00:00:29 | | Join ShadowSponge_ [0] (n=chatzill@1Cust75.tnt4.hnr2.deu.da.uu.net) |
00:00:29 | | Quit Quelsaruk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:01:02 | Llorean | amiconn: So it's a log of a fraction, with one unknown parameter? |
00:02:08 | | Part chrisjs169 ("Konversation terminated!") |
00:03:05 | | Nick swolbhsub is now known as bushblows (n=bushblow@ |
00:03:36 | | Quit ShadowSponge (Nick collision from services.) |
00:03:44 | | Nick ShadowSponge_ is now known as ShadowSponge (n=chatzill@1Cust75.tnt4.hnr2.deu.da.uu.net) |
00:04:35 | | Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) |
00:05:02 | | Join relaxed [0] (n=relaxed@unaffiliated/relaxed) |
00:06:31 | | Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
00:07:25 | linuxstb | saratoga: Around? |
00:07:28 | | Quit merbanan ("Leaving") |
00:07:54 | scorche | Bagder: about ready to go to sleep? |
00:08:28 | Bagder | yes indeed... |
00:08:56 | | Nick bushblows is now known as swolbhsub (n=bushblow@unaffiliated/bushblows) |
00:09:05 | * | scorche makes a note to talk to Bagder tomorrow |
00:10:04 | | Join MrKeuner [0] (n=kudo@pool-72-74-108-29.bstnma.east.verizon.net) |
00:10:11 | MrKeuner | hi, there. |
00:10:23 | MrKeuner | WHat files should I update when upgrading rockbox? |
00:10:39 | scorche | just unzip the folder to the root |
00:10:48 | MrKeuner | I do not really want to do all the settings again |
00:10:53 | scorche | you wont |
00:10:54 | DerPapst | dionoea: ping |
00:11:02 | dionoea | pong |
00:11:03 | scorche | if you want to make sure you wont, save teh settings to a file |
00:11:20 | MrKeuner | scorche: also there are wps files etc |
00:11:28 | | Quit ShadowSponge (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:11:44 | DerPapst | dionoea: i have made a small patch for reversi to optimize it's usage (mostly on 3G) iPods |
00:11:49 | MrKeuner | can't I just copy rockbox.ipod |
00:11:50 | DerPapst | dionoea: http://pastebin.eu/pastebin.php?show=17 |
00:11:57 | * | amiconn guesses the function caluclates ln2 of a fraction |
00:12:26 | bluebrother | MrKeuner: no. You need to replace the other files too |
00:12:49 | | Join \sic [0] (n=s1c@p54836E12.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:13:00 | Eimann | g'night |
00:13:02 | | Part Eimann |
00:13:23 | MrKeuner | so no way. I have to recopy the wps and related files and the settings files? |
00:13:30 | saratoga | linuxstb: I'm here |
00:13:37 | bluebrother | but since the settings are stored in a file (/.rockbox/config.cfg) you can simply store that somewhere else |
00:13:49 | DerPapst | MrKeuner: you're settings and wpses won't get overwritten |
00:13:55 | scorche | as we said, they wont....yeah |
00:13:59 | bluebrother | why don't you just extract the new build over the old folder and overwrite all files? |
00:14:09 | bluebrother | that's the way you usually are intended to update. |
00:14:31 | MrKeuner | I didn't know that unzip did not remove all the contents in a folder and unzip on them |
00:14:35 | MrKeuner | OK I'll do that |
00:14:39 | MrKeuner | thanks |
00:14:40 | dionoea | DerPapst: why is that 3G specific ? |
00:15:09 | DerPapst | dionoea: well it's not entirely 3G specific ;) |
00:15:19 | linuxstb | saratoga: I've been doing some more asf work today - I've more or less decided to abandon libasf itself, and write a simple parser instead. libasf works by reading everything into memory structures first, and then parsing them. Whereas, it's better for Rockbox to parse as it goes along. |
00:15:24 | dionoea | shouldn't you just change the ifdef to "all ipods" ? |
00:15:35 | DerPapst | dionoea: it makes the layout a bit more consistent to all iPods |
00:15:39 | saratoga | linuxstb: that sounds like a lot work |
00:15:50 | linuxstb | saratoga: But I've got the basics of a "get_metadata" function working already. |
00:15:58 | saratoga | wow |
00:16:04 | DerPapst | dionoea: that isn't nessesary imo. |
00:16:16 | linuxstb | saratoga: Not really, asf is in fact a very simple format, and there are lots of objects we can simply ignore and skip. |
00:16:22 | dionoea | why are you changing it only for the 3G then ? (the wrap mode) |
00:16:35 | saratoga | I'm working on integerizing what you gave me |
00:16:42 | saratoga | how much of that is likely to change? |
00:16:46 | DerPapst | dionoea: the settings are ok for all other iPods except 3G that's why i limited to 3G only |
00:17:05 | linuxstb | saratoga: You should assume all the asf stuff will change - best if you just stick to the wma decoder itself. |
00:17:06 | dionoea | ah ok ... if you say so :) |
00:17:11 | dionoea | DerPapst: i'll apply the patch |
00:17:25 | DerPapst | dionoea: but you can change that to all iPods. don't make a big difference to me :) |
00:17:32 | saratoga | what about the parts of the decoder that touch libasf? |
00:17:34 | * | dionoea needs a clean rockbox checkout |
00:17:35 | saratoga | stuff like wma_decode_init() |
00:17:36 | DerPapst | dionoea: thanks ;) |
00:17:54 | saratoga | can I assume you'll still be passing in the same arguments? |
00:17:59 | linuxstb | saratoga: Well, that's trivial to change. |
00:18:12 | linuxstb | I'll need to give you that information, so yes. |
00:18:29 | linuxstb | I'll probably keep that same wfx struct. |
00:18:31 | saratoga | mostly i'm trying to sync the stuff I had with the older version of wmadec.c |
00:18:40 | saratoga | there was a fair amount of drift |
00:20:04 | | Quit MrKeuner ("Ex-Chat") |
00:21:20 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
00:21:32 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
00:21:42 | dionoea | DerPapst: done. |
00:21:49 | DerPapst | dionoea: the 3G iPods has an entirely different button layout compared to all the other iPods. so one can't really use rew, menu, play, fwd as left, up, right, down. |
00:22:00 | DerPapst | thanks :) |
00:22:41 | dionoea | I should be the one thanking you :) the keymap was horrible on my ipod too |
00:22:50 | saratoga | linuxstb: is there some linux app that people use to reformat the layout of code? |
00:23:04 | linuxstb | Probably, but I don't know it... |
00:23:04 | saratoga | its annoying to merge changes when teh lines, tabs and brackets are all moved around |
00:23:09 | Bagder | gnu indent |
00:23:19 | DerPapst | dionoea: hehe |
00:23:28 | | Quit petur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:23:37 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
00:23:45 | Bagder | (for source code (re-)formatting I mean) |
00:26:54 | mickleby | n00b, again alas: would like ide to run off and find definition for me, e.g. with "int fd=rb->creat("someFile");" find file & definition of creat(); Was spoiled by years using VisC++; should I expect Eclipse or xEmacs to pamper me so?? Do folks use vi? Thou gracious, saged masters |
00:28:26 | | Join thegeek_ [0] (n=thegeek@ti521110a080-0286.bb.online.no) |
00:28:36 | dionoea | DerPapst: you forgot the | BUTTON_REPEAT for the ALT keys :/ |
00:28:50 | dionoea | DerPapst: or was that on purpose ? |
00:28:58 | saratoga | Bagder: thanks indent worked great |
00:29:59 | | Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc4-brig8-0-0-cust563.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
00:30:05 | dionoea | yay! i score 1520 points! |
00:32:04 | markun | dionoea: ha, that's nothing.. |
00:32:19 | markun | although I don't remember my high score |
00:32:46 | dionoea | next time i'll remember to compile before commiting ... not after. |
00:33:38 | | Quit x1jmp (Remote closed the connection) |
00:37:32 | mickleby | very well, my betters. I shall grep like the n00b I am |
00:41:37 | DerPapst | dionoea: yes. you're right ;) sorry |
00:41:47 | dionoea | :) |
00:41:51 | dionoea | should be fixed |
00:42:03 | amiconn | wow!! :D |
00:42:27 | amiconn | The mini g1 boosts and unboosts playing aac, without hanging! |
00:42:30 | * | bluebrother awaits some good news from amiconn |
00:42:35 | bluebrother | cool :) |
00:42:49 | amiconn | So now this needs testing on other PP5020s |
00:43:02 | dionoea | Good night ppl (/me can't wait to read tomorrow's commits from amiconn) |
00:43:12 | amiconn | It's a bit hackish atm |
00:43:30 | amiconn | (I'll redefine the CPU for the targets which are actually PP5022) |
00:44:04 | amiconn | Part #2 also isn't done yet (saving more power), I just applied part #1 (the clock magic for PP5020, and relock wait for PP5022) |
00:44:15 | amiconn | I'll test the relock thing next |
00:44:26 | amiconn | linuxstb? |
00:44:36 | dionoea | would part 1 save power ? or is it stability issues only ? |
00:44:43 | DerPapst | dionoea: good night :D |
00:44:54 | | Quit \sic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:44:58 | amiconn | It will save power by the fact that cpu scaling works now |
00:45:36 | amiconn | CPU scalin gis disabled in svn for H10, and I had to disable it for mini g1 locally to make it even boot |
00:46:18 | dionoea | ah ok. |
00:46:27 | amiconn | The relock thing might also save a bit of powe |
00:46:28 | amiconn | r |
00:46:48 | bluebrother | I can test on mini 2G if that helps ... |
00:46:59 | amiconn | That's 5022, and I have one myself |
00:47:07 | amiconn | I would be most interested in H10 testers |
00:47:21 | bluebrother | yeah −− just in case you're interested in more testers. |
00:49:09 | amiconn | linuxstb: I even removed the TIMER kludge for PP5020, and it works _stable_ |
00:49:14 | * | DerPapst could only donnate a PP5002 and a PP5022C |
00:49:51 | DerPapst | amiconn: nice work :) |
00:50:02 | amiconn | I guess that we can even run at 80MHz boosted with proper voltage handling |
00:50:18 | amiconn | (stable) |
00:51:26 | amiconn | Hmm, I even have a suspicion what the PLL status magic actually does... |
00:51:59 | * | amiconn added PLL_CONTROL and PLL_STATUS display to 'view i/o ports' |
00:52:59 | amiconn | The thing boosts/unboosts roughly once per second. No hang so far. Will listen to the whole album... |
00:53:32 | | Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) |
00:53:37 | | Join \sic [0] (n=s1c@p54836E12.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:55:53 | | Quit Entasis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:58:51 | | Join webguest17 [0] (i=cf761d9c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7ec38635e39cbf17) |
00:59:07 | amiconn | linuxstb: pingggggg |
00:59:32 | DerPapst | heh |
01:00 |
01:00:07 | | Quit webguest17 (Client Quit) |
01:02:42 | | Quit lazka (Remote closed the connection) |
01:03:04 | saratoga | amiconn: so you're sure that rockbox wasn't handling voltage correctly on the PP players? |
01:03:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:03:17 | amiconn | It still isn't.... |
01:04:47 | | Quit pontape () |
01:05:47 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
01:06:09 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54966DCB.dip.t-dialin.net) |
01:07:03 | | Quit lee-qid (Client Quit) |
01:12:08 | linuxstb | amiconn: Do you have a patch? |
01:12:35 | amiconn | Hmmm :/ |
01:12:50 | amiconn | Half an hour ago I would have had one |
01:13:00 | DerPapst | ?! |
01:13:13 | jhMikeS | amiconn: any change in the behavior of core locking? did you happen to pick up anything about the memory controller such as defining noncacheable areas or controlling what get flushed? |
01:13:24 | amiconn | Now I'm in the process of converting the appropriate targets to use a PP5022 define, and my tree probably doesn't compile |
01:13:56 | amiconn | jhMikeS: I didn't look at the core locking at all anymore |
01:14:11 | amiconn | I just want to solve the clock & power issues |
01:14:49 | amiconn | pcm-pp.c is strange :\ |
01:14:50 | jhMikeS | by the TIMER kludge you were speaking of the |= when scaling? |
01:14:55 | amiconn | yes |
01:15:10 | amiconn | My album is still playing btw |
01:15:12 | * | jhMikeS is redoing that a bit right now |
01:15:14 | linuxstb | Will you be treating the PP5021/22 the same? |
01:15:22 | amiconn | There is no 5021 |
01:15:32 | amiconn | There is only a PP5022B and a PP5022C |
01:15:55 | amiconn | The case print might be different, but that's not significant for the code |
01:16:45 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Didn't you do some work in pcm-pp.c? |
01:16:57 | amiconn | I don't understand the ifdefing |
01:17:21 | jhMikeS | I'm redoing the pcm level API a bit so that it is well locked again the interrupts handler for all players and the states are proper |
01:17:47 | jhMikeS | which #ifdefing in particular |
01:17:47 | amiconn | I'm wondering of about the ifdef above/around the asm blob |
01:18:00 | amiconn | Does that mean Sansa uses the C version? |
01:18:18 | amiconn | I would think the C version is only there for reference |
01:18:32 | jhMikeS | no, sansa uses the asm |
01:18:49 | jhMikeS | sansa uses 16 bit IIS mode and the iPods are still using 32-bit |
01:19:06 | amiconn | OK, strange thing is: |
01:19:14 | amiconn | line 55: #ifdef CPU_PP |
01:19:34 | amiconn | line 157: #else /* !(CONFIG_CPU == PP5020 || CONFIG_CPU == PP5002) */ |
01:19:51 | amiconn | (1) Shouldn't the commect read /* !CPU_PP */ |
01:20:04 | amiconn | (2) Why not just simply #if 1 / #ese |
01:20:09 | amiconn | *#else |
01:20:53 | jhMikeS | I don't know. the comment just hasn't been updated? |
01:21:55 | jhMikeS | the C version of the fiq handler doesn't work anyway because of 1) gcc bugs 2) FIFO_FREE_COUNT is wrong. There's a count field for each of TX and RX fifos. |
01:22:56 | jhMikeS | My changes will straigten that all out though |
01:23:06 | * | amiconn introduced an new CPU #define: CPU_PP502x |
01:23:16 | | Quit \sic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:23:44 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:24:09 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
01:25:04 | | Quit Robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Go on, try it!") |
01:26:57 | | Quit bdgraue (Remote closed the connection) |
01:34:21 | | Join HellDragon_ [0] (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
01:35:39 | | Quit HellDragon (Nick collision from services.) |
01:36:09 | | Nick HellDragon_ is now known as HellDragon (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
01:38:40 | saratoga | linuxstb: you still around? |
01:39:08 | DerPapst | seems like the build servers haven't built the last commit... |
01:39:39 | amiconn | linuxstb: amiconn.dyndns.org/pp502x_clock.diff">http://amiconn.dyndns.org/pp502x_clock.diff |
01:39:53 | amiconn | I hope it compiles; just compiling myself |
01:42:18 | | Quit Xerion (" ") |
01:42:53 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
01:49:04 | | Quit inversions (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
01:50:36 | linuxstb | saratoga: Yes |
01:50:41 | linuxstb | amiconn: OK, trying it now. |
01:51:50 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
01:53:02 | saratoga | linuxstb: are you writing the parser in fixed or floating precision? or does it not need either? |
01:54:00 | linuxstb | There are no floats involved in the parser |
01:54:03 | * | jhMikeS knows the linuxstb is testing your patch on a 5020 device feeling ;) |
01:56:55 | | Quit mickleby ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
01:57:44 | * | amiconn is testing on PP5022 now |
01:57:58 | amiconn | Need to make sure the relock wait is working properly |
01:58:13 | * | linuxstb is copying some music over - his ipod was empty |
01:58:24 | amiconn | The color? |
01:58:28 | jhMikeS | linuxstb: just make sure you actually applied the patch :P |
01:58:49 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes |
01:58:53 | amiconn | Hmm |
01:58:56 | linuxstb | jhMikeS: I did... |
01:59:03 | amiconn | My patch doesn't enable CPU scaling for H10 yet |
01:59:04 | jhMikeS | :D |
02:00 |
02:00:58 | linuxstb | amiconn: It boots, which is a good start ;) |
02:01:23 | amiconn | Make sure you play some music where it needs to boost/unboost a lot |
02:01:36 | * | amiconn copied an aac album exactly for this purpose |
02:01:37 | | Join webguest35 [0] (i=9052c506@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f18b9601069d97cd) |
02:01:54 | linuxstb | Yes, I'm playing some mp3 and keeping an eye on the audio thread |
02:02:04 | webguest35 | hello how can i overide loading? i want to load the original ipod fw |
02:02:13 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Hmm, what's the problem with CPU scaling on the sansa btw? |
02:02:20 | amiconn | It's disabled in the config-*.h |
02:02:39 | webguest35 | ipod is not recognized because it doesnt go to usb mode |
02:02:47 | webguest35 | it just charges on rockbox mode |
02:02:56 | crashmatrix | webguest35, turn if off, turn it on, and directly after turning on set it to hold |
02:03:22 | crashmatrix | and the original fw will magically load |
02:03:33 | petur | Is there anybody here that knows the fat code? |
02:03:38 | webguest35 | thanks a lot , it worked :) |
02:03:41 | linuxstb | Which ipod do you have? |
02:04:32 | jhMikeS | amiconn: It supposedly worked but the clocking setup was wrong and taking its toll on performance in general and partly causing lcd issues |
02:04:53 | linuxstb | amiconn: It's boosting/unboosting frequently (boost ratio about 68%), and still running. So looking good. But in the past, when Rockbox has been running well, it can take a couple of hours for it to freeze. |
02:04:54 | * | petur wonders if there's a reason update_short_entry() pokes around with char/long pointers iso mapping a fat_direntry on it... |
02:05:03 | amiconn | Is the PP5024 again different in regard of clock setup? |
02:05:28 | amiconn | linuxstb: On the mini g1 I have here, it already locked up at boot in 50% of the cases |
02:05:39 | jhMikeS | I think so or at least the sansa is setup differently |
02:05:50 | amiconn | In the other cases I was able to browse a bit. No chance of playing music |
02:06:08 | linuxstb | amiconn: The frequency of lockups seems to be random - some builds seemed to be fine, some locked up at boot. |
02:06:34 | amiconn | I will let the mini g1 play with repeat enabled (and charger connected) overnight |
02:08:55 | * | amiconn should do this with the mini g2 as well |
02:09:03 | amiconn | Only one can have the charger though |
02:12:19 | webguest35 | also i installed some themes but i dont see those fancy icons i see on the screenshots, solution? |
02:12:54 | petur | they are installed separate |
02:13:22 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IconSets |
02:15:31 | webguest35 | thanks petur |
02:18:46 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
02:19:18 | webguest35 | and hopefully last question....how do i enable the clicking that the normal ipod fw has? |
02:21:12 | | Part pixelma |
02:22:55 | scorche | webguest35: you dont, but there is a patch in the tracker if you want it |
02:23:17 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:23:34 | crashmatrix | aaaaaargh |
02:23:43 | crashmatrix | I just got this iPod to rockbox it |
02:23:55 | crashmatrix | and... batterylife completely sucks donky dick :/ |
02:24:15 | scorche | no need to use expletives like that... |
02:24:58 | crashmatrix | well, yes, and no |
02:25:28 | | Join p3tur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
02:25:28 | | Quit petur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:25:40 | saratoga | buying an ipod for rockbox wasn't the best idea |
02:25:45 | scorche | no...just no |
02:25:48 | | Nick p3tur is now known as petur (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
02:26:12 | webguest35 | if not ipod then what |
02:26:16 | * | petur leaves a non-working patch at http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7359 for a fat32 guru to look at |
02:26:20 | jhMikeS | anything but |
02:26:23 | crashmatrix | that figures :/ not dissatisfied, but man, 6 hours of playtime |
02:26:40 | linuxstb | Which ipod do you have? |
02:26:57 | crashmatrix | 5g 30 GB |
02:27:08 | jhMikeS | those of us that actually do the work in our spare time on undocumented hardware feel very motivated by such comments |
02:27:46 | petur | amiconn: am I correct that Zagor is the person to talk to for fat.c? |
02:29:20 | | Quit webguest35 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
02:29:22 | amiconn | hrrrrrrmmmmmm |
02:30:30 | linuxstb | amiconn: Bad news, my ipod froze... |
02:30:34 | crashmatrix | jhMikeS, "those ungrateful bastards" ? nothing of the sort |
02:30:40 | amiconn | Yeah, the mini g1 too |
02:30:41 | jhMikeS | heh |
02:30:53 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
02:31:02 | * | linuxstb welcomes amiconn to the world of the pp5020 |
02:31:16 | * | amiconn wonders why - first it plays the whole album w/o a single freeze, and in the next round it freezes after a while |
02:31:26 | * | jhMikeS one of us...one of us |
02:31:27 | * | amiconn suspects that it has to do with the voltage stuff |
02:32:32 | * | jhMikeS is confident all the pp documentation will soon be publicly released :P |
02:32:59 | linuxstb | Of course - nvidia have a good record in that respect... |
02:33:01 | * | scorche just discovered that broadcom has an office a few min away... |
02:33:42 | jhMikeS | any day now ... |
02:35:13 | DerPapst | scorche: you maybe want to visit them? ;) |
02:36:07 | scorche | DerPapst: well, perhaps i should sit there and not leave until they do as i wish |
02:36:20 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") |
02:36:21 | jhMikeS | a sit-in? |
02:36:31 | * | scorche could use a few hundred other people for it to work though... |
02:37:01 | Llorean | A Rockbox sit-in at PortalPlayer HQ? |
02:37:03 | jhMikeS | make them an offer they can't refuse |
02:37:14 | scorche | Llorean: broadcom |
02:37:21 | Llorean | scorche: PP would be more useful |
02:37:22 | scorche | im sure nvidia is around here though |
02:37:26 | DerPapst | jhMikeS: a rockboxed iPod? :P |
02:37:51 | jhMikeS | hehe |
02:38:05 | * | jhMikeS had more Godfatherly thoughts |
02:38:12 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
02:38:51 | scorche | ack...nope...nvidia isnt anywhere near |
02:39:29 | scorche | jhMikeS: you get the goat and "prepare" it |
02:39:49 | | Nick HellDragon is now known as Ryuu (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
02:40:26 | * | jhMikeS just ran out of goats and is requesting rockbox sponsor some more |
02:40:49 | scorche | been using them a lot lately? |
02:41:26 | jhMikeS | they seem good for finding a new reg value or two |
02:43:24 | * | jhMikeS unfortunately lost his copy of the necronomicon |
02:43:37 | * | amiconn will look into this ln function and PP power control tomorrow |
02:43:48 | amiconn | Now, sleep |
02:43:49 | JdGordon | Nico_P: gday |
02:43:58 | Nico_P | JdGordon: hi again :) |
02:44:07 | JdGordon | had any luck? |
02:44:20 | Nico_P | I've made a bit of progress but spent the evening out |
02:44:32 | Nico_P | it's 2:45 AM here :) |
02:44:36 | JdGordon | :) |
02:44:49 | amiconn | linuxstb: What do you think, does the patch make things better or worse? |
02:44:57 | amiconn | On the mini g1 it makes things better |
02:44:59 | JdGordon | 10.45am here... send me what you have, and ill play today unless i become social :p |
02:45:00 | Nico_P | I didn't get to speak to Bagder about the SVN |
02:45:06 | * | jhMikeS finds playback.c doesn't know a manual skip from it's own backside |
02:45:20 | scorche | jhMikeS: you can use my spare if you want |
02:45:42 | jhMikeS | ok, fedex it overnight |
