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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:00:21 | Quit kugel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
00:00:26 | scorche|w | |
00:00:53 | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") | |
00:01:07 | crazy_bus | |
00:01:38 | scorche|w | |
00:01:58 | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ | |
00:02:03 | crazy_bus | |
00:05:04 | pizza | |
00:05:56 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
00:06:49 | scorche|w | |
00:06:50 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] ( | |
00:07:06 | scorche|w | |
00:07:54 | crazy_bus | |
00:07:56 | Join webguest12 [0] (n=d55988b9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
00:08:04 | Quit webguest12 (Client Quit) | |
00:09:17 | pizza | |
00:09:23 | crazy_bus | |
00:09:54 | crazy_bus | |
00:12:38 | pizza | |
00:13:05 | Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") | |
00:13:37 | Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
00:14:05 | Join jurrie [0] ( | |
00:14:56 | krazykit | |
00:16:07 | crazy_bus | |
00:16:44 | krazykit | |
00:17:12 | krazykit | |
00:17:32 | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) | |
00:17:37 | crazy_bus | |
00:17:53 | scorche|w | |
00:17:59 | crazy_bus | |
00:18:11 | krazykit | |
00:19:27 | crazy_bus | |
00:23:20 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
00:24:34 | crazy_bus | |
00:25:40 | scorche|w | |
00:26:27 | crazy_bus | |
00:27:14 | crazy_bus | |
00:27:44 | krazykit | |
00:30:48 | Quit ender` (" If I had only finished this sentence,") | |
00:32:24 | Quit pizza ("Leaving.") | |
00:32:45 | Join rock1 [0] ( | |
00:33:08 | Join ManarD- [0] (i=chickhun@ | |
00:33:27 | Quit jott (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
00:33:52 | Quit ManarD- (Remote closed the connection) | |
00:34:17 | rock1 | |
00:34:38 | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) | |
00:35:01 | rasher | |
00:36:33 | Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) | |
00:36:34 | rock1 | |
00:36:38 | rock1 | |
00:38:18 | rock1 | |
00:38:28 | BigBambi | |
00:39:00 | * | |
00:39:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:39:47 | pixelma | |
00:40:07 | pixelma | |
00:40:32 | rock1 | |
00:40:49 | rock1 | |
00:42:00 | rock1 | |
00:43:13 | rasher | |
00:44:01 | rock1 | |
00:45:28 | rasher | |
00:45:56 | rock1 | |
00:45:59 | rock1 | |
00:48:59 | Join spiorf [0] ( | |
00:49:37 | rock1 | |
00:49:38 | rock1 | |
00:49:40 | Join roxfan [0] ( | |
00:49:40 | rock1 | |
00:50:05 | rasher | |
00:50:18 | Quit Rob2222 () | |
00:50:19 | rock1 | |
00:50:21 | Part rock1 | |
00:51:01 | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.") | |
00:57:51 | Quit weezerle ("...und tschüss!") | |
01:00 | ||
01:00:35 | n1s | |
01:01:11 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
01:01:11 | Quit crazy_bus (Remote closed the connection) | |
01:01:47 | Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") | |
01:02:15 | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) | |
01:04:52 | Quit BitTorment ("SEGFAULT: shit!") | |
01:06:19 | Quit n1s () | |
01:06:54 | Quit roxfan2 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
01:08:29 | Join spiorf [0] ( | |
01:09:36 | Join crazy_bus [0] ( | |
01:09:48 | crazy_bus | |
01:10:30 | Quit ol_schoola_ () | |
01:13:28 | Join jac0b [0] ( | |
01:15:16 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
01:15:23 | BigBambi | |
01:16:17 | crazy_bus | |
01:16:56 | jac0b | |
01:19:35 | rasher | |
01:21:21 | crazy_bus | |
01:21:54 | BigBambi | |
01:22:10 | BigBambi | |
01:22:14 | Quit JdGordon|w (" ajax IRC Client") | |
01:24:57 | Quit Daniel_S ("CGI:IRC") | |
01:25:08 | Quit tedrock (Client Quit) | |
01:26:28 | crazy_bus | |
01:30:35 | BigBambi | |
01:30:51 | BigBambi | |
01:31:11 | crazy_bus | |
01:31:23 | BigBambi | |
01:32:37 | Join fraseyboy [0] ( | |
01:32:54 | fraseyboy | |
01:32:59 | fraseyboy | |
01:33:49 | rasher | |
01:34:04 | soap | |
01:34:21 | soap | |
01:34:31 | fraseyboy | |
01:34:44 | fraseyboy | |
01:34:58 | soap | |
01:35:17 | fraseyboy | |
01:35:27 | fraseyboy | |
01:35:34 | fraseyboy | |
01:35:47 | soap | |
01:36:09 | fraseyboy | |
01:36:11 | soap | |
01:37:49 | Part toffe82_ | |
01:40:30 | Join Daniel_S [0] (n=57b0e6e0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
01:40:40 | Quit Daniel_S (Client Quit) | |
01:46:38 | Join SacredTerror [0] ( | |
01:46:41 | Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:00 | ||
02:02:40 | Join perrikwp [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
02:07:11 | jac0b | |
02:08:24 | fraseyboy | |
02:11:34 | scorche|sh | |
02:12:04 | fraseyboy | |
02:12:11 | fraseyboy | |
02:12:19 | scorche|sh | |
02:12:27 | jac0b | |
02:14:30 | soap | |
02:14:37 | soap | |
02:14:44 | jac0b | |
02:15:20 | jac0b | |
02:17:33 | Join courtc [0] ( | |
02:18:43 | Part pixelma | |
02:19:10 | Join fenugrec [0] (n=ABC@ | |
02:19:35 | jac0b | |
02:19:56 | soap | |
02:20:15 | jac0b | |
02:20:18 | soap | |
02:20:20 | soap | |
02:20:38 | jac0b | |
02:20:51 | soap | |
02:20:54 | jac0b | |
02:21:09 | soap | |
02:21:19 | jac0b | |
02:21:28 | soap | |
02:21:45 | Quit perrikwp ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox 3.0b3pre/2008012904]") | |
02:24:44 | Quit waldo (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:26:21 | fraseyboy | |
02:26:53 | markun | |
02:27:01 | fraseyboy | |
02:27:03 | markun | |
02:27:10 | markun | |
02:27:15 | fraseyboy | |
02:27:19 | fraseyboy | |
02:27:21 | fraseyboy | |
02:27:29 | fraseyboy | |
02:27:33 | fraseyboy | |
02:27:52 | markun | |
02:27:59 | linuxstb | |
02:28:13 | fraseyboy | |
02:28:20 | markun | |
02:28:27 | fraseyboy | |
02:28:42 | markun | |
02:28:51 | jac0b | |
02:28:53 | markun | |
02:29:25 | fraseyboy | |
02:29:26 | fraseyboy | |
02:29:31 | jac0b | |
02:29:32 | fraseyboy | |
02:29:48 | linuxstb | |
02:29:55 | soap | |
02:29:59 | markun | |
02:30:12 | jac0b | |
02:30:24 | markun | |
02:30:29 | soap | |
02:30:35 | linuxstb | |
02:30:36 | jac0b | |
02:30:46 | soap | |
02:31:31 | jac0b | |
02:31:39 | soap | |
02:31:51 | jac0b | |
02:31:54 | soap | |
02:32:09 | soap | |
02:32:20 | jac0b | |
02:32:54 | jac0b | |
02:33:06 | jac0b | |
02:33:10 | soap | |
02:34:17 | hcs | |
02:34:52 | Join BenniBoya [0] ( | |
02:35:19 | jac0b | |
02:35:46 | Join Owner_ [0] ( | |
02:36:07 | Quit fraseyboy ("( :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: )") | |
02:36:23 | jac0b | |
02:37:10 | soap | |
02:37:30 | jac0b | |
02:37:40 | soap | |
02:38:02 | Owner_ | |
02:38:03 | soap | |
02:38:49 | jac0b | |
02:39:14 | rasher | |
02:39:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:39:28 | Quit soap (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:39:35 | Owner_ | |
02:39:57 | Owner_ | |
02:40:02 | jac0b | |
02:40:31 | Join soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) | |
02:40:41 | soap | |
02:41:09 | rasher | |
02:41:15 | soap | |
02:41:25 | Owner_ | |
02:42:22 | Owner_ | |
02:42:46 | jac0b | |
02:43:28 | soap | |
02:43:41 | Join A [0] (n=459de62a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
02:44:31 | jac0b | |
02:44:42 | soap | |
02:46:23 | Quit crazy_bus (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
02:46:42 | soap | |
02:46:43 | Quit Owner_ ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") | |
02:48:32 | jac0b | |
02:48:55 | jac0b | |
02:49:12 | jac0b | |
02:50:38 | BenniBoya | |
02:53:13 | A | |
02:53:37 | linuxstb | |
02:53:57 | BenniBoya | |
02:54:01 | BenniBoya | |
02:54:16 | linuxstb | |
02:54:25 | A | |
02:55:03 | BenniBoya | |
02:55:16 | A | |
02:55:55 | BenniBoya | |
02:55:59 | BenniBoya | |
02:56:23 | linuxstb | |
02:56:26 | A | |
02:56:30 | BenniBoya | |
02:56:38 | BenniBoya | |
02:58:57 | Join crazy_bus [0] ( | |
02:59:44 | A | |
03:00 | ||
03:00:19 | scorche|sh | |
03:00:40 | BenniBoya | |
03:00:41 | A | |
03:00:49 | A | |
03:00:54 | BenniBoya | |
