00:00:14 | saratoga2 | Frode_: since VS doesn't compile for ARM or Coldfire, thats not going to work |
00:00:19 | stripwax | Frode_ there's a lot of information in the wiki about how to setup the gcc tools on your pc. I build on a pc too. |
00:00:53 | Frode_ | saratoga2, ah, thats the reason ofcourse |
00:01:23 | Frode_ | stripwax, i did give cygwin a try earlier, without success.. so i kinda gave it all up there, hehe |
00:01:36 | stripwax | Frode_ - it's easiest way, i found anyway. |
00:01:49 | | Join Rincewind [0] (i=l7u4FBtY@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) |
00:01:49 | [Ray] | frode_: you can always fetch that preconfigured vmware image and work from that |
00:01:52 | stripwax | Davide-NYC : - strange, rebuilt and it's there now. was in Plugins before, now it's in Open With too. |
00:01:55 | * | stripwax runs the thing |
00:02:23 | Frode_ | [Ray]: oh.. how is that setup? for cygwin or? |
00:02:47 | Davide-NYC | good luck, I just had to reboot. I think it just doen't "release" codecs politely. (this is as precise as I'm ever going to get on this one) |
00:03:54 | | Quit Siltaar (Remote closed the connection) |
00:04:20 | | Join LocoTe [0] (n=Loco@modemcable227.108-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
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00:05:24 | | Quit belze_ ("Ich weiß deine Monster sind genau wie meine, und mit denen bleibt man besser nicht alleine.") |
00:05:49 | [Ray] | Frode_: native linux distribution, see the wiki for details |
00:06:06 | Frode_ | [Ray]: ok thx for the tip |
00:06:52 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@p5B09A36D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
00:08:36 | stripwax | interesting - ipod 320kbps mp3 is 178% realtime and 128kbps mp3 is only 185% realtime. highbirate decode more efficient (per bit)? those extra bits just easier to decode somehow or overhead? but 96kbps is 241% realtime. seems inconsistent |
00:08:41 | stripwax | ^5g |
00:10:10 | stripwax | does test_codec keep the cpu boosted or not? seems that a 192kbps took longer to decode than 320kbps, does not seem right |
00:10:43 | amiconn | Do you use the same track just encoded at different bitrates? |
00:10:53 | stripwax | (320kbps just happened to be the first track) |
00:10:55 | | Quit Frode_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:11:04 | stripwax | amiconn - yes. using the CodePerformanceComparison sampleset |
00:11:16 | stripwax | what Davide-NYC was discussing |
00:11:38 | stripwax | I'll post all results when I'm done.. |
00:11:52 | stripwax | ^Codec |
00:12:06 | | Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
00:12:23 | Davide-NYC | let me just say that there may be a better sample track out there. Something a bit less noisy with more dynamics and more fidelity. |
00:12:37 | Davide-NYC | but this one'll do for now. |
00:13:44 | * | stripwax just hit the codec-loading bug in test_codec, grah |
00:14:14 | saratoga2 | stripwax: test_codec boosts before decoding |
00:14:31 | | Quit davina ("xchat on Ubuntu 7.04") |
00:14:41 | stripwax | saratoga2 - cool, so should be unaffected by backlight fading in/out , accidentally brushing scrollwheel, etc |
00:16:42 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=Mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
00:16:44 | stripwax | wonder how 320 decode was faster than 192 |
00:18:27 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:19:57 | | Quit hannesd (Connection timed out) |
00:20:10 | Davide-NYC | stripwax: that's for mp3s? I just posted some results |
00:20:25 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) |
00:20:34 | | Quit ender` (" It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then it's fun and games you can't see.") |
00:20:40 | stripwax | yep. vorbis decode seems more consistent |
00:20:57 | | Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
00:21:10 | * | stripwax looks |
00:21:16 | Davide-NYC | general question: at what point do we deem a codec optimized? |
00:21:17 | stripwax | Davide-NYC : - hm, the wma is a longer file duration ? |
00:21:41 | Davide-NYC | maybe the encoder chucks silence? |
00:22:00 | * | Davide-NYC remembers that there is no silence in the sample file |
00:22:16 | Llorean | Davide-NYC: What do you mean by "at what point"? |
00:22:19 | linuxstb | stripwax: No, the asf parser doesn't seem to give an accurate file duration |
00:22:26 | stripwax | ok |
00:22:31 | Davide-NYC | at what percentage of realtime decoding |
00:22:39 | Llorean | There is no specific percentage. |
00:22:42 | Llorean | There can't be |
00:22:42 | stripwax | > 100% for all useful bitrates? |
00:22:52 | linuxstb | I would say closer to 200% |
00:22:56 | Davide-NYC | it would have to be well over %100 |
00:22:57 | Llorean | You might need 130% or higher on the iPod video for it to play without skips, while 103% might do on the H120 |
00:22:57 | Davide-NYC | yeah |
00:23:17 | Davide-NYC | so ballpark %200 |
00:23:33 | Llorean | Why pick a percentage, it's misleading. |
00:23:53 | linuxstb | Why is a percentage misleading? How else can you judge it? |
00:23:54 | Llorean | There is no point where optimization is 'done' anyway. |
00:24:05 | Llorean | linuxstb: It's misleading if you're using a percentage to say a codec is "optimized" |
00:24:14 | linuxstb | No, but there's a point where a codec is useful... |
00:24:17 | Llorean | Yeah |
00:24:23 | stripwax | Llorean - is there a better metric to say how efficient the codec is? |
00:24:24 | Llorean | But that's a different question from what he asked. |
00:24:29 | Davide-NYC | I'm trying to save everyone time. For "mature" codecs it seems pointless to do extensive testing |
00:24:47 | Davide-NYC | if it runs at %400 it's not a priority |
00:25:08 | Llorean | There are basically three states for a codec: Plays realtime without DSP effects, plays realtime with all DSP effects enabled, and doesn't boost (I suppose you could add doesn't boost with DSP effects enabled) |
00:25:26 | saratoga2 | i'd consider a well optimized codec one that runs with minimum boosting reasonibly possible |
00:25:38 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
00:25:42 | Llorean | I'd consider "mature" one that doesn't skip with DSP effects on. |
00:25:58 | Llorean | Basically, one that allows the full use of Rockbox functionality. |
00:26:03 | Davide-NYC | true true and true. |
00:26:08 | linuxstb | The idea in the past was, for each combination of codec and target, to benchmark a "typical" bitrate, and to benchmark the highest bitrate (or whatever is slowest to decode for a particular format - e.g. for APE, lower bitrates are harder to decode). |
00:26:18 | amiconn | No boosting would be a nice goal |
00:26:27 | amiconn | (under normal circumstances) |
00:26:28 | Llorean | No boosting would be a great goal. |
00:26:43 | amiconn | Well, mp3 achieves this goal on coldfire |
00:27:18 | Llorean | Davide-NYC: What you could do is figure out what % realtime is necessary on a target to play without skipping. A "calibration" as it were. Then figure out what percent is necessary with DSP settings on. |
00:27:32 | stripwax | fair enough. lets say we have a codec X that runs at Y% realtime as a benchmark and is fast enough to run realtime with all DSP effects. Is %age realtime not a good benchmark for comparing other codecs to this one (even to see roughly how fast they are)? |
00:27:40 | stripwax | heh. what Llorean said. |
00:27:45 | Davide-NYC | Llorean: isn't this also WPS dependat? |
00:27:51 | stripwax | peakmeters.. |
00:28:02 | Llorean | Depends on the target. |
00:28:17 | Llorean | But for this purpose, we could say "Rockbox default with removed peakmeters"? |
00:28:25 | Llorean | At least for the base realtime score. |
00:28:28 | Davide-NYC | I say leave the peakmeters |
00:28:45 | Llorean | Actually, use iCatcher. |
00:29:20 | Davide-NYC | right the test_codec plugin doesn't have peakmeters or any WPS for that matter so I guess it's moot? |
00:29:22 | Llorean | Closer to a realistic WPS, and either going to be our default, or likely to have similar performance characteristics to whatever will become the default. |
00:29:58 | stripwax | a dummy codec that just uses up CPU and emits a signal that enables us to detect if it's skipping or not? |
00:29:59 | Davide-NYC | stripwax: is it possible you had a codec crash during that 320kbps decode? |
00:30:03 | stripwax | it didn't |
00:30:08 | stripwax | was the first one |
00:30:20 | pixelma | before saratoga2's latest changes wma ran at 105% realtime on my M5 which still caused skipping now and then - even with a "calm" wps. Now at 122% it doesn't anymore - including a test on a wps with peakmeters (but then scrolling lines were slow) |
00:30:51 | pixelma | a 128kbps track |
00:32:03 | Llorean | So, what does 128kbps MP3 decode at on coldfire? |
00:32:13 | Davide-NYC | over %400 |
00:33:18 | amiconn | Even 192kbps decodes >500% realtime on cf |
00:33:54 | amiconn | preglow did a great job on libmad |
00:34:10 | Davide-NYC | hear hear! |
00:34:23 | Llorean | And WMA is approximately realtime on CF now? |
00:34:32 | amiconn | yes |
00:34:35 | Davide-NYC | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CodecPerformanceComparison |
00:34:52 | amiconn | It's already usable (didn't try a colour cf target with peakmeters yet) |
00:35:04 | pixelma | as I just said ;) |
00:36:23 | | Quit sargun (Remote closed the connection) |
00:36:40 | | Quit ]RowaN[ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:36:49 | Davide-NYC | The test_codec plugin crashes a lot making testing a bit tedious. I'm constantly rebooting my h140 |
00:36:53 | Llorean | Davide-NYC: Why is there a set of tools to use to create the sample audio files, rather than just a list of sample audio files? |
00:37:15 | Llorean | I think the test_codec plugin gets stack overflows right at the end, or at least, I know it did on my Sansa at one point. |
00:37:32 | amiconn | test_codec messes up codec swapping |
00:37:33 | Davide-NYC | a lot less to download |
00:37:46 | amiconn | With voice enabled, it always crashes on exit |
00:38:06 | Davide-NYC | without voice enabled it crashes quite a bit. |
00:38:09 | amiconn | And I think there are also problems with voice disabled |
00:38:15 | Davide-NYC | :) |
00:38:30 | Llorean | Davide-NYC: Yes, but also useless for anyone not running a compatible OS. |
00:38:38 | Davide-NYC | true |
00:38:44 | stripwax | shall I upload the resulting files somewhere? |
00:38:51 | Llorean | Our only option is to use our own encoders, which can result in differing files. |
00:39:26 | | Quit LocoTe () |
00:39:26 | Davide-NYC | OK, but before we do all of that maybe we should see if we can find a better sample file. |
00:39:27 | * | Llorean goes back to getting caught up. |
00:39:43 | DerPapst | Good night everyone ;) |
00:39:50 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
00:40:12 | scorche | Llorean: i assume you would be willing to be one of those with access to r-t.org? |
00:40:20 | Llorean | scorche: Aye |
00:41:01 | amiconn | Once we settled for the definitive test track, I can provide mp2 and mp1 encodings |
00:41:28 | stripwax | Davide-NYC : - hm, mine didn't actually generate any wma files .. |
00:41:50 | Davide-NYC | did you install the WME9 package? |
00:42:06 | stripwax | yep |
00:42:09 | Davide-NYC | hmm |
00:42:20 | stripwax | just tried reruning encode.bat, seems an error message speeds past the screen way too fast to read. |
00:42:46 | Davide-NYC | crizzap |
00:43:27 | Davide-NYC | I may have botched the link |
00:43:31 | Davide-NYC | try this |
00:43:31 | stripwax | WScript.CreateObject: Could not locate automation class named "WMEndEng.WMEncoder" |
00:43:32 | Davide-NYC | http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5691ba02-e496-465a-bba9-b2f1182cdf24&displaylang=en |
00:43:58 | * | stripwax tries.. |
00:44:05 | stripwax | ^WMEncEng not WMEndEng in error, sorry |
00:44:22 | Davide-NYC | sorry |
00:45:00 | stripwax | should i uninstall the other package then .. ? :-) |