02:45:52 | scorche | it would be easier to dcc it |
02:45:55 | Nico_P | I was planning on having another look for a bit... did you by any chance figure the problem with your SVN out ? |
02:45:57 | scorche | it is a .666 file though |
02:46:13 | jhMikeS | dcc is broken here and nothing makes it work :( |
02:46:30 | JdGordon | Nico_P: i literally got out of bed 10min ago... so not yet :p |
02:46:37 | Nico_P | haha |
02:48:18 | | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) |
02:52:10 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC") |
02:52:24 | linuxstb | amiconn: It's hard to say. It works well, but then so have other builds in the past, seemingly at random. |
02:52:57 | linuxstb | amiconn: But it's close to what the OF does, then it's definitely a step in the right direction. |
02:53:06 | linuxstb | s/close/closer/ |
02:56:17 | | Join Hammer89 [0] (n=soc_inte@static-host-24-149-229-197.patmedia.net) |
02:57:16 | Hammer89 | Does anyone here know if the e200 running rockbox will work with a 4gb SD-card? |
02:58:34 | Llorean | 4gb are SDHC, not SD |
02:58:58 | Hammer89 | ah... guess not then ;) |
02:59:39 | Hammer89 | is it a hardware issue? or will it be possible to make drivers to support a 4gb card? (I'm somewhat ignorant on this) |
03:00 |
03:00:12 | Llorean | I don't think anyone knows for certain whether or not it will be possible yet. |
03:00:21 | Hammer89 | okay, thanks :) |
03:03:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:04:00 | | Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) |
03:06:43 | JdGordon | Nico_P: you havnt fallen asleep yet have you? |
03:06:58 | Nico_P | no, still working on the thing :) |
03:07:21 | Nico_P | want it now ? |
03:07:44 | JdGordon | no, just dont want you to leave before uploading it somewhere :D |
03:07:54 | Nico_P | don't worry ;) |
03:08:19 | Nico_P | if you want I can try having a look at your svn if you give me an ssh account |
03:10:39 | | Join reezeh [0] (n=reezeh@reezeh.gotadsl.co.uk) |
03:11:26 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC") |
03:32:44 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
03:33:17 | | Quit thegeek_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:00 |
04:14:04 | | Join toffe82_ [0] (n=chatzill@ |
04:20:23 | | Join webguest53 [0] (i=42b03e95@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-980a1ba1dcce3de5) |
04:20:36 | | Part Hammer89 |
04:21:33 | | Join Teleosus [0] (i=42b03e95@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-00be28c192a5e33c) |
04:21:33 | | Quit webguest53 (Client Quit) |
04:21:51 | | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:22:32 | Teleosus | Hello all, anyone willing to answer a quick question about future rockbox developments? |
04:22:59 | Llorean | Teleosus: It's somewhat unlikely anyone can answer a question about the future. |
04:25:01 | Teleosus | Well, I just bought an E280 and after quite a bit of web research it seems that the possiblity of rockbox helping in the ares of SDHC support is waning, anyone else feel the same? |
04:25:28 | Teleosus | Not that I would know how to do it |
04:25:32 | JdGordon | I dont belive any of the devs own a sdhc card, so we have no way of knowing if it works |
04:26:23 | Teleosus | not that I would know anything about doing it.... |
04:27:07 | Nico_P | Llorean: have you seen JdGordon mod on the BufferingAPIProposal wiki page ? |
04:27:17 | | Quit Teleosus ("CGI:IRC") |
04:27:18 | Nico_P | we've set up an SVN repo with our work |
04:27:18 | Llorean | Nico_P: I'll go look |
04:27:21 | | Join Teleosus [0] (i=42b03e95@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8df560400b0b939a) |
04:27:48 | Llorean | Nico_P: Ah |
04:27:54 | Nico_P | I've been making a bit of progress just now |
04:28:02 | Llorean | Is the SVN holding work on a stand alone, or is it a modified Rockbox? |
04:28:13 | Nico_P | it's standalone |
04:28:28 | Teleosus | had network problems , sorry didI miss something? |
04:29:05 | Llorean | I'll check it out soon then. |
04:29:19 | Llorean | Teleosus: Nothing really. Generally speaking, nothing happens unless people who own the hardware are interested in it |
04:29:44 | Nico_P | Llorean: if you see Bagder around, could you ask him about hosting a parallel SVN or git on the rockbox server for this kind of work ? |
04:30:10 | Llorean | Nico_P: Will do, but I think it's already been suggested. |
04:30:19 | Llorean | Git would certainly help with the SoC stuff |
04:30:21 | Teleosus | Well all I have really been able to deduce is that noone is really sure if it will be possible without a hardware update |
04:30:23 | Nico_P | by me :) |
04:30:31 | Nico_P | or maybe someone else suggested it too |
04:30:33 | Llorean | I think others may have mentioned it too. ;) |
04:30:41 | Nico_P | ok |
04:30:46 | Llorean | I seem to recall it's listed on the pro-git wiki page, though I can't remember the page's name |
04:30:52 | Llorean | But I agree |
04:31:05 | Nico_P | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GitVersionControl |
04:31:56 | Nico_P | making a wiki page to list my ideas is on my list... I'll probably do it tomorrow |
04:32:39 | Nico_P | yep... reading the previous sentence shows I need sleep now :) |
04:33:21 | Llorean | Sleep is probably a good idea then |
04:35:04 | Teleosus | Well I own it but as far as finding the technical infomation require to hack into the card slot interface, I am at a loss |
04:35:22 | | Quit Nico_P ("off to bed, bye :)") |
04:40:17 | Teleosus | Anyway, it is still a fair device, so I'll keep it anyway, 10 gb is enough, sorry about the off topic question, have a good work week |
04:45:32 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
04:46:56 | | Part Teleosus |
04:53:21 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
04:53:48 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
05:00 |
05:03:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:18:15 | | Join Bossier [0] (i=nunya@75-120-216-52.dyn.centurytel.net) |
05:19:37 | Bossier | anyone here I can talk to about screens.c in apps? |
05:20:34 | | Join webguest03 [0] (i=47ace917@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-044558b74d27d51d) |
05:20:39 | webguest03 | hey |
05:20:43 | webguest03 | i have no clue what to do |
05:20:51 | webguest03 | to install rockbox on my ipod video 30gb |
05:22:30 | krazykit | read the manual |
05:22:51 | webguest03 | k found it |
05:22:54 | webguest03 | i was looking for it |
05:22:58 | webguest03 | in the files |
05:23:02 | webguest03 | but its actually in the site |
05:23:11 | Bossier | I'll go ahead then, in line 893 or so of screens.c the #ifdef HAVE_LCD_BITMAP was changed from the if else with lcd_setmargins to a simple if else with statusbar_height, the thing is immediately after that statusbar_height is set to 0. I'm thinking that statusbar_height = 0 part should have come before the #ifdef so it didn't negate it |
05:23:38 | | Quit webguest03 (Client Quit) |
05:24:14 | Bossier | Reason I ask is I was just syncing my copy of the scrolling margins patch and it concerns that, I went ahead and did the change on my own code and am noticing no ill effects |
05:24:49 | Llorean | Bossier: I don't quite see your question |
05:25:54 | Llorean | If HAVE_LCD_BITMAP is not defined, statusbar_height is always 0 |
05:26:23 | Llorean | If it IS defined, then if global_settings.statusbar is true, the height is set to STATUSBAR_HEIGHT, otherwise it is set to 0 |
05:26:48 | Bossier | yes but immediately after that statusbar_height was set to 0, would that not negate the ifdef, I was thinking setting it to 0 should come before checking for havelcdbitmap, not before |
05:26:52 | | Quit AdmiralJ ("Quitting") |
05:27:08 | Bossier | after not before i mean |
05:27:15 | Llorean | I think you're reading it wrong |
05:27:18 | Bossier | before not after I mean, long day |
05:27:30 | Llorean | If the define is true, it reads "else set it to 0" not simply "set it to 0" |
05:28:06 | Llorean | That line is contained within the if-else statement if the define is true, it doesn't negate the setting. |
05:28:09 | Bossier | I don't have else set it to 0 in my define, I have it set to 0 outside the define immediately after it |
05:28:33 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
05:28:40 | Llorean | Yes |
05:28:41 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
05:28:47 | Llorean | But the else is there if the define is true |
05:28:59 | Bossier | So set it to 0 should have been in the else part of the define? |
05:29:01 | Llorean | so you get "else set it to 0", if the define is true |
05:29:03 | Llorean | NO |
05:29:19 | Llorean | If the define is true, remove the #ifdef and the #endif lines entirely, and pretend like they were never there |
05:29:33 | Llorean | If you do that, you'll see that you get a full if-else |
05:29:47 | Llorean | Just delete those two lines, the ones starting with #, to see what it would be like if the define is true |
05:30:21 | Bossier | I don't think you're getting what I'm saying, in my define I have an empty else statement |
05:30:25 | Llorean | Yes |
05:30:26 | Llorean | I know |
05:30:28 | Llorean | I'm looking at the file |
05:30:33 | Llorean | DELETE the lines starting with # |
05:30:36 | Llorean | Just do that for me please |
05:30:44 | Llorean | You'll notice that with them gone, the else statement isn't empty any more, is it? |
05:30:53 | Llorean | You have to remove the whole line, not just replace it with a blank line. |
05:31:51 | Bossier | I understand what you're saying, what I did with moving statusbar_height = 0 to above the ifdef and deleting the empty else is working for me, I was gonna go with that, but as you advise I'll do it your way |
05:32:07 | Llorean | Do you understand how preprocessor directives work? |
05:32:16 | Bossier | yes |
05:32:31 | Llorean | Then you know that if the define is true, what's handed to the C compiler doesn't contain either of the # lines |
05:32:39 | Llorean | Instead you get a fully functional, proper if-else statement |
05:32:49 | Llorean | With the statusbar_height = 0; line being included in the else part of it |
05:33:05 | Llorean | If you don't believe me, run it through a preprocessor with the proper define set and check the output. |
05:33:55 | Bossier | gotcha, I just don't like the way the ordering looks, I do know what you are saying, just a cosmetic thing really |
05:34:17 | Llorean | Well earlier you were talking about it negating the statement. |
05:34:31 | Llorean | Just wanted to make it clear that it actually doesn't, it's just a bit unclear what is happening there. |
05:34:44 | Bossier | brain fart, I sometimes also forget that this is all in C and I can't get my brain out of object oriented mode |
05:34:58 | Llorean | Removing the "else" entirely, and moving the =0 before the #ifdef would create functionally equivalent code, but it would require one extra assignment in cases where there is a statusbar |
05:35:23 | Bossier | thanks, feel kinda stupid now, but I'm glad that's cleared up |
05:35:40 | Llorean | Oh, it's definitely not 100% clear what's going on there. |
05:35:54 | Llorean | I'd never seen it before and had to stare at it a bit to put things in order in my head |
05:35:57 | Bossier | just so you know in all honesty I haven't coded in 10 years, coding is a young mans game |
05:37:18 | Llorean | Anyway, it works, and I would *guess* that it's like that for a slight increase in efficiency. Though it's entirely possible that it's like that because someone simply didn't think of doing it the other way, you never can tell. |
05:38:38 | Bossier | thanks again, btw, I'm tdtooke, on irc i'm always bossier and i'm too lazy to change nicks, gotta run now. on a personal note you're much nicer in person that you seem at times in the forums |
05:38:57 | Bossier | dont' take that the wrong way |
05:39:06 | Llorean | Yeah, I'm actually even nicer in person-person, as the Devcon West guys can attest. |
05:39:23 | Llorean | Enforcing the rules at a level where people know you're serious never makes a person look nice, sadly. |
05:40:12 | krazykit | :-(. all the gigabeat flash stuff is windows apps. |
05:40:27 | | Quit Bossier ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
05:47:24 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.dsl.t-2.net) |
05:50:59 | * | ender` yawns |
05:55:30 | toffe82_ | krazykit: what about the gigabeat flash ? |
06:00 |
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06:00:27 | | Join BHSPitLappy_ [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-67-66-189-134.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
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06:05:33 | Destroyer14094 | D |
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06:23:08 | | Part Llorean |
06:24:09 | | Join MrKeuner [0] (n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner) |
06:24:54 | MrKeuner | Hi, I am trying to get voice support or my rockbox. there is no .rockbox/lang folder as the manual says. there is a .rockbox/langs is that the one? |
06:26:09 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c58-109-97-210.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
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06:31:48 | | Join piroko [0] (n=jeremy@dialup- |
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06:35:38 | webguest87 | sup |
06:35:57 | aliask | hi webguest87 |
06:36:06 | webguest87 | can anybody help me with installin like supermario on the ipod with rockbox? |
06:36:32 | aliask | You don't need to install anything |
06:36:36 | webguest87 | ive looked around and cant find a toutorial |
06:36:44 | aliask | Copy the gameboy rom to the ipod |
06:36:53 | aliask | And select it. |
06:36:54 | aliask | That's it. |
06:36:57 | webguest87 | do you know where i can get it |
06:36:59 | webguest87 | ? |
06:37:09 | aliask | No. Unless you own a copy of the game, it's illegal. |
06:37:17 | webguest87 | oh... |
06:37:19 | webguest87 | ok |
06:37:23 | webguest87 | well thankx |
06:37:26 | webguest87 | bb |
06:37:34 | | Quit webguest87 (Client Quit) |
06:38:45 | piroko | A newbie to the world of emulation |
06:40:32 | | Part piroko ("Leaving") |
06:42:48 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:45:19 | | Join DarthShrine [0] (n=Angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine) |
06:52:32 | | Part toffe82_ |
07:00 |
07:03:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:04:00 | | Nick swolbhsub is now known as bushblows (n=bushblow@ |
07:12:04 | | Join Ic0ne [0] (i=Ic0ne@modemcable071.39-57-74.mc.videotron.ca) |
07:13:02 | Ic0ne | Hey all, i got rockbox on my F20 ( last version ) but the video/ Rock boy / and extension are very speedy, how can i slow down the speed ? :S |
07:14:31 | | Quit MrKeuner ("Ex-Chat") |
07:23:41 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-67-66-189-134.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
07:24:18 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
07:24:35 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
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07:24:53 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-67-66-189-134.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
07:25:38 | Ic0ne | Hey all, i got rockbox on my F20 ( last version ) but the video/ Rock boy / and extension are very speedy, how can i slow down the speed ? :S |
07:33:14 | aliask | Ic0ne: Have you enabled the Limit FPS setting? |
07:33:39 | aliask | (for mpegviewer) |
07:37:13 | Ic0ne | Yeah |
07:37:39 | Ic0ne | but, for all its speed, the ''plasma'' extension his speedy so... |
07:40:30 | aliask | It's because the gigabeat has a much faster CPU than all the other DAPs that rockbox supports |
07:41:12 | aliask | There is no way to slow down plasma (that I know of), but I don't think it's very important... |
07:43:22 | aliask | amiconn: Was that commit to stop all the frequency scaling bugs in PP5020? Or are they still there? |
07:43:43 | Ic0ne | Heum...what ? |
07:43:51 | amiconn | It makes things better, but doesn't fix hangs completely |
07:44:13 | aliask | How common are the hangs now? |
07:44:18 | amiconn | There is more to come, I hope. Still not done analysing things |
07:44:29 | aliask | Wow, excellent. |
07:44:32 | amiconn | That needs testing. |
07:44:57 | Ic0ne | so...i really cant slow down anything ? :S |
07:45:16 | amiconn | I only have one PP5020 target to test with. Before my changes it froze at boot in 50% of all cases, and if not, it froze within a few minutes of browsing |
07:45:17 | aliask | Ic0ne: I just told you how to slow down video |
07:46:04 | amiconn | Now I can play music, and it even played a whole album (with lots of boosting/unboosting) without freeze, but then froze in a second test after ~15 minutes |
07:47:08 | Ic0ne | aliask: yeah but, the FPS limiter is enabled..and no more difference |
07:47:34 | | Join darkless_ [0] (n=darkless@ |
07:47:48 | aliask | Ic0ne: Use the display FPS option, how many FPS is it showing? |
07:48:24 | Ic0ne | 29 ~ |
07:48:51 | aliask | That sounds about right. Are you sure you encoded the mpeg properly? |
07:49:22 | Ic0ne | yeah, on my PC they run perfectly |
07:50:16 | aliask | Hrm, you might need to talk to someone who knows a bit about mpegplayer then... |
07:50:27 | Ic0ne | lol :P |
07:50:36 | Ic0ne | yeah but i cant register on the forum :S |
07:50:40 | aliask | How big is the mpeg? |
07:51:21 | Ic0ne | hum...what do you mean ? |
07:51:42 | aliask | How many megabytes. |
07:51:51 | Ic0ne | aww :P |
07:51:53 | Ic0ne | it depend |
07:52:07 | Ic0ne | aprox: 3 mb |
07:52:23 | aliask | Can you send me one of them so I can test using it? |
07:52:34 | Ic0ne | yeah, MSN ? |
07:53:11 | aliask | email would be faster |
07:53:26 | aliask | aliask at gmail |
07:55:17 | Ic0ne | the video i'll send you is 6.54 mb |
07:55:39 | aliask | That's fine. |
07:56:42 | | Quit darkless (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:57:40 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967DF3.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:57:49 | Ic0ne | sent |
07:59:12 | Ic0ne | did u receive it ? |
07:59:26 | aliask | Yep |
08:00 |
08:01:52 | Ic0ne | perfect :) |
08:01:56 | | Nick bushblows is now known as swolbhsub (n=bushblow@unaffiliated/bushblows) |
08:03:35 | Ic0ne | and ? |
08:04:34 | aliask | You're right, limit fps seems to do nothing (on the sim at least) |
08:04:54 | Ic0ne | it do the same thing ? |
08:05:05 | aliask | Yes, but plasma works fine.... |
08:05:21 | Ic0ne | ok, and the rockboy ? |
08:05:26 | Ic0ne | mine his speedy :P |
08:05:32 | aliask | Gotta find a rom |
08:05:40 | Ic0ne | take mario bros... |
08:06:03 | Ic0ne | the sound is accelerated, and the image too |
08:06:38 | * | amiconn hopes Ic0ne uses the latest official build to test this |
08:06:56 | Ic0ne | yes i do |
08:07:07 | aliask | Well, on the simulator, it's very very slow. |
08:07:21 | Ic0ne | the simulator ? |
08:07:33 | | Join GodEater [0] (n=bryan@bb-87-80-121-64.ukonline.co.uk) |
08:07:41 | aliask | I don't have an MP3 player to test on, so I run rockbox under linux to test. |
08:07:42 | | Join ansichart [0] (n=ansichar@63-224-6-239.mpls.qwest.net) |
08:07:49 | ansichart | Hello |
08:08:01 | Ic0ne | okay okay |
08:08:25 | Ic0ne | i hope someone wil help me tomorow :P |
08:08:33 | ansichart | I have a question, are we allowed to share our the music we have created on here? |
08:08:50 | Ic0ne | idk |
08:08:54 | ansichart | Because I would like to post a link to some black metal vocals that i have done |
08:09:07 | ansichart | And get some feedback from people who know a lot about black metal |
08:09:09 | scorche | ansichart: what does that have to do with rockbox? |
08:09:19 | | Quit Ic0ne () |
08:09:28 | GodEater | scorche: he used Rockbox to record them perhaps ? :) |
08:09:35 | ansichart | I was assuming that this is a channel for music |
08:09:38 | scorche | GodEater: dont encourage them ;) |
08:09:43 | scorche | ansichart: it sint |
08:09:45 | ansichart | No, I used Audacity |
08:09:46 | ansichart | oh.. |
08:09:47 | ansichart | sorry |
08:09:47 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK ansichart |
08:09:47 | ansichart | lol |
08:09:47 | scorche | www.rockbox.org |
08:10:15 | ansichart | Do you know of a channel that is about metal? |
08:10:23 | scorche | nope |
08:10:24 | | Join bdgraue [0] (n=bdgraue@dyndsl-085-016-104-246.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
08:10:25 | ansichart | damn |
08:10:26 | ansichart | oh well |
08:10:57 | GodEater | ansichart: you're on the wrong network for that - freenode is mostly about open source software |
08:11:04 | GodEater | ansichart: it's not really a social network |
08:11:10 | ansichart | Oh |
08:11:12 | ansichart | I see |
08:11:38 | ansichart | thank you |
08:11:47 | | Part ansichart ("Konversation terminated!") |
08:12:27 | GodEater | scorche: happy now ? :) |
08:12:37 | scorche | o_O |
08:13:09 | GodEater | I need to train myself to use those smileys more - I'm such an old stick in the mud |
08:15:20 | | Join darkless__ [0] (n=darkless@ |
08:22:22 | | Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ |
08:25:32 | | Quit Weiss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:25:39 | GodEater | scorche: do we have better documentation on using your own keyboard layouts than this : http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VKeyboardSamples ? |
08:26:31 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
08:26:31 | * | scorche is watching the new doctor who and does not care to be disturbed =P |
08:29:18 | | Join Weiss [0] (n=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
08:30:30 | | Quit darkless ("Leaving") |
08:30:46 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
08:31:01 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
08:31:32 | | Quit darkless_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:32:09 | GodEater | what are you even doing logged into IRC then ? :) |
08:33:21 | scorche | i always am... |
08:35:44 | | Quit darkless__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:38:49 | markun | scorche: ?niaga yaw dlo eht gnipyt trats uoy did ,yeH |
08:39:24 | pondlife | JdGordon: Would you like me to look at your buffering code? |
08:39:38 | JdGordon | if you want |
08:39:43 | scorche | yaw rehto eht reisae ylthgils si ti |
08:39:45 | JdGordon | mine and nicos is on my svn server now |
08:39:46 | pondlife | If it's worth it... |
08:40:18 | JdGordon | ive abbandoned mine, I tihnk nicos will work better once its finished |
08:40:49 | markun | scorche: (: thgir era uoy sseug I ,sey |
08:41:02 | pondlife | JdGordon: I'm attempting to check it out, but I only get an empty mob directory... probably because I don't know enough svn ;p |
08:41:25 | pondlife | Do I need a login? |
08:41:27 | JdGordon | svn co svn://jdgordon.mine.nu/mob should be enough |
08:41:33 | scorche | sdrawkcab si gnithgilhgih ruoy :nukram |
08:41:33 | JdGordon | no, anon read access |
08:42:14 | pondlife | That's what I was trying - it gives an error "svn: Failed to add file 'mob/aux.h': object of the same name already exists". |
08:42:23 | pondlife | But there's no local aux.h |
08:42:24 | | Join webguest60 [0] (i=c023110f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a93623a051490be9) |
08:42:38 | markun | ...noitelpmoc otua ot eud :ehcrocs |
08:42:54 | pondlife | I can see the history with svn log... |
