00:00:20 | Bagder | yeah, done |
00:00:43 | n1s | Maybe this warrants a news item to be posted? |
00:03:11 | Bagder | done! |
00:03:24 | n1s | great! |
00:03:38 | | Quit ender` (" Where there's a will, there's an inheritance tax.") |
00:05:51 | Thundercloud | linuxstb: You've got the 2nd gen nanos working? |
00:06:28 | Bagder | no |
00:06:38 | Thundercloud | He |
00:06:39 | Thundercloud | h |
00:06:40 | Bagder | it is mentioned as not supported on the front page |
00:06:46 | Thundercloud | I didn't read up |
00:06:49 | Bagder | and now the 3rd gen is also mentioned there |
00:07:05 | Thundercloud | [22:52] <linuxstb> Bagder: Yep. And I guess we can add 1g/2g to the front page. <−− misread that :) |
00:08:45 | | Part SofianBabai |
00:09:59 | | Join RudMan [0] (n=RudMan@ool-182fb504.dyn.optonline.net) |
00:13:19 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
00:15:39 | | Join iamben [0] (n=ben@dpc67142179038.direcpc.com) |
00:17:35 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@bas3-montreal28-1242530186.dsl.bell.ca) |
00:18:59 | | Part n1s |
00:22:36 | | Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeep@c-24-5-74-88.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
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00:24:48 | | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") |
00:30:34 | | Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC") |
00:33:52 | | Join DavidGWRawson [0] (i=18eddffa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e6042e3a2935df70) |
00:34:04 | DavidGWRawson | Hello everyone. |
00:34:52 | DavidGWRawson | Is there anything I can do to speed up rockboy? There is nothing in the wiki about it. |
00:36:52 | markun | DavidGWRawson: by programming you mean? |
00:37:44 | DavidGWRawson | Yes. |
00:38:04 | markun | DavidGWRawson: iBoy seams to be faster, maybe you can take a look at the source |
00:38:25 | Bagder | they're both based on the same original code |
00:38:42 | DavidGWRawson | iBoy is only for ipod, right? |
00:38:56 | markun | Bagder: so that only makes it easier to spot the differences |
00:39:12 | | Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
00:39:24 | Bagder | markun: in theory, yes but I've done diffs on them... and it's not just a few small changes |
00:40:12 | linuxstb | There's an ARM assembler CPU emulator core - that may help. Plus in my experience, the LCD updates are a big bottleneck, so they could be optimised. |
00:41:01 | | Quit hannesd ("Client suicide") |
00:41:33 | DavidGWRawson | I'm wondering what new emulator you would like to see on rockbox. |
00:41:56 | Bagder | C64 |
00:42:06 | markun | DavidGWRawson: we're setting up this page: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ConsoleEmulators |
00:42:14 | linuxstb | Wasn't there a lot of work done on a C64 emulator? |
00:42:23 | Bagder | yeah there once was |
00:42:45 | DavidGWRawson | If an emulator works well enough, will it be added to the main builds? |
00:43:00 | linuxstb | As long as you don't tell bluebrother and Llorean, yes. |
00:43:12 | Bagder | haha |
00:43:29 | DavidGWRawson | then let's be quiet then |
00:43:48 | | Join oranges2 [0] (i=UrzaBot@c-67-168-12-252.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
00:44:21 | DavidGWRawson | I see snes emulators have legal issues. You could just say they run on public domain roms... |
00:44:48 | markun | it's not the roms which are the problem |
00:44:59 | DavidGWRawson | It's the system itself? |
00:45:18 | markun | you are talking about the snes9x license, right? |
00:45:41 | DavidGWRawson | Emulators have licenses? |
00:45:44 | linuxstb | The emulator itself has a license which prohibits commercial use - i.e. someone selling it. Rockbox's license doesn't have such a restriction. |
00:46:11 | oranges2 | The person who makes the emulator can choose to release it under a license |
00:46:16 | oranges2 | @ DavidGWRawson |
00:46:29 | | Join Guile` [0] (n=Guile@ |
00:46:47 | DavidGWRawson | What if you use an open source emulator, such as snesDS. |
00:47:16 | oranges2 | Wait |
00:47:24 | oranges2 | What mp3 player would be able to handle a SNES emulator? |
00:47:43 | DavidGWRawson | Any with an efficient emulator. |
00:47:49 | oranges2 | ... |
00:47:50 | iamben | i dunno about that |
00:47:51 | oranges2 | Wtf does that mean |
00:47:58 | oranges2 | "Any with an efficient emulator?" |
00:48:01 | iamben | my 200mhz arm9 struggles with it |
00:48:02 | DavidGWRawson | Controls would be a problem. |
00:48:08 | | Quit seablue ("life, death, life, death") |
00:48:25 | oranges2 | It isn't happening |
00:48:33 | iamben | i doubt my sansa's 75mhz arm-something would be very happy |
00:48:39 | oranges2 | I don't even think the iPod Touch can handle it |
00:48:44 | oranges2 | Though I'm not sure of the specs on that |
00:49:20 | DavidGWRawson | It would take alot of effort to make it even work. And then it would be boringly slow. |
00:50:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:50:28 | DavidGWRawson | Atari seems like it would work nicely. The atari's processor runs about 1.2MHZ. Plus, controls would be perfect. One button, four directions. |
00:50:37 | markun | oranges2: what makes you say that then? |
00:50:57 | markun | iamben: the Gigabeat has a 296MHz ARM9 |
00:51:16 | oranges2 | Nevermind what I said |
00:51:23 | oranges2 | I just looked it up and it has a 400mhz ARM |
00:51:30 | markun | :) |
00:52:03 | oranges2 | Although I assume we aren't talking about the iPod touch |
00:52:05 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
00:52:09 | oranges2 | Since this is a Rockbox channel |
00:52:18 | oranges2 | I walked in late on the conversation :[ |
00:52:34 | alienbiker99 | if the S gets a port i think it has 533mhz but i don't know what kind |
00:53:06 | DavidGWRawson | vMac would be nice, but hard. Very, very hard. |
00:53:09 | iamben | markun: then i imagine it'd run well =) |
00:53:16 | tumu | hm, is there any easy way to display debug output on sansa? |
00:53:28 | DavidGWRawson | Yea, debug. |
00:53:58 | DavidGWRawson | Do you mean summarize the debug info? |
00:54:05 | bluebrother | linuxstb: svnversion.sh checks for docs/VERSION |
00:54:18 | tumu | when i run code on actual sansa |
00:54:33 | tumu | trying to debug new codec |
00:54:54 | DavidGWRawson | What new codec? |
00:54:55 | oranges2 | Anyone have input on this problem I'm having with the bootloader? http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12762.0 |
00:54:57 | tumu | the debug code in rockbox seems to use serial comm |
00:55:16 | DavidGWRawson | Yes oranges2 |
00:55:36 | DavidGWRawson | I know how. I have a sansa with that problem. |
00:55:36 | linuxstb | tumu: Yes, debug mode is only supported in the sim and a small number of real targets - none of the portalplayer ones. |
00:55:52 | DavidGWRawson | I fixed it. |
00:55:56 | bluebrother | you can put any string you like to appear as version information in that file |
00:56:09 | linuxstb | bluebrother: Ah, is that just for the main build, or bootloaders? In any case, "make VERSION=moo" works. |
00:56:34 | DavidGWRawson | Dualbooting, oranges2? |
00:56:35 | bluebrother | I don't think the bootloaders use svnversion.sh for version information. But I haven't checked ... |
00:57:06 | oranges2 | I just used the sansapatcher, dual booting with Rockbox and the original firmware |
00:57:14 | linuxstb | bluebrother: It looks like that would work too. But just passing it to make is easier. |
00:57:30 | bluebrother | well, if that works too that's fine. |
00:57:54 | bluebrother | I forgot checking the bootloaders when changing the version string to the svnversion output :o |
00:59:38 | | Nick oranges2 is now known as Urza (i=UrzaBot@c-67-168-12-252.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
00:59:58 | | Nick Urza is now known as oranges2 (i=UrzaBot@c-67-168-12-252.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
01:00 |
01:00:38 | linuxstb | oranges2: Regarding your forum post - did the OF boot OK after you restored it? |
01:00:47 | oranges2 | Yes. |
01:00:51 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
01:01:07 | linuxstb | oranges2: Ignore me, I just read the first post, not the whole thread... |
01:01:34 | DavidGWRawson | Oranges2, I posted on your thread. |
01:01:35 | tumu | would it be easy to hook to one of the gui splash functions? |
01:02:03 | oranges2 | DavidGWRawson: could you sendspace.com the file? |
01:02:10 | tumu | or are there restrictions |
01:02:44 | DavidGWRawson | Yes. |
01:03:10 | Llorean | linuxstb: So long as it's an SNES emulator I'll look the other way and save my whining about it for at least 12 months after inclusion. :-P |
01:03:13 | linuxstb | tumu: Does your code work OK in the sim? |
01:03:23 | | Quit Guile`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:03:52 | tumu | i haven't used sim yet |
01:03:59 | tumu | so no idea |
01:04:02 | DavidGWRawson | Oranges2, what OS are you running. |
01:04:27 | linuxstb | tumu: I would strongly recommend it - it's much easier to debug in the sim. |
01:04:33 | oranges2 | DavidGWRawson: XP |
01:04:39 | linuxstb | (just use DEBUGF to write output to the console) |
01:04:49 | oranges2 | DavidGWRawson: I need some sort of Linux to run the e200tool right? |
01:04:59 | tumu | is there any docs on how to use the sim? |
01:05:23 | DavidGWRawson | Yea. |
01:05:24 | linuxstb | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UiSimulator |
01:05:50 | DavidGWRawson | Linux can be run from a live cd, such as ubuntu. You can download it. |
01:05:55 | preglow | amiconn: did we ever agree whether to kill the hw eq and implement the functionality as bass/treble controls? |
01:06:01 | | Join eigma [0] (n=cat@CABLE-206-188-76-21.cia.com) |
01:06:35 | oranges2 | DavidGWRawson: I have some among the 500 unlabeled DVDs on my desk.... |
01:06:48 | linuxstb | preglow: I thought that was already done (I could be wrong though) |
01:06:50 | DavidGWRawson | :P |
01:06:56 | preglow | really, now |
01:07:27 | preglow | menu code is still there |
01:07:30 | | Quit bluebrother ("need some sleep ...") |
01:07:31 | linuxstb | Ah no, just a patch from safetydan - http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7440 |
01:08:02 | Llorean | preglow: I think it was agreed upon to do that, yes. |
01:08:04 | preglow | well, i think someone with an ipod video should check that patch out for sure |
01:08:20 | Llorean | Weren't there some technical hurdles? Something about sample rates? |
01:08:44 | preglow | Llorean: i don't see how that's a hurdle, all our targets are affected by differing filter response for different sample rates |
01:08:48 | preglow | i assume that's what you mean anyway |
01:09:24 | Llorean | Ah |
01:09:28 | DavidGWRawson | Awww. It only works for e200"r". Sorry oranges2.... |
01:09:45 | Llorean | preglow: I just remembered discussion of it, and that topic came up. |
01:10:08 | oranges2 | :[ |
01:10:44 | DavidGWRawson | And I don't want you to brick your player because of me. |
01:12:10 | preglow | oh well, bedtime anyway |
01:12:30 | tumu | hm, complains about no .rockbox dir |
01:12:40 | linuxstb | Then you forgot "make install" |
01:12:49 | tumu | i'm using prebuilt bin |
01:12:55 | DavidGWRawson | Why do sources always come in tarballs? |
01:13:03 | linuxstb | tumu: That won't help you debug... |
01:13:19 | tumu | meh |
01:13:23 | tumu | so difficult |
01:13:25 | linuxstb | DavidGWRawson: How else would you distribute them? |
01:13:39 | DavidGWRawson | .zip |
01:15:03 | linuxstb | tarballs are just the standard way to do things in Unix. |
01:15:06 | DavidGWRawson | What we need are plugins that run .exe files. |
01:15:12 | | Quit Entasis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:15:14 | oranges2 | ... |
01:15:48 | linuxstb | tumu: What's difficult? |
01:16:05 | tumu | how do i install sdl on cygwin? |
01:16:46 | linuxstb | Probably via setup.exe, but I don't know. |
01:16:49 | oranges2 | DavidGWRawson: Did you just brick your player? |
01:17:31 | DavidGWRawson | scorche, I see you made fun of me in the forum I made for emulators |
01:17:32 | linuxstb | tumu: This page lists sdl amongst the recommended packages to install - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CygwinDevelopment |
01:17:38 | tumu | linuxstb, you're right |
01:17:50 | tumu | i skipped the sdl as i wasn't planning to use the sim |
01:18:15 | DavidGWRawson | oranges2, yea, but it's easy to recover. |
01:18:31 | | Join SofianBabai [0] (n=BOFHIRC@gar31-1-82-66-75-34.fbx.proxad.net) |
01:19:14 | | Join Chronon [0] (i=vircuser@d23-104.uoregon.edu) |
01:19:16 | oranges2 | I guess for now I'll just have to flash the bootloader back whenever I have to put files on it :[ |
01:20:48 | tumu | linuxstb, compiling now |
01:20:55 | DavidGWRawson | Do you have a microSD card oranges2? |
01:21:00 | oranges2 | Yes. |
01:21:14 | DavidGWRawson | Did it come with a little adapter? |
01:21:50 | DavidGWRawson | You can use file functions on rockbox to copy files from the microSD card to the player.... |
01:22:37 | SofianBabai | is there some kind of usb chargers for a sansa players or do we have to carry the pc everywhere ? :) |
01:23:54 | * | linuxstb sleeps |
01:23:55 | DavidGWRawson | Hmm, is anyone at all working on a c64 emulator? |
01:23:55 | oranges2 | Seems tedious |
01:23:55 | tumu | DavidGWRawson, i could work |
01:23:56 | tumu | tho i first have to get dumb working |
01:24:15 | DavidGWRawson | Google, like you guys yell at me, has the anwser.... |
01:24:52 | oranges2 | Oh, and I was also wondering if the Sansa gets charged through USB while running Rockbox |
01:25:02 | DavidGWRawson | Yes, it does. |
01:25:08 | oranges2 | Alright :] |
01:25:31 | DavidGWRawson | It doesn't say it's charging, but the battery meter goes up. |
01:25:48 | tumu | meh, the sim build bombs on linking |
01:26:01 | SofianBabai | could we use rockbox when the sansa is charging ? |
01:26:34 | | Quit jhMikeS ("Meow!") |
01:26:34 | DavidGWRawson | not really, unless certain plugins are running before you start charging |
01:26:50 | SofianBabai | ah |
01:27:09 | pixelma | huh? |
01:27:28 | | Join Heyoka [0] (n=joao@a213-22-126-177.cpe.netcabo.pt) |
01:27:29 | DavidGWRawson | would DOS be a feasable emulator? then we could play duke nukem, or those classic dos games :) |
01:27:29 | | Quit w0rd54 (Client Quit) |
01:27:36 | advcomp2019 | you can charge it while in rockbox but it will be very slow |
01:27:44 | | Join w0rd54 [0] (i=blackdev@100mbit.top-site.us) |
01:28:05 | Heyoka | hey |
01:28:06 | scorche | DavidGWRawson: ...huh? |
01:28:14 | DavidGWRawson | Rockbox sucks the life out of your battery. It has so many features! |
01:28:18 | Heyoka | a quick question I'm not quite sure if this is offtopic or not |
01:28:32 | SofianBabai | but when i's plugged it switched to the original firmware right? how can we run rockbox when it's plugged? possible ? |
01:28:43 | pixelma | scorche: I already said that |
01:28:47 | DavidGWRawson | start rockbox, then plug it in |
01:28:48 | oranges2 | It doesn't switch if Rockbox is already running |
01:28:53 | scorche | didnt we go through this last night?...we told you you couldnt do something liek that |
01:29:16 | DavidGWRawson | Me? |
01:29:24 | scorche | yes |
01:29:37 | Heyoka | but I wanted to ask if there is any information on when the code for the c200 series port will be uploaded to svn, I'm not quite sure if this is still an unsupported port so if I'm off-topic my apologies, I'll just move to rockbox-comunity |
01:29:39 | Heyoka | thank you |
01:32:14 | | Join reppel [0] (n=reppel@host-84-221-244-160.cust-adsl.tiscali.it) |
01:32:42 | DavidGWRawson | well, can spectrumrocbox write to tapes? |
01:32:52 | reppel | Hi, on the homepage i see "2007-09-191st and 2nd gen iPods are supported", does it refer to 2nd gen nanos? |
01:33:00 | scorche | no |
01:33:16 | scorche | (to both questions) |
01:33:30 | oranges2 | And before you ask, none of the new iPods are supported |
01:33:44 | Heyoka | no to the c200 series question as well? |
01:34:12 | scorche | Heyoka: we dont give timelines |
01:34:22 | pixelma | Heyoka: there already is code for the c200 port committed to svn and it basically runs but - the port isn't complete yet and is lacking a convenient installation method so far |
01:34:27 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-253.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
01:34:57 | | Quit w0rd54 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:35:16 | | Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) |
01:35:26 | DavidGWRawson | Would I be famous if I ported halo to rockbox? |
01:35:31 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-253.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
01:35:43 | Heyoka | hmm I just got one on ebay just for the rockbox factor I'm quite willing to be a residente space monkey/ guinea pig is there any information on the unconvenient way to install it (and is it still in risk of bricking your player phase or is it just simply inconvenient? ) |
01:35:46 | DavidGWRawson | I'm asking microsoft for the source code. |
01:35:48 | oranges2 | Almost as famous as I'd be if I moved the moon with my mind powers. |
01:36:06 | DavidGWRawson | They won't give it to me. |
01:36:18 | oranges2 | orly? |
01:36:19 | scorche | DavidGWRawson: halo is impossible... |
01:36:34 | oranges2 | No |
01:36:43 | scorche | no? |
01:36:48 | oranges2 | I think my 75mhz Sansa could definitely handle the 3D rendering required by Halo. |
01:37:00 | oranges2 | No probs. |
01:37:04 | pixelma | Heyoka: "complete" isn't well put anyways, but I don't know exactly what is missing. Have to look around in the wiki about installing on a c200 myself... |
01:37:05 | | Part SofianBabai |
01:37:10 | scorche | well, you are wrong, to put it nicely |
01:37:13 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf ("Verlassend") |
01:37:16 | oranges2 | ... |
01:37:19 | oranges2 | Dude. |
01:37:24 | DavidGWRawson | Not if it's a wad.... |
01:37:24 | oranges2 | wikipedia.org/sarcasm |
01:37:34 | Heyoka | thanks can you give me any pointers to get myself started? |
01:37:38 | scorche | sarcasm doesnt play well through IRC... |
01:37:49 | scorche | DavidGWRawson: it is impossible...end of discussion |
01:37:59 | Thundercloud | [00:37] <scorche> sarcasm doesnt play well through any text medium... <−− fixed :) |
01:38:19 | oranges2 | <scorche> i dont understand blatantly obvious sarcasm... |
01:38:24 | oranges2 | ^ fixed |
01:38:41 | DavidGWRawson | Can we make custom wads work on rockdoom? |
01:38:46 | Thundercloud | oranges2: Considering the number of retards I see on a daily basis, i'm usually unable to distinguish between stupidity and sarcasm online. |
01:38:47 | scorche | oranges2: it isnt blatantly obvious...trust me when i say many users think that you are saying is true... DavidGWRawson being one of them |
01:38:55 | Thundercloud | Haha |
01:39:01 | Thundercloud | pwned |
01:39:04 | Heyoka | pixelma: to whom should I offer my help as a tester and what kind of information would be usefull to report? |
01:39:09 | scorche | Thundercloud: "retard" is a pretty rude thing to say |
01:39:16 | oranges2 | I believe DavidGWRawson was being sarcastic as well |
01:39:21 | scorche | oranges2: he isnt |
01:39:21 | DavidGWRawson | scorche, you made fun of me just for being a hippocrite |
01:39:32 | oranges2 | ... |
01:39:32 | scorche | what are you talking about? |
01:39:37 | Thundercloud | scorche: Well yes, but i'm British. We use it all the time here. Besides, using "retard" in it's classic sense is also offensive :P |
01:39:41 | DavidGWRawson | David, you should listen to this guy.... |
01:39:42 | pixelma | Heyoka: or maybe there is some information in the forums or logs, the developer that has done most of the work isn't around atm (low_light) |
01:39:58 | scorche | DavidGWRawson: that was a while back and you laughed at it... |
01:40:04 | Thundercloud | It's one of those words that has just transcended meaning in the British language, taking on the meaning of "stupid" |
01:40:32 | DavidGWRawson | I'm not stupid! |
01:40:42 | Thundercloud | I never said you were |
01:40:43 | scorche | i never said that |
01:40:57 | | Join w0rd54 [0] (i=blackdev@100mbit.top-site.us) |
01:41:40 | Thundercloud | But let's put it this way. |
01:41:48 | Thundercloud | People porting half life to a .wad was a bit of a stretch. |
01:41:55 | Thundercloud | Porting a game like HALO/ |
01:42:04 | Thundercloud | If not impossible, highly stupid to try. |
01:42:13 | DavidGWRawson | Half life doesn't even work on rockdoom.... |
01:42:17 | scorche | lets put it this way....offtopic conversation =) |
01:42:26 | Thundercloud | DavidGWRawson: I never said it did. |
01:43:03 | Heyoka | pixelma: what was the developers name or nick (so I can search the logs ) |
01:43:06 | Heyoka | ? |
01:43:10 | DavidGWRawson | They DO have a metroid wad in progress....so there can be a metroid prime on rockbox.... |
01:43:15 | scorche | DavidGWRawson: offtopic |
01:43:21 | scorche | and not here cant |
01:43:24 | scorche | no |
01:43:26 | Heyoka | and did he leave for good or is he just taking a vacation? |
01:43:34 | | Quit pr0n-xxx ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.1 :: www.regroup-esports.com )") |
01:44:02 | pixelma | Heyoka: low_light (or lowlight in the forums I believe) - no he was around just a few hours ago |
01:44:46 | Heyoka | thanks |
01:44:58 | Heyoka | I'll look him up see what I can do |
01:45:20 | Heyoka | the expectation of future rockbox was the realdealbreaker |
01:45:22 | DavidGWRawson | I wonder if iPodlinux can be ported to rockbox..... |
01:45:44 | oranges2 | ... |
01:45:48 | Heyoka | by the way just curious is there some sort of primer for developers looking into working with the rockbox project? |
01:45:53 | scorche | why dont you just port ipodlinux to the sansa? |
01:46:19 | scorche | Heyoka: there are a number of docs in the wiki, what are you looking for? |
01:46:36 | DavidGWRawson | I have the perfect video converter for rockbox vidoes! http://www.sendspace.com/file/xpxh46 |
01:46:45 | pixelma | Heyoka: nice to hear, I also get one in the next days :) |
01:47:11 | | Join bb [0] (n=bb@unaffiliated/bb) |
01:47:30 | Llorean | DavidGWRawson: Please don't post random links to file downloads. We have several video converters already posted to the wiki. |
01:47:48 | DavidGWRawson | I would just like to have linux as a plugin. That's what i'm going to start working on. |
01:47:55 | Llorean | If you think yours is also useful, write a proper set of instructions and include a link to the official download. |
01:48:11 | DavidGWRawson | I don't own a server. |
01:48:20 | scorche | DavidGWRawson: then go ahead...dont tell us every little thing you are doing.. |
01:48:23 | Heyoka | I'm just a lowly user myself but I'm thinking of suggesting this project to some friends who actually do some programming as a way for them to get something to show for themselves on their resume (their college times are almost up and its time to start thinking about getting jobs ) |
01:48:25 | Llorean | Nothing I said includes needing any hosting of your own... |
01:48:29 | | Join EnterUserName [0] (n=dave@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid) |
01:48:43 | EnterUserName | Hi all. Does ROCKBOX support USB for Sansa e200 series yet? |
01:48:48 | scorche | no |
01:48:49 | DavidGWRawson | no |
01:48:49 | | Quit reppel (Remote closed the connection) |
01:48:53 | * | EnterUserName pouts. |
01:48:54 | EnterUserName | :) |
01:48:59 | Llorean | EnterUserName: It will be on the MajorChanges page when it does. |
01:49:03 | EnterUserName | oh ok |
01:49:04 | Llorean | And in the changelog. |
01:49:09 | Llorean | And probably in the "News" |
01:49:10 | DavidGWRawson | how did you do that??? the pout thing! |
01:49:15 | oranges2 | Rockbox doesn't support USB for anything EnterUserName. |
01:49:33 | DavidGWRawson | Charging... |
01:49:33 | scorche | wrong |
01:49:41 | oranges2 | *USB data transfer |
01:49:50 | scorche | USB works just fine on the archos units |
01:49:52 | Llorean | oranges2: Wrong as well, Rockbox supports USB on several players. |
01:49:56 | Heyoka | and my own iriver |
01:50:01 | DavidGWRawson | Sansa? |
01:50:03 | Llorean | Works fine on the Archoses, Gigabeats, H100 and H300 and X5 and M5 series |
01:50:05 | pixelma | and iaudio |
01:50:10 | Heyoka | h140 modded to h180 |
01:50:11 | oranges2 | I guess its just not the Sansa and iPods then :[ |
01:50:20 | Llorean | Not on the Sansa, iPod or H10. |
01:50:37 | EnterUserName | Is work being done at all on it? or is it stagnent |
01:50:44 | DavidGWRawson | * |
01:51:05 | Llorean | EnterUserName: Work is being done. |
01:51:16 | | Quit w0rd54 (Client Quit) |
01:52:06 | | Join w0rd54 [0] (n=w0rd@ |
01:52:08 | | Quit DavidGWRawson ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:52:12 | EnterUserName | Heh, only reason is cuz of MicrosdHC :) |
01:54:05 | Heyoka | microsdhc? |
01:54:07 | | Quit EnterUserName ("fone to") |
01:54:15 | Heyoka | what microsdhc? |
01:54:32 | | Join EnterUserName [0] (n=dave@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid) |
01:54:41 | Heyoka | as far as I know no sansa has microsdhc yet right? |
01:55:01 | Llorean | The e200 does |
01:55:05 | Llorean | Provided Rockbox is installed |
01:55:55 | Heyoka | it does? |
01:56:15 | Llorean | Yes |
01:56:24 | Heyoka | oh %&$%$ I can't believe I just wasted my money on a c250 |
01:56:35 | Llorean | The c200 has a MicroSD slot too, right? |
01:56:39 | pixelma | yes |
01:56:49 | Llorean | It should be MicroSDHC in Rockbox too, then, I'd imagine |
01:57:12 | Heyoka | yeah but as far as I know you need special hardware on the reader to be able to read the full extent of the microsdhc card |
01:57:23 | Heyoka | as this microsdhc support been tested already? |
01:57:23 | Llorean | Heyoka: Not really true. |
01:57:29 | Llorean | On the e200 it works great. |
01:57:57 | Heyoka | god f***** dam**t! |
01:58:02 | pixelma | I count on that too, but low_light doesn't have a microSD card and didn't try at all yet. He said "possibly" it works... |
01:58:06 | Llorean | Heyoka: No need to curse. |
01:58:25 | Llorean | Heyoka: There's every reason to expect it works on the c200 as well. |
01:58:26 | scorche | just because you use asterisks doesnt mean it doesnt carry the same meaning... |
01:58:28 | Llorean | No guarantee, but it's pretty likely. |
01:58:56 | Heyoka | sorry but I just put down the money on the c250 figuring there wasn't much room for improvement on the e200 so I guessed the extra cash wouldn't be justified |
01:58:59 | Heyoka | oh well... |