00:45:44 | | Join thegeek [0] (i=thegeek@ti521110a080-5005.bb.online.no) |
00:48:19 | stripwax | ok, wma works now ;-) |
00:51:48 | Davide-NYC | sweet. I fixed the link in the twiki |
00:51:52 | stripwax | ta |
00:54:24 | | Join Guile` [0] (n=Guile@ |
00:57:04 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC") |
00:58:27 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
00:59:25 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
00:59:40 | | Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
01:00 |
01:01:27 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:01:46 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
01:02:28 | saratoga2 | does anyone have a good resource on how the MDCT works ? |
01:02:39 | saratoga2 | i'm trying to figure out why the pre and post roation code works the way it does |
01:02:53 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:03:00 | stripwax | hm, how can I change/check my twiki password? |
01:03:40 | stripwax | nemmind. will reset password. |
01:04:09 | | Join safetydan [0] (i=cbca159f@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
01:06:21 | | Quit entheh (Remote closed the connection) |
01:06:23 | merbanan | saratoga2: I'll mail you some papers, but basicly the cos function is expanded to e^'s and then some trig identities split them to a form that maps to a complex fft |
01:06:45 | merbanan | with the addition of the pre and post rotation steps |
01:07:01 | stripwax | Davide-NYC : - nice stats! will have mine up shortly |
01:07:14 | | Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-246-6.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
01:08:10 | Davide-NYC | oh man, I just realized they are all out of order. |
01:08:38 | stripwax | i reordered for you :-) |
01:08:40 | Davide-NYC | I must have had shuffle or random on or something. |
01:08:45 | Davide-NYC | thanks! |
01:09:14 | stripwax | nah, i have the exact same order for mine too. perhaps the order the files were copied to device? |
01:09:49 | saratoga2 | merbanan: can I ask you about the roation steps? |
01:09:52 | Davide-NYC | wierd |
01:09:53 | | Nick Ryuu is now known as HellDragon (n=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
01:09:57 | saratoga2 | the ffmpeg code doesn't something very odd with them |
01:09:58 | linuxstb | stripwax: Yes, test_codec just processes the files in the order they appear in the directory (i.e. the order returned by readdir()) - it doesn't sort them. |
01:10:39 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf ("Verlassend") |
01:10:47 | saratoga2 | as they step through the nagles of sin and cos, they add 0.125/block_length to the phase of each angle |
01:10:49 | merbanan | saratoga2: sure but I reserve the right to not know the answer :), what do you need to know ? |
01:11:05 | saratoga2 | that makes a really tiny difference |
01:11:31 | saratoga2 | any idea why they do it? |
01:11:34 | | Part dan_a |
01:11:48 | saratoga2 | if i could toss that factor out, I could make things quite a lot faster |
01:12:24 | safetydan | Any reason not all codecs are listed on the CodecPerformanceComparison page? Seems we're missing ALAC and Speex at least. |
01:12:31 | amiconn | Hmm, does wma need an mdct that's replaced with an fft or the other way round? |
01:12:31 | merbanan | saratoga2: what is the name of the function ? |
01:12:59 | | Quit Guile`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:13:07 | pixelma | safetydan: and ape |
01:13:13 | saratoga2 | ff_mdct_init |
01:13:22 | Davide-NYC | safetydan: never heard of these, wil gladly nclude them |
01:13:28 | saratoga2 | the value of alpha is what i'm wondering about |
01:13:29 | Davide-NYC | urghh APE |
01:13:35 | saratoga2 | that 1/8 correction seems very odd |
01:13:48 | saratoga2 | amiconn: what do you mean? |
01:13:53 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:14:06 | linuxstb | stripwax, Davide-NYC: Any reason why the table contains the column headings in the cells (e.g. Decode time, File duration, realtime)? |
01:14:38 | Davide-NYC | Oh, I was just trying to clean things up and left it. It's unnecessary |
01:15:01 | pixelma | may I ask what "wassat" is? |
01:15:05 | Davide-NYC | the plugin output is player friendly but wiki unfriendly |
01:15:14 | linuxstb | Feel free to patch... |
01:15:21 | Davide-NYC | I have no idea what the second column data is exactly |
01:15:25 | | Quit Robin0800 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:15:25 | safetydan | Davide-NYC: There's also MPC, ADX, Shorten, and AIFF/WAV though obviously the last one isn't needed. See http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SoundCodecs#Current_status |
01:15:29 | linuxstb | You could even make it output wiki markup... |
01:15:55 | Davide-NYC | anyone care to supply me with an itunes-less ALAC encoder |
01:16:27 | amiconn | safetydan: WAV is actually multiple codecs, some of which might be worth testing |
01:16:28 | Davide-NYC | linuxstb: contributing to RB has a bi-annual even for me :-( |
01:16:28 | linuxstb | I think dbpoweramp have their own ALAC encoder |
01:17:49 | | Part chrisjs169_ ("Konversation terminated!") |
01:18:59 | stripwax | done for 5g 64mb. mpc also. |
01:19:15 | Davide-NYC | MPC was crashing on me. I have the results now |
01:19:26 | merbanan | saratoga2: ok, I don't know the exact reason why the 1/8 is there, but it is needed for the transform to be revertable |
01:19:44 | stripwax | strange, can't find my weird mp3 data. output logs make sense |
01:19:51 | stripwax | maybe the screen output was garbaged |
01:20:40 | merbanan | saratoga2: anyway you shouldn't runtime calculate constant tables on embedded targets |
01:21:26 | Davide-NYC | MPC DATA ON THERE NOW |
01:21:33 | Davide-NYC | (sorry about the screming) |
01:21:46 | merbanan | saratoga2: just precalculate them, you should do the same for the vlc tables |
01:21:47 | stripwax | I didn't do wavpack + flac, worth doing? |
01:22:05 | saratoga2 | merbanan: they're computed when the codec is initialized |
01:22:16 | Davide-NYC | stripwax: flac no. maybe wavpack. |
01:22:55 | saratoga2 | merbanan: removing that 1/8 means I could merge all 5 MDCT rotation windows into 1 window, saving a lot of memory and fitting it all into IRAM |
01:22:57 | Davide-NYC | actually, I don;t know. do them and then we'll have a better idea for the future. |
01:23:01 | Davide-NYC | gotta go. |
01:23:03 | stripwax | ok |
01:23:09 | | Quit Davide-NYC ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
01:23:20 | saratoga2 | i tested it out and the RMS error between the before and after files is -73dB |
01:25:10 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
01:25:36 | merbanan | saratoga2: the tremor mdct uses linear interpolation for something, it might be those factors |
01:28:17 | merbanan | anyway if -73dB is less then +- 1 bit then it might be worth the sacrifice |
01:30:19 | merbanan | um, less then +-2 bits |
01:31:19 | stripwax | ok, flac and wavpack up for ipod too |
01:31:23 | stripwax | gotta go now, gnight |
01:35:27 | | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) |
01:38:12 | | Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
01:38:32 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
01:40:56 | | Part pixelma |
01:44:03 | Soul-Slayer | Is the ipod mini build currently stable? |
01:46:09 | | Quit entheh ("^~") |
01:49:09 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
01:49:36 | merbanan | saratoga2: if you use this shortcut then there should be a value that would minimize the distortion of the error introduced should be 0<1/8 |
01:57:16 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:59:21 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:00 |
02:01:21 | | Quit Rincewind ("Cya") |
02:02:14 | saratoga2 | merbanan: yeah I figured, i'm just apprehsive doing that since I have no idea what that factor was even supposed to do |
02:02:37 | saratoga2 | i want to figure that out before I commit any changes to it |
02:05:55 | | Quit petur ("Zzzz") |
02:07:32 | saratoga2 | merbanan: interestingly, faad uses the same 1/8 factor |
02:08:37 | saratoga2 | heh, if I go for this trick, it should work on FAAD too |
02:09:00 | | Join lymeca_ [0] (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca) |
02:11:27 | linuxstb | saratoga2: I've got a couple of cosmetic comments about your last commits - 1) You're using TABs; 2) I think it's better to delete old code from the .c file (it's still visible in the SVN history), rather than commenting it out. In fact, wnadeci,c seems to contain a lot of commented out code, which it would be nice to remove now it's in SVN. |
02:12:59 | saratoga2 | linuxstb: I'll start converting my tabs to spaces from now on |
02:14:12 | linuxstb | A code-cleanup commit (with only whitespace changes) would be nice, rather than mixing it with functional changes. |
02:15:20 | | Join qwx [0] (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
02:17:37 | saratoga2 | ok, i'll do that now |
02:19:12 | | Quit JdGordon_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:24:22 | | Quit lymeca (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:26:34 | RoC_MasterMind | Why are tabs bad? |
02:31:08 | safetydan | RoC_MasterMind: it's easier if everyone uses the same indentation method. Mixing spaces and tabs leads to badness. Rockbox has settled on spaces only for indentation. Hence, tabs are bad. |
02:31:30 | RoC_MasterMind | ahh |
02:31:38 | Llorean | Tabs can also vary in apparent size depending on the editor you're using, right? |
02:31:44 | RoC_MasterMind | How many spaces is a tab? |
02:31:48 | scorche | we use 4 |
02:31:55 | RoC_MasterMind | is that pretty normal? |
02:32:03 | scorche | Llorean: it is able to be specified in many |
02:32:06 | linuxstb | RoC_MasterMind: That's the problem (or one of them) - there's no standard "X spaces is a tab" |
02:32:08 | scorche | RoC_MasterMind: yes |
02:32:17 | scorche | 4 is the "typical" though |
02:33:01 | RoC_MasterMind | Thanks. |
02:33:01 | | Quit qwm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:34:15 | | Join fiveofoh [0] (n=Owner@dsl-205-134-214-138.lacey-1.reachoneinternet.net) |
02:34:36 | fiveofoh | Hey, I'm looking for a wiki confirmation, of whatever you call it :) |
02:34:43 | fiveofoh | JoelBradshaw being my username |
02:35:09 | fiveofoh | "Wiki write permission" being the technical term I suppose |
02:35:46 | | Quit desowin ("use linux") |
02:35:52 | linuxstb | saratoga2: Thanks - that's looking much nicer now ;) |
02:35:52 | ze | you'd think one might like to take advantage of that "problem" with tabs... |
02:36:12 | scorche | what "advantage"? |
02:36:15 | ze | i.e. people like different tab widths... tab shows up as different widths depending on their editor configuration |
02:36:20 | ze | put the 2 problems together and you've got a solution :p |
02:36:28 | | Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp121-45-166-156.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) |
02:36:36 | scorche | spaces are more compatible than spaces are, in general |
02:36:58 | scorche | err....tabs on the second one |
02:37:02 | ze | heh |
02:37:48 | ze | yeah tabs can be weird... if i try to paste them i'll usually end up with an inverse I instead, at least on my screen |
02:37:55 | ze | in irssi |
02:40:19 | fiveofoh | Can someone give me write access? I'm working on starting a wiki page for the Sansa m200 |
02:41:30 | Battousai | is m better than e? |
02:41:39 | fiveofoh | no |
02:41:42 | Battousai | sweet |
02:42:13 | fiveofoh | Haha yeah but I own one :P |
02:42:19 | saratoga2 | i have a struct entry declared as "fixed32 *coefs;" but later when I try to set that equal to an array declared as "fixed32 coefsarray[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_MAX_SIZE] IBSS_ATTR;" it fails with a pointer mismatch error |
02:42:21 | fiveofoh | Just a sec, I need to scan my board :D |
02:42:30 | Battousai | scan? |
02:42:35 | saratoga2 | what am i forgetting about how c works |
02:43:02 | Battousai | well |
02:43:08 | Battousai | you'd need another pointer or *coefs[] |
