00:00:35 | amiconn | How does that look, a fade from e.g. backlight level 3 to off? Not like fading at all, I guess |
00:01:04 | kugel | I don't know. I have backlight at level 7 |
00:01:05 | maraz | oblib: yeah, it should. Your original 0x10000000 patch + the same patch applied to the ata code |
00:01:33 | oblib | maraz, can you double check? Just type 'svn diff' in the root svn directory |
00:01:50 | maraz | sure |
00:02:51 | kugel | amiconn: Let's say you commit this patch. Would it hurt? It's just a small patch, it doesn't increase the binary size much. |
00:02:57 | maraz | oblib: yeah, only those lines |
00:03:28 | Llorean | kugel: Are you just going to ignore the other problems with it? |
00:03:42 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@ip-21.net-89-2-71.rev.numericable.fr) |
00:03:43 | | Join _novocaine_ [0] (n=kevin@ool-43548ef6.dyn.optonline.net) |
00:03:44 | kugel | No, I'm just asking |
00:03:46 | amiconn | tierra: http://amiconn.dyndns.org/rockbox-mini-lcd1.zip Hope you don't mind that this contains the .mod patch, plus 2 more test plugins than the one we'll need... |
00:04:11 | Llorean | kugel: Again, why don't you just go and find the people who maintain or work on the patch, and try to talk them into improving the problems other Rockbox core devs have commented on it. |
00:04:37 | amiconn | After installing it, go to System->Debug->View I/O Ports, and tell me the value for LCD1_CONTROL |
00:04:45 | tierra | no problem, I've got my original backed up |
00:05:37 | | Quit J3TC- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:06:09 | | Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@pool-71-125-77-210.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) |
00:06:41 | kugel | amiconn: Was that directed to me? |
00:06:50 | tierra | amiconn: LCD1_CONTROL = 684 |
00:06:55 | tierra | kugel: na |
00:06:57 | kugel | ok |
00:07:05 | amiconn | 684, not 4687? |
00:07:09 | amiconn | Interesting... |
00:07:25 | tierra | yeah |
00:07:47 | maraz | oblib: http://maraz.be/rockbox-ipodnano-r15654M-071117-IDE0patch.diff.txt |
00:07:48 | * | amiconn makes notes |
00:08:09 | | Quit zanzabar ("tribe..http://www.tribe.org.uk/t9i.zip") |
00:08:43 | amiconn | It makes some sense though. There are only some bits changes which have no observable effect |
00:08:55 | amiconn | Anyway, I'll take this into account for the next tests |
00:09:10 | amiconn | Now, I need to know the lcd update speed at 30 and 80 MHz, as a reference |
00:09:31 | amiconn | First, go to plugins->applications, and run test_fps |
00:09:40 | | Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") |
00:09:56 | oblib | maraz, can you test the .zip file I just posted to the bug report and let me know if it works? |
00:09:57 | amiconn | This should display 2 fps values (full screen and 1/4 screen fps) and the current cpu frequency |
00:10:13 | tierra | 1/1 = 64.5 |
00:10:22 | tierra | 1/4 = 225.5 |
00:10:29 | tierra | 30 MHz |
00:11:07 | amiconn | Okay. Now go to System->Debug->CPU Frequency, and turn the wheel one step counter-clockwise, so that the boost count becomes 1 and the cpu clock becomes 80MHz |
00:11:22 | amiconn | Then go back and re-run the test_fps plugin |
00:12:12 | tierra | 1/1 = 172.0 |
00:12:19 | tierra | 1/4 = 601.5 |
00:12:25 | tierra | @ 80 MHz |
00:12:31 | amiconn | ok. |
00:12:52 | kugel | What are you testing? |
00:13:00 | amiconn | You can un-boost the cpu now. I need to prepare the next test build (just a new rockbox.ipod this time) |
00:13:40 | tierra | k |
00:14:40 | maraz | oblib: seems to be working okay |
00:15:05 | * | amiconn wonders why the mini 1st gen is slower than the (full size) 2nd gen ipod wrt lcd update, even though it has the same bridge and less pixels |
00:15:14 | | Join Presto1 [0] (n=root@166-82-130-132.quickclick.ctc.net) |
00:15:33 | Presto1 | sup |
00:15:45 | oblib | amiconn, what are you going to do about committing this fix. maraz's bug is now resolved |
00:15:49 | amiconn | tierra: http://amiconn.dyndns.org/rockbox.ipod |
00:16:09 | amiconn | Just put that on your mini into the .rockbox dir and reboot |
00:16:14 | maraz | oblib: it'll probably fix FS #7510 completely |
00:16:24 | | Part Presto1 |
00:16:38 | amiconn | Then re-check LCD1_CONTROL (should be 0x00000484 now), and re-run the speed tests at 30 and 80 MHz |
00:16:42 | kugel | So guys, you wouldn't commit a lcd fade on e200, even if it's thread-safe and noone complaints? Just because e200 has only 12 brightness levels? |
00:17:10 | tierra | yep, 484 now |
00:17:19 | tierra | one min on tests |
00:17:22 | Llorean | kugel: Once again, you seem to be jumping to conclusions. |
00:17:33 | kugel | Again, I'm asking |
00:17:34 | | Quit freqmod_nx (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:17:41 | oblib | kugel, why don't you do your own patch? |
00:17:48 | | Join freqmod_nx [0] (i=freqmod@dhcp208-90.ed.ntnu.no) |
00:17:49 | Llorean | It can't be committed now, either way. |
00:18:01 | Llorean | So why not work on fixing it until someone closes it as "Rejected" or accepts it. |
00:18:20 | tierra | 30MHz: 1/1 = 94.5, 1/4 = 328.5 |
00:18:33 | Llorean | Once we're *sure* we won't commit a patch, it gets rejected. The fact that it's still there pretty clearly says "it's not final that it won't get included" |
00:18:44 | | Quit freqmod_nx (Client Quit) |
00:18:50 | kugel | I'm asking in general, if the 12 levels in brightness prevent *any* lcd fade solution from getting committed |
00:18:56 | | Join freqmod_nx [0] (i=freqmod@dhcp208-90.ed.ntnu.no) |
00:19:05 | | Quit mirak ("Ex-Chat") |
00:19:14 | tierra | 80MHz: 1/1 = 252.5, 1/4 = 877.0 |
00:19:22 | amiconn | kugel: Is that fade configurable? |
00:19:24 | | Quit freqmod_nx (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:19:30 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@ip-21.net-89-2-71.rev.numericable.fr) |
00:19:34 | | Join freqmod_nx [0] (i=freqmod@dhcp208-90.ed.ntnu.no) |
00:19:44 | kugel | I'm not talking about any specific fade right now |
00:20:05 | kugel | (the patch I mentioned early isn't configurable) |
00:21:14 | amiconn | tierra: Ok, thanks: Next one uploaded: http://amiconn.dyndns.org/rockbox2.ipod |
00:21:38 | amiconn | Rename after download (the changed name is just to make sure we won't see nasty browser caching issues) |
00:21:52 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
00:21:57 | amiconn | LCD1_CONTROL should be 0x284 now, and it should be faster again |
00:22:01 | oblib | maraz, Well I'm done. Glad to have that fixed. |
00:22:09 | maraz | Me too. |
00:22:32 | | Quit oblib ("Leaving") |
00:22:35 | tierra | LCD1_CONTROL = 284 |
00:23:11 | tierra | 30MHz: 1/1 = 114.5, 1/4 = 400.0 |
00:23:14 | | Join krazykit [0] (n=krazykit@adsl-76-240-200-149.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) |
00:23:52 | tierra | 80MHz: 1/1 = 304.5, 1/4 = 1067.5 |
00:24:14 | amiconn | wow, already quite nice speedup :) |
00:24:22 | tierra | hehe |
00:24:42 | | Quit mirak (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:25:05 | kugel | Can someone answer my question? |
00:25:36 | amiconn | But there's one more level: http://amiconn.dyndns.org/rockbox3.ipod |
00:25:55 | amiconn | LCD1_CONTROL should be just 0x84 now, and it should be faster again |
00:27:01 | amiconn | Do the same tests, and after that keep the CPU at 80MHz and try various graphical intensive plugins, looking for (possible, but not expected so far) graphical glitches |
00:27:39 | tierra | LCD1 = 84 indeed |
00:27:46 | amiconn | This would be an indication that we're driving the lcd controller too fast (it's not dangerous as a test) |
00:28:04 | Llorean | kugel: I think I rather clearly told you that the fact that the task isn't yet rejected says rather clearly "it hasn't been decided yet" |
00:28:21 | tierra | 30MHz: 1/1 = 215.5, 1/4 = 741.0 |
00:28:33 | scorche | jees.. |
00:28:46 | amiconn | ! |
00:28:58 | kugel | Wasn't clear to me, but thanks. I just asked since amiconn said "drop the idea, there are only 12 levels". |
00:29:03 | amiconn | mini 1st gen sees about the same speedup as c200 |
00:29:12 | tierra | 80MHz: 1/1 = 575.0, 1/4 = 1978.5 |
00:29:27 | Llorean | kugel: I said "Once we're *sure* we won't commit a patch, it gets rejected. The fact that it's still there pretty clearly says "it's not final that it won't get included"", what part of that was particularly confusing? |
00:29:57 | amiconn | That means while the bridge is the same, it doesn't behave exactly the same on PP5002 and PP5020 |
00:30:33 | amiconn | tierra: Any pixel glitches at 80MHz, or does everything look like it should? |
00:30:34 | tierra | no glitches in screen so far as I can see |
00:30:34 | kugel | I won't answer that, I stated what confused me |
00:30:44 | amiconn | niice :) |
00:30:46 | Llorean | kugel: No, you really didn't. |
00:31:12 | kugel | "I just asked since amiconn said "drop the idea, there are only 12 levels"." |
00:31:18 | Llorean | kugel: You claimed afterward that you weren't talking about any specific patch, but rather the idea that 12 steps would get a patch rejected. I think it's rather clear it *didn't* get that patch rejected, right? |
00:31:45 | amiconn | tierra: Thank you very much for testing. Looks like this great speedup can be committed safely for all targets using that lcd bridge. |
00:32:02 | amiconn | You could try mpegplayer btw. Audio should not stutter with that patch |
00:32:11 | Llorean | kugel: Your question was "Will only having 12 steps keep a patch from inclusion" and I responded by saying "The patch that only has 12 steps hasn't been rejected, and we reject them if they definitely won't be included." |
00:32:23 | tierra | the mandlebrot demo does some flicker on certain shades... not sure if that's normal |
00:32:25 | kugel | I got it. |
00:32:32 | kugel | You can stop yelling at me now |
00:32:42 | scorche | tierra: mandlebrot is more CPU than graphics intensive |
00:32:47 | amiconn | tierra: It is, due to the way the grayscale lib works |
00:33:09 | tierra | ugh, how do I exit mandlebrot? |
00:33:24 | amiconn | Select+Menu, like many plugins |
00:33:44 | amiconn | Nothing to worry about, the little flicker is the little price to pay for being able to display more shades of grey than the lcd normally allows |
00:34:05 | tierra | hehe, anyway, everything else seems great |
00:34:22 | linuxstb | amiconn: Did you measure the framerate you get on your mini with mpegplayer? |
00:34:28 | amiconn | I have an idea for an all-new grayscale lib with even more shades |
00:35:02 | amiconn | linuxstb: I can't, as the targets which use the grayscale lib cannot display the fps in parallel. And mpegplayer has no statistics screen... |
00:35:27 | linuxstb | Hmm.... |
00:36:03 | linuxstb | How does it look though? Is it anywhere near full speed? |
00:36:14 | amiconn | faster... |
00:36:31 | linuxstb | That makes sense - no yuv conversion to do... |
00:36:50 | amiconn | It already was quite fast without those controller speedups, but the audio stuttered |
00:37:27 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
00:37:36 | amiconn | ..because both the grayscale lib and audio decoding run on the same core, and the grayscale lib draws quite some cpu power with its timer interrupt if the lcd update is slow |
00:38:17 | | Join oblib [0] (n=oblib@111-231-8-204.erd.cust.wirelessbeehive.com) |
00:38:21 | amiconn | With this speedup, I can even remove the mandatory boost on PP in the grayscale lib... |
00:39:12 | linuxstb | With all your recent work, Rockbox is starting to look quite respectable on PP... :) |
00:39:18 | | Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) |
00:39:33 | amiconn | The mini 1st gen sees a 3.33x speedup :) |
00:40:08 | amiconn | Yeah. Now if I knew what that type0 lcd controller in the color is... |
00:40:12 | oblib | Does anyone know why the Nano doesn't have CHARGING_CONFIG set yet? I did a patch months ago (6940) that enabled car mode, and it hasn't been committed yet. I find it useful, just thought I'd share... |
00:40:55 | amiconn | I'll do a (very) few more tests on pixelma's c200 tomorrow, then commit that speedup |
00:41:25 | tierra | amiconn: sorry, just noticed your comment on mpegplayer, was there something you wanted me to try there? |
00:41:36 | amiconn | The target with the fastest (fps-wise) lcd update is still the M5 though |
00:41:50 | amiconn | tierra: Did you try it some time before? |
00:41:59 | tierra | na, never touched it |
00:42:04 | amiconn | okay |
00:42:11 | | Quit oblib (Client Quit) |
00:42:30 | amiconn | If you did, you would probably have noticed that audio stutters. With the patched build it no loner should |
00:42:48 | amiconn | *longer |
00:43:02 | tierra | ah, good to know either way :) |
00:43:02 | | Quit scorche (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client :D") |
00:46:58 | linuxstb | tierra: You can download a sample video here - http://download.rockbox.org/mpeg/ (choose one that matches your LCD resolution) |
00:49:36 | Bagder | http://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2007/11/18/free-to-use-compiler-from-ti/ |
00:50:49 | eigma | Badger: I've installed it on my server.. not using it yet, but hopefully will soon :) |
00:51:06 | Bagder | I've installed it as well just to have a look ;-) |
00:51:30 | eigma | think it's worth integrating into the rockbox build system? |
00:52:40 | Bagder | I'm not sure... |
00:52:49 | linuxstb | Bagder: Do you understand the license? |
00:52:51 | * | eigma will be back in 10 minutes |
00:52:56 | | Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) |
00:53:11 | Bagder | linuxstb: it seems to be pretty clear about OK to use for open source projects |
00:53:24 | Bagder | so yes, it looks fine to me |
00:53:40 | linuxstb | It does? That was the strange part for me, especially their definition of open source. |
00:54:47 | Bagder | what in particular makes you think that? |
00:58:08 | linuxstb | I'm not saying we can't use it, just that I found the license text odd. e.g. from 2c - "Open Source Software" means any software licensed under terms requiring that other software combined or distributed with such software: (i) be disclosed or distributed in source code form; (ii) be licensed on terms inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. |
00:58:51 | Bagder | right, I don't understand the (ii) point... |
00:59:29 | linuxstb | It's also the "distributed with" - I don't know any open source licenses that try to impose limitations on what you can distribute with it. |
01:00 |
01:00:01 | | Join atc200es-away [0] (n=Delorean@70-101-164-164.dsl2.mon.ny.frontiernet.net) |
01:00:15 | Bagder | yeah, but this license is for distributing this package, as I understand it. Thus it gets distributed with something else. |
01:00:19 | atc200es-away | has there been any recent change in the code that would affect wps files? |
01:00:37 | | Quit Robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- \o/") |
01:00:54 | | Nick atc200es-away is now known as delorean90 (n=Delorean@70-101-164-164.dsl2.mon.ny.frontiernet.net) |
01:01:13 | linuxstb | Bagder: That's also what I'm not sure about - that only seems to give us the right to distribute it with open source software, not distribute it by itself... |
01:01:31 | | Quit PaulPosition () |
01:01:37 | linuxstb | And although the blog mentioned distributing the original installer, the license doesn't... |
01:01:41 | Bagder | you're right... we have to make a little open source code to include if we want to distribute it ;-) |
01:02:16 | * | DerPapst suggest hello world :) |
01:02:37 | delorean90 | i have a custom made theme i use, its even hosted on rockbox-themes.org but recently i did a format because of hard drive issues, i instal the lastest build put on the theme and it wont load it will only show the default wps and its quite nerve racking, i have checked my wps file made sure everything is ok, i cant seem to explain it.... |
01:02:48 | linuxstb | The other clause was related to only using it to develop code to run on TI devices.... |
01:03:13 | linuxstb | "You may use the Licensed Materials to generate applications that execute solely and exclusively with systems containing processing devices manufactured by or for TI." |
01:03:34 | linuxstb | But I guess that's OK... |
01:03:36 | Bagder | well, c54x is likely to be TI's devices |
01:03:47 | maraz | delorean90: which ipod do you have? |
01:03:53 | Bagder | but it means it can't be emulated |
01:03:58 | Bagder | without breaking the license |
01:03:59 | delorean90 | i actually have an iriver h10 20gb |
01:04:05 | maraz | oh, okay |
01:04:20 | delorean90 | i have used rockbox for a year and this has never happened to me |
01:05:02 | delorean90 | hmm, just been very frustrating, first i couldnt copy the latest build, seems my hard drive had currupted files, now i cant get it back the way it was |
01:05:03 | PaulJam | delorean90: how old was your previous bild? and was it the official build or some custom one? |
01:05:10 | DerPapst | delorean90: depends on your definition of recent. since a week albumart is in SVN and some kind of margin patch |
01:05:21 | delorean90 | i always use offical build, hmm id say a week or 2 old |
01:05:49 | delorean90 | would that effect a wps that dosent use patches? |
01:05:57 | linuxstb | What theme is it? |
01:06:03 | Bagder | "You also agree that you will use your best efforts to prevent your employees and contractors from unlocking, decompiling, reverse engineering, disassembling, modifying or translating the Licensed Materials." |
01:06:34 | linuxstb | I'll tell my employees that... |
01:06:36 | delorean90 | Nordic, which i belive has an issue in the .cfg file that needs to be corrected, which i have already done on on my dap |
01:06:37 | PaulJam | hmm, a theme that workes 2 weeks ago with the official build should work with the cuttent too... |
01:06:51 | | Quit courtc (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:06:59 | | Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15C76.dip.t-dialin.net) |
01:07:06 | delorean90 | yes, its very confusing |
01:07:15 | PaulJam | either i can't type or my keyboard is broken. |
01:07:37 | linuxstb | Bagder: "translating" ? That seems a bit harsh, even for TI... |
01:07:38 | delorean90 | ill try putting on another theme from the wpsgallery and see if that works |
01:08:00 | Bagder | hehe, indeed |
01:09:04 | linuxstb | So if a non-English speaker asked you what the compiler error message meant, you couldn't tell them... |
01:09:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:10:02 | Bagder | linuxstb: translate could even be just rephrasing something from english into different english... |
01:10:41 | Bagder | but I figure they really are more into translating as in disassemblying etc |
01:12:35 | | Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) |
01:13:00 | linuxstb | But going back to distribution, I guess putting it on the Rockbox download server might count as distribution with open source software. |
01:13:19 | | Join daurnimator [0] (n=daurnima@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
01:13:25 | PaulJam | delorean90: there is an error in the wps, line 17: %?ps<%xdn>%ar%?mh<%xd|%xdI> |
01:13:33 | Bagder | linuxstb: I agree |
01:13:35 | linuxstb | Although a tarball would be much friendlier than the gui installer... |
01:13:51 | linuxstb | s/gui/binary/ |
01:13:55 | Bagder | yes |
01:14:06 | PaulJam | delorean90: the %xd near the end seems to cause an error. |
01:14:08 | Bagder | not a single file has the target path in them after install anyway |
01:14:09 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8d1087384375ceae) |
01:14:14 | Bagder | so I don't think any was modified |
01:14:15 | eigma | I hate licenses so much.. all this wording and nitpicking is completely against the spirit of productivity |
01:14:58 | amiconn | linuxstb: Hmm, am I remembering correctly that this TI toolchain would also allow building stuff for archos jbmm, AV1xx etc? |
01:15:07 | Bagder | I guess a tarball would be considered a translation... |
01:15:13 | | Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") |
01:15:16 | Bagder | amiconn: yes |
01:15:40 | delorean90 | @pauljam, in the nordic wps? |
01:15:58 | linuxstb | Bagder: Also, the original blog article mentioned that TI requested that only the binary installer be distributed. |
01:16:08 | amiconn | jbmm could be fun still. Relatively slow arm core, plus ti dsp, plus mas... |
01:16:18 | amiconn | i.e. mixedcodec |
01:16:24 | Bagder | linuxstb: yes, but that seems consistent with the license, only spelled out more clearly |
01:17:05 | PaulJam | delorean90: yes. i think the whole part %ar%?mh<%xd|%xdI> can be removed, there are no images for HOLD anyway. |
01:17:20 | delorean90 | oh ok thank you ill try that |
01:17:33 | | Quit Buschel_ () |
01:18:11 | Bagder | oh there's source in there too |
01:18:17 | delorean90 | i wonder why this issue hasnt arisen before though.... |
01:18:17 | | Join Xerion [0] (n=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) |
01:19:26 | PaulJam | don't know, maybe the error checking became stricter. |
01:19:32 | delorean90 | oh wow that did it thanks so much |
01:19:43 | Bagder | hah |
01:19:48 | Bagder | "Edison Design Group C++ Runtime |
01:19:52 | Bagder | Copyright 1993-2004 Edison Design Group, Inc. |
01:19:59 | Bagder | :-) |
01:20:01 | delorean90 | is there a way can i contact rockbox-themes.org to make the changes necesary |
01:20:11 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
01:20:38 | Bagder | (from lib/rts.src in the TI package) |
01:20:52 | delorean90 | or should i just submit a new one and ask in the conformation email to delte the old one |
01:20:54 | Bagder | it's an ar archive with 1600 KB source |
01:21:00 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
01:21:17 | PaulJam | delorean90: well, the theme is released under creative commons, so i think you are free to send a fixed version to rockbox-themes. |
01:21:25 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-e2eac2ae8beec2a0) |
01:21:53 | | Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) |
01:21:56 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
01:22:04 | delorean90 | oh ok, yea, i have noticed alot of sloppy mistakes on my part that could use cleaning up, thank you for your help, i would have never figured out the issues without it |
01:24:22 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:27:06 | | Part _novocaine_ ("Konversation terminated!") |
01:27:19 | amiconn | linuxstb: Different Q - what's the current status of the logikdax port? |
01:28:43 | linuxstb | I'm currently investigating the NAND driver, but have stopped to work on viewports. |
01:28:55 | saratoga | so did TI release any documentation for their compiler? |
01:28:57 | amiconn | AH. Buttons and lcd do work? |
01:29:07 | linuxstb | Yes. |
01:29:10 | Bagder | saratoga: there are a few man pages and so, but not a lot |
01:29:40 | * | amiconn is asking because he wants to see the grayscale lib running on th elogikdax once the port is basically working |