01:59:03 | Llorean | Heyoka: The e200 wasn't *supposed* to support SDHC, but the main difference between the two is an issue of software. Most of the cases where the hardware prevents it is because of firmware, actually. |
01:59:16 | | Quit bb__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:59:22 | Heyoka | ebay giveth ebay, ebay alloweth to sell away :D |
01:59:25 | Llorean | Heyoka: Seriously, try an SDHC card in it in Rockbox. |
01:59:35 | Llorean | You're jumping to unjustified conclusions. |
01:59:45 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=9821486c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-23060e3c910c06d1) |
01:59:51 | | Join DavidGWRawson [0] (n=IceChat7@250-223-237-24.gci.net) |
01:59:53 | Heyoka | thanks |
02:00 |
02:00:01 | DavidGWRawson | cool |
02:00:17 | Heyoka | I think I'll just try to get my money back from pixmania and get myself an e200 series then |
02:00:55 | | Quit DavidGWRawson (Client Quit) |
02:01:04 | |Marco| | hey, about the microsd wifi card, how about some form of ip telefone usage (or the sorts) with players that have built in mic's or linein ? |
02:01:14 | Llorean | Heyoka: I don't understand... You're willing to spend extra money on the assumption it won't work, without first testing it? |
02:01:19 | | Join DavidGWRawson [0] (n=IceChat7@250-223-237-24.gci.net) |
02:01:23 | Llorean | Heyoka: Why not test it, then if it doesn't work, attempt to get your money back? |
02:01:40 | Heyoka | because I still don't know how to get rockbox into the c200 |
02:01:41 | Llorean | |Marco|: How 'bout worrying about what to do with it once someone actually codes drivers for one? |
02:01:44 | Heyoka | yes |
02:01:51 | | Quit DavidGWRawson (Client Quit) |
02:01:53 | Heyoka | your quite right I should look into that first |
02:01:59 | | Quit Guile` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:02:08 | Heyoka | well I got myself 15 days to install rockbox then |
02:02:19 | | Join Guile` [0] (n=Guile@ |
02:02:31 | | Quit bb (Nick collision from services.) |
02:02:32 | | Join DavidGWRawson [0] (n=IceChat7@250-223-237-24.gci.net) |
02:02:36 | | Join bb_ [0] (n=bb@unaffiliated/bb) |
02:02:40 | |Marco| | Llorean: well, just spouting stupid ideas, in case someone gets interested and starts up |
02:02:59 | DavidGWRawson | why? |
02:03:01 | Heyoka | does anyone have a quick link for a c200 build? |
02:03:06 | DavidGWRawson | #c |
02:03:15 | |Marco| | ? |
02:03:37 | |Marco| | what about #c ? |
02:03:40 | | Part toffe82 |
02:03:48 | scorche | (it is offtopic) |
02:04:07 | * | |Marco| shut's up |
02:06:42 | | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) |
02:06:42 | | Quit perrikwp ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
02:06:47 | Heyoka | pretty please? |
02:07:47 | | Quit Chronon (Connection reset by peer) |
02:08:19 | Llorean | Heyoka: I think you pretty much have to compile from source at the moment |
02:08:46 | | Quit DavidGWRawson (Remote closed the connection) |
02:08:51 | Heyoka | hmm ok I hope my kubuntu dist has the necessary packages for gcc |
02:09:21 | Heyoka | err where can I get the source? |
02:09:24 | | Join DavidGWRawson [0] (n=IceChat7@250-223-237-24.gci.net) |
02:09:32 | scorche | not for compiling rockbox...you will have to run rockobx.dev.sh (which is an automated script that will get and compile the crosscompilers needed for you) |
02:09:46 | | Join Chronon [0] (i=vircuser@d23-104.uoregon.edu) |
02:09:51 | scorche | the svn details are located int he wiki as well |
02:10:18 | Heyoka | thanks |
02:10:21 | | Join Strath [0] (n=donat@dpc6747254230.direcpc.com) |
02:12:11 | | Nick DavidGWRawson is now known as JimmyBane (n=IceChat7@250-223-237-24.gci.net) |
02:12:16 | | Join gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@gateless.info) |
02:12:39 | * | JimmyBane slaps webmind with a rainbow trout |
02:12:49 | pixelma | JimmyBane: didn't you say you'd keep the nick? |
02:13:00 | | Nick JimmyBane is now known as DavidGWRawson (n=IceChat7@250-223-237-24.gci.net) |
02:13:10 | DavidGWRawson | sorry |
02:13:22 | * | DavidGWRawson slaps DavidGWRawson with a big red brick |
02:13:31 | Mode | "#rockbox +o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
02:13:38 | Mode | "#rockbox +b *!*18eddffa@* " by scorche (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
02:13:50 | DavidGWRawson | What are you doing to me? |
02:14:04 | Heyoka | well |
02:14:08 | Heyoka | sleep time now |
02:14:12 | Mode | "#rockbox +b *!*@250-223-237-24.gci.net " by scorche (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
02:14:22 | Heyoka | thanks for all the help |
02:14:26 | Heyoka | g'night |
02:14:42 | Kick | (#rockbox DavidGWRawson :I am banning you...) by scorche!i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche |
02:14:42 | | Quit Heyoka (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:15:40 | Mode | "#rockbox -o scorche " by scorche (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
02:16:19 | |Marco| | oo, possible I got a buddy of mine to take a look into the SDIO porting to rockbox |
02:17:32 | |Marco| | man I hope he does |
02:20:02 | | Quit Strath (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:20:14 | | Join Strath [0] (n=donat@dpc6747254230.direcpc.com) |
02:23:15 | oranges2 | You deleted his board account too? O_o |
02:23:28 | | Join psycho_maniac [0] (n=psycho_m@ppp565.hk.centurytel.net) |
02:23:39 | scorche | no... |
02:23:47 | | Quit alienbiker99 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:23:51 | | Join alienbiker99 [0] (n=alienbik@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) |
02:24:09 | oranges2 | Well someone did |
02:24:27 | scorche | no one did... |
02:24:37 | psycho_maniac | anybody have a clue why my vm wont connect to the internet ? |
02:24:38 | oranges2 | Then why is he now listed as a guest? |
02:25:16 | scorche | i see him online and listed as http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?action=profile;u=12636 |
02:25:51 | oranges2 | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12762.15 |
02:25:56 | oranges2 | Guess he had a dupe account |
02:26:09 | Llorean | He had two accounts |
02:26:15 | Llorean | He deleted one, which is why it shows as a Guest |
02:26:29 | Llorean | His previous ban has expired, but he's been warned that if he acts up once more, AT ALL, he's getting banned for a week. |
02:27:21 | psycho_maniac | looks like that guy has problems. i looked at his posts on rockbox forums |
02:27:47 | scorche | whining about people such as him is offtopic here =) |
02:28:42 | RudMan | the problem is is that they "guy" is like 12 |
02:28:52 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
02:28:59 | scorche | whining about people such as him is offtopic here =) |
02:29:00 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
02:29:01 | | Join eigma_ [0] (n=cat@CABLE-206-188-76-21.cia.com) |
02:29:13 | | Quit eigma (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:29:18 | | Nick eigma_ is now known as eigma (n=cat@CABLE-206-188-76-21.cia.com) |
02:29:33 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=9821486c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1a2a9d6d2d202baa) |
02:33:28 | Mode | "#rockbox +o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
02:36:17 | Topic | "Ahoy ye landlubbers! Ye best be readin' these before yer trap opens: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | If ye want ta chat 'bout other thing, ye shall get the plank (located at #rockbox-community) | ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" by scorche (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
02:36:24 | Mode | "#rockbox -o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
02:37:09 | Mode | "#rockbox +o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
02:37:24 | Topic | "Ahoy ye landlubbers! Ye best be readin' these before yer trap opens: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | If ye want ta chat 'bout other things, ye shall get the plank (located at #rockbox-community) | ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" by scorche (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
02:37:28 | Mode | "#rockbox -o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
02:38:01 | | Join dnanar [0] (n=dnanar@mar06-1-88-167-174-249.fbx.proxad.net) |
02:38:06 | dnanar | hi all ! |
02:38:12 | RudMan | yar |
02:38:53 | dnanar | i'm trying to install rockbox on my cowon iaudio x5l, but i do not find the rockbox.iaudio file which should be packed with .rockbox (daily build). may anyone help me please ? |
02:38:54 | psycho_maniac | ahoy |
02:39:22 | scorche | it is inside that folder |
02:39:51 | RudMan | did you uncompress the rockbox zip into the root of your iaudio? |
02:40:07 | dnanar | RudMan: yes |
02:40:23 | RudMan | did it create a number of folders under .rockbox? |
02:40:27 | dnanar | i decompressed the folder, and putted x5_fw.bin into firmware/ dir |
02:40:32 | dnanar | RudMan: yes |
02:41:00 | | Quit Chronon ("*sneaks off like a ninja*") |
02:42:36 | RudMan | Download the Rockbox bootloader binary from http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/iaudio/. Use the x5v_fw.bin file if your player is a X5V. If it is a X5, use the x5_fw.bin file. |
02:42:36 | RudMan | Copy it to the FIRMWARE directory on your player. |
02:42:42 | RudMan | that's from the documentation |
02:42:56 | dnanar | thats what ive done |
02:43:02 | dnanar | but it does nothing |
02:43:09 | RudMan | so there were TWO zip files....you decomressed both into the root? |
02:43:17 | dnanar | no |
02:43:28 | dnanar | where to find the second zip file please ? |
02:43:36 | RudMan | http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-iaudiox5/rockbox-buildch2.html#x4-60002 |
02:43:39 | RudMan | read that |
02:43:41 | pixelma | dnanar: what did you do after you copied the files and unzipped the build? |
02:44:57 | dnanar | 1) unzipped .rockbox in root dir;2)extract x5_fw.bin in firmware/ dir;3)unplug usb cable, charge the player and put in on "ON" -> that does nothing |
02:45:07 | | Quit w0rd54 (Client Quit) |
02:45:58 | RudMan | that should have been step 2 |
02:46:23 | RudMan | There are two separate components of Rockbox that need to be installed in order to run Rockbox. |
02:46:23 | RudMan | The Rockbox boot loader. |
02:46:23 | RudMan | The boot loader is the program that tells your player how to boot and load other components of Rockbox. This is the component of Rockbox that is installed to the flash memory of your Iaudio. |
02:46:23 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK RudMan |
02:46:23 | RudMan | The Rockbox firmware. |
02:46:23 | RudMan | Unlike the Iaudio firmware, which runs entirely from flash memory, most of the Rockbox code is contained in a “build” that resides on your player’s drive. This makes it easy to update Rockbox. The build consists of a directory called .rockbox containing all of Rockbox’ files, which is located in the root of your player’s drive. |
02:46:46 | pixelma | RudMan: that's not very helpfull |
02:47:11 | | Join safetydan [0] (i=dc9d468b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-291aa1b8183b0278) |
02:48:08 | | Join w0rd54 [0] (n=w0rd@100mbit.top-site.us) |
02:48:23 | | Join Sevenfoldizm [0] (i=48566e61@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-564e4ece74addf7b) |
02:48:39 | pixelma | dnanar: just to check - on your player there is a .rockbox directory and a firmware directory (in which the x5_fw.bin is located) |
02:48:48 | safetydan | preglow (for the logs), there is a patch to remove the HW EQ, FS #7440. But I don't have an iPod Video to test it on and for some reason the cutoff values don't seem to work. |
02:48:50 | Sevenfoldizm | Hey could someone help me out, winff is outputting videos very badly. |
02:49:04 | pixelma | dnanar: what do you mean with "charge the player and put it to on" |
02:49:18 | pixelma | ? |
02:49:24 | RudMan | pix: why is that not helpful. it appears that he has only downloaded one part of rockbox and that was to show him that there are two parts of rockbox he needs |
02:49:33 | | Join BillGod_ [0] (n=bill@user-12l3719.cable.mindspring.com) |
02:49:45 | dnanar | pixelma: there is a.rockbox dir and now even a fonts/ dir inside this dir, and this does not change nothing |
02:50:11 | pixelma | RudMan: the long paste doesn't read well... |
02:50:18 | Sevenfoldizm | I have the right presets installed and I select Sansa 4:3 but when it converts I try to play the video on WMP and Rockbox and its mostly black but there will be very badly blocky unrecognizable video. |
02:50:18 | dnanar | pixelma: well, I "Turn the X5/M5 off, remove the USB cable and insert the charger." as it said in docs |
02:50:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:50:51 | BillGod_ | Can anyone point me to instructions on patching the bootloader for a sansa 280r? I followed the instructions on http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200RBootloaderPatching to the letter but it never seems to patch correctly. |
02:51:04 | pixelma | dnanar: but you also have a "FIRMWARE" directory there with the .bin file in it? |
02:51:13 | Sevenfoldizm | Where are you stuck BillGod? |
02:52:14 | dnanar | pixelma: yes (well in fact its wrotten in lower case, and the dir is empty, but it seems that i can't use upper case character onto the player) |
02:53:06 | pixelma | dnanar: but you put the file there before? |
02:53:07 | BillGod_ | I am not sure I run the e200 tool and it finds my sansa. i put it in recovery mode. copy over BL_SD_boardSupportSD.rom unmount and unplug. it says upgrade complete and reboots. it boots into the normal rhapsody firmware. if i put on rockbox it fails to load image. |
02:53:45 | dnanar | pixelma: yes of course |
02:53:52 | Sevenfoldizm | You held the record button until it booted into recovery mode? |
02:54:02 | BillGod_ | yes |
02:54:20 | BillGod_ | i have the whole transcript here. http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12781.0 |
02:55:05 | pixelma | dnanar: I would think that's a sign that installation worked, because that file is deleted by the original firmware when updating was successful (afaik) |
02:55:06 | oranges2 | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12762.0 :[ |
02:55:26 | Sevenfoldizm | Did you make sure the directory was named .rockbox and installed in the highest directory on your sansa? |
02:55:38 | BillGod_ | yes its in / |
02:55:49 | Sevenfoldizm | I know of one more way you can try it then |
02:56:00 | BillGod_ | anything will help |
02:56:01 | dnanar | pixelma: here is all the file on the player: http://rafb.net/p/z351BV63.html |
02:56:05 | Sevenfoldizm | You'll probably need to do this anyways if you want the original firmware plus usb support |
02:56:41 | oranges2 | Does sansapatcher not work? |
02:56:47 | dnanar | pixelma: ah no i meant: there were nothing into, i putted the .bin file which were never removed |
02:57:04 | Sevenfoldizm | Basically what you'll be doing is converting it into a regular e200. |
02:57:12 | Sevenfoldizm | Hold up let me get you the page |
02:57:17 | BillGod_ | thanks |
02:57:43 | BillGod_ | oranges2: sansapatcher does not work on the R models. |
02:58:23 | oranges2 | I just have a e260 |
02:58:37 | oranges2 | The original firmware doesn't load after I patch it |
02:58:37 | Sevenfoldizm | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12502.msg95510#msg95510 and this http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19830 |
02:58:45 | pixelma | dnanar: you don't have a X5V by any chance (without radio)? Also I can't see a .rockbox directory in your listing |
02:58:45 | Sevenfoldizm | study both those pages. |
02:58:52 | Sevenfoldizm | And then try it. |
02:59:06 | BillGod_ | sweet thanks |
02:59:47 | Sevenfoldizm | I did it wrong the first few times and it said load main image failed so work on it until you get the original e200 firmware on (it won't have rhapsody channels) and then follow the normal e200 install guide |
03:00 |
03:00:27 | BillGod_ | thanks a ton |
03:01:02 | Sevenfoldizm | Yep. It's no problem, it's the least I can do. I was in your situation a few nights ago |
03:01:52 | dnanar | pixelma: ops, .rockbox is an hidden dir, so : http://pastebin.ca/raw/702718 . ANd no, i have got a X5L 20GB |
03:03:29 | | Quit Sevenfoldizm ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
03:04:10 | RudMan | dnanar: the only think I see is that the firmware/x5_fw.bin file reports as being 0 length |
03:05:37 | | Join Doomed_ [0] (n=alienbik@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) |
03:05:53 | | Quit alienbiker99 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:08:44 | dnanar | RudMan: arf thanks : unmount returned an erro when unmounting the player %) |
03:08:53 | dnanar | now it works perfectly thanks ;-) |
03:09:08 | oranges2 | Anybody here have a non-R Sansa that boots the original firmware properly? |
03:10:14 | Llorean | Dual boot works quite well on non-R sansa. |
03:10:25 | RudMan | oranges2: I have a sansa that boots the original firmware perfectly |
03:10:46 | oranges2 | And you have RockBox installeD? |
03:10:51 | RudMan | of course! |
03:11:10 | oranges2 | How did you install the bootloader? |
03:11:17 | iamben | mine works fine too, fwiw |
03:11:31 | iamben | i... followed the instructions |
03:11:43 | oranges2 | The ones on the Wiki using Sansapatcher? |
03:12:03 | RudMan | oranges2: I did it a few weeks ago so I don't remember the exact steps but all I did was follow the documentation step by step and it worked perfectly |
03:12:20 | iamben | i followed the manual, not the wiki |
03:12:51 | oranges2 | I guess I'm just unlucky :[ |
03:12:55 | Llorean | oranges2: For non-R Sansas, the manual should be followed strictly. |
03:13:02 | Llorean | Dual boot has worked for everyone who followed the manual. |
03:13:10 | oranges2 | I've followed the instructions exactly 3 times over |
03:13:15 | oranges2 | Same problem each time |
03:13:52 | Llorean | oranges2: You already said you used the wiki |
03:14:05 | Llorean | The manual is not the wiki, and vice versa. |
03:14:19 | oranges2 | I meant the manual |
03:14:50 | oranges2 | 1. Switch to MSC mode 2. Connect USB 3. Run sansapatcher 4. Hit 'i' then 'Enter' 5. Unplug and let it reboot |
03:14:57 | oranges2 | Those are the exact steps I followed |
03:15:26 | Llorean | And this is starting with a vanilla e200 that boots the original firmware just fine before doing this? |
03:15:31 | oranges2 | Yes. |
03:15:36 | Llorean | And you eject the sansa properly? |
03:15:42 | oranges2 | Yes. |
03:16:14 | RudMan | after you connect the USB, can you see it as a drive? |
03:16:33 | oranges2 | Yes. |
03:16:34 | Llorean | oranges2: And what, *exactly* happens when you try to boot the OF? |
03:16:54 | oranges2 | http://www.sendspace.com/file/hrrcho <- 30 second video |
03:18:09 | Llorean | I don't intend to download a video. Summarize what happens in one sentence. |
03:18:52 | oranges2 | It would be easier and more efficient just to watch the video, but some text scrolls, then the screen freezes and starts to change colors in a 'melting' sensation |
03:19:12 | Llorean | And how long have you left it? |
03:19:38 | oranges2 | And actually now, it just reboots instead of freezing |
03:19:51 | oranges2 | The melting thing only happened the first time |
03:20:02 | Llorean | As well, have you actually typed up the text into a pastebin or otherwise? |
03:20:31 | BillGod_ | Sevenfoldizm: you still around? |
03:20:39 | oranges2 | I can't type fast enough to get it |
03:21:02 | krazykit | take a picture with your cellphone and type it out? |
03:21:11 | oranges2 | I tried |
03:21:16 | oranges2 | It doesn't take a clear enough picture |
03:21:21 | iamben | i think mine does the melting thing, then it goes to OF |
03:21:22 | Llorean | oranges2: I assume you can reboot the player more than once, and take them down a line at a time. |
03:21:26 | iamben | melting is good, isnt it? |
03:21:29 | Llorean | I imagine you can remember one whole line per boot at the very least. |
03:21:49 | Llorean | The text output contains useful information. |
03:23:51 | | Part pixelma |
03:24:17 | | Join ord [0] (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
03:24:37 | | Quit qwm (Nick collision from services.) |
03:24:43 | | Nick ord is now known as qwm (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
03:25:21 | iamben | ok sorry mine doesnt melt quite like that =) |
03:26:39 | qwm | MIDKAY USES WINDOWS |
03:27:55 | krazykit | sorry, why are you shouting? |
03:28:39 | qwm | i refuse to tell why. |
03:30:31 | | Part maffe |
03:38:45 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-67-166-49-171.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
03:42:29 | eigma | [continuing conversation on porting RB to the m:robe 500i] |
03:42:30 | | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|afk (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
03:42:33 | | Join rockho [0] (i=rocko@pc-71-80-121-24.will.ct.charter.com) |
03:42:47 | eigma | so, UART doesn't have to be polled |
03:42:52 | eigma | it does have interrupts, etc |
03:43:01 | oranges2 | Still here Llorean? |
03:43:32 | kkurbjun | are you using the interupts in your code though? |
03:43:55 | kkurbjun | in the bootloader that is? |
03:44:00 | eigma | linloader polls. the linux driver (not written by me) uses irqs |
03:44:19 | eigma | but I see no reason for any part of RB to poll |
03:44:34 | eigma | (i.e. bootloader or normal) |
03:44:34 | kkurbjun | no, I agree, I was just wondering |
03:44:38 | eigma | ah ok |
03:44:44 | eigma | look at uartPuts or so |
03:45:13 | kkurbjun | hopefully I can finalize this interrupt stuff soon.. I've never done arm interupts and the ones that I have done didn't have any priority or anything like that |
03:45:30 | oranges2 | Heres the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m471cf2fe |
03:45:47 | eigma | priorities? I don't recall needing to change any of that stuff |
03:46:16 | kkurbjun | no, but you pay attention to them when you handle the interupts |
03:46:51 | kkurbjun | the interupt handler is called and then it's supposed to call a function based on an address that's placed in a register from the interupt controller |
03:47:04 | eigma | yeah, DM320 interrupts are really strange |
03:47:20 | eigma | the hardware tries to do some of the work for you, but Linux's interrupt model is incompatible with it |
03:47:29 | kkurbjun | yep, I saw that |
03:47:43 | kkurbjun | I'm following linux's method though |
03:47:48 | eigma | why? |
03:48:45 | kkurbjun | because I can't find anything that shows what all the registers do |
03:49:49 | | Quit psycho_maniac ("Leaving") |
03:50:01 | oranges2 | Does album art need to be named specifically for it to show up? |
03:50:15 | | Join tictoc [0] (i=tabac@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xB9002659) |
03:51:06 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
03:51:47 | | Quit rocko (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
03:53:02 | RudMan | you need a custom build for album art |
03:53:55 | oranges2 | I have one |
03:54:07 | oranges2 | I'm just wondering if theres a general naming convention for album art |
03:54:22 | oranges2 | Because 'cover.jpg' doesn't work |
03:54:47 | RudMan | take a look at a working cover art wps |
03:54:51 | newbyx86 | hm |
03:54:53 | newbyx86 | no disconnect? incredible |
03:55:00 | newbyx86 | every other net I was connected to just died :[ |
03:55:16 | eigma | Rockbox rocks that hard. |
03:55:55 | oranges2 | Durr |
03:55:59 | oranges2 | It only supports BMp |
03:56:01 | oranges2 | X-x |
03:56:13 | RudMan | there ya go |
03:56:19 | oranges2 | Reading is power |
03:57:55 | | Quit hardeep ("leaving") |
03:59:31 | oranges2 | And God said to his disciples, |
03:59:37 | oranges2 | "LET THERE BE COVER ART" |
04:00 |
04:04:47 | chrisjs169 | ...yeah |
04:05:12 | | Join chrisjs169|phone [0] (i=wapd602@hosting-agency.de) |
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04:15:48 | | Join jmworx [0] (n=jmworx@panoramix.CeNTIE.NET.au) |
04:18:37 | jmworx | Hi, My Rio Karma just died a horrible death and I'm considering buying a new Rockbox-supported player. I know there's a list of models supported, but can anyone recommend one in particular that's best supported (least problems)? I'm looking for a 20+ GB player. |
04:19:02 | oranges2 | 5g iPod? |
04:19:23 | krazykit | jmworx, i migrated from a karma to a gigabeat f and i'm pretty happy. |
04:19:50 | krazykit | but "best supported" depends on your meaning, really, and what features you want |
04:20:56 | krazykit | jmworx, i'd check out http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/BuyersGuide |
04:21:49 | oranges2 | I'm pretty happy with my Sansa e200 |
04:21:55 | oranges2 | Only offers 8gb internal though |
04:26:35 | jmworx | krazykit: By best supported, I mean "smallest likelihood of problems" |
04:26:50 | jmworx | Also what does "in production mean"? |
04:26:56 | oranges2 | Still being made |
04:27:21 | krazykit | jmworx, if you only need a player and you're on a budget, the gigabeat f40 is still pretty inexpensive |
04:27:37 | krazykit | it also has a beast of a processor, so video works well |
04:27:49 | oranges2 | I'm fairly sure that none of the models listed as "supported" have any glaring errors |
04:27:55 | krazykit | it doesn't feel as nice in your hand as the karma, though :-( |
04:28:52 | dnanar | i don't understand how to change WPS in rockbox; after downloading and installing one of those theme: http://www.rockbox-themes.org/index.php?res=160x128x16, i go to "Setting>General Settings>Display>Browse .wps file" and nothing is changer (only browser appearance is changed, not music player appearance) |
04:29:02 | dnanar | does anyone know how to do please ? ;-) |
04:29:35 | krazykit | dnanar, you installed the WPS properly? |
04:31:05 | dnanar | well, i unzipped it into main directory |
04:31:16 | | Quit BillGod_ ("Ex-Chat") |
04:31:28 | RudMan | dnanar: try settings->browse themes |
04:31:45 | jmworx | krazykit: Money is an issue, but not the main one. I guess my main criteria (beyond playing Vorbis) are easy navigation, enough storage and reliability |
04:31:58 | krazykit | well, navigation is all the same, really |
04:32:48 | dnanar | RudMan: ah ok :-) that's changed a lot of stuff, but "music file player" is still the same |
04:34:22 | krazykit | jmworx, well, you'll probably be happy with any player you pick. i know of 5 former karma owners that are happy with gigabeats, 2 with ipods, and a few with the sansa (all rockboxed) |
04:35:07 | | Join chrisjs169|phone [0] (i=wapd667@hosting-agency.de) |
04:36:48 | kkurbjun | eigma, is there a pin to cut the power? |