02:43:56 | safetydan | ze, the problem comes when you mix tabs and spaces. Sometimes you don't want to indent a full tab stop so you use spaces, which then breaks for everyone else who has their tabs set to a different number of spaces. |
02:43:58 | Battousai | both of which count as another pointer i suppose |
02:44:38 | fiveofoh | Battousai: Yeah, scan my pcb |
02:44:49 | fiveofoh | Hmm, what dpi should I be scanning this at? |
02:44:56 | Battousai | 1200x1200 baby |
02:44:59 | Battousai | we need full disclosure |
02:45:05 | fiveofoh | I suppose as high as I can...which is like 4800 |
02:45:09 | Battousai | oh |
02:45:10 | Battousai | that works too |
02:45:11 | fiveofoh | I can always scale down :) |
02:45:20 | fiveofoh | Scaling up isn't so easy |
02:45:22 | fiveofoh | :P |
02:45:23 | ze | safetydan: well yeah mixing would be bad |
02:45:42 | * | scorche sighs |
02:45:46 | ze | safetydan: if you're gonna use tabs, then a single tab should be the shortest you use |
02:45:55 | scorche | fiveofoh: as long as we can read the chips, it is fine |
02:45:59 | saratoga2 | Battousai: what would I need? |
02:47:01 | scorche | fiveofoh: you have access...my batteries ran out of battery, so i couldnt before =/ |
02:47:04 | Battousai | you would have to declare coefsarray as **coefsarray instead of *coefsarray, if i understand your problem correctly |
02:48:02 | Battousai | i'm at the end of a long day so i could very well be misreading you |
02:48:14 | fiveofoh | scorche: Haha thanks :) |
02:49:01 | saratoga2 | Battousai: oh yeah, thanks |
02:49:33 | fiveofoh | Oh, btw, I was looking around and found this post |
02:49:34 | fiveofoh | http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2287&postcount=14 |
02:49:43 | fiveofoh | Can someone please find him and slap him for me? |
02:49:56 | Battousai | haha |
02:50:20 | Llorean | fiveofoh: That has nothing to do with Rockbox. Please try to keep the channel on-topic |
02:50:53 | fiveofoh | Oh okay |
02:50:57 | fiveofoh | Sorry |
02:51:13 | fiveofoh | (Well, it sort of does...it's in a thread about porting the sansa m240 to rockbox) |
02:51:15 | fiveofoh | But yeah |
02:51:24 | saratoga2 | i changed the type to "fixed32 **coefs" but I still get an incomptable pointer warning |
02:51:34 | fiveofoh | Point taken, I'm used to IRC being 90% off-topic :P |
02:53:22 | | Quit Entasis_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:00 |
03:00:03 | | Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:00:46 | saratoga2 | can anyone help me with my pointer question? |
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03:05:33 | jhMikeS | fixed32 (*coefs)[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_MAX_SIZE]; coef = (*coefs)[a][b] <== I think |
03:07:27 | saratoga2 | wouldn't that first part be a pointer to the 2D array? |
03:07:54 | jhMikeS | yes that's what I think was needed (I've no context though) |
03:08:16 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
03:08:19 | saratoga2 | i'm trying to declare a 2D array of fix32, and then point to it from a struct |
03:08:56 | jhMikeS | then the pointer to array is what's needed |
03:08:57 | saratoga2 | basically, the struct had the 2D array inside it, I wanted to mvoe it to IRAM, so i changed it to a point and am trying to assign that pointer to the area in IRAM |
03:09:45 | jhMikeS | the second part accesses the element [a][b] |
03:10:15 | saratoga2 | yeah I know, but how does that help? |
03:11:40 | jhMikeS | The pointers should be compatible then |
03:13:18 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
03:14:11 | saratoga2 | to be clear, you're saying I should decleare fixed32 coefsarray[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_MAX_SIZE]; as the array, then fixed32 (*coefs)[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_MAX_SIZE]; in the struct and finally s->coef = (*coefs)[a][b] to assign it? |
03:15:32 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
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03:18:11 | jhMikeS | yes, iiuc what's being done |
03:18:39 | jhMikeS | wait, to assign the pointer or get the element? |
03:18:58 | saratoga2 | i dont' care about getting the element right now |
03:19:01 | jhMikeS | oh |
03:19:11 | saratoga2 | i just want to assign the array |
03:19:26 | jhMikeS | s->coef = coefs |
03:19:33 | | Join andrew__4 [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162079146.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) |
03:19:37 | saratoga2 | i've done this for a variety of structs and 1D arrays, I have no idea why this blows up for 2D |
03:19:49 | Battousai | you'd have to assign it by reference |
03:20:00 | saratoga2 | jhMikeS: yes i've tried that but it doesn't compile |
03:20:01 | Battousai | i guess c can do that on its own |
03:21:08 | jhMikeS | Battousai: yeah, perhaps as &coefs even a type cast as (fixed32 (*)[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_MAX_SIZE]) |
03:21:26 | Battousai | the compiler should usually take care of that though, right? |
03:21:52 | Battousai | like when passing arrays as arguments |
03:23:00 | jhMikeS | but fixed32 ** coefs won't know about the dimensions. 2d array as an arg knows the dimensions. |
03:24:53 | | Join TiMiD[FD] [0] (n=TiMiD[FD@asgard.valombre.net) |
03:29:15 | Nico_P | Llorean: hi |
03:29:49 | fiveofoh | Holy mackerel...is there a way to do a thumbnail on the wiki page? |
03:30:32 | saratoga2 | hmm, so trying to access the array now gives me trouble: *(s->coefs)[0][i] = a + b; |
03:30:48 | saratoga2 | "incompatable types" |
03:31:10 | jhMikeS | (*s->coefs)[0][i] |
03:33:22 | | Quit andrew__4 ("Lost terminal") |
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03:41:16 | | Quit BigMac (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:44:26 | * | fiveofoh makes his own small versions |
03:49:18 | saratoga2 | all that for a 5% speed up on ARM |
03:50:53 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
03:51:08 | fiveofoh | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaM200Port |
03:51:45 | fiveofoh | There we are...anything that I should add at this point? |
03:54:40 | | Join lymeca| [0] (n=lymeca@dsl-74-220-77-35.cruzio.com) |
03:56:31 | jhMikeS | saratoga2: perhaps try creating a local copy of the array pointer so it can be sure to have the address in a register. I really don't trust gcc regarding those matters. |
03:59:32 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
03:59:57 | saratoga2 | just commited |
04:00 |
04:00:00 | saratoga2 | will fix that |
04:04:56 | * | jhMikeS has to actually try this wma thingy he's been hearing about :p |
04:06:48 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
04:08:10 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
04:08:43 | saratoga2 | jhMikeS: oddly enough, creating a temp variable made that slightly slower |
04:09:02 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
04:09:14 | saratoga2 | 182% realtime verses 185% |
04:09:18 | jhMikeS | for arm or coldfire? |
04:09:22 | saratoga2 | ARM |
04:09:47 | | Quit lymeca_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:10:15 | jhMikeS | that stuff usually takes a lot experimenting with "what if"...some works some fails miserably |
04:12:09 | | Quit safetydan ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
04:12:28 | saratoga2 | theres only one loop anyway that accesses that variable, the rest its always passed to funtions that work on it |
04:12:32 | saratoga2 | or rather work on one channel's worth of it at a time |
04:13:22 | saratoga2 | anyway, if someone gets a chance, please try out the changes I made on coldfire |
04:13:28 | saratoga2 | i'll check the logs in the morning |
04:13:52 | jhMikeS | trying now |
04:16:18 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
04:16:51 | | Quit Soap_ () |
04:17:08 | saratoga2 | hmm i just noticed there doesn't appear to be a need to actually have three seperate buffers in the ff_imdct_calc function |
04:17:33 | saratoga2 | i could use the output as a scratch buffer, and then the input and finally the output again |
04:17:45 | saratoga2 | problem is the buffers have different types |
04:18:07 | saratoga2 | is there someway I can make the same block of memory be both a struct and an array? |
04:18:34 | | Quit hcs ("Leaving.") |
04:18:44 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
04:21:11 | Battousai | brick mania rocks my socks off |
04:21:21 | jhMikeS | about 81% boost on my x5 (192kbit) |
04:21:34 | jhMikeS | that codec doesn't yield very much does it? |
04:21:53 | saratoga2 | i think its just very slow on coldfire |
04:21:59 | saratoga2 | you didn't try test codec? |
04:22:08 | saratoga2 | it used to be around 125% |
04:22:10 | jhMikeS | no, I'm just getting a feel for it |
04:22:20 | saratoga2 | ah |
04:22:42 | jhMikeS | 81% boost shouldn't make the system so choppy. spc doesn't do that even at 90% boost |
04:24:10 | | Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) |
04:27:45 | jhMikeS | that outbuf is huge 262144 bytes :D |
04:30:43 | TiMiD[FD] | are there other people getting a stack overflow with the mpeg plugin on iriver h1x0 ? |
04:31:23 | TiMiD[FD] | since some days it crashes instantaneously |
04:31:36 | | Quit saratoga2 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
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04:41:44 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b72f833c902d4ec1) |
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04:53:53 | | Join saratoga2 [0] (i=Mike@dunes.bme.duke.edu) |
04:54:11 | saratoga2 | my crazy idea for in place MDCT actually worked |
04:54:24 | saratoga2 | should do a lot for coldfire I think |
04:54:47 | saratoga2 | just got to figure out how to compact a few more tables and I'll have essentially the entire MDCT/FFT/Windowing process out of IRAM |
04:58:06 | | Part EbErT |
04:59:42 | | Quit Soap () |
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05:22:44 | alienbiker99 | site is down again? |
05:23:47 | scorche | i can ping it |
05:24:13 | alienbiker99 | oh nevermind just slow |
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06:20:41 | sharap | does the 80G video ipod use the ipodvideo build or the ipodvideo64mb build? |
06:23:45 | alienbiker99 | 64 |
06:26:19 | sharap | thanks |
06:42:08 | | Join EMonk [0] (n=chatzill@125-238-30-51.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz) |
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07:37:44 | ptw419 | finally have a viable printf function for the gigabeat S serial port |
07:39:52 | scorche | JdGordon: i found you a new job |
07:39:59 | JdGordon | oh? |
07:40:27 | | Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) |
07:43:23 | Triple-z | anyone know if there is a specific rockbox chans for each player? |
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07:46:32 | scorche | Triple-z: there isnt |
07:47:02 | scorche | why would we?...rockbox's aim is to be as constant as possible through all targets |
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08:12:32 | * | amiconn had an interesting idea how to save battery power |
08:12:50 | amiconn | Will most certainly work on PP and probably work on cf |
08:13:31 | amiconn | If we set the PLL to bypass while the CPU is sleeping (both cores on PP), it should draw a little less power |
08:13:59 | amiconn | And switching PLL bypass doesn't need an expensive relock wait |
08:14:34 | amiconn | The problem on cf might be timer precision, as the prescaler(s) also need to be switched |
08:15:35 | amiconn | If this works, we should be able to choose the unboosted cpu clock somewhat higher on colour targets in order for better ui performance |
08:21:57 | | Quit petur ("home->work") |
08:23:11 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
08:24:00 | JdGordon | amiconn: wouldnt setting a higher unboosted speed cancel out the savings with the switching? |
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09:04:42 | TiMiD[FD] | oauis a/c |
09:04:52 | TiMiD[FD] | oops |
09:05:02 | TiMiD[FD] | an unfortunate paste |
09:05:06 | petur | shhh! |
09:05:45 | * | scorche has seen worse |
