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| Joins:
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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:01:55 | Quit blithe ("leaving") | |
00:03:23 | Quit ender (" Debian comes in three flavours: stale, rusting and broken.") | |
00:03:59 | Quit nardul ("Leaving") | |
00:05:31 | Join axionix [0] ( | |
00:05:33 | Quit roxfan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
00:10:43 | Genre9mp3 | |
00:11:11 | Genre9mp3 | |
00:11:31 | Llorean | |
00:13:23 | Genre9mp3 | |
00:13:48 | saratoga | |
00:13:58 | saratoga | |
00:14:32 | Genre9mp3 | |
00:14:39 | Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) | |
00:16:26 | briantumor | |
00:16:43 | Quit Domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:23:20 | Join blithe [0] ( | |
00:27:28 | Quit Xerion (" ") | |
00:39:32 | Quit stewball`out (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:46:38 | mrkiko | |
00:51:24 | Join Xerion [0] ( | |
00:55:13 | Join animeloe_ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) | |
00:59:52 | Quit FOAD ("I'll be back") | |
01:00 | ||
01:00:12 | Quit Robin0800 (" Try HydraIRC -> <-") | |
01:00:19 | Join blueworm [0] ( | |
01:00:44 | Part blueworm ("Leaving") | |
01:01:42 | Quit faemir (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
01:02:39 | Join FOAD [0] ( | |
01:02:51 | Quit Genre9mp3 () | |
01:07:48 | Join midkay_ [0] ( | |
01:07:58 | Quit midkay (Nick collision from services.) | |
01:08:00 | Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay ( | |
01:08:49 | Quit animeloe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
01:10:41 | Join FOAD_ [0] ( | |
01:12:12 | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC") | |
01:17:20 | Join memic14415 [0] (n=425197c7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
01:17:43 | memic14415 | |
01:18:00 | memic14415 | |
01:18:02 | memic14415 | |
01:19:39 | Quit memic14415 (Client Quit) | |
01:22:43 | Mouser_X | |
01:26:19 | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") | |
01:38:23 | Quit FOAD ("Lost terminal") | |
01:38:23 | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD ( | |
01:38:32 | Join eigma [0] ( | |
01:43:36 | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) | |
01:45:45 | Join animeloe__ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) | |
01:45:59 | Nick animeloe__ is now known as animeloe (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) | |
01:47:16 | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
01:47:31 | Join Xerion [0] ( | |
01:56:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:00 | ||
02:02:13 | Quit animeloe_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
02:12:40 | Join aliask [0] ( | |
02:18:07 | Quit eigma (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
02:19:01 | Join eigma [0] ( | |
02:20:46 | Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
02:24:00 | Join JdGordon [0] ( | |
02:26:18 | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:26:35 | Join pradin [0] ( | |
02:27:18 | Quit Mouser_X ("Java user signed off") | |
02:33:19 | Quit z35 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
02:34:30 | JdGordon | |
02:36:21 | Join z35 [0] ( | |
02:36:44 | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ ( | |
02:37:17 | spr0k3t | |
02:40:04 | Llorean | |
02:40:14 | Llorean | |
02:40:18 | Llorean | |
02:40:36 | Llorean | |
02:40:44 | Llorean | |
02:41:48 | JdGordon | |
02:41:57 | Join fasmaie [0] ( | |
02:42:05 | JdGordon | |
02:42:16 | Llorean | |
02:47:22 | Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ | |
02:47:59 | Quit spr0k3t () | |
02:49:15 | Join roxfan [0] ( | |
02:53:06 | Join spr0k3t [0] ( | |
02:59:15 | Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) | |
03:00 | ||
03:05:14 | Quit fasmaie (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
03:05:49 | Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) | |
03:13:52 | Quit hcs ("Leaving.") | |
03:14:43 | Nick gnu47laptop is now known as Gnu47 (n=Gnu47@unaffiliated/gnu47laptop) | |
03:16:04 | Nick Gnu47 is now known as Gnu47laptop ( | |
03:22:39 | Nick Gnu47laptop is now known as Gnu47 (n=Gnu47@unaffiliated/gnu47laptop) | |
03:27:09 | Join psycho_maniac [0] ( | |
03:39:09 | Quit pradin (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
03:41:39 | Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) | |
03:44:04 | Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
03:44:14 | Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) | |