04:43:11 | kkurbjun | nevermind, found it |
04:43:37 | safetydan | dnanar, it's possible the theme requires patches that you don't have in your build. |
04:44:34 | | Join pwn_nubs [0] (n=ss@ |
04:45:03 | pwn_nubs | anyone know how to install rockbox and ipodlinux |
04:45:27 | pwn_nubs | ive got them both installed but i cant get rockbox to appear in the ipodloader |
04:45:42 | krazykit | pwn_nubs, if you're using loader2, it's not supported here |
04:46:15 | pwn_nubs | ... does rockbox support the old loader? |
04:46:38 | krazykit | rockbox only supports rockbox projects. |
04:47:11 | scorche | in otherwords, rockbox supports its own bootloader...not a different loader that someone else made |
04:47:17 | pwn_nubs | well i asked the people about ipodlinux and how to get rockbox in the IPL but they directed me here |
04:47:23 | pwn_nubs | = ( |
04:47:25 | Llorean | pwn_nubs: The loader loads Rockbox, not the other way around. If you're having problems using the loader, you need to ask the people who created it, it doesn't matter what you're trying to load with it. |
04:47:30 | oranges2 | Is there a way to play music while in Rockboy? |
04:47:54 | scorche | no |
04:47:59 | Llorean | scorche: Not quite true |
04:48:08 | scorche | well, yeah... |
04:48:13 | Llorean | On the Gigabeat F, with small sized roms, if sound in Gameboy is disabled, you can get music. |
04:48:35 | kkurbjun | It disables sound automagically if music is playing |
04:48:42 | Llorean | Even better. |
04:49:03 | Llorean | kkurbjun: I tried increasing the plugin buffer for use with larger ROMs, and it did not work. Is there some other constraint? |
04:49:07 | oranges2 | So something like the Sansa just isn't powerful enough? |
04:49:28 | Llorean | oranges2: The Sansa isn't even powerful enough to really get full speed out of the games consistently, without adding decoding compressed audio into the mix |
04:49:50 | kkurbjun | no, that should work, I've done it on my player with older builds.. I don't think it's changed since I did it |
04:49:56 | oranges2 | I've tried a few games, and they've been playing full speed |
04:50:06 | kkurbjun | how much larger are you making it? |
04:50:13 | Llorean | kkurbjun: Odd, I double the plugin buffer size for a ROM that was only 256kb larger. |
04:50:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:50:46 | kkurbjun | hmm, I would expect that to work, did you rerun configure? |
04:51:03 | Llorean | I'm pretty sure I did, but it was some time ago. Maybe I didn't. |
04:51:53 | kkurbjun | try giving it a really large amount like 2 megs and then rerunning configure, it should adjust, you can work down from there |
04:52:10 | kkurbjun | the size of te rom isn't necessarily indicitave of how much memory it needs though either |
04:52:34 | kkurbjun | the ram banks for example are included in the rom size |
04:52:41 | Llorean | Aaaah |
04:52:56 | Llorean | I didn't think about how much extra memory the ROM might need. |
04:53:10 | kkurbjun | there's only a number in the rom that represents the number of ram banks |
04:53:43 | | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:53:46 | Llorean | Ah well, if gameboy sound were just a bit better, I'd not want to listen to my own music anyway. |
04:53:47 | | Quit Weiss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:53:55 | kkurbjun | :) |
04:53:56 | Llorean | It's still kinda crackly though, unlike one of those patches you posted. |
04:54:38 | Llorean | I think though the one that sounded really good was too slow on anything but a Gigabeat, wasn't it? |
04:54:51 | | Join BillGod_ [0] (n=bill@user-12l3719.cable.mindspring.com) |
04:54:54 | kkurbjun | I have another patch, but I havn't gotten around to committing it, I got distracted with a port :) |
04:55:04 | Llorean | Ah. |
04:55:12 | Llorean | Well, new ports are interesting too. :) |
04:55:31 | Llorean | Besides, I still own a few gameboys anyway. |
04:55:56 | BillGod_ | just got rockbox up and running. anyone able to tell me why when I plug it into my USB port it doesn't auto mount anymore? Using linux not windows |
04:56:33 | RudMan | I have a sansa and sometimes I have to boot it into the original firmware before windows will see it |
04:56:45 | RudMan | actually it will see it and the connect and then immediately disconnect |
04:56:54 | BillGod_ | hmm might setup for dual boot then |
04:57:05 | RudMan | sometimes a reboot of windows is needed |
04:57:11 | krazykit | RudMan, well, that's expected. usb doesn't work on sansas yet. |
04:57:23 | BillGod_ | ahh that explains it |
04:57:40 | oranges2 | I use the MicroSD to transfer files |
04:57:41 | kkurbjun | I'll probably work on the gameboy patch again I have once I have enough code for higher(lower?) level work to go on with this port. |
04:57:44 | RudMan | krazy: no, I mean I have to let it boot into the OF before I hook up the USB |
04:57:58 | RudMan | other times I can just hook up the usb and it turns on and will be seen |
04:58:38 | | Quit chrisjs169|phone (Remote closed the connection) |
04:59:59 | Llorean | RudMan: If your device is off, plugging it into USB should boot it into the OF. |
05:00 |
05:00:07 | Llorean | If it's already turned on, you'll need to shutdown or reboot into the OF. |
05:00:35 | RudMan | yes, but like I said it's flaky....probably just my machine tho |
05:03:53 | | Quit BillGod_ ("Ex-Chat") |
05:03:53 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
05:05:09 | jmworx | krazykit: Do the iPods still have battery life problems? |
05:05:17 | Llorean | Yes |
05:05:27 | Llorean | 4th gen and later iPods, including minis, do. |
05:06:46 | jmworx | So I guess buying an iPod would be a recommended thing to do? |
05:08:00 | | Quit qwm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
05:08:12 | | Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
05:08:18 | Llorean | I would recommend other players before the iPods, but that's mostly based on my personal preferences. |
05:08:25 | krazykit | jmworx, really, i can't suggest supporting a company that hates their customers. |
05:09:44 | krazykit | jmworx, which is why i suggested the gigabeat f40 as a pretty good choice. cheap, but has somewhat fewer features than other players. |
05:10:14 | | Quit imphasing (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:10:30 | | Quit Llorean ("Leaving.") |
05:15:52 | | Join bb [0] (n=bb@unaffiliated/bb) |
05:16:26 | | Quit akaias ("Bye. Need a pastebin? http://pb.transnull.com") |
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05:19:38 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:19:39 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
05:21:05 | jmworx | krazykit: I share your hate for Apple, really. I was just trying to get an idea of all options (was considering iPod as a last option). |
05:21:31 | jmworx | Problem is that I'm having a hard time finding a place that sells the gigabeat F |
05:21:50 | krazykit | amazon has them, from independant selelrs |
05:22:53 | jmworx | well, I'm in Australia |
05:25:11 | safetydan | jmworx, I've seen Wow Sight and Sound offer Gigabeat models at various boints. Not exactly sure which model though. |
05:25:12 | | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:27:36 | | Quit bb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:29:24 | jmworx | safetydan: Thanks, trying to check it out... |
05:30:27 | | Quit sarixe ("Peace") |
05:30:31 | jmworx | What kind of idiotic company actively ensures that people who don't have flash don't buy from them? |
05:30:59 | pwn_nubs | anyone have the ipodloader that will help me with a start file? |
05:31:05 | jmworx | And it's not like it's a Linux thing −− Windows 64bit users are equally screwed! |
05:31:25 | | Quit krazykit ("Lost terminal") |
05:32:41 | | Join krazykit [0] (n=kkit@light.sunsetab.denison.edu) |
05:34:57 | | Quit newbyx86 () |
05:37:29 | safetydan | jmworx, yeah they're site is horrible. |
05:39:06 | | Join newbyx86 [0] (n=newby@ip68-7-12-123.sd.sd.cox.net) |
05:40:08 | | Quit perrikwp ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
05:42:32 | safetydan | yeesh that was bad English. Of course I meant "their". |
05:43:33 | jmworx | safetydan: Can you find anything on it? I haven't managed to find it, even on my 32-bit box that has flash |
05:44:53 | safetydan | jmworx, sorry I can't look at it either. On a 64-bit box as well. |
05:45:02 | safetydan | I just get their paper catalog in the mail sometimes. |
05:45:31 | | Join darksaboteur [0] (n=darksabo@ |
05:54:26 | | Nick JdGordon|afk is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@c220-237-57-253.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
05:55:59 | kkurbjun | hey jdgordon |
05:56:02 | JdGordon | hey |
05:56:13 | kkurbjun | let me send you 1 of the 2 bootloaders |
05:56:23 | JdGordon | oh, if you insist :) |
05:56:35 | kkurbjun | there's one that's for the exploit that jumps into the rockbox bootloader :) |
05:56:47 | JdGordon | just checking, the arm cross compiler we have already is good right? we dont need to recompile it? |
05:57:07 | kkurbjun | our is fine, no need to recompile |
05:57:12 | JdGordon | great |
05:58:22 | kkurbjun | so that loader by itself won't do much I'll try and put together my current diff |
05:58:47 | kkurbjun | you might want to do this in a new checkout |
05:58:59 | JdGordon | with the remix exploit, does it let you have multiple remoxies setup? so one can load linux and one loads rockbox? |
05:59:50 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
05:59:50 | * | JdGordon grabbing new checkout |
05:59:53 | pwn_nubs | ive got the ipodloader and there is a way to load apple os or linux or rockbox |
06:00 |
06:00:05 | pwn_nubs | i just cant figure out how to load the rockbox from it |
06:00:06 | kkurbjun | there's alot of code being messed with at the moment.. as far as I know there's only a setup for doing 1 exploit, I've never tried putting another exploit in a new remix folder, eigma might be able to comment |
06:00:43 | kkurbjun | The loader I just sent you is based off his code so it should be possible to load one or the other |
06:01:03 | krazykit | pwn_nubs, didn't you get it the first time? #rockbox does not support ipodlinux's bootloaders. ask them. they have an irc channel, i'm sure |
06:01:25 | scorche | they do, and he was in it |
06:01:48 | kkurbjun | I just haven't played with that possibility.. I was removing all dependencies on any linked libraries and in the process I broke the linux way |
06:02:11 | pwn_nubs | krazykit thats the thing its not their loader its just a screen that lets you choose what to load |
06:02:24 | krazykit | pwn_nubs, no, it IS thier loader. |
06:02:40 | krazykit | rockbox's bootloader does not do that. you hold a button to choose the firmware. |
06:03:34 | | Join agm3nt [0] (i=agm3nt@nat.n3t.pl) |
06:05:01 | scorche | pwn_nubs: it IS their loader |
06:06:24 | eigma | kkurbjun, JdGordon: yes. multiple remixes can do different things. I currently use this to boot various images of Linux. |
06:06:39 | | Part agm3nt |
06:07:22 | eigma | kkurbjun, JdGordon: the problem is there is no way to parameterize remix loading, nor for the exploit payload to determine which remix was launched. so, for all practical purposes, the binary image of the exploit has to contain all the differences between each remix |
06:07:38 | eigma | not sure if that was clear; feel free to ask for clarification |
06:07:58 | JdGordon | ok |
06:08:27 | eigma | but, for Linux vs Rockbox, no problem at all |
06:08:56 | eigma | my main issue was giving various Linux kernel command-lines depending on the remix |
06:09:25 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
06:10:10 | psycho_maniac | anybody know how to get my vmware to be able to connect to svn? for some reason it always says "unkown hostname" and I AM connected to the internet. Could it be set to read through my ethernet card and not my 56k modem? |
06:10:25 | eigma | can you ping www.google.com? |
06:10:36 | eigma | can you ping the address of your router (something like |
06:11:02 | eigma | come to think of it, this is probably a question for #linux |
06:11:50 | psycho_maniac | just type "ping www.google.com" ? |
06:11:56 | eigma | yes |
06:12:22 | psycho_maniac | ok i did that and it did the same thing |
06:13:46 | eigma | look at the properties for your network connection in Windows; write down the value for "Default Gateway". try "ping <gateway>". |
06:15:07 | scorche | this is more a question for something like #vmware rather than #rockbox... |
06:15:14 | | Join Chronon [0] (i=Chronon@c-24-20-119-115.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
06:19:21 | psycho_maniac | thanks for the help. |
06:25:27 | psycho_maniac | when is it necessary to use the "make clean" command? |
06:25:41 | JdGordon | eigma: oh, do you know how to change the text the remix shows? |
06:29:48 | eigma | it's in the xml files |
06:29:55 | eigma | I forget exactly, but I did do it |
06:29:57 | eigma | one sec |
06:30:28 | psycho_maniac | GodEater: Are you around? |
06:30:49 | eigma | I would have to look on my m:robe (too lazy atm) |
06:31:14 | JdGordon | ok |
06:31:31 | eigma | you know which xml files I am referring to/ |
06:31:33 | eigma | *? |
06:31:56 | JdGordon | no, I thought it might be in one and had a look for it yesteerday, but couldnt find it |
06:32:11 | JdGordon | ill look again now |
06:32:30 | eigma | under System\Remix or something like that |
09:00 |
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09:31:33 | B4gder | there's a server up |
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09:32:47 | Zagor | my hitman did his job |
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09:33:28 | psycho_maniac | how do i search the forums for just a user? i type in the users name and it doesnt work |
09:33:35 | Zagor | B4gder: that sure is some magic :-) |
09:33:41 | * | Zagor tests |
09:33:48 | B4gder | magic with love |
09:34:27 | | Quit YouCeyE (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:34:53 | B4gder | http://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2007/09/19/rockbox-on-marcinfo/ |
09:35:28 | petur | B4gder: you're blogging a lot these days ;) |
09:35:43 | B4gder | I do, I'm full of rants |
09:36:02 | petur | I'm still able to suppress it ;) |
09:36:24 | JdGordon | wooohoo! almost a working button driver for the mr500 |
09:37:13 | | Quit hcs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:39:23 | B4gder | so they estimate a 82USD cost to make a 8GB nano |
09:39:35 | B4gder | that's really very cheap |
09:40:18 | B4gder | maybe Apple will compete more with SanDisk pricewise soon then |
09:41:47 | B4gder | imho, sansa view looks like a way cooler player than the nano anyway |
09:42:07 | JdGordon | and woring button driver :D |
09:42:36 | B4gder | JdGordon: is that running on the actual mr500? |
09:43:20 | JdGordon | yep |
09:43:34 | B4gder | very cool |
09:43:47 | B4gder | I do miss details in the wiki etc on this effort... |
09:46:29 | psycho_maniac | B4gder: what do you mean |
09:46:56 | B4gder | about what? |
09:47:34 | psycho_maniac | "details in the wiki" |
09:48:27 | B4gder | yes, about the effort to put Rockbox on mrobe 500 |
09:48:53 | psycho_maniac | oh ok. thanks for explaining that. |
09:49:56 | psycho_maniac | how far is rockbox coming along with gsoc? |
09:51:04 | petur | psycho_maniac: gsoc has ended ;) |
09:51:19 | psycho_maniac | how long ago? |
09:51:35 | petur | it ran until end of august |
09:51:49 | tyrion_ | Yarrr! |
09:51:53 | Zagor | I'm missing details in wiki about that too :-) how did each project go etc. |
09:51:59 | psycho_maniac | well then my question would be. did the gsoc help at all? |
09:52:58 | petur | we got wma, didn't we? |
09:52:58 | JdGordon | yes and no |
09:53:09 | JdGordon | forgot abou wma :p |
09:53:17 | JdGordon | yes, sort of and no :p |
09:53:45 | petur | at least austriancoder is still working on it, how's Nico_P doing? |
09:53:48 | Zagor | whoa, hardeep lives! |
09:54:07 | psycho_maniac | JdGordn: please explain more |
09:54:10 | *** | Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' |
09:54:16 | | Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c58-109-97-210.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
09:54:46 | JdGordon | psycho_maniac: we got wma so one was good, two (usb and MoB) sort of half way finished.. and one got nowhere |
09:56:29 | psycho_maniac | the one that got nowhere...was that text to speech? |
09:56:51 | JdGordon | yes |
09:57:44 | psycho_maniac | did the gsoc help progress these projects faster or easier? |
09:58:00 | B4gder | the TTS one was given an extension though, although I'm not sure that helps it... |
09:58:34 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=chatzill@d207-81-67-190.bchsia.telus.net) |
09:58:39 | psycho_maniac | is there a patch for seeking in wma at all? |
09:59:29 | aliask | Apparently he has an implementation of seeking that he's keeping all to himself |
09:59:39 | aliask | Not ready for primetime I assume |
10:00 |
10:00:16 | psycho_maniac | i barley have any wmas. and i only realize im playing a wma when i try to rewind. i was just curious. |
10:00:46 | gregj | http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/sep2007/tc20070917_491032_page_2.htm |
10:01:46 | homielowe | linuxstb: even though your away, tested ipodpatcher on MACOSX 10.4, the binary works just fine. |
10:01:54 | Zagor | yay, OF.mi4 works on c200! |
10:02:31 | Zagor | ready for prime time |
10:02:52 | petur | Zagor: you think it is? |
10:02:59 | Zagor | I can't see why not |
10:03:12 | B4gder | cool! |
10:03:22 | Zagor | this fix enables USB, which was the last hurdle as far as I know |
10:03:28 | B4gder | Zagor: did you try sansapatcher on it? |
10:03:36 | Zagor | no |
10:03:38 | | Quit psycho_maniac ("Good Bye") |
10:03:40 | Zagor | what does that do? |
10:03:46 | B4gder | it installes the bootloader |
10:03:47 | petur | ok, I have a coworker here with a c200, will convince him to try it ;) |
10:03:54 | B4gder | the fancy way |
10:03:59 | Zagor | no I used the recovery mode method |
10:04:15 | JdGordon | i think snasapatcher checks the e200 usb id... so it will need updating for the c200 |
10:04:19 | JdGordon | unless that was done already |
10:04:20 | markun | gregj: nice info! |
10:04:43 | Zagor | my c200 has usb id 0781:7450 |
10:05:17 | B4gder | I know linuxstb and low_light looked at sansapatching the c200 before, but I don't know where they ended up |
10:05:31 | B4gder | before as in last night or so |
10:05:47 | petur | are there plans to install with rbutil? |
10:06:01 | B4gder | rbutil uses the sansapatcher way I think |
10:06:09 | B4gder | so once sansapatcher can do it, rbutil should be able to |
10:06:16 | petur | nice |
10:11:02 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF72A5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:11:12 | JdGordon | can anyone that understands datashee please have a look at page 71 of http://focus.ti.com/lit/ug/spru574/spru574.pdf and tell me how to set gio0 to output and be able to read it? i cant understand it... |
10:12:54 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
10:13:05 | Zagor | JdGordon: page? |
10:13:20 | linuxstb_ | JdGordon: No, sansapatcher doesn't use usb ids at all. |
10:13:26 | Zagor | 71 |
10:13:45 | JdGordon | linuxstb_: oh woopsies then :p |
10:13:54 | JdGordon | Zagor: yeah, 71, chapter 3.5 |
10:14:00 | linuxstb_ | From what I can see, sansapatcher should work on a c200 - so something like "sansapatcher -a bootloader.mi4" (where bootloader.mi4 is the Rockbox bootloader, I forget what we call it) |
10:14:02 | Zagor | JdGordon: you want it output _and_ read it? that doesn't make sense. |
10:14:25 | JdGordon | yeah, woopis, input |
10:14:29 | Zagor | ok |
10:15:21 | B4gder | Zagor: if you can verify the sansapatcher install, we could more or less make the c200 port "official" |
10:16:04 | Zagor | I took a quick look and the patcher code only mentions E200. are the c200 keys even added there? (or am I mistaken, and they're the same keys?) |
10:16:23 | B4gder | all the keys are always considered |
10:16:30 | JdGordon | ah! i tihnk i get it |
10:16:33 | B4gder | it loops over them all |
10:16:47 | linuxstb_ | Ah yes, you may need to add the keys to sansapatcher - it only has two IIRC. |
10:17:00 | B4gder | aha, they're separate... |
10:17:08 | B4gder | maybe we should put the keys in a common file? |
10:17:29 | Zagor | JdGordon: simply set DIR0 to 1 (all bits you want input), then read gio0 |
10:17:54 | linuxstb_ | And also, sansapatcher embeds the e200 bootloader, so it needs to also embed the c200 bootloader, and distinguish between the two. |
10:18:32 | B4gder | linuxstb_: you found a way in the partition to detect any difference? |
10:18:44 | Zagor | JdGordon: (or DIR1 if you use bits/pins > 15) |
10:18:53 | B4gder | it could in fact possibly use the keys to do that but I'm not sure that's very comfortable |
10:19:05 | JdGordon | Zagor: ok thanks, works now :) |
10:19:17 | linuxstb_ | B4gder: No. And the keys won't work after sansapatcher has been run once, and the OF is then stored unencrypted. |
10:19:22 | * | linuxstb_ needs to run |
10:19:24 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC") |
10:19:27 | B4gder | ah right |
10:19:49 | | Join daurnimator [0] (i=daurn@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
10:19:50 | B4gder | but when ran, it can detect version based on what key what worked and store that somewhere |
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10:32:59 | B4gder | I got a Samsung T9 firmware upgrade image |
10:33:09 | B4gder | and what do I find? |
10:33:16 | B4gder | VxWorks5.5.1 |
10:33:25 | B4gder | never seen that in an mp3 player before |
10:34:44 | Zagor | haha |
10:35:15 | LinusN | odd |
10:35:47 | B4gder | not only that, they have clearly build with assert() enabled :-) |
10:35:52 | preglow | hahaha |
10:35:55 | B4gder | check out these strings: |
10:35:59 | B4gder | pBuf->eStatus == BUF_ALLOCATED || pBuf->eStatus == BUF_WRITTEN |
10:36:01 | preglow | might make for cool surprises |
10:36:05 | B4gder | pBuf->pPrev != ((void *)0 |
10:36:11 | B4gder | etc etc |
10:36:34 | LinusN | much like iriver, when they left all their debug messages in the code |
10:36:41 | B4gder | yeah, very helpful! |
10:36:46 | LinusN | indeed |
10:36:51 | LinusN | how kind of them |
10:37:02 | preglow | 160 gigs is a lot of space... |
10:37:26 | * | preglow kicks apple |
10:37:47 | B4gder | ASSERTION_NEVER_GET_HERE |
10:37:50 | B4gder | nice |
10:37:53 | B4gder | :-) |
10:37:54 | petur | lol |
10:38:09 | petur | TSNH |
10:40:02 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
10:40:41 | B4gder | man, they are helpful beyond what one could hope for: |
10:40:49 | pixelma | Zagor: tried a microSD in the c200 already? I'm curious... |
10:41:03 | B4gder | and similar |
10:41:21 | LinusN | B4gder: ARM? |
10:41:29 | Zagor | pixelma: no, I don't have any such card. |
10:41:44 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955C371.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:41:53 | B4gder | hm, I gotta check... |
10:42:15 | B4gder | yeah, it looks like I see the exception vectors. I'll try objdumping that |
10:42:22 | petur | pixelma: I've been thinking that I see your name a lot, I just bought myself a printer called PIXMA and it always confuses me :) |
10:43:04 | LinusN | petur: call your printer Marianne then |
10:43:19 | petur | haha |
10:43:52 | petur | I didn't call it that, canon did |
10:44:05 | pixelma | petur: or buy another |
10:44:14 | pixelma | :P |
10:44:20 | petur | or you change nick ;) |
10:44:35 | agm3nt | pixelma: my 1 GB microsd not work |
10:44:44 | B4gder | hm, could it be big endian arm... |
10:44:57 | pixelma | petur: why? You're the one confused ;) |
10:45:29 | B4gder | 00001000 e1 0f 10 00 e3 c1 10 3f e3 81 10 d3 e1 29 f0 01 |á...ãÁ.?ã..Óá)ð.| |
10:45:29 | B4gder | 00001010 e3 a0 10 f8 ee 01 1f 10 e5 9f 10 9c e5 91 10 00 |ã .øî...å...å...| |
10:45:45 | B4gder | doesn't that look exception vector? |
10:45:55 | B4gder | the e1 e3 etc |
10:46:24 | pixelma | agm3nt: thanks for the info. Was just asking because low_light also doesn't have a microSD card. |
10:47:06 | markun | B4gder: "As for the hardware, the unit sports the Samsung SA58700X processor (arm 940T at 200mhz)" |
10:47:10 | markun | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yepp#YP-T9 |
10:47:15 | B4gder | ah there it is |
10:47:21 | LinusN | B4gder: if it is big endian, they have a pretty large flash |
10:47:28 | B4gder | so it is big endian then |
10:48:06 | B4gder | well, how can we know at what address they map it? |
10:48:22 | petur | and the wikipedia article mentions vxworks... |
10:48:51 | markun | B4gder: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SamsungT9Port |
10:48:52 | B4gder | man, should I read up before I do things? ;) |
10:49:01 | markun | :) |
10:50:21 | markun | B4gder: if we could support this player it brings us a bit closer to the nano 2G, meizu M6 and iriver Clix (and family) |
10:50:48 | B4gder | I don't see any real effort going on here though |
10:51:35 | petur | "Main.SamsungT9Port moved from Main.samsungt9 on 13 Mar 2007 - 18:45 by DanielStenberg" <−− bad memory, B4gder? |
10:52:08 | B4gder | sorry, I've forgot what we're talking about |
10:52:33 | LinusN | B4gder: i mean, e1000000 to e5000000, that's quite a difference, suggesting 8megs of flash |
10:52:46 | B4gder | no, e1 is an ARM instruction |
10:52:51 | LinusN | silly me |
10:53:12 | * | LinusN needs more coffee |
10:53:31 | LinusN | i'm still in coldfire mode |
10:53:38 | LinusN | i need a reboot |
10:54:05 | * | preglow prods LinusN with a paperclip |
10:54:30 | LinusN | SCANNING BRAIN... |
10:54:37 | LinusN | SCANNING BRAIN...DONE |
10:54:40 | B4gder | well, at least nobody found the assert strings before so I wasn't repeating myself 100% |
10:54:53 | LinusN | damn, i went into OF |
10:56:27 | preglow | :/ |
10:56:46 | preglow | tell me when you're in ipod mode, i want some info back from retailos |
10:57:53 | preglow | we need more cyborg developers |
10:58:00 | B4gder | amen |
11:00 |
11:00:53 | JdGordon | ok, well now im stumped... apparently the lcd backlight is controlled by GIO37... but it only has 32 gio's? wtf? |
11:01:58 | LinusN | JdGordon: which one? |
11:02:09 | JdGordon | mrobe500 |
11:02:16 | petur | maybe they continue counting on the next port? |
11:14:03 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:17:40 | JdGordon | :p its got 48 gpio's.. the datasheet is for an older version |
11:17:55 | JdGordon | or diferent version.. or something |
11:18:43 | | Quit Arathis (Remote closed the connection) |
11:19:50 | | Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp121-45-50-38.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) |
11:19:54 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5B03AD87.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
11:25:51 | | Join Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) |
11:30:45 | Zagor | what happens when you plug usb into a running ipod? |
11:31:14 | Zagor | do we load OF? |
11:31:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:31:24 | LinusN | running rockbox? it boots the of |
11:31:30 | Zagor | using rolo? |
11:31:35 | LinusN | no |
11:31:42 | | Join webguest89 [0] (i=dcf04041@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5ab7e6aff3ee1bc3) |
11:31:51 | LinusN | i *think* it reboots |
11:31:58 | LinusN | then the of detects USB |
11:32:01 | Zagor | ok |
11:32:02 | | Quit webguest89 (Client Quit) |
11:32:09 | amiconn | It reboots with some magic strings set in iram |
11:32:09 | Zagor | we need the c200 to do something similar |
11:32:23 | amiconn | Those strings tell the apple loader to enter emergency disk mode |
11:32:30 | LinusN | amiconn: ah, i see |
11:33:43 | | Nick kclaf is now known as kclafk (i=kclaf@ |
11:33:49 | Zagor | the c200 could just reboot, and hence load system/OF.mi4 |
11:34:10 | Zagor | or load it immediately |
11:34:26 | amiconn | firmware/target/arm/usb-fw-pp502x.c lines 114..120 and usb-fw-pp5002.c lines 45..55 |
11:35:20 | amiconn | On H10 we just reboot, and the iriver loader detects usb and enters usb mode (on ums models) |
11:35:36 | petur | we do? |
11:35:41 | amiconn | On mtp models the user needs to continue holding the Select button for the "ums trick" |
11:35:55 | petur | I don't think my H10 reboots |
11:36:00 | amiconn | petur: yes, but operation is inverted from the ipods |
11:36:12 | amiconn | You need to hold Select while plugging to make it reboot |
11:36:21 | petur | ah |
11:36:22 | Zagor | unfortunately the c200 has no such mode. it needs to boot the OF fully. |
11:37:01 | amiconn | Not holding it makes it go to usb power mode. This is to ease operation on mtp models |
11:37:34 | | Part agm3nt |
11:38:47 | Zagor | what about the sansa e200 ? |
11:39:14 | Zagor | I don't see anything in the code |
11:40:20 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
11:43:52 | amiconn | I don't know |
11:44:50 | amiconn | Zagor: The "not supported ipods" info on the frontpage misses the shuffles |
11:44:59 | Zagor | right |
11:45:22 | amiconn | And the mini comes in 2 generations |
11:45:42 | JdGordon | so, the gpio's have a setbit and a clearbit register, it says "1 is output when 1 is written to the relevant bit in the set register and 0 when 1 is written to the clear register" does that mean it will stay 1 untill you set the clear bit? or do you have to keep setting the set bit for it to stay high? |
11:46:13 | | Join AnarchoVegan [0] (i=dcf04041@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-54b3e8990d93c51f) |
11:46:39 | amiconn | I would also explicitly mention the 5.5th gen |
11:46:55 | | Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@unaffiliated/youceye) |
11:46:57 | Zagor | JdGordon: it stays 1 |
11:47:20 | JdGordon | and I guess the set bit would get set to 0 automaticlly? |
11:47:42 | Zagor | undefined. you don't normally read those registers. |
11:47:47 | | Join seablue [0] (n=s@0x535c1344.banxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) |
11:47:52 | Zagor | unless it says you can :-) |
11:48:04 | JdGordon | so you just set it and then dont worry about it? |
11:48:08 | Zagor | exactly |
11:48:11 | JdGordon | righto |
11:48:44 | * | JdGordon has only done 1 hardware subject in 4 years at uni |
11:49:06 | Zagor | amiconn: we support both gen minis, don't we? |
11:49:17 | AnarchoVegan | Hi everyone! |
11:49:46 | AnarchoVegan | Um, how do you convert MP4 movies to MPEG for rockbox in Linux? |
11:49:55 | AnarchoVegan | (Ubuntu to be exact) |
11:50:03 | amiconn | Zagor: yes |
11:50:41 | | Quit homielowe ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
11:51:22 | markun | AnarchoVegan: I use mencoder |
11:51:36 | markun | but ffmpeg and vlc can also do it |
11:51:51 | AnarchoVegan | awesome :D thanks *runs off to google* |
11:52:37 | pixelma | AnarchoVegan: the PluginMpegplayer page in th wiki should have the necessary info (also links and such) ;) |
11:54:05 | AnarchoVegan | Thanks! |
11:58:12 | JdGordon | woo! backlight sort of works |
11:58:14 | * | JdGordon gones |
12:00 |
12:00:24 | markun | nice upgrade (couldn't find the 160GB yet) http://www.neutroncanada.com/prod.cfm/596987/SAMSUNG/HS12SJB/120GB_PATA |
12:02:34 | | Quit AnarchoVegan ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
12:04:37 | preglow | Zagor: i don't believe e200 handles usb at all on rockbox |
12:04:38 | petur | markun: pata = iriver h1x0/h3x0 compatible, right? |
12:05:29 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
12:05:44 | petur | bah... ZIF connector |
12:07:21 | markun | petur: I also see HS12SJB |
12:07:35 | markun | might be doesn't say ZIF, just PATA |
12:07:42 | markun | -might be |
12:08:28 | petur | http://www.cdw.com/shop/products/default.aspx?EDC=1277971 says it is (specs tab) |
12:08:45 | | Quit SirFunk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:09:04 | markun | I tried to find the 160GB ones by playing with the model names, but no luck |
12:11:03 | | Quit YouCeyE (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:12:10 | | Quit kubiixaka ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
12:17:40 | | Join kubiixaka [0] (n=Miranda@ip-89-103-17-41.karneval.cz) |
12:24:38 | preglow | anyone know why cuesheet support needs to be an option? some need for allocating memory? |
12:24:47 | preglow | it feels like a really silly option :/ |
12:26:59 | pixelma | I think it was because it takes away a noticeable amount of RAM for those who don't use it |
12:27:53 | preglow | there has to be some way of allocating that only when needed |
12:28:11 | | Quit kubiixaka ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
12:28:56 | pixelma | e.g. there was a time when the voice file I used by then wasn't usable anymore on my Ondio just by enabling that option |
12:29:13 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) |
12:33:02 | preglow | perhaps with mob we can get rid of the option |
12:34:55 | preglow | but ok, since pretty much everyone says it's ok, i'll commit the patch to remove the id3 prio setting |
12:47:05 | B4gder | trying to challange nls as the green line delta king? ;-) |
12:47:50 | B4gder | btw, nls change is an awesome example how dev2.cgi gives more nice details |
12:48:23 | B4gder | on the M5 it saved 540 bytes on disk, but 964 in ram |
12:48:47 | B4gder | (http://build.rockbox.org/dev2.cgi I mean) |
12:49:04 | * | B4gder loves a good monologue... |
12:50:04 | preglow | woo :P |
12:50:07 | preglow | nice green line |
12:51:07 | preglow | i donÃ't do too many of those, heh |
12:51:11 | preglow | don't |
12:51:15 | B4gder | :-) |
12:51:29 | preglow | i like the fact that we now have one less setting better, though |
12:51:30 | | Join webguest01 [0] (i=42f95441@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e380b9aa0e840086) |
12:51:40 | preglow | but let's just wait until someone complains... |
12:52:12 | | Quit tictoc ("Leaving") |
12:52:24 | preglow | i don't get the warning in the build table |
12:52:39 | preglow | argument 5 is an int8_t, it should be quite ok to pass it +1 and -1... |
12:52:46 | | Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@unaffiliated/youceye) |
12:53:14 | B4gder | isn't arg 5 the struct pointer? |
12:53:33 | B4gder | not that I understand the warning anymore because of that... |
12:53:47 | B4gder | to me that looks like a compiler bug |
12:54:25 | webguest01 | Hi... um... I am trying to compile rockbox with some patches, but most of the patches are html notepad typings, not .patch files. any help |
12:54:42 | B4gder | html notepad typings? |
12:54:45 | B4gder | what is that? |
12:55:34 | webguest01 | its just text plain text |
12:55:44 | markun | webguest01: can you give a link to one such file? |
12:55:52 | B4gder | webguest01: patches are plain text |
12:55:59 | B4gder | source code changes even |
12:56:07 | preglow | B4gder: yeah, it is |
12:56:09 | * | preglow rubs eyes |
12:57:29 | | Quit webguest01 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
13:00 |
13:00:43 | | Join imphasing [0] (n=alex@pool-71-246-77-244.bltmmd.east.verizon.net) |
13:03:46 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
13:13:17 | | Join MikhailTkach [0] (n=Che@pool-68-161-185-141.ny325.east.verizon.net) |
13:19:22 | Zagor | B4gder: we need more server info, to solve the sporadic size variations |
13:20:47 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
13:22:03 | B4gder | yes, like 64bit or not |
13:23:05 | amiconn | Zagor: The SH size differences are caused by the ihme.org server |
13:23:23 | amiconn | ...but it has the recommended gcc and bintuils versions |
13:23:34 | Zagor | exactly. so we need more info. |
13:23:49 | B4gder | right, like what host gcc that built the cross-compiler... :-! |
13:24:01 | amiconn | ...and it can't be a 32bit vs. 64 bit issue, as the other build servers are both 32bit and 64 bit |
13:24:13 | B4gder | yes, it's not that simple |
13:24:28 | B4gder | even though it might be a contributing factor |
13:24:37 | pixelma | and the bigger differences on arm are caused by deepthought - but it runs slightly different gcc and binutils |
13:24:55 | amiconn | The arm size difference is from a non-recommended gcc |
13:25:17 | amiconn | (4.0.4 instead of 4.0.3 on deepthopught.ena.si) |
13:25:30 | amiconn | * deepthought.ena.si |
13:28:40 | JdGordon | plugin api version wasnt bumped.... |
13:29:57 | preglow | JdGordon: good point |
13:30:50 | Zagor | yay. if you remove the system/data directory, it no longer rebuilds the database |
13:31:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:31:33 | B4gder | neat |
13:32:25 | Zagor | hmm, buttons are wrong in set time. DOWN and UP both change the value and move to next field |
13:34:08 | B4gder | see also fs#7749 |
13:34:34 | Zagor | goodie |
13:35:24 | pixelma | I'm working at it |
13:35:49 | pixelma | but stumbled over plugin button actions... :\ |
13:35:57 | * | JdGordon hides |
13:36:03 | Zagor | pixelma: you're fixing the time screen too? |
13:36:35 | pixelma | no, just the plugins for now |
13:36:43 | Zagor | ok. I'll look at time then |
13:37:22 | * | pixelma votes for getting rid of plugin button actions too |
13:38:34 | MikhailTkach | its been suggested that I create a wiki page for my NES plugin. do I need write permission for wiki or something? |
13:38:47 | JdGordon | only if you want to write |
13:38:52 | Zagor | MikhailTkach: yes. have you registered? |
13:38:55 | MikhailTkach | yes |
13:39:01 | Zagor | as MikhailTkach ? |
13:39:04 | MikhailTkach | yes |
13:39:11 | Zagor | ok, i'll fix you up |
13:39:16 | MikhailTkach | thanks |
13:40:14 | | Quit YouCeyE (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:40:28 | Nico_P | [12:24] <preglow> anyone know why cuesheet support needs to be an option? some need for allocating memory? => when you activate this, space is reserved for two cue files |
13:40:50 | Nico_P | mob will remove the need for that option |
13:41:06 | Zagor | MikhailTkach: done |
13:41:12 | MikhailTkach | thanks again |
13:44:31 | JdGordon | where should I put the genereic dm320 spi code? target/arm/spi-dm320.c ? |
13:44:39 | Zagor | do we want the e200 to reboot on usb-insert too? |
13:44:51 | B4gder | JdGordon: seems reasonable to me |
13:45:00 | JdGordon | Zagor: it doesnt because apparently there is a problem on osx with usb detection |
13:45:12 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
13:45:37 | Zagor | JdGordon: in what way? |
13:45:48 | JdGordon | not sure, you want to speak to barry about it |
13:46:13 | preglow | Nico_P: most excellent |
13:47:02 | rasher | How much space is reserved? Is it significant enough to justify another option? |
13:48:28 | | Join baratrion [0] (n=baratrio@ |
13:50:47 | amiconn | Around 20KB iirc |
13:51:02 | markun | MikhailTkach: if you like emulators, maybe you can also help out with this page a little: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ConsoleEmulators |
13:51:41 | MikhailTkach | I'll look into it |
13:51:49 | markun | JdGordon: why not make a dm320 subdir in target/arm? |
13:52:09 | markun | (like s3c2440) |
13:52:15 | JdGordon | probably will need to.. |
13:52:28 | B4gder | yeah that sounds even better |
13:52:28 | JdGordon | whatever happened to merigng the pp targets into one subfolder also? |
13:52:38 | markun | it makes more sense to have all dm320 player in there then under their brand names |
13:53:11 | JdGordon | arm/dm320/olympus/mrobe-500 ? one too many folders for the current systm |
13:53:24 | markun | -olympus I would say |
13:53:28 | B4gder | me too |
13:53:37 | markun | or do all olypus players share some code? |
13:53:43 | B4gder | or possibly "olympus-mrobe-500" |
13:53:44 | JdGordon | no idea |
13:54:10 | JdGordon | arm/portalplayer/ipod..? |
13:54:34 | JdGordon | last time we had this discussion there was a bit of talk about adding a 4th level... |
13:54:41 | JdGordon | cant remember why we didnt do it though |
13:54:43 | B4gder | there's not a lot ipod-specific code though |
13:55:01 | | Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@unaffiliated/youceye) |
13:55:44 | JdGordon | there are 3 subfolders under ipod |
13:56:04 | JdGordon | only 1g2g actually has a few files though |
13:56:25 | markun | I don't understand why lcd-color_nano.c is in arm/ipod and lcd-video.c is in arm/ipod/video for example |
13:57:41 | Zagor | meh, you have to remove system/data every time you connect... :-( |
13:57:55 | JdGordon | Zagor: or get the bootloader to do it |
13:58:21 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
13:58:26 | B4gder | that's about as futile though :-( |
13:58:29 | Zagor | yeah, but it doesn't feel right to remove stuff automatically. especially since some people are likely to want to run both firmwares |
13:58:47 | JdGordon | have you checked for the changed byte like in the e200? |
13:59:04 | Zagor | changed byte? |
13:59:05 | B4gder | JdGordon: even there it just works for specific firmware versions |
13:59:16 | JdGordon | yeah, but better than nothing |
13:59:19 | B4gder | Zagor: there's a magic byte you can poke to make it not scan |
13:59:30 | Zagor | aha |
13:59:34 | Zagor | in iram? |
13:59:40 | B4gder | Zagor: do some dumps before a scan and after one to find it |
13:59:49 | B4gder | in the secret partition iirc |
13:59:57 | Zagor | ok |
14:00 |
14:00:45 | linuxstb_ | markun: lcd-color_nano.c is used by two ipods (Color and Nano), lcd-video.c is only the Video. |
14:00:51 | markun | ah, ok |
14:01:28 | linuxstb_ | Has anyone tried sansapatcher with the c200 yet? |
14:01:35 | B4gder | Zagor: our bootloader checks the specific firmware version and sets the magic byte on usb-bootup to atttempt to prevent the scan |
14:01:53 | Zagor | ok |
14:01:54 | B4gder | linuxstb_: I'm trying to push zagor into that corner |
14:02:12 | Zagor | and they're in different positions for different firmwares? |
14:02:26 | B4gder | Zagor: I don't recall the specific details |
14:02:30 | Zagor | oops, system_reboot() hung my c200 |
14:02:38 | amiconn | markun: lcd-video.c is for the video *only*, while lcd-color_nano.c is for the color and nano |
14:02:52 | Zagor | isn't that supposed to work the same on all pp502x? |
14:03:12 | linuxstb_ | B4gder: If it works, a short-term solution would just be to rename sansapatcher to c200patcher and compile in the c200 bootloader. But we also need detection for rbutil, so eventually we should have a single sansapatcher. |
14:03:31 | Zagor | ok, guide me through the sansapatcher test |
14:03:42 | linuxstb_ | Are you on Linux? |
14:03:42 | markun | amiconn: yes, that's what linuxstb_ told me a few lines up :) |
14:03:44 | Zagor | yes |
14:03:53 | B4gder | linuxstb_: what do you think about sansapatcher storing a byte somewhere about it finding a c200 or a e200 when it first runs? |
14:04:21 | Zagor | maybe I should restore OF first? |
14:04:40 | linuxstb_ | Zagor: Firstly attach your c200 in USB mode, then just run "sansapatcher" without any arguments. You will need read rights to the raw disk device (/dev/sdN) |
14:04:43 | pixelma | linuxstb: should sansapatcher also work on windows? (Mightbe able to test in a few days...) |
14:04:56 | linuxstb_ | pixelma: Yes, it should work everywhere. |
14:05:19 | linuxstb_ | It's only the special e200r USB code that we're struggling with on Windows (although not much development is going on) |
14:05:46 | linuxstb_ | Zagor: If sansapatcher detects your c200, then just do "c" to cancel. |
14:05:52 | pixelma | ok, guess I'm going to test then |
14:06:04 | Zagor | well first, how do I build sansapatcher? |
14:06:28 | Zagor | No rule to make target `PP5022.mi4', needed by `bootimg.c'. Stop. |
14:06:39 | Zagor | should I copy OF to this dir? |
14:06:45 | JdGordon | you need to build the bootloader |
14:06:46 | linuxstb_ | You need to create that file - it's the Rockbox bootloader mi4. |
14:06:52 | Zagor | aha, ok |
14:07:02 | linuxstb_ | We don't distribute the Sansa firmware ;) |
14:07:14 | linuxstb_ | (the pp5022.mi4 file is embedded into sansapatcher) |
14:07:48 | Zagor | "No E200s found, aborting" |
14:08:25 | linuxstb_ | OK... Next test is to identify the raw disk device (e.g. /dev/sdb) your c200 has been assigned, and run "sansapatcher /dev/sdb". That should tell you which check failed. |
14:08:39 | Zagor | sdb or sdb2? |
14:08:45 | linuxstb_ | sdb - the whole disk device |
14:09:05 | Zagor | partition dump, then "Disk is not an E200 (-1), aborting." |
14:09:17 | * | linuxstb_ goes to read the source |
14:09:31 | B4gder | well, it isn't a e200 I'll give it that ;-) |
14:09:35 | Zagor | hehe |
14:10:34 | linuxstb_ | OK, -1 should mean the partition layout is "wrong". It expects the first partition to be 0xb or 0xc, and the second to be 0x84 |
14:11:06 | Zagor | first is 0x06, second is 0x84 |
14:11:14 | B4gder | 0x06! |
14:11:19 | Zagor | this is a small flash, so uses fat16 |
14:11:39 | Zagor | (yeah it's stupid and wrong) |
14:11:55 | linuxstb_ | Zagor: Can you edit line 333 of sansapatcher.c to add 0x06 to the valid types? |
14:11:59 | Zagor | sure |
14:12:52 | Zagor | I'll restore |
14:13:09 | linuxstb_ | Yep, that means your firmware partition contains a Rockbox bootloader and no OF. |
14:14:14 | * | webmind has a rockbox.ipod in his / on his ipod nano, but this is not updated by the zip-file, is this actually still needed ? |
14:14:24 | amiconn | We should also allow type 0x0e to make sure |
14:14:25 | B4gder | webmind: no, that's ooooold |
14:14:27 | linuxstb_ | You'll probably need to add more OF keys to sansapatcher.c as well - just search for "keys" |
14:14:34 | amiconn | (fat16 with lba addressing) |
14:14:36 | webmind | B4gder, ok, I'll remove it :) |
14:14:51 | * | webmind hasn't updated in a while |
14:14:55 | B4gder | sansapatcher needs a set of c200 keys, yes |
14:15:11 | B4gder | Zagor: want me to add them? |
14:15:22 | Zagor | sure |
14:16:59 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp42-62.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
14:17:27 | Zagor | I bootloader should look for .rockbox/OF too. then you could just wipe the entire system dir |
14:17:33 | Zagor | I *think* |
14:18:10 | linuxstb_ | What does the OF do if there's no system dir? Does it mind? |
14:18:36 | Zagor | haven't tested without the system dir yet, but I've tried removed everything and it didn't mind. |
14:18:43 | Zagor | everything in it, I mean |
14:18:49 | linuxstb_ | But the intention of sansapatcher is that people don't need an OF.* file on the FAT32 partition at all - it's in the firmware partition. |
14:19:15 | Zagor | sure, but as long as we don't have USB we need OF on the c200 |
14:19:36 | linuxstb_ | Yes, and the bootloader starts it from the firmware partition. |
14:20:03 | linuxstb_ | i.e. the Rockbox bootloader first checks the firmware partition for a copy of the OF, then OF.mi4 and OF.bin on the FAT partition. |
14:20:13 | Zagor | ah right, I haven't actually tried that since OF.mi4 started working. |
14:20:56 | linuxstb_ | It requires you to use sansapatcher to install - otherwise the Rockbox bootloader takes the place of the OF in the firmware partition. sansapatcher keeps a copy there. |
14:22:11 | Zagor | ok |
14:22:27 | Zagor | right, back to sansapatcher. Enter i to install the Rockbox bootloader, u to uninstall |
14:22:40 | Zagor | but this will install the e200 loader, won't it? |
14:22:53 | linuxstb_ | Not if you compiled it with the c200 PP5022.mi4 |
14:23:02 | Zagor | right. my fingers are faster than my brain :) |
14:23:08 | linuxstb_ | Or you can use an external mi4 with "sansapatcher -a pp5022.mi4" |
14:23:30 | Zagor | "Failed to decrypt image, aborting" - forgot to include Bagders' new keys |
14:24:20 | Zagor | [INFO] Bootloader installed successfully. |
14:24:26 | linuxstb_ | \o/ |
14:24:58 | linuxstb_ | Is it actually booting? |
14:25:18 | Zagor | yep, works perfectly |
14:25:28 | B4gder | yay |
14:25:41 | linuxstb_ | So it _should_ now be loading the OF from the firmware partition - you can delete the OF.* files in system. |
14:26:40 | Zagor | yes it does. great! |
14:26:58 | * | Zagor commits the new partition types |
14:27:29 | linuxstb_ | OK, so next step is working how how to tell the difference between a c200 and e200, and installing the correct bootloader... |
14:27:47 | Zagor | the mi4 key? |
14:27:57 | B4gder | the mi4 key is a working approach |
14:28:18 | B4gder | until sansapatcher has installed |
14:28:39 | B4gder | but on an existing installation, I figure it can check the bootloader to detect target? |
14:28:49 | Zagor | or run lsusb and check the id... |
14:28:53 | linuxstb_ | I would prefer checking for version strings in the Sansa bootloader, if that's feasible. |
14:29:18 | * | linuxstb_ invites Zagor to implement cross-platform usb detection |
14:29:58 | Zagor | are we using libusb in windows? |
14:30:01 | linuxstb_ | No |
14:30:52 | Zagor | windows is a mess :( |
14:31:21 | | Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
14:31:53 | linuxstb_ | I don't know if this will work, but the c200 bootloader seems to have the string PRIMARY_BOOTLOADER near the start - the e200 bootloader I've looked at doesn't. |
14:32:48 | preglow | doing some custom usb code for windows shouldn't be too hard, but you never know... |
14:33:28 | B4gder | I'll check with the c200 bootloaders I have |
14:33:47 | B4gder | 33(!) |
14:34:55 | rasher | I wonder where all the windows coders with a clue hide. Surely it must be possible to query which devices are attached through usb |
14:34:57 | linuxstb_ | There are 33 releases of the c200 bootloader? |
14:35:07 | | Quit ivan` ("Coyote finally caught me") |
14:35:08 | B4gder | yes, well 33 firmware packages |
14:35:14 | B4gder | I bet most of them have the same bl |
14:35:14 | JdGordon | rasher: same answer as why we had no wma for so long? |
14:35:17 | linuxstb_ | rasher: Probably not hacking open source... |
14:35:41 | preglow | i could have a go at it afterwards |
14:35:50 | preglow | depending on whether i use windows today |
14:35:50 | rasher | JdGordon: considering the amount of software that works for Windows, I doubt that's the case |
14:36:15 | linuxstb_ | preglow: Speak to bluebrother - I'm pretty sure he's been experimenting with that. |
14:37:04 | preglow | what values are we looking for? |
14:37:12 | linuxstb_ | The vendor and product IDs. |
14:37:29 | linuxstb_ | And whilst you're there, do the same with firewire... ;) |
14:37:33 | rasher | I wonder if EFNet's #winprog might be able to help |
14:37:37 | B4gder | $ grep -c PRIMARY_BOOTLOAD dump |
14:37:37 | B4gder | 33 |
14:37:46 | linuxstb_ | Can you do the same on e200 bootloaders? |
14:37:48 | B4gder | bingo |
14:37:59 | preglow | linuxstb_: i don't have firewire |
14:38:12 | linuxstb_ | B4gder: Can you tell if they're all at the same offset? |
14:38:31 | linuxstb_ | (0x20 in the one I'm looking at) |
14:38:32 | B4gder | they are all at offset 0x20 |
14:38:53 | B4gder | I did hexdump -C | head on them all |
14:39:03 | linuxstb_ | Then assuming no e200 bootloader has that string, we have a plan. |
14:40:05 | B4gder | doing that scan now |
14:40:15 | amiconn | linuxstb: Firewire pids aren't mandatory |
14:40:30 | linuxstb_ | In what way? Devices aren't required to present them? |
14:40:37 | amiconn | E.g. we can't distinguish 1st/2nd gen ipods from 3rd gen ipods via firewire |
14:40:48 | B4gder | nooooo |
14:41:09 | B4gder | it's there in a e200 bl |
14:41:10 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: That won't be a problem - we can do the firmware partition check as a second stage. |
14:41:18 | linuxstb_ | B4gder: Delete it! |
14:41:23 | amiconn | An interesting linux kernel patch: http://www.linuxhq.com/kernel/v2.6/22/drivers/firewire/fw-sbp2.c (search for model_id == 0) |
14:42:34 | amiconn | Firewire vid 0x0a2700 means Apple |
14:44:42 | Zagor | do we know ipod 1g/2g doesn't have pids? |
14:45:13 | | Join ivan` [0] (n=ivan`@adsl-71-143-7-140.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) |
14:45:15 | linuxstb_ | B4gder: Can you spot anything we can use? |
14:45:31 | B4gder | checking... |
14:46:57 | amiconn | Zagor: Check that patch. It tells about pids for various ipods |
14:46:58 | B4gder | here's a e200 one http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/fw/scan/e200.rom |
14:47:05 | B4gder | here's a c200 one http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/fw/scan/pribootLoader.rom |
14:47:42 | Zagor | ah. "There are iPods (2nd gen, 3rd gen) with model_id == 0" |
14:47:42 | B4gder | "strings *.rom | grep -i sansa" shows the model, but that's slightly inconveniant |
14:47:55 | linuxstb_ | B4gder: I get error 403 on the e200.rom |
14:48:07 | B4gder | sorry, try again |
14:48:12 | linuxstb_ | That's good. |
14:48:23 | JdGordon | spi seems to be working :) |
14:48:42 | linuxstb_ | B4gder: Are you sure that's an e200 bootloader? |
14:48:50 | B4gder | yes |
14:49:10 | B4gder | strings it and it says e250 even |
14:49:28 | B4gder | I found that PRIMARY thing in three different e200 upgrade packages |
14:49:52 | linuxstb_ | Large parts are byte-for-byte identical to the c200... |
14:50:26 | linuxstb_ | But yes, as you say, it contains "Sansa e250"... |
14:50:38 | B4gder | its the e200 A1_03_01 firmware upgrade package |
14:50:57 | B4gder | and c200 is the A1.00.03 one |
14:51:05 | linuxstb_ | Maybe just searching the entire bootloader for the string "Sansa C200" would work... |
14:51:34 | B4gder | I can alter my script and check for that |
14:53:04 | B4gder | grep -c "Sansa C200" dump |
14:53:04 | B4gder | 33 |
14:53:09 | | Part wookey__ |
14:54:04 | B4gder | I'll just check the e200 ones now too to be sure |
14:55:39 | B4gder | they all say Sansa e250 |
14:55:57 | linuxstb_ | Is there a stdlib function that will do that search? |
14:56:20 | Pro | hi |
14:56:21 | B4gder | memmem ? |
14:56:33 | B4gder | "This function is a GNU extension." |
14:57:09 | Pro | what is the use of the whole album art patches when no wps works with the newest version correctly?? |
14:58:28 | B4gder | linuxstb: I'll re-run and see if the offsets are somewhat similar |
14:58:40 | * | B4gder found "strings -t x" |
14:58:44 | rasher | preglow: http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=152802#M152802 |
14:59:19 | Zagor | Pro: the patches are additions to the official rockbox. of course the wps:es don't work on rockbox without those patches. |
14:59:57 | preglow | good old winapi |
15:00 |
15:00:54 | B4gder | 134c0 |
15:00:55 | B4gder | 134ec |
15:00:55 | B4gder | 135b0 |
15:00:55 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK B4gder |
15:00:55 | B4gder | 13640 |
15:01:15 | | Join RaRe` [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
15:01:57 | Pro | yeah i know |
15:02:22 | Soap | Woot.com has the 6GB Sansa e270 today for $80 (refurbished). Not a bad deal. You can probably find a 8GB model new in stores for $120-$130 if you are in the United States. |
15:02:29 | Zagor | Pro: so what was your question? |
15:02:42 | Pro | but the old wps don't work on new rockbox because changes are made in the patches but NOT in the WPS |
15:03:14 | Zagor | Pro: are you talking about album art patches now, or rockbox? |
15:03:16 | Pro | (by version i mean the newest version of album art in my first question) |
15:03:35 | Pro | Album Art |
15:03:45 | rasher | Pro: Then your problem is with the theme authors, not with Rockbox. |
15:03:59 | Zagor | you have to discuss that with the authors of those versions then. we don't make nor support them. |
15:04:21 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
15:04:21 | * | pixelma unboxes new c250.. |
15:04:30 | B4gder | woo |
15:04:33 | Pro | but there are also a lot of nice Wps who don't require AA and don't work either ;-( |
15:04:54 | B4gder | Pro: then they are done wrong, or depend on other patches |
15:05:09 | B4gder | again, talk to the ones who made them |
15:05:26 | | Join SkinInd95 [0] (n=chatzill@71-217-149-243.hlna.qwest.net) |
15:05:31 | preglow | we should start thinking about those patches soon... |
15:05:48 | preglow | it doesn't seem like any better solutions are happening |
15:05:52 | | Quit SkinInd95 (Client Quit) |
15:05:53 | pixelma | there were quite a few wps that had wrong syntax which was tolerated by the old parser |
15:05:59 | B4gder | now this is a cool menu overview => http://www.burbleland.com/tmp/rockbox_menus.html |
15:06:26 | Zagor | very nice |
15:06:35 | rasher | B4gder: that needs more device icons |
15:06:47 | | Quit ivan` ("Coyote finally caught me") |
15:06:54 | rasher | But yes, very handy, will bookmark. |
15:07:17 | B4gder | I found it in this thread => http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12790.0 |
15:08:24 | preglow | five menu levels, that's ouchy |
15:09:09 | petur | six (main menu + 5 levels of settings) |
15:09:12 | rasher | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12790.msg96792#msg96792 The man's got a point. I wonder what a diff myconfig defaultconfig would show. Probably not a lot |
15:10:04 | B4gder | we could do a "collect configs" site and see... |
15:10:05 | rasher | Maybe an "upload your most used configuration file" drive would produce interesting results |
15:10:12 | B4gder | hhehe |
15:10:15 | | Quit baratrion (Remote closed the connection) |
15:10:25 | pixelma | config.cfg just saves the differences to the default |
15:10:31 | rasher | Even easier then |
15:13:59 | pixelma | Zagor: my c250 of is version 1.00.04F - is that ok? |
15:14:32 | Zagor | you probably have the older key too |
15:14:39 | B4gder | that should be fine |
15:14:49 | Zagor | ah, you added that |
15:14:51 | B4gder | A1, E1, F1, P1 verified |
15:14:55 | B4gder | (of that version) |
15:14:57 | Zagor | ok |
15:15:24 | B4gder | yeah, all known sansa c200 and e200 firmwares should work now |
15:16:16 | pixelma | anything I could do to test, find out something about it? |
15:16:36 | | Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ |
15:16:53 | JdGordon | hey eigma |
15:16:54 | B4gder | pixelma: you can build a windows version of sansapatcher for it and try |
15:16:56 | eigma | hey |
15:17:00 | | Join GreySim [0] (n=dennis@71-217-3-233.tukw.qwest.net) |
15:17:21 | pixelma | I got one with radio if that counts |
15:17:32 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5B03AD87.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
15:17:54 | B4gder | I bet it counts, but I don't know if anyone checked the fm support on the c200 |
15:17:55 | pixelma | ok, B4gder are there a page with instruction I could read up? |
15:18:08 | pixelma | s/are/is |
15:18:25 | | Quit atsea-51 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:18:29 | B4gder | pixelma: I don't think so. 1) build a c200 bootloader, 2) put the bootload mi4 in the sansapatcher dir and build that 3) run sansapatcher on your computer |
15:18:57 | GreySim | Anyone know what the current equivalent to "%s%m|110|215|%ac%?id<%id|%d1>" is in WPS code? I'm completely new to WPS coding, and have looked through the documentation and can't find %m anywhere, so am assuming it's depreciated, but can't find it's replacement if there is one... |
15:19:27 | | Quit aliask ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
15:19:32 | | Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:20:10 | | Join low_light [0] (i=c730190b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-92b228aedd09608f) |
15:20:11 | GreySim | Or does anyone know where I can find a build of Rockbox for an iPod Photo that would support DGT 1.3 with album art? |
15:20:32 | B4gder | low_light: very good progress on sansapatcher for c200 in here today |
15:20:34 | * | low_light sees lots of c200 activity |
15:20:43 | low_light | I saw. |
15:23:28 | low_light | Actually, the initial install can be quite easy without it. Boot OF usb. Then copy the rockbox bootloader (firmware.mi4) to the root & unzip a c200 build. Unmount/disconnect. |
15:23:31 | pixelma | wow, volume level control is very coarse |
15:23:37 | pixelma | in the of |
15:23:41 | low_light | It upgrades automatically. |
15:23:56 | B4gder | yes, but what about the OF? |
15:24:05 | low_light | No need to use recovery mode (as linuxstb pointed out to me) |
15:24:30 | low_light | Right...copy the OF to /System |
15:24:41 | B4gder | right, but that part is what makes it tricky to users |
15:24:47 | B4gder | since they don't have the mi4 |
15:24:52 | low_light | But sansapatcher is better |
15:24:56 | B4gder | indeed |
15:25:20 | low_light | Does rbutil integrate sansapatcher too? |
15:26:19 | B4gder | I believe it does |
15:26:44 | low_light | pixelma: radio does not work. The chip is the same as the e200, but the init process must be different. |
15:26:54 | B4gder | now we just need to make sansapatcher able to detect if it is a c200 or a e200 |
15:27:37 | Zagor | anyone have an idea why system_reboot() doesn't work on c200? it's not terribly complicated... |
15:29:23 | pixelma | low_light: oh well, hopefully it will be |
15:31:12 | rasher | preglow: looks like gammu, audacity and others do usb detection on windows: http://www.google.com/codesearch?q=SetupDiGetClassDevs |
15:31:27 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:31:58 | preglow | yeah |
15:32:44 | rasher | I'm having a go at it right now, looking at msdn and audacity |
15:32:54 | preglow | \o/ |
15:33:15 | | Quit Guile` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:33:35 | | Join Guile` [0] (n=Guile@ |
15:34:22 | GreySim | I think I'm just going to sell my iPod since I don't like any of the firmwares available for it, but for the record, I would suggest considering rewriting the WPS/theme engine whatnot to be more friendly to potential themers. Tweaking a theme shouldn't involve deciphering arcane stuff like %t1 %?bp<%?bc<%xda|%xdf>|%?bl<%xde|%xda|%xdb|%xdc|%xdd|%xde>>;%t1 %?bp<%?bc<%xdb|%xdf>|%?bl<%xde|%xda|%xdb|%xdc|%xdd|%xde>>;%t1 %?bp<%?bc<%xdc|%xdf>|%?bl |
15:34:23 | GreySim | <%xde|%xda|%xdb|%xdc|%xdd|%xde>>;%t1 %?bp<%?bc<%xdd|%xdf>|%?bl<%xde|%xda|%xdb|%xdc|%xdd|%xde>>;%t1 %?bp<%?bc<%xde|%xdf>|%?bl<%xde|%xda|%xdb|%xdc|%xdd|%xde>>, in my opinion. (That opinion being one of someone who almost became a WPS coder, but instead will just be looking for an MP3 player with a default firmware that doesn't suck.) Good job and thanks for what you have done though, and I hope a few months down the line it's even better. |
15:34:48 | low_light | B4gder: is the PP id string at the beginning of firmware.mi4/PP5022.mi4 the same? |
15:34:56 | low_light | The c200 is PP5022BF-06.10-S301-06.10-S301.01.00 |
15:34:56 | preglow | GreySim: feel free to suggest alternatives |
15:35:15 | low_light | I think the last part is the firmware version |
15:35:30 | Zagor | GreySim: you can choose: unconfigurable and simple, or configurable or complex |
15:35:38 | sgsax | as a dead-simple macro "language", wps is actually pretty decent |
15:35:43 | Zagor | _and_ |
15:36:03 | B4gder | hm PP5022AF it says in one I just randomly picked |
15:36:08 | linuxstb_ | low_light: I think it's best to check for magic in the bootloader, rather than the OF - sansapatcher doesn't touch the bootloader, whereas the OF could be in various locations, or maybe not there at all (if the user installed without sansapatcher). |
15:36:36 | linuxstb_ | It's safe to assume the bootloader will always be there, and always in the same place. |
15:36:42 | markun | GreySim: are you planning to buy another player? |
15:36:46 | linuxstb_ | (Sansa bootloader, that is) |
15:36:51 | GreySim | preglow: I would, and I might if I keep my iPod and try to tinker with Rockbox when I'm not so frustrated, but for the moment I need a sane MP3 player _now_. Not a few months down the line. |
15:37:06 | GreySim | markun: Probably. |
15:37:12 | sgsax | so use rockbox with a prebuild theme and live with it |
15:37:13 | markun | any candidates? |
15:37:15 | B4gder | what is a sane player then? |
15:37:19 | sgsax | *prebuilt |
15:37:26 | preglow | GreySim: well, the wps language will almost certainly not be different "a few months down the line" |
15:37:26 | Zagor | GreySim: why are you tinkering with the wps if you don't want to? |
15:37:33 | Zagor | I never do |
15:39:08 | GreySim | Sorry. My problems extend beyond the WPS language. But I really should leave for the moment, and come back when I'm a bit more...calm and collected. |
15:39:20 | linuxstb_ | rasher: Regarding USB ids, the requirement for USB IDs will be to identify the device, and also find where in the filesystem it's mounted. |
15:39:22 | Zagor | ok :-) |
15:40:42 | | Quit GreySim ("I might be back, and hopefully making more sense and being more constructive and less complaintive.") |
15:41:12 | sgsax | <sigh> |
15:42:41 | rasher | linuxstb_: I'm going for identifying the device. Or rather, first I'm going for figuring out how to use the setupapi stuff at all |
15:43:12 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-208-62.student.uu.se) |
15:44:46 | Zagor | I like googles sublinks for rockbox. they have to be manually added. |
15:45:20 | rasher | Zagor: how's that done? (off-topic, I guess) |
15:45:22 | B4gder | yeah, it seems some projects get that honor. I've seen curl get them too |
15:45:40 | Zagor | rasher: that's what I mean. they are manually added by someone at google (or a partner) |
15:45:58 | Zagor | look at the "what is rockbox" link. that is not even the title of the page. |
15:46:10 | rasher | Ah, like that - I thought I was missing something |
15:46:13 | B4gder | yeah, that really looks manually done |
15:46:15 | Zagor | it's _half_ the first <h1>. that's not done by a machine. |
15:48:42 | pixelma | sorry for stupid question but I have never needed to do it yet but how do I build the sansapatcher? </noob mode> |
15:49:15 | Zagor | pixelma: copy your built bootloader mi4 to the sansapatcher dir, then run make there |
15:49:25 | | Quit eigma () |
15:49:30 | Zagor | (I learned this just an hour or so ago :) |
15:50:33 | low_light | also edit the makefile and change PP5022.mi4 to firmware.mi4 |
15:50:41 | low_light | or rename the file |
15:50:56 | JdGordon | configure is where that filename is chosen |
15:50:56 | Zagor | right. I just copied it to the PP name |
15:51:16 | pixelma | hmm... I should be able to see a system folder? |
15:51:45 | pixelma | when I connect the sansa to my comp that is |
15:52:06 | Zagor | JdGordon: it's in sansapatcher/Makefile |
15:52:07 | low_light | If you are using sansapatcher you don't need to put anything in /System |
15:52:30 | pixelma | but where do I get the mi4 from? |
15:52:41 | B4gder | the sansas has no /System when shipped, afaik |
15:52:41 | JdGordon | Zagor: oh, I was thinking the bootloader Makefile... ignore me :) |
15:52:49 | B4gder | the System dir originates from the h10 way |
15:52:51 | Zagor | pixelma: build it, using tools/configure in a new dir |
15:53:12 | B4gder | unless pixelma speaks of the OF mi4 |
15:53:13 | low_light | pixelma: build the rockbox bootloader for c200 |
15:53:41 | pixelma | ah, ok. I somehow thought I need the original one that's already on there too |
15:53:48 | Zagor | my sansa c250 definitely has a system dir. and it's recreated no matter what I do. |
15:53:53 | B4gder | aha |
15:54:00 | B4gder | is it marked hidden? |
15:54:26 | Zagor | hmm, how do I run dos dir again? |
15:54:43 | low_light | pixelma: sansapatcher is supposed to take care of that |
15:54:45 | linuxstb_ | Zagor: Sounds similar to the ipods - there's an "ipod_control" folder (marked as hidden/system) which the Apple firmware will recreate if you delete it. |
15:55:32 | linuxstb_ | pixelma: The hidden firmware partition on the Sansa contains both the Sansa bootloader and Sansa OF. sansapatcher adds the Rockbox bootloader there. |
15:56:21 | | Join jepler [0] (n=jepler@emc/developer/jepler) |
15:56:40 | pixelma | I don't know but I think my sansa connects in mtp mode (if that's possible), there is a usb setting in the OF ("automatically" or "MSC"), if I set it to MSC it doesn't seem to connect (in windows that is) |
15:57:42 | linuxstb_ | Zagor: "mdir" ? |
15:58:03 | linuxstb_ | Zagor: (probably after configuring mtools to assign a fake drive letter to the device) |
15:58:12 | Zagor | annoying tool |
15:59:22 | | Join RudMan [0] (n=RudMan@ |
16:00 |
16:02:30 | pixelma | I think the device has to be connected in msc mode, and I need administrator right? |
16:02:38 | B4gder | yes |
16:02:41 | pixelma | +rights |
16:04:11 | pixelma | ah, now the usb setting took effect |
16:04:15 | * | Zagor kicks mtools to next week |
16:05:52 | Zagor | gotta go |
16:05:52 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
16:06:55 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
16:08:48 | low_light | pixelma: do you have a microsd card to try? |
16:09:37 | pixelma | no but someone named agm3nt tried earlier when I asked and he said his 1GB card wouldn't work |
16:10:28 | low_light | darn |
16:12:13 | | Quit B4gder ("It is time to say MOOO") |
16:14:40 | * | amiconn guesses the detection is different |
16:15:51 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) |
16:16:40 | low_light | pixelma: I hope you can check the keymappings. I know somethings are wrong...like going to the resuming playback sometimes when pressing up. |
16:17:18 | | Join ivan` [0] (n=ivan`@adsl-71-143-7-140.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) |
16:20:51 | low_light | amiconn: sd_card_mux is different than the e200. The settings for the flash mem were in the bootloader, but I guessed on the microsd setup. |
16:23:03 | | Join agm3nt [0] (i=agm3nt@nat.n3t.pl) |
16:23:33 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@bas3-montreal28-1242530186.dsl.bell.ca) |
16:24:10 | low_light | hmm. actually looking more closely it could also be a different gpio_input_val bit |
16:24:22 | low_light | for detection. |
16:27:00 | low_light | actually, the interrupts are not enabled for the microsd |
16:27:13 | low_light | so of course there's no detection. |
16:30:29 | | Quit pixelma (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:33:12 | | Quit CaptainSquid ("Miranda IM!") |
16:33:52 | | Join Xay0r [0] (i=BoltokTh@c-e144e253.153-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
16:34:32 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
16:35:06 | | Part LinusN |
16:35:16 | Xay0r | Uhm |
16:35:27 | * | pixelma curses ISP |
16:35:29 | Xay0r | has anyone managed to get rockbox to work on an iPod Nano 2g? |
16:37:16 | Soap | no. It is quite a bit more complicated than "getting it to work". The hardware is unknown (for the sake of this argument) and the existing firmware Apple ships is encrypted. Nobody the world-over has figured out a way to run their own code on an iPod of Nano 2nd Gen. or newer. I'm talking about running /any/ code - much less a full operating system such as rockbox. |
16:39:23 | Xay0r | I see |
16:39:59 | linuxstb_ | Xay0r: This is a summary of the work needed for any new port of Rockbox - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/NewPort |
16:40:10 | Xay0r | ty |
16:41:48 | Xay0r | Soap, does that mean that it isn't possible to uncap the 2g EU nanos either? |
16:42:11 | markun | how does uncapping normally work? |
16:42:35 | Xay0r | using GoPod or w/e it's called I think |
16:42:38 | Soap | Don't know - but possibly, it isn't like you can modify the Nano 2G with a resource editor like ipodwizard. |
16:42:53 | Xay0r | ok |
16:44:58 | | Join kubiixaka [0] (n=Miranda@ip-89-103-17-41.karneval.cz) |
16:49:00 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@hdp186.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) |
16:49:33 | | Quit low_light ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
16:49:55 | sgsax | seems the website just died again |
16:50:00 | sgsax | ...fyi |
16:52:25 | linuxstb_ | And B4gder, LinusN and Zagor have all left... |
16:52:38 | * | linuxstb_ pings Bagder, just in case |
16:58:03 | | Quit Xay0r () |
16:58:26 | | Join DefineByte [0] (n=DefineBy@bb-87-81-195-5.ukonline.co.uk) |
16:58:49 | DefineByte | is rockbox.org down? |
16:59:10 | petur | linuxstb: maybe they took the server with them? ;) |
17:00 |
17:00:04 | DefineByte | i'll take that as a yes. :) |
17:01:21 | * | petur points DefineByte to the irc logs |
17:01:24 | | Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
17:01:43 | * | petur slaps forehead |
17:01:49 | DefineByte | aren't the logs on rockbox.org? |
17:01:51 | petur | logs are on server that is down :) |
17:01:51 | n1s | hehe :-) |
17:01:57 | DefineByte | ^^ |
17:02:54 | RudMan | looks like another network loop by cogent |
17:04:57 | DefineByte | working again |
17:05:26 | DefineByte | the hamster probably got tired and took a break |
17:08:05 | | Quit kubiixaka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:08:11 | | Join kubiixaka [0] (n=Miranda@ip-89-103-17-41.karneval.cz) |
17:15:59 | | Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) |
17:21:21 | | Join bluebrother [0] (i=q3ZjvymV@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
17:21:42 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-069-134-102-044.nc.res.rr.com) |
17:21:59 | bluebrother | is rockbox.org down or am I the only one having connection problems? |
17:22:37 | | Quit pill (Nick collision from services.) |
17:22:58 | | Join pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) |
17:23:19 | DefineByte | it's down again? |
17:23:26 | DefineByte | it's only just gone back up |
17:24:22 | | Quit pill (Nick collision from services.) |
17:24:28 | DefineByte | down for me too. -_- |
17:24:45 | | Join _pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) |
17:25:18 | bluebrother | dang :( |
17:27:51 | | Join jgarvey__ [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-069-134-102-044.nc.res.rr.com) |
17:28:01 | | Quit jgarvey__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:28:15 | | Join jgarvey_ [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-069-134-102-044.nc.res.rr.com) |
17:28:28 | | Quit jgarvey_ (Client Quit) |
17:30:08 | linuxstb_ | bluebrother: You probably haven't seen the logs, but rasher is investigating usb ids on Windows - how far did you get? |
17:31:04 | bluebrother | not quite far. I failed to use the IOCTL that should give me more information about drives. |
17:31:15 | | Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) |
17:31:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:31:42 | bluebrother | I also tried using VS2005, but the documentation is quite ... awful. Especially the usbview example −− #define hell without a need for that :( |
17:32:20 | rasher | I've found stuff which *should* give me a way to walk through usb devices, but it's not quite working |
17:32:47 | bluebrother | I also tried using setupapi.h and was able to obtain a list of all devices in the pc. Restricting that list to usb didn't work unfortunately |
17:33:45 | rasher | Then you've probably done more work than me.. I'm mostly following what http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=152802#M152802 says |
17:33:52 | Soap | This thread http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12465.msg96803#new is bothering me. I was under the impression that the iPod Classic was using a _third_ type of HDD connector, neither the older ATA style of the iRivers/old iPods/Gigabeat, nor the ZIF of the iPod 5th gens. |
17:33:54 | preglow | so, how long until someone codec cover flow for us? :> |
17:34:16 | amiconn | Soap: I am quite sure it uses ZIF |
17:34:32 | bluebrother | rasher: that's one of the documents I started with. Checking the source of usbview (part of the windows DDK) is also an idea. |
17:34:33 | linuxstb_ | My understanding was the 18-pin CE-ATA |
17:35:15 | bluebrother | they use SetupDiGetClassDevs() too but first get a list of host controllers based on \\.\HCDn (with n being some number starting at 0) |
17:35:23 | Soap | That's the one I was thinking I had heard it was linuxstb_ . Regardless, there is much confusion in that thread - and I am afraid cormie is about to buy a classic so he can put the drive in his H100. |
17:35:27 | amiconn | Well, from the 'naked' photos it does look like ZIF, not CE-ATA |
17:35:38 | Soap | but not ATA. |
17:35:49 | rasher | bluebrother: Then I'll probably be of no help |
17:35:56 | linuxstb_ | IIUC, Toshiba have high capacity CE-ATA drives which are used in ipods, and Samsung drives will be ZIF. |
17:36:06 | bluebrother | well, you could try of course and see if I overlooked something ;-) |
17:36:16 | bluebrother | the w32api really gives me a PITA |
17:36:26 | markun | Soap: I'm sorry if I contributed to the misinformation |
17:36:43 | bluebrother | but I never did real w32 programming in the past −− maybe it would be an easy thing for someone who knows the api |
17:36:55 | linuxstb_ | The ipod classic 80GB drive is here - http://www.ifixit.com/Parts/stream/4/large/6-1.jpg - MK8022GAA |
17:37:02 | amiconn | Soap: Yes, but ZIF<->50pin can be solved with an adapter. CE-ATA uses a different protocol (it's basically ATA via MMC) |
17:37:07 | rasher | bluebrother: Well after a few hours, I'm not yet past SetupDiEnumDeviceInterface() so you can imagine how well I'm doing |
17:37:47 | bluebrother | I fear you're facing similar issues like I did though I hoped you'd succeed better. |
17:38:36 | | Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@m103h.studby.ntnu.no) |
17:39:13 | bluebrother | does anybody know if the sources of the usbids.exe tool linked from the wiki are around somewhere? |
17:39:26 | amiconn | linuxstb: See? Way more than 18 pin. Quite certain there are 40... i.e. ZIF |
17:40:53 | linuxstb_ | Ah, it seems the 80GB and 160GB drives have different interfaces - http://laptoping.com/toshiba-mk8022gaa-mk1626gcb-18-inch.html |
17:42:01 | tumu | about the theming language, maybe someone should implement lua or other simple scripting to rockbox? |
17:42:50 | bluebrother | nooo ... |
17:43:02 | Llorean | tumu: Is there something the current language can't be made to accomplish? |
17:43:37 | preglow | tumu: whyyyyyyy!?? |
17:43:46 | tumu | Llorean, no, but if people are complaining about learning yet another arcane language |
17:43:47 | preglow | that'd be so incredibly overkill it's not even funny |
17:44:05 | preglow | the wps lang isn't even a language as such |
17:44:08 | Llorean | tumu: Most of these people don't know *any* languages. |
17:44:14 | tumu | and using more proper language might allow removing some overhead |
17:44:21 | preglow | if you can't be bothered to learn the wps syntax, you don't have enough patience to do anything |
17:44:26 | preglow | least of all modifying a wps |
17:44:31 | Llorean | tumu: The WPS is just a series of very simple tokens. Implementing a scripting language would both horrify the lay user, and clog up the source. |
17:44:35 | tumu | or rather avoid having people to learn the internals of rockbox |
17:44:48 | tumu | that's just my opinion |
17:44:59 | | Join pixelma_ [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
17:45:00 | Llorean | Since when do you need to learn the internals of Rockbox to make a WPS? |
17:45:08 | linuxstb_ | tumu: Introducing a scripting language will remove overhead? |
17:45:13 | amiconn | eeek |
17:45:33 | amiconn | That means the 160GB classic has a whole different interface than the 80GB classic... |
17:46:07 | tumu | linuxstb, could remove, depending on the feature set we have for users |
17:46:21 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: Yes, _assuming_ the 160GB drive in the ipods is that Toshiba drive. |
17:47:19 | amiconn | Nobody dissected a 160GB classic yet? |
17:47:21 | | Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) |
17:47:21 | | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
17:47:53 | tumu | linuxstb, it's not necessarily good thing to force people to low-level programming with C to enhance rockbox |
17:48:11 | DefineByte | huh? |