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09:06:21 | amiconn | JdGordon: No, since if the cpu has almost nothing to do, it will be sleeping most of the time, running at idle speed |
09:06:55 | amiconn | But you won't notice the idle speed in the form of sluggish ui response, because it can be switched to the standard clock in an instant |
09:07:59 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
09:09:08 | amiconn | In theory (if there were no overhead at all), we ould even get rid of the usual boosting business |
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09:19:16 | stripwax | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6705?histring=libmad mpa_removed_iram seems to give 20% speedup on 5g 64mb according to test_codec. will post results this evening |
09:20:50 | amiconn | There's the other libmad speedup patch (by tomal) |
09:21:39 | amiconn | I would like to commit it, but there is a problem with too much iram usage in mpegplayer |
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09:35:50 | * | petur saw http://musicthing.blogspot.com/2006/10/reactable-incredible-multi-user.html in action yesterday evening :) |
09:37:05 | Llorean | petur: Planning a Rockbox port? |
09:37:22 | petur | heh |
09:37:59 | | Quit sharap ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 2.0 Build 3515") |
09:38:25 | stripwax | amiconn - tracker # ? |
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09:39:11 | stripwax | amiconn - wait, isn't this the patch you're talking about anyway? |
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09:41:56 | amiconn | Ah, yes |
09:41:59 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
09:42:12 | amiconn | Didn't know that there was an update that solves the iram clash |
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09:44:20 | | Join nardul [0] (n=kse@0x50a13ed9.kjnxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) |
09:45:00 | nardul | Morning, just a quick question, what's the standard mAH on a 30GB ipod video? |
09:45:17 | nardul | I'm asking because the battery life estimator on my ipod is wildly inaccurate |
09:46:22 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host239-214-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
09:48:18 | petur | nardul: don't use that, it is not reliable at all |
09:48:25 | petur | use the % indication |
09:49:38 | amiconn | stripwax: The no_iram variant should be limited to libmad for mpegplayer |
09:49:48 | amiconn | (dunno if the patch already does that) |
09:50:16 | NHeal | (timeout) heinlein.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
09:50:53 | nardul | petur, I knwo it's not reliable, when fully charged it says 2.5 hours, and it lasts around 9 :) But i've seen there's an option to change the mAH on the battery in rockbox, that won't help a bit? |
09:50:58 | amiconn | Or maybe iram usage should be removed for pp5020+, but not for pp5002 and pnx0101 |
09:53:06 | Llorean | Do the fixes for CPU scaling, etc, resolve some of the problems that were happening with the current dual core implementation? |
09:55:03 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
09:59:58 | JdGordon | amiconn: ah ok, good luck with it then :) |
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10:00:01 | petur | nardul: battery time estimation for ipod isn't calibrated at all so while changing the mAh may help a bit it still won't be accurate. As I said, don't use it... |
10:00:22 | nardul | okay, thanks |
10:00:26 | | Join Paprica [0] (n=Paprica@ |
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11:05:41 | scorche | linuxstb_: around? |
11:08:18 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c58-109-97-210.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
11:11:56 | linuxstb_ | scorche: Yes. |
11:12:01 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
11:12:49 | scorche | is there any other reason than the play button depressed that would cause the bootloader to say the can't find linux.bin error? |
11:12:50 | | Quit kretender (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:12:55 | scorche | such as formatting? |
11:13:35 | linuxstb | I wouldn't have thought so. Let me check the source... |
11:14:35 | linuxstb | No, that code is within a "if (btn==BUTTON_PLAY)" test, so it should only be run if play is held. |
11:14:59 | linuxstb | Is someone experiencing that? |
11:15:30 | scorche | yes, but let me get a bit more info... |
11:17:09 | | Quit nardul ("Leaving") |
11:17:24 | linuxstb | amiconn: Regarding Tomal's libmad patch - yes, I think we should disable IRAM usage for all PP502x targets, and disable it in mpegplayer for the PP5002. Using #if(n)def MPEGPLAYER should work now. The patch on the tracker disables it unconditionally for PP IIRC. |
11:18:00 | linuxstb | amiconn: Also, I think preglow wanted to test the accuracy of the output before committing, but I don't think he's had chance yet. |
11:32:45 | | Quit perplexity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:35:10 | | Join perplexity [0] (n=joust@dxb-b124581.alshamil.net.ae) |
11:36:29 | linuxstb | saratoga: (for the logs) I don't know what WMA file people have been testing on Coldfire, but the Bangles track (80kbps) from mplayer's test directory is currently 151% realtime on my h140. |
11:37:13 | bluebrother | I just got 138% on h120 with a 192 kbps track |
11:39:35 | pixelma | ~142% with a 128kbps wma |
11:42:07 | * | amiconn got 138% with 128kbps wma |
11:42:35 | pixelma | hmm... but it seems I have a broken wma which locks up the player with the "write wav" option in test_codec - the speed test runs ok but it's a tad bit slower than the other tracks (with the same bitrate) that I got (1 track in 5) |
11:43:02 | | Join webguest91 [0] (i=c023110a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-556ebd271e95c12b) |
11:43:13 | | Nick lymeca_ is now known as lymeca (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca) |
11:45:17 | pixelma | that track is also played in "normal" playback but you can hear a "pfft" (sorry can't explain better) in maybe 3 places. Before last night's changes it wasn't that audible but IIRC there were very short dropouts (more like "was there something or was it just my imagination?") |
11:47:44 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
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12:00:40 | markun | I wonder why saratoga is using C++ style comments to remove some code instead of just deleting it |
12:00:49 | | Part maffe |
12:00:51 | markun | the original code will always be in svn if he needs it |
12:01:42 | scorche | that was brought up before |
12:02:01 | markun | what did he say? |
12:02:14 | scorche | "ok" pretty much |
12:02:22 | scorche | he will start doing so |
12:03:31 | linuxstb | markun: Yes, I've mentioned that. |
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12:10:35 | amiconn | markun: Did you see my blind attemts to enable misalignment abort for gigabeat in the logs? |
12:10:52 | markun | no, I didn't |
12:11:06 | amiconn | I made a patch and Nico_P tried it, but it doesn't seem to work |
12:11:27 | amiconn | First I pointed him to the mmu setup, but that's only run in the bootloader |
12:12:14 | amiconn | My second attempt adds it to arm/crt0.S, but for some reason it still doesn't work... |
12:12:28 | markun | there is a wakeup from sleep patch in the tracker which also needs the mmu code to be called in rockbox |
12:12:30 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
12:13:10 | amiconn | Enabling alignment check simply means setting CP15 register 0 bit 1... |
12:13:41 | amiconn | I don't know whether this would be a good thing to do in the bootlader, maybe the OF doesn't like it? |
12:14:28 | markun | the OF doesn't get loaded from the rockbox bootloader |
12:39:20 | | Quit TiMiD[FD] ("leaving") |
12:47:06 | amiconn | So, no dualboot on gigabeat? |
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12:51:02 | linuxstb | amiconn: No. The Toshiba firmware is so bad, no-one has been motivated to do it... |
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13:10:40 | safetydan | Anyone think it's worth committing some changes to speex that make it about 10% faster on coldfire? It's just the lazy shotgun approach of ICONST_ATTR any table. |
13:11:01 | | Join Crash91 [0] (n=crash@ |
13:11:16 | Crash91 | hello |
13:11:17 | Llorean | Is there any reason not to? |
13:12:00 | safetydan | Llorean, well... it's not much of an improvement for a fairly large change. |
13:12:18 | safetydan | I'm sure there's far more significant gains to be made elsewhere, but my very limited asm skills aren't up to it. |
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13:14:23 | Llorean | I'd say do it though. They can have the attribute removed later if it turns out it's better applied somewhere else. |
13:14:24 | linuxstb | safetydan: The only question is if the IRAM is better used elsewhere. If I was you, I would commit it, but with the disclaimer that you don't know if this is the best use of IRAM (assuming that's the case). That way, people looking at speex in the future won't assume your changes are optimal. |
13:17:24 | safetydan | linuxstb, the IRAM is probably better used elsewhere, but what the heck it's not used now so I might as well use it. |
13:17:47 | linuxstb | safetydan: I agree - you should commit. |
13:19:02 | linuxstb | jhMikeS: Did you benchmark your changes to the asm lcd_bitmap_transparent_part() function? I'm curious if it's actually better than the C version, in which case it could be used on all colour ARM targets (IIUC). |
13:24:47 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
13:24:48 | jhMikeS | linuxstb: no. I never did. I just managed to get an instuction between the load/store and one out of the inner loop |
13:26:24 | jhMikeS | I was thinking too that all of lcd-as-*.S is identical between gigabeat and sansa now. They really could share the same file. |
13:26:52 | jhMikeS | I think you wanted to do that before. :P |
13:30:52 | linuxstb | Yes, I already did some cleaning of the gigabeat lcd driver (removing unnecessary gigabeat-specific code), but didn't get as far as writing a benchmarking plugin for that function. |
13:31:56 | safetydan | Is the codec stack in iram? |
13:32:00 | linuxstb | Yes |
13:32:07 | jhMikeS | the asm output of the c version is one instruction more than the asm but almost identical. it doesn't turn it into a decrement loop. |
13:33:02 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
13:37:40 | jhMikeS | mmm...actually in total, the asm from c is 15 instructions but the asm is 11 taking the outer loop into account |
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13:41:45 | DerPapst | Hi :) |
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13:43:52 | petur2 | DerPapst: goodmorning :p |
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13:44:28 | DerPapst | hey petur2 :D |
13:44:38 | | Nick petur2 is now known as petur (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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14:28:27 | * | petur is listening to a very nice live recording of Björk and hugs the rockbox recording code :D |
14:31:11 | Nico_P | petur: do you have a special mic for your recordings ? |
14:32:08 | petur | yes, I bought a pair of cardoids from Chris Church and also a mic-amp |
14:32:50 | Nico_P | nice... how much did it cost ? |
14:33:10 | petur | http://stores.ebay.ca/CHURCH-AUDIO |
14:34:27 | petur | I paid around 200 euro for preamp and mics, but I got his top preamp model ;) |
14:34:37 | petur | and taperssection members get reduction |
14:34:58 | petur | and I bought other mics before that so I got even a better price |
14:37:06 | DerPapst | Good bye. |
14:37:12 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
14:37:29 | linuxstb | petur: Do you have any recordings from "taper-friendly" bands? i.e. ones that explicitly allow recordings from their shows to be shared? I'm wondering if you have a recording we could use as a test track to benchmark the codecs... |