08:43:34 | markun | scorche: so, this is a bit faster |
08:43:34 | JdGordon | thats wierd :p |
08:43:38 | pondlife | Yup! |
08:44:05 | GodEater | ?klat sdrawkcab eht htiw stahw |
08:44:43 | scorche | dnatsrednu tndluow uoy :retaEdoG |
08:46:11 | GodEater | )= |
08:49:12 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF6D16.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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08:53:40 | | Quit nick89 (Client Quit) |
08:54:03 | JdGordon | sweet :) got nicos code working with my test app |
08:56:01 | | Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ |
08:56:07 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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09:00 |
09:03:09 | | Quit RaRe` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:03:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:03:32 | GodEater | ¿ sıɥʇ Çʞı1 buıɥʇÇɯos : ÇɥɔɹoÉ”s |
09:04:05 | markun | :) |
09:04:50 | scorche | i thought about it, but it appears as gobbley-gook on thsi client with this font... |
09:05:19 | GodEater | that's a shame - looks fine here :) |
09:05:52 | JdGordon | GodEater: haha awesome |
09:06:45 | | Join RaRe` [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
09:06:52 | | Quit darkless (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:06:53 | scorche | ¿ sıɥʇ Çʞı1 buıɥʇÇɯos : ÇɥɔɹoÉ”s |
09:06:57 | scorche | does it copy fine? |
09:07:04 | GodEater | yep |
09:07:18 | GodEater | http://www.revfad.com/flip.html |
09:07:37 | scorche | ¿?ou ?noq? ?o? |
09:07:47 | scorche | yeah...when i paste it wont copy |
09:08:16 | petur | my irc client doesn't like it too |
09:08:29 | | Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ |
09:08:35 | * | petur reminds the kids to stay on topic |
09:08:39 | petur | :p |
09:09:00 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
09:09:01 | scorche | petur: devs and people involved int he project have immunuty =P |
09:12:00 | petur | morning Zagor, I could use your FAT32 expertise. I'm trying to fix a bug in fat.c for http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7359 but somehow my solution doesn't work (see patch attached to task, yes I know it's not yet foolproof) |
09:12:37 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
09:13:26 | | Join Weiss_ [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
09:13:36 | | Part kaaloo |
09:13:48 | scorche | pondlife: that was sad... |
09:15:11 | | Quit Weiss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:15:55 | Zagor | petur: ok, I'll take a look |
09:16:31 | | Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:22:01 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:24:03 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ |
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09:31:34 | | Nick HellDragon_ is now known as Ryuu (i=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
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10:00 |
10:00:37 | | Join printfXh4 [0] (n=pseudo@ppp121-45-253-56.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net) |
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10:01:15 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
10:06:51 | * | JdGordon slaps Nico_P with a large trout and the 100000 seg faults I keep getting |
10:07:38 | GodEater | 100k segfaults ? |
10:14:20 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cdf7ff95537e3127) |
10:14:25 | JdGordon | im special :D |
10:14:35 | * | JdGordon got some magic happening :) |
10:14:39 | crop | dionoea: ping |
10:15:30 | | Quit Wiwie (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
10:17:58 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
10:18:19 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
10:25:29 | crop | Any reversi plugin experts here? |
10:26:16 | dionoea | crop: pong |
10:28:37 | crop | dionoea: hey! First of all, thanks for the nice plugin! I like the game! |
10:28:59 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host167-215-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
10:29:04 | | Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
10:29:12 | dionoea | well i only coded the (stupid) AIs, the original patch was from someone else :) |
10:29:30 | crop | Also the cursor movement is smart. he-he. I can reach every cell by just holding LEFT (or any other key) pressed |
10:30:03 | dionoea | that was from the original patch :) |
10:30:09 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
10:30:56 | crop | I have two questions about the code. 1) Shouldn't the RB api field be moved from the game to the strategy struct? Since the game should be API neutral and only the strategy needs the API (for rand I think) |
10:31:50 | crop | And 2) Shouldn't the threshold consts (for the AI) be moved from the general .h to a specific .h (if there is one)? |
10:31:58 | dionoea | crop: well the game struct is the only one that were sure to have everywhere (like if we ever need the rb struct in reversi-game.c) |
10:32:23 | dionoea | the CHAOS consts ? |
10:32:44 | dionoea | s/were/we're/ |
10:33:23 | scorche | Bagder: around?....i havent seen b4gder yet =P |
10:34:44 | crop | dionoea: couldn't it be made a globar var that's declared in strategy.h? I just think that it belongs more to strategy than to the game itself. But making it a global isn't nice either. Hmm... |
10:35:17 | dionoea | i could declare it as extern in the .c files which need it |
10:35:30 | dionoea | but then i doubt that it really matters :) |
10:35:37 | dionoea | as long as it works |
10:35:51 | crop | dionoea: and yes, I mean the CHAOS consts |
10:36:03 | dionoea | those will be used in multiple strategies |
10:36:19 | dionoea | which is why i put them in the strategy.h header |
10:36:39 | dionoea | but i haven't commited those yet |
10:36:46 | dionoea | (since i didn't finish porting them) |
10:36:47 | crop | dionoea: yes, that's what I meant: declare it as an extern in strategy.h which is included by all strategy-*.c |
10:37:14 | dionoea | yeah, i might do that |
10:37:16 | crop | dionoea: ah, ok then |
10:37:32 | crop | (reg CHAOS) |
10:38:41 | crop | dionoea: you've made an FS cleanup raid, no? Ranger dionoea! He-he :-) |
10:39:14 | dionoea | well yeah, i find it sad that some of those patches don't get applied :) |
10:42:57 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@host217-41-62-170.in-addr.btopenworld.com) |
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10:44:29 | | Join RaRe` [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
10:48:19 | crop | dionoea: another question: why are xxx_strategy (in -gui.c) declared as const? Shouldn't it be possible to change strategy in the middle of the game? I.e. if you're in trouble, let the xpert play a couple of moves and then switch back :-P |
10:49:14 | petur | re tracker clearing: this was actually something that was decided on devcon: clean out the patch tracker a bit by accepting patches, and if not, rejecting. |
10:49:38 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:51:40 | pondlife | Does anyone here have a recently built sim available? I'm getting a segfault when I enable/disable crossfade during playback, but I seem to get a lot of mystery sim segfaults... |
10:51:49 | crop | dionoea: is there a "supervised full automatic mode"? I.e. when two robots are playing but a move is only made if the user presses a key? |
10:51:58 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@bdv75-2-87-91-8-146.dsl.club-internet.fr) |
10:52:11 | | Join \sic [0] (n=s1c@p548351BB.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:52:34 | petur | pondlife: all my sims segfault the moment playback starts :/ |
10:52:44 | pondlife | Hmm, even worse than me! |
10:53:05 | pondlife | Something changed for the worse in the past few weeks. |
10:53:18 | petur | indeed |
10:53:28 | pondlife | GDB doesn't even give a useful backtrace. |
10:53:52 | pondlife | Guess I'll try binary-chopping into past revisions... |
10:54:45 | petur | may be a simple issue |
10:55:07 | JdGordon | whats the best way to diff two bin files? |
10:55:46 | petur | something else that's worrying me: I've had stkov in power when attaching usb this weekend (not reproducable anymore, it went away), and somebody reported stkov in main in the tracker |
10:56:07 | JdGordon | on which target? |
10:56:07 | petur | JdGordon: in dos: fc /b |
10:56:13 | dionoea | crop: the struct is defined as const, not the pointer to the current strategy struct which is defined in reversi-gui.c |
10:56:13 | JdGordon | petur: linux... |
10:56:37 | dionoea | and about the supervised mode, sure, everything is possible. You only need to add the code that goes with it :) |
10:57:08 | | Part kaaloo |
10:57:41 | crop | dionoea: I mean this: const game_strategy_t *white_strategy; Doesn't it mean that white_strategy is a const pointer? |
10:58:09 | crop | Or a pointer to a const struct? |
10:58:20 | Zagor | petur: what goes wrong with your patch? boken filesys, early return or something else? |
10:58:40 | crop | Ah, probably the latter |
10:59:04 | dionoea | yup |
10:59:42 | dionoea | else i would never be able to change that value |
10:59:48 | dionoea | (even during init) |
10:59:49 | amiconn | pondlife: Is this stil fs #7245? |
11:00 |
11:00:01 | petur | Zagor: it doesn't fix the issue at all. chkdsk complains that the . and/or .. entries are wrong. The .. entry should obviously be changed to point to the new parent but somehow my fix doesn't do that (ie it still complains) |
11:01:04 | Zagor | perhaps it's time to bring firmware/test/fat/ back to life |
11:01:21 | crop | dionoea: another thing (sorry for disturbing you): wouldn't it be better to initialise the game so that one party is a robot and the other is the user at the start? Or will it be a config that can be saved (not implemented now but later)? |
11:02:01 | dionoea | yeah, it would be better to initialise black as human and white as AI and save config changes :) |
11:02:15 | dionoea | patches welcome |
11:02:20 | pondlife | amiconn: That still happens, but this is a different segfault |
11:02:28 | dionoea | (I'm at work so i can't really code on rockbox now) |
11:02:44 | pondlife | I shall FS it, but wanted to see if it was just me |
11:03:11 | pondlife | Quite possibly the same cause of course |
11:03:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:03:56 | * | petur knows the feeling dionoea has ;) |
11:05:39 | crop | dionoea: ok, I just wanted to talk about it. |
11:06:38 | dionoea | hehe :) (but if you feel like coding those small changes you talked about, go ahead ... i already have the AIs to finish. Current AIs are a bit too simple to beat) |
11:06:51 | | Join pontape [0] (n=sebel@dslb-088-065-232-097.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
11:08:03 | dionoea | I also need to fix a bug in the simple-ai (or the ai calling code) which makes it enter an infinite loop sometimes when playing simple vs naive or simple vs simple. |
11:08:23 | crop | dionoea: and what about your commit comment about not being able to beat the simple AI? |
11:08:37 | dionoea | well i only tried once before doing that commit :) |
11:09:03 | dionoea | in fact it's really easy to get the four corner stones against any of those AIs |
11:09:15 | dionoea | and once you've got the corners you've basicaly won |
11:09:30 | dionoea | which won't be easy to do with the next AI |
11:09:57 | crop | dionoea: :-) BTW: I've read that reversi is a game that can be played well by computers. I.e. much better that chess. So if a good AI will be implemented we'll have no chance! |
11:10:31 | crop | that -> than |
11:10:35 | dionoea | I'm porting the AIs from hinversi. I don't know if they're considered as good ... but i hope that they are :) |
11:10:42 | dionoea | Else i'll have to look for others |
11:11:37 | dionoea | On a fast computer i believe that you can test all possible moves all the way to the end ... i doubt that it's possible on a DAP though |
11:11:52 | pondlife | amiconn: I've put a note and my config on FS #7245... maybe you could try to reproduce it in linux-x86 and see if you get anything helpful? |
11:14:14 | | Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp121-45-27-101.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) |
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11:21:54 | | Quit Wiwie (Client Quit) |
11:27:40 | | Quit RaRe` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:29:06 | amiconn | pondlife: Enabling/disabling crossfade is surely related, as it needs to restart playback (and hence a stop is involved) |
11:36:01 | pondlife | True, but the routine it crashes in is different. Must be something in the s SWCODEC sim stop code corrupting memory/stack? |
11:37:19 | pondlife | Odd that the original problem doesn't seem to happen when the WPS is visible too. |
11:37:56 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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12:00 |
12:02:12 | GodEater | Nico_P: I managed to try out what we were discussing on Friday, and it seemed to work okay - I ended up with another branch in my "clean" git-svn repo of rockbox |
12:03:01 | Nico_P | can you remind me what it was ? |
12:03:32 | GodEater | getting a branch from my public repository into your rockbox git-svn tree |
12:03:49 | GodEater | and being able to then merge it in and commit, |
12:03:54 | GodEater | or choosing to ignore it |
12:04:03 | GodEater | I believe that's what you were asking me to do ? :) |
12:04:16 | Nico_P | oh yes |
12:04:26 | Nico_P | I'll check that out |
12:04:35 | GodEater | there *may* be issues with binary files though |
12:04:46 | GodEater | I did have a brief hiccup with one of the sokoban bmps |
12:04:52 | GodEater | but it went away again |
12:05:02 | GodEater | so it might just have been a PEBKAC issue |
12:06:04 | Nico_P | :) |
12:07:02 | GodEater | I get those a lot :) |
12:08:24 | Gabril | hi, are there any news about mpegplayer and native ipod-video-hardware support? |
12:08:32 | markun | Gabril: no news |
12:11:38 | pontape | hi all, i wanna ask if rockbox runs stable on ipod 5.5g 80gig ?! |
12:12:18 | GodEater | pontape: stable enough |
12:12:22 | GodEater | I use it daily |
12:12:42 | pontape | ah ok fine |
12:13:09 | GodEater | just bear in mind the usual ipod caveats |
12:13:34 | GodEater | 1) lower battery life than original firmware, and 2) the processor sucks so don't go mad with the DSP effects and expect silky smooth playback |
12:14:47 | pontape | hehe, well i am an absolutly rockbox newbie, first i have to get it installed somehow :> |
12:15:02 | GodEater | pontape: go to our wiki and the RockboxUtility page |
12:15:07 | pontape | i want it mainly for playing my .acc's |
12:15:07 | GodEater | that makes it pretty easy |
12:15:15 | pontape | aac |
12:16:39 | pontape | ok i will |
12:17:18 | pontape | is the installtion possible without running linux ?! |
12:17:29 | Gabril | yes, work's fine with windows |
12:18:00 | Gabril | just read the howto - and within 10 minutes you have your rockbox up and running |
12:18:39 | | Join inversions [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
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12:26:47 | GodEater | is rbutil ready for primetime yet do we think ? |
12:29:22 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
12:30:15 | JdGordon | Nico_P: hey |
12:30:28 | Nico_P | hi |
12:30:40 | JdGordon | good news |
12:30:45 | JdGordon | seen the svn log? |
12:30:49 | Nico_P | I've seen your changes and I tested a bit |
12:31:08 | Nico_P | oh another change :) |
12:31:10 | JdGordon | there is a bug in the bufread() when the data wraps |
12:31:32 | Nico_P | there was one in bufclose that I fixed |
12:31:46 | JdGordon | my debuggin pretty much confirms its there and not in the actual buffering |
12:31:46 | pondlife | Your svn? I'm still unable to get to it... :( |
12:32:01 | Nico_P | out of my 4 files, the 2 last were wrong and now it's only the third |
12:32:06 | Nico_P | the third is the one that wraps |
12:32:41 | JdGordon | odd... my test files all are fine except the one that wraps |
12:32:52 | JdGordon | I was gonna fix it now but heading out for a while |
12:33:01 | Nico_P | ok, maybe I'll find it :) |
12:33:05 | JdGordon | can you help pondlife with svn |
12:33:10 | Nico_P | I'll try |
12:33:17 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
12:33:17 | pondlife | Go on then ;p |
12:33:23 | | Quit reezeh ("Remember kiddies: Rub your balls so you don't get cancer!") |
12:33:29 | Nico_P | pondlife: what problem do you get ? |
12:33:39 | JdGordon | the 2 memcpy() calls are the problem in bufread, the first isnt reading the correct amount |
12:34:04 | pondlife | I'm under Cygwin on Win2K. svn co just gives an error.. what's the URL again? |
12:34:32 | JdGordon | svn://jdgordon.mine.nu |
12:34:45 | pondlife | ../mob |
12:34:50 | JdGordon | yep, /mob |
12:35:20 | * | JdGordon gone for a few hours, good luck |
12:35:24 | pondlife | OK, it gives "svn: Failed to add file 'mob/aux.h': object of the same name already exists" |
12:35:34 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3063.gwdg.de) |
12:35:38 | pondlife | And I don't have a local file of name aux.h |
12:35:43 | Nico_P | pondlife: just on a checkout ? |
12:35:52 | pondlife | Yes. |
12:36:01 | Nico_P | and do you have a local .svn dir ? |
12:36:14 | pondlife | Yes, created by this command, in a /mob dir. |
12:36:31 | Nico_P | what if you wipe everything clean and start again ? |
12:36:43 | pondlife | The same |
12:36:55 | pondlife | It recreates /mob/.svn/... |
12:37:13 | pondlife | But no other files except in the .svn dir |
12:37:43 | pondlife | svn works fine for Rockbox, must be something I'm lacking in my setup |
12:37:57 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB3DA2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
12:38:11 | DerPapst | i'm having the same problem as pondlife. |
12:38:25 | DerPapst | also cygwin |
12:38:33 | Nico_P | very strange, I don't have that problem (just tried a frexh checkout) |
12:38:46 | DerPapst | also on cygwin or linux? |
12:38:49 | pondlife | Did you have to do any kind of user/login config? |
12:39:02 | Nico_P | anonymous has read access |
12:39:19 | Nico_P | you're using svn in cygwin ? |
12:39:28 | DerPapst | yes. |
12:39:30 | DerPapst | we both |
12:39:31 | pondlife | $ svn st svn://jdgordon.mine.nu/mob gives "svn: warning: 'svn://jdgordon.mine.nu/mob' is not a working copy" |
12:39:56 | pondlife | But svn log works ok |
12:39:58 | Nico_P | yes, you're supposed to run st on a working copy, not an URL |
12:40:22 | Nico_P | try info instead |
12:40:42 | pondlife | Yes, that seems ok |
12:40:59 | Nico_P | are you suree verything's right with the file permissions ? |
12:41:02 | pondlife | So why no checkout..? |
12:41:47 | pondlife | Well, I have my Rockbox working copy in D:\Cygwin\home\Steve\rockbox... and I just made a D:\Cygwin\home\Steve\jdgordon to work in. |
12:41:53 | DerPapst | afaik there are no file permissions in cygwin/windows |
12:42:16 | Nico_P | hmm very strange |
12:42:35 | Nico_P | have you tried a windows svn client like tortoisesvn ? |
12:43:01 | DerPapst | i can successfully co rockbox iPL SDL and some others i forget. |
12:43:01 | pondlife | No. |
12:43:14 | | Nick Weiss_ is now known as Weiss (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
12:43:24 | DerPapst | so i doubt it's an issue with cygwins svn... |
12:43:35 | pondlife | DerPapst: Are you getting the same error as me? / |
12:43:41 | DerPapst | yes |
12:43:42 | pondlife | "...aux.h." |
12:43:49 | DerPapst | exactly the same |
12:43:53 | GodEater | svn version ? |
12:43:55 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
12:44:06 | pondlife | 1.4.3 |
12:44:14 | pondlife | r23084 - Apr 7 2007 |
12:44:33 | DerPapst | same |
12:44:48 | GodEater | 1.4.4 here, but of course I'm not on cygwin |
12:45:07 | Nico_P | I have the same as you guys |
12:45:20 | pondlife | Nico_P: But yours works, right? |
12:45:23 | Nico_P | yes |
12:45:39 | pondlife | Did you do anything before you did an SVN co ? |
12:45:44 | Nico_P | no |
12:46:43 | pondlife | No "unusual" filenames involved? |
12:47:07 | Nico_P | no |
12:48:22 | Nico_P | maybe try again. I made a change but without real conviction |
12:48:44 | pondlife | No difference |
12:52:25 | pondlife | Do you have any filenames which would suffer from Windows case-insensitivity in there? e.g. Aux.h and aux.h? |
12:52:40 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
12:52:57 | Nico_P | no, everything is lowercase |
12:54:15 | Nico_P | I can send you the files if you want |
12:54:27 | Nico_P | I've just fixed a bug so it seems to work nicely |
12:54:29 | DerPapst | Nico_P: You aren't uing cygwin, are you? |
12:54:36 | Nico_P | no, I'm under linux |
12:55:41 | amiconn | aux is a forbidden filename on dos/windows |
12:55:58 | amiconn | That applies irrespecive of extension |
12:56:01 | pondlife | Aha |
12:56:05 | Nico_P | OMG |
12:56:10 | DerPapst | wtf? |
12:56:10 | pondlife | Maybe rename it to LPT.h ;P |
12:56:18 | Nico_P | I'll change that then |
12:56:27 | LinusN | nil.h |
12:56:32 | pondlife | nul.h |
12:56:54 | DerPapst | why is that forbidden?! |
12:57:06 | pondlife | MS-DOS 1.0 back-compatibility |
12:57:23 | amiconn | aux, con lpt<n>, com<n> are device names |
12:57:34 | | Quit crop ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
12:57:47 | DerPapst | doh... |
12:57:55 | pondlife | From the days before directories.... smells like CP/M |
12:58:05 | GodEater | I'd forgotten that. |
12:58:10 | amiconn | They work in all versions of msdos |
12:58:34 | pondlife | "work" |
12:58:42 | amiconn | yes |
12:58:50 | Nico_P | you can try again now |
12:58:54 | GodEater | what was AUX used for ? |
12:59:02 | GodEater | I know COMn, LPTn, CON and NUL |
12:59:18 | amiconn | You can e.g. send raw printer data by doing copy <file> lpt1 |
12:59:26 | idnar | AUX is the same as LPT1, iirc |
12:59:31 | idnar | or maybe I mean COM1 |
12:59:32 | crwll | PRN was that? |
12:59:36 | pondlife | Nico_P: Yep, that works now |
12:59:38 | pondlife | Thanks |
12:59:48 | idnar | ah yes, AUX was COM1, PRN was LPT1 |
12:59:52 | Nico_P | woohoo ! |
12:59:55 | Nico_P | thanks amiconn |
12:59:59 | pondlife | Yes, thanks |
13:00 |
13:00:01 | GodEater | silly DOS hangovers |
13:00:30 | pondlife | I never realised that it would still fail with a file extension. |
13:00:31 | idnar | then you get other fun stuff like CLOCK$, and CONFIG$ |
13:00:58 | GodEater | pondline: same way you couldn't call a file "D:.txt" |
13:01:03 | idnar | oh, another fun one |
13:01:09 | idnar | if you had a CDROM driver loaded, called "CDROM" |
13:01:14 | idnar | then you couldn't do anything with a file named cdrom.sys |
13:01:31 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) |
13:02:04 | amiconn | idnar: The cdrom device name could be specified when loading the driver |
13:02:19 | idnar | amiconn: yeah |
13:02:19 | amiconn | Later installs used MSCD001 |
13:02:28 | Nico_P | pondlife, DerPapst: you just feed the app a series of files as arguments. It will buffer them then unbuffer them and hopefully the unbuffered files will be exactly identical to the originals |
13:03:18 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
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13:04:05 | | Join jba [0] (n=jba@c211-30-160-138.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) |
13:04:44 | crwll | I remember that ms-dos (or maybe some cd-rom related driver) had a funny bug, which allowed the user to cd/chdir to unexisting directories in an CD drive if the directory had an umlaut at the beginning and at the end of the name - "cd E:\öblahö" worked fine (if E: was the cd drive) |
13:06:11 | DerPapst | good ol' times |
13:07:04 | DerPapst | printf("ERROROROROR\n"); <−− wow.. that sounds drastic ;) |
13:09:52 | GodEater | DerPapst: or my personal favourite : printf ("Falmunction."); |
13:10:23 | petur | printf("This should never happen"); |
13:10:54 | petur | it somehow always gets printed when a customer uses it |
13:11:55 | PaulJam | Hi, i'm just curious: why does the revision number in the rockbox-info.txt sometimes have a "M" at the end and sometimes not? |
13:12:04 | petur | Modified |
13:13:03 | PaulJam | really? i'm almost sure i have seen this with official builds. |
13:14:10 | DerPapst | GodEater: hehe.. i love such cool errors. Also reading comments in the source code is sometimes very amusing :D |
13:19:56 | | Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B171F5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:20:56 | | Join spiorf_ [0] (n=spiorf@host158-214-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
13:22:35 | pondlife | Nico_P: I'm getting ERROROROROR too, expected? |
13:22:53 | pondlife | "./a buffering.c buffering.h" is my command line :) |
13:24:01 | pondlife | IT seems to be attempting to open a 3rd file with a name of (null) though. |
13:24:39 | DerPapst | i didn't get that error. but i've added the .h files too ;) |
13:25:04 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF50CA.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:25:12 | pondlife | Should the test in line 395 be "next_file < argc" ? |
13:25:42 | pondlife | Nope |
13:26:25 | pondlife | I'll have a proper look later when I have time... |
13:26:47 | GodEater | DerPapst: you should track down the obscure error messages Apple once put in one of their C compilers |
13:26:50 | GodEater | they were very funny |
13:26:56 | DerPapst | bah.. i'm too used to makefiles ^^ |
13:27:38 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:27:54 | DerPapst | GodEater: heh.. i've only heared micosoft had some fun comments in the win2k source code :P |
13:28:32 | * | DerPapst has written a small makefile for Nico_P's mob :-P |
13:32:21 | | Join jba_ [0] (n=jba@c211-30-160-138.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) |
13:32:46 | * | DerPapst −−> work |
13:32:51 | DerPapst | see you |
13:32:52 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
13:37:42 | GodEater | http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/91q3/cerrors.html <−− for those that have never seen them |
13:42:40 | Nico_P | pondlife: still get the error ? |
13:42:56 | Nico_P | you need to delete the output files before running the program |
13:43:54 | GodEater | http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/ten-commandments.html <−− also amusing, but quite handy advice |
13:44:58 | | Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:46:17 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@vpnsh0016.fh-trier.de) |
13:49:24 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
13:50:54 | | Join cyberstream [0] (n=ask@gprs-pool-1-012.eplus-online.de) |
13:51:05 | | Quit jba (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:51:06 | cyberstream | hello |
13:51:45 | | Quit webguest60 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
13:53:44 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@ti521110a080-0286.bb.online.no) |
13:53:45 | cyberstream | can i speak to one of the rockbox developers please? |
13:53:54 | GodEater | you are speaking to them |
13:53:59 | GodEater | just ask whatever it is you want to ask |
13:54:02 | | Quit hcs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:54:50 | cyberstream | it has to do with compatibility of apple ipod video and an charging akku pack |
13:55:14 | GodEater | a what ? |
13:55:22 | cyberstream | need t speak to one person in query |
13:55:32 | GodEater | no you don't |
13:56:05 | dionoea | on the other hand you need to ask your question |
13:56:15 | cyberstream | than i am sorry to |
13:57:04 | cyberstream | no. because i have to speak directly to an developer , not in public. i have to give him an email adress of an ANSMANN (producer of batteries and akku packs) Product manager! |
13:57:29 | GodEater | you could still ask your question and then we could direct you to the right person |
13:57:58 | cyberstream | ok. |
13:57:58 | cyberstream | sorry for my bad english at first |
13:58:22 | pondlife | Nico_P: What's the output file..? |
13:58:38 | Nico_P | pondlife: file*.mp3 |
13:58:50 | pondlife | Aha |
13:59:10 | Nico_P | these are supposed to be perfectly identical to the files you give as input |
13:59:22 | cyberstream | There is a product for recharging the ipod with an external battery pack. with apple software, it charges and display the recharge. on rockbox, it displays nothing |
13:59:33 | pondlife | OK, deleting that file fixes the error... |
13:59:47 | GodEater | cyberstream: this sounds like it uses the AAP which we have no knowledge of |
14:00 |
14:00:01 | GodEater | cyberstream: and I doubt your product manager contact is at liberty to reveal details of it |
14:00:30 | pondlife | Nico_P: Yay! Now to try with some really big files!! |
14:00:31 | cyberstream | @godeater: maybe in that case i could help you because i have spoken to an product manager of ANSMANN and he want to get contact to you guys |
14:00:45 | Nico_P | pondlife: it won't work well |
14:01:37 | GodEater | volunteers to talk this chap then folks ? |
14:02:20 | pondlife | Nico_P: OK... |
14:02:30 | pondlife | I'll keep an eye out though. |
14:02:54 | Nico_P | pondlife: maybe you could try with a big list of small files if you have the courage |
14:03:15 | Nico_P | or actually not so small... just smaller than 32 MB should do |
14:03:25 | crashmatrix | cyberstream, how do you usually charge your iPod, with a usb connection to the computer or standalone charger? |
14:04:36 | pondlife | Nico_P: So part-files don't work yet, but otherwise should be ok? |
14:04:59 | Nico_P | part-files ? |
14:05:25 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
14:05:34 | pondlife | Files bigger than the buffer - i.e. files that have to be buffered in multiple parts |
14:05:58 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@bne75-7-82-230-110-107.fbx.proxad.net) |
14:06:13 | Nico_P | yes that's right |
14:06:17 | | Part kaaloo |
14:07:19 | Nico_P | it's because currently the only way to free some space in the buffer is to remove a handle |
14:08:28 | pondlife | That'll need work then :) |
14:08:36 | pondlife | Sorry I'm not more able to help. |
14:09:52 | | Quit Wiwie (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
14:12:18 | GodEater | cyberstream: I think your best bet it possibly to post this suggestion to our development mailing list - as not all of the core dev team appear to be awake in here currently |
14:12:36 | GodEater | and then if someone is interested they can contact you directly |
14:14:20 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:14:22 | Nico_P | pondlife: what I was thinking is maybe have the internal buffer of a handle be a ring buffer for big files |
14:15:05 | Nico_P | because we'll want to have other handles there too and we don't really want them to move |
14:15:22 | pondlife | That will work, but wouldn't you need to have a guard buffer per file... rather than just one per buffer? |
14:15:47 | Nico_P | well... what exactly is the guard buffer for ? |
14:16:00 | pondlife | Ah, you should look into that!! |
14:16:31 | pondlife | I'm not totally sure, but the MAS has certain requirements - amiconn should be able to help. |
14:17:38 | pondlife | IIRC you need to be able to guarantee to feed complete chunks (contiguous in memory).. |
14:18:04 | pondlife | But I might have got horribly confused (again). |
14:19:08 | LinusN | the guard buffer is a MAD thing |
14:19:18 | pondlife | MAD or MAS or DMA? |
14:19:29 | LinusN | MAD as in libmad |
14:19:49 | pondlife | So not a MASCODEC requirement at all? |
14:19:53 | LinusN | nope |
14:20:05 | * | pondlife *is* horribly confused |
14:20:37 | LinusN | unless the guard buffer is 30 bytes long |
14:21:43 | LinusN | which guard buffer are we talking about here? |
14:21:48 | Nico_P | but what is it used for exactly ? |
14:22:28 | Nico_P | it's not a requirement for every ring buffer ? |
14:23:35 | LinusN | are you talking about the guard buffer mentioned in RockboxMemoryLayout? |
14:24:17 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
14:24:49 | Nico_P | yes |
14:25:07 | pondlife | The one used in playback.c - search for GUARD_BUFSIZE... |
14:25:48 | LinusN | i see |
14:25:52 | pondlife | (But I thought it was also used for MAS somewhere, seems not) |
14:25:54 | LinusN | i have no idea what that might be |
14:26:09 | LinusN | the MAS code doesn't use playback.c |
14:26:14 | pondlife | I know |
14:26:28 | pondlife | But I thought it was referred to somewhere else too. |
14:27:15 | LinusN | i wrote the MAS playback code, and i have never heard of the need for a "guard buffer" there |
14:27:16 | pondlife | It's basically a buffer to ensure a codec's request can be fulfulled with a contiguous block |
14:27:46 | pondlife | See playback.c - codec_request_buffer_callback()# |
14:28:19 | LinusN | ok, i see now |
14:28:32 | LinusN | there is nothing of the kind in the MAS playback code |
14:28:34 | preglow | codecs can't access a circular buffer, the guard buffer is just to make sure all data can be access linearly |
14:28:43 | markun | LinusN: can you delete VKeyboardSamples for me? |
14:28:58 | LinusN | markun: is it a wiki topic? |
14:29:03 | * | pondlife is sorry he mentioned MAS at all... ;) |
14:29:03 | markun | yes |
14:29:12 | Nico_P | preglow: how is it used ? |
14:29:42 | Nico_P | data that wraps is copied to the guard buffer to make it linear ? |
14:29:45 | markun | LinusN: I started it and later merged the info into LoadableKeyboardLayouts |
14:29:54 | LinusN | markun: done |
14:30:34 | GodEater | markun: oddly, when I search for "keyboard" in the wiki earlier, your page is what came out, and LoadableKeyboardLayouts wasn't returned at all |
14:30:36 | GodEater | =/ |
14:30:53 | LinusN | Nico_P: yes |
14:31:03 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
14:31:15 | GodEater | although not it is. Maybe I just missed seeing it |
14:31:16 | Nico_P | maybe the buffering api can avoid the use of this guard buffer |
14:31:19 | GodEater | s/not/now |
14:31:25 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
14:31:31 | markun | LinusN: thanks |
14:31:41 | Nico_P | how does decoding work ? the codec has reads the buffer directly or is there some copying invloved ? |
14:31:49 | | Quit cyberstream () |
14:34:02 | preglow | Nico_P: yes, that's how it's used, afaik |
14:36:39 | Nico_P | preglow: and the codec accesses the buffer directly ? that's why it needs the data to be linear ? |
14:36:59 | | Quit z35 (SendQ exceeded) |
14:39:40 | * | linuxstb now has his own asf parser working (outside Rockbox) |
14:41:03 | linuxstb | Nico_P: Yes, most (if not all) codecs use the "request_buffer" API to get a pointer to some compressed audio that needs to be decoded. This generally needs to be one compressed frame of audio, otherwise the codec would need to continually range-check on the size of the input buffer. |
14:42:32 | Nico_P | what size is a frame ? |
14:42:37 | Nico_P | is it always 32K ? |
14:42:42 | GodEater | I would imagnie that depends on the codec |
14:42:43 | linuxstb | −−> <−− this big... |
14:42:51 | Nico_P | ok :) |
14:42:57 | linuxstb | It's always less than 32KB - which is why the guard buffer is that size. |
14:43:20 | linuxstb | Or at least, if the frames are bigger than 32KB, (e.g. APE) the codec handles them in < 32KB chunks. |
14:43:53 | Nico_P | ok so for files bigger than the buffer I'll need to have a guad buffer too |
14:44:03 | * | Nico_P needs to do some thinking |
14:44:12 | amiconn | Shouldn't the new api allow to select the guard buffer size from the track loader, to support non-streamable formats? |
14:45:13 | Nico_P | amiconn: you mean specify the guard buffer size when requesting that a file be buffered ? |
14:45:16 | linuxstb | It at least needs to handle those files - IIRC, varying the guard buffer size was just one possible solution. |
14:47:19 | Nico_P | what if I define a 32 KB buffer and copy the data to it for the codec to decode ? |
14:47:59 | amiconn | Many non-streamable codecs (the mod formats) need the whole file as a single contiguous block |
14:48:22 | Nico_P | ah so these can't even wrap... ? |
14:48:25 | linuxstb | Nico_P: Do you mean for every frame, or only when needed? |
14:48:31 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484958B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
14:48:39 | linuxstb | Nico_P: Yes. |
14:48:50 | Nico_P | linuxstb: well it would only be when needed |
14:48:51 | | Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) |
14:49:27 | Nico_P | the thing is I might have something like an "internal" ring buffer |
14:49:49 | Nico_P | so it won't be contiguous with the guard buffer |
14:50:41 | linuxstb | Assuming the guard buffer is 32KB, that doesn't seem a problem. But if the idea of variable sized guard buffers is implemented, then it will be. |
14:54:37 | preglow | i don't think the guard buffer will be needed for nonstreamable formats |
14:54:48 | preglow | i a file doesn't fit without wrapping, don't load it |
14:55:10 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
14:55:28 | preglow | it needs to be contiguous before use anyway |
14:56:20 | Nico_P | that sounds logical to me |
14:56:41 | Nico_P | and that way I only need a 32KB guard buffer, which I can use to store a whole frame if needed |
14:57:07 | dionoea | can files always fit in the buffer ? (can't you have cases when they're bigger than the whole buffer?) |
14:57:32 | Nico_P | dionoea: yes, some files can be bigger than the buffer (think of a long flac file) |
14:57:51 | Nico_P | (or a small buffer) |
14:57:57 | dionoea | then you need a way to buffer those even if they don't fit (I never use flac :) ) |
14:58:14 | preglow | we already do that |
14:58:31 | preglow | my comment was for codecs that can't be streamed and access files in their entirety |
14:58:39 | Nico_P | yes, and with MoB we also need to guarantee that the associated metadata is also on the buffer too at all times |
14:58:56 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484958B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
14:59:20 | Nico_P | for that, I was thinking of treating the data buffer for the big file's handle like a ring buffer |
14:59:26 | | Quit Arathis (Client Quit) |
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15:02:54 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ |
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15:04:46 | | Join SaLoMoN [0] (n=SaLo@xglusers.de) |
15:04:58 | amiconn | Nico_P: Why not just copy the metadata of the current file to a static buffer when it starts playing? |
15:05:27 | dionoea | what if you want to play 2 different files at a time ? :) (To do some fancy audio effect) |
15:05:30 | * | dionoea goes back to work |
15:05:39 | Nico_P | we don't want to limit the size of the metadata. By metadata I mean anything like a bitmap, cuesheet, lyrics file, etc... |
15:07:20 | | Join Guile`` [0] (n=Guile@ |
15:07:58 | amiconn | So you think having a piece of metadata blocking the centre of the main buffer would be a good idea? |
15:08:01 | linuxstb | Then why not allow the metadata to move? |
15:10:48 | Nico_P | amiconn: maybe that would be better, I don't really know |
15:11:09 | Nico_P | err that was for linuxstb |
15:11:30 | Nico_P | amiconn: I was hoping to be able to avoid having the metadata block the center of the buffer |
15:14:51 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c58-109-97-210.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
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15:51:26 | | Join gregj [0] (n=gj@81-186-226-63.citynet.pl) |
15:52:21 | gregj | roxbox hangs on ipod G4, if buffer is set to 2mins - on mp3 playback |
15:52:26 | gregj | I used todays build |
15:52:55 | gregj | even worse, it always stops |
15:52:56 | gregj | gree |
15:53:08 | gregj | freezes, and that's it |
15:53:12 | gregj | no output on screen, nothing |
15:53:24 | | Join relaxed [0] (n=relaxed@unaffiliated/relaxed) |
15:54:26 | aliask | gregj: That sounds like it could be caused by amiconn's commit from earlier today. |
15:56:39 | gregj | it just hangs afeter around 2mins of playback |
15:57:23 | | Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
15:57:23 | gregj | can it be caused by playback-skin ? |
15:57:33 | GodEater | gregj: very doubtful |
15:57:44 | aliask | If it's what I think it is, then it's more fundamental than that |
15:57:59 | gregj | I see |
15:58:02 | gregj | anything I can do ? |
15:58:09 | GodEater | gregj: do you mean the anti-skip buffer ? |
15:58:09 | gregj | like to help you test it, or someting |
15:58:10 | aliask | gregj: Go back to an old build for the time being |
15:58:22 | | Quit Entasis ("Leaving") |
15:58:25 | | Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c6f050bbcfda98e9) |
15:58:26 | gregj | yeah, but I changed the settings and it didn't helped |
15:58:34 | gregj | aliask: define "old build" |
15:58:42 | gregj | or even better point me to the one I should test it on |
15:58:42 | linuxstb | The last one that worked for you. |
15:58:54 | gregj | this is the first time I am running rockbox :) |
15:59:02 | crashmatrix | aliask, in a few hours I can test the same build for a g5.5, is there need for it? |
15:59:10 | gregj | and I see so many thing not quite working |
15:59:16 | | Quit crop (Client Quit) |
15:59:16 | GodEater | crashd_: no - they don't use those processors |
15:59:18 | dionoea | gregj: use a version older than this morning |
15:59:19 | aliask | Older than 15:16 GMT+10 today. |
15:59:26 | crashmatrix | rgr that |
15:59:36 | linuxstb | Older builds than amiconn's commit are probably even more likely to freeze. |
15:59:37 | GodEater | and of course I meant crashmatrix ;) |
15:59:50 | | Join Rincewind [0] (i=CLRdOFv0@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
16:00 |
16:00:03 | GodEater | gregj: did it crash before you started changing settings ? |
16:00:21 | aliask | linuxstb: Wasn't scaling disabled in SVN? |
16:00:29 | linuxstb | Not on the G4 ipod |
16:01:00 | linuxstb | amiconn's commit didn't touch the PP5020 config-target.h files. |
16:01:09 | gregj | GodEater: I only listeined to one mp3 beforehand, and it worked fine |
16:01:12 | gregj | it seems |
16:01:15 | aliask | Yeah, I just looked through the .diff |
16:01:30 | | Quit Gabril () |
16:01:43 | GodEater | gregj: so if you reset back to the default rockbox settings (turn on the hold switch as soon as you see the rockbox logo when you power on) it still works ? |
16:01:54 | linuxstb | gregj: Rockbox freezing on the G4 is a long-term problem which hasn't been fixed yet. But today's commit that people are referring to is hopefully a step towards improving it. |
16:02:10 | | Join relin [0] (n=chatzill@xdsl-87-78-67-235.netcologne.de) |
16:02:26 | linuxstb | gregj: When did you download the Rockbox you installed? And did you download the "current build" or an "archived build"? |
16:02:45 | amiconn | aliask: Only for H10, and I left that for now b/c freezing isn't 100% fixed yet |
16:03:20 | * | gregj tries rockbox-ipodcolor-20070701.zip |
16:03:45 | * | amiconn hopes to decipher this ln-resembling function tonight |
16:03:49 | gregj | also , I have a question |
16:04:14 | gregj | orginal apple's firmware, seems to be loading "as much as it can" into ram - and than turns the HD off |
16:04:24 | relin | How can u load new music on the ipod so that u can hear it with rockboxß |
16:04:28 | gregj | which seems to be the most resonable way of doing it |
16:04:41 | linuxstb | gregj: Rockbox does the same thing. |
16:04:55 | gregj | so why the 'skip buffer' option than ? |
16:04:58 | linuxstb | relin: Just copy the files to anywhere on the hard disk. |
16:05:15 | gregj | is rockbox mostly written in C ? |
16:05:15 | relin | okay ty :) |
16:05:16 | | Join jonshannow [0] (n=chatzill@bb-87-81-16-81.ukonline.co.uk) |
16:05:21 | linuxstb | gregj: IIUC, that the "low-buffer watermark" - i.e. how empty the buffer gets before it's refilled. |
16:05:24 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
16:05:58 | gregj | linuxstb: I see |
16:06:07 | | Quit relin (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:07:18 | gregj | is the photo/g4 ipod have any sort of 'video acceleration' ? |
16:07:31 | dionoea | no |
16:07:32 | gregj | animations seem to be much smoother on apple's firmware |
16:08:18 | * | GodEater didn't even know you could play movies on the G4 with apple's firmware. |
16:08:34 | gregj | is there any software, iTunes like - that can do rockbox stuff ? I mean - specific to rockbox |
16:08:40 | gregj | or plugin for amarok, for instance |
16:08:56 | gregj | for the record, it seems to be working okay with yesterday's firmware |
16:09:12 | aliask | The new amarok (1.4.6) has rockbox'd iPod support |
16:09:27 | linuxstb | What does that mean? |
16:09:52 | dionoea | good question :) |
16:09:53 | aliask | It means it can copy file from your computer's collection to your iPod. I don't think it updates the database |
16:10:08 | gregj | it updates the apple's database |
16:10:10 | aliask | I think it also filters the files it copies based on Rockbox's supported codecs. |
16:10:22 | gregj | I am asking if I can manage playlists n'shaite |
16:10:45 | gregj | hey, the first reason I wanted to try rockbox is to go for oggs |
16:10:56 | gregj | I have many more files in ogg than mp3, and I don't feel like converting it |
16:11:15 | aliask | The best way to manage playlists (IMO) is to use the playlist catalogue feature |
16:11:38 | gregj | yeah, this is the achilles foot of rockbox |
16:11:46 | gregj | it is very hard to manage playlists, and do the stuff |
16:11:50 | gregj | it is far from userfriendly |
16:11:51 | | Join relin [0] (n=chatzill@xdsl-87-78-67-235.netcologne.de) |
16:11:59 | gregj | but hats off for you guys, for enabling it in player! |
16:12:37 | * | linuxstb pings saratoga |
16:12:53 | aliask | gregj: What exactly do you want to do with playlists |
16:13:12 | * | JdGordon back |
16:13:18 | * | amiconn doesn't really understand the need to manage playlists |
16:13:25 | * | aliask neither |
16:13:49 | gregj | like, when I first turn on my rockbx, I would be very pleased with it automagicaly scan my ipod, and create default playlist |
16:14:00 | linuxstb | Have you tried Rockbox's database features? |
16:14:04 | gregj | too many ppl seem to have problems and ask about it |
16:14:05 | gregj | I did |
16:14:06 | gregj | :) |
16:14:07 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK gregj |
16:14:07 | gregj | it works |
16:14:08 | gregj | :) |
16:14:14 | gregj | but, now I copied over some files |
16:14:22 | gregj | will it automagically pick up the new files ? |
16:14:30 | Febs | It can. |
16:14:32 | gregj | I probably have to rebuild it |
16:14:34 | linuxstb | If you enable the right combination of options... |
