Previous day | Jump to hour: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | Next day
| Joins:
| View raw
Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:00:35 | Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) | |
00:03:26 | Quit faemir ("Leaving") | |
00:04:46 | Quit n1s () | |
00:07:35 | Bagder | |
00:08:29 | Join RoC_MasterMind [0] ( | |
00:09:55 | Join w1ll14m [0] ( | |
00:09:55 | gevaerts | |
00:10:15 | Quit sitwon ("Leaving") | |
00:11:45 | Bagder | |
00:11:57 | Bagder | |
00:12:20 | w1ll14m | |
00:12:44 | Bagder | |
00:13:03 | w1ll14m | |
00:13:06 | w1ll14m | |
00:13:31 | Bagder | |
00:13:37 | * | |
00:14:13 | w1ll14m | |
00:14:31 | w1ll14m | |
00:14:33 | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) | |
00:14:44 | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) | |
00:15:18 | w1ll14m | |
00:15:23 | Nick w1ll14m is now known as w1ll14m|aw ( | |
00:16:13 | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ ( | |
00:16:33 | jhMikeS | |
00:16:52 | preglow | |
00:17:52 | amiconn | |
00:17:56 | DerPapst | |
00:18:02 | amiconn | |
00:18:43 | jhMikeS | |
00:19:19 | * | |
00:20:14 | Join shotofadds [0] (n=rob@rockbox/developer/shotofadds) | |
00:20:24 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
00:20:39 | * | |
00:21:49 | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") | |
00:21:56 | * | |
00:22:15 | Llorean | |
00:22:45 | jhMikeS | |
00:23:25 | Bagder | |
00:23:35 | Quit leox (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:24:04 | Bagder | |
00:24:19 | Join leox [0] ( | |
00:24:19 | DerPapst | |
00:25:01 | Bagder | |
00:25:19 | Bagder | |
00:25:47 | Llorean | |
00:25:57 | Bagder | |
00:26:14 | Bagder | |
00:26:16 | Llorean | |
00:26:31 | Bagder | |
00:27:07 | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) | |
00:27:14 | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
00:27:28 | amiconn | |
00:27:30 | amiconn | |
00:28:20 | Bagder | |
00:28:57 | Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) | |
00:29:00 | Bagder | |
00:34:09 | Join freqmod_n [0] ( | |
00:37:08 | Quit dandin1 () | |
00:37:10 | Quit freqmod_n (Remote closed the connection) | |
00:42:38 | Quit shotofadds (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:42:41 | Quit gevaerts ("vi is better anyway") | |
00:43:11 | Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) | |
00:43:20 | Join Mouser_X [0] ( | |
00:44:58 | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
00:48:08 | Quit herrwaldo ("Konversation terminated!") | |
00:49:05 | Quit alienbiker99 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:51:09 | Join Spartanq77 [0] ( | |
00:51:34 | Quit ender` (" Cynics regarded everybody as equally corrupt... Idealists regarded everybody as equally corrupt, except themselves. -- Robe") | |
00:51:55 | Spartanq77 | |
00:52:23 | Spartanq77 | |
00:52:57 | scorche|sh | |
00:53:11 | Spartanq77 | |
00:53:26 | scorche|sh | |
00:53:37 | Spartanq77 | |
00:54:00 | Nick courtc_ is now known as courtc ( | |
00:54:17 | Spartanq77 | |
00:54:32 | krazykit | |
00:54:34 | preglow | |
00:55:41 | Spartanq77 | |
00:56:53 | scorche|sh | |
00:57:05 | Quit Adys (Nick collision from services.) | |
00:57:26 | Join Adys_ [0] (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys) | |
00:57:41 | Spartanq77 | |
00:58:10 | DerPapst | |
00:58:23 | DerPapst | |
00:58:24 | Quit Adys_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:58:27 | preglow | |
00:58:32 | preglow | |
00:58:45 | Spartanq77 | |
00:58:53 | preglow | |
00:58:56 | Join Adys [0] (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys) | |
00:59:07 | DerPapst | |
00:59:09 | scorche|sh | |
01:00 | ||
01:00:03 | * | |
01:01:17 | Spartanq77 | |
01:02:33 | Spartanq77 | |
01:02:58 | DerPapst | |
01:03:37 | DerPapst | |
01:04:59 | DerPapst | |
01:05:09 | DerPapst | |
01:05:10 | Quit goffa (Remote closed the connection) | |
01:05:18 | Spartanq77 | |
01:07:54 | Quit DaCapn (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
01:09:32 | Quit EspeonEefi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
01:10:23 | Join DaCapn [0] ( | |
01:14:35 | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") | |
01:22:13 | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") | |
01:22:23 | Join homielowe [0] (n=eric_j_l@ | |
01:22:48 | Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox 3.0b5/2008032620]") | |
01:23:47 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:32:28 | Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
01:51:59 | Join fyrestorm [0] ( | |
01:56:17 | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-FIVE-NINETY-THREE.MIT.EDU) | |
01:57:06 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
02:00 | ||
02:06:48 | Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") | |
02:08:39 | DerPapst | |
02:09:29 | amiconn | |
02:09:46 | DerPapst | |
02:10:07 | amiconn | |
02:10:12 | DerPapst | |
02:12:29 | DerPapst | |
02:12:32 | amiconn | |