03:00:54 | scorche|sh | |
03:01:30 | BenniBoya | |
03:01:50 | scorche|sh | |
03:02:07 | BenniBoya | |
03:02:09 | BenniBoya | |
03:02:18 | BenniBoya | |
03:05:11 | A | |
03:05:25 | A | |
03:07:36 | Quit BenniBoya ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox 3.0b2/2007121120]") | |
03:08:12 | crazy_bus | |
03:08:27 | Join contxt [0] ( | |
03:08:36 | Quit A ("CGI:IRC") | |
03:09:20 | crazy_bus | |
03:10:16 | Quit jac0b (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
03:20:48 | Quit cool_walking_ (""Miranda sucks ass"") | |
03:22:22 | Join cool_walking_ [0] ( | |
03:28:40 | kkurbjun | |
03:28:45 | Join FOAD_ [0] ( | |
03:30:14 | jhMikeS | |
03:31:20 | crazy_bus | |
03:31:40 | kkurbjun | |
03:31:48 | kkurbjun | |
03:32:03 | Join Alonea [0] ( | |
03:32:17 | kkurbjun | |
03:32:28 | JdGordon | |
03:34:53 | soap | |
03:35:01 | jhMikeS | |
03:35:09 | soap | |
03:35:28 | kkurbjun | |
03:35:34 | kkurbjun | |
03:36:22 | Join AfroPick [0] ( | |
03:36:30 | AfroPick | |
03:36:50 | AfroPick | |
03:37:05 | AfroPick | |
03:37:31 | cool_walking_ | |
03:37:48 | AfroPick | |
03:37:55 | AfroPick | |
03:37:56 | cool_walking_ | |
03:38:15 | cool_walking_ | |
03:38:40 | AfroPick | |
03:38:48 | AfroPick | |
03:39:11 | cool_walking_ | |
03:39:22 | AfroPick | |
03:39:25 | AfroPick | |
03:39:36 | AfroPick | |
03:39:50 | AfroPick | |
03:40:06 | cool_walking_ | |
03:40:38 | AfroPick | |
03:40:39 | cool_walking_ | |
03:40:48 | AfroPick | |
03:41:18 | cool_walking_ | |
03:41:39 | kkurbjun | |
03:42:43 | Quit AfroPick () | |
03:43:01 | jhMikeS | |
03:43:55 | jhMikeS | |
03:45:08 | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
03:45:09 | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD ( | |
03:47:02 | kkurbjun | |
03:47:15 | kkurbjun | |
03:48:08 | Join perrikwp [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
03:48:35 | jhMikeS | |
03:48:46 | kkurbjun | |
03:49:51 | kkurbjun | |
03:51:10 | jhMikeS | |
03:51:48 | kkurbjun | |
03:51:56 | kkurbjun | |
03:52:06 | kkurbjun | |
03:52:17 | jhMikeS | |
03:52:23 | kkurbjun | |
03:52:25 | kkurbjun | |
03:53:22 | jhMikeS | |
03:53:22 | Join jcollie [0] ( | |
03:54:15 | kkurbjun | |
03:54:32 | jhMikeS | |
03:54:50 | kkurbjun | |
03:55:30 | kkurbjun | |
03:55:35 | jhMikeS | |
03:55:37 | kkurbjun | |
03:56:17 | kkurbjun | |
03:56:29 | kkurbjun | |
03:58:01 | Quit fenugrec ("Leaving") | |
04:00 | ||
04:01:18 | jhMikeS | |
04:02:21 | midgey | |
04:02:29 | kkurbjun | |
04:02:55 | kkurbjun | |
04:03:11 | kkurbjun | |
04:04:12 | kkurbjun | |
04:05:34 | kkurbjun | |
04:06:03 | jhMikeS | |
04:06:18 | midgey | |
04:06:24 | * | |
04:07:08 | jhMikeS | |
04:07:40 | kkurbjun | |
04:08:20 | kkurbjun | |
04:08:43 | * | |
04:08:59 | * | |
04:09:43 | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") | |
04:09:47 | * | |
04:15:06 | crazy_bus | |
04:16:28 | midgey | |
04:19:02 | crazy_bus | |
04:23:14 | Llorean | |
04:25:38 | crazy_bus | |
04:28:47 | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) | |
04:34:13 | Quit aneka ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies") | |
04:39:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:40:00 | Quit crazy_bus (Remote closed the connection) | |
04:40:29 | kkurbjun | |
04:40:41 | kkurbjun | |
04:41:04 | kkurbjun | |
04:43:29 | Join Cruleworld [0] (n=josh@ | |
04:44:17 | jhMikeS | |
04:44:49 | kkurbjun | |
04:44:53 | Part Cruleworld ("Leaving") | |
04:45:40 | kkurbjun | |
04:45:49 | jhMikeS | |
04:45:54 | kkurbjun | |
04:46:01 | jhMikeS | |
04:46:03 | kkurbjun | |
04:46:25 | jhMikeS | |
04:46:29 | kkurbjun | |
04:47:51 | Join telliott [0] ( | |
04:49:58 | telliott | |
04:50:44 | Join aneka [0] (n=kvirc@ | |
04:51:43 | JdGordon | |
04:56:26 | Join Bagder [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) | |
04:57:58 | Join jurrie_ [0] ( | |
04:58:17 | Join MethoS- [0] ( | |
04:58:19 | Quit aneka ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies") | |
05:00 | ||
05:00:22 | DEBUG | Received signal 15 (SIGTERM), terminating (snapshot: fplrun.c line 385) |
05:00:22 | *** | Cleanup |
05:00:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:00:22 | *** | Exit |
05:03:12 | *** | Started Dancer V4.16 |
05:03:12 | *** | Connected to on port 6667 |
05:03:12 | *** | Logfile for #rockbox started |
05:03:14 | Ctcp | Version from freenode-connect!freenode@freenode/bot/connect |
05:03:16 | *** | Server message 501: 'logbot :Unknown MODE flag' |
05:03:16 | Mode | "logbot :+i" by logbot |
05:03:16 | Join logbot [0] (n=bjst@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
05:03:16 | Join MethoS- [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join jurrie_ [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join Bagder [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) | |
05:03:16 | Join telliott [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join jcollie [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join perrikwp [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
05:03:16 | Join Alonea [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join FOAD [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join cool_walking_ [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join contxt [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) | |
05:03:16 | Join courtc [0] (n=court@unaffiliated/courtc) | |
05:03:16 | Join SacredTerror [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
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05:03:16 | Join parafin [0] ( | |
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05:03:16 | Join PaulJam [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join axionix_ [0] ( | |
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05:03:16 | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
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05:03:16 | Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) | |
05:03:16 | Join midgey [0] ( | |
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05:03:16 | Join Jon-Kha [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
05:03:16 | Join Calcipher [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join advlaptop2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
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05:03:16 | Join at0m|c [0] ( | |
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05:03:16 | Join Zagor [242] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) | |
05:03:16 | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-ONE-THIRTY-ONE.MIT.EDU) | |
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05:03:16 | Join Neovanglist [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join crope` [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join Loki [0] (i=loki@unaffiliated/loki) | |
05:03:16 | Join DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@unaffiliated/dataghost) | |
05:03:16 | Join thegeek [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join scorche [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) | |
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05:03:16 | Join Rick [0] (i=rick@unaffiliated/rick) | |
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05:03:16 | Join Lynx_ [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join DogBoy [0] (n=john@unaffiliated/dogboy) | |
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05:03:16 | Join @ChanServ [0] (ChanServ@services.) | |
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05:03:16 | Join scorche|sh [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) | |
05:03:16 | Join crashd_ [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join Toki [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join sneakums [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join Shaid [0] ( | |
05:03:16 | Join gromit`` [0] ( | |
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07:55:14 | JdGordon | |