17:48:24 | linuxstb_ | amiconn: I've only seen that ifixit dissection, which is the 80GB. |
17:49:05 | pixelma | tumu: the wps syntax? |
17:49:14 | | Quit dnanar ("leaving") |
17:49:47 | tumu | pixelma, that, and in overall |
17:49:54 | pixelma | neither low level nor C |
17:50:26 | sgsax | no reason to learn C for theming |
17:50:29 | tumu | yes, but it is an exception |
17:51:03 | Llorean | tumu: Then what are these "enhancements" you see Lua offering since you suggested it as a replacement for the WPS syntax? |
17:51:04 | tumu | sgsax, there's no need to learn C for various things what rockbox could allow |
17:51:20 | sgsax | you lost me there |
17:51:30 | Llorean | If you're going to learn *a* language, it may as well be C. |
17:51:35 | tumu | Llorean, lua or some other |
17:51:49 | Llorean | tumu: Either way, they're restricted compared to C. |
17:51:56 | DefineByte | i don't want to have to learn lua to do anything with rockbox |
17:52:09 | sgsax | embedded apps need to be as close to the bits as possible |
17:52:23 | sgsax | that leaves you pretty much with asm and C |
17:52:53 | tumu | sgsax, you should tell that to anyone using java on mobile devices :) |
17:52:59 | sgsax | userspace, now there's someplace where you could get away with a "higher-level" lang |
17:53:12 | pixelma | and people who don't know lua or whatever would have to learn that, just like people who don't know C have to do now. Where's the difference? |
17:53:15 | sgsax | don't get me started on java |
17:53:33 | DefineByte | hehe i have to program in Java >.> |
17:53:46 | Llorean | tumu: People using JAVA are often doing so in a situation where there are many devices and softwares their "app" can be run on, and they value ease of distribution / portability over performance. |
17:54:01 | markun | tumu: are you going to put your money where your mouth is? (porting lua) |
17:54:02 | sgsax | oh, there's nothing "bad" about java, but I have no idea why you would want to use it on an embedded platform |
17:54:08 | Llorean | tumu: In the case of Rockbox, there is a single OS and a well structured means of compiling for the various devices. |
17:54:13 | tumu | markun, sure, i can port lua to rockbox :) |
17:54:49 | markun | great |
17:54:51 | sgsax | getting back to the wps question, has anybody looked at implementing xml for theming? |
17:55:01 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
17:55:05 | markun | sgsax: no |
17:55:23 | sgsax | granted, theme creators would still need to "learn a new scripting language" |
17:55:37 | sgsax | but I wonder if xml might be more accessible than wps |
17:55:44 | amiconn | xml is way overkill on an embedded device |
17:55:46 | sgsax | not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with wps |
17:56:10 | sgsax | xml is overkill for a lot of things |
17:56:20 | rasher | I suppose a "more verbose syntax" -> "wps" compiler might be helpful |
17:56:39 | Llorean | rasher: There used to be a utility like that. |
17:56:53 | DefineByte | i remember a theme builder |
17:57:03 | rasher | Shows you how much I know |
17:57:06 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
17:57:34 | sgsax | it just get abandoned? |
17:57:51 | jhMikeS | arrrrr...is it me or rockbox.org be walkin the plank? |
17:57:53 | Llorean | I think just a "WPS previewer" would be nice. Live update as you type your WPS, or similar. |
17:58:45 | DefineByte | rb.org |
17:58:45 | | Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) |
17:58:47 | rasher | Couldn't there be a flag in the sim that made it continually reload the wps? |
17:58:59 | rasher | Every n seconds |
17:59:02 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
17:59:04 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
17:59:22 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
17:59:26 | sgsax | oh, speaking of the sim, ran into something last night |
17:59:55 | sgsax | can you recreate the device's / filesystem for the sim? and if so, where? |
18:00 |
18:00:19 | rasher | sgsax: in archos/ |
18:00:24 | sgsax | can't debug theming the playback screen if you don't have anything to playback |
18:00:43 | DefineByte | you need to setup various files with different tags too |
18:00:50 | jhMikeS | make install ?? |
18:02:01 | | Join low_light [0] (n=c730180b@ |
18:02:15 | | Quit toffe82 (Remote closed the connection) |
18:04:02 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
18:04:44 | | Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ |
18:05:13 | sgsax | duh, ok, thanks |
18:05:24 | linuxstb_ | sgsax: The UiSimulator wiki page reveals all |
18:05:37 | sgsax | even forwards audio :) |
18:05:53 | sgsax | linuxstb_: provided the wiki isn't lost in the Interwebs |
18:06:02 | linuxstb_ | google has a lovely cache... |
18:07:28 | sgsax | all praise the google |
18:08:11 | eigma | amen |
18:09:01 | DefineByte | i like my soul |
18:09:48 | markun | DefineByte: just sell it, it's not so hard |
18:10:22 | eigma | www.ebay.tk |
18:13:39 | | Quit jas4711 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:13:58 | | Quit RaRe` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:18:12 | | Join ackbahr [0] (n=ackbahr@d83-180-227-26.cust.tele2.ch) |
18:18:58 | | Quit petur ("work->home") |
18:21:43 | * | preglow wonders how big the jpeg loader is |
18:21:57 | webmind | hmm |
18:22:08 | webmind | I just updated my ipod nano 1st gen with the latest build |
18:22:13 | webmind | it doesn't play mp3's anymore |
18:22:20 | preglow | webmind: weird, mine does |
18:22:22 | webmind | that is.. it starts playing them and crashes |
18:22:28 | webmind | I'll give the error in a sec |
18:22:30 | preglow | how long since your last ypdate? |
18:23:00 | webmind | I updated it today |
18:23:05 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
18:23:06 | preglow | well, before that |
18:23:10 | webmind | long |
18:23:12 | webmind | a year ? |
18:23:18 | preglow | webmind: update your bootloader |
18:23:22 | webmind | ah ok |
18:23:27 | preglow | Nico_P: will mob be used for hwcodec too? |
18:23:51 | preglow | webmind: just download ipodpatcher and use that, updating the bootloader is dead easy these days |
18:24:08 | Nico_P | preglow: hopefully yes but I'll focus on SWCODEC first |
18:24:19 | | Quit ackbahr ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
18:24:24 | Nico_P | I don't have any HWCODEC targets |
18:24:31 | preglow | sure, just wondering if there were any plans |
18:24:45 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:25:14 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
18:26:38 | rasher | bluebrother: Here's my current attempt, which returns ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS instantly: http://rafb.net/p/C6A1PC77.html |
18:26:52 | rasher | bluebrother: I haven't even tried to do anything with the devicedetails yet.. |
18:28:31 | webmind | is there a problem with the rockbox.org server ? |
18:28:39 | webmind | I can ping, but I don't get a site |
18:29:03 | DefineByte | yes |
18:29:11 | DefineByte | it's down |
18:29:26 | webmind | darn |
18:29:34 | Nico_P | preglow: maybe you can be of help about codec_pcmbuf_position_callback() from playback.c:1400 ? |
18:29:48 | Nico_P | I don't really get what it's supposed to do |
18:30:06 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
18:31:22 | pixelma | webmind: there are 2 or 3 download mirrors you shoul be able to get to one of them - and google cache if you need instructions or the manual |
18:31:53 | pixelma | just try http://download.rockbox.org/ directly |
18:32:05 | preglow | Nico_P: seems like it just tells pcmbuf to not bother telling about buffer positions |
18:32:38 | pixelma | webmind: the manual is also available from there |
18:33:49 | Nico_P | preglow: I don't understand... and what's pcmbuf ? |
18:34:36 | preglow | Nico_P: the pcm buffering layer, where the decoded and processed audio output is stored until your hear it |
18:34:51 | preglow | Nico_P: doesn't look like anything you need to worry about, but who knows |
18:35:25 | Nico_P | preglow: well this particular function is a bit of a problem for me because I don't really know what to do about "elapsed" |
18:36:00 | preglow | does it really matter much for you if elapsed is stored where it is? does that keep you from implementing mob? |
18:36:26 | | Part DefineByte |
18:36:31 | preglow | gerh, i really should look into playback.c one day |
18:36:36 | Nico_P | the problem is that the struct mp3entry from the previous track won't be as easy to access as with the current code |
18:36:48 | preglow | i can imagine |
18:37:08 | preglow | you really should never depend on having the previous mp3entry available either |
18:37:12 | Nico_P | and the comment says the code needs to be quick |
18:37:18 | Nico_P | yes |
18:37:36 | webmind | just ran ipodpatched |
18:37:43 | webmind | claims I've got a new bootloader |
18:37:47 | preglow | perhaps jhMikeS is more knowledgable about this code? |
18:37:49 | webmind | I still get this error: |
18:37:54 | webmind | Data abort |
18:37:55 | webmind | at |
18:37:59 | preglow | lostlogic is never around no more and he's the one that fixed the code up last |
18:38:02 | webmind | 40001324 |
18:38:30 | Nico_P | preglow: wasn't Slasheri the one who originally wrote the SWCODEC playback code ? |
18:38:44 | preglow | Nico_P: yes, but lostlogic hacked it up a bit, then vanished |
18:38:54 | preglow | so slasheri isn't the ultimate authority on it anymore |
18:39:04 | Nico_P | pity |
18:39:05 | linuxstb_ | webmind: You may be suffering from the general Nano issues at the moment then. I don't think there's anything you can do apart from to go back to your previous version. |
18:39:06 | preglow | indeed |
18:40:07 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@ |
18:40:17 | Nico_P | preglow: I was thinking about storing elapsed into the struct trackinfo, but because of this paticular func, Im' thinking of putting length in there too |
18:41:07 | webmind | linuxstb_, thank you |
18:41:54 | linuxstb_ | Nico_P: I'm just thinking aloud, but maybe some info about the previous/current/next track is special enough to be in their own static structs somewhere. |
18:42:27 | Nico_P | linuxstb_: I was planning on this for the current and maybe the next, but maybe the previous needs it too |
18:42:46 | webmind | linuxstb_, is anyone working on it or ? |
18:42:59 | linuxstb_ | IIUC, "previous" is only important at track transitions - when Rockbox is decoding one track, but still playing the end of the previous. |
18:43:01 | preglow | sweet god, what a huge friggin beast playback.c is :/ |
18:43:29 | preglow | linuxstb_: you have an ipod video, yeah? |
18:43:46 | linuxstb_ | webmind: I don't think so - it only seems to affect a small number of Nanos, and none of the devs have this problem. |
18:44:03 | linuxstb_ | preglow: Depends on the follow-up question... |
18:44:07 | preglow | linuxstb_: could you check out safetydan's get-rid-of-hw-eq patch? |
18:44:17 | jhMikeS | preglow: I've really no idea about anything, anywhere, anytime. |
18:44:41 | preglow | jhMikeS: while you're here, what makes you say msac is slow? |
18:44:48 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: sure ? I wouldn't mind a bit of help |
18:44:49 | jhMikeS | testing |
18:44:57 | linuxstb_ | preglow: OK, I'll try and give it a go this evening. |
18:45:02 | preglow | jhMikeS: how much slower? are you absolutely positive? sounds really weird |
18:45:05 | preglow | linuxstb_: cool |
18:45:07 | jhMikeS | Nico_P: with what? |
18:45:30 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: codec_pcmbuf_position_callback in playbck.c |
18:45:51 | Nico_P | (line 1393) |
18:46:08 | jhMikeS | preglow: for one, the UM says it's 3 clocks instead of 1 and using it in the SPC codec instead of negating one factor and using mac resulted in higher boost...from just one instruction! |
18:46:38 | preglow | jhMikeS: i've always suspected the um is on crack, the various sources on instruction timing all disagree |
18:47:16 | preglow | it also doesn't mention in what circumstances the timing is 1 |
18:47:24 | jhMikeS | preglow: well, I did try it in reality with and instruction that gets executed up to 256,000 times/sec. it seems even slower than it says. |
18:47:25 | preglow | some sources say the throughput is one cycle, not the latency |
18:47:29 | * | linuxstb_ goes home |
18:47:31 | | Quit linuxstb_ ("Client Exiting") |
18:48:23 | jhMikeS | latency is the pipeline. as long as you jump throught the pipline hoops mac seems to be 1 cycle throughput. |
18:48:31 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e176243128.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
18:48:32 | | Join nicktk [0] (n=50fbc301@ |
18:48:40 | preglow | which is why you want long chains of macs |
18:48:47 | preglow | anywho, god knows how they managed to botch msac |
18:48:56 | preglow | i don't think i use it any critical places anyway |
18:49:33 | Domonoky | is rockbox.org down at the moment ? |
18:49:36 | preglow | yes |
18:49:41 | jhMikeS | if they missed something as important as not stalling the pipeline with a non-busy accumulator, who knows what else they did wrong. |
18:50:00 | preglow | a valid point |
18:50:54 | jhMikeS | Nico_P: That function gives the positioning information from as late in the chain as possible...from the ISR |
18:51:20 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: what's the ISR ? |
18:52:28 | jhMikeS | Nico_P: the interrupt service routine that gives the samples to DMA. |
18:52:55 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@ |
18:53:20 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m152.net81-64-221.noos.fr) |
18:53:30 | | Quit nicktk ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
18:53:50 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: how long does this need to be able to access the previous track info for ? |
18:54:15 | Nico_P | it's called right after a track change, right ? |
18:54:18 | jhMikeS | as long as the pcmbuffer is in samples |
18:54:50 | | Quit RaRe (Connection timed out) |
18:54:51 | jhMikeS | it's also asynchronous, preemptive code so be careful. |
18:55:13 | Nico_P | what do you mean ? I'm unclear on this vocabulary |
18:56:01 | jhMikeS | it's called from the interrupt, which breaks out of normal execution at any arbitrary point. for DMA, whenever it needs more data. |
18:56:28 | Nico_P | ok |
18:57:15 | jhMikeS | it's called every time a buffer chunk is finished off |
18:57:21 | webmind | linuxstb, uhm.. crap :( |
18:57:48 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: really ? I thought it was only called on track change ? |
18:58:09 | webmind | linuxstb, any idea what the latest version where it still works ? |
18:58:16 | | Quit rockho (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:58:18 | jhMikeS | nope, every roughly 8k of data |
18:58:20 | Nico_P | ...through codec_gapless_track_change |
18:58:29 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: from where ? |
18:58:47 | jhMikeS | pcmbuf.c line 142 |
18:59:13 | jhMikeS | if it's been registered of course |
18:59:56 | preglow | Nico_P: meaning, just be careful,, don't juggle any critical variables used in the callback around at the time it might be called. it will interrupt whatever you are doing |
19:00 |
19:00:22 | preglow | we're usually pretty spoiled knowing we will never be interrupted in rockbox |
19:00:31 | | Join kfazz [0] (n=ken@76-203-137-185.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) |
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19:01:01 | Nico_P | hmm ok |
19:01:29 | * | jhMikeS emphasizes again, that might not be true if a yield suddenly ends up in a unexpected place which is equivalent to a preemption. :) |
19:02:14 | Nico_P | so I'm thinking I might be able to leave elapsed in struct mp3entry and use 3 static mp3entries, previous, current and next |
19:02:39 | preglow | doesn't sound very elegant... |
19:02:42 | jhMikeS | playback.c needs syncing as if it were preemtive threads |
19:02:42 | preglow | can it be avoided? :P |
19:03:50 | preglow | Nico_P: and is there a point in keeping the next struct static? |
19:03:53 | jhMikeS | I frankly don't know why the et isn't just updated from the DMA callback as a rule actually |
19:04:28 | preglow | probably for some complicated undocumented reason |
19:05:00 | Nico_P | preglow: the WPS needs access to it, but yeah, maybe it can be accessed directly from the main buffer |
19:05:09 | Nico_P | I think that's what my current "merge" does |
19:05:13 | jhMikeS | because it was done another way and then it was found that when no codec was loaded but the remainder of the pcm buffer was playing out, you needed something to keep the pos updating? |
19:06:41 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: something I don't understand is why codec_pcmbuf_position_callback touches prev_ti->id3... |
19:06:42 | preglow | Nico_P: currently the wps survives just fine without that info, yes? in which case i think it should be accesses from the main buffer whenever possible |
19:07:03 | preglow | Nico_P: having just one mp3entry struct static wastes memory, especially when we'll be supporting aa, i guess |
19:07:35 | Nico_P | preglow: I don't plan on including AA in the struct mp3entry |
19:07:42 | preglow | then it's not so critical |
19:07:43 | Nico_P | it will be accessed from the main bffer |
19:07:48 | jhMikeS | Nico_P: the previously current track is now the current previous track? |
19:08:10 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
19:08:36 | jhMikeS | actually, I've never followed the track logic itself in there. |
19:10:50 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: yeah but that transition only happens on track change |
19:10:53 | | Quit eigma (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:11:55 | mirak | jhMikeS: hi. I have seen you know optimisations |
19:12:43 | jhMikeS | Nice_P: audio_check_new_track |
19:12:54 | jhMikeS | Nico_P...sorry :P |
19:13:31 | jhMikeS | mirak: just some ideas. I'm not sure if it's good for that or not. I was trying to respond but rb.org is dead. |
19:14:35 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: prev_ti = CUR_TI; ? |
19:15:12 | jhMikeS | yeah, I guess even if the playlist is done. it's the only assignment to that in the entirety of playback.c |
19:15:21 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: basically prev_ti is only used in the position callback |
19:17:43 | jhMikeS | mirak: the code in dsp_cf.S line, 395 and such does what I was talking about to saturate almost for free |
19:20:43 | mirak | jhMikeS: how is it ? I don't have source code and seen it since one year |
19:21:06 | mirak | maybe more in fact ... |
19:21:15 | jhMikeS | mirak: so it multiplies by a constant that scales the samples to be 32-bit left-justified in signed int mode. for 24-bit output is multiples by 256. if the input exceeds the 24-bits it's saturated to 24-bit range. |
19:23:19 | jhMikeS | more accurately, it's saturated to 32-bit range which can be finalized to any depth. in the case there, it takes the most significant 16-bits after the scaling which is the output sample value. |
19:24:04 | | Join obo [0] (n=obo@rockbox/developer/obo) |
19:25:54 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: I have a feeling that this callback (I'm still on codec_pcmbuf_position_callback) is used only after a track change. I don't see any other situation where the codec isn't decoding the track being heard |
19:27:13 | mirak | jhMikeS: it could speed things a lot |
19:27:42 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Connection timed out) |
19:27:49 | | Join tmske [0] (n=thomas@dD5763506.access.telenet.be) |
19:28:03 | amiconn | Nico_P: Why do we need to buffer previous id3 info? |
19:28:06 | mirak | jhMikeS: because working on a byte, then moving the 4 byte to a registry, then a write to ram is a lot of hassle |
19:28:20 | | Quit w0rd54 (Client Quit) |
19:28:20 | mirak | well in fact it's still needed |
19:28:24 | amiconn | I'd think we need just current and next |
19:28:37 | jhMikeS | Nico_P: yes, because the codec thread is no longer running in that situation so the ISR is now the only available activity to continue updating the position |
19:28:49 | | Join w0rd54 [0] (i=blackdev@100mbit.top-site.us) |
19:28:53 | Nico_P | amiconn: it would be because of codec_pcmbuf_position_callback |
19:29:09 | mirak | is there a queue mode like party mode, but without the party mode ... ? |
19:29:10 | Nico_P | amiconn: I'm not sure about next |
19:29:30 | amiconn | Next would be to make next track info available at all times |
19:29:33 | mirak | am I clear ? |
19:29:56 | amiconn | We currently do that on swcodec. Should be made optional depending on ram size rather than on codec architecture |
19:30:24 | jhMikeS | mirak: the piplined mac with free saturation is just plain faster than a check, jump and clamp, etc. too. |
19:30:50 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-924cb4dd7a431a25) |
19:31:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:31:50 | Nico_P | amiconn: do you see why codec_pcmbuf_position_callback is giving me a hard time ? |
19:32:09 | amiconn | No. I don't even have an idea what that function does |
19:32:47 | | Quit w0rd54 (Client Quit) |
19:32:55 | Nico_P | it's there to update the position in a track when it's being heard but not being decoded |
19:33:15 | | Join w0rd54 [0] (i=blackdev@ |
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19:33:17 | Nico_P | ... IIUC |
19:33:26 | | Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) |
19:34:01 | amiconn | I must say that I can't really follow the logic in playback.c (note that I didn't try hard either) |
19:34:32 | amiconn | But I would expect the currently playing track to be what's actually current, and the codecs decode ahead |
19:34:40 | | Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl) |
19:34:49 | amiconn | It seems to be the opposite from what was said in here though :/ |
19:34:50 | TMM | hi all! |
19:35:06 | Nico_P | amiconn: yes, I think it's the oppostie :( |
19:35:36 | | Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ |
19:35:57 | TMM | I have been playing around with a JTAB enabled board, turns out one of my colleagues mayored in electronic engineering :) |
19:37:27 | jhMikeS | mirak: the main problem is that idct output was generated with signed mode but the clamping must be unsigned. all of asudden negative outputs would look like large positive outputs. |
19:38:49 | mirak | jhMikeS: ahem ? |
19:41:18 | jhMikeS | mirak: clamping the emac way in signed mode would clamp to a range of -256 to 255. if switching to unsigned mode, all the negative values would be thought to be large positive values (2's complement). -1 being seen as 0xffffffffu for example. |
19:42:24 | * | amiconn wonders what mirak and jhMikeS are talking about |
19:42:34 | preglow | idct |
19:42:43 | mirak | jhMikeS: so you are saying your idea can't work ? |
19:43:51 | jhMikeS | mirak: not sure yet. perhaps it wouldn't be as ideal but maybe it could still have an advantage. It would be something I'd implement doing whatever is minimally needed and benchmark it. |
19:44:02 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
19:44:06 | amiconn | Yes, but in what respect? |
19:44:59 | jhMikeS | amiconn: speeding up saturation using emac similarly to what's done in dsp_cf.S and spc_dsp.c |
19:45:00 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@bas3-montreal28-1242530186.dsl.bell.ca) |
19:45:00 | | Join rhizmoe [0] (n=eric@slider.synthesizer.org) |
19:45:10 | rhizmoe | hey everybody, is the site down? |
19:45:22 | rhizmoe | i know, famous opening lines... |
19:45:45 | preglow | it is |
19:45:59 | rhizmoe | is the package available anywhere else? |
19:45:59 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Still, where? |
19:46:29 | jhMikeS | amiconn: as in the code? dsp_samples_output_stereo/mono |
19:47:04 | Nico_P | rhizmoe: try http://download.rockbox.org |
19:47:07 | * | amiconn can't follow |
19:47:51 | amiconn | I think you said it's already done for dsp... |
19:48:23 | jhMikeS | yes, but some way to do it for mpegplayer could also help. |
19:49:12 | jhMikeS | It might crunch down the final output routines in idct.c on coldfire |
19:49:27 | rhizmoe | download.rockbox doesn't seem to have the installers |
19:49:48 | mirak | jhMikeS: I don't remember when I was doing the clamping |
19:50:01 | jhMikeS | amiconn: this is all about FS #5995. |
19:50:28 | amiconn | Ah, so it's about improving that patch... a cleanup would also be helpful... |
19:50:30 | obo | rhizmoe: GUI installer is at http://download.rockbox.org/rbutil/ |
19:50:53 | jhMikeS | clip_block_to_dest_add ? |
19:51:03 | jhMikeS | clip_block_to_dest |
19:51:10 | rhizmoe | obo: ah of course, how could i ever miss that? ;) |
19:51:48 | * | amiconn thinks the idct in that patch can be optimized a bit more, other than by the clamping stuff |
19:52:20 | * | jhMikeS was just mentioning a first impression since he's doing this one for ARM anyway |
19:52:27 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955BFA7.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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19:56:32 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
19:56:42 | * | jhMikeS has dithered yuv output too which is about the same speed as the previous non-dithered asm and looks really good when subtle gradients are displayed |
19:57:21 | amiconn | ditherMikeS ;) |
19:57:33 | jhMikeS | hehe |
19:57:37 | | Join Entasis_ [0] (n=Jarred@ppp121-45-50-38.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) |
19:57:38 | * | markun can confirm that it looks good |
19:58:22 | * | amiconn would rather like to see better performance on coldfire |
19:58:31 | jhMikeS | ARM loves shift+add multiplication for anything that takes 5 or fewer shiftadds |
19:58:46 | | Join pixelma_ [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
19:58:58 | | Quit Entasis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:59:08 | | Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) |
19:59:09 | | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
19:59:46 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955BFA7.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:00 |
20:02:03 | | Quit petur ("switching") |
20:02:11 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
20:02:21 | * | low_light now has a mrobe remote |
20:02:40 | rhizmoe | grr |
20:02:52 | linuxstb_ | low_light: I'm working on sansapatcher - are you able to test it? (in about 10 minutes) |
20:03:32 | * | jhMikeS wonders why one with no sansa primarily maintains sansapatcher :) |