16:14:38 | gregj | ... |
16:14:47 | gregj | which should probably be default for first-start |
16:15:10 | linuxstb | I agree. I never use the database though. |
16:15:22 | JdGordon | Nico_P: nice work :) read the logs and sounds like we have a fair bit to go still :) |
16:15:25 | gregj | where do I find the database options ? |
16:15:30 | gregj | options->database options ? |
16:15:34 | gregj | don't exists |
16:15:50 | gregj | got it... |
16:16:15 | aliask | gregj: If all else fails, you could read the manual. |
16:16:15 | Nico_P | JdGordon: we have... |
16:16:26 | linuxstb | gregj: You can also do a "long-select" press on the Database option in the main menu. |
16:16:27 | gregj | sure |
16:16:40 | Nico_P | I've been working on move_handle and adding a test suite for the linked list |
16:16:48 | gregj | is rockbox based on linux, or does it have its own multitasking os |
16:16:49 | gregj | ? |
16:16:58 | linuxstb | Its own. |
16:17:09 | gregj | reason I ask, is I would love to have a look on sources, and try to tweak few things here and there |
16:17:16 | gregj | but without understanding the source - this is hard |
16:17:37 | linuxstb | If you have any specific questions, just ask here. |
16:18:46 | gregj | atm, none :) |
16:18:56 | bluebrother | I doubt that if Rockbox would be based on linux it would be any easier understanding the sources. |
16:18:59 | gregj | other than - where to start, and if there is any sort of 'overview' for newbies |
16:19:16 | bluebrother | check the "for developers" section in the wiki |
16:19:18 | linuxstb | bluebrother: Unless of course you were familiar with the linux kernel... |
16:19:25 | gregj | well, I understand a lot of linux internals, because I kinda work on simmilar stuff (virtualzation, based on linux kernel) |
16:20:37 | bluebrother | there is still much around it −− like all the gui stuff etc. |
16:22:08 | gregj | is it in C ? |
16:22:11 | gregj | or c++ |
16:22:14 | GodEater | C |
16:22:18 | GodEater | mostly, with a bit of ASM |
16:22:28 | gregj | I hope you guys didn't made that mistake, and go for scripting languages |
16:22:29 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
16:22:29 | * | bluebrother rereads his first answer and realized he wanted to say "much" instead of "any" at first : |
16:22:45 | bluebrother | port Rockbox to JavaScript! ;-) |
16:22:54 | gregj | nope, python is now popular! |
16:23:04 | GodEater | not here it isn't |
16:23:06 | dionoea | python on embeded devices ... |
16:23:09 | GodEater | just ask Zagor |
16:23:12 | dionoea | lua could work :) |
16:23:19 | gregj | you wanna do it in python, so it is sluggish like hell, and requires reboot every 30s |
16:23:22 | gregj | :) |
16:23:24 | gregj | or java.... |
16:23:25 | gregj | yeah |
16:23:46 | bluebrother | you'll find some people that pretty much dislike Java here. Like me ;-) |
16:24:02 | linuxstb | gregj: No, Rockbox is straightforward C, with no dynamic memory allocation. |
16:24:14 | gregj | crashed... |
16:24:20 | GodEater | people who don't do C are followed round by everyone else shouting "Witch! Witch! Burn them!" |
16:24:24 | gregj | my screen is bit strangly looking |
16:24:27 | gregj | but it last 3 songs! |
16:25:00 | linuxstb | gregj: Disabling the cpu clock scaling generally fixes the freezing problems on the G4. You'll need to build Rockbox yourself to do that though. |
16:25:04 | gregj | it crashes on mp3 called 'the god that failed' - metallica, black album |
16:25:17 | gregj | always on the same mp3 |
16:25:57 | gregj | now database browsing crashed it |
16:26:01 | gregj | it seems to crash more and more |
16:26:06 | gregj | and now crashed on splas screen |
16:26:08 | gregj | nice |
16:26:28 | gregj | apple firmware displays battery flat message |
16:26:32 | gregj | so that would explain a lot |
16:26:39 | bluebrother | always the same mp3? Maybe it's a metadata issue. |
16:26:44 | gregj | probably HD decided to die, because there was not enough power |
16:27:12 | gregj | it dislpays metadata alright |
16:30:57 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@vpnsh0101.fh-trier.de) |
16:30:57 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=980398fe@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c34a3aaa65203433) |
16:31:31 | linuxstb | saratoga: Hi |
16:31:37 | saratoga | hi |
16:31:42 | saratoga | i saw you have a parser working? |
16:31:47 | linuxstb | Yes ;) |
16:31:55 | | Quit Wiwie (Client Quit) |
16:32:46 | Nico_P | what parser ? |
16:32:48 | saratoga | i got the code you sent me yesterday working in integer |
16:32:49 | linuxstb | I now have code which can quite easily be ported to Rockbox - both in apps/metadata/ for the metadata reading, and in the codec itself. |
16:33:08 | linuxstb | So hopefully this evening I'll be able to implement the codec. |
16:33:19 | linuxstb | Nico_P: An ASF parser |
16:33:25 | linuxstb | (for wma) |
16:33:28 | Nico_P | nice :) |
16:33:52 | gregj | yeah, another thing mpeg playback here was really out of sync (audio against video) |
16:33:55 | gregj | :/ |
16:34:09 | preglow | linuxstb: saratoga should be excited about that |
16:34:13 | gregj | I don't have nerves enough to lookup the implementation, but I think there is something wrong |
16:34:14 | preglow | oh, there he is! |
16:34:14 | saratoga | I am |
16:34:14 | preglow | haha |
16:34:21 | linuxstb | gregj: Did you change any of the default settings in mpegplayer? |
16:34:24 | gregj | it should be that hard to do proper fram edropping |
16:34:25 | saratoga | no more of this ffmpeg nonsense |
16:34:54 | gregj | linuxstb: I did - I asked it to drop frames, and display fps (which is not working either, it only blinks from time to time) |
16:35:13 | GodEater | gregj: did you convert your movie for your ipod as in the wiki ? |
16:35:23 | preglow | shop time, brb |
16:35:40 | saratoga | linuxstb: could I look at what you have? I'd like to add the latest integer decoder |
16:35:42 | linuxstb | gregj: "skip frames" should have been enabled by default. As well as "limit fps" |
16:36:01 | saratoga | its somewhat different then the fp version, so i think it makes sense to just use the int version for development of the parser |
16:36:28 | linuxstb | It shouldn't affect me at all. All I'm doing is giving the wma decoder the packets of data to decompress. |
16:37:10 | linuxstb | But give me a moment, I'll upload it. I'll disable some of the debugging info first though. |
16:37:45 | saratoga | linuxstb: ok thanks |
16:38:10 | aliask | linuxstb: There was another report earlier today where mpeg playback was really fast, and enabling limit FPS didn't do anything (tested in sim as well, same result) |
16:38:17 | JdGordon | is there a Bagder in the house? |
16:38:35 | * | bluebrother goes looking for coffee ... |
16:38:42 | gregj | GodEater: yup sir |
16:38:57 | * | gregj feels like pain in the back |
16:39:29 | GodEater | gregj: the expression is "a pain in the neck" ;) |
16:40:02 | linuxstb | saratoga: It's here - http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/asfplay.zip |
16:40:48 | linuxstb | saratoga: If you could replace the wma decoder with the integer one, and give it me back (feel free to add wav writing to it instead of raw output), then I'll try and make a codec out of it this evening (EU time - i.e. starting in about 3-4 hours) |
16:42:34 | Nico_P | GodEater: isn't "a pain in the backside" used too ? |
16:42:35 | GodEater | linuxstb has become the new codec monkey ;) |
16:42:45 | GodEater | Nico_P: not so much |
16:42:51 | GodEater | at least - not where I'm from |
16:43:36 | linuxstb | Nico_P: Yes, that phrase is used often (at least where I'm from...) |
16:43:36 | pondlife | Pain in the neck or PITA |
16:44:12 | GodEater | yeah, I'd go with PITA over Pain in the backside. |
16:44:20 | GodEater | linuxstb: different sides of the river huh ? ;) |
16:44:50 | linuxstb | GodEater: Only just... |
16:45:16 | Nico_P | GodEater: I also prfer PITA :) |
16:46:01 | pondlife | Of course, the A stands for different words on each side of the Atlantic... |
16:46:08 | JdGordon | linuxstb: saratoga: untill Bagder sets us up with a svn, do you guys want to use my server for svn? |
16:48:45 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
16:49:05 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
16:49:05 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
16:49:34 | gregj | GodEater: yeah, I know - I am kind of using english for 6 years now - eversince I moved to UK |
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16:50:59 | GodEater | gregj: ah - another UK resident - welcome :) |
16:52:54 | saratoga | JdGordon: I'll defer to linuxstb/preglow on that |
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16:55:25 | gregj | GodEater: cambridge, for the record |
16:55:41 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
16:55:42 | gregj | GodEater: so if someone needs to lpay a bit with my ipod - for dev purposes, just gimme a shout |
16:57:07 | JdGordon | ok, who else is on OCAU.... |
16:57:17 | JdGordon | someone made a thread about the upside/backwards text.... |
16:59:02 | | Join mickleby [0] (i=456b3a5c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f4d3d461cd796d06) |
17:00 |
17:01:08 | | Quit webguest60 ("CGI:IRC") |
17:02:00 | mickleby | greetings hallowed realm of wizened sages |
17:03:12 | * | JdGordon lookes around... |
17:03:18 | JdGordon | no wizended sages here.... |
17:03:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:03:53 | | Quit jonshannow ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
17:04:03 | * | GodEater preens his non-existent beard |
17:05:48 | gregj | GodEater: I can confirm, the rpoblem with playback was a battery actually |
17:06:03 | GodEater | gregj: good for you ;) |
17:06:14 | gregj | GodEater: so rockbox seems to crash on hardware problems caused by low power |
17:06:31 | gregj | which isn't good, and not very easy to track down probably either |
17:07:26 | GodEater | gregj: I think that will depend on the platform. This doesn't happen on my 5.5G ipod, Gigabeat F, or iriver H140 |
17:11:50 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:17:59 | gregj | GodEater: sure, apple is able to do it - than it should be doable here as well :) |
17:18:03 | preglow | saratoga: you guys make it sound like you've found some other wma codec, this is just me being wrong, of course? |
17:18:07 | gregj | GodEater: it is probably some sort of hardware event |
17:18:28 | | Quit relin ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
17:18:28 | gregj | preglow: other than ffmpeg one? |
17:19:47 | preglow | yeah |
17:21:14 | GodEater | gregj: apple have the advantage of the hardware documentation however |
17:25:28 | gregj | true indeed |
17:25:35 | gregj | preglow: show as the source! |
17:25:37 | gregj | :D |
17:32:10 | linuxstb | preglow: saratoga is still using the ffmpeg wma decoder itself, but I've written a new ASF parser, so we don't need to use the ffmpeg one - meaning we can delete a lot more ffmpeg code. |
17:32:45 | aliask | JdGordon: I've seen upside down text popping up on my msn contact list, so I'd say it's become a meme |
17:33:07 | JdGordon | oh dear :( |
17:35:44 | linuxstb | saratoga: What's the state of your integer decoder? Is it generating accurate output now? |
17:37:43 | saratoga | linuxstb: yes its been accurate for a while |
17:37:53 | saratoga | works on wma9-11 files between 32 and 320k |
17:38:11 | saratoga | doesn't work on anything less then 32k because I haven't worked out how the LSP stuff is supposed to work |
17:38:34 | pondlife | Any idea how much optimisation is going to be needed yet? Or too early to say? |
17:38:34 | saratoga | theres also some code paths in the joint stereo stuff which I haven't tested, mostly for lack of files that use them |
17:38:37 | linuxstb | I didn't spot an answer last night - is the 12-bit accuracy a limitation of your integer decoder, or of the ffmpeg codec? |
17:39:04 | saratoga | linuxstb: I get agreement with the ffmpeg fp decoder to 12 bits |
17:39:15 | saratoga | i'm not sure if thats because I'm more accurate or its more accurate |
17:39:20 | saratoga | but I get at least 12 bits |
17:39:22 | preglow | well |
17:39:26 | preglow | compared with microsofts decoder? |
17:39:32 | GodEater | JdGordon: hehe - freenode won't let me set my nick as upside down :( |
17:39:37 | saratoga | I haven't checked their decoder yet |
17:39:46 | linuxstb | Was that the old ffmpeg decoder, or the SVN version, which claims better accuracy? |
17:39:48 | JdGordon | shame :p |
17:40:01 | linuxstb | ^current SVN version |
17:41:06 | gregj | crash again, batter flat again :( |
17:41:07 | gregj | heh |
17:41:15 | gregj | on such a nice tune - "forsaken" by dream theater |
17:42:47 | saratoga | mine does a few things a bit better then the ffmpeg decoder, so maybe I have better results |
17:43:13 | saratoga | depends how much I lose in the fixed fft |
17:43:25 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
17:46:20 | gregj | can rockbox record to mp3/ogg/whateverelse than plain wav - in real time ? |
17:47:23 | petur | wav/aiff/mp3 |
17:48:48 | saratoga | linuxstb: got the parser outputing wav in fixed precision |
17:48:54 | petur | don't know how ipod recording is... *looks at linuxstb* |
17:49:25 | saratoga | though oddly it returns -1 (though the file decodes anyway) |
17:49:42 | | Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-065-236.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
17:50:26 | linuxstb | saratoga: Are you talking about the -1 at the end of asfplay? |
17:50:40 | saratoga | yeah |
17:51:00 | saratoga | looks like a problem in wma_decode_superframe somewhere |
17:51:04 | saratoga | should I look into it? |
17:51:59 | linuxstb | No, I think that's a -1 from my parser - because I'm not detecting the end of stream correctly yet. I think you can just ignore it. |
17:52:27 | | Part maffe |
17:52:45 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
17:53:15 | saratoga | heres what I got |
17:53:16 | saratoga | http://www.duke.edu/~mgg6/rockbox/asfplay.zip |
17:53:35 | saratoga | the malloc stuff is still in mem.c, but I don't think anything still calls it |
17:55:07 | * | linuxstb deletes mem.c to find out... |
17:55:57 | linuxstb | Hurray, a malloc free codec ;) |
17:56:18 | linuxstb | Nothing in either the asf parser or the wma decoder. |
17:56:23 | lazka | just wondering, why is malloc bad? |
17:56:42 | linuxstb | There's a wiki page about that, but I forget the name |
17:57:23 | lazka | found it, thanks |
17:57:27 | saratoga | lazka: rockbox doesn't have a malloc function, so its bad if you try and call it on the target :) |
17:58:16 | preglow | someone finally made a page about it, eh |
17:58:29 | pondlife | It's been there a while. |
17:58:50 | preglow | if less than 50% of it is four letter curse words and derivatives, i'll be surprised |
18:00 |
18:00:15 | saratoga | linuxstb: so how do you want to proceed? |
18:00:58 | linuxstb | saratoga: I'm working on implementing a codec based on what we've got at the moment. Hopefully it won't take too long (an hour or two). |
18:00:59 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-066-057-231-236.nc.res.rr.com) |
18:01:04 | | Quit bdgraue (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:01:12 | saratoga | linuxstb: thats great to hear! |
18:01:36 | linuxstb | It should be straightforward now we've exorcised malloc from the code. |
18:01:47 | * | preglow crosses self |
18:01:47 | pondlife | Wooh! Some kind of WDM playback in two hours... |
18:01:55 | saratoga | i'm getting lunch, then working on into my new apartment, but I should be on later |
18:01:56 | * | pondlife counts down |
18:02:09 | * | linuxstb starts to feel some pressure and regrets mentioning a timeframe... |
18:02:32 | saratoga | feel free to gmail me at mgiacomelli@ if i'm not on irc |
18:02:47 | saratoga | i can't wait to see how slow this codec really is ... |
18:03:04 | linuxstb | Which reminds me, I wonder how the Gigabeat S port is coming along... |
18:03:13 | preglow | there is an effort? |
18:03:15 | saratoga | and how much of a difference changing from 64x64->64 mul to 32x32->64 really makes |
18:03:27 | saratoga | preglow: yeah, theres actually someone writing code for it now |
18:03:32 | preglow | saratoga: who? |
18:03:33 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC") |
18:03:38 | preglow | why, you! |
18:03:39 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=980398fe@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-28ff39a1253fa03e) |
18:03:41 | linuxstb | preglow: I believe so, at least an effort to run third-party code. |
18:03:51 | saratoga | preglow: ptw419 (I think) |
18:03:55 | pondlife | linuxstb: No pressure, but it would be nice to have a realtime port on the H300 by the morning. |
18:04:07 | pondlife | :) |
18:04:08 | linuxstb | Send me your H300 in the next 2 hours, and I'll make it so. |
18:04:22 | saratoga | last I heard they were having some trouble getting the display driver to do more then just blink the screen |
18:04:23 | linuxstb | Damn, you're near London, aren't you? |
18:04:26 | * | pondlife jumps in his car |
18:04:29 | petur | lol |
18:04:39 | * | linuxstb should pay more attention to rasher's map |
18:04:51 | pondlife | Sadly I have badminton to play shortly, so you can blame me for the lack of codec. |
18:06:20 | saratoga | gigabeat stuff: http://www.hack.id.au/files/gigabeat/irc/gigabeat/ |
18:06:23 | XavierGr | I am itching to know how slow wma will be on coldfire... |
18:06:54 | | Join bdgraue [0] (n=bdgraue@dyndsl-085-016-104-246.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
18:06:57 | preglow | pft, some iram and a wee bit of asm, and it'll be cruising along nicely |
18:07:18 | XavierGr | and the moment wma will sound on an ipod hell will freeze over :) |
18:08:53 | pondlife | But that'll happen before Linux on a Zune... :) |
18:09:27 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
18:10:52 | XavierGr | hehe indeed |
18:11:29 | | Quit petur ("work->home") |
18:11:39 | | Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") |
18:11:39 | linuxstb | preglow: Has saratoga told you how much RAM the wma decoder is using? |
18:11:49 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
18:11:55 | preglow | nopes |
18:12:23 | * | linuxstb waits for saratoga to tell preglow |
18:16:36 | * | gregj looks at dev wiki. and stuff |
18:16:42 | gregj | it seems like you guys have girls in the team |
18:16:44 | | Nick swolbhsub is now known as bushblows (n=bushblow@ |
18:16:58 | gregj | http://www.rockbox.org/devcon2007/ 's link to "tower" is 404 |
18:17:05 | gregj | http://download.rockbox.org/tower.jpg |
18:17:08 | gregj | this one |
18:17:10 | preglow | there are some around, yes |
18:18:07 | | Quit aliask ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
18:19:19 | | Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") |
18:19:20 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
18:21:57 | lazka | gregj: http://download.rockbox.org/device-pictures/tower.jpg |
18:22:05 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@ti521110a080-3669.bb.online.no) |
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18:23:04 | lazka | can someone tell me where i can find the "Show ID3 Info" in the source? |
18:23:33 | linuxstb | Look in apps/lang/english.lang for the string, then search the source for the language ID |
18:23:51 | lazka | ok |
18:23:51 | low_light | lazka: in screens.c |
18:24:29 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:25:58 | lazka | low_light: thx |
18:26:29 | | Join Soroosh [0] (n=syazdani@CPE0016b641c9dd-CM00122570463e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
18:27:24 | low_light | ha...the iphone hacking has begun...http://www.hissomnia.com/newwiki/index.php?title=Main_Page |
18:29:38 | | Join inversions [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
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18:32:19 | Soroosh | hi. What is the safest way to upgrade rockbox? |
18:34:30 | preglow | there are multiple ways? |
18:34:43 | preglow | just overwriting the old rockbox folder with a new one should work wonders |
18:35:09 | | Join anathema [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
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18:40:36 | Soroosh | ok, that's what I was thinking of doing, but wanted to be sure that works. |
18:41:04 | Soroosh | thanks. |
18:41:24 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ |
18:42:43 | The-Compiler | Hi |
18:45:45 | | Quit mickleby ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
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18:51:52 | amiconn | linuxstb (or anyone else): Is there a h10 firmware dump available somewhere? |
18:53:30 | | Quit inversions (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:57:16 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
18:57:21 | preglow | amiconn: isn't the timer interrupt reenable after clock frequency change needed anymore on pp5020? |
18:57:27 | | Quit kaaloo (Client Quit) |
18:57:56 | amiconn | correct |
18:58:05 | amiconn | It still isn't 100% freeze free |
18:58:08 | preglow | related to your change or something else? |
18:58:12 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
18:58:26 | | Part kaaloo |
18:59:46 | low_light | amiconn: the h10 bootloader is on bagder's mi4 page |
18:59:51 | amiconn | This kludge never was very logical, and my change makes it unnecessary. However, PP5020 still freezes from time to time, otoh I'm not yet done with analysing what the OF does |
19:00 |
19:00:03 | amiconn | low_light: H10 *firmware*, not bootloader |
19:00:40 | preglow | it was a kludge indeed |
19:00:50 | preglow | pure guesswork |
19:01:08 | preglow | any idea what the magic sequence does? |
19:01:31 | amiconn | I think it "kicks" the pll counters |
19:01:35 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
19:02:02 | preglow | as in how? |
19:02:14 | amiconn | The lower 16 bits of PLL_STATUS are equivalent to the lower 16 bits of PLL_CONTROL on PP5020 |
19:02:39 | amiconn | That is, they are equivalent after locking... no idea how to read the short transient status |
19:02:58 | amiconn | On PP5022, PLL_STATUS works very different |
19:03:27 | amiconn | Not only that there is the lock indicator bit; the lower 16 bits have a different value independent of pll numerator and denoominator |
19:03:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:09:03 | | Join chuckwag0n [0] (n=sdsad@CPE0e7f13458ad6-CM000f9f551c0a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
19:09:45 | chuckwag0n | what's the best way to create a playlist using rockbox? |
19:10:24 | linuxstb | amiconn: The H10 firmware should be on Bagder's mi4 page. You'll probably need his/MrH's mi4code program to decrypt it. (google for mi4code) |
19:10:26 | low_light | amiconn: i know that I said bootloader...it's probably easier to re & it contains a diagnostic/test mode for the hardware |
19:10:56 | amiconn | Yes, and that's why I do _not_ want the bootloader. |
19:11:06 | | Join lost|X40 [0] (n=lostnihi@ppp-68-251-66-141.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) |
19:11:21 | amiconn | The bootloader handles booting and diagnostics. Real-life clock change is more interesting... |
19:13:44 | low_light | amiconn: whatever...thought these strings were interesting though "Clk: 24MHz" "Clk: 33MHz" "Clk: SLOW" "Clk: FAST" "Clk: PLL"...shrug |
19:14:43 | | Join Siltaar [0] (n=Siltaar@reverse-52.fdn.fr) |
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19:21:20 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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19:22:55 | petur | markun: visa bill finally arrived ;) |
19:22:59 | * | amiconn is a bit puzzled about the ipod video clock setting routine |
19:23:32 | amiconn | It looks very similar to the mini version, but handles yet another register, and seems to check for a pp5026 (??) |
19:24:00 | petur | generic pp code? |
19:24:49 | preglow | low_light: i believe that stuff has already been investigated |
19:25:52 | | Quit lostnihilist (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:26:08 | amiconn | hum |
19:27:57 | saratoga | preglow: the version using ffmpeg was something like 500k for everything |
19:28:10 | | Quit desowin (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:28:19 | gregj | hmm, is there a mp3 decode aiding or decoding chip on ipods ? |
19:28:25 | gregj | g4/photo |
19:28:26 | saratoga | the new version will be smaller, though probably still around 400kb |
19:28:43 | saratoga | the wma decoder itself is enormous due to massive numbers of lookup tables |
19:28:55 | saratoga | gregj: no |
19:29:31 | preglow | hrmhm |
19:29:34 | gregj | Wolfson Microelectronics WM8975 CODEC |
19:29:35 | preglow | what are the tables used for? |
19:29:47 | saratoga | gregj: that is the DAC |
19:30:05 | saratoga | preglow: the FFT and MDCT use seperate trig look up tables, one for each window size |
19:30:16 | saratoga | so thats 12 tables there |
19:30:30 | gregj | saratoga: ok, I was hoping it at least does FFt/ MDCT and perhaps huffman |
19:30:36 | gregj | like some chips |
19:30:41 | preglow | sounds weird, i would expect one big table to be able to be used for all of them |
19:30:44 | gregj | cos than you could use it for ogg as well |
19:30:50 | saratoga | preglow: I will eventually do that |
19:30:54 | preglow | since the lower sized tables really should be resampled versions of the bigger ones |
19:31:06 | saratoga | gregj: I don't think any modern players use a coprocessor for audio |
19:31:46 | gregj | there are still some arm cpus sold nowdays that have mp3/dac caps |
19:32:06 | saratoga | preglow: the table system is a legacy of how ffmpeg works, not something that should be there |
19:32:15 | saratoga | gregj: no I don't think there are |
19:32:17 | preglow | okies |
19:32:19 | preglow | not a prio anyway |
19:32:41 | saratoga | i imagine it will hurt when we need to move the stuff into IRAM, but yeah, i'm putting it off |
19:33:03 | saratoga | i need to print out the tables, plot them in matlab, and figure out how to fold them together |
19:33:04 | amiconn | Btw, the huge tables for wma are the reason why wma cannot be implemented for the mas |
19:36:21 | markun | petur: they really took their time |
19:37:09 | petur | seems the hotel was a bit slow at passing the bill to visa, they only did it end of the month |
19:39:01 | | Join ackbahr [0] (n=ackbahr@d83-189-154-129.cust.tele2.ch) |
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19:42:55 | saratoga | heh, plotted the tables ffmpeg uses, and the 256 point table is just the 512 point table with only the even points ... |
19:43:08 | saratoga | so this optimization should be pretty easy |
19:45:06 | * | linuxstb listens to a WMA file in the sim |
19:45:42 | saratoga | great! |
19:45:51 | saratoga | is it my test file? |
19:45:58 | linuxstb | But it won't compile for a target - too big for the codec buffer... |
19:46:08 | saratoga | how big is the codec buffer? |
19:46:13 | linuxstb | 512KB. |
19:46:19 | saratoga | i'm surprised we went over |
19:46:32 | saratoga | can you send me the map file? |
19:46:37 | linuxstb | The output buffer is too big - it looks like it can decode up to about 80KB of data. |
19:46:50 | saratoga | which buffer is this? |
19:46:52 | linuxstb | It's OK - we're not using the 512KB codec malloc buffer - I'll just use that, and it will fit. |
19:47:02 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB3DA2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
19:47:13 | linuxstb | The buffer I'm passing to the wma_decode_superframe function. |
19:47:27 | saratoga | i don't think a superframe can be that large |
19:47:46 | amiconn | hrrrrmm |
19:47:47 | gregj | can you point me to a file/web site where I can find info on how to build the thing from sources |
19:47:51 | gregj | ? |
19:48:00 | saratoga | i think superframes can be at most 2 or 3 frames, and frames are 2048 samples |
19:48:14 | amiconn | This logarithm function looks like it is floating point, while it takes integer arguments |
19:48:28 | DerPapst | saratoga, linuxstb: nice work :) |
19:48:35 | amiconn | At least a code path leads to something that looks like floating point exceptions |
19:48:46 | DerPapst | gregj: there is a guide on rockbox.org. |
19:48:48 | saratoga | gregj: check the wiki, theres a useful "for developers" section |
19:49:00 | linuxstb | saratoga: I think we should change it to decode one frame at a time, but that's for later. |
19:49:05 | amiconn | Now the question is how to test this function.... |
19:49:14 | petur | gregj: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DocsIndex#For_Developers |
19:49:16 | DerPapst | gregj: and afaik you've aready seen the "For Developers" headline at the index. |
19:49:24 | saratoga | linuxstb: doesn't it decode one superframe at a time now? |
19:49:29 | DerPapst | that one for petur ;) |
19:49:45 | amiconn | We have no SIGFPE on target ;\ |
19:49:48 | saratoga | or do you mean call decode frame directly? |
19:50:57 | linuxstb | saratoga: Yes, I mean decode the small (2048 sample) frames in each iteration of the main loop, rather than the whole superframe - which I've seen can be 10 frames (maybe more) |
19:51:19 | saratoga | linuxstb: woah, thats surprising |
19:51:31 | saratoga | i thought superframes were just a frame + bit resivior |
19:51:43 | saratoga | since it doesn't use them if you disable the bit res |
19:52:07 | | Join davina [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
19:54:53 | linuxstb | Hmm, I'm just getting nasty noises on my gigabeat though... |
19:55:05 | markun | typical rockbox sound |
19:55:05 | | Quit chuckwag0n () |
19:56:32 | saratoga | linuxstb: the code doesn't check the return value of decode_superframe, so its possible its just erroring out |
19:56:40 | saratoga | and by possible I mean virtually certain |
19:56:55 | petur | markun: bag of shit? |
19:57:04 | markun | petur: they make nasty noises, right? |
19:57:11 | DerPapst | petur: of course :P |
19:57:44 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
19:57:47 | GodEater_ | esp. if you hit people with them |
19:58:05 | saratoga | could add if(res<0) goto exit; to line 784 and see what happens |
19:58:16 | saratoga | line 784 of asfplay.c |
19:58:25 | saratoga | (if you didn't notice that already when you made the codec) |
20:00 |
20:00:15 | linuxstb | Yes, I've done that now, and it stops the garbage output, but doesn't help fix the problem... |
20:00:28 | linuxstb | Give me a moment to clean the code up, and I'll post a patch. |
20:00:46 | saratoga | thanks |
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20:08:49 | linuxstb | saratoga: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/wmapatch-v1.diff |
20:09:07 | linuxstb | It's OK in the sim, but still not working on target (at least, not the gigabeat) |
20:09:28 | linuxstb | Apply it to a clean source tree, and run configure |
20:10:17 | XavierGr | linuxstb: you can listen to wma in the sim now? (without any hiccups or something like that) |
20:10:18 | | Quit pontape () |
20:11:01 | linuxstb | XavierGr: Yes. |
20:11:10 | XavierGr | nice going :D |
20:11:39 | amiconn | linuxstb: x86 sim? |
20:11:49 | linuxstb | XavierGr: It's my asf parser and codec, using saratoga's integer and malloc-free wma decoder. |
20:11:51 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes |
20:12:24 | XavierGr | well bravo to both of you, it is getting very interesting |
20:12:41 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) |
20:12:51 | XavierGr | I would try to apply the patch too but now I have to go |
20:12:59 | * | linuxstb doesn't want to know how much the asf parser will add to the core binary size... |
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20:15:26 | | Quit bluey- ("Leaving") |
20:17:01 | saratoga | linuxstb: any idea where it dies? |
20:17:37 | saratoga | I'm wondering if its the same place in decode_block where it died with the ffmpeg parser |
20:17:47 | preglow | hrmr |
20:18:10 | | Join AdmiralJ [0] (n=AdmiralJ@c-69-252-146-232.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
20:18:13 | linuxstb | saratoga: No idea... |
20:18:26 | saratoga | well, i know the first place to check at least |
20:18:33 | linuxstb | Although it doesn't crash, so you can enable logf |
20:19:20 | saratoga | I don't have my gigabeat handy today (I'm at school) |
20:19:26 | saratoga | i will check tonight |
20:20:02 | saratoga | but I bet if you uncomment line 2455 of wmadeci.c you'll see where it gives up |
20:21:22 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) |
20:22:33 | linuxstb | "rb->splash" doesn't exist in codecs, but I'll enable LOGF and see what v is equal to. |
20:22:52 | saratoga | mostly just need to check if it returns -4 |
20:23:00 | saratoga | thats what it always did before witht he old parser |
20:23:12 | saratoga | its entirely possible that my "static" codec doesn't work correctly |
20:23:24 | linuxstb | I can't see how the parser would affect things. |
20:23:44 | saratoga | before I thought it was a problem in the ffmpeg parser |
20:23:47 | saratoga | i'm guessing its not now |
20:24:02 | | Quit printfXh4 (No route to host) |
20:26:25 | | Join digin4 [0] (n=nbo@ |
20:33:29 | lazka | doesn't work on my sansa.. |
20:35:28 | * | amiconn hates this usb reboot bug :( |
20:35:48 | * | preglow too |
20:38:05 | amiconn | Hahaaaa |
20:38:18 | amiconn | This supposed logarithm function is in fact a simple integer division |
20:38:29 | amiconn | (or not so simple −−- ) |
20:40:13 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
20:41:11 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
20:41:38 | | Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) |
20:41:40 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
20:44:33 | gregj | how do yo uguys debug ipod rockbox over serial console ? |
20:44:50 | gregj | I would belive, it should be doable over FW or USB , but I have no idea |
20:44:53 | gregj | hence the question |
20:44:59 | saratoga | gregj: I don't believe anyone knows how |
20:45:09 | linuxstb | If we had firewire, USB or serial port drivers... |
20:45:14 | markun | gregj: tomasz wrote a driver for that while working on the iriver ifp |
20:45:50 | markun | gregj: firmware/usb_serial.c |
20:46:00 | | Nick bushblows is now known as swolbhsub (n=bushblow@unaffiliated/bushblows) |
20:46:03 | linuxstb | Hmm, my asf parser doesn't seem to work at all on Coldfire... |
20:46:14 | saratoga | linuxstb: endianness? |
20:46:18 | linuxstb | I expect so |
20:46:24 | saratoga | fun |
20:46:28 | linuxstb | The patch I posted didn't even compile... |
20:46:54 | gregj | I am asking, because it would be very usefull - for crash detection, and shaite - to be able to at least get a core or backtrace off that device |
20:47:11 | * | DerPapst glances at his clock ;) |
20:47:19 | saratoga | gregj: USB support would be useful for more then just that! |
20:48:47 | gregj | saratoga: true |
20:48:55 | gregj | another of top of my head question |
20:49:10 | gregj | why thread function doesn't take void*, as it does oeverywhere else |
20:49:22 | gregj | it is usefull, so you don' tneed global variables than |
20:50:44 | gregj | I can create patch against it, and add that - but obviously can't modify plugins and shaite to use it :) |
20:51:16 | | Quit low_light ("CGI:IRC") |
20:52:02 | gregj | I just looked on "todo" list for ipods, and seems like handling crashes is on it at high priority |
20:52:16 | gregj | I guess the rockboxes OS is unable to generate backtraces |
20:52:23 | gregj | :/ |
20:52:27 | gregj | shame :' |
20:55:18 | preglow | amiconn: what logarithm function? |
20:55:20 | * | gregj is asking too many questions, has few in queue waiting :) |
20:55:23 | gregj | sleep(10) |
20:55:33 | amiconn | preglow: The one that isn't.... |
20:56:13 | gregj | I see it already has cpu_boost() |
20:56:22 | gregj | cool, wonder if that works on ipods |
20:56:30 | | Join KlrSpz [0] (n=KlrSpz@ |
20:56:45 | amiconn | preglow: There is a function that is used in calculating some register values, and I needed to know what the function does |
20:57:29 | KlrSpz | any huge strides worth looking at for the ipod port? i haven't updated rockbox in about 10 months |
20:58:04 | GodEater_ | KlrSpz: a few new codecs |
20:58:09 | linuxstb | KlrSpz: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MajorChanges |
20:58:14 | KlrSpz | i remember some patches/hacks to run some alternate WPS screens, any worthwhile changes for ahat |
20:58:16 | KlrSpz | ok, loading |
20:58:29 | KlrSpz | well actually i'm on that page |
20:58:50 | KlrSpz | might just have to try it out when i get home |
20:59:08 | KlrSpz | so much cool stuff oing on these days.. been messig with compiz-fusion a lot lately |
21:00 |
21:01:04 | | Join EnterUserName [0] (n=dave@ip- |
21:01:09 | EnterUserName | is nano 2nd generation impossible |
21:01:15 | EnterUserName | is that why it hasn't been supported yet :) |
21:01:43 | GodEater_ | EnterUserName: currently yes |
21:02:00 | EnterUserName | currently |
21:02:08 | EnterUserName | does that mean it is possible but still not been successful :P |
21:02:18 | GodEater_ | no - it means we have no idea where to start |
21:02:38 | EnterUserName | are there 2 gig second generations? |
21:02:43 | EnterUserName | or are they old generations still? |
21:02:54 | GodEater_ | no idea |
21:03:04 | saratoga | check wikipedia |
21:03:14 | GodEater_ | or apple's website |
21:03:24 | EnterUserName | how do you tekll if its 2nd generation? |
21:03:33 | markun | they look different |
21:03:33 | GodEater_ | it's coloured metal |
21:03:37 | GodEater_ | not black or white plastic |
21:03:38 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:03:57 | markun | the 2nd gen looks more like the mini |
21:04:07 | GodEater_ | only smaller obviously ;) |
21:04:27 | EnterUserName | hows the video process |
21:04:34 | EnterUserName | is it still lagging when you watch it or has it improved |
21:04:41 | EnterUserName | (i have my first generation right now withr ockbox) |
21:04:42 | GodEater_ | on what ? |
21:04:46 | EnterUserName | nano |
21:04:47 | markun | on the nano it's good I think |
21:04:49 | EnterUserName | first generation.. |
21:04:50 | EnterUserName | oh ok |
21:05:01 | EnterUserName | I havent' updated in a while :) |
21:05:06 | markun | EnterUserName: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer |
21:05:22 | linuxstb | saratoga: I've enabled logf, and am getting "v was 6", "v was 0", "v was 6", "v was 0", "v was 0", "v was 0" |
21:05:22 | markun | 32fps at full resolution |
21:05:26 | GodEater_ | beat me to it markun :) |
21:05:51 | markun | GodEater_: you could have added the #Performance to the URL :) |
21:05:58 | GodEater_ | hahaha |
21:06:11 | GodEater_ | I leave that as an exercise for the reader :) |
21:06:51 | EnterUserName | lol im not sure what that means markun |
21:06:56 | EnterUserName | :) |
21:07:08 | GodEater_ | 32 frames per second |
21:07:12 | GodEater_ | that's very watchable |
21:07:45 | GodEater_ | cinema = 24 frames per second |
21:09:13 | linuxstb | saratoga: So yes, wma_decode_block is failing with error -4... |
21:09:21 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:09:24 | * | GodEater_ goes for food |
21:09:52 | KlrSpz | woah wait, you can watch videos on your nano with rockbox now? |
21:10:09 | saratoga | linuxstb: yeah thats my old bug then |
21:10:10 | KlrSpz | i thought that was considered "impossible" last year |
21:11:17 | saratoga | its really strange, the init code seems to work normally, but decode_block somehow gets the wrong values when it reads in the stream |
21:11:27 | * | amiconn wonders what can be different between x86 sim and arm target |
21:11:45 | amiconn | Both are little endian 32 bit, and arm doesn't crash so it's not an alignment issue |
21:12:13 | amiconn | saratoga: Is there some struct mapped to the block? |
21:12:21 | amiconn | Perhaps it's a struct padding issue... |
21:12:38 | linuxstb | char is another issue (signed/unsigned), but I can't see any problems like that |
21:12:54 | saratoga | amiconn: i haven't looked at that part of the code carefully, but I believe it just has a pointer to the buffer and then reads in bytes and words as it goes |
21:13:19 | saratoga | its a mess of #defines that obscure how it actually works, so i could be mistaken |
21:13:45 | | Quit mud-rb (Remote closed the connection) |
21:14:05 | | Quit desowin ("use linux") |
21:14:09 | linuxstb | struct padding could be the issue though... |
21:15:45 | gregj | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodHardwareInfo |
21:15:54 | gregj | what's the 'ADC driver' thing ? |
21:16:28 | petur | mostly reading buttons & co |
21:16:37 | saratoga | gregj: I believe its for teh wolfson codec's ADC |
21:16:37 | gregj | only SPI thing I know is 'simple programming interface', thing used to program and debugg embeded cpus |
21:16:40 | gregj | but that's probably not it |
21:17:09 | saratoga | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_Peripheral_Interface_Bus |
21:17:39 | gregj | but it works, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hear anything - right ? |
21:17:42 | gregj | ok, this one I know too |
21:17:44 | gregj | thanks :) |
21:18:07 | gregj | most embeded audio things use it |
21:18:13 | saratoga | well ADCs are for recording, but I believe it is working now |
21:18:18 | gregj | like hardware mp3 decoders, voip dsps, and stuff |
21:18:24 | gregj | kind'of |
21:18:35 | gregj | if i start recording, playback doesn't work anymore |
21:18:42 | gregj | I have to reset the boc |
21:18:43 | gregj | box |
21:18:59 | saratoga | amiconn: does this look ok: #define unaligned32(a) (*(uint32_t*)(a)) |
21:19:30 | linuxstb | saratoga: You've copied a load of ffmpeg stuff into the wmadeci.c file? |
21:19:59 | amiconn | Not at all... |
21:20:34 | amiconn | If a were actually unaligned, it would cause an exception on arm |
21:21:06 | * | gregj is trying to find something to hack for himself, like within hour or two |
21:21:40 | petur | gregj: start with setting up the crosscompiler, that will take some time ;) |
21:21:49 | gregj | I got it compiled and on the box |
21:21:55 | gregj | I have 4 way pentium D here |
21:21:59 | gregj | so.. |
21:22:02 | gregj | it wasn't that long ;) |
21:22:15 | gregj | I already compiled rockbox, and put that on my device |
21:22:26 | gregj | :P |
21:22:27 | | Quit The-Compiler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:23:56 | saratoga | linuxstb: actually, someone else did that and I just never changed it back |
21:24:12 | linuxstb | Well, I never did.... IMO it needs fixing. |
21:24:33 | saratoga | i'd rather leave it alone for now |
21:24:42 | linuxstb | e.g. there is the wmadecodecontext struct shared between wma.c and wmadeci.c with different definitions... |
21:24:45 | saratoga | i can fix it once we have something working |
21:24:57 | linuxstb | I think you need to fix it in order to have something working... |
21:25:05 | petur | :) |
21:25:19 | | Part chrisjs169 ("Konversation terminated!") |
21:25:25 | saratoga | what wma.c ? |
21:25:27 | EnterUserName | where's there the good custom firmwares |
21:25:29 | EnterUserName | for nano ipod |
21:25:34 | linuxstb | The codec. |
21:25:38 | EnterUserName | which one should i do for videos any suggesstions? |
21:25:43 | gregj | thanks to you guys I can listein to another 500 oggs I have :) makes my day |
21:26:01 | linuxstb | The codec declares the wmadecodecontext struct (and allocates the memory for it), and passes a pointer to it to the wmadeci.c functions. |
21:26:06 | EnterUserName | U know the ppl who compiled it from source and added patches |
21:26:10 | saratoga | linuxstb: I don't have a wma.c except for the one you added as part of the codec interface |
21:26:30 | linuxstb | Yes, that's the one I mean. |
21:27:11 | saratoga | oh wow, just noticed wmadec.h |
21:27:12 | EnterUserName | anyone? can someone help me find a link :) |
21:27:27 | saratoga | EnterUserName: they're called unsupported builds for a reason |
21:27:31 | EnterUserName | thank u |
21:27:32 | EnterUserName | found it |
21:28:06 | saratoga | this is a problem |
21:29:20 | EnterUserName | I think i have an older senabs build.. |
21:29:28 | EnterUserName | it seemed to work good |
21:31:09 | EnterUserName | does the latest firmware on rockbox's site accept album art? |
21:31:26 | lazka | EnterUserName: no |
21:31:26 | petur | no |
21:31:29 | EnterUserName | ok |
21:32:16 | EnterUserName | anyone using senabs build? |
21:32:27 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
21:32:33 | | Nick swolbhsub is now known as bushblows (n=bushblow@ |
21:32:44 | | Part kaaloo |
21:33:15 | EnterUserName | anyone compiling from source using gentoo? |
21:34:01 | * | gregj renews the question, anything simple that I can do for starters - usefull ? |
21:34:34 | petur | gregj: try making a plugin |
21:34:39 | gregj | I can alreayd see - for my personal benefit - I can make the metronome plugin bit more future complette |
21:35:00 | petur | so go get started |
21:35:13 | petur | post your code to the tracker |
21:35:41 | amiconn | Now if I knew what 0x70000034 _actually_ does :\ |
21:36:08 | petur | gregj: you know that we have a real name policy? We only accept code if you give your real name to be put in the credits file |
21:36:45 | gregj | easy easy |
21:36:47 | gregj | I am not a bot |
21:36:48 | gregj | :P |
21:36:57 | gregj | are you a man:<yes> <no> |
21:36:57 | gregj | :D |
21:37:02 | * | petur is just mentioning up front |
21:37:05 | gregj | sure |
21:37:23 | gregj | where do you want me to fly to, and who to kiss/shag/buy a beer |
21:37:25 | petur | we had some anonimity freaks before |
21:37:37 | gregj | but first - I want to try to do something that works |
21:38:04 | gregj | I already see that you guys could use some architectural help, but most of the ideas I had - I can see already written down on 'todo' pages |
21:38:09 | * | amiconn should have checked boost ratio before the change |
21:38:40 | gregj | my guess is that for instance - cpu saving code - is quite half finished |
21:39:15 | gregj | question number two, is there a way for kernel to know how much cpu is used currently? (like on 'top') - this would be usefull for freq scaling |
21:39:42 | amiconn | We *do* freq scaling |
21:39:49 | gregj | I know |
21:40:01 | gregj | but it seems to have problems, is it feature complete ? |
21:40:54 | gregj | also - someone mentioned, that it is causing problems in ipod - so... |
21:41:09 | | Quit KlrSpz () |
21:41:27 | amiconn | I am working at that very problem |
21:41:39 | gregj | alright, got you - I am trying to make a plugin |
21:41:40 | amiconn | CPU scaling on PP5020 causes occasional freezes |
21:41:41 | gregj | heh |
21:41:56 | amiconn | Now if we had a datasheet... but we don't |
21:42:12 | amiconn | Portalplayer is the kind of "keep it secret" company, unfortunately |
21:42:38 | scorche | well, nvidia now |
21:42:49 | petur | not any better ;) |
21:43:19 | gregj | ok, so question regarding plugins |
21:43:33 | | Quit Ryuu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:43:33 | | Quit HellDragon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:43:35 | gregj | I copied over hello world, to some other name, added it to SOURCES |
21:43:41 | gregj | what's next |
21:43:47 | | Join HellDragon [0] (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
21:44:09 | petur | build? |
21:44:11 | scorche | compile |
21:44:15 | gregj | yeah, I did that |
21:44:27 | gregj | but can't find my file in rocks/ |
21:44:34 | gregj | which means - eee |
21:44:34 | | Nick HellDragon is now known as Ryuu (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
21:44:53 | scorche | was it compiled? |
21:44:54 | | Join c250Owner [0] (i=44ce4ef1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-40a776a324c149fb) |
21:44:59 | gregj | fsck knows |
21:45:21 | scorche | well, there is a reason you see what goes on in the compiling process....scroll up |
21:45:24 | gregj | doesn't seem to |
21:45:28 | c250Owner | Is anything being done to put Rockbox on the Sansa c200 series? |
21:45:39 | gregj | anywhere else I need to add it ? |
21:45:45 | scorche | c250Owner: not atm |
21:45:47 | | Join HellDragon [0] (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
21:45:57 | * | amiconn wonders whether handling 0x70000034 does the trick, and what other impacts it has (battery runtime etc) |
21:46:04 | c250Owner | Alright, thanks |
21:46:07 | | Quit c250Owner (Client Quit) |
21:46:16 | amiconn | At least I have it running, and it *seems* to work like the OF would do it |
21:46:42 | gregj | amiconn: about that PP, so you're not able to register as developer there - and get some sheets, or even sign a document - that will not allow you to release docs, but source - yeah |
21:46:42 | amiconn | Interestingly enough, boost ratio on mini g1 and mini g2 is different when playing the same album (!) |
21:46:45 | petur | how do you tell? |
21:47:05 | gregj | right, so how can I make sure my plugin do compile ? |
21:47:08 | amiconn | gregj: You need to sign an NDA (and probably pay $$$) |
21:47:33 | amiconn | But even without the $$$, docs under NDA are mostly useless in the opensource world |
21:47:45 | gregj | usualy not |
21:48:13 | amiconn | linuxstb: Playing an ~128kbps AAC album, I get ~60% boost on mini g2, and ~55% boost on mini g1. |
21:48:21 | gregj | see, I work for opensource company (xensource), we have access to docs and stuff from intel and amd, under nda |
21:48:30 | | Part Soroosh |
21:48:30 | scorche | gregj: http://kerneltrap.org/node/7729 |
21:48:35 | gregj | but we develop software that's mostly opensource (around 50%) |
21:48:40 | gregj | but |
21:48:45 | gregj | please tell me what's with plugins |
21:49:51 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
21:49:53 | amiconn | linuxstb: No crash so far... |
21:50:31 | amiconn | (I know that doesn't mean much at this point... :-| ) |
21:50:40 | scorche | gregj: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HowtoWritePlugins |
21:51:01 | EnterUserName | HEy i know its not supported but does anyone use EVilg's build? |
21:52:20 | EnterUserName | Can someone tell me if evilg's work with nano? |
21:52:25 | petur | gregj: make sure you didn't add your file to some ifdeffed section of SOURCES? |
21:52:27 | scorche | EnterUserName: have i not told you that they are unsupported for a reason? |
21:52:33 | EnterUserName | ok nevermind |
21:52:46 | saratoga | how do I revert my source to svn? |
21:52:47 | gregj | petur: yeah, I figured - waiting for make to finish |
21:52:48 | scorche | we have the unsupported builds area in the forums for a reason as well.. |
21:53:53 | EnterUserName | scorche: yup i figure i'd post a question |
21:56:11 | | Join SeanInglis [0] (i=566fa167@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ae7e1c1d76427112) |
21:56:41 | amiconn | If that fixes the freezes, I have a strong suspicion what actually caused them... |
21:57:36 | gregj | :/ |
21:58:11 | | Quit digin4 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:58:21 | preglow | amiconn: how long does it usually take for a crash to appear? |
21:58:32 | amiconn | ANything from minutes to hours |
21:58:33 | preglow | amiconn: what suspicion? :> |
21:58:33 | | Join digin4 [0] (n=nbo@ |
21:58:39 | amiconn | Timing.... |
21:59:25 | amiconn | If you touch the pll too early after switching to the fixed 24MHz source, things might not be fully decoupled yet |
21:59:28 | EnterUserName | HEy guys i cant find this in the wiki whats the Ipod Nano - SIm? |
21:59:46 | amiconn | I now added handling for the 0x70000034 register, and that goes in between... |
21:59:50 | saratoga | EnterUserName: theres a simulator for all rockbox targets |
21:59:54 | saratoga | check the wiki |
21:59:56 | SeanInglis | Dipping into IRC during the day, lots of discussion on frequency scaling. Any good links explaining what this is WRT Rockbox? (allowing the CPU to idle when there's no demand, as opposed to furiously doing nothing?) |
21:59:59 | petur | saratoga: I'm not an svn expert but I think: svn revert . -R |
22:00 |
22:00:32 | saratoga | petur: was missing the . |
22:00:34 | preglow | amiconn: what handling is there? not a wait-loop, i assume? that would have been a dead giveaway |
22:00:49 | amiconn | No |
22:01:06 | saratoga | SeanInglis: theres a wiki page for it somewhere, but yeah, thats the gist of it |
22:01:15 | * | linuxstb listens to a wma file on his gigabeat... |
22:01:18 | scorche | "Frequency scaling is, in computer architecture, the technique of ramping a processor's frequency so as to achieve performance gains." |
22:01:21 | amiconn | register 0x70000034 needs a frequency-dependent value to be set (in both bit 0..3 and 8..1) |
22:01:33 | preglow | \o/ |
22:01:36 | amiconn | This was the calculation I was analysing |
22:01:37 | preglow | linuxstb: wooot |
22:01:39 | saratoga | hmm I did an SVN revert and now linuxstb's patch doesn't compile |
22:01:45 | linuxstb | Sounds like a bag of shit... |
22:01:48 | EnterUserName | ahh thanx saratoga i get it |
22:01:51 | preglow | well, of course it does |
22:01:53 | preglow | it's still rockbox |
22:01:59 | scorche | haha |
22:02:12 | saratoga | heh looks like linuxstb fixed the problem while i was battleing SVB |
22:02:14 | saratoga | SVN |
22:02:16 | amiconn | Erm, that would be bits 8..11 |
22:02:36 | gregj | it still doesn't make that plugin |
22:02:37 | gregj | shait |
22:02:46 | linuxstb | saratoga: I just removed a lot of the code that didn't belong in wmadeci.c, and restored the original ffmpeg files. It still needs some more cleaning though. |
22:02:58 | linuxstb | (my cleaned versions of the ffmpeg files) |
22:03:15 | saratoga | linuxstb: can you send me what you have? |
22:03:16 | * | amiconn wants a turbo for the G5.5's emergency disk mode :/ |
22:04:15 | gregj | btw, how many exactly implementations of mdct, huffman, and friends do yo uguys have there ? |
22:04:18 | gregj | I already can see about 4 |
22:04:19 | gregj | :> |
22:04:23 | * | gregj ducks |
22:04:26 | preglow | gregj: well, each codec that needs one has its own |
22:04:44 | preglow | wouldn't make any sense to put them in the core anyway |
22:04:51 | markun | gregj: if it's possible to share some code, maybe you can work on that? |
22:04:55 | linuxstb | saratoga: http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/wmapatch-v2.diff |
22:05:19 | SeanInglis | Ah, so effective frequency scaling equates to better battery life, broadly speaking. In the changes you're currently wrestling with, are you at full pelt by default, and tweaking downards when appropriate then? (promise I'll head to the wiki in a tick :-)) |
22:05:34 | markun | gregj: would be interesting to compare the speed of the fft based implementations with the normal imdct ones |
22:05:56 | scorche | SeanInglis: we boost when something that needs it comes up, and turn it back down when it doesnt need it anymore |
22:06:17 | gregj | markun: yeah, having like one MM library would be indeed cool |
22:06:33 | scorche | on targets that work fine with freqscal that is.. |
22:06:41 | linuxstb | saratoga: Running test_codec on the gigabeat gives 272% realtime. |
22:06:58 | saratoga | haha |
22:06:59 | markun | gregj: but maybe they all use different fixed point precisions |
22:07:10 | gregj | no idea |
22:07:16 | gregj | it is probably too big for me for starters |
22:07:20 | preglow | linuxstb: bitrate? |
22:07:27 | gregj | like i said, I already see some room for improvements in metronome plugin |
22:07:27 | saratoga | gregj: the wma codec uses an MDCT based on the FFT in 17.15 fixed precision |
22:07:42 | linuxstb | preglow: 80kbps |
22:07:43 | * | gregj is musician, 2nd skin after programming |
22:07:49 | preglow | well, that's not too bad |
22:07:56 | saratoga | i believe MAD uses a similar approach except with 2.30 fixed |
22:08:05 | preglow | saratoga: mad uses no fft for the imdct |
22:08:07 | gregj | you can start by reusing some other code in wma implementation than :) |
22:08:12 | amiconn | linuxstb: Could you please run a test on your color? |
22:08:21 | amiconn | amiconn.dyndns.org/pp5020_2.diff">http://amiconn.dyndns.org/pp5020_2.diff |
22:08:30 | preglow | saratoga: also, it uses s3.28 precision :) |
22:08:34 | linuxstb | Sure. Give me a few minutes to run a test_codec with the wma codec first, then I'll try your patch. |
22:08:59 | gregj | amiconn: what it does ? |
22:09:06 | gregj | I can give it a go on mine ipod photo |
22:09:06 | SeanInglis | scorche: ...and hopefully those that don't *currently* seem "fine" by the looks of it. Bon courage anyway. |
22:09:14 | amiconn | It should avoid the freezes on pp5020 devices |
22:09:32 | amiconn | ...by handling clock setup more correctly (aka more like the OF does) |
22:10:42 | saratoga | is the pure MDCT approach preferable to the FFT based one? |
22:11:03 | SeanInglis | Worth reading up on by the sound of it. Thanks folks. |
22:11:04 | | Part SeanInglis |
22:11:09 | saratoga | also, I really don't understand why svn revert breaks my source |
22:11:17 | preglow | saratoga: depends how you look at it, from an accuracy viewpoint, it might be |
22:11:22 | linuxstb | amiconn: Is it correct that that patch contains fewer files than your first one? |
22:11:23 | saratoga | is there someone to force it to revert completely? |
22:11:28 | preglow | saratoga: but with an efficient fft the combo will be faster |
22:11:33 | amiconn | linuxstb: Yes. It's against svn... |
22:11:35 | linuxstb | saratoga: rm -fr always works... |
22:12:03 | gregj | amiconn: you sure this patch doesn't make it explode in smoke ? |
22:12:12 | gregj | amiconn: build finishes, just will give it a shot :) |
22:12:21 | preglow | saratoga: also, a fast direct approach needs factorisation i think is dependent on size, so you don't get a function that can work for multiple sizes |
22:12:33 | preglow | disregard broken english |
22:12:38 | saratoga | preglow: that makes sense |
22:12:52 | saratoga | and also not very interesting to me then, since I need 6 sizes |
22:13:40 | preglow | deed |
22:14:25 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:14:26 | EnterUserName | how long does it take for the forums to send you out an email for registering/ |
22:14:32 | | Part kaaloo |
22:14:46 | * | amiconn wonders whether he should try to max out the cpu |
22:14:56 | amiconn | I.e. set 80MHz for CPUFREQ_MAX |
22:15:40 | gregj | amiconn: so far it works okay |
22:15:56 | gregj | amiconn: if you need any specific tests, let me know, I want to help :) |
22:16:28 | linuxstb | saratoga: It feels about 50% realtime on my ipod - I'm still waiting for the test to finish... |
22:16:44 | amiconn | The main part here is testing for extended times on many devices |
22:16:56 | gregj | how do I do that |
22:17:00 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:17:04 | | Part kaaloo |
22:17:24 | amiconn | There should be no freeze "out of nowhere" anymore |
22:17:33 | preglow | linuxstb: i'd say that is pretty decent |
22:17:39 | saratoga | linuxstb: thats pretty awesome considering we're doing 64 bit multiplies for everything |
22:17:48 | amiconn | Just let it play music, preferably such formats where the cpu needs to boost/unboost often |
22:18:02 | gregj | amiconn: just froze |
22:18:08 | gregj | amiconn: 2:50 into the song |
22:18:10 | gregj | dead |
22:18:13 | amiconn | hmm :/ |
22:18:22 | gregj | no info on the screen whatsoevre |
22:18:28 | gregj | but I am compiling in "normal" mode |
22:18:39 | linuxstb | preglow, saratoga Better than that - 71% realtime (same 80kbps file) |
22:19:06 | preglow | saratoga: why do you use 64x64 multiplies? do you actually need the coef precision? |
22:19:07 | linuxstb | It's still broken on Coldfire though - I blame my asf parser... |
22:19:23 | saratoga | preglow: no, but theres no way to do a 32x32->64 one in c |
22:19:27 | saratoga | at least that I can think of |
22:19:34 | preglow | saratoga: true, true |
22:19:41 | gregj | amiconn: funny it just stops |
22:19:47 | saratoga | a few lines of asm should make for a nice speedup |
22:20:00 | gregj | amiconn: make you are turning on 'sleep' mode, or 'step by step' mode, or something |
22:20:03 | gregj | dunno |
22:20:13 | preglow | saratoga: though i have observed gcc being clever enough to use a 32x32 asm instruction |
22:20:32 | preglow | saratoga: basically, if it is apparant that the multiplicands are 32 bit, the up-casting to 64 won't matter |
22:20:46 | gregj | amiconn: it was working very well on yesterday's snapshot, it is only today's that I have problems (with) |
22:20:48 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:20:52 | | Join saratoga2 [0] (i=980398fe@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-16f531f8dba9bf58) |
22:20:57 | preglow | saratoga2: didya get that? |
22:21:35 | saratoga2 | preglow: didn't i show you the asm for that function ages ago? |
22:21:51 | amiconn | linuxstb: Could you send me a .bin of the color's OF? I'd like to compare routines... |
22:21:54 | saratoga2 | it was definately 64x64, and quite dumb too |
22:21:55 | preglow | hrm, i think you did, but i can't remember what i said about it |
22:22:13 | | Join rhet [0] (n=carlie@ |
22:22:38 | saratoga2 | preglow: I will get it in a couple seconds when the logs load |
22:22:50 | gregj | udelay(500); /* wait for relock */ |
22:23:02 | gregj | sounds like candidate for unwelcomed states |
22:23:12 | preglow | i think retailos uses that wait too |
22:23:18 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:23:20 | amiconn | It does |
22:23:23 | | Part kaaloo |
22:23:24 | * | gregj extends it to 1500 |
22:23:34 | amiconn | The OF uses 500 |
22:23:40 | EnterUserName | Hi i'm having problems with the forums where do i go for help for that |
22:23:49 | scorche | EnterUserName: what problems? |
22:23:53 | gregj | udelays are nice, when you are able to check if hardware catched up |
22:23:55 | gregj | anyway |
22:23:57 | amiconn | On the video it's even reduced to 255 (but never used as there is no video with PP5020) |
22:24:36 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
22:24:40 | EnterUserName | I haevn't gotten an email validation yet and i want to make sure it has the correct emaila ddress |
22:25:23 | gregj | shaite, it crashed on usb handler - damn |
22:25:28 | saratoga2 | davegermiquet at gmail ? |
22:25:34 | preglow | perhaps |
22:25:53 | EnterUserName | yup |
22:26:00 | gregj | nope, that was only me |
22:26:03 | EnterUserName | thats the right one |
22:26:22 | EnterUserName | thank u |
22:26:27 | EnterUserName | i'll wait for activation. |
22:26:52 | gregj | lets give it a go with extendend usleeps |
22:27:46 | saratoga2 | ok going to start testing this |
22:27:56 | saratoga2 | preglow: will you be on later tonight if I have questions? |
22:28:08 | preglow | how late? |
22:28:12 | rhet | i have a question..i have a mac formatted ipod..if i format it to fat32 will i be able to synch it with itunes on a mac after installing rockbox? |
22:28:18 | preglow | i'll be on four hours from now, but no later, i'd guess |
22:28:21 | linuxstb | rhet: Yes. |
22:28:43 | rhet | alright cool. thanks linuxstb |
22:28:57 | saratoga2 | mainly i'm wondering about the MAD asm code for doing fixed multiplies |
22:29:06 | EnterUserName | saratoga2: when i click on send a reactivation it says 'An error has occurred" then says a new activation email has succesfully been sent is that normal? |
22:29:33 | gregj | amiconn: works like a charm.. so far |
22:29:36 | saratoga2 | EnterUserName: I have no idea, I don't actually know much about the forums, I just clicked on your user profile and read the email address |
22:29:40 | gregj | amiconn: twice as longer than previous one |
22:29:44 | EnterUserName | oh ok |
22:29:51 | preglow | saratoga2: and i'm fairly intimate with that code, yes |
22:29:59 | gregj | amiconn: so my guess is - there is something about those usleeps that apple does afterwards, they must check some flags, and stuff |
22:30:09 | saratoga2 | preglow: i wanted to try that with my stuff |
22:30:23 | saratoga2 | seems like all i need to do is change the constants for the decimal point |
22:30:23 | gregj | amiconn: usleep is better than for() - in terms of bat usage (probably0 |
22:30:34 | saratoga2 | any reason you can think of thats not going to work? |
22:30:47 | amiconn | gregj: Checked the source? There is no usleep() |
22:30:58 | gregj | well, I do work with hardware - on os level everyday, but those are 'big boyz' - amd/intel |
22:31:02 | gregj | amiconn: so what it does ? |
22:31:11 | amiconn | And I am looking at the clock setting routine in a disassebler |
22:31:15 | preglow | saratoga2: do you use lots of different fixed point formats? |
22:31:19 | gregj | void usleep(int){}; ? |
22:31:25 | saratoga2 | preglow: just two |
22:31:32 | preglow | which are? |
22:31:38 | saratoga2 | and only 1 in the performance critical parts |
22:31:46 | saratoga2 | 17.15 I believe |
22:31:51 | | Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) |
22:31:52 | saratoga2 | let me double check, its been a while |
22:31:57 | preglow | hmm, 17.15 is not good |
22:32:05 | preglow | that is, for coldfire, heh |
22:32:10 | preglow | for arm it doesn't matter too much |
22:32:11 | amiconn | gregj: rockbox has udelay() and sleep(). The former only exists on portalplayer targets, and the latter is useless here, as it works in multiples of timer ticks |
22:32:13 | * | linuxstb wants to commit this wma codec, but not with it broken on coldfire... |
22:32:18 | gregj | amiconn: edelay |
22:32:19 | gregj | amiconn: sorry |
22:32:33 | gregj | amiconn: I changed all udelay(500) to udelay(2000) |
22:32:42 | gregj | magic, works so far for ~10 mins |
22:32:48 | saratoga2 | preglow: sorry, its actually 16.16 |
22:32:49 | preglow | linuxstb: 'fraid i don't have the time to be involved with any actual testing/coding right now :/ |
22:33:10 | gregj | amiconn: that's 7 minutes longer than previously (on average it made up to 3 mins) |
22:33:13 | saratoga2 | i have no problem with leaving this as a patch anyway |
22:33:28 | saratoga2 | we're just going to get about a billion sansa users complaining if we commit it before its real time anyway |
22:33:32 | preglow | the sooner it's in svn, the better |
22:33:39 | saratoga2 | and half of them will decide to format their recovery partition to see if it helps |
22:33:43 | preglow | we'll just not enable it |
22:33:48 | preglow | hahahah |
22:33:58 | linuxstb | preglow: Don't worry, I wasn't asking - I'm sure it's my asf parser that's broken on coldfire, I'm about to investigate now. |
22:34:01 | saratoga2 | ok that'd be fine |
22:34:12 | preglow | linuxstb: sure, know that, it's just that i'd love to help but can't |
22:34:12 | gregj | amiconn: if it is going to last longer, I will start to really laugh very loud :) |
22:34:19 | saratoga2 | i was planning to just post a patched build on anythingbutipod once we get it real time and ask for broken samples anyway |
22:34:30 | gregj | amiconn: I know this kind of issue, with udelays, and stuff - from my own expierence.. |
22:34:31 | | Quit Siltaar ("Aurevoir - www.fdn.fr/~sdescarp") |
22:34:33 | gregj | :) |
22:34:37 | saratoga2 | i'm sure theres tons of stuff that should be fixed before we let normal users near this thing |
22:34:50 | linuxstb | Lots of Rockbox is like that... |
22:34:52 | preglow | well, we have been known to let users try out unstable stuff... |
22:35:10 | gregj | pah |
22:35:12 | gregj | crash |
22:35:12 | gregj | :D |
22:35:15 | linuxstb | No-one reads the changelogs anyway... |
22:35:16 | saratoga2 | preglow: why is 17.15 a problem on coldfire? |
22:35:24 | gregj | udelay(5000) ? |
22:35:33 | gregj | if that will last even longer, trace would be clear |
22:35:42 | * | gregj gievs it ago |
22:35:42 | amiconn | No it wouldn't |
22:35:51 | amiconn | OF uses 500 and doesn't crash |
22:35:53 | preglow | saratoga2: because the 32x32->64 mul instruction we have there only preserves the top 32 bits |
22:36:03 | preglow | saratoga2: top 40, actually, but only the top 32 are accessible really fast |
22:36:10 | * | linuxstb should try getting the sim working on his (PPC) ibook |
22:36:13 | preglow | saratoga2: but anyway, don't care about that for now |
22:36:21 | gregj | amiconn: what's OF ? |
22:36:21 | saratoga2 | can do |
22:36:23 | gregj | openfirmware ? |
22:36:31 | scorche | original |
22:36:34 | gregj | oh |
22:36:42 | saratoga2 | i need to switch buildings, bye |
22:36:46 | | Quit saratoga2 ("CGI:IRC") |
22:36:51 | | Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") |
22:37:16 | gregj | amiconn: than obviously it is something else, some tiny little detail |
22:37:51 | preglow | amiconn: i think retailos switches freqs far, far less frequent than we do anyway |
22:38:00 | gregj | amiconn: but anyway, if it wasn't clear - yesterday's version was working okay |
22:38:13 | gregj | amiconn: so that means - all those changes are not brining in any stability |
22:38:19 | gregj | at least here |
22:40:05 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
22:44:33 | amiconn | linuxstb: Haha, know what? Even the ipod color OF has the pp5022 check.... |
22:44:52 | gregj | :] |
22:45:11 | Bagder | most likely due to it being in the SDK they use I'd say... |
22:45:11 | gregj | 6min- no cash |
22:45:12 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-433fd4e39fae3576) |
22:45:12 | gregj | crash |
22:45:20 | saratoga | ok great its working on my gigabeat |
22:45:34 | amiconn | But it also has that magic 0x600060A0 handling as the video, but unlike the minis |
22:45:59 | amiconn | Bagder: Yeah, but the color is from before-pp5022 times... |
22:46:25 | Bagder | but is the firmware you check really from pre-pp5022? |
22:46:38 | Bagder | I mean, pre even in PortalPlayer's labs |
22:46:41 | amiconn | Good quiestion... |
22:46:50 | Bagder | since they most likely do the SDK |
22:46:55 | linuxstb | The firmware is from August 2006 I think. |
22:47:04 | Bagder | or did rather |
22:47:48 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:47:54 | | Part kaaloo |
22:47:59 | amiconn | ummmmmm |
22:48:03 | * | amiconn slaps forehead |
22:48:12 | amiconn | Just noticed that my magic value is wrong... |
22:48:15 | gregj | light bulbs flying around ? |
22:48:16 | markun | saratoga: nice! |
22:48:16 | gregj | :D |
22:48:38 | saratoga | markun: thank linuxstb, he got it working |
22:48:40 | scorche | Bagder: there are a few decisions to be made with the new theme repository that seem to only be able to be answered by a swede...care to help? |
22:48:44 | * | amiconn blames beer and late evening y'day |
22:48:55 | amiconn | Couldn't distinguish a B from an 8 |
22:49:01 | * | petur discovers the beer highlight works |
22:49:04 | markun | linuxstb: nice :) |
22:49:16 | saratoga | now to see if we can get it real time on the PP chips |
22:49:21 | * | gregj mumbles something about hex numbers better to be displayed in lowercase |
22:49:36 | amiconn | Tell that the disassembler... |
22:49:38 | * | preglow raises a bottle of aass bock and exclaims "cheers!" |
22:50:06 | * | gregj doesn't wanna know what 'ass bock' is |
22:50:29 | preglow | saratoga: it already is faster than a lot of other codecs were at first |
22:50:29 | amiconn | gregj: Yould try something: change the udelay back to 500, and then change the 0xd198 in line 185 to read 0xd19b |
22:50:30 | Bagder | scorche: sure, but isn't that a topic better suited for a mailing list discussion or similar? |
22:50:38 | gregj | amiconn: ok, give us the patch to test than :) |
22:50:47 | gregj | amiconn: okie dokie |
22:50:50 | gregj | stand by |
22:50:59 | gregj | it works for 10 minutes again |
22:51:00 | gregj | :D |
22:51:02 | scorche | Bagder: well, it deals with the site itself, so mainly just swedes |
22:52:24 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:52:35 | saratoga | preglow: I put some efffort into speeding i up as I went along, but mostly its because the codec is based heavily on the vorbis decoder, and so is pretty good to begin with |
22:52:46 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5643.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:52:53 | * | petur wonders if the swedes are occupied by a dead camel on the road |
22:52:54 | Bagder | scorche: are we talking about hosting stuff on our servers now? |
22:52:59 | saratoga | preglow: can you look at mad_f_mul(x, y) in fixed.h and tell me what it does? |
22:53:00 | Bagder | oh yes |
22:53:20 | preglow | saratoga: sure |
22:53:24 | saratoga | verses MAD_F_MLX ? |
22:53:33 | scorche | Bagder: well, as you likely read, we decided to move away from the wiki based system, and move to a r-t.org type style |
22:53:45 | saratoga | basically, which one is the fixed multiply |
22:53:57 | Bagder | scorche: yes, that's the only sensible thing |
22:54:07 | saratoga | guessing mad_f_mul but I'm not sure why the others are there |
22:54:12 | | Join sean__ [0] (n=sean@ip68-9-70-202.ri.ri.cox.net) |
22:54:41 | Bagder | scorche: but still, since Redbreva has a system setup for it, it also makes sense to use his... |
22:55:08 | gregj | amiconn: ok, trying it now |
22:55:18 | preglow | saratoga: both are, mad_f_mul does a 32x32 multiply with a 64 bit result in two registers, then adjusts for fixed point format and stores the upper part of the result in a 32 bit register |
22:55:37 | sean__ | how can i have ipodlinux and rockbox live harmoniously? (5.5) |
22:55:43 | preglow | saratoga: MAD_F_MLX just does a 32x32 multiply and leaves the 64 bit answer unadjusted in two 32 bit variables |
22:56:14 | saratoga | preglow: so I want to use mad_f_mul then |
22:56:37 | | Join DoctorPeper [0] (i=4a841a2a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7fb60a7f661397e7) |
22:56:46 | saratoga | i don't understand the line " "M" (MAD_F_SCALEBITS), "M" (32 - MAD_F_SCALEBITS) \" |
22:57:06 | preglow | saratoga: indeedey, but it depends on your fixed point format, then, this one assumes MAD_F_SCALEBITS is defined to be the number of fractional bits in your fixed point format |
22:57:22 | sean__ | how can i add rockbox to the iplboot thing? |
22:57:27 | saratoga | thats saying to do shift right by adding zero? |
22:57:35 | preglow | sean__: by going to #ipodlinux and asking |
22:57:43 | sean__ | fair enough |
22:57:58 | saratoga | sorry I mean "do a shift, right? by adding 0" |
22:58:06 | | Part sean__ ("Ex-Chat") |
22:58:12 | saratoga | why does it take two constants though? |
22:58:17 | gregj | amiconn: bang, crashed after 3mins |
22:58:36 | gregj | I will change usleeps to 255,and see, I am really sticking to that theory |
22:58:44 | preglow | because there are two shifts, namely (hightpart << x) and (lowpart >> (32 - x)) |
22:58:45 | scorche | Bagder: indeed it does, but the one thing i came up against is if we make his site official, the copyrighted material themes will disappear, and i think that there are a lot of people who would have quite a negative effect with that...i was curious if you were at all opposed to having themes.rockbox.org point to the official section of r-t.org with no links to the unofficial section (which would be redbreva's and we would ahve no access o |
22:58:48 | scorche | themes we would be |
22:59:10 | saratoga | preglow: oh so thats doing two shifts at once |
22:59:17 | DoctorPeper | I was browsing the Flyspray thingamajig and i found a page on a rockbox startup sound. this sounds like a cool thing to do. what would you need to do to get this working |
22:59:18 | saratoga | i didn't realize that was possible in arm |
22:59:22 | Bagder | scorche: nope, I would be happy do arrange that |
22:59:28 | Bagder | s/do/to |
22:59:38 | preglow | saratoga: well, it's not, really, there are two instructions doing the shifting, one mov for the first, and an adc for the second |
22:59:48 | gregj | DoctorPeper: the worse idea ever, I don't want it to do any sounds on startup.. |
22:59:50 | preglow | saratoga: arm supports doing shifts in parallell for a lot of instructions |
22:59:50 | Bagder | and that was what I wanted Redbreva to do from the start... |
23:00 |
23:00:00 | gregj | maybe apart from 'welcome master, awaiting orders' |
23:00:05 | gregj | ;] |
23:00:28 | scorche | Bagder: and have r-t.org split up into an official version and redbreva's personal theme collection (with anything he wants on there) on a different subdomain and not linked on our official section? |
23:00:30 | saratoga | preglow: so doing " "M" (16), "M" (16) \" would mean I'm shifting both registers by 16 then? |
23:00:38 | preglow | saratoga: indeed |
23:00:50 | preglow | saratoga: which is what you'd want for your .16 format |
23:01:10 | Bagder | scorche: I really don't care what happens to the existing one, as long as we can get an "official" one with fine themes on it |
23:01:15 | scorche | alright |
23:01:22 | * | amiconn adds a debug readout for 0x600060a0 |
23:01:23 | preglow | saratoga: does the code do any multiply-accumulate operations? i'd guess not |
23:01:35 | gregj | amiconn: want me to test something mroe ? |
23:01:40 | saratoga | preglow: theres more then a few places it could do them |
23:01:42 | DoctorPeper | Funny... But in the article. It talks about being able to disable it and to change the sound. I still suport it. Whos with me?!?!?! |
23:01:42 | scorche | Bagder: then i will let you know when i need something from you =) |
23:01:47 | saratoga | will try that next |
23:01:55 | Bagder | scorche: I'll stand by! ;-) |
23:02:02 | preglow | saratoga: cool, since you'd benefit from using another set of macros for that |
23:02:07 | * | scorche is set up with an FTP account to copy.rockbox-themes.org and is working on the official version |
23:02:16 | preglow | saratoga: or preferably, of course, asm. i'll have a look at that when i don't have deadlines looming over my head |
23:03:42 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:04:10 | gregj | amiconn: it seems that this change has no impact whatsoever (line 185) |
23:04:29 | gregj | amiconn: I have G4/photo/color or whatever ti is called this week |
23:04:37 | | Quit ompaul ("Leaving") |
23:04:51 | saratoga | preglow: thats fine, I'm ok with asm, just not arm or gcc's, so this will be a good excuse to learn about it |
23:05:06 | DoctorPeper | Does anyone like the idea of a start-up sound |
23:05:31 | preglow | saratoga: you'll find it all a quick study, i expect, arm asm is pretty straight forward and gcc's syntax is very nice when you get to know it |
23:05:47 | preglow | feel free to ask whenever while i'm still here |
23:05:53 | gregj | amiconn: I changed udelay to 255, crash after 2mins |
23:05:57 | amiconn | preglow: Btw, where is this pll denominator value '8' from? ipl? arbitrary? |
23:06:03 | * | gregj see the pattern emerging |
23:06:06 | preglow | saratoga: btw, just found out i'll probably have internet access for the next two weeks too, but it'll be more sporadic |
23:06:46 | saratoga | if I don't see you online, i'll try email |
23:07:05 | preglow | i'll be around until thursday now anyway |
23:07:39 | DoctorPeper | Startup sound? Anybody?! |
23:07:54 | preglow | amiconn: hmm, you mean the ones in the pll_control = line? |
23:08:14 | amiconn | yes |
23:08:31 | DoctorPeper | scorche: do you want a startup sound? |
23:08:35 | preglow | amiconn: i'm quite certain i got that from discussion with the ipl people |
23:08:39 | scorche | huh? |
23:09:01 | preglow | amiconn: but not verified through re or anything like that |
23:09:04 | DoctorPeper | Look at the startup sound flyspray |
23:09:42 | | Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) |
23:10:19 | DoctorPeper | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5395?histring=startup |
23:10:31 | preglow | amiconn: what parameter does the retailos function take? mhz? some arbitrary integer? |
23:10:36 | DoctorPeper | ;) |
23:10:45 | saratoga | preglow: 311% realtime :) |
23:10:46 | amiconn | preglow: It takes 3 parameters.... |
23:11:02 | amiconn | First 2 are numerator and denominator for the pll |
23:11:21 | amiconn | The last one is a post-divider that only seems to work on pp5022 (??) |
23:11:25 | preglow | saratoga: holy fecking shit, does that output white noise or what? |
23:11:37 | saratoga | preglow: this is on the gigabeat |
23:11:40 | preglow | ahhaha |
23:11:41 | preglow | gooood |
23:11:43 | saratoga | haha |
23:11:43 | preglow | i forgot that |
23:11:48 | saratoga | yeah it plays fine though |
23:11:53 | preglow | still good |
23:12:07 | saratoga | maybe 400% means it'll work on the PP players? |
23:12:09 | preglow | anyway, did you mention what the other fixed point format you use is? |
23:12:16 | saratoga | 1.31 |
23:12:19 | preglow | saratoga: possibly, but we want wider margins than that anyway |
23:12:37 | saratoga | sorry, 2.30 I guess since its signed |
23:12:51 | saratoga | no, 1.31 |
23:13:13 | saratoga | actually, I change the precision all the time as I go, but theres only two types of multiplies |
23:13:17 | preglow | s0.31 or 1.31? i like to include information on signedness |
23:13:26 | | Quit DoctorPeper ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:13:43 | saratoga | range is +1 to -1 |
23:14:01 | preglow | extremely cool that's ideally suited to coldfire |
23:14:05 | saratoga | its the multiply used for anything to do with trig functions |
23:14:17 | saratoga | now to make it fast |
23:14:20 | preglow | but we'll see about that later anyway, for some reason i always keep coldfire in mind :) |
23:14:52 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Connection timed out) |
23:14:54 | amiconn | Well, at least coldfire is documented |
23:15:19 | preglow | yeah, but it's also the least common denominator when you think about fixed point maths |
23:15:35 | preglow | the arm part is well documented anyway |
23:15:53 | amiconn | Only the core |
23:15:53 | preglow | i enjoy coding for coldfire the most anyway |
23:16:02 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF70CB.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:16:07 | preglow | my favourite target is still the h1x0 |
23:18:12 | saratoga | preglow: the asm version of the 1.31 multiply is no faster |
23:18:19 | saratoga | maybe gcc is smart enough to figure that one out |
23:18:27 | preglow | perhaps, it depends on the code |
23:18:30 | saratoga | or rather 0.31 |
23:18:49 | preglow | well, the sign bit does behave as an int bit, so 1.31 is the most descriptive |
23:18:55 | | Quit rhet ("Leaving") |
23:19:05 | saratoga | ok, wasn't sure what the convention was |
23:19:06 | preglow | it's just me being weird and using 's' as a prefix for sign, heh |
23:19:15 | preglow | the convention is Q1.31 or something |
23:19:21 | saratoga | i tend to think of the whole number as 16 bits anyway since its twos comp |
23:19:22 | preglow | but that still doesn't tell me if there's a sign bit |
23:19:46 | saratoga | true |
23:19:52 | saratoga | well i'm off to the gym |
23:19:56 | preglow | have fun |
23:20:00 | saratoga | i consider this a good afternoons work |
23:20:05 | saratoga | will do the really fun stuff tonight |
23:20:05 | preglow | and you should, heh |
23:21:03 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:21:05 | preglow | probably won't be around thanks to bedtime, but feel free to pelt me with whatever questions you might have in gtalk/gmail/whatever |
23:21:13 | preglow | that was for the logs, apparently |
23:27:19 | | Join webguest52 [0] (i=44610111@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4a67beaa7856220a) |
23:27:52 | webguest52 | cn anyone help me real quick |
23:28:05 | * | amiconn is running a test with pll denominator == 4 and CPUFREQ_MAX == 78 MHz |
23:28:39 | preglow | and first impressions are...? |
23:28:46 | * | linuxstb has fixed wma for coldfire |
23:28:58 | digin4 | how do i enable shuffle in nano? |
23:29:02 | amiconn | Boost ratio is a bit lower, and it works |
23:29:13 | amiconn | But it worked for a whole album y'day as well |
23:29:18 | webguest52 | how do i put .flac files on my ipod without using itunes |
23:29:21 | preglow | linuxstb: speed test, ples |
23:29:28 | amiconn | (with old pll setup) |
23:29:31 | webguest52 | i'm dumb |
23:29:37 | linuxstb | preglow: Give me a week... |
23:29:48 | amiconn | I'll let it play overnight if it doesn't crash before... |
23:29:50 | scorche | webguest52: just a plain copy will work.. |
23:29:55 | linuxstb | (it's running, or rather walking, now) |
23:30:08 | webguest52 | a plain copy? |
23:30:12 | webguest52 | just drag it? |
23:30:19 | scorche | yes |
23:30:20 | preglow | linuxstb: so not crawling? good news!11 |
23:30:30 | webguest52 | it shows up in files but not in database |
23:31:12 | linuxstb | Have you updated your database? |
23:31:27 | webguest52 | how? heh |
23:31:38 | linuxstb | Dunno, but the manual does. |
23:32:03 | bluebrother | enable auto-update of the database or manually update the database from the settings menu. |
23:32:20 | bluebrother | the manual has the exact path through the menu to that entry ... |
23:32:35 | amiconn | preglow: I wonder whether I should even go for 32/80 MHz instead of 30/78 (with denominator == 3, which is the default setup on mini g1 from the apple loader) |
23:32:41 | webguest52 | ah thank you |
23:32:49 | amiconn | But the 32 will cost battery... |
23:33:00 | webguest52 | should i load to ram? |
23:33:36 | bluebrother | depends on your usage. If you use it a lot you most likely would want to load it to ram. |
23:33:49 | digin4 | how do i enable shuffle in nano? |
23:33:51 | preglow | amiconn: deed |
23:34:10 | webguest52 | hmm i turned on auto update for the database but the songs are still in files and not in my database |
23:34:32 | bluebrother | well, you need to enable dircache and load the database to ram for that to work |
23:34:47 | bluebrother | and of course you need to reboot (as a splash should have told you) |
23:34:59 | bluebrother | but check the manual, it has all of this information ... |
23:35:08 | webguest52 | ahyeah i jus told me to reboo |
23:35:13 | webguest52 | thanks for your help |
23:35:16 | linuxstb | preglow: My estimate is about 5%-10%, I'll know the result in about 10-15 minutes... |
23:35:40 | amiconn | preglow: Of course we could also go 24/80, but that might be too sluggish especially on the G5.... |
23:35:50 | gregj | amiconn: well, svn up -r13741 firmware/target/arm/system-pp502x.c |
23:35:54 | gregj | amiconn: and the box is stable again :) |
23:36:10 | gregj | amiconn: why are yo upushing for those changes anyway ? |
23:36:22 | amiconn | Because you're just lucky |
23:37:05 | amiconn | Before my changes, the mini g1 I have here for testing already froze at boot with 50% probability |
23:37:22 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:37:30 | amiconn | If it didn't, it was merely possible to browse a minute or 2. Playing music? No way... |
23:38:22 | gregj | fairenough |
23:38:27 | | Quit webguest52 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:38:31 | gregj | but like I said - on my box it only gets worse |
23:39:05 | gregj | so either this just makes another bug worse, or makes the whole thing worse and you are fixing wrong bug |
23:39:09 | gregj | dunno to be honest |
23:40:12 | pixelma | IIRC linuxstb reported that it's always been this way - some builds were more stable than others (without code changes)... |
23:40:37 | scorche | seemingly random |
23:41:03 | gregj | well, if I use the one I mentioned - it is rock solid stable |
23:41:10 | gregj | played on it for a half of the day |
23:41:19 | gregj | apart from rpoblems with batery, no other issue |
23:41:19 | gregj | s |
23:41:49 | amiconn | linuxstb, gregj: My latest patch amiconn.dyndns.org/pp5020_3.diff">http://amiconn.dyndns.org/pp5020_3.diff |
23:41:50 | gregj | if it is a luck, I wish I had that much luck with lotery tickets |
23:41:52 | digin4 | 8) |
23:42:35 | gregj | amiconn: so yo ualso changed: pll_control = 0x8a020000 | 8 | (postmult << 8); |
23:42:43 | gregj | amiconn: besides last change I tested |
23:42:49 | amiconn | Not only |
23:43:01 | amiconn | There are related changes in .h files |
23:43:26 | amiconn | If you just change the 8 to 4, you will overclock the cpu by a factor of 2 |
23:44:36 | amiconn | linuxstb, gregj: Also, if you try this patch, check the debug menu (i/o ports) for the value of CLOCK_0xA0 |
23:44:45 | amiconn | I expect it to be 0, but you never know... |
23:45:23 | * | amiconn wonders where all the H10 owners are gone |
23:46:07 | * | scorche wondered if they existed at all |
23:46:20 | amiconn | Well, there must have been some |
23:46:30 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
23:46:49 | | Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp121-45-27-101.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) |
23:46:53 | * | petur knows one personally.... can always contact him if required |
23:47:07 | Bagder | speaking of that, it's been a while since barry was around |
23:47:26 | gregj | amiconn: so you want me to configure that build in debug mode ? |
23:47:32 | gregj | amiconn: I use 'normal' usualy |
23:47:36 | amiconn | nope |
23:47:40 | amiconn | Just normal build |
23:47:49 | amiconn | Debug builds don't work for ipod anyway |
23:48:28 | amiconn | ...as there is no way of communication, and hence no gdb stub |
23:48:34 | | Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-179-79.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
23:48:42 | gregj | amiconn: system->debug |
23:48:46 | gregj | amiconn: and than what |
23:48:54 | amiconn | view i/o ports |
23:48:57 | gregj | view io |
23:49:17 | gregj | clock a0 is: |
23:49:24 | gregj | 0xC0000000 |
23:49:25 | gregj | all the time |
23:49:30 | amiconn | Ahaaaa! |
23:49:40 | amiconn | Now that makes sense... no voodoo involved |
23:49:44 | gregj | :] |
23:49:51 | amiconn | On alll my 3 PP targets it's 0 |
23:49:57 | | Join Desiato [0] (i=4bc162a8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3b6fc0e592d29606) |
23:49:58 | amiconn | ...all the time |
23:49:59 | gregj | see, I am helpfull - apart from the fact that I am pain in the arse, and whiner |
23:50:00 | gregj | :P |
23:50:07 | gregj | well |
23:50:11 | gregj | don't ask |
23:50:14 | Bagder | oh, the zune-linux site was compromized and is currently gone |
23:50:15 | gregj | and - frozen |
23:50:16 | gregj | again |
23:50:20 | bluebrother | Bagder: was just wondering about the devcon t-shirts −− are there leftovers? ;-) |
23:50:22 | linuxstb | preglow: Not as bad as I estimated - 18% realtime on Coldfire (80kbps wma) |
23:50:24 | gregj | zune-linux |
23:50:25 | gregj | buahaha |
23:50:28 | amiconn | And the OF clock setting routine sets the top 2 bits to 0 while fiddling with the clock |
23:50:32 | scorche | and that you seem to have limited your lines to 2 words per... |
23:50:35 | gregj | amiconn: this was the fastest crash ever |
23:50:40 | gregj | amiconn: not even a minute |
23:50:44 | Bagder | gregj: hey, that site could cheer you up like few others ;-) |
23:50:48 | * | amiconn should add that as well |
23:50:52 | | Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) |
23:50:52 | linuxstb | gregj: Which ipod do you have? |
23:50:59 | gregj | photo/color |
23:51:02 | Bagder | bluebrother: yes, but I've not yet started to deal with them |
23:51:04 | gregj | 20GB |
23:51:13 | amiconn | linuxstb: Could you also check CLOCK_0xA0? |
23:51:20 | amiconn | Maybe the apple loaders are different... |
23:51:22 | linuxstb | With your #3 patch? |
23:51:24 | | Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) |
23:51:26 | amiconn | yes |
23:51:34 | gregj | wow |
23:51:35 | amiconn | That one adds the display of CLOCK_0xA= |
23:51:36 | gregj | running again |
23:51:41 | gregj | resurected after pluging in usb |
23:51:48 | amiconn | huh? |
23:51:50 | scorche | gregj: please try to place your thoughts on one line |
23:51:50 | bluebrother | nice ... /me hopes to notice that quick enough to get one ;-) |
23:51:51 | scorche | instead |
23:51:52 | scorche | of |
23:51:53 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK scorche |
23:51:53 | scorche | this |
23:52:13 | amiconn | Broken thoughts? |
23:52:19 | gregj | sort of resurected |
23:52:20 | amiconn | Happens to me as well |
23:52:22 | amiconn | sometimes |
23:52:34 | gregj | scorche: sure |
23:52:44 | scorche | yeah, but it gets annoying with it being done all the time...and it fills the logs up |
23:52:44 | gregj | scorche: I usualy want to add something later |
23:54:16 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
23:54:16 | * | bluebrother just stumbles upon the greyscale Rockboxed stuff |
23:54:27 | bluebrother | already more than 3 month ago :o |
23:54:28 | petur | nah, he just wants to make it in the irc stats for the shortest lines :p |
23:54:40 | gregj | amiconn: now my battery is gong, gotta recharge :) |
23:55:27 | scorche | petur: or most lines =P |
23:55:51 | gregj | there should be an option to just draw power from lead, but without usb disc kicking in |
23:56:15 | linuxstb | amiconn: CLOCK_0xA0 is C0000000 |
23:56:20 | gregj | :P |
23:56:24 | * | gregj smiles |
23:56:24 | amiconn | Very nteresting.... |
23:56:41 | petur | gregj: there is iirc, read the manual |
23:56:50 | pixelma | gregj: hold "menu" when plugging the usb cable - make sure you hold it for a while |
23:57:08 | petur | oh look, our walking manual |
23:57:37 | pixelma | :) |
23:58:05 | bluebrother | walking manual? |
23:58:29 | gregj | :] |
23:58:32 | gregj | thanks |