00:00:41 | | Quit phinze () |
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00:01:51 | Buschel | amiconn: can't track down the bug for now... maybe tomorrow is a better day |
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00:08:13 | | Join ffr [0] (n=4fd3e57c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fd53405eef46de50) |
00:08:16 | * | petur wonders if amiconn already tried his CF mod? |
00:08:31 | amiconn | Didn't receive the card yet... |
00:09:00 | petur | oh |
00:09:03 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
00:10:25 | ffr | Hello. This isn't strictly a RB related question but indirectly it is. I want to make a new font and have downloaded font forge. I use cygwin. X starts OK but when I start fontforge nothing happens. I searched the internet but there are no real clues. Has anybody experienced this and knows how to fix the problem? |
00:10:42 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
00:12:18 | | Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) |
00:12:19 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
00:13:51 | ffr | If that matters: I use cygwin *under Win XP* |
00:14:58 | * | Bagder has never tried it |
00:15:04 | | Quit salty_horse ("Leaving") |
00:16:30 | ffr | Ok, I'll try fony (just found it on the UsefulTools page) |
00:17:45 | | Quit Buschel () |
00:18:49 | | Quit CyBergRind|w (Connection timed out) |
00:19:06 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
00:19:13 | | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
00:22:26 | | Join AT-wp [0] (n=AT@wikipedia/AT) |
00:25:38 | AT-wp | hi there, I just bought a Sansa e260v2. how far is the project with adapting rockbox to that hardware version? I am wondering whether to return it or wait for the port. |
00:25:42 | [TiZ] | Hey, is unifont included with Rockbox by default? |
00:25:52 | ffr | No luck with fony. It can't correctly import bdf files. |
00:26:01 | Bagder | AT-wp: not very far, there isn't a lot of work going on with it... |
00:26:20 | Bagder | AT-wp: the main obstacle probably being that we know of no rescue or recovery mode |
00:26:32 | ffr | [TiZ]: I think you have to download the font pack |
00:26:42 | [TiZ] | I'll just include it with my theme, then. |
00:27:15 | ffr | [TiZ]: no need to do this, just say your theme requires unifont. It's huge. |
00:27:41 | [TiZ] | Huge? |
00:28:08 | [TiZ] | Oh, jeez! |
00:28:08 | AT-wp | Badger: damn. a friend of mine recommended the player and rockbox and I was hoping that amazon still carries v1. too bad, but thanks anyway. can you recommend something like this player? |
00:28:12 | [TiZ] | 1.32 MB! |
00:28:15 | | Quit RubberDucky132 ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox 3.0b5/2008032620]") |
00:28:45 | BigBambi | [TiZ]: The install instructions say to install the font pack - without the font pack Rockbox comes with only the built in font |
00:28:45 | Bagder | AT-wp: the BuyersGuide wiki page is probably the most suitable resource |
00:28:45 | | Quit ffr ("CGI:IRC") |
00:29:07 | BigBambi | [TiZ]: So I think it is safe to assume that people will have it installed - if they don't, they have no other fonts either |
00:29:18 | [TiZ] | Alrighty then. Thanks for that info. |
00:29:23 | Bagder | AT-wp: there are early work on some targets that are still available in shops... but all existing supported targets are no longer manufactured |
00:29:27 | amiconn | BigBambi: Not entirely true anymore. The fonts required by the included themes are included in the standard .zip |
00:29:27 | BigBambi | Actually, I think the font for Cabbiev2 is in the zip now too, but the bulk of the point stands |
00:29:39 | Bagder | but now bed-time for me |
00:29:41 | BigBambi | amiconn: I just beat you :) |
00:30:07 | AT-wp | Bagder: missed that one. all out of production? not my day. thanks and good night |
00:31:00 | amiconn | E.g. on H1x0, 3 fonts are shipped standard: nedore-9, nimbus-12 and helvR10 |
00:31:41 | BigBambi | Dammit, I was half right :) |
00:33:05 | AT-wp | bye |
00:33:10 | | Part AT-wp ("und weg") |
00:35:20 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
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00:39:21 | * | petur is finally getting closer to his bootloader crash |
00:39:49 | | Join r0rshach [0] (n=chatzill@ |
00:39:54 | r0rshach | hi |
00:42:36 | r0rshach | so ive got the broken iriver 140 and broken iaudio x5 I was able to open mycreative zen (it works) vision m 30 gigger I want to test the other two devices by putting the zens hdd in, is this safe or do i need to format after I backup this drive? |
00:42:59 | r0rshach | sorry if this isnt the right place but i know you guys know alot about players |
00:43:44 | petur | if the drive fits you can try |
00:43:55 | | Quit lee-qid_ ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") |
00:44:25 | r0rshach | ok thanks peter |
00:44:26 | petur | r0rshach: maybe this can help: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HardDriveReplacement |
00:44:29 | [TiZ] | I think I need to pastebin my readme file to make sure its license stuff is alright. O_o |
00:44:48 | r0rshach | petur it did yes, the only thing it doesn have listed is my zen |
00:44:54 | r0rshach | but i compare them and they are the same size |
00:45:09 | petur | not the size, check the connector ;) |
00:45:13 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
00:45:26 | r0rshach | that is also the same, thanks :) |
00:45:29 | petur | zen is a new target - not supported yet and not all data up to date |
00:45:50 | r0rshach | its got the oval black post an circular one like the others |
00:45:59 | [TiZ] | Here's my readme: http://eternaleon.googlepages.com/Readmedamnit.txt |
00:46:07 | [TiZ] | Would anyone mind reading over it to make sure it's okay? |
00:46:22 | * | amiconn thinks that 'Zen' is creative's brand of daps, not a single model |
00:46:33 | [TiZ] | Zen is a brand. |
00:46:40 | n1s | r0rshach: iirc the creative players have some custom partition stuff so the other players will probably need the disk to be repartitioned/formatted before they can use it |
00:46:43 | [TiZ] | A single model would be, for example, the Zen Vision M, I think |
00:47:38 | r0rshach | nls but if i plug it in, and i just want to see if it will recognize it, thats ok to try right? the zen doesnt has the official firmware btw |
00:47:55 | Llorean | [TiZ]: You can't redistribute pictures you don't have a license to. "I found them on my hard disk" doesn't qualify as permission to share them. |
00:47:56 | | Quit moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:47:56 | r0rshach | i mean it is the official firmware sorry |
00:48:03 | [TiZ] | Ugh! |
00:48:05 | n1s | r0rshach: it shouldn't hurt |
00:48:17 | [TiZ] | That just made everything 1 million times harder. |
00:48:38 | [TiZ] | Okay, so what do you suggest I do? |
00:48:59 | Llorean | I also don't see a license for the "Steady as she goes" wallpaper |
00:49:03 | BigBambi | Find where they came from and get permission, or replace them with imges that you do have permission to distribute |
00:49:20 | [TiZ] | Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. All of my efforts are totally shot. |
00:49:32 | | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") |
00:49:45 | [TiZ] | Well, I have a deviantart account. I can at least get ahold of the creator of Steady as she Goes |
00:49:52 | BigBambi | Sorry, but that is how copyright works |
00:50:05 | [TiZ] | But those other backdrops; I spent a lot of time putting them together, and I don't want them to go to waste. |
00:50:22 | BigBambi | Then you need to find the copyright holders and get permission |
00:51:06 | | Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) |
00:51:08 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
00:52:41 | [TiZ] | So... There's no way I can distribute them at all? Like, not even under some hyper-restrictive license? It would be incredibly difficult to find the sources for the two pictures that the backdrops are made from. |
00:52:52 | BigBambi | Sorry... |
00:52:57 | Llorean | No, there's no way you can distribute them without permission to do s. |
00:52:59 | Llorean | so |
00:53:11 | [TiZ] | How depressing. |
00:54:08 | [TiZ] | Well, I guess I'd better go scouring over DeviantART. Just the one backdrop won't do. |
00:56:49 | | Quit desowin () |
01:00 |
01:00:02 | | Quit Graguree ("Leaving") |
01:03:56 | [TiZ] | I can't even include them if I upload to rockbox-themes.org? |
01:04:24 | BigBambi | You cannot distribute anything you do not have the rights to distribute |
01:04:39 | BigBambi | It doesn't matter where you try to distribute them to |
01:04:46 | [TiZ] | Ugh... You have no idea how much I hate this. |
01:05:00 | BigBambi | So complain to your government |
01:05:09 | BigBambi | International copyright law isn't our fault |
01:05:19 | [TiZ] | I understand that. |
01:05:54 | petur | but then don't come complaining if somebody starts selling the wps you created without giving you credit... |
01:05:57 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:06:15 | [TiZ] | Well... The backdrops were technically made by me, though. I spent a lot of work on them. |
01:06:22 | [TiZ] | The WPS itself will be fine. |
01:06:47 | Horscht | i don't think "technically" is enough |
01:07:18 | BigBambi | Especially as technically they were made by someone else and modified by you |
01:07:23 | petur | I meant: in your readme file you request credit when the wps is passed along. The creator of the image you used also desrves it... |
01:07:40 | | Quit shotofadds (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:07:51 | [TiZ] | The WPS itself is my code and the silk icons. |
01:08:15 | [TiZ] | The backdrops are just included. In my eyes, they aren't actually part of the WPS. |
01:08:28 | BigBambi | Fine, but you cannot distribute them |
01:08:40 | BigBambi | It doesn't matter what they are or are not part of |
01:08:55 | BHSPitLappy | Even creative commons licenses specify variations. |
01:09:07 | BHSPitLappy | Copyright protects those, too. |
01:09:47 | [TiZ] | Silk's license says that it can be used and modified for non-commerical stuff as long as credit is given in the form of a link to the website. |
01:09:54 | [TiZ] | My readme clearly fulfills that. |
01:09:59 | [TiZ] | The only probelm area right now |
01:10:02 | [TiZ] | Is the backdrops. |
01:10:09 | BigBambi | Exactly |
01:10:16 | BHSPitLappy | Take care of that. |
01:10:21 | BigBambi | You can distribute what you like without the backdrops |
01:10:27 | BHSPitLappy | Or use an original backdrop. |
01:10:33 | [TiZ] | The one girl.bmp... The one included with the first Twilight way back when (and probably the reason it was deleted) |
01:10:47 | [TiZ] | I just need to get permission from *KariNeko on DeviantART, right? |
01:10:58 | [TiZ] | She's the creator, by the way |
01:11:06 | Llorean | You need an explicit written permission, yes |
01:11:09 | BigBambi | Then yes |
01:11:10 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") |
01:11:14 | Llorean | In the form of, for example, a license statement. |
01:11:14 | [TiZ] | ... |
01:11:18 | BHSPitLappy | I should finish the WPS I was working on a long time ago... I believe the format is a little different now, though |
01:11:21 | [TiZ] | Define "Explic- Damn it! |
01:11:25 | Llorean | It needs to be something you can include with the WPS. |
01:11:40 | BigBambi | I would imagine (although I don't know) that to submit something to deviant art it needs a licence |
01:12:00 | [TiZ] | Maybe DeviantART itself imposes a license upon everything submitted to it. |
01:12:05 | Llorean | BigBambi: I think submitting it simply includes a "you give DeviantArt license to display it", but no other explicit license beyond that. |
01:12:11 | r0rshach | ok well this is pretty sweet |
01:12:24 | BigBambi | Llorean: OK, I've never checked myself |
01:12:26 | BHSPitLappy | dA lets you choose between CC licenses, and defaults to All Rights Reserved |
01:12:42 | BHSPitLappy | (by the author.) |
01:13:07 | r0rshach | my cowon has the creative hdd and rockbox boot loader came up and it said no partition founder, its charging, but i think I can order a drive and install rockbox on it and the x5 should work fine |
01:13:09 | [TiZ] | Is there a dA search filter for CC licenses? |
01:13:21 | BHSPitLappy | Probably, why don't you ask them? |
01:13:35 | BigBambi | [TiZ]: Don't know, that is OT for here |
01:13:37 | BHSPitLappy | This isn't a deviantArt support channel. |
01:13:49 | [TiZ] | You guys are right. |
01:13:55 | [TiZ] | We're way offtopic now. |
01:13:58 | | Quit phinze () |
01:14:02 | [TiZ] | Conversation = over. |
01:14:07 | linuxstb | [TiZ]: Out of curiousity, why did you choose the "non-commercial" CC license? |
01:14:11 | amiconn | Very interesting..... |
01:14:24 | * | amiconn found another difference between PP5020 and PP5022 |
01:15:00 | [TiZ] | linuxstb: I don't know. It just seemed like what made sense to me. RockBox isn't made for money. None of the other themes are. So why should mine or any theme based on it? |
01:15:06 | amiconn | IPL explains the clock skipping bit, and lists 4 possible units that can be counted: clock cycles, usecs, msecs, and secs |
01:15:22 | linuxstb | [TiZ]: Rockbox's license allows commercial use though. |
01:15:30 | amiconn | But seconds only work on PP5022; on PP5020 the core doesn't wake up again |
01:15:33 | [TiZ] | Does it? I guess I oughta change it then. |
01:16:15 | amiconn | Otherwise, IPL is more detailed on this than our pp5020.h is - I'll change that |
01:16:33 | linuxstb | amiconn: Does Rockbox use that feature? |
01:16:54 | amiconn | Not yet, but I'm thinking about making use of clock skipping in udelay() |
01:17:09 | amiconn | Won't use seconds though - not really necessary |
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01:23:34 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3003.gwdg.de) |
01:25:31 | [TiZ] | Looks like I'm not going to be submitting my theme for a while. |
01:25:55 | [TiZ] | Oh, that's right. OT. Sorry. |
01:26:43 | | Quit gevaerts ("no forums, so no need to stay awake") |
01:26:58 | Horscht | why don't you find a suitable replacement? |
01:28:12 | [TiZ] | That's what I'm trying to do. There's no filter for CC on dA, and I don't know of places where I can easily find CC images. |
01:28:24 | [TiZ] | That's off-topic, though. |
01:30:19 | scorche | forums are going down... |
01:33:08 | | Quit dabujo_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:38:26 | | Quit fehmicans (Remote closed the connection) |
01:39:11 | [TiZ] | Today has been nothing but let-downs. I'm off for now. |
01:39:13 | [TiZ] | Peace. |
01:39:21 | | Part [TiZ] |
01:39:55 | scorche | sorry for informing you about law? |
01:45:30 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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02:04:47 | | Quit ender` (" If I burst into rebel headquarters and find it deserted except for an odd, blinking device, I will not walk up and investig") |
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03:15:51 | | Join Kayos [0] (n=d86cab18@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-24a0834567f949ea) |
03:16:01 | Kayos | Can someone help me? |
03:16:37 | Kayos | Anyone? |
03:17:18 | Kayos | Where do I put my video's for rockbox> |
03:17:24 | Kayos | ?* |
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03:17:39 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@dyndsl-085-016-162-049.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
03:17:42 | Horscht | anywhere you want |
03:17:47 | Kayos | Where |
03:17:54 | Kayos | Like so my Ipod reads it |
03:18:00 | Horscht | anywhere you want |
03:18:13 | Kayos | On the root of the ipod is ok? |
03:18:41 | Horscht | what's so hard to understand about "anywhere"? |
03:18:59 | Kayos | Holy fuck just wondering, dumbass -.- |
03:20:53 | scorche | lats keep this civil... |
03:21:09 | scorche | Kayos: most people make a folder in the root named "Music" or some such |
03:21:15 | scorche | s/lats/lets |
03:23:36 | Horscht | so, Kayos. Acting like i haven't read your last line, you should also read this wiki link: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer |
03:23:44 | Horscht | it will help you get videos working |
03:23:54 | Horscht | just in case you haven't yet |
03:27:22 | | Quit adiamas (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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03:41:03 | | Join Kephu [0] (n=Keph@199-mo5-2.acn.waw.pl) |
03:41:06 | Kephu | hi again |
03:41:41 | Kephu | I have a question: I've read the manual, the wiki, but still can't find how to change the rating of a song played? |
03:46:53 | | Quit Kayos ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
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04:15:27 | shenson_` | hi, I'm trying to use the rockbox instructions to convert my 2GB ipod nano to vfat and I dded the proper image to it. But now sfdisk says the 2nd partition extends beyond the end of the disk and I can't format and mount the second partition vfat, anyone have an idea of whats going on? |
04:17:45 | | Join atmishere [0] (i=atm@ |
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04:44:25 | MarkRogers | Hi All. I've created an FM presets list for my city that I'd like to add to the Rockbox wiki. Could someone please give me write access? Thanks. |
04:50:53 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:51:14 | soap | MarkRogers, you still here? |
04:53:02 | MarkRogers | yes |
04:53:10 | soap | when you see this, MarkRogers, say a few words regarding your position on spam in the wiki, and I'll add you. |
04:53:45 | MarkRogers | I think spam is deplorable. |
04:53:46 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
04:53:49 | MarkRogers | especially in a wiki. |
04:54:25 | soap | and for the turing test. |
04:55:26 | soap | assuming you are heterosexual, Bjork or Allison Goldfrapp? |
04:56:04 | Llorean | What if we just have this thing for really, really, REALLY weird girls? |
04:56:40 | MarkRogers | Between the two, I'd go with Allison |
04:56:57 | soap | Thanks for playing "Join The Wiki" |
04:57:01 | soap | ;) |
04:57:05 | soap | (you're in) |
04:57:15 | MarkRogers | (thanks) |
04:59:17 | preglow | ed |
05:00 |
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05:21:50 | | Quit atmishere () |
05:27:57 | alienbiker99 | can the gigabeat s power off now? |
05:31:19 | | Nick shenson_` is now known as shenson_not_here (n=shenson@nat/redhat/x-8d2d9b67ba79f9d0) |
05:31:29 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) |
05:34:11 | JdGordon | can anyone see my stupid mistrake here? http://pastebin.ca/983196 |
05:36:13 | | Join perplexity [0] (n=joust@CPE-121-209-83-19.wa.bigpond.net.au) |
05:37:38 | Llorean | I don't see anything obvious. What's happening? |
05:38:10 | JdGordon | its not working :p |
05:38:30 | JdGordon | the y one seems to work, x doesnt work at all |
05:38:32 | Llorean | Ah, wait |
05:38:42 | Llorean | Shouldn't it be (LCD_HEIGHT/3)/Y ? |
05:38:53 | Llorean | Oh nevermind |
05:38:54 | Llorean | Sorry |
05:39:43 | | Join Transience [0] (n=Transien@resnet229-34.resnet.buffalo.edu) |
05:40:26 | Transience | is anyone in here familiar with Creative Wizard? I'm having trouble uploading modified firmware to the player |
05:42:09 | * | Llorean doesn't even know what Creative Wizard is |
05:43:23 | Llorean | JdGordon: Have you taken the simple step of writing a small routine to output the X and Y value, and then the y/(LCD_HEIGHT/3 and x/(LCD_WIDTH/3 to make sure nothing weird is happening simply with the values? |
05:44:10 | | Join Chronon [0] (i=chronon@c-24-20-117-106.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
05:44:51 | scorche | Llorean: he doesnt debug...you should know this ;) |
05:45:25 | JdGordon | yes, ive been sitting in the bootloader watching button values scroll |
05:45:31 | JdGordon | but, i think i found the problem |
05:45:41 | * | Llorean is quite curious what it was |
05:45:50 | JdGordon | stupidly using the touchpad values and not the point values :p I tihnk |
05:45:58 | Llorean | That'd do it, yes. |
05:46:10 | Llorean | That was more or less what I was thinking might be happening. |
05:48:42 | jhMikeS | alienbiker99: it will just reboot atm |
05:48:54 | JdGordon | yay, seems to be working |
05:49:06 | JdGordon | time to fix some keymaps |
05:51:43 | | Join webguest36 [0] (n=bd9cd52b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c50792ed0fb82d41) |
05:52:07 | alienbiker99 | jhMikeS can you choose to reset into the OF? |
05:52:44 | webguest36 | hi,i have a problem with my ipod nano,its a 1st gen 1GB ipod nano |
05:52:49 | | Quit MarkRogers ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
05:53:19 | webguest36 | it wont turn on,i shut down it yesterday and wont get back |
05:53:24 | webguest36 | after using rockbox |
05:53:30 | jhMikeS | alienbiker99: depends on the hold switch |
05:53:41 | webguest36 | the hold switch is off |
05:53:48 | webguest36 | i know about the hold switch |
05:54:03 | Llorean | webguest36: He didn't say that to you. |
05:54:34 | Llorean | webguest36: What you need to do is turn hold on then off again, then hold Menu+Select for up to 30 seconds. If this doesn't work, keep trying it. As long as the battery isn't dead, it should eventually work. |
05:54:35 | alienbiker99 | ah ok, thanks. i saw the commit before |
05:54:39 | webguest36 | oh dear,sorry about this behaviour,my apolofies |
05:55:33 | webguest36 | well the battery wont be dead coz even if it has more than 1 or 2 years it has less use |
05:55:46 | webguest36 | is there other way to get it back |
05:55:55 | Llorean | webguest36: I told you what to do... |
05:55:58 | webguest36 | im doing hard resests |
05:56:05 | Llorean | Are you turning hold on and off first? |
05:56:11 | Llorean | And are you really holding for a whole 30 seconds? |
05:56:15 | webguest36 | i did it twice |
05:56:54 | webguest36 | and it just blinks twice |
05:56:59 | Llorean | Blinks? |
05:57:07 | webguest36 | the backlight blinks twice |
05:57:07 | Llorean | You didn't mention any blinking in your first statement |
05:57:13 | | Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
05:57:25 | Llorean | What exactly happens? |
05:57:36 | webguest36 | i try to start it by pluggin in the charger |
05:57:54 | webguest36 | well,what happens its that i do the reset and it blinks twice |
05:58:06 | webguest36 | and wont appear the apple logo |
05:58:32 | Llorean | If the apple logo won't appear, something else is wrong with your player, since that happens before any Rockbox code is run |
05:58:35 | Llorean | Have you tried disk mode? |
05:58:43 | webguest36 | yeah |
05:59:02 | webguest36 | im trying to get into disk mode |
05:59:08 | Llorean | Disk mode is in flash. If it won't work, there's something else wrong with your player entirely |
05:59:46 | webguest36 | i plug the ipod to the pc and it wont be detected |
05:59:58 | webguest36 | even the ipod dont turn on |
05:59:58 | Llorean | that's not how you get to disk mode |
06:00 |
06:00:06 | Llorean | You hold menu+select and the instant it starts to reboot, you hold select+play |
06:00:40 | webguest36 | but how i get to disk mode if it dont reboots |
06:00:44 | webguest36 | thats why i cant |
06:01:02 | Llorean | It is rebooting, that's why the screen's flashing. It's just failing immediately after |
06:01:07 | Llorean | You could also try diagnostic mode |
06:01:39 | webguest36 | how? |
06:02:09 | Llorean | I don't recall. The instructions are in the official apple support information |
06:02:16 | Llorean | I think it may be select+left, but I'm not sure |
06:05:49 | | Quit simonrvn (Remote closed the connection) |
06:09:24 | | Part Transience |
06:14:41 | webguest36 | bye and thanks for the help,im off,now the ipod has other place :( |
06:14:47 | | Quit webguest36 ("CGI:IRC") |
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06:23:24 | | Join drfeelgood [0] (n=428ebff1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8a53f0959fcff2bc) |
06:23:39 | drfeelgood | is there anybody here |
06:23:59 | scorche | 124 clients connected... |
06:24:11 | | Quit drfeelgood (Client Quit) |
06:26:52 | JdGordon | the D2 has 3 buttons does it? |
06:27:02 | Llorean | Yup |
06:28:00 | JdGordon | config says 4? |
06:28:10 | Llorean | Lemme double check |
06:28:38 | Llorean | There's three buttons, and a switch that is for hold/power |
06:28:46 | JdGordon | righto |
06:28:52 | JdGordon | either way.. its more than 1 :p |
06:29:14 | Llorean | Yes |
06:37:43 | | Join Nulinya [0] (n=48c4f857@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b007d58fbcadacbf) |
06:40:03 | | Quit Nulinya (Client Quit) |
06:41:14 | | Join Nulinya [0] (n=48c4f857@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f37680abd8ad2c24) |
06:42:47 | Nulinya | Hi. |
06:49:24 | Nulinya | I was looking into speech programs for iPods and ran across this website. |
06:52:05 | | Quit Nulinya ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
06:56:33 | | Join simonrvn [0] (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) |
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07:36:55 | | Part toffe82_ |
07:41:08 | * | JdGordon thinks a statusbar icon might be needed to show what mode the touchscreen is in |
07:43:33 | | Join criznach [0] (n=criznach@host-69-145-167-81.grf-mt.client.bresnan.net) |
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08:51:12 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: you round? |
08:53:20 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 128 (Network is unreachable)) |
08:53:21 | | Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@p5B1624AD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
08:56:58 | | Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCFE48.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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09:23:04 | | Join krz [0] (n=irc_by@turbo.sml.by) |
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09:24:57 | jhMikeS | JdGordon: hmmm |
09:27:26 | amiconn | jhMikeS: I have a few questions as well... |
09:28:52 | * | jhMikeS waits for the questions |
09:29:07 | amiconn | Ok, first 2 are mpegplayer related |
09:29:39 | | Join thegeek [0] (i=thegeek@s220b.studby.ntnu.no) |
09:30:19 | amiconn | (1) in stream_mgr.c, you're reserving the greylib memory. I think there are 2 possible simplifications. (a) the greylib automatically cachealigns now, so the CACHEALIGN* stuff could be removed |
09:30:53 | amiconn | (b) The memsize <= 0 check seems redundant, as the greylib is guaranteed to not take more memory than allowed |
09:31:01 | jhMikeS | it was nescessary at the time |
09:31:16 | jhMikeS | does it size align too? |
09:31:55 | jhMikeS | I suppose if it does one, it must do the other |
09:32:02 | amiconn | yes |
09:32:26 | amiconn | grey_core.c lines 511..518 |
09:32:41 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:32:51 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
09:33:18 | amiconn | It aligns the start address to a cache line boundary, and then rounds up the plane_size to a multiple of the cache line length too |
09:33:35 | | Join phenobitch [0] (i=juma@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xB9002659) |
09:33:51 | amiconn | It reserves either 2 or 3 chunks of plane_size (2 for unbuffered, 3 for buffered operation) |
09:35:57 | amiconn | What's probably still necessary is the UNCACHED_ADDR() in the grey_init() call, because mpegplayer probably wants the chunky buffer be uncached too (the one where buffered mode functions draw into) |
09:37:18 | jhMikeS | it must be or drawing doesn't work out too well with the OSD |
09:37:31 | amiconn | yes, that's what I thought |
09:37:53 | amiconn | Question (2) is related to disk_buf.c. I tried to find the place where buffering stops because of buffer full, but failed. When the buffer gets full, it should call rb->ata_sleep(); like the music playback engines do |
09:38:10 | amiconn | So where would I place that? |
09:42:07 | jhMikeS | you mean just during streaming? |
09:42:57 | jhMikeS | after line 171 |
09:43:21 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
09:44:39 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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09:48:22 | | Join DaCapn [0] (n=dacapn@c-76-105-220-239.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
09:49:01 | jhMikeS | oops, wrong spot...after line 185 is the normal stop |
09:51:47 | jhMikeS | probably is a better spot for that, it can stop buffing in several spots in that function |
09:54:02 | jhMikeS | if the state switches from TSTATE_BUFFERING to anything else it has 1) filled the buffer 2) finished buffering 3) streams have ended |
09:54:32 | jhMikeS | that would happen after the disk_buf_buffer call on line 466 |
09:57:13 | amiconn | Hmm, does disk_buf_buffer() fill all free space at once, or can there be several calls per buffering cycle? |
09:57:33 | * | amiconn looked at disk_buf.c for quite a while trying to understand how it works, but failed |
09:59:28 | jhMikeS | it loops and checks the queue - it's a state machine that is preemptible |
09:59:49 | jhMikeS | it fills one buffer chunk at a time (32KB) |
10:00 |
10:00:35 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:00:36 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
10:00:49 | amiconn | Hmm, disk_buf_buffer() seems to have several exits |
10:00:51 | jhMikeS | it has streaming and random-access mode for seeking and other operations |
10:01:10 | jhMikeS | and it's a direct-mapped file cache |
10:03:55 | jhMikeS | also, before any streaming starts, it collects the contiguous range already cached during other activity both left and right of the start position |
10:05:35 | jhMikeS | all the windowing is flat (meaning no or very little ringbuffer calculation like found in the core engine) |
10:06:20 | amiconn | There's another function that calls read() - disk_buf_on_load_range(). What about that one? |
10:09:34 | jhMikeS | that's for random access only and is only called if the requested data isn't already cached |
10:10:29 | jhMikeS | The disk is forced to keep spinning when the user is seeking about |
10:11:01 | jhMikeS | but that's handled in the UI since that the only place to detect that activity |
10:11:36 | amiconn | Yes, and that's correct |
10:12:11 | amiconn | But normal buffering should call ata_sleep() if either the buffer is full or there is no more data, in order to save battery power and protect the hdd |
10:12:25 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
10:15:43 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
10:16:51 | amiconn | My other question is related to interrupts - do you know the maximum allowed latency for FIQ on the PP502x targets? I did some further experiments with clock skipping, and found that if you use PROC_SLEEP and PROC_WAIT_CNT together, it waits until *both* conditions become true, instead of either one |
10:17:49 | jhMikeS | since ata_sleep just returns immediately if the call isn't appropriate, after disk_buf_buffer do: if (disk_buf.state != TSTATE_BUFFERING) { ata_sleep(); } |
10:18:29 | amiconn | So in order to make use of PROC_WAIT_CNT, each wait must not take longer than the maximum allowed {FIQ,IRQ} latency |
10:18:40 | jhMikeS | I think PP5002 has the smallest one for any samplerate since it's not using packed samples |
10:19:15 | amiconn | And btw, the count field is actually count-1, so setting it to 255 waits 256 cycles |
10:19:41 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) |
10:19:44 | amiconn | PP5002 has no clock skipping, so it's not relevant here |
10:19:49 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p549644BC.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:20:01 | jhMikeS | ah, that that's right |
10:20:27 | * | amiconn tested waiting 10x (for loop) 1 second (setting the count field to 0x00), and it waited for 10 seconds) |
10:21:27 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=Miranda@c211-28-93-8.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
10:21:54 | JdGordon | jhMikeS: hey, soz, dw, worked it out |
10:22:49 | amiconn | I think that even if only 1 microsecond is acceptable, using clock skipping is beneficial, because 1 microsecond is already either 30 or 80 clock cycles. But I think the acceptable latency is larger than 1 usec |
10:23:36 | jhMikeS | you won't be setting bit 31 then correct? |
10:25:55 | amiconn | Correct - in fact it must not be set then |
10:27:09 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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10:29:53 | jhMikeS | I thought the outside max was 41.666...usec (96KHz, four samples remaining in the FIFO). |
10:30:21 | amiconn | Ah, so probably 10 or 20 usec are acceptable? |
10:31:41 | jhMikeS | yeah, since it's refilled with four samples remaining |
10:32:23 | amiconn | Right now udelay() can be interrupted anytime, unless the caller disables interrupts of course |
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11:06:41 | | Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-225-141.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
11:07:08 | markun | amiconn: is this greylib related? http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=16359.0 |
11:07:29 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
11:08:02 | amiconn | Well, this is how the greylib works |
11:08:10 | amiconn | The sim of course doesn't flick pixels |
11:09:05 | markun | does mpegplayer look as bad as he describes on your grayscale targets? |
11:09:58 | markun | the old graylib looked very nice on my h120, but never tried it with videos |
11:10:32 | amiconn | Well, of course the pixels flicker, but imho the image quality is rather good when taking into account what the native capabilities of these LCDs are |
11:10:50 | amiconn | On H1x0 you won't notice flicker because the LCD panel is so slow (good for the greylib) |
11:11:05 | markun | yes, it's very slow :) |
11:11:22 | markun | do you mind replying to that guy? |
11:11:24 | amiconn | The old *gray*lib gave horrible flicker with moving content, but the greylib does not |
11:12:05 | amiconn | The ipod LCD panels aren't as slow as the H1x0 one, so pixels flicker somewhat. |