20:03:43 | low_light | but my frustrations with the mrobe 100 continue...the remote buttons are not initialized by the bootloader |
20:03:46 | pixelma | fwiw, sansapatcher works correctly for intalling the c200 bootloader under windows |
20:04:08 | low_light | linuxstb: no...at work, on windows with no admin rights :/ |
20:05:12 | jhMikeS | low_light: any ideas about that distortion at higher volume thing on c200? It seems a bit odd that e200 wouldn't have it too. |
20:05:16 | rhizmoe | hmm. it's not recognizing my 3g |
20:05:49 | linuxstb_ | pixelma: Ah, so could you test a new "unified" version of sansapatcher soon? |
20:06:11 | jhMikeS | unipatcher? |
20:06:12 | linuxstb_ | jhMikeS: Because no-one with a Sansa will... |
20:06:27 | linuxstb_ | jhMikeS: ;) It's quite harmless... |
20:07:04 | pixelma | linuxstb: maybe a bit later, I just installed and want to get a bit used to it first |
20:07:35 | jhMikeS | linuxstb_: I've only replaced my bl one time so I tend to forget it exists. I suppose that actually a good property. |
20:07:45 | sgsax | linuxstb_: I've got an e200, want me to try it on mine? |
20:07:56 | linuxstb_ | sgsax: Sure. Are you on windows? |
20:08:00 | sgsax | linux |
20:08:08 | low_light | jhMikeS: No. But now that booting the OF works it's a little easier to test some things. |
20:08:35 | sgsax | not going to cause catastrophic failure, is it? :) |
20:08:44 | sgsax | I just got my sansa, hate to likk it already |
20:08:48 | jhMikeS | low_light: I wonder if the emu could be easily converted to run the c200 of. It does help out. |
20:08:49 | sgsax | *kill |
20:09:37 | low_light | jhMikeS: I have already...it's the source of my magic :) |
20:11:06 | low_light | I have it running from the bootloader and loading the OF |
20:11:12 | linuxstb_ | sgsax: No, you don't even need to install - just run it and make sure it still detects your sansa, and also that it detects it as an e200 (not a c200). |
20:11:25 | low_light | but then after some initialization, it looks like is goes to sleep :/ |
20:13:46 | low_light | the emu is probably the only way I'll figure out the fm init. |
20:13:47 | jhMikeS | low_light: really. it's the tool I used to fix all the e200 audio stuff. |
20:15:16 | jhMikeS | low_light: the main e200 problem is database refresh always fails on it |
20:17:20 | low_light | from what I can tell, it inits the sd controller, reads something, then goes to sleep: CPU_CTL = 0x80000500 |
20:18:13 | jhMikeS | hmmm...perhaps CPU/COP_CTL need to be properly emulated |
20:18:45 | | Join tomv [0] (n=tv@ |
20:19:12 | jhMikeS | I don't think it emulates the event counters |
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20:23:44 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF72A5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:23:47 | low_light | I had the cop loop disabled...it was causing problems...I can get it to work with some workarounds, but then it gets stuck on a loop with a SWI |
20:24:16 | linuxstb_ | If anyone with either a c200 or e200 would like to test, here's a first attempt at a sansapatcher that will hopefully distinguish between them and install the correct bootloader (win32 and linux binaries) - http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/sansapatcher-c200.zip |
20:25:30 | jhMikeS | linuxstb_: so you want me to check if detection works? |
20:26:07 | linuxstb_ | I've just realised that binary will install the wrong bootloader... |
20:26:28 | sgsax | gah, need to fix the original fw setup so it doesn't reload the database after a restart |
20:26:29 | * | linuxstb_ is fixing |
20:26:39 | jhMikeS | btw, has the official bootloader been updated to include the lcd fix yet? |
20:26:40 | | Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:26:54 | | Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@bas3-montreal28-1242530186.dsl.bell.ca) |
20:27:48 | linuxstb_ | jhMikeS: Yes, a couple of days ago. |
20:27:59 | | Join lazka [0] (n=lazka@85-126-38-148.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) |
20:29:25 | linuxstb_ | OK, that sansapatcher should be good now. First test is just to see if it displays the correct model name (c200 or e200). |
20:29:47 | * | jhMikeS wonders why his idct gets a strange glitch ... probably a big forehead-slap mistake |
20:30:30 | rasher | Slasheri: any chance the database debug screen could keep track of the last file it tried to read, to make it easier to track down the cause of database generation crashes? |
20:30:34 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m152.net81-64-221.noos.fr) |
20:30:59 | | Quit TMM ("Ex-Chat") |
20:31:43 | Slasheri | rasher: hmm, probably. But then debug screen should be updated realtime or there wouldn't be the correct file when the player crashes |
20:31:45 | jhMikeS | no e200s found...aborting |
20:32:02 | * | jhMikeS tries older version |
20:32:14 | agm3nt | linuxstb_:on c200 http://pastebin.com/m3b531080 |
20:33:16 | Slasheri | rasher: or that information could be written on disk |
20:33:29 | jhMikeS | older version works |
20:34:09 | rasher | Slasheri: usually it's not a hard crash, afaik, so just keeping the last song opened somewhere in memory and writing that on the debug screen should work. User sees database init failed, enters debug screen and sees file "foo" was the last one opened |
20:34:16 | | Join Xerion [0] (n=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
20:34:36 | jhMikeS | linuxstb_: http://www.pastebin.ca/703610 |
20:35:00 | pixelma | I can confirm that sound on c200 doesn't sound right yet (quite "high" and a bit like clipping - can't think of a better word atm at line level with default settings and the volume level seems to be lower overall) |
20:35:05 | Slasheri | rasher: hmm, any song shouldn't cause database init to fail, unless it's a complete crash |
20:35:38 | preglow | isn't the c200 display kinda tiny? |
20:36:31 | linuxstb_ | jsMikeS, agm3nt: Thanks - can you try again (same URL) |
20:38:14 | agm3nt | linuxstb_:http://www.pastebin.ca/703612 |
20:39:19 | linuxstb_ | agm3nt: That's still the old version... |
20:39:46 | jhMikeS | linuxstb: that one worked |
20:40:08 | sgsax | linuxstb_: detects my e200 correctly |
20:40:18 | linuxstb_ | jhMikeS: Thanks. I needed to read a multiple of 512 bytes from the disk device... |
20:40:31 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
20:40:35 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp53-22.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
20:40:39 | * | preglow feels the time is soon right for a bette resampler |
20:40:51 | linuxstb_ | Has the time been right for about 2 years? |
20:41:03 | low_light | pixelma: try this patch: http://rafb.net/p/4qDXWX11.html |
20:41:24 | * | jhMikeS agrees with preglow...but requests to keep the fast one for certain purposes |
20:41:35 | * | linuxstb_ would prefer no resampling when the hardware allows |
20:41:53 | preglow | linuxstb_: well, sure |
20:42:04 | preglow | but that's a can of worms compared to just resampling :> |
20:42:06 | linuxstb_ | preglow: I can keep dreaming... |
20:42:08 | | Part agm3nt |
20:42:13 | jhMikeS | that would just be damn nightmare |
20:42:25 | preglow | a damned nightmare we should look into too |
20:42:47 | linuxstb_ | Just get rid of crossfade - that will help. |
20:42:49 | pixelma | low_light: will do in a bit, first I need to grab something to eat |
20:42:49 | * | jhMikeS pinches himself |
20:43:02 | preglow | linuxstb_: crossfade will need to always resample, i think |
20:43:18 | preglow | just to keep it simple |
20:43:36 | jhMikeS | argh, crossfade could go, sure. I'd love that. |
20:43:50 | preglow | well, anything else would just be troublesome |
20:43:55 | preglow | a ton of special cases to look out for |
20:43:58 | preglow | and i don't use crossfade :>> |
20:44:13 | * | jhMikeS neither |
20:44:20 | linuxstb_ | The software EQ? |
20:44:22 | preglow | i probably don't use 99% of rockbox at that |
20:44:26 | preglow | linuxstb_: what about it? |
20:44:30 | rasher | Then it's settled - crossfade gets removed! |
20:44:31 | linuxstb_ | Do you use it? |
20:44:36 | preglow | no |
20:44:41 | linuxstb_ | OK, so that goes as well. |
20:45:04 | tumu | crossfade can be useful for some content |
20:45:05 | * | preglow sharpens the code knife |
20:45:31 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
20:45:35 | | Join agm3nt [0] (i=nat-107@nat.n3t.pl) |
20:45:38 | rasher | I'm quite sure a lot of people use crossfade (myself included on some occasions) |
20:45:39 | jhMikeS | other DSP is no problem really. the worse is changing samplerates at the correct moment and resampling would almost always need to be done anyway since the HW tends to be limited. |
20:45:43 | preglow | but anyway, sweq isn't a problem |
20:45:50 | preglow | that'll play just fine with samplerates changing |
20:47:54 | amiconn | Crossfade would only need to resample when sample rates are different, right? |
20:47:57 | jhMikeS | upsampling to 88.2k to play 48k content would be a horrible resource drain. |
20:48:16 | jhMikeS | changing sample rates is very glitchy |
20:48:16 | preglow | well, we wouldn't do that... |
20:48:25 | preglow | we'd downsample 48khz to 44.1khz |
20:48:33 | preglow | no need to not be reasonable :> |
20:48:39 | preglow | we could have a quality setting too, i guess |
20:48:46 | preglow | amiconn: yes |
20:48:55 | jhMikeS | preglow: that's the opposite of what you said should be done before! :p |
20:49:01 | | Join ddaph [0] (n=nimo@IGLD-80-230-16-156.inter.net.il) |
20:49:04 | amiconn | So crossfade could just be ignored if sample rate changes |
20:49:08 | jhMikeS | more settings...hehe |
20:49:09 | preglow | jhMikeS: optimally, that would be what we'd do, yes |
20:49:24 | preglow | amiconn: i think that might confuse people |
20:49:31 | ddaph | hey is there any way to change the default path that shows when choosing "files" from the menu? |
20:49:39 | jhMikeS | noone but the most pedigree audiophiles will be able to tell anyway |
20:51:00 | * | jhMikeS made sarcasm there...arrrrrrrrr |
20:51:13 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
20:52:38 | agm3nt | linuxstb_:http://pastebin.ca/703635 |
20:53:44 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
20:54:00 | | Quit desowin ("use linux") |
20:54:24 | agm3nt | linuxstb_:but when I reboot it's freze and off |
20:54:41 | preglow | anyway |
20:54:55 | preglow | i think i'll start looking into resampling when next i'll do some rockbox stuff |
20:54:57 | low_light | ddaph: no |
20:55:12 | preglow | then perhaps, after that, multiple sample rate stuff |
20:56:04 | jhMikeS | the worst thing about crossfade imo is that it's such a major memory hog for something that only runs briefly. |
20:56:05 | linuxstb_ | agm3nt: You have a c200? |
20:56:06 | * | amiconn would love to see multiple sample rate support |
20:56:10 | low_light | agm3nt: if you can try this patch for the c200 and comment on the sound before/after: http://rafb.net/p/4qDXWX11.html |
20:56:34 | ddaph | is there a way to add shortcuts / change the main menu? |
20:56:47 | agm3nt | linuxstb_:yes |
20:56:50 | amiconn | There is a shortcut plugin |
20:57:05 | * | amiconn never used it yet though |
20:57:21 | agm3nt | low_light: ok, I try it |
20:57:40 | low_light | thanks |
20:57:49 | preglow | all i know about multiple sample rate support currently is that it'll break crossfeed somewhat :/ |
20:58:06 | jhMikeS | preglow: should upsampling be done for say 12000khz up to 22000kHz if sw supports? |
20:58:31 | jhMikeS | change the magnitude on those numbers by 10 ^ -3 :P |
20:58:40 | amiconn | The (most?) ipod dacs are a bit weird in their sample rate support |
20:58:48 | amiconn | 8kHz, then 32/44.1/48 |
20:58:51 | preglow | jhMikeS: depends on the quality of the resampler, i'd say, if it's good, then yes, perhaps. if not, then the harmonics it generates by upsampling might be more annoying than the loss of treble when downsampling |
20:58:54 | amiconn | Nothing inbetween... |
20:59:39 | preglow | ideally, we should always upsample, of course |
20:59:42 | tumu | hm, does latest svn compile? |
21:00 |
21:00:37 | jhMikeS | preglow: well, I thought the whole point to a new one was a good aliasing-free resampler :) |
21:01:08 | agm3nt | low_light: I must build bootloader or normal?? |
21:01:13 | preglow | it won't be aliasing-free, i can guarantee you that |
21:01:19 | preglow | but it will be leaps and bounds better |
21:01:27 | tumu | updated to try solving a linking problem with sim build but now i'm seeing missing file errors |
21:01:32 | preglow | i'm looking at the speex resampler now, it might be interesting |
21:01:34 | ddaph | if i want to play a directory and all its subdirs, the only way is context menu and then playlist>play? |
21:02:25 | jhMikeS | preglow: well, none are really "free" but the current is quite audible of course |
21:02:40 | tumu | website is down as well? |
21:02:52 | low_light | agm3nt: normal |
21:02:58 | jhMikeS | preglow: oh no. sync functions...! |
21:03:30 | jhMikeS | sinc |
21:03:39 | jhMikeS | hehe |
21:03:51 | preglow | indeed |
21:03:56 | linuxstb_ | ddaph: Yes, but you need to enable the "recursively insert directories" playlist option |
21:04:04 | ddaph | oh ok |
21:04:16 | preglow | jhMikeS: i was kind of thinking about using elliptic filters for downsampling |
21:04:21 | preglow | jhMikeS: but they're such a bitch to compute coefs for |
21:04:22 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A9534E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:04:33 | chrisjs169 | question about the e200Rs - when the bootloader is patched, shouldn't Rockbox report the same CRC32 for all the Rs? |
21:04:33 | ddaph | another question: if i download a theme with album art, it shows me the default WPS, no matter what theme i choose; what am i missing? |
21:04:43 | | Join juk [0] (n=Miranda@p5486F2FE.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:04:59 | preglow | ddaph: rockbox doesn't support album art yet, you're probably using a wps meant for a custom build |
21:05:04 | linuxstb_ | chrisjs169: What crc32 are you talking about? |
21:05:29 | ddaph | oh. and is there any work being done on being able to play avi files? |
21:05:52 | chrisjs169 | when you select the OF when booting the R, the rockbox bootloader spits out information, like in http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12762.msg96532 |
21:06:08 | tumu | anyone knows what is the latest rev that compiles? |
21:06:26 | chrisjs169 | linuxstb_, one line says CRC32 and Calculated CRC32 - should both of them be the same for all e200Rs? |
21:06:50 | preglow | ddaph: no. 1: you need to transcode for the screen size anyway, so we might as well use our own format (mpeg). 2: "avi" doesn't really mean much, it's just a container, and contain any kind of codec |
21:07:04 | ddaph | i meant xvid |
21:07:07 | ddaph | or divx |
21:07:10 | preglow | no again, for reason 1 |
21:07:16 | preglow | might happen in the future, but not now |
21:07:35 | ddaph | the regular ipod OS plays mp4 which is != mpeg, right? |
21:07:47 | ddaph | so i can play mp4s with the regular OS, and mpeg with rockbox |
21:08:01 | linuxstb_ | preglow: That's not 100% true - I think 320x240 is a relatively common size for video podcasts, so at least for those targets, supporting other formats could be useful. |
21:08:04 | webmind | hmm, 1-sept-07 still works |
21:08:21 | preglow | linuxstb_: yeah, i guess that will become even more commong now |
21:08:35 | linuxstb_ | ddaph: "mpeg" is many standards. But Rockbox's mpegplayer just supports mpeg-1 or mpeg-2 video. |
21:09:04 | webmind | 10 sept aswell |
21:09:08 | ddaph | alright, thanks for everythin |
21:09:08 | preglow | btw, is it just me, or does mpegplayer sometimes glitch in motion estimation on percectly valid files? |
21:09:34 | jhMikeS | preglow: you want that blit synth code that I worked out the nighmarish small-denomitor stuff on? |
21:09:35 | linuxstb_ | But IMO video playback is something Rockbox should support well - as almost every OF features video playback nowadays. |
21:09:47 | preglow | jhMikeS: you worked it out? sure, yeah |
21:10:02 | preglow | jhMikeS: btw, i'm planning on coding the sound guy tools feature request one day, that code will be nice to have then |
21:10:35 | jhMikeS | yeah, -120dB noise floor (I don't think CEP actually shows it any lower) |
21:10:42 | preglow | damn... |
21:10:45 | preglow | that's smooth as hell |
21:10:53 | linuxstb_ | chrisjs169: IIUC, that crc is the crc of the original firmware being loaded. So if the same OF is installed, then the crc32 should match. |
21:10:54 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:11:05 | agm3nt | low_light:now it's muuuch better |
21:11:21 | agm3nt | low_light:sound like OF |
21:11:54 | low_light | excellent. I will commit tonight. |
21:11:56 | ddaph | what happened to rockboxs site |
21:12:15 | chrisjs169 | linuxstb_, if that's the case, then is it "unusual" that of all the people who are having problems booting the OF, the mi4 size and crc32 all different? |
21:12:22 | petur | server troubles |
21:13:11 | | Join Xerion [0] (n=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
21:13:15 | jhMikeS | preglow: http://www.pastebin.ca/703672. patch to test_sampr.c I think I just had it in the coldfire emac code only since I was testing there. |
21:13:23 | low_light | jhMikeS: will this patch effect the e200? it's how the c200 OF does the reset: http://rafb.net/p/4qDXWX11.html |
21:13:41 | ddaph | im using hebrew. filenames are shown ok, but when a song plays - i get gibberish for id3 info. any idea? |
21:15:26 | jhMikeS | low_light: should be the same for it as now |
21:15:44 | webmind | linuxstb_, poke |
21:16:44 | linuxstb_ | webmind: ? |
21:17:24 | webmind | linuxstb_, I've just installed the daily build from 20070919 |
21:17:26 | webmind | and it works |
21:17:51 | webmind | after going over several other builds |
21:18:07 | rasher | ddaph: Try setting the codepage: General Settings > Display > Default Codepage |
21:18:22 | linuxstb_ | webmind: I can't explain that... |
21:18:23 | | Quit juk ("See you later. Bye.") |
21:18:33 | preglow | jhMikeS: patch is quite broken |
21:18:33 | webmind | my guess would be that it happes when you upgrade a new version over a very old one, htat is, that something isn't copied in the new builds ? |
21:19:00 | preglow | jhMikeS: quite a lot of hunks fail here |
21:19:16 | jhMikeS | hmmm...lemme look. it's quite old. |
21:19:41 | rhizmoe | welp, it won't go to disk mode before crashing. i hope i'm not bricked. |
21:19:43 | | Join faelnor [0] (n=faelnor@ |
21:19:44 | webmind | linuxstb_, anyway, if this happens to someone, atleast this should fix it |
21:19:53 | faelnor | heya |
21:20:02 | linuxstb_ | webmind: As long as you overwrite all the old files with the new ones, it should be fine. |
21:20:09 | faelnor | the website goes down the day i receive my gigabeat :-( |
21:20:18 | rasher | faelnor: download.rockbox.org is still up |
21:20:29 | faelnor | cool, was going to ask for this :) |
21:20:31 | faelnor | thx |
21:21:10 | ddaph | what is special in all these custom builds? can someone recommend why to use any of them? |
21:21:13 | jhMikeS | was made at rev 12309...hrm |
21:21:42 | pixelma | low_light: yes, sounds much better *turning bass down* :) |
21:23:53 | preglow | voice ui isn't very stable... |
21:24:26 | preglow | each time i've tried it, it's locked my h120 up after a little while |
21:24:29 | linuxstb_ | preglow: I think that's been mentioned... |
21:25:18 | preglow | pity |
21:25:23 | preglow | linuxstb_: tried the hw eq patch? |
21:25:48 | preglow | preglow style thinly veiled nag :P |
21:26:00 | ddaph | how come the sound with "rock" preset in the eq is much worse than the original iPod's "rock" preset? |
21:26:04 | * | linuxstb_ needs to cook some food |
21:26:37 | jhMikeS | preglow: guess I'll sync it up real quick |
21:26:46 | preglow | jhMikeS: would be sweetness |
21:27:05 | rasher | I think we need some sort of automatic tool to edit langfiles so devs are more likely to do their updates in all applicable languages (such as deprecating a string in all languages including it (id3v1 /v2 setting) or adding a new target(c200)) |
21:27:05 | preglow | seems like test_sampr.c is broken |
21:27:15 | preglow | gcc nags about not finding memcpy |
21:27:19 | jhMikeS | ?? |
21:27:37 | jhMikeS | hmmm...I wonder what caused that one. |
21:28:12 | Lear | rasher: but if a string is deprecated, is it used in a translation even if the lang file includes it? If not, it doesn't really matter that much... |
21:28:22 | preglow | rasher: having to do that manually would curb my entusiasm for changes of that kind greatly, yes... |
21:29:15 | preglow | jhMikeS: didya try generating triangles, btw? |
21:29:46 | low_light | pixelma: good to hear |
21:30:14 | rasher | Lear: I guess that's true. Perhaps I'm just still bitter about the huge language-rework that really is just mindless work which *could* have been done automatically given some effort |
21:30:26 | rasher | (introduction of features) |
21:30:51 | rasher | The features feature, that is. |
21:31:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:32:02 | preglow | rasher: cooking up a quick gui tool for this might not be that much effort |
21:32:08 | ddaph | how can i shuffle all the songs i have on the disk? |
21:32:16 | preglow | rasher: you've always wanted to learn how to use qt, right? :P |
21:32:39 | rasher | preglow: Not really, no. |
21:32:52 | tumu | why would sim build bomb when normal doesn't? |
21:33:04 | Lear | ddaph: create a playlist for all songs. |
21:33:21 | Lear | tumu: different code here and there... |
21:33:38 | sgsax | ddaph: you can set a playback default for shuffle |
21:33:47 | ddaph | i get it thanks |
21:33:48 | sgsax | then, no matter what playlist you pull up, it will shuffle it |
21:34:00 | tumu | http://pastebin.ca/703699 |
21:34:01 | sgsax | (that's what I do) |
21:34:27 | ddaph | last question for today : whats all the fuss about USB? if i connect usb and its in disk mode - it doesnt charge the battery?? |
21:36:32 | n1s | rasher: regarding the lang features thingy, the patch was in FS for about six months and no one even mentioned wanting to write some sceipt to do the conversion and I for sure am not capapble of doing that so sitting around waiting fo someone to step forward seemed like a really bad idea |
21:36:38 | jhMikeS | preglow: yup. I kind of put that on the back burner to think about it some more since double-integrals turn the noise floor into brown noise...something more sophisticated needs to be done to shape that. |
21:36:53 | Lear | tumu: what's dumb doing there? Not part of svn, afaik... |
21:37:06 | tumu | lear, it's the new codec i'm working on |
21:37:31 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
21:37:37 | tumu | normal build works, sim doesn't |
21:37:43 | Lear | tumu: well, makefile is a bit different for target and sim. Update the sim part to build dumb too. |
21:37:44 | rasher | n1s: I didn't mean to blame you, or anyone. I just think it's a sign that a tool to make mindless editing easier would be nice |
21:38:11 | jhMikeS | actually it's doubly-brown noise :P...one integration of white noise makes brown noise. |
21:38:19 | tumu | lear, where would i go updating? there are no docs about it |
21:38:32 | tumu | only on normal build |
21:38:36 | n1s | rasher: I agree, any tool to make that kind of editing easier/faster would be very nice :-) |
21:38:56 | Lear | Well, how did you add the normal build stuff? The rest comes from reading the makefile... :) |
21:39:15 | tumu | Lear, i added the normal build stuff and it works as it should |
21:39:24 | tumu | but i have no idea what else i could do to make the sim build work |
21:40:05 | tumu | there is no special sim section in the makefile where i would need to add my stuff |
21:40:08 | tumu | atleast i can't see any |
21:40:31 | preglow | jhMikeS: you do any noise shaping at all? |
21:40:41 | | Quit ddaph () |
21:40:44 | | Quit faelnor () |
21:41:31 | | Quit BigMac (Remote closed the connection) |
21:42:03 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
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21:42:37 | | Join BigMac [0] (n=mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) |
21:43:18 | jhMikeS | just some basic dithering but I never got that far. I suppose i'd need double-purple noise in the input and it would be flat at the output. |
21:43:41 | tumu | Lear, all i can tell that the sim does building in some other way that doesn't like the normal adds |
21:43:56 | tumu | but i have no idea where to begin changing things |
21:43:58 | rasher | I wonder slightly why the language file isn't xml - it might as well be, and it'd make parsing and modifying more robust by using a proper xml parser. It shouldn't make translating by hand much different. |
21:44:01 | jhMikeS | ok, it built. time to check that it works still |
21:44:40 | | Join Nullbyte [0] (i=Nigra@0x573cd567.boanxx21.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) |
21:44:51 | Lear | tumu: You added dumb to all places where the other codecs are? Must be something missing that causes the dumb library to not be included... |
21:45:10 | Nullbyte | Hey guys, why is the rockbox.org site down? |
21:45:29 | | Part tomv |
21:45:32 | tumu | Lear, yes, i added it like any other codecs, and it builds correctly in normal |
21:45:33 | rasher | No one here knows, I believe. |
21:45:45 | Nullbyte | Oh, okay. |
21:45:46 | tumu | Lear, so for normal one, there is not anything missing |
21:46:05 | rasher | Nullbyte: The Swedes are all gone, so all we can do is wait |
21:46:31 | Nullbyte | rasher: Meh |
21:47:13 | Bagder | I'm not gone ;-) |
21:47:18 | n1s | rasher: I wouldn't be against going xml if it doesn't complicate things, but the language system is Bagder's brainchild so I don't know of any specific reasons why it is as it is... |
21:47:19 | Bagder | but the site is... |
21:47:24 | Nullbyte | Right you are |
21:47:30 | n1s | ah there he is :-) |
21:48:00 | Bagder | the language files are not xml since xml is not for humans |
21:48:14 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Connection timed out) |
21:48:19 | Lear | tumu: Looks like if not added to OUTPUT (line 32 in codecs/Makefile) it could fail for sim only... |
21:48:28 | Bagder | but if someone feels like changing format and improve things, I won't be in the way |
21:48:48 | * | Bagder is badly damaged from having seen ant xml files |
21:48:53 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ |
21:48:57 | tumu | Lear, i have it on OUTPUT line |
21:49:30 | | Join eigma [0] (n=cat@CABLE-206-188-76-21.cia.com) |
21:49:34 | rasher | Bagder: Ah, but if the schema is chosen carefully (ie. stuff to read/translate isn't hidden deep in some nested tag/attribute hell), a human shouldn't mind. And it'd make writing scripts that edit languagefiles somewhat and more robust (by using external parsers) |
21:49:49 | * | Lear has hacked some ant files too, and they weren't all that nice. Then again, Makefiles can be pretty bad too... |
21:49:51 | tumu | Lear, http://pastebin.ca/703730 |
21:50:03 | eigma | Badger: has kkurbjun talked to you about setting up svn for a m:robe 500i port? |
21:50:08 | rasher | Bagder: and with genlang, the human won't have to write the xml, just edit it |
21:50:09 | Bagder | Lear: true, but I've grown up on makefiles... :-) |
21:50:25 | Bagder | eigma: no, why would we need a different svn for that? |
21:50:41 | eigma | sorry, that's not what I meant |
21:50:41 | Bagder | rasher: right, but it requires pleasantly formatted xml |
21:51:04 | eigma | creating accounts and so on (whatever is needed for kkurbjun, myself and JdGordon to work on the port in svn) |
21:51:15 | | Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) |
21:51:17 | Lear | Bagder: Me too, basically. But usually for smaller projects... |
21:51:21 | eigma | I'm guessing a branch, but I don't know exactly how rockbox has organized svn |
21:51:53 | rasher | Bagder: Certainly. The structure wouldn't be much different from what it is now I imagine. Most xml libraries can prettyprint, so that shouldn't be an issue either |
21:51:57 | Lear | tumu: shouldn't that read "libdumb", to match the rest? |
21:51:57 | Bagder | eigma: jdgordon and kkurbjun already have svn access, and they can ask for access and vouch for your excellence to get you added as well ;-) |
21:51:57 | low_light | why is there X11 & win32 sim stuff in the codec makefile? |
21:52:13 | Bagder | low_light: leftovers from the past I guess |
21:52:28 | Bagder | eigma: is there really a need for a branch? |
21:52:35 | tumu | Lear, well, dumb is not libdumb, so.. but it is changeable |
21:52:41 | Bagder | gigabeat-s is in a branch, but I fail to see why there too... |
21:52:55 | tumu | Lear, doesn't effect the normal build tho |
21:53:03 | eigma | Badger: I personally prefer working in branches so I can commit incrementally, but still merge only functional changes and keep trunk working |
21:53:08 | eigma | Badger: but it doesn't really matter |
21:53:15 | eigma | www.rockbox.org is down? |
21:53:22 | Bagder | eigma: yes |
21:53:40 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54965804.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:53:50 | rasher | Someone downloading the source a million times over again? |
21:53:52 | linuxstb_ | Bagder: I guess it might be easier if you want to share non-working code, but if it's target-specific, that could still be done in trunk... |
21:54:03 | Bagder | that's what I mean |
21:54:23 | linuxstb_ | I know... I'm failing to think of any good reason for branches. |
21:54:32 | tumu | Lear, well, having the sim build working is not that important, people just suggested it might help in debugging |
21:54:44 | Bagder | rasher: no, there's something fishy with the HW |
21:54:49 | tumu | have to work on normal build then |
21:54:50 | linuxstb_ | Bagder: Maybe the people working on the S could say if they think it's helpful... |
21:54:58 | Bagder | true |
21:54:59 | Lear | tumu: In the normal build it isn't linked in via "-l", which expects the lib to be named "libxxx", so I think that is the reason. |
21:55:05 | Bagder | would be good feedback in the matter |
21:55:28 | Lear | tumu: The sim is indeed very nice in debugging stuff. Fixed lots of codec problems primarily in the sim. |
21:55:28 | Bagder | the major downside in my view is lack of insight from the regulars and no builds to verify that things remain sane |
21:55:54 | linuxstb_ | Bagder: Yes. insight from regulars would definitely benefit new ports (or annoy them...) |
21:56:28 | eigma | hah. |
21:56:28 | preglow | both good :> |
21:56:28 | tumu | Lear, is the sim build fixable on that part, or do i have to rename the stuff? |
21:56:53 | linuxstb_ | I'm also guessing that two different new ARM ports will start to conflict in places. |
21:57:07 | Lear | tumu: Just renaming the .a file to libdumb.a should do the trick. |
21:57:14 | Bagder | yeah, that's a risk |
21:57:56 | eigma | Lear, tumu: afaik, static libraries (*.a) can be included directly on the linker command line, like "path/to/dumb.a" |
21:58:03 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
21:58:48 | eigma | Bagder: once I get an account, is there anything else we need to do before starting to commit the port to trunk? |
21:59:05 | Bagder | not that I know of |
21:59:08 | eigma | Bagder: note that it's not fully functional −− the bootloader is barely working. I don't know what the policy is on that. |
21:59:14 | tumu | Lear, ya, that did the trick |
21:59:26 | Bagder | I miss info about the port effort in the wiki, but that's not really svn related... |
21:59:26 | linuxstb_ | eigma: Make sure you don't break any existing targets though... |
21:59:39 | * | Zagor goes to kick on the server |
21:59:46 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
21:59:47 | eigma | Bagder: okay, will write a wiki page asap |
21:59:54 | * | linuxstb_ doesn't even know what port we're talking about |
21:59:59 | eigma | Olympus m:robe 500i |
22:00 |
22:00:17 | tumu | Lear, that should be mentioned in the "writing new codec" page if someone does the same thing with another "nonlib"-named codec |
22:00:31 | linuxstb_ | eigma: In one sentence, can you summarise the hardware specs? |
22:00:42 | Lear | eigma: Yep, that is done for normal builds, but not the sim... |
22:00:44 | Bagder | linuxstb: TI dm320 |
22:00:50 | tumu | that it will break on sim build |
22:01:14 | Lear | tumu: So edit it already! :) |
22:01:20 | tumu | i have no wiki account :) |
22:01:32 | n1s | get one! |
22:02:08 | low_light | tumu: shouldn't it just be OUTPUT = libdumb..... |
22:02:12 | Lear | But it is kind of obvious in a way. I mean, _every_ other codec lib is called lib<something>... :) |
22:02:32 | eigma | linuxstb_: 200 MHz TMS320DM320 ARM9+DSP(C5400)/640x480 touchscreen/20 GB HDD/64 MB RAM/8 MB Flash/remote/TV-Out.. that's about it |
22:02:46 | rasher | That's one huge screen |
22:02:56 | Bagder | 64MB ram and 8(!) flash! |
22:03:12 | eigma | everybody wants to get video playback working on it, but we haven't been able to find a 1337 enough DSP engineer |
22:03:18 | rasher | Imagine the default wps on that screen... |
22:03:21 | Lear | Sound like a PDA or something... |
22:03:29 | Bagder | hahaha |
22:03:32 | tumu | low_light, changing the line 148 to have OUTPUT=.../libdumb.a and same for line 55 for dumb.a |
22:03:36 | Bagder | the 8 pixels font must be great! |
22:03:48 | eigma | http://mrobefan.elwiki.com/Hardware_Information |
22:03:57 | preglow | jhMikeS: is it working? |
22:05:27 | tumu | low_light, and the clean parts etc |
22:05:53 | low_light | you gonna get the camera working too? |
22:06:18 | eigma | ah, 1 mpixel camera, I forgot |
22:06:32 | eigma | like I said, we're low on DSP engineers ;) - but hopefully |
22:07:02 | eigma | it feels like getting the camera working is easier than writing an MPEG codec for the DSP - a lot of the hard math is hardware accelerated and modular |
22:07:12 | | Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) |
22:07:15 | jhMikeS | preglow: almost. some stupid hangup when selecting square from the menu |
22:07:28 | Bagder | eigma: done any attempts at ripping magic dsp from neuros etc? |
22:08:03 | eigma | Bagder: nah, they just distribute *.ko's and we don't know anything about the interface |
22:08:34 | Bagder | you sure? they seemed to include lots of symbols the last time I looked, but that was a while ago of course... |
22:08:58 | low_light | tumu: I don't know...can't you just duplicate what spc does? |
22:09:04 | eigma | I guess with a lot of work, we could reverse it.. but it would probably be illegal to include those *.kos, and useless for rockbox |
22:09:12 | linuxstb_ | eigma: What about the UI? IMO it looks like you'll need to implement new UI widgets suitable for such a large screen (and touch) |
22:09:34 | Bagder | eigma: yeah, I was just curious.... :-) |
22:09:36 | eigma | linuxstb: JD has implemented a mouse interface to the sim; we're trying to extend that to the TS |
22:09:40 | tumu | low_light, i can and probably will have to as the normal build now doesn't like the changes done to make the sim work :) |
22:10:17 | tumu | someone has really written the makefiles to ask for definite syntax for filenaming :p |
22:10:58 | linuxstb_ | eigma: I think you'll need a lot more than that... I can't see Rockbox's current UI scaling nicely to 640x480 - unless you just plan to use huge fonts... |
22:11:20 | eigma | linuxstb: we'll see. personally, I'm okay with only supporting the remote screen, which is 76x16 monochrome |
22:11:55 | preglow | rockbox needs gui work |
22:12:06 | low_light | tumu: when the svn server is back, look at the revision before dumb was removed |
22:12:13 | preglow | i think the rb gui looks silly even on ipod video |
22:12:20 | Bagder | the svn server is up already |
22:12:21 | | Part Nullbyte ("Leaving") |
22:12:31 | Bagder | it's a different server than the www one |
22:12:54 | tumu | low_light, nah, the only problem seems to be that the normal and sim builds have different expectations on file naming |
22:13:06 | tumu | and this has not been documented anywhere |
22:14:03 | eigma | Bagder: it's pretty slow from here.. time wget -qO /dev/null 'http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/tools/?' −− "real 0m1.100s" |
22:14:04 | Bagder | what file naming is that? |
22:14:27 | tumu | for linker |
22:14:38 | amiconn | gahbah |
22:14:43 | Bagder | eigma: yeah, the logo or whatever it is still uses www... |
22:14:58 | | Join class37 [0] (n=gettin_i@wsip-68-14-248-245.ph.ph.cox.net) |
22:15:01 | class37 | hi |
22:15:02 | amiconn | First, those annoying colour lcds, and now all this even more annoying touch crap :( |
22:15:10 | class37 | why is rockbox.org down? |
22:15:15 | class37 | is there an ETA? |
22:15:27 | Bagder | eigma: but the sim does shared libs doesn't it? |
22:15:32 | Bagder | sorry |
22:15:35 | Bagder | that was for tumu |
22:15:41 | tumu | Bagder, try making a codec and not naming it lib* and you'll see that it won't link on sim |
22:15:43 | eigma | Bagder: ah, I see |
22:15:52 | Bagder | class37: yes "soon enough" |
22:16:04 | Bagder | tumu: why would I do that? |
22:16:04 | class37 | is there a mirror? |
22:16:10 | Bagder | the sim builds shared libs |
22:16:14 | Bagder | libs are called lib* |
22:16:19 | eigma | Bagder: ah, yeah, the stylesheet |
22:16:22 | tumu | Bagder, to see that there is an issue? |
22:16:43 | Bagder | I don't consider it an "issue" really, just how it works |
22:16:49 | Bagder | class37: for what? |
22:16:53 | Bagder | not for the entire site, no |
22:16:59 | class37 | rockbox.org |
22:17:01 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) |
22:17:27 | tumu | :| |
22:17:52 | Bagder | eigma: hm, I'll make sure to copy that once the servers are up again so that they live better independently... |
22:18:05 | tumu | i guess i have to do things Bagder-style :p |
22:18:09 | linuxstb_ | class37: google's cache is close to being a mirror |
22:18:18 | eigma | Bagder: in the mean time, adding "" in hosts seems to speed things up for svn.rockbox.org |
22:18:28 | Bagder | tumu: I don't see any reason what so ever to fight against that concept... |
22:18:44 | Bagder | yeah I figure |
22:19:10 | eigma | Bagder: any idea what the actual problem is? |
22:19:24 | Bagder | there's something hw-related, possibly a bad disk |
22:19:30 | eigma | ah, ouch |
22:19:33 | Bagder | since you can still ping it etc |
22:19:40 | Bagder | just not connect and use any services |
22:19:41 | eigma | disk timeouts are so painful :( |
22:20:25 | eigma | what kind of hits/bandwidth does www.rockbox.org get? |
22:21:11 | Bagder | it has a 10mbit connection, and it serves I think some 200GB/month |
22:21:26 | jhMikeS | set_options seems to be returning garbage when I select the first item ... |
22:21:30 | jhMikeS | *set_option |
22:21:30 | Bagder | can't acess the stats right now ;-) |
22:21:39 | tumu | Bagder, could the codec makefile be made any simple? |
22:21:50 | Bagder | tumu: I bet! ;-) |
22:22:41 | | Quit class37 () |
22:25:19 | jhMikeS | all the options come out in reverse order too. looks like a bug or something changed with set_option while I wasn't looking |
22:27:03 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
22:28:21 | * | preglow hopes he didn't botch the plugin api today :/ |
22:28:57 | tumu | just don't break the codec api :) |
22:29:18 | | Join Nullbyte [0] (i=Nigra@0x573cd567.boanxx21.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) |
22:29:24 | Nullbyte | Hey, does rockbox support .avi? |
22:29:35 | linuxstb_ | No |
22:29:37 | Bagder | http://www.ohloh.net/projects/3978/size_facts |
22:29:39 | Nullbyte | Thought so |
22:29:43 | Bagder | fun "hidden" stats page |
22:30:26 | preglow | that's not hidden, is it? |
22:30:32 | preglow | oh yes, that one is |
22:30:45 | Bagder | there's no link anywhere to this |
22:30:45 | bluebrother | a graph of the number would be a nice addon :) |
22:31:28 | * | linuxstb_ just sees a dark grey screen |
22:31:48 | preglow | seems we fare pretty well on ohloh |
22:31:57 | | Quit Frazz ("Leaving") |
22:32:16 | * | bluebrother wonders why ohloh treats c and c++ the same |
22:32:37 | Bagder | bluebrother: because they have a hard time to write a parser that detects either one |
22:32:59 | bluebrother | oh, they tried already? |
22:33:14 | Bagder | they mentioned some stuff about it in a forum post |
22:33:19 | jhMikeS | preglow: I hadn't svn up'ed anyway. |
22:33:25 | bluebrother | ok. |
22:33:56 | | Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@m103h.studby.ntnu.no) |
22:34:43 | BigBambi | Bagder: I like how code lines has gone down this month :) |
22:35:00 | Bagder | linuxstb: is sansapatcher working now e200 + c200 ? |
22:35:01 | preglow | well, i did my share of that today :P |
22:35:32 | linuxstb_ | Bagder:In theory... It hasn't been tested much though. |
22:35:38 | | Quit Pro (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:35:56 | Bagder | comment ratio has been climbing slowly during 2007 |
22:36:06 | * | bluebrother is annoyed by this stupid php stuff that keeps from doing rockbox work |
22:37:49 | bluebrother | wow −− comment ratio was > 20% some years ago |
22:37:55 | jhMikeS | aha - now I see it ... I hope |
22:38:23 | Bagder | bluebrother: let's blame all the codec imports etc! ;-) |
22:38:27 | amiconn | statistics... :\ |
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22:38:56 | bluebrother | statistics are nice to look at but they usually don't tell the real truth ;) |
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22:47:20 | | Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
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22:47:26 | | Quit logbot (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:47:32 | Bagder | ah look |
22:47:33 | preglow | niceness, i'll check it out right now |
22:47:45 | preglow | make zip |
22:47:50 | n1s | yaya, site is back |
22:47:50 | preglow | yes, you all go make zip |
22:48:02 | * | Bagder makes zip |
22:48:23 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@ |
22:48:32 | Zagor | sounds like something out of borat. "let's all go make very big zip" |
22:48:51 | Bagder | my zip is bigger than your |
22:49:05 | preglow | ploogins |
22:49:23 | amiconn | Bagder: The simulator plugins and codecs are shared libs, however, all the libs built by rockbox which are linked *to* the core or plugins are static |
22:49:25 | Zagor | my server is crashier than yours... very annoying, and not ONE SINGLE error message on the console to give a hint as to what's going wrong :((( |
22:49:30 | * | preglow gets illinstr! :P |
22:49:52 | jhMikeS | ummm....on h100? |
22:49:54 | Zagor | it's not even frozen, just won't read from disk |
22:50:05 | bluebrother | bad mood? |
22:50:07 | preglow | jhMikeS: aye, testing without voice now... |
22:50:11 | rasher | preglow: if you're annoyed by the ploogins thing, go fix it in voice.pl |
22:50:15 | Zagor | I would have thought that should cause some kernel timeout messages, but nooo |
22:50:26 | jhMikeS | yeah, do that or add the talk menu shutdown stuff back |
22:50:30 | amiconn | rasher: ploogins should be fixed iirc |
22:50:43 | preglow | rasher: not annoyed, i only use voice for testing |
22:50:46 | rasher | Maybe preglow has an old voicefile |
22:50:47 | amiconn | Maybe I only applied that for sapi voices though? Don't remember |
22:51:10 | | Part low_light |
22:51:13 | preglow | rasher: brand new |
22:51:27 | preglow | as new as rbutil could make it, at least |
22:51:37 | preglow | jhMikeS: sounds stellar, i want a pitch control :PPP |
22:51:47 | jhMikeS | watch the ears with the triangle setting. it was in the middle of development. :) |
22:51:56 | preglow | jhMikeS: yeah, the triangle sounds ace :D |
22:52:00 | | Quit Domonoky ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") |
22:52:14 | jhMikeS | there's a pitch sweep or pulse sweep commented out in there |
22:52:22 | preglow | ouch, locked it up |
22:53:07 | | Quit kkurbjun ("Leaving.") |
22:53:21 | jhMikeS | perhaps uncomment the talk_menu stuff or have no voice present at all |
22:53:21 | preglow | seems like it doesn't like browsing menu items too quickly while generating audio |
22:53:36 | preglow | removed the voice |
22:53:58 | rasher | amiconn: yeah, you only changed it for sapi - it's probably relevant for most English engines. I'll move it to the general English case |
22:57:24 | preglow | jhMikeS: that pwm sweep sounds swEEET |
22:57:39 | jhMikeS | ah, you got it. didn't know if would still function |
22:57:49 | preglow | can't find the freq sweet, thiugh |
22:58:35 | preglow | sweep... |
22:58:44 | jhMikeS | there's no dealing with that harmonic pop at all |
22:58:51 | preglow | really |
22:58:54 | preglow | that needs to be dealt with |
22:59:15 | preglow | it's quite easy to deal with, though, just requires you to synth and fade out the last harmonic by hand |
22:59:29 | | Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@user-11fau0s.dsl.mindspring.com) |
23:00 |
23:00:09 | jhMikeS | by adding a 180deg phase shifted harmonic to cancel? |
23:00:09 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
23:00:34 | preglow | jhMikeS: no, you just generate one less harmonic than you need to, and synth the last one yourself, no need to cancel out anything |
23:00:37 | | Join gibbsnich [0] (n=maw@p54A4BEE0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
23:01:06 | | Quit agm3nt () |
23:01:08 | jhMikeS | ah, ok |
23:01:19 | preglow | you just need to be careful with phase so you don't get any discontinuities as you switch harmonics on and off, but it is completely doable without too much overhead |
23:03:36 | preglow | this is nice stuff anyway, i tried doing this in fixed point once, failed miserably :P |
23:03:43 | | Join MyAdler [0] (i=823f8317@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bc9c6775898cbccf) |
23:04:55 | MyAdler | Does anyone know if rockbox will ever support other video formats besides mpeg (or if it does). And if not....why? |
23:05:23 | jhMikeS | it wasn't easy but I commented about the little trick that saves it |
23:05:28 | eigma | make |
23:05:33 | eigma | oops ,wrong window :) |
23:06:07 | Bagder | MyAdler: if anyone adds support for other formats, sure. |
23:06:20 | Bagder | I don't think its on anybody's agenda though |
23:07:25 | MyAdler | .avi would be great.... if i knew jack about programing id for sure do that.... |
23:07:37 | Bagder | avi is not a format though |
23:07:42 | Bagder | its a container |
23:07:51 | MyAdler | see.....i dont know jack.... |
23:08:18 | | Part gibbsnich |
23:08:33 | Bagder | hm, perhaps the correct term is multimedia container format |
23:08:52 | | Quit mirak (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:09:24 | MyAdler | regardless.... itd be nice to be able to play more video files on rockbox.... |
23:09:54 | Bagder | you would still need to transcode them into a smaller size |
23:10:06 | MyAdler | why? |
23:10:12 | n1s | MyAdler: lot's of stuff would be nic eto have but somone needs to want it bad enough to make it reality :-) |
23:10:18 | Bagder | are you saying rockbox should resize them too on the fly? |
23:10:35 | n1s | MyAdler: we have very limited processing power, that's why |
23:10:38 | Bagder | that takes quite some power |
23:10:56 | Llorean | MyAdler: Videos have to be sized to fit the screen, the devices aren't fast enough to do it automatically, so you'd *have* to convert them to a format that A) The player is fast enough to play, and B) Is at a resolution the player cna display |
23:11:22 | MyAdler | ahhhh i c |
23:12:28 | MyAdler | so how is it that such players as the ipod video play video.... |
23:13:05 | Bagder | because it has a video-playing chip |
23:13:20 | Bagder | that we don't know how to use |
23:13:30 | | Nick kclafk is now known as kclaf (i=kclaf@ |
23:13:30 | bluebrother | and suitably sized videos ;) |
23:13:56 | Bagder | but the ipod video can resize them on the fly, can't it? |
23:14:10 | Llorean | Bagder: I think it can specifically from 640x480 |
23:14:13 | bluebrother | from all arbitrary sizes? |
23:14:17 | Bagder | aha |
23:14:17 | Llorean | It may be that it can just halve. |
23:14:24 | Bagder | that makes sense, yes |
23:16:10 | MyAdler | so i guess im gonna need some software that does all this garbage....suggestions?? |
23:16:32 | bluebrother | the wiki has some recommendations for adjusting video |
23:17:09 | MyAdler | i was already there....the link they provided was down..... |
23:17:20 | Bagder | they? |
23:17:29 | * | bluebrother wonders who "they" could be |
23:17:33 | Llorean | MyAdler: The wiki provides three (last time I checked) methods of converting videos. |
23:18:01 | MyAdler | they is 'wiki people'.... probably you |
23:18:13 | Bagder | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer#Encoding |
23:18:59 | rasher | I can see why Bagder struggled when BC suggested xml for the language files.. The example file layout he (BC) came up with was absolutely horrible.. http://www.rockbox.org/mail/archive/rockbox-archive-2005-06/0384.shtml |
23:19:08 | rasher | s/struggled/resisted/ |
23:19:20 | | Join pixelma_ [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
23:19:40 | Bagder | I had forgot about that... |
23:20:13 | * | Bagder spots that the donate button changed |
23:20:18 | rasher | I figured I'd go back and read the thread before I go and do something stupid |
23:20:18 | MyAdler | can riverpast video cleaner do the job? |
23:20:45 | rasher | Also, the website appears to be working again.. |
23:20:45 | | Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) |
23:20:45 | | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
23:21:12 | Zagor | Bagder: yeah paypal has had a slight redesign |
23:21:18 | Llorean | MyAdler: You can't expect people to know random software. Anything that can make a video that meets the description on the PluginMpegPlayer wiki page will work. |
23:25:10 | | Quit Llorean (Remote closed the connection) |
23:25:26 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) |
23:27:31 | | Quit Bagder ("*plopp*") |
23:28:33 | | Quit Zagor ("Leaving") |
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23:35:44 | | Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
23:35:59 | amiconn | plipp |
23:36:13 | tumu | plopp |
23:36:26 | pixelma | beer? ;) |
23:37:08 | | Quit Bagder (Client Quit) |
23:37:09 | tumu | yes plz, code not work. |
23:37:37 | * | bluebrother gets triggered |
23:37:53 | tumu | not my code tho, my code always works :) |
23:38:37 | bluebrother | code? Bah, beer! :) |
23:40:29 | n1s | Any thoughts on moving Lcd settings and remote-LCD settings up one level from Display to General Settings ? also moving line selector and color selection from LCD to Display? |
23:40:35 | * | amiconn fetched a beer already |
23:40:41 | rasher | markun: you know about font loading don't you? Would it be possible to stop a user from loading a font if it didn't contain all glyphs for the current language? I'm thinking it could be done if the languagefile included a LANG_USEDCHARS string that was generated automatically? |
23:40:54 | sgsax | ah yes, wiki is alive again |
23:41:07 | amiconn | n1s: colour is lcd specific (atm we don't have targets with 2 colour displays though) |
23:41:23 | tumu | n1s, is there going to be more than one display that needs to be controlled? |
23:41:33 | amiconn | tumu: There already are |
23:41:37 | n1s | tumu: we already have remote-lcds |
23:41:56 | tumu | are they under the display? |
23:41:58 | n1s | amiconn, ah true, that will remain in lcd settings then |
23:41:59 | sgsax | MyAdler: the mpegplayer plugin page has a very nice howto on encoding/transcoding video files |
23:42:03 | tumu | or under "remote" or sorts? |
23:42:09 | | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") |
23:42:44 | n1s | tumu: "Remote-lcd settings" is its own menu in "Display" |
23:43:20 | amiconn | Bah, braindead firefox updater |
23:44:21 | preglow | Bah, braindead preglow |
23:44:24 | preglow | no beer :/ |
23:44:39 | | Quit ompaul (No route to host) |
23:45:20 | n1s | or maybe lcd settings should go into "System" with the other hardware control settings |
23:45:37 | * | petur hands preglow a 75cl kriek lambic bottle from Cantillon |
23:48:21 | preglow | sweet lord, how i would love one of those things :/ |
23:48:39 | preglow | i don't think i've ever tasted a proper lambic, only very commercial stuff |
23:50:23 | * | Soap would rather have a 750ml bottle. |
23:51:07 | | Join dandin1 [0] (n=dandin1@bas7-ottawa23-1088817943.dsl.bell.ca) |
23:51:33 | jhMikeS | tomato, tomato, potato, potato (doesn't seem to work well when typed :\) |
23:52:25 | * | petur gives Soap a strange look |
23:57:38 | | Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
23:57:58 | | Quit ender` (" If the art world was ran by the RIAA, you would have to lease special glasses if you wanted to see a painting. -- Rodney Cas) |
23:58:38 | petur | always fun when ender` leaves |
23:58:41 | tumu | hm, is the CODEC define passed over to subfolders in codecs/ ? |
23:58:56 | tumu | or am i doing something wrong |