14:38:38 | petur | define taperfriendly... my fav band allows taping but to put the song online... I have to ask... |
14:38:45 | | Join GodEater__ [0] (n=vircuser@bb-87-80-121-64.ukonline.co.uk) |
14:39:42 | linuxstb | Yes, I mean bands that have published statements to say they are happy for recordings to be shared online. I guess that probably means most bands represented on www.archive.org |
14:39:52 | petur | linuxstb: also, they told me that they have nothing against taping, but they can't put it on paper because the record company wouldn't like it |
14:40:15 | linuxstb | Yes, I think most bands are like that - quietly tolerant. |
14:40:43 | linuxstb | I guess we just need to keep searching archive.org |
14:40:45 | petur | so that probably doesn't make them taper-friendly in the true sense |
14:41:17 | petur | but I can still ask them... it is however a 100% Flemish band so on english lyrics ;) |
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14:53:01 | keksrocker | /bye |
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15:05:03 | austriancoder | petur: can we meet us later the day? |
15:05:44 | petur | yes, after 18:30 if possible and probably better after 20:00 ;) |
15:05:53 | ment | it's there any faq how to fdisk/format/upload firmware to CF card to make it ipod-recognizable? |
15:06:38 | petur | ment: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodManualRestore |
15:07:42 | petur | austriancoder: how's the stack working btw? |
15:07:54 | austriancoder | petur: okay.. sounds fine.. |
15:08:44 | ment | petur: thanks |
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15:11:04 | austriancoder | petur: I started with a test gadget driver - serial driver - and got the basics.. execpt... I dont know why my packets dont get send. It would be fine if you have later this doc http://www.christian-gmeiner.info/soc/MCIMX31RM.pdf - chapter 32.14.5.x read... I have done exactly the same.. everything is in IRAM and I dont get a "packet was send". Also we need to talk about the memory stuff.. at the moment the basic buffer for all dtd's is very very p |
15:16:32 | petur | ok, we'll talk tonight... |
15:16:57 | pondlife | linuxstb: I can donate a test track from my old band if you want... MP3s are at pondlife.homeip.net/S/index.htm">http://pondlife.homeip.net/S/index.htm but I have the WAV multitracks (24/44.1 mainly). |
15:16:59 | austriancoder | petur: fine... |
15:17:19 | * | austriancoder time for a longer break |
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15:23:21 | pondlife | linuxstb: Although I'm sure there are other users who could do the same and might be more pleasant to listen to :) |
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15:32:31 | linuxstb | pondlife: I think the criteria for a test track is that it should be relatively hard to encode - e.g. a test would be to see what bitrate lame -V2 generates. IIRC (amiconn suggested this test), around 240kbps would be considered "hard". |
15:33:40 | pondlife | linuxstb: Don't we need to start with a standard WAV... maybe artificially generated to include 0dB bits and slow fades? |
15:33:54 | pondlife | With a wide frequency range.. |
15:34:23 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=980398fe@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d750d8b560f17c02) |
15:34:33 | pondlife | Is this for *encoder* profiling, or decoder performance? |
15:34:50 | saratoga | thats a bit less of an improvement on Coldfire then I was expecting |
15:34:52 | saratoga | still nice though |
15:35:42 | pondlife | saratoga: What sort of % is 128kpbs up to now on Coldfire? |
15:36:16 | linuxstb | pondlife: It's for decoder performance - both to test optimisations to a decoder, and to try and compare the relative efficiency of different decoders. |
15:37:32 | saratoga | pixelma said 142% |
15:39:26 | pondlife | Wooh, not bad! |
15:39:46 | linuxstb | saratoga: I've been playing a little with the wma_decode_superframe() function, and splitting it into "init" and "decode" functions - so each call to the decode function decodes one frame (2048 samples) instead of the whole superframe. |
15:39:53 | | Quit Entasis ("Leaving") |
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15:47:21 | | Join Gibbed [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-0-13.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
15:48:23 | ment | chmm, contact apple support... i've must forgotten something |
15:49:24 | linuxstb | That normally means your ipod's firmware partition is corrupted. What did you do? |
15:49:34 | linuxstb | (a restore with itunes will fix it) |
15:50:51 | ment | dd mbr, fdisk & resize second partition, dd firmware to first partition, mfs.vfat -F 32 second partition, ipodpatcher, copy rockbox |
15:51:56 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484BCF3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
15:52:06 | ment | i'll try itunes |
15:52:50 | ment | maybe it's because the cf card it's unusually small (128mb) |
15:54:33 | linuxstb | Which MBR did you copy? |
15:55:00 | linuxstb | Ah, I see you used fdisk to fix it... But maybe you would be better to just create a new partition table from scratch. |
15:55:49 | | Nick Gibbed is now known as Rick2 (i=rick@pool-71-108-0-13.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
15:56:01 | ment | original mbr from the microdrive |
15:56:07 | | Nick Rick2 is now known as Rick (i=rick@pool-71-108-0-13.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
15:56:30 | linuxstb | Also, I'm not sure if all CF cards work in a mini - did you see the MiniCF wiki page? http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MiniCF |
15:57:43 | | Quit GodEater_ ("Leaving") |
16:00 |
16:00:25 | Arathis | pixelma: did I (need to) mention that my h10 freezes about 200% more often since the time you asked me after amiconn's (?) commit? |
16:00:26 | | Quit GodEater (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:00:49 | | Nick otih_ is now known as otih (n=otih@p5B12DFFD.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:05:41 | | Join GodEater [0] (n=bryan@bb-87-80-121-64.ukonline.co.uk) |
16:06:52 | ment | linuxstb: that page explains many things |
16:07:13 | ment | but now after manual fdisking i got 'dead ipod' instead of 'support folder' |
16:08:47 | markun | linuxstb: could be useful: http://gratisvibes.com/ |
16:08:58 | linuxstb | ment: Can you paste your partition table layout to somewhere like pastebin.ca ? |
16:10:13 | ment | yep |
16:11:03 | amiconn | linuxstb: Will your change fix the bad yield behaviour of the wma codec? |
16:11:18 | linuxstb | Yes. |
16:11:36 | linuxstb | They'll probably be about 10 times as many yields, maybe more... |
16:12:15 | ment | http://pastebin.ca/610483 |
16:12:58 | linuxstb | amiconn: It also gets rid of that massive 256KB buffer (replacing it with a 8KB one). |
16:13:35 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
16:17:59 | linuxstb | ment: It looks fine to me. What do you mean by "dead ipod" ? |
16:18:18 | ment | x x |
16:18:19 | ment | .-. |
16:18:20 | ment | icon |
16:19:29 | | Quit midkay (Connection timed out) |
16:19:41 | linuxstb | What are you writing to the first partition? A backup you took from your mini? |
16:19:54 | ment | http://cache.lifehacker.com/assets/resources/2006/07/dead%20ipod.png |
16:20:33 | ment | now i see that i uploaded a different firmware (and also different mbr) |
16:20:47 | linuxstb | Does ipodpatcher recognise your ipod? |
16:20:52 | ment | it does |
16:21:13 | ment | but on the old microdrive the firt partition has size 41199 instead of 35309 |
16:21:30 | linuxstb | About 30MB of that should be unused. |
16:21:59 | linuxstb | A better firmware to write would be one downloaded via the link on the IpodManualRestore wiki page. |
16:22:12 | linuxstb | That's a copy of the firmware partition, but just the used part. |
16:22:45 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@vpnsh0177.fh-trier.de) |
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16:23:33 | | Quit Wiwie (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:23:54 | saratoga | linuxstb: thanks for looking into those changes |
16:23:59 | saratoga | i was going to start on them today |
16:28:50 | ment | l33t |
16:29:11 | ment | linuxstb: i made an exact copy of the original MBR together with original first partition |
16:29:47 | ment | linuxstb: ./ipodpatcher -r / -w, mkfs.vfat and it works (the original firmware booted up) |
16:30:37 | ment | before that, i was trying to restore from original firmware (from IpodManualRestore) and i got the 'support folder' screen |
16:33:25 | linuxstb | ment: ipodpatcher does a lot of checks of your ipod's firmware partition and partition table - if it recognises your ipod, then I'm not sure what could be wrong... |
16:35:09 | | Quit markun (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:35:14 | | Join markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) |
16:36:50 | ment | ha, even rockbox is working |
16:45:33 | | Quit daurn ("Cyas later...") |
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16:53:28 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
16:54:22 | linuxstb | saratoga: Do you understand the memmove at the end of wma_decode_frame() ? I can't understand why it's needed, but the output is corrupted if I remove it. |
16:54:38 | | Join Soul-Slayer [0] (n=Administ@ |
16:56:43 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
16:57:20 | linuxstb | saratoga: Ah, I see now - the wma_window function appears to write data into the future... |
16:57:37 | linuxstb | (i.e., the next frame) |
17:00 |
17:01:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:07:42 | | Join Psilonaut [0] (i=DaPhunka@208.175-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) |
17:23:23 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
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17:29:42 | | Quit petur ("reboot") |
17:31:48 | Soul-Slayer | I'm looking for a replacement battery for the Gigabeat F20 (I fully charged mine last night, used it today, admittedly using plugins and pitch controls and stuff quite extensively, and it's now empty, after using it for about 3-4 hours max)and the one I have found has a little note under it saying 'Please note that this battery is slightly thicker than the standard battery'... From what I understand, the battery sits under the control pad... Which s |
17:31:53 | | Join ackbahr [0] (n=ackbahr@d213-103-156-94.cust.tele2.ch) |
17:32:16 | markun | Soul-Slayer: yes, the thickness might be a problem |
17:32:19 | Soul-Slayer | Also, the hard drive, when it spins up, spins up really quickly and vibrates quite a bit, I'm not sure if that's common to all gigabeats or not, I only got mine recently off ebay |
17:32:23 | | Join rogelio [0] (n=rogelio@ |
17:32:37 | dionoea | Soul-Slayer: you sentence was cut after "Which s" |
17:32:48 | Soul-Slayer | Which sounds like it will be an issue, although it does say it's compatible? |
17:32:51 | Soul-Slayer | Sorry |
17:33:14 | Soul-Slayer | http://www.gpsforless.co.uk/product_details.php?id=8966 |
17:33:40 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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17:33:50 | Soul-Slayer | Doesn't say it there, but on their ebay shop it says it's slightly thicker |
17:34:15 | | Quit rogelio (Connection reset by peer) |
17:35:19 | Soul-Slayer | And this is the only place I can find any replacement battery for the Gigabeat |
17:35:50 | markun | Soul-Slayer: is the battery really empty or does it just say it's empty? |
17:36:03 | Soul-Slayer | I turned it on and it switched back off again |
17:36:10 | Soul-Slayer | I was running on 0 for quite a while |
17:36:12 | markun | ok, sounds pretty empty :) |
17:36:30 | Soul-Slayer | Like I said, I bought it on ebay so there is no telling how old it is or how much use it had |
17:37:30 | Soul-Slayer | Do you know if this erratic drive spin up is different? It vibrates more than other MP3 players when I access the disk |
17:38:01 | Soul-Slayer | Disk itself has no problems reading/writing, so I don't think there is anything wrong with it |
17:38:54 | markun | I think all HDDs make more noise when they get older |
17:39:44 | | Join rogelio [0] (n=rogelio@ |
17:40:30 | Soul-Slayer | Fair enough :p |
17:40:34 | | Quit otih (Remote closed the connection) |
17:41:06 | Soul-Slayer | Kinda worried about this battery life though... Shall run a battery bench on it once it's fully charged again... Although I may need a hand interpreting it :$ |
17:44:23 | | Quit GodEater__ ("User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby") |
17:47:25 | | Join RaRe` [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
17:51:41 | | Nick gregj_ is now known as gregj (n=gj@81-186-226-63.citynet.pl) |
17:52:04 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
17:56:56 | | Join ackbahr_ [0] (n=ackbahr@d85-232-174-241.cust.tele2.ch) |
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17:59:31 | webguest88 | I have just added rockbox to my toshiba gigabeat f40 and it will not allow me to play any songs, help any one? |
18:00 |
18:04:06 | linuxstb | Are you trying to play the songs you had on there before Rockbox? |
18:04:18 | webguest88 | yea |
18:04:39 | linuxstb | That won't work - the Toshiba firmware encrypts all your music files. |
18:05:00 | webguest88 | oh so i have to load them all again |
18:05:13 | linuxstb | Yes, without using gigabeat room - just drag and drop them. |
18:05:27 | webguest88 | k, thanks |
18:06:06 | | Quit pondlife (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:07:34 | ackbahr_ | Hi there! I'm using a H320 Iriver, and I was wondering if anyone was working on the implementation of the microphone function of the line-in connector? And maybe the host USB? Thanks! |
18:07:54 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:08:38 | petur | ackbahr: usbhost is not working yet, the rest should be working fine |
18:08:52 | petur | what's wrong with the microphone? |
18:10:12 | petur | beware that the original firmware lets you select line-in or ext-mic but that just changes the gain range. Rockbox gives you one big gain range |
18:10:20 | petur | and mic power is always available |
18:12:06 | petur | ackbahr ? |
18:14:56 | | Quit ackbahr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:15:10 | petur | ah, that's why... |
18:23:20 | | Quit webguest88 ("CGI:IRC") |
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18:34:24 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
18:35:56 | amiconn | Arathis: Hmm, that's not good :/ |
18:36:07 | | Quit obo ("KVIrc 3.2.6 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/") |
18:36:16 | Arathis | I'm sure it's not ;) |
18:36:24 | * | amiconn would like to know what defaults the H10 loader sets for the appropriate registers |
18:37:00 | amiconn | Could you perhaps load a specially prepared build and then tell me some values from the debug menu? |
18:38:18 | | Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=jack@pool-71-114-140-107.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
18:39:07 | chrisjs169 | is it possible to charge the Sansa while still listening to music (by default, the usb logo image appears when a USB cable is inserted, stopping the music) |
18:40:12 | linuxstb | Try holding MENU (or whatever button brings up the main menu) whilst inserting the USB cable. |
18:41:30 | | Quit ackbahr ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
18:47:32 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) |
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18:50:38 | Arathis | amiconn: I could |
18:51:20 | amiconn | Are you able to compile yourself, or should I provide a build? |
18:51:24 | Arathis | would you prefer a clean installation or my default (my config etc. provided by a script) |
18:52:03 | amiconn | You will only need a modified rockbox main binary. Configuration doesn't matter |
18:52:09 | Arathis | I'd need to run vmware for that cause I haven't managed to set up a cross environment in ubuntu |
18:52:17 | Arathis | okay |
18:52:49 | amiconn | Once you have that build, you will need to replace your usual binary with the special one, shut down (important!), reboot, and then go to the debug menu and read some values |
18:53:06 | amiconn | The modified build will most likely not be able to play music, but that doesn't matter |
18:53:24 | amiconn | Afterwards, just put your usual binary back on |
18:53:54 | amiconn | Just tell me what H10 build you need (6GB or 20GB) |
18:54:00 | Arathis | should I check the debug values with my normal binary too for comparison? |
18:54:04 | Arathis | 20GB |
18:54:13 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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18:59:04 | amiconn | Arathis: No. The special build will show the values set by the H10 loader (which is what I am interested in). Normal builds touch these registers, so you just see what rockbox writes there |
18:59:13 | amiconn | And I know what it writes... |
18:59:36 | Arathis | k |
19:00 |
19:01:31 | amiconn | The loader will most likely set the CPU to 24MHz, that's why this build won't play music. Too slow hence a lot of skipping |
19:01:47 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:02:07 | amiconn | I want to know (1) if it really sets 24MHz (2) What other special bits are set |
19:03:03 | | Join dan_a [0] (n=dan_a@ |
19:04:59 | amiconn | Arathis: amiconn.dyndns.org/h10-20gb-special.zip">http://amiconn.dyndns.org/h10-20gb-special.zip |
19:05:10 | amiconn | This *only* contains rockbox.mi4 |
19:08:31 | | Join moos [0] (i=moos@m21.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
19:10:41 | Arathis | amiconn: so after I reset the player cause it's freezed again what should I look for exactly? |
19:11:10 | * | bluebrother wonders if we should reject FS #7417 |
19:11:23 | bluebrother | otoh, it's some kind of "favorites" menu |
19:12:45 | | Quit lymeca (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:13:10 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) |
19:13:24 | amiconn | Arathis: Debug->View I/O Ports |
19:13:37 | amiconn | I want to know the 6 values below the GPIO values |
19:14:17 | amiconn | After that, go to 'View HF Info' and check the 'Est. Clock (kHz)' value |
19:14:50 | amiconn | ..and the exact CPU model |
19:15:37 | | Part godzirra |
19:16:44 | chrisjs169 | As of a few hours ago, I started noticing a divide by zero error in a custom build - it also happens in the official build (i completely removed the .rockbox dir) - can someone confirm? |
19:17:31 | Arathis | amiconn: CLOCK_SRC: 10137647 |
19:17:31 | Arathis | CLOCCK_0x2C: 00000000 |
19:17:31 | Arathis | CLOCK_0xA0: 00000000 |
19:17:31 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK Arathis |
19:17:31 | Arathis | PLL_CONTROL: AA020A03 |
19:17:31 | Arathis | PLL_STATUS: 00000A03 |
19:17:32 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
19:17:32 | Arathis | DEV_0x34: 00001515 |
19:19:11 | Arathis | Est. clocck (kHz): 08967 |
19:19:32 | amiconn | Not 80... |
19:19:34 | amiconn | ? |
19:19:59 | Arathis | oh, sry |
19:20:05 | Arathis | 80970 atm |
19:20:20 | Arathis | where can I find the exact CPU model? |
19:20:23 | amiconn | Interestingly enough, the H10 loader sets 80MHz at boot |
19:20:42 | amiconn | In the same screen |
19:20:59 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
19:21:33 | amiconn | PP version: |
19:21:43 | Arathis | PP5020E |
19:21:45 | obo | chrisjs169: checking for divide by zero has only just been enabled for ARM targets |
19:22:25 | amiconn | Arathis: Thanks. |
19:22:38 | obo | chrisjs169: do you have a recipe to reproduce it? |
19:22:38 | Arathis | np |
19:23:00 | Arathis | if it helps getting rid of these freezes :) |
19:23:05 | amiconn | So this build could even play music, but battery life would be poor (worse than old rockbox builds without cpu scaling) |
19:23:06 | chrisjs169 | obo: I just removed the entire .rockbox dir and reinstalled rockbox |
19:25:23 | linuxstb | When does the error occur? Immediately when you boot? |
19:25:37 | obo | linuxstb: yes, for me - one of the ata functions |
19:26:45 | chrisjs169 | linuxstb: about .1 seconds after the Rockbox logo appears |
19:26:51 | | Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@p5B09A92A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
19:26:52 | obo | ooo, no I wasn't reading the map properly - fat_mount I think |
19:27:06 | linuxstb | This is just a Sansa issue? |
19:27:12 | obo | ipod 5g |
19:27:33 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
19:27:45 | chrisjs169 | I don't have any other DAP to test it on |
19:28:24 | linuxstb | OK, I can try an ipod build as well now. |
19:29:18 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:29:22 | linuxstb | chrisjs169: You're testing on a Sansa? |
19:29:38 | chrisjs169 | linuxstb: yes |
19:30:21 | linuxstb | My ipod Color works fine... |
19:30:49 | chrisjs169 | I tried the Sansa build twice - same resul |
19:32:34 | | Quit Xerion (" ") |
19:35:53 | linuxstb | obo: You're saying the problem is in fat_mount() ? |
19:36:09 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
19:36:10 | obo | if I'm reading the map correctly, yes |
19:36:56 | linuxstb | Maybe you could debug it - i.e. put if statements around any divisions. I'm guessing it happens with unexpected values in the filesystem, so not everyone will experience it. |
19:37:30 | obo | yup, I'm about to give it a go... |
19:37:44 | | Join boom82 [0] (n=prinice@ip68-11-23-127.no.no.cox.net) |
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19:38:54 | Soul-Slayer | Okay, my gigabeat is fully charged and I want to find out if I have a battery problem, what do you think I should do to test it out? |
19:39:11 | | Join ender [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.dsl.t-2.net) |
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19:39:28 | toffe82 | Soul-Slayer: battery bench with the default settings |
19:39:39 | toffe82 | and compare to the result on the wiki |
19:39:55 | Soul-Slayer | Right, reset all settings and run an album on repeat? |
19:39:59 | Soul-Slayer | Or just one song on repeat? |
19:40:02 | toffe82 | yes |
19:40:11 | Soul-Slayer | Does volume default to something when I reset it? |
19:40:12 | toffe82 | an album so there is acces to the hd |
19:40:18 | Soul-Slayer | Ok |
19:40:47 | toffe82 | I think the volume should go back to default too |
19:40:51 | Soul-Slayer | Alright |
19:41:26 | Soul-Slayer | Why does my gigabeat sometimes not turn on after a charge until I turn battery off and on again> |
19:42:06 | toffe82 | you charge with th eusb or the charger |
19:42:12 | Soul-Slayer | Charger |
19:42:22 | | Quit tumu (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:42:32 | toffe82 | I don't see why ? |
19:42:48 | Soul-Slayer | I'm sure my battery is messed up... No idea how old it is =$ |
19:43:43 | | Part webguest82 |
19:44:46 | Soul-Slayer | Right well, off it goes :p |
19:45:15 | | Join AceNik_ [0] (n=AceNik@ |
19:45:58 | AceNik_ | changename AceNik |
19:46:05 | saratoga | two days without a crash using frequency scaling on the sansa |
19:46:14 | AceNik_ | name:AceNik |
19:46:16 | saratoga | probably safe to commit it |
19:46:19 | AceNik_ | how do u change the name |
19:46:23 | AceNik_ | on this irc |
19:46:48 | saratoga | slash then nick |
19:47:02 | | Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-140-155.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
19:47:25 | AceNik_ | name/Acenik |
19:47:36 | | Nick AceNik_ is now known as AceNik (n=AceNik@ |
19:47:43 | AceNik | ok thanks |
19:47:45 | | Join austriancoder [0] (n=austrian@ |
19:47:58 | AceNik | hey markun u thr? |
19:49:15 | austriancoder | petur: ping |
19:49:22 | petur | pong |
19:49:33 | AceNik | can anyone help me with a headphone problem? |
19:49:48 | petur | austriancoder: just a sec |
19:51:34 | | Quit petur ("switching...") |
19:51:43 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
19:51:52 | | Quit AceNik ("bye guys have fun , enjoy !!!!!") |