11:12:19 | markun | perhaps he's not using the latest version. When did you add greylib? |
11:12:59 | amiconn | umm... wait |
11:14:25 | amiconn | January 2008 |
11:14:53 | markun | quite a while then |
11:16:50 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
11:17:27 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:17:30 | amiconn | jhMikeS: The mpegplayer OSD is drawn by the CPU, right? |
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11:18:43 | amiconn | markun: Imho the greylib image quality on mini (2nd Gen though) is still quite good, although the flicker is noticeable of course |
11:19:34 | amiconn | (And I am a flicker sensitive person - I can often still distinguish 75Hz from 80Hz+ on old CRT monitors) |
11:21:57 | jhMikeS | amiconn: yes |
11:22:19 | jhMikeS | all ui regular ui is on the main thread |
11:22:56 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
11:23:03 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Okay, so it's not necessary to use UNCACHED_ADDR() in the grey_init() call either. The greylib will apply UNCACHED_ADDR() to the value and phase buffers, but not to the chunky buffer |
11:23:52 | amiconn | But since the latter is only filled by the CPU (grey_ub_*() functions write directly to the value buffer), and also grey_update_rect() is also only called by the CPU, the chunky buffer doesn't need to be uncached |
11:24:00 | amiconn | I tested it, and the OSD works properly |
11:25:14 | markun | jhMikeS: I now watch videos on my meizu m6 sometimes and really miss mpegplayer :) |
11:25:58 | | Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
11:26:02 | jhMikeS | the graphics will be copied over to the uncached buffer, correct? |
11:26:39 | amiconn | Yes, grey_update[_rect]() does this |
11:26:40 | jhMikeS | testing it paused is the best way to tell |
11:27:03 | jhMikeS | markun: why not use mpegplayer then? :) |
11:27:03 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3C872.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:27:10 | amiconn | It's essentially a call to grey_ub_grey_bitmap_part() with the chunky buffer as the source |
11:27:17 | markun | jhMikeS: the port takes time.. |
11:27:50 | markun | and the screen is nicer than the one on my F40 |
11:28:00 | amiconn | It also works when paused (OSD appears and disappears without artifacts) |
11:28:18 | | Join atmishere [0] (i=atmisher@ |
11:28:20 | jhMikeS | trust me, I know...the S hardware is way more complicated a processor than CF or the ARM7/9 ones |
11:28:35 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=Miranda@c211-28-93-8.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
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11:33:06 | markun | gevaerts: did you get to do the meizu firmware update again? |
11:33:24 | gevaerts | markun: not yet. |
11:34:07 | gevaerts | I have to do that at work, preferably at lunchtime, but I just can't say no when someone suggests to go out for lunch... |
11:34:18 | markun | of course :) |
11:34:52 | linuxstb_ | markun: What video formats can the OF play on the M6? |
11:35:05 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Hmm, placing if (disk_buf.state != TSTATE_BUFFERING) rb->ata_sleep(); at the end of disk_buf_buffer() doesn't seem to work... |
11:35:52 | | Join JdGordon [0] (i=jonno@c211-28-93-8.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
11:36:05 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
11:37:05 | jhMikeS | amiconn: the change out of that state is what indicates it's no longer reading the disk so that's rather odd |
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11:41:08 | amiconn | Gtg now |
11:41:11 | | Quit amiconn (" bl") |
11:42:58 | n1s | jhMikeS: I decided to do something even simpler, charger detection, which now actually works but it thinks usb is a charger too... |
11:44:09 | jhMikeS | USB is a charger potentially |
11:44:13 | | Join tvelocity_ [0] (n=tony@athedsl-398362.home.otenet.gr) |
11:44:57 | jhMikeS | SE1, CHRGDET and USB4V4 are involved and at least three bits get set when USB touches it |
11:45:21 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
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11:46:31 | | Quit TMM (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:47:02 | jhMikeS | Int sense0 bits 16,17,18 & 4 seem to get set on USB plug. Bits 21 & 4 for charger. |
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11:48:42 | | Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl) |
11:48:56 | jhMikeS | change the "4"s to "2"s btw :p |
11:49:36 | n1s | Ok, will try checking more bits then :) btw your interrupt handler for the pmic was really nice to work with |
11:49:56 | n1s | (even I could understand wht it does ;) |
11:50:11 | | Quit TMM (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:51:06 | linuxstb | Is the status/to-do list on the GigabeatSPort wiki page up to date? |
11:52:16 | n1s | pretty much afaik |
11:52:18 | * | jhMikeS is misreading bits. change those again to bit 6...oy (looks like a "4" in the debug screen anway) |
11:52:40 | n1s | yeah, that's the one I'm checking currently |
11:53:35 | jhMikeS | well, since it supposedly charges from usb it should be correct |
11:54:36 | n1s | ok, want to check the patch before commit? |
11:55:00 | jhMikeS | sure |
11:55:20 | jhMikeS | I'm working on ADC atm myself |
11:56:07 | n1s | great :) http://pastebin.ca/983382 |
11:58:27 | linuxstb | jhMikeS: Have you looked at USB, or are there other things that need doing before that? |
11:58:30 | | Quit phenobitch (Nick collision from services.) |
11:59:23 | jhMikeS | n1s: looks ok to me |
11:59:31 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:59:35 | n1s | thanks for checking |
11:59:36 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-174-251.nyc.res.rr.com) |
11:59:59 | | Quit Horscht ("IRC is just multiplayer notepad") |
12:00 |
12:00:27 | jhMikeS | linuxstb: stuff that at least sustains the basic operation like the battery reading. I think USB will be the next task after ADC. |
12:00:57 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
12:01:55 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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12:03:37 | Buschel | can anyone help me finding the bug in this patch: http://pastebin.com/d672d267c |
12:03:57 | Buschel | it works for PP502x, but amiconn reported problems on a PP5002 |
12:05:00 | * | n1s commits his first patch for the Beast! :D |
12:05:07 | Buschel | from theory it looks pretty correct. but as i do not own any PP5002-based target i cannot test or further track down the bug |
12:06:16 | n1s | Buschel: amiconn said he had voice enabled when testing so maybe you could try that? |
12:07:22 | jhMikeS | Buschel: Those offsets are not the same for each PP |
12:07:38 | jhMikeS | The compile to consant int displacements anyhow |
12:07:40 | jhMikeS | *They |
12:07:41 | Buschel | oops |
12:07:50 | Buschel | bad one :/ |
12:09:08 | jhMikeS | The scratch reg saves have to stay as well |
12:09:08 | Buschel | such happens, if your watching out for loop counts etc. blind for anything else |
12:09:13 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
12:11:26 | jhMikeS | as it is in SVN, the scratch reg's don't need stacking if the FIQ handler doesn't call the callback (which happens only occasionally). the patch would save them 2500 times/sec. |
12:12:14 | jhMikeS | nm, 3675 times/sec |
12:12:15 | Buschel | jhMikeS: i need some additonal register for the optimization, that's why they are saved every time now. |
12:12:33 | Buschel | jhMikeS: overall it's faster though |
12:13:52 | | Quit moos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:14:10 | Buschel | saves ~0.3-0.4 MHz during playback |
12:16:53 | Buschel | so, this should look better: http://pastebin.com/d38c081eb |
12:17:14 | Buschel | can anyone check this against a PP5002-target? |
12:20:35 | jhMikeS | one of these days this stuff has to use the DMA engine (a MrH paper is available about that) |
12:22:51 | Buschel | and until then it should be as fast as it can be |
12:23:35 | | Join moos [0] (i=moos@m170.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
12:23:53 | jhMikeS | indeed, but if you want something to have fun with that would perhaps help the USB/SDHC stuff too... :) |
12:25:58 | markun | linuxstb: the meizu OF plays xvid+mp3. Max 20fps and I believe 300kbit/s for video and all the examples encode the mp3 at 96kbit/s but maybe other bitrates work too |
12:26:26 | markun | the player prefers prerotated video (240x320) |
12:26:26 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:27:01 | linuxstb | markun: What's the CPU? |
12:27:11 | markun | 200MHz ARM940T |
12:27:34 | linuxstb | What's ARM940? Is that the same as the Gigabeat F? |
12:27:42 | linuxstb | I mean which arm version? |
12:27:43 | markun | almost, but no MMU |
12:28:06 | markun | it has less cache, but 256KB |
12:28:09 | markun | SRAM |
12:28:30 | moos | n1s: congratulations for your first Beast commit :) |
12:28:57 | moos | you find easier than RTCs then |
12:29:14 | linuxstb | markun: So that might suggest that the F could handle 25-30fps xvid? |
12:29:24 | | Join phenobitch [0] (i=juma@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xB9002659) |
12:29:38 | markun | linuxstb: yes, I guess so |
12:30:22 | markun | but on fast moving scenes sometimes the playback stutters and A/V sync is lost |
12:31:30 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
12:34:10 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
12:37:39 | markun | linuxstb: all feature requests for xvid and the xvid decoder plugin in the tracker got closed. |
12:39:03 | n1s | moos: thanks! yeah it was easier, I could read the time from the rtc in the SoC but not write it... probably just some stupid bug.. |
12:39:23 | linuxstb | markun: I disagree with that... But it makes little difference if it's in the tracker or not. |
12:39:45 | Buschel | further debugged version for the asm-optimization of pcm-pp.c: http://pastebin.com/m3114bb06 |
12:40:08 | * | Buschel had to correct some shift (PP50x vs. PP5002) |
12:40:18 | moos | n1s: sure you will figure it out, patience... :) |
12:40:18 | Buschel | *PP502x |
12:41:28 | markun | linuxstb: It would be nice to have some table with codec complexity and bitrates to dismiss a codec before doing all the hard work of making a plugin |
12:42:25 | markun | but the gigabeast will be able to play it for sure, so xvid and maybe h264 playback wouldn't be completely useless. |
12:43:03 | markun | the meizu has a calmrisc coprocessor with DSP, perhaps it can also be used to speed up video decoding a bit |
12:43:45 | linuxstb | Ah, so presumably the OF uses that for xvid (or audio)? |
12:44:08 | linuxstb | Making my comparison with the F invalid... |
12:45:02 | markun | I don't know what the OF uses it for |
12:48:32 | jhMikeS | n1s: was the RTC on the SoC showing the right time? |
12:52:16 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:53:02 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
12:56:04 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
13:00 |
13:05:19 | | Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") |
13:06:58 | | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
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13:09:35 | | Nick DrMoos is now known as moos (i=moos@m170.net81-66-158.noos.fr) |
13:10:26 | Buschel | amiconn: do you have time to retest my patch? had to correct some major bugs |
13:10:43 | n1s | jhMikeS: it resets whenever the batteryswitch is toggled so i don't know |
13:10:49 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3050.gwdg.de) |
13:14:01 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Do you have an idea what might go wrong with the ata_sleep()? |
13:14:01 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:14:01 | | Quit ashes (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:14:51 | jhMikeS | n1s: well I guess it wouldn't. I was wondering if somehow it kept sync itself (which seemed impossible anyway) |
13:16:01 | jhMikeS | amiconn: it doesn't stop the drive? |
13:16:10 | amiconn | Exactly |
13:16:40 | amiconn | I'll check with the sim whether ata_sleep() would get called (no ata_sleep in the sim though - will replace it with a debugf()) |
13:17:02 | amiconn | Will use an X5 sim so it will be called more often |
13:17:43 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:17:43 | jhMikeS | Is the if evaluating to false in ata_sleep? |
13:17:54 | | Join larg [0] (n=chatzill@e83-245-142-180.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
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13:19:48 | amiconn | ? |
13:21:22 | | Quit tvelocity_ (Remote closed the connection) |
13:23:06 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:24:40 | jhMikeS | excuse me, ata_sleep posts a message but ata_sleepnow has the "if" |
13:30:12 | | Quit petur ("switching") |
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13:31:17 | | Nick p3tur is now known as petur (n=petur@d54C6F947.access.telenet.be) |
13:31:19 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Haha, guess what happens! |
13:31:43 | amiconn | ata_sleep() is called too often - and if it's called more than twice per second, the timeout will never hit |
13:32:07 | jhMikeS | aha |
13:33:07 | jhMikeS | is that deliberate? it will get called about every 200ms |
13:33:20 | amiconn | No, it's not deliberate |
13:33:51 | amiconn | It should probably check whether the timeout is already < 500ms, and not readjust it in that case |
13:34:26 | amiconn | But in case of mpegplayer I think behaviour can be fixed without changing ata_sleep itself |
13:37:23 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@dyndsl-085-016-160-096.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
13:37:36 | jhMikeS | I guess if there's actually a state transition across disk_buf_buffer, then it won't call it |
13:37:46 | amiconn | There are 3 places in disk_buf_buffer() where buffering could stop iiuc |
13:37:46 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:38:41 | amiconn | Line 172, line 191 and line 212 |
13:38:43 | jhMikeS | you could return a value that it stopped from within the TSTATE_BUFFERING_CASE |
13:39:08 | amiconn | I had the ata_sleep at the end of the function, not after its call |
13:39:16 | amiconn | Shouldn't matter as it's inline anyway |
13:39:24 | | Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-209-158.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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13:40:34 | | Join JdGordon [0] (i=jonno@c211-28-93-8.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
13:40:34 | jhMikeS | if the stop cases return, say, "true" but all others return false, then the return value can be checked and the overcalling won't happen |
13:41:01 | amiconn | It also doesn't happen if I put it in the 3 places I mentioned |
13:41:09 | amiconn | I'm testing that right now in the sim |
13:41:43 | jhMikeS | sure but any "break" in there can be a "return false/true;" and you only need one call |
13:42:25 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
13:42:36 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
13:42:36 | * | amiconn wonders which method would produce the smaller code |
13:42:54 | amiconn | Sure, there would be only one call - but instead the function would need a return value |
13:43:12 | amiconn | And that return value would have to be set in more than 3 places |
13:44:46 | jhMikeS | hard to say how it would optimize it (or if it would :) |
13:45:12 | amiconn | I don't think this needs extreme optimisation... :) |
13:45:41 | jhMikeS | I don't think so either, whatever is more maintainable is the way to go. |
13:45:52 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
13:47:42 | * | amiconn will add an ata_sleep() stub for the sim |
13:48:38 | * | jhMikeS wonders if he made mpegplayer too verbose in debugging messages |
13:49:01 | amiconn | There's a lot of jabber on startup, but during playback it's quite |
13:49:08 | amiconn | *quiet |
13:49:26 | jhMikeS | seeking gets pretty noisy too |
13:49:56 | jhMikeS | yeah, but startup and evaluating an mpeg stream takes doing alot of stuff |
13:49:56 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:51:18 | amiconn | At the end it throws a whole bunch of debug stuff as well |
13:54:42 | jhMikeS | mostly libmad junk and not all files do that (losing sync at the end) |
13:56:58 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p4FC213C3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
13:57:10 | jhMikeS | one not quite properly encoded file has the parser having to constantly resync for the entire video and so the message fly by during playback...but the playback is fine |
13:57:16 | | Quit MethoS- (Connection timed out) |
13:59:01 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
14:00 |
14:01:38 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A66F4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:02:10 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@ |
14:03:04 | Buschel | amiconn: could i aks you to spend some time to test a corrected patch-version on your PP5002-target? -> http://pastebin.com/m3114bb06 |
14:03:12 | Buschel | *ask |
14:03:54 | * | Buschel wonders how his yesterdays patch worked for some seconds at all on amiconn's target |
14:04:48 | * | jhMikeS is reminded again he has to get the HP jack replacement for 3g |
14:05:15 | amiconn | Buschel: I'll try after fixing up the ata_sleep stuff |
14:05:34 | Buschel | amiconn: thanks, I'll wait for you results |
14:06:03 | amiconn | Since I now added a stub, all ata_sleep calls in the core can be un-ifdefed |
14:06:31 | | Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@bas1-toronto43-1279396235.dsl.bell.ca) |
14:07:29 | Buschel | another thing: I did not get any response regarding possible effects on accessories when using FS #8603 (further power saving for 5G) |
14:08:10 | Buschel | how should I proceed? a) still waiting b) committing and keeping eyes open for any bug reports |
14:08:20 | Buschel | the power savings are significant |
14:14:07 | Buschel | I clearly prefer option b). |
14:14:45 | Horscht | i'd say go for b) as well |
14:15:02 | n1s | Buschel: is it 5g specific? |
14:15:09 | Buschel | n1s: yes |
14:15:13 | Horscht | I don't have an accessory yet, but I hope my radio remote will arive soon |
14:15:53 | n1s | I'd say go for b) too then assuming you tested on your 5g :) |
14:16:08 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Without excessive calling, ata_sleep in mpegplayer buffering works properly :) |
14:16:42 | | Join Kephu [0] (n=Keph@199-mo5-2.acn.waw.pl) |
14:16:45 | Kephu | hi |
14:17:05 | Buschel | n1s: I am using it since January and it was used by several testers while the power management builds were distributed |
14:17:15 | Kephu | day two of my using rockbox: I've learned what a bricked ipod is |
14:17:33 | n1s | better tested than 99% of patches that get committed then :) |
14:17:51 | Buschel | so, I'll go for it :o) |
14:17:53 | jhMikeS | amiconn: good to hear. I did want to add that but after write 10k+ lines of code I wasn't in the mood for rounding out every detail. :) |
14:18:48 | jhMikeS | well, wasn't that much but enough to be sick of looking at it for ahile |
14:19:31 | Kephu | I still have hope that the battery might have depleted, then again I've been charging it for 15 minutes now |
14:20:01 | Kephu | don't know what happened, too. I went to bed - it was working. I wake up? Bam, dead |
14:21:56 | Kephu | so, yeah, the status of "very stable, but with room to improve" is kind of an overstatement, regarding video 5.5g |
14:22:19 | Horscht | very stable here |
14:22:21 | amiconn | I'm 99.5% sure it's not dead |
14:22:33 | Kephu | ok, bricked, kind of ;) |
14:22:37 | amiconn | It's probably either discharged or hung |
14:22:49 | Kephu | it doesn't reset, for one |
14:22:54 | Horscht | it does |
14:23:01 | Kephu | and I've tried both select-menu and menu-play |
14:23:02 | Horscht | lock it and unlock it |
14:23:14 | Horscht | then hold select and menu for 20 seconds |
14:24:14 | Kephu | huh, no idea why this wasn't working before ;) |
14:24:42 | Kephu | because, honestly, that's what I did already :P |
14:24:54 | Horscht | and now it worked? |
14:24:56 | Kephu | btw: I assume there are developers here, right? |
14:25:14 | Horscht | yes there are |
14:25:16 | Kephu | Horscht: yeah, thanks ;) |
14:25:27 | Horscht | no problem |
14:25:27 | Kephu | I have an usability question |
14:25:35 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:26:11 | * | jhMikeS is not a developer <= plausible denial ;) |
14:26:26 | Horscht | jhMikeS breaks stuff most of the time :p |
14:26:44 | Kephu | I mean, I appreciate all the effort gone into development, but why doesn't there seem to be any consequence in what quits what application? ;) |
14:26:51 | | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
14:27:17 | * | jhMikeS was destructive in youth too :) |
14:27:18 | Kephu | I mean, sometimes it's prev, sometimes it's menu, sometimes it's select+menu, hopefully not held too long? ;) |
14:27:39 | Kephu | what's up with that? ;P |
14:28:28 | PaulJam | maybe the ipod has too few buttons? |
14:28:44 | Kephu | sometimes, though not always, it's logical - in games, for instance, cause they use all of the keys for directions. I can live with that |
14:29:04 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
14:29:34 | Kephu | PaulJam: from what I gather, there's 5+wheel, not counting long presses |
14:29:53 | Kephu | so why, apart from games, there's no consequence? ;) |
14:30:08 | Horscht | i assume you mean "consistency" |
14:30:14 | Horscht | ;) |
14:30:26 | Kephu | Horscht: probably. English is not my native language ;P |
14:30:35 | | Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:30:56 | Horscht | nor is it mine :) |
14:31:16 | Kephu | yeah. I just applied polish usage for english word |
14:31:18 | Horscht | anyways, button configs is what the coder of the plugin felt like, I assume |
14:32:27 | Kephu | a propos what I said, funny thing: english "pathetic" and polish phonetic equivalent are exact polar opposites. Never fails to crack me up when I launch a polish version of, say, dungeon keeper ;) |
14:33:13 | Horscht | language discussion is Off topic, though :D |
14:33:18 | amiconn | Plugins on ipod always exit with either Select+Menu or just Menu |
14:33:30 | Kephu | I know, that's why I won't carry on ;) |
14:33:33 | amiconn | The former only if Menu is already needed for something else |
14:33:37 | Kephu | the stories I could tell, though ;) |
14:34:41 | Kephu | ok, but sometimes menu takes me... somewhere, to a completely different part than I was when I wanted to go back. I can only assume "menu" means "go to main menu NOW" in some cases |
14:35:50 | | Nick Buschel is now known as Buschel_away (n=AndreeBu@p54A3C872.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:35:53 | Kephu | in those cases it's probably the prev button I should use - but that's somewhat counter-intuitive now that I've become accustomed to using menu to go back |
14:36:05 | Kephu | (example: file browser) |
14:36:42 | Kephu | btw: I still haven't figured out how to apply ratings to songs |
14:36:57 | gevaerts | Kephu: most of this is probably caused by UI issues not being very interesting to work on... Feel free to volunteer :) |
14:37:07 | pixelma | you'll get the main menu when pressing "menu" in the file browser afaik, what's counter-intuitive in that? |
14:37:16 | | Join Tomkiewicz [0] (n=Tomkiewi@ |
14:37:47 | Kephu | pixelma: the fact that other times, when you run an app, menu takes you just ONE level back |
14:38:39 | Tomkiewicz | hi all, could someone tell me, which is the newest version of sansa's c200 OF, that supports both rockbox and MSC mode? |
14:38:42 | amiconn | Menu only takes you one level back in the OF as well |
14:39:10 | amiconn | Buschel_away: Your new patch plays audio properly... now doing a quick boost ratio comparison |
14:39:23 | Kephu | I mean, I know they're apps, but I've used the default ipod os for some time (due to linux being my only known alternative, and I've dreaded even looking at their table mentioning what's still broken), so there are things I'm used to ;) |
14:39:37 | Kephu | OF? |
14:39:47 | pixelma | original firmware |
14:40:15 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
14:40:27 | Kephu | amiconn: that's kind of my point: in rockbox, menu SOMETIMES takes you back ONE level, other times - it's back to MAIN menu |
14:40:47 | Kephu | gevaerts: I could try, but it's probably all done in some flavor of C, right? |
14:40:52 | | Join borges [0] (n=bruges@e178004203.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
14:41:29 | gevaerts | Kephu: it is, but for adjusting key mappings you don't have to know much about C I think |
14:42:25 | Kephu | gavaerts: then I could, conceivably. I'm not too big on C, myself - mostly J2ME and PHP |
14:42:41 | Kephu | sorry for the misspelling ;) |
14:43:43 | Kephu | btw: is there some kind of API for developing plugins? |
14:43:45 | gevaerts | I believe some of the people who do this sort of work have no programming background at all (but I could be wrong...) |
14:44:01 | | Join ByeongKeon [0] (n=skysign@ |
14:44:10 | * | pixelma ;) |
14:44:56 | Kephu | gevaerts: well, maybe none at all is a bit of an overstatement, from what I've been taught they at least SHOULD know SOMETHING about it ;) |
14:44:57 | pixelma | at least if you don't count a bit of TurboPascal ages ago and html... |
14:45:40 | | Quit atmishere () |
14:48:52 | Kephu | also, out of curiosity (since as I mentioned, that's my area of expertise, sort of), do you guys think it's feasible to port a j2me VM to rockbox? ;) |
14:49:16 | JdGordon | probably not |
14:49:43 | gevaerts | Might be possible, but it will be hard |
14:50:04 | * | BigBambi wonders why you would want to |
14:50:50 | | Quit Tomkiewicz ("Leaving") |
14:51:27 | Kephu | BigBambi: because I know more J2ME than C, for one ;) |
14:51:47 | BigBambi | I meant good reasons :) |
14:51:48 | Horscht | it's Java, though |
14:51:49 | rasher | JdGordon: Why not? |
14:52:45 | Kephu | BigBambi: ok, I got nothing ;) |
14:52:52 | BigBambi | hehe :) |
14:53:00 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
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14:53:39 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts: Hello, gevaerts. |
14:53:43 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts: I'm ready. |
14:53:49 | gevaerts | Hi ByeongKeon |
14:54:18 | Kephu | this exchange sounded epic |
14:54:18 | | Quit DavidSG (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:55:03 | amiconn | Buschel_away: Savings are measurable, but rather small. My test track ended up at 58% boost ratio without your patch, and at 57% boost ratio with patch |
14:56:24 | Kephu | btw: an usability/bug issue I've found: if you're playing a song then pop recording by accident, the player dies - I had to reset to get this thing to play the music again ;) |
14:57:08 | Kephu | ok, maybe not "dies", because I still can change the volume and do everything else - but unless restarted, it won't play anything |
14:57:20 | Horscht | "The current code also breaks playback after a recording is made." |
14:57:58 | Kephu | so I didn't discover anything that wasn't already known? Meh ;) |
14:58:36 | amiconn | I wonder why that bug still exists though, as afaik it works correctly on H10 |
14:58:58 | Horscht | it's on the ipod status page |
14:59:07 | Horscht | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodStatus#General_tasks |
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15:00:47 | | Quit ByeongKeon () |
15:04:57 | Horscht | I don't know for sure, I never used recording |
15:05:58 | Kephu | I only ran it by accident, due to oversensitive wheen ;) |
15:06:04 | Kephu | *wheel |
15:08:10 | Horscht | I compile my own builds and remove the recording option completely |
15:08:46 | Kephu | is there an option to redefine what shows in main menu, without recompiling everything? |
15:09:59 | Horscht | no, unfortunatelly not |
15:11:39 | Kephu | huh. Can I request a feature? :) |
15:11:55 | JdGordon | sure, but not that one |
15:12:40 | Horscht | JdGordon, he can actually request any feature he wants |
15:12:50 | Horscht | the question is: will it ever happen? |
15:15:33 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox 3.0pre/2008041005]") |
15:16:17 | Kephu | isn't customizability (is that even a word) one of the things this is about? ;) |
15:16:47 | JdGordon | yes, but there is a limit |
15:17:32 | Kephu | ok, got to go |
15:17:44 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:17:49 | Kephu | sorry it's sudden, but meh |
15:17:52 | | Quit Kephu ("Leaving") |
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15:20:21 | | Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@bas1-toronto43-1279396235.dsl.bell.ca) |
15:24:42 | BigBambi | Horscht: He can request it but it will be rejected |
15:25:11 | Horscht | that's my point :) |
15:25:41 | BigBambi | So it is even counter productive, as it won't happen, and it may annoy people :) |
15:35:56 | | Join Gartral [0] (n=Gartral@adsl-75-33-78-100.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) |
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15:38:38 | | Join ashes [0] (n=ashes@modemcable123.78-80-70.mc.videotron.ca) |
15:40:57 | | Quit Horscht ("Snak 5.3.3 Unregistered copy. Evaluation period is over. Program will now quit. Thanks for using Snak.") |
15:51:20 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
15:54:26 | | Quit Horscht (Client Quit) |
15:57:24 | | Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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16:04:09 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
16:04:25 | | Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:06:15 | petur | wow, this is one weird bootloader problem I'm looking at. My printf text is sometimes garbled now :/ |
16:12:37 | Gartral | is rbutil m1.0.5 still scheduled for release today... or did it get pushed back? |
16:17:16 | | Join dabujo_ [0] (i=xx@p4FDB1195.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
16:17:38 | | Quit dabujo_ (Remote closed the connection) |
16:20:59 | | Join kakazza [0] (n=kakazza@unaffiliated/kakazza) |
16:21:22 | kakazza | Hi, I read the manual about playlists. But what I couldn't find out was how I'd manually create one and whether .m3u is supported. |
16:22:35 | stripwax | m3u is supported. you can create a playlist by holding down the select button on a track and selecting "Insert into playlist". It should all be described in the manual |
16:22:44 | kakazza | Yeah, it is. |
16:22:49 | | Join Arathis2 [0] (n=doerk@p508A66F4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:22:58 | stripwax | ok then ... |
16:23:11 | Gartral | hes asking how to do it from his comp |
16:23:27 | stripwax | kakazza - are you? |
16:23:41 | kakazza | I am |
16:24:26 | stripwax | If you create a .m3u playlist on your computer, then you can just copy the playlist onto your device |
16:25:34 | Gartral | i think hes asking HOW he makes it from his comp |
16:26:28 | stripwax | that's not really a rockbox question... you can use any software on your PC that you want. I'm sure google can offer you tips on what software to use to make .m3u playlists. Last time I did that, I used Winamp. Does this help you? |
16:26:39 | kakazza | Well, that I know. But I guess I have to mind the directory structure on my mp3 player. |
16:27:25 | stripwax | You'll either make a playlist using the tracks on your mp3 player itself, or you'll have the same directory structure on your PC. |
16:27:34 | | Join SUSaiyan [0] (n=SUSaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl) |
16:28:01 | stripwax | In which case would it not be easier to make the playlist on your mp3 player, using rockbox itself? |
16:28:36 | kakazza | I got what I wanted, thanks :) |
16:29:05 | kakazza | But I've got another question. Is there a way to get rid of the "01. <trackname>" (bold) in the Database view? |
16:30:20 | | Join davina^ [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
16:30:37 | stripwax | I'm not sure I understand. Which bit do you want to get rid of? |
16:30:40 | Gartral | um... i think youed have too set up a build enviroment and edit source |
16:30:46 | PaulJam | kakazza: yes, with a tagnavi_custom.config file. see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome?topic=DataBase |
16:31:00 | | Quit davina (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:32:57 | | Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") |
16:33:08 | kakazza | thanks |
16:34:25 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=domonoky@i528C3596.versanet.de) |
16:34:59 | | Quit dabujo (Connection timed out) |
16:35:00 | Gartral | is rbutil m1.0.5 still scheduled for release today... or did it get pushed back? |
16:37:12 | | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
16:40:41 | | Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:45:30 | stripwax | (do we have 'release schedules'..?) |
16:45:33 | | Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ |
16:47:37 | Domonoky | there are only vage plans for rbutil :-) |
16:48:14 | stripwax | :) |
16:48:52 | stripwax | Gartral - things get released when they are ready, releases don't get scheduled (nor pushed back) |
16:50:18 | moos | stripwax: Gatral speak about one discussion betwen bluebrother and Domonoky last week |
16:51:28 | Gartral | yes... |
16:52:05 | moos | Gartral: but I guess this discusion was unformel and unofficial... |
16:52:49 | moos | Gartral: can't you build your own svn based? |
16:53:29 | | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) |
16:55:26 | Gartral | would if icould get a download of the build enviroment with out my internet botching the file |
16:55:46 | Gartral | 4 times ive tryed, 4 things broken |
16:56:16 | Gartral | first it was the kernel (but it still booted o_0 i still have that one) |
16:56:57 | * | moos even never tried to build rbutil |
16:57:47 | Gartral | and i dont as of right now have a dedicate linux box, as mine.... well, lets just say i need ram before it wil ever boot again |
16:57:57 | * | moos points to Domonoky direction ;P |
16:58:20 | stripwax | Gartral - what new rbutil feature(s) are you specifically needing? If you just want to install a new rockbox build or theme you can do all that without rbutil too |
16:59:28 | Gartral | true... but im more intrested in bug hunting.... i dont have a specific need for the new one, the current one works just fine for what i do, i just want too play around with the new one |
17:00 |
17:00:38 | * | Gartral picks up his thread wrench and data torch with a broad grin |
17:01:24 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) |
17:04:12 | bluebrother | Gartral: I put an svn binary around some days ago. Feel free to try it: http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhcn/rockbox/rbutil/rbutilqt-v1.0.5pre.zip |
17:04:29 | bluebrother | there haven't been any changes after that IIRC. |
17:04:44 | Gartral | yay! |
17:04:55 | * | Gartral hugs bluebrother |
17:05:26 | bluebrother | the bad thing (about the planned release) is that I was smart enough to catch a cold yesterday and I'm now busy having a headache and stuff :( |
17:06:20 | Gartral | go do an alkaseltzer, original flavor, NOT the cold and flu one, those are garbage, just normal... i swear it works |
17:07:04 | Gartral | do that like once a day untill cold gone... for me, thats like 3-4 days at the most |
17:07:31 | Gartral | and why is this file report version m1.0.4? just never updated it? |
17:07:41 | bluebrother | yep, exactly. |
17:07:47 | Gartral | ok |
17:08:10 | bluebrother | if you can choose m:robe from the devices list it's definitely post-1.0.4 :) |
17:08:39 | Gartral | holy crp... its definatly faster with the Info window loading |
17:10:26 | | Quit Domonoky ("Leaving.") |
17:11:27 | Gartral | does scaleing remember window size/position yet? |
17:11:55 | bluebrother | no. |
17:12:14 | Gartral | ok |
17:13:05 | Gartral | its deffinatly faster... |
17:15:00 | Gartral | would someone give me edit perms too put up a properly renamed dockpod_aqua.zip file... so rbutil actually FINDS it |
17:15:50 | bluebrother | Gartral: the themes are located on rockbox-themes.org so it doesn't work like the wiki |
17:16:00 | Gartral | ohh, ok |
17:16:04 | Gartral | smeg |
17:16:23 | bluebrother | not sure who exactly has access to the themes site. scorche is working at making an official version |
17:16:32 | Gartral | ahh, i see |
17:16:43 | bluebrother | which would make that somewhat easier I guess. rockbox-themes.org is somewhat semi-official |
17:17:17 | Gartral | if ya want a front site... i need pratice |
17:17:25 | | Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@78-22-5-158.access.telenet.be) |
17:17:48 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:19:32 | Gartral | rockbox is wonderful |
17:26:00 | | Quit Horscht (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:26:16 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@p4FD4EDA0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:28:22 | | Nick phenobitch is now known as tbag (i=juma@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xB9002659) |
17:32:27 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
17:32:49 | mcuelenaere | "LDR R2, =0xFFFFAA37\nSTRH R2, [R3]\n" is equal to "MOVL R2, 0xAA37\nSTRH R2, [R3]\n", right? |
17:33:07 | Gartral | why are the manual files downloads broken, too |
17:34:26 | | Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") |
17:34:46 | bluebrother | Gartral: just tried a random pdf, worked fine. Which one isn't working for you? |
17:34:57 | Gartral | html |
17:35:13 | | Quit Rob2222 () |
17:35:36 | Gartral | ohh wait... is rbutil useing a different port number or protocol than http/80? |
17:35:36 | | Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-213-094.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
17:35:42 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCE4D8.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:37:29 | bluebrother | no, it's only using http |
17:37:32 | | Join timothyindia [0] (i=gupta_ad@ |
17:38:02 | | Part timothyindia |
17:40:47 | bluebrother | just tried here, works fine (h100, html manual). Maybe it's related to the player you're actually trying? |
17:40:57 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
17:41:11 | * | amiconn hrmphs at gcc generated code :/ |
17:41:51 | * | gevaerts recommends rewriting rockbox in asm |
17:43:21 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
17:45:04 | Gartral | go do it yourself, lol |
17:46:03 | petur | this rocknorb guy is really a man of clues. nice post regarding the iriver battery drain |
17:46:22 | petur | s/guy/person |
17:46:32 | petur | s/man/... |
17:54:03 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
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17:57:57 | | Join Kephu [0] (n=Keph@199-mo5-2.acn.waw.pl) |
17:58:01 | Kephu | hi again |
17:59:34 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:59:35 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
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18:02:12 | Kephu | had to go run some errands |
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18:06:18 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
18:07:48 | | Nick tbag is now known as pathobitch (i=juma@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xB9002659) |
18:12:43 | Gartral | please keep clean user names... some of us have kids |
18:15:23 | Kephu | can anyone point me to plugin API documentation for rockbox? If there is one? ;) |
18:17:06 | moos | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HowtoWritePlugins |
18:17:13 | gevaerts | Kephu: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HowtoWritePlugins and http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GraphicsAPI probably help |
18:19:49 | n1s | the real documentation is of course the code ;) starting in plugin.h might be a good idea |
18:21:40 | | Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-71-203-172-58.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
18:24:06 | | Quit Arathis2 ("Bye, bye") |
18:25:16 | Kephu | ok, turns out I'm crap at C. Not just "not good" at it, so far I'm pretty terrible ;P |
18:25:47 | moos | hehe, never too late for improve this ;) |
18:26:28 | Kephu | struct? that asterisk thing? The hell is that? ;P |
18:27:32 | Kephu | ok, scratch my previous question: does anyone know a good way to get acquainted with C? ;) |
18:30:05 | Llorean | bluebrother: Your UTF-8 problem in the forums is fixed (I think) |
18:30:05 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:31:24 | RoC_MasterMind | I got an old ipod 4g. It had the click of death, but today it managed to boot up but now it says "Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 21 |
18:31:24 | RoC_MasterMind | ". I got lots of these. Is there any hope to get this working? |
18:31:40 | petur | IBSS is initialized to zero at startup, right? |
18:33:46 | | Nick Buschel_away is now known as Buschel (n=AndreeBu@p54A3C872.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:34:08 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ppp-69-238-93-120.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) |
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18:35:11 | Buschel | amiconn: so, new patch works fine and saves some CPU |
18:35:46 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
18:37:27 | Buschel | amiconn: on PP502x savings are about 0.3-0.4MHz (of about 1.5-1.9MHz) −− you're measurement of the boost ratio on PP5002 shows similar results |
18:37:43 | | Join sz0 [0] (n=sz@ |
18:37:56 | amiconn | How are you measuring that? |
18:38:30 | Horscht | MHz-O-Meter |
18:38:36 | Buschel | more detailed boost ratio and average CPU |
18:38:53 | Buschel | reduced update of screen to each 10s |
18:39:23 | sz0 | Hello.. I have a Creative Zen Stone Plus media player. I'd like to run Rockbox on it. I couldn't see anything about it in the wiki. Does it run on that machine? |
18:39:37 | | Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) |
18:39:42 | BigBambi | sz0: No |
18:39:56 | BigBambi | The players rockbox works on are listed on the front page of www.rockbox.org |
18:40:33 | n1s | petur: it really should be at least... |
18:40:46 | sz0 | BigBambi: Thanks. |
18:41:09 | BigBambi | sz0: You can check the New Ports forum to see if a start has been made or not |
18:41:48 | Buschel | amiconn: you can compare the test_codec results vs. needed MHz while playback. there is a residual CPU-load which I assume to being mostly needed for dsp and pcm_pp. dsp needs about 1MHz, overall "residual" is about 2.5 MHz now (was ~2.9 MHz) before |
18:41:58 | BigBambi | sz0: Various models of Zen have various amounts of work done, I have no idea if yours is remotely similar or not |
18:42:04 | Buschel | rough measurements though |
18:42:04 | | Join w1ll14m [0] (n=william@dhcp-077-249-150-171.chello.nl) |
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18:42:21 | amiconn | Buschel: Plus display, which can vary a lot depending on WPS used etc |
18:42:58 | sz0 | BigBambi: I'll check.. |
18:43:02 | Buschel | amiconn: yes, but I use the audio thread debug screen (reduced to update once per 10s) |
18:43:28 | Buschel | amiconn: should be sufficient enough for a rough estimation |
18:44:45 | bluebrother | Llorean: looks good now, thanks |
18:45:11 | w1ll14m | i read sonewhere that the Gigabeat V has almost the same hardware as the Gigabeat S series. |
18:45:28 | w1ll14m | would that mean that Rockbox could run on an Gigabeat V ? |
18:46:16 | | Join MTee_ [0] (n=mt@ |
18:47:40 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
18:47:49 | BigBambi | blimey, some good knowledge in the forum about the occasional H300 power drain whilst off issue |
18:47:59 | | Quit MTee_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:49:13 | n1s | w1ll14m: hard to say, it mainly depends on someone figuring out _how_ to get code to run on it, (the zune 1) is also basically a gigabeat s but no one has figure out how to run code on that |
18:49:25 | petur | jhMikeS: you here? |
18:49:28 | | Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
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18:50:12 | Buschel | amiconn: any more suggestions before I submit thie patch? |
18:50:15 | Buschel | *the |
18:50:54 | n1s | w1ll14m: also rockbox isn't really very useful on the gigabeat s still much has to be done |
18:51:01 | | Part mcflow |
18:51:13 | n1s | *currently |
18:54:44 | n1s | although it seems to use the same version of PMC as the s (according to our wiki) so maybe the same method can be used as for the s |
18:55:20 | | Join velixzeen [0] (n=velixzee@ |
18:55:41 | jhMikeS | petur: here |
18:55:59 | preglow | jhMikeS: oy, currently dsp is never notified of stopped playback, no? |
18:56:29 | amiconn | gevaerts: There's a weird bug regarding "Reconnect usb storage". When calling it without USB connected, it still tries to start USB, and then you can't leave the USB screen (tested on H10) |
18:56:45 | jhMikeS | preglow: it doesn't have states like that |
18:56:53 | gevaerts | amiconn: yes. I should fix that |
18:56:58 | * | gevaerts goes to fix it now |
18:57:02 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Wanna test a clock-skipping udelay patch? |
18:57:25 | jhMikeS | amiconn: sure. e200 or H10? |
18:57:28 | amiconn | It makes udelay() roughly twice as large as it is in SVN (88 bytes instead of 40 bytes) |
18:57:40 | amiconn | I have it running on H10 right now |
18:57:50 | | Join damunix_ [0] (n=damunix@ |
18:57:55 | amiconn | It should work on all PP502x |
18:57:57 | jhMikeS | I thought you'd make it non-inlined |
18:58:00 | preglow | jhMikeS: no, exactly, but i'm thinking dsp should have a stop playback hook, at least |
18:58:08 | preglow | jhMikeS: for resetting eq and crossfeed states, and the like |
18:58:08 | jhMikeS | preglow: for what? |
18:58:21 | amiconn | I made it inlined for now, but will probably move it to iram |
18:58:56 | jhMikeS | preglow: That's what DSP flush is supposed to do |
18:59:00 | amiconn | Seems to work (H10 ADC uses plenty of udelays, no malfunction observed so far). Boost ratio is unaffected |
18:59:06 | | Quit damunix_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:59:17 | preglow | jhMikeS: when is that called? |
18:59:47 | | Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) |
18:59:56 | | Join damunix_ [0] (n=damunix@ |
19:00 |
19:00:11 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Nick collision from services.) |
19:00:25 | jhMikeS | preglow: It's supposed to be manual seeks, skips and stops but nothing really gets called in a regular manner there |
19:00:57 | | Quit damunix_ (Client Quit) |
19:01:00 | jhMikeS | amiconn: where be the patch? |
19:01:26 | | Join damunix [0] (n=damunix@ |
19:02:43 | amiconn | jhMikeS: http://pastebin.ca/983801 |
19:02:45 | jhMikeS | amiconn: btw, I had tried moving corelock into IRAM and it really took a toll on speed |
19:02:53 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
19:03:04 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
19:03:32 | jhMikeS | but of course those aren't delay functions :) |
19:04:23 | | Quit davina^ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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19:05:00 | | Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
19:05:01 | amiconn | So it's slower in iram?? |
19:05:29 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
19:05:32 | jhMikeS | I imagine because they all become long calls (if that's the word) |
19:06:34 | amiconn | Could also be that gcc goofs and produces strange code. Btw, that's why my udelay is all-asm now :/ |
19:07:53 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
19:08:05 | amiconn | I went for 10 usec interrupt granularity (as you might have noticed already) |
19:08:18 | jhMikeS | yes |
19:09:02 | petur | jhMikeS: sorry, had/have to run off, I have some thread.c questions but I guess it has to wait some time. gtg now :/ |
19:09:14 | | Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p549644BC.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:09:29 | jhMikeS | petur: ok. |
19:10:11 | jhMikeS | amiconn: but the corelocks are asm already |
19:10:25 | amiconn | ah |
19:11:11 | amiconn | Then it might be the long call (although I wonder why...), or it could be that faster lock checking produces more retries if both cores try to lock at the same time |
19:11:25 | amiconn | (not sure - I'd need to read up on that algorithm) |
19:12:29 | jhMikeS | I don't expect contention most of the time and I didn improve the speed a few % by returning immediately if the first test passed |
19:12:31 | amiconn | Perhaps I should perform 2 runtime tests, with and withou tpatch, using the same album... |
19:13:26 | w1ll14m | n1s: thanx for the info, i might try to get my hands on one of them' |
19:14:10 | Buschel | bye |
19:14:12 | | Quit Buschel () |
19:16:38 | jhMikeS | that fastest possible lock checking with the most retries would definitely be the inlined swp instruction and it's also the fastest for speed |
19:17:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:19:20 | | Part velixzeen |
19:19:54 | | Join m0f0x [0] (n=m0f0x@189-47-1-154.dsl.telesp.net.br) |
19:20:15 | | Join ByeongKeon [0] (n=skysign@ |
19:20:27 | jhMikeS | it seems the beast only auto reboots if the batt switch is off and the charger is plugged, otherwise is stays off |
19:22:48 | BigBambi | cool |
19:23:41 | jhMikeS | amiconn: the e200 radio driver operates properly (about the only major user of udelay in that port) |
19:26:51 | amiconn | The e200 lcd driver also uses some udelays iirc |
19:27:31 | | Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@vpne229.ugent.be) |
19:27:34 | amiconn | ...and also SD |
19:27:54 | preglow | jhMikeS: is swp broken on all portalplayers? |
19:27:59 | jhMikeS | only in the first init and when actually setting registers but lcd chip registers are rarely written |
19:28:20 | jhMikeS | preglow: if using it with shared dram, yes |
19:28:26 | preglow | really |
19:28:33 | preglow | that sucks |
19:29:20 | jhMikeS | 5022 can use it in IRAM or for cached dram that never gets touched by another core |
19:30:23 | jhMikeS | amiconn: the lcd powers on and off just fine too |
19:32:35 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts: hi. |
19:32:45 | gevaerts | hello |
19:33:21 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts: I'm writing a code for my assessment. |
19:34:15 | | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
19:34:16 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts: I have serveral questions, can I ask you? |
19:34:41 | gevaerts | Of course, although I may not be the best person to answer them |
19:36:47 | ByeongKeon | simple_resize_bitmap(), smooth_resize_bitmap() these functions are resizing functions? |
19:36:47 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:37:18 | gevaerts | ByeongKeon: yes. I've never used them myself though |
19:37:26 | | Quit moos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:37:47 | | Part Gartral |
19:38:27 | ByeongKeon | you left 'There is a resize function available within rockbox.' as a comment, is that function? |
19:39:10 | gevaerts | Yes, it's the one I meant there (both should be equivalent) |
19:39:31 | * | amiconn found a weird problem on mini G2 |
19:39:43 | amiconn | Need to test whether it's due to my patch or sth else |
19:41:13 | amiconn | Hmm, it's not my patch.... |
19:41:59 | amiconn | If dircache is disabled, and backlight is off, entering a browser (regardless whether it's "Files", a plugin browser etc) makes playback skip for a fraction of a second |
19:42:11 | amiconn | Doesn't happen on H10 - very weird |
19:42:48 | ByeongKeon | could you give me more time? 1 day or 12 hours? |
19:43:17 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
19:44:42 | | Join jpt9 [0] (n=jpt9@ninetails-29.dynamic.rpi.edu) |
19:45:04 | jpt9 | I'm running RockBox on my Sansa e250R, and it doesn't seem to let me set the WPS. |
19:45:08 | jpt9 | I'm using the latest version. |
19:45:12 | | Join crzyboyster [0] (n=6210f1ce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0596d601b6a663b4) |
19:45:28 | crzyboyster | Are there any more planned updated to cabbiev2 right now? |
19:45:39 | jpt9 | when I try to load one (from the File Browser), it does the 'Loading' thing, but when I go to 'Resume Playback', it hasn't changed. |
19:45:41 | jpt9 | any ideas? |
19:45:57 | gevaerts | ByeongKeon: please finish whatever you can. The deadline I posted is in about 20 hours I think. If you add updates later, we may still look at them, but I can't promise that on my own. |
19:46:20 | linuxstb | jpt9: Which themes are you trying? Did their descriptions say they needed an unofficial Rockbox build (or patches) |
19:46:25 | amiconn | Okay, seems like an older problem, perhaps ata power related. Still weird... |
19:46:26 | jpt9 | no. |
19:46:31 | | Join WeaponX [0] (i=Prisoner@ |
19:46:34 | WeaponX | hiya |
19:46:34 | jpt9 | it's just a plain one −− no graphics whatsoever. |
19:46:46 | gevaerts | ByeongKeon: also, the deadline isn't meant to be extremely strict. If you're a few hours late I don't think that's a problem |
19:46:51 | WeaponX | i was wondering why rockbox doesnt support embedded stuff likie album art and lyrics? |
19:47:04 | WeaponX | like* |
19:47:13 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts: Thanks, I'll work it out, somehow. |
19:48:11 | gevaerts | ByeongKeon: we will look at whatever is there, even if it isn't finished. |
19:48:40 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts: After I get some sleep, I'll finish my assessment. |
19:48:44 | linuxstb | jpt9: Which WPS? If Rockbox fails to load it, it means there is either an error in it, or it's using unofficial tags. |
19:48:55 | gevaerts | ByeongKeon: this is not a pass/fail test, we just want to know as much as reasonably possible to make a decision |
19:49:59 | WeaponX | anyone? |
19:50:07 | crzyboyster | Do no planned updates to cabbie? |
19:50:15 | pixelma | crzyboyster: what updates do you have in mind? |
19:50:32 | pixelma | and I've heard you the first time ;) |
19:50:46 | linuxstb | WeaponX: Mainly because no-one has coded it yet - it's not easy to do it efficiently. |
19:51:07 | crzyboyster | Any. I'm planning on finally putting together the default theme in unifont and I wanted to make sure they won't need to be constantly updated. |
19:51:26 | jpt9 | linuxstb: it's based on the Plain Blue one; I've edited it. |
19:51:36 | jpt9 | it works fine on the version of rockbox from 4/1/08. |
19:51:54 | amiconn | linuxstb: Could you perform a test on your color? |
19:51:58 | WeaponX | oic linuxstb, thak you |
19:52:36 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts: I'm working on it for few hours, after I get some sleep, i'll start it again. (here is AM 2:52. :D) |
19:52:53 | WeaponX | sorry one more question |
19:52:57 | pixelma | crzyboyster: I have no specific plans but wanted to discuss the remote hold issue in the forum thread (got no response to that whenmentioning it the first time). Don't know of someone else |
19:53:02 | WeaponX | what is the link to the rockbox big updates page? |
19:53:02 | linuxstb | jpt9: Do you mean the 4th January or the 1st April? Can you post your .wps file somewhere? |
19:53:03 | ByeongKeon | gevaerts : see you tomorrow. |
19:53:03 | gevaerts | ByeongKeon: good idea :) Working when you are sleepy is usually not good. Good night :) |
19:53:05 | linuxstb | amiconn: Sure. |
19:53:38 | | Quit ByeongKeon () |
19:54:14 | amiconn | linuxstb: Just a quick one: Play some music (dircache disabled). Wait until the disk has spun down, and then enter some browser, so that the disk needs to spin up again. Check whether this produces a short dropout |
19:54:47 | krazykit | WeaponX, it's the MajorChanges wiki page |
19:55:40 | gevaerts | linuxstb: I noticed that checkwps when run on linux will fail a wps if filename case does not match. Is that intended ? |
19:56:00 | crzyboyster | I don't know what to say about the remote hold thing. Is there a coding necessary to detect both or does it just need to be defined in cabbiev2? |
19:56:30 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@ |
19:57:13 | pixelma | there would be some changes necessary in the wps code (and it might use different graphics) |
19:57:36 | krz | gevaerts: hi! should i notify somebody when i update the task? |
19:58:03 | gevaerts | krz: just mention it in a comment. We will look at them in depth after tomorrow |
19:58:16 | soap | What was the presumed unboosted and/or boosted power consumption of the iPod 5th gen before 17095? |
19:58:16 | | Quit crzyboyster ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
19:58:34 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:59:02 | | Quit damunix (Remote closed the connection) |
19:59:02 | | Part jpt9 |
19:59:30 | krz | gevaerts: ok! may be some more functionality should be added? |
20:00 |
20:00:35 | gevaerts | krz: I didn't look at your latest version yet, but I think there is enough there for us to evaluate |
20:00:49 | linuxstb | amiconn: Sorry, my battery is empty in my Color - I'm charging it now, so will do a test in about half an hour. |
20:01:21 | | Join damunix [0] (n=damunix@ |
20:01:48 | linuxstb | gevaerts: Yes, I know about that - IMO themes should be written in a case-sensitive way, so they work on sims running with case-sensitive filesystems |
20:02:13 | gevaerts | linuxstb: that's a bug in the sims :) |
20:02:16 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-db237a43b40d42d7) |
20:02:38 | linuxstb | Or a bug in all these silly case-insensitive filesystems... ;) |
20:03:05 | gevaerts | ... who are the only ones that rockbox support ;) |
20:03:21 | linuxstb | Sure, but I like to pretend they don't exist. |
20:03:29 | krz | gevaerts: the latest version checks for the libraries on startup adn makes menulist for the existing |
20:03:40 | bluebrother | hmm, isn't FAT itself case sensitive? |
20:03:58 | bluebrother | the "usual" OS running it isn't case sensitive. |
20:04:55 | linuxstb | So Rockbox should make it case-sensitive, and allow all characters? ;) |
20:05:22 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
20:05:25 | soap | I was just curious where Buschel got his numbers regarding r17095 / fs#8603. 1.5ma on the 5th gen should equal ~ 40 minutes of increased runtime, impressive. |
20:05:41 | bluebrother | I wouldn't mind Rockbox treating FAT filesystems as case sensitive. Linux does too. |
20:05:44 | gevaerts | krz: sounds good :) |
20:06:20 | soap | case sensitivity with a limited input method (virtual keyboard) is a pain, IMHO. |
20:06:44 | | Quit jcollie_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
20:06:55 | bluebrother | yep, but a limited input method is already itself a pain :) |
20:06:58 | gevaerts | bluebrother: get ready for all the support work about non-working playlists... |
20:07:22 | | Join atmishere [0] (i=atmisher@ |
20:08:06 | soap | and since (IIRC) a FAT FS can not have foo.bar and Foo.bar in the same directory, what does case sensitivity gain Rockbox? |
20:08:18 | bluebrother | gevaerts: we can always blame them being broken ;) |
20:08:22 | gevaerts | :) |
20:11:36 | | Quit bluebrother (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:13:11 | | Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:14:38 | | Join task0 [0] (n=no@84-240-114-200.fibertel.com.ar) |
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20:16:59 | | Quit WeaponX ("If You Can't Be Famous, Be Infamous...") |
20:17:24 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
20:17:37 | petur | FAT is not case sensitive |
20:18:09 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:18:56 | atmishere | Is there any qualification test for selection in GSoC in Rockbox??? |
20:18:59 | | Join velixzeen [0] (n=velixzee@ |
20:19:40 | petur | atmishere: yes, and an interview too |
20:19:58 | atmishere | petur:when?? |
20:20:42 | petur | under what name did you submit an application? |
20:21:07 | atmishere | petur: Title:ROCK inside mob |
20:22:50 | linuxstb | amiconn: I don't hear any dropouts. (latest current build downloaded from build.rockbox.org) |
20:23:40 | Bagder | atmishere: unfortunately, it seems your project won't be participating this year, we've got 27 proposals and only get about 5 slots |
20:26:41 | amiconn | linuxstb: Interesting, so this bug is probably mini specific |
20:27:46 | | Part atmishere |
20:28:57 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c50e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d7239a4587311e00) |
20:30:25 | saratoga | soap: those current measurements were probably done by Buschel using a lot of battery benchmark tests |
20:30:40 | saratoga | that or possibly taken from the results i gave him using a DMM at various clock speeds |
20:31:46 | | Part pixelma |
20:36:31 | | Quit amiconn (" bbl") |
20:39:20 | kakazza | Is there a smaller Unifont? |
20:39:30 | kakazza | huge font is huge |
20:40:24 | * | jhMikeS thought petur was gonna leave ;) |
20:40:27 | Kephu | I wonder - I've just starting comparing rockbox with ipodlinux. Does RB support the remote? ;) |
20:41:53 | gevaerts | "the remote" ? |
20:42:10 | Kephu | kind of a dock, with IR remote control |
20:42:19 | soap | Kephu, no, rockbox does not support the Apple Accessory Protocol. |
20:42:48 | Kephu | so, none of the accessories will work? |
20:42:48 | soap | so, line-out and line-in work on many accessories, but if the accessory is looking for communications to and from the iPod, Rockbox can not provide. |
20:43:00 | stripwax | yet |
20:43:16 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=421af228@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-41f894a410884fe1) |
20:43:19 | soap | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodAccessories |
20:44:16 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@147-013-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) |
20:44:31 | Kephu | soap: so, it seems it KIND OF works, but not quite? ;) |
20:44:49 | BigBambi | Kephu: <soap> so, line-out and line-in work on many accessories, but if the accessory is looking for communications to and from the iPod, Rockbox can not provide. |
20:45:10 | soap | nothing that complex. Rockbox provides line-out and listens on the line-in. IF that is all an accessory needs, it will work. If the accessory is expecting communications it won't work. |
20:45:16 | stripwax | Kephu - currently, it will depend entirely on how your dock works |
20:45:38 | Kephu | but from what I see, the volume controls seem to work - are they handled differently? |
20:45:43 | Horscht | oh, damn. I just bought a radio remote for my ipod :/ |
20:45:45 | soap | There is no way in god's green hades that the IR remote will work. The line-out/in of your dock _should_ work. |
20:46:05 | BigBambi | Kephu: Many accessories do the volume control themselves |
20:46:06 | stripwax | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8624?histring=protocol |
20:46:17 | soap | on SOME Apple accessories the volume control is an analog attenuation of the line-out signal. Thus it works w/o communication. |
20:46:36 | Kephu | ok, that answers my question ;) |
20:46:42 | saratoga | i think any dock will be using the line out, and thus will provide its own volume control |
20:46:59 | soap | saratoga, I thought of that as soon as I said what silly thing I said. ;) |
20:47:00 | saratoga | i would expect them to either not work, or work with volume control |
20:47:04 | Kephu | I assume this is not really a priority feature? ;) |
20:47:09 | stripwax | ^ the above patch is a work-in-progress that implements some of the apple accessory communication protocol. If you have such an accessory, please try the patch and provide feedback on how well it works (if it works!) |
20:47:11 | BigBambi | Indeed not |
20:47:30 | saratoga | i don't even think we have priorities |
20:47:32 | BigBambi | Kephu: But devs work on what they want, there aren't really any priorities per se |
20:47:39 | soap | Nobody has made it a priority feature. That being said, if it is going to happen it most likely will happen in Rockbox first. IPL is dead. |
20:47:49 | Kephu | not that it matters to me - as I said, I'm comparing the capabilities of both OSes |
20:47:50 | stripwax | soap - I linked to the patch above already |
20:48:32 | Horscht | but from the comments it doesn't look like any controls work at all |
20:48:35 | soap | IPL is Linux on the iPod, with all the pluses and all the large minuses that implies. Rockbox is a music player. What do you want to use your iPod for? |
20:48:36 | Kephu | ok, let me clarify: none of the developers on this channel at this time has no real interest of doing that anytime soon? ;) |
20:48:45 | saratoga | i'd have thought someone would pick up that patch and work on it |
20:48:59 | BigBambi | Kephu: People have interest, but not always time |
20:49:05 | Kephu | soap: actually, I'm experimenting |
20:49:16 | saratoga | serial remote control hacking is easy as hardware hacking gets |
20:49:28 | stripwax | Horscht - surely not enough people have tested it, if those are the only comments. As stated, it currently only works with mode2 accessories |
20:49:44 | stripwax | Kephu - "doing what" ? |
20:49:53 | Kephu | BigBambi: ok, let me further qualify: all of them have better things to do, project-wise, than implementing the protocol? ;) |
20:49:58 | Horscht | what is a mode2 accessory? |
20:50:08 | BigBambi | Kephu: Or better things real life wise |
20:50:11 | stripwax | Horscht - I don't know :) I didn't write the patch, nor do I have any accessories |
20:50:28 | stripwax | Kephu - the protocol is implemented but not fully usable or complete |
20:50:28 | Kephu | BigBambi: sure, but that's not relevent to the question |
20:50:32 | BigBambi | Yes it is |
20:50:34 | soap | I think it is time for an unsupported build linked to from the wikipage. |
20:50:46 | soap | maybe people will start testing it. |
20:50:50 | BigBambi | It may be the top of a developers list, but if they don't have the time it won't get done |
20:50:50 | saratoga | hell lets just put it in SVN |
20:50:55 | Horscht | i will, as soon as I get my remote |
20:50:56 | saratoga | not like it does any harm |
20:50:57 | stripwax | gets my vote |
20:51:00 | Kephu | stripwax: so it's safe to assume you're one step ahead of the IPL guys? :) |
20:51:15 | saratoga | i don't think there are any IPL guys left |
20:51:29 | soap | In the same wasy Neil Armstrong was one step ahead of Christopher Columbus. |
20:51:32 | saratoga | a few came here, and the rest vanished |
20:51:34 | BigBambi | IPL, as soap has said, is essentially dead |
20:51:39 | Horscht | last time I checked, the ipl wiki and downloads were majorly broken |
20:51:42 | stripwax | Kephu - given that I haven't seen any IPL development in many months, it's probably safe to assume that we're always going to be at least one step ahead.. |
20:52:00 | Kephu | BigBambi: and what I'm asking is the position on developers' list, not whether they have anything else to do. If they do - good for them, but it doesn't really change the question |
20:52:10 | BigBambi | I don't know |
20:52:13 | soap | and their most-recent commits were mostly Rockbox ports. |
20:52:25 | BigBambi | developers do what they want, we don't have a list of what people are working on |
20:52:29 | Horscht | there have been recent commits? |
20:52:30 | stripwax | heh, yeah. "the rockbox guys found a way to do such-and-such.." |
20:52:42 | stripwax | Kephu - if you can, please try the patch |
20:52:51 | soap | This isn't a company, Kephu. Nobody outside the hacker him or herself can speak to said hacker's priority. |
20:52:54 | stripwax | (assuming you have a dock) |
20:53:20 | | Quit phinze () |
20:53:30 | Kephu | soap: and I've already qualified my question, so there's no mention of corporate whatever. ;) |
20:53:33 | soap | So the best answer, Kephu, you can get at any one moment in time is the personal answer of whoever is listening to the question. |
20:53:40 | BigBambi | Kephu: The point is we don't know |
20:54:01 | BigBambi | Everyone can only answer for themsleves |
20:54:09 | BigBambi | *themselves |
20:54:50 | Kephu | so, what I'm asking is, I guess: do YOU, any and all developer of rockbox want to code it? |
20:55:03 | BigBambi | We can ONLY answer for ourselves |
20:55:07 | stripwax | Kephu - what is the exact question? The patch *is already coded*. It needs *testers* too. |
20:55:19 | soap | and most the developers aren't answering - so the results of the question tell you nothing. |
20:55:19 | Kephu | BigBambi: and that's what I'm asking, precisely. I'm gauging interest of individuals ;) |
20:55:42 | BigBambi | Personally I couldn't care less, but it'd be nice for the project I guess |
20:55:46 | saratoga | i have no interest whatsoever |
20:55:48 | Kephu | gauging... that's a valid word in this context, right? ;) |
20:55:55 | soap | get svn |
20:55:56 | saratoga | yes its gramatically correct |
20:55:56 | soap | oops |
20:56:01 | stripwax | ;) |
20:56:37 | linuxstb | Kephu: To help you with your poll, no I'm not interested in accessories. |
20:56:40 | stripwax | Kephu - I would find it useful for the project, as even though I don't own accessories I never know if I will be at a friend's place who does |
20:56:56 | stripwax | (so that's a 'yes' for the purposes of your poll) |
20:56:58 | Kephu | see? It wasn't that hard ;) |
20:57:05 | Nico_P | saratoga: hi. I have some WMA files that don't play |
20:57:11 | saratoga | damn it |
20:57:17 | BigBambi | Kephu: Well, if you had asked that in the first place... |
20:57:26 | Nico_P | they stay stuck on 0:00 int the WPS |
20:57:32 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
20:57:34 | Kephu | BigBambi: I kind of thought I did. Ah, well ;) |
20:57:40 | bertrik | there was a recent fix for wma with nonstandard sample rates IIRC |
20:57:43 | | Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") |
20:57:49 | saratoga | Nico_P: they're V2 wma and all that fun stuff? |
20:58:19 | Kephu | stripwax: you mentioned some patch earlier on. I missed that in the wall of text, what patch did you mean? |
20:58:24 | Nico_P | I need to check. they're not my files actually |
20:58:48 | Horscht | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8624?histring=protocol |
20:58:49 | stripwax | Kephu - er, the implementation of the Apple Accessory Protocol - i.e. the code that enables rockbox to talk to the docks. |
20:58:53 | Horscht | Kephu |
20:58:57 | stripwax | Isn't that what you were talking about, Kephu? |
20:59:14 | Nico_P | saratoga: what's the easiest way to know? |
20:59:14 | | Join keanu [0] (n=keanu@unaffiliated/keanu) |
20:59:19 | BigBambi | Kephu: There are irc logs on the rockbox website |
20:59:24 | Kephu | stripwax, Horscht: yeah, thanks ;) |
21:00 |
21:00:32 | Kephu | shouldl it work on 5.5g as well as 5g? |
21:00:38 | stripwax | Should do |
21:00:50 | stripwax | (insofar as it works at all ;-) |
21:01:00 | keanu | how were the rockbox fonts originally converted? |
21:01:06 | | Quit w1ll14m (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:01:28 | Kephu | a propos: what's the relation between 5g and 5.5g? Did anything change much in the low-level? |
21:01:38 | saratoga | Nico_P: i always go to properties in foobar2000, but that requires windows/wine |
21:01:51 | soap | Screen changed, perhaps some Broadcomm chip firmware. |
21:01:51 | Horscht | Kephu, bigger RAM |
21:01:54 | soap | no |
21:02:09 | keanu | from what i can tell, it was something like ttf2bdf, then convbdf, but when i tried that, the fonts were rather large |
21:02:10 | soap | the 30GB 5th and 5.5th gens both have 32MB or RAM. |
21:02:27 | soap | the 60GB 5th and 80GB 5.5th both have 64MB of RAM. |
21:02:43 | Horscht | i see |
21:02:46 | Kephu | ok, so, a newb question: how do I apply the patch? |
21:03:00 | Horscht | Kephu, you have to have a build environment |
21:03:01 | BigBambi | Kephu: You need to apply it to the source then compile |
21:03:07 | BigBambi | Kephu: What OS? |
21:03:13 | Kephu | so, there's no real difference between 5.5g 30gb and 5g? |
21:03:18 | Kephu | BigBambi: windows |
21:03:22 | Horscht | ouch |
21:03:23 | soap | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DocsIndex#For_Developers |
21:03:37 | soap | specifically http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WorkingWithPatches |
21:03:42 | BigBambi | Kephu: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SimpleGuideToCompiling |
21:03:43 | stripwax | Horscht - what's "ouch"? I use windows with cygwin |
21:03:56 | BigBambi | Horscht: Windows is fine |
21:03:57 | Horscht | isn't that a bitch to set up? |
21:04:02 | stripwax | no |
21:04:04 | BigBambi | nope |
21:04:12 | soap | Kephu, I mentioned a very real difference. I guess "real" is a matter of opinion. |
21:04:15 | Horscht | ok, i take my "ouch" back then |
21:04:18 | BigBambi | VMWare and colinux are good too |
21:04:41 | Horscht | I'll just make me a new build today |
21:05:09 | stripwax | Kephu - cygwin details: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CygwinDevelopment |
21:05:34 | Nico_P | saratoga: I'll get foobar |
21:06:30 | | Join Mathiasdm2 [0] (n=Mathias@vpna225.ugent.be) |
21:06:42 | Kephu | soap: right, sorry, missed it the first time ;) |
21:07:06 | Kephu | seems like there's a lot of reading involving in setting this up |
21:07:31 | Kephu | *involved |
21:08:08 | | Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
21:08:56 | bertrik | is there a general convention in rockbox for function return codes? like <0 on error, >=0 for success? |
21:09:21 | bertrik | (equal or larger than 0 for success) |
21:09:56 | Nico_P | saratoga: hmm foobar seems unable to play them |
21:10:25 | saratoga | Nico_P: are they DRMed or such? |
21:10:33 | keanu | how were the rockbox fonts originally converted? from what i can tell, it was something like ttf2bdf, then convbdf, but when i tried that, the fonts were rather large |
21:10:37 | saratoga | i think foobar will give you a warning in it's console if that is the case |
21:10:42 | Nico_P | not AFAIK. SMPlayer is ok with them |
21:10:57 | saratoga | thats ffmpeg based? |
21:11:10 | Nico_P | based on MPlayer |
21:11:27 | linuxstb | Have you tried playing them in the sim? |
21:11:28 | saratoga | so they work in ffmpeg but not in the MS decoder |
21:11:30 | saratoga | very strange |
21:11:46 | Nico_P | I get "Unable to open item for playback (IWMSyncReader::SetRange failed (C00D0BC2)):" in foobar |
21:12:00 | Nico_P | vlc gives me silence |
21:12:48 | Nico_P | codec profile: WMA v9 |
21:12:59 | Nico_P | sample rate: 44100 Hz |
21:13:03 | saratoga | that should be supported (V9 == V2) |
21:13:05 | Nico_P | I'll try in the sim |
21:13:36 | Nico_P | vlc says v10 though |
21:13:50 | Nico_P | "WMA 10 Professional" |
21:14:13 | saratoga | Nico_P: pro is not supported |
21:14:17 | Nico_P | ah |
21:14:33 | saratoga | however if IWMSyncReader fails on Windows, its probably a corrupted ASF file so who knows whats actually in it |
21:14:54 | Nico_P | I'm using foobar in wine |
21:15:08 | saratoga | oh |
21:15:16 | saratoga | yeah maybe thats not surprising then :) |
21:15:27 | linuxstb | In Linux, mplayer is probably the easiest way to get the file format - it will tell you what decoder it's using. |
21:15:45 | saratoga | if it plays at all in linux, its probably WMA V2 |
21:15:59 | linuxstb | mplayer can use windows codecs though... |
21:16:05 | linuxstb | (on x86) |
21:16:13 | saratoga | i didn't know that |
21:16:21 | Nico_P | "Selected audio codec: [wma9dmo] afm: dmo (Windows Media Audio 9 DMO)" |
21:16:31 | linuxstb | Yes, that's a windows codec IIUC. |
21:16:32 | Nico_P | before that, "Opening audio decoder: [dmo] Win32/DMO decoders" |
21:16:58 | linuxstb | So it's not using the ffmpeg decoder. |
21:17:02 | Nico_P | ok |
21:17:52 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:18:52 | saratoga | Nico_P: you want to just email me the file and I'll look at it? |
21:19:10 | saratoga | should be able to at least tell you if its feasible to get it working in rockbox eventually |
21:19:22 | Nico_P | saratoga: sure |
21:19:38 | | Quit Bagder (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:19:49 | | Join TMM [0] (n=hp@c514753fe.cable.wanadoo.nl) |
21:20:36 | | Join Bagder [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
21:21:23 | Kephu | huh. I've just found a youtube vid showing rockbox loading some, I think, NES roms. There's an emulator for it, or is this a fake? |
21:21:40 | Horscht | not rockbox, that's IPl |
21:21:41 | saratoga | i think there is actually a NES emulator somewhere |
21:21:57 | Horscht | oh, right. |
21:22:11 | Kephu | Horscht: rest of the vid looked like rockbox, though |
21:22:22 | Horscht | i think there's a plugin on Flyspray |
21:22:38 | BigBambi | Kephu: There is no NES emulator included in Rockbox, but you may find something on the tracker |
21:23:04 | Horscht | Rockby (Gameboy emulator) is included as plugin, though |
21:23:58 | Kephu | my ipod turned from portable disk drive into something actually useful at last ;) |
21:24:00 | | Quit Mathiasdm2 ("Yuuw!") |
21:24:06 | | Quit Mathiasdm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:24:15 | Nico_P | saratoga: can you PM? |
21:24:15 | Kephu | it's as good an opportunity as any to say "thanks, guys" ;) |
21:24:21 | Horscht | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/2911 |
21:24:28 | n1s | Nico_P: have you seen FS #8517 seems like a nice bugfix (maybe the mask should be converted to #defines but anyway) |
21:25:32 | | Join Rincewind [0] (n=Flubb@i528C338D.versanet.de) |
21:26:26 | Rincewind | hello |
21:27:09 | lymeca | I'm trying to fix this 80gb 5.5G and I can't mount it's seond partition because : mount: /dev/sdc2: can't read superblock |
21:27:27 | gevaerts | Hi Rincewind. Welcome back :) |
21:27:28 | lymeca | and then if I try to run fdisk /dev/sdc I get this error : Error: Unable to open /dev/sdc - unrecognised disk label. |
21:27:40 | Nico_P | n1s: I didn't know about it. I'll definitely look into it |
21:28:31 | Rincewind | hi gevaerts, a nice surprise, coming back from one week without internet and and having a challange with only a few hours left to do it |
21:28:56 | velixzeen | lymeca: run fdisk on /dev/sdc1? |
21:29:20 | velixzeen | lymeca: run fdisk on /dev/sdc2, oops |
21:29:26 | gevaerts | Rincewind: sorry about that. We had to pick a deadline that gives us enough time to evaluate everything. |
21:29:40 | lymeca | # fdisk /dev/sdc2 |
21:29:40 | lymeca | Error: Unable to open /dev/sdc2 - unrecognised disk label. |
21:29:45 | Rincewind | I know, I do what I can |
21:30:21 | Rincewind | right now I'm downloading one week worth of svn updates |
21:30:51 | gevaerts | Rincewind: We won't be too strict about the deadline though. And even if you can't finish it, just upload what you have somewhere. We know how much time you have |
21:31:18 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
21:31:20 | Rincewind | gevaerts: that's what I was hoping for |
21:31:32 | | Quit FOAD ("I'll be back") |
21:31:52 | | Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
21:32:14 | velixzeen | lymeca: check the mount man page and try the sb option. Increment n by 8192 with each attempt. Took me 5 different values to get a working mount one time. |
21:32:57 | lymeca | velixzeen: Well why am I getting those fdisk errors? That makes me think it's an MBR issue. |
21:34:38 | velixzeen | not sure, check for messages in dmesg and /var/log/messages |
21:35:37 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host176-218-dynamic.30-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
21:37:04 | lymeca | FAT: logical sector size too small for device (logical sector size = 512) |
21:39:33 | velixzeen | sdc2 is FAT ? |
21:40:00 | bluebrother | maybe sdc is the wrong device? Tried fdisk -l already |
21:42:40 | | Quit FOAD ("I'll be back") |
21:43:07 | | Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
21:43:46 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m179.net81-66-123.noos.fr) |
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21:45:53 | | Join szlacko [0] (n=szlacko@catv-59848416.catv.broadband.hu) |
21:46:36 | soap | ok the D2 builds aren't red in the build table. I can't build it, though. I just reran rockboxdev.sh |
21:46:41 | | Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@CPE-65-30-152-122.wi.res.rr.com) |
21:46:44 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m179.net81-66-123.noos.fr) |
21:46:46 | soap | my versions are: Using arm-elf-gcc 4.0.3 (400) |
21:46:46 | soap | Using arm-elf-ld 2.16.1 |
21:47:11 | n1s | soap: what error s do you get? |
21:47:24 | | Join borges_ [0] (n=bruges@e178025153.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
21:47:30 | | Quit borges_ (Client Quit) |
21:47:40 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
21:47:47 | soap | http://pastebin.ca/983949 |
21:48:22 | saratoga | my friend is asking me where people buy V1 sansas these days |
21:48:27 | saratoga | ebay I guess? |
21:49:15 | soap | ahh, I'm getting them on iPod as well. |
21:49:28 | n1s | soap: segfault in as... |
21:49:38 | n1s | seems odd... |
21:49:46 | soap | did I need to change my paths after RErunning rockboxdev.sh? |
21:50:24 | n1s | not if you used the same paths before |
21:50:28 | soap | or did I bork it by running rockboxdev.sh as root and trying to build as user? |
21:50:38 | soap | I ASSumed it would use the same paths as before. |
21:50:41 | n1s | that might be a problem |
21:51:07 | n1s | try building as root maybe? |
21:51:54 | preglow | szlacko: hi |
21:53:59 | BigBambi | soap: I ran rockboxdev as root and build as user, I think that is pretty standard |
21:54:09 | | Join szlackoo [0] (n=szlacko@ |
21:54:48 | | Quit larg ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]") |
21:57:03 | soap | BigBambi, who owns /usr/local/arm-elf/bin/arm-elf-ar for example? |
21:57:12 | soap | (on your machine) - what are the permissions. |
21:57:16 | BigBambi | I'll check |
21:58:03 | | Quit szlackoo (Client Quit) |
21:58:06 | | Join szlackoo [0] (n=szlacko@ |
21:58:11 | BigBambi | soap: -rwxr-xr-x 2 root 1829756 2008-03-29 15:14 /usr/local/arm-elf/bin/arm-elf-ar |
22:00 |
22:00:58 | n1s | hmm, mine's owned by root too |
22:01:13 | | Join r0rshach [0] (n=chatzill@ |
22:01:36 | n1s | maybe a 'make V=1' will tell you more (dunno if that outputs more errors too) |
22:01:42 | soap | and your arm path includes? |
22:02:24 | BigBambi | /usr/local/arm-elf/bin |
22:02:30 | soap | PATH=/usr/local/arm-elf/bin:/usr/local/sh-elf/bin:/usr/local/m68k-elf/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/bin is all the path I have declared. |
22:02:38 | BigBambi | I have /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/sh-elf/bin:/usr/local/m68k-elf/bin:/usr/local/arm-elf/bin:/home/alex/RealPlayer |
22:06:20 | soap | archos and coldfile build fine. |
22:06:31 | BigBambi | current svn? |
22:06:37 | soap | yes |
22:06:44 | BigBambi | Which target? |
22:08:06 | | Quit szlacko (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:08:18 | | Quit n1s (Remote closed the connection) |
22:08:35 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
22:09:25 | BigBambi | soap: D2 doesn't build here either |
22:09:32 | soap | and ipod video? |
22:09:38 | BigBambi | Just trying |
22:10:16 | BigBambi | nope |
22:10:23 | soap | really? |
22:10:29 | soap | yet the build table looks clean |
22:11:05 | BigBambi | But not with a segfault |
22:11:24 | soap | you're saying it fails for you, but no segfault? |
22:11:39 | BigBambi | yes, one mo, i'll pastebin the output |
22:12:31 | Horscht | i built a video bult sucessfully |
22:12:50 | soap | going out for a quick smoke, brb |
22:13:08 | Horscht | 17099 |
22:13:48 | BigBambi | OK, I take that back - video built fine. I must have cocked something up. Trying D2 again.... |
22:14:48 | | Quit krz (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:15:43 | BigBambi | Weird - I take it all back - D2 just built fine. I don't know what happened the first time. Sorry for the confusion |
22:16:03 | | Join Crash91 [0] (n=29e8cfe0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ac1fecb48314432f) |
22:18:19 | n1s | ipod video builds fine here too... |
22:19:05 | Lear | I get link errors on D2, probably due to me not having built gcc or binutils in quite the right way... |
22:19:42 | n1s | Lear: link errors usually mean you don't have the multilibs patch |
22:20:24 | | Quit Kephu ("Leaving") |
22:20:35 | saratoga | i got link errors on my build server, i had to rerun the dev script to get them to go away |
22:20:59 | | Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@rockbox/developer/barrywardell) |
22:21:13 | n1s | rockboxdev.sh applies the needed patch to arm-elf-gcc since sometime last year |
22:21:15 | | Quit damunix ("Ex-Chat") |
22:21:20 | soap | grr |
22:22:19 | Llorean | Would anyone care to try to explain to friendlyzookeeper more clearly than I seem to be able to that Rockbox is the whole operating system? |
22:22:27 | Lear | n1s: suspected that. I think I built gcc before it was needed for any target. |
22:22:46 | BigBambi | Llorean: To be honest, if he didn't get it from your last post I think it is a lost cause |
22:22:58 | n1s | d2 and mrobe 500 are armv5, Gigabeast is v6 so those need it |
22:24:31 | linuxstb | Llorean: Don't you mean "one piece of software" (not hardware) in the last sentence of the first paragraph? |
22:25:44 | saratoga | "Are you going to use the linux kernel for the drivers?" |
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22:33:41 | | Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
22:37:43 | lymeca | linuxstb: You are smart. My 5.5g 80GB won't work because rockbox.ipod can't be found and I can't mount /dev/sdc2 because "mount: /dev/sdc2: can't read superblock" and I can't fdisk the device because "Error: Unable to open /dev/sdc2 - unrecognised disk label" |
22:37:49 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
22:37:58 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
22:38:42 | linuxstb | lymeca: Sounds like it's just badly formatted (or a corrupt partition table/filesystem). |
22:38:55 | | Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
22:39:16 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
22:39:40 | lymeca | linuxstb: Well I have no problem wiping /dev/sdc2, should I just run 'mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc2' ? |
22:40:13 | linuxstb | lymeca: Have you read the IpodManualRestore wiki page? |
22:42:05 | lymeca | linuxstb: no, this is good info, I'm going to try this, thanks |
22:42:13 | | Quit desowin () |
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22:44:49 | soap | my arm build problems do appear to have been a permission issue running rockboxdev.sh as root. |
22:44:53 | soap | rerun as user and all is well. |
22:45:05 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p5B23C361.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:45:33 | Llorean | linuxstb: Fixed |
22:47:01 | DerPapst | good evening :-) |
22:47:05 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:47:23 | lymeca | linuxstb: I tried the command "mformat -S 2048 -M 2048 -F /dev/sdc2" which didn't work because of error: "argssize must be less than 6" |
22:47:29 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
22:47:35 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
22:48:03 | Mode | "#rockbox -b *!*n=fdeaf@*.hsd1.ma.comcast.net " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
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22:48:56 | linuxstb | lymeca: Sorry, I can't help with mformat, apart from saying that's the only formatting program known to work fine on the 5.5g ipods. Either that, or using itunes on Windows. |
22:51:16 | | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
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22:52:38 | * | DerPapst remembers having seen this error.... but no solution to it. |
22:52:55 | | Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") |
22:53:17 | DerPapst | lymeca: if you figure out that has to be changed please let us know :-) |
22:54:00 | linuxstb | Can you use device nodes directly? I thought you need to assign drive letters? |
22:54:18 | lymeca | it looks like I need to specify a drive letter yes |
22:54:21 | lymeca | not sure how though |
22:54:44 | linuxstb | Edit /etc/mtools.conf |
22:55:30 | linuxstb | You first need to make sure your partition table is OK though - did you restore one? |
22:55:41 | lymeca | linuxstb: yup |
22:55:52 | lymeca | I resotred the MBR and the firmware on /dev/sdc1 |
22:56:01 | linuxstb | So running "fdisk /dev/sdc" gives sensible looking output? |
22:56:09 | linuxstb | I mean "fdisk -l /dev/sdc" |
22:59:12 | lymeca | linuxstb: Uh-oh |
22:59:14 | lymeca | No it's not |
22:59:20 | lymeca | Error: Unable to open /dev/sdc - unrecognised disk label. |
22:59:21 | lymeca | still |
23:00 |
23:00:02 | linuxstb | Did you unplug and reattach your ipod after writing the partition table? |
23:00:10 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
23:00:22 | linuxstb | And what command did you use to write the partition table? |
23:00:30 | | Quit Crash91 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:00:43 | lymeca | dd if=mbr-video80gb-2048.bin of=/dev/sdc |
23:00:46 | lymeca | and then I did |
23:01:01 | lymeca | dd if=iPod_25.1.3.ipsw of=/dev/sdc1 (but this one shouldn't matter for fdisk purposes) |
23:01:17 | DerPapst | heh |
23:01:23 | linuxstb | You need to make Linux re-read the partition table after the first dd |
23:01:26 | DerPapst | you don't dd the ipsw file |
23:01:42 | DerPapst | you extract it before :-P |
23:02:04 | | Join Crash91 [0] (n=29e8cfe0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ab3b67962fa3dc97) |
23:02:25 | lymeca | DerPapst: got it. Fixed it with "dd if=Firmware-25.6.3 of=/dev/sdc1" |
23:02:35 | lymeca | linuxstb: How do I do that? |
23:02:38 | lymeca | unplug.replug? |
23:02:54 | | Quit EternalRains ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
23:02:58 | linuxstb | Yes, _before_ writing the firmware. (there is a software way to do it, but I forget...) |
23:03:07 | | Join webguest29 [0] (n=29e8cfe0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7dae8b1b37c67c02) |
23:03:43 | linuxstb | But step one is simply to get a good partition table written, verified with fdisk. Forget the later steps until you've succeeded with that. |
23:03:48 | | Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) |
23:03:50 | DerPapst | sfdisk -R /dev/sdX |
23:04:00 | | Join serdarakkan [0] (n=serdar@ |
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23:05:02 | serdarakkan | hello everyone |
23:05:05 | lymeca | uh-oh |
23:05:17 | lymeca | I unpluggd it and tried to boot back into disk mode |
23:05:28 | lymeca | but it showed the apple logo with a slow moving progress bar down below |
23:05:40 | lymeca | I wanted to get into disk mode so I figured I'd reboot and hold select+play |
23:05:44 | lymeca | but now it won't turn on |
23:05:48 | DerPapst | bad idea |
23:05:55 | linuxstb | Was it displaying a charger symbol? |
23:06:01 | lymeca | it showed that first |
23:06:05 | * | linuxstb wonders if lymeca read the wiki page... |
23:06:16 | lymeca | which one? |
23:06:27 | DerPapst | did the progressbar move before you reseted it? |
23:06:31 | lymeca | Oh |
23:06:33 | lymeca | I see |
23:06:36 | lymeca | yes it did |
23:06:38 | lymeca | shit |
23:06:53 | lymeca | did I brick it? |
23:06:53 | lymeca | hmm |
23:06:58 | DerPapst | maybe |
23:07:12 | DerPapst | flip hold on and off and then try to reset it again |
23:07:19 | Horscht | i thought the only way to brick an ipod was the sledge-hammer method |
23:07:37 | DerPapst | and this one |
23:07:56 | lymeca | DerPapst: Select+Menu while flipping hold? |
23:07:58 | Horscht | does that touch the flashrom? |
23:08:21 | DerPapst | Horscht: yes... the progressbar thingy |
23:08:36 | Horscht | ok... ouch |
23:08:40 | DerPapst | lymeca: first flip on and off, then reset |
23:08:45 | linuxstb | Horscht: When you restore the Apple firmware, the Apple bootloader updates the contents of the flash. During that time, a hard reset is a bad move... |
23:09:13 | lymeca | that makes eprfect sense |
23:09:19 | lymeca | I just had no idea that that's what it was doing |
23:09:20 | Horscht | ok, i'll note that down |
23:09:23 | bertrik | hmm, why is there both a hotswap.h and a hotswap-target.h? they are very similar |
23:10:37 | lymeca | okay well it doesn't seem to be turning on still |
23:11:44 | lymeca | that's pretty sad |
23:11:57 | lymeca | I know it's probably a lost cause |
23:11:58 | lymeca | but |
23:12:14 | lymeca | any other suggestions? |
23:13:03 | linuxstb | Did you have the USB cable attached when you reset it? |
23:13:23 | lymeca | I don't 100% remember but I think it was plugged in. |
23:13:44 | linuxstb | Then the flash update was probably in progress when you reset... |
23:13:52 | lymeca | yeah it was |
23:14:01 | lymeca | the progress bar was moving on the bottom of the screen |
23:14:40 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
23:15:40 | r0rshach | what is the largest drive that rockbox can't support now? 100 gigs? |
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23:16:27 | lymeca | linuxstb: won't make that mistake again, which is good because now I need to do the same thing to my 30gb 4th gen colour. ALthough there's no mbr file for it on the wiki. Where do I get an MBR for this ipod? |
23:16:37 | DerPapst | try to charge it a bit and later try to hold menu+center a ridiculous long time.. maybe you have luck... |
23:16:52 | Llorean | r0rshach: There's no hard limit, though in the archoses you can only access a certain portion of the disk over USB due to limitations of the bridge. |
23:17:10 | | Quit n1s () |
23:17:30 | r0rshach | well i broke my 60 for my x5 im not sure what size to go |
23:17:35 | r0rshach | i was thinking atleast 80 |
23:17:44 | amiconn | r0rshach: The official builds support up to 128GiB. If you build yourself, you can build with LBA48 support enabled, meaning that up to ~2TiB |
23:17:45 | r0rshach | but i saw there are some 120s out there |
23:17:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:17:55 | r0rshach | WOW |
23:17:57 | amiconn | ..are suppoted |
23:18:16 | r0rshach | 2 terabytes.... |
23:18:19 | r0rshach | hmmmmm |
23:18:19 | amiconn | Not all targets allow accessing >128GiB via USB though |
23:18:54 | | Join Casainho [0] (n=fotograf@87-196-226-45.net.novis.pt) |
23:19:01 | r0rshach | and having 2 partitions would be inconevenient |
23:19:20 | amiconn | Most newer targets do, however |
23:19:25 | Casainho | hello rockbox people :-) - I would like to know If to build rockbox firmware I must use arm-elf or If arm-linux-gcc is ok? |
23:19:49 | DerPapst | arm-elf-gcc |
23:20:15 | DerPapst | i'd recommend the version rockboxdev.sh builds |
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23:20:21 | DerPapst | 4.0.3 |
23:20:31 | | Join m0f0x [0] (n=m0f0x@189-47-1-154.dsl.telesp.net.br) |
23:20:57 | amiconn | LBA48 could go even further than 2TiB, but then the FAT driver would need some work. Right now, LBA48 is limited to 32 bit sector numbers, hence the 2TiB limit (2^32 sectors of 512 bytes each) |
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23:21:23 | DerPapst | simply run the script, watch some text passing by, drink a cup of coffe and you have a new and shiny compiler. |
23:21:29 | Casainho | DerPapst: ?? that exists? - I did the rockboxdev.sh build but that is written on TWiki page, however, I am build u-boot and there is code on u-boot that does not build with that arm-elf-gcc... |
23:22:03 | Casainho | DerPapst: I already build rockbox using the instructions from TWiki(great information :-) ) |
23:22:07 | Bagder | Casainho: what code? iirc, u-boot doesn't use any libc either... |
23:22:36 | bertrik | hm, the disk info debug menu does not handle V2.00 sd cards properly |
23:22:48 | Llorean | I would think the important question is "why doesn't u-boot build with the normal Rockbox toolchain" rather than "can I use a different toolchain" |
23:23:29 | | Join gatestone [0] (n=app@cs78143008.pp.htv.fi) |
23:24:12 | Casainho | Bagder: I am trying to build u-boot and u-boot have a "hello world" example, thats just builds with arm-linux-gcc... −− So I am looking for guidance... |
23:24:31 | amiconn | bertrik: The 2 hotswap headers are because of the Ondio (MMC) and the sansas (SD) are from different rockbox "eras". The Archoses pre-target tree, and they're still not fully integrated |
23:24:58 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=421af228@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-630b1fe318243ff1) |
23:25:00 | bertrik | amiconn: ok |
23:25:11 | amiconn | In fact hotswap seems to be the only area that blocks us from switching to all-target-tree now |
23:25:21 | Bagder | Casainho: as I said, I don't think you're correct on that |
23:25:37 | amiconn | It needs someone with both a sansa and an Ondio to clean up (that is, do it efficiently in terms of test cycles) |
23:25:44 | * | amiconn will receive a c240 soon |
23:27:02 | amiconn | linuxstb: You did disable dircache in your test, didn't you? |
23:27:40 | linuxstb | amiconn: Yes - I checked, and it wasn't enabled. I saw the disk spin up when entering the browser. |
23:27:58 | bertrik | amiconn: I can very well imagine that it's much more efficient if one person with both devices cleans it up, but I won't minding testing on my e200 if you need some help |
23:28:02 | amiconn | Hmm. I wonder what's up with the disk power enable on mini then |
23:28:13 | soap | if friendlyzookeeper's native language were known, perhaps someone could speak to him in it and explain. Perhaps his problem is with English. |
23:28:17 | amiconn | Yeah, testing on e200 can be helpful too |
23:28:58 | amiconn | linuxstb: If I comment out the power disable on mini, I don't get those dropouts anymore, even if I keep the controller disable/enable |
23:29:15 | Casainho | Bagder: fur future use of Rockbox, I must use arm-elf-gcc? - I have have need to use arm-linux-gcc, will RB work? |
23:29:33 | bertrik | amiconn: FYI, I have a 4GB model sansa and I have a separate 4 GB SDHC micro-sd card to put in it |
23:29:35 | amiconn | It seems we have no single tester with a mini G1 :( |
23:30:05 | linuxstb | Doesn't bluebrother have one? |
23:30:11 | preglow | i think so |
23:30:24 | linuxstb | Although I seem to recall he's put a CF card in it. |
23:30:44 | Bagder | Casainho: rockbox is built with arm-elf-gcc as we don't use any libc it is pointless to use a compiler that insists on one |
23:31:37 | amiconn | linuxstb: He has a 2nd Gen mini as well |
23:32:07 | amiconn | That is, not a 1st Gen (was imprecise) |
23:32:20 | Casainho | Bagder: okok, I am trying to learn, understand... so I think I must know why that hello world example code does want to use the arm-linux-gcc... Bagder, I am looking for an simple example code to flash a LED, do you know where I can get one? like a tutorial? |
23:33:52 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
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23:35:45 | pixelma | didn't perrikwp have a first gen Mini, or do I mix something up? |
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23:36:59 | lymeca | linuxstb: I have a very similar problem with a 4th gen 30GB now and I really don't want to brick this one. fdisk -l /dev/sdc is returning the error "Error: Unable to open /dev/sdc - unrecognised disk label." |
23:37:29 | lymeca | linuxstb: I tried dd-ing the 4g 20gb MBR (because there is no 4g 30GB MBR image on the wiki) and it still says this even after unplugging/replugging |
23:37:49 | Bagder | Casainho: well, the LEDs is target-specific for your board so you won't find any exact match I guess, but how to write u-boot "apps" is documented (I'm quite sure I've seen such docs at least) |
23:39:33 | | Quit ch4os_ ("leaving") |
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23:39:54 | linuxstb | lymeca: Sorry, I need to run to catch a train... |
23:39:58 | lymeca | k |
23:40:00 | lymeca | thanks anyawy |
23:40:45 | Casainho | Bagder: okok, I must read carefully the manual, as for now I just saw the hello world example as an application - and yes, LEDs depeds on dev. board hardware... I can use the "hello world" message as a test also −− soon I will start on LCD :-) −− thank you :-) |
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23:48:24 | amiconn | linuxstb: If I put a sleep(1) between the power enable and the controller enable, the dropout goes away... |
23:49:26 | | Quit Casainho ("Ex-Chat") |
23:50:53 | amiconn | hmm, or not... |
23:51:10 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
23:53:19 | r0rshach | does rockbox have a 10,000 file limitation? |
23:54:16 | Bagder | no |
23:54:43 | r0rshach | excellent |
23:54:54 | r0rshach | so where do ppl shop for drives? |
23:55:11 | r0rshach | pricewatch.com? |
23:55:13 | BigBambi | r0rshach: But beware of max files in directory and playlist settings |
23:55:23 | BigBambi | r0rshach: That depends what country you are in... |
23:55:31 | r0rshach | us |
23:55:37 | BigBambi | No idea then |
23:55:40 | r0rshach | what about the max files in dir bambi? |
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23:56:09 | BigBambi | r0rshach: If for some odd reason you wanted many thousands of files in a directory you would need to increase this setting |
23:56:39 | r0rshach | ok right |
23:56:43 | r0rshach | thanks |
23:57:01 | BigBambi | r0rshach: More likely is that you would want all songs on the DAP in a single playlist, so with many many tracks you would want to make sure the max playlist size setting was appropriate |
23:57:41 | r0rshach | well the thing i liked about my x5 with rockbox was i could if i wanted ignore playlists |
23:57:46 | r0rshach | and just play directly |
23:57:53 | r0rshach | it behaved liked a real drive |
23:58:10 | BigBambi | Rockbox is built on playlists |
23:58:28 | gevaerts | Yes, but you don't have to know about them |
23:58:32 | r0rshach | well it does it automatically |
23:58:44 | r0rshach | i mean thats what i like about it |
23:58:45 | BigBambi | gevaerts: You do if you want to put many thousands of tracks in one |
23:58:57 | BigBambi | You need the max playlist size to be big enough |