02:12:35 | amiconn | |
02:13:13 | DerPapst | |
02:13:31 | scorche|sh | |
02:13:41 | Join webguest55 [0] (n=42617bdf@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
02:13:42 | amiconn | |
02:14:29 | DerPapst | |
02:14:32 | amiconn | |
02:15:04 | amiconn | |
02:15:18 | DerPapst | |
02:15:43 | * | |
02:15:43 | Quit K4rP4D (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:15:51 | DerPapst | |
02:23:29 | Join Byron [0] (n=Byron@ | |
02:24:31 | Byron | |
02:24:51 | Byron | |
02:24:59 | DerPapst | |
02:25:10 | Byron | |
02:25:20 | DerPapst | |
02:25:32 | DerPapst | |
02:25:47 | Join csc` [0] (n=csc@archlinux/user/csc) | |
02:26:36 | Byron | |
02:26:58 | DerPapst | |
02:27:09 | DerPapst | |
02:28:35 | Byron | |
02:28:46 | Byron | |
02:28:57 | DerPapst | |
02:29:14 | Byron | |
02:29:23 | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:29:43 | Byron | |
02:30:37 | DerPapst | |
02:30:39 | DerPapst | |
02:30:51 | webguest55 | |
02:30:56 | webguest55 | |
02:31:08 | Byron | |
02:31:18 | webguest55 | |
02:31:24 | webguest55 | |
02:32:48 | Byron | |
02:33:09 | webguest55 | |
02:33:16 | Byron | |
02:33:25 | Byron | |
02:33:59 | Byron | |
02:34:17 | Byron | |
02:34:26 | DerPapst | |
02:34:33 | DerPapst | |
02:34:47 | Byron | |
02:34:49 | webguest55 | |
02:34:54 | webguest55 | |
02:36:58 | Byron | |
02:36:59 | Quit webguest55 ("CGI:IRC") | |
02:37:05 | Byron | |
02:40:48 | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:53:24 | Part pixelma | |
03:00 | ||
03:08:25 | Join m0f0x [0] ( | |
03:10:15 | Byron | |
03:11:10 | Byron | |
03:23:49 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:24:21 | DerPapst | |
03:24:59 | DerPapst | |
03:41:07 | Quit Spartanq77 () | |
04:00 | ||
04:18:52 | Quit PaulJam (".") | |
04:27:14 | Join Rob2223 [0] ( | |
04:27:15 | Join Music^Hound [0] ( | |
04:40:49 | JdGordon | |
04:42:21 | Join BlakeJohnson86 [0] ( | |
04:43:35 | DerPapst | |
04:43:50 | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) | |
04:45:00 | DerPapst | |
04:45:02 | DerPapst | |
04:46:01 | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
04:48:09 | Join FOAD_ [0] ( | |
04:52:27 | Join jpt9 [0] ( | |
04:52:30 | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] ( | |
04:52:43 | jpt9 | |
04:53:11 | DerPapst | |
04:53:38 | jpt9 | |
04:54:03 | DerPapst | |
04:54:07 | JdGordon | |
04:54:27 | JdGordon | |
04:54:31 | jpt9 | |
04:54:49 | JdGordon | |
04:54:58 | JdGordon | |
04:55:28 | DerPapst | |
04:55:49 | JdGordon | |
04:56:13 | jpt9 | |
04:56:18 | DerPapst | |
04:56:31 | * | |
04:56:38 | JdGordon | |
04:56:47 | DerPapst | |
04:57:44 | JdGordon | |
04:58:07 | DerPapst | |
04:58:10 | DerPapst | |
04:58:11 | jpt9 | |
04:58:23 | DerPapst | |
04:58:41 | JdGordon | |
04:58:50 | JdGordon | |
04:59:31 | DerPapst | |
04:59:45 | DerPapst | |
05:00 | ||
05:00:49 | JdGordon | |
05:01:20 | DerPapst | |
05:01:29 | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Connection timed out) | |
05:02:31 | DerPapst | |
05:02:49 | DerPapst | |
05:04:27 | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
05:04:27 | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD ( | |
05:04:28 | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) | |
05:04:43 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
05:04:57 | Part jpt9 | |
05:09:08 | Quit RoC_MasterMind (Remote closed the connection) | |
05:23:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:25:18 | Quit Horscht ("I got raided by the FBI and all i got is this lousy quit message") | |
05:28:05 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
05:28:07 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
05:28:09 | Nick DerPapst_ is now known as DerPapst ( | |
05:33:29 | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
05:36:04 | Quit Music^Hound (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
05:45:22 | Quit Byron ("I never could get the hang of Thursdays") | |
05:47:17 | Join Jay [0] ( | |
05:52:18 | Quit nplus (Remote closed the connection) | |
05:57:17 | DerPapst | |
06:00 | ||
06:06:36 | Quit m0f0x () | |
06:14:10 | JdGordon | |
06:14:25 | JdGordon | |
06:15:32 | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) | |
06:15:42 | DerPapst | |
06:15:45 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
06:17:55 | Join simonrvn [0] (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) | |
06:18:26 | Quit jhulst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
06:19:29 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
06:22:36 | Quit homielowe () | |
06:23:42 | Quit simonrvn (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
06:29:50 | Join simonrvn [0] (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) | |
06:30:53 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
06:30:55 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
06:30:57 | Nick DerPapst_ is now known as DerPapst ( | |
06:31:13 | DerPapst | |
06:37:36 | Join corevette_ [0] ( | |