01:29:43 | saratoga | i've never programmed a DSP before, how is it different then a CPU? |
01:29:56 | linuxstb | amiconn: I've got a bootloader build working, and a toolchain which appends the bootloader to the original firmware, which can then be installed on the device (dual-booting works) |
01:29:58 | amiconn | It will become easier once I get this all-new grayscale lib done |
01:30:06 | saratoga | just faster FMACs or do you have to deal with the hardware more? |
01:30:31 | linuxstb | amiconn: I guess I'll need interrupts and the timers working first though... |
01:30:49 | amiconn | There will be way less bit shuffling than now, i.e. faster updates of moving contents, with vastly reduced graininess, and more shades |
01:30:57 | eigma | generally speaking, math is faster and general purpose stuff is slower.. for example, there's a SQUR (square) instruction |
01:31:14 | amiconn | Oh, and half the ram requirements of the current version |
01:31:30 | | Quit ender` (" PCMCIA: People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms") |
01:31:34 | saratoga | in terms of writing code for it, is there anything extra you have to do? |
01:31:45 | amiconn | eigma: Does it also have hardware loops? |
01:31:47 | Bagder | saratoga: I don't think so |
01:31:58 | Bagder | the code included is perfectly normal C code |
01:32:03 | linuxstb | amiconn: BTW, I don't think lcd speed will be a problem - I have a loop in my bootloader which does 2 full-screen lcd updates and an ADC read, and it's running at over 1000 iterations a second... |
01:32:16 | amiconn | :) |
01:32:27 | eigma | amiconn: the C54x in particular has a RPT instruction that can prefix a certain class of other instructions, like moves, adds, macs, etc. |
01:32:36 | jhMikeS | amiconn: I don't know if preglow asked already but he informed me some work was done on voicebox but there was something with drag/drop? What's the state of that effort? |
01:33:07 | amiconn | VoiceBox can be used in 2 modes: from a gui (.hta), and with drag-and-drop onto the script |
01:33:30 | jhMikeS | so what else needs doing there now? |
01:33:44 | amiconn | The latter isn't working yet if the drop target is the script itself |
01:34:06 | | Quit delorean90 () |
01:34:16 | amiconn | Drag-and-drop mode should work when the drop target is a link that sets the options |
01:34:54 | amiconn | I have to find a nice way to integrate better .ini reading in a way that works both directly in the .wsf and in the .hta |
01:34:55 | jhMikeS | eigma: like rep movs on x86? |
01:35:56 | eigma | jhMikeS: very similar; C54x can repeat a much broader set of instructions than x86 |
01:36:11 | amiconn | The MAS core does have hardware loops (looping through more than one instruction |
01:36:53 | saratoga | are hardware loops that useful? most of the cores we run have such shallow pipelines anyway |
01:36:54 | amiconn | One special 'feaute' (dunno if other DSPs also have that) is that the pipeline never stalls, although instructions need more than one pipeline stage |
01:37:05 | amiconn | s/feaute/feature/ |
01:37:50 | * | jhMikeS hasn't seen any MAS programming docs |
01:38:08 | amiconn | So if you use an accumulator value too early (before the previos instruction that sets it has finished), you'll be using the old value... |
01:38:20 | amiconn | jhMikeS: There are some leaked ones |
01:38:26 | jhMikeS | how much of a load is mp3 on MAS %-age wise? |
01:38:45 | | Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) |
01:40:08 | amiconn | I don't know |
01:40:29 | * | jhMikeS was wondering if there were sufficient resources to decode two mp3 streams "at once". well, send channel data with the frames anyway...crazy thought. |
01:40:42 | eigma | amiconn: wow. from what I've read, I've never seen anything like that on the C54x.. |
01:41:10 | | Join Aware [0] (n=bill@CPE-58-161-148-11.nsw.bigpond.net.au) |
01:41:30 | | Join pandrew [0] (n=andrew@ |
01:43:06 | jhMikeS | amiconn: how did adding a new voice format break drag-drop? there didn't appear to be much more than setting the encoder path and options. |
01:43:44 | amiconn | It now needs an option to select the encoder |
01:44:00 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
01:44:26 | Llorean | Is there some way for the script to know its own filename? |
01:44:46 | Llorean | And if not, any reason why we can't provide voicebox_mp3 and voicebox_spx scripts, even if they're 99.9% identical? |
01:45:10 | JdGordon | woohoo! awesome news on the ti compiler |
01:45:31 | jhMikeS | Maybe read that propertly from the script tag. it can be assigned an object id |
01:46:01 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: they provided the source code too? or a win version? |
01:46:03 | Llorean | I was thinking we either provide one script, and tell the user to either modify an obvious, early line, or rename it (if it can know its own name) or just provide two, hard coded. |
01:46:40 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: havnt checked the download yet.. i tihnk its only binaries |
01:47:37 | | Quit kugel (Remote closed the connection) |
01:47:39 | jhMikeS | I'm downloading that right now actually |
01:49:30 | eigma | jhMikeS: re: decoding two mp3 streams on the MAS, it would be interesting to optimize the mixing by taking advantage of that |
01:49:51 | * | amiconn goes to sleep |
01:51:24 | jhMikeS | eigma: I was thinking for voice+playback on hwcodec |
01:53:22 | jhMikeS | though memory is a bit tight for that on those devices |
01:53:52 | eigma | TTS on the DSP? |
01:54:27 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
01:54:29 | jhMikeS | if you could fit it there |
01:54:55 | eigma | can you give me a general idea of how tts works in Rockbox? |
01:55:04 | linuxstb | It doesn't... |
01:55:09 | eigma | :D |
01:55:18 | eigma | sadly, that is the answer to so many similar questions |
01:55:19 | * | jhMikeS lost the typing race |
01:55:25 | eigma | haha |
01:55:48 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
01:55:56 | Llorean | Right now voice is just pre-recorded clips |
01:56:07 | Llorean | TTS would be nice, but the closest effort is, afaik, still license incompatible |
01:56:12 | eigma | I see why "voice" is a better term than "TTS" :) |
01:57:20 | eigma | I have the DSP and ARM interrupting each other btw.. I'm working on some debugging code so the DSP can send messages all the way to my screen, then I'm actually gonna dive into the McBSP |
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01:58:05 | | Join z35 [0] (n=z@ |
01:58:09 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp101-12.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
01:58:12 | Llorean | I read "McBSD" and for a second thought McDonalds was really branching out. :-P |
01:58:16 | jhMikeS | so it can show "Codec Failure"? :p |
01:58:20 | eigma | lol |
01:58:26 | eigma | thanks for the vote of confidence, guys ;) |
01:58:39 | * | jhMikeS just pokes fun |
01:58:51 | jhMikeS | friendly jibe |
01:59:27 | * | eigma knows :) |
02:00 |
02:00:55 | | Quit donutman25 ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") |
02:02:45 | jhMikeS | is any memory directly mapped to both cores? |
02:03:08 | eigma | yes, that |
02:03:12 | eigma | that's how I load code into it |
02:03:22 | eigma | I have to go though.. I'll talk to you guys later |
02:03:29 | jhMikeS | ah...wanted to ask one more |
02:03:32 | | Part mokkurkalve_ |
02:04:00 | jhMikeS | so you think the scheduler could actually sync threads between them? it sounds like all the kernel objects could work. |
02:06:54 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:09:01 | eigma | ah, I don't think it's worth it |
02:09:31 | eigma | for one thing, I don't think the DSP would benefit from preemptive multitasking. also, they're very different architectures |
02:09:52 | eigma | for now, I'm going with the "traditional" approach |
02:10:02 | | Join mickleby [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-69-107-93-82.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) |
02:10:11 | eigma | one thread of execution on the DSP, and message passing between the two cores |
02:10:19 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
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02:14:44 | | Join oblib [0] (n=oblib@111-231-8-204.erd.cust.wirelessbeehive.com) |
02:15:09 | oblib | I'm just learning about WPS's. Is there any way to have multiple sized fonts in one WPS? |
02:15:44 | Llorean | Not currently without a patch |
02:16:19 | oblib | Is there a working patch? |
02:16:52 | Llorean | I think so |
02:16:56 | linuxstb | Search for "multi-font" |
02:17:36 | linuxstb | Without the hyphen... |
02:18:23 | | Join me [0] (n=me@bas12-toronto63-1088795095.dsl.bell.ca) |
02:19:42 | | Join mokkurkalve [0] (n=eivind@084202223083.customer.alfanett.no) |
02:20:09 | oblib | looks like that allows one font per area? I'm looking for multiple fonts in the WPS screen. Am I missing seeing that in multifont? |
02:20:17 | me | what image format/settings are needed for WPS? If I open up someone's theme image in gimp, and edit something and save it, all the purple (supposed to be transparent) stops being transparent and becomes just purple.. |
02:20:56 | linuxstb | oblib: I guess you need the "custom line" patch as well. |
02:20:59 | Llorean | me: 24-bit bitmap |
02:21:09 | me | thanks I'll give that a try :) |
02:21:49 | oblib | FS #5900 - Custom WPS Line with x/y/width coordinates and font face/color settings? Do I need both, or just 5900? |
02:21:56 | oblib | oh ,nm |
02:21:59 | linuxstb | I think both, but check the comments. |
02:22:03 | oblib | I see dependency |
02:23:47 | oblib | What is "viewports" mentioned on that flyspray page? |
02:24:12 | | Quit jhulst (Connection timed out) |
02:25:43 | linuxstb | oblib: This gives some info - http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/viewports.txt |
02:26:06 | linuxstb | I'm still working out the details, then I plan on implementing them. |
02:27:26 | oblib | wow, very ambitious. keep up the good work |
02:28:10 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
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02:39:15 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
02:39:26 | preglow | gheh |
02:39:48 | linuxstb | hrmf |
02:40:01 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-937c0e036717a033) |
02:40:23 | preglow | any viewports fun going on? :> |
02:41:18 | | Quit me (Remote closed the connection) |
02:41:47 | linuxstb | No fun yet, just thinking... |
02:41:59 | | Quit XavierGr () |
02:42:12 | linuxstb | It's going to be cool though... |
02:42:34 | preglow | yeah, my brief read of the design doc definitely gave me the impression |
02:43:28 | | Join woodensoul [0] (n=woodenso@ |
02:43:42 | | Join smooveJ [0] (i=4b0715e7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3d282090a56ab6eb) |
02:43:50 | woodensoul | What's the current state of the scrolling margins situation? |
02:44:04 | smooveJ | Has anyone here figured out how to do smart playlists on Rockbox? |
02:44:34 | preglow | how do playlists get smart? |
02:44:52 | Shaid | 5 years at uni? |
02:44:54 | linuxstb | woodensoul: The left-margin part of the patch has been committed to SVN |
02:45:17 | linuxstb | smooveJ: I think you want to investigate database searches and customising tagnavi.config |
02:45:18 | preglow | i had some playlists accompany me for one year at uni, they still couldn't cope with basic arithmetic |
02:45:20 | woodensoul | Thanks linuxstb, what about bmp resize? |
02:45:36 | preglow | and man did they suck at circuit design |
02:45:39 | smooveJ | tagnavi.config? Thanks - i'll look into it |
02:45:53 | linuxstb | woodensoul: Not committed, but I expect it will be in the not too distant future, when it's implemented nicely. |
02:45:54 | smooveJ | smart playlists are the only thing keeping me tied to iTunes |
02:46:05 | Shaid | not too bad at musical theory though, preglow |
02:46:22 | preglow | they were stuck with my choice of music, so they didn't do too well at that either :> |
02:46:32 | Shaid | haha |
02:46:45 | woodensoul | OK, then the next question is related. I'm looking into putting the Cobalt them on a friend's iPod, but the wiki entry doesn't say what the album art dimension are that is uses. How can I find this out? |
02:47:43 | linuxstb | Open up the .wps file in a text editor, and look for the %Cl line - that will look like %Cl|x|y|width|height| |
02:47:53 | woodensoul | thanks, got it open now |
02:48:34 | woodensoul | 100x100, thanks again :) |
02:49:02 | smooveJ | Thanks LINUXSTB - tagnavi is exactly what I was looking for |
02:50:13 | linuxstb | smooveJ: Am I right in thinking you can only create "smart playlists" in itunes, and not on the ipod itself (with Apple's firmware) ? |
02:50:43 | Llorean | linuxstb: As far as I know, at one point at least smart playlists were handled (updated, etc) only upon sync |
02:53:44 | PaulJam | linuxstb: with rockbox you can't really create smart playlists on the device either, unless you want to edit the tagnavi_custom.config with the text_editor. |
02:54:27 | linuxstb | PaulJam: Yes, I didn't mean to imply Rockbox could do it, just curious if Apple's firmware could, and if so, what the UI looked like... |
02:54:41 | Llorean | PaulJam: But Rockbox's tagnavi filters update every time a song's played. |
02:55:39 | Llorean | As opposed to every time the player is synced. |
02:55:49 | PaulJam | linuxstb: sorry, i missunderstood/misinterpreted. |
02:56:12 | linuxstb | Another job that rbutil could do - GUI tagnavi.config editor... |
02:56:23 | PaulJam | Llorean: yeah, i didn't think of that |
02:56:30 | Llorean | Though it's not so useful _yet_ |
02:57:13 | Llorean | It could be with options like "the 100 top rated songs" or "the 50 most listened to songs" or "the 75 songs that have been the longest since played" |
02:57:59 | smooveJ | That is correct. It's not possible to create a smart playlist on the fly using the Apple firmware. |
02:58:49 | | Quit smooveJ ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
02:59:48 | | Quit Calcipher ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 2.0 Build 3515 with A Pack Fix By www.ircmadeasy.com") |
03:00 |
03:02:41 | woodensoul | Anyone know the current state of a Sansa charging within Rockbox? |
03:02:56 | | Join donutman25 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
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03:09:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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03:14:56 | saratoga | i don't think it works, though apparently its known how to enable it |
03:18:31 | | Join preet [0] (n=preet@ |
03:18:40 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
03:22:35 | preet | Hey all. I wanted to set up the dev environment (Linux). Downloaded the source, tried to run 'rockboxdev.sh', but got the following error: ROCKBOXDEV: patch is req'd for this script to work. Please install and re-run the script. |
03:22:50 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:23:11 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF4652.dip.t-dialin.net) |
03:23:13 | preet | I'm following the Building a Cross Compiler guide on the tWiki, but I don't see anything about this... any help would be appreciated |
03:23:45 | Shaid | sounds like you don't have 'patch' installed |
03:23:52 | Shaid | I'd go look up a version of it for your distro |
03:28:36 | preet | I'm running ubuntu, and the only patch I see for it is for 'rbutil'... I don't know what that is exactly, and can't figure out if it has anything to do with my prob |
03:28:54 | Llorean | preet: apt-get install build-essential |
03:29:30 | | Join andrelop [0] (n=andrelop@200-171-6-135.dsl.telesp.net.br) |
03:29:59 | | Part pandrew |
03:30:37 | andrelop | could someone please help me on converting a 80GB 5,5 generation iPod to FAT32 so I can run RockBox on it ? |
03:31:27 | andrelop | I'm following the instructions at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodConversionToFAT32 but mformat on Linux isn't accepting all the options |
03:33:26 | andrelop | I'm trying to use the command : mformat -t 2428 -h 255 -s 63 -S 2048 -M 2048 -F a: |
03:33:29 | | Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl) |
03:33:35 | ttuttle | "It's a known issue." |
03:33:46 | andrelop | but the only command I can use is : mformat -t 2428 -h 255 -s 63 -M 2048 -F a: |
03:33:50 | ttuttle | pfft |
03:34:04 | daurnimator | wow |
03:34:07 | daurnimator | the sim works well |
03:34:35 | andrelop | ttuttle: know issue ? is there a place I can read something about it ? |
03:35:52 | ttuttle | andrelop: oh, sorry, i was in the wrong channel |
03:35:58 | | Quit andrelop (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:35:59 | ttuttle | andrelop: i was talking to some friends about a cell phone problem |
03:37:08 | preet | @Llorean: install seems to be working now... thanks a lot! If you don't mind, what exactly was build-essential? Some C libraries? |
03:37:22 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp101-12.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
03:38:17 | Llorean | preet: patch, probably diff, the standard set of c/c++ compilers, make, and others. Or at least, any you don't already have. |
03:38:22 | Llorean | As far as I know, at least |
03:42:37 | daurnimator | mmm |
03:42:53 | daurnimator | is it wrong to use rockbox as the media player on your computer? :p |
03:43:03 | daurnimator | the sim works so well |
03:43:16 | daurnimator | and a symlink to my music drive works a treat :) |
03:43:47 | male | I actually haven't tried the sim. |
03:43:56 | male | Is it a fixed res window, or does it scale? |
03:45:44 | Llorean | Fixed |
03:45:52 | Llorean | It's meant to simulate the UI, not be used as a standalone player. |
03:46:03 | Llorean | Which is why "Rockbox as an application" gets discussed from time to time |
03:46:43 | daurnimator | it should/could |
03:46:53 | | Join andrelop [0] (n=andrelop@200-171-6-135.dsl.telesp.net.br) |
03:47:07 | male | Yeah, but it's not as thought there's a shortage of media players on the desktop. |
03:47:10 | Llorean | The simulator shouldn't resize... |
03:47:31 | Llorean | The whole point is to have a per-pixel representation of what you see on the player's screen. |
03:47:31 | male | It could at least scale. |
03:47:37 | Llorean | It can be run at 2x scale, I believe. |
03:47:49 | daurnimator | male: there sure is a shortage |
03:47:53 | daurnimator | of good ones |
03:47:56 | male | 2x of my Nano screen is still fucking tiny. |
03:48:04 | Llorean | male: Please, watch your language in here. |
03:48:30 | male | I was watching it. You should hear what I *WANTED* to say. |
03:48:36 | Llorean | Well, watch it more. |
03:48:41 | Llorean | I'm not asking for a debate, here. |
03:48:50 | | Join webguest53 [0] (i=45ffd379@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ea7dc14dc7ace5cf) |
03:49:05 | daurnimator | Llorean: my reference was to that we SHOULD make a rockbox media player for pc |
03:49:20 | male | Sorry, in the future I'll bear in mind that #rockbox is PG-13. |
03:49:39 | Llorean | daurnimator: I believe Rockbox as an App is in the "ideas for Summer of Code '08" already, I think. |
03:49:44 | daurnimator | aren't they still allowed to say f*ck once per hour on PG13 movies? :p |
03:49:52 | Llorean | It's something I'd quite like to see. Both as a PC-side player, and for porting it to PDA-style portable devices. |
03:50:06 | Llorean | daurnimator: Masking it doesn't really make the word go away. =/ |
03:50:10 | daurnimator | meh, I'll start the project now |
03:50:21 | daurnimator | Llorean: well, want me to unmask it in future? :p |
03:50:25 | Llorean | No. |
03:50:27 | Llorean | I want you to stop. |
03:50:29 | Llorean | As I said earlier. |
03:50:31 | male | No ***ing ****. |
03:50:55 | male | Sorry, I'll stop being a ****faced ****er. |
03:51:04 | male | Yeah, this is SO much better... |
03:51:35 | daurnimator | hey, the stars could be hiding anything! |
03:51:37 | daurnimator | :P |
03:51:49 | male | I really said snowballs and marshmallows. |
03:51:50 | | Quit webguest53 (Client Quit) |
03:52:09 | Llorean | Or you could just stop being juvenile entirely before someone loses their already short patience today |
03:52:18 | daurnimator | infact, I thought ****er was "earlier" until I looked closer :p |
03:52:23 | daurnimator | Llorean: I'll be good :) |
03:52:25 | male | I thought I was being too adult... |
03:52:37 | male | Now too juvenile. Tough crowd. |
03:53:06 | daurnimator | male: I advise you to stop now, before someone gets hurt |
03:53:24 | male | I'm already hurt. Cursing makes me feel like a big man... |
03:53:30 | male | Now I have nothing. |
03:53:32 | saratoga | i do want to see someone work on the app idea |
03:53:33 | | Nick [omni] is now known as [inmo] (n=omni@bestII.com) |
03:53:37 | | Nick [inmo] is now known as [omni] (n=omni@bestII.com) |
03:53:42 | saratoga | or better yet make it an app for Android |
03:53:43 | Llorean | saratoga: I think many of us do, for varying reasons. |
03:53:53 | daurnimator | android? |
03:53:57 | male | Yeah, but what about things like external control? |
03:54:02 | saratoga | hopefully we'll get somone this year who wants to do it for a GSOC |
03:54:03 | male | I control my music player with my WM. |
03:54:03 | | Nick [omni] is now known as [inmo] (n=omni@bestII.com) |
03:54:10 | male | I don't think I could do that with the RB sim. |
03:54:22 | Llorean | male: That's the whole point to "porting" it to an app |
03:54:23 | daurnimator | I'm just thinking it through not |
03:54:28 | Llorean | Rather than simply telling people to use the sim |
03:54:33 | saratoga | if someone comes up with a c to java bridge for android, i'll also propose android as a GSOC project |
03:54:36 | daurnimator | s/not/now |
03:54:43 | saratoga | we'd get google funding for sure |
03:55:26 | | Nick [inmo] is now known as [omni] (n=omni@bestII.com) |
03:55:28 | Aware | that would be great if it ends up being any good |
03:56:52 | Aware | android, i mean |
04:00 |
04:03:36 | daurnimator | yeah, the vid looks awesome :) |
04:10:41 | | Quit andrelop ("Ex-Chat") |
04:16:53 | saratoga | digging through the android group posting, it does sound like they'll eventually be a way to call c code from their java environment |
04:17:09 | saratoga | so i guess you could write a media app and then call rockbox for playback, buffering, etc |
04:17:43 | saratoga | though i don't know how hard it would be to switch from SDL to the Google API |
04:18:05 | JdGordon | sholdnt be too hard... |
04:18:08 | saratoga | on the upside, having actual documentation would be a plus |
04:18:09 | Shaid | I though java supported calling C code via the 'native' uh, thing. |
04:18:13 | JdGordon | just reimplement the sim layer... |
04:18:14 | saratoga | its not real java |
04:18:25 | saratoga | its some kind of google java |
04:18:34 | saratoga | though its quite similar, and the syntax is the same |
04:18:42 | Shaid | oh, right, one of THOSE |
04:18:53 | saratoga | they've apparently stripped it down for speed, and added a native GUI toolkit |
04:18:58 | saratoga | and its open sourced |
04:19:19 | saratoga | though maybe java is these days, i'm out of touch |
04:19:42 | Shaid | I haven't really kept up with Java either |
04:19:42 | thegeek_ | I wonder how "open" the hardware itself will be |
04:19:58 | thegeek_ | if they just want open source built ontop of "their" libs it's not that great |
04:20:02 | thegeek_ | if the entire platform is open |
04:20:05 | thegeek_ | it would be awsome |
04:20:21 | thegeek_ | if the java libs/api sucks, just replace it;P |
04:20:27 | saratoga | i'd guess it will be a lot like these days, where the hardware is still covered by the manufactorer's NDAs |
04:20:35 | thegeek_ | perhaps not |
04:20:39 | thegeek_ | linux kernel and all that |
04:20:40 | saratoga | however since you'd have the entire OS source, that will make it a lot easier |
04:20:50 | thegeek_ | ofcourse the drivers and such will be probably be closed |
04:20:57 | saratoga | no need to reverse engineer things to get code running |
04:21:24 | thegeek_ | ;) |
04:21:25 | | Nick mokkurkalve is now known as mokkurkalve__ (n=eivind@084202223083.customer.alfanett.no) |
04:21:26 | saratoga | will certainly be interesting if this takes off for phones and mp3 players |
04:21:31 | thegeek_ | mmhm |
04:21:57 | thegeek_ | I'm almost tempted to buy a windows mobile-based phone, just to run software on it |
04:21:59 | thegeek_ | but meh |
04:22:13 | thegeek_ | windows mobile is horribly slow |
04:22:30 | thegeek_ | and on top of that it seems like microsoft is encouraging devs to use .net |
04:22:32 | thegeek_ | teh horror |
04:22:49 | saratoga | doesn't .net compact compile to native code anyway? |
04:22:51 | preet | Does anyone know if the mi4 files on this site: http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/mi4.html are decrypted or not? |
04:23:05 | thegeek_ | saratoga: oh it does? |
04:23:13 | saratoga | just object dump one and see if you get code |
04:23:18 | thegeek_ | I just know I had to install the .net framework on my pda |
04:23:22 | saratoga | i'd assume so |
04:25:55 | | Nick mokkurkalve__ is now known as mokkurkalve (n=eivind@084202223083.customer.alfanett.no) |
04:27:41 | preet | Do I need to be an a specific dir to use arm-elf-objdump? I get 'command not found' |
04:29:53 | preet | btw what i typed in exactly: arm-elf-objdump -D −−target binary -marm PP5020.mi4 |
04:30:09 | saratoga | you need to have built the arm compiler and added it to your path |
04:30:24 | preet | rockboxdev.sh doesn't do that? |
04:30:32 | saratoga | it builds it but does not add it to your path |
04:30:48 | saratoga | theres a command to do that in linux/cygwin build instructions |
04:30:51 | saratoga | i don't remember it offhand |
04:30:59 | preet | alright, i'll check it out, thanks! |
04:35:10 | saratoga | Llorean: whos the best person to ask about the Sim? |
04:36:46 | Llorean | saratoga: I honestly don't know if there is one. Maybe look for whoever did the big commit to bring the Win32/Linux sims to just SDL? |
04:37:46 | saratoga | ok |
04:38:02 | saratoga | i just want to put the guy who did that rockbox as an app work in contact with someone who knows about the sim |
04:38:21 | saratoga | i'm still hopeful that we can eventually get him to merge his work |
04:38:38 | Llorean | Yeah, it would be quite nice to get that merged |
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04:44:46 | | Join psycho_maniac [0] (i=psycho_m@ppp128.hk.centurytel.net) |
04:45:01 | preet | I can't find this command to set the path after executing rockboxdev.sh...I found something about editing /etc/profile under the cygwin installation, but the stuff it says to edit isn't in my profile file... |
04:46:26 | psycho_maniac | awesome the viewports idea is on gsoc 08 |
04:49:41 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
04:50:37 | | Join webguest28 [0] (i=20896222@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-124770089b4ed17e) |
04:53:25 | webguest28 | Can anyone help me out? I just got rockbox to work on my Sansa e260 and got everything set-up the way I'd like it, but I can;t get the absolute best sound from the eq parameters (eg. Hertz frequency, decibel levels, bass and treble levels, etc.) I listen to mostly rock and metal and I'd like to achieve an EQ set that brings out the most for that style of music. Anyone got any suggestions on the best fine twea |
04:54:25 | hcs | webguest28: your rant was cut off after "any suggestions on the best fine twea" |
04:54:53 | webguest28 | Anyone got any suggestions on the best fine tweaking for the whole EQ gammut??? |
04:54:55 | webguest28 | Anyone got any suggestions on the best fine tweaking for the whole EQ gammut??? |
04:55:05 | psycho_maniac | they have saved eq settings in rockbox. ie: rap, hip-hop, rock. did you try those? |
04:56:42 | webguest28 | yeah, but they all sounded too similar..(Not enough or too much bass, treble, hertz frequencies not bringing out the depth of music, either too much "tinny" sound or too muffeled. |
04:57:26 | Llorean | Then buy new earphones. |
04:57:49 | webguest28 | Using a pair of Shure SE530-PTH |
04:57:58 | Aware | then that's not the issue |
04:58:02 | Llorean | Generally speaking, an EQ is to compensate for weaknesses in your hardware, as music is already mastered to where it's intended to be listened. |
04:58:36 | Aware | there would probably be something on head-fi but since it's down... |
04:58:41 | Llorean | If you feel you need to use an EQ to "bring the most out of your music", then you're talking about "adjusting the music to your personal tastes" which really isn't something someone else can do for you, since it depends entirely on how you like the original noise distorted. |
04:59:10 | webguest28 | From what I've read on several forums is that the chip that the sansa e200 series uses is pretty weak when it comes to sound output. That's why I installed Rockbox since it has a wide range of sound adjustment options. |
05:00 |
05:01:12 | webguest28 | I'm just trying to get a general idea of what a good setting would be to emphasize the music for styles of rock, metal, etc. as far as what the best starting point would be to set the decibel rates, the hertz frequency rates, etc. for the five EQ bands. |
05:01:36 | daurnimator | don't ask us then |
05:01:37 | daurnimator | :p |
05:01:46 | daurnimator | try looking in a pc app with an eq |
05:01:54 | daurnimator | and see where the eq sliders go when you change genres |
05:02:03 | daurnimator | then exagerate that on your player |
05:03:11 | psycho_maniac | speaking of eqs. where did the ones that come in rockbox come from? |
05:04:08 | webguest28 | Ok. I'll give that a shot. Any good suggestions on a freeware/shareware app. that I can use for the EQ parameters? I used to be able to use EAX that I installed with a soundblaster x-fi card, but it fried a while back on my tower, so now i'm stuck to a laptop. |
05:05:17 | webguest28 | The ones in rockbox were in a sub-folder in the software directory that is labeled "eqs" next to the "icons" and "docs" folders. All spelled like they are in the quotation marks |
05:05:51 | psycho_maniac | yes i know that. i want to know who decided to put them in the source. Was there any dicussion |
05:07:43 | webguest28 | Not sure of that. Whomever created them and put them in the software did an ok job, but they all sound too similar to each other when adjusting for different music genres. Not a lot of extremes when it came to peak sound quality. |
05:07:51 | Soap_ | I don't know off hand, but a quick search of the SVN commit logs would tell you, psycho_maniac. |
05:08:23 | | Quit Soap (Nick collision from services.) |
05:08:26 | | Nick Soap_ is now known as Soap (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
05:08:35 | Llorean | webguest28: And EQ *should* never be extreme... |
05:08:52 | | Join Soap_ [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
05:09:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:13:11 | | Quit webguest28 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
05:13:55 | Aware | i don't believe in the use of eq whatsoever |
05:14:53 | Soap | Someone needs to (and I'll do it next week if nobody beats me to it) go through (at least) the WPS page for the iPod Video and bring all the links back home. There are many links to offsite hosts (for images at least - I wouldn't be surprised if also for the WPSs) |
05:18:32 | | Quit Aware () |
05:20:21 | psycho_maniac | Soap: explain more what you want to do |
05:21:21 | Soap | rehost all offsite images (themes if need be) on the wiki. |
05:25:24 | | Join mdevz [0] (i=mdevz@cpe-065-184-173-244.ec.res.rr.com) |
05:25:25 | Soap | Just start by doing a search for .com and .us. |
05:25:39 | Soap | you'll notice how-fricking-many of the images are stored on photobucket. |
05:25:58 | Soap | and imageshack |
05:26:52 | psycho_maniac | oh yeah i noticed that uploading some wps's the other day |
05:26:53 | Soap | I'm curious if that is part of the reason the page takes six months to load. Regardless, I don't think Rockbox should be hosting images on photobucket. |
05:27:05 | Soap | speaking of uploading some WPSs the other day. |
05:27:16 | Soap | 1 - Do we have clear license to modify all those? |
05:27:54 | Soap | 2 - pay attention to capitalization. I changed your link for blackglass-AA. unix is case sensitive. |
05:28:03 | Soap | double check the others. |
05:28:09 | | Join AJG120882 [0] (i=20a5e43e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e0989a4792e38ffb) |
05:28:29 | psycho_maniac | oh. sorry. thanks |
05:28:56 | Soap | I only looked at that one - because I had seen in the logs an earlier blackglass-AA you were having trouble with - and was curious if you had figured out that %s and dynamic content doesn't go hand in hand. |
05:29:24 | Soap | You were never online when I was around to point that out to you. ;) |
05:29:36 | psycho_maniac | i was probably either sleeping or working |
05:29:41 | AJG120882 | Got disconnected earlier before I could ger an answer to this ?. From general opinons, what is the best overall mp3 player to purchase to replace a sansa e260? (eg. best sound, battery life, storage compacity, etc) |
05:29:50 | psycho_maniac | its only 1030pm here. |
05:31:03 | Llorean | AJG120882: Sansa e280. |
05:31:04 | psycho_maniac | AJG120882: have you checked the wiki? |
05:31:10 | Soap | AJG120882, http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/BuyersGuide |
05:31:10 | AJG120882 | Sound being the most important feature, then storage, then battery run time per charge |
05:31:28 | Soap | what don't you like about the Sansa sound? |
05:33:09 | AJG120882 | Checked Wiki, CNet reviews, Wired reviews and they all come up with mixed answers. I was thinking about an e280 to replace the 260, but sandisk support said that the e series won't support SDHC cards. Only up to 2GB Micro SD. And the new 16GB View is good, but no user-replaceable battery |
05:34:38 | Soap | Rockbox supports SDHC |
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05:41:33 | | Join me [0] (n=me@bas12-toronto63-1088795095.dsl.bell.ca) |
05:42:07 | me | is it possible to have differnt fonts fot the wps alone, while the rest of the theme has another font? |
05:42:12 | Llorean | No. |
05:42:23 | me | darn :( |
05:42:55 | AJG120882 | Better to get an e280 or the 16GB View that just came out a couple weeks ago? |
05:43:09 | ttuttle | AJG120882: the e250 I have is nice. |
05:43:23 | Llorean | AJG120882: Rockbox doesn't support the view. |
05:43:45 | | Join jake_ [0] (n=jake@user-0c9afn5.cable.mindspring.com) |
05:44:19 | AJG120882 | I like my e260, thinking about the 280 as long as it'll work with rockbox and with a 8gb Micro SDHC card that i have. |
05:45:05 | | Join wbandit [0] (n=dustincr@c-68-47-133-166.hsd1.ar.comcast.net) |
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06:00 |
06:00:19 | | Join Traveler4 [0] (n=traveler@CPE-69-23-137-242.wi.res.rr.com) |
06:00:47 | Traveler4 | is rockbox able to play compressed video? |
06:01:10 | Llorean | Traveler4: This and many other secrets are held in the cleverly hidden tome known as "The Manual" |
06:04:34 | | Join courtc [0] (n=court@c-24-99-230-218.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
06:05:58 | DogBoy | lol |
06:06:17 | | Quit grndslm (No route to host) |
06:06:30 | psycho_maniac | kinda late: is this the reason why the wps page on the wiki is so slow? other sites host the images? what about r-t? |
06:08:13 | Soap | I don't know if that is why it is so slow. |
06:09:04 | psycho_maniac | i just know that r-t.org is A LOT faster and i browse that first because its faster |
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06:22:22 | psycho_maniac | is there a patch that will load a cfg file for each folder you load? |
06:24:08 | Llorean | I don't think so, but the tracker does have a search function |
06:25:09 | psycho_maniac | i know and i already searched. i tried folder and folders. anything else i could try? |
06:27:20 | | Join Tdog [0] (n=Tdog@75-104-110-242.cust.wildblue.net) |
06:27:39 | Tdog | hey guys |
06:28:20 | psycho_maniac | hello |
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06:48:27 | psycho_maniac | seems that 7738 might get committed soon :D |
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07:04:39 | ttuttle | 'night. |
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07:56:56 | psycho_maniac | how do i make a zip file for a simulator? i built the simulator and am now able to run it. what directory do i go in to run the make zip command? |
08:00 |
08:01:19 | psycho_maniac | holy smokes. 8mbs for a zip file for a simulator. does that sound right? |
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08:19:09 | Crash91 | hi |
08:19:20 | psycho_maniac | hello |
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09:09:17 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:11:39 | Xan | Hello...Can some1 teach me how to use the recorder iin the Ipod Nano 1st gen using rockbox |
09:12:09 | Xan | does the ipod really have recording capabilities? |
09:13:36 | hcs | Xan: yes, according to the device char |
09:13:40 | hcs | *chart |
09:13:46 | homielowe | Xan: the Nano can only record via line-in ( through the dock connector) don't attempt to pump music throught the headphone jack, it could possibly damage your player. |
09:16:45 | homielowe | This is a link to where you can buy your own parts and fashion yourself a cable http://home.swipnet.se/ridax/connector.htm . |
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09:40:58 | stevenm | Hello people |
09:41:42 | stevenm | Hey n1s, if you're interested, I re-did findDelta in sequencer.c last night. FRACTSIZE got bumped to 12 bits also |
09:42:07 | stevenm | n1s, I changed the order of operations (all mult before all div). This gives a more accurate result, but requires more intermediate storage space, hence the long long |
09:42:18 | stevenm | n1s, have you got any idea how to optimize this ? |
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10:04:26 | | Join woodensoul [0] (n=woodenso@ |
10:11:20 | | Quit ivan` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:12:11 | woodensoul | I'm trying to fix the AABox theme for the Gigabeat... |
10:12:21 | woodensoul | This line has me confused: %Cl|0|0|sc240|sb240| |
10:12:31 | woodensoul | It's for the album art I assume. |
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10:26:40 | root_ | anyone here on debian? |
10:26:47 | root_ | oops |
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10:27:28 | ddalton | ok anyone here on debian? |
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10:37:26 | Agrajag__ | Guys, new to Rockbox. All working great. Now a new build is out. What's the best way to get this new build onto the iPod Photo? Is there a util? Drop the whole zip? Just the exe? |
10:38:05 | hcs | Agrajag__: just "drop the whole zip", as you say, overwriting all the old files |
10:38:11 | scorche | extract the zip to the root of the device, as the manual says |
10:38:17 | Agrajag__ | That won't wipe all the old settings? |
10:38:29 | scorche | no |
10:38:52 | Agrajag__ | Great, thanks guys. Anyone know if this latest build supports FLAC embedded album art? |
10:38:56 | scorche | you can always save your settings to another file if you wish |
10:39:14 | Agrajag__ | Probably a good idea. Just a bit overwhelmed just out of the gate learning it all. |
10:39:16 | scorche | it doesnt, which you would have seen from the commit messages |
10:39:32 | Agrajag__ | What's a commit message? |
10:39:48 | scorche | as well, new builds come out multiple times a day, so i wouldnt recommend upgrading everytime a new one is out ;) |
10:40:02 | Agrajag__ | Then I might way as my build is from the 10th. |
10:40:06 | Agrajag__ | wait |
10:40:17 | Agrajag__ | Can't imagine that much changed by the 17th. |
10:40:19 | woodensoul | Speaking of album art, I'm trying to fix the AABox theme that uses album art and so far the only problem I can't figure out is why a rectangular section of the album art remains black. |
10:40:28 | scorche | http://www.rockbox.org/recent.shtml#svn |
10:40:37 | scorche | a commit message is the "what" on there |
10:40:41 | Agrajag__ | Bookmarked, thx |
10:40:51 | | Join ddalton [0] (n=daniel@210-84-19-213.dyn.iinet.net.au) |
10:42:00 | Agrajag__ | Any recommendations for a noob of what I could be doing with Rockbox that I might not know out of the gate? Currently I have 1600 320k MP3's on it. That's about it. Later I want to consider moving FLAC files onto it (I work for a high-end earphone company and use this for demos on show floors). |
10:42:07 | woodensoul | Can someone take a look at the code? |
10:42:41 | | Join Isolinear [0] (n=A@c-76-105-254-119.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
10:42:53 | Agrajag__ | Oh, and is there a way to change "Database" to "Media" or something simple that other uses would equate with music, etc? |
10:43:11 | scorche | Agrajag__: if you want to know what you can do, you might consider reading the manual, as it lists all you can do |
10:43:26 | scorche | there is if you recompile, but only then |
10:43:30 | Agrajag__ | I rifled through it already but assumed it might be a bit out of date. |
10:43:38 | scorche | why did you assume that? |
10:43:57 | Agrajag__ | That's the way it normally is with 90% of software out there. Nothing against RB at all. |
10:44:18 | Agrajag__ | You get the manual but then the community is doing all sorts of beyond-the-manual things. |
10:44:30 | Agrajag__ | Nice to know this one is complete. |
10:44:53 | scorche | we might lag a few days behind on new features, but we have a few people very dedicated to our fine manual and are quite proud of them :) |
10:45:14 | Agrajag__ | It was pretty damned useful though I couldn't get auto-install to work. I ended up just doing it manually. |
10:45:30 | Agrajag__ | You guys should be proud of that manual. It's great. |
10:46:39 | scorche | can you join #rockbox-community for a sec? |
10:46:50 | Agrajag__ | Who? |
10:46:52 | Llorean | scorche, Agrajag__: Actually, if you edit the language files, you can change any of the menu text without having to recompile. |
10:47:04 | | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) |
10:47:04 | woodensoul | Anyone have an idea on my album art question? |
10:47:09 | scorche | Llorean: doesnt it have to be recompiled into a lng though? |
10:47:13 | Llorean | Yeah |
10:47:33 | Llorean | But it doesn't require setting up a full dev environment, at least to the extent of getting cross-compilers and stuff |
10:47:39 | Llorean | Actually, wait... |
10:47:43 | Llorean | LangV2 does at the moment. =/ |
10:47:49 | * | scorche nods |
10:47:50 | Llorean | Needs a GCC, doesn't it? |
10:47:56 | scorche | i think so |
10:48:04 | Agrajag__ | Too much of a hassle then. Don't sweat it. It'd be a nice feature later for the non-techies. |
10:48:39 | Llorean | Agrajag__: Part of the reason Database is named as it is, is that we don't want to suggest to people that it's the *only* way to play music. |
10:49:00 | Llorean | A name like "Music" or "Media" might suggest to people that it's how they're supposed to access it, rather than simply an alternative means to filetree based access |
10:49:03 | Agrajag__ | The trouble I ran into was when my wife got hold of it and had NO idea where to start. <grin> |
10:49:10 | amiconn | And 'media' wouldn't be correct. It's 'audio' |
10:49:24 | Llorean | It's very definitely "audio" at the moment, yes. |
10:49:39 | Llorean | And probably should stay that way |
10:49:47 | Agrajag__ | Ah, I thought I read that this would let the Photo play video. |
10:49:57 | Llorean | You can play video on the Photo |
10:50:01 | Llorean | But the database doesn't index Videos. |
10:50:16 | Llorean | Your songs, pictures, videos, text files, etc, are all accessible via the Files browser |
10:50:21 | Agrajag__ | I just hope I can play lossless now without it breaking up like it did with the default firmware. |
10:51:11 | woodensoul | What does toppos (top position) refer to in the progress bar syntax? %pb|height|leftpos|rightpos|toppos| |
10:51:54 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3E456.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:51:55 | Llorean | woodensoul: Coordinate to draw at? |
10:52:02 | | Quit stevenm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:52:46 | woodensoul | that doesn't help |
10:53:17 | woodensoul | left position is obvious, height is obvious, right position is how far from the right side it ends, top.... ? |
10:53:34 | amiconn | Llorean: I don't think videos can be tagged at all, so it would probably stay an audio database even on a PMP |
10:56:03 | Llorean | amiconn: MP4 videos can, at least. |
10:56:08 | Llorean | MPEG2, probably not |
10:56:17 | amiconn | Didn't know that... |
10:56:20 | Llorean | woodensoul: How far from the top of the screen... |
10:56:50 | amiconn | And photos can't be tagged either (unless you count EXIF as a tagging format) |
10:58:23 | | Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
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10:59:23 | Buschel | int the last days iu played around a lot with DEV_EN1, CACHE_PRIORITY(DEV_EN3?) and GPO32_ENABLE on iPod Video. I switched off all the bits in DEV_EN1/EN3 which did not show any effect -> no change in power consumption. I switched off/on IDE_ENABLE together with HDD power off -> no change in power consumption. Now I switched off all bits in GPO32_ENABLE which could be removed -> power consumption goes up. This dam* PP-registers :/ |
11:00 |
11:00:48 | amiconn | How do you monitor power consumption? |
11:00:56 | woodensoul | Thanks Llorean. I'm trying to figure out why a huge rectangular section of the album art is just black in this WPS I'm fixing. |
11:01:45 | Buschel | amiconn: running a battery bench and in paralell reading the battery percents during the test and use Excel. |
11:01:56 | Buschel | amiconn: quite a pain |
11:02:04 | amiconn | Hmm. Not very precise, and it's time consuming |
11:02:19 | amiconn | Using an ammeter would be both more accurate and way faster |
11:02:53 | amiconn | Unfortunately it's not that simple to use an ammeter for current measurement on G5 |
11:02:59 | Buschel | amiconn: I don't have any. The main issue with this measurement is that the test take at least 4h |
11:04:20 | Buschel | nevertheless there are results which show no/few effect when changing DEV_EN1/EN3 and (bad) effect when playing around with GPO32-ENABLE |
11:05:32 | Buschel | amiconn: btw, do you know how often the CPU switches between boost/normal in a standard use case like mp3-playback? |
11:05:54 | Buschel | amiconn: not in percent, but in switches/sec |
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11:09:37 | woodensoul | Why does the Wiki speak of resizing the album art bitmap if that is not committed yet? |
11:10:26 | amiconn | Buschel: CPU boosting is completely on-demand. so it depends on the actual tracks and formats how often it changes frequency |
11:10:27 | bertrik | Buschel: on my sansa it depends a bit on the particular song but it's on the order of about once every two seconds |
11:11:01 | amiconn | Can be as low as never (for flac files). The upper limit is about 1..2 times per second |
11:14:02 | Buschel | amiconn: ahh, ok. I never knew about this limitation −− good solution. |
11:14:12 | amiconn | This is no hard limit |
11:14:24 | amiconn | It's just what results from playback behaviour |
11:15:43 | Buschel | Hmm, so it's done if a buffer watermark is reached. Is this checked each tick or so? |
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11:21:27 | woodensoul | What is the height of the progress bar? |
11:21:35 | woodensoul | err status bar |
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12:06:17 | | Quit bertrik ("bye") |
12:08:50 | | Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ |
12:11:58 | Falen | warning: function declaration isn't a prototype |
12:12:17 | Falen | That error shows up on all the function prototypes I got |
12:13:11 | Falen | http://pastebin.com/m10435413 |
12:13:59 | | Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
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12:14:33 | linuxstb | Falen: You need to write them as "void func(void);" |
12:15:40 | Falen | Ok |
12:16:07 | Falen | Yeah. That got the warnings away, thank you |
12:17:26 | moos | Falen: out of curiosity, what plugin are you working on? |
12:17:43 | Falen | A basic intepreter |
12:18:29 | moos | working from the scratch or porting something? |
12:18:32 | Falen | It's simple, but the idea is to port over most of the rockbox functions (drawing, files, ...) |
12:18:40 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
12:18:48 | moos | oh ok |
12:21:06 | Falen | It's a port, but it's so modified you can't see the original code (from ISO standard), so I'd rather call it my own :) |
12:21:08 | JdGordon | can someone with a radio target please try the patch attached to FS #8168 and let me know if it fixes the bug? |
12:21:38 | moos | Falen: hehe, good luck then :) |
12:24:05 | moos | JdGordon: don't have my iaudio at hand for test :( |
12:24:28 | * | JdGordon 's sansa has no radio and my brother has my h300 :( and i cant test that in the sim |
12:24:37 | JdGordon | Llorean: does your sansa have radio? |
12:25:08 | JdGordon | Llorean: also, feel like fixing 8169? |
12:26:33 | moos | JdGordon: how goes your icon code status bar code going? |
12:26:38 | Llorean | JdGordon: Yes, yes, busy right now though. |
12:27:11 | JdGordon | moos: got fed up with it... its been pushed to the side for the itime being :p |
12:27:33 | moos | hehe :) |
12:30:25 | | Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:33:09 | linuxstb | I'm not sure if it will work, but I had an idea for how we can customise the status bar as part of thinking about viewports. The idea is that each viewport defined by the WPS is given a type ("wps" or "status bar"). The wps_refresh() option would then take a parameter saying which kinds of viewports should be drawn, and only draw those. The existing status bar code would simply be replaced by a call to wps_refresh() telling it t |
12:33:09 | linuxstb | o only refresh viewports marked as "status bar". The normal WPS refresh would refresh both types of viewport. |
12:35:03 | JdGordon | but the statusbar doesnt have naything to dso with the wps ddrawing... |
12:35:22 | JdGordon | _unlss_ we want to wps-ify it.. but even then it would still be seperate |
12:35:23 | linuxstb | Why not? |
12:35:28 | JdGordon | just it would use the parser |
12:37:31 | linuxstb | This would also allow the theme designer to make the "status bar" a lot more than just a status bar, and to display WPS content with the menus... |
12:38:10 | JdGordon | yes but the statusbar doesnt have to be part of the wps to do that |
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13:03:32 | n1s | stevenm: haven't looked at your changes at all, but generally long long is bad in performance critical code... will try to think of something seriously hung over now though :/ |
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13:24:45 | Riggzy | Hmm, I seem to be having a track skipping problem on my 5G iPod |
13:25:32 | Riggzy | Which I'm still debugging a little... Playing an MP3, and at a certain point the progress bar jumps to the end, and it skips to the next track |
13:26:05 | Riggzy | Any pointers as to what to check? |
13:26:22 | moos | Riggzy: that is a known bug |
13:26:46 | Riggzy | moos: What's causing it, if it's known? |
13:27:51 | Falen | Am I missing something?, http://pastebin.com/m4b031f53, this code draws all the lines like it should (the top is taken from stopwatch). But it draws them with a very large height between |
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13:28:47 | moos | Riggzy: that was introduced with those recents metadatas on the buffer changes. A solution is still didn't find yet by the developer that worked/working on it |
13:29:34 | moos | Riggzy: best to be patient... |
13:29:56 | linuxstb | Falen: I think lcd_puts() takes x,y in character positions - you don't need to multiply by lineheight. |
13:30:09 | Lord | How can i record using my Ipod nano? |
13:30:20 | Nico_P | Riggzy: did you resume on that MP3 then skip back to the beginning of it? |
13:30:44 | Falen | Aha, Ok |
13:30:46 | Soap_ | lord - there are line-in pins in the dock connector. |
13:31:20 | Lord | and what if i dont have a dock |
13:31:27 | preglow | haha |
13:31:31 | moos | Nico_P: the bug appear every time you skip back and cause rebuffering |
13:31:39 | preglow | my h120 just skipped to some weird-ass track when i tried to change track at the end of a song |
13:31:41 | Soap_ | Lord: you can make a dock connector to line-in adapter if you want. |
13:31:43 | jmspeex | In case anyone here's interested, it's now possible to build libspeex (encode+decode) without a single float instruction. |
13:31:51 | Falen | Yeah, now it works! |
13:31:52 | preglow | jhMikeS: woop, will check out |
13:31:59 | Nico_P | moos: true. |
13:31:59 | Riggzy | Nico_P: Just going to see if it's time based or at that specific pointin the track.. |
13:32:07 | jmspeex | preglow: I'd be interested to know how big that turns out on Coldfire/ARM |
13:32:13 | preglow | jmspeex: that was for you, yes... |
13:32:17 | preglow | my tab completer sucks |
13:32:23 | Lord | Soap: hmm.. i dont really understand you .. |
13:32:35 | jmspeex | haha |
13:32:45 | jmspeex | preglow: −−disable-float-api −−disable-vbr |
13:32:49 | Nico_P | Riggzy: did you do some seeking in the track? |
13:32:50 | Riggzy | Sigh, my disk is making nasty noises |
13:33:09 | Soap_ | Lord: You can buy a dock connector (to plug into the butt of your Nano) and wire up a custom line-in cable to it. |
13:33:23 | Riggzy | Nico_P: Nope, just tried that, looks like my disk is having some problems though x.x |
13:33:29 | jmspeex | preglow: oops, forgot to push to svn. Done now. |
13:33:31 | Riggzy | And not just on Rockbox |
13:33:36 | Lord | Soap_: Oh! ok... |
13:33:49 | Soap_ | Lord: Basicly I'm saying the pins are there for line-in on the Nano - but nobody seems to have used it. So if you are going to use it - it will most likely take some hardware hacking on your part. |
13:34:09 | Lord | Soap_: ok... |
13:34:21 | Lord | Soap_: thanks mate..! |
13:34:38 | Soap_ | one second, lodesi |
13:34:41 | Soap_ | Lord even |
13:34:42 | preglow | jmspeex: i'd have to either sync rockbox svn with that first or try doing a speex svn build with cross compilers |
13:34:53 | Lord | yes...? |
13:35:40 | Soap_ | http://home.swipnet.se/ridax/connector.htm <-if you want to wire your own. |
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13:36:16 | Lord | Soap_: wow! thanks! |
13:36:30 | | Quit UncleRemus ("leaving") |
13:36:39 | markun | jmspeex: did you see my PMs? |
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13:37:31 | jmspeex | markun: just saw it. Cool. |
13:37:44 | Lord | Soap_: well i guess i better go buy the dock.. ium a noob with the ipod |
13:37:49 | Lord | hehe |
13:38:00 | preglow | jmspeex: configure isn't too happy to use my m68k and arm crosscompilers, so it'll have to wait after i sync |
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13:38:11 | jmspeex | markun: actually, I should have mentioned that my experience with Blackfin gcc is from quite a while ago. I'm glad it has improved. |
13:38:26 | Soap_ | Lord: make sure any dock you buy has a line-in jack. Just because the Nano has the capability...I'm not sure the Apple dock has a line-in jack. |
13:38:44 | pixelma | Nico_P: just seen the bug with next song info (I think I read about it before either here or in the bug tracker). If there is no next track at the end of the playlist it shows the info of the current track - and this even though I have it in a %?Fn conditional... |
13:38:53 | jmspeex | preglow: most of the changes I did are on the encoder BTW. In terms of decoder, it should be similar to what you already did. |
13:38:57 | Lord | ohk... |
13:38:57 | linuxstb | Soap_: I'm not sure if there are any commercial docks with line-in.. |
13:39:25 | Nico_P | pixelma: oh yes, I had forgotten about that one... thanks for reminding me :) |
13:39:33 | * | Riggzy baps his iPod around a bit, runs it on official firmware for a bit |
13:39:35 | preglow | jmspeex: sure, but i can enable the encoder anyway |
13:39:42 | preglow | just not use it |
13:39:59 | preglow | jmspeex: btw, we've integrated speex as a voice codec now, works great |
13:40:05 | pixelma | Nico_P: you're welcome ;) |
13:40:09 | moos | Nico_P: time to come back to MoB bug hunting ;) |
13:40:12 | Soap_ | They sell one for $40 @ the link I posted Lord earlier. I had posted the link, though, because you can buy unwired connectors for $2 |
13:40:15 | jmspeex | preglow: cool |
13:40:16 | preglow | like expected, smaller filer, better quality |
13:40:19 | Nico_P | hehe :) |
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13:40:30 | jmspeex | preglow: got your "raw" decoder working? |
13:40:36 | preglow | jmspeex: we'll probably go svn with it today or tomorrow, need to coordinate a ton of stuff first |
13:40:40 | preglow | jmspeex: raw encoder and decoder, yeah |
13:40:47 | Nico_P | pixelma: I have something almost ready to fix the problems with AA clearing |
13:40:49 | preglow | jmspeex: raw decoder isn't exactly much work... |
13:41:04 | Lord | linuxstb: http://home.swipnet.se/ridax/connector.htm |
13:41:26 | preglow | jmspeex: btw, it'd be cool if you could have a quick glance through the encoder to see if there's anything silly, it's quite small |
13:41:29 | preglow | jmspeex: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/tools/rbspeex/rbspeexenc.c?view=log |
13:42:29 | linuxstb | Lord, Soap_: Yes, just saw that - I assumed (!) that you were talking about the "normal" kinds of docks, rather than that kind of supplier... |
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13:43:31 | Lord | Soap_, linuxstb :ok then... thanks a ton mate!.. now i gotta go around play with my nano for a while... :) |
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13:47:43 | jmspeex | preglow: I'm having a hard time following what you're doing with the resamler. Looks odd |
13:48:19 | preglow | jmspeex: really? was the simplest i could make it :) |
13:49:02 | jmspeex | OK, you're reading everything in one bit, right? |
13:49:10 | preglow | jmspeex: indeed |
13:49:20 | preglow | jmspeex: all our clips are small, so i did that for simplicity |
13:49:50 | preglow | jmspeex: i basically just have the resampler output blocks of frame_size a bunch of times |
13:50:11 | | Quit davina (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:50:24 | Falen | Is there sprintf function in rockbox, if so, where is it located? |
13:50:43 | | Quit UncleRemus ("leaving") |
13:50:48 | preglow | Falen: there is snprintf |
13:51:33 | Falen | Ok |
13:51:59 | jmspeex | preglow: BTW, you say "Limit this or resampler will try to allocate it all on stack". What do you mean exactly. |
13:52:00 | jmspeex | ? |
13:52:38 | preglow | jmspeex: just have a look at speex_resampler_process_int, it converts the entire input buffer to float before calling the float version |
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13:53:23 | jmspeex | preglow: sorry, forgot you weren't using fixed-point for that |
13:53:23 | preglow | jmspeex: not just as much as it needs of it |
13:53:46 | preglow | i could do a proper calc there and limit it only to what is needed, of course |
13:53:50 | preglow | as a matter of fact, i guess i should do that... |
13:53:56 | jmspeex | preglow: actually, you can disable that behaviour by not defining VAR_ARRAYS |
13:54:57 | | Join UncleRemus [0] (n=caj@81-234-174-183-no95.tbcn.telia.com) |
13:54:59 | preglow | jmspeex: i'm find with VAR_ARRAYS, i'll just do it properly on my end anyway |
13:55:06 | preglow | find/fine |
13:57:28 | | Join Casainho [0] (n=chatzill@87-196-37-73.net.novis.pt) |
13:57:50 | Casainho | Bagder: Hello! :-) |
13:59:54 | | Join hunz_ [0] (n=hunz@dslb-088-064-071-194.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
13:59:58 | hunz_ | hey there |
14:00 |
14:04:00 | | Quit UncleRemus ("leaving") |
14:04:01 | * | amiconn wants to remind Nico_P of another bug |
14:04:11 | Nico_P | yes? |
14:04:21 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
14:04:24 | amiconn | The playlist index in the wps is still advancing too early |
14:05:09 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
14:05:15 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
14:05:26 | | Quit Robin0800 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:05:27 | Nico_P | amiconn: that's not new to MoB and last time I tried to fix it, auto dir change broke |
14:05:42 | amiconn | Iirc it worked before MoB |
14:05:59 | Nico_P | I'm pretty sure it didn't... I'll check though |
14:06:35 | Nico_P | playlist_next() was always called in audio_check_nex_track (which is the codec track change) |
14:06:38 | amiconn | As I find that one somewhat irritating, I think I would have noticed if it happened before |
14:07:05 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
14:07:12 | amiconn | Yeah, but for the metadata display, you are able to synchronise it with the pcm output. Why not for the playlist index? |
14:08:02 | jhMikeS | amiconn: any chance to provide a way to both align and pad graylib data to a specified boundary in a build as an option since you're reworking it? (by a #define) |
14:08:26 | amiconn | ? |
14:08:35 | Nico_P | amiconn: it breaks auto dir change. playlist_next is what handles it... if I call it on PCM track change, the codec won't decode the right track |
14:08:45 | preglow | jmspeex: but nothing more serious? |
14:08:48 | jhMikeS | amiconn: for use on COP in mpegplayer |
14:09:47 | jmspeex | preglow: make sure the last frame is handled properly, but I'd say if it appears to work, it probably does |
14:09:56 | jhMikeS | I setup video_out_rockbox to do that. I don't need that stuff in IRAM, just cache aligned. |
14:11:25 | jhMikeS | preglow: will check out what? |
14:12:03 | amiconn | You can do that already |
14:12:07 | Nico_P | amiconn: same thing on r15305 (i.e. MoB-1) |
14:12:26 | amiconn | gray_init() allocates the necessary stuff in the buffer you pass it |
14:12:29 | | Quit Buschel () |
14:12:41 | jhMikeS | amiconn: but the _gray_info is a static |
14:13:29 | amiconn | ah yes |
14:13:41 | amiconn | Why do you want the graylib on cop, btw? |
14:14:15 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-d49830169d637c59) |
14:14:19 | amiconn | The new version will be a rewrite, introduced in parallel to the old one |
14:14:43 | jhMikeS | amiconn: because video is run on COP. |
14:17:40 | amiconn | mpegplayer works nicely as it is now... |
14:18:49 | | Join pondlife [0] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) |
14:18:51 | | Quit pondlife (Client Quit) |
14:19:27 | jhMikeS | once you change anything, you can get suprise clobbering if data isn't explicitly aligned and padded. works now doesn't mean it will continue to do so if static data is allocated in a different order. |
14:20:41 | preglow | jhMikeS: meant to talk to jmspeex |
14:20:52 | jhMikeS | this already happened to me...would abort when saving settings because data in configfile.c ended up in the way of the COP |
14:20:54 | jhMikeS | preglow: ah |
14:21:03 | preglow | jmspeex: properly as in how? |
14:21:15 | preglow | jhMikeS: btw, do you skip the first few samples of all voice clips when decoding? |
14:21:28 | jhMikeS | preglow: no |
14:22:21 | jhMikeS | why would I do that? |
14:23:06 | preglow | jhMikeS: because of encoder delauy |
14:23:15 | preglow | delay, the first couple of samples are always zero |
14:23:24 | preglow | check out codecs/speex.c for how |
14:24:13 | preglow | jmspeex: btw, just feeding a narrowband file to the wb decoder should work fine, yeah? |
14:25:16 | jmspeex | yes |
14:25:50 | jhMikeS | SPEEX_GET_LOOKAHEAD? |
14:26:21 | jmspeex | basically says how many zeros you need to discard. |
14:27:38 | | Join BlindBricks [0] (i=519ee311@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8f6c88320d86803a) |
14:28:58 | BlindBricks | So if I install a different firmware file through ipod wizard |
14:29:10 | BlindBricks | can I get rockbox again? |
14:29:18 | BlindBricks | I installed this guyes classic firmware |
14:29:20 | BlindBricks | and its nice |
14:29:29 | BlindBricks | but I wondered if I can get rockbox to? |
14:30:30 | jhMikeS | jmspeex: but in our case process_header isn't needed since it's raw? |
14:31:16 | jmspeex | jhMikeS: the encoder's lookahead is how much zeros the encoder inserts and the decoder's lookahead is how much zeros the decoder inserts |
14:31:26 | jmspeex | nothing to do with headers or anything |
14:31:34 | | Quit BlindBricks (Client Quit) |
14:31:45 | jhMikeS | ok, good |
14:31:48 | | Join UncleRemus [0] (n=caj@81-234-174-183-no95.tbcn.telia.com) |
14:31:54 | jmspeex | by "how much zeros", I basically mean the extra delay (on top of the frame size itself) |
14:33:33 | amiconn | Hmm. Looks like the boost for PP in the graylib can't be removed |
14:34:04 | jhMikeS | jmspeex: this should not change unless the decode mode changes or do I need to check every clip? |
14:34:07 | amiconn | ...because if I do, zooming and scrolling like mad in mandelbrot makes it hang |
14:34:19 | preglow | jhMikeS: unless the decode mode changes, no, but it costs nothing to check per clip |
14:34:34 | preglow | i am going to include a narrowband flag in the next rbspeexenc |
14:34:37 | amiconn | Probably the lcd bridge doesn't like the clock changing while it's active - and the graylib drives the lcd from an isr... |
14:34:49 | preglow | but we're probably going to be using the wb mode anyway |
14:34:55 | jmspeex | preglow, jhMikeS, note that there's *two* look-ahead to consider: encoder and decoder. |
14:35:27 | jmspeex | the encoder's lookahead needs to be included in the file somehow. the decoder's is obtained directly with the _ctl() call. |
14:35:42 | | Join bLIND-bRICKS [0] (i=519ee311@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-427cc1f10baddc64) |
14:35:53 | jmspeex | of course, that's *if* you want gapless. |
14:36:20 | preglow | we most certainly do want that in our ordinary speex decoder |
14:36:26 | preglow | i haven't gotten around to doing that properly yet :/ |
14:36:33 | jhMikeS | well, clips are pasted together on the fly though I hadn't noticed a problem |
14:36:35 | | Quit bLIND-bRICKS (Client Quit) |
14:36:41 | | Join bLIND-bRICKS [0] (i=519ee311@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-aff79ca8547459c5) |
14:36:51 | bLIND-bRICKS | Argh my router kiled itself |
14:36:59 | bLIND-bRICKS | Did someone reply to me? |
14:37:02 | bLIND-bRICKS | ;) |
14:37:04 | preglow | pills? shotgun? |
14:37:16 | bLIND-bRICKS | No just British Telecom |
14:37:19 | jmspeex | preglow: even more important, are you aware that seeking into a Speex file is a bit tricky and you actually need to start decoding a few frames back from where you're seeking ot? |
14:37:32 | preglow | jmspeex: not at all |
14:37:36 | bLIND-bRICKS | So can I have rockbox working alongside a different ipod firmware file? |
14:37:36 | preglow | jmspeex: our seeking is dodgy at best, right now |
14:37:57 | preglow | i haven't really looked at it, i didn't code the original speex decoder wrapper, i've just been picking at it lately |
14:38:13 | jmspeex | preglow: basically, Speex encodes frames based on the previous frames, so theoretically, you can't seek at all. In practice, if you start a few frames back, you're fine. |
14:39:05 | jhMikeS | jmspeex: what's the minimum compressed clip size I should consider valid? |
14:39:26 | jmspeex | what do you mean? |
14:40:19 | jhMikeS | if starting a new voice clip, how many bytes minimum should it be to not be rejected for playback? |
14:40:45 | jmspeex | why would you reject a small clip? |
14:41:23 | jhMikeS | I'd reject 0 bytes :) However I have it try to play anything >= 1 byte |
14:41:46 | BigBambi | bLIND-bRICKS: Should be OK, yes |
14:41:53 | jmspeex | Well, technically, you can encode 20 ms of silence in just 5 bits :-) |
14:42:11 | BigBambi | bLIND-bRICKS: Fiddle with the OF first, then install the rb bootloader |
14:42:53 | jhMikeS | jmspeex: I see, so that's valid then. thanks. |
14:43:47 | bLIND-bRICKS | So I have to reinstall rockbox after instaliing the new OF |
14:43:47 | pixelma | [14:30:29] <BlindBricks> I installed this guyes classic firmware <- do you mean the Ipod Classic or was that just a descriptionß |
14:43:57 | pixelma | s/ß/? |
14:44:00 | bLIND-bRICKS | Yes the ipod classic through ipod wizard |
14:44:06 | BigBambi | bLIND-bRICKS: Just the bootloader |
14:44:29 | BigBambi | pixelma: I think it is a classic like mod for previous models |
14:45:06 | bLIND-bRICKS | pixelma : yeah its the new classic firmware for ipod 5g |
14:45:15 | pixelma | aha, thanks for clarifying. |
14:45:22 | bLIND-bRICKS | Its quite nice |
14:45:30 | bLIND-bRICKS | although they have not got cover flow yet |
14:45:42 | * | BigBambi doesn't care |
14:46:12 | Soap_ | regardless, bLIND-bRICKS, that is simply a graphical chage of the Apple original firmware, and should not affect the installation of Rockbox |
14:46:16 | jhMikeS | preglow: you did if(speex_bits_remaining() <= 8) but the codec checks for < 0. What's up? |
14:46:17 | BigBambi | I'm not too fond of ipods |
14:46:21 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964F37.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:46:29 | | Quit Casainho ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
14:46:37 | preglow | jhMikeS: *shrug* :> |
14:46:48 | jhMikeS | which is right? |
14:46:53 | preglow | jhMikeS: i'm almost never as thorough as you, so if you find better ways of doing stuff, go ahead |
14:46:56 | | Quit Soap (Nick collision from services.) |
14:47:00 | | Nick Soap_ is now known as Soap (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
14:47:02 | preglow | jhMikeS: both are probably good |
14:47:03 | bLIND-bRICKS | Actually soap its a new firmware they managed to split the screen to show now playing etc |
14:47:24 | | Join Soap_ [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
14:47:24 | Soap | bLIND-bRICKS: no - my original statement is correct. |
14:47:25 | BigBambi | bLIND-bRICKS: what is the link? |
14:47:40 | preglow | jhMikeS: ours basically just cater to the fact that we might have seven bits left at the end of a decode and still be finished |
14:47:45 | bLIND-bRICKS | http://driven-design.net/ |
14:47:47 | preglow | jhMikeS: ours as in the voice decoder one |
14:47:54 | bLIND-bRICKS | Then click classic project |
14:47:57 | Soap | Rockbox does not care what the origial firmware looks like. |
14:48:00 | amiconn | linuxstb: Are you around? |
14:48:01 | * | n1s wonders why the buildsystem expects a build to take half an hour... |
14:48:05 | bLIND-bRICKS | Oh |
14:48:16 | bLIND-bRICKS | I can't seem to get back rockbox thats all |
14:48:55 | BigBambi | bLIND-bRICKS: From the site you posted "This is a modified iPod Video firmware, changed to look as close as possible to the new iPod Classics." |
14:49:01 | Soap | reinstall the bootloader, bLIND-bRICKS |
14:49:07 | BigBambi | It is a mod, not a new firmware as Soap said |
14:49:16 | bLIND-bRICKS | Oh okay thanks |
14:50:19 | amiconn | n1s: huh? |
14:50:31 | bLIND-bRICKS | Aha now it works |
14:50:33 | bLIND-bRICKS | Thanks guys |
14:50:36 | jhMikeS | preglow: ok, so it's < 8 not <= 8 |
14:51:07 | n1s | amiconn: i get "Build expected to complete in 29m 6s, at 14:49:10" |
14:51:15 | amiconn | Check your system clock... |
14:51:17 | preglow | jhMikeS: yeah |
14:51:18 | | Nick bLIND-bRICKS is now known as Blind-Bricks (i=519ee311@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-aff79ca8547459c5) |
14:51:34 | preglow | jhMikeS: we'll never have eight bits left for a complete frame, though, so it will work |
14:51:41 | amiconn | "Build should have been done 2m 44s ago, at 14:49:10" here |
14:52:02 | BigBambi | nls: given it is currentl XX:51, 51 mins + 29 isn't XX:49! |
14:52:10 | n1s | amiconn: heh, right my clock is way off, I wonder why... |
14:53:20 | jhMikeS | preglow: so we'll actually need our own mini clip header to tell encoder delays too? |
14:53:24 | amiconn | Anyone with a 4th Gen (grayscale or color this time) around? |
14:53:32 | | Quit Blind-Bricks ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:53:46 | | Quit donutman25 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:54:33 | preglow | jhMikeS: no, encoder delays are constant |
14:54:39 | preglow | hmm |
14:54:51 | preglow | jmspeex: if we decode nb clips with wb_mode, will the lookahead value still be right? |
14:55:16 | preglow | it should, shouldn't it? the delay appears in the pitch prediction stage anyway, and only nb does that? |
14:55:38 | jmspeex | preglow: lookahead has nothing to do with pitch prediction. |
14:55:50 | jmspeex | The value you'll get for wideband will be different. |
14:56:12 | preglow | ok, so if we decode nb clips with wb_mode, the lookahead value will be wrong and we'll cut too much? |
14:56:25 | jmspeex | At the decoder size, it won't matter at all because the wb decoder will still give you the right value regardless of how the file was encoder. |
14:56:31 | preglow | ahh, right |
14:56:38 | amiconn | Does that matter at all? How many samples we're talking about? |
14:56:42 | preglow | not many |
14:57:00 | jmspeex | OTOH, you'll need to change the encoder lookahead value to account for the fact you're decoding a narrowband file in wideband mode. |
14:57:21 | jmspeex | amiconn: we're talking in the order of 10-15 ms |
14:57:40 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
14:57:46 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
14:58:05 | preglow | jmspeex: so, what exactly would i need to do extra in rbspeexenc.c to compensate for that? |
14:58:13 | * | amiconn will commit blindly and wait for complaints this time |
14:58:21 | preglow | amiconn: commit what? |
14:58:33 | amiconn | It's not a big change, just moved backlight init for 4th gen where it belongs |
14:58:36 | preglow | jhMikeS: actually, we _might_ want to add a small header to tell the decoder if the clip is nb or not |
14:58:42 | amiconn | (was in lcd init...) |
14:58:49 | * | jhMikeS worried about underrunning a fream and assumes nsamples - lookahead now. |
14:58:49 | preglow | jmspeex: hmm, or doesn't the first bit of any frame tell me if the clip is nb or not? |
14:59:03 | jmspeex | preglow: you'd need to double the lookahead when converting from nb to wb |
14:59:10 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A945DB.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:59:23 | jhMikeS | nsamples = 320 always (static decoding buffer) |
14:59:32 | jmspeex | preglow: technically, a nb stream is also a perfectly valid wb stream |
14:59:53 | preglow | jmspeex: yeah, i noticed the wb decoder just generates a zero upper band if the file is nb |
15:00 |
15:00:26 | | Quit webguest36 ("CGI:IRC") |
15:01:08 | jmspeex | preglow: and that's perfectly valid. You could have a VBR wb stream that switches to nb in some periods |
15:01:13 | jhMikeS | jmspeex: will all lookaheads ever add up to the first frame or more discarded? |
15:01:18 | preglow | jmspeex: oh, ok |
15:01:24 | jmspeex | jhMikeS: no |
15:02:20 | jmspeex | jhMikeS: well, not with the current implementation. You could have an implementation for which that's the case. |
15:02:57 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
15:03:01 | | Join Seedy [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
15:04:38 | jhMikeS | ok, so better just plan for it and avoid crashing later if that changes :) |
15:04:48 | preglow | not a bad plan |
15:04:49 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
15:06:08 | preglow | jmspeex: so to reliably decode a nb stream with an nb decoder, we'd have to add our own little header to tell if it's a true nb stream or not |
15:06:36 | | Quit Frazz ("Leaving") |
15:07:04 | jhMikeS | much better than obscure bugs at cost of a MIN macro |
15:09:04 | | Quit Riggzy () |
15:09:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:09:24 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp176-211.adsl.forthnet.gr) |
15:14:23 | jhMikeS | still get "Loading, Loading" when loading a plugin...but consistently on all targets :) |
15:14:48 | | Join handmadematters [0] (n=handmade@ |
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15:21:05 | | Quit handmadematters () |
15:22:13 | Lear | n1s: he, you were quick on picking up that function... |
15:23:09 | n1s | Lear: I just remembered that place in the playlist viewer, iirc it was my first patch accepted into cvs :) |
15:25:52 | | Quit Seedy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:26:08 | amiconn | JdGordon: around? |
15:26:19 | JdGordon | barely |
15:26:42 | JdGordon | ... btw freeky... i opened the irc window just as you typed that!:p |
15:27:24 | amiconn | hehe :) |
15:28:01 | amiconn | Did you have an idea how to nicely add integer settings using a table? |
15:28:27 | JdGordon | no, I havnt thought about it properly since we discussed it |
15:28:46 | * | jhMikeS looks at the Rockbox Info screen and sees it's -2:26am :) |
15:29:05 | JdGordon | -2? wtf? |
15:29:17 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:29:23 | jhMikeS | It talks 10:26a correctly though |
15:29:46 | | Quit Daniel_S ("CGI:IRC") |
15:30:59 | JdGordon | amiconn: just thought of this now... for the table we should generate the list on the fly so we can put the current value into the list which could save some hassle when users wonder why it selects 45 when the config says 33 |
15:31:00 | amiconn | JdGordon: Hmm, would be nice if that gets added. Allows to get rid of duplicate tables, for better flexibility |
15:31:47 | amiconn | Hmm, sounds like a plan... do you think that would be possible in an efficient manner? |
15:31:50 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
15:31:55 | JdGordon | another thing which might be better is having a button to change the step size? so start at step=1, press the button step=5, press again step=10.. etc |
15:32:28 | n1s | hmm, i guess the imx32 chip in those new zunes is related to the imx31 in gigabeat s and old zunes http://www.rapidrepair.com/guides/zune2/IMG_0841.JPG |
15:33:10 | JdGordon | yeah, should be able to do it with no extra buffers actually |
15:34:11 | JdGordon | amiconn: if i remember ill have a go at this tomorow (today... monday...), its 1.30am and i need my sleep |
15:34:41 | n1s | and oh, I see the freescale logo now :) |
15:35:14 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
15:37:10 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
15:37:18 | | Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) |
15:40:47 | | Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-082-041.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:41:16 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
15:44:19 | preglow | jhMikeS: cpu usage isn't that big a point right now, is it? |
15:44:28 | preglow | jhMikeS: don't think i'll bother with a specific nb decoding mode |
15:45:10 | jhMikeS | it's not an issue at all |
15:45:58 | jhMikeS | no IRAM output buffer on coldfire with pcm ll during playback is just fine |
15:48:38 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:48:51 | jhMikeS | preglow: are we going to add a small header to give band info or anything else? |
15:48:59 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF7BA1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:49:32 | preglow | jhMikeS: our current scheme will decode narrowband just fine, so the only point would be to save some cycles and output buffer |
15:49:35 | preglow | jhMikeS: is it worth it? |
15:50:23 | jhMikeS | unless we always use nb, I'll still need the output buffer or it could be leased from the main buffer |
15:50:36 | preglow | wb is what we'll use by default, and do now |
15:51:47 | jhMikeS | yeah, so if wb mode decodes nb just fine...forget it. I'm still not clear on the lookahead issue for different encoding and whether the voice thread needs to care. |
15:51:55 | preglow | i'll figure that out |
15:51:58 | preglow | you shouldn't need to care, i think |
15:52:08 | preglow | if i understood jmspeex correctly, that'd be an encoder issue |
15:57:32 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
15:57:41 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
15:57:50 | preglow | anyway, did you fix up the voicebox stuff? |
15:59:51 | jhMikeS | amiconn was the one that pretty much had that done so I thought he was going to finish up on that. |
15:59:56 | preglow | mokey |
16:00 |
16:15:40 | | Quit pixelma (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:23:08 | jhMikeS | Is it really _that_ important it not lag a few days? Just put a notice on the wiki page. It's not even hosted on a rockbox site or in the svn tree is it. |
16:24:00 | | Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) |
16:27:48 | | Quit MethoS-- (Remote closed the connection) |
16:28:25 | preglow | amiconn: there? |
16:28:40 | preglow | jhMikeS: point is, there's not much point in us commiting this if people can't use it anyway |
16:29:03 | preglow | anyway, i'm hoping on having stuff ready to go today |
16:29:09 | preglow | i think i'm going to let rbutil lag |
16:29:15 | preglow | people seem to use voicebox more anyway |
16:29:32 | jhMikeS | mmkay |
16:30:01 | preglow | it really would be nice to get this out the door |
16:30:46 | jhMikeS | quite |
16:31:56 | preglow | so ok, the second voicebox is ok, we have someone stuff a notice on the front page and commit |
16:32:06 | | Join moos [0] (i=moos@m147.net81-66-159.noos.fr) |
16:33:01 | preglow | not necessarily in that order |
16:33:44 | jhMikeS | it's on? |
16:34:38 | * | jhMikeS doesn't wanna get served :\ |
16:35:39 | preglow | voicebox, then commit |
16:35:45 | | Join thgz [0] (n=thgz@dsl-lprgw5-fe5fdc00-169.dhcp.inet.fi) |
16:36:04 | preglow | let's just hope amiconn is present today |
16:36:05 | jhMikeS | donde esta' el voicvox, ya? |
16:36:39 | | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") |
16:36:46 | jhMikeS | he was here...decided to slip out the door when the moment approached. :) |
16:36:47 | * | preglow doesn't do spanish :/ |
16:37:18 | * | n1s actually does enough spanish to get that :) |
16:39:16 | * | jhMikeS wonders if amiconn doesn't have a custom voice building system and really has to fix all that first |
16:39:28 | preglow | jhMikeS: but yeah, you can't think of any good reason to add a header then, no? |
16:39:40 | thgz | hi |
16:40:08 | jhMikeS | preglow: not at this point |
16:41:27 | thgz | Whenever I try to create a voice file using cygwin, I get an error which reads: "libspeex.a: could not read symbols: Archive has no index; run ranlib to add one" |
16:42:07 | jhMikeS | is the sim perhaps? |
16:42:09 | jhMikeS | *in |
16:42:37 | preglow | ehm |
16:43:01 | jhMikeS | were symbols made private by default? *just a musing* |
16:44:08 | thgz | Does anyone know how to get this working? |
16:44:15 | preglow | thgz: i'm on it |
16:44:21 | jhMikeS | thgz: what build? |
16:44:44 | thgz | I'm using the latest from svn |
16:44:58 | jhMikeS | thgz: not sure if you said but is it a sim build? |
16:44:59 | n1s | thgz: 64 bit? |
16:45:24 | thgz | n1s: No it isn't |
16:45:28 | preglow | found the bug |
16:45:54 | preglow | $(AR) is defined to be target ar |
16:46:01 | thgz | jhMikeS: I don't know. |
16:46:05 | preglow | should i just replace $(AR) with "ar" in rbspeexenc makefile? |
16:46:57 | thgz | I can try |
16:46:58 | jhMikeS | sounds like ranlib would only be a sim thing...bah |
16:47:07 | preglow | jhMikeS: you don't need ranlib, ar can do that part for you |
16:47:10 | preglow | thgz: that does work |
16:47:17 | preglow | i just wonder if it's the proper way to do it |
16:47:30 | preglow | i'll just commit that for now, it fixes it |
16:47:32 | jhMikeS | what's ar mean? |
16:47:46 | thgz | Preglow: Can you explain where is the file that I should open? |
16:47:48 | jhMikeS | archive? |
16:48:02 | Bagder | "ar - create, modify, and extract from archives" |
16:48:26 | preglow | thgz: i've fixed it in svn now |
16:48:37 | thgz | okay |
16:48:49 | thgz | I download it again. |
16:48:49 | preglow | thgz: so just do "make clean" in tools/rbspeex |
16:48:56 | preglow | thgz: then go at it like usual |
16:49:16 | thgz | ok |
16:50:15 | thgz | Should I re-download the src? |
16:50:20 | jhMikeS | there's too many libspeex makes that now so I have no idea which one somebody might be referring to |
16:51:16 | jhMikeS | especially when still half awake |
16:51:37 | preglow | the rbspeexenc one |
16:52:09 | jhMikeS | I figured that out...but really slowly :P |
16:52:50 | | Join hunz [0] (n=hunz@dslb-084-056-009-123.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
16:53:02 | preglow | heh |
16:53:41 | thgz | It start compiling the file |
16:54:04 | thgz | *started |
16:57:05 | | Join Riggzy [0] (n=Riggzy@ |
16:57:24 | * | jhMikeS still wonders why "Yes" gets played as a silence clip instead of "Yes" |
16:57:46 | preglow | i wouldn't know, but i sure did notice |
16:57:58 | thgz | great |
16:58:03 | Riggzy | Is there a known bug with the sleep timer? Specifically on video ipods if that's a factor |
16:58:03 | thgz | It compiled successfully! |
16:58:06 | thgz | Thanks much! |
16:59:21 | | Part bluey ("Leaving") |
17:00 |
17:00:25 | | Part thgz |
17:01:23 | | Join jurrie__ [0] (n=jurrie@adsl-068-209-041-021.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) |
17:01:29 | Riggzy | The sleep timer gets to 0:00 then goes into negatives... x.x |
17:04:37 | PaulJam | Riggzy: does it continue to count negative for a longer time or does it shut down shortly after crosing 0:00? |
17:05:25 | | Quit hunz_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:05:45 | * | Riggzy peeps at the screen, "Going on 12 minutes into negatives." |
17:06:08 | Riggzy | Doesn't look like anything's stopping it |
17:06:09 | | Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc1-brig8-0-0-cust97.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
17:06:16 | preglow | well, you could |
17:06:18 | Riggzy | However, it's currently charging |
17:06:43 | PaulJam | this is certainly not normal |
17:07:09 | Riggzy | Let's see what happens when it's not charging *pop* |
17:07:21 | Riggzy | Ah, as soon as I unplug it, it shuts down x.x There's the bug |
17:07:24 | PaulJam | i think i have notices something similar on my h300, but the shutdown was only delayed by a few seconds |
17:08:15 | Riggzy | It seems that if I'm charging the iPod (over USB with a computer) it's not going into sleep |
17:08:49 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
17:08:56 | PaulJam | Riggzy: this is still a bug, while charging playback should stop and display be turned of (at least on my playeer it behaves that way when on the charger). |
17:09:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:09:28 | Riggzy | I read something about USB support with the iPod being a bit flakey still |
17:09:38 | | Quit jurrie_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:09:41 | Riggzy | What're you running it on Paul? |
17:09:50 | PaulJam | let me see what happens on my devich when charging from USB |
17:10:05 | PaulJam | i use iriver h300 |
17:10:14 | Riggzy | Ah right |
17:10:14 | | Join FunkyELF [0] (n=funkyelf@ |
17:10:46 | Riggzy | Well, a track just skipped, guess I'll just have to wait for this bug fix like all the other current iPod ones |
17:11:27 | FunkyELF | does rockbox work on the new iPod classic? do I just follow the video ipod docs? |
17:11:39 | PaulJam | Riggzy: is there already a bugreport on flyspray? if not, you should open one (if you want the bug to be fixed). |
17:11:40 | n1s | FunkyELF: no, doesn't work |
17:11:51 | | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
17:12:09 | FunkyELF | n1s, doesn't work yet you mean? will it work eventually? |
17:12:15 | Riggzy | I was trying to find the Rockbox bug report site *chuckles |
17:12:29 | n1s | FunkyELF: I mean it doesn't work, i can't predict the future. |
17:12:32 | preglow | not really hard to find, is it |
17:12:39 | Riggzy | It's rather disheartening to google "rockbox bugs" and get a random mail archive |
17:12:57 | preglow | Riggzy: if you can't find the bug report page, you're not looking |
17:12:58 | preglow | www.rockbox.org |
17:12:59 | preglow | it's there |
17:13:22 | Riggzy | I'm silly and use Google instead of webpages sometimes *facepalm* |
17:13:34 | preglow | often works, sometimes doesn't |
17:13:43 | preglow | i'm a bit like that myself |
17:16:38 | PaulJam | ah interesting, i can confirm that the sleeptimer is broken when charging from USB. |
17:17:27 | Riggzy | Eenteresting |
17:17:36 | Riggzy | Can't see anything specific on the tracker.. |
17:19:10 | | Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
17:19:18 | | Join SolidSnake [0] (i=FakeNam@dialup- |
17:19:27 | | Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
17:19:28 | SolidSnake | hmm |
17:19:34 | SolidSnake | Is anyone alive |
17:19:41 | SolidSnake | I have some questions |
17:19:45 | BigBambi | Just ask |
17:19:46 | Nico_P | I am |
17:19:46 | SolidSnake | Beyond the Standard FAQ |
17:19:48 | SolidSnake | ok |
17:20:01 | BigBambi | SolidSnake: Beyond the manual too? |
17:20:02 | SolidSnake | I have a Turly F602 MP3 Player |
17:20:06 | SolidSnake | I know it won't work |
17:20:20 | SolidSnake | but is there a possibily that it might? |
17:20:27 | SolidSnake | BigBambi: |
17:20:28 | SolidSnake | No |
17:20:31 | SolidSnake | ok |
17:20:35 | SolidSnake | I'll Read first |
17:20:47 | BigBambi | SolidSnake: Check out the NewPorts wiki page |
17:20:54 | n1s | SolidSnake: if you port rockbox to it sure there's a possibility |
17:21:22 | SolidSnake | ok |
17:21:24 | SolidSnake | Thank You |
17:21:29 | SolidSnake | Another thing |
17:21:38 | SolidSnake | My Brother has a Sansa E200R |
17:21:42 | SolidSnake | It SHOULD work |
17:22:01 | SolidSnake | but if update it, will it still work on Windows 98 |
17:22:05 | SolidSnake | W/O Driver |
17:22:07 | SolidSnake | ? |
17:23:08 | n1s | SolidSnake: you have to use sandisk firmware for usb so it will work the same as before |
17:23:53 | SolidSnake | ok |
17:24:03 | | Join lazka [0] (n=lazka@83-65-235-215.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) |
17:24:15 | | Join japc [0] (n=japc@bl8-7-67.dsl.telepac.pt) |
17:26:30 | SolidSnake | Is there any other Opensource/Closedsource MP3 Firmware Projects? |
17:26:50 | DerPapst | iPodLinux |
17:26:58 | DerPapst | and some others too afaik |
17:27:13 | SolidSnake | hmm |
17:27:14 | n1s | and a couple others like archopen but that is OT here |
17:27:27 | moos | SolidSnake: please, we speak rockbox here! |
17:28:09 | SolidSnake | Sorry |
17:28:13 | SolidSnake | I was just asking |
17:28:39 | moos | no problemo |
17:30:22 | SolidSnake | Wow |
17:30:25 | SolidSnake | this is great |
17:30:41 | SolidSnake | I can't wait until someone ports it to Truly Line of MP3 PLayers |
17:31:13 | moos | SolidSnake: just buy one supported device ;) |
17:31:25 | SolidSnake | lol |
17:31:27 | SolidSnake | Nice |
17:31:47 | SolidSnake | and throw away my $119 Turly FT602?!? |
17:31:50 | SolidSnake | ;) |
17:32:05 | DerPapst | or sell it ;) |
17:32:24 | SolidSnake | Yeah, maybe Ebay it |
17:32:42 | SolidSnake | Or I can Learn Programming and Port Rockbox Myself |
17:32:45 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
17:33:18 | markun | SolidSnake: or just be happy with the current features of your player. What´s missing from it= |
17:33:52 | moos | Rockbox ! |
17:33:54 | moos | :) |
17:34:04 | moos | hi markun btw |
17:34:08 | SolidSnake | well it Has a skinning engine |
17:34:11 | | Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) |
17:34:13 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
17:34:17 | SolidSnake | but Truly has only 3 Skins for it |
17:34:20 | linuxstb | amiconn: I'm around now. |
17:34:35 | SolidSnake | And I can't make my Own becasue it has this .res extension that nothing can open |
17:35:00 | amiconn | linuxstb: I committed the stuff meanwhile. Would be nice if you could do a quick check of latest svn on your Color |
17:35:11 | markun | moos: hi! |
17:35:28 | amiconn | I don't really expect problems though. I just moved the backlight init where it belongs - out of lcd_init_device() |
17:35:40 | markun | SolidSnake: that sounds like a great reason to port rockbox to it! :P |
17:36:11 | SolidSnake | hey thats not the only problem |
17:36:15 | SolidSnake | It Crashes |
17:36:30 | SolidSnake | You expect something like that to stay in Windows OS |
17:36:46 | SolidSnake | When you scan the playlist sometimes it just freezes up |
17:36:53 | linuxstb | amiconn: No problem. So I'm just checking the backlight is still working? |
17:37:03 | markun | SolidSnake: rockbox also crashed 2 times on me this weekend.. |
17:37:06 | SolidSnake | There are some serious problems with it... |
17:37:11 | SolidSnake | markun why? |
17:37:24 | markun | SolidSnake: because it contains bugs? |
17:37:30 | SolidSnake | I know |
17:37:44 | | Quit Riggzy (Remote closed the connection) |
17:37:45 | * | linuxstb looks at the front page, and wonders what "oops, forgot a few" means... |
17:37:47 | SolidSnake | but what were you doing that casued the crash, or did it just freeze on its own |
17:38:03 | amiconn | linuxstb: Yes, basically. It would also be nice if someone with a 4th Gen (grayscale or color) would investigate the PP502x PWM for backlight brightness... |
17:38:35 | | Join webguest70 [0] (i=4cc18e54@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e6460af4e9284fb9) |
17:38:40 | amiconn | I tried it on my mini (maybe apple put another hidden feature like brightness on Nano), but that doesn't work |
17:39:27 | n1s | linuxstb: you're reading it out of context! :P |
17:39:40 | linuxstb | n1s: I think that's my point ;) |
17:39:49 | | Join grujilj [0] (i=4cc18e54@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-79eb044f9954dd98) |
17:39:49 | | Quit webguest70 (Client Quit) |
17:40:51 | | Quit grujilj (Client Quit) |
17:41:34 | preglow | amiconn: ahoy, how's voicebox coming along? |
17:41:42 | preglow | we want this stuff commited, it seems :> |
17:41:43 | amiconn | Still the same state |
17:42:07 | amiconn | Guess I should put it on the wiki as-is, and let others who want this drag-and-drop working care of it |
17:42:37 | preglow | amiconn: sounds good to me |
17:42:39 | preglow | jhMikeS: ready? |
17:42:42 | | Part SolidSnake |
17:42:49 | jhMikeS | aye |
17:42:56 | jhMikeS | mon capitan |
17:43:01 | preglow | amiconn: so i should just tell people not to expect drag and drop to work? |
17:43:40 | jhMikeS | plop a TODO note on the page detailing the situation? |
17:44:40 | jhMikeS | preglow: exactly what is your part? |
17:44:48 | preglow | jhMikeS: just configure and voice.pl, really |
17:44:53 | jhMikeS | ok |
17:45:27 | jhMikeS | I guess I get the bin delta blame :P |
17:45:39 | preglow | :D |
17:46:52 | preglow | i can live with that |
17:47:48 | linuxstb | Am I right in thinking voicebox has no license? |
17:48:03 | preglow | linuxstb: not exactly desirable, but you are correct |
17:48:08 | preglow | i'd like it if voicebox was in svn |
17:48:16 | preglow | and most definitely gpl |
17:48:21 | jhMikeS | preglow: give the countdown. ready to launch here. |
17:48:27 | preglow | jhMikeS: just waiting for amiconn |
17:48:39 | jhMikeS | what's he gotta do now? :( |
17:48:40 | linuxstb | Has anyone tried to contact the original authors? |
17:48:56 | preglow | not in the least |
17:49:03 | preglow | jhMikeS: just stuff voicebox in the wiki |
17:49:33 | preglow | Bagder: it would also be cool if a notice in the new voice file format could be put on the front page news or something |
17:49:39 | preglow | s/in/of/ |
17:50:40 | preglow | s/of/on/ :> |
17:51:06 | linuxstb | amiconn: No problems on my Color. |
17:51:22 | amiconn | Thanks :) |
17:52:04 | | Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable228.133-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) |
17:52:11 | amiconn | I'm just updating a few things in voicebox |
17:52:24 | preglow | sure |
17:52:44 | amiconn | The supported extension list grew considerably since voicebox was made... |
17:53:12 | * | jhMikeS 's launch finger gets twitchy |
17:53:20 | | Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ |
17:54:14 | linuxstb | Hmm, seems with dircache enabled, my Color freezes when booting with USB connected, but if I disable dircache, it works fine... |
17:56:50 | amiconn | preglow: Are there recent changes in rbspeexenc which are needed? My rbspeexenc is dated 16-Nov-2007 22:03 |
17:58:37 | preglow | amiconn: i don't think so, no |
17:59:05 | preglow | amiconn: maybe one thing, yes |
17:59:10 | preglow | amiconn: a read that was supposed to be fread |
17:59:25 | amiconn | Okay, I'll rebuild it |
17:59:45 | | Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) |
17:59:48 | | Join idnar_ [0] (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
18:00 |
18:00:17 | amiconn | Hmm. The only thing it did was making a libspeex.a ... |
18:00:37 | linuxstb | rbspeexenc is created directly in tools/ |
18:00:49 | amiconn | I know |
18:01:24 | amiconn | But the read->fread change happened before I've built rbspeexenc, so it should be fine |
18:01:41 | | Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) |
18:01:57 | preglow | ok, then we're ok |
18:03:11 | | Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) |
18:04:42 | Nico_P | what's voicebox? |
18:07:01 | Nico_P | hmm actually I think I found... didn't know about it |
18:08:18 | preglow | amiconn: it's up? |
18:09:25 | amiconn | Yes, now including some notes |
18:09:26 | | Join nanok [0] (n=nanok@ |
18:09:32 | amiconn | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VoiceHowto#Automated_generation_of_talk_cli |
18:10:26 | preglow | amiconn: excellent, thanks a bunch |
18:10:28 | preglow | jhMikeS: then we go |
18:10:34 | jhMikeS | ready? |
18:10:50 | preglow | sure |
18:10:55 | jhMikeS | one last change to tell me |
18:10:59 | jhMikeS | chance |
18:11:05 | amiconn | How large will a typical swcodec voice file be now? |
18:11:14 | preglow | amiconn: dunno, mine is 8kk |
18:11:16 | preglow | 800k <- |
18:11:23 | amiconn | NanO? |
18:11:28 | preglow | h120 |
18:11:30 | amiconn | ah |
18:11:43 | linuxstb | preglow: Regarding your AR fix to the rbspeex Makefile, I think it might be nicer to deal with it the same way as CC - i.e. create a HOSTAR variable in configure, similar to HOSTCC. |
18:11:58 | jhMikeS | preglow: ok? 2nd last chance. |
18:12:09 | preglow | jhMikeS: go <- |
18:12:10 | preglow | :P |
18:12:16 | preglow | linuxstb: sure, but no one told me so at the time :P |
18:12:19 | jhMikeS | launched... |
18:12:28 | * | amiconn wonders if it will work right away :> |
18:12:45 | preglow | me too |
18:12:46 | preglow | heh |
18:13:13 | linuxstb | preglow: I'll do it now. |
18:13:48 | jhMikeS | ...and n1s has a build waiting to complete...>:[ |
18:15:31 | jhMikeS | well, good syncing anway :) |
18:15:34 | amiconn | n1s: backlight_timeout is expected to be present on all targets. backlight_timeout_plugged is *not* |
18:16:05 | amiconn | It depends on CONFIG_CHARGING, i.e. Ondios don't have it |
18:17:16 | amiconn | The reason why backlight_timeout exists for all targets is that the Ondio can be modded to have backlight, and we do not want the plugin api to be incompatible between modded and unmodded builds |
18:20:36 | * | Nico_P is thrilled to see all the deletions in playback.c |
18:22:04 | | Join radinp [0] (n=pradin@psyduck-08.dynamic.rpi.edu) |
18:22:14 | * | preglow is thrilled to finally have this commited |
18:22:42 | | Quit radinp ("Leaving.") |
18:23:06 | jhMikeS | beh...got some warnings |
18:23:12 | preglow | i wonder how casting QStrings to char * will work |
18:23:12 | amiconn | Da big red delta... |
18:23:23 | preglow | amiconn: i'm going to work a bit on shrinking it |
18:23:28 | | Join gamerdonkey [0] (n=gamerdon@adsl-76-223-195-214.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) |
18:23:42 | preglow | but all in all i don't think this delta is too bad, considering we now have an entire codec in the core |
18:23:51 | amiconn | Yeah, I know |
18:24:12 | preglow | but i expect to be able to shave another few kb off it |
18:24:24 | amiconn | jhMikeS: One extra warning for sim builds |
18:25:47 | preglow | jhMikeS: looking forward to that dual core spc codec, then :> |
18:26:27 | * | amiconn would prefer to see some dual core work happening for PP5002 :> |
18:26:39 | jhMikeS | yeah, working on that |
18:26:57 | preglow | what, pp5002 didn't get the dual core treatment some time ago? |
18:26:59 | jhMikeS | that SPC codec is ready, just needs some CI entries |
18:27:03 | gamerdonkey | hey, would an ipod 3G question be too annoying? |
18:27:22 | preglow | gamerdonkey: ask and find out, as long as its about rockbox, you won't be beat up |
18:27:22 | jhMikeS | preglow: swp(b) is broken there too and that's really the issue |
18:27:33 | jhMikeS | but it's no issue now |
18:28:11 | amiconn | Cache handling is the other issue.. or did you already do the necessary re? |
18:28:45 | jhMikeS | not yet. why is it running 1/2 speed? the setup or the HW? |
18:28:54 | amiconn | That's a HW bug |
18:29:14 | gamerdonkey | well, i just installed rockbox on the ipod and, despite the battery being fully charged and fine in the original apple software, it says the battery is drained and shuts down |
18:29:16 | amiconn | But we need to find out the necessary bits for flushing/invalidating |
18:29:19 | jhMikeS | I suppose if 1/2 speed is faster than no cache, it's an improvement |
18:29:23 | gamerdonkey | have you ever heard of this before? |
18:29:30 | preglow | amiconn: are we absolutely sure about that, btw? is it possible it _could_ be a setting? |
18:29:32 | amiconn | jhMikeS: It clearly is |
18:29:47 | | Nick Snake_ is now known as snake (n=Snake@adsl-68-76-119-91.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net) |
18:30:27 | amiconn | Really time critical functions need to go into iram on P5002. That has nothing to do with dual core though |
18:36:21 | * | amiconn tries to build a german voice using at&t |
18:37:18 | * | jhMikeS notices there's still that delayed delta bug in the table |
18:37:34 | amiconn | preglow: It errors out... |
18:38:13 | * | gamerdonkey takes that as a no |
18:38:18 | gamerdonkey | thanks anyway, guys |
18:38:18 | amiconn | Eh, you're passing absolute paths? |
18:38:29 | amiconn | That's boud to break... |
18:38:34 | amiconn | *bound |
18:39:32 | linuxstb | gamerdonkey: Yes, that's a no. We don't have very many 3rd gen users though (and no developers I think at the moment...) |
18:39:50 | Nico_P | jhMikeS: now we can think about improving the codecs by giving them a message queue :) |
18:40:51 | jhMikeS | Nico_P: yeah, no doubt. |
18:40:55 | | Quit z35 ("Leaving") |
18:41:34 | | Join z35 [0] (n=z@ |
18:41:39 | gamerdonkey | linuxstb, yeah, that's understood |
18:41:52 | preglow | amiconn: what? were? |
18:42:00 | preglow | where, that is |
18:42:31 | amiconn | The rbspeexenc call fails, because you're passing an absolute cygwin path to the vbscript |
18:42:46 | preglow | i haven't even touched the vbscript |
18:43:03 | preglow | i can't even run it |
18:43:21 | Nico_P | why are some functions from voice_thread.h called mp3_* ? |
18:43:56 | amiconn | preglow: No, but you added an absolute enocder path somewhere... |
18:44:19 | preglow | amiconn: i use a relative encoder path in configure, i think |
18:45:02 | preglow | ENC_CMD="$rootdir/tools/rbspeexenc" |
18:45:07 | preglow | i think that's the only directory handling i do |
18:45:20 | preglow | does voicebox even interact with those values? bear in mind i can't even run it and have no idea how it works |
18:46:00 | | Quit gamerdonkey ("Leaving") |
18:46:05 | amiconn | I'm not talking about voicebox |
18:46:15 | amiconn | I'm talking about generating a voice file with sapi |
18:46:35 | preglow | well, ok, the same applies there, pretty much |
18:46:37 | preglow | where does it break? |
18:46:44 | amiconn | And the Makefile generated by configure contains the absolute path |
18:46:57 | preglow | is $rootdir absolutele on cygwin? |
18:47:01 | preglow | absolute.... |
18:47:09 | amiconn | ...which does work fine within cygwin, but the vbscript doesn't understand that path at all |
18:47:46 | | Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
18:48:00 | amiconn | I think the most compatible way would be to (temporarily) add the tools dir to the path, and then call rbspeexenc the same way as lame - without any path specifier |
18:48:22 | amiconn | How could I add a path to the system path within a perl script? |
18:48:30 | preglow | hmm |
18:49:21 | | Quit advcomp2019 ("Leaving") |
18:49:23 | preglow | let's see |
18:50:15 | amiconn | This would also simplify calling wavtrim and voicefont |
18:50:22 | jhMikeS | this scheduler boost control would simply be better if a thread called say, cancel_cpu_boost() when it wants to unboost instead of it having to do with timed waits (which I see as irrelenvant to the decision). basically voice handles it that way now by sleep(0). |
18:50:24 | preglow | $ENV{PATH} .= ";newpath" ? |
18:50:47 | billenium | BRB |
18:50:52 | | Quit billenium ("Ex-Chat") |
18:55:19 | preglow | amiconn: i can't really remember how perl exports path to programs it spawns |
18:56:01 | preglow | amiconn: is this what the last ml post is talking about, btw? |
18:57:59 | amiconn | Just manipulating $ENV{'PATH'} works within the script |
18:58:15 | amiconn | Now I have to try whether cygwin manages the path passing properly |
18:58:44 | amiconn | Then we can just add the tools dir to the path temporarily, and not worry about the paths anymore |
18:59:00 | preglow | which would be great |
19:00 |
19:00:41 | | Join AceNik [0] (n=AceNik@ |
19:00:57 | AceNik | hey guys i cant cmpile on vmware anymore |
19:01:08 | preglow | what's wrong? |
19:01:16 | amiconn | $ENV{'PATH'} = dirname($0) . ':' . $ENV{'PATH'}; |
19:01:44 | AceNik | svnversin.sh & makeinfo.pl error 127 when givin make command |
19:02:30 | preglow | ehh |
19:02:57 | AceNik | amiconn shpould i enter the above command |
19:03:25 | amiconn | no, that doesn't have to do with your prob |
19:03:28 | | Join stevenm [0] (n=stevenm@ |
19:04:13 | AceNik | then i had recently updated the vmware player to versin 2.02 then copied the source back to the virtual drive fter that when i tried compiling i et this error |
19:05:03 | | Join me [0] (n=me@bas12-toronto63-1088801894.dsl.bell.ca) |
19:05:09 | lostlogic | woah... no more codec swapping!? I might faint. |
19:05:51 | me | How do I clear the database? When I update it, it does not properly reflect the changes I made to the ID3 tags. |
19:05:57 | | Quit stevenm (Client Quit) |
19:08:39 | pixelma | Nico_P: thanks for the fix, seems to work ok now. There is just a short delay when "restoring" the text after the bitmap was displayed but a lot better than ... nothing :) |
19:09:26 | Nico_P | pixelma: you're welcome :) I know about the delay, but I don't think there's much I can do about it |
19:09:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:09:49 | pixelma | me: you could initialise it again... |
19:10:13 | Nico_P | lostlogic: isn't it awesome that playback.c is now only ~2600 lines? :D |
19:10:22 | amiconn | preglow: PATH fiddling works fine... voice generation seems a bit slower than with lame (but quite okay) |
19:10:29 | preglow | amiconn: it slower than with lame |
19:10:35 | preglow | amiconn: you can drop -c to make it faster |
19:10:44 | preglow | amiconn: but cool anyway! |
19:10:49 | preglow | please check that i works on target as well |
19:10:55 | amiconn | I'll test hwcodec as well, then commit |
19:11:01 | preglow | excellent |
19:11:17 | lostlogic | Nico_P: shock, awe. |
19:11:20 | pixelma | Nico_P: ah and the wrong next track info during the last track in the playlist is gone now too :) |
19:11:27 | AceNik | can anyone help i get permission denied in svnversion.sh & makeinfo.pl then a error 127 |
19:11:32 | Nico_P | pixelma: yeah, fixed it too :) |
19:11:34 | amiconn | I can't drop all dirname($0) calls though, because the tools path is needed for some more things than just commands |
19:11:40 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:11:56 | amiconn | That's all internal to voice.pl and works regardless of whether it runs on linux or cygwin |
19:12:22 | amiconn | Wow, voice file size for mini G2 went 1151KB->736KB |
19:12:30 | amiconn | (same tts parameters) |
19:12:48 | preglow | amiconn: and it still sounds quite nico,imo |
19:13:01 | linuxstb | AceNik: Sounds like the file attributes are wrong - how did you download the source code? |
19:13:39 | Nico_P | lostlogic: playback.c was 3902 lines before MoB... 2625 now... this is pure awesomness IMO :) |
19:13:56 | Nico_P | maybe even legendary |
19:14:21 | AceNik | linuxstb: i just copied the folder that i had earlier n recopied it back to the new vmware drive |
19:14:38 | linuxstb | AceNik: Ah, I've just read your earlier posts... Sounds like the copy broke the permissions.... |
19:14:51 | n1s | lostlogic: could you rebuild arm-elf-gcc on your buildserver with rockboxdev.sh so it gets the needed patches? |
19:15:12 | linuxstb | AceNik: If I was you, I would just delete the tools directory and do an "svn update" |
19:15:21 | n1s | or patch manually if that's your cup of tea |
19:16:03 | amiconn | n1s: Did you see my remark regarding backlight_timeout_plugged? |
19:16:22 | AceNik | linuxstb:but i get an error in the apps directory |
19:16:39 | AceNik | linuxstb; ill try ur method |
19:17:49 | | Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) |
19:18:35 | n1s | amiconn: ah, yes forgot about it bu I'll fix now |
19:19:05 | | Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") |
19:20:12 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p5B23EBFC.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:20:30 | n1s | preglow: jhMikeS, voice works great in sim here not tested on target, size dropped from 1.2MB to ~1.0 |
19:20:53 | preglow | good, good |
19:21:22 | preglow | amiconn: but yeah, do you think the ml error report is because of the sapi bug? the error code pasted tells me nothing... |
19:21:47 | linuxstb | preglow: You're talking about the "error 141" ? |
19:21:48 | amiconn | Voice works fine on target btw (tested mini G2, german voice) |
19:21:53 | preglow | linuxstb: aye |
19:22:20 | amiconn | preglow: I would think so |
19:22:22 | linuxstb | Google is telling me that it's due to a broken pipe |
19:23:15 | amiconn | preglow: This is a more verbose paste of the error I got: http://pastebin.ca/780877 |
19:23:23 | preglow | i'll just ask |
19:23:49 | preglow | hmm |
19:24:10 | lostlogic | n1s: I ... thought I did... |
19:24:13 | lostlogic | like just last week |
19:25:04 | amiconn | linuxstb: Yes, because the vbscript errors out if it cannot find a command |
19:25:24 | DerPapst | are the buildservers already building new voices in speex? |
19:26:01 | n1s | lostlogic: it's failing the mrobe builds because it doesn't have the correct lib... |
19:26:04 | amiconn | That should happen automatically |
19:26:25 | DerPapst | amiconn: ok |
19:28:38 | amiconn | That is, the next daily voices should work |
19:29:17 | | Quit AceNik (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:29:45 | linuxstb | Does the new voice playback work noticably better than the previous implementation? (I never used it...) |
19:29:59 | lostlogic | n1s: I'm a retard. fixing momentarily. |
19:30:06 | | Quit Falen (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:30:13 | n1s | great :) |
19:31:37 | pixelma | if Bagder was around, he could kick off a new voice build for today... |
19:31:40 | amiconn | english voice dropped from 1.2M to 830K |
19:33:25 | amiconn | preglow: .talk clips are working fine too |
19:33:37 | preglow | amiconn: yeah, that had bugs, so i've tested that quite thoroughly |
19:34:00 | preglow | amiconn: however, each time i hover over a talk file, it says "talk mp3 clip" |
19:34:01 | amiconn | I still have to try whether hwcodec still works - can't do that now |
19:34:11 | preglow | is it supposed to do that even when speak file types is off? |
19:34:12 | | Quit joshin (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
19:34:21 | amiconn | no |
19:34:27 | preglow | it seems to do so here |
19:34:28 | amiconn | Or rather, I don't know |
19:34:41 | preglow | also, "yes" is never pronounced, but that doesn't seem to be our fault |
19:34:44 | amiconn | I don't have 'view all' enabled |
19:35:16 | amiconn | hmmmm |
19:35:25 | amiconn | 'yes' definitely worked before |
19:35:41 | amiconn | Now I get a click |
19:35:43 | preglow | the bug was there before we touched the code, i'm 95% certain of it |
19:35:51 | preglow | other people mentioned it |
19:35:55 | preglow | hint: yes is the first clip in a file |
19:37:52 | amiconn | There are several quirks now |
19:38:57 | preglow | which? |
19:39:14 | amiconn | (1) 'yes' doesn't work. (2) When hovering a .talk file, it says 'talk clip' first, and then the content of that clip |
19:39:57 | amiconn | (1) might have slipped in with a recent voicefont change |
19:40:31 | amiconn | Hmm, or not... |
19:41:16 | * | pixelma tried on today's M5 build (r 15654) and can definitely hear "yes"... |
19:41:27 | preglow | is that so... |
19:41:39 | amiconn | It definitely worked before |
19:42:47 | jhMikeS | this "Yes" thing is something strange (getting a silence clip instead). can't be in the voice thread since that just plays whatever asked and the loader code seemed ok. I couldn't track down any core fault. |
19:47:53 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
19:52:36 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@121-021-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) |
19:56:12 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet02.nat.lancs.ac.uk) |
19:56:25 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
19:56:34 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
20:00 |
20:00:20 | | Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:00:38 | | Join karashata [0] (n=karashat@pool3-048.adsl.user.start.ca) |
20:06:06 | | Join AceNik [0] (n=AceNik@ |
20:06:25 | AceNik | linuxstb: thanks a lot it helped now i can compile perfect |
20:06:56 | AceNik | can anyone tell me what does the reason for closin this patch mean ? #4988 |
20:08:28 | preglow | jhMikeS: so, now what features does spc have on ipods? |
20:09:15 | jhMikeS | echo. |
20:09:26 | jhMikeS | some asm optimizing |
20:09:35 | preglow | still no gauss interpolation? |
20:09:49 | jhMikeS | you'll never get that out of it |
20:10:05 | * | preglow wonders why that is so cpu hungry |
20:10:16 | preglow | i would have thought gaussian interpolation was pretty much just a table lookup |
20:10:26 | jhMikeS | cf has a prayer but that darned ARM multipler |
20:10:31 | Soap | AceNik: IIRC the decision was that instead of bloating the core of Rockbox with that function, the plugins themselves should be modified to keep the backlight on if they so desire. |
20:10:45 | jhMikeS | maybe I'll work on it, but it sounds much better now |
20:10:54 | preglow | i can imagine |
20:11:06 | preglow | and this thing is a nice way to see if dual core threading works nice,yes? |
20:11:39 | AceNik | soap: ok i get that , but which plugin as such has been modified to keep that fuction working since then ? can you name a few of them |
20:11:45 | jhMikeS | well, it has been run for hours on end so it pretty much confirms it |
20:11:55 | Soap | AceNik: That I can't say. |
20:12:10 | | Join jpt9 [0] (n=chatzill@teal-blue-85.dynamic2.rpi.edu) |
20:12:12 | jpt9 | hey. |
20:12:25 | jpt9 | what does it mean if Rockbox locks up with an error of "Data abort at 40001314 (0)". |
20:12:38 | jpt9 | I was trying to play an MP3 (selected it from the file browser). |
20:13:23 | AceNik | soap: i dont think after this was declared, a few plugins miht hav kept up to keeping, backlight on but not others whih require, like i know mpegplayer as a fact did get this feature, but none of the other plugins |
20:14:31 | | Quit pixelma (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:15:17 | jpt9 | and sometimes rockbox just refuses to play music; it seems to have trouble reading the MP3 file (it can't get the bitrate, for example). |
20:15:25 | bertrik | jpt9: something bad happened, I think it means that the processor tried to access some memory or peripheral but nobody answered |
20:15:26 | jpt9 | i'm using a Sansa e250R. |
20:15:29 | jpt9 | oh. |
20:15:34 | jpt9 | i assume it's a bug? |
20:15:42 | bertrik | yes probably |
20:15:54 | jpt9 | how stable is rockbox, exactly? |
20:16:04 | AceNik | jpt: which player model & rockbox revision are you referin to ? |
20:16:12 | lostlogic | 'exactly', hehe |
20:16:18 | jpt9 | an e250R with the latest version as of a few minutes ago. |
20:16:18 | bertrik | I've seen bugs but never experienced data aborts |
20:16:22 | jpt9 | oh. |
20:16:49 | * | karashata has rarely run into bugs of any sort recently with normal use |
20:17:10 | Lear | Could be a bad ID3 tag here (bad, as in causing problems for Rockbox, not necessarily bad in itself). |
20:17:21 | AceNik | jpt9: what kind of settings you usin in playback, like do you hav crossfade on with equilizer? |
20:18:24 | jpt9 | crossfade is on... |
20:18:40 | jpt9 | equalizer is on... |
20:18:43 | jpt9 | custom settings... |
20:18:44 | Soap | can we quickly verify one thing jpt9? Are you using a current, stock, build? |
20:18:52 | jpt9 | yes. |
20:18:59 | jpt9 | downloaded and installed using rockbox utility. |
20:19:02 | AceNik | jpt9: turn off the eualizer |
20:19:26 | jpt9 | huh... |
20:19:45 | jpt9 | it just started working again... |
20:19:57 | jpt9 | would having the USB connection plugged in have anything to do with it? |
20:20:01 | bertrik | those kind of bugs are the worst |
20:20:08 | AceNik | jpt9: things will be fine fromt here, im sure you using a little more resources than your player a handle, turn off the equalizer & use the bass & treble instead |
20:20:39 | AceNik | jpt9: no usb wont make a diff till your battery is low |
20:20:49 | jpt9 | i discovered that if you plug the USB connector in at the right time (possibly after unplugging it), you can get rockbox to *not* display the USB screen... |
20:20:56 | jpt9 | I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen... |
20:21:11 | jpt9 | but i'm definitely making it not do something it normally does. |
20:21:29 | jpt9 | is there any way to see how much RAM/CPU is left or something? |
20:21:52 | bertrik | system/debug/buffering thread show memory buffers |
20:22:04 | | Join billenium [0] (n=billeniu@c-69-249-243-110.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
20:22:05 | jpt9 | ah. |
20:22:28 | bertrik | and shows business of processor too, as a percentage of the time that the cpu is boosted |
20:22:47 | jpt9 | shiny. |
20:23:21 | jpt9 | huh... |
20:23:28 | jpt9 | rotating the wheel switches tracks at that screen. |
20:23:58 | bertrik | I think that's a feature, not a bug :) |
20:24:03 | jpt9 | ah. |
20:24:09 | jpt9 | oh yeah.. |
20:24:21 | jpt9 | can you add a feature to stop recording automatically when there's x MB of space left? |
20:24:24 | | Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) |
20:24:32 | jpt9 | i temporarily screwed up my Sansa when it ran out of space recording... |
20:24:55 | jpt9 | (rockbox couldn't save any settings or launch any viewers/players −− basically, it couldn't do anything. including delete files) |
20:25:56 | | Join xaNz [0] (n=xc@bas12-toronto63-1088795417.dsl.bell.ca) |
20:26:01 | bertrik | I guess you could sumbit a bug on the tracker, if there isn't one like that already |
20:26:02 | jpt9 | oh yeah... |
20:26:25 | jpt9 | i assume there aren't any undocumented features like being able to record from line-in by plugging the output of another device into the headphone jack? |
20:27:11 | jpt9 | it's already in the tracker −− http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5852 |
20:27:28 | | Join Orc [0] (n=Orc@ |
20:27:30 | bertrik | no, AFAIK the headphone jack is hardwired as output |
20:27:45 | jpt9 | damn... that'd be cool. |
20:28:01 | AceNik | guys if i patch files in the bootloader directory, does that mean need to rebuild a bootloader or a build will reflect the changes ? |
20:28:07 | | Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) |
20:28:56 | | Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ANancy-157-1-24-9.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
20:29:15 | * | lostlogic wants his 27k back from the voice codec if it's not enabled at all |
20:29:29 | | Quit HellDragon (Nick collision from services.) |
20:29:31 | preglow | i'm open to suggestions as to how that can be managed |
20:29:43 | Orc | hi. I'll want import rockbox fonts on LinuxiPod? but i dont know as |
20:29:45 | | Join HellDragon [0] (i=jd@unaffiliated/helldragon) |
20:30:05 | AceNik | what does trailing CRs from patch mean ? |
20:30:17 | Soap | CarriageReturns |
20:30:23 | lostlogic | preglow: if the codec can run out of standard RAM, couldn't it be loaded and started in the 'main buffer' when voice is enabled? |
20:30:53 | preglow | can we not do any further voice related hacks? |
20:30:59 | preglow | 25kb is nothing |
20:31:08 | preglow | and i'll shrink it even further |
20:31:40 | Orc | anybody may help me? |
20:31:45 | lostlogic | preglow: hehe, fine fine −− how about a build time #ifdef :-P (I _really_ like turning off things everyone else has on in my builds) |
20:32:14 | preglow | well, sure, but i don't see us having a separate build for that |
20:32:21 | | Quit merbanan ("Leaving") |
20:32:55 | lostlogic | preglow: yeah, we don't have a separate no tagcache, no dircache, no priority scheduling build either :-D |
20:33:06 | jpt9 | does the radio in the Sansa provide RDS? and can Rockbox read it? |
20:33:07 | preglow | heh, yeah |
20:33:21 | preglow | and yeah, the codec can run out of standard ram, but performance is very much enhanced by the use of a few kb of iram |
20:33:25 | jpt9 | the spec sheet linked to from the sansa hardware page on the wiki suggests so... |
20:33:28 | jpt9 | but i'm not sure... |
20:33:43 | lostlogic | makes sense. |
20:34:43 | lostlogic | Orc: probably need to ask IPL people −− very few people (if anyone) in here uses it. |
20:34:56 | moos | preglow: hi, I guess this page need an update (nice works btw) ;) http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MajorChanges |
20:35:20 | bertrik | jpt9: I would be surprised if it did RDS |
20:35:21 | preglow | moos: yeah, that makes sense |
20:35:41 | moos | big enhancement ! |
20:36:03 | moos | for those that use voice ui (I don't) |
20:36:06 | jpt9 | is there any way to manually tune the radio (without presets)? |
20:36:11 | preglow | moos: me neither :P |
20:36:29 | moos | : ) |
20:36:32 | * | jhMikeS doesn't understand lostlogic's priority scheduling hangups |
20:36:42 | Orc | where I may find this people. on IPL forum nobody tell me as |
20:37:02 | * | jhMikeS will set out to make it impossible to remove it on SWCODEC :P |
20:37:21 | Orc | i understand 2 things. font and codepage |
20:38:24 | | Part AceNik |
20:39:38 | lostlogic | Orc: #ipodlinux |
20:39:49 | Orc | thx |
20:39:53 | lostlogic | jhMikeS: and I'll keep fixing the bugs you introduce by so doing |
20:40:16 | lostlogic | jhMikeS: I just don't see why I'd want it... things worked (and continue to work) just fine without it |
20:41:29 | * | Nico_P figures it's time to try voice |
20:41:49 | * | lostlogic too is more tempted now that it's not all codec-crazy-swapping |
20:42:01 | jhMikeS | lostlogic: then what's the rationale for it and how would I introduce bugs if things work fine either way? |
20:42:20 | lostlogic | jhMikeS: I just meant if you made it impossible to disable it, that would be a bug. |
20:42:39 | jhMikeS | hehe...depends |
20:42:55 | * | preglow never uses voice and will live fine with it in core |
20:43:23 | jhMikeS | the voice codec _could_ be loaded on the fly. only problem is the core IRAM usage for it. |
20:43:36 | amiconn | preglow: Something's hosed on coldfire |
20:44:05 | amiconn | A current build + speex voice freezes within a few seconds when just moving around the main menu |
20:44:10 | amiconn | (on M5, that is) |
20:44:13 | * | jhMikeS has been testing repeatedly on coldfire |
20:44:28 | * | preglow too |
20:44:39 | | Quit PaulPosition (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:45:03 | preglow | i did manage to make it freeze in a menu once, but was never able to reproduce |
20:45:14 | preglow | i just figured it was a general rockbox bug since that does happen from time to time... |
20:45:39 | amiconn | Freezes after moving through 4..5 menu items, consistently |
20:45:47 | preglow | with voice enabled? |
20:45:51 | amiconn | yes |
20:45:55 | preglow | tried without? |
20:45:59 | amiconn | Settings cleared |
20:46:09 | amiconn | That means menu voice is enabled |
20:46:35 | jhMikeS | can speex as codec do it without difficulty? |
20:46:39 | amiconn | I can't disable it |
20:47:02 | amiconn | It freezes before I can reach the setting |
20:47:11 | preglow | well, i'll do another test |
20:47:27 | jhMikeS | I guess edit the config and see if it's ok when just playing .spx files |
20:47:34 | preglow | perhaps coldfire speex is just bad |
20:47:49 | preglow | i've had hangs with speex before, but i thought i fixed that with the memset commits |
20:48:09 | amiconn | I'll check H300 |
20:48:10 | jhMikeS | it |
20:48:19 | amiconn | Just have to build voice files |
20:48:30 | | Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-64cfc7b52c4dfeb2) |
20:48:49 | | Quit ompaul (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
20:48:55 | jhMikeS | 's a hard lockup when it happened to me. I put more thread safeguards in to be sure size > 0 before accepting it for decoding. |
20:49:27 | jhMikeS | just in case the clip queue did something funny |
20:50:28 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (n=The-Comp@150-114.0-85.cust.bluewin.ch) |
20:50:41 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
20:51:37 | jpt9 | man... the fm receiver on the sansa sucks... |
20:51:45 | jpt9 | it gets interference from my laptop. |
20:51:57 | amiconn | Without voice, the M5 doesn't freeze |
20:52:50 | amiconn | Enabled directory voicing, entered browser -> freeze at 3rd dir |
20:52:53 | | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:52:58 | | Quit iamben (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:54:00 | preglow | jmspeex: will the decode_lost functions ever be used in ordinary file decoding? |
20:54:48 | preglow | amiconn: you think we should try to contact this brian wolven and ask to put voicebox in svn? |
20:54:50 | Nico_P | heh, this is actually quite nice |
20:55:06 | preglow | amiconn: just tried with voice, no freezes :/ |
20:56:03 | jhMikeS | preglow: hand him one of your voice files and see if it changes things *curious* |
20:56:19 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
20:56:26 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
20:56:27 | preglow | hrm |
20:56:31 | * | preglow is tired of ifdefs |
20:56:50 | preglow | i'm _almost_ tempted to just make a voice codec version of libspeex and sync it manually when things break :/ |
20:57:10 | | Quit Orc ("Leaving") |
20:57:17 | amiconn | jhMikeS: I doubt that the voice file is the problem. It's working nicely on mini G2 |
20:57:24 | | Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ |
20:58:00 | jhMikeS | amiconn: so something in the codec then? |
20:58:53 | amiconn | I would think so |
20:59:00 | preglow | wtf, i just had a core dump when generating voice clips with festival |
20:59:05 | amiconn | I wonder why it influences M5 but not H1x0 |
20:59:17 | amiconn | Can't test on M5 anymore now |
20:59:18 | * | jhMikeS svn blame preglow :P |
20:59:25 | amiconn | Will try H300, and later als X5 |
20:59:30 | preglow | i'm trying with another voice file now, just in case |
20:59:44 | preglow | with vbr files, speex uses quite a number of different submodes, so you might get a bug on just some files |
21:00 |
21:01:05 | | Join handmadematters [0] (n=handmade@ |
21:01:11 | amiconn | Hmm. Could the mode depend on the actual voice? |
21:01:35 | handmadematters | Hi all |
21:01:37 | amiconn | Because, I put a male voice on the M5, while I use female voices on my targets |
21:01:52 | preglow | amiconn: maybe |
21:02:25 | handmadematters | if ( GPIOD_INPUT_VAL & 0x20 ) |
21:02:26 | handmadematters | { |
21:02:26 | handmadematters | GPIOD_OUTPUT_VAL &=~ 0x40; |
21:02:26 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK handmadematters |
21:02:26 | handmadematters | udelay(250); |
21:02:27 | handmadematters | data = adc_scan(ADC_SCROLLPAD); |
21:02:27 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
21:02:27 | handmadematters | GPIOD_OUTPUT_VAL |= 0x40; |
21:02:31 | handmadematters | ups |
21:03:11 | handmadematters | aehmm... how critical is it to run the above code at to positions at the same time? |
21:03:17 | handmadematters | two |
21:04:03 | handmadematters | I dont know exactly what this GPIOD stuff is doing with the hardware |
21:04:49 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
21:04:49 | * | linuxstb points out http://pastebin.ca to handmadematters |
21:06:36 | bertrik | gpiod controls the voltage on a set of pins on the controller, in this case the "GPIOD" set of pins |
21:07:14 | bertrik | it looks like a specific pin is set low, then an adc conversion is done, and the pin is set back to high |
21:09:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:10:18 | | Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
21:12:28 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
21:12:29 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
21:12:49 | jpt9 | so the sansa's cpu is really dual-code? |
21:12:56 | jpt9 | *** dual-core? |
21:13:08 | preglow | i love how festival pronounces "bass" like the fish |
21:13:19 | amiconn | umm |
21:13:32 | amiconn | On H300 I get 'stkov voice' within seconds' |
21:13:44 | amiconn | -' |
21:13:56 | preglow | well, we do ride the stack _really_ tightly |
21:14:39 | preglow | amiconn: try adjusting the staack in voice_thread.c |
21:15:31 | amiconn | weird... after a reboot it works?? |
21:15:46 | preglow | ... |
21:15:47 | amiconn | Ah, no |
21:15:55 | amiconn | It just didn't crash as early |
21:15:59 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
21:16:03 | bertrik | I'm not a native speaker, but ploo-gins sounds pretty funny to me |
21:16:09 | preglow | ploojins :P |
21:17:42 | jhMikeS | preglow: could some sets of modes use more stack? |
21:17:55 | preglow | jhMikeS: jmspeex said no |
21:18:03 | preglow | a main mode always uses the same amount of stack |
21:18:23 | jhMikeS | it sould be dialed to about 93% or so...less than libmad |
21:19:18 | jpt9 | so what's this about you guys changing voice file formats? |
21:19:31 | preglow | what you said |
21:19:42 | jpt9 | will it matter at all for end-users? |
21:20:16 | | Quit eigma () |
21:20:27 | | Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ |
21:20:51 | preglow | jpt9: well, yeah, they can't use their old files anymoer |
21:20:59 | preglow | and the new voice files will be smaller and sound better |
21:22:02 | jpt9 | ah. |
21:22:26 | jpt9 | in case it matters, I just updated Rockbox and the voice files, and voice doesn't work anymore. |
21:23:03 | linuxstb | The voice files on the website aren't updated yet - you'll need to wait until tomorrow. |
21:23:12 | jpt9 | ah. |
21:23:13 | jpt9 | ok. |
21:23:40 | * | preglow reminds himself he still hasn't updated rbutil |
21:24:13 | linuxstb | preglow: Have you added rbspeexenc functionality to rbutil? |
21:24:22 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:24:23 | | Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) |
21:25:13 | amiconn | I increased the stack size to 0x800 (from 0x740) and it seems to fix the problem on H300 |
21:25:24 | amiconn | Btw, stack usage is 92% with that increased stack |
21:25:54 | | Quit The-Compiler ("Verlassend") |
21:26:06 | J3TC- | Hrmm |
21:26:17 | J3TC- | Is the scroll margin patch have been completely scrubbed off? |
21:26:39 | J3TC- | Like I know you guys implemented a part of it and I'm trying to see which one wasn't ;x |
21:27:04 | PaulJam | J3TC-: some parts of it are now in the official build (only leftmarins) |
21:27:16 | linuxstb | It's still on flyspray, but the task is closed, so you need to include closed tasks in your search. |
21:27:38 | preglow | linuxstb: not at all |
21:27:39 | PaulJam | the rightmargin part wasn't. |
21:27:45 | J3TC- | Yeah I'm searching by number. |
21:28:01 | preglow | linuxstb: i started thinking about it yesterday, but then had to do other stuff, apparently |
21:28:02 | J3TC- | It's just the names have been changed and I do see the leftmargin tags here and there |
21:28:58 | preglow | linuxstb: i was thinking that perhaps just calling the (renamed) rbspeexenc.c main() routine straight from rbutil would make for nice code-reuse, but i don't know how the libc file ops work together with qt |
21:29:30 | amiconn | That means the stack overflows with just 0x740 |
21:30:01 | amiconn | 92% of 0x800 is 0x75c |
21:30:05 | linuxstb | preglow: It guess it could be problematic - rbutil is unicode as well... |
21:30:19 | preglow | linuxstb: exactly |
21:30:39 | linuxstb | preglow: But Domonoky and bluebrother are the people to talk to I think. |
21:31:11 | preglow | linuxstb: i know, need to find them |
21:32:10 | amiconn | I think it's just a problem that the stack is a little too tight |
21:32:16 | * | J3TC- tries to compile without the scrollmargins |
21:32:28 | J3TC- | I wonder how much that would affect the wps :3 |
21:32:50 | * | amiconn thinks we should use at least 0x780, or even 0x800 to be safe |
21:32:50 | J3TC- | Too much stuff to weed through |
21:33:30 | preglow | amiconn: well, sure, if it actually crashes on some targets, then hell yeah |
21:33:32 | | Join Guile`` [0] (n=Guile@ |
21:33:58 | amiconn | Well, it crashes on H340. Not immediately, but after moving around for a while |
21:34:11 | preglow | that's really weird, does the voice thread stack grow or what? |
21:34:24 | amiconn | Maybe the fact that I still have mp3 .talk clips on there makes things worse |
21:34:36 | | Quit billenium ("Ex-Chat") |
21:34:41 | preglow | amiconn: ahh, yeah |
21:34:55 | preglow | amiconn: we really just try to play those right now, and that _might_ make speex do something stupid |
21:35:09 | | Join handmadematters_ [0] (n=handmade@ |
21:35:31 | preglow | but then again, speex isn't supposed to allocate stack based on input values, just mode constant values |
21:35:40 | * | preglow just shaved 2kb off rockbox.ipod |
21:35:46 | | Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") |
21:36:21 | preglow | jhMikeS: seems "yes" was broken by us,then |
21:36:31 | jhMikeS | what happened? |
21:36:43 | preglow | well, i don't know, but several people confirm that the bug wasn't there before |
21:37:25 | jhMikeS | I know it wasn't there before...but what is going on I don't know. I wasn't able to spot a reason in the core. perhaps something in the file creation. |
21:37:40 | eigma | jhMikeS: has anyone looked into making debugf use the DCC (debug communications channel) on ARM architectures? |
21:39:02 | jhMikeS | eigma: btw, yesterday I wasn't talking about throwing a bunch of threads on the DSP, but simply using the regular kernel functions to use it which wouldn't be too hard from the sound of it. |
21:39:24 | | Quit davina_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:39:26 | | Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
21:40:34 | jhMikeS | amiconn: crank up the stack a little and see if it hangs again? |
21:41:28 | amiconn | Check back 15 minutes... |
21:42:28 | | Quit nicktastic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:43:18 | preglow | jhMikeS: perhaps just add a check in the sim to see if speex_decode_int fails? |
21:43:22 | * | preglow back in fifteen |
21:46:44 | | Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) |
21:47:12 | | Join AceNik [0] (n=AceNik@ |
21:47:27 | | Quit n17ikh () |
21:48:00 | | Quit handmadematters (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:48:15 | AceNik | guys please try & include this patch in the svn its really neat FS #7538 - Custom user splash screen. |
21:48:58 | eigma | jhMikeS: yeah, I dunno.. I guess we can worry about thread.c integration after things are actually working |
21:49:11 | eigma | jhMikeS: do you have an m:robe or plan on getting one? |
21:49:42 | AceNik | guys id like to know one thing hw come the ipod 5G hav this awesome colour contrast to them as compared to the h10[20GB], is it because the h10 has a bad lcd , & why are we only stuck at 24-bit bmp's for the h10, why not more? |
21:50:23 | jhMikeS | eigma: Think I'd like to. It's an interesting way to handle things. |
21:51:01 | nanok | AceNik: 24bit is more than you would ever be able to tell ;) |
21:52:12 | eigma | jhMikeS: sorry to repeat myself, but have you heard anything about the DCC? I have a patch that gives me debugf output over JTAG, was thinking about committing it |
21:52:27 | AceNik | nanok: are you sure i see a such a drastic difference in the ipod 5G wps's & the h10's |
21:53:49 | jhMikeS | eigma: what's DCC now? dualcore codec? :P |
21:53:53 | nanok | AceNik: as far as i know (btw, note that his is completely offtopic), iriver's are not about looks, but about sound and audiofile menaningfull features, and i think it's safe to say they kick ipod's ass out of the box. now, people who have used both can confirm or just the same say that i don't know what i am talking about |
21:54:08 | eigma | jhMikeS: lol.. Debug Communications Channel.. sideband channel for misc application data over JTAG |
21:54:27 | | Quit animeloe ("Leaving") |
21:54:31 | jhMikeS | haven't head anything, no. |
21:54:39 | eigma | does anyone else have JTAG on an ARM target? |
21:54:53 | nanok | AceNik: that is probably not because of 24bit. your computer display is probably 24bit, and it is probably more than yout eye can discerne |
21:55:02 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A50AA.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:55:11 | amiconn | eigma: barrywardell has |
21:55:30 | AceNik | nanok: you seriously dont knwo what your talkin of, which player do you posses |
21:55:36 | nanok | AceNik: ofcourse, this is arguable, better displays seem to, indeed, make a difference, when they are much better (like extremely high quality photo prints) |
21:56:06 | nanok | but that is a completely different matter i think. arguably, it is completely irrelevant for a DAP |
21:56:26 | AceNik | nanok : so its pretty simple to assume ipods have a better LCD, than the iriver |
21:56:41 | AceNik | but still i would liek to know why 24-bit bmp's for the h10 |
21:56:44 | eigma | also, I'm using debugf from multiple threads and I get data corruption because debugbuf is static.. any problems with protecting it with a spinlock? |
21:56:52 | nanok | AceNik: as i mentioned, i might be completelly off, and people who owned at least one of them might put me right. i, ofcourse, own neither of the two :) |
21:57:08 | | Join n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@c-76-23-98-11.hsd1.sc.comcast.net) |
21:57:37 | nanok | AceNik: anyway, i would suggest to move this to -comunity, we are disturbing the developers, and it is not very nice, nor is it efficient ;) |
21:57:54 | nanok | community, sorry |
22:00 |
22:00:07 | | Part AceNik |
22:03:15 | jhMikeS | preglow: interesting results. even with a new voice file, I get a segfault if it tries saying "yes" in nb_decode |
22:03:52 | jhMikeS | hmmm...seems to be a DEBUGF line |
22:11:21 | | Quit me (Remote closed the connection) |
22:13:02 | jhMikeS | preglow: It tries to call speex_notify in nb_decode but the DEBUGF actually bites the dust. odd. |
22:13:16 | preglow | jhMikeS: debugf lines aren't included in ordinary builds |
22:13:28 | | Quit amiconn (" bbl") |
22:14:11 | jhMikeS | it's a sim build |
22:14:40 | preglow | jhMikeS: well, yeah, but the debugf can't be the error in target builds |
22:14:47 | preglow | probably the same cause, though |
22:15:16 | jhMikeS | no...but what's up? it should notify that the frames are corrupt via DEBUGF. it tries, but that crashes. |
22:15:32 | preglow | so the frame is corrupt |
22:15:37 | preglow | can you see which return path it takes? |
22:15:44 | | Join ForgottenMemorie [0] (n=XwLiLxAz@cpe-075-177-170-087.nc.res.rr.com) |
22:15:48 | preglow | i guess this is my field, but it'll have to wait thirty minutes or so |
22:15:54 | ForgottenMemorie | sup |
22:16:12 | ForgottenMemorie | I uhhhhh need some help right now... >.> |
22:16:17 | preglow | then you must ask it |
22:17:03 | ForgottenMemorie | I was messing around with the Rockbox application on my ipod then I plug it back into my computer and it won't detect so then I unplug it and now it won't turn on... |
22:17:28 | preglow | eh |
22:17:31 | preglow | what does the display say? |
22:18:08 | ForgottenMemorie | ummm wat display...? |
22:18:28 | | Quit jpt9 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:18:29 | preglow | the ipod display |
22:19:01 | ForgottenMemorie | it's.. blank...? |
22:19:09 | preglow | press menu and select simultaneously, and keep them pressed |
22:20:51 | jhMikeS | preglow: not really. rockbox.h line 102 which could be any instance. how do I get a stack trace? |
22:21:56 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p5B23C66A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:22:08 | preglow | "bt" |
22:22:28 | jhMikeS | from within gdb or bt as a command? |
22:22:34 | preglow | within gdb |
22:22:37 | preglow | it's a command, meaning backtrace |
22:22:52 | jhMikeS | after crash? |
22:22:58 | preglow | aye |
22:24:26 | ForgottenMemorie | still... blank and dead |
22:24:30 | preglow | try again |
22:24:39 | preglow | you need to press them at the exact same time then keep them pressed for five seconds |
22:24:52 | ForgottenMemorie | still dead... |
22:25:01 | ForgottenMemorie | and when I plug it into my computer it wont' turn on either |
22:25:01 | preglow | has it been charged properly? |
22:25:15 | ForgottenMemorie | yep, i tried plugging it into the charger and it won't turn on |
22:25:31 | preglow | did it have plenty battery left when it died? |
22:25:39 | ForgottenMemorie | yeah.. it was green.. |
22:25:48 | ForgottenMemorie | I guess my ipod is broken.....? |
22:26:06 | preglow | i doubt it |
22:26:15 | preglow | no on has ever managed to break their ipod with rockbox |
22:26:20 | Soap | mighty strange coincidence for it to have died at this exact moment. |
22:26:46 | preglow | usually either the battery is _really_ empty, or it just seems dead and can be reset with the menu + select combo |
22:26:54 | ForgottenMemorie | well... if it helsp I unplugged my ipod when it was ont he apple screen |
22:26:57 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ |
22:27:02 | ForgottenMemorie | and then it died |
22:27:15 | Soap | toggle the hold switch to the on (red) and back to the off (white/silver) position, then press menu+select for 45 seconds w/o moving your fingers once. Every time you twitch your fingers you need to start over. |
22:27:46 | | Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable228.133-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) |
22:28:57 | | Join jpt9 [0] (n=chatzill@eevee-15.dynamic.rpi.edu) |
22:29:17 | | Quit jpt9 (Client Quit) |
22:29:18 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
22:29:20 | ForgottenMemorie | yep |
22:29:22 | ForgottenMemorie | still dead |
22:29:38 | Soap | then put in on charge for 12 hours and try agin. |
22:29:52 | Soap | and I do mean 12 hours. W/O peeking. |
22:29:57 | ForgottenMemorie | well... i'm nto sure if it's charging since it's still blank when I plug it in |
22:30:05 | ForgottenMemorie | if I plug it into anything it stays blank |
22:30:24 | Soap | I have read everything you have said - and I promise you this is the best course of action. |
22:30:32 | ForgottenMemorie | o... ok |
22:30:35 | ForgottenMemorie | thanks |
22:30:38 | ForgottenMemorie | i'll try it |
22:30:47 | jhMikeS | preglow: http://jhmikes.cleansoap.org/bt.bmp |
22:32:29 | preglow | what in the hell |
22:32:58 | preglow | that's a weird place for it to crash |
22:33:30 | preglow | bah, no |
22:33:34 | preglow | i forgot i've got local mods |
22:34:02 | | Part handmadematters_ |
22:34:24 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
22:35:33 | preglow | jhMikeS: i'll try checking it out myslef |
22:35:36 | preglow | myself too, yes |
22:37:16 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
22:37:16 | jhMikeS | stupid thing is that the bt still doesn't tell which instance :\ |
22:37:29 | preglow | yeah, i know |
22:37:39 | preglow | something to do with inlining, probably |
22:37:59 | * | jhMikeS will pull the inline and try |
22:39:38 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
22:40:18 | jhMikeS | nb_celp.c line 1180 |
22:40:49 | preglow | hmm |
22:40:58 | preglow | well, what it said |
22:41:03 | preglow | stream is corrupted |
22:41:41 | preglow | i dunno what to do about that apart from finding out why |
22:42:12 | jhMikeS | it's trying to decode mp3. that should be perfectly safe though. |
22:42:36 | preglow | the first clip is mp3? |
22:42:54 | preglow | why would "yes" be mp3? |
22:43:09 | jhMikeS | no, I'm trowing an old voice at it |
22:43:20 | jhMikeS | this did work before |
22:43:47 | jhMikeS | perhaps the use of lookahead changed that |
22:44:07 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
22:44:16 | preglow | why would that change it? that only changes your part in things, not the decoder's |
22:44:23 | preglow | the decoder does nothing but tell you what the lookahead value is |
22:45:51 | jhMikeS | it might fail in a different way over being started on an mp3 sync word |
22:46:55 | | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) |
22:47:58 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet04.nat.lancs.ac.uk) |
22:48:53 | preglow | well, sure, but what bug are you investigating now, really? i thought you were looking at the "yes" issue |
22:49:43 | | Join nature [0] (n=nature@pool-151-203-92-183.bos.east.verizon.net) |
22:49:54 | * | amiconn has a suspicion... |
22:50:58 | amiconn | Looks like the clip positions are off by 4 bytes, because the header grew, and someone forgot to adjust one offset |
22:51:14 | amiconn | And obviously libmad didn't care, but speex does |
22:51:20 | preglow | what, and all the other ones still work??? |
22:51:40 | | Join safetydan [0] (n=safetyda@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
22:51:44 | amiconn | They're all off by 4, but they're stored back-to-back |
22:52:11 | jhMikeS | mp3 will find sync words automatically |
22:52:12 | amiconn | Or no |
22:52:21 | amiconn | They're not offset |
22:52:42 | amiconn | But the last table entry overwrites the first 4 bytes of the 'yes' clip |
22:52:54 | preglow | \o/ |
22:53:25 | * | amiconn goes to verify this theory |
22:53:34 | * | jhMikeS wonders why the sim bites it trying to print a debug message thought...that's problem #2 |
22:54:09 | amiconn | Compare voicefont.c line 141 and line 189 ... |
22:54:29 | jhMikeS | that's why I use template structures :) |
22:54:41 | | Quit OlivierBorowski ("Konversation terminated!") |
22:54:47 | amiconn | Even a simple #define would avoid that |
22:55:07 | pixelma | the increased stack seems to help on M5 too (got a freeze after enabling voice at first but since a restart it doesn't crash anymore) |
22:55:11 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) |
22:55:41 | jhMikeS | pixelma: what's the usage show? |
22:56:05 | | Quit bertrik ("need sleep") |
22:56:18 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
22:56:22 | pixelma | looking |
22:56:39 | pixelma | 96% |
22:56:49 | pixelma | for voice |
22:57:03 | amiconn | So it's slightly different per target... |
22:57:08 | amiconn | H300 gets 95% |
22:57:42 | jhMikeS | that's after an increase? |
22:57:45 | * | preglow wonders why |
22:57:57 | amiconn | jhMikeS: See frontpage... |
22:58:00 | pixelma | that's with the latest svn build |
22:58:31 | eigma | wheeeee, the DSP sends text messages to my screen now |
22:58:36 | jhMikeS | interesting |
22:59:05 | amiconn | 'yes' clip works with the fix... |
22:59:29 | | Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) |
23:00 |
23:00:00 | amiconn | Obviously speex can't resync to a stream |
23:01:13 | | Join porno [0] (n=e_ibarra@ |
23:01:16 | | Join billenium [0] (n=billeniu@c-69-249-243-110.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
23:01:22 | preglow | amiconn: voice codecs very seldomly waste bits on sync words |
23:01:42 | preglow | because they have so few bits to start with |
23:02:24 | jhMikeS | obviously the sim problem isn't stack problem |
23:02:38 | porno | hey does anybody knows how to increase the size of the upper bar in an ipod 5g 30gb? |
23:03:02 | jhMikeS | it should handle any garbage gracefully...if it doesn't that needs fixing |
23:03:09 | nature | i was just given a 3rd gen ipod coming from a windows box with an old (1.5 years ago) version of Rockbox. I'm on os x 10.4.something. I put in the latest .rockbox folder (the mac could only mount the ipod when it was booted into the original firmware, but it let me copy to and fro with no trouble.). my current troubles are: the mac doesn't recognize the ipod booted into rockbox and , more importantly, now (with full and health |
23:04:00 | Llorean | porno: You can't at the moment, without programming |
23:04:06 | Llorean | nature: cut off at "full and health" |
23:04:31 | nature | thanks |
23:04:31 | Bagder | preglow: so, do I need to change anything for the automated voice builds ? |
23:04:34 | * | jhMikeS really thinks voicefont.c and talk.c should share a template header |
23:04:35 | nature | (with full and healthy battery and even plugged in ) everytime it boots into rockbox, it shuts down immediately with "battery empty RECHARGE shutting down" (and then restarts and shuts down and restarts). Any ideas. Should I use one of rbutil's installation schemes? which one? |
23:04:51 | preglow | Bagder: i don't think so |
23:05:02 | Bagder | great |
23:05:10 | preglow | Bagder: if there's no question which codec to use: no |
23:05:15 | preglow | and i don't believe there is |
23:05:21 | JdGordon | amiconn: have you got a patch with the backlight using arbitrary values instead of the indexes? |
23:05:29 | Llorean | nature: First off, Rockbox doesn't have a USB mode, so it's expected that Rockbox isn't recognized and you have to be in the original firmware. |
23:06:03 | Llorean | nature: This is being worked on, but no estimates when it'll change. As to your problem, I don't know. But if the build is 1.5 years old (or was, rather), I'd suggest installing the newest bootloader. |
23:06:17 | nature | First, thats fine (does it make a difference that im plugged in by firewire?) |
23:06:28 | porno | thnx |
23:06:29 | jhMikeS | talk.c uses struct voicefile to access the header |
23:06:53 | nature | sounds good, ill get back to you. |
23:06:59 | Llorean | nature: Well, firewire support may be further off than USB. ;) |
23:07:24 | amiconn | But firewire reboot should be 100% reliable |
23:07:47 | Llorean | amiconn: His previous build was _very_ old, and his current build doesn't apparently boot far enough to get to that, though |
23:09:25 | | Quit Robin0800 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:09:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:10:11 | jhMikeS | preglow: any other nifty gdb commands I should try out? |
23:10:28 | preglow | none i can think of, i really suck in gdb |
23:10:35 | preglow | i mostly just use bt and print |
23:10:56 | Bagder | 'n'ext and 's'tep and 'c'ontinue |
23:11:16 | * | jhMikeS wonders if the DEBUGF is somehow the wrong one |
23:11:45 | jmspeex | amiconn: If you want re-sync ability with Speex, that's what Ogg is for |
23:11:50 | preglow | Bagder: you think the new voice stuff merit a news item? might ward off some people who don't pay attention |
23:12:01 | Bagder | yes it certainly does! |
23:12:20 | preglow | jmspeex: oy, will the decode_lost stuff ever be used at all in file based decoding? |
23:12:36 | jmspeex | preglow: no |
23:12:43 | nature | sorry guys, now I'm getting the bad folder icon and im in disk mode. the installation process said that it wrote a log, where can i dg that up? |
23:14:29 | jhMikeS | preglow: if I take that particular DEBUGF out, I just get frame erros and silence feeding it mp3 (which is what should happen). weird. |
23:14:51 | amiconn | In fact the 'yes' clip was broken before... but one missing mp3 frame wasn't noticeable |
23:15:11 | preglow | jhMikeS: very |
23:15:21 | * | amiconn needs to perform a full update cycle on all his targets... will take a while |
23:17:09 | | Quit Frazz ("Leaving") |
23:17:53 | | Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@LAYL001.digis.net) |
23:19:01 | jhMikeS | hehe |
23:19:36 | Bagder | front page updated |
23:20:37 | preglow | thanks |
23:21:00 | jhMikeS | #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(SIMULATOR) |
23:21:00 | jhMikeS | #undef DEBUGF |
23:21:00 | jhMikeS | #define DEBUGF ci->debugf <== !! |
23:21:53 | JdGordon | amiconn: you see my q before? |
23:22:11 | amiconn | JdGordon: yes, no |
23:22:30 | amiconn | That means I don't have such a version yet |
23:23:05 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955DD06.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:23:57 | JdGordon | k |
23:24:09 | | Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) |
23:24:10 | amiconn | I first wanted to be sure that the settings system can be adapted without problems |
23:24:11 | JdGordon | ill add a fake setting for testing then |
23:24:16 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
23:24:43 | amiconn | I will prepare that after updating my targets... |
23:25:30 | JdGordon | should I add a min/max values? or just use the first and last array value for them? |
23:25:50 | jhMikeS | preglow: yup. wrong DEBUGF |
23:26:03 | amiconn | Just first & last array value should be ok, I think |
23:26:31 | amiconn | I can't imagine a setting where the settings system should not offer the full range... |
23:27:41 | | Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc1-brig8-0-0-cust97.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
23:29:14 | * | jhMikeS wonders why a ci pointer is declared in the core...or extern struct *ci declared elsewhere emulates the struct ci |
23:29:27 | JdGordon | amiconn: and should I bother adding an option to force the value to one in the list? or always add the users value in? |
23:30:27 | amiconn | I like the dynamic addition idea. This way the user can even reset his not-normally-in-the-list value as long as he stays in the list |
23:31:00 | nature | So after updating the firmware from the very oldversion, I can't boot into either rockbox or the original code, i end up in disk mode. I've tried installed a few different times. now my options are to try and troubleshoot this or just restore everything via apple's scheme. given that im just maybe Halfway competent, which course would you recommend for me. and if i'm going to troubleshoot, where are the logs i should be diggi |
23:31:19 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
23:31:25 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
23:32:03 | nature | and if i'm going to troubleshoot, where are the logs i should be digging through? |
23:32:06 | * | amiconn likes the new voice file sizes :) |
23:33:32 | jhMikeS | preglow: why are DEBUGF and LOGF redefined? |
23:33:49 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
23:34:37 | pixelma | speaking of file sizes... Bagder do you have an idea what's causing the one round delayed numbers in the delta table for random targets? |
23:35:00 | Bagder | uh, no... I wasn't aware of any such |
23:35:10 | | Quit MethoS- ("Konversation terminated!") |
23:36:02 | Bagder | any example from the current table? |
23:36:25 | pixelma | see for example the M5 and the m:robe after today's big voice commit |
23:38:05 | Bagder | the table shows the size from the "log" at least, so the log should be where the error is... |
23:38:09 | | Quit mdevz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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23:39:55 | | Quit porno (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:42:39 | Bagder | and the log shows the m5 with a different rev number...! |
23:42:48 | amiconn | preglow: Hmm, the bug in voicefont.c dates back to 5 Aug 2007 (langv2 cleanup)... |
23:45:05 | Bagder | and here it is... "Warning: couldn't get zip from rbclient@wardell.ucd.ie/build-iaudiom5" |
23:46:04 | jhMikeS | hrm...an e200 DEBUG build won't build at all...errors in gui/wps_debug.c :\ |
23:46:50 | amiconn | DEBUG target builds only work for archos (and even then not for all - the Ondios are excluded), and iFP, afaik |
23:47:09 | JdGordon | amiconn: last tihng, for the config values, should I add the option to have some strings mapped to the first values in the list? so it would say "always off" instead of -1 and on for 0 and then just numbers for other values? |
23:47:18 | preglow | amiconn: that's a relatively young bug in rockbox terms :) |
23:48:23 | amiconn | JdGordon: Hmm. Would it be simple enough to allow optional strings for all values in the list |
23:48:26 | amiconn | ? |
23:48:48 | Bagder | ok, the problems seem to be connectioned to barry's host |
23:48:53 | amiconn | The other option would be a formatting function for the setting, as you suggested |
23:48:54 | Bagder | connected even |
23:48:57 | JdGordon | the way i was going to do it was just map the comma seperated string list to the first list values |
23:49:18 | ForgottenMemorie | My Ipod is Dead, blank screen, If I plug it anywhere it's still blank, tried reseting, nothing happens, still blank. Any other Ideas? |
23:49:23 | JdGordon | backlight: on looks better than backlight: -1 |
23:49:43 | amiconn | yeah, sure |
23:50:21 | | Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) |
23:50:56 | amiconn | A formatting function with a switch() could do that too - but if the settings system handles it, it might be more efficient if more than one setting uses it |
23:50:59 | | Quit Toki (Nick collision from services.) |
23:51:10 | amiconn | And there will be more than one... |
23:51:13 | | Join Toki_ [0] (n=hsdbvlkb@gateimb.imb.lebedev.ru) |
23:51:39 | JdGordon | well it will have a text formatter for the screen, but thats not the same as the text for the .cfg |
23:51:41 | * | preglow tries out his shrunk speex |
23:52:23 | | Quit ForgottenMemorie () |
23:52:35 | amiconn | Ah, you mean in the .cfg? |
23:52:55 | JdGordon | yeah |
23:53:19 | | Part linuxstb_ |
23:53:30 | amiconn | Hmm. I wouldn't care too much if there are just the numbers, but if it's simple enough, why not... |
23:53:33 | * | jhMikeS thinks printf should support 64-bit ints on LOGF builds |
23:53:53 | amiconn | eh? |
23:54:20 | Bagder | 64 bit *ints*? |
23:54:22 | jhMikeS | trying to LOGF spx_int64_t barfs a bunch of warnings |
23:54:53 | Bagder | ah int64_t... |
23:55:23 | PaulJam | changing the values that get written in the config file is maybe not such a good idea. i mean wouldn't it mean that some settings silently change when i update from an older build which still used the old values? |
23:55:28 | amiconn | Just log "0x%08x%08x", (unsigned)(val>>32), (unsigned)(val) |
23:55:30 | jmspeex | preglow: FYI, I managed to shrink testenc down to 60 kB on PC! |
23:55:43 | jmspeex | jhMikeS: Speex no longer uses 64-bit ints |
23:55:58 | preglow | jmspeex: hah, not bad |
23:56:08 | preglow | jmspeex: that is still including the decoder, i take it? |
23:56:14 | jmspeex | that's amd64 BTW |
23:56:22 | jmspeex | this is nb encode+decode |
23:56:24 | preglow | which means bigger binary c0ompared to x86 |
23:56:29 | | Join Gnu47_ [0] (n=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) |
23:56:58 | * | preglow just tried decoding nb clips on target, rate was off by two |
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23:57:24 | | Nick Gnu47_ is now known as Gnu47 (n=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) |