19:55:55 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:55:57 | obo | linuxstb: "fat_bpb->dataclusters = datasec / fat_bpb->bpb_secperclus" in fat_mount |
19:56:47 | | Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@244.84-48-78.nextgentel.com) |
19:58:05 | austriancoder | petur: okay |
19:58:38 | petur | the second is over, but I'm getting your patch now |
19:59:11 | | Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:59:36 | austriancoder | look at init_dtd(..) and the following two functions |
19:59:42 | sarixe | i've been keeping an eye on the SVN changes, and i see a lot of references to "Coldfire". what's that? |
19:59:48 | austriancoder | in arcotg_udc.c |
20:00 |
20:00:15 | sarixe | is that the m68k processor used by some targets? |
20:00:20 | obo | sarixe: yes |
20:00:22 | sarixe | k |
20:00:30 | amiconn | ehum |
20:00:35 | petur | austriancoder: is your patch on your site the latest? |
20:00:50 | austriancoder | petur: http://www.christian-gmeiner.info/soc/so_close_but_sending_seems_not_to_work.diff |
20:01:03 | amiconn | fat_bpb->dataclusters = datasec / fat_bpb->bpb_secperclus can of course fail without actually causing a problem, especially on 5.5gen |
20:01:07 | markun | sarixe: iriver h1xx, h3xx and iaudio x5, m5 |
20:01:19 | sarixe | markun : thanks |
20:01:27 | austriancoder | petur: the generation of the dtd will take place, in arcotg_ep_queue |
20:01:52 | | Quit sarixe (Client Quit) |
20:02:06 | amiconn | This div0 exception is not a good idea imo |
20:02:38 | saratoga | amiconn: two days of testing without a crash, so I just enabled your scaling improvements for the Sansa |
20:02:57 | petur | austriancoder: can it be this doesn't apply cleanly? |
20:03:53 | austriancoder | petur: maybe |
20:03:58 | petur | something is wrong with that diff, it is 319KB |
20:04:08 | austriancoder | petur: its normal |
20:04:15 | austriancoder | :) |
20:04:26 | austriancoder | petur: there is a some unneeded stuff in it |
20:04:28 | petur | it even patches the manual ;) |
20:04:35 | petur | ok |
20:06:26 | austriancoder | petur: for the moment it should be enought to read the patch... I am not at home at the moment where my work is |
20:06:47 | petur | it's ok, I'm looking now |
20:06:49 | | Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@e179054195.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
20:08:19 | austriancoder | petur: look at init_dtd(..) and two following functions |
20:08:50 | linuxstb | amiconn: Why is a div0 exception handler a bad thing? |
20:10:19 | | Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) |
20:10:31 | austriancoder | petur: and have a look at the datasheet... can you find an error in my code? |
20:11:12 | amiconn | linuxstb: It requires additional checks everywhere where the divisor might be 0. Even if that's perfectly ok (like in fat_mount) |
20:11:38 | austriancoder | petur: the stuff is called in arcotg_ep_queue |
20:11:57 | linuxstb | How can a divisor being zero be OK? What's the expected result? |
20:12:18 | petur | austriancoder: give me some time to get familiar with the code |
20:12:28 | austriancoder | petur: no problem |
20:15:06 | austriancoder | petur: is it okay, when we meet us later or tomorrow.. my girlfriend wants to spend some time with me... |
20:15:20 | petur | heh, sure |
20:15:39 | austriancoder | in the meantime you can look at the source and tell me what you dont like, what should be improved... |
20:15:48 | petur | willco ;) |
20:16:06 | petur | have fun ;) |
20:16:42 | lostlogic | latest build divide by zero on iPod video :-\ |
20:17:15 | austriancoder | petur: thanks... see ya |
20:17:17 | | Part austriancoder ("Kopete 0.12.5 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
20:17:38 | obo | lostlogic: scroll back 20 mins |
20:17:45 | lostlogic | obo: thanks |
20:18:53 | | Part boom82 ("poof") |
20:21:15 | amiconn | linuxstb: In this case, the result won't be used. fat_mount() probes partitions as to whether they'll mount as FAT(32). If they don't, disk.c just tries the next one |
20:21:51 | amiconn | So having a div0 exception means there needs to be an extra check which isn't necessary otherwise |
20:22:28 | amiconn | Maybe it's not _that_ bad, depending on the number of places where such checks would be needed |
20:23:01 | amiconn | But it also makes rockbox behave different on different targets. |
20:23:02 | linuxstb | So is there no div0 exception on other targets? |
20:23:15 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
20:23:15 | * | linuxstb just assumed there was... |
20:23:26 | amiconn | nope |
20:24:19 | amiconn | That is, on coldfire it there might be one if the coldfire 'div' instruction fires a div0 exception - not sure |
20:25:06 | linuxstb | Maybe it would be worthwhile to keep the check for now (add the check needed in fat_mount), and see how many other problems come up. |
20:25:20 | | Quit kubiixaka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:25:46 | * | amiconn wonders how this div0 handler is called |
20:26:39 | amiconn | arm doesn't have a div instruction so gcc adds a library routine - how does the div0 handler hook there? |
20:27:28 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3FB36.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:33:44 | | Join Arwat [0] (i=4cb431de@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0abc34427295b329) |
20:35:04 | Arwat | a |
20:35:09 | | Part Arwat |
20:35:50 | petur | b |
20:38:24 | ender | c |
20:38:32 | | Join webguest22 [0] (i=4cb431de@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fd6b129c7d239ee9) |
20:38:56 | alienbiker99 | d |
20:38:57 | | Quit webguest22 (Client Quit) |
20:39:32 | chrisjs169 | e |
20:39:50 | alienbiker99 | f |
20:40:02 | amiconn | z |
20:41:04 | chrisjs169 | aych |
20:41:46 | | Join Siltaar [0] (n=Siltaar@reverse-52.fdn.fr) |
20:42:35 | alienbiker99 | i can sing the alphabet backwards |
20:43:06 | petur | aliensinger? |
20:43:22 | alienbiker99 | i cant sing though |
20:43:43 | chrisjs169 | zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihfedcba |
20:43:53 | amiconn | Why does that remind me of midkay ;) |
20:44:02 | chrisjs169 | aww...forgot a letter |
20:44:04 | markun | he would sing it upside down |
20:44:29 | alienbiker99 | its less impressive with text imo |
20:46:12 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
20:57:35 | | Join tumu [0] (n=tumu@dsl-olubrasgw1-ff2bc100-41.dhcp.inet.fi) |
21:00 |
21:01:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:05:10 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) |
21:15:22 | | Quit seclein2 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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21:25:55 | | Quit Siku () |
21:32:25 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
21:32:30 | | Part kaaloo |
21:32:51 | | Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:34:44 | obo | amiconn: does fat_bpb->dataclusters need to be set to anything, or is it okay to skip it to prevent a div0? |
21:36:40 | Buschel | hi there, does anybody of you know on which cpu-frequency the iPODs run when doing a test-bench via test_codec? |
21:37:11 | amiconn | obo: If it wouldn't be needed, it wouldn't be there |
21:37:44 | amiconn | In case of fat_mount, we need to check bpb_secperclus, and fail if it's zero |
21:39:03 | obo | okay, I'm just wondering why mine booted and seemed to work... |
21:40:10 | amiconn | ? |
21:41:14 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
21:41:33 | amiconn | Already checked the disk size reported in rockbox info? |
21:41:45 | amiconn | It's pure luck that your ipod works |
21:42:21 | amiconn | cluster numbers are range checked in the driver. Out of range accesses will fail |
21:43:28 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
21:46:58 | obo | size and free space are correct - cluster size is reported to be 16384 bytes |
21:47:39 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
21:48:07 | saratoga | Buschel: I believe they max out the speed (currently to 78 MHz) |
21:49:15 | | Join Stribbs [0] (i=dcf0795f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-73105c34f27be112) |
21:50:09 | saratoga | Buschel: yes they do the entire test boosted |
21:50:25 | Stribbs | I made sure the directory is in the right place too |
21:51:17 | Buschel | saratoga: thanks, this explains some measurements results... |
21:53:53 | amiconn | obo: ANd you removed the calculation? |
21:53:56 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:54:39 | Stribbs | Hey, I just tried installing Rockbox on my 5th Gen iPod 30GB and I get a "Divide by Zero" error at boot. (I can't see if this was sent last time) |
21:55:20 | obo | I put a if (fat_bpb->bpb_secperclus) above it |
21:55:37 | Buschel | stribbs: you've built by yourself? |
21:55:51 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
21:56:04 | Stribbs | buschel: no I've downloaded the latest current release |
21:56:16 | Stribbs | current build, not release |
21:56:39 | Buschel | hmm, then you shoodl either try the build before or build the software by yourself |
21:56:55 | Buschel | stribbs: this bug was introduced with some change today... |
21:57:14 | | Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
21:57:20 | obo | amiconn: rockbox tries to mount all available partitions at boot? |
21:57:21 | stripwax | try yesterday's daily build instead |
21:57:23 | Stribbs | I've never compiled anything before so I'll opt to try an older archive |
21:58:43 | linuxstb | Stribbs: Today's "archived build" should work fine. |
21:58:45 | amiconn | obo: No, it tries to mount the first mountable partition |
21:58:52 | Buschel | stribbs: seems to be the best way. I guess the problem is solved soon |
21:59:40 | Stribbs | linuxstb: what size is the one you suggest, 1984 KB or 1985 KB? |
21:59:43 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:59:58 | linuxstb | Stribbs: The "latest" will be fine. |
22:00 |
22:00:50 | Stribbs | it's a brand new iPod, I nearly shat myself when I saw "Divide by Zero" |
22:01:03 | Stribbs | (thought I just bricked it) |
22:01:30 | linuxstb | You can't brick an ipod by following the Rockbox install instructions. |
22:01:51 | Stribbs | thank god |
22:02:08 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:03:31 | Buschel | does anybody know how the power consumption of an PP-processor scale with the CPU frequency? |
22:04:02 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
22:04:21 | Buschel | I've only read 30Mhz -> 75MHz is a difference of roughly 12mA |
22:05:09 | | Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
22:15:26 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p54BD37FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:16:20 | DerPapst | good afternoon ;) |
22:16:43 | * | petur slaps DerPapst with a large watch |
22:17:26 | | Quit ompaul ("Leaving") |
22:18:31 | bluebrother | petur: did you recording field test work as expected? |
22:18:39 | petur | yup |
22:18:48 | bluebrother | nice. How was the concert? |
22:19:10 | petur | it was ok... not super but nice |
22:19:24 | | Quit desowin ("use linux") |
22:19:39 | bluebrother | you said it was Björk? Never managed to go to a concert :( |
22:19:41 | petur | I was lucky to get through security - they did check |
22:20:32 | * | petur is listening to the recording right now ;) |
22:20:56 | * | bluebrother likes the old stuff much better |
22:21:06 | petur | old? |
22:21:16 | bluebrother | the older albums |
22:21:23 | petur | of bjork? |
22:21:27 | bluebrother | yup. |
22:21:38 | petur | well... same here actually |
22:22:15 | bluebrother | Vespertine started getting a bit much ... experimental. |
22:22:19 | petur | 3 of the 18 songs were from last album, the rest was old stuff :) |
22:22:27 | bluebrother | cool :) |
22:23:32 | petur | http://www.last.fm/event/199768 |
22:23:55 | * | stripwax saw bjork at glastonbury last month - using one of these http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm_FzLya8y4 |
22:24:52 | DerPapst | woohhoo petur is one of the 6 out of 238 who made it pon the page ^^ |
22:25:05 | DerPapst | s/pon/on |
22:25:08 | DerPapst | :P |