06:45:07 | Quit corevette (Connection timed out) | |
07:00 | ||
07:05:35 | Quit csc` ("If you can't do anything smart, do somethin right ~Serenity") | |
07:11:21 | Quit Jay ("Leaving") | |
07:14:16 | Quit Chronon ("So long and thanks for all the fish!") | |
07:23:54 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:28:22 | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
07:28:32 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
07:34:53 | Part toffe82 | |
07:40:22 | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
07:46:59 | Join wpyh [0] ( | |
07:49:12 | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) | |
07:59:25 | Quit miepchen^schlaf_ () | |
08:00 | ||
08:13:01 | Join homielowe [0] (n=eric_j_l@ | |
08:26:16 | amiconn | |
08:28:04 | Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) | |
08:37:14 | rp- | |
08:44:07 | Join davina [0] ( | |
08:45:29 | Join Bagderr [0] (n=daniel@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
08:45:57 | Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
08:48:40 | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
08:49:20 | rp- | |
08:49:57 | B4gder | |
08:50:08 | linuxstb | |
08:50:32 | rp- | |
08:51:23 | linuxstb | |
08:51:36 | rp- | |
08:52:07 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
08:52:07 | linuxstb | |
08:52:19 | linuxstb | |
08:52:31 | rp- | |
08:52:45 | rp- | |
08:53:12 | B4gder | |
08:53:21 | rp- | |
08:53:33 | B4gder | |
08:53:39 | linuxstb | |
08:54:25 | rp- | |
08:54:38 | rp- | |
08:55:18 | linuxstb | |
08:56:37 | rp- | |
08:57:20 | linuxstb | |
08:57:24 | Join axionix_ [0] ( | |
08:58:14 | rp- | |
08:58:35 | rp- | |
08:59:03 | rp- | |
08:59:28 | rp- | |
08:59:52 | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
09:00 | ||
09:00:14 | linuxstb | |
09:00:19 | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
09:01:17 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
09:01:34 | rp- | |
09:02:05 | linuxstb | |
09:02:57 | rp- | |
09:03:38 | rp- | |
09:04:44 | linuxstb | |
09:05:56 | rp- | |
09:06:56 | rp- | |
09:07:17 | rp- | |
09:07:43 | amiconn | |
09:07:54 | Quit axionix (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:07:58 | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|afk (i=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
09:08:32 | rp- | |
09:08:36 | rp- | |
09:08:51 | rp- | |
09:09:00 | amiconn | |
09:09:20 | Quit Rob2223 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:09:35 | amiconn | |
09:10:04 | amiconn | |
09:10:20 | rp- | |
09:11:23 | rp- | |
09:14:12 | amiconn | |
09:15:36 | markun | |
09:17:44 | rp- | |
09:19:18 | Join Mathiasdm [0] ( | |
09:23:57 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:24:31 | GodEater | |
09:26:57 | markun | |
09:27:29 | rp- | |
09:27:42 | markun | |
09:27:43 | GodEater | |
09:28:01 | markun | |
09:28:18 | GodEater | |
09:28:33 | GodEater | |
09:28:34 | markun | |
09:28:50 | rp- | |
09:28:57 | rp- | |
09:29:46 | GodEater | |
09:30:07 | markun | |
09:30:10 | markun | |
09:31:03 | markun | |
09:32:37 | rp- | |
09:43:45 | B4gder | |
09:46:28 | Join FINiK [0] ( | |
09:47:33 | Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
09:48:19 | Part FINiK | |
09:49:41 | Join DerDome [0] ( | |
09:50:29 | advcomp2019 | |
09:51:19 | B4gder | |
09:51:36 | B4gder | |
09:57:07 | Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) | |
10:00 | ||
10:01:02 | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") | |
10:07:18 | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) | |
10:35:23 | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
10:36:41 | pondlife | |
10:37:22 | pondlife | |
10:37:50 | B4gder | |
10:39:48 | B4gder | |
10:40:23 | pondlife | |
10:40:58 | pondlife | |
10:41:20 | * | |
10:41:42 | pondlife | |
10:42:12 | pondlife | |
10:42:28 | pondlife | |
10:42:59 | B4gder | |
10:43:28 | pondlife | |
10:43:44 | B4gder | |
10:43:58 | pondlife | |
10:44:11 | B4gder | |
10:44:12 | pondlife | |
10:44:40 | B4gder | |
10:44:53 | pondlife | |
10:45:00 | pondlife | |
10:45:28 | B4gder | |
10:45:38 | B4gder | |
10:45:58 | pondlife | |
10:46:05 | pondlife | |
10:46:33 | pondlife | |
10:46:45 | B4gder | |
10:47:07 | pondlife | |
10:47:27 | pondlife | |
10:48:08 | B4gder | |
10:51:01 | pondlife | |
10:51:34 | pondlife | |
10:51:45 | pondlife | |
10:52:28 | pondlife | |
10:56:59 | B4gder | |
10:57:11 | pondlife | |
10:57:14 | B4gder | |
10:57:22 | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) | |
10:57:57 | pondlife | |
10:59:50 | * | |
11:00 | ||
11:01:06 | petur | |
11:02:53 | B4gder | |
11:03:32 | petur | |
11:04:54 | B4gder | |
11:05:20 | Join spiorf [0] ( | |
11:05:31 | B4gder | |
11:06:28 | Join gevaerts [0] ( | |
11:06:38 | petur | |
11:06:55 | petur | |
11:06:58 | amiconn | |
11:07:02 | * | |
11:07:05 | amiconn | |
11:07:29 | B4gder | |
11:07:40 | B4gder | |
11:08:00 | amiconn | |
11:08:05 | petur | |
11:08:05 | B4gder | |
11:08:12 | amiconn | |
11:09:15 | B4gder | |
11:10:48 | amiconn | |
11:11:10 | B4gder | |
11:11:16 | B4gder | |
11:24:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:24:37 | * | |
11:27:26 | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) | |
11:27:31 | * | |
11:27:48 | gevaerts | |
11:27:52 | * | |
11:28:09 | petur | |
11:32:17 | Join spiorf [0] ( | |
11:36:14 | Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") | |
11:37:53 | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) | |
11:55:04 | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/member/desowin) | |
11:56:42 | preglow | |
11:58:03 | Quit DerDome (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
12:00 | ||
12:02:20 | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) | |
12:03:19 | Join Lynx_ [0] ( | |
12:14:07 | Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ | |
12:21:40 | Part B4gder | |
12:40:58 | Join DerDome [0] ( | |
12:42:21 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
12:42:49 | DerPapst | |
12:54:54 | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb ( | |
13:00 | ||
13:01:50 | Join Thundercloud [0] ( | |
13:02:44 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
13:02:46 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
13:02:48 | Nick DerPapst_ is now known as DerPapst ( | |
13:20:31 | Join PaulJam [0] ( | |
13:24:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:34:24 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
13:34:26 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
13:34:28 | Nick DerPapst_ is now known as DerPapst ( | |
13:36:43 | Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") | |
13:47:27 | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ ( | |
13:49:09 | Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
13:49:39 | Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) | |
13:49:43 | Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
13:56:00 | Join OlivierBorowski [0] ( | |
13:59:59 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
14:00 | ||
14:00:14 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
14:03:14 | Join alienbiker99 [0] ( | |
14:07:07 | Join [CBR]Unspoken|w [0] (n=cbr@ | |
14:16:42 | preglow | |
14:17:11 | preglow | |
14:17:45 | linuxstb | |
14:18:10 | preglow | |
14:18:15 | preglow | |
14:18:24 | preglow | |
14:18:29 | preglow | |
14:18:50 | linuxstb | |
14:19:01 | preglow | |
14:19:09 | preglow | |
14:19:17 | preglow | |
14:20:02 | Quit petur ("reboot") | |
14:20:49 | linuxstb | |
14:21:32 | preglow | |
14:22:25 | preglow | |
14:22:49 | preglow | |
14:23:18 | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
14:25:04 | preglow | |
14:25:14 | preglow | |
14:25:27 | linuxstb | |
14:25:33 | preglow | |
14:25:49 | pondlife | |
14:25:58 | preglow | |
14:26:02 | preglow | |
14:26:15 | pondlife | |
14:26:22 | preglow | |
14:26:41 | preglow | |
14:26:50 | Llorean | |
14:26:55 | preglow | |
14:27:00 | Llorean | |
14:27:19 | preglow | |
14:27:25 | pondlife | |
14:27:35 | pondlife | |
14:27:44 | preglow | |
14:28:04 | preglow | |
14:28:08 | Llorean | |
14:28:21 | preglow | |
14:28:22 | * | |
14:28:41 | Llorean | |
14:28:46 | preglow | |
14:28:49 | linuxstb | |
14:28:56 | Llorean | |
14:29:59 | preglow | |
14:30:07 | linuxstb | |
14:30:20 | preglow | |
14:30:29 | Llorean | |
14:31:12 | preglow | |
14:31:38 | preglow | |
14:32:08 | linuxstb | |
14:32:51 | Llorean | |
14:33:21 | preglow | |
14:34:08 | preglow | |
14:34:17 | preglow | |
14:34:34 | linuxstb | |
14:35:10 | preglow | |
14:35:27 | preglow | |
14:35:36 | preglow | |
14:36:49 | Join Xerion [0] ( | |
14:38:32 | Quit gromit`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
14:48:17 | Join dabujo [0] ( | |
14:49:58 | Join ctaylorr [0] ( | |
14:58:07 | Part LinusN | |
14:59:49 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
15:00 | ||
15:04:09 | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) | |
15:05:40 | Join Lynx- [0] ( | |
15:06:17 | Join J-23 [0] ( | |
15:06:18 | J-23 | |
15:06:48 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=44a0430f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
15:07:32 | J-23 | |
15:09:00 | gevaerts | |
15:09:08 | Quit Reinhart2 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
15:09:11 | Join Reinhart [0] ( | |
15:09:55 | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
15:09:59 | Join Arathis [0] ( | |
15:10:00 | J-23 | |
15:11:54 | gevaerts | |
15:16:54 | Quit DerPapst_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
15:22:39 | Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
15:23:41 | Join Lynx_ [0] ( | |
15:24:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:25:24 | Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
15:31:18 | Join Bensawsome-Clie [0] (n=upirc@ | |
15:33:47 | Join jgarvey [0] ( | |
15:34:05 | Part Bensawsome-Clie | |
15:34:33 | Join freqmod_n [0] ( | |
15:35:24 | Quit OtherLlor ("Leaving.") | |
15:40:23 | Quit Lynx- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
15:47:48 | Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") | |
15:48:41 | Join Dr_Who [0] (n=5503abdf@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
15:49:23 | Dr_Who | |
15:50:43 | Dr_Who | |
15:50:51 | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
15:51:05 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
15:52:53 | Quit Dr_Who (Client Quit) | |
15:53:10 | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb ( | |
15:54:50 | * | |
15:55:36 | Part toffe82 | |
15:59:00 | Quit petur ("back after the weekend...") | |
16:00 | ||
16:00:30 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
16:00:33 | Join DerPapst607 [0] ( | |
16:00:41 | Nick DerPapst607 is now known as DerPapst ( | |
16:09:04 | Part J-23 | |
16:13:35 | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") | |
16:22:43 | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
16:23:19 | Join Xerion [0] ( | |
16:24:51 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") | |
16:25:12 | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
16:25:34 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=44a0430f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
16:25:51 | Join Xerion [0] ( | |
16:27:24 | Join ctaylorr [0] ( | |
16:33:22 | Join csc` [0] (n=csc@archlinux/user/csc) | |
16:36:16 | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ ( | |
16:39:01 | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) | |
16:39:06 | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
16:42:36 | pondlife | |
16:43:24 | pondlife | |
16:44:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
16:46:20 | * | |
16:49:47 | Quit corevette_ (Remote closed the connection) | |
16:49:50 | Join nplus [0] (n=npl@141.25.Globcom.Net) | |
16:49:55 | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
16:50:12 | * | |
16:50:28 | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
16:52:09 | Join Xerion [0] ( | |
16:53:14 | Quit GodEater (" ajax IRC Client") | |
16:59:39 | Join dabujo_ [0] ( | |
17:00 | ||
17:02:43 | Quit gevaerts ("work->home") | |
17:06:20 | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@CERULEANCITY.MIT.EDU) | |
17:17:24 | Quit dabujo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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17:28:46 | Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) | |
17:32:30 | Bger | |
17:33:38 | pixelma | |
17:35:06 | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc962@rockbox/staff/GodEater) | |
17:35:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
17:35:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
17:35:59 | Bger | |
17:36:06 | Join spelling2 [0] ( | |
17:36:14 | Bger | |
17:36:19 | Quit GodEater (Client Quit) | |
17:36:49 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
17:37:02 | Bger | |
17:37:03 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
17:37:09 | pixelma | |
17:37:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
17:37:44 | pixelma | |
17:38:17 | spelling2 | |
17:39:05 | Bger | |
17:39:51 | Bger | |
17:40:14 | Bger | |
17:42:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
17:59:49 | Part spelling2 ("Leaving") | |
18:00 | ||
18:04:02 | Join shotofadds [0] (n=rob@rockbox/developer/shotofadds) | |
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18:05:53 | preglow | |
18:06:58 | Join faemir [0] ( | |
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18:08:29 | preglow | |
18:08:34 | preglow | |
18:08:40 | shotofadds | |
18:08:43 | preglow | |
18:09:00 | shotofadds | |
18:09:05 | preglow | |
18:09:09 | preglow | |
18:09:26 | preglow | |
18:10:11 | shotofadds | |
18:10:18 | preglow | |
18:10:26 | preglow | |
18:10:53 | shotofadds | |
18:10:57 | preglow | |
18:11:04 | Join ZincAlloy [0] (n=d9eedd86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
18:11:07 | preglow | |
18:12:15 | shotofadds | |
18:12:35 | preglow | |
18:12:50 | preglow | |
18:12:56 | preglow | |
18:13:03 | Part pondlife | |
18:13:44 | shotofadds | |
18:13:59 | preglow | |
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18:14:48 | shotofadds | |
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18:15:46 | preglow | |
18:15:49 | preglow | |
18:17:48 | shotofadds | |
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18:18:19 | preglow | |
18:18:32 | preglow | |
18:18:41 | preglow | |
18:18:42 | Join styleism [0] ( | |
18:18:46 | shotofadds | |
18:19:00 | shotofadds | |
18:19:05 | preglow | |
18:19:33 | preglow | |
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18:21:38 | preglow | |
18:22:06 | shotofadds | |
18:24:09 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
18:25:30 | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
18:29:24 | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
18:32:08 | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb ( | |
18:34:25 | Join zeroth__ [0] ( | |
18:34:54 | zeroth__ | |
18:37:00 | markun | |
18:37:20 | zeroth__ | |
18:37:27 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
18:37:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
18:38:03 | zeroth__ | |
18:38:29 | zeroth__ | |
18:38:34 | markun | |
18:38:43 | markun | |
18:38:56 | zeroth__ | |
18:39:23 | markun | |
18:39:34 | zeroth__ | |
18:39:37 | zeroth__ | |
18:39:39 | zeroth__ | |
18:40:08 | markun | |
18:40:28 | zeroth__ | |
18:40:32 | zeroth__ | |
18:40:49 | markun | |
18:42:18 | preglow | |
18:42:25 | zeroth__ | |
18:42:36 | preglow | |
18:42:47 | preglow | |
18:42:51 | preglow | |
18:43:13 | zeroth__ | |
18:43:23 | markun | |
18:43:52 | markun | |
18:43:58 | preglow | |
18:44:08 | zeroth__ | |
18:44:23 | markun | |
18:44:32 | zeroth__ | |
18:44:43 | zeroth__ | |
18:45:47 | zeroth__ | |
18:45:47 | zeroth__ | |
18:45:59 | zeroth__ | |
18:46:52 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
18:46:55 | markun | |
18:47:40 | zeroth__ | |
18:47:41 | zeroth__ | |
18:48:19 | markun | |
18:48:34 | * | |
18:48:44 | markun | |
18:49:33 | zeroth__ | |
18:53:16 | Join herrwaldo [0] ( | |
18:54:59 | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) | |
18:55:12 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
18:57:31 | zeroth__ | |
18:57:33 | Quit zeroth__ ("Ex-Chat") | |
18:58:26 | Quit nnakiechp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
18:59:33 | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) | |
19:00 | ||
19:06:12 | Quit gevaerts ("Reconnecting") | |
19:06:16 | Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) | |
19:07:55 | Quit Horscht ("I am root. If you see me laughing, you better have a backup") | |
19:16:02 | Join borges [0] ( | |
19:16:46 | Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
19:16:55 | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
19:18:25 | Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) | |
19:19:22 | Quit bertrik ("bye") | |
19:19:35 | Nick borges is now known as borges|afk ( | |
19:23:25 | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) | |
19:23:32 | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
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19:25:14 | Join spiorf [0] ( | |
19:26:45 | Join midgey [0] ( | |
19:38:48 | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
19:54:19 | Quit borges|afk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
19:56:58 | Join J-23 [0] ( | |
19:56:59 | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ ( | |
19:57:30 | Join borges|afk__ [0] ( | |
19:57:35 | Nick borges|afk__ is now known as borges|afk ( | |
19:57:42 | J-23 | |
20:00 | ||
20:02:28 | Quit Horscht ("We don't make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents") | |
20:02:56 | Join corevette [0] (n=corevett@ | |
20:04:38 | Part J-23 | |
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20:12:28 | Join webguest30 [0] (n=45290e51@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
20:12:56 | Quit webguest30 (Client Quit) | |
20:17:16 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
20:32:35 | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) | |
20:32:52 | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) | |
20:33:03 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
20:37:00 | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-FORTY.MIT.EDU) | |
20:38:43 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
20:39:18 | DerPapst | |
20:40:04 | DerPapst | |
20:40:30 | DerPapst | |
20:40:34 | Join inigo [0] (n=621cdcfd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
20:40:49 | J-23 | |
20:41:22 | DerPapst | |
20:41:34 | DerPapst | |
20:41:54 | DerPapst | |
20:42:44 | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) | |
20:42:55 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
20:43:29 | J-23 | |
20:43:30 | DerPapst | |
20:43:44 | DerPapst | |
20:44:35 | J-23 | |
20:44:36 | DerPapst | |
20:44:47 | DerPapst | |
20:48:28 | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
20:49:15 | J-23 | |
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20:54:12 | DerPapst | |
20:55:56 | Join bluebroth3r [0] ( | |
20:57:00 | Join bluebrot13r [0] ( | |
20:57:03 | Join ApplianceBlue [0] ( | |
20:57:31 | Quit bluebrother (Nick collision from services.) | |
20:57:35 | Nick bluebrot13r is now known as bluebrother ( | |
20:58:37 | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) | |
20:58:37 | Quit inigo ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") | |
20:58:47 | ApplianceBlue | |
20:59:05 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
20:59:22 | * | |
20:59:37 | ApplianceBlue | |
20:59:43 | Horscht | |
20:59:49 | ApplianceBlue | |
21:00 | ||
21:00:23 | ApplianceBlue | |
21:00:51 | Horscht | |
21:02:29 | ApplianceBlue | |
21:02:32 | ApplianceBlue | |
21:02:50 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
21:02:52 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
21:02:54 | Nick DerPapst_ is now known as DerPapst ( | |
21:03:43 | Quit silvio_ ("Verlassend") | |
21:07:55 | Join Danisregistered [0] ( | |
21:07:59 | Danisregistered | |
21:07:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
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21:08:25 | DerPapst | |
21:08:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:08:48 | Danisregistered | |
21:09:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:09:32 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:10:25 | Danisregistered | |
21:10:30 | Danisregistered | |
21:10:39 | Danisregistered | |
21:10:51 | * | |
21:11:16 | *** | Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( )' |
21:12:14 | * | |
21:12:32 | * | |
21:12:56 | * | |
21:13:17 | DerPapst | |
21:13:31 | DerPapst | |
21:13:37 | krazykit | |
21:13:42 | bluebrother | |
21:13:45 | Join BigBambi_PC [0] (n=Alex@ | |
21:13:59 | Quit bluebroth3r (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
21:14:53 | Mode | "#rockbox +o logbot " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
21:15:12 | * | |
21:15:26 | * | |
21:15:54 | bluebrother | |
21:16:03 | DerPapst | |
21:16:14 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:16:57 | DerPapst | |
21:20:11 | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) | |
21:20:17 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
21:24:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:29:02 | bluebrother | |
21:29:38 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:29:38 | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) | |
21:29:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:30:18 | bluebrother | |
21:30:28 | domonoky | |
21:30:34 | domonoky | |
21:31:09 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:31:13 | * | |
21:31:50 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
21:31:54 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
21:32:01 | * | |
21:32:13 | Quit midgey () | |
21:32:25 | * | |
21:32:35 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:32:41 | bluebrother | |
21:32:48 | bluebrother | |
21:33:04 | domonoky | |
21:34:22 | bluebrother | |
21:34:30 | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) | |
21:34:41 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
21:34:49 | bluebrother | |
21:35:24 | bluebrother | |
21:35:26 | domonoky | |
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21:37:37 | bluebrother | |
21:38:31 | domonoky | |
21:39:19 | domonoky | |
21:39:40 | bluebrother | |
21:44:55 | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) | |
21:45:06 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
21:45:45 | domonoky | |
21:45:45 | domonoky | |
21:46:16 | DerPapst_ | |
21:46:32 | domonoky | |
21:46:40 | bluebrother | |
21:46:51 | J-23 | |
21:47:12 | bluebrother | |
21:47:29 | bluebrother | |
21:48:09 | domonoky | |
21:48:30 | bluebrother | |
21:48:49 | * | |
21:48:56 | J-23 | |
21:49:00 | bluebrother | |
21:49:36 | Join Shuddertrix [0] (i=Tarrish@unaffiliated/shuddertrix) | |
21:51:15 | domonoky | |
21:52:20 | bluebrother | |
21:56:40 | Join roolku [0] ( | |
21:56:44 | Join inakihjlg [0] (i=0@ | |
21:56:58 | Quit BigBambi_PC ("Leaving") | |
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22:00 | ||
22:00:04 | fml | |
22:00:58 | bluebrother | |
22:01:16 | bluebrother | |
22:01:34 | J-23 | |
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22:02:06 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
22:03:12 | J-23 | |
22:04:20 | Join BigBambi_PC [0] (n=Alex@ | |
22:05:34 | Quit BigBambi_PC (Client Quit) | |
22:05:49 | Quit perrikwp (" ajax IRC Client") | |
22:05:52 | Join BigBambi_PC [0] (n=Alex@ | |
22:06:58 | bluebrother | |
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22:11:02 | fml | |
22:14:37 | bluebrother | |
22:15:13 | J-23 | |
22:15:19 | bluebrother | |
22:15:29 | bluebrother | |
22:17:14 | J-23 | |
22:18:50 | Quit DerPapst_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
22:19:17 | * | |
22:19:55 | * | |
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22:25:04 | bluebrother | |
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22:27:39 | bluebrother | |
22:27:42 | * | |
22:27:48 | bluebrother | |
22:28:11 | bluebrother | |
22:28:12 | J-23 | |
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22:29:16 | Quit styleism (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
22:29:51 | Join bluebroth3r [0] ( | |
22:30:59 | Quit BigBambi_PC ("Leaving") | |
22:33:37 | Quit bluebrother (Nick collision from services.) | |
22:33:37 | Quit w1ll14m|aw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
22:33:40 | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") | |
22:33:41 | Nick bluebroth3r is now known as bluebrother (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) | |
22:34:19 | bluebrother | |
22:35:01 | bluebrother | |
22:35:17 | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
22:35:34 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
22:35:52 | Join styleism [0] ( | |
22:36:07 | Join Spartanq77 [0] ( | |
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22:37:08 | bluebrother | |
22:37:40 | domonoky | |
22:38:13 | bluebrother | |
22:38:44 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
22:38:45 | gevaerts | |
22:38:46 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
22:38:48 | Nick DerPapst_ is now known as DerPapst ( | |
22:39:13 | Spartanq77 | |
22:39:35 | bluebrother | |
22:39:42 | gevaerts | |
22:39:58 | bluebrother | |
22:40:51 | Spartanq77 | |
22:41:04 | * | |
22:41:26 | bluebrother | |
22:41:32 | Spartanq77 | |
22:43:14 | Mode | "#rockbox -o logbot " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
22:43:14 | Mode | "#rockbox +o scorche|sh " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
22:43:21 | Kick | (#rockbox Danisregistered :scorche|sh) by scorche|sh!n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche |
22:43:21 | Join Danisregistered [0] ( | |
22:43:28 | * | |
22:43:28 | Part Danisregistered (requested by scorche|sh) | |
22:43:31 | Join Danisregistered [0] ( | |
22:43:39 | * | |
22:43:39 | Spartanq77 | |
22:43:59 | scorche|sh | |
22:44:13 | bluebrother | |
22:44:20 | Mode | "#rockbox -o scorche|sh " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
22:44:20 | Mode | "#rockbox +o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
22:44:26 | bluebrother | |
22:44:35 | Spartanq77 | |
22:44:52 | Spartanq77 | |
22:44:57 | Mode | "#rockbox +b *!* " by scorche (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
22:45:06 | Join Byron [0] (n=Byron@ | |
22:45:07 | Spartanq77 | |
22:45:19 | Kick | (#rockbox Danisregistered :auto-rejoin my tooshie...) by scorche!n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche |
22:45:31 | Mode | "#rockbox -o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
22:46:09 | Byron | |
22:46:32 | Byron | |
22:46:41 | gevaerts | |
22:46:58 | Byron | |
22:47:56 | Spartanq77 | |
22:47:59 | Join w1ll14m [0] ( | |
22:48:26 | Quit J-23 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
22:49:26 | * | |
22:49:30 | Join BigBambi_PC [0] (n=Alex@ | |
22:49:57 | Byron | |
22:50:05 | * | |
22:50:10 | Byron | |
22:51:08 | Spartanq77 | |
22:51:41 | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
22:51:42 | Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
22:51:42 | Quit fml ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") | |
22:52:01 | Byron | |
22:52:27 | Byron | |
22:53:09 | Spartanq77 | |
22:53:25 | Join knittl [0] (n=knittl@ | |
22:54:19 | Join tessarakt [0] ( | |
22:54:24 | Byron | |
22:54:59 | Bagder | |
22:55:02 | krazykit | |
22:55:18 | gevaerts | |
22:56:15 | Byron | |
22:56:36 | advcomp2019 | |
22:58:40 | Byron | |
22:58:45 | Byron | |
22:59:18 | Byron | |
22:59:35 | gevaerts | |
22:59:51 | Quit corevette ("Leaving") | |
22:59:58 | Spartanq77 | |
23:00 | ||
23:00:33 | gevaerts | |
23:00:55 | Spartanq77 | |
23:01:31 | Spartanq77 | |
23:01:35 | Quit m0f0x () | |
23:01:54 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
23:01:56 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
23:01:58 | Nick DerPapst_ is now known as DerPapst ( | |
23:02:15 | bluebrother | |
23:02:22 | scorche|sh | |
23:02:36 | bluebrother | |
23:07:04 | Join midgey [0] ( | |
23:11:58 | pixelma | |
23:12:27 | bluebrother | |
23:13:20 | Byron | |
23:14:00 | Byron | |
23:14:17 | BigBambi_PC | |
23:14:19 | Quit ompaul ("not here") | |
23:14:35 | Byron | |
23:17:46 | Bagder | |
23:18:06 | * | |
23:18:27 | * | |
23:18:42 | * | |
23:18:49 | scorche|sh | |
23:20:01 | BigBambi_PC | |
23:21:21 | BigBambi_PC | |
23:21:55 | Bagder | |
23:22:06 | * | |
23:22:25 | Quit Spartanq77 () | |
23:22:37 | Join Spartanq77 [0] ( | |
23:22:37 | pixelma | |
23:22:38 | Part Spartanq77 | |
23:22:45 | * | |
23:22:46 | BigBambi_PC | |
23:23:07 | Bagder | |
23:23:13 | * | |
23:23:16 | BigBambi_PC | |
23:23:35 | preglow | |
23:23:37 | preglow | |
23:23:40 | * | |
23:24:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:25:51 | BigBambi_PC | |
23:26:42 | * | |
23:26:55 | BigBambi_PC | |
23:26:58 | * | |
23:27:48 | BigBambi_PC | |
23:31:46 | Quit desowin ("KVIrc 4.0.0 Insomnia") | |
23:32:13 | Join bluebroth3r [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) | |
23:34:17 | Llorean | |
23:34:41 | Llorean | |
23:35:02 | gevaerts | |
23:35:37 | Quit bluebrother (Nick collision from services.) | |
23:35:41 | Nick bluebroth3r is now known as bluebrother (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) | |
23:35:48 | Llorean | |
23:36:09 | Quit Shuddertrix () | |
23:37:05 | Join Hillshum [0] ( | |
23:37:46 | Quit nplus (Remote closed the connection) | |
23:40:27 | Join DerPapst_ [0] ( | |
23:40:53 | Quit roolku () | |
23:44:23 | midgey | |
23:44:38 | Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) | |
23:44:46 | Nick DerPapst_ is now known as DerPapst ( | |
23:52:09 | Join Leperkawn [0] ( |