00:00:51 | Bagder | nls: I'd like to take a look, but I'm a bit short of time this week... and me taking a look is no requirement before commit anyway, should you feel confident enough |
00:01:14 | Bagder | I guess it needs some info posted to the lists |
00:02:16 | | Join spiorf_ [0] (n=spiorf@host164-157-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
00:04:36 | nls | Bagder: ok, I will post to the dev list asking for final comments/reviews before commiting, It is a pretty big patch :-), but now sleep, gnight |
00:04:55 | | Part nls |
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00:13:35 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
00:14:09 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) |
00:14:14 | stripwax | heyho |
00:16:50 | amiconn | Hmm, kernel on cop probably was a fs patch |
00:16:56 | * | amiconn tries to find out which |
00:19:39 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: 5755 (but I'm sure you've found it by now). |
00:20:29 | amiconn | Thanks |
00:20:44 | amiconn | I didn't find it before you did |
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00:27:09 | pixelma | I wonder if someone could provide a script which moves language strings from an "old" lang file to the "new" lang file by ID - would that be possible? To re-use the existing translations if possible and make life easier for the translators. |
00:27:44 | pixelma | for the langV2 patch I mean |
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00:35:28 | | Quit loan ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
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00:42:01 | DerPapst | Good night everyone :) |
00:42:04 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
00:43:00 | | Part advcomp2019 ("Leaving") |
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00:48:54 | | Join webguest39 [0] (i=44e14a23@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-13da2eb9c43345a2) |
00:49:01 | webguest39 | hello? |
00:49:08 | webguest39 | hello? |
00:49:13 | webguest39 | there we go |
00:49:48 | amiconn | linuxstb: Hmm, nothing related to the odd placement of ipod_set_cpu_speed(). Looks like I need to test the various combinations :/ |
00:49:56 | amiconn | But that won't happen now |
00:50:19 | webguest39 | can anyone please help me with an issue regarding the database |
00:50:50 | krazykit | not if you don't ask anything specific |
00:51:23 | webguest39 | alright well, i posted a thread in the audio section this morning, and nbody replied so i'm trying this out |
00:51:36 | webguest39 | i have a toshiba gigabeat F40, and my database won't initialize properly |
00:51:40 | | Join metalic [0] (i=5b7e2023@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a0eb02b3bfd37473) |
00:51:46 | krazykit | are you using the latest build and bootloader |
00:51:51 | webguest39 | yes |
00:52:09 | metalic | no partition found, insert usb cable and fix it, what have I done wrong this time? |
00:52:09 | webguest39 | after the process is "done" and i reboot... |
00:52:24 | webguest39 | it says the database is not ready |
00:52:41 | krazykit | lemme update my build and see if i have the same issue (gigabeat f40) |
00:52:58 | webguest39 | alright, i've tried 3 previous builds too with no luck |
00:52:59 | | Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) |
00:53:07 | webguest39 | my brother has a gigabeat F10 and has no issues |
00:53:57 | pixelma | metalic: what Ipod do you have? |
00:54:43 | metalic | he 80 gb |
00:54:46 | metalic | the* |
00:54:54 | metalic | I formated it to fat32 |
00:55:08 | metalic | and extraced as described .rockbox |
00:55:14 | metalic | and installed the boot loader |
00:55:30 | metalic | I get the loader logo with the girl, then the error message |
00:55:58 | krazykit | webguest39, gimme a few minutes, gotta build it first |
00:56:18 | bluebrother | loader logo with girl? |
00:56:23 | metalic | Im using rockbox-jbuild-5g64MB-20070322.zip if thats any help? |
00:56:28 | webguest39 | alright |
00:56:32 | pixelma | metalic: what build are you trying to install? A girl is not on the official boot logo |
00:56:33 | bluebrother | that's an unsupported build ... |
00:56:53 | metalic | yeah I have been told that its unsupported |
00:56:56 | | Quit BigMac ("Ex-Chat") |
00:56:59 | bluebrother | you should really use an official build if you want support. Hence the name unsupported ;-) |
00:57:04 | metalic | but should it not work? |
00:57:05 | pixelma | and I believe the latest pjulius builds where made before the 80GB support... |
00:57:17 | metalic | oh is that so |
00:57:23 | krazykit | metalic, get the official build working first before you muck with custom builds |
00:57:40 | bluebrother | well, the timestamp of your build is from march. 80GB support came after devcon, which was indeed later |
00:57:50 | metalic | im totally new... Im using that ever the theme creator posted on his site, for maximum compability |
00:58:17 | metalic | oh okey |
00:58:17 | bluebrother | well, we only recommend the official version |
00:58:20 | metalic | I see |
00:58:26 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
00:58:37 | metalic | and thats what Im going to have then ;) |
00:58:38 | bluebrother | just check the timestamp of the 80GB support on the web site |
00:58:57 | metalic | oh just one thing |
00:59:17 | metalic | If my memory serves me right... the 64mb spec is only for the 80 gb? |
00:59:19 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=mike@ |
00:59:25 | metalic | no other version has 64 mb ram? |
00:59:37 | metalic | or internal mem... |
01:00 |
01:01:07 | stripwax | the 60gb has 64mb too |
01:01:11 | bluebrother | the 60GB has 64MB |
01:01:12 | webguest39 | krazykit how many songs do you have? |
01:01:25 | stripwax | if you have the 80gb model you only want the 64mb build, correct |
01:01:28 | krazykit | webguest39, roundabouts 4k |
01:01:37 | krazykit | haven't checked recently |
01:01:57 | webguest39 | and has your database been working properly? |
01:02:11 | metalic | but is their a reason that this guy uses diffrent builds? |
01:02:19 | stripwax | yes. his themes require them |
01:02:29 | metalic | oh damn it |
01:02:33 | stripwax | his builds have visual effects that "look nice" but are not in the official builds |
01:02:39 | krazykit | webguest39, i don't use the database, really, but it worked a few months ago |
01:02:42 | bluebrother | unsupported builds usually only add eye candy |
01:02:52 | metalic | Its only his themes that made me wanna use this |
01:02:56 | metalic | oh well... |
01:02:57 | stripwax | plenty of themes look nice |
01:02:59 | bluebrother | I don't see any real reason for using those builds. |
01:03:09 | bluebrother | there are enough other themes around that look nice too. |
01:03:11 | metalic | I just wanna use this themes.. |
01:03:12 | stripwax | bluebrother - well.. scrolling margins is a very useful patch.. |
01:03:13 | metalic | yeah |
01:03:17 | metalic | okey |
01:03:23 | metalic | thanks anyway for the help guys |
01:03:25 | stripwax | sure |
01:03:45 | stripwax | hm, the "talkfiles" button in rbutil shows up the same as the "install doom" button icon. |
01:04:02 | stripwax | hm, plus I don't much like the talkfiles button. i'll submit a patch |
01:04:02 | webguest39 | what is the database for anyway? i have my songs/files organized in folders |
01:04:03 | bluebrother | stripwax: scrolling margins indeed is one. But I can't think of any other that is really useful |
01:04:17 | stripwax | webguest39 - in that case, you do not need to use the database |
01:04:21 | webguest39 | and i just wanted my player to play all songs in shuffle rather than whatever folder i'm playing from |
01:04:23 | krazykit | webguest39, for browsing by song, title, artist, album, searching, etc |
01:04:26 | bluebrother | it's for guys that don't organize their music in folders. |
01:04:27 | stripwax | it's for searching, sorting, etc by id3 tags |
01:04:54 | bluebrother | if you want to shuffle everything create a root playlist and shuffle that. |
01:04:59 | stripwax | webguest39 - great, you can put rockbox on shuffle, and select 'all tracks' from the database |
01:05:01 | webguest39 | is there a way to make my player play all songs on shuffle instead of just playing in the directory? |
01:05:06 | stripwax | as i said |
01:05:13 | webguest39 | that's the problem.. my database won't initialize |
01:05:20 | webguest39 | and i don't have a database at all |
01:05:23 | bluebrother | Rockbox is playlist based. It plays a playlist, not a directory. |
01:05:24 | stripwax | ah ,sorry. |
01:05:24 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
01:05:43 | webguest39 | how do you create a root playlist? |
01:05:48 | bluebrother | but if you play a song from a directory that directory will become a playlist |
01:05:54 | bluebrother | use the playlist menu from the main menu |
01:05:56 | stripwax | it's in the manual |
01:06:08 | webguest39 | k |
01:06:57 | webguest39 | i guess it's a bit more complicated than the stock firmware |
01:07:09 | webguest39 | since i was able to choose between all songs or directory/playlist on stock firmware |
01:07:28 | webguest39 | but no matter what playback option i choose on the rockbox, it just plays the songs in the folder |
01:07:52 | Febs | It's not more complicated. It simply requires an understanding of how Rockbox works. |
01:07:56 | Febs | Rockbox is based on playlists. |
01:08:02 | bluebrother | check the manual. Shuffle works differently than most users expect. |
01:08:14 | | Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
01:08:18 | Febs | If you are playing the contents of a folder, Rockbox creates a playlist of that folder. |
01:08:18 | | Quit metalic ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:08:28 | bluebrother | and you need to accept that there is always a playlist (the so-called "dynamic playlist") |
01:08:37 | webguest39 | alright |
01:08:49 | webguest39 | well i guess i'll try that and read throgh the manual again |
01:09:01 | webguest39 | but i'm still having the problem with the database and it's frustrating |
01:09:10 | stripwax | webguest39 - it should be easy enough, once you've created the playlist, just load it |
01:09:49 | webguest39 | i don't understand why my database won't initialize... tried different builds, and i rebooted whenever it told me too |
01:09:54 | bluebrother | stripwax: nice icon −− where did you take it from? |
01:09:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:10:03 | stripwax | bluebrother - um, i just drew it. is that ok? :) |
01:10:10 | * | stripwax doesn't steal |
01:10:10 | bluebrother | sure ;-) |
01:10:55 | stripwax | webguest39 - do you have a link to your thread? or something i should search for to find it? |
01:11:01 | stripwax | in the forum that is |
01:11:11 | bluebrother | but reusing icons is quite common. IIRC the other icons are from the tango project. |
01:11:24 | stripwax | i know. if you can find a better one that's cool too |
01:11:53 | stripwax | :) |
01:12:32 | | Quit klbostee ("Leaving") |
01:13:36 | stripwax | Domonoky - (for the logs) - the windows download on the wiki page shows the doom icon for the talkfiles button - just wanted to point that out! but make clean & rebuild seems to work fine |
01:15:12 | | Quit webguest39 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
01:15:19 | stripwax | hm |
01:15:22 | bluebrother | stripwax: I just noticed that there is an icon for talk files ... |
01:15:44 | stripwax | bluebrother - there is, it's from gnome, but I didn't think it was appropriate |
01:15:46 | bluebrother | want to keep your patch open? |
01:15:50 | stripwax | may i? |
01:16:12 | bluebrother | well, I thought it was because the button showed the doom icon. |
01:16:19 | stripwax | i think a picture of "a talking dap" is a better icon than a picture of a circa 1950's style microphone |
01:16:28 | stripwax | happy to discuss via comments on patch :) |
01:16:34 | bluebrother | hmm, you have a point ;-) |
01:16:41 | bluebrother | plus, I like your icons. |
01:17:04 | stripwax | thanks! |
01:17:21 | stripwax | although - i think it's the only icon if drawn for rockbox .. |
01:17:24 | stripwax | i've |
01:17:27 | bluebrother | ok, then let's wait what others say about it. |
01:17:32 | stripwax | sounds best |
01:19:44 | stripwax | so, what to do about rbutil detecting which bootloader version is installed |
01:20:07 | stripwax | I'm thinking rbutil could just write a .rockbox/bootloader.version file (when rbutil installs the bootloader that is, of course..) |
01:20:31 | | Quit jhulst (Connection timed out) |
01:23:20 | stripwax | for that to work, presumably the bootloader file downloaded from rockbox actually has to have a version stamp in it.. |
01:23:49 | | Join mike_ [0] (n=mike@ |
01:24:24 | | Quit BigMac (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:24:45 | iamben | why are all my packages NOT from an overlay represented like this in a pretend emerge? [ebuild R ] app-misc/screen-4.0.3 USE="pam -debug -multiuser -nethack (-selinux)" 0 kB [?=>0] |
01:25:21 | iamben | it used to just show NOTHING after the download size, now i get [?=>0] |
01:25:59 | iamben | and in the numbered list of overlays at the end, it shows: [?] indicates that the source repository could not be determined |
01:26:13 | stripwax | Who should I talk to to discuss adding e.g. simple zipfiles to download.rockbox.org that consist of the bootloader image *and* a sentinel version file? |
01:26:17 | | Join lymeca_ [0] (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca) |
01:26:25 | iamben | oops wrong chan! |
01:26:42 | iamben | my 4 finger hit the 3 key |
01:27:16 | stripwax | e.g. http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/bootloader-ipodvideo.zip containing bootloader-ipodvideo.ipod and bootlader.version (a text file containing just "1.6" or similar) |
01:28:37 | stripwax | Or if there's some other way to do this, pm me or update the bullet point at the end of this wiki and I'll take a look http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxUtility |
01:33:43 | stripwax | right ho. gnight |
01:38:34 | | Join _jz [0] (n=jz@m2.april.org) |
01:38:38 | _jz | hi again |
01:39:16 | _jz | why at some point i switched to a theme (azure on sensa e200) and had the font and icons properly changed, and then, switching back and forth other thems, getting back to the same one, icons and text don't change in the menus ? |
01:39:33 | | Join ggw [0] (n=ggw@ |
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01:43:00 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
01:44:21 | * | _jz thinks rockbox is better than amarok :) |
01:44:30 | _jz | this should be a standalone app :) |
01:44:58 | krazykit | _jz, those WPS's don't necessarily change the font |
01:45:17 | krazykit | some do, some don't. it's up to the user to choose their preffered font on some of them |
01:45:36 | _jz | yep but this specific WPS _did_ change icons and font the first time i loaded it |
01:45:45 | _jz | but not afterwards |
01:45:59 | | Quit entheh ("^~") |
01:46:56 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-67-174-184-188.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
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02:11:48 | | Nick Administrator___ is now known as Davide-NYC (n=chatzill@ |
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02:42:02 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp135-75.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
02:42:59 | _jz | why using the "file" menu when listening to a song, with crossfader enabled, i click on the select menu, sometimes it crossfade, and sometimes it doesn't ? |
02:43:02 | _jz | is that a bug ? |
02:50:56 | | Part pixelma |
02:52:12 | | Quit antgel ("Lost terminal") |
02:56:13 | _jz | ok it's after going to the "text" theme (sensa e250) that going back to the azure one doesn't change anything |
02:56:24 | _jz | then at some point going again to azure changed everything (font, icons) ok |
02:57:12 | _jz | after having loaded a saved config |
03:00 |
03:00:14 | _jz | but then no theme changes the backdrop from Azure... |
03:00:15 | _jz | hmm |
03:08:33 | | Join lymeca| [0] (n=lymeca@dsl-74-220-77-35.cruzio.com) |
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03:19:41 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15757.dip.t-dialin.net) |
03:20:08 | _jz | one problem identified: while having the equalizer enabled (e250), the crossfader stopped working correctly |
03:23:53 | | Quit lymeca_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:25:59 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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03:38:25 | Nico_P | bluebrother: congratulations on committing rbutilQt :) |
03:44:28 | TiMiD[FD] | haha I'll test |
03:47:06 | XavierGr | does anyone know how to mod the H100 in order to have an autopower feature on USB-AC connection alla H300? |
03:47:20 | TiMiD[FD] | install.o: dans la fonction « Install::browseFolder() »: |
03:47:20 | TiMiD[FD] | install.cpp:(.text+0x5877): référence indéfinie vers « operator<<(QDebug, QDir const&)» |
03:47:23 | TiMiD[FD] | collect2: ld a retourné 1 code d'état d'exécution |
03:47:27 | TiMiD[FD] | ~_~ |
03:48:00 | TiMiD[FD] | XavierGr: weren't there a mod to allow that some time ago ? |
03:48:09 | XavierGr | there was? |
03:48:19 | XavierGr | on forums? |
03:49:45 | XavierGr | if you remember any details let me know |
03:49:51 | XavierGr | I've made a forum post about it |
03:50:08 | XavierGr | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=11780.0 |
03:50:12 | TiMiD[FD] | I don't remember |
03:50:17 | TiMiD[FD] | it was 2 years ago |
03:57:17 | Nico_P | "21:44:20 Febs: GPL addresses copyright issues, not patent." => GPLv3 adresses patents, doesn't it ? |
03:57:56 | Febs | You know, as soon as I typed that, I realized that it was too broad a statement. |
03:58:20 | Nico_P | :) |
03:58:39 | Nico_P | that makes me wonder... has there been discussion on GPLv3 ? |
03:58:42 | Febs | But I think in the context of the discussion at the time my point is valid. |
04:00 |
04:01:41 | TiMiD[FD] | XavierGr: ok I read your post I didn't understood what you wanted to be |
04:01:51 | TiMiD[FD] | I thought you wanted simple usb charging |
04:02:31 | XavierGr | Timid: you find my post confusing? |
04:02:35 | TiMiD[FD] | no |
04:02:45 | TiMiD[FD] | I understood what you wanted by reading your post |
04:02:51 | XavierGr | ah okay |
04:02:55 | TiMiD[FD] | but I'm a little dead today |
04:03:11 | TiMiD[FD] | sake overdrink |
04:03:19 | XavierGr | Probably I will need Linus' help on that. |
04:03:41 | TiMiD[FD] | why do you want this feature ? |
04:03:41 | XavierGr | He must now if it is possible without external circuitry |
04:03:47 | TiMiD[FD] | it seems a little bit awkward to me |
04:08:58 | TiMiD[FD] | am I the only one unable to compile the qt4 rbutil ? |
04:09:06 | TiMiD[FD] | I have qt4.3 installed |
04:11:17 | XavierGr | TiMiD[FD]: I have plans to install my spare H115 on my car permanently, I will provide power to the unit from the car lighter. The car lighter to usb jack adapter has a button on it, so I want to power on the H115 with by pressing only that button. |
04:11:34 | XavierGr | Instead I have to turn on both the car lighter adapter and the unit |
04:11:44 | Llorean | Nico_P: What's to discuss re GPLv3? |
04:11:50 | XavierGr | I know I am finicky but if there is a way to do it I want to try it out |
04:12:23 | Nico_P | Llorean: plenty of things :) is it good ? should rockbox be moved to it ? |
04:12:25 | TiMiD[FD] | ah ok |
04:12:37 | Llorean | Rockbox can't be moved to it. |
04:13:12 | TiMiD[FD] | I would be you I would have used the normal AC adapter but ... |
04:13:14 | Llorean | You can't really move away from a license unless that license already contains conditions such as "or any later version of the GPL" as some people do, or unless you get every copyright holder to agree. |
04:13:44 | Nico_P | Llorean: I know, but I think some projects are actually considering doing that |
04:14:29 | Llorean | It's possible if they set things up properly in advance, or all the copyright holders can agree. |
04:15:22 | scorche | i dont wish to move, but fo the sake of conversation, isnt it possible to fork to v3? |
04:15:45 | Llorean | scorche: Not really |
04:15:50 | Galois | the GPLv2 does not in and of itself permit relicensing to any other license |
04:16:00 | Nico_P | if there were a real motivation to do it for rockbox, I think it *might* be possible |
04:16:13 | Llorean | All the projects we've received code from would have to move to v3, plus everyone who's contributed would have to agree to it. |
04:16:21 | Galois | if you license something to GPLv2 using the recommended language for doing so, then relicensing is possible |
04:16:39 | Llorean | You have to include the "or any later version of the license" bit, then it becomes really easy to relicense. |
04:16:57 | Galois | LGPL code can automatically be converted by anyone into GPLv2 or any later GPL |
04:17:59 | Galois | most of the time, when a project is interested in relicensing, it gets permission from as many copyright holders as possible, and then rewrites those portions of code for which permission was not available |
04:20:36 | Davide-NYC | Question for all owners of low resolution main LCD targets: Is there room for another line of text in the Recording Screen? |
04:21:12 | Davide-NYC | I believe the most "full" screen is when using Line Input (this gives two gain lines, Left and Right) |
04:21:19 | Davide-NYC | Please let me know if I am wrong |
04:21:27 | XavierGr | ah hi Davide-NYC |
04:21:54 | Davide-NYC | hello |
04:22:03 | XavierGr | just to let you know I made the USB charging mod (at least the hardware part).' |
04:22:08 | Davide-NYC | sweeet! |
04:22:22 | Davide-NYC | that's very exciting. Did you take beautiful pictures? |
04:22:29 | XavierGr | on your diagram pin2 is connected to pin1 of USB port not pin5 as you show |
04:23:10 | Davide-NYC | I must have made a serious error then. I will make a revised image and upload it to the forum ASAP |
04:23:15 | Davide-NYC | (prob tomorrow) |
04:23:24 | | Join Moforilo [0] (i=9052c506@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-973cc1ec39a24181) |
04:23:34 | XavierGr | also for the time being until I find (if ever) a way to wire a GPIO on pin7 I left it without a wire |
04:23:57 | XavierGr | so the mod is very simple if you don't want software controlled charging |
04:24:16 | Davide-NYC | what is the downside? |
04:24:17 | XavierGr | just connect pin2 of BQ chip to pin1 of USB miniB slot |
04:24:35 | Davide-NYC | can you charge and Xfer files at the same time? |
04:24:40 | XavierGr | yes |
04:24:52 | XavierGr | given that the port will be able to provide the juice |
04:25:04 | XavierGr | take a look on my post it has details |
04:25:23 | XavierGr | e.g my hub couldn't keep the green light on while on USB mode |
04:25:49 | XavierGr | but when I inserted it on the main USB port it handled it quite well |
04:25:51 | Davide-NYC | was it a 'powered' hub? |
04:26:01 | Davide-NYC | (with it's own power supply_ |
04:26:06 | XavierGr | strange thing is that it was |
04:26:11 | Davide-NYC | hmm |
04:26:14 | XavierGr | though only 1A for 4 ports |
04:26:20 | XavierGr | (instead of 2A) |
04:26:32 | Davide-NYC | were all of the ports populated? |
04:26:41 | XavierGr | 3 of them |
04:26:53 | Davide-NYC | I bet if it were only two it would have been fine |
04:26:56 | Davide-NYC | funny |
04:27:31 | XavierGr | I need Linus to give me advice if there is anyway to connect pin7 of BQ chip on a GPIO |
04:28:16 | XavierGr | then just like H300 we will have a menu option to select if we want to charge with USB or not |
04:28:55 | Davide-NYC | wow, for me just being able to charge from any laptop is enough |
04:30:21 | Moforilo | i am using the last build on the ipod video and i dont know how to make the menus more colourful |
04:30:26 | Moforilo | at least some icons ! |
04:30:46 | Moforilo | it looks like dos when its not playing something,and when it plays its the theme i chose |
04:31:17 | XavierGr | Moforilo: something like this: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IconSets |
04:31:18 | Davide-NYC | did you download the fonts? |
04:31:30 | Moforilo | i got the icons working now, i had to select them through themes |
04:31:42 | Moforilo | which fontset are you suggesting? |
04:31:57 | XavierGr | the one that suits your eyes best and usage habbits |
04:32:03 | Davide-NYC | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxExtras#Fonts |
04:35:13 | Moforilo | thanks a lot, it looks much much better now |
04:36:35 | Davide-NYC | :-) |
04:37:09 | Moforilo | i guess displaying the remaining battery time in minutes is wps dependant and not settings? |
04:41:41 | | Quit Moforilo ("CGI:IRC") |
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04:45:56 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=Miranda@ |
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04:56:01 | Nyro | Hello |
04:56:27 | Davide-NYC | oi |
04:57:47 | Nyro | Anyone up for a little Q&A concerning the Ipod Video? |
04:58:45 | * | Davide-NYC ducks |
04:59:26 | Nyro | hehe |
05:00 |
05:00:17 | | Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:00:18 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
05:01:02 | krazykit | Nyro, just ask, if anyone can help, they will. asking to ask is silly |
05:01:35 | Nyro | Well I want to make sure I wasn't going to offend at the get go. |
05:01:58 | krazykit | as long as you've read the topic and followed instructions, you'll be pretty good :P |
05:01:59 | Nyro | This is my first time using the IRC and Rockbox. |
05:02:20 | Nyro | I wasn't able to find anything on my specific question which should be pretty basic. |
05:02:28 | Nyro | File browsing the iPod. |
05:02:43 | krazykit | what about it? |
05:03:00 | Nyro | When connecting the USB it seems it's only available to browse to for a short period of time before the drive drops of the list. |
05:03:38 | Nyro | is there a 3rd party app that is needed to have it show as a portable drive for extended periods? |
05:04:01 | krazykit | i'm not terribly familiar with the ipod, but it may be an itunes problem |
05:04:21 | krazykit | not so sure how to get around it, really |
05:04:27 | Nyro | yeah it comes up for like 10 seconds roughly then dissapears. |
05:05:01 | Nyro | Ok, I was quick enough to get Rockbox copied onto it but now I'm playing with themes and it is a pain in the tuckus. |
05:05:37 | krazykit | i can't help more. i've not used windows in years, let alone itunes or an ipod |
05:06:18 | Nyro | ah, ok. No worries, thanks for reading though. :) |
05:07:00 | | Quit DC1 ("If Obi-wan ain't home then I don't know what the fsck we're gonna do. I ain't got no other connections on Tattooine.") |
05:07:36 | krazykit | Nyro, the google isn't helping me any either. if no one answers tonight, i'd just post on the forums after searching around a bit |
05:08:27 | Nyro | ok, will do. Thank you. |
05:08:50 | Llorean | Nyro: It's an option in iTunes. I don't know which option, but you just disable the auto-sync I believe |
05:09:46 | Davide-NYC | Question: has anyone successfully built a H120 sim with RTC function enabled? (using cygwin under win2k) |
05:10:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:10:08 | Nyro | Ahhh ok! Thx Llorean I'll check that out. |
05:10:55 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
05:14:30 | Febs | Nyro: this question came up in the forums today. Search for "itunes explorer" and you'll find a relevant thread. |
05:15:26 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:15:45 | Nyro | Thanks Febs! |
05:16:20 | Febs | Here is the thread I was thinking of: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=11052.0 Read Soap's post at reply #12. |
05:19:48 | Nyro | Great, that did it! |
05:19:52 | Nyro | Thanks Febs. |
05:24:00 | | Part Llorean |
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05:27:24 | Nyro | Take care. :) |
05:27:29 | | Quit Nyro () |
06:00 |
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06:22:26 | | Join Febs_ [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
06:24:23 | Mouser_X | Interesting. I found a torrent site called Rockbox... |
06:24:37 | Mouser_X | (I'd provide a link, but that's most likely against the rules.) |
06:25:51 | | Quit rotator () |
06:28:13 | scorche | there are lots of things named rockbox |
06:29:05 | Mouser_X | I guess I just haven't looked around enough. |
06:29:06 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:38:11 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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07:50:17 | NHeal | heinlein.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
07:50:17 | NJoin | krp [0] (n=krp@mar92-10-82-239-65-214.fbx.proxad.net) |
07:50:17 | NJoin | Hadaka [0] (i=naked@naked.iki.fi) |
08:00 |
08:01:51 | | Quit rigel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:32:45 | | Join GodEater [0] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) |
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08:34:35 | | Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) |
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08:36:39 | alienbiker99 | amiconn was that PP5020 commit what i tested ? |
08:42:55 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) |
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08:44:04 | | Join Nibbier [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-70-56.dynamic.qsc.de) |
08:45:15 | amiconn | alienbiker99: It's the crash fix, not the lcd speedup |
08:45:22 | amiconn | This will be committed later |
08:45:37 | | Join Siltaar [0] (n=Siltaar@reverse-52.fdn.fr) |
08:45:55 | alienbiker99 | ah ok |
08:46:51 | | Quit Davide-NYC ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
08:48:09 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:53:00 | | Quit belze_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:55:48 | TiMiD[FD] | amiconn: so does your fix works ? |
08:56:00 | TiMiD[FD] | (or seems to work ?) |
09:00 |
09:00:12 | amiconn | Strange question... |
09:00:38 | | Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:01:01 | TiMiD[FD] | weird ? |
09:01:37 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
09:01:53 | scorche | well, if it is a fix, one would assume it actually fixes the issue =P |
09:02:31 | TiMiD[FD] | depends of the state of the fix |
09:03:09 | TiMiD[FD] | some fix doesn't work, fix attemps ! |
09:03:57 | | Part kaaloo |
09:06:08 | alienbiker99 | i figured out why my wps wasnt show up correctly |
09:09:13 | | Join mbr [0] (n=mbr@p3EE05CF0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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09:20:29 | pondlife | Could we have a "Database" category on Flyspray? |
09:20:38 | | Part darkless ("Leaving") |
09:21:20 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
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09:22:54 | | Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ |
09:22:58 | linuxstb_ | pondlife: Sounds a good idea. But I think we need Zagor around to do it. |
09:23:07 | GodEater | pondlife: only if you win an arm wrestle |
09:27:04 | pondlife | No problem |
09:29:52 | | Join morrijr [0] (i=john@cpc2-mfld9-0-0-cust297.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
09:30:29 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
09:30:45 | JdGordon | hey all |
09:31:44 | linuxstb_ | Good evening |
09:31:45 | GodEater | morning JdGordon |
09:31:58 | JdGordon | how are we all? |
09:32:04 | pondlife | Better |
09:32:42 | JdGordon | how was devconpub2? |
09:32:52 | pondlife | Can't remember :) |
09:32:55 | JdGordon | :) |
09:33:09 | pondlife | There's a single photo on the forum.. that's the only evidence. |
09:33:43 | linuxstb_ | I have a t-shirt and a mug which suggest I was there... |
09:33:49 | JdGordon | :) |
09:33:52 | pondlife | Oh yes, so do I! |
09:34:13 | pondlife | And am about to commence the ginger nuts test. |
09:34:17 | GodEater | I have a sore shoulder, so I must have been too |
09:35:00 | pondlife | That's my arm wrestling... |
09:38:45 | | Join davina [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
09:41:28 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484AA11.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
09:45:41 | alienbiker99 | hmm is there a reason why i am getting an "incompatible version" error on all my plugins on my H120 |
09:46:47 | linuxstb_ | Are you using the very latest current build? |
09:46:53 | alienbiker99 | yes |
09:47:25 | linuxstb_ | Then you didn't extract the entire zip file correctly - your main firmware file (e.g. rockbox.?????) doesn't match the plugins you're using. |
09:47:54 | linuxstb_ | But there was also a bug introduced for an hour or so yesterday where all plugins failed to work. But that's now fixed. |
09:47:58 | alienbiker99 | ok ill try again |
09:51:33 | alienbiker99 | hmm its still there, well, ill try it again in the morning. |
09:52:12 | linuxstb_ | Do you have two copies of rockbox.iriver? i.e. one in the root and one inside the .rockbox folder? |
09:53:20 | alienbiker99 | nope |
09:56:28 | daurn | hi JdGordon |
09:56:41 | JdGordon | what are peoples thoughts about http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5809?getfile=14312 where it adds .bmp to the filename when saving in rockpaint? |
09:56:46 | JdGordon | hey daurn |
09:58:26 | linuxstb_ | JdGordon: Looks a sensible patch, although wasn't someone planning a "save as" widget? |
09:59:04 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
09:59:08 | JdGordon | I was, but its going to be a pain to get working |
09:59:38 | linuxstb_ | No pain, no gain, as our arm wrestlers know... |
10:00 |
10:02:01 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
10:02:29 | pondlife | JdGordon: I'd have thought that buffering/playback was a full time dev job anyway... :p |
10:02:36 | * | pondlife hides |
10:03:08 | JdGordon | yeah, but i stupidly got employed :p |
10:03:35 | linuxstb_ | Basic error... |
10:03:37 | | Join HellDragon_ [0] (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
10:03:42 | pondlife | Ah, you're not a GSoC student... so no pay for Rockbox. |
10:03:55 | pondlife | "Will code for cash" |
10:04:00 | JdGordon | :) |
10:09:10 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC") |
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10:25:00 | Arathis | amiconn: Did I see it right, that we can use the SVN builds again though you commited the freeze-fix? |
10:27:18 | amiconn | yes |
10:27:32 | amiconn | The LCD speedup is not yet committed though |
10:28:36 | Arathis | okay. thanks anyway for the new H10 support :) |
10:28:40 | midkay | amiconn: which LCD speedup? H10? |
10:29:23 | amiconn | yes |
10:31:02 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
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10:31:46 | jhMikeS | amiconn: I guess I have a fix for e200 that will work globally for the fifo ... kinda ugly but it works |
10:33:29 | amiconn | jhMikeS: As I intend to clean up clock setup (using precalculated values similar to coldfire), and that includes setup without HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ - is there a special reason why e200 doesn't use the 75MHz setup? |
10:33:50 | amiconn | Is it because it doesn't work, or just because it's better to keep the 80MHz set by the bootloader? |
10:34:06 | amiconn | Should I even bother? Perhaps set 80MHz for e200? |
10:34:25 | jhMikeS | well, I'd rather use 80MHz. It helps noticeable and 30MHz is just too slow. It should be at least 40MHz. |
10:34:45 | amiconn | I mean 75 vs. 80 |
10:34:56 | amiconn | The 30 are still too much unboosted if you ask me |
10:35:19 | jhMikeS | the player isn't really useable at 30..._very_ rough |
10:35:35 | amiconn | Then the lcd driver is too slow |
10:35:37 | jhMikeS | sansa should have 80 |
10:35:53 | jhMikeS | all the driver does is memcpy |
10:36:13 | jhMikeS | the rest is DMA auto refresh |
10:36:17 | amiconn | So I wonder why it feels slow for you |
10:36:33 | amiconn | The G5 has a larger display, and it's bearable at 30MHz |
10:36:46 | amiconn | And the G5 lcd driver does not just memcpy |
10:37:37 | jhMikeS | I don't find 30 bearable at all. Plugins get clunky at 30 but it's ok at 40. |
10:38:02 | amiconn | Well, as long as we don't know a better method for saving battery power... |
10:38:03 | jhMikeS | Actually it was ok at 38 when I was messing around |
10:38:15 | jhMikeS | 39 |
10:38:25 | amiconn | 30 : 80 is about the same ratio as 45 : 124 on coldfire |
10:39:16 | jhMikeS | maybe the ratio but the absolute speed around 40 seems about the same as cf at 45 |
10:39:40 | amiconn | Even taking dualcore into account? |
10:40:18 | * | amiconn has the impression that PP is faster at 30 than cf at 45, unless emac is used heavily for some task |
10:40:22 | jhMikeS | since we're not using that I can't really consider it with basically a single 80MHz cpu |
10:40:36 | amiconn | So we need to make it usable |
10:41:03 | jhMikeS | I'm all for that and we it not for the 5020 problems it probably would be already |
10:41:09 | jhMikeS | *were |
10:43:09 | | Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
10:44:04 | jhMikeS | at least this little fifo scheme makes flushing a non-issue everywhere since we'll need it a good bit |
10:45:47 | amiconn | Maybe that's the problem with the lcd driver? Too much cache flushing? |
10:46:28 | jhMikeS | it has to or the driver framebuffer won't be synced |
10:47:14 | amiconn | Yes, but I think there might be some potential for optimisation |
10:49:29 | jhMikeS | it's not really the amount if flushing but just the fact that a flush occurs with too low a fifo. one is enough. |
10:49:59 | amiconn | I mean reducing the frequency of cache flushes to speed up the lcd driver |
10:50:15 | amiconn | I know that the fifo must not run empty, that's a different problem |
10:50:18 | jhMikeS | having the threshold depend on CPU frequency seems ok and doesn't seem to cause a noticeable higher boost. |
10:51:12 | jhMikeS | I'm not really sure how to sync things to the refresh. |
10:51:45 | amiconn | Right now every lcd_update() call triggers a flush + dma transfer, correct? |
10:52:15 | jhMikeS | DMA transfer is constant. it's updated much like a monitor on a PC so basically is has memmapped graphics ram |
10:56:02 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
10:57:13 | | Join ganny [0] (i=9088689c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f4d7ba08d9693c20) |
10:58:17 | jhMikeS | the gigabeat and sansa have essentially the same setup and no DMA = no image on both |
11:00 |
11:02:01 | amiconn | I would think 0xc2000000 is the dma controller base. |
11:03:09 | dionoea | Bagder: wouldn't module: maintainer1, maintainer2 be more readable, and still be easy to parse? (for humans) |
11:04:40 | Bagder | well I would like it to be easy to extract the info using (future) scripts |
11:06:20 | Bagder | so I borrowed inspiration from the linux kernel maintainer file |
11:06:24 | Bagder | gotta go |
11:06:27 | | Quit Bagder ("It is time to say moo") |
11:09:36 | jhMikeS | amiconn: seems that way. some registers aren't touched here either (3,4,9). I've no idea what they are for. |
11:10:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:10:21 | amiconn | I wonder why sandisk didn't use the builtin interface to hook up the lcd controler, but used bit banging for the commands and dma for the data |
11:10:36 | jhMikeS | the gigabeat controller can generate interrupts for vsync and hsync and has counters that give front/back port and the current row/col. |
11:10:56 | jhMikeS | s/port/porch/ |
11:11:11 | amiconn | Actually the PP502x obviously has 2 different builtin lcd interfaces, one for greyscale (at 0x70003000) and one for colour lcds (at 0x70008a00) |
11:12:41 | jhMikeS | got me on that. do the renesas chips and the the ipods' chips have compatible command interfaces? |
11:12:58 | jhMikeS | or similar rather |
11:14:08 | amiconn | And for some reason the sansa lcd driver enables/disables the greyscale lcd controller (afaik), even though it doesn't use it |
11:14:32 | amiconn | The ipod uses renesas lcd controllers (well, except the old ipod color and the video) |
11:15:01 | amiconn | The lcd controller is part of the lcd module afaiu, mounted as cog |
11:15:27 | amiconn | The old ipod color uses a (yet) unknown controller |
11:16:11 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
11:16:43 | amiconn | Apart from the exceptions, greyscale ipods use HD66753 and colour ipods use HD66789R |
11:17:01 | | Part ganny |
11:17:36 | jhMikeS | this uses HD66789R but there's one bit set that the chip doc doesn't list. could be a mistake and I never bothered to unset it to check. |
11:18:43 | jhMikeS | but the color ipod doesn't use external interface mode but just port mode like x5? |
11:18:58 | amiconn | It does use the interface |
11:19:40 | jhMikeS | can't h300 use external mode or is there no hw for that? |
11:19:46 | markun | amiconn, jhMikeS: can you make out which controller might be used by the Gigabeat's LCD from looking at the init code? |
11:19:55 | amiconn | I'm not 100% sure why these interfaces exist. They seem to ensure the lcd controller's timing requirements |
11:20:23 | amiconn | jhMikeS: The interface logic is part of the PP chip, not of the lcd controller |
11:20:44 | jhMikeS | amiconn: I know, just like on s3c2440 |
11:20:47 | amiconn | The greyscale logic even handles serial mode. It's used in the ipod mini g2 (only) |
11:21:16 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Then I don't understand your question re X5 |
11:21:25 | jhMikeS | markun: I haven't spotted anything yet that matches. The e200 was an easy one since I worked on x5. |
11:21:53 | amiconn | The H10s are also similar. H10 large uses HD66773R (should be familiar) and the H10 small uses TL1772 |
11:22:17 | amiconn | They both use the PP colour lcd interface like the ipod color and nano |
11:23:57 | amiconn | markun: It reminds me of some epson datasheets I came across while googling for the old color lcd controller (unsuccessfully) |
11:24:05 | jhMikeS | on h300 you write pixel data to a memory address but the HD66789R is capable of using an external controller to have memmapped gram |
11:25:16 | jhMikeS | I don't know if such an interface could be provided by a chip extnal to the CPU (since CF doesn't have that kind of controller) |
11:27:25 | _jz | how can you manually (ie. by editing files) change the foreground color ? i have black-on-black display since a crappy WPS switch :/ |
11:28:16 | jhMikeS | It just looks like irivers and iaudios are nearly clones you'd think the same guy designed 'em. :\ |
11:31:36 | pixelma | _jz: open config.cfg (in .rockbox) in a text editor on your PC, look for the "foreground colour" or "background colour" lines (don't know the exact spelling), change one of the values (RGB in hex) |
11:33:29 | _jz | great found it thanx |
11:33:55 | _jz | too bad the jpeg viewer doesn't scale the images so they fit the whole screen ! :/ |
11:34:14 | amiconn | jhMikeS, markun: It looks like it's possible to change the address the sansa/gigabeat lcd dma reads from? |
11:34:21 | _jz | haa it does, but not by default :) |
11:34:23 | * | jhMikeS should maybe commit the sansa change with scaling enabled since it's quite satisfactory |
11:34:33 | markun | amiconn: yes (at least the Gigabeat) |
11:34:48 | _jz | jhMikeS: do it ! do it ! do it ! :) |
11:34:57 | jhMikeS | amiconn: yes, you can change the pointer during operation to have a virtual display area |
11:35:25 | jhMikeS | _jz: about 2 seconds from it :) |
11:35:32 | _jz | thus i still don't understand why you have to press the "rec" button on the sansa to get to the jpeg viewer menu ! it's the only plugin to behave like this... ? |
11:35:37 | _jz | yeah ! :) |
11:35:47 | _jz | so it will be in the next daily build ? |
11:36:03 | jhMikeS | If it's done before that is made, yes |
11:36:41 | amiconn | Hmm. I still don't understand the comment in both drivers though |
11:36:54 | _jz | great :) |
11:38:01 | amiconn | "It may be faster to swap the addresses of lcd_driver_framebuffer and lcd_framebuffer" <= how? |
11:38:21 | amiconn | You have to memcpy even if you do this... |
11:38:24 | * | jhMikeS doesn't either. you'd need triple buffering to keep the speed and sync the ops. |
11:38:51 | amiconn | Triple buffering? I would expect that to slow things down |
11:39:08 | jhMikeS | I've run the gigabeat with synced updates doing the framebuffer copy during the vertical blanking interrupt...looks nice but slows it down too much. |
11:39:26 | amiconn | Ah, that |
11:40:09 | amiconn | It might be possible to use 3 buffers, but not in the way of classic triple buffering (iiuc) |
11:40:14 | jhMikeS | with triple buffering, maybe some slowdown but alot of lcd_update(_rect) calls can be made during the scan and then the state copied at the interrupt. |
11:40:22 | | Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp121-45-189-5.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) |
11:40:28 | amiconn | It would be about the same speed as now, but could be synced to vbi |
11:41:16 | jhMikeS | I just had it setup as a one-shot interrupt when the framebuffer was dirty |
11:41:19 | markun | jhMikeS: did something change in the Gigabeat LCD update lately? jewels looks very different now |
11:41:28 | markun | or maybe jewels was changed |
11:41:58 | jhMikeS | I think jewels was changed at some point |
11:42:00 | amiconn | The key problem is that the framebuffer changes incrementally, not as a whole |
11:42:32 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
11:42:33 | jhMikeS | exactly why i'd use another one |
11:42:44 | amiconn | ? |
11:42:58 | pixelma | markun: how does it look differently? |
11:43:23 | amiconn | That's what I don't understand about the comment - iiuc it means swapping the main & extra framebuffers |
11:43:32 | jhMikeS | if you wait for the scan, you can't do more than 60 updates a second because that's the refresh rate |
11:43:42 | pixelma | markun: maybe you started the new puzzle mode, I guess though |
11:43:57 | amiconn | But even then you need to copy one to the other, because the next changes will require the correct previous state |
11:44:24 | jhMikeS | so do incremental updates in one buffer...when the vertical blank hits, copy that over to the display buffer |
11:44:44 | amiconn | So it's not any faster than just copying main->extra all the time, only more complex |
11:47:04 | markun | pixelma: the jewels fall less jerkie, but you clearly see the framebuffer is being changed while the screen is being updated |
11:47:56 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: im not doing anything, im happy to try to find the alignemnt problem, but i only get the problem in the bootloader... so is it goign to be pointless trying to find it? |
11:48:27 | | Join g54pcys [0] (i=iamalive@125-238-160-28.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz) |
11:49:26 | pixelma | markun: then I don't know... |
11:49:32 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: I suppose it's not...could give it a go |
11:49:46 | amiconn | jhMikeS: You could use 2 extra buffers instead of one. lcd_update[_rect]() would always write to the invisible one |
11:50:02 | amiconn | Then the vbi switches buffers if the invisible one was updated |
11:50:25 | jhMikeS | I only need one more for that...and a dirty bounding rect |
11:50:34 | amiconn | ?? |
11:51:47 | * | amiconn wonders what's the difference between 'one more buffer' and '2 instead of 1' |
11:52:02 | | Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) |
11:52:02 | jhMikeS | "2 extra" != "1 extra" :) |
11:52:11 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
11:52:35 | amiconn | There is one extra buffer already... |
11:53:11 | jhMikeS | ok, semanitics. in this sort of setup I wasn't considering FRAME or lcd_driver_framebuffer to be "extra". |
11:53:38 | * | amiconn used 'extra' in the sense of 'not main' |
11:54:16 | g54pcys | Hi all, I'm new to this, and am running the latest EvilG-Fusion-60-80G-20070717 build. But I can't get the settings to save. |
11:54:27 | amiconn | But I wonder whether frame sync is necessary - we don't do this on any other target |
11:54:37 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: only the alignment of the lcd_driver_framebuffer needs to be changed right? not the one in lcd-16bit.c? |
11:54:55 | jhMikeS | it doesn't make the nasty artifact there either. |
11:55:02 | g54pcys | I've deleted the cfg files to rest, tried holding play to shutdown etc. I noted with the default build it said "saving settings" b4 shutting down, but this doesn't, is it a known issue? |
11:55:06 | JdGordon | g54pcys: 1) we dont support custom builds, 2) thats probably before the bug was fixed |
11:55:17 | g54pcys | ok, thanks anyways |
11:55:18 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: no, just try the 176*2 alignment...see what happens :\ |
11:55:47 | jhMikeS | or would that be 176*2*sizeof(fb_data) (two lines) |
11:55:59 | JdGordon | target/arm/sandisk/sansa-e200/lcd-e200.c:112: error: requested alignment is not a power of 2 |
11:56:09 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Well, I'm not sure what artifact you mean - during normal operation, no artifacts are visible on any target. Artifacts only start to become visible if the lcd is updated really often, like in the grayscale lib |
11:56:53 | jhMikeS | amiconn: they give the same sort of thing you'd see on a PC monitor |
11:57:12 | amiconn | But that's unavoidable on those targets, as we cannot read back the internal pointer |
11:58:38 | jhMikeS | they seem to not have it the same way maybe because it does it's own ops to avoid it? |
11:59:30 | | Part kaaloo |
11:59:52 | | Join amar [0] (n=amar@laplan2-063.net.ed.ac.uk) |
11:59:53 | * | amiconn wonders what 'sort of thing' jhMikeS gets on his PC monitor |
12:00 |
12:00:51 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: oh well... It still shows if I try 256 (which is the closest power of 2 to 176*2)? |
12:00:56 | jhMikeS | the tearing effects when updates aren't sync to the scan |
12:01:03 | | Part maffe |
12:01:16 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
12:01:28 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: 512 is the first >= |
12:01:37 | JdGordon | trying now |
12:01:46 | JdGordon | aligned(512*sizeof(fb_data))? |
12:01:52 | * | jhMikeS wonders why a power of two alignment is needed |
12:01:54 | amiconn | Ah, hmm. The lcd controllers don't have internal countermeasures - they can't |
12:01:56 | jhMikeS | sure |
12:01:59 | JdGordon | gcc complains |
12:02:04 | amiconn | It would require extra buffers |
12:02:23 | GodEater | is there an easy way to cause a plugin to display the file tree, with it located in a given directory ? |
12:02:33 | amiconn | But As long as the tearing doesn't appear at the same position every update, it's almost unnoticeable |
12:02:38 | * | jhMikeS wonders why gcc complains about something like that |
12:02:53 | JdGordon | 512 still shows the dots also |
12:03:00 | * | amiconn wonders what JdGordon is trying to do |
12:03:02 | jhMikeS | amiconn: it's much more unpleasant in the context |
12:04:13 | amiconn | markun: What's the exact cpu clock of the gigabeat? |
12:04:25 | * | amiconn gives up trying to understand jhMikeS for now :/ |
12:05:42 | jhMikeS | 294.9408MHz |
12:06:29 | * | jhMikeS thinks amiconn can get a gigabeat and then see |
12:06:30 | amiconn | thx |
12:06:41 | jhMikeS | :) |
12:06:49 | * | amiconn did have a quick look at a gigabeat at devcon |
12:06:55 | amiconn | And I don't want one |
12:07:02 | GodEater | too fast for you |
12:08:00 | jhMikeS | the fun just happens at a whole new level and it's great if you like emu based codecs like SPC where it's only thing that runs them with all the DSP turned on |
12:11:01 | amiconn | That can be changed, I'd think |
12:11:08 | * | amiconn whispers 'optimisation' |
12:11:25 | jhMikeS | amiconn: maybe a gigabeat S? or is 534MHz too much? :P |
12:12:03 | amiconn | Apart from that, I'm not interested in SPC, I don't even know where that format belongs to |
12:12:15 | jhMikeS | Supernintendo |
12:12:27 | amiconn | Ah, that explains it |
12:12:46 | * | amiconn wasn't and isn't interested in game consoles at all |
12:13:25 | jhMikeS | well it would lift the lid on midi and probably anything else |
12:14:16 | amiconn | All I really want to see in core rockbox is _stable_ support of the most common lossy and lossless audio compression formats, in a flexible way, with optimised codecs and ui performance |
12:14:24 | * | jhMikeS can't wait for something 1GHz + and 16 CPU cores to have lots of fun preemptive SMP to do |
12:15:23 | amiconn | I'm also somewhat interested in mod formats and midi (and video - as an addon), but that's not a priority |
12:16:09 | jhMikeS | a stable, properly thread synchronized playback.c would be nice indeed |
12:17:30 | amiconn | The lack of stability is the biggest con of (swcodec) rockbox for me |
12:18:06 | amiconn | And that does not only include crashes/freezes, but also behaviour like eating battery (e.g. voice causing 100% boost during playback) |
12:19:58 | | Quit linuxstb (Remote closed the connection) |
12:20:11 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
12:21:01 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
12:21:17 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
12:22:28 | | Join thomasg__ [0] (n=thomasg@p57AFEA44.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:25:06 | jhMikeS | amiconn: alot is really due to the fact that the code makes no allowance for the fact that yields happen in code that it calls which throws the thread timing off. if you aren't calling code you have complete control over, basically you have to threat it the same as preemptive. yields come and go and throw it out of whack because of it. i also have a way to avoid deadlocks and such entirely - codecs have the message queue and commands are sent |
12:27:00 | jhMikeS | This system is in mpegplayer right now actually. |
12:27:01 | JdGordon | is there a function available to the bootloader to shutdown the sansa? |
12:27:45 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
12:27:51 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: in power-e200.c I believe |
12:29:39 | JdGordon | ta |
12:30:55 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: I'm still up for getting the insert stuff up to snuff - but not today. Maybe the delay should still be there but I'd like to find out if some better way is available that indicates the card is ready for a commands. |
12:31:31 | * | JdGordon would love to help, but /me is not a hardware person |
12:32:56 | jhMikeS | well, if you can test things that's enough |
12:34:07 | jhMikeS | maybe just try throwing that delay back in where it was and see if it behaves better? |
12:34:36 | * | JdGordon slaps jhMikeS for disableing button interupt in the bootloader |
12:35:10 | jhMikeS | why? |
12:35:16 | JdGordon | sorry, i take that back |
12:35:23 | JdGordon | button_get_w_tmo() should still work |
12:36:09 | jhMikeS | but interrupt buttons don't post anyway, you need the tick task running for that |
12:36:36 | | Join webguest67 [0] (i=d9e1caf3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e1ae95aeda65f4d9) |
12:36:54 | JdGordon | are tick tasks disabled in the bl? |
12:37:07 | jhMikeS | yes |
12:37:30 | JdGordon | so button_get wont work? |
12:37:35 | jhMikeS | so there's no point in the interrupt buttons. you just have to poll them |
12:38:04 | jhMikeS | button_read_device will |
12:38:10 | JdGordon | righto |
12:38:39 | amiconn | hmm |
12:38:40 | webguest67 | Hi, H140: I did a ROM dump to backup the original firmware prior to flashing, the dump creates two files, internal_eeprom.bin and internal_rom_000000-1ffff, can I discard the eeprom.bin file ? |
12:39:02 | amiconn | firmware/target/arm/system-target.h looks to me like it's _only_ portalplayer specific |
12:39:30 | amiconn | Maybe we should move all PP targets one level down like we did with the s3c2440 and pnx0101 targets? |
12:39:32 | jhMikeS | it is once I split it |
12:39:32 | | Quit thomasg_ (Connection timed out) |
12:40:04 | amiconn | I'd create 2 subdir: pp502x and pp5002 |
12:40:07 | jhMikeS | sure |
12:40:08 | amiconn | *subdirs |
12:40:15 | JdGordon | amiconn: that was the plan, nothing happened with it though |
12:40:37 | * | jhMikeS 's pcm rework is gonna be all messed up now :\ |
12:41:07 | amiconn | I won't do it immediately, but I'll put a remark into said system-target.h and move some stuff from system-arm.h to system-target.h which doesn't belong there |
12:41:17 | amiconn | (the cpu clock definitions) |
12:41:43 | Slasheri | webguest67: yes you can |
12:41:47 | jhMikeS | amiconn: perhaps you could check the H10 with that patch to see if the playback lock after recording is still there? |
12:41:55 | webguest67 | thank you Slasheri |
12:42:00 | Slasheri | :) |
12:42:05 | amiconn | I want to clean up the clock setup first |
12:42:12 | amiconn | Then I could give it a go |
12:42:13 | jhMikeS | arighty |
12:42:34 | amiconn | I also want to clean up the pp color lcd drivers (meaning both H10s and the ipod color/nano driver) |
12:42:48 | amiconn | ...porting the speedups from ipod to H10 |
12:43:15 | jhMikeS | maybe I'll dump the sansa setup into SVN (which will make the patch conflict in two places in fiq_record but just #if 0 that for H10) |
12:43:27 | jhMikeS | or i'll just make another one |
12:44:43 | | Part webguest67 |
12:44:52 | amiconn | I need to try recording on H10 at all first, but I can only use the mic |
12:45:05 | amiconn | No adapter or dock for line in, and radio isn't supported yet |
12:46:29 | jhMikeS | source shouldn't matter |
12:48:24 | jhMikeS | the e200 does run reasonably at 30MHz as long as music isn't playing |
12:49:30 | JdGordon | well this sucks... |
12:49:36 | amiconn | argh! |
12:49:46 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
12:49:59 | * | jhMikeS wonder's about all the frustration |
12:50:02 | JdGordon | i cant seem to get any button values in the bl |
12:50:06 | * | amiconn hopes this won't cause update conflicts now |
12:50:11 | JdGordon | even using button_read_device |
12:50:34 | jhMikeS | Two function calls added in: one before entering 24MHz and one after relocking the PLL |
12:50:46 | amiconn | Yes, saw that |
12:51:24 | amiconn | However, I got an update conflict yesterday in a file I changed, even though the svn change was far away from my own changes |
12:51:40 | amiconn | Never had that with cvs... |
12:52:19 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: just doing like "button_read_device() & BUTTON_POWER" doesn't work? |
12:52:39 | amiconn | phew |
12:52:42 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
12:52:53 | JdGordon | button = button_read_device(); |
12:52:54 | JdGordon | if (button != BUTTON_NONE) |
12:53:00 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
12:53:03 | JdGordon | button always is BUTTON_NONE |
12:53:40 | jhMikeS | ?? |
12:53:57 | * | JdGordon doesnt want to give away too much of the surprise :p |
12:54:24 | jhMikeS | maybe some problem with _button_hold |
12:54:50 | JdGordon | no, the first button_read_device in the bl (at the very start) works fine |
12:57:37 | JdGordon | I dont need to call button_init_device() before each call do i? |
12:58:00 | * | amiconn wonders what happens to the lcd controller clock source when it's set to PLL and then the PLL is disabled |
12:58:15 | amiconn | The ipod clock setup routine does this when setting 24MHz |
12:59:14 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: no |
12:59:43 | JdGordon | yeah, just checked, bugger |
13:00 |
13:00:06 | * | jhMikeS is looking for a stupid mistake but can't seem to find it |
13:00:16 | * | JdGordon too |
13:01:50 | jhMikeS | anything to do with the COP? |
13:02:13 | JdGordon | to me or amiconn? |
13:02:19 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: to you |
13:02:27 | JdGordon | i woulnt tihnk so |
13:03:24 | jhMikeS | The COP doesn't execute that code path? |
13:03:41 | JdGordon | I dont think so |
13:04:01 | JdGordon | ive just added a button loop to main(), which is definatly working because it eventually time-out like it should |
13:04:39 | JdGordon | unless the COP runs main()? |
13:04:47 | jhMikeS | no, should run cop_main |
13:05:14 | JdGordon | ok, then shuoldnt be a problem |
13:05:37 | JdGordon | bah, no more surprise.... im working on a selection screen to choose what to boot |
13:05:38 | jhMikeS | actually, in the bl it should be asleep I think |
13:05:49 | JdGordon | .. just to annoy Llorean :D |
13:06:12 | jhMikeS | hehe...now we have a gui in the bl? |
13:06:29 | JdGordon | thats the plan... not going to be the default though |
13:06:38 | JdGordon | and no disk reading.. have to press a buttont o get it |
13:07:06 | jhMikeS | maybe we can play spacerocks in the bl too? :D |
13:07:13 | JdGordon | haha |
13:07:18 | JdGordon | we'll see :) |
13:08:16 | jhMikeS | if we could play doom in the bl, then you could walk over and flip a switch on the wall to start what you want :) |
13:08:50 | GodEater | blasphemy |
13:10:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:10:53 | | Quit g54pcys () |
13:11:45 | | Quit kubiix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:13:04 | * | jhMikeS wonders if giving int_btn IDATA_ATTR would change anything |
13:13:16 | jhMikeS | or IBSS_ATTR or whatever |
13:14:15 | JdGordon | i'm trying by rreading the gpio directly |
13:15:17 | jhMikeS | button_read_device already does though |
13:15:27 | JdGordon | I know... seems to be slightly better |
13:15:36 | JdGordon | does sleep() work in the bl? |
13:15:42 | JdGordon | possibly pooling too quickly |
13:16:12 | jhMikeS | it just busy waits |
13:16:16 | JdGordon | good enough |
13:17:11 | jhMikeS | I see no good reason button_read_device shouldn't work in principle. Better to have it right than gum things up with duplicate code. |
13:18:05 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp260-160.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
13:18:43 | JdGordon | yeah, I agree, ive gove back to using it |
13:18:49 | JdGordon | hoping the sleep will help |
13:21:13 | jhMikeS | there's no delay in reading the line levels...just try adding the IBSS_ATTR to button_int. |
13:22:02 | jhMikeS | got a code snippet to pastebin? |
13:22:24 | JdGordon | 1 sec |
13:22:39 | JdGordon | the whole thing is playing up now |
13:25:43 | JdGordon | http://www.pastebin.ca/634337 is my tree atm... the IDSS_ATTR didnt help |
13:28:41 | | Join DC1 [0] (n=dc1@pool-70-107-160-17.ny325.east.verizon.net) |
13:29:41 | | Join K4rP4D [0] (n=gil@unaffiliated/krpd) |
13:30:29 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: anything look suspicious? |
13:30:29 | | Quit Siltaar ("Aurevoir - www.fdn.fr/~sdescarp") |
13:31:05 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: not yet. wtf |
13:31:28 | JdGordon | ... which part is the wtf to? |
13:31:51 | | Quit DC1 (Client Quit) |
13:32:36 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB12E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
13:32:40 | jhMikeS | the button_read_device()&BOOTLOADER_BOOT_MENU works? |
13:32:43 | DerPapst | morning :) |
13:33:52 | JdGordon | no |
13:34:09 | DerPapst | someone who's going to make changes to MAINTAINERS should fix the ALAC codec line (Dave is still next to it and not below with a M) and change the file to be either UTF-8 encoded or change Börn to Boern |
13:34:11 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: well im pretty sure its not |
13:34:32 | | Join Febs_ [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
13:34:36 | | Nick Febs_ is now known as Febs (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
13:34:40 | jhMikeS | but you said GPIOF_INPUT_VAL does work? |
13:34:50 | amiconn | rrrr |
13:35:18 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: i tryed one version with that in the boot_menu.c file, and something worked, but not as expected |
13:35:49 | * | JdGordon loves the random shows of frustration in the channel |
13:36:40 | | Join ninjaterrorwrist [0] (n=ninjater@CPE-124-187-24-75.qld.bigpond.net.au) |
13:37:04 | jhMikeS | why not try just displaying the return value from button_read_device and see if it's returning flags |
13:37:34 | amiconn | PP5020 doesn't like me once more |
13:37:37 | ninjaterrorwrist | hey i need some help for a mate.. he just installed rockbox, and we are wanting to know if it can stuff the original apple firmware.. and if so is there anything that the restore in itunes wont fix... |
13:37:38 | ninjaterrorwrist | ?? |
13:38:38 | jhMikeS | portal player doesn't like anyone and 5020 is satan's pin number |
13:38:50 | ninjaterrorwrist | thats interesting to know... |
13:39:14 | ninjaterrorwrist | but anyone got any idea?? about whether rockbox can f ur firmware? and make it un recoverable? |
13:39:31 | JdGordon | lol jhMikeS |
13:39:33 | ninjaterrorwrist | coz mate just installed it and he kinda stuffed his machine... |
13:39:44 | ninjaterrorwrist | he wants to know if he fully stuffed it |
13:40:05 | jhMikeS | I don't know the answer but rb never stuffed (aka "bricked") an ipod afaik |
13:40:57 | ninjaterrorwrist | when he installs the bootloader... it cannot find the file, some kinda firmware file... and it wont bring it up... to choose the option to boot for... |
13:41:30 | * | JdGordon starting to question sansapatchers ability |
13:41:32 | jhMikeS | is the .zip extracted to the hd |
13:41:41 | ninjaterrorwrist | is there anyone that has a 80gb gen5.5 vid ipod and is using rockbox?? |
13:42:34 | krazykit | there are several people. i would imagine that most of them are not up and in irc at 830 eastern |
13:43:01 | krazykit | this is sort of the lull time, as america is still sleeping and europe is at work |
13:43:25 | ninjaterrorwrist | kk so its def possible to put on a gen 5.5 80gb...?? |
13:43:27 | Febs | ninjaterrorwrist: Rockbox cannot cause any uncorrectable damage to an ipod. |
13:43:33 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
13:43:38 | ninjaterrorwrist | thx febs |
13:43:38 | Febs | And yes, it runs on the 80 GB ipod. |
13:43:51 | Lear | Grrr, red builds. Anyone working on it? |
13:43:53 | * | jhMikeS sleeping at work and not working at 7:43am |
13:44:06 | amiconn | After converting the clock setup to a switch similar to coldfire, but still using the same values and tricks as in svn, rockbox hangs at boot on H10. |
13:44:18 | ninjaterrorwrist | is there any reason at all when he installed the ipod linux bootloader, that it would nto load the bootloaded and give the choice to choose the apple firmware?? |
13:44:34 | ninjaterrorwrist | its not actually rockbox the trouble is with.. its the bootloader... |
13:44:38 | Febs | We don't support the ipodlinux bootloader here. |
13:44:51 | amiconn | Mini G2 is fine as usual, even though I changed PP5022 clock setup a bit to obey another PLL constraint |
13:45:09 | ninjaterrorwrist | febs: what do u guys use instead?? |
13:45:16 | Febs | The Rockbox bootloader, of course. |
13:45:31 | jhMikeS | amiconn: oy...so what does a switch change in the asm? |
13:45:37 | ninjaterrorwrist | oh there is one... where can i get it?? |
13:46:00 | GodEater | from the rockbox website |
13:46:01 | Febs | Just look at the instructions in our Manual. |
13:46:02 | JdGordon | OK, WTF? i have accidently coded an inifinite loop into the bootloader, and its not happening, whic means sansapatcher isnt installing the bootloader correctly.... |
13:46:04 | GodEater | links are in the manual |
13:46:34 | markun | Febs, GodEater: but rbutil is not in the manual, is it? |
13:47:07 | Febs | ninjaterrorwrist: or try this: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome?topic=RockboxUtility |
13:47:35 | * | Febs was on the wiki copying the rbutil link while markun posted that. |
13:47:38 | ninjaterrorwrist | thx febs |
13:47:46 | GodEater | markun: No it's not - well volunteered for adding it ;) |
13:48:43 | markun | Febs: I had it ready to be pasted, but was waiting for your reply :) |
13:48:47 | Febs | Actually, how close is rbutil to being ready to be the official installer for all platforms? As soon as it is, I'll rewrite the entire installation chapter. |
13:49:47 | GodEater | Febs: depends on if we're going with the wxWidgets version, of bluebrother's rewrite in Qt |
13:49:54 | GodEater | s/of/or |
13:49:56 | Lear | Aren't checks like "defined(LCD_REMOTE_DEPTH) && (LCD_REMOTE_DEPTH > 1)" a no-no? |
13:50:04 | linuxstb | Febs: When you do, don't lose the "manual" instructions. Not everyone will be able to (or want to) use rbutil. |
13:50:25 | GodEater | yeah - move the "manual" ones to an appendix or something |
13:50:45 | Febs | I was hoping to avoid that, but OK. :) |
13:51:05 | linuxstb | The install instructions should simply be "run rbutil and follow the on-screen prompts". |
13:51:10 | jhMikeS | Lear: shouldn't it use #if defined(HAVE_REMOTE_LCD) && (LCD_REMOTE_DEPTH > 1) ?? |
13:51:13 | DerPapst | i think you should keep the manually installation instructions in the manual as well |
13:51:24 | * | DerPapst doesn't trust installers |
13:51:34 | ninjaterrorwrist | so febs, u online for awhile?? my mate will be back laters... but his mum& sis hogging comp atm... would be alot easier for you to explain help him find the stuff coz i was trying to do it all via fone :P |
13:51:44 | Lear | jhMikeS: Yes, that sounds better. |
13:51:52 | ninjaterrorwrist | febs: and i not even got ipod :P |
13:52:00 | markun | Who's Kevin Ferrare? |
13:52:04 | TiMiD[FD] | me |
13:52:13 | linuxstb | ninjaterrorwrist: Your friend just needs to follow the step-by-step install instructions in the manual... |
13:52:15 | TiMiD[FD] | a problem ? |
13:52:19 | Lear | TiMiD[FD]: Working on the reds I hope? :) |
13:52:20 | markun | TiMiD[FD]: red |
13:52:28 | Febs | The LaTex source for the installation chapter is a bit of a mess since it has evolved over time to accomodate so many different installation methods for different platforms. If I have time I may take a stab at trying to clean it up. |
13:52:31 | TiMiD[FD] | I know ~_~ |
13:52:35 | TiMiD[FD] | :] |
13:53:01 | jhMikeS | JdGodon: another odd thing is the CPU frequency screen on sansa. It has a keymap but I can't set the boost count. Another no-sense thing. |
13:53:14 | Febs | ninjaterrorwrist: I will be catching my train to work soon, but I'll be back. |
13:53:27 | JdGordon | linuxstb: the -a option for sansapatcher is the one i want to use to install a new custom mi4 right? |
13:53:30 | linuxstb | TiMiD[FD]: Glad to see you adding yourself to MAINTAINERS, but you could have committed that as a separate change to demysitfy.c - they're completely unrelated. |
13:53:40 | linuxstb | (I mean maze.c) |
13:54:10 | linuxstb | JdGordon: If you mean a new bootloader, then yes. |
13:54:13 | * | DerPapst hates (and hate isn't a big enough word) abbreviations for "you", "are" and so on... |
13:54:20 | Febs | But tell him to work through the manual first, and then come here for help if he has questions. He will get more support here if he at least tries to do it himself first. |
13:55:05 | TiMiD[FD] | ... |
13:55:07 | ninjaterrorwrist | yeah definately :D he been trying for last couple hours, then his mum&sis steal comp :P so he cant get to comp atm and just stressing that he might have fully fucked it :P |
13:55:08 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: that screen doesnt work? wow, wierd.. |
13:55:15 | JdGordon | linuxstb: just double checking... thanks |
13:55:21 | TiMiD[FD] | you're never satisfied are you |
13:55:29 | GodEater | ninjaterrorwrist: less profanity helps too |
13:55:30 | JdGordon | is there a way to get the custom mi4 back instead of the OF mi4? |
13:55:51 | ninjaterrorwrist | godeater: oops soz :P i sometimes dont realise what i type coz i thinking too quickl |
13:55:58 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: just to set the default. something isn't emptying the button queue properly or else the wheel would post the messages. |
13:56:17 | * | DerPapst adds "coz" to the list... |
13:56:22 | * | JdGordon thinks he is going to throw laptop out the window |
13:56:25 | Lear | TiMiD[FD]: I think I'm halfway through a fix. Should I continue, or leave it to you? |
13:56:37 | TiMiD[FD] | Lear: I'm about to commit |
13:56:38 | DerPapst | i'll catch it and then run :) |
13:56:42 | Lear | Good. |
13:57:04 | TiMiD[FD] | I just need a computer which is not a company server to compile |
13:57:06 | pondlife | DerPapst: And "soz"? |
13:57:07 | JdGordon | how do i tell ubutnu to not bloody wait before writing data to the usb disk? the new bl isnt being loaded because ubunut isnt freeking writing to the disk event hough it says it has! |
13:57:10 | TiMiD[FD] | quickly I mean |
13:57:40 | DerPapst | pondlife: i don't even know what it means. |
13:57:42 | | Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
13:57:43 | jhMikeS | hrm...now it's working :\ |
13:57:52 | Lear | I think I'll commit my completely unrelated change then... |
13:57:57 | TiMiD[FD] | I usually test on most of the arch available without commiting, but this time I was too confident |
13:58:04 | TiMiD[FD] | ok |
13:58:11 | TiMiD[FD] | erm |
13:58:12 | TiMiD[FD] | wait |
13:58:13 | jhMikeS | it doesn't work with repeats though which is rather annoying |
13:58:21 | GodEater | JdGordon: running a umount and then an eject should flush the contents to disk |
13:58:23 | TiMiD[FD] | I just test on h1x0 |
13:58:26 | TiMiD[FD] | and I commit |
13:59:05 | JdGordon | yay, my infinite loop is runnig now... but printf isnt displaying anything :'( |
13:59:13 | DerPapst | lol |
13:59:44 | TiMiD[FD] | Lear: should be ok now |
13:59:45 | * | jhMikeS seems to be the only one having luck on pp today |
13:59:52 | TiMiD[FD] | I'm going back home |
13:59:56 | * | DerPapst already has a bl with a menu ^^ |
14:00 |
14:00:41 | pondlife | Share it with JdGordon? ;) |
14:00:55 | Lear | TiMiD[FD]: Though one could argue that HAVE_LCD_COLOR is a better check for the LCD_RGBPACK macro. :) |
14:01:10 | DerPapst | it's Loader 2. i doubt he want it :I |
14:01:14 | DerPapst | *:P |
14:01:22 | TiMiD[FD] | I don't know ... |
14:02:24 | Lear | Me neither, really. Just seemed that way when I looked at the definition in lcd.h... |
14:02:42 | TiMiD[FD] | it also works on remote 2bit lcd |
14:03:01 | | Quit Nick_Brackley ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
14:03:13 | TiMiD[FD] | indeed |
14:03:21 | TiMiD[FD] | feel free to change that ! |
14:03:49 | TiMiD[FD] | it was like that in the original code so I didn't really thought about it, just c&p |
14:04:11 | TiMiD[FD] | btw there is a color boolean in the screnn struct so it should be used as well in that case |
14:05:41 | | Join Siltaar [0] (i=c134d0e9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0ac8f9791af46681) |
14:09:14 | * | JdGordon getting mighty frustrated |
14:11:20 | * | GodEater is still hoping someone will tell him how to control the file browser from a plugin |
14:11:40 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: you sure sleep busy waits in the BL? it calls switch_thread()? |
14:12:07 | JdGordon | GodEater: you cant really... you can show it, but it acts exactly like the file browser |
14:12:19 | JdGordon | i.e, you cant get the selected file (which is what i assume you want) |
14:12:37 | | Join Hexx [0] (i=51d2ca8f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8ac96a3e837a3568) |
14:12:47 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: indeed it does call that...oops |
14:13:10 | Hexx | Hi |
14:13:21 | GodEater | JdGordon: no - I want to set the CWD that the file browser is looking at actually |
14:13:31 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: try udelay(10000000/2)? |
14:13:44 | jhMikeS | 1000000/2 even |
14:13:46 | JdGordon | GodEater: then call set_current_file() (might have to put that in the plugin api |
14:14:25 | Hexx | Did anyone notice, that in the current build for Archos Studio-models you CAN'T fast-forward or fast-rewind in tracks?? The Player freezes. Any suggestions what to do? |
14:14:25 | * | GodEater goes to look at api.h |
14:14:52 | JdGordon | plugin.h |
14:15:04 | GodEater | that's what I meant |
14:15:06 | GodEater | and it's not in there |
14:15:18 | JdGordon | ok, you need to add it. |
14:15:25 | JdGordon | i dont tihnk thats such a good idea though... |
14:15:30 | JdGordon | what do you want to use it for? |
14:15:32 | | Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@gifn3.fpl.com) |
14:15:48 | GodEater | this favourites plugin someone requested |
14:16:04 | GodEater | so they can quickly jump to certain directories in their file tree |
14:16:07 | JdGordon | oh ok, i guess thats ok |
14:16:32 | * | DerPapst wonders what a favorite plugin could be... |
14:16:43 | pixelma | Hexx: there seems to be a bug... I just tried on my Ondio and fast-forward/rewind seems to work on second try |
14:16:50 | * | DerPapst figures... ;) |
14:17:25 | pixelma | looks like a button handling problem... |
14:18:00 | JdGordon | current_tick is updated in the bl right? |
14:18:06 | * | JdGordon almost giving up |
14:18:24 | jhMikeS | yes...faked with USEC_TIMER/10000 |
14:19:14 | Hexx | @pixelma: I tried it on my girlfirend's H10, and it works there too |
14:19:52 | pixelma | you mean correctly or only on second try? |
14:20:43 | Hexx | So I guess I have to wait until this is fixed... My old rockbox build on this player was really really old, and I didn't make a Backup. Guess I'm stuck... |
14:20:53 | Hexx | correctly |
14:21:13 | | Quit Rob2222 () |
14:22:01 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
14:22:47 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:22:49 | GodEater | JdGordon: There doesn't appear to be a /* tree */ comment in plugin.h anywhere, should I just add set_current_file to the bottom of the /* misc */ block ? |
14:23:13 | JdGordon | no, add it to the very end of the struct |
14:23:23 | linuxstb | GodEater: New functions should initially be added to the end of the struct - read the comments near the top of plugin.h |
14:23:41 | jac0b | where can I find docs on how to turn down the volume while playing a game on the gigabeat |
14:23:45 | amiconn | eeek |
14:23:50 | * | amiconn found his bug |
14:24:04 | pixelma | Hexx: I'm currently updating to the latest build (the previous was a few days old), if the bug is there too, I'll complain to JdGordon ;) |
14:24:06 | DerPapst | ! |
14:24:21 | | Part maffe |
14:24:22 | jhMikeS | one bug down...now JdGordon just need to find his :) |
14:24:38 | amiconn | Well, if I select source #2 I should program source #2 as well, shouldn't I? |
14:24:49 | amiconn | It was pure luck that it worked on mini G2 |
14:24:50 | * | JdGordon just reverted the tree... giving up |
14:24:58 | GodEater | linuxstb: ah yes - I've read that I don't know how many times in the last few days, and completely failed to remember it! |
14:25:00 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
14:25:03 | JdGordon | pixelma: cant wait :) |
14:25:55 | Hexx | @pixelma: wow, thanks for the quick help... ^^ |
14:26:14 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: persistence is futile! :P |
14:26:18 | JdGordon | hehe |
14:26:27 | linuxstb | TiMiD[FD]: Don't think I'm complaining about everything you commit, but MAINTAINERS is now broken wrt character encodings... |
14:27:42 | DerPapst | wasn't already broken before his commit? |
14:27:45 | GodEater | it could just be me, but set_current_file also appears to not have a prototype in tree.h - so should I add one ? |
14:27:55 | Hexx | Okay, than I'll check the current build of tomorrow or so... thanks! |
14:28:13 | linuxstb | DerPapst: No, it was fine iso-8859-1 |
14:29:05 | * | linuxstb doesn't care which encoding is used, but the entire file should be the same one... |
14:29:22 | DerPapst | ok. then it faild at displaying the ö in this web svn browser. |
14:30:00 | GodEater | anyone ? |
14:30:08 | * | amiconn started a stability test |
14:30:13 | linuxstb | DerPapst: I think the viewvc script sends a utf-8 header - so iso-8859-1 files are always wrong there. |
14:30:41 | DerPapst | THAT EXPLAINS IT : |
14:31:10 | pixelma | Hexx: yepps, still present... JdGordon, something is wrong with keycontrols in the WPS on Archos (Ondio and Player at least) - ff/rw only works on second try... |
14:31:45 | * | DerPapst hates capslock :-/ |
14:32:16 | linuxstb | GodEater: Is set_current_file defined as "static" ? |
14:32:29 | GodEater | yes |
14:32:47 | amiconn | So clock select 4 doesn't work on H10 as well. iPods have source #2 set to clock select 7 by the loader, hence it worked |
14:32:48 | pixelma | JdGordon: the status icon changes, but stays there even if I release the key after first try > on second try it fast forward/rewinds and then continues as normal |
14:33:09 | DerPapst | and i hate it when my cpu is at 100%. Even textinput is sluggish :D |
14:33:27 | amiconn | pixelma: Most probably the new action context handling |
14:33:33 | GodEater | linuxstb: I guess it'll have to be unstatic'd if I want to use it from the plugin api then ? |
14:34:01 | amiconn | I would think repairing that shouldn't be too difficult |
14:34:17 | pixelma | JdGordon: btw. on M5 it works alright |
14:35:01 | Hexx | How many players do u have there...? ^^ |
14:35:29 | pixelma | these 2 - and compared to other people around here... |
14:35:33 | markun | jac0b: some plugins have a menu where you can change the volume |
14:37:29 | jac0b | yeah but how do I get to the menu say on jewels and bubble |
14:37:58 | * | GodEater thinks about giving up for the day |
14:38:04 | linuxstb | GodEater: Yes, you'll need to make it "unstatic" and add the prototype to tree.h |
14:38:47 | markun | jac0b: I would expect the menu button.. |
14:38:53 | * | GodEater wonders if such fundamental changes mean his plugin will ultimately be rejected |
14:39:29 | linuxstb | markun: Couldn't the default button handler be used to add volume +/- on the volume buttons in plugins (at least ones which don't use them for itself) |
14:40:20 | markun | linuxstb: yes, it could |
14:40:23 | jac0b | okay I'll try that, I am trying to show my g/f how to use RB |
14:41:01 | markun | I like the plugin actions. I'm wanted to make the mpegplayer use it and add actions for the remote control |
14:41:29 | linuxstb | GodEater: I don't think it would be a problem - adding a function to the plugin API isn't a rare thing. |
14:41:47 | GodEater | no - but someone made set_current_file() static for a reason |
14:41:58 | linuxstb | Only because it's never used anywhere else. |
14:42:02 | linuxstb | (I expect...) |
14:42:05 | GodEater | hahaha |
14:42:18 | | Quit jac0b ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
14:42:38 | * | GodEater has remembered to jump the PLUGIN_API_VERSION #define too |
14:43:13 | * | GodEater now has to read up on using set_current_file with directories |
14:43:25 | DerPapst | woot :) |
14:44:15 | GodEater | "woot" ? |
14:45:29 | | Quit Hexx ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:45:58 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=lh8kPZkB@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
14:46:33 | DerPapst | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W00t#W |
14:46:45 | GodEater | I know what it means - I wondered why you were saying it ;) |
14:46:48 | | Join Nick_Brackley [0] (i=7dff0332@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-328466da5c749d1b) |
14:47:41 | DerPapst | because you remembered to bump the plugin_api_version :P |
14:47:56 | DerPapst | or maybe because i'm a litte bored |
14:48:01 | GodEater | ah |
14:48:20 | DerPapst | waiting for my pc to finish rendering a panorama :P |
14:51:59 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3107.gwdg.de) |
14:56:22 | | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) |
14:56:37 | | Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net) |
15:00 |
15:08:31 | JdGordon | GodEater: set_current_file should work fine with direftories.. if the path end in / it will load into the dir, if it doesnt it will select the dir 1 folder up.. |
15:08:38 | JdGordon | pixelma: sorry, i dont understand |
15:10:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:12:44 | JdGordon | can someone type the o with the 2 dots please? |
15:14:31 | pondlife | lower case? |
15:14:45 | pondlife | ö |
15:14:58 | JdGordon | ta |
15:15:08 | * | pondlife is amazed that worked |
15:15:09 | DerPapst | heh |
15:15:10 | pixelma | pondlife: on windows? - won't help him much |
15:15:27 | pondlife | Or didn't it work?? |
15:15:58 | DerPapst | guess he needs it for maintainers? |
15:16:11 | pixelma | yes but it's in the wrong codepage - I think he needs someone who can provide him an ö in utf-8 |
15:16:33 | bluebrother | ö? |
15:16:42 | DerPapst | löl |
15:16:53 | JdGordon | I was going for 8859-1 like the rest of the code |
15:17:19 | pixelma | ah, then the first one should be alright, I think |
15:17:30 | bluebrother | according to kcharselect it's u+00f6 |
15:18:04 | JdGordon | except now the diff is all wrong, the é is becoming � and Bjorns name is still wrong :'( |
15:18:21 | DerPapst | heh |
15:18:53 | bluebrother | *grrr* |
15:18:58 | pixelma | if I want to fast forward or rewind in a track (in the wps), I hold "left" or "right" only the play status icon changes but progress in the wps is frozen (also playback), that stays this way even if I release the key now... then if I hold "left" or "right" again it will finally fast farward/rewind, releasing the key now will start playback at the new postition (as normal) |
15:19:14 | * | bluebrother looks how to enable the accessibility thingy in Qt but there doesn't seem to be much documentation around |
15:19:15 | pixelma | ^JdGordon |
15:19:35 | JdGordon | pixelma: does that happen in the sim? |
15:19:39 | * | GodEater watches his plugin blow up spectacularly after using set_current_file() |
15:19:43 | JdGordon | sounds like a keymap issue for sure |
15:19:49 | JdGordon | hehe |
15:19:54 | pixelma | JdGordon: haven't tried yet, wait a sec |
15:20:37 | JdGordon | GodEater: im not 100% sure, but you might ave to tell the browser to reload, which might not be so trivial |
15:20:56 | GodEater | hmm - actually - I don't think it is blowing up there |
15:20:57 | pixelma | JdGordon: yes, it does (tried with an fmrecorder sim as of yesterday) |
15:21:14 | JdGordon | is it all hwcodec targets? |
15:21:42 | Siltaar | Hello... I have a problem with the lenght of a buffer... If I call too many talk_file function in a short time with enqueue option, the sounds are not well played... (buffer overflow) |
15:21:44 | DerPapst | at least h10 worked normal. |
15:22:00 | pixelma | seems to affect all Archos then (Hexx reported it for player, confirmed on Ondio and fmrec-sim) |
15:22:19 | Nico_P | JdGordon: have you solved the encoding problem in docs/maintainers ? |
15:22:26 | JdGordon | no |
15:22:27 | * | Nico_P thinks he might have a fix |
15:22:36 | * | JdGordon lets Nico_P do his magic |
15:22:40 | Siltaar | I tried to had a rb->sleep (20) but when the plugin is waiting... no music is played, so I imagine that I will have to use an interruption mechanism or smth like that... |
15:22:52 | JdGordon | the file shuold be encoded iso8859-1 like every other file int he repo.... |
15:24:32 | JdGordon | pixelma: ok, ive reproduced in the sim, ill see what I can do |
15:24:55 | pixelma | thanks. |
15:25:26 | Siltaar | Is it a good idea ? if yes, where to look for an example ? |
15:26:09 | * | Nico_P thinks all the code should be UTF-8 |
15:26:15 | bluebrother | the credits file is utf8 since quite a while |
15:26:22 | JdGordon | it is? |
15:26:28 | bluebrother | it is. |
15:26:41 | bluebrother | even the manual uses utf8 (because of the credits file) |
15:27:40 | bluebrother | and until changed the manual to utf8 there was an iconv call to convert it ... |
15:28:00 | Nico_P | Björn's name in the source file headers is a pain for encoding... |
15:28:17 | JdGordon | he isnt the only one... just the most frequent |
15:29:03 | JdGordon | pixelma: sorry, but this doesnt look like a keymap problem... do you know when it started? |
15:29:17 | JdGordon | the ondio and x5 keymaps for this are exactly the same |
15:29:32 | * | Nico_P suggests moving the MAINTAINERS file to UTF-8 now |
15:30:51 | * | DerPapst agrees |
15:31:04 | DerPapst | that is what i've said a few hours ago already ;) |
15:31:07 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
15:31:10 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B1407F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:31:11 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp37-66.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
15:31:24 | | Quit Nick_Brackley ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
15:32:20 | pixelma | JdGordon: not sure, no. My flashed version (r13963) exhibits the same behaviour but it can't be that long, would have to try myself though |
15:33:29 | pixelma | ah, no... that one works correctly |
15:33:30 | DerPapst | Nico_P: if you modify maintainers please also fix the ALAC codec line |
15:34:18 | JdGordon | hmm... i was about to say to try 13955 |
15:34:28 | pixelma | JdGordon: wait, stupid me (too many .ajz here), just loaded an even older one |
15:34:42 | DerPapst | ah... too late |
15:34:45 | DerPapst | ^^ |
15:34:50 | JdGordon | revesion? |
15:36:19 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-066-057-231-236.nc.res.rr.com) |
15:36:46 | pixelma | to be clear... r13963 has the bug (the other is too old to be of any use - r12813) |
15:37:10 | * | JdGordon found the culprit |
15:37:22 | JdGordon | I was right, its 13956 which caused the problem |
15:37:56 | * | Nico_P committed r14000 :D |
15:38:51 | * | JdGordon isnt 100% sure why that commit broke it, but will try his dardest to fix it :p |
15:39:01 | pixelma | :) |
15:40:05 | JdGordon | im wondering why its only the hwcodecs which are showing the bug though |
15:40:09 | Nico_P | bluebrother: thanks for mentioning iconv... I didn't know it existed |
15:40:11 | JdGordon | it should be all or none |
15:40:34 | DerPapst | JdGordon has always the cool revision numbers (e.g. 13337) |
15:40:52 | JdGordon | 14000 isnt cool :p |
15:40:56 | DerPapst | ^ignore |
15:41:01 | JdGordon | but i tihnk i did 13000 |
15:41:12 | DerPapst | ;) |
15:41:16 | JdGordon | we go through rev numbers pretty damn fast! |
15:41:31 | Nico_P | JdGordon got 13337 ? |
15:41:33 | * | Nico_P is jealous |
15:41:44 | pixelma | didn't rev13337 cause a bug? ;) |
15:41:49 | DerPapst | 13000 was made by markun :P |
15:41:56 | * | JdGordon was about to say |
15:42:01 | JdGordon | pixelma: probably :p |
15:42:10 | JdGordon | 1000 commits in 3 months.. not bad |
15:42:16 | | Part maffe |
15:42:25 | DerPapst | but LinusN got 1337 even coolder :P |
15:42:34 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
15:42:48 | JdGordon | pixelma: " Fix the menus so lines scroll again" so in other words, definatly created more bugs |
15:43:25 | pixelma | sure :) |
15:43:25 | bluebrother | hehe |
15:43:52 | Nico_P | he didn't even write a cool commit msg :( |
15:44:29 | * | amiconn returned from shopping and found the H10 still playing |
15:44:36 | bluebrother | maybe he completely forgot about the revision number because of the bugs he added? ;-) |
15:45:39 | Nico_P | the log is desperately free from cool comments :( |
15:45:56 | | Join MournBlade [0] (i=4401597c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6836d12bf902e670) |
15:46:11 | DerPapst | heh |
15:46:16 | * | JdGordon wonders if 1337 translates properly to non english countries? |
15:46:44 | DerPapst | we have a view cool ones over at iPL but since svn is down i couldn't show any :( |
15:46:54 | Nico_P | DerPapst: I saw a blog post about those |
15:47:07 | Nico_P | JdGordon: not really |
15:47:14 | DerPapst | true.. there are some |
15:47:17 | DerPapst | :) |
15:48:29 | Nico_P | oh the iPL dev blog is down :( |
15:49:22 | TiMiD[FD] | linuxstb: yes, sorry for the encoding problem, I forgot to put the office's text editor in iso |
15:49:36 | * | linuxstb wonders how he is supposed to grep the MAINTAINERS file now things are split on multiple lines |
15:49:41 | | Join Jens [0] (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens) |
15:49:55 | linuxstb | TiMiD[FD]: No problem - it's easily fixed. |
15:50:03 | Nico_P | linuxstb: I asked myself the same question |
15:50:13 | TiMiD[FD] | but now the file is in unicode |
15:51:05 | TiMiD[FD] | wouldn't it be a good thing to put al the source code files in unicode for uniformity ? |
15:51:08 | jhMikeS | amiconn: resync to that PCM patch is attached on my page so whenever |
15:51:18 | TiMiD[FD] | the lang files are in unicode, the source in iso ... |
15:51:44 | linuxstb | TiMiD[FD]: Decent text editors don't change the existing encoding of a file... |
15:51:48 | TiMiD[FD] | and utf-8 files can be easily detected with the BOM at the beginning |
15:52:08 | JdGordon | linuxstb: yeah, we need a script to dump the file to a nice html page |
15:52:15 | Nico_P | linuxstb: how do text editors detect the encoding of a file ? |
15:52:39 | dionoea | they make an educated guess |
15:52:47 | linuxstb | Nico_P: I don't know, but the "file" command in Linux always seems to know... |
15:52:49 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
15:52:49 | _jz | it would be killer to have the ability to control the time in the next track where we want the cross-fade to happen |
15:52:50 | pixelma | the long files are utf-8 without bom |
15:52:52 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp258-218.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
15:52:59 | pixelma | *lang |
15:53:01 | _jz | so we could cross fade from the middle of a track to the middle of next track |
15:53:02 | * | JdGordon found the bug :D |
15:53:06 | TiMiD[FD] | decent text editor ... decent people use unicode so don't have the problem ^^ |
15:53:11 | | Join yuan [0] (n=yuan@ |
15:53:18 | _jz | maybe holding the "next" key while spinning the wheel could indicate a timing of the next track..... ? |
15:53:26 | _jz | what do you think ? |
15:53:51 | linuxstb | _jz: Sounds pretty impossible on an ipod.. |
15:53:54 | _jz | with cue files this could be even more awesome |
15:53:58 | _jz | achh OK |
15:54:03 | _jz | but iPod sux anyway :) |
15:54:08 | Nico_P | "apps/lang/francais.lang: UTF-8 Unicode English text" :) |
15:54:25 | bluebrother | oh, french is english? *g* |
15:54:33 | DerPapst | Nico_P: https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/courtc/changeset/1199 |
15:54:45 | linuxstb | hehe. I guess there's more English than French in there... |
15:55:17 | JdGordon | pixelma: doh! I know why it stopped working on hwcodec... its the "hack" thats needed for the software keylock |
15:55:20 | JdGordon | about to be fixed |
15:55:46 | amiconn | ah |
15:55:59 | * | amiconn was about to ask whether JdGordon already had an idea |
15:56:00 | JdGordon | the context changed, so it ate the keys |
15:56:19 | amiconn | It should only eat releases and repeats |
15:56:22 | DerPapst | yumm.. keys |
15:56:25 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ |
15:56:35 | JdGordon | ALLOW_SOFTLOCK is defined to 0 on most targets which meant the context stayed the same :) |
15:56:36 | amiconn | As soon as it sees a non-release, non-repeat, it should stop eating them |
15:56:39 | pixelma | I hope the keys will still be there ;) |
15:56:42 | Nico_P | hmm how do I fix the svn id line in apps/cuesheet.[ch] ? |
15:56:46 | _jz | a "double-click" on next could activate the "select the time on track B for crossfading" thing |
15:57:05 | _jz | so the wheel would select a time, and click again on next would crossfade ? |
15:57:24 | * | amiconn wonders whether he should go for 80MHz on PP502x right away before commit |
15:57:25 | _jz | just to be able to crossfade with a part _after the intro_ in a techno track would be just great |
15:57:39 | | Quit Daishi (Remote closed the connection) |
15:58:23 | * | jhMikeS is inclined to say "go for 80" for 5024 |
15:58:25 | | Quit yuan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:58:33 | * | JdGordon attempts to edit maintainers without breaking everything |
15:58:48 | bluebrother | JdGordon: why did you close FS #7485? It's a manual issue ... |
15:58:49 | amiconn | The 5024 is no special. It's just a PP5022 with tacked on AS3514 |
15:59:06 | | Join yuan [0] (n=yuan@ |
15:59:15 | JdGordon | bluebrother: hmm, woops, mouse moves faster than brain |
15:59:22 | DerPapst | heh |
15:59:23 | bluebrother | ;-) |
16:00 |
16:00:00 | * | JdGordon wonders what he should volanteer for in MAINTAINERS |
16:00:06 | | Part tohtorijep |
16:00:07 | _jz | has someone noticed that the "pitch" option in the contextual menu during a track is playing doesn't work until you click before scrolling the wheel ? |
16:00:11 | amiconn | So, either introduce PP5002 special case and commit now, or change the PP5002 to 80MHz blindly, or wait for my first own PP5002 target? |
16:00:13 | * | jhMikeS thinks it's special :) |
16:00:16 | bluebrother | section "random bugs"? *g* |
16:00:26 | * | amiconn will pick up his ipod G2 in a few hours |
16:00:49 | * | jhMikeS requests a pcm patch test on that too |
16:00:59 | * | DerPapst waves with a PP5002 target to test on |
16:01:06 | amiconn | Patience... first I need to make rockbox work on it |
16:01:25 | DerPapst | i have a 3G and afaik rockbox works on it :P |
16:01:26 | * | amiconn will also receive a G1 these days |
16:01:35 | * | DerPapst could be wrong though |
16:02:11 | * | jhMikeS is just mega-itching to commit that |
16:02:12 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
16:02:15 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp176-229.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
16:02:34 | DerPapst | amiconn: so if you want to i could test 80MHz on my 3G |
16:03:08 | * | amiconn always uses Gx (or xth gen) and not xG for the ipod generations on purpose |
16:03:36 | * | jhMikeS is inclined to try 100MHz and pray ... maybe add a heatsink mod |
16:03:55 | DerPapst | is xG so much more confusing? |
16:04:00 | bluebrother | put some ice cubes on the CPU first ;-) |
16:04:10 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
16:04:14 | jhMikeS | it's supposed to do 100 |
16:04:58 | amiconn | The 5022/5024 are, yes |
16:05:06 | amiconn | The 5002 should do 90 |
16:05:08 | jhMikeS | would be nice for video playback |
16:05:14 | amiconn | I'll test that when I have it |
16:05:55 | amiconn | Video is completely smooth on H10, even at 78MHz and the simple lcd optimisation only |
16:06:34 | amiconn | That's why I think the PP is quite efficient - X5 struggles like hell with fullscreen video, even at its 124MHz |
16:07:49 | PaulJam | doesn't the h10 use both cores for video? |
16:08:07 | amiconn | One for video, one for audio and the rest |
16:08:18 | amiconn | But even with no audio, the huge difference remains |
16:08:45 | PaulJam | ok |
16:10:39 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: btw, i havnt had any sd problems since the commit |
16:11:44 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: what changed? I thought you had to insert the card several times to get it to show. |
16:11:52 | GodEater | hmm. set_current_file() definitely blows up in the sim |
16:11:54 | | Quit yuan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:12:06 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: i dunno, some days it works, some it doesnt |
16:12:16 | | Quit Febs ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
16:12:29 | PaulJam | btw, is someone still working on the mpegplayer optimisation for coldfire? it seems that it doesn't work anymore since the stack overflow fix. |
16:13:27 | jhMikeS | mmm...well it should always work so try the delay out again where it was. that's all I can say atm. |
16:14:24 | jhMikeS | PaulJam: I suppose I plan on having a separate UI thread and buffering thread which would leave the main stack open for audio only |
16:15:51 | amiconn | Can't we use the codec stack for audio? |
16:16:03 | amiconn | Perhaps even load mpa.codec to decode the audio? |
16:16:23 | amiconn | Hmm, that'd introduce iram swap.... |
16:18:26 | pixelma | JdGordon: thanks for the fix, seems to work nicely now :) (I also have the impression that locking/unlocking keys works more reliably) |
16:18:41 | JdGordon | :) |
16:20:35 | amiconn | 80MHz and 24MHz with PLL disabled are working on 5020... |
16:21:42 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:21:42 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
16:22:38 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
16:22:41 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp84-210.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
16:37:28 | | Quit MournBlade ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
16:37:28 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
16:37:28 | | Join yuan [0] (n=yuan@ |
16:37:28 | | Quit Siltaar ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
16:37:28 | linuxstb | jhMikeS: The main stack (8KB) is smaller than the regular codec stack (9KB), and hence libmad overflows it... |
16:37:28 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ |
16:37:28 | linuxstb | So you can't run audio in the main stack. |
16:37:28 | amiconn | Why does libmad use that much stack? |
16:37:28 | linuxstb | I would guess things have been moved to the stack because it's in iram. |
16:37:28 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK linuxstb |
16:37:28 | linuxstb | But I'm not familiar with the libmad internals at all. |
16:37:28 | linuxstb | Maybe a case of over-optimisation... |
16:37:28 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
16:37:28 | linuxstb | But yes, we do have the currently unused codec stack potentially available for mpegplayer's audio thread. |
16:37:28 | amiconn | Afaik libmad is the codec with the highest stack usage |
16:37:28 | | Join Siltaar [0] (i=c134d0e9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-334e3f0a5e580360) |
16:42:15 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
16:42:15 | * | amiconn hopes linuxstb will be around tonight |
16:45:58 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes, I will be - what will you need? |
16:46:10 | amiconn | ipodpatcher work for G2 |
16:47:29 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
16:48:59 | GodEater | anyone got ideas on why I'm getting segfaults from the sim when using set_current_file in a plugin? |
16:55:54 | linuxstb | Silly question, but are you calling rb->set_current_file() ? (I forget what error that would cause...) |
16:56:54 | linuxstb | amiconn: OK, I'll have a look. It would be useful to have dumps of the first 20MB or so from your ipod (i.e. dd if=/dev/sda of=dump.bin) - so it includes the partition table and the interesting part of the firmware partition. |
16:57:06 | GodEater | linuxstb: yes that's what I'm calling |
16:57:10 | amiconn | I'll do that as soon as I have it |
16:57:15 | GodEater | only with an actual path obviously |
16:57:33 | amiconn | Just that it probably won't be /dev/sda here... |
16:57:46 | amiconn | (windows) |
16:57:56 | | Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@gifn3.fpl.com) |
16:58:38 | jac0b | is there a menu to change the volume in bubbles? |
17:00 |
17:01:00 | markun | no idea |
17:01:13 | Nico_P | isn't there a way to have svn ignore files only for a working copy without using the global config ? |
17:02:48 | | Join MournBlade [0] (i=4401597c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-18f7b6b00b1a8fe7) |
17:04:01 | GodEater | linuxstb: FS7486 if you feel like taking a look at work in progress |
17:06:26 | bluebrother | GodEater: forgot the attachement? |
17:06:45 | GodEater | apprently - could have SWORN I clicked on it though |
17:07:15 | GodEater | it's there now |
17:08:07 | amiconn | rrrr, hanging build |
17:08:32 | * | amiconn summons Bagder |
17:08:44 | GodEater | if anyone spots any obvious gotchas with what I did with set_current_file() then please enlighten me. I've looked at it so long now I think my IQ has dropped several points. |
17:08:51 | * | amiconn just committed the PP502x clock setup cleanup including 80MHz |
17:10:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:12:13 | Nico_P | any objections against me committing some svn:ignore updates ? |
17:12:51 | linuxstb | GodEater: You forgot to add set_current_file() to plugin.c |
17:13:03 | linuxstb | (or forgot plugin.c in your diff) |
17:13:26 | linuxstb | Nico_P: What does svn:ignore do/ |
17:13:26 | linuxstb | ? |
17:13:46 | amiconn | Well, if that was forgotten, calling it will segfault for sure (as the pointer will be NULL) |
17:13:53 | Nico_P | linuxstb: prevent the svn status output from being polluted by unversioned files |
17:14:07 | | Part yuan |
17:14:41 | Nico_P | linuxstb: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.special.ignore.html |
17:14:57 | | Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") |
17:15:05 | linuxstb | Nico_P: I quite like that - it tells me which local files I have... |
17:15:27 | linuxstb | But I guess you want to ignore files generated by the builds? e.g. stuff in tools/ ? |
17:15:36 | Nico_P | that's it |
17:16:03 | Nico_P | there are already a few that are ignored, I want to add new ones |
17:16:10 | * | amiconn doesn't use svn status |
17:16:22 | Nico_P | and also rbutil bins |
17:17:11 | linuxstb | Nico_P: Then I suppose that's sensible. |
17:22:15 | linuxstb | amiconn: One thing I'm not sure about with ipodpatcher is if I can determine the ipod version (i.e. differentiate between 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen). Do you know yet how many PP5002 builds we'll need? |
17:22:23 | GodEater | linuxstb: thanks for that - that's stopped the segfault - now I've just got to work out why I'm getting a blank screen instead! |
17:22:48 | amiconn | I think we want one build per generation |
17:22:55 | | Join nls [0] (n=nils@h218n1fls35o293.telia.com) |
17:24:05 | linuxstb | GodEater: Maybe non-native English speakers will struggle with a comment saying "Something's gone properly pear shaped" ... ;) |
17:24:29 | GodEater | if you say so ;) |
17:24:41 | * | linuxstb waits for our non-native English speakers to comment... |
17:25:26 | GodEater | amiconn won't need it in proper english, the code will be enough for him ;) |
17:25:38 | linuxstb | amiconn: I thought you would say that... |
17:25:51 | * | GodEater is clearly a ventriloquist too |
17:25:53 | * | amiconn wonders what GodEater and linuxstb are talking about |
17:26:32 | PaulJam | dict.cc seems to have the coorect translation. |
17:27:06 | GodEater | PaulJam: of what ? |
17:27:19 | PaulJam | "pear shaped" |
17:28:16 | GodEater | it may have the literal translation, but I doubt it carries the sense of the phrase |
17:28:40 | GodEater | oh no - maybe it does |
17:29:14 | amiconn | Hmm, are there other PP5002 targets than ipods? |
17:29:16 | PaulJam | Godeater: http://www.dict.cc/deutsch-englisch/danebengehen.html |
17:30:04 | GodEater | PaulJam: I stand corrected |
17:30:27 | linuxstb | amiconn: I don't know of any. Although didn't the Karma have something similar - PP5003 or PP5004? |
17:30:29 | krp | am i wrong or database updating is ultra buggy on sansa with rockbox ? |
17:30:39 | tumu | it is ultra buggy |
17:30:45 | krp | tumu: thanks |
17:30:49 | krp | tumu: how do you proceed ? |
17:30:59 | tumu | hammer init db and update db until it works |
17:31:09 | tumu | might need few reboots as well |
17:31:12 | krp | personally i load the old firmware, copy the files via usb |
17:31:18 | krp | reboot into the old firmware again |
17:31:21 | krp | let it update the database |
17:31:29 | krp | then i boot rockbox and run "init db", etc |
17:31:31 | krp | multiple times |
17:31:35 | GodEater | linuxstb: yes - the karma is a PP target too |
17:31:36 | krp | it's ugly ! |
17:31:39 | tumu | you don't need to boot to original |
17:31:41 | tumu | just rockbox |
17:31:51 | krp | that's what i thought but you know ... |
17:32:21 | krp | has there been a bug fix ? |
17:32:37 | krp | cause it's really annoying |
17:32:40 | GodEater | has there been a bug report ? |
17:32:48 | krp | when you hit update db you expect it to work ;) |
17:33:09 | krp | well i can file a bug report if there's none |
17:33:14 | krp | i'd be surprised if there is no report |
17:33:15 | tumu | GodEater, FS7032 |
17:33:48 | krp | is there anyone looking at this problem ? |
17:33:54 | krp | if not i'd be happy to fix it myself |
17:34:11 | GodEater | the comments on it would indicate it's not been dealt with yet, and looks like we're still awaiting info |
17:34:30 | * | nls is not a big ML user, so I have a newbie question, to start a new thread in the dev-ML do I have to do anything else than sending a mail to rockbox-dev@cool.haxx.se ? |
17:34:42 | GodEater | nls: nope - that's all |
17:34:49 | GodEater | the key thing is not to reply to an existing email on it |
17:35:01 | nls | GodEater: thanks ;-) |
17:35:15 | GodEater | otherwise febs will shout at you ;) |
17:36:11 | * | GodEater thinks he needs his plugin to now exit straight into the file browser to see the change to current directory |
17:37:30 | Febs | Nah. I've already used my quota for the month of complaining about the mailing list. ;) |
17:38:10 | GodEater | hahaha |
17:40:47 | * | linuxstb notes there are only a few days left in the month... |
17:48:37 | | Quit jac0b ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
17:54:43 | markun | krp: fixing it yourself is always a good idea |
17:54:47 | DerPapst | amiconn: even if linuxstb doesn't get ipodpatcher to work when you need it you can still use ipod_fw to install the bootloader. |
17:54:55 | alienbiker99 | linuxstb i just put a new build on my H120 and the plugins load now |
17:57:21 | Nico_P | amiconn: I'm testing rockbox on my brother's H10 with your changes... it's much nicer, congrats :) |
17:58:53 | Nico_P | amiconn: do you expect runtime to be improved ? |
17:59:25 | | Join NirIzr [0] (n=NirIzr@ |
18:00 |
18:00:43 | | Part NirIzr |
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18:01:55 | amiconn | Nico_P: No, at least not significantly |
18:02:01 | | Part maffe |
18:02:15 | Nico_P | ok |
18:02:15 | amiconn | Maybe a little bit due to the faster lcd update draining less cpu power |
18:02:20 | krp | markun: how do rockbox devs test their code ? i don't mean unit testing or something like that, more like running the firmware in something like a qemu instance ? |
18:02:45 | Nico_P | krp: we have an UI simulator |
18:03:05 | Nico_P | krp: for what's not simulated by it we need to test on the targets |
18:03:32 | | Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@pool-68-239-133-213.nwrk.east.verizon.net) |
18:05:12 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e179207037.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
18:05:37 | | Quit sarixe (Client Quit) |
18:05:53 | bluebrother | hi Domonoky |
18:06:01 | Domonoky | hi bluebrother |
18:06:14 | bluebrother | do you have any experiences with the accessibility module of Qt? It seems it isn't used by default |
18:06:15 | krp | Nico_P: the simulator sounds great, there seems to be one for e200 too |
18:06:30 | Nico_P | krp: for the e200 it's an emulator... not the same |
18:06:40 | | Join mike__ [0] (n=mike@ |
18:06:43 | bluebrother | but unfortunately neither the documentation nor google was helpful enough to make it clear to me how it works :( |
18:06:48 | Domonoky | bluebrother: i dont have any experience with it, but i could take a look .. :-) |
18:07:10 | bluebrother | that would be great :) |
18:07:18 | Nico_P | krp: actually for the e200 there are both the sim and the emulator. the sim can be built for all targets |
18:09:38 | alienbiker99 | i just got a data abort error at 40001410 erros |
18:10:28 | alienbiker99 | on H10 |
18:11:04 | krp | Nico_P: are you using buildbot for the daily builds or ... ? |
18:11:18 | Nico_P | krp: it's a custom script |
18:11:26 | krp | ok |
18:12:50 | | Quit amar (Remote closed the connection) |
18:13:30 | | Quit Guile`` ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") |
18:14:20 | | Quit linuxstb ("Client Exiting") |
18:14:37 | Nico_P | krp: the scripts are here: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/www/tools/ |
18:15:09 | * | amiconn summons Bagder, LinusN or Zagor |
18:15:18 | krp | aouch, perl ;) |
18:19:47 | | Quit mike_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:23:59 | Domonoky | bluebrother: for starting with the accessible things, you should fill in "accessibleName" and "accessibleDescription" in the Designer for every widget which should be read out.. |
18:24:41 | Domonoky | and please also fill in the tooltip and whatsThis for those widgets.. |
18:25:11 | bluebrother | hmm, I tried this for one button but it wasn't spoken. But adding the values shouldn't hurt anyway. |
18:25:32 | Domonoky | perhaps we have to aktivate it somehow.. |
18:26:24 | Domonoky | but for the base widgets of Qt accessibillity should already be implemented, for self created widgets, you have to implement a interface for this.. |
18:27:18 | alienbiker99 | does anybody know what font iamp uses? |
18:27:42 | Domonoky | alienbiker99: just take a look at the cfg file of iamp.. :-) |
18:27:55 | bluebrother | yeah, that was what I understood so far. But surprisingly it didn't work ... |
18:27:58 | alienbiker99 | oh cgood thinkin, thanks |
18:29:35 | | Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
18:32:32 | | Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@pool-68-239-133-213.nwrk.east.verizon.net) |
18:32:33 | amiconn | Domonoky: What's so much better with qt than with wxwidgets? |
18:34:15 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
18:34:16 | Domonoky | amiconn: many more ready made Widgets in Qt.. aviable for all distros as readymade package... more people with qt knowledge.. etc.. :-) |
18:35:56 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
18:36:12 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
18:36:15 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp228-101.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
18:36:23 | linuxstb | amiconn: According to this page (which is just a front-end to the firmware downloads itunes 7 uses), the same Apple firmware is used for the 1G and 2G - http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/ - So I don't think ipodpatcher will be able to easily differentiate between the two. |
18:37:26 | Domonoky | bluebrother: found something.. you have to copy the accessible plugin (with the dir) to the dir where the rbutilqt bin resides.. |
18:37:47 | amiconn | Aha, hmmm.... |
18:38:02 | bluebrother | damn. Why oh why crashes my virtual windows repeatedly when sound is enabled? :( |
18:38:08 | amiconn | linuxstb: Maybe it's still possible (although maybe not necessary) |
18:38:22 | DerPapst | it was already the same firmware in the apple updaters packages. |
18:38:26 | Domonoky | bluebrother: what do you use for speaking in windows ? |
18:38:40 | amiconn | ipodpatcher can distinguish mini G1 and G2, even though the OF code looks like it would run on both |
18:39:02 | pixelma | build is finally done now, reveals some red in the bootloaders of PP targets |
18:39:09 | * | amiconn should check the wheel handling in ipl... |
18:39:38 | linuxstb | amiconn: Apple do distribute different firmwares for the two mini generations - and the firmware image contains a model number which is how ipodpatcher can tell the difference between ipods. |
18:39:49 | amiconn | aha |
18:40:28 | Domonoky | ah, another big plus of Qt: Plugins :-) |
18:40:54 | bluebrother | I found a software that's free for use called thunder: http://screenreader.net/index.php?section=Thunder%20and%20Manuals |
18:41:06 | | Quit MournBlade ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
18:42:07 | | Join belze_ [0] (i=nifty@dslb-088-073-227-139.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
18:42:44 | _jz | stupid questions : are the daily builds built.... daily ? (and if so, at what time ? ;) |
18:43:05 | bluebrother | _jz: daily builds are built ... daily :) |
18:43:09 | linuxstb | Around 5am GMT I think. You could check the timestamps in the ifles. |
18:43:13 | linuxstb | ^files |
18:43:31 | * | bluebrother was too slow in typing a line that hints for file timestamps |
18:44:05 | | Nick HellDragon_ is now known as HellDragon (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
18:44:07 | _jz | hehe i knew this was stupid :) |
18:44:36 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=980398fe@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0264acd52c2738ee) |
18:44:42 | bluebrother | maybe I should give Jaws a try. There's a time limited demo available |
18:45:17 | * | Domonoky doesnt want to install such thing on his normal PC, perhaps i should make a Vm.. |
18:45:20 | linuxstb | amiconn: Maybe a unified bootloader will be easier than a unified Rockbox build. The bootloader could then hopefully detect which ipod it is running on, and check the version of the main build. |
18:45:48 | linuxstb | Although that won't help with rbutil (it uses ipodpatcher's detection...) |
18:46:03 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:46:12 | linuxstb | But I guess we can live with that - the user will need to manually select the ipod generation in rbutil. |
18:46:25 | amiconn | The only real reason for having separate builds would be if the G2's touch wheel allows detecting the touch position |
18:46:55 | linuxstb | And that won't be needed in the bootloader anyway. At the moment the bootloader has separate button driver code. |
18:46:56 | amiconn | If it just sends pulses for forward/backward movement like the mechanical G1 wheel, there is no reason to |
18:47:09 | belze_ | Slasheri: u there? |
18:49:08 | DerPapst | linuxstb: i'm pretty much sure that the mini G2 is the first iPod that allows detecting the touch position. |
18:49:27 | DerPapst | at least 1G to 3G can't do that |
18:49:46 | amiconn | ok |
18:49:55 | linuxstb | saratoga: Hi. Have you had chance to look at that libmad patch? |
18:50:14 | amiconn | So we can have a unified G1/G2 build, but we probably need to detect what we're running on in a few places |
18:50:30 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=mike@ |
18:50:30 | linuxstb | That should be possible with the IPOD_HW_REVISION value in flash. |
18:50:55 | amiconn | yes |
18:51:22 | linuxstb | OK, so my only problem will be distinguishing between G1/G2 and G3... |
18:52:01 | amiconn | That also means ipodpatcher only needs to be adapted to one new (old) partition format |
18:53:02 | DerPapst | only way i can think of is parsing the sysinfo file in iPod_Control/Devices/SysInfo |
18:53:11 | amiconn | Gah, this bootloader build issue is nasty |
18:53:38 | amiconn | It's due to HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ being defined for bootloaders even though they don't use that |
18:54:23 | amiconn | I can get around it pretty cheap, but then compiling without HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ will be severely broken |
18:54:35 | linuxstb | DerPapst: I don't want to rely on SysInfo - 1) It may not be there if the user has wiped the Apple firmware; 2) ipodpatcher only does raw access to the disk, it doesn't read the filesystem. |
18:55:05 | amiconn | Now I tried to change some checks to also check for !BOOTLOADER as well (in system.c and system.h) - but that breaks coldfire bootloaders |
18:56:38 | DerPapst | linuxstb: i only said that this is the only way i could think of how to distinguish between G1/G2 and G3. |
18:56:47 | amiconn | And now I have to leave for a while.... :( |
18:58:28 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
18:58:31 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp10-145.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
18:59:14 | DerPapst | linuxstb: could there be a way to scan the firmware partition layout to distinguish between G1/G2 and G3? |
18:59:59 | | Quit sarixe ("Peace") |
19:00 |
19:00:14 | linuxstb | It looks like the firmware images contain a version number for the OSOS image. The latest firmwares are 0x0210 for the 3g and 0x0130 for the 1g/2g. |
19:00:44 | linuxstb | Now all I need is older firmwares to compare... |
19:01:25 | DerPapst | there are some here: http://www.ipodlinux.org/Apple_Updaters |
19:01:51 | DerPapst | at least there is a 2.2 for 3G iPod (latest is 2.3). |
19:02:08 | linuxstb | Thanks |
19:02:27 | DerPapst | but i don't know if there are any older ones for G1/G2 available. latest is 1.5 |
19:02:41 | bluebrother | hmm, Jaws seems to work much better than Thunder |
19:02:52 | bluebrother | I got it speaking the menu :) |
19:02:56 | DerPapst | maybe you have luch and amiconn has older versions on his G1 or G2 iPod |
19:03:03 | DerPapst | *luck |
19:03:12 | amiconn | I'll go pick up the G2 in a few mins |
19:03:27 | | Quit mike__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:03:33 | bluebrother | is there no (easy) way to detect the version number of the installed AppleOS? |
19:03:37 | * | amiconn hopes the bootloader build failures aren't too annoying meanwhile |
19:04:14 | linuxstb | bluebrother: That's what I think I've found. |
19:04:16 | DerPapst | bluebrother: only via the sysinfo file |
19:04:45 | DerPapst | and with the scsi inquery on later ipod. |
19:05:06 | bluebrother | *grrr* |
19:05:14 | * | bluebrother kicks the virtual windows install |
19:05:56 | * | linuxstb heads home |
19:06:01 | | Quit linuxstb ("Client Exiting") |
19:08:12 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
19:08:15 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp103-115.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
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19:11:09 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s189a.studby.ntnu.no) |
19:14:15 | bluebrother | Domonoky: if you want to try Jaws, you don't need to install it ;-) |
19:14:55 | bluebrother | the installer itself is spoken, so you can just start the setup wizard and stop before the real installation starts. |
19:16:36 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
19:16:40 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp127-65.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
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19:26:27 | | Quit BigMac ("Ex-Chat") |
19:31:08 | saratoga | linuxstb: I haven't looked at that patch yet, I will after I commit the LSP fixes for wma |
19:31:12 | saratoga | hopefully later today |
19:31:16 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@rockbox/developer/obo) |
19:35:18 | | Join Siltaar_ [0] (n=Siltaar@reverse-52.fdn.fr) |
19:41:00 | Domonoky | bluebrother: any luck with the speaking rbutilqt ? |
19:41:37 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
19:41:43 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
19:41:48 | bluebrother | yes. It "just" works. |
19:42:01 | Domonoky | nice |
19:42:05 | bluebrother | at least the menu speaks now. Seems Thunder isn't quite good. |
19:42:28 | DerPapst | there is no such a thing like just working software (except Apple ^^) |
19:42:44 | Domonoky | so just copying the accessible plugin is enough for the nativ qt widgets ? |
19:42:49 | bluebrother | yes. |
19:43:01 | Domonoky | good.. |
19:43:18 | bluebrother | I haven't checked the effect of the appropriate items in designer |
19:44:01 | Domonoky | according to the doc, buttons already have the accessible text, but other widgets dont.. so settting them would be good.. |
19:44:43 | | Join metalic [0] (i=5b7e2063@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a16901503e4aa2a2) |
19:47:31 | metalic | Hi guys! I got everything working now except playlist, I really want my itunes playlists on rockbox, så I say a software called yamipod, it basicly converts itunesplaylists to m3u format... The problem is that when loading the playlist in rockbox, it says No file found on every song? |
19:48:02 | bluebrother | metalic: have you looked at the exported playlist files? |
19:48:20 | bluebrother | are they in m3u format and do they contain the same folder structure that is on your ipod? |
19:49:51 | metalic | well I think they have m3u8 or something? and yeah, because yami askes for my itunes library xml file so it should be? |
19:50:33 | bluebrother | well, I don't know yamipod (tough I tried it once ... didn't detect my Ipod) |
19:50:53 | bluebrother | but I guess the playlists are broken. My assumption is that the paths are wrong |
19:50:57 | metalic | Oh damn it |
19:50:57 | metalic | sorry |
19:51:10 | metalic | I used iTunesExport.UI-1.3.1 |
19:51:24 | metalic | yami didnt work with smartlists!!! |
19:51:37 | bluebrother | never heard of that. Just open a m3u file with your favourite text editor |
19:51:47 | metalic | yeah |
19:51:48 | bluebrother | and check if the paths it lists are present on your player. |
19:52:16 | metalic | okey will do that, cant right now though, im on mac.... |
19:52:29 | metalic | but m3u has two diffrent formats right? |
19:52:48 | metalic | one just m3u and one with one more number after? |
20:00 |
20:00:27 | | Join venox [0] (n=luiz@ |
20:01:05 | venox | hey... is there anyway to make the ipod's rockbox port to use a apple-like keymap? |
20:01:29 | metalic | dont you like the rockbox way? |
20:01:30 | venox | I wanted to be able to use the play/pause, skip forward/backward, buttons to control the playback from the menus (and filebrowser) |
20:01:32 | dionoea | you mean rockbox' ipod port? |
20:01:33 | metalic | its kinda nice... |
20:01:45 | venox | dionoea: yeah. heh |
20:02:26 | venox | metalic: I think rockbox way is just ok. |
20:03:07 | venox | but I really wanted to call the WPS with a "Now playing" menu option, and use the buttons as I described |
20:03:31 | metalic | yeah I understand what you mean |
20:03:34 | dionoea | that's not possible unless you change the code yourself and recompile |
20:03:46 | venox | dionoea: yeah, that's what I'm looking to |
20:04:19 | venox | but it seems that I can't just change the apps/keymaps/keymap-ipod.c |
20:04:52 | metalic | does it matter if the playlist is m3u och m3u8? |
20:05:08 | Llorean | metalic: m3u8 is just a UTF-8 m3u |
20:05:09 | dionoea | metalic: m3u8 files are supposed to be UTF_8 encoded |
20:05:21 | dionoea | gra, too slow |
20:05:31 | metalic | so no diffrens? |
20:05:57 | dionoea | depends if you have accents or non latin chars in your filenames or not |
20:06:06 | dionoea | if it's only plain ASCII, no difference |
20:06:52 | metalic | yeah okey.. im refering more if it matters for the rockbox, but it reads both probobly? |
20:07:19 | dionoea | venox: the issue is that you're not going to have enough buttons left for normal operations in the file browser and menus if you add those keys. |
20:07:59 | dionoea | metalic: yeah, it reads both |
20:08:47 | metalic | omfg jclix is really nice!!! :D |
20:09:04 | metalic | it has its small glitches though |
20:12:21 | venox | dionoea: why not? MENU key is "BACK", SELECT key is SELECT (holding this keys gives me the menu) |
20:12:26 | venox | what other keys do I need? |
20:21:23 | Ctcp | Version from chrisjs169!n=chrisjs@unaffiliated/chrisjs169 |
20:21:44 | | Quit K4rP4D (Remote closed the connection) |
20:27:29 | bluebrother | menu for back? Blargh. |
20:27:29 | metalic | b luebrother: you there? |
20:27:50 | bluebrother | metalic: yes, for a few minutes |
20:27:55 | metalic | It seems my exported m3u playlists have paths on my harddrive and not on ipod... |
20:28:06 | | Join pili [0] (n=pili@28.Red-88-7-159.staticIP.rima-tde.net) |
20:28:11 | metalic | do ipod have own playlist which you can export from? |
20:28:16 | bluebrother | well, then it's not surprising it doesn't work |
20:28:25 | metalic | yeah hahaha :d |
20:28:40 | bluebrother | Itunes stores the playlists on the Ipod in its own format (in the DB to be exact) |
20:28:51 | bluebrother | so you need some tool to extract it from there. |
20:29:08 | bluebrother | search the forums, there was a thread about that a while ago |
20:29:39 | metalic | you have the exact filename? |
20:29:47 | metalic | nad if possible location= |
20:29:53 | bluebrother | of the itunesdb? |
20:30:06 | bluebrother | somewhere in /iPodControl |
20:30:06 | metalic | yeah |
20:30:27 | metalic | saw it |
20:30:31 | bluebrother | but it's a binary format, I don't see how this would help here ... you need a tool that reads this database |
20:30:36 | metalic | yeah |
20:30:46 | metalic | back to scratch on |
20:30:48 | metalic | one* |
20:31:10 | metalic | d |
20:31:19 | metalic | thanks once again for explaining! ;) |
20:31:28 | bluebrother | you're welcome |
20:31:29 | | Join Keksmeister [0] (n=ich@p5B1714F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:34:28 | pili | Hi, how do I know wich ipod do I have? It is an ipod nano, but how do I know wich generation it is? |
20:34:48 | bluebrother | what color does it have? |
20:34:53 | pili | blue |
20:34:58 | bluebrother | then it's 2G |
20:35:05 | pili | :( |
20:35:19 | bluebrother | the 1G weren't available in colors, only black and white. |
20:35:26 | pili | so rockbox is not supported in this device I guess |
20:35:34 | bluebrother | 2G also has a full-metal case |
20:35:50 | bluebrother | the other way round: Rockbox does not support the 2G ;-) |
20:36:17 | pili | Is there any stupid reason? |
20:36:34 | pili | It works on almost all ipods |
20:37:09 | metalic | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=11366.30 |
20:37:32 | metalic | Thats the software needed for extracting itunes playlists to rockbox""" |
20:37:33 | metalic | "" |
20:37:43 | metalic | Works perfectly! :) |
20:38:32 | pili | could someone reccomend ma a softwere to manage the ipod from the pc? |
20:39:40 | pili | I mean without using itunes |
20:39:55 | pili | I'm trying to get this working for my aunt |
20:40:41 | metalic | their is a couple.. have not uses win for a while but I remember anapod |
20:40:44 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
20:40:53 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
20:41:35 | * | amiconn just returned with the G2 |
20:41:48 | linuxstb | Good timing... |
20:41:50 | amiconn | This thing is heavy compared to a G5 ... |
20:42:01 | metalic | you could always google "itunes replacement" |
20:42:14 | amiconn | It says firmware version 1.5 in the about screen |
20:42:20 | linuxstb | amiconn: Does it have USB, or is it firewire only? |
20:42:27 | DerPapst | that's the latest |
20:42:31 | DerPapst | fiwi only |
20:42:32 | amiconn | G1 and G2 are firewire only |
20:42:44 | linuxstb | And the firewire chip is documented iirc |
20:42:47 | pili | that is my problem too, I heard amarok works great with ipod. But for win... I don't know. At least can this be used just with drag and drop to add the songs in mp3? |
20:42:47 | amiconn | It has a standard 6 pin firewire socket at the top |
20:42:56 | linuxstb | (the firewire is external to the pp5002) |
20:43:21 | amiconn | It's not completely external according to the product brief iirc |
20:43:21 | linuxstb | At least, IPL had a working driver for it. |
20:43:27 | amiconn | Just the phy is |
20:43:43 | amiconn | Yes, i remember having read this |
20:43:43 | metalic | pili: yeah anapod is like drag and drop, their is one more which is really good, just cant remember the name |
20:43:55 | pili | yamipod? |
20:44:03 | amiconn | But this can come later, first I want to get rockbox working at all |
20:44:16 | metalic | maybe,,, but not the one Im refering too |
20:44:38 | linuxstb | amiconn: BTW, I don't think ipodpatcher will be very much work at all - I'm about to work on it now. |
20:44:41 | pili | Does itunes offer something special? |
20:44:43 | metalic | yamipod is like podplayer, makes you access the music ON the ipod |
20:45:22 | metalic | well its the best all rounded if you have mac... for win im not that sure, wmp or winamp is always a better choice |
20:46:32 | pili | I'm going to search, I readed somewhere that there was a multiplatform softwere |
20:46:39 | pili | ware |
20:46:46 | metalic | can anybody confirm that rockbox doesn't use more battery than apples own firmware? |
20:47:01 | metalic | google is the way man ;) |
20:47:25 | linuxstb | metalic: I can confirm that Rockbox does use more battery than Apple's firmware. |
20:47:36 | metalic | well thats nice :D |
20:48:07 | amiconn | Hmm, somehow my laptop doesn't want to read the ipod's drive |
20:48:12 | linuxstb | HFS? |
20:48:16 | metalic | shame.. rockbox really unlockes functions its soo nice! |
20:48:24 | amiconn | "volume in drive g: isn't formatted. Format now?" |
20:48:41 | linuxstb | What does ipodpatcher make of it? |
20:48:52 | linuxstb | My guess is it will think it's a 3G. |
20:49:54 | amiconn | Maybe, although the package says windows version |
20:50:20 | amiconn | And it does detect a volume. Shouldn't that mean there's a pc partition table? |
20:50:25 | | Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) |
20:50:52 | thegeek | foobar2000 with foo_dop is a nice alternative to itunes on windows |
20:51:00 | * | linuxstb doesn't know how Windows deals with drives |
20:51:29 | amiconn | Hmm, windows doesn't see 2 partitions |
20:51:45 | * | amiconn should probably use the ipod restore util |
20:51:47 | krazykit | amiconn, itunes should offer to let you format it as a winpod |
20:51:53 | linuxstb | ipodpatcher will tell you if it's HFS or FAT |
20:52:04 | amiconn | I don't have itunes installed and never will install it |
20:52:05 | linuxstb | (it can read the Apple Partition map) |
20:52:37 | | Quit Keksmeister () |
20:52:57 | * | amiconn wonders where he put his ipodpatcher copy |
20:53:12 | DerPapst | which windows can't. that's why you can't see any partitions i guess |
20:53:36 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF505D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:54:40 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
20:54:42 | amiconn | [ERR] No ipods found, aborting |
20:54:43 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp139-37.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
20:54:58 | amiconn | Hmm maybe that ipodpatcher is too old? |
20:55:00 | amiconn | 0.9 |
20:55:34 | | Quit chrisjs169 (Remote closed the connection) |
20:55:52 | | Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=chrisjs@pool-71-254-214-208.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) |
20:56:09 | linuxstb | Possibly. |
20:56:17 | | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") |
20:56:23 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-066-057-231-236.nc.res.rr.com) |
20:56:37 | * | DerPapst hands amiconn a newer one.. http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ipodpatcher/win32/ipodpatcher.exe |
20:57:18 | amiconn | Just fetched that |
20:57:41 | amiconn | Same thing |
20:58:11 | DerPapst | then you might have to restore manually if you don't want to use itunes at all |
20:58:35 | amiconn | Well, there's this standalone ipod restore util |
20:58:53 | DerPapst | which depends on at least one itunes file |
20:58:53 | amiconn | linuxstb: Want a dump? |
20:59:02 | linuxstb | amiconn: Does it boot the Apple firmware OK? |
20:59:07 | amiconn | yes |
20:59:19 | linuxstb | Then yes, a dump would be helpful. |
20:59:29 | amiconn | The dump says 'apple partition map' near the start |
20:59:32 | linuxstb | I think the first 20MB (including the partition table) would be enough. |
20:59:33 | DerPapst | btw.. the ipod should tell you if it is hfs or not |
20:59:35 | bluebrother | Domonoky: ok. Screenereader work just fine with Qt4 once you copied that plugin. |
20:59:47 | bluebrother | I just checked against qtscrobbler and it's spoken ;-) |
20:59:48 | DerPapst | somewhere in Settings > About |
21:00 |
21:00:01 | amiconn | It doesn't |
21:00:06 | DerPapst | or Einstellungen > Über ;) |
21:00:11 | DerPapst | oww. |
21:00:22 | DerPapst | *Über |
21:00:24 | amiconn | It just tells how many tracks there are, the capacity, free space, version and serial number |
21:00:29 | bluebrother | I had the idea of providing access to all button-functions through a menu for convenience −− might be easier for keyboard navigation |
21:00:47 | DerPapst | hmm... 3G iPod tell if it's a winpod or macpod |
21:00:51 | | Quit belze_ ("Ich weiß deine Monster sind genau wie meine, und mit denen bleibt man besser nicht alleine.") |
21:02:12 | amiconn | DerPapst: The ipod updater doesn't require any additional file |
21:02:19 | DerPapst | oh |
21:02:19 | | Quit metalic ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:02:29 | DerPapst | i thought they do |
21:02:30 | amiconn | Maybe apple no longer provides it for download, but I still have a copy |
21:02:33 | amiconn | (or should) |
21:02:36 | * | amiconn checks |
21:02:57 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes, definitely an HFS ipod. |
21:02:59 | * | DerPapst shows amiconn http://www.ipodlinux.org/Apple_Updaters |
21:04:13 | amiconn | tnx |
21:04:18 | DerPapst | :) |
21:04:29 | * | amiconn downloads |
21:06:48 | | Join webguest13 [0] (i=4cc1ff39@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-42330e50fa9c6052) |
21:08:14 | linuxstb | amiconn: Have you converted yet? |
21:08:20 | amiconn | nah |
21:08:31 | amiconn | still downloading the updater |
21:08:56 | linuxstb | I have an ipodpatcher.exe which recognises your dump as a "1st or 2nd gen macpod" |
21:09:27 | amiconn | I can test... |
21:09:30 | linuxstb | http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/ipodpatcher.zip |
21:09:45 | linuxstb | I need to know the model number and name you're planning to use for Rockbox. |
21:09:49 | * | DerPapst spots some red color un the build table |
21:10:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:11:07 | * | DerPapst just noticed that it is already known :-/ |
21:11:17 | DerPapst | too slow as always :-P |
21:13:37 | amiconn | linuxstb: It works :) |
21:14:05 | * | amiconn sees the warning for the first time |
21:17:48 | | Quit webguest13 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:17:50 | amiconn | DerPapst: Do you know the reset and diskmode button combos for the old ipods? |
21:18:47 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
21:19:03 | linuxstb_ | http://ipodlinux.org/Key_Combinations |
21:20:10 | amiconn | Ah, a "cross sequence" |
21:24:22 | | Join metalic [0] (i=5b7e2063@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-73da79b8b70cca9c) |
21:24:36 | metalic | anybody with a quicky on how to apply patches? |
21:24:49 | bluebrother | patch -p0 < file.diff |
21:24:59 | amiconn | Hmm, something went wrong... |
21:25:58 | amiconn | It now just displays a firewire plug and an arrow... :( |
21:26:29 | metalic | blue: were should I type this? |
21:26:53 | metalic | you have a document page or something about patching? |
21:27:11 | bluebrother | at the command promt, in the source root. |
21:28:12 | amiconn | Ah, it wants power, probably for updating the flash |
21:28:13 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: That could be a request for power - so it can reflash the bootloader |
21:28:22 | amiconn | My laptop only has 4-pin firewire |
21:28:37 | amiconn | I plugged it into the charger now |
21:29:40 | amiconn | Now I have an extra item in the about screen |
21:29:46 | amiconn | Format: Windows |
21:31:14 | amiconn | ...and the new ipodpatcher recognises it :) |
21:31:27 | amiconn | [INFO] Ipod model: 1st or 2nd Generation ("winpod") |
21:32:03 | linuxstb_ | As I mentioned we need the model number etc so I can prepare it for a bootloader. |
21:32:14 | metalic | blue: is the command promt in the ipod rockbox or in the folders? |
21:32:22 | metalic | ahh cant get it right sorry |
21:32:24 | amiconn | Which model number? |
21:32:40 | linuxstb_ | The one used by scramble (-add), and the 4-char model name. |
21:32:54 | linuxstb_ | Plus a target filename (ipod3g, ipodnano, ipodcolor etc) |
21:32:56 | amiconn | 4-char could be 1g2g |
21:33:40 | linuxstb_ | I guess ipod1g2g for the target name.... |
21:34:39 | amiconn | yes, sounds reasonable |
21:34:58 | amiconn | Model number should be the next available iirc |
21:35:58 | linuxstb_ | I make that 19 |
21:36:13 | amiconn | is that target_id? |
21:36:27 | linuxstb_ | That's MODEL_NUMBER in config-*.h |
21:36:54 | * | amiconn thinks we have too many different model identifiers |
21:37:02 | pixelma | metalic: there is http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SimpleGuideToCompiling and one other wiki page, also something in the appropriate subforum |
21:37:38 | linuxstb_ | 29 appears to be the next target_id |
21:37:46 | amiconn | yes |
21:39:11 | amiconn | haha, I love that line in config-ipodmini.h: |
21:39:21 | linuxstb_ | tools/scramble appears to use MODEL_NUMBER from the config.h |
21:39:38 | amiconn | #define MODEL_NUMBER 9 /* TODO: change to 9 */ |
21:39:46 | linuxstb_ | ;) |
21:40:43 | * | amiconn should probably fix the bootloader build problem now |
21:40:54 | linuxstb_ | OK, I'll update ipodpatcher with that info. |
21:42:05 | | Join GodEater__ [0] (n=vircuser@rockbox/staff/GodEater) |
21:42:40 | metalic | THanks pixelma! I accually just found that site! But thanks anyway!!! |
21:42:53 | | Join BobShield [0] (i=rshield@c-24-15-123-57.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
21:43:36 | | Join Soap_ [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
21:43:52 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: ipodpatcher now updated - same URL. |
21:46:06 | | Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@75.84-48-86.nextgentel.com) |
21:47:57 | amiconn | linuxstb: That one doesn't want to detect the ipod... |
21:48:05 | amiconn | eh? |
21:48:09 | amiconn | Now it works... |
21:49:22 | | Nick Soap_ is now known as Soap (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
21:51:40 | amiconn | linuxstb: hehe, do you think the user cannot select one ipod from a list? |
21:52:02 | amiconn | "[ERR] 2 ipods found, aborting" << |
21:52:36 | pixelma | if you read posts from ipod users... |
21:52:43 | GodEater__ | which he doesn't |
21:52:55 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
21:52:58 | * | Domonoky just commited ini file based install logging to rbutilqt :-) |
21:53:00 | amiconn | I do, but not very often |
21:53:17 | Llorean | saratoga: When you're around, this may interest you: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7488 |
21:53:17 | GodEater__ | well then you know they have less brain cells than the average chair leg |
21:54:39 | * | amiconn should probably test whether the bootloaders are working |
21:54:53 | amiconn | At least on targets where this isn't dangerous |
21:54:56 | bluebrother | hey! |
21:54:57 | bluebrother | ;-) |
21:55:02 | amiconn | (ipod mini g2 and iaudio x5) |
21:55:10 | | Join webguest73 [0] (i=4cc1ff39@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-29a744c099bf7f29) |
21:55:11 | pixelma | I don't like generalizations but I think "better to be careful" |
21:55:23 | amiconn | The bootloaders will become smaller by my fix |
21:55:25 | bluebrother | nice to see others starting to work at it. |
21:55:41 | bluebrother | *on |
21:55:45 | Domonoky | :-) |
21:56:03 | amiconn | In svn, bootloaders have HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ defined, and that makes them include set_cpu_frequency() because panicf() requires it |
21:56:26 | * | bluebrother reads the diff |
21:56:28 | amiconn | But bootloaders don't touch the pll (and shouldn't) |
21:57:13 | Domonoky | bluebrother: i first thought of wrapping the logging into a class, but its not really needed.. :-) |
21:57:51 | bluebrother | I had two ideas: (1) add a menu which contains the install buttons for easier keyboard access |
21:58:26 | bluebrother | (2) maybe even create a command line interface? like "rbutilqt −−install current −−device ipodmini2g" |
21:59:38 | | Quit webguest73 (Client Quit) |
21:59:52 | Domonoky | (1) is a nice idea, but not needed when accessibility works.. (2) would be really cool, and shoulnt be hard if we wrap the functionallity good.. |
21:59:53 | amiconn | erm.... |
22:00 |
22:00:05 | amiconn | This bootloader doesn't werk on my mini :( |
22:00:30 | bluebrother | I agree about (1) not really necessary, but otoh it would mostly being just some connect() calls |
22:01:07 | Domonoky | bluebrother: e.g we should try to wrap the installation prozess better, as it is now.. but its a bit, bad with the asynchronus download... |
22:01:15 | bluebrother | sry, phone call |
22:02:53 | amiconn | hmpf |
22:03:08 | amiconn | It just hangs, even the Right button does nothing |
22:03:19 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
22:07:06 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: I built an svn bootloader a couple of days ago (when I changed the hw version detection), and it worked on my Color. |
22:07:18 | | Join fluxam [0] (i=4158589b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2ea8e3b6b1e455fd) |
22:07:23 | amiconn | hmm... :| |
22:10:19 | linuxstb_ | GodEater: That chair leg comment was a little harsh... ;) |
22:11:19 | GodEater__ | perhaps :) |
22:11:36 | GodEater__ | too unkind to chair legs ? ;) |
22:11:52 | amiconn | Hmm. |
22:12:00 | amiconn | bootloader r14003 also doesn't work |
22:12:28 | DerPapst | *cough*GQ?*cough*(perhaps)*cough* |
22:12:47 | amiconn | ? |
22:12:59 | * | GodEater__ is in the dark too |
22:13:45 | DerPapst | golden quotes |
22:13:47 | tucoz | bluebrother, i added the gpl v2 as html instead of the plain text version, and made some tiny changes to the aboutbox for rbutilqt. Would you like to see a diff? |
22:14:14 | * | GodEater__ doesn't see anything really worthy of GoldenQuotes |
22:14:26 | pixelma | DerPapst: the chair legs comparison? |
22:14:32 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: I've just double-checked, and my Color is currently running a bootloader calling itself "r13982:13986-070725" |
22:14:41 | DerPapst | thats why hidden in a lot of *cough*'s :P |
22:14:45 | DerPapst | pixelma: yes |
22:14:45 | linuxstb_ | (and it works fine) |
22:15:11 | * | GodEater__ does not wish to become a terror target of outraged ipod owners thansk |
22:15:14 | GodEater__ | *thanks |
22:15:16 | GodEater__ | :) |
22:15:16 | | Quit pili ("Ex-Chat") |
22:15:38 | DerPapst | hehe |
22:16:15 | amiconn | linuxstb: Hmm, bootloader r13985 also doesn't work |
22:16:17 | tucoz | bluebrother, take a look at this. http://pastebin.com/m25261db1 |
22:16:29 | amiconn | Maybe your new ipodpatcher has broken fw partition handling? |
22:16:33 | linuxstb_ | GodEater__: Although the number of posts that say "my ipod displays the message 'Hold MENU+SELECT to reboot then SELECT+PLAY for disk mode' - what do I do?" does amaze me.... |
22:16:34 | amiconn | (I used -wf btw) |
22:16:45 | * | GodEater__ rests his case |
22:17:49 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: I used -a, but I can't imagine why it would make a difference. |
22:18:00 | | Join Ferry [0] (n=kristoff@2-1-5-40a.gmt.gbg.bostream.se) |
22:18:32 | linuxstb_ | The changes in the new ipodpatcher are tiny, and shouldn't affect anything. It just makes the 1g/2g behave like the 3g. |
22:19:14 | * | amiconn rewrites bootpartition.bin |
22:19:49 | * | tucoz is curious on progress status of the TTS SoC project |
22:20:03 | | Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
22:20:05 | GodEater__ | markun keeps it very quiet tucoz ;) |
22:20:11 | * | DerPapst wonders what -a did again |
22:20:26 | GodEater__ | (a)dd a bootloader |
22:20:31 | tucoz | he sure does. but his student keeps it even quieter as far as i can tell |
22:20:35 | Ferry | Is it possible remote control my iaudio player via USB while playing? |
22:20:54 | GodEater__ | tucoz: last time I asked it was going ok |
22:21:11 | amiconn | DerPapst: -a installs a bootloader and keeps OF. -wf writes the bootloader as a firmware, removing the OF |
22:21:11 | tucoz | great :) |
22:21:21 | * | linuxstb_ commits the ipodpatcher changes to prove how trivial they are |
22:21:38 | GodEater__ | confidence - that's what we like to see! |
22:21:39 | fluxam | had big probs ystdy installing on sansa e280. Today have fresh new one w Sandisk f/w updated to 1.02.18. Should I insert (for first time) a microSD b4 copying .rockbox & fonts to root and running sansapatcher? |
22:21:42 | DerPapst | amiconn: thanks.. now i remember again. :) |
22:21:54 | amiconn | ...erm... |
22:22:12 | amiconn | My ipod doesn't like its own dump anymore? |
22:22:27 | * | amiconn retries |
22:22:28 | GodEater__ | fluxam: could you please write proper english so our blind / non-native english speakers can understand you ? |
22:22:57 | amiconn | ooops |
22:22:58 | GodEater__ | Ferry: Not with rockbox in it's current form AFAIK |
22:23:07 | amiconn | Seems I overwrote my partition table |
22:23:14 | GodEater__ | hahaha |
22:23:37 | * | linuxstb_ points amiconn to http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodConversionToFAT32 |
22:23:38 | * | GodEater__ is glad to see even amiconn is capable of errors |
22:24:09 | * | amiconn was about to use ipod updater |
22:24:25 | * | linuxstb_ is also curious about the USB SoC project |
22:24:36 | DerPapst | which will be faster |
22:24:41 | GodEater__ | no recent reports from austriancoder ? |
22:24:44 | amiconn | Now if I knew what offset I took my bootpartition dump from... |
22:24:51 | tucoz | linuxstb_, me too :) |
22:25:13 | linuxstb_ | Can you see an Apple "Stop sign" ? |
22:25:23 | amiconn | yes |
22:25:33 | linuxstb_ | That's the first sector of the first partition. |
22:25:40 | amiconn | ah ok |
22:25:48 | amiconn | So I didn't dump the first track |
22:25:50 | fluxam | Had problems yesterday. Firmware on brand-new Sansa e280 is upgraded to 1.02.18A. Is it best to insert for the first time a 2Gb microSD before starting Rocbox install work. Also, should I reformat prior to install? |
22:26:40 | GodEater__ | fluxam: I don't believe you need to do either. Have you tried using rbutil to do your install ? |
22:26:50 | linuxstb_ | fluxam: What problems did you have yesterday? The install instructions don't mention reformatting or a microSD card being required. |
22:27:39 | Ferry | Ok, I would like to use my iaudio as a stereo-unit since it's sound quality overwhelmes my soundcard. Guess there's some programming to do then, if it's even possible. |
22:27:39 | | Quit MournBlade ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:27:43 | GodEater__ | fluxam: and are you certain your e280 is not an e280r ? |
22:28:13 | GodEater__ | Ferry: there's a lot of programming today - for a start we need our working USB driver - which someone is working on already |
22:28:18 | GodEater__ | s/today/todo |
22:28:43 | linuxstb_ | GodEater__: But no-one is working on iaudio USB afaik... |
22:29:16 | GodEater__ | linuxstb: possibly not - but any usb stack is an improvement on none at all as a starting place ne c'est pas ? |
22:30:25 | GodEater__ | Llorean ? |
22:30:43 | Llorean | Yes? |
22:30:50 | amiconn | dd writing takes ages in cygwin :/ |
22:31:00 | GodEater__ | did you mean you last line in that 3G post to read "NOT on the front page" ? |
22:31:07 | tucoz | everything takes ages in cygwin |
22:31:16 | | Join chrisjs169_ [0] (n=chrisjs@pool-71-254-214-208.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) |
22:31:25 | Llorean | GodEater__: Well, I meant the relevant information is on the front page. |
22:31:27 | fluxam | Mine is e280, not Rhapsody. Reformatting I ask about because anythingbutipod says to reformat after any firmware upgrade; I couldn't understand why. |
22:31:40 | GodEater__ | Llorean: ah I see - slightly confusing |
22:31:47 | Llorean | fluxam: Following unofficial instructions could be why you've had problems in the past. |
22:32:05 | Llorean | GodEater__: Fixed, then. |
22:32:44 | GodEater__ | fluxam: I would imagine their instructions refer to sansa firmwares - not ours - but if they do - they're talking crap, and as Llorean says - you should follow our instructions, not theirs |
22:33:06 | GodEater__ | fluxam: also - I'd still recommend RockboxUtility to do the install |
22:33:06 | | Quit chrisjs169 (Nick collision from services.) |
22:33:11 | | Nick chrisjs169_ is now known as chrisjs169 (n=chrisjs@pool-71-254-214-208.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) |
22:34:01 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:34:39 | fluxam | The e280 now has only what Sandisk provided and my MP3s; yesterday there were some Oggs. Could Oggs have caused a freeze at logo bootup when checking file database? |
22:35:39 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
22:35:39 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:36:33 | GodEater__ | fluxam: do you mean the first boot after you installed rockbox ? |
22:36:49 | GodEater__ | fluxam: if so then no, since database is not enabled by default. |
22:36:55 | | Quit Jens () |
22:37:04 | amiconn | hmm? |
22:37:19 | amiconn | The bootloader (now added with -a) just boots OF? |
22:38:00 | linuxstb_ | It shouldn't do - it should stop with an error. |
22:38:07 | linuxstb_ | (if there is no rockbox installed) |
22:38:20 | amiconn | The embedded bootloader from ipodpatcher 1.1 (release) works |
22:38:24 | amiconn | Rockbox is installed |
22:38:52 | amiconn | But bootloader-r13985 (from before your change) just boots OF |
22:38:59 | linuxstb_ | Does "ipodpatcher −−list" show the bootloader is installed? |
22:38:59 | * | GodEater__ chides linuxstb for his blasphemy of suggestion amiconn wouldn't have installed it |
22:39:00 | fluxam | Godeater: Yes, I mean that the player was stuck at the Sandisk logo, and i saw earlier that that's when database gets checked. But you say (confirm?) that files aren't checked for compatibility. |
22:39:38 | amiconn | With the embedded bootloader it does |
22:39:47 | amiconn | Will try with r13985 |
22:39:49 | GodEater__ | fluxam: not the first time you boot up after you install rockbox |
22:39:55 | Llorean | fluxam: The database does not get checked at the Sandisk logo. Neither Rockbox nor Sandisk's database are checked then. |
22:40:19 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: If you hold RIGHT as the bootloader boots, it should display messages. Or hold PLAY to try and load the IPL kernel (which should also display messages if it fails). |
22:40:36 | GodEater__ | more blasphemy! |
22:41:05 | amiconn | Right tells no messages |
22:41:12 | | Join belze_ [0] (i=nifty@dslb-088-073-237-079.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
22:41:33 | Llorean | amiconn: I encountered a similar problem with the Nano bootloader at some point semi recently, iirc. |
22:41:43 | Llorean | There was a period where the bootloaders didn't work, doing what you describe. |
22:41:48 | belze_ | Slasheri: u there? |
22:42:03 | amiconn | And holding Play also just boots OF |
22:42:39 | linuxstb_ | What happens if you set "verbose=1" (in bootloader/common.c iirc) ? |
22:43:11 | linuxstb_ | That should at least indicate if it's running at all... |
22:43:19 | GodEater__ | fluxam: I'm curious to hear where you're getting your information on what gets checked when |
22:44:40 | linuxstb_ | GodEater__: fluxam might be talking about the OF database - IIUC, the Sansa firmware rebuilds the database on each boot... |
22:45:06 | GodEater__ | Llorean claims otherwise... |
22:45:26 | Llorean | linuxstb_: Not during the Sansa logo display though |
22:45:30 | Llorean | That's strictly the flash bootloader |
22:45:48 | fluxam | GodEater: I had watched rebuild database roll by and thought that happens whenever firmware is reinstalled. Yes, I think linuxstb has it, though I don't know what OF db is. |
22:45:50 | Llorean | Once you're in the OF, a window will pop up telling you the database is being build, but that's a good deal later |
22:45:54 | linuxstb_ | Llorean: I didn't see your reply, I'll now keep quiet as I've never seen a Sansa boot... |
22:46:00 | amiconn | linuxstb: Just apple logo -> OF |
22:46:04 | amiconn | No text |
22:46:09 | GodEater__ | OF = original firmware fluxam |
22:46:15 | | Quit safetydan ("Ex-Chat") |
22:46:24 | Llorean | fluxam: What do you mean "watched rebuild database roll by"? |
22:46:47 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: That's very weird... |
22:46:54 | * | linuxstb_ checks the changelog |
22:46:59 | GodEater__ | surely that would mean the rockbox bootloader isn't installed then, as it sounds like it's starting the sansa firmware |
22:47:10 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
22:47:14 | pixelma | Llorean: I guess the forum guy is talking about the bootloades that show red in the buildtable |
22:47:16 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
22:47:28 | amiconn | linuxstb: Either ipodpatcher has problems with non-builtin bootloaders, or the bootloader has gone haywire |
22:47:45 | amiconn | I used ipodpatcher 1.1 with -a |
22:48:01 | amiconn | ipodpatcher −−list says bootloader is present |
22:48:10 | amiconn | Maybe it has to do with bootloader size? |
22:48:14 | Llorean | pixelma: Ah, okay, ammended my post. |
22:48:27 | amiconn | svn bootloader is larger than the built-in ones |
22:49:25 | amiconn | linuxstb: Third-party bootloader - 49404 bytes |
22:49:32 | fluxam | Llorean: I saw a green line marching right saying db was being rebuilt −− with the Sandisk firmware upgrade. But you say that shouldn't occur immediately after Sansapatcher 'i" . |
22:49:35 | amiconn | (this is with verbose = true;) |
22:49:52 | Llorean | fluxam: Then you were in the Sandisk firwmare? |
22:49:53 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: Is that the same size (minus the 8 byte header) as the .ipod file? |
22:50:11 | amiconn | yes |
22:50:20 | Llorean | fluxam: All I said was that the database is not rebuilt when the Sandisk logo is displaying. |
22:50:56 | amiconn | linuxstb: do you know which svn version was used for ipodpatcher 1.1? |
22:51:04 | amiconn | Then I could perform a binary search |
22:51:39 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC") |
22:52:54 | | Quit belze_ ("Ich weiß deine Monster sind genau wie meine, und mit denen bleibt man besser nicht alleine.") |
22:53:00 | linuxstb | amiconn: I don't know the SVN revision, but the .ipod files on the download server are dated 23 May. |
22:53:25 | | Join webguest03 [0] (i=45ea3cd1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5f02e5b12a21c2b4) |
22:53:40 | * | linuxstb should learn how to tag releases in SVN... |
22:54:13 | amiconn | 500 revisions... |
22:54:35 | webguest03 | hello guy. quick question is there a way so when u turn off rockbox the whole system doesnt have to start again?? like if u shut off in normal apple OS and turn it back on and it goes back to where u were in apple OS |
22:54:49 | linuxstb | webguest03: No. |
22:54:52 | * | amiconn will make a 2nd checkout |
22:54:58 | fluxam | Okay, thanks, I'll try again. No known major issues with today's July 26 build? |
22:54:58 | webguest03 | =( |
22:55:23 | bluebrother | tucoz: had a phone call ... just looking at your diff |
22:55:27 | linuxstb | webguest03: But you can enable "auto-resume" so that music plays back when you turn your ipod on. |
22:55:36 | bluebrother | thought about using a html view too. |
22:55:45 | linuxstb | (or just press PLAY immediately after turning on) |
22:55:45 | tucoz | yes, i read that in the logs |
22:56:04 | bluebrother | so I'm for committing. Just don't forget the resource file ;-) |
22:56:14 | tucoz | hmm, what is that? |
22:56:22 | tucoz | the html? |
22:56:28 | bluebrother | rbutilqt.qrc |
22:56:33 | webguest03 | oohh ok... but its always gotta start off in with the apple window thingy? |
22:56:49 | GodEater__ | fluxam: once again I recommend you try the install using Rockbox Utility |
22:56:56 | bluebrother | it's an xml-like file which lists some files that you can access using this ":/" path prefix |
22:57:05 | bluebrother | that way the file ends up in the binary |
22:57:07 | tucoz | yes. i added the html to that one |
22:57:22 | bluebrother | well, then go for it ;-) |
22:57:33 | * | Domonoky has nearly wrapped the rockbox install in a class.. |
22:57:36 | bluebrother | it's really great to see that much interest in the port |
22:57:41 | Domonoky | so to easy reuse it :-) |
22:57:47 | bluebrother | cool. |
22:58:35 | | Quit webguest03 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:58:38 | Domonoky | bluebrother: you now have to only give some info and a progresswindow, and connect to a done signal.. :-) |
22:59:11 | bluebrother | I hope you don't make it too complicated for me as C++ newbie ;-) |
22:59:34 | GodEater__ | templates should be made illegal |
23:00 |
23:00:05 | tucoz | bluebrother, committed. let's hope i don't break anything... |
23:00:17 | bluebrother | I'll scream if you did :P |
23:00:58 | Domonoky | its easy, |
23:01:04 | linuxstb | amiconn: Current SVN bootloader (with the call to set_cpu_frequency commented out) works fine on my Color |
23:01:05 | * | tucoz goes looking for his hearing protecors |
23:01:17 | amiconn | linuxstb: how large is it? |
23:01:23 | bluebrother | aaah. Looks muuuch better :) |
23:01:26 | linuxstb | 49596 bytes |
23:01:43 | linuxstb | This is installed with -a and the current SVN ipodpatcher. |
23:01:49 | fluxam | I just downloaded a "rbutil-01a-setup.exe" for win; I see there's also one for Mac. Is that Win version okay? |
23:02:07 | tucoz | bluebrother, the licence? |
23:02:17 | amiconn | 13482 works |
23:02:26 | bluebrother | yes. |
23:02:30 | GodEater__ | fluxam: where did you get that ? |
23:02:38 | tucoz | nice |
23:02:41 | GodEater__ | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxUtility <−− the official page |
23:02:50 | bluebrother | I always disliked the need to resize the window to see it completely. |
23:03:51 | tucoz | bluebrother, btw. what do you use to develop? it would be nice to have some sort of "intellisence" ala visual studio, when developing using the qt API. |
23:03:59 | * | Domonoky will no commit the installer changes :-) |
23:04:02 | Domonoky | +w |
23:04:36 | fluxam | Godeater:http://www.mail-archive.com/rockbox-dev@cool.haxx.se/msg00345.html is what Google offered; I got the .326 ver now. |
23:05:21 | linuxstb | amiconn: What was the order you did things? I assume you started with a restored firmware partition, and then which bootloader did you install first? |
23:05:24 | Domonoky | fluxam: thats very old, ther first version of rbutil :-) |
23:05:47 | amiconn | linuxstb: I installed the release version first |
23:06:00 | amiconn | 13746 works too, continue binsearching... |
23:06:12 | fluxam | okay −− I'll try with rbutil now. Thanks much! |
23:06:15 | | Quit fluxam ("CGI:IRC") |
23:06:41 | bluebrother | hmm. http is crawling slow here :( |
23:08:47 | amiconn | 13878 does *not* work |
23:10:27 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:12:51 | | Part Domonoky |
23:13:04 | | Quit GodEater__ ("bedtime....") |
23:13:17 | | Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
23:13:42 | | Quit davina ("xchat on Ubuntu 7.04") |
23:15:14 | | Part tucoz ("god natt") |
23:16:15 | | Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@barmen.interhost.no) |
23:16:22 | linuxstb | Bagder: Good evening. How would you grep in the MAINTAINERS file now? e.g. to find everything a certain person maintains? |
23:17:18 | | Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-234-224.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
23:17:22 | nls | meh, lang cleanup breakes voice file generation... will take a bit of hacking to fix... next week perhaps... |
23:17:32 | Bagder | it takes a slightly more complicated script, but this way will allow us to detect things like unmaintained areas etc |
23:18:09 | linuxstb | Putting everything on a single line with separators would seem easier... |
23:18:11 | iamben | i've been sync'ing to svn & building daily w/ a few patches, is there a good way to manage all this? right now i've been doing: reverse the patches, then svn up, then reapply patches & build, then tomorrow start over again removing patches |
23:18:31 | Llorean | iamben: You usually shouldn't need to remove the patches. |
23:18:39 | nls | iamben: just do "svn up" then fix any conflicts.... |
23:18:41 | Bagder | linuxstb: yes, but if everyone would also add explanations etc it could become fairly long lines... |
23:18:50 | iamben | i admit i dont really understand svn |
23:18:54 | | Quit metalic ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:19:13 | Bagder | I'm open for other formats, I don't have a very strong opinion for my approach |
23:19:14 | DerPapst | svn is snart enough to merge new code with your modified files. |
23:19:15 | nls | iamben: if a patch conflicts with an updated file, svn will tell you |
23:19:18 | DerPapst | ...most of the time |
23:20:15 | iamben | well i tried just letting it "do its thing", and then my build failed with undefined "album_art_stuff" because svn updated a file i had previously patched for AA |
23:20:19 | Bagder | linuxstb: we should at least prefix the areas somehow to be able to separate them from other various texts |
23:20:26 | iamben | and afaik, it didnt tell me anything when it updated it |
23:21:41 | bluebrother | iamben: you need to watch the output carefully. If there is a conflict it will show. |
23:21:49 | | Part nls |
23:22:15 | * | amiconn has a suspicion |
23:22:44 | iamben | bluebrother: gotcha, i'll pay more attention |
23:22:46 | iamben | thanks guys |
23:22:50 | amiconn | linuxstb: Could you check an svn bootloader on your video? |
23:22:50 | pixelma | iamben: you could search in your tree for *.mine" or *.orig files |
23:22:51 | linuxstb | Bagder: How about something like ":Area name:maintainer 1, maintainer 2" ? So "grep ^:.*:$" will give non-maintained areas. |
23:22:57 | bluebrother | on linux you can look for colorsvn. |
23:22:59 | * | amiconn thinks it should be broken too |
23:23:01 | linuxstb | amiconn: I was just about to., |
23:23:12 | bluebrother | makes spotting conflicts somewhat easier ;-) |
23:23:23 | Bagder | linuxstb: would work for me! |
23:24:27 | linuxstb | Bagder: I'm not sure what to do with something like my own "ASF parsing only" comment though. |
23:25:03 | Bagder | linuxstb: it should probably be either put in a separate line (somehow) or just cut out... |
23:25:17 | amiconn | linuxstb: If my theory is right, mini G2, nano and video bootloaders should be broken |
23:25:28 | Llorean | linuxstb: Why not just add a new category for it? |
23:25:33 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes, straight to the Apple firmware... |
23:25:59 | amiconn | Looks like is my fault... r13763 strikes back |
23:31:15 | pixelma | I think obo once told here |
23:31:26 | * | DerPapst expects the G1/G2 port to be one of the fastest ;-P |
23:32:07 | obo | yes - r13763 broke the ipod video bootloader for me |
23:33:24 | amiconn | Somehow the changed CPU #define breaks those bootloaders |
23:33:28 | * | amiconn investigates |
23:36:41 | amiconn | ooops |
23:36:55 | amiconn | Seems I overlooked some ifdefs in an .lds file |
23:37:10 | | Join webguest82 [0] (i=41b976a4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a6fe6535f0f79a10) |
23:40:44 | | Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:45:56 | amiconn | ! |
23:48:45 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
23:51:23 | | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:52:20 | amiconn | all fixed :) |
23:55:47 | dionoea | So "Gentelmen, we have sound!" ? |
23:56:05 | amiconn | hahaha |
23:56:20 | dionoea | :) |
23:56:25 | amiconn | I now have a working code base to *start* adding the g1/g2 |
23:56:54 | | Join davina [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
23:57:57 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
23:58:47 | JdGordon | GodEater: i quickly loooked at your code and the wiki page for the list widget is wrong, you dont redraw if gui_synclist_do_button() returns true |
23:58:51 | | Quit davina (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |