | petur | Cian: no, the theme zip files contain the correct tree structure (or should) |
22:42:43 | mud-rb | clan, you just saw that the .zip had a .rockbox filder |
22:42:43 | PaulJam | Cian: normally the zips contain the correct directory structure |
22:44:10 | Cian | I extracted the file, and now the unzipped folder is in the root. |
22:44:52 | PaulJam | Cian: there should have already been a .rockbox folder before... |
22:45:39 | Cian | yeah there was. so do I drag the .rockbox file that is in the theme zip file into the root? |
22:46:02 | petur | that's a directory, not a file |
22:46:17 | Cian | yeah |
22:46:31 | Cian | thats what i meant sorry |
22:46:36 | mud-rb | i though u said you already extracted it? |
22:46:41 | mud-rb | did it not work? |
22:46:56 | DerPapst | hey mud-rb :) |
22:47:04 | petur | just unzip to your player and the files get to the correct subdirs in the .rockbox tree |
22:47:06 | mud-rb | hey DerPapst :) |
22:47:28 | Cian | mud-rb: I extracted it but nothing happend. the unzipped theme folder (yobunny) is sitting in the root now |
22:47:34 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:47:53 | Cian | and then when i click into that folder, I see the .rockbox folder |
22:48:05 | petur | Cian: link to theme? |
22:48:30 | mud-rb | Clan: you were supposed to unzip the .zip into the root directory, not into a named folder in the root directory |
22:48:45 | Cian | petur: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/WpsIpod5g/yobunny.zip |
22:48:52 | mud-rb | DerPapst: haha i totally forgot what i was supposed to ask you, do you remember? i just woke up |
22:49:29 | petur | the zip looks fine (except for the source dir you don't need) |
22:49:51 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
22:49:51 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:50:10 | petur | Cian: get a better unzip tool or tell it to unzip the .rockbox dir in the zip to the root of your player |
22:50:44 | DerPapst | mud-rb: button configs for your plugin (iPod) |
22:50:46 | Cian | I think I got it thanks very much. I didnt realise .zip files extracted themselves in that |
22:50:47 | Cian | way |
22:50:59 | PaulJam | in most zip tools you can just open the zip and drag and drop the .rockbox folder to the root of the device |
22:51:08 | mud-rb | DerPapst: oh yeah!! haha...actually i kind of came up with something, but i have no idea if it's even usable |
22:51:19 | mud-rb | DerPapst: it works in the simulator, but i'm not sure that means much |
22:51:39 | Cian | petur: Can I delete the source dir from the root? |
22:51:47 | petur | yes |
22:51:50 | DerPapst | normally if it works in the sim it works on the dap too (button wise) |
22:51:55 | Cian | great. Thanks very much for your help :) |
22:52:20 | mud-rb | oh really? okay. i guess that's fine then |
22:52:38 | petur | "By far my weirdest WPS" <−− that theme is indeed... yuck |
22:52:50 | webguest08 | Just asking does ROCKbox support Video on the Video IPOD |
22:53:15 | | Join ansivirus [0] (n=ansiviru@adsl-76-225-180-38.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) |
22:54:02 | petur | webguest08: yes, but slooow |
22:54:24 | * | DerPapst adds some ooos |
22:54:25 | webguest08 | so no |
22:54:37 | DerPapst | webguest08: about 1ß fps |
22:54:40 | DerPapst | *1ß |
22:54:42 | DerPapst | gah |
22:54:44 | webguest08 | thank you |
22:54:45 | DerPapst | *10 |
22:54:59 | Bagder | I suspect DerPapst has a german origin ;-) |
22:55:23 | * | petur guessed after seeing his nick the first time |
22:55:25 | | Join MySic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:55:37 | Bagder | what is papst in german anyway? |
22:55:43 | petur | pope |
22:55:47 | Bagder | aah |
22:55:52 | petur | der means the |
22:56:00 | DerPapst | hehe |
22:56:09 | * | Bagder learnt german for 5 years, many moons ago in school |
22:56:35 | * | petur somehow managed to learn 4 languages |
22:56:48 | DerPapst | well then you speak at least as good german as i speak french :-D |
22:57:07 | DerPapst | petur: you're too 1337 for us |
22:57:30 | * | petur goes looking for a corner |
22:59:34 | | Nick swolbhsub is now known as bushblows (n=bushblow@ |
22:59:37 | DerPapst | petur: Belgian, English, German and French? |
22:59:38 | Cian | Guys, if a theme .zip doesnt have a .rockbox directory, how do you install it? |
22:59:40 | Bagder | hey, find your own spot! |
22:59:52 | DerPapst | ahahaa |
23:00 |
23:00:32 | petur | DerPapst: yes, except that 'Belgian' doesn't exist, it's called Dutch (or Flemmish) |
23:00:37 | * | pixelma learned 4 languages as well ;) |
23:00:52 | petur | Cian: link? |
23:01:16 | pixelma | the stress is on "learned" ... not "speak" |
23:01:23 | Cian | peture: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/WpsIpod5g/blackGlass_nonaa_v103.zip |
23:02:03 | petur | Cian: thos must be unzipped inside the .rockbox dir |
23:02:09 | petur | those* |
23:02:36 | mud-rb | i don't suppose there's any way for a plguin to get notification that the user is shutting down the player, correct? |
23:02:46 | DerPapst | petur: ah. wasn't sure about that ;) |
23:02:51 | petur | Cian: also try RockboxUtility, it can also install themes |
23:03:14 | | Join matsl_ [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
23:03:26 | Cian | Thank you again Petur |
23:03:40 | Llorean | mud-rb: I'm pretty sure the only cases in which a player can be shut down while still in a plugin are those where there's a hardware shutdown (like Menu+Select on the iPods, or long-power on Sansa) |
23:04:18 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:04:18 | mud-rb | llorean: haha yeah, there's no chance for plugin to do cleanup in those cases, right? |
23:04:46 | DerPapst | mud-rb: not really |
23:04:49 | amiconn | there is |
23:04:56 | * | DerPapst shuts up |
23:05:01 | Llorean | mud-rb: The Sansa requires holding it for 15 seconds, plenty of time to clean up and exit. |
23:05:03 | DerPapst | and hides ;) |
23:05:18 | petur | out of my corner! |
23:05:22 | | Quit ompaul ("Leaving") |
23:05:26 | amiconn | If you use defaulr_event_handler_ex() for handling system events in your event loop, you can pass a callback |
23:05:28 | Bagder | there's some room to the left of my corner... |
23:05:42 | mud-rb | llorean: ...my sansa does the normal "Shutting down" if i just hold power for about 5 seconds, maybe less |
23:05:55 | * | DerPapst goes to the left of bagders corner... |
23:06:08 | DerPapst | aww.. her's GodEater :-D |
23:06:09 | amiconn | But the sleanup shouldn't take too long, as there's a safety timeout in the shutdown routine (to avoid hanging forever) |
23:06:14 | DerPapst | *here's |
23:06:15 | amiconn | You have a few seconds |
23:06:32 | mud-rb | ah okay, thanks amiconn...yeah it shouldn't take long at all, i just want to throw some state in a file |
23:06:43 | Llorean | mud-rb: Yes, but try doing that somewhere you can't shutdown by holding power, for example, while it's frozen, and you'll find there's a 15 second hardware shutdown on that button too |
23:07:27 | mud-rb | llorean: ah yeah, sorry that's not the case i wanted to handle though, just the normal poweroff...if a user really wants my plugin to die that bad i don't think i care about saving state |
23:07:58 | Llorean | You should always be able to handle a normal poweroff, I think. |
23:08:18 | mud-rb | the way amiconn mentioned, right? |
23:08:46 | Llorean | He would know far better than I. |
23:08:53 | mud-rb | ah okay :) thanks all |
23:09:11 | mud-rb | i'll give that a go...not really a major need for my plugin but i might as well do it i figure, meh... |
23:10:09 | amiconn | Interesting... the apple bl sets the PLL to 80MHz |
23:10:13 | amiconn | 80, not 75 |
23:10:31 | Llorean | On your mini? |
23:10:40 | amiconn | (but it doesn't enable this clock by default - it connects the cpu core to the idle clock, which is set to 24MHz |
23:10:47 | amiconn | mini g1 |
23:11:28 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:12:49 | dionoea | Bagder: dionoea/countdown.php">http://adsl.cellerier.net/~dionoea/countdown.php |
23:13:20 | Bagder | fancy! |
23:14:31 | dionoea | when the counter reaches 0 it reloads. I still need to make it handle negative times correctly (else it'll reload every second which is a bit too much) |
23:15:26 | petur | when it reaches zero it should print a funny note like 'what? taking so long to build? we need another buildserver!' |
23:15:45 | DerPapst | hehe |
23:16:08 | Bagder | dionoea: yeah, quite often it will take longer than estimated so it need to handle that nicely |
23:16:44 | Llorean | Just estimate two minutes longer than the usual estimation, then let people be pleasantly surprised. |
23:17:04 | Bagder | haha |
23:17:11 | dionoea | i'll tell it to wait at least 10 seconds before it can ask a reload |
23:17:17 | | Quit Cian ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
23:19:05 | dionoea | times in the js are in UTC so there shouldn't be any errors due to different timezones in the client / server sides |
23:20:36 | | Join roietrip [0] (i=58997139@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3166bbbd56b2097e) |
23:21:39 | * | DerPapst is watching some rocklife fun at −−zoom 4 (which eats up lots of CPU power) |
23:21:45 | roietrip | Hi... why when adding/deleting songs the database ain't updating? |
23:23:13 | dionoea | Bagder: if you reload the page it now prints something nice if time is < 0 and tries reloading every 10 secs |
23:23:42 | DerPapst | afaik you have to tell rockbox to update the database (not sure tought. never used it much nor read the manual about the datagbase) |
23:24:20 | roietrip | 10x guys. yes it wasn't auto updating |
23:25:11 | PaulJam | roietrip: if you regularly use the database i would suggest you to enable autoupdate and load to ram (and also dircache) |
23:25:34 | | Join webguest41 [0] (i=c31b0f4a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bcd8eef2912c762c) |
23:28:04 | webguest41 | yesterday my ipod crashed-couldnt do anything on it, and left it to dry its batteries because i couldnt reset it, and today i got the normal ipod fw loaded, all the fw files are missing from my ipod |
23:28:37 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodBoot#Recovering_from_a_crash |
23:28:45 | webguest41 | and i cant remember the "pack" i had installed |
23:28:51 | roietrip | another Q: when viewing picture, how do I go back to the file explorer? |
23:29:10 | roietrip | on Sansa |
23:29:21 | dionoea | Bagder: since i pretty much don't know perl would you mind putting that in your script ? (only changes needed to the html code are the onload= call in the <body> tag, an include of the js script, and a <span id='countdown_text'> ... </span> where hte text needs to be updated) |
23:29:23 | DerPapst | webguest41: with fw files you mean rockbox? |
23:29:36 | webguest41 | yes |
23:29:37 | PaulJam | roietrip: that should be explained in the manual. |
23:30:06 | webguest41 | i dont remember the author of the pack i ve downloaded, it included some themes as well |
23:30:20 | DerPapst | webguest41: well just read the manual at pint 2 for installing rockbox. it also has a link to the rockbox version you need. |
23:30:48 | DerPapst | webguest41: ah so you want to use an unofficial built? |
23:31:08 | webguest41 | yes i liked the included themes :/ |
23:31:25 | Bagder | dionoea: sure, I'll take care of it. just not immediately since I'm off to bed in a few minutes, but I'll make sure to have a go at it very soon |
23:31:26 | webguest41 | i found it in the forum in the past, but that was months ago.. |
23:31:43 | dionoea | Bagder: ok. |
23:31:47 | DerPapst | webguest41: then check out the unofficial builds section in the forums. |
23:32:22 | petur | anyway, I can't believe rockbox just vanishes from your ipod |
23:32:42 | webguest41 | i was surprised as well |
23:32:52 | petur | did you recover it with itunes? |
23:32:52 | DerPapst | webguest41: ah. then i can't help you. there are lots of different unofficial builds and i don't use any of them. so i don't know which you've used. |
23:33:53 | webguest41 | it was senab i think |
23:33:58 | * | petur fails to understand the directory paste code |
23:35:24 | * | DerPapst wondery why his firewall always asks him ater a certain amount of time if he allows rockboxui.exe to connect to the insternet. |
23:35:34 | amiconn | dionoea: Your script needs some checks whether the browser supports the used methods/properties |
23:35:38 | DerPapst | what piece of spyware is in rockbox?! |
23:35:38 | | Quit roietrip ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:35:46 | amiconn | Running into js errors isn't nice |
23:35:46 | dionoea | amiconn: doesn't work in IE ? |
23:35:57 | amiconn | It works in IE5 and up |
23:36:07 | dionoea | so what doesn't it work with ? |
23:36:12 | amiconn | IE4 |
23:36:22 | dionoea | ... |
23:36:26 | DerPapst | amiconn: you have still IE4 on your pc to test that? :D |