22:25:44 | petur | been there, taped it :) |
22:27:08 | DerPapst | ahh.. you'Re on the page because you're a "Top Listener" ^^ |
22:27:15 | * | bluebrother did the RTC mod yesterday |
22:27:22 | DerPapst | nice |
22:27:32 | DerPapst | does everything still work? |
22:28:08 | bluebrother | works nice. |
22:28:58 | amiconn | poff |
22:29:30 | | Join funky [0] (n=repulse@unaffiliated/funky) |
22:29:32 | funky | hello |
22:30:04 | funky | will rockbox take advantage of the new kernel improvements regarding to power comsumption? |
22:30:17 | saratoga | what new improvements? |
22:30:20 | bluebrother | Rockbox is not based on Linux. |
22:30:48 | funky | http://kerneltrap.org/node/11700 <- saratoga |
22:31:06 | funky | there have been some since 2.6.21 and tickless feature was released |
22:31:16 | bluebrother | funky: Rockbox is not based on linux. |
22:31:28 | funky | bluebrother: I read you |
22:31:43 | bluebrother | ah. Thought you missed that. |
22:31:49 | | Join webguest92 [0] (i=4157837d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-29a753d827d4c631) |
22:31:50 | funky | bluebrother: what is based on? |
22:31:57 | bluebrother | it's written from scratch |
22:32:14 | bluebrother | to quote the front page: Rockbox is a complete rewrite and uses no fragments of any original firmwares. |
22:32:16 | funky | oh oki, I thought was based on ipodonlinux |
22:32:21 | stripwax | no |
22:32:35 | bluebrother | it borrows some code from IPL |
22:32:52 | bluebrother | the hardware low level stuff mostly. |
22:33:07 | amiconn | Rockbox already existed back when there where no ipods, let alone ipodlinux |
22:33:40 | amiconn | Hmm, actually the ipod 1st gen might already have existed... |
22:34:17 | saratoga | i don't understand why people think rockbox has something to do with linux |
22:34:29 | saratoga | why not assume its based on bsd or windows |
22:34:38 | DerPapst | windows... hahahahaha |
22:34:40 | bluebrother | windows? Nah, no sources around ;-) |
22:35:06 | stripwax | maybe the people who find out about ipodlinux first and discover rockbox shares some code with ipl assume rockbox is based on linux.. |
22:35:06 | DerPapst | windoes CE.. to make it even more bloat. |
22:35:14 | stripwax | probably nobody else thinks rockbox is based on linux however |
22:35:23 | webguest92 | hello, im havingf a bit of a problem with rockbox on my sansa. with a recent change, (the build from yesterday works fine) when it boots into rockbox the screen will turn black and the scroll wheel light stays on, and i have to hold the power button for 15 secs. anyone know what could have caused this? |
22:35:37 | | Quit RaRe` (Connection timed out) |
22:35:47 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:35:51 | funky | saratoga: it wouldnt be so extrange, lots of other projects are based on linux |
22:35:52 | | Join webguest02 [0] (i=4a3361a2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1a9459ce39bff312) |
22:35:54 | | Join RaRe` [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
22:36:46 | funky | strange* |
22:36:49 | funky | sorry for my english :P |
22:36:51 | webguest02 | rockbox will not start backup after the latest svn updata. this was on the sansa e280 |
22:37:19 | stripwax | funky - linux is not the ideal solution for an embedded device with realtime requirements and limited cpu power.. |
22:37:53 | | Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@e179054195.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
22:38:38 | funky | stripwax: I dont doubt that, it wasnt created bearing in mind those concepts, although there is a RTC linux kernel |
22:39:05 | funky | but I think is mostly used for audio composers |
22:39:08 | | Part webguest02 |
22:39:11 | stripwax | funky - really? |
22:39:14 | funky | by* |
22:39:28 | funky | stripwax: are you being sarcastic ? |
22:40:47 | stripwax | funky - :) no, (although it's off topic), expressing surprise. which apps? |
22:40:48 | bluebrother | real time linux has quite some usage fields. Most of them are not audio at all ... |
22:40:52 | | Quit webguest92 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
22:42:23 | | Quit rogelio ("Kopete 0.12.4 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
22:43:30 | funky | stripwax: http://www.realtimelinuxfoundation.org/ <- projects |
22:43:30 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:44:02 | funky | anyway I knew about it through an audio composing distro |
22:44:26 | stripwax | funky - ah, maybe I misunderstood. I thought you were saying realtime linux is the thing that is used most by audio composers (compared to the alternatives). agree that realtime linux has use in audio field |
22:44:43 | petur | the title 'real-time' all depends on what latencies you can have... I've done a project once that was real-time and rt-linux was waaay too slow ;) |
22:45:38 | funky | hehe, well gtg |
22:45:45 | * | Domonoky_ thinks "real-time" only means you can predict how long it can take worst time :-) |
22:45:51 | * | stripwax agrees |
22:45:54 | funky | a gentoo installcd and amd64 X2 are waiting for me |
22:45:59 | stripwax | heh |
22:46:00 | petur | yup |
22:46:02 | stripwax | have fun! |
22:46:13 | funky | thanks, see you later |
22:51:24 | | Part Domonoky_ |
22:52:03 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:52:03 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
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22:55:44 | | Quit Buschel () |
22:55:45 | | Quit HellDragon (Nick collision from services.) |
22:56:20 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
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23:00 |
23:00:24 | | Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
23:00:41 | lazka | webguest02 is right, latest SVN build for sansa doesn't work |
23:00:52 | lazka | hangs at startup |
23:00:52 | | Quit Janascho ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:01:01 | | Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc4-brig8-0-0-cust563.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
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23:01:55 | | Part Llorean |
23:04:28 | lazka | amiconn: ping ;) |
23:06:18 | | Part maffe |
23:07:29 | | Nick lymeca_ is now known as lymeca (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca) |
23:09:10 | Robin0800 | just updated to latest build now ipod won't start just sayes Divide by Zero at005438c can the divide by zero check be reverted? |
23:10:55 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC") |
23:12:17 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
23:12:40 | | Quit Bawitdaba (Read error: 111 (Connection refused)) |
23:12:49 | | Quit bagawk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:12:58 | saratoga | linuxstb: is there a fix in the works for the current sansa build issues? |
23:13:12 | | Quit Psilonaut ("Gone trippin") |
23:13:21 | linuxstb | obo: Are you planning on committing a fix to fat_mount() ? Does everything work OK with the divide by zero check apart from fat_mount() ? |
23:13:22 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m60.net81-64-221.noos.fr) |
23:13:30 | linuxstb | saratoga: I only know what's been said in IRC. |
23:13:34 | saratoga | i'm about to revert it on my own svn check out, and i'd like to know what I should be doing when I commit stuff tonight |
23:14:10 | linuxstb | How do you normally commit? You can just type "svn commit" from within the apps/codecs/libwma directory if that's all you want to commit. |
23:14:29 | saratoga | thanks, didn't realize that |
23:15:16 | linuxstb | You can also just commit specific files - e.g. svn commit -m "message" apps/codecs/libwma/wmadeci.c, or (from within apps/codecs/libwma) svn commit -m "message" wmadeci.c |
23:15:35 | linuxstb | (you can specify multiple files as well) |
23:15:51 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
23:16:16 | linuxstb | Robin0800: Either the check will be reverted, or the divide by zeros will be fixed... |
23:16:17 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) |
23:16:59 | obo | linuxstb: I'm not exactly familiar with the fat code.. but saying that I haven't noticed any other issues |
23:17:19 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:18:44 | | Quit RaRe` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:19:13 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-504b3673b389f7b8) |
23:20:22 | linuxstb | What did you do - return from the function if the value is zero, or just skip the division? |
23:20:53 | amiconn | If you skip the division, fat_bpb->dataclusters will be wrong |
23:21:03 | obo | return if zero |
23:21:06 | amiconn | This is the only statement that sets this struct member |
23:21:09 | | Quit davina ("xchat on Ubuntu 7.04") |
23:21:28 | amiconn | Return if zero is okay, as this can't be valid fat |
23:21:58 | obo | okay, I'll commit that |
23:21:59 | amiconn | Should return with -2 as the other return codes are taken, and it's similar in meaning to the other -2 cases |
23:22:34 | * | amiconn still wants to know how this div0 exception handler is hooked |
23:26:56 | amiconn | Ah, now I understand... |
23:27:41 | * | DerPapst wonders why amiconn still asks questions if he figures it out himself 10minutes later anyways... |
23:28:38 | scorche | DerPapst: saying things outloud typically helps the thought process |
23:29:21 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
23:29:58 | pixelma | scorche: so true... |
23:30:06 | petur | asking questions too |
23:30:21 | scorche | even if the other person doesnt respond |
23:30:28 | DerPapst | hehe |
23:30:35 | | Quit freqmod (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:30:40 | petur | if I would count the number of times I find something the moment I ask the question.... |
23:30:54 | | Quit amiconn (" gotta reboooot") |
23:31:21 | * | petur hopes he won't have a div-0 at boot |
23:32:38 | | Quit moos ("/me says moo") |
23:32:46 | * | linuxstb notes the Sansas have FAT16 support enabled, and there are more divisions there... |
23:34:32 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD75E0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:34:51 | * | linuxstb also wonders why the Sansas had this problem - the first partition should be a valid FAT partition (it's the second partition on ipods) |
23:35:20 | obo | Also at least one report just mentioned a freeze at boot, without a div0 error |
23:36:02 | linuxstb | We'll see what happens... |
23:36:03 | DerPapst | Chuck Norris can devide though 0 |
23:37:07 | obo | I've just booted using a FAT16 enabled build without any problems... |
23:38:12 | amiconn | obo: A fat16 enabled build won't use its fat16 code paths unless the first partition found is a fat16 partiton |
23:38:49 | amiconn | (it's a bit different with multivolume + hotswap of course) |
23:43:39 | scorche | wow...i havent ever seen one of these on craigslist... http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/sys/369665215.html |
23:43:40 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
23:45:34 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:48:15 | Robin0800 | thanks all ipod working now |
23:49:13 | scorche | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=11487.msg86624#msg86624 I am so tempted to put a link to the guidelines and say PLZ READ |
23:49:50 | * | scorche would if he wasnt already getting hatemail... |
23:53:20 | * | amiconn wonders whether scorche is doing a space bar stress test ;) |
23:53:35 | scorche | perhaps... |
23:53:39 | scorche | bah...it cut |
23:53:45 | scorche | perhaps... |
23:53:48 | scorche | better =) |
23:54:10 | | Quit mirak (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:54:27 | petur | heh |
23:54:47 | scorche | at least this is easier than typing backwards... |
23:55:31 | petur | not when you try to align it ;) |
23:55:47 | * | amiconn uses a proportional font |
23:55:50 | scorche | but now we have a precedent to copy |
23:56:01 | * | petur thought amiconn did :p |
23:58:53 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m60.net81-64-221.noos.fr) |