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09:02:03 | Quit cool_walking_ (" HydraIRC -> <- In tests, 0x09 out of 0x0A l33t h4x0rz prefer it :)") | |
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09:28:04 | markun | |
09:28:16 | markun | |
09:28:26 | petur | |
09:28:45 | amiconn | |
09:28:50 | amiconn | |
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09:32:05 | Quit Kevadu ("Leaving") | |
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09:55:36 | Nick morrijr_ is now known as morrijr ( | |
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10:44:29 | Quit DinkyDogg ("7|-|3|23'$ @ |-|0|_|$3 8|_|1|+ 0|_|+ 1|\| $|>@(3") | |
10:46:36 | Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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11:48:44 | markun | |
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11:54:25 | BenniBoya | |
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11:54:33 | petur | |
11:55:29 | LinusN | |
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11:59:15 | markun | |
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12:01:11 | markun | |
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12:01:53 | LinusN | |
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12:02:33 | LinusN | |
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12:03:14 | BenniBoya | |
12:03:39 | LinusN | |
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12:56:55 | preglow | |
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13:02:17 | Wyatt | |
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14:10:24 | drazhar_ | |
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14:11:18 | LinusN | |
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14:11:53 | preglow | |
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14:12:17 | pixelma | |
14:12:41 | drazhar_ | |
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14:15:22 | drazhar_ | |
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14:18:17 | crazy_bus | |
14:18:25 | drazhar_ | |
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14:20:14 | pixelma | |
14:21:55 | markun | |
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14:22:36 | crazy_bus | |
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14:58:45 | Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion ( | |
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15:01:12 | Quit karashata (" HydraIRC -> <- Like it? Visit #hydrairc on EFNet") | |
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15:38:44 | PaulJam | |
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15:51:50 | Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X ( | |
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16:01:09 | markun | |
16:01:12 | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") | |
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16:28:24 | GodEater | |
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16:28:48 | pixelma | |
16:28:56 | pondlife | |
16:28:58 | pondlife | |
16:29:11 | pondlife | |
16:29:23 | pondlife | |
16:29:24 | GodEater | |
16:29:25 | GodEater | |
16:29:44 | GodEater | |
16:29:49 | pondlife | |
16:29:59 | * | |
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16:30:45 | Join aneka [0] (n=kvirc@ | |
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16:32:25 | pixelma | |
16:32:37 | pixelma | |
16:33:14 | Quit jurrie_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
16:33:33 | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb ( | |
16:34:21 | pixelma | |
16:35:48 | GodEater | |
16:35:55 | GodEater | |
16:36:11 | GodEater | |
16:37:58 | pixelma | |
16:38:19 | pondlife | |
16:38:57 | Join axionix [0] ( | |
16:39:40 | pixelma | |
16:41:07 | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
16:47:17 | Part pondlife | |
16:52:49 | TiMiD[FD] | |
16:54:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
16:54:09 | Quit axionix__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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16:55:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
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16:58:04 | PaulJam | |
16:59:28 | at0m|c | |
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17:00:28 | at0m|c | |
17:00:38 | at0m|c | |
17:01:35 | PaulJam | |
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17:05:51 | at0m|c | |
17:06:19 | at0m|c | |
17:09:15 | PaulJam | |
17:11:42 | at0m|c | |
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17:12:24 | at0m|c | |
17:12:54 | PaulJam | |
17:13:31 | at0m|c | |
17:14:59 | Quit TMM ("Ex-Chat") | |
17:15:40 | PaulJam | |
17:15:57 | Join broom [0] (n=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
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17:19:02 | broom | |
17:19:23 | GodEater | |
17:19:37 | GodEater | |
17:19:46 | GodEater | |
17:20:01 | GodEater | |
17:20:08 | GodEater | |
17:20:25 | rasher | |
17:23:36 | rasher | |
17:23:36 | PaulJam | |
17:24:03 | broom | |
17:24:12 | GodEater | |
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17:32:22 | Join karashata [0] ( | |
17:32:59 | jhMikeS | |
17:33:00 | at0m|c | |
17:33:42 | GodEater | |
17:34:24 | GodEater | |
17:34:52 | PaulJam | |
17:34:52 | jhMikeS | |
17:35:16 | Quit petur ("*plop*") | |
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17:36:03 | Join MethoS- [0] ( | |
17:36:08 | GodEater | |
17:36:15 | GodEater | |
17:37:14 | jhMikeS | |
17:37:23 | pixelma | |
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17:38:01 | Quit broom ("CGI:IRC") | |
17:38:49 | leftright | |
17:39:12 | GodEater | |
17:39:28 | Quit XavierGr () | |
17:39:34 | leftright | |
17:39:44 | pixelma | |
17:39:45 | jhMikeS | |
17:40:09 | GodEater | |
17:40:18 | GodEater | |
17:40:45 | Quit leftright (Client Quit) | |
17:41:55 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
17:42:12 | jhMikeS | |
17:42:47 | pixelma | |
17:43:19 | GodEater | |
17:43:41 | GodEater | |
17:44:08 | jhMikeS | |
17:44:53 | GodEater | |
17:46:56 | pixelma | |
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17:52:56 | Join toffe82 [0] ( | |
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18:44:00 | Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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19:16:49 | petur | |
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19:19:39 | karashata | |
19:19:56 | karashata | |
19:20:19 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
19:25:05 | pixelma | |
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19:32:29 | krazykit | |
19:32:31 | pixelma | |
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20:47:09 | Quit karashata (" HydraIRC -> <- Now with extra fish!") | |
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21:06:53 | Join Domonoky_ [0] ( | |
21:18:41 | PaulJam | |
21:19:29 | rasher | |
21:25:00 | Quit Domonoky (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
21:26:46 | Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) | |
21:41:08 | Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.") | |
21:49:06 | Quit moos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
21:52:42 | PaulJam | |
21:56:11 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") | |
21:56:38 | Join MethoS_mobile [0] ( | |
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22:02:32 | Part avh22 | |
22:06:52 | BigBambi | |
22:07:36 | PaulJam | |
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22:10:59 | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.") | |
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22:29:50 | Quit nicktastic ("Leaving") | |
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22:30:33 | Join FOAD_ [0] ( | |
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22:37:05 | Bagder | |
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22:37:51 | Part AfroPick | |
22:41:34 | Quit gromit`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
22:41:35 | Join jurrie [0] ( | |
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22:45:05 | BigBambi | |
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22:45:42 | Join Alonea [0] ( | |
22:45:44 | Join Spiritsoulx [0] (n=Spiritso@ | |
22:45:45 | BigBambi | |
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22:46:25 | BigBambi | |
22:46:29 | * | |
22:46:59 | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
22:47:00 | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD ( | |
22:47:06 | kugel | |
22:48:23 | BigBambi | |
22:50:48 | Quit desowin () | |
22:51:49 | JdGordon|w | |
22:52:07 | pixelma | |
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22:52:32 | kugel | |
22:52:48 | JdGordon|w | |
22:53:03 | kugel | |
22:53:15 | pixelma | |
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22:54:50 | |NSA| | |
22:55:20 | pixelma | |
22:55:46 | JdGordon|w | |
22:55:47 | |NSA| | |
22:56:12 | JdGordon|w | |
22:56:57 | kugel | |
22:57:13 | kugel | |
22:57:24 | JdGordon|w | |
22:58:04 | kugel | |
22:58:27 | Join Flamer [0] ( | |
22:58:31 | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) | |
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23:00:41 | Flamer | |
23:00:58 | Bagder | |
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23:01:32 | JdGordon|w | |
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23:01:59 | Flamer | |
23:02:00 | JdGordon|w | |
23:02:15 | Flamer | |
23:02:19 | Bagder | |
23:02:23 | |NSA| | |
23:02:35 | Flamer | |
23:02:45 | Bagder | |
23:02:51 | Flamer | |
23:03:09 | |NSA| | |
23:03:24 | Bagder | |
23:03:24 | BigBambi | |
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23:03:33 | Flamer | |
23:04:34 | Flamer | |
23:05:07 | Bagder | |
23:05:22 | Bagder | |
23:05:37 | JdGordon|w | |
23:05:40 | Bagder | |
23:05:51 | Flamer | |
23:06:35 | Flamer | |
23:06:50 | |NSA| | |
23:07:43 | Bagder | |
23:08:41 | Flamer | |
23:08:53 | Flamer | |
23:08:54 | linuxstb_ | |
23:08:57 | Quit petur ("gonne") | |
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23:09:26 | Flamer | |
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23:10:22 | Part Flamer | |
23:14:34 | midgey | |
23:15:08 | JdGordon|w | |
23:15:22 | JdGordon|w | |
23:15:52 | JdGordon|w | |
23:16:50 | midgey | |
23:17:01 | JdGordon|w | |
23:17:10 | JdGordon|w | |
23:17:23 | JdGordon|w | |
23:17:30 | midgey | |
23:18:04 | midgey | |
23:18:52 | Quit BitTorment (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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23:20:10 | crzyboyster | |
23:21:10 | JdGordon|w | |
23:26:25 | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") | |
23:27:05 | crzyboyster | |
23:27:33 | midgey | |
23:28:10 | BigBambi | |
23:28:24 | JdGordon|w | |
23:28:43 | BigBambi | |
23:28:50 | JdGordon|w | |
23:29:47 | crzyboyster | |
23:31:55 | Quit perrikwp ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox 3.0b3pre/2008012904]") | |
23:32:42 | BigBambi | |
23:34:08 | crzyboyster | |
23:34:40 | BigBambi | |
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23:35:20 | BigBambi | |
23:35:33 | crzyboyster | |
23:40:22 | crzyboyster | |
23:41:43 | BigBambi | |
23:42:35 | crzyboyster | |
23:43:41 | midgey | |
23:44:27 | crzyboyster | |
23:44:51 | BigBambi | |
23:45:30 | BigBambi | |
23:45:37 | BigBambi | |
23:46:35 | crzyboyster | |
23:47:10 | crzyboyster | |
23:48:52 | BigBambi | |
23:49:02 | BigBambi | |
23:49:39 | crzyboyster | |
23:49:51 | midgey | |
23:50:04 | Quit JdGordon|w (" ajax IRC Client") | |
23:50:16 | crzyboyster | |
23:50:18 | BigBambi | |
23:50:28 | BigBambi | |
23:50:46 | crzyboyster | |
23:50:56 | BigBambi | |
23:50:58 | Quit moos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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23:51:40 | midgey | |
23:52:02 | Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") | |
23:52:27 | BigBambi | |
23:53:11 | midgey | |
23:53:16 | BigBambi | |
23:53:55 | BigBambi |