23:36:39 | amiconn | It's not a matter of where it works or not, it's just a question of clean js coding |
23:36:56 | amiconn | DerPapst: I even have IE3 just in case... |
23:37:06 | DerPapst | .... o.O |
23:37:09 | amiconn | I have IE3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6 and 7 |
23:37:19 | amiconn | ANd numerous other browsers |
23:37:56 | * | DerPapst is speechless |
23:38:41 | dionoea | amiconn: what js error do you get ? |
23:39:28 | amiconn | The object doesn't support this property / method (that's my own translation) |
23:39:34 | dionoea | which line ? |
23:39:45 | amiconn | line 6, char 5 |
23:40:08 | amiconn | getElementById() |
23:40:39 | DerPapst | amiconn: already installed safari? |
23:40:52 | amiconn | nope |
23:40:55 | dionoea | hum, quirksmode doesn't even mention IE 4 :/ |
23:40:57 | amiconn | Afaik that's mac only |
23:41:07 | Llorean | There was a windows release recently |
23:41:14 | amiconn | dionoea: IE4 doesn't support the dom this way |
23:41:18 | DerPapst | amiconn: not anymore |
23:41:25 | amiconn | Ah ok |
23:41:35 | amiconn | Safari is KHTML based iirc |
23:41:46 | DerPapst | amiconn: last WWDC they introduces safari for windows. about 1 or 2 weeks ago. |
23:42:05 | DerPapst | *introduced |
23:42:11 | Bagder | and in two hours there were a bazillion flaws published... |
23:42:27 | * | DerPapst 's typos are getting worse than JdGordon's |
23:43:10 | * | amiconn has 6 browsers (plus the mentioned IE versions) on his windows PC and 3 on his Amiga for testing web pages |
23:43:38 | amiconn | And sometimes I also test on knoqueror, but I don't have that installed here |
23:43:38 | DerPapst | that's a lot. |
23:43:38 | dionoea | amiconn: can you try it again in IE4 please ? |
23:44:12 | DerPapst | i only know maybe 5 ;) |
23:44:28 | amiconn | Now it breaks in line 8 |
23:44:44 | amiconn | DerPapst: I even know more browsers than I have installed |
23:44:54 | amiconn | I left out Mosaic, Lynx, ... |
23:45:15 | DerPapst | s/5/6 i just remebered lynx :P |
23:45:26 | dionoea | amiconn: and now ? |
23:45:29 | DerPapst | Mosaic.. never heared of it |
23:45:40 | dionoea | first browser ever |
23:46:19 | webguest41 | well |
23:46:23 | DerPapst | i know IE, mozilla, opera, konqueror, lynx, ummm forgot the 6th one. |
23:46:32 | webguest41 | it looks after reinstalling the bootloader, i got rockbox working fine again |
23:46:33 | dionoea | links, w3m ? |
23:46:37 | amiconn | dionoea: works :) |
23:46:41 | dionoea | cool :) |
23:46:49 | dionoea | Now we need to test the reload |
23:46:58 | dionoea | I'll move the target 7 minutes forward |
23:47:13 | | Quit webguest08 ("CGI:IRC") |
23:47:14 | dionoea | can you reload the page so it updates the target time ? |
23:48:15 | amiconn | "Builds should have been done..." |
23:48:26 | dionoea | and is it reloading every 10 sec ? |
23:48:30 | amiconn | And it seems to reload (flickers) |
23:48:35 | dionoea | great :) |
23:48:46 | dionoea | so the only IE4 rockbox user can now check the build table! |
23:49:00 | dionoea | well, will be able to when it's updated |
23:49:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:50:01 | * | amiconn has some quite exotic browsers installed |
23:50:04 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") |
23:50:14 | amiconn | Like Hotjava and Espial Escape |
23:51:56 | DerPapst | never heared of them |
23:52:02 | dionoea | do you have all the Opera versions installed too ?!? |
23:52:30 | amiconn | Only 6 and 7 |
23:52:44 | amiconn | 7 works, 6 shows the non-javascript default text |
23:52:53 | amiconn | ..even though js is enabled |
23:53:02 | amiconn | Netscape 4 throws js errors |
23:53:10 | dionoea | does 6 mention any error ? |
23:54:04 | amiconn | yes |
23:54:17 | amiconn | Reference to undefined variable: No such variable 'countdown_refresh' |
23:54:49 | dionoea | in the onload call ? |
23:55:39 | amiconn | It just shows this js error when loading or reloading the page |
23:55:51 | amiconn | The page text then shows the non-js text |
23:55:57 | amiconn | No line numbers... |
23:56:42 | | Quit webguest41 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:56:55 | dionoea | looks like opera 6 doesn't support external js scripts |
23:57:48 | | Quit mud-rb ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12") |
23:58:59 | amiconn | dionoea: It does |