03:44:20 | Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
03:45:18 | Join aliask_ [0] ( | |
03:46:09 | Quit aliask (Nick collision from services.) | |
03:46:11 | Nick aliask_ is now known as aliask ( | |
03:56:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:57:42 | Quit roxfan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
04:00 | ||
04:00:36 | Quit zicho (Remote closed the connection) | |
04:03:56 | Join Langly [0] ( | |
04:25:40 | Join roxfan [0] ( | |
04:34:16 | Quit eigma () | |
04:37:35 | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
04:37:58 | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] ( | |
04:54:27 | Quit Delvien ("*bashes head against keyboard*") | |
05:00 | ||
05:01:49 | Quit z35 ("Leaving") | |
05:16:32 | Quit bobrules () | |
05:33:14 | Quit psycho_maniac (" using the phone cuz i have dial up") | |
05:37:53 | Quit kugel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
05:38:48 | Join psycho_maniac [0] ( | |
05:41:00 | Quit hcs (Connection timed out) | |
05:49:36 | Join ctaylorr [0] ( | |
05:55:00 | Join sheik28 [0] ( | |
05:56:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:00 | ||
06:01:44 | Quit sheik28 ("Nice Scotty, now beam my clothes up too!") | |
06:12:33 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] ( | |
06:32:00 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
06:36:11 | Join NiAk [0] (i=Niak@unaffiliated/psram) | |
06:41:47 | Part toffe82 | |
06:41:49 | Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
07:00 | ||
07:11:54 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Gotta go") | |
07:16:36 | Part NiAk ("Quitte") | |
07:24:15 | Quit psycho_maniac (" getting very sleepy") | |
07:43:37 | Quit mnakiifhh (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
07:44:41 | Quit animeloe ("Leaving") | |
07:53:33 | Join cnakijmjf [0] (i=0@ | |
07:54:38 | Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) | |
07:56:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:00 | ||
08:02:35 | aliask | |
08:03:02 | aliask | |
08:08:01 | Join xushi [0] (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi) | |
08:09:20 | Quit roxfan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
08:13:15 | Join roxfan [0] ( | |
08:14:14 | Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) | |
08:15:24 | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) | |
08:16:00 | Join billytwowilly [0] ( | |
08:16:28 | Join j0tt [0] (n=j@unaffiliated/jott) | |
08:18:38 | Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) | |
08:19:09 | Join billytwowilly [0] ( | |
08:28:13 | Quit jott (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
08:36:36 | Quit hcs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
08:38:26 | Quit Presence ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.") | |
08:40:06 | Join Bagder_ [0] ( | |
08:49:58 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
08:54:44 | Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:00 | ||
09:06:22 | Join Doomed_ [0] ( | |
09:06:32 | Quit sup (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:08:43 | Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:09:24 | Quit alienbiker99 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
09:11:28 | Join homielowe [0] ( | |
09:15:38 | Quit Mouser_X ("Java user signed off") | |
09:32:18 | Join Loplin [0] ( | |
09:32:21 | Loplin | |
09:32:37 | aliask | |
09:34:37 | Loplin | |
09:35:55 | aliask | |
09:36:48 | Loplin | |
09:36:54 | Quit GodEater (Remote closed the connection) | |
09:37:06 | aliask | |
09:37:10 | Nick GodEater_ is now known as GodEater (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) | |
09:37:24 | Loplin | |
09:37:39 | aliask | |
09:37:59 | Loplin | |
09:38:26 | Loplin | |
09:40:47 | Loplin | |
09:41:03 | aliask | |
09:44:45 | Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin ( | |
09:55:14 | Quit GodEater (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
09:56:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:00 | ||
10:04:16 | Quit m0f0x (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
10:06:03 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
10:08:19 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
10:10:26 | Join crwl [0] ( | |
10:12:43 | Nick aliask is now known as aliask_ ( | |
10:13:23 | Nick aliask_ is now known as aliask ( | |
10:16:17 | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") | |
10:20:09 | Quit nicktastic (Remote closed the connection) | |
10:21:28 | Join jott [0] (n=j@unaffiliated/jott) | |
10:21:45 | Join Axio [0] ( | |
10:22:27 | Join krazykit_ [0] ( | |
10:26:03 | Quit bpot (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
10:26:54 | Join bpot [0] ( | |
10:31:16 | Quit desowin (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
10:33:21 | Quit j0tt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
10:36:39 | Quit krazykit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
10:38:02 | aliask | |
10:46:25 | Quit Axio (Remote closed the connection) | |
10:50:02 | Join desowin [0] ( | |
10:55:25 | Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) | |
11:00 | ||
11:12:55 | Join faemir [0] ( | |
11:14:59 | Join Jon-Kha [0] ( | |
11:27:22 | Join Thundercloud [0] ( | |
11:39:01 | Join Axio [0] ( | |
11:39:03 | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) | |
11:39:08 | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) | |
11:39:12 | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
11:41:13 | Join lee-qid [0] ( | |
11:41:16 | Join Thundercloud [0] ( | |
11:47:25 | Join linuxstb [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) | |
11:48:45 | linuxstb | |
11:49:25 | aliask | |
11:51:32 | linuxstb | |
11:51:34 | aliask | |
11:52:33 | aliask | |
11:53:23 | aliask | |
11:56:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:00 | ||
12:02:08 | Quit krazykit_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
12:04:25 | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb ( | |
12:10:35 | Join phossy [0] ( | |
12:11:30 | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) | |
12:12:25 | Join Redbreva [0] ( | |
12:17:05 | Quit xushi (Remote closed the connection) | |
12:17:46 | Join xushi [0] (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi) | |
12:19:46 | Part linuxstb | |
12:34:07 | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) | |
12:34:09 | Quit jmspeex (Remote closed the connection) | |
12:35:26 | Nick Bagder_ is now known as Bagder ( | |
12:36:13 | Join ddalton [0] ( | |
12:38:41 | Join faemir [0] ( | |
12:43:16 | Join bertrik_ [0] ( | |
12:44:14 | Join bertrik__ [0] ( | |
12:53:59 | Quit bertrik (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
12:59:24 | Join webguest57 [0] (n=cede1c5d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
13:00 | ||
13:01:34 | Quit bertrik_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
13:02:08 | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) | |
13:06:36 | Quit ddalton ("leaving") | |
13:07:45 | Nick bertrik__ is now known as bertrik ( | |
13:10:19 | Quit webguest57 ("CGI:IRC") | |
13:10:58 | Join thegeek [0] (n=nnscript@ | |
13:10:58 | Join webguest57 [0] (n=0cd8f002@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
13:13:02 | Quit webguest57 (Client Quit) | |
13:14:44 | Join spiorf [0] ( | |
13:15:06 | Join moos [0] ( | |
13:15:36 | Quit roxfan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
13:20:47 | Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
13:24:27 | Quit japc (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
13:27:39 | Quit LinuxMafia (Remote closed the connection) | |
13:33:05 | Join zicho [0] ( | |
13:33:46 | Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) | |
13:41:43 | Join webguest03 [0] (n=792c45a1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
13:41:44 | Quit axionix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
13:42:30 | Join axionix [0] ( | |
13:46:01 | Quit GodEater (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
13:51:19 | Quit webguest03 ("CGI:IRC 0.5.7 (2005/06/19)") | |
13:56:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:00 | ||
14:01:29 | Quit zicho (Remote closed the connection) | |
14:02:09 | Join AngusJohnson [0] (n=792c45a1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
14:04:29 | AngusJohnson | |
14:06:11 | aliask | |
14:07:44 | aliask | |
14:08:09 | AngusJohnson | |
14:09:28 | AngusJohnson | |
14:09:34 | Join zicho [0] ( | |
14:09:58 | AngusJohnson | |
14:11:54 | Quit AngusJohnson ("CGI:IRC 0.5.7 (2005/06/19)") | |
14:12:54 | Join Mathiasdm [0] ( | |
14:13:45 | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) | |
14:13:54 | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
14:15:31 | * | |
14:16:43 | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) | |
14:16:51 | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
14:17:06 | Join Arathis [0] ( | |
14:26:57 | Join hc1 [0] ( | |
14:27:47 | Quit hcs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
14:28:54 | Join fasmaie [0] ( | |
14:29:10 | Part fasmaie | |
14:39:02 | Join davina [0] ( | |
14:59:15 | Quit Redbreva ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.") | |
15:00 | ||
15:00:31 | Quit XavierGr (Remote closed the connection) | |
15:06:01 | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) | |
15:09:50 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ | |
15:11:39 | Part pixelma | |
15:12:25 | Join Klevi [0] ( | |
15:15:02 | Quit Klevi (Client Quit) | |
15:16:35 | Quit aliask ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") | |
15:20:17 | Join Jeton [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
15:25:39 | Jeton | |
15:29:00 | Quit xushi () | |
15:30:18 | Genre9mp3 | |
15:36:20 | Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ | |
15:36:23 | Jeton | |
15:36:38 | Jeton | |
15:37:07 | amiconn | |
15:37:55 | amiconn | |
15:38:08 | amiconn | |
15:38:36 | Genre9mp3 | |
15:39:01 | phossy | |
15:39:03 | amiconn | |
15:42:00 | Quit amiconn (" bbl") | |
15:42:22 | Jeton | |
15:56:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:57:35 | Quit bpot ("Leaving") | |
16:00 | ||
16:02:35 | Join DefineByte [0] ( | |
16:02:35 | Soap | |
16:08:17 | Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) | |
16:14:48 | Quit homielowe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
16:18:00 | Join midge1 [0] ( | |
16:19:29 | Nick hc1 is now known as hcs ( | |
16:22:03 | Quit Jeton ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") | |
16:28:02 | Genre9mp3 | |
16:30:36 | Quit OlivierBorowski (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
16:35:18 | Quit midgey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
16:36:58 | Join xushi [0] (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi) | |
16:38:30 | Quit hcs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
16:38:33 | Quit xushi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
16:44:45 | Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ | |
16:44:50 | Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) | |
16:44:53 | Join krazykit [0] ( | |
16:44:59 | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") | |
16:48:15 | Join xushi [0] (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi) | |
16:53:50 | Quit DefineByte ("Bye all") | |
16:55:20 | Soap | |
16:55:34 | Quit bertrik ("bye") | |
17:00 | ||
17:00:19 | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") | |
17:00:55 | Genre9mp3 | |
17:01:49 | Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ | |
17:02:39 | Genre9mp3 | |
17:03:25 | Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) | |
17:03:42 | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) | |
17:03:56 | Join gromit` [0] ( | |
17:05:07 | Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ | |
17:07:12 | Quit ender` (" The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the) | |
17:07:38 | Join webguest76 [0] (n=63ea1efb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
17:08:12 | webguest76 | |
17:08:14 | webguest76 | |
17:10:20 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
17:10:50 | webguest76 | |
17:10:51 | webguest76 | |
17:11:07 | Join billenium [0] ( | |
17:11:49 | Quit webguest76 (Client Quit) | |
17:19:40 | Quit billenium (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
17:20:07 | Quit krazykit (Remote closed the connection) | |
17:33:05 | Join kkurbjun [0] ( | |
17:36:19 | kkurbjun | |
17:42:00 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
17:45:10 | Quit midge1 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
17:48:41 | Quit animeloe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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17:58:54 | Join ctaylorr [0] ( | |
17:59:02 | Quit kugel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
18:00 | ||
18:01:34 | Join xushi_ [0] (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi) | |
18:02:32 | Join DefineByte [0] ( | |
18:08:17 | Join stewball`ghost [0] (n=WTFOMGBB@ | |
18:11:36 | Quit xushi (Connection timed out) | |
18:12:57 | Quit Mathiasdm ("I have left the building!") | |
18:20:48 | Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) | |
18:24:31 | Join JdGordon [0] ( | |
18:27:05 | Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) | |
18:30:28 | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) | |
18:38:19 | Join Sammienator [0] ( | |
18:42:37 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
18:46:08 | Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) | |
18:50:14 | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) | |
18:51:05 | Quit bluebrother (Client Quit) | |
18:51:25 | Quit DefineByte ("Bye all") | |
18:54:22 | Part Llorean | |
18:55:52 | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
18:56:03 | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] ( | |
19:00 | ||
19:03:13 | Quit zicho (Remote closed the connection) | |
19:07:29 | Join zicho [0] ( | |
19:12:40 | Join Mathiasdm [0] ( | |
19:12:46 | Quit Mathiasdm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
19:15:50 | Quit Buschel () | |
19:18:45 | Quit zicho (Remote closed the connection) | |
19:22:22 | Join BlueYersey [0] ( | |
19:22:48 | Quit kkurbjun (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
19:29:25 | Join iamben_ [0] ( | |
19:30:40 | Quit xushi_ () | |
19:40:49 | Join zicho [0] ( | |
19:42:18 | Quit iamben (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
19:50:32 | Join ThunderShit [0] ( | |
19:51:59 | ThunderShit | |
19:56:38 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:57:52 | Nick ThunderShit is now known as BoBisChriS ( | |
19:58:54 | Join Bagder_ [0] ( | |
19:59:15 | Join styleism [0] ( | |
19:59:26 | BoBisChriS | |
19:59:35 | BoBisChriS | |
19:59:39 | BoBisChriS | |
20:00 | ||
20:06:12 | BoBisChriS | |
20:06:45 | BoBisChriS | |
20:09:34 | Join iamben [0] ( | |
20:10:02 | Quit BlueYersey (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
20:10:08 | Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") | |
20:12:05 | BoBisChriS | |
20:12:10 | BoBisChriS | |
20:12:14 | BoBisChriS | |
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20:15:23 | Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
20:15:30 | Doomed_ | |
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20:16:15 | Nick Doomed_ is now known as alienbiker99 ( | |
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20:18:34 | alienbiker99 | |
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21:05:24 | kugel | |
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21:10:00 | alienbiker99 | |
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21:10:35 | kugel | |
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21:14:25 | alienbiker99 | |
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21:20:28 | alienbiker99 | |
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21:25:41 | kugel | |
21:27:07 | Joshyro | |
21:32:20 | Join iamben_ [0] ( | |
21:33:49 | Part doc|home ("AT&T. Your world. Delivered. To the NSA. No questions asked. | "Diplomacy is hard sometimes." - Dick Cheney") | |
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21:37:40 | Join escargot [0] ( | |
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21:50:04 | escargot | |
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22:32:51 | Nick Bagder_ is now known as Bagder ( | |
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22:41:16 | Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away ( | |
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23:23:53 | Llorean | |
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23:24:09 | Llorean | |
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23:27:23 | mrkiko | |
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23:29:48 | Soap | |
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23:30:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
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23:30:43 | Soap | |
23:30:45 | mrkiko | |
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23:31:17 | Llorean | |
23:31:32 | Llorean | |
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23:33:17 | Llorean | |
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23:33:53 | Llorean | |
23:33:53 | webguest97 | |
23:34:00 | Llorean | |
23:34:08 | alienbiker99 | |
23:34:08 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
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23:34:13 | webguest97 | |
23:34:21 | Llorean | |
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23:36:39 | Soap | |
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23:41:32 | webguest97 | |
23:41:58 | ed_mann | |
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23:42:30 | Mouser_X | |
23:43:05 | ed_mann | |
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23:44:36 | webguest97 | |
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23:45:44 | ed_mann | |
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23:46:26 | Mouser_X | |
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23